#i think a lot of ppl dont think about it as artistically or as seriously as it deserves.... ppl work really hard on these !!!
catmask · 2 days
genuine question – and i hope it doesn't come as weird – but how do get into...pokemon? </3
pokemon universe feels so big and there are so many games and i really like their designs – both for pokemons and trainers – making ocs in this setting would be so cool but i have no idea how to. begin!
could you give some advice?
ps leaving compliments for your comic and art in general!! i really like how your pieces are so colorful! gives the vibes of some small but cozy and fun town in a videogame..
no worries!! it seriously depends on what you are interested in - gamewise, region wise, and story wise.
heres what i can say. if you like typical top-down style pixel art rpg games where you solve tile puzzles and build a little team of monsters, any of the games before x and y is a good choice. platinum is a great introduction to the series because it doesn't baby you but is still decently difficult, heartgold/soulsilver are the 'coziest' games imo but may spoil you because of how much content there is, black/white and black/white 2 are the most story-driven of the games and bw2 is probably the longest play of all the games. emerald is also great, but its genuinely a hard game even as someone whos been a fan of the series for years. i would say to start with hgss because they're my favorites, but they're so good it might raise the bar too high for all the other games pixel-art games.
if you prefer 3D graphics, but still like the 'run around catching guys and solving tile puzzles', i think sun and moon are the best of the 3D games! the story is engaging and a little more modernized so that there are actual cut scenes, i think the pokemon available are cute and the region is really pretty. i thikn after that, x and y is pretty cute! the story is less strong in comparison to sun/moon. importantly; every game in the 3D era has a new type that was not present in the pixel art era - the fairy type, so if you want to learn the MODERN type chart and balances, the 3D games are where you'd need to start.
finally, if you're not a fan of the 'catch pokemon run around region' type games, pokemon has a LOT of really awesome spin off games. my favorites are as follows...
pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of sky. its the strongest story the pokemon company has ever written, and im a big fan of the mystery dungeon style gameplay.
pokemon ranger (any ranger game!) the story and graphics are cute, and it focuses on rescuing/rehabilitating pokemon more than capturing them. really lovely expansion of the pokemon universe.
pokemon go, because its free! so if you dont want to download a rom, or sink money into a new franchise, its an easy way to get into it.
pokemon snap - this was actually my very first pokemon game i ever played! (never owned it though heha) but there was just a remake for the switch, if you've got a switch that is. the game focuses on photographing pokemon in their natural habitat, and its really quite cute. slow paced and fun if you're not sure about battling yet.
finally... if you weren't looking to get into games at all, pokemon art + fan creations are personally my favorite things in the entire fandom! artists and writers and fangame devs are the people who hold this fandom up, engaging with their creations is a great and typically free way to involve yourself... im sorry this is so long, i hope this helps!! and ppl are free to add on to this hehe
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kil9 · 2 years
a couple ppl said abt my premin art it looks like hes the one getting shot in the back of the head which is an unintended but very welcome interpretation
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pansyfemme · 5 months
growing up around a lot of professional artists is always fun bc ppl always talk about getting good art advice from people who’ve been doing it for 50+ years but you will also randomly have people tell you the world’s most fucked up life advice with full seriousness. some guy will be like ‘yknow, when i faced blocks in inspiration i used to lock myself in my studio for weeks at a time barely eating and sleeping until i got any painting done at all.. and that painting sold for five hundred dollars..’ and you’re like. ok. i dont think i should do that tho
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dearweirdme · 3 months
I thank you for your detailed answer and I understand that things must not be easy for closeted ppl specially with their level of fame and I understand now the importance of choosing a bit more of artistic freedom and freedom in general but I still think that him agreeing to do this was one of the worse things he could have done for his career and i also feel now that him choosing to publicly do a lot of things that very much pointed at him and jk being together was really distasteful, I never would have thought this before but I just don't see the point of him wishing to make a point about his relationship with jk at all after doing what he did, I really wonder what was he thinking? Ppl won't take him seriously, won't take that relationship seriously at all, he's just harming his image bc he had that mediaplay above his head. There's just a lot of ppl thinking he's been gaybaiting all along instead of defending his gf, I guess this probably was important to him, sharing a bit about his real self while everyone was believing lies but it was such a bad choice now that I see it in retrospective. I didn't it take like that at all when all of this was happening I guess I just felt relieved that this hadn't changed and that he was still fighting but now it's like what are you even fighting? You did that and no one is going to seriously see anything statement in what you do with your bandmate, no one. And this will continue like that unless they ever come out which I doubt it will ever happen considering the choices they made. I remember even being somewhat upset back then for what I took as jk distancing himself from Tae publicly when I thought he needed the support the most but now I understand that he did it bc what is even the point in contradicting in any way a mediaplay he took part of and that has a purpose they must have agreed, was needed.
I really wish things would have been different and that Tae would have acted different, it's the way I'm 100% sure that tk are together and I have been for years and I still feel disappointed and I know is my fault for putting ppl I dont know personally into pedestals but it's just like I'm finding out that Tae is not as cool and brave as the person I had in my head and that also most ppl won't ever see him like that too and all the opposite bc of that mediaplay and the way he chose to act after it.
Seeing twt and TikTok and basically every platform after this is having a reminder that ppl really do see him as a coward, liar and a loser, even armys and idk when this will change, I don't think this at all bc i know it's not the truth and I used to get really defensive but now I have to accept that this are consequences of the choices he made, this and ppl never taking queerness related to him as anything but a joke or queerbaiting or fans deliriums
Hi anon!
responding to this ask:
Sorry for being late to respond to this, I've been sick these last couple of days (still feel awfull and pretty ligthheaded honestly, so If I seem weirder than usual... that's probably why.. also, I'm probably making more spellingmistakes than usual😶). I have had plenty of time to think about this though, because both this ask and your former one made me actually really sad... and I did want to think through why you felt like this, and why my feelings are so opposite. So here I go, and I don't mean to be harsh or insult, but at the same time.. this is how I feel.
We all have our own ideas about who we think an artist is. I think it is very clear that amongst fandom, there are many differetn thoughts going around about who Tae and Jk are as persons... what they are like on the inside. When we form an idea about who we think someone is, we also start getting expectations... and I think that is why it's almost unavoidable that at one point we get a bit dissapointed. It can be small disappointements (like, not liking an add, or a song, or that they smoke) but it can also be big dissapointments... like the one you are feeling right now. I think this also ties in with how so many were feeling negatively towards Jk when he didn't act how many wanted him to during Tae's Layover. Expectations were set (because of them being Tkk, but also because of how many perceived his actions during Jm's Face), and he failed misserably in many eyes.... but I digress.
