#but it sucks when your fandom opinions differ from so much of fandom on certain things
jensensitive · 28 days
i feel like i cannot hold onto mutuals anymore on this website to save my life
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Venice anon here! I was at the premiere just for the beginning and the end and it was, in my colleague’s opinion, “the most awkward one we’ve ever worked”, and we probably worked more than 200 between the two of us. The cast walked in without much fanfare while guests were still being seated, which is unusual. There was an award being given to the costume designer and the side of the gallery where crew was seated was louder for that than for the film. The costume designer gave a very nice thank you speech to Olivia and it seemed like things were going to go well for her but by the time we came back the vibe in the room was very different. It was one of the shortest applause we’ve ever seen, with the fact that Florence just started to walk away about 2 minutes in being the complete kiss of death. I am flabbergasted that a room full of fans and crew was so cold when it came to the end, like that is THE most forgiving room you’ll ever screen your film for. I guess they were picking up on the awkwardness of the cast vibes which was palpable. My colleague called it the “cringe mist”.
As far as Holivia interactions go, the one where they briefly whisper behind Chris’ back was literally the only one before and after the film. I was standing where I could see her directly and my girl was trying but Harry was literally saying hello to anyone who would look his way rather than locking eyes with her. I saw them standing before the screening and they were in separate groups, I’m sure they must have interacted but it definitely was not date night lol. Some of the Italian girls working as ushers there were saying “we should try, he’s obviously single” or something like that.
Re the Nick kiss, they did that because in the opening scene the characters joke kiss in the same way. We all know he would have picked Chris, cmon. Who, btw, was high as a fucking kite.
In general, this film is the talk of the town but the old motto of Olivia’s namesake about all press being good press doesn’t really apply here. She made such a spectacle of this and the film doesn’t nearly hold up, and all everyone’s talking about is how insane this rollout have been. Her and Harry are the ones that are coming out of this worse, and I’m so happy he has My Policeman coming out soon because otherwise I fear his acting career might not have the longevity we all hoped.
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Dear Venice anon,
Thanks for coming back! I love your details!
Trust me, the “cringe mist” was felt all the way over here. I was dying of second hand embarrassment for H. I think everyone with eyes and a working brain could see and feel the awkward and cringe vibes. And everyone ignoring Olivia, especially Florence and Harry, was abundantly obvious!
I just hope that whatever they're doing, this marks the start of the "are they still together?" press that inevitably ends in breakup articles everywhere when the movie drops.
Olivia's got what was coming for her. She greedily lapped up every single ounce of Harry Styles' fame for herself for the past two years, and inserted herself in every single tabloid and narrative to sell this movie. Her team must SUCK, because evidently they're a bunch of yes-people, bc no way a good team would have advised her to do this knowing full well her movie doesn't hold up. Heck, the entire fandom has been saying this for years - so that's evidence enough.
I kind of love that Harry kissed Nick after the movie was shown. Everyone in attendance obviously knew his joke - but to literally the rest of the world who hasn't seen the movie yet, to them and the press, it's Harry Styles excitedly kissing his male co-star after ignoring his alleged girlfriend during her own movie premiere. THAT speaks volumes tbh.
I agree, I am SO GLAD that H has My Policeman coming bc all the press he's gotten from DWD and his interviews, paired with the film's terrible reviews would have meant certain death to his acting career otherwise. "Just another singer who thinks they can act". I'm VERY hopeful that his name and acting career are redeemed thru My Policeman. The film, and Harry's Tom, have gotten nothing but praise so far. And the fact that the whole cast has already won an award is so telling.
I knewwwww Chris was high as kite kauhgdkasjhd he looked it. Damn he had a lot on his shoulders: promoting a movie he doesn't want to be associated with, with a director he doesn't like, for a film he knows is shit, AND he was the designated Holivia buffer all day, having to sit and stand between them or next to Olivia all day long so that H could be as far from her as possible. GOD - I too would like to not be sober for that.
I'm sad for Harry that Olivia's greed, unprofessionalism and lack of directing talent affected his performance in this movie so terribly. he got no time to rehearse, as he jumped on the project merely a few weeks before filming. Had no time to work thru things with a dialect coach, flesh out scenes or receive good direction for the final takes.
