#i think it's just because of differing fandom opinions
fluentmoviequoter · 3 days
Requested Here!
Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!(NFL)football player!reader
Summary: Tim is skeptical about the first female NFL player. When he shares his opinion with you, he doesn't realize that you are the woman he's talking about.
Warnings: fluff, Tim gets embarrassed and apologizes a bunch, flirting
Word Count: 2.1k+ words
A/N: Bodyguard Tim👀 If this reads like Eric Winter talking about sports in He Said, Ella Dijo just remember that he's Tim Bradford. They're pretty much the same.
Masterlist | Tim Bradford Masterlist | Request Info/Fandom List
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The history of the NFL has changed forever! The first female player has been drafted into the NFL, in the Los Angeles Rams’ 13th pick.
Since the moment your name was called at the NFL draft, your life has been turned upside down. Being the first female player in the league has resulted in unending news coverage, mixed praise and backlash, and unescapable attention. People know your name now, and as you prepare to change your life forever by putting on a Rams jersey, you can only hope that the skeptics are wrong about you and what you’ll do on the field.
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“Dinner tomorrow!” Lucy yells at Tim. “Be there!”
“I will,” he replies. “Unfortunately.”
“Be nice,” Angela chides.
“You can always back out and stay home to watch the game,” Nolan points out.
“If they’ll start showing the games again,” a nearby officer interjects. “Everything on ESPN has been about the chick that got drafted. Even during the games, she’s all the commentators can talk about.”
“There’s a girl in the NFL?” Lucy asks. “Finally!”
“Wait, who?” Tim inquires. “I stopped watching the draft before it was over, but how’d I miss that?”
“You must’ve been very busy,” the officer replies. “She’s everywhere, man. Football got ruined. They can’t leave anything sacred.”
Tim doesn’t add to the misogynistic view of his colleague but knows that he has some research to do. Football history has certainly changed, but Tim won’t decide on how he feels about a woman playing professionally until he learns more for himself.
“The Rams, man,” the officer laments.
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The moment Tim arrives home after his shift, he turns on ESPN. SportsCenter is on, and he’s unsurprised to see a woman’s name projected behind the men at the desk.
“No, John, what we’re failing to consider is her history,” Rocky Boiman points out. “Her college playing record is better than the twelve male drafts ahead of her.”
“The point remains that a historically male-dominant sport is supposed to be male-dominant,” John Anderson argues.
“If we take the gender out, the size difference, everything except how well these people play, she blends right in,” Tedy Bruschi states. “Regardless of whether or not she should play, she can play, and she does it very well.”
“I’ve been watching her in action since her senior year of high school,” Rocky adds. “If anybody has what it takes to be here, we’re looking at her.”
“Until she gets hit,” John comments. “There may not be regulations against female players, but statistically, she is more likely to be injured.”
“Then she would’ve been injured in college,” Tedy interrupts. “At the end of the day, this comes down to one of two things. Either you don’t think women should be in the NFL, for whatever reason, or you’re ignoring the facts and judging her prematurely. I will end with this, if you think this woman should quit before she starts, you’re going to be proved wrong.”
The SportsCenter logo appears on the screen before Sarah Barshop of the Rams and Matt Bowen, an analyst, begin reviewing your stats and playing history. You played in college, but your stature and your above average statistics alone don’t convince Tim. Not because you’re a woman, but because he’s seen better odds. He’ll never say that you don’t deserve a spot on the team, but he won’t believe that you can make a difference to the team until he sees it. If you can prove it at all.
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“They’re talking about you again,” your friend says.
You look up from your playbook diagram and smile. The men on SportsCenter have been talking about you every chance they get. It’s not just them, though, everyone with a pulse and an ounce of interest in football has an opinion of you.
“Still arguing about if I’ll get my collarbone snapped in the first game?” you guess. “Or have they moved on to female hormones?”
“Most of them are defending you. Your stats are all they seem to care about,” your friend explains. “Maybe you will have a fan base bigger than me and my cats.”
“But you’re all I need.”
“That and a Rams paycheck.”
You laugh and return your attention to the book before you. You’re entering a new world with a lot to prove, so you’re going to be ready for anything.
“Hey, we should go to dinner tomorrow night. We haven’t had time to celebrate with all of the interviews and everything.”
“That sounds great. Just don’t pick a sports bar.”
