#so obsessed with taking the fun out of fandom IT IS NOT THAT SERIOUS
oceanwithouthermoon · 4 months
i may sincerely dislike some headcanons/ships and post about that sometimes but if i catch any of you MAKING FUN of people who have those headcanons/ships for no reason other than that you disagree, its ON SIGHT. suddenly i will be the number one advocate of that headcanon/ship no matter how much i might hate it myself.
its way too normalized to just be a straight up asshole online, why can we not just be normal??? please be normal about things that are totally harmless.
"i dont like or understand it" yeah me neither "people who post it are so annoying, youre ruining this fandom by erm um 🤓 saying things i disagree with haha there should be no other perspectives than mine" im outside ur window
i think we should all just hold hands
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kqluckity · 2 years
@ anon i think you need to go outside actually?
i'm doing perfectly fine and i'm not the one sending slurs in other people's inboxes just because they're not taking my bullshit seriously
i'm not going to answer anymore of your asks and i wasn't joking when i told you to go take your meds, i'm sure you need them rn. that said, have a nice day and i hope you'll be calmer in the future
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nyoomerr · 4 months
Normally, the community of Proud Immortal Demon Way can hardly be called as such. To call PIDW readers a ‘fandom’ would be akin to calling everyone who visited the same porn site a family. PeerlessCucumber is a loud exception, but in the end he’s still only an exception - by and large, people reading PIDW know exactly what they’re there for, and it certainly isn’t for any sense of shared enjoyment or community.
The community of people following PeerlessCucumber himself, however, is a whole different story.
PeerlessCucumber is the asshole single handedly responsible for at least seven different copypastas, the rich bastard that will pay an artist’s rent for a single picture of Luo Binghe if only the artist can tolerate his demands for constant revisions, the dictionary definition of an anti-fan.
He is also blissfully unaware of the absolute glee in which people take in riling him up. And in the age of the modern internet, nothing brings a group of strangers together like the opportunity to poke fun of a guy like that.
“How do I look?” HualingsWife whispers to her companions. They take a moment to scrutinize her, gaze lingering around her chest.
“I don’t know,” SwordsOfCultivators says, “I think the guy ahead of you let his robes drape open further.”
HualingsWife rolls her eyes. “If I let my robes drape open that far, I’d be disqualified - you know the rules are different for men.”
“It’s not like you’re looking to win, though,” XuanyuMeat says. “And the open chest is clearly effective.”
The three of them pause, turning to look at the stage from their spot in the wings. The competitor that came before HualingsWife is running through a series of poses that are slowly but surely allowing his robes to slip ever wider. 
Two of the judges are watching with thinly veiled amusement - after several years of this tradition, they’ve gotten used to the chaos that PeerlessCucumber’s fans bring to these cosplay competitions. 
The third judge is PeerlessCucumber himself, and he looks like he might be experiencing a serious health condition. A serious mental health condition, to be clear.
“- robes of inferior make! Binghe’s exposure is always purposeful, and artful, and it wouldn’t be because he was wearing robes that didn’t fit him! If you don’t care about dressing true to his character -!”
“Hm,” SwordsOfCultivators hums. “Is it just me, or is Peerless not being as harsh as he usually is? Do you think he’s finally losing some of his obsession with Luo Binghe?”
“He better not!” HualingsWife cries. “I’ve put way too much time and money into working on a cosplay for that awful porn book for him to lose interest right when I get my chance to join the torturing-Peerless-fun!”
“No, no,” XuanyuMeat says, shaking their head. “You heard his rants for the Luo Binghe cosplayers one through four - he was especially cruel to them! Look at his face now, that isn’t the face of someone losing interest!”
They turn back to the stage. Luo Binghe cosplayer number five - likely DickBiggerThanBinghe, if HualingsWife were to guess based on her limited interactions with him in the PeerlessWatchers discord chat - looks unbearably smug. His robes have fallen completely off his shoulders by now.
PeerlessCucumber, on the other hand, looks so red HualingsWife wouldn’t be surprised if she started seeing steam pouring out of his ears.
“Ah,” she says, understanding. “You think he’s recently finally realized his obsession with Luo Binghe isn’t that of a straight man’s?”
“I wouldn’t put it past him to get this flustered over a man’s exposed chest and still think it was caused purely by the outrage of seeing one of our ‘poorly done’ cosplays,” XuanyuMeat says wryly. They send HaulingsWife a pointed side eye. “So…”
“Oh yeah, I’m on it,” HualingsWife says, already loosening her robes further. “Just make sure to have the cameras ready to get the direct comparison of his reaction to a woman’s nip-slip versus the absolute conniption he’s going through now.”
“Please, he probably won’t even see it - he’ll probably get all awkward and look away like he does with any female cosplayer dressed in anything but a full body suit.”
“I think he’ll peek through his fingers anyway,” SwordsOfCultivators says gleefully. “He wouldn’t dare miss the chance to oggle another Luo Binghe cosplayer.”
On stage, DickBiggerThanBinghe finally waltzes off, having received his scoring from all three judges and a score from the back of the room where the group of PeerlessWatchers are sitting. 
After all, none of them are really here for the actual cosplay competition. They only care about one thing: whoever can get the highest scoring Peerless rant about their cosplay will pay for dinner for everyone that night. 
“Ohh, seven out of ten!” HualingsWife says, as the group PeerlessWatchers wave their scorecard around with glee. “The last time someone got scored that highly was when TofuBuns dared to cosplay as a half-dead Luo Binghe covered in wounds!”
“TofuBuns still has their display name set to ‘faithless mongrel undeserving of witnessing Binghes success’ in the discord server,” SwordsOfCultivators sighs. “I can only hope to one day trigger a Peerless rant so iconic.”
On stage, one of the judges glances down at the score sheet, sees that another Luo Binghe cosplayer is scheduled to come out next, and stifles a laugh before gesturing for HualingsWife to come on.
“No way I’m getting something that iconic my first try,” HualingsWife says, “but if I can get Peerless to make that hilarious choking noise he made the last time he saw a female-presenting Luo Binghe, I’ll count it as a win.”
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blackbleedingrose · 7 months
Long Lost Morningstar - Part Three
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Pairing(s): Charlie x reader (platonic), Vaggie x reader (platonic), Emily x reader (platonic), Sera x reader (platonic), Charlie x Vaggie
Genre: Fluff/Angst/Betrayal
Warning(s): Cursing, lies, betrayal
Notes: This is the third installment of LLM. This part will be shorter than part 2 and will finally go over the trial and (Y/N)'s reaction the extermination. I'm going to be honest, I'm dropping my other hazbin mini series. This is only until I can find the time and motivation to write it. I'm really busy with school and work, and lately my obsession with Hazbin has started to die down. I still love the series and fandom, but that's just something that happens to me from time to time when I watch a new series or get into a fandom. It comes and it goes, and I've been reading a lot of hazbin stuff but now it's starting to feel like an obligation I've set for myself and it makes reading less fun and more like a chore. I have no doubt my obsession will come back when the 2nd season comes out. This happens will all the fandoms I am apart of - like right now, I'm obsessing over Avatar the last airbender again after rewatching the series (not the live action). Don't worry, I'll continue this series as I don't want this to end up unfinished. I have the outline pretty much written, but it will take time to finish - so, please, bare with me.
Singing Colors: Adam, Lute, Charlie, Emily, Sera, (Y/N).
Words: 1631
"If Hell is forever, than Heaven must be a lie!".
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As the time of the trial drew closer, there seemed to be a few hiccups on Heaven's side of things.
The angel who was supposed to be the trial's stenographer got a nasty cold and all the replacements had their own responsibilities to attend to. The only angel available just so happened to be (Y/N) herself.
When one of the court angels asked (Y/N) if she could do it, she didn't hesitate to accept.
Now she had the perfect excuse to watch Charlie's trial without having to sneak in!
Imagine Sera's surprise and horror when she saw (Y/N) sitting at the stenographer's desk.
"(Y/n)? What are you doing here? Where's Angela?" Sera asked. She was a bit panicked, but did her best to hide it. (Y/N) smiled politely at the higher seraphim, clearly oblivious to Sera's rigid demeanor. "She got a pretty bad cold last minute and all of the other replacements were busy today; and since I was the only one who was available - here I am!".
Sera gave her an uneasy smile, "I see. Thank you for your help today, it's much appreciated". This was the last thing she wanted. The resemblance between (Y/N) and the Princess of Hell was very difficult to ignore and could raise questions if it wasn't for the stardust story Heaven fed everyone.
Sera had wanted to keep (Y/N) away from the trial in hopes of avoiding any contact between her and Charlie. She didn't want (Y/N) to accidently discover the truth about her lineage.
Sera loved (Y/N) like a daughter.
When (Y/N) was younger Michael would sometimes have Sera babysit while he attended to his more serious duties.
She practically helped raise her and she refused to let some misguided demon princess and her partner ruin that.
Unfortunately, the court needed a stenographer.
With no one else available, she was left with no other option.
Sera thanked (Y/N) for her hard work and for stepping in.
She gave the girl a gentle forehead kiss before leaving her to prepare for the trial.
It was only for today and once this pointless trial was over everything would go back to the way it was.
And (Y/N) would be none the wiser and away from that misguided influence.
However, things weren't as perfect as Sera had hoped for.
The moment Charlie and Vaggie entered the courtroom and saw (Y/N) sitting at the stenographer's desk, the two cousins eagerly waved at each other.
Sera's eyes widened in horror. No. This wasn't supposed to happen - it was the worse case scenario.
When did those two meet?!
She sighed in frustration already knowing that (Y/N) must have sought the girl out herself.
Dammit Emily.
(Y/N)'s curiosity was her biggest flaw and was going to end up getting her into serious trouble if not handled properly.
Sera quickly composed herself. No point in losing herself and catching any unnecessary attention.
She still had a trial to run and then she'll have a talk with (Y/N) later.
Now, (Y/N) was nice to just about everyone. She could get along with just about anyone she's ever met. But there was one person, or rather two, she just couldn't stand.
Adam and his little crony Lute.
These two irritated her to no ends with how high and mighty they acted. How either of them managed to stay in Heaven was beyond her.
Her father just told her to bare it, despite him also disliking the two of them - especially that narcissistic douchebag Adam.
(Y/N) did her best to hide her grimace whenever Adam spoke during the trial.
As the trial went on (Y/N) felt a little nervous when Charlie was shut down from making anymore definition references. She could see how nervous her poor cousin was getting.
When Charlie looked over at her, (Y/N) made sure to give her a small smile and mouthed, "You've got this".
This managed to help calm Charlie's nerves enough for her to regain her composure. Charlie got a little more confident when presenting Angel Dust, the hotel's first patron.
(Y/N) rolled her eyes when Adam spoke up again trying to discredit her cousin.
"Well if you know so much, what do you think it takes to get into Heaven?".
Charlie's question stumped more than just Adam. (Y/N) had to take a moment to think - how does someone get into Heaven?
Being Heaven-born (Y/N)'s never had to be on the other end with humans who had to earn their place in paradise. And if someone as crude and vile as Adam can get into Heaven then what did it take for others, especially the damned who didn't deserve Hell - like children, for example.
Adam quickly wrote on a piece of paper before giving it to Vaggie to read aloud.
"'Act selfless, don't steal, stick it to the man?' - are you fucking serious?".
"Uh, yeah. Sure got me here, didn't it? Right, Sera?".
(Y/N) raised a brow. That's all it took to get someone into Heaven?
Charlie tried to argue Angel was doing all of those things, to which the court decided to observe Angel through the courtroom's orb. At first, things weren't looking good for Charlie when Angel gave into peer pressure.
(Y/N) bit her lip, silently hoping this would somehow take a turn for the better. She really wanted Charlie to show her hotel worked and for Adam to eat his words.
Luckily, things did start looking up when Angel took care of his friend, Nifty, and defended her from that awful moth demon.
"Then why isn't he here, huh?".
(Y/N) paused her typing - why isn't he here?
This started a whole argument at the unfairness of it all. How even those in Hell could be redeemed if only given the chance. (Y/N) and Emily saw the change in Angel and how he did everything on Adam's list.
