#i think it is partly personal preference; in that i don't mind watching the same 'simpler' routine if it's done well
lobaznyuk · 2 years
for ME it's watching ncaa vault in the first part of the year and then being physically assaulted with elite vault in the second lol
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joelscruff · 2 years
one thing i'm missing (joel miller/reader) PART ONE
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hi there ! i'm new to the tlou fandom but not new to fic, and watching the show over the past few months inspired me to return to fic writing. the idea for this has been milling around in my head for a good chunk of time now and i finally felt ready to put pen to paper and get this thing started. i've already posted this to ao3 if you prefer that medium, but i'll also be posting it here now. let me know what you think!
summary: you and joel accidentally end up falling asleep together, and what follows is the beginning of a quiet and tender relationship neither of you saw coming. rating: 18+ explicit (this part is not explicit but this fic will be) warnings: (for future parts) smut, age difference (reader is in her mid 20s and joel in his mid 50s), praise kink - will add more as fic progresses word count: about 2.6k
You don't, under absolutely any circumstances, talk about it.
It started about a month ago, after all the shit that happened with that monster, David. After Ellie had decided she wanted to start sleeping alone.
It hadn't really been a conscious decision on her part, but you'd noticed that first night how she'd distanced herself from you and Joel when it was time to sleep. She'd curled up against the far wall of the basement with barely a word, shutting herself off entirely while you'd tended to Joel's injury. Prior to this – ever since Joel was stabbed – Ellie had started sleeping at his side, head on his chest, listening to his heart and hoping against all hope that it kept beating. You'd slept a few feet away, hoping desperately for the same thing.
After David, she avoided physical contact entirely. You and Joel wordlessly understood, though you could tell it alarmed and concerned him. Though he'd been in and out of consciousness for the past few weeks you know he'd become accustomed to having her at his side, curled into him with that familiar daughterly affection he'd been missing for twenty years. Seeing her ultimately decide that she no longer wanted that closeness, probably feared it, distressed him greatly.
“Fuckin' bastard,” Joel had murmured to himself that first night as you cleaned his wound – you'd learned what to do from watching Ellie, “I'll fucking kill him.”
“Shhh,” you'd hushed him, keeping your voice low in case Ellie was still awake, “He's dead and gone, she took care of it.”
“Shouldn't have had to,” he'd hissed, “Fuckin' bastard.”
He'd slept poorly. You knew because every so often you'd hear him mutter something else to himself about David between short fits of sleep. You didn't sleep much either, partly because in the wake of Ellie's sudden distance it was now your job to monitor Joel's wound, but also because you felt the same way Joel did. The thought of that monster... what he'd done to Ellie and what he'd tried to do... you'd never felt so much disdain and hatred for one person in your life. Every time you closed your eyes all you could see was the look on her blood-spattered face when you'd both found her, the way she'd barely been able to speak... you could only imagine how much worse the images behind Ellie's eyelids were.
So she slept alone now, which meant Joel slept alone.
For a little while, that is.
After a few days of short spurts of travel and staying in more abandoned houses (Joel wasn't well enough to walk much, though he tried to deny it, much to the frustration of you and Ellie) you'd set up camp on the outskirts of a small community. Ellie hadn't talked much and Joel hadn't been fully in his right mind since you left that first house, so the decision-making had fallen to you for the time being. Truthfully, you were done with the mouldy mattresses and hard concrete of those suburban basements, the smell of rotting food and being bothered by mice and cockroaches while you tried – and failed – to fall asleep. Neither Joel nor Ellie argued when you suggested setting up a campsite in the woods for a change of scenery.
The snow had melted quite a bit and there hadn't been anything fresh in almost a week, the temperature rising rapidly the further you walked. The idea of sleeping underneath the stars again with fresh air in your lungs and the sound of the wind blowing through the trees was enough to keep you going that day. That night, you'd watched as Joel made a fire with the materials you'd collected, Ellie already bundled up inside her sleeping bag a few meters away.
“Hey, you sure you're not gonna be cold over there?” you'd called to her gently, already knowing the answer.
“I'm good,” she'd replied, sounding earnest enough, “If I get cold I'll move.”
You'd sighed quietly, turning back toward the fire. Joel was blowing lightly on some kindling, eyebrows furrowed in thought. You used this rare moment of him being distracted to analyze his face; the dark circles beneath his eyes had been growing more prominent over the past few days, and he'd gotten into the unconscious habit of blinking very slowly, like he was always just a few seconds from sleep. You'd never seen him look this exhausted.
“You need to sleep,” you'd murmured, and his eyes had snapped up to meet yours instantly, “I'm serious, Joel, you look...”
“I'm fine.”
“You don't look fine,” you shifted your eyesight to the fire, lifting your hands to warm your palms, “You look like you haven't slept in days, which you literally haven't, by the way.”
“I've slept,” he'd grunted, turning his attention back to the fire as well.
“Yeah, for maybe twenty minutes at a time.”
“Well, maybe if I wasn't bein' woken up every twenty minutes by you checking if I'm still breathin',” his voice was hard and cold, but you were used to it.
“Don't be dramatic,” you'd snapped back, “I check you maybe twice a night now, if even that. Sorry for wanting to make sure you're okay.” The last few words had come out shakier than you'd intended.
He'd inhaled deeply, and you could see him looking at you again in your peripheral vision, “You're right, I'm sorry. I'm being an asshole. As usual.”
“You're not an asshole,” you'd muttered, “you're tired. And so am I.”
You'd sat together in silence for a few moments before Joel had reached behind him for his pack, digging out the blanket he'd started using in lieu of his old sleeping bag. He'd decided to leave that behind; it was what you and Ellie had used to get him back to that first house, the one Callus had dragged across the icy terrain with a bloodied and near-death Joel as its only occupant. He'd pissed himself in it, which he'd attributed as the main reason for leaving it. But you knew the truth: he'd spent too long wrapped up inside of it during that period of time to ever get a good night's sleep from it again. It needed to be put out of its misery.
Both you and Ellie had offered to give him your own but he refused every time, repeatedly stating that the blanket Ellie had found was warm enough, if not even warmer than the sleeping bag had been. You honestly didn't know if he was telling the truth, but he gave you no choice but to believe him.
“You take first watch, then.” he said quietly, “We're out in the open again, gonna have to stay alert.”
“Got it,” you were a bit embarrassed by your brief moment of vulnerability, but you'd quickly busied yourself with picking up the rifle to hold it in your lap.
You'd watched as he spread out the blanket on the ground, carefully kneeling down and wincing at the pull of his stitches. He laid down on the edge of it, then reached over and pulled the other side over his body like a makeshift sleeping bag. Sighing contentedly, he'd closed his eyes.
Despite how much older than you he was, the word adorable couldn't help but cross your mind.
“Goodnight,” he mumbled quietly to you, and you'd forced yourself to look down at the rifle so he wouldn't catch you staring.
“Night, Joel.”
You'd quickly learned that Joel's new blanket was in fact not warmer than his sleeping bag. After a few hours of keeping watch, you decided to check on both Ellie and Joel to make sure they were doing alright. Ellie was fast asleep and didn't look to be shivering or experiencing a bad night's sleep; she actually looked more peaceful than you'd seen her for a long time. You'd smiled fondly, fighting back the urge to push her hair out of her eyes; she'd made things very clear and you weren't going to overstep.
You wandered over to Joel and the contrast between he and Ellie was staggering; there was no peace here. He was wide awake, shivering ferociously and hunched in on himself with his hands cupped around his mouth as he blew on them for warmth.
“Jesus Christ, Joel,” you'd immediately dropped the rifle and leaned down to him, “why the fuck didn't you tell me you were freezing?”
It actually wasn't a very cold night, but the combination of Joel's thin blanket, his injury, and the fact that he was overwhelmingly exhausted were just making everything ten times worse. He also hadn't slept outside for weeks. You immediately began to regret the decision to camp tonight.
“Hold on,” you'd said quickly, scrambling back up to grab your own sleeping bag. You unzipped it so it was wide, then draped it over Joel's shivering form, “I'm gonna give you some body heat, okay? Don't make it weird.” You'd only said the last part because you knew he would protest.
You'd crawled underneath both layers of material and without any hesitation wrapped your arms around Joel, ignoring his shaky mutterings of “I'm okay” and “you don't need to”. He'd surrendered very quickly, relaxing into your embrace as you ran your hands up and down his arms at the fastest pace you could muster. You alternated between his arms and hands, taking them in yours and rubbing your palms against them like you were trying to start a fire, huffing hot breath against his skin. Beneath the blanket, you entwined your legs with his, pulling his socked feet against your ankles and trapping them there to warm them up.
It only took a few moments for the heavy shakes to stop and for Joel's breath to even out again. Despite this, you stayed where you were and kept doing what you could to keep his temperature stable. As he warmed up, he began to feel more like himself; he was no longer a cold statue but the warm and solid man you'd come to recognize, and you were hyper-aware of the fact that despite spending so much time with each other you'd never actually been this close to him. His arms, strong and steady beneath his coat, the same arms that carried around that heavy pack all day, the arms that cradled the rifle, they now laid loose and tender under your touch. His hands, calloused and rough around the edges but soft at the palms, the same hands that set the fire still burning a few feet away, the hands that once held his daughter and had learned to hold Ellie's – and now yours, feeling like in some way they belonged there.
You'd known you felt something for Joel, but you'd never realized how strong and real that something was until it was literally in your embrace.
Without speaking you'd laid your head on his chest, closing your eyes and doing your damnedest to fight back the sudden tears that were threatening to well up. Holy shit, was all you could think, a warmth you'd never felt in your entire life radiating in your chest and somehow extending toward him. Holy fucking shit. It was like time had stopped and all you could feel was him.
You'd looked up at his face, needing to see if he felt it too, felt you the way you felt him, but your eyes widened slightly when you saw that his were closed, mouth slightly agape. There it was, that peace you'd seen on Ellie's face, now transferred to Joel's. For a brief second you felt panic, but it was immediately interrupted by the light snore that emitted from his open mouth. He'd fallen asleep.
And a few moments later, so had you.
That was the first night you'd slept solid without waking up even once. Not just since Joel had been stabbed, but since the pandemic had started to begin with. You can't recall ever having such a peaceful, dreamless, absolutely soul-refreshing sleep. And neither had Joel; when you woke the next morning he was still fast asleep in your embrace, that peaceful expression still sculpted on his face like he was a living Michelangelo. In the night you'd only gotten closer to him, legs still entwined and head still on his chest. The only difference was that your arms had obviously stopped their rapid movements to keep him warm, and they'd ended up snaked around his torso, the palm of your left hand laying flat against the hot skin of his waist, just above where his stitches were.
Maybe you should have pulled away when you realized, gotten up and pretended it didn't happen. The thought did cross your mind, but then Joel had shuffled a bit in his sleep and you'd become aware of the fact that his arms were around you, hand pressed flush against your bare back underneath your jacket and shirt, holding you to him. And that was enough to make you stay.
About fifteen minutes later, he'd woken up.
He didn't flinch or yank himself away when he realized the position you were in. He'd blinked slowly at you, and you'd peered up at him just as quietly. His lips had parted and then closed again, as if he was going to say something but then thought better of it. Instead, he just kept staring at you, and you started to feel his hand on your back slowly and tenderly stroke the skin there. In return, you gently brushed your thumb against the bare skin of his waist. It was a moment that felt like it went on forever, both of you touching those small intimate parts of each other without saying so much as one word.
You felt butterflies in your belly when the hint of a smile twitched at his mouth, and you smiled back, sleepy and soft. You never wanted to leave this small piece of existence. You just wanted him to keep looking at you like that, his gaze holding yours with an expression you could only describe as contentedness. You'd never seen him look so relaxed; the dark circles had faded and even the lines on his face had receded into his skin. He looked younger, healthier, like all the bad things that had happened to him had vanished in one good sleep.
