#i think he’s the sentimental type
lunarrumor · 1 year
ok but
i would like to project for a moment and who else but my one and only jason grace to carry this weight cause i believe we share many a qualities
i’m an absolutely horrible gift giver n so is he don’t argue but obviously he still wants to do something special for his friends that shows how much they mean to him
so for leo’s birthday (and pipers too) he makes them a book with a letter appreciating their relationship, a very long list of reasons he loves them, a shitty poem that’s more of a comedy, and a collage of moments together with lots of cute photos (also pages of funny stickers !!!)
he ties it all together with a cute string and their names written all pretty on the front. piper and leo have them safe in their room as their most prized possession
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crowliphale · 9 months
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get your mind outta the gutter, hawkeyes
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unluckystreak · 1 year
with all the information we have about kunigami you cannot tell me he didn’t have even a LITTLE bit of a crush on chigiri. like you just cant
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seilon · 7 days
on episode 2 of dead boy detectives and uhhh edwin. darling. hello you had the choice between 1: something dangerous and almost completely impossible, and 2: fucking a hot shapeshifter. this should not have been a difficult decision. come on gayboy what are we DOING here
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19871997 · 16 days
#prefacing this w ik in fanfiction they're all just our little barbie dolls we're making kiss and it doesnt matter whatsoever but like Do you#understand how much love and respect and loyalty there is between connor and leon irl#like in connors nhlpa ama he immediately no question said that leon's the nhler who knows him best + that he's spent his entire professiona#career w him. whenever leon's asked what he thinks of connor the first sentance out his mouth is 'you [the media] know. he knows' and then#he carries on talking about how he's the best player in the world + connor never hesitates to return the sentiment#and between the two of them it's not sentiments they sau it like its fact bc it is#and their whole 'cup or bust' thing every analyst and their mother have taken it as a 'they're going to win in edmonton or not at all' in t#e sense that they want to stay in edmonton n stay together <- like not even in an insane person edmonton polycule type of way in the they'r#the best players in the world and have insane chemistry on the ice and are eachother's best friends type of way#like a reason why their pp is so lethal is bc those two on a line + the other team down yeah ofc thats going to be automatic#and leon saying that their best beats anyone else's best no doubt and connor talking about building the team from the ground up like leon w#s there when they got boo'd off the ice in 2014 he was a part of building the team that's thier damn team and in turn the sheer amount of#respect the rest of the team have for them and they have for the rest of the team and the trust that while they're the best players they#don't have to play for all of them n that's part of thier whole like. our fourth line stands up to any other first line rock solid belief#like and ofc thier on ice hugs and lockerroom hugs and that moment in the sportsnet knee injury doc and how they mention that they're best#friends whenever theyre asked and how their gf's are also best friends and also their damn dogs#NOT TO MENTION. he's my ride or die. im really lucky our paths crossed here in edmonton. as a friend it was really tough to watch that#<- leon's insane 2022 playoff run on a broken ankle#and the way leon's been dubbed the german gretzky and connor's been the next next one since he was 15 and the way they have such a solid#control of the lockerroom together and i dont know if they've ever said conflicting things to the media and how they've said that they push#eachother to be better (connor saying that leon told him to score more)#and their little taps throughout their season and bringing back their team from the dead and leon being the one to make connor laugh in#pressers and on the bench#ALL TO SAY. like i am a mc.matt.drai enjoyer in the threesome/winners room/asg/2997 are actually quite abnormal about eachother and matthew#has never been normal about anything in his life and this might be fun. kinda way#but 2997 are soulbonded in ways quite possibly none of us will ever be able to truly understand#<- also i do mean this genuinely like they're not normal people but both of them are not normal#SORRY FOR RAMBLING. i just wish there was better written fanfiction.#<- wish to be the change you see in the world innit tho#so funny to me how the eh is just canadian innit.
