#just for curiosity’s sake which post are you talking about?
patolemus · 5 months
Your previous Sterek post made me realize that the only reason I don't ship Sterek is because to me Derek is an adult. I always knew he was older but once they paired him up with Jennifer I was like that's an adult.
If Derek would have looked younger or if they had been more clear about his age I would've 100% shipped Sterek.
That’s completely fair! I personally never considered him one because he was depicted to be much younger in the earlier seasons and that stuck to me even when they retconned him and made him out to be much older. To me he’ll always be just a couple of years older than Stiles, so I never found it all that weird.
Also, his history with older women started allegedly when he was a teenager, so when Jennifer appeared I was like, oh I don’t like this, but I wasn’t really surprised. Derek has a record of being used by older women. When JD said Jennifer used magic to seduce Derek I was even less surprised, because to me that relationship was always a bit… off. But that’s a thing for another post so I won’t delve deep into it.
Anyway. What I’m trying to say is that it’s completely okay if you don’t ship it, for whatever reason, and the age thing is understandable. Even if you see the chemistry between the characters you don’t have to ship it.
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toruro · 10 months
i just think….toxic ex bf!dino who starts hoeing out to make you jealous.. he fucks any random girl at any random party but only thinks of you, making sure his hickeys are visible enough for you to see them, posting pics with randoms on his socials 💭
nectar of the gods
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tags: smut (18+), angst, toxic chan (duhh), pet names (baby), creampie
w/c: 1.4k
a/n: this concept is insanity actually anon i am in love with u (WINK WONK WINK WONK WINK WONK) ..,,, pls visit my inbox more often :3
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thinking about your toxic ex chan.
it's funny when you say that, because he was the one who said he wanted to end things on good terms; told you he wanted "none of that drama ... none of that petty shit." chan had said it so casually that you're now having a hard time trying to figure out if you're going crazy.
crazy, because just three nights after you two ended things, he was posting on his finsta (which, by the way, he demanded you stay on for the sake of keeping peace and not cutting ties) at some party you weren't invited to with some girl you didn't know dancing—no, grinding—on the same man whose lap you were bouncing on just a week earlier.
crazy, because two days later you go to hang out with your group of friends and of course chan is there (because when isn't chan there?), and you swear you haven't seen him wear a shirt with a collar that low in ages and ... is that a hickey? you might go crazy.
crazy, because you aren't sure if he expects you to stare ..,, crazy, because you swear you see his lips curve upwards into a smug smirk when you turn your eyes away, bashfully heating up in the cheeks. "you good?" he asks casually, when you choke over your water a little when you decide to glance back at him and catch second and third splotchy, bruising mark under his collarbone.
crazy, because you aren't sure why your stomach bubbles up with some nasty feeling of ... anger? uncertainty? jealousy?
crazy, because how could you be jealous? you broke up with him—told him you've got too much going on in your life, and while chan was great and all, you don't really have the time for a boyfriend right now. so really, you have no right to be jealous, isn't that correct?
fuck, you've gone crazy.
it doesn't help that you try to avoid him. the next week, you don't sit next to him in the lecture you have together, and you don't think chan'll make a fuss about it. after all, it seems like he's moving on just fine, so you hardly consider the fact that he might be just a bit bothered by the fact that you choose to sit next to seungcheol instead.
you don't expect him to walk up to you afterwards with a frown etched deep into his lips as he scoffs, "already throwing yourself on my friends?" to which you'd like to respond with: "aren't you doing just the same?" ... 'cept you don't say that, because that would mean you're jealous, right? and you're not jealous ... no way!
so you just shake your head softly and say that you're sorry for causing a fuss. that you'll sit with him next time. that you'll start talking to seungcheol less. chan grins at you and nods his head, and as he turns away to head to his car, you catch the fading mark on his neck from a few nights before, and wonder if you should say something.
you don't, of course.
that night you go home, and you're scrolling on your insta and then there's that bright ring around the chan's finsta and so curiosity undoubtedly kills the cat. maybe you tear up a little at the sight of a an obviously faded chan who's got his cheek pressed up against another girl's, both of them grinning as people party in the background.
and so you call him, and he's sweet at first. asks you, "hey what's up ... hey are you crying?" to which you respond with more sniffles. and you wanna hang up, you wanna hang up so bad, but then you think that if you cut the call he's just gonna go off and talk to that girl—or worse, he'll fuck her—and you're totally not jealous but you also totally can't let that happen.
and so you cry a bit harder—you replay the image of those stupid, big fat hickeys on his neck—and you let your tummy churn while you wallow in your own self pity.
"what's wrong baby?" chan asks you from the other side, and in the background you faintly hear the blaring techno and you briefly consider telling him you miss him, which is odd because you don't miss him ... do you? you just don't want him to go off with what's-her-face ... right?
and so you're silent, tryin' to figure out what you should say but then you hear this voice and it's too high pitched, too bubbly, too girly to be chan's, and suddenly your heart sinks right down to your stomach.
"channie, c'mon! let's have some fun?" the voice of a girl calls in the background, and you're just about to open your mouth and say something when chan beats you to it.
"i gotta go," he tells you in a rush and oh the sound of the line being cut will be you're undoing, because now the image of chan fucking this random ass girl burns into your skull and for some reason, you can't seem to shave it down.
and so you drown yourself in your tears, pressing yourself into the cushions of your couch and your sobs rack through your empty living room while chan is probably in some strangers room fucking the living daylights out of a cunt that isn't yours.
you think you might just fall asleep like this—alone in this dimly lit room with nothing but your tears dropping onto your lap; and so when you hear chan's voice you think this might be a dream, but then you look up and suddenly you see him.
he stands in front of you in all his glory, face flushed and faux blonde hair brushes just over his eyes as he walks closer to where you sit on your couch. chan shushes you when you ask him why he's still got your keys—tells you that isn't important right now—and he cups your cheeks and wipes your tears, asks you why you're crying, why there are tears in your eyes when "channie's right here ... channie's not gonna leave you ..."
and then he's kneeling in front of you, askin' you again why you're crying and so you cry even harder ... his hands are all over you, stroking your cheeks and then rubbing your shoulders, then one hand's on your hip and kneading the soft flesh and you think he's just trying to comfort you and so you cry even harder because you wonder whether he had his hands on that girl just moments earlier.
but then he's whispering in your ear, tellin' you he's gonna "make you feel better ..." but only if you'll let him.
his hands feel so nice all over you, rubbing up and down your thighs and—fuck, when did he slip his fingers between your legs? not that you care anyways, because even with your mind deluded with tears, you find the want to slowly hump your hips into his touch until he's slipping his hand down your pant, asking you if this is you letting him "make you feel good."
of course, you whine through your tears, nodding dumbly when he slips his rough fingers into your soaked cunt, murmuring into your neck 'bout how "channie's always gonna be here to make you feel better ... channie's never gonna leave ..."
he fingers you for a bit, and then he fucks you into the couch. it's hot and sloppy and heavy and messy, and it has you crying and panting—hands all over each other because you can't get enough of him.
your lips run all over his neck, his chest, collarbone—all of it, because you are in no way jealous, you just enjoy marking your territory. and chan fucks you so deep, groaning, "this pussy's made for me—just for me, you hear me?" and you are not a jealous person but you grin to yourself in this fucked out haze because chan is right.
you wrap your arms around his neck as he fucks you missionary, raking your nails into his back, tugging at the roots of his hair—doin' everything you fucking can to show chan that he might not be yours but he is yours, and you are his.
the thought that this might come and bite you in the ass crosses your mind briefly, but chan is quick to fuck your worries away, tellin' you "no one's gonna fuck you like this ..." and so you moan, and chan takes that as an agreement, so he fucks you harder until you're choking over your own sobs of pleasure.
"this pussy's mine, you got that baby?"
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4dkellysworld · 24 days
After deciding 'it is done'
This is more of a manifestation themed post (it's a draft from March when I spontaneously felt like writing it but didn't post it) because I felt like it but I'd appreciate if I didn't get any asks about manifestation* (unless I change my mind later) cos I'll share what I can and there's a lot of material available already! You can see my past post on this topic here. For more posts on it, see @4dbarbie-archive and realisophie's posts here and here and there's also some over at @ndjournal in the experience sharing tag.
