#i think he's hilarously bad at flirting but you know... the body does the flirting lmao i'd marry him for his t1ts alone
ofallthingsnasty · 7 months
I feel like of all OP characters Smoker strikes me as most likely to be a chubby chaser, he would play up the gentleman aspect so much but all he could think about is how fun backshots are gonna be with you (๑❛ᴗ❛๑)
Honestly... The more I think about it, the more I can see this, haha. He's definitely tied with Crocodile for that number one chubby chaser spot - and both for different reasons, methinks. Smoker, the absolute fucking slut he is... Yeah, yeah, he's all rough and tough and serious on the job and yes, of course he's only going topless because he's a logia, uh-huh, totally. (The truth is probably somewhere between him simply being unbothered and it just being easier with his powers, but we're living in fantasy land over here...) You can't tell me that that knife-sharp man doesn't need someone soft at home... A little house spouse. Someone sweet and kind and fat-cheeked to come home to. With a fat fucking ass to grab and spank. But that's in the far, far future. Until he can put a ring on your finger, he's going to not-so-subtly try to sway you with his abs and by fucking you until you can't discern left from right.
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vampirecatboy · 1 year
soooo Amaury and Bao and their story were created as a coping mechanism, and as i no longer have to worry about the situation i was coping with, his story has just become a sad reminder of bad times BUT
i've decided to rework the story because a mertief and a trans vampire pirate are just too interesting to put in the oc retirement home SO
i won't get into Amaury's original story because as i mentioned above, it makes me sad and is no longer relevant
so the new story is going to be set in a vaguely historical setting mainly inspired by the 1920s for reasons that i will get into in a second, but Amaury is no longer a warlock, more like a Guillermo in a very wwdits situation (but treated better and the 2/3 of the vampires are actually competent lol)
and his "mom" Josephine, who adopted him after his bio mother abandoned him, has him organize her lavish parties, which are mostly fronts for her, her husband Vincent, and their "son" Ariel to feed on select guests
now where does Bao come in you might wonder, where is there room for pirate captains in a 1920s urban fantasy setting? well.
he's in a bit of a jam. and that jam is an elf named Cadfael Morgan.
for reasons that i have not determined but would be spoilers anyway, Bao's soul/spirit/consciousness is trapped in the body of one of his former crewmen, but Cadfael's consciousness is also in there, a bit of a possession situation
Captain Bao is friendly, flirty, and doles out all kinds of physical affection, while Cadfael is standoffish, cold, and has an aversion to touch. they are both equally bisexual and equally horny, this causes problems but they mostly work out a system where Bao takes the reins when it's time to bone down
now Bao is a vampire, and his consciousness inhabiting Cadfael's body causes Cad to crave blood, even when he's piloting, so naturally he goes to Josephine, an old friend of Bao's, as well as his vampiric sire
this is how he/they meet Amaury. Bao is almost instantly enamored with him, but Cadfael has trust issues, and is wary of Josephine, a bit resentful of her turning the man he shares a body with, which makes him crave blood and have to suffer through his haphephobia just to live comfortably, and also, Cad has been in love with Bao for a long time, like centuries and he's jealous of the attention Amaury gets from Bao
so when Cadfael is piloting, he and Amaury don't get along.
of course, Cad and Bao would probably not immediately disclose their shared body situation, so Amaury is set to be constantly confused with this man who seesaws wildly between flirting and feeling him up, to scoffing and brushing him off. hilarity ensues
(but of course you know me, this ends in polyamory. sort of.)
plus you know, Cad and Bao have been sharing a body for at least a hundred years, and uh. jerking off is interesting when either a) your crush is present for it and aware that you're thinking of him or b) your subordinate is hot and you're horny so you really don't mind messing around with his between-leg area and he clearly doesn't mind either, you both get off, it's a bit bdsm in some ways, everybody wins
and then Bao finally beds Amaury in Cad's body, and suddenly Cad can't get the image of him in the throes of passion out of his head, plus Bao's blossoming feelings might be bleeding into his consciousness as well (at least that's what he tells himself)
this is getting long, i'll make more posts in the future, but this is the gist. i just like the idea of possession where the spirit is willing but the body is not (for now)
and i wanted to try a "modern" fantasy setting with tieflings and merfolk and elves and vampires, and just a whole mess of other fantasy races
expect art lol
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evanescentdawn · 4 years
for the mini fic thing:
Rebekah and Hayley / 11.
Thank you, Aya! ♥️♥️
I find it’s sort of hilarous you and aeru sended the same ship.
11. Things you said when you were drunk
Surprisingly, a drunk Rebekah is nothing like what Hayley expected.
Hayley was half worried as she watched Rebekah gulp down the alcohol like it was nothing, groaning at the already-headache she was getting thinking about the disasters that this would lead to. But it turns she had nothing to worry about. Rebekah’s completely different then what she thought. Instead—Rebekah is sweet, and clingy but in an adorable way. And oh god, her smiles.
It’s not fair at all. She shouldn’t be able to smile like that.
Hayley would love to be able to stare at it for forever.
Rebekah still never knows when to stop talking, Hayley thinks with a wash of affection. She’s babbling about how annoying and not fair Elijah is. “I mean! How could he—I am his one and only sister, and he said no.”
Hayley tries to repress the urge to roll her eyes and wisely doesn’t say what she thinks about that. Of course he’d say that. Rebekah wanted to burn down a whole town because they didn’t allow her to wear whatever she wanted. “At least Nik and Kol understood my feelings, you should have seen it—” Her face lights up and she leans in closer. “It was gorgeous.”
Hayley feels her breath tingle her neck as Rebekah whispers that last word, her voice hitched in awe. And doesn’t think she can handle for any longer.
She’s too close, her fingers all over her skin and arms and Hayley never had any self control. The alcohol she’s been drinking is finally getting her, starting to blur at the reasons why that’s a bad, absolutely terrible idea.
“They made a whole spectacle of it. Kol created the script, and it was hilarious and brilliant—not that I am ever telling him that—and even Elijah joined in the end.”
Rebekah’s body is pressing along her side, her fingers dancing along the edge of her hips and neck and her lips are too close. Just a little sideway shift and she could—
Before Hayley even registers, she’s kissing Rebekah.
Pump lips sliding against hers, nails digging into her skin and it’s wonderful—more than all the dreams, and her wishes—it’s real. She tastes like alcohol and Hayley’s head is buzzing. More, more, more, she’s thinking as she laughs and it should be awkward. Kisses and laughter don’t mix.
But Rebekah is laughing and they’re a mess and they keep kissing sloppy and pressing even closer, if that’s possible. Hayley can feel the way her breasts are soft against the side and heat pools and tugs in her stomach.
Rebekah’s cold hand on her bare skin is what shocks back to real life.
Hayley rips herself away from Rebekah with haste. “I—” This wasn't how it was to go. Her heart is pounding her chest, and all the good mood is being replaced with guilt. Oh god, what was she thinking—Rebekah’s drunk and she’s in love with someone else. She wasn’t thinking, that’s what.
Hayley looks away, unable to look at her, her bruised lips and her messed up hair, hating the way she ache with want.
“Urgh, why did you stop, Hayley. Come on, we were just getting to the good part.”
That’s—her voice—what—
Hayley whirls with wide eyes.
Rebekah meets her with a smirk, and doesn’t look at all drowsy but at perfect ease. Leaning back against the chair like—
“You weren’t drunk?!”
Rebekah laughs, bright and reaches a hand to drag her in. “It took you this long to figure it out?” The smirk on her mouth is infuriating and Hayley wants to take it off. Preferably with her own mouth.
“But...I thought...” I thought you were in love with Marcel.
Hayley swallows at the tender press of fingers on her face. “You wouldn’t catch any of my flirting so I had to go something more obvious.”
Flirting? She was actually flirting with her. Hayley thought it was just something that Rebekah does with anyone. That it was was her way of greeting. (She and Klaus do it all that time.)
“Oh,” Hayley says stupidly.
Rebekah laughs again, eyes crinkling and Hayley loves her so much.
“But what—what about Marcel?”
“Who about him? Rebekah just says, like there wasn’t anything going on between them, before she kisses her and everything drowns out.
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jean----ralphio · 4 years
BoB liveblog ep 7
Episode 7: The Breaking Point. YEAH, OF MY FUCKING HEART
00:00 I really don’t wanna do this you guys.
00:38 Can’t we just pretend this episode doesn’t exist?
04:05 RICH! Ok I feel a little better. Ahaha, he’s growing a beard. It’s got nothing on the quarantine beard he’s rocking nowadays tho
04:22 That whole scene is hilarious but I’m too distracted by Rich to appreciate it properly
05:18 Horsie
05:30 Hey Fassy
05:57 He’s so obsessed with the Luger, oh Hoob ☹
06:07 Ahhh that second where he looks into the camera and fires ☹ He’s so happy
06:51 He is such a fucking angel, I swear. “What happened to the horse?” PETA would be pleased you care, baby.
07:01 Look at my son, look at his little angel face
07:27 Buck seems a little better??
07:47 Gold.
“Shut up boys.”
“Shutting up, Sarge.”
But notice my angel is perfectly well-behaved
08:00 “That was no rifle.” Shifty just Knows Things.
“What do you see, Shift?”
08:15 Oh Hoob
08:43 Oh God
09:03 ROE OMG NOW IS NOT THE TIME FOR JOKES “Did you think it was a German leg, Hoob?” I MEAN LMAO BUT NO
09:33 Nooooooooooo
09:44 Oh God, the way Buck and Perco are cradling his face ☹
10:04 Husbands, do something, reincarnate him or something
10:32 Oh Dick is shivering aw
10:38 Lip, baby, no, do not cover for than incompetent POS
10:48 The husbands are unimpressed
11:39 Nice gloves tho Dike
11:57 “At present, as per usual, but I’ll clarify that with you at a later time.” No. No. He’s asking now. He needs to know now. Wtf.
12:39 IS THAT RICH??