"A man only lives once, we'll see you in one month".
. . . Wait what?
(Y/N) furrowed her brows in confusion. One month? What was he talking about?
"Gotta say I can't wait to-"
(Y/N) looked up at Sera, did she know what he was talking about? What the hell was going on?!
"Come down and exterminate you".
. . . WHAT?!
(Y/N) and Emily looked horrified at the shocking news.
(Y/N) and Emily fly over to Charlie, Vaggie, Adam, and Lute looking sadly at the orb showing the residents in Hell being mercilessly killed by the exorcists.
"What are you saying?"
"Let me get this straight".
"You go down there and kill those poor souls?".
"You didn't know?".
Charlie was shocked to hear that not all of Heaven knew about the exterminations. She was relieved to hear that her cousin didn't know and that she seemed to be against it.
"Guess the cat's outta the bag!".
"What's the big deal?".
(Y/N) and Emily turned and looked up at Sera.
"Sera tell us that you didn't know".
"I thought since I'm older, it's my load to shoulder".
"You have to listen, it was such a hard decision".
Sera flew down from her seat.
"I wanted to save you".
She took (Y/N) and Emily's hand in her own.
"The anguish it takes to, do what was required".
The hellfire reflecting in Sera's eyes unnerved (Y/N) and Emily - almost like she enjoyed the suffering and senseless murder of the sinners in Hell.
The two glared at Sera.
"To think that we admired you".
They tore their hands from hers and flew back away from her.
"Well, we don't need your condescension! We're not children to protect! Was talk of virtue just pretention? Were we too naive to expect you, to head the morals you're purveying?".
The two flew back down in front of the orb.
"That's what the fuck I've been saying!".
Charlie walked over to the two angel's grabbing their hands.
(Y/N), Charlie, and Emily moved up and stood on top of the orb showing the exorcists killing sinners.
"If Hell is forever, than Heaven must be a lie!".
"Emily! (Y/N)!".
"If angels can do whatever and remain in the sky!".
The three jumped down and stood before Sera.
"The rules are shades of gray when you don't do as you say! When you make the wretched suffer just to kill them again!".
Things only continued getting worse with Charlie finding out Vaggie was an angel and an ex-exorcist, Sera's final ruling of no evidence of sinners being able to be redeemed, and Adam's threat of coming to their hotel first.
"Charlie, it will be okay! I'll find a way to help you - I promise!" (Y/N) called out before Charlie and Vaggie were forced to back to Hell.
After Sera had finished talking to Emily, she went after (Y/N) who had already left the courtroom.
"(Y/N)! Wait, please!" Sera begged grabbing (Y/N) by her wrist. "Please, let me explain!".
(Y/N) turned her head and glared at Sera with such intensity it sent shivers down the High Seraphim's spine. She's never seen (Y/N) look at her like that before.
It broke her heart to see the girl she's helped raise and thought of as a surrogate daughter look at her with such anger and disgust.
"Explain what, Sera?! That you've been here playing God and allowing the murder of sinners! They're already in Hell, what more could you possibly want?! They don't deserve this!" (Y/N) yanked her wrist from Sera's hold and flew away.
She couldn't believe this had been going on and she never even knew! Tears filled her eyes as she thought about her poor cousin. She knew needed to do something to help Charlie.
But first, she needed to see whether or not her father and the other archangels knew about this all along.
@soobryu @kyo-kyo1 @miyako-night20 @charliecharlie65 @unknow-sama @myluckymoon @lbcreations-blog @moonchaos18 @sirenetheblogger @jagharamira @el-hajj @azharyy @glowymxxn @itsmonicabc
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papil0nglegs · 1 month
What about the mercs with a fem SO that talks in brainrot sometimes? Would really want medic in there but it's up to you!
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Mercs x Brainrot!Reader
warnings: Brainrot.. a lot of images being used, it’s a shit post who cares tbh
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He’s into it too
Guys it’s scout
“Scout ilysm ur so nonchalant <33”
“Thanks babe ^^ I know I’m pretty alpha”
(Oh btw the alpha thing isn’t a joke he unironically listens to alpha male podcasts)
In the middle of spy’s serious moments you’d both lip sync ‘you are my sunshine’ to each other when he’s not looking
“what the bloody hell are you guys doing..”
“…perhaps itz a coping mechanizm zince scout doesn’t have a father?”
Medic really had to take it there
The ‘fatherless child’ meme was a coping mechanism for him tho
“I’m a fatherless child, of course I have abandonment issues”
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“Um babe? Idk if you should joke abt that 😚”
“Na it just makes me more sigma”
You guys love to fuck with the blu team sm with your shenanigans, esp sniper!!
Scout would have his bat and you would have whatever weapon you have with you and yell “skibidi” before jumping him
Here’s something he DEFINITELY didn’t learn from you 💯
creds to urwhouchoose2b on Tik tok
He tries so hard to understand
Whenever you show him a meme he does the classic old person holding phone away from eyes thing
Yk the
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“Ok so this is the ‘im nothing like y’all’ fish”
“alrighty, and this is..?”
“Oh that’s the Freddy five bear meme, see it’s funny cuz his name is actually ‘Freddy fazbear’ but they got his name wrong so like.. yeah”
“…I’m not sure what I’m ‘posed to say ‘bout this, but I think you belong in a looney bin”
Once he had a project that had the word “alpha” in it and he hated mentioning it to you cuz yk
“Skibidi alpha”
Demo man
he’s so energetic esp when he’s drunk so he’s happy to have someone he can share that energy with
Y’all know that “Scotland forever” meme
Well you screamed it after another victory as a joke, but when demo heard it he was confused but also excited?
cut to him butt chugging beers
Demo doesn’t get it but he has the spirit
He’ll be right there replicating the TikTok audios after taking the point
Dude is drunk 99% of the time so he’s never bothered to ask what any of this means, he’s just in it for the fun
Once you dragged him to the bathroom since he drake too many beers (shocker) but he didn’t want to do it in the toilet cuz he didn’t want to ‘hurt his dear skibidi’
“Cmon demo you have to puke it out!!”
“Noo, take me to the jawbox I don’t wanna hert me skibidi toilet”
“Oh god what have I done”
I think you rotted his brain a little too much
Don’t even get him started.
He’s so sick of your antics it’s not even funny
“Guys we all have to remember that it’s not about the money.. it’s about the skibidi.”
Passionately grabs spy’s shoulder
“How have you made it this far in life”
Unlike engie, he really doesn’t want to know about it
Especially during missions
“lol spy you’re so devious ASF”
“shhh, enough blabbering!!”
“You are not carti 😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️❌‼️‼️‼️”
You make fun of him a bunch, he can’t think of a single moment where you took him seriously
“Y/n get off the cart!!”
“If we were in Fortnite I’d have higher ground + double pump.”
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neiptune · 2 years
aot boys x guilty pleasures
a/n: this is me being self indulgent and having a lil fun so forgive the shitposting but also feedback is always appreciated mwah
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eren loves the shit out of nature documentaries you'll leave him alone one saturday night and you'll come back to find him sprawled on the couch watching life of mammals or some shit on netflix lmao you'd be on a date and he'd get suddenly excited enough to hit you with random facts like “btw did you know that the average blood pressure of a giraffe is around 300/190?” he'd literally barge in rooms with a “babe omg hummingbirds are like the only birds that can fly backwards” and you'd just be sitting on the toilet with a very unimpressed look but he's cute 12/10 would make a good park ranger or whatever
armin is lowkey obsessed with youtubers like he legitimaly sits down and watches hours on end of unboxing/reaction videos or travel vlogs jfc and it's always the dumb stuff ya know like person x unboxing the same phone in 10 different colors or person y reacting to drake's new single and THAT controversial lyric. it's exhausting really he'd be in bed at 3am still going through chrissy's 27 min travel vlog about some bali vacation gone wrong and don't even get me started on drama and internal feuds or breakups oh my god he has a whole playlist of breaking my silence videos on youtube to keep track of who's said what so he can pick the best side
you've introduced jean to the world of fandoms and fanfiction and at first he was all like nah that's too weird but now he has his own ao3 account and eats the weirdest most hilarious shit up, will also use acquired terms in the wrongest way like you'd be watching bridgerton together and he'd suddenly nod to himself with a OOOO TRIGGER WARNING THEY BOUT TO FUCK lmao he's obsessed tbh his twitter is filled with commentary on random chapters he's screenshot and that I WILL GO DOWN WITH THIS SHIP titanic gif posted over and over again like no honey you will not we've moved past that 10 years ago
oh god connie is such a chronic playlist creator he'd have one for EVERYTHING and he genuinely spends hours selecting the perfect most appropriate songs and titles for each one, you best believe before you first started dating he's made one for you called “i like you idgaf about your boyfriend” which came with a weird ass mix of sweet stuff like just the way you are by bruno mars and cash shit by megan thee stallion lmaooo he's so random he thinks he's good at it too and you don't have the heart to tell him that “get down dirty bedroom sexy lapdance music” ain't a good title. it's kinda attractive that he's not a music snob tho like he'd be blasting country music classics while cooking, rap mixtapes when he's taking a shower or full on broadway showtunes when driving, he also has a cute voice that cracks on higher notes but it secretly turns you on how deep in the moment he is while screaming to defying gravity in the car
levi gets a weird kick out of serial killer documentaries or real footage of their interviews/trials, also listens to A LOT of true crime podcasts and TAKES NOTES about the most interesting cases to check if he'd be able to solve the unsolved ones and he'd always test you as well? you'd be reading a book in bed and he'd plop next to you with a dead serious look on his face asking shit like “would you help some random guy with a cast on his arm carry his bags?” 🤨 out of the blue like ?????? baby that's kinda weird can you not but it's really just him trying to flex his big big brain thank fuck he's not an actual cop he'd be insufferable (and way less hot)
to absolutely no one's surprise reiner's guilty pleasure has to do with you, the man's all about you (and hockey), you've asked him to take a bath with you once and now not a single motherfucking week goes by without him looking at you big big puppy eyes asking “bath???” most evenings after work. it doesn't even have to lead to anything he's just content basking in warm water and bubbles with you in his lap, he gets to massage shampoo into your scalp if you want to wash your hair and is now a pro at creating the perfect atmosphere with oils and dimmed lights and omg don't even get me started on candles, he's memorized your favorite scents and now also has his own preferences, catch him walking around a yankee candle store at least twice a month, girls working there ask this big scary grumpy guy if he needs help and he'd reply with the softest most polite & specific hi hello yes actually i need to stock up on sparkling cinnamon and snow globe wonderland tyvm
porco 100% checks his naked self out in the mirror lmaooo i know this shouldn't count as something people wouldn't believe he'd do but it's kinda a guilty pleasure i guess??? he finds putting clothes on a lil depressing and knows he's hot. sometimes you'd catch him doing that after showering and the man would be so fucking thirsty for compliments cause what is he supposed to do with muscles and abs and prominent biceps if you won't drool over them a little? he's annoying & also gets soooo whiny if you don't indulge him like :( do you not think your dashing boyfriend is cute :( while flexing, also always tries to convince you to take your clothes off as well for “inspection purposes” to which you simply flick his forehead lol whether you end up pressed against that very mirror 10 minutes later it's between you and him xoxo
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I think it's kind of interesting that Viktor is overshadowed by his siblings both in the canon and fanon.
In season one I could understand it. Despite Viktor being the main character that literally drives the entire plot, everyone focuses on the other characters. People make fun of Luther for talking about the moon all the time. Everyone is almost creepily obsessed with Klaus and the Vietnam fling that he had. No one really talks about Allison, but her story is primarily linked with Viktor's since she's trying to heal their relationship (fandom misogyny too). I think that there's a decent amount of talk around Five since he's such a fascinating character. There's quite a lot of talking about Diego too, since he loses Eudora and spends a lot of time trying to take care of Klaus. But no one really talks about Viktor and the amount of shit that he goes through in s1. All the siblings other than Allison completely abandon him too, and Allison only wants the idea of a 'sister' that she's built up in her head since she lost her husband and daughter.