*Also because I don't want to send mixed messages to the readers of this blog. I see conscious manifestation as a way to challenge & break limitations and concepts from the mind, not to get things in the world (kinda like Neo learning to bend the spoon in the Matrix if you get me lol). The latter will only pull you deeper into ego and the world, which isn't conducive to self-realization (if that's your goal) if you're focused on satisfying ego and the worldly life. If that makes sense and you resonate and agree with that, then we are on the same page but not everyone is and that's okay too, just do what feels right to you. Just sharing my reasoning :)
I've been reading this book called Parallel Universes of Self because I read the author Frederick Dodson had an interesting reality shifting experience. I didn't expect to read info on manifestation but they are pretty much the same. I have a few books of his that I'm skimming through out of curiosity and there's some interesting stuff (I might share some other things later, he doesn't just talk about manifestation, but also consciousness, reality and even non-duality).
I thought I'd share the below excerpt because it's explained really well and might help some others. It's also a nice succinct summary of what Ada and Soph talked about for materialization/manifestation as well. I can remember pretty much 95% of the things I've ever "manifested" were from when I acted the way he described after I had decided "it is done". It's easier to do this for things you don't care about because you just end up forgetting about it entirely and then it shows up and you're like 'oh yeah!! nice'.
In the hours, days and weeks after simply rest in the new viewpoint, rest in the fulfilled reality. This means that you don’t try to “make it happen” because you have already claimed it as real. You don’t affirm, visualize, repeat or wait for it. You don’t hope for it to come in some future. Because you have claimed it as already real you don’t even think about it much either. You don’t ask when, how, where it will show up. Instead you simply do what offers itself to you throughout the day, and this will involve commonplace activities. Daily life continues in a natural manner without neediness or lack. Once in awhile you may want to re-feel the body sense of the chosen reality, and enjoy what you have claimed as true, but often not even that is necessary. Furthermore you needn’t be “acting as if” the desired reality is manifest, for that still implies separation. Simply cease to behave in a way that presupposes that it is not already so. You may refuse to ascribe relevance or importance to any events that seem to contradict your newly chosen reality. From the new viewpoint such events may still exist and come up but they are no longer relevant enough to be reacted to and interacted with. They may be the way things are at the moment, but they are no longer the way you are. The corresponding physical manifestation will appear when you stop needing it, chasing after it, looking for it but are instead willingly and lovingly identified with it…not for the sake of “making it manifest” *, but for the sake of experiencing its joy in the here, now and today. *Because trying to make it happen/manifest reinforces the idea/belief that it isn't
This is the same as what 4dbarbie said about getting ego out of the way or as Lester Levenson said, let go and let God. Just let it happen and stop trying to control the process because the more you try, the more you reinforce the fact that it isn't already so. Basically stop putting in effort once you know it is true, just continue knowing with calm and ease that it is the way you want it. Ada also said here:
If you have thoughts like "I need to say my affirmations", "I need to check my state", you're not living in the end but still desiring. When you're able to look at the thing you desire as being something that was once a dream, but now only a memory - you've entered the state of the wish fulfilled. When desire turns into identity, you know you've succeeded in fulfilling yourself.
Yes we're conditioned to think we need to work hard and put effort to earn things in the world but when it comes to manifesting, this sort of mentality will only sabotage and hinder your success. You can literally just decide you have it and then never look back. This sort of mindset can take a bit of time and practice to get used to because it is not something we're used to but the more you practice, the easier it gets.
Here is an excerpt from an astral projection book (I think it's from The Illusion of Method?) I thought was really apt at describing this too. He's talking about AP but you can apply it to manifesting or pretty much anything as well.
Unless you are masochistic, I ask you to reconsider the painful idea of obsessing about time. Bear in mind that results will come whenever they have to, and counting the minutes won't make the outcome arrive faster. It's best if you just forget about it, and accept that it is something that you can't control. You must be patient—most of the time the desired results arrive immediately after giving up control of time. If you are frustrated and/or are afraid of failure, then it means you believe you are in control—and this translates into the feeling that you are responsible for both positive and negative results. Well then, stop thinking that way! Exempting yourself from responsibility is the best course of action there is. As seen in the previous chapter, those who project on command are the ones who couldn’t care less about AP. But the more you obfuscate yourself, the lesser your chances of success —and trust me, you won’t want to get trapped in that vicious cycle. Astral projection works when you stop worrying about failure because you trust that it will happen, whether you “do” something or not.
It’s the same thing: just in the same way that being hasty for sleep to occur keeps us wakeful and alert, being expectant over the OBE will keep us caged in the physical body. If the mind is constantly thinking about the goal, it can easily enter a state of expectancy* and impatience. In such state, the mind is no longer relaxed because expectancy is a state of unrest. This form of tension is what hinders the outcome—thus, the key to being relaxed (i.e., essentially lacking mental tension) is to forget about the goal entirely. If you don’t have the goal in mind you don’t enter a state of expectancy, and therefore you are free from mental tension. *expectancy is the same energy as trying to make something happen.. reinforcing the idea/belief that it isn't so
So, exempt yourself from responsibility means there's nothing more to do because ego is not in control and can do nothing.
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lovedrruunk · 6 months
‘Take ur heart!
Venture (Overwatch) x reader
Authors note!!! (¬‿¬ ); (UPDATE: PLEASE GO READ MY OTHER POSTS INSTEAD CUZ I LITERALLY HATEE THIS ONE AHHHH THE OTHERS R SM BETTER I SWEAR!! IM STILL LEARNING!!!) First fic ever (and last knowing me!) and ofc it’s overwatch related…. I’ve literally never written a fanfic before so pls give me feedback!! I feel like it’s a bit boring just cuz we haven’t learned a lot abt them yet so it’s very surface lvl!!
“I got this one while digging in Acropolis! And this one from a site in Giza!” They said enthusiastically pointing to some scars on their forearm.
You and your new colleague, which you now know goes by Venture, had met on the rooftop of your work building about an hour ago when you both had coincidentally needed some fresh air. You hadn't even been there for more than 5 minutes before you heard the door to the rooftop open. Despite having just met, you found yourself immediately drawn to their easygoing nature. They spoke with a lightness and joy that seemed contagious and you couldn’t help but be caught hook line and sinker.
“And this one—" they grinned awkwardly, pointing to the chip in their front teeth. “This um…” They lowered their finger, looking away a bit embarrassed. “It was nothing.”
You chuckled at how much of a bad liar they were and as curious as you were, you didn't want to pry into anything that might make them uncomfortable, so you decided to swiftly take the attention off it.
"How'd you get this one?" you reach out to take their hand pointing to a deep scar you had noticed on their thumb.
"Oh I got that one fighting a monkey for a rock in Suravasa." they shrugged and you couldn't help but laugh at how casual they were.
"Nah, just annoying! Little dude didn't know what he had coming... I may have been scathed but I won the war!"
You shook your head in amusement at their nonchalant attitude towards what sounded like a crazy life and as you leaned against the railing you noticed yourself admiring them more and more.
After a bit of rambling Venture seemed to have come back to their senses stopping abruptly. They took a second to look at you closely noticing how you were genuinely interested. You weren't still there out of pity or asking questions for conversations sake, you genuinely liked listening to them talk which Venture had realized pretty early on that in professions like theirs, was pretty rare. They couldn't help but feel flustered under your gaze, quickly trying to put the attention off of them and on to you.
"Well what about you? Any things you're passionate about?"
As the conversation flowed, you found yourself sharing stories of your own, although they were average compared to theirs. Nevertheless, they listened with genuine interest, nodding along and occasionally butting in with words of praise or curiosity.
Before you knew it, the sun had begun to set and the evening breeze was ruffling your hair as you stood in silence, content with each other's company.
"I bit a rock."
"I bit a rock... and it chipped my tooth."
(* ^ ω ^)
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embarrasingmf · 2 months
Hey! this is from that post where you need something to write about lol Maybe something about Dean comforting reader about something? Maybe it's based on trauma or something that happened on the hunt that got them so shaken up?
silver springs
PAIRING: Dean Winchester x reader
SUMMARY: dean comforts you after you have another night terror.
A/N: I LOVE THIS IDEA SM, TY😭😭 also i js created the title on a whim bc i was listening to Silver Springs by Fleetwood Mac on repeat the whole time while writing this (can you tell I’m not that creative lol..)
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One thing Dean had recently noticed about you is that you tended to wake up in a cold sweat from nightmares.
He’d always comfort you as best as you could, but he could shake away the curiosity of what those night terrors were about.
To be frank, he always asked if you wanted to talk about it, but you’d always decline. Dean didn’t push anything, for your sake of things.
