#i think it'd be nice to make a drawing i'm proud of again
snoopyfan1283 · 2 years
sometimes i want to draw but i'm not super confident in how i draw people right now + i only have a mouse and aggie to work with and so i just don't draw 😔
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c0smiccom3t · 22 days
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Hello friends, hello mutuals, hello dimension dyfenders fans and hello people who like indie cartoon/comic stuff in general! Comet here. Once Again. and this time i've got something ig this year. This was supposed to release on May 29th, but due to Ren not coming back for a long time because they needed to prioritize irl stuff, of course, we had to delay it.
But, but, BUT! thankfully I had a few things ready after all, however as for some other things else, we'll get to it much later, when the moment calls. Now, let's get off with the first one.
(warning, in case this update gets too long, i'll make a part two where i'll be able to link it through here.)
You Kinda... Look Different.
You may have noticed that Dislexo looks a bit different than usual (darker skin, a bit of shorter hair, etc.), in case you're wondering why... Yeah, you're about to find out.
So, while I was thinking and drawing up some D.D related stuff, I was brainstorming a little by my lonesome. All of the sudden, as I was making a new render for a character, I was like... "Wait a minute... What if I give Dislexo a new look which is a mix between a secretary and a butler but keep it's elements from what made their design unique?" and So, the new and improved Dislexo was born!
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Honestly i'm proud of what they look like now. I just hope i won't (or will) get to redesign ALL of the cast again so suddenly lol! Anyways, thats just a small change I made, nothing too big. Now, let's get on something else... which is...
Pocket Adventures' current status + how's minisode 1 coming along
You might be asking inside your minds, "i wonder when more of minisode 1 will drop", "where are the new parts?"- Well, i got the answer. It'll only come only when im completely finished. However i havent been working much on it aside from making a few pages a few months ago, but hopefully this summer i may get back to it and finish it all up if i can. The final script is 73% percent complete, as for the comic itself, let's just say its 58%. I promise you i'm taking my time with delivering everything i can for this minisode. However i might republish the minisode with the series' current artstyle if it ever comes out physically (or either when I'll have the time or energy to do it.) So, now, you may be wondering: "But Comet, what do we do while we wait." Well you're not gonna believe this.
No, it's not an extremely late april fools post! We got new stuff coming soon, recently i've been brainstorming some ideas for brand new content, and you know what? It came to me, HERE'S WHAT'S COMING!
THAT'S RIGHT, after months of hiatus, Toonies is coming back with more strips! This time, since summer's coming around, i'll try to post and make more of them and even schedule the finished ones! We got even more covers for it coming, but for now, here's one of them!
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More comics are not only gonna explore more of the Dyfenders' and the Dajo Crew's everyday lives in-and-out of their superhero/Villain occupations, we are also going to focus on much more on other characters (at least some of them), and some will last for a few more pages longer! No arcs though, sorry. But hey, you're getting more wackiness as a treat! Now, i know i said this year is not gonna be big like the other two years we had, but...
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THAT'S RIGHT! We're working on a new special to commemorate our three years! Thought it'd be a nice adiction to this year, we may not reveal the logo and it's title yet, but we can tell you what the sypnosis is about!
You're all invited to the biggest night in the Omniverse, right across it's stars, cosmos, galaxies and portals! Both the Dimension Dyfenders and the Dajo-Crew are crossing the red (or should we say, blue) carpet in this brand new 3-part special! Prince Dajo-Voo has a new plan on how to take over the gala, all while he tries to self-control himself from doing the same explosive incident he did back then. The Dyfenders may be having a great time at the gala, but rest assured, they'll be sure to keep a close eye on him. Here's to a Rift-errific and (hopefully) trouble-free gala!
As a bonus, when the production on all three parts are done, we'll be posting Toonies comics related to the special, which may feature a new character who will debut later on in Pocket Adventures! We don't know when it'll exactly be out, my guesses would be either summer, september or next May 2025. But rest assured, we'll be working on it, but we won't rush it out.
So... What's next?
Honestly, i can't really tell. But I can assure you i still have so may plans for this series, plans that will be put in action in the far-off future. What i really hope to do is to make animated shorts as well, not just Toonies strips, pocket adventures minisodes and comic dubs of it. Maybe if we'll ever make a backerkit or a kickstarter for it and get a budget, it might happen (along with more VAs joining in.) Speaking of VAs, in case you're a VA and you haven't auditioned yet, anytime is the right time! (this is still a test leap, but if it succeeds it may go further.)
but for now, we're sticking to comics, and then, if possible we'll get to comic dubs and so on.
That's all for now! I hope you're all looking forward to what's coming for this series. I'm sorry that it wasnt as big as the last years, but we promise that things will arrive when they can.
Happy (LATE) third anniversary, everybody!! Thanks for reading!
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angelicartemis · 10 months
CW: Blood/Blood Stains
I'm not sure as to why I've been drawing on there recently? But the brush is honestly really nice to draw with, imo. It hits different- 😫 But anyway, DOODLE TIME EEE- (This is me trying to put down enough text to separate the CW and the first drawing because it's the one with blood. 💀)
There's different fandom drawings?? in here so I'll just slap my Habit stuff down first because I'm a little gay gremlin-
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Sillay little Pabit, I don't draw him enough honestly-
Got a couple DCA drawings- I'm really proud of the Sun one. I even tried to color it in procreate but uhhh it was really late so it remains unfinished- 😔
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My ass would STRUGGLE to draw the DCA for a long ass while, but I think I have a somewhat good footing when it comes to drawing them now? Assuming my style doesn't instantly change up when it comes to drawing them again- 💀
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I really like the big bird doodles, he's pretty fun to draw ngl.
Yesterday I had fallen down a tiny spiral of muppet/sesame street bloopers, and aside from the silliness, I just love the art of puppeteering overall. It's so admirable as to how full of life those puppeteers make the characters look. There's so many different types of puppets too it's crazy, but they all make it look SO EASY. Like bro, how the hell did Big Bird's actor/puppeteer (current and past) even manage to operate him? (Years of practice ik, shush-) HOW DO THEY KNOW WHERE THEY'RE GOING?? I know with the handheld puppets, their puppeteers look at monitors on the ground as a visual aid, BUT WHAT ABOUT BIG BIRD? AND SNUFFLEUPAGUS??? 💀 Snuffy has TWO people operating him, THAT'S CRAZY-
I'm rambling omg, but ANY WHO, I just love that shit. I actually never really grew up with sesame street nor the muppets, but I admire the work behind it. I genuinely want to make a puppet of my own so bad just so I could learn how tf to make one move so fluidly, and to just be silly with it. I think it'd be a load of fun.
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yuseirra · 5 months
I just want to say that I really like how you write Ryoji in your comics I feel like you really understand his character. Almost every piece I've seen from you featuring him has made me cry (in a good way! I just love this character so much and it's great to see him getting so much love). I hope you're having a better day, virtual hugs!
Hello!! sometimes it takes me awhile to answer asks, please pardon me with that, there's no way I'd mean to leave the ones as sweet as these unattended!! I was actually drawing ryoji earlier, so I'd like to attach it to this ask, thanks anon!! :) :)
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I love how he's so extra with how he was introduced in the movie, I really hope they have something like this in reload too, it'd make a nice addition. He's important. ✨✨
I keep making the same phrases (I wish I could have more variety with words really ;v;!!) but I really appreciate your ask! I can tell you really love ryoji and his character, and I care for this boy too. It fills me with.. this glee that I've been portraying him in a way that speaks to his fans too, and that's great. Isn't it really nice when you like the same things with someone else, in a way that resonates with you? :) I'm happy what I did was like that for you! Let's have fun together and appreciate the ryoji! 'v')9
I'd love to understand his character well, the way do for all my favs! I rewatched a lot of the scenes he was in and I did my studies again, and it'd be nice if I could bring him out well. This compliment you gave me makes me more proud of my works. More confident as well!
I'm sure reload will do more with him too, so I'm ready to gain more insight about his character! There are many characters who'd thrive with the extra scenes, but personally, I think ryoji, shinji and strega would really benefit from those the most if there are (and maybe ikutsuki too. I'm actually a bit curious about this guy and he needs some screen time) OH there's only two weeks left now, I'M SO READY!
I went on and on because I got excited about this ask, I hope you don't mind! ;v;)/ thank you for the hugs, I wish the same for you! Hope you have good days, and I will draw more ryojis when I have good ideas. I love his scarf a lot and it's fun to draw it swaying around, and the guy is very sweet, I like that about him..thinking about him makes me appreciate life more and that's great.
Hope you have a good day anon! See you again soon!
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fayesdiary · 1 year
Happy 2nd Anniversary!
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Hello everyone!
Today marks the second anniversary of this blog! Wow, I can't believe it's been two years already! (Note, I created the blog earlier but February 4th 2019 was my first original post here so I use that date as the blog's birthday)
I'm honestly suprised this blog lasted this long, since I'm a very shy person usually on the Internet and commitment isn't exactly my strong suit. But what can I say? I love it here and Tumblr feels like home at this point!
To celebrate I'm gonna reminisce a little bit and write down my thoughts about this blog. It's gonna get really sappy, I'm sorry.
Just kidding. I'm not sorry at all.
2022 has truly been the year of all time. A lot and I mean a lot of ups and downs. I started and ended my first job, went on vacation, had one of the worst instances of allergy + depression, you name it. In hindsight, every few months I was in a wildly different situation and mental state.
But the thing that overall made 2022 great was finally getting into art! To turn the ironic hate off for a moment, I love Fire Emblem. It's not my favorite series (Kingdom Hearts and Kirby share that position), but it's one I still adore and now am truly greatful for, because for a reason or another it was the only one it felt welcoming enough to me to actively make an account about it and be active in social media rather than a ghost after years.
Before I made this blog I wrote a few supports for the fire-emblem-heroes-supports blog. I think they were the first piece of writing I ever made willingly and not as part of a school assignment, and looking back I still cherish them.
Eventually I had the idea for this blog, and after a lot of hesitation in typical me fashion, fayesdiary was born! I mentioned it a few times already, but originally it was meant to be just meta analysis posts, a few headcanons and theories and my sporadic writings. Overtime though it became a lot more freeform in what I posted, and I think it's all the better for it!
I got the courage to write and posts my first fanfictions and slowly carved my own personal space here on Tumblr. Like, a very cozy rat hole. Over time, this blog became a personal hobby and it gave me a lot of satisfactions. I got close to some people I truly admire and made a few friends too!
And boy, then we get to last year, which has been an absolute blast in terms of creativity!
