#i teared up when he says goodbye to lapis bismuth and peridot
thomothysdoodles · 4 years
I have so many feels for the Steben Ooniverse finale, and ideas and requests.
Await some stuff..
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mimik-u · 3 years
“The Future” Thoughts:
Okay, ngl, I’ve been putting this watch off because I wasn’t quite ready to end the show, but 😭😭😭 y’know, that’s part of the series’s overarching thesis in a way. Things end, but life goes on and changes all the same.
So let’s do this. Let’s finish Future.
AUGHDHHDHDHS. The exercise callback!!
Djddjdjskeksjjs, Lion transporting directly onto the boombox and breaking it.
“They’ve been so protective of me these last few months since my meltdown.” 🥺
Cookie cats! The Crewniverse is already pulling out all the nostalgia stops. (Lmao, do y’all remember that meme where it was like Episode 1: Steven summons his mom’s shield by eating ice cream. And then Episode X: Steven discovers his mom was a war criminal. EIORIDDJDJDJ.)
Pearl delicately eating a bite of Cookie Cat and going scrumptious dieidjdjsjsjs.
Because I’m assuming she sees what Steven’s future holds in that very moment.
Steven anticipates the Gems to make a huge fuss of protest, but Pearl proffers an understated, “When are you leaving?”
“Uh, tomorrow!” “Oh, so soon! Well, all human adolescents need to seize their independence eventually. I’m so happy for you.” JSISJSSJ
The gems proffer their well wishes and walk away, leaving a bewildered Steven. They’re affecting a casualness that they absolutely don’t feel to try and be supportive to Steven, but it’s not exactly what he wanted. 🥺
“Listen to me, Steven! You can’t run away from yourself. Wherever you go, you’ll be there—trust me, I know.” The delivery on this is so funny, but also, yikes!! JEJDJDJS.
Peridot crying. 🥺 “Where am I going to find a Steven as good as you, huh? I like this one so much.”
AWH, STEVEN GIVING PERI ONE OF HIS SHIRTS!! I think this is a really subtle callback to “Catch and Release” when she asked what a shirt was, lmao
This world doesn’t deserve Steven Universe omg
“You make me so proud to be a Crystal Gem.” I love Bismuth with my whole ass heart
“I’m going to use my tears to make a watercolor painting of you.” KWOEOFIDKDJJDDJJDJSJSNSNSNJS.
Where’s that spongebob tears of sweater meme when u need it
Okay, as much as I love Jasper breaking through the wall again just to make an exit, I really wish we could have seen a bit more of both Steven and Jasper processing the accidental shattering. Hhhhhhh, maybe in a comic someday lmao
“Whoa, even Jasper’s more upset than my own family.” 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Amethyst trying to deflect by being all rambunctious and mischievous. 😭😭😭😭😭
Golf Quest Mini is that game Steven played the first time he went into Rose’s room, wasn’t it?
Pearl playing the bass 🥺🥺 I mentioned this in my movie write up, but I really love this new bond she has with Greg over music.
And Pearl doing a good job of deflecting, too. Hhhhhhhehshshhshshs, y’all. 😭😭😭😭
“Well, bust my britches. It’s Steven Universe.”
“And I hope that one day, you can help me plan my own.” 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Steven crying as Garnet warps away has me emo. Y’allllllllll. Have a proper emotional reaction, pl e a s e
I know it’s coming. I know that’s the purpose of this episode, but oh my. Go d 😭😭😭 My poor boy.
The emptiness of his room now that he’s almost done packing. 😭😭😭
“You’re allowed to have feelings, even petty ones. They love you, kiddo. They’re probably just trying to be supportive.” 😭
Ugh, I love Greg Universe.
“I guess the Gems are going to swap one Universe for another.” There’s definitely a double meaning in this sentence. 😭
“It makes a kinda karmic sense that I just can’t resist.” 😭😭😭😭
Connverse kiss. 🥺
“What’s wrong with you, guys?! Aren’t you sad I’m leaving?!”
Oh, god okay. Them crying and hugging each other is all I needed from this episode 😭
“In fact, I’ve already planned over 363 versions of it.” KWKEKDJDJDS
“And we are a part of all of them. Wherever you end up, we will visit you to talk, to listen, to be there, whenever you need us. We love you, Steven.” I’M EMO 😭😭😭😭😭
I’m so glad that Dee Dee Magno Hall gets one more sob cry in 😭😭
And Steven drives off into the distance as the sky glitters brilliantly above him.
His future is bright, full of stars.
This series—all of it—fundamentally changed my life. Thank you, Rebecca Sugar, and thank you, Crewniverse.
As thank you all so much for coming on this journey with me as I’ve wrapped up Future. It’s been amazing. 🖤
Final Ep. Thoughts: Kdeoksjdjsjs, this one really needed to be thirty minutes long, but my god, did they pull off a perfect last few minutes. 
Final Future Thoughts: I might write more on this later, but overall, not only do I think Future was an amazing installment in the series, but it was essential for the incredible work it did in showing the consequences of deep, lasting childhood trauma. That’s not a storyline you often see in media, especially as laid bare as the Crewniverse did with Steven’s story. I think it was a little rushed at times—I would have loved to see some more fallout from the bigger arcs (the shattering/Greg and Steven’s fight/more of Steven’s recovery), but I absolutely understand that the Crewniverse was working with time constraints. It’s an imperfect work, but as our very own Greg Universe said, if every porkchop were perfect... then we wouldn’t have hot dogs.
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moonlightstars16 · 4 years
Love’s Fated Moments
30 Days Connverse Challenge
Day 17 ~ Kisses
"Since the invention of the kiss, there have only been five kisses that were rated the most passionate, the most pure. This one left them all behind." ~ The Princess Bride
Ever since Steven and Connie met, it would seem fate had brought them together for a reason. Love strengthened their bond than no matter of human or gem could ever break. Even as they became best friends, the connection was an unstoppable force. Through ups and downs they went through it all. They had moments of sorrow, pain and even doubt. But they stayed beside one another always.
Connie remembered the first time she attempted to kiss him. Failing due to his magical healing powers restoring her eyesight. Thinking back on the matter, she wondered if he ever knew about her intentions. Lifting her hand to her cheek, she felt the familiar blush that permeated her smile.
His own cheeks were tinted as her's were. But his eyes were full of confusion and a soft glaze from his tears. Telling her the feelings he had at the time if he never got the same ability. What she said to him then still rang true to this day. He didn't need any powers to be there with her.
Sitting against the warm glass of their apartment's bay window, she wrapped her arms around her legs, knees to her chest as she rested her head. Recalling the moment she did finally kiss him. Not quite on the lips, yet, but his soft chubby cheek. It was quick, it was brief, it felt right. This was something she had been dying to do for a long time. Especially before leaving for about a month. Developing more than a childhood crush, but something much more meaningful. She could still feel his beating heart racing from hit all against her palm, right down to her fingertips.
Giggles emerged from within at the imagery of leaving him in shock as she raced down the stairs. Seeing the big smile on his face as he called out to her by the balcony. Her own smile widened at the mere thought, eyes shut tight. Suddenly sensing two protective arms slip around her waist. Lifting her up gently as he sat down and laid her on his lap.
"Whatcha thinking about strawberry?" Steven's voice whispering so gently against her ear.
"Oh nothing much...." Feeling his disappointing gaze from behind, obviously not satisfied with her answer, she sighed rolling her eyes. "Okay, I was thinking about the time I first kissed you."
"Ah now that's the tea I've been waiting for. I believe it went something like this." With a teasing tone, he stole a quick peck on her cheek just like she did once. He remembered the moment so well. Lifting his hand to where her lips touched and his other feeling where her hand laid. The widest smile only she could ever bring out of him. He began to admire her more and more so around that time. The feelings he soon couldn't deny much longer. It was such a sweet relief and surprise to know she had the same notion.
"Well I couldn't help it. You were taking forever to make a move."
"What do you mean?"
"Ugh are you really going to make me explain it?" Hearing nothing but silence she groaned and turned to face him more. "Call it intuition, a gut feeling, whatever, but I always thought you had like-liked me then. You know that I did."
"Yeah when you finally kissed me first."
"Which is exactly why I had to make my move!"
"Wait hold on, so you knew that I was already beginning to like you more? Why didn't you say anything?"
"Uh, I think I did." With a smirk, she pecked his lips with a hand above his heart. Pulling away as he shook his head chuckling. "Just. Like. That."
"Okay Miss Maheswaren you know what I meant." 
"Steven I was embarrassed to tell you. Nothing could ruin our friendship, but I was worried this was. Especially if my gut instinct was wrong."
"But you did take a chance....why the sudden-"
" 'Leap of Faith' so to speak? Well I had to know sooner or later. I wanted to know if my feelings were going to be reciprocated or not. The thought of not being able to know tore me apart inside. So I finally decided to gather all my courage and went for it."
"I'm glad you did Connie." Reaching up to caress her cheek, stroking his hand through her soft locks, repeating the process over and over. Loving the way she leaned into his touch. Eyes closed as a content expression revealed her love for what he as doing as she sighed. Gazing upon her serene state, he remembered when it was her second kiss that saved his life.
Well along with his other family and friends showing him love too. Physically he felt everything his monstrous form did. Vision blurry as he tried to get away, tried to push everyone away, and almost hurting them in the process. Inside he was drowning in darkness. The familiar voices touched his very soul. He felt their loving embrace all over.
Garnet in her giant form, Lapis, Pearl, Amethyst, his dad, Bismuth, Peridot, heck even the Diamonds, Spinel and the Cluster. And then he felt her, the light was becoming brighter and brighter that he could see them all more clearly. Especially Connie, A portal opening as she leapt off Lion's back and landed right upon his monstrous face. Coming closer and closer as she hugged him close. Telling him they were never going away. Their love for him will never die.
"You know what? I may not have your powers, but...."
Then he felt it. Her kiss. The one that touched right through his heart. He felt everyone's love for him. All his family and friends. But it was her's that sealed the deal. That last bit of reassurance to know that it was all going to be okay. Their connection reformed once more.
"For all that it's worth, you did have healing powers that day."
"What?" Looking up with a raised brow he chuckled.
"When you kiss me. Even as a monster you showed me what love is. Or at the very least reminded me of it." It took her a second to register but her eyes soon widened in remembrance.
"I only spoke what was true." She whispered before pulling him into her arms. Letting his head lay on her shoulder. Both in thought of the that memory from a couple years ago. He was crying healing tears for the first time. A bright light emerged as everyone magically shifted from where they were embracing him, to inside the clusters large formed palm. Pearl brought out a large blue blanket from her stored items. Wrapping it around him as he reformed back into his old self.
They all stood back a little for him to get fresh air. Watching as he awoke from it all. Feeling her gentle hand brush away his tears. Connie did so again when she felt them on his shoulder. The memory was painful but the sorrow that came from it lessened much more.
Especially since Steven finally let out all what he pent up in a cathartic cry against Lion's main. Who had hugged him licked him as his way of showing love. It was good he was there because he needed one thing to focus on with everyone around him. 
Lifting up his head he lifted his hand against her cheek once more. One glance and they knew what the other was thinking. There first, real kiss. Not on the cheek, not through scales. And it was his turn to make the first move.
They were talking on the balcony. Laughing and having a great time. Just like long ago when they were eating biscuits and jam while playing music together. Like they were reading/listening to the stories in a book. Like they were going on adventures with Lion. They were truly Jam Buds once more.
Now they had talked about the proposal in depth. Both sides telling why they did what they did. Soon coming to and understanding about it. Of course they ended that conversation with a joke to ease off any remaining tension. Then while their laughter faded away from the moment, He reached out and placed a hand on her cheek. They leaned closer as he pressed his lips on hers. Feeling her comply without hesitation. It was slow, it was soft, it was an innocent first kiss.
Pulling back Connie sighed and rested her head on his shoulder. His head laid on top if hers as they reminisced in the memory of their first. It was the kind of kiss they said goodbye too when on the beach before he left for the world. With constant visits from Connie from time to time during the trip.
During which they did so more often. Innocent and slow but oh so satisfying. Not just on the lips, but on the ear, neck, cheek, almost everywhere one would think of kissing when it came to PDA. Even in private. Teasing each other as they continue to grow more within there relationship.
When he heard she got into her dream college, they celebrated with dinner, a fun walk in a nearby forest and ended with a kiss so intense they couldn't believe it was them who did it. This took them to a new level of ecstasy. They were laying against the sheets sprawled across the van.
The seats folded downwards so there was enough room for a makeshift bed. Cuddling closer from the cold midnight air as he became their personal heater with his magic. Especially for his beloved Connie whose skin felt like she was freezing. Shivering from the cooler temperatures, he laid his jacket over both of them.
After awhile both were caught up in conversations of different topics. The future, what was happening now in the world and "meaningless" stuff like how many licks does it take to get to the center of a loli-pop. Which Steven replied as 207 if it's the swirly rainbow kind, original sized. Connie laughed and didn't even question it. Well not seriously at least, she was curious how exactly he came to that conclusion. He admitted it was an hour of many licks and many tallies. Afterwords he needed loads of water.
There was no build-up(recently so), no spoken words about it, just both having a single look in each others eyes and instantly they knew. Getting closer, their lips touched like before, only this time they became even closer. His tongue slid against the bottom of her lips seeking entry, she widened her lips more so they could deepen the kiss. Breathing so heavy that they gasped for air briefly before going back. At one point he had kissed down her neck. Sucking at the nape as she moaned and ran her fingers through his thick curls.
Of course, they didn't go much further yet. But that moment introduced the possibilities that laid before them. So much that they soon laid boundaries they each respected. Neither one of them ready for what was to come. At least not until after she graduated college of course. Those memories made them blush so hard that they couldn't even look at each other, but hands were locked every time. For awhile at least.
Now they didn't care. Lips locked once more, Steven felt one hand down her skirt and over her right bum, with only the thin lace garment separating the two. Though that hardly mattered as he felt the heat on her skin. His other hand running up her shirt and laid two fingers just underneath the hem of her bra. She slid her hands under his shirt, caressing his bare and soft chest and stomach.
"I love you so much, my Strawberry."
"I love you too, my Biscuit."
They stayed like that for awhile at the bay window. The night sky filled with stars as there view also overlooked some of the city. Being safe and protected within each other's embrace. Giving there all in that moment to one another.
These kisses helped to shape their love. The almost, the deep crush, the healing, the innocent and the most passionate. But for them the most important one of all was them kissing together. Past, the here and now and in the future they would live in, side by side.
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fireopal-tash · 4 years
How everything started...
If only everybody could see you
Through my eyes
We wouldn't have to worry and leave it all behind
I know it isn't easy but I think we need a brand new start
I'll hold your heart
It was not a good start, nor a bad one. It was not an impulsive moment, much less a thoughtful one.
Spinel spent a week with Steven on Earth, after the Crystal Gems received a message from the Diamonds. Something about a mission, and making peace (peace treaty) with other species. They couldn't take Spinel with them, so they decided that it was best for her to stay on Earth. With Steven. Protected. That was it. Nothing happened, and Spinel returned to Homeworld soon after. Nothing changed... Or so everyone believed.
It wasn't until in Little Homeworld a healed corrupted gem saw them holding hands, laughing and having a good time that things went downhill. They explained they were simply spending some time together, like any friends, but the crystal gems were still upset that the hybrid never told them anything about where he went and with whom. Pearl, specially, freaked out when she saw it was Spinel with whom he was spending time. He couldn't understand why.
Steven was with Connie (it was one of those days when Connie had free time for him), and the boy asked his best friend her opinion about Spinel.
"Steven... I don't think it's a good idea" she started carefully.
"What? Why?" the young hybrid asked without showing his anguish.
"Because she tried to kill you. You and the Crystal Gems" she pointed out "Look, I know you want to help her, but maybe you should let someone else do it" she explained softly.
"No, you don't understand" he shook his head "It's my responsibility. I have to help her. No one else can because... Because no one else can understand her. Only me. And she is not the only gem that tried to kill us, you know? At least she knew it was me, not Pink Diamond"
"She was… trapped, wasn't she? Then Lapis would be the most suitable. Also, she tried to kill you because of your mum" she countered.
"You see!? You don't understand either. Aghhh" he suddenly stood up, anxiety gnawing at his mind "She was abandoned, not trapped. She faithfully waited for my mom for thousands of years!"
"And how about Pearl?" the brunette tried.
Steven groaned, increasingly annoyed that no one could understand him. But that wasn't true, was it? Someone understood him. And that someone was Spinel.. Steven ran away, glowing pink.
"Steven...!" Connie called.
All of my friends and family
Keep saying you're no good
Now that I'm finally happy
Wish that they understood
They may be disapproving
But that ain't tearing us apart
I'll hold your heart
Spinel couldn't meet with Steven after that hasty goodbye. She could still hear the shouting. Such horrible words. She didn't like that one bit. He was her friend, their family. Why were they being so cruel to him? Why wouldn't they let her calm him down.
So what if they were having a good time?
So what if they wanted to be friends?
What difference did it make to them?
What rights did they have to spoil something that was just beginning to flourish?
All those questions were echoing over and over again in her mind, fueling her anger, her contempt for those gems. Towards everyone. But never to Steven. He needed her. And she needed him.
"Spinel, we know that you only wanted to see Steven. We do to. But, surely you understand that it is not right for you to leave without saying a word to us"
Oh, she knew that very well. But it was exactly for that reason that neither of them said anything. They wanted to test their friendship first, before rushing headfirst. They didn't want interference of any kind. It was their life after all.
It was not fair.
Where did everything went so wrong?
Exhausted every option
It's time to run away
Won't even pack a suitcase
I don't need anything
As long as you're besides me
I know that it'll be okay
We'll be okay
Weeks later, after sneaking away from Homeworld again, Spinel managed to speak to Steven, in his room, while everyone else was asleep (or in the case of the gems, in their own room)
"Are you sure?" he asked hesitantly. He was so nervous. What if the gems find out? They would be separated!
Spinel nodded enthusiastically. She had been planning it carefully. Today they were going to leave, they were going to their new home, a home of their own. Far from responsibilities. Away from people who only saw someone else in them. No more Pink Diamond. They were going to be free at last.
"Ok. I trust you. I hope everything works out. How are we going to get there?"
"With Little Homeworld's portal, of course. We will be caught immediately if we use yours. Although, we have to go undercover, just in case" She smirk, satisfied with her plan. She was not stupid, after all. Just a fool.
Steven shared her smile, feeling excited.
Cuz if it's us
Against the world we'll fight it
And win as long as we're united
"Steven?" Pearl called from the bottom of the stairs. Receiving no answer, she went upstairs, determined to wake Steven up. Upon opening the door, however, there was no one in there. Thinking that maybe he would be in the bathroom, she went downstairs again and headed for the other room. She knocked a couple of times. Nobody answered. The fear was taking over the pale gem. Steven was surely fine. These past few weeks he seemed fine, at least. But what if...?
"Steven?" she called again.
"Is he still in the bathroom?" Amethyst said, noticing the other gem in concern.
"I think so... But he would have already answered me" she scowled.
