#i think it's chapter 102
eatmy-customjorts · 1 year
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hey bro i think there's a little something on your head there?
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mysteriousmissme · 1 year
call me delusional, but,
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i think mitsukou might, might, maybe come a little closer to being canon soon enough-
and just after talking about how he felt about kou and the aquarium date, he asks yashiro this...
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of course, this was a major win for the hananene nation <3
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melitheduck · 1 year
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He looks so confused, concerned, or silently judging in "what the actual fudge." Probably all at once♡. Huhuhu
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sasslett · 21 days
Hien wasn’t sure what he’d expected when he’d asked the two foreign dragoons to show him a display of their strength - but it certainly wasn’t what he’d gotten. 
He watched, mesmerized, as the two danced before him, their moves a practiced choreography, their battle akin to art. A crowd had amassed from the Mol behind him - and seeing the two, it was easy to understand why. Never before had he witnessed such raw power, such grace; it was as though the two knew each other’s moves before they’d taken but a single step, their jumps, their swings, their aether in perfect harmony. 
And he was, for not the first time, immensely relieved they were on his side. 
Yugiri had briefly educated him on Eorzean matters during her absence, told him of the Warrior of Light and the fearless woman he called his partner, of the heroic deeds they’d accomplished in their homeland. It was nearly unbelievable - yet, watching them in the light of the setting sun, he finally understood how gods had fallen before them. 
Gods, and next… The Garlean Empire. 
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sskk-manifesto · 1 year
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whosname · 8 months
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missroller15 · 1 year
the dilemma between writing the angst/comfort multi-part college quogan fic and the childhood fluff fic is so intense rn. like do i wanna cry or cry?
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youkaigakkou-tl · 1 year
(This is very minimal research into irl seimei legends I doing for something else so take this with a grain of salt)
But I think that if the white kitsune legend is true and seimei is actually half youkai this could maybe work out. In that myth, it states that not only was he showing signs of control over weak youkai at a young age(which could help explain his 'exorcism powers') but also that he was taken to another family by his mom so he wouldn't turn evil (this eventually leading him to learning divination and other things by that same clan)
but idk ~
yeah that is what i'm thinking about but i also imagine the details will be different somewhat given how sensei has been playing fast and loose with the details around Seimei and Douman specifically
(just for the record, this isn't like the time travel theory where i'm ride or die with it, i just think "Seimei not being totally human" is a fun possibility to consider, since theres a lot of weird little details but nothing concrete)
(had to reread ch90 to double check, we do get confirmation that Seimei isn't not human since Genbu says "gods shouldnt be near human remains")
there's also the fact that mamaaki has white hair, in a manga where even most youkai have normal hair colors and a lot of the ones that don't dye it. could be that she dyes it, but what reason would she have to consistently dye it for the 20-odd years we see in flashbacks? Sano dyes his hair bc he's a rebellious teen and wants to look different from Ebisu presumably, and the other students have similar reasons, what reason would a grown ass adult have? there's the possibility that it's just a cute nod to the legends, like "haha in legends Seimei's mom was a white fox, Haru's mom has white hair lol", but i'm starting to think nothing is ever "just" a "cute nod" anymore.....
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haystarlight · 8 months
What if mlp characters had Tumblr
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🌟 smartypants Follow
I have a princess conference in the morning but that won't stop me from staying up till 3 am on AO3. Mama needs her bedtime stories
🐉 ogres&oubliettesenthusiast Follow
OP go to sleep or I will eat your crown
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🎈 smilesmilesmile Follow
All of you are like "would you fuck your clone?" hypothetically but, in practice, clones are too dumb to give consent and that's the real reason why I didn't sleep with any of my clones when I had the chance
🎈 totally-not-a-clone Follow
OP you still have a chance
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✨ great&powerful Follow
It's always "take off the evil amulet! it's corrupting your mind!" and never "oh! you look so pretty in your new amulet!"
✨ great&powerful Follow
Celestia forbid ladies do anything
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😏 sexiestvillaintournament Follow
🦋 Id-like-to-be-a-tree Follow
Um, would you guys please stop voting for my boyfriend?
🌪️ whatfunisthereinmakingsense Follow
I take it as a compliment
🌘 I-have-loved-you-for-a-thousand-years Follow
I am offended
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🍎 cmc-omc Follow
Y'all know how some families got a gay cousin and all 'em other cousins are straight? Well mah family's the opposite. Ah don't even think we got a straight cousin!