“Uggghhhh,” Ellie moaned a few meters away, and both your heads snapped in her direction. She was sitting up in her sleeping bag, back facing you. You could see her arms stretching above her head as she began her typical morning wake-up routine: stretch, groan, flop, repeat.
Without saying anything you'd both untangled yourselves simultaneously before she could see the sleeping arrangement you'd found yourselves in. The loss of warmth and familiarity was palpable as you quickly stood up and grabbed the rifle, walking over to the now completely burnt out fire. Joel silently folded up his blanket and your sleeping bag behind you, then muttered something about needing to look for more shit to burn.
That's how it started.
And you don't, under absolutely any circumstances, talk about it.
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darling-to-death · 1 year
I'm feeling self-indulgent, so here's some DOL headcanons about the Lis taking care of you when you're sick.
Kylar -Oh he's on cloud 9. You're so helpless! -You HAVE to stay in bed, so you're easy to find! And watch. :3c -Please just sit back and let him take care of you. <3 -Which he does… to the best of his ability… -But he kinda gets sidetracked and pervy. -Like he'll make you a lovely soup, but there's a special ingredient in there you probably wouldn't want to consume if you knew it was in there. -Or he'll tuck you in for a nice nap, but you have a hazy fever dream of someone straddling you and panting. -Gosh, you woke up so "sweaty" your skin feels sticky… -He lets you cuddle with his stuffed animals to make you feel better. -It's honestly quite sweet. Those toys were a great comfort to him at one point… -After his parents turned, he didn't have anyone to take care of him when he was sick. -So he'd hug his toys to feel some level of comfort. He hopes they do the same for you. -Although he would prefer you cuddle him. -Because he gets way too up close and personal, he catches whatever bug you've gotten. -He expects to be nurtured and attended to just as he did for you.
Whitney -He does not want to get sick. -Fuck you for getting sick and putting him at risk. -Cuz he can't just leave you like this… -I mean, how's he gonna have fun if his favorite slut up and dies on him cuz of some weak-ass common cold? -So he takes care of you. "Begrudgingly." -He wears a mask the entire time. -He refuses to get too close to you. -Honestly, he mostly just drops ramen soup and cold medicine in a bag before leaving you to your own devices. -But he's always popping in to check up on you. -He'll peek his head through the door to see if you're doing any better. -Sometimes he'll gently press his palm against your forehead to check your temperature. -If it's too high, he'll get a worried look on his face. -He'll remind you to take your fucking medicine so you don't boil in your own skin. -He misses you.
Robin -Oh Robin is both horribly underprepared and the most equipped to deal with you being sick. -You've known each other your entire lives. Of course he knows how to take care of you. -But you take care of him… That's the arrangement, right? -The longer you stay in bed, the less time you have to make money for the both of you. -He shudders to think what will be done to you when you're too weak to fight back. -He panics thinking about what will be done to him. -He tries to balance his time between tending to you and tending to his lemonade stand. -He needs to work extra hard to make sure you both have enough money at the end of the week. He knows you have something saved up, but he doesn't know if it's enough. -But the more he works, the more you're alone. And you're so helpless like this. -It's a constant mental struggle trying to prioritize what you need more. -He feels selfish for wanting you to get better, because he knows that desire is partly motivated by his need for you to support him. -He plays video games beside you to try to keep your mind off your illness. -You fall asleep to it as background noise. -He likes watching you sleep. -When you're awake, he can all too often see the anguish on your face. -Sleep is the only place you're free. -He hopes you have good dreams.
Eden -He hates being sick. -Living alone in the woods means there's no one to take care of you when you're sick. -It doesn't matter if you feel like shit, if you don't keep up with your chores it could mean the difference in surviving or not. -…But that's living alone in the woods. -Now he has company. -He'll be a little more lenient with you. -He'll try to cook meals, so you don't get your germs in the food. -He'll let you bathe separately, but he still insists on washing you. -He makes an extra trip into town so he can buy you some medicine. -He'll try to be extra quiet. -He's already not much of a talker, but he'll the sounds around the cabin to a minimum. -He knows congestion can cause sinus headaches, and he doesn't want you to be in any more discomfort than you already are. -He reads silently, but he still wants to sit beside you. -He likes patting your head as you head it in his lap, so he still feels like your little nightly ritual continues even in your illness. -He doesn't wait for you to fully get better before putting you back to work. -Once your fever breaks it's back to keeping him company.
Avery -This is quite an inconvenience for him. -You had to miss your date, because you fell ill, and he looked like a fool waiting for you to show up. -When he sees you around town one day, he pulls over to yell at you. -But you look like SHIT. He can immediately tell you've come down with something. -He's still pissed, but he kinda understands… -He offers to drive you to the doctor. -He stays in the waiting room while you have your appointment. -You're honestly surprised to see him still there when you leave. -He says not to make a big deal out of it. -He can't have his arm candy looking half-dead. -Even if you are sick, looking that ragged is bad for his reputation. -He drives you home, but he doesn't drive you back to the orphanage. -He brings you to some hotel. -He knows the kind of squalor you live in. Being in that filth can't help your recovery time. -He pays for you to have a room for a few days. -Room service brings you your meals. -He calls you every day to make sure you're resting and taking your medicine. -He'll know if you're lying. -When you're better, he expects his kindness to be paid back in droves.
Sydney -He'll make sure to pray for your health from now on when he visits the temple. -He makes sure you're still eating and drinking plenty of fluids! -You can't get better if you don't give your body fuel to fight off the illness. -He likes taking care of you… -Your face is so flushed due to the fever. -Your nose is clogged up due to the mucus, so you have to pant and breathe through your mouth. -He watches your chest rise and fall with labored breaths. -…He tries to ignore that sight. -But you make it rather difficult. -The way you weakly reach out for him, the way you call out his name so soft and weak… -You really need him, don't you? -He's taking care of you because he cares. -Not for any ulterior motive. -Not for any joy on the power he has over you. -He'd never use that power to harm you after all. He's a good boy. -…But the fact he could do something, well, maybe he thinks about the possibilities a little too much. -He's happy when you're feeling better. -He misses seeing you so weak before him.
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valtsv · 2 years
last serious post for tonight i promise but i think part of the reason i value critical thinking so much (even though i realize that might come as a surprise if your only knowledge of me as a person comes from here, because tumblr is more of an escape slash stream of consciousness collaborative scrapbook for me than a platform for spreading awareness or teaching and learning tool - no offence to anyone who does use it for that, i just prefer to treat it as a hobby myself) is because i grew up both extremely isolated and controlled and prevented from expressing myself while also watching my parents fall hard down the conspiracy theory pipeline and experiencing the creeping horror of growing old enough to understand that and learning more about the world and being exposed to more people and ideas in it and realizing that my fear and frustration around them wasn't just typical teen angst but an entirely reasonable reaction to their increasing capacity to be very dangerous and untrustworthy people.
and like. i did actually try to pull them back. i wasn't very good at it (partly because i was a kid, and partly because i have my own biases and misconceptions and just plain bad ideas that i'll spend my entire life working on unlearning and trying to be aware and receptive to criticism of) but goddamn it did i fucking try. i tried discussing, i tried debating, i tried arguing back and standing up for myself and others, i tried researching and learning and presenting my counterarguments backed up with actual evidence, i tried to get other people to support me despite lacking much in terms of social skills or confidence or people around me who didn't buy into all the same bullshit, or something equally stupid and harmful. i even read the things they sent me and showed me so i could say "look, i approached this with an open mind and genuine good faith, i reflected on it and i used my critical thinking skills and tried to understand, but this is wrong and it's going to get people hurt. it's going to get you to hurt people."
i grew up knowing that as the closest person to them who hadn't fallen into the same trap of facebook radicalization groups and increasingly deranged and cult-like (and i don't use that word lightly) organizations and communities online i had a responsibility to try to protect people by warning them that my parents have the potential to cause a lot of harm and suffering if nothing else. and i failed. i'm not a trained deprogramming therapist and they probably crossed whatever event horizon ordinary people who aren't professionally taught how to combat that shit could have any chance of pulling them back from long ago. but the one thing i still have the ability to do is not let the same thing happen to me. i refuse to just passively let everything i see and hear fester in my brain until it starts poisoning all my thoughts and interactions with the world and people around me, and i'm still willing to try to encourage others to be aware and critical of everything around them so they don't end up following the same path and ending up unrecognizable to their former selves. i'm not perfect, i've definitely made some very bad mistakes and hurt people in ways i can't and don't want to be forgiven for and have many regrets, but i will never let myself end up like that as long as i have the ability to fight back.
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vagabond-umlaut · 1 year
Fall Versus Foliage
Gojo Satoru x Fem!Reader; Geto Suguru Makes His Debut; Takes Place Between Star Plasma Vessel Incident & Death Of Haibara; Fluff, Very Little Angst, Humor & Drama!! Contains Spoilers. Canon-Compliant. [Geto's Already Spiralling Here.] [I Hate Canon.]
Oneshot From Series: One Day, Three Autumns
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Your Best Friend is Gojo. Gojo's Best Friend is Geto. Your Mortal Enemy is Geto.
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"Oi, you six-eyed cellar spider! Where the fuck you hidin', huh?"  
Wrenching the shoji door open, you charge onto the backyard of your home, wading through the tall grasses overcrowding your so precious lawn. Somewhere from behind, someone calls your name in an overly frantic tone— paying them no attention, you proceed forwards, wrath coursing through your arteries and veins– colouring your vision with a furious shade of red.  
Honestly speaking, this isn't how you envisioned your weekend going. You were under the impression you might be able to get some indeed very much needed rest these two days— maybe with some fun too in the mix, given how you invited your friends to this tucked away home you've in the countryside.  
Then again, you never envisioned someone gobbling your Neapolitan ice cream– the entirety of it– did you, now?  
"Hey, Gojo," you holler once again, eyes roaming in search of the bane of your existence, when you suddenly stop at the sight before, only to increase the speed of your attack within the next instant. "Oi, Satoru!" you yell, clenching then relaxing your fists as you march towards that messy mop of white hair partly obscured by the tree trunk its owner's leaning against, "You gone deaf or— huhhh? What the fuck is this??" 
Were anyone from your family there right now, you'd have received an earful for such a horrendously unladylike language— you shove every thought of your stick-in-the-mud family members out your mind into the lake nearby, opting to focus on the masterpiece before instead. 
Though you're much too unsure, which of them two the masterpiece is.  
Must it be the striking painting staring back at you, the woman's eyes carrying fondness yet mystery in their depths while her lips curve in a visibly coy smile, sweet yet cryptic?  
Or must it be the striking painter snoozing beside his work, tiny quiet snores leaving him while his head lolls to the side, those black shades sitting tad precariously on his nose? 
A muted exhale leaving, you force your shoulders to slump down and relax, your hands reaching forwards to carefully pluck his glasses off– only to still and tense up, registering the presence of another person.
Very intolerable. Very obnoxious. Another. Person.
Suguru offers you an easy smile from where he's propped up against the tree beside Satoru's, an open book lying in his lap. You manage a barely civil smile in response, gritting out, "Why the hell are you here, huh? Never took you to be my 'Toru's watch dog... Senpai."
Even if the boy does detect the disrespect in the term of address you throw in as an after-thought, he makes no comment on it– wearing a smile as placid as before, and replying, "Never took these lawns to be out of bounds for me either— but here are we. Thinking things only to be proved wrong later on. Funny little coin—"
"I'm rather good at reading people," you cut him off, eyes narrowed in a glare as your teeth clack against each other in your attempts to rein in your bubbling irritation and rising volume: Satoru's asleep; he must not be disturbed at any and all costs– "and I think Ieiri-senpai prefers your company to Iori-senpai's when she's smoking. Why don't you go, have a smoke with her, yeah? They're in the other wing of the house."
Or, perhaps, in the same wing of the house adjoining these very same gardens— but you don't add that. With the fewest words spoken, you want Suguru to be gone the quickest, the farthest from Satoru— who seems too delicate, too vulnerable, too breakable in such a state— an uncomfortable shiver slithering down your spine on noticing that tiny scar at the back of his neck, you drag your attention away from him— to the second boy watching you: visibly delighted; tangibly intrigued.