13:26 Just gonna pause here a little while, excuse me
13:47 Lip is such a boss. We love you Lip
14:13 Bill’s laugh <3 RICH’S SMILE <333
14:48 Dick omg your flirting, so cute. They are in love.
15:20 Fassy is judging you… that means Alicia Vikander is coming for you…
15:50 Omg Nix knows his husband so well
16:24 Aw, Bill and Babe <3 BROTP
17:33 Bill, sweetie, no, I’m sorry but Buck is not fine!
17:58 Oh God the foreboding. Rich ☹ <3
18:01 WTF is Luz smoking LMAO
19:08 “Well, they had a point. You’re an idiot.” Oh Penk. I’ll miss you Penk.
19:31 UGH GTFO. To be fair the actor does a great job with this role.
20:01 Dike is so random. But it’s nice he’s taking an interest??
21:20 NIX LMAO
21:33 Ugh, Dick. Stop. I know it’s to establish a sense of normalcy and ritual but Come. On. Buddy. Lol I love how Nix is just like LMAO NO I’M NOT GOING. I wish I could just say no when asked to do things by my bosses. We know it’s cos Nix can’t bear to be apart from his husband for so long <3
22:33 Guys, don’t be mean. Fassy, no, come on.
22:53 Wtf are Penk and Rich doing…
23:05 LMAO @ Dick and Sink.
“Got to keep the morale up for the folks back home.”
“Damned if I know.”
Iconic. Valid.
23:34 Lol my Joe/Charlie thought he was gonna get in trouble, but Dad just wanted to nag <3
24:24 Oh Bill <3 “Tied me own boots once last week, all by meself.” <3333 Bill please never change.
24:30 Rich <3333
24:36 Riiiiichhhhhh <3
24:48 Johhny ‘unimpressed’ Martin is already looking unimpressed, new kid, watch out, you’re not off to a great start.
24:56 Rich’s helmet still has bullet holes from the last episode, love the continuity <3
25:07 “You’ll find out, son.” Oh, Alley <3
25:17 Rich is hilarious in this scene, he’s having so much fun <3
25:22 Hey Lieb, I’ve missed you
25:46 Riichhh <3
25:53 OMFG that exchange!
               “How are those nuts, sarge?”
               “Doin fine, Bill, nice of you to ask.”
               Wtf Lip!!
26:05 Bye, Fassy!
26:26 Even when he’s blurred by snow, Speirs is intimidatingly good-looking.
27:01 He’s so polite but so scary
27:23 You’re hot, Speirs, so I automatically trust you. Not sure what that says about me but it’s probably not good tbh
27:57 Joe/Charlie has been back five seconds and he’s already out for blood.
28:58 Hey Lee
30:00 Oh God
31:33 Oh no, Joe/Charlie, my baby ☹
33:39 Bill’s here, baby, it’s OK
34:10 I can’t deal with the hilarity of Babe blocked in by the tree while Joe/Charlie is in such a bad way and being done so dirty
34:56 Oh GOD
35:28 Bill </3
36:11 My thoughts exactly, Luz
36:42 Buck ☹
37:41 “Hey Joe, I told you I’d beat you back to the states.” Bill don’t me laugh while I’m crying. Aw, we’ll miss you <3
37:59 Not really the time but fuck it, I am totally digging Luz’s hair now
38:26 I’m so shook. I’ve watched this series a billion times but it still hurts me. Scene after scene, Joe/Charlie in pain, Buck screaming for a medic, God Neal and Kirk are so good.
39:18 Oh God, Buck
40:00 Rich I love you
40:44 Rich <3 ☹
41:22 Noooooooo </3
41:44 No. No. NO.
41:59 NO. NOPE. CANON NOT ACCEPTED. They’re fine. They’re fine, they’re just off-screen for the rest of the series, chillin with Hoob and Renee on like a nice beach somewhere. Drinking maitais and maragaritas and building sandcastles and shit.
44:00 Hit Malarkey the hardest? NO FUCKING WAY, LIP, HIT ME THE HARDEST, MORE LIKE! But in all seriousness, can you imagine losing your friends, not having a body to bury or time to grieve ugh ☹ </3 OK I concede that Malarkey and I can share the grief 50/50. No wait. 60/40. In favour of me.
45:15 Malark, it’s what Hoob would have wanted. I’d ask him but he’s busy sunbathing and keeping the drinks topped up
46:57 We love you Buck
47:14 Bull <3
47:43 Lieb <333
48:10 Hang on, sweetie, Dad isn’t back yet
48:50 It’s OK, Lip, sweetie, you can do it.
49:38 Lip, listen to me, your Dad’s going to fix everything in about ten, fifteen minutes. And he’ll get you a hot boyfriend in the process. It’s all going to be OK.
50:05 Dick, honey, Dike doesn’t understand a thing you’re saying
50:25 Dike’s like lol who the fuck was that guy?
51:17 Lieb is so blood-thirsty <3
52:09 Poor Lee
52:22 NO, FUCK, OMG
53:14 Don’t send my Lee alone!
53:33 Bull. A cigar. Right now? I like Johnny’s beard, suits him.
54:13 “THEY SHOT ME IN MY ASS, BOYS!” Aw Perco. Iconic.
54:36 Legit one of my fave scenes in the history of television. Dick is just so beside himself and desperate and helpless watching his sons stuck and in so much trouble. He’s in full Dad mode, about to run in there to save his boys. Then, and this is so subtle but it’s my fave bit, HE CUTS OFF SINK. HE IGNORES/SPEAKS OVER SINK. DICK! SPEAKS! OVER! SINK! IN WHAT UNIVERSE WOULD HE EVER DO THAT?! ON WHAT PLANET WOULD HE EVER BE SO DISRESPCTFUL?! THIS ONE, COS HIS SONS NEED HIM NOW AND BEING POLITE AND ADHERRING TO PRINCIPLE AND RANK DOESN’T FUCKING MATTER WHEN EASY IS IN TROUBLE! AND THEN HE CALLS UP OUR BOY SPEIRS. AND SPEIRS IS SO FUCKING GUNG-HO, BOUNCING ABOUT READY TO SLAUGHTER EVERYONE, SO FUCKIN EXCITED!!
And then there’s Nix, lmao, chillin with his binoculars, super relaxed as long as his husband stays safe, tbh.
55:06 Oh that was the new boy, aw
55:20 Here you go, Lip, one BF courtesy of your Dad lol
56:24 LMFAO was that the haystack Dike was behind??
57:00 I.C.O.N.I.C.
57:23 “The astounding thing was, that after he hooked up with I company, he came back.” Annnnnd Lip’s in love.
57:49 Aw happy boys
58:09 Noooooo they’ve been through enough! I’VE BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH THIS EPISODE OK, FUCK!
58:23 Go on, my angel son, you can do it.
58:36 Go, son. I love you.
58:43 Yes. Good boy.
59:26 Aw Bull piggybacking Perco <3
1:00:23 Oh yay! The church scene!
1:00:39 Look at my angel son <3
1:00:48 Hey Lieb
1:00:54 IT’S TAB! HEY TAB!
1:01:09 Babe <3 GRANT <3
1:01:29 Ahahaha Roe, I see you strategically placed yourself where you could stare at Babe 😉
1:01:59 Only 63 men left? Oh </3
1:02:00 Ahh Joe/Charlie <3 Bill <3 We love and miss you
1:02:20 RICH <333333 I LOVE YOU RICH <3333333 GOODBYE RICH <333333333333
1:02:39 Fuck Speirs is hot
1:02:53 The flirting <3 shooting looks at each other aw
1:03:09 Boys, stop checking each other out. You’re literally in a church full of nuns, go somewhere else to expend your sexual tension, jeez.
1:03:41 Flirting via talk of Roman soldiers, I dig it
1:04:28 Oh God, guys, this bit. Other than the propensity of my angel son, compared to usual, this is the only good part of the episode, I am here for the Speirton!
               “You don’t have any idea who I’m talking about, do you?” HIS FACE IS SO SOFT
               “No, Sir.” Lip, sweetie.
               “Hell, it was you, first sergeant.”
Speirs’ is in love right back. And his continued flirting re battlefield commission GOD. The way he looks at Lip… you deserve the hottest guy in the whole show, Lip, proud of you sweetie.
1:06:48 Annnnnd everything fucking hurts.
 To summarise, I am kinda appeased by the glorious glory that is Spierton. Rich and Penk and Hoob and Renee are FINE. THEY JUST SO HAPPEN TO BE OFF-SCREEN. IT’S FINE. I’M FINE ABOUT IT.
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Ideal Night
Request from @ravenfan1242 : "I would love a story where Superboy moves into the tower and Damian is struggling with his feelings for Raven. Con who flirts with everyone thinks Raven is absolutely beautiful but she has such an opposite (he might say frigid) personality. Until she helps him with something deep he struggles with and all of a sudden Damian has competition. And hilarity and make rivalry ensues. But Raven also has strong, hidden feelings for Damian."
"Chin up, princess, or the crown slips." A voice purred above me.
I mentally groaned as I closed my book and looked up at the boy hovering over me. "You really are just so infuriating, Connor." I say plainly.
Connor only smirked. "Missing something?" He said, pointing next to me.
I looked down to see that my phone had been snatched from my side. I was surprised I hadn't noticed its absence, but then again, it's not like I was very attached to it, and I was a little too invested in my book.
I thought back to what Damian had told me just a few days ago after I had accidentally dumped into him in the hallway leading to my room: he had told me that, when I wanted to be, I wasn't very observant of my surroundings. I had thought he was just being bitter that I had bumped into him, but now I suppose he was right.
Oh, there I go again, thinking about Damian. I think I'm only now starting to fully come to the realization that I have feelings for him. Of course, I can't act on them, Damian obviously seems to feel the complete opposite with his judgemental remarks and slight glares in my direction. Though it will admit, there is something a little off with his inner emotions, like he's struggling to realize something. I try not to pry too much into people's emotions without their permission, but with him, it's sometimes unavoidable. His emotions and thoughts are simply too loud to ignore at times.
