#i talk about sterek a lot lol so I’m not sure
patolemus · 5 months
Your previous Sterek post made me realize that the only reason I don't ship Sterek is because to me Derek is an adult. I always knew he was older but once they paired him up with Jennifer I was like that's an adult.
If Derek would have looked younger or if they had been more clear about his age I would've 100% shipped Sterek.
That’s completely fair! I personally never considered him one because he was depicted to be much younger in the earlier seasons and that stuck to me even when they retconned him and made him out to be much older. To me he’ll always be just a couple of years older than Stiles, so I never found it all that weird.
Also, his history with older women started allegedly when he was a teenager, so when Jennifer appeared I was like, oh I don’t like this, but I wasn’t really surprised. Derek has a record of being used by older women. When JD said Jennifer used magic to seduce Derek I was even less surprised, because to me that relationship was always a bit… off. But that’s a thing for another post so I won’t delve deep into it.
Anyway. What I’m trying to say is that it’s completely okay if you don’t ship it, for whatever reason, and the age thing is understandable. Even if you see the chemistry between the characters you don’t have to ship it.
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colethewolf · 8 months
Hi! I’m in the process of writing smut and would like some advice since I really like your stories! What do you think would be the best way to start and develop a stepdad/son dynamic for smut? For example, Derek being Stiles’s former or current stepdad and Stiles is about to go to college or something and catches Derek naked and things go on from there. I’m not sure if it’ll be Sterek but it’s something like that, it’s supposed to be a short smut but writing is hard lol. Any ideas? Thanks!
If you're going for a short piece of smut, I think it's best to set each character up with a very specific and noticeable personality. So, this part is pretty easy because there's so many different combinations that you can play around with depending on what you find the hottest.
For example, here's a few I usually like to use:
Derek (the stern asshole stepdad) & Stiles (the rebellious punk that needs to be taught a lesson)
Derek (the good natured stepdad who wants what's best) & Stiles (the seductive twink that wants to corrupt his new daddy)
Derek (the pervy stepdad that tries to seduce his stepson) & Stiles (the innocent stepson who is weak to his stepdad's seduction)
And from there, that's really only the base level. Smut is totally customizable, so you can explore different things. Think of them like toppings on a pizza.
For example, you can pick the top and bottom. Or have both of them switch. You can also do something more unexpected. Like, Derek as the stern asshole & Stiles as the punk who needs to be taught some manners could be top!derek vs. bottom!stiles.
BUT you could switch things up. Maybe Derek's idea of teaching a lesson is making Stiles sit in a chair and be nothing more than a toy. And now you have bottom!derek vs. top!stiles. But in a different kind of way.
And then you add in some kinks and fetishes. Anything that you prefer. There's lots of kinks that work well with stepdaddy Sterek. Spanking, dirty talk, hair-pulling, daddy kink, etc. You can be as wild or tame depending on what you prefer.
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dereles · 2 years
What are your favorite Sterek fics on archiveofourown?
Okay so here’s the deal! I’m mostly a podfic person, so most of my favorite sterek fics I actually listened to, rather than read. Because it’s a different experience that just reading the stories with your eyes, for those of these that I listened to as podfics, I’m gonna just go ahead and link the podfic. That being said, I know many people are not into podfic and that is totally cool, so if podfic is not your thing, just find wherever on the podfic page it says ‘Inspired by ______’ and click that to go to the original written work. Also be aware that I’m a lover of angst and my choices most definitely reflect that ehehe.
Safety in Silence
It’s a genius take on soulmates. Like 99% of soulmates fics are like, they meet, there is a mishap, they decide to give things a try and live happily ever after. Which is great and I thoughoughly enjoy. But this is like taking that and twisting it into years of delicious angst. I think about this fic SO frequently.
Stand Fast in Your Enchantments
Sterek with nonverbal communication is actually my favorite thing ever (see also: Don’t Speak, later on this list). It’s just so good and I won’t spoil it but you’ve got magic Stiles and shifted Derek and it’s just incredible.
The Threat of Human Sacrifice
The most tender Derek Hale of all the Derek Hales. Mpreg, but listen I don’t read mpreg all that often and this is still one of my all time favorite fics in ANY fandom I’ve been in. If you listen to it, do yourself a favor and make sure you listen to the chapters in order (unlike a CERTAIN DUMBASS. ((me.)))
Do I still, not infrequently, fall asleep imagining different ways this could’ve gone? Yes. All of the stiles-briefly-goes-back-in-time fics that I’ve read have been great, but this one. Ohhhhh this one. So so so good. If the ending sits the wrong way with you, I’ve been told the sequel(s?) are meant to help with that, but aaaa it’s so good as is.
Actions Speak Louder Than Words (which actually DOES have a podfic that I’d highly recommend, but since it’s still unfinished, that’s a link to the finished text.)
The longest fic on this list by far, but WOW it doesn’t even feel like it. As you might expect, it’s pretty slow burn, but it’s a rare find in that it is super long, but also interesting the whole way through AND cohesive. Extremely enjoyable read for me. Magic Stiles, mute Derek. (another one that features nonverbal communication)
No Homo
It’s a classic okay just go read it. Everything by this author is stellar and amazing. (Note, the author took her works off ao3, but the Podfic is there so this counts as being on archiveofourown lmao. If you want the written work I’ll find a link for you elsewhere)
Also it’s been awhile since I read it but I’m pretty sure Don’t Speak deserves a place on my favorites.
I fall, I fall, I falter is the short/smutty fic I reread the most because I fking love angst. (Not the happiest ending though fair warning. Not like BAD, but ya know.)
Also if we’re talking smut, I don’t really go in for non-con but I DO go in for dub-con, and Lap Magnet and Build an Ivory Tower are just *chefs kiss*
Also I think about Sell Your Body to The Night quite a lot. One of those really great fics that’s long AND has a variety of detailed smut but also an actual plot that makes you care about them.
I also love Blushing Pretty for something a little sweeter.
Being Found and sequel Finding I think are really special cause I really love how intimate they are.
And I’ll stop with Second Chances which is really short and sweet and I liked it so much I recorded it! It was my first public podfic!
I could literally go on forever (and I realize many of these are sterek classics so if you were looking for slightly lesser-known fics I can add to this lol). There are definitely some I’m forgetting too, if I remember I’ll add them. Enjoy!!!!
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Hi! I know you get a lot of people raving about how amazing your writing is, so I almost didn't send a message but then I thought there can never be too many people telling you that they love your work!
I read a LOT of Sterek, and I have some I come back to regularly, but I come back to your works more often than anyone elses because they are just so well put together and intriguing and fantastic.
I've read Actions Speak Louder multiple times and am about to start it AGAIN soon because I just love it so much.
Which is amazing, because I'm typically a lover of dialogue. Like if a fic isn't great at the filler but the dialogue is good, I'm cool with that and just skip to the convo as it's my favourite part anyway.
So going in I was not at all sure I would like Actions and hoped it wouldn't be too long before Derek could talk (lol right?) And once I started I couldn't put it down, and how you paced it was perfect!
Anyway I've gushed enough, but thank you for contributing your amazing skill to this fandom and as long as you keep writing I will definitely be there reading. xxx
;~; Anon thank you so much ;~; Seriously, I am always pleasantly surprised when I get messages like this, so thank you very much for sending yours! For real, I am not worthy, but it makes me super happy and I hella appreciate it, thank you!!! 
Ahhh thank you!!! Writing is hard haha So hearing you enjoy the way I put them together means a lot to me, thank you! They’re always super fun to write, but they’re never easy XD So I appreciate that a lot, thank you!!! 
As I keep saying, every time someone’s read Actions more than once, I am just super stunned because I had a hard time reading it through a second time while editing LOL So thank you, I’m really happy to hear you liked it so much, that means a lot to me! Thank you ;~; 
OKAY BUT I TOO LOVE DIALOGUE ANON! Like, writing through dialogue is my jam, and I love reading fics with tons of dialogue, so I feel you so hard on that! And it was definitely a challenge for me to write it with one of the main characters unable to speak pfft, but I’m glad you still enjoyed it despite the fact that the dialogue was lacking (at least from Derek’s side). Thank you!! (Also, you poor soul, thinking Derek would get it back quickly |D You poor, poor thing >.>;;; Sorry...) 
Thank you so much Anon, for real. This was super sweet and kind and I really appreciate the message, and you for the support, thank you <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
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asagimeta · 5 years
Batwoman: Don’t Believe All The Negativity
So Batwoman premiered tonight
It's about an out-and-proud lesbian, played by an out-and-proud lesbian, with several major cast members- INCLUDING the main love interest- being POC, and it's very gay, this is not your "Power Rangers- let me quietly hint at being gay for One Scene and never mention it again" type of representation, there's lots of kissing, "I love you"s, goofy initial carvings, and serious issues like homophobia in the military and lying about your sexuality to avoid persecution
This is Tumblr bait if I've ever seen it so imagine my surprise when I barely get a few scrolls into the tag and already see people hating on it for not being queer enough because Sophie is married to a man
Hahahha..... I'm pissed
Allow me to advise ya'll to sit down as I explain why this is the OPPOSITE of a problem
First of all I cannot believe that on TUMBLR of all websites I actually have to explain to people that being in a heterosexual relationship- even married- does not automatically cancel out your queer ship
Shows have been putting their charectors through divorces and widowing for decades and it isn't going to stop now, in fact, I'll be THOROUGHLY surprised if The Husband makes it to see the end of the season
But I digress
We'll come back to shipping later because right now I'm going to tackle the biggest problem I have with these "You guys are making her straight!!!!" posts I keep seeing: CLOSETING. DOES NOT. ERASE. QUEERNESS.
I cannot believe I actually have to say this at the home of ships like Destiel, Sterek, and whatever the fuck legion of ships that Voltron produced but being in a straight relationship does not make someone less queer, ESPECIALLY if the relationship is fake, and ESPECIALLY if they have been ALREADY CANONICALLY SHOWN TO BE QUEER
Look I ship Destiel and Sterek and Supercorp too but "closeting" is a THEORY for these ships- with Sophie, it's CANON, she was in a canonical relationship with another girl where she kissed her and said she loved her and planned a future with her and the only reason she's not still with that woman is because was threatened to be kicked out of the military for it, I cannot process how the home of "They're in a straight relationship because they're closeted" is actually trashing this
But even THAT'S irrelevant because I can already hear some of you screaming that you don't ship any of those things but listen to me: Closeted charectors are just as important as out-and-proud charectors are
We live in a world where people are STILL being murdered for their sexuality every single day, where kids are still being sent to conversion therapy, still being kicked out of their houses, still being forced to be in straight relationships out of fear for their LIVES if they aren't- and fear for their jobs, their families, and everything else
I bought my first pride flag yesterday and hung it up today and legitimately my first thought was "gee, I hope this doesn't attract any crazy Trump supporters who are going to light my house on fire" but I did it anyway because I have supportive parents and have NEVER made my sexuality a secret and anyone who talks to me for ten minutes is PROBABLY going to hear atleast 1 "lol I'm bi" joke and I haven't been threatened with bodily harm for it YET so I figure I'll atleast probably live through the night
Other people aren't that lucky
For as important as it is for out people to have our Kate Kanes, it's JUST as important for closeted people to have their Sophie Moores
Please don't take away from the fact that the CW is trying to give that to people just because it means The Ship isn't happening Right Here Right Now
Please don't try to take away Sophie's queer identity because of being closeted
This plot development gurantees us atleast a season of Sophie exploring her identity and circling back to the question of "Do I really value being a member of something that's going to hate me for who I am over the woman I love?", we're going to have a season of her exploring what her identity means to her and we're going to get a really great juxtaposition between one lesbian who's out and proud and telling the story of pining for a lost love and how to navigate Queer Problems being out, and another who's closeted and afraid and in love but doesn't think she can return and how to navigate Queer Problems being closeted
That's GREAT??????
Why are ya'll complaining??????????
That's not something that we get very often???????
Also by arranging Sophie's story this way the CW is trying to AVOID giving us the same problems we always complain about like tokenism and Burry Your Gays, let's be totally honest here, if Kate and Sophie started off in a happy relationship and stayed that way through the beginning of the show, then for Conflict Reasons something way worse was going to have to come along and ruin that- like, you know, probably death? Or cheating, or a petty fight, or Sophie being evil....
