#i think it might be an arg since it’s the same thing over and over again but with ciphered codes and random things in the description ->
fridayyy-13th · 2 months
gonna be honest, feeling very conflicted about this episode, lads. i've been really hoping Protocol won't explain away the (NARRATIVELY IMPORTANT) mystery left at the end of Archives, i.e. Jon and Martin's fate, so seeing as they're the next thing Sam and Celia are gonna be investigating, this is kinda gonna be the thing that makes or breaks Protocol, for me.
i do think there's a solid chance Chester and Norris are the Jon and Martin from Protocol's universe, and that is something i absolutely would not mind. but i haven't actually made a post explaining why i think that, and i should probably do that before it's explained, just so i can mayyyybe say i called it.
(for the record, i'm pretty sure i came up with most of this before the series even officially dropped, when all we had was the ARG and the trailer. i haven't done much to connect this theory to the further information we've learned, so it's probably not fully accurate (if accurate at all). and quite a bit of it is kinda baseless conjecture; i'm just throwing my thoughts out there. just a little disclaimer.)
in Archives, Jonah's primary motivation is fear of death. turning to the Eye is what allows him to body-hop as he does for 200 years, trying to create a world where his Patron reigns supreme, where he is seated upon its throne and cannot die. assuming his motivation is the same in Protocol, this new universe is (likely until recently) untouched by the Entities. if Jonah wanted to evade death, how could he do that without the help of an eldritch fear god?
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i'm not particularly knowledgeable about the subject as a whole, but i'm certainly familiar with the Philosopher's Stone (the symbol of which is also present in the OIAR's/podcast's logo, though it seems the OIAR is more focused on balance than on experimentation).
i also know that the seven metals used in alchemy (gold, silver, mercury, copper, lead, iron, and tin) are all components of computer chips. i've been thinking Jonah, or maybe his successors, saw that and began turning their research to how it could be utilized to extend—or preserve—life.
to cut to the chase, bc frankly it's hard trying to sound like i know what i'm talking about and this post would take forever to write otherwise, i think Jonah tried to Sergei Ushanka himself into a computer, because metal and plastic are a hell of a lot longer-lasting than a human being.
but he wouldn't shove his consciousness into some random motherboard without making sure it was safe, what do you take him for?? he is a man of academia. obviously he had to test it on others first, and then he'd do it himself.
cue the thought experiments the Institute ran on kids. the things the experiments quantify are empathy and obedience to authority, which to me screams that they were trying to find kids who were easy to manipulate into more dangerous experiments.
and who are two characters who were kids in the 90s, with circumstances that left them lonely, isolated, and who, even as adults, are desperate to please (whether a parent or a bad boss)? Jon and Martin.
i posit that Jon and Martin were both victims of these experiments, perhaps the first (and only) successful subjects, and Jonah uploaded his consciousness to the computer soon after. their records could have been stricken from the spreadsheet to hide that they'd even been part of the program, and given the Institute burned down soon after, and there were no survivors—it could have been assumed that they'd died in the fire. it isn't like they had the most doting guardians to worry over them.
...but Chester and Norris's voices are those of adult Jon and Martin.
best i can figure, Jonah's plan might have worked in the short term, but computers have had date/time hardware in them since the 80s, so they—and Augustus—are still aging. so they've been trapped in computer software since 1999, and now that Sam and Celia are digging into what happened, they're desperate to catch their attention and find a way out.
(and lastly, a fun little thought—given Jon and Martin were both born circa 1987, they would have been twelve in 1999. they didn't even get to be teenagers.)
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davekat-sucks · 4 months
This is was supposed to be a simple ask but it ended up getting long because of there being too many question and discussions but barely any answers so sorry about that.
On the topic of WhatPumpkin sometimes we all have to wonder what the fuck is going on behind the scenes, the latest news we got werent that much and it felt more of a like "Hey guys we are still alive dont forget about us" situation and it doesnt help that we cant really get any info because of how the only guy that Im atleast aware that works on it and is online is James and although I have no source because it was months ago, when beyond canon came back I remember him getting asked about Hiveswap and i dont remember if he answered it on the blog or on a reddit qna but he had said he cant really do much about it because hes just the music guy on that department and not an director or writer and he probably cannot say whats going on if hes aware of even the minimum because of NDAs and you know the situation is weird when not even the new director for post canon can do nothing about it or doesnt know what the fuck is going on over there either (i believe its more of the former).
On the same topic Hussie jumping the ship in my opinion feels like such an awful move in a moral and community sense, he hires fucked up people and ends up going through development hell and instead of trying to fix it he just runs away and gives someone else the work. He becasically invited destruction to that place by not doing background checks and shit and now everyone else but him has to suffer for it. I wonder if WhatPumpkin will close business after they finish Hiveswap (if they even manage to finish it) or if their writting quality wont be bad if they try to do Hauntswitch now.
I also sometimes wonder if Hauntswitch was made first maybe things could have been better. Think about it:
It happens on the Human World and you play as a cool kid looking troll and that could open the doors for a lot of potential to explore more about the Earth on the Homestuck universe and its conspiracy theories and also give us more video game parody mechanics.
The whole conspiracy theory Jude had that iirc had even the USA presidents connect to may be right considering the easter egg that shows some sort of cultists standing outside the mansion we see on the background and watching the events unfold.
We would get more answers for whatever the fuck those creatures that attacked the manor where.
another good dog best friend to fill the bec shaped hole in our soul <:
Exploration of what SkaiaLabs exactly does.
Overall sounding like an awesome story itself, a alien coming to earth and fighting a cult related to the presidents with a human companion. Especially considering how Dammek sounds like hes an asshole and also because of how trolls are usually violent could lead to interesting interactions.
I might be wrong and biased though but I feel like that concept could attract more outsiders than Hiveswap could ever wish to do. And hopefully thats it and that I wont waste almost an hour of my life rambling about this stuff (for my own sake because i feel like i could have spent my time better but i also need to post this somewhere and i dont use social media most of the time and when i do its usually to see fanart, memes and overall discussion of my fav franchises) but I probably will in the future.
It's cool with this ask. You brought up many good points here.
Yes, the question about Hiveswap was asked in a Q&A back in October 30th, 2023 from James Roach here (Archive ver for backup). The news about development should be something more like how Toby does with the Deltarune newsletter. Monthly, maybe do a special event ARG thing that gives insight of what's coming up, or anything like that. Though even with that, it might be probably too little too late since we are at 11 years since the Kickstarter had funded. Probably doesn't help since 2 million dollars was wasted, it's a mystery how the game is still being worked on if the original Kickstarter money that was given to them, had been used up. What is WhatPumpkin's new source of income then? Do they have a second job they aren't telling us about? Are they using part of that Patreon money from Beyond Canon since technically there are some that work within Hiveswap too like James? Then there's the fact Hussie not only wasted the money, but basically left the Kickstarter project he started in the first place. He may own it and be credited as the creator, but he won't be involved in the future Acts and Hauntswitch. I'm surprised nobody is pissed at him for scamming them out of 2 million dollars. Do people not care if the original person who hosted it left? Especially with the truth come to light thanks to Gio's research on this. I wouldn't be surprised if WhatPumpkin does shut down because they couldn't gain the sales needed after releasing Hiveswap Act 3. People will probably wonder if even buying stuff from Topatoco would help or not with HS merch like the prints slowly resurfacing. Drawing in the crowds from old and new to play the game will be tough. I wouldn't be surprised if Hauntswitch was first made in mind before Hiveswap. Dammek even had a 3D model ready too.
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Likely back when it was still a 3D game, we would control briefly but then after the cutscene of them being transported to the other planet, we would then have to take control of Dammek, have him meet Jude to possibly have him find a way to help him back home, and the pair would adventure on Earth itself for the rest of the game to find out about the monsters and the cult. Dammek's paranoid nature would play off Jude's conspiracy theory pretty well as it has the two involved looking deep into the mystery. I wouldn't be surprised if something about the cult would eventually tie in to his home planet and the rebellion as a final grand twist. An idea like that sounds more interesting than some girl getting lost on an alien planet and was roped into some rebellion that she has no reason to be part of besides being concerned for a friend.
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randomstranger24 · 5 months
I’m certain a lot of people think I’m some deranged lunatic and will be skeptical and or just won’t believe anything I have to say. I totally get it and if it were me on the other end, I think I’d draw the same conclusion as well. It’s more than reasonable, but I promise there is a much bigger picture and I think you deserve to at least know another perspective. 
Not sure where to begin. I’ll start off first by saying I won’t be referring to anyone’s names or occupations to conceal anyone’s identity including my own.
I owe a big apology not just to the BoC fans, but also to Mike and Marcus, not that they would even give a shit, but if so, I’m sure they’d hate my guts. Yes, I am the original creator of the “Thrift Store Tape" and no, I am of no relation to the brothers, (no surprise there). I do feel spiritually connected to their music though if that’s of any consequence? (no surprise there either) I’m sure they’ll never see this, but I realize I could be viewed as an untalented hack and a giant piece of shit. This, I understand and I accept it. I never had bad intentions, I promise that, but it’s like they always say, “The road to Hell is paved with good ones”. 
Here’s how this entire thing got started. Regardless of what anyone might assume, I never in a million years set out to intentionally deceive people into believing this was some long lost BoC record. Hear me out and let me explain from the beginning. 
For years prior to all of this, I have been experimenting with recording my musical creations onto VHS and cassette tapes in attempts to capture those warm fuzzy lofi aesthetics, but Sometimes the final product is actually disappointing because you’d be surprised how good VHS tapes actually hold sound. So, fast forward 2018, one of my housemates at the time, who was actually the one who helped manage a Red White And Blue thrift store. This was the catalyst of what sparked this idea in my head after my housemate mentioned all the blank VHS tapes that were being donated.  
I Purchased a whole bin of tapes and started dubbing my music, (both old and new) onto the donated VHS tapes to send back to the thrift stores to be re-donated in efforts of someone finding them. Kind of like putting a message in a bottle and throwing it out to sea in hopes someone finds it. I would donate several of these VHS tapes and would leave my dubbed mixes over top of older shitty movies. I had the idea of rummaging through and curating all of my “Old Tunes” sound-alikes and Vaporwave tracks or anything sounding adjacent and placing them on several tapes.  
I probably dubbed well over a hundred tapes over the years since 2018, both used and blanks
I ended up donating most of them to several different thrift stores. Mostly old generic shitty “dollar-bin” movies that nobody really wants and generic kids cartoons. I would never destroy a collectible VHS or anything of value, so no worries there, but I doubt anyone will ever find the ones sent out and even if they do, they’ll most likely throw it away or something. I have a few tapes that escaped that were made with music that accidentally got deleted years ago and I would pay top dollar to get back, but that’s another story for another day. 
Anyway, So, my other friend (Not housemate), who, (we’ll just say, is an independent filmmaker of sorts) had the idea which kind of spawned from mine to do a found-footage VHS horror film project also known as “Analog Horror” or the genre at least. Now, keep in mind, this is the spring of 2020 during the height of the pandemic lockdown. So, time is all we had. 
I had the idea of using an ARG for people to solve to lead them down a “Rabbit Hole” as part of an interactive movie project. It would start off pleasant and would progressively get more sinister and darker and even more disturbing the further down you went. My main intention and goal was to hopefully have this project be the subject of topic on a big name youtube channel like “Nexpo”. I figured the music and aesthetic would all be “Old Tunes- BoC-inspired” and would give it a more suitable twist. I figured any fans that would ever come across it would take notice instantly that it was “BoC-inspired” or at least the music. I also figured the BoC cover tracks would add a few disturbing layers to the mystique of this “Rabbit Hole” mystery.  especially since we wanted to catch those "Backrooms" "Liminal Space" vibes.
I’m sure folks will be skeptical and that’s okay, but just hear me out on this and yes, I’d be thinking the same way too, so I certainly do understand any skepticism. 
Originally, the inspiration for the name “Strange Soup” Mixtape was used in the original upload in efforts to connect ties to this twisted bizarrely disturbing video titled “Blank Room Soup (Dark Web Video)”.
Now, you can do a google search about this video. It was a strange mysterious viral sensation for quite a few years after emerging on 4chan and has been a part of other “Rabbit Holes”. We ended up deleting the original video so that another one could be uploaded in place of it. 
The idea was to incorporate it as part of this story, but we needed to scratch other ideas altogether because the numbers did not properly equate to the letters we needed to start the ARG and time was running out. We also needed the upload date to fall in line with the project. The creation of these ARG’s are not easy to create. Believe me when I tell you. I’m just some uneducated moron, so figuring this stuff out took trial and error. Even with the help of my friend.    
Now, if all would have gone as planned, we would have opened another account uploading another tape in connection with the thrift store tape. We were in search of materials to craft out costumes like the one’s seen in the “Blank Room Soup” video and wanted to utilize the office space at my friend's school.  
Originally, this is how this should have all played out in order for this horror project to have worked. We needed The first video to be uploaded at a certain date in order to maintain validity for the ARG storyline so it could be incorporated into the film project. The goal from the start was never to deceive people into believing this was a “long-lost BoC record”. I’ll explain more below.  
The next step, after a week or two, was to have all of us post the link to the video in “thrift store finds facebook groups” in order to drum up the mystery. He and I shared the link on a few of the forums online such as Reddit and so on. The forums had absolutely nothing to do with music or ARG’s. Just thrift store finds and VHS collector’s groups. We wanted to build the mystery up and clue people in eventually. The original video sat on youtube for quite some time. It had like maybe 60-75 views after a month. That view count just stayed stagnant. Then one day in, I think late March out of nowhere, I got the messages in the comments. They were friendly at first with some people just mentioning it was “Boards of Canada”. I thought to myself, “Oh shit, they found the video”. Soon the view count just kept on climbing and Soon enough some folks started becoming hostile. I convinced my housemate to make a response video explaining everything. We all thought this was the best course of action because of how unbiased he’ll be for the simple fact, he has no idea who BoC is (Well, he does now lol) and he is not a musician, like, at all haha. 
Me and my filmmaker friend were excited at first that at least we had an audience now and could run with it. So I figured the response video my housemate put out would quell any outrage and save our project in order to move forward but, boy, was I dead wrong.
The views kept climbing up and the comments kept coming. People were becoming hostile and outraged. Things got way too real and I started to panic slightly. I have a bad anxiety disorder and it triggered it for sure. I just had all these thoughts like, “What if I get sued by the band?” I had nightmares of the brothers coming after me and them telling me how much of a piece of shit I am.  
BoC fans are some of the craftiest people you’ll ever come across, lemme tell ya lol.
They had somehow figured out the metadata from the original deleted video that was uploaded months prior. After it was confirmed and revealed to me they could dig this info up, I was in a full blown panic attack. I started hyperventilating. I messaged my buddy and told him what was up. He was against it at first, but I told him, “hey I have to delete this whole channel, they’re going to find out where I live next and who I am!” I just had the worst thoughts imaginable. 
So, I hit the “Killswitch” button and within minutes it all vanished like a bad dream. I was genuinely worried at first that I could potentially face legal backlash, but my friend explained to me that I wasn't out there putting any BoC label on it or even labeling the tracks and attempting to make any money from it.   
Some time had passed and the dust settled a little bit. I was kind of shocked to see people had ripped the original audio from the video and were sharing it to facebook and reddit and soon uploaded to Youtube. The “Dan Fingerman” channel was the first to reupload as I read through the comments and to my surprise they were all mostly positive. Some people thought for sure the music was BoC and others were skeptical, but most of them didn’t believe for a second, but yet still they kept talking about how much they enjoyed it. Even “David Firth” the creator of “Salad Fingers” left a comment at some point stating he liked the music, but didn’t care for the BS backstory. I was so happy that this music that had been sitting around for years on end had finally found a home somewhere. 
This music is only meant for a small niche audience. Most folks will not appreciate it. I think where I really fucked up, was becoming addicted to the excitement of seeing people enjoy the music that I had accumulated over a decade. Believe me when I tell you, there is more where that all came from. It is ridiculous the hundreds of unfinished or hidden tracks I have stored on several harddrives, VHS and cassette tapes, but I am happy to finally put it all to bed today.
