#i support mewtwos wrongs.
drifloonz · 4 months
missingno is a failed clone of mew like mewtwo and ditto are. thanks for coming to my talk.
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distortionmewtwo · 14 days
Don't worry everyone who's able to be there with you will be, myself included! You're not gonna be alone and we'll get the answers you deserve and hopefully a way out of this whole ordeal
- U
"...I appreciate your support," Ultraviolet said finally, offering a smile. "If you're coming... then brace yourself, the transition from this world to mine is jarring, as you may remember from before." He hesitated. "A-and I promise you, I shan't mention the name of that mew again-! I'll not have you get taken by that wretch!"
He took a breath and turned, lowering his head, drawing upon the connection to the Distortion World he could feel within him. As before, you feel the buzzing, the colors warping around you, reality itself shifting and changing, until everything returns to normal- or as normal as things could be in a realm like this one. The Mewtwo turned to fuss over you a bit, making sure all was well, before he looked around, hovering a small distance above. He held up his hand, releasing a bright white light that arced into the sky.
"Father!" He called. "I am here! And I must speak with you!"
With a summons like that, it didn't take very long for the massive wyrm god to appear. Seeming to melt out of the very mist, looking down at him with those red eyes that were rather terrifying to look into for any normal being, even if they were the eyes of a kind soul.
Ultraviolet. Welcome back. He paused, studying him for a moment. The hard, almost fearful expression of his son was not one he enjoyed seeing. ...What is wrong?
"...Father," Ultraviolet said, tail swishing behind him. "Am I your Champion?"
It took a moment for Giratina to understand what he was asking, at first only showing confusion. Then his eyes widened. ...My Champion...
"A Silvally came to me," UV continued, voice getting a little shaky. "Claiming to be the champion of Dialga, telling me how I am destined for some- great battle, that I was chosen by you as your fighter. Is this true..? Father, please, I- I have to know now."
Giratina glanced at those that had come with him.
"Do not play into silence because of their presence," UV said quietly. "They were with me as this happened, they helped steady me in its wake. I have no qualms about their playing witness to this truth."
The great god bowed his head.
It is true. Long ago.. I claimed you as my Champion. I had nearly forgotten...
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deepestuniversallove · 4 months
Hey I literally logged in just to give you support. Don't listen to these idiots telling you that you're gross for loving Mewtwo.
Because if loving Mewtwo is gross then the entire monster-fucking community should also be shamed but they aren't hmmmmmm I wonder why.
The degenerates in this fandom are perfectly fine with Ash fucking Latias, and men fucking Gardevoir, Vaporeon, or whatever slutty monster girl bitch of the week, but nooo you self shipping with Mewtwo is apparently cONcERnING or whatever.
(I love how no one calls the Hatsune Miku guy names lol, do I smell double standards? )
But this doesn't surprise me because the Pokemon community is full of hypocrites and these are the same no - life losers who shit their pants because Ash isn't in the anime anymore, their parents truly failed in raising them.
Lord knows I faced enough trouble for loving Steven and that too, from an Eevee fucker.
Monika, sweetie you are doing nothing wrong, your love for Mewtwo is so innocent, sweet and pure. I think it's beautiful how helped you with depression and escape your narcissistic mother.
People on this site love to preach mental health support but the very minute you do something different yet harmless suddenly it's
Keep on giving them rectal bleeding and draw more of you and Mewtwo ;) I love to see it.
AHH thank you so much for this message!! 🥹 That is so sweet of you!
Yeah, I dunno why it has always been like this. Even 10 or even 20 years ago, I often got messages chastising me for selfshipping with Mewtwo, calling it "nasty" and "degenerate", when really, i am not doing it to specifically be a degenerate, but because I honestly love Mewtwo. In his story, he too had to fight against a narcissistic "parent" (Giovanni), just like I had to against my own. How can it be seen as a crime to want to believe? Or has it been wrong to say "Mewtwo, please teach me to be brave like you" in my mind during the hard times, especially back when I was a lonely child?
Haha, I doubt anyone could ever shame the monster fucker community out of what they are doing. Or the furry community for that matter. 🤣
There always seems to be some sort of underlying misogyny happening. Women are expected to get an IRL husband/boyfriend to serve as soon as possible, so seeing a woman openly rather selfship with a fictional character is threatening to them, because how dare a woman not be in the kitchen and make sandwiches for a man? How dare a woman prefer to be single when there is a "male crisis of loneliness" happening?
Then again, I don't think I owe society anything. Where was society when I was abused? Where was the help or the community when I needed them most? I was left to my own devices. When a fictional character like Mewtwo brings someone like me more hope than any IRL human, that's how I know we failed as a society. Even sicker is that other more destructive forms of coping mechanisms are more encouraged. Somehow selfshipping is seen as more evil by the "moral police" than dying from a drug overdose on the streets or having alcoholism.
Anyone who ever complains to me about "ruining Mewtwo" or whatever - no, you aren't "concerned", you are just using that word to camouflage that what you really want is control over me and what I put out there. And i can tell you it is futile. I haven't survived so far just for some snotty brats to tell me what i can or cannot do in MY online space. Don't like what I post? Tough titties, use the block button. No one is forcing you to look at my "cringe". My cringy stuff brings me joy and makes me happy, and I feel I deserve some happiness in this shitty world of ours. You do too, so just..go and have some fun yourself. Don't waste your only life on policing others.
So yeah, you are right, dagdasgoddess. I will keep giving people "rectal bleeding". 🤣 No one can stop me from loving Mewtwo, my guardian angel that even visits me in my dreams at night, and loves me even when I absolutely despise myself. He will always be a bastion of love for me, a symbol that life is worth living regardless of hardships.
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leggerefiore · 3 months
hewwo, do you know how to make a team in pokemas because im kinda confused TTwTT
It depends on a lot of things... Like, how many trainers do you have unlocked, and how have you levelled them alongside their roles.
If you're super new, I would just focus on levelling because you probably don't have any five stars yet. Definitely do the Legendary Adventures as soon as you can, though, because those free units are surprisingly good. (Sycamore is my best support character, I swear. You also can't go wrong Giovanni and Mewtwo or Cyrus and Palkia.)
If you'd like an example for a team, here's a ghost team I've used:
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It's balanced by roles. Sycamore eats damage and applies a gradual healing effect, Cynthia makes the field spooky and has a passive Sinnoh boost, which applies to Irida and Irida Kills.
Basically, try to have a support who can either stand there and just take damage or boost your team quickly enough to finish off the opponents and have at least one attacker that hits the opponents' weakness (usual the main one in the middle should be your biggest concern).