We don't really know them well enough to be able to have that kind of expectations though.... especcially when it comes to their private lives (and when we talk about their closet, or their relationship... that is what those are). As Tkkrs we feel very connected to Tae and Jk. So much so, that at times we feel as though we are fighting alongside them. We make their battle ours. But ultimately it isn't. We can support them, and we definitely should.... but we should at the same time be aware that it is THEIR lives. Only they know the inns and outs of their lives, only they know what's at stake for real.. so they are the only ones who get to decide. So I understand that you might feel dissapointed because you feel you've been fighting for them so hard and now one of them made a choice that to you doesn't fit with what you think you've been fighting for... but at the same time I think you are wrong, because.. we don't know what it is that they are fighting for, and we don't know the exact inns and outs of their lives.
Personally, I've never fully felt as though they are fighting hard to be able to come out or to show us that they are romantically together. I just think that's not even an option for them at this point, both from a business perspective and a private perspective. There's a few instances where I feel Tae went a bit further (the insta pic before Paris, him posting only Jk and Bam before enlisting, the matching T-shirts). To me most of the other stuff is just them living their lives adn things we pick up on because we pay attention. So your and my starting point is different, I don't see them/Tae a someone who has been "wishing to make a point about his relationship with Jk". I think he has wanted to.. very much so, but don't think it is realistic to think that he wanted to out them. Your sentence "Ppl won't take him seriously, won't take that relationship seriously at all"... that's kinda what this is all about right, we're not supposed to take it seriously in a way. Because if everyone would take them seriously, they would be out.
Being in a shipping fandom will forever be weird. Would I reccommend it to anyone.. well, no 😂. It comes with a lot of highs but also with a lot of lows and I consider it to be a neverending rollercoaster of emotions in which you will actaully get bitchslapped from time to time. We will forever be fandom's punching bag. Are we to blame Tae and Jk for that? I personally don't.. and I've though about this hard the last few days. But my answer has continously been that: no, they didn't choose this. It's society that's wrong. That does not mean that I think they can never do anything wrong, there's things that would go too far for me as well. But imo that's not the case here. He did one walk, we don't know what he expected the fan response to be. Maybe he was expecting us all to brush past it with force like we do so many times. Maybe he thought it would have past already with that bua (which is what often happens). You are making a lot (!) of assumptions on his thought process and motives, when in reality we know nothing about it.
We know nothing about the actual hardships they have gone through. When I try to imagine what feelings they must've had throughout all these years of hiding is bad though. It's not just a case of not holding hands whne the camera's are off. It comes with being shamed, with feeling afraid, with feeling alone, with feeling wrong, with feeling you should let the other go because your just an obstacle to them, with feeling like maybe you should just leave, with feeling like you are letting everyone down... and that's just what I can imagine. We don't know the specific memories that haunt them. We know Tae has had mental health problems. To me it is not unimaginable that being closeted had a big part in that. I also think he always put the band before his own needs (wanting to resign for the members). I think the situation has been much more dire than any of us can guess. So when Tae chose an option (and we don't even know which other options there were) to maybe get some more freedom in at least one part of his life, I just think of him and his situation with a lot of empathy.
I suppose all the Taennie insanity from last week has bothered you. And maybe it made you feel as though we will never get rid of them. While I do think Taennie will have a bit of a long term effect, it's more in the sense of every now and then there will be an article refering to a rumored relationship. Taennies themselves will disapear sooner or later (as soon as Jennie is spotted with someone else basically). They are desparate, their ship meant nothing and is basically an empty vessel. Their is no real depth to it. I was kinda joking a while ago by saying I'll get a Jkk like essay in my inbox soon... but honeslty, Taennies aren't even able to leave an in depth essay.. because they have only bits of similar jewelry and edited pictures.
I have often said that Tae and Jk's relationship with Tkkr-fandom must be a complex one. It's a very onesided one, and I think we have to make amends with the fact that it's always going to be a one-sided one. That doesn't mean they don't appreciate us, but it does mean that they will probably never act out their appreciation.
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thxnks4themrms · 9 months
I just realized I never properly made an intro for myself so under the cut is where you can find it :)
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♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Hi! Since I can't come up with a nickname for myself right now you can kinda just call me Vampy because I can't really think of anything else rn. Anyways, to make things easier I'll just write most of the basic stuff in bullet points :)
I’m Cambodian (Asian)
I use she/her and they/them pronouns
My favorite colors are pink and black
I’m an INFJ
I’m a Sagittarius
I love music - metal and rock to be specific
I like reading
I love horror movies
I enjoy things like taxidermy and bones
I’m bi and polyamorous
I’m Buddhist
I’m 13 which makes me a silly minor 😋😋
I literally have the best lovers ever <33
I love you Mikey Way
Bands / Artist I listen To The Most <3
My Chemical Romance - and their side projects
Fall Out Boy
Pre-split Panic! At The Disco
Arctic Monkeys
The Last Shadow Puppets
Lana Del Rey
Melanie Martinez
Limp Bizkit
Blink - 182
Dazey And The Scouts
Pierce The Veil
The Smashing Pumpkins
The Smiths
The Cure
Këkht Aräkh
The Neighborhood
TV Girl
Mötley Crüe
The Offsprings
Okay so now that I’ve said a little about myself I plan on doing more stuff to this blog but that’ll be coming in 2024 :p but other than that here’s my dni list and when more stuff comes it’ll be here :D
Harry Styles fans
Billie Eilish fans
Wet leg fans
DNI <\3
Ppl who fetishize homosexuality
Ppl who fetishize Asians
Rude ppl in general
Ppl who force their religion on others
Ppl who have stuff to say about politics (this is mainly a music blog :’) plz don’t bring heavy/sensitive topics into this)
Animal haters
People who listen / support nsbm
People of any age can’t interact with me I don’t mind at all :))
This blog will contain things that some people may find disturbing or uncomfortable. Things under this could include:
Images of cemeteries/graveyards
Eerie/dark images in general
I do post a lot of shit sometimes that mention things about sex, substances, and a lot of other things I DONT recommend / encourage minors use - when I say stuff that mentions stuff like that im joking pls don’t take it seriously 😭😭😭
If you don’t like these things please don’t get upset! I’ll try my best to add tw for the things listed above. If you spot anything on my blog that you think might need a tw then feel free to dm me or put it in my inbox :)
Just so you know
This blog isn’t my main blog this is actually my side blog - my main is @tousyposay so don’t be kinda weirded out by that :p
My additional side blogs include:
@blxxdbxgs - a place where i simp over nurse Gerard
@urmyfavexplosion - my blog where i choose one album and post that for an entire month or some shit like that
TikTok - edgelordbolos
Insta - bolosisagirlkisser
Discord - vxmpywllnvrhrtu
Man I can’t think of any other of my blogs ☠️☠️☠️ I’ll add them when I remember
Sorry if I upset any of you guys I really hope I didn’t mean to :(
Anyways that’s all I have to say for rn but thanks so much! I’ll be adding more to this as the days go on but for now thanks :)
Have a good day/night I love you guys so much! <3
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loving-n0t-heyting · 7 months
as someone who does sadly get most of their information through posts (looking to change that but also, busy and bad at reading) can you elaborate/explain the theory behind how artisians should be paid for their labor?