Dean was wide awake this night, and he could hear you tossing and turning in the nearby motel bed.
He briefly glanced over his shoulder and at your trembling form, preparing himself for when you eventually woke up.
A few minutes after, you shot up with a sharp gasp, a cold sweat engulfing you, and tears threatening to spill down your cheeks.
Dean got up almost immediately, walking over and sitting on the edge of the bed near you.
“Hey, hey..” He whispered, gently placing a hand on your knee and rubbing his thumb over the inside of the joint.
You slowly looked over at him with wide, almost wild eyes.
“You’re okay, you’re safe here.” He assured quietly, giving your knee a comforting squeeze.
Once Dean saw you take a small breath, he knew you were slowly calming down. Which was a good sign, obviously.
He inhaled through his teeth as he asked the same question he asked every time you had one of these. “You wanna talk about it?”
He fully expected you to say no, to say you were fine and go back to sleep for the night. But surprisingly, you nodded your head wordlessly.
Dean shifted on the bed so he was fully sitting next to you, tugging you closer to him.
You let your head fall to his shoulder, taking a deep breath before you spoke.
“It was about a Wendigo hunt…” You said quietly, but just loud enough that you could hear yourself.
“Yeah..?” Dean nodded, looking down at you as he waited for you to continue expectantly.
You could feel his eyes on you, and you sniffled for a quick second.
“Yeah. It, uh, it ruined my hearing a bit. And it almost killed me.” You explained, shifting against Dean’s side.
Ah, so that’s how you’re hearing was messed up. Dean knew that your hearing wasn’t the best, he and Sam always had to speak in normal volumes around you.
They could never whisper or mumble anything, you wouldn’t be able to hear them and always had to ask them to repeat themselves.
The brothers had both asked why your hearing was like that, because they didn’t really think it was all that natural for someone to hear but not hear that well.
Every time, your response would be something along the lines of, “It happened during a hunt…”
But you never explained it any further. You just left it to their imaginations. Sam’s curiosity died faster than Dean’s did.
Dean’s curiosity on the matter never went away.
“A Wendigo hunt?” He murmured in question before shaking his head and repeating the question in a louder tone for you.
He heard you chuckle quietly and he felt a small smile tug at the corner of his lips.
“Mhm.” You nodded, clearing your throat before continuing. “It came at me, I was able to dodge just it time for it to hit a vital area, but it still clipped my ear.”
Dean let out a soft hum of acknowledgment, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. You eagerly sought his comfort and warmth that came with being in his presence on nights like these.
“Maybe you should get back to sleep, we have a hunt in the morning.” Dean chuckled, squeezing your shoulder.
You sighed, letting out a small yawn now that you realized how exhausted you still were.
“Yeah, I should probably do that.” You agreed, “You should go to sleep too,”
Dean tapped his chin thoughtfully, before looking back down at you.
“Okay, yeah, I think i’ll go to sleep too..”
reblogs r appreciated !
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krowlovesinazuma · 5 months
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I posted this by accident... ;-;
Check out this prologue and this post for context!
Scenario: Talking to them about modern wars
Characters: Kujou Sara, Sangonomiya Kokomi
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With your appearance and needing to protect you, combined with all the things she already has to do as part of the Tenryou Commission, you shouldn't expect her to start this conversation. She can't help but be curious sometimes, but she won't tell.
The conversation would probably start with you making an off hand comment about wars in your world, which would lead her to ask, just for the sake of it. After all, information was never bad to have as a militarist... At least, that's what she thought.
She couldn't help but wish that it was a bad joke at first, but she listened intently, and asked many questions. Some were for precautions in her line of work, others were slightly more for curiosity's sake. It's easy to tell which is which from the tone of her voice, much to her dismay.
She wanted to hear you talk about battle strategies, but sadly, the battles themselves were never the focus of general history much, to her dismay. You were able to tell her about larger strategies, however, which she did wish to hear more about.
What scared her the most were the motivations. She understood that wars were not a fight of good against evil, but even she was appalled when she heard the political issues that led to these conflicts.
Well, either that, or the sheer mass of numbers related to everything. Millions of deaths across the world, all just listed as data and passed off as history... It was terrifying for her to think about such large numbers.
And then the weaponry... She was actually interested in hearing about this quite decently, but after hearing the first few details, mainly gigantic bombs or mechanized guns, she was done.
As soon as she's done with this break of hers she's going to thoroughly rethink aggressive politics and the dangers of large-scale conflicts. Partly for her country, but she couldn't shake this fear for her men, herself, or even for you...
"Please excuse me for having interrupted you, but I do not wish to know more. It's... Unsettling to think about, especially how you just mention it so casually. I know we may have a dark past as Inazuma as well, but I assure you, we'll maintain this peace, for all our sake."
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Kokomi loves reading about old warfare and similar tales in her downtime, so it was a simple matter of time before she asked about it when the two of you were just relaxing in down time.
She couldn't lie, she was half expecting you to not know, as many in Inazuma didn't know many specifics about old wars, especially since they were so many centuries ago. When you told her that the ones you spoke about were only about a century old though, she was curious.
The large scale of everything did take her off guard however. While she read of warfares, none she knew involved such large countries, especially not any that were that recent. She realized how serious of a subject this was, and yet you were so casual about it...
She asked why you treated it as common knowledge, and to her surprise, it was apparently supposed to be? It saddened her to hear that it was all just data for most people, but the thought of hearing more details kept her hooked.
The first thing that truly unsettled her were the origins of the war. She understood that it was the reason why it was spread as common knowledge, but the fact that it happened either way was more than troubling, especially as a leader herself.
She couldn't even imagine the aftermath that you described. She had gotten used to taking losses and learning to overcome them in her time as a leader, but never had she faced something so devastating as the things you describe.
And then of course, the weaponry. While she was mostly intrigued by the use of firearms and how advanced they were from swords and shields, but when the theme switched to nukes and bombardments, she was very much intimidated.
She tried to act the same after that talk, but she couldn't help but feel worried for both you and her island if tension ever came to rise. Sadly for you, that means more effort into her work for her.
"Huh? Of course I'm fine, you don't need to worry about me so much. In fact, I'm thankful for you telling me all of this. I know that we don't have numbers as large in our humble island, but it's better to be safe than sorry... What do I mean? Well, treating my leadership with more care, for starters."
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epickiya722 · 4 months
Not the first time I talked about Kenjaku deciding "let me just birth Sukuna's vessel". Did so here and here.
Before, I really didn't have a legit reason as to why I think Kenjaku did that. Today, I have a reason. I don't think I'm right and I would say it's a reach.
Also, before I get into this, do I think this should be something for Yuji, let alone the path he wants to take? No. Absolutely not. To clarify, this is just what I think Kenjaku wanted.
For Yuji, I think that what he needs is to take his own path. [I should probably do a post about this...]
But... what if Kenjaku went the route of birthing Yuji... to have someone surpass Sukuna? Maybe even be the "next Sukuna"?
As of 257...
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I'll spare you the longer details since I already said them in my other posts, but in summary... if Kenjaku could make contracts with other Curse Users and just give them a body, why was it necessary to birth Sukuna's vessel. Hell, why not use Jin as a vessel for Sukuna? Wouldn't he have been perfect given he already was a part of Sukuna anyways being his reincarnated twin?
Here's what I think... Kenjaku likes to push limits. They like to experiment, sometimes for a laugh and for the sake of satisfying their curiosity.
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What if that was the case for Sukuna? What if this whole time they wanted to see if they could create someone that with the capabilites of surpassing Sukuna? The thing is Kenjaku doesn't seem the type to actually care about "being the strongest" so when someone like Sukuna who boasts being the strongest, they took as a challenge just to have a laugh. Maybe even spite him?
Which is something given that Yuji is also someone who doesn't care to surpass someone.
Even though, he can could it almost effortlessly.
He had incredible strength, durability and speed. He can beat world records. He can outrun cars. He can do anything without the need for cursed energy.
He was indeed the perfect vessel for Sukuna. But a little too perfect. Yuji held the capability to control Sukuna.
Now, keep this in mind. Kenjaku is just as old as Tengen and has knowledge of jujutsu that still has to be learned by others.
I bring this up because of chapter 258. Kusakabe makes it a point of saying that because Sukuna used his technique in Yuji's body, his (Yuji's) body adapted to using Shrine. However, Sukuna have only been in control of Yuji's body and used Shrine twice. What if that was all it was needed to be unlocked for Yuji to later apply his own efforts into using his own version of it?