Of course, if you're new, things will be annoying bc Masters is a gacha and a bit grindy, so it will be hard occasionally to make good teams to type counter. (When every fairy unit they give you is support 🥲.) Just level up and develop sync grids on characters for now. Also, if some trainers clearly get certain boosts from other characters' abilities, put them together more often. (Ie, Cynthia has a sync grid boost for being in a sandstorm, and Ingo can make sandstorms.)
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a-tale-of-legends · 4 months
Jin Kohaku Wally- Leader
Jude - Tactician/ Strategist
Dante Shauna Silver - Scouts (?)
Eva - mechanic/ tech support
Red Green and Danica - the powerhouses
Beryl ( kinda Kenji) - Cleric
Kohaku, Kiran, Beryl ( and probably more) - Research
So I keep mentioning how Jude is like. The one pretty much ran the whole Chosen thing but I felt like that would have been. Unfair, you know? Don't get me wrong, I think Jude probably has the stressful job of not only keeping tabs on Chosens, potential threats and potential legendary activity etc etc. But making them the leader seemed....unfair. Of course, their input is crucial ( they are the backbone of this whole thing), but they aren't the leader.
I said before that I didn't see Jin as a leader. I'm taking that back now. Especially when you take into their growth of a character, I decided to have them be the leader of the group. It honestly just comes down to experience. Red and Green have as much as Jin and Kohaku has but 1) Red wasn't a Chosen for as long as they have 2) Neither Green nor Red exactly want to be the ones that everyone looks to. That isn't to say their opinion isn't valued, just that I think they would rather just take a back seat in terms of the whole Chosen thing. Green herself is kinda an outlier being that Mewtwo technically shouldn't Choose, but it did anyway.
These roles aren't exactly Final, so they might change in the future. Also! Even though I'm giving these guys roles, the Chosens aren't a full organization. Heck, I don't even know if they said these roles outright! It's more of what they all fell into over time and what can help them better understand what they're a part of. Aaaaaand yeah.
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kokorowoutsu · 4 months
-- RP: @skullboneandunown
Mewtwo raises an eyebrow(eye ridge?) as he looks down the little girl who just rejoined him on the couch. "....You forgot to say 'please', but very well." He continues to read to her, but with a smirk on his face. Donovan chuckles, and smiles after Ashe greets him. "Well, it's gonna take more that that to put me under. Wouldn't be able to go into the aether knowing I got got by a crystal turtle." Charles smiles at Leons comment, his aura nice and warm. "Nothing wrong with that, now is there? And yes, his godfather. His farher and I are old friends, you see. As for what I do..." He fishes out a card from his wallet, and offers it to Leon. On it read 'Xavier's Academy for Gifted Youngsters'. "I'm both a professor and headmaster at an academy in Unova. It's a private school for young souls with... unique abilities, and for children who have trouble fitting in elsewhere." Ah yes, he forgot about his accent. "I was born in Galar, yes. Spent my early years studying while everyone else was off wandering the region."
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"Pl'ase!" She corrects herself, clinging onto Mewtwo as he reads to her, her small legs kicking out in front of her excitedly.
Ashe offers a scoff of sorts at the mention of the turtle. "Mom sealed it away from what I saw and heard. I assume we won't have to deal with it anytime soon." She still recalled it screaming in that scratchy voice and a shiver went up her spine. "You think it'd be a peaceful legendary, but then again it was sealed so far underground..." She trails off and looks to Donovan once more. "I got some records I think you'll enjoy looking over. I kept six years worth of them while we lived there in that strange land." She admits. "But i'd rather you come visit in your own time after you've had time to really heal." That being said, that wasn't the only reason for their visit.
Leon took Xavier's card, reading over it curiously, his eyes drifting to his daughter with a thoughtful look. He then turns his attention to the man before him. "Ashe and I were talking about where to send her for schooling. The fact its in Unova will no doubt be a weight off her mind--" He side eyes his wife in a gentle manner before looking back to Xavier. "-- if she agrees to it, you may have one more student."
That being said, Ashe was judging the room for a moment to catch how the emotions were. Seeing that everyone was more absorbed in conversation and it was calm, she takes a moment to clear her throat, her fae energy pulsing for just a second to get people's attention. Leon already had an idea of what she was going to talk about, and he gave Xavier one nod of respect before joining his wife.
"Donovan, Flannery-- You've been nothing but good friends to me growing up, and you've supported me and Leon as well as our family whenever we've needed it." Willow was now looking at her parents, balancing herself a bit using Mewtwo's shoulder. She noted them exchanging a look before Leon continued; "We'd like to ask you to be Willow's godparents. Should anything like what happened in Area Zero become us... we'd like you to take her in as your own... if you'll accept, that is."
Silence hung in the air, but Willow was all but confused to which Ashe offered a wink at her.
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mewtwoandme · 2 years
I wonder how Lakota would feel when she will learn that Mewtwo is Giovanni's offspring. Would she wonder how a man like Gio could spawn someone like Mewtwo or that genetics have very little to do with one's personality?
Mewtwo doesn't even know yet, but he's had a suspicion for awhile as to who the anonymous blood doner was...he just continues to hope that he's wrong and tries not to think about for the time being. Regardless if he finds out the truth or not Lakota would be nothing but supportive, though she probably wouldn't be surprised either
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xxtc-96xx · 2 years
This is how I see the characters, you can correct me if I am wrong
Main characters: Mewtwo,Newtwo,Huey, pig and Mew
Supporting characters: Ash,pikachu,Lucario
Background characters: delia,mr mime, Smoothie
Pretty much, the Mewtwo’s and mew are the main focus of the stories
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telekinetiq · 3 years
Yeah, what sucks though, is that if he does go along with his plan and start wiping out the human race, then realizes the consequences as/after he’s doing it, it will be too late to step back and he could have the weight of countless Pokémon and surviving humans against him and his family…in that case, would he just try to eliminate everyone who opposes him? Or step back and accept the consequences?
the thing is, if he went through it unopposed (or at least no one was capable of stopping him, forcefully or otherwise), we basically end up with Mewtwo’s PMD verse where he’s accomplished exactly that.
in that timeline, he more or less succeeds in wiping out humanity— but, in a moment of mercy and ‘compassion’, spares some small fraction of humanity he personally considers special and much more good than not (as well as humans / trainers that some pokémon are so emotionally dependent on that it would do a great deal of harm to be separated from them), and grants them the gift of becoming pokémon themselves.  since I don’t subscribe to the idea that Mewtwo can literally put the souls of humans into pokémon like Detective Pikachu tried to do (their minds, maybe, but their souls? that’s outside of his jurisdiction), I imagine he found a scientific method of changing humans into pokémon, likely involving his cloning expertise and mind transference.