Glad your friend realizes his queerness. Sad it had to be this way tho. It does remind me of when we got those god awful holivia yacht kissing pap pics - and everyone was like "ewwww Harry Styles must be terrible in bed! He has no sex appeal or knows how to touch that woman!".......which....well....self explanatory. I hope Harry gets to redeem his acting skills in a new movie where he can show that with a proper director, professional environment and adequate time for rehearsals he too can convey sexual chemistry and passion with a woman on screen. Real life tho....better step away from the stunts for a while.
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chirpsythismorning · 2 years
I just wanna talk about this quick and then I’ll shut up forever.
I HATE byler kiss manips (not talking about fan-art, I’m talking about photoshopped byler edits using milkvan scenes). I hate them with a burning passion. The only exception to this would be when bylers use them as a response to homophobic anon asks... now that’s funny. But that’s it 🤣
Like I get it. It’s mostly all a big joke, but it’s just cringy to me..? And weird?? Why can’t we wait for the real thing???
AND YET! AND YET!… Even though I’m kind of contradicting myself by making this post in the first place, I honestly don’t see much value in confronting fans who do this or staging a whole call out about how it makes me personally feel uncomfortable for reasons x y z.
Because that’s just me. I’m sure there are some fans who agree with me and I’m sure there are plenty who don’t. But still, I don’t see the point in policing anyone that disagrees with me on this, to make them feel bad for engaging in fandom differently than me, to make a big spectacle about how it upsets me, bc the reality is, nuance exists!!!
While there are some people out there with horrible, even offensive or concerning takes, not every single disagreement of opinion needs to be put on blast as if that person is bad for whatever point they’re trying to make. Because now suddenly everyone is giving their two cents, clogging the tag to the point where no one can escape it. Now we’re all uncomfortable. Who is that helping?? No one!
So if you’re like me and there’s certain things that make you uncomfortable, no matter how small or even major, BLOCK.
Maybe you are just like me and you give someone a few chances, only to finally block them after one too many posts that are just 😬
Or maybe you block right away the moment you see something you didn’t want to and don’t want to risk seeing again.
I just hate this tendency fandoms (it’s all fandoms, not just st or byler) have to attribute one or even a couple hundreds of fans opinions, to the entire fandom… and then project that onto the rest of us like “IF YOU THINK THIS! YOU ARE BAD!” Like be real, there are hundreds of thousands of us, exponentially chances are there are gonna be a great deal of people you won’t agree with. That doesn’t mean we have to ruin this space for everyone.
I really don’t want to do this again, bc like I said, im basically contributing to the very thing I hate. I hate that I feel this need to voice my feelings on something everyone is already talking about, and now i’m also taking away from the aspects of fandom that can be fun and welcoming and worthwhile.
It’s just unfortunate how all fandoms put themselves in this situation. We allow one or a few to control the vibe of the tag and suddenly you can’t find theories or headcanons or just fun banter between fans. All you see is virtue signaling and people trying to find someone to blame. And then we wonder why fandoms fizzle out with resentment. Because we ruin it for ourselves. We turn on each other for the sake of being right. And it just sucks.
At the end of the day, everyone has the right to say how they feel. By all means, that is your choice and you can do whatever feels right to you. But just know that not everyone is going to agree. And that’s not always a bad thing. And even if and when it is, we don’t have to make it EVERYONES business.
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f0point5 · 8 months
Can you give more insight on your post about Daniel?
When I first started learning about F1, I’m not gonna lie it’s totally because I fell down a rabbit hole of fics DON’T JUDGE ME.
So when I started looking into what the sport was and all the drivers, It’s wasn’t a deep dive so I definitely don’t actually know anything, I honestly thought Daniel might have been a bad driver cause of the constant switching teams. Maybe not bad but that he was a “good enough driver” so he was kept around but not enough to be any teams number 1 priority.
But like I said I still don’t actually know anything. Just found a new hyper fixation because the Formula 1 writers sucked me in.
I didn’t intend to get hunted by the DR fandom today but here’s my thoughts. Disclaimer, these are just my opinions/observations.