And Kenjaku knew this. Again, Yuji can suppress Sukuna, but there are expectations. For one, he has to willingly gave up control. Two, if he consumed too many fingers at once. The latter, Jogo knew. And who told him?
What if Kenjaku purposely told Jogo that because they wanted Sukuna to have that chance to use his techniques in Yuji's body for Yuji to have?
There's also the tidbit when Kenjaku tells Yuji in 136...
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"I expect much from you." Of course, Kenjaku would! Rethinking about the final confrontation in Shibuya, Kenjaku says Yuji's name 4 times, twice in which of making Yuji an example. While it makes it's easier to understanding what Kenjaku is relaying to them, it also comes off like "vessels like the one I created" in a sneaky, bragging way.
That brings to mind this to me from chapter 158.
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I brought this up in another post how I joked how Kenjaku already having Yuji signed up in the Game is like a parent who signs their kid up for clubs and whatnot even though the kid doesn't want to.
And well, Kenjaku actually did just that. Not like Yuji willingly signed up. In this case, it was more he was a lab rat Kenjaku was observing. What if this was the time that Kenjaku was continuously watching Yuji to see how he progressed after Shibuya? When they say "I expect much from you" this is what they meant? Yuji's performance in the CG and beyond that?
In 203 with this translation, when Choso questions Kenjaku what's the plan they have for Yuji, Kenjaku responds that Yuji already fulfilled that role with being Sukuna's vessel. Even far as calling Yuji "a thing".
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I'll admit I actually was appalled by this because in 160, Kenjaku addresses Yuji as "my son" to a girl Yuji was schoolmates with. Sasaki isn't some sorcerer, let alone haven't seen Yuji for months and probably won't ever again. There was no benefit to that.
Here's what I think, Kenjaku may feel a blend of both feelings for Yuji. He's their son, but also a thing in which they created.
Both proud that Yuji is their most successful experiment he is. Like, "You're still mine because I created you, I can do what I please, you're nothing more to me but the role I assigned you".
I also think when it came to Choso, Kenjaku could have just not wanted to reveal anything to him and at the same time set him off to throw him off his game. Again, Kenjaku likes to have a laugh.
There's also that "He will become the eye of the storm of the new era". Talking about Yuji here. This line of dialogue just feels like Kenjaku dismissing Sukuna in a way that's like... I don't know how else to explain it because to me, if Yuji was meant to be Sukuna's vessel I feel like Kenjaku probably would bave said something like "Sukuna will once more be the eye of the storm".
Back to my original point. What if this was Kenjaku saying Yuji is to be the next Sukuna? A better Sukuna? A new King of Curses?
Think of what an eye of a storm is like. That's the safest place right? The place one would want to be. The safest place while everything else falls into destruction. That works for both Yuji and Sukuna. They both have this aura to them that attracts others in a way that's either "I fear you", "I'll be your ally" or "I want to challenge you".
Sukuna and Yuji have a lot of bad things happen around them. Sukuna relishes in it while Yuji doesn't. This is just one of the many instances that they do mirror and oppose each other.
With this "eye of the storm" line it also sounds like Kenjaku has no intention of making Yuji being included in the Merger. It's an unnecessary line really if Kenjaku had plans to make this one huge monstrosity of a curse by combining everyone to Tengen. Why say "the new era" bit?
Was Yuji meant to lead as a beacon of sorts? Like, how Sukuna did in his time?
And I say Yuji because once more, what if that was the intention? To create someone that could surpass Sukuna? Challenge him and replace him?
If Kenjaku could just assign bodies, why not have it for Sukuna instead of birthing a cage for him? Also, why seem so interested in Yuji's progress? Why say one thing about Yuji and then be contradicting the next? Couldn't have used Jin's body? Watch Yuji's every move since the beginning because let's be real, Kenjaku probably planted that finger at the school for Yuji to find and either way was going to find a way to get Yuji to consume that finger. Which makes it stranger that this happens months before the CG! What if that was Yuji's headstart to get him progress?
The Merger may be for laughs, but what if whatever the outcome was of that Merger was going to be Yuji's next challenge?
To finish off, I think Kenjaku had plans for Sukuna to just be someone to be challenged by their creation. A creation meant to replace him. Sukuna is more adapted to the old ways, but Kenjaku tends to be more open minded to the eras evolving. Probably exhausted from Sukuna's ever repeating cycle of being "the King of Curses" and decided to create the very person that could be the evolved version of him. A version of him that's even greater than Sukuna.
What if Yuji wasn't just born to be Sukuna's vessel? What if Sukuna was just meant to be that stepping stone for Yuji to awaken into someone better, someone greater, someone that could replace Sukuna and that accomplishment that Kenjaku wanted to claim and use to mock Sukuna?
Yuji is the soul nephew of Sukuna, their souls have even intertwined and they do share much in common. They're two halves of the same whole.
Yuji is that challenge, he's Sukuna's mirror. A Sukuna, in a way, that could have been.
His existence is like Kenjaku's way of saying "your greatest enemy is yourself".
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proseka-headcanons · 4 months
each group has met each other once as kids. and I mean as groups.
leo/need...is leo/need.
ena and akito one day went to an art museum with their dad. mafumom also brought mafuyu to teach her the beauties of art. kanade and her parents were there for the sake of a family hangout, and mizuki was on a school trip. they were both in elementary school. they happened to manage to talk to each other, each curious about the other, before being quickly pulled away by their parents who didn't notice they went missing.
airi, shizuku and minori met in front of a set of tvs in a tv shop. they were displaying haruka sharing the one happy message that got minori going as a kid, and they discussed it with big smiles on their faces. unknowingly to them, haruka was standing not too far away, blushing and too shy to approach them but grateful for the compliments.
kohane was on her way to school when she saw an's relatives singing at the side of the street. an was with them, though she was just watching. akito was also in the crowd. this all hapoened in front of toya's house, and he got out in secret, curious about the music, standing on the front porch. an ended up spotting toya and starting a conversation, which made kohane curious and she joined. after an being mentioned by the singers, akito also joined in out of curiosity, and they played together for a bit. then kohane remembered about school, thought it was too late and went back home ready for a scolding.
kohane found out not too long after that there wasn't school that day in the first place.
all of wxs met at a theatre to watch a musical. it was also the first time saki met emu. saki, tsukasa and emu had loud and cheerful conversations about the show, while rui and nene were bothered by the noise.
(ps: I read the guidelines. if this has to be passed over to every single mod, you don't have to post it if it's too much of a hassle 😭)
these are so cute omg 🥺🥺🥺 also dw abt the guidelines we have Secret Rules to keep things convenient for us
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noctvrnal9999 · 8 months
Ascended Astarion, Blood Brides & vampirism
After seeing this post by @missbaphomet (who asked to be tagged, so here you go) I decided to do a semi-deep dive into what it's all about.
Now I'll preface this that I'm more knowledgeable in Vampire the Masquerade tabletop than DnD but if there's vampires I'll be there.
For the purposes of this post I have looked into various guides, e5, Van Richten's guide to Ravenloft, briefly skimmed Curse of Strahd and consulted not one, not two, but three Dungeon Masters. So take my post as you will.
More under cut, this will be long.
It is well known that Astarion is aware of Strahd even before he's Ascended. We get his line that is basically "Strahd wouldn't put up with this shit." So, while it's only a subtle nod to von Zarovich, we still have it in game as canon line.
Now, I find this a very curious line in and on itself. Not only Astarion knows Strahd, he says the line with anger, which is clear indication that he sees Strahd as someone to look up to in one way or another. If you don't know Strahd I encourage you to google and at least read his wiki, he's a very fascinating man and very important in vampirism as a whole in DnD. He's THE vampire, THE villain. But moving on...
So Astarion definitely sees Strahd as someone who would not let himself be disrespected, it's obvious that Astarion if not aspires to be like Strahd, then definitely sees himself as capable (or capable in the future) to be as "revered" as von Zarovich is. That's a tidbit I want you all to remember.
We don't know just how much Cazador spoke to his spawn about vampire politics but they weren't just beasts locked in cages, they were going out, although to get victims for Cazador, they were still out and about. They talked to people, to each other and most likely ran into other vampires or spawn along the way in the centuries that they have been doing Cazador's bidding. This is just simple logic.