Here’s where I need to really step up and take accountability for my ignorance and selfishness. 
Again, I was truly happy that people were actually enjoying the music so I did a foolish thing and ran with it like an idiot. All the hate and backlash that I will receive after all of this is all well deserved. Yes, I’m a giant loser, I'm an idiot, a talentless hack with no life. I’ll take the “L”. I just wanted to purge the last of this music and put an end to all of it once and for all. I think this was much needed and I can now move on with my life and stop obsessing over creating music that sounds like BoC. I can go back to writing and producing dark progressive black and death metal like I once used to lol.     
The day I discovered BoC’s music is the day it changed my life forever and how I saw the world through a new lens. I became obsessed with wanting to replicate their sound. I think it is more than relevant to talk about it to help illustrate my madness. 
Growing up in my teen years I was an extreme metal fanatic. I listened to a lot of black and death metal bands and played in many metal bands as a guitarist. My biggest influences were bands like Slayer, Immortal, Death, Opeth, Dimmu Borgir, Gorgoroth, Deicide, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest. You name it, If it was extreme, I was probably into them. I wanted nothing to do with any music that wasn’t extreme metal. I was very narrow-minded back then. That’s not to say I’m no longer a fan of metal, I’m just not as closed off as I used to be. 
As the years went on, I would watch my favorite front men from the most prolific metal bands give interviews and mention their musical influences and would always be blown away by how far away from metal their influences actually were. One of them would mention Radiohead in multiple interviews and naturally I got curious and started trying out “Radiohead" and soon fell in love with Thom Yorke’s experimentations. I think this is where my taste began to shift. I started getting into the “chill trip-hop’ genres and bands like Portishead, producers like DJ Shadow, Flying Lotus, and J Dilla. So pretty much the recipe for being receptive to BoC was already in the making. 
Eventually I stopped playing in bands after I learned how to play every instrument: Bass, Piano, drums and so on. It just got too hectic with everyone’s schedules to keep the dedication. I wanted so badly to learn how to write, record, and produce my own music. At the time I had a friend who used “Frooty Loops” to make Industrial beats, but that was about it and he would never teach me how to use the program. I wanted so badly to make my own black metal album and perform and record all the instruments as well as sing vocals.            
“Opeth’s” front man Mikael Akerfeldt influenced me in other directions from the metal genre and 
I eventually outgrew those desires and over time I became more interested in collecting vintage things like vhs camcorders, tape players, and record players. This really set the stage for me. Some years later, I was surfing Youtube in 2008 in search of videos on the drug `DMT" and a slideshow video of psychedelic imagery started playing and that’s when I was introduced to BoC's "Roygbiv" for the first time. As I was listening, it was like something inside of me was born. I’ll never forget that day. 
Now, I grew up in the 80’s and I distinctly remember “PBS” and the shows that would air back then like Reading Rainbow and Sesame Street. As I’m listening to Roygbiv, I was in this state of disbelief. How did they manage to pull that off? These sounds of rich warm vintage analog tones of the mid 70’s TV bumpers on public broadcasting networks. It took me right back to my childhood and unlocked this part of me that had been missing my entire life. I had shivers down my spine. From that moment, I instantly fell in love. I just had to find out who the creator of this music was. I did some digging and one comment read the band name and I sought out more of their music. The next track I listened to was “Bocuma" and it buried into my soul even deeper. I had both tracks on repeat all day. It took me back to the simple days of my childhood of the early 80’s. I just had to find out what software they were using. I wanted to learn how one could possibly recreate something of the past with such an unreal haunting aesthetic.  
I eventually found out this music was released in 1998 and that, of itself blew my mind as well.
I was so certain the music was from the present day using “present-day-computer-technology”.
Eventually, I got my hands on a computer and started to dabble in music production and also learned how to convert analog to digital and vise/versa. I had read on multiple forums and interviews of how they could achieve their signature sound and naturally I followed.   
I would damage and degrade tapes to record on them and I had some incredible results and as mentioned before, a lot of disappointment because VHS has such a good HIFI sound. Almost better than any digital. 
I would fall asleep and dream of melodies and try to figure them out. It got to a point where it plagued everything I did musically. Everything I would make would always end up sounding similar to their music. This is why I am happy today, to purge the last of it and move on with my life.  
Am I mentally ill? Perhaps? Am I a lunatic? Far from it, but I needed to get all this out of my system. I am sorry for everything and I hope you can just enjoy the music for what it is. It was never about clout or recognition. I'm not here to profit financially. All I ever wanted was it all to find a home. Thank you so much for even listening and giving it the time. I owe so much to them. They opened my eyes to a whole other artistic realm. Special thanks and gratitude all goes to the brothers for all the inspiration over the many years. Thank you Mike and Marcus. Your music has settled deep within my heart and I will take it to the grave. Thank you so much and Thank all of you for all your kind words that I probably don’t deserve. Thank you for taking the time to read. I am so grateful. 
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maplesunflowers · 1 year
Hey.... what's ur fave internet horror series/project/etc
Or the one u think is like the best thought-out slash most intriguing
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Thank you Corvus for allowing me to finally info dump on one of my most special of interests. Love you Bby 🥺💕
Ironically I made a whole ass Tik Tok a while ago listing my faves too lol
First up, EverymanHYBRID. This might be a hot take, but despite Slenderman’s reputation nowadays, I still think Slenderverse series are GOOD and I will die on that hill. While everyone sees Marble Hornets as the superior Slenderman series, I have always preferred EMH. The story was way more interesting and Evan, Vinny, and Jeff were way more likable protagonists that you genuinely wanted to see everything work out for them, which is why is was so heartbreaking when things didn’t. Plus, as cringy as HABIT maybe seen today, he’s still a super fun villain. He’s just evil for evil’s sake, he doesn’t care if these are people’s lives he’s destroying, he’s going have fun!
This Is My Milwaukee isn’t necessarily horror in the sense you’re thinking, but I love showing it to people and watching their reaction. This video was the trailhead to an ARG that’s now defunct, but honestly I still think the video stands on it’s own as a weird little video to show your friends. 
Possibly in Michigan is one of my all time favorite YouTube videos in general. I found it when the audio from PiM went viral on Tik Tok a few years back and instantly few in love with its surreal style. The Perfume Song and Animal Cannibal live in my head rent free. 
This House has People in It is another surreal trip I adore. I just love that it’s something you need to rewatch multiple times to catch everything that’s going on, plus the fact that there’s hours of extra hidden content on the “security” website that adds to the world building and story of this family. 
Sexygirlmax2019/ Hey Peabrain, You Teleport? Is so underrated and I wish more people talked about it. It’s one of the few Tumblr ARGs and it was made by two 15 year olds, which is SO impressive to me that two teenagers pulled off such an amazing ARG that had a satisfying ending when a lot of companies who’s LITERAL JOB IS MAKING ARGS can’t manage to do that. 
Hi I’m Mary Mary is just a gold standard. The story is engaging, and the EDITING, THE EDITING IS SO GOOD! Honestly the editing my favorite thing about the series, it’s just god tier. But the story is just as amazing as the editing, you feel for Mary’s struggles against her monsters and want to see her win and escape the house she’s trapped in. 
Mystery Flesh Pit National Park isn’t going be for everyone (especially if you’re someone who isn’t good with body horror) but I love the idea for weird stuff going on in a National Park and it surprises me that you don’t see a lot of stuff playing with that idea. I love the idea of this weird, eldritch creature being found and of course humans first thought goes to Capitalism. 
Vita Carnis is another body horror series that won’t be for everyone. This series has managed to do the impossible and has made my desensitized ass absolutely paranoid over their FUCKING MIMICS!!!!! LIKE SERIOUSLY, FUCK THE MIMICS SO HARD!!!! I BOTH LOVE AND HATE THEIR EXECUTION SO MUCH!!!!! IT’S SO WELL DONE, IT’S DOING WONDERS FOR MY INTRUSIVE THOUGHTS!!!!!
The Ningen is actually made by the same person who made the Monument Mythos series, tho I don’t believe it’s a spinoff. It follows a lot of lore surrounding the cryptid while also making it its own thing as well. The Ningen has always been one of my favorite cryptids but since there’s not a lot to it’s backstory no one ever seems to do anything with it, so it’s REALLY nice to see this obscure cryptid get some love.
Echo Rose/Nettlebrook actually stars the same person from Daisy Brown (another series I love) but wasn’t made by her, it was made by her cousin. Echo Rose is really funny and it makes you feel like you’re just watching someone’s vlogs, but in the background a mystery is unraveling with a missing girl. 
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alright, so I'm not the first person to make a t7mblr sexyman RTC AU but I really like this idea that I came up with (also thanks to @mountain-dew-tickledpink for helping me fill some of the roles
So Bill Cipher is gonna be Karnak, that feels pretty obvious, but I thought it would be funny if Cecil Gershwin Palmer was Virgil, and he's just like, holding Bill at memory-erasing gunpoint (like the one that was used to defeat him in the finale).
Obviously, the onceler is Ocean, he's the first thing anyone thinks of when they hear the phrase "tumblr sexyman" and he's got a huge thneed empire, of course he'd be the most successful boy in town, but he is also very entitled, much like Ocean, while still having room for redemption, so obviously he's the perfect fit
Next up, Alastor from Hazbin Hotel as Noel. This might seem like a bit of an odd choice, especially since he's supposed to be the most romantic boy in town but he's canonically AroAce, but being "romantic" doesn't necessarily mean romantic relationships, it could be about romanticizing ideas. So in this AU, Alastor is not a serial killer, but he's so bored with his life that he dreams of being one from the thirties, kinda like Monique Gibeau but minus the hooker part and his fantasy self would probably still keep the same name as he has, Alastor definitely has the dramatic flare and love of tragedy needed to make him fit as Noel
Dabi will be Mischa because well, his dad is Enji Todoroki, OFC he'd be the angriest boy in town. I haven't decided if he's still in the League of villains in this AU or if Mischa's rap career has fully replaced that, or maybe the League all decided to make a shared SoundCloud account lmao, also yes, Hawks will be the stand-in for Talia in this AU
I was really stumped on who Ricky would be but I decided on Wally Darling because he's always painting and I think he leads a cult or whatever (I don't know Jack shit about the Welcome Home ARG so correct me if I'm wrong) which I guess, could be like, his equivalent of Zolar? I even found a reason for him to be on crutches, because he's a puppet and has no bones (Don't ask how he would still be able to die in the roller coaster accident, maybe he got impaled by a piece of the track or something?)
I've decided to make Jack Frost from Rise Of The Gaurdians be the John Doebfor this AU, since he doesn't have very over-exaggerated proportions, it would be hard to identify him without his head, plus he apparently already canonically died and lost all of his memories, so there's another parallel to Jane, not to mention he's kinda the youngest person here. As for what he would replace his head with, I was originally going to make it a rabbit or white tiger plushie that he won at the fair, and I'm still gonna roll with that, but now I wanna change it from a tiger to a snow leopard, because themeing. Also, the Little Sister who he apparently died protecting from the cold in canon, would make a great parallel to Ezra
Lastly, Luigi Mario as Constance Blackwood because he just fits, I don't think I really need to explain much more than that
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list of all the unexplained noises heard from my bedroom window:
- a strange whistle scanning thing, hard to describe but it sounds like the kind of noise one would use to portray a ufo or a sci-fi scanner or something. hear it a lot, some weeks i hear it on more days than not. sometimes hear it multiple times a day, or at least i think i do. one time i heard it while out on a walk, which wouldnt be too weird if i werent quite a fair distance from my apartment. no clue as to where it could be coming from, it only ever plays for a few seconds each time, so i have no time to follow the noise. i managed to record the noise on my phone one time.
- a music box repeating the same portion of the same song over and over. heard it i think 2 or 3 times since moving here, only ever at night. one time it kept me up, couldnt get to sleep with it playing. no idea what song it could be, would love to record it to show the internet but i havent heard it in a while. if i hear it again ill probably try and record it. it’s this song playing on a music box, probably not coming from a real music box but who knows. im pretty sure it’s not even the full song, it just repeats this same short segment over and over, the point at which it repeats is inconsistent, im pretty sure sometimes itd repeat a second earlier or later than normal.
- a weird staticy noise coming from above my bedroom window. sounds kind of like the sounds slenderman makes in the media ive seen him in. just heard it today. it played constantly for at least 5 minutes, occasionally cutting out and going silent for a split second. first time hearing it.
i have heard other such noises too, like footsteps too loud to be normal coming from upstairs, and furniture being moved around upstairs. but i assume that’s just coming from a kid, or some asshole trying to piss me off. i say the footsteps are abnormal because i walk around in my apartment all the time and i dont make a sound even partly as big, but im guessing there’s a kid upstairs who loves stomping around or some shit. havent heard these sounds in a while so whoever was making them probably left. these sounds arent nearly as weird as the other ones tho since they have obvious explanations.
no, this isnt a fuckin creepypasta, nor an arg. this is all real, i promise, you might not believe me but i swear this is all fuckin real
i hate this shitty little apartment with a mould problem, roach problem, shittily made bathroom, window that looks out onto a brick wall, and strange ass noises annoying me
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neonpelt · 2 years
ok does anyone else know what embryo wallace is because i need someone to help me solve it
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conarcoin · 3 years
SMPEarth Fanfics
There really isn’t that much fic for SMPEarth so I decided to make a post with a bunch. Some of these are my own, but most aren’t. Long post, so under the cut. I haven’t read all of these myself yet.
playing imitation games - JoshA20 character study, largely based on the ARGs of SMPEarth. (Oneshot)
and if they laugh at me, i’ll make your heart my home - In an AU where Deo is exiled from Business Bay and joins AE, he finds comfort in Wisp among his new cold & hostile home. (Oneshot)
i’m so sorry (returns) - Slightly canon divergent (just timeline changes, shifting events around). Wisp apologizes for abandoning Business Bay. Deo is upset. (Oneshot)
The Stars Still Love You (They Always Will) - c!Tommy gets sent back in time to SMPEarth. (40/?)
off with their head (wait, are you serious?) - Caught in the middle of the war between Business Bay and the Empire, Charlie has to face his friend, Wilbur, on the battlefield. (Oneshot)
To cure it of sorrow would destroy it - An immortal god, Deo, grows attached to a mortal named Tommy, and is devastated by his death at the hands of a traitor. (Oneshot)
we are the crossroads - Technoblade overworks himself on a particularly scary night at the Antarctic Empire. Phil helps. (Oneshot)
the criminal from korea - Charlie got banished from New Zealand, and lives alone in his country, Kpop. Jack, a leader of the island nation, pays him an unexpected visit to apologize, much to the dismay of the other two New Zealand Soots. (Oneshot)
step one, light me on fire - On Day 19 of Charlie's SMPEarth history, he was named the first and only criminal of New Zealand. (Oneshot)
Letters From Another Millennia - Tommy and his family move into a new house in a small village, it is said to have sheltered magical creatures hunderds— maybe even thousands of years ago. What happens when he finds old letters hidden underneath the floorboards and decides to write responses to them for fun, but ends up getting in touch with a certain someone from the past? (2/15)
Before We Get Older (Let’s Do Everything) - The happiest Deo has ever seen Tommy, he thinks, is right now, as he looks over at Tommy from where he’s lounging in the co-pilot’s seat. (Oneshot)
Misunderstood Emperor - The Antarctic Empire is a grand but isolated country. It plays by its own rules in the grand scheme of things, but one thing is for certain. They are powerful extremely powerful. Ruled by their Emperor Technoblade, who is a mystery to everyone. There are several legends that have told people stories about the great Emperor but none ever tell as much as people would have liked. As one of the immortals, he is a legend in that part. But it's something more for his people and the world. He is a god, The Blood God. He not human as he is above them. This is great and all but what happens when Antarctica is forced out of isolation and people really start to meet the ruler himself. Is he anything they thought him to be? And is being called a god as good as people imagine? We shall see... (2/?)