I don't think I ever had in mind making a dialogue dump website of Awakening, but it happened and I had a lot of fun making it and giving it a lot of tiny details! ...even if its layout has the stability of a Jenga tower and it's just the Gangrel arc. Whatever. It's the thought that counts.
I wrote a bunch more! Not as much as I wanted, but I made some stories I'm really proud of. And I took part in a few fandom events and not just one but two Secret Santas for the first time!
I took a shot at making wallpapers and made some I'm really proud of, especially the Three Hopes ones. They were so fun to make and the process was just tons of fun!
And that leads nicely to... making art.
See, the thing about me is that I always sucked at making art. I couldn't keep my hands stable, I am incredibly clumsy and I couldn't draw anything more complicated than simple childlike doodles. And while I loved painting, the fact I felt incapable of making anything good or that I could like lead me to not even bothering to try. Why bother if you're just gonna be disappointed and frustrated, after all?
Until I got into group painting at around July, and I loved it. I made some paintings I truly like, and that eventually gave me the courage to start drawing again. As a half-joke. Only this time, I decided to draw with references, and my whole world got upside down. Turns out I could actually somewhat draw if I had a reference! And somehow I never realized it in years!
Something clicked. I figured it'd just be a thing I'd do for a week at most and then drop like so many other creative projects of mine, but... it stayed. Not only that, but I got more invested into it. I went from physical to digital (with the mouse!), and eventually shifted to a graphic tablet a friend lent me (and then pretty much gifted me). Eventually the drawings became so many I decided to make an art blog! Me! An art blog! The me from even just early 2022 would have called you insane if you said it! And now not just that, but I'm even making preparations to open a Redbubble shop! I still can't believe it!
And a huge part is thanks to this blog, really! It gave me and still keeps giving me the courage to try new stuff, find new friends and people who inspire me, and lets me know people enjoy what I make or say. It's amazing, and it makes me feel so happy!
I'll be honest, I am grateful to this blog. It truly helped me get into a better place, and I can confidently say ever since I opened it I feel a lot happier. And that's coming from the local cynical bastard who usually hates themselves, but now? I went from hating myself to being neutral at worst for the most part. Even if I still have my moments sometimes, but that's normal. And now I actually have hope for the future!
But really, it says a lot that for once at the New Year party I wasn't the one who claimed the next year was going to suck. Heck, I was actually caught off guard when one of my friends said it and I said no, it's gonna be good!
Anyway, enough rambling. What I want to say is, thank you for everything. Thank you to the people who complimented me or even just commented on the things I made. Thank you to my mutuals and anonymous lurkers. Yes, I know you're there, I was and often still am one of you. And most of all, thank you to all my online friends I made here on Tumblr. When I think about it, we haven't known each other for that long, but I want you to know now I can't imagine a life without you and you brighten my day every time we chat. I love you so much and I wish you nothing but the best<3
Here's to plenty more years of this blog!
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wytfut · 13 days
The Latest from X world
Its been a busy year in my view of X world. Good and bad, such as it is.
I've completed over a year of videos on my youtube channel of this very same name. 30 something episodes? Really?
They do take effort to produce, but I'm not sitting there sweating and breathing hard to make them. Most of the effort goes to how much time it takes to make each episode, especially knowing, I'm no techno geek.... its all foreign territory to me. It amazes me that they turn out as well as they do... and believe me, that's not saying much.
I know I'll never make any money or notoriety off of this channel, and that isn't my goal. Its just to keep our bikes up and running. For all new and old owners. Thru attrition, the new owners are going to grow I'm sure.
My advice... right or wrong, is being blindly offered to all owners, and interested parties. There are far smarter people than I in this great little group. And I'm open to all critique.
A "newbie" to X world has started his own youtube channel related to Excelsior Hendersons youtube channel. Like me they are not all EH related, but he is obviously a very proud owner. ..... Sandford at Villiany Automotive San Diego.
Ol buddy Mike Degrood has had a youtube channel for several years now,.... his with all sorts of vehicles, but a lot of Victory's and Super X's. Out in the western dry air.. 2coolwheels
Of the 3 of us on youtube, I think Mike's is the most successful. Good for him!!
We lost Jamie Jones, and his Wife Marty continues her battle with Alzheimer's with her daughter in Tennessee. I've heard that it is working out very well for Marti. GO MARTI!!
One of my favorite characters within the X community, is AJ Fago. I don't know him real well, but he just fit everything I like within the human race, the few times I've met him at X gatherings. Over a year ago, he suffered a terrible medical blow. And I was thinking he'd leave the community for ever, never to be heard of again.
Thru the year we had exchanged phone calls and texts (me doing what I could from distance supporting him, I know, .....selfish guilt).
This past weekend, the club had a gathering in Ohio..... and there were pictures of AJ riding in a sidecar with huge grin on his face. And again him sitting with the group enjoying each others company.
You go AJ... you go!!!!
Mike Seastrome, is our new main man for parts and work on our bikes. He appears to have his legs under him and I hear nothing but good stuff on how he is handling everything. Pretty sure that if he and Sandi bought a tv, it'd never be used. He never sits still.
Really like his ergonomic easy to use web site.... NICE!!
Towards the end of July will be our 25th anniversary of the building of our cool machines. ... Should be a pretty big deal, and a great time. the Executive board of the club, has been really working at it.... Belle Plaines here I come....
Forum site has been getting more busy as the year progresses. I don't know why, and I don't know how to draw more.... but this makes me smile. I handed over this site to Greg Cifu a few years ago, but I just can't keep my hands out of it. Greg (he's good stuff) who I have met a couple of times, seems to just roll with it. And I try to not take over....
When I handed it over to Greg (please realize this site is actually Dan Hanlons creation, I just baby sat it for him), I think I was still working full time, and maybe suffering antiburnout. It wasn't because it was such a busy site (far from it) but maybe I was just tired of hoping it would take off (many years of funeral home sounds).
Either way, it seems it is actually doing something now. At least it is busier, and I'm witnessing more posting. I just smell bad and Greg doesn't?
A recent regular on the site, is from Italy. Parts obviously nonexistent there, and the forum is his life line. Seastrome has been in contact, and the owner "Luca" appears to be driven to enjoy this machine. His last post has a gorgeous picture of his X with an Italian mountain side background. He's getting steered in the right direction. English/Italian translations can be difficult.
From the forum site, I've met (not face to face) lots and lots of folks thru the years who have emailed, and sometimes called me. All correspondence I find very intriguing... meeting new folks.
The latest was one of my viewers from youtube channel. He emailed me with a crazy story on a DWS that was next door to him.
This X had sat since 2004. The rear hub blew out most of the spokes (I have no idea how that happens and is the first I've ever heard of one), and the owner just parked it (with 5400 miles on the clock).
The new owner Roger, a motorcycle enthusiast (British stuff) has jumped in feet first to get this thing running again.
Once he found my youtube channel he was all gushy about all the information he found on it. Really? please.... its my pleasure. Now a substantial portion of the community is helping Roger out. This makes me smile. Exactly my goal... for the future of our Bikes.
He sent me a video, I used on my youtube channel showing the removal of the fuel pump. It was one of those really stuck ones (I've witnessed one of those, before). The fuel, pump, sending unit...... all look like they were dipped in a tar bucket. I've never seen fuel do what it did in this bike before. WHOA!!
His enthusiasm makes me smile. Reminds me of 25 years ago. ...
He wants to create his own youtube channel, showing the steps of getting this DWS back up and running (as a newbie?). He also started a reddit page related to Excelsior Henderson. Cool stuff, maybe X world won't be lost in the dust of time after all.
With his enthusiasm, I'm really hoping he hangs with us for many years. But there are no promises, time only knows. ...
Best buddy Phil Marks has made some efforts to tame the steering on the trike he inherited from the late Jumper. I encouraged Phil to try and get it ready for the 25th. anniv.
Best buddy Jimmie and I made some efforts via texting and phone calls to help Phil out (Jimmie built a simple affective prototype, and we shipped it to Phil to try out). All appeared good, but it eventually stalled. The idea is fine, but making it fit is the next challenge. Something about the eyes of NebraXians and the eyes of Pennsylvanians, see different? .... LOLOLOL..... Somehow someday, that machine will be all refined and riding nicely...
At 25 years, I look back then and to now, it shakes my bones... I'm one of the "old" guys now. I don't know all of the members (far from it), but best I can figure, I'm number 5-6 in seniority in the age group??
Is this a honor? Prestigious? Worth a cup of coffee? Valuable? naw...
scary? a little bit
This isn't the topic I came down to the basement to write today. This earworm was way in the back of the files, I felt needed recognition...
The story I wanted to tell here today, I can't figure out how to tell without pissing off people. I'm hoping I can come up with some how to express this, as pissing folks off isn't my nature.
I may just have to keep it to myself.
Writing this blog makes my Wife nervous, as she is positive I'm going to say something just a touch too far. Thus she doesn't read it.... well thats the way I see it...
There are very few folks that read this blog. And I know that. But if I were to write something the wrong way, and someone were to stumble thru here.... well, even at age, I just don't need that sort of stress in my daily life anymore.
I like when leaving someone, to be on a good note. I can't achieve that all the time, but I try my hardest, and with age, it gets more challenging all the time.
Age=grumpy? really?
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Hello, dearest.
Very Homophobic™ of Tumblr, really.
The only part I remember writing (because mommy felt damn proud of herself for that) was that I'm not usually a fan of mojitos, but I'm sure it would taste heavenly on your lips...
And there was more on that note, but for the life of me, I cannot remember it. Such poetry, forever lost to the aether.
Sweetheart, if you asked very nicely, mommy would tease you until you begged properly, and then (only then) she would indulge you. But it would be worth it. Oh so worth it, believe me.
Being both nice and mean is in my job description, darling. But I would love to see the drawings you'd do for mommy dearest...if those would even be clean enough to post on your main blog (you naughty little thing). As for what to draw for me, it seems that your description of what you like to draw (naked women) is just what I love to see. Once again, what a match that we are!
I can see you like the attention...and you are lucky you are so lovely when you preen under it. It makes mommy want to spoil you even more
your mommy, ~🐞
it is! we should contact tumblr support :p
and which cocktails are you usually a fan of? :) i've been told my lips taste nice before :)
truly a tragic loss. you will have to think of some more poetry for me, then ;)
oh, so i have to beg? so mean of you :* i'll think about it, if you promise it'd be worth it
except some drawings next week, possibly :)
i've been feeling super overwhelmed yesterday and today, so some attention is always welcome, haha <3 i just want head pats and scritches like a lil cat :')
sorry it took me a while to respond again, as i said, i was a bit overwhelmed! take care, mommy dearest :*
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1. breeding kink (with the yautja never having had a child before but always having wanted it pls)
Human with a Yautja mate that has a breeding kink
Warnings: cussing, mentions of impregnation, overall sexual themes
Pairing: fem! reader x male-bodied yautja
Thanks for the request @dawnlightsilhouette , I really loved this idea and I tried my best, I hope it met your expectations! 💖
((ps: I made them (the yautja) a virgin because I just thought it'd be a nice add))
Ever since you and your mate became a couple, they'd always sort of shied away from physical contact. Don't get me wrong, they'd give you headpats and stroke your arms gently when you were stressed- they even sat you in their lap sometimes and wrapped their arms around you, their purring almost instantly causing you to fall asleep.