I think Daniel is/was a really good driver, probably comparable to the Lando/George class, like “give them the right car at the right time and they could be a world champion”. But I don’t think he was ever “build a team around him” type good like Max or Lewis. And I think he thought he was. He left RB in large part because he saw that RB was going to build the team around Max, so he went to Renault thinking that was somewhere he could have a team that was “his” team, but the project wasn’t delivering him the car fast enough. So he went to McLaren (probably sold a dream by Zac) thinking he would trounce baby Lando for number 1 driver and that would be his team.
I just feel like fundamentally, he fell into the trap of thinking he has earned a level of dedication from a team that he hadn’t yet. And maybe that’s harsh or wrong but that’s the vibe I always got. That he thought to take it to the next level he needed what Max was building with Red Bull, whereas I think you need to take it to the next level and then the dedication from the team comes. Unless you’re Max Verstappen, even to a certain extent Charles Leclerc, where that talent is so undeniable that it inspires that loyalty in a team* even if there’s not a championship to back it up. Those are the exceptions, and Daniel wasn’t one of them.
*for anyone about to be mad I didn’t put Lewis in that list, it’s because by the time he went to Mercedes he had already earned priority by that point in his career. It’s different to Max where they went all in on him without him being as much of a known quantity.
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Hey Coheed tumblr, can y'all convince me that there are other Coheed fans out there who exist and who don't absolutely suck?
Some Coheed Facebook group I was in (voluntarily left today) has been doing a "post your unpopular opinions" chain today, and it's sooooooo fucking toxic
Just let people like things. Specifically, let people like DIFFERENT things than you do, or have DIFFERENT but ultimately harmless opinions. No need to talk down to other fans because they prefer different albums to you, or haven't been listening to the band since the day Claudio was conceived, or don't have 5 signed copies of every single piece of merch ever created (let ALONE that that shit is expensive as fuck and most people can't afford it)
And, God FORBID someone find certain parts of the original-arc Amory Wars story problematic /s (it's basically Claudio's self-insert fanfiction he wrote in his young emo phase when he was mad at a woman, and I say this NOT to say that it's shitty media and if you like it you should feel bad, but to emphasize that [1] it's OKAY to find it imperfect while still enjoying it and [2] it's OKAY to relate to the story, if it wasn't relatable we wouldn't love it so much, but Claudio has clearly grown since then and so can we)
I thought gatekeeping bandom was retired years ago, but no, I keep seeing people fighting to be proven The One True Coheed Fan, as if such a thing was normal to want and possible to achieve
Idk, just really turned off on the fandom right now. Hoping to feel better about it soon because right now I kind of don't want to go see Coheed next week because other fans are gonna be there, and I'm pretty sure missing the show would be a gross overreaction
I'm hoping the toxicity is just coming from the fact that the group was on Facebook, where everyone sucks, and that there are actually plenty of great fans elsewhere and the gatekeepers are the minority
So, tumblr, can you confirm?
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arlathvhenan · 9 months
hey, just wanted to thank you for your and kaija-rayne-author's post about Solas being ND. I only got super deeply into him very recently and it's been fun but also... incredibly distressing and disheartening, and i couldn't quite put my finger on why. im usually fine with ppl disliking characters i like, but so many of the opinions on him were very two dimensional and simplistic or outright hostile. just... yeah. i appreciate you typing all that out. it rly helped clarify part of why i gravitate towards him so much and part of why it's been so upsetting to see how he gets treated by some of the fandom.
You’re welcome, and I get it. I’m not normally this defensive when it comes to fictional characters. I’m so used to the fandoms treating my favorites better than the actual writers that this situation is downright unprecedented XD
NDs have to stick together and stand up for each other because clearly no one else will.
Yes, Solas is ultimately just a fictional character. He’s an idea, but how people respond to certain ideas, even in fiction, says a lot about them and what they believe. It’s generally never a one to one. Things like tone, context, and framing matter. For example I’m not going to try and argue that anybody who really loves Dennis Reynolds from Always Sunny is somehow a bad person for finding such an awful person entertaining.
That said, there’s a big difference between finding a character entertaining and actually relating to them on an emotional level. And connecting with a character emotionally is not only one of the most rewarding aspects of fiction, it’s also a huge component of what makes for good representation.
Wether or not Weekes intended to write Solas as neurodivergent is ultimately irrelevant. Authorial intent can only go so far. At the end of the day what matters is what the actual text tells us and how the audience responds to it.