(disclaimer that i am not an expert, and also do not attribute to marx/engels the kind of prophetic status a lot of ppl on here do, but do know enough to spot some truly egregious eisegesis)
a big theme in marx/engels is the "socialisation of production" under capitalism; it comes up in capital, obviously, but also in a lot of shorter works, including eg socialism: utopian and scientific. it refers to the integration of formerly bespoke, domestic, individual productive labour into industrialised, public, mass production whose paradigm case is the industrial textile factory in contrast to women's household production of fabric goods. this is essential to capitalisms ability to reap the efficiency benefits of economies of scale, and to its formation of a large cohesive working class responsible for the tasks of production, while coming at the cost of making any given individual's level of contribution to overall output imprecise and illegible. it stands in contrast to medieval feudal production, in which it makes more sense to think of the labouring peasants as a large number of individualised workers whose productivity scales more or less linearly wrt man-hours of work
marx/engels dont see this process as essentially good per se; they clearly regard it as a very serious exacerbator of exploitation and class inequality. but it is for them bound up with the possibility of a communist transition: the efficiency and wide-scale social integration afforded by socialisation are an important part of what lays the groundwork for a transition to socialism/communism under an organised working class, and it is why socialism was hitherto at best a pious wish detached from economic reality. so in this sense capitalist socialisation is a (latently) revolutionary development, and opposition to it is reactionary
this marxist attachment to the socialisation of production goes hand in hand with a suspicion of peasants and small-scale artisans (both often falling under the reviled heading of "petite bourgeois"). theirs is a form of production incompatible with socialisation: insofar as they are peasants or small-scale artisans rather than proletarians, their way of life is inimical to mass, industrialised, divided labour, and thus is inherently reactionary. this was a source of major friction between marx/engels and other less "scientific" socialists of the time, such as proudhon, who saw in individual artisans a preferable alternative to industrial capitalist barons. and this why ppl talking about marx spinning in his grave over bespoke seamstress hobbyists getting paid poorly are being idiots: handwringing over the payment due to such small-scale, unsocialised producers is antithetical to his core revolutionary beliefs
now you shouldnt take this too seriously purely in and of itself. the fact marx said smth is not in its own right a great reason to believe it if yr not already committed to thinking he was the brilliantest most insightfulest economist ever to walk the earth. he wasnt a fucking oracle. and in particular a lot of the most annoying leftists on this site are eager to import into wholly inappropriate contexts (like bizarre shittings on etsy artists and patreon furry illustrators) sentiments at home in 19th cent. tirades against small textile merchants. but if yr going to invoke the name of one of historys most prominent political philosophers as some sort of socialist talisman its not a good look if you bungle the contents of his writings that badly
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nijigay · 11 months
hiiii :3 I noticed ur one (of a few) ppl who ships boniji on tumblr, and I wanna know if you know any accounts/artists who ships them so I could follow them to satiate my boniji fixation >.< Also, some bocchi x nijika questions I wanna personally ask: what songs do you recommend that reminds you of them? Also, what are some boniji fanfics you recommend/like? I probably already read most of their fics but I wanna know what others like. Lastly, ur personal boniji headcanons if you don't mind sharing... 👉👈
I only ask blogs rarely cuz I'm shy so no need to answer immediately...
I'm just brainrotting over boniji so much! im so normal about them (◔‿◔)
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AWAWAWA i love boniji like so much like too much like its become my main personality trait!
but youre right!!! it feels like boniji fans are mostly japan natives and there dont seem to be many english speaking boniji fans! ohhh i wish there was more of a following! imagine a boniji zine in the west! i would pay money to get involved with that
im kind of embarrassed about shoving my ships in ppls faces all the time and this might get long and its just me like rambling about my OTP so like .. gona put it under a read more lol. seriously this post is like almost 2k words long thats longer than my average fanfic chapter
i hate to be a shill but im going to be a shill for my fic recommendations:
ive been working on a lowkey corny boniji hanahaki fic on AO3 and some other oneshots, so maybe you would be willing to check my own stuff out?? (if u want .-. im really amateur with this stuff despite being an art student lol) its been on hiatus for like half a year but im just adhd af and keep restarting. im still working on it frequently tho and im secretly hoping to start updating on a consistent basis soon. but i also liked fics like "Midnight and Daydreams" and "Bubblegum Detergent" and "A Sellout Night" and "Just Enough to be Enough" and "A Kiss is Not A Cure". MANNN i remember that last one fucked me up bad when it was posted. it was only the second ever dedicated boniji fic and like I LOVE angst but with how small the sample size of fics was at the time it was like AUFHAUIJKADGF. all those fics are super super good though! i also love the third one, i love the trans bocchi HC personally
umm as far songs songs tho, i guess the ones i associate with boniji most are:
"veil" by keina suda, i remember drafting some animatic for an angsty AU of Hitori living on post-Kessoku
"STEP&CLAP" by yoshino aoyama (aka yoppi aka bocchis VA <3), i think yoppi making the song speaks for itself but its a rly cute song and i love thinking of Hitori and Nijika like tap dancing to it?? check out the rest of yoppi's debut album too!! her voice is so pretty and i was so happy finding out that there are 11 songs with her voice, instead of the 1 from the anime
idk why but i also think of them a lot when listening to PMMM's ost by yuki kaijuri, like "desiderium" and "not yet" and "mada dame yo"? these r kinda a stretch though but idk!!