🍎 cmc-omc Follow
Mah sister says we have to assimilate other ponies into our family so the family name don't die out. She would do numbers here
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🌈 20%cooler Follow
I've just been on the hospital (again) cause I got zapped by lightning (again)
But I promise I'll update my Daring Do/Reader fic as soon as I can! Thanks for the patience, love you guys!
🌟 smartypants Follow
It's okay, take your time! I'll just reread the old chapters in the meantime
🐉 ogre&oubliettesenthusiast Follow
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💎 chicunique&maginifique Follow
"how are you so good at fashion" well you'd be an expert in fashion too if you'd spent 20 years in the closet
🔔 professional-theatre-filly Follow
My sister in Celestia that closet was made of glass
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🌘 I-have-loved-you-for-a-thousand-years Follow
Nothing like coming back from exhile just to find your bedroom was replaced by a whole ass forest
Some people have no respect for others belongings
☀️ cake.by.the.ocean Follow
I don't control the growing of the magical forest, bitch
🌘 I-have-loved-you-for-a-thousand-years Follow
☀️ cake.by.the.ocean Follow
Don't think I forgot about that time in 500 B.E. that you stole my ice cream
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🛴 the-agender-acrobat Follow
You can't hurt me I have mommy AND daddy issues I'm unstoppable
🌈 20%cooler Follow
OP do you need me to adopt you
🛴 the-agender-acrobat Follow
I would love that actually
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💎 chicunique&magnifique Follow
*levitates my cat out of the way so I can use the sewing machine, which I need for my job*
🔔 professional-theatre-filly Follow
I agree with the cat
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🥕 Carrot-TOPING Follow
Girlfriend is out of town all week so I'm gonna dye my mane and tail green
💎 chicunique&magnifique Follow
🥕 Carrot-TOPING Follow
She's all my self control
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🌘 I-have-loved-you-for-a-thousand-years Follow
Back in my day we tagged our fanfiction properly. There's a difference between / and & you rufians
☀️ cake.by.the.ocean Follow
Shut up old lady
🌘 I-have-loved-you-for-a-thousand-years Follow
30,150 notes
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🩵 girlboss Follow
Sure, sex is great but does *your* husband help you check all your shipping fanfiction for grammar errors? Didn't think so
💎 chicunique&magnifique Follow
She's everything, he's just Ken
🛡️ malewife Follow
Happy to be of service 🫡
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sumju · 6 months
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Sonadow Comic: Second Chance chapter 1 Page 1-28
My first time making a comic.. and it’s a sonadow one 🤣
Like I said in the prevoius post, I had to crop a lot of it down so it would fit here xD so it might look a bit ankward. So On deviantart the first Chapter is 48 pages. And when I post it here it's like 102.. what haha. Gotta do some changes in the future I think. I’m still getting used things so.
On my deviantart I'm called Silsy. sorry about the name confusion. might change that in the future so it's the same.
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morgluvsconnie · 3 months
BOUND, c.springer
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chap.5 | drinking, mild sexual reference, basically just a build up for the next chapter! | chap.4
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everyone yelled as mikasa took her hand from over your eyes. you smiled and put your hand on your heart. “yalllll, stoppp.” you bit your lip, looking at the decorations and bags of gifts.
“you finally growing up, that shit crazy.” eren wiped a fake tear and shook his head.
your eyes scanned the long table, which fit everyone in it. you were surprised that the rest of sasha’s friends came.
“my bitchhh!” sasha hopped up, hugging you and kissing your cheek. “you’re so pretty.” she poked your cheek, making you smile. you sat at the end of the table. “thank you, like, for real. is this a whole private room?” you looked around at the beautiful theme of the restaurant.
“my pockets hurt.” armin raised his eyebrow. you smiled and covered your face with your hands.
suddenly, a bunch of waiters came in, carrying a big, pretty cake, placing it in front of you. you clapped your hands out of excitement and stood up from your stool.
with your little birthday tiara on and your birthday ribbon, you clamped your hands together as everyone started to sing happy birthday to you, getting to the end where you could finally blow out your candles.
“now cut the cake.” connie smiled a little, passing you a knife.
you cut your cake, and everyone else a piece, sasha hopping back up to pass them out.
“i feel like a child again.” you smiled softly, sitting on your stool as the waiters placed the cake in the middle of the table.
“now she think she grown ‘cus she 102, okay.” eren slowly shook his head, being the first one halfway through his cake. you gave him a playful “shut up” look and started eating your cake.