You will your annoyance to be doused: your best friend's asleep; 'Toru Must Not Be Disturbed— his best friend leisurely flips over to another page, though his eyes drift to the new page only for a moment before returning to study you— albeit without the sliver of interest his hawk-like gaze always carries when settling on a hapless girl doomed to be his prey for the night— you observe this with an inward sigh of relief.
Be it for you or for Satoru, you never quite like those who try to come between the two of you friends. You suppose, the white-haired boy is not very fond of such folks either. That pathetic boy who tried to give you an equally pathetic rose in your third grade, still carries remnants of the thrashing your friend had given him on hearing your complaint – you know, the white-haired boy is not very fond of such folks either.
Suguru chuckles softly. "You..." he pauses for a little, seemingly in the search for the right words, then resumes, "You're not good in dealing with feelings, are you? Especially not where it concerns people close to you, right?"
It takes you two seconds before the meaning behind his words spring to life. You clench your fists to keep yourself absolutely rooted there, vision growing red yet again.
"Are you trying to tell me what I think you're trying to tell me, Geto?" you query quietly, nails digging deep crescents into the skin of your palms. Suguru's face morphs into an unrushed grin, smug and ugly. You reckon one of your nail's finally broken the skin of your left palm.
The Curse Manipulator shrugs. "That depends on what—"
"Being mean to you isn't me not knowing how to handle my emotions or some shallow shit like that," you cut him off, unclenching your fists and letting the air brush over the red-hot indents in your palm, "Being mean to you is me wanting to be; and you better not be expecting me to change that anytime soon, 'cause I won't–" A barely-heard mumble on kikufuku makes you pause. Throwing a sideways glance at the boy mumbling, you return your focus to the other boy, eyes fixed in a hard stare.
"I hate you and I'm so not the type to be polite with someone, only to bitch about them later on, behind their back— so I'm gonna continue hating you to your face— and I don't care what you might have to say on this, so you better save your breath, yeah?"
A moment of tense silence follows your question, broken not too long after by the black-haired boy's incredulous statement, "I never meant that to refer to myself. I was speaking on your feelings for–" He grows silent suddenly, eyes darting to Satoru for a brief second, before they return to you. Cheshire cat grin back in every bit of its dastardly glory.
"Feelings for someone close to you translates to your hatred for me– hm?" he says, throwing a momentary glance at Satoru yet again, grin unbudged, "You are one very weird girl, you know that?"
"Oh, yeah?" you snap back without missing a beat, "You might not be knowing this— but anger and hatred are equally valid feelings as any other— and regarding the matter of you being someone close to me?" you let out something between a scoff and a sigh, shaking your head, "You're one of the five other faces I see from my age group, at school everyday. Of-fucking-course, you're someone close to me. I'll be kind of upset if— Have you ever been told, your grin is low-key terrifying?"
Your genuine question earns one very hearty laugh from Suguru– it grows tempered soon enough, however, when you pointedly glance at your sleeping friend then shoot the other boy a glare. Sharp. Mad.
The latter smiles at you, shaking his head. "You're really one weird girl —perhaps the weirdest of them all..." he says, wiping a tear away from his eye, shoulders still shaking from his subdued laughter– "However, I can't help but wonder..."
You shift your weight to one foot, the other tapping an impatient tune on the ground as you stuff your hands into your jacket pockets. Smile dimming to grow a touch of honest curiosity, he asks, "You say, anger and hatred are valid emotions, but don't you feel they might burn you from the inside out, consume you and every bit of your life, leave your world in smoke and ash— don't you feel ashamed when you're feeling those? Helpless– miserable when your anger and hatred tears at your insides? Teasing you, taunting you— cursing you?"
It takes you few moments to grasp the entirety of Suguru's question; and when you do, you can't help but feel sorry for him— Though you know better than to offer something as trash as sympathy to another.
Not when it cannot retrieve the lost, resurrect the dead.
Not when it cannot remove the scars– seen and hidden.
Not when it cannot... let your 'Toru sleep without reliving the sight of millions of maggots swarming over him, weak, dying, dying, weak— YouNeedToMakeGetoLeaveNOW—
You fake a yawn, flexing and extending your legs, one at a time.
"Jogging, fencing, complaining, being mean, napping— these are my usual go-to's whenever I feel too overwhelmed by negative emotions," you answer, features made into one of nonchalance then add, almost as a mumbled after-thought, "or when any emotion confuses me too, to be honest. Kicking the wall or the source of your distress helps me too, yeah."
"So... violence is always an option, hm?"
A chuckle moves to fall past your lips— you push it back– misgivings standing where humor should be– when you catch the way Suguru's eyes gleam in the shade granted by the drifting clouds— though that gleam doesn't seem to be gleaming to you. One might accuse you to be unfairly prejudiced against him— but you know you aren't letting a smidgen of those biases tint your vision now.
You know that gleam in his eyes is anything but funny. Anything but light. Anything but good—
The Curse Manipulator rises from his slouch on the ground, sending you another of his easy smiles, though it no longer feels as harmless as it used to, earlier. Your feet move a few steps towards Satoru— in response to your instinct to shield the boy or your desire to be within his comforting aura— you're not very sure, which.
Suguru's smile grows, gaze flitting from his classmate to you. "Thank you for inviting us here. All of us really needed this break after... what happened last year," he says, volume dropping to a whisper, "Thanks a bunch, kid."
You just nod your head in response, fighting the urge to rush to your friend's side— the other boy lets out a muted chuckle, feet moving a couple steps away from you, before he stops and points at the piece of drawing lying before Satoru, held down by a stone paperweight. It is the one you gifted him, many years back at a beach, you recollect.
A tad too tickled statement startles you back to the present.
"Your 'Toru's made his 'sweetness' the subject of that portrait there... think, he fancies her or something?"
Not sparing said portrait a glance, you frown up at him. "But it seems to be of an older woman, Geto. Are you trying to suggest Satoru sees me as someone older than her age?"
"Maybe," he shrugs. You observe him for a moment before looking at the fast asleep boy again— dread and dejection filling every small bit of your body, slow yet so steady—
Satoru sees you as someone much older than your age. Satoru never tells you, he'll be drawing your portrait— but he has told that bastard best friend of his, everything. Said bastard best friend keeps being a hindrance, putting a spoke in your and Satoru's eons old friendship— not to mention those way too disturbing vibes he was giving off some time back— Bloody hell, Satoru also ate your ice cream up, didn't he?
"You seem to be overwhelmed with emotions, kid," the black-haired boy comments, still standing in the same place as he was, watching you attentively with hints of a smirk, "What are you planning to do?"
Honestly? You don't know. You're mad. You want Suguru to leave you two by yourselves for some time. But, you don't know how to— okay, no, wait–
Kicking something never not solves your issues... Besides, all of your friends– yeah, even this bang-haired asshole, keep themselves away whenever you and Satoru fight, so...
Stamping down the glee blooming in your heart, you throw Suguru a very unimpressed glance. "What can one ever expect me to do, eh?"
And that's the last thing you utter, before you stomp right up to your best friend, and ignoring the tiny flicker of regret, deliver a sharp and well-aimed kick to his leg— eliciting a yelp from your poor 'Toru– but, at the same time, kicking your oh-so-splendid plan of protecting your friendship, off as well.
[But, in case this plan fails? Something, the sweet half of yourself is a bit too sure, will happen— Shut the fuck up, you goody-two-shoes!!—
Simple!! You'll buy Satoru three– no, five– tubs of that Neapolitan ice cream. Offer to complete his homework, plus massage his shoulders as an apology for hitting him. And pout at him, trembling lips and big teary eyes and all that jazz, and—
Gojo Satoru will be best friends with his sweetness in no time, again!]
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I do not own the characters used. Divider is by @cafekitsune. Please do not plagiarize or translate or repost this. Hope you enjoyed reading this! 😊
Please interact with This Post to be added to the series taglist! ❤️
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Satoru calls his future S/O sweetness, but trust me when I say— Suguru's S/O will be the sweetest of them all. Stay tuned for the next oneshot in this series, my loves!!! 🥰
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this-acuteneurosis · 1 year
I kind of want to get you started on mind tricks. cause like weak minded to strong minded dynamic and the blur away, but also the sith back in the day were for SURE a Caste system of force sensitive rulers and non force sensitives, and the jedi were their ENEMY off and on for thousands of years, cultural bleed through and dynamics of their own power systems but Ben we are not the droids you are looking for go away so I dont have to kill you, versus Qui hey I want this thing trade it for me.
Alright, Oct anon, it's been a while, but I have not forgotten you definitely forgot this ask in my drafts for who even knows how many months but it's found again, whoo!
It's taken me a while to get this together partly to try and arrange my thoughts in a logical order but also...
Guys, I really, really care about the use of agency in stories. Like, I've ranted about it in relation to droids, I've explained some of my problems with it in the context of the thematic changes between the OT and the PT, I stew over it constantly in my brain, it's a central theme of many of my own stories (including DLB).
I really don't like mind control, and not just in Star Wars.
Now, just because I don't like a thing doesn't mean it doesn't have a place in story telling. As a device, mind control/manipulation can be useful or important to a plot. To a theme. Overcoming it can be powerful or cool (Ella Enchanted-I prefer the novel personally, Tanjiro in Demon Slayer: Mugen Train), watching someone succumb to it can be agonizing (Frodo in Return of the King, anyone? Princess Euphemia in Code Geass?).
So, what is the point of Mind Tricks (and that naming choice, "trick," making it sound almost...harmless) in the Star Wars story, and maybe in the universe?
I feel like in its initial reveal, the mind trick was supposed to a) convey how "magical" Jedi were and b) get the plot from point A to B. Obi-Wan waves his hand, someone believes something hideously untrue, move along move along, don't think about it too hard.
Like, literally, audience, please. Don't.
Luke uses it in RotJ for pretty much the same reason. To convery a) Luke is well on his way to being a "magical" Jedi now (oh but wait, there's more character growth he needs!), and b) Luke needs to get into Jabba's palace and why would they let him in? Because he says so, so we will take him to Jabba now. Move along, move along.
I don't like the implications of this power existing, and as an adult who has been in situation where I have to report to higher powers, the disregard of the consequences of these things are a bit darker if I look too closely, but like...move along, I guess. It's fine as long as we're only using these powers on space nazis and slavers. Right?
Except then we get more movies. And cartoons. It's fine if Obi-Wan mind controls a person into not smoking, right? Smoking is Bad and Obi-Wan is Good.
Who taught Obi-Wan to use mind tricks?
Ah yes, my old nemesis.
To all you Qui-Gon fans out there, you may wanna leave. This analysis is probably not for you.
So like, Qui-Gon Jinn. Qui-Gon "I'm friends with the current Chancellor and thus an obvious, notable representative of the Jedi Order but I don't get along with my higher ups" Jinn. The thing you have to understand about my opinion of him is that, as a young, first time watcher of TPM, I liked him. He was funny, irreverent, direct. He was wise, or at least seemed to know things no one else did. He was a maverick, ready to go against all orders and advice for what he knew was right. And everyone around him was just stuffy and uninformed.
And to be fair, he wasn't wrong about everything. He's set up to be sympathetic. He's trying to treat with the gungans and they won't listen? Well he and Obi-Wan are right, the Trade Federation does go for the gungans. The Order says there are no Sith? Oops, wrong on that one. The Council makes the ambiguous assertion Anakin is "too old" to train. We've seen the OT. We know "too old" is nonsense.
But like, what does Qui-Gon do when he's thwarted?
He takes away people's agency.
Oh, you don't want to help us, Boss Nass, political leader? Cool, well I'm gonna undermine you in front of your entire court and you're gonna give us a whole ship (that we won't return) to help us defend a people you've been in an active war with for centuries. Oh, my currency doesn't work on this planet? I think it will mister small time junk dealer with a gambling problem (jokes on you for that one, sir).