In season two, it makes even less sense to not talk about what Viktor has done. He has a queer love story with Sissy and we get to see way more development and chemistry for, Klaus and Dave had a montage and some sad lines from Klaus as opposed to an entire arc through ten episodes, but no one really does anything with it. Allison gets basically no attention for the same fandom misogyny issues as before. Five gets some attention because of the fact that he's exhausted and still dealing with the Commission (his fight scenes are amazing). Diego gets the same treatment as Luther did but a little more deserving because the plan to save JFK was stupid. Luther gets totally sidelined and ignored too, but people really hated him in S1 so I'm not surprised. Klaus gets all the attention again even though his plot outside of Ben possessing him is honestly really boring and makes me so uncomfortable.
Season three is where Viktor should have gotten the most attention. If we're considering the fact that the TUA fandom has a very queer audience, then they should be super excited and celebrating the fact that Viktor is trans. Not only that, but he's also working his ass off so that he can fix things for Allison and get her back to a timeline where her daughter exists or back to the sixties. I think a lot of people ignore that, giving Five more credit than he deserves for trying to fix the world when Viktor was doing that until Harlan showed up and he wanted to handle that first. A lot of attention during the debut went again to Klaus, which was actually warranted this time since he was plot relevant by showing us things about Reggie and discovering his powers. Diego got more attention since he was parenting Stan and fighting with Lila, which was nice. Five got some meme attention but nothing serious and Luther got a little bit of genuine love. But mostly people just posted the conversation where Viktor comes out to his family and continued to ignore him.
Now Season four is out and no one cares about Viktor. He stands up to Reginald and says all of the things that he needs to say, he fights like Hell to try and save Ben from the Durango and get him someplace stable, he owns a bar and got fucking KIDNAPPED. No one is talking about him, all people are doing is complaining about fivela and the ending.
Viktor moved to Nova Scotia probably to get better trans healthcare, but also because none of his siblings care about him. My man is a tiny trans man that got kidnapped and ransomed off the street and they couldn't care less about him when they show up, Five is taking notes about the room they're in instead of checking to make sure that his childhood best friend is okay. Luther may have made him best man at his wedding, but it was just because Viktor had only just come out and all the other siblings were non options (never been close with Five, butted heads with Diego who didn't even want the wedding to happen, not their Ben, and Klaus was officiating) which was the same reason Lila was Sloane's maid of honor. Diego and Viktor barely spare two words at each other despite their closeness in the comics. Lila and Allison say something briefly to him before they also fuck off further into the plot.
Viktor isn't liked by his family despite them trying to include him in it when it's convenient for them, and he's also disliked by the fandom. I went into the TUA tag and about half of the top twenty posts were about someone else with him tacked on as an afterthought.
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bucketspammer4life · 3 months
what i think your favorite PO boxer says about you
based on my biases and a year of experience (if you get mad over how i talked about your fave im going to turn you into a can of spam)
first time ive ever maxed out the tags
if i missed your fav tell me ‼️
doc louis - you have good taste and are starving for content about him, you really are a survivor
little mac - you either project onto him or just like calling him your son
glass joe - you have a thing for pathetic men (understandable tbh) and like calling him a wet cat since he fits that desc well
von kaiser - same thing as joe but add a hint of "oh no hes hot"
disco kid - you literally have no enemies i love you so much its not even funny (platonic)
king hippo - my god you are good at making up lore, how the fuck do you make a solid personality for a character that only roars and grunts
piston hondo - im 100% youre a saint, no hondo fan i met has ever been unpleasant to talk with
bear hugger - you either see him as a father figure or just think hes hot or (secret third option) you like making jokes about him being a disney princess, either way youre cool
great tiger - oh you have been here for a long time, literally every great tiger fan i know has been in the fandom since 7.000 BC or something, also youre prob really good at art
don flamenco - you use the word "cunty" on a daily basis or just like making fun of his stupid bald head, also yes he has eyeliner on 100%
aran ryan - you'd overthrow a goverment for this greasy rat, youre extremely extremely gay and/or neurodivergent and thats very good for you, you also like making him say lad and have had to go ankle deep in irish slang when making him speak in fanfics
soda popinski - ive never seen someone have soda as their fav, hes always 2nd place somehow so im just gonna go take a shot in the dark and say you like the color pink (mental gymnastics who??)
bald bull - you are a mixed bag, i gen cant put a finger on what kind of personality bull stans have but i can say you either find him hot or like making fun of him, maybe both
super macho man - least serious people ever with some traumatizing lore for the boxers & their own ocs, you prob make him say bogus 88268292 times in a sentence and i can respect that
mr sandman - ive only seen 2 (two ) ppl who have him as their fav and its kinda sad, youre starving for content of him and i wish you the best
birdie mac - hes your son (im not elaborating)
gabby jay - same thing as joe but you went over the top with liking dilfs
narcis prince - gay. gay gay homosexual gay. you went for the self obsessed blonde twink and you thought it wasnt obvious?? you fucking homosexual
heike kagero - youre 1000% queer, sorry to be a broken record about the gay thing but ur fav is literally a man with long hair & makeup that has to be some flavor of queer
hoy quarlow - you are/were another ancient punch out fan, you def shitpost a lot
bruiser bros - where are you??? ive gen never met a bruiser bros fan and its concerning like dude where did u go
texas mac - im sorry but you dont exist, ive never ever seen a texas mac fan, not even someone who mentions him
mad clown - you foul clownfucker. you have weird taste in characters you find hot and tbh im all here for it
masked muscle - same thing as texas mac but theres a slight chance you exist, if you do please show yourself
dragon chan - another punch out ancient fan, you probably were most active in 2013-2019 and kinda miss old shitposts and have either moved on or dont participate much anymore
spo aran - (this is mostly for Charlie but i have hope that theres some other spo aran fans out there) youre probably looking for other spo aran fans, goodpeed soldier, goodpeed
mask x - you arent getting away with this fuck you
101 notes · View notes
ironboyxs · 8 months
Unseen Hearts
Fandom: Stray Kids
Pairing: Felix x Male Reader
Word Count: 4652
Summary: Y/N is a young actor and singer on the rise who has great admiration for Stray Kids, especially a certain member with a huskier voice.
p.s. this is the first time I write about kpop on this blog, I hope you like it! In fact, I was extremely inspired because I've never written so much! and another thing: I mention a Korean ideogram in the story, I tried to do my research but my Korean is terrible, forgive any mistakes. and always remembering REQUESTS ARE OPEN, in the pinned there are the fandons for which I write
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You never thought you would be in a serious relationship with a K-pop artist. Of course, you've been a fan of Korean culture since you were 13 and a friend introduced you to the concept of K-pop, dramas and all the rest.
You were lucky enough to have well-off parents who let you study Korean from the age of 13 because you had become completely obsessed with everything about Korea.
But obviously your life didn't revolve around just that, of course you went to shows whenever you could, once you even got a trip to South Korea as a gift to go to a fan meeting.
But one thing that the idol life showed you was that you also wanted to be an artist, you were in doubt between acting and music. After all, you were good at both. In school plays you always got the lead.
Your mother played the piano and from a very early age taught you everything she knew about music, so one of your hobbies, and also a form of therapy, was writing songs.
When you were 18, a family friend who worked for Netflix knew he had a casting call that was a perfect fit for you. You took the test, with zero faith that you would pass.
But it ended up happening, the series was about a fantasy world, four wizard friends fighting an evil entity, you had a lot of fun recording the first season, you made incredible friends, but you never thought the series would be successful.
Until it exploded. And it became the number 1 series on Netflix, with everyone talking about it. And obviously you and your co-stars started doing press tours.
Jimmy Fallon Show
- Hey guys! Welcome back to the Tonight Show! Today we have a very special guest, a talented young man who is having great success with the new Netflix series: Witchbound Chronicles. Let's welcome the amazing Y/N! How are you, Y/N?
- Hi Jimmy! I'm great, thanks for having me here.
- It's a pleasure to have you. Firstly, congratulations on the success of your series! What has the experience been like seeing your face everywhere?
- It's surreal, Jimmy. I never imagined things would happen so quickly. I'm just enjoying every moment.
- This is amazing! Tell us a little about the series. What can fans expect?
- Well, the series is called "Witchbound Chronicles" and it takes place in a completely new world full of magic, fantastic creatures and lots of exciting twists. I play one of the main characters, a young man named Ethan, who discovers he has incredible magical abilities.
- This looks amazing! And what was the audition process like to get the role?
- It was a little crazy, actually. I auditioned without much expectation, and when I got the call that I had gotten the role, I couldn't believe it. It was a dream come true.
- And what was it like working with the cast and crew?
- Everyone was incredible. The cast is very talented, and the team behind the cameras did an incredible job bringing this magical world to life. I learned a lot from all of them.
- I'm sure fans would love to know if there are any funny or interesting behind-the-scenes stories you can share.
- Oh, definitely! One day, we were filming a scene with intense special effects, and one of the animatronics that plays the magical creatures ended up going out of control. It was hilarious to see everyone running for cover, but in the end, everything worked out, and the scene was incredible.
- And what can we expect from the future, Y/N? More projects on the small screen or maybe even the big screen?
- Absolutely, Jimmy! I love acting, and I hope to continue exploring different roles and challenges. Who knows what the future holds, right?
- Hey Y/N, our research team made some interesting discoveries on your social media. It seems like you're a big K-pop fan, is that right?
- Oh yes, Jimmy! I'm completely obsessed with K-pop, it's one of my passions.
- This is amazing! Any specific groups or artists that you really admire?
- For sure! I'm a big fan of Stray Kids.
- Oh, and our team also noticed that you have a certain “bias” as they say in K-pop at Felix! You've been expressing your crush on Felix a lot on social media. Any funny stories or embarrassing moments related to this?
- Well, now that you mention that this is public I would say that all my posts about Felix are kind of funny and embarrassing, actually. I try to keep it light and humorous, but of course, my friends always tease me a little about it.
- That is great! And if Felix or any of the Stray Kids were watching right now, what would you say to them?
- Wow, that's a tough question. I guess I would say how much they mean to me as an artist and as a person. Their work really inspires me, and I really admire their talent.
- I hope Felix sees this and who knows, maybe you can meet one day!
Some time later, on a live that Felix was doing, a fan asked if he had seen this interview.
Chat: Felix, did you see Jimmy Fallon's interview with Y/N, the actor from the series "Witchbound Chronicles"?
- Oh yeah! I saw! It was amazing. I couldn't stop smiling throughout the entire interview.
Chat: Y/N mentioned that he's a big fan of Stray Kids and that he has a crush on you. What was your reaction when you watched this?
- Oh, really? This is so cool! I was very flattered to learn that he is a Stray Kids fan. I think it's an honor when talented people like our work.
Chat: Would you have a message to send to Y/N?
For sure! Y/N, if you're watching, thank you so much for your support! It's amazing to know that you enjoy our work, and who knows, maybe one day we can meet. Keep being amazing!
Chat: It would be great to see a collaboration between Stray Kids and the series' soundtrack, wouldn't it?
- Absolutely! We would love it! Who knows what the future holds for us, right? Let's hope something like this happens.
Meanwhile at your house
- Y/N did you watch Felix's last live? - Your sister came running to ask you.
- No, I saw the notification but I was busy so I couldn't watch it.
- You NEED to see this excerpt!
Your sister takes the phone to you with a cut from the live stream where Felix Yongbok Lee is simply talking about you, and of course you completely freak out!
- Imagine if you could meet him in person?
You stop and reflect for a second
- What is it? - Your sister asks.
- My Twitter account simply has 1001 posts about how handsome and hot I think he is! I need to deprive that now!
- Wow, but it's great that he knows you have a crush on him!
- He already knows because of that stupid interview, I don't need to be embarrassed anymore! - You run out to get your cell phone.
A while later on a gossip page
“Recently Y/N S/N deprived his Twitter account and opened a new one saying that it would be his professional account. Does the young actor have something to hide?”
Months later, with the end of recording the first season of the series, and the end of the press conferences, you feel that it is time to return to music. You had loved that whole period of recording and promoting the series but you felt the urge to write about it all, to put it all in the form of music, and deep in your heart, you wanted to write about something, something that you thought was really silly. actually, but your mother always told you that music was made to express all your feelings.