“sasha slow down.” mikasa frowned. “anyway, y/nnn, what you wanna do today? everybody’s whole day is yours.” mikasa smiled at you. “nah, ‘cus i got some sneaky links i needa see.” ony said, raising his eyebrows, everybody giving him a death stare.
“chillll. i’m fuckin witchu. my day yours, best friend.” ony put his hands up in defense.
“ion really know, ion think about things like this when my birthday comes, only before it.” you laughed a little.
“so i’ll plan the whole day.” armin nodded.
“armin, if you plan the whole day, somebody gon end up dying.” eren mumbled, reaching in front of him to cut his self another piece of cake.
“ima plan it, that’s my friend.” ony waved eren and armin off.
“you just met y/n like two days ago.” connie scoffed at ony. ony frowned and squinted, lookingat connie. “and you met her like three days ago. that don’t make nothing better. now i said that’s my friend, ain’t that right y/n?” ony looked at you.
you laughed and nodded.
“y/n can plan the day, even if she don’t know what to do.” mikasa bucked at everybody.
“girl.” eren slowly shook his head, making everyone laugh.
“who’s a gentleman?” you looked up.
“me.” all the guys looked at you.
“man, ian even mean to say me, i was tryna say i needed some more meat.” ony groaned, carrying all the shopping bags for you. connie looked at ony. “we ain’t even have no damn meat.” connie said, also carrying bags.
“can y’all not complain for like… three seconds?” mikasa squinted at the boys behind the three of you. “it’s y/n’s birthday. everyone should be happy to give her what she wants.”
“i’m goin broke.” armin muttered, slowly shaking his head.
“when ain’t you broke?” eren looked at armin. “you bein funny?” armin raised his eyebrows. eren smacked his lips. “remember what happened last time we fought.”
“that was in sixth grade.”
“okay, everything goes in connie’s car because hes dropping it off later on tonight, and then we can split up and get ready to go out.” sasha said as you and mikasa both headed towards her car.
you and mikasa closed the doors, sasha starting her car, not even thinking to wait on them. “okay so we’re going to your house to get ready.” she pointed to you. mikasa sat in the back, stretched across the seat.
“whys it always my house?”
“because your house is like… the hangout spot.” mikasa laughed a little. “oh yeah, what’re you wearing tonight?” she leaned up to look at you.
“some revealing ass outfit sasha picked out, i don’t know.” you shrugged. “it’s literally cute, okay it shows a buncha ass, and? you have plenty to show off.” sasha waved you off.
“well what color is it?” mikasa asked, scrolling on her phone. sasha thought about it for a few seconds “white.”
mikasa nodded. “so me and sasha can wear white and black and you can wear white and pink ‘cus you’re the birthday girl.” mikasa poked your cheek, making you smile. “yeah, i’ll just wear pink heels, pink accessories, and my birthday ribbon, that’s everything pink. my nails are already done, toes…” as you were naming things you glanced back to see mikasa with her hand over her heart.
“you’re growing up so fast, it makes me sad.” she poked her bottom lip out. you laughed and shook your head. “it’s nothing for real. just one more year of bein sexy.” you flipped your hair in a playful way, making sasha and mikasa laugh.
the ride wasn’t long to get to your house. considering how long you were at the mall, it was already dimming outside when you made it home. and considering how long it was gonna take you to get ready, all three of you specifically, it was gonna be late by the time you went out.
“alright, come on.” sasha turned off her car, everyone getting out and going towards your house. you unlocked the door and let them in, everyone going upstairs.
“okay, so i’m gonna go through your clothes and my clothes.” mikasa said as she got in your room. since her and sasha weren’t even guests anymore, they already had a bunch of clothes at your house. and a bunch means a bunch.
“i’m gonna take a quick shower.” sasha got towels out of your bathroom closet. “with the door open.” she finished, turning on your shower.
you grabbed your jumpsuit and looked at it. “this looks really small.”
“it’s supposed to be, most likely. gotta hug that body.” mikasa said, sitting on your closet floor and going through the bag of things she had.
“this or this?” she held up two different white dresses. you pursed your lips together and hummed. “they’ll both look good so… it really don’t matter.” you raised your eyebrows with a shrug. mikasa rolled her eyes at your answer. “i’m asking you thoughhh.” she said, looking at the dresses.
“that one then.” you said, not even looking at the dresses. “perfect, i knew i should pick this one.” mikasa hopped up.
after a few minutes of mikasa retouching her makeup, she finally walked back over towards where her clothes were, you gluing your lashes back the way they were.
“yall done?” sasha yelled from the shower, cutting it off.
