#on derek’s relationships with older women who used him
patolemus · 5 months
Your previous Sterek post made me realize that the only reason I don't ship Sterek is because to me Derek is an adult. I always knew he was older but once they paired him up with Jennifer I was like that's an adult.
If Derek would have looked younger or if they had been more clear about his age I would've 100% shipped Sterek.
That’s completely fair! I personally never considered him one because he was depicted to be much younger in the earlier seasons and that stuck to me even when they retconned him and made him out to be much older. To me he’ll always be just a couple of years older than Stiles, so I never found it all that weird.
Also, his history with older women started allegedly when he was a teenager, so when Jennifer appeared I was like, oh I don’t like this, but I wasn’t really surprised. Derek has a record of being used by older women. When JD said Jennifer used magic to seduce Derek I was even less surprised, because to me that relationship was always a bit… off. But that’s a thing for another post so I won’t delve deep into it.
Anyway. What I’m trying to say is that it’s completely okay if you don’t ship it, for whatever reason, and the age thing is understandable. Even if you see the chemistry between the characters you don’t have to ship it.
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kaijuposting · 2 years
Why Mako Mori and Raleigh Becket should spend some time apart
If we assume the basic expectations of most romance stories, Raleigh Becket and Mako Mori's relationship seems like a done deal. Even if no explicit romance occurs between the two, the structure of the narrative is still close enough to many romance stories that "and they lived happily ever after" feels like a foregone conclusion. The film ended with their foreheads touching rather than lips locked together in a kiss, but the gesture is nonetheless suggestive of blossoming love and future romance.
But just as fictional romances often downplay or ignore things that would be extremely concerning in the context of an actual relationship, so will we if we choose to read Mako and Raleigh's story through this lens.
I have written before how Raleigh Becket exhibits poorly-managed anger issues throughout the film, and how he doesn't exactly behave gracefully when told no. For the duration of the film, this isn't really a problem for Mako, because her and Raleigh's goals are in alignment - both want to fight kaiju. But once the war is over and there are no kaiju to fight, and the honeymoon period (so to speak) ends, what then? They will eventually run into disagreement, and Mako cannot be expected to subject herself to Raleigh's will every time.
Fact of the matter is, Raleigh needs therapy. He needs to learn better emotional coping strategies. This isn't optional if he's going to maintain any kind of long-term relationship with anyone romantic or otherwise. He also needs to work on taking 'no' for an answer, or else he won't be able to respect people's boundaries - Mako's included.
Meanwhile, Mako deserves a chance to realize herself as an autonomous, independent adult who freely chooses who she works with. Unlike Raleigh, Mako never had any real choice in her drifting partner; she either rode with him or she didn't ride at all.
In romantic fiction, young and naive female characters are often romantically paired with older and more experienced male characters whose only noteworthy quality is that they can provide them with access to something else they want. This can be something like the glamorous life of the obscenely wealthy, the thrilling world of the supernatural, or the power and influence of the ruling class.
Raleigh's only notable quality is being able to provide Mako with access to a jaeger. Otherwise, he is less than ideal. There are the aforementioned issues with anger and reacting poorly when told no. There's also the way he talks to Mako as if she's a child, such as when he assumes that she, a jaeger engineer who wants nothing more than to be a jaeger pilot, doesn't know how drifting works. While this might not bother her in the short term, one can only imagine how irritating and even demoralizing it could become in the long term.
This raises the question of why Mako Mori should continue associating with Raleigh Becket once she no longer needs him to provide her with access to the things she wants. Whether she's content to go back to engineering now that she feels that her family is avenged, or whether she wants to continue as a pilot in a revitalized jaeger program, the fact is that she just doesn't need him anymore.
Conventionality tells us that they belong together because they were main characters together. Like Prince Derek in The Swan Princess, it answers the question by asking "What else is there?" If pressed it might say something about "soulmates" and point to all the things Raleigh supposedly did for Mako, even though those things were just as much for himself. Raleigh Becket has often been described as "chivalrous," yet our concept of chivalry is steeped in so-called benevolent sexism that ultimately harms women even if it seems attractive at first.
So, Raleigh Becket and Mako Mori would both benefit from spending time apart from each other. Raleigh desperately needs therapy for his anger issues, plus he needs to learn better interpersonal skills with women (and with people in general, to be honest). Mako deserves a chance to realize herself as a truly autonomous adult person, rather than simply get passed off from one paternalistic caretaker to another.
Perhaps they work together again after they go through their much-needed growth as people; maybe as co-pilots or maybe in some other capacity. Maybe they get into a relationship; maybe they don't. Or maybe they never speak to each other again, who knows.
But one thing is certain: the conventional path is not the best path here.
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screenmaven · 7 months
Lying Eyes - Film Review
Thriller/Romance 1996
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I’m Back!! Review time. I know it’s been a minute, and yes I’m back on my 90s made for tv, lifetime esq masterpieces, or just some good b movie noirs. This one however was insanely good.
Here’s the 411.
We have a senior girl Amy (played by Cassidy Rae) in high school who’s obviously very pretty and gets into an accident with a charming dark haired man. I’m gonna call him Mr Suave or as the film calls him Derek Bradshaw (played by Vincent Irizarry), cause boy did he lay it on real thick. He starts up a romance with Amy although she is 18 and him 33. Oh those older men romances that just end so well lol. (Might be speaking from experience when I was in high school 😱😅). The Cranberries song “Dreams” was used from their first meeting, and throughout, which was an absolutely perfect fit for this scenario. I love me some Cranberries and definitely 1996, so it blended the film so well. Music to me really makes a film work.
Amy gets swept off her feet by Derek giving her expensive gifts, fine jewelry, making her feel more mature and cultured, all the while doing a number on her mentally. He’s a lawyer with a beach house and a telescope, and can go about anywhere. (I may just be tempted myself with a telescope offer..). Anyways, her friends are jealous, as well as concerned, but she’s just head over heels in love with him, but then it gets twisted. Nothing in these movies ever goes that smoothly, or those relationships, despite our illusive fantasies. I mean sometimes they can work, but I don’t know many that have. We’ve all had fantasies of older men, as teenage girls, just as boys have had the same for some older women too. It’s the mystery and taboo that’s exciting.
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So, after they are into their whirlwind romance, Amy goes to fix a bracelet that Derek gave her at the jeweler, after it broke. When she gave his name to the jeweler, she hears he bought two, and after going to that other address she discovers he has a wife, and children. I mean, did we not see that coming?! Then she confronts him about it and he says he wants a divorce and that Amy is the only one he wants. Classic line, time and again.
All the while why they are dating, from the start of their meeting Amy is also being harassed and stalked by someone maliciously. After finding out about his wife, she suspected it was her, but I’m not going to give it away if it was her or it wasn’t. This movie has got some good twists and turns and I really want you to watch it to find out the mystery stalker. Again, as I said earlier parts of this movie made me think of a situation I was once in and goodness, was that a time. Young women are very impressionable and as an older woman now, some of these older men preying on women’s young innocence is very predatory. Although, it might feel hot to be young and have an older guy, it is never an easy road, and you often find yourself in more of a mess. Still, it’s a great film and scenario that keeps your interest, and I love me a good wild romance.
Go ahead and give it a go if you’re looking for something cool to watch in that genre. I was actually pretty impressed with the quality, cinematography, and writing, and may you also enjoy some Cranberries, which I linked below.
Happy Filming
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screamingeyepress · 11 months
Trick or Treat: Real Halloween Murders
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Halloween has a bad rap. But, that’s not to say that there haven’t been any baddies doing bad stuff on the most badass of nights�� or at least close to it. So, If you aren’t scared of ghosts and ghoulies coming through the veil on the darkest of nights, here’s a few stories that will help you fear the most terrifying of monsters… that jackass down the street.
Wrong Race, Wrong Number
Way back in the extremest of decades, the 90s, a Japanese exchange student named Yoshihiro Hattori was on his way to a Halloween party. Unfamiliar with the neighborhood, Hattori couldn’t find the right address for the party.
When he finally believed he had arrived, he knocked on the door. Receiving no response, he walked back toward his car. In an unexpected turn of events, the door of the house suddenly swung open, and Hattori, thinking he had found the right place, stated, “We are here for the party.” But there was no party to be had at that address, he was  fatally shot by a man standing in the doorway.
Peairs faced charges of manslaughter, yet he invoked the “castle doctrine,” a concept whereby Americans assert the right to use deadly force to protect their homes. As a result, a jury found him not guilty.
Hattori’s father expressed his lingering grief in 2012, saying, “Sometimes I feel like he’s still in America. Someday he’ll come back home, I say to myself.”
That Girl Screwed Around With the Wrong Girl
The subsequent investigation led to the apprehension of a woman named Joan Rabel. It was revealed that Rabel had a sexual relationship with Peter’s wife, Betty.
The theory suggests that Rabel persuaded another woman, Goldyne Pizer, to carry out the murder of Peter. Both Rabel and Pizer were found guilty of second-degree murder and were given five years to life.
Eventually, both women were released. Betty, however, was never brought to trial in connection with her husband’s tragic demise.
Nun, Nun more black.
On All Halloween, 1981 Sister Tadea Benz’s lifeless body was found unclothed in a Texas convent. The fellow nuns in the convent raised an alarm as they noticed a shattered window in the communal area.
Turns out a witness saw a man, Johnny Frank Garrett, who resided across the street, fleeing from the convent the same evening. This led to Garrett’s arrest. In 1992 he was convicted and sentenced to death for the crime.
His final words before his execution have been recounted as, “I’d like to thank my family for loving me and taking care of me. The rest of the world can kiss my ass.”
Every Last One of ‘Em
In a horrifying act of violence, Liske savagely beat his older stepbrother, Derek Griffin, and his father, William Liske, to death with a hammer, finishing off his father with a gunshot. He then sexually assaulted and shot his stepmother, Susan Liske.
William Liske pleaded guilty to three counts of aggravated murder. However, the story took another dark turn when, in 2015, he was found dead in his jail cell after having taken his own life.
So Enjoy Your Evening
Enjoy the night and send out your kids, and remember one of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite horror flicks, “…it ain’t the weird ones you gotta watch out for.”
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embrassemoi · 3 years
Bacteria, Parasites and Viruses • S.R
Summary: Following a successful case, Spencer Reid and his girlfriend (Y/N), walk back up to their shared hotel room. After a complication, they end up with a suite and a private outdoor pool. Despite Spencer’s rambling of how dirty pools and hotels are in general, she finds a way for them to still have fun with it, something that even Spencer can’t say no to. 
Pairings: Spencer Reid x [F BAU] Reader Content: Smut, language, established relationship, rough and semi-public sex, light choking, overstim, plot Author’s Note: This is v loosely based off of season 1, episode 18: Somebody’s Watching and a blurb I wrote that you can find here. 
Masterlist | ao3
DISCLAIMER: This story contains sexual content. If you are not 18+, do not read. Remember to practice safe sex and do not use these stories as an educational reference.
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In their line of work, the BAU members were reminded daily that the world was filled with vile and evil people that they worked vigorously to hunt down and put away. From murders, rapists, kidnappers and more, there was never a shortage of fucked up people.
Typically, this is how a case went: Hotch would receive a case before briefing everyone by the round table or on the jet. Then, they built a profile and went from there. Usually, it would end in flames; the bad guy gets away, especially when it comes to children. Correction, whenever it came to kids, they always prepared for the worse.
But today was a rare day. A day that shines brightly and reminds them all why they do their job — why they picked their profession. It’s what anyone would call a miracle, even if Spencer would jump in and prove differently with his rambling and facts; they all referred to this day — these cases as miracles.
This case was beyond gruelling. In particular, it seemed to take a toll on JJ and Hotch; it involved three children. To summarize quickly, there were dealing with an erotomaniac stalker who kidnapped the kids from a young couple. When they got to the scene, the odds were already stacked against them. The children had been missing for a little over twenty hours, leaving them with only twenty-eight hours to find them, hopefully, alive. It didn’t help that the kids were also older, dropping the odds of survival.
Twenty-three-year-old Alina Gaplin had rejected the unsub when she was just shy of seventeen when they were teenagers in high school. The unsub never got over it. He thought her adoptive children with Alina’s wife took up too much of her time and were the reason why she didn’t return his affection. So one day after school, claiming to be the father of the Gaplin’s three young children, fled in a dark green SUV.
Everyone expected dead and battered children, but a miracle came their way: they found the unsub before he could even lay a hand on the kids. They were reunited with their mothers, soon to be scheduled with family counselling, a long road of therapy and the unsub was thrown behind bars.
Everyone was in a great mood. To celebrate, the team went out; all of their hard work finally had paid off. Everyone had a few drinks in them and sang to their heart's delight, bubbling with overwhelming joy until their stomachs hurt. Hotch cracked a few jokes, Dererk flirted with a few women; JJ called Will to say goodnight to Henry before shortly partying with Emily and Y/N roped Spencer into a dance, leaving him a blushing mess before turning in for the night.
Spencer’s hand snaked around her waist, protectively. Both were giddy as they walked through the entrance of the hotel. Spencer continued to press a few fleeting kisses to the top of her head before pulling away to avoid too much PDA.
“Goodnight, baby girl!” Derek’s voice rang a bit too loudly in the lobby. The team could hear the happy laughter of Penelope once he pulled the phone away from his ear and clicked it off. A few onlookers stared at him, bewildered, which caused the rest of the group to stifle their laughter in second-hand embarrassment.
“You guys are disgustingly adorable.” Emily cuts in as she looks at them both, making a gagging noise as she stuck out her tongue childishly. “Completely lovesick.”
Y/N rolled her eyes but Spencer cut in, “Did you know that the term lovesick or lovesickness refers to an affliction that typically produces negative feelings like depression when someone’s love is unrequited? Although, luckily for me, I am not lovesick, nor is Y/N. Out feelings are more than mutual. I — we are very much in love.”
“Like she said, pretty boy,” said Derek, clapping Spencer’s shoulder, “Lovesick —” he pauses and enunciates the next word directly at him while ruffling his hair, “Fool.”
“Hush,” Hotch scolded, side-eyeing the group only to fail at masking a smile, “We go back to Quantico in the jet in two hours, but we have a few days off. Is anyone planning to stay behind?”  
Nobody piped up.
Hotch nods before making a hand gesture to shoo everyone away; the team waved each other off. There was a bit of daylight left as they headed to their respective rooms. Although, not all of their rooms were on the same floor. Spencer and Y/N, who decided to book a room together, were moved up to a suite due to a mix-up. The same went for JJ and Emily who also shared a room a couple doors down.
Spencer pulled out his key card, sliding it through the door card reader before it clicked open and a small LED light flashed green. Y/N pressed her back against it, pushing the handle down and the door swung open. Spencer groaned, satisfied as he kicked off his shoes and washed his hands before flopping down on the bed. Y/N copied his actions before crawling onto the bed, dropping beside him.
Her hand found its way to his face, pulling him into a kiss.
“Mm,” he moaned, smiling against her lips.  
A content and happy sigh left her once she pulled back, her hand sliding down to his chest, playing with the buttons on his white collar shirt. “The ones we win never fail to restore my faith in humanity.”
Spencer didn’t reply but simply responded by cupping her cheek with one hand. His finger stroking her skin delicately with his thumb. They both gazed into their eyes. The corner of his eyes crinkled and his eyes shined in pure light and love. They basked in each other’s company; moments like these are what made all the bad worthwhile.
“I love you so much.”
“I love you too.”
Their hearts fluttered.
He leaned in again, kissing the tip of her nose before getting up again. He began to pack their suitcases and suggested grabbing Chinese food before they headed on the jet. Y/N agreed, rolling over on the bed and glanced over to the pool outside. They had only spent less than an hour in the accidental suite and had another four days they could spend in it. The case had ended early and Y/N never had a suite, let alone a living room, small kitchen and a private pool this flashy to herself! It would be a shame to not at least take a little bit of advantage of it. The team always slept in dingy motels where the walls were too thin. It would be such a waste…
She pulled out her phone from the pocket of her pants and clicked it to view the lock screen.
8:32 PM. She had plenty of time to pack, swim around for a bit, get food and leave.
“I’m going for a quick swim!” she tells Spencer who seemed far too fascinated with a stack of papers he fiddled around with. “Do you want to come?”
“Er — I’ll be out in a second.”
Y/N went to open the sliding glass door, padding her way to the pool. She didn’t bring a swimsuit, so she opted to strip down, only wearing her underwear and went to click on a large button by the side of the pool that read: whirlpool.
The water began to pump across several jets in the walls of the pool, the water heated and turned into a large jacuzzi. Y/N walked to the pool, dipped her toes into it: warm. Then, she sank into it and felt the warm water soothe her aching bones.
Swimming a few laps, she watched the sun further descend beyond the horizon.
“Having fun?”
She turned her head to the familiar voice and stared in awe. Photographers call it the golden hour and Y/N suddenly understood why.
Spencer’s skin looked delicate and sun-kissed. His tie was loosened and the buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned. The shadows on his face were highlighted, showcasing the sharpest point of his face.
He looked like a painting.
Spencer bent down in a crouching position as Y/N swam up to him before toying with his red tie. “It would be more fun with you.”
His eyes flickered down to her lips and back to her eyes, repeating the motion several times. He hesitated and his eyebrows furrowed, head tilted to the side.
“Ugh, Reid?”
"I want to get in, but uh — around 40% of people often don't shower before stepping inside their own swimming pool. From that, we can estimate that percentage is higher because this is a hotel and we all know hotels typically don't wash or clean thoroughly like expected. And not to mention that means we're probably — definitely swimming in someone else's fecal matter and other bodily fluids. The CDC suggests that about 0.14 grams of —"
She wrapped her hands around his wrist, catching Spencer off-guard and managed to pull him into the water. The momentum flipped him in as he fell with a splash.
His body was underwater for a few seconds before he swam up to the top, pushing back his hair that now stuck to his face. Without giving him much time to react, she grabbed his wet tie, pulling him closer to her. Their lips barely touched and Spencer’s breath hitched.
“Spence, as sexy as your… fecal matter talk is, I have better ideas.
As he opened his mouth again, eager to embark on another monologue, she closed the distance and kissed him. It took a moment for Spencer’s brain to catch up until one of his hands came up to cup her face again. His other hand stroked the sides of her body, letting his fingers roam wildly.
His kisses turned hungry and desperate as if it was the last time he’d ever get to kiss her. These were the best kind of Spencer kisses.
Spencer was the first to pull away, but his hands remained on her face, stroking it lovingly. His breathing picked up and his shallow sighs fanned her face, pupils dilated.
“You really are beautiful.”
She felt herself being back up against the wall of the pool as her legs instinctively wrapped against him. His entire body was now hunched over as he pressed his chest to hers. His knee was wedged in between her legs, propping her upwards. Her arms locked behind his neck as she toyed with a curly strand of hair on the nape before her hand glided up his skull to only have her tug on his hair harshly. He took a shaky breath and swiped his tongue across his lips before he lent in again.
Y/N felt him moan into his next kiss and began to rock against him once she felt his pants tighten. The strangled nose he made only sent jolts down her core. She continued to kiss him before trailing a few kisses down his jaw and to his neck. Spencer was too busy now as his focus was turned towards the remaining straps from her swimwear. He simply unclasped the hooks, letting her bra completely drop as he stared at her soft breast. His hand went straight to touch them before cradling them, kneading them softly. His fingers brushed against her nipple that left her gasping softly.