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muirneach · 3 months
it is fascinating to me that the majority of people it seems have never considered that borders are just lines on a map? its just a piece of paper? not to have anarchic tendencies but like. it’s just words
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ereborne · 3 months
Song of the Day: March 27
"Long Time Gone" by The Chicks
#song of the day#I'm still thinking about the Country Songs About Country Songs#this is actually a cover too though I never hear the original around anywhere#(it's by Darrell Scott who is also the originator for 'You'll Never Leave Harlan Alive'#turns out he's got a bunch of songs that got picked up and made somewhat more popular in the hands of other folks. an interesting legacy)#the best lines of this song to sing are also the bits About Country Music--well the whole song's about chasing the love of it#but this bit is bemoaning the kids these days you know. country music isn't what it used to be. why back in my day etc etc#it's so so so much fun to sing too because you get to exaggerate your 'I think's until they rhyme with 'Hank'. excellent work#'we listen to the radio to hear what's cookin / but the music ain't got no soul#now they sound tired but they don't sound Haggard / they got money but they don't have Cash#they got Junior but they don't have Hank / I think I think I think / the rest is a long time gone'#it's fascinating to me to think about these songs in (saying 'historical' here is giving me psychic damage but) historical context#because the Darrell Scott original for Long Time Gone came out in 2000 and The Chicks released their version in 2002#so they were talking about the trend towards American jingoism in country music of the time#versus like Waylon Jennings in 1975 'Are You Sure Hank Done It This Way'#(I typed that and /then/ went back and looked up the release date and I'm so proud I got it right)#already bemoaning the state of country music in the 70s versus good old classic country like Hank Williams Senior sang#(Hank Jr covered Waylon's song in 1981. like yes it's a tribute to his father but also Hank Jr was a big push towards outlaw country#and has a few pretty famous songs himself about not singing like his daddy did. it just seems a strange choice to me)#and then Eric Church put out 'Lotta Boot Left to Fill' in 2009 calling out the shallowness of the country music scene of the time#(talking some only-thinly-veiled shit about a few of his peers in the process)#and then he released 'Stick That In Your Country Song' in 2021 and that /definitely/ put some backs up#that one's a less directed but more direct call-out if that makes any sense#no lines that are direct references to other artists' songs but stronger sentiments overall#not just general 'y'all are getting shallow prioritizing good times and high sales over genuine heart and integrity of craft'#but some straight up 'you have forgotten the face of your father' shit towards country artists and fans alike. the whole industry#a very good righteous-anger song
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zhalar · 8 months
people really look at stede and think he would get better mentally and be more compelling as a character/human being within universe if he was More Masculine are you Insane ?
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merakiui · 2 years
Your tags talking about being alone in the woods with jade made me think of this one thought I had bouncing around in my brain for a while. The thought of being alone with jade at night at the campsite you both put together, sitting by the campfire while drinking something he "borrowed" from the lounge stocks and getting buzzed from it. The innocent touches (which were really just him using the opportunity to getting ever so closer to you) slowly turn into him fucking you into the dirt while you're on your hands and knees.
Sorry if my utter depravity for the eel man bothered you. Your tags made me think of it and I had to let it out.
Omg yes... this is the dream. OTL getting drunk in the forest with Jade and then getting railed into the ground. <3
Imagine if the two of you aren't even that close to begin with. You're only staying in the forest to gather materials because you're partners for a project in Professor Crewel's class. But when Jade reveals a bottle of some pretty-looking liquid and tells you it's come right from the lounge's secret stocks, you have trouble denying him. Jade's good at making the worst ideas sound so pleasant, which is exactly how the two of you end up buzzed and whisper-giggling about the silliest of things around a crackling bonfire.
Alcohol always makes strangers seem so much more attractive, and the amber glow from the dancing flames highlights Jade's handsome features so nicely. You realize he's much closer than he was before, his shoulder practically touching yours as he leans in. Under normal circumstances, Jade would never be this intimate with someone he hardly knows, let alone the human Azul's tasked him with gathering information on (it's strictly business, or so he'll lie). But he can blame the alcohol for that come morning when the sun's risen and the fire is but mere ash and still-warm embers.
It's only natural that teasing, experimental touches will snowball into something more deliberate when inebriation guides you closer to lustful attraction. Wandering hands, fleeting smooches, the shedding of pesky clothes... You'll be on your knees before you know it, with your face pressed into your arms to muffle your moans, while Jade's pounding sloppily into you from behind, his hands gripping your hips so roughly his fingertips leave crescent-shaped indents in your skin. You'll spend a good portion of the night fucking in all sorts of positions, and come morning you'll wake in the tent, curled into each other like two perfect puzzle pieces.