he deals with the obvious sorrow and anger resulting from the forced extinction of humans by ... essentially manipulating his way around it.  he erases everyone’s memories of the event, as well as the memory of humans in general, and hides or destroys all evidence pointing to them.  this brings him a great deal of guilt obviously, so Mewtwo retreats into isolation and, in the PMD world, has become something of a god-like figure of myth, more of an idea than a real entity ... and he basically just... spends all his time sulking, mired in his own grief and self-loathing, while also reassuring himself that he was right, that he did the right thing.  it’s a depressing life, finally ruling the world and hating yourself for it ... but at least the pokémon are okay.  they’re safe.
assuming of course that doesn’t happen and people rebelled against Mewtwo just like they’re rebelling against Necrozma right now ... I don’t know, it’s hard to say.  it really depends on who comes after him, what arguments or appeals they try to make with him ... it could honestly go either way.  Mewtwo could say fuck it and fight back, feeling like he’s gone too far to be stopped now (again).  the idea of being wrong, of no longer being the victim but the victimizer, no longer the oppressed but the oppressor, is fucking terrifying to him... and acknowledging and accepting guilt for that makes him feel like he’s no better than humans, that he’s no better than Giovanni or Atrath, and it disgusts him.  it evokes some of his worst fears and he’s desperate to prove them wrong, even if his methods of doing so only prove just how right those fears actually are.
this is only made worse by the fact that, even though Mewtwo is one of the smartest creatures in existence when it comes to IQ, his emotional intelligence is just a hair above piss poor.  he basically has the emotional maturity of a teenager (and that’s after all his experiences and learning taken into account), with all the volatility and extremes that comes with.  top that off with trauma / abuse, having no parental support or guidance in his life, and his only coping mechanisms being repression and aggression (which makes things worse still because his mental state is directly linked to his powers! c:), and you have a right mess on your hands.
so even if he felt guilty and had doubts, even if he wanted to stop, even if he’s afraid of being a monster, if pushed into a corner, he will be too angry and desperate for vindication that he’ll choose to become a monster anyway.  he’d choose evil because he’d feel like not only does good not want him, but he’s incapable of being it.  and when you feel like something is inevitable, you don’t really bother trying to stop it anymore.
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Pokken is probably the biggest Pokemon let down in the history of Pokemon let downs.
I'm a passionate guy. I love and hate things pretty hard for many reasons and those reasons usually run deep even if they are only a few words. However, sometimes I'll have a passion so deep that it is specifically against the common consensus and will be viewed as "flawed" or "wrong" or "stupid" or "something I should get over". The point is this is one of those things that every time I explain it to my friends who like Pokken that they get defensive and tell me I'm wrong. Thankfully most of the times opinions can't really be wrong now can they? Firstly I would like to express I am not a game designer in any way and my opinions are just that. My opinion and if you don't like it that is fair. We can all live in the same space and not have to come to blows over these things. So why is Pokken the biggest let down at least for me in the world of Pokemon games? That's because Pokken is not what I expected and what it could have been. When I say it could have been better and possibly better than almost every single fighting game known to man as well better than even Smash than you can only assume my expectations were so high on this game that you could say it is my fault for putting them on the highest level and then being sad when the game doesn't even come to half of what I wanted. Let me take you back to the first time I saw a Pokemon fighting game. For many of you, you already know or have seen the game but maybe don't know the name. That game is Pokemon: Type Wild. Type Wild is basically like every single other fighting game in that you get a roster (9) of different fighters who all fight in their own style. Simple enough to get where anyone can pick it up but few could master. It is a simple game that strikes desire into the heart of fighting game lovers. Which I happen to love fighting games. I may not play the greatest amount of them but I am ungodly at Bloody Roar 3 to a point where picking up a controller is like riding a bike. Short side story. My first time drinking I played a drinking game with friends where if you win you take a shot of hard liquor. We had 4 different types of hard liquor such as Sake, Vodka, Whiskey, and something else I can't remember. Eventually I had won so many games that not only was I shit face to the point of barely able to sit up straight, but I drank so much alcohol that by the time I was half way through the roster people quit because I was still winning and they haven't even felt a buzz yet. We ran out of liquor that day. Point is I love fighting games so I for years hoped that we would get a solid fighting game either like a 2d styles Street Fighter or a 2.5d style in the styles of Tekken or Bloody Roar. Instead we got Pokken. So I'm sure you would ask "what is wrong with the game. I like it." and that is just fine. You can like whatever you want and we can again have different opinions. Hell even if you like a thing people think is bad or a guilty pleasure that's also fine. I love infomercials and they are stupid as hell. You are allowed to like bad things. Let's be honest though. Pokken even if a good game does have flaws. It's not perfect by far and in those flaws I find that I don't for its own merits actually like the game. This again does not make it bad. Here are the things I find bad with the game in no particular order. Fights are too short I hate the switch style of fighting and it tends to make certain characters like machamp unrealistic in that he now needs a ranged attack like everyone else thus he becomes like everyone else. This is bad because you have no choice when it'll switch styles as it sometimes happens randomly (or so I assume, it has been a hot minute since I played but I'm pretty positive it happened without me "triggering anything) It's all style and no real substance. It looks pretty but it is kind of just a flash in the pan when you've seen all the moves over and over and over again. As stated before, all the characters are pretty much the same. What I mean by that is all have a long ranged move and basically feel the same. Yes there is some rock
paper scissors but when machamp needs a long ranged move and you just make it punches then it feels more tacked on and the characters don't really shine much. The roster looks alright at best but since there are 2 mewtwos and 2 pikachus it just feels lack luster. Also the dog and the chandelier don't seem to fit. The little support Pokemon don't seem like they add that much. Lastly and the most important part is that the game seems to lack real actual depth like Pokemon games do. That's the real problem for me. You have the biggest franchise in the world and finally make the biggest spin off for it and you make it lack substance? You might be thinking "well what would you do to make the game better?" and I'm glad you hypothetically asked in this scenario I just made up and forced upon you. There are 2 ways to make a good Pokemon fighting game. One is a rip off and the other is my own creation so to speak. The first is simple. Just make another smash. Make the Kanto region its own smash areas with instead of pokeballs and items and so on (you could cut down on all the extra stuff) and focus on making a pokemon with its own move sets. You could give them each their own moves and just make them fight like they would in smash. Is it a unique game? No, but the roster would be gigantic and it would look dope having a person fight as magikarp against a giant group of people. Also think of the amount of Amiibos they could make. The game wouldn't end there. It would get DLC for each region with new pokemon every time. The problem with this is the roster would be 1000 large and counting. So making this, as fun as it would be, seems unrealistic. So let's instead go with my idea. My idea is more or less the same as the actual game but with fighting in it. What that means is you would take every main important mechanic and throw it into this game. Then you would take the game and make it into a fighting game with those mechanics. Let's start small. First we need a story to get the game rolling right? Let's make it simple. It is a fighting tournament where fighting types can come together and fight in the arena. You know, like the episode of where Ash had primeape fight a bunch of dudes. Instead of in general fighting in a ring, they would have a stage where fights would be held. The story is this is where whoever shows up wants to be the best. Let's say each character is going to also be it's own "person" with it's own personality. That way we can have entry comments when they start the fight because they are talking to each other. You can make rivalries happen, you can also in general say these are the best fighters of their kinds. You have options to make this into a grander stage than the original did by making this the first ever tournament of its kind. That's the setting but we need a roster to fill the game out. So the game could start small in that it generally would have a roster specifically of only fighting types. This means that at most we would if only using final evolutions have without different forms, and megas about 32 different characters. Suddenly we now have a larger roster compared to the actual one we got. sure it is only fighting types but if we only have fighting types no one can complain about not getting their favorite. However, I'm not gonna lie, the roster looks like it lacks main villains and leaving out legends kind of ruins the whole every fighting type and lastly, with what happened to dexit I'm sure people would be mad if they can't use megas as well. So let's instead change that roster to have EVERY single fighting type in the game. (only last evolutions though. Don't need no babies and first forms in here) Now we have a total of 52. Let's also say for fairness sakes that some characters have non fighting forms. Let's add those in if they are before a mega evolution changes them. That's 3 more for a total of 55 in the roster. Now let's also have to force a couple more in there for "reasons" such as it is Pikachu who has to be in every single game. So now it is 56 total and since in general