"Maybe he's drowned in the bathtub," joked the purple gem.
"Don't joke about it, Amethyst!"
"Seriously, what's wrong with taking a little more time in the bathroom? Besides, maybe he's still annoyed with us" she said seemingly exasperated.
"Annoyed? Why would he be annoyed with us?" the purple gem rolled her eyes, tired of the tallest blindness.
"Maybe because we are overwhelming? Overprotective? And by "we" I mean you, and maybe Garnet" she finished, with irritation. She really needed to let out everything she thought about this situation.
Take my hand and don't you let it go now
We'll find our way out when we are faced with danger
Steven and Spinel were in the garden. No one was around as expected, but still, they waited holding their breath and their hands. Nothing was happening. The portal didn't activate. They were alone. Together. They smiled widely. And laughed.
And eyes that stares at us in anger
Take my hand and don't you let it go now
"Garnet. Do you know where he...?" Pearl tried to ask the fusion. She was stopped.
"Not now"
"But Garnet!" she complained.
"I said not now. I don't know where he is. I can't even..." She let out a painful cry before a light appeared, separating both gems.
"Oh no. What have we done?" whispered Sapphire, both oh her hands covering her mouth. Her blue orb full of guilt and fear.
We'll find our way out
I'm tired of all the hiding
When the gems told Greg what happened, for the first time ever, he yelled at them. Worse than the time they kidnapped baby Steven in the middle of a snowstorm.
Unspoken secrecy
Cuz nothing's more exciting
When they talked to Lapis, Peridot and Bismuth, they were yelled at again. Never had the crystal gems felt worse than now. They knew it was their fault Steven ran away.
When you're right next to me
I'm captured by the feeling
Connie was the last one to know about their mistake. She just looked at them, disappointed. She waited for Steven. She had faith in him. He would return to her. He always did.
Of when you're wrapped up in my arms
In my arms
Despite all the searching, they never found him. Nothing. No one knew anything about him, nor did he ever came back home.
But one day, they found a little Spinel, far from Homeworld, whistling while looking at some dresses and shorts, shopping apparently.
I don't have all the answers
Not sure what we should do
But it doesn't really matter
I'm so in love with you
As long as you're besides me
I know it'll be okay
We'll be okay
"Our way out" song by Nico Collins
IMPORTANT: Steven and Spinel didn't rushed their decision, but they didn't think it through either. Don't be too harsh on them. They are still young (in fact, worse. Because he is a teenager and Spinel acts like a teenager too, so it was expected xD And Steven almost did the same with Connie, when they were younger)
Another thing. No one thought that Steven was with Spinel because of the time they spent apart, and because they tried to appear like nothing changed. It may sound logic to us, readers, but it's not. That's life without a narrator xD
Also: if it's a ship, or just friends, or family, it depends on the reader~ See them as you want xD I don't care~ xP
People tend to forget the most obvious clues ^w^'
Here a FanArt!
Tumblr media
(why I'm always drawing the wrong hand to hold? xD Oh well~)
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starscheme · 4 years
Only You
Chapter Nineteen: Connies Concerns and Stevens Solitude
Connie stood outside of Stevens home, several books stacked in her arms with a few large maps. She was reluctant to go inside. After all, it had only been a few days or so since Spinels shattering.
After it happened, Steven seemed to be in shock. She and Lion brought him home, but he didn't say a single word, nor did he seem to register that anyone was around him. When Connie was forced to explain what happened to the others, the house was thrown into chaos. Pearl collapsed to the floor and began crying out. Connie had never heard her teacher scream out in such anguish before. Garnet was quiet, but tears clearly trickled down her face. Amethyst was turned away from everyone and had smashed in the kitchen table.
As for the others, Bismuth swore that this wouldn't go unpunished and despite Connies pleas that that they stay and mourn together, Bismuth insisted on going on a search for the creature that did this immediately. Lapis agreed and left with her, holding a sobbing Peridot by the hand as they followed after their friend.
Connie could understand their reaction. It wasn't just Steven who lost someone after all. Still, with everyone else grieving, Connie felt like she had no time to mourn. She had to make sure everyone was okay. Especially since she was growing more concerned with Steven by the second. His eyes had been pink since they arrived and all he did was stare blankly at the cold, sharp shards in his hands. At one point he had gripped them so tightly that his palms were cut open. When Connie attempted to move the shards in order to bandage his hands, that was the first time Steven had reacted to anything. He flinched and in a flash of pink light, the house began to shake, the windows cracking or breaking altogether.
After that, it was clear that touching Spinels pieces wasn't in the cards right now. Understandable. All Connie could do was bring Steven to his room. Though it's not like she could get him to lay down. She stayed as long as she could, but eventually she had to go back home.
Now, she was back at the house after staying away for a few days. She hoped that she'd given Steven enough time to come to grips with everything. Truthfully, she would have liked to give them all some more space, but she had gotten a message from Peridot asking for her help. Apparently they had found a small lead on the creatures whereabouts and wanted Connies help in tracking it.
With a deep breath to prepare herself, Connie walked into the Beach House, shocked by what she saw the moment she stepped through the door.
Nearly every piece of furniture was destroyed. The couch had been ripped up and the stuffing pulled out. The table and chairs in the kitchen all smashed to pieces. A closer inspection would reveal that all the windows had been broken as well, glass shards scattered along the floor.
"...what on earth...?" Connie whispered under her breath.
Peridot had only just warped into the house when she spotted Connie standing in the middle of the ransacked home. "Ah, you're here. Do you have what I asked for?" She asked, as if she didn't notice the wreckage.
"Y-yeah, but Peridot...what happened here? Was there a fight that—"
"—it was Steven," answered Peridot quickly, her tone rather morose.
"Steven?! Is-is he okay? What do you mean he did all this? I don't understand."
Connie couldn't imagine Steven causing so much damage on his own. Of course she had seen him upset before, but he was never very destructive as a result.
Peridot appeared hesitant to talk about it. "...he...hasn't been the same since it happened. I think...if we find this thing, he'll feel a little better."
"Where is he?" Connie asked now. She had to see him for herself.
"He...he's usually in the observatory. He's been using the Diamond system to try and track down the being that...shattered Spinel."
Connie didn't waste any time. She handed off the supplies in her hands and rushed up the stairs to Stevens room. It wasn't much different up there. His blanket and sheets had been shredded, most of of his possessions were tossed about on the floor, and the television screen looked as if it had been smashed in. Growing more alarmed by the second, Connie picked up the pace and finally reached the observatory where Steven was standing at his Diamond console, currently speaking with Yellow Diamond.
"—-and that's all that we found there." Yellow Diamond finished.
Connie couldn't quite see Stevens face, but when she stepped forward to approach him, she was stopped as Steven slammed his fist against the consoles surface.
"Dammit!" He shouted angrily, his voice rather hoarse.
"Steven, I suggest we send my troops down to earth. We'll be able to cover more ground that way. Even if this creature is staying nearby as you suspect, it would be strategically favorable to have more eyes on the ground." Yellow Diamond suggested evenly.
"...fine," agreed Steven, "Peridot will contact you to confirm where to start looking. ...but keep an eye on everyone. If anyone's Gems start to turn black, I want to know right away."
Without a goodbye, Steven switched off the call and sighed. Now that the communication was cut off, Connie tried again to get Stevens attention.
"...Steven?" She called out cautiously.
Whipping around at once, Steven and Connie were finally face to face. Though this did nothing to ease her concerns. Steven looked awful. His eyes were still pink, but now they were bloodshot, with heavy bags beneath them as if he hadn't slept in days.
He seemed to acknowledge her presence, but simply looked at her with a blank stare. "...what do you want?"
The cold tone of his voice caused her heart to ache. He'd never spoken to her like this. "...I...I came to see how you were. ...I wanted to make sure you were taking care of yourself..."
"I'm fine," he answered, turning back to the console to go over a large map that had appeared on the screen.
"...Steven...Spinel wouldn't—"
"—-SHUT UP!" Steven shouted, his voice echoing off the walls and shaking the room, nearly jostling Connie off balance.
"This-what's happened to you?" Connie asked desperately once she regained her footing. "I know losing her is hard, but you can't let this—-"
"What happened to me?! Repeated Steven sardonically. "I fell in love with Spinel and she got shattered for it!" Steven shouted again, the glass cracking around them which this time threatened to cave in the fragile ceiling.
Before Connie could speak again, Pearl had warped into the room just in time to see the glass splintering.
"Steven!" Pearl exclaimed as she rushed over to him, placing her hand on his shoulder. "It's okay!"
Pearls appearance seemed to calm him down some. Steven didn't look angry anymore. In fact, his eyes welled up in tears, prompting Pearl to wrap her arms around him.
"It's okay," said Pearl again. "...why don't you go and see Sodalite and then try to rest a bit?"
Without a word, Steven nodded his head and walked to the warp pad, leaving the room in a flash of light.
"Thank you for bringing the books we asked for," Pearl began before Connie could speak.
"...Pearl, Steven is—"
"-I know," Pearl interjected sadly. "...Steven has been...a bit unstable. Its been hard for him. B-but it's okay," insisted Pearl with a tearful smile, "because...once we capture the thing that caused all this...Steven and I...everyone will feel a lot better..."
Connie could tell that Pearl was barely keeping it together herself. No doubt she was forcing herself to function for Stevens sake. "...revenge only causes more pain, remember? The Diamonds wanted revenge for Pink...and it just ended in corrupted Gems and sick experiments on shattered ones. That thing...doesn't deserve to go unpunished...but Steven wants to kill it. ...if he were thinking straight...I know he wouldn't really want to take a life."
Pearl didn't reply. In truth, she understood why Connie was concerned, but she refused to agree with her. It had always been Pearls job to teach and look after Spinel. For more than six thousand years, she worked hard to keep Spinel safe. She was Roses knight, but she was Spinels caretaker. Now...she'd lost the one other person she had made a promise to. She wanted revenge just as much as Steven did.
"Connie...you don't have to worry about any of this. ...once things have settled down...Steven will be back to normal. His power is controlled by his emotion...and that's the only reason he's been a little unstable. ...but I've just sent him to see Sodalite. She's been purifying him for last couple of days."
The human girl tensed up at Pearls stubborn attempt to side step the real concern here. Steven was already unstable. How would he be after taking a life? Since it wouldn't help to bring Spinel back, he'd just end up hating himself and regretting it. Connie had to find someone that might help her to convince him that this wasn't right. Clearly, Pearl was not going to be that someone. "...well...I brought what Peridot asked for...so I guess I'll be on my way. Um...is he seeing Sodalite in Little Homeworld...or...?"
Pearl shook her head, "no, we need Sodalite to find and fight this thing, so Steven is having her stay here with us for now. After she purifies Steven, she'll be going out with Garnet on patrol to search."
Yet another turn of events that surprised Connie. "...and Lars was okay with this? I thought he was taking care of her..."
"It's not up to Lars," replied Pearl simply. "Sodalite wants to help Steven."
"But isn't that because she thinks he's her Diamond? She won't refuse anything he asks for. Isn't that...sort of..."
"Connie, I appreciate the concern, but we are all just doing the best we can to get by right now. ...this is what Steven and I need to get through this. I don't expect you to understand, but I do expect you to be supportive of Steven. He doesn't need anything else upsetting him..."
"...I should go. ...I'll come to visit again as soon as I can," relented Connie finally. This conversation would go nowhere and she didn't want to belittle their grief by lecturing everyone on how to handle this situation. Perhaps with more time, rational thought might take a bigger part in this. "Please take care of yourself too, Pearl."
Connie said her goodbyes and made her way out of Stevens home. As she stepped onto the beach, she took one last look at her friends home. "Don't worry Spinel..." she began quietly, feeling her nose begin to burn as tears glistened in her eyes, "...I'll do my best to look after them..."
Though she and Spinel had never been the best of friends, Connie knew Spinel was a kind soul and loved her friends dearly. She wouldn't want to see them like this. Connie also felt a sense kinship with Spinel in a way. They both loved Steven and regarded Pearl as a mentor. If they hadn't fallen for the same person, perhaps they would have been better friends. No matter the case now, Connie wanted to honor Spinels feelings. She'd have to look after them in her place. Even if she was retreating today, she'd be back soon to make sure that the people Spinel most loved, didn't end up doing something they would only regret.
Steven had barely registered Connies departure. In fact, he was barely aware that she had come to visit at all. For the past few days, it had been difficult to keep his thoughts straight. His grief caused his abilities to fluctuate and his empathic power was somehow focusing inward. He kept seeing memories of the past as if they were real. All memories he shared with Spinel. At first, it made him happy. Seeing those memories so vividly allowed him to think everything had been a bad dream, but soon it was difficult to tell the memories from reality and once he was pulled from them, his grief would well up all over again.
His obsession with finding the thing that shattered Spinel was the only thing that allowed him lucid moments. However, when he thought about that creature, there was a rage inside of him that Steven had never felt before. That anger and hatred consumed him, making his power all that more destructive and dangerous for those around him. Lately, the only way he was able to get any rest, was if Sodalite purified his emotions. Perhaps he could have gone to see Blue for this, but Steven didn't trust the Diamonds completely.
"...I'm sorry..." Steven muttered miserably, tears streaming down his face as he rested his head on Spinels lap. He had taken refuge in his mother's room, accompanied there by an illusion of Spinel the clouds had created.
"For what?" Asked the fake Spinel with a light laugh. "You haven't done anything wrong, have you?"
"I couldn't...save you..." replied Steven as he reached up and placed his hand against her cheek.
"You can still save me," answered the illusion calmly as she looked down at Steven.
"That's right. ...I'll find the one that did this and make them pay. ...then...you'll be happy, right?" Stevens voice was weak and hoarse. All the crying and shouting, it made moments like this even harder for him. "I'be been trying to make you happy. ...keeping you close," continued Steven as he placed his hand over his heart. "Bismuth made a locket for me. ...for you. You always said you liked the sound of my heartbeat. Does that...can you hear it?"
Spinel nodded her head happily, "I can. Thank you, Steven. I'll keep listening to your heart...until you come and get me, okay? Just promise you won't take too long?"
Steven gripped gently at the locket beneath his shirt where he kept Spinels shards safely next to his heart. "Yeah. ...it won't be long now. I'll fix everything..."
As Steven began to feel tired, his cell phone rang, pulling him from the one restful moments he'd had in days. He slid his phone from his pocket and answered it without bothering to see who was calling.
"What is it?" Asked Steven in annoyance.
"Where are you guys?" Asked Lars over the phone.
"I'm here to pick up Sodalite, but no ones home. Did ya take her out for an extra patrol? You know she can't handle so many in one day."
Steven thought for a moment. He didn't remember ordering another search, but it was possible he did and just forgot. Apparently, he'd done a lot he couldn't recall in the last few days. With his power and emotion out of control, coupled with the lack of sleep, he wasn't functioning well at all. Instead of answering Lars' question, Steven hung up the phone and got to his feet.
"Are you going to come and get me?" Spinel asked with a smile, watching Steven as he walked away to meet with Lars.
The room answered Stevens unspoken wish and removed the illusion of Spinel from the room. He wondered why she always asked him that. Every time he left this room, any version of Spinel he made would ask him to come and get her. If only he could.
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spinelwritings · 4 years
Spinel with a Spinel!S/O who's still super trusting. They were playing a game with the Crystal Gems (maybe hide and seek to make the next part easier) until a strong thunderstorm came. Spinel forgot to tell her S/O to go inside and she stays in the rain until Spinel remembers.
Oof, that kind of hurts man. But I didn’t go too bad with it, I tried making it more cute. Enjoy!
It looked like it was going to be quite a beautiful summer day. The sun was shining bright and hot on the small town of Beach City. Most people were spending their time inside, away from the heat, but that still left most of the gems out and about, enjoying the day.
The crystal gems were all having a picnic in the surrounding hills, lounging lazily as they all talked together. You were with them, of course, happily snuggled into Spinel’s side, feeling kind of sleepy and, for once, being rather quiet. It was rare for you, but at the moment you had nothing to say, nothing to add to the conversation. You were perfectly happy just sitting there, mind wandering.
 Then, seemingly out of nowhere, you jumped up, surprising a few of the gem’s nearest you but not Spinel. She never did seem surprised by anything you did, no matter how random it was. That was something you loved about her. 
“I have an idea!”
“What’ve you got for us, tiny?” Bismuth asked and suddenly everyone’s attention was on you. It always made you nervous when everyone looked at you like that, so you focused on Spinel instead. She was smiling at you and gave a little nod of encouragement.
“We should play a game of hide and seek! We could all go hide in town and then when we’re found we’ll meet up at Steven’s house.”
You thought it was a good idea, but it ended up taking a bit of encouragement to convince everyone else. Still, everyone agreed to play with you and that was enough. They set a deadline, though. You all had to head back to the house around sunset and whoever made it till then would win. Amethyst ended up being picked as it and everyone scattered to find their hiding spots.
You and Spinel ran off together, giggling like crazy. You were Spinel’s after all. You were made to play games.
“Do you wanna hid together?” You asked, looking to her with the biggest smile on your face. She thought for a few moments, then shook her head.
“It’ll be too easy ta find us. We should split up.”
You nodded, running off and waving behind you.
“See you later, Spins!”
You didn’t wait to see if she waved back. You were too eager to find your hiding spot. It would need to be good, somewhere no one would find you, somewhere that would last you till sunset. You ended up picking a spot in the neighborhood, hiding in some bush by one of the houses. It was perfect. It didn’t stand out at all and kept you completely covered. It helped that you could fir into some pretty tiny places. You giggled as you settled into place, confident you could easily last the day there.
You got comfortable and waited. 
Time ticked by and, one by one, the crystal gems got found. Pearl was found first. She wasn’t really that good at games, anyways, and was more than happy to go home. Then Peridot and Lapis were found and sent home, then Bismuth.
It was a couple of hours later when things started getting a bit more difficult. A bunch of scary clouds started rolling in, blocking out the bright sunlight, and things started getting colder. Amethyst managed to find Steven and Connie before it started raining. It started off as a sprinkle at first, but quickly grew into a downpour. It was then that Amethyst went home, trying to avoid getting too drenched. 
When Spinel got there, everyone else had already gotten back. There was some commotion with Amethyst shaking the water off and getting everyone around her soaked too. Everyone was talking about the game, how most of them managed to avoid the rain, lucky them. Garnet didn’t even play, she just went to the house and waited for them there. 
“Ya coulda warned us about the rain,” Amethyst whined. Garnet just smirked and Spinel chuckled. She decided to see how much water she could get in her corner, just watching the other gems mess around.
Then she frowned. Something wasn’t quite right with this scene. Something was missing. Even if she couldn’t quite get her mind working enough to put a name to the feeling, she could feel the guilt. 
Then it hit her. She had been so busy trying to get out of the rain she had forgotten about Y/N! She wasn’t here! Which meant …
There was a bright flash from outside, then a loud roar of thunder moments later.
“Man, it’s really coming down hard.” Steven said.
“Yep … I gotta head back out.” 
Steven looked at Spinel, confused.
“What? Why?”