This gives us a really NUANCED reason for why there's a story of pining and trying to get back to eachother here
Much like Alex and Maggie in Supergirl, the writers were clearly trying to take care to give us what we needed from a plot standpoint WITHOUT shoving gross stereotypes and tropes down our throats or making one person out to be The Bad Guy in the relationship, because yes you can read Sophie that way, but I think anyone who's ever been closeted can probably sympathize with her about this, esepcially as we don't know the nature of her home life, yes she signed the Gay Lie Document so she could be in the military but we don't have any indication that that was her only reason for giving Kate up so easily
For all we know, going home with Kate may not have ever been an option to begin with
And it's really hard to blame someone for risking their life and the life of their partner for wanting to be Out, especially if they were raised to believe that queer = bad, but I'm getting off topic
Instead of doing what alot of superhero stories do and fridging Sophie- making Kate's reason for doning the cowl to be revenge for her dead lover, they gave us somethin much tamer, something that will last all season but without lowering the number of main queer charectors on the show, they used the same trope that The Straights always use about becoming a superhero For Love but they did us one better because The Girlfreind isn't dead like she would have been in.... SOME.... stories....
But I promised to get back to shipping and here we go-
Aside from the fact that they're priming The Husband to get killed off early on just by virtue of existing (an unimportant charector who will greatly emotionally impact the love interest and create an opportunity for her to pursue the main protagonist, possibly even becoming a hero or a vigilante in her own right for revenge) there's also the fact that Sophie is hardly Kate's only chance at a relationship
If I'm not mistaken, they've already cast Renee` Montoya, and Maggie Sawyer already has an established charector in the Arrowverse too, so if the actress ever wanted to dip her toes back into the superhero waters, she could appear for a bit of time as well- wich would also be prime subplot territory for the next crossover, considering her history with Alex Danvers on Supergirl
So even IF they damned poor Sophie to Straight Hell for the rest of eternity- and I HIGHLY doubt that- do you really think that a show on the CW that opened with a love story is just going to let it's lead go without a love story for the foreseeable future...?
They're giving us a queer-lead show, wich means that it's going to be open to the same "UGH" romance moments that every other show on TV has, they're probably not going to give us an easy ride just because this one is gay like we get out of the background relationships in other shows where the leads are straight and I honestly appreciate that
Sure, I'd love if Kate got the Yuri On Ice treatment where she was able to maintain a steady romance through the entire show with only very short-lived, very easy-to-resolve conflicts ever denting it- I'd love that for alot of shows actually, imagine all of the plot that could get done if the relationships weren't being killed off or broken up every five minutes- but I appreciate as a queer person that she's probably going to get a gallery of love interests just like every STRAIGHT protagonist gets and I'm happy for her, in that respect
But my point in all of this is just that... guys... we finally have it
We have a show lead by a queer actor playing a queer charector who isn't going to get straight-washed or muted down the line because issues of homophobia and her sexuality are coming up in the very first episode.... and ya'll are complaining because her love interest is in the closet and married to a dude to stay that way as if that ever stopped any ship on any show ever??? Really?
TL;DR: Batwoman is great and if she and Sophie WERE in a happy and stable relationship ya'll would just complain about the show being "boring" and not actually working to examine queer relationships so I guess there really is no winning with the people on this website
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dylinski · 5 years
Every Piece of Me
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Prompt:  #10 “Give me my phone back!” Sterek of course lmfao ( @wolfmadefromash​ )
Warnings: Language, ANGST but happy ending with gut wrenching floof. established relationship, mentions of cheating(??)
Relationships: Stiles Stilinski/Derek Hale
Word Count: 3K
Author: @dylinski​
A/N: So this started out as fluff and then turned to angst and then turned into what it is now...so yeah lol enjoy. Also, if you have sent me a request I am working on them slowly but surely. Life is just very hectic.
Stiles had been dating Derek for almost a year now, which meant he saw sides to him that others didn’t. He tended to be hard and off put towards most people, but with Stiles he was a soft marshmallow of a man. Today was different though. This morning during breakfast, instead of giving Stiles a good morning kiss, Derek walked past him with his nose in his phone. He tried to ask him about it, but Derek just grumbled some gibberish and waved him off without looking up.
Stiles had been at work, but decided to come home for lunch since he hadn’t brought one with him. Derek was sitting on the edge of the couch and so focused on his phone that he didn’t even notice him entering the loft. What was so goddamn important with the phone? Stiles sighed dramatically as he walked by and was unsurprisingly ignored. He made his way to the kitchen and started making as much noise as possible by clanging pots, pans, plates, cups, and slamming the fridge and cabinets. Maybe Derek would notice then.
At first Stiles was doing it as he made his lunch to just be annoying, but when Derek didn’t move a muscle, he grabbed two pans and started banging them together and yelling like a child throwing a tantrum. That’s basically what this was though, a tantrum.
Derek was trying to push out the noise because he knew it was Stiles acting out, but the metal on metal was unbearable, especially for his sensitive hearing. He got up and went to the kitchen and walked in to see Stiles shouting and banging the pans with his eyes shut as he spun in circles. “What are you doing?” Derek spoke normally, but was obviously not heard as his voice was drowned out by the clanging. He cleared his throat and shouted calmly, “Stiles! Stiles!” His boyfriend halted all his movements and opened his eyes as he stood frozen in place. The look Derek was giving made him realize not only how ridiculous he looked, but how ridiculous he was acting.
He dropped his arms that were still clinging to the pans to his side and looked to his feet as he pouted. “I was just trying to get you to notice me.”
Derek walked over and took the pans from his hands and put them on the counter. He took the brunettes face in his palms and and placed a quick kiss on his lips and smiled. “I do notice you Stiles. It’s hard not to.” Stiles smiled back at Derek, who then turned around and put his phone back in his face as he went and plopped down on the couch again.
WHAAAAAAAT?! Stiles shot darts at Derek’s back as he left and scrunched up his lips and nose. How can he say he notices me and then go right back to ignoring me? He had to return to work, so he would deal with it when he got home, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t constantly think about it while he was there.
The hours felt like they were dragging on as Stiles kept glancing at the clock every minute. Why would Derek shut him out like this? It wasn’t like him to be so closed off, at least not with him. Then it all clicked, he had been so zoned into his phone today. What was it with that phone? Suddenly Stiles’ mind started whirling and coming up with every possible reason, most of which weren’t good.
Maybe he felt like he couldn’t talk to him anymore or he was scared that he wouldn’t understand? Was he keeping a secret? What kind of secret? Was he...was he talking to somebody else? Was he not good enough anymore?
Stiles sniffled and wiped away the stray tear that escaped his weary eyes. His brain had snowballed and assumed the worst, which it always had a habit of doing. His thoughts got away from him, and despite knowing in his heart none of this was true, he couldn’t help but overthink the whole thing. He continued to look over the paperwork on his desk and tried to distract himself from his thoughts. He looked to the clock again and time had moved faster than before, but it still felt like the world was moving in slow motion. The hands on the device told him it was time to go home and he no longer wanted to. Admittedly, he was scared that what he couldn’t push from his mind was true.
Sluggishly, he cleaned off his desk and pulled the suit coat off the back of his chair, then left to find his jeep in the parking lot. It stood out like a sore thumb in the sea of company cars. They were all black or dark tinted sedans, indistinguishable from one another. Anyone else would be embarrassed by this, but Stiles took pride in his jeep and it’s individuality. He may work for the government now, but he’d be damned if he became another lifeless cog in the machine.
He pulled up to the building he lived in and put the jeep in park. He sat back, letting the engine idle as he mulled over his thoughts in his mind. He bit his lip and gnawed at the skin while he tried to convince himself to go up to the loft. After ten minutes, he turned the key and got out of the car to face his fears.
He was unusually quiet and timid as he tugged open the large loft door. Derek wasn’t on the couch anymore, leaving the room silent and empty. He walked in and took his coat off as he fell to the cushions of the couch. He rested his elbows on his knees and held his face in his hands, sighing into his palms.
“Bad day at work?” Stiles flew off the couch in a mess of limbs and shouting when the gruff voice pierced the quiet. Derek chuckled as he reached a hand out and pulled Stiles back to his feet. He should probably say something, right? That’s what he had worked himself up to do while sitting in the car. Stiles knew if he said nothing it would eat away at him until he erupted like a volcano, so, obviously, he said nothing and nodded as he sat back down. Derek gave a sympathetic look and sat next to him, wrapping his arms around the distraught boy.
Silence fell on the room again and Derek knew there wasn’t much he could say, so he just held him and made sure he knew he was loved. He kissed the top of Stiles’ spikey-haired head and stood up, making his way towards the kitchen. “I’m going to go make us some dinner.”
Stiles hummed in agreement and sunk further into the cushions. He looked down and noticed something shiney from the corner of his eye. He turned to see and his eyes widened with cautiousness and curiosity. Derek’s phone must have fallen out of his pocket when he sat down. Stiles sat motionless as his eyes danced back and forth between the device next to him and where Derek had disappeared to. He battled with himself, trying to decide if he should look or not. It wasn’t the right thing to do, invading his privacy. Stiles normally had no remorse on the matter when it came to snooping, but this was his boyfriend. If he had concerns, he should talk to him, not betray his trust.
Only seconds passed, but it felt much longer when Stiles quickly grabbed the device and unlocked it. Of course he knew the password; he knew all his passwords. The screen opened to a picture of them together. He had never seen the picture before, so someone must have taken it while he wasn’t paying attention and sent it to Derek. Stiles was sitting next to his boyfriend, making a weird face and looking in a different direction, but Derek was looking directly at the boy. His features were happy and a soft smile rested on his lips. Anyone who saw this picture would know instantly that this man was deeply and hopelessly in love with the person he was staring at.
Stiles gulped and instantly felt shameful. He was about to lock the screen when I text message came through. It was from Scott, so it couldn’t be that bad. He tapped the message and it opened.
Scott: OMG! That was the sweetest thing I have ever heard. Thank you for telling me that. You have nothing to worry about Derek. You’re an amazing guy and deserve all the happiness. (:
Stiles was confused, so he scrolled up further to see a lengthy text from Derek.
Derek: Since the first time I saw you, an idiot kid trespassing in the woods, I knew you would be the end of me. For better or worse, I had yet to determine. It seemed like you were aiming to be the bane of my existence after you fought me at every turn, framed me for murder, and refused to trust me. Despite all of this, I grew to admire and respect you and your ability to stand your ground against me. I remember the moment everything changed for me, when I knew I was falling for you. The night you saved me from the Kanima. . . .
Stiles’ eyes started to water, and not because he was happy. He couldn’t read anymore, it hurt too much. Why would he be telling Scott all this? Did he...did he really love Scott? He had to be talking about him. The first time he had met him was in the woods. Scott had framed Derek for murder and refused to trust him and join his pack. He stood up against Derek when he tried to manipulate him and when he went power hungry. The part that hurt the most was about the pool. Scott had saved Derek. Actually, he had saved both of them by scaring the Kanima off and pulling them out of the water when they were both drowning.
Stiles cupped his mouth, trying to subdue the whimpers that came with the tears. Derek stepped in from the kitchen with a look of concern on his face and immediately saw his phone in his boyfriend's hand. He touched his pocket, trying to feel for the device, but it was empty. He ran over to the sad boy. “Stiles, give me my phone back.”
“Here. Take it.” Stiles handed it over unrelentingly, refusing to look at him. Derek took the device and was confused. Why was Stiles so upset? Why was he crying?
Derek sat down next to his boyfriend who responded by sliding as far away as he could to the other end of the couch. “Stiles, what’s wrong?” His voice was gruff and laced with confusion.
Stiles looked up and his eyes held anger. “What...what’s wrong? You have the nerve to ask me what’s wrong?” He flew up from where he sat and threw his hands in the air. Derek was starting to get frustrated himself at Stiles’ outburst, so he kept quiet in fear that he would say something he regretted. “You’ve had your nose buried in your phone all goddamn day! I tried everything to get your attention and you were so occupied with it that you didn't even notice me!” He ruffled his hair with his hands out of exasperation. Derek raised a brow, and scrunched up his nose as he felt guilty from the accusation.