it’s just a waltz (i’d give you anything you wanted) - After a successful battle campaign across the globe, co-emperors Technoblade and Philza take a reprieve in their mountain palace they call home. A reprieve means a break. Avoiding work. Techno struggles with this, so Phil takes matters into his own hands, and orchestrates a simple, fun plan to help Techno loosen up. (Oneshot)
Moonglass - The Antarctic Empire has long since peacefully disbanded- really, there never was an Empire in the first place. A means to an end and nothing more, their work was done and they retreated back to where their simple work waited in the southern snow. That is, until one day, when Commander Philza Minecraft is nominated to be part of the first group of players to land on the moon. Just a simple trip to survey the land, to evaluate what could be built there one day.... The reports never mentioned the dragon. (7/7)
Snow Angel - The Angel Of Death, now more than ever, is faced with the prospect of eternity. He selfishly hopes he will not fly it alone. (21/21)
Earth and Its Connotations - If things were different, if time had been a little more fluid when her hands had set events into motion, then we might have watched a completely new story unfold from the start. Dream has a question to ask of one of his friends, and that friend has an answer. The butterfly beats its wings and a hurricane brews in the far reaches of the arctic north. (Oneshot)
The Cold Brings People Together - No one would question the bond between the leaders of the Antarctic Empire. Some would call them thick as thieves, birds of a feather, peas in a pod, bolder ones would even call them like a father and son, others would run in fear at the titles 'Blood god' and 'Angel of Death'. Everyone knew that to get to Techno you would have to go through Phil and to get to Phil you would have to go through Techno. The question on the more curious, more daring peoples' minds was, how did the two get so close? (Oneshot)
for dust thou art - The Antarctic Empire's civilization fell long ago, it's cities in ashes and it's kingdom fallen to dust. The ruins are precarious and no one dares trod to the arctic to pick them over. No one, that is, except for you. The ruins of an empire beckon at your mind like the claws of a beast. (Oneshot)
hell hath frozen over. - in a world where not one angel showed him warmth, techno finds life in the arctic thrall of Death. (Oneshot)
Why Did You Return. -  And even as Deo brought the feared Midas sword to hiss neck, he couldn't find himself to feel any fear. The only emotion he could feel was raw regret, and acceptance. He knew he would relinquish his life to a God-slayer, a renowned fearless being, who would stop at nothing to protect those who he considered family. He would lose his life to TimeDeo, once a brother, now an enemy, and Wisp could not bring himself to feel any fear, only the relief that it was someone he still deeply cared for taking the anger out on him in a way he deemed justified, and there was no fear. Only the cold accepting that this was the end. (Oneshot)
I Wear The Chain I Forged In Life - “Oh,” Doomsday says. “We’ve run out of time.” “Doomsday, please, just tell me how to stop this,” Tommy begs. Doomsday does not meet his eyes. “I wear the chain I forged in life, TommyInnit. I made it link by link, yard by yard. Let us hope you’ve done the same.” (Oneshot)
old friends, old scars (new starts) - After betraying him during SMPEarth, Wisp joins the Dream SMP to offer his alliance to Tommy once more. (Oneshot)
After What I Did, How Could You Not? - Nobody had heard from this world-conquering Empire in quite some time. It had been months since Phil or Techno had spoken out for their kingdom and even Newfoundland had been wondering where they’ve gone. Tommy seemed to know, but he didn’t seem keen on sharing. (Oneshot)
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queertftgs · 3 years
The Snake's Paw Transcription
Episode 1 - Aaaaaaand Go
Description: Your hosts - Jack Townsend, Matthew Morris, and Andrew Farrier - introduce themselves and explain what The Snake's Paw is all about.
00:00 Matthew Morris: - Welcome to The Snake's Paw: the introductory episode I'm Matthew Morris
00:07 Andrew Farrier: - I'm Andrew Farrier
00:09 Jack Townsend:- And I'm Jack Townsend, arg!
00:12 Andrew Farrier: - Is that what Jack Townsend's voice sounds like
00:14 Matthew Morris: - Oh no we're gonna have to talk to him this entire time
00:17 Jack Townsend: - I eat a hundred cigarettes a day
00:20 Andrew Farrier: - Well hi yall I'm Andrew Farrier
00:22 Matthew Morris: - I'm Matthew Morris
00:23 Jack Townsend: - And uh I am Jack Townsend
00:26 Andrew Farrier: - That's what his voice sounds like
00:28 Jack Townsend: - This is what I actually sound like, I'm sorry for anyone out there who was expecting better
00:31 Andrew Farrier: - So Jack the folks who know you know you for Tales from the Gas Station series. We're lucky enough to have known you for a long long time and know that there's a whole lot of other stories up there in that head of yours and this is going to be a place to share some of them out into the world.
00:47 Jack Townsend: - Yeah but it's not just my stories, the three of us have been making up stories since childhood
00:53 Andrew Farrier: - We've gotten to see Jack all the way from when he still had baby teeth, which was like, a year ago?
00:58 Jack Townsend: - wh- wai- Let's not talk about my baby teeth [group laughter] I think that you guys got to see me back when I was writing the cringy deep things, which I guess that was also a year ago
01:10 Andrew Farrier: - Yeah! We have gotten to see Jack from his sorta formative years into this cool success this last little while and we know there's a lot of other great stuff in that brain
01:20 Jack Townsend: - You compliment my brain but you guys have such amazing, beautiful weird wet brains too
01:26 Andrew Farrier: - So wet [laughter]
01:28 Andrew Farrier: - And what yall might know to appreciate about the gas station stories is that they combine horror and comedy in a way that is not nearly common enough and we will be sharing some stories here in this podcast in that same vein and in some other veins. Some of the stories we're gonna be sharing are gonna be short narrated pieces written like short stories, or written as series but we also want to share stuff that's kinda works in progress, the stuff that friends talk about when they've got projects underway, or after they've seen someone else's work and they think they know how it could have gone better.
02:01 Jack Townsend: - Sometimes our ideas uhh have not had all the room that they need to form into adulthood so what we're going to do is something that we're tentatively calling um Basic Pitches, where one of us will come up with the idea, share it with the others and over the course of a conversation we will mold it into what could or could not be a decent story and we will let you decide whether or not it's worth keeping
02:28 Matthew Morris: - Show the crazy guy behind the curtain pulling levers and
02:32 Jack Townsend: - And making the sausage [group laughter] We're gonna show you
02:36 Andrew Farrier: - Pulling levers and making sausage [overlap talking] behind a curtain [laughter] with the alternative title for this show is mixed metaphors [laughter], with Jack Townsend
02:47 Jack Townsend: - In addition to these other formats, we're also going to be doing something a little old fashioned in a new way, we are going to be creating some radio dramas, or radio plays, you may have heard of them
02:59 Andrew Farrier: - And that's actually where we're going to start, it being Halloween weekend we're gonna drop two stories for you at the same time. From there, we're gonna shift over to something like an every other week kinda schedule.
03:09 Matthew Morris: - If you'd like to keep up with us, you can find us at thesnakespaw.com, The Snake's Paw on Twitter, on YouTube, on Instagram
03:17 Jack Townsend: - Anywhere snake's paws are sold [laughter] Someone;s gonna look up The Snake's Paw on the dark web and they're gonna find a person selling snake's paws, guaranteeing at least three good wishes left in each of them and then they're gonna order it and it's going to show up and it's actually just a spider sack
03:34 Andrew Farrier: - With like one wish at most
03:36 Matthew Morris: - Yeah [group laughter] Can't trust the dark web
03:38Jack Townsend: - Cus you can't leave yelp reviews on the dark web
03:42 Andrew Farrier: - Alright yall well that's where to find us on the internet
03:45Jack Townsend: - Are you gonna sing us out now?
03:46 Matthew Morris: - [humming]
03:48 Jack Townsend: - It's The Snake's Paw Podcast
03:52 Andrew Farrier: - Small and wrinkled and strange and furry, The Snake's Paw on the beach goes walking and when it passes, each one it passes a [hiss sound]
04:08 Matthew Morris: - Am I supposed to keep g- [group sputtering] Oh my god [group laughter]
04:11 Andrew Farrier: [Overlapped] This is -
04:12 Jack Townsend:  - We gave you the ball Matthew [overlap] and you dropped it, you dropped it right on our hearts
04:17 Matthew Morris: [singing] This is The Snake's Paw -
04:18 Jack Townsend: - Nope it's too late, magics gone
04:19 Matthew Morris: - [singing] They pass me the snake paw
04:22 Jack Townsend: - [singing] I wish you were better
04:23 Jack Townsend: - I dropped the snake ball
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gildedmuse · 3 years
Zoro arrived at Sabaody first. He doesn't have any plan on what to do while waiting for the others to arrive. He's bored. Cue asking Rayleigh for a spar/talk/advice/etc.
With a little flirting there and there
I didn't quite make it all the way to the end of this one, boy it got large enough it definitely deserved it's own post....
A Little AdVice Captain Talk
Zoro is first to reach Sabaody ("All because of me, you idiot! At least be grateful!") which isn't surprising in the least ("Arg! So frustrating! Im going to be so glad that you're gone!"). Still, since he's here early and is stuck waiting for the rest of them to stop messing around and catch up, Zoro figures he deserves something of a reward.
Also, Hawkeyes only had wine - some of it was alright but the white and pink stuff might as well have been dessert it was so stupidly sweet; who ruins perfectly good alcohol like that!? - and even that he wasn't allowed to have for the three weeks it took for him to master both kinds of haki. He's looking forward to having a drink he isn't suppose to "savour" but can just throw back like a normal person.
It works out perfectly, because that old pirate guy who'd been looking after Sunny, he lived at that bar with the strangely smiley, touchy woman, didn't he? So Zoro can track him down and also grab a nice bottle of sake, maybe more than one depending on how far behind him everyone else is. It was a really odd looking place, too, easy to find. And he's sure it was close by....
-A Few Hours Later-
"You have the face of a man on a mission." Zoro pauses, his posture in others by the intrusion despite the last two times someone on this Island has tried to get his attention they wanted to rob or stab him.
Zoro hadn't really been bothered then, either, except that maybe afterwards they were all either too unconscious or running off too scared to give him proper directions. Maybe this one can at least tell Zoro where they moved that strange old bar before -
"Hmm? Oh, you're that old man who talked with Luffy." It's been two years, but the man looks exactly like he had when Zoro had last seen him. Which is just as Zoro expects. It's only two years, no one could have changed all that much.
The man gives a loud, hearty laugh. "I may be getting old, but I seem to remember the rest of you were there, too. But, yes, I am that very same old man." The man smiles. Zoro likes it, maybe because it's so carefree that it reminds him of Luffy? No, that isn't it. He may be good natured, but Zoro has a feeling he's far less easy-going than he acts. Not acts like a lie, but more how Perona should sometimes throw an extra loud, dramatic fit in hopes of annoying Hawkeyes into doing what she wanted. She really was that spoiled - something she hated him saying and would whine about him being mean when really he'd just said what was the obvious truth - but she also put up this whole act. Maybe it use to be she had to scream and cry and make a big fuss to get her way and so it's just what she does out of habit.
Zoro has the blurriest memory of this Dark King taking on that asshole marine, the one who had been about to kill Zoro right then and there. Zoro had gotten his ass kicked by a couple of fake (and one real) Shichibukai. As he remembers it, Rayleigh had fought back a Marine admiral without much of an effort. Still, Zoro thinks there is a lot more behind that easy going nature than just being strong. This old man has seen thing, he's sure.
The man laughs again, which makes Zoro frown. He hadn't even done anything, what is so funny? "You've got a young face," Rayleigh says, which Zoro just cocks an eyebrow at. The one with the scarred over eye. His payment to Hawkeye for two years acting as his sensei. He doesn't want any such connection to remain between them. The next time he meets the other kenshi, Zoro wants to be able to challenge him not as a former student but as a true rival. "Don't take it so hard." Rayleigh smiles again, walking over towards Zoro. He moves almost like he expects Zoro to jerk away, reaching over to lay a heavy hand on Zoro's shoulder. But Zoro doesn't run from things. "Whatever you're thinking about, you don't have to wear such a serious expression!"
Zoro cocks his head, reaching up to scratch at his nose as he considers how him having a young face is the same as him looking so serious. He hadn't been trying to look serious. His face just looked like it looked.
"I was thinking about you helping us out, that last time," Zoro tells him, because it isn't as if he's meaning to keep it some big secret and Rayleigh is just standing there with a hand on his shoulder like he expects Zoro to explain. So he does. "You probably doesn't have much to worry about, when it comes to fighting. You always know you're going to win, or at least you'll come out of it fine enough," he offers, shrugging at the admittance.
Rayleigh just continued smiling at him, though now he's the one with the raised eyebrow. "You don't seem like you're the kind to get scared during battle or to overthink the consequences."
That last part sounds like it might be an insult, bit it's not untrue so Zoro doesn't say anything. "I'm not." Because he isn't, he hasn't ever been. Not for himself. "Because I know I will win." He gives a sharp, cocky smile before remembering the last time Rayleigh had seen him. Zoro gives a half a shrug, and his face must look "young" again to Rayleigh, whatever that means. "Even when I was outmatched, I wasn't afraid. If I died it was because I was too weak, and I would have died protecting my captain and my crew. I wouldn't be afraid to die for them."
"Although," Zoro adds after a second. "I wouldn't lose now."
Rayleigh's laugh rings through the huge trunks of the bubble forest. The hand on Zoro's shoulder moves, wrapping around his shoulder. Without a word about it, Rayleigh starts to lead him in direction Zoro has already been. He's sure of it. "That's a very strange thing to think, though I suppose it's only natural, having only visited Sabaody the once before."
Zoro eyes the way Rayleigh is taking him suspiciously. The old man must be taking him either to that bar or the ship, that's the only thing that makes sense. Still, Zoro knows this is the wrong way. He'd just come from this way. He remembers that tree. "You act very carefree, but you're not like Luffy," Zoro goes on, since he doesn't think Rayleigh understood that he hadn't really been thinking about the Sabaody incident, at least not anymore than thinking about his promise to Kuina makes him think about the day he had learned his friend was dead. "Luffy is too cheerful to let worries bother him, and even when something upsets him he often acts recklessly instead of thinking things through." Zoro crosses his arms over his chest and gives a very knowing nod that speaks of his maturity on the subject.
Rayleigh coughs into his hand, and when he looks back at Zoro his smile has only gotten wider. "Is that so?"
"Because he is carefree, he does not take care," Zoro explains as plainly as he can, I'm case Rayleigh missed his meaning. "You come off as a very easy going old man, but maybe it comes from years of building your strength and finding your balance. It's like me..."
Zoro's eyes flash dangerously as he turns to glare off three huge men who had been trying to stall around nearby. Rayleigh gives the trip a friendly wave. They immediately start to scramble, chattering in a panic among themselves. "I could have used haki and catch any of these cowardly thieves who keep trying to stab me when my back is turned," Zoro goes on, continuing as though the entire interaction simply hadn't happened. It certainly wasn't worth his time to pay it any mind. "I could sprint off and get behind them, turning the situation around and taking them by surprise before they even have a chance to approach me. But..." Another shrug. "That's a big fuss for a couple of poor swordsmen. It takes nothing to chase them off or knock them out, so I am not bothered by them."
"But," Rayleigh cuts in, giving Zoro this strange smile. "It doesn't make you careless." despite the smile, there is something behind his eyes. Something that makes Zoro feel...
There are times when Hawkeyes would give him this searching look, as if he was trying to stare into Zoro's soul, into the heart of him. As if he wanted to cut Zoro open not to spill his blood but to spill some secret. It was sometimes when they were sparring and Zoro would get almost close enough to land a strike, though a lot of times it was when Hawkeyes was explaining something or correcting Zoro. He would look Zoro over head to toe, or else standing close, shoulder to shoulder or hands on Zoro's arms or pushing at his back. The look always ruffled Zoro, but he fought not to let it show. He didn't want Hawkeyes to know how those long, searing stares got to them, how he could feel them like a physical thing. The tip of a blade pressed against his unbroken skin.