“Y/N’s still out there. I need to go find her.”
“She is?! Well, she should be fine till -”
But Spinel was already out the door. Steven sighed and let her go. They were gems, it wasn’t like they were going to get sick or something. The worst thing that could happen is that they would get wet. He went back to the other gems. 
Spinel didn’t stop moving for a moment, running the best hiding options through her mind. You were the best at hide and seek but if anyone had the chance of finding you it was Spinel. She knew how you thought.
She ran to the houses, and started looking through all the bushes and trees. It took quite some time, but finally, after almost an hour, she found you hiding in your bush. When she got close enough, you popped out.
Spinel yelped in shock, falling back on her but with a SPLAT. You giggled uncontrollaby, helping the gem to her feet, just so you could wrap her up in your arms.
“You found me, you found me!” You cheered happily, kissing her cheek. “Did I win?”
And you looked at Spinel with the happiest smile, eyes big and sparkling even as the rain ran down her face and soaked her clothes, her hair limp and dripping. The guilt hit her so hard, tears mixing with the rain, but you didn’t notice, only saw the sweet smile on her face as she hugged you back, placing a kiss on your forehead. 
“Of course, Doll! Now, let’s get out of this rain.”
And you were just so happy as the two of you walked back to Steven’s house, talking almost nonstop about how good your hiding spot was and how you loved hide and seek, but it wasn’t your favorite game ‘cause that was tag ‘cause you liked all the running and chasing and you guys should really play tag next time ‘cause you didn’t want to sit for so long again ‘cause you kinda got bored but that’s okay ‘cause you won and now you got to brag to everyone else that you’re the best at hide and seek. Somehow, Spinel managed to catch every word, nodding along and giggling at your excitement. 
When the two of you got to the house you were met with a chorus of greetings, Steven rushing over to the two of you with some towels like he was just waiting for you to get back. The two of you dried off, Spinel helping with your hair. You never could get it to dry all the way, but Spinel could. You sighed happily, closing your eyes and smiling as she worked, enjoying her touch. Once she got your hair dry she fixed it up for you till she deemed it perfect. When she finally finished she kissed your cheek ever so sweetly and you hummed in response.
The storm didn’t last too much longer. You sat by the window, watching the clouds drift away, painted pink and orange by the sunset. With the rain gone, the others started heading out, waving and saying their goodbyes. You weren’t quite ready to go yet and stayed where you were. You only moved when Spinel sat next to you, and then only to lean on her shoulder with a happy little sigh. She slung an arm over your shoulders, kissing the side of your hair. You stayed like that for a moment.
But something didn’t feel quite right. You looked into the other gem’s face curiously, noticing the lines on her brow and her sad eyes.
“Spins? Are you okay?”
She was quick to wipe the sad look off her face, giving you one of her amazing smiles.
“Of course! I’m doing just fine.”
You huffed, giving her a stern look and shrugging her hand off your shoulder.
“Aw, come off it. I know when you’re lying to me. Just tell me what’s going on.”
She sighed in defeat.
You stared at her intently, waiting for her to speak up, your face slowly getting closer to her until she had to shove you away with a giggle.
“Alright, alright, give me a second!”
You huffed again but sat back and waited.
“Well, ya see… I guess I’m just feeling kinda guilty …”
You started to laugh, but stopped yourself halfway through, letting out an odd strangled kind of sound.
“Guilty? About what? You didn’t do anything!”
“Yeah, that’s the problem! You were sitting out there stuck in the rain and I didn’t do anything. I just forgot about ya!.”
“No you didn’t. You found me, remember? If you had forgotten about me then someone else would have found me first or I would have come back at sunset like we agreed.”
Spinel didn’t seem to agree, a frown still on her face. Now that wouldn’t do, not one bit. You thought it over for a moment, trying to decide how best to cheer her up and get rid of her bad thoughts. Then you smiled, hugging the gem tight.
“Come on, let’s go walk on the boardwalk. We can get ice cream!”
For a moment, Spinel remained stubbornly upset, but then the sadness lifted off her face slightly, a soft smile taking its place.
“Ah, alright, Doll. How can I say no to you?”
“You can’t! ‘Cause I’m just too cute!”
And Spinel laughed, loud and happy. The two of you said goodbye to Steven and went on your way. You ended up getting that ice cream. You got your favorite flavor and Spinel got strawberry.
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change-your-mind-au · 4 years
Ch 7: Just a Little Hope 
Everyone stared at Dr. Maheswaran in shock, wondering if they heard that correctly.
"Fi...f-fifty five...percent?" Connie asked in shock.
"Yup!" her mother smiled and gave her a nod. "Steven has gotten more stable since last night! He still isn't out of the woods yet, but he has shown remarkable improvement! This is unprecedented! It shocked all of my colleagues that Steven has lived this long with this kind of injury! Well...he still has a long way to go, but it looks promising."
Everyone in the room couldn't help but give slight and relieved smiles. Steven is still alive and is fighting for it 
"So...does that mean Steven will be ok?!" Peridot asked with so much hope.
That's when Dr. Maheswaran frowned.
"As I've said, he isn't out of the woods yet. He can still decline in his condition at any second, but he has made improvement. Doctors are still monitoring him."
Peridot slightly frowned. "O-oh…"
Bismuth looked around at everyone before smiling.
"Hey, don't be so down you guys! Steven's tough and has made it this far! I mean as Dr. Maheswaran said, someone with an injury like that would have been dead a long time ago. Steven's still alive and still hanging in there! Besides, I honestly think since it's only been half a day and he's at a 55% living rate, that's pretty good!"
Everyone looked at Bismuth before Connie spoke up.
"S-she's right you know. I think we're all pretty lucky that Steven's alive...and that we also got him out of Homeworld in time."
"Exactly!" Bismuth smiled. "We were able to get out of there before any of us were able to fall under White's control."
"Now it's only a matter of when we go back...and if Steven lives through this, will he come with us?" Peridot stated.
"I feel that's something we can discuss later," Lapis said. "We need to focus on Steven right now. He should be our main focus right now."
Everyone looked at Lapis as she turned her head away to avoid eye contact from everyone. 
"Lapis, you ok?" Peridot asked slowly.
"I'm *fine*!" Lapis gritted her teeth still looking away.
"You don't look ok?"
"Yea, well I am!" Lapis snapped, finally turning to Peridot. "Why can't you understand that?!"
"Lapis, we know you're worried about Steven...we all are, but snapping at people isn't going to solve anything," Bismuth tried calming her down.
"You don't get it! Steven freed me from that mirror after being stuck in there for thousands of years! I could've done something! I could've saved him!"
Connie's eyes widened as tears filled them and she turned away trying to calm herself. Greg noticed this as he walked up to the gems.
"You say you could've saved him!" Greg's voice was filled with held back rage and emotion. "But how do you think Connie feels?! She was there when this happened, wasn't she?!"
Everyone looked at Greg in shock as he suddenly raised his voice at Lapis. Greg took a breath as he tried to calm himself down.
"I'm sorry, but it's true. I know all of you are worried...and so am I trust me...but we can't be turning on each other. I...trust that Steven is in good hands and that the doctors will do everything they can to make sure he lives but…" Greg looked at the ground as if trying to recompose himself.
Bismuth noticed this and took over.
"I think what Greg is trying to say, is that we all did everything we could to save Steven and now we have to leave it up to the doctors to keep him alive," Bismuth took a breath. "Besides, we have other matters to attend to right now."
She looked towards Connie, who looked like she was trying to calm herself down. Bismuth walked over as Connie just shook her head.
"I-I'm ok…"
"Connie, we both know that you're not," Bismuth stated, worry written all over her face. "We know seeing something like that can be...traumatic. I'm pretty sure we all would be traumatized if we saw something like that."
"She's right," her mother spoke up. "Anything can be a trigger and seeing something like that happen to Steven is definitely a trigger. I know it's hard to talk about now, but this is something we should take care of now."
Connie avoided eye contact as tears continued to flow.
"I...I could've saved him though. H-he was right there in front of me. If I didn't distract him, h-he wouldn't be…" 
She choked on a sob as she fell on her knees and continued crying. Dr. Maheswaran wasn't really the...emotional type, but seeing her own daughter break down like this, she knew she had to do something. She went down on her knees and hugged her.
"Connie, I didn't see anything that happened on that planet, but I do know this isn't your fault."
"She's right," Bismuth pointed out, clenching her fist. "It's her fault!"
Peridot and Lapis looked to Bismuth and immediately knew who she was talking about. Bismuth took a deep breath as if trying to calm herself down.
"B-Bismuth is right you know," Peridot managed out. "This isn't really your fault. You couldn't have known White was gonna make Pearl do this."
Connie looked up before crying more into her mother's chest. Everyone gave a look towards Peridot, and Peridot chuckled nervously.
"Heh...I guess I could've worded that differently."
"You think?" Lapis rolled her eyes.
Dr. Maheswaran sighs as she looks back towards Connie and hugs her more.
"Connie, I know this will be rough and you have just as long of a recovery as Steven does. We'll help you get through this."
Connie continued to cry into her mother's arms as she shook her head, apologizing over and over again.
"There isn't anything you have to apologize for. This isn't your fault."
"I just...w-want him to be ok…" she muttered.
"We all do," Bismuth sighs. "But we know Steven is tough. We just have to have a little hope is all."
"Yea," Greg agreed. "I'm just hoping for the best outcome for him."
"We all do," Lapis added.
Everyone nodded as Dr. Maheswaran continued to comfort Connie a little bit more. After a while, Dr. Maheswaran helped her daughter to her feet.
"Come on. Let's head home and get some rest. We can talk more about this later."
Connie looked down and nodded.
The two began walking out and waved goodbye to everyone as they left. After they were gone, the B Team and Greg looked at each other and they knew they were all thinking one thing.
They just have to have just a little bit of hope that Steven will pull through this and make a full recovery.
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Steven Universe Future-Homeworld Bound/Everything’s Fine/I Am My Monster/The Future Recap
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It’s over isn’t it? Spoilers below
Steven decides to go live with the Diamonds. The Crystals Gems can’t help him. Gee Steven it would be nice if you’d let them try. Before he goes he tells Jasper that he’s not taking her service. Do something better with her life. He walls off the Gems and warps to Homeworld as Garnet tearfully says that they’re his family.
Upon arriving in Homeworld we discover that the Diamonds have in fact stepped down since the movie and there is an election between the two Zircons from The Trail. The old throne room has turned into a museum.
Steven runs into Spinel who takes him to Yellow Diamond who is healing shattered Gems because she has domain of the body. Huh, guess it was mostly Yellow’s stuff that healed Jasper. And Yellow even mentions needing to heal the cluster. That’s good. But she can’t stop Steven from freaking out; that’s Blue domain.
So he sees Blue who is now making happy clouds. Insert drug joke here. But Steven needs real peace of mind not temporary happiness.  So he sees White who is now letting gems control her. That’s.. Strange. She demonstrates with Spinel, which was horrifying. But Steven’s next but he doesn’t take it well; seeing himself as a diamond. He flashes back to the time White tried to kill him. He then makes White smashes her head, which smashes his own head. It’s not clear if he was just trying to hurt her or shatter her but it’s a dark place.
Scared of the diamonds and scared of himself he asks Spinel how she let her own anger go. It was Steven of course. Heard joke once: Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says, "Treatment is simple. Great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up." Man bursts into tears. Says, "But doctor...I am Pagliacci.”
Steven flees, Blue pleading that they’re family. But he’s gone.
Steven returns to his home and he’s trapped in his pink form. The gems find him but Steven insists that he’s fine. Not wanting to scare him off again, they back off. Steven returns to Little Homeworld to help the school. He ruins Peridot’s class by creating planet monsters, he breaks Bismish’s anvil.   We also see the Pearls. Yellow rocks the armor look, and they are still hiding Vollyball’s face.
After completely wrecking the place, Steven returns home to be confronted by the Gems’ Greg, and Connie. But Steven doesn’t want to talk. He helps people, he doesn’t lie to his family, he doesn’t get into fights with his Dad, and he certainly doesn’t shatter gems. But he did. He did all those things. He’s a monster. And thus, Steven turns into a monster.
Bismuth, Peridot, and Lapis show up around the same time the Diamonds show up with Spinal; they are shocked to find Steven’s a corrupted monster. The Diamonds' powers are useless on him. Steven bieleve’s he’s a monster, so he’s a monster. Amethyst blames herself for not noticing in time, Spinal blames herself for trying to kill everyone he cared about, White blames herself for treating Rose and the Diamonds so horrible, creating the situation that Steven had to deal with. She’s not wrong.
But Connie realizes that they can’t afford to make this about them. It’s about Steven. So Garnet has Yellow make her huge, and Garnet hugs Steven. Soon everybody joins in, Peridot crying that Steven never gave up on her so she’s not giving up on him. Connie comes in with another hug and Steven returns to well, Steven.
Steven awakes to his friends and loved ones, and the Diamonds. He finds himself naked and being slobbered on by Lion. He breaks down.
A few months later Steven is getting ready to go on a long road trip. He’’s also been going to therapy. Finally.
He gives gifts to everyone. He makes his own Cookie Cats and the gems treat Steven to their own cover of the Cookie Cat jinggle. Jasper has moved to Little Homeworld but is still calling Steven, ‘My Diamond.’ She tries to go with him to be his bodyguard, but Steven points out that he doesn’t need one. She considers and busts through a wall. As everyone says goodbye, Steven plants a kiss on Connie’s lips and FINALLY! I’ve been waiting for this kiss for six years!
But as he’s leaving, Steven wants to know why the Gems aren’t more sad. But they’ve been hiding it was Garnet saw a future where their tears stopped Steven from going. Garnet promises no matter where he ended up, they will always be a part of his life.
This gets a 3 ½ out of 4
I can’t help but feel that Rose got the short end of the stick. We get a tolkien mention of White being the source of her problems but we never got closure on Steven’s complicated feelings about her. Maybe that’s the point, that they keep being complicated. But it bothers me that the Diamonds got promoted to opening credits while Rose got her portrait shoved into Lion. And we never found out about her mystery chest of secrets. Maybe they’re saving it for a possible sequel a few years down the road or maybe it was just a mystery box they never figured out. Time will tell but still a little disappointing.
Future was a tough sit, watching Steven go with he’s worst impulses was really hard. But the stuck the landing, much better than the main show or the movie. The Steven POV worked a lot better because this was a mini series focused on Steven.
This was the last show that was already going when I started this blog way back in 2014. I’ve been watching this show since episode one back in 2013. AWhen I heard that one of the storyboarders on some of my favorite Adventure Time episodes was getting her own show  I was excited.  It’s been a big part of my life for awhile and has always been a part of this blog. It’s hard to see it go.
It was far from perfect. The pacing was frustrated especially in the later seasons. Not helped by why too much human episodes compared to the slow developing plot. The loss model style hurt way more than it helped, making it hard to tell when they were trying something funny or just an off day for the artist. The hiatus’ did not help but that wasn’t the crewnverse’s fault. That was a network thing.
But it had the strongest character writing of any show I seen and a world I loved seeing. It tackled issues that few other cartoons did. It showed a frank depiction of mental illness. And it’s LGBTQ representation was second to none. It kicked open a door that allowed countless kids see themselves in cartoons for the first time. It handled gay characters and issues with more maturity than most shows aimed at adults. There is no doubt in my mind that we would not have as many gay characters in childern’s enetertament hadn’t Steven Universe hadn’t been what it was.  
Goodbye Steven Universe. I hope we meet again.
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stanley578 · 5 years
Thoughts about Change Your Mind
Holy hell of a guacamole! That 1-hour special was super epic to the max! So much has happened that I’m just going to share my thoughts on the moments that made me invested and caught my attention.
Ok, so to start off, the theory that Yellow Diamond is being mind controlled by White Diamond when she fights Blue Diamond is proven to be false. Yellow is just consumed by the rigid standards of Homeworld ruled by White. Blue having an epiphany on why Pink left and became Rose Quartz and Yellow breaking down in tears after the conflict is a turning point for them, realizing that it’s time to take a step back and confront White.
Pink Pearl under White’s control suddenly appears and forms the head ship with the leg ship and suddenly, the arm ships arrived and punched the head ship’s face several times until it knocks down completely. Turns out it was Bismuth, Lapis Lazuli, and Peridot who manuevered the ship. It feels absolutely great to finally see Lapis and Peridot’s new forms. Blue and Yellow aided Steven by attaching the arms with the ship, forming a giant mecha. However, after talking to White, Blue and Yellow got zapped and are under her control.
Steven reaching out to and fusing with the Crystal Gems whilst falling down was amazing. We get to see Smoky Quartz once again, we finally get to see Rainbow Quartz 2.0, voiced by Alastair James, and we even finally get to see the highly awaited fusion of Steven and Garnet named Sunstone, voiced by Shoniqua Shandai. Also, it’s 100% confirmed that the fusion of Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, and Steven is called Obsidian.
When Steven was confronting White Diamond, she also zapped Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl as a way of “fixing them” and “making them better and flawless”, which left me completely shocked. What’s even more shocking was White literally pulled out Steven’s gem to see if Pink Diamond would come back to her.
Without the gem, Steven feels weak and is close to dying. Pink Diamond’s gem only forms a hologram of Steven, much to White’s fury and disappointment. Hologram Steven protects himself from White’s bright light powers, even those from the Gems and Diamonds mind controlled by White. After Steven and his hologram reunited and brought back the Steven that we all know and love, he lets out the comeback that references all the way back from the pilot: “I am a child, what’s your excuse?”.
That comeback made White blush in pink, which liberated all the Gems, Diamonds, and Pink Pearl, thank goodness. White then goes through an existential crisis, which gave her the wake up call that it’s time to change the standards of Homeworld by leaving her own head and going out of her comfort zone.
Meanwhile, Sadie Killer and the Suspects are performing at the beach and right at the very end of the song, the Diamond Mecha landed. Steven, the Crystal Gems, and the Diamonds arrived on Earth and he is reunited with Greg. Also, the Sun Incinerator landed. The Off Colors are finally on Earth and Lars and Sadie have reunited after a really long time.
Steven and the Diamonds join in the fountain pool to help cure all the corrupted Gems, including Nephrite and the big buff cheeto puff that we all love, Jasper. The Diamonds say their goodbyes to Steven and head back to Homeworld, leaving the leg ship on Earth. Towards the climax, Steven sings the titular song with the CGs sitting next to him whilst staring at the starry night sky, concluding the Diamond Days arc and the 5th season.
Change Your Mind feels like a series finale from the way it ended, but it’s not the end of Steven Universe. There’s still more to come such as the chest inside Lion's mane, the Human Zoo, the return of Holly Blue Agate, the Famethyst, Aquamarine, Topaz, and Emerald, and much more. Hopefully, I look forward to the newly updated intro, as well as Homeworld’s transformation from a totalitarian dictatorship to a liberal democracy.
As I said earlier, this special was awesome and epic to the max. To wrap it all up, I give it a perfect 40 out of 40. Huge kudos to Rebecca Sugar and the Crewniverse! Especially the outstanding performance of Lisa Hannigan, Patti LuPone, and Christine Ebersole.
