#i swear i geek out every time i talk about him but i just think his movies are so fascinating!!
stinkrascal · 1 year
Are Ari Aster movies too intense for someone who has bad anxiety? I want to get into watching horror but I’m very sensitive
it's hard to say, i dont know how squeamish you are or if youre easily scared. his movies dont have jumpscares or anything like that, but they are graphic. although i will say that beau is afraid is definitely his least scary movie out of his three releases, with the least amount of graphic scenes. there are graphic scenes within that movie but they arent nearly as gratuitous as in hereditary or midsommar. hereditary is probably his scariest, but personally i didn't find that movie super scary either, it just has a really tense atmosphere. midsommar has the most graphic scenes, but none of them jump out at you, it's very apparent that they're about to happen so you have time to shield your eyes before seeing the grotesque images. to be honest, i still haven't watched the one graphic scene from midsommar even though i've seen that movie countless times lol (if you've seen midsommar, y'all know EXACTLY what scene i'm talking about. i shield my eyes every time i watch it).
to me, ari aster's films are more unsettling than scary, so if you're easily scared his films might be a good start to get you into the horror genre! it definitely kickstarted my interest in horror in general, as i'm also someone who's extremely squeamish and easily scared. as you explore the horror genre you'll grow less squeamish, i promise!!
if you wanna explore ari aster's films, i'd definitely recommend his short film "the strange thing about the johnsons" on youtube! it's a great introduction to his storytelling style in general, as it has all the general components of an ari aster film (i.e. familial trauma) without all the graphic head trauma that he's also known for lmao. if you like that short film, then you'll definitely like his other movies bc the theme of traumatic families is prevalent throughout his discography!
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squoxle · 3 months
✏ TNAIT 003: Do. Not. Get. Attached l.at fanfic
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✰ pairing: nerdy!bandboy!anton x cheerleader!fem!reader| ✰ wc: 2.9k | ✰ cw: profanity, angst, sexual themes, kissing | ✰ plot: your friends catch on to the fact that you might actually be falling for this nerd, but their reaction to it sends you on a wild mission to try and convince them otherwise... [Series Masterlist]
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"So...how'd everything go with Ponytail?" Dongmin asked Chanyoung at the cafe, after his shift.
"It actually went alright. That cheerleader isn't too bad," he shrugged as he sat in the chair across from him.
"Did you make any progress?"
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"With her assignments? Not really. We had a little incident and just ended up hanging out for a bit after that."
"Well, don't get too cozy, alright."
"What do you mean? You're the one who got me hooked up with her in the first place."
"I know man, but just be careful. Remember that we're a part of different worlds."
"So what? Are you trying to say she's out of my league?"
"I-I just don't want you to get your heart broken again..."
"What are you talking about. We literally just met."
"I know but--"
"You're acting like I proposed to her. We're just friends. Relax," he said before taking a bite of pizza. He picked some up for the two of them to eat here.
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For the next few weeks, you continued to see him. First, it was only 3 days out of the week, but by now it had escalated to 5 days. Your feelings for him grew, but you had to keep your little crush a secret, at least for now.
"I'm telling you right now. Do. Not. Get. Attached," Xoey said. She decided to join you at the cafe today. "I can see it in your eyes that you like him more than you're letting on."
"Let's just say I do like him. Is it really that big of a deal?"
"Are you insane? You're literally just using him to get your grades up. Any type of romance is out of the question," Xoey snapped.
"Can you believe she hasn't given him anything to help her?" Abigail chimed in.
"Nothing?" her eyes widened. "Hmm...interesting. Do you think he likes her back?"
"Eww. He better fucking not," Abigail rolled her eyes. "I swear if these two ever start dating, I'd actually vomit..."
"He's really not that bad," you shrugged.
"They have so many hot guys on the football team that you could easily pull. Don't settle for that dork," Abigail spat. You knew very well that she meant every word she said.
"Relax! I don't even like him like that. I already told you, I'm just being his friend so he can pull my grades up," you spat.
"Wait, wait, wait! So let me get one thing straight," Xoey interjected. "You two have just been buddy-buddy this whole time? You've never slept with him? Not even once?"
"Anything sexual at all? Maybe even a kiss?"
"She hasn't opened anything but her laptop for that geek," Abigail sighed as you shook your head.
"Okay, well if you really don't like him and it's all about the grades how about you prove it to us by kissing Nicholas," Xoey smirked.
"Omg, he is so fine," Abigail nearly moaned at the meer thought of him.
"Yeah, I know. And a little birdie told me that he's been looking at our girl. So this is gonna be a piece of cake," she grinned folding her hands together.
"Oh and to make it even better, you have to tell him that you've liked him forever," Abigail added.
"In front of sweet little Channie," Xoey spat.
"Girls, this is ridiculous," you wailed. "I already said I don't like him. I'm just using him for my grades. I seriously only see him as a friend," you lied.
"Do it and we won't hunt down your fanboy and tell him that you couldn't care less about him," Xoey raised an eyebrow as she leaned over the table, lowering her voice.
"And that you're just using him for the semester," Abigail added. "You've already told us how you're just gonna drop him anyway. So why not rip off the band-aid now?"
"Fine, fine! I'll do it," you exclaimed. "But not in front of him...that'll be too awkward."
Maybe it was the peer pressure of wanting to be accepted that influenced your decision. But whatever it was, there was some damage control you had to do first.
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"So, what are we working on today," Chanyoung smiled as you sat down next to him.
"Hmm... well I finished writing one of my English assignments last night. Maybe you could just look over it for me first and then we can work on something else."
"Alright," he nodded as you slid your computer over to him and began scrolling through the contents of your essay.
“You can just call me Chan. It sounds less…formal,” he smiled.
“Okay. Well, do you have anything planned this weekend?”
“No, not really. Why?” He asked, turning away from the screen to look at you.
“I was wondering if maybe…you wanted to go out with me. N-not like a date or anything,” you chuckled. “Just as friends.”
“Yeah sure. It’s not like I’m doing anything anyway.”
“Great!” You smiled. “How do you feel about a movie at…I don’t know…6?”
“Yeah, 6 sounds good,” he laughed, admiring how sweet you were with him. Even though you said this would be a friendly date, you wanted to be more than that with him.
So what if your friends don’t like him. They’ll just have to get over it. After all, you just had to kiss Nicholas one time. It's not like you were signing yourself over in marriage, right?
"Well, umm...let's get back to studying and maybe we can hang out before you go to practice," he said, returning to the screen.
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After cheer practice, Abigail dropped you off at home as usual. You waved to your parents and went straight to your room to clean yourself up for the night.
"Honey," your mom's voice called when you were in the bathroom. "When you're finished, your father and I would like to have a talk with you."
"Okay, I'm almost finished," you replied, before you heard her footsteps trail down the hall.
You had a very good feeling about what this conversation would be about. Lucky for you, you had the right answer.
"How are your grades looking?" your father asked as you sat on the couch.
"I'm actually doing a lot better," you nodded.
"Can you go get your laptop so I can see how they've improved?" he asked.
"Sure," you said before leaving the room. This conversation was just about as stale as you expected it to be. "Here it is," you turned the laptop to him, revealing your grades.
Politics — 85.97%
English — 94.81%
Math — 78.12%
Geography — 89.54%
"I have a few more assignments due this week that should bring my grades up even more," you smiled.
"This is great!" you mother chimed.
"I know we put a lot of pressure on you, but it's because we want you to succeed. I'm just glad to see that you're taking action on your own," your father began. "Without a tutor," he added.
You knew that wasn't completely true, but it's the lie you had to tell to keep everyone happy.
"Thanks," you said, closing the computer.
"Oh, before you go I wanted to address an issue," your father said as you were about to walk away. "I'm sure you've noticed by now that I froze your cards. Well, since you're obviously doing better I think you've earned that privilege back."
"Wow...I've never seen my dad so proud of me," you thought to yourself. "Then again, I've never let my grades drop like this."
"Goodnight, honey and keep up the good work," your parents smiled before you walked back to your room.
You wished that Chan was in your room right now so you could hug him. He's taken so much pressure off that you've even completed some of the assignments on your own. Meeting up with him has forced you to delegate time to your studies and giving him your login information was one of the best choices you made.
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The next day at practice, you walked in to see one of your cheer mates in tears.
"What's going on?" you whispered to Janice. Abigail and the other girls were busy trying to console her.
"Word got out that Reina had been sleeping with another student to help her pass classes. Which is obviously a breach of the student code of conduct," she sighed leaning against one of the red lockers.
"So what's gonna happen to her?"
"Well, she's being suspended for the rest of the semester and will have a zero in all her courses, effective immediately. On top of that, she'll be on academic probation. Meaning, she'll be kicked from the cheer squad until she can complete a semester on her own with a GPA of 2.5 or higher."
You thought about the situation you were in right now. "That could've easily been me," you thought to yourself as you looked down at your feet. "If my parents ever found out about my little rendevous with Chanyoung they'd never trust me again..."
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"Chanyoung," you gasped as you bumped into him in the halls.
"Heh, I didn't expect to see you here," he smiled.
"Well, it was nice seeing you Ponytail. But we kinda got somewhere to be," Dongmin spat as he grabbed onto Chanyoung's arm.
"Oh sorry, I wasn't trying to hold you up," you replied.
"No, it's alright. We were just going to grab something to eat before heading over to my place," Chanyoung said, turning back to you. "You can join us if you want."
"No, she can't," Dongmin interjected. "I'm sure she has something else to do."
"No, he's right," you smiled, cutting him off. "I was just on my way to meet up with the girls. But maybe next time?"
"Yeah, definitely," he smiled, which just made Dongmin roll his eyes. "Oh, we're still on for this weekend right?"
"Yeah, totally," you chimed before jogging off to catch up with your friends.
"Eh hm? This weekend? What are you doing with her this weekend?"
"None of your business," Chan teased.
"What do you mean none of my business? You wouldn't even be talking to her if it weren't for me."
"Okay? I don't even see how that matters right now," Chan scoffed.
"Because you're falling for Ponytail and I can tell. I thought you didn't like cheerleaders. I guess everything's different now that you're holding hands with one?"
"Pft, what!?"
"Don't start playing dumb. It's written all over your stupid ass face. Every time she comes around and every time you talk about her you have that dumbass grin."
"Okay? So, what?"
"So you admit it? You do like her?"
"Yeah, I do. What's wrong with that?"
"She's so out of your league it isn't even funny."
"We're not in high school anymore. We can date whoever we want. Cliques don't exist here."
"Yes, they fucking do, but ever since you've been working for that high-strung cheering ditz you haven't been able to think straight."
"This is so fucking stupid. I'm not doing this with you, okay."
"The old you would've never been so blind."
"What are you talking about?"
"That bitch is two-faced as fuck," Dongmin spat.
"Whatever, man. You're just saying that because you're jealous."
"Jealous? God, you sound so much like those cock sucking sluts," Dongmin shook his head. "Wait, I just remembered that you're not even getting that from her, huh?" he chuckled. "She's just using you. She can't even bring herself to have romantic feelings for you. She's just pretending to be your friend so you can keep being her lovestruck slave."
"If you're gonna keep acting like that, I'd rather you just shut the fuck up."
"What? You don't believe me?"
"Fuck no and I'm honestly tired of hearing you bitch."
"Fine, you can go back to living out your little fantasy, but don't come crying to me when you find out I'm right."
"I think I'm gonna go home on my own tonight," Chan shook his head before walking off, leaving Dongmin behind. "See ya tomorrow, man."
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Remembering the dare from yesterday you decided to go find Nicholas and "confess" to him. This really just meant setting up a situation where a kiss wouldn't seem so awkward. You just weren't really the type to randomly put your lips on someone.
"Hey, Nick," you smiled as you approached him in the hallway.
"Yeah? What's up?"
"Well...I heard from someone that you've been looking at me," he smirked as he anticipated the next thing you were gonna say. "So..."
"So, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go out this weekend?"
"Umm lemme just check my schedule real quick," he chuckled, pulling out his phone to swipe his thumb across the screen. "Yep, this weekend sounds perfect. I'll pick you up at 5, okay."
"Yeah, I have football practice until 3:45 and I still gotta shower and stuff."
"Oh...okay. Well, 5 sounds good," you smiled feinly.
"Alright, well I'll have to catch up with you later. I think you already have my number so if you wanna talk tonight we can," he smirked before pulling you in for a hug.
"Okay, I'll try to call you tonight if I'm not too busy," you said as he hugged you one more time before jogging to high-five the group of boys that waited at the other end of the hall.
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As much as you wanted to see Chanyoung today, he was busy taking care of something with his brother. This gave you a little more time to bond with Nicholas...or Nick as you liked to call him.
"Hey, ____," Nicholas waved as he walked into the courtyard. "I got out of practice early today. If you're not busy did you wanna catch up a bit now?"
"Yeah, sure," you smiled.
One thing your friends didn't know was that you had a past with Nicholas. The two of you went to school together from Pre-K to 5th grade--middle school is when you both went your separate ways.
Though you never moved, Nicholas' father was stationed outside of the country. Fate had it that the two of you reconnected.
You thought back to the time he gave you a candy ring for your "wedding" in 1st grade. Even though you were just kids, it still felt so special.
It really sucked when he moved away that summer, but he made sure to send you a card on your birthday every year.
"Okay, so I have one question," he began as he walked beside you.
"What's that?"
"Did you really wanna go out with me? Or is this part of some master plan?"
"Uhh, why would you think that?" you scoffed.
"Come on, ____. I'm not stupid. I know when someone's trying to jerk me around."
"He always was quick," you thought to yourself. "Okay, fine."
"Yup, I knew it," he chuckled. "So what was it? A dare? A competition?"
"It was a dare...some of the girls from my squad think I like this guy--"
"Well are they right?"
"Yeah, but they don't really approve of him."
"So what? If you like him and he's a great guy who cares what your friends think?"
"Hmm...yeah I guess you're right."
"Ooooof course I am."
"Well, I still gotta do the dare...I already agreed to it."
"Okay," he laughed. "But what exactly do you have to do?"
"You're not gonna like this...."
"Just tell me."
"I have to kiss you..."
"That's it?"
"And tell you that I've liked you forever," though you were dared to say this, at one point (before you got to know Chanyoung) that was true.
"Easy-peasy," he smiled before pulling your in by your waist for a kiss.
"Nick!" you exclaimed as he burst out into laughter.
"Relax, I just wanted to get a reaction out of you," he smiled. "Here, I'll do it properly this time," he leaned in before gently placing a kiss on your lips. "How's that," he asked.
"Much better, but you can do it on my cheek next time," you tapped the plush of your cheek.
"Like this?" he playfully pecked your cheek.
"Yes!" you laughed. "You're enjoying the hell out of this and I know it," you smiled as he wrapped his arm around you.
"I'll drop you off at home tonight."
"Hmm? Why?"
"Well I kinda wanna go raid the gas station and I think I'd like you to be my partner in crime. I mean it's only fair. After all you're just using me to complete a dare."
"Hmm, okay. Well, let's get started now," you smiled as he walked you to his car.
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"Hey," Chanyoung said dryly.
"Look, I know you don't wanna hear this, but there's something you gotta know about Ponytail."
"What is it now," he sighed.
"Earlier today, I saw her getting all gushy over this jock. And I don't mean some silly conversation. I saw them kissing. She's duping you, man."
Chanyoung sat in silence for a short while before finally speaking again. "You're not gonna stop, are you?"
"What are you talking about, Chan? I just gave you proof."
"No, what you gave me was some more bullshit stories you sat around concocting all day."
"Dude, I--"
"I don't wanna argue about this again, okay. Just drop it already."
"Forget it...I'm going to sleep."
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Later that night, after Nicholas dropped you off, you laid across your bed, staring up at the ceiling as you though to yourself...
"How the hell am I gonna be in two places at once?"
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Thanks for reading the second episode of my series. [Series Masterlist]
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Click this link to go to my main masterlist and stay tuned for the next episodes.