She felt very exposed. Her hand came to cover her chest before Spencer grabbed her wrist and pulled it away from her body was a small, reassuring smile. Instead, he then began to focus on his clothes to distract her from the small embarrassment she felt.
Now, it was her turn to make a move. Y/N’s hands flew to his trousers, unbuckling them as she feverishly left kisses across his chest. Spencer aided her, completely ridding of his clothes, heavy and soaked with water. Not wanting to get chlorine water in her mouth, she simply took her hand and rolled her thumb onto the slit of his cock. Spencer took a sharp inhale as he let out a shaky breath, letting his head tilt back. His hips buckled as a low groan came out, trying not to alert JJ and Emily.
Her wrist pumped his cock and she marvelled at the way he reacted. She watched him melt into her, smirking at the complete and utter control he gave her. Knowing that she was the cause of his pleasure caused her to feel an ungodly amount of pride and confidence bloom in her chest.
"Having fun?" She smirked at him. At this, his eyes peered open, darken as he tutted a bit before taking her hands off of his cock and took her into his arms and flipped her around. Spencer positioned her body so the jet of water pumped a rush of water onto her clit and pushed her body to lean against the edge.
Then, he leant in for another kiss as his movements picked up as he rubbed fast circles with his fingers. After a minute or two of becoming impatient, Spencer took his fingers and glided over her slit before slowly sinking them in, stretching her walls and pushed in and out to gauge her reaction. When she moaned and then sighed in content, Spencer sped up and latched his mouth onto her nipple, his tongue sucking and nipping at it harshly.
The quick sensation of pain before it morphed into melting pleasure was becoming too much as he pressed the heel of his palm downwards to add pressure onto her clit. Instinctively, she curled her body towards Spencer as her head fell back into the crook of his neck.
"Doesn't that feel good?' He asked mockingly. The smugness in his voice normally would've earned a playfully nudge, but it added another leave of pleasure.  
He removed his fingers before positioning his cock, pushing in softly before tilling, letting her get used to the feeling. The added pressure of the water jet and Spencer’s cock and the breathy moan he let out already sent her mind into a state of bliss.
“Be good for me and you’ll get what you want,” he whispers against the shell of her ear before thrusting into her, setting a fairly medium to fast pace. Water splashed in and out of the pool.
Her legs kept spreading apart, almost slipping before Spencer uses his body and cages her, keeping her in place before sneaking a hand around her throat. A moan escaped and had Spencer chuckling, “Having fun?”
She weakly nods, his pace increases.
“Aw, you’re going to come aren’t you? That fast?” He  chuckles at her reaction, speaking with false sympathy as he stared down at her fucked out expression. The building and constant pressure on her clit from the water jets, Spencer’s switch in tone and demeanour, the slamming of his cock and breast being stimulated from the splashing of cold water and brushing against the cool tiles of the pool caused her very fast orgasm to approach. She nods her head, which only causes Spencer to grab their jaw, forcing them to look at him. “Too fucking bad.”
Spencer pulled out, which left her whimpering from the sudden loss of touch. She turned around, looking at Spencer and opened her mouth only to have him look her in the eyes and picked her up, propping her onto the edge of the pool, gently pushed the rest of her body down as her legs dangling in the water; giving him full access to her pussy.
He spread her legs, his lips ghosting over her inner thighs, kissing everywhere except where she wanted it most. Subconsciously, Y/N tries to push his head down further, only to have Spencer grab her wrist and pin them to the side of her body.
He chuckles at her reaction. “What do you want?” Spencer taunts.
Cheeky bastard was trying to embarrass her. She held back the urge to roll her eyes to prevent Spencer from denying her even more and asked in a sickeningly sweet voice, “Please, touch me.”
“Ah — see? That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
And so he continued with his silent promise. He attached his lips around her clit as he probed his calloused finger into her. His tongue swirls in fast, delicate circles which had her moaning Spencer’s name like a broken record.
As much as she was enjoying this, the bumpy concrete ground was harsh on her skin. Instead, she sat upright and looked at Spencer through half-lidded eyes. A light pink blush tinted the apple of his cheeks as his eyes quickly scanned her face. Assuming that she wanted to stop, he began to pull away.
There was that crooked smile again. His smile was incredibly wide as he nodded and pushed up on the edge of the pool and got out, leaving his pants to sink at the bottom of the pool. He bent down and picked her up. His large, yet slender hands found their way to her ass, grabbing at it and trailed kisses down her neck before sucking at the base.
A small gasp came from her lips as she felt her smile against her skin, he moaned slightly as he continued to suck.
Spencer paused briefly a few times to open the door to re-enter their hotel room. But, once he slid the door shut, he pushed and then pinned her against the wall. "Are you sure you want to?" He asked quietly. His voice had dropped and came out raspier, its entire tone shifting.
She meets his eyes, "Yes."
He hummed in approval before throwing her onto the bed, not bothering to turn on any lights as the moonlight peering in from the glass door poor over their skin.
He crawled over her, water droplets fell onto her as his hand slid down her breast as he teased the nipple slowly, tracing the outline with his thumb; pinching it and rolling it whilst massaging the rest of her breast. His tongue lapped at her bottom lip before slipping his tongue inside. Spencer continued to run his hands up and down her body to build anticipation until he prodded his ring and middle finger at her lips.
Knowing what he wanted, she opened his mouth and sucked his fingers tentatively as his tongue swirled around his fingers. Spencer's eyes were attached to her face and his eyes were dark.
Once happy, he pulled his hand away and snaked his hands to part her thighs. His fingers brushed gently against her clit as a small whimper left her lips. Spencer chuckled at the noise as he cradled her body and positioned himself to the side of her body. Spencer’s fingers teased her slit before he pressed his fingers in, her pussy sucking them in with ease due to the prior fucking. He continued to stretch her out until Y/N became impatient, whining for more.
And then he gave.
In a swift motion, Spencer's fingers retreated. A whine of frustration came out in puffs before he quickly kissed her body, travelling down her body before he was nested in between her legs.
He pressed a kiss to her clit before his tongue slid up and down her folds. His tongue continued to do so before moving its way to her clit and her fingers returned to pumping in and out.
Her head continued to toss on either side as her hands flew to Spencer's head and tugged again at his messy brown hair which began to dry.
The sensation was too much as the familiar bubble settled at the pit of her stomach and boomed. A warm, trickling feeling sent shockwaves throughout her body as Spencer continued his handiwork as she rode out her orgasm.
Even then, he continued to lap at her as his arms held her hips and legs down. It was only until she began to tremble was when he pulled back, smiling again.
"Atta girl."
As she studied his face, his mouth and chin shined in the silver light, glistening. Still too shaken to say much, Spencer guided her into a sitting position and kissed her. He let her take a moment to collect herself and asked if she wanted to continue. With another verbal answer, Spencer backed up against the bed frame and helped her straddle him, sinking down on his cock.
They both took a second, relishing in the feeling as Spencer grabbed tightly at her thighs as she rode him. One hand pressed flatly on his chest while the other found its way to grip his shoulder.
But, the pace was too slow for his liking. He became too impatient. In a split second, his hips buckled up, hard, and took over from there. The slapping of skin echoed throughout the room and she felt her body jerk. Spencer's thrust were timed perfectly. His arms gripped her arms behind her body as his eyes raked greedily over her breast and down to where his cock slid in and out of her wet pussy and —
The phone rang, and Y/N turned to check who the caller was: Hotch.
If this was somehow another case, Y/N was going to kill someone, and she meant quite literally. She reached over and slid it open.
“Hello?” She breathed out. Spencer listening to the phone call as well. But, instead of completely stopping, the asshole slowed his movements and hit the deepest part of her, repeatedly hitting her sweet spot.
She shoots him a dirty look, daggers in her eyes while Spencer gave a toothy smile.
“L/N, we’re in the lobby. Did you change your minds?”
They made eye contact, both sharing a non-verbal agreement.
“Mhm,” that was a half moan but she managed to play it off as a proper response. “Yeah — we decided to stay —” Spencer held up two fingers “— for two days.”
“I’ll book you a plane ticket then. Is that okay?”
“Perfect! Thanks, Hotch. Send me the details.”
The very second the phone call ended, Spencer slammed deep inside her and her phone thumped to the ground.
In a sudden motion, his hips came to a stop as he flipped her onto her back. His hands wrapped protectively around her head and body as he laid her on the bed. She almost didn't have to register the sudden change of positions until Spencer slammed deep into her. From this angle, he was able to reach even deeper than before that had a moan coming from both of their lips.
Something seemed to have possessed him in that moment as his speed was relentless. His cock hit the deepest part of her.
A bead of sweat, or pool water, she couldn't tell, rolled down his neck.
Once she peered back at him, his right hand came into view as he wrapped it around her neck and squeezed the sides. It wasn't too hard to stop the airway but it was just right enough for it to become just a bit harder to breathe. The familiar bubble in her stomach rose, and Spencer knew it. He continued to slam deeper into her, his hand going down to play with her oversensitive clit as he rubbed soft, barely-there circles.
His movements became sharper, fast as he picked up the pace. His grunts and soft moans mixed with hers and the pleasure kept building and building —
“I’m going to come,” Spencer grunted. Although, Y/N was already gone. Her head lolled to the side and a blinding white light clouded her vision. Her very reaction sent Spencer over the edge as he pressed his head against hers, only to bring both of her hands above her head, pinning them in place and dropped his head into her neck, moaning before sucking lightly.
The sticky feeling of come splashed against her walls. With a few more thrusts, Spencer’s hips stopped, spilling inside her before he pulled out with a groan. Mustered any energy left, he rolled over to the side, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
She felt his come slowly trickle out; they both breathed in, attempting to catch their breaths.
That was amazing.
"Let's take a shower — get you cleaned up. " Spencer huffed out.
Y/N chuckled, "You're eager to get clean, aren’t you?"
"Do you know how much bacteria, parasites and viruses were in that pool? Besides, do you really want to skip out on the chance of having clean sex in the shower?"
"Mhm, I love it when you talk dirty to me."
Hotch hung up and shut off his phone completely before stepping onto the jet. Everyone was dressed in regular, laid-back clothing. Hotch walked up to the back of the plane where the team was playing a game of poker.
“Royal flush! Suck on that!” Emily exclaimed as she slapped her cards face-up on the table. A groan went around the table as she collected the round of sweets laid in the middle of the table. "Oh you sour sports!"
“Where’s Reid and L/N?” JJ asked.
“Decided to stay back for a few days.”
“Loverboy and lovergirl are getting it on,” Derek breathes out. The team winced at the mental image before Derek looked at Emily, “Lovesick fools.”
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Can I ask something? It's going to be confusing, because I am hella confused. I've read and loved your Teen Wolf meta. I dunno if you ever commented on this (have looked, but couldn't find anything), but it's been baffling me for a while:
Teen Wolf creators were insistent on making Derek/Kate a legitimate couple, narrating it as if they were exes instead of victim and rapist. Which is disturbing. They had Derek as 19 in the pilot (so he was 13 during their "relationship") and later with the deaged episode they changed it to he was 16. Doesn't sit well with me, since they kinda kept promoting from the beginning of TW the idea that 16 year olds are old enough to make responsible decisions, so if Derek was 16, then he's responsible for his family's death for thinking with his dick? That's what's implied, imo, and enforced with how he was always painted as villain/antagonist. It's disturbing. TW then gave Derek a second "love interest" in the form of Jennifer/Julia. Who was Kali's emissary and lover and certainly not Derek's age. (Probably twice his age. Not that I can oppose age difference when I'm a shipper of both Steter and Sterek, but, you know, in-universe she's considered "Derek's age", and there's something wrong with that lack of acknowledgement that I can't put into words.) Though then at least he wasn't a minor, he was still vulnerable, used, and there was implication in the show that the "relationship" was helped along with magic.
Both cases are not unexpected from a tone-deaf show like TW.
But what baffles me and has me wondering is fandom. Do a lot if fanfic writers tend do look at these two relationships as legitimate in their fic or does it only seem like it to me? Why do they do so?
Especially when they're so ready to ignore Paige's existence, and are so eager to have Derek in Sterek fanfic be only 2/3/4 or 5 years older than Stiles but the writers then act like he's double or triple Stiles' age, from the way they're writing and exaggerating the age difference? (I'm the most confused when they put the age difference at only 2 years and they have the Sheriff react like Derek is 30, harping on about "underage!".)
I recently saw an AU fic where Derek was 21, Kate his same age girlfriend and burned the family. Author didn't seem to understand the implications here.
Another fic had Jennifer be Derek's first love, and they painted it as a normal relationship. It... The author disregarded *Paige* (they explicitly mentioned her asking him out and him saying no), but went with the canonically insane murder-hobo witch that likely bespelled him?? O_o
What I'm trying to say is, these are manipulative older women unconcerned with consent, and it disturbs me that these two canon "relationships" in particular are accepted by a lot of fans?? Like, why would you legitimise it, by having them be Derek's same-age girlfriend or wife and mother of his children or something along those lines? What's the pull here? Am I seeing things? Exaggerating? What am I missing?
You're so good at pulling things apart enough to make sense, Disco, maybe you can help me understand? TY!
DW: There's no easy answer for this, but where I've seen this, it's mostly AUs, and it's certainly not Derek/Kate endgame.
So in that scenario, a lot of authors are looking for someone for Derek to be in a bad relationship with--and Kate and Jennifer are already right there. Why reinvent the wheel?
I think that, generally speaking, this isn't writers overlooking the canon skeeviness of Kate/Derek and Jennifer/Derek. This is just repackaging it for an AU, where chances are the whole underage thing with Kate never happened, and neither did Jennifer's spells.
And I honestly don't know how much older Jennifer is than Derek, but I will say that as long as they're both over the age of consent (and they meet as adults, after all) there's nothing wrong with it. She could be thirty. She could be fifty. She could be centuries old for all we know. But both her and Derek are adults. I don't think age is the issue with Jennifer, is all I'm saying. After all, how much older was Noshiko than Ken? And their relationship was, to all appearances, healthy.
I think the problem is that you're seeing these stories as "legitimising" unhealthy relationships. In an AU, what does it matter if Jennifer was Derek's first love and it was a happy and consenting relationship? The whole point of an AU is to change things and see how it all shakes out differently. And when it's *not* a healthy relationship, like most of Derek/Kate, then, quite simply, depiction doesn't equal legitimisation.
But honestly, a lot of the issues around canon age is that it's as changeable as the weather. In the pilot script, Derek is 19. That's a three year age gap with Stiles. But suddenly the fire happened either a few years ago or ten years ago. So was Derek a teenager with Kate, or was he nine? Is he three years older than Stiles, or a decade?
Time is an illusion. In Teen Wolf, even more so, because Jeff Davis was lazy as fuck and didn't bother pin down a timeline.
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folkreid · 3 years
what if they don’t like me
Today's the day! I'm so excited. I'll be meeting Spencer's team. We've been dating for almost eight months, the team barley found out about me. Spencer wanted our relationship to be private, he said if the team found out about me they would ask too many questions.
I'm so excited to meet them! I can not wait. I met his mother maybe four months ago. She was lovely.
I finish off my makeup with some lipstick. Okay I look good. Right amount of cleavage, right amount of makeup. My heels aren't to high which is really good, I could hardly walk in them.
Spencer comes from behind me wrapping his arms around me. "You ready my love?" he asks putting his head on my shoulder. "Yeah I am" I reply with a sigh. "What's wrong babe?" he asks noticing my dreary mood. "What if they don't like me?" I look at the mirror, looking at him. He kissed my temple. "They're going to love you" he whispered.
I nod. "Okay i'm ready". He grabs my coat handing it to me, I put it on over my dress. He holds my hand as we walk to his car together. He opens my door, I sit down and he closes it for me.
The drive is mainly silent besides the radio. I hum along to the song that was playing trying to relax my nerves. "Why are you bouncing your leg?" he puts his hand over mine that was on my thigh.
I didn't even notice I was doing that. "I don't know"
He squeezed my hand. "Are you still nervous?" he asks looking over at me for a second. "Kind of, what if they question us because of my age"
Spencer and I were 10 years apart. He is 30 and i'm 20. We've gotten a lot of negative responses about our age gap. Mainly from my family. My mom didn't approve. My sister said I was dating him because he was older and I needed male validation since my dad wasn't in my life. Why are they so terrible. I'm happy with Spencer, I don't care how old he is.
"Hey, I don't care what they think of us, i'm happy alright" I nod slowly.
We arrive to the house. Woah it's a really big house. Spencer said the house was big. I didn't think it would be a mansion though.
Spencer comes over to me and opens my door.
I get out and hold his hand. I feel myself getting nervous. I have some issues with being around people. I get social anxiety pretty badly. I don't go out anymore, last time I went out to eat in public I had a panic attack.
We walk to the front door of the house.
Spencer knocks on the door, we wait for someone to answer. An older man answers. I'm guessing the owner of this house. "Spencer you're here!" the man smiles giving him a hug. I stand there awkwardly. "Uh Rossi this is Y/n, my girlfriend" he introduced me. I wave to him. "You don't shake hands either ?" he asked. I do shake hands but I usually feel really uncomfortable being touched. "I-I um" I stutter. "She does but she gets kind of uncomfortable with people she just met" Spencer explains. Rossi nods and welcomes me in. "Come in Y/n" he smiles.
I walk in and see two other men and three women. One of them was very colorful. Penelope I presume. Spencer leads me to the group. "Guys this is my girlfriend, Y/n. Y/n this is Hotch, JJ, Derek, Emily, and Penelope" both Emily and JJ give me weird looks. Penelope runs over to me and hugs me. "Oh my god! I've been so excited to meet you" she squeals. I look over to Spencer feeling slightly uncomfortable. "Garcia, Y/n isn't really fond of touch" he tells her. Penelope pulls away looking sorry. "I am so sorry angel" she says. "No it's totally fine" I whisper, they could hardly hear me. My parents used to scream at me about not talking loud enough.
"Okay well let's eat" Rossi says. I sat down at the end of the table, Spencer to my right and no one on my left. We begin to eat, I slightly here JJ and Emily whispering. I hear them say my name. I begin shifting in my seat. Spencer noticed and holds my hand under the table doing the dumb thing. "You okay love?" he whispers. "Yeah I um, I just need to use the restroom" I tell him. He nods. "I'm going to show Y/n the restroom" he excuses us.
"Here it is babe" he says. "You want me to wait for you?" he asked me. "No it's fine Spencer" he nods and heads back to the table.
I sit on the corner of the bath tub with my face in my hands. I just need to calm down. Breathe in and out. In and out. I feel myself calm down after about three minutes. I go look into the mirror. Do I look like I cried? No okay good.
I step out, I stop at the corner when I hear my name mentioned. "How old is Y/n" I look over the wall to see JJ asking about my age. "She's twenty" he casually says. I adore him. He's never made me feel bad for being younger, or not being as smart as him. "Spencer that's a child" Derek told him.
I walk out to the table. "I'm not a child" I say. They all look over to me. I take my seat next to Spencer. "I would never take advantage of someone younger than me" Spencer says. "Spencer we know but she's so young" Emily comments.
"I'm right here you don't have to refer as me as she" I sternly say. Hotch, Penelope and Rossi just watch this unfold. JJ rolls her eyes at me. "Okay well Y/n, why are you dating such and older guy, if you aren't dating guys you're age theres a reason why" Derek said to me.
"I um- I don't care if Spencer is two years older or twenty years older, i'm happy with him the age doesn't matter" I say holding Spencer's hand. "Are you sure it's not to maybe make you feel better" the blonde said. "What are you implying" Spencer snaps.
