#all the davenzi shipping anons
kissjane · 3 years
I just want to send you fifty prompts for one pairing. I am missing your writing.
2. A small, fleeting kiss - which is immediately followed by a passionate, hungry kiss.
For Davenzi please 💝 whenever you have time only obviously
Hi precious!
I will note this down!
Also, because I did promise I would try to write some Davenzi this weekend, I posted this really short fic just now...
Roman holiday, on ao3 now!
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chibinora · 4 years
Rank the evaks ☺️
Hi anon thanks for the ask!!
1) evak: will i ever shut up about how much i love them? The answer is no, so of course they are in the first place. They invented being soulmates. They are my comfort ship
2) crisana: their relationship is really different from the other evaks, but that's why i like it so much. They don't have soulmate energy and all their interactions feel real. They are both very stubborn but they learned from their mistakes and are now able to communicate and have an healthy relationship
3) sobbe: watching their season was a rollercoaster. They have a wonderful chemistry and you can see how much they are in love with each other. I'm just so happy they found each other because they were both so lonely
3) davenzi: yes i'm also putting them in the third place because i can't choose. They are the softest boyfriends i've ever seen. They become their best version when they are together
4) nicotino: i like them and i am also attached to them because they are the first versione of the evak's storyline i saw. But they can't compare to the other
5) elu: honestely i don't really see what's so special about them. I mean yeah they are good, but because they are an evak's remake. And the writers totally ruined their relationship just for the sake of drama
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wisdom-walks-alone · 4 years
Congratulations on your milestone! I wish for davenzi, some fluffy morning. David being awake first and thinking about how much he loves Matteo. Matte waking up, them just being totally adorable and in love. Set a few years after them getting together.
thanks so much anon!! i’m so happy some druck fans have gotten to see my post, i’ve really missed that fandom <3
David rolls over in bed, or at least tries to while being koala hugged by Matteo. His sleepy boyfriend is such a cuddle bug, clingy when awake and clingy when asleep. He manages to maneuver around Matteo’s clinginess, and Matteo only mumbles unintelligibly before settling back down, head on David’s stomach.
David looks down fondly at him, petting his hair and twirling it around his fingers. Matteo snuggles closer in his sleep, and David can’t help but fawn over how cute he is.
He smiles to himself, eyes tracing the curve of Matteo’s nose, of his lips. David could kiss those lips every day for the rest of time.
They stay like that for awhile, Matteo dozing on David’s stomach and David playing with Matteo’s hair. It’s nice. It’s everything they ever really wanted.
David remembers a few years ago when this didn’t even seem like it was possible, when he was just a scared kid running away from the world. It all seems so far away, now, with Matteo so close, bathing in each other’s comfort and familiarity.
Matteo starts to stir, blinking blearily and looking up at David through his lashes. His eyes are such a clear blue in the morning light coming in through the window.
“Good morning, sunshine,” David says, earning a smile from his boyfriend.
“Good morning, vampire,” Matteo jokes.
“You better hope I’m not a vampire, if you’re supposed to be sunshine. Vampires and sunshine don’t mix well.”
“Sure they do, look at us.”
David laughs and leans down to kiss Matteo’s forehead. Matteo hums and scoots up so his head is resting on David’s chest. His hand ghosts over his scars, and David shivers at the contact.
“You know I love you,” he says, “so, so much.”
“Mhm,” Matteo hums. “I love you, too,” he adds, looking up at David expectantly.
David gives him a quick peck on the lips, and Matteo smiles to himself, satisfied.
“Should I make breakfast?” David asks. “How does shakshuka sound?”
“Mm, I was thinking pasta,” Matteo replied, “a la Luigi.”
“Pasta?” David repeats, laughing a little. “For breakfast?”
“Why not?” Matteo counters. “We’re adults, we can eat whatever the fuck we want.”
David laughs at that. “You’ve got a point. Okay, how about this: pasta a la Luigi today, shakshuka tomorrow.”
“Deal,” Matteo says, pulling David closer, “but not right now.”
send me a prompt and a character/ship and i'll write a short fic!