But even so, if I could act on my emotions, how would I even do it? I've never felt something like this before, and if I'm being honest, it's a little frightening, because part of me doesn't know how to handle it... which leads me to the question of should I even act on my emotions if that's the case? What if I do and I lose control? Ugh, enough of that now. Just see what Connor wants.
"Can you please explain to me why my phone is gone?" I asked with a cocked brow.
Connor let a small, devious smirk form across his lips as he held said cellular device up and waved it slightly. He leaned his body over the couch, wrapping his arms around me and holding my phone to my face.
"I was just gonna be like 'hey, can I take a picture of you,'" he unlocked my phone to a rather embarrassing photo of me from the day prior. I had fallen asleep reading, my head rested on my palm, mouth slightly ajar as my book seemed to slowly fall from my lap, "But I couldn't wake that cute little face of yours."
I raised an eyebrow once more. "And you couldn't have just taken this photo on your own phone because...?"
"I need a favor and I knew you wouldn't do it unless I blackmailed you." He pulled the phone away and set it in his pocket. "See, I got that picture set to post to social media with just the touch of a button. But if you do me a solid, beautiful, I'll give you both your phone and delete the picture."
Curse Garfield and Jaime for showing him how modern technology works. I couldn't just let this side, I should try to get out of this.
"Or I could just grab my phone from you and delete it myself."
"Ahh, see," he wiggled a finger in my face, "I knew you'd try something like that. Which is why I also have this on my own phone. The same phone that I actually don't have in the Tower at the moment for this particular reason."
I rolled my eyes. I was getting tired of his games. "If I do whatever you want will you please just leave me alone?" This earned me a goofy closed smile and a nod. I sighed. "Well, what is it?"
It was then Connor's face changed from its usual playful expression to a serious one. "I've been living with this nice couple, Jon and Martha Kent, for a while now..." he looked down at the ground, seeming a bit embarrassed of what he was about to say, "I wanted to let them know how thankful I was for them letting me in like I was their own son, so, I planned a dinner... and I, um..." he rubbed the back of his neck, "I kinda told them you were my date."
I sighed, holding the bridge of my nose between my fingers. Sure, I was shocked, but I also remembered who I was talking to, so it wasn't as large as a surprise.
"Why in the world would you tell them that?" I scolded.
"Because I think it should be true." Connor purred.
I rolled my eyes. "Pass. Post the photo if you'd like, and take my phone." I began to pick up my book and continue to read before a hand took it from me, I sent a glare in Connor's direction.
"Oh, come on, Rae, just pretend to be my date if you have to, please!" He pleaded.
I let out a sigh in defeat, seeing that it was obvious I wasn't going to get out of this any time soon. "Fine."
Connor's usual childish grin returned as he began to happily walk away, returning my book to me. "Great! Be ready by 6, babe!"
I cringed at the name, but I couldn't help but admit this dinner is a very kind and humble gesture to his semi-adoptive parents. I had never thought to see Connor this way, honestly. It was a nice side of him to see.
I grabbed my discarded book and began to resume my place in it when I heard the doors to the main area open again. This time, it was Damian, who had seemingly just finished his usual training session, judging by the sweat on his face and the water bottle in hand.
"Superboy seems to be somehow more unbearable than usual today," Damian commented once he had noticed my presence, "as I was leaving the training area, he had this stupid smile on his face as if he had just won all the wealth in the world."
Damian came and sat next to me as I chuckled slightly, setting my book aside, "Well, that's probably because of this stupid favor I'm forced to make for him."
Damian raised an eyebrow. "Favor?" His voice laced slightly with anger. I couldn't understand the reasoning behind the sudden temper, but I decided to ignore it.
"To make a semi-long story short, Connor wanted to have dinner with Jon and Martha Kent as a thank you for their kindness towards him this past year, and..." I let out a long sigh, "and I am his date."
Damian's eyes widened for a moment before returning to normal. I could feel his aura shift from it's usual state to something more mellow and... sad? Surely he wasn't actually upset by this, I must be going insane.
"I see," He said plainly, "I hope you enjoy yourself, then." His response came out slow and calculated, and it didn't match the emotion his inner self was feeling. Maybe he had forgotten I was an empath. Either way, my abilities have often made him out to be a bad liar, even though I rarely call him out on it to save the drama. I was about to ask him what was wrong when he walked away without a second glance, his body tense, and his head lowered.
The evening came and went. Jonathan and Martha Kent were two of the kindest souls I have ever laid eyes on, I couldn't help but smile in their presence. Though, it was strange to pretend to be interested in Connor, especially when the question 'is this your girlfriend' came up. But, I will admit, I enjoyed myself. I never thought I'd see the day I actually enjoy Connor's company as much as I had tonight, but I suppose even the impossible can happen.
We flew home in silence for a moment before Connor began to speak.
"So... that wasn't too bad, right?" He asked shyly.
I smiled. "No, no it wasn't, I really enjoyed myself."
He let out a breath. "Good, good. Remind me when we land I'll give..."
I looked next to me to see Connor was no longer flying beside me. He had stopped to look at the night sky. Dozens of stars danced and winced at the world below. This high above ground, you could see all the colors the stars had to share. Some green, some blue, white, yellow, and so on. It truly made the night sky a beautiful sight.
Connor let out another sigh. "This is just perfect, y'know? Is this Heaven? 'Cause it feels like Heaven."
I giggled playfully. "I suppose with me here it would make it more like Hell."
He let out a laugh. "Oh, so the 'daughter of darkness' does have a sense of humor. I'm shocked."
I rolled my eyes. "And it is a real shame nobody asked for that opinion." This earned us a shared laugh.
"Listen, Rae..." Connor's voice suddenly became serious, "before we actually head back, there's something I need to tell you..."
I turned my body to face him, giving him a worried expression. "What is it? Is something wrong?"
"No, no, nothing wrong per se, it's just... the real reason I made you come to this dinner was for you to see that I, um... well I actually have a bit of a crush on ya, babe. I-I mean, I know I flirt around and stuff but there's just somethin' about you..."
I huffed a smile, attempting to lighten his nervousness. "Crushing hard I see..."
"You have no idea... it's just weird, you see. 'Cause, and I mean no offense, honestly, but you're not usually my type to go for a serious relationship. Our personalities are obviously a little more than opposite, but that somehow makes my feelings stronger, I guess..."
I let out a laugh, "Trust me, I'm shy and antisocial at first, but I feel as though I do the stupidest things when I'm around someone I'm comfortable with, I just try to contain it as best as possible for... reasons..."
"In any case..." he grabbed my hand, "I just want it to be you and me against the world, babe. So, do you... maybe, wanna grab a coffee sometime? Y'know... have a real date?"
I let out a sigh, releasing his hand and flowing away from him slightly. "I would, but there are other factors in the way. The first one being... well, there's no easy way to say this without hurting your feelings... I have feelings for someone else."
"But let me ask you this beautiful: do you think you have a chance with me?" Connor looked at me with determined eyes.
"Honestly, Connor, with how you've been acting lately... I do see a relationship with you working... sure you can be annoying and flirty but looking past that side of you, you're very caring and sweet." I smiled.
"Well, then my advice to you is this, Rae: if you love two people at the same time, choose the second because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second."
I let out a small groan, putting my head between my hands. "That's the thing, Connor. While I am starting to develop some sort of feelings towards you... I don't necessarily love you. And this person... I definitely love..." I turned to face Connor once more, "I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression on that regard... but that's not the only factor. The factor of all factors... the reason I can't pursue a relationship with either of you, is who I am. My powers, while can be a blessing and a curse, are too powerful to not be handled with delicately. They are fueled by my emotions... and if I happen to feel too much--"
"Boom..." Connor finished sadly, "Look, I understand, Rae. It's just... are you doing this for the protection of me and this mystery guy, or for yourself? Is this something that you want to do? Because the way I see it, if you really love this guy, you'll make the sacrifice for him."
Connor reached into his pocket, pulled out my phone, and deleted the picture before returning it to me.
"Just... think about it, alright?" Connor said, beginning to fly away from me. "I'll meet you back at the tower..."
I watched as his figure disappeared from my eyesight before heading off myself. I felt guilty. I hurt Connor, I know I did, and I couldn't help but feel bad about it. He didn't deserve it... he just wants love, too... though, I couldn't help but wonder if he were right about me having to make the sacrifice for Damian. Though, I decided I shouldn't think about it now, and began focusing on making my way home.
When I had arrived back at the tower, it was late at night. Damian seemed to had just returned from his usual nightly patrol around Jump City. He was still in uniform, mask, and everything. He sat on the couch as if he were waiting on my arrival like an angered parent who just caught their child sneaking back into the house. Though, essentially, that was what I was doing. Still, it didn't explain his angered expression.
"What's the matter with you?" I asked quietly, afraid to wake anyone nearby.
"You and Kent seemed to be rather close this evening. Anything you care to share?" He raised an eyebrow through his mask.
"The better question is why the hell where are you stalking us? Wait, how did you even stalk us? Connor would've heard your heartbeat." I furrowed my eyes at him.
He matched my expression. "I kept my distance for that same reason."
His response only really ticked me off more, but I decided it would be better to keep my cool and answer his question. "No, Damian, I have nothing to share with you."
Silence filled the room for a moment before Damian seemed to finally snap.
"Why the hell would you go through with his nonsense, Raven?!" He yelled, standing from his seat and turning his whole body in my direction.
I remained blank-faced, nonetheless. "It's not like he would leave me alone until I agreed anyway, after all, it's people like him that deserve a high five with a chair... but maybe I just wanted to go with him, since when is that such a crime?"
"It is when you don't even like him!"
"Could you refrain from yelling, people are trying to sleep, you know."
"I'm not yelling, I'm discussing with you!"
"Yeah, with a loud voice. That means your yelling... oh, for the love of--just tell me what your problem is, Damian?" I said, putting a hand on my hip.
He lowered his tone. "Nothing's wrong."
"Obviously there is or else you wouldn't have followed us, and you wouldn't be freaking out the way you are."
He let out a loud groan, grabbing strains of hair between his fingers. He paced the room like this for a moment before dramatically bringing his hands down and yelling, "I really like you!" His eyes widened in what seemed to be shocked at himself and his own words then, "Um... I didn't mean to blurt it out like that."
