#i swear dreams are just us going into a parallel universe of us doing stuff 🤣 conspiracy theory of course
713-4th-ward-g · 2 years
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solarvh · 2 years
since its AU day of epithet week, I wanna post an AU we made a while ago. It's a swap AU but like different from Epithet Swap i swear. It would be apt to call it something like an anime campaign swap but its not really that either since all the character changes carry over from epithet? It's a weird grey zone between anime campaign and epithet erased so I decided to name it Sugar Cookie Shuffle. yknow because the working title for epithet erased was Sugar Cookie Jazz, which is kinda like an in between of anime campaign and epithet erased.
ok so Sugar Cookie Shuffle is a swap AU that swaps:
Molly and Lorelai Calliope and Martin Giovanni and Rick Sylvie and Mera Indus and Moot Percy and Howie Ramsey and Zora Trixie and Feenie Charles and Guile Dan Gansley and Don Infusio Naven and Yoomtah
lets go over each of these in no particular order
Zora and Ramsey Zora is gonna stay a cowboy but is now an Only Sane Man archetype, the combination of which is extremely funny. Ramsey is now a Suit Villain, which means he's gonna always look like this and thats cool as fuck because LOOK AT HIM
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epithet swapped made ramsey into a cowboy and made zora into not a cowboy and that is a travesty. Ramsey is basically built to be a Suit Villain. also suits are cool and hot and i love them.
in place of turning Bugsly into a baby, Ramsey just fucking turns Arnold to gold.
Sylvie and Mera in anime campaign, sylvie had a murderous hatred of mera and mera did not give a single shit about him. That dynamic is good actually. In Sugar Cookie Shuffle, Sylvester Ashling is a genius with intense narcolepsy caused by his epithet. He slept through 60% of university and only barely failed to get a doctorate. He's very salty about that and wants to get the Arsene Amulet to research it but also blah blah blah Mera backstory also since beefton was awake when sylvie was asleep, he's just as much of a genius as his waking self. Just more prone to destruction because its fun.
Mera is physician who wants to research epithets' passive effects on biological processes. has a Napoleon complex. slightly just kinda pathetic.
Indus and Moot Moot is Sylvie's bodyguard to protect/hide him whenever he falls asleep due to narcolpsy. also to protect the people around him because he passively turns his dreams real and like doctor beefton and whatnot. She's also looking for her brother Indus because blah blah blah Indus backstory
Indus is edgy now. His barriers have spikes because hes edgy.
Guile and Charles Guile just can't keep friends because he always feels the urge to shoot them.
Charles is on the Gaslight gatekeep girlboss grind and intentionally gets into relationships and then emotionally destroys them Like in AC, they still manage to have a good friendship despite all the issues with themselves. Charles has a soft spot for utterly hopeless people and that's how she stays friends with Guile and Mera.
Molly and Lorelai + Calliope and Martin Martin dies in this one instead of Calliope Molly is better about it. Lorelai is worse about it. (blyndeffswap AU is basically this premise but done well) Calliope and Martin balance each other out so instead of Martin's braindead idiocy an Molly having to do everything, its Calliope's breakneck efficiency and Lorelai not being able to keep up. to parallel Molly being depressing and cynical, Lorelai is like monumentally morbid. She has creation powers and uses them in the most fucked up ways possible. "My parents are ghosts! DEAD GHOSTS! Feel bad now?" "My dads a ghost! Look here he is!" Makes a fucked up dad ghost "hiiii lorrieeeee"
Phoenica and Trixie Trixie Roughhouse is from a line of dastardly sorcerers, villains, and knaves. also Trixie is also constantly haunted by ghosts and stuff. Phoenica's still rich but like uhhh. idk ok?
(on the topic of neo trio and lorelai i genuinely dont know what ages they should be. like should molly and lorelai switch ages? should the neo trio stay with molly or should they be lorelai's friend group now? splitting the neo trio feels wrong and I cant't think of a good answer.)
Giovanni and Rick Rick likes friends and the boys are his friends. :) Giovanni uhh. Primordial... Soup? wait he's not ocean race uhh. Roughhouse family villainy? we worked on this AU over one night ok we can't flesh out every swap.
Percy and Howie obvious swap is obvious. we didn't really work on this much. instead of turning percy's sword into time death blade, ramsey turns howie's wrench to gold and manipulates it in mid air to make a magic boomerang.
Naven and Yoomtah obvious swap is obvious, we didn't really work on this much.
Dan Gansley and Don Infusio Dan Gansley and Don Infusio
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inosukeslefttoe · 3 years
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SO i just finished wonder egg priority and i think that with confidence i can say it has been one of my favorite animes like... ever ?? and not even from hyperfixation or obsession over it just... its so fucking real yet so simple in a way that i havent rlly seen shown in any other shows you feel ??
but first i wanna talk about how sexy the art and animation is real quick... HOMIE ITS SO GOOD LIKE EVERYTHING ABOUT IT JUST... serotonin... the characters are all so unique and iconic and fun but not over the top in their designs yknow ??? they seem like regular every day girls but they stand out and theyre all sO CUTE !!!! also i love how the style is like this soft bubbly slice of life lookin stuff with bright happy colors and the most beautiful scenes you could find but they also have the SICKEST fight scenes complete with whimsical animal helpers and terrifying villains and crazy weapons unique to each character. and the animation. god DAMN shawty i am obsessed with everything in this show. i might make a post solely about the art later lol bc i wanna get into the other stuff.
so the themes in the show right ?? it starts just as this cute lil magical girl kinda deal but within the first episode we see that like.. oh damn... thats kinda heavy... tbh i was a little shocked and thought about stopping bc yknow bad mental health BUT i was so intrigued that i had to keep going and i am SO GLAD that i did. because this show just so beautifully discusses all these heavy topics in such an eloquent and artistically expressive way. and also like, , the juxtaposition of the charming childlike vibe with bright colors and 14 yr old girl protagonists against the dark themes of suicide and so much else,, i think is just perfect. bc a lot of heavy animes are more of the seinen genre and have some middle aged dude as a protag or make the entire color palette dim or offer little relief to the pain of these heavy themes right ?? but NO not wonder egg bitches B) because these problems arent just things that ppl face later in life or just problems that need to be talked about among adults or the edgy seinen watching squad,, these are REAL problems that face people of every age, gender etc and i think its awesome that wonder egg addresses that. some may cringe at the thought of their high schooler watching animes that discuss sexual harassment, suicide, abuse, self harm, eating disorders etc,, but in reality it is the most comforting thing i have ever come across and is basically jsut free anime therapy. because not only does wonder egg present these themes to the viewers as something real that happens to all kinds of people (making said people feel heard in a way that maybe they hadnt before), but it also makes sure to vanquish all of these forms of trauma. and the way the trauma is vanquished isnt always beautiful and it isnt always just magically gone with a poof. the struggles of overcoming or living with that sort of thing are shown in such a real and relatable way that addresses every hardship trauma survivors have to go through. and i just. god i cry bro. 
oh m y GOD and the lgbtq+ rep in this show ?? like shawty... as soon as i saw episode one i was picking up on some gay/lesbian themes but then again im sapphic and project that a lot so i tend to see that sort of stuff like... everywhere... but NE WAYS... episode ten made me FUKCING CRY BRO LIke i cant believe there was a whole trans character with a whole trans pride hoodie like LKGHKDGH my heart is just so.. so fucking full thinking about him. bc like yeah i know there are trans characters in anime but i feel like theyre always very ambiguous about actually being trans or not or erased or portrayed as a harmful stereotype or theyre constantly misgendered and still refered to as their assigned gender at birth and i hate it. HOWEVEr... Kaoru.. *chefs kiss* it was so amazing to see a character straight up say “yeah im trans” in such a casual yet powerful way bc i personally have never seen that before. and i love love loved how he went into his backstory and talked to momoe about gender bc i think thats what she rlly needed and that it helped her find herself and it makes me so happy oh my god,, and the way they talked about it never seemed forced or like it was the focal point of his existence yknow ?? like yeah he existed to help momoe overcome some of her trauma but he also just existed to be HIM yknow ?? also... personally, i headcanon momoe as a trans girl even though i dont remember it being explicitly stated plus the school scenes of her and stuff would seem like they suggest otherwise ??but,,, SHAWTY THE AMOUNT OF SUBTEXT and her complicated relationship w gender is... something i feel like a cis girl would not go through so harshly yknow ?? with all of the questioning and feeling detached from femininity or feeling like ppl dont see her as an actual girl and only like her as a guy or for her masculine traits,,, but dont take my word on this bc i myself am a cis girl but that was just my take on it as someone in the lgbtq+ community trying to educate myself on the transgender community :) either way,, wonder eggs portrayal of momoe and kaoru and the way that momoe becomes so passionate about expressing herself the way she wants to as a girl is just... good lord im gonna cry its so perfect,,,.so ... i just love this show way too much. i also am honestly super lost about the relationship btwn acca and ura-acca ?? bc i was gonna mention ura-acca as a canonically gay guy bc when i was watching i interpreted ep 11 as him being in love with acca and being jealous of Azusa (bc i mean,, they lived together (i swear to god there was only one bed in that apartment) and had a daughter together and def loved each other and also when Frill said they were husbands and then when ura-acca said he wasnt attracted to azusa but he was def jealous of their relationship ??) but then i saw somewhere that theyre brothers ?? which would make sense ig since they look kinda similar and accas daughter called ura-acca “uncle”.. but at the same time its ANIME SO THEY ALL LOOK SIMILAR and referring to gay couples as siblings is an EXTREMELY common euphemism soooo... IM JUST LOST HERE... but yeah i tried doing research and found different things so i cant say anything for sure >:( however,,, if they are canonically a lil fruity for each other... when frill refered to acca as ura-accas husband i imploded dude you never hear that sort of wording in anime.. but if theyre related i am so sorry. 
god this is so much longer than i planned it to be oops but i also love the theme about like.. relying on friends to help carry your weight but at the same time not becoming completely dependent on those friends and using their support to learn how to love yourself and rely on yourself yknow ?? bc that is exactly what healthy friendships look like. bc i think ai sort of had a codependency thing goin on with koito maybe ?? but now she has a whole squad of funky friends that are so so different but all struggle with different kinds of trauma and although they fight over it, they always get through it with each other together. and they push each other no matter what to be the best versions of themselves and they teach other that getting hurt is okay because theyre always gonna be there to pick up the pieces no matter what happens. they can give each other space when they need and adapt to meet each others needs but theyre always able to balance it out with their own needs and thats such a beautiful thing in friendships especially at their age like damn i wish i had that maturity when i was 14 but no all i had was depression. another thing is that through these friendships you get to see all the different sides of each girl; you get to see them being strong or a shining light to their friends when theyre hurting but you also get to see them being hurt and weak and allowing themselves to be on the receiving end of the comfort. their friendships allows them to have weaknesses but it also allows them to highlight their strengths and thrive off of each others. I LOVE FRIENDSHIP DUDE
next i wanna briefly mention some of the themes connected to suicide that ive noticed. a big one is the survivors guilt that ai feels once koito is dead. several times she screams that she wishes she couldve gone with koito and she dreams of a “perfect world” where they committed a double suicide. one of the main reasons for her troubles is that she blames herself for koitos death and feels like it should be her thats dead... but at the same time she feels like too much of a coward to do anything now that koito is gone. she just has all these complex and contradicting feelings that wear away at her in ways that ppl that havent gone through the suicide of a loved one could never imagine. a lot of the times when things like this are portrayed in media i feel like its more in a way thats meant to guilt trip those that have taken their own lives and paint suicide as this selfish sin thats unforgivable but... not only does wonder egg reject that idea and instead portray it as a heartbreaking tragedy with,,, so so many terrible reasons, but it focuses on the feelings of ai separate from koito without blaming her in any way. not once did i feel like the show antagonized koito or that ai blamed koito for doing any of this, but they simply mourned her loss and touched on ais reaction towards the event but separate from koito herself if that makes sense. and i think that discussing survivors guilt without painting koito as the bad guy is something so beautifully done in wonder egg that can really resonate with those that have lost a loved one to suicide and have struggled with these same things.
okay i think this is the last thing ill mention,,, but HOMIE THE PARALLEL UNIVERSE BIT AT THE END. I AM. OBSESSED. i am such a whore for anything about the multiverse okay n e ways...,, not only did this make a super epic trippy ending of season one and add a little bit more magical girl whimsy to the show,, but it had such a powerful message. from the perspective of og ai,, finding out that you killed yourself in another world is... i mean its definitely not a surprise but at the same time it rlly makes you think how close og ai herself couldve been to that point and what decisions led her out of that dark place in her life. if i were in her shoes i would be terrified and id cry bc the thought of going back to such a dark place and actually going through with something like that is my worst fear and probably something that ai fears too. but at the same time,,, think from the perspective of ai two !!! like yeah its true that theres this awful terrible version of ai that dies but theres also a whole version of ai that is a superhero magical girl fighting off monsters to save countless ppls lives !! and she has a badass lizard and a gang of awesome friends !!! at first i was worried that ai two would be jealous of og ai and compare herself to her and feel inferior but like.. THEYRE LITERALLY THE SAME PERSON AND CAPABLE OF THE SAME THINGS !!! and ai two realized that !! just within the span of one episode, she went from the version of ai who took her life,, to the version of ai jumping in front of a friend to take a bullet for them and save their life. and that just inspired THE SHIT OUT OF ME. i think that ai was sent another version of herself to sort of beat her own worst enemy yknow ?? those doubts and fears that shes no good or that shes that same bystander from episode one and that she hasnt changed at all. but getting to interact with her parallel self and see her grow was just what she needed to realize that while yeah sometimes the worst thing can happen and things can be terrible but on the other hand sometimes the most wonderful thing imaginable can happen because she has the power to do either. 
so im gonna go ahead and stop rambling bc i got all my thoughts out that i wanted to for this post :D but yeah lol i might make another if i feel like it sometime. long story short: this show is perfect and it is going on my favorite of all times.
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kissjane · 4 years
Last one for today, but this one is defs not a drabble, but rather a full one shot, so once again, continue reading under the break! This one was requested by one of the anonymous Davenzi shippers, so anon, hope you enjoy!
And with this one I think I have done 15 out of the 50, that’s 30% done! Yay! The next one will probably be Elu again (#5? #12? #49? I can tell you it won’t be #30, though.). 
#23 from this prompt list.
“Just tell me why you did it!” “Because I’m in love with you, okay!”
David knew it was his worst idea ever. He knew he shouldn’t do it, but it was stronger than himself. He knew it would ruin everything, but he just couldn’t lose Matteo.
Matteo. His best friend since as long as they both could remember.
The had never kept a secret for each other. David had known Matteo was gay before anybody else, years ago, and he had kept Matteo’s secret faithfully. Matteo had shown him the same courtesy when David had told Matteo he wanted to transition. And when David had started the long process, Matteo had helped him choose a new name, and had used it without ever slipping up once.
It was straightforward between the two of them. They understood each other without many words, and acceptance was as simple as a nod, an easy ‘okay’, and nothing more was needed.
They knew everything there was to know about one another.
Except for that one thing, the one secret he had kept close to his heart for years now, patiently waiting until Matteo would be ready to come out officially.
He just had never counted upon the fact that Matteo would come out by introducing his boyfriend to the whole squad.
But that was exactly what had happened. Matteo had just shown up with a tall, blue-eyed, blonde guy, and when the boys had fallen silent upon spotting their linked hands, he had bluntly announced the facts.
“Michael, these are my friends, David, Jonas, Carlos, and Abdi. Guys, this is Michael, my boyfriend.”
David had spat out his drink. The others had needed a few seconds to digest the news, but then they had exploded into their usual chaos.
“Bro, when did you get a boyfriend?”
“More importantly, how did you get a boyfriend? You have absolutely no game!”
“And you never felt the need to tell us you were gay before, huh?”
“You shouldn’t just assume he’s gay, bro. He could be bi, too.”
“Way to go, though, Luigi. Way to go.”
“Are you gay, then, Luigi, or what?”
“Doesn’t matter, he’s taken. More girls for us, either way.”
“Man, Michael, we can tell you stories about Luigi…”
And amidst all the noise, Matteo had turned to David.
“Hey,” he’d whispered, “Thanks for keeping the secret all these years. But I guess I’m out now. I couldn’t have done it without you though,” hugging David briefly before turning to the boys again, and putting a firm stop to any potential embarrassing stories.
David knew he should have been happy for Matteo, out and proud, and with a boyfriend, too. But instead, he felt numb.
And that is why something inside him snapped when Michael turned to him, smiling politely, saying he had heard so much about David. And he decided to follow through on his worst idea ever.
“Nice to meet you, Michael. Although I am sure we won’t see each other often.”
The polite smile on the boy’s face faltered slightly.
“I am sorry? What? I wouldn’t keep my boyfriend from his best friend, if that is what you mean.”
David laughed, high and phony.
“Oh, no. I just mean you won’t be his boyfriend for very long.”
He took a sadistic pleasure in seeing the confusion grow in Michael’s eyes.
“Huh? What are you talking about?”
“Oh, honey,” David said, insincere concern lacing his voice. “You thought Matteo was out now? Oh, no, sorry to disappoint you. His dad is a homophobic dick, but Matteo needs his money. And his mom is very religious, and she’s also in a fragile state right now, so Matteo will not risk her health by telling her he’s gay. I’m afraid he’s just using you for a bit of fun. But he can be a lot of fun, take it from me.”
He winked suggestively. He felt the bile rise in his stomach as soon as the words tumbled out of his mouth, and he wanted to take it all back, claim it was just his way to mess a bit with his best friend’s boyfriend, but he thought he might vomit if he opened his mouth again, so watched helplessly as Michael talked to Matteo, and Matteo just sat there, turning silent and small and sad, his shoulders hunched and his blue eyes dull.
And he still watched as Michael left, and Matteo came back to the table where the boys were still being their rambunctious selves. They didn’t even notice Matteo’s struggle to keep the tears at bay, so Matteo slid silently into the booth next to David, and David, feeling every bit the snake he was, put an arm around Matteo in consolation.
“What’s wrong?”, he asked.
“He – he broke up with me. Just like that. Couldn’t he have done it before we came here and I came out to everybody, then?”
“I’m – I’m so sorry, Matteo…”
“And what did I do wrong? He just said it wouldn’t ever work out. Why, David? I didn’t do anything, wrong, did I? Or am I just not good enough?”
The tears shone in Matteo’s blue eyes, and they were like pools in which David would drown willingly. He couldn’t stand it. He hurt his best friend, out of spite and selfishness. He needed to come clean, confess to his actions of tonight – and the reasons behind them.
He took a deep breath.
“I think I may have said some things to him that were not true, and which scared him away.”
Matteo looked at him as if he just had grown an extra head.
“What? Oh, I see. You are just trying to cheer me up, David, but that’s not necessary, I mean, I guess I’ll just have to get over the fact that nobody will ever love me and –”
“Teo. I’m not trying to cheer you up. I chased Michael off. I – I told him you were not interested in a relationship and were just using him for some fun.”
“You – what?”
The incredulity in Matteo’s voice made David feel even more guilty. He tried to grab Matteo’s hand, but the latter wasn’t having any of it, and shook off David’s arm, too, planting his hands on his knees and looking David straight in the eyes.
“I’m so sorry, Matteo, I didn’t mean to –”
“You didn’t mean to lie to my boyfriend? Or you didn’t mean to break up the two of us? Cut the crap, David. Just tell me why you did it!”
Matteo was full-on angry now, and he actually yelled the last sentence. This finally got the attention of the other boys, who looked up anxiously. David wondered if any of them had ever heard Matteo yell before. Even David had only heard Matteo shout once before, at his father the day the latter had come back to pick up his stuff, three weeks after leaving his teenage son and unstable wife alone.
Three pairs of eyes turned towards Matteo and David now, and David swallowed.
“Why, David? Just tell me why,” Matteo repeated, at a much lower volume, tiredness speaking from his words, his posture, his entire being.
“Because I’m in love with you. Because I’ve loved you for years, okay?”
David almost choked out the words, but his eyes didn’t leave Matteo. All colour drained from Matteo’s face, and he opened his mouth, only to close it again without speaking a word.
It is, in fact, Jonas who broke the silence.
“Hey, uh, boys, let’s go. Call me later, Luigi.”
Carlos and Abdi got the hint, and they stood up, hastily collecting their phones and jackets and scarves and hats. David thought Abdi was wearing Jonas’ gloves, and Carlos had just grabbed a bunch of clothes without actually putting them on, and in a matter of seconds, the boys had disappeared.
Matteo was still staring at him, not moving, not speaking, so David tried again.
“I love you, Teo… I know I shouldn’t have done it, I know I should have been happy for you, but I just –”
“You’ve been in love with me for years?”, Matteo interrupted, forming the words carefully, as if this is the only bit of information he had retained.
“Yes. Yes, Matteo. I know it’s not an excuse, and I swear I’ll make it right again, I’ll call Michael and explain it was a lie, just give me his number and –”
“Why did you never tell me then?”