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illgiveyouahint · 4 years
Tag 9 People You’d Like to Get To Know/Catch Up With.
I was tagged by the lovely @filmmakerdream who might have tagged me in other things as well and I totally forgot to do them in the end
Three ships:  just three? oh boy. well atm? wangxian, davenzi always, fjorester
Last song: Babylone - Zina
Last movie:  Crazy Rich Asians (i was rewatching it), last new movie Monsoon
Currently reading: Little women (for the first time)
Currently watching: slowly rewatching The Untamed, rewatching Community, obsessing over Druck, watching Critical Role and at this point I'd almost call it hate-watching Skamesp 
Currently consuming: wangxian's love and all the untamed dynamics, druck's amazing new characters
Currently craving: love and affection?
Tagging: @amirathaliasgf, @livinonaflyingcarpet, the cql anon who never returned to me rip, @znicehonix (what are you reading these days? and which episode of atla are you on so I know not to spoil things for you too much), @moejra (are you even watching anything or are you just obsessively reading books?), @yourscloudy (i know you mental health has been not so great darling so you don't have to do it but just know I'm thinking of you and sending good vibes your way always 💜) and all the other people who stumble upon this. I really want to get to know you. Please rec me something - tell me which song you're into, what you're reading and watching and consuming.
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jon-astronaut · 5 years
What is your favourite ship in every skam version? :)
Ooh this is such a hard question cause I have multiple likes in every remake but I’ll try.
OG - Isak and Even : No other couple made feel like how their story made me feel like. It was a rollercoaster of emotions, one where you don’t know what’s coming next. Their story made me believe in a lot of things. I love the young love rush they had and also the absolute dedication they had.
Druck - Hanna and Jonas : Okay I love Davenzi a lot too but like Hanna and Jonas have a different place in my heart still I’m only choosing them cause I have to choose one. From the start they always seemed so in love and it was evident how much Jonas cared about her. They felt different than others. Also, I loved how their story was concluded-with the “nose” and all.
Skam Italia - Eva and Gio : Their chemistry was off the charts. And I loved the little moments between them. Like how they laughed together, how Gio played with Eva’s hair all the time, their height difference etc. They felt so domestic and like they should be together. I’m still rooting for them!
Skam France - Lucas and Eliott : Again great chemistry! Their connection was from there since the beginning and their love felt so energetic but dramatic at the same time which was nice. I am still not over the scene where Eliott watches Lucas play piano. The look Eliott gives…wow…
wtFOCK - Zoe and Senne : I mean their story even this season, no matter how hearbreaking it was, was just so great. I loved the way the story led to their break up even if I was sad. Also, like their love was so warm and I feel like they understood each other and challenged each other on another level.
Skam NL - Liv and Noah : Well, I actually liked Isa and Kes too not because they were soulmates but they embodied the young, crazy first love really well. Liv and Noah takes no.1 though but only the first half of the season. Their whole will they won’t they thing with Noah getting on Liv’s nerves but her leaving smiling every time was so loveable.
Skam Espana - Cris and Joana : It’s that I believed in their love at the first scene ever. The way Cris talked about Joana to the others and how bright she looked during that was all just so cute. And again, I loved their small, intimate moments, inside jokes and all. Looking forward to see them as a developed couple now!
Loved answering this a lot so thanks for the question anon! What are your faves?
Send me Skamverse questions!
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horrorboydyke · 5 years
All druck stans that are on Tumblr do is ship Leonie and sara, cry about davenzi, eat hot chip and lie :(
anon, i can’t even put in writing the noise that just came out of my mouth when i read this. we just eat hot chip, be home of sexuals and lie :( so sad
 Ya’ll are fucking killing me with these asks tonight lmaoooooo
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leonardodavenzi · 5 years
Could you please not tag your fics or asks about them with druck? I'm sure there are many more people in the tag who just don't like your fics or think they don't suit davenzi at all. I especially think you could answer explicit (and possibly offensive) asks like the last one more privately and without tagging druck because it just doesn't fit here. Your fans will read your posts and answers on your blog anyways. I really didn't mean to offend but I just wanted to express what many people think
Hey! Thank you for your input, anon. I can see that some of my asks or posts can have sensitive content, and I can definitely avoid tagging the #druck tag with them, no problem. I don’t want people to feel uncomfortable because of my posts, I just want to share the things I love with other fans.