This to me is a huge red flag in a story that is about literal slaves. I know people will defend the above examples. It was necessary. There were lives at stake.
You wanna know who would have suffered if Qui-Gon had been able to con Watto out of that part?
Anakin and Shmi.
Worthless (or event mostly worthless) currency on a planet where you have to buy water is literal death under the right circumstances. And who do you think Watto's going to reduce rations on. He's got cash flow problems? What's the quickest way for him to make back what he just lost? I'll give you a hint, he gambles on them later in the exact same movie.
So like, well before we get to "weak minded" or anything dubious like that, there's this awkward question of, "Why are the good guys always using powers to make people do things? And not worried about the consequences?"
And like, if we go back to simple story narratives, and trying to move things from point A to point B, that's fine I guess. I enjoy the OT. I'll move along.
But if you ask me to stop and think about it.
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kiss-my-freckle · 1 month
I sometimes come across random anti Delena posts that rant on and on about how bad Damon is and how disgustingly horrible it is for Elena to end up with him. tbh, I can't believe fans put so much of their time into hating on Delena, and do so as if expecting Delena fans to jump ship over it, as if their post is the magical rant that will obliterate Delena from the fandom. I'm here with a short of my own.
The full reality is that Matt was the only healthy relationship Elena had in the show. I wouldn't even consider her relationship with Liam healthy. Dating a guy while she's suffering amnesia, and suffering amnesia because she needed to forget being in love with another man is not healthy. She's trying to fill the void.
Delena and Stelena are equally toxic whether fans are wiling to admit that or not. When we talk about the abuse vampires are capable of, I can assure you that Stefan is just as abusive as Damon. While his abuse is more emotional than physical, abuse is abuse. So while Stelena shippers have every reason to hate on Delena, trust me when I say Delena shippers have every reason to hate on Stelena. That's how the writers worked it. They made two equally hated ships, yet two equally loved ships, and they're getting off on the fact that ship wars are still happening because they help keep the show alive. The whole Damon vs Stefan depends on indvidiual preference.
I've seen ten pages worth in one rant. Hell, I've seen videos lasting nearly an hour long. The one thing I ask myself whenever I view these rants, is my god... how many fans have a limited thought process? Do you honestly believe Delena shippers didn't watch the same show? Do you honestly believe the writers didn't know what they were writing? If Damon were everything his haters want to believe he is, this show would have more attention than it already does because victim advocates would be lining up to talk about it, to warn about it, to tell parents that it's not a good show for their teenagers to be watching.
As much as fans wanna believe stupid shit, Elena wasn't sired into a relationship with Damon. Elena didn't become a completely different person while with Damon. And despite his abuses against her and her loved ones, if you're expecting Elena to forgive Stefan and continue dating him, then you should have no problem expecting Elena to forgive Damon and continue dating him. That's partly the reason I'm doing a re-watch. Because as much as fans claim Stefan isn't an abuser, he most certainly is, he's just abusive on an emotional level. If you don't think emotional abuse is damaging, then you're out of your mind.
The writers gave you a Delena endgame. Despite what fans claim, their Delena endgame wasn't necessary even though Nina left the show. Just because they didn't give you a Stelena endgame didn't mean they needed to give you a Delena endgame. They could've killed off both brothers even though Nina left the show. That should tell you something about Damon Salvatore. And they didn't just have Elena end up with Damon, did they? No. They had Stefan telling Elena to her face that Damon is the better man.
The best way to view a show is to view it from both sides. Re-watch for Delena, see what a Delena shipoper sees. Trust me, they're not idiots. They ship as you ship. Go ahead, tell them how easy it was for you to excuse Stefan's abuse. The writers made it clear just how repsonsible Stefan is, and they did it with a single dialogue. "We're all responsible for our own actions. EVERY drop of blood that I've spilled, I am accountable for." That includes Elena's.
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checkoutmybookshelf · 9 months
Ok, I'm in the last chunk of Valdemar, the third in the Founding of Valdemar trilogy, and a companion quite literally just went "We want and need our Chosen to be healthy, in mind, heart, and body," and y'all...not only does this ping my ableism bell, but it also seems to be rewriting Valdemaran history a little bit???
Like, let's be absolutely real here. On the page, heralds in other Valdemar books have experienced depression (Vanyel), PTSD (literally most of them, but Vanyel, Thalia, and probably Mags), hypervigilance (Vanyel again), anger management challenges (Tylendel), anxiety (Lan), and a host of varying physical disabilities (Jadus, Thalia, Amily, Pol, and the heralds whose name I forget who ends up severely burned in the Arrows of the Queen trilogy). I haven't always liked how the physical injuries and disabilities are handled, but they've always been present and they've never actually disqualified anyone from being a Herald, even if Amily had to be partly cured before being chosen and Jadus retired after losing his leg.
This new statement about how companions prefer explicitly abled heralds feels like a really icky attempt to rewrite history, and this book has handled disability in general really poorly, even for a Vakdemar novel. And no, this book doesn't even get the excuse of "it's a survival situation" because they've been in Haven for ten years, they're fine. They aren't actively traveling, they've succeeded in building a sustainable and defensible keep, everything else is details and time.
This whole passage is really problematic in the context of the Valdemar universe:
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So there are a couple of key issues. First, we really, REALLY need to address why casual sanist language is not ok. The companion isn't talking about quirky behaviors or idiosyncrasies when they say "madness," and we shouldn't be quick to elide what I am choosing to interpret as clinical madness (mad studies scholars, help me out here, I know definitions can be slippery, but I don't have a good one for fantasy contexts) with personality quirks--which is what Restil is doing here. Be CLEAR about your term use and watch where you're using sanist language and maybe stop.
Second, I really dislike the whole idea that madness can spread. Yes, I know, companions are magical and have a weird hive mind thing happening, but I dislike the perpetuation of the myth that madness is contagious or that associating with mad people can make you mad out of nowhere. That's a deeply harmful, isolating idea that is kind of antithetical to heralds as I understood them in other books--particularly Vanyel's trilogy. Community strengthens and supports, it does not ostracize and isolate. This was actually WILD to hear in a heraldic context in a Valdemar novel, because I think every other Herald would rightfully lose their absolute shit over this. Whatever happened to "there will never be another Tylendel?"
Third, the swimmer and drowning man analogy is bad here, for the same reasons that perpetuating the idea that you can "catch" madness is bad. We do not leave people to drown, and the analogy oversimplifies the ever-loving hell out of mental health crises and what can be done to support the person in crisis. We do not just leave them to drown, and again, the Heraldic Circle literally would never.
Fourth...that last sentence is just straight ableist. It is very much expecting what Rosemarie Garland-Thompson defined as a normate: a 20-something cishet white man who is athletic. Literally the normate is so narrow and focused as to barely exist in the real world, and it completely negates the value of anyone who doesn't fit that mold. It's also contradictory to the "we take the weird ones" ethos the companion expressed earlier, so the writing itself is wishy washy on the whole thing.
I am just...floored and kind of disgusted by the blatant rewrite of what companions look for in their chosen here, and I cannot square it with other Valdemar books that handled this better (although not perfectly). Like, as someone who lost communities to chronic illness, I'm very much soured on companions after this book. I will take Yfandes or Kalira or Rolan over any companion in this book, and I'm pretty sure the circle in earlier books wouldn't have stood for this.
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mamaladeskies · 4 months
I'm in EP 4 and I'm so bored. I'm just not feeling it and I can say it's partly my fault, this first half didn't mesh with my tastes and preferences.
Here's why...
1. I don't like Colin or Penelope.
a) Colin was boring in previous seasons.
I don't recall anything outstanding about him except falling for Marina and... You see, now I'm blank. Oh okay, he prevented the ton from being scammed.
His personality didn't set him apart the same as Benedict and Eloise who are memorable and shine in each episode they're in. It was never a chore to watch them.
In season 3 he's a rake who does 3somes and I get he's playing the role society expects from him, but I don't see the struggle to try and fit in properly portrayed. Where are the doubts? Where is the discomfort from the get go? Where's the exhaustion from trying to fit in.
b) Also Colin is... Not a 10 in season 3
Look I'm embarrassed to say it out loud, but I'm a shallow viewer. Colin Bridgerton in season 3 is not attractive.
He looked cute in season 1 and 2 but when I see him in season 3 he makes me think of that buccal fat removal surgery.
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Or maybe it was how the sideburns were longer. But I wasn't impressed.
c) The wallflower personality is getting old for me.
At this point in time I am over the wallflower trope. I grew up reading YA books with wallflowers - Perks of a Wallflower cured my depression - and I watched and obsessed over shows like Awkward.
I can safely say there's nothing new here except that Penelope is plus size and the historical background, the rest; her being a bookworm and socially awkward, done before. But the real issue is that Bridgerton didn't do anything special with her character or the trope. I didn't get the depth I had hoped for Penelope, she is Lady Whistledown after all.
Anyway the beautiful Penelope Featherington
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As for why I don't like Penelope, it's hard for me to overlook what she did to Marina. What she did was to protect Colin, I get that, but she could have gone about it another way.
I also can't overlook what she did to Eloise, again she could have gone about it a different route. Look, I was onboard Eloise having an affair with the printing press guy but Lady Whistledown ruined it.
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So I got into this show curious how they'd hold Penelope accountable and the first half doesn't. In fact, they have Eloise apologising to Penelope, painting her as the victim at some point.
2. I am not a fan of unrequited love. I just don't like it, it doesn't even have to be deep I guess. It's cringe, like girl "stand up", he's just not into you.
Furthermore, the show doesn't let us know why Penelope is in love with Colin Bridgerton and I don't have time to rewatch previous seasons to figure it out.
3. The chemistry was underwhelming. I have praised Bridgerton before for chemistry because I always had to cross my legs while watching the show. Cue:
> Season 1:
- when the Duke and Daphne met
- when the Duke's fingers brushed Daphne's bare skin
- when they stood in front of the painting and held hands
- when they danced and were looking into each other's eyes
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> Season 2:
Basically from the moment Anthony sees Kate... The way he smelled her... THE WAY HE SMELLED HER
Just the two of them in a room together and it's flames eveywhere
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> Season 3:
The only thing I found flaming was Colin gazing at Penelope from across the room in jealousy and the way he was thrown by her eating cake. But their scenes together didn't find me holding my breath.
4. There were too many subplots.
- Francesca and her callers
- The Modrich family
- The Cowper daughter Cressida
- Eloise and Penelope's friendship
- Violet and Lady Danbury's brother
- Penelope's other sisters trying to get pregnant
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All that in just 4 episodes. Damn.
Just so you know the featherington subplot has always been my favourite because; WHAT do you mean the father is a gambler who unalives himself, leaves the family in debt, then a distant cousin inherits them, mind you this guy is a fraud who tries to con the ton and also tries to sleep with Lady Featherington while she is trying to marry off her daughter to him? It's the type of exaggerated drama that fits such a corny romance show. I was always laughing at their antiques. 10/10
It felt like the show runners didn't trust Polin to carry the show or they were laying groundwork for future shows.
5. The romance was underdeveloped
At the end of the 4 episodes I still don't get why she chose Colin, why she fell in love with him, or why Colin chose Penelope.
I didn't feel their friendship, not the way I felt Daphne's and Simon's -- their inside jokes were cute and they spent a lot of time together before they had sex. Their fall in love was justifiable.
This sex scene came too soon. I'd have preferred it in episode 6 or something. AFTER A WELL DEVELOPED LOVE STORY.
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magic-hcs · 2 years
I saw you were doing match-ups, and I really like your blog (and your version of the boys) so I thought it'd be interesting to see who you think I'd get along with best. Hope I included everything.
The Basics:
Height: 5"8
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Demisexual
Soul Trait: Kindness
Personality Type: Introvert
Love Languages: (Giving) Gifts. (Receiving) Words of Affirmation (and/or) Quality Time
I like reading, video games, watching animated movies, and every once in awhile I'll doodle. I adore animals of all types, so I need someone who is willing to at least tolerate pets. (Bonus if they enjoy them as much as me). This extends to the typical cats/dogs, to "exotic" animals like reptiles.