The fact that many neurodivergent fans of Dragon Age identify so strongly with him is all it really takes for him to be a neurodivergent coded character. And as we’ve established over and over, neurodivergent people have a pretty difficult time finding good representation.
I really shouldn’t need to explain why representation matters in goddamn 2023, and I honestly don’t have the energy to right now. What I will say is I sure hope we don’t need to re-explain that shit because I thought it was pretty common knowledge by now but I digress…
As I said earlier, it’s never a one to one with fiction, but overall you can gauge a person’s capacity for empathy and emotional intelligence based on their relationships with fiction. And the way people talk in this fandom sometimes…it’s honestly pretty alarming just how little emotional intelligence factors in to the way people formulate their opinions. It makes you wonder just how much of their attitude towards a fictional character with neurodivergency translates to the way they see and treat actual people.
I’m not saying disliking Solas as a character automatically means you must hate neurodivergent people, but a lot if the arguments I see people use to defend their position are either:
1) Factually inaccurate or otherwise misrepresent/misinterpret the facts
2) Sound like a lot if the same shit people have said to or about me because they don’t know how to properly deal with or respond to neurodivergent people.
That first one is just frustrating, but the second one hurts. And the idea that flagrantly offending an entire group of people with no remorse simply because you can’t empathize with them is considered acceptable? That really sucks. It just sucks to think about.
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sushicha · 1 year
Let's be better about Shourtney/Shartney
Borrowing this Shourtney/Shartney rant from my IG! I originally made this when the evidence got super clear, and I was scared the ship was about to explode in popularity and people were gonna freak out 😬 that hasn't necessarily happened (yet), but I still want the advice out there:
This is kind of a semi-rant and word of caution about the shipping of Shayne and Courtney. Tumblr and IG are pretty much the only two places to talk about this.
So if you've been following the Shourtney hashtag on IG, or have seen evidence here on Tumblr, it's becoming increasingly clear that Shayne and Courtney are dating. With what's been brought to light, it's fairly certain.
I'm the first to admit that I've shipped these two for a while and that I was always curiously looking for proof. There wasn't much evidence prior to 2021, so that's likely around when they started actually dating. Even as the evidence was really pouring in and some of it was kinda stalkerish, I was still morbidly curious, and I know a lot of you did the same. Guilty as charged, I'm a lonely hoe... 😔
I'll start by saying the evidence is NOT from videos. I know a lot of you have tried to use their gazes and interactions in Smosh videos as "proof" for years, but body language is not evidence. There's a million ways to interpret a "gaze" or how they talk to and interact with each other. Courtney especially has that type of aura about her where she's very comforting and has great chemistry with others, so what people interpret as "flirting" is just her normal friendly behavior (it's very reminiscent of how men will sometimes misinterpret women just being nice to them as "flirting"). And despite the fact that they're likely in a relationship, nothing about how they interact now is tangibly different than previous years. They're professionals, they're actors, and Smosh is very self-aware that Shourtney drives up viewer engagement, so there's no doubt they've played it up at times.
But... regardless of how little evidence there is in videos, there's other stuff out there which makes it safe to say they're dating. Look for it yourself, I'll no longer be sharing that info.
To me, it appears like it's more of an "open secret" at this point, like a "if you know, you know" type thing. Courtney is more comfortable posting pictures in Shayne's clothes, Courtney's vlogging in their apartment now... I feel like they're at least at peace with the fact that SOME of us know, especially because the Shourtney fandom is still pretty underground and not a lot of people have seen the harder evidence.
Some might be asking, then, why don't they just go public and get it over with??? Damaige did, so why not them???
Why WOULD they, is the real question?
Public relationships are so complicated. All semblance of real privacy vanishes. Everyone suddenly has some opinion on your relationship. People still analyze the shit out of your body language. People still attribute the woman or fem-presenting person's success to the man. People become entitled to personal information. If you guys breakup, people make wild assumptions and take sides. It becomes a breeding ground for the worst aspects of parasocial behavior. Public relationships sound like a complete nightmare. Having to ignore all of the problematic comments while constantly looking over your shoulder sounds like a complete nightmare. People wanna live their lives privately and be known for their personal accomplishments and skills, not their relationship. Shayne and Courtney are both talented individuals BY THEMSELVES.