“girl we barely started.” you mumbled, taking off your dress and walking to your night stand to find your favorite perfume. “you’re literally naked.” sasha mumbled, putting a towel over herself. “i have a bra and panties on sasha, you’re naked.” you said, tossing your perfume on the bed and grabbing the jump suit.
“what if i wear a thong with this?” you held it up for a few seconds before sticking your legs through it and pulling it up.
mikasa put on her dress and looked in your body mirror. “lucky for whoever you lay tonight.” she said. you went in the bathroom where sasha was putting her body suit on, looking in the mirror.
“i hope nobody.” you said, turning around in the mirror. “this is cuteeee.” you smiled before sitting your leg on top of the toilet, tying the strings on the back.
sasha helped with the string on your back and nodded. “really cute.” she said, zipping up the front of her outfit, walking to your room to find her black heels.
“i have to curl my hair, hold up.” sasha said.
you and mikasa groaned. “were gonna be forever.” mikasa mumbled.
and yeah, you were forever. but the drive was only about five minutes from your house. everyone sprayed on more perfume before getting out of the car. “this things gonna give me a wedgie.” you mumbled, making sasha and mikasa chuckle. “you’ll be fine.” mikasa said, showing all three of your IDs and walking in the club.
you smiled as the atmosphere filled your eyes and ears.
“it’s my best friends birthday, you see this?” sasha said to a random guy, pointing at your pink ribbon.
mikasa led you and her through the crowd, finding the spot everyone would normally be. to your surprise, it was empty, only eren and armin rolling up blunts. “damn where everybody at?” mikasa frowned.
“ony talkin to some girl and connie prolly doin the same.” eren said, dabbing the blunt with his tongue while looking at mikasa. “i said where.” mikasa furrowed her eyebrows.
“armin, talk to her ‘cus if i do…” eren shook his head.
“they went over there last time i saw.” armin pointed to a direction, you looking that way. “i’ll find em.” sasha said, walking towards where armin was pointing. “i’m finna get a drink, i’ll be back.” you turned to walk towards the bar, standing instead of sitting in a stool like you’d normally do.
“can i get two shots?” you crossed your arms on the counter. “straight up?” the bartender laughed a little. “what shot?”
“your choice.” you mumbled.
“birthday girl.” you heard someone say from beside you. you glanced over, double taking as you saw connie. “connie, sasha’s lookin for you.” you smiled a little as your shots were brought to you.
connie grabbed one and drunk it, putting the cup down. you smacked your lips and squinted. “i was gon drink that, thank you.” you softly moved him away from you to take the second one.
“ion care. you look good tonight.” connie mumbled, scanning your body before looking away and drinkin from his cup. you looked at him and tilted your head. “really?”
“what i gotta lie for?”
you looked at him for a few seconds before scoffing and calling the bartender back over. “can i have four more? two for each.” you then looked at connie.
“sure. who’s paying?” the bartender leaned on the counter.
connie stared into your eyes for some seconds, his eyes flickering to your lips, just for a second as he reached in his pocket, pulling out some bills and passing them to the bartender.
you gave him a small smile.
“that’s one out of the three of yo presents, ight?” he rested his eyes on you. you raised your eyebrows. “what’s the other two?”
“still thinking.” he pursed his lips together and looked at the counter. “where ya boyfriend at?”
you frowned a little. “reiner?”
connie nodded, looking at the shots as the bartender sat them in front of you.
as you went to grab one, it tipped over on your hand. you groaned. “look what you made me do.” you muttered as you both grabbed a shot, taking them at the same time.
connie grabbed the last one, sipping half of it and then passing it to you. “i don’t drink after randoms.” you said, looking him up and down.
connie lazily blinked, grabbing your jaw and tilting your head back. “open yo mouth.”
as you mindlessly did as he said, he poured the rest of the shot in your mouth. “answer my question.” he put the glass back down as you swallowed. you rolled your eyes. “if your question made me waste my shot, what you think the answer is?” you narrowed your eyes.
“oh y’all ain’t together no more?”
“you know that. i told you that.”
“oh.” connie bit his lip and looked towards the crowd.
you didn’t know it, well, you felt it, you were starting to get drunk. and he was too, you could tell because that’s how he looked when he was high.
you didn’t even know you were staring, once again.
you also didn’t realize you hadn’t wiped that shot off your hand. you waved your hand, and grabbed a napkin, wiping everywhere it dripped.
when you were finished, connie grabbed your hand, looking at your nails. “cute.” he mumbled, rubbing your pink nails with his thumb.
you snatched your hand away with a soft laugh.
connie slightly frowned, grabbing your hand again.
you moved it away again, connie frowned even harder, grabbing your hand and forearm, looking at your wrist.