“What? Oh – uh, I – I didn’t want to put pressure on you. I didn’t know how you felt about me, and I didn’t want to lose you, and even if you could ever see yourself giving me a chance, you weren’t ready to come out yet and I didn’t want you to feel like you had to for my sake… I know I fucked everything up now, and I understand if I lost you anyway because of this. But I swear I will call him, Matteo, and I won’t stand in your way ever again, just… just don’t cut me out of your life completely, please?”
Matteo didn’t answer, and David felt his stomach sink as dread slithered clammily down his spine. Of course, Matteo would not forgive him. He was just about to start begging again, when Matteo spoke, softly.
“I love you too.”
David felt sucker-punched straight into the gut.
“I just didn’t think I could have you…”
David wasn’t sure if this was reality, or whether he had somehow entered a parallel universe.
“But you can! God, you can, Teo!”
Matteo nodded, seemingly lost in thoughts. David decided to push his luck. If he was indeed in a dream, he might as well make the most out of it. He took Matteo’s hands in his. Matteo didn’t pull back this time, and David considered it a good sign.
“So… uhm… Can you forgive me, then?”
Matteo looked up, then, and his beautiful eyes had found their sparkle again.
“I don’t know… It all depends…”
“On?”, David asked, his heart beating rapidly as he awaited Matteo’s answer.
“How good you kiss,” Matteo smirked, and David laughed, carefree and bright.
“No pressure,” he murmured, teasingly, as he leaned in, and finally – finally – captured Matteo’s lips.
This was by far the best idea he ever had, he thought, before all rational thought left him completely.
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ladylillianrose · 4 years
Episode 15 Thoughts
I love the parallel convos. But oh god they make my heart break.
Engin needs to talk to Ceren asap.
"The problem is that I considered myself worthy of an angel like her." *sobs* But you are Serkan!
"Half of my soul is her" I'll just be over here crying forever now!!
This man I swear his selflessness because he loves her so much.
Oh god he's looking at her star!!
The look on his face as she's berating him, he's so in love with her and her passion and fire!!
"In life you cannot replace me with anyone" oh Eda he knows, he knows hon
Eda telling Aydan that "he broke me to pieces" while Aydan is crying and telling her she will move past this. *sobs*
Ooofff Eda that was harsh "ask yourself how you raised such an insensitive son who does not know how to love." Especially because he loves her so much!!!
Alptekin knows he deserves Serkan's scorn.
Moving out?!
He cant even bring himself to pack up her stuff.
Even the world?!!!
He cant bring himself to take off the ring. It's the only thing he has left of her.
Oh Eda trying so hard to distract herself and be chipper
"Hair and stubble in a mess" you say Seyfi? That sounds incredibly sexy, I'm okay with this.
Oh shit! It's not enough that her heart is broken but now she finds out about Ayfer's lies.
I really really don't trust Efe!!!
Too convenient that he shows up to "rescue her"
Engin protecting Serkan from everyone bothering him about Eda.
Efe offering her her dream job, and the opportunity to get under Serkan's skin
Serkan is so upset that not only is she working for Efe but that Eda's giving up studying in Italy.
Efe is way too conveniently playing the white knight to Serkan's unfeeling robot.
Of course we have Eda and Ferit vs Serkan and Selin on opposite sides.
Dammit Selin did you have to point out the ring!!
Yowch Selin talking about Serkan breaking women's hearts.
Serkan telling them to help Eda and Efe, because he wants Eda to have the better design
Ooo the guys walking towards the girls love this shot.
Lmao "did fifi start working here too?"
Also side note but damn is Serkan looking extra fine today in that vest!!
"Eda pretended not to see me?" Oh Serkan sweetie
Oooo Selin wants nothing to do with Ceren
Erdam trying Adam play it cool with Fifi
Oooo Eda wearing the ring again just to bother him.
Staring at Serkan's hands often there Eda?
"So no other woman distracts me from my work" lmao mmmhmm sure Serkan that's why you're wearing the ring
Serkan has to keep his hands in his pockets around her to keep from pulling her towards him
Alptekin ugghhhh you should have told Ayfer!!!!!!
You idiot!!
Smart Serkan knowing that Efe would offer to buy Ferit's shares.
Seyfi knowing how Serkan and Eda work lol. Knowing that them working together and fighting will just bring them together again.
Eda has to know from the way he watches her that everything is not what it seems.
Engin stepping on to ask where they are going since Serkan can't
Lmao "I don't want to talk to Erdam"
Serkan you are not the only one missing Leyla
Yes Ayfer take Efe, keep him away from Eda.
Mmmhmmm also from Mardin, with family there? Either a distant cousin or related to one of Grandma's friends
Uggghhh both of them working alone and totally thinking of each other!!! * sobs*
Face timing him just to see his face, oh Eda honey
Serkan hiding the flower because he cant look at it but he can't bring himself to get rid of it
Oh no you did not bring up Serkan breaking up with Eda, Efe. Forget Serkan fighting you, I'll fight you!!!!
Serkan can never say no to his mom.
Oooo yes Seyfi going to the office to spy on Eda and Serkan.
I'm on Serkan's side about not talking to Alptekin. They already didn't have a good relationship and this made it worse.
I feel for Aydan hurting because Serkan is going to move out, but he does need his own space. She didn't think he would marry and stay there the whole time?
I think he will move into that house that he was having Eda design ideas for.
The new picture will be just as marked up as the last was.
Eda making a plan for school yaaaassss!!!
"The woman saved me from my own cruelty, from my terrible condition" *sobs*
"Now I realized how much I need her." Just stab us in the heart why don't you!!
Serkan is totally picturing Efe's face on that punching bag.
Lmao Engin hitting him with the towel!
Good on Eda for getting the university to agree to a payment plan.
Ooo Serkan is jealous that Eda was willing to use Efes name and not his
Leyla and Seyfi as friends? Yaasss the duo we deserve!!!
Serkan watching Eda throw everything out! Ouch!!!
Someone go dig it all out!!!
Sirius!! Go get Mama's stuff from the trash!!
Engin just wanting to hug Piril
Serkan thinking she poured him coffee but its for Efe
Efe charming everyone even Aydan
Lmao at jealous Serkan sending Efe away. Oh honey you're so bad at staying away from her
"If you are not ready, you should not have accepted me into your life" Damn Eda!
Serkan is so proud of Eda and her presentation/work
Oh Serkan, throwing the presentation because he doesn't want Eda to lose!
And Eda knows he's throwing it too, because she remembers what he was saying in the car.
Engin us so terrible at hiding his relationship with Piril, lol Serkan's smirk.
Yaassss team camping trip!!
I'm glad that Ayfer and Eda made up, but
Yaaaasss Serkan coming to go camping! Casual clothes Serkan!!
"I only came because you are here" we all know exactly who that's directed too
Efe go away we want Eda vs Serkan
Leyla not wanting to pick a side lol
Oooo Selin has to ride with Efe
Lmao Serkan still calling her "Eda honey"
Lmao the look on Serkan's face knowing Eda wants to drive!
The teams should just agree to lock them in a closer until they solve their issues
I'm okay if Efe and Selin end up together, both are competitive enough for each other
Serkan back seat driving
Gorgeous view there!
"What if something happened to you?" Eda don't you get it, it's never about him its always about you!
Selin go away you just ruined things!
Serkan knows where Eda would go of course!
You end it there??????!!!!!!!
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suncatchr · 3 years
Heyo if u wanna talk abt ur ocs can u tell me abt the newest ones (or at least the ones that r new to me which is all of them on the last pic of ur oc post I think?) :3
omggg thank you for asking :3 this is long sorry i haven’t organised my thoughts about them yet ahjfklsa but here we go
before i can talk abt rain n evie i have to explain the universe with kes, amaya, and rio. im sure you remember them :3 but umm you said they were based on pacific rim and i don’t know anything abt pacific rim fhjlafnj sooo i made a bunch of stuff up. soooo there’s a parallel universe/alternate dimension full of people and like, monsters. the alt. universe people r testing ways to break into our dimension and open the door permanently so that both dimensions are their domain. the... city...? that the story is set in is like a capitalists’s dream, split harshly between rich and poor with no middle class. the poor faction of the city that will be named soon is the one responsible for keeping the other-dimension-ers out of our dimension, most if not all of them are responsible in some way for keeping their area safe from those tears in the ozone layer. they in return are given technology, money, and supplies from the rich faction. those guys do next to nothing, they operate like any other city where everyone has jobs and pays their dues to the government. they are very strict about who they let into the city; they don’t want outsiders to know about their dimension problem lest they stop the warriors from doing their jobs or do something to make the tear bigger etc etc. they also don’t want poor people in the city, even if they’re responsible for everyone’s safety. I’m thinking of making the story a really obvious allegory similar to older-fashioned dystopian novels like animal farm and brave new world because i’m obsessed with those in concept. so i think supporting characters will be one-dimensional caricatures of types of people in society, and only the MCs will have nuance. this also makes it easier for me to write side characters ;3
so kestrel and amaya are siblings mostly born and raised into monster-fighting. you know when there’s a factory or whatever in town that most people in that city work at? there’s one of those but it’s like... a firehouse for monster fighting. they mostly live and sleep there, they’re fed and clothed here for free so long as they fight and they’re both content with that. I’m not sure what happened to their parents yet but they’re probably dead. not everyone’s parents are dead, some people have families that they live with at the... compound, these two are just tragic and whatnot. families are encouraged to fight together in duos or trios so that loyalty makes them fight smarter and harder to protect each other. when they’re not at the compound, like if they have shifts off or whatever, they live in an abandoned subway station and steal power from the government who’s unaware that that track is unused 😌
so as far as them as individuals, i kept the planets that u based them off of :3 kestrel is based off mars and mars is the planet of action, energy, motivation, temper. kestrel is moody and temperamental, but their choices are never made without careful consideration. they’re a quick thinker and that makes them confident, so they never back down from a challenge. they have a hard time masking their emotions and it’s easy to see what’s going on in their head. they’re hard to embarrass, though, and they’re very confident in most of their assertions. they’re impatient and crabby, but they aren’t at all shy.
amaya is based off venus, so she’s more emotionally rounded than her sibling and more interested in the poetry of life. she’s very expressive and polite, and she has a thing abt maintaining her image. she’s a bit materialistic and self-centred, focused on her looks and her space, but she’s realistic in her material n sensual desires because al things considered she lives in a subway station. she knows what to expect from life, or at least she thinks she does, and is just as confident in her own assertions as kestrel. she’s stubborn and argumentative for that reason, but her confidence makes her a natural leader and people flock to her for advice and assistance. she loves this.
and adrion, based off earth, comes into their lives later. rio used to live on the rich side of town until a second dimension creature escapes the notice of the warriors (i swear they won’t actually be called “warriors” forever 😭) and destroys his part of the city. his family is alright, but the destruction makes him feel like he could do a better job than whoever’s currently there. he leaves his family to join up with the. the compound, and when asked to find a partner to fight with, chooses amaya and kestrel because they’re a top-of-their-class team who are always talking about how things could be better. at first, they don’t want him bc they’re lone wolves and they do not like to be told what to do. but he’s a tough fighter and he’s got the motivation to be good, so they let him stay on the team. as far as personality, rio is really chill and understanding, often willing to let other people’s faults slide. as long as he’s allowed to do what he wants to do, other people can have their way. he’s cheerier than the other two but he’s quieter and more in-the-background. his strong will makes him sensitive and he refuses to change his mind often because he’s quite naive and gullible, making him easy to trick and take advantage of which makes him insecure. this makes him prone to snapping when people put pressure on him.
now for rain and evie. i originally created them as prototypes for their own narrative but the story seemed really similar to my other stuff so i scrapped it BUT i thought the characters themselves worked in this story instead so i kept them :3. rain and evie are brothers who were initially raised in a fighting ring. they live on the poor side of town but they never worked for the compound. they make a living by gladiator fighting, people pay to come in and bet on them and obviously they’re paid for winning fights. rain is an extremely adept fighter and usually manages to beat opponents with brute strength. evie is smaller and less physical and usually fights by using the opponent’s strength against them. they’re simultaneously popular and unpopular in their neighbourhood as they’re like. cool for being good in the ring but they’re really weird otherwise. they’re aggressive, angry and irrational, they act like they’re always in the ring. rain is more sociable and capable than evie, who tends to be reactive and angry. he doesn’t want to be here, but rain is more content in his abilities, so he handles mostly everything so that evie doesn’t have to be responsible for anything. they end up moving on from the ring after evie takes on an opponent that rain tried to tell everyone that he could never beat. evie takes a violent blow to the head that leaves him comatose, and rain spends a huge chunk of money for a piece of technology that replaces the damaged areas of evie’s head and functions in its place. no one tells rain, though, that the thing he put in evie’s head is technology from the other dimension. after the two leave the ring, they decide to make themselves useful and fight the monsters that forced them into this life in the first place.
personality-wise, rain is a laid-back, go-with-the-flow kind of guy. he likes to let things take their course and he isn’t much concerned with proceedings outside of himself and evie. he purposefully denies himself negative emotion and usually tries to fake that everything is good all the time. despite this, he’s emotional and reactive and extremely defensive. he doesn’t like to be challenged or made unhappy and in his dream world he and evie are always just hanging out doing what they want and not having to answer to anyone. people often find him charming bc he’s able to finagle most situations into him getting his way, he’s exceptional with people but he doesn’t like them.
evie is more sullen and droopy. he almost always lets rain do all the talking and he usually appears unconcerned with most goings-on because he’s letting rain evaluate the situation. he’s usually inside his own head, daydreaming or fussing. most of his interactions with others are verbal or physical fights bc he’s unsure how to manage himself without rain around and is often willing to fight for whatever he thinks rain would want. he’s independent outside of that, doesn’t like to be told what to do or how to act. not even rain can calm him down when he’s on his soapbox because he truly believes that if he had to grow up a fighting dog he should be allowed to do whatever the fuck he wants. in downtime he’s usually a little bit more uppity than rain but still similarly laid-back and willing to act like things are okay.
the five of these characters r in the same universe and they go on missions together often, though kes and amaya don’t really get along with rain and evie because they’re all so stubborn.
next are niko and andre, who i got from sammy! we got urban fantasy going on here, and i’m thinking of setting it in like. the mid 1800-s. i’m feeling spicy. umm so i think the key thing about this universe is that “hunters” are a species of humanoid monster. this world is spinning with vampires, werewolves, faeries, demons, etc. pretending to be human in order to survive, and hunters are a mimic species that look human but just... aren’t. they have an insatiable desire to hunt and kill (used to be for food but humans make food more easily accessible), but killing humans makes them vulnerable to being found out. killing other monsters is the perfect substitute, plus humans praise them for it. they’re onto each other but they can’t make scenes in human society so they have to dance around each other to do all of their killing in secret.
andre is a hunter living in the shadow of his older sister, angel. she’s a better, more ruthless hunter than he is, with stronger instincts and a greater prey drive. she’s popular with people in town and generally just more charismatic. he really wants to be like her, but he’s klutzy and insecure and his instincts are poor cuz he overthinks them. one day he comes across niko in a bar and, perceiving him to be human bc he has 0 instincts, they get their flirt on. until niko says something that makes andre realise he’s a vampire. embarrassed and ashamed of his attraction, andre tries to turn his feeling of betrayal into murderous instinct, and he can turn that anger into his first solo kill. niko keeps chasing after andre trying to catch his non-murderous attention because he actually really likes him and doesn’t want to let what they are get in their way.
personality wise, niko is a noisy little wisecracker who likes to be popular. he’s a genuinely nice guy and is famous wherever he goes for being wise and helpful. he’s usually pretty optimistic and very charming, especially in bigger crowds where he can fit in. he can be purposefully oblivious and is very good at disguising his feelings and intentions. he’s witty and sarcastic, often masking negativity for the sake of keeping it light.
andre is a straightforward intellectual type who likes to work and create and achieve. he’s intelligent and steadfast and always strives to do his best (which is why being terrible at hunting is upsetting for him). making achievements kind of replaces his understanding of himself, and not being good at things really digs at his self-worth. he’s not much of a people person but he’s not really shy, either. he’s polite and good-natured, though his feelings are quite fragile.
next generation, same universe, next is honour (whose name HAS to be spelled with the u), journey, and solace. resident throuple. honour and solace are hunters, and journey is human. honour was raised in a big home with lots of hunters under the iron fist of like, the mean nursemaid from annie. they hunt monsters as an organised group, but its a violent institution that doesn’t believe in autonomy nor the worth of human lives. humans exist as something to blend into while they exterminate all other monsters. honour stops believing this when she gets older, mostly due to meeting journey. she assumes journey is just going to be vapid and goofy bc he’s a human, but he ends up being a really cool dude who’s just as in-depth as her and she begins to realise how terrible the lessons she was raised on are.
journey’s family were aware that they were often surrounded by monsters and as such were very protective of him and his siblings. journey never gets to go out and do things, and being stuck in the stuffy comfort of his home is not what he wants to do with his life when he knows there are monsters out there. when he and honour hit it off, they decide to run away together, deciding to shed their upbringings entirely by changing their names to the things they want most.
i set this in the 1800s JUST so that i could have honour and journey use the train to run away. not nice public transit trains, i mean they are riding the dirty rusty rails to seek a better life. they intend to ride a long time to make sure that they’re never recognised. on one of the trains they catch to head north, they come across solace, helping him onto the train as he got there a split second too late to catch it. despite his initial gratitude, solace is unpleasant to ride with. turns out he’s been on the run for most of his life and is just trying to find a place to stay where no one will care that he’s a hunter. in human-only societies hunters are known as mimics and are heavily discriminated against if you’re suspected of being one and straight up killed if you are. after living an uncomfortable life and seeing his father killed, solace decides to go from town to town until he finds a place that’s mostly hunters. when honour reveals they’re looking for the same thing, solace decides to go with them. he’s hesitant to give up his name because it was given to him by his parents, but ultimately he wants to leave that life behind and embody comfort and. yk. solace.
haven’t quite figured these three out personality-wise bc i only finished their designs and names in time for posting the art, rip
and lastly my warriors ocs! I decided to make regular fanclans as opposed to using my existing ocs in an au mostly because i didn’t wanna add in random npcs (as it were) to fill the nursery and elder’s den even tho those r important to clan life. so, i made separate ocs, they live in the arctic! summitclan in the mountains, tundraclan in the plains, and glacierclan by the. glacier. the story so far is a murder mystery, cats of all clans are being killed and going missing and no one knows why. while most warriors assume there’s a bear or fox hanging around the territories, the apprentices saw something while they were hanging out that made them decide to investigate deeper...
our mc is snowpaw, a repurposed rp oc fjdkfjld;af. he’s a summitclan cat and he’s known to be strange and standoffish. he seems cold and apathetic about almost everything and it’s hard to see what he enjoys and dislikes. his secretiveness makes it easy for him to investigate the murders, no one ever questions where snowpaw is going or what he’s doing. with his friends and family snowpaw is a little more jovial, he has very dry humour and is also always trying to help
crowpaw is a tundraclan cat. he’s stuck up and big-mouthed, very arrogant little know it all. don’t ever tell him that, though, bc he’s very sensitive and he will cry. he likes to be seen as the best at everything so he dedicates excess time to learning and is actually a very curious and adventurous cat underneath.
swiftpaw is a glacierclan cat. he’s very mature and is often rumoured to be a great deputy choice when he’s old enough. he’s calm and level-headed, a quick-thinking problem solver with a bit of a superiority complex but not one that anyone in his life would be aware of bc he’s so darn polite. the warrior code is important to him and so are rules of daily clan life that reduce conflict in any way.
teapaw is also a glacierclan cat. she, like snowpaw, is a little bit quiet and secretive, the kind of person (..?) that kinda lurks in the back of important things going on rather than offering her voice. she’s a healer’s apprentice and takes a lot of pride in being effective and efficient with all her duties. she’s curious and observant, and shes good friends with her clan’s seer, deadhawk (i split the medicine cat position into two for these clans, healers do doctor stuff, seers talk to starclan), so she tends to be up to date w what starclan says, which helps her and her friends w their mystery.
and finally, breezepaw! he’s a summitclan cat and snowpaw’s bff. he’s kinda clueless and distractable, very much a follower personality as he likes others to decide what’s important for him to do. he’s a quiet cat, but he’s not afraid to speak his mind when the time comes. kinda a goofy jokester dude, but he knows how to read a room and keep quiet when he doesn’t know what to contribute and jokes won’t help. he likes snowpaw because snowpaw’s always confident in what he’s doing and never clowns on breezepaw for not knowing wtf is going on
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fleckcmscott · 4 years
Comfort & Joy
Summary: Arthur & Y/N celebrate their first Christmas together. Not everything goes as planned.
Warnings: Swearing, Angst
Words: 4,645
A/N: A request from the mind of dear, sweet @ithinkimawriter​. Special thanks to @sweet-nothings04​ for being the wonderful beta she is!
If you have any thoughts or questions, please comment, feel free to message me, or send me an ask. Requests for Arthur and WWH are open!
If you’ve sent me a request and I haven’t responded, it’s because I am working on it and will once it’s posted! 