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outofthisgxlaxy · 5 years
If Baddel-mun could get away with it, so can I! Garnet drabble. Steven is now ancient, at least by human standards, and has lived--in his opinion--a fulfilling life. He's lying in bed and surrounded by family (kids, grandkids, maybe some great-grandkids, and of course, the Crystal Gems), and he knows this is his last day in this mortal plane but is at peace. So he's taking the time to offer some words of thanks and encouragement to people there. Just enjoying his last day with those he loves.
Much like losing Cat Steven years ago, Garnet knew that sooner or later this would happen. Steven was half human. He couldn’t live for as long as Gems could, and his time on their mortal plane was coming to an end. For many days, things had been all right. Sure, Steven had slowed down. He still managed to keep up all right with his kids and grandkids, but Garnet wasn’t a fool. She knew that he couldn’t keep it up, and she wasn’t sure if she was any more prepared for it.
Then, one day, Steven gathered them all together. They found him in bed, and Garnet’s worst fears came to light. Steven felt as though his time was drawing to an end, and he wanted to spend his last bits of time with his family. The day was not without its tears. Pearl was particularly upset, and for good reason. She adored Steven. She never could have been ready to lose him like this. Alas, it had to happen.
One at a time, Steven addressed each of his loved ones. The kids and grandkids came first. He told each of them how much he loved them, and that  he wanted them to look after the Gems. It was a touching moment. Then Pearl got her last good hug from him along with some much needed advice. Steven was keen to remind her that she was her own Gem. She had to do things for herself... not anyone else. Pearl just sobbed, but Garnet could see the faintest flicker of a smile.
Amethyst? Well, what was there to say to his fellow ‘worst Gem?’ They had been through so much together. Garnet stayed back a respectful distance and let them share their own hug and words of encouragement. Amethyst insisted that, wherever Steven was going, he’d make sure to take care of himself. Steven assured Amethyst of the same thing.
Peridot, Lapis, and Bismuth all received their own words of encouragement, too. Each tugged at Garnet’s heartstrings. She could feel her eyes welling up as Steven told them all to look after themselves. When he was done? He looked to her.
Stars... Garnet wasn’t ready. She couldn’t let him go, and yet she knew that she had to. A shaky breath was taken before she approached his bed. Before Steven could even get a word out, Garnet had her arms around him in a comforting, gentle embrace.
“...I love you, too, Garnet,” Steven said. Garnet couldn’t stop the tears coming down her cheeks in response. However, she did manage a weak laugh.
“That’s my line, you know,” she told him. “Still... I love you so much. I-I don’t want to say goodbye...”
“Then... don’t think of it as goodbye,” Steven said. Garnet didn’t understand. This goodbye was forever. Steven was going somewhere that she couldn’t follow, and now of all times he was insisting that wasn’t the case?
“I don’t understand,” Garnet murmured. “We won’t get to see each other again. I...” She was surprised when Steven raised a hand, weak though the motion was, and let it touch against her mouth. He was smiling still.
“You’ll always remember our time together, right?” Steven’s question made Garnet nod. Of course she would! How could she ever forget all that he had done for them? “Then... I’ll always be with you. In here.” He touched against her chest after that. Garnet, moved by his words, cupped her hands over her mouth as tears renewed themselves.
“You’re so strong, Garnet. But it’s okay to not be sometimes,” he told her. “Take some time for yourself. You don’t have to hold up everyone else. And everyone... they’re here for you, too.” Steven deserved another hug for that. Her arms found their way around him, and he completed the hug.
“I don’t know when you got so smart,” she said.
“I learned from the best,” he told her. That was true. All of the Gems had taught him in their own way. After a time, though, she felt his hold on her getting slack. Garnet hesitated. She didn’t want to let go, but if there was a time to... it was now. She sucked in a breath, slowly removed herself from the hug, and helped him ease into a more comfortable position.
“...I’d like to request somethin’, if that’s all right,” Garnet said. Steven confirmed that she could. “...If you see Cat Steven, say hi to her for me. Tell her I miss her...”
Steven seemed surprised at the request. Then, he managed a laugh. That was relieving to Garnet. He’d do it. She was sure that he would do it. Sure enough?
“I will,” he said. “I promise, Garnet. And I’ll... take care of her...” Minutes more passed after that, and Steven seemed to lull himself into sleep. However, Garnet knew better. His time had run out. As her tears resumed, she found herself in the embrace of her fellow Gems and Steven’s family. His time had passed, but they were still not alone. That was enough for her.
Thank you, Steven...
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andrewmoocow · 6 years
Clod on the Run chapter 5: Fooled Around and Became Stronger than You (originally posted on August 31, 2017)
Last time, we saw the Guardians of the Galaxy experience fusion for the first time & got their ship rebuilt with help from Steven and the Crystal Gems. Now they return to Beach City where they confront old enemies of both groups.
“I have something to explain.” Holly Blue Agate said as she and Titus face both heroes. “I have recently decided that working for Blue Diamond was getting quite boring so I thought it was time to move to Earth and join you rebels!” she stated with a smile on her face. “What are you saying?” Titus whispered to her. “Quiet you, I have a plan.” she replied.
“You, join us?” Pearl inquired. “We've seen how badly you treat others.” Rocket then shushed her. “Zip it Pearl, I wanna see if she's lying.” he said. “Maybe she's not lying.” Steven replied. “Maybe she really does want to join us.”
“Steven, are you crazy? She makes life a living nightmare for all the Quartzes back at the Zoo.” Amethyst scolded the hybrid. “Oh water under the bridge Amethyst!” Holly Blue exclaimed. “It's not my fault they're so bad at their jobs, they're just naturally incompetent!”
Everyone was still unsure. “C'mon guys, everyone deserves a second chance.” Steven claimed as he began walking to the two. “Try tellin' that to Bismuth kid.” Yondu quipped, which caused everyone to stare at him in confusion. “What, Garnet told me on the way here!”
As Steven stepped forward and extended his hand to Holly Blue as a sign of friendship, he was suddenly grabbed by Titus. “Ha, did you really think I would join you?” she laughed arrogantly.
“Yes, we came here to capture all of your friends.” Titus added. “If you don't comply with our demands, then they will have to pay the price.” He whipped out a tuning fork-like weapon with a yellow oval object held at the tips and pointed it at the Gems. “Now which one shall it be?”
Everybody quivered as they all feared the worst. If they weren't smart enough, they would all die right then and there. Steven had to make a choice between protecting his friends or watching them all be eliminated, but in the end he decided to do it for them.
“Alright, you got me.” he said in defeat. “Very good choice young man.” Titus replied setting him down. “Now what shall we do? Maybe help me restore my honor by turning in those filthy criminals, grant me a Gem soldier of my very own.” He tried to continue on about his deal before being interrupted by Holly Blue. “Don't forget I'm part of this as well.” she proclaimed.
“Well, we do keep corrupted Gems in the Burning Room.” Steven responded much to everyone's shock, especially the Gems. “Are you crazy Steven?!” Amethyst exclaimed. “Who knows what kind of havoc he'd wreak with one of them by his side!” Pearl added.
“I'd rather be shattered than have those running around.” Garnet bluntly said. “I'm sorry guys, I'm doing it for you!” Steven exclaimed with tears in his eyes as he led Titus and Holly Blue away before turning to the others with a solemn “I'm sorry.”
He pulled up his shirt to reveal his Gem and the pink circle on the temple door glowed as it opened. “Steven, wait!” Star-Lord cried out as he held Peridot in a choke hold. “This is partially my fault as well so I'm coming with.” he said. “Let go of me Quill!” Peridot exclaimed.
As everybody walked through the door, they found themselves in a dimension that was nothing but pink clouds all around. “This is my mom's room, where you say anything and it can create it.” Steven explained. “Anything?!” Peter exclaimed in awe. “Hey room, think you can be a pal and make something to kick these two out?” But nothing happened.
“I've had enough of your insolence Star-Lord.” Titus coldly stated before turning to Steven. “Boy, take us to this burning room immediately!” he ordered. The son of Rose complied as he asked the room to lead them to the Burning Room. They all faded from Rose's room and suddenly rematerialized in another room that was filled with bubbled gems littering the ceiling.
“So you harvest Gems? You're even worse than I thought!” Holly Blue exclaimed in disgust looking at the various bubbles. “Wait, you do what?” Peter wondered, but Steven still didn't listen. “Just pick whatever one you want.” he said to Titus. “Very well then child.” the former Supernova thanked as he examined the ceiling until one caught his eye. “I think I'll take the orange one with those hints of green.” he finally stated pointing to that specific gemstone, which Peridot recognized all too well.
“Oh no, are you serious Steven?!” the traitorous Homeworld Gem cried as her Earth friend handed the bubble to Titus. “I'm sorry Peridot.”
Titus popped the bubble with his claws and the gem began to take form, growing into a giant monster with a flowing white mane, various spikes across its body and it's gem on its face where a human nose would be.
“I-it's JASPER!” Peridot screamed as the beast roared at the top of her lungs, popping a few more bubbles in the process and releasing more corrupted Gems. Everybody just stood there in shock except for Titus, who was utterly gleeful at this sight.
“What is even going on in there?” Gamora wondered as the others waited in the beach house. “I don't know Gamora, but we should be on our guard in case something happens.” Garnet ordered as the Guardians and Gems prepared for battle. Just then, an orange beast burst from the door and roared at the top of its lungs before curling up into a ball and charging towards the front door. “I-is that...” Lapis stuttered before Rocket jumped at her and they all got out of the monster's way.
When they all got up, they found Steven, Star-Lord, Peridot, Titus and Holly Blue walking out of the remains of the Burning Room as Connie ran up and hugged her friend. “Ohmigosh Steven, you're all right!” she weeped as she let go. “We were all so worried for you.” Pearl added with a few tears welling up. “What happened in there?” Drax wondered examining the destruction left behind by the orange creature. “That must've been Jasper, I'd know that roll from anywhere.” Amethyst replied.
“Thank you for your time everyone,” the Agate declared before she began to walk outside. “that boy you have there was a great help for us.” It wasn't long before Titus followed behind her. “Yes, that Jasper and all those corrupted Gems that were released can prove to be a worthy army.” he added. “And now we shall bid you goodbye.”
As the duo walked away, the heroes were left staring out into the open shocked at what happened. “Steven, did they say you gave them Jasper?” Garnet demanded. “I'm sorry guys, I just wanted to keep you safe!” the boy cried.
“Keep us safe?” Rocket said with a hint of venom in the tone of his voice. “KEEP US SAFE?! What you just did there was release what was once an incredibly powerful high-ranking Gem Homeworld soldier and hand them to two maniacs that want both of us dead!”
“Rocket, calm down!” Yondu exclaimed. “No, let me finish blue man!” Rocket snarled. “I've met dozens of people like you back in my days as a mercenary that seemed all friendly and welcoming only to stab me in the back! And don't give me that 'it's Steven, he's such a nice guy!' excuse either girls, sometimes being nice can bite you hard in the ass.”
“Rocky...” Steven said. “Don't call me Rocky squirt.” the raccoon snapped one last time. “Now if you'll excuse me, I'm taking the Milano outta here.” As he began walking out of the beach house, he noticed the ship turned upside down on the sand. “OH COME ON!”
“What do we do now guys?” Peridot asked. “Now, we fight.” Star-Lord declared. “Listen, I know we may have started out trying to kill each other and we spent not that much time together, but two jerks and a couple of giant monsters are tearing this place up and we're the only ones that can stop them. Now who's with me?” He stuck his hand to the others. “See, it's kind of like in the old Ocean's Eleven with Frank Sinatra where the crew put their hands together.”
“We all might die here, but we will die as comrades. Count me in.” Garnet said stacking her hand on Quill's. “And me too.” Drax added as he did the same. “Don't forget about me!” Peridot exclaimed struggling to enter the stack until the three of them lowered themselves to her height. “Thanks guys.” Then Yondu joined in. “Say Garnet, you still up for a candlelight dinner?” the Ravager asked the fusion. “No.” she bluntly replied before Amethyst stuck her hand in and Gamora as well.
“Anything to kick that judgmental Agate's ass!” the little quartz exclaimed. “We are Groot.” Groot said putting his hand in as well. “I'm in too.” Connie stated standing next to the giant tree. “Well Rocket?” Peter said to the gun-toting animal, who was moping on the front porch. “Oh fine, I ain't got that long a lifespan anyway.” Rocket groaned as he got up and put his paw in. Lion soon followed, along with Steven and Lapis. “We're in as well!” Steven boldly stated, which Lapis replied by nodding with a confidant grin.
“Alright everyone, let's kick this up a notch and save the world!” Peter shouted as they all charged into battle.
“Isn't it beautiful to see so much wretched organic weaklings run away in fear as these corrupted Gems are about to kill them?” Holly Blue asked Titus as they overlooked the chaos in Beach City. “Indeed my friend, so many lower beings at death's doorstep and those accursed Guardians will be to blame.” he replied. ��That's what you think Titus!” a voice cried out. When the two turned around, they found the two groups standing behind them and not one was very happy.
“Leave this planet alone immediately!” Pearl ordered pointing her spear at Holly Blue. “Yeah, get outta town jackass!” Rocket added firing his ion cannon at Holly Blue, who deflected the blast with her whip. “How did you even learn about the corrupted Gems anyway?” Star-Lord questioned as he came face to face with the disposed Nova Corpsman.
“Why it's simple fool,” Titus replied smugly. “during our journey to this planet, we came across an ancient Moon base formerly owned by Pink Diamond that contained important information on her colonization of Earth, such as kindergartens, the Cluster, various Gem structures and of course, corruption.”
“Wait, there was information about corruption in there?” Garnet wondered before turning to Peridot, in which all the little green Gem could say was “What are you looking at me for?”
As the fight continued, the wild corrupted Gems were brought forth by Holly Blue to give them an advantage. “Alright, I have a plan. Pearl and I will try to get all the townspeople outta here, Lapis, Groot, Peridot, Drax and Amethyst will handle these monsters and finally Quill, Steven, Connie, Gamora, Yondu, Lion and Garnet will finish off these maniacs.” Rocket explained his new strategy. “Very good plan Rocket, but I have one question.” Peridot asked. “May I take one of your weapons for a spin?”
“Don't mind if I do!” the raccoon complied as he handed the Gem one of his bazookas. “Sweet, this is just like my old limb enhancers!” she cheered as she raced off with her group, laughing like a madman as she fired into the air. Rocket and Pearl ran to town to help the citizens while Star-Lord, Steven, Connie, Gamora, Garnet, Yondu and Lion stood their ground against the villainous duo. “Now we settle this.” Peter declared loading his laser pistols. “Bring it criminal.” Titus replied preparing to fire his cannon arm while Holly Blue summoned her whip and the two groups charged at each other.
On the beach, Lapis, Groot, Peridot, Drax and Amethyst were taking down corrupted Gems left and right. “So how many are we counting here?” Drax asked. “I don't know, probably six or seven.” Peridot replied tossing a trash can lid at one. “Yo guys, help me out with this slinker!” Amethyst exclaimed wrestling a plant-like Gem monster. “Seriously, how come we can never keep it down?!”
“I am Groot!” Groot said pushing the small Quartz off of the slinker and picking up before tossing it around like a ragdoll until it poofed. “I am Groot.” he proudly declared standing over the monster's gemstone. “Good one Groot!” Peridot thanked him before bubbling the Gem and sending it away. Suddenly, they all turned to see that same Jasper that broke out of the burning room roaring loudly. “Isn't that the Jasper I've heard about from Rocket?” Drax wondered as Lapis and Amethyst stared at it in horror. “Y-you bet it is.” Amethyst stuttered.
“Stand aside everyone, let me handle this!” the destroyer announced charging at Jasper. “You may be a mighty Quartz, but I AM THE DESTROYER!!!” he howled preparing to strike, only to land in its mouth, being shaken like a dog toy and spat out. “Not my boldest achievement, but at least I tried.” Drax said weakly.
“Rocket was right, you are a little bit of both.” Amethyst huffed before turning to Lapis. “Since Drax is out for a bit, what do you say about us taking on Jasper together?” she offered to the terraformer. “A-alright then.” Lapis replied before they both turned to Jasper.
“Alright Lap, here's the plan. I hold her down with my whips while you soak her and then Peridot delivers the final blow!” Amethyst explained her plan. “Wait, since when was I involved in this?” Peridot cried. “You might as well bring in Groot too!”
“I am Groot.” Groot added stretching his arm around Jasper's leg while Amethyst pulled a pair of whips from her gem and held down the rest of her body. “NOW!” she cried before Lapis raised her arm to summon a tidal wave which soaked both Jasper and Drax.
“What just happened?” he wondered looking around before noticing the rest of his group tangling with the corrupted Gem. “Now is my chance for revenge!” He charged at Jasper again clinging onto her face. “I can't believe it, I'm actually winning!”
“Now P-Dot!” Amethyst called. “But I don't have any metal to throw!” Peridot answered. Just then, Groot lost his grip as one of his arms was torn off by Jasper and tossed near the former Kindergartener. “Well, what a coincidence.” she said. Lifting it up as much as her small body can take it, she threw it at the Quartz gem greatly weakening it. “It didn't do anything!” Lapis exclaimed. “Then allow me.” Drax declared whipping out one of his knives. “SCREW YOU ORANGE WOMAN!”
He repeatedly stabbed at the orange gemstone at rapid fire speeds with all his might until it finally poofed. “Wow, we finally did it!” Peridot cheered before she noticed Groot holding his severed arm. “Are you going to be alright?” she asked the plant alien. “I am Groot.” he answered reattaching his wooden limb.
“That felt good, doesn't it?” Amethyst said reveling in their victory as she bubbled Jasper. “Yeah, it actually did.” Lapis replied nervously. “We make a pretty good team don't we?” she asked the shorter Gem. “Yeah we do!”
“Yes, three cheers for the mighty Drax and his companions!” Drax exclaimed raising his fists in joy. “Anyone?” Just then they all turned to notice Rocket in the sky with Pearl on his back. “Wonder how they're doing?” Amethyst wondered.
“We sure are high up Rocket.” Pearl said as she and Rocket hovered over Beach City, watching the citizens try to find ways to hide from the monsters. “Thank you Captain Obvious for your wise words.” Rocket snarkily replied. “Listen, I have a plan to get their attention.” He gently touched down on top of a building and fired another one of his weapons.
“ATTENTION PEOPLE!” he exclaimed, which caught their attention. “Is that a talking raccoon?” a short old woman in the crowd wondered. “Okay first off, I am not whatever you just said.” Rocket said. “Second, my friend and I are here to help you evacuate!”
“We just need you to leave in an orderly fashion without attracting any attention.” Pearl followed up. “That's right!” a man boldly interrupted, and from the looks of it, he appeared to be an important figure. “Oh, hello Mayor Dewey.” she groaned. “Hey Pearl, long time no see, how's it going?” Dewey asked trying to make his move on her. “Friend of yours?” Rocket asked with a cheeky grin, which earned him an angry glare from his taller partner.