But when it came to more than that, like big hands barely grazing your hips, only to quickly snap away from them, eyes lingering on your body just a little too long for you to not notice, or the heavy breathing whenever you shifted a little too much on their lap. They always seemed to be wanting something from you, but were too afraid to admit it.
Perhaps they were afraid of hurting you, perhaps they didn't know how to put their intentions into words, perhaps they didn't even want you to notice. But you did. And it was getting to you.
So now and then you started returning their gestures- laying a hand on their thigh, hugging them a little too tight, insisting their lap were the most comfortable spot to sit in. They were getting to you, and surely enough, you were getting to them, too.
And soon, everyday you tried doing just a little bit more, drawing them a little bit closer to their breaking point. Until... They snapped.
They were sitting on their bed with you in their lap, watching something on a projector you'd requested. And as usual, for some reason you just couldn't sit still that day. What was not usual though, was that when you went to go get some snacks, your mate's hand stayed wrapped around your waist.
"it's alright, I'll be right back" you smiled, once again attempting to leave their lap. But their iron grip, gentle as it may be, kept you in place. "What is it?" You furrowed your brows, looking back at them, until you saw the fire in their eyes. It was as if they weren't looking at their mate anymore, it was as if they were looking at prey. As if they wanted to devour you whole.
It was intimidating, knowing this creature, your mate, could kill you within a matter of seconds. But knowing it was your love in front of you, and also seeing the adoration in their eyes, even when it was clouded by this raging lust and possible rage, it was more arousing than anything else.
"what's the matter?" you asked again, causing them to loosen their grip on you. Yet hearing that small sigh from your big alien mate, couldn't help but earn a chuckle out of you. Waiting for your answer, you turned around in their lap, impatiently looking into your mate's eyes.
"You..." they began, stopping midway as in thinking of what to say "I'm not sure you know what you do to my body..."
Grinning that your teasing had worked, you decided to edge them on by playing stupid. "I'm not sure I know what you mean. Are you not feeling well?" And you swore you could see the flusterdness and irritation in their eyes, as they kept looking anywhere but your face.
"I am a proud warrior, I have fought many battles and earned a title of respect and honor," they took a deep breath, straightening their back and looking down into your eyes as if to add to their words "yet I... Had not met a suitable mate before I met you. I have not sired any younglings-- but I always wanted to. So now that your right here I just can't stop thinking about it-"
Their breath was shaky, their hands gently caressing your thighs, as if at any moment they were to break them. "And now I fear I desire more- I desire to be with you, to touch you, to feel you- I desire to truly make you my mate and sire many younglings with you"
Flustered, you shifted impatiently in their lap. If it were up to you, your clothes would already be forgotten on the floor along with your mates', but you wanted to let them finish explaining first.
"Then why didn't you ask sooner? I think I have given you enough to show that I want the same" you stretched your back, laying your arms around their neck and kissing one of their mandibles.
"I want to, but you're a human, you're so small and our mating is very rough so I'm afraid I'll hurt you" you chuckled at that, "I wouldn't mind that."
They looked at you with worry and confusion in their eyes. "You are aware I am much stronger and bigger than males on your home planet, and I am proposing to mate with you-"
Impatient, you cut them off by pressing your body against theirs and pushing them onto the bed. Straddling their hips, you smiled down at them as if to say you'll be alright. Your mate looked up to you, their breath heavy as they put their big hands on the small of your back.
"You want this too, right? You're not doing this just to please me?" they asked, already purring from the amount of physical contact. You chuckled, leaning down and kissing their neck, causing them to purr even louder. "Of course I want this. I've wanted this since we met."
Their mandibles clicking with satisfaction, they sat up with you still in their lap, eyes moving up and down your body. They held that same look as before. And once again, it didn't fail to make a shiver run up your spine.
Slowly, one of their claws went to grasp at your shirt, tearing it apart like it was nothing, and throwing it mindlessly to the side. Your skin meeting with the cold air, goosebumps overcame your body. Your mate seemed to like what they saw, as they gently ran their sharp claws over every inch of your exposed chest.
Their fingers started playing with your now sensitive nipples as their free hand went to take off the bottom part of what you were wearing. They undressed you until only your panties were left, leaving you fully exposed and vulnerable to them.
Soon, their big hand slipped between your thighs, rubbing you through the fabric of your panties. Their yellow orbs still watching every move you make, studying the way your breath quickens everytime they graze against that specific spot. It's not like they didn't know what they were doing, they'd studied human anatomy way back when they first fell in love with you.
The thing is, they knew exactly what they were doing. And they were enjoying every second your hips desperately grinded against their fingers, just to get that little bit of extra friction. There was just something about seeing you this willing, this at their mercy, that made them want to ravish you ever so slowly.
Leaning down to the crook of your neck, they took a deep breath, enjoying the smell of your sweat and arousal, before they used their long slithery tounge to taste it. Once they heard a tiny moan escape you, they took their fingers away entirely, leaning back to look at your worked up form.
"enjoying yourself?" They growled, a look of satisfaction on their face as you whined in frustration.
"Come on, keep going. Don't make me wait anymore. You were the one that started it!" Startling you, they almost immediately started to undo their lower body armor, roughly tugging at the fabric. "Very well..."
Once their armor was cast aside and you both sat there in your bare nude, your panties now pushed down to lay lazily at your ankles, you finally got to see what they'd been keeping you from. Though what you did see, confused you a bit.
Instead of what you assumed was gonna be their erection, you were met with a button. Sort of like what you'd see if you pulled down the pants of a male mannequin. Amused by your confused stare, your mate cupped the place between their legs, making their cock spring out at you, pulsating and leaking with pre.
Gulping slightly at the size, you looked up at them. You being visibly nervous, they layed you on your back, towering over you. "Afraid?" They simply asked.
Flustered you shook your head, looking to the side. "nh-nh"
Leaning down beside your ear, they chuckled deeply "you should be." Soon, their hand found it's way between your thighs again, rubbing your clit in slow circles. Their other hand found it's way into your soaking cunt, thick fingers stretching you out and preparing you for what's about to come.
When they got a few moans out of you and decided you were wet enough for them, they sat you on their lap once again. Your legs barely being able to fit around their waist they held you up just above their throbbing cock, nails digging into your soft skin.
Words didn't need to be spoken as they lowered you down, as your expression could already tell how much you wanted this. Your mate didn't even fill you up halfway when they started groaning quietly. "so...tight..." they breathed out.
They went quicker as the inches went on, until finally you were completely filled with their shaft. You both being a panting mess at this point, your mate grabbed your hips and slowly starting thrusting into you, their cock reaching something inside of you you were never able to before. It made you quiver and moan at just the slightest touch.
"fuck... I needed this-" your mate groaned out, trying hard to go slow, but you could see how badly they wanted to be rough with you. "Good little mate, you're so good for me"
Their thrusting became faster the louder your moans became, yet they still tried to hold back. At least until you ran your fingers through their locks and assured them they don't have to hold back
"Don't-- don't wanna hurt you" they sighed, slowing down a bit to look at you. "Please, I want it, I've waited for this for a long time" you pleaded, roughly rocking your hips against theirs, causing them to release a loud throaty moan
Finally, they stopped holding themselves back, and started thrusting into you at a relentless pace, bouncing you up and down on their leg until the slapping of skin was all one could hear in the room aside from all the moaning. "You wanted it this way, so don't complain-- gonna fill you up with all my seed. Gonna sire all my younglins-"
A moaning mess, you held onto their shoulders for support as you'd long given up thrusting your hips to meet theirs. They kept telling you things but you didn't answer, any words that left your mouth being slurred a breathy. Any coherent thoughts leaving your mind as you were being thrusted into oblivion.
"so tight and wet for me," your mate groaned as their thrusts became slower and harder. "I'm gonna fill up your pretty womb, gonna breed you and make you mine,"
Eventually they laid you back on your back in a mating press, their hand once again finding it's way to your clit as their thrusts became slower and slower until with a loud groan, they came to a complete halt.
Both of you cumming at the same time, their seed filled you up until a small bulge was visible on your stomach. Leaving their cock inside, they leaned down beside your spasming form and whispering praises into your ear.
"Such a good little mate, taking my cum so well-- gotta give you a reward later for being so good for me"
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opie-nixx · 2 years
Fuck you, Micah! (CHAP. 12)
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Hosea: "Its gonna work out, just listen to Dutch."
Dutch: "I don't expect you to understand this... but I have never been more proud of you... than I am right now, brother. You're doing the right thing.
John: "If I don't get that boy back, she'll kill us all." He says full of worry and fear.
Y/n: "John, I can assure you he knows we're comin, and I know for a fact he ain't in the business of killin kids. Don't let what that hag said get to ya." I say as I place my hand on his giving it a tight squeeze offering a small smile. John nods his head as Dutch and Arthur agree.
Hosea: "Do you know anything about this Bronte?"
Y/n: "Just some Italian gang leader kinda like Dutch but more "civilized" and fancy I suppose you can say."
Dutch: "How do you know this?"
Y/n: "Some things are better kept a secret."
Lenny: "Hey, Dutch. We got a problem." Lenny walks in with Milton and Ross keeping a gun on him.
Milton: "Not a problem... visitors... a solution. Good day fine people. Mr. Van der Linde. Mr. Mathews, I presume. And... who are you 2?" Milton says walking cautiously into camp as he points between John and I. We all stand from the table as the gang begins to surround them. Arthur pulling me behind him.
John: "Rip Van Winkle."
Y/n: "None of your god damn business." I snap as I furrow my brows.
Milton: "Huh... good day, sir, ma'am. Agent Milton, Pinkerton... Detective Agency. Agent Ross. Ah, Mr. Morgan... nice to see you again." I grip onto the back of Arthur's jacket.
Dutch: "And what do we owe the pleasure? Agent Moron."
Milton: " don't know if you're aware but this... this is a civilized land now. We didn't kill all them savages... only to allow the likes of you... to act like human dignity... and basic decency was outmoded or not yet invented. This thing... it's done."