So how much Astarion and other spawn could know about Strahd, for example? There's very good reason to think that Strahd's escapades were known in Cazador's palace, as well as among other vampires. We know that Astarion likes to educate himself with whatever might benefit him ("Meanwhile, I think I'll spend some time studying the art of infernal negotiations." Act 2). It's also proven when he desperately wants to have Necromancy of Thay in hopes of finding a way to free himself from Cazador. Astarion seeks knowledge. Again, it's just pure logic to conduct that he knows more than just Strahd's name and that he's a vampire. Otherwise, why would he have the line comparing himself to him in a way that reflects that in some way Astarion reveres Strahd at least to a degree.
We established that Astarion very very likely knows a lot about Strahd, as well as other spawn alongside him. Which leads to this:
Astarion very likely knows about different ways to turn mortals into vampires.
While his own "becoming" has been a simple Spawn creation (with draining blood, burying and needing to dig oneself out), he must know about creation of Blood Brides (and Grooms, but for the sake of less words I'll use she/her and Bride but rituals I'm about to discuss can be done on any sex). Why? Because he must know about Strahd taking brides. If not, his own curiosity about his condition would have led him to learn about different rituals anyway. So based on Astarion's nature and the fact that he seems not only to be aware of Strahd but know the man to a degree of respect, I have no reason to doubt that Astarion knows about Blood Brides.
Keeping this in mind, let's move onto the night of Tav's "becoming". The scene is very clear: whatever path you choose, gentle or not, Astarion bites Tav twice in the cinematic. To become a Blood Bride one needs to be bitten trice, then given blood from the vampire. It's a whole ritual of draining her to delirium, then giving her blood. Now the vampire in question needs to fight his new bride off otherwise she will succumb to madness permanently. Astarion openly mentions he gave Tav "one drop" and seems he bypassed the need to fight her off him by most likely holding her down until his new Bride fell into a coma that leads to death. Generally the feeding is allowed from the neck but Astarion mentioning "one drop" indicates he's trying to be smarter than other vampires. Now this is interesting because to be a spawn one doesn't need their creator's blood. And they do get buried as well, just like Astarion was, while Tav never gets buried. I'm not going to detail how Larian strays from lore such as that vampires still need the dirt they died upon to rest, but we're going here by facts that should align with DnD.
Since we established that Tav is not just a normal Spawn, she was not created in a way other Spawn were, not even Astarion himself. So what IS she? Answer is right here, after all. Not only Astarion chooses her as his partner, he also ensures that she remains as such forever. Remember: Astarion does actually believe he is bestowing a gift when he turns Tav into his Bride - the gift of freedom from aging and death and to be by his side forever. "You are beautiful and you will be beautiful forever" (paraphrasing here).
I see DnD loremasters already shaking their pitchforks at me: can Astarion even do it? On a night of his own transformation? Creating a Blood Bride is something that vampires with a label of Ancient and up can perform, and even then not always successfully. Creating Spawn is much easier than creating a Bride (or several, if we're looking at Strahd). Well, what is an ancient vampire varies from version to version, but ultimately it does not matter. Why? Because Larian homebrewed an entirely new breed of vampire: the Vampire Ascendant.
Larian did not bother to explain in full what does that mean and what actual changes Astarion is going to see in the future once he becomes more accustomed to his powers. But it's completely reasonable to believe he's capable of creating Blood Brides. Simple because a - he attempts it already and succeeds (Tav is turned into one). That's it. Astarion follows the Bride Ceremony and indeed ends up creating a Bride. Not only he performs the ritual in exact way it's described in lore (we see part of it but his words the morning after confirm the rest), he also is capable of doing so because Larian made it canon by letting Tav become a Bride, successfully. She gains the Bite, confirming her transformation and there's not a single conversation piece indicating that Astarion CAN compel Tav in any way. He simply says "Why would I need to?" without establishing that the rules are different for Tav. He also hammers on that point several times: "Spawn is an ugly word, I really do prefer consort." and confirms that Tav will drink his blood without any implication that it's going to be just one time thing. Astarion obviously believes in drinking each others blood as a form of bonding and love.
Tav is not merely his Spawn, she's his Blood Bride. Every fact in game and DnD lore confirms it. And not even once Astarion actually tries to compel Tav (or is able to). Not even when confronting Elder Brain, he has a line encouraging Tav to control the brain, trying to convince her to take the power, instead of compelling her like Cazador used to compel him. There's not a single instance were Astarion controls Tav so the conclusion is simple - he can't. Tav can even argue with him at the epilogue party if she wishes so. That's not behavior of someone controlled, abused and manipulated. She has her free will to the point that she can talk back to him without being punished (something unseen with Cazador, for example). If she can leave him, well, that's another topic altogether, but I'll just say this - I think she can leave him, but he won't let her, not because he can command her to stay but because he's possessive of Tav.
Anyway, here it is, my semi-deep dive into the topic. Keep in mind I'm not a Dungeon Master.
Useful resources:
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thrown-away-opinions · 9 months
Watching "Why Do You Always Kill Gods in JPRGs?" and I am in awe of the stupidity on display.
>45 minutes of rudimentary Japanese/eastern history in broad strokes > glosses over the fact that Japan has basic capitalistic free trade and business for its entire history >no, fucking seriously, Japan had industry, independently owned businesses, the general free exchange of goods and services... otherwise known as capitalism. >Japan underwent a post-war economic boom >Some people get very rich and powerful during this boom primarily due to controlling the banking system with backing from a corrupt government >"Their new religion was... CAPITALISM." (paraphrased) >youtube essayist proceeds to explain at length the ways that forcibly aligning culture, religion, and government with private corporate interests is a bad thing (which it is, but it's not capitalism) >... but still constantly invokes "Capitalism" being forced on Japan from the West ("The False God") as the true evil in this narrative >Points to various examples in games where the bad guy is literally just the government and politicians, corrupt megacorps, giant evil monsters, and/or overt oppressive authoritarianism and tries to frame them as symbolic representations of western culture and Capitalism (spoken of as an evil ideology that makes people evil) >At no point do any of these stories (FF7, Persona 5, Chrono Trigger, Earthbound, etc) present the idea that anyone except the already corrupt and evil are in favor of oppressing/destroying/enslaving all humanity and the planet in the name of endless economic growth and power for power's sake. >Several examples are literally evil entities that demand destruction for the sake of destruction and say as much directly >essayist's explanation for why none of this seems obvious and so far detached from the far more clear messages in their stories is because Japan speaks in deep contextual code so as not to offend anyone >aka, essayist gets to assert his beliefs and you can't tell him he's wrong because you just don't get the triple-secret encoded message hidden under all the deep cultural context clues that only a true Japanese audience (or foreign weeb, apparently) would understand >his western examples of Capitalist metaphor are the Outer Worlds and Bioshock Infinite... games where corporatism and an overt pseudo-religious authoritarian are the villains >this guy is a goddamned lawyer, apparently.
This is so fucking stupid. I should have checked out the moment I detected that hint of venom when he named capitalism as the culprit, but morbid curiosity got the better of me. For a bit there, when he was talking about the economic bubble and the lost decade, it seemed like maybe he wasn't going to be totally retarded, but he sure proved me wrong.
The message behind the JRPG genre is often that protecting the world is good, amassing power for the sake of power is bad, and that with the power of friendship and grinding side quests, a ragtag gang of spunky kids can save the world from malicious extraterrestrial entities that aim to mindlessly consume.
And also that the SMT series and many other pieces of Japanese media invokes western religious iconography, names, and symbols because it sounds cool and mysterious to Japanese audiences. That's literally the direct explanation given by nearly every single game and anime writer when asked about all the obtuse and confusing mythology and symbolism in their games.
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ggomos-maribat · 1 year
2 | a girl named Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Part 2 of Marinette Dupain-Cheng is Dead | Masterlist
Tim came rushing into the Batcave with an armful of papers which he dumped by the computer in front of Jason. "I remember now. Why her name was so familiar."
"Lila Rossi's?" Jason looked up at him. Ever since the news blew up, Tim had been visibly restless, like the whole ordeal was a mind-boggling case. Though Jason, too, couldn't quell his own curiosity.
"No, that girl she supposedly killed. Marinette Dupain-Cheng." Tim pulled out a folder from the bottom of the pile and slapped it on top. Jason caught the same name on the case's title. "Her death two years ago was a cold case I found. Damn it, why didn't Damian tell me?"
"And you solved it?"
Tim huffed out. "No, I didn't have the time to go back to cold cases again and it kind of got buried with the other ones."