Stiles plopped onto the chair across from Derek and let his head fall into his palms as he shook his head and sighed. He looked up at the man with sad eyes again. “I—” His words were caught like lumps in his throat. He looked away because seeing him while he spoke was too hard. He was afraid he’d start to uncontrollably cry. “I saw what you told Scott.”
Derek pulled in his brows, utterly confused. “First, I can't believe you went through my phone instead of talking to me. Second, if you saw what I said, why are you acting like this?”
The anger returned as Stiles widened his eyes and glared at Derek. “Why am I...what?” This was the angriest he had been yet. He stood up and started pacing, unable to contain his emotions and rage. “You basically just announced your love for Scott!!” Derek stood up in a defensive stance. He went to speak but Stiles cut him off before he could get any words out.
“You said that you knew it from the first time you saw him in the woods! Then how he was the bane of your existence and fought you every step of the way! How that made you fall for him. The worst part is when you told him that it all changed!! When he saved us from the Kanima!? Really!?” That hurt the most because that’s when everything changed for Stiles. Derek was standing there threatening him and his safety for answers, but when the Kanima came it was like something shifted. He went from attack mode to protect mode. Only seconds before he was offering threats, but the second real dangers presented he threw himself between it and Stiles. He saw Derek’s true colors that day. He was more than a brooding and angry man, but someone with a big heart who cares for other people; for Stiles. Or so he thought.
Derek closed his eyes and smiled, trying not to laugh at the hysterical brunette. He shook his head as Stiles completely lost it. “WHY ARE YOU SMILING? WIPE THE SHIT OFF YOUR FACE! HOW IS THIS FUNNY TO YOU!?”
“Stiles…” Derek spoke softly and with composure. “Can you calm down for five seconds and just listen to me?” He was thrown daggers as the angry boy sat down hard on the seat with his arms crossed and huffing. Derek walked over to him and squatted in front of the chair.
“You can be such an idiot sometimes.” He chuckled and Stiles didn’t take the insult lightly, pouting and looking away to avoid eye contact. “You didn’t even read all of it. If you had you wouldn’t be acting like a child right now.” Stiles softened his face and looked into Derek’s deep hazel eyes with curiosity.
“I didn’t just meet Scott for the first time in the woods, that’s when I met you too. You’re the one who framed me for murder! You called your dad after you found...Laura. The only reason I could never get Scott to be on my side is because you openly shared your distrust for me. He respected your opinions and trusted them. You were such an annoying little shit and were always getting in my way, but I kind of liked it. As for the pool and the Kanima ...Scott didn’t save me, you did. When I was scratched and the venom paralyzed me, you jumped into the pool and pulled me up. You held me above water for over two hours and even when you couldn’t keep me up anymore and you could have saved yourself, you kept holding on until we both went under. You were willing to die for me, and that’s when I knew. That’s when it all changed; everything changed. No one had ever been willing to die for me before, not once in my entire life.”
Stiles’ eyes were flooded by tears and he could hardly see the man in front of him. He opened his mouth to say something, anything, an apology for God's sake! Derek ran a hand through Stiles’ hair and rested it on his shoulder.
“I sent that to Scott to make sure none of it sounded stupid. I was waiting to tell you on our anniversary next week.” At this point Stiles felt like the greatest dumbass of all time, to rival all other dumbasses. “Now do you want to hear the rest of it?”
Stiles nodded and croaked as the word left his raw throat. “Yes.”
“Stiles, I am so madly and deeply in love with you that it physically pains me sometimes. It’s a good pain though, something I never want to go away. You’re the one who showed me humanity when no else did. I was repeatedly treated and referred to as an animal, so that’s what I believed I was. You treated me…you treated me like I was human. You never lied to me, not once. You respected me and my boundaries. When you...when you were possessed by the Nogitsune I almost lost it. I was ready to kill Argent when he had that gun to your head. After you were saved, I was on my way to tell you how I felt when...when Kate came for me. Stiles...I’ve never told anyone this, but when she took me I saw you. You came to me in my thoughts and you’re what kept me alive. Stiles, you’re my anchor. After Mexico and everything that happened, it just didn’t seem right to tell you how I felt anymore. Kate was still out there and I had to find her. I couldn’t just tell you how I felt and then leave you with that. When you showed up on the FBI op, I couldn’t believe it. It was like fate had a way of throwing us together despite everything. Those months we spent looking for Kate and the hunters who framed me, I fell in love with you all over again. You saved me Stiles, in every way a person can be saved, and I wish I could tell you how much that means to me or repay the favor, but I have no idea how. All I can say is how hopelessly and ridiculously in love with you I am. You are my anchor, my humanity, my friend, my lover, my pack.”
Derek reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box. Stiles heart stopped immediately and he thought he was dreaming. Derek opened the box, “Mieczysław Stilinski, will you be my husband too?”
Stiles threw himself at Derek, knocking him down to the floor. He showered him with kisses and fisted his shirt with his hands. His tears fell down onto Derek’s cheeks, tears of pure happiness and joy. His heart was pounding so hard that Derek could feel it as Stiles laid on his chest. Stiles pulled back and took a deep gasp for breath. He looked down at the raven haired man. He had never been more confident in anything in his life and it was evident in his voice when he answered. “Yes.”
Taglist: @bitch-banshee​ @shelinski-91​ @samslave​
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stetervault · 5 years
hey cywscross! any longfics (like at least 30k+ long) you can recommend? old or new is fine but like something multichaptered (and preferably complete) would be great! thanks!
Wow, 30k, you’re obviously settling in for a fic marathon lol. I can name you some, mostly Steter with a few Stetopher/Steterek:
Under the Songbird’s Wing by mia6363
Captivity easily destroys the will of escape. It can break the fiercest of animal. It can strip the most regal man and woman down to nothing but animal needs.
Captivity can, if met with unwavering determination, shape a person into something unimaginable.
Stiles is sixteen when he’s captured. Stiles’s first thought is, “I won’t die here.”
love me lights out by veterization
Stiles and Peter get snowed in together. (Or: what happens when you accept phone calls from people you haven’t spoken to in over five years.)
come find me by Areiton
“You want me,” he says, stubbornly sure and you consider him.
“Yes,” you agree, because you are not a good man, and you are not accustomed to denying yourself what you want. “And it doesn’t matter because I am saying no.”
You touch his hand, and he jerks, wide eyed as you lean into him, and breath into his ear. “If you still feel this way, come find me in ten years.”
Til Death by Bunnywest
“How long do we have to find him someone?” Stiles asks.“Two weeks,” says Derek, eyebrows pulling down even further. The fierceness of his expression tells Stiles just how concerned he is.“He marries, or he goes to the camps. And you know what your father told us,” Scott reminds her.The camps……aren’t camps.Peter either finds a wife, or he dies.
Rabbit verse by Bunnywest (series, complete)
Peter loves to hunt. Stiles is his (too willing )prey.
as you are by veterization
Stiles runs straight into a tree and suddenly, things are… different. Namely, he’s in a world where Peter Hale is his boyfriend.
Uncle Peter Doesn’t Date by Mellow (SweetCandy) (wip series, but each part so far is complete)
“Oh don’t lie, you love it.” Peter purred and winked at his newest arm candy, who spluttered for a few seconds, before blushing like a 16 year old virgin. Considering how young he looked Laura wouldn’t be surprised if he was actually 16.“Shut up Peter!” Bambi squeaked, still flushing and averting Laura’s eyes. “Well, anyways, I’m,”‘Bambi’.“Stiles. Stiles Stilinski, pleasure to meet you- again.” Stiles smiled sheepishly, obviously nervous.Stiles Stilinski. Definitely a stripper then.
Or: Laura was prepared for whatever piece of armcandy her uncle had decided to show up with, what she hadn’t been prepared for was Stiles Stilinski…her uncle’s boyfriend.
Rewriting the future by Synesthetic
Two days before their planned bonding, alpha Derek Hale runs away with his secret beta girlfriend, leaving Stiles heartbroken. With the demands of his omega physiology forcing him to bond with someone before his first heat, Derek’s uncle Peter steps in and offers a solution.
To Save Them All by Goldenpetal13
AU, FutureFic/Re do of Season 1, Something happens, something bad, and Stiles finds a way to go back in time to change the past and save them all, to give them a future. He finds the way back and then swaps places with Scott and he gets bitten by Peter instead. Now he has to change the events that where set in motion after that event and maybe, just maybe they’ll all get to live.
Empathy, Empathy, Put Yourself in the Place of Me by twothumbsandnostakeincanon (series, complete)
Peter was suspicious.
Just generally, as a person. He always assumed his fellow man had impure motives until they proved otherwise, and then he still kept an eye out.
But at this particular moment, he was specifically suspicious of Derek’s new girlfriend.
He’s not the only one.
Bone Deep by ShippersList (28k+ but complete)
A body in the woods, a mate, and a long-awaited revenge.
Peter had no idea how his life would change when he followed the strange pull in his chest.
Get Off (Me) by KouriArashi
Stiles hates being left behind with Peter while the pack is fighting monsters, because he never knows exactly what Peter will get up to.
Love What is Behind You by KouriArashi
Basically what it says on the label. Hunger Games type fusion. Stiles doing way better than anyone anticipates. Peter finds him intriguing. Ruthless, devious assholes working together to ruin bad guys, as the Steter ship is meant to be.
Whatever Works by KouriArashi (Steter + Sterek)
The problem with having your soulmate’s first words to you tattooed on your arm is knowing your whole life that you’re fated to be with a jerk. It’s enough to make Stiles want to date other people … which is how he winds up dating his soulmate’s nephew.
Call My Name by KouriArashi
After moving to Beacon Hills, Stiles starts having recurring dreams of a man in some kind of prison, who needs his help. Things get so bad that he ends up in Eichen House, where he finds out that the man is real.
Sympathy for the Devil by KouriArashi
Stiles gets a job as a hospital orderly and finds himself becoming strangely attached to the catatonic man on the long-term care ward, and finds out that there’s a lot more to Peter Hale than there seems…
Devil of Mercy by KouriArashi
Peter’s heard people talk about what it felt like when they saw their mate for the first time, from those who actually believe in the mystical bullshit. Like a magnet, like gravity. Peter just feels… sharply curious.
Begging Me To Open Up My Mouth by Green
In a world where the supernatural is known, Peter still has to stick out. He can’t just be a werewolf, he has to be a sub, too. He can handle the stupidity from his classmates, he doesn’t even care about that, but Talia not understanding what he needs because werewolf subs are so rare?
Yeah. That he could do without.
Stiles is a Spark, freelance Emissary, and a Dom, in that order. He likes it that way. The freedom of it, the ability to travel and learn. He’s not ready to settle down.
But he maybe considers lingering when someone catches his eye.
Of Werewolves and Tentacles by Guede (Steterek)
Stiles Stilinski and Scott McCall, childhood best friends who were separated, now reunite to get to know each other again. Since Scott’s a werewolf and Stiles is a new graduate of Miskatonic University (which is proving strangely attractive to Peter-Hale-shaped werewolves), they’ve got quite a bit to catch up on.
Bittersweet Creek by Guede
When Stiles finally steps off the westward trail to California, he’s the last of his pack. He starts building a den, but then he finds a dying man next to a burnt-down house and it turns out he’s not really much of a settler, after all.
Cats and Dogs by Guede
Stiles is a were-cat. He likes to lie around in the sun, insists on poking into everything, viciously defends his territory and is always judging you. His best friend is Scott, a werewolf, he’s dating Peter, another werewolf, and he enjoys terrorizing Peter’s nephew Derek.
Oh, and John and Chris are were-cats too. Basically, everybody’s some kind of were and I make a lot of cheap jokes about cat and dog stereotypes.
The Time Travel Grammar Book by Guede
The story that was supposed to be about time-travel, but is really a stealth AU of the first two seasons where Talia’s a struggling single mom, Peter’s the eponymous teen wolf, and Stiles, Scott and Lydia…are time travelers (so that part’s not totally inaccurate).