arceus can every type the roster would be a total of 57 characters at the end of the entire thing. That puts the current roster to shame. Sure we miss out on fan favorites but in the end 57 unique characters? That is one hell of a difference. Yeah they are all fighting types but still. It is 100% better than what we currently have. Also this can be done. There are fighting games with over 60 characters and I'm not talking about a roster of "forms" like in dragonball z games where you can change your move set that is basically the same as other peoples. I'm talking about games such as smash with 58, tekken tag tournament 2 with 59, mortal kombat armageddion with 62, def jam fight for ny with 72, naruto ultimate ninja storm with 119. Suddenly you're up there with the big boys. (at least numbers wise) Some people might say that the game would probably have bad graphics and to that I say it has a simply solution. Make the game 2d. Many people would probably say that the best thing about Pokken is that it looks "tight as fuck" or something in that regard but we all know that 3d doesn't make everything better. Old school Street fighter games look pretty good with smooth animations and also fantastic backgrounds and a lot like anime compared to now which just doesn't look the same. Good in its own ways but different. You can have more things in a game with less "graphics" while looking super great while doing so. It wouldn't lessen the game and would make future versions of the game able to add more into the game as well. It would also add for many more things to be added as well. Which is really good since in general the game is supposed to be deep and not taking the game to look amazing means you can add more into it and allow for more cool things. Let's not get into the nitty gritty just yet because there are a few things I'd like to add. Let's take a step back to the roster. Let's say that they started off with just the first gen leading us to have a total of 9 different characters on the roster. That's not bad. This leaves us open to a ton of DLC and also alternate "costumes" to make our characters look better and more in line with who they want to be. The rosters itself would also have 9 unique characters with different strengths and weaknesses compared to a generic roster who is small but also kind of the same. You could also allow for a stage for every single type to shine through aesthetically. Sure we got some nice looking stages but imagine if we had one based on each type. A normal stage on a beach where it is sandy and has a nice tropical sunny feel to it. The only thing that would make that better is if the beach had some interaction to it. What matters in the game is the style of play. Pokken allows for arena battles as well as side to side battles. Both are fine but would make you have to specifically have one main style of art and dimensions. I think that side to side is better in 2d while arena I believe can only be in 3d. This to me means that we would have a side to side fighter but if for example we did get a 3d arena match then we would get hazards on the field. There was a play at doing so in the actual game where there would be spots where vines and other explosions pop up from the ground but imagine an actual 3d arena where you can get thrown into trees, or walk on hot lava spots or something akin to that. Imagine all the actual things you can do with moves such as spikes, or actual entry hazards. The game would take on more depth and allow for cooler fights. Even then having things in 2d isn't that bad. Having the ability to actually fight in a beautiful place with the character you want there allows for better visuals. The real shame is we could have gotten a battle area for every single type of Pokemon as well as a call back to the ???? typing where it would randomly choose a place to fight. This is all visual things that would make the game pretty but the real depth of it comes from how the game is constructed. That is by it being like actual normal main stream games. So what does it mean to
be a main stream game? Let's quantify to some degree what Pokemon is. It's a jrpg with the largest party roster ever. It's a simple one on one battle style but in essence you got the fighter, the ninja, the mage, and probably a few other things. They just sometimes look like eggs or a dinosaur. Either way roster is huge. The second thing is the simplicity of type matchess and even added abilities. Stats are also a part of the game while equipment and moves that you can customize out of a set list are also there. Personalities and breeding make their way into the game. There are so many things that you can do with normal Pokemon that just allows for the most unique playthrough of the game in any way you want and matches against real people have strategies and styles you might not find everywhere else. That is unless you're not playing random children and are playing adults who use the same stuff over and over except that one guy who used pachirisu but that guy is a maverick. So how would all this work? Simple. Just do the stuff they already do. Let's look at Pokken itself real quick. You have the attack and defense stats that in general make you deal or take less damage. You have your ultimate gauge and your support gauge. Pretty lack luster stuff seeing as we get more in the regular stats of Pokemon compared to it. We have special and regular attack. Special and regular defense. Speed and Lastly HP. That's where Pokken ends in customization. Lackluster in comparison as well when you look at all the stuff you can do in regular Pokemon to build a bond with it. So how do we build into the ultimate experience that we never got but wanted? Easily. Again just do like the game. Pokemon has a couple things that it does for you to customize your single little buddy to take on anyone. Let's look at those things. You have levels, types, items, breeding, evs/ivs, abilities, unique movesets, specific stats. That doesn't seem like much but having 8 different things to do with their own large amount of things is huge. To start with lets go with levels. Levels will be exactly that. They will increase the more you use a specific Pokemon. Not to say that the character would change and then have you start at a lower level, but in general you have the 100 levels and the stats on the character would grow to be that of what you finally get. You would also in PVP be matched up to an enemy of an equal level since you would have played that character and at least that long for that level to exist on the character you are using. This means that stats would also come into play. Stats would act like they normally do however moves would dictate that thing. Normal attacks would work with attack strength while special moves that you add onto your character would use the special stat. Not moves that are special attacks but any and every move. So extreme speed and thunderbolt would both use the special stat while a normal punch or kick would be your attack. This would make moves matter and make you want to make the move set how you would like it. Moves and customized move sets would be next on the list. This would allow for you to actually help your character and yeah this would mean that some characters are more optimal in some ways. If you wanted a move based machamp over an attacker than you have the choice and sure, some characters would be horrible with special attack but in the end all moves are special and would allow certain characters who are long range attackers such as Sirfetch'd who has a sword have to get closer to a machamp who uses focus blast to hit. This would allow for actual move customization too so that things such as toxicroak who uses poison moves to really shine since if we are making the moves than we would in general also wanna add the typings into the game as well. Types would allow for certain Pokemon to shine through more. Yes ghost fighting types would be busted, but thankfully there is only one and that would mean that you would want some anti ghost stuff on your character or it would make for you to have to actually