Dutch: "This place... ain't no such thing as civilized. It's man so in love with greed... He has forgotten himself and found only appetites."
Milton: "And as a consequence that lets you take what you please... kill whom you... please and hang the rest of us? Who made you the messiah... to these lost souls you've led so horribly astray?"
Dutch: " I'm nothing but a seeker, Mr. Milton."
Milton: "You ain't much of anything more than a killer, Mr. Van der Linde. But I came to make a deal. It's time. You come with me... and I give the rest of ya three days to run off... disappear and go and live like human beings.... someplace else."
Dutch: "You came for me? Risked life and limb in this den of lowlifes and murderers... so that they might live and love? Ain't that fine." The gang gives a small chuckle.
Milton: "I don't wanna kill all these folk, Dutch... just you."
Dutch: "In that case... it'd be my honor... to join you. Excuse me, friends... I have an appointment to keep with..." He remarks throwing his hands in the air, I draw my revolver and point it at Milton as the rest of the gang does the same to them both.
Y/n: "I've never been good at reading the room, but I think it's time you should go." I say snarkily.
Milton: "You're making a mistake all of you."
Dutch: "Yeah... dreadful. We have got something... something to live and die for. How awful for us, Mr. Milton. Stop following us... we'll be gone soon."
Milton: "I'm afraid I can't... and when I return I'll be with fifty men. All of you will die. Run away from this place, you fools. Run!"
Lenny: "Come on." He urges giving them a shove.
Milton: "Get your hands off me boy." He shoves as him and Ross leave on there horses.
Arthur: "What now?" Arthur sighs as he steps out in front as we all watch them leave.
Dutch: "We get outta here... and quick. Any ideas?"
Arthur: "I know a big old house... hidden in the swamps outside Saint Denis. I'm sure they'll find us eventually... but it should buy us a few days."
Dutch: "A few days is all we need."
Arthur: "You and Arthur ride out... and make sure no one else has moved in. Lenny... you go follow those fools outta here... make sure that they leave. And, John... we'll get Jack back and we'll get gone. Rest of you get packing!"
John mutters how crazy this is as Arthur gives me a peck on the lips before following after John. I make my way to Arthur's tent and begin to pack his stuff. Being grateful most of his stuff is packed, I make quick work of getting his cot folded up along with his blankets. Once I step outside and begin to untether the tent itself from the ground pins I hear heavy steps behind me.
Charles: "Need help?"
Y/n: "If you're not needed elsewhere I'll take it."
Charles: "I have a small tent and not much stuff." He begins to help me untie the string on the opposite side. Once we finish I begin to pull the cloth from the top, but Charles smacks my hands playfully and takes over.
Y/n: "Fine." I throw my hands up and begin to throw Arthur's stuff in his wagon as neatly as I could. Charles neatly folds the the tent cover and places it on to of the crates and chests in the wagon. We make quick work of clearing Arthur's spot and move to mine. I enjoyed the small conversation we held as we took down my tent. I stopped to put my hair in a ponytail/pin back, my eyes meet Charles as his face was turning a bit red as he stared at me. I can hear him gulp before thinking about what to say next. I giggle.
Y/n: "Somethin catch your eye, Charles?" I begin to pick u my stuff and place it in Arthur's wagon. Charles does the same before striking up another conversation.
Charles: "How serious are you and Arthur?" I begin to choke on my own spit as my face flushes red.
Y/n: "I err? I think we're together, I mean he's the only 1 I've been with since I got here? I'd like to think he the same?" I chuckle sheepishly as I fan my face. Grimshaw and Dutch call for everyone to hitch horses to there wagons. Charles and I walk over to where the Shires were and bring them over to the wagon. I let Charles handle hitching them to the wagon as I wasn't too sure on how to do that. My eyes began to wander over Charles. I'd be lying if I said he wasn't attractive. I chuckle as I kick the ground around me looking down.
Lenny: "Can I ride with you guys?" Before I could give an answer Sean runs up to us drenched in sweat. Charles, Lenny and I furrow our brows as we exchange glances before collectively looking at Sean who was out of breath and sweating.
Sean: "Can I ride wit you's too?" I scoff.
Y/n: "Why the hell are you panting and so sweaty?"
Sean: "It's hot and we've been movin around too much." I shake my head.
Y/n: "I don't mind if you ride in the wagon but Charles is driving and I call shotgun." Lenny and Sean nod in agreement before hopping in the back of the wagon.
Charles: "I'm driving?"
Y/n: "I'm tired and want a nap." Charles chuckles before nodding. We both climb up on the wagon and I prop my arm on the board supporting our backs and rest my head in my hand. As I wind down I notice Dutch and Grimshaw beginning to load out with the rest of the gang either on the back of the wagons or on there horses. I make a clicking sound for my horse to follow.
Y/n: "Why did you ask about me and Arthur?" I ask as my eyes begin to close.
Charles: "Just curious. It's no secret the history he had with Mary. I don't know much but I know they loved eachother once."
Y/n: "I don't expect him not to love her. I understand the type of relationship they had. It honestly makes me kind of wish I had that type of love once." Charles glances at me before looking back to the road.
Charles: "You had a lover before?"
Y/n: "Before Arthur, I suppose you can say. He wasn't the best...at all. He seemed so nice before hand and encouraged me to do a lot. I guess that's why I fell for him, but as soon as he got me all to myself things went downhill."
Charles: "What about your family? Where are they?"
Y/n: "Nor here nor there. They weren't really parents, they could care less where I was or who I was with. They were just as bad as my past lover." I begin to nod off.
Charles: "I'm sorry."
Y/n: "Ehh to be entirely clear with you, I'm more happy here than I was there." I hear Charles grunt and Lenny trying to convince Sean to use this time to practice some reading. I smile to myself as I begin to nod to sleep. The bumps in the roads seeming less and less of a distraction to my weariness. What I didn't realize was that I fell asleep on Charles shoulder making the poor man wonder if he was comfortable enough. Not wanting to move you he kept as still as he could until we reached the manor.
Arthur: "Welcome home... all of ya... to my humble abode. We got fine living. Ignore the corpses and the alligators... it's paradise..." I flinch a bit to the sudden sound of Arthur's voice. I sit up from Charles shoulder and rub my eyes.
Y/n: "Sorry, Charles." He gives me a nod. We pull up before the bridge behind Pearson's wagon. I begin to climb down with everyone else but not before Arthur is right in front of me extending his arms out. I beam him a smile and jump into them. Wrapping my legs around his waist and my hands on his shoulders, he begins to give me pecks on my lips.
Dutch: "Pearson, Grimshaw work your magic around this place. Please. Arthur, take a ride with me, will you?" He says grabbing his horse. I unravel myself from him as he sets me down.
Arthur: "Sure...Let's talk tonight." I nod my head as he plants a kiss to my cheek.
Molly: "Dutch, can I have a word with you?"
Dutch: "Not now." Molly nods her head and walks off. Arthur and I exchange glances before he gets on his horse. I wave him off before making my way to Molly.
Y/n: "Wanna talk to me? We can chit chat while I unload Arthur and I's stuff." She looks to me with puffy eyes and nods. I give a small grin as she follows me to Arthur's wagon.
Molly: "I just feel like I can't talk to him...He seems so different...I just wanna know if he still loves me the way I do him." I nod in understanding.
Y/n: "I used to feel like that with my old lover. I can't tell you what happened or if he ever did love me, but Dutch can't love you the way you wanna be loved." I say before lifting up a crate which is soon taken by Charles.
Charles: "I got this 1." I nod as a thank you.
Molly: "What should I do?"
Y/n: "Leave. You run and don't look back. Ain't nothin good goin to come of you too bein together."
Molly: "But what if I tried talkin to him?"
Y/n: "You 2 can talk all you want but if you ain't comprehending what is being said your talkin smoke." Molly let a few tears escape.
Y/n: "I care for you in the best way possible, but please heed my advice." She nods before walking off. I continue to put stuff and Arthur and I's room as Charles helps.
Night begins to take over the orange sunset as I sit at the campfire with Sean. The warmth providing a perfect atmosphere for drinking and sharing a few laughs with the Irishmen.
Sean: "Why do you like the big grump anyway?"
Y/n: "He's sexy." I say taking a swig from our shared whiskey bottle before handing it to him. Sean's eye's widen the size of saucers before chugging the bottle a bit.
Sean: "I like yew, your bold."
Y/n: "You asked." I giggle a bit. I feel the air change into a cool breeze as rain begins to dust around the area. Sean and I begin to groan. Not too long after the rain begins to pour. Sean and I stand up and before I could take another swig Sean snatches the bottle and scurries off to Karen's tent. I stand in disbelief as I watch him run off.
Y/n: "You little shit." I begin to make my way inside the house, but not quick enough since my clothes became drenched in water. I begin to undo the buttons as I make my way up the stairs. I nod at Javier who was making his way down the stairs as I was going up. He glanced between me and my chest. I look down as well forgetting the shirt was transparent when wet. Both of our faces become a deep red as we quicken our pace going to our destinations. I made my way to Arthur's room and shut the door. I begin to remove the articles of clothing and slide on Arthur's shirt. I start to feel odd as if someone was watching me. I glance over towards the window and notice Micah looking up smoking a cigarette. I scoff in disgust as he waves.
Micah: "Now I know why Arthur wants you for himself." He says as he gestures towards my chest.
Y/n: "Fuck you, Micah!" I shout out. Time couldn't have been more perfect as I see Arthur and Dutch ride in. Then I see Javier walking over to outside the camp to do his guard duty. He stops and glances between me and Micah. He takes the butt of his gun and clocks Micah in the jaw sending him flat on his ass.
Y/n: "Ooo." I say. Arthur and Dutch both dismount and run over to Javier who just tips his hat towards me and carries on. Arthur glances at me as Dutch helps Micah off the ground. Arthur begins to make his way inside the house..That is until Micah wanted to say another stupid thing.
Micah: "Let me know when you wanna take a real ride from a cowboy." Arthur stopped dead in his tracks and turns on his heel. Not even Dutch could save Micah from what was about to happen. My eye's widen as I watch Arthur throw his fist into Micah's nose. Not even the sound of the wind and rain could drown out the sound of friction and the bones breaking. Micah ends up right back in the mud and Arthur is stomping off into the house. I pull away from the window as I hear his foot steps come closer. The door flings open and I see a drenched angry Arthur walk through. I close the door behind him as he begins to take off his own clothes. My face turns beet red as he unbuttons his shirt and throws it off.
Arthur: "He's a damn asshole." I walk over to his chest and pull out some dry clothes for him.