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CURRENT TAGLIST: @chlorinecake @addictedtohobi @nikisvanillaccola @laylasbunbunny @urfavberry @antonitty @billiondollarworth @meowbini @mamuljji @riizeis-7 @littlebrightsrar @jisfairy @galorehearts @misfit-nvrfitin @siuewnb @ot7sevenlvr @earth2hannah @professsionalsimp @fairyofhours @wonbinkisser @lovelymulti @annielovescry @antosaurius @inlovekyo @luv4stxrs @v4mpsunghoon @rikiiminaj @brachiobun @pointlessapple @antititititoni @mrkvrse @ywnzn @kisplayhouse @strawberryhillsworld @cartimitsuya @jungwon15 @hanni711 @tsukkiteamo @hajoon-iz-won @songgmingii @bloodiichainzzxx @sunnynearthecoast @riris-a-mess @deewly @ericlvr @freeluvbot @pandajihoonn @mint-yooniverse @pwarksasteroid @huan9jun @zixoxos @snowyseungs @mintmyg @moonchild-please-dont-cry @taeheartss @seesawh @chloelr60 @dodot04lover @firedalarm-blog @kazscara
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beanghostprincess · 6 months
I love Law but I am sure he cannot keep his mouth shut when talking about Germa and Sanji being a Vinsmoke. And he does not do it out of malice or anything because he truly, genuinely is excited about it in his own way (<- denial being the way) but Sanji hates every second of it whenever their crews meet.
Seeing this situation when Sanuso is established... Makes me think about Usopp seeing Sanji trying desperately to make Law shut up about it but giving up after a while because he just cannot keep having the same conversation over and over again. He just deals with it the same way he has always done. He is not about to tell all of his trauma to this man, thank you very much.
Usopp does not like it. Not even a bit. He spends all the time watching this happen without doing anything and just getting in between their conversation subtly to change the topic and save Sanji from dealing with this, but there is only so much somebody can do about a geek's obsession with his childhood comics.
So maybe this is too self-indulgent, but I really like angry Usopp. I really do want him to protect Sanji when he sees the cook refuses to fight back anymore. And I really want Usopp to drag Law somewhere private and go: "If he says he isn't a Vinsmoke, then he isn't a Vinsmoke. I am a fan of superheroes as much as the next one too, dude, but I swear if you call him by that name again I will not hesitate to fight you and you don't want to have a taste of what I actually can do. If you can't hold yourself back you just don't go near him. If I see his smile drop even once tonight again because of you, you are not setting foot near him ever again. Understood?"
Law is a bit caught off guard because the most unexpected one of the Strawhats is the one threatening him. And he is not scared. He could easily fight him. But it hits him right in his pride and Law just accepts it reluctantly and frustratedly and walks away.
He does not speak to Sanji for the rest of the night. Happy Sanji, happy Usopp, not so very happy Law but he is still learning not to be weird around Sanji so it's okay.
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cloudcountry · 9 months
Shakespeare "reusing" one of his sonnets to woo the reader with his extremely shitty guitar skills under the window (outside the door) and overall he's just yowling like a cat bc of the guitar 🎸 (also I say reusing bc we've read it in modern times, but for him it's new asf)
note: he is trying smth "modern" to woo the reader but also thinks a guitar is a cittern/cithren hence the yowling
SUMMARY: theo yells at you to wrangle your lover. said lover is trying his best to serenade you.
WARNINGS: none!! :D
COMMENTS: YOU ARE THE LAST DW im writing two things today since i missed yesterday oopsie. i feel like will would be a really nice singer though :(( he has such a ncie voice :((( so yea i changed your request a little bit because i doubt hes the type to YOWL but yk theo is fed up with anyway!!
i used sonnet 116 for this because its so beautifully written excuse my geeking
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“Let me not to the marriage of true minds Admit impediments.”
“Hey, Hondje. Tell him to shut up.” Theo huffs, a string of very creative Dutch swears leaving his lips after he slams the door shut behind him.
You can hear what Theo is talking about.
There’s a strange warbling noise that sounds like a musical instrument, along with a very familiar voice cooing unintelligible lyrics from out on the balcony. You open the door that Theo just left, stepping out into the cold night air. The singing becomes clearer, and a smile creeps on your face when you lean over the railing.
“Love is not love Which alters when it alteration finds, Or bends with the remover to remove.”
It’s Will, a guitar in hand that he’s clearly struggling to play, his eyes trained on the space you occupy now. A smile blooms across his face as he sings, the notes too plucky to be anything but offensive, but it's him and he’s doing something for you, and so you listen.
“O no! it is an ever-fixed mark That looks on tempests and is never shaken; It is the star to every wand'ring bark, Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.”
It takes you a second to register the words he’s singing to you, but when you realize it's a sonnet giddy laugh tumbles from your lips. Will’s eyes gleam with joy at the sound, and he steps closer to the balcony. His neck is craned up so he can see you, yearning to be close and yet being a whole floor away.
While he may not be able to physically reach you, his words do.
“Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks Within his bending sickle's compass come; Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, But bears it out even to the edge of doom.”
The sonnet reminds you of Will’s love, of how it’s never changing, of how it’s held up even though everything the two of you have been through together. It reminds me of how devoted he is to you, his love, and how he’d do anything to ensure your happiness, even if he has to sacrifice himself.
It’s something he’s been working on. He’s well aware that it’s not just him who would die if the two of you were parted now.
“If this be error and upon me prov'd, I never writ, nor no man ever lov'd.”
The final notes ring into the night and you offer him a polite clap, the soft sound leaving the night around you two undisturbed.
“Sebastian told me that was an effective way to woo someone from your time period. I do hope you found it satisfactory.” Will confesses, awkwardly holding the guitar like he isn’t sure what to do with it.
This time you laugh loud, raising your head towards the stars as your heart flutters for this man.
“Come inside already!” you call out to him, giggles still seeping into your voice as you rush back inside to let him in.
You’re going to have to make sure Theo isn’t around, but you can deal with that when the time comes. Right now, you need to concern yourself with your silly, wonderfully talented lover.
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lil-elle · 10 months
KIDS WITH XIKERSS🥺🥺🥺 What would it be like to have a family with them?😭😭😭
I'll actually cry thinking about this, I'm not joking
XIKERS as Dads T-T
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pairs: bf/hus!xikers (?) x gn!reader
genre: established relationship, parenthood (?), fluff
word count: 1.3k
content: cute fluffy dad behaviour
a/n: daddy issues go so crazy...
Likes to think he'd know what to do but when it actually comes to it, he's a confused mess
At first, if you left him alone with the baby to go grocery shopping or something, he'd be calling you after like 10 minutes like “Um, please come back, she's trying to eat paper towels and I don't know what to do…” in a very panicked voice that you don't usually hear from him
He'd get it eventually, but he'd be such a weak spot for your daughter, always getting her fast food when she wants it, taking her to the park whenever he can, not being able to resist when she points and asks if she can get some ice cream at the grocery store
Would be the softest dad ever, always talking sweetly to her and making time for her
She'd definitely grow up being a dad's girl, listening to music with him, cooking with him, dancing with him
Anxious, paranoid dad. Looks up every little thing she does, worried it's a sign of illness or injury
Actually quite a good carer though, insisting that you stay in bed and let him handle it when she starts crying in the middle of the night
Definitely looks at her with the softest eyes, the type to think he wouldn't be all that crazy about having kids but once he has one, he's so so full of love and joy
Would end up being maybe a little strict just because he's over paranoid. Once she's a teen you'd have to convince him to let her do certain things like hang out with her friends because he thinks they'll be drinking and doing drugs (I swear he means well)
The type to have a heart to heart with her because she's mad at him for being so strict, and he'd tear up while telling her that he's just so worried about her
The fun one
Shows pictures of you and her to everyone at work, so incredibly proud and happy of his family “Look at her, isn't she cute!!”
Spoils her every Christmas, birthday, any holiday basically. Even not on holidays, comes home with gifts for her and you have to warn him not to spoil her too much in case she becomes a spoilt brat
Would listen to her babble about her cartoons or favourite toys and would definitely actually enjoy watching cartoons and playing with toys with her
The emotional one. Cries with every milestone like first steps, first day of school, every birthday, first play date, anything really
Thought he'd be a bad father but is actually really naturally caring and nurturing
Would sit and help with her homework until she gets to like 10th grade and he's skipping out saying he's “busy” but it's actually because he barely understands it himself
Would let her run and jump into his arms every time he got home from work
You'd catch them napping together on the couch after getting home one day because they both got sleepy watching a movie and cuddling
Kinda goofy and also really confused when it comes to caring for her
Would do a ton of research and still be like “is this right?” “Oh god what do I do??”
Would absolutely adore her though, taking pictures whenever she does something cute and geeking out while showing you and obsessing over it for days
You'd walk into her room one day to find him holding her and just looking at her with the softest smile on his face. You'd walk up to him and he'd meet your eyes before smiling super duper wide, just so happy
He doesn't usually cry but he'd tear up seeing her leave for her first day at school and turn away from you like “I'm not crying, don't look!”
Would be super nervous about taking care of her on the inside, even if he didn't show it on the outside
Doesn't seem like the type to be a fan of kids but his is the only exception - he adores her
Would keep a picture of her in his wallet or on his desk at work
Would always prioritise her over anything else. She's sick at school? Immediately leaves work to take her home and take care of her. She's crying over something? Would sit down with her and comfort her
Would sit on the couch with her on his lap watching cartoons and he'd absolutely fall asleep there, knocked out while she's bouncing up and down singing to the theme tune of her favourite show
Wide eyed whenever she does something new like giggles or grabs his finger
Would never ever admit how much he adores her but you'd catch him peeking into the crib while she sleeps, just smiling softly and getting jumpscared when he notices you behind him
Would go insane when she has her first steps, jumping up and down and yelling. He'd only calm down once he realises that he might be scaring or upsetting her by being loud
Would take her on little daddy daughter dates after school, scooping her into his arms and carrying her to a nearby cafe while talking cutesy with her and letting her choose whatever she wants from the sweets in the Cafe
Would always fight for her if she got in trouble at school, insisting that there's no way his precious angel started a fight and it was definitely the other kids fault
Tears and giggles from him no matter what she does. She'd giggle and the he'd giggle and his giggling would make her giggle harder, just an endless cycle
She'd definitely tale after him, being super super adorable and everyone would be able to tell, commenting on it and making him shy
Would build pillow forts with her and read her stories and she fell asleep, then carry her to bed and kiss her forehead and tucked her in
Many nights of all 3 of you falling asleep in bed together snuggled up, especially if it's cold or she's had a nightmare
Would wear matching Halloween costumes with her every Halloween because she loves it so much
Definitely seems like the type to know he wants a family, and once he has it he's just as thrilled as he thought he'd be
Would sing to her to help her sleep while running his finger down the bridge of her nose
Would always carry her from the car to her bed without waking her up if she fell asleep
Would be super prepared with making sure she had everything she needed for school everyday, would always make sure she ate enough and was happy everyday
Just a few months after having the first one he'd already be like “let's have another one”
Would be super panicky and confused. She'd start crying and he'd make a silly face to try and cheer her up but she'd just cry harder and he'd be like “HONEY HELP, I MADE IT WORSE.”
Would burst into hysterical laughter at any small thing she did, would somehow always manage to stay positive and find it funny even if she flings food at the wall or draws on everything with permanent marker
You'd have to be the one to discipline her because Yechan would never have the heart to 
He's the type to high five her if she fights someone at school. “Did he start it?” “He called me a butthead >:( so I hit him” “Good job, sweetheart” *high five*
Would work together with her to pull pranks on you and then run away together, “Mommy's so scary isn't she” he'd chuckle
 @hyunromi @chocoeon @hyunukitty @minjaezed
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valeriianz · 3 months
For the writer ask meme and BitB:
If you made a playlist, talk about the songs on it and share a link
oh hi there c: slapping a Read More because this also got a little long
we got the OG playlist, made this in October 2022. i also answered an ask about this playlist back in late 2022, here! this is just music that gives me Endless vibes. but to be honest, ive had comments about how the band gives off more goth rock or heavy metal or even something softer and more contemporary and... you know, that's totally cool. what they sound like in my head is not the end all and if the music on this playlist isn't your jam, Endless can be whatever you want them to be haha.
this other one i didn't promote as much, but also the songs on it are a very different vibe to the one above. this playlist updates with every chapter, follow along if you want or wait til the fic is done and listen to the whole thing in order. every song coincides with something in the chapter.
some key tracks that i'll geek out about:
"Magic," chapter 1. i think it's really cute and lets us know that Hob definitely left an impression on Dream and that he was thinking about him even after such a short interaction. and the chorus foreshadows Hob going on tour with the band:
"One journey for you but it's worth it One life here with me and it's magic"
and i thought this line was a fun way to foreshadow Dream being impressed that Hob threw sass back in his face after the whole missing bass guitar incident:
"I found you one day with a mouth full of attitude And you stole me away, you stole me away"
"Four Sticks," chapter 4. Hob feeling frustrated and confused because despite how Dream is treating him, fuck- he still really likes him. also, the song is in 5/4 time ;)
"Great Divide," chapter 6. Hob is about to start his grand adventure. and Matthew is stepping way out of his comfort zone to come along. it's going to be life changing for both of them!
"If we find our way, we may never be the same On our way! On our way! And if we lose everything, what have we to gain? On our way! On our way! If we don't try to go... We may never know..."
"Imposters (Little by Little)," chapter 9. ahh a pining kind of love song (also im being a tease with the chorus being "little by little, by little by little..." haha)
"I can be the one that you just can't shake 'Til you swear that your eyes go blind We can disappear 'til the sun burns a hole In the life that we left behind And I just won't stop 'til my heart gives way And you and I are a long-lost myth There's nothing very much that you wouldn't do To be the last of the men that you romanced with"
"Lay by Me," chapter 14. just a cute lil folksy song. the chorus got me hype for their first kiss, finally! just "whoa oh oh!" all the way through lmao. but it also goes along with Hob getting Dream out of his head a little:
"Lights out, paper town, summer queens with daisy crows Merry going round-and-round, you're the darling of the town ... Scraped knees, birds and bees, duke and duchess of a dream Rainy day philosophy, a hurricane is just a breeze I'll show you the world tonight As long as you say you're mine"
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poppy-metal · 2 years
this is the first ask i’ve ever done ♡ i’m sorry if it’s cringy LOL, i literally just haven’t been able to get this out of my head and it’s 1:00am. steve!centric.
whatever you do, don’t think about how steve’s parents definitely forced him to play a classical instrument when he was younger. they wanted to use him in his adolescence to impress the other stifling parents in the rich neighbourhood of hawkins’, so they chose the cello. something deep, alluring, leading, etc. young steve would be hauled up in the living room of that near vacant house, watching longingly as the neighbourhood kids played rambunctiously on the sidewalks while he was tethered to darkness as the curtains closed, blocking his view of salvation. a brand new cello practically the same size as him would fight against his scrawny arms, weighing down on the right side of his chest suffocatingly. his firm instructor, one of the best in the country, sat across from him as he relentlessly instilled the art of classical music into steve’s brain day and night, until the soft pads of his nimble fingers were bloody and bruised.
once steve got to high school, he fought tooth and nail with his parents to not continue cello lessons, much to his parents now still evident resentment. he was afraid that if anyone found out that he knew how to play the cello, and god forbid, was continuing in junior high? they would group him in with the ‘band geeks’, thereby ruining his future ‘king’ title before it could even get up off the ground.
flash forward to the future (eddie didn’t die, duh) and it’s the summer of ‘86 after eddie has graduated (yay). the metalhead’s name has been cleared by hopper. town splitting earthquake? who’s she? so! eddie’s been struggling to find a bass player for corroded coffin, since maybe their old bass player decided to go to college, or get the hell up out of hawkins, or they broke their hands somehow, anyyyyways. eddie’s been sticking up audition signs all around hawkins with sticky, uneven sections of tape on every pole and establishment wall that he can touch. not to mention driving recklessly in his van, only to throw a few hundred matching signs out of his windows wherever he can, never failing to disturb the surrounding neighbourhoods’ of hawkins’ as they shoot him the bird before grumbly cleaning up the signs off the road.