The horror genre... just in general. (So no scary movies for me). And spiders...
And... I guess it's not a dislike, but I'm also a picky eater. The thought of trying something, not liking it, and wasting it is frustrating to me. So I don't bother getting something new when I could just stick with something I already know I like. (Complex tastes/textures gross me out in a way).
I'm also child-free. Kids just aren't something I want in life.
I've got some social anxiety, so I'm easily flustered and have difficulty speaking to strangers. But once I know you I can be talkative... especially if you have the same interests as me, (it can just take awhile to get there). But even if I haven't known you for very long, if I consider you to be a friend of mine, I genuinely care about you. If I know that there is something that lights up your world, I will ask questions about it and just listen, because it makes you happy. If you tell me you like something, I will write it down so I remember it later. I'm always willing to help out a friend if they ask me, and I'm loyal to a fault. Probably to sensitive/emotional for my own good, and I internalize things. To deal with this I just kinda... breath sarcasm. At least half of the stuff that I do will probably be said or done in an overly sarcastic way. You'll also catch me talking to myself a lot. No reason why. I guess it helps me sort out my thoughts... either that or I'm daydreaming and talking/acting it out.
People who don't take care of there things. Like, if you ask to borrow something, I expect you to return it in the same condition. But why wouldn't you do the same thing with your own stuff? Don't you want it to last?
People who shoot down others for enjoying something. It doesn't matter if I'm interested in the thing personally or not, if it makes someone happy I will listen to them talk about it. So it bugs me to see people tear someone else down when they just want to enjoy something.
I already struggle with talking to people normally, so don't cut me off or talk over me. It's frustrating and just makes me not want to talk to anyone.
People who ask for my opinion on something, and then blatantly ignore it. Why did you ask if you didn't want to know?
I don't mind messy people, but I prefer to keep my personal space clean and organized... so just repect that please. Don't go mess it up for no reason.
I just want someone I can be best friends with. But like... we cuddle as a bonus. Someone I can hang out and have fun with. We enjoy each other's company, and do romantic stuff on the side.
I think that's it? Idk, have fun! Thanks in advance!!!
Thank you for your matchup! Also it brings me great joy that you enjoy my blog and my boys, it fills me with warmth!
I didn’t know if you wanted poly or multiple so I went with one to be safe.
I hope you like it!
You match really well with Raven!
(AT Sans) Raven:
Lucky you! Raven really likes animals too - as long as they don’t munch on his flowers and plants - plus he’s partly a rivoli hummingbird.
While we are talking about Raven being part bird: Preening! Preening and touching each other’s wings is a very important and loving thing in the bird based side of the monster kind. It’s something family, friends and mates do for each other. Brush and touch his wings with your fingers softly, you’ll get a very sleepy birb on your hands. It’s the perfect time to ask him about his bird qualities while you’re preening him, because that way he can point out and show how it all works.
Expect him to look real smug while he wows you by lighting up the intricate patterns in his wings. Those glowing patterns are used to attract a mate, so you’ll be the only one who Raven will show this to.
He will return your preening by brushing your hair and braiding pretty flowers in it. Doesn’t matter if you have long or short hair, with his nimble and long phalanges he can do magic.
You’re taller than Raven (since he’s 147cm/4.9 feet) and he’s quite light with many of his hollow bones around the wing area so you have one great portable boyfriend! Just pick him up or carry him, he loves it. He gets flustered the first few times you do it.
Raven doesn’t mind that you’re sensitive and emotional, he himself is quite sensitive - he often tears up when watching a movie even if he sometimes halfheartedly tries to deny it. He does like your sarcastic quips and reactions, though sometimes when it isn’t very evident, he can get confused, wondering if what you just said was serious or sarcasm. So expect a questioning head tilt every now and again.
He gets so goddamn happy when you’re genuinely interested about his love for exploring. But watch out, if you’re too curious about it he’ll one day take you with him while he flies around to explore. Don’t worry Raven is quite strong, and if you��re still worried he can use magic to help out. The only thing you’ll have to be concerned about is how fast and agile he is in the air. You’ll have to shout at him to fly calmer and to not be so fast.
On the plus side, you’ll be able to see him do a sleepy belly flop after a whole day of flying.
Raven is a picky eater too, but he’s one of those guys that shares his food as one of his love languages. So be prepared to be offered pieces of his own food. Maybe this will be a great way to find new dishes you enjoy, or not. If you don’t want the offered food just say so.
Once you’re further along in your relationship and he trusts you a lot his tongue will flick out way more than usual which makes it more noticeable. His tongue is long and forked which will flick out when he’s near food, flowers or something delicious, he can’t control this when he’s not focused on it. So expect to get your cheek graced by a flickering tongue within a microsecond. Raven can’t help it! You’re his mate and you smell delicious! He’s very embarrassed and insecure about it so please be gentle with him around that topic.
Raven likes your voice, it’s very relaxing to listen to so you’ll never hear him complain if you start talking to yourself out loud. He will go quiet and listen attentively while you talk about things you enjoy. He loves to spend time with you, it doesn’t have to be something together, he just likes being in your presence. He’s not that good at video games, he ends up spam tapping/clicking every button. But he enjoys watching you though.
Raven treasures the gifts you give him dearly, he coos and thrills whenever you give him something, followed by a loving appreciative nuzzle. He got his nest and room filled with the gifts you’ve given him. Raven in return will make you flower crowns and flower wreaths with flowers that have special meanings that translate how much he adores you, and encouraging messages.
This simp will leave you little post it notes with sweet words of encouragement when he has to leave for something.
I hope you like it!
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thefreeblog · 2 years
So on same page about war of y with you. I don't understand people hating on it like whattt? Are you surprised really, all the stories in that show are real controversies happened not so long ago. The story of Pan was what happened with Saint. The War of managers was based on Mew/Art and what happened with Saint and Perth's managers. The idol part was about a controversy about fixing the winners of last idol show and the latest one Wife is about a BL actor and his girlfriend targeted by the fans. Most of the Thai BL fandom has been there for all of the shit show. I bet most of them even took part in targeting the actors themselves.
I actually like how they end all the stories on a positive note, it's kind of a hope against all the odds of what the Thai BL industry has become.
Sorry for the rant, but I am getting super tired of the whole hypocritic attitude of blaming the BL industry for abusing the artists and actors but then when a show tries to bring it up for discussion everyone is like oh it's too harsh for our sensitive souls hence we will bad mouth the show. I don't understand how everyone thinks that not watching this type of show is helping the cause?
Oh anon, you can always rant about anything and everything to me. I don't mind. Really. Sometimes we need an outlet to say/express our feelings. It's okay. My ask box is open always.
I can understand what you're trying to say absolutely. But my post was more about how I enjoy all the ups and downs of the show, I was not trying to criticize anyone. As far as others liking the show or not, can really really come down to personal preferences imo. Because at the end of the day it's all about entertainment for most of us. So if I am going to get worked up after watching a show I'll probably avoid it too.
To be honest with you I have not known of any of the controversies you mentioned, partly because I am new to Thai BLs and I am not on any socials so I don't know anything about the actors other than their names and ship names from here.
But now that you have mentioned it, I feel sorry for the actors who I recognise from some BLs I have watched which you have named. It's uhh I don't know unsettling to put a face of a real person to a characters story, that too not a happy one.
Though I stand by philosophy, to each to their own, but I'll definitely say this, to some extent viewers should and must responsibly act towards the artists and their personal space especially in this mad mad world of aggressive social media era.
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anxiouslyfred · 10 months
Possible Courting
A continuation of my fic A Meaningful Message from a couple years ago
Summary: Virgil knows the angel Remus wants to court him but as the transcriber of the villiage he can't just simply accept. That would indicate a preference for Remus's God against the neutrality he was meant to maintain
Virgil knew letting any courtship be even partly accepted was a risk when it came to any gods messengers, and he also knew Remus well enough to realise that an outright rejection would likely just get the request repeated each time he needed to visit.
There were other considerations however, in that he could not favour any god, whether he believed in them or not and Remus's courtship could very well jeopardise that and his role in the village at the same time. He first mentioned it to Ivanica when passing on the advice of Remus's God.
“A message like that definitely lets me delay the courtship our families are pushing for. Harrison will be so pleased. I'm not sure why he wishes to delay this but I've been getting so concerned asking for God's advice was all I could think to do.” Ivanica rambled in relief after the message was given. “We'll say it has to be meetings anew from the time I received the message. But Virgil, you look unsettled as well. Come and let me make you some tea so I'll see if I can give you any advice if you don't want to take it to one of the gods.”
Virgil had nodded, and accepted the invitation. If nothing else, sharing the worries spiralling through his brain would slow them a little.
He'd left her house that day curious over if Ivanica realised the discomfort Harrison felt was from a lack of attraction and desire for the type of relationship they'd be expected to enter as well as with a new concern and solution for maintaining his status not favouring any god.
“This is all the information and visits received by the gods this week. However I ask for a moment of your time: One other offer of a messenger of a god was received this week, one which wants to enter courtship with me.” Virgil stood at the front of the town hall for their weekly meeting, watching the reactions of the crowd for a moment before holding up his hand. He'd done this before when unfortunate messages were received and needed planning for.
“I know this could impact my neutrality to the various gods who look over our village and have a suggestion to maintain it. The angel in question will still live in Heaven and have the duties of his god to attend to, so they won't be here constantly, and if I were to take on an apprentice then both everyone here and all the gods can confirm that I'm not favouring them. That the round robin of requests is still maintained.” Virgil explained. Ivanica had suggested the idea, and her nephew specifically for the role but Virgil preferred not to decide a person too quickly.
The village leader stood up then, “Do you have a candidate for your apprentice in mind, or would you like to have volunteers shadow you for a day to decide who will best be able to?”
“I would prefer the latter option, but also want yourself and a couple of other village elders to confirm their belief in whichever candidate is chosen being able to stand up and argue with me should they think I do fail at maintaining the same treatment for all gods.” Virgil agreed.
One of the elders who liked being involved in such decisions stood then, “You understand this could be a lengthy process and you won't be able to court your messenger until it is concluded?”
“Yes Mr Litrary, I understand this and will ensure the angel in question understands also.” Virgil agreed.
With that the town meeting moved on, letting Virgil step back from the focus except when the towns decisions needed to refer back to messages previously received from gods.
“You've been avoiding me Virgil. My God has sent me to pass on his greetings and continued interest in your village as well as confirm that this isn't a counteraction after my offer of courtship.” Remus's words were stilted and his form closer to a centaur than it had been in months, and Virgil knew that his prayers hadn't been understood.
He turned to pick up the grapes that Ivanica had left that morning, another offering to God. “You look uncomfortable as anything, so relax. I haven't been avoiding you, and have tried praying to you multiple times so I'm not sure why you think I have. I just can't interact too much with you while sorting out things so I can actually let you court me.”
“What needs sorting out? It's just courtship.”
“A courtship that could cost me my job if I don't have ways to confirm my neutrality to all gods.” Virgil snapped. He hadn't meant to but the dismissal or rather lack of knowledge over the restrictions of his role frustrated him, even as he'd missed seeing the angel.
Remus froze at that, before relaxing as his form twisted into a creature reminiscent of a snake. “Everyone said courtships are just accepted or planned. None of the other angels have dated mortals for a while. I didn't even think that your role would need this doing carefully.”
“Well lucky for me I did think of that. Just be patient with it. I can't court you until I've got this sorted.” Virgil sighed, letting the tension seep from his shoulders.
“But can you take me to visit the believer in God? He has been muttering about giving his believers more attention which is only a step away from actually ordering me to visit them specifically.” Remus said after a moments thought.
He blinked at the angel for a moment, before slowly nodding. “And you just happened to remember this after learning why I'm not immediately jumping to court you?” Virgil stated, leaving the challenge unspoken. “But sure I can take you to visit Ivanica. It's not the first time a messenger has requested this.”