Open Wounds by Guede
Talia got out of the fire with Peter, but everyone else died. Years later, they’re still struggling with injuries, but they’ve at least settled in with oddball werewolf Stiles. And then other werewolves start showing up. Familiar ones.
Movement in Alpha Major by Guede
Peter Hale, thirty-four, shady but successful human lawyer, knocks on his nephew Derek’s door one night because he’s just been bitten by a werewolf. Somehow, this ends up being a lot more awkward than one would expect.
The Sphinx of Beacon Hills by Guede (Stetopher)
Stiles is a sphinx, and he’s winging his way to visit his buddy Scott when a storm drops him in Beacon Hills, the craziest, crankiest, coldest place ever. And somehow, he ends up with a bunch of werewolves.
Note: Bestiality warning is because the version of sphinx here is lion-shaped from waist down, and I don’t know how else to tag that.
Werewolf How-To by Guede (Steterek)
Being a sex mage with a magical knotting cock (and a profitable land revitalization business, thank you) doesn’t mean that Stiles needs to hook up with werewolves. It just kind of happens that way.
Intemperance by Guede (Stetopherek)
Stiles is the one who gets pulled back to Beacon Hills by a murder.
Sustainable Management by Guede (Steterek)
An alternate universe where werewolves and other supernatural creatures aren’t just integrated, but are so deeply embedded that they’re considered part of the natural ecosystem.
In other words, Stiles and his father work for a U.S. Forest Service that’s way different from the one here, if only because it involves many more secret-agent hijinks.
Strays by DiscontentedWinter (Stetopher)
In a Beacon Hills that’s been destroyed by a war between humans and werewolves, Stiles Stilinski does what he has to in order to survive.
Sanctuary by DiscontentedWinter
The Hale Wolf Sanctuary isn’t just for wolves.
It turns out it’s for Stilinskis as well.
Infinite Space by DiscontentedWinter
Stiles needs Peter’s expertise to help stop the latest threat to Beacon Hills.And, as the pack falls apart around him, he might even need Peter for more than that.
Save Me by DiscontentedWinter
Peter is the Alpha.He’s nobody’s savior.Not his pack’s. Not his town’s. And not that kid’s.But sometimes salvation goes both ways.
You Had Me at Canapes by LadyArinn
Stiles doesn’t mean to sneak into the Hale wedding, and he certainly doesn’t mean to have cliche coat-room sex with the bride’s uncle, but what had happened, happened, and it wasn’t like he could just leave. At least, not until he got to have some of that cake.
Naughty Hookers (Swathed in Wool) by pprfaith (wip series, but main parts are complete)
Stiles is happy with his store, his hobbies, his friends. Peter’s just trying to figure out how to raise his nieces and nephew without fucking them up too badly.
Paths cross.
Sing to Me, Oh so Sweetly by lavenderlotion
“Can I get a story, Mama?” Stiles asked.
“What type of story do you want to hear, darling?” his mama asked, sitting on the edge of his bed and playing with Stiles’ hair. He liked it when she did that.
“I wanna hear about the magic woman!” Stiles demanded, doing his best to keep still.
“You always wanna hear about the magic woman,” Mama told him. “Well, alright. Do you want me to start from the beginning?”
“Well, duh,” Stiles said, rolling his eyes. The beginning was always the best part.
“Once upon a time, there was a young girl with skin as white as the moon and eyes as bright as the sun.”
Breathing You In by lavenderlotion (29k+, 1 chapter, but complete)
“Good morning, kiddo,” his dad said, and the words hurt.
All Stiles wanted to do was step forward and let his dad hug him, allow his father to give him comfort. His father’s hugs had always been all-encompassing, the way he would fold himself around Stiles and hold him as tightly as he could.
Stiles stepped around him, careful not to let foreign skin touch anything that was special to him.
Anything he loved.
Just Don’t Leave Me by lavenderlotion
Stiles had no idea it could happen. Really, he hadn’t. But it did and he had to deal with the fallout, alone. And, and after everything with Scott, and Derek, that was a daunting task. At least, he had his dad, god was he thankful he had his dad, but - but he couldn’t say he didn’t wish he had Peter, too.
Proposing To Strangers by moonstalker24
At the end of a strained relationship, crime novelist Stiles chooses to hide from the world inside a bar with far too many motorcycles outside it for comfort. Here he’ll meet the man of his dreams, eat food and propose marriage, all within the first five minutes.
Peter doesn’t know who this kid is, but he’s cute and looks like he could use a break. So he feeds him. He’s not expecting a marriage proposal, but with what comes after, he doesn’t really mind.
Worn Out Shoes by moonstalker24
When the dead rise, and the world comes to an end, the McCall Pack must learn to live in this new world, or die in the attempt. This is the story of the end, and of the year that follows.
The Choice by moonstalker24
“You will be changed, Goscislaw Genim Stilinski. From your bones you will be changed.”“How.”“That we cannot tell you… That is the price.”
He’s made the deal, now he only has fifteen minutes to make a choice and either save or condemn them all. Fifteen minutes and then Stiles will have to live with the consequences.
Every step of the way by Pirotess666
Hurt, pain, suffering. TORTURE. Peter felt it all while he was in Eichen House.And after he got out? All those memories of what happened there were threatening to drive him insane.The only thing that helped? Being with Stiles.And Stiles just couldn’t stop himself from helping Peter.
Bite Down by EclipseWing (27k+ but complete)
In which Stiles is forced to survive the zombie apocalypse with a sociopathic murdering werewolf for company.
Surviving Peter and the Zombie Apocalypse by Nopennamesleft
Its the end of the world and Stiles has run out of luck. He saves a werewolf from certain death. Will they begin to rely on each other to survive or will the wolf just eat Stiles for a midnight snack?
Do You Like to Hurt? (Then Hurt Me) by taylorpotato
Stiles shows up at Peter’s apartment, drunk and horny. Peter almost does the right thing—before it all deteriorates into a voyeuristic power game and Stiles has a mind-shattering orgasm. Things snowball from there. Takes place after Season Three (with consequent canon divergence).
Out Of The East, Never See The Sun Rise by neglectedtuesday (24k+ but complete)
In the beginning, there are three absolutes.
One. Stiles is a god, forged of starlight and collapsing galaxies and he is eternal.
Two. Peter is human, fragile bone and viscous blood and he is temporary.
Three. Stiles and Peter are in love; love that claws its way inside one’s heart like fish hooks; all encompassing love that is beautiful but dangerous.
Stiles is a god. Peter is human. They love each other.
Three absolutes.
The World That Is Not Ours by Ragga (wip series but first three parts are done)
About a boy and his monster, or a monster and his boy.
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heamaybe · 4 years
July 2020
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The Alpha’s Warlock by Eliot Grayson: I started this book because the synopsis had a Sterek vibe and honestly it ended up being funny and cute. The end battle was not cute and the ending felt a bit rushed but considering I had no expectations beyond lol sounds like Sterek, this was better than I thought.
A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Leguin: My understanding of the story is that a wizard was on a journey and met a lot of people. I think there were a couple fights but mostly they just talked. There was a dragon. I’m not sure what the point was because I was listening to this on audiobook and the voice of the reader was so calming and deep I kept dropping out of the story and just listened to the voice.
Rough Canvas by Joey W. Hill: Oh boy did this piss me off. I’ve calmed some since, but I still wish I had never started this book. On top of all my smaller annoyances I think the biggest reason I hated this so much was the other main character’s relationship with his family. And this is not an isolated situation with only this book, this is a thing that will make me hate a book so fast if it’s not properly handled. Basically, the family took him for granted and I would call the mother abusive with the way she treated him. And he felt like he had a duty to them, that he needed to give up everything to take care of them and forgive all the shit they did. And I am not here for that. I do not believe in unconditional family love, if they treat you like shit, cut them out of your life. 
Boyfriend Material by Alexis Hall: After that rant, I forgave this book so much because this could have done that and it didn’t. I thought the main character was a bit of an asshole to be honest, but maybe because he was like that, he actually cut ties with shitty family. I wasn’t a huge fan of any of the characters but the story had it’s moments. I don’t remember much so I wouldn’t call this memorable except for that first point because it seems to be too rare and I need more of that.
Heated Rivalry by Rachel Reid: What even happened in this? It was cute but less cheesy than the first book in this series. I don’t actually think there was all that much plot, just big hockey stars fucking, I guess they fell in love since it is a romance book. I may have a thing for sports stars falling in love...
Hat Trick by Eden Finley: ...since this kind of continues that trend too. Though this had the problem of the other party being a rock star and that’s such a meh for me. I didn’t really care for him in the previous books in the series and this didn’t make me care either. However, it’s totally a me thing so I can’t call this book bad based on it, especially when I’ve liked the previous ones and this isn’t any worse, it’s just the musician thing. Also the endings for these books are so cheesy. I use that word too much I’m sorry, I don’t have a better one in English.
The Deep by Rivers Solomon: The concept of this is super interesting and I liked the book a lot. It’s a pretty short book and I’m kinda glad it is because the subject was a lot heavier than what I normally read and I’m not sure I could have given it the level of focus it required and deserved all through if it had been longer. 
The Old Guard by Greg Rucka: This was ok. I mean I like the concept and the story but the art isn’t my favorite. I kind of preferred the movie version, the story was mostly the same with a couple changes and there was Charlize Theron.
Haltiain verta (The Witcher: Blood of Elves, Finnish translation) by Andrzej Sapkowski: Ok here we go. I liked this surprisingly much. I wasn’t sure what to expect after the two short story collections. This doesn’t have that much plot to be honest, there are people plotting a war and Ciri training. The thing is, I really like the female characters and their scenes make the book so much better, as they did in the previous ones. I especially like Triss and Yen is awesome too. I kinda really dislike Jaskier a lot, to the point I have trouble understanding why he got so popular after the Netflix show even though I KNOW his character in the show is very different, for a good reason.
Not Your Villain by C.B. Lee: Yeah so, here’s the thing: I really do not care about teenage love trouble. I appreciate the diversity and it was great for parents to be present in a YA book and I’m sure if I was 15+ years younger I would have liked this a lot. The plot is just very basic for someone who has been reading superhero stories for over 10 years and while the parents were there, it kind of killed the purpose when the kids decided the adults weren’t doing enough and that as true teenagers they obviously know better.
Someday Someday by Emma Scott: Back to the forgiving abusive family thing I hate but level it up a bit. It took me ages to finish this and I was so close to not finishing at all, but I have yet to learn how to give up on any book no matter how much I hate it. It’s a problem. At least I liked the main couple fine enough. This could have been a very cute hurt/comfort story, but it was a bit too heavy on the hurt for me. I guess someone who likes angsty stories and can overlook the family thing would like this.
Silver in the Wood by Emily Tesh: This was lovely. The concept was lovely. The story was lovely. It was a bit weird and super short so I was a bit lost a couple of times about what was real and what was happening, but I didn’t feel like it in anyway ruined the story for me. I don’t mind being a bit lost. As I’m writing this I’ve also read the sequel and it cleared up a couple questions I was left with too. 
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vuure · 4 years
Embrace your past and get to know your friends’ fandom origins!
Rules: Post gifs of your fandoms / ships starting with your most current hyperfixation and work backwards. (Bonus points if you share any stories about how or when you got into that ship! But not necessary!!) Then tag anyone whose fandom history you’d like to learn about!
 @ilackallhonour​ has tagged me in this, and usually I’m really bad at actually joining in, but this one really got me thinking back on all my old fandoms and hyperfixations. I didn’t really do shipping until a few years ago, might have something to do with my recently discovered ace-ness :’)
I always had fantasies that I was part of the world of that particular hyperfixation at time. Of course very heroic and awesome, and very close to my favorite character. Alas, real life is disappointing in that regard.
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Merlin/Arthur, I never watched the show when it first came out. Mostly because I can be a bit stubborn and when a lot of people keep telling me that I should totally watch something because I will love it, I refuse to watch it. Don’t know why I’m like that. Turned out, I totally did love it, and binged it like crazy. Also shipped Arthur/Merlin like crazy. Was really disappointed in the ending, and thus, turned to fic. For me, when I’m really obsessed with a show or book I just cannot let go and will read fic until eventually my fixation dies out.