it isn’t until a few days later when steve, robin, and eddie are in family video on a very dead saturday evening after the 5:00pm rush. eddie came to bug the two best friends, leaning against the counter as he played with his butterfly knife, deep in thought. steve was sat atop the counter absentmindedly with a mouthful of pringles, while robin lazily merchandised tapes near the till.
robin: “so, munson, you get any bites on your band’s bass player auditions yet?”
eddie: “no one except for ollie trout. he plays the cello, which is basically the same, but.. he’s just so.. stiff.”
steve, being the himbo, but genius he is, offhandedly mentions that he played the cello from when he was five to fifteen. for ten years, because his parents wanted him to and paid ‘fortunes’ for lessons from an old new yorker who smelt like olives. since he isn’t ashamed to talk about something that he found absolutely mortifying a short time ago, anymore. plus, robin plays the trumpet, so obviously it wasn’t that big a deal, right? he doesn’t see the awe in his friends’ faces until he reaches down to grab another pringle, the can suddenly gone. he looks up to see eddie’s jaw dropped incredulously, pringle can in his ring adorned grasp as robin is frozen in place, speechless. steve nearly sputters as he swears, believing some upside down thing was happening again before eddie practically got down on his ripped denim knees and BEGGED steve to play at least one gig with them.
i’m thinking that eddie bribes steve with maybe like, free work on his bmw for life whenever it needs to be repaired, or he’ll take initiative on driving the kids, particularly dustin, wherever they need to go for the rest of the summer. steve agrees at those propositions, but he’s hesitant, because it’s been a long time since he’s played. it’s something his parents made him do, and he doesn’t fit the image, but the bass feels different to him somehow. i’m thinking it’s kinda morphing into a school of rock! au. in addition to eddie teaching steve how to garner his confidence back into playing music again, he shows him how fucking cool black sabbath, metallica, motley crüe, etc. are. how the same chords that contributed to a piece he found static can electrify a space, how the sound he emits can become his, instead of his parents. it isn’t until steve finally picks up the glossy black bass that the band collectively owns, and fucking NAILS a complicated bass solo that eddie had walked him through moments before, that the metalhead silently thanks steve’s shit parents for allowing eddie to turn their goody two shoes boy into an entity his parents would loathe. the other two corroded coffin boys are SHOCKED, because they know they did not just watch the prince of hawkins’ get possessed by the gods of music for a good five minutes before reverting back into a nice guy. needless to say, jeff and gareth are more than down to have him join for a gig.
and whatever you do!! don’t think about robin calling your parent’s landline and asking you if you want to see steve’s first gig at the hideout with corroded coffin that night, because she doesn’t want to be alone, and you shyly saying yes. because you’ve always held a certain desire deep within the pit of your chest for the mature babysitter. and the thought of steve harrington? playing metal music? at the dingiest bar in hawkins? alongside the town outcast? it made your heart flutter and your core clench with anticipation and want.
you and robin dress in your best ‘metal’ outfits. if you’re more outgoing, you can definitely spice it up. practically painted leather leggings, shredded corroded coffin makeshift tank, glossy black boots that lick the bottoms of your thighs. or!! if you’re more of a coquette/girly girl, you could wear a really cute crop top and a verrryyyy short tennis skirt with slightly scuffed up mary janes (all black, because you still want to fit in with the band). those are just some options! anyways-
you and robin are near the outskirts of the crowd, away from the pending mosh pit (they’ve garnered quite a crowd, as word had spread fast that steve ‘the hair’ harrington had joined the only metal band in their small town of indiana). the chipped stage becomes bathed in a faded low light as the band walks on, and your breath hitches in your throat because there, on the right side of the stage closest to you, is the man of the hour.
steve’s dressed in a shredded band tee that’s been altered into a makeshift tank top, revealing the wiry rug of chest hair that makes your head go a bit fuzzy, with the way the chestnut strands glint in the slightly yellow stage light. not to mention the toned muscles in his arms flexing each time he moves from shoulder to fingertips, casting shadows within the indentations. black denim jeans, skinnier than you’ve ever seen on his legs are hanging low on his hips. the same hips you rarely ever see with how his large hands are always casing them in disappointment. except now, those same hands that make a pool of warmth spread within the base of your panties, are wrapped around the glossy black bass that’s strung around his torso. his dusky gaze is surrounded by an eyeshadow shade that resembles soot, with white glitter spilling down his waterline and onto the soft skin of his under eyes. a light sheen of sweat is beginning to cascade over his sun kissed skin, causing your saliva to become gelatinous as the tip of your tongue tingles longingly. he looks angelic.
and oh god, when they start playing? the crowd is going fucking nuts at eddie, steve, gareth, and jeff making the stage their absolute bitch. they sound like professionals, absolutely tearing the house down as the crowd moshes. broken teeth, black eyes, and nose bleeds inevitable at this point. your doe eyed gaze becomes cloudy as steve looks right at you, his hair damp with sweat as it droops over his sly gaze. you watch with parted lips and a searing warmth cascading you, as his rosy mouth morphs into a devilish smirk, pearly white teeth glinting ominously in the light. you can’t help the shiver that dances down your spine as steve puts on a true show. long fingers skillfully encasing the rough strings on his bass as he lets loose, screaming into the mic along with jeff as they act as background vocals for eddie, bass toned voice broken with the feeling of finally being free, alive. hopping and kicking around on stage with his steel toed combat boots as if his lungs had just taken their first real breath of air. tinged with stale cigarette smoke, metallic liquor, torn leather and cheap perfume.
and you swear, in that moment, that you would let his entire being swallow you whole.
hehe, thanks for listening to my word vomit! ♡ can i also be this emoji ‘🐇’ pretty please! ♡ if not than this one ‘💌’ 🥺🥺 i love your writing and hope you liked this! feel free to add on too hehe. i’m a slut for corroded-coffin!steve ♡
love, R! ♡
im going to pass out??? i need to suck his cock backstage immediately.
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tbatthis · 2 days
been thinking about shi-long lang all day as one does and have said this in increasingly incoherent ways with the langnaheads but like. i think it's so so funny how hard he constantly contradicts himself out of pure spite for edgeworth when you first meet him in case 3 lmao like. okay insane rambler long post time
he makes a big deal about showing people proper respect when you greet them, then Immediately calls edgeworth a Filthy Prosecutor who sucks fucking ass. he talks about how he leaves all the lame shit like "logic" and "truth" to the stupid cringe prosecutors and their stupid cringe courts but he also wants to prove that he has really cool epic logic and reasoning because he's the best investigationman who ever lived.
he talks about how Courts And Truth Don't Matter, Just Arrest Any Freak You See but he is actually using entirely sensible logic to accuse people like "hey you're the only guy with an unaccounted-for gun and you've been standing directly outside the place the guy got shot in." like edgeworth gets very tilted about this because lang's a huge dipshit about it but functionally he's doing what edgeworth does in every mainline aa case he prosecutes in. he's basically just using reasonable deduction that would probably land the real killer in a normal case, but he has inadvertently stepped into ace attorney where every culprit is the glue man who has invented a special glue that allows him to walk up and down anything, so Of Course The Guy At The Scene Who Owns The Only Gun That Could Be Involved isn't the dude.
and like all of this adds up to "lang appears to be a huge asshole who arrests anyone and doesn't actually care if he gets the culprit" but he also keeps explicitly demonstrating that he takes the investigation seriously and does actually think about the case and who could potentially be the culprit in a logical fashion. he doesn't literally arrest every single person he sees. he does actually have reasons for his actions beyond Arrest Em All 1989. and again he literally refers to his line of reasoning as his logic.
so like honestly i think the answer to "why does he keep saying truth and logic dont matter and are for gay nerds like edgeworth" is that he doesn't actually believe that and is just so perpetually angry at The Courts and prosecutors that he's just spouting it because he thinks a prosecutor's use of "logic" is inherently suspect and they're trying to reason their way into pushing a lie on people. and because he is shi-long lang and is the most ridiculous man to ever exist this manifests in him talking like a cartoon bully shoving the science geek in the locker. so like the consequence is lang seems insane. and he definitely is because he constantly roleplays as a wolf. but in reality he is a lot more reasonable than he presents himself, i think he's just so far into hating The Courts that he doesn't like to associate what he's doing with anything that might happen in a courtroom. lang isn't using "logic" to find "the truth" he is using "the detainment philosophy" to find "the criminals" which is very different he swears. he is not like the stinky courts.
also i think there's something in how when he's being antagonistic to edgeworth about his methods he says it's fine to just arrest whoever because "hey everyone's done something wrong" but then the second shih-na starts getting accused in case 5 he just totally refuses to entertain the idea she could ever do anything wrong. so like either shih-na is his special exception due to the fact that he is in love with her as know or he was once again just spouting shit he didn't really think to piss off edgeworth lmao
basically i think lang comes off this way because he's coping hardcore and wants to make edgeworth mad. which i think is really really funny and adds a lot to his Dumb Guy Aura
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magicmindless · 1 year
Headcanons for Iggy?
A HC list but it’s just Iggy
I think he needs more attention. He’s adorable :3
- Diligent, polite, and kind of shy but can talk a lot if he’s comfortable around certain people. Tends to be passive-aggressive whenever he’s upset
- I’m in for the hcs that he’s asexual and nonbinary (he/they). He found out he was asexual when he was in the seventh grade and found out he was nonbinary in the eighth grade
- He’s 15 years old, a high school freshman (ik some people see him as being younger (like middle or elementary school even) but he’s still a minor)
- He’s passive aggressive in the way that he expresses his anger silently. He’ll refuse to talk to anyone but he’ll do things like slam doors or throw things where they need to be or hit things. When he’s like this it’s best to leave him alone until he calms down (Or get Professor Fitz to talk to him)
- Also tends to cry easily if he’s upset, but he also keeps it silent to the point where it hurts his throat
- Based from Aronora’s Fitz family AU: Petrona is his mother. Neither of them are as close as they wish to be due to Petrona’s work and any time they do spend time together is sparse. Usually just movie nights and that’s about it (if you’re wondering about the father read this)
- Looks younger than he actually is which sometimes annoys him. People have assumed he was an elementary schooler
- He likes bunnies and would like one as a pet some day, but he has to wait to move out if he wants a pet since Petrona doesn’t really like pets (not that she hates animals she just doesn’t wanna live with one)
- Has an artistic side to him. He can make his own costume pieces like his glasses for his Comet Con costume and the alien mask for his Halloween costume. He’s even made prop pieces like his own model space ray inspired from Meteor Blaster X
- His mini lab which Fitz built for him has things like a model of the solar system, a clear dome roof, a telescope, and a tv to entertain himself with. His favorite thing is a giant-ass book about the solar system and space which sits on a book stand for him to read through whenever he feels like it
- More of a comic person than a book person. He just likes pictures
- I’m not saying that he’s a STEM kid but he is totally a STEM kid (Science, technology, engineering, and math)
- He believes that aliens exists. It does sound strange but knowing that space is infinite why wouldn’t there be other life out there? It makes sense to him
- He has fidget toys like pop-its and wooden puzzles because he gets bored kind of easily. He even has a Rubik’s cube which he can’t solve without a YouTube tutorial (can’t be good at everything now)
- Sleep with a stuffed astronaut penguin named Marshall every night
- He has a few close friends in school he likes to geek out about fandoms with. He was one of the introverts who were adopted by the extroverted kids but he likes them a lot
- Is online friends with Treble. They met online when Iggy was 12 and Treble was 14. The arranged a time and place to meet each other during Cluckeria’s Comet Con. Fitz and Petrona were wary about Iggy meeting Treble because of stranger danger and stuff like that but they ended up liking Treble since they were pretty much harmless (they didn’t trust Treble to drive Iggy around though)
- His favorite school subject is science of course, though his least favorite is gym class. He’s not very good at sports. Once was playing volleyball for class and he was so terrible at it he cried (based on a true story)
- He has a swear jar, though it’s not exactly for him, it’s for Petrona and Fitz. Iggy doesn’t swear but if Petrona or Fitz do they have to give him a quarter
- During Mocharia he sometimes came along with Petrona or came by himself to visit her. Petrona never talked about herself to almost anyone on set so some didn’t even know she had a son. There were very few people who were told Iggy was her son, a few people picked it up on their own, but some didn’t pay attention enough to notice at all
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enchantinglyjade · 2 years
✩ I Can Dream About You ✩ Part 1
Sebastian Kydd x OC
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Warning: Swearing Note: Y'all I'm so excited to start working on new stories(I will not be abandoning Milk & Honey BTW). But I have so many new ideas I'm excited to share. Hope you enjoy!
Castlebury High School.
I hate it here.
Honestly, I wish I would have just gotten bullied, at least that way I'd have proof someone actually saw me, but instead, I was invisible.
I was a nobody.
When people passed me in the halls, it's like they'd just look right through me.
I was a ghost, haunting the halls in my first year of high school.
But then, Donna saw me.
She saw me sitting at the lunch tables eating alone like I had always done. She felt bad for me, invited me to her table, offered me a spot in her circle, promised me the world. She trained me, taught me how to do makeup, dress nice, sneak out of class without my parents ever finding out. I felt confident and beautiful. People finally started looking in my direction.
But not at me, at her.
Not that I would have known the difference most of the time anyway.
Now, I'm invisible with a leader.
I fell for it. Fell for her dirty tricks and lies. I was vulnerable and she played me like a stack of cards. She thought my ghostliness would be useful to her. She had me doing all of her dirty work that the Jens were too sloppy to accomplish. She'd make me fake her mom's voice to call her in and out of school, steal blush and lipstick for her at our local beauty store, and sit on lookout while she and her newest boy toy did unspeakable things in the locker rooms.
All in exchange for what? A chance to stand within a 4 foot distance from the princess?
Donna is the most popular, prettiest girl in school, and I let her manipulate me into her perfect little minion.
I tell myself at least I'm not a band geek, but every day that passes, I can only envy them. I bet they have so much more fun than me. I can't imagine being allowed to be openly smart and talented under Donna's shadow. Damn, I wish I was a band geek.
After 3 long years of pink lipstick, hair ratting, and wearing the most horrendous of neon colors, senior year became upon us.
I'm 18 now. Graduation is so close I can practically taste freedom. 9 more months and I'll finally be able to kiss this school goodbye for good and never think about anyone here ever again.
But then he showed up.
Sebastian, the bad boy, transfer student. He practically drips with charisma and experience, and quickly became the knew 'it' guy of the school that everyone drools over. Donna, of course, had to have him.
"Ooo, check out the new hottie." Donna blurts out, twirling her hair and smacking her gum, watching as a few boys from the football team talk to him. "He's perfect. You guys are gonna help me get him."
I admit, he is gorgeous, but he isn't anyone special either, just another asshole trying to be the next cool, popular kid.
Guess I can't say much, that's basically what reeled me in, but at least I'm aware of my own shallowness.
"How are we gonna do that?" Jen 1 asks.
"I'll think of something, don't worry." She says scheming in that evil head of hers. "Come." She waves for us to follow in her direction and the 3 of us do so like the good little pets we are. She struts over, purposely putting an extra sway in her hips as she passes Sebastian, earning her a glance from him and the entire student body present in that area. She smiles, wiggling her perfectly pink polished fingers at him, before continuing forward without a second care in the world.
I follow only a few feet behind her and the Jens. For a moment, I peek up to see if this Sebastian guy really fell for such an old trick in the book, to see if he really is the chump Donna thinks he is.
When my head rises, I accidentally make direct eye contact with him. He nods as a greeting to me, causing my lids to widen. I've never had anyone look at me before, I'm almost shocked that he can even see me.
Self conscious, I turn away, awkwardly pacing back over to my designated clique.
I can't believe he looked at me. For that long too. And after Donna!
I shake my thoughts away, following Donna into our next period. Maybe he's just desperate, looking for anything with legs. If he's looking in my direction he must be EXTREMELY desperate. What a pig!