“Fantastic, how should I shape my form?” Remus's body flicked from having limbs, being upright, crawling, floating, and a whole host of features from all noses to only one eye as Virgil stared at them.
“How about the way you first appeared to me.” He quickly decides before the flickering form starts causing his eyes to hurt from attempting to recognise each change.
Thankfully that was enough for a for just left of a normal centaur to solidify as Remus. “Boring but I suppose I can't scare her or rely on the 'be not afraid' we're told to boom if met with screaming.”
“The booming voice that everyone said scares them more than however the angels they met appeared? You do realise that only works cause it makes people freeze in place and never did anything to calm them.” Virgil stated, locking his door, doing a small but powerful hand movement so he'd know if any visitors turned up and leading the way further into the village. “I've got so many records about it.”
“That's actually the first thing I've ever heard that makes me willing to say the stupid thing. I'm a messenger for God, or course people should be afraid if they don't know why I'm there.” Remus grins, waving at a couple people who stare at him, before registering Virgil is walking slower, tugging at his satchel and pulling a few pages out.
They paused for a moment to allow him to catch up, reaching out to try and nab the bag.
“Hands off unless you're going to fill out this paperwork for me.” Virgil flicked their hand away, now pulling a pen out to go with the pages he'd found. “Let's get everything officially done: You said your reason to request this is pre-empting your God deciding dedicated followers need more personal attention?”
Remus let out an agreeing noise, hand still trying to take the satchel from Virgil.
“And the indications he's made to show this decision might be coming are?”
“Muttering and asking more questions of me and his other messengers regarding the dedicated followers and if we know how they're faring.” Remus promptly replied. “Mostly just me though, cause he says I have the fewest.”
Virgil smirked over at him, “Yeah, you don't seem the type to actually like trying to convince people to believe in God. What would be your aim in this meeting with Ivanica then? Convincing her to try and get more people to follow your God?”
“Nope, not until the orders come for that. For now I just want to know how the advice God gave her is working.” Remus decided after a moments thought. “Cause you're right. Let people believe in what they want and like, and all the better if they demand evidence for it.”
“I can see why Virgil likes you. Which of you came up with the loophole of meeting me to spend more time together?” Ivanica asked, leaning around the vines that filled her garden to wave them through the gate.
“Me. I'm Remus. Are you Ivanica, the believer in God for this town?”
She nodded, leading them into her house. “That's me. I guess you can't make it so my nephew Janus gets the role helping keep this one treating all messengers for gods equally right.”
“Oh God definitely would if I passed the message on. He loves interfering in ways to gain himself favour but wouldn't that put your nephew in a similar situation?” Remus agreed while Virgil made a noise in protest.
“He didn't even turn up for his shadowing today. Dropped your offering for Remus off and then declared he was going to the river to fish.” Virgil cut in before any more could be said.
Ivanica smiled innocently back at him, “Just as I asked so you could have an official excuse to see your love.”
“Meddler.” Virgil crossed his arms, pushing his lips tightly together to refrain from saying more. It lasted only a few seconds before the pages he'd been filling out were shoved at Ivanica. “You need to fill the rest in. I'm meant to stay silent and only supervise as you two meet.”
Remus laughed at that, and spent the rest of the afternoon getting Virgil to break that rule, fairly certain Ivanica would say he'd followed in completely in the paperwork regardless.
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bruhstories · 3 years
summary: you and yuji have been together for three years now, but on your anniversary night, you allow your own demons to come to the surface. pairing: ryomen sukuna x female!reader (itadori yuji x female!reader, too, i guess?) | aged up characters word count: 3.5k warning & content: cheating?? (is it cheating if it's technically the same body?), unprotected sex, creampie, slight dacryphillia, vaginal fingering, blackmail, reader is kind of an asshole? (can you blame her tho, sukuna is such a daddy ugh), bit of overstimulation, slight dumbification (if you squint)
a/n: i'm back, and i can tell my writing skill is getting rusty. i took a break and it's obvious with this fic, but i need to get my head back in the game. it is what it is.
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Yuji was a great boyfriend. In all honesty, he was every woman and man's dream — funny, charming, attentive and, most importantly, caring. He cared about you so much that he always made sure to control his own personal demon. You knew about Sukuna, Yuji told you after a few dates, and you were well versed in Jujutsu Sorcery, enough to know that he was not someone you could mess with. But you didn't want to give up on Yuji, and stuck with him through thick and thin. After almost three years of the beautiful and fun relationship you two had, he asked you to move in with him since you were both adults now, and you gladly accepted, because after so much time, you came to love him, despite seeing Sukuna's outbursts during fights. That thing, that monster, was beyond terrifying, but you trusted Yuji with all your heart, and that was all that mattered.
Or maybe you were unhinged, maybe you wanted Sukuna to come to the surface. Maybe, deep down in your heart, you fell in love with the switch, with the raging, brutal frenzies that you happened to witness on the rare occasions when Yuji couldn’t control the King of Curses. Maybe you weren’t meant to be a Jujutsu Sorcerer, because, as opposed to your optimistic and good-natured boyfriend, you never hesitate to kill – human or curse. Sometimes it felt as if your curiosity surpassed your love for Yuji, and that was a horrendous thought. Surely, that can’t be the real you, right?
Today is your three-year anniversary, and naturally, you want to surprise your boyfriend, so when you come home from a mission, you stop by his favourite ramen restaurant, picking up something to eat, maybe even some dessert. You tiptoe inside when you notice Yuji napping on the couch, and after silently setting up the table, careful not to wake him up, you quickly change into something... nicer. Yuji doesn't really enjoy it when you show some skin, which sucks because you want him to show you off. Nevertheless, you respect him, but tonight is special, surely it wouldn't hurt if you wear a shorter skirt. And a low-cut blouse. And heels. Fuck it, you think, adding a pair of thigh high socks as well, maybe that would rile him up. As much as you loved him, Yuji was too gentle. You liked that about him, truly, but sometimes you just need him to give you a good fuck, which was impossible, no matter how much you begged him to do it. You watch your reflection in the mirror from head to toe, proud of your skimpy outfit, but you can't help but wonder if he might be upset at your choice of attire. Even if he prefers it when you're dressed in pastels, that's not you, the real you. "You look good enough to eat." Yuji's voice breaks your trance and you turn on your heels to look at him. He stands in the doorway of the bedroom, arms folded across his chest, but there's a strange aura around him, and you can't exactly see his face through the dim lights. "You like it?" Your ears perk up, happy that he's not bothered by the clothes. "I do. You should dress like that more often." He sneers, stepping closer to you. "Alright, what kind of prank are you pulling now, Yuji? You never liked these kinds of clothes." You lower your head, your luscious lips turning into a pout. His calloused fingertips grip your chin, turning your head to face the mirror, and that's when you see the black markings on his face. Fear paralyses your entire body, eyes widening in panic and anxiety. "He might not like them, but I do." His voice is lower than Yuji's, calm yet obscenely dangerous. "I- you-" The words get caught in your throat, and you can't take your eyes off of his reflection. You know for a fact there's absolutely nothing you can do to defend yourself from Sukuna without hurting Yuji, and that thought makes you feel incredibly small and downright pathetic. "Little lamb, do you have any idea how hard it's been for me to watch this ungrateful brat take you for granted?" His hand is still leaving imprints on your chin and cheek, the other travelling down your back. "To watch you lose yourself for him, of all people?" "You don't know me!" Lips open without a thought, and you regret every syllable that came out of your mouth. "Oh, but I do." Yuji, no, Sukuna sneers, that same hand that was once on your back is now on your abdomen, painstakingly slowly creeping under your blouse. "Everything he sees, I see. Everything he smells, I smell. What he hears, I hear. But I just couldn't touch what's mine. Until now." You feel him pinching your nipple, and you're ashamed to admit how good his skin feels against yours, his hot breath fanning over your nape. "'M not yours." You grit your teeth, manicured fingernails digging into the plush of your thighs to keep your composure. "There's one thing I can smell that he can't. Wanna know what that is, sweet dove?" He whispers in your ear, and it's dotting your skin with goosebumps. "Enlighten me." "Your arousal." "You're bluffing." Is all you manage to say before Sukuna spins you around, pinning you against the mirror. "Let's see, shall we? I bet you're dripping," he shoves one of your legs to the side with his knee, and you don't stop him, "I bet you you've fantasised about this, late at night, when this brat can't please you. He's well endowed, though, it's a shame he can't use his dick." "S-stop it, please. I love him." "Pardon me if I doubt that." "Please, sir..." Sir? How should you call him? Demon? Cursed spirit? Monster? "How about master?" Sukuna barks back, as if reading your mind sarcasm dripping
down his tongue. You can't stifle a moan when his teeth sink in the crook of your neck, and you know damn well that you want this, and that every word he uttered so far was correct. You have thought about Yuji switching with Sukuna, wondered how he would fuck you, make you chant his name, but you never told your boyfriend, you couldn't. It's sinful, disgraceful and disgusting. Instinctively, you grind up his thigh, tears of shame and lust pooling at your eyes when you slowly give in to the temptation. He's already bruised your skin, one hand toying with your tits, the other lifting your skirt up. It's too late to fight him, because you never wanted to fight him in the first place. You deepest, darkest wish is finally coming to life. "That's better." Sukuna licks his lips, and your half-lidded, glossy eyes land on his tongue. "Please, m-may I kiss you?" Eyes dart away, cheeks burning with desire and embarrassment. "How polite of you to ask." He coos at you mockingly, his face inching closer to yours before absolutely crushing your lips under his. You don't hesitate to partly open your mouth, allowing his tongue to slip between your lips. Fuck, he kisses you so good that your knees give in, and all you can think is that if he's such a good kisser, he's definitely going to fuck you dumb. And you want that more than anything. When he pulls away, you lick your lips, still tasting him on your tongue, and he tastes so much better than Yuji — sweet and addictive. "I really wanted to take my time with you, after all, I waited three long years for this. But you're such an eager little slut, aren't you?" "I'm n-not a slut-" You try to protest, but you can't fool him, especially not when he's pushing your panties to the side, fingers grazing over your slit. "You are a slut. You merely buried that side of you for a pathetic little boy who can't handle a real woman." Sukuna's index finger gently brushes against your clit, enough to have you weak and needy. "Don't worry, Y/N, you don't have to hide from me. You can show me what you really want." It hurts to know that Yuji probably sees and hears everything, that he will probably break up with you after this, but you're too far gone to care about his feelings when finally someone is paying attention to yours. Your hand travels up his thigh, palming his already hard cock, and the way he groans, throwing his head back is satisfying enough for you. It hurts to think that Yuji never appreciates this side of you, and it's more painful when you consider this to be cheating — it's still his body, technically, but it's not your loving boyfriend, and you're perfectly fine with that. He slips a finger between your folds, a quiet moan escaping your lips, and Sukuna knows you won't dare say no to him, or try to reason with him. He adds another finger, but he absolutely does not move them an inch, instead you automatically fuck yourself on his hand, gripping one of his shoulders for support. "That's a good whore." Sukuna praises you, tongue lapping at your collarbone, making you delirious with lust. "You want my cock? Want me to fuck your aching cunt?" It's impossible to refuse his proposition, instead you buck your hips, your fingers gripping his t-shirt and you know you might tear it if you keep this up. "Yes..." You answer him, voice soft and quiet. "Yes what?" "P-please... Yes, please!" "Much better. Get on the bed." Sukuna commands and you obey, skirt dangerously hiked up. You proceed to take it off, but he slaps your hands away, too impatient for such formalities. He did wait a long time for this, you understand that, and so you lay on your back, blouse unbuttoned, panties on the floor and legs wide open for him to take you. Oh, and he adores this sight, how you willingly give yourself to him, your dainty fingers spreading your juices around your cunt, eager to be filled. In those three years of being with Yuji, you got used to his cock, but seeing it now seems like it's the first time. Precum leaks from the blushing tip and your mouth begins to water just by looking at him, and