"That she has daddy issues and you're just there to fill that whole in her heart" Emily continued off of JJ's comment. "I think if they're happy we should leave them alone" Penelope speaks for the first time since the conversation started. "Yeah but he should be happy with someone his own age" JJ said. I get up and walk outside.
I sit on the curb crying into my knees. "Y/n" I hear a voice perk. I look over my shoulder to see Penelope. "Y/n come back inside please, we don't want anything to happen to you" she says implying to the fact that it was dark outside and there were suspicious men on the news around this area.
"Maybe you don't want me to get hurt, the others hate me" I cry into my shirt. "Please just come inside". I give in and walk back into the house.
"You guys made her cry! For what?! Just because she's younger than me!" I see Spencer yell at the three who were questioning me.  Hotch and Rossi were in the back having some drinks.
"Spence" JJ starts. "No I don't want to hear it Jennifer!" he storms my way grabbing my hand and pulling me to the car. "Goodbye Y/n" Penelope called from the front of the house. I look back and give her a quick wave.
I get into the car and Spencer starts driving. He was gripping the stealing wheel hard. He was mad. "Spence?" I whisper. He hummed in response. "Are you mad at me?" he looks over to me the second those words left my mouth. He puts his hand on my thighs stroking it gently. "Of course not my love, i'm  mad at them" he gently told me. I nod. "So now what?" I ask. "Now we just ignore what they have to say. I'm never going to leave you, I love you so much" he smiles. "I love you too" I hold his hand.
"Are you okay?" he asked me. "I'm fine, I liked the way you yelled at them" I slightly giggled. He smiled. "I will yell at anyone any day to defend you" he reaches over and kisses me. We were at a red light.
I hear talking in the kitchen, I wonder who it is. I go over and peek over the corner. It was Spencer and JJ. "I'm sorry for saying shit to your girlfriend Spence" she apologizes. Spencer just takes a sip of his water. "The truth is, I guess I was a little jealous" she laughs. He choked on his water. "J-Jealous?" he asked.
She nods and slightly laughed. "Spencer, I love you, like more than a friend love you" she confess. I feel my self get sick to my stomach. He told me when he was younger he had a crush on her. What if old feelings come back. I rush to the restroom and vomit into the toilet.
I hear footsteps rush to me. "Are you okay" Spencer acts. I slightly sob, i've always hated throwing up. I look up at Spencer and JJ was standing next to him with her hand on his arm. "I'm fine" I mumble. They both stand their for a moment. "Can you guys get out please!" I snap at them. They leave and I brush my teeth and go back to the kitchen.
"Do you think Y/n is pregnant?" JJ asked Spencer. "No there's no way she is" he sighs. "What if a condom ripped or something" she said touching his arm once again. I don't care if she was trying to comfort him.
"No, she can't be because we've never had sex" he mumbled. Her facial expressions changes to shock. "Oh" she simply says. I clear my throat making them notice me. "Are you okay babe?" he asked. "Yeah i'm fine, JJ weren't you saying something earlier?" I ask. She looks at me confused. "What are you talking about Y/n" she tilts her head. I cross my arms. "Spencer I love you, like more than a friend love you" I mock her voice. She clenched her jaw and looks towards Spencer. "I'm gonna leave" she grabs her things and walks out the door.
"Why did you do that!" he yells at me. "Why are you yelling at me?" I head towards our bedroom. "Talk about what she said, now it's going to be awkward around her!" he screams.
"Well you're the one who was letting her be all up on you! After she said that when you guys came to check up on me she was holding your arm! A-And you used to have feelings for her and you probably still do" I cry.
I see his face soften. "Babe" he starts. I look up at him. "I didn't even realize she was touching me, I was to focused on you" he tells me.
"Really?" I say hopefully. "Yes baby" he hugs me and kisses the top of my head. "I don't have feelings for her, you're the only person I love okay?" I nod.
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spencerreidslove · 4 years
hi! can you write something on like the reader getting taken by the unsub and spencer walking in to work and he sees the case and the reader on the board and he just panics and is like "i just saw them yesterday how was they taken" and the bau is all confused and stuff and then spencers like "that's my s/o" (im a girl but gender neutral for everyone if you can :]) and then derek does his teasing like normal:) thank you so much :)
A/N: Thank you so much for the request! I changed it a little bit, I hope you don’t mind.
In all the years that Spencer had worked for the BAU, he had only been late twice. Once was when there was an accident in the subway, causing the train to be delayed. The other time was today. 
“I don’t know what could be holding him up.” JJ said, looking down at her watch. The team needed to start a briefing, but without Spencer there, they couldn’t start. 
“We’ll brief him when he gets here, we have to start.” Hotch said, going into the round table room, the rest of the team following.
If any member of the team would’ve looked down at the glass BAU doors, they would’ve seen Spencer run in, worrying a fingernail between his teeth.
He ran over to his desk, threw his bag down on it, and went up the stairs to the round table room.
“Guys-I need your-“ Spencer started, stopping when he saw the entire team at the table, looking a picture on the board. It was them.
“Why is Y/N’s picture ok the board?” Spencer asked, catching his breath. 
“Reid, how do you know the suspect?” Hotch asked.
“Suspect?” Reid questioned. Y/N couldn’t be a suspect in anything. They were too nice, too kind, they wouldn’t hurt anybody. They once cried because they didn’t want to hurt a stuffed animal’s feelings.
“Yes, Y/N Y/L/N is a suspect in 4 murders in the greater DC area.” Hotch said. “I’ll ask you again, how do you know the suspect?”
Reid stammered. “They-uh-work in the local library and I got there a lot. We’re...friends.”
Morgan raised an eyebrow. “Y/L/N is your...friend?” He said in the same cadence Spencer had stated it in. 
“Yeah.” Reid said. “How are they a suspect? They wouldn’t hurt anybody.”
“They were nearby every crime scene, and they don’t have an alibi for the nights the murders were committed.” Emily said. 
“That’s nothing. I probably don’t have an alibi for the nights of the murders. Also, unless they had some sort of motive you don’t really have anything.” Reid said. Thinking back on his words, he did have an alibi. So did Y/N. 
They had been at his apartment nearly night this week, watching a movie or TV show. Y/N must’ve realized that they were his coworkers and didn’t want to reveal their relationship. 
“Let me talk to them.” Reid said. 
“No.” Hotch said. “You’re friends with the suspect.” 
“Just-please let me? I think I’ll clear something up.” Reid said. 
The team shared glances across the table. “Alright, but only five minutes.” Hotch said. 
Reid nodded. “That’s all I’ll need.” 
Y/N looked up as the door to the interrogation room they had been locked in opened. They were surprised to see Spencer coming into the room, not Mr. Resting Bitch Face who had been questioning them earlier. 
“Spence?” Y/N asked. 
“Hey, Y/N. You probably gathered that you’re being questioned in four murders.” Spencer said, glancing at the double sided mirror across from Y/N. 
“I didn’t do anything Spence! I don’t even know who they’re talking about.” Y/N said. “I’ve been trying to tell your coworkers that for the past half an hour.”
“I know that you didn’t do anything, but they don’t.” Spencer said, sitting down at the table. He leaned in close to Y/N. “I think we should clear up your alibi.” He whispered. 
“Are you sure?” Y/N asked. Spencer nodded. 
“So,” Spencer said, leaning back. “Where were you on the 3rd, the 7th, the 10th, and the 15th?” Y/N could see him smile a bit. 
“You were there, you should know.” Y/N said. Spencer flushed a little bit. “I mean that we were at your apartment watching TV.” 
The door opened and an older man ushered Reid out of the room. Y/N watched as their boyfriend disappeared from their sights. 
“Why did they suddenly give their alibi once you were there?” Hotch asked, crossing his arms over his chest. “What did you say to them?” 
“I just told them that I knew they didn’t do anything and to clear up their alibi. And it’s true, we were at my house watching TV.” Reid said. 
Morgan narrowed his eyes. “Why would they come to your house all those nights? I get you’re friends but they must have other things to do. No offense, kid.” 
Spencer felt a slight flush creep up his neck. “I-uh-I don’t know, we just watch all the same shows.” 
“Wait a minute!” Morgan said, his face brightening. “Are you and them dating?!”
“I never said that!” Spencer said, feeling his blush grow deeper. 
“Look at you, Pretty Boy!” 
“What? What’s happening?” Garcia said, coming into the bullpen. 
“Pretty Boy here’s dating Y/N Y/L/N.” Morgan said. 
“Is that why you kept saying you didn’t want to join us for drinks? Because you were busy with them?!’ Garcia asked, her face growing happy. 
Reid flushed even darker and then burred his face in his hands. “Maybe.” He mumbled. 
“Ok, I trust your alibi, you can go let Y/N out of interrogation.” Hotch said. 
Y/N smiled as Spencer unlocked the handcuffs they were in. “Your friends no longer think that I’m a murderer?” They asked. 
“Nope. You are a free person.” Spencer said, smiling and offering his hand to help Y/N up. 
Y/N took his hand and followed him out of the room and towards the bullpen. A brightly dressed woman ran up to Y/N and Spencer who were waiting for the elevator. 
“You are Y/N! So nice to meet you! Well, I kinda already know about you since they thought you murdered a bunch of people. On behalf of the FBI I formally apologize.” She said, wrapping you in a hug. 
“Y/N, this is Garcia, Garcia, Y/N.” Spencer said. 
“It’s nice to meet you too, Garcia.” Y/N said. 
“Reid!” A blonde woman called out from the doors to the bullpen. “While it would be nice for everyone to meet Y/N, if they didn’t kill those people, we need to know who did.” 
“Oh, yeah.” Spencer turned to Y/N. “Will you be ok?’ 
“I’ll be fine.” Y/N said. 
Glancing back at the two women, Spencer reached around and quickly hugged Y/N.
“I love you. I’ll see you later.” He said. 
“Love you too. Call me when you’re on your way home.” Y/N said, walking into the now waiting elevator. 
Spencer waved to them as the doors closed. 
“C’mon, kid, we have a job to do. Save those smiles for later.” Morgan called out. 
Back to work it was. 
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the-bau-quinjet · 4 years
Looks up, grinning like a devil
Chapter 10 of In Breakable Heaven!
Summary: Where did our reader end up?
Warnings: criminal minds level violence, mention of past teacher/student relationship
word count: ~1800
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When you open your eyes, you are struck by how dark it is. After you moved to DC, it took a while for you to grow accustomed to not having complete darkness. Even in your apartment at night, light still filters in through the curtains.
At first, you assume the power went out or something, but then you notice something else: the fact that you’re not in your bed. In fact you’re not in any bed. You’re in what feels like a weirdly shaped box.
 That’s when it all comes back to you. You had just hung up the phone after talking to Spencer when someone grabbed you from behind. You tried to fight, but they stuck a needle in your arm.
 The memory causes a jolt of pain in your arm, waking you up. Based on what you can feel and hear, you determine you are in the trunk of a car. You’ve got no way of knowing how long you were out for, or how far you’ve travelled since then. You can feel the panic setting in, but you don’t have much time to think about it before the car is coming to a stop.
 At first you assume it’s a red light or a stop sign, but then the engine cuts out. Without being able to see, every noise you hear seems amplified. Somebody slams the door, walking around to the trunk.
 Before you can come up with a plan, the trunk is thrown open. The light feels blinding as a hand reaches for your arm, dragging you out of the trunk.
 “Move. Let’s go.” The voice is younger than you would’ve thought, and surprisingly enough sounds like a woman. You’ve been around Spencer and the team enough to know most offenders are male.
 You stumble as your feet hit the pavement, eyes slowly adjusting to the lights. You blink a few times, trying to take in your surroundings. You’re in a parking lot, but you don’t recognize the surrounding area.
 The woman drags you along with her. “Don’t even think about running. I’ll drug you again if you don’t cooperate.” You simply nod in response, trying to take in as much information as possible about where you are.
 The area looks empty, but not abandoned. It is clear people still you the building, it just must be closed. Once you’re inside, you realize you’re in a high school, which makes sense since the woman seems so young.
 She pulls you through the halls until you’re in what looks like a history classroom. There is a few globes on a shelf in the back, books littered across the teacher’s desk, and a few assignments written on the white board in the front.
The woman pushes you into a chair, immediately tying your hands and feet. “Now, we’re going to play a game.” She says slowly, as if you might not understand. “I’m going to ask you some questions, and if I don’t like your answers… well, it’ll hurt.” She pulls various knives out of the duffle she was carrying, tossing them on the ground in front of you.
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Spencer’s head is reeling. The second note has so much information in it, and yet he can’t figure out what any of it could mean.
 “Reid, what songs did he use this time?” Rossi poses the question, writing the titles on the evidence board.
 “Hey Stephen, Back to December, Fifteen, Sad Beautiful Tragic, This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things, exile, Bad Blood, mirrorball, Miss Americana & the Heartbreak Prince, mad woman, Call it What You Want, The Man, Don’t Blame Me, and White Horse.” He listed the songs without having to think about it.
 “Our unsub could definitely be a woman. I mean, mad woman, the Man? Those are some pretty obvious clues.” Emily threw the idea out as soon as Reid was done listing titles.
 “Definitely. And she’s young if the note is accurate, fifteen three summers ago would make her 18 now.” JJ added, looking through potential case files.
 “What strikes me is the love affair that we took away.” Derek added. “Could we have put away someone she thought she was in love with?”
 “Of the three child predator cases we had, there was only one that dealt with teenagers.” Reid stated, scanning the files laid out in front of him. “Garcia, what happened to Matthew Bradson after he took the deal to do jail time?”
 The only sound in the room was Garcia’s typing as everyone awaited an answer. “He was sentenced to three life sentences, one for Sadie Pullman, one for Kayla Fibbs, and one for Carly Spires. He stayed in DC Department of Corrections, but was killed two weeks ago in a prison riot.” “So our unsub was separated from who she perceived to be her love, and the stressor for taking Y/N was his death.” Hotch stated, earning nods from the rest of the team.
 “Sadia Pullman and Kayla Fibbs were killed before we were called in on the case. We saved Carly Spires though.” JJ read from the case file.
 “The notes said she would be right where we left her, lost in the lights where they whispered she’s a bad, bad girl.” Rossi read from the notes pinned to the evidence board. “Where did we find her?”
 “The high school. We found Bradson and Carly in his classroom. He was collecting items from his desk, and she had a bag with her, as if they were going to run away together.” Spencer recalled from the day in question.
 “That makes sense. The bright lights from the football field, plus rumors about her must have spread like wildfire after the arrest was made.” JJ added.
 “And the man clue, men are praised for their sexual encounters while women are often shamed.” Emily suggested.
 “Garcia, send the address.” Hotch stated as he moved to put on his bulletproof vest, the rest of the team following suit.
 “Already done, sir. Get her back.” Garcia’s voice was firmer than ever before as the team ran from the room to the elevators, headed for their SUVs.
 “Would you say having a relationship with an older guy is wrong?” Her voice was dripping with sarcasm as she stared you down. You haven’t gotten an answer wrong yet.
 “No, I- I don’t think so.” You were frantically trying to figure a way out of this, trying to profile like Spencer had shown you so you could answer the questions correctly.
 “Good answer. How old is too old though?” Her voice dropped with venom, willing you to get it wrong.
 “Um, I think… it depends… um” You stuttered trying to come up with a number that she would be okay with.
 “Depends on what?” Her words were growing harsher.
 “Well, um, maturity level I guess. As long as the two people are equals, the age gap probably doesn’t matter. It’s just if there is an imbalance in power, ya know? Then it might not be the best thing to do just because you don’t want to take advantage of anyone or anything like that…” Your eyes kept growing wider as you realized the hole you were digging for yourself.
 “You see, I don’t think I like that answer.” Each word was enunciated with purpose as she walked closer, dragging the knife along your arm. Before you could reply, she quickly sliced across your right shoulder.
 You couldn’t stop the slight whine that escaped your lips.
 “What? Did that hurt? Poor. You.” She sliced across your shoulder again before asking another question. “Here’s another one. Would you be mad at the people who ruined your relationship?”
 “I don’t know, probably.” You were trying to hold back the tears as the woman started pacing.
 “Not good enough.” She punctuated the sentence with another cut. “Why are you here?”
 “B-B-because you brought me here.” Your words were quiet. You knew it was the wrong thing to say, but you couldn’t think of any other reason.
 “Wrong again.” Another cut. “You’re here because the people you call friends ruined my life. I’m just trying to repay the favor.”
 The team’s two SUVs pulled into the high school parking lot, recognizing the lone car from the video Garcia found. “She’s here. Rossi, Prentiss take the left. Reid, Morgan the right. JJ and I will go straight. Clear the area and move toward the history classroom. If we’re right, that’s where they’ll be.” Hotch called out the orders as the team entered the school, immediately splitting up to search each hallway.
 Their footsteps echo through the halls of the empty school, clearing each classroom they pass. Minutes later, the team converges on Bradson’s old history classroom. Two voices can be heard inside.
 “Answer the question.” Carly Spires sounds enraged, screaming without regard for who could here. “Answer it now!”
 “I don’t know! I don’t know who you are or what happened or why you’re so mad at them.” Your voice is quiet in comparison, almost raw from crying. “I don’t know.” The sound of you in pain nearly brings Spencer to tears.
 “Wrong again.” She cuts into you again, drawing a scream that you try your best to stifle.
 “FBI, drop your weapon.” Hotch moves into the room, followed by Spencer, Derek, Emily, JJ, and Rossi.
 “The whole gang’s here. Perfect.” Carly shifts the knife, pointing it into your back, suddenly calm after showing so much rage. “We’ve been playing this little game for hours. What took you so long? I thought my clues were so obvious.”
 Spencer made eye contact with you while he moved farther into the room. You did your best to reassure him you were fine, but your smile felt more like a grimace.
 “Put the knife down. Now. There’s no way out of this for you.” Hotch tries talking her down, but she just laughs in response.
 “No way out huh? That’s what you said to Matthew to get him to abandon me. I had no one left. The only person who ever truly cared about me left, because of you.”
 “Carly, Matthew didn’t care about you. He would’ve killed you if we hadn’t of caught him.” Hotch continued.
 “Liar! He loved me. And when he left everyone turned on me. I was alone. You took him from me, so I’m taking something from you.” She drove the knife into your back quickly, surprising everyone in the room.
 She put her hands up after that, allowing Derek to take her into custody. “Surprise. Not enough time to profile me, bet you didn’t see that coming.” She laughed maniacally, a sickening grin on her face as Derek pulled her from the room.
 Spencer stood frozen, watching the life drain out of your eyes as Emily and JJ untied you. Hotch called for a medic, moving Spencer out of the way.
 Even when you were on the stretcher, being wheeled out of the room, Spencer couldn’t move. He just stood there, watching you leave.
tag list:
@mac99martin​ @goldeng1rl8​ @eevee0722 @l0ve-0f-my-life @haylaansmi @dinonuggets1967 @laurakirsten0502 @green-intervention @burnin-passion @takeyourleap-of-faith @secretpickleprofessordean @awkwardnesshabitat @loveheathens @fan-girl-97 @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat
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drarreckyninja · 3 years
drarreckyninja's top 50 ships of Feb 2022 [part 1/5]
50. Cistall
Sister "Cissy" Bear x Too Tall "TT" Grizzly [The Berenstain Bears]
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Cissy easily becomes narcissistic when it comes to her hobbies, like dancing and jump rope. She's also a major gossiper; both quirks similar to TT's ex-girlfriend Queenie. TT has a soft center, and I could see them getting together when they get older.