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Arthur was on his way to Y/N's apartment when the storefront's window captured his attention. Batting covered the floor, imitating fake snow. A plastic fireplace, painted yellow, orange, and red, was angled against the left wall. The artificial tree, bedecked with multi-color lights and a plethora of wrapped gifts underneath, shone prettily. To the right, a cardboard cutout of a couple wearing Santa hats and embracing stood in front of a brand new refrigerator. The large sign suspended from the ceiling, tied in a red bow, advertised low-interest store credit: "Make all your Christmas wishes reality!"
There was a sweetness to the display. A festive cheerfulness. And it induced in him an ache borne of dejection. With Penny in her parallel universe and their lack of resources, his life had never had a place for holidays. Seven or eight years ago, he'd made his last attempt at doing something special. They'd shared the turkey dinner he'd sprung for at a nearby greasy spoon. She'd been mildly cognizant of the make-up compact he'd given her, one he'd gotten off the clearance rack. Then she'd gone to bed, leaving him alone to watch the television special he'd picked out. It had been one of the rare nights he'd poured himself a drink in an attempt to sleep.
Smoke swirled in Gotham's cold, night air as he exhaled around his cigarette. The heaviness in his stomach, his hint of indignation perplexed him. Why on earth did he feel shitty when he had a chance to have the type of Christmas people wrote about? That Sinatra, Cole, and Martin sang about? The type he'd dreamed of, despite knowing he'd never have it? He frowned as he trudged down the street, hoping he wouldn't fuck it all up.
Y/N's greeting was warm as always; the refuge of her arms, the smile she reserved just for him dulled his sharpest edges. He tried to take pleasure in her simple courtesies. How she hung his tan jacket next to her coat, all the while insisting he get a hat and mittens. The hot mug she handed him, the way it thawed his slender fingers. The taste of cocoa on her silken lips as they kissed and she declared she'd missed him.
There was quiet conversation. She did most of the talking; he did his best to pay attention through the distraction of his anxiety. The cards had to be finished, she said. Just for her colleagues, a couple of family and friends, and, if he didn't mind, Penny. He didn't react to that last name, letting Y/N draw her own conclusions. She moved to sit side-saddle on the floor to work, next to her coffee table. As her hand crossed the cream cardstock, he noticed she was signing both their names. He gaped slightly in shock, delight spiking through him. But then delight twisted into unworthiness, and he averted his gaze to his hot chocolate.
He'd believed he was doing okay, though he still didn't have his medication. Especially since Penny had been transferred from Gotham General to the nursing home he'd chosen two weeks ago, and it had clicked that he'd never have to see her again. There were days he woke up (if he was fortunate enough to sleep) energized and confident. He had slipped into delusion once or twice. A call to Y/N or the feel of her hand had helped ground him and bring him back to lucidity. But his negative thoughts were bearing down on him. It was getting harder to separate what was intrusive and what was Arthur. If only he could find it within himself to be better.
Once she finished addressing the envelopes, Y/N extended a hand his way and smirked. Unsure if she wanted him to help her up or join her, he sat on the plush, cream color carpet. "I can hear you thinking. I'm surprised smoke isn't coming out of your ears," she said, laying a palm on his thigh. "You haven't told me what you want to do for Christmas."
He picked up one of the cards, traced his fingertips along the corners. He was bereft of his own traditions to draw from; all his points of reference were from popular culture. It was difficult to know what he'd actually like doing. He gave it a go, anyway. "I dunno. A tree? Listening to music? Being together?"
Chuckling, she put her head on his shoulder. "Of course we'll be together. And we can do the other stuff, too." Her voice lowered as she continued. The caress on his leg became a massage. "I get out early Thursday - Christmas Eve. How'd you feel about me being your guest for three days?"
"Hm." He loathed the possibility of exposing her to what was going on in his brain, his darker notions and malaise. He wanted to hold on for her. To be the gentle person she claimed he was, the man she claimed made her happy.
The man she was mistakenly convinced deserved her.
A kiss on the sensitive skin of his neck. "I'll bring dinner and everything."
Fuck. She thought he didn't want her, that she had to sell him on the idea of her company. He had to put a stop to that assumption. Didn't she know she'd become a brick, a building block in his unstable foundation? He couldn't deny her - he didn't wanted to deny her. Taking a deep breath, he turned to her. The warmth in her eyes buoyed him enough to use what little confidence he could muster. He took her hand, ran his thumb over the back of it, and he forced the corner of his lips up. "I'd love that."
There wasn't normally a spring in Y/N's step, but Arthur had a habit of causing one. She was smiling like a fool, too, walking with her suitcase and canvas bag. The happiest woman in Gotham. It couldn't be helped, even as she struggled to climb those damned concrete stairs to finally reach his block. This would be the best Christmas in ages.
The holiday had been her childhood favorite. But it had become taxing as her father's dementia had worsened, and her sister and she had grown apart. Not being able to leave her father unattended had forced them to celebrate at his house, which Y/N shared with him. A couple of slow cooker dishes would be made, ones her niece and nephews liked. She would do her best to make the large dining table festive, using a red tablecloth and making a centerpiece out of a wreath. Once everyone had sat around it, she'd alternate between taking a bite herself and trying to feed her father, trying to convince him to eat.
The final year had been the hardest. Distress had been clear in her sister and brother-in-law's faces, in their stilted conversation. The middle child had asked why grandpa wasn't talking. Y/N had never learned to communicate on a child's level, and had waited for her sister to take the lead. That hadn't happened. So she'd tried to explain the most painful, complicated situation she'd ever been in in terms a four year old could understand. When her father had started spitting out his mashed potatoes and crying, everyone had packed up and left.
It was understandable. Handling him was exhausting and she didn't want the kids to be traumatized. But it had left her resentful and grief-stricken. She'd cleaned him up and changed him. Then she'd sipped the nice wine she'd bought for the occasion and taken down the tree, tearing up with each bauble she'd put away while her father stared at the television in his wheelchair.
After dropping off a card at Ms. McPhee's, she hurried around the corner to Arthur's building. He was waiting for her at his door, dressed in the red sweater he knew she loved on him. She pecked his sharp cheekbone as he bent to take her luggage, and watched as he made a show of putting it beside the sofa. "Did you pack your whole apartment?"
"Almost," she said, already digging out the food she'd brought and placing it on the kitchen counter. The ham and pineapple casserole had to be popped in the oven for forty-five minutes. The two pieces of pie were from the diner near her office. Lastly, there were a carton of eggnog and a small bottle of whiskey.
He didn't say a lot, but she had a pretty good notion of what he was thinking: a variation on the refrain that she'd done too much. "Arthur, this is for me, too. Besides, you got the tree." Then she pulled him in for a kiss. Though his lips were soft and returned her affections, she could sense the apprehension in his shoulders, her palms sweeping across them. He was probably excited, she figured. And a little nervous, too. This was a milestone for them, after all. She smiled up at him encouragingly. "We're going to have a great time," she said. His nod was gentle.
Dinner went by quickly, which was a blessing because it was terrible. ("I swear, I followed my mother's recipe.") The apple pie was a good substitute for her favorite, blueberry. There wasn't any nutmeg to add to the eggnog. And Arthur covered the top of his mug when she wanted to spike it. He appeared to like it, anyway, and was soon pouring himself a second serving. GCR was playing Christmas music non-stop instead of news, so she turned on the radio. She led him to the living room and admired the tree he'd gotten.
The fir was maybe four inches taller than he was, probably six feet. There were plenty of branches, but it was slim enough to fit into the rear corner of the room, by the windows. The sharp, fresh scent of pine was wonderful. "You picked a great one." As she got into her luggage and dug out the white mini-lights, Arthur searched for an extension cord. Once the bulbs were in place, she knelt before the tree and handed him one of the tins of ornaments she'd packed.
Arthur tackled the upper half while she took care of the bottom. Her gaze turned up to him and she grew fuzzy all over. Concentration was plain in his squint, his handling of the glass-blown, red bulbs cautious. His fingertips carefully closed the hooks over each bough. How long had it been since he'd last done this? She reached out, giving his leg a reassuring squeeze before going through her own box of baubles. A soft sound stuck in her throat as she discovered what was inside.
"What is it?" he asked quietly.
The shellacked, round cookie was in surprisingly good shape, its ribbon firmly attached. "My sister made this for me when we were little. I'd forgotten about it." She cradled it in her palm, a peal of laughter bubbling up. "One year I got a toy oven. Set the smoke alarms off, scared my mother half to death." Sipping her drink, she shook her head. "Mabel - who's younger than me, remember - decided to show me how it was done. She was always better at that stuff."
The memory prompted Y/N to continue. She mentioned her parents taking them to a department store a few towns over to visit Santa. How she'd been completely boring and asked for a typewriter and doll, which she'd gotten. The milkshake she'd had at the restaurant on the top floor. She felt uncharacteristically wistful. "That was a lifetime ago."
Most of the tree was adorned when she noticed he'd stopped responding. It was as though he was frozen in place, his face turned towards the floor. Y/N stood, taking in the clenching of his fists at his sides, the quiver of his frame, the twitch of his cheek. "Arthur?" She reached out to take his hand.
His arm yanked back as if she'd hit him. Then he marched around the sofa, past the television, and went straight into the bathroom. The locks slid into place as soon as he closed the door.
She was stunned. And, if she was honest, disappointed. All she'd wanted was to share more of herself with him. Gingerly, she walked to the door. No light shone from beneath it. The picture of him sitting alone in the dark on Christmas Eve pained her. She knocked.
Laughter broke up the strain in his voice. "I need a few minutes." After a pause, a hushed plea. "Please don't go."
"I won't."
Her lips pursed. The last few times she'd visited, she'd made a note to check his usual spots for prescription bottles. There hadn't been any. And there'd been no indication he'd used any of the doctor appointments she'd paid for. They'd have to discuss it. But not now. New Years was next weekend. She'd mention it then, as well as her hopes they'd be living together soon, treating it as something positive.
Beyond his laughing, he hadn't yet gone into any level of detail about his afflictions, his diagnoses. Since his appearance on Murray Franklin, she'd read almost the entire "Loving Someone With" series to learn how to handle problems when they arose. It had advised kindness, calm, and providing regularity. Discussion of normal things, plans for the future. That was what she had been trying to do. Why had Arthur reacted so poorly?
Then it dawned on her: the experiences that were normal to her, to most people, hadn't ever been so for him. Her thoughts went to the terrible details in the Arkham file he'd brought over. The unspecified categories of abuse he'd suffered. His severe head injury and its permanent effects. The radiator...
She recalled his reaction to the journal she'd given him for his birthday. He'd tried, in vain, to hide how affected he'd been by it. And it was only a few weeks ago he'd meekly asked if she'd ever stop loving him, as if it was a chore for her instead of bliss. It was tough, knowing how hard he had to work to accept her kindnesses.
Rubbing her eyes, she concluded she'd been an idiot. Well-intentioned, but an idiot regardless. She'd so looked forward to making new memories with Arthur, to being able to spend the holiday with someone who could enjoy it, she'd overwhelmed him. Set him off.
He needed space and, so far, she'd always paid the respect of giving that to him. It wouldn't be easy tonight, however. Every fiber of her wanted to rush in there, hold him, and tell him to confide in her. To allow her to support him. But she needed to listen to her brain instead of her heart (which Arthur made hard to do, being the one who'd helped her unlock it). She checked her watch. Fifteen minutes would be a good compromise. She could give him that.
The music had become deafening. After turning it down, she made her way to the kitchen and put away the rest of the food. Every scrub of the dishcloth on the beige plates they'd used, every wipe as she dried the cutlery, expressed her concern. Ornaments still littered the living room floor. A few more were hung before she put their boxes in her suitcase. She worried her lip when she came across the presents she'd gotten him, wrapped in luscious greens and golds. He'd like them, she was certain. If he was up to receiving them. She placed them under the tree, adjusting the tags so he could clearly read "Arthur," written in her looping cursive.
The clink of the bathroom door being unlocked was barely audible. Not wanting him to think she'd been hovering the entire time, she waited before approaching. Then she stepped forward and slowly opened it.
The light from the hall spilled into the room, sufficient to see Arthur sitting on the pink, tiled end of the bathtub. She took in the slump of his shoulders, his arms slack and folded in his lap. He spoke and his miserable rasp split her heart. "I'm- I'm sorry. I'm ruining everything."
"You're not." She turned on the floor lamp in the corner, then sat down on the closed toilet. "It wasn't fair of me to babble on and on like that. I didn't think abou-"
"Don't." It was clear the harshness of his tone was directed at himself. His dark brows creased in the middle as he wiped his nose, embarrassment clear in every gesture. "I just... I wanna be able to enjoy this like everyone else."
The skin of his hands was pink, likely from wringing. And his nails had been freshly chewed. Her chest tightened. "May I touch you?" she asked. At his curt nod, she smoothed his sleeve up to stroke his forearm. The grimace he wore was tight enough to show his dimples.
She'd learned it was vital to speak to his virtues in these moments. That was an easy thing to do - he had many. The compliments she paid him were true, and reflected what he valued in others. "You're so caring, Arthur." Her fingertips drifted down his laugh line to his thin lips. "And good. And funny." She blinked away the tears that threatened, the news articles from his mother's file fresh in her mind. "And strong. Stronger than anyone should have to be."
A dry, hitched sob left him and he shook his head. "You don't need to tell me lies."
"I'm not. I never will." Her kiss brushed the shallow wrinkles on his trembling chin, and she took his hand between her own. "You don't have to talk about it. But I'm here if you want to." A long silence followed, interrupted only by their soft breathing. Eventually, he trailed lines down her thigh, to her knee, caressing her as if she were gossamer.
She considered how he could have gone through such brutality, yet be the gentlest person she'd ever known.
Releasing a long sigh, he leaned his forehead to hers. "I can't," he whispered, lifting one shoulder.
"It's all right." Her grasp slid up and down his sides comfortingly. "I love you. It's okay."
It was awhile before he stood, pulling her with him and against his chest. She nestled into him and soaked up his heat, carding her fingers through his loose curls. "I- I picked out a movie. I think it starts soon." He held her hand as he walked towards the living room.
The analog TV sounded with bells and strings as Y/N got a blanket from the bed. She scurried to him and saw the names Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire flash on the screen. Of course, she thought. He'd picked a romantic musical. After turning off the lamp, she situated herself next to Arthur and draped the cover over them. The opening credits were rolling, but she could feel him watching her instead of the film. Then his touch grazed her bare ankle. She shifted towards him, a smile spreading across her face at the softness of his features. "What?"
His gaze dropped. "I wish I knew how to say how much I love you. Show you somehow."
The lights from the tree were giving his skin a warm glow, and reflected beautifully in his green eyes. She tipped his chin up and kissed him deeply, until they both had to pull away for air. Pink dusted his cheeks and he grinned bashfully, crooked tooth on display. "I know, Arthur." They snuggled closer under the cover and he entwined their hands. "I know."
Since she'd returned to him after Murray, they'd spent an increasing number of nights together. Arthur usually let Y/N sleep as long as she needed. Insisting she wake up with him wouldn't have been fair. She worked hard and the extra hour or two was helpful. But he couldn't hold back Christmas morning.
He made a valiant attempt to pass the time. Really. He'd already shaven, smoked a couple of cigarettes, retrieved her presents, and plugged in the tree. He noticed she'd placed gifts under it, labelled "Arthur" and elegantly wrapped in paper nicer than what he'd been able to pick-up at the drug store. He glided his fingers over them. The corner of his mouth lifted. Written in her script, his name was beautiful.
Thankfully, he was in better sorts than the night before. Enthusiasm for her gripped him. He tip-toed to the bedroom and watched her sleeping form from the doorway. It was still dark - the sun wouldn't be up for another hour - but he could picture what she looked like. Her wet breathing and slight snore meant her pillow had a spot of drool near her mouth. There was a fifty-fifty chance her nightgown had twisted up just beneath her breasts. The blanket may have slipped below her waist, leaving her hip exposed. He knelt next to the bed and palmed the side of her neck, planting kisses to her face until she groaned.
"Your hair tickles," she mumbled. Her arm went around his back and brought him closer. "What time is it?"
"Early." Before standing, he gave her one last peck on the mouth. "But I couldn't wait any longer." He padded to the kitchen to start the french toast they'd decided on.
He was in the middle of cracking eggs when she sat across from him on the other side of the breakfast bar. "It's nice to have someone to celebrate with again," she said, leaning up and forward to peek in his bowl. "I'm happy it's you." He cocked his head at that. She'd had a family before, a sister and brother-in-law. Nieces and nephews. A father. He asked her to elaborate but she shrugged it off. "Just a few rough years. That's all. Don't waste your time on it."
Learning about her was one of the things he liked about having a girlfriend. As sappy as it sounded, even to himself, it made him feel like she was a part of him, and he a part of her. Dr. Sally said open communication was important. If he was going to be a good boyfriend, Y/N should be able to talk to him without fearing he couldn't handle it. He grasped her hand and borrowed her phrase from last night. "You can talk to me." Their gazes met as he ran the pad of his thumb over her knuckles. "I'm okay today."
A wry grin appeared. "Let's just say we've both experienced difficult family situations." She took his fork and finished beating the eggs for him as he turned on the stove. "This is a big step in putting that awfulness behind me."
The way she seemed to understand him, even if she was talking about herself, prompted him to clear his throat. "Me, too." He dipped the bread in the bowl, then placed it in the frying pan.
When they were finished eating (it'd been so much better than the casserole she'd made, and he'd never had real maple syrup before), Y/N poured them both more coffee and made her way to the living room. Arthur offered to turn on the news, aware she was still waiting for coverage on the Wayne Foundation case, but she waved dismissively. "I don't want to think about that today. God knows I already think about it too much."
They took turns opening gifts, sitting on the floor by the tree, close enough for him to feel the heat she was emanating. Y/N immediately opened her chocolate Santa and broke off a piece for him. The musk oil perfume he'd picked up for her at Helm's Pharmacy had been on sale for $1.79, and he was grateful he'd remembered to remove the price tag before wrapping it. She dabbed it on her wrist. It was different on her than it was in the bottle, a bit stronger than expected. But she was wearing something he'd given her, so it was lovely nonetheless. Her favorite of the three presents seemed to be the old, tapered, white vase he'd found. She needed it, he explained. That time he'd given her a rose, she'd stuck it in a drinking glass.
What he'd given her were simple trinkets, born out of a vague idea of what women were supposed to like. Despite her apparent delight and the kisses she'd bestowed on him after opening each one, they felt inadequate compared to what she gave him. There was a teal sweater, one she claimed would bring out (in her words) his "beautiful eyes." He pulled it on over his thermal shirt, tags and all. She'd gotten him a book on comedy writing. He wasn't sure how to take that - had she decided his jokes weren't very good? But then she told him she expected more material for his next stand-up show.
Picking up the last gift, he studied it with mock seriousness. Its shape and weight gave away it was a record, but he had no idea which one. They often enjoyed quiet evenings with his collection of older standards, but she preferred more modern songs. Maybe it was an attempt to introduce him to what she liked. He'd gladly listen to it, at least once. He peeled the pretty paper back and exhaled sharply. The LP was old, the cover worn. It was the soundtrack to Modern Times, a film he'd caught once or twice and loved the music of. Holding it to his chest, he murmured a quiet, "Thank you." Eagerly, he got up and put it on, letting the orchestra and his love for her wash over him, soothe his battered soul.
Y/N followed and splayed a hand on the small of his back. "Gotham Pops played this at the Wayne benefit last month." Giggling, she tousled his hair. "I spent the evening wishing you were next to me. It would have been nice to show you off, all dressed up and handsome." He stiffened for a second, wondering if he should tell her he had been there. If he should practice the honesty he'd been working on since Murray. Perhaps knowing he'd accompanied her, in his own way, would please her. But she interrupted his thoughts before he could speak. "The Christmas parade starts in an hour. We should go now if you still want to see it. Neither of us are very tall - we need a good spot." Her lips brushed his ear. "I brought an extra hat and mittens for you."
He spun to face her as he nodded, and she nuzzled at his nose and sighed. The wide smile she wore halted his breath. It would have been nice if this hadn't been his only real Christmas. If his first thirty-five years hadn't been a cruel joke, a tragedy. But he was glad to have this taste of happiness with her.
He hadn't longed for a paralegal from another part of the country, a woman who couldn't dance well and never guessed the punchlines of his jokes. But what he was about to say was true all the same. He cupped her face and kissed her firmly. "You're the one I always wanted," he whispered against her. "Merry Christmas, Y/N." The words felt unnatural - he was unsure when he had last said them.
The love in her look let him know he'd done all right. "You're the man I never knew I needed. And I do, Arthur." He closed his eyes at her embrace, laying his cheek against her temple as she cuddled into him. "Merry Christmas, Mr. Fleck." Her next sentence and the touch of her mouth to his jaw made him shiver. "Maybe next year we won't have to choose whose apartment will have the tree."