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The Umbrella Academy, I don’t really ship anyone, except maybe bromances, and their sibling relationships (Five and Vanya <3 Klaus and Diego <3<3). Man, I love this show, I binged it when it first came out, immediately watched again, got other people to watch it, and watched it again so I could talk to them about it some more. Of course turned to fic, but got a bit eww-ed out, because there was a lot of shipping going on and I didn’t dig it (too each their own, though).
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Black Sails, uuuugh I can’t with this show. @Ilackallhonour actually got me curious about it because all the stuff she posted and reblogged. And damn, was it a life changer. I’ve always had a bit of a weird obsession with ships and that time period, but more from Dutch, and VOC perspective. Still, the setting immediately hooked me in, but I really stayed for the story, the characters…Silver. Oh damn. And Silver/Flint, oh double damn.
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Sterek. Really, I can’t even say I liked Teen Wolf that much, although I did enjoy the first few seasons. But I stayed for every glimpse of Sterek I could catch. The first time Derek shoved Stiles into the wall I was screaming at my TV, NO WAY there are no people shipping that. Dude, that’s so canon it hurts! But well, the show turned into a big dumpster fire, and I found the online fandom. Got an AO3 account just so I could bookmark and comment and give out kudos so my favorite Sterek fic. And there are tons of fics. I can admit it, I was an addict. I can’t go on AO3 without drowning back in fandom hell, so I keep off it. Really, it was a problem. I was reading fic ALLLL the time. When I should’ve been working, sleeping, socializing, etc. Followed so many Sterek blogs on Tumblr, but wanted my sanity back so unfollowed them all. Sorry @andavs​, I still love your blog, and your art, and your fics sooooo much, but it was too big of a problem *sigh*
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Harry Potter, of course. My favorite character was Fred, and got very upset when people tried to convince me he was exactly the same as George. NO HE ISN’T! He’s the idea guy!! Lol. It’s been a while since I’ve read the books, and not sure how much of that is true anymore. Back then I didn’t really do shipping, but now I’m a Drarry shipper, haha. The fics are just so goooood.
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Gilmore Girls, duuuude. This show shaped my life. Every time I’m one a re-watch I’m like…oh thát’s where I got that from! I copied character traits and sense of humor and stuff into my own personality. Didn’t like the new episodes much, but that won’t destroy my love for the Gilmores.
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Veronica Mars, same as with Gilmore Girls really. Huge impact on my life. Love the snarkiness, and yeah did have some ships in there. Actually did like the new season (though I hated the movie), but they did LoVe dirty man.
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I should put Supernatural in this list too, although I feel like I abandoned the show and am not a true fan. I was obsessed with it for so long though. Those first seasons were so great, I loved the relationship between Dean and Sam (in a platonic, totally brotherly way because I do not like incest-y things) and the normal everyday hunting things part of the show. But than all the demons and angels en Gods came and I got a bit tired of the endless cycle of dying and being brought back to life, evil turned to good turned to evil turned to good thing. I’m of the opinion that shows should have an end. Just like three or four seasons, tops. Just finish it with a good, solid ending. Don’t drag it along until it dies an ugly death.
And now unto some total different things, that shaped my childhood. Hard to find a GIF for these books, but what is fandom without some cool art ^_^
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 Tomorrow when the war began, by John Marsden. I was obsessed with these books, and read them over and over again, even now I’m not tired of them and could get lost in them before I finished the first page.
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Wheel of Time, Robert Jordan. This series really got me into the fantasy genre back then. I had no idea of any of the fantasy cliché’s, or Arthur legends yet, so I wasn’t tired yet of all the same old tropes. I find it a lot harder now to read them, but back then I saved money to be able to buy them as soon as a new one came out, and re-read the entire series up till that point before I read the new one.
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Cats the (broadway) musical. Me and my little sister watched the movie version of this show over and over again, every time focused on a different cat. We knew all the lyrics, we knew all the cats. We knew every little thing there was of them to know. We named our black cat (we ..I demanded a black cat) Misty, for Mistyfollees (she’s a girl you see, so we couldn’t name her Mistofollees). I even wrote some fic for it, haha.
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(note: I tried really hard to find another GIF but there’s none) Elfquest, oooh Elfquest. This was my truest and biggest obsession, I think. I created my own elf characters, joined online RPG forums to write stories about our own characters, met up with other fans, dressed like a favorite character. A lot of the friends I have now, I met at those forums. I’m still low-key trying to collect the better-looking English paperbacks of the series, but am in no hurry to finish it, and don’t really read them anymore anyway. And my ship? Skywise/anyone, haha. I love Skywise so damn much. And his and Cutter’s relationship is everything (who’s Leetah? Fuck Leetah).
Tagging @stormnyk​ @andavs​  (I tagged you already anyway, sorry ;p) @imperfectimpostor96​
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elysiumwaits · 5 years
Hey! Nos. 1, 5 and 13 for Sterek, for the OTP questions, please. Thanks.😊
Ah, my enabler! Lol, thanks so much for the ask! This is nice to do while I feel very poorly. It’s a good distraction, and I appreciate that! I am writing on my phone, so please ignore any weird autocorrects that pop up.
1. Who pulls the other closer while sleeping?
Derek, 100%. 
He doesn’t at first, though. Not until he’s comfortable with Stiles - in the beginning, he often doesn’t actually sleep when Stiles sleeps in his bed, because it’s all too much, and too new, and he doesn’t want to miss a single moment because he’s sure that someday he’ll lose this too.
So one night, after they’ve nearly died for like the thousandth time and figured everything out at the last second, and Scott’s sent the pack home to be exhausted in their various homes and beds, Stiles follows Derek home.
Derek’s confused at first, because Stiles usually likes to go curl up in a blanket burrito and watch as many Marvel movies as he can to make the fear and anxiety go away enough that he can fall asleep. But then, when exhausted, pale, wan Stiles quietly asks Derek if he can just go home with Derek tonight, please, and pick up his Jeep in the morning, Derek is a strange mix of pleased and concerned and overwhelmed. 
Anyway. They don’t get frisky, or anything. Stiles manages to stay awake through a quick shower, and then crawls into Derek’s bed in Derek’s t-shirt. Derek showers, then, and when he comes out, there is Stiles, fast asleep curled around a pillow. So Derek climbs in behind him and settles, just close enough to feel the heat of Stiles’ body but not actually touch, and then Stiles shifts and says, sleepily, “I’anna be the lil spoon. Please.”
And Derek has never, ever been able to refuse Stiles anything that he can give, so he tugs Stiles close. 
He sleeps better than he has in a long time, and now he doesn’t stay apart.
5. How do they hype one another up?
I’mma be honest, I had to google what “hype” meant in this context because I’m old. I’m guessing it’s like pumping someone up to do something? Psyching them up? Anyway, that’s what I’m going with. I’m not hip with the kids.
So, as you can imagine, Stiles is good at hyping literally anything or anyone up. He’s got the energy, and even if he’s just talking nonsense about whatever Derek’s doing, it’s a little contagious. Stiles doesn’t have to hype Derek up for like fights or defending Beacon Hills or being a general badass - Derek needs hype for mundane interactions, like calling tech support for their spotty wifi, fuck Comcast, or going to like interpack meetings and negotiations with Scott. 
So Stiles will be like “Okay. You got this. You are the baddest bitch here. I mean, you’re not a bitch, obviously, that’s the wrong terminology, but you are, in fact, the baddest, like, motherfucker in at least California. Probably the West Coast, and you could make a good case for the Northeast too. But at least in California, you are... just awesome. So, you’re gonna get on that phone, and you’re gonna very firmly ask for a supervisor, nonstop until they give you one. You are not gonna break this phone? Okay. No ripping the router out of the wall either. Okay, badass werewolf lover of mine?”
Stiles, on the other hand, needs psyching up for the things Derek doesn’t, like fighting and dealing with the supernatural baddies that come their way. It’s getting easier the more he learns about magic and the more he fights - practice makes perfect, he guesses. Derek doesn’t exactly go on long rants about how amazing Stiles is, because all of Stiles’ anxiety here comes from a lot of self-doubt and a fear of the unknown.
Derek hypes Stiles like this: “You are the bravest person I know, and if you think that’s the right direction to go, I trust you. However this goes, I’ve got your back, you’ve got mine, and the pack’s got both of us.”
13. What small quirks do they love about each other?
Here is a list of things that Stiles adores about Derek, and that Stiles considers endearing instead of annoying:
Derek’s default expression is a murder stare, which occasionally makes other people cross the street when they see Derek and Stiles coming. Stiles occasionally manipulates this by telling bad jokes or using bad pick-up lines so Derek will do that fond eyeroll thing and people will find him less frightening. Sometimes, Stiles talks Derek into t-shirts that aren’t dark colors or soft sweaters in the fall and winter, and he looks a lot less threatening then too. He’ll never tell Derek, but he honestly got the idea from a forum about walking giant, mean-looking dogs and putting fun collars or capes on them so that people wouldn’t be as scared.Derek is not as subtle as he thinks with the sniffing the air in public places.When he shaves, he puffs up his cheeks. It’s a habit, and Stiles will frequently walk in the bathroom and poke his cheek to “pop the bubble.”
Here is a list of things that Derek adores about Stiles, and that Derek considers a feature, not a bug.
Stiles has three onesies and has taken to wearing them during pack movie nights and pack gaming tournaments. He has one that is a unicorn, a Deadpool one, and, of course, a wolf one he special ordered from Etsy.
Stiles has no idea about any of his nervous ticks. He can’t hide anything to save his life - Derek can always tell, even without the heartbeat, if something is going on, because Stiles does that thing where he scratches his neck. So even if it’s a half-truth that doesn’t make his heart stutter, Derek knows.When Stiles is distracted with research or homework, he will have half-conversations with Derek - he’ll look Derek in the face and ask a question, and then immediately answer it himself and go back to his research. “What do you think about the Japanese lore on - no wait, that’s the wrong direction, how would a... Well, maybe another... Hm. Thanks, Derek.” And Derek will say something like, “Sure,” and get Stiles something else to keep him going on this hyperfixation research binge he’s got going on.
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justjimedits · 5 years
https://sinenominea.tumblr.com/post/189617361289/another-attempt-to-get-me-to-shut-up ___________________________________________________ I kind of feel bad for sinenominea because they’re making such good points and PEW just ignores them in favor of what he keeps shouting for years  because he’s unwilling to stop calling Sterek fans racists. And he will keep continuing calling out the entire fandom instead of admitting to the fact that not all of us agree with the fanfiction he’s getting his hands on. I’ll highlight some of the posts which stand out to me since many good points are already made. PEW:  But fandom was fandom.  Instead of focusing on the positive message of a character who maintained their autonomy in the front of overwhelming pressure from selfish and often hostile actors, who overcame a debilitating biological condition to keep doing the things he always wanted to do, who pursued love in the face of prejudice, and who decided to stand up for those who couldn’t find the strength to stand up for themselves, they scorned Scott. This right here shows how hard it is to try and discuss anything with the Antis. Because Pew here confuses reality with fiction, Pew here talks about Tyler P and not Scott. And many of us here in the fandom aren’t talking about what’s going on behind the scenes of the show. I for one have no clue what happened, I have watched interviews with Tyler H but I’m not familiar with negative stories nor do I want to focus on Hearsay real life. I want to focus on what’s going on in the show Teen Wolf. Not the actors.  PEW:  Instead, they worship a good-looking white man who manipulated and hurt everyone around him because he let his life be consumed by six-year old trauma.   Would anyone really want Derek Hale’s life?   Living in burned-down homes and dirty train stations and bleak monastic industrial apartments in some sort of deranged self-punishment?  And when Derek finally decides to stop wallowing in his mistakes and take steps to heal, fandom suspected foul play and complained about his growth. Whoa, hold up. Is he seriously saying that Derek is supposed to be over a trauma most of us wouldn’t know how to handle without therapy and medication? After 6 years he should be okay with his ENTIRE family burned to death by a woman he thought he could trust because he was in love with her at sixteen when she was an adult? He’s supposed to be all normal and fine losing his home and having only his sister left, and then she gets killed off too? Not to mention the statutory rape and the sexual assault at the hands of Kate. He’s supposed to be without PTSD because it’s been 6 years? You just lost all my respect, PEW. Not that you had much to begin with.  Here you go claiming that Scott is a teen boy going through many traumatizing events he’s attempting to handle and that he’s only a teenaged boy at 16 so he’s excused from everything but in the same breath you say that 16 year old Derek’s to blame for his family’s death and you call him deranged for badly handling everything at 22? I’m disgusted by you. Like….wow.  PEW:  Fandom loves to magnify Stiles’ problems and diminish Scott’s. Not all of Fandom does that. And you’re doing the same thing, you know. You’re diminishing all the characters you hate in favor for Scott.  Brydeswhale:  There’s a social tendency to downplay abuse and to defend the abuser, especially if the abuser is an attractive white guy, and the target is a woman and/or person of colour. I think that, combined with racism, could help explain a lot about fandom’s reaction to these things. How about the tendency of you guys to refuse to acknowledge Derek’s abuse? The fact he was tortured, assaulted. How the show completely ignored Kate licking his stomach as sexual assault? Or how all the characters not once blinked at what Jennifer did to him, or the fact they were all there when Derek was deaged and they KNEW Derek was only 16 when he met Kate so they all knew the wrongness of it. And nobody acknowledged it. Male rape victims get ignored, it’s commonly known. But sure, you all keep saying it’s racism, call us female haters (LOL I AM FEMALE) and keep at it with your hatred of a fandom you’re clearly not part of anymore if you’re so eager to make it personal to your fellow fans whose only crime is to not like Scott as much as you do.