There's a heavy silence that thickens in the air when both of you realize your proximity and slowly detach yourselves. You gather your clothes in awkward silence, dressing as quickly as possible alongside Jade. He tells you he's content with never speaking of what occurred if you are, and you agree immediately. What happens in the forest stays in the forest. You make this truce with a mouth full of granola and a mounting sense of embarrassment.
After taking the tent down, packing your supplies, and cleaning your area, you set off for NRC. Jade spies the bruising bite mark on your neck, just slightly higher than the collar of your shirt and completely visible to anyone who might be looking. He can't help the amused smirk that crawls onto his face. That'll be there for the rest of the week.
And so will your image in his mind, apparently.
#meraki thirsts#n/sfw#hi hello i am once again simping for jade leech#i think he would be a cute drunk hehe#maybe he's more expressive when he's drunk#the type to freely admit all of his deep innermost thoughts that he usually keeps sealed behind a polite smile#you get jade drunk and you will hear unfiltered honesty#and probably some breeding kink#he has the filthiest thoughts bouncing around in that brain of his#he sees you tipsy and thinks you look so breedable#it's the eel instincts <3#conversely i think floyd would become sleepy and maybe even a little reserved or more easily irritated#he gets really energetic but is just as quick to crash and become so tired#azul is far more emotional very clingy cries when you tell him that's enough alcohol#probably shameless as well#the type to give you the dreamiest look while admitting all sorts of truths#no veiled sentiments or backhanded compliments#just real true genuine tako#also breeding kink LOL jade and floyd are dragging him back to his room#and he's throwing a tantrum over how he'll never get to give you any babies#because he's being 'taken away from you forever' (dramatic tako)#azul wants to experience the eager anticipation that is waiting for his babies to come swimming home#to you and him after they hatch T_T he wants a sugary happily ever after under the sea#also the type to ask the next morning 'did i do or say anything strange?'#jade and floyd are like 'lol do you *really* want the receipts from that night?'#knowing the twins they likely have all of it on video#azul is mortified </3 his babygirl-ness really shows through when he's drunk
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lem-argentum · 6 months
doug n meg don’t spend much time together in canon, but in selfship-verse they’re around each other very often, so i like characterizing them accounting for how they’d change based on that i think it’s fun to think about :) <3
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first of all, in typing I just realized they all have one (except tenma technically but he does have closure with eva) but you think if Grimmer/Lunge ever ran into their ex-wife again they'd speak to them?
Oh, that's a fun question! I'm going to run with the assumption here that they are aware of the presence of their ex-wife but have not actually made contact yet and the ex-wife has not seen them, since I think if the question was "would they talk to them if they actually ran into each other" it would be an easy yes. But under these conditions...
I would say definitely yes for Lunge. While things ended very badly between himself and his ex-wife, and even his daughter, we do see closure with the latter wherein he's started to communicate with her via email. I think that it's meant to hint at him wanting to repair things with her and, if not have what he once did, at least be a part of her life. As far as his ex-wife goes, I think Lunge knows that wasn't working out and would not want to pursue mending things in the same way, but rather if he saw her, he would want at the very least to know how things are going in her life, and for her to know how his life is going. For him, it's a sort of formality in their separation. After that, though, I don't know that he would want to communicate with her. It would feel improper to him when they've finally put to rest the fact that things are over and their chapters together have finished. Lunge has always seemed to be the sort of person who, if someone is "out" of his life, can easily let go of them.