Unseen Hearts
🎶 Unseen hearts, a world apart,
In the shadows, you're the spark.
A crush so sweet, yet out of reach,
Dreams we chase, lessons we teach. 🎶
- This song is AMAZING! - A music producer friend of your mother said when he heard it.
- Did you really think so? I think it's no big deal.
- Is beautiful! What was the inspiration?
- Ah, silly thing, you know... stupid youthful passion - You said with a bit of shame.
- Y/N, I know you've been wanting to combine acting and music for so long, Bobby can give you that opportunity. – Your mother said
- You have so much potential Y/N. - Said Bobby, the producer and owner of the record company you were now part of.
- Now, ideas for a music video?
The Unseen Hearts video was a success, number 1 in views on YouTube. The clip takes place in a magical setting, reminiscent of the world of the series that you are part of. Include enchanted forests, ancient ruins and mystical locations, having a sense of magic and mystery. The story of the music video centers on you, showing your magical journey in search of your unreachable crush. Throughout the clip you searche for a masked figure who wears a necklace with the Korean character:  리
Comments on Twitter
🌟 Just watched the "Unseen Hearts" music video by @Y/NActorOfficial and I'm absolutely enchanted! The magical symbolism and emotional depth in every scene got me hooked. Matt's talent is truly spellbinding! 🔮💖 #UnseenHearts #Y/NMagic
✨ The "Unseen Hearts" music video is a masterpiece! 🎬✨ Y/N's portrayal of an unattainable crush, wrapped in magical elements, is pure art. The visuals, the symbolism – everything is on point! 🌌🎶 #WitchboundChronicles #MagicalMusic
🌌 Theory time! What if the "Unseen Hearts" video is a metaphor for the struggles we face in expressing our feelings? The crush, shrouded in magic, symbolizes the elusive nature of emotions. Y/N's journey represents the pursuit of self-discovery. 🧐💭 #UnseenHeartsTheory
📜 Lyric interpretation theory: What if the lyrics in "Unseen Hearts" reflect Y/N's emotions towards Felix? The masked figure embodies the lyrical expression of an unspoken crush, with the ideogram pendant serving as a musical symbol of admiration. 🎤💔 #LyricConnection #UnseenHeartsEmotion
🎵 Melodic connection theory: The musical journey in "Unseen Hearts" might represent Y/N's emotional connection to Felix. The masked figure, with Felix's ideogram, is the elusive muse driving the rhythm of Y/N's heart. 🎭💖 #MusicalMuse #UnseenHeartsMelody
The Kelly Clarkson Show
- Hey guys! We're here with the talented Y/N, who recently released the amazing music video "Unseen Hearts." Y/N, first, I want to say that the music video is amazing, but everyone is wondering: what is the meaning behind it?
- Hi Kelly! First of all, thank you for the compliment. You know, "Unseen Hearts" is a magical journey, an exploration of emotions and personal challenges. I wanted to convey the idea of pursuing something that seems unattainable, but at the same time, it is an experience of self-discovery.
- Oh, this is fascinating! And many fans are curious about the character that appears in the clip. Can you tell us more about this?
- Of course, Kelly. The ideogram is an artistic representation, a kind of personal symbol. It's a way to add a layer of mystery to the story, allowing each person to find their own meaning in the song and video.
- I get it, I love this enigmatic approach! And what would you say to fans speculating about the music video?
- Well, it's amazing to see the enthusiasm of the fans and the different interpretations they are creating. The beauty of art is in its subjectivity, right? I love seeing the theories and stories that people are coming up with. It's a gift to see how music resonates in unique ways for everyone.
Live from Felix a few days later
Chat: Hi, Felix! Did you see Y/N's new video, "Unseen Hearts"? What did you think?
- Oh, sure! I watched it, and I have to say Y/N did an amazing job. The magical atmosphere, the emotional narrative, everything was very well done. I really liked.
Chat: And the music? Do you think it has some connection with you? After all, the character with your name appears in the clip!
- Well, it's interesting, right? I think art is interpretive, and each person can have their own vision. If music is an artistic expression, it's hard to say exactly what it means to Y/N. But I loved seeing how fans are creating their own theories and stories around it.
Chat: We are really curious! Do you think Y/N might have been inspired by you for the song?
- You know, Y/N is an incredible artist, and I'm just one of the many artists who can inspire him. I think the beauty of music is its ability to connect with different experiences and emotions. If Y/N found inspiration in something we experienced, it's an honor.
Chat: Hey Felix, we know Y/N mentioned he's a Stray Kids fan. Do you think he could have a crush on you?
- Oh, really? That's kind of funny to think about. I think it's always flattering to know that people admire our work, whether as artists or as people. And well, I don't really know about that. I'm grateful for the fans' support and affection, but personal relationships are something private, right? Let's focus on the music and Y/N's work, which is incredible.
Chat: We're just kidding, Felix! But seriously, what was it like for you to see your character in his video?
It was a pleasant surprise, for sure! Y/N is a talented artist, and it was cool to see that special touch in the video. I think he did a wonderful job of creating something unique and meaningful.
A few weeks later you are invited to perform at the Billboard Music Awards, it would be your first time performing Unseen Hearts in front of such a large audience, you were nervous obviously, but something made you even more nervous.
- Y/N you have no idea what I discovered! - Bobby, who was now your manager, called you excitedly.
- What was it?
- So I was organizing your participation in this year's BMAs, and you know who will be there, STRAY KIDS! They will also participate
You froze, you had followed the news, given interviews, seen Felix's live and knew that everyone already knew the obvious, you had burst out writing a song about the crush you had on a boy you saw once at a fan meeting.
- Y/N… are you there? - Bobby asked from the other side.
- I'm sorry, I just got a little distracted.
- I thought you would be more excited.
- Yes, I'm excited, of course, it's going to be really cool - You said a little disconcerted.
- Now are you ready for the big news?
- My God, is there more?
- It has! So the organization was talking to me, and they asked me if you would be willing to sit at the same table as them, you know, you speak Korean, so you can help the members who don't speak it to fit in.
- I confirmed your place with them of course, I thought you would love it!
- Wait, was the song really about Felix?
- My God Bobby, I thought you were my manager and paid attention to the nuances.
You wanted to pass out obviously.
Billboard Music Awards Day - Red carpet.
- Hi Matt! We are excited to see your performance today. What can we expect from this presentation?
- Hello! I'm looking forward to the night, it's going to be amazing. The performance will be full of energy, with a touch of magic and emotion. I hope everyone enjoys it!
- Good luck! Now, we've heard rumors that you and Stray Kids have a special connection. Any future collaborations on the horizon?
- Well, I'm a big fan of Stray Kids, they're so talented. Who knows what the future holds? I'm always open to surprising collaborations. - You say with a bright smile
- Hmm, intriguing! And regarding the "Unseen Hearts" video, many fans speculate about the inspiration behind it. Any subliminal messages?
- Ah, "Unseen Hearts" is an emotional journey, an exploration of personal feelings and challenges. Fan interpretations are fascinating, and I like to leave the song open to different meanings.
- What about the ideograms? We saw Felix from Stray Kids in the video. Any special meaning? - The interviewer asks with an insinuating smile
- Ideograms are like artistic elements, each one can find its own meaning. Sometimes it's just a way to add a special touch to the visual narrative. - You say, wanting to curse yourself for when you had the brilliant idea of putting one of the ideograms of Felix's name in the music video
Interview with Stray Kids
- And we're here with Stray Kids! You guys are killing it as always. We're curious to know, are there any secret collaborations you have in mind? Maybe something with our dear Y/N, who is also here today?
- Well, you know, we are always open to new musical experiences. Y/N is an amazing artist, so who knows what could happen in the future? - Felix responds.
- Interesting! And speaking of collaborations, we saw Felix's character in Y/N's "Unseen Hearts" video. Any idea what this could mean?
- It seems like Y/N wanted to add a special touch to the video. I don't know if there's a deeper meaning, but it's an honor to be included in his art in some way. - Felix says smiling
- What if we talk about the music itself? Any thoughts on "Unseen Hearts"? - The interviewer says wanting to provoke.
- Of course, we all watched the clip and were impressed. The song has a unique vibe, and Y/N's performance is engaging. It's great to see artists exploring different styles. - Bang Chan responds
- It seems like there are a lot of secrets being kept! Speaking of secrets, do you have any future projects that you haven't revealed yet?
- Well, we never reveal all our secrets, do we? You can expect more surprises in the future. - Hyunjin responds, ending the interview.
Later, after the red carpet, you have to face reality and go to your seat next to the members of Stray Kids. You're dying of embarrassment, not only because you meet artists you admire so much, but because you know what the topic of the moment is.
You greet everyone in Korean, trying to be as polite as possible, they are all incredibly kind to you.
When it's time to sit down, it's as if fate hates you, and of course your seat was next to Felix.
- I really enjoyed your series on Netflix. - Felix said trying to start a conversation.
- Serious? Didn't you find it a little too fanciful?
- It's too fanciful, but I like things like that, it's really cool.
- Thank you very much - You said blushing.
He looked incredibly handsome that night, you were trying very hard not to stare.
- I really liked Unseen Hearts too, it's a beautiful song.
- Oh thank you, but it doesn't even compare to your work, I'm still quite an amateur. - You always had this habit of diminishing yourself.
- Hey don't say that, your work is incredible. - He takes a strand of your hair and puts it back. - Your eyes are very E/C
He immediately takes his hand out of your hair and apologizes. There was a slight awkward atmosphere but the touch of his fingers in your hair were still there. “You’re not living a fanfic, focus on reality”, you forced yourself to think.
You didn't want to do it but you had to, you didn't want them to keep bothering the boy because of the damn ideogram in the clip.
- Look at the clip, and the ideogram, I'm sorry they keep disturbing you with this, I saw some of your lives and how embarrassed you were.
- Hey no, I thought it was really cool! Was it really a reference for me?
You look down, well, there was no point in lying anymore, right? At least you would leave with the knowledge that your idol would never see you as anything more
- Yes, it was, but you know we all have crushes on famous people, don't worry, it doesn't mean anything big.
- What a shame - He said looking down
What? - You were shocked.
- I wouldn't mind, you know, if it was a genuine crush.
You didn't have time to respond because Bobby came to call you to say that you needed to get ready for your presentation. You ran away with your heart racing, what did that mean, what did Felix mean?
- Ladies and gentlemen, singing Unseen Hearts Y/N S/N
On the Billboard Music Awards stage, the "Unseen Hearts" moment begins with you positioned center stage, radiating a magnetic presence. The mesmerizing melody fills the room, creating a magical atmosphere that captures everyone's attention.
The scenery is full of fantastic elements, as you immerse yourself in the performance, conveying the emotion of the music through each note. The audience, enveloped by the magic of the presentation, watches attentively.
During the performance, the camera occasionally cuts to the audience, where Felix from Stray Kids is sitting. His eyes meet at various moments, creating a visual connection that transcends the stage. You, while singing, exchange intense glances with Felix in the audience, conveying deep emotions and a unique harmony.
The exchange of glances is loaded with meaning, as if you were sharing your story not only with the audience, but also with Felix. Every facial expression reflects the intensity of the song, as your eyes meet Felix's, conveying a silent, emotional narrative.
At the end of the performance, the audience bursts into applause, recognizing the beauty and emotion of the performance. You, as you come down from the stage, exchange a final look with Felix, a moment that remains suspended in the air before being lost in the effervescence of the applause.