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sailorkrieger · 5 years
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Can be used for RP and non-RP blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen!
1. FIRST NAME:  Min is my nickname that I also use online :)
2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF: I love study/flash cards. Like, I actually love them. Every time I’m at a store that sells them I have to stop myself from buying more flash cards in pretty colors.. it’s kinda weird.
4. A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF: pasta asciutta/spaghetti bolognese
5. A FOOD YOU HATE: brussel sprouts. yuck.
6. GUILTY PLEASURE:  sweets, fast food, meat
7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN: t-shirt and gym shorts or just undies idk, depends on the temperature
9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE: my choice of college degree/career path, also the people I spent my youth with
10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON: i’m not sure? i’m loyal to my friends and i do enjoy showing affection through messages/talks or presents or generally being there for them and supporting them, but i’m not the cuddly comfort friend. i am definitely not physically affectionate.
11. A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN: the hobbit trilogy; pirates of the caribbean; war of the buttons (1994); star wars ot; and many more! i have a habit of rewatching movies i’ve seen 20 times already.
12. FAVORITE BOOK: This question is always the hardest to answer! There are so many books i love, i can’t say there’s one in particular that is my favorite. i really love the harry potter books, i love his dark materials, i love the maze runner trilogy, ..there are too many!
13. YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO KEEP ANY ANIMAL AS A PET, WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE: ANY animal?? Wow, that’s tough. I always wanted to get to know a fox or a wolf, but i actually might just stick with dog because dogs are the best beings on this planet.
14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS [IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG, YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL]:  This is a wild question, so i’ll limit it to top 5 ships for my muses on here! Let me see. In no particular order i love Haruka/Michiru, Saphir/Rei, Seiya/Usagi, Haruka/Usagi, Makoto/Nephrite.. but there are more ships that I love that only barely didn’t make the cut now >.< This fandom has so many awesome ships! [All-time favorite ships of mine are Stony, Pyro/Iceman, Sterek, Jalec, and Oliver Wood/Marcus Flint haha.]
15. PIE OR CAKE: I guess pie because i like dry dough and fruit things more than creamy things~
16. FAVORITE SCENT:  the forest, especially after rain
17. CELEBRITY CRUSH: none REALLY, but i am crushing a little bit on jackson wang because he’s gorgeous and lee hoseok because he’s the most precious human being ever. Also Meghan Trainor because she’s a queen.
19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT: introvert i guess, because it’s really exhausting for me to be around a lot of people
20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY: not so much in real life, but scary movies creep me out super easily
21. IPHONE OR ANDROID: android. i have a very low opinion of apple products
22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES: i currently play Horizon Zero Dawn, The Witcher 3, Diablo 3 (again), Assassin’s Creed Odyssey.. so yes. But I don’t actually play very often lately.
23. DREAM JOB: successful writer
24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS: finish renovating my house, buy a new car, invest, and buy all the BTS & Monsta X merch available lol
26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER: Teen Wolf, The Magicians (the tv series anyway 🖕 )
tagged by: @submcrged​ thank you!
tagging: you! :)
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mojoflower · 6 years
Teen Wolf mpreg fic recs (99% Sterek, 1% Steter)
I know that you love me, even when I lose my head by LunaCanisLupus 22 E, 136k, Complete.  “We’re not mates, Cora,” he insists. “I mean look at him-“  //  “Ouch,” the kid says, no longer pushing that shit eating grin.  //  “He’s- he’s,” Derek tries, at a loss of how to explain why this can’t be possible. Why it shouldn’t be possible.  //  Or the one where Derek gets attacked by hunters, ends up with amnesia and forgets Stiles is his mate.
Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Stiles, Alpha Derek, but Stiles is a BAMF, BAMF Stiles, presumably Actual Derek is also a bamf, but College Derek is pretty useless, Heh heh
Wow, this story just grabbed me and didn't let me go and now it's the end of a full day and I have no excuse for abandoning everything except that I was really involved and enjoying the plot.  //  Stiles is such a fucking badass, I love this, he's super-smart and strategizes and handles everything that comes up like a pro and it's totally easy to see why they have such a large and powerful pack. 'College Derek', meanwhile, is a complete sexist asshole (with the whole Alpha/omega thing) who says some super hurtful things in the first half out of sheer ignorance mostly -- although occasionally it's spite. Stiles handles it as well as he can, trying to hide that it hurts and striking back because he has backbone for god's sake... but his bondmark is slowly fading and that's terrifying and tragic.  //  Meanwhile, the Silva pack is due to arrive with some manifest bad intentions, and Peter is lurking around stirring up trouble, and it's a really fucking bad time for Derek to not remember who he is, because it makes their pack vulnerable.  //  Great story.
The Lighthouse Keeper by tugela54 E, 75k, Complete.  On a rural island just off Alaska’s northern Inside Passage, stands a centuries old lighthouse - the perfect sanctuary for its keeper to hide when the moon is full, to burn and rage through its cycle with the townsfolk being none the wiser.  //  But then a new resident comes to Beacon Harbour – a bright-eyed young student chasing an elusive whale species – and all of a sudden those thick stone walls seem paper thin…
Bottom Stiles, Like Whoa,  
 Whoa, that was an intense climax, I'm kinda breathless. Great story. Stiles is earnest and funny (and sooo hot for the giant, hairy, handsome man -- when author says size difference they are not messing around and it's mentioned frequently) and Derek is monosyllabic and awkward. They figure it out eventually, and there is hot sex (did I say size difference and hirsuteness?). Laura's a great werewolf-sister (Derek is the only werewolf) and her son Seth is a cutie. The cast of characters (Chris, Jordon, Finstock, Angus, Gladys and the two First People Miriam and Jonah) are interesting and fleshed-out. Love the plot, and the take on Derek's werewolf (not Teen Wolf style), love the First People lore and rituals, love the setting waaay up in Alaska on this tiny island.  //  (Don't let Major Character Death tag scare you, you're gonna be just fine.)
Hey Lover, I Got a Sugarcane by pibroch (littleblackdog) Steter, E, 17k, Complete.  [References to Mpreg rather than straight-up #mpreg]  “Put Peter on the phone,” Stiles says, too sharp to be polite.  //  “What?” Derek sounds completely thrown. “Stiles, I don’t think— Okay, you’re obviously not understanding what’s happening here. Peter isn’t talking. He’s basically just growling at this point, and he’s rounding on anyone that gets too close. He actually bit me when I tried to take back my pillow. I nearly lost a thumb.”  //  “Derek.” The reality of this shitshow of a situation is finally kicking in, undeniably, and Stiles needs to hear Peter’s voice. “Just trust the omega, okay? Tell him it’s me, and give him the damn phone.”  //  ---"Wrangling Rut-Drunk Alpha Boyfriends 101" by Stiles Stilinski, omega and responsible adult person.
I've loved other things I've read by this author
Delicious. And also funny.
I've Got A Sure Thing by skoosiepants  T, 11k, Complete.  Stiles's water breaks ten miles outside of Beacon Hills.
Fox Stiles, Werefox Stiles, Daddy Stiles
Precious: I love the style, it tumbles and tumbles over itself. Stiles is himself. Derek keeps hanging around, and he loves little Princess Leia. Cora keeps laughing at them. Stiles might be a little confused.
He calls Derek and says, “I think your entire family is here, dude,” and Derek roars, “What?” and, “Don't call me dude, “ and, “Fuck, I'll be right over.”
Derek shows up in his EMT uniform and with his partner Boyd, stoic and amused, and the wild look in Derek's eyes is probably as close to a panic as Stiles will ever see him in.
Derek says, “Oh my god, Laura,” and grabs for Prin just as Prin launches herself out of Laura's arms toward him. He swings her up in a practiced movement and settles her on his hip and Laura grins so wide her fangs are showing.
“The pack wanted to meet her, even Mom's here,” she says, gesturing toward a big black wolf that looks almost exactly like Derek in wolf form – the wolf lifts her head and sneezes at them, then goes back to nosing through Stiles's DVD collection.
“Mom,” Derek says, and holds Prin up so she hides his face. Prin tugs at his hair and knees him in the eye and giggles when he shoves her up so her tummy is balanced on the top of his head, it's so cute Stiles can hardly stand it, his life is insane.
“Okay,” Stiles says, clapping his hands together, “I'll make tea.”
I don't think that means what you think it means by ThroughTheTulips  M, 21k, 7 works, Complete.  Ever notice how aliens have mostly similar customs to humans in Stargate? There never seem to be words or concepts that just don't translate. For the most part that makes sense given how they were spread deliberately across the universe, but there should be more weird stuff.  //  So I made some. This is very fluffy and ridiculous. Enjoy.
I simply can't with this. What an unanticipated, hysterical delight.
 I Know Where Babies Come From, Derek by DiscontentedWinter  E, 52k, Complete (series is 132k of deliciousness)  [Implied Mpreg, rather than actual #mpreg].  Stiles finds a baby on the porch.  //  It looks exactly like him.  //  Well, this is awkward.
Favorite, read again, still a favorite
Funny and unique and gripping (and there's one part that's simply fucking heartbreaking, god every.time. I bawl like a baby). I love this so much. It's totally one of my return-again-and-again-comfort-fics (even though there's very little that's slow-paced and domestic about it).
 monday i can fall apart but by friday i'm in love by tryslora  M, 6k, Complete.  It's just past five in the morning and Stiles is barely awake, wearing only sleep pants that hang low below his pregnant belly, and he can't get the damned brand new jar of decaf coffee open. But he has a neighbor, and he's too tired to think that waking someone else up at this hour might not be the best (or politest) of ideas.
Alpha Derek, Omega Stiles, Caretaking,  
lol.  short and funny and sweet and Alpha!Derek is a caretaker (and pregnant omega!Stiles is a sass-spewing dork)
 finger on the trigger and all fired up by tryslora  E, 6k, Complete  [Implied Potential Mpreg rather than #mpreg].  Derek goes undercover to expose a drug trafficking ring running inside of a porn studio. What he finds is Stiles.
Hot and funny.
 I'm Not Immune by moodwriter  E, 24k, Complete.  “Did they inject anything into you? You can hold me back. You can stop me. I can’t stop you.” Stiles is in full blown panic mode now.  //  The one where Stiles and Derek get kidnapped, and sex needs to happen for reasons.
Great story, grows as it's written. Follows a lot of emotional development, tangled in the godawfulfucking situation they're trapped in.