Lucky for me, I soon find out I have the privilege of sharing American History with the new king and queen of the school.
Donna, of course, snatches the seat right next to Sebastian. I settle for 2 rows behind her, close enough that she can call if she needs an extra swipe of lipstick, but far away enough that I won't be in direct line of her bullshit or flirting.
The teacher goes on and on about boring nonsense while the class quickly wallows into sleep.
Donna taps her pencil on her desk with boredom, eyeing the man candy next to her with a gleaming smirk. When the teacher turns his back, she leans over towards Sebastian's desk. "Love the jacket. It's so vintage!" She whispers, gracefully gliding her hand up the sleeve of his jacket.
He turns his head in surprise, but chuckles at her actions. "Thanks. My dad's."
A week goes by of shadowing Donna as she works her magic and yet he still hasn't taken a hint. Her frustration only built up everyday that he denied her advances, which only meant it's been a week of hell for The Jens and I.
For a moment, I'm impressed. I had hope. Maybe he wasn't a pig after all. I mean, it didn't take most guys a week to catch on to Donna's clues and definitely didn't take them that long to ask on their own, unless they were insanely out of her league and intimidated, which he is clearly not. I thought, maybe he's a guy that respects himself and has actual standards. Or better yet, maybe he wants something stable and long term.
But eventually, my hopes were diminished.
On my way to third period, I walk straight into them talking in the dark art hallway in the basement. It doesn't take a genius to see how private this area would be to 'talk'.
Guess he doesn't wait long to start getting busy.
I mutter an apology to them, and while avoiding Donna's glare for my interruption, I quickly scurry away.
"I'll catch up with you later, Donna."
"Alright, 'Bastian. Don't miss me too much."
'Bastian'. Please, I'm gonna be sick. They already have nicknames for each other? They've only known each other for a week! What kind of weird, phony, bullsh-
My soul nearly jumps out of my body. I twist my neck to see Sebastian jogging in my direction, before stopping in front of me. "You dropped this."
Is he... talking to me?
I stay frozen, hoping to stay out of the way of whoever he is talking to. However, when I notice he doesn't move, I glance over my shoulders, desperately trying to find the person that should be answering to him.
"I'm talking to you." He chuckles.
When I turn back towards him, I find out he is in fact talking to me. He holds his arm out, an English notebook in hand with my doodles plastered all over the cover. I shyly take it from him, stuffing it in my arms with the rest of my books, and when I thank him our eyes lock for only a second time since I've known him.
His stare puts shivers straight down my spine. He really does have some beautiful, blue eyes. But before I allow myself to see anymore of him, I spin on my toes speeding towards my class.
"Hey, wait up! Where ya headed?" He says, jogging back over to my side.
I swallow, voice dry and groggy from being inactive most hours of the day. "Art."
Unfortunately, he continues to walk the same direction as me. "I have art too. Funny. Never noticed you in there."
I sigh. Just another confirmation about how much of a ghost I am. "Most don't." I mutter under my breath, pushing open the art room door and sitting at my seat near the back of the class.
Much to my dismay, Sebastian takes the seat next to me, slamming down his bag next to my leg. I take in a deep breath, ignoring the fact that I can practically feel him looking at me, before reaching over to dig through my backpack for my sketchbook.
When I place it down on the table in front of me, he speaks. "So...You a Jen? I've noticed you follow Donna around most everywhere."
Why is he talking to me? None of Donna's exes ever bothered to get to know the Jens, let alone me, so what does he want? Is he some sort of psychopath? Maybe he's gonna try and manipulate everyone into thinking he's some great guy so we won't think he's a suspect when Donna's body gets discovered on the news or something...
I adjust myself in my seat, scooching over an inch away from him. "No, I'm an Alex."
"Alex." He repeats slowly in a way that makes heat rise to my cheeks. I guess I never really heard anyone but teachers say it. Damn, I really am a loser, aren't I? "I could tell you were different, you seem like you have an actual personality... and awareness."
A small grin appears on my face from his comment, but I quickly force my cheeks back down. He's a psychopath, remember!
Just when I think he's finally leaving me alone, he leans over the table in an attempt to peek at my face beneath my hair, but I snap my head away and hide myself behind my hand. What is he doing? Why is he so weird!? Stop perceiving me!
"Aw come on, don't be like that. I saw that smile. No need to be so serious and guarded." My smile can't help but creep back just a little bit. I lower my hand peering curiously, but suspiciously at him over my fingertips. He leans back in his chair, lip curling when he meets my gaze for a third time. "You know, Alex, you don't seem too bad."
I drop my hand now, nervously fumbling with the rings in my sketchbook while my stomach flutters with butterflies. Donna really bagged a weirdo this time, and why is it affecting me? "Thanks...?"
With that, the bell rings and the teacher begins giving out instructions. While she speaks, I flip open my sketchbook and make a few last scribbles and smudges on my last drawing before we move on to a new exercise.
Sebastian slaps his forearms down obnoxiously loud and forcefully against the table, causing the whole thing to shake as he does so. I pull my pencil away just in time before it smears down a dark and unerasable line on the page from his movement, then clench my teeth as I watch him inch closer to me and my paper. "So, why aren't you taking a class with Donna? Aren't you supposed to be bodyguarding her every move."
I take a pause, ensuring he isn't going to move again, before gently touching the pencil back down on the paper. One of the Jens is in Math with her right now, assuming she's not skipping. Donna wouldn't get caught dead on this side of the school, art is my time. "Only moment of peace I get."
He bites his lips together in thought before he smacks his hands down onto the table, pounding out some sort of rhythm, and once again making me pause my drawing due to the shaking.
With a deep and annoyed grumble, I place my pencil down entirely. I'm going to get nowhere with him near, I might as well just succumb to a conversation with him. "Didn't peg you as the art type." I say, dryly.
His head snaps back quick in my direction, surprised that I spoke up. "Oh, I'm not. Required. Didn't know you could draw." He says leaning over onto my side of the table once again, eyes glossing over my still unfinished sketch. "Wow. That's amazing." He says in awe.
Let me guess, he's so bad at drawing that he can't even draw a circle or a stick figure?
"I can't even draw a stick figure." He exclaims on cue.
Typical. I never get spoken to much, but one thing I can always count on people to talk about is my artwork. But every time it's always the same line.
I roll my eyes, placing my head in my hand and mindlessly scratch at the wood chipping on the edge of the table. "I'm sure you can't."
He scoffs out a laugh, simultaneously furrowing his brows. "What? You think I'm some jock or something?"
Not what I was going for but, "Might as well be."
He nods slowly, humming to himself while he sits back in his chair.
He doesn't say another word to me until the bell's ringing to dismiss us. "It was nice talking to you," as he walks out of the classroom.
6 words. 6 simple words that leave my mind jumbled all night on their meaning. Was he being genuine or sarcastic? Had I said something wrong? Made a bad first impression? I knew I shouldn't have said that last thing. I'm such an idiot. But most importantly, why do I can so much? It's not like he's ever going to talk to me again regardless.
Though, even that would be proven wrong. 
The next day at school, I see him again. It's one of those glorious times Donna decides to be too cool for school.
He's at one end of the hallway, I at the other. He strides down the hall like it's a runway, looking to charm anyone that dares to glance his way. He could mesmerize anyone he wants with that charisma of his and it nearly gets me every time, to the point that I've grown concerned over my sanity.
I grip the backpack straps on my shoulder as he comes closer and closer, unsure if I should bother looking to greet him. He probably forgot who I am already. It'd be embarrassing if I waved at him.
To my surprise, he waves first. "Hey, Alex." He enunciates, making sure I know he's talking to me.
I'm taken aback at first, but I wave back, barely having enough time to smile before he's already passed me by.
That one interaction was enough to leave my stomach swarming with light and bubbly feelings. My heart pounded loudly for him from that day forward and I just knew I was destined for trouble and disappointment.
He's Donna's, she made that very clear from day one, and she always gets what she wants.
I need to get rid of these feelings as quickly as I can, but life is never that easy, is it?
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showtoonzfan · 3 years
Apple TV’s Central Park is my current obsession, well, I wouldn’t say current, I’ve been obsessed with this show since it came out in March of 2020 (ironically when the pandemic started) but I have been ITCHING to talk about it for so long. I’m not going to say much since this isn’t a review post, but I just HAVE to say a few things because this show means a lot to me. Some people probably know I already like the show for my very old cringeworthy sketches, but now that my blog is a place to talk about cinema and other things, I think it’s finally time to share my general thoughts. 💚🎶
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So...I’m just going to say it now, this show is amazing. It has to be the most cutest, wholesome, and feel good show to come out recently, I was so glad that it came out when it did, because this show honestly cheered me up when we were all in a bad place during the pandemic. Now of course, a lot of people have either never heard of this show, or think it’s just some Bob’s Burgers rip off that’s going to suck by first glance. I say....GIVE IT A CHANCE, but if you haven’t heard of it, it’s an animated sitcom about a family living in Central Park, while a greedy woman tries to buy the park along and her mistreated assistant. There’s also a narrator in this story, oh, and the best part is, it’s a MUSICAL, and it’s one of the huge huge reasons why I love this show so much. The soundtrack is an absolute BOP. I swear, almost EVERY SINGLE SONG is downright beautiful and spectacular, hell, I listen to songs on the soundtrack every day and I’m not ashamed to say it. Now of course, one of the reasons why I think people don’t get into this show is simply BECAUSE it’s a musical, cause not a lot of people like that sort of thing, and they sing a LOT, like....about 4 times in each episode, but to all my musical theatre geeks? WATCH THIS SHOW, or at least listen to the soundtrack.
I also want to talk about the cast because HOLY hell, we got a great cast, filled with freaking AMAZING singers. Now for me personally, Josh Gad is one of my favorite actors, so learning that he mainly created this as well as voicing the narrator character made me feel so much joy inside. We also got Hamilton actors Leslie Odom Jr. and Daveed Diggs, and as someone who LOVED Hamilton, you bet I was excited for them as well, and they both do a GREAT job in this show. We also have some actors I haven’t even heard of, for example, Tituss Burgess plays one of the children, and I didn’t even know he existed until this show, but I’m SO happy I discovered him because this man has a FANTASTIC voice, he can hit really high notes perfectly! Stanley Tucci is an actor, and he plays the old lady, which...can I just say I LOVE how there are two old ladies in this show who are voiced by men but it FITS for some reason, and again, all these actors and actresses just NAIL it with the singing, really it’s some impressive stuff.
I don’t really want to spoil the characters themselves, but I’ll just say that they’re ALL likable. Like...every single one of these characters are just bundles or sweet joy, even the characters who are the antagonists are fun, and like I said before, it’s just a very wholesome and feel good show. Basically, if you LOVE musicals want to watch a small cute show about a family and a mean old woman, I suggest it!
Oh, and for those who don’t have Apple TV, here’s a website I found in case you want to give it a try! Trust me, if you’re a musical theatre geek, you’ll LOVE this!
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gaymerasmus · 2 years
YOYOYOOOOO could you do a mercs with S/O who likes to draw and they find drawings of said merc that S/O made 😋⁉️
Ahsgaksgaksh that's so cute y'all have such good ideas
Mercs react to drawings of themselves made by their S/O!!!
CW: swearing, implied nsfw
probably found it on accident while chilling in your room
He "accidentally" moved a "random" journal "accidentally" and it fell "on accident" onto the floor and every single thing spilled out
Word for word that's what he said to you
But he's like super into it!!! Loves that there's a fellow artist among the mercs
He draws a lot too and eventually shows you his drawings
He tries to play off the whole "omg they drew me" thing but he really can't hide it no matter how cool he tries to be
Once he's done being flustered he'll ask if he can model for you sometime
Laughs when you reject the hell out of him (affectionately)
Is super proud of your work :)
Walked in on you drawing and didn't think much of it until he noticed you started acting protective of your work and was like (,,-`_●) wots this
Straight up walks over to you and just scoots you away from your finished art
Like when ur cat is in the way but you don't have the patience to be cute and nice so you're like
He does that to you. To get your attention.
Starts to look through your older works, just stuff you've shown him before. Hints that he wants to see what you're working on but will never outright ask
He doesn't like being forward with you plus it's cute watching you figure it out
You show him a bit of what you're drawing and he's like omg that's me and you're blushing hello
Big stupid grin on his face and he won't stop smiling no matter how many times you tell him to
"it's okay, you INSPIRE me too ;))"
The flirting doesn't last tho bc he geeks out and asks if you can draw him with mythical creatures.
Definitely brags about it so bad. Constantly showing everyone the last thing you made for him. No shame whatsoever he loves you too hard for that.
You guys draw together all the time and it's totally awesome!!!! But mostly it's cute cartoons and creatures you draw. This was quite different.
Pyro finds themself standing in your room looking at the picture of them on your desk. They go up to grab it and realize it's a drawing
Honestly a little freaked out by how good you made them look
Stops you from whatever you're doing and points at the paper and then to themself
Once they get confirmation it's them, they're so excited!
They're mumbling a mile a minute and you have to ask them to slow down 739382729 times to get what they're saying
Eventually they just pull you into a big hug. They appreciate you more than they could ever say anyways.
Pyro is extremely touched that you'd draw them in such detail and immediately wants to draw you as well!!
Drags you away so you can model for them and hang out with them even more :3
You're drawing him one day but you can't get his eyes right, so you have him sit down and read a book.
He's so nervous around you he's definitely not reading and is just getting blushier by the second
"Do you need to look so closely?"
Tbh I think eye contact makes him squirm
You notice he's getting stressed so you offer a break. He immediately puts the book down and asks to see.
You're a bit hesitant; the eyes still don't look right and the shading is off and you don't get to finish bc he gives you a shy smooch and steals it away while you're both busy being flustered
Bashfully compliments your work over and over he just can't get over it
He'd put it up on his wall so he can see it all the time, but he'd never let anyone else see it ever.
He's so soft about you and loves everything you do. Even if eye contact makes him nervous he'd do it all day if it meant you kept drawing
You two often find yourselves in his room listening to him rant about things. He's very open with you and loves talking while you prattle away at your art.
And once you get past the screaming this dude actually makes good conversation once in awhile.
You're sitting on his bed one day and drawing him pacing about the room talking about whatever. For someone who is constantly glancing up at him you're really not listening.
"Son. SON."
You look up and he's standing like 2 inches away. He's looking at you expectantly. You're like um... Yes? Because you think he's asked you a question.
He brightens up and takes the paper out of your hand with a thanks.
Before you can stop him he's looking right at... Himself.
He takes in every detail silently for a moment.
You think he's broken but then he turns to you with the biggest grin.
Picks you up and gives you the biggest and most American (the good parts only) hug.
He's super duper extremely pumped that you drew him! In fact he's probably tearing up underneath that helmet of his.
He's secretly a huge sap for this kind of thing, but has never once initiated it. So you doing it first was mind blowing.
Says thank you a billion times and asks to draw you a billion more times.
Proudly frames it next to a drawing he's done of you. Literally every person alive (and dead, probably) knows about it.
Now everytime you draw he checks to see if it's him or the two of you. Those are his new favorites.
Let's get something straight. This man will literally die at the slightest bit of affection you give him. He is so old and so shy and his heart so fragile and you are so damn cute to him.
So he really doesn't know why he let you become his shop apprentice, but you're here now.
You send him to your quarters to grab a blueprint you left in there, he's been in there before and you trust him not to peep at anything so this happens a lot.
He's going through a pile of papers one day, trying to find the right blueprint for your project when a small shred of paper flutters down to the ground.
He's like Oh Shit I just fucking Ripped their paper I'm going to Die.
In reality he finds the paper it came off of and tapes it back together real fast.
Still panicked tho and wants to make sure it's lined up right, so he turns it around.
Stares at it and is absolutely Flabbergasted. Shitting. Pissing. Crying. The whole shebang.
Marches right back down to his shop, drawing in hand.
He stands in front of you, beet red, clutching the paper to his chest.
"Darlin' is... Is this me?"
You know Engie for being so smart you sure ask some obvious questions.