He supposes he doesn't mind it as much with Rayleigh, since whatever the old man is looking for it can't be some weakness or signs of giving up. It still makes his skin feel that same warmth.
"No." He answers simply, looking ahead of them, trying to figure out when Rayleigh had turned them around and.started them down this brand new, unfamiliar path. "Somebody has to take care of Luffy. And the rest of the crew."
"That's your job?"
"I'm the swordsman." What else would his job be? "They're a good crew, but they can often be soft and naive."
Rayleigh ducks his head, his shoulders shaking slightly, while Zoro just eyes him. He isn't sure what's so amusing about him talking about his crew. Rayleigh had meant them, he saw how they were. Luffy was careless and impulsive, the stupid curly brow refused to fight a person just because he thought it was "disrespectful" (surely it's more disrespectful to refuse to fight someone who is challenging you? It certainly is in Zoro's mind), Franky and Brook get too focused on a good time and too overwhelmed by anyone with a sad story, and the young ones.... Well, like Zoro had said. Soft and naive. Really, Robin is the smartest among them and she isn't much for a fighter, is she?
"Well, it's a good thing they have a vice captain like you." Zoro frowns at the title. He's the swordsman, he just told him that. They don't have a vice captain, that sounds like something very official and formal. They have Luffy, that's the only captain they need. Still, he can't correct Rayleigh since right then the old man pats him on the back. "At least one of you isn't an innocent lamb."
Pats him hard enough that Zoro nearly trips over himself, making a surprised noise at finding himself so easily pushed around. Rayleigh just laughs, letting Zoro catch himself and straighten up as if nothing happens before reaching around for his waist to keep him steady.
Even though Zoro's already found his footing again.
"No," Zoro repeats, walking along like he hadn't almost fell flat on his face. "I'm not." What is with these old pirates insisting on calling him such useless animals? Rabbits and lambs and all. The kinds of creatures Robin would find so cute but are really just annoying and useless.
"Shakky will be happy to hear that," Rayleigh announces, wearing a huge grin. "She'll be happy to know that you simply don't have any interest in that direction!"
Zoro glances around them to figure out where they are. "Which direction?"
"You sound very sure of yourself earlier." It doesn't surprise Zoro that Rayleigh doesn't answer his question, but he's sure he will find it annoying if he does it often. The way Hawkeyes did. "When you said that this time you wouldn't lose."
Rayleigh doesn't turn to him, just shifts his gaze over to Zoro. There is a mad glint like sunlight off steel in his eyes. "What do you say to a little sparring?"
A chance to match skills against the former vice captain of the king of the pirates? There's no way Zoro could turn down such an offer. He returns Rayleigh's look with a brilliant smile, one that is all teeth: sharp and dangerous. "You're on, old man."
"Not yet," Rayleigh replies, all smiles. Of.course, he's smiled this whole time. There is something new about this one though, and maybe if Zoro were the type to run from things, that instinct would be kicking in about now. He's just excited to get a chance to test his new skills against someone other than Hawkeyes or those damn apes. "But I'm sure a vigorous young man such as yourself will have no trouble turning me."
Zoro has never heard defeat worded that way before, but he's not about to back down because Rayleigh speaks a little strange. "You bet I can!"
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17tetsuro · 4 years
hi !! i hope you’re doing well and taking care of yourself <3
if you got time may i request a hc of oikawa, atsumu and sakusa dating an argentinian female professional volleyball player ?
thank you !! also, remember to drink water and take breaks, i think you deserve some time for yourself and relax. xx
haikyuu boys with an argentinian professional volleyball player s/o
feat. oikawa, atsumu, sakusa
g/n reader, except for sakusa’s part
requests are open!
warnings: mentions of fainting and blacking out but like in a romantic way
hii!! i really hope you like this, i tried to work around the fact that atsumu and sakusa are both on the jpn team, meaning them having an s/o who's on the arg team might not be so easy, but i decided all my solutions were crap, so i just,, said they figured it out somehow lmao,, still, thank you for requesting and sorry this took this long!! i hope you’re also taking care of yourself!!<3
oikawa absolutely adores you, from the moment he saw you. you both move in the same circles, so of course you’ve heard of each other before and met in passing at events, but it wasn’t until he went to see your team play a a match that he started to pay more attention to you. he noticed how incredibly ralented you were and how you dominated the sets with your plays and he was gone for you. he approached you after you won the match to congratulate you nad to ask if you wanted to grab a coffee sometime to talk about volleyball and argentina, since he was fairly new there. you agreed, of course, suspecting he just wanted to spend time with you rather than get tourism tips. one coffee date turned into two, and soon enough every saturday morning is spent with oikawa at a local cafe, bantering over lattes. saturday morning dates progress to friday night-saturday morning dates, and next thing you know, you have a gorgeous and talented boyfriend who seems to think his sole purpose in life is to make you laugh until you're out of breath and clutching your sides and to make you blush so deep people compare you to a tomato. he's a very supportive and loving boyfriend and whenever you can, you go to each other's matches and practices. you also try to practice together, but you quickly realized the other's presence on the court is rather distracting, so you abandoned that idea. oikawa never fails to spoil you, even though you both make about the same amount of money due to your jobs. he just loves seeing you in thousand dollar clothes for formal events, sue him. he also loves to see you turn scarlet when he whispers 'i love you' in your ear sproadically. he's your number one fan and you are his.
atsumu and you met during a party hosted by oikawa, who is a mutual friend of yours. he spotted you talking to hinata and decided to shoot his shot. at first he didn't consider spending the rest of his life with you (who would, honestly), but the idea of waking up next to you even when he's fifty planted itself in his head by your sixth date. not only were you a volleyball player like him, you also shared a lot of favorites; movies, artists, books, cuddling positions. even though the majority of the first stages of your relationship was long-distance, when you both realized it wasn't a passing romance kind of thing, you managed to work out how you could live together and also maintain your jobs, and it's not easy, but neither of you would have it any other way. atsumu regularly takes you on dates; he always finds a new restaurant or there's always a fair in the city that he thinks you'd enjoy. he's a very spontaneous person and that shines through whenever he's in charge of date night. just like oikawa, atsumu also loves to spoil you and prefers to pay on date nights. he loves showing you off as his (because you're just so gorgeous he has to remind himself of this fact), so he always has an arm around your waist/shoulder or a hand in yours, though he prefers the former. his social media feeds are full of you too, maybe one or two posts are dedicated to promoting his matches and team. whenever you're apart due to matches, he always makes sure to call and text as many times as he can throughout the day and even sends you random wholesome memes he finds on pinterest ("this reminded me of you, babe"). in genera, your relationship is built on trust and love, and he loves learning about your roots almost as much as you love learning about his. 
sakusa was introduced to you by oikawa at a japan-argentina match and you two hit it off instantly. you decided to ask sakusa if he wanted to grab some food with you and the smile you sent his way when he said yes almost made him collapse on the spot. due to your busy schedules, you didn’t have much time to meet up, but you were in constant contact and became close friends quickly. the next time you met, sakusa asked you out on an actual date, and asked you to be his girlfriend and when you agreed, he did black out for a second. he genuinely doesn’t think he deserves you, no matter what you tell him. he always goes out of his way to bring you souvenirs and snacks from japan whenever you meet up, and you do the same for him, but with argentinian goods. after a while, you start working out a plan on how you could spend more together and ultimately settle on moving in together. you still have periods of time when you’re not in the same country, but it’s much more bearable when you know the other is waiting for you in your shared home. sakusa, just like atsumu, loves to show you off at every chance he gets, especially at formal events organized by a sponsor or the japan volleyball association. he always makes sure the two of you are the best dressed at these parties. he also loves matching you in your daily life; when you’re jogging in a park, when you go to a fair, even when you’re just grocery shopping, he tries to color coordinate your outfits as best as he can, it makes him feel even closer to you. he is a great cook; he makes sure that he cooks for you at least once a week, and often experiments with different meals from all around the world. he loves the way you light up when you notice he’s cooking. though balancing your professional and personal lives isn’t an easy job, you both try your best and at the end of the day, you know you have each other, and that’s more than enough.
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purpleyellow · 4 years
Don’t lie
Seventeen 14th member
Hayun’s masterlist
“Hayun during Going Seventeen, based on this episode”
a/n:  Feel free to let me know your thoughts as well as send me some requests💙. Ask box is also open to random chats.
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“Hello” Hayun bowed to the producer after closing the small room’s door and sitting in front of her.
They were currently shooting an episode for Going Seventeen, and the producer was giving them their roles for the mafia game that was going to happen. Quickly reading over the rules, she declared Hayun’s role “You’re one of the police. You’ll get to meet your partner when the interrogation part happens”
Thanking the producer, Hayun left the room and waited around the couch where the boys were hanging out. 
“Are you the mafia?” Wonwoo asked as soon as she joined them making her roll her eyes and poke his side. 
“Why? Because I stole your heart?” She smirked at him making a couple of the boys laugh and Wonwoo sigh in defeat. 
After a few more minutes, the director organized them and started recording, firstly giving them the general rules of looking for the money hidden by the mafias and then voting to kill someone off the game. Starting the search part, Hayun quickly got up and went to the kitchen following DK. 
Rumming through the empty cabinets, she heard a quick wow from her left, making her assume Seokmin had found the prize.
“Already?” She looked at him with wide eyes and a big smile, now all she had to do was keep him safe and the money would be theirs.
“No” He smirked at her showing the wrapper of a candy “But it’s the one you like if it’s any consolation” Handing her one, he started laughing at the face she had made “At least I know you’re not a mafia. The face you made was pure excitement, you literally went °o°” 
“I really thought we had won” Hayun smiled as well and left the kitchen, without any idea of where to look, she decided to just go where the most of them were and look for weird behaviors, she was one of the cops after all.
Speaking of weird behaviors, the girl mentally cringed as soon as she stepped out of the main house and saw Seungkwan rummaging through the trash. “My Boo, what are you doing there son?” she stopped her tracks and stared at him.
“Noona, there’s a light here,” He said pointing to the bright thing “Why would the put a light if the prize wasn’t here?”
“I don’t know, to be able to film when we’re moving” She stated the obvious making the boy look at her dumbfounded. “Really, get out of there and go wash your hands,” 
Walking to the next house, she spent the last few minutes walking around the plants and checking under the tables to hopefully find anything. The timer went off pretty quickly and they all moved back to the couch in the living room.
“No one found the prize” The producer called out and they all sighed. Hayun wanted to laugh at the fact that three of them were just pretending to be upset, but she pushed it away and focused on their task of finding the mafia.
Sitting between Jun and Dino, she placed her arm on the backrest of the younger’s chair and unconsciously played with the hair on the back of his head. 
“We’re voting Jun, right?” someone said after the long minutes they spent talking, no one had suspected of Hayun so she was just watching them talk, occasionally speaking about how Hoshi was more quiet than usual.
“Really, it isn’t me” Jun laughed but they had to keep going otherwise there would be no end to the game
“I’ll miss you” Hayun fake cried on his shoulders as everyone voted to kill him off.
“Citizen Jun has been killed,” The robotic voice of the producer told them and the boy left the circle of chairs/ couch to sit on the side. “The night has come, mafias will lift their heads and pick one of the citizens to remove from the game”.
Sitting with her head towards the floor, Hayun closed her eyes and waited for that part to be over. The doctor went up next, and if she wasn’t already sure it was Joshua, the noise from his shirt as he pointed to someone gave it away to her. She made a mental note of talking to him later and get him to protect her.
“The police will lift their heads up and check the identity of a contestant,” The robotic voice said making the girl raise her head carefully and immediately make eye contact with Seungkwan.
She had to fight back the urge to laugh since the image of him going through the trash was still stuck on her mind. He pointed to Woozi but the girl mouthed a no to him, pointing to Hoshi instead.
Shaking his head as furious as possible without making a noise, Seunkwan mouthed “WOOZI” to her making her roll her eyes. “The police is having some kind of disagreement right now,” Jun said from his chair Hayun looked at him with narrowed eyes. Taking her distraction as an opportunity, Seungkwan pointed to Woozi and the producer told them he was a citizen.
Lowering her head once again, she waited for a few seconds before the producer told them to wake up. “The doctor saved an innocent citizen” he declared making everyone jump from the surprise since the odds of saving the right person weren’t exactly in their favor.
After playing a game of Jenga to see if they would get more time for the search, Hayun noticed Mingyu whispering something on Seungkwan’s ear, and as soon as the time started both of them went together.
Mingling around the couch, she kneeled on the ground to look under the furniture and waited for him to stop talking to the other boys, before grabbing him by the arm and dragging him to the kitchen.
“I talked to Mingyu and it isn’t him either, we were speaking and you might be up to something about Hoshi, also I told Woozi I know it isn’t him and we agreed that Jeonghan is being kind of weird as well” He whispered to her leaning against the sink and Hayun slapped his arm.
“Why would you speak to them about that?” She angrily whispered to him “Are you really that gullible, I’m your partner, aka the only people you should trust. Maybe trust Shua and Woozi as well, since we know who they are”
“Sorry Noona, but Mingyu really isn’t the mafia either, I trust him,” He said and smiled mischievously “Are you jealous of me?”
“Arg, idiot, I’m trying to keep undercover, if you want to tell everyone what your part is, feel free to do so, just don’t drag me with you” She rolled her eyes smiling and left for the house with the plants.
Walking inside, she saw Wonwoo and Jeonghan looking under some plant pots making her laugh at the extent they had gone. 
“This is the most desperate I’ve ever seen you two being” she commented approaching the counter. 
Seeing her movements, Jeonghan placed the vase back on the ground and walked calmly towards her, as if there was nothing going on, but Hayun noticed his sudden change of interest.
“Why would we not be? it’s money we’re talking about,” He said nonchalantly while leaning on the small decorative table. Wonwoo seemed to have lost interest in the talk and was walking around still looking for the prize.
“Yoon Jeonghan, it would make sense for them to put you as mafia since you always cheat so much” Hayun pondered out loud and Jeonghan didn’t move from his spot.
“Ahh, Hayun-ah, stop thinking nonsense” He smiled making the girl narrow her eyes and leave without saying anything.
Hayun went straight to Joshua, who was just leaving the interrogation room, and pushed him back in “Please protect me next round” she whined making him laugh.
“First Seungkwan pleading when it was time for me to choose and now you when we’re just searching for money, what is up with you guys?” He smiled and she sighed, of course, Seungkwan had asked him to save his ass.
“Because we’re both cops,” She told him after making sure no one was around, thinking of herself as a hypocrite for getting mad at the younger boy for doing the same thing “And I’m pretty sure Jeonghan is going to come after me next, so pretty please help me” She pouted interlocking her hands together and Joshua sighed.
“Okay, okay,” He said with fake annoyance “You turn into a doctor and everyone wants a favor from you”
The time they had for searching ended and they all moved back to their spots. This time Hayun sat at the edge of the semi-circle, next to Wonwoo.
“Vernon, you’re looking like those blind mice from Shrek” the girl pointed out while waiting for the rest of them to sit. 
“It’s my concept for today” He said with a blank face staring straight ahead.
“Let’s start” Someone said and they began accusing each other.
“Hayun, you start and we’ll go around the group”
“I think is Jeonghan” she deadpanned and Wonwoo agreed with her, making the older nod his head and try to keep a blank face. The rest voted and at the end, he had the most votes.
“Let’s go with Jeonghan then” “Time to vote”
“Mafia Jeonghan has failed” The robotic voice called out making the girl jump from her chair 
“We all suspected it, calm down” Woozi laughed at her excitement, but he was happy as well.
“The night has come” After the whole process of mafias and the doctor, Seungkwan and Hayun raise their head together, mouthing Hoshi to each other and then the producer. “Mafia” the producer mouths back to them and they smile victoriously.
“Citizen Seungkwan has been killed” The robotic voice tells them and Hayun widens her eyes at the boy.