I looked at him with my own sense of shock. "There's no way that's true, Damian." I awkwardly let out a laugh.
Damian sighed and walked up to me, his eyes softened. "No, no, it's true. I've loved you ever since I got to know you, I just hadn't fully realized or accepted it until recently--and even if you don't feel the same, I'm willing to accept that, too. But the truth is, I think about you all the time, and I have these feelings that I still don't quite understand about you, it's freaking annoying, to say the least."
I smirked. "Well, I'd hate to be such an annoyance to you, Damian."
He rolled his eyes. "You don't have to be sarcastic about it."
I shrugged. "It's recently kind of my thing."
He closed his eyes tight and sighed out a loud 'anyways' before opening his eyes back to their soft state. "I'm obviously not the person you want in your life... but you should know I'll still kill him if he hurts you."
"Yes, you are!" I assured him quickly before he could walk off. "When I was with Connor earlier, I admit, I had a good time, and I got the privilege to see a side of him I never see... but when he admitted his own feelings to me, I turned him down because I simply don't love him, but I do love you."
Damian smiled. It was then I realized how much his aura made sense. He was conflicted over his feelings, and now that he's not? It glows and shines again like nothing ever happened.
He closed his eyes and leaned. I panicked and backed away from him. "Which leads me to the next reason I turned him down... and will more likely be the reason I turn you down: my powers, my abilities... they're uncontrollable if I feel too much. I've been forced to live a life of mellowness all my life, and to suddenly change that now for love? An emotion I still don't quite understand? It's too risky... and I'd never forgive myself if I accidentally hurt you or anyone else with my own emotions."
"Raven," Damain came at me with a soft, reassuring tone, "you tell me you don't understand the feeling, but neither do I. We both need to figure things out for ourselves and who better to do it with than with ourselves. I don't know much about love, or romance, but I do know, from both watching Grayson and my own mother flaunt over my father, that it does demand sacrifices and risks."
It was then I had remembered what Connor told me before he left: "... are you doing this for the protection of me and this mystery guy, or for yourself?"
Both, I decided. I don't want either of them to get hurt because of me, but it's my own fears that cause this want to protect them. Fears of what could happen to me, and my team.
"Is this something that you want to do?"
No, absolutely not. I want to love, I want to feel love and to be in love.
"Because the way I see it, if you really love this guy, you'll make the sacrifice for him."
And so I will, Connor. Thank you.
I looked at Damian once more with a small smile creeping on my face. "Alright, Damian. Let's take a risk."
Damian smiled a rare, almost goofy smile. "Well, if that's the case, I should court you formally:" he cleared his throat, "Do you want to--I mean if you're not busy... go get lunch tomorrow? Or even just coffee this morning, if you want, or--"
I placed a hand over his mouth. "There's no need for courting, but your answer is still a yes," I removed my hand, "and I have a feeling we should kiss now."
And, of course, that's exactly what we did. A few household items began to float above their original place, but we didn't care. In the end, it was an ideal night.
So I know that this was more Conrae than it was Damirae but whateves I really liked writing this one.
Also sorry for the late updates. For some reason, my Wattpad decided it just wasn't gonna let me write for a few days and I felt like it wasn't fair to post on here and not there. Anyways, just got it working again so we'll see how long this lasts I guess.🤷🏻‍♀️
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So I’ve never done one of these fic recommendations lists before but I really want to share some of the amazing work that I’ve read this past month! I’ve definitely read a whole ton more but I was dumb and didn’t think to like draft this list and then just keep adding to it... so I’m just attempting to go through my tags LOL please be patient with my dumbass. 
NOTE: Since I only started doing this recently, a lot of my recommendations are gonna come from a lot of my mutuals but I’m always open to hearing more about other fics!!! If you’ve got an incredible fic that you are super proud of or if you think that I should read something you’ve read, PLEASE SEND IT TO ME! I’m really big on StevexFem!Reader, BuckyxFem!Reader, WandaxFem!Reader, CarolxFem!Reader, and Stucky fics!!!
If you do end up reading these fics, please tag me if you reblog them or comment on them!! I’d love to see your guys’ reactions :) 
PS. if these links dont work for some reason, please let me know so I can update this list because I was very distracted halfway through making this so it might not be perfect!
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1.Walpurgis Night by @anika-ann​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “In which Steven volunteers to find a long-lost princess of Starkerbürg. (Fairy Tale AU)” I have no clue why this fic is not given more goddamn attention because holy shit yall, I have never been so grasped by a fic before. If you love medieval/fairy tale type things, you will love this fic. And if you don’t, you’re gonna love it anyways because @anika-ann​ writes SO. FUCKING. WELL. 100% fluff and love.
2. Abs Aren’t Always the Answer by @its-not-captain-america​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “Steve asks Y/N what girls are interested in, trying to impress her. Several shirtless pics later it’s not working.” Y’all want hilarious shit??? What about Steve Rogers always trying to take his fucking shirt off because he has the DNA (and the body) of a stripper? JK that’s not the actual reason but this fic is so funny, I died reading the first 700 times (and the 701st time too... and every time after that). 100% hilarious.
3. Challenge Accepted...? by @anika-ann​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader ”Steve’s never been good at quick decision-making when it came to his own safety. After one particularly horrible experience, you find a way to remind him every day to think twice the next time he’s faced with a tough choice. He is not amused.” Steven Grant Rogers you stupid dumb hoe lol. That’s all I’mma say about this fic because it speaks for itself when you read it haha. Banter is iconic in this fic. 100% hilarious.
4. A Matter of Trust by @anika-ann​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “You and Steve get to go to a mission together after a while; free drinks, partying, dressing-up nicely, stealing blueprints, the usual. You might even enjoy this as a couple.“ This time it’s Y/N that’s kindof a stupid dumb hoe but like that’s okay because when Y/N is a stupid dumb hoe, it’s not as stupid or dumb as when Steve does it. There’s a bit of a carry on between Challenge Accepted...? and this fic! So I would suggest reading that one first and then this :) 100% hilarious.
5. For a Smile by @anika-ann​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “You see him run past every morning. So you smile, because he looks like a nice person. How could he not be when he smiles back and the world stops for a while to pay respect to such beauty?” So you know how Disney movies totally screwed over some of our perspectives of how guys were gonna come and sweep us off our feet? Yeah. This fic did it too. I’m still waiting for my fairytale fucking moment like this fic but if it never happens, I’ll settle for just reading this over and over again LOL. 100% F L U F F and LOVE.
6. Grease and Pearls by @anika-ann​​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “All you know is uptown; fancy clothes, expensive cars, jewellery outshining one’s personality and exhausting dinners with family acquaintances and business partners. Your life is all planned out; one day, you’ll marry Howard Stark’s son and you’ll be the golden couple adored by press.” This 3-part series slayed me. Like honestly, I’ve never been so torn apart before. Y’all lucky that if you read it, you get to read all 3 parts right away whereas I had to sit and wait for my heart to be torn apart and then stomped on. (Jk anika i love you you know that). Super amazing thing I love about this fic: it’s got links to the dresses that Y/N wears (super cute btw) AND it’s got two different endings so you can decide!!! 100% ANGST and 100% FLUFF? At the same time??? Because of the two endings?!?!?!? NOTE: part 2 got some steamy smut in there so 18+ readers only. I had to take a cold shower after reading it like goddamn.
7. Be Alright by @kayteewritessteve​ ​| Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “Steve goes through a bad breakup, but a sweet voice and a friendly smile helps him realize he can begin again, and that he definitely should.” God this fic. I can’t with this fic. It’s based on the Dean Lewis song Be Alright, which is already one of my favourites, but this fic, ugh, Kaytee knows how to hurt you that’s for sure. It’s so pure and so wonderful. 100% SAD but like it gets better promise.
8. Cold Feet by @anika-ann​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader
“After two months of dating, you’ve come to a conclusion as exciting as well as a bit irritating: Steve Rogers is a perfect man. He simply has no flaw.Or does he?” Mother. Fucking. Adorable. I dunno if there’s anything else to say except that anika really knows how to make me wish I was Y/N adsoifhosd. 100% F L U F F
9. Hot Chocolate by @vodkaxtonic​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “Steve gets sick and Y/N takes care of him, which involves a lot of Steve’s whining, hot chocolate and cuddles.“ Steve Rogers is a little shit who won’t just accept that he’s sick and needs to be taken care of BUT IT’S SO CUTE AND THIS FIC IS THE BEST!!!! 100% FLUFF!!
10. Home by @evanstush​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “It’s been 2 years since the last battle and it’s now Morgan’s 7th birthday, and well, Tony being Tony, he prepared a small party for her little girl, inviting everyone from the team, including you.” Hnnnggg this fic. Okay so. I love @evanstush​ with all my fucking heart because she’s always been so supportive of me and my fics. That being said I WAS NOT EXPECTING HER KIND ASS TO HURT MY HEART LIKE THIS. But again, it’s okay because it’s got fluff guys. 50% ANGST and 50% FLUFF. Well like it’s 100% both but like I have to split it haha.
11. Cocktails by @writeyourmindaway​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “ ~i really don’t know what to write i’m sorry~ DRINKS!” That’s okay, darling, I’ll write the summary you. HILARITY. WONDERFULNESS. THE WORD BLOWJOB WRITTEN SO MANY TIMES AND IT’S FUCKING GOLD. This is so funny i love it haha. This fic killed me. I should’ve seen it coming (hehe) but i didn’t lol. 100% HILARIOUS.
12. Unadulterated by @writeyourmindaway​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader No summary for this one but again, I shall do the honours haha. It’s part 2 of ‘Cocktails’ and this one is just as adorable and hilarious as the first part! Steve is a cheeky little soft boi and the flirting just makes me feel all sorts of ways <3 100% ADORABLE.
13. Water Wars by @writeyourmindaway | Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader “The team finds a new way to unwind” I love fics where you just see the team get to be normal people!!! Plus haven’t we all thought about how the Avengers would are in a water fight? Is that just me? Don’t have to fantasize about it now because @writeyourmindaway wrote it for you :D 100% FLUFF.