Y/n: "I know. I'm sorry. Try not to let him get to you though." He avoids my eye's and just continues to take his clothes off. I sit on his bed and pick up a book and continue reading. I hear Arthur sigh as he slides on the dry clothes before plopping next to me.
Y/n: "You said you wanted to talk, so what's up?" Arthur put's his arm around my waist and scoots me closer to him.
Arthur: "Whatchu readin?" He says looking down at the book I was holding.
Y/n: "Some silly romance Mary-Beth gave me. I've been reading it for what feels like forever. It's a good laugh sometimes." I say nonchalantly. Arthur nods his head.
Arthur: "Do you enjoy bein with me?" He asks lowly. I could hear him gulp loudly as if his mind was scrambled trying to plan what to do based on my answer. I close the book and look at him.
Y/n: "Why would I not?"
Arthur: "I'm a grump. Might only be with me for somethin I could do for you?" I furrow my brows.
Y/n: "Did I ask you to do somethin to make you feel that way? I can assure you my sole attention is on you and no one else."
Arthur: "I err. No, you haven't asked me for anything. I just..don't know what you want from me and it confuses me."
Y/n: "I'm not like that." His eyes widen.
Y/n: "You mean more to me then just doing some dirty work and I want to talk to you more than when I want to ask you to do something."
Arthur: "Er..I'm sorry, I-"
Y/n: "I just want to spend some time with you. Is that okay that I ask that of you?"
Arthur: "Yeah..Sure." He still stares.
Y/n: "Good. Glad we have an understanding."Arthur chuckles.
Arthur: "I was in town and wanted to see if you wanted to come with me...Maybe go see a movie?" He asks shyly.
Y/n: "Is the famous Mr. Morgan asking me out on a night on the town?"  Arthur's face becomes pink.
Arthur: "Maybe."
Y/n: "I'd love too." I say as I scoot over so that I'm on top of him. I run my hands through his hair as I plant a kiss on his lips. He places his hands on my hips as he slowly begins to rearrange our position. Slowly deepening the kiss, he gently lays me down on my side as he begins to grind his cock against my ass. His hands are making quick work of the shirt I was wearing, fondling my breasts.
Sean: "Arthur!" Sean says as the door flings open and barging through it. Arthur and I both freeze and slowly turn our heads over to Sean who was full on drunk and wobbling foot to foot with a bright red face.
Sean: "Oh...I didn't think you had it in yew, yew grumpy bastard. No wonder why she thinks your sexy, you're just as bold as she is. And Y/n, lovely..dear old Y/n, might I say, you have a lovely rack." He sputters out giving a chefs kiss at the end of his statement. Arthur quickly jumped right up and began to stomp towards the door where Sean stood. He bolted straight out the door as soon as he saw Arthur come for him. I went back to reading my book, but not before I heard Sean tumble down the stairs and Arthur shout at him
Arthur: "Learn to knock before you come in!" before stomping back to our room.
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catboyeddy · 2 years
Okay so obviously we know very well that Danny has zero intention of bringing eene back but like if that did happen how’d you think he’d go about it? Like would it have some sort of plot line following BPS or be something random for each episode like the series was? New characters, relationships? Would they still be the same age range or would they’d be aged up? Or even a prequel of sorts where they’re even younger? Fhsjcj sorry I’ve gotten into the eene rabbithole again and kinda bummed out we won’t get more eene.
Honestly I don't really know how Danny would continue the series if he did so I'm just gonna give you some thoughts I have about the characters I think a like dream reboot would've leaned into
It would've been nice if it picked up right after bps cause we could've seen the changes in the characters slowly happen
Also to see Eddy consciously changing to try n be nicer and dropping some of the traits he picked up from Bro
I think 'Dueling Eds' is a good example of Eddy doing something out of pocket and trying to understand and make up for it so think a lot of similar episodes
I heard there was a cut ending scene in bps where Kevin is like being overly nice to the eds and they're a kinda freaked out by it n I'd love to see that too like that learning curve where the eds and other kids are trying to get used to each other and used to actually being friends and being casually nice and playful ribbing instead of like just being an asshole
Like it'd take a while for the friendship to feel sincere on both ends but they do want to get along
Also be v interesting to see changes in Double Dee as school life gets more hectic n watching him go through burnout
I feel like he'd never lose his love of learning but he'd lose his ability to be perfect at everything n it'd affect him
Double Dee but he's more tired of everyone's shit than ever before
Ed and Sarah bonding and drawing art together and defending each other to their parents
Would also be nice to see more moments of Ed noticing when somethings up and trying to comfort his buddies
I like to think of the eds and kids being mischievous together and like pulling pranks (I think Eddy drops scams post bps for bro related reasons also the main reason the kids had beef with them were the scams)
I do still think they make little inventions n come up with cool ideas just maybe a little more honest about stuff not working or involving the kids in making things
There's more stuff but I've talked about it in a lot of my hc posts about eene
An adult ish reboot would be interesting, watching the eds try and adapt to a adult life and their respective careers
I really like the hc that Eddy runs a small diner, it let's him do something he can be creative with and proud of and he gets to use his charisma and be a social butterfly. I think it plays to all his strengths in the best way
I also really like the hc that Edd becomes a creative journalist I think it fits his flare for the dramatic and 'Truth or Ed' is a good example of him making even mundane events dramatic
I'm in the popular hc camp for Ed's career cause I really like him being a horror comic artist, also would be cool if he illustrated other writer's work on the side (I like to think he illustrates some of Jonny's stories)
I like Kevin as a local mechanic, Sarah as an animator, Jimmy as an interior decorator and Jonny as an author I can picture him jumping back n forth between writing creepy stuff and just normal cute stories
But I still haven't decided on a career for most of the other kids
I'm sorry this response is kinda all over the place and not really what you asked for. I've just like not thought a lot about a potential reboot since the shows vibe just feels a bit too specific for a reboot to really work in my head
I would've fucking loved if we got to see a full season 6 tho, there were a few fun episode plots I wish we could've seen play out
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bumblesimagines · 3 years
Green Thumb
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Part 3
Request: Yes or No
You watched with slightly furrowed brows as Nick Fury walked into the kitchen, glancing at Lila when she pulled another crayon out of the box. You smiled softly at her butterfly drawing.
"That's great, Lila." You told her gently, earning a proud smile from the younger girl. She finished drawing, standing up and walking over to Natasha to show her. You picked up the crayons laying on the ground, sliding them back in the box. You looked over at Clint and his family as Fury talked about Ultron, a small sigh escaping you. You weren't expecting this to be so complicated. Then again, it was the Avengers. Everything was complicated with them.
"I contacted our friends at the Nexus about that." You blinked, zoning back in. Steve looked at Fury with a small frown.
"Every bit of data flows through there. It's located in Oslo." Bruce explained, pushing up his glasses with his index finger. Clint gently picked up a dart, inspecting it.
"So, what'd they say?" He asked, watching Tony collect the darts from the board. You looked at Lila when she sat beside you on the couch, pointing to her hair before facing away from you. You shifted towards her, beginning to gently braid her hair.
"He's fixated on the missiles but the codes are constantly being changed." Fury told them as he made himself a snack. Trying to stop a murderous robot with daddy issues from ending the world definitely hadn't been on your bucket list but then again, joining a family hadn't been on it either.
"By whom?" Tony asked, a dart flying by his face and hitting bullseye. You almost chuckled at the cheeky grin on Clint's face.
"We got an ally?"
"Ultrons got an enemy. That's not the same thing." Fury corrected Natasha, eating a small slice of cheese. You finished braiding Lila's hair, glancing at Laura.
"His mission.. Is mass destruction. Everything here will be laid in a grave." Fury looked between the Avengers. You frowned, making eye contact with Clint. His biggest fear was losing his family. The last thing you wanted was losing the Bartons.
"So, stand. Outwit the platinum bastard."
"Steve doesn't like that kind of talk." Natasha said softly, gaze locking onto the soldier. Steve's brows raised, an exasperated breath leaving him.
"You know what, Romanoff.." He trailed off as Natasha shot him a playful smile. Laura took a seat behind you, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder.
"You can stay here. You don't have to go with them to stop this.. Robot." Laura said quietly, giving your shoulder a squeeze. You ran your fingers over Lila's braid, shaking your head.
"It's fine, I promise. I'll make sure to come back in one piece." You assured her with a small smile.
"Has anyone been in contact with Helen Cho?" You looked forward at the mention of the scientists' name. You remembered her curiosity at your bracelets. A frown stretched across your face. She shouldn't have been left alone, especially when she had been there when Ultron first attacked.
"We need to get going." Steve called, glancing back at you. Everyone went off to change into their hero outfits.
"Hey, (Y/N), I got something for you." Clint said, motioning for you to follow him. You stood up, walking towards him and entering the room. Clint gave you a small grin, showing you the outfit. It was similar to his but with long sleeves. You smiled, running your fingers over it.
"I wouldn't want you getting shot so it's bulletproof and works in all types of weather. From now on, you are an Avenger."
"But.. I haven't finished-"
"You know what you need to work on and you'll continue to train." Clint smiled proudly, placing a hand on your shoulder. "I've always believed in you."
"Thank you.." You whispered. Clint nodded, leaving the room so you could change. It was comfortable and flexible so you'd be able to move without difficulty. You felt a rush of excitement shoot through you. You were officially an Avenger. Well, in Clint's eyes anyway. You'd have to check in with Tony and Steve to confirm it. You stepped out of the room, hearing Laura coo. She looked you over, smiling.
"Oh, if you were in high school, this is probably how it'd feel like during prom night." She breathed out, giggling softly.
"Now, you two better return in one piece, alright?" Laura shot you and Clint a look. You gave her a nod.
"Yes, ma'am." Clint responded, pressing a kiss to her forehead. Laura gave you both a tight, lingering hug before releasing you with watery eyes.
"We'll be back before you know it." Clint assured her, getting an unconvinced nod in return. You exited the house, heading towards the aircraft.
"Liking the new look, (L/N)." Natasha said, smiling widely as she walked beside you. You chuckled, glancing down at the outfit. You entered the aircraft, taking a seat.
"We'll drop Tony off in Oslo while we check on Dr. Cho. Stay alert and stay ready." Steve said, looking you over briefly. A small smile appeared on his face before he looked towards the front. Tony was dropped off at Nexus, the others heading off to Japan. You hoped you'd be able to stay longer than a few minutes next time. Norway seemed like a nice place to relax at. Steve was dropped off by the building while you remained with Natasha and Clint in the aircraft. You could hear everything Steve said and heard through the earpiece. You frowned upon hearing Dr. Cho's breathy voice.
"He's uploading himself into the body."