“I can only save a person once, so I can’t save you again the next round, Joshua tells her after they started looking. This time the search was faster, taken that Jeonghan kept walking around and giving fake hints to people.
Back to the couch, she squeezed herself between Seungcheol and Joshua and waited for them to start.
“It’s over when they ask did you find it? did you not find it?” Hoshi told someone after they asked if time was over and Scoups’ head shot up from the girl’s shoulder.
“No, they ask you who you suspect” He said and everyone started laughing.
“He made a mistake” Dino pointed at Hoshi smiling and Hayun had to fight back a laugh, at least she didn’t have to go through the trouble of convincing people he was one of the mafias.
“If this is the last night, shouldn’t the police come forward and tell us what they found out?” Wonwoo asked once the debating time started.
“I’m the cop, and I found out one of the mafias, but since I don’t know the other one I rather not say anything” Mingyu said from his chair and Hayun frowned.
“Okay, the other one it’s Mingyu, She said from her sport “The police was me and Seungkwan, and we investigated Woozi and Hoshi, who is, in fact, one of the mafia”
“Woozi too?” DK shouted from her right
“NO, no” Hayun shook her hands in front of her “Just Hoshi, Woozi is clear. But Mingyu kept talking to Seungkwan and getting information, so I think he’s the third mafia”
“Wait, there were two cops?” The tall boy looked over to the director and some of the members, Seungkwan included, started laughing.
“Mingyu-ah, why are you acting so suspicious out of nowhere” She smiled at him making him shake his head in defense.
“No, no. I was next to Seungkwan the whole time, so I asked him to check Woozi”
“I was next to Seungkwan last round” DK intervened making Hayun raise an eyebrow.
“Before that one” He waved him off “And he told me what he knew, so when he died, I decided to play his role, but I had no idea Noona was a cop as well”
“First of all, that’s not how mafia games work?” Hayun pointed out while crossing her arms “Also, since the beginning, you stuck next to Seungkwan and got him to trust you, which makes me wonder if you heard him while we were choosing someone to interrogate and decided it would be a good idea to have him on your side”
“I suspected Jeonghan and Mingyu from the start too” Woozi pointed out “Because during the first round when became day and no one had been eliminated the two of them were just shocked”
Joshua came forward to say who he had saved the other rounds and people started to put pieced together.
“Can I just say that it was kind of obvious to everyone that Seungkwan was the cop, so he asked for the doctor to save him since he felt that people might want to take him down first. And Hayun being the cop as well makes sense, since the way you were acting I knew you weren’t just a civilian, and the way you reacted earlier when you thought I had found the prize was very honest” Seokmin explained making some people hum in agreement.
“Am I really in danger now?” Mingyu pointed to himself in disbelief and Dino burst out laughing next to Hoshi.
The group began discussing who out of the two suspects they should kill first since there wasn’t another chance to keep going and they needed to find the money. Some people started saying they should kill Hoshi, since they were more sure of him than of Mingyu, while others thought they should find out if Mingyu was or not the mafia by killing him soon.
“Look, I’m the mafia” Hoshi got up the couch confessing “I’m a certain choice right? Eliminate me in the next round and get him first. He betrayed me!” He exclaimed while pointing fingers, which made Hayun fall back on the couch with laughter.
“Are you the mafia?” DK asked as if he didn’t already know that and Hayun clapped still laughing as the older confirmed.
“He threw me out just to get your trust, get him now” He screamed and fell back on the couch making her laugh even harder.
“If I’m a civilian, he’s tricking you right now and another mafia is still going to make it out alive” Mingyu tried convincing he was one of the good guys but Seungcheol cut him off.
“We can’t eliminate two mafias at once, we need to choose but either way, the only way we get the money is if we find it”
The debate kept going for a while and while everyone was trying to find some sort of smart decision, Hayun kept laughing at their weak arguments and clapping her hands every time Hoshi outed Mingyu for betrayal.
“Tell me where the money is and we’ll let you live, Scoups said at some point making the girl shed a tear from enjoyment.
“Vote for Hoshi” Everyone got up to vote for him but Mingyu intervened to say something Hayun wasn’t even following anymore.
Falling back on the couch, she covered her face and laughed at their weird train of thoughts while waiting for someone to chose who should be eliminated.
“Vote for Mingyu, one, two, three” Someone finally screamed and they all voted him out, turning to the producers and waiting for her to declare if they were right.
“Innocent civilian Mingyu is out” The electronic voice said making Hayun’s jaw drop. 
“You’re a freaking amazing actor” She turned to Hoshi laughing and he smirked at her.
The night part started and she could hear Hoshi talking and walking around the room, occasionally asking different members if he should kill them. She was still giggling even though she probably would be the one taken out.
“The police can wake up and investigate someone” The robotic voice said making Hayun raise her head and stare at Soonyoung.
“Who is it?” she mouthed to him but all he did was shrug his shoulders and wink at her.
Looking around the room, she pointed to Minghao and the producer mouthed a “Mafia” to her, making her excited to have figured out who the mafias were, even though she killed Mingyu in the meanwhile.
“The day has arrived. Innocent civilian Hayun is out” The producer told them making her roll her eyes and get up from the chair.
“The best part about this” Hoshi said leaning back on the couch and placing his feet on the coffee table “It’s that she found out who the third mafia is and she can’t tell you anything”
“It’s okay, it’s okay, let’s focus on finding the prize even if we know all of them we wouldn’t be  able to win” Seungcheol said getting up calmly, and in the blink of an eye he tackled Dino “ARE YOU THE OTHER ONE?”
Dragging a chair to where the people eliminated where sitting, she placed it next to Jun and sat down leaning her head on his shoulder.
“Noona,” Seungkwan leaned forward to see her “As cops,  make an amazing audience”
Smiling at him she turned to Jeonghan “Where did you hide it by the way?” 
“Under that small table in the next room, the one with the flowers on top” He explained to her since she couldn’t say anything to the others. “That’s why when you went there I was leaning against it the whole time”
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wordupcomics · 3 years
Where are the rest of the villains in this AU? :0
So I've actually answered this question before, and was just gonna link you to the post....but I can't seem to find it so....guess I'll be answering this again...(I honestly wouldn't care if there weren't enough villains to fill a college campus 🤦‍♀️)
So a lot of this is repeated from the last post, wherever it is now 😂 but I believe I expanded on several of these villains too.
First let's cover all the villains as a whole. They are all no longer villains! Tobey went good at around 14 and ended up unintentionally inspired a lot of villains to slowly do the same. The last few villains gave up crime when WordGirl retired because they didn't feel like crime would be the same without WordGirl coming to stop them. A few years after Tobey went good, when several villains had already gone good, Two Brains and Tobey teamed up to create the Anti-Villain Association (AVA), which was intended to be a place where former villains and criminals could talk out their issues with other former villains so that they wouldn't turn back to crime. It's still running to this day and they meet once a week at Two Brains's old lair. They don't just keep it to their meetings, they also have fun functions and activities. For the most part the city doesn't think twice about the AVA, but you know there are always those people who don't trust others, and these types of people are convinced the AVA is simply a cover up, that all the former villains are still villains and are gathering to plan a teamed take over of the city or world. The AVA generally ignores these people. Many of each villains' respective weapons were destroyed after going good, but some weapons still remain for different reasons. Some weapons are nice to have for an emergency (Two Brains has rays that don't hurt people, just trap their feet with spray cheese, a nice thing to keep around in the event of a burglary), some weapons have uses in every day life (when making dozens of sandwiches at once, Chuck's condiment ray comes in handy), some felt it was wrong to destroy them for no reason if they weren't hurting anyone or anything (Tobey's robots who weren't destroyed by WordGirl are happily living in a very large cabin DEEP in the woods, Tobey didn't feel right about destroying them, they are practically sentient!) and some the villains felt were too dangerous to destroy (Mr. Big had more advanced mind control tech that he and Leslie were worried would send out a mind control signal if destroyed, rather than take the risk, they simply locked them up under high security.)
Now let's get into each AVA member (well I mean i guarantee I'll forget people, but I'm gonna try and if I missed a specific former villian you want to know about let me know):
Two Brains- The Steven brain was especially inspired by Tobey's actions, and wanted to be a good guy again. However he knew keeping the mouse brain at bay would be a challenge, and knew his only chance of being good was to find a legal way of getting his cheese fix. So Two Brains started making his own cheese. He even made a cheese aging ray to speed up the process. He ended up being able to make more cheese than he could eat, and turned it into a business. Because he doesn't have to spend actual time on the aging part, he can sell quality cheese for a cheap price, and it's a very successful business. I don't have a company name for his cheese business, but the slogan is "Evilly Delicious!"  His henchmen joined his efforts and still help with the cheese factory. One henchmen, the one with no name, had a daughter (also unnamed because I think I'm funny XD) that Two Brains always considered to be a granddaughter to him. She is aware of her family's past actions and is fine with it. She sometimes will help in the cheese factory but generally prefers not to. Two Brains still co-runs the AVA with Tobey.
Chuck and Butcher- Since they went good around the same time and did the same thing, I'm just doing them together. Chuck went for his dream of running his own sandwich shop, which started as a food truck and now is a restaurant, and Butcher partnered with him and helped him. Chuck makes the sandwiches and figures out the recipes, and Butcher helps and supplies the meat. They buy their cheese from Two Brains. Chuck has a better, albeit not perfect relationship with his mom and brother. Chuck also at one point made T shirts to sell in the sandwich shop...the only people who bought any were the other members of the AVA, and that was only to be supportive. The only people who ever actually wear the T shirts are Butcher and Whammer, and again, it's really only to be supportive and it's not very often they get worn. Butcher got married, had a son, and later had a divorce. The marriage was fine, and the divorce was civil, and he's really good friends with his ex-wife and her new husband. His son's name is Kale and he has powers similar to his dad, except dealing with vegetables. Butcher and Kale don't have the best relationship, and this is really on Kale's part. Kale's very prideful and shuts out help when it's offered to him, even if he needs it (which is often) and Butcher's instinct is always to help his son. Kale has a son of his own who he had at a younger age, and who's mother is currently out of the picture. The son's name is Baker, he's 8 and like his father and grandfather (and great grandfather!) has food related powers, his relating specifically to bread (bread, not pastries! Though Baker does like baking pastries!). Baker loves his grandpa and loves spending time with him. While Kale may shut his dad out when he needs help, it's nothing that would ever make Kale keep Baker away from Butcher.
Granny May- Oh yeah, she's still alive. TBH she's probably the oldest person in the city lol. She simply retired crime upon her family's request. She currently is living in an assisted living facility and is still going strong! She's in a scooter now, but still carries a cane with her for no other reason than to whack people of her own volition.
Mr. Big- Big really struggled with going good, despite wanting to. eventually he figured out his problem was greed and wanting money, so he went in the complete opposite direction and became a minimalist hippie. He currently lives in a trailer park, still has a collection of soft bunny toys and uses a walker now. He and Leslie are good friends.
Leslie- When Big went all hippie, he gave his business to Leslie. She, practically overnight, turned it around into a very successful, but also very sustainable and ethical business. Essentially it's Amazon if they had a heart 🙃
Whammer- Whammer loves his job as a professional demolisher! You need an unsafe building torn down? Call Whammer and he'll wham it down! Remodeling your kitchen and need it gutted first? Call Whammer, he'll be happy to wham your kitchen! Snow covering the ground and need the roads cleared? Call Whammer with caution cause he might accidentally pile all the snow against the buildings, trapping everyone inside, but damn those roads sure will be whammed clear!
Amazing Rope Guy- ARG got decent at rope tricks and is now an entertainer. He will certainly not be considered for America's Got Talent but if you want to entertain children at a birthday party and are on a budget, he's your guy! Becky and Tobey used to call him for every one of Theo's birthday parties (to support him) until Theo politely requested they stop. Now he's being hired for Julie's parties.
Lady Redundant Woman- over the years she moved up in her copier place, and eventually had done every position there. Now knowing how to do every position required in a copier store, she opened her own store and her copies are the employees. It's perfect because no matter what, she always has the EXACT right amount of workers, and technically she's the only one working so she can keep all the money for herself or her business (corrupt business people, don't get any ideas!). Dave visits her often and is so proud of her. She hates this. But she sure does love her copy store!
Ms. Question- She got hired onto the police force as a professional interrogator. As you can imagine, she's VERY good at her job. She doesn't even use her powers most of the time. That being said, if it was a severe crime like a murder and the person just wasn't talking or she had reason to believe they were lying or withholding details, she would be happy to use her powers, but most of the time she refuses to use her powers on others.
Learnerer- Is a detective! He watches suspects and learns their habits and can easily detect clues that will tell him exactly who it was if it was someone he's observed. He works with Ms. Question often and they're actually a pretty good team. How's that for a team up?
Victoria Best- When her and her brother were teenagers, they were taken away from their parents and put into a foster family. At first neither of them were happy for obvious reasons, they were just taken away from their parents and home. However, while Victor stayed loyal to his parents' wishes and refused to believe that they should have been taken away, Victoria soon began to see their parents for who they really were, and her own past actions for what they really were. She joined the AVA and made an effort to change, encouraging her brother to let go of their parents' control. She currently has no contact with her biological parents, and sees her foster parents regularly. She has one daughter who she loves deeply and always encourages her to just have fun with things. Try everything and fail with pride. Victoria's daughter sees Victoria's foster parents as grandparents. Victoria visits her brother somewhat regularly for small talk, sometimes she'll try to convince him to join the AVA, but she's learned to not push it. She really just sees him to stay in touch, her daughter has never meant Victor, and while Victoria would love for her daughter and brother to meet, she refuses to let them until Victor starts making an effort to be better. She still has hope her brother will come to his senses one day. Victoria runs a daycare, and did so because she wanted to be able to catch warning signs of poor parenting early in life so the children don't have to suffer in a bad household for as long as she had to.
Eileen- Inspired by, I think it was one of those "The Time I..." commercials Disney Channel used to do, Eileen learned that many people don't have the resources to have as nice birthdays as she does. She felt bad and started donating things to charities so people could have as wonderful of birthdays she always wanted to have every damn day. She currently runs her own charity, and if someone seems just a little too greedy, Eileen goes all hulk on them and turns into the Birthday Girl. People usually listen after that.
Hal- Hal sells his old blueprints for weapons to the cops so they can get a lead, and might even work undercover at times to sell current villains crappy weapons that allow them to get caught.
Coach- Instead of coaching new villains on how to be villains, Coach coaches newcomers to the AVA on the basics of staying good when you just want to commit a crime.
Seymour- Started  a Youtube series called "Can You Spot the Scam?" where he exposes scams around the city and gives advice on how to spot them and avoid them. What he's learned from this is: people are not very good at spotting scams.
Inviso-Bill and Big Left Hand Guy- Married. They got married before going good and before WordGirl retired. AVA members and current villains and WordGirl were all invited to the wedding. They spent a little bit of time as a married criminal duo before retiring. They still don't really know what they should do with themselves as good guys, they both sort of hop from job to job. But they are happy none the less!
Rhyme and Reason- Retired after WordGirl did, just didn't feel right to continue crime without her. They are in a QPR and like Inviso-Bill and BLHG don't really know what to do with themselves, but are happy just to have each other and the AVA
Okay I'm probably missing people, so again if your curious about someone in particular that I missed, let me know!
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imma-fucking-nerd · 4 years
Promise Me
(Connor x Suicidal!Reader)
⚠️TW: Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, Drug/Alcohol Use, Mentions of Self Harm, Suicide Attempt⚠️
A/N: So as you can tell from the tw this one is going to be very dark and may be triggering for some readers. If you're going through a rough time and don't think you can handle reading depictions of these kinds of things PLEASE skip this one. I only feel comfortable writing about it because I've been living with depression and suicidal thoughts for a very long time, and writing comfort fics with my favourite fictional characters helps. Sorry for the long A/N I just want to make things clear and give a good warning.