On twitter
🌟 The exchange of looks between Y/N and Felix during "Unseen Hearts" at the #BBMAs was simply magical! This emotional connection transcended the stage. ✨🎶 #UnseenHeartsMagic
😍 I can't get over the intensity of the looks between Y/N and Felix during the performance! Their chemistry is palpable, and "Unseen Hearts" became even more special. 🔥💖 #BBMAs # Y/N xFelixMoment
🧙‍♂️ I'm absolutely delighted with the performance of "Unseen Hearts" at the #BBMAs. The looks between Y/N and Felix added an extra layer of magic to the performance! 🌈🔮 #EnchantedConnection
🎭 "Unseen Hearts" at the #BBMAs was an emotional journey! The looks between Y/N and Felix brought a unique depth to the presentation. A masterpiece of connection and magic. 🌌🎶 #MysticalPerformance
🤩 The performance of "Unseen Hearts" at the #BBMAs was a visual and emotional spectacle! Y/N and Felix exchanging looks made everything even more captivating. 😊💫 #KPopMagicMoment
😭 I cried at the beauty of the performance of "Unseen Hearts". The intensity of the looks between Y/N and Felix is heartbreaking. A unique emotional experience. 💔🌟 #BBMAs #EmotionalJourney
🎶 The chemistry between Y/N and Felix during "Unseen Hearts" at the #BBMAs is something that cannot be described in words. A perfect fusion of music, emotion and connection. Angry! 👏🌈 #MusicalAlchemy
🌀 "Unseen Hearts" at #BBMAs left my soul vibrating. The looks between Y/N and Felix transcended the stage, creating a unique and magical experience. 🔮✨ #MysticVibes #UnseenHeartsVibes
You couldn't believe what had just happened, you had performed Unseen Hearts in front of hundreds of people but it was as if you could only see Felix, you were completely embarrassed by it. How could you be so unprofessional to stare at the boy like that? What would they say about you? What would they say about him?
A knock on the dressing room door makes you stand up. It was the boys from Stray Kids and you quickly rushed to open it.
- Y/N, man, you just killed it on stage! It was amazing! - Bang Chan says hugging you.
You're grateful for the compliment, but a wave of self-consciousness hits you. Did they notice your distraction? Did they notice the prolonged glances in Felix's direction?
- Oh, thanks, Chan! I'm glad you liked it. - You say smiling, trying to hide it.
- Did you see the audience? Everyone was mesmerized. It looks like you worked some real magic up there! - Jeongin says.
Everyone laughs, and you join in the laughter, trying to keep your self-critical thoughts away.
- Y/N, that performance was incredible. You brought such a unique energy to the song. - Felix says with a shy smile.
- And I think our friend here needs to speak to you in private. - Changbin says leading the others to leave the room.
Okay, you thought: now he's going to say that what I did was horrible, that it could cause gossip and horrible repercussions for his career. And so you will have ruined the mere chance of having a friendship with someone you admire.
But his response was very different from what you imagined.
- Yeah… I wanted to ask… if you want to go out with me, do you know after the awards?
The initial perplexity is replaced by a mixture of relief and surprise. You expected the worst, but here Felix is, not mentioning anything about the intense stares, but rather extending an invitation to hang out.
- Wow, of course, I would love to! It would be amazing. - You smile trying to hide your surprise.
Felix seems to relax a little, like he's relieved by his answer.
- Great so! Will be cool. The awards are going to be incredible, but I think after that we can relax a little, what do you think?
- I will love it!
- Excellent! See you after the awards, then. - He says with a dazzling smile
He turns to leave the dressing room, and you stay there, processing the unexpected turn of events. What seemed like a potential uncomfortable situation turned into an invitation to hang out. Perhaps the intense looks were perceived differently by Felix.
Later that night…
"Y/N from 'Unseen Hearts' and Felix from Stray Kids spotted holding hands after the Billboard Music Awards!"
"The beginning of a new ship? Y/N and Felix, moments of romance after the awards."
"Fans are ecstatic over photos of Y/N and Felix together. Could this be the start of a new friendship or something more?"
And on Twitter…
😱 Holding hands? This is real? Y/N and Felix together? I'm freaking out! 😍🥰 # #Y/NxFelix  #UnseenHeartsLove
🚢 Is a new ship being born? The internet needs to know! 😏🚀 # Y/Nlix #ShipSpeculation
🌟 The friendship between Y/N and Felix is so beautiful! We loved seeing the two together. 🤝💖 #FriendshipGoals # Y/NAndFelix
🧐 Holding hands? Are we all witnessing the beginning of something special? 🤔🌈 # Y/NAndFelix #SpeculationsRising
📸 Exclusive photos of Matt and Felix leaving the event. Are we seeing the birth of a new partnership? 🤝💫 #CelebrityNews # Y/NFelixMoments
📚 What do you think of a fanfic based on these photos? 😏💕 # Y/NlixFanfic #ShippingDreams
And so maybe Unseen Hearts weren't so unseen...
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baileypie-writes · 10 months
Could you please write a Velvet x reader where like the reader is also a famous pop star 😭🙏 take as much time as you need!
A/N ~ Sure! I’m burnt out from writing one shots, so I decided to do headcanons. I hope that’s okay! This also kinda has a love story at the beginning lol, I just couldn’t help myself. I had so much fun writing this.
~Velvet with a Pop Star S/O~
Fandom: Trolls 3: Band Together
Reader: Gender Neutral
Relationship: Romantic
Warnings: Jealousy(Velvet), rivalry(Velvet and Reader)
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~ Velvet used to hate you. She despised you. She wanted to be the number one star, but you were giving her a run for her money. She would make little jabs about you in interviews, and would turn off the radio if one of your songs ever dared to reach her ears.
~ But her hate for you soon turned into interest. One of your songs was trending, and she kept hearing it over and over again. She thought she’d go insane. But the song started growing on her. She became amazed by your choice of lyrics and your singing style. But none of that mattered to her. You were her rival. She couldn’t become a fan.
~ It wasn’t until you and Velvet eventually got to meet that she started to like you. You were so kind, but still fully committed to being her rival. She was amazed by you.
~ You guys had many more interactions, and even followed each other online. Your guys’s friendship and rivalry caught the attention of many of your fans, causing them to start shipping the two of you. Velvet thought it was ridiculous.
That was until you asked her out.
~ She thought you were joking, but you were dead serious. And Velvet realized that so were her feelings for you. So you two started going out, much to your fans’s delight.
~ You guys are still very much rivals, but it’s all in good fun. You congratulate each other when one of your songs beats the other’s in popularity. The loser jokes about beating the winner next time, while the winner earns bragging rights.
~ Velvet expects you to attend all of her shows, and in return, attends all of yours. She prepares a special spot for you that has the best view of the stage. She takes every chance she gets to blow you a kiss or give you a wink from the stage.
~ Velvet secretly wants to have a shared concert with you. Singing with you on the same stage is one of her dreams. Bonus: it would also ring in a lot of money.
~ She loves posting pictures of the two of you on social media. Your guys’s fans love it too. They eat it up every time.
~ Speaking of your fans, they’re obsessed with your relationship. The rivals to friends to lovers story is just too good. There’s always at least one person at one of your guys’s concerts that holds up a sign with your ship name on it. Velvet loves it.
~ She secretly has a few love songs written about you. But she’s too embarrassed to release them. If you ever write one about her though, she’ll love it. It will forever be her favorite song. She’ll even make it her ringtone.
~ Over all, your relationship is really sweet and fun.
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sameschmidtdiffname · 7 months
And now, for some shit ain't nobody asked for... *drumroll please...*
Fanboy Futturman Headcanons That Hardly Make Sense Unless You're Deranged
(because it's fun)
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Tags: just rawdog it bruh, idk what this is. I got fucken murmed.
Notes: Special thanks to @luverstream for going insane with me. This list is based off of our oddly specific thread. Love you pookers <3
• 100% started writing fanfiction for 'Biotic Wars' because there was only two works in the whole fandom and they were both illiterate/ooc
• It started as a challenge because he likes writing as a hobby so he made a random account on Tumblr and wrote a one-shot from Tigers POV just for shits and giggles
• He didn't expect literally anyone to read it, maybe a couple notes
• Then around his lunch break the next day his phone won't. Stop. Dinging.
• Long story short, he ends up with an account with like. 1.1k followers
• Once he realizes he has a serious reader base, he takes his blog seriously
• He spends a weird amount of time perfectly curating his blogs aesthetic with mods and whatever extentions he can find
• Personally commissions other fans for his fanfic borders, proper gifs, etc. He has one fanfic actually illustrated for Kinktober and it stays at the top of the 'Biotic War' tags for months
• Speaking of Kinktober, literally will not make plans for October/late September because he knows he's gonna aim to post everyday
• Will stay up for days writing when he gets hyperfixated
• Hates posting short fics. If the number doesn't end with a .k he doesn't post it until it does
• Also has a bunch of Easter eggs from his favorite movies and such in his works as well
• Knows an insane amount of copywrite laws because he's had to deal with people illegally selling his works/uploading them on other platforms
• When he eventually gets a partner he initially lies and says he wanted to become a lawyer when he was a kid, thus why he knows so much
• That works for about 12 minutes before he finally breaks down and tells them the truth, then offers to show them his work because he's told literally no one in his personal life about it
• His partner eventually becomes his editor and co-author on certain works (mainly smut)
• Half the time when he's actively working on smut he's gotta stop midway to "test the accuracy" w/ said partner
• Writes OUTRAGEOUS smut that makes him unable to look in the mirror while he's writing it
• Deadass hides under his blankets in total darkness with tape over his computers camera because of the shame
• Has a collection of proofreaders/consultants because his first smut included cervix penetration and he got dragged by basically everyone on Tumblr for it
• Had a work get popular enough one time one of his friends sent it to him because they figured he'd get a kick out of it
• Which made him panic and stop writing for like a month to lay low
• Has a completely different Spotify account for writing because his mom uses his "normal" account even though he has a family plan (side note: they make little playlists for each other :))
• Has like 50 different playlists dedicated to his fics that's available for his readers to listen to
• The artists all range from Deftones to dodie depending on the work
• His top artist is Ayesha Erotica with 2000+ minutes spent on 'Yummy'
• (Also has an impossible amount of hours logged on said Spotify account)
• Has a whole panic attack when he leaves his phone in the 60s because he had a whole new chapter ready to publish in his 20 part hurt/no comfort/slowburn fic that was over 10.k words in his notes app
• Wolf finds his Ao3 account one time and becomes... concerningly obsessed with Futturmans work without realizing Futturman is the author
• It gets to the point Wolf will legit go on 30+ minute rants about the stories while Futturman is just hyperventilating in the corner because he doesn't know how long he can keep up the facade
• It gets worse when Wolf makes an account and starts actually commenting on the works
• However he ends up getting impressive tips from the rants and ends up incorporating his suggestions into his works
• Wolf never stops bragging about this
• His most popular work/series follows a female oc that originally started as a one-shot request for a oc x Wolf fic (which Wolf hates because he says it's OoC. Futturman does not agree nor care.) But ended up getting popular enough there's well over 20 parts
• At some point he, Wolf and Tiger get into a massive argument because he finds a bound copy of all of his works amongst their supplies and no one will confess who's it is and keep blaming each other
• (It's Tigers)
• When he gets to his final timeline he manages to get his all of his drafts back through Susan (who had a lot of questions, and was given no answers) and just publishes his work as an original series since Biotic Wars no longer exists
• "Orginial series" gets insanely popular and now he has like five burner accounts so he can read fanfiction of his own fanfiction
• Writes fanfiction for his own series purposely to fuck with the fanbase
• Usually will make it ooc but well written, but once in awhile comes up with a "headcanon" that will come true in his next book so he can watch the readers implode
• And last but not least
• He casts his other self in the final timeline as the male lead in the eventual movie adaptation. Because of course he would
(Bonus: in the OG timeline when Futturman ends up disappearing, his biggest series ends up never being finished, nor his blog updated. Leading to a weirdly thorough four hour video docuseries made by Wendigoon about the rise and disappearance of the mysterious author and how the 'Biotic Wars' fandom eventually finished the fic themselves and created their own spinoffs, leading the work to get more popular than 'Biotic Wars' ever was and like five different people falsely claiming they wrote it, only to be disproven within an insanely short amount of time. Yeah, kinda a full on My Immortal.)
Don't ask me what this was, I think I got possessed. Anyways, bon achoo sweet.