Jason opened up the folder with one hand and skimmed the content. Both Lila and the 'Marinette' girl were from Paris—he remembered how the media was raving on about the death being a mystery, and Lila, Lilia Ross, must've been involved in it. Of course, there wasn't definite proof as all rumors went.
On the corner of the paper, there was a stapled photo: a girl of East Asian descent, with dark hair and blue eyes. She wore a knit sweater, beaming at the camera with her hands clasped on the strap of her bag.
Just then, Jason heard a ping, followed by a curse from Tim.
"Lilia Ross just posted a video." In an instant, he was right by Jason's side so he could see it too. "Looks like she's addressing the accusations."
"Why would she do that?" Jason knew Bruce got all sorts of backlash too, but not once did he ever seriously address all the rumors since that would be equivalent to admitting they were true.
"Honestly this isn't something she can actually ignore. It blew up pretty badly and the online market is important for her business."
Jason looked at the video in scrutiny. Lilia Ross' setup was simple but still put together: there were brand products displayed in her background along with trinkets on the shelves reminiscent of Paris. The brunette's face seemed solemn, but he couldn't get a read if it was forced or not. The title of the video was short, all caps, bordering on being click-baity—'MY MESSAGE TO EVERYONE...'
"Hi everyone," Lilia managed a small smile. "Recently it has come to my attention that an anonymous poster broadcasted that I'm a suspect for murder. I didn't want to talk about it at first, but I decided to tell everyone the truth not for my sake but for the sake of everyone who was affected by that incident."
"Her name is. . ." She paused as if choked up suddenly. "Her name was Marinette Dupain-Cheng. She was my friend and classmate in collége and lycée back in Paris. Two years ago, she . . . she passed away—they found her near Pont des Arts. We were told it was suicide."
Lilia took a deep breath and her eyes glazed over. Jason wanted to think that she actually looked remorseful. "Well, I should say her parents didn't say anything else other than that so we were kind of left in the dark about the details. But all of us—our class was really close—we're still grieving. If I knew she was hurting that badly, I . . . I would've done something before it was too late. Marinette was a kindhearted girl and we all loved—love—her. She was taken away from us too early."
Her expression shifted from sad to silent rage. "That's why I can't stand people using her name for this useless sensationalism. This is hurting her close friends, her family, everyone who knew her. Please don't bring her up again; give her some peace. She doesn't deserve this kind of treatment. And please think twice before spreading awful rumors about something so serious."
Jason tore his attention away from the video to look at Tim, who had his lips pursed, thinking deeply. Tim set down his phone. "The facts add up with Marinette's case file, but she's lying."
Tim opened up the folder again. "It's true that the police ruled it out as a suicide and there's still a lot of mystery surrounding her death. But based on what I've gathered, Lilia—er, Lila—and Marinette weren't friends."
"What do you mean?"
Tim picked up another folder, showing Marinette's school record. "According to this file, there were some reports of Marinette bullying her classmates, some issues of theft, blackmail, cheating . . . Lila made it seem like she was likable to everyone, which doesn't seem to be the case."
"But if Lila's intention of making the video was to partly clear her own name, obviously she won't badmouth Marinette." Jason frowned.
His brother shrugged. "Yeah, I thought that too. I'm not pointing at Lila as a likely suspect in this, actually. This case is so confusing that if there was actually an answer to it that makes sense, I doubt a then nineteen-year-old girl would've pulled it off by herself."
He sighed exasperatedly. "But then again, anyone could've been the culprit, and that includes Lila."
"Wait, so you're sure it's not suicide then?"
Another presence suddenly entered the cave. Judging by the soft humming, Jason figured that Dick was home from Bludhaven.
The eldest strolled into the room, hands casually in his pockets. "Hey, Alfie told me you guys were down here!" He greeted. "Did you guys see that accusation on Lilia Ross? That was crazy."
Jason stared at him. "You follow Lilia Ross?"
"I see her stuff here and there—I'm not a boomer, you know."
"So you know about everything then." Tim turned to the computer next. "We're investigating the case."
"What case?"
"Marinette Dupain-Cheng's death," Jason replied. "It's one of Replacement's cold cases and Lilia Ross is tied to it."
"So it wasn't suicide?" Dick walked towards the table, eyeing the papers scattered around. "Hold on, tell us everything. From the beginning."
Like the cop he was, Jason could tell that Dick was showing interest in the case as well. If it wasn't something Tim could crack right off the bat, it must be that difficult. Tim began typing things into the large computer, pulling out the case files in digital form to show the two of them.
"Marinette Dupain-Cheng, only child and daughter to Thomas Dupain and Sabine Cheng, who own a bakery in Paris. She died when she was just eighteen years old." Tim presented a few pictures. "Attended Francois Dupont in collége and lycée, the same one Lilia Ross went to . . . they were also classmates with a few other notable people: model Juleka Couffaine, physicist Max Kante, the current director of the Louvre, Alix Kubdel, and others. She had a perfect record up until the end of collége when she started getting tardies and absences, then she had three cases of theft, two of cheating and a few reports of bullying and harassment in lycée. She got suspended twice because of that."
He switched to another file. "And then . . . her death. April sixteenth of their last year in school. Locals found her body in Pont des Arts, near the foot of the bridge. The investigation only lasted about three days, but the police declared it a suicide despite the fact that there was no note found, no signs of tendencies before that day. I don't know if it was her parents' decision, but they didn't investigate any further."
Jason shifted on his seat. There was no clear picture of the body, only a blurry photo taken from far away, showing a motionless figure lying on the bridge, with police tape serving as its barrier. She was still young .  . .
Tim's expression turned grim. "Apart from that, here's where it gets weird. Her parents consented for an autopsy and I dug around for the file. They found nothing significant."
"Nothing significant?" Dick echoed.
"As in nothing. No marks on her skin, no sign of injury, no organ failure, no traces of drugs or poison anywhere, no fingerprints, no DNA other than hers." Tim clenched his jaw. "Nothing. Which means . . ."
"They didn't know the cause of death," Jason continued for him.
"Yes, but she was deceased. Only they didn't find out how and they couldn't even estimate the time of death."
"Maybe the coroner faked the report?" Dick suggested.
Jason crossed his arms. "Yeah, but if they wanted to cover up something, then they would've written a fake cause of death, right?"
"Exactly," Tim agreed. "Literally all it says on paper is 'no significant findings. Cause of death unknown'. That's all!"
"So if they don't know the cause of death and there was no note . . . they can't just say it was suicide," Dick concluded.
"Could they just have missed something?" Jason asked Tim.
"That's a possibility, but I'm not convinced it's a suicide with so many things unaccounted for. An accident or suicide would've left some kind of clue, which this case lacks. With evidence this meticulously covered up, it must be predetermined. Homicide."
"Is that why Lilia Ross was accused?" Dick wondered out loud.
"According to the anonymous post, she allegedly tormented Marinette which makes her a suspect in her death," Tim explained. "There's no evidence pointing to her though. Like I said, there's no evidence at all. Since the investigation period was so short, the police never questioned anyone other than her parents so even if her classmates had something to say about it, there was never a record."
"What about the cameras?" Dick said.
Tim looked a tad bit insulted. "You think I didn't check?"
He quickly opened up more files, video feeds of the day of the incident. The cameras didn't quite give a clear view of the bridge itself, only the roads on either side of it. "No sightings of Marinette or anything weird. Before, during and after the body was found . . . just a small crowd from the commotion. Marinette was last seen alive the morning before, but the cameras caught her going home but not going out after."
Jason searched the feed for anything out of the ordinary but unsurprisingly, nothing stood out for him. "What about her parents? What did they say?"
"They . . . they said Marinette was always stressed out and busy but they never thought she'd resort to suicide. She seemed normal the day before," Tim answered solemnly. "They saw her coming back home but didn't catch her leaving, but apparently she had a habit of sneaking out sometimes."
They all fell silent, seemingly at a loss on how to resolve all their questions. Jason couldn't wrap his head around the whole thing because it all appeared like the impossible did in fact happen. How did she get to the bridge? How did she even die? If there was a killer then why would they . . .?
Then Jason noticed Tim looking at him.
"Bruce only asked me to look into this. Why are you so invested?" Tim leaned against the table.
"Why does the reason matter?"
"Like . . . I'd expect you to say something like 'leave the dead to rest in peace' or something like that."