You are probably right that there are many people who don’t like my fics or think they suit davenzi at all. I’m aware that I’m writing for a small audience. However, I’ll still keep using the #druck tag for my fics. Just as everybody else who are making fanart, making edits or writing fanfiction, I want to reach people. I want to share these things that I have worked hard to make. I don’t think any of us can tell others to stop tagging things with #druck just because we don’t like the content. Because who’s to say where the line goes? Is it just the rating that decides it? Or is it okay with explicit rating with other ships? What if people write a ship we don’t like, is that okay to tag, or not?
I do not like discourse, and I’m aware this is an inevitable discourse generator (with roots in Tumblr history), but I still feel like I need to say this clearly: As long as I have written fics in other fandoms, I have understood that the Tumblr policy is to filter/ unfollow/ block/ scroll past things you don’t want to see. At least, that’s what it has become, now that Tumblr has a somewhat better filtering system than in the beginning. That’s why I think my main concern should be to tag my fic posts well so that fans can avoid things they don’t want to see. I tag my posts with “davenzi smut,” “smutty prompts,” or “smutty prompt list” so that people who want to filter/ blacklist those tags can do that. I’m open to feedback though, so feel free to let me know how to tag things better. 
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bagels-and-seagulls · 5 years
Fic idea that I nEed: davenzi pirate au
anon, this is a genius idea but i need more details! are they both pirates? if so, are they rival pirates? is one a pirate and the other a navy captain who has sworn his life and trying to stop said pirate but then somehow they resolve these issues and fall in love? is only one a pirate and the other a prince who is kidnapped but yet falls in love for the rugged pirate that is keeping him captive? is one a pirate and the other someone who works at a town that the pirate ship frequents and they’re kind of in love but won’t admit because of said piracy? do they fall in love before and then one of them becomes a pirate? if so, does the other resent them for going off to see and they have this weird break up but they’re still in love but there’s a lot of tension still? is one of them a land lubber and falls in love with this weird fisherman that comes to shore every couple of months and they don’t know that the other one is actually the world’s most infamous pirate in all the land? 
this is genius and i have time on saturday to come up with something, but i’m gonna need some specifics!
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gleedegrassi-bigfan · 5 years
Can you answer B, E, and K ? :)
Hi, anon! Of course! Thanks for asking! :) 
B. what’s your favourite fandom to read?
Druck for sure. I know that is the most recent fandom that I’m reading, but I can honestly say without a doubt that the writers in the Druck fandom are the best I’ve come across in all my years of reading fanfiction across various fandoms. There is so much excellent craft in Druck fan fiction, and it just goes above and beyond what is passable in fan fiction. And that amazing craft just amplifies the content. Everything is so in character, and there is such a beautiful variety of fics out there. I don’t think I have ever walked away from a Druck fic regretting my time reading it.
E. who is your OTP?
This is just going to be a Druck love letter, isn’t it? Look, I just have to say Davenzi! Like with the previous question, I know that it is the most recent, but none of the other ships I have previously engaged with or shipped come close to the level of soul mate perfection that David and Matteo exude all the goddamn time. I could write so much about why I love them and why they are just the best I’ve ever seen, but for the sake of staying brief and focused, I won’t. Perhaps another day.
K. angst or happy?
I really have to say both. I think that to have fulfilling angst you have to have happiness and to have fulling happiness, you have to have angst. Obviously, sometimes I just want to read a quick little fic and get some happy, fluffy vibes. But when it comes to more substation, story-based fan fiction, I really stand by the balance. Personally, I don’t think I could ever write a fic that included one but not the other. Maybe that’s the writing major in me or the storyteller in me, who knows.