i also like compiling music that reminds me of them into spotify playlists, if youd like some inspiration for your own! this one and also this angstier one
i have a lot of boniji headcanons but i feel like its hard for me to like list them all in one spot because they usually come to me with context during relevant conversations?? but ill list whatever i can think of!:
this ones not necessarily boniji but i was thinking about it like an hour ago, but i really like the idea of Seika being a huge boniji supporter. like in the source material she already finds Bocchi really cute, so I get the impression she would really like to be an older sister figure for Bocchi (and probably gets jealous of Kikuri for holding that spot in Bocchi's life lol), and so Nijika being a potential love interest for Bocchi would make Seika double down hard on supporting boniji. she'd probably be the one who brings Bocchi up to Nijika more than Nijika would bring her up to Seika?? i also like to imagine that for Seika she has a similar complex to Yoyoko. but instead of "Bocchi is stealing my spot as Hiroi's younger sister figure," it would be "Kikuri is stealing my spot as Bocchi's older sister figure" LOL . if that makes any sense at all
this ones actually taken from a japanese twitter user, but they moved on from boniji after the anime ended. but they had some headcanons that REALLY stuck with me. my favorite was the idea that Bocchi and Nijika both have inferiority complexes with one another. iirc their (translated) words were along the lines of "Bocchi thinks of Nijika as a pure, comforting light in her life, one that could be muddied if Bocchi got involved with her. On the other hand, Nijika thinks of Bocchi as a reliable hero who outshines an ordinary girl like her." i just REALLY like it. it also reminds me of this conversation that Yoppi and Suzushiro had on the BTR podcast, about Bocchi and Nijika's first meeting! like nijika literally brought light into Bocchi's life awdsfsgdhgfjh
actually that same user above also made a tweet that is the reason why i associate Keina Suda's "veil" with boniji! they made a tweet about an AU idea, where, in the event that Nijika would ever pass away, Seika would give Bocchi her ribbon, which Hitori would wear from that point onwards as she continues to play music to honor Nijika's memory. they also suggested that in the opposite event of Hitori passing away, Nijika would possibly do something very rash out of despair but thats dark hahaha!!!!
i kinda think this goes without saying and i think its actually a fairly common HC for BTR characters in general, but I can definitely see Bocchi being trans
I like to imagine that shortly after Volume 2, Bocchi and Nijika would probably have another conversation
eventually, i'm sure if Bocchi and Nijika pursued a relationship that they'd eventually move in together (or like into the same room? if Kessoku Band had a sharehouse?), and since both Bocchi and Nijika tend to be minimalistic with their room decor, their shared room would again become filled with a ton of Ryo's clothes and items and instruments, like how Nijika's room at Seika's apartment is
i think they'd both end up being really touchy with each other, especially when nervous? Bocchi kind of already does this when she's in new places (eg bringing Kita to Shimokitazawa, or going to FOLT for the first time and being dragged by Nijika), but I think it would grow to them finding comfort with each other?
idk if this is necessarily a HC but i really like how Bocchi and Nijika emotionally support each other, even in source. Nijika is shown to have a really good read on Bocchi (to the point of Bocchi worrying that Nijika is actually a psychic), knowing Bocchi's common thought processes, and picking up from Bocchi's mother during her first visit to Kanazawa that karaage chicken can bring Bocchi out of her anxiety attacks, and seems to be the only character who actually comments on Bocchi's growth as an individual and actively tries to facilitate it; but she also doesn't lovebomb Bocchi with praise, striking what seems to be a good balance for pushing Bocchi but also being a reliable confidant for her too.
one of my favorite details from the anime that i really feel doesnt get talked about as often as it should is when Nijika finally notices that Bocchi is guitarhero! she definitely wasn't the first to notice (Seika noticed first, but it seemed like Seika only knew about guitarhero via Nijika. When she notices that Bocchi's playing sounds familiar, her thought process immediately goes towards wondering why Nijika isn't noticing, and then she just tells them to get back to work) but she was the first one that Bocchi admits it too. but my favorite part is how Bocchi says that she wanted to change and grow as a person before telling them the truth, and she says that she especially wanted to grow before Nijika in particular found out! its just really cute, i love how Bocchi was worried about disappointing Nijika. and i like how, after some growth, Bocchi's dream turns from "becoming popular" to "making Kessoku Band the best band it can be" which is like almost basically the same as Nijika's dream! and so it's really nice when Bocchi doubles down on that goal by not remotely entertaining the idea of leaving Kessoku Band, even when goaded by promises of popularity.
last headcanon! because i ran out of thoughts and just came up with this on the spot. but i also like the idea that as the years go on, Bocchi and Nijika in particular may kind of become more similar in personality. i mean, they'd definitely still be distinctly them, but i like to think that Bocchi would eventually start picking up more optimistic habits and stop grimacing all the time, while Nijika would eventually become a little more lax and not reflexively try to dismiss her own negative feelings via looking at the silver lining. i thought of that when Nijika kinda dismisses her family dynamics with her mother's passing and her father's neglect after Kessoku's first real performance, as well as Nijika seeming to admit after inhaling Bocchi Dust(?) during her and Kita's Kanazawa visit that some of her optimism is performative
ok another one Nijika seems to have her art skills commented on sometimes so i like to imagine she has doodles of Bocchi in her sketchbook (alongside everyone else but mostly Bocchi). like think of like Miles Morales drawing a ton of Gwen Stacy like that kinda deal but with Nijika drawing Bocchi. and like Bocchi finds the sketchbook and Nijika freaks out and Bocchi actually doesnt look bc she doesnt want to do something wrong. but then Ryo or Kita take it and look instead and then show Bocchi and Bocchi melts into a flustered puddle
wowwow this got long! sorry! i really mean it when im like OBSESSED with these two like i think ive thought about them on a daily basis ever since the episode aired where Nijika bought Bocchi a cola. isnt that cute, too!? she picked up on Bocchi's favorite soda so quickly! and her buying a box of energy drinks for Bocchi despite not understanding why at all! girlfriend behavior
i really really want to make more boniji content, i'd like to be more active in posting my fics and drabbles and drawings, someday soon. right now most of my boniji content is just illegible sketches in my sketchbook lol
also thank u so much for like sending this ask im like BEGGING internally all the time to be given the chance to talk about them! i dont think theyre like a rarepair or anything, especially with them seeming to be like the second most popular BTR ship in japan, but i do think that not many people talk to them in the english side of the fandom! theyre super super cute and have really good chemistry.
this entire post is probably like a total carwreck i hope its even readable
ill also use this post as an excuse to post my own HCs for a Kessoku Band's relations chart. it's a bonus for reading this far. i'm sorry for draining 22 HP from you with this brain dump
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dateamonster · 9 months
what’s your opinion on monstrous transformations (both fast and slow), and also more controversially what do you think about having monsters/nonhuman characters serve as minority allegory (as opposed to society’s hate for them being being an allegory)
ohhh hold on this is a rly good question i think abt a Lot actually.
ok getting the first bit out of the way, love a good monstrous transformation. fast, slow, its all good. i personally like gradual slow shifts the most but its a situational thing. transformation is one of those things that like just always has to be symbolic. even more than the degree to which Everything is symbolic ya know. so like context rly matters when it comes to how to invoke it most effectively.
i think from the phrasing of the ask ur looking for something more along the lines of like. for example shapeshifters as representation of nonbinary people or aliens as representation of different cultures rather than like monsters vs humans as allegory for racism. but im also not sure you can meaningfully separate the two! the latter i think is more overused so it like registers more as an immediate red flag, but its like. if the aliens from avatar werent being violently invaded by humans it wouldnt make like their reskinned stereotypical indigeneity anymore tolerable i dont think.