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Tim looks away from the football game to check his watch. He’s got half an hour until Angela, Wesley, Lucy, Nolan, Nyla, James, Wade, and Luna are supposed to be here for dinner. Although Tim doesn’t remember whose decision it was to meet for an “end of the hardest week this year” dinner, he agreed to come. When he arrived nearly an hour early because he had nothing better to do, he found a seat at the bar and got invested in a game.
The restaurant isn’t busy, but the bar is nearly at capacity. It seems that everyone who wasn’t arrested this past week is now here, watching football and listening to updates on you. Every chance the announcers and reporters get, they bring you up. Tim refuses to change his opinion until he sees you in action. Your highlight reel has become an hourly regular on ESPN, but you’ll have to get through training and into next season before any of it will truly matter.
“What do you think about it?” the bartender asks as he wipes the spot beside Tim.
“I think we won’t know until we see her play,” Tim answers. “If we see her play.”
“My boss is convinced she’ll lead them to the Super Bowl, but I don’t think it’ll be that straightforward.”
“It never is,” Tim agrees.
“I also think it’s a little strange they don’t show her face. She was at the draft, but everything since then has been her in her uniform or at least her helmet.”
Someone yells for the bartender, and he nods at Tim before he walks away. It is strange, but Tim assumes that they’re trying to maintain the public image of you as a football player, and not just a woman.
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As you enter the restaurant, you receive a text from your friend. Running late, so don’t have fun until I get there. You shake your head at the short message and ask the hostess for a seat at the bar while you wait. She points you toward the entrance, and you focus on finding a seat and avoiding any unnecessary spills as you navigate the crowded area.
“Excuse me?” you ask a man seated at the bar. “Can I sit here for just a few minutes?”
He turns toward you and nods, and your responding smile isn’t only gratitude. The man is incredibly attractive, you realize. As you sit on the stool beside him, you notice his attention is on the television screens over the bar. Several of them are broadcasting college football games, yet you see your name appear in the closed captions.
“Which game looks the best?” you ask him.
“Penn State and Missouri game isn’t bad,” he answers.
“Missouri’s better, I assume.”
“Aren’t they always?” he asks lightly.
Penn State’s coach calls a time out and you ask the bartender for a glass of water as the screen changes to the commentators. One of them mentions a play you made in college, and you roll your eyes. You don’t mind the attention, but they’re taking what should be about the players playing now and making it about you. The man beside you scoffs, and your smile grows.
“It never ends,” he mumbles under his breath, and he spins his bottle in one hand.
“Tired of hearing about her?” you ask.
“I mean, I don’t want to sound like every other man in this city, but, yeah, a little.”
“I get that. Skepticism isn’t a bad thing; you can have an opinion.”
“I’m just not sure I can have an opinion until she starts playing. Yeah, her college history was good, but she’s not in college anymore.”
“Right,” you agree.
“There’s a reason there hasn’t been a woman in a sport that intense. Injuries would be detrimental to her and the team,” he points out. “Not to mention the fact that we’ve only seen the good, every time someone tries to mention something she can’t do well, they get cut off with don’t judge her because she’s a woman.”
“Not that I don’t agree with the injury thing, but, I mean, women have been playing rugby for years and it’s just as intense.”
“Yeah, but that’s with other women. Seems like there’s just too much at stake for one girl to make history in the NFL. She hasn’t even proved anything yet other than the fact that women can be drafted.”
“And you don’t think she can prove more?” you ask. “Skeptical that she makes it through the next part?”
He lifts his glass and shrugs, which you take as a firm yes.
“I played football in high school,” he adds. “And I feel like I can see talent when it’s there. She has talent, I’m not arguing that, but I don’t see NFL-worthy talent yet.”
Someone says your name, and you turn. It’s a college-aged girl, and she smiles shyly as she asks for a picture. You immediately agree and slide out of your seat to hug her and take the picture.
As you pose with her, you notice that the man beside you is staring at his bottle with his lips pressed together. Maybe you should have introduced yourself the moment your name came up, but you wanted to hear the truth. And the fact that he didn’t just say no, she can’t do it gave you a boost of hope that you can. Skepticism is better than complete doubt.
“Sorry,” you tell him as you return to the stool beside him.
“No, I’m sorry,” he replies quickly. “I probably should have recognized you, but what I said- I mean, you’ve got talent, and I shouldn’t have said that you didn’t. I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine,” you interrupt with a laugh. “I needed someone to be honest to my face for once.”