@cassiecasluciluce @gh0u1ishly @joshhutchersons-slut @schmidtsbimbo @sugarevans @wompwompwomp57 . Thank you for your support pookies!!! <3
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cowboylikeyouu · 2 months
why does everybody hate mcu clint so much??? i’ve read his comics but i still love jeremy renner’s portrayal of him and stuff :(
like i can understand being disappointed in some ways about how the character was changed for the movies, but i can’t understood all the hate for him
for me, personally, it's not that mcu clint is a bad character per se, it's really just the fact that he doesn't feel like clint barton. give him any other name and he's a fine character, but compare him to comic clint and they're in NO WAY the same person.
on one hand you have that responsible, serious husband and well adjusted father of three, who cracks a joke here and there but takes everything pretty serious most of the time, who has his life under control, while everyone else on the team is a mess. he doesn't have that much of a personality, no weird habits or (dis)likes, he really fades in comparison to other team members like tony, who's lines are always on point and who gets a back story and everything.
on the other hand there's this 6'3" disaster of a human being, who lives for coffee, dogs, tv shows and nothing else, is obsessed with purple for no reason at all, grew up in a circus after he escaped his abusive dad, can't take anything seriously and cracks the funniest joke all the fucking time, even makes fun of captain america on a regular basis (at least in the early avengers comics), runs away from himself and responsibility, fucks up nearly all of his relationships because he really sucks at emotions, but then forms those really precious bonds with people like kate, and who's just kind of an asshole really, but simultaneously a fucking ray of sunshine. plus he's deaf and we always love some representation. oh, and mcu clint is like the straightest guy ever, and then there's comic clint who is just so easy to headcanon as this bisexual disaster, and we all know how much fandom loves a queer coded character.
so, the mcu basically took away every fun part of the awesome character that is clint barton and it SUCKS. i really don't hate movie clint as his own character, i just hate hate HATE the fact that he's supposed to be THE clint barton because he IS NOT, and he'll never be. i'm sorry, but jeremy renner just can't pull it off, i'll never understand how they saw bigger-than-steve, blond-mess, purple-loving, coffee-addict comic clint and where like: "oh yeah, let's cast 5' 9" jeremy renner and give his character a huge, healthy family, and no mental health problems, that's just perfect😍"
it's just so sad to be aware of the awesomeness of comic clint and then watch the movies because you're constantly thinking "oh what could've been..." if they did comic accurate movie clint, he'd definitely be a fan-favourite and we'd have tons of edits, and ships, and merchandise, but NO, most mcu fans just forget about him or don't find him special or entertaining (bc his mcu version really really isn't) and he gets left out of all the casual merchandise you can find in random shops (i literally have an album on my phone that's dedicated to photos i took of cheap avengers merchandise with the "o6" avengers sans clint lmao)
you're obviously allowed to love movie clint and jeremy's portrayal, that's great!!! i was an mcu fan way before i even knew just how different comic clint was, and i loved mcu clint so much back then! but after reading the comics and thousands of fanfiction, i'm just really really angry that there isn't a good live action on screen representation of my all time favourite fictional character, and i think many people feel the same :(
okay, i think i'm done lmao.
anyways, shout out to avengers assemble clint, my one true love <3 the mcu should take notes.
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mwolf0epsilon · 1 month
Sometimes being in the SW Fandom is about diving into the annals of the internet researching the most obscure tidbit of batshit insane Canon or EU Lore imaginable to man (which is honestly my favorite thing to do because people have done some pretty insanely funny things with this universe and characters). But for the majority of the time, being in the SW Fandom is also watching people repeat a cycle of asinine arguments that make an absolute ass out of them for the worst possible reasons.
So here's a quick reminder of past arguments to be mindful of and always consider, when you see something in the tags that makes you wrinkle your nose at:
Everyone has something they like or dislike about the overall universe and story. Be it the Original Trilogy, the Prequels, the Sequels, the Animated series, the Live-Action series, EU stuff, Novels, etc. No one is above or below anyone else just because they don't love the entirety of the universe and/or the direction the current writers are taking it.
Canon can be a good baseline for your own creative purposes. You don't have to love it (because yes the whole thing can be inconsistent as hell), but don't get to a point in your fanfic/AU world-building where you vehemently deny that canon is an actual thing. This goes hand in hand with your personal depiction of characters vs someone else's depictions. Reading comprehension and the creative process depend on perspective and how you process the information you're given, so it's only normal that no two person's idea of a character is the same. But saying that your headcanons are how the characters should be written by everyone is not gonna do you any favors in the long run, because it's not up to you to decide on that. Don't forget Blorbo's actual roots and what it took to get him where you took him, but don't try to force someone else to accept the journey you orchestrated for them!
No one's OC should be put on a pedestal. It's good that people feel comfortable enough to play Barbies with each other's OCs in roleplay sessions, or even add a cameo in a fic to a character of a friend and/or artist/writer they admire from a distance. Hell, the fact many people are passionate about someone else's little fella/s is great! But the moment someone's OC becomes an object of obsession within a Fandom community, things can go a little wrong... It stops being fun to be in that kind of space that goes from welcoming OC discussions to suddenly shunning new people in favor of someone's Ultimate Blorbo who now has a Cult Following and should be written into every fanfic ever.
No one is evil for lacking knowledge or self-awareness of certain grievances that people rightfully have with the source material. The SW Fandom has always had a long-standing issue with racial stereotyping, whitewashing, cultural appropriation, sexism and many other equally serious topics that have been more eloquently explained in posts made by people much more eloquent and qualified than I am or ever will be. However, one must recognize that not everyone who joins the Fandom is immediately aware of these things. Especially the younger generations that have either not been exposed to these concepts due to one reason or another (upbringing, biased educational curriculum, etc), or because they were simply never in a position where they could delve into these topics with someone knowledgeable on them (some experiences simply aren't universal, especially if you come from a more privileged family). For the most part, SW is just a silly sci-fi universe that is nothing more than a simple means of escapism or dumb fun. Not everyone is going to study it under a microscope or go through it with a fine comb. That said, another important thing to remember is to listen to those who know their stuff and that have had personal grievances with any of the topics above. You can be excused for lack of knowledge, but you cannot be excused for purposefully ignoring the voices of those who provide you said knowledge for free if you go searching.
This is kinda returning to the second and previous topics, but I really need to put emphasis on this: If you're going to cling to certain design choices with an iron first and incorporate them into your personal ideas/headcanons, please always consider how it SOUNDS when you say characters that are written with basis on real POC people/communities are much better/superior if they have phenotypical trait expressions that are not present (or considered rare/atypical) in their real world basis. This is a CONSISTENT problem I have seen crop up specifically within the Clone Wars and Bad Batch sides of the fandom, especially when talking about Rex (who is a blond) and Clone Force 99 (who do not look like standard clones). Always remember: The problem isn't that Rex can't be naturally blond (genetics can be unpredictable and we really don't have an extensive look into the cloning process), the problem is the way some people think he'd be inferior in some way if he were a bottle blond who chose to distinguish himself (almost as if having darker skin, darker hair and darker eyes is somehow worse than having lighter skin, lighter hair or lighter eyes.. How curious isn't it?). Needless to say, I don't think I need to elaborate further on why CF99's "desirable mutations" giving them considerably lighter skin and less ethnic features, while also making their most POC presenting member look and sometimes act like a moronic brute (something which this Fandom pushes further by infantilizing him relentlessly), is a bit of a red flag...
Star Wars has always been political. It is literally in the name and in the meat of the writing. The entire thing is basically a political and social critique presented in a sci-fi/fantasy wrapper, with colorful plasma swords, cool spaceships, and kickass explosion bow on top. You cannot separate the political conversation from the universe's overall lore, and trying to do so makes you look foolish. Disney may have taken creative liberties with some of its shows, but at the end of the day they can't ever eliminate what the Original Trilogies and even the Prequels tried to tell us about. With that said, complaining about how some of the new shows are "too Woke" or PC is the equivalent of saying you read Romeo and Juliet and that the story is relationship goals. You might need to revisit the original material.
For the love of god if you don't like something, don't go after someone who does, it's not worth it. Sometimes the best thing you can do is either filter something you actively dislike/that makes you feel uncomfortable, or simply unfollow/block whoever is repeatedly bringing it onto your doorstep. And you also have no real obligation to explain your decision to block someone, especially if they hound you for questions. Rule of thumb: Don't like something? That's perfectly fine and valid. Take the steps to make yourself comfortable then, but don't go out of your way to be a royal asshole to someone else just because they themselves enjoy it. This encompasses things from anti-jedi demonization, actual ethnic cleansing in canon, siding with personifications of alt-right extremists, proshipping apologism, etc. The block button was added to this hellsite for a reason. Use it.
Sometimes you can't change someone else's opinions on a matter and that is perfectly fine. Just don't start a feud. People come and go, and their opinions vary (we're all individuals with out own perspectives and unique experiences after all), but getting up in arms every time someone either refuses to yield in a long-winded argument, or continuously tries to shove their unsolicited opinions/advice onto you, or even makes incredibly uncomfortable/forward/gross comments that they definitely shouldn't be saying to a complete stranger on the internet, is kind of pointless and will drain you of energy faster than you can say Death Star. You're not the lesser person for walking away from a lost cause. It's ultimately not your job or responsibility to fix/better someone else. Especially if they don't want to change.
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copy-kirby · 1 month
small-ish rant about some of the reaction to murder drones episode 8
spoilers, obviously. read at your own risk.
also this is heavily opinionated
so i've noticed personally a lot of the fandom seems dissatisfied with how murder drones ended. that's entirely fair, honestly, i'm not trying to deny you your feelings or anything, but i feel like some of the criticism its getting doesn't make sense? like, i've seen complaints that it wasn't as serious as it should've been or it did things for the sake of jokes when that's always been murder drones thing? it's BEEN a horror/comedy ever since its inception so i feel like that would be more of a gripe of the show itself rather than the finale, even more serious episodes like 6 and 7 still ditched seriousness for the sake of jokes, with n being jovial and laughing while being dissected and the joke with nori's nightcore obsession or the "hanging out" bit. the fact the show refuses to take itself seriously is part of what makes it murder drones.
this isn't to say the finale is perfect, i definately don't think V should have survived/come back because in hindsight it lowers the impact of her sacrifice and there were absolutely cliffhangers, but every episode of murder drones is flawed. it's pacing has always been its biggest issue.
that being said i do feel like there were satisfying payoffs in the finale which are fun to point out, such as the payoff of the nightcore bit being the fact its literally the final fight music, the payoff to the joke with khan and doors being the fact he used one as a weapon, small touches like that.
besides, it's not like this is really the end. murder drones will only "die" or "end" when we as fans stop caring about it. thats how it goes for any fandom, even incredibly niche fandoms (me with FNaTI, as an example, a series of FNaF fangames that just has 2 entries.) don't die unless people just stop caring.
Murder Drones is essentially in our hands now. Not in the form of it being public domain, but we can do whatever we want to expand and explore the universe in our own creative ways. So go and be creative!
or who knows maybe i'm just biased because nuzi was confirmed and vizzy was heavily hinted at. or something
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oshinohoshi · 19 days
Oshi no Ko Chapter 159 Thoughts
This was a fun April Fool's Day chapter and I can't wait for the real one!
When I saw the spoilers about Akane dressed as Ruby I thought it was a joke. I said in my last chapter review that if this was set-up to catch Nino it would be so bad, but this isn't just bad. It's hilarious. We have reached the level of parody
It's fine. I can accept this. So, Akane pulls off a Ruby wig and -
I'm sorry, I can't. I snort laughed while typing this
OK. There's serious shit in this chapter. I'll try to focus
I miss when Akane was a person rather than a plot device
Ichigo finally did something useful. It doesn't make up for his culpability in Ai's death and the way he ran away but I'm still happy for him
So... about Nino/Ryosuke. I'm pretty sure this means that Nino only idolized Ai after Ryosuke did but I still headcanon her having an attraction/obsession for Ai as a teen and suppressing it. Nothing in this chapter says she didn't!