14. Slow Like Honey by @heli0s-writes | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “The gossip that buzzes around in the teacher’s lounge is that sweet, sensitive, divorcé Steve Rogers is hot-for-teacher. His daughter’s first-grade teacher, to be exact.” I binged this whole fucking series. 8 parts of PURE. EVERYTHING. I have never so badly wanted a happy ending in my fucking life. This is an amazing series with so much love put into it, you can tell. I really can’t explain this fic because you really need to just go read it to know how amazing it is. NOTE: Part 4, 5, and 8 have some serious love smut in there so 18+ readers only please. UGH. I love this fic so much. I will continue to keep daydreaming about it and thinking about it all the time. God I love me some Dad!Steve. 50% FLUFF and 50% ANGST (which seriously tore my heart out like I cried).
15. You Make My World Spin by @anika-ann | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “After the Battle of New York and all the mess Tony gets involved in later, Pepper believes he is in a need of an assistant slash tech genius. Enter you. While Tony is not amused by Pepper’s idea at first… he soon warms up to you.” So many insanely wonderful references in this fic, it’s hilarious. Also, Tony being a little shit LOL. Such a hilarious fic!!!! 100% AMAZINGLY HILARIOUS.
16. If You Stumble... by @anika-ann | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “If you stumble…make it part of the dance. In which you ask Steve what your date would look like if you lived the forties. He decides to show you instead. There are few flaws, holes to see through to glimpse beyond that illusion. But what life would be besides boring if everything was perfect? Perfect dress. Perfect date. Perfect gentleman…?” So my dumbass was so excited to read something that anika put out that I didn’t realize this was part 2 of a 3 part series lol I’m dumb yes I know. Anyways, this is part 1 so please don’t be like me and read the first part LOL. ANYWAYS, this was so fucking wholesome. This is definitely one that I need to read again and fully read in order (she’s got part 3 on her AO3, I believe) but ugh. I love the idea of Steve dating in this century, comparing things to how things were done in the old days ufglasodfhsd. I love it. Amazing. 100% FLUFF (I think because well my dumbass hasn’t finished but this part was fluffy :3)
17. @wxstedhexrt‘s poems | Read Them Here! | Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes I don’t think Destiny ever gave me a summary of these but (and Destiny, please correct me if I’m wrong in how you want these to be portrayed!) I believe they’re poems written throughout the whole Steve and Bucky timeline. She’s used the Winter Soldier’s words and turned them into a gorgeous set of poems. 100% My favourite thing in the whole fucking world. 
18. The Lonely Tree by @sarahwroteathing​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “You have a favorite tree which you make sure to pass every day on your way to class, but one day you find you’ll have to get used to sharing it with a friendly art student.” Holy shit guys this 15 part series was so amazing. It’s 100% PURE FLUFF and PINING and gorgeous. Holy shit. Like I screamed reading the whole goddamn thing. Amazing writing by an amazing human being with some awesome humour haha.
19. @sinner-as-saint​ responding to an anon request? Amazing. | Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader Request: May I just spice up your day with the thought of best friend/roommate bucky being jealous when you bring someone home HOT. AS. FUCK. Holy shit. It’s such a short little list of things that Bucky would do but ugh. I was dying reading it. I love me some jealous Bucky smut. 100% angsty fluff? With smuttiness ;) 18+ readers please!!
20. @alloftheimaginesblog​ prompted fic | Steve Rogers x Reader (I could be wrong here but I believe the gender of the reader is never specified? But the ring is a woman’s ring so?? @alloftheimaginesblog​ pls correct me if you want!) Prompt: Finding an engagement ring in one of their drawers. So fucking fluffy I needed a cavity filled after ugh. I loved it so much it was just a gorgeous piece of writing. Steve is a little piece of poop for not hiding that ring better I mean come on, you’re telling me you couldn’t have punched a hole, put the ring there, and then cover it up with like a cabinet or something??? jk i still love you steeb. 100% fluff!
21. Laser Tag by @stargazingfangirl18​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “You play laser tag with your boyfriend Steve and his best friend Bucky. Since you’re just a plain ole civilian, you gotta use what non-Avenger skills you have to avoid losing. Hint: those skills involve Steve and kissing.” Iconic. Everything. Wonderful. There is nothing I love more than Steve Rogers being a little sucker for making out with his girlfriend even when there’s a competition. 100% fluff!!!!
22. Under the Rainbow, Draga mea by @binkysteebnpewter​ | Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader I don’t think there’s an official summary ( @binkysteebnpewter​ pls correct me if I’m wrong) but my summary is this: GAYNESS <3 I love me some wlw content so when I saw this pop up on my dash, I couldn’t NOT read. It’s soooo good. This is a Social Media AU and the amount of meme usage in there I- it’s fucking wonderful. It’s still in progress though so you guys will have to pine after this relationship with me. I FUCKING LOVE IT. 100% GAY LOVE <3
23. A Fic in which Peggy Carter plays wingwoman because these two idiots are in love with each other but they can’t see it so our Queen needs to throw it at them by @1she1hulk1​ (please note I made this title by myself because I don’t think there was a title LOL @1she1hulk1​ lmk if you want me to change this xD) | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “the plot is bacially you and Steve go to see Peggy and she tells Steve to finally make his move” Peggy Carter is a fucking Queen and she knows that Steve is falling for you, because he just won’t stop fucking talking about you LOL. Anyways, this is a super cute fic!!!! Please go give it some love because this human being who wrote it doesn’t think she’s a good writer?????? Crazy. 100% FLUFF!!!!
So because this is my first recommendation list on this site, I know I’m definitely missing some amazing fics that I’ve read but never saved (I’m a terrible person I know). So I’m just gonna add them in this list here because they deserve love and attention too!
@wxstedhexrt​‘s poetry. Period. End of story lol. JK. So the ones that I’ve read that are on Destiny’s tumblr aren’t all fandom related (besides the one that I posted above) but they’re still really amazing. I’ve never felt so captured by poems before (mostly because i’m stupid and don’t understand a lot of poetry). Ugh anyways I love her poems so much so please go check them out! CLICK HERE FOR BEAUTY <3
Alright so I know a lot of you guys know @kayteewritessteve​ but if you don’t, she’s this super amazing writer with INCREDIBLE series. (CLICK HERE TO SEE HER FULL MASTERLIST). But one of my most favourite series by her, and one of my favourite series of all time, is: If Only You Knew “You arrive home one day to find a wedding invite for two of your best friends from high school. You knew this day was going to come eventually, but even with that said, you weren’t prepared to return home. At least not after 7 years of avoiding Buckhannon, West Virginia. Or rather, avoiding him; your ex-best friend and the secret love of your life. But maybe it was finally time to face your past, to face him and everything else that happened on that horrible night.”  This 18 (plus an Epilogue) part series will literally have you screaming at your screen being like WHY YALL CANT JUST TELL EACH OTHER HOW YALL FEEL?!?!?!?! 75% angst (because Kaytee likes to hurt us) and 25% fluff BUT the fluff is SOOOOO worth it so it’s like 100% angst and 200% fluff (i was never a mathlete). NOW since, we’re on the topic of Kaytee’s writing, I’d also like to mention: Love and War  “In a harsh medieval world, you set out on a perilous quest that will lead you onto a forbidden land. A land ruled and controlled by a ruthless Warlord King, one who does not look favourably upon trespassers of any kind, and punishes all with an iron fist. You may not know exactly where this quest will end, but what you do know is you will forever be altered by it. And that knowledge alone is what truly terrifies you the most.” so I read this while Kaytee was writing it about a year ago and holllyyyyyy shit. Okay. So. Listen. Fantasy? Check. Romance? Check. Amazing writing? Well it’s Kaytee so yea obviously check. I want to list more things but I don’t want to give it away! This is a 15 part series (plus an Epilogue and Outro) but it goes by so quickly once you’re stuck and waiting for more!!!! 
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kpopchangedme · 5 years
Things I Wish I Knew | Tip II: Grease Is The Word
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Girl talk and sex tips mini-series for the modern ladies, ft. unfortunate Mark Tuan & Park Jinyoung
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|| Mini-Masterlist ||
Protagonists: Mark & You (Boyfriend!AU) - Girlfriends & Jinyoung
Word Count: 1,4k
Genre: NSFW - Sex Tips - *Explicit* - Humour - Drabble
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Lys’ note: Here we goooOO! (sorry it took me forever!)
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“Vagina.” Lulu repeats, cocking her head to stare at your very very red boyfriend, she’s been at that for two whole minutes. “Are you uncomfortable, Tuan?” She giggles and you intervene, feeling sorry.
“Stop teasing him…” But you laugh despite yourself and Mark shoots you an insulted look.
“I’m fine!” You bite your lips to keep your cool at his whiny reply. “It’s the best evening of my entire life, y/n! Vagigna…” Everybody guffaws at his poor attempt to sound unphased by the simple word. You know he’d leave if the girls made him feel too awkward, but you can’t help wanting to protect him. It’s like, ever since you decided to rant about Sex Ed, the two men suddenly became the target of your lil’ women stunt.
“VA. GI. NA.” Lulu repeats for the umpteenth time, causing him to groan. “There’s a feminist shop near my place that sells that word on a tee.”
“Why would you want to wear that?” Maria asks innocently.
“To see people’s face change when they read the word, ‘cause it’s powerful. Tuan can’t even properly say it.” She shrugs ignoring his outcry and you nod, agreeing despite your best intentions. “Right, Park?”
“Vagina.” Jinyoung says, the word half-drowned by his glass of wine. He tries to play it off as if he’s cool but the colour of his ears is betraying. “Vulva. I’ll have to say these words in front of my students all week anyway. This is good training.”
“I wish I was14 again… Then Mr. Park would say dirty things to me all day.” Isha teases and Jinyoung chokes, coughing like crazy. “Lucky students.”
“Vagina, vulva, penis, uterus... Worst dirty talk ever.” You groan and everybody looks at you curiously. “Nothing turns me off more than these words, to be honest.”