"The real power... Is inside the cradle. The gem.. It's power is uncontainable. You can just blow it up. You have to get the cradle to Stark."
"First I've got to find it. You guys copy that?" Steve asked. You stood beside Clint, looking over the busy city below. So many people unaware of the thing threatening them.
"We did."
"We've got a private jet taking off across town." Natasha said. "No manifest. That could be him." Your gaze darted from cars to people, anything moving that could be suspicious.
"There's a truck from the lab." Clint called. "Right above you, Cap. On the loop on the bridge."
"It's them." You swallowed, gripping the seat. You watched as Steve jumped onto the roof of the truck, reaching the back and being blown to the side. Clint drove through the city, catching the citizen's attention.
"Think you could help from up here?" Clint asked, glancing at you.
"I've never done this while moving." You reminded him, raising your hand. Cities provided little nature, apart from fake plants and small spots to make it pretty. You noticed some trees but they were by the sidewalk and the road. Clint lowered himself closer to the ground so Natasha could drop down on a motorcycle. Clint helped direct Natasha to the truck. You winced when Steve was thrown back onto a car, the cars beginning to topple over and crash.
"Who's gonna pay for their injuries?" You asked softly.
"Stark will handle anything their insurance doesn't cover." Clint replied, moving in front of the truck and shooting at Ultron. It had no impact on him, simply annoying him further. Three robots left the back of the truck, flying up. You felt your fingers tingle, raising your hand and causing a branch from a nearby tree to shoot out and go through the head of one if the robots, effectively stopping it.
"Take a seat and buckle in." Clint called. You quickly sat down, not in the mood to be thrown around the craft. You buckled in, sighing softly as your stomach did twists. You'd prefer land over air any time but it felt safer to be with Clint. You shut your eyes as the aircraft spun, probably shaking off the robots. Clint successfully got the robots off him so he turned, heading back towards the city.
"You okay?" Clint glanced back at you with a frown. You nodded, not trusting yourself not to vomit. Clint chuckled softly.
"You'll get used to it." Clint looked forward. You unbuckled your seat, getting up and walking back towards Clint. You rubbed your aching head, brows furrowing.
"Is that-"
"A flying truck? Yeah. Not the craziest thing you'll see."
"I can control plants, Clint. I'd say that's pretty tame." A laugh left Clint as he followed the truck.
"Got a clear shot. Want me to take it?"
"Negative, I'm still in the truck." Natasha replied. Clint blinked.
"The hell you doing in there?" He asked, following the truck from a safe distance.
"Just get ready to receive the package." Natasha told him. Clint turned the aircraft around, opening the back. You turned your head, noticing Natasha cutting the straps that kept the cradle in place and pushing it forward. She exited the truck as it exploded, the cradle getting inside but she was dragged out.
"I can't see her and it's to high up for me to do anything." You said, looking at through the windows. Steve ordered Clint to go back to the tower but Clint would never leave his best friend behind.
"Clint, it's Nat. She'll be fine. If anything, she'll be the one rescuing us when we find her." You told him, placing a hand on his shoulder. Clint swallowed, hesitating before following orders.
"She'll be okay." You assured softly. You looked back at the cradle, cautiously approaching it.
"Don't touch it-"
"Too late." You mumbled, fingers running over it. Your brows furrowed, looking over the body inside. It didn't look human. Not even close to one.
"What the hell is this?" You frowned, gaze drifting to the crystal. The one Dr. Cho said was uncontainable.
"I always thought I was magic." You said, looking up at Clint with a small smile. You hoped you could ease his mind or get him to become less anxious. You sighed, looking back down at the body before continuing.
"But then I found out I was everything but that."
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Cat: Lil floof and if you squint, angst
Agender! Reader was nervous about their internship with Thirteen already, but throw in the sparky porcupine? Anxiety maxed out. But surprisingly, he just isn’t as explosive as usual. (Reader has a fire related quirk)
Y/N remembered when they first decided to try out for cross country.
It was the summer before 8th grade when they vowed to make themself into a person they could like. Their sister had given them a ride to the school, they’d retied their sneakers about fifteen times on the way, and they’d practically had a death grip on that poor plastic water bottle.
They’d been so nervous that they refused to get out of the car. They remembered knowing absolutely nobody on the team, feeling so socially inept because they hadn't talked to anybody all summer. It wasn't until their sister reassured them that they finally found themself unlocking the door.
That's what they thought internships were gonna be like.
But rather than the hellish experience their middle school self endured, it was quite different.
They chose to intern with Thirteen to learn how to use their quirk in rescue scenarios. Thirteen, who they’d recently learned went by xe/xyr pronouns, was a pretty nice person, who took their wall of awkwardness and formality into consideration.
Y/N was finally letting the wall drip down a bit, allowing Thirteen to see their real personality. And the acceptance was nice.
That's why they didn't really mind it when Thirteen said xe needed to drop by Best Jeanist's agency. Something to do with the author and plot lines.
So they followed Thirteen through the building, politely smiling at the passersby they happened to make eye contact with. The two stopped at a door in the building, pushing it open, and just like that feeling of finding someone you know in your home town, Y/N felt like they’d been smacked with frying pan.
Bakugo and Y/N made eye contact from both sides of the room, a silence as his hair sprung back to its normal state.
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If the rest of the Bakusqud were here, Y/N probably would've been able to sneak in a laugh under Mina, Sero, and Kaminari’s cackling, but alas that was not the case. And despite the self destructive ramblings of Y/N’s rather common mental breakdowns, they valued their life.
Best Jeanist sighed as though this weren't the first time this occurred, flicking his comb into his pocket. "Thirteen." He said in greeting. "What brings you here?"
"I just need to do some touch ups on the paperwork for the collab takedown we did last week. Turns out the villains quirk wasn't energy mutation." Xe replied, while Y/N suddenly begun to wish they had Hagakure's quirk instead as Bakugo’s eyes burned into their skull.
"Is that your intern?"
Uh oh.
"Yep," Thirteen said, pushing Y/N forward much to their dismay. "They’ve got quite the quirk."
Best Jeanist hummed in response, having been there in the stadium. He remembered sending them an invite to intern with him after the festival, but he supposed they were searching for something specific.
"You two are in the same class right?" Best Jeanist asked. Y/N stiffened as he acknowledged Bakugo's presence. Without waiting for a response, he carried on, "You two stay here. Thirteen, the reports in my office."
And despite every cell in their body yelling at the two to stay, the door closed behind the two leaving both Bakugo and Y/N in immediate discomfort.
Y/N looked around the room at anything and everything except for Bakugo. They spotted a chair, the only other one in the room placed right across from the blonde porcupine.
With an internal groan, they shuffled over to the chair, sitting uncomfortably still as they pulled out their phone. They stared at the screen, pretending to be doing something while attempting to negotiate a ceasefire with the whatever deity above was listening.
Whatever I did to deserve this, I am so sorry. It'll never happen again, bro, just get me tf outta here rn before my soul skrrt skrrts from my body-
Oh no, now their nose was itchy. The temptation was there, but the risk of drawing attention was even greater. Were they gonna sneeze? Were there tissues in here? Jeez did hearts always beat so loudly? And what is up with the whole breathing thing? It sounds like there's gonna be a whole goddamn tornado-
"Hey. Depressed Flambé."
Y/N hesitantly looked up from their screen, wondering if they placed their funeral plans in an obvious enough location. Top left drawer of their dresser, beneath their will. Dang they forgot to write if they wanted red camellias or white camellias. Surely class 1-A would know they were a red camellias type of lad. And they had to change the song from "Thriller" to "E-Girls Are Ruining My Life", ya know, get with the times-
"I know you're avoiding me. Your damn phone isn't even on." Bakugo's brash voice said, and they suddenly felt like dropping an anvil on their head.
Y/N gave a smile that may as well have said, "I've been caught" and tucked the phone into their pockets where their hands could fidget out of view.
Depressed Flambé, Y/N pondered.
They hadn't thought they had a nickname, they figured since they had barely interacted with him all year that they were in the clear.
Guess not.
Their thoughts and the room stayed radio silent for a bit before they hesitantly spoke up, "Trying out a new hair style?"
"Mention it to the rest of 1-A and I’ll kill you!" He barked defensively, huffing when he saw them flinch almost unnoticeably. "He won't let me patrol with him until I 'reform my appearance' or some bullshit like that."
Y/N nodded, though they didn't really see much difference. He was intimidating either way, one just made him look a little more idiotic. "Some bullshit sounds about right." Y/N replied, trying to let themself relax.
Bakugo seemed content with their response, and once again the two fell into silence. And just like a hand reaching out, they felt their voice wanting to come out, to keep talking, but maybe he didn't want to. Maybe it'd be better to take the chance and have no regrets later? But what if he just told them to shut up? They probably would never get over that. It was probably best if they-
"How's your internship?" Bakugo asked, clearly uncomfortable with asking the question. He wasn't even making eye contact which was supposed to be Y/N’s thing.
By the author's grace, was this the power of those behind the divine fourth wall?
"It's good!" Y/N said, a little too quickly for their liking.
Stupid social anxiety.
"Um, Thirteen's trying to teach me how to use my quirk in rescues." They added slowing their words, before their voice lowered into a murmur. "I just kind of wish I knew that they don't really teach fighting techniques."
"Well why don't you teach yourself?" He asked.
Why do you have such good hearing, they thought. "I mean I tried a while ago, but I wouldn’t know where to start."
"Is the phone you were using to avoid me just for show or can you actually use it? Just look some up or walk yourself to a library."
They really thought it would be like that first day at cross country. Like everyone would be looking at them, judging them, ostracizing them. But it was all their head, just as it was then, just as it was now.
There was a gap of (you guessed it) silence, but this time it was less awkward, more...comfortable.
"It's too bad, Best Jeanist, isn't what you thought he would be." Y/N said.
He hummed in response.
"It seems more like he's trying to change you than train you." They thought aloud.
"It's annoying. I wish he'd finish this damn haircut, so I can skip to the fun part, and kick somebody’s ass."
Y/N snorted audibly. "If it's about getting it to stay, I think I can help."
Bakugo raised an eyebrow, which before may have had them thinking they were on his kill list, but now not so much. "You do hair?"
"I mean, I take care of mine almost every morning, and I'm pretty good with gel at this point so why not?" They shrugged.
"Hurry up then, I don't want to have to do this for any longer than I have to."
"Your hair is surprisingly soft."
"Shut up, Flambé!"
"Seriously, what conditioner do you use?"
"Thanks for stopping by Thirteen, it's been nice." Best Jeanist said, as the two stepped out of his office.
Thirteen replied. "No problem. See you around."
The two turned to the other duo and though neither visibly shown it, the surprise remained present.