which isnt to say i think every story that draws connections between fantastical fictional species and real world people are inherently bad. i dont really think theres any trope that i believe cant be handled well by anyone under any circumstance. the super easy fix to bad rep via monster or fantasy creature characters is basically just have actual humans who also represent those same identities and communities and experiences so that the audience isnt drawn to connect the traits of any one group with your fictional species.
the harder fix is to like seriously analyze why you want this character to be a monster and what that says about them and what that says about you and your own experiences and biases and what you actually want to communicate with the inclusion of this character. and when applicable hire a sensitivity reader. its kinda crazy how many pieces of media seem to prefer half-assing the hard way over just doing the easy thing and not assigning the status of token minority to a literal monster.
of course once again all of this is ya know circumstantial. im speaking to like my own experiences and the things ive observed. and its weird too! bc im also speaking as someone who like is trans and nonbinary and thinks of myself and my gender expression as inherently intertwined with monstrosity. and as someone who is autistic and thinks of myself as a changeling. and as someone who is a fat person who represents themself with a pig themed sona. if i talk abt cringeass hollywood blockbusters engaging in High Fantasy Racism i feel like to be fair i kinda have to talk about independent own-voices creators who write stories and make art about their own identities in the lovely language of monstrosity. theres not rly a way to draw a hard line around the former without the risk of catching some of the latter.
so umm as usual i dont rly have a snappy all encompassing answer for how i feel abt this kind of characterization. im simply too much of a Nuance Enjoyer. i do i guess think this is something that generally turns out better when it is someone making art about their own experiences, but also unless i believe minority artists are a monolith, which i dont, i need to accept that artists will inevitably make stuff that is beautiful and resonant to some people and totally repugnant and offensive to others, and that both of those responses can be like totally justified and correct. thats art babey!
anyway slight digression but i think any case where a character feels more like an allegory than a fully fleshed u know Character is gonna flop for me no matter how relatable it is. tbqh, id rather more ppl try and fail to make beautiful grotesque frightening sensually moving monsters out of their lived experiences and their empathetic connections with others than succeed at creating bland toothless universally approachable Good Rep tm. if u know u know. if u feel me u feel me. that is all.
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indulgnc · 3 months
🐑💓🤧 for the asks!! :D
💓smth i like abt the community:
so to be honest im usually thinking more of the negatives than positives to this community bc of bad experiences but.. there are good things! for one the ppl ive met :,) (like u vanessa!!! also shoutout to @hachiibun i think weve been snz buddies for lik. 2yrs.)
everyones also very accepting which is nice. aspects like my being queer/trans and (something else i dont feel like mentioning on main) have been taken well! im glad i dont have to hide any part of me. :) also exploring kink has been so fun and im learning lots about myself and allowing myself to have fun w sexual stuff!!
and lastly… everyone here is so damn talented! esp everyone in the oc server, i love getting to see all the creative stuff everyones doing! were fed soooo well and are so lucky to get all the content we do.. for free!!
pat urself on the back if ur a writer or artist or wav maker or any sort of content creator on here!!!! thank you for your work, seriously!!! :D
🐑 scenario i think abt before bed:
readmore bc this one got kinda long AHA
… haha ok this one is actually really funny bc. for the past couple nights i Have been putting myself to bed w running a scenario thru my head LOL. this is gonna sound silly but its not even a sneezing scenario bc i need to relax before bed LOLL but i imagine my current fav (yes 🌱!!!!) at work w a fever trying to push thru🥺 ppl commenting on how awful he looks and his close friend trying to send him home…
as for snz scenario that im rotating (yes same guy.) been thinkning abt him oversleeping and taking his allergy med late, having to walk to work before it kicks in and just comes in sniffly and sneezing and his friends like “..why didnt u take ur meds” and hes like “i (sneeze) overslept!! i wasnt trying to!! (sneeze) (again)” and hes just miserable trying to work and everyone can visibly see how Bad his allergies are… close coworker getting a little concerned and commenting on it and hes just annoyed this whole situation is happening and exhausted and . <3 (might do a fic w this one. well see)
🤧answered in earlier post!
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snapdraqons · 4 months
What is your beef with joker out?
on one hand im scared of their fans so i will say for the sake of not being hunted down by the baby boos: im not seriously beefing with them i just think its funny especially since my partner loves them. and as someone on kätwt i am forced against my will to know about these twinks anyway i might as well fight em in a tesco car park. they live in the uk rn i can do that now.
on the other hand, the whole thing where theyre touring in about a month (so i get the vibe this is all very last minute ngl) and instead of having a fixed opener theyre opening 'applications' (through social media, so it'll just be a numbers game ultimately) for fans local to each show to open, completely unpaid, feels.... weird to me. like, if you aren't going to pay an opener, the least you can do is not take advantage of the parasocial relationship your fans have with you for free labour. they could contact artists in a professional capacity where there isnt a power imbalance that will make them less likely to say no. from what i can tell, a lot of the artists applying that have a decent amount of fan support are professional artists anyway. like they couldve just done that.
also, these lads are in their 20s. they know how twitter works. they know what social media is like. and quite frankly if they werent already aware of the reputation their fanbase has maybe the fact that some artists have already started attacking others wanting to open the same show as them will make them aware. im not saying the fact that this has pitted their fans against each other is jo's fault. but i do think at least using a private application form rather than using social media wouldve been a much smarter choice. like i said, this all feels very last minute to me. if it weren't perhaps they wouldve put more thought into this.
ALSO this is nothing against anyone applying. i know ppl who are applying and i wish them nothing but the best <3 i just think these twinks should pay up
all this, especially when this technically isnt the first time theyve used their fans for free labour. them moderating their official discord... i get a few fan moderators but i witnessed the rusty quill discord implode as a result of this sorta thing. its never a great idea, especially for a large public open server thats bound to get some nasty trolls.
im begging these leads to get a social media manage or pr guy or SOMETHING bc i dont get the vibe that this is intentional, just that they keep not thinking things through and quite frankly theres only so many more fuck ups before i start beefing with them for real
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catskets · 8 months
hiiii happy november Cat!!! hope youre having a great day/night so far!!!!! i have some questions about...YOU THIS TIME :3
how did you start drawing? i really REALLY love your artstyle (seriously like im an obsessed creep) and seeing your creations makes me want to create something myself as well. but i dont know where or how to start.
even if im motivated at the start, seeing that i cant draw for shit, i get disappointed in myself and just stop working on the issue.
i dont even know my own style yet. how did you find yours? is it really like a god-given gift and you discover it by yourself out of nowhere?
hope u have the best november ever!!! :D
hi anon! happy november! hope you're doing well.