49. Brayla
Brittany Ann x Kayla [Miss BG]
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It may be a Dom/Sub relationship, considering how easily Kayla obeys Brittany Ann's dictations. She'll easily taunt others (including friends) if that's Brittany Ann's decision. It's not completely one-sided, as Brittany Ann admits that Kayla's the best friend she's got. And she'd rather spend Valentine's Day with Kayla than the boy who's after her affections.
48. Barge
Beetle Bailey x Sergeant "Sarge" Snorkel [Beetle Bailey comics]
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It's actually become a popular headcanon that Beetle and Sarge are gay lovers in a Don't Ask, Don't Tell era military, and their constant scuffles and insults are disguised as sexual tension built up by their inability to freely engage in a relationship.
47. Wonkafrost
Willy Wonka x Jack Frost [Charlie and the Chocolate Factory x The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause]
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Both men are outcasts among their peer groups and families. They have big plans for their businesses and are very eccentric in their ways. Furthermore, neither of them cares much for the women in their company.
46. Jacey
Josephine "Joey" Potter x Pacey Witter [Dawson's Creek]
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Dawson is much too petty when it comes to his friends, causing fights whether or not intentional. Pacey loved Joey first, and he's there for Joey when she needs him. He doesn't want to give her up and says as much, but he only wants her to stay with him if she'll be happy.
45. Kames
Ken Jennings III x James Holzhauer [Jeopardy; The Chase]
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Ken and James have a friendly, hilarious rivalry. They banter online, but they also go shopping together. In 2003, on Ken's first Jeopardy episode, he claimed to be there because of "two drunk teenagers and a truck driver in the Nevada desert." In 2003, James was 18-19. Was he one of the drunk Nevada teenagers? I like to think so.
44. Sparkison
Elliot Spencer x Parker x Alec Hardison [Leverage]
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John Rogers basically verified in a tweet that he used the original series finale to make this OT3 canon. They are always there for one another.
43. Dasey
Derek x Casey [Life with Derek]
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In the beginning, they seemed to just be average stepsiblings... then it went left field. You gotta remember that they're two teenagers who don't know each other and are forced to live together. They grow certain attachments, and it might not be all platonic.
42. Licmint
Lord Licorice x Mister Mint [Candyland; Candy Land: The Great Lollipop Adventure]
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Mint is very optimistic and has no qualms in sneaking through Licorice's cave a la shortcut... until he gets caught. IRL: licorice and peppermint go very well together.
41. Lumiworth
Lumiere x Cogsworth [Beauty and the Beast]
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Although Lumiere spent a lot of time in the first movie with his feather duster girlfriend, he was also happy to kiss Cogsworth after they chased off the villagers. They're snarky yet affectionate to one another, and they truly care for each other.
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softhxtch · 4 years
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TITTLE: FBI Charity Blind Date Night SUMMARY: For last four years FBI has been organizing a lot of events for charities. One of them are blind dates. This year Emily, Penelope and Derek decided to join in with Hotch’s name. Let’s just say, that at first he’s not the happiest person in the world.  PAIRING: female! reader x Aaron Hotchner CHARACTERS: reader, Aaron Hotchner, Emily Prentiss, Derek Morgan and Penelope Garcia (at the beginning), Angela, Olivia (OCs), Daivd Rossi and Spencer Reid (literally mentioned once) WARNINGS: none (?), it’s just fluff and cuteness, I mean they go to the hospital, nothing bad happens, but be aware of errors and mistakes. ALSO in this story Jack is not born, not sure why just thought it would fit better. ALSO2: CAC - Crimes Against Children Unit WORD COUNT: 4,5K A/N: i’ve had a long break from writing and with this new year I decided to break it. there’re probably a lot of mistakes, so feel free to correct me. english is not my first language and i’m doing this just for fun!
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'Did you send everything correctly? Are you sure?', Emily asked looking over Penelope's shoulder. She tried to keep up with whatever blonde woman was doing, but it was hard since she was moving so fast with her work.
'Yes! Who do you think I am?', Penelope answered with raised voice. Her head was shaking but eyes still glued to the screen. 'Can't you just trust me?'
'I do, we all do. But don't you think it's weird, that we still didn't get anything from-', Emily argued, but didn't even finish the sentence as her work phone started to make sound. She quickly picked it up with short 'hello' and was listening to whoever was on the other side. Her face was slowly changing as more and more words were going through the phone. Emily's eyebrows were risen and eyes bigger, scanning the room around her. Finally she nodded quickly and after adding short 'of course', she put the phone down. 'Hotch wants to see us.', Emily explained.
'Oh god.', was all Penelope could say. She stood up quickly, putting her laptop down on Emily's desk. 'I guess he got the message. Today's the day we die.', she added as dark haired woman also stood up, nodding
'Come on, Derek. You're going with us.', Emily pointed at him, raising her eyebrow.
'Me? I didn't even do anything!', man defended himself.
'It's all your fault anyway. You came up with the idea. Come on.', she added.
'Fine, but to be fair it's our idea. You're as much in it as I am. Just so we're clear.', Derek pointed out, as Emily rolled her eyes. 'Let's go.'
Derek's words were like a signal, because after that all three of them moved towards the Chief's office. They knew it was coming sooner or later. They would be called to see Hotch, he probably would be angry at what have they done, maybe furious and that's it. Maybe they would get more paper work to do. But it was unavoidable, Hotch would find out sooner or later. And some like Derek would prefer it to be sooner, but some like Emily or Penelope - later.
Derek was the one to lead the way to Agent Hotchner's office, with two women right behind him. He knocked two times one the door and opened them after hearing 'come in' from inside. Aaron was sitting in his chair, focused on papers in front of him. Pen in one hand, tracing text that for most people was really hard to understand.
All three agents looked around just to see any signs, that they could help. They paid a lot of attention to the big desk with a lot of papers on it, but everything was the same. Nothing too suspicious, but then in front of there were three chairs. Not one or two as usual. Like especially for them.
'Everything's okay?', Penelope was the first one to break the silence.
'Yes.', Aaron’s answer was short as he looked up from his papers with a raised brow. 'Is there a reason why something's should not be okay?'
'No. Of course no, sir.', blonde woman laughed as all three of them walked more inside the room.
'You wanted to see us?', Emily asked, her voice was quieter than usual.
'Did I?', Aaron answered back with an questions, putting his pen down. All three of the agents looked at each other with confused faces.
'Emily said-'
'What exactly did Emily said?', he asked. Aaron tilted his head, waiting for an answer. His face was stoic and stern as usual, very hard to read for any of them.
'Emily said you wanted to see us.', Derek answered. His eyebrows were furrowed, with thousands thoughts going through his mind per second. He was very much present when dark haired woman got the phone call, but all of the sudden he wasn't sure about it anymore. Maybe she heard something different? Or mixed up his words?
Hotch just nodded slowly. He moved his eyes from Derek to Emily, who was confused with this whole situation. She knew what he said, but just to be one hundred percent sure she went through the short conversation they had, like fifty more times.
'You said, and I quote, 'I want to see you in my office as fast as you can'.', Emily said slowly, her hands in front. It's like she was trying to calm herself down from this confusing situation.
'Exactly. I didn't specify who 'you' is.', man sitting in the chair said, like it was the most obvious thing on the world.
'Oh my God.', Penelope said, waving hands in front of her face as if she was trying to stop the tears. You could visibly see Emily's shoulders going down, her letting out breath she was holding for a long time. Derek just let out quiet laugh and shook his head.
'But since all three of you came here, then I guess something's happened.', he added, putting his hands together on top of the desk. 'You did something, that you know you shouldn't do and now you're just waiting for the consequences. That's why all three of you came here together.'
'I thought we weren't suppose to profile each other.', Derek said.
'Yes, especially when not everyone in the room is a profiler.', Penelope added with a firm nod.
'Garcia, you don't need to be a profiler to see all three of you having weird conversations, barely working in the office and basically being constantly out of place.'
'We didn't do anything wrong.', Derek said, pointing at all three of agents.
'Okay.', Aaron said quickly nodding. 'But next time when you put name that isn’t yours somewhere, you make that person is aware that you're doing this. And they give you their consent.'
'We didn't put anyone's name anywhere', Emily finally said something after, what felt like, hours of standing in their boss's office.
'Agent Hotchner, we write to thank you for joining our 4th annual FBI Charity Blind Date Night. Don't worry we'll make sure to choose precisely your date, just they way you put it in our questionnaire. Thank you so much and see you in February!', man read the email he got few hours ago.
‘You don’t have any proof, that it’s us, sir.’, Penelope said, her voice cracking at the end. Derek just sighed and closed his eyes, knowing how screwed up they are. ‘Anyone could do this!’
‘True, but you three are on the first place.’, he said like it was something obvious. The rest just looked a bit confused how they were first suspects, which made older man sigh. ‘The next one was Rossi, but he’s been out of town for the last few days. In the past he tried to set me up for few dates, but I don’t think he would do it through blind date, that you have to do questionnaire before. Who’s next?’, he asked, making his thinking face for a second, before continuing. ‘JJ? She has her own life and two kids to take care of. I don’t think she would have time to play with something like this. Oh and on top of that, she doesn’t put herself in someone else’s business. The last one is Reid and we all know, that he didn’t do it.’
‘But you have no proof, that all of us did it.’, Penelope started. Her hands were shaking and she started rambling, not knowing how to get out of that situation. 
When Derek and Emily came to her with this whole idea of putting their boss in a blind date she didn’t know what to think about it. She thought that maybe it was a good thing. After divorcing Haley and breaking up with Beth, Hotch didn’t do much dating, or at least that they knew about. And Penelope thought that someone like Aaron Hotchner deserves to be happy. He deserves to laugh with someone who he likes and is not necessarily in a team or a friend of his. She wanted him to have a person, who would be with him in tough times and would take care of him when he needed it. Hotch is a tough person, but Penelope Garcia strongly believed, that there’s a person in this world who would understand him. He just needed to start looking and if she could help, she would do it. 
Of course there’s also a lot of guilt, because whether she liked it or not, she was messing with his boss’s personal life. And how would they even tell Hotch about the fact, that they put him into FBI blind date. Penelope knew he would be furious and angry. So this kind of reaction was weird for her. Hotch wasn’t screaming, showing any anger. Nothing. Maybe a little annoyed, but that’s it.
‘Penelope.’, Derek started, trying to make her stop. She was only making it worse, by digging the topic. 
‘You can be mad at us all you want, but a date would be a good thing for you.’, Emily started, making Hotch raise his eyebrows. Derek just groaned in the back, wishing for it to be over. ‘You know, sometimes it’s good to get out of your comfort zone.’
‘My comfort zone?’, he repeated.
‘Yes.’, dark haired girl answered. She put her hands together in front of her, not knowing where she’s exactly going with this conversation. ‘You have to go out sometimes, Hotch. Have conversation with someone, that’s not us. Have a meal, that wasn’t pre made months ago, drink wine and make jokes. And maybe, just maybe, you’ll meet someone wonderful.’, she ended, going closer and closer to the man as she was going on with her speech.
‘I’m not in a mood for a relationship, Prentiss.’, Aaron shook his head, putting some papers together on his desk.
‘That’s why we put you on a ‘friendship list’. It means, that you’re there as a friend and for chairty, not really looking for a lover.’, Penelope said quickly, stepping forward towards Emily. 
‘The answer is still ‘no’, so please cancel my application.’, he shook his head, looking at the papers in his hands. When he hear any movements or complaint  from the three agents in the room, he looked at them again. ‘I will pay the charity in return. And I guess you had to put some money into it too, so I will pay it off. But please withdraw my name from the list.’
‘But sir.’, Penelope started again, bringing his attention. ‘Maybe you should consider what Emily’s said. You know, new experiences.’, she added with nervous laugh.
‘So what’s the bet about?’, Hotch asked, leaning back with curious face. 
‘If you go Rossi said, that he’ll do our reports for a month.’, Emily said after few seconds of debating if she should actually say anything else.
‘And if I don’t?’
‘We have to do this for a year.’, Derek admitted.
‘Please, Hotch.’, Emily begged, coming closer to his desk and leaning on it. She looked into his eyes for few seconds, trying to get some mercy from him. ‘I’m still half way through Reid’s reports from last month. I can’t lose this one!’
‘Well, you should’ve thought about this before going into another bet.’, Aaron answered, trying to keep his stern face, but Derek saw one side of his lips rising for a split of a second. ‘Now like I said, withdraw my name from that list and please go back to work. All of you. You can go and please close the door.’, he added. After finishing the sentence he went back to his paper, waiting for them to leave and when they did, he just couldn’t stop himself from small smile. 
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'I thought you wanted to go.', Angela said as we entered my office. She had one of the flyers of the charity events that she took from the entrance to the FBI building.
'Yeah, I did. But half of kids at the kindergarden are sick, I have a feeling, that Olivia is next.', you said, putting bag on the desk. You turn around to your friend and gave her apologetic smile. 'And I don’t wanna leave my sick child with my sister-in-law. She already helps me enough.'
'I'm sorry.', Angela just said, not knowing how to actually react. 'I know, that after last year you wanted to go.'
'Yeah, it sounded pretty fun.', you nodded. 'Plus it would be nice to finally get a kiss on the lips. Or talk to someone in full sentences.'
'Excuse me?', Angela joked, pointing at herself.
'Outside of this office.', you shook head, letting out quick chuckle.
'Someday you'll find someone. I'll make sure of this.', she said, coming closer to you. She stopped for a second and gave you quick hug, trying to make you feel better.
'It'll be kind of hard. Usually when they find out, that I have three year old child, they run. If they don't, then they get scared when I tell them I work for the FBI. And when I go on a date with agent they usually do this, because I'm a Unit Chief and have connections with a lot of important people here.', you explained with a sigh. 'I was excited for this blind date not only for meeting new people, but also because we will be on the same position. I won't be used and person who will be choosen for me would understand where I come from.'
'I know.', she said truthfully, caressing your shoulders. 'You know what? Screw it. I'll take care of Olivia.'
'Really?', you said shocked about the proposition. You knew, that Angela was the last person on earth who would offer herself to take care of kids. It's not like she hated them, just she's not the best with them. Mainly the youngest ones. But kids found their ways to her. Especially Olivia. She always loved being next to Angela and you could be sure, that she would be happy to have her as a babysitter for few hours.
'But it's just this one time.', Angela reminded, putting one of her fingers in front of your face. You immediately agreed and hugged her as a thank you.
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'So? How do I look?', you asked after walking to the kitchen. You looked at both Angela and your daughter sitting at the dinning table, consuming their supper. Your friend made circles with her fingers, asking you to turn around so she could see the back of the dress.
When the email with the set up date finally came, you were the most excited since you could even remember. It was something you looked forward to for days or maybe even weeks now. Nobody in your team didn't know about this, except Angela. And she also was very excited for you. Whenever you had breaks from cases, she would come with new ideas for a dress or make up. And even though she'd be brushed off, you actually liked it.
For a long time you had no idea what to wear. Should it be something less formal? Or full on glam outfit? But when Angela came to you with a picture of navy bodycon dress, you knew it's the one. She advised you to wear it with simple black sandals and light make up, adding darker lipstick.
'Mommy! You're so pretty!', Olivia exclaimed from her chair. She still had her mouth full from the sandwich, that you made her few minutes ago. You could see her be really excited about this night, not because you're going out, but mainly that she's gonna be playing with Angela.
'Thank you, sweetheart.', you skilled, coming closer to them. 'I'm gonna be out for few hours and you're gonna be with aunt Angela, okay?', you explained, playing with her hair. Little girl nodded, taking another bite of her sandwich. Then you stood up facing your friend. 'Okay I should be back before midnight. If I don't call you and I'm not home, then you can track my car or phone.'
'Of course, as always.', she said with a wink, which made you laugh.
'And remember, if anything happens - call me. You've been in this house so many times, so you know where everything is. But if you're unsure or Olivia does something, call me okay?', you said, raising a brow.
'Hey! Don't use your 'I'm your boss' voice!', she said, putting finger in front of your face, which made you laugh.
'That's actually my 'mom' voice.', you shook your head.
‘Doesn’t matter. Just go before you’re late.’, she said, pushing you out of the room. ‘Remember it’s really bad to be late for a date, but it’s just awful to be late on a date with FBI agent.’
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Aaron was sitting in one of three restaurants, that bureau offered to cover the expenses in. He told Penelope and Emily many times to pick the table somewhere in the corner, where he and the person who was a match to him wouldn’t be in a center of attention. It was a really long time since he went on a actual date or even out with someone, that’s not on his team. For a really long time he hated this whole idea. But the one night he was sitting in his flat with a glass of whiskey and thought, that maybe, but just maybe, it’s a good idea. That maybe Emily was right?
‘I’m really sorry, I’m late.’, female voice took Aaron out of his thoughts. He looked up, expected to see someone familiar, but that wasn’t the case. He thought, that maybe it would be someone that he knew. It definitely would be easier, than starting from zero.
But even if Aaron didn’t know personally the person he’s meeting, maybe he could just recognize the face? Place it with unit, that they’re working in or at least department. But as you appeared it didn’t ring any bell. Aaron furrowed his eyebrows, which made you immediately confused and started looking around. 
‘You’re from FBI, correct?’, you asked, pointing at him and then at the back, getting more and more nervous. ‘The woman in front told me to go to table number eight. And that’s it, but maybe I said something wrong and she didn’t understand-’
‘I am.’, Aaron said immediately, standing up from his seat. ‘I was just expecting someone-’
‘Different?’, you asked, smiling a bit.
‘No, no!’, he answered right away with his hands in front, like he was trying to stop you from something. ‘Someone, that I know.’, he ended, explaining. 
‘Oh, of course.’, you nodded. ‘I’m Y/N Y/L/N.’, you extended your hand with greeting, after what seemed like liftime in silence.
‘Aaron Hotchner.’, he answered, shaking your hand gently. Then he motioned to the table. You just nodded as both of you sat down. ‘Which department are you from? Sorry to be put it so bluntly, I just don’t think I’ve ever met you in the bureau.’
‘CAC.’, you answered, looking up from the menu. ‘I came here from New York few months ago. Got offered Unit Chief position, better salary - guess didn’t have to think through it twice.’, you shrugged.
‘That explains a lot.’, Aaron said with small nods. You just raised a brown, silently asking the same thing he did few seconds ago. ‘I’m from BAU.’
‘Oh ‘The Dream’ unit.’, you said. The statement made Aaron very much confused. ‘When I arrived in Quantico, there were actually quite a lot of changes and I had to hire new agent to my team. And about half of them started the interview with  ‘well my dream is to be in BAU, but this unit could be a good start’.’, you explained.
‘I’m sorry.’
‘It’s not your fault. More of a complement. It’s very rare, that most of agents, that want to work in a field also want to work in your team. And I’ve also heard only good stuff about BAU.’, you said, trying to keep the conversation light. 
In fact this was the last time your conversation went to the topic of work. As soon as some of the comments, that either one made, were about work, you immediately would change the topic. You promised yourself, and Angela of course, that today won’t be about work. It’ll be about having fun and going out with not-so-stranger. 
Aaron saw the effort that you made and he actually really liked it. No work, no phones, no cases, no murders. Just the two of you, great food and wine, that he didn’t even drink yet. He didn’t expect it but he was actually having a good time. So this one time he would answer his previous question: Emily Prentiss was, in fact, right.
‘Excuse me for a second.’, you said, hearing vibrations of your phone from the bad. Aaron just nodded, understanding as you opened bag and looked for phone. When it was found, you immediately opened it and panicked right away.