He's completely at a loss of words so he just grabs your face and kisses you.
Apologizes for being so forward with you (only after you've kissed for a good 5 minutes)
He's absolutely enthralled a pretty thing like you would draw him in such a likeness, and makes sure you know it.
Shamelessly compliments you over and over and will never stop. If you even dare doubt him he'll get physical with his praise ;)))
Keeps the picture in his shop so he can see it and think of your while he's working.
Little creeper probably scoped you out and saw you drawing, but you don't mind. It's kind of his job anyway.
He goes to see what you're drawing but he's like forever away so it takes a bit to get there.
Once he does you're already done, napping next to the finished picture in the window.
When you wake up, there's a new drawing sitting next to you.
It's you sitting next to his camper in a fold out chair, beer in hand and a smile on your face. It's simple and candid, and you wonder if he used a photo reference.
You find him easily enough. Slamming open the camper door, you cheerfully watch him jump 2 feet in the air from the sudden loud intrusion.
"Oi! Quit slammin' my doors and making a bloody racket in my damn camper you..." He trials off once he sees you.
Immediately clams up. He's so awkward, and mostly private about his drawings, too. But he thought you looked so beautiful that day. You had finished with one of your first missions, and you managed to wrangle up a few guys from the team to go force Sniper to hang out with you.
He fondly remembers acting annoyed, but deep down he was touched. You always made excuses to see him, and it makes him feel so wanted. He's been drawing you ever since, and to see you drawing him as well means the world. He wanted to show you that.
He explains this to you shyly, looking like a bashful young man confessing to his first crush. Its really cute.
You never see that picture of him again, though. He keeps it tucked away in the front pocket of one of his favorite flannels.
When he's working and it's particularly slow, he'll fish it out and look at it, thinking only of you.
Since he's constantly bound by the paperwork gods (himself) to stay in his office and do paperwork 1000 hours a day you kind of have to sit in there with him sometimes if you wanna spend actual time with him.
You don't particularly mind, it's quiet enough for you to concentrate and he loves that you're here with him.
One particular day he's like super pissed Abt something and you thought he looked funny.
Like no fear no balls just vibes you don't care. So naturally you draw him.
He catches you giggling about it and is already So Sick Of Your Shit.
Walks over and checks out what you're drawing. It's a picture of him with exaggerated, angry features.
He thinks it's really cute and can't help but laugh, complimenting your drawing style.
He loves that you're always there to make him smile, and this was no different.
Doesn't mind you drawing more serious pictures of him, but his all time favorite will always be those goofy doodles from when he's in a mood.
It makes him feel better knowing you're not scared of him, underneath his business-like demeanor really is just a huge goofball.
He keeps all the little drawing you let him have, and they all sit neatly tucked away in his office drawer.
As a self-crowned King of Romance, he never lets anything get past his "suave" outer shell. He can put on as many moves as he can but the second anyone else does he has to double down and make sure he doesn't end up a blushing mess.
Gift giving is, naturally, more his thing than your thing. So when your anniversary comes around you expect, well, gifts.
He, on the other hand, doesn't expect much.
So when you present him with a beautifully detailed drawing of him in his smoking room, he is immediately Down For The Count
Blushing, stammering, smiling, all of it. He tries so hard to keep that cool cat act but we ALL know better.
Turns away from you and tries to save what little mysterious swag he has left
It's not much
Can't stop looking at it. He simps so hard for you when you draw. Everything entrances him when it comes to you. The way your hands look as you're sketching, the mess of color all over you when you're finished with a drawing, the concentrated look on your face as you take in all the details. All of it.
Finally gathers himself and turns his attention back to you.
He's thankful for the gift and he thinks it's really sweet! He's never really liked being "depicted" or anything like that, but when you do it it has him feeling a certain way. Down bad respectfully.
That's it for those, I kept em a little short and sweet but I hope you like them. Thank you for reading!
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roniscloud · 3 years
psh - love affair
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park sunghoon [f. 8516 words] love affair
so when i’m gonna know what to feel inside, baby?
maybe it’s just all in my head, so
don’t overthink, this is love
maybe it’s just a crush
baby, is this your love affair, your love affair?
synopsis: what happens when two childhood best friends make a deal to help each other’s reputations? an unforeseen circumstance prompts sunghoon to approach you, intriguing not just you but practically every other student at your college. you believe your reunion with him can only end in one of two ways: you resort back to being friends and go on with your lives, or you use each other and once you’re both done, you fall out and never talk again. how will you two navigate your companionship? is it just the nostalgia coming up? a revival of feelings? a new crush? could it possibly be actual love?
genre + tropes : fluff. comedy. the slightest angst. childhoodbestfriends!au. enemiestolovers!au. college!au. fakedating!au. 
warnings: fem reader. a little swearing. slightly suggestive themes, sorta. a few cliches. mentions of underage drinking. the american collegiate school calendar. does them geeking out over fantasy/sci-fi sagas need a warning? unknown mutual pining. they’re so helplessly clueless of their feelings. also appearances of the rest of enha plus txt.
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i. prologue
if someone told you that you would reconnect with your childhood best friend—let alone date him, you would’ve laughed in their face and told them to fuck off. park sunghoon is bad news. well, at least to you he is. one of the infamous campus playboys, you can spot him around the quad flirting with a different girl practically every day. 
but to you, he couldn’t have been anymore unlike the sunghoon you grew up with. you grew up with the sunghoon who couldn’t stand being around others, mind always focused on his own interests. you knew him as the little shy boy who would hide behind his mom whenever new people came around. the first person he opened up to was you. you can blame your mom for that. you can vaguely remember her words, something along the lines of mrs. park and i have been friends for longer than you have been alive. when we found out we were both expecting, we knew you two were destined to be besties. 
she was right. everyone thought you were two peas in a pod. wherever one of you went, the other followed. always stuck together, like true partners in crime. your close bond stuck for years. if anyone needed you, you’d most likely be found in the seats of sunghoon’s ice skating practices and competitions, cheering him on and being obnoxiously loud. likewise, he always attended your showcases, spending hours complimenting your artwork.
but then the villain of everyone’s lifetime eventually appeared. puberty. 
alas, your friendship did what anyone could predict of a couple of preteens entering high school. the usual “no matter what we’re gonna stick together!” leading to “sorry for blowing you off, got really busy,” to the imminent “what happened to us? we used to be so close,” and eventually the end of it all. senior year, the two of you attempted to leave on a good note. by that, you mean your parents made both of you apply to the same colleges to have a chance at sticking together. well, it worked, you got into the same university. funny how the universe does things.
back to present day, you’re now in your second year at hybe university. let’s just say, sunghoon isn’t the only one who went through a personality change. sunghoon traded his late night practices on the ice to one-night stands at frat parties. you, on the other hand, traded your once outgoing and fun-loving persona for a more… cold grunge meets artsy introvert. overall, let’s just say you both have reputations for not being the most approachable people. well at least you still have one thing in common.
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ii. the cafe
the busy campus cafe was roaring with study groups filling every table. the aroma of fresh coffee and tea being brewed filling the air, creating a warm atmosphere—contrast to the cold winter weather just outside the walls. the college students scattered around, just like their minds scattered as they prepare for finals. not immune to the dreaded time of year, a group of four boys enter, immediately grabbing the attention of those already nestled inside.
a quick roll call of the four known by the student body as en-4, a combination of the dance crew name enhypen and the notorious f4. lee heeseung—the campus heartthrob, captain of the dance crew, center of the basketball team, and an unknown hopeless romantic. park jongseong, although everyone calls him jay—the resident bad boy and party animal, but those close to him know that he’s actually the responsible one. sim jaeyun, otherwise referred to as jake—the friendly and flirty frat boy who you can catch playing soccer in the quad almost every day. finally, park sunghoon—the handsome heartbreaker. he doesn’t need more of an introduction.
the four of them make their way to the counter, placing their orders. of course jake doesn’t miss his chance to sound extra sweet and send a quick wink to the barista, getting elbowed by heeseung in the process. after getting their drinks, they look around to see almost no where to sit. not a single table to fit all of them was available. 
in one of the tucked away areas, sunghoon spots an empty seat at a smaller table. the only catch was there was someone sitting across from it, hunched forward over her laptop. he can’t see much of her figure but he immediately recognizes her features. it’s you. well, a more mature and grown up you, but he couldn’t forget that face for the life of him.
sunghoon’s feet drag himself across the crowded room, catching the attention from the neighboring groups he passed but sneaking away quiet enough to not alarm his own friends. the three are too caught up arguing about what to do. sunghoon can hear the faint voice of jay suggesting going somewhere else while the other two shoot him down as he walks further away. he makes his way all the way up to your side. you look up, scanning him, confused but unamused. “this seat taken?” the first words he said in a year and half to you. still not not giving him any emotion, you hesitantly shake your head once, immediately bringing your focus back to your essay.
ignoring him only works for so long, his gaze not leaving the top of your head. you can feel his stare piercing into you, finally meeting his eyes. “what’s your deal?” the irritation and bluntness in your tone is all too evident.
he shrugs and answers nonchalantly, “nothing, just go along with it.” his answer is hushed, almost as if he’s a bit embarrassed.
“what are you trying to pull here, park?”
“can i not just sit here and peacefully drink my latte? am i that disturbing to you?”
“considering that the second you started walking in this direction, everyone had their eyes on us, then yes, you are that disturbing.”
“they’re not looking at us.” he pauses before continuing with his rant, “they’re looking at you.”
“and why the hell do you think that is?”
“they’re all trying to figure out what could possibly be so interesting about you that i would choose this seat.” he says it like it’s the most obvious answer.
you scoff and turn to see the lingering stares of the others in the cafe. “well, if it isn’t the god park sunghoon being as humble as ever, gracing me with his presence and having mercy on a peasant like me.” the sarcasm dripping off your tongue like venom.
he smiles warmly at your animosity and chuckles. “i’ve always loved your sense of humor.”
“funny cause i’ve always despised yours. i’m gonna ask one more time. what do you want, park?”
he only shrugs. hesitating before responding again, “i like it here. i like talking to you. it’s familiar… comfortable.” he sees your expression change subtly. it’s only for a second before you regain the prior look. he tries to read you. he caught you off guard and his pride brings a smirk to his face. 
by now, he finally tunes back into the situation around him and can feel his phone going off in his jean pocket. he pulls out the phone to see dozens of notifications, quickly stealing a glance back up at you to see that you’re already back to typing away on the previously forgotten assignment. he laughs as he sees the boys blowing up their group chat asking what he was doing. he looks up, finding the three sitting at a cramped booth with shock and confusion written all over them.
“enjoying the attention?” your turn to break the silence. when he turns back to you, you continue, “you’re no stranger to it but you’ve always loved it.” he gives you a slow nod, turning the question back to you. you answer him, “you know that it’s not my forte.”
“and why is that? scared people will get to know the real you?”
“oh please, like you aren’t afraid of me exposing all the dirt i have on you. imagine the buzz i could create with all of your old baby pics.”
he jolts up from his relaxed position, eyebrows raised, and completely on edge, “you wouldn’t dare.”
you lean forward in your seat, elbow resting on the table, cheek resting in your palm, and chuckle, “try me.” the words leaving your mouth quickly and a smile immediately replacing it.
“you’re finally smiling at me. good to know you still have emotions.” he gets you to laugh again. you spend the next 20 minutes catching up. looks like you two kept more in common than you thought. things run smoothly between the two of you, some of your old memories and inside jokes being brought up. “why didn’t this happen sooner?”
“what, us talking? i mean, you and i stopped running in the same crowd and school got the best of us. i will admit, though, freshman year sucked without you.”
he sighs when he hears your admission. “how about this? a proposition. i’m sure you’re aware that i don’t have the best reputation.”
you cut him off, “you can say that again.”
“haha, very funny,” he throws in another sarcastic comment. “you know you’re not exactly the most approachable either. hate to be the one to break it to you but you’re pretty intimidating.” he notices the expression on your face turned into one of annoyance at his last statement, “don’t look at me like that, you know it’s true.”
you dismiss the slight jab, telling him to continue. what you don’t expect is the next four words to come out of his mouth. “go out with me.” he sees your face drop, “oh come on, stop looking at me like that.”
“so i see, a little bit of time without me and you go insane.”
“look, i don’t mean actually date me, i mean… pretend to.”
again, you stare at him like he grew another head. “you want me to fake-date you? what are we, in a k-drama now? sorry hoon, you’re attractive but i would’ve preferred hwang in-youp or song kang.”
now he’s a bit annoyed, answering cockily, “i am so much better looking than them.”
“you wish.”
his jaw drops for a few seconds and then he chuckles. “i’m serious, think about it. we go out and spend time with each other like old times. i don’t look like i’m so incapable of being in a committed relationship and you don’t look like such a loner. no offense.”
“offense taken… but i see your point.”
“see, look at you using that smart brain of yours. this would be no strings attached. just two friends helping each other out while simultaneously deceiving everyone else. i know how much you love tricking others.”
you sit quietly, weighing the pros and cons in your head. “deal.”
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iii. bro code
a few days later, sunghoon sits in his shared apartment with the boys, slumped on the couch as they eat dinner. “why are you guys so against it? i thought you wanted to see me in a relationship and now that i’m in one, you guys don’t approve. make it make sense. i should be free to date whoever i want.”
“yeah dude,” pausing to take a bite of his burger, “we get that.” jay answers, seeing how defensive his friend is getting.
jake interejects, “we respect your choices, but like… her? of all the girls that are falling at your feet, you chose her? the one that has no interest in you at all? i know you’re powerful but i don’t get how you managed to pull that off.”
“i feel like you could’ve consulted us about it first. bro code, man.” heeseung says as he shrugs his shoulders and sips on his soda.
“that’s kinda why i like her, because she isn’t all over me like the others. she’s cute and fun to hang out with. just give her a chance. honestly, what’s the worst that could happen? we go out and it doesn’t work. no harm in trying….”
that seems to do the trick as the boys lay off from the topic, going back to their own dinners and watching the latest episode of the penthouse.
later that night, sunghoon leaves their dorm to meet up with you. you agreed earlier that if you needed to meet up and talk that you’d go to the art department. perks of being an art major allows you a studio to spend your time in, secluded from the outside world. in this case, you and sunghoon don’t have to worry about nosy roommates.
when he arrives, he makes sure to take the back entrance like you mentioned. he makes his way through the deserted halls, glancing at each room he passes, and taking note of the various pieces framed along the corridor walls. he gets to the end of the building, finding a studio decorated with your name on the door. he silently enters. you don’t notice him at first with your back against the entrance and the music playing too loud through your airpods, focused on molding the clay on the pottery wheel. he grabs an empty stool, propping it beside you and taking a seat. he takes off one of your airpods, putting it in his own ear.
you finally turn your head towards him, “how long ago did you get here?”
“just now. how long were you waiting?”
you sit up, facing his direction. “i had a couple of classes today and came here to finish some stuff, been here for… what time is it?”
“um… almost 11.”
“then like four hours.”
“you’ve been working on that for four hours? what even is it, and when did you start doing pottery?” he points at the unfinished ceramic.
“not just that. i had some paintings that i needed to finish for my portfolio and those are in a separate room to dry. this,” you refer to the clay, “is just something i’m working on for fun. i got into it cause one of my profs suggested i try another medium.”
he nods along while you explain. “you can keep working on it while we talk.”
you hum in confirmation and turn back to the wheel, rewetting your wands. “so how do we make this believable? seems like people already know. word spreads quick when it comes to you.”
“we just need to act like a couple. so hanging out, going on dates, posting each other here and there, and being affectionate.”
“wow you finally found an excuse to kiss me,” you laugh as you joke with him, him following suit. “sounds reasonable, not much different from how we were as kids, just now we have to call them dates.”