I started drawing when i was around 11 years old because I had this idea that you couldn't succeed if you weren't good at sports, music, or art. So I went on YouTube and looked up tutorials on how to draw. doing this lead me to tutorials on how to draw manga, which is what got me into the anime, nerd, etc. space.
I still have problems with my art, such as with perspective and anatomy. The things that really helped me were doing redraws of classic art or art that I enjoyed and having a blorbo that I could just draw over and over. I think in an Internet age where you're constantly exposed to talented people, especially those who may be younger than you, it can be very discouraging. But all I can really say is you cannot let that affect your growth as an artist. People will always be better than you, but what matters is what you bring to the table with how you present your art.
I cultivated my style because 14-15 year old me really liked two ppl's art:
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life-writer's work. if you were NOT obsessed with life-writer in 2015, where were you? the color? the proportions? the style? so fun! i absolutely adored it. and still do. i didn't want something anime or realistic or really cartoon, i wanted something that blended all of those things.
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readyourbook on dA: got me into doing "pixel" art, lots of patterns, etc. you can still very much see yaya's are in my own. i was obsessed with their art in ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. and it's carried with me.
and I just sort of. Went from there? You kind of take what you like of different art styles and Frankenstein them into one. The vector pixel style that I do for AWB came out of a necessity to make a lot of art very quickly. The dithering that is present in 10:16 and beyond came from me working on God is in the Radio and needing to make art look cool and not as messy, so i slapped a gradient and dither on it to call it a day. Your style ends up coming out of necessity.
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dois-funnyzone · 1 year
mainly just talking to myself here about a random thing i remembered, this isnt a pressing issue at all lolol just my brain doing its thang
when i was still browsing the cesspool that was instagram reels there was a trend going around that was like, "guess my age based on how i draw eyes" or something like that. i feel like "guess my age based on my art" is also a part of this general trend.
its probably long dead by the time i write this, but i started thinking that maybe the premise of that trend is just inherently flawed. the idea of "can you gauge how old i am based on my style/how i draw x" kinda implies, to me at least, that there is some kind of correlation between age and how you draw. like someone with a very anime influenced style or with some amateurish/not fully developed techniques are around the young teen age range for example.
maybe its cuz a lot of online artists fall into the "ive been drawing since i was a toddler but only took art ~seriously~ when i was a teen (approximately around the anime/furry/what have you phase or just when you got a social media account. i say this as someone who falls into that category btw)" timeline of art development, so everyone's habits roughly fall around the same age range i guess??? but then i feel like we're ignoring people who post art online that like,,, didnt start developing their style til they were like, a young adult. i feel like it ignores people who are adults but arent like, grandmaster level yet lmao. adult artists who really are just starting out and therefore dont have as much practice as ppl who have held a crayon to draw with right outta the womb. and even then the latter group develop at different paces! so it feels like trying to name an age just by looking at someone's art just feels sort of pointless cuz skill doesn't really come with how old you are, it comes with how long you've been drawing and whatnot. if im makin sense. basically the trend that ive observed only really applies to a specific group of people and their general timeline of how they began developing their art, so the trend just feels kinda nothing.
also... guessing someone's age means Nothing. like, i show off how i draw my eyes, someone names a number or range they think is accurate... now what. do i giggle and cackle to myself when they guess wrong? what does it mean when someone guesses younger? i dont really get the whole idea behind it, even disregarding the stuff i mentioned previously. cuz again, age doesnt really correlate to art skill for most people??
i showed my art off to some friends on discord and someone said, based on how i draw the orbs, im in my early 20s. thats cool i guess. not really accurate. what does it mean tho???? that im like, pretty skilled but also not? i dont know. its a number. i guess. tho im probably overthinking it
kinda weird prompt for a trend
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jentlemahae · 2 years
Tbh I think there are some groups who don't listen to kpop. I would even go as far as saying some idols pretend they do when they're on tv shows so they don't get in trouble. And, to be fair, idk how ppl think kpop idols have the time to watch and know every new groups bc their schedules are already hectic as it is. They don't need another thing to keep them from sleeping and resting as much as they can lol
yeah i think a lot of them dont listen to kpop and especially contemporary kpop, like a lot of idols got into kpop bcs they liked artists from the generation before their own and dont keep up to the date with the genre, either bcs they dont have time or bcs they dont like newer sounds (for instance hc got into kpop bcs he liked taemin and baekyun and he still listens to them, but i dont think hes out there listening to the boyz fshsj) ? also it may be that since kpop is their job, they see it very seriously so they may not be able to listen to it nonchalantly bcs they are prone to analyze/study it ? and to be fair, a lot of idols (esp nowadays) are nepobabies or from very wealthy family and are just in kpop to get fame, so i dont think they give a smack about the genre lmao
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To the owner of this blog can I just say- you’re legitimately one of my favorite artists like. Ever. I follow a lot of artists but your art style just vibes really hard and I don’t know why but it’s very very good and you are Improving Good and ah. Yes. The good shit. Like other then da vinky and shit you’re one of the best. Rant over aaa
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Sobs thank you so so much,,,,, I’ll seriously never get used to hearing that I’m someone’s favourite artist cos there’s so many others out there who have. better artist stats in my humble opinion ldahfljhdgjlasdhg
I’m really glad to hear that I’m improving!! I’m getting busier (and more tired aha) so I don’t exactly have a lot of energy to spare in terms of experimentations and studies, so I kinda thought that my style might stagnate which I know I will eventually hate. But I guess I’ve found ways to make small but significant adjustments to my style within my energy boundaries so that won’t be a problem in the near future XD
Thank you once again, I’m truly very grateful for this message and your support!!! I hope you guys can continue enjoying the blog as much as I do!! <3