Tag list (Let me know if you want to be added!): @harmonioussolve​ @ithinkimaperson​ @sweet-nothings04​ @stephieraptorr​ @rommies​ @fallenstarsabyss​ @gruffle1​ @octopus-plasma​  @tsukiakarinobara​ @arthur-flecks-lovely-smile​
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tony-starkrogers · 6 years
The Massive SteveTony Rec List
Welcome to my Fairly Comprehensive, Ridiculously Long SteveTony Fic Recs, aka my collection of pretty much nearly everything I’ve read and loved so far over the years. This fandom is lucky enough to have some truly brilliant and dedicated authors, and I’m always discovering new fics to love, so I thought I’d share some of them with you! Fics will be sorted alphabetically tbh just because I suck at sorting stuff? Some of my personal forever-faves will be marked with ♡. This is by no means all of the fics this fandom has to offer, but if you’re new to the fandom, this should give you a good place to start, and if you’ve been a SteveTony shipper for a while, hopefully you’ll find something new! And if you do have a favorite fic that’s not on the list, please add it to the comments or rec it to me (because who doesn’t need more fics)!
Here’s just a few GREAT resources to check out if you’re looking for Even More fic recs:
@sabrecmcstonyficrecs - I mean, sabre is basically THE fandom resource? Any and all fic you’re looking for you’ll likely find here. ||| @findingstony - if you’re looking for a particular fic and don’t remember where you found it, look here first! ||| @cap-ironman - the place to go, especially for brand new fics! the fandom lives here ||| @nasaficsrecs - many good fic recs ||| @ishipallthings many wonderful rec lists ||| @sineala - the place to go if you are at all interested in 616 SteveTony or really anything in the 616 comics universe
I have lots of fics bookmarked on ao3: my bookmarks! You can also check out my other fic rec lists, and my general fic rec tag. Also while you’re at it maybe check out some of my fics?
And here are the recs! (under the cut.) Have fun reading and be sure to show your authors some love with kudos and comments!!!
♡ 1796 Broadway by rainproof, teaberryblue - M | 460,220 words
Captain America respectfully requests that all complaints be addressed to him in writing. On paper, the nice old-fashioned way, because the computer screen hurts his eyes.
Put your phone down, Tony.
absence makes the heart by fantalaimon - G | 4,835 words
“One night,” Tony says, and just flies himself bodily into one of the canary yellow beekeepers like a red and gold battering ram. “I ask for one measly night. One single goddamn night with my boyfriend—”
“Oh, is the boyfriend label on now?” Clint asks over the comms.
A Higher Form of War by sabrecmc - M | 292,114 words
Tony is a King with a surprising number of people out to kill him. Steve and the rest of the Avengers are fighting for Pierce's rebellion and end up with Tony as their prisoner. Oops.
A New Way For Us by ann2who - M | 24,435 words
They fight Thanos—and they’re losing. And before Tony knows what’s happening, he’s standing with Doctor Strange in front of the Eye of Agamotto and gets send back in time. Can he find a way to fix things this time around, or are they doomed to fall apart all over again?
♡ A Partial Dictionary Of The 21st Century By Captain Steve Rogers, US Army by copperbadge - E | 13,888 words
Steve is adapting well to the new millennium, and he has the dictionary to prove it.
age is an irrational number by valtyr - E | 8,749 words
Steve and Tony grow old together.
♡ All Roads Lead To by theappleppielifestyle - G | 13,155 words
After Obadiah's betrayal, Tony hides in the depths of the Midwest to become a mechanic.
The Avengers come into his life anyway.
All These Things I've Said by Amuly - M | 5,840 words
When Tony starts talking in a language Steve can't understand--the language of science--Steve figures he'll retaliate with a little foreign language knowledge of his own. Only once he starts speaking French around Tony, Steve finds that sometimes it's easier to say what he really wants to say to Tony in a language he can't understand.
Good thing Tony doesn't know French.
And The Void Would Be Calling. by jadedoll - E | 17,721 words
Tony could be suffering from amnesia, a hitch-hiker from a parallel dimension, a ghost or maybe a time-traveller. He's sure he could work out the answer if Steve would just stop pretending he was Tony's boyfriend.
♡ As Sharp As Any Thorn by RurouniHime - E | 47,027 words
It’s four days to Christmas, there’s a city in shambles, and the nation is in mourning because of the actions of a single man.
♡ Be No Stranger (All Your Saints and Soldiers Remix) by jibrailis - T | 5,973 words
That's the twenty-first century love song, baby. Glitz and glamour and every one of us is a liar.
Bizarre Love Triangle by panickyintheuk - T | 1,929 words
Once the idea was in his head, he’d started picking up on all kinds of things, like the way Stark talked about Iron Man with such affection, and seemed to share so many of his mannerisms, and was constantly working on ways of improving the suit. It was obvious.
Blank Slate - A Tony Stark Mystery by navaan - T | 25,381 words
He doesn’t remember who he is or who his friends are, but he knows he’s in a Nazi prison and needs to get away. He doesn’t remember anything about Captain America either, but the man seems to be the kind of guy you trust.And apparently they share more history than meets the eye at first glance.
♡ But Loving Him Is Red by theappleppielifestyle - Not Rated | 25,524 words
"It is- it is not just destined, Steve Rogers. It will reach through the decades, through entire universes if it has to. It will scour the galaxies without rest until the two of you are standing next to each other. Migardians- Migardians call them soulmates, I believe."
♡ Captain America, Undone by laireshi - M | 2,818 words
Steve thinks he can seduce Tony before Tony seduces him. He's very, very wrong.
♡ Captain !@#$*%& America by Wordsplat - T | 8,093 words
The first time Tony hears Steve swear, he's pretty sure it's a dream. The second time is a lot harder to dismiss, considering it's the middle of the afternoon and they're both clearly awake. After that, what else can Tony do but use science to get to the bottom of it?
Catching Lightning in a Bottle by sabrecmc - M | 120,650 words
College student Tony meets janitor Steve at MIT and they fall blissfully in love, until Howard happens and things fall apart. One divorce paperwork snafu courtesy of the ever-helpful Jarvis, and ten years later, Tony has to get re-divorced from Steve.
This does not go as he imagines.
♡ Cherry Ride by copperbadge - E | 12,318 words
A SHIELD agent named Roger Stevens told Tony that his nickname was "Cap". Tony didn't connect the dots until it was much, much too late.
♡ Counterpart by sara_holmes - M | 217,400 words
coun•ter•part [koun-ter-pahrt] [noun] 1. a person or thing closely resembling another, especially in function. 2. a copy; duplicate. 3. one of two parts that fit, complete, or complement one another.
Just because Hydra used the DNA of a Captain America from another dimension to create a lab-grown, six-year-old super-soldier, it doesn't mean that said six-year old super-soldier is biologically Steve's, right?
(Where Steve wants to ban Clint from bringing things home from alternative dimensions, until he doesn't.)
Dangerous Kitchen Tools by ladyshadowdrake - E | 18,330 words
Engineering prodigy, billionaire, and heir to the Stark Industries empire, Tony Stark turned the business world on its head by opening a restuarant and burying himself in the kitchen. Years later, he covers an informal evening cooking class for his friend and fellow molecular gastronomist, Bruce Banner, where he meets famously camera-shy comic artist Steve Rogers.
♡ Dazed and Confused by tsukinofaerii - M | 4,160 words
Captain America has a great many duties that need careful attention. He has to... uh... That thing where... Wow, Tony's pants are awfully tight, aren't they?
Dear Tony, by sirona - T | 5,925 words
Once the dust after what no one is referring to as "The Break-up" has settled, Steve starts writing and doesn't seem to know how to stop.
"death by coffee" and other search queries by goodmorningbeloved - T | 2,841 words
In which Steve's feelings are hopelessly obvious through his Google searches. JARVIS decides to step in.
Deep in the Heart of Me by Finely Honed (jaqen_hgar) - E | 255,926 words
There were days when the realization that he was someone’s father made Steve's head hurt, but mostly he was grateful that he could trust his instincts, because apparently Peter was what had been missing from his life. Yes, he still had lingering, unresolved issues from his time in the Army, and sure, he had what Bucky annoyingly referred to as a criminally untapped ass, and no life outside of work and Peter, but Steve was okay with how his life had turned out because of trusting his instincts.
Unfortunately, those same instincts had straight up betrayed him by going absolutely haywire upon being exposed to Tony Stark.
Do It Over by Sineala - T | 1,999 words
The last words your soulmate says to you are written on your skin, and you won't know who they are until they die. The thing is, Steve and Tony die a lot.
♡ don't know why it took me so long to see by goodmorningbeloved - M | 11,209 words
“Oh, watch this,” Natasha says, propping her chin against her knuckles and turning a sweet gaze on him. “Tony, what’s it like dating a superhero?”Tony bristles in irritation. “We’re not dating,” he snaps. “Captain America probably thinks he can get into anyone’s pants just ‘cause he’s got a mask, costume, and reputation, but not me, buddy. That shield? Gotta be overcompensating for something.” He adds, a bit petulantly, “Oh, and all that blue? Definitely more Steve’s color than his.”-
In which Tony is a genius in all matters except recognizing his boyfriend past a mask.
♡ Emanata (The Comics Will Break Your Heart Remix) by teaberryblue - T | 29,720 words
Steve Rogers has the opportunity to fulfill his childhood dreams of becoming a comic artist when eccentric billionaire, superhero patron, and obsessive comic enthusiast Tony Stark offers him a job drawing Iron Man.
But Tony Stark has no idea that Steve Rogers is really Captain America, the newest member of the Avengers.
And Iron Man has no idea that Captain America is really Steve Rogers, up-and-coming comic book artist.
And Steve doesn't know what to do about the fact that he's falling head over heels for them both.
♡ Engaging the Enemy by tsukinofaerii - T | 22,823 words
Iron Man is one of the more persistent villains that the Ultimates face, with a special fondness for one Captain America. As Steve starts to findout more and more about him, the lines between hero and villain begin to blur. Sometimes, you don't have to be on the right side of the law to be in the right.
even if the brain has forgotten, perhaps the teeth remember (or the fingers) by theappleppielifestyle - G | 8,906 words
Tony gets temporary amnesia.
Some things are clearer without his preconceptions dragging him down.
♡ Even My Phone Misses Your Call by rainbowninja167 - E | 10,869 words
Steve makes it all the way to Ohio before conceding that the post-Chitauri road trip might’ve been a mistake.
Or, ten times Steve has to call Tony to come pick him up.
Even Tony Can't Resist Puppy Love by Wordsplat - T | 7,766 words
In which there is a dinner bet, a com line confession, and, as usual, Loki's magical hijinks make Tony's life unnecessarily difficult.
Fairy Godmother by Amuly - T | 5,186 words
Auntie Peggy has been telling Tony stories about Captain America his whole life. Only problem is, the real thing just about measures up to the stories. Which means, of course, that Aunt Peg has to go to work, because an Aunt's work is never done.
Favorable Winds by RurouniHime - T | 2,056 words
Steve’s voice comes from behind, a sigh and a thump as his own pack hits the floor. “Sam. Meet Tony Stark.”
Follow in Your Footsteps by Sineala - T | 6,788 words
When Tony is twelve, his soulmate's name appears on his wrist. Unfortunately, it's hard to find out anything at all about Steve Rogers.
It turns out there's a reason for that.
Formerly by laireshi - T | 13,620 words
A week ago, he touched Steve at night. A week ago, he kissed him. A week ago, Steve kissed him back.
(A week ago Steve was dead, and Tony deleted his brain.)
The Foodieverse (series) by copperbadge, scifigrl47 - works G-T | 130,326 words in series
It's an AU where everyone works in the food industry. That makes total sense and is definitely not wildly irrational on any axis.
♡ Get Some Now by Sineala - T | 10,376 words
Avengers Mansion has a mysterious feline infestation. Meanwhile, Steve just can't figure out how to ask Tony out on a date. And the thirteen teleporting cats sure aren't helping matters any.
♡ Going on a Ride (series) by theappleppielifestyle - Not Rated | 14,306 words in series
"You want to take me for a ride on your motorcycle," Tony repeats, slow so he can process it as he’s saying it, "because you think my glasses are cute."
Hashtag Finally by Wordsplat - T | 15,208 words
Tony doesn't ever actually ask the Avengers to move into his house, steal his wifi, eat all his food, and become the best family he's ever known. They do it anyway.
How To Be a Truly Terrible Wingman by Wordsplat - M | 11,721 words
Prompt: "We were both playing wingman for our friends who have now decided to go home together, and after five minutes of conversation we fucking hate each other. Let’s bang it out."
♡ How To Excel At Supervillainy (and lose your heart to America) by Zekkass - E | 13,531 words
And that's how Tony's supervillainy hobby got way way way complicated.
♡ How to Lose a Super Soldier in One Easy Step by and_backagain, jibrailis - E | 18,248 words
Rogers jerks backwards, shock registering on his face, and Tony thinks, welcome back to the land of the living, Cap, looks like you're sticking around.
Or, a Pushing Daisies AU.
♡ I (created from fantasies) exist solely for you by Mizzy - T | 62,917 words
Six years ago, without the Avengers Initiative there to save the day, scientist Dr. Eric Selvig sacrificed himself to save the world, the almighty demi-god Thor was lost to a terrible storm, and vigilante Iron Man – spotted with a nuclear weapon trying to take advantage of the situation – was forever labelled an enemy of SHIELD.
This is a comic book office AU, where Steve is defrosted a year too late, Thor has forgotten who he is, and no one knows Tony is Iron Man. Also includes: office pranks, inappropriate post-it notes, and superheroes who like pina coladas and getting caught in the rain
Indecent Proposal by gyzym, Siria - T | 2,592 words
On the plus side, marriage is bound to be easier than proposing.
i stole the keys to this guy by kellifer_fic - M | 6,007 words
Where it was Nick Fury's idea, but he didn't mean it like that
♡ In Which Tony Stark Builds Himself Some Friends (But His Family Was Assigned by Nick Fury) (series) by scifigrl47 - works rated T-M | 343,010 words
Steve takes things like personal responsibility and respect seriously. Tony's got people he pays to take care of that kind of thing, and anyway, he's pretty sure that he's going to die of some exotic disease in his workshop, because Dummy's still a little spotty about what is 'clean' enough to put on an open wound. The rest of the Avengers are in this for personal gain, except for Clint, he just enjoys being a dick.
And some things shouldn't be a chore.
♡ i will never stop losing my breath (every time i see you looking back at me) by theappleppielifestyle - G | 3,222 words
In all fairness, Tony is on autopilot when this happens. He’s had a long, hard day, and it’s possible he hasn’t slept in several long, hard days. He’s already half-asleep on the couch and he’s relaxed and happy, which is a rarity on its’ own, and he’s comfortable enough to let his guard down and get his body to do all the work without switching his brain on.
That should’ve been enough of a warning sign, but apparently not: Tony stretches, says goodnight to his teammates and gets varied responses back, and then he kisses Steve.
He only realizes what he’s done after he’s started to lean back, opening his eyes to see Steve’s blown wide, staring at Tony with his lips gone slack and a tiny furrow between his eyebrows.
if they be worthy by theappleppielifestyle - Not Rated | 824 words
Everyone's staring, and Tony isn't awake enough to do anything but gape dumbly at the hammer in his hand."Huh," he says."Seconded," Steve says through his toast. "Tasha, go tell Coulson another one of us can pick it up."
♡ Last Train Home by erde - T | 10,983 words
Steve writes letters to Tony that he never sends. By the time he hands them to their rightful owner, Tony has had a brush with death, has retired as a superhero, and now has a small town workshop of his very own. But it's okay, Steve has gone into retirement too.
Like Gene Kelly in the Movies by lyra_wing - M | 11,449 words
Everything Tony Stark does is a dance. And it's super confusing for Steve.
Like Sunlight by sara_holmes - M | 8,309 words
Steve is used to the way it feels by now; a strange but gentle tugging connection under his sternum, warm tingles in his skin whenever they touch. That is, until Tony gets himself kidnapped. Then it kinda feels more like someone is trying to wrench his heart out through his ribcage.
Looking for Heaven by foxxcub - E | 31,950 words
When young Lord Anthony Stark learns Steven Rogers has enlisted in the army, he thinks he's seen the last of his tiny, headstrong, haughty stable boy. But four years later, Lord Stark gets an unexpected visit from Steve, whose mother has fallen gravely ill and into financial ruin. Even more unexpected, Steve agrees to a shocking proposal: they will marry, giving Steve the necessary funds to save his mother, and Tony the much-needed reprieve from harassing would-be suitors. It is a business arrangement, nothing more. But as time goes on and circumstances arise, Tony begins to learn that keeping his heart away from his husband is easier said than done.
♡ Love in a Time of Amnesia by Amuly - T | 6,241 words
Carol might have lost all her memories of her friends, but there's at least one thing she can know with absolute certainty: Steve and Tony are a couple. And if the rest of the Avengers insist on saying they're not, well: Carol will just have to put her amnesia to use, for the greater good.
♡ L☆VE by copperbadge - M | 3,773 words
Steve's favorite shirt is at the center of a debate about masculinity, sexuality, and whether or not he did in fact steal it like a thief in the night from Tony.
♡ Meet Your Heroes by Wordsplat - M | 4,130 words
Tony gets rescued by a highly concerned, very handsy Captain America. This is confusing for a number of reasons.
Momentary Paws (or, DO NOT WANT) by velithya - T | 16,834 words
♡ Mr. July by jibrailis - E | 10,065 words
Tony is the only one who can defend Steve's virtue. Tony hates his life.
♡ Neanderthals In Tights (Also Known As a Football Game) by Wordsplat - T | 3,228 words
In which Tony supports Steve at his first big football game, with guest appearances by an exasperated Pepper and an embarrassed Bruce, because yeah, okay, maybe Tony's not really one hundred percent clear on the rules of this game. Why, exactly, are a bunch of neanderthals tackling his boyfriend again?
one hundred percent skill, fifty percent luck by kellifer_fic - T | 7,418 words
Where there is a poker game, a v-card and general misunderstandings
Orbiter Dictum by schmevil - T | 7,357 words
Steve is at the sink, washing the few dishes that pizza for two generates, when he realizes that Tony is in love with him.
Our Weight In Gold by ann2who - E | 33,607 words
It was every cliché he’d ever heard about. Every sappy thing they wrote down in the magazines, every single thing he had always hated about the myth. It was as though he had experienced life without sight, and was suddenly bombarded by a storm of color. It was all-consuming, and rushing through his veins like molten lava, like his whole existence was suddenly filled with sunlight. A door opened, and a myriad of emotions stormed through his body: confusion, disbelief, loneliness, and so much fierce determination that it almost knocked Tony off his feet. And he understood then, understood that these emotions weren’t his. They were Rogers’.
This is a story about fate, self-doubt, choice and eventually—love.
Over Sea, Under Stars by vorkosigan - T | 36,651 words
Tony gets the phone, but he never uses it and he never intends to. Or, he doesn’t until Steve starts texting him, asking strange questions about medication and mental health, which is when Tony gets worried.
♡ Phil Coulson's Case Files of the Toasterverse - works rated mostly G-T, | 287,890 words in series
Short stories from the Toasterverse
Place Your Bets by RurouniHime - M | 35,999 words
Steve Rogers may or may not have just picked up a prostitute. This may or may not be Tony Stark’s fault.
♡ Pulse, Beat, and Measure (series) by Sineala - E | 134,095 words in series
Two men. Two worlds. Life during wartime.
Ready, Fire, Aim (series) by gyzym - M | 63,019 words in series
There's no "I" in "Avenger."
♡ Relativistic Heat Conduction (series) by BlossomsintheMist - E | 70,484 words in series
Age of Ultron-based, but not entirely canon compliant. Written for the 2013 Cap-Iron Man Reverse Big Bang. Ultron has attacked, obliterating most of the world's superheroes and resistance in a matter of hours. The remaining heroes band together and share what strength they have to get through it, to survive, and defeat Ultron once and for all. Steve Rogers grieves in the wake of the disaster and the heroes' defeat, and no one knows if he will be able to provide the leadership they need--but Tony Stark isn't about to let him slip away that easily.
♡ Rom-Commed By Fate (Or JARVIS) by leashy_bebes - E | 14,387 words
The best thing about being an Artificial Intelligence is the ability to parse, filter and modify the things people say until you've got the cause to do exactly what you wanted in the first place. Or, in which JARVIS cock blocks Tony into having an actual relationship.
♡ Run Program: {x} by Amuly - M | 19,728 words
Taking care of Tony is a lot of work. Especially when you’ve only got one arm. And your code dates back to the 1980s.
♡ Secrets of a Successful Marriage by valtyr - E | 24,118 words
Tony Stark lives a double life; he's secretly the supervillain known as Iron Man. But his loving husband Steve has a few secrets of his own, as Tony is about to discover.
♡ SexyMechanic70 by Potrix - T | 2,449 words
“SexyMechanic70,” Natasha reads aloud, nodding approvingly.“Sounds promising,” Clint offers.“And look,” Bucky adds, “he didn’t even send a dick pic! And he praised your sketch which, by the way, is a totally lame icon choice.”Steve snatches his phone back, batting Bucky’s hands away when he struggles to reach for it again. “Cut it out,” he grouses. “Also, excuse me for not posting a picture of my abs.”“A true tragedy,” Sam sighs, earning himself an indignant squawk from Bucky and a betrayed look from Steve. “What? I’m just saying. They’re great abs.”“True,” Nat hums and bumps the fist Clint is holding out to her.