Your alarm clock blaring by you ears woke you up from your only escape from your reality, signalling it was 6am. Groaning, you lazily slapped the alarm off but made no attempt to get up. You knew you had work today but you just couldn't get yourself to stop staring up at the ceiling and into nothingness. What if you just didn't go in? Would anyone even notice? Would anyone even care?
No. No one cares. You're worthless.
And there it was. The voice in your head that sounded like your own yet betrayed you at every opportunity. Yet even so you couldn't help but believe it. After all, it was your thought wasn't it?
That's how it had always been.
Horrible words blending into your thoughts so seamlessly you managed to convince yourself they were normal. But no normal mind tried to tear itself down every time it was silent. That was the demon known as depression.
You've lived with this demon for as long as you've know. It was your normal. But recently it had been more and more frequent with it's hurtful words that spread through your mind like a deadly virus. The past couple of weeks had been especially difficult.
You tried everything you could to shift your mind to something else, anything else. You smoked pot, cigarettes, drank, you even slipped back into an especially dangerous copping mechanism. But none of those seemed to be enough. Every time they would come back. Your voice would spew venom at yourself in your own mind.
The only times you've managed to have any moment of peace was when you were asleep, or when you were with your only two friends. Hank, and Connor. You loved Hank, but it was Connors presence that really made you feel good. A feeling you longed to feel again every time he left. Was it just a silly crush? Or were you madly in love with him? Did it matter?
He would never love you back anyway.
Of all the thoughts that one might have hurt the most, because you knew it was actually true. He couldn't love you. He was, as he put it, 'a machine, designed to accomplish a task.' Therefore, it was a hopeless battle to think anything could come of it. Yet you still had hope. Maybe because you needed to have it to survive. Because if you didn't have that little hope, you might as well been dead.
It wasn't like you didn't have your reasons to hope, or maybe you really were that desperate. Connor was always so sweet to you, but then again e was sweet to everyone. Except Gavin. He would always get you a cup of hot chocolate in the mornings because you don't like coffee. Connor definitely didn't do that for anyone else. He does get Hank coffee in the mornings too. Then there was the fact you were one of the two people he talked to the most, aside from his detective work. Maybe he just pities you because he knows how fragile you are.
So, as you laid there staring up at the cieling, you decided to test that hope once and for all. See if there was anything to be hopeful about at all, or if he really was a machine who wouldn't love you the same way you loved him. You decided you weren't going to go to work that day, and you weren't going to call in either. If anyone were worried about you, if anyone even cared about you at all, they would check up on you, right?
Not if they don't even notice in the first place.
Hour after hour went by. No calls. At first you figured that it was still early and they probably just thought you were late. But you were never late, why would they think that? Aren't they worried? Not if they never cared to begin with.
At around 9am you couldn't take the overthinking anymore and just went back to sleep. You couldn't think if you weren't conscious. A little secret you learned in the game that is living. Sleeping was the best way to just escape. Especially if you were dreaming. That was the best part. Mostly because your dreams were the only place you could feel Connors arms around you, and his lips on yours.
When you woke up again it was 5 o'clock in the evening. However you didn't accomplish an impressive 8 hours of sleep uninterrupted. No, during that time you woke up just for a minute or two before going back to sleep at least a dozen times. That's usually how you slept most days. It almost felt weird when you sleep a long duration uninterrupted.
Glancing over at your phone, your heart dropped when you saw 0 notifications. Well, not including ones you got from youtube. You turned your phone off and tossed it onto a pile of clothes in the corner of your room.
Maybe they were just having a busy day and didn't notice you weren't there.
There was no way Connor wouldn't notice. He notices everything.
What you didn't know was that Connor was in fact not aware you weren't at the prescinct, but that was because he wasn't at the prescinct either. Connor and Hank had been called in to do a high stakes stakeout to bust a person who had been stealing and selling Cyberlife memorabilia illegally. They had to leave at around 4 am, way before you had to be at work. The entire time Connor was disappointed he'd have to break his streak of greeting one of his favourite people every day.
Truth was, Connor had grown quite attached to you. Despite the fact that he wasn't technically supposed to have any favorites. You were just so different from anyone else he had met. You were the first, and maybe only, human that actually referred to him as a friend. Or even treated him with a shred of decency in general. It made him feel....nice. You made him feel.
So, when the duo arrived at the office finally at around 4pm he noticed the lack of your presence immediately. He asked around the prescinct if anyone had seen you today and all of them, well the ones that actually talked to him, said they hadn't. He even went so far as to ask Fowler if you had called in only to be met with the same answer. Now he knew that was odd, that something was wrong.
He tried to call you when he was finished Hanks reports for him so the poor man could take a nap but you didn't answer your phone. Now he felt worried. A fact that only worried him more. However before he had the chance to go to your place to see if you were alright, he and Hank were needed to defuse a hostage situation at 6 pm. Of course, he immediately made his new mission his top priority, but every so often you would slip back into his mind.
It was currently 9 and you had managed to drag yourself from your bed to take care of your business in the bathroom a couple times since you had woken up. Everytime avoiding looking at your pathetic self in the mirror. But you would always go crawling back to the comfort of your bed. You didn't even leave your room yet. Not even to get anything to eat. It's not like you didn't want to, but whenever you thought about eating that damned voice in your head always ruined your appetite. So you just kept your eyes glued to your laptop as you laid buried under your blankets. YouTube was always a good distraction. That was until now.
Now that you glanced at the clock you were reminded of the fact that the work day had been over for you hours ago. The fact that no one seemed to care that you weren't there. You didn't even want to look at your phone. You already knew there weren't any missed calls or texts from anyone. No one cared enough.
If only you had actually looked, you would have seen how wrong you were. How wrong it was.
It was at 11pm when it was all just too much for you. Youtube wasn't doing its job in distracting you anymore and the thoughts just kept getting more and more persistent. The worst part was, you didn't even have the energy to fight them anymore. At this point, to you, they all just seemed to be facts. Like you were trying to get yourself to see the truth.
You weren't wanted.
You weren't needed.
You weren't missed.
You should just die.
You believed them.
Closing your laptop, you sat up in bed, letting your legs dangle off the side of the mattress. You looked down at your feet blankly. You couldn't even bring yourself to cry, you just felt numb as you prepared yourself for what you were about to do. Slowly, you got up and went to your bathroom. Once you were inside you made sure to avoid your own ruthless stare in the mirror.
You walked over to the bathtub and turned the nob of the faucet before sticking in the drain plug, not particularly caring about the temperature of the water. You weren't going to be using it for long anyways. Sitting on the edge of the bathtub you rolled up the sleeves of your hoodie and looked over your arms as you waited for the tub to fill. They were littered with many scars of many different ages. The oldest being more than a decade old, and the newest being only a mere few hours. You grabbed the razor from the sink and turned it over in your fingers. These next couple ones would be more permanent.
The sound at your door didn't seem to reach your ears and were only met by silence. This caused Connor's LED to flicker into a pale yellow. Why weren't you answering? Were you harmed? The android tried knocking again, even calling out your name, but was met with nothing once more. He was just about to go and bust down your window like he had once done to Hank when said older man stopped him.
"Don't you even think about it," he said, pointing an accusatory finger at the android.
"But Lieutenant, (Y/n) might be-" Connor argued but was cut off when Hank held up the finger that was once pointing at him to signify 'one moment'.
Hank then bent down, with a little bit of a groan, before lifting up the corner of your welcome mat and plucking up a spare key. Once Hank stood back up with a huff, he shooed Connor away from the door before unlocking and opening it. Connor wasted no time cutting Hank off from the entrance and stepping inside.
Immediately upon entering Connor noted the complete darkness, but that didn't really matter much to him. Through the darkness he knew you weren't in the livingroom or kitchen, a fact made clearer when Hank flicked on the lights. However Connor also noted that there seemed to be no traces of a break-in or a struggle at all. At least not the definition of a struggle he was familiar with.
"(Y/n)?" he called out.
Connor moved through your home to where he assumed your bedroom. This was the first time he had entered your humble abode and under different circumstances he would've taken more time to investigate the surroundings. Get to know you a bit better. But right now that could wait until he was sure you were okay. He didn't know why it even seemed to be a priority but he couldn't just ignore it any longer.
Your room was just as dark as the rest of the house and also completely lacked your form. The only thing illuminating the room was the light coming from the bathroom which had it's door wide open. Before Hank could stop and scold him about the importance of privacy, Connor made a beeline towards the bathroom.
The sight that he had walked into made his LED flash a dangerous red and eyes widen. You were laying in your bathtub. Fully clothed. Water tinted pink. Your dangerously pale face. However it wasn't those small details that caused the android to suddenly rush over to your side. It was the two long gashes on both of your wrists. Upon scanning you he found that you had lost a lot of blood, but you were still alive. Barely, but he could work with that.
"Connor what the fuck are you- Jesus christ," Hank cut himself off once he saw for himself what was going on.
"Call an ambulance Lieutenant. (Y/n), (Y/n) can you hear me?" Connor managed to keep his voice calm and steady, a feat that took more effort than he would have liked.
The sound of Connor's voice, and feeling you body shift as he gently lifted you out of the cold water made your eyes gently flutter open. Your dulling (e/c) met with his worry written coffee brown ones.
"Connor...?" you called out weakly.
Despite the fact your vision was blurred from a mix of blood loss and building tears, you could recognize his form immediately. What you weren't sure of however was that if it was just a trick of the mond or not. A sense of comfort in your dying seconds.
"Yes (Y/n), it's me. I'm here, you're going to be okay," he said in the most reassuring tone he could muster.
As he spoke he took off his jacket and gently tied it around your left arm while doing the same with a towel for your right. Guilt and regret ate at you from the inside as you silently watched him, his LED still very red and blinking every so often. Hell you could even see the worry on his perfect features. Before you knew it tears started brimming your eyes before large droplets rolled down your pale cheeks.
"I-I'm sorry," you whispered, your voice cracking as your fragile body wracked with soft sobs.
Connor froze when he heard your little voice but it didn't take him another moment to hold you close to his chest.
"It's- It's going to be okay. It's all going to be okay (Y/n), I promise," Connors words were soft and confident, you almost believed him.
You heard what you thought was Hank's voice speak but you couldn't quite register what he said. It was becoming harder and harder to keep your eyes open. As if your eyelids suddenly weighed a million pounds. You shifted further into Connor and you barely heard him speak but the whole world seemed to be fading. Soon enough you closed your eyes and couldn't seem to open them again.
At least, not for several hours. When you did eventually flutter your eyes open again you were mixed with confusion, and then relief. You knew by the pristine white of everything, along with the abundance of machines you were hooked up to that you were in a hospital. As the memories of the previous night came flooding back your eyes dropped down to your newly bandaged arms, and an IV transferring blood into your system. Like last night, a deep sense of guilt, regret, and shame squeezed at your heart.
When your eyes wandered to your left you flinched slightly when you saw Connor standing next to the bed. His eyes were closed and his LED was gently flickering amber, you assumed he was in sleep mode. However as you jolted slightly at his presence, the sudden movement was enough to alert him back awake. His eyes fluttered open and were now on you, seemingly softening a tad the moment he registered it was you. Your eyes only met for a second before you shifted your gaze down to your hands. The guilt and shame made your eyes sting as tears threatened to form in full.
"How are you feeling, (Y/n)?" Connor asked, breaking the silence.
There was a certain sincerity you've never heard from him when he spoke. It made you heart clench but you weren't sure if it was in a good or bad way.
"I'm okay," you said, your voice hoarse and barely audible.
"Good, I'm glad," he replied.
There was another long silence between you two. The only thing keeping the room from being dead silent being the steady beeping and whirring of various machines. This time it was you who spoke up first.
"I'm s-sorry," you croaked.
Your voice was somehow quieter than before and it cracked near the end as your throat tightened up. You were trying desperately to hold back the tears but to no avail. Large teardrops fell from your eyes and rolled down your cheeks.
"I'm so so sorry," you continued, your body being wracked with heavy sobs.
Connor just stood there awkwardly, unsure of what to do for a brief moment. His LED went from blue, to golden, and flickered a dangerous red before settling back to golden. Suddenly, he reached out to grasp your hand. His grip was firm yet gentle, and it captured your attention immediately.
Honestly, he didn't know why he did it. But the sight of your fragile and vulnerable form made his biocomonants feel like they were being crushed. Much like how he felt when he first saw you last night. Except it wasn't nearly as bad. Last bight he felt like someone ripped out his therium pump altogether.
That alone made him confused as to why he felt anything to begin with. It was a question he had been asking himself for a while. At least almost as long as he'd met you. He'd run a million diagnostics on himself and they'd always come back with everything working smoothly. Even after last night. It baffled him.
However at this moment, when you looked up at him with your big, glossy (e/c) eyes, he ceased to think about it. All that mattered right now was you. That was all the information he needed.
"You don't need to be sorry," he said softly.
You intertwined your fingers with his and practically held onto him for dear life. Connor noted how your stress levels seemed to go down at his touch, so he decided to take a seat next to you at the edge of the bed. Once you realized what he was doing you scoot over slightly to make more room.
"Everything is alright, just take deep breaths. Can you do that for me?" he asked soothingly, tilting his head ever so slightly.
You nodded and closed your eyes, focusing on nothing but taking deep breaths. Well, that wasn't the only thing you were focused on. You were also focused on Connors fingers that were laced with yours. It really did help. After what felt like hours, your breath seemed to finally stabilize, and so did Connor's LED, settling on a calm blue.
"May I ask you something (Y/n)?" Connor inquired, a question you heard him ask often.
You opened your eyes and looked up to him. You didn't respond right away, knowing exactly what it was he was going to ask, and you dreaded having to answer it. But eventually, after a few moments of him patiently watching you with those warm chocolate eyes, you slowly nodded.
"Why did you do it?"
His voice was softer than ever, and confusion was written all over your face as he tried to understand. You had to look away from him before you broke down again. A soft sight escaped you and he gave your hand a little reassuring squeeze. You knew you had to tell him, so you took a deep breath before speaking.
"I.... I felt worthless. Like nobody cared if I was gone," you spoke slowly, avoiding Connor's eyes at all cost.
"I stayed home today to see if anyone would care if I wasn't there. No one called. I thought that meant I was right. That I didn't mean anything to anyone. That I was a waste of space. That I should just.....just die," you continued, surprised at yourself at how you were able to keep it together.
Connor listened, his LED whirring golden as he processed the information. He then waited for a moment or two before responding. Wanting to be absolutely sure you were finished before he spoke.
"I assure you that I was aware you were missing as soon as I returned to the prescinct. I regret that I wasn't able to bring you your morning hot chocolate," Connor smiled slightly as he spoke, but it soon dropped along with his gaze before he continued.
"But what I regret more was that I wasn't fast enough to stop you. I'm sorry (Y/n)," the sorrow he held in his voice, and the flucking of his now amber LED made you squeeze his hand reassuringly.
"Connor, if it weren't for you I'd be dead. You saved me. You have nothing to be sorry for," you offered him a weak smile once his eyes returned to you.
Connor returned the smile. It was awkward but it wasn't forced, and it was adorable. His LED returned to sky blue, his chocolatey brown hues glancing down at your intertwined fingers. He gently stroked your knuckles with his thumb, the small action making heat rise up into your cheeks. For the first time since you had been awake, there was a comfortable silence for a few moments before Connor spoke up.
"(Y/n), can you promise me something?" his eyes flicked up to meet yours as he spoke.
"What is it?" you replied, subconsciously tilting your own head.
A habit you picked up from the adorable android.
"Promise me you won't try to take your life again?"
"I promise. But can you promise me something?" you implored.
"As long as it's within my capabilities, I'll try," he said sincerely.
"Promise me you won't forget about me."
"I think I can manage that," he said with a little playful smile before adding,
"I promise."
A/N: OOF sorry if the end was kinda ass. And also sorry its so mf long. ALSO sorry its kinda dark. Hope y'all enjoyed anywayss 💙
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jakeperalta · 4 years
I love Taylor swift’s songs, i really do. But speaking of her concerts always makes me SO mad.