do normal attacks with a special attacker as they are even if named normal attacks not normal type. As in regular punches and kicks. Things like typing would also come into effect because that means the moves would be of the type and you can get added bonuses such as poisoning people and flinching and so on. Which means that abilities would be handy to fight certain people. If you play toxicroak then you are going to poison people with poison point. Which would go back to typing as an important thing since lucario is part steel. You could slow the opponent with electric moves. You could flinch enemies and so on. You have so many abilities to disrupt the enemy. This will make people go and make a huge deal on trying to perfect their roster of dudes they like to not only get skilled at them but also in general make them better. This is good because items and breeding are going to be a thing in the game. If ev's and iv's are in the game with breeding then that means you can actively max out a pokemon in ways you like. You can get points by winning fights and throw them onto a pokemon and just have like levels unlocked points for that pokemon. That way when you get good stuff for the process of breeding a new version of the character you get it in a way that actually benefits you when you choose a new nature and instead of having to grind even more each time you can just in general work hard while reasonably doing so. How would you get these items? That's simple. Either through constant grind which you are already doing or through mini games. Like the ones they had back in Pokemon stadium. People have wanted those again for such a long time. Even if they are small ones where it is training based it would be something fun to do to set off the monotony of grinding a better character all the time. So since everything is unique in that way how would the roster themselves work? It's big and it seems like we wouldn't be able to make them all 100% unique and as true as that is there is one thing to set them apart like you would in a normal fighting game compared to what it seems Pokken does. EVERY POKEMON HAS A UNIQUE FIGHTING STYLE BECAUSE THEY ARE FIGHTING TYPES. If we looked at the roster some of them are going to be in general a little strange but take it from the guy who is passionate about this idea that I can in some ways write down a style for each of them and that's just what I'm gonna do. Pikachu - Let's get the first and most obvious one out of the way and the most blatant problem in the only fighting type roster. Let's just say Pikachu libre was raised by some fighting types. Hawlucha to be exact and it got let in as an honorary member. It would be a fast attacker and have some good jump attacks. Primeape - A berserker style fighter who attacks very well but lacks real use of the special moves. It can still do them, but it may be open to failing. Like the trip mechanic in Smash cause fuck you it's funny. Poliwrath - A heavy hitter who does big attacks. Poliwrath doesn't have a style so much is just a big beefy dude. Would probably make him a little better at doing specials because of his lack of finesse and real inability to kick well. Machamp - Based on body builders and "able to know every fighting style" kinda makes machamp a little bit of an "eh" choice. Instead of making him fully aggressive and E Honda someone with 1000 punches we could also make him have special button inputs to pose and get power ups. This would make him actually stronger on specials if you wanted to do a special attacker or something else of the like. Hitmonlee - A kick boxer style where he would hardly use his hands. He would still be able to do special moves like the punches but in general this would mostly mean he would just kick normally and have extra blocks with his arms. Hitmonchan - If they can make steve fox do dodges with his feet then they can make hitmonchan the exact same way. Galarian Zapdos - Look, it's stupid that it is a fighting type but it is what it is. So let's just roll with it and say he does a lot of kicks.
Like can't really punch but would use his beak for pecks. They wouldn't be flying attacks but in general would allow for a little long range. Mewtwo - Our first non fighting type (not pikachu) to hit the scene and a real boss. See as much as Zapdos is a boss, Mewtwo would also in general be like the larger boss at the end. A real contender for difficult since his stats would push him a little over. The real threat is when you look at his mega form which would not require an item on the boss in the game and would allow him to not be stopped from this form. He also has a different move set meaning he is just in general a different fighter as well. You could also have it to where they don't even need the players to need to mega evolve and they just choose him. Heracross - This would be a little tricky as beetles generally just fling their enemy. He would probably have moves that did that while also being able to grapple well. His mega form would allow him to hit better like he normally does with multi hit moves and would probably have a better grab based move set. Hitmontop - Being short is its own special thing since he would be harder to hit with high attacks but he also has capoera style. Blaziken - Blaziken seems like it would be another strong boss in that it literally gets faster as the battle goes on and his mega does the same thing. It also has muay thai style fighting. Breloom - It's literally a kangaroo. It punches, it kickes really hard with its tail as support. It's a kangaroo. Hariyama - Besides Ehonda strikes it is also a sumo wrestler. So throws would be a thing it can do. Medicham - One of the more difficult to place styles. Its mega form would allow for also easy punch combos but I think this would be one of the more wonky styles of fighting. Each fighting game has a yoshimitsu style of fighter and I'm sure this would be it. Infernape - Monkey style kung fu. Loppuny - Loppuny is strange in that it is not a fighter. So it should have a generic not that strong looking style of fighting but when it mega evolves it learns Tai Bo and generic defense class style. Lucario - Also strange to place but could have something like Tai Chi or something of the like. Toxicroak - A dirty fighter and probably like that of a yakuza. Gallade - Would be really good at counters and uses a gentlemans style of fighting. Arceus - I don't know man, it's a horse. The people making the game would figure it out. Just steal the horse style from the JOJO fighting game or something. Emboar - Based on chinese symbols and also wrestling. This could be a grappler as well with a greco roman style and theme. Conkeldurr - This would have range over most of the others as well as strength, it would be slow moving but could swing fast. It also uses centripital force. Throh - It knows judo and would be good at grapples and blocks. Sawk - It knows karate and would be really good at strikes and counters. Scrafty - Would use headbutts and kicks. Nothing other than what it says since inner city youth generally don't have a fighting style. Mienshao - Shaolin style kung fu. Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion - Each would have the same style of fighting. The difference being is Cobalion would have average speed and attack while terrakion and virizion would be slower or faster while weaker and stronger. Keldeo - Would have a style like the others but with some variations to it. It would be kind of bad in comparison as it is not as old and skilled but it's resolute form would make the style come together and make it better. Meloetta - Would have a buff system like Machamp but could also change style to allow it to do better at fighting but lose the ability to make buffs Chesnaught - It's a noble knight. Give it a graceful style that doesn't fit its huge armor or make it a power house. The choices are up to the developer at that point. Pangoro - Big punches and wild swings. Like Poliwrath but handles different. Hawlucha - Luchadore style wrestling, but has a high jump allowing for aerial attacks. Crabominable - Just punches. It
can't do anything else but it should have strong hard to stop punches. Bewear - Based on bear wrestling and bear hugs. It is your modern wrestler. Since we won't have incineroar in the game this would be the closest we get to WWE style of wrestling. Passimian - Tackles and moving. It's a football player. What else would it do? Kommo-o - Honestly this one eludes me since it just is a fighting type and I don't think it was inspired type wise by anything. Buzzwole - Just like Pangoro and Poliwrath. Would just be a big buff fighter. Pheromosa - Would be a kick fighter like Jenny from Bloody Roar 3. Marshadow - Since it mimics it would just be the random fighter each time. Grapploct - A grappler. Sirfetch'd - Uses his spear/sword for doing long range styles of poke. Shield would help block better. Also is small. Falinks - What could it do? I have no idea. Zamazenta - It has a normal non shield form, and it has a shield form. It could be slower in non shield mode but also when in shield mode be harder to hurt. Urshifu - Urshifu has 2 forms. One which would be single strike which is precise and accurate trying to end the fight in as few hits as possible meaning dealing more damage or something like that while rapid strike form could just be an unending combo like Maxi does in Soul Calibur 2. The real thing to know is that in general certain pokemon could have unique abilities not explained. Such as better blocks where they take less damage to no damage compared to other fighters or even more damage even if at the same number or other things like that, This would also make the boss battles more unique. That's mostly how the game would be made. At the end of the day we lost out on what could be the most deep fighter ever made. What saddens me more is that had we gotten this game it would have probably made Nintendo do better with their online services. Either way we will never know what truly could have been.