They have both expressed in videos and podcasts that neither want to have public relationships. They almost always go bad.
But the unfortunate reality is that their relationship being "exposed", even if it's at a relatively small scale, has been seemingly against their will. While Courtney said in a recent Q&A what she posts is intentional, that might not be the case for friends who accidentally exposed Shourtney. It must suck to have to be so careful about what you post and with who, especially at large parties and whatnot. So much is out of your control. Like, who the fuck wants to closely analyze reflections in windows and shit? Or have to tell someone you might barely know not to post a picture of you two?
Maybe they'll address it at some point. Maybe they won't. Making the comparison to Damien and Saige was always completely unfair because Damaige going public was their own personal decision. Shayne and Courtney are completely different people and may have a different line of thinking on the matter. That's not to mention, Saige has expressed a few times on her Twitch that she regrets going public with her relationship and it only made weird incels attribute her successes to Damien even more.
So what should the fans do???
Not be fucking assholes and creeps. Not be misogynistic. Call out assholish, creepy, misogynistic behavior. Not make wild speculations, or become entitled to their personal lives. Don't send Shayne or Courtney (or anyone they know) weird DM's about it. That type of thing. Keep it chill, talk among us Shourtney stans if you must, and live your fucking life, man. Find your own relationship 😅
I know most of the Shourtney stans have been pretty respectful, all things considered. A few bad apples, stalkers, etc. But whatever weird shit that happened on that (now shutdown) Shourtney Discord server should stay in digital hell.
Shayne and Courtney are gonna share what they wanna share. I make this post foreseeing that they may eventually feel the need to say something, but if I'm wrong and they say absolutely nothing, so be it. They've both said shipping is okay because it's content and mostly harmless, but clearly there's a line. And if you see someone crossing it, call them out!
That's all 🙏 I probably won't post much Shourtney content from here on out, but I'll be around. Feel free to discuss it or ask me stuff. ☺️
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theclearblue · 4 months
Love you blog, thanks for your posts. I'm kinda tired with "war-fandom", where each side like "Mine are better, yours are suck" (especially in twitter). Like, when I said that now I love JJK, some of my anime/manga moots like, "Why love that? One Piece & Hunter x Hunter are waayyy better?" or "CSM > JJK" And I was "Why can't I love all of them? All things have strength and weakness...." (in the end I block them). And don't get me started with shounen vs shoujo fandom, like why people love to spread hate just to say what they like are better.....
Sorry for my rant, just want to say, love your blog.... 🤩
Also, what are your opinions about shipping in fandom (especially shounen & seinen)? I don't really have a shipper heart, but even I get it (the power of bromance)....And yes, I'm so happy about Kenjaku/Takaba, I'm surprised that even in the end, Kenjaku did not blame Takaba.....
Thank you anon this message is so nice, I'm happy you enjoy my dumb ramblings here🤧 And yeah I get what you mean with this competitive nature in constantly comparing shonen, which on one hand I get and I do to a certain extent as well, these series are in the same genre and can share a lot of similarities. And I think each series can have different strengths and weaknesses while still being good (an example being if I were to compare JJK and One Piece, generally I think JJK has way better fights while I think One Piece is a little bit more consistent in fully fleshing out most/all characters we see. I still like both a lot). I think it's partly facilitated by the this culture of having a "big three" shonen series, both in the fighting of what's better between naruto one piece and bleach but also where a lot of people are trying to create a new big three with recent shonen. Which. It's fine but ultimately a little silly in my opinion lmao. Unfortunately being a fan of a lot of different shonen, at some point you kinda just have to accept the people who treat the genre as a dick measuring contest and not much more. And oof don't get me started on shonen vs. shojo (which as a big fan of both...let's just say it's not typically the shojo fans who are being terrible...).
And oh, what an interesting question about shipping, I guess I hadn't thought about it too much before but I'm quickly realizing I have Opinions on the matter the more I think on it lmao. Generally I'm pretty positive on shipping, where I don't think it's the end all be all in any series, but it is a tool one can use to put a new lens on character dynamics, and I think that's fun and interesting! Taking a pair like Takaba and Kenjaku, I think this is a really good pair to look at because it's clear they have a connection, right? They fundamentally understand each other at a level nobody has, maybe ever (and isn't that insane on Kenjaku's part?! He's been alive for a 1000 years!) And I think you can color the dynamic in different ways and get really interesting yet different results, are they like brothers? friends? lovers? soulmates? Is their connection platonic, sexual, or an actual love? It's up to you! This kind of analysis has been done since literally ancient times (Greek concepts of love with Eros, Agape, and Philia), so I guess I get a little confused when shonen fans are against shipping entirely?