#its me the mun#mun rambles#i seriously. will never get used to that lahflhdsflkjashgk#there are some times when i feel like my art style is very meh. theres nothing special about it. n ppl talk about same face syndrome#which i probably have. n lack of body types. which i also probably lack#like. i have a lot of artists that inspire me n each of them have something very specific to their style which makes it Good#sometimes its just the way they stylize stuff in such a distinct and elegant way. other times its the way they use colours#since i hate using colours. i am actually struggling in my watercolour class cos of this reason HAHAHAHA#some artists have very good sense of composition and flow#personally i think my composition sucks cos its too static. but i also know its cos my first draft is always the final one#so unless i spend more energy to add dynamic to it it aint happening HAHAHAHA#considering my energy levels im content with this actually. especially since im leaning more towards comics. which require a lot of energy#i dont ever think i can do illustrations very well with my thiccccc lines n very bad colour sense aha#i never really found anything special in my art so its always a surprise when ppl tell me they really like it. honestly aha#i think a bit of it also comes to ppl hating on conventionally aesthetic styles. which i guess mine falls under#having said all that. all these critiques fly out the window when im actually having fun drawing HAHAHAHA#its usually when i do comics or really self indulgent doodles#so bottom line is that i am aware of all the places i might want to work on. but i shouldnt stress so much on it#cos im having fun with my art right now. its just really heartening to know that others are enjoying my stuff as much as i am#i know i havent done comics in a while. but ive been trying to plan one for the longest time so hopefully i can get to it soon HAHAHA
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thepachanga · 4 years
#new larrie harassment anon#some hard pills to swallow:#1. we are hated. thats a fact. we are despised and ridiculed constantly by the rest of the fandom and the media#2. we are excluded because we are hated. example: a lot of ppl dont consider anything coming from larries even when it comes to charity#3. ppl use us for clout because there some gullible larries in social media allow that to happen#and give platforms to ppl who arent really deserving of them#4. ppl like to lay the blame on us for a lot of things because its easier accepted and encouraged to blame larries#5. sometimes we are powerful enough to make a whole ass artist include a song that he hated in his debut album#sometimes we're a bunch of stupid nobodies on the internet who no one pays attention to#now... advices: you need to start making your peace with all of this like i did and you'll see how much your fandom experience will improve#always form your own opinions and rely on facts only... this fandom has a tendency to lie so google whatever doesnt seem right#if you see a post that says 'larries are doing...' or 'larries think....' its probably the generalization of the century lmao#which leads me to... dont take responsibility for other ppls actions!!!!#and last but not least... remember at the end of the day we dont know shit about these ppl's lives and its all speculation anyways so#dont take it too seriously or personally... i promise you nothing is worth sending death threats to other ppl or making them feel like shit#🤷🏻‍♀️
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radiation · 3 years
Some may knowing this some may not...but exactly a year ago was wayneradiotv’s “wayner must survive” 24 hour vr minecraft charity stream benefiting no kid hungry! heres the poster for it:
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due to a whole lot of generous people, the total amount raised was $105,437.09, which is absolutely INSANE and amazing
i didnt really talk about it much when it happened, but I worked on the minecraft mod used in the stream. i thought since it’s been a year, it’d be a good time to go down memory lane and talk about some of the stuff i worked on and funny stories about that and the stream in general! this is gonna be super loose and all over the place but maybe it will be interesting to some1. also this is long as hell so be warned
SO wayner must survive was a 24-hour long stream where wayneradiotv on twitch would be playing minecraft in vr for 24 hours straight to raise money for charity. the premise was that the day/night cycle of minecraft would be in real time. about the first half was during daytime in the game, then when night fell, multile waves of twitch subscribers chosen thru a drawing would come to attack wayne every hour.
it was decided that a minecraft mod would be created for the stream, the purpose of which was to 1. integrate donations with minecraft, with donations triggering a choice of various in-game events as incentives. for example, you could choose to spawn a weak enemy with a custom name, create a sign with custom text, dump a bucket of water on wayne’s head, and other various ways to mostly inconvenience him 2. create interest for viewers through original content that would be revealed over time 3. assist in creating stretch goals, bigger events that would be triggered in game once certain donation milestones were met
honestly i forget details about how i was brought onto the project but it was thru shelly @fetalpile on here, who is a friend & someone i’ve collaborated a lot with since then (including on the game in my pinned message!). she was the director of the mod project. the team that she brought together to work on it ended up being called Team Waterflea (and i actually came up w the name!) I think id describe my role as like, some kind of assistant creative director? and general artist. i helped with general ideation & organization, as well as creation of music, art assets, and builds
i didn’t do much during the actual stream though but i floated around a bit and saw some stuff happening behind the scenes
NEXT im gonna be going over some things i made for the mod. this is just gonna be my own contributions, but i really wanna point out that sooooo many others put so much work on this stuff and did so much more than i did. it would take me AGES to give people credit for all the crazy and awesome stuff they made for it and i dont have ages to write stuff, but just know like. THIS IS the tip of the iceberg, seriously, cannot give everyone else enough credit. but yeah that being said here are some of the things i worked on and some stories about them!!
i’ll start with music & sound:
1. composed a couple music tracks
originally there was talk about having a custom soundtrack for the mod, replacing the default minecraft music, which definitely wasnt gonna work out. so we decided to put some songs on cds instead. i definitely put too much energy into this LOL but i was honestly just excited to write music. in the end it didnt turn out too well, for some reason there was no volume control on ingame music so that shit just blasted. extremely fuckin loud. so it had to be mostly foregone, a lot of other ppls tracks werent played either which is really unfortunate. part of a track i wrote got played but it was so loud it had to get stopped part of the way thru
that being said here are da tracks i wrote! heres the one that got played and heres the one that didnt. i was also working on a third track that was like. a ripoff of clubbed to death basically but i never finished it
oh yeah also i came onto the server during the stream a while after the stream started so i wasnt aware of the whole jank CD situation at all. so i got a jukebox and put in a cd that played fuckinnnnnn this track, meaning to just play it for myself for fun but turned out it was for the whole fuckin server to hear. i think wayne had minecraft audio muted or something because it didnt play on the actual stream (thank god) but i felt SO bad like i had no idea
2. came up with the “pig scare”
can be seen here!
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it was a donation incentive for $69.42? Basically if you donated that amount, wayne would have reduced visibility because of a pig sliding across the screen along with an obnoxious audio track. my idea for the audio was just like... a really annoying bitcrushed midi seinfeld-esque riff. here’s a link to the track i wrote if you wanna hear it more clearly
it’s actually a reference to one of my FAVORITE videos since like. god idk 5 years ago at this point i think? but i had only recently learned actually had ties to the radio tv solutions crew. i will not link the video here for various reasons but there is a reason why its for $69.42 LOL. but yeah i guess i was going for something thatd be a reference for those who are in the know but isnt alienating & could still be entertaining for those who arent. implemented by shelly btw as are a LOT of these things so huge credit to them
3. i voice acted milkwalker!!