Jason snorted. "First of all, as the spokesperson of the dead, I wouldn't say something like that. More like 'the dead need the living to bring justice for them.'" He averted his gaze. "And secondly, I want to know more. No, I want the truth because . . . because I think I've seen Marinette before."
Taglist: @hammalammadamdam
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cocogum · 1 month
Another question I had. So, I'm assuming that Amalia and Yugo will have children in the future. But I doubt that the children will inherit Yugo's longevity (I think it would be too painful for them), but it makes me wonder what Yugo's situation would be in that case (because he's also going to be reincarnated). However, I'm only assuming that because it's implied that there must be someone from the royal bloodline on the throne. Like, I'm not sure if Yugo had any other children in his previous lives.
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Anon please for the love of god take a break and stop having these thoughts at 3 am...
I'm guessing you're the same one who gave me that yugo reborn ask a few days ago.
Why can't you just let me be happy for once instead of making me think about how doomed Yugo and Amalia are? Huh? Why do you like to be curious?
I've actually talked about a case like this of two other people in the krosmoz on whether their children would be demigods or not. That case was about Poo and Kali with their unborn child in the Ogrest manga, and yes, they did do the deed together, but to get the full context, here's the post.
Anyway, I mentioned in Kali and Poo's post that a demigod, no matter who they're with, would either have a demigod child, a mortal child, or be infertile. Then, I showed proof of my claim by presenting Otomaï and Goultard's cases.
But I never mentioned or bothered explaining Yugo's case. Until now. Because of you. Because of your curiosity.
Given Amalia's royal status, she must secure the next generation by conceiving a child. Since Yugo's her husband and happens to be a demigod, he'll have to help her gain the next heir.
Yugo may not be from the same planet as her, but his anatomy works precisely like a perfectly healthy man. His race also works the same as the World of Twelve (which also means like ours), so Amalia will be fine when it comes to having a child the natural way, regardless of whether the newborn ends up being a demigod or not.
One thing's for sure, though, given what we've learned from Kali, Poo, Otomaï, and Goultard, a demigod can either have a demigod baby, a mortal baby or can, unfortunately, be infertile.
And since Yugo's anatomy works the same as a twelvian, any of these options can work. Yes, even the infertile one.
However, there is a slight chance his children can be mortals but have exceptional longevity. Since Yugo's made of pure wakfu, his children could inherit that part of him and carry loads of wakfu energy in their systems, potentially making them age slower than a mortal even when they're not a demigod.
But for the sake of this hypothetical situation, let's say Yugo impregnates Amalia and she ends up having a child, demigod or not. Then what?
That's where Yugo's situation would differentiate him from other demigods because, unlike them, he has an eternity to live.
Sure, the twelvian demigods can theoretically live forever as well. But only if they don't end up in danger and stay in one place forever. If they die, it's over for them. They don't get to live again or have a second chance at life. Not even the ecaflip demigods, who have nine lives, can live forever because, well, they only have nine lives. The best case scenario for the twelvian demigods to live once more is if someone used the six primordial dofus to bring them back to life, but even that seems like a huge chore to do since to revive only one person, you'll need vast amounts of people to sacrifice.
So in short, yes.
Even if Yugo were to have demigod or mortal children with Amalia, his life would be harrowing for him. Everyone around him will die before him, and everything he has ever considered familiar to him will eventually wither away for good. Not even his children with Amalia will be able to outlive him; he'll end up all alone with only Adamaï by his side.
It won't matter if his children end up having divine blood or not; Yugo will lose them either way.
When he gets reborn, there's a huge chance he may reencounter his children (if they're demigods), but he won't remember them. His children may be the ones who went to look for him, or maybe they just found each other by accident, and Yugo would feel this strong connection towards them. There might even be a case where he could get cared for by his children without him even being aware of it (like how Goultard took care of Dally when he used to have no recollection of being the Iop god).
So yeah, Yugo and Amalia are doomed either way.
Eva and Dally are that happy couple where Dally gave up his immortality to live with his family. In contrast, Yugo and Amalia represent the opposite: a couple doomed to fail in the future no matter their choices because Yugo can't give up his immortality since his whole existence is linked to one of the primordial eliatrope dofus.
I feel like this is such an ironic parallel between these two couples.
You got a god who fucked around with the world and learned to become part of it, whereas a demigod loved being a part of the world but will become its doom in the future.
Yugo was a mistake and, therefore, cannot have a normal life with his children and wife.
His entire existence was meant to have one purpose: to lead his people and protect them by repeatedly risking his own life from danger. He was never supposed to have a normal life.
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ceruleanwhore · 1 year
So I’ve seen a lot of posts talking about the potential for canon Ted x Trent in the finale, but there’s an angle or two I haven’t seen examined yet that I’d like to discuss here. What I am referring to is mainly why the writers chose to have Trent be the one to support Colin through his arc, coming out and everything, instead of using Keeley, who is canonically bi and was in a sapphic relationship during Colin’s arc. They didn’t need to have another character come out and everything for the sake of supporting Colin through his arc, and yet they chose to do so anyway, and I do think it’s important that they chose Trent specifically. I think it’s also important to acknowledge how limited lgbtq rep has been in media and how already, just by having Keeley and Colin be written as they are, this show has gone far beyond most others. Likewise, it should be acknowledged how having that role in Colin’s arc would have been genuinely very good for Keeley’s own character arc and how well it could have tied into some aspects of her relationship with Jack, so it’s not as though using her for that would’ve just been a cheap cop-out. The fact that they didn’t do that indicates to me that they have something specific and even better in mind.
When you keep that in mind, suddenly the signs are everywhere that this could actually, genuinely happen in canon - Trent’s red string bracelet, Ted’s comment about Sleepless in Seattle, Trent meeting Ted’s mom, etc. My whole thing with this pairing is that, when I look at it, especially in s3, there’s so much there that I genuinely believe they’d already be snogging if it was hetero and in a different show. In this context, I can only see Trent coming out and Ted “I was a straight man” Lasso making that movie reference as our indication that they bat for the other team, as it were, and yes, this can be something other than friendship.
The other thing I would add is that in the mom episode we get open acknowledgment that Ted’s biggest problem is how he runs around helping others but can’t accept help from anyone else for himself. I would then point out that the only time he’s received the same huge, self-sacrificial type of help he gave Beard with prison and everything is what he got from Trent Crimm revealing an anonymous source and then leaving his entire career to show his support and respect of Ted. Yes, a lot of the others around him have supported and helped Ted in different ways but I think it’s huge that Trent is the only one who’s done so on that level. I would also add that Trent has supported Ted multiple times while being one of the only characters to do so without ever acting against him. Beard stole his car, Nate turned on him, Rebecca was plotting against him and using Leslie to do so, etc., and yet Trent from the beginning was skeptical at most and never really acted against Ted. Beyond that, I also think that the first article Trent wrote about Ted in s1 is hugely indicative of Trent’s potential compatibility with Ted.
For one thing, Ted talked quite a bit in s1 about curiosity and went on that whole speech with Rupert in the darts game about how he values it but how so few people are genuinely curious - but Trent is. Trent shows up to write about Ted, skeptical but curious enough to pay close attention and allow his view of this other man to shift and to not be clouded by biases. I think the truth element is also huge - Ted’s ex wifey couldn’t accept his communication style and got an override from their therapist to force Ted to be outwardly truthful in a way he wasn’t comfortable with, and yet Trent clearly demonstrates his ability to accurately discern the truth from Ted without ever pushing him in such a way. Trent over and over again respects boundaries, never pushes people to share beyond what they’re comfortable with, and still gleans the truth from what he does see and hear, which is exactly what Ted needs.
Lastly, I’m not here to go off ragging on tedbecca and tbh I wouldn’t be mad if it did happen, but I want to talk about why I just don’t see it happening in canon real quick. First and foremost is that she’s the only other character than Ted’s ex (is her name Michelle? I genuinely can’t remember and that’s the only reason why I’m not using it) who uses ‘Oklahoma’ with him, and I don’t actually see that as a good thing. This is especially the case ever since it came out that Michelle(?) is now dating the therapist she and Ted saw who had them start using that in the first place, since that new relationship calls all the therapy she and Ted did into question.