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avionvadion · 3 years
This is just me whining but...
It honestly feels like no one likes the Pokémon fic I’m writing. It has kudos and bookmarks, favorites and likes, but no one ever comments on it- and when they do it’s always a complaint about how Grunt doesn’t have a proper name yet. I’m this close to just abandoning the fic.
What about the sibling-like friendship between her and Brock and Blue? The mutual understanding between Brock and Blue about the severity of her situation, and how dangerous Team Rocket is? The parallels between Grunt and Mewtwo, and how neither of them feel like they have a place in this world or really belong- the both of them having been used by Team Rocket for as long as they can remember, neither having a true sense of identity?
What about Steven? The driving force of the story- who was the one to give Grunt the drive to keep surviving, to eventually escape Team Rocket with the desire to take them down and free all the other children/Pokémon that’s being held captive in Hoenn? Steven’s own determination to take down Team Rocket, to save those who have been wronged and avenge those who had been lost- including Grunt, the very friend he had been made to believe died so many years ago after she had first gone missing? His friendship with Wallace and Winona, and the way they’re willing to help him to do it?
It’s really bratty and I should just be grateful that people even read it at all, but I’m honestly close to abandoning it despite all the planning and thought I put into it. I love the idea and I love Pokémon, which is why I wrote Time Lapse: Reluctant Hero in the first place, but there’s no joy to be had in constant complaints about Grunt’s lack of a proper name, and even less motivation when no one seems to care at all about the character dynamics or story.
Grunt has severe depression, anxiety, abandonment issues, and ptsd due to her time growing up in Team Rocket. She’s never cared about herself beyond the notion of surviving. She’s emotionally and physically stunted, as well as malnourished. She’s always been more focused on other people- specifically, the Pokémon around her and the children she had been forced to help raise because the other grunts wanted nothing to do with them.
It wasn’t until she met Brock and Blue and her Pokémon that she finally started to think more about herself, to become more of a person rather than a puppet, and it wasn’t until after Team Rocket had severely hurt Blue that she started truly thinking about ridding herself of the title “Grunt” that’s caged her for so long, unable to handle the toxic connection she has to them after they hurt someone dear to her.
Heck, it wasn’t even until she met Brock that she realized how BADLY she’s been deprived of physically affection and emotional encouragement/support, and she’s still not wholly aware of it. She just keeps reaching out to him for comfort as he’s the big brother she’s never had, and it baffles her how attached she’s gotten to him. To her, it defies all reason and logic, but now whenever she’s scared or uneasy he’s the first person she goes to in order to calm down.
I had thought I had been writing that in the story pretty well, showing the reasons WHY she never thought of taking a new name, as she still has trouble believing she even has a right to feel emotions despite Brock’s best efforts, but I guess not.
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Does anyone else ever feel like this? Am I just being childish? 😰 I don’t know anymore. I want to keep writing it, but the point feels kinda moot if no one actually likes it.
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crystalelemental · 3 years
“alphakuriboh: And I dunno, I feel like I can get away with a lot by having different units set up to do different things. Like having my Female Robin +10 deal with maps in AA that have L!Chrom and L!Azura or Niles laughing at big mage batches. I have the ability to decide those roles with SI (even if it’s not “optimal” it might be what I want) where in Masters units are meant to do one or two things and literally can’t do something else because the most you can adjust is their sync grid but they’re locked into the moves and types they have. It’s odd I guess but that’s just long how I’ve gotten used to playing. I also legitimately enjoy using random characters in FB and Tempest to get HM to build up characters I like just because I can.”
I think one distinction that we haven’t mentioned is that my favorite method of play is supportive defense, so I don’t have the same issues with Masters’ approach.  I can use my favorites anywhere because they’re supporters; the only time they don’t work is if the opponent targets the wrong defensive stat, or more likely has super-effective attacks on my tank.  The only thing I’m required to swap around is the offensive threat, and very often that’s not the favorite option.  Like, I don’t particularly like Giovanni, but I’ll use him and Mewtwo to kick the shit out of a Ghost-weak team and be just fine with that because the main focus is that Sabrina carried as a defensive threat, and she’s the one I care about.  I don’t particularly care about who’s pulling the offensive coverage, I care about who’s setting up the win by helping heal off attacks or mitigate damage.  That...very is not how FEH works though.  There’s very little supportive play in that game at all, and half of it can be completely removed for free with Odd/Even Recovery.
And I think the reason I don’t tend to care about the ability to run literally anyone in something like Forging Bonds or Tempest Trial is because...auto-battle.  I just auto-battle all of it, because otherwise it gets tedious really fast.  So I’m not really experiencing that by any metric, it’s just some process that runs in the background and ultimately doesn’t matter.  Masters battles can take longer and potentially be more frustrating because half the time luck on effects or what moves the opponent uses is a factor, but at least I’m an active participant.  Skip tickets not included in this statement, but those at least are done in a second so I’m not sitting there monitoring that my phone stays on while it auto-battles for 5 minutes to get me points in a game mode.