U can hear milkwalker in the last clip i linked, but heres a better one
if you know me you know i sound nothing like how the milkwalker voice sounds... i did the voice by 1. going to the basement where nobody could hear me 2. holding my nose 3. straining my voice beyond belief and making it crack 4. pitch shifting the recording to be lower and adding reverb. i think im still pretty happy with it!
the voice clips for taking damage were “uh oh” in which i accidentally channeled the fuckin teletubbies and “owie” which was liiike peacock from skullgirls. that one was more on purpose tho
now, onto builds, which are probably my biggest contribution to the project
as i mentioned before, halfway thru the stream, various waves of "assassins” would come to attack wayne, which is why its called “wayner must survive”. there were 10 waves with groups of 3 people in each wave, and each group was assigned a “class” - theyd use custom skins, attacks, and sometimes armor based on what their class was. this would add variation and mystery to the fights to keep interest! there was a lot of time and thought put into these different classes and they were so fuckin cool and well done, shouts out to everyone who worked on them
to keep them organized and give each class a place to equip their items, we decided on creating dedicated bases for them. i made 8 of these bases, 2 of them were started/mostly completed by others but i dressed up a bit. i also had a little bit of help on interior decoration
i do not know where the file for the minecraft world is and i don’t know if i’ll ever find it, so i’m gonna take screenshots from the VOD and then talk about them. here is the point in the VOD where the builds show up if you wanna watch that instead:
VERY SADLY because i cant find the world, you cant see any of the interiors of the builds, which ended up looking really cool! so i guess youre just gonna have to trust me on that one. if anyone who was an assassin has screenshots please let me know! but yeah enjoy some janky ass screenshots
1. clowns’ tent
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the inside of this one had a little tightrope made of fence that you could jump off to onto a trampoline that was slime blocks covered in carpet!
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2. cliparchers’ watch tower
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clipart + archers. thats it. i was pretty happy with the inside of this one, i had a lot of banners going on and it was kinda multi-tiered. i think this is the one im saddest about losing.. o well
3. wizards’ tower
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floating lanterns!! and futile efforts to limit the growth of vines
4. slayers
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this guys eyes glowed in the dark a little and also kinda followed you! there was also a fireplace and some beds inside, it was pretty cute. i know i put a funny secret message in the top of the hat but i forgot what it was...lost to time. this is one of the ones im happiest with for sure
5. food criminals’ restaurant
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i didn’t make this one, charlotte did, but i helped flesh it out a little and add some different kind of blocks on the outside. this had a drive through window outside and they only served rotisserie chicken. also a fast food restaurant counter inside, some checkerboard flooring, and then a sleeping area upstairs
6. duelists’ millennium puzzle
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this one was really hard to pull off, making a pyramidal shape with the symbol in the middle clear was. tough. im really happy with how it turned considering how insane like. a gold pyramid with detailing also in gold is to make in minecraft. the inside was initially really dark with minimum lighting but mobs KEPT spawning there so i had to lighten it up a lot. it was pretty cool tho it had a kind of altar, nice kinda unnerving atmosphere
7. necromancers’ ss dolphin
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not much 2 say about this one. the necromancers were basically sending ghosts of pikmin after wayne since he killed so many pikmin on his streams of the games. and i naturally made the ss dolphin..OH i did have kind of a cool section by the window for a captains seat and some navigation, put some diff buttons and levers around to make it look functional. also used shulker boxes that were colored the same as the pikmin (red/blue/yellow) to store them
8. artifacters’ ????
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some kinda crazy upside down coral structure hanging by chains for the artifacters. these guys were based off of jpeg artifacting so everything was fucked up and glitchy and weird colors. original design was done by cottoncandywlw and doctor_synthesis so credit to them for that, i just dressed it up a bit, adding the diff coral colors. which was kind of a challenge since colored coral has to be touching water. i had to make creative ways to hide the water it was touching. also you reached it by stepping on a block that teleports you up there, which i thought was really clever @ whoever came up w it
9. engineers’ 2fort
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i couldnt really get a good picture of this one but. yeah. speaks for itself
10. MONKey’s church of all kong
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fuck... i like forgot what the whole church of all-kong thing was about but. monkey monks with red eye motif thatst basically it. i had some help on the interior of this one but i forgot whom it was by. library, spiral staircase, and naturally a bunch of barrels upstairs. shouts out to whoever did that
also on the left is just like. a cherry tree. i was gonna add more for decoration but i didnt have time so it ended up just being confusingly out of place and for some reason i feel embarrassed over it. oh well
here’s a pretty good pic of a few of em!
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but yeah, these were super fun to work on and i loved adding a bunch of little details on the inside to make it more fun for everyone :D
1. wizard spell
i came up with the idea for the “wizard spell” - the wizard class had an attack where they cast a spell that launched various bad ass pictures of wizards at you and then exploded on impact. i gathered the assets for it, here they are. imagine these exploding in your face (the word wizard included)
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2. cliparchers
i made original designs for the bows the cliparchers used, i have the non-resized versions somewhere but i dont wanna get em rn
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a. you bow, that launched you in any direction
b. ddr bow, that launched directional arrows that would push whoever hit around in the direction of the arrow
c. hi bow. if it hit you it said hi
d. drop bow. you hit the ground and make an explosion. deadly when combined with da you bow, u can basically dive bomb people
i tried to make em pretty visually different and also in kind of a clip art style as best as i could for the low resolution!
3. helpty humpty
fuck this guy. scrapped donation goal idea that i wanted to be in way too badly but i hate him now and i hate looking at him. he was basically a bonzi-buddy type virtual buddy that would be “installed” into minecraft once enough donations were made. he would be a pop-up on the screen, basically just a UI element. the idea was that he would just say a bunch of bullshit unhelpful tips, give out fake quests and challenges, and have a really conflicted personality. actually really reminds me of the gnome from the half life alyx streams nowadays in a way? but yeah i drew this and i dont like it. i designed him to be unbearable to look at and i guess i succeeded. ultimately im glad he was scrapped cuz i think the humor and timing couldve easily been a huge miss also we were afraid someonewould think hes attractive. fuck this guy
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other stuff
-the clowns have an attack where they hit you with a cream pie and the pie covers the screen. this waasnt my idea but what was my idea was to superimpose the text “PIE’D!” over the pie splat so it didnt look like uh. something else. and i saw 0 comments about it so i think we succeeded in that
-i had the idea for scorpy to make a fucked up video to play at the end of the stream to celebrate the money being raised and proposed it to wayne who agreed, i cant take credit for anything beyond that vague suggestion but this was the video that was made. it freaked me out at first but now i think its so funny
-my favorite moment from the whole thing was when we were getting really stressed out about the twitch integration not working out. but then we recruited a bunch of really good coders on board who jumped in a call and worked out the issues together and that was like. zen moment. it was amazing hearing people work through the problems and discuss that stuff in real time, just fixing everything super quick and in a really great harmony. that was fuckin crazy and so inspiring
again... has to be said although ive listed my contributions, they are nothing close to all the hard work and effort everyone else put in. this shit was insane, so much money was raised, the twitch integration was PERFECT, like im astounded. 
i hope this wasnt too boring hahaha but i had fun writing it either way :D i am still so so so  thankful that the charity drive was so successful and im really honored to have been involved in something for such a good cause
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