this pleases Sukuna greatly. "Tell me what you want." He climbs on top of you, hands resting next to you as your fingernails graze over his chest. "I don't wanna say it..." You avert your gaze, a crumb of dignity left in you because you know Yuji hears everything. "Oh, you don't?" He quirks a brow, brown irises bearing a hint of red. "Then you won't mind me killing the brat." This garners your attention, and you feel stupid because of course he would blackmail you. Do you care? No. Do you want Yuji to think you care? Yes. "Please don't hurt him." You look back at Sukuna, tears pricking your eyes. "Why shouldn't I? We both know he doesn't deserve you." "You're wrong, I love-" "This isn't about you loving him, it's about you renouncing your true nature." His hand finds its way on your neck, fingers wrapping around it. "How many times have you begged him to choke you and he refused? How many times did you ask him to fuck you harder and he said no? You're a filthy slut, Y/N, and it's time you got what you deserve." The lack of air has your pussy clenching around nothing, and you hate him so much for being right. Yuji could never give you what you want, but Sukuna can, and it's an opportunity you can't pass. "Now, I'll say this one last time — tell me what you want." He releases the grip on your neck. "Y-you! I want you to fuck me, please, fuck me good, make me yours!" The tears that roll down your cheeks ruin your makeup, mascara mixed with eyeshadow smeared under your eyes. The tip of his cock pushes past your folds, and inch by inch he bottoms out. It feels bigger than before, stretching you open in a beautiful blend of pain and pleasure, your lips forming an O as your eyes roll back. "He doesn't deserve your tears. But I do. Cry for me." Sukuna sneers, his broad frame hovering above you and you feel so small and vulnerable. Yet again you obey, allowing more salty droplets to run down your face as you wrap your legs around his waist, feeling him go deeper. "Fuck, 's big! Oh, god-" Sukuna's palm meets your cheek, a sharp, stinging pain bringing your eyes on him. "Focus, whore. Not god, not the brat, me." He grunts, hips rocking back and forth harder and faster. "Who do you belong to?" You don't want to say it, what would Yuji think of you? He's probably already disgusted, contemplating breaking up with you once he regains control of his body. Another slap pulls you out of your thoughts and you buck your hips against his. "Answer me." "I b-belong to you! You!" "That's right, you're mine. Don't worry your pretty head, little lamb, Yuji won't be coming back any time soon." He grunts with every thrust, and his reassurance is somewhat comforting, because, god, he fucks you so good, you would kill for another opportunity like this. His teeth sink into your shoulder, fingers bruising your skin and you're delighted that he's marking you. All that matters is that you're his, chanting his name over and over again, praying to your new god, and Sukuna is beyond pleased with his work of art. When he pulls out of you, you almost cry, because it feels like a part of you is missing, but he's a merciful god, he won't let his newly devoted subject famished. Flipping you over as if you're made of feathers, he thrusts back into your aching cunt, and you yelp at the feeling of being overpowered by him. Sukuna's stamina is off the charts, because while your legs begin to feel numb, he's fucking into you with such force and intensity that the damn bed slides on the floor. It's raw, the way he's defiling your cunt, and it's sending your brain into overdrive. Your spongy walls clench around his cock, and while he doesn't say anything, the simple fact that he's going deeper and harder makes you feel special. Squirming and thrashing under him, you're desperate for some form of validation, and so you lift your ass up, pushing it back against his hips with a delightful moan escaping your lips. Sukuna takes notice of your sudden change of posture, and the way you curve your spine to try and get a look at him is adorable. "You want something,
pet?" He barely spares you a glance, and his indifference makes your pussy flutter. Your incoherent sentence almost makes him laugh, words such as good and please distinguishable between the other stutters. "Use your fucking words." A slap over your firm ass makes you yelp and jolt up. "A-am I good enough f-for you?" The question takes him by surprise, but he doesn't stop to think. Instead, he digs his sharp talons into the plush of your hips, overjoyed by your eagerness to please him. "You could do better." Sukuna teases you, but you take it personally, sadness and determination coiling inside of your heart. By this point, you don't even remember your boyfriend's name, too high on pleasure to even care. "'M sorry! P-please, I wanna be good!" You throw your head back and he wraps an arm around your neck, pressing his chest against your back. "If you wanna make me happy, you best forget about Itadori." "W-who?" "Your– never mind." Sharp canines flashed in his smirk, Sukuna tilts your head enough for you to catch a glimpse of his eyes. They're dark and vicious, and any sane person would be repulsed by them, but not you. No, you drown in them, completely absorbed by the hatred hiding behind them. The more you stare into his orbs, the closer you are to your climax. And he knows it. "Fuck fuck fuck!" "That's right, little lamb, let go of all that is moral and human." "Don't stop- oh, god, please don't s-stop!" In your frenzy, in his frantic pace, Sukuna's close, too. It would have taken any other woman hours to please him due to his insatiable nature, but you — your cunt clenching around his cock for dear life milks him dry, and inch by inch he pulls out, watching the hot liquid dripping down your trembling thighs. Art, he thinks, this is what art is — your face buried in the pillows, ass up, and his seed spilling out of your sore cunt. You come down from your haze, slowly but surely, and the realisation of what just happened begins to hit you. You want to regret everything, to feel a shred of shame, but there isn't any left. After this night, Sukuna irrevocably owns you, and you wouldn't have it any other way. He lays on the bed, lazily watching you stumble in the bathroom to clean yourself up, but with his guard up in case you want to try anything stupid. Yet when you don't come back, Sukuna wonders if you ran away out the window, which makes him laugh to himself because he could find you anywhere if he wanted to. So, he drags his feet across the room, finding you on the edge of the bathtub, watching the water pool inside with a blank stare. When you feel his presence, you get up and tug at the hem of his shirt. The man flinches, until he remembers that you are harmless and exhausted, and you don't look like you even want to put up a fight, so he allows you to take his shirt off. "Is this for me?" He points at the tub, brow quirked and a mischievous smile on his lips. "Yes." "Are you gonna clean me up?" "Yes." You sigh, wondering if you truly ever loved Yuji, wondering why you didn't even try to fight for him. "Do you want your boyfriend back?" Oh, how you dreaded this question. You cringe at the words, and don't reply. Silence is also an answer, but he's cruel. "I need to hear it." "He will also hear it." Of course he will, that's the whole point of humiliation. Sukuna steps in the tub, dipping himself in the hot water, a hand extended towards you. "Join me." You hesitate to take his hand, lips pursed and eyes narrowed at the man who looks so serene that it amazes you how brutal he was before. "I won't ask again." Complying, and not wanting to anger him, you don't waste another moment to get in the tub, back against his chest. "Can I ask you a question?" "You just did, sweet dove." "Fine, I’ll shut up." "Now, now, don't give me that attitude, or else I'll have to put you in your place. And you won't like it." His nails are pressed onto your jugular, and you know those things can cut, your hips are still bleeding. "Ask away." He lets his hands fall on your shoulders and you exhale the breath that was caught in your
throat. "Why didn't you kill me? Why don't you kill me?" "I need a pet." "Oh." Your disappointment makes Sukuna burst into laughter. What did you expect? A confession of love? "Oh?" He mocks you, tracing circles on your skin with his talons. "Don't worry, I take good care of my pets. Especially if they're loyal and obedient." His hands travel down your body, one pulling your knee to the side, the other moving up your thigh. "You are loyal and obedient, yes?" "Please, no more-" The rest of the sentence dies before you can utter it when his fingers ghost over your swollen clit. "Answer me, Y/N." "I can't come again!" "You can, and you will, because I want you to. Now answer the fucking question." Sukuna toys with you, only pushing his index finger one knuckle deep between your folds before pulling it out, and somehow you can't feel the sharpness of his nails. "Will you serve and obey me, not once questioning my authority?" He pushes the finger back in, curling it upwards and you don't fail to clench your walls once more. "Oh, f-fuck, I will, I will! But please, I can't–" When he rubs your clit, you are done for. You didn't think you could reach another climax, but those circles he's rubbing with enough pressure to both give you pleasure and pain have you melting in his arms. "Swear it, then. Make a pact with me. I can give you anything in return, maybe even the brat." "I s-swear it, S-Sukuna! I swear my loyalty to you!" You hiss between your gritted teeth, hips rolling in synchronicity with his hand. "And in return, what do you want?" "I want you! Oh, god, I only want you!" "Clever girl." The man decides to give you what you want, and with a quickened pace, you squeeze your thighs together, coming undone on his fingers. "I'm going to enjoy your company." Embracing your true nature is your salvation, and damnation. Your boyfriend is never coming back, Sukuna simply won't allow it, and from this moment on, your memories of Yuji begin to fade away, like a bad dream, because you simply must serve your beloved master, your merciful and devastatingly powerful god. That's who you really are.
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alatismeni-theitsa · 3 years
I am a humble xenos but I was looking through that blog who criticised you and...I don't know what to think? I'm sure they are young and are interested in polytheism and that is great but when someone who knows a lot about polytheism who is from the country that polytheism began in (you) says to you (the person who runs that blog) that you might be mistaken in your findings, would it not be wise to listen to them?
yaaa! (hello!) Thank you for your message!
I partly understand what they are trying to do. I started this blog wanting to correct unchecked misconceptions about Greece, for all eras. Sometimes that includes getting into arguments and defending your position with fervor. They started their blog trying to weed the dangerous people out of the H.P. community. But... I think this user got a bit out of hand?
I am sure they have no ill intentions, although they are going about it the wrong way. Specifically about Greece, they know things on a superficial level and they couldn't even tell you why the Greco-Turkish tension exists. In the article they shared about "whiteness" the tension was dismissed as "Greeks are racist to Turkish people" (implying that the tension exists because Greeks don't like that Turks are darker in color or something?? wtf??)
And for everything Greek, they only see Classical Greece or modern Greece. No in-between. For them, Greeks never got victims of Orientalism, slavery, oppression, cultural erasure, and genocide. They willingly ignore 2.000 years of history. Before they make a statement about a country they don't know about, they better go to Google first. I wouldn't be surprised if they thought we remained unbothered amidst the tragic events of history like a slice of feta in the fridge. Like we wore chitons, then closed our eyes and tsoup! we wear jeans now.
In their country, the main reason for bigotry is skin color, so they assume that when Greeks safeguard traditions it's because they don't want people of other "races" to join Greek culture 😱 Jesus! Do they forget that my blog is completely open and doesn't ask you for your "race" before it lets you see educational posts about Greek culture??
The projection from this user is CRAZY. If they got offended by being called "foreigner" by a person of another country, then imagine what logical leaps their mind makes.
I mean, they assumed I somehow found about their "race" and that's why I called them xenos in a tag. No, I did it because they just said they are not Greek 😂 They weren't offended by the 'doing bs' in the tag but by the implication they are not Greek (while they said they aren't xD)
I've seen more of their logical leaps when they chase off users from the site. One person will make a joke and the user will twist it to mean the statement was serious. You can't argue with these people. I, too, think they are young - an older teenager perhaps.
P.S.1 I also have the tag "xenoi doing awesome stuff" but to be honest, I haven't tagged many posts that because I mostly wanted to have an archive of the 'bs' people with no knowledge of Greece say.
But the truth is I have many posts where foreigners are saying great stuff about Greece, they are knowledgeable and teach about the culture and the language and are very supportive! It's very convenient to especially reblog/share content from English speakers/foreigners speaking in English because other people here will be able to understand the content. Meanwhile, it's harder to find English content from Greeks.
You'll find these posts all over in the blog. They are hundreds, seriously! I just didn't tag them because my blog focused on the 'opposition' for most of the time. If the ratio is good xenoi /bad xenoi = 80/20 I'll prefer to tag the smaller ratio and save me some time xD And also my predeposition is that xenoi are doing awesome stuff! It's the outliers I take note of.