3 missed calls
2 unread messages
9:39 I know I was supposed to call only when there’s an emergency, but I think it is. 
10:21 We’re going to ER.
‘Everything’s okay?’, Aaron asked, observing very closely your reactions. 
‘I-I have to go.’, you said stuttering. You picked your bag and coat, wanting to leave as fast as you can. ‘I’m really sorry.’
‘What happened?’, he stood up quickly. He grabbed you by the arm, stopping from leaving the room.
'My daughter is in a hospital. And my friend, that's babysitting her won't tell me what happened.', right away the worst scenarios came to your head. What's could actually happen, that the two of them had to go to the emergency room? Did she broke a bone? Or just hit herself and needed few stitches? Or maybe she fell down the stairs and is unconscious? The questions, that were driving you crazy.
'Let's go.', Aaron just nodded and took you out of the restaurant, after paying for the whole meal.
'Wait, no. I can't ask you to come with me. I've already ruined your evening.', you shook your head as Aaron was taking you to his car.
'Don't worry about it. We can do it on a different day.', he waved you off, getting into his car. The comment caught you off guard a little. And you didn't even realize, that you were still standing on the streets until Aaron knocked on the window, getting your attention.
'Sorry.', you whispered, getting inside. He just started the engine and drove as fast as he could to the hospital that Angela land Olivia were at. 'Wait. Different day? We'll meet on a different day?', you asked, thinking about the whole conversation from few minutes ago. He laughed at how at first you didn't realize what he meant.
'If you want of course.', Aaron explained, getting slow nod from you. It was still funny for him how long it took you to get through it all. 'Look, I'm not a parent, but I can just assume, that your daughter comes first for you.'
'True.', you agreed.
'So, I could make huge scene about how you literally stormed out of our date.', he continued to explain his thoughts. 'Or just understand where you come from and help you.'
'Thank you.', you said, looking at him for the first time since you walked inside the car.
'No problem.', he said with a smile.
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If it wasn’t for Aaron, you would probably be panicked, running around the hospital. Well, you still were panicked and scared of what exactly happened, but he made you a bit calmer. Told you to step back and he was asking all questions of where to go and what happened.
After twenty minutes the two of you ended up of third floor. Your heart was beating so fast, searching for either Angela or Olivia, but you couldn’t see them anywhere.
‘Y/N, you have to calm down. It won’t help-’, Aaron started, grabbing your arm. You stopped, but didn’t look at him, only scanning the room. And then you saw it. Familiar dark hair and the handbag you bought her for Christmas. 
‘Angela!’, you called her name, bringing the attention. Woman turned around and let out deep breath, being visibly relieved.
‘Oh my God!. You’re finally here. I didn’t know how long I could keep her attention. She was constantly asking for you.’, Angela said. Then she looked behind you, seeing Aaron running after you. ‘Sorry for ruining the night.’, she whispered. 
‘It’s okay.’, you shook your head. ‘What even happened? I leave you for few hours and you end up in hospital.’
‘We just were having fun.’, she explained and you just raised a brow. ‘Okay, we were playing tag. And then Olivia got tired, so we sat down on your bed. Then obviously she wasn’t tired anymore and started jumping up and down on your bed. And she asked me to join her, so I did. And then it broke.’, she started talking very fast and chaotic.
‘You broke my bed?’, you asked as if that was the only thing you could make out of whatever she said. 
‘But I didn’t mean it. I tried really hard.’
‘And where’s Olivia now?’, you asked, trying not to get angry.
‘They took her to a cat scan. Doctor said, that her arm is probably broken.’, Angela explained, seeing you get more and more annoyed. ‘Anyway, nurses asked for legal guardian or parent, so I’m gonna go and tell her, that you’re here.’
You nodded and let her go. Your eyes were closed and head hanged down for few seconds. Were you angry? Yes. Were you annoyed? Yes. But your daughter was fine. She was alive and even though having a toddler with broken arm won’t be fun thing, you’d take it. 
‘Again I’m sorry.’, you turned around to Aaron. He was still standing behind you, just watching the whole situation. ‘I won’t hold you up anymore, you can go. Thank you for everything.’
‘It’s not a problem for me to stay. If you-’, he said, coming closer to you.
‘You’ve done a lot for me today. Beside we have work tomorrow. So let it just be one of us who’s gonna stay up all night.’, you cut him. Aaron just nodded, understanding everything.
‘So, until next time?’, he asked, slowly taking few steps back.
‘That would be amazing.’, you answered. But then realized something. ‘Hey, but I don’t have-’, you started and put hands in coat pockets. Then felt something in one of them. You took it out and made on ‘oh’ sound as you read: Aaron Hotchner, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Behavioral Analysis Unit with phone number. You looked up to look at him one last time. Aaron just shot you a huge small and waved before turning around and going to the elevators. 
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What’s our sorely-missed Calzona and company doing RIGHT NOW?
Headcannons from your favorite Calzona-obsessed and barely updated fangirl!
Callie is the chief of ortho at NewYork Presbyterian, with a huge research grant to take her artificial cartilage to clinical trials and to finish her and Derek’s work on robotic limbs for amputees. Amelia is consulting on her late brother’s work and flies out help (and see her friends) every few months. Callie is loving the baby time she gets with Scout during Amelia’s visits, and is not-so-subtly eyeing Arizona whenever a baby is in sight. Arizona begrudgingly agreed to be the face of NY Pres’ campaign for the robotic limb research, and Callie really loves pointing out to coworkers and patients alike that the hot blonde plastered across banners and walls and elevators is the woman she comes home to every night. The Chief of Surgery at NY Pres announced his upcoming retirement recently, and Callie just learned she’s been placed on the short list for his replacement.
Callie works just a short subway ride from the Robbins-Herman Center for Women's Health, where Arizona’s carts have reduced maternal mortality rates by a decent percentage. Herman is licensing off the rights to the carts across the country given how promising the results have been. Nicole and Arizona are teaching a promising “flock” of students. Nicole insists on referring to them as a flock, with Arizona being their mama bird, as she is Dr. Robbins. Arizona pretends not to be amused by Nicole’s less-than-stellar running joke, but she secretly loves being the rare, exotic mama bird, helping the new nestlings learn to soar in the field that she and Nicole are pioneering, saving lives in the process. Somehow, Nicole manages to, despite the blindness, always know exactly what’s going on, be it in a surgery or in Arizona’s love life. 
And Arizona’s love life is, for the first time in a long time, super awesome. She and Callie are stronger than ever, going into their relationship with better boundaries, coping mechanisms, communication skills, and understandings of each other. What hasn’t changed is the easy chemistry, laughter, and palpable, mutual attraction Arizona and Callie always seemed to share. Originally, Arizona had rented the apartment across the hall from Callie’s, but once her year-long lease was up, she, Callie, and Sofia, now a proper family again, made themselves comfortable in the far-more-spacious penthouse, with surprisingly low rent. Well, it was surprising until they found out that Carlos Torres of Torres Enterprises had ventured into Manhattan real-estate. He wanted nothing but the best for his Calliope, but Arizona doesn’t believe in handouts, so they pay a fair but below market-price rent for the four bedroom apartment. Between visits from Amelia and Teddy with Scout and Allison, Callie’s pleading looks, and her surprising ability to sic Sofia on the baby train, Arizona got on board. Callie and Arizona are in the process of becoming registered foster parents, as well as putting applications in with a few adoption agencies. 
When they realized that the fostering/adoption process would be much simpler if they were married, Callie popped the question (it was her turn, after all) during dinner at a three Michelin star restaurant. Callie had previously made a list of all the restaurants in New York she wanted to try, and although Arizona is a far less intrepid eater, she’s been holding her own on the adventure. Arizona said yes, not that it was even a question. After all, they’re Callie and Arizona, the great love story. They’re meant to be. Callie and Arizona had a quiet (legally-binding!) ceremony at their local courthouse with Sofia, but plan to have a destination wedding in Spain with the whole GSM gang once COVID travel restrictions lighten up. Sofia, a genius like both her moms and her dad, got to skip fourth grade and is loving fifth grade. She’s really excited for middle school, regularly claiming she’s all grown up now, but she’ll always be her moms’ baby girl no matter how many grades she skips or how old she gets. She has weekly FaceTime calls with Zola on her brand new phone. Arizona was staunchly against it, as The Colonel’s daughter, but seeing as Sofia took the subway on her own, Callie talked her into it.
Callie and Arizona keep up with all of their Grey-Sloan Memorial friends, past and present, but are definitely thankful to have gotten away from the drama that seemed to follow them around in Seattle. Meredith, aside from her comatose period during her battle with COVID, has done a remarkable job keeping them in the loop, with Maggie filling in when Meredith couldn’t. While Callie and Arizona couldn’t visit Meredith when she was sick, they hounded Bailey and Webber with endless phone calls for progress reports. Bailey was beyond happy to hear that the wedding she officiated ended up in a happy marriage, despite what she referred to as a little bump in the road. Richard is also happy he no longer has to be Arizona’s wingman, but the whole GSM gang still gets together for weekly trivia nights on Zoom every Wednesday, at Richard’s insistence. And whenever Callie gets into a disagreement with her soon-to-be former chief at NY Pres, one reminder that she is a close personal friend of Webber and Bailey seems to end with her getting her way. She promised she wouldn’t use that to her advantage, but she does. Her temper still gets the best of her, but not when it comes to Arizona or Sofia, which is all that really matters to Callie.
Arizona was overjoyed to hear about April’s move thousands of miles closer. She has booked train tickets to Boston for herself, Callie, and Sofia to help with the move. Sofia can distract Harriet, Arizona can be her type-A control freak self and make sure every box is put exactly where she thinks it should be, and she can stare at Callie’s ass while she carries boxes around, so, for Arizona, it’s a win-win-win-win scenario. Her apartment-warming gift to April is a very large Expedia gift card so that she feels obligated to visit Arizona often as she can get away from work. To say Arizona misses the woman she’d never have expected to become her best friend is an understatement.
Alex is still a little bitter he missed a number of years of the twins’ lives, but Arizona is helping him through that and he and Izzie are doing well. He’s, of course, the star at their dump truck Kansas hospital (not that Arizona would ever use that characterization to his face), having been Arizona’s protégé for all these years. He still calls Arizona when he needs to make a plan for a complicated case. Sometimes the cases he calls Arizona about aren’t all that complicated, but both Alex and Arizona know it’s Alex Karev’s way of checking in and catching up. He isn’t one to admit to calling people just to chat.
Cristina is hoping to make a trip out to see her god-daughter, who she still refers to as a chicken, when the pandemic restrictions relax. Until then, she and Callie talk every couple weeks, catching up on the latest groundbreaking, kick ass procedure Cristina has brilliantly invented. She says she’s married to her work, but there is a Swiss surgeon at the hospital who seems to be infatuated with Cristina, from what Callie can gather. And it appears to be mutual. Cristina is still not one to gush about boyfriends, but Callie can get bits and pieces in conversation. Every so often, Callie, Arizona, and Sofia get fancy Swiss chocolates in the mail, with a note to keep sending pictures of Aunt Cristina’s little chicken.
Addison has an open invitation to join the Robbins-Herman Center. Arizona even offered to amend the name, but Nicole was none too happy at the prospect of getting her name booted from second to third. But, again, the Robbins-Herman-Montgomery Center makes it sound like they are a man. Addison is still mulling it over, happy with her life, friends, and family in LA, but Callie and Arizona are still trying to wear her down. And Addison still regularly reminds them to thank her for Callie’s gay awakening, She was, after all, the first one to point it out.
Mark is beyond thrilled to see that all of his yelling has been working, not that he’s getting the credit. Now that Callie and Arizona woke up and aren’t missing the best part of life, Mark can enjoy watching Sofia grow up with Lexie by his side. Sofia is certainly growing into her Sloan looks, and will certainly be a heartbreaker once she gets a bit older. 
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dreatine · 3 years
Fic: Nirvana
Title: Nirvana
Author: dreatine
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Elle/Spencer
Summary: This story is part of @fortheloveofcriminalminds 600 celebration. The two sentences to be used are :       "Just so you know, this isn't my first rodeo." and " In the likely event that this all goes pear shaped, just remember I told you so."
Plot: Elle/Spencer undercover at a casino.
Word count:   1723 (give or take since I handcounted it in longhand)
Phrases Used: Both. It will be in bold.
Notes: I own nothing/CBS owns all.
Notes 2: Thanks to Sharon for betaing. Title comes from reading a 33 1/3 book on the making of 'In Utero' by Nirvana.
Glancing one last time in the mirror. Elle dabbed at her lipstick with a tissue. It had been awhile since she'd worn this dramatic of makeup but knew she had to look the part of glamorous girlfriend as part of the undercover operation with Reid. Chuckling to herself, she remembered the conversation from the precinct earlier in the day.
"We know the unsub targets couples of older women with younger men at casinos. It's most likely the place where he lost his wife or girlfriend to a younger man. It's the location of the stressor." Hotch explained, eyeing  Elle. "So, we're going undercover."
"Why're looking at me?" Elle asked, incredulously. "You're acting like I'm Grandma Moses." She shook her head."No way. This isn't going to work."
"You're the oldest woman here." Gideon replied, matter of fact.
Elle shot him a look. "Thanks."she huffed. " Fine. But, I have to buy a dress and I'm charging it to the Bureau."
"I'd expect nothing less." Hotch answered. Turning to Spencer, he said. "Reid, you get dressed too."
Spencer looked up. "What?"
"Reid, you're the youngest man. It has to be you." Gideon answered. " Derek is too old."
"Thanks, man." Derek smirked.
"But...umm..." Spencer stuttered, fidgeting nervously.
"Besides, you play poker." Hotch reminded him. "You'll be able to stay in the game for awhile."
Swallowing hard, Spencer replied, dejectedly. "All right."
Elle got up and went to him. "Thanks,Reid. I'll try not to take your reluctance personally."
"What?" Spencer replied, surprised. "No! I didn't mean.."
Elle smiled at him. "I'm just kidding." she patted his shoulder. "FYI, in the likely event that this all goes pear shaped, just remember I told you so." She pointed to everyone before dragging JJ out the door to keep help her buy a dress.
Elle smiled at her words to Reid. She was only teasing him about his reluctance to be paired with her. She knew or she hoped it wasn't because he didn't want to paired with her even as pretense. She was fond of the genius, perhaps too fond if she was honest with herself. Especially after the train incident.
'Stop thinking that.' she mentally chastised. 'I can't think about that now.'
Looking at the full length mirror once more, she grabbed her purse and left the hotel room.
Spencer combed his hair back a few times, his nerves getting the best of him. Going undercover was nerve wracking, pretend to be someone he's not wasn't exactly his forte. But, doing with Elle was causing him to stroke out. He recalled his conversation with Derek at the precinct after Elle left to buy a dress. The thought alone of Elle in a dress causing him to get hot under the collar.
"Man, good luck with Elle."
He glanced up curiously. "What do you mean?" he asked, worrying that his unrequited crush on Elle was starting to show through. Ever since the events on the train, he noticed that they had gotten closer since then, talking more, sitting together on the jet, being more comfortable around her. Having to be in a pretend relationship with her was definitely not going to be comfortable. He had a crush on her before, but now, if he was honest with himself, he was a little bit in love with her. And having to pretend was going to be hard without admitting his feelings outright.
"I mean." Derek sat next to him. "She can be a handful."
Twirling a pencil, Spencer quickly answered. " I've never thought that. She's professional and.."
"Reid, I'm not criticizing her." Derek assured him, " I'm just saying she's more experienced that you at..well.." he trailed off.
Blushing, Spencer picked up his belongings and replied. "Derek, don't worry. Both are virtues will be intact."
He sighed recalling the conversation.Of course, Spencer knew he wouldn't be in Elle's league but he hated to be reminded of it. Smoothing down his jacket, he glanced at the mirror once more.
It was going to be a long night.
*************** Precinct later:
"All right, you two." Hotch explained, going over the plans a second time, which was needed because both Elle and Spencer hardly paid attention. Both couldn't keep their eyes off the other.
'Reid's hot.' she mused, running her tongue over her lips which thankfully Spencer didn't see because he was too busy blatantingly staring at her, his pupils blown.
'She's the most beautiful woman ever.' he thought, his eyes roving over her, admiring the way the red sating hugged her curves. This wasn't helping with his feelings for her.
"Reid, you got that?" Hotch barked.
Nodding, he answered. "Yes. I'm ready." he glanced at Elle who was smirking at him. 'Great.' he thought.
At the casino:
Looping her arm through his, Elle whispered to Spencer. "Nervous?" she asked, looking out at the potentials in the place.
"A little." he replied. 'But, not why she thinks' he mused. Clearing his throat, "Just so you know, this isn't my first rodeo." he told her, a sense of confidence peeking through.
She raised her eyebrow in question. "Really? Pretending to be a couple?" she asked, a little bite in her query that didn't go unnoticed by Spencer.
He shook his head." No, not that." he looked down at her. "I mean that I've participated in poker tournaments before."
"You have?"
He nodded. "I can count cards. I used to win all the time until I got banned from the casinos in Vegas, Laughlin and Pahrump."
"I'm impressed." Elle replied, smiling beatifically at him.
"I'm glad." he answered, grinning widely at her, causing Elle to laugh at his response.
"Guys, get going." Gideon blasted in their earpieces, breaking up their intimate conversation.
"Right." Spencer said, steering Elle to the tables. "This way, milady."
Elle grinned. *****************
Elle had never felt more alive than she did at this  moment. It had nothing to do with the potential nabbing of an unsub or the slightly chaotic tense atmosphere. No, it had to do with Spencer himself. Watching him play poker, beating every opponent mercilessly, admiring his long fingers caressing the cards, imagining them caressing her. It was a sight to behold. It was intoxicating. Adding to the fact that they had to be a couple and every so often, he would wrap his arm around her waist or place a kiss on her cheek was driving her crazy. She was falling fast, her defenses around him collapsing.
'Keep it together, Greenaway.' she chastised. reminding herself to focus on the case at hand.
"Hey, baby." She leaned down, her head resting on Spencer's shoulders "How's it going?"
He whispered. "Good. Just need one more card." An involuntary shiver went through him at Elle's breathy words in his ear. Spencer didn't know if he could take it anymore. Not the poker playing, which came naturally to him as breathing, not counting of cards or profiling bluffs. No, what was driving him to distraction was Elle. All night having her so close to him, whispering sweet words in his ears, kissing his neck was igniting at fire in him that he was afraid would explode soon. If they kept this up any longer, his feelings for her wouldn't be kept a secret much longer. 'My resolve is wavering'. he thought as he got his card.
"You're gonna bet or what?" A gruff man said, tapping his hand against the table. Both of them glanced toward him. This guy, mid-50s, big and demeanor throughout the tournament, alternating between obnoxious and quiet, fit the profile to a T.  As the night wore on, he became increasingly agitated as the losses kept piling up and his stares toward them anytime they kissed or cuddled, confirmed to them that he was the unsub. They just needed to wait till he made a move.
"Um..yeah." Spencer laid down two chips. "10." As in 10,000 dollars.
"Call it."
The unsub laid his hand down, grinning triumphantly. "Straight flush." The audience gasped.
Spencer lightly tapped his fingers, pondering. "Well?" the unsub asked, impatiently.
Without missing a beat, he softly laid down his cards. "Royal flush."
Elle smiled widely, pride surging through her. He was in his element. 'He wasn't lying when he said this wasn't his first rodeo.' she mused. as the crowd cheered.