I am from latin america, and she has never performed anywhere here (with the exception of a single private show in 1 country which seriously doesn’t count). And the reasons people justify this with are always ridiculous. It is not about demand, since she sells a crazy amount of records, the whole concept i hear lately of “she can’t do stadium tours bc there are no stadiums” is ridiculous ofc there are stadiums!!! South america is crazy about football, we have plenty of great stadiums!! Have people actually seen other artist’s concerts?? Huge crazy shows are done with all of the same effects/stages that in other countries.
The only reason i could think of why she ignores such a huge portion of her fanbase here (and in many other parts of the world like asia, africa and a huge portion of europe) is money. Which is kind of icky honestly.
Of course in latam we are in constant crisis and artists do make less than doing the same show in the US. But even so most huge international artists still come here to full stadiums. Whether it is bc of the experience (there really aren’t crazier or more passionate crowds than those in south america) or bc of the fans they do. Honestly most don’t need a huge profit either, and it is not like they are losing money — just not making the same (huge) amount that they do in the us.
Like coldplay opened and closed their tour in Argentina bc they loved it so much!! The rock in rio is MENTAL and any artist can tell u. Watch lollapalooza arg, br or chile in YouTube for any artist and you will see how full and crazy those festivals are. Plenty of artists have done films about concerts down here bc of the experience (acdc, roger waters, etc). So she is more of an exception to most.
Taylor barely acknowledges us. And it kind of lead me through the years to really love her music but not her as much :/
And the thing is, if she has actual reasons for it, why doesn’t she explain them?? Like i am not unreasonable i am not saying do a world tour for every album, but once in her like 15 year old career??? All major artists have come here, why doesn’t she?
I am sorry i am ranting lol, but every time i see swifties discussing concerts/festivals/etc i get so angry bc i really really wish she would come here. Anyways, maybe when this pandemic ends maybe we might have a chance, who knows 😕
that's valid, I think it would be really hard to not feel completely ignored and frustrated. it seems ridiculous that taylor hasn't been to Latin America at all despite five "world" tours, especially because like you say those crowds are renowned for being the best and most passionate. (wasn't it at that one show she did where there's the video of the crowd just fully singing sparks fly back to her without her prompting them which everyone shares as an iconic crowd moment?) I really hope that when all this is over and she's planning her next tour she takes you guys into consideration!!
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nowis-scales · 4 years
Hoshido Royal Family Headcanons
I love the Hoshido royal family. Thus, I think about them a lot. As a result, I thought it might be fun to compile a list of varying headcanons for them! The list consists of eight characters total: Sumeragi, Ikona, Mikoto, Ryoma, Hinoka, Corrin, Takumi, and Sakura. I’ll admit I was tempted to throw Kiragi and Shiro in there, but the post was getting really long... So you’ll see some headcanons about them another day. Same thing for Azura — I want to do some for her with the Nohr siblings! For now, though, I hope you will enjoy the list I have compiled! 
Oh! And real quick: trigger warning for implied/referenced suicide, under the final bullet point for the 2nd character. Please refrain from subjecting yourself to anything that might hurt you, and stay safe!
‣ Despite having trained and worked to be king since childhood, Sumeragi could never say that he really liked the position much. He certainly didn’t mind it, but... Sometimes he wondered if he was born into the wrong family. There were several occasions throughout his youth where he would sneak out to do normal kid/teenager stuff. This often got him into some very hot water with his parents, who didn’t understand his desperation for normalcy.
‣ He loved to show off. As a child and as an adult. He loved to show off most while fighting, particularly if he was fighting in front of women (Ikona and Mikoto, while they didn’t get along all that well, could both laugh at the theatrics he did for them). Once he started his family, though, that was his new favourite thing to show off. Every time he had a new baby, he would bring it to Shirasagi Castle Town the first chance he got. He liked to make sure that everybody could see and appreciate the new princes and princesses. This created a bit of a trend in the town where the royal children get doted on whenever they come visit. 
‣ He was fond of the sword even as a child. There were definitely options presented for other weapons, but one look at Raijinto and he... did not want to use anything but the sword. It was very much a “gimme” situation. He actually got to know Ikona due to the fact that she came from a samurai family, and her background with the sword interested him.
‣ His favourite thing to eat when he was alive was unagi. He didn’t really care how it was prepared; he just always found it delicious. Ikona, Mikoto, and most of his children did not share his passion for the dish... except for Hinoka. He used to joke that that’s how they knew for sure that she was his daughter. 
‣ His ‘type’ as a young man were sweet, sort of ditzy girls. Though he was betrothed to Ikona from a young age, that didn’t stop him from trying to have some... fun while growing up. Prior to their marriage, he and Fuga used to visit the Red Light District in an attempt to pick up women. It usually didn’t go too well for them, as Sumeragi tended to pick fights with sleazy brothel owners, but there were a few who admired his bravado.
‣ Totally terrible with numbers. Seriously. He was a counts-on-his-fingers kind of person. The worst part is that he pretended to be good with them, even though everyone could tell that he had no goddamn idea what he was doing. His parents tried to get him mathematics tutors when he was still young, but even they thought that he might just be a lost cause. It was such a relief for him when he interviewed Yukimura for his position and found out that the man was at least decent with numbers. Such a huge weight off his shoulders, that was.
‣ Part of what made him such a beloved king came from the fact that he was a people person. Super sociable, good-humored, and genuinely loved being with others. Plus, he also happened to be more of an extrovert, so he felt as if he gained energy from being around others. Being around him was just a win-win situation for everybody. He made you feel good in his company, and you felt good in his company. 
‣ Sumeragi wanted lots of kids from the get-go. He himself grew up in a large family (three older sisters, two younger brothers), and wanted to have a similar experience of bonding between his own children that he had with his siblings. Unfortunately, as he grew up, his relationships with most of his own siblings were sullied — charming disputes over the crown being the cause. Still, he kept in good contact with his youngest sister Kazuno, and his eldest younger brother Hiromitsu.
‣ He was actually a huge softie. A lot of people thought that he might be somewhat stern, but it was more of a mask than anything. He was actually pretty sensitive and cried a lot. He cried every time one of his children was born, as well as the first time Corrin called him “Papa”. He cried when he married Mikoto, too. He even cried after Ikona passed, in spite of their troubles. And for the very brief time that he was left alive, able only to hear the sounds of Corrin screaming for Ryoma and Ryoma begging him to get up, he cried then too. Not that anybody could really notice it. 
‣ Absolutely did not want to be apart of the royal family. She’d been betrothed to Sumeragi from a young age, but tried and failed repeatedly to weasel out of the marriage. Her dream growing up was to be some sort of court musician rather than a queen. She had no mind for politics, but she loved to play the koto. Though she never did get to pursue her dream, she did choose to play the koto into adulthood. She tried to teach Hinoka, and was disappointed to find that she didn’t care for it. If she knew that Sakura plays, she’d have been over the moon.
‣ Being apart of the monarchy changed Ikona as a person. Though she must have seemed that way as the queen, she was not a harsh woman. If anything, she was a bit like Takumi. Kind enough, but altogether had a tendency to hold a grudge. She was also a bit like Ryoma in the sense that she knew how to manipulate people to get what she wanted. She didn’t care to do it, but sometimes, that was what it took to stay afloat in a court she hated.
‣ A hopeless romantic. Loved to read romance novels, even wrote a few as young girl (although she would tell you herself that they were not very good). Her favourite trope in writing was childhood friends to lovers, on account of her being in love with her own childhood best friend... A young man named Takumi Kawagishi, whom everyone tended to refer to as “Gishi”. She wrote letters to him all of her life. He reciprocated her affection, but could never be with her on account of her marriage to Sumeragi. There was... even a brief period where Sumeragi thought that Takumi could have been Gishi’s son, rather than his.
‣ She resented Sumeragi for trapping her in an unwanted marriage. As much as he tried to have a relationship with her and make her love him, she refused to budge. Their relationship did not improve until Ryoma was born, and even that took Ikona briefly considering suffocating her newborn babe just to get back at Sumeragi. Thankfully for the kingdom and baby Ryoma, she realized how much she actually cared for him and how wrong it would be to hurt him just to hurt her husband. From then on, she vowed to love him... which in turn facilitated things with Sumeragi, for they finally had something to agree on. They both loved their son very much. 
‣ She hated the way she looked in colours like yellow and orange. She had red hair like Hinoka, and thought the colours looked atrocious when paired with it. Sometimes, she even felt pink was pushing it. As a result, she liked to ask for cool coloured kimonos. She particularly liked the way she looked in sky blue. It was the colour that she felt prettiest in.
‣ Ikona had a harsh opinion of the Nohrians. Her father had been involved in the Hoshidan military for years before finally retiring, and had lost a brother to the Nohrian army. Thus, she didn’t trust them very much and thought them warmongers like most Hoshidans did. Interestingly, the reasoning behind her eventual marriage to Sumeragi was for them to gain his family’s favour again. Her own elder brother, Taiga, sold out the Hoshidans to the Nohrians about important military plans. He was tossed out of the country, and the Asano family scrambled to make amends by offering Ikona up as a bride for Sumeragi. Ikona had been under the impression that not much would become of it, but was surprised to learn that of his suitors, she was the one he wanted.
‣ In spite of technically being a noblewoman, she did not need much to be satisfied. She wasn’t so fascinated by the idea of being rich. In fact, back when she lived with her own family, she loved to spend time with the servants. They taught her how to cook, clean and sew. They would even sometimes gather around to listen to little koto concerts, and make requests. She missed them greatly after going to Castle Shirasagi, and struggled to connect in the same way with the staff there.
‣ Came from a samurai family, but was not a samurai. If she had it her way on the battlefield, she’d probably have been a shrine maiden. She much preferred healing people to actually getting into fights. If she had to, though, she would probably go for onmyoji. She probably had a preference for the rabbit and the snake spirits.
‣ Very good at remembering people’s names. Nobles, commoners, and servants alike were often baffled by how well she remembered people’s names. If she didn’t remember your name, she was most definitely insulting you. If she knew your name one day, and then forgot it the next... then something you did pissed her off, and you needed to figure out what the hell it was before things got worse.
‣ Ikona’s death occurred by non-natural causes. After Mikoto’s arrival, she felt increasingly isolated from the rest of her family. She was already struggling with post-partum depression after the birth of Sakura, and ended up fighting with Sumeragi a lot as a result. Ultimately, though, Ryoma and Hinoka are the ones who blame themselves for her death. The two had caught her during an argument with their father in which she claimed that she had never wanted them in the first place, and that it was he who pushed her into it. She knew she had grown to love them, but hearing such horrible words from their mother broke their hearts. When she tried to apologize to them for what she said, they refused. The two were horrified upon her death, and needed extensive comfort and caretaking afterwards. It was a horribly dark period in their lives. They both still feel guilty even as adults, but will not talk to anyone about it. Not even each other.
‣ She was very good at appearing all calm and serene and stuff, but she... was not. She never was. Perhaps when she was young, maybe, but not in Hoshido. Raising Sumeragi’s children was the most rewarding and yet most stressful things she’d ever done in her life. She found herself constantly at odds with Ryoma as a teenager, and then fretted about his tendency to overwork himself as an adult. Hinoka spent most of their time together adamant about getting under her skin however she could, because she had coped with the loss of Ikona so poorly. She found Takumi to be sweet, but incredibly brittle, and like Ryoma, she worried about him a lot. They spent a lot of time together trying to work on his self-esteem issues. As for Sakura, well, she was not much of a headache, but someone so sweet...? Mikoto felt determined to protect her from the big, harsh world.
‣ If any of her outfits had pockets in them, you bet your butt she found a way to sneak sweets in there. Even if she didn’t have any, she would find somewhere to hide them. Her sweet tooth was uncontrollable and she tried to manage it at every single turn. Thankfully, this also meant that if anyone was ever sad, she always had a sweet to offer to make them feel better. (Saizo the Fourth, were he still alive, would tell anyone of how she kept offering him sweets after particularly rough missions.)
‣ Not much of a drinker. For a long time, people would offer her drinks, but she would usually only drink them to be polite. There is nobody, apart from her sister and Yukimura, who have ever seen her drunk. Even then, they’re not entirely sure if it was real or if they hallucinated it. She’s a bit of a loud drunk, but very affectionate and wise. If you ever want life lessons without judgement, ask drunk Mikoto.
‣ Birds were her favourite animal. I’m not talking like kinshi birds (although she did think that they are gorgeously majestic, and begged Reina for a few rides on hers), but your typical cute chirpy ones. She used to have one as a pet when she was a teenager that she’d nursed back to health; it was a little finch. It died just as tensions began to grow. The finch’s name was Yue.
‣ Could not stand being talked over. That definitely turned some heads when she first started working as queen in Hoshido. Many of her male advisors did not take kindly to her interrupting the sentence they’d just started after they interrupted her, especially because it was just to tell them that she wasn’t finished. The bonus was that while Yukimura and Ryoma both did it initially, they eventually got to the point where they would cut people off, saying: “Excuse me, but Queen Mikoto had not finished speaking.”
‣ Liked spiders. She was actually never the type of person to kill them, but tried to make sure they got put outside safely. Most of the time, people were rather respectful of her intent to try and protect life where she could. The only person who couldn’t understand it was actually Yukimura, who would let her, but felt god awful and shivered as he watched her take it onto her hand. She’d sheepishly admit that she did used to antagonize him with them a bit.
‣ Missed her parents deeply. They both died long before the events of the main story, but not a day went by that she didn’t miss them. It was even harder having to live in Hoshido and never speak of them, but she would write little letters to them telling them about the events of her life. She would do the same for Corrin while she was gone. Really, though, it stung her heart to see her step-children to be living without their own parents. She sympathized with how they felt, and more than anything tried to be a good mother figure to them for that reason.
‣ Her love language was quality time. If you wanted Mikoto to know that you loved her, the best bet would be trying to spend quality time together. It could be tricky sometimes as she was very caught up with running the country, but she and her family managed. Sometimes she would even manage to have full-on conversations with them while working that made her feel like her day would be just a bit better.
‣ Hummed to herself. If she was walking around or doing anything in the day absent-mindedly, she’d usually start humming a little tune. The problem with it is that she annoyed herself with it. She didn’t like that she did it, and thus slowly grew aggravated with herself for sitting there and humming all the time. She did this since even in childhood, and her sister found it to be absolutely hilarious. Mikoto herself didn’t find it funny at all.
‣ A total busy bee, but not for any cute reasons. She often piled herself with work, sometimes just busy work, for the sake of getting her mind off of her dead and missing family. If she let herself think about them for too long, she would slip into a dark mood. It would often leave her unable to do much for days on end, where Yukimura and Ryoma would end up shouldering most of the burden. Sometimes, she wouldn’t even be able to get to sleep. She was just that distraught.
‣ A scream-sneezer. For some reason feels the need to yell at some god forsaken volume as he’s sneezing. He makes Sakura jump every time. He’s definitely tried to make his sneeze a lot smaller and more princely, but that just usually ends in him managing to blow snot everywhere. As he deems this significantly worse than scaring everyone in the room, he’s decided that perhaps he’ll just have to stick with his frightening sneeze.
‣ Hates his long hair. Hates it. Secretly prays throughout Revelation’s whole campaign that someone will try to mess with him in a fit of xenophobia and just chop it short while he’s sleeping or something. He’s expected to keep it long for reasons have to do with both religion and being of royal blood, but he doesn’t want to. (He lets Shiro keep his hair short even after revealing him as the next crown prince for this reason — he is 100% living vicariously through his son.)
‣ If he weren’t a prince, he’d make for a pretty good writer. He grew up writing bedtime stories for his younger siblings, so he has a bit of practice. As an adult, though, he mostly writes for himself. Little tales of missions and adventures he’s been on, to keep them as memories. It’s why he’s so skilled at putting thoughts to paper when it comes to his wife.
‣ Ryoma is incredibly dense about romance. He can only tell his own feelings for other people; he doesn’t seem to register when other people are pining for each other or when someone likes him. He was surprised when he was young to learn that his father was harboring a crush on Mikoto. He was even more surprised when Saizo and Kagero kissed in front of him for the first time when they were dating, because what do you mean you’ve been obvious?! I haven’t noticed a thing!!