P.S.2. For the people who don't know, xenos is not a slur or offensive. If a person uses it offensively run. I personally use it because I watch lots of content from the Greek diaspora and got accustomed to saying the Greek word when conveying stuff in English, as they do. It's just one of the native distinctive words that stick. It's like saying yaya instead of "grandma" and fasolada instead of "bean soup".
Other Greeks might feel it gatekeeps people so they use "foreigner" but honestly... they have the exact same meaning xD (But hey, they should use what they want to use!)
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kanesthirstblog · 3 years
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Requires lots of aftercare but also wants to take care of you. Very clingly, like, will latch onto you and cuddle you for the rest of the night clingy. You should probably give him some reassurance or comfort, he seems like the type to stress about whether or not he was any good to you once the fun is over.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Hmmm... Totally the sappy kinda guy who tells you he loves all of your body and thinks it's beautiful and 100% means every praise he sings you about it. He loves everything about you from your soft hair to the tips of your toes.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
God. Just imagining him sprawled out on any surface with an exhausted yet dopey look in his eyes, covered in his own cum (and/or yours of course!) after a few rounds of sex really makes me feel satisfied. Really can't explain this one
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Secretly a bit of a masochist but also scared of being hurt so he never asks even if he really wants to.
Also secretly owns a couple erotic novels he used as "research" when you first brought up wanting a sexual relationship. Since you are his first, he would want to see how he's supposed to act in that scenenrio so he could please you properly. (But damn was he shocked when you wanted to be the dominant one. That wasn't in his books.) Haruaki learns the importance of communication that day.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Dudes a canon virgin y'all. This also excites me.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Secretly loves it when he's on his back so he can see your face as you ride him or peg him. He just thinks you're the prettiest person he's evermet and loves watching you even as you tease or toy with him.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He's a sappy guy. Would probably look at you like a puppy who sees someone they really love. Besides that he's have that dopey look like he's never been happier than he is in that moment, smiling up at you.
Once you've had sex a couple times he might start opening up more, cracking jokes and asking shy requests from you.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Yup. Makes sure he's nice and clean especially
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He really tries hard to be romantic but he has 0 experience in this area and often fumbles his way through it by trying to be sweet and make you feel good. Very bad at saying romantic things and would probably give up after a bit before he dies from embarassment.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Tbh I actually think he'd barely masturbate if he did at all. This is partly because I actually have an asexual headcanon for him and partly cause in canon he seems really put off by sexual things if not being outright afraid of them.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Contrary to some of the fandom headcanons, I don't really imagine the sailor uniform thing as a kink. It just seems like a typical fixation or something that gets played up for laughs to a strange degree. But maybe thats my ADHD dumbass brain projecting my ADHD onto a fave. (Off topic but him knowing everything about sailor uniforms, from design to creation, being able to make them himself, getting happy any time he sees one, ect. Are headcanons I have because his weird fixation with them reminds me of my fixation on rocks, mushrooms, and jewelry.)
Praise kink. Body worship. He'd love to be pet gently while you tell him how pretty he is. How you love his soft hair or his long legs or slender form as you lightly trail you fingertips down his body or card fingers through his hair. And he would do the same for you too.
Might at least try pegging, and then realizes he actually likes it when you hold him down and pound his ass.
Would be too embarrassed and a bit scared to bring this up but actually likes the idea being treated roughly. If you could pull at his hair and bite him even a little bit he'd practically melt in your hands.
Might try bondage if it's light. Soft hand cuffs or silk ropes are the way to go.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
At home. Anywhere is fine as long as its at home
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
The fastest way is probably being physical with him or just stripping for him. He gets embarassed and tries to hide but you know he's aroused, you can feel it when you sit on his lap.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He'd probably not be okay with having more than one partner. You might frighten him if he starts feeling like you guys are ganging up on him.
Public/semi-public sex is a no go. Especially since he is a teacher, he wouldn't risk his job on the off chance you both get caught.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
I think he actually might no be very into oral at first. But will give or recieve though you may have to hear some complaint about it being kind of unsanitary or something. He's also kinda bad a giving oral but what did you expect? He's a virgin.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Personally prefers the slow and sensual kinda sex but you set the pace regardless so ultimately it's up to you. He won't be turned into a stuttering mess right away if you guys take it slow.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Alright with it as long as it stays private. You'll be the only one asking for these but try to get him in the morning before he leaves for work so you can corner him against a counter. Its best when his back is turned so you can grab his hair and lick along his throat, nipping here and there. He'd shiver in your arms as you trail a hand down to undo his pants
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
As long as it isn't a risk to him (would probably be too scared to try knifeplay) or job (no public/semi-public sex) you could probably talk him into it.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Hmmm... Depends I guess. I feel like he might only be active for a round or maybe 2 before he starts slowing down. You could still pound the guy into the mattress but he'll have those half lidded doe eyes cloudy with exhaustion. He'd wrap his arms around you loosely as if you'll help ground him to the waking world and try to hold you closer to him.
At that point you should definitely ask a few times before you start another round to make sure he's okay and reassure him that it's alright to stop now. Strikes me as someone who could easily fall into a place where he'd hide his desire to stop just so you can use him for your own fun since it makes you happy. That could be kinda bad for his mental health.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
You'd be the one with all the toys tbh. But you can sure as hell use them on him.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He's not much of a tease but if he's feeling playful, he might play up the innocent look of his. He really is a pretty innocent guy actually, but he knows you love that sweet look he's got to him and he will use it on you.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
So damn loud. This guy would moan and beg loudly, scream your name and plead for mercy, for relief as you all but eat him alive. Might even cry and whine and beg. Oh, but he tries to be quiet so he doesn't risk disturbing anyone. He'd purse his lips and turn away from you while you play with his body in an attempt to stay quiet but he always gives in quickly. It's easy to turn this guy into a whimpering, begging mess no matter how many times you do this.
You'll know when he's tired because he will be unable to make much noise besides low pants and gasps. Probably best to wrap things up at that point before ya fuck him unconcious.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
I have a few actually.
-Has a hard time saying no to you. He's a bit cowardly and overthinks and he would be afraid to lose a first relationship. This is potentially hazardous to his mental health because he might say "yes" to something he doesn't want for fear of losing you. Consent is important though so even if it's difficult at first, keep checking to make sure he's alright.
-I actually headcanon him as a sex indifferent asexual. He can 100% live with sex or without it. Doesn't matter to him, though he's terrified of trying it for the first time.
-The first time you tried to get him in bed, you pinned him to a wall and he was terrified because he thought you were trying to shake him down or harass him. (Well, the latter part was true but not the way he expected.) And then you kissed him and he straight up broke, wrapped himself in blankets and hid under the futon for the rest of the day. Disappointing? Sure, but damn was it cute.
-I'm actually caught up on how he would take to dirty talk tbh since a lot of it I've seen or heard involves some form or another of calling your partner a slut or whatever. Seems to be popular. On one hand if he's secretly a masochist, he might be into it. But on the other, he also seems like he might take anything you say to him to heart and beat himself up over it and would ultimately not like it. Also probably would not be comfortable if he did the dirty talking and assuming he manages to make it through the night without apologizing to you for everything he says, then you'll hear it when you finish.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Mandragora patterned briefs. You cannot change my mind on this one.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Not very, so he's pretty chill about it.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Depends on how much you exhausted him but it usually doesn't take that long.
Some more cute Haruaki.
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
I got witcher!Ciri too! I kind wonder wha would happen if she died tho, dont wanna put geralt or her through that but I love angst lmfaoo. The game got really confusing at point cause I you have to learn a bunch of politics and how this world works and I didnt pay that much attention so I'm sure I'll get those moments in my second playthrough too I'm playing something in the hearts of stone thnig, it was lower level so I'm assuming you should play that first? a main quest with the asshole ghost in the wedding and wow I fucking hate it, it's so umcomfortable to watch geralt be this gross n weird lol, I'm not too familar when Shani either so watching her get mad when I get geralt to say he wouldnt do what the ghost is doing is so annoying lol, OH AND the ghost is a creepy fuck! shani babe you can do much much better than an asshole who talks about his dick and fucking "maidens" every other sentence!! Geralt really does get thrown into so much shit huh I'm tempted to read the books cause I do rly like the world and most- some characters but yeah reading about yen being yen wold be one of the things to stop me, what are some of the plot points that put you off? if you don't mind sharing And yeah I'd so be up for more content esp with ciri, would be cool to see them work together, even with how combat works in this game with npcs lmao
Woo witcher Ciri ending! :D If you enjoy putting yourself through pain I recommend looking up that other ending on YouTube because there are definitely some nice angst shots in the cut scenes. I watched and then promptly went, “I don’t need to play that for myself” lol. But yeah, hard agree on things getting confusing, especially towards the end. I completely missed stuff like the fact that my actions would actually impact this war, rather than the war simply being backdrop, or that Ciri’s powers were more than just the ability to teleport short distances. So by the time I was getting called on to murder kings and Avallach was taking us to totally different worlds, I had a very John Mulaney approach of, “This might as well happen. Things are already so goddamn weird.” Which, you know, really isn't the game's fault. It's what I get for jumping into the third game first and while I don't regret that at all, the story has absolutely deserved a second playthrough where I actually understand all the basic stuff I should have known going in.
Yeah, Hearts of Stone comes first. You can do any of the side quests you’d like from either DLC, but I’d recommend keeping Blood & Wine’s main storyline for the final push. But yeah, that ghost dude is, uh… something. I quite like the wedding on the whole—I really enjoy Shani, dancing is fun, O’Dimm is being a wonderfully evil dude—but yeah, dead dude is definitely a creep. Which is partly one of the things that turned me off from the books. It has the same ‘Guy trying to write women’ energy of the games but… worse. I’ve read a lot of excerpts over the years and so many of them turn me off. There are a ton of small things, like Triss importantly informing the witchers (who are all like 100+ years old??) about periods and that Ciri can’t train today because of hers (a moment that much of the fandom celebrates as... progressive?), or Triss and Yen getting super catty with one another over Geralt, to much bigger things like Ciri nearly getting raped/being involved in intimate acts with really questionable consent. A lot of the Witcher has a “This didn’t age well” vibe to it which, to be fair, isn’t entirely the fault of the author. The story is the product of 90’s Polish culture and, again, a man trying to write some pretty complex subjects from an arguably ignorant place, which makes much of the work eye-rolling for me at best, outright uncomfortable at worst. (Which I think is why I enjoy the games far more. I have agency in this questionable world, the ability to tailor it somewhat to my own beliefs and desires, which makes moments when that's taken away, like Geralt automatically commenting on how good Yen looks at a funeral, all the more frustrating). I obviously am not a Geralt/Yen fan, which sours a great deal of the plot. From what I got through the pacing felt like a slog and, more importantly, much seems to have been lost in the translation from Polish to English. (I continually hear about how amazing the dialogue is, but sadly that hasn’t come across in translation for me. Much of it is... awkward.) The parts I’ve heard about/read excerpts of that I’m most interested in—Geralt’s hanza—ends tragically and I’m… just not here for that right now. Which isn’t to say it’s badly written or anything, just that it’s not my personal cup of tea, especially nowadays with a pandemic and what all going on lol. I look at what I know of the series as a whole and go, “Do I really want to read five books filled with outdated representation for women, that old-school fantasy violence that turned me off GoT, with a super depressing ending, all wrapped up in an iffy translation and a style I don’t think does well in long-form storytelling? … Not really.”
Still loved most of the short stories and I’ve heard that many people liked the audio book versions when they couldn't get into the text, so I might give that a go someday. I’d prefer to actually have read all the source material for a fandom I’m spending so much time in, but I sadly just haven't had the urge yet. If you do read them, anon, you’ll have to tell me what you think. It’s becoming quite the divisive topic, especially as Netflix fans turn to the books, and—putting aside that everyone’s tastes will always differ—it’s interesting to hear not just whether someone had fallen in love with the books or not, but if they haven’t what about them prevented that. It's very much a case of one person's "That was awful" being another's "Are you kidding me? That's the best part!"
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