"Did you do his hair?" Thirteen asked in mild confusion.
Best Jeanist was past the point of mere confusion, he was borderline baffled. "You fixed it?!"
Y/N tucked away a comb granted by the author, "Magic."
"Are we gonna patrol now or what?" Bakugo asked, a grin tugging at his lips.
Even though it looked borderline evil, Y/N was still pretty proud they made him smile. Even if he looked like he was about commit a homicide.
A/N Feel free to hit me up via anything if you have any requests. Whether it’s headcanons, scenarios, or different pronouns lemme know! I really like writing these and wanna make everybody feel ✨comfy✨💕
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elusive---ivory · 4 years
Circus Act - 2
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Woop woop, part 2. I've been extremely exhausted but here we are.
Part 1
Part 2
Ps: Shout out to my girl, @gloomyladyy for drawing Sandy for me. She looks stunning 💕💕
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Soon, it was Monday. Arthur had spent most of the weekend, hanging out with his mother, and writing subtle notes in his journal.
As Arthur got to work, he was greeted with those kind eyes he met last Thursday.
Sandy was setting up her locker, which just so happened to be right next to Arthur's.
"Hey Art, how are you?" Sandy greeted Arthur with a smile. She seemed to have lots of makeup on, and judging by her right eyelid, it was to hide something.
Arthur smiled back, opening his locker. "Good morning, Sandy."
"Morning, Artie. Ms. Cheekbones." Randall walked into the room, making an annoying appearance.
Sandy ignored Randall, pushing past him before walking into a changing room of some sort.
Randall scoffed. "What's her deal?"
Arthur shrugged.
Randall walked over to Arthur, opening up his locker.
"I heard about the other day. Kids are fucking savages." Randall commented.
Arthur sighed, fidgeting with his shoes. "They were just kids. Just leave it be."
"That kind of thinking, they'll just walk all over ya." Randall handed Arthur a brown paper bag.
"What is it?" Arthur asked, opening the bag.
Inside the bag was a gun and about 19 bullets.
Arthur scoffed, thinking it was some sort of prank. When he looked up at Randall, he could see that he was serious.
"Randall, I'm not supposed to have a gun." Arthur hushed, gritting his teeth.
"Relax, Art. You can pay me back. You're my boy. Besides chicks love guns." Randall walked away, pointing at the changing room.
Arthur hid the gun in his bag, and went back to lacing his enormous clown shoes, and promptly placing the shoes directly on his feet. Afterward, Arthur sat at the vanity, painting his face, putting on the mask of his clown persona, Carnival.
Sandy walked out of the changing room, decked in clown gear. Her dress seemed to consist of a red, white, and black color scheme, topped with a silly little hat on her black hair. The makeup she had on seemed to go with her own scheme.
Arthur's jaw laid slightly adjacent as he locked eyes on Sandy's outfit. He was barely finished with his makeup, and she was already dressed.
Sandy walked over to the vanity. "I love your makeup, Arthur. The shades of blue really contrasts with the red."
Arthur blinked for a second. "Thank you. I like your makeup, too."
Those emerald eyes hit her again. Despite feeling anxious from being around all sorts if guys, Sandy felt some comfort around Arthur. He was charming and during. Almost like Dennis, when she first met him. She smile faded.
Sandy cleared her throat. "Anyway, Hoyt wanted to tell you that you should come with me to that old folks home. He says that you could show me the ropes."
Arthur nodded. "Yeah. I could do that."
The old folks home was just down a few blocks from the studio.
"Good afternoon, elders. We have some exciting company today. Meet Ms. Cello, and Carnival." The director of the home introduced Sandy and Arthur, as they got into place.
Sandy got into center. She walked over to what looked to be a very old looking gramophone, and placed a record. The record played Somewhere Over The Rainbow from the Wizard of Oz. The old people in the lounge room seemed to smile as Sandy began to dance around them. She did magic tricks, and pulled a handkerchief out of her tiny hat.
Arthur stood in the back, amazed. Sandy was fantastic, wowing the crowd with her tricks. Arthur couldn't compete with that. When it was his turn, Arthur froze up.
He felt a repressed laugh crawled up in the back of his throat. Suddenly, the laughter erupted from Arthur.
The elderly didn't seem amused. Some of the elders were confused or concerned about the man laughing in front of them.
Sandy was also concerned. She had never heard this kind of laughter come from Arthur before. Sandy grabbed Arthur to the side.
Arthur was hunched over, trying to repress his laughter with his hand.
"Arthur? Are you ok?" Sandy asked, placing a hand on his head.
Arthur looked away from her. He was already embarrassed enough.
"Arthur, it's ok. What's wrong?" Sandy tried comforting Arthur, but the home director had kicked them out.
Afterwards, Arthur's laughter subsided and seemed to be more calm. The walk back to Haha's was quiet.
"I have a condition." Arthur broke the silence after a while.
Sandy looked over at him. "Oh, what kind of condition?"
"It's called the pseudobulbar affect. I was diagnosed with it when I was young." Arthur sighed, looking at the ground.
"That's some heavy stuff, Arthur." Sandy walked back over to Arthur.
"You probably don't want to be around me anymore." Arthur's thick eyebrows furrowed. He looked up at Sandy like a hurt puppy.
"Are you joking? Of course, I want to be around you. You're the only guy I can actually talk to." Sandy smiled.
Arthur's face lit up. He seemed surprised at her answer. Arthur was so used to rejection, and Sandy didn't seem to mind him at all. It was such a relief to meet someone kind and considerate.
"Hey, how about, after work, I treat you to a drink or something?" Sandy asked.
Arthur nodded. "Yeah, that would be great."
His usual coworkers never invited him to anything. He was always casted out of their social group. Even with people like Randall and Gary, he felt invisible. It wasn't until Sandy came that someone actually saw him.
Sandy smiled, grabbing onto his arm. "Well, then come on, silly."
An old joint called Martha's was a place where Sandy's cousin, Deliah, worked. Sandy would go every Monday to get discounted drinks from her cousin.
"Sandy!" Dee exclaimed, giving her a tight hug. "Ooh, and who's this?"
Sandy laughed at Dee's suggestive comment. It was nice seeing her out of rehab. Dee had a long history with ketamine. Sandy was proud to see her every Monday working to better herself.
"This is Arthur. My coworker. Arthur, this is my cousin, Dee." Sandy said.
Arthur hesitantly shook Dee's hand.
Arthur looked around at all the people in the bar. Everyone in the bar made him incredibly nervous. He clinged onto Sandy's arm as they walked over towards a booth.
"So, how long have you been working for Hoyt?" Sandy asked, sitting next to Arthur on the velvet booth.
Arthur thought for a second. "A few months. My social worker recommended me the job."
"That's good. You know, my boyfriend tried to convince me not to get the job. He said 'think about how it'd look on him.'" Sandy sneered.
Arthur raised his eyebrow. "Boyfriend? You've never mentioned him before."
"There's a reason for that. He's a dick." Sandy rolled her eyes thinking about Dennis.
Arthur looked down at his drink, barely even taking a sip.
Sandy opened up a pack of cigarettes, and placed one to her lips.
Arthur studied the cigarette pressed against her lips. How she inhaled the smoke, and then letting it out in the air. Sandy seemed peaceful and content. Arthur noticed in the strobe lights of the bar that Sandy had a nasty bruise on her face. From her cheek, all the way up to her eyelid.
Sandy felt Arthur staring at her.
"What happened to your face?" Arthur asked.
Sandy gulped. "I ran into a door." She lied.
Arthur glared. He didn't like liars. Just before Arthur said anything else. Dee walked up to the booth with Dennis.
"Sandy, I'm so sorry. I tried to stop him. I told him that you weren't here." Dee apologized, profusely.
"It's fine, Dee." Sandy distinguished her cigarette, throwing it on the ground. "I have to go, Arthur. I'll see you at work tomorrow."
Arthur could tell that she didn't want to leave. Dennis walked up to the booth, grabbing Sandy's arm.
"Go wait in the car, kitten." Dennis growled.
Sandy nodded, turning her head away from Arthur.
"Listen here, buddy. If I ever see you hanging around my girlfriend, again. I'll fucking kill you." Dennis grabbed Arthur by the shirt and threw him on the table. "Understand?"
Arthur nodded. As Dennis walked off, Arthur had the urge to grab the gun from out of his bag.
'She deserves better.' Arthur thought. 'Who does he think he is?'