"Fuck!" The unsub yelled, slamming his hands on the table. "I'm out."
"Hotch, he's leaving." Elle whispered. "He's wearing a black leather jacket, black newsboy hat."
"Gotta it."
Quickly, Spencer gathered his winnings, staying at the table a few beats, not wanting to arouse suspicion. Leaning down, Elle stated loudly. " Honey, we should leave while you're perfect." She kissed his cheek as he looked slightly taken back at her words."Don't want you to get cold."
"You're right." he answered, squeezing Elle's leg. Standing up, he grabbed the chip holder and Elle, leaving to the immense relief of the other players. Out of eyesight, they walked briskly to the exit, when the heard Gideon say in their earpieces. "We got him."
******************** Later that night:
Entering the hotel, Spencer held the door for Elle. "Thank you." "You're welcome."
Walking slowly to the elevators, each one was quiet, lost in thought. Ever since they wrapped up the case, they hadn't had a chance to talk, only able to sneak glances at each other.Both had taken a lot of ribbing, primarily from Derek on their undercover work. He kept making comments about the cuddling they did and how they'd make a cute couple, which did hit a little too close to home for both of them. Neither one had been so thankful to get back to the hotel after Hotch let them go.
Trying to break the tension, Elle offered. "Too bad you couldn't keep the money."
"I know." he smiled softly.
"What would you have done with it?" she asked, curiously.
DING! The elevator door opened and Spencer, ever the gentleman, let her enter first. She gave him a smile in thanks as she pushed the floor button.
"I'd given some to my mom. Some to local charities." he answered, as the car went up.
"Nothing for yourself?" she inquired.
He shrugged." Maybe some books, I guess."
DING! They arrived at their floor. Spencer indicated for her to go first, and they began to walk down the hall.
"So, just books?" she asked again. wanting to keep him talking. "No cars, no IPods? Or new clothes?"
Smirking, Spencer shook his head. "No." They arrived at her door, when he asked in sudden seriousness. "Do you think I need new clothes?"
She shook her head, looking into his honey brown eyes. 'He's so beautiful.' she thought. Aloud, she replied. "I meant what I said earlier. You're perfect."
Staring into her dark eyes, searching for something. He must have found what he was looking for because the next thing she knew, he grabbed her face between his hands and kissed her. She immediately wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling him into her.
The kiss went on for what seemed like forever, neither one willing to let go of the other, fearful that if they did, it would break whatever spell that cast over them.
Reluctantly, the need for air became too much and the broke away, panting harshly. Spencer was the first to recover.
"Elle." he strangled out.
She shook her head, putting a finger to his lips. "I don't want to pretend. I want it to be real."
Grinning widely, Spencer replied. "Me too."
They both stood outside the room, smiling brightly, both basking in the new development in their relationship. It felt right, it felt perfect. It felt like nirvana.
The End
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imaginesandinserts · 4 years
Irreverent Pt. 37 - Seven Months
Title: Irreverent Pt. 37 - Seven Months Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Reader Rating: M Words: 5302
Trigger Warning: Mentions of Rape/Nonconsent
Irreverent Series Masterlist
*The events of this chapter take place in the seven months during which Emily Prentiss was presumed dead.*
Penelope had decorated Derek's new office. He hadn't taken over Hotch's office - he'd felt weird about that. It was where you found him usually now, late at night after everyone else had left. You'd found yourself staying late quite a bit more.
Reid was taking Emily's death harder than anyone - you know that JJ had been over to his place a lot along with Penelope. Rossi was trying to take him under his wing and make sure he was keeping it together enough to still do the job. You were struggling to get your own oxygen mask on to really help Spencer with his. You hadn't slept more than a couple of fitful hours any night since Hotch left.
The team was down three people and none of you had wanted to go through the hiring process of bringing in and training someone new. However, this meant a lot of extra work for Derek as the new Unit Chief. Rossi was chipping in a bit, but with JJ also gone and no media liaison, his job was becoming impossible. You and Rossi had split up some of the remaining work, with Penelope automating case selection using an algorithm she'd designed. You'd taken on most of the media liaison work in order to spare Derek when he was already on edge. You were all on edge though - all the time.
The four of you - Derek, Reid, Rossi, and yourself - were in Austin for a case. There was some sort of convention going on and the killer seemed to be targeting attendees. They'd found two dead already. The team had arrived earlier in the morning and made some progress, but had nothing more to go on for the moment, so you'd all arrived at the hotel for the night.
"They only have two rooms," Derek tells the rest of you, returning from the front desk. With the convention, there hadn't been much space available and the two rooms available were only free because their occupants were dead. The hotel had worked quickly to flip over the crime scenes back into functioning guest rooms.
The three men turned to look at you. "I'll bunk with Derek, if that's okay," you respond, looking at him to confirm if he was alright with it. You didn't want to console Reid tonight and didn't have it in you to deal with Rossi's insistence on talking.
Derek nods and the four of you head up in the elevators to your respective rooms. Reid and Rossi get out on the third floor while you and Derek continue on to the fifth.
"You wanna shower first?" he asks you, opening the door and letting you in first.
"Yeah, that would be nice, thanks."
You go to get clean and when you return, Derek has the case files laid out on the room desk. Upon your exit, he goes to shower himself, leaving you to look over the files and browse through the snack bar. You hadn't had an appetite during dinner and a late night snack was definitely the right call.
By the time Derek got back, you'd made it through half the pack of peanut m&ms and were sitting on the edge of the bed. You look up at his emergence, pajama pants slung low on his hips, and for a second, you have to admire how incredibly fit he is.
"Is that from the boxing?" you ask, eyebrows raised as you more or less ogle his abs.
Derek laughs - a laugh that doesn't quite reach his eyes but the gesture is there. "You should let me train you, princess. I think you'd like it. Work off some of that aggression."
"Hmm, if you can promise me results like that, you're on." You scooch yourself up towards the headboard and pull the covers up, starting to feel just a little awkward about having picked him to bunk with.
"You got it."
He senses your hesitancy as he climbs into bed on the other side. "You're sure you're okay with this? I can take the couch."
"No, I just," you pause, unsure of how to explain. The only other person on the team you've ever shared a bed with is Emily. Emily who holds you and brushes a hand through your hair until you fall asleep. "Sorry, no. It's not you. It's…," you stop again, knowing you really shouldn't say anything at all. And yet, maybe…  "Emily used to cuddle," you mumble, your face immediately becoming warm.
You're not sure if it was because of how obviously embarrassed you are or because he too wouldn't mind having someone to hold right now, that Derek just smiles understandingly. "Come here, princess. We can cuddle too."
That's how you find yourself in a hotel room in the middle of Texas, Derek Morgan's strong arms wrapped around your waist, his lower half tilted respectfully away, and his lips grazing the top of your head in the sweetest way. He was no Emily, but he was exactly what you needed in that moment. You slept soundly for the first time in weeks.
Strauss had shut down the investigation into Doyle. She'd cited jurisdiction and said that no one on the BAU was permitted to continue looking into it. You knew that both Derek and Rossi had protested against it, but it was to no avail.
This was the time where you felt angriest with Hotch for leaving. He would've stood up to Strauss way more. Nothing against Derek and Rossi, but Hotch no longer cared about the politics of the Bureau - you knew that by the way he'd stood up to her countless times before. Rossi didn't either but he also had an odd relationship with Strauss - something told you he actually liked her, so he was choosing to respect her decision on the matter.
Derek had far too much going on to wage a war against Strauss and keep running the team at the same time. You were on your own. You took out the card Easter had handed you at Emily's wake from the drawer it had sat in, along with the pearl earrings you'd worn that day. Pearls were for old women and funerals, as your mother used to say.
"The Unsub is suspected to be a white male in his mid-to-late twenties. He will have poor social skills - he's probably someone who makes you uncomfortable but you can't figure out why. He will have a low income job which he does not like. He perceives himself as being better than those around him and likely had an older female figure in his life whom he feared. We ask that the public keep an eye out for any individuals meeting this description. Thank you."
You had just delivered the profile at the press conference for a serial rapist who was breaking into women's homes when they were alone, raping them, and then tattooing them with his signature, before leaving them unconscious, naked, and tied up outside their homes. It had been a harrowing few days and the entire city was on edge after the fourth victim had come forward, having been found by her neighbor early the next morning.
Derek looks up at you as you enter the room again. "You alright?"
You simply nod, sighing and lowering yourself into the chair next to him. Reid was working on the geographic profile and so far it seemed that you had your work cut out for you - there wasn't a pattern that was emerging. Rossi had gone out with the lead detective on the case to the newest crime scene. You watched Derek turn back and you could feel the frustration radiating off of him in waves. You have to wonder how much more these cases hit him.
It took another two days and one more victim before a real pattern emerged and after finally getting the results back from the lab, Garcia was able to track down the Unsub using a specific dye he was using in all of the women's tattoos. Everyone was upset with themselves - this was hardly a victory. You take note of how aggressively Derek puts the Unsub in handcuffs and shoves him towards the car.
It's evening by the time the plane lands in D.C. and you get back to the office. You're about to head out, but decide to swing by Derek's office to check on him. Grabbing your bag, you walk down the empty hallway towards his office.
"Hey," you say, arriving in his doorway. He's sitting in mostly darkness, only the light from his desk lamp illuminating his office.
He looks up at your voice, a soft smile gracing his face. "What're you still doing here?"
"Wanted to check in on you, boss," you tease, smiling back at him, and make your way into his office. You drop your bag to the floor and settle into the chair across from him, pulling your legs up. You had a feeling he wasn't leaving anytime soon, and you didn't really want him to be alone in the office on a Friday night.
He shakes his head as you make yourself comfortable and grab the top half of the files sitting directly in front of him, plucking a pen from the holder on his desk.
"You should go home, you didn't sign up for this."
You look up at him, taking in the eyebags and tired shoulders. "Neither did you."
The two of you work together and make a significant dent in the files that had sat on his desk. The growing stack of completed folders was motivating you to just barrel through. The more you two got done tonight, the less he would take home with him for the weekend.
You find yourself watching him as you work. You know this case was hard on him - both because of how brutally the victims had been treated as well as his own history with Carl Buford. Merely the thought of Buford was enough to piss you off - you were glad he was serving a life sentence, because when he'd first been arrested, it had taken everything in you to watch the detective put him in handcuffs and not punch him in the face. You'd barely known Derek back then, and yet you could tell how completely Buford's act had hurt him, changed him, and stayed with him.  
"How are you doing?" you ask softly, pausing your work and watching Derek's face carefully. He'd know what you meant.
Derek stops and looks up to meet your eyes. He puts down his pen and leans forward in his chair, across the desk. "I'm alright. They're always rough. Him being in prison didn't make this part any easier. But…I'm hanging in there, I guess."
You nod. He's not alright, but it doesn’t really help to vocalize that unless you have the time and capacity to deal with it. It's easier to say you're alright until you are.
"Are you?" He'd noticed you had been just a little off - just a little too nice to the victims, a little too eager to rough up the Unsub in the interrogation. He'd been on cases like this with you before, but it was the first time since Hotch and Prentiss were gone. Everything about you lately was like a raw nerve and he knew something wasn't quite right.
"What do you mean?" You hadn't expected him to ask you that.
Derek fixes you with the same look he gives you when he's coaching you in the ring and you try to pretend you hadn't carelessly left yourself exposed. That was the bad part about getting close to people - it becomes harder to cover yourself.
You take in his expression, knowing he wouldn't just let you avoid it. You shift to put the files on his desk, adjusting to pull your knees in front of you, feet planted firmly on the seat of the chair, and wrap your arms around your legs. The darkness of the office helps you feel less exposed.
"It wasn't the same as you. I wasn't a kid," you tell him, your voice low and eyes trained on his hands which lay on the desk. You'd been old enough to know better and you should've been strong enough and confident enough to stop it. It was so different from how it had been for him.
His brow wrinkled as he took in what you'd revealed. Standing slowly so as to not startle you, he comes around to your side of the desk and crouches down to be eye level with you. His hands rest on top of your, sending warmth throughout you. You look to meet his eyes, expecting to see something akin to pity - you didn't want him to see you that way. However Derek's eyes are warm and kind and so very him - not a hint of pity in them.
He appears to hesitate for a moment, but seems to convince himself to go through with it. "Who?"
You move your hand to grip his and he squeezes. Your voice is barely audible. "My ex, Matthew."
Derek sucks in a breath at the familiar name. He'd had some indication in the past that your ex-fiancé was bad news. After all, you'd ended an engagement with him and he knew you well enough to know you didn't make decisions like that lightly.
There was a lot you didn't talk about when it came to Matthew - while the truth about Julian's death had been the nail in the coffin, propelling your escape, your relationship with Matthew had been rocky for months preceding that. In hindsight, you wondered when it had ever been actually good.
You know you owed Derek more of an explanation, however. After all, he'd trusted you about Buford.
"It was towards the end," you continue, your voice scratchy as you blinked back tears. "I didn't really want to sleep with him anymore, but - ." You stop. You hadn't realized how hard it would be to share this with someone. Derek's thumb is rubbing soothingly against your hand and you decide to focus on that. "Fulfilling your duty - that's a big deal in the circles I'm from," you explain. "I was set to be his wife. I wasn't allowed to say no to my husband. So I just…let him do what he wanted."
Derek could tell it hadn't been a one time thing but he didn't think he could stand knowing how often that bastard had forced you into it. All he could see was how small you looked in the chair - he didn't have a doubt in his mind that the woman in front of him today was more than capable of dealing with a monster like that. But back then, with no one to teach you how to protect yourself, he could just imagine how scared you'd been and how going along with it had been your safest option.
He tries to stifle down the anger he feels but his hand is shaking and he knows you can tell. But he also knows what it's like to share something awful and then have to comfort the other person instead. So for you, he takes a deep breath and forces a sense of calm that he doesn't truly feel. To be fair, calm wasn't a feeling he was familiar with anymore.
"You being an adult doesn't change anything. You being in a relationship with him - that's not an excuse," he says, his large hand cupping your face, looking into your eyes. "What he did - only someone rotten to the core could do that. And you still got away. You won."
You lean into his touch and allow yourself to fall into him. Derek shifts on the floor, back against his desk, bringing you down next to him. His hand still clasped tightly in yours as your head comes to settle on his shoulder.
"Thank you."
And you know you don't have to ask him to not tell anyone. Of all people, he wouldn't.
You had spent the entire day at the Zoo - Jack, Sophie, and Evan had wanted to see every single animal and had dragged you through the entire place twice.  You got a ton of photos of the three of them posing adorably in front of every exhibit. Jess would want a copy of every single one, you were sure. She and Andrew were spending the day at home without the kids and had plans to go dancing in the evening.
By the time you got back to Jess's place after grabbing burgers for dinner, it was late - late for children at least. Sophie and Evan were quick to clean themselves up, thanking you for everything, before turning in for the night. Jess had raised two really good kids and you got why it was easy for Hotch to leave Jack with her. You might not fully understand how he was able to leave Jack in the first place, but you could see that it was a little bit easier knowing that someone like Jess was there to help.
You and Jess had grown closer these last couple of months with Hotch gone. The first time you'd showed up at her door unannounced, she'd greeted you with a hug and welcome you in to see Jack. You'd been so grateful for her understanding. Seeing Jack made things feel a little better, if only for a few hours.
You approached the door to Andrew's office, which had been converted into Jack's bedroom. Knocking softly, you turned the knob at Jack's invitation. He had changed into his pajamas and was sat at the little play table in the room.
"Hey baby," you whispered, trying to keep your voice low so as to not disturb the other two kids. "What're you doing?"
Jack was sat in the little chair, his tiny hands gripping a marker in one hand. You walked towards him and sat on the ground next to his chair.
"Y/N, can you help me?" He mimics your soft tone, understanding that it was time to be more quiet.
"Of course I can. What do you need help with?"
"With my Val-Valem-Valentine's Day card," he explained, stumbling over the long word.
You smiled encouragingly. He was really getting better with the big words.
"Yeah, I can help. What do you need me to do?"
"Auntie Jess said we can mail it to Daddy," he said, pointing at the blue piece of construction paper that he'd folded in half. "Can you please draw the heart? Mine doesn't look right." The little pout on his face was too adorable to resist.
You looked at the card he was making. It already had Daddy written on it in Jack's childish handwriting and about a hundred stickers. Jack was indicating towards a small spot at the end right above his name.
Your heart aches, knowing that this is the kind of thing that Haley would've done with him. You're happy that at least Jess is around to make sure that Jack and Hotch both have some of these sweeter moments. Jess would think of something like this. Most of your actions around Jack were driven off of asking yourself what your own parents would do - and then doing the exact opposite. But things like this, you couldn't help but feel out of your depth - you wouldn't have even known to do it.  Your parents hadn't been the kind to appreciate things like children's artwork and homemade gifts.
You smile at Jack and ask him which color marker to use. He picks out a red one. You carefully outline a heart right where he'd pointed and then hand him the marker to color it in. Once he's done, he blows on it to make sure its dry, before closing the card.
"Jack, did you put all your love into the card?" you ask, quirking an eyebrow up at him.
He turns to you, confused. "I put hearts everywhere," he replies, pointing at all the stickers on the front of the card.
"That's good, but I think its missing that extra little something. Has anyone ever taught you how to put all of your love into a card, before?"
He shakes his head and you can tell he's intrigued.
Your voice is low as if revealing a secret, making him lean closer to you to hear. "Cards are special because they come from people we love," you explain, "But you can make them extra special. All you have to do is hold the card in your hands, close your eyes, and think about the person the card is for. Think about everything you love about them and let that feeling fill you up. Then you place a kiss on the inside of the card and when the other person opens it, they'll feel it. They'll feel all of your love for them when they read the card."
Jack is quiet for a bit as he thinks through what you said. You watch as he gets up and pushes his chair out of the way to sit by you on the ground. He looks up at you, card clenched tightly in both hands. "Will you do it with me, Y/N?" he asks, his brown eyes shining up at you, a perfect reflection of his father's. "That way Daddy has more love so he gets back home okay."
You force yourself to smile at his request. You can't tell a child that you're still pissed at his father for running off to Pakistan. "Of course baby, come here." Pulling Jack into your lap, you wrap your hands around his, clutching the card. "Alright, remember, close your eyes and think about everything you love about Daddy."
You know Jack is going to take this extremely seriously, so you know you have to as well. Closing your eyes you (temporarily) let go of the anger you feel towards Hotch. Instead you choose to remember his smile that brings out his dimples, the warmth that radiates off of him and penetrates you anytime he hugs you, that time he drove out forty-five minutes in the rain to help change your flat tire, the way he makes you feel completely safe anytime you're with him, and how good of a father he tries to be to Jack. You take a deep breath and let the good memories of him permeate through every part of you. When you open your eyes Jack is waiting for you, card open. You watch as he places a small dry kiss to the center of the card and then holds it up towards you. Tightening your hold on him, you lean forward and brush your lips against the same spot.
Jack quickly closes the card shut, as if afraid the love would float away otherwise. You stand up, lifting him along with you. After tucking the card in a safe spot, you help him get into bed and pick up the book on the nightstand. He's out before you even get to the second page.
You hadn't heard much from Easter in the way of Ian Doyle. Part of you thought you should tell Morgan and Rossi that you'd contacted him, but you knew they'd object. You figured it was better to wait until there was something concrete. Easier to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission. However, you couldn't help but feel dejected at the complete lack of progress. Doyle seemed to be underground and there was no intel on his whereabouts.