♡ Sixpence In His Shoe by scifigrl47 - M | 103,682 words
Steve and Tony should really read the fine print on what they're signing. Then again, some mistakes are not really mistakes.
♡ Soul Bomb by copperbadge - T | 1,944 words
Suddenly everyone in Manhattan has someone else's voice in their head. Tony got Steve's, for his sins.
♡ Stand Back, I'm Going To Try Science by Good_News_Everyone - T | 2,123 words
Soulmates are a rare and cherished thing, a simple touch of hands bringing love that lasts forever. By all the rules of romance, they're meant to wait for each other and to trust in the vagaries of fate to bring them together. Tony's never been good at waiting, and when he has science on his side, who needs fate?
♡ Start as You Mean to Go On by BlackEyedGirl - E | 2,612 words
Tony gets that the others think this is an ego thing - the way he can’t resist pushing Steve’s buttons. Honest-to-God, the guy just bugs him. Mostly because Steve is distractingly perfect, but a little bit because of the family history.
♡ Steve Rogers Is (Not) A Morning Person by theappleppielifestyle - Not Rated | 1,161 words
Dream, Steve decides. With that comforting knowledge, Steve takes Tony's face in his hands and kisses him.
(Spoilers: it isn't a dream.)
Steve Rogers Takes Offense and the World Gets Schooled by RurouniHime - T | 2,463 words
In which Steve has no idea how that got up on BuzzFeed (aka, because some people don't respond to anything but the direct approach.)
♡ Syzygy (a Kludged Together remix) by Mizzy - T | 20,198 words
When Tony Stark cut Steve Rogers' morning jog short to join him on a reconnaissance mission off the East Coast, Tony sure wasn’t expecting to end up stuck on a life raft in the middle of the ocean, Steve's hand knuckle-deep in his chest.
♡ Tales of the Bots by scifigrl47 (series) - most works rated M | 523,654 words
When Tony Stark was seventeen years old, he built his first AI. On that day, he ceased to be his father's creation, and became a creating force in his own right.
That one act likely saved his life, and not always in the most obvious ways.
The Best Policy by cylobaby27 - M | 22,724 words
Tony Stark breezes through life on bluster and bullshit. When he gets hit by a truth spell, he locks himself away in his workshop so he can find a way to reverse it without anyone finding out. So why can't he say no when Steve keeps asking to spend time with him?
♡ the family you choose by theappleppielifestyle - Not Rated | 7,385 words
“Just who exactly was my son making out with in a closet?”
“Tony Stark.”Huh.“You might know him,” Fury continues, and Sarah nods, furiously biting at her cheek so she doesn’t do something awful, like giggle.
♡ The Forever-Nighter by Wordsplat - T | 10,172 words
When Rhodey decides that Tony's been slacking lately and drags him along to the gym, Tony's fully prepared to duck right back out the door the first time Rhodey turns around. Then he sees Hot Blond Guy.
♡ The Last Love Song of Anthony E. Stark by jibrailis - M | 42,327 words
After contracting an Asgardian virus, Tony starts forgetting things. And people. And Steve.
♡ The Opposite of a Problem by Sineala - T | 2,490 words
"I promise to love, honor, and probably not obey you, and, uh, take you as my totally-unlawfully-wedded husband, in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, until death do us part, or for at least the next seventy-two hours."
(Or: Tony and Steve get fake-married for the sake of the mission.)
♡ The Tchotchke Cha Cha by Arukou - T | 7,269 words
What started off as one impulse buy souvenir snowballs into a constant flow of knickknacks from all over the world, and Steve is starting to wonder if it's more than just Tony being nice.
♡ The Twice-Told Tale by arysteia - E | 15,789 words
For someone he'd hero-worshipped for so long, Steve Rogers in the flesh is a pretty big disappointment. For one thing, he keeps looking at Tony as though he reminds him of someone else, and even if he never says anything, Tony's pretty sure it's his father. A lifetime of not measuring up to Howard's expectations is more than enough, thank you very much, and he's certainly not going to make an effort to live up to any of Steve's. Steve's pretty clearly failed to live up to his expectations, in any case, and that's not hypocritical at all.
Think of This as Solving Problems (That Should Never Have Occurred) by Sineala - T | 35,216 words
No one knows Tony is Iron Man. Then Tony gets amnesia, and literally no one knows Tony is Iron Man.
♡ Toasted Buns by copperbadge, scifigrl47 - E | 47,044 words
After seeing Tony naked and tanned -- all over -- in a decontamination shower, Steve realizes he may be in trouble. Tony, meanwhile, is definitely in trouble over those tabloid pictures of him sunbathing nude. The solution is clearly a tropical island getaway.
♡ Tony Stark Falls In Love With A Cat by shellhead - M | 6,887 words
When Steve goes missing, Tony ends up finding him at an animal shelter. Volunteering.
♡ Tony Stark and the Super Sleeper, or actually, Soldier by RurouniHime - T | 8,571 words
The one where Steve keeps falling asleep on Tony.
♡ Tony Stark Takes a Liberty and the Universe Thanks Him by RurouniHime - T | 1,512 words
In which people think they are entitled to Steve Roger's face (aka, because tomorrow is coming, and I hold out hope, Supreme Court.)
♡ Toy Soldiers by copperbadge - E | 44,241
When Steve Rogers, five foot four and a hundred and ten pounds, met Tony Stark in a bar, he didn't expect it to lead to a relationship. Or that Tony would find out he's not an art student during a SHIELD rescue mission in Afghanistan.
♡ Truth by valtyr - E | 2,677 words
Captain America takes truth serum. Tony is all over that.
♡ Two Out of Three (Ain't Bad) by plingo_kat - T | 9,449 words
It blindsides him one morning in the middle of his customary third cup of coffee; Steve walks through the door in loose cotton pants, shirt pulled up to wipe the sweat off his face from his usual morning workout, and Tony thinks: adorable.
♡ Unveil My Unsightly Heart by Mizzy - M | 43,019 words
Looking over an old prototype helicarrier for its future viability as a base for the Avengers should have just been a routine day full of bickering and non-adventure for Steve Rogers and Tony Stark.
But when they're catapulted into an alternate universe – where their alternate selves are married and battling with a mysterious threat – the two are forced to get over their differences in order to figure out what's going on, before it's too late.
Because there's more going on than meets the eye, and Steve and Tony falling in love might just be the most dangerous thing that can happen. Not just for one universe, but for all of them…
Wait & Sea by Lenalena - E | 53,244 words
In which Tony and Steve get sent on an undercover mission aboard a cruise ship to make contact with Hydra. In this AU the military has kept the discovery and defrosting of Captain America a secret, so Steve and Tony have never met before. Yet they are to pose as newlyweds....
Wash It All Away by ann2who - E | 8,634 words
Steve hummed, looking up at him. “All right. Strip.” Tony blinked at him. “Excuse me?” “Can’t very well wash your clothes while you wear ‘em,” he said and held out a hand expectantly.
What You Don't Know by Sineala - E | 9,808 words
In 1941, two strangers meet in a bar. And then Captain America meets Iron Man. And then Steve Rogers meets Tony Stark. They get it right. Eventually. And also they fall out of an airplane.
♡ when i run out of road, you bring me home by quidhitch - M | 18,466 words
“Oh, I won’t bother you.” The tone of Steve’s voice implies that he definitely will be bothering Tony, aggressively and frequently. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll keep to my farm, you keep to yours. Solitude together.”
Tony opens his mouth to argue that that’s not how this works, but he snaps it shut at the realization that Steven Grant Rogers is fucking with him. That twinkle in his eye has accelerated into a full-on glimmer, and the ends of his lips are twitching. Jesus, he hates this man. Or maybe he wishes he did. Tony can’t really tell the difference anymore.
♡ When I think about you by sirona - E | 11,955
Five times someone saw Steve sass the hell out of Tony and one time Tony finally bought a clue. Also known as the story of Captain Sasspants more than handling his own with Tony Stark at his most devious.
♡ When I Think (Oh, it Terrifies Me) by celli - E | 8,641 words
Look, some mornings you wake up and little green men are invading New York City; some mornings you wake up and you can hear Captain America's voice in your head. Tony has been an Avenger long enough that he saves his freakout for important things.
♡ will we ever say the words we're feeling by theappleppielifestyle - Not Rated | 1,673 words
He breaks off then, the realization of what he’s just revealed finally hitting him, and he stops, and Tony’s still staring.
(Or, Steve and Tony argue and Steve lets something slip.)
♡ With Words Other Than These by RurouniHime - E | 14,690 words
The way Steve’s beating that bag, though—Tony traces the cadence as well as the lines of Steve’s body, and wonders if he might not need to know about the mission after all. There’s a lot of tension knotted in Steve’s shoulders, a frenzy to each punch. The precision lacks. Maybe Steve’s just getting started, and if that’s the case, Tony could be here a long, long while.
with you by laireshi - M | 3,108 words
Sometimes Steve gets overwhelmed by how much he loves Tony.
Your Name on Every Wall by Sineala - T | 17,863 words
The Time Gem throws Steve into the past rather than the future, and in doing so, it gives him the opportunity to undo his past mistakes. But when it turns out that all of his mistakes involve Tony Stark, Steve begins to wonder if he's ever going to be able to mend things between them.
Hey, the list did have to end at some point! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed these recs!
Tagging some people who might be interested:
@divine529, @sabrecmcstonyficrecs, @sineala, @ishipallthings, @itsallavengers, @nasafic, @estebanrxgers, @starksnstripes, @goodmorningbeloved, @goose-danvers
621 notes · View notes
davidmann95 · 6 years
A different theory on the Master of Masters’ Identity
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The consensus at this point has definitely settled on that the Master of Masters is someone we know - when Back Cover dropped I would’ve guessed he was a whole new figure, but in the wake of what III pulls at the end I’d say it’s reached a point where he’s probably gotta be a familiar face for it to feel like he’s been appropriately set up (though I’d also kind of dig if he was simply a resident of the ‘realistic’ world of Verum Rex who was screwing with the Disney fairytaleland). At this point, the two big theories are that it’s a time-travelling eeeeeeevil future Sora or that Demyx has been pulling a very, very long con, and while I’m not sure if either or both of them started as a joke (I swear I recall ‘evil future Sora’ being an idea tossed around for multiple mysterious figures in the past), they’ve got serious traction now.
I’m sort of ignoring the possibility of Demyx here; consider that a parallel track to what I’m thinking, as opposed to Sora which I’ll discuss a bit directly as a compare-and-contrast with my theory. I actually think it’s not totally unreasonable, but after Luxu, it’d be real, REAL hard to pull that particular trick and not have it feel like it was coming up with diminishing returns. Not impossible, but hard. And for that matter I think it being Sora could also work; if nothing else it’d be interesting to see how that guy of all people gets from THAT point A to THAT point B, which I suppose is the core of the appeal.
But assuming a couple of givens - that it’s someone we know, that the Master of Masters is indeed a very, very bad guy even if he’s doing what he’s doing for what he might consider good reasons, and that he’s either the endgame opponent of the entire franchise or that he’ll play a critical role in said finale - while I’d agree he’s a time-traveler who’s broken bad (in a series so much about growing up, what’s a better final opponent than the threat that you ‘grow up’ in all the worst, most cynical ways?), I don’t think he’s Sora.
I think the Master of Masters is more likely to be Riku.
I’ll list off what I’ve got below in two categories, the first being evidence. I don’t think I’ve got any real indisputable smoking guns here, but to be fair, unless you consider MoM and Demyx both pointing at people to be a clincher neither does anyone else, and I’d at least say there’s enough that if I’m right people won’t really be able to say that it wasn’t appropriately seeded, with one or two points I think really do solidly support Riku in a way that doesn’t quite fit with anyone else that we know of. After that, I’ll go into why I think it’s the more interesting option character-wise/thematically.
* Right at the top, regarding the one bit of physical evidence we have: if we’re treating Sora and Riku as the only two serious candidates given only they’d pack the necessary punch, the Master definitely sounds more like an adult version of the latter than the former, at least going by the English voices. For that matter Ray Chase also voices Noctis, clearly the main aesthetic model for Yozora who’s himself repeatedly and explicitly compared in-universe physically to Riku. A stretch, but between Xehanort and Eraqus being Star Wars vs. Star Trek in BBS and then Spider-Man vs. Venom in III, it’s perfectly fair game to declare that Nomura enjoys playing those kinds of meta games with the castings.
* Obviously the Master’s personality doesn’t quite line up with anyone we know, but while his degree of over-the-topness is unique, as is that he speaks like a ‘real’ person instead of a Disney or Final Fantasy character (and given Xigbar, Genie, and Hades all act a lot wittier and more casual than the other characters and the Master’s probably in that 1000+ year old club too, we might be able to assume that’s just a trait it takes awhile to pick up in the universe of Kingdom Hearts), most of his other traits can be traced back to Sora or Riku. He’s playful and encouraging like the former, sarcastic and biting and full of himself like the latter used to be. It’s been acknowledged more than once that the two have been picking up each others’ personality traits, with Riku picking up some of Sora’s exuberance and free-spiritedness (though he noticeably tended towards the expressive, dramatic side all on his own when lost in his own darkness) while it’s hard not to imagine Sora’s gotten some of his snark in his attempts at being more like Riku. But the big Master of Masters personality thing when he’s actually apparently being sincere and serious? That “you ultimately need to do what your heart feels is right”? Sora may be the one to say May Your Heart Be Your Guiding Key after he learned about the phrase, but Riku’s the one who in both II and III argues for the right of allies to seemingly lay down their lives in service of where their hearts guide them.
* Biggie: the Master of Masters has a connection to Dream Eaters, being able to create the Chirithy. Riku’s been one.
* Another biggie: the Master of Masters presumably carries a great deal of light in him, since he’s able to pass among the other inhabitants of Daybreak Town and seems to value it when waxing mournfully about events to come, but given what he goes on to do he surely harbors a great deal of darkness as well. So much so that it would be difficult to not notice, especially in a world where it was an anomaly, unless he was able to hide it where it couldn’t be felt by others. Contained within himself alongside his light, in a way that very pointedly only one character we’ve seen has been able to do.
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* Not as big, but still notable: if there are physical differences between the Master and Riku, or if the Master as some have speculated has lived through the generations by possessing others like Luxu, it’s worth noting Riku’s worn another body before himself.
* A stretch post-III where it turns out acquiring new Keyblades isn’t the biggest deal, but it’s worth pointing out that Riku giving Kairi Destiny’s Embrace is still the only time we’ve seen someone directly give someone a Keyblade the way the Master apparently gave them to the Foretellers, rather than potentially bequeathing one in an Inheritance.
* While the Master is manipulative in general, it’s his treatment of Aced that most clearly stands out as him setting the stage for these friends to tear each other apart, and it’s him playing on his students’ desire for power and significance just as Maleficent once played Riku. If it’s Riku under that hood pulling the strings of impressionable youth, he hardly could have had a better example to follow.
* Speaking of the Foretellers, each of their names corresponds with the Latin title of one of the seven deadly sins. The one that doesn’t belong with one of the six and therefore presumably lies with the Master himself would be Superbia - as eagle-eyed players have noticed partially scrawled on the mysterious Black Box - meaning Pride. And if there’s one sin that most clearly defined Riku at his absolute lowest moment, it’s pride.
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* The Master of Masters acts in a way that suggests he has some manner of not entirely malevolent intentions, even if he’s perfectly willing to use the worst of means to get there. And again, when at his worst, Riku’s the one who tends towards Going Too Far for Good Reasons.
* It can be reasonably assumed the Master has some sort of massive, cosmic role of significance given all these other mighty Keyblade wielders hold him in unquestioning reverence, and while we don’t know what his power might be, it’s presumably tied in some way to Kingdom Hearts. Riku meanwhile was originally going to be the one to receive the Kingdom Key, a blade that, while it hasn’t been directly acknowledged yet, clearly has a connection to the X-Blade, marking him from jump as a figure of tremendous import above perhaps every other major character until he botched it and Sora wound up with that gig.
* Assuming the Master of Masters wants to get at Kingdom Hearts - and of course he does, what else do the villains ever want in these - and’ll get closer than anyone else because he’s the final villain, it means Riku wasn’t wrong in the first game when he said “It’s up to me. Only the Keyblade master can open the secret door and change the world.”
* The Dark Riku alongside Xigbar in the Keyblade Graveyard is the only apparent instance of pair-the-spares when it comes to the villains in the final battle rather than having any thematic connection...unless it’s actually the (offshoot of a past version of the) Master of Masters and Luxu. In fact, including Ansem since he starts off as part of that fight, that brawl would then be a reprise of you battling the first forms encountered by Sora of the three biggest villains in the entire series.
* Speaking of the Dark Riku, his crack about the Mark of Mastery is notable in this context, especially since it comes out of nowhere and Riku doesn’t seem to know entirely what he means. Was that something deliberate?
* And speaking of Xigbar, I’ve already seen fanfics and whatnot centering around Sora-is-the-Master retconning in that Luxu was actually ‘babysitting’ his master’s past self. Worth noting in that light that he spends almost as much time around Riku as Sora: he meets Sora personally face-to-face at the beginning of II and III, but every other time they run into each other it’s when Riku’s right nearby, whether in an upper level of the Castle chamber in their fight in II or fighting both in III or Riku being in Sora’s dream during their DDD confrontation (mostly stuff that’s clearly just meant in the sense of ‘Riku and Xigbar often show up during important plot stuff, of course they’d end up nearby a few times’, but it’d be easy for the creators to retcon as Luxu keeping an eye on him while misdirecting to make it seem like Sora was his real target). But as opposed to his loud, scenery-chewing confrontations with Sora, he was trailing Riku in the Land of Dragons once upon a time - the first time we ever see him face-to-face - quietly in a way that isn’t usually his style even given his noted skill at recon. And if Riku’s the Master, Riku being the last one to say something to him prior to his ‘death’, declaring him unworthy of the Keyblade when a version of him will go on to entrust him with the Keyblade most important to his plans, gets a major charge.
* As someone’s pointed out since, this, which Nomura joked is the sort of thing only the Master of Masters would do (though A Fragmentary Passage really has so far been the odd man out in the secret movies in how little has played out of it; I guess Sora vanishing must have been knowing foreshadowing in retrospect, but a lot of the rest hasn’t come to fruition. Abandoned plans for the series, or ones yet to materialize?).
* Not actually evidence, but if he was the Master then the end of DDD where he mutters to himself “I’m...a Keyblade master?” is another bit that would take on a delightfully ominous air with the benefit of hindsight.
Thematic reasoning
In terms of character, I feel like this opens up considerably more in a much more organic fashion than the possibility of Sora being the big bad. Not that that wouldn’t obviously offer a great deal, but to do so would involve reshaping or inverting a great deal of the character and thematic arcs we’ve seen thus far, while having it all come down to the final fight for Riku’s soul and by extension the world of light as a whole would by contrast do a lot to bring things full circle.
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For starters, in the ‘full circle’ sense, along with Riku being the first major adversary of the series (while Maleficent was pulling the strings, Riku was the one dogging your heels, the rival with a personal stake in the conflict at hand) the most prominent imagery now associated with Xehanort, Luxu, and the Master of Masters began for the players with Riku. The Gazing Eye, the outfit and fighting posture later taken up by Vanitas (a connection that remains tantalizingly unexplored to this day), the dark but unmarked Heart symbol of the X-blade, the very concept that there could be multiple Keyblades; he’s even one of the two we see wearing black cloaks in their first appearance. In the world of the game those are all forces that battered Riku about amidst his fall that had been set in motion before he was even born, but as a story experienced by the players those symbols all trace their origins back to him as the first, most personal antagonist. While he’s redeemed himself about as much as one person possibly could - and I’ll say right here that I think when it comes down to it he’ll grit his teeth and stick to his guns on that rather than becoming whatever the Master is - he is and always will be inextricably linked with the series’ imagery for the forces of darkness in a way no other character can be. Dig down past all the layers of continuity and Norts to the most basic idea of what a Bad Guy is in the world of Kingdom Hearts is, and a possessed Riku in front of Hollow Bastion’s keyhole is what’s waiting at the bottom. Any feasible last boss is already on some level an offshoot of that.
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But that’s just why it would be a nice clean fit in terms of visual symbolism. More substantially, the Master of Masters being a potential future version of him immediately answers the question of what to do with the dude character-wise. Yozora makes it very clear he’s still going to be important going forward, but as III also made clear, his existing character arc has been closed. He’s fought his way back into the light, been willing to sacrifice that light in himself and any hope of returning home to help the friend he once betrayed, still found salvation, came to terms with the person he was and wanted to be, and was recognized as having mastered his power and his heart. His story could in every way that matters be done, but obviously it isn’t, which means there must still be something for him to deal with; something more than saving Sora, which while as serious as it gets is still for him old hat.