“Nothing?” Mark laughs, hitting you with his elbow just so you know he can already think of a few.
Isha raises a hand to require silence. “I once send naughty texts back and forth with a guy who would always answer too directly. I couldn’t agree more, y/n. Nothing dries me off more than reading things like ‘I’ll put my penis inside your vagina’.”
“Jesus, where do you find the guys you date?!” Jinyoung’s question almost gets buried by the sounds of the girls disgusted boos.
“Tinder,” she shrugs. “It’s not like I ask for sexy nonrhythmic poesy or anything. Just tell me how you want me… How bad...” She says all that while holding his gaze and Maria turns to you to roll her eyes as if to say ‘get a room’.
“Nothing ever turns me on.” Lulu’s words divert the attention from Isha and Jinyoung’s persisting flirting game.
“You mean when sexting?” You ask curious, “Some guys are-”
“Y/n calls me the pussy whispe-” Mark grunts when your elbow hits his side.
“He’s amazing at sexting.” You agree and he glares at you, wondering why you hit him if you didn’t mind sharing that in the first place.
“No, I mean... Nothing,” Lulu breathes out, almost inaudible.
“… Ever turns you on?” Isha frowns and you lean in, attentive. Lulu shares a lot with the girls, and she has a very active sex life. That’s a first.
“Well, you know me, everything turns me on! Just not down there...” She shrugs as if it’s no big deal and sips her wine. She has never brought this issue up though, so you know it is a big deal.
“What-” Isha starts but Lulu cuts her off to clarify.
“I’m the Sahara, arid as fuck!” Everyone falls silent so she giggles to ease the new awkwardness. “That’s what I wish someone would’ve told me… Sometimes the body doesn’t quite follow the mind.”
“So you…”
“It was fine when I was younger, it’s just these last two years. I don’t know, it… Changed.”
“But what if a guy isn’t an ass and really into preliminaries, woul–” Your boyfriend starts, skeptical since it’s never been a problem for you.
“Tuan, I assure you,” Lulu cuts him off, “Michael B. Jordan could eat me for over an hour and I’d still be as dry as a bone.”
“I wish she’d stop always saying my name like that.” Mark whispers in your ear but you ignore him, too worried about your friend to deal with his feelings right now.
“Am I the only one?” Lulu asks in disbelief, finding salvation in her glass of wine. “Guess my vagina is weird after all.”
“For me… Um…” Isha clears her throat, supportive. “It varies depending on hormones and stuff. It’s pretty regular, but it sure is a rollercoaster.”
“Me too.” You nod, biting your lips, serious and not minding oversharing if it makes Lulu more comfortable. “I’m not on the pill and I can basically follow my cycle based on lubrification and lust.” Mark’s thigh tenses against yours and you wonder if he’d rather be elsewhere, neither him nor Jinyoung seem about to leave though. You’re sure they’re learning plenty, unveiling mysteries they didn’t even realise existed. You bet they secretly love the conversation.
“You’re not alone, Lu…My doctor said dryness is quite common.” Maria’s voice is so low you think you misheard. “When I was younger, it was… like you.” She wouldn’t usually share stuff like that, even when you’re only between girls, so this is a surprise. “Now it’s fine though, normal I guess. If I want to, if I’m into it… then…” She suddenly giggles, startling everyone including herself. “Then I guess that my body agrees with my brain!”
“But… Isn’t it painful?” Jinyoung’ brows are furrowed, and everyone turns in awe at his question. “It’s not like you can force intercourse, if the woman isn’t comfortable then the friction and-”
“Lube saves life, Mr. Park.” Lulu interrupts with an arrogant smirk, more like herself after her initial confession. “How do you think grandmas and sex workers bone?” Jinyoung mouth falls open. Mark turns in horror, silently pleading for you to stop her, but you’re too busy laughing with the rest of the girls. “I swear I use more lubricant than porn stars, I wish my insurance covered it!”
“Oh…” Jinyoung falters, probably feeling stupid, but it’s not like he would’ve discovered that on his own.
“The guys I’m with sometime feel burdened.”
“I can imagine,” Mark says, it’s not like he’s a fan of your friend’ sometimes rough personality. “Some might find it hard to deal with your overwhelming sweetness and consideration.”
“Fragile masculinity.,” Lulu snicker, “clearly you relate, Tuan.”
“Then it something men and women equally should learn about.” Jinyoung jumps in to defuse the situation before you can. “I mean, it does concern both partners.”
“Right!” Maria nods pensively, “I was so ashamed of that when I was younger. It kept me from being comfortable with my first boyfriend.”
“It’s my thing I wish I knew,” Lulu smiles. “Being aroused doesn’t always equate being wet as fuck. I used to take that for granted. Maybe you should take notes for your class, Jinyoung.”
“Imagine the calls I’d get from parents if I brought up ‘being wet as fuck’ to their schoolgirls,” he laughs at the idea as Lulu begins to initiate a toast.
“You could start by calling it; vaginal lubrication.” Isha shakes her head, padding Jinyoung’s shoulder kindly. “Do it for the greater good, Mr. Park.”  
“To the greater good!” Lulu yells in the living room and everyone clinks their glasses together, glad it’s out in the open now. Even Mark. “Cheers!”
“And to LUBE!” Isha screams before the second toast and hilarity ensues.
Still laughing, your boyfriend whispers in your ear; “I wonder what the neighbours think we are doing...” You shiver, pressing against his warmth as the conversation resumes around you. After a moment, Mark leaves to open a new bottle of wine in the kitchen, when he gets back, he surprises everyone. “You know, I’m a man, but it’s not like Sex Ed covered every single one my needs either!”
“Oooh,” Lulu wiggles excitedly at the claim, eyeing you. “Please overshare, Tuan. What do you wish you knew about sex?”
Mark must be getting tipsy if he’s about to open up in front of your whole girl squad. That’s giving them ammunition for later. Probably ignoring this, he takes a deep breath,  getting ready to share his own embarrassing stories…
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|| Mini-Masterlist ||
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nightbts · 7 years
19+37+70 (if it's too much, then only 19+37) and namjoon, please!!! love ya
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pairing: namjoon + reader (ft. hobi the matchmaker)
prompt: “Can I hold your hand? I’ve always wanted to hold your hand” + “Can I kiss you?”
word count: 1.9k
genre: fluff + humor 
prompt list :)
It was finally date night, and you didn’t know who was more nervous, You, Namjoon or Hoseok. 
“Are you sure you have everything? Your phone, your purse, you-” Hoseok rambled, as you interrupted his word-vomit, “Hoseok, I’m fine but I don’t know if you are.” you said, stifling a quiet laugh as the boy narrowed his eyes at you. 
“Hey, look, I’m just trying to set up two of my best friends and if this doesn’t work then its all my fault and we’ll able to eternally awkward and I don’t think I can personally handle tha-” 
Giving you an exasperated look, he replied, “Yes?”  
“We’ll be okay,” you pressed, as you squeezed his shoulder reassuringly, “Now when’s Namjoon getting here?” 
Parking his car in the apartment’s parking lot, Namjoon quickly fixed his hair in the rearview mirror before letting out a deep breath. 
You can do it Namjoon. You’ve got this. You’re the man-
“Yah! Kim Namjoon! What are you doing sitting in the car? Hurry up and give Y/N the roses, she’s waiting for you, ya dimwit!” a voice yelled, making Namjoon look out the window, as his best friend ran towards his car. 
Grabbing the bouquet of flowers from the seat beside him, he quickly got out of the car as he was ushered by a frantic Hoseok to your apartment door, where you had been patiently waiting on the other side. 
Tugging at your dress for the nth time, you finally heard the doorbell ring, your heart skipping a beat at the thought of who was standing just on the other side. Smiling nervously, you opened the door to see Namjoon bickering quietly with Hoseok, until they both stopped as they noticed your smiling presence at the door. 
“Y/N…” Namjoon said breathlessly, his mind blown at how beautiful you had looked. Even though you were still the bold, bright girl he’d see at campus every day, today you looked different. It was another side of you Namjoon hadn’t seen, yet it just made him love you even more. 
“Hey Namjoon,” you mumbled shyly, as you took in the boy before you, your own cheeks flushing at how handsome you thought he looked. He was wearing a simple white button-down with khakis, a formal look that he had managed to make look casual and just right. 
Motioning to the flowers in his hand, you asked, “A-are those for me?” 
Looking quickly down at the bouquet in his hand and then back at you he stuttered, “O-o…Uh, Yes! T-These are for you!” quickly giving the flowers to you, as you held them up to your nose, inhaling the pleasant and sweet smell as you whispered back, “These are lovely, thank you.” 
“Ok you two, it’s time you get going now! Y/N, hand me those flowers- don’t worry I’ll put them in a vase- now go!” Hoseok pressured as he gently ushered you out of the door by giving you a gentle push. Flashing a grin at the two of you, he quickly closed the door behind him, leaving Namjoon and you standing alone outside your apartment door. 
“Shall we go? I made reservations at 7,” he said slowly as you looked down at your phone, realizing there were only about 30 minutes left. 
Giving him a smile, you gave him a playful wink before nodding, “Well then, let’s get this night started.” 
As you started to walk before him, Namjoon simply shook his head chuckling when he realized that the real you was there the whole time.
“You okay? You’ve been nervous all night,” he said simply, giving you a teasing smile that had you chuckling breathlessly.
Well, honestly, you were. Everything that night had gone too perfect. From the little talks in the car ride, the romantic dinner, and now the walk back home, with the soft light of the moon shining on the two of you, everything was perfect. But you were still scared. You were afraid that the smallest thing could ruin what you had with Namjoon, making you the bundle of nerves you were. A feeling entirely new to you. 
Rubbing your bare arm, you shook your head, “I don’t know, I think I’m just nervous because Hoseok has so much hope for us you know? And I don’t want to disappoint him or you-” 
“Well, you’ve never disappointed me Y/N,” Namjoon said softly, making you raise your brow in surprise, your cheeks flushing at the sudden comment as you met his eyes and the sincerity within them.  