Taglist: @gloomyladyy @memory-mortis @jokerflecker @joker-flecked-me @princessgeekface
(If you'd like to be tagged, message me/send an ask!! I'm always happy to add people)
The Woman In Velvet Series
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Ava & Buster
Ava: Are you lot en-route? Buster: 'Course Buster: But we've had one foot out the door for like half an hour, honestly Ava: Good, 'cos I have presents Buster: Yeah? Buster: Pot of gold or what, like Ava: Hardly appropriate for a two-year-old Ava: None for you, soz 💔 Buster: I'd argue it's very appropriate Buster: All the shit he needs haemorrhages cash Ava: You were warned Ava: Extensively Buster: And I ain't sorry I didn't listen Buster: They can all try and sue me Ava: Enter an arena where they aren't the experts? Ava: Doesn't sound like mum and dad Buster: No such arena exists, clearly Buster: Know it all, have done it all Ava: Your degree must be a waste of time then Buster: You'd have to ask 'em what they reckon Buster: But I'd wait til they've got a few more drinks down 'em first, get closer to the truth Ava: Ugh, shut up Ava: You know they're proud of you Buster: Yeah yeah, blah blah Buster: But are you proud of me? Real MVP and everything Ava: When you get your cap and gown Ava: Funny wig, even better Ava: I still only got stuff for the kids and Ri though Ava: I'll chase a 🌈 down ASAP Buster: You're alright Buster: Already got a girlfriend, don't you? Buster: No need to get gayer just to wind me up, Nance has got that covered Ava: Ha, don't even chat to me about annoying Buster: I won't Ava: 😏 Ava: No, you're meant to ask, idiot Ava: You're so lucky you only have a son Buster: Tell me then Buster: I want a girl next Ava: Well she's not coming back, not that I'm surprised Buster: What bullshit excuse did she go with this time? She's got too much work on, girlfriend drama or she just hates fam functions SO MUCH Ava: It was column A presented but 1000% came across as column C Ava: She can be so Buster: I know Buster: Did she try and buy you off with an NYC trip that ain't gonna happen just like the last one didn't? Ava: Twin telepathy is real, yeah? Ava: 🙄 Buster: Fuck that and her Buster: I told you before, when you actually wanna go I'll take you Buster: Then you only have to see her a bearable amount Ava: I know Ava: It'd be interesting to see how long she could hold a conversation with me but yeah Ava: won't happen so Buster: Longer than she can with me or dad, probably slightly less time than she can with mum, depending what mood they are both in Buster: That'd be my bet Buster: Chin up, the good twin is finally on his fucking way Ava: Sounds about right Ava: Good time to tell you to call her yourself later or do you want a drink before you process that? Buster: Bad time to be forced to remember that I told Rio right at the start I wouldn't drink when she couldn't Ava: Honestly, I thought this kid was PLANNED Ava: She couldn't Christmas or New Year either Buster: She was planned, just not by me Ava: 'Course, you would've factored in drinking Ava: Must be their gay agenda Buster: There's loads of shit I'd have factored in Ava: That's your upbringing talking Buster: Shut up Ava: It is though Ava: Personally, I agree its better than the more the merrier approach too Buster: You'll personally be waiting a load more years before you make me play uncle then, yeah? Buster: Good Ava: Ugh Ava: Don't be making me 🤢 just because green is the colour today Buster: Gotta Buster: Who the fuck is there to be jealous of when we're us? Ava: You couldn't go the more traditional routes, no? 🍾🥂 Ava: Seeing as I'm NOT pregnant or being a very supportive partner to someone who is Buster: Come on, who am I? Buster: And you can leave me out of your rites of passage, I've cleaned up enough sick in the name of being a supportive partner Buster: Grace'll hold your hair back for you Ava: There's no need to be old AND boring 😏 Buster: Fuck off Buster: Counting down the days til I can drink you under the table Ava: Dad lets me Buster: There's nothing dad won't let you do Buster: Got him well wrapped around your finger, like Ava: It's not my fault I'm the most lovable Ava: Do better 😋 Buster: That's the one title you can keep Buster: Got all the love I need, cheers Ava: 🤢🥰 Ava: N'awh Buster: Lyla didn't wanna come and hang with the extended fam then? Ava: Wouldn't do that to someone I liked, would I? Buster: Depends how much you like her Ava: Nah Ava: That's all a bit heavy Buster: Well yeah Buster: It would be a trial by fire Ava: Then pissed on Ava: then set on fire again Ava: I like having time away when I come here, you know Ava: Not attached at the hip Buster: I know Ava: I'll send her a hilarious postcard or something Buster: You sounded like Nance there Buster: No need to miss her at all Ava: Fuck off Buster: You're right she'd never write it Buster: Half her holiday would be over before she got the words down Ava: 😂 Ava: Rude Buster: It's fuck all I wouldn't say to her face if she ever bothered to show it Ava: Can no one in this family be nice Ava: Honestly Buster: Come on Buster: I'm nice to you Buster: You ain't even bought me a present Ava: I know, I'm very lovable Ava: Have you got me one? Buster: Yeah but you ain't having it now Ava: Yeah right Ava: I know who gets last word in your house Ava: and Rio is nice to everyone Buster: She's nicest to me and she always does what I say Buster: So you might wanna think again Ava: That's entirely too much information, thank you Ava: you owe me double as compensation Buster: You ain't having two bottles Buster: Keep the first one down and then we'll talk Ava: Challenge accepted Buster: Good Buster: Don't really wanna have to disown you before the day's out Ava: Least there's enough of 'em to fall back on should you get the urge Ava: I'll survive Buster: Keep that quiet around mum, it's still them and us with her Ava: Sounds familiar 🙄 Buster: You're bound to hear it yet again by the time she's had a few Ava: Not if I have anything to do with it Buster: Sounds like you've got a plan Ava: As planned as a party should ever be Buster: Yeah Ava: 💃🎉 Ava: Hurry up Buster: Traffic's worse than London at its finest right now Buster: Everyone on the road's either already wasted or angry they ain't Ava: Stay safe Buster: 'Course Buster: Speaking of, where you staying tonight? Ava: Tipsy childcare is better than no childcare Ava: No need to beg Buster: Shut up, I'll drive you is all I'm saying Ava: Cheers 💙 Buster: I'll cash the IOU when you're sober, like Ava: Better cash it before I cash my 2nd present then Buster: Forget it for now, it's a holiday Ava: That's what I've been saying Buster: You ain't gotta tell me, even if today I can't play as hard as I work Buster: Still not a fucking amateur Ava: Still a McKenna Buster: First and best Ava: Hardly Buster: If we're going by mum's them and us viewpoint, there's hardly any competition Buster: Just you and me, kid Ava: Well I'm just saying, Granddad is gonna be fuming Buster: Everything you learned about wrapping dad round your little finger you got from watching me with him Buster: I ain't worried Ava: Pfft Ava: My baby blues are bluer and my pout is poutier Ava: I'm the new model, boy Buster: 'Cause you need 'em to fall back on Buster: I'm just that good Buster: you're the youngest model that's all Buster: Due a spectacular fuck up about now Ava: You wish Ava: On all counts Buster: Nah, I'm rooting for you Buster: 'Course I am Ava: Mhmm Ava: Dead convincing 😏 Buster: I always am Buster: Wig or no wig Ava: So soppy, you Ava: Have title of my best big brother Buster: That's a copout but whatever Ava: And fussy Ava: Alright best sibling but that isn't much more of an achievement really Buster: Don't worry about it Buster: I know how great I am Ava: Yeah yeah, blah blah Buster: Get me the least shit sounding soft drink and I'll believe you Ava: If there's anything being tragically underage has taught me Ava: 👍 Buster: Cheers Buster: See you in 5 Ava: Bring your cute kid Buster: I taught him how to say “Sláinte” earlier so you'll be able to rate my achievements for yourself Buster: He ain't just a pretty face Ava: 🥺🥰 Ava: What a face though Buster: I can't take all the credit Buster: He takes after his mother Buster: Tell her how good she looks when we get in, yeah? I'm living a nightmare Ava: 'Course Ava: I've got a girlfriend, remember Ava: I know the drill, just amp up period level love 1000% for a pregnant bitch Buster: My wife ain't a insecure teenager Buster: But I appreciate the sentiment Buster: Just don't call her a bitch ever again Ava: I say it with love Ava: from one to another Ava: but got it, I'll remind her she's old Buster: Don't Buster: It'll be your funeral Ava: 😂 I only like winding you u Ava: p Ava: Don't need anyone crying on me Buster: Good Buster: I don't need to be breaking up any girl fights Buster: Especially when I've taught you both everything I know Ava: Even if me hitting a girl is more acceptable than you, I think everyone draws the line at a pregnant one Buster: Fine, I don't wanna pick you up off the floor once she's knocked you out and do a concussion test after someone pours a pint over you to bring you round Buster: I was trying to soften the blow of how it'll play out since I'd be powerless to stop the actual Ava: And I thought you were in the festive spirit Ava: 🙄 Ava: I'll take back this virgin cocktail, like 😏 Buster: Not without any spirits in me Buster: You'll have to take what you can get Ava: Few folk songs and you'll be well into it Buster: Voice of an angel, obviously Buster: Could've been a choir boy if not for everything else Ava: You took living vicariously a wee bit hard with the name already Buster: You'd have preferred me to name him after a silent film star, yeah? Ava: That was pure wishful thinking 🙊🤐🤫 Buster: Fucked over as my boy's been by not being named Rudolph Valentino or Roscoe Arbuckle, I reckon he'll be alright Buster: Cheers though Ava: I think Fatty murdered someone Ava: so as far as aspirations go, you're in the right direction Buster: I always am Buster: Never a misstep made, no matter what mum and dad say Ava: Alright 👼 its St Paddy's not confessional Ava: and the priest would be rare pissed off if you waltzed in and said you'd never done anything wrong 😂 Buster: He'd be a fine one to talk Ava: The drama of it all Buster: Again, I don't need to be told Buster: There's a kid here asking for you, except shouting's more the word Ava: He gets it 👏 Ava: 💃 Buster: Come out before he legs it in
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saoryemanoelle · 5 years
Sorry. I saw your post about being valid for wanting to participate & stuff but like what if I'm a terrible artist? I had got inspired to draw something while looking at today's prompts but as I drew it I got frustrated with the fact that I'm no artist & that I'll have to color it for it to even look semi-nice but it'd still be bad. I got really discouraged and don't know what to do now because I had a different piece I was already doing for day 5 but now is there a point if it's all just bad?
Hello there, anon!
I know you sent me a new ask but I really want to reply to this one too. I’m sorry I took a while; had a busy day at work and couldn’t find the right words. I believe I found them now.
The things is, every artist at one point or another feels like their drawings/writings are bad or that it just isn’t worth it to spend time working on it. Now, what exactly makes a piece of art bad? Is it not so correct anatomy? Maybe the lack of color? Perhaps the style itself simply isn’t good?
Well, who’s saying that anyway? You see, we as artists and writers tend to seek perfection. Whenever we start something we have expectations and when we don’t meet said expectations we feel down and discouraged. 
Now, not meeting expectations is not necessarily a bad thing. Sure, it makes us feel sad and even give up sometimes. I’ve thrown many drawings and fanfics in the trash and at some point I actually gave up drawing. But, you know, I realized something this year, something that helped me go back and draw again and that I hope will help you too:
We’re all terrible at some point. And that’s okay! Actually, that’s great! Being terrible at something means we started it! So now you got something you’re not exactly proud of but, hey, maybe it isn’t so bad after all. Think about why you made it in the first place. Thing about your original idea and vision, try to look at your drawing and find what you like about it. Maybe you drew a tree that looks really cool, maybe you’re proud of the eye of your character. Anything goes!What I’m trying to say is: Be proud of yourself and of your personal growth! If you don’t like the thing you came up with, that’s okay, it happens. But don’t give up on it because the first version didn’t turn out as good as you wanted it to. Remember, the only way to improve is through practice. Also, what is bad for you may not be bad for me! We all have our own style, our own ideas and out there there is someone who likes them and is thankful that we made it.
If you’re not comfortable with posting your work just yet, that’s okay too! The internet is a scary place and sometimes it feels like we’re all against each other. But we’re not! Even the greatest artists started out small and shaped their work through time. You can do that too and I assure you, you can find a lot of support here
Regarding your other ask: Please, don’t apologize for opening up! I understand how frustrating andlonelyit feels when nothing comes out the way we want to. It’s okay to feel emotional about it ;w; 
I just hope I was able to help you somehow! And I can’t wait to see what you’re making for VanVen Week! If you don’t make it in time, that’s alright. I’ll be happy to see your work whenever it’s ready ^-^ I really appreciate you taking part in this and I’m sure the boys do too :3
Remember to always have fun and not overwork yourself! Take care, hugs and remember: You’re valid!!
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