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formerprincewille · 3 years
WHY CANT YOU EVER SAY ANYTHING ABOUT DAVENZI WITHOUT THEM PULLING OUT THE TRANS CARD 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 that has literally NOTHING to do with people not liking david/davenzi omg they’re legit so dense
Also I DO like David and d@venzi. I LOVE them. Matteo is one of my all-time comfort characters and his season is in my top 5 in all of skamverse. And actually, I did that ranking and it ranked at #4 after Robbe, Isak, and Zoë. My god, thinking it was weird that Matteo wasn’t mentioned when his other half was not only on the show but whose actor is a writer for it should not be the most controversial topic ever. Everyone was listing their skamverse ships they thought would end up together. I did as well. I got an anon asking why I thought d@venzi may have split, and I answered it. I said nothing hateful, rude, or remotely “anti”. But for some reason I was the only one who got hate for my opinion. Oh well, it’s cool. I’m blocking now anyway. And yes to David being trans. Not everything is about what marginalized group a character is part of. But it wouldn’t be this fandom without a little oppression olympics.
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kissjane · 4 years
I had a terrible terrible day, could you maybe give us a little cute fluffy cuddly clingy davenzi? Just like I don't know 20 words or anything. I just need your writing. (Doesn't have to be today, I know you have your life!!)
Okay then. Unedited, so please do not hold that against me. Also not very cuddly and clingy, but well, they kinda are in the last 20 words, so... Hope it helps.
Sorry to hear about the terrible day!
David is pathetic, he knows. But he has been dropping hints at Matteo for months now, and he still doesn’t know if the boy is flat out not interested, or merely just not getting it.
So here he is, at the Christmas party of the Art Department, after he has enlisted both Hanna and Amira to make sure Matteo would be here, no matter what.
But maybe both of his allies have failed, and David has been lurking by the door for nothing all night, because it’s running late and he hasn’t seen Matteo, nor any of Matteo’s friends.  He has, on the other hand, been forced to kiss dozens of people. The risks of hanging out under the mistletoe, he supposes.
Oh, well. No point in staying. He tries to shake off the disappointment, and settle for the fact that obviously he and Matteo just aren’t meant to be. The realization doesn’t exactly fill him with seasonal cheer. Rather the opposite, he thinks, when he grabs his coat and decides to give up on Matteo. He tried everything, and it hasn’t worked. It’s clear the guy isn’t into David, and David would be wise to let go of all his fantasies of the past months.
He half-heartedly waves at some friends, not in the mood to go over to say goodbye. He doesn’t want to pretend to be joyful any longer. He wants to go home, maybe permit himself one last daydream about Matteo’s blue eyes, and then forget all about the boy.
As he is about to step out, he notices it is snowing. He sighs. Normally, he’d find it romantic and fairy-tale-like, but right now, he just thinks about getting cold and wet on the way home.
He pulls his hood deep over his face, wraps his scarf even tighter, and starts walking.
Somebody is calling something, but he is suddenly very tired, and he quickens his step. It’s only when he hears his name that he stops and turns around. He doesn’t really want to speak to anybody else tonight, so he just stands and waits.
But then he recognizes the voice, and the figure who’s breathing hard, as if they just ran.
“David! Wait!”
Matteo comes to a stop right in front of him, his hands on his thighs as he needs to catch his breath for a moment.
“Matteo? What’s up?”
“You tell me… I got a call from the hospital to come see my mom, and then I came home and Hanna was all upset, telling me I needed to go to some holiday party, and I had like seventeen phone calls from Amira, and I don’t know what’s going on, but anyway, they sounded like it was really important, so I came. Do you know what the big deal is?”
And, wow. There’s a lot in that. It’s also the most words David has ever heard Matteo speak at once.
“Your mom is in the hospital? Is she okay?”
Matteo nods, shyly.
“Yeah. She’s not sick or anything, I mean, she just needs some extra help sometimes, you know? She, uhm, has a mental disorder, and she just needed a familiar face, I think. She’s fine now. But I still don’t know what was so damn important I had to come all the way here for. Is everybody okay?”