“shouldn’t cause too many problems. just don’t fall in love with me, babe.”
you smile at the new nickname, “likewise, hoon.” you continue throwing the clay, molding it to your desired shape. you hyperfocus on the sculpture, tuning out the boy sitting next to you as he watches—he catches on that you still have the habit of pouting whenever you work on your art. you hunch forward, letting some of your hair fall in front of your face. too caught up, you don’t notice that sunghoon left his seat to stand behind you. he takes your locks and ties it into a messy ponytail. you snap out of your tunnel vision to ask, “why do you just have a hair tie handy?”
“i always had to carry some around for you because you always lost them. i never grew out of it, i guess.” he grins warmly, “do you remember how many times you had complained when you would get paint in your hair and i would have to clean it up for you?”
“how could i forget?” the night ends with more laughs and reminiscing on your childhood. time really does fly faster than you think.
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iv. rated pg
the bell rings as you and sunghoon enter the convenience store. you two are discussing the movie you two just watched as you walk through the aisles. 
you split up agreeing to meet back at the register. you make your way to the drinks in the back while sunghoon goes to get snacks. you grab an iced jasmine tea for yourself and an iced vanilla latte for hoon. sunghoon yells over the stands as he browses, “hey, what should i caption for my insta post?”
you respond loudly, “i don’t know, something related to movies.”
sunghoon looks at the picture on his phone: a photo of you two snuggled up in the theater, most of your face hidden in his hoodie. he types in quickly “rated pg for park’s girl <3”, hits post, and goes back to browsing. he goes to grab bento boxes, honey butter chips, candy jellies, and practically everything his eyes landed on. 
when you make it to the cashier, you see sunghoon with his arms full. “you good there, park?”
a muffled “yup” is heard behind all the food.
you look around, walking away when you find what you needed. going closer to him, “why didn’t you just grab a basket?” you start to take some things from his arms, lightening his load. 
“i… uh… didn’t think of it.” he pauses in between, an embarrassed expression adorning his face. you giggle as you take everything to be rung up, missing how his ears turned red. you catch the worker’s name on his tag, jungwon. before you can take out your wallet to pay, sunghoon’s already entering his card into the machine. you whip your head around, ready to tell him off. “nope, do not look at me like that.” you roll your eyes at him as you grab the bag with what you just bought. 
“oh come on… you can’t seriously be mad at me.” no response from you. “really? the silent treatment?” he scoffs jokingly when you cross your arms against your chest. he comes closer to bend down and wrap his arms around your waist. “it’s snacks. it’s not that big of a deal.”
you release yourself from his grasp and walk out of the store, still faking being mad. you mumble, “whatever,” under your beath but still loud enough for him to hear.
he bids jungwon a quick “have a nice night”, not missing him calling the two of you a cute couple. sunghoon meets up with you outside, already sitting on the curb of the parking lot. 
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v. pretty boy
the start of a new semester. en-4 are sitting out on the grass of the quad. surrounding them are various groups of students, typical for the buzzing campus on a crisp spring day.
“you need to cook the noodles first. end of discussion.” jake says sternly. he and heeseung are in a heated argument over the proper order of cooking ramen.
heeseung defends himself, “you are so wrong. you make the broth first to build the flavor.”
jay brings his attention up from his phone, “neither of you should be allowed anywhere near a kitchen.”
out of nowhere, a loud car horn is heard, drawing the attention of every student in the area. sunghoon looks up to find you leaning against the passenger door of your car and yelling, “hey, pretty boy! get in.” he chuckles at both the label and how bossy you sound, turning to his friends to grab his things. the three of them are stunned at him.
jake breaks first, “wait, what?”
heeseung lets go of his argument with the australian, “dude, are you seriously leaving?”
sunghoon only nods as he walks away, not letting them ask any more questions. he notices all the watching eyes and decides why not put on a show? he shouts out to you, “thought i was picking you up later, babe.” he makes sure to emphasize the nickname as his infamous smirk tells you exactly what his intentions are.
“lecture ended early, love. prof had some emergency. thought why not surprise you…” you wrap your arms around his shoulders as he reaches you and let him lay a quick peck on your cheek. “now come on, i’m taking you out on a date so either hop in or lose your chance. your choice but i don’t have that much patience so hurry up.”
“yes, ma’am,” he leans in closer and guides his hands lower from your waist. “but i’m driving,” he says as he sneakily takes your keys from your back pocket, 
“you sly fox.” he laughs at the new nickname as he opens the door, letting you sit down before closing it. he makes his way around the hood, noting that all attention is still on you two. he meets eyes with his friends again, the three looking much like the faces he saw in the cafe almost six weeks ago. as he buckles in and starts the car, you rest your hand on top of his on the gear shift. he raises his eyebrows and gives you a charming smile. “by the way, why’s your friend looking at me like that?”
he looks back up to face the boys, “which one?”
“jay. since we started doing this, he keeps looking at me weird—like weirder than the others.”
he tilts his head to the side when he realizes that jay is indeed looking in your direction, but his eyes are focused solely on you. “jay is… how should i put this? you know what i’ll tell you later. for now, tell me where to?”
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vi. jukebox
the hazy red glow of the neon lights and checkered tiled floors welcomed you as you led sunghoon into the local diner. this place was a staple in your childhood, your go-to hangout spot with the aforementioned boy when you were still in your youth. 
“i will say, this is a nice surprise.”
you look up to sunghoon as he sits across from you in the vinyl booth seat, “i knew you would love it.” you laugh with each other as you get situated, seeing a young but tall—why is he so tall? he looks like he’s only a teenager—server coming towards your table.
“hey, i’m niki and i’ll be taking care of you guys today,” the giant says cheerfully. “anything i can start you guys with?”
sunghoon looks up at the boy to take your order swiftly, “two strawberry milkshakes, please.” you watch as niki nods and walks back to the counter.
“well, well, well, park… you remembered?” you question teasingly with a cocked eyebrow.
“you’ve always had a sweet tooth. no wonder you loved me so much,” his turn to turn up the typical park sunghoon charm.
you scrunch your face in annoyance, “you should become a comedian.”
“i will never get tired of your sarcasm. it really just… keeps me going.” his way of joking back. “stay here. i’ll be right back,” he says quickly as he looks behind you and gets out of his seat.
you wait patiently for him, assuming he’s just going to the restroom. unbeknownst to you, sunghoon is making his way to the jukebox on the other side of the restaurant. he flips through the song list, finally finding the one he wants. he quickly puts in the coins and sets it in the queue. as he turns to go back to you, he sees an engraving on the side. he runs his fingers along it as he inspects the writing. property of sunghoon and y/n. he thinks back to your last day of eighth grade when you two etched the label onto the wood. he joyfully walks back to your table, ready to let you know about the memory. he sits next to you now, resting his arm behind you and around your back,
“what took you so long, park?”
right as he’s about to explain, niki comes to your table, “two strawberry milkshakes. anything else i can get you two?”
you turn your head quickly to the boy sitting next to you, seeing his eyes are already focused on yours. “um… no, i, uh, think we’re good.” you stumble and stutter a bit. you watch him as he nods his head and walks away. regaining your composure, you ask sunghoon again, “so what did take you so long?”
once again, he gets interrupted. the sound of “purpose” by justin bieber playing over the speakers makes him stop. he gives you a second to register the song, “that’s why.”
you tilt your head down and look at him quizzically, “really? this is why?” you reach to your drink, sipping on the straw as you wait for his answer.
he mirrors your movement, nodding his head in confirmation. he too drinks from the tall glass, contrary to your use of a straw, he opts to drink straight from the rim. he pulls the milkshake away, leaving some on his upper lip.
you burst into quiet laughter, turning your gaze away to not spit out your own shake.
sunghoon furrows his eyebrows in confusion, “what’s so funny?”
you turn back to him, “you got a little something there, park.” you wipe away the liquid from his face with your thumb, popping into your own mouth to clean it up.”there, all good now.”
sunghoon freezes in his spot, trying to comprehend what just happened. it’s quick but he feels something. trying to shake off the foreign feeling, he turns to face forward again. he feels you lean into him, head resting on his chest. a small grin appears on his face, humming along to the justin bieber tune still playing.
“i missed hearing you sing.”
sunghoon looks down at the crown of your head, “really? you used to always tease me about it, though.”
you shake your head with a light laugh, “i never meant it. whenever you sang, it always calmed me. i used to think… if you didn’t pursue skating, you could’ve been a singer.”
“and then what? i would bring you around on tour everywhere and sneak you in backstage?”
“that could’ve been fun.” you now laugh louder than before, him along with you.
there it is again. sunghoon’s not sure what it is, trying to suppress the odd emotion. he sits there, cuddling up to you in the booth, finishing the strawberry milkshakes, just hoping you can’t hear the way his heart starts to beat faster.
sitting at the bar, snacking on fries, and trying to not be seen by you two are heeseung, jay, and jake. they ask themselves would they really be considered sunghoon’s friends if they didn’t follow them and stake out their date.
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vii. nerds
sunghoon picked you up from the art department today. he showed up about ten minutes too early, and he got permission from your instructor to monitor your class from the back. he waited outside the door while you cleaned up, earning a few prying looks from your peers as they exited. as you drove back to his place, you agreed to have a movie marathon. 
opening the door to his dorm, you say “we are watching star wars. luke, leia, and han solo are a way better trio than three child magicians.”
sunghoon defends his choice, “first of all, they’re wizards. second, i’m offended. harry, ron, and hermione use magic with their wands. all star wars has is weird weapons and robots.”
“they’re literally in space and excuse you, but does something called—oh, i don’t know—the force ring any bells? they’re jedis, duh.” you rolls your eyes, making your annoyance clear.
sunghoon stops in the hall, “harry potter has spells and potions.”
“star wars has chewbacca.” you stand next to him with your arms crossed.
definitively and matter-of-factly, sunghoon says, “quidditch.”
“you can’t seriously believe quidditch is praiseworthy?” you look at him crazily.
“you two are such nerds.”
you both freeze, turning to see the rest of en-4 sitting in the living room. in the midst of your argument, you both failed to notice the others were home. you realize that jay was the one to stop you two. you also realize it’s the dreaded time for the best friends to finally meet the “girlfriend”. sunghoon seems to realize it as well, reaching to intertwine your hands to both sell the act to his roomates and to calm you down.
he leads you into the living room, meeting eyes with the boys. “so… guys, this is y/n, my girlfriend.”
“it’s so nice to finally meet you! i’m jake. sunghoon here has been holding out on us. i mean, come on, it’s been like two months and he still hasn’t introduced you to us.” the australian continues on with his energetic and positive ramble, asking you questions about your relationship.
heeseung butts in to tell jake to slow down. “i’m heeseung. jake’s right though, you two started dating before winter break and we’re barely meeting you now. sunghoon is always hanging out with you and telling us everything about it. honestly, all i can tell you is to run while you still can.” the others all laugh at his antics.
sunghoon scoffs, “hey, i’m not that bad.”
you excuse yourself to get a drink from the kitchen. you can hear jake spitting out more questions like rapid fire to sunghoon as you walk away. you reach into the fridge, fishing out a water bottle.
behind you, jay enters quietly. “you two are cute together.”
you flinch at his voice, “geez, dude. almost gave me a heart attack.”
he chuckles under his breath and leans against the counter, “sorry, didn’t mean to scare you. i met sunghoon at freshman orientation and we immediately became friends, but i’ve never seen him like this.”
“really hoping you mean that in a good way.”
“don’t worry, it is. you know… he only has a soft spot for you. the three of us are his best friends but he only ever smiles like that with you.” he sways his head back and forth as he rambles, taking a pause between his words. “stay with him. it’ll be good for everyone.”
you smile at his approval, “you wanna know something? he actually said you would be the hardest to win over. he said something about you being super protective over your friends… yet, at the same time you trust their judgement. he told me that when he and i got together, he wasn’t scared to tell you but more worried as to if you would like me.”
he smiles with you now, “that all he said about me?” he asks while raising his eyebrows in curiosity.
“he also mentioned that you’re a good cook.”
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viii. proud
a professor of yours is holding their annual spring showcase for contemporary art. every year, a handful of students are chosen to join and display their art amongst other renowned artists. you happen to be one of the few, a top contender chosen for your abilities.
you’ve invited your friends, including en-4 to come by the studio and see your work—albeit a bit nervous for their reactions. you stand on watch by your section, greeting the patrons and waiting for the boys to arrive.
thankfully, they show up within the first hour of the gallery opening. they each show up looking professional and chic, sporting all-black fits—most likely at the hands of jay. sunghoon immediately finding you and leading the way for the rest. you welcome them in, explaining your collection, the concentration being “vulnerability.” the works are a mix of several mediums, majority being oil paint, each displaying a closeup of various people. the paintings show their bare faces, imperfections and blemishes with nothing to hide.
the night continues with more and more passing by, complimenting your collection. by the time the exhibition ends, you and sunghoon are the only ones left in the studio. he’s stayed in the same spot, eyeing one piece incredibly closely. throughout the entire showcase, he had kept going back to the one canvas. you join his side, linking your arm with his. “this one is my favorite,” you hear him say.
you look up to meet his eyes, “why this one?”
“because…  it’s you.” you takes your arm out and moves to stand behind you, now wrapping himself around you and resting his chin in the crook of your neck. he holds your hands in his, “i am so proud of you. times like this, i am proud to call you my best friend.” he turns his head, kissing you once on your jaw, and then pulling slightly back to kiss you again on the cheek.
you turn around, hugging him closer with your arms around his shoulders, “thank you.” you hold each other for a few minutes. when you pull away, you lock eyes. you feel your heart beating against your chest and your breathing getting faster. you snap back to reality when you feel sunghoon’s lips on yours. you’re not sure why you tangle your fingers in his hair and kiss him back or why he grabs onto your waist while backing you into the wall. he continues placing pecks on the corner of you lips, creating a trail down to your neck. when you let out a sigh and say his name, he stops. there he stands, a few feet in front of you, awkward and unsure of what to do next.
he breaks the silence, “it’s late. i should drive you back home.” he watches as you slowly nod your head. the drive back to your apartment was dead silent. you tried to occupy yourself by looking out the window.
when he drops you off, he bids you a quick goodnight. “um… text me when you get back home.” sunghoon just looks forward, muttering “ok” before leaving.
in the elevator, you look at your reflection on the metal doors. you make your way inside your place and take a seat on your bed. your mind is too busy reliving the moments with sunghoon before. you try to comprehend what you should do but find yourself too tired, instead falling asleep and missing his text.
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ix. spring break
it’s currently the middle of april and the boys have made you an honorary member of en-4. you and sunghoon have been pretending to be a couple and successfully tricking everyone for the last four months.
everyone has the week off for spring break. jay, being the generous guy he is, rented out a cabin in the mountains for the now five members of your friend group. you all rode in one car on the way up, and you totally didn’t fall asleep in the middle seat while cuddling into sunghoon’s side. 
you all decide to settle into your rooms once you arrive. “so there are four rooms, two downstairs and two upstairs.” jay pauses, looking towards you and sunghoon, “i assume that you’ll be fine sharing one.”
you immediately answer, “yeah, for sure.” you look to see sunghoon avoiding your gaze, sensing knowing looks from the others. sunghoon and you already guessed that they would make the two of you share a room and truthfully, neither of you minded. growing up together meant a lot of sleepovers and sharing beds so this was no problem.
he continues on, “great, you guys can take the master bedroom on the second floor cause it has the most space. i’ll take the room next to you, heeseung and jake can take the two down here.”
everyone agrees and sets off to their assigned rooms. you and sunghoon drop your bags onto the mattress, starting to unpack. the interior is spacious, the tall glass sliding doors allow lots of natural light to come in. the room itself is cozy, king size bed with matching bedside tables, and a big fluffy area rug. you’re too distracted to notice that sunghoon has gone outside to the balcony. he leans against the railing, taking in the scenic views and the breeze, basking in the setting rust-colored sun. when you finally realize that he’s not next to you anymore, you silently make you way onto the balcony, wrapping your arms around sunghoon from behind.
he tenses up at the sudden contact, relaxing when he realizes it’s you. there it is again, his heart is acting up like at the diner. he’s noticed it more often—the way that whenever he sees you, his heart beats differently. this weird feeling in his chest, this warmth that only shows up around you. he gets lost in his thoughts, envisioning what could become of your situation.