“the fuck?”
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ram018 · 2 months
Analysis on the closet scene | Ep. 101 - Nevermore.
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I find this scene to be very meaningful. Not just on a superficial level, but also on a deep and symbolic one.
In this analysis ramble, I'll try to give my perspective on some of the elements and symbols I find interesting regarding how this scene is written. Particularly, when narrating the conflict Annabel Lee is facing in this situation.
Sorry for any mistakes! English is not my first language. Now, let's start!
1 | About Annabel Lee.
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Annabel Lee is one of the most, if not the most, multifaceted character in this comic.
She hides herself constantly, to the point where we barely see her true self showing unless when she's with Lenore... or when she's alone. But around everybody else, she shows herself masked only – the mask of someone who pretends to be strong and tenacious, while actually trying to hide the fragile and sensitive human being behind it.
In order to hold this mask and keep the truth for herself –to prevent people from interfering with her plan and to protect both herself and Lenore– she's capable of doing absolutely anything. From putting Duke behind a wall to whatever it takes to achieve her goal.
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Remember these panels? They're from Ep. 97! In these, Annabel Lee is being called mad and referred to as a monster by the person she loves the most, Lenore.
She bet her morality and her bonds with people on the price of protecting Lenore and escaping from Nevermore together, even if it meant getting her hands dirty... But she went so far with it that even Lenore, who knows her best, thinks she's a monster.
Her worst fear now comes true. It hits her in the deepest part of herself, reliving her most vulnerable and sensitive side, and reminding her that she's alone. Her mask, suddenly, breaks apart.
2 | About the closet.
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Annabel hides herself in a corner of closet.
She hides herself away, with no one noticing at first, and cries alone, concealing her vulnerability and keeping it from everybody else's sight.
Given this, we could take the closet as a metaphor of Annabel Lee's inner world – her true self, everything she keeps hidden, alongside her secret with Lenore that is now burdening her.
She cries alone, among all the clothing that is inside. We could think this as if she was surrounded by all her costumes, her masks. However, she's not wearing a mask now – It's her true self, being vulnerable behind closed doors.
The closet inside is dirty, untidy, dusty, filthy. Even Prospero, in Ep. 102, said it himself: "I shudder to think how long it's been since someone last swept out this closet". Maybe, this could be a metaphor of how unkept and disorganized Annabel's inner world is, due to having to pretend all the time to be someone she's not... As if her true self had been trapped behind those doors for ages and was finally found out purely by accident.
3 | About Prospero.
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In this chapter, we see a Prospero that, aside from the teamwork aspect, actually cares about Annabel Lee. Maybe not in such a deeper level -since they don't know each other that well in this part of the comic- but he does. This makes a contrast with Annabel's loneliness, since there's someone who worries about her at some level. She's not completely alone.
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Prospero approaches the door cautiously, thoughtfully, probably wondering what could be making that noise inside – it could be a rat as well as it could be some kind of monster.
However, it's neither a rat nor a monster he finds, but...
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...just Annabel Lee, in her most authentic self, finally allowing herself to be human.
Thank you for reading!
And sorry for the long post lol, I've been keeping this for months now and I just couldn't hold myself anymore haha.
I thought I had to comment on this since more than just being a scene of Prospero finding Annabel in a closet, it's about meeting and understanding for the first time the other's inner world – and the comic has both an interesting and beautiful take on this.
This is my first Tumblr post too, so I hope it was good! Now I'll come back to my cave to overanalyze any other scene of the comic back again lol.
See you around!
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superhaught · 6 months
To Be Another Notch... (Chapter Two)
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Pairing: Leighton Murray x Reader
Warnings: sick reader, reference to the chapter 1 smut
Word Count: 1100, Part 2/?
Part 1
Just a little follow up to "To Be Another Notch in Your Bedpost." Might keep it going, might not. I don't really have any specific ideas for where this one could go, though!
Also, Anonymous Asked: All I can think about now is like what if Leighton x reader are snowed in at Essex and the reader is deliriously ill and Leighton goes into protector mode and her roommates don’t know how to react since they’ve never seen this side of her with anyone before
I don't know if I did a super excellent job addressing this ask but I hope y'all like it! I'm in a bit of a writer's block rn so I'm doing me best. <3
Reader wakes up very sick and Leighton takes care of her. (Reader is explicitly she/her in this one).