“You’re getting plenty of direct negative opinions,” he points out. “And I’m sorry.”
“Now you’re apologizing for every other football fan. Seriously, it’s no problem, no hard feelings.”
“But I-“
“You’re a cop, right?” you interrupt, gesturing to the badge on his hip. He nods, and you answer, “Truth and justice is your thing. You made some good points, too. I’ll use ‘em in my training to prove all the other skeptics wrong.”
“Which I believe you can! Seriously, though, can I buy you a drink or something? Anything to make it up to you?”
“Make what up?” you question, smiling as you lay your hand over his forearm. “I forgive you if that’s what you need to hear, but you didn’t do anything worth apologizing for.”
You move your hand to offer a handshake and properly introduce yourself. He inhales deeply before he shakes your hand.
“I’m Tim Bradford,” he says.
“And you’re a cop, I play football,” you finish. “Now that we know each other, can I ask what you’re doing here alone?”
“Guy like me in a place like this?” he jokes. “I’m waiting to meet some friends from work.”
You nod and say, “I’m meeting a friend, too. A little celebration of sorts.”
“Can I ask a personal question?”
“Sure,” you agree.
“What made you get into football? Why it over any other sport?”
“Bear Bryant,” you answer seriously.
“Really?” Tim questions with his eyes narrowed.
“You’ll have to watch my ESPN special to find out. That or we could do this again another time, without the accidental meeting.”
“People are going to think you’re in this sport just to meet men,” Tim replies.
“Who says I’m not?” you tease. “But, seriously, you’re great, and I bet you could tell me how to win a Super Bowl.”
“You’re the football pro,” he points out. “I’m just a cop.”
You nod and look away, disappointed by his implied rejection. Suddenly, though, you remember what your agent told you.
“Well, if you don’t want to go on a date… I do need a bodyguard on my security team.”
Tim’s eyebrows raise as he turns in his seat to face you. “Are you serious?”
“I am.”
You look away when your friend calls your name, and you wave at her before you stand. Stalling at Tim’s side, you add, “Think about it. I’d love to flirt with a bodyguard.”
“I will,” Tim promises softly.
“Come find me if you decide tonight.”
You smile at Tim and grip his arm kindly in place of a farewell. Tim Bradford believes in you and is considering your offered position of bodyguard, so you know you can get a Super Bowl ring this year. No matter how skeptical everyone else is.
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aromanticbuck · 2 days
I think we should engage with media the same way we engage with fanfiction
someone is out there telling a story and sharing it with us. it is the story that they want to tell, in the way that they want to tell it. it's art the same way everything else is art - it's something that someone is creating and then sharing with a wider audience. their audience is just a lot bigger than most fanfics get.
but there are certain rules we follow when engaging with fanfiction, right?
if we like it, we say nice things. we give it a kudos or a like, comment on it, or reblog it (tell friends about it, share it with our followers, etc). if we have complaints, we don't (or at least, we definitely aren't supposed to) go into someone's comment section and tell them that we think they suck, or say how much better the story would have been if they did something different with it. it's rude. we don't harass fanfic authors because they didn't write something exactly the way we wanted them to, or because they had a different opinion on an event and chose to read it differently.
I think all media should get that kind of treatment. and right now, I'm speaking to the 911 fandom directly.
if we enjoy the finale tonight, we can and should praise Tim and the actors and the crew for all they've done to put their story on our screens - especially when this season wasn't originally supposed to happen. if there are parts of it we don't enjoy, we are not going to threaten any actor over a ship or a scene. we are not going to wish death upon anyone - actor or fellow viewer - for having a different opinion.
treat this episode like a fanfic. if you like it, great! give likes and kudos and comments and reblogs to your heart's content! and then some! if you don't, write your own version for other people who share your opinions.
not every story is going to go exactly how everyone wants it to, and that's okay. but we need to react to that fact in a healthy way, and no healthy reaction involves harassing actors because you don't like their character, or threatening other fans for not viewing scenes the same way you do.
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myfandomrealitea · 3 days
I wonder if some of the controversy over the idea of vent channels is less about being able to discuss topics and more about throwing the topics out as bait. People want to vet other users by gauging their reactions to the topics, to make sure they have "the right opinions."