‣ Actively skirted around royal duties as heir by having a nervous breakdown. Technically, he was supposed to take over from Mikoto a long time ago. However, after his genpuku ceremony at age fourteen, he had a huge breakdown over becoming ruler. The advisors were so concerned that they had to postpone it until Ryoma felt he was ready, and as the story tells us... that wasn’t for a long time. He also managed to get out of political marriage and heir-conceiving due to everyone worrying he’d freak out again. He’s both embarrassed that it happened, and extremely grateful that things turned out the way they did.
‣ He doesn’t really show it so obviously due to his own struggle to express himself and let his guard down, but he really likes to nurture others and see them become the best versions of themselves. That’s why he took to Azura so quickly — he wanted to do anything he could to make her happy and feel as if she had a full life.
‣ Grinds his teeth. It appears to be mostly in response to frustrations, but others have noticed him doing it in times of anxiety. It’s sort of grating to listen to him do. Orochi likes to joke that all of that jaw clenching and grinding is why he has such a strong jawline. He... doesn’t really find that joke funny.
‣ While he is not so great with kids over the age of like... ten, he’s so good with babies. He has no idea why and neither does anybody else, but babies just adore him. If you hand him one, they will probably snuggle right up against his chest and fall asleep. Either that, or he’ll find some sort of way to make them laugh. Listen. We just don’t question the logistics of Ryoma’s effect on babies. They just love him, okay? 
‣  Treats Raijinto almost as a comfort object. He forced himself to give up his own comfort objects when Sumeragi died (deciding that he needed to be more mature with his father gone), and thus ended up becoming very protective of Raijinto when it became his own. Generally doesn’t like other people touching it, and prefers to keep it at his side most of the time.
‣ Constantly has chapped skin in the wintertime. He’s too busy to ever really think about monitoring it himself, so it often results in Sakura taking him aside to slather him in all of her balms to make sure that he’s not itchy or in pain. Otherwise, the skin will usually end up cracking, and his chapped hands will get blood on important documents. It certainly sends a message, but not always the one the royals are hoping for. 
‣  He actually has a bad leg from an injury he sustained that day in Cheve. It doesn’t affect him all that much physically, but it’s definitely noticeable if he’s worked it too hard. Some think that one of the arrows meant for Sumeragi missed and lodged itself in his leg. Others speculate that he tried to defend Corrin against Garon, and was fired upon to ensure that he wouldn’t try to interfere with the kidnapping. Nobody, not even Mikoto or his siblings, knows for sure how it happened. Just that he came home injured, and spent a decent amount of time trying to overcome and recover from that injury. If you ask him what happened, he won’t tell you.
‣  Secretly, she’s a big old snuggle bug. Loves to cuddle. Family, friends, lovers, it doesn’t matter. Hinoka enjoys a good snuggle more than anything. Her primary snuggle buddy is Sakura, but when she was really little, she tended to curl up with her mother the most.
‣ Her pegasus’s name is Bashira. As expected of a pegasus rider, Hinoka is incredibly fond of her, often referring to her as her “best friend” and talking about her as if she were a person. Sometimes, she’ll even dress her up for holidays or special events. 
‣ Even as a child, Hinoka was always pretty athletic. She loved to race and wrestle and all of that. Of course, she was still very much a crybaby. Sometimes she would cry crocodile tears if she was bested, but most of the time she would cry if she’d been bonked a little too hard or jerked around too quickly. These interactions tended to distract people from the fact that the little princess was even engaging in rough-and-tumble games at all. 
‣ She likes to take walks alone in the forest sometimes to be alone with her thoughts. She finds she can get really get caught up in the rhythm of training and working to do her duties, and that she doesn’t think so much for herself. So she tries to take the time alone every once in awhile to ponder on life. It’s comforting to watch the world around her move.
‣ Very prone to nosebleeds. Nobody’s really sure why. She’s bitter about it because it doesn’t really happen much to her siblings. What’s worse is that it tends to ruin her white clothes! She doesn’t usually feel it coming until her nose starts dripping. Often has tissues with her when she goes on missions to help clean herself up.
‣ When Hinoka hits, she hits hard. She once slapped Ryoma so hard he had a hand-shaped welt on his face for two days. He was so impressed he couldn’t hold it against her. He also learned not to torment her after that, as did many others who thought it would be funny to antagonize the red-headed princess. The comments about her being an unfit warrior mysteriously tapered off...
‣ Due to all of her missions, she has a lot of scars. On the surface she tries to act as if she’s not self-conscious over them, but in truth, she feels a little awkward about them. Especially since so many men in Hoshido preach Saizo’s narrative, in which women must remain “delicate”. She worries what people might think of her as a princess who has so many markings. Often, she tries balms and creams to try and fade them. 
‣ Can curl her tongue. None of her other siblings can do it. She lords it over them like some sort of mysterious power. She’s so damn cocky about it that she almost always curls her tongue when she sticks it out at them, just to piss them off. It always works.
‣ Allergic to fish eggs/roe. Or perhaps it’s not allergic so much as intolerant. Usually ends up with a migraine and an upset stomach, but refuses to eat them at all costs. Sometimes will claim that she is deathly allergic to them just to make sure she doesn’t have to eat them.
‣ Worries that after the war/after Corrin comes home that she won’t know who she is anymore. She’s dedicated her whole life to being a soldier and fighting that she doesn’t know what she’ll do with herself when that is no longer necessary. Sometimes, she even worries that maybe she’s really only half a person. Usually, when she gets into one of these moods, there is very little anyone can do to talk her out of it. They simply have to wait and trust that Hinoka will find her own way to realize that even without being a soldier, she can still be human. 
‣ The most ticklish of all of her siblings. Not that she wants you to know that. When she was little, Sumeragi would tickle her sides until she squealed. It sometimes resulted in her kneeing him in the groin by accident as she tried to get away. He tried not to mind terribly.
‣ Likes rainy days. Since she could never go outside much at all, she loved to sit in the fortress and watch the rain fall. Rainy days were most definitely days with no training; she would curl up with a good book and some cookies to enjoy herself. Now that she can get out, though, she loves to dance in the rain. Sometimes she’ll even drag the other members of the army out to prance around with her. She’s so good-spirited that pretty much everyone obliges.
‣ Has a mole just like Mikoto’s! Well, maybe not exactly... It’s not on her face. It’s actually on her back of all places, towards her left shoulder blade. Naturally, it’s covered up most of the time. When she was little and visible, though, Camilla used to kiss it to make her giggle. If you do it now, she still does.
‣ Has a bizarre amount of hobbies. All of that time spent in the fortress gave her lots of time to try and practice different things, so she’s full of activities. Her favourites were playing the piano, painting, reading, and embroidery. Should anyone want to learn any of these things, she’s always happy to lend a hand.
‣ Constantly fighting with her hair. It’s super fluffy and requires a lot of attention. If she could recall her childhood, she would find a myriad of memories of squawking as Mikoto tried to brush her hair. It’s very prone to tangles, and thus her mother would braid it before she went to sleep. It’s a habit she ended up continuing into adulthood, having Felicia braid it for her.
‣ Full of restless energy. It both is and isn’t Fortress life talking. When she was a little girl, she spent a lot of time zooming around the castle and its grounds, keeping her nurse maids from having much of a break. She was especially fond of impromptu games of hide and seek, as well as tag. It’s... a bit of a game she keeps into adulthood, too. Most people find her energy so cute that they can’t help but play with her, knowing she’ll get back to work as soon as it’s done.
‣ Struggles to sit in a proper position in a chair for more than half an hour. She’ll usually end up contorting her body in some strange way. This occurs so, so often in war meetings. The others have tried to tell her that it’s inappropriate for an event like that, but they can only ever get her back into a proper position for more than fifteen minutes before she’s back to sitting all funny. Her Nohrian siblings have completely given up, but the Hoshidan siblings try to politely remind her on how to sit (despite knowing it’s a fruitless endeavour.)
‣ Heavy sleeper. Like a rock. Why do you think Flora and Felicia have to wake her up with their ice powers every morning? Without them there, a bucket of cold water would struggle to wake this girl from her rest. What’s worse is that she also likes to nap, but if you need her for something... well, bring one of the maids with you. Otherwise, you’re going to have to beat her with a pillow to get her to wake up. And even then, there’s no promise. Sometimes, people can’t wake Corrin and they honestly think she’s dead.
‣ Sings in the bath. Both made-up songs and ones she’s heard before. One she’s been singing since childhood is something she named “The Bubble Song”, that consists mostly of the lyrics “Bubbly bubble bath, bubble bubble, gonna brew up some... bubble trouble”. Hilariously, this song has caught on with anyone she bathed with as a child. Ryoma used to sing it to Takumi and Sakura when he’d help them bathe as kids. Silas has been known to sing it when bathing as well, but as a grown adult.
‣ Agonizes over losing her memory. She hates herself for having lost it, and has had a few breakdowns from trying to force herself to remember. If she gets especially angry about it, she’ll sit there angrily pounding her fists against her head and screaming at herself to figure things out. She knows it causes others to think that’s she unstable, but she gets so angry about it sometimes that she doesn’t have it within herself to care. She just... wants to remember her life.
‣ In spite of his humiliation at Ryoma’s hands years back, Takumi does like to use a sword sometimes. Not usually for battle, only really in training, but he likes the feeling of a blade. He just finds he prefers a bow overall, though.
‣ One of those people who is just always hot. He totally holds his heat, and often complains throughout the summer months about how hot it is. Alternatively, though, he’s pretty comfortable in the winter. His siblings sometimes even use him as a human heater when they get cold.
‣ If not in the company of his family, Takumi likes to curse a lot. He knows it’s not princely behaviour, but he doesn’t care. He mostly does it in the company of Hinata and Oboro, but every once in awhile he’ll let one slip around his siblings. If it’s going to be any of them, though, it’s going to be around Hinoka or Corrin. Rarely ever Azura or Ryoma, and absolutely never around Sakura.
‣ Takumi actually kind of enjoys being sick. He definitely doesn’t like being rendered incapable of doing basic things, or feeling like trash, but... he does kind of like to be fussed over. There’s something nice about being the center of his family’s attention for once.
‣ He is not aware of this, but he was named after Ikona’s lover prior to her marriage to Sumeragi. Given that she could not be with him but was still attached, Ikona gave him his name. Only Ikona and Sumeragi know where his name really came from, and Sumeragi was less than pleased to find out later.
‣ Likes to pretend that he can handle spicy food. He cannot. You could dare this boy to eat a spoonful of wasabi, and he would do it, but the end result wouldn’t be pretty. His whole face turns bright red, and there are tears streaming from his eyes, and he holds his mouth like he’s sucking on a lemon. Even with that whole production, though, you can never get him to admit defeat. The spice doesn’t defeat Takumi. Takumi defeats the spice. 
‣ Do not begin a sentence when speaking to him with “no offence”. He always takes offence. Always. He doesn’t know why people start conversations like that because it’s almost always something rude and uncalled for. It’s one of his biggest pet peeves, and it would just be better for both of you if you didn’t say stuff like that.
‣ Has very good hygiene and always smells nice. He tries to bathe every night, and washes his hair every other day with that schedule in mind. If one had to try and categorize Takumi’s scent, it would probably be a mix between morning dew and oranges. There were many women in Hoshido who used to swoon over him based on the way he smelled alone. 
‣ Like a true December baby, Takumi loves the snow. When he was little he’d beg his nursemaids to go outside for some time to play in it. Even as he grew older, he’d wrestle his siblings and friends out of their plans for the day to go spend some time outside in the cold. There were many snowball fights, as well as a whole bunch of wrestling. By the end of their outside time, they would usually end up piled on top of one another in a big dog pile. If you get him vulnerable enough, he might even confess that he loves the snow because it gives him more family time. His siblings, retainers, and other friends are all busy people, and he wants to spend as much time with them as he can.  
‣ His nightmares almost always revolve around losing someone important to him. In spite of not remembering Sumeragi and Ikona well, he finds himself dreaming of them regularly. Mikoto is also someone he dreams of a lot, usually of her death and his inability to do anything to save her. If the dream is really bad, he’ll dream of losing people who are still alive — Garon slicing Ryoma’s throat, Nohrian archers shooting Hinoka down from the sky, a commander snapping Sakura’s neck like it’s nothing. He often wakes up screaming and scares the others awake, and needs all kinds of comfort to even think about falling asleep again.
‣ Sakura is the member of the family who gives illnesses to everyone else. She’s the carrier. She will have a slight sniffle for two days, and then be fine — because she passed it onto the rest of the family, who will have a huge cold for two weeks. She’s always very sorry about it, and brings them warm soup every time it happens.
‣ Has the softest skin known to man. Nobody knows why this girl just has like... baby soft skin, but she’s always been like that. Holding her hand is an excellent experience because of it. Once she starts using a bow, she’s a little disappointed that she starts developing callouses on her hands, as they ruin the softness.
‣ Sweets thief! Well, not so much now that she’s older, but when she was little it was a huge thing. She used to sneak sweets from the kitchen a lot. If she were asked to count on her fingers how many times Mikoto caught her with sticky hands and a sugary face, she probably couldn’t. She’s a bit embarrassed by the memories, but everyone else finds it charmingly cute.
‣ She has dimples! For the most part she’s pretty shy about them, but everyone else thinks they’re really cute. Her siblings sometimes go out of their way to make her smile just so they can see them. Sumeragi loved them the most.
‣ Believe it or not, she has a favourite proverb! It’s “Even monkeys fall from trees”, which is basically just another way of saying that anyone can make a mistake. Given that Sakura is such a compassionate person, it comes as no surprise to everyone that this is her favourite. She wants to give people a fair chance, and doesn’t want to hold their mistakes against them (assuming that they genuinely are mistakes). 
‣ Thrives off of other people’s happiness. She loves to people watch in Shirasagi Castle Town to see if she can spot anyone who is out having a good time. Little kids getting a treat for good behaviour are definitely one of her favourite types of happiness to spot, but she also loves seeing shy young couples on first dates. Getting to see her country’s people so happy gives her the spirit she needs to keep doing her healing work. 
‣ Has really strong nails, for some reason? Nobody’s exactly sure why her nails are so deathly strong, but she needs help trimming them. Mikoto would usually help her manage that, but sometimes she’d get Takumi’s help if Mikoto was busy.
‣ You probably could not get her to admit it, but she likes the smell of freshly blown-out candles. She doesn’t quite like the scent of fire, but she sort of enjoys the smokiness that comes from a flame that has just been put out. For some reason finds her love of the scent embarrassing.
‣ Still a bit scared of the dark, even at her age. Her childhood fear of the Nohrians coming back for her led her to fear them wandering around in the dark, and thus she finds it unsettling. Depending on the hour at which she has to go the bathroom at night, she’ll ask Ryoma to escort her (if it’s earlier, as he’s usually awake anyway) or prod a sibling into wakefulness to take her (if it’s later).
‣ Tends to rehearse the things she says before she says them. Especially in war meanings, but also sometimes in regular conversation. She’s very concerned about saying the wrong thing and making a bad impression, so she feels like the constant rehearsal is the only way to ensure that she’s not going to cause any kind of trouble.
‣ So soft-hearted that she cries for her own family without them knowing. At night when trying to sleep, she can often think herself into horrible moods about her family’s pain. She can lay there for hours sobbing quietly to herself over the various ways that they’re hurting, even if they don’t want to acknowledge it themselves. She cries for Ryoma, who agonizes over being good enough for everyone. She cries for Hinoka, who has been a soldier all her life and may never get to fully experience that sense of normalcy. She cries for Takumi, who just wants to be noticed for once and feel like he is actually genuinely loved. She cries for Azura, who has been taken from home to home to home in a vain effort to fight other people’s battles. She cries for Mikoto who lost her child, for Corrin who lost her family, for Sumeragi and Ikona who lost their lives... Sakura cries for everyone.
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