Fire, Fury, and Flame by IAmAVeronica  E, 125k, Complete.  Stiles Stilinski was never going to be the omega who got knocked up right after high school, and then he's accidentally artificially inseminated with a stranger's sperm.  //  Awesome.  //  And the father of Stiles's baby just so happens to be Derek Hale. Half-feral, quite possibly a murderer, and pursued by a gleefully sadistic band of hunters who are only too eager to use Stiles and his baby to hit Derek right where it hurts.  //  Joy.
Omega Stiles, Alpha Derek, Mpreg, Kidnapping, Stalking, cultural ramifications of a/b/o
So, Stiles, the omega-rights activist who never wants anything to do with an Alpha and wants to avoid any of that biological imperative bullshit, winds up pregnant a la Jane the Virgin. BUT. Derek is unwilling to commit, or even to have Stiles tell anyone who the baby-Daddy is. This could be because a complete psychopath has him in her targets.
Kate is one fuck-scary villain, just, crazy as a bag of cats and vicious with it, and the filth that comes out of her mouth is truly chilling.
Stiles gets kidnapped pretty early on, which is frightening enough, and then she's back for another try. At that point, he's kidnapped again, this time by Derek, who whisks him across the country to the Preserve, a werewolf compound in Maine. Here, Stiles is the only human, pregnant and vulnerable and trying to make a temporary life until the baby is born. But will it only be temporary?
There's love, sociopolitical musings, lots of angst, lots of danger. The baby is born about 3/4 of the way through the story, and then Kate comes around to terrorize everyone again. Even though Derek and Stiles are living in a house that's reinforced with bars and a panic room, she still manages to nearly burn Stiles and the baby…
 Rescue Me (& Take Me In Your Arms) by tumtatumtum  E, 34k, Complete (series is 37k so far).  Just when Stiles is starting to reach panic-attack levels of stress, a leather jacket and firm thigh are pressed right up next to him, and an arm is casually thrown over his shoulder. Stiles looks up to thank this kind person who is saving his life, and suddenly forgets what air is.  //  Because HOT. DAMN. Call the police and the fire-man, this guy is smoking.  //  Or the AU where Derek helps save Stiles from an ex, and a steamy BDSM relationship ensues- with feelings all over the place.
Fake/Pretend Relationship, Sub Stiles, Dom Derek
Whoooaa, Nellie. Strap in for a ride, folks. Hot and also hilarious, which is a difficult combo to achieve. Loads of D/s sexy times. Stiles is precious. Derek is possessive and a wee bit insecure. They're awful fun to watch together.  ***The one where Stiles is Alpha Mate which magically means he starts leaking slick outta his ass, even tho he's human.
[Kept trying to find this fic using key words bar and boyfriend and ex-boyfriend... which finally got me there. It's SO worth a re-read or ten.] I also tagged it with fake/pretend relationships, since it's fake for about the first 5 minutes, until Derek puts his hand on the back of Stiles' neck and Stiles moans and MELTS and lo, romantic and sexual interest is born.)
 It's a mad, mad world by ElisAttack  E, 74k, Complete [No #mpreg]  "They call him the Feral Wolf." The man laughs hysterically as Stiles backs away from him, fear coursing through his veins. "Feral Hale. Do you know why? Huh?" The man creeps closer, testing the restraint of his chains, white talcum falling from his skin, swirling in the air like the dust devils plaguing the wasteland. "Because he's fucking mad."  //  Or the one where Stiles is a prisoner looking to return home, but to do so, he may have to rely on a questionable drifter.
Really enjoyed this. Very interesting take on alpha/omega, haven't seen it before. And yay for apocalyptic mad max-type world. Scary as fuck.
a little advice for aspiring fires by The Byger (Byacolate)  E, 42k, Complete.  Regardless of his sadly lacking social circle, Stiles was going to have to get some physical contact or he was going to explode. Seriously. It’d be messy and Derek would probably become even more emotionally constipated having to clean up little bits of Stiles from his pristine walls and furniture.
Touch-Starved, Skin Hunger, Omega Stiles, Sassy Stiles, stiles talks CONSTANTLY, Mpreg, Kidfic
But We're Still Sleeping Like We're Lovers by CharWright5  E, 110k, Complete  [No #mpreg].  There are several things Stiles Stilinski knows to be facts: he's a werecoyote like his parents; his twin sister Malia could use a filter more than him; he's an Omega and terrified of his upcoming heat; and Derek Hale-McCall will never see him as anything more than his kid brother's best friend. Doesn't stop Stiles from asking the Alpha to help him during his heat. Or from developing some serious feelings that go beyond the bedroom. Basically, he's totally screwed, in more ways than one.
Fox Stiles, Creature Stiles, he's not a fox, but when I'm cruising that tag, I'll like to read this story
Idiot boys. Hot sex. More idiot boys. Angst. Fluff.
Jurisdiction by elisera  M, 7k, Complete (series complete at 20k).  John is a pretty level-headed guy. He wasn’t always, back during his own Sturm und Drang period, but he married a firecracker of a woman and got a kid with an affinity for trouble like he got payed for ending up in it, so someone had to level out or they would’ve ended up living in a treehouse or Lapland doing god knows what. Anyway, getting a hold of his temper is one of John’s better life achievements. It makes him a good sheriff and it kept him from blowing his lid too badly those last two years when Stiles started acting out in a way that John had never seen before.  //  But the temper is still there.  //  He’s reminded of it when he comes home on a random Saturday in March after spilling his milkshake all over his uniform shirt only to notice he didn’t have a spare in the station and finds Stiles bend over the kitchen sink with hunched shoulders.
Papa Stilinski is a total badass and mmm mmmm mmmm, so is Derek. Stiles has got some awesome muscle looking out for his best interests.
Into Something New by marguerite_26  E, 9k, Complete.  [Implied Mpreg rather than #mpreg].  Something is happening to Stiles. He’s losing time. Something is messing with his head, with his body. Maybe if he felt better he’d think to be worried.
 Nowhere Man by 1lostone  E, 76k, Complete.  [Mpreg (off screen)]  When Stiles leaves Beacon Hills, he does it without a backwards glance. For two years he is happy on the other side of the country- until someone targets not only him, but his daughter.  //  Unfortunately, the asshole bodyguard his dad hired to make sure he gets back home is none other than Derek Hale. And that's really not very good for either of them.
1lostone is, as always, the goddess of the lengthy, painful, disturbing, angsty, violent, sexy story. God, I love it.
The Second Coming (of Werewolf Jesus) by lupinus, uraneia  E, 40k, Complete.  Stiles was enjoying his senior year until his crazy English teacher decided he made the best candidate to gestate Derek's kid. Now Stiles is a seventeen-year-old pregnant dude and he and Derek have to figure their shit out, because in nine months they are going to be tied together for the rest of their lives.
Sweet: very fluffy and domestic.
Pride and Place by DarkAthena (seraphim_grace)  E, 63k, Complete.  (Part of series A/B/O bodice rippers) [Mpreg, Discussion of mpreg, no men were pregnant in the making of this fic].�� Derek Hale, Earl of Osterbrook, has inherited, following the death of Lord Montfort, a run down house in Yorkshire he neither needs nor wants, convinced his staff are robbing him, and with the mystery of a missing ward, he manages to get himself talked into a ridiculous bet, that he cannot pass as a steward until Midwinter, nearly two months away. So can he maintain the charade? Find the missing child? and manage to turn the shambles of a house around, or will he give up and let Peter take the thousand pounds he bet.  //  now with explicit epilogue - the rest of the story is teen rated though, so if you don't like the idea of explicit sex in your bodice rippers - just don't read that bit.
Great story.
The Well of Living Waters by kalpurna  E, 30k, Complete.  King Derek takes a consort.
 Within His Power by NoBezel  E, 69k, Complete.  [Discussion of mpreg]  Derek is a wolfish cyborg, brother of the Governor of California, heir to the Hale fortune. Stiles is a un-sequenced human in a world of designer DNA. When Derek is forced to choose a mate, no one expects him to choose Stiles. To be fair, Derek doesn't expect him to say no.
Pretty fucking phenomenal. Lots of world-building and political intrigue. If you're in it for the tropes, you'll be disappointed, but otherwise it's intense and dense and lovely.
The Threat of Human Sacrifice by vampireisthenewblack  E, 45k, Complete.  The sheriff bought a crib and made Derek help him put it together. Stiles thought of Hemingway and the shortest, most heartbreaking story ever told, and dismantled it on his own while Derek was out.  //  [The one where Stiles getting knocked up is the least of his worries.]
So excellent and intense.
The Honey and the Sting by the_ragnarok  M, 19k, Complete (series still wip)  Derek didn't remember what happened when he went into heat. He could only assume the worst. The truth may be stranger than that.
Tiny Houses by ohmyjetsabel  E, 77k, Complete.  "So this is what Stiles does. He lies in Scott’s bed and waits for Melissa to say she’s found someone to get it out of him, to cure him of the wrongness and the bad, and he dreams.  //  God, he dreams.  //  He dreams of fire and swollen bellies and that scene in Alien, of giving birth to jackals through his urethra, the whole horrific nine yards. His head is a terrible place to be, he can’t imagine his stomach is much better, why anyone would want to put a thing inside of it."
 Shifts by gryvon  E, 15k, Complete.  Stiles has what he's always secretly wanted - he's in a relationship with Derek and he's one of Derek's betas - but all that gets turned upside down when Gerard kidnaps him and his unexpected baby.
Who doesn't want Stiles having emotionally confusing sex with Derek, getting knocked up unbeknownst to either of them, and then kidnapped for the future baby? I mean, really. It's classic.
A Mating Moon by unpossible  E, 37k, Complete.  (Series 55k so far.) [this is not mpreg, just to be clear]  “Hey, Scott, so, I uh, there’s this amazingly hot guy and I’m uh, gonna spend the weekend with him but, you know, just to be careful, I’m sending you his picture, so if by some terrible chance my bloated corpse shows up sometime Monday, just, y’know pass this along to the authorities.” He pauses. “Uh. Kidding?” and then hangs up with a rush of air.  //  “That is the worst voicemail in the history of voicemails,” Derek says.
fucking fantastic
 (Once in a) Blue Moon by clarkoholic, skywardsmiles  E, 60k, Complete.  (Series 63k so far.)  Stiles and Derek are getting along, but they’re not a family, and they’re sure as hell not mates. Christ, they’re basically just two stupid guys who happened to get pregnant because of a full moon and sheer dumb luck.
Oh, the angst, the pining, the guilt, the blame, the anger. Total pain-fest while we watch Stiles nearly die from the burden of the pregnancy. Lovely sweet ending, of course.
Tried and Tested Series by dancinbutterfly  E, 53k, 12 works, Complete.  In which Derek has a sex emergency with unplanned results, Stiles could be the baby daddy on one of those horrible MTV pregnancy shows, Sheriff Stilinski takes in strays and life in Beacon Hills never has a dull moment, not even when things are calm.
Really wonderful series. Stopped at Part 11, so am waiting for updates. A good investment of time, even incomplete. ;D  //  [Huh, evidently I missed an update somewhere along the line!]
In the Solstice of our Hearts by ravingrevolution  E, 73k, Complete.  "You're not putting that up your butt," Scott told him flatly and Stiles couldn't stop the pissed off whine he made, but his friend continued. "Stiles, you can't put that up your butt, you know that. Your butt won't be ready for anything to go in it until-"  //  "Okay, okay!" he said, flailing his hands to stop his friend's lecture. "Message received, no butt stuff until I'm pounced on by some freaking animal in the forest and ravished to within an inch of my life. Got it. Thanks, Scotty, I mean heaven forbid I actually try to take control of my life and give myself a fighting chance or anything."  //  "Not all alphas are animals," Scott said quietly.  //  Maybe he was right, but Stiles wasn't holding his breath.
Omega Stiles, Berserk Stiles, omega beast, everyone's a virgin, Hurt/Comfort, care taking
The one where there's a Mate Run in the woods, and Derek with his pack manage to frighten Stiles up a tree from whence he falls and is impaled on a branch (ouch!) and then they spend a week in a cave while Stiles heals. Meanwhile, Kate and her cronies are sneaking into the month-long Mate Run with the intent to a)finally kill Derek and b) sneakily bond with some omegas. So Stiles goes berserk, which is the omega form of a hulking violence monster, to protect Derek. (Story could have stopped there, but carries on for another 1/3.)