I'm not wholly against them having dated if done well, but I think it has pushed us into soap opera territory and away from a condemnation of misogynistic fandom and the systems propping the whole thing up
Because Ryosuke wasn't an incel. He was a hypocrite. Which could be interesting except that I have no faith that this will be expounded on
I complained about Nino becoming a paper thin villain but this chapter brought back some of her depth
"If Ai was nothing but an ordinary girl, what would that have made us, then?" hammers home her inferiority complex. If Ai wasn't perfect, then Nino was upstaged in her professional and personal life by a normal girl
If Ai actually got her feelings hurt, then the fight between them hurt Ai and Nino is partially to blame for it
(Thank you @penguinkyun for contextualizing this for me).
This panel goes hard.
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The Ryosuke suicide panel affected me for two reasons:
Nino told him to die (no idea if we'll learn when she told him that, but anyway) and that's the second time she has expressed that and someone actually did
I will never have sympathy for the POS that is Ryosuke, but I am horrified to see him hanging like that. His last moments must have been torture. Although he doesn't deserve for me to feel bad for him, it still makes me queasy
I know Ruby upstaged Kana in a way that undermines everything about what we were led to believe would happen with Kana, but this panel melted my heart so much that I kind of ignored it (sorry). Sarina gets to have a real life with friends and she achieved her dream of becoming an idol. It tugs at my heartstrings. They just look so happy
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What the hell is going on with Hikaru's expression. I can't stop laughing at it
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I don't buy Hikaru as the big bad. This is just a fakeout all over again. Probably. I've given up predicting anything
It seriously concerns me how much I relate to Nino below. Dammit, Nino. Stop calling me out
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Next week: Crow girl is the big bad. She pushes Aqua and Hikaru into the sea. Ruby dressed as Akane channeling Ai rappels from a helicopter to save them. I declare this peak fiction and take back all of my criticisms of the last couple arcs.
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What if "Hogwarts Legacy" characters took the MBTI test?
Okay, this is something I do in this blog: whenever I obsess with a new story, I try and imagine what personality type would each character get on the MBTI test. It's silly, I know, haha - but I LOVE character study and discussing character personalities in detail; that's why I love writing this kind of post. So OF COURSE I had to do it with Hogwarts Legacy characters!
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If you don't know this test, it's a personality test based on a theory written by Carl Gustav Jung that divides people in 16 different types of personalities. The personalities are defined by different combinations of letters that represent specific aspects of our behaviour and way of thinking: "I" for "Introverted", for example, "T" for "Thinking", "J" for "Judging", and so it goes. This way, your result will be something like "ENTJ", or "ISFP". This test is not universally accepted as scientific, true or correct, BUT I think it's a lot of fun. If you don't know your MBTI yet, you can take the test here.
Of course, this is heavily based on headcanon. Especially in the case of this game, I feel there are characters we barely know anything about - all we "know" is actually headcanon. 🤣 But I also think those headcanons are pretty much "accepted" by biggest part of the fandom, so hopefully you'll understand why I classified each one of them the way I did. I tried to focus on the students, but, when I couldn't find any student that would fit an specific personality type, I resorted to the other characters (Hogwarts staff, Hogsmeade, etc).
So, let's try this. Let me know what you think, please! 💚
OMINIS GAUNT: The Architect (INTJ) - Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging
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Thoughtful. Their inner world is a private, complex one
Love perfecting the details of life, applying creativity and rationality to everything they do. Their minds are never at rest
Pride themselves on their ability to think for themselves, not to mention their uncanny knack for seeing right through phoniness and hypocrisy
May be cynical about human nature more generally, assuming that most people are lazy, unimaginative, or simply doomed to mediocrity
They question everything and prefer to make their own discoveries. In their quest to find better ways of doing things, they aren’t afraid to break the rules or risk disapproval: in fact, they rather enjoy it (and Heaven help anyone who tries to slow them down by enforcing pointless rules or offering poorly thought-out criticism)
They don't mind acting alone, perhaps because they don't like waiting around for others to catch up with them. They also generally prefer making decisions without asking for anyone else's input. At times, this lone-wolf behavior can come across as insensitive, as it fails to take into consideration other people's thoughts, desires, and plans
Because Architects value truth and depth, many common social practices - from small talk to white lies - may seem pointless or downright stupid to them. It would be a mistake, however, to view Architects as uncaring. These personalities feel deeply: when things go wrong or when they hurt others, Architects are personally affected and spend much time and energy trying to figure out why things happened the way that they did
Architects can be single-minded, with little patience for frivolity, distractions, or idle gossip. That said, they're far from dull or humorless. Many Architects are known for their irreverent wit, and beneath their serious exteriors, they often have a sharp, delightfully sarcastic sense of humor
ELEAZAR FIG: The Logician (INTP) - Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Prospecting
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Logicians often lose themselves in thought - which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. People with this personality type hardly ever stop thinking, 'cause they can’t help but puzzle over the mysteries of the universe
Logicians are Introverts and tend to get tired out by extensive socializing. After a long day, they crave time alone to consult their own thoughts. But when they connect with someone who can match their mental energy, these personalities absolutely light up, leaping from one thought to another. Few things energize them like the opportunity to swap ideas or enjoy a lively debate with another curious, inquiring soul.
They love to analyze patterns. Without necessarily knowing how they do it, people with this personality type often have a Sherlock Holmes-like knack for spotting discrepancies and irregularities. When it comes to dissecting a tricky, multilayered problem and coming up with a creative solution, few personality types can match Logicians’ creative genius and potential.
The "analysis paralysis" can affect multiple areas of Logicians' lives. People with this personality type can overthink even the smallest of decisions.
IMELDA REYES: The Commander (ENTJ) - Extraverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging
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People with this personality type embody the gift of confidence, and project authority in a way that draws crowds together behind a common goal. However, Commanders are also characterized by an often ruthless level of rationality, using their drive, determination and sharp minds to achieve whatever end they've set for themselves.
If there's anything Commanders love, it's a good challenge, big or small, and they firmly believe that given enough time and resources, they can achieve any goal. This quality makes people with the Commander personality type brilliant entrepreneurs, and their ability to think strategically and hold a long-term focus while executing each step of their plans with determination and precision makes them powerful business leaders.
At the negotiating table, Commanders are dominant, relentless, and unforgiving. This isn't because they are coldhearted or vicious per se - it’s more that Commander personalities genuinely enjoy the challenge, the battle of wits, the repartee that comes from this environment, and if the other side can’t keep up, that’s no reason for Commanders to fold on their own core tenet of ultimate victory.
The underlying thought running through the Commander mind might be something like "I don’t care if you call me an insensitive b*tch, as long as I remain an efficient b*tch".
If there’s anyone Commanders respect, it’s someone who is able to stand up to them intellectually, who is able to act with a precision and quality equal to their own. Commander personalities have a particular skill in recognizing the talents of others, and this helps in their team-building efforts
To people with the Commander personality type, emotional displays are displays of weakness, and it’s easy to make enemies with this approach. Especially in a professional environment, Commanders will simply crush the sensitivities of those they view as inefficient, incompetent or lazy
EVERETT CLOPTON*: The Debater (ENTP) - Extraverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Prospecting
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Quick-witted and audacious, Debaters aren't afraid to disagree with the status quo. In fact, they're not afraid to disagree with pretty much anything or anyone. Few things light up people with this personality type more than a bit of verbal sparring - and if the conversation veers into controversial terrain, so much the better.
It would be a mistake, though, to think of Debaters as disagreeable or mean-spirited. Instead, people with this personality type are knowledgeable and curious, with a playful sense of humor, and they can be incredibly entertaining. They simply have an offbeat, contrarian idea of fun - one that involves a healthy dose of spirited debate. They are respected for their vision, confidence, knowledge, and keen sense of humor
For this personality type, no belief is too sacred to be questioned, no idea is too fundamental to be scrutinized, and no rule is too important to be broken, or at least thoroughly tested.
As Debaters see it, most people are too ready to do as they’re told and blindly conform to social norms, pressures, and standards. Debaters enjoy the mental exercise of questioning the prevailing mode of thought, and they take a certain pleasure in uncovering the value of underdogs and outliers. Their active minds can’t help but rethink the things that everyone else takes for granted and push them in clever new directions.
*this was a very hard one. I ended up deciding for Everett because his most important interaction with MC in the game is basically telling them to break the rules and try something different, lol (and because I think this personality type is very Ravenclaw-like). But I confess I was VERY tempted to choose Peeves for this one, lol
NATSAI ONAI: The Advocate (INFJ) - Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging
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Idealistic and principled, they aren’t content to coast through life – they want to stand up and make a difference. For Advocate personalities, success doesn’t come from money or status but from seeking fulfillment, helping others, and being a force for good in the world. Their inner vision, personal values, and a quiet, principled version of humanism guide them in all things.
While they have lofty goals and ambitions, Advocates shouldn’t be mistaken for idle dreamers. People with this personality type care about integrity, and they’re rarely satisfied until they’ve done what they know to be right. Conscientious to the core, they move through life with a clear sense of their values, and they aim never to lose sight of what truly matters – not according to other people or society at large, but according to their own wisdom and intuition.
Advocates are troubled by injustice, and they typically care more about altruism than personal gain. They often feel called to use their strengths – including creativity, imagination, and sensitivity – to uplift others and spread compassion. Many Advocates see helping others as their mission in life, and they’re always looking for ways to step in and speak up for what is right. People with this personality type also aspire to fix society’s deeper problems, in the hope that unfairness and hardship can become things of the past.
Advocates may be Introverted, but they value deep, authentic relationships with others. Few things bring these personalities as much joy as truly knowing another person – and being known in return. Advocates enjoy meaningful conversations far more than small talk, and they tend to communicate in a way that is warm and sensitive. This emotional honesty and insight can make a powerful impression on the people around them.
MIRABEL GARLICK: The Mediator (INFP) - Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Prospecting
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Mediators have vibrant, passionate inner lives. Creative and imaginative, they happily lose themselves in daydreams, inventing all sorts of stories and conversations in their minds. These personalities are known for their sensitivity - Mediators can have profound emotional responses to music, art, nature, and the people around them.
Mediators share a sincere curiosity about the depths of human nature. Introspective to the core, they’re exquisitely attuned to their own thoughts and feelings, but they yearn to understand the people around them as well. Mediators are compassionate and nonjudgmental, always willing to hear another person’s story. When someone opens up to them or turns to them for comfort, they feel honored to listen and be of help.
Few things make Mediators more uneasy than pretending to be someone they aren’t. With their sensitivity and their commitment to authenticity, people with this personality type tend to crave opportunities for creative self-expression. They can’t help but muse about the meaning and purpose of life, dreaming up all sorts of stories, ideas, and possibilities along the way.
Like flowers in the spring, Mediators’ creativity and idealism can bloom even after the darkest of seasons. Although they know the world will never be perfect, Mediators still care about making it better however they can. This quiet belief in doing the right thing may explain why these personalities so often inspire compassion, kindness, and beauty wherever they go.
SIRONA RYAN*: The Protagonist (ENFJ) - Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging
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Thoughtful and idealistic, these personality types strive to have a positive impact on other people and the world around them. They rarely shy away from an opportunity to do the right thing, even when doing so is far from easy.
Protagonists are born leaders: their passion and charisma allow them to inspire others not just in their careers but in every arena of their lives, including their relationships. Few things bring Protagonists a deeper sense of joy and fulfillment than guiding friends and loved ones to grow into their best selves.
They tend to be vocal about their values, including authenticity and altruism. When something strikes them as unjust or wrong, they speak up. But they rarely come across as brash or pushy, as their sensitivity and insight guide them to speak in ways that resonate with others.
These personality types have an uncanny ability to pick up on people’s underlying motivations and beliefs. At times, they may not even understand how they come to grasp another person’s mind and heart so quickly. These flashes of insight can make Protagonists incredibly persuasive and inspiring communicators.
Protagonists are genuine, caring people who talk the talk and walk the walk. Nothing makes them happier than motivating other people to do what’s right.
*I know it’s a bit ironic that Sirona gets “The Protagonist” when she’s a tertiary character, hahaha. But I really see her as a very important member in the Hogsmeade community; seen as a leader figure by some. We have a lot of “if Sirona trusts them, I trust them too” moments in the game. So, that’s why.