Also, it’s not just that Rebecca used to be plotting against Ted, it’s that from s1 e1 on she’s been using him in one way or another to get back at or one up Rupert. Whether it’s working against him in s1 or then really trying to get him to win, especially with that one game against West Ham in s3, she’s just continually trying to use Ted as a tool against another man. What’s more damning is that when she does start to show interest in men who are not Rupert, it’s never Ted- Ted’s just there to bring her biscuits and engage in occasional attempts at girl talk, which really fits into the trope of a token gay best friend. I think they do have a good, solid relationship and, like I said, I won’t be mad if they do end up together, but I don’t see them as being set up to be in a romantic relationship.
But yeah, I think that’s all for now lol
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nalyra-dreaming · 3 months
I've read the posts about Armand's experiment on Claudia, and it has been around 20 years since I read the book, so I have a few questions.
I've read comments that Armand conducted the experiment just because he didn't care about her/wanted to see what happened, but as I recall he did it because he wanted to try to granting her wish to be an adult (I feel like she may have requested it not realizing what he would do to grant her wish). Was there an element of him trying to help her or was it really just being cruel for curiosity's sake?
My other question would be about the timeline and how the experiment could be performed. There's only two places I could see it happening- around the same time as the rat box (which given the damage to her neck involved seems impossible for her to recover enough to talk during the performance), or after Louis is dragged away and it happens right onstage (which would mean Lestat would witness it and that would change the whole 'it was a major secret' thing until TVA). If it happened offstage and then he brought her back to be thrown in the sun, that's just a long time for the audience in the theatre to wait. Anyways, I'm rambling, I think, but thoughts? Thank you.
I think in the show timeline it happens while Louis is being entombed… given the wounds on their feet don’t heal that fast the wounds on head or throat would not have healed either :/
That said, since Claudia talked about “needing a new brain“… I think the show will switch the “head“ to “brain“… which is also easier hidden under the hair 😖… so it might fit after the rat box after all.(*)
As per Armand‘s motivation… I do think it’s a mix with him. A certain (too) innocent curiosity, paired with de-sensitization from all the cruelty he witnessed over centuries if you will, paired with an abstract empathy coming from the wish that someone should have helped him…
He knows if he experiments on her it won’t kill her. The cruelty and pain doesn’t really touch him. The end is the big prize that could free her, and as such he sees it valid to try - and he wants to know if it would work.
It doesn’t, and it reads to me as if he’s ashamed of that failure, maybe even ashamed of offering hope, and therefore makes sure the evidence of it all is destroyed.
It is not stated if Claudia consented. I… given the state of her relationship with the vampires at that point (both book and show) I doubt it.
But Armand… did it from a very complicated place of feeling imho, but ultimately he did it at all because, as he says, couldn’t love her. And all things considered, he wanted to know if it would work.
(*) As per the rat box. If they really put her in there… then what we saw on stage was completely fake. Because there is no way that dress would not have been in shreds and bloody if the rats had found her as Louis said.
Tbh. I want him to misremember that. But that would then be the fitting timeframe for the experiment I guess. 😑
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deathbxnny · 1 year
So i saw one of your post about hsr men x s/o that got their vision taken, which is an intresting scenario request btw. And in that post, you said you limited the men to 4 due to having a lot of request at the time. Now, out of curiosity, are you planning to do the rest of the requested men? Since i would be interested to see how Luo Cha would react under that scenario.
A/N: Hello! Since you asked so nicely, I decided to do the rest of the three men on the list! So I hope you'll like it, anon!<33
Also, for those who want to read the post in question, it's this one!<33
Featured characters: Dan Heng, Caelus, Luocha
Content: Fluff, angst, vision loss, mentions of reader being "lifeless"/dull, established relationship, hurt/comfort, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
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Luocha didn't show it, but he was absolutely devastated at the news of you losing your vision. He blamed himself instantly for not having been there that day, as he had so much work to do as a doctor. He knew, you'd never want him to feel guilty over this, but he couldn't help himself. Especially at the sight of you, after he finally got back home.
You were lifeless and unresponsive. He tried everything he could to help you with the medical knowledge he had and yet nothing worked. He experimented with medicine and other methods, until he eventually ran out of them helplessly. He quickly learned however, that the only way to fix this, is by giving you your vision back. Which led him to ruthlessly hunt down the thief for your sake.
Once he is able to return the vision to you and turn you back to normal, he keeps a close eye on you in case you have any medical difficulties. He also never leaves you out of sight again either and always keeps you by his side. He never wants you to go through that again.
》Dan Heng
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It happened whilst Dan Heng was on a mission somewhere else. At the news of what happened to you, he instantly made his way back to the Express, not caring whether the mission was done or not. He felt so guilty, yet that was quickly overshadowed by anger. He was usually a very calm and collected man, but the sight of you made him nearly lose his composure.
He takes care of all of your needs and makes sure that you are comfortable at all times. He also talks to you and reads things to you, in hope's that you can hear him somehow. It comforts him to think that you could. He hugs you close and gently rubs your back, promising you, that he'll turn you back to normal soon.
And once he does, he never let's you out of his sight again. He takes you on all of his missions and keeps your hand tightly interlocked with his. He protects you even more on the battlefield and swears that no harm will befall you ever again.
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Caelus just barely reached you to save you from the attackers, but he was still too late to save your vision as well. He blamed himself for it, the guilt nearly killing him, as he held your lifeless and empty form close to his heartbroken one. He was at a loss at first, yet quickly remembered you mentioning what would happen to you without a vision, which makes him ask the Express crew to help him out.
Whilst they hint down the thief, Caelus will take good care of you and make you as comfortable as he can. He'll talk to you and apologise to you endlessly for not being there, even if he knows you most likely couldn't hear him. He'll hug you close and keep you in his arms, until he has to leave to hunt down the person who did this to you.
Once he finally finds them and returns your vision, he apologises to you over and over again, trying his best not to cry from the relief he felt. He feels nearly ashamed, when you have to comfort him, but he's also so happy that you're back to normal. He promises to never leave your side again afterwards.
A/N: I hope this was alright and thank you for the request!<33
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elysiansparadise · 2 years
Hello I was wondering if you could make a post about Mercury in the 8th house? Thank you 💜
Mercury in the 8th house
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Here we find natives with an interesting intellect, since they mix observation abilities with a very sharp and accurate intuition, especially regarding what others say concerns. It is likely that things pass by for those around him, but this native is capable of noticing anything no matter how small. They are astute people who easily detect lies, they read and observe you, they analyze their environment and many times they question what they can truly trust. They do not usually confide their thoughts, ideas or ways of seeing life with anyone, only with those they are very close to, what they think can be a huge mystery to others. They do not usually like small talk, they would prefer to have deep and meaningful conversations that contribute something to themselves or to the person with whom they relate. They stand out a lot for their curiosity and their ability to get to the bottom of certain matters, they have an investigative mind and are inquisitive by nature. Although we should not be confused, because despite being very curious, it is difficult for them to find topics or people for whom they are really interested. They are not limited to accepting the "truths" or things just for the sake of it, for them there has to be a true reason, a motive or something important.
If Mercury is afflicted by Saturn or Mars, student life could have been complicated for the native, from feeling that they did not learn easily or feeling that they did not get along with their classmates. Despite being people with great intellectual capacity, they can have a hard time feeling like intelligent people [especially if Neptune or Saturn make a hard aspect]. They hate feeling less intelligent or capable than others, being taken for fools by others, or being thought easily fooled by others. It is very likely that the comments of others are difficult for the natives to forget, they can remember cruel or negative comments from people for years. One of the favorable points of this placement is that these natives have a great awareness of themselves, they know who they are because introspection is part of their day to day and something they do constantly, they always question everything that surrounds them, how they react, because they feel the way they do, among other things. The natives may have had existential questions from an early age. 
They are people with great self-control, especially with what they say, they always try to be respectful to those who are respectful to them and say things frankly and kindly at the same time. They respect the privacy of others a lot, but they especially respect confidentiality, what others tell them they keep and it remains only between the two of them. They dislike talking about the lives of others and that others talk about their private things. It is very likely that at some point in their lives they have been a target of gossiping [enhanced if Moon or Neptune are making hard aspects with Mercury], which made them be more reserved and careful about those who tell them private things. They always have interesting things to say and seem to know about quite a few different things, this can be something that makes them attractive to people, or interesting at least. These people have a great intuition of their partner's sexual needs, they are able to go with the flow and are very skillful even if they don't have much experience. They are rather versatile and love to experiment with their partner, they can be very good at flirting or talking sensually to their partner. Despite this versatility and ability to let go, they are not in favor of having one night stands, since for them it is necessary to know the other person or at least have an affinity in personality or styles of thinking.
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