Because there's no other reason I can think of for why people in half-a-dozen servers need a vent channel in every single one. It's not that they want to discuss the topic. (That compulsion would be met with one server.) It's that they want to discuss the topic with different groups of people. Because they require an echo chamber where they know everyone is on the same page as them. (Or they self-destructively want to debate if they find out someone does not agree.)
Which is ridiculous because if you're in a space for a fandom, all that should matter is that a person likes that fandom and you like their opinions as relevant to it. I think it's a chronically online take that a person should have the same outlook on every single topic as you. I can be friends with coworkers while never bringing up controversial topics (mostly because it's actually against company policy). Sometimes, all you need is a vibe check.
Yes, there are big issues that could make or break a fandom friendship you have with someone. But since it is not relevant to the fandom, maybe just assume they agree with you on every level and judge them based on other, immediate behavior. Or assume they hold every single "wrong" opinion and determine if you could live with that. However, as relevant to strictly fandom discussion, it really doesn't matter. At all.
I honestly have nothing to add to this. You're right.
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m3r1m4r5u333 · 1 day
My thoughts of the episode!
I think Chris staying with his grandparents could ultimately be good for Eddie. Even though the circumstances obviously suck, Eddie really could use some time for himself, to become his own person.
Eddie's tendency to push aside his own dreams and feelings is really a flaw of his. Eddie self-sacrifices bad enough to create these ticking time bombs where he just keeps pushing himself aside and bottling everything up, until comes the day when he breaks apart and ends up hurting others, too.
Living with his grandparents could be good for Chris too actually, he has so much family he doesn't really know at all.
Bringing Gerrard back will be interesting. Eddie will really be tested as an "ally", I think. He may be used to that military mode of "shut up and follow commands" but these are his friends that are facing this shit storm.
And maybe that is how Eddie finds his courage to talk about some stuff he has become used to hiding about himself, too. After all, I think Eddie has been written way to queer-coded to actually be straight.
And maybe this is an unpopular opinion but I don't care - I think storylines like these, ugly ones, focusing on racism, homophobia, bi phobia, misogyny.. are important. Censuring real life problems isn't educational. Censure is just erasure. Censure is silence.
What else?
Oh yes, that shoulder touch and Buck's thumb on Eddie, I am a wreck.
Oh and lol, I will definitely be blocking lots and lots and lots of people after this episode. As it happens, daddy kink is not my kink, and no, this isn't brand new information, this is me, knowing myself after years and years of different fandoms. I am btw, in general, super kinky, and into lots of bizarre stuff.
Daddy kink, however...? It's one of the few tags I actually actively filter when I search for fic. Has been for years. The ship is irrelevant, I just can't deal with daddy kink. No. I read it way too literally to have any fun with it.
Yeah. So since Tommy and Buck are now basically the daddy kink ship, practically sailing under that figurehead, and this fandom is bound to be filled with daddy kink content, I know I will be blocking people and filtering tags left and right, because yep. That's really not my thing. Not in this lifetime.
Oh and. Not much to say about Bobby (kinda expected miraculous recovery anyway. I actually hope there will be some issues not yet discovered because otherwise what's the point of this storyline? Please be hiding amnesia or something?)
And Henren, Mara, Denny, Chimney and Maddie HAN... (Yes thank you! Such a relief to know how to tag!) welp... Wholesomeness is one of my favorite flavors so 💕
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anistarrose · 10 hours
So the thing is, if people ship characters who are explicitly not into romance (whether aromantic or otherwise), that ultimately doesn't affect me on a level beyond "annoyance" — I can blacklist tags, and blacklist or block people who don't tag it. What I have to ask myself every time I see these things, however, is this:
"Does this reflect how this person feels about romance-averse people in real life? Does this reflect how this person treats romance-averse people in real life?"
Because how someone engages with fiction doesn't have to be a reflection of how they treat real people, obviously — and in this case, I would of course hope that it isn't. But if you know anything about what being aromantic is like, in real life or on the Internet... you'll understand why I'm not optimistic.
Thinking two characters are so cute together that you reject a bunch of their characterization to make it happen is just annoying, not a crime! But the second you make the leap to telling a real human person things like:
"I don't care how much you say you're not interested, because you just won't realize that you and X would make such a cute couple,"
"I don't care how much you say you're not interested, because you're clearly just in denial which the Right Person has to come along and fix,"
"But — but — but not falling in love is just so tragic! I want you to be happy, not sad and lonely your whole life!"
like the rationales that apparently motivate so many people to ship? Then that has crossed the line into harming real people.