“So anyway, as mayor of Beach City I shall accept ideas on where we should hide.” the mayor announced. Just then, all the townspeople started clamoring, with ideas like migrating to another town or another planet entirely.
“Why don't we all just hide at the U-Stor place?” a voice spoke out, which turned out to be Greg. “Hey, aren't you Steven's old man?” Rocket asked pointing at him. “Quill told me he's a big fan of yours.”
“You bet I am!” Greg replied. “Now like I said, why don't we all hide at the U-Stor place?” All of the other people quickly agreed with him. “Well what you waitin' for everyone, get outta here!” Rocket ordered as they all began to move away. “Thank you for the help small furry visitor, we really appreciate it.” Mayor Dewey thanked Rocket as he joined the crowd. “Who you callin' furry visitor, bub?!” the mercenary exclaimed.
“Well that was pretty easy.” Pearl said before a large shadow appeared over her. “Now we just need to help out Peter and the others with...uh Rocket, is something wrong?” Rocket replied by pointing at the source of the shadow, which was actually a green and pink pufferfish-like creature.
“WHAT EVEN IS THAT?!” he screamed pulling out another blaster. “It's another corrupted Gem, and it looks like it's aiming for us!” Pearl exclaimed before she summoned her spear. “Hopefully my spear can keep it down!”
She tossed it at the pufferfish as hard as she could but it failed as the creature knocked it back at her. “Well that did nothing, allow me!” Rocket said preparing to open fire, but he then realized that he was out of ammo. “Dammit, must've ran out when we tried to get the people's attention.” he added turning to Pearl. “Well beaky, been a fun ride.” As he hugged her leg accepting their fate, suddenly the creature's attack was deflected by a large pink shield. “Steven?!”
“Oh thank you for saving us!” Pearl cried as she ran up and hugged the child. “But wait, why are you here? We didn't see you coming!” she wondered. “The others were getting their butts kicked and Yondu told me to come find you guys.” Steven said. “Aw great, as if Quill couldn't screw up enough.” Rocket facepalmed. “But how are we gonna beat this beast?”
“Last time we faced that pufferfish creature, it was poofed by something very sharp.” Pearl explained. “Hm, something sharp.” Rocket said to himself looking around the area. “Something sharp.” When he laid eyes upon the Gem's discarded weapon, he got an idea.
“I think I have a plan, one of your hoist me into the air so that I can stab that thing and end this once and for all!” he explained. “That sounds so crazy it just might work!” Steven cheerfully replied. “Don't get your hopes up kid, it might fail and I'm still testy over what started all of this. Now someone toss me!”
Steven was the one to let the raccoon stand on his hands as he bravely held the spear. “HEY UGLY!” he shouted to the monster. “TRY SOME OF THIS FOR SIZE!” Steven threw his hands up as Rocket soared through the air before turning his jetpack on. Screaming as loudly as he can, he stabbed the creature, going right through it before the monster poofed from behind. Touching down on the ground and triumphantly holding the weapon aloft, it was as if a holy light shined down on him.
“Woo, great job there!” Steven applauded picking up the gem and bubbling it. Rocket just sighed. “Thanks kid. Y'know I'm kinda sorry about getting all fired up about you setting all those monsters free. It's just that like I've said, I've met dozens of people over the years who seemed all hunky-dory before backstabbing me but you, you aren't anything like them. You may have made some bad choices in the past, but that doesn't stop you from being one of the nicest guys I've met.”
Steven was brought to tears by Rocket's speech and hugged him as tight as he could. “I'm sorry too Rocket.” he said. “Okay, you can stop hugging me now.” Rocket replied before grumbling and half-heartedly accepting the hug only for Pearl to join them. “Hey Bert Raccoon, come in!” Peter exclaimed out of nowhere, interrupting the heartfelt moment.
“Hold on a sec guys, come in Quill.” Rocket said speaking into an earpiece. “Yeah, we're getting wrecked by those guys out here. Listen, I need you, Pearl and Steven to find Drax's group and help us out!” the former Ravager stated. “Hurry, I don't know how long we're gonna last!” Then the connection finally fizzled out.
“Well what do you say Steven, wanna go save the planet?” Rocket offered his half-human companion. “You bet I do!” he replied giving a thumbs up. “Great, now where are they?” Pearl asked. “I think I can see them up there near that lighthouse.” Steven said pointing to the others' location. They could barely make out Star-Lord being grabbed in the neck by Titus and a strange puff of smoke. “That smoke must be Garnet, we gotta hurry!”
“Don't you see Ravager, your accomplices have lost and soon you will all be under arrest!” Titus arrogantly declared while grabbing Peter by the neck. Connie was helping Gamora get up, Yondu was up & knocked out, Holly Blue Agate defused Garnet back into Ruby & Sapphire and Lion was just sitting around.
“Don't think you're so lucky now kitty cat, cause I've got backup!” Peter replied before Titus was hit in the back by Amethyst's whip. Turning around, the former Nova Corpsman saw the other heroes behind him, and none of them were happy. “Put Peter down or I swear you'll pay!” Peridot exclaimed aiming the firearm that Rocket gave her. “Oh good, all of you again.” Holly Blue groaned. “Well don't think you can win now because we still have those corrupted-”
“Actually, we took care of those.” Amethyst interrupted smugly holding Jasper's bubbled gem. “Well that's just peachy.” the manager groaned again. “Do not worry my partner. If it's a fight they want, then a fight they'll get.” the snow leopard alien assured as he pushed a few buttons on his cybernetic arm. Just then, a large portal appeared over the ocean with dozens of grey-skinned aliens on flying vehicles followed by whale-like beasts behind them.
“What are those?” Steven cried hiding behind Pearl. “Those are the Chitauri, a race of cybernetically enhanced invaders with only one goal in mind: destruction.” Gamora explained. “There might be too many of them for us to take on.” Sapphire stated. “I guess that means we might need Alexandrite.” Ruby added.
“Finally!” Amethyst cheered as she and Pearl took their places while Ruby & Sapphire did a quick dance to fuse back into Garnet. Then they all danced at once and created Alexandrite. “All of you can take care of them, the Chitauri are mine!” she said jumping into the air with Sardonyx's war hammer in hand. “Well you heard the giant, let us rumble!” Drax shouted charging at Titus only to get blasted back. “It ends here Holly Blue!” Star-Lord declared as they all prepared for the final showdown.
“Director Fury, sir!” a man in a suit called to another man wearing all black and an eyepatch. “We received intel from one of our agents stationed in Beach City that there's an alien invasion taking place!” he explained to his superior. “Another alien invasion?” the agent's superior said.
“That's right, Agent Lee went undercover as a tourist only to be discovered by a strange tree-like creature at that town's donut shop. Later on, he was escorted by a talking raccoon and a tall white-skinned female along with the rest of the townsfolk to a storage facility during said alien invasion. Our spy drones have also picked up a pink giant swatting at Chitauri forces before the drone was destroyed.”
As Fury examined the gathered footage, he noticed a pair of stars on the giant's knees which he immediately recognized. “The Homeworld rebels are still alive?!” he gasped. “Wait, what was that about rebels Director?” the agent wondered. “Never mind that Agent Kirby, I just need you to call in a strike force to take care of it.” Fury ordered. “And what happens if all else fails?” Kirby asked.
“Assemble the Avengers.”
“Are we rolling?” a news reporter asked his cameraman outside of town. “Yep, go time.��� the cameraman replied. “Good. This is Lawrence Abrams reporting live from Beach City where an alien invasion is currently taking place that its local defenders the Crystal Gems, and some other weirdos, are trying to repel.” the reporter announced. As he spoke, Alexandrite swat at Chitauri left & right knocking them into the ocean as the rest of the heroes duked it out with Titus and Holly Blue.
“Give it up, we are far more skilled than you will ever be!” Holly Blue shouted as she electrocuted Groot with her whip. “Yeah, well we have some raccoon thing that'll roast your butt!” Amethyst responded whipping back. “Putting an end to your plans will be like eating a piece of cake.” Drax added. “Wait, what did he just say?” Titus asked raising an eyebrow.
“He meant to say that beating you will be a piece of cake.” Peter explained. “Since when was cake involved?” the cyborg answered back. “Can we get back to kicking butt already, this cake talk is making me hungry.” Steven said.
They immediately started tussling again when suddenly a large aircraft hovered over Beach City with a fighter jet descending from it. When the jet landed, out came numerous armored soldiers bearing highly advanced weapons. “Strike Team Beta, move out!” the soldiers' leader ordered as they fired at the Chitauri. “What are these people doing here?” Pearl wondered. “Do not be alarmed m'am, we are here to help.” one of the armored men announced before he was shot down by a Chitauri soldier. “Man down, man down!”
“Don't worry sir, I got this!” Steven exclaimed rushing to the man's side and spitting on his wound, healing it. “Thanks kid, you saved my life.” the soldier thanked. “Wait, did you just spit on me?” he asked. “Healing spit.” Steven replied. “Healing wounds through saliva. Director Fury might like this.” the soldier said getting up and continuing to attack.
“Helping that guy was great and all, but can you get back to helping us out?” Yondu said before Titus punched him in the face knocking him back while a strange object fell out of his coat. “Wait a minute, what is this?” Lapis wondered picking it up. Examining it, she saw what looked like a tracking beacon with a sun-like symbol on it. “Hey Yondu, is this yours?” she asked the Centaurian, who laid eyes upon it in shock. “Oh no, they're coming for me!” he shouted. “Who's coming for you?”
Suddenly another ship that looked more regal in design appeared out of nowhere, shooting at Alexandrite and causing them to defuse before hovering above the beach. A small disc dropped down from the craft, upon it standing a man that looked very much like Star-Lord except he looked like royalty. “Hello there Peter.” the man greeted the space cowboy. “Ugh. Hello dad.” Peter replied, much to the shock of pretty much everyone.
“Wait, you're his dad?” Steven exclaimed in confusion. “You actually do seem pretty similar.” he added. “One is an evil monarch that wants us dead!” Rocket replied. “Yes Rocket, thank you for your analogy.” Peter's father replied. “I am J'son, ruler of the Spartoi Empire and I come here for the Ravager with you.” he declared pointing at Yondu.
“Look pal, I may have stolen something important to your people but that doesn't mean you have the right to try and kill me!” Yondu said. “Silence fool, or else you and your Guardian friends will be executed when I take you back to Spartax!” J'son threatened.
“Yo, what just happened?” Amethyst wondered getting up from being defused. “And why is there two Star-Lords?” Pearl added. “Oh yeah, he's my dad.” Peter answered. “Whoa, what a twist.” Garnet stoically remarked.
“Excuse me Your Grace, but we called dibs on them first!” Holly Blue said. “Yes, we have come to Earth to complete what these criminals failed to do: capture a traitorous Peridot.” Titus added. J'son didn't pay any attention to them as he shoved both of them to the side to confront his son.
“Been quite a while since we last saw each other 'kiddo'?” he said to Peter. “Don't call me stuff that a real father would say to their son!” Star-Lord snapped back. “Oh, am I not the family you dreamed of?” the king of Spartax responded before Yondu shot him in the back with his arrow. “You may be his father, but you sure as hell ain't his daddy you jackass!”
The fight restarted, now with J'son involved. Star-Lord, Steven, Connie, Gamora & Yondu took on the king, Rocket, Groot, Lapis, Peridot & Amethyst fought Holly Blue and finally Garnet, Pearl, Lion & Drax battled Titus.
“He has the same weapon as you Peter!” Connie exclaimed blocking a shot from J'son's energy gun. “And it seems it's themed around the four elements.” she added. “Indeed little one, this weapon can only be wielded by those of the royal bloodline.” J'son explained. “Like so.” He pointed his element gun and fired a blast of lightning at his son, shocking him. “It can also produce lightning.”
“Good one there!” Titus exclaimed while blocking a punch from Garnet. “You know, we could really use something helpful here!” Star-Lord said getting up. “Yeah, I just want to beat these two right now!” Peridot added. “I have an idea, why don't Connie and I bring back Stevonnie?” Steven suggested. “Wait, who is this Stevonnie?” Holly Blue asked. “You'll see.” Connie said before she and Steven broke into a dance and formed the half-Gem half-human swordfighter.
“A human and a Gem?! Impossible!” the disposed Supernova stared in disbelief of the being before him. “Let's dance.” they declared unsheathing their sword and dashing at him, creating a large cut in his armor with Rose's sword.
“But you're just two children standing on top of each other! HOW?!” Titus was still shocked over how strong Stevonnie was compared to him. “Because we're made of love that's stronger than you.” they responded striking some more, this time chipping away at his mechanical arm. “I need more power!” he shouted. “Well maybe you should've picked a better cybernetic limb!” Holly Blue responded, which made Titus turn to her with a devilish grin on his face.
“Or maybe I need to make some modifications.” he boomed grabbing the Agate's whip. “What are you doing?!” she screamed in horror over what her partner was doing. “I'm just upgrading.” he replied tying the electric whip around her neck and strangling her with it as everyone else, even J'son, watched in horror. “I thought we were comrades!” she gagged as she tried to reach out for Steven to save her. “Please......help....me!” Those were the final words she could muster before being poofed entirely.
“Excellent.” Titus beamed examining the finely cut teardrop-shaped gem before inserting it into his mechanical appendage, glowing with Gem power. “Oh my stars, she just up and killed her!” Amethyst exclaimed. “She may have been a jerk, but Titus is an even bigger jerk!”
“That I agree with small purple creature!” J'son responded boldly. “Now I may be a tyrant, but harming those you have called your friends is where I cross the line!” he declared about to fire his element gun. “Which is why I won't need you anymore either.” Titus said firing a bolt of electricity at the Spartaxian royal's weapon, making it explode and scarring him with all four elements.
“That should lighten the load.” the mad space cop said to himself before turning to his Chitauri army. “My Chitauri fleet, heed my words!” he announced. “I command you to search this Earth settlement for its inhabitants and rip them apart like the dogs you are!” The cyborg aliens obeyed as they crashed their vehicles onto the sand and charged toward Beach City.
“Oh no, they're going to hurt all our friends!” Stevonnie cried. “And I have another plan to stop them!” Star-Lord added. “Garnet, Yondu, Lapis, Drax, Amethyst and Gamora will go and stop those Chitauri while the rest of us beat Titus.”
“That sounds crazy enough to work.” Yondu said. “All right everybody, move out!” His group moved out after the Chitauri squadron while Stevonnie mounted on Lion, preparing to fight. “And now, for real, we settle this!” they exclaimed while Lion charged at the other cat creature. The Supernova fired another shock blast at them, but it was deflected by Steven's shield. They threw the shield at Titus' face, making him lose focus on his aim and fired at a bit of the temple statue.
Meanwhile downtown, Garnet, Yondu, Lapis, Drax, Amethyst and Gamora were in hot pursuit of the small group of Chitauri that were headed for the U-Stor. “If we don't hurry up, those people are surely screwed!” Yondu shouted as he fired his arrow at one of them. “Yeah, let's pick up the pace!” Amethyst responded spin-dashing into another few. “They might bring in reinforcements, so I suggest we up our game here.” Garnet suggested. “Amethyst, we need Sugillite.”
“Sweet!” the purple Gem exclaimed before they danced and formed the brutish fusion. “Hey uglies, you want a piece of me?!” she howled as she swung her flail to the ground knocking them off their feet. Two of them started snarling at each other, presumably giving orders, and they sent in one of the giant whales carrying more.
“Damned Leviathans!” Yondu shouted as they started dropping down in front of them. “Hey Lazuli, wanna kick these boys' asses with me?” he offered the ocean Gem. “You bet I want to!” she complied before launching geysers at the Chitauri while Yondu patiently stood in front of a platoon waiting to attack him.
The aliens roared aiming their guns at him but he still didn't budge. That is until he started whistling, summoning his Yaka arrow to his side. He continued whistling, making it zoom around and stab them all. Then he directed his attention to the Leviathan. “Hey, think you could lift me up there?” he asked Lapis. “You got it!” she replied grabbing him by the shoulders and chucking him to the carrier's head. He whistled some more which made his arrow zoom around some more, creating various holes in the Leviathan and causing it to malfunction.
He jumped back down to Earth before it began to explode. Thankfully Lapis was able to contain it by trapping it in a water bubble before tossing it into the air and exploding. The two fist-bumped while the others watched in awe. “They're just like the explosions I saw in my childhood, only there was less remains of our enemies.” Drax said. “Please don't talk about your childhood right now Drax.” Gamora groaned.
Just then, a Chitauri soldier weakly rose from the pavement and charged at the U-Stor door, attempting to break it down. “That one is going for the door, we have to stop it!” Yondu exclaimed. “Step aside everyone, let me handle it.” Sugillite boasted stretching her arms. She looked down on the lone invader and prepared to attack, only for the alien to blast her in the face with its rifle.
“These alien weapons are seriously beyond our comprehension.” Garnet stated as Sugillite disappeared leaving only her and Amethyst. The Chitauri continued bashing at the garage door with its firearm before it was shot at by an unknown assailant. They all turned around to find an old man in sunglasses pointing an average handgun at the creature. “You leave these townsfolk alone you alien menace!”
He fired at the Chitauri some more and actually managed to injure it, but it fought back by blasting its gun at him, also injuring him. “Do you need any help mister?!” Garnet cried rushing to his side. “No thank you, I'm fine m'am.” the old man said getting up and walking back inside the garage before firing one last shot at the Chitauri, ultimately killing it. “Remember, you always save the day! If you think you can't, you'll always find a way! The people of the world believe in you, so fight on Crystal Gems! Excelsior!”
“Well that was a bit anticlimatic.” Lapis stated when the man closed the door. “Yeah I mean, what does 'Excelsior' mean?” Gamora replied. “That isn't important right now, we have to go back and help the others.” Garnet ordered before they all raced back to the beach.
Speaking of the others, Stevonnie, Star-Lord, Groot, Rocket, Lion, Pearl and Peridot continued squaring off against Titus. Rocket & Peridot had repurposed J'son's destroyed element gun and hit him with a large amount of fire while Star-Lord, Groot, Pearl and Stevonnie fought with all of their might.
“Give it up fools, I am far more experienced than you will ever be!” he boasted blasting some more volts at the heroes. “Yeah well, you fight like a cow!” Stevonnie shouted back continuing to damage his cannon limb. “But he's not a cow, he's some tiger thing.” Pearl remarked, clearly confused over what they just said. “It's supposed to like, insult the opponent Pearl. Haven't you tried something like that before?” Rocket replied. “Why certainly not!”
“Yo, you guys need a lift here?” Yondu called as the rest of his group appeared behind him. “What, I thought those Chitauri I sent after the humans would've killed you!” Titus exclaimed in sheer disbelief at the sight before him.
“Well you thought wrong.” Lapis confidently responded high-fiving Yondu. This made Titus very angry as he roared and charged at them like a predator about to slaughter his prey before Garnet punched him in the face, heavily damaging his cybernetic eye.