You had slept over with Leighton after your night together. You awoke, bundled warmly in her deluxe comforter.
Well, technically, you didn’t wake up of your own accord. Leighton jostled you in an attempt to wake you and it wasn’t until she had to begin shouting your name that you actually came to. And furthermore, you weren’t exactly comfortably warm. You felt freezing cold but your skin was covered in sweat and you were approaching a fever of 102 degrees Fahrenheit. 
To make matters even worse, Essex had been the victim of a massive snowstorm overnight. Leighton had only been trying to gently wake you to let you know that classes had been canceled and you were welcome to stay, but then she felt how your skin was burning.
You opened your eyes blearily and were met with Leighton’s panicked expression and the back of her hand pressed against your forehead. 
“Oh my god, you’re burning up.”
“What? Like the Jonas Brothers?” 
“Jesus Christ, no! Not like the Jonas Brothers! You have a fever.” 
“Ohhh… that makes more sense.” You coughed painfully and Leighton quickly handed you a bottle of water from her mini fridge. 
“I will be right back, Stay. Here.” Leighton ordered before rushing out of the room.
You let your head collapse into the pillow and you were asleep again before you even knew it. An unknown amount of time later, Leighton came back into the room wearing a N95 mask, which she removed once the door was closed. Her arms were full of cold and flu supplies that she certainly could not have gone out and purchased due to the storm. 
Leighton sat everything down next to the bed and started going through the pile, setting a fresh box of tissues with lotion next to you along with a bottle of electrolyte drink. Then, she sifted through the variety of medications and ultimately decided that just some straight up tylenol and cough medicine would be best. 
Leighton was waking you up again and she helped you sit up while you took the medicines and drank a bunch of the electrolyte solution.
“Kimberly’s mom sent her all of this medicine and first aid stuff, it was honestly really impressive. My mom just sent me a Louis Vuitton weekender bag.”
You chuckled lightly, even though it hurt a little to do so, then spoke in a scratchy voice, “both things have their uses.”
Leighton felt your forehead again and then made you lie back down, “I’m quarantining you in here for now, at least until the storm clears. I’ll take care of you here.”
“You’re gonna get sick…” you pointed out.
“Then, you’ll take care of me.”
You furrowed your brows, “well, of course I will, but are you sure? I can just go home,” you made an attempt to sit up but Leighton pushed you right back down.
“Absolutely not. You’re in no state to walk across campus even if it wasn’t a blizzard outside. You’re staying here. End of discussion.”
“But I don’t-”
“Shut up, would you? You’re making me tired just looking at you,” she teased. 
Leighton surprised you, then. She was no longer feeling the fever on your forehead for sheer monitoring purposes, but just softly caressing her thumb over your skin and wiping your sweaty hair aside as she did so. It was comforting. 
You smiled, “you’re really sweet, thank you.”
Leighton leaned down and kissed your forehead gently and stayed by your side until you were too tired to keep your eyes open any longer and you fell asleep again. 
Leighton put her mask back on to protect her roommates from your germs as best as she could then went out into the main area of the suite to let you sleep in peace. 
Leighton sat down on the plaid couch in their common room and exhaled a deep breath. She had never really seen herself as a caretaker type, but for some reason, it had come naturally to her when she saw how sick you were.
Bela decided to go hang out in Jocelyn’s room to gossip the snow day away (with the help of cinnamon whiskey and apple cider… but mostly cinnamon whiskey), while Kimberly and Whitney hunkered down in their room. 
Leighton scrolled mindlessly through her phone when Whitney came out to grab some food from the shared fridge.
“How’s your guest doing?” Whitney asked. 
“Okay, I think.” Leighton answered simply. 
“Is this someone we’ve met before?”
“No,” Leighton said, “she’s new as of last night…”
“Wow. You must be really into her, then.”
“Why do you say that?”
“Well, you let her sleep over and now you’re taking care of her while she’s sick? The Leighton Murray of a few weeks ago would never, storm or no storm…” Whitney smiled at the blonde and sat down on the couch opposite her. 
Leighton’s cheeks flushed, “I don’t know… she’s cute. Really cute. And being around her has been really easy so far. Plus…”
Whitney raised an eyebrow, “plus…?”
Leighton rolled her eyes and then lowered her voice to a near-whisper, “Plus… she made me come like four times last night… maybe more. I honestly lost count.”
“Oh. My. God.” 
“I know.”
“That’s just not fair.”