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pokemon-inspiration · 5 years
Perhaps the oddities with the Galarian Fossils come from the fact that none of the pieces are from unrelated species that had nothing to do with each other? The body parts are all completely mismatched; heck, Dragovish's head is where the tip of Dracozolt's tail is. Perhaps Galarian scientists accidentally assembled them wrong, and refused to admit that they were wrong. It certainly explains why the Galarian Fossil Pokémon give off a constant aura of "END ME!!!!".
From the desk of Dr. Miranda Carter
Paleobiologist and Regenerator Operator at the Institute for PaleoPokemon Research in Rustboro City, Hoenn
Were these a handful of chimeras floating mournfully in a tank of formaldehyde, I might believe them to be the result of mismatching fossils and extremely shoddy paleontologist work. If they were riddled with health problems beyond those of normal regenerated Pokemon owing to mismatched physiology, I might believe the regenerators might have been incorrectly calibrated. 
However, what I am seeing now, especially with the re-opening of Galar’s borders during the Galar Pokemon League, are dozens of perfectly healthy, stable, and even battle-ready regenerated Pokemon. I’ve even heard tell of Galarian youths playing with their newly regenerated friends while camping. These don’t seem like miserable anomalies to me.
I mean, let’s think about this for a moment. While the regenerators do need a certain amount of guesswork, they generally follow the anatomy the Pokemon displayed in life. If you took the head of an Amaura and placed it on the tail of a Tyrunt, even if the regenerator didn’t immediately reject the pairing for incompatibility, the poor creature would not only have no esophagus connecting its head to its gut or a pharynx to its lungs, the layout of nerves, blood vessels, and lymphatic systems would likely be clashing. Something like that not only surviving but thriving wouldn’t amount to a simple mistake, it would need extensive re-wiring of both organism’s underlying physiology that would rival that of the modifications to Genesect and Mewtwo. These four new fossil Pokemon, on the other hand, seem to need no such special treatment in either medical attention or regenerator work.
I’m still fairly confident in my theory that these creatures are intensely symbiotic, to the point where even the “tail” of “Draco” contains enough compatible musculature, support, blood vessels, respiratory and digestive connections to flawlessly connect with “Vish”. In fact, I believe these may even be representatives of intermediary forms between fused or colonial Pokemon such as Girafarig and those that simply interact in symbiosis such as Slowpoke and Shellder.
I personally look forward to interacting more with the Dracovish we were able to acquire prior to the opening of Galar’s borders to such trades. It seems to have taken a liking to several of the regenerated fossil Pokemon we keep for observation at the very least.
Finally, given their appearances: my mother had a saying about first impressions wrought solely by appearances. “Though a Gastly may grin, it may not be glad”.
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rose-of-pollux · 4 years
12, 21, 26, 45, 53, 79, and 99? :o)
12. Best cliff-hanger? Hands down, the cliffhanger at the end of The Man from U.N.C.L.E. “The Prince of Darkness Affair, Part I”--Napoleon and Illya (among others) are tied in a boat that’s been sent careening out of control after they were backstabbed by a supposed ally.  This would be cliffy enough on its own--but because their boat is out of control and not responding to any Coast Guard calls (since, ya know, they’re tied up), the Coast Guard fires a torpedo at them, and Illya’s deadpan reaction to it just sells it--his tone of voice when he announces they’ve been fired upon absolutely screams “Oh, lovely, at this point, that’s just about what I expected.”
Cue To Be Continued.
Rest under a cut because this got long--
21. A show that you started watching but then stopped? What was the reason? ...Yeah, that’d be Doctor Who.  It wasn’t just any one particular reason, but, rather, a multitude of reasons that caused me to be a bit disenchanted with it.  I was never big on sci-fi to begin with, and DW was the first exception--but I kinda fell off towards the tail end of Twelve’s run, and while this does coincide with my falling into the MFU pit and not looking back, there’s more to it than that that’ll just take too long to get into (I will say one of the things that left a very bad taste in my mouth was Clara being full ready to betray Twelve in “Dark Water”--I know why she did it, but it really, really rubbed me the wrong way).
(I think the reason why I allowed DW to be the exception to my “meh, sci-fi” thing was because, after rewatching 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo again, I realized the premise was the same--cynical, old immortal helps wide-eyed mortals stop evil creatures (although 13GSD was fantasy rather than sci-fi), and I was trying to fill a 13GSD-sized gap in my heart since I hadn’t seen it in a long, long time.  Now that I’ve rediscovered 13GSD, I’m just sticking with that.)
26. A show that you will continue to re-watch over and over again? MFU, Pokémon OS, all the classic Scooby-Doos (but especially 13 Ghosts), Hogan’s Heroes, Perfect Strangers...
45. Name a movie that made you cry uncontrollably? I absolutely ugly cried when Ash died in Mewtwo Strikes Back and Pikachu started crying when he couldn’t revive him (yes, he got better, as he always does, but still...).  Granted, I was 12 at the time, but even now, that scene is still a tearjerker for me.
53. Favorite actress? ...Am I allowed to say a voice actress?  Because, if so, then my Queen Veronica Taylor.  She voiced Ash for the first 8 seasons  and first 8 movies of Pokémon and made him so dang relatable to me. In fact, it’s because of my loyalty to her and the rest of the original English cast that, after they were unfairly replaced after season 8, I refuse to watch anything post season 8 in English and will watch in Japanese instead.
79. An underrated movie, in your opinion? The Young Philadelphians, and I say that because if it had been properly rated, Robert Vaughn would’ve won the Best Supporting Actor oscar he had been nominated for. #ForeverSalty
99. Best movie soundtrack? I’m struggling with my answer here, and it’s because in terms of sheer epicness, I gotta hand it to what Howard Shore did for the LOTR trilogy. But in terms of nostalgia, I gotta go with whoever did the soundtrack for the English versions of the first three Pokémon movies.
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snozzlefrog · 5 years
Can Mewtwo walk properly?
Disclaimer: Yes, Mewtwo has walked before. I am aware and always have been aware of this. However, I have addressed in both this post and reblogs that Mewtwo’s walk isn’t safe or useful for him. As much as I appreciate the buzz, please don’t centre your comments around moments in which he has walked, as I’m aware.
I was thinking about it a while back. Mewtwo, essentially, is a big, tall Mew. The original problem I had is he insists on being bipedal, when his legs could never support bipedal movement for long, let alone with any grace or speed. Considering he levitates all the time, I brushed it off as a superiority thing or a mimicry of humans.