“That is it!” he finally exploded in rage. “I have had enough of all of you! Forget putting you under arrest, PREPARE TO DIE!” He pounced at his opponents again about to fire his arm cannon, actually knocking a few of them down this time. “Now I will show you the full wrath of a Nova Corpsman!” He signaled the remaining Chitauri to his side and ordered them to attack the heroes. “My minions, slaughter them all!”
The Crystal Gems and the Guardians tried their hardest to fight them off and defeat Titus once and for all, but all started to seem lost. “There's too many of them!” Peridot screamed firing the gun that Rocket gave her at them, only to run out of ammo. “Did you bring any ammo Rocket?” she asked the raccoon-esque creature. “I did, but I think they were lost when we first crashed here.” Rocket replied before a Chitauri grabbed him by the arms. “Hey, let me go!”
“I am Groot!” Groot cried for his friend before dozens more began dog-piling him. “Don't worry Groot, I'm coming!” Garnet exclaimed charging at the aliens to rescue the Flora colossus, only to fall herself. “My friends, it has been an honor protecting Earth with you.” Amethyst declared with a surprisingly solemn look on her face as she turned into a violin and jumped into Pearl's arms.
“Well what're you waitin' for P, pick up the bow and play something!” she shouted. “Are you serious right now Amethyst?” Pearl frowned tossing the purple violin back on the ground before she got shot at by another Chitauri. “Quit it you!” she exclaimed stabbing the extraterrestrial with her spear.
“We're surrounded!” Lapis cried as she, Gamora, Drax and Yondu were, of course, surrounded by Chitauri. “Can't you just wash them away with your water powers?” Drax responded. “That is a good idea, but more will keep coming!” Gamora answered. “Might as well keep fighting til we stop breathing!” Yondu shouted running into battle with one of the Chitauri. “Yondu no!” Lapis shouted as he was knocked out cold.
“You see my friends, your time has come to die!” Titus announced towering over the fallen heroes. “You can call yourselves heroes all you want, but in my eyes you are all filthy rats! Especially you so called Guardians!” Out of all of them, Star-Lord, Stevonnie and Lion were the last ones facing him. “You won't win Titus, we will beat you!” the fusion exclaimed stabbing the former space cop right in his chest, but he didn't feel much pain. “Are you done yet?” he asked without any sort of emotion in his voice while ripping the sword out of his body. “Now then, any last words before I obliterate you?”
“Yes, yes I do.” Peter chimed before breaking into a dance routine while singing a song. “If you're evil and you're on the rise, you can count on the twelve of us taking you down!” he sang. “Cause we're a little bit of both and evil is too stupid to beat us, we'll win the fight and go out for pizza!” Titus was utterly flabbergasted by what he was seeing before him.
“What are you doing?!” he shouted. “Dance off bro, me and you!” the half-human answered. “We're the Crystal Gems and the Guardians, we'll always save the day! C'mon, someone dance with me!” Nobody felt like joining him in his dance except Stevonnie. “You Stevonnie? Okay!” They continued singing. “And if you think we can't, we'll always find a way!”
“That's why the people of this world, believe in!” they harmonized together. “The Guardians of the Galaxy, the Crystal Gems......AND STEVEN!” Suddenly they started glowing and merged together into a new being, which was a mix of Stevonnie's body & clothes with Star-Lord's hair color, jacket, boots and helmet. “Whoa, what just happened?” they said before realizing what just happened. “Wait, did we fuse?!”
“Wow, two half-humans and a full human fusing? That's awesome!” Amethyst exclaimed. “Fusion or not, you are still nothing!” Titus shouted prepared to fire from his cannon, but the new fusion retaliated by firing a laser blast from the blade. “Awesome, a laser sword!” they beamed in pure excitement before turning to their friends and annihilating all the Chitauri. When they all got up, they were utterly astonished at the sight before them.
“Is that you in there Petey?” Yondu asked them. “Of course it's me Yondu, I'm like thirty percent Star-Lord!” they replied. “Maybe we should come up with a new name for this like Stevoter or Pevonnie.” Garnet suggested with a wide grin on her face. “I think Stevoter sounds pretty cool.” the Gem-human-Spartaxian fusion, now named Stevoter, said. “But right now, we got bigger fish to fry.”
They all glared at Titus, who was now growing more insane as the battle went on and was at his breaking point. “JOKE ALL YOU WANT SCUM, BUT I WILL PUT AN END TO YOU AND REGAIN MY HONOR!!!” he screamed at the top of his lungs before launching a giant volt of electricity at the group. Stevoter quickly deflected it by summoning a shield that looked very much like a Walkman and the attack was returned in the form of “The Chain.”
“Aagh, stop it already!” the villain shouted covering his ears. “Oh we'll stop if you leave this planet alone!” Stevoter declared. “Alright a-holes, let's end this!” they rallied both the Gems and the Guardians together to finish Titus once and for all.
Garnet and Gamora dealt the first blow, punching him in the face and stabbing him in his cybernetic eye again. Then came Amethyst and Drax, who tied him up and kicked him around a bit. Groot and Pearl gave him a really big beatdown that he tried to fight back from, but to no avail. Lapis and Rocket beat him next with a righteous combination of firepower and geysers.
“Seriously, stop this!” Titus cried feeling more pain. “Just try and make us big guy!” Rocket arrogantly responded shaking his tail at him. Peridot than tossed the upturned Milano in his face with her metal powers. Yondu came next making his arrow destroy his cybernetic eye. Finally there was Stevoter who mounted on Lion and charged toward him with laser sword and Walkman shield in hand.
Swinging the blade, they sliced off Titus' robot arm and he fell down into the ocean. “So how do you like it now?” they boasted lifting up their mask, revealing a cocky grin on their face. “You may have beaten me now, but there's still the Chitauri to take care of.” Titus stated. They all looked up at the vortex still spewing out aliens over the ocean. “Oh right, we still gotta take care of that.” Amethyst said.
Stevoter suddenly defused back into Star-Lord, Steven and Connie, still reeling from what had just happened. When they all looked at each other, they turned into a big group hug laughing. “That was so cool!” Steven exclaimed. “Yeah, when we blocked that blast with the shield that was fused with your player and then there was the laser sword!” Connie responded. “I thought fusion was pretty cool, but I'd never thought I'd get involved in one!” Peter said. “Yes, it's good that we beat him but we still need to take care of those Chitauri.” Garnet added.
“We're gonna need a cooking pot.” Rocket declared. “That's right, I'm bringin' back the black hole bomb!” Nobody really liked the sound of that idea, especially Peter. “I'm not sure about that. The last time you built one, you nearly killed us all!” he shouted. “Listen guys, I kind of started this by taking all those Quartz gems and I'm gonna end it.”
“I'll go look for that pot!” Amethyst said racing inside the beach house and came back out with the pot and some more bits & bobs. “Thanks Amethyst.” the raccoon thanked her and began work on the black hole bomb. When he finished, he grimly turned to his friends. “Well gang, guess I must be off.” he said. “Groot, you're the best pal a guy like me could have. Quill, you may be annoying but you're still my bro. Lapis & Peridot, thanks for sympathizing with me. Steven, I'm still sorry for being such a jerk earlier. And to everyone else, stay gold.”
“I am Groot?” Groot wondered starting to tear up. “I'm sorry buddy, but it's the only way.” Rocket sighed hugging his big tree friend. Getting on a leftover Chitauri chariot, he flew away toward the vortex. “Good luck buddy.” Star-Lord said with a few tears in his eyes as well.
Finding his way inside the vortex, Rocket saw the Chitauri command center hovering above it. Soaring towards it while shooting down more troops along the way, he stuck the black hole bomb on the top of the vessel and turned it on. “Well, here goes.” he said to himself getting back on the chariot and zooming away from it.
He circled the command center shooting down any Chitauri that tried to attack him until the timer finally reached zero. The ship was already getting sucked in the black hole created by the bomb, and Rocket calmly accepted his demise until he was knocked off his chariot by a random Chitauri and sent flying into the ocean.
Meanwhile back with the others, they had just heard the black hole go off and mourned the loss of the their friend, with Groot taking it the hardest as he sobbed in Garnet's arms. “He died like a true hero.” Star-Lord said. “I'm really sorry about your loss.” Steven replied.
They all took a moment of silence to remember their fallen friend, but suddenly they heard a sound. Everybody looked around to learn where it was coming from until they turned their heads skyward to find a familiar furry figure falling towards them, screaming along the way. “Is that.....Rocket?!”
Rocket continued screaming incredibly loudly until he fell headfirst into the sand. “Whoa, what just happened? Last thing I remember was....” he wondered before getting interrupted by Groot bawling his eyes out while giving him a big hug. “I AM GROOT!” he sobbed in joy.
“Yeah yeah, I'm still alive. Did you really think the most lovable member was going to be offed?” Rocket snarked before everyone else joined in on the hug. “Okay now you're all choking me!” he wheezed. “How did you manage to survive?!” Star-Lord cried as they all let go and let him breathe. “I don't know. I was just flying around shootin' down Chitauri after accepting the fact I was gonna die and then boom, here I am. Speaking of which....”
The command center continued falling apart with its remains getting sucked into the black hole created by Rocket's bomb, which caused all the Chitauri to suddenly fall down dead. Then the portal finally sealed itself shut and all was quiet. “Wow, we actually won!” Steven cheered. “Indeed you did.” a soldier from earlier added. “Thank you all for your help today, we'll have Damage Control over here to clean up.”
After a while, a construction crew headed by an old woman arrived at Beach City to help the citizens rebuild their home. “So you all fused to beat that tiger guy?” Greg asked while rebuilding the beach house with Star-Lord, Steven, Connie and Gamora. “Yeah, we even had got a cool name like Stevoter too!” Steven replied. “And Rocket nearly died saving us all!” Connie added.
Yondu walked over to Titus' unconscious body, still with his metal appendage de-attached from the rest of his body. Picking up the gemstone of Holly Blue Agate from the arm, he handed it to Amethyst to bubble it. “I think she should be taken back to Homeworld so that Titus can get into some real trouble!” she suggested.
“Quit reading my mind squirt!” the Ravager replied before kicking the space cop in the head. “Yo furball, wake up!” he shouted as Titus began to awaken. “W-what just....happened?” he wondered looking around. “We kicked your ass, and now you're comin' with me.” Yondu answered with a cheeky grin.
“Okay, a little bit to the left, no your other left. A little bit more and there!” a construction worker gave orders to Lapis while she lifted a Leviathan out of the water. “Thank you for your help Miss. What was your name again?” he asked. “My name is Lapis Lazuli Mr. Ballinger.” she introduced herself. “Thanks Lapis, but just call me Lenny.”
“I've been searching for J'son for a long time, but thanks to you I can finally bring him in.” a man in a blue suit and golden helmet said as Pearl and Drax brought the king before him. “You're very welcome Nova. Or should I call you Mr. Rider?” the white Gem asked. “Please, Nova will do just fine.” Nova replied. “So what are you going to do to him?” Drax inquired. “Just going to take him back to Xandar so that he can be tried for his crimes.”
Groot meanwhile was helping Peridot, Garnet and Rocket get the Milano back into shape. “For a moment there when I thought I was gonna die, my life flashed before my eyes and it wasn't pretty.” Rocket explained as he re-calibrated the controls. “That must sound pretty terrible.” Peridot snarked. “I am Groot.” Groot added patting his head.
“I get it already, you're glad that I'm still alive yadda yadda yadda.” he groaned. “Whether you died or not, that was very heroic of you.” Garnet commended him. “Aw, thanks Garnet.”
“Well, seems like we gotta go now guys.” Star-Lord said turning to Steven when they all took a break. “It's been awesome being back on Earth and meeting you all, but we can't just guard one part of the galaxy.” He got up to go back to the Milano when Steven and Greg stopped him. “Wait, we still have one more thing for you.” Greg said pulling out a few presents from behind him and handing each one to the heroes for hire. “Go on, open 'em!”
Rocket was the first to unwrap his, which was an attack drone like Peridot's. “Sweet, my own drone!” he exclaimed tossing it into the air. “Is this one of your old swords?” Gamora said to Pearl after unwrapping hers, which was a cutlass. “Yes, since you're so well-versed in swordfighting I figured you might like this one.” Pearl replied before she got hugged by the green woman. “Wait, are we seriously doing this right now?” she wondered. “Don't worry, I'm starting to feel uncomfortable here too.” the swordswoman answered as Pearl returned the hug.
“What is this sweet-looking object?” Drax gasped at his present. “It's a cupcake, since you've mentioned cake a lot.” Connie said. “FINALLY, CAKE!” the destroyer shouted gobbling it down to the last crumb. “I must have more! MORE!”
“I am Groot!” Groot said examining his. “It's a mini version of your meep-morp. Amethyst helped me out with this one.” Lapis explained. “Yeah, it's basically from both of us.” Amethyst added. Finally there was Peter, who was gazing at his present. “Can I unwrap it now?” he asked Steven. “Sure, go for it!” the half-boy replied.
Peter finally unwrapped it, revealing it to be a cassette tape labeled “Awesome Mix: Universe Edition”. “I knew you would love this Peter.” Steven said smiling. Star-Lord briefly glanced between the child and his new tape before hugging him. “Thanks kid, hope we can see each other again.” he thanked him smiling.
“Yo, where's my present?!” Yondu demanded looking quite impatient. “Oh what the heck, bringing these two in is enough of a present.” he said. “Mr. Universe, I'd like to speak with you.” an elderly woman flanked by the same old man from before said approaching Greg. “I am Anne Marie Hoag of Damage Control. Mayor Bill Dewey has told me that your son might have had something to do with these recent events.” she explained. “Yeah, that son is me!” Steven gleefully said shaking Hoag's hand. “My name's Steven Universe madame, and these are the people who helped save Beach City!”
Hoag then looked at both the Crystal Gems and the Guardians, walking towards Garnet. “You must be the leader of this crystalline camaraderie.” she said. “You can say that miss, but Steven's mother Rose Quartz was once our leader and soon Steven will be too.” Garnet said. “Good to know. I thank you for helping with reconstruction. My superior might want to get to know you better soon.” the elder said before turning her attention to Star-Lord.
“So are you like some kind of bandit?” she asked the space cowboy. “Well I was a thief before I met these crazy people that I call my friends.” Peter replied showing her his fellow space-farers. Groot just waved politely at her.
“So you claim be a Crystal Gem like the others yet you don't have a star. What's up with that?” Yondu asked Peridot. “Us Peridots are quite hard to poof.” she replied pointing to her triangular gemstone. “But what about Lapis, what's her deal?” he added up looking at the ocean Gem. “I'm not really a member, I'm just friends with Steven.” Lapis responded. “Well good to know. Oh would you look at the time, I gotta go!” he said looking at his wrist where a watch would be. “Think you could give me a lift back to my ship at the barn?”
“Yondu's right, we should get going.” Peter said about to board the Milano. “Goodbye everyone!” The rest of the Guardians followed suit following him onboard. The ship then lifted itself off the ground and took off as everyone said their goodbyes. “I'm gonna miss him too.” Steven said smiling.
The Milano was gliding through the sky as Rocket piloted it. “Okay gang, we should go into hyperspeed in a few minutes.” he announced. “Better buckle up!” Everybody did as he told them to, except for Star-Lord who continued looking at the cassette tape he was given. “C'mon Quill, get into position!” Rocket ordered. “In a bit, just gonna need to see if this works.” Peter said popping the tape into his Walkman before sitting down and buckling up. It then started to play a new song.
“If I could begin to be Half of what you think of me I could do about anything I could even learn how to love”
Meanwhile back on Beach City, the Gems continued watching as their new friends left the Earth. “Hope we can see them again soon, Drax was an utter riot.” Amethyst said. “You got that right Amethyst, now if you'll excuse us we gotta go back to the barn so that Yondu can leave.” Peridot replied as she, Lapis, Yondu and Titus teleported away on the warp pad.
“When I see the way you act Wondering when I'm coming back I could do about anything I could even learn how to love like you
Love like you”
“Threat has been neutralized Director Fury, no need to call the Avengers. I repeat, no need to call the Avengers.” Agent Lee spoke to Nick Fury on an earpiece. “Good to know Agent Lee, we'll be sending over a Quinjet to bring you back to New York.” Fury replied ending the call. Agent Lee sighed, happy that he accomplished a job well done before he noticed a little boy standing behind him with a creepy stare. “You didn't see nothing true believer.”
“I always thought I might be bad Now I'm sure that it's true 'cause I think you're so good And I'm nothing like you”  
“Thanks for the lift girls, farewell.” Yondu thanked Lapis and Peridot as he shoved Titus onboard his ship. The two Gems waved goodbye as he took off. In his ship, Yondu tried to contact the Gem Homeworld looking back at Titus with a sneer. “Welcome to the Diamond Line, what do you want?” Yellow Pearl said when she came into view.
“My name is Yondu Udonta, and I have a little something for you.” Yondu introduced himself pulling Titus next to him. “This guy kidnapped one of Blue Diamond's Gems and attempted to shatter the Gems you assigned some friends of mine to capture.” he explained. “Pearl, who is calling us right now?” a voice belonging to Yellow Diamond asked as she pulled up the communicator to her face. “Oh no.....” Titus weeped, thinking about what fate would befell him.
“Look at you go I just adore you I wish that I knew What makes you think I'm so special”
“Finally, back in space.” Rocket sighed, feeling utterly relaxed while they entered hyperspeed. “So how's your present Pete?” he asked his captain. “Beautiful.” Peter replied. “So where do we go now?” he said to his teammates. “Who knows? You lead the way Star-Lord.” Gamora answered. And thus brings an end to the tale of a meeting and friendship between two worlds.
“If I could begin to do Something that does right by you I would do about anything I would even learn how to love
When I see the way you look Shaken by how long it took I could do about anything I could even learn how to love like you
Love like you Love me like you”
Finally everyone, it's over. This chapter took 9,000 plus words and it may have dragged out a bit, but it's over. Thank you everyone so much for joining me on this journey and I hope we can do it all over again someday. But for now, here's some hints of what's to come.
“Lord Thanos, I wish to speak with you.” Corvus Glaive said to his master. “What is it that you want to confer with me about?” the Mad Titan wondered. “It's about Earth, we have received intel that your daughter was on that planet.” the alien explained bringing up a hologram of recent events.
Thanos carefully examined the happenings until he laid eyes upon a group of people with his daughter. “The Homeworld rebels are still alive?!” he exclaimed recognizing their star symbol. “Very good, perhaps they could be the key to helping me find the Infinity Stones.” Getting up from his throne, he brought forth a golden gauntlet to his hand with six empty spots. “My minions, we are headed for Earth.”
Did you like what you saw? Yeah, I liked doing this too but the next one will blow you away.
We see a laboratory decorated with various suits with armor as a man with a welding mask over his face tinkered with some metal. “Mr. Stark, I have received a call from Nick Fury.” a voice announced. “Excellent J.A.R.V.I.S., bring it up on screen.” the man replied pulling up his mask to reveal a face with a beard as a screen showing Nick Fury appeared before him.