Leighton smirked and shrugged. 
“So you’re taking care of her because the sex was amazing?” Whitney clarified. 
“No, not just that. Maybe I do really like her. But like…” Leighton groaned, “I’m so fucking stressed about Tatum and Alicia still… Do I really want to jump right into another relationship?” 
Now, Whitney shrugged, “do what makes your heart happy, Leight. If you like her, I say go for it. You never know when someone might be your person.”
Leighton looked over her shoulder at her bedroom door, “huh… yeah, maybe you’re right. I’m gonna go check on her.”
Leighton stood up and Whitney smiled, “I also think you should do whatever you can to bring this nurturing side of you out more often. It’s nice.”
Leighton flashed a glare in Whitney’s direction, “yeah yeah, whatever.”
The blonde slipped back into her room and took a moment to watch you before she climbed into the bed beside you and draped her arm over you. 
You were fast asleep and didn’t feel her join you in the bed, but you unconsciously shifted and hugged her arms close to you. 
Snow continued to drench the campus and it seemed to muffle all sound.
Leighton fell asleep holding you, lulled only by the steady rise and fall of your breathing.
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nanaminokanojo · 6 months
THAWING ICE QUEEN | CHAPTER INDEX (part 90 onwards | completed)
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Get parts 1-89 here.
part 90
part 91
part 92
part 93
part 94
part 95
part 96
part 97
part 98
part 99
part 100
part 101
part 102 (with prose)
part 103
part 104
part 105
part 106
part 107
part 108
part 109 (with prose)
part 110 (with prose)
part 111
part 112
A/N: I had to post another one huhu I think the other post reached the number of links.
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bornonthebreakofdawn · 2 months
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Spy x Family Chapter 102
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Wait... The grave they're visiting... Could that be Henry's wife?
In a sense though this chapter gave me some sort of consolation... Like yes, Martha was not able to be with the man she loves but it wasn't as if her entire life was over at that moment when she found out that he married another... And the woman Henry married was a fine woman as Martha had said, and it was also because of her that Martha was able to fulfill one of her dreams in performing ballet on stage.
I admire Martha so much here, she's a strong woman indeed.
If there's still a chance of Henry and Martha to be together, that would be such a wonderful thing to happen. But if not, being good friends may be enough for them and I think that is still fine too.
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m3-kk · 3 months
Hmmm it’s been a minute since I posted any of my TCF notes about the chapters.. so here ya go! THIS US PART 2 SHAWTYS!!
Ch. 1- YESSS CHAPTER 1!! Not the Kings Palace going kaboom 😶 Cale needs to rest!!! Slacker chan!!!
Ch. 6- His name is now Sui Khan 😮
Ch. 7- 🍪 Cookiess! So we have to travel different dimensions now? Cale needs a break 😭😭
Ch. 8- World with the white mages = Xiaolen Planet
Ch.9- YAY DIVINE ITEM MIRROR LAPTOP THINGY! We are definitely going to like the other worlds people evil smirk 😏
Ch. 10- HAH CALE HUNG UP ON DUKE FREDO LOL! Sooo Cale is a god. 😀
Ch. 12- Dead mana is purer AND Cale’s power is more efficient here? Interesting..
Ch. 13- Hey we have a spare world tree!
Ch. 15- Mary is registering as a candidate to be a necromancer empress GO MARY!
Everyone thinks our Mary is powerful hehe!
Ch. 21- Working with Zero & the 4th Prince for the Harmony test :D
Ch. 22- OOooo Black Rain 🌧️
Ch. 24- Now we actually need to kill those hunters. How dare they lay a finger on our family. Let’s flip them over immediately.
Ch. 25- Yay! Hong & On <3 Let’s go to the infected area! 2nd Princess?
Ch. 26- the 2nd imperial princess has been converted to Caleism hah m! Tree-bush monster ye fire, destruction, protection!
Ch. 27- Are you human? HAHAH CALEE
Ch. 28- That Marquis guy is smart. Cale really is acting like a purifier so funny!
Ch. 31- Blood Message! How scary!
Ch. 34- Attacking the bad guys >:]
Ch. 36- BURNNNNNNN 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Ch. 37- 50% power to get 2,500% as a result! SO EFFICIENTTTT WEEEEEE
Ch. 39- Cale.. not everyone is a super powerful ultimate other worldly being like you! I feel bad for Goldie Gramps 😭
Ch. 40- In Prison with the fam 😜
Ch. 41- We are going to loot!! Goldie Gramps is angry and that dragon is timid but crazy. I love our family! CHAOS LOVE
Ch. 43- So sad that we couldn’t loot 😭🥲
Ch. 44- Ooo Opening the safe 💰
Ch. 54- ooo revealing us to the empire?