I don't actually think that shipping aromantic characters is the primary cause in the cause-effect diagram, when it comes to the correlating the shipping with "likelihood to say these terrible, invalidating, autonomy-undermining things to real people." Precisely, I don't think it's a cause to a meaningful degree when you compare with the opposite direction — I think people who say these things to real aromantics (or anyone else who just isn't interested!), because of what they think about these real people, are in turn more likely to think amatonormative things about fictional characters. I think that there exists a feedback loop to some extent, because fiction can influence people's beliefs to some degree, but it's not symmetric. Real-life amatonormativity causes mass amatonormativity in fandom spaces.
So... at this point, do you see why aromantic people in fandom get a little defensive about aro characters, and about other characters who overlap with aro experiences? You see why we get kind of pissy when people very selectively throw a very specific part of their characterization out the window? You see why we maybe don't want to associate with those people? Why it makes us so uncomfortable?
"Stop shipping romance-repulsed characters," in my opinion, is a understandable outcry from the community that I obviously sympathize with — but it nevertheless conceals the core of the issue, especially from non-aromantics who aren't living with amatonormativity shoved down their throats at all times, and therefore might not be able to read between the lines. At the core, this isn't actually a debate about the morality of shipping in fiction, despite overlap with that discourse on the surface.
The real cry for change isn't "stop shipping that character." It's "start accepting me for who I am, without trying to either undermine or mourn it at every opportunity." Because at the moment, the overlap between people who erase fictional aromanticism and real aromanticism is significant — and even where they don't overlap, you know what? Romance-averse folks just trying to live in peace can't fucking tell the difference.
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solarwynd · 1 day
Tbh I don't even care / dislike boycott armys. If you don't want to spend money on BTS because they haven't spoken about Palestine, that's your perogative. Because they're enlisted, that does make a difference for me - maybe others find it an excuse but as someone who doesn't live in a liberal western country myself, I know how things like this work in my country and how vulnerable you can be in this situation, so I don't know how it works in s korea but still I'm giving them some leeway. Also there's just this weird disconnect for me because on one side yeah they're millionaires with a huge platform, on the other side they're currently in the mfing army right now. It feels foul to start tweeting about their privilege from the comfort of my bed in my home - something they currently do not experience. That's just my opinion. Someone else might perceive them to have more power than I do and maybe they're right. I won't say mine is the only right way to think. Plus again it's your money - if you donate more and spend less on merch then that's still a net good imo.
But the whole tone of people remarking on this donation has been completely gross. The way they talk about a genocide the same way they talk about the stupid fanwars that happen on twt everyday rather than with the weight it deserves makes me feel like this is some performative bs. Tweets like the ones some armys and kpop stans make just degrades the whole movement.
If you do have genuine intentions and start making stupid tweets like that, you should really touch some grass, log off twitter and do some more actual activism offline instead of letting twitter brain worms consume you. Acting like everyone's misconstruing what you said and playing victim is also not the move. This is a serious topic so I'd expect tweets related to this to have some actual thought behind it instead of spewing some idiocy as a gotcha because again it looks like you're treating this whole issue like some fandom war and trying to one-up the other side. Click-clack my ass.
Armys always come at BTS crazy during times like this and it’s not because it’s “necessary” since you want them to speak up. It all just comes off as sanctimonious and BTS ruining the perception armys have built around them as stans of them being a bit more conscientious than other k groups. I’ve never had an issue with boycotting in theory it’s just that armys can’t stand behind shit or just go about it the wrong way.
Why is it the minute they don’t perform to your exact standards, all of a sudden they’re low down and evil?Why couldn’t y’all have used Jimin donating as a beacon to rally fans to open a pool or something? And I try not to go tit for tat on things like this, but it’s extremely hard not to when you see proof of all these armys happily buying and streaming golden from last year and have been the main ones making these posts about jimin’s donation.
Nothing has changed from that time to present day. Same with the kpop stans trying to join in on it stanning groups who haven’t said a word either. How do you expect me not to believe y’all don’t have ulterior motives by singling him or BTS out? Now all those accounts have deleted those tweets cause they’ve gotten called out on their hypocrisy and got caught up in how dumb they look getting Jimin dragged over something so harmless. Cause it’s not like he gave money to something inane or inconsequential. He’s helping underprivileged children. Just real dickheaded behavior from that person.