David suddenly feels so stupid. If he had just been brave enough to ask Matteo out like a normal person, instead of relying on some mistletoe, Matteo wouldn’t have come running here for what he might think was another emergency.
“Uhm, yeah, don’t worry, everything is fine.”
“So you know what was so important?”
“Uh, yeah. Me.”
It takes a long beat before Matteo reacts.
David feels himself go crimson.
“Yeah… I’m so sorry, it was so stupid, but I’ve been trying to get the courage to ask you out for months now and I just thought I could kiss you under the mistletoe today because I am a coward and now you came all the way here for no reason at all and I’m sorry, you’re probably not even interested and –”
A hand is suddenly placed over his mouth, and, well, David is not going to lie, it feels good, not as good as a pair of lips would feel, but – Okay. Time to calm down.
Matteo lifts his hand gingerly. He seems nervous, and it’s hard to tell in the dim light of a street lantern, but his cheeks seem a bit rosier than earlier.
“Well,” he says slowly, “do you have any mistletoe?”
David isn’t really sure where this is going, but he shakes his head.
“Damn,” Matteo mutters. “Then you’ll just have to take your chances without it, I guess…”
Because David is standing so close, and watching him so intently, he sees the pink on Matteo’s cheeks grow deeper. It offsets his brilliant blue eyes beautifully. It mesmerizes him, until he realizes what Matteo actually said.
And then, slowly, a grin spreads on his face. He is elated when the same happens on Matteo’s face.
And even more so when he leans in, and Matteo mirrors that too.
There’s no mistletoe, but the snow is creating their own little bubble, just for them, and they kiss until they shiver, from the cold or from the sensations coursing through them.
And then David mumbles something about a date, and Matteo laughs, and whispers that they seem to have skipped a step somewhere, and they kiss again, and this time, they don’t even feel the cold anymore.
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kissjane · 3 years
Could you write a little cute cheesy thing about davenzi being in a relationship and David being jealous?
Ah, precious, I got another ask kinda like this, and I find this very difficult - because what I think is cute and cheesy might not be what anybody else thinks is cute and cheesy! I don’t even know if I would call anything I ever wrote cute and cheesy! And when I think of jealousy I think of angst and pining, not of cute fluff!
But, I tried. I hope it’ll be what you expected.
David blamed Hans and Mia. It was all their fault, for taking Matteo shopping and convincing him to buy skinny jeans and silky shirts which were left unbuttoned up top, showing way too much of Matteo’s delectable collarbones. And they had convinced him to cut his hair, style it in a way that highlighted his amazing bone structure, accentuated the round apples of his cheeks and made his eyes look impossibly big and blue.
Oh, okay, fine, David had thanked them profusely when he’d first laid eyes on the new and improved Matteo, that is, after he had dragged Matteo into the bedroom before he’d even finished taking off his shoes so he could show exactly how much he approved of the changes.
But he conveniently forgot about his own enthusiastic reaction, now that he could see how disastrous they really were.
Because his quiet, shy, soft-spoken boyfriend, who usually stuck close to him all evening, had been the centre of attention all night.
People had come up to Matteo in droves – asking him to dance, offering to get him another beer, flirting and winking and touching him, and Matteo smiled and talked and laughed.
He looked so happy and so beautiful, that David couldn’t bring himself to drag him away from all the admirers, even though he wanted to punch each and every one of them in the face, telling them that Matteo was taken, that they should keep their dirty hands off of his boyfriend.
Jonas sidled up next to him.
“Looking good today, our Luigi,” he said, sipping his beer, nodding towards where Matteo was now talking to a good-looking guy, who was batting his eyelashes seductively.
David balled his hands into fists, biting his lip.
“If that was Hanna, though, I wouldn’t be as calm as you are. Aren’t you jealous?”