Ch. 58- Choking? Reminds me of Adin
Ch. 64- INFOOO! Not the Patriarch blowing up that’s crazy! We could’ve gotten so much more info! But oh well! Five Colors ooo!
Ch. 66- AWWW Chatting with fire of Purification in puppy form!
Ch. 67- This is so cute I’m glad we get a lil’ rest just chatting with the nice puppy ❤️ I love!!!
Ch. 69- Almost the end of this arc!
Ch. 73- Ron, Beacrox! I missed uuuu!
Ch. 75- Aw the Henituse Fam! Billos!
Ch. 76- You get a mine, you get a mine. EVERYONE GETSA MINE!!
Ch. 79- @CP we have a mommy on our side? Mummy’s boy emperor as well???
Ch. 81- CENTRAL PLAINS?! The sworn brother goodbye was cute.
Ch. 83- We meet CP’s clone?? Cutie??
Ch. 85- The disrespect! They can’t pronounce our Cale Henituse’s name!
Ch. 90- YOO we got a golden plaque!
Ch. 91- Cale ignores Toonka but not Roan!
Ch. 93- We found the living jiangshi!
Ch. 94- enlightenment is crazy****
Ch. 97- Talking with the Sword Sainttt
Ch. 100- Purification! Chapter 100!
Ch. 101- One word, blood. SHITTTTT NOO
Ch. 102- AWKWARD! Yay Choi Jung SOO
Ch. 108- So many ally’s yay !!!!
Ch. 112- We. Are. Going. To. EATT! (a elixir)
Ch. 113- 70% shield 53% water
Ch. 116- The Alliance leader is being bitchy SHOW EM’ WHOSE BOSS! (Roan misses Alberu)
Ch. 118- Don’t hurt our Cale! Please!
Ch. 119- Aw I love when Choi Han & Beacrox talk together about family
Ch. 121- Ah the god ole trash bastard days
Ch. 123- Green Forest Bastards try and mess with us?! Angry Cale! >:(
Ch. 124- OO Cale is the BOSS MAN
Ch. 127- 68% then 72% of fire!!
Ch. 128- Pfft Caleism has a poem now lol.
Ch. 129- HUHH Big complicated lore??
Ch. 131- WOAHH The Heavenly Demon is a smart cookie fr fr wow intelligent!
Ch. 135- The Left Guard is so cute awe
Ch. 136- Oh no the Heavenly Demon ain’t doing so good :[
Ch. 137- Helping out the HD again. Spy?
Ch. 139- Aw Choi Family spars. I love it
Ch. 141- HD is being healed yay
Ch. 142- I was so concerned about Cale the whole time! Bloody Battle
Ch. 146- (I hope everyone at home is ok)
Ch. 152- Pinnacle Demon is poison crazy
Ch. 153- We going to destroy things now?
Ch. 159- “Raon’s lackey” I got the chills!
Ch. 160- OOOooo I’m hooked! Dragons<3
Ch. 162- Oh DAMN! We got a mf jackpot! Water is 300 percent stronger than the OG. No blood shed! Dragons are great!
Ch. 165- Scale+Crown+Crown=Red Crown
Ch. 169- Shit is going down! TSUNAMI!
Ch. 171- How dare she think to threaten us, she shall die by Choi Hans sword.
Ch. 176- Old man Baek describes Cale’s world and “reads” him
Ch. 183- I love that we can run wild!! 😜
Ch. 185- THE PRIESTESS the youngest daughter of Orsena!
Ch. 186- The Dominantung Aura
Ch. 187- Our little Han got stronger (I’m so fucking proud of him 🥲)
Ch. 188- We killed her.. Last words?
Ch. 189- The Formation Collapsed!
Ch. 190- Raon’s MC moment. (Cute bond)
Ch. 191- Using water AP to Max! Or not?
Ch. 192- the Punto Banhui and Tears💧
Ch. 195- You got games on your phone?
Ch. 196- Everyone wants Cale to be a god
Ch. 200- Awww so cute at Alberu’s casa
Ch. 201- That actually so funny 🤣
Ch. 202- Zoom Call with Ahn Roh Man talking about gamess. Similarities?
Ch. 206- Aw it been a bit since we chilled
Ch. 209- Speech ruined! (So every time Cale has to do a speech it’s interrupted)
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