Now considering how a member has close ties with scooter, making a statement would come off as hypocritical. I know in the grander scheme of things, what’s needed and what’s important is the awareness and I’d take it as such. But denouncing Zionism with a Zionist so avidly in the mix still wouldn’t be a good look. Which is why I feel like donating would have been the better option. It’d be much more substantial helping out with funds/materials imo because those are things Palestinians desperately need. But I understand that it’s not on the table since they’re in the military.
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jensensitive · 15 days
i feel like i cannot hold onto mutuals anymore on this website to save my life
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volitioncheck · 1 year
nvm this is still on my brain. kim does not like to watch harry suffer… to say that kim takes satisfaction in harry’s pain is a huge misconstruing of his character.
the “getting thrashed like a schoolboy” line comes from a board game, lol. it’s a tease, not a cruelty. there’s never any line that implies that Kim enjoys seeing Harry taking actual morale damage.
he can be amused if you fail a check, but the check is always relatively inconsequential, and again, Harry isn’t taking damage in these.
Failing to pry the trash bin open:
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Failing to shatter Ruby’s lorry window:
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(also in both of these examples he only responds smugly if you choose for Harry to stubbornly dig in his heels. if Harry gets huffy, Kim teases. If Harry backs down right away Kim won’t rub it in, which feels significant to me! it reminds me of that recent post goin around about Kim meeting your energy!)
and here’s some reactions to failed checks where he does take damage.
Failing the jump to get your cloak:
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Failing to break down Plaisance’s door:
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he’s not laughing if Harry’s taking damage because he’s not a dick lol.
aaaaand here’s some other instances of morale/health damage and kim’s reactions.
alternate dialogue for failing the harbor jump:
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after the call with precinct 41:
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seeing bullet holes in the wall:
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most significant examples to argue this point for me come when harry has done something to jeopardize the RCM’s image. which kim goes on and on about the importance of maintaining— and yet even here, he still extends worry and assurance.
telling Billie about her husband and handling it badly:
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hardie authority check failure cock carousel:
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aaaaand the car. this line is one of the most mask-off kim moments we get in the game in my opinion, honestly.
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tying this back to the schoolboy line— that line doesn’t show up if you have a negative reputation with Kim. if you have <1 rep, it gets replaced with him calling it “about four hours of our lives that we'll never get back,” lol.
it’s affectionate ribbing!! twisting it into anything else is bizarre 2 me lmao!
anyways. kim is a foil to every other cop we meet in the game specifically because he doesn’t view harry as a punching bag or a lost cause. gottlieb does nothing but sling jabs and glib jokes about harry’s health. torson+mclaine and the others laugh at harry’s panic attack over the radio. in response to harry’s suicide-by-car attempt(!!!!) jean yells about RCM budget. all kim’s lines in response to harry’s check failures and health-damage are consistent, explicit textual contrast against the callousness of the rest of the RCM. twisting kim’s character here requires a bad faith interpretation of the whole game.
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oceanwithouthermoon · 12 days
i may sincerely dislike some headcanons/ships and post about that sometimes but if i catch any of you MAKING FUN of people who have those headcanons/ships for no reason other than that you disagree, its ON SIGHT. suddenly i will be the number one advocate of that headcanon/ship no matter how much i might hate it myself.
its way too normalized to just be a straight up asshole online, why can we not just be normal??? please be normal about things that are totally harmless.
"i dont like or understand it" yeah me neither "people who post it are so annoying, youre ruining this fandom by erm um 🤓 saying things i disagree with haha there should be no other perspectives than mine" im outside ur window
i think we should all just hold hands
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dekusleftsock · 6 months
Mha fandom when you say that Izuku’s biggest fic mischaracterization isn’t making him twinky:
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Like yes, twinkifying one male character in a ship can be annoying—it can perpetuate heterosexual roles onto same sex relationships (“who’s the woman in the relationship/who wears the pants in the relationship?”), BUT LET US BE CLEAR:
WHEN in the ever loving FUCK did that somehow translate into “the twink has to be the stereotypically aggressive one so it doesn’t abide by queer stereotypes”. HOW DID WE GET HERE.
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Can I say one thing?
Why do people have to comment on other people’s way of conducting themselves in a fandom? If there’s an aspect of a fandom that’s you’d rather not see/interact with, then appropriately blacklist, block or do whatever so you don’t see that content.