Biting his own lip, Namjoon chuckled embarrassingly as he said, “Although, I do have a great idea for a prank, if you’re up to it of course.”
Hearing the word prank, your ears perked up immediately as you looked up at Namjoon, your eyes glistening and a mischievous smile gracing your face that made Namjoon grin in response. 
That was it. The very smile he’d fallen for. 
“Hit me with what you got, Kim.” 
“I’m rude?! Excuse me?! At least I wasn’t the one flirting with the waitress every time she came to our table!” you yelled, trudging through your front door in extreme anger. 
Your face was flushed, as you threw your purse onto the couch, crossing your arms as you turned to face Namjoon, the man’s face mirroring yours exactly. 
Following behind you, Namjoon scoffed, “Oh please! Like you were any better. You were on your phone half the time. Seems like you were on a date with whoever you were texting more than your actual date, oh let me remind you, who was me!” 
“Woah, what’s going on here?” a voice inquired, when a look of panic filling his features as Hoseok slowly walked into the living room, “Is everything alright-” 
“Alright?! Jung Hoseok, this is all your damn fault! How could you set me up on a date with a rude, inconsiderate idiot like him-”
“I’m the inconsiderate one?!”
“Uh, hello, yes! You literally went ahead and ordered what you wanted without even asking me, oh and you slammed the car door behind me too. What was that all about?” you argued, your hands now clenched into tight fists at your sides, your breathing slowly turning heavy. 
“I’m so sorry, were you expecting royal treatment after that shitty night-” 
“Guys! Stop, what are you doing? This isn’t like you!” Hoseok yelled, his eyes shaking as he looked at his two best friends who stood across the room, both sending glares as sharp as daggers at each other. 
“Oh please Hoseok, you clearly didn’t know her well enough. She’s just not datable, period.” Namjoon sneered, making you gasp as you bit back, “Not datable? Kim, I’d look in the mirror if I were you.” 
“I don’t need to-”
“Oh yeah, think again cause I sure think you do-!”
“STOP!” Hoseok yelled loudly, shutting the two of you up immediately as you bit back on your comment, Namjoon doing the same. 
“What the hell is going on?!” Hoseok asked again, complete confusion and distress written across his usually-happy features, “I-I thought you guys liked each other-”
“As if I could ever-”
“Alright! That’s IT!” Hoseok scolded as he grabbed you and Namjoon by the arm, while the two of you attempted to shrug him off, Hoseok’s grip only tightened. 
Pushing the both of you back outside, he stated firmly, “Until you figure things out, you’re not coming back in!” and with that Hoseok slammed the door in your faces, as you Namjoon and you stood outside in silence. 
Turning to look at one another, until the both of you couldn’t handle it anymore, you both burst out into laughter, clutching your stomachs at the hilarity of the situation. 
“Did you see his face? He looked so distressed, I’m-” Namjoon gasped through his laughter. 
Erupting in giggles, you exclaimed, your lips pursed into a pout, “Aww…He probably feels so bad right now.” 
“What do I do? What do I do?” Namjoon mimicked, grabbing his hair in frustration and imitating a look Hoseok often has when distressed, making you laugh only harder until Namjoon put a finger to his lips. 
“Shh, we don’t wanna give us away already now do we?” He said, still laughing softly as you quickly nodded, stifling your own giggles as you wiped away the tears from your eyes from laughing way too hard. 
“Today was fun Y/N, really. I had a great time.” Namjoon finally said, breaking the soft silence after the both of you had calmed down from your laughter. 
Smiling widely at him, you blushed, “I did too. Pranking Hoseok never get’s old does it?”
Grinning, Namjoon nodded in agreement when suddenly you saw him take a shy, small step closer towards you. Seconds later, you looked down in surprise as you saw his fingers interlace with yours as they gently caressed your hand.  Namjoon’s voice came down to a soft whisper as he said, “You know? I’ve always wanted to hold your hand.” 
Glancing up at him, your eyes widened as you met his soft eyes that shined as bright as all the stars combined that night. It was as if they were trying to send you a message, one that your body seemed to immediately understand. 
The both of you gradually moved closer to one another, not knowing when or how. His face was simply inches away as you looked down shyly, your entire face turning a soft shade of crimson at the sudden change of proximity between the both of you. 
“Y/N?” Namjoon whispered softly, his warm breath fanning your flushed cheeks.
“Hmm?” you replied as you shifted on your feet nervously before gathering up the courage to look up at him, your eyes meeting his yet once again. 
“I-U-Uh-” Namjoon started, before clearing his throat as he saw you looking at him earnestly, your round, innocent eyes blinking at him before he stammered, “C-Can I kiss you?”  
Eyes going wide at the request, you bit your lip before looking back at Namjoon who’s gaze was already set on your lips and nothing else, making you do the same. 
As your head began to nod, the word yes slipping past your lips in a hushed whisper, Namjoon’s large hands hugged your face, his fingers curling up behind your ears and into your soft hair as he pulled you close to him. His plump, soft lips met yours in a soft embrace, as he kissed you like you both had all the time in the world. Pulling away, he drew back for a second as he leaned in again, this time with you melting completely under his touch as your fingers gripped onto the front of his shirt tightly. 
Pulling away, your forehead resting against his, a small whine escaped Namjoon’s lips as he breathed, voice husky, as his words thrummed through your skin, blood rushing through your veins, “God-I could kiss you forever…”
Giggling softly in response, your head tilted to the side, saying cutely, “Well now, you always can,” as you stood up on your toes to meet his lips yet once again, when suddenly a loud voice screeched from the front door, startling the both of you. As you pulled away, you and Namjoon looked to see Hoseok standing outside, his mouth dropped open as he pointed at the two of you. 
“What the hell?!”
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starryeyed-char · 7 years
HAPPY HALLOWEEN FROM YOURS TRULY! Here’s a spooky one-shot that’s a part of my Klance YouTuber AU Series (which I’m excited to finally be continuing, as I haven’t written for it in a while)!
Lance, Keith, Pidge, and Hunk decide to film a video using a Ouija Board to celebrate Halloween. Lance is amused, Keith is wary, Pidge is skeptical, and Hunk is terrified. Hilarity (and horror) ensues. I hope you enjoy!
“Hey guys!” Lance waved and, pulling the cape he wore around to cover the lower his face, wiggled his eyebrows. “Happy Halloween! Boy, do we have a treat in store for you today. Don't we, guys?”
“Not an actual treat,” Hunk said. “Last year we tried to do a Halloween baking video, and we all know how much of a disaster that turned out to be.”
“In my defense, it was a ghost that knocked the tray out of my hands and onto the floor,” Pidge claimed, glancing at the ceiling. “I didn't drop it.”
“You ruined all of our perfectly good s'mores,” Keith pointed out, crossing his arms.
Pidge raised an eyebrow at him. “Keith, your s'mores looked like they got hit by a bus. Frankly, I did them a favor.”
Lance snorted, which he quickly tried to disguise with a cough. Keith still glared at him. “Right. Well, this year the four of us are doing something even more holiday appropriate! Per popular request, we're going to be using a Ouija Board!”
Hunk's head snapped up from his phone, on which he had undoubtedly been texting Shay. “Woah, what?! Nobody told me we were doing that! Pidge told me this was Cards Against Humanity!”
“Sorry, buddy,” Lance patted him on the shoulder. “Next time we will, I promise. But today we're doing something that's actually spoopy!”
“Ugh,” Pidge visibly cringed. “Please never use that word again.”
“How is Cards Against Humanity not scary enough? It's like the most terrible game known to man!” Hunk exclaimed, but Lance ignored him, addressing the camera.
“As you can see, we're all in costume for the occasion. A vampire, for yours truly,” Lance said, making a big show of waving his cape around, and grinning to reveal fangs. “It's me, Pidge, Hunk, and Keith, of course. Shiro's hosting the party later, and Allura and Matt are both helping to set up. They didn't want to get in on this video beforehand. Can you believe that?” He shook his head. “The audacity. Anyway, Pidge, why don't you start? Introduce your costume!”
Pidge blinked, then picked up the sheet that was sitting next to them on the floor and dropped it unceremoniously over their head. There were cutouts for their eyes. “I'm a ghost. Boo.”
“I'm a witch,” Hunk said, after it was clear Pidge wasn't going to elaborate. “Well, wizard. Whatever you wanna call it.” He wore a dark cloak, complete with a pointed hat positioned on his head, and a broom beside him.
“Werewolf,” Keith deadpanned. His costume was nothing more than his own pair of fangs, and a large, fluffy pair of pointed ears he wore with a hairband.
“You two usually do extra cheesey couple costumes, what gives?” Pidge asked, looking between the two of them. “Werewolves and vampires are about as far from related as you can get.”
“We're actually going for Jacob and Edward,” Lance told them. “You know, from Twilight? I put on some body glitter, just for the occasion.”
���I noticed that, but I just thought you were being Lance.”
“And,” Pidge continued, as if uninterrupted. “How is Jacob and Edward a couples costume? They're both in love with, like, the same girl.”
“Hmm,” Lance tapped his chin thoughtfully. “Well, our story is that the two of them realized that they were actually madly in love with each other, because Bella has no personality. And she bites her lip every five seconds.”
“I'll allow it,” Pidge smirked. “But you don't even look like them! Does Edward even wear a cape?”
“I'm wearing the cape because it looks cool as fuck,” Lance said. “But if we're going to be accurate, then I'll take off the cape. As long as Keith takes off his shirt.”
Pidge and Hunk immediately burst into laughter, and Keith's face flushed.
“Absolutely not,” he said, eying the camera. “No way.”
Lance just shrugged. “Can't blame a guy for trying.”
“Fair enough,” Pidge snorted, before turning back to Keith. “You have to get more into the costume, man! At least put on more werewolf-y clothes! Fur or... something.”
Keith rolled his eyes, seeming to have regained some of his composure. “Lance bought me a fur vest but it's... horrendous. The ears aren't bad, though.”
“The ears are adorable,” Lance declared, pulling the Ouija board out from behind him.