And, well. David was jealous. Horribly, excruciatingly so. But –
“I trust Teo,” he gritted out, through clenched teeth. Jonas only chuckled in reply, before going to find Abdi who was about to embarrass himself in front of Sam. It leaves David even more upset than before, watching Matteo while trying to ignore the red-hot jealousy coiling tightly in his stomach.
It goes like that for another forty-five minutes, David being consumed by possessiveness with every person “accidentally” touching Matteo, and Matteo blissfully unaware of what he’s doing to David, radiating joy like he’s the sun.
And then Matteo suddenly stalks towards where David is sulking, and puts both his hands on David’s face, and kisses him deeply. David is too far gone to keep it even moderately decent, immediately pressing his leg between Matteo’s, putting his hands on Matteo’s ass and turning the kiss as filthy as he dares in public.
“Wow,” Matteo breathes when David finally lets go. “What’s gotten into you, huh?”
“What’s gotten into me?” David is aware of how whiny he sounds, but he couldn’t care less. “What’s gotten into you, is the better question! You, looking like – like that, like some model or whatever, letting all these guys touch you and buy you beers and I don’t know what else!”
Matteo looks a bit taken aback, but then he grins widely.
“You mean, all those guys who I’ve been telling that I’m here with the best-looking boy in all of Berlin?”
David gasps.
“You really said that?”
Matteo hums.
“All I’ve been talking about all evening. In fact, all that talking made me quite – hungry. I have some more whipped cream. I was thinking, since we don’t really like it on cheese sandwiches, maybe I could just eat it straight off of you.”
And there’s an idea. To peel Matteo out of these sexy clothes, and have him look up at David with these blue eyes and the cutest blush on these cheeks while he’s doing whatever he wants with David and all the whipped cream they can get their hands on. Maybe Hans and Mia deserve some more thanks, after all. Even if they don’t ever need to know exactly what for.
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kissjane · 3 years
I miss your writing so much. Recently reread all of your davenzi fics. They are so good.
Hi precious!
I have been away for a while... None of us have had the easiest year I suppose! But, I'm trying to get back into the spirit. I have some Davenzi works in the pipeline... *crosses fingers*
Thank for this lovely message. 💙
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kissjane · 3 years
OMG If you ever find yourself writing the davenzi enemies with benefits we definitely need a jealous David. Please. IF you ever write that one 💖
Hi precious!
I'm thinking about it.
If only thinking stuff resulted in words on paper...
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kissjane · 4 years
Hola, you reblogged a post where you said you didn't mind writing a trope more than once.
Ok so please please. Could you write something little about davenzi being best friends and the are always sleeping over, sharing the bed, cuddling. And both are too stupid to realise that the other has also romantic feelings? And think they are just touch starved?
And maybe just maybe a big maybe could you build in a sentence like "fuck Matteo you are so pretty" because Matteo deserves that. I don't know how or if it fits you can also not do it, but I just love David telling him that he is pretty.
I waited a bit answering this ask because I thought I might be able to get something written to you today, but I had to skip my lunch break due to a clusterf*ck (so, basically, normal day at the office). 
Anyway, i have started on this. I will strive to get it posted tomorrow, unless it gets away from me and wants to become a full fledged fic!
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kissjane · 4 years
JUST A HOOKUP / Short fic
#17 from this prompt list
Which one of you anons wanted David pinning Matteo to the wall?
“I think I’m in love with you.”
It’s been like this forever. They go out together, and after a few beers, David disappears amongst the masses on the dance floor, while Matteo hides away in the darkest corner of the room, trying to watch David without being creepy. It lasts until somebody inevitably approaches David, and David smiles widely at whoever it is, his eyes sparkly. They then dance together for a while – a few minutes, an hour – it doesn’t matter, because Matteo knows the end game. Week after week David leaves the dance floor with somebody pretty and confident and experienced – exactly like Matteo isn’t – and comes back with his hair mussed, his clothes disarranged, his eyes flushed and his lips swollen and red. And then they go home, and David will ask Matteo if he had a good time, and Matteo will say yes, and David will ask him if he will dance with David next week, and Matteo will shrug, and ask David if he had fun, and David will wink. And when they reach the flat share – David always walks Matteo home, never the other way around – they will bump fists and with a cheery wave and a “Good night” David will be off, leaving Matteo to suffer in silence. Matteo will lay awake for hours thinking about what David did this time in the bathroom, or against the wall, or in the broom closet, or wherever he took this week’s hook up.