After that, though, it brought into question whether he could walk at all. I made the assumption he could walk on all fours but... I cracked open a textbook and I reckon his arms are the wrong shape and slightly too short. It’s kinda like someone gave a cat human proportions, it simply doesn’t fit.
This came back to me when watching DP. In the mind transfer scene, Howard(?) initially tries to walk and, to my recollection, completely fails at doing so and sticks to the floating. So, assuming Howard didn’t just forget how legs work, I see this as proof Mewtwo may be unable to walk.
Does anyone have any proof or theories related to this - for or against?
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forgxtemall · 4 years
Should you fight...
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He is a bitch, get him;
Very weak, can’t defend himself for shit;
99% chances of bringing the situation to himself, he had it coming his way;
His coworkers are there just to watch.
Gengar: you better watch out, you BETTER WATCH OUT, Y̼̹̱̣͎̱͡ͅÓ͕̦̳͚́Ṵ͖̠̤̝̞́͢ ̥̗͙̲̯̜͡B̢̩͎̖̙E҉͕̖̯̀T̶͎͓̝̗̘̲̬̪̺͠͡Ţ̸̛̦̺E̷̞̳͍R̫̘͇͉̼̰̗͘ ̶̡̛͇̟͈͖ͅW͏̡̨͎ͅA͢͠҉̞͚̜̮̲͙̗̟̠T͓̫͇͢͡C̭̦̯̳̞H̕҉̧̳̯ ̛̗̳͇O͏̫͖̬͎͚́Ṷ̵̢͈̀T̕͘͏̘̺͚̟̣̤̮
You thought he was all by himself, didn’t you? You poor miserable soul;
He is great at hide and seek, good luck finding him once he escapes.
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She’s only 4′8 ft / 1,42 m, she has arthritis, she’s old. Surely nothing bad could come out of-
That cane is going places aka it will give you a concussion and a trip to the ER;
Fury incarnate;
She will not pay your medical bills;
She has two Arboks man, IDK that sounds v counter productive-.
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He worked on the Mewtwo project (unknowingly worked for TR), slam dunk on his ass >O;
He’s old and is literally is simply existing.
You should’ve listened to your mom about not playing with fire;
He has a horse that’s on fire in the lab
Chemicals, weird substances all over the place. He will not hesitate to use them (actually he will, that’s his work wtf). But there might be an attempt at bluffing.
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He limps, he’s old. Maybe THIS ONE will be an easy target;
Fortunately that cane isn’t going places.
These are the fists of an artisan who handles ica and other heavy instruments, if he lands a punch it will not look pretty afterwards;
His disappointment is at level 100, don’t make it go past that;
Will lecture you about how much of a bitch you are while freezing you in place;
Runs over your feet with his wheelchair.
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It’s a child, not really that strong;
He drops his scarf, it grants you +10 coolness points.
He naruto runs, he raided area 51 and lived to tell his story you can’t get to him;
Okay boomers you and flosses, bc you’re out of air from running around like a dumbass after him;
Literal sunshine boy, why would you do this? Besides anger the Sun;
“I’m telling daddy.” / “Daddy is coming.”
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Get that smuggy smile out of his face;
You can tell your friends how you got to punch the Sun.
No, srsly why would you do this? He’s only seeing the good on you man;
Everyone warned you not to do this, now you must face the consequences of your actions;
Thanos snaps you out of existence while smiling.
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He’s drunk, 80% of the time can’t even walk a straight line;
Doesn’t know how to read;
He’s old and scrawny af, now is your chance to strike.
The Devon corp. isn’t responsible for any damages caused by their employees, it’s in the contract;
He’s the only member of the Hoenn League who isn’t a coward;
He has killed people in the past, he will have no problem adding a new name to his death list;
His dragons won’t allow you, bc they are on the line to beat Drake up;
He’s actually pretty strong- what;
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He’s an asshole, he brought this upon himself;
He’s a bastard
“Eat the rich!” You say...
As you immediately regret it;
Whatever your dreams were, go find something new. You’re not getting it;
Your work just called, you’re fired;
Have you forgotten who he is?;
Beats you up to a pulp, he will make sure it will be seen and understood as nothing more than an accident that you inflicted upon yourself;
He and his lawyers wait for you in the court, they found something to charge you over something;
You will have to pay just for breathing at his general direction;
Don’t forget about his stans.
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Rich, bastard, speaks french........... Clearly deserves a beatdown;
His son(tm) will support you on this;
He just insulted your looks and the way you dress.
His stans are out for your skin and blood man;
😘 He just flirted with you, oh no now you’ve just fallen for his charm;
He is leading you on and stepping all over you;
After water hosing you with his pokemon, he returns to roasting your looks.
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Former Team magma admin, he must pay for his crimes against humanity!!!
There was a reason why he was an admin, spoiler alert: it wasn’t because he was a good trainer;
No refunds policy.
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Photographer nerd, deserves some bullying;
Nosy, lucky bastard! He brought it upon himself.
Why are you doing this to a child???;
You could have simply asked him to delete your picture;
“Daddy is coming” ver 2.0
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Cryptid freak;
Eldritch abomination;
Roark will stan you so hard;
You’ll become a hero in Sinnoh.
Sweet talks you, about punching Roark instead of him. Because he’s the real nerd here;
He is 2,10 m / 6'11 ft, and his eyes shine bright in the darkness. I feel you’re better off just running away;
He has a lot of angered dogs;
You’ll just disappear, and no one will come looking for you. Not even your friends, or family.
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He cheated on his wife, bc clearly his personal matters/life means he deserves to beaten up;
Not really that fit or healthy to begin with;
Doesn’t believe in God;
The last old guy, now should be your chance.
Dude, no. It isn’t worth it;
Ignores your threats, lectures you about how much of a disappointment you are to society and your family;
Now you have to write him an essay about why you were wrong, for acting the way you did.
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You’re quirky, you’re NoT lIkE tHe OtHeR gIrLs;
She’s a thot, a whore, basic bitch!!;
That one barbie looking girl, who bullied everyone in school;
She won’t fight back.
She will #MeTo.o your ass so fucking hard, it won’t even be funny;
Reverse uno cards you, bc you’re threatening and beating up a girl ;);
You have had 0 impact in her life, congratulations.
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“Another rich person to eat.” you say skeptically;
He drinks and uses drugs in parties, must pay the price for his actions;
He is weak and pretty pathetic, easy right?
You have just broken a safety protocol, you’re a threat, you must be TERMINATED;
"Wow, you’re pretty sad and pathetic huh?” - Steven
A lawsuit from the Devon corp, is coming for your ass. His father, will make sure you’re arrested, for daring to lay on a single hair of his son;
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