(Going into Sora for a bit: him being the Master of Masters could no doubt be fascinating, in the self-reflection it would induce in Sora, in the conceptual scale of the threat, in the horror it would induce in those close to him, and in Riku in being put on the other side of the equation of having to save his friend from himself. But even aside from how radical a departure that would be personality-wise, it’s a prospect that doesn’t really address Sora’s existing fears or flaws. He’s filled with doubt, yes, but regarding his perceived lack of strength rather than a simmering moral rot; his darkness when glimpsed in a few of his forms seems to be something feral rather than actively malevolent, and he already has a plot-significant counterpart to explore the darkness in himself in Vanitas. Perhaps a desire for greater strength to protect his friends could be written as leading to him losing his way to the extent necessary to pull such a 180, but that’s already Riku and Terra’s misstep to pull themselves up from. It’s shocking in a way that’s enticing, absolutely, but I think part of why it would be shocking is that without either majorly reframing some basic stuff or retreading well-worn ground, it simply doesn’t fit as well as you want it to.)
But if Riku sees a familiar face under the hood, and looks at the blue eyes that once sat in his sword and in the mirror and realizes that there’s no outside force making him do terrible things to people he loves this time? He’s faced with a threat new to the series: that in the end, redemption might fail. Whether there’s timeline shenanigans that mean this guy lived a different life, if he backslid, if he’s clear-headedly making decisions he believes are for the best, or if he just had a really bad day that knocked him off the wagon; the counterpoint to the idea that there’s a light in the dark - the way III demonstrated in such an effective way in the Keyblade Graveyard with the endings of so many enemies - is that there’s a darkness buried down no matter what that still has a chance of breaking through no matter how mightily you’ve steeled yourself against it. It’s a completely different, far more visceral and meaningful fear than the idea of Sora being the one to break bad: in that case, the idea is captivating because it’s so alien and foreign and bizarre. Here, it’s frightening because Riku knows exactly how it could happen, and he’s grown enough to feel the shame and horror of that possibility when he’s already had to live with the consequences of it once. The Organization spent III trying to poke holes in the basic tenants our heroes live by, and this is the ultimate manifestation of that spiritual challenge - that the growth our heroes have seen might come undone by their own hands. And Riku fighting desperately to prove he can remain the person he’s fought so hard to become, and Sora and Kairi fighting to save him along with themselves and each other, is the final conflict.
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It’s not just a prospect that would bring urgency back into Riku’s character, it’s a possibility that would reverberate through the whole cast with a severity that it simply couldn’t with Sora. Obviously Kairi and Mickey would stand with Riku and believe he would manage to turn out alright no matter what (though that loyalty is still complicated given an evil/morally-dubious Riku would likely go after Sora - he may have already if he had something to do with bringing him to the world of Verum Rex), but what about the rest of them? They all believe in Sora and his inherent goodness and owe him their lives, but for most Riku’s simply some guy they know, a friend of a friend. Roxas was a victim of his darkness even when he was trying to do the right thing. Terra’s already likely consumed with guilt and could likely see the prospect of his hand-picked successor once again falling to darkness like he did to simply be another on the list of his own sins. Ven might look at him when in his dark outfit and be reminded of his brother. And while Axel knows friends can come back to you, he’s a pragmatic dude who’s seen just how much they can change in the first place. When the battle lines are being drawn in a war even greater than Xehanort’s, would every last one of them really stand with him when they’ve been told he’ll betray them, as he’s betrayed those closest to him before? A prophecy of Sora going wrong would just be a catalyst to bind our heroes closer together to prevent that. That Riku might turn on them could strike at the fissure that would threaten to blow them apart, or if it doesn’t that’s an even greater display of good faith on their part than it would be with Sora. Hell, even on the antagonistic end, Maleficent as an opponent seeking to usurp the Masters’ ambitions is an immeasurably different conflict if she’s up against a Riku who’s gone down the path she first steered him towards.
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At the end of the day, the question is why this would be worth making the story of Kingdom Hearts about when Sora is still supposed to be the main character. I laid out earlier some of why I don’t think Sora as the Master would work, but the real deal is this: not only is the Master of Masters a counterpoint to Sora, the Least Disney character in this universe whereas even when next to Mickey Mouse the spiky kid is distinctly the Most Disney, but more importantly to be the Master of Masters would undo the last of Sora’s original premise. For all that he’s become, he was still born, as Xehanort put it, a dull, ordinary boy, surrounded by Chosen Ones and unique entities of every stripe who joined their ranks and ultimately led them purely on the strength of his decency and determination. Riku was literally a Chosen One courtesy of Terra, blessed with one of the ultimate Keyblades and tearing the sky down by sheer force of his will to be more than what one world could contain, the vessel meant to open the Door To Darkness and the one who conquered his own darkness in a way no one else could, who in the end was selected as Master. He is Maximum Protagonist, in every way a Figure Of Destiny, whereas Sora is so much not that, so profoundly the spammer in the seemingly inevitable works of fate, that the first time he meets the first trilogies’ main villain the guy comments on how unremarkable he seems to be, and the last time they meet Sora’s ultimate rebuttal is against the idea of destiny as a straightforward thing any one person can control. For Sora to actually be the guy writing destiny, to have always really been the most important of them all, is to undo that. For him to fight the ultimate figure of destiny, for that to be the guy who was his counterpoint from the very first scene before your Xehanort’s and Roxas’s and Ven’s and Vanitas’s and Luxu’s - the cool guy and fighter and dreamer and Serious Leader-Type Important One to Sora’s cheery, insecure dork in shoes the wrong size who seemed born to be the sidekick - is to bring that story full circle. And it’s to give him the chance to do the one thing he fought for in I and II that he was never able to do himself: save Riku. Because saving his friends is what Sora’s story, and all of Kingdom Hearts, always has to come down to in the end.
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
 Do you ever find yourself worrying about things that probably won’t happen? I’m great at that. I mean, a lot of my worries are things that are certainly possible and have good reason to, but there’s things I worry about that might not happen or before I have a reason to worry. I just always assume the worst. Has your imagination ever made it hard for you to sleep? My mind is always going. Have you ever had a weird dream and obsessed over what it might mean? Yes. My dreams are usually quite weird and random and I’m just like... wtf? Or do you usually forget about your dreams? A lot of the time. Do you know your heritage? Only a little. 
If not, would you ever try one of those DNA kits? Yeah. I am curious. Which languages can you speak? Just English fluently. Which language do you speak the most and why? English because that’s what I know. Which languages do you wish you were fluent in? Spanish. With films in languages you do not speak, do you prefer a dub or subtitles? Subtitles.  Which cuisine do you like the least? Chinese. Are there any foods you dislike because of the texture? Oh yes. Canadian bacon, chicken with bone-in, jello, and pudding just to name a few. Which type of chocolate do you like best? White chocolate. Do you have a favorite kind of dog? I do especially like Labs and German Shepherds. Do you let your pets sleep in your bed? I would, but she loves her couch. Do any of your favorite musicians ever write music for/with other artists? Some do. What is your favorite collaboration between two different musicians? I have several. One that came to mind is the collab Linkin Park and Jay-Z did. Who are your favorite songwriters? Hmm. Do you like any of those oldies groups (like the Four Seasons)? Yeah, there’s several “oldies” groups I like. Do you know who Bernie Taupin is? I don’t think so. What are your favorite one-hit wonders? I have a lot of those, including but not limited to: Tainted Love--Soft Cell Relax--Frankie Goes Hollywood Maniac--Michael Sembello Too Shy--Kajagoogoo Take On Me--A-ha Don’t You (Forget About Me)--Simple Minds I Can’t Wait--Nu Shooz No Rain--Blind Melon Lovefool--The Cardigans Barely Breathing--Duncan Sheik Criminal--Fiona Apple Torn--Natalie Imbruglia Sex and Candy--Marcy Playground Closing Time--Semisonic Save Tonight--Eagle-Eye Cherry Absolutely (Story of a Girl)--Nine Days Butterfly--Crazy Town All The Things She Said--t.A.T.u. Collide--Howie Day
What celebrities, if any, have you seen naked? Alexander Skarsgard is one of ‘em.  Have you ever seen anybody naked by accident? No. Have you ever wondered what somebody looks like naked? Maaaybe. Have you ever had a sexual fantasy about a celebrity? Lol yeah. Have you ever changed your clothes in the car? Yes. About how quickly does your hair grow? Pretty quick. Do you have to/choose to shave anything unusual? No. Do you groom (wax, pluck, or thread) your eyebrows? I pluck them. Most unusual thing you have worn in public? Uhh. I don’t know. If you wear makeup, what are your preferred brands? Elf, NYX, Wet ‘n Wild, CoverGirl, Maybelline.  Do you use flavored lip balm? Sometimes. What about tinted lip balm? Sometimes. What is your favorite swear word? I don’t have one. Are you afraid of fireworks or other loud noises? I’m a jumpy person, so loud noises definitely contribute to that. Do you make your own iced tea, or buy it in jugs/bottles? I don’t really drink iced tea. I mean, it’s fine and all, but it’s not something I opt for. I don’t recall the last time I even had any. Have you ever made sun tea? My mom used to every summer when I was a kid. Do you use sugar or honey to sweeten your tea? I use Sweet’N Low. Do you ever put milk in your tea? I’ve used cream and sugar before. Oh, but I do like milk tea from this one Bubble tea place. Do you prefer powdered or liquid coffee creamer? Liquid. Did your school have somewhere for girls to get emergency pads/tampons? Yeah. Did you have to wear a uniform for gym class? I didn’t in my PE class. Did you have to take showers after gym before going to your next class? No. Were you in any extracurricular activities or clubs in high school? I was in a couple clubs. Have you ever picked up and kept a rock because it caught your eye? Yeah. My Nana and I did that together all the time when I was a kid, and nowadays where I live it’s a popular thing to do to paint and hide rocks around town for others to find and either keep or re-hide. I’ve found a few of those. Have you attended any rock (literal rocks, not music, lol) shows? ...No. Have you ever laughed at a scene (TV/film) that wasn’t meant to be funny? Probably. Do you think they should make a movie about Hatshepsut? I don’t know what that is? Do you think books are better adapted as movies or TV series? I’ve seen good movies based on books and TV shows. Just depends. I feel like with TV shows; though, you can do a lot more with it and stay close to the book because you have more time to work with than just a 2 or 3 movie or having to break it up in parts. Any great books you would recommend? Too many. Any great movies or TV series you would recommend? There’s a lot. Were you disappointed with Fox’s version of the Rocky Horror Show? I didn’t watch it. Have you ever seen the original Kinky Boots movie?  No. What about the musical? Nope. Have you seen any Hannibal movies other than The Silence of the Lambs? Nope. Have you read any of the Hannibal novels? No. Do you like any Indie movies? Yeah. Have there been any movies you had fond memories of, but upon a rewatch didn’t like as well? Hmm. Possibly, but I can’t think of one at the moment. Do you like to go to the movies alone? No, I like going with my family. When you watch movies/TV with people, do you find yourself making sarcastic remarks to each other? Sometimes here and there, but we try not to talk too much during. Have you ever dried down any flowers to keep them? Well, they became that way on their own over time, ha. I still have my corsage from my senior prom, which is now over 10 years ago. It’s quite dry and crispy now. What is your favorite thing that you have made by yourself? Uhh. I don’t really make things. Do you like your natural accent (everybody has one)? I don’t like my voice. What accents do you find most pleasant? Some southern ones, British ones... Does it bother you when an actor in a musician biopic lip-syncs to a recording of the original artist, or is it better that way? I don’t care. Have you ever read about Dennis Nilsen? No. Do you ever go on murderpedia.org to read about murderers? No. Have you ever read about the Black Dahlia? No, but I’ve seen documentaries.  Any other unsolved crimes you find fascinating? Yeah, that stuff in general is interesting. Do you care what color your socks are? Nah. What about your underwear? Nah.  What part of a man’s body do you find most attractive? Hands, arms, lips, jaw lines, necks, V-lines... Do you think guys look good in makeup? I used to have a thing for guys in eyeliner. Do you like using clay and/or peel-off masks for skincare? I don’t use any masks. Have you ever had an asymmetrical haircut? Yeah. Have you ever made your own pillow or blanket? No. Have you ever made a pillow out of an old T-shirt? No. Have you ever tried lucid dreaming? (Where you can control your dreams) No. Would you ever want to try? *shrug* If you want to be cremated, do you want your ashes scattered anywhere? In the ocean. Would you ever have a deceased pet stuffed? No. Would you ever have a pet cremated? Yes. We did that with our dog, Scruffy. Brandie is buried in our backyard in a nice area under a tree. I wish we would have cremated her because one day we’ll move. :( What is your favorite sci-fi series, if any? TV Show: Twilight Zone. Movie: Star Wars. Do you believe in the existence of parallel universes? No. If you could run your own business, what kind of business would it be? I wouldn’t.
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notbang · 7 years
rebecca bunch - five times she got that reference
Send me a five times prompt and I’ll try and write you a ficlet!
I briefly entertained the delusion that this wasn’t going to be R/N but I think we all know what I’m about son.
Five times Rebecca got that [Harry Potter] reference (and one time she didn’t)
“I’m sorry, but I have to ask. This apartment is kinda small, yet you seem to have a series of large pieces of furniture and equipment on rotation that I don’t understand how you store.”
Rebecca’s staring bemusedly at the rowing machine planted obstructively in front of Nathaniel’s sofa. Last time she was here it had been the longest table for two she’s ever seen in her life but she doesn’t bother wondering what they’re going to do for dinner, not yet. If she’s perfectly honest she’s having a hard enough time focusing on the conversation she just started when he’s standing in front of her like that, sweaty and shirtless and muscles rippling when he moves.
“What was the question?” he teases.
“Dude, seriously. One day you’re a five star restaurant, the next you’re a gym. Where does this stuff come from? Where does it go? Do you have, like, a Mary Poppins bag in your closet that I don’t know about?”
“I like to think of it as more of a Room of Requirement,” he says, smirking down at her. At her ongoing raised eyebrows he elaborates, “Storage space. The building has storage space. I pay a little extra. You know how I feel about clutter.”
It’s true—she does.
“Well that makes sense, I suppose. Although a Room of Requirement does sound very handy. Follow-up question—who moves said equipment in and out when you feel like a change?”
“House elves?” he offers. “Definitely house elves.”
“Hmm. You know, I’m pretty sure the house elves had a different name for the Room of Requirement,” she murmurs, stepping closer.
“Really,” he says, slinging his towel around his neck and mirroring her movement until they’re all but pressed up against each other. “You’ll have to enlighten me. I don’t recall.”
“Uh-huh. The Come-and-Go Room,” she explains, and the complete and utter shamelessness with which she stares him down and delivers the innuendo makes his toes curl.
“Just to clarify,” he begins, because he knows he can be obtuse sometimes, “you want to see my storage room. So that we can have sex in it.”
Rebecca blinks at him.
“Wow. Actually, no. I was just trying to decide if there was a safe way for us to fuck on the rowing machine, but that kind of seemed like an accident waiting to happen so your idea sounds way better. Count me in.”
Luckily, the table’s as sturdy as it is long.
Things are getting heated during an impromptu make-out session on his bed when he says it; Rebecca’s sprawled out enticingly beneath him on top of the covers, hair adorably tousled and cheeks charmingly flushed as her knees squeeze together with wanting at his sides. They’re still fully clothed at this point but he’s definitely starting to have other plans, hands smoothing down her hips and slipping under the edge of her bunched-up skirt to press tantalisingly at her thighs.
It takes her a hazy moment to register his comment but when she does she pushes back at him with a hand on his chest, smothering a laugh.
“Hang on a second. I’m sorry, did you… did you just refer to my vagina as the Sorting Hat?”
Nathaniel ducks his head with an abashed huff. Maybe a week into a relationship—if that’s even what they’re doing here, he’s still not entirely sure—is a little early to be making things weird.
“I think so? Was that too much? It kind of just… came out. I can dial it back a little.”
“No,” Rebecca says, eyes widening as she arches against him. “No, that’s… strangely kind of doing it for me. Keep going. What else you got?”
He lifts his head to look at her better, searching her eyes to make sure she’s serious before resuming the languid slanting of his hips against hers.
“Yeah? I mean there’s the classics. You know, let me open your Chamber of Secrets. So I can… Slyther-in.”
He dips closer to her ear and drops his voice on the last word, his tone low and silky in a way that prickles hot along her skin and peppers goosebumps standing to attention along her forearms.
“Oh, yeah—that’s a good one,” she agrees, somewhat breathlessly. Her fingers thread through his hair, expression turning mischievous as she pushes purposefully down on his head. “But I hope you know Parseltongue, because I gotta warn you—this time there’s an entrance fee.”
He groans as he slides willingly down the mattress, taking her underwear with him, more than happy to pay the toll.  
Nathaniel’s cautious when he follows her into her bedroom, still stunned into silence from the intensity of her most recent outburst. He’s keenly aware that he’s somehow failed to give her something she wants—not for the first time and probably not for the last—and the tidal wave of nauseous inadequacy roils hard in his stomach.
Sometimes he thinks she feels things strongly enough for the both of them, but that’s not how this is supposed to work.
She’s curled up in a determined ball beneath the covers, back to the doorway and him by extension, and he thinks her anger might have dissipated by now but he keeps his movements tentative as he takes off his tie, watch and belt before sliding up the bed behind her. She tenses when he tucks his chin into her neck but then her breath leaves her in a heavy sigh and she relaxes somewhat, shoulders slumping against him.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry I have the emotional range of a teaspoon,” he murmurs in her ear, smoothing her hair back, and Rebecca can’t help it, she fucking melts.
“Oh god,” she sniffs, shaking her head. “No. Nope. Uh-uh. There’s no way that just worked on me.”
She twists in the sheets until she’s facing him, eyes wide and damp. There’s no smugness in his expression, though—only chagrin and sincerity—and she brings her hand up to her face to chew on her thumb nail.
“I’m sorry I exploded,” she says quietly. “Maybe we can call it even.”
If he’s a teaspoon then Rebecca’s a ladle, a saucepan, a bowl. A mess of a melting pot, of endless conflicting emotions in constant danger of bubbling over, but he’d like to think he’s learning how to help her keep it at a simmer, even if he doesn’t always succeed.
Rebecca can’t help but shut her eyes and smile at the sound of the supply closet door closing behind her, taking a deep breath before she turns to find Nathaniel studying her, an infuriating smirk already twitching on his lips.
“Hey,” she says lightly.
They’ve done this enough times now that they crash together like clockwork; her arms around his neck, forcing him down towards her as he tugs her blouse free from her waistband. She wonders absently if this is ever going to start feeling like a broken record because it surprisingly hasn’t yet, her mouth still determinedly drawn to his, limbs still listless to tangle and intertwine.
He looks like a deviant school boy—blue eyes blown wide, hair mussed, cheeks ruddy, white collar rumpled and tie twisted off to the side—and she tells him as much, tells him how he looks like he’s asking for trouble as she trembles at the touch of his fingers sliding beneath her shirt at bare skin.
He pauses, quirking a brow, voice low and searing right through her, like lava.
“Oh, I solemnly swear—I am up to no good,” he mutters, jutting his chin, looking down through hooded eyes at her and god, she hates it sometimes but damn if that doesn’t do it for her.
She shoves him roughly down onto some boxes, impatient, hiking her skirt up to straddle him.
“Is that a wand in your robes, Mr Plimpton, or are you just happy to see me?”
“Oh, c’mon—I know you can do better than that,” he goads with a teasing frown.
She narrows her eyes, rolling her hips and taking satisfaction in the way he swallows and digs his fingers into her flesh as she shifts against him. He tries to still her but she manages to override his grip on her thighs.
“Hmm,” she continues, feigning deep contemplation. “Let me see. Seven and a half inches. Sequoia. Slightly springy. Excellent for charms.”
He laughs into her mouth as she leans forward to kiss him.
Her hands dip below his waistline to investigate, and their capacity for puns is for the most part lost there.
“This was the last time,” she says, after, still panting as she smooths down her skirt.
“The last time,” he echoes. “Mischief managed.”
“Mischief well and truly managed,” she agrees, hand hovering on the door handle as she waits for him to finish tucking in his shirt.
Sometimes she doesn’t quite manage to catch herself quickly enough and suddenly she’s dreaming about timelines; about the endless alternate versions of herself from parallel universes, about any number of Rebeccas that could have stopped some point along the way and just fucking waited, and all the versions of him that would have happily waited with her.
And because each new iteration is still disastrously and inherently her, they make any number of the same mistakes in countless combinations but at the tail end of it it’s always still the two of them—drawn back together as hopelessly and as clumsily as moths, orbiting unquestioningly around each other’s light. She’s still not entirely convinced she deserves love yet but she can’t help but look at all their broken pieces and think maybe, just maybe, they’ve done enough that they deserve each other.
There’s a version that’s closer to her than all the others, that mirrors every meticulous mistake she’s ever made bar one.
“You honestly still want me?” she sniffs, disbelieving on his doorstep, self-deprecating self-awareness the price she’s had to pay for progress in all of this. “After everything?”
“Even after all this time,” he agrees, disarmingly earnest even as his eyes flicker down towards her mouth. “I meant what I said, Rebecca. It’s always been about you. Always.”