But DO NOT go to other people’s blogs, comment on their works or their art, or do anything that might ruin their day, undermine their confidence and hard work, or overall make them feel bad.
Yes. This is about oc x canon. Fuck, it’s even about self inserts.
If that’s how someone wishes to spend their time in a fandom because it brings them joy, LET THEM DO IT.
It does not hurt you.
It does not attack you.
You can do something really responsible and NOT INTERACT.
It really is that simple of a concept and I have never been more baffled that this is what fandoms have become like.
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selfshipseaside · 8 months
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abyssruler · 1 year
Sagau w/ an impostor would be so simple with me because the characters can easily tell the fake apart from the real
Mostly because the fake would probably be graceful n shit
Meanwhile the real one keeps picking up every single sweet flower, wandering around to random places and quietly walking past sleeping hilichurls because it'd be rude to wake them up!
Like the characters would have to put up w/ me cooing at the sleeping, snoring hilichurls 😭 like no way am I waking them up
No but really, I can't even ambush the sleeping once, if I need to kill them I at least wake them up before the fight akdhsksj
the thing is that the characters don’t really know what the (creator?) is like, so even if you and the imposter were entirely different people, it’d be difficult to see who’s real and who’s fake because, well, they don’t know you as a person. in fact, because the fake is so graceful and all, people would be more likely to think that they’re the real one.
though because i’m a sucker for drama, i think there’d be factions throughout teyvat, rallying behind you or the fake. some believe that the fake is real simply because they’re more elegant and ‘god-like’ in appearance, so to speak, all intimidating presence and authoritative voice. others believe you’re the real one because only the true god would be so in tune with nature and compassionate with all living beings, benevolent and empathetic and all the good parts that make you human. tho the humanity you have also serves as a double edged sword because it places you down the pedestal of what they think a god should be.
among the archons, the ones i see rallying behind you are venti and nahida. as for the imposter, it’d be zhongli and ei. (though i imagine zhongli would soon see through the fake simply because of how old and knowledgable he is.)
also, you’re a better person than me anon bc i don’t discriminate between sleeping and awake hilichurls. if i see one, i’m immediately throwing hands.
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lying here in bed and thinking abt how alienated out i feel in the cookie run fandom. and then theres a polish sitcom playing in the background from a different room.
#mostly like. i feel so alienated out for like. having such different views of chars.#dark choco is a char i find myself to relate to a lot. i see so much of myself in him.#and yet. i cant get fully interested and that makes me feel. am i even a true fan of his character#if my interpretation is so vastly different from the fandoms#and how his kingdom is probably my least favourite out of all the ancients' kingdoms#for how i feel like ppl and the narrative tend to forget how dark cacaos kingdom is so flawed.#like the whole “no sweet meals” thing. i am not talking abt irl influences and how it impacts the presentation of the kingdom but more like#i feel like ppl tend to perfectionize dark cacao kingdom while ignoring a ton of systematic issues in it.#then theres my opinion on hollyberry. i love her. shes my favourite ancient. but i wish we got a more serious storyline with her#im not all catched up on the lore but i just wish rlly wish we got more of the hollyberry kingdom. and see holly display a wider range of-#-emotions.#i hope the eternal sugar update will get us some hollyberry kingdom angst because i need some more serious characterization for her that r-#-not just snippets#then theres. white lily. i feel like im the only person who liked the fact white lily got her own kingdom and was split into two versions.#it DID come out of nowhere but like. i feel like its sort of more interesting than just white lily being fully DE?#her update was a fiasco with how shadow milk stole the show that was meant to be hers.#but like. so many of my opinions are different than the fandoms that i just cant help but feel like an intruder sometimes#i dont want to sound like a pick me or someone who thinks they r special for being different. because im not.#i do not like this feeling. but i needed to be open abt it ig#cookie chat#theres also like. the lack of proper characterization for carrow besides “good loyal soldier”.#that annoys me as hell too#fyi i DO NOT hate dark cacao kingdom to be clear. i love it a ton. the cultural influences are so interesting and i love the setting.#i just wish ppl didnt brush off a lot of systematic flaws abt it.
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quesadillayuri · 7 months
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anons crazy 4 this one im not sorry. like truly calling it a ZERO out of TEN arc. u must be crazy im not sorry
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gracie-rosee · 2 months
One day there will be peace here again. I believe it. Love y’all 🩷
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