Matteo is well used to the pattern by now, and he has also learned to ignore Jonas, who will at some point bring him a beer, and lean against the wall next to him, and sigh deeply.
“I know I say this every fucking time, bro, but just tell him already. Or stay home next time. You don’t enjoy parties, and even you are not masochistic enough to torture yourself like this every fucking week.”
Matteo accepts the beer with a small nod, but otherwise ignores Jonas. He delivers some variation to this general spiel every week, anyway. He should know by now Matteo won’t listen.
But apparently, Jonas has had enough of their ritual, because suddenly Abdi and Carlos show up, and the three of them force Matteo to move. They push and pull, and he is no match against the three of them, so he lets them maneuver him to the dancefloor, right next to David. He can absolutely refuse to play along, though, so when they urge him in low voices to dance, he just stands there, not moving, rooted to the ground.
But David has other ideas, it seems.
“Matteo!”, he exclaims giddily. “Finally you have come to dance with me!”
And he grabs Matteo by the waist and pulls him against his body, undulating in cadence with the heavy beat that pulsates through the club.
Matteo knows he needs to get away from this, before his body gets ideas about being this close to David, but David is strong, and he doesn’t let go. All Matteo can do is will himself to remain calm, to not react to the way David is pushing his hips against Matteo’s, or the way he tangles his hand in Matteo’s hair.
He desperately tries to signal Jonas to save him before he embarrasses himself, but the traitor just shrugs, and ignores Matteo’s pleading eyes.
So he keeps reciting irregular Spanish verbs in his head, to keep his attention away from the way David has turned Matteo around in his arms, and is now full-on grinding against Matteo’s ass, his hands low on Matteo’s hipbones. If Jonas thought watching David from the corner was torture, he doesn’t know how to describe this. This is so much worse. The only remotely positive part about this is that nobody else comes up to David, and David doesn’t vanish with a stranger.
Matteo loses track of time, trying not to concentrate on David’s body, his fingers on Matteo’s skin, his breath in his ear as he whispers something Matteo doesn’t quite understand.
“What?”, he stupidly says, turning his head slightly, and then regretting it when he realizes how close David’s face is, how dark his eyes.
David stares for a long heartbeat at Matteo, and then tugs at his hand. His lips form some words, and Matteo thinks David is asking him to come along, so he does. He will do whatever David wants. There’s nothing new there.
And then, before Matteo’s brain has had time to catch up, David has pushed him against the wall, and has pressed his full length against Matteo, and is kissing him with abandon.
Matteo’s rational thoughts short-circuit, and he kisses back, immediately hot and bothered, opening his mouth for David, and spreading his legs when David moves one knee in between them, and pushes against Matteo firmly. Matteo cannot keep himself from reacting any longer, and he feels himself harden. He knows David must be able to feel it, but David doesn’t recoil in disgust, but instead presses even closer, as if he wants to crawl inside Matteo.
Matteo has no idea how long they are kissing, but when David pulls back and groans Matteo’s name, suddenly his brain starts functioning again.
David looks exactly like all those times he came back from some make-out session – and Matteo’s heart breaks. With a surge of strength he didn’t know he possessed, he pushes David away, and when David, surprised by Matteo’s actions, stumbles backwards, Matteo bolts.
He runs as quickly as he can, knowing David is faster, but hoping David will just go back to the dancefloor.
But his hope is proven idle, when he hears David call out his name, and his footsteps approaching.
Panting, breathless, both from the sprint and from the kiss, Matteo stops and waits for David to catch up.
“What was that about?”, David demands, not out of breath at all. “Why did you take off like that?”
Matteo doesn’t know how to feel. He is embarrassed about his reaction to David, and suddenly he feels nothing but anger – at David, for kissing him like that, at Jonas, for putting Matteo in this situation, and mostly at himself, for being in love with his friend, who he knows is out of reach.