“what’s got you so lost?”
your voice snaps him back to reality. he turns around to face you, “uh… nothing, just thinking.”
just when you want to question him further and talk about what happened at the showcase, a knock is heard on the door. sunghoon walks away, going to open the door. both of you can feel the awkward tension when he leaves his spot. 
“hey, we’re kinda hungry so we’re gonna order some food and watch a movie downstairs,” jake informs you two when the door opens. “feel free to come down and join whenever.”
“yeah, we’ll be down in a bit,” sunghoon tells him as heeseung nods before leaving you two alone again. you both finish getting settled before heading downstairs. you gather around the couch as ponyo plays on the tv and you reach for a tray of sushi. 
the night continues, the moon sitting high amongst the stars. after the movie, dinner, and some drinking games, everyone retires to their respective rooms. you plop yourself onto the bed, tired after the day’s activities. you hear sunghoon getting something from his bag along with the rustling of some plastic. you crane your head up to see him approaching you. he sits on the edge of the bed, now with fluffy headbands and face masks in hand.
you scoot back a bit, “nope. no way you are getting me to do that.”
he laughs lightly at your antics, “oh come on… let me take care of you, at least just for tonight. please.” he gives you a pleading look with pursed lips, dragging out the “please” to show how desperate he is. 
that was the deciding point that led to a spa night. you both changed into comfier clothes, you borrowed one of his hoodies and sweatpants. sunghoon got settled in closer to you and you reached for his wrist to grab one of the elastic bands. you adjusted your position to sit on your knees, reaching up to tie his hair back. he, on the other hand, took one of the headbands to bring your hair back and away from your face. 
by the time midnight rolled around, you two were snuggled under the comforter with face masks, surrounded by junk food, and on the fourth episode of some random netflix show. as the night continues, a wave of sleep starts to overtake both of you. you help each other take off the masks and clean up, getting distracted every few minutes because one of you would start messing around. the boys had stopped by to say goodnight, catching you two in the middle of a mild pillow fight. after sending them off, you fall asleep in each other’s arms, basking in the warmth of your shared embrace. heeseung had snuck in at one point and stole a few quick pictures to tease you two with.
the dawn breaking through the sheer curtains causes you to stir in bed. you turn to see the alarm clock on the nightstand say 6:02. untangling yourself from sunghoon’s grasp, you sneak outside. you climb up to sit on the rooftop, feeling the cool chill of the dewy morning. the time alone gives you a sense of serenity.
meanwhile, sunghoon moves under the covers, confused why he can’t feel you. his eyes open and he doesn’t find a trace of you in the room. worried, he gets up and quietly searches the house, making sure to not wake the others. he goes into the backyard, seeing a shadow on the ground with an unusual shape. he looks up to find you perched on the roof, facing the opposite direction. he eventually climbs up to sit next to you. he hesitates before getting closer and putting his arm around you. you sigh as you lean into him. there you both stay, watching the sun come over the horizon in a comfortable silence.
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x. disaster averted
the following week, you all return to campus. needless to say, the break was well used—the days at the cabin mostly being spent at the lake or around the campfire. another day spent hanging out at en-4’s dorm after classes. sunghoon went out to pick up food for everyone. you are in his room, trying to cram for an upcoming test and failing miserably because the other three are all playing fifa way too loud.
while the boys are playing, the doorbell rings. jay gets up to check who it is, seeing a young girl and immediately recognizing her. he lets in yeji, sunghoon’s little sister. she casually joins the boys around the tv, catching up on whatever has been happening in their lives. sunghoon arrives back home within twenty minutes. 
“i’m back with the food,” he shouts out loud enough for everyone to hear including you behind his closed bedroom door. he places the plastic bags on the table, looking up to see another face. “yeji? what are you doing here?”
she gets up to greet her brother, giving him a hug, “it’s my spring break and i wanted to stop by.” sunghoon then realizes that his family doesn’t know about him becoming friends with you again or about your current situation. he drags her into the kitchen hurriedly, “ok so here’s the thing… you remember y/n?”
“of course! she’s like my big sister.”
his breath gets caught in his throat for a second, “yeah, don’t call her that. anyways, her and i are friends again,” he sees yeji’s eyes widen with excitement and continues with his explanation before she can cut him off, “and she’s my girlfriend.”
sunghoon panics and covers her mouth with his palm, “fake girlfriend!” he rushes out the whisper. “the guys don’t know that our relationship isn’t real and i’d like to keep it that way. they don’t even know that we were friends beforehand. yeji, i’m begging you to go along with it. please do this for me.” he clasps his hands together in front of him with a pleading expression.
the young girl crosses her arms in front of her and pretends to think about it, “hmm… fine.”
sunghoon blurts out a chant of “thank you’s” not knowing that his sister only agreed cause she always thought that you and sunghoon would’ve been a good couple. he tells her to help the others set the table while he goes to you. he quickly explains what’s happening and you’re just excited that you get to see yeji again. you both leave his room and you make your own way to the living room, spotting the other girl and exchanging glances.
yeji stops what she’s doing to turn and face you, “who’s this?”
you answer back casually, “y/n. i’m a friend of the boys, and you are?”
“yeji, sunghoon’s younger sister.” she says it proudly, bringing a grin to the aforementioned boy.
“oh, you’re yeji? hoon was right… you are pretty.”
she tilts her head and cocks an eyebrow, questioning you “why would he tell you about me?”
jake chimes in like it’s second nature, “i mean, why wouldn’t he tell his girlfriend about his sister?” he states like it’s so obvious. “they’ve been together since december.”
“girlfriend?” she takes a step back in false shock, “since december? why didn’t i know about this?” 
“what? i don’t seem like your brother’s type?”
“it’s not that. i’m just surprised he managed to get and keep a girlfriend. you’re like, way out of his league and he’s a loser.” one thing to know about yeji is that as much as she loves him, she will never miss a chance to tease her brother. 
with a scoff, you finally hear sunghoon join in beside you, “not gonna lie, that one hurt a little.”
“i’m so telling mom,” she says with a mischievous smirk.
you laugh at sunghoon’s shocked face and smile at the younger park, “i like you, i think we’ll get along just fine.”
“i like you, too.” she looks at sunghoon, “keep her.”
everyone laughs at the interaction as they settle in to eat. sunghoon sits to your right while yeji sits on your left, wondering how his two favorite girls learned to be such good actresses.
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xi. returning the favor
fast forward another month, the end of the semester means the dreaded finals week again. sunghoon has been, for lack of a better word, slacking on some of his classes and is now juggling to prepare for exams and revisions. couple that with yeji telling his mom about your “relationship” and her nonstop questions, all of this stress has been piled on. this all amounting to him getting sick. 
now, sunghoon being sunghoon means that he pushed everyone away and hasn’t told you about his condition. luckily for him, you’ve been cooped up in your studio trying to finish your portfolio and also prepare for your exams. unluckily for him, the boys have gotten worried and heeseung called you. 
which brings us to the present, sunghoon stuck in bed with a fever, congestion, and neglected notes. a knock on his door does nothing to help his headache but seeing your face meekly peek in makes him relax. “what are you doing here?” he asks hoarsely.
“did you really think i wouldn’t find out?”
he avoids your glare, “i didn’t want you to worry.”
“honestly i’m not upset that you’re sick, but that i had to hear it from your roommates.” you come closer to him, clearing out the scattered papers and textbooks from atop his bed. you sit on the edge, taking out some medicine and cooling packs that you picked up from the convenience store.
“you really don’t have to do this,” he twiddles his fingers in embarrassment.
you tie back his hair and place one of the packs on his forehead, “you’ve always been the one taking care of me, so i might as well return the favor.” 
you busy yourself with getting the cough medicine ready and sunghoon takes an actual look at you. he notices that you’re wearing his old skating jacket, the same one he gave you at your high school graduation. he makes more room under the covers, allowing you to come closer and lay next to him. he drapes one arm over you and holds onto the end of the jacket sleeve, “i can’t believe you kept this.”
“we stopped hanging out and we weren’t in each other’s lives for a year and a half after being together basically since birth,” you pause, a little saddened thinking back. “this was the last thing i ever got from you. it’s all i had left.”
he brings you closer, neither of you caring if you got sick. “well… now you have me again. for good.”
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xii. the party
the end of the school year has finally arrived. some seniors from the txt frat are hosting a big party to celebrate. of course, en-4 was invited—mostly thanks to heeseung being close with them. although you have made more friends and now have a more active social life, parties are still not your thing. 
yet, much to your dismay, being friends with designated party people means that you’re getting bombarded with pleas to go regardless. sunghoon took the lead on convincing you, “please, i promise that it’ll be fun.” the boys join in, their voices overlapping. sunghoon practically tackles you onto your couch while pouting and furrowing his eyebrows in desperation.
“stop looking at me like that. i can’t think properly when you do that.”
right on cue, the boys start to tease you. jay clears his throat and jake makes kissing noises, meanwhile heeseung starts singing y/n and sunghoon sitting in a tree… while you just glare at them.
“if i say i’ll go, will you all leave me alone?” 
they all shout “yes” in unison. which is how you ended up at the crowded frat house. although they had begged you to come, they practically abandon you and sunghoon when you get there. jake had yelled back to you that his friend sunoo from his econ class called them over for beer pong.
you and sunghoon find a big bean bag in the corner and stay there for a bit. he offers to get you both some drinks and leaves to the kitchen. you’re not sure how long he’s gone but you eventually get uncomfortable. you start wandering the house for some space to get some air. you find an empty room and make your way into the connected bathroom to wash your face. you take some deep breaths, then realizing that you didn’t tell sunghoon. as you’re about to step out, he enters the room.
“i figured you would want some space.”
“how’d you know where i was?”
he comes up closer to you, “in the sea of people, in this mess, in this frenzy… i will always find you. no matter what happens or who comes into my life, i always find my way back to you.”
“what the hell is that even supposed to mean, park?”
“i mean…” he stops to compose himself, “oh for fucks sake, i’m tired of this being pretend. i’m tired of being allowed to call you my girlfriend in public but not treat you like it in private. when i kissed you at the showcase, i had wanted to do that for so long, and i’ve been wanting to do even more.”
“sunghoon, look-”
“wait, i’m not done. what i’m trying to say is that i want you to be my girlfriend, for real this time—not as a joke, not as a trick. i want us to be together as an actual couple because i like you, a lot more than you could believe-”
you cut him off this time, kissing him like he did all those weeks ago. you kissed him in the way that you weren’t sure what words to say other than, “i would love to be your girlfriend.”
sunghoon shines with the biggest smile, picking you up and spinning around. when he lets you down, he incessantly leaves pecks all over your face. he holds you close, “now, how about we go enjoy the party?”
you nod and lead him hand in hand towards the door. you turn the nob, only to have the three remaining members of your friend group fall at your feet. heeseung landing on top, shouting out, “i fucking knew it!”
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dollslayer · 3 years
Botanical Interest
Soft!Mob!Steve Rogers x reader
Summary: You’re a florist working the wedding of Brooklyn’s most respected mob boss when you catch the eye of his best man.
W/C: 1557
Warnings: Allusions to violence, swearing, copious amounts of blushing
A/N: My second ever fic! I wrote this as an entry to @stargazingfangirl18 ‘s Soft Dark 5k Challenge (congrats!) using dialogue prompt 9 (bolded) with a Mob!AU. No smut, just fluff. While I’m a sucker for Soft!Dark I thought I’d keep it light and fluffy! Might enter a second one with some darker themes.
I’m brand new to writing and the fandom so if you want you can check out my first fic (also a Mob!AU!) and please reach out with any and all comments or thoughts! I’m eager to know!! Cheers!
Botanical Interest Masterlist I Main Masterlist
The first time you saw him you didn’t actually see him because you ran square into him while you were looking the other way. Stubbing your nose right into his chest and nearly spilling the contents of the box you were holding.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry! I wasn’t looking where I was going and I’ve got so much to do so I’ve been running around and I just didn’t see you I’m-“
“Forgiven. You’re forgiven, sweetheart” a smoky voice with confidence and amusement informed you.
You loved being a florist but you were short handed for this wedding and needed to get a move on. You wouldn’t have taken the job but the infamous Bucky Barnes, King of Brooklyn himself was getting married. It would be great exposure for you but when a man like him asks something of you you don’t exactly have a choice. In all the chaos of it you didn’t watch your step.
Cheeks still burning with embarrassment, your eyes met those of Barnes’ right hand man, Steve Rogers. Now you weren’t just embarrassed you were nervous.
Taking a step back and shuffling the box in your hands you sent him a sheepish smile. “Right, well, sorry again. I’ve really got a lot to do before the ceremony, so...” trailing off you started to walk away. Just distract yourself with the work and try not to worry whether you’d just offended a member of the mob.
Steve nodded and gave you a small smile, letting you return to the task at hand. There was some issue with the venue and the owners were being stubborn but the wedding planner was busy putting out a different fire. So, being the best man that he was, he decided to come down and use his ‘persuasive skills’.
He almost forgot what he was there for as he watched you walk away. Sure, you looked a little crazed in your work but you were cute. Frazzled but determined as you tinkered with the centerpieces, he let himself be distracted for a moment.
Sighing as his phone buzzed asking for an update on the venue, he shook his head. With a scowl he straightened his posture and clenched his fists as he set off in search of the property manager. Poor bastard.
30 minutes, 2 punches, and one very credible threat later Steve was leaving the manager's office. He held the door and looked at the man one last time, “And I think I’ll stay to make sure you don’t get any ideas about going back on the agreement.”
At least that was his excuse for sticking around. He still had some time before he needed to get changed so he ambled around until he spotted you across the large room. Planting himself against the wall, a tiny smile on his face as he watched you place each stem with care.
You still looked a little pressed but he could tell you were really enjoying what you were doing. He liked to see a woman hard at work and good at what she does. He liked seeing you so flustered earlier when you ran into him. The heat flooding to your face told him you knew exactly who he was. Good.
Bending to reach a stray peony he took a moment to admire your body. He had to wonder if the blush on your face earlier would be the same one you’d have when he’d whisper dirty things into your ear.
Letting his imagination wander a little bit he didn’t realize you’d gone outside. Maybe it was a good time for Steve to step out and have a smoke.
You felt some relief as you saw him take off in another direction and felt relief. Finally letting yourself relax a bit you started on the arch. You heard yelling from down the hall but decided to ignore it, you didn’t have time to worry about it.
Some time later you were still working on the arch when you noticed something in the corner of your eye. Taking a moment to look up you saw that it was Steve. What was he doing? Whatever. He said he forgave you just focus on the arch. You worked the best you could to not let his presence bother you.
Finally done with the arch, you needed to go back to the van for more supplies and finishing touches. Letting yourself forget about your unexpected company you climbed into the back of the van and hauled out some boxes.
“You need help with that, sweetheart?” He offered.
You hadn’t expected him out here and let out a shriek. Jesus Christ is he following me now? Steve casually walked over to you with a quirk in his brow waiting for an answer.
“I- Uh, no. No, I’m good. I’m great, actually. My assistant is somewhere around so I don’t need help so you can just, uh, go, I guess. Thanks though.” How you managed to get the entire sentence out only stumbling slightly in your words was beyond you.
“Alright. Well if you need some muscle or a strong set of hands... I’ll be around for a while.” He responded while sporting what you were sure was his signature grin.
You watched him make his way back inside and let out the breath you definitely knew you were holding. Just finish the flowers and get out. You can do this.
The reception was winding down and you waited for the last guests to leave before you started disassembling things. Waiting out back with the van and your assistant you thought back to your awkward interactions with Steve.
You knew he was dangerous, or at least what he did was dangerous. He didn’t say one threatening word to you and he still had your palms sweating. Hopefully the wedding party would be long gone and you wouldn’t have to see him again.
The lights were starting to come up and you put yourself to task but before you did you took a moment to really admire the arch. Hours of work, hundreds of peonies and ranunculus and so much greenery all put together in one beautiful piece. You couldn’t help but snag a picture.