She laughs, sobs and moans into his mouth at that, desperate and helpless and feeling too much but she doesn’t do it this time, doesn’t turn and run away, no matter how terrified that leaves her.
All she had to do was stay—
There’s a knock at the door and she startles, room sharpening and shifting back into focus around her, forcing her back to reality with the painful clarity of an office that now belongs solely to her, shared only with the space where his desk once sat perfectly snug against hers.
He knocks on the door gently.
“Rebecca? Are you okay in there?” He pauses for moment then adds, “Do you want your toothbrush?”
There’s a beat before the door swings open and she’s standing in front of him, eyes a little red and expression suspicious as she shifts back and forth on the soles of her feet.
“What? What do you mean, do I want my toothbrush?” She sniffs and scrubs the back of her hand across her nose. “That doesn’t even make sense. I was already in the bathroom. And why would I want my toothbrush, anyway? That’s stupid. You’re stupid.”
Nathaniel widens his eyes, ignoring her petulance.
“Did—did I just make a Harry Potter reference you didn’t get? Did I just out-master the master?”
“What? No,” Rebecca says quickly, scowling.
“I definitely did. You have no idea what I’m talking about.”
He watches as her gaze slides away from his as she turns his words over in her head, scrambling to make sense of him and prove him wrong. He thinks it might be vaguely ringing a bell for her but she’s not entirely sure, and he feels an odd mix of arrogance and relief at the fact that in her confusion she no longer seems as upset as she did before.
They’re still working it out, this thing that they’re doing—Mona’s moved on and out of his life but she still hangs heavy between them sometimes, the evidence of eight months plus spent trying to get Rebecca out of his head and his heart still achingly apparent, his apartment like an archaeological dig site of the mould he’d tried so unsuccessfully to fit his life in to. It had been easy enough when they were measuring out their moments in the supply closet; back then she’d been making excuses about stationery, not stumbling across the remnants of another woman’s toiletries in his medicine cabinet or noticing the ways his morning routine had changed to factor in another person.
“That was barely a reference,” Rebecca says eventually, tone still sulky. “It doesn’t count. Your allusion was not fully realised and therefore did not make sense given the context.”
“Oh, I am good,” he self-congratulates, rolling his shoulders, determined to lighten the mood.
He moves away from her towards the couch and is thankful when she begrudgingly follows, slipping her hand back inside the bathroom to switch off the light before she joins him. She keeps her distance, back against the opposite arm, but after a minute or so she sighs and swings her feet up, sliding them unceremoniously into his lap.
“So you got me,” she says flatly. “Why the toothbrush line?”
“Hermione’s parents are dentists,” he says, shrugging. “I always just kind of inferred it as a comfort thing. Like she brushes her teeth when she’s upset, and thought Harry might want to do the same.”
Rebecca stares at him, brows raised, for a moment—this ridiculous sentimental nerd sitting across from her, masquerading as a no-nonsense lawyer.
“Well, who needs dental hygiene to cheer them up when they’ve got you and your literary insights, huh?” she settles on eventually.
He thinks they might just be able to pull this whole damn mess of a thing off. He’s getting better at talking her down.
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iraniq · 7 years
Imagine ... The One
Inspired by this:
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Metahumans were everywhere, throwing magic and stuff everywhere. J was trying to hide...
- They were all insane man... - he yelled, looking behind his back.
Suddenly he slipped and fell into a whole... But it wasn't just a whole. It was a portal... As he realized when he got out. It was another city, people were well dressed, smiling, it was sunny and warm, they weren't staring at him, at lest bit in n a bad way, some kids smiled at him...
- This is horrible! Outrages!
He walked a while, his stomach rawr. He looked around. It was odd in a way. Suddenly a woman stopped him.
- J? - a pretty woman stopped him. - J... Hello?
- What?
- Hay! How are you? - she looked way to happy to see him.
His stomach raw again.
- Hungry much?
- I won't mind. - she was suspicious.
- I know some amazing restaurant, at the center...
- I am vegan!
She chuckled.
- I know.
How could she possibly know. Not like she knew him. He was... In another city.
- Come on gorgeous, follow me!
They entered a small, but nice and fancy restaurant. The penguin dressed man at the entrance looked at him oddly.
- The fuck you are looking at? - J barked.
The man stepped away.
- Ozy will die if he can see you... I thought penguin suits weren't allowed... Penguin... - J laughed.
- Don't mind him, he is in character. - she whispered at the man. - J! You can be anything you want in Gotham.
- You say what, Doll? That's Gotham?
- Yes, my dear, city of opportunities!
- I am the King if Gotham, darling!
- Yes you are J! I have been in your castle.
- Castle? Lard me there!
- What about the lunch?
- It will wait. I want the castle! - he demanded.
- OK, OK! - she "shushed" him and they walked out.
The mysterious girl led him out оf the city. J could swear there was nothing but woods. When they got in a way batter road, he spotted the castle, "castle" with capital "C"!
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- Damn... - he hissed. They drove in the long way and stopped in front of the door. J looked around. - I am the Кing!
- Yes you are. - someone's voice answered, when he turned around he saw... Himself?!?!?!... - Leave us El! - the girl was surprised, by his request, but did as she was told.
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- Who the hell are you?
- I am you! But better one! - the man said in stern voice.
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- What the... - for a first time in his life The Clown Prince of Crime was speechles.
- I suppose some... Superpower event brought you here? As it did with all the others. Listen now... Have you watched "The One" with Jet Lee?
The Joker noded a "no".
- I... Let's say I have it as a purpose in my life to meet all "me"-s frоm all the parallel universes... 4 years ago it happend for a first time... That "me" that came was a drug addict, the other one was...mоre her than him, another wan was a crappy verson of musician, another was delusional he could see the future... I can go on and on. And now you! You are totally the worst. Killer, psychopath, crazy...
The Joker got out his gun, and pointed it at the man.
- You can't kill me, or you will die!
- Let's try it then!
- You really can't. If we are in the same world. We will both die.
J lowered his golded weapon.
- So... Who the hell are you... Sхуре you are the "best". - he mocked ironically.
- I am an artist, musician, sometimes an actor. I also do charity on my free time, WWF Embassadore, I help the one in need...
- Shush... I got a headache from your bullshitt. If you are so... Humble, how come you have a castle?
- I bought it!
- With charity money?
Then man laughed.
- Not exactly. I earned the money, with my own two hands.
- What happened to your leg? - J pointed.
- Cliff hiking accident.
- You should pick something with more... Oval handgrip, you will get a shoulder pain from this. - the man looked at his cane and chuckled. - Get the advice boy, I am King at this too!
- Canes or advices?
- Both! - at this moment they both laughed. It wasn't odd or awkward anymore.
- So...
- Why the hell am I here at first place!
- Because of her! - the man got his phone off and showed him a pictureo of another red haired girl.
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- Devon?
- So, you know her?
- That's Devon, the bloody Devon! - J laughed amused. - She disappeared 5 years ago. The billionare's sister, Wayne. Oh... So that's how you got...
- I had it before I met her!
- That's what you say... So I am supposed to get her back...
- You... - the man tensed. - You can't heave Devon back... But you can have El instead.
- Isn't she your girlfriend?
- No, we are just friends.
- "Just friends" with this.. This sex af? Are you gay?
- Are you fucking any woman you see?
- In... From... The Gotham I live in is very... I can't be sure... Nevermind!
- This parallel world whole stays open because she traveled here. If she isn't back it must be at least someone on her place. Someone should go. To take her place.
- You know... This Wayne guy might be player and idiot, be he could recognize this isn't his own sister.
- I am not saying she should replace his sister. Just... Devon crossed and stayed here, and someone from here must go back with you.
- And you throw your friend?
- She... She always dreamed of something like this. A world beyond normal. Exactly because she is my dearest friend. The only person I love more is...
- Devon? ... Maybe her +1? - the man frowned - Another thing I am King at. - J laughed.
The front door opened.
- I hope you settled everything, Jared. He isn't supposed to stay here more than an hour. You know this. - she was walking towards the car only with the car keys.
- Why? - the curiousity took the better of him.
- When he was trying to help... The others they stayed more than an hour and his physical condition got worse.
- Hell no! - J yelled. - I ain't getting this? Coming Missy?
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She looked at him visibly annoyed.
- I am not a toy, boy!
- Oh... - J clapped his hands. - I am keeping her. Nice to meet you... Me! Have a nice life! - he waved back and they both got in the car they drove to the caste with. - One more thing...
- I know! - Jared yelled after them.
- You know... - he laughed. - He knows! - he winked at El. - Ready to be a Queen?
- Why such a hurry?
- You will be the only one crazier than me, I can't let you go. Bedside that I am sure me and...me just switched girlfriends.
- I was not his girlfriend! - she raised her voice.
- But you wanted to?
- He wanted to. - she laughed. - He... This all... It's to gray, to normal. I need more color!
The Joker looked away and smiled.
They drove back to the city and he gave her directions to the place he “crawled off”. She stopped at the entrance. She could only see darkness, but he saw his city, the same hole he went through.
- It’s your world, that’s why you can see it and I can’t.
- You are quite in this subject, aren’t you?
- I was the only one who doesn’t believe Jared lost his mind.
- Aha… So you like him?
- I love him. He is my only friend!
- I am your friend now, as well. - J smiled, a warm… Untypical warm smile, for his… Being. - A question.
- Shoot it! - he laughed - OK, poor choice of words, but you get the point.
- If you love him so much… Why leaving?
- He loved me as well, you know… Friends stuff. But my sadness is slowly making his life bitter. He isn’t satisfied from success, when he sees me sad… And him and Devon… Are couple goals. I’d rather die than ruin their happiness.
- I see… So I traveled to a parallel universe only to discover I am the jerk?
She laughed.
- You are fine. You look alike. A lot. I like you.
- So… I am better than him?
- I’ll tell you later, OK?
- Did you get something to remind you if him, as it looks you are not going back.
She showed him her necklace.
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- That’s triad… The symbol, his symbol. It’s the only thing that I will take with me.
- Air, for the fire lady… - he mumbled.
- Fan of alchemy?
- Just wait to see my Castle. Your never-boyfriend has nothing that’s even close.
They crossed. As she recovered from the first shock a man was standing in front of her.
- Frost… - The Joker looked at her and smiled, this warm smile again - Meet my Queen.
She smiled in response and he did a tiny bow.
He offered her his hand.
- Let’s go home!
@diyunho @rhina988 @nikkitasevoli @auntiemama1 @wolfgirl1074 @sookieblack12 @spillinginkwithlove @jayded-dreams @cadeathens @fanalityfiction @lady-grinning-soul-k @lylabell2013 @larissaivanov @lostnorthofheaven @leto-madness @elliegrace139 @cleoleto @heavenlygaga @darthjokerisyourfather @lovermrjoker @puddin-i-cant-swim @live-for-me-puddin @jaseminedenise @penelopewhisp 
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na-jmin · 7 years
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“you are my sun, my moon and all my stars”
happy birthday, my love!
this is my fourth time celebrating your birthday and wow, i couldn’t be more grateful to have you as the love of my life and source of happiness. you, are my happy pill who is my temporary escape from reality, my happy pill who have brought countless smiles to my face, my happy pill who always gives me strength to keep going on.
thank you for being born, my love. if only mere words could explain how much you mean to me and just how much i love you, i would gladly write it all down and mail it to every household to tell the whole wide world how important you are to me and how you got me to love you so wholeheartedly but no- you know and i know i can’t do that for sure because one, my vocabulary is still rather limited even though i have been speaking it all my life and two, if there is anything that’s infinite in this world it’s the amount of happiness you have brought me and i don’t think there is anything legitimate to describe it.
lee jeno you are made out of every pretty thing in this entire galaxy and that is still an understatement. you are the most wonderful, wonderful creation ever; other planets could only be jealous of our world for having such a being like you. this universe could die and resurrect a thousand times- after a thousand lifetimes and in a thousand ways; and still fail to create another you because you’re one of a kind, you’re one in a million. and i can never thank you enough for being you.
has anyone ever told you how beautiful your smile is? because really, it’s the brightest and most amazing smile ever. i swear your smile holds the beautiful wonder of the universe and i find myself thinking about it almost all the time. i know there’s the sun but it can say goodbye to its position of being the most blinding thing now because your smile exists. you know those kind of smiles that look like they could make flowers grow? that’s the kind of dainty smile you have. it’s terribly contagious and blinding in a good way and i don’t mean to be creepy but i’d stare at your smiling face forever if i could. i can only find all sorts of beautiful and precious things in your smile and that is one out of the many reasons why i love you. i love you and your cute smile and the way your eyes lights up when you are happy.
has anyone told you how much they love your eyes? because wow, how do people not fall in love with eyes that hold the stars? i always say this but once again! my sky is empty because all the stars are in your eyes. i love how your eyes sparkle. and i thank life for giving me eyes too because without mine, i wouldn’t be able to see yours. (heh.)
somehow my thoughts are always drifting towards you. (don’t you ever get tired from running through my mind all the time? i mean-) did you sleep well last night? have you eaten? are you sick or hurting anywhere? i sound like your mum but you know i just kinda care about you a lot. and then i think about you performing on stage like you were born to stand on it. has anyone ever told you how alluring you are? because i swear i feel my breath get taken away by you every time i watch you dance. watching fan-taken videos is my only way to get close to you and there’s not a single time where i don’t get mesmerized by your moves. maybe because i’m so lovestruck by you or sometimes you’re really the only one i see but i really think you stand out among the rest. the way you strike every move and how a smile is always plastered on your face while you’re dancing despite feeling tired. i see your hard work and effort baby, thank you ㅠㅠ
this is one of the i don’t know how many letters, probably million, you would be receiving tonight for being such an inspiring and lovable boy. it makes me happy to know that you are receiving lots and lots of love because that’s what you really deserve. i promise so many of us are so thankful for you and i hope the amount of love, good wishes and praises the public have for you would only increase. whether it’s about your handsome face or anything else, i’m always glad to see you get recognition! get those attention boi. and break more hearts. (no i’m kidding how could an angel like you ever)
but i know for sure beyond your good looks is an incredibly dorky boy with a kind heart and lovely smile and that just adds on to the never-ending list of reasons on why you deserve so many good things in life. there’s just so much to love about you and one of it that i like to hold close to my heart would be how genuine you are. how you’re always ready to offer help if needed and you’re always trying your best at everything. most of the time you’re just quietly managing yourself and i think that’s pretty darn adorable. you’re witty too, i hope you know that. don’t call yourself boring anymore please. if there’s anything boring it would be my life before you entered it.
lee jeno lee jeno you’re my kind of perfection i can’t find in anyone else i don’t think i’ll ever adore someone else as much as i adore you. you’re reaaalllly precious to me and the love of my life without a doubt. you give me a thousand feelings and my heart won’t shut up about you. as cheesy and cringey as it sounds, you’re the first person who made known the feeling of ‘falling in love’ to me. and that’s whenever i see that soft smile of yours. there’s really no escape from you.
remember when you said ‘i want to succeed!’ on nct life? i’m holding onto those words real tightly. one day. i promise- no, i dare to swear, one day, you will be able to proudly say that you have succeeded on whichever stage that you regard as the grandest. and right now i’ll pinky promise to still be here when that day comes. i hope i’ll able to witness it with my own eyes but even if i can’t, i’ll be congratulating and still supporting you with the same love i always had for you since day one.
my squishy squishy cupcake i’d buy a world filled with only good things including all the love and happiness if i could because you really deserve it. but that’s clearly impossible so what’s left for me to give you is my heart that is so full of love for you and only you. i guess i’ll just keep stuffing you with compliments and lovey stuff until buying a world for someone is made possible. even if this lifetime or forever ends i’ll still continue to do so. because you know that forever is a long time but i wouldn’t mind spending it by your side.
wow jeno.. you really do something to me, you know? you make me both happy and sad in a way nobody else can; it’s a kind of indescribable feeling that i get from only you. i’m always so thankful for and sorry towards you. for any moments you’ve felt sad even for a split second, please pass those feelings to me instead. i’ll take them all for you. (god i’ll even take grenades and bullets for you)
thank you, thank you, thank you and thank you for not giving up on your dream. it definitely must have been hard to start training at such a young age, it must have sucked to spend time in the practice room almost all the time after school instead of hanging out with your friends. you were exposed to the scary media at such a young age but you handled things so well and i’m immensely proud of you. the road to success for a career like this is never clear yet you chose to keep chasing after this dream and because of your perseverance and passion, you finally debuted as the boy that is adored by many now! thank you for debuting, my love. i can’t wait to see what lies ahead of you, and to continue being by your side no matter what happens.
happy birthday, lee jeno. my love for you is probably wider any sea or sky or even possibly wider than your shoulders will ever be. your eyelashes may be long enough to cast shadows on your cheekbones but never as long as the list of why you deserve all the happiness and love in this world. i pray that you will always be in good health and that you will always be happy. life sucks sometimes but i hope that you’re at least adequately ‘okay’ enough every day to not feel sad for a long time. always believe in yourself! even when things get hard, it’s alright because everything will be fine~. i pray that i will meet you one day and let you know of my love for you and i pray that maybe, just maybe, you know of it in the parallel universe. here’s to more birthday celebrations & happy moments, my everlasting prince. i love you!
“and if i could give you a flower each time i thought of you, i’d empty all the gardens in the world” ♡
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quiescentcastiel · 8 years
Last week I said I’d do something sensible in the future. But not this future. Another future. A parallel future. Someone else’s future. A future in which I am not a smartass.
Anyways, Round 3 of @mittensmorgul‘s Great Fic Writer’s Scavenger Hunt. Prompts: “Strangled by the Red String (aka “Smooch Ex Machina”)” and “The fact that the Supernatural Books (aka The Winchester Gospels) exist in-universe, and were penned by God himself”
This takes place in a canonverse where the Winchesters are meeting Chuck but haven’t yet met Cas. I’m not even gonna comment on the logistics of that.
“He knows about us stabbing the pagan suburbia couple from hell with Christmas tree shanks!” Dean exclaimed.
Sam opened his mouth, but had no answer to that.
Dean lowered his voice menacingly. “He knows about your dream about Bela.”
Sam sputtered, “No- that- it didn’t happen- I’m sure he just made it up.”
“Yeah, right. Considering how the rest of the books aren’t word for word exactly what happened.”
Sam’s voice stepped up a pitch. “There were some embellishments.”
“Not really.”
They pulled up outside an overgrown yard hiding a neglected wooden house. Dean turned off the Impala and looked over at Sam, who was still pouting.
“Look, Sammy, let’s just go in there, find out where he go the info, and what kinda monster he is so we can gank him and move on. Ok?” 
They both got out of the car and not-so-surreptitiously tucked machetes into the waistbands of their jeans. They went up to the house and knocked on the door. It took a couple moments before anyone answered, and the only reason why Dean didn’t pull out his lock-picking kit or even just kick the door down, was the large about of shuffling, knocking stuff over, and swearing that was going on. 
Finally, a short man wearing a dressing gown over nothing but his underwear pulled the door open. Dean was about to pull a ‘move bitch, we’re the Winchesters,’ but the abnormally human-looking man who knew so much about them beat him to it.
“I’m God, capital G. Get in the house before the angel paparazzis see.”
Both the Winchester’s feet carried them into the house, and they weren’t even sure if the signal to their nerves had come from their own brains. Inside this man’s home, they saw sheets of paper splayed across the floor, dirty dishes, half eaten take-out, an old computer that sounded like it was struggling to process all the dust stuck in its fan, and a bookshelf filled with somewhere between 50-100 books labelled Supernatural.
Dean wanted to burn them all on site, but he managed to refrain himself as he turned to face the man(there was no fucking way he was God) and ask him what the hell was going on.
“I am God, Dean. You’d better believe it.”
“Why would you tell us this? Aren’t you supposed to be MIA?”
“I prefer to call it ‘extended-vacation-where-I-try-everything-in-the-Bible-I-told-everyone-else-not-to-do’ but same thing really. Anyways, if you go spouting about how you met God, no one will believe you. I mean literally no one. Not even the religious people. I joked about angel paparazzi earlier, but even they think I’m dead.”
“Uh...” Dean looked over at his brother to check if he was hearing all this, but Sam was busy reading a manuscript that he’d found by God’s keyboard. “Sam, are you even paying attention to this right now.”
Sam only put the paper down low enough that he could frown at Dean. “No, I’m trying to read as much about our future as I can before we stab this guy and torch the place.”
“Hey!” said God. “You can’t read that; I haven’t edited it yet!”
He ran over to Sam to snatch it out of his hands, but with a condescending look Sam simply lifted his arm over his head.
“So, Dean,” Sam said in a voice that made Dean remember uncomfortably the comment he’d made about Bela earlier, “looks like you’re getting a love interest.”
Dean swore silently, but he tried to brush it off. “Yeah, and how many chapters does she last? Two? Three?”
“He,” emphasized Sam, “is an angel of the Lord. I think he’ll be a bit harder to kill than that.”
Dean swore again but this time out loud. “How do we meet?”