“Tony, I've tried to call you for the past few hours.” he explained. “What for? And make it quick, I'm kinda busy here.” Tony wondered. “An alien invasion took place in the Delmarva town of Beach City, which was put a stop to by the Guardians of the Galaxy.”
“Wait, those guys?” Tony was perplexed at what he just said. “Shouldn't they be like guarding some other part of the galaxy or something?” he asked. “True, but who was with them is what I wanted to speak with you about.” Nick brought up another screen of the aforementioned group, consisting of a woman with a square afro, a purple figure, a thin white lady with a pointy nose and a little boy with puffy hair.
“They call themselves the Crystal Gems and I believe they might be useful to the Avengers at some point.” Fury continued. “Interesting.” Tony said with a certain look on his face stroking his beard. “Jarvis, book a flight to Delmarva.” he ordered the voice. “On the double Mr. Stark, what for?” Jarvis said.
“It's time I had a little talk with them.”
The Crystal Gems will return in “Steven Universe: Secret Wars”
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niigoki · 7 years
STEVEN UNIVERSE Title: Never Knows Best - Chapter 29 Rated: M Link to Ao3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/7848907/chapters/23086146 Link to FF.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12115868/29/Never-Knows-Best
The news came two days later.
Lapis was watering her cactus on the kitchen balcony when her phone rang, the number unknown. Deep down, before even picking up the phone, she knew what this call was going to be about. Steven was thankfully at home, and after hanging up, Lapis walked over him and just hugged the boy tightly. He was a bit confused at first, but would never deny a hug from anyone, so he let Lapis’ arms encircle his back for a long, long time.
She pulled back after a while and sighed, rubbing her eyes.
Steven didn’t know if there were tears in them, but that didn’t really matter. Lapis looked up at the ceiling and then around the room, as if breathing in the details of the place for the very first time. Then she got up from her kneeling position and smiled down softly at Steven.
“Come have a tour of the house with me.”
The boy returned the smile and grabbed her hand, and they just walked around the place, checking every single room.
There were a few doors that hadn’t ever been opened, so they opened them. They were all just dusty empty rooms without even a lamp to bright it up. Lapis’ carelessness for that place really showed, but she didn’t feel guilty about it. That house had never been a place she’d felt at home.
After meeting Peridot and spending time at the pub and at her house, Lapis finally felt like she belonged somewhere. It was a nice feeling, and she wished she could feel like this every day.
She’d been thinking about that for a while now.
A few moments later the house tour was done, and Lapis excused herself to the garden for a bit. Steven allowed her some space and walked back in, putting on his tiny apron to cook some lunch.
A part of him felt like things were about to change.
It felt like a goodbye of sorts.
As for Jasper, she was at the gym, getting back to her training routine. Her new phone buzzed on her back pocket and she stopped the treadmill with ragged breaths. The call was short and simple, and Jasper thanked the person on the other side in a flat voice. She thought about calling Lapis, but reconsidered. Instead, she walked back to her locker and grabbed her things, calling someone else.
“Hey, Bis? It’s me,” Jasper looked at herself in the gym’s bathroom mirror. “Can we hang out? I—” It was weird, calling a friend and asking favors like this. “I need to get my mind off things.”
Bismuth barely let her finish before yelling a ‘I’ll be there in a sec!’ and hanging up. Jasper smiled softly at that and left the gym, heading home.
She needed to take a really long shower and think for a while.
The pub was crowded that night, and Lapis managed a smile as soon as she walked in. Something about going back to that place was really refreshing to her, even though there were sweaty bodies everywhere and the booming music didn’t allow for thoughts to venture too far. Maybe that was one of the reasons she liked it so much.
Squishing her way to the bar was easy enough, and soon she was settled. She saw Sadie first, and the girl stopped on her tracks to give Lapis a bear hug. The touch lingered for a long time, and Lapis was glad for it. Sadie whispered things like ‘welcome back’ and ‘we missed you’, and Lapis felt her shoulders relaxing and her chest fluttering.
Jenny, Buck and Sour Cream were next. The trio wasn’t drunk this time, and the three of them all but tackled her in a group hug, smiling and laughing contently. Lapis, who was not used to so much genuine affection at once, felt a bit suffocate by all of it, but was truly happy with the gesture. Buck asked her if she was cool, and Lapis had to shake her head with a soft smile.
“Not yet. But I’ll be.” It was the truth, and Buck appreciated her for that. Jenny kissed her cheek fondly and Sour Cream removed his party hat and placed it on Lapis’ head. She giggled and thanked them, waving goodbye and promising to meet them on the dance floor soon.
Her eyes scanned for the one person she wanted to see the most right now, and soon found her.
Tiny, meticulous, quick, fidgety, beautiful.
It still shocked her the amount of love she felt for that girl.
“Hey, stranger.” Lapis reached out for her and Peridot’s eyes immediately started shining.
“Hey!” She bent over for a kiss, instinctively. Lapis caressed her cheek once they were done and Peridot frowned. “Is everything ok?”
Of course she would notice.
“Not really,” Lapis brushed her thumb on Peri’s lips. “But we can talk about that later. Can I crash at your place tonight?”
“Of course,” Peridot nodded and excused herself. “I’ll just deliver this beer. Can I get you anything?”
“A Blue Ha—” Then she stopped. “Actually, get me something green.”
The meaning wasn’t lost in translation and Peridot softened her smile.
She didn’t want to get drunk that night, so the green drink was the only thing in her stomach. After that, she’d ordered some fries and Sadie winked at her as the plate arrived. She saw a piece of paper under the plate and put it on her pocket to read later.
The night went by and Lapis decided to dance for a bit. Moving her body to the sound of music and blinking lights never failed to make her fell light. It was one of the places that she felt she could float; like a mindless soul, not searching for anything, and yet absorbing everything.
Some girls approached her and they danced together. One man smiled so brightly at her that she could sense his happiness on her very core. A person, who didn’t look like either a boy or a girl, grabbed her hand and twirled her around to the sound of the bass. Lapis laughed and looked at them, and they nodded at her with a wink. She loved this – that knowing look exchanged between you and a complete stranger. She didn’t know what they meant by that wink, but she understood, and they did too.
Lapis looked up at the ceiling where the bright lights converged, and smiled softly. She followed one red circle with her eyes for a while and when it vanished, a yellow one appeared instead. It was hypnotizing; Lapis didn’t need alcohol in her system to feel the way she was feeling right now. When a hand sneaked around her shoulders, she looked around to see Amethyst, surprisingly.
“May I have this dance?”
Lapis laughed really hard at that for some reason and grabbed the girl’s hand. The song was really chill at that point and Lapis turned her back to Ame’s front, and the girl hugged her from behind. Their hips moved in sync and Lapis lulled her head back so it could fall on the shorter girl’s shoulder. She felt enveloped by so much love at that moment, a love she never knew could even exist.
For the majority of her life, Lapis thought that you either loved someone or hated someone – you either loved someone enough to fuck them, or hated someone enough to think about every bad thing they did to you 24/7. There was no in between, no platonic love, no friendship; nothing that could compare to what she was feeling with Amethyst at this moment. Lapis finally understood what Ame meant when she said she loved Peridot.
After meeting the bartender and her friends, Lapis learned so many things. Like different types of love a person could feel.
She felt an urgent need to call a certain someone.
Lapis faced Amethyst again. “I’ll be right back.”
“You better be,” Ame poked her playfully and Lapis walked outside.
Her phone told her that it was 3am, but she needed to make this call right now. So she dialed the number. And waited.
It rang once.
It didn’t ring the third time.
“Jasper,” She thought that her throat would feel dry, that she would be shaking, nervous, anxious. Calling Jasper had always been one of the hardest things in her life, and a chore she tried to avoid as much as possible. So it was shocking to her when she felt her own cheeks widening in a smile. “Thank you.”
“…Huh?” The confused tone was so pure. Lapis grabbed her chest, pulling her shirt and smiling harder.
“Thank you for being by my side. Thank you for looking after me all these years. Thank you for putting up with my shit when I knew I was just making things worse for the both of us, just… thank you, Jasper.”
The silence was brutal, and yet Lapis couldn’t stop smiling.
“Fuck, I wanted to apologize too, but I feel like I already apologized too much. We both have apologized too much, and I’m done with that. I just wanted to call you to say thank you this time,” She blurted the next sentence with a sobbing, breathless laugh. “Thank you for being my big sister.”
More silence followed, and then, finally, an answer came. “Are you drunk?”
Lapis would have been mad if she couldn’t practically hear the smile in her sister’s voice. She knew she was crying, too, because that idiot couldn’t hold a sob for the life of her.
“I’m not, promise.” She leaned her back against the stone wall and cried too. “Are you crying, you big baby?”
“S-shut up, you are too!” Jasper was laughing.
“Yeah,” Lapis rolled her eyes. “I am. Fuck, we’re doing the same exact expression right now, I bet.”
“We are,” Jasper’s voice was raspy, and yet so soft. “That’s kinda messed up, isn’t it?”
“What is?”
“Malachite just died and here we are, just— laughing and crying on the phone.”
Lapis nodded to no one. She’d been thinking about that ever since the call in the morning. Her mother had just died, and yet she didn’t know what she should feel. She tried to cry, tried to be sad, tried to be upset. But she couldn’t.
So she realized that she didn’t own that woman shit.
“We feel what we feel,” Lapis looked up at the stars. “We don’t need to feel anything for the sake of anyone.”
“And what do we feel?”
She didn’t have to think about that answer. “Free.”
Jasper let out a breathy chuckle and they stood in silence for a while. This was nice, Lapis thought; being in each other’s company without exchanging words. Too many words had been said already, so they just let their emotions talk for now.
“Free,” Jasper spoke up suddenly. “Yeah, sounds about right.”
“Yeah…” Lapis sighed. “I just wanted to tell you that. I’ll hang up now. Call me if you need anything.”
These words hit Jasper really hard and her eyes watered again. “Okay. Thank you for this. Night, sis.”
“Good night,” She smiled. “Love you.”
Jasper let out a breath. “Love you too.”
Lapis hang up and walked back in.
It was the lightest she had ever, ever felt.
Ragged breaths filled the room as hands and tongue finished working and a final high-pitched groan made its way out of a certain bartender’s lips. She crashed on the bed breathing heavily and Lapis crawled back up on her elbows, smiling down at her girlfriend. “You good?”
“Y-yeah…” Peri swallowed in a daze. “Very good.” She turned on her side to press a lazy kiss on Lapis’ elbow, since it was the first thing in reach, and sighed happily.
Lapis grinned and kissed her hairline, then lay down with her as they basked in the afterglow. It was past 7am, Peridot was probably exhausted after work, and yet she didn’t complain one bit after getting home and sensing Lapis’ affectionate touches. Lapis had asked her again and again if she was too tired, if she wanted to sleep, and Peri reassured her every time. She loved this girl so much.
Lapis ran her fingers up and down her girlfriend’s ribs absent-mindedly. “Kay.”
The quietness of the room was nice, and Lapis could see the specs of dust floating on the thin sunlight coming through the window. Her mind started roaming to comfortable places and thoughts, which didn’t happen very often, but that was natural around Peridot.
“What did you want to talk about?” Peri mumbled against the pillow with her eyes closed.
“Hmm?” Lapis frowned a bit, then remembered. “Oh. We can wait till you’ve gotten enough sleep.”
“You can tell me,” Peri’s voice was so soft and calm. “I’m listening. Always listening to you.”
Lapis thought for a bit, but eventually gave in. “Well… Malachite passed away.”
Peri opened her eyes slowly. “Oh… I see.” She wriggled closer, tucking her head under Lapis’ chin. “And how are you?”
“I’m… feeling pretty good.” She wrapped an arm around the tiny bartender and squeezed. “I wasn’t certain on what I should feel. I thought that it was bad to feel happy after someone passed away, but… now I decided that I don’t mind. I’m not happy because she died. I’m just… feeling good because of other things.”
“What things?”
“Well… going back to the pub. Talking to my friends again. Dancing. Seeing you. Kissing you, sleeping with you, cuddling with you. This moment right now feels pretty good. So why shouldn’t I feel happy, you know?”
Peridot nodded with a hum as Lapis’ fingers played with her hair. “I also called Jasper.”
“What did you tell her?”
“I thanked her,” Lapis reminisced her sister’s voice on the phone and smiled. “For taking care of me this whole time even though we made each other’s life hell. I know I’ve been a shitty sister, so I thanked her for being my big sister. She cried, but she was happy. I cried, too.”
Peri smiled against her collarbone. “You called her sister…”
“Yeah…” Lapis blinked and touched her forehead on top of Peri’s head, inhaling her scent. “I did. It doesn’t feel wrong nowadays.”
“I’m so happy for you two…” Her tone was so genuine that Lapis felt like her heart would explode of love.
“I’m happy too.”
They drifted into a deep sleep after that, and Lapis never let go of Peridot.
Peridot woke up after her girlfriend, which was a first. Usually Lapis would stay in bed for a long while, so she wondered what time it was. Checking her clock, she saw that it was 3pm, so she yawned and got up as well, stretching her tired body. Peri put on some pants and her alien shirt and brushed her teeth, washing her face afterwards. Exiting her room, she started making her way to the kitchen, then halted. There was strange smell in the air, but it wasn’t a bad one.
Was Lapis… cooking?
“Morning, lazy pants.” Lapis’ voice was cheerful as soon as she spotted the bartender, and Peri tried to make sense of what was happening. Her girlfriend was next to the oven grilling something that smelled really good. Her hair was messy, the TV was on some space documentary and there were two plates on the kitchen table.
“Morning,” Peridot walked up to her and peeked. “What are you doing?”
“Grilled cheese with eggs,” She smiled. “Amethyst left a really sweet note that started with ‘Good morning, my favorite two people in the world’ and ended with ‘Stop fucking in the morning or I swear to god’.”
Peridot blushed, but Lapis just laughed.  “Are you hungry?”
“I am!” The bartender sat down on the table, allowing her girlfriend to continue cooking.
“They’ll be done in a minute.” Lapis turned around and bent over to kiss her. “Let me spoil you today.”
“Not going to say no to that,” Peri smiled dumbly and kept her eyes glued to Lapis’ back.
The whole situation was so nice and domestic that Peridot felt her stomach fluttering. Her brain started creating all of these scenarios and planning for the future out of nowhere, and all of them included waking up next to Lapis everyday and doing pointless couple-y things like this. The blue-haired girl looked so happy and high-spirited at that moment in time. It was like watching the sun coming up after a really long night. It was breathtaking.
They had late-brunch together and then moved to the living room to watch a bit of TV. Lapis had created a legitimate interest in space documentaries and was learning more and more each day. Peridot told her that they could visit the planetarium someday, and Lapis’ eyes widened like a puppy ready to go for a walk.
After the show was over, Lapis excused herself to make a call. Peridot didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but it wasn’t like Lapis was hiding. She called Steven and told him not to wait for her, but reassured the boy that she was okay and feeling very well. Apparently satisfied with her cheerful voice, Steven hang up, and Lapis dropped back down in the couch.
Peridot told her that she needed to buy some groceries in the supermarket, and asked if she wanted to come along. Lapis didn’t even think twice and nodded happily. So they went out, picking fresh vegetables and frozen food for Peri’s home, and Lapis had to constantly remind herself that she wasn’t living with her.
“I think Steven will like these…” She mumbled, putting some cookies on the cart. Peridot was about to grab her wallet when Lapis stopped her.
“Let me,” She took her credit card out of her pocket.
“What? No, it’s okay!”
“I’ll spoil you today, remember?” Lapis wouldn’t take no for an answer and paid for Peridot’s products.
“Thank you…” Peri blushed. “Only if I get to spoil you next time, though!”
They walked back home, holding hands and plastic bags, and the evening sky was beautiful. The streetlights were starting to glow, some birds flew away taking the fresh wind with them, and people passed by them walking their dogs.
Everything was so perfect.
Lapis’ life right now, was perfect.
“So, can this be considered a date?” Amethyst asked with a smirk as both sat down at their restaurant table for two.
“Depends,” Pearl answered placing a napkin on her lap. “On what’s going to happen at the end of this night.”
“Oh, is that so?” Ame’s heart leaped a beat and she loved the thrill those words gave her. “Guess we’ll see, then.”
The two co-workers had arranged this sort of fancy dinner date so they could, as Pearl said, ‘see where this goes’. They had yet to kiss, but at least her boss knew the extent of Amethyst’s feelings for her. She had a crush and wanted a kiss, and maybe more if the mood was right. Right now, though, it was just really nice to spend time alone with Pearl like this.
“Have you been here before?” Amethyst asked taking a look at the menu. The dishes were more expensive than she thought, but also looked extremely appetizing.
“Just once with Garnet. They have a really good pasta selection.”
“Neat, I could go for some spaghetti,” Ame put the menu down and waited for Pearl to pick a plate. In the meantime, she wanted to ask something that’d been bugging her for a while. “Can I make a blunt question?”
“Go ahead.”
“You and Garnet… were you ever a thing?”
Pearl nearly dropped her menu and waved her hand negatively. “N-no, no, no, no, not ever! We’re just really good friends.”
“Oh, okay. I was just curious, is all.” Amethyst was intrigued by the hasty answer, but decided to drop it.
After choosing their dishes, the waitress noted them down and left. Amethyst then started talking about various pointless topics with her boss, and was met with equally pointless answers that didn’t demand further explanations. She found out many things about Pearl that she found endearing; like the fact that she really liked puzzles, knitting, and had a pet cat named Lion. Other things included her favorite artist, musician, and current series she was obsessed with.
“Never watched that one, but they say it’s really good.” Amethyst said with a grin.
“Oh, it’s phenomenal!” Their plates arrived at that point and they thanked the waitress. “Thank you— the themes of the show are so intriguing and it really makes you think, you know? Also, the actress who plays the protagonist is incredible…”
As she rattled on, Amethyst regarded her with fondness. The spaghetti was good, but nothing compared to the glint in Pearl’s eyes as she talked about something she liked. It was that raw passion in the artist that had attracted Amethyst so much, from day one. She remembered the way Pearl described her shop and its history when they first met, and it was right there that Ame was struck by Cupid’s arrow, as she put it. Of course, her looks weren’t to be ignored either.
Pearl was just so pretty.
“We should watch it together sometime.” Amethyst told her after a while.
“Oh, are you sure? I already watched most of the episodes.”
“Even better! You can explain me the hard stuff. I like watching series with experts.”
“I’m hardly an expert,” Pearl chuckled. “Just another fan.”
“Don’t belittle yourself, you already know a lot more than I do.”
Pearl was about to argue, but realized that the girl was paying her a compliment. “Alright, Miss Smarty-pants.”
“I could be Miss Smarty-no-pants.” Ame winked at her suggestively, and for once Pearl wasn’t caught by surprise.
“Keep playing your cards right and you could be.”
This time it was Ame’s fork that nearly dropped. This whole exchange was exciting and pretty hot, but Amethyst felt like something was off. Still, she decided to keep playing along as the night went by, and was met with many nice surprises along the way.
It was like Pearl was a whole other person suddenly.