Work hadn't improved - if anything it appeared the cases were even more rapid fire, as though Derek was taking on more and more to avoid being home at all. This was only the first night you were back in two weeks. The last two cases had come back to back, so you'd flown straight to Tampa from Utah. You did understand Derek in a way - staying busy was the only way to stop wallowing. But he was running everyone, especially himself, ragged.
You and Rossi had put your foot down with him on the jet and insisted on no new cases for at least two days. Penelope was under strict instructions to not even hint at a case to him. Rossi had promised her a nice bottle of Chianti for her trouble and she'd been easily persuaded after you told her how tired Derek looked.
As you parked and got out of the car, you felt an overwhelming sense of unease. You'd been around someone or the other for the past two weeks straight with hardly a moment alone. Derek and you had gotten oddly comfortable sleeping next to one another, so even in a room with two double beds, you'd found yourself in his bed or vice versa most nights. Walking into a large, empty house all by yourself felt intimidating.
You opened the door and set your bag just inside, before locking it again. You drove first to the corner store and picked out some supplies, before driving again towards your destination.
When Derek opened his door to you, you could see the slight surprise on his face at the sight. There you stood, still wearing the leggings and sweatshirt you'd changed into on the plane, clutching a bottle of scotch in one hand while your other was wrapped around a box of the powdered sugary donuts that were his ultimate weakness. He finds himself letting out a small chuckle as he waves you inside.
"Thought you'd gotten enough of me already. Isn't that why we're on mandatory time off?" He follows behind you as you flop yourself onto his familiar couch.
You rolled your eyes at him. "You know we all needed the time off."
He sits down beside you, reaching for the box of donuts. Your last meal had been an early lunch before the plane ride home and you reckon he hadn't eaten anything since then either. You take the top off of the bottle of scotch, and not bothering with a glass, just take a swig straight from the mouth.
Derek raises an eyebrow at that. "Something you wanna talk about, princess?" His mouth already had the sugar dust around ,it as he reaches for a second donut.
"Just didn't wanna be home alone," you mumble out, handing over the bottle to him and breaking off half the donut in his hand for yourself.
You sitting on his couch - that wasn't an unfamiliar sight for him. You drinking scotch straight from the bottle, however, that gave him some pause. You weren't really a cheap liquor straight from the bottle kind of girl - that had been more Prentiss's thing. Even though it was the higher end of the bodega scotch, it still wasn't at the level of stuff you kept stocked at your place. He had to surmise that you hadn't even bothered to go inside.
"Are things ever going to go back to normal, Derek?" You settled in closer to him and he could feel the warmth of your thigh against his own. Your question caught him by surprise, but it was really the way you sighed out his name that made his brain stutter.
He had to really think about the question. He'd asked himself that countless times and each time he'd give up on crafting a response - he didn't have one. It had been more than five months since Prentiss died and Hotch left him in charge. That hadn't been how he'd wanted to get the job and every day he became more and more certain that he actually never wanted it. Hotch had managed it all, on top of a kid and made it seem effortless. He'd known it wasn't of course - Hotch worked harder than anyone else in the Bureau, but he was also working his way into an early grave. Derek didn't like seeing himself on the same path. But he couldn't quit now. Not when you'd lost both Prentiss and Hotch. He wouldn't leave you or Reid like that.
Normal though, he couldn't even wrap his brain around the concept anymore. None of this was normal. Strauss was pressuring him to hire someone already but he was resistant still. Keeping the team as it was - you, Rossi, Reid, and Garcia - that was the closest thing within his grasp to normal. He wasn't ready to let that go.
He realizes he's been quiet for too long and you're still waiting for some sort of response. He turns and he's met with your large doe eyes looking right at him and your face is so close to his. For a second he thinks you're drunk already, but the bottle of scotch barely has a dent in it. You hadn't drank more since you'd passed it off to him.
"I don't know," he says, his voice low and deep, sending a pang deep in your stomach. His face is so close to yours but you know it's your own fault for moving to be right beside him. Derek hadn't done anything wrong. You'd shown up at his door, at night, a bottle of liquor in hand. You weren't sure what you were thinking - all you'd wanted was to not be alone. It was Derek and right now he was the only person that made you feel not alone.
Your head is still rested against his shoulder and his face is tilted towards yours. There's a look that passes between you. You're not sure which one of you leaned in first, only that his lips are pressed against yours. In the next second, you're hauled up and placed on his lap, knees resting on either side of him. You'd opened your mouth and he's exploring yours, drawing a moan from deep within as his large hands wrap around your back. He tastes like sugar and scotch and you know you taste the same. Your own hands travel under his shirt, mouth never once leaving his, the trail of your light, cold fingers sending a shiver down his spine. He's pulling you impossibly close against him and wow it's Derek but oh my goodness it's Derek but it's Derek and it's Derek and it's Derek. You're panting into his mouth and grinding yourself into his lap and it feels so good. You've managed to slip his t-shirt up and he breaks away from your mouth to pull it off all the way, giving you a moment to breathe.
Your eyes meet his again, only this time neither one of you leans in. The moment to breathe was a moment of clarity and you both watch one another with uncertain eyes. He breaks first, and the sound of his laugh - the first truly happy laugh you've heard from him in months - sets off yours as well. It feels incredible to laugh again - like it’s a high. To laugh and to have it reach your eyes and to see it reflected in his - you hadn't realized how foreign that had become to you.
His chest rumbles underneath you as you come to grips with your situation. His hands drop from your waist and yours come back to your side as you swing your leg to get off of his lap. The remnants of laughter still linger between you as he slips his shirt back on over his head.
His hand finds yours on the couch and squeezes. "Are we going to be okay?" he asks, the laughter finally subsiding.
"We are okay," you tell him swiping at the sugar on his chin.
He nods, pushing up off of the couch and then reaching back to pull you up as well. "Alright then, princess. Let's go to bed."
Hand still gripped in his, you follow him to the bedroom.
It had been five months too long of this new not normal.
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ticklishtimothee · 4 years
a part of the family (spencer reid x reader)
summary: spencer hasn’t told the team about your relationship yet, but when morgan accidentally learns about it, spencer finally gets the courage to introduce you to the rest of the team.
a/n: i still have a few prompts to fill but this idea wouldn’t leave my head and i’m on a huge criminal minds binge atm so i hope you guys enjoy!!
words: 1,640
You awoke in Spencer’s bed, still mostly undressed from the night before, the memory making a sleepy smile curl on your face. Begrudgingly pulling back the covers, you stood up and pulled on one of Spencer’s sweaters, as it was way too early to get dressed back up in your jeans and own top.
Plus, you just liked stealing his clothes. He didn’t seem to mind one bit, so why stop?
You two had been together for about two months, but he still hadn’t gotten around to telling his team. You weren’t offended, after he explained why.
“I’ve never had a really serious relationship before, and they’re all so used to me being the kid of the team, I’m afraid they’re going to make a huge deal of it. My first kiss was during a case, and Morgan made fun of me about it for weeks after. I love them all, but I’m with them all the time, and I just...I want something that’s just for us right now.”
You were more than content with that, for the time being, although you were also itching to meet the people who were so important to your boyfriend. Whenever he was ready, you would be.
Faintly, through the closed bedroom door, you heard voices. Was there someone at the door? Spencer wasn’t one to talk to himself while he brewed coffee, and he wasn’t on the phone, because you could hear two voices, and he never put his calls on speaker.
Curiosity getting the better of you, you tiptoed toward the door, and let it slowly creak open.
In the small apartment, you could see straight down the hall to the front door, which Spencer had opened about a quarter of the way, and he was talking to someone through the crack.
Deciding that it was nothing important, just someone from the building asking if he’d buy their daughter’s Girl Scout cookies (he would say yes, of course), you opened the door the rest of the way and started making your way down the hall.
“C’mon, pretty boy, re-reading War and Peace is not the same as being busy—”
Without warning, the person who had spoken pushed Spencer gently in the chest and made their way through the door, a tall and muscular black man who you recognized from the few pictures that Spencer had shown you of the team.
“Morgan!” Spencer cried, confirming it was exactly who you thought the intruder was.
It was too late, though. Morgan’s eyes had already locked on you, surprise spreading over his features.
Remembering your state of undress, you hurriedly crossed your arms over your chest. This wasn’t at all how you planned to meet Spencer’s co-workers. You had at least thought you’d have some more clothes on when it happened.
Morgan looked between Spencer and you for a moment.
Sensing the awkwardness in the air, you spoke up. “I’m Y/N. It’s nice to meet you, Agent Morgan.”
“It’s just Derek to you, sweetheart,” he replied, shooting you a smile. “I’m really sorry to barge in like this, I just wasn’t expecting Reid to have anyone over.”
Spencer flushed pink, and it made you giggle softly. “It’s no worry. I am gonna go back in there so you guys can talk, and maybe put on some pants while I’m at it,” you said, shooting a smile between the two men before dipping back into the bedroom.
You caught some parts of the conversation, mostly Derek apologizing, and Spencer apologizing back for having not told him. But the one thing you did hear that made a hopeless smile spread across your face was Derek’s voice.
“Y/N seems like a catch, kid. I’d love to meet them again when you wanna introduce us all, formally this time.”
Spencer laughed softly. “Yeah, they’re great. Maybe next weekend, if we don’t have a case...I’ll see if Y/N is up for it.”
After Morgan left, Spencer came back into the bedroom with two mugs of coffee in his hands, his face still flushed and a shy smile.
“I’m so sorry about that,” he said immediately. “I see him almost every day, but just because he assumed I wasn’t doing anything, he dropped by to see if I wanted to get lunch with him and Penelope.”
You chuckled, gratefully accepting one of the cups. “He seems great. Although it isn’t exactly how I pictured meeting him, I see why you like him so much.”
“Do you think...I mean, would you want...to meet the rest of them, sometime?” he asked, and you could hear the nervous twinge in his tone.
You reached out with one hand to cup the side of his face. “I’d love that. Anyone who is important to you is someone I want to meet.”
He grinned, and pulled you in for a quick kiss.
The next day, Spencer was called away on a case, and you sat in your apartment, engrossed in a book that he’d lended you when your phone dinged.
Although he wasn’t much of a texter, he did it occasionally when he was too busy to give you a call. It read: “I asked the team if they’d like to meet you. They’re so excited. We should be on a plane out of here by the weekend. How does Saturday sound?”
Smiling to yourself, you replied: “It sounds perfect. Tell them I can’t wait.”
Carefully marking your place in the book, you went to your closet to pick something to wear. 
It was only Thursday, but you wanted the team to like you. Their entire job was to judge off of appearances, off of first impressions, and so you knew you had to make a good one.
You dug through endless outfits before settling on one that you decided could suffice: classy but not overdressed.
You went to bed that night, and the night after, feeling like you had first-day jitters like a kid in high school. You went about your usual routine, just with an added excitement beneath your actions.
Spencer texted you Friday evening: “The jet just landed. Instead of going to a bar, Rossi offered up his house, if that’s alright. I can come pick you up.”
You replied. “I’ll start getting ready!”
Spencer’s lack of texting skills were a running joke between the two of you, and so he had started using emojis to show off the fact that he did  know how to work his phone, and therefore sent back a thumbs-up.
It made you laugh, looking at the screen fondly, before you started getting ready.
There was a knock on your apartment door just as you were finishing, and you hurried over to let Spencer in.
His eyes widened a little when he saw you. “Wow,” he said instead of a usual greeting.
You grinned. “You like it?”
“You look amazing,” he said, before pulling you in for a kiss.
You kissed him back, before running back inside to grab your bag and put on your shoes, and the two of you set off in a cab to Rossi’s home (or rather, mansion).
You walked towards the front door with bated breath, Spencer squeezing your hand reassuringly as he rang the doorbell.
A short, bearded man who you knew was Rossi himself answered the door, and his face lit up like a Christmas tree when he saw you. “You must be Y/N! Come in you two, come in.”
“Dave, where are your manners? At least introduce yourself before you heard them in here like cattle,” a taller man, Hotch, you remembered, said.
“Oh, hush Aaron, I’m sure Reid told them our names,” he replied. “But, in case he didn’t: David Rossi, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
You giggled, taking the hand which he extended to you and shaking it. “It’s great to meet you too.”
“Aaron Hotchner,” the other man said, coming over to shake your hand as well, and you felt yourself begin to turn pink under all the attention.
“I’m Penelope,” one of the women came forward, and her smile could have lit the whole room. “You are so adorable!”
“Thank you,” you laughed, assuming she was that straightforward with everyone. “I love your dress.”
Penelope pulled you in for a giddy one-armed hug. “Spencer, they’re a keeper,” she stage-whispered.
JJ approached you next, an older-sister like glint in her eye as she assessed you, but you seemed to pass her test by the way she smiled, after a very firm handshake.
Then, Emily, already with a glass of red wine in her hand, took her time to compliment your shoes. You knew that was a high compliment coming for her, as Spencer had told you about her extensive collection of boots and heels.
“It’s good to see you again, Y/N,” Morgan said.
“Again? What do you mean, again?” Penelope asked, shooting him a look.
Spencer went red. You assumed that he hadn’t told them about the incident at the apartment, and you hid your laugh in your sleeve as Derek began to retell it, mischief dancing in his eyes.
You should have been more embarrassed, but it was hard to not feel comfortable around them all, and besides, they had heard way worse stories in the field, so it didn’t seem to phase them besides some laughter and poking fun at Spencer, who you knew secretly didn’t mind one bit.
“They always make you feel like part of the family,” he had once told you when describing his team.
At dinner, Rossi made a show of clinking a fork on his glass and standing.
“A toast, to Spencer and Y/N,” he announced, and he caught your eye with a smile, and as everyone said “cheers!”, you knew you were officially a part of the family.
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cressidascowper · 4 years
people fall in love in mysterious ways (maybe it’s all part of a plan)
summary: While Spencer may not be the most versed in the world of relationships, he’s not completely oblivious, and even he can note the most obvious of things. 
The development of JJ and Elle’s relationship through the eyes of Dr. Spencer Reid. 
pairing: jennifer jareau x elle greenaway (jelle)
word count: 4.9k
read on ao3 or below the cut
Pittacus Lore wrote, “Those things that are the most obvious are the very things we’re most likely to overlook.”
Spencer Reid didn’t quite know what to expect when he first met Elle Greenaway. He had been impressed by her tactics to lure the unsub out of his house and also by her knowledge of the David Merkowitz’s diaries. He also knew her specialty and reputation with Seattle’s sex offender cases but was unsure how she would work into the team dynamic, especially as the only woman, not that Spencer had any issue with that, it was just different.
But when he’d heard her sass Morgan back at Slessman’s house and that she’d shot the unsub to save Gideon’s and the girl’s lives, Spencer knew she’d fit right in.
Back at Quantico, Spencer is diligently working at his desk when Elle saunters down the stairs.
“Question for you.”
Derek briefly looks up from his computer. “Shoot.”
“The footpath killer, why did he stutter?”
“Come on, Elle, we’ve all asked him,” Morgan leans back in his chair, fully addressing her, “and he won’t say, he wants us to figure it out.”
“Okay,” she says, sitting on her desk, as she fidgets with her new name plate. “I’m up for a challenge.”
“Good,” JJ walks into the bullpen with a stack of files, “because these go to you.”
Spencer intently watches as the media liaison sets down the pile of papers on Elle’s desk and extends her hand.
“Special Agent Jennifer Jareau, JJ if you like.”
He carefully observes their interaction, trying to read both women.
“Greenaway,” JJ finishes knowingly, “highest number of solved cases in Seattle three years running, speciality in sex offender cases.”
Elle briefly glances at Spencer, clearly impressed. “Not bad.”
“Well, I’m the unit liaison. My specialty is untangling bureaucratic knots,” JJ explains, as she makes her way towards the stairs. Spencer notices Elle’s eyes widen at the other woman’s slight rambling. “You’ll probably be talking to me a lot. My door’s always open, mostly because I’m never in my office, so just call me on my cell okay? We’ll talk.”
Reid furrows his eyebrows at JJ’s winded explanation. The liaison rarely rambled on like that, perhaps a nervous habit. It is true that it is more likely for a person to ramble or rush their speech when nervous or anxious. He then looks back to Elle, who gags at the unload of information she just received.
Despite only knowing the brunette for a short period of time, Spencer could tell she was a down to business and no bullshit or fluff type of person. She was the kind of profiler who was focused on catching the bad guy, none of the rest mattered.
Before he can further dwell on the way Elle and JJ’s different personalities would mesh on the team, Hotch calls them into the conference room for another case.
A couple weeks later, the team is celebrating his 24th birthday. After Spencer tries, and fails, many times to blow the candles out, JJ stops him, “They’re trick candles, Spence. Okay? They’re gonna come back on every time.”
With one final attempt, he gives a hard blow, but as JJ said, they came back on.
Derek messes with the birthday hat Spencer was wearing, teasing, “Oh, mommy to the rescue.”
“Mommy?” Spencer scrunches his face, confused.
“Ignore him.”
As Elle and JJ work to dispose the cake of the fake candles, Spencer gets up to talk to Gideon.
“You having fun?” The older profiler asks.
“Yes, definitely,” Reid confirms awkwardly. “I’m definitely having fun.”
“Make a wish?”
“Can I take this hat off?” he looks up at the offending object.
“I wouldn’t,” Gideon shakes his head to which Spencer just lets out a small laugh.
“Hey, Spence,” JJ calls over to him, holding out a plate. “First piece for the birthday boy.”
Before going to retrieve his cake, Spencer turns back to Gideon and whispers, “Do you know she’s the only person in the whole world who calls me ‘Spence’?”
As Morgan, JJ, Elle, and him all at their cake, Hotch hangs up the phone before addressing them, “Sorry, guys, party’s over.”
Throughout the entire case of the Tommy Killer, Morgan’s comment about him not being able to get a date bugged Spencer. As they wait for the trap and trace, Spencer sits with Elle at a desk, fidgeting with a Rubik’s cube.
“God, I hate waiting like this,” Elle groans, spinning her cellphone around on the desk.
“Do you think it’s weird that I knew that ballad?”
She lets out a laugh, “I don’t know how it is that you know half the things you know, but I’m glad you do.”
“Do you think that’s why I can’t get a date?” He asks, looking up at her.
“You ever ask anyone out?” She retorts sincerely.
He thinks about it briefly, “No.”
“That’s why you can’t get a date.”
Spencer nods his head slightly at her fair point. Before he can ask anything else, the phone rings with a call from the unsub.
Back on the plane, after wrapping up the case, Gideon gives Reid a pair of Redskin’s tickets, encouraging the younger profiler to ask JJ out on a date.
Spencer walks to the other end of the jet and sits down in the empty seat next to the liaison. “Hey.”
Looking up from the papers she was reading, she smiles, “Hey.”
He pulls out the tickets from his shirt pocket, “I got these tickets to the Redskin’s game, and I heard you were a big fan,” he shyly explains. “You maybe wanna go with me?”
“I’d love to, Spence,” JJ accepts, nodding with a grin.
As the two of them continue to talk, Spencer feels someone’s eyes on him. Scanning the plane, he sees Elle has woken up from her nap and is now looking at the two of them. He locks eyes with her very briefly, an unreadable expression on her face, before she quickly diverts her attention. Spencer shakes it off and resumes his conversation with JJ.
The date with JJ is going pretty well, especially considering it is his first date ever. They go out to an early dinner at a Thai place in downtown DC before heading to the football stadium. He is having a good time; however, it honestly feels more like he’s just hanging out with a friend.