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bhadpodcast · 5 years
What a sad little life you all lead to STILL be so pressed about a show that has been off the air for almost 2 years. To STILL be so mad about something that didn't happen (Sterek) 5 years later. To be close to 40 years old and care so much about a TEEN show. Sad little life indeed.
Lol, says the person so obsessed with me she stalks me all over social media and then when she can’t find anything that sticks, resorts to making stuff up? Who stalks the inboxes of people, dm-ing them lies and “backing it up” with out of context screenshots from a locked server that she knows she’s not supposed to be a part of. 
All for little inconsequential me? But you’re not sad, are you? I’m sure you wake up every morning with a bright smile on your face as you get ready to write your fanfic about me, checking on my whereabouts to see how you can twist them to make me look like a super villain. 
The thing about lying is that you can never prove the things you say. Your weird hatred makes it so that you think you’re justified, but you don’t really seem to have a goal in mind. Even if you do manage to get someone (that you didn’t make up) to turn on me, they turn back as soon as they talk to me so again...
I mean, I know I’m cute, but unless you’re trying to get boo’d up, I don’t understand this game. 
Additionally, in trying to insult me, you end up insulting a lot of people who have nothing to do with the situation. The whole “almost 40 thing” (I love how “over 30″ means “almost 40″. Gotta love women using oppressive age dynamics against other women!) involves a lot of women in fandom. The idea that there’s a time we’re supposed to stop caring is new to me, and if the idea is that maturity somehow postdates fandom, I don’t know how you can say that with a serious face WHEN YOU ARE SO OBSESSED WITH ME!!!
That’s why you can’t get any followers that aren’t crazy or that you didn’t make up. It’s why no one will ever take you seriously. You’re not a joke, you’re... a disappointment. And it’s all your fault. You CHOSE to be this way and that is what’s sad. 
I may clapback, but I don’t seek to hurt people, and I’m quick to back down when someone comes to me. But you get a rise out of trying to hurt people and it’s behavior we’re never going to see eye to eye on. I’m going to go back to ignoring you and hopefully the space will allow you to reflect and think about the perception you’re projecting and what you’re actually trying to accomplish. If you put the same amount of effort into trying to be me instead of jealously trying to “take me down”, maybe you would be more satisfied. 
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(This will probably be a 3-4 part ask, fyi) So I skimmed through Alpha Beta Omega when that post with the photoset popped up, mainly to remember if I've read it before. (I have a lot of opinions on the actions and stuff in that, and that's definitely a fic I can never re-read, but that's not what this ask is mainly about). But anyway: how soon after the video incident did Scott meet & become friends with Stiles? I can't imagine he would know what was happening and not mention it or say (1/3?)
anything, even if they were only acquaintances at that point. Like Scott knew who some of the pledges were, but did he know who the "targets" were (besides his own)? Because maybe I just read way too many 'true alpha' style fics but I can't imagine him not trying to warn people. (But then again I'm also basing some of this off of my college experience, which was a tiny campus (<2000 students) so warning people is probably easier said than done when you add a huge campus & class size) (2/3?) Also, no rush on getting back to my messages. I know you didn't actually say names with that comment but I'll out myself as one of them. I know I'm bad about sending literal essays sometimes (and then adding more later)   . I know I've told you but one of my best friends also doesn't always have enough spoons to actually respond to me with words, so sometimes our messages are only gifs & memes for weeks. But I still love you both just as much no matter how frequently or what style we talk with ❤
Okay listen. Listen. I can’t remember what I had for dinner yesterday, and I almost always eat the same thing (creature of habit + cheap + lazy) and you’re asking me to remember a fic I wrote when I just started in the TW fandom |D LOL I barely remember any of the fics in the Sterek New Year’s Extravaganza except the ones people seem to always bring up (Quickest Way to a Man’s heart, Not so Beauty, It’s Happening, Your Pain is my Pain, etc.). 
All I really remember from Alpha Beta Omega is that the prompt requirement for that day was Fraternities and I know exactly 0% about frats because 1) Girl, 2) Canadian, and 3) Not involved whatsoever with Greek row at my uni. Like, I’m 80% sure we had frats and sororities at my university --  I just Googled it, we did -- but I know nothing about any of that outside of movies |D AND MOVIES ALWAYS MAKE FRATS SEEM LIKE TRASH!!! So I had to go with what I knew (and sadly if I recall from the comments, a lot of people said most frats are like that. Not all! But most, which is depressing tbh). 
Anyway, in answer to your question remembering like, basically nothing about this fic, I would assume Scott and Stiles didn’t meet until way later. Scott definitely would’ve told Stiles about everything with Derek considering I’m pretty sure (if memory serves) that he left the frat specifically because it was trash and... he fell for his target right? It was Allison or something I think? I DON’T REMEMBER OKAY LOL. But yeah, Scott would’ve 100% told Stiles about the whole thing so they would’ve met after Scott had already left and Derek had already done his part. 
There’s a lot of fics in that entire series I’m honestly not super happy with because again, that was when I first started, didn’t really have a handle on the characters, and a lot of the prompts were things I would never write (frats being one of them, another being the friends with benefits, crossovers, etc.). On top of that, I rushed like, basically all of them because I was trying to get a fic out a day and some of them are LONG |D (I legit remember writing Not So Beauty on the fucking bus on my way home from work for a week because it was the only time I had to write it, and my brain was like “IMAGINE HOW GOOD THIS COULDA BEEN WITH YOUR COMPUTER!” because I defo cut corners. And we’re not gonna talk about the Human prompt because I hate that one and legit wrote it the same day it went up. Mistakes were made during that event, I am not proud, but you learn and grow from things, right? |D 
Anyway, not what we were talking about. Yes, Scott would’ve told him. 
And thank you ;~; AND SORRY! I just... need to do it. I keep watching the number go up and instead of doing something about it, I just hide from it |D But I know some people probably think I’m a bitch for not replying to them, or think I’ve like, idk, died? I WILL REPLY THOUGH! Maybe I should give myself a goal of like, 10 messages per week minimum or something |D I’LL REPLY TO YOU SOON THOUGH I PROMISE FORGIVE ME!!!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 
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azaraspirit · 6 years
13, 16, 35, 36. You already know which otp. 😂 Sterek babyyyyy
SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG! i hope you like it babe! basically its an FBI sterek au which is the only au that matters. 
13. i wont let anyone hurt you. you’re safe with me. 16. ive got you. 35. you make me feel safe. 36. you’ve shown me what love can feel like.
It’s been about five years since the incident. The nightmares have almost subsided as well as the anxiety and constant fear. Turns out being a victim of a serial killer has some serious side effects with a dash of PTSD. Now the only reason why Stiles would have an episode is if he was triggered. 
At least Stiles had Derek. Stiles swore he would be dead by now if he wasn’t with him. No. He WOULD be dead. Scott is his best friend but it wasn’t enough. He needed something more and that something more was Derek. He proposed almost immediately after he rescued him from Peter who just nearly killed Stiles. Stiles didn’t hesitate. Stiles kept bringing up the details and the date but Derek was assuring him there was no rush. He knew Stiles was still recovering from the incident. Derek knew him like no one else. He looked fine on the outside but the inside was a different story. All that torture and pain changed Stiles forever. On top of that, they stripped Stiles of his FBI badge which made it even worse. Stiles loved being on the field but there was no way he could recover. 
Scott sighed. “Alright, Stiles, if you swear you think you can handle it, I’ll give you you’re badge back.” Stiles was in Scott’s office again, trying to pursue him to get him back on the field again. The pros of your boss being your best friend. 
Stiles rushed over and gave his friend a hug. Scott rolled his eyes. “Don’t make me regret this. I don’t want your fiance coming in my office and yelling at me.”
“I won’t! I promise! You won’t regret this!” Stiles excitedly rushed out of Scott’s office with his shiny new badge, skipping on the way. His coworkers looked at him as if he was crazy. Stiles headed for the arena, knowing he hasn’t picked up a gun since that night. 
“Where do you think you’re doing?” Stiles just reached the door when he heard Derek behind him. He spun around. 
“Gonna practice. Wanna join me?”
Derek walked up to him, dead serious. “You think that’s a good idea?”
Stiles rolled his eyes. “Derek, I’m fine. it’s been like five years. Besides, Scottie just approved of me to back on the field anyways so it doesn’t-”
Derek did the one thing Scott didn’t want. He stormed right into his office. “YOU’RE LETTING STILES BACK ON THE FIELD??”
Scott nearly backed up, Derek, being absolutely terrifying. “So you heard.”
“Yeah! He just told me! You have no idea what he’s been through Scott! It’s too soon!”
“Derek, calm down.” Scott sat down at his desk. “I put a lot of thought into it and I think Stiles is ready.”
“You’re wrong.” Derek growled. “I know him best. Something will trigger him and his life will be on the line.”
“If something happens to him, I’m going to take it out on you.” Derek stormed off, everyone going back to their business, pretending they didn’t hear him just now. 
“Hey, you’re back.” Stiles said, seeing Derek. “I knew you would.
Derek embraced him, Stiles being surprised but hugged back. Derek rested his head on Stiles’ shoulder. “If you’re going out on the field, I’m there every step of the way. I won’t let anyone hurt you. You’re always safe with me.”
Stiles smiled. “I wouldn’t have it any other way. Now can we please go and practice? I’m dying.”
Derek was right next to Stiles as he prepped his pistol. “I got it, Derek. Jeeze. Can you stop hovering like a damn helicopter?”
Derek took a step back, holding out his hands. Stiles took a deep breathe and aimed at the target in front of him. He exhaled before pulling the trigger. 
Last thing Stiles remembered was hearing Derek call out his name. When he came to, he was on the floor, Derek beside him. He came into focus, seeing absolute fear and worry. “Stiles!”
“W-what happened?” Stiles murmured, tugging on Derek’s shirt.
“You shot the gun and fainted. You okay? You scared the shit out of me.” 
Stiles didn’t answer. He knew he fucked up. No way was he going out on the field. If a simple gun fire triggered him, he was stuck at a desk for life. Stiles choked back a sob and buried his head in Derek’s chest. Derek embraced him, whispering reassurance to Stiles. “I’ve got you, Stiles. I’ve got you.”
“I won’t be able to go back….I’ll be stuck at a desk…I hate it Derek…I wanna be with you on the field…” Stiles sobs broke Derek’s heart. He had to do something.
“You make me feel safe.” he murmured. “You show me what love can feel like. I won’t feel that being at a fucking desk alone.”
“Hey, is he okay?” Scott asked in a soft tone when Derek entered his office. Derek sighed. “He’s embarrassed more than anything.”
Scott sighed. “I’m sorry, Derek. This was all my fault. I thought he was ready.” He was expecting an I told you so from Derek but he apologized to. 
“I shouldn’t have went off on you like that. Totally unprofessional.”
Scott blinked in surprise. “It-it’s okay, Derek. I know how much you care about him.”
“Speaking of that, we need to talk.”
Stiles glared at the desk in front of him. Surely the word has spread about his episode. He could feel everyone’s eyes on him, silently judging. He had a stack of files before him.
“Hey, is this seat taken?”
Stiles looked up to find Derek standing at the desk across from him. “Uh what?”
“I asked if this seat was taken?”
“Uh, no. But why are you-”
“I’m your new neighbor.” Derek took a seat at his new desk.
“Wait what?”
Derek chuckled. “I talked with Scott. I’m gonna be here with you now instead of out on the field.”
“What why? You love being on the field.”
“No, what I loved was working with you.” His reply made Stiles blush. “If this is what it will be like now than, I’m fully on board with it.”
“You-you serious?”
“Dead serious. I know how much you hate it here but I figured it would suck a little less if I was here with you.” Derek reached over and took Stiles’ hand, squeezing it. 
“D-Derek…you didn’t have to…”
“I wanted to.”
Stiles stood up and rushed over to Derek. Sitting on his lap, framed his face and kissed him, right there in front of everyone. “God I fucking love you.”
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