Amethyst didn’t know exactly when things shifted from casual to this, but the taste of Pearl’s tongue in her mouth was stopping her from thinking clearly. The taller woman parted for a second to close the door behind them, but soon pressed Ame against the wall again, ravishing her mouth like crazy. And sure, usually her dates would end with a goodnight kiss and an invitation to come in, but she knew Pearl better than this.
“W-wait,” Amethyst pushed her gently by the shoulders.
“What?” Pearl asked, breathless. “Isn’t this what you wanted?”
“Fuck yes, but— something is weird.” Looking at Pearl right in the eyes, Amethyst placed a hand on her cheek. “Is this what you want?”
Pearl avoided her intense stare and looked away. “I’m the one kissing you, aren’t I?”
“Yeah, but… it feels… forced…?” Ame didn’t want to offend her, so she tried to choose her words carefully. “I’m not saying I’m not enjoying it, I really am, and if I’m full of shit then please tell me to shut up, it’s just that…”
“That what?” Pearl looked mad suddenly, and Amethyst flinched.
“It feels like you’re trying to be something you’re not for my sake. That’s all.”
The way Amethyst said that, seriously and concerned, caught Pearl off balance. She opened her mouth once, then twice, but ultimately closed it and sighed, getting off of the shorter girl. Pearl moved to sit down on her couch, feeling defeated.
“…I’m sorry. You’re right, I don’t usually do… this.”
Ame moved to get comfortable next to her and placed a hand on the small of her back, rubbing soothing circles.
“I haven’t had a relationship since… well, ever. I’ve only ever had eyes for Rose, and when she passed away I never felt like pursuing anything. You’re the first person who actually showed genuine interest in me.”
“Bullshit,” The word was blurted out of reflex and Ame bit her tongue. “I m-mean, look at you! You’re trying to tell me no one ever tried to ask you out?”
“A few strangers in bars, sure, but that’s all they were. Strangers.” Pearl fidgeted with her knees. “With you I have at least some sort of connection. We’ve talked, shared our interests. Hell, we even slept in the same bed and know the same people. I feel… comfortable around you.”
Amethyst nodded.
“But you’re so… much more experienced than I am. I felt intimidated. You’ve slept and kissed so many people, and never fell in love with any of them, while I just fell madly in love with one and nothing ever came out of it. I thought that… I wouldn’t be enough for you.” Pearl laughed weakly. “I didn’t want you to lose interest in me. So, I tried to be… wild, if you will.”
Not a word was exchanged for a while, then Amethyst got up and stood right in front of Pearl. She put a finger under her chin and tilted her head upwards, so their eyes could meet.
“I’m not experienced with love, either. You’re way ahead of me in this regard. And I’m never going to expect anything from you, Pearl. I didn’t get a huge crush on you because of some weird projection of you I made up in my mind,” She smiled, cupping the woman’s cheek. “I like you because you’re… you. Passionate, diligent, honest, a tad awkward and a bit of a nerd.”
“Excuse me?”
“Come on, puzzles and knitting? That’s adorable.”
“They are exercises for the mind!” Pearl blushed.
“My point exactly,” Amethyst giggled. “And I love that about you. And yeah, the fact that we do have a connection makes everything a lot scarier for me. But… I want to try.”
Pearl blinked, confused. “Try?”
This time Amethyst blushed. “Y-yeah, like… doing this. Um, hanging out more. Going to more dates, just the two of us, maybe? Then kissing for a bit? But really kissing, not just forcing a kiss you’re not ready for. If you want to, of course.”
It took her a while, but Pearl slowly frowned. “Amethyst, are you… asking me out?”
Ame froze. “Um… maybe?” Then she slapped herself. “No, fuck that. Yes, I am. Pearl, do you wanna date?”
“Uh— s-sure. Just… you and me.”
“Like girlf—”
“Okay, don’t say the G word! Just— yes or no, before I freak.”
It took her a moment, but in the end Pearl smiled fondly and felt her chest about to burst. “I’d love to.”
Amethyst took a deep breath and nodded, trying really hard to process what she just did. And she was about to fall face first on the floor when Pearl cupped her cheek this time and got closer. “Can I kiss you?”
“You want to?”
“I really want to,” She whispered against Amethyst’s lips and finally, finally pressed their mouths together. This time it was gentle and sweet, and every single doubt that was clouding Amethyst’s mind vanished, and a very unfamiliar feeling in her chest replaced them.
For the first time, Ame wanted to kiss a specific pair of lips a lot more than just once.
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ganymedesclock · 7 years
im still seeing posts saying bismuth was right bc she "only wanted to shatter the diamonds". ignoring how oversimplified such an act seems to be, as if there wouldn't be gems to defend their diamond and as if fighting a diamond herself wouldn't be trouble, it's still upsetting that that's the part of bismuth ppl focus on and agree with
Bismuth is right about some things, but that’s definitely not one of them.
Bismuth’s noble qualities are that she’s a very caring person in general- and that even though it wasn’t under the greatest of circumstances, she’s also the first to really strongly and in no uncertain words tell Steven he doesn’t have to be Rose Quartz 2.0. That’s important and I hope she keeps that message up through further appearances.
But, no, she’s not… right about killing the Diamonds. I’ve made many long-winded posts about this before, but. here goes.
1. It’s irreconcilable with the morals of the show. 
One of the big things emphasized with the show is that everyone has a unique viewpoint to contribute. That doesn’t mean you have to be super close to them or friends with them, especially not at your own expense; in fact, you may be healthier just not investing that much energy in them (see: Kevin in Beach City Drift) but that doesn’t mean they’re not important.
Saying that killing off a character is even permissible- that it’d be okay even if Steven didn’t personally kill the Diamonds, but just didn’t save them- is irreconcilable with that. It’s irreconcilable with how we’ve specifically set up the Diamonds to be understandable. Not right- understandable.
2. You can’t just spare the entirety of Homeworld and then only kill the Diamonds.
There is nothing that separates the Diamonds from the other ‘antagonists’ except in terms of scale. The Diamonds are able to affect things on a much larger area because of their position and power. There is nothing uniquely reprehensible that they have done.
Because that’s just it. If everybody else in this incredible fictional universe is fine except them, then the implication is clear. There’s something the Diamonds and only the Diamonds have done that is unforgivable.
“They indoctrinated people to think less of themselves!”
Pearl in Sworn To The Sword.
“They nearly destroyed Earth!”
Lapis in Ocean Gem, the Cluster in Gem Drill, and guess what? We better take out Centi, Jasper, and Famethyst for good measure because they were soldiers fighting to ensure that happened. Peridot in It Could Have Been Great advocated for it.
“Blue was going to kill Ruby!”
I’d love to put in a snappy montage of all the time Garnet has swung her heavy, smashy, gauntleted fist directly at someone’s gem. But, y’know, sure, I’m sure that a war that produced enough casualties to make the Cluster and all of its offshoots, the only one who ever killed anyone were Homeworld’s soldiers, which- guess what. Jasper, Famethyst, Centipeetle and her crew? They’re now all Irredeemable by that measure.
“They murder and torture people for fun!”
This is pure unsubstantiated and in fact directly contradicted fanon. Yellow Diamond is working herself near to death to the point that she’s exhausted and she doesn’t even need sleep, where does she have the time to kick puppies? And Blue, the handling of the Zoomans is a very, very long ways from perfect but one of their main problems is excessive coddling and a refusal to try and expose them to negative situations.
And guess what? The other part of this is? You can’t isolate the Diamonds unless they have some kind of unique horrible quality you can pin to them that’s so obvious and unambiguous that no one who realizes their “true nature” would follow them. If there’s nothing inherently reprehensible and unforgivable about them, you can’t explain how Homeworld could universally turn its back on them.
And on that…
3. “What’s The Use Of Feeling, Blue?” is a scenario with the Diamonds in private, unaware they’re being observed by anyone but their respective Pearls. It’s a straight shot into their true nature.
And it’s heartbreaking.
Why is Yellow Diamond so unreasonable? Because she’s completely and utterly heartbroken. She’s so overwhelmed with bad feelings that she’s desperate to do anything to move on. Peridot in Message Received challenging her on the Cluster was threatening her desperate gamble to find closure. Of course she’d never take that. Sparing Earth, in her eyes, means being trapped with her grief forever.
She doesn’t think she can move on unless she forces it. And she’s trying to force it.
And Blue is so mired in grief that she’s become, if anything, more inaccessible to her populace. Coming to Earth to grieve and say goodbye might be more of her being able to open up than Yellow, but she’s running an entire empire. I really hope she didn’t have any important appointments that she pushed to the side to do that, but it’d sure explain why Yellow Diamond came looking for her.
If White’s not around, or shut off in her own way, then it would suggest not only is Yellow overworking herself but she’s probably picking up almost all the slack from the other Diamonds at her own expense. She’s aggressively overperforming how fine and unaffected she is when she can’t even get her song about “Just don’t feel and you’ll be fine” out without choking back her own tears. 
Why are people so sure the only way to hold them accountable for what they’ve done is killing them all? 
4. Literally unless we want the entirety of Gems as a species and Homeworld to die off, we’re going to have to solve most of the same problems the Diamonds are concerned with
And the other problems are relevant to grieving! Grief, like, y’know, Greg and the Crystal Gems have been working through this entire time, and Jasper’s gonna need to, so if we’re going there anyway literally why would we go “Sorry YD you missed the grief counseling, all I have is violence.”
5. It was repeatedly and strongly established to us that killing Pink Diamond was not a good decision.
Our contrary evidence that says it was a great idea: 
Bismuth, who Rose and Steven both, albeit for different reasons, disagreed with
Garnet, who has voiced these “not everyone deserves forgiveness or an opportunity to turn around” sentiments before, and usually been almost immediately proven wrong. 
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starscheme · 5 years
With All My Heart
Chapter Nine: Breaking
Steven woke up after a few hours and was quickly made aware that Spinel was no longer in his arms. He rubbed his eyes and sat up in the fabricated bed, looking around the empty room slowly.
"Spinel?" Steven called out with a yawn. With no answer and no sign of Spinel, Steven slipped from the bed and placed his hand over it to send it away. He wasn't sure where Spinel had gone, but his mind kept sliding back to the moment they shared. Even though they didn't really solve anything, one thing was for sure, they felt the same.
Either Spinel had gone back to the garden or left the temple altogether, but Steven knew he couldn't leave the room until the ridiculous grin had left his face. He could barely contain the excitement and joy that made him want to shout. However, since there was no one to witness his embarrassment, Steven jumped into the air with a triumphant, "YES!"
When Steven finally floated down to the ground, he took a few deep breaths to calm down before he left the room. Luckily, it looked as though he hadn't slept the entire day away, but no one seemed to be home. Had Spinel really just gone back to her room? He hoped that Pearl didn't get a hold of Spinel before he woke up and forced her back in there.
Well, so long as he was home alone, Steven made his way back to his room, a little afraid to check his phone since he had neglected it for so long. Once he did, reality punched him in the gut. Connie had been trying to get ahold of him for a while now. Suddenly, the excitement he felt over Spinel had turned to pure guilt. What was he going to do about this? Pearl was right, eventually he'd have to speak with Connie and Spinel both and one of them would get hurt. He didn't want to hurt anyone.
"What are we gonna do about this?" Amethyst asked in a hushed and panicked voice.
Steven quietly stepped down the stairs and stood at the landing, watching Amethyst and Pearl leaving the temple. Amethyst looked confused and upset, while Pearl was noticeably crying, tears streaming down her cheeks as she held something to her chest.
"What's going on?" Steven asked in concern as he continued down the stairs.
Amethysts expression became stiff and though she looked to Pearl for some help, but the other Gem just broke down with more tears. Steven panicked slightly, rushing over to them to comfort Pearl, even if he didn't know what was wrong just yet. However, when he got close enough, he finally saw what was in her hands, a crumpled piece of paper where he could barely make out Spinels hand writing.
"What's that?" He asked with a sense of dread. Pearl was crying, it couldn't have been good.
Pearl tried to compose herself, wiping her eyes as best she could before she straightened out the paper to reveal its contents. There wasn't much. It simply stated, 'I'm sorry. Goodbye.'
Steven’s heart sunk down into his stomach. What did this mean? Where was Spinel?
"I don't get it," Steven said quietly, shifting slowly into denial. "Is she...playing some sort of game? Is this some riddle we have to solve?"
"She left, dude..." amethyst said with a sad sigh. “Everything in here room was gone...except for a note and...this," Amethyst pulled the gift Spinel had made for Steven and tried to give him a couple days ago. It was still a bit crushed, but Amethyst didn't think that mattered right now.
Even though Amethyst held the box out for Steven, he didn't take it. If anything, he backed away a little. As if taking the box would be like admitting she was gone.
"Her room is always empty. She doesn't even like being in there."
"It's empty...but the one thing she liked...was a chest of memories she kept. The chest is gone." Amethyst explained, finding it was her responsibility to do so, as Pearl was still trying to wipe her tears as quickly as they came. "We can't think of where she would go to and Garnet hasn't come back from her mission yet."
"With the warp pads, she could be anywhere...she might have even left earth by now…" Pearl choked out.
"She's not gone!" Steven insisted a little louder now. "She's just—just messing with us."
"Steven...we'll find her." Amethyst tried, hoping to calm him down a little. The short gem wasn't sure she could handle Steven AND Pearl freaking out at the same time.
Stevens mind went a mile a minute. How could this happen? Why would Spinel leave? Especially after the moment they shared. She seemed happy. At least he thought she did. No matter how hard he searched for a reason, he kept coming back to one thing.
"...you kept telling her she was wrong..." he muttered.
Pearl flinched lightly. She knew this would come back to her. Not that she didn't blame herself already. She should have known that this was too much for Spinel.
"Steven...I...I didn't mean for something like—"
"—-you told her that we couldn't be together. You made her think she wasn't good enough as she is. You made her think that being with me was going to ruin her somehow because I was going to hurt her. Now look what’s happened!”
Amethyst forced a smile and took a step in between Steven and Pearl, holding up her hands slightly in and attempt to calm things down. “Whoa, whoa! We don’t need to start like this. It won’t change anything.”
Pearl gasped out another sob and fell to her knees. She was more worried about Spinel than they knew. After all, she knew her better and was painfully aware of all the tortured thoughts Spinel had about herself. If Pearl had just handled this differently, maybe this would have turned out better, but now…she worried that Spinel had run off somewhere…to poof or even…shatter herself. “G-garnet will know…” whispered Pearl with a trembling voice.
“That’s right! We just have to wait for Garnet to get back and I bet she’ll be able to find Spinel.” Amethyst agreed, still trying her hardest to be reassuring.
“We don’t know how long that will be,” Steven started in frustration, “she might get hurt or—“
“We have to find her before she does something drastic!” Pearl shouted through her tears, getting to her feet and heading unsteadily towards the warp pad.
“Pearl, let’s just wait for Garnet,” pleaded Amethyst as she grabbed the slender gems arm to hold her back. “There are too many places to look.”
“What do you mean something drastic,” asked Steven. Finding that he was very much frozen in place.
Pearl glanced over at Steven, conflicted as to whether or not she should explain herself any further. She’d already made such a mess of things. Wouldn’t it be worse if Steven knew what Spinel might be thinking? “St-Steven…you sh-“
“—Don’t tell me what I should do right now! Spinel is out there alone again and I want to find her just as much as you do! You’re not leaving me out of this!”
Silence hushed over the room as the three stared at one another, each unsure where to go from here. Once again, Amethyst tried to ease the tension. “…When Garnet comes home…she’ll tell us where Spinel is. In the meantime…we can try and brainstorm where she might be on our own, huh? All she said was goodbye; it doesn’t mean she is going to hurt herself or anything. I bet she just ran off to think about stuff. I mean, I know I like to be alone when I’m thinking about something tough.”
Steven ran his hand through his hair with a frustrated groan. What was he supposed to do? Just sit here? No. He didn’t plan on staying idle while Spinel was out there somewhere, no doubt just letting her negative thoughts grow larger. He’d seen how difficult it was for Pearl to calm Spinel down when she started getting upset. Even he struggled with it a few times. “I’m going to go and look for her. Call me when Garnet gets back,” Steven stated as he finally reached out and took the gift in his hand. If Spinel would have just gotten a cellphone like they tried to make her, this would be a lot easier. Steven stormed away from the gems and back up to his bedroom in order to grab his phone and jacket. He placed Spinels gift onto his bed and rushed back down the stairs. He didn’t bother saying another word before leaving the house altogether.
Luckily, it wasn’t dark yet. This way it would be easier to spot her. His first stop was going to be Lars and the off colors. Spinel really liked hanging out with them and Steven was still hoping that she hadn’t gone too far. If that didn’t work, he’d go to little home world and see if Lapis, Bismuth, or Peridot had seen her. “Why? Why did you do this?” Steven asked into the air as he ran along the sand. He could feel the sting of tears trying to escape his eyes. Just a moment ago he had been so happy. Sure, they didn’t know what they were going to do, but how could she just give up like this? Was she trying to take the choice out of his hands? Did Spinel have so little hope that they could be happy together? Just a few hours ago he was holding her in his arms and now she was somewhere he couldn’t reach her.
As Steven ran, he took a moment to wipe his eyes of the impending tears, but this forced him to close his eyes for just a second, causing him to collide with something solid. “OOF!” he gasped out as he began to fall backward, only to be caught by the hand and pulled back up. When he saw who had helped him, he actually felt a little relieved.
“Rutile!” he exclaimed happily, rubbing his nose where he’d knocked into their shoulder. “I was just on my way to see you guys about Spinel!”  
“That’s why we’re here as well,” The left rutile twin explained.
“Spinel came to see us not too long ago. We thought it was strange. She was asking Lars for something, be he refused her. She didn’t seem like herself and well…” the right Rutile twin seemed reluctant to continue, “…by the time Padparadsha warned us…it was too late.”
Steven panicked at once and placed his hands on Rutiles shoulders, “Too late for WHAT?! Where’s Spinel?!” Steven pleaded desperately.
“We don’t know, exactly,” they answered together.
“Padparadsha only predicted that Spinel was breaking, but since her predictions are always something that’s already happened…we feared the worse.” The right Rutile clarified. “Lars and the others have been out looking for her and we got sent here to inform you and the other Crystal Gems. Although we did think that Garnet may have already said something.”
It felt like all the air had left his lungs and the ground beneath his feet seemed uneven. Breaking? What did that mean? Was her Gem cracked somehow?  Was she being shattered? Shattered…? Bile started to rise up Steven’s throat and he felt dizzy. Was she really planning on leaving everyone like this? Leaving him? This couldn’t really be happening. There was no way this was true.
“Steven!” the twins called out together, steadying the half gem by grabbing his forearms. “Here…sit down.” They both said quietly, trying to help him sit on the sand.
Steven shook his head and brushed them off, “No, I need to go and find Spinel. You go and tell the others. I-I need to keep looking.”
Before the twins could protest or attempt to stop him, Steven was running off. The last time they remembered seeing him this upset, was when Lars changed color. “Will he be okay?” the left Rutile asked the other.
“I don’t know…” the other replied as they watched Steven vanish in the distance.
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