“It really is gorgeous. Not as gorgeous as you though.” That voice again, seemingly out of nowhere.
“Jesus Christ!” Startled for the second time by him that night your anger got the better of you. “What’s your deal huh? Why are you watching me? Am I on some list now?”
He barked out a laugh in response. “I swear I didn’t mean to start watching you, it just sort of... happened” He admittedly almost sheepishly. “You’re cute when you’re focused, you’re also cute when you’re mad.”
You could only blink at him. What do you even say to that? ‘Thanks, I find you terrifying’? “Um, thanks, I guess.” Good enough.
He held his hand out to you. “Steve Rogers.” You held your hand out to shake when he took it and kissed it instead. You stated your name as calm as you could. When he released your hand you noticed some bruises on his knuckles. Lest you forget who he is.
He seemed to notice you caught that detail. “Don’t worry. I don’t hurt anyone who don’t deserve it, certainly could never hurt a pretty face like yours.” You blushed at the compliment and turned your head. 
“I… should probably get back to the flowers. Don’t wanna be here all night.” You shifted your attention to the arch and began the process of dismantling it. 
“I wouldn’t mind it. Here, Doll”. He noticed you searching around for your tools and handed them to you. “Let me help you, these things look heavy”. You really shouldn’t. A piece of you kept placing this warning around him but every time he opened his mouth he was so sweet. How could you say no?
So that’s how the big scary mobster found himself surrounded by flowers and skipping out on the after party. He asked you about yourself, how you got into floristry, he listened to you geek out about flowers. You asked him about himself and he did his best to answer while trying not to scare you off. Something about how confident you were in your work but how shy you got reeled him in. He didn’t care who saw him grinning like an idiot at you. 
As he helped you load the last of your things and close the back doors of your van he leaned against it. “So, the Brooklyn Botanic Garden is just around the corner from my place but I’ve never been. Think a professional like you could spare some time for an uninformed punk like myself?” 
Was he asking you out? You couldn’t fight the growing smile on your face. You know what he does is… less than ideal but talking to him you really felt good chemistry between the two of you. He was funny and genuine and those moments where he was a little shy telling you about growing up as a scrawny kid had you feeling like you were peeking in on a side of him that you’d never expect. You looked up at him still smiling.
“Oh what the hell? When are you free?”
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cow-smells · 4 years
Owe you one: Demetri x Reader
Summary: Y/n is on a mission to get that good geek D OR, Demetri tutors the reader. Reader sees it fit to pay him back.
A/n: Definitely not my finest piece of work but I had to let it out of me (: its my first smut. can you tell?
also please don’t repost this anywhere  :)
Words: 1678
Warnings: smut
Standing in the crowded hallway, Y/n scanned the crowd of students until her eyes set on her target.
Demetri was visibly startled, not used to having his name screamed out like that, surely not by a girl – most definitely not by Y/n. Y/n was one of the most popular girls in school and having her call for him, so publicly no less, made Demetri's cheeks flush.
They had been hanging out almost daily lately after a teacher suggested Y/n ask Demetri to tutor her in algebra, a subject she hated until the memory of it started tying itself with the lanky black haired boy.
At first they would study in the library but after quickly becoming friendly, the study sessions moved to either ones house. As time progressed Y/n began finding that she would find excuses in the guise of studying to seek Demetri out during the day, just to talk to him about anything at all.
Although she did use their study sessions to... well, study, Y/n couldn't help when her mind would wander elsewhere occasionally. When they'd both be perched on her bed, house empty but them, nothing but books between them... Y/n would lay a hand on Demetri's thigh, or sit a bit closer than necessary, waiting for Demetri to pick up on the hint; he never did.
    It was time to take matters in to hands.
    “Hey!” Y/n called as she caught up to Demetri. “Look!”
Y/n held up her latest algebra test, showing off a big B+ circled in red.
Demetri's eyes widened in surprise, his smile genuine. “That's amazing! I told you you'll do great!” he lay a shy hand on Y/n's bicep. It wasn't enough. Unashamed, Y/n held up her arms for a hug he couldn't deny.
Standing on her tippy toes, she held Demetri tight to her for a moment. “Seriously, thank you.”
She could swear it wasn't her imagination when Demetri was reluctant to let go.
Y/n slid her arms from around his neck to hold his shoulders. “Are you free today?”
Demetri thought; he was supposed to help Sam and Mr LaRusso fix up some stuff at the dojo but seeing as it was Y/n asking, looking up at him with her big e/c eyes and perfectly painted lips, he figured he could clear his schedule. “Uh, yeah.”
“Great. Could I come over? I wanna go over my mistakes, if that's okay with you.”
Of course it was okay. Demetri was crushingly disappointed once Y/n took the test and stopped meeting him every day, any excuse to spend time with her was more than welcome.
    Even if he was still too cowardly to make a move.
    “Yeah, sure. My parents should be working late today so, come by any time.”
“Okay,” Y/n bit her lip and brushed her hands off his shoulders. “I'll see you in a bit.”
Hours later, Y/n found herself in Demetri's painfully on-brand room. Closing the door after her she clicked the door to lock, even though it was just them in the meantime. She unhooked her bag from her shoulder, leaving it by the door.
Looking from the bag to her, Demetri asked, “What did you get wrong, anyway?”
“Oh, about that,” Y/n replied bashfully, slowly making her way closer to the boy, her hips swaying purposefully with each step. “I don't really care about the mistakes. I mean, sure, it's important and all, but...” Y/n reached Demetri, standing toe to toe with him. She reached her hand to grab the hem of his t-shirt, watching her fingers as she played with it – Demetri watching her. “I just wanted to get you alone. I never actually got to repay the favour, or say thank you.”
Suddenly looking up, Demetri found the girls face achingly close to his. If only he would lean down and close the gap... his mouth went dry.
“So,” Y/n eyes met Demetri's. Getting on to her toes, hands propping herself up on his abdomen, Demetri felt her breath on his lips as she next spoke. “Thank you.” With that, she closed the gap.
    Demetri felt fireworks go off within him. The one girl he had been pining over for so long was finally his. Instinctively, he wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her closer.
Y/n let her hands climb around his neck, one holding on to his hair as she kissed him deeper. Demetri briefly wondered if this might really just be her way of saying thank you, as unconventional as it may be – but once he felt Y/n's soft tongue searching for his, he decided to take what she was willing to give.
Demetri bent down in attempt to somehow be even closer, relieving Y/n from her position on her tip toes. He didn't even notice than his dominance on her pushed her back a couple of steps until her knees hit the bed, toppling her over with him above her.
    This was a very new situation for Demetri.
He had only just experienced his first kiss and here he was already, holding himself over the girl of his dreams. Looking down at Y/n's perfect smile and rosy cheeks (notably avoiding creating eye contact with her cleavage), every cell in Demetri's body urged him to surge forward, to kiss, to touch – so he rightened himself back up, knees still caging hers between his.
    “I'm sorry,” he apologized, despite it being nearly the last thing he wanted to do – the real last thing he wanted to do being pressure Y/n in to something.
He certainly didn't expect it when Y/n took back the reins and nudged Demetri with her knee to a sitting position on the bed, hooking the same knee around him until she was straddling him.
Demetri looked at Y/n from where she sat comfortably on his lap up to her eyes, his lips parted with questions he couldn't word; his own eyes hungry.
“Don't be.” Y/n leaned forward – Demetri leaned in instinctively in hopes to meet her lips, only to be left hanging when Y/n swayed her attentions to the skin under his ear, kissing and biting her way down the curve of his neck. Demetri closed his eyes, his attention completely devoted to the feeling of her lips on his skin, a feeling he had fantasized over for so long.
Fingers threaded between the bed sheets, Demetri couldn't contain his satisfied groan when she bit at just the right spot – and then again when she scooted her hips closer to his, forcing him to notice what she had.
Sudden panic rushing through him, Demetri lay his hands on Y/n thighs as though to push her back – she chose to stay put. “Shit, I'm sorry.” Demetri turned an unbelievable shade of red, causing the girl to laugh. If it were possible, he might have turned even brighter. He searched her eyes for disapproval, but found no such thing.
Looking down at the provocation that bothered Demetri so, Y/n met his eyes again. “Don't worry about it.” she captured Demetri's lips one more time, rocking her hips before they parted. Demetri gasped. “Besides,” she returned to her assault on his neck where red bruises were already forming. Her hands found his belt, undoing it. “I still owe you one.”
    It was with great effort that Demetri managed to ask “Y/n, what are you -” before her fingers were wrapped around him, rendering him silent – with the exception of a breath taken gasp.
Demetri could feel Y/n's lips contort to a smile against his skin as she began working him, his head tilted back in euphoria.
He bit his lip in attempt to drown out a moan without success. One arm came to wrap around the girl, holding her tightly in place. Demetri was pulled out of his content state when she slipped out of his grasp.
Y/n sat on the floor between his knees. Demetri's heart dropped, afraid he might have indulged himself too much, scared her away or maybe had done something wrong. “Y/n, what-”
Relief washed over the boy once her hand was once again wrapped around him, this time accompanied by her tongue, licking base to tip.
Demetri could feel every nerve in his body set on fire, never having felt anything remotely like this before.
It took every good ounce in him to say what he said next.
Clearly caught unprepared, Y/n let go of her touch on him (Demetri had to hold in his objection). Her brows furrowed – she was worried. “What's wrong?”
It felt ridiculous, talking like this in such an exposed state when all he wanted to do was go on, but it needed to be done. “Y/n, you know you don't actually have to do this, right?”
Noticing the drop in his voice, Y/n smiled. “I know.”
    “Like, seriously. You don't owe me anything.”
“I know,” Y/n smiled mischievously. “It's just an excuse to do this.”
There was no holding back the moan the escaped Demetri's lips when she next took him in her mouth.
Demetri wasn't sure what to do with himself. He had felt so good he wasn't sure how to contain it all; his hands were gripping the sheets, his head went from tilted back in extasy to forward, watching Y/n.
Releasing one hand of its grasp, Demetri brushed back some of Y/n's hair, creating eye contact.
    “I need to know this isn't just a thank-you.”
Y/n stopped, righting herself. “It isn't. Think of this as an... I'm in love with you.”
“I'm in love with you too.” Demetri replied eagerly, his heart pounding. He groaned as Y/n returned to her work on him. “Have been, since, like... fourth grade.”
Soon enough, Demetri's moans and groans grew in volume and frequency, finally finding his release.
Y/n climbed back on to Demetri's lap, kissing him again. Demetri smiled, resting his forehead against hers. “I think I owe you one now.”
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chiwhorei · 4 years
boyfriend headcannons- k. kyoutani
synopsis: boyfriend headcannon with a sweet, soft g!n s/o.
rating: sfw- just some fluffy boyfriend kyotani vibes.
word count: ~1.1k
warnings: swearing
a/n: just some self-indulgent boyfriend mad dog content, i am unreasonably soft for this man. this has been going bing bong around in my head so i just had to let it out.
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This boy is rough around the edges and it drives my FUCKING crazy😍. But let’s all imagine him with a really sweet, soft, s/o.
So everyone from VBC knows Mad Dog as a punked out demon, so they surely don’t expect a sweet, smol babie like you walking hand in hand with him
He always walks a little in front of you and holds your hand very protectively ugh😖
Your style is super soft . Pastel colors and baggie sweaters. Precious really. And Kyotani is always stunned by your sweet, pure beauty.
Whenever you say a curse word my man is literally so shocked, like “Did they srsly just say fuck instead of frick frack?”
Always grumbles when you drag him to go clothes shopping. Mf only has like 5 shirts he cycles through and 182732772 different cut offs made from like old high school t shirts to work out in
“What color do you like better?” You ask while holding up two shirts he SWEARS are the same fucking shirt.
“Is this bitch trying to prank me?”
“I like that one.” He points to the one in your right hand (even though he cannot tell the difference) and you smile happily and kiss his cheek.
Cue the blushing mess of a man who tried to act all hard awwwww
You steal one of his old ripped up band t-shirts and pair it with a soft baggie cardigan and someone is going to have to check my dude’s pulse.
You also help him dye his hair and honestly bless your soul. You two have very different aesthetics but you will still meticulously dye his hair with those two lines of brunette because you support your man’s emo dreams.
Okay. Listen. Mad Dog drives a stick and really likes classic cars. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
If he’s not playing volleyball he’s working on a beat up old Mustang. He’s like... changing the... transmission or the bumper... or something...
Whatever, he’s all hot and sweaty in a tank top that’s what we all care about anyway.
And there you are, leaning against the drivers side door and chattering about something that happened in one of your classes and he’s just nodding along, offering some grunts of acknowledgement while wiping some oil off of his hands.
And CAN WE JUST IMAGINE SITTING IN THE PASSENGERS SEAT while he’s driving. Watching his hands as he switches gears and his fingers thumping to the beat of whatever song is playing on the steering wheel oomph
One of his favorite things to do is to just drive around and listen to music.
Here he comes, banged up old car he completely rebuilt, with the hardest music blasting through the open windows, and there you are in the passengers seat going 🥰☺️💖
Everyone around: “Is that person being kidnapped?”
Takes you to car shows. This is one of the very few times Kyotani is super talkative, walking you around and explaining all the different ~car~ things
You don’t really know what he’s talking about but you love it when he geeks out a little.
You show up to his practice one day to bring him some snacks.
Everyone’s eyes snap over to the random person hugging the door frame of the gym entrance, with a gigantic smile and pure, curious eyes.
Literally everyone on the team is disintegrating when Kyotani walks up to you and starts talking to you? Like? A? Normal? Conversation?
And then he starts tugging on the end of you sweater, playing with the hem bc it comforts him 😢
You lean in and rub your hand over his bleached hair, scratching your nails on the back of his neck
“Mad Dog-Chan, you look like a little puppy!”
Ope Oikawa you have a death wish
“Aww, Taro you are MY little puppy!” You say and hug his arm to your chest, rubbing your cheek on his fucking BEEFY bicep.
Everyone in the gym is waiting for him to BLOW
But he just- blushes and buries his head into your neck, mumbling something about how embarrassing you are but giving no indication that he’s actually upset
Now the whole team uses you as a lithium pill
“That’s not very nice puppy-Chan, what would y/n think?”
Absolutely hates it when Oikawa talks about you like he knows ANYTHING, he gets a little frustrated when people assume things about your relationship.
Don’t worry, Iwa spikes a ball right into Oikawa’s head so your boyfriend just glares and moves on.
His scowl never really leaves his features, but you bring out the tiniest soft look in his eyes.
You’re at every game. Sporting his jersey and cheering like a maniac
After a win, you rush down and jump onto his back. He knows you’re going to and he catches you every time like it’s nothing.
He’s just standing around with everyone and feels you approaching and hooks his hands under your knees and continues whatever he was doing as your kissing his cheeks and praising him.
Will have a whole conversation with Iwa or something with you hanging on him like a koala
After a loss, you know he doesn’t want to talk so you wait for him to change and clean up and he drives out to a quiet parking lot or the overlook on top of a hill (that sounds like a kidnapping I’m sorry)
But you just sit on the hood of the car and hold his hand, rubbing small circles with your thumb. You stay quiet and give him time to decompress.
You’re both staring up at the night sky, when a shooting star passes and you squeal and point up to make sure he saw.
Even in the dark he can see your huge, sweet smile and sparkling eyes. 
He loves how the smallest things excite you, he loves how you always look on the bright side, he loves how you make him want to be a better person.
He loves you.
You snap your head to face him with complete adoration in your eyes.
He didn’t mean to passively whisper it into the night air after a frustrating loss, it honestly just slipped out.
His worries that he didn’t make his declaration special enough were quickly quelled when you scoot over and put your head perfectly into the juncture of his collar bone.
“Taro, I love you too. So much.” You lean up and speak softly right over his lips.
You’ve kissed him a million times before.
But every time, just before your lips meet and you take the cutest little anticipatory inhale and glance down at his mouth and back up to his eyes, he feels just as nervous as the first time.
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