For Grimmer, it's a little complicated. I actually see him as a sort of strange inversion of how Lunge would act, in that it would be more difficult to get him to actually reach out to her, but if he did, he would be more inclined to hold onto her as someone in his life - maybe not through prolonged communication, but as someone he thinks about. I think with Grimmer, what would hold him back from ever communicating with her is the fact that he feels he ruined her life. He married her because it was the "right" thing to do for his job as a spy - something that hurt her terribly because she could never get the love that she wanted. I honestly think that Grimmer might feel she would be better off never seeing him again. Trying to come back from that, even with his newfound access to his emotions, would only hurt her - and he wouldn't want to drag that back to the surface for her. Even more so if she's remarried and seems to be happy. Now, if he saw her and she looks miserable, I do think he would readily approach her. He doesn't want to be liked by her at all, but as a more empathetic person than he was at the time, I think he would want to try to help her feel better, if possible. And if she wants nothing to do with him and continues to hold a grudge, well...she's allowed, and he won't ever bother her again.
In the end I think they both want closure with their exes - it's just that for Lunge that closure would be very much final, and allow him to no longer think on her in the future, whereas for Grimmer she would become yet another lens through whom he can contextualize his personhood. And if she responds positively to him, then the potential of becoming a friend is something he would entertain.
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celestial-sapphicss · 8 months
home school is frustrating to watch not because the show is bad (i love the show i have so many thoughts) but because despite the wildly different reasons (and stakes and intensity), seeing the education institution systems making students do things without any explanation or logic or reason just because they can and being absolutely unreasonable is very real of them.
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batcavescolony · 15 days
someone tell me if I'm in the wrong. To understand you'll have to understand what 911 is and what the Rick Riordans books in terms of queer rep. So AITA? ig?
So a person on Tiktok said "Ever think about how shows like 911 congratulate themselves over one Gay character when Rick Riordan has 3" and then they went on to say things about Rick's rep and how Nico was Gay before gay marriage, generally positive things about his rep. But my reply was "I understand but 911 has a lot of queer characters. Hen, Karen, Michael, Josh, then their are some calls with queer people. and Rick's rep took place over YEARS over 5 different series.“ I then said “I don't think it's fair to pit two drastically different medias against each other. 911 is a ABC/Fox show so it more main stream while Rick Riordan is mainstream but for Books that not everyone reads.“ she stitched this with a tangent about how Rick has given us rep even though he's a straight cis guy from Texas and all that. Then she said that they're not impressed by a show on fox has some Gay characters while Pjo has more and is written by a guy from Huston. Then they said that theirs nothing more they could want then the rep in Ricks books.
In the comments of that stich she said “If this series oldest queer character is 16 other media has no excuses." And my response was “911 isn't making an excuse. the show started with a black lesbian main character who has a wife and a kid. it's been queer since the first episode." And they replied with “You realize this is bigger than your show right? Its almost like i’m taking a bigger point about media during pride month. But you’re too busy defending your show to notice."
In another comment I said "911 isn't getting praise because it's finally got a queer character. it's getting praise cus they saw fans hc a character as queer and changed the direction of the show to make that canon" their response was “Yes and i’m saying rick riordan did that years ago. So thats nice but also its pathetic this is the best people can expect"
Their's more but I won't bore you. But like I'm just saying that's 911 isn't getting praise for having one Gay character, it's had Gay characters since day one with Hen, Karen, Michael, ect. To say that it's only getting praise for one Gay character is erasing the rep they gave us in the beginning. They deleted some of my comments and blocked my account but I was also trying to say Rick's rep isn't the best either, and I don't mean that negatively he did well for a Genx? Straight dude from Texas, I wish more authors would at least try. But over all comparing 911 to Rick Riordans work is comparing apples to oranges, they're different mediums so it's not a fair vs.
Just AITA? I think I knew what I was saying but idk?
also don't hunt them down id hate for her to have hate because of me.
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meownotgood · 1 year
Dad aki receiving a hand-made card from his kid for his birthday or father's day and just combusting bc he didn't expect it at all
and you know he'd save it forever. he saves every single birthday and father's day card his kid gives him, every single drawing or school project. he never throws a single thing out. he displays them on the fridge or keeps them in his car or tucks them in his wallet.
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5eraphim · 11 months
out of the merc's parents shown in cannon, who do we think would be most likely to hold onto old baby clothes "just in case" the might get passed down to their child's child?
(i really wanna put engie's parents here bc i just got the sense they would, but unfortunately- not shown in canon so :/)
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daz4i · 1 year
rotating him in my mind isn't enough i need to cut him up and hold his organs in my hands
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