POPPY SWEETING: The Campaigner (ENFP) - Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Prospecting
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Campaigners are true free spirits – outgoing, openhearted, and open-minded. With their lively, upbeat approach to life, they stand out in any crowd. But even though they can be the life of the party, Campaigners don’t just care about having a good time. These personality types run deep - as does their longing for meaningful, emotional connections with other people.
Friendly and outgoing, Campaigners are devoted to enriching their relationships and their social lives. But beneath their sociable, easygoing exteriors, they have rich, vibrant inner lives as well. Without a healthy dose of imagination, creativity, and curiosity, a Campaigner simply wouldn’t be a Campaigner. These personalities believe that everything and everyone is connected, and they live for the glimmers of insight that they can gain into these connections.
They are independent and creative, always on the lookout for the magic and meaning in everyday life. Campaigner personalities are capable of intense thought and feeling - and also of kicking back and having a good time.
Even in moments of fun, Campaigners want to connect emotionally with others. Few things matter more to these personality types than having genuine, heartfelt conversations with the people they cherish. Campaigners believe that everyone deserves to express their feelings, and their empathy and warmth create spaces where even the most timid spirits can feel comfortable opening up.
DADDY AESOP SHARP*: The Logistician (ISTJ) - Introverted, Observant, Thinking, and Judging
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These people tend to be reserved yet willful, with a rational outlook on life. They pride themselves on their integrity, compose their actions carefully and carry them out with methodical purpose. People with this personality type mean what they say, and when they commit to doing something, they make sure to follow through.
People with this personality type believe that there is a right way to proceed in any situation – and that anyone who pretends otherwise is probably trying to bend the rules to suit their own purposes. Logisticians have a deep respect for structure and tradition, and they are often drawn to organizations, workplaces, and educational settings that offer clear hierarchies and expectations.
People with the Logistician personality type rarely hesitate to take responsibility for their actions and choices. Generally speaking, they are quick to own up to their own mistakes, admitting the truth even if it doesn’t make them look good. To Logisticians, honesty is far more important than showmanship, and they’d rather satisfy their own conscience than lie to impress someone else.
At times, Logisticians might unfairly misjudge people who can’t match their rigorous self-control. Even if Logisticians don’t speak these judgments aloud, their disdain can come through regardless, earning them a reputation for being somewhat strict or unempathetic.
*the description of this personality type seems very fitting for an ex-auror to me haha
ANNE SALLOW: The Defender (ISFJ) - Introverted, Observant, Feeling, and Judging
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In their unassuming, understated way, Defenders help make the world go round. Hardworking and devoted, people with this personality type feel a deep sense of responsibility to those around them. Defenders can be counted on to meet deadlines, remember birthdays and special occasions, and shower their loved ones with gestures of care and support. But they rarely demand recognition for all that they do, preferring instead to operate behind the scenes.
Though sensitive and caring, Defenders also have excellent analytical abilities and an eye for detail. And despite their reserve, they tend to have well-developed people skills and robust social relationships. They are true altruists, meeting kindness with kindness and engaging with the work and people they believe in with enthusiasm and generosity.
Among Defenders’ most distinctive traits is loyalty. Rare is the Defender who allows a friendship or relationship to fade away from lack of effort. People with this personality type are known for dropping everything and lending a hand whenever a friend or family member is going through a hard time. Defenders’ sense of loyalty doesn’t stop with their nearest and dearest - it often extends to their communities, their employers, and even family traditions.
For Defenders, “good enough” is rarely good enough. People with this personality type can be meticulous to the point of perfectionism. They take their responsibilities personally, consistently going above and beyond and doing everything that they can to exceed others’ expectations. Even then, they are known for their humility, and they rarely seek the spotlight.
Defenders have a deeply social nature. Thanks to their ability to remember the details of other people’s lives, Defenders have a special talent for making their friends and acquaintances feel seen, known, and cherished.
DINAH HECAT: The Executive (ESTJ) - Extraverted, Observant, Thinking, and Judging
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Executives are representatives of tradition and order, utilizing their understanding of what is right, wrong and socially acceptable to bring families and communities together. Embracing the values of honesty, dedication and dignity, people with the Executive personality type are valued for their clear advice and guidance, and they happily lead the way on difficult paths.
Strong believers in the rule of law and authority that must be earned, Executive personalities lead by example, demonstrating dedication and purposeful honesty, and an utter rejection of laziness and cheating, especially in work.
Executives are aware of their surroundings and live in a world of clear, verifiable facts - the surety of their knowledge means that even against heavy resistance, they stick to their principles and push an unclouded vision of what is and is not acceptable. Their opinions aren’t just empty talk either, as Executives are more than willing to dive into the most challenging projects, improving action plans and sorting details along the way, making even the most complicated tasks seem easy and approachable.
MATILDA WEASLEY: The Consul (ESFJ) - Extraverted, Observant, Feeling, and Judging
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They are attentive and people-focused, and they enjoy taking part in their social community. Their achievements are guided by decisive values, and they willingly offer guidance to others. People with this personality type form the bedrock of many communities, opening their homes – and their hearts – to friends, loved ones, and neighbors.
Consuls do believe in the power of hospitality and good manners, and they tend to feel a sense of duty to those around them. Generous and reliable, people with this personality type often take it upon themselves to hold their families and their communities together. They have a talent for making the people in their lives feel supported, cared for, and secure.
Consuls are altruists. They take seriously their responsibilities to give back, serve others, and do the right thing. And Consuls believe that there is a clear right thing to do in nearly every situation. While some personality types adopt a more lenient, live-and-let-live attitude, Consuls may find it difficult not to judge when someone takes a path that strikes them as misguided. They have a clear moral compass.
Consuls rarely miss a birthday or holiday. Devoted to their relationships, they commit even the smallest details of their friends’ and loved ones’ lives to memory. Loyal to the core, they build lasting relationships, and they can be counted on to show up whenever a helping hand - or a listening ear - is needed. They put a great deal of energy into making other people feel special and celebrated, and they may take it personally when someone doesn’t seem to appreciate their efforts.
For many people with the Consul personality type, one of life’s greatest challenges is accepting that they can’t control anyone else’s thoughts or behavior - not even those who are nearest and dearest to them.
AMIT THAKKAR: The Virtuoso (ISTP) - Introverted, Observant, Thinking, and Prospecting
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They tend to have an individualistic mindset, pursuing goals without needing much external connection. They engage in life with inquisitiveness and personal skill, varying their approach as needed. They love to explore with their hands and their eyes, touching and examining the world around them with cool rationalism and spirited curiosity.
Virtuosos explore ideas through creating, troubleshooting, trial and error and first-hand experience. They enjoy having other people take an interest in their projects and sometimes don’t even mind them getting into their space. They enjoy lending a hand and sharing their experience, especially with the people they care about.
Virtuosos are actually quite enigmatic. Friendly but very private, calm but suddenly spontaneous, extremely curious but unable to stay focused, Virtuoso personalities can be a challenge to predict, even by their friends and loved ones.
The biggest issue Virtuosos are likely to face is that they often act too soon, taking for granted their permissive nature and assuming that others are the same. They’ll be the first to tell an insensitive joke, get overly involved in someone else’s project, roughhouse and play around, or suddenly change their plans because something more interesting came up.
ABRAHAM RONEN: The Adventurer (ISFP) - Introverted, Observant, Feeling, and Prospecting
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Adventurers are true artists – although not necessarily in the conventional sense. For this personality type, life itself is a canvas for self-expression. From what they wear to how they spend their free time, Adventurers act in ways that vividly reflect who they are as unique individuals.
Driven by curiosity and eager to try new things, people with this personality often have a fascinating array of passions and interests. With their exploratory spirits and their ability to find joy in everyday life, Adventurers can be among the most interesting people you’ll ever meet. The irony? Unassuming and humble, Adventurers tend to see themselves as “just doing their own thing,” so they may not even realize how remarkable they really are.
Adventurers embrace a flexible, adaptable approach to life. Some personality types thrive on strict schedules and routines, but not Adventurers. They take each day as it comes, doing what feels right to them in the moment. And they make sure to leave plenty of room in their lives for the unexpected - with the result that many of their most cherished memories are of spontaneous, spur-of-the-moment outings and adventures, whether by themselves or with their loved ones.
This flexible mindset makes Adventurers remarkably tolerant and open-minded. These personalities genuinely love living in a world filled with all kinds of people - even people who disagree with them or choose radically different lifestyles. It’s no surprise, then, that Adventurers are unusually open to changing their minds and rethinking their opinions. If any personality type believes in giving something (or someone) a second chance, it’s Adventurers.
In their relationships, Adventurers are warm, friendly, and caring, taking wholehearted enjoyment in the company of their nearest and dearest. But make no mistake: this is an Introverted personality type, meaning that Adventurers need dedicated alone time to recharge their energy after socializing with others. This alone time is what allows Adventurers to reestablish a sense of their own identity - in other words, to reconnect with who they truly are.
SEBASTIAN SALLOW: The Entrepreneur (ESTP) - Extraverted, Observant, Thinking, and Prospecting
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Entrepreneurs always have an impact on their immediate surroundings. Laughing and entertaining with a blunt humor, Entrepreneur personalities love to be the center of attention. They keep their conversations energetic, with a good dose of intelligence.
Entrepreneurs are the likeliest personality type to make a lifestyle of risky behavior. They live in the moment and dive into the action - they are the eye of the storm. Entrepreneurs leap before they look, fixing their mistakes as they go, rather than sitting idle, preparing contingencies and escape clauses. They are good making critical decisions based on factual, immediate reality in a process of rapid-fire rational stimulus response.
To Entrepreneurs, it makes more sense to use their own moral compass than someone else’s: rules were made to be broken. This is a sentiment few high school instructors or corporate supervisors are likely to share, and can earn Entrepreneur personalities a certain reputation. But if they minimize the trouble-making, harness their energy, and focus through the boring stuff, Entrepreneurs are a force to be reckoned with.
With perhaps the most perceptive, unfiltered view of any type, Entrepreneurs have a unique skill in noticing small changes. Whether a shift in facial expression, a new clothing style, or a broken habit, people with this personality type pick up on hidden thoughts and motives where most types would be lucky to pick up anything specific at all. They use these observations immediately, calling out the change and asking questions, often with little regard for sensitivity
They are full of passion and energy, complemented by a rational mind. Inspiring and convincing, they are natural group leaders, pulling everyone along the path less traveled, bringing excitement everywhere they go. But they enjoy the drama, the passion, the pleasure: if they aren’t careful, they may get too caught in the moment, take things too far, and run roughshod over more sensitive people - or forget to take care of their own health and safety.
GARRETH WEASLEY: The Entertainer (ESFP) - Extraverted, Observant, Feeling, and Prospecting
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These people love vibrant experiences, engaging in life eagerly and taking pleasure in discovering the unknown. They can be very social, often encouraging others into shared activities. Entertainers get caught up in the excitement of the moment, and want everyone else to feel that way, too. No other personality type is as generous with their time and energy as Entertainers when it comes to encouraging others, and no other personality type does it with such irresistible style.
Utterly social, Entertainers enjoy the simplest things, and there’s no greater joy for them than just having fun with a good group of friends. They love the spotlight, and all the world’s a stage.
Though it may not always seem like it, Entertainers know that it’s not all about them - they are observant, and very sensitive to others’ emotions. People with this personality type are often the first to help someone talk out a challenging problem, happily providing emotional support and practical advice. However, if the problem is about them, Entertainers are more likely to avoid a conflict altogether than to address it head-on. They usually love a little drama and passion, but not so much when they are the focus of the criticisms it can bring.
Entertainers recognize value and quality, which on its own is a fine trait. They also have the strongest aesthetic sense of any personality type: knowing what’s attractive the moment they see it, Entertainers aren’t afraid to change their surroundings to reflect their personal style. Entertainers are naturally curious, exploring new designs and styles with ease.
They are welcome wherever there’s a need for laughter, playfulness, and a volunteer to try something new and fun - and there’s no greater joy for Entertainer personalities than to bring everyone else along for the ride. Entertainers can chat for hours, sometimes about anything but the topic they meant to talk about, and share their loved ones’ emotions through good times and bad.
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