Sam lowered the pages so that he could read them. Unfortunately, it was just low enough that God could jump up and snatch them out of Sam’s hands.
“That’s enough of that!” He squeaked. “You can’t know these things.”
Sam rolled his eyes and ignored Him. “In a bar. His name’s Castiel.”
“And he’s an angel?”
“Great, let’s just summon the son-of-a-bitch and get this over with.”
“No!” yelled God. “That’s not how it was written. It’s not how the script goes.”
“Fuck the script,” snapped Dean. “C’mon Sam.”
He and Sam left without taking a second look at God, who was trying to chase them down.
“Stop,” he cried, standing in the doorframe, watching the Winchesters walk down his messy yard. “You can’t do this! I’m God!”
“Not that I thought I’d ever quote Tywin Lannister, but ‘any man who must say "I am the king" is no true king at all.’” Dean called, as he and Sam climbed into the Impala.
“I still don’t get why we didn’t kill him,” said Sam as they were finishing up the last of the summoning spell for Dean’s new bae.
“Kill God? With what, our machetes?”
“He looked human enough to me.”
“He’d probably think of a beheading as a flesh wound,” Dean protested. “Besides, screwing up his Fate is much more effective. And insulting.”
Sam sighed. Dean had a point. Anyways, they were just about done with the spell.
“Vocare angelum decorus Castiel,” Dean chanted, “Mutinium de.”
For a moment, nothing happened. Then all of a sudden, the walls of the barn that Sam and Dean were in fell outward like a poorly built set. The roof just vanished, revealing the clear night sky.
A beam of light appeared on the wooden floor, at first only about a fist size in diameter, but it quickly stretched and fluttered into something large enough to fit a grown man. And indeed, this was the moment that Dean first saw his beloved. In a tan coat, the man plummeted from the sky and landed face down in the spotlight. Dean could’ve sworn he’d heard an angelic choir singing “Ecce homo qui est faba,” but then suddenly the light disappeared, and the singing stopped.
The angel got to his feet and looked around, before his eyes finally settled on Dean. Dean had to take a deep breath because damn. He’d been hoping for a hot new love interest, but he hadn’t expected to get someone this gorgeous.
The angel spoke first, his voice deep and gravelly. “My name is Castiel. Why have you summoned me here so soon?”
“Well, Castiel,” said Dean, “I have it on God’s authority that you’ll come home with me tonight.”
“Dude,” interrupted Sam, “That’s the worst pick up line I’ve ever heard you use.”
“It’s the truest pick up line I’ve ever used,” Dean corrected. “And much better than that ‘did it hurt when you fell from heaven’ crap.”
“You haven’t told me why I’m here,” Cas growled, fixing Dean with a dark stare.
“Uh... Um...” Dean stuttered.
“God told us that you’d meet Dean and fall in love with him, so we figured we’d just cut to the chase,” Sam explained.
“God?” said Cas, his eyes widening. “Take me to him.”
“Ok!” Dean finally spoke up.
“Dude!” Sam grabbed Dean by the arm and pulled him aside.
“We agreed that we’d kill him on the spot,” Sam whispered.
“We can’t kill him! I haven’t slept with him yet.”
“Your not gonna get your hands on him before I do.” Dean wrenched his arm away from Sam and strode back over to Castiel. “C’mon, let me take you to Him.”
“No need,” said Castiel. He wrapped an arm around Dean’s waist and cloudless poof they vanished.
Dean was still gazing in awe up at those deep blue eyes moments after they’d landed. In a split second decision, he pulled the angel in and kissed him.
Cas smiled oddly as they broke apart. “I suddenly feel compelled to follow you to the ends of the Earth, Dean Winchester.”
“First thing’s first. Follow me to God.”
“Is this His house?” asked Castiel, frowning up at the worn-out cabin.
“Yep. You’re not gonna be too proud of what He’s been up to instead of saving the Earth and keeping everything in order. He could’ve been rescuing orphans, but instead he was writing about Sam and I’s shitty life.”
They walked up to God’s house and knocked on the front door. He opened the door, still in his underwear, and stared in shock up at Castiel.
“This is not happening,” He muttered. “This is not happening!”
“Yes it is, buddy. Suck it up,” said Dean.
“I didn’t think you could possibly convince anyone of my physical existence.”
“Well, I guess you hooked me up with the one angel who still believes.”
God groaned. He forced his eyes over to Castiel. “I was just gonna have you two meet in a bar and get struck by a Cupid’s arrow. That way even if you did believe in my existence, you’d be so in love with Dean that you wouldn’t care.”
“That’s even crappier writing than this,” Dean commented.
“So what are you going to do? Force me back to heaven? Call the angel paparazzis? Call up whoever’s in charge of Hell right now and have them send up three demons per hour dressed in clown costumes singing Ave Maria with the voices of Alvin and the Chipmunks?”
Cas frowned. “No.”
“What then?”
“God...” Castiel made a meaningful look at Dean. “I’m just here to tell you that you did well.”
God sighed in relief. “Thank you. And you’re welcome.”
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mechagalaxy · 6 years
Half Baked with a side of Penguins
We captured an Optio. You know, one of those really big freaky looking mecha with all the BDSM looking add ons? This one had a pilot, and the pilot was the bad news. It’s too painful to explain, so I will just play the tac feed from the encounter.
-------Encounter at Northing 0127 Easting 2150 [Bob Schlomer, call sign Viper 19, Bouncing Blue Berserkers]
[cockpit recording]“Frag me with a goat, that thing has been shot to doll rags. What is that, a Fusion ID? Those guys are deader than disco”
[transmission]“Viper one nine to Base, contact report. One bogie, BFM, no transponder, signs of battle damage”
[inbound-base]“Base to Viper one nine, approach with caution, one rank only, maintain real time link. If it’s a trap, extraction is the priority, shoot the bait and get out”
Fanning his mecha along the ridge line, Schlomer advanced with the caution taught him by the Steel Viper in his youth. As he approached the Optio, he saw the chain guns spin up and swing towards his Boreas, and his own Winter’s Grasp powered up, the ghost outline of cross hairs sliding over the cockpit of the damaged machine as his optics automatically enhanced and ran visual recognition sub-routines.
[cockpit] Frag me running, its Half Baked Harrison!
[transmission] “Half Baked you half wit, zero those guns or I swear by the Omnissa I will ram my battlefist up your rectum and stuff a clue into that empty head STAND DOWN!”
[inbound-unknown] “Bob! Is it you? Are you one of the voices in my head? Are you with the bad people? They took my shoes Bob. They took my shoes and gave me such terrible drugs, they wanted things, Bob, wanted to know things. They gave me these pajama’s, and they are wonderful, but they chained me to their chairs, and stuck their probes into my implants and gave me such terrible visions. I hate penguins, hate them, tell me there are no penguins after me Bob, NO PENGUINS!!”
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[transmission] “Viper one nine to base, I have Half Baked Harrison here in a mecha, it looks like someone snatched him and asked him some hard questions. Like really hard. His AI is worried about him, the mecha is giving me emergency access and I am running the best programs we have to stabalize him, but he is so full of drugs neither his implants nor my medical nanites are holding it. Only reason he hasn’t flatlined by now is the Optio mecha he stole seems to be keeping him alive. Oh and he’s out of ammo. Shot himself dry killing the penguins who were coming to eat his soul, so figure he is crazier than usual by a parsec or so”
[transmission] “Half Baked old buddy, you can come home with my team. Nurse Jessica will give you some slippers and a nice bed, no bad dreams, and no penguins, only some nice fluffy bunnies to keep the penguins away OK? If your good, you might even get a sponge bath!”
Optio mecha moves to rear of the formation and extraction proceeds for 1.26km without incident. At 1.67km enemy mecha detected. [Alarms scream]
[transmission] “Viper One Nine to base, Contact report, Bogies, many bogies, unknown ID, presumed hostile. Moving to box us in, requesting weapons free, targets are not broadcasting IFF, are not broadcasting challenge, and have commenced broad spectrum jamming. Presumed hostile, requesting weapons free, and if I don’t hear back I am FRACKING SHOOTING FIRST ANYWAY”
Bob cut loose with a Winter’s Grasp at extreme range and brought a Corsair up short. His Ignus rocked under an Optio’s Leveller shots, but Grimlock his Regis rammed a Blue Dragon that forked to freeze that Optio and kill his wingman. His Fext pulsed out a Triple Matrix salvo that cored a Tyhoon’s missile rack and set off a series of sympathetic ammunition explosions to gut the monster machine.
Moving to a run, he punched his command down the throat of the inbound, seeking to break the trap through the only point with only one rank between him and escape. As he did his cockpit software picked up the heraldry on the inbound machines and flashed recognition signals. The sounds of Bob’s shock were loud enough to be picked up by his recorder.
Hammering a Flame Column for a critical kill, his Ignus cleared the last of the line as Bob triggered his own Pagetó Daímona to fork and freeze the first two of the next rank to buy time to ask what needed to be asked of his half baked rescue.
[transmission] “Talk to me Half Baked, these are Unification troops, how the frack are they here, we destroyed all their portals and blew up their Chroniode. We trapped them and those Xeon fanatics in their own parallel universe of bad uniforms and public Tri-Vid infomercial hell for all time. HOW ARE THEY HERE?”
[inbound] “Bob, don’t be mad Bob. I used the scraps of Chroniode that survived to power a one time pull through time to bring back the Chroniode you destroyed. I fixed it! Isn’t that marvelous? Then I figured that Unification are so crazy because they never got to go to Clan War like we did, never got to fight in real clans, only those dinky little squads, and pointless lootless kill missions, not glorious battle, followed by looting, pillaging, and partying like we did. Wouldn’t it be great if they could learn to be real pilots again, not just genocidal killing machines?”
[transmission] “Half Baked, tell me you didn’t go back there. Please tell me you didn’t make a portal to go back there.”
[inbound] “Bob, I promised I would never build another portal machine, and I keep my word. I just used the Chroniode to make our gates access their world, and used the Chroniode to pull the old gates from a time before Unification and Xeon destroyed them all, so now their worlds all have a real gate network, and they can learn how to all be friends, and be proper mercenary clans, killing each other for fun and profit, no marching, no speeches, no politics, just looting and drinking, like it’s supposed to be!!”
[transmission] “Half baked you nitwit! You gave them gates that can access our worlds when you know they are starving and out of everything we have because of their stupid and pointless wars, they are going to storm over our worlds and kill everyone in them just to keep their utopian crap hole in perfectly regimented poverty for another generation. Why did you do it?”
[inbound] “I’m sorry Bob. It was the penguins. I could take the fire, the spiders, the skinning, the leaches, even the acid baths, but when they staked me out for the penguins, I cracked. Not the penguins Bob. Don’t let them leave me for the penguins again. I can’t take it. NOT PENGUINS!”
Bob was staring at the dirt, letting his autorepair systems work to put his machine back in shambling order as he watched the shining vorpal sword of Samurai, his second rank Guardian cut through the last of the Unification troops between him and the gate.
[transmission] Don’t worry Half Baked, we won’t let the penguins get you. Ominssa help the rest of us, but you will be safe.
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blockheadbrands · 7 years
Why Your Dreams Go Crazy When You Stop Smoking Weed
Jesse Singal of The Cut Reports:
Dreams are strange, misunderstood things. This week, Science of Us is exploring the latest research that helps explain what they are, what they might mean, and how they affect our waking lives.
It is well-known, among those who use a lot of marijuana, that to stop doing so is to invite a sudden torrent of crazy, vivid dreams. Just Google “weed and dreams” and you’ll see that most of the top results are about what happens when you stop smoking pot.
Poking around online, I had little trouble finding people who could provide first-hand accounts. And their stories emphasized that if we knew more about exactly what’s going on with weed and dreams, it could potentially help a lot of people looking to scale back on their weed use, get better sleep, or both.
Franny, the first name of a U.K. resident I met on Twitter and subsequently emailed with, said that she smoked pot heavily from the time she was 26 until her early 30s, at which point she stopped. She said that when she saw a tweet I posted asking people about the weed-cessation/crazy-dreams connection, “it definitely gave me a ‘lightbulb’ moment.” “My dreams are exhausting most days,” she wrote. “They’re so real that I sometimes wake up tired after eight hours sleep. They usually involve ‘hero’ activities. Saving people from aliens, zombies, etc., but also I can sort of see myself outside of them looking at them giving myself a monologue about the dream.” Franny said that while she’s always had “hero” dreams, she doesn’t remember them ever being nearly as vivid as they are now.
I also Twitter-met a 20-year-old guy named John who lives in suburban Georgia and who had a similar story. About a year after graduating high school, he said in a DM chat, he “got to the point where I was smoking several times a day every day,” which lasted for about six months before he quit — he said the weed made him neurotic, caused him to stutter, and led to other unpleasant side effects.
Right after he quit, John said, his dreams got intensely realistic and disturbing. “The one I remember is I dreamt my mother killed herself,” he said. “And I found her body lying in her closet. When I found her I was devastated. It felt so real. I was saying, No no no no, walking up to her. Once I got close I looked down and screamed. The scream woke me up and I was screaming in real life as I woke.” Luckily, dreams like this only lasted for about a week, and since then, John said, his dreams have been fairly normal.
Finally, Seth Smith, a Navy veteran who was a year below me in grad school, told a similar story, but in reverse. “I’ve been a crazy dreamer ever since childhood,” he said in an email. “I would sleepwalk often and even make phone calls and full conversations and leave the house.” Later he underwent the military’s notoriously intense SEREtraining. This didn’t help with his sleep problems. At one point, he said, “I fell asleep holding the girl I was seeing at the time from behind and dreamt that I was back in the snow and the forest and the mountains of SERE with enemies giving chase. I jumped out of the bed with her still in my arms and awoke to her screams of ‘You’re sleeping on the couch.’”
New Research on Smoking Pot and Drinking at the Same Time
A Fun Secondhand Pot Smoke Hotboxing Experiment
Smith had heard that marijuana could help, but smoking in the military wasn’t an option. After he was honorably discharged, though, “My friends who had been so good about not using cannabis around me during my military service began to tell me about its health benefits and how it wasn’t just about getting high anymore but about really looking to use it as a medicine to treat specific problems.” He started smoking, and he said it worked wonders. “I now use cannabis regularly, particularly to treat restlessness and disturbed sleep,” he said. “I swear by it. My dreams are far less of a nuisance than they once were. My sleep seems to be very regular and sleeping next to me is no longer a contact sport.”
What can explain these stories? There seems to be a widespread belief that the connection between marijuana and dreams has to do with REM sleep. In this story line, versions of which have appeared on highly Google-ranked articles addressing the weed/dreams question in Vice, Psychology Today, and LeafScience, smoking pot reduces REM sleep and therefore dreaming, and when you quit, there’s a rebound effect: more REM sleep, and more — and more vivid — dreams.
This sounds like a tidy, satisfying explanation, but according to Dr. Timothy Roehrs, a sleep expert at the Henry Ford Health System, it’s at the very least a bit premature, in light of the available evidence, and might be entirely wrong. “The literature on whether or not marijuana affects REM sleep is extremely weak and equivocal,” he said. “Some studies have shown it suppresses REM sleep, some studies have shown it doesn’t.”
 The aforementioned articles do tend to point to some studies reporting such a link, but Roehrs said that this research tends to be older — from the 1970s and 1980s — and not particularly well-controlled. Plus, he said, “there are only six studies” on this subject in the literature, total. Overall, Roehrs said he doesn’t subscribe to this theory. “If you look carefully at it, [marijuana] doesn’t suppress REM sleep,” he said.
So if the crazy dreams can’t be chalked up to unsuppressed REM sleep, what is going on?
Roehrs believes he and a colleague, Leslie Lundahl of Wayne State University School of Medicine, have uncovered a pretty big hint about what’s going on. As part of a larger study that wasn’t specifically about marijuana and dreams, he and Lundahl brought a bunch of heavy marijuana users into a sleep lab. “In the design of the study that was being conducted, marijuana was being smoked in the morning and the afternoon, and on some days it was active marijuana, and on other days it was a placebo, 0.4 percent THC or something,” he said. “The active marijuana was 3 percent THC.” So the participants alternated, in other words: one day smoking real pot provided by the researchers, the next day smoking placebo pot (Roehrs said he wasn’t sure whether or not the participants could tell the difference). The researchers recorded the participants’ sleep and compared it to the members of an age-matched healthy control group whose members weren’t heavy pot smokers, and who didn’t smoke during the experiment.
If smoking pot does something to REM sleep, that could show up in an experiment like this in at least one of two ways: First, the regular weed should affect REM sleep in a way the placebo weed shouldn’t. Second, the heavy pot smokers should have different REM-sleep patterns than the non-using control group.
On the potent-versus-impotent weed question, “smoking the 3 percent THC marijuana relative to smoking the placebo marijuana had no effect on REM sleep,” said Roehrs. And when the researchers compared the two groups, said Roehrs (that is, the night when they smoked the barely-weed weed), they found the two groups got the same amount of REM sleep.
So that’s 0 for 2. There’s an important but, though: “The sleep of the heavy marijuana users was different than the sleep of the healthy normals on the placebo night” in other ways, said Roehrs. On the placebo nights, members of the marijuana group “showed lower amounts of slow-wave sleep, which is that deep, restorative kind of sleep,” he explained, as compared to the control group and to their own sleep on nights when they smoked regular pot. “They also showed very poor sleep efficiency, meaning that in the 8 hours that they spent in bed, they slept about 80 percent of the time [sleeping].” By way of comparison, Roehrs said that “I have an entry criteria of a sleep efficiency of 85 percent or less” for an insomnia study for which he is currently recruiting volunteers. “So these people would have qualified for my study,” simply from having gone without smoking real marijuana for a day. Toking up fixed things, though. “When they got the active marijuana their sleep efficiency was normalized,” he said. “So now they were sleeping like a healthy normal” — that is, like someone in the control group.
This could explain a lot of the weird-dreams stuff. As Roehrs pointed out, “when you awaken abruptly from REM sleep,” you remember your dreams vividly. When you sleep through your REM cycles, you’re less likely to. So if, when you stop using marijuana, it makes you more likely to suddenly awaken during REM sleep — even briefly, even if you don’t remember doing so — that could leave you with some very intense dream-memories come morning.
That’s what Roehrs thinks is going on, and he pointed out that this could be part of a more general, well-established withdrawal pattern that goes on when people cut out other substances, too. “This is what happens to alcoholics,” he said. “When they discontinue alcohol, they have frequent awakenings and disruptions of sleep and they report vivid dreaming. So this might be very much a parallel.” Roehrs also pointed out that while marijuana didn’t seem to reduce the duration of REM sleep, it did seem to reduce the duration of slow-wave sleep, which could be part of the story here, too. “It’s a layperson’s perception that REM sleep is the deepest sleep,” he said. “But that’s actually incorrect: If you actually measure arousal threshold, the arousal threshold during REM sleep is less than that of deep slow-wave sleep and more akin to light sleep.” Meaning if you’re going to awaken suddenly in the night as part of that withdrawal process, it’s pretty likely that awakening will occur during REM sleep, raising the likelihood that you’ll remember whatever you were dreaming about vividly.
Again: This is as-yet unpublished research, so a grain of salt or two is appropriate. But Roehrs made strong cases about the inconsistency and poor design of the older studies that comprise the only published evidence for a marijuana-REM sleep link, and that his and Lundahl’s work had a more careful methodology behind it: Their study didn’t just compare smokers to nonsmokers, which can introduce various confounds, but also, through the use of the placebo weed, it was able to more intricately track the short-term sleep effects of smoking marijuana on heavy users.
As for my correspondents, the theory seemed to fit John’s story better than Franny’s (Seth’s is a different case, since he started smoking specifically to fight intense dreams, and hasn’t stopped). After all, John specifically said that the intense dreams stopped after a week, which could fit with some sort of withdrawal effect. Franny, on the other hand, said that 18 months after she quit smoking heavily — she still tokes up two or three times a month — the intense dreams persist (“they are basically 4K at the moment,” she said, meaning ultra-high-def). But she was quick to point out she also plays a lot of video games, and thinks they could be a factor, too.
So it can be hard to know exactly what’s going on with any individual. Maybe the key point here is less whether Roehrs’s theory fits these and other accounts exactly — anecdotes only take us so far — and more that there’s an urgent, unmet-thanks-to-the-feds need for more research into marijuana and its effects, especially as the decriminalization and legalization trains continue thundering onward. After all, Roehr and Lundahl were only able to do the study they did because Lundahl is one of a small handful of researchers licensed by the government to administer marijuana during studies. And when I asked Roehr whether the government’s long-standing, heavy-handed restrictions on marijuana research — restrictions which were just upheld by the DEA a couple months ago — have stymied expert’s progress toward better understanding the drug’s effects, he said yes, echoing a common belief among researchers.
Given marijuana’s popularity, in 2016 we should know a lot more about what it does to sleep, a rather important human activity, and to other aspects of the human experience. For now, Roehr and Lundahl’s research does offer up a theory that feels a bit more compelling and scientific than all that REM talk. But the only way to test whether it holds up is to conduct more studies, and researchers have to jump through way too many hoops to do so.
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