So in his anguish, he lashes out.
“Why wouldn’t I? You got your heavy petting for the week. We always leave after you got some, so why would this week be any different?”
And David’s eyes narrow at Matteo’s cynical words, and his face hardens. Slowly, but deliberately, he steps closer towards Matteo, and Matteo helplessly retreats, until he feels a wall in his back, and David closes him in with two arms next to his shoulders.
“Who says I was done with this week’s heavy petting?”, he sneers, emphasizing the words, and he presses his lips to Matteo’s again, hard and bruising. And Matteo, at first, reacts – opens his mouth, pushes his hips towards David, arches his back to rest his head against the wall – but then it all becomes too much and with a sob, he pushes against David’s chest.
“Stop,” he cries, “stop, stop, David, stop, please…”
David, who at first moved his lips towards Matteo’s neck to suck at the tender skin there, suddenly stops, and his whole demeanor changes. His face turns worried, his hands cradle Matteo’s face with care, and his voice is soft when he speaks.
“Sorry… sorry, Matteo… I shouldn’t have… But I just wanted you so badly…”
Matteo is crying now, tears and snot running over his face, and David pulls him into a hug, and at first, Matteo wants to step back, but then he gives in to the familiar comfort, and leans his head on David’s shoulder. They stay like that for what feels like an eternity, and when the sobs stop racking through Matteo’s body, David speaks again.
“I am so, so sorry, Matteo… Please, forgive me… I won’t ever try anything like that again. I know it’s no excuse, but I just wanted to kiss you so much, and I thought you were into it too…”
“I was,” Matteo whispers, vulnerable, but deciding he needs to be honest. He might lose his friend, but after what happened just now, he doesn’t know if they can ever be the same unless he finally confesses.
“I was, David, but I – I don’t wanna be one of your dirty hookups…”
David blusters at Matteo’s words, ready to defend himself.
“There is nothing wrong with hooking up with people, Matteo!”, he retorts, sounding upset. “You’re – it’s like you’re implying I’m acting like some sort of monster. It’s not dirty. I don’t take advantage of them, or whatever you might think!”
Matteo shakes his head violently.
“No… No, that’s not it. It’s just that – Well, I don’t know about those others, but I – I don’t want that – I don’t want just some grinding against a wall…”
David immediately sounds remorseful again.
“Yeah, I realize that now. I should have asked permission first, Matteo, I’m sorry. I just… I thought…”
He seems at a loss for words, and Matteo holds on to this strange mix of vulnerability and courage coursing through him.
“I know. And you were right… I mean, I was into it, I guess… I just – I – It would kill me to do this with you now and then watch you do it with somebody else again next week. I hate watching you with other people.”
David remains very still, and Matteo fears he has ruined their friendship.
“Why – why?”, he finally asks, on a trembling breath.
“Because I – I think I am in love with you,” Matteo says, equally unsteady, his voice so low he is not sure David can hear him.
Neither of them moves, or speaks, and it seems like time stopped, until a car honks somewhere in the distance, and they both are shaken out of their turmoil thoughts.
“Do you know why I hook up with somebody else every time we go out?”, David suddenly says, his voice almost loud in the silent night.
Matteo shakes his head, unsure where this is going, wondering if David hasn’t heard his confession, or is just ignoring it.
“Because I didn’t think the person I really want to kiss wanted me.”
Matteo swallows, and tries to say something, but no sound comes out.
“But now… Now I think maybe he does.”
Matteo stares at David, and David stares back.
“Matteo… If I promise it’s not just a hookup, if I promise I will kiss you again next time, and the next, and every day in between… If I promise I will never even look at anybody else… Will you please let me kiss you again?”
Matteo cannot do anything but nod dumbly. But when David smiles, and steps closer, and backs Matteo against the wall for the third time, he feels his heart speed up and he closes his eyes. Maybe – just maybe, this is how it’ll be forever, from now on.
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