As they watch the game, JJ spends most of the time explaining the rules of the game to him, while he just spewed off random statistics and probabilities he’d researched, hoping to at least sound like he fit in at the stadium.
However, Spencer notices that the conversation would always drift towards a certain brunette profiler, the newest member of the team.
“Did you know that Elle is originally from New York?”
“No, I didn’t,” he tilts his head to the side. “Although that does make sense. Her personality is very Brooklyn.”
“True,” JJ chuckles, her eyes lighting up. “She’s a Jet’s fan. We watched the game together a couple weeks ago.”
Based on their first interaction, Spencer never would’ve thought the two women would have gotten along; apparently, he couldn’t have been more wrong. According to the liaison, her and Elle go out for lunches and dinners togethers, especially when they were away on cases, and also have girls nights both with Penelope and sometimes just by themselves.
At the end of the night, as JJ pulls up to Spencer’s apartment, he nervously wipes his hands on his pants. “I had a fun time tonight.”
“Me too, Spence,” she returns with a polite smile.
Not knowing how to phrase what he’s about to say without sounding too blunt, he decides to just blurt it out, “Although, I don’t know if we are romantically compatible.”
JJ just lets out a small giggle, shaking her head at the awkward genius.
“Sorry,” Spencer’s cheeks tint pink, hidden by the shadows of the night sky.
“It’s alright,” the blonde assures. “I agree.”
He just nods, pressing his lips together. “You should ask her out.”
“What?” JJ’s head snaps up, her eyes widening with shock and confusion.
“Elle,” Spencer clarifies. “You should ask Elle out.”
Her face flushes so brightly that the darkness grants her no favors as it had with Spencer. “W-why would you think I’d want to do that?”
“JJ, you mentioned Elle fourteen times in the past two hours,” he points out with a smug look on his face, not even slightly exaggerating, “and your eyes light up whenever you talk about her.”
“I’m sorry, Spence. I didn’t even realize,” she trails off, giving him a sheepish look.
“Don’t worry about it,” he shrugs. “Besides, I got to learn some things about Elle I didn’t know before.”
JJ offers him an apologetic look, as he unbuckles and opens the door to get out.
Before shutting the car door, Spencer ducks his head back in the car, “Just think about it, okay?”
“Okay,” she whispers, earning a grin from the young man. “Night, Spence.”
“G’night, JJ. See you on Monday, or whenever Hotch calls,” he says, closing the passenger door before heading into his apartment.
The team is in the car on their way to the train where Elle, along with four others, were currently being held hostage by a psychotic patient. He listens intently as JJ explains the current situation and how the local authorities are handling it, and he detects a slight, almost unnoticeable, waver in her voice.
“We need to know who on that train’s gonna be a help and who’s gonna be a problem,” Hotch states.
“Alright, well let me Garcia to work some magic on those video feeds,” Derek pulls out his phone to call the tech analyst. “Garcia? Okay, listen to me. No playing. We’re gonna be feeding you some security camera video from a hostage situation over a secure line. Can you work your face recognition software over it and tell me who’s who?”
Spencer faintly hears Garcia say something through the phone, before Morgan addresses her again, “Penelope, Elle is one of the hostages.” Snapping his phone shut, Derek tells Hotch, “She’ll get us the names.”
Gideon then turns to the media liaison, “Have we had any contact inside the train yet?”
“No,” JJ shakes her head. “It took two hours just to convince him to allow a two-way phone, but he won’t speak to anyone except for what he calls the, uh, higher authorities.
“God?” Hotch proposes, glancing back in the rear view mirror.
“No mention of religious thus far,” she answers, reviewing the files.
“Has crisis negotiation’s lead claimed to be the higher authority?”
“The unsub won’t speak to him any longer,” she takes a deep breath before continuing. “He gave a deadline of three hours to produce this authority.”
“Three hours— when was that?” Spencer asks.
“Um,” JJ glances down at her watch, scoffing, “two and a half hours ago.”
“Well, he wants to speak to the higher authority,” Hotch points out.
“Then we better give it to him,” Gideon finishes. “Put the lights on, sirens, honk the horns, make people get out of our way.”
Hotch reaches to turn on the sirens, as the older agent continues to give directions, “Get as close to the barricade as possible. When we stop, we sit. We wait thirty seconds. Then we step out.”
For the rest of the short drive, the car is filled with silence, the only noise coming from the police sirens blaring from outside the car. Out of the corner of his eye, Spencer notices the movement of JJ’s knee bouncing anxiously. As he turns to observe her more carefully, he sees an underlying sense of worry and tenseness— the slight furrowing of her brow, the clenching of her jaw, the biting of her lip— underneath the mask she’s so used to putting on when addressing the press.
Ducking his head, he whispers in her ear, “Don’t worry. Elle’s gonna be fine. She can handle herself.”
“Yeah,” she quietly huffs, turning to him with a thankful smile, her eyes telling a different story, as they’re filled with fear and dread.
Knowing there’s nothing more he can do to assure her, Spencer just nods and waits for them to reach the train. Once they arrive on site and wait thirty seconds as Gideon had instructed, the entire team exits the SUV, where they’re greeted by one of the Dallas police officers.
“I’m Frank Moretti, Dallas Field Office,” he shakes Gideon hand. “Near as we can tell, your agent is still all right.”
Spencer lets out a deep breath of relief and senses JJ do the same. After being updated on the situation, the team makes their way into the mobile command center, where they proceed to watch the surveillance video and craft their plan.
After a magic trick and two gunshots, Spencer, Elle, and the four other hostages finally make it off the train, along with an injured Dr. Bryar. Now, after Gideon checked up on the two of them, Spencer and Elle sit on the trunk of one of the police cars.
“Um, Reid, you probably saved my life in there.”
“Probably? I totally saved your life,” he boasts with a playful smirk. “And I’m pretty certain that it was caught on tape.”
Elle smiles a little before asking, “You know, what you said in there to Bryar? That you know what it’s like?”
“The guy was a delusional psychotic,” Spencer attempts to brush off. “I was playing into his fantasy.”
She nods, not wanting to push him.
“Go to the hospital,” he pats her leg, as he moves to stand up. “I’ll see you there, alright? Besides, I think there’s someone who’s pretty anxious to see you right now.”
Spencer motions his eyes for Elle to follow in the direction where JJ is currently standing, nervously biting her lip, her arms crossed and  brows knitted.
Getting up from the trunk, Elle looks back at him, “Thanks, Reid.”
He watches, as she ambles towards the ambulance only to be stopped by the blonde woman crashing into her for a hug. Although he can’t hear what they’re saying, Spencer notices the gentle touch and soft looks exchanged between the two. Smiling to himself, he turns back around, giving them their privacy, and continues to walk towards the SUV.
After delivering the profile to the local precinct, the team decides to go out for Chinese food, figuring that since they were in New York going to a restaurant was better than ordering takeout to the hotel.  
“You guys,” Elle chuckles between bites, “we’re here in New York and even when we’re not talking about our case, we end up taking about another profiler.”
Spencer focuses on trying to pick up a piece of baby corn only to have it slip out of his chopsticks before it can reach his mouth.
“You’re right. So, Elle,” Hotch pauses, with a teasing glint in his eye, “are you seeing anyone?”
Derek snickers while Elle just laughs nervously, glancing down at her plate of food. Spencer watches amused, as the normally composed profiler is put on the spot. He notices her eyes briefly flitting over to the blonde woman sitting next to him, who has suddenly found her noodles very interesting, lowering her head to hide her blushing cheeks. But before he can make anything of it, Elle not-so-subtly changes the subject.
“Uh, Gideon,” she clears her throat, “why didn’t you tell the cops that it might be one of their own?”
“If we’re gonna catch the guy, we need all the help the cops can give us,” he explains. “The last thing I want to do is accuse one of them of murder.”
As their finishing up their dinner, Gideon’s phone rings, and JJ asks Reid, “How’s it going there?”
“Awesome,” he mumbles sarcastically, earning laughs from the rest of the team.
“Gideon,” the older profiler answers his phone, as Spencer watches another piece of food slip from his chopsticks.
“It’s absolutely incredible. 1.3 billion people stay nourished using these things,” he sets down the wooden utensils, admitting defeat.
“Yeah. Ok. I got it,” Gideon hangs up the phone then addresses the table. “He just took out a cop killer.”
With that, the light and airy mood of the table is immediately dampened. Back to work it is.
The case has finally come to an end, one that was not optimal, but an end no less. However, the team can’t fly back to Quantico until the next morning due to inclement weather in DC.
With a free evening, Spencer goes to JJ’s room, knocking on her door to see if she would show him around New York as she had offered. Receiving no answer, he knocks again.
“JJ?” Not hearing any movement on the other side of the door, he shrugs, slightly disappointed, before walking down the hall and moving on to Elle’s room.
He figures there is no one better to show him around the city than the Brooklyn native herself. He knocks on the door, only to, once again, receive no answer. Frowning, confused, Spencer just makes his way down the hall, arriving at Morgan’s room.
This time, the occupant answers. “Reid, my man, come on in.”
Spencer smiles awkwardly, shuffling into room, where Hotch and Gideon are sitting at the table, which is littered with cards.
“Wanna play?” Derek comes from behind him, moving to return to his seat.
“Uh, sure,” Reid agrees and pulls up a chair next to the unit chief, who looks only slightly relaxed on his evening off. As Spencer scans and organizes the cards Morgan dealt him, he asks, “Do you guys know where JJ or Elle are? I was hoping to see at least some of New York.”
“What? We’re not good enough for you?” Derek teases with a smirk.
“No, I didn’t mean it like that,” Spencer defends. “I just didn’t think any of you would be willing to go with me.”
Aaron and Jason exchange brief glances, knowing there is, per usual, truth to the younger profiler’s statement.
“I’m just playing, Pretty Boy,” Morgan laughs, as he continues to facilitate the game. “I don’t know about JJ, but Elle mentioned something about getting dinner at Il Calamari, or some fancy name like that.”
“Il Cantinori?” Spencer supplies, remembering JJ mentioning the restaurant on the jet.
“Sure,” Derek muses but focusing on his cards rather than the specifics of his teammates’ whereabouts. “They’re probably having a girls night.”
“Dealing with men all day can be tiring,” Hotch chimes in, his eyes lighter and less stern.
“Especially ruthless journalists, arrogant New York police officers, and know-it-all profilers,” Gideon adds with a slight huff of laughter.
Spencer narrows his brows, not entirely sure whether the last part was a jab at him or not. He quickly scans the faces of the three other men for any signs that they knew more than they let on.
Because really? JJ and Elle having a girls night at one of New York’s most famous five star restaurants? Sure, a “girls night.” Right.
Although Reid wasn’t the most adept at reading social cues or at assessing romantic relationships, he knew his teammates well enough to know there was something more than friendship between them. Even if he hadn’t been subtly observing their dynamic, he would’ve thought the lingering glances, flushed faces, and soft touches would’ve been a dead giveaway.
He had a feeling that the other three agents were good enough profilers to suspect something was going on between the two women, but knowing it was not any of their places to discuss it, Spencer just concentrates on the card game in front of him, already knowing he is going to win, again.
Spencer, along with Morgan and Elle, have been working on some files and paperwork, seeing as there was no case yet. As Elle was finishing up a call, hanging up the phone, Morgan leans back in his chair, observing the woman.
Feeling his staring, Elle briefly glances at him. “What?”
“We’ve only been here an hour,” Derek points out, “and you’ve made two calls.”
“You hate the phone, Elle.”
“I don’t hate the phone,” she protests.
“Actually, you do,” Spencer decides to interject, looking up from his work. Unable to refrain from sharing a fact, he babbles on. “Hey, did you know that Alexander Graham Bell and Eli Gray both simultaneously invented electronic sound transmission devices? It came down to a race betwixt the two.”
“Yeah, and Bell beat Gray to the patent office by a matter of hours,” Elle finishes, and Spencer gives her a weird look, puzzled by her behavior. “Common knowledge,” she explains with a flippant tone as if to say ‘duh.’
“Why are you acting so weird?” Derek asks after watching their exchange.
Elle turns to him with an expectant look. “We’re sitting with a guy who knows that there are eight hundred kernels of corn on the average cob,” she motions towards Spencer, who adds more specific information, “Arranged in sixteen separate rows.”
“And you’re calling me weird?”
“You’re getting some loving, aren’t you? You got a boyfriend,” Morgan speculates, a teasing smirk playing on his face, earning an eye roll from the other agent.
“You are basing this on what exactly? The fact that I don’t like the phone? That’s your best?” Elle rambles, becoming increasingly defensive. Spencer looks up from his computer, taking the time to observe, not profile because that would be against the unspoken rules of the BAU, his teammate. Based on Elle’s defensiveness and her answering questions with questions, he could speculate that there is partial truth to Morgan’s statement.
“You’ve been a profiler for how long Derek? And that’s your best? That’s weak, that’s weak,” she accuses, as Derek just grins, gesturing for her to bring it on.
“What’s weak?” JJ approaches their desks, a case file in her arms, signaling to them that they’re need in the conference room.
“Morgan thinks Elle has a boyfriend,” Reid answers, and as Elle stands up from her seat to follow the liaison, she interjects, “Nothing.”
“‘Nothing,’ see you just denied it,” Derek, with a knowing smirk, moves to get up and points at her.
JJ lets out a small scoffing laugh, “Do you?” Spencer notes her tone is teasing, almost as if she is baiting Elle.
“It’s more fun not to answer that question,” the brunette responds.
“That right there is a ‘yes,’ baby,” Morgan boasts. “I knew it. I told you.”
“She didn’t really admit to anything, man,” Reid claims, pointing out the obvious but also attempting to alleviate the pressure off of Elle.
“Thank you,” she throws out to him before speed walking to catch up to JJ’s side.
“Reid, trust me, you got a lot to learn.”
Walking behind the two women, Spencer watches them turn to each other, an amused look on the the liaison’s face and a slight smile on Elle’s.
Morgan was right about one thing: Elle was definitely getting some loving. But she certainly did not have a boyfriend.
The nightmare of the Fisher King case is over, and Spencer can finally breath. Returning to Quantico, knowing his mother was safe after accompanying her back to Vegas, he decides to visit Elle in the hospital.
Seeing as the rest of the team had already paid their visits while he was with his mother, Spencer rides the elevator up to Elle’s floor alone. Approaching the nurses station, he whips out his badge. “Hi, I’m looking for Elle Greenaway.”
“Room 8C, sir,” the nurse points down the hall.
“Thank you,” he nods before heading in that direction. As he approaches the room, he sees JJ curled up in a chair next to Elle.
Quietly entering, Spencer pulls up another chair to the other side of the bed. Elle, who was not sleeping, only resting, senses the younger agent’s movement and opens her eyes.
“Hey, Reid,” she whispers, her voice scratchy and rough.
“Hey,” he hands her the cup of water that was sitting on the bedside table.
“Thanks,” she murmurs, taking a sip.
“How are you feeling?”
“Like I got shot,” Elle snorts with a smirk. Spencer shakes his head with a small grin at the woman’s bluntness.
“Garcia stop by?” he asks rhetorically, scanning the bouquets of flowers and the stuffed animals crowding the table.
“Mhmm,” Elle hums. “Her and Morgan came by for a little yesterday.”
“And I see you’ve had some company,” he muses, nodding his head towards the sleeping blonde.
Elle glances over at the woman in question, a faint smile appearing on her face. “Yeah.”
Spencer takes the time to observe JJ. Her clothes, the ones she’d been wearing since the start of the case, are crinkled, her hair is not as in place as usual, and her face looks tired.
Right on cue, the liaison stirs in the chair and slowly wakes up with a yawn. Noticing Spencer sitting across from her, JJ asks, “Oh, hey, Spence. When’d you get here?”
“Fourteen minutes and twenty-three seconds ago.”
She raises her eyebrows at him and just nods along.
“JJ, you should go home, maybe change your clothes, take a shower, get some proper sleep,” he suggests.
The blonde opens her mouth to respond, but before she can, Elle snorts, “Good luck with that, Reid. I’ve been trying to convince her to go home for the past two days.”
“Excuse me for being worried about you and wanting to make sure you’re alright,” the liaison snarks, though it lacks any real bite.
“Jayge,” Elle softens, not-so-discreetly taking the other woman’s hand, “I’m alright. Reid’s right. You should go home and take care of yourself. I’ll be fine.”
Noticing JJ’s hesitancy, Spencer pipes up, “JJ, don’t worry. I’ll stay with her for a while.”
“You guys, I’m in a hospital,” Elle sighs, exasperated. “I don’t need a babysitter.”
But neither agent pays her any attention, too focussed on the silent conversation they’re having. Ultimately, JJ relents, the exhaustion and the uncomfortable wrinkled clothes getting to her.
“Fine,” she runs her hands through her hair and turns to Elle. “I’ll be back tomorrow if we don’t have a case.”
“I’ll be alright,” the brunette gives JJ a reassuring smile. “Go.”
The liaison sighs and grabs her bag, heading towards the door. Before leaving, she turns back around, addressing Spencer, “Make sure to call me if anything happens, or tell the doctor to, or whoever is here.”
“Go!” Both Elle and Reid shoo the weary blonde out of the hospital room.
A sheepish look washes over JJ’s face, as she waves them goodbye, finally making her way home.
Once it was just the two of them, a comfortable silence hangs in the air. Spencer does what he does best and observes the woman in front of him; the same woman who takes him seriously, not handling him with kid gloves; the same woman who was taken hostage, whom he had to save; the same woman who got shot and almost died, who did die.
“I can feel you staring,” she murmurs and glances at him out of the corner of her eye.
“You two are good for each other,” he states, a hint of a smirk playing on his face.
A faint blush tints Elle’s cheeks, as she gives him a weak smile. “You okay with it?”
Spencer scrunches his brows, confused by her question. But as the gears turn in his head, he realizes what she’s asking him.
He thinks back to that night on the jet when he’d asked JJ to the football game; the unreadable expression on Elle’s face had been jealousy. Elle obviously knew that the date hadn’t turned into anything, but here she was asking him if he was okay of her relationship with JJ, if he still harbored feelings for the blonde, if he approved.
Sensing her nervousness, Spencer takes her hand in his, squeezing it comfortingly. “I’m more than okay with it.”
Elle lets out a small sigh of relief, her eyes drooping, as the medication and fatigue take over. “I love her, Reid,” she mumbles in a slight delirium, falling into a restful sleep.
“I know,” he smiles knowingly and pats the back of her hand. “Get some sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up. JJ will kill me if I’m not,” he mutters the last part to himself with a chuckle.
Leaning back in the chair, he pulls out a book from his bag and makes himself comfortable for the hours to come.
If someone had told Spencer all those months ago, as he watched Elle and JJ meet for the first time, Elle in her dark black suit and JJ in her bright blue sweater set, that they’d be here, today, in love with each other, he would have been stunned into silence and in complete disbelief.
Because who would have thought that these two women, opposite forces of nature, night and day, would come together and balance each other out so beautifully. But, he thought, maybe that’s just how love works, no rhyme or reason, no statistics, no facts behind it.
And when your life has always based around facts and statistics, as Spencer’s was, love can be a tricky thing. It’s organic, complicated, extraordinary, and unexpected. But as he thinks back to the little moments he’d witnessed, Spencer feels his own heart warm, and he thinks that maybe he’s beginning to understand.
Out of all the things he’s learned in his twenty-four years, the lesson of love he’s gained through JJ and Elle’s relationship is his favorite so far.
“Love is the key to life
The thing that makes it right.
If you really want to be free
You can believe that love is the key.”
— Love Is The Key, Maze
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