“Lance, you only like them because you're a furry,” Pidge said. Keith nearly spat out his drink.
Lance looked directly at the camera. “We're cutting that part out. Now! Let's stop roasting our costumes and get down to business!”
“Oh, believe me, you can just roast Matt's costume at the party to make up for it,” Pidge assured him. “Pretty sure he's going as a toilet paper mummy. Meanwhile, Shiro and Allura are going as an angel and a devil, with crazy makeup. It's ridiculous.”
“Pidge, how are you so nonchalant?!” Hunk whisper-shouted. “That's a Ouija board!”
“Yes, I can see it, Hunk. I do have glasses for a reason.”
“Oh, please,” Lance rolled his eyes. “Hunk, don't tell me you actually buy into all that junk. It's all just stupid ghost stories!”
“I can actually agree with Lance on that one,” Pidge said, nodding. “It's bullshit.”
“I don't... believe in it, but... why would we want to use something that's supposed to let us communicate with ghosts and demons? Whoever thought that'd be a good idea!?”
“Don't feel bad, Hunk,” Keith placed a hand on his shoulder. “I think it's a really bad idea, too. After all, ghosts are real.”
Lance whirled around to look at him. “What? You believe in this crap?”
Keith just met his stare. “Is it really so hard to believe that maybe people who aren't able to rest in death might disrupt the material plane?”
“Yes,” Pidge replied. “There's no scientific evidence of ghosts whatsoever, therefore they don't exist.”
Keith just shook his head. “Pidge, I thought you were on my side with this stuff!”
“Yeah, with reasonable conspiracy theories. Like with aliens, or government coverups. Not fucking dead people's spirits that float around, wreaking havoc.”
Keith crossed his arms. “Well, we'll just have to see then.”
Lance was still staring at his boyfriend in shock. “Is that why you made me ask Pidge do it at their apartment?”
“Just start already!”
“Okay, okay! Uh...” Lance looked at the board uncertainly. “How... how do we do this, exactly?”
Hunk blanched. “You don't know? What if one of us accidentally ends up possessed?!”
“Nobody's getting possessed,” Lance said hastily. “And I don't know! I thought Pidge would know!”
“Why the fuck would I know?”
“You know everything!”
“Ugh,” Pidge groaned, but pulled out their phone. “Fine. I'm looking it up now. Okay, so... man, they've got a wikihow for everything. So... the setting part we've pretty much got down. Sitting on the floor, more than one person, dim room and candles, blah blah blah. Oh, and now it's saying we've got to be polite, patient, simple, or we could be in danger.”
“Oh. Screw that.”
“Lance,” Keith hissed, looking increasingly uncomfortable. Pidge continued, undeterred.
“Now for the actual process. We've got to pick a medium, or someone to ask all the questions. Lance, I think that should be you.”
“Yeah, okay, sure,” Lance nodded. “Then what?”
“Put the planchette on the—”
“What's a planchette?”
Pidge sighed. “The triangle thingie, Lance. Put it on the G, and then we have to do an introduction. Basically tell the spirits we just want to communicate, we don't wish any harm, all that fun stuff. Don't know how that'd stop them from killing us if they were real, but I guess wikihow knows best.”
“Right, sure. Uh, spirits, we'd like to use this board to speak to you? If it's cool with you, that is. We're not trying to do anything to hurt you, so please, if you are able to, talk to us. Send us a sign.”
Keith had his face buried in his hands. “That was painful to listen to.”
“What, because you're such a master at spiritual communication?”
“Okay,” Pidge cut them off. “Now, we all put our fingers on the planchette, and Lance asks a question.” They all placed their index and middle fingers on it, and looked at the board expectantly. They moved it in a cirlce three times, then stopped it again at the G. “Here we go.”
“Um... hello. Are there any spirits with us tonight that wish to communicate?”
The planchette didn't move.
“See, what'd I tell you?” Pidge said. “Just a bunch of—” They stopped, and chill seemed to sweep through the air, making all four of them shiver. And they stared down at their hands in horror.
The planchette was moving slowly, but surely, towards the 'yes.'
“Oh, no no no. I didn't sign up for this. I wanted to play a card game. I'm out, I'm out, I'm—”
“Hunk, calm down,” Lance spoke softly. “It's gonna be fine. Just keep your hands on the triangle thingie.”
“What Pidge said. That.” It was fully resting over the 'yes' now. “Well, now we know Pidge's apartment is haunted.”
“Oh, please,” Pidge scoffed. “One of you is just moving it. Ask this 'spirit' what it's name is.”
“Be polite,” Keith reminded them at a whisper.
“Can you tell us your name? Uh, please?” Lance asked. Once again, there was a brief pause before the planchette started moving, but then it went towards the M. They all watched in stunned silence as it spelled out M-A-R-Y.
“Mary,” Lance echoed. “Okay, Mary. That's a really pretty name you got there. Do you want to talk to us?”
“Please, please, don't flirt with ghosts,” Keith pleaded.
“I flirted with you, didn't I?” Lance replied with a smirk. Keith groaned.
“What did we say about banter?” Pidge snapped, before glaring back at the board as the planchette slowly inched towards 'yes' again. “I swear. Whichever one of you is doing this could be more creative. Mary. What, like, Bloody Mary haunting my apartment? You don't say!”
Keith's eyes widened. “You mean you still don't believe that we're talking to a ghost?”
“No? Am I supposed to be wetting myself just because some stupid triangle on a board is moving around?”
“Hey! You were the one that kept telling me to call it a planchette!” Lance protested, then cleared his throat. “Right, Mary. I think you're here because you can't move on from your life. Is there anything that will help with that, ease your pain?”
Keith was shaking his head wildly, but it was too late. The planchette had moved over a bit, only to go back to where it was before. 'Yes.' “Lance! You never ask a ghost if they want your help, you can't make a deal with them! Bad spirits will try to trick you!”
“Thank you so much for telling me this now, after I've already asked!” he hissed. “Is there something you want that's keeping you from moving on? What... what is it that you want?”
It moved once again towards the letters. Y-O-U.
“You want... us? Do you want our help? Can we do something to help you?” Lance asked, and the planchette moved much faster this time, to 'No', and then spelling it out again. Y-O-U.
Lance shook his head slowly. “I... I don't understand. What do you want?”
The planchette resumed moving slowly. With each letter, Lance's hands began to shake more.
“Very funny, guys,” Lance said, looking around at all of them. His voice shook. “Ha, ha. Which one of you is moving it? Or is this a combined effort?”
Hunk looked just about as freaked as Lance was. “I... this is just what I was afraid would happen! I told you guys we shouldn't do it!”
Pidge raised their arms defensively. “Don't look at me. Why would I make it seem like ghosts are real? I've been doubting this all night!”
Lance turned to Keith, who was still looking at the board, definitely seeming scared. “What, you think I did this? I'm more than a little concerned that this 'Mary' supposedly wants something from my boyfriend!”
Lance narrowed his eyes at the three of them, then stood up. “Right, well. I'm going to the bathroom. If that board's not completely out of sight by the time I get back, you three can play by yourselves—”
“Lance, you're the one that bought this thing.”
“—and I'll go help Matt, Shiro, and Allura set up for the party,” he finished, starting down the hall.
After a moment, Keith started, a thought having just occurred to him. “Wait, Lance, you can't leave! We can't put the board away until we close the connection by moving the planchette to—”
He was cut off by a scream down the hall, followed by a thud. The Ouija board was forgotten as Keith immediately stood and rushed in the direction his boyfriend had gone. Hunk and Pidge were not far behind. “Lance?”
Upon entering the hall, Keith's gaze immediately caught on the limp form of Lance, collapsed on the ground. He was lying face-up, eyes closed, seemingly unconscious. A small drip of blood ran from his nose, and a puddle was beginning to spread around his head on the floor.
“Did he pass out?!” Pidge demanded, crouching beside him with Keith.
“Should I call 911?” Hunk asked. “Do... do you think he's possessed? Is he going to be okay?!”
“Lance!? Lance, wake up! Come on, what happened, you're—” Keith broke off into a yell as Lance abruptly sat up, lunging toward them.
“RAWR!” he shouted, causing the other three to scream and stumble away from him. Lance fell back onto the ground, shaking with laughter. “Oh, man... I got you guys good.”
“But... but the blood,” Hunk pointed at the puddle on the floor, and Lance dismissed him with a wave of his hand.
“I brought fake blood with me. I'm going as a vampire, after all. Man, you should've seen the looks on your faces!”
Keith just glared at him. “Lance. I told you I believe in this stuff! You just scared the hell out of me!”
“We have to hand it to you though,” Pidge admitted. “You even had me going for a second there. I mean, I should've seen you pranking us like this coming, but it was pretty good. Especially that Ouija board bit. I didn't know you were that good of an actor.”
Lance's playful smile dropped. “Wait, what? No, the board spelling my name thing was you guys. I only did this to get back at you for freaking me out! I didn't do that.”
“Yeah, right, okay.”
“Nice try, but you're not freaking us out again, man.”
“Sure, Lance.”
“I'm serious!” he protested, looking between the three of them. “That part wasn't me! Believe me, if I'd been planning a prank like this in advance it would've been a lot better than that! I just wanted to improvise and get my revenge. Which one of you did it?”
All three of them ignored him.
Pidge put the Ouija board away, and then picked it up in the box. “Let's head to the party, since it's getting late. Lance, if you don't want this thing—”
“Hell no.”
“We can see if Matt would like it then, or just chuck it in a dumpster on the way,” Pidge said with a shrug. “Now let's go. By the time we get there my sheet will be all wrinkly.”
After the party, Lance decided that he would keep the board, in case his subscribers ever wanted him to do a video with it again. He also figured that whoever had moved the planchette was probably just never going to admit it, content in letting everyone else think Lance had done it. So, it wound up stored in the closet of the second bedroom in his and Keith's apartment, the one he'd turned into his whole video-filming-room.
With all the excitement of the party from that night to think on, not one of them remembered that they'd never closed the board by moving the planchette to 'Goodbye.'
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