A series that features Big Fight with BIG Punch can still have layered and complex characters that hold love for each other, and people interpreting it as romantic is not weird or gross or even fetishizing in my opinion (that's a whole can of worms that might warrant an entirely new post lmao). I think a good example is Satosugu. They certainly aren't explicitly romantic, but there is a lot of subtext within JJK that imply they might have romantic feelings for each other. But some JJK fans are just so weirdly disgusted by this concept of...gay people existing in their media? That they SCREAM from the rooftops that "they're like brothers! 100% straight!" And it's like...we could have a good conversation here! Interpreting them as brothers is just as valid I think as shipping them, but you gotta explain why. And I've seen some fans say "Hey their relationship reminds me of my relationship with my brother/best friend or there's Scene A and B that makes me think they're platonic and that's how i interpret it, with no romance." And as long as they aren't shitting on people who ship Satosugu, this is completely respectable to me. But I'm going to respect a shipper who just thinks they're both hot when they stand next to each other way more over someone who clearly is just uncomfortable with the idea of two fictional men or women being interpreted as having a romantic relationship lmao.
Shipping culture is certainly not perfect, but generally I think it's just a harmless fun hobby that can inspire people to make really cool art in all different forms, and, speaking as someone currently studying history, shipping has probably been going on since at least 4000 years ago when the Epic of Gilgamesh dropped in ancient Mesopotamia with Gilgamesh/Enkidu so I just think people, particularly shonen fans, are wasting their breath throwing a fit about it and acting as if shipping is this new evil gay phenomena that's poisoning their battle action series.
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neyafromfrance95 · 8 months
i'm so sorry to see that you're being vagueposted about for your sylki takes. it may be true that how you see sylki is a bit different than a certain section of the fandom, but that doesn't at ALL mean that you shouldn't be allowed to have your own takes! fwiw, i followed you bc i actually agree with and really enjoy ur perspective on sylki. i was getting frustrated with how many people seem to view this ship in a super heteronormative way and want sylvie to basically become a housewife, and i was so glad to find a blog that felt the same way. this fandom has become tiring tbh with how many people are now freaking out that sylvie hasn't immediately started having lokis babies in s2, and i really wish that people would at least leave room for others to have their own opinions!
this! that section of sylki shippers do not leave any room for you to have your opinions! they act like a fanon police controlling what you say in your posts on your blog!
and god forbid that what you say opposes their own hcs and takes, if you commit this unforgivable sin of having a take that is different from theirs, you better be ready for some good old online group harassment! they will make you feel like you are not welcome in this fandom, they will make sure that you are hurt, they will alienate you and force you out!
but no, you are the bad guy for jokingly calling a fandom in general "vanilla" and saying (after several disclaimers that it's your personal opinion) that when it comes to canon, you don't think that sylvie should be all about being loki's housewife.
at this point i honestly hate this fandom. there are some decent sylkis out there and i love the ship itself, but a big portion of the fandom has simply sucked all the joy for the series out of me. i wonder if they realize what the consequences of their behavior could be? back when i said (in my blog) that i don't think sylvie having babies is a compelling completion of her story in canon, and this bunch came to my blog to harass me for my takes, i was in a very *very* bad place already, and the space that was supposed to be my escape pretty much turned on me and added up to an already depressing state i was in.
and bfr anyone says that it's just a fandom wank, let me tell you that these people know how to be really cruel, whether they realize it or not, their behavior is simply cruel. they don't just argue in favor of their opinion, they shit on you personally, get aggressive towards you personally, make you feel like you "can't sit with them", ect. it gets really creepy and ugly.
and the thing is, i never addressed anyone specific in my posts, i never said *this* person and *that* person have shitty hcs/takes, i never even vaguely hinted at a distaste towards the hcs/takes of someone specific, but they accuse me of pointing fingers. when i said that i didn't think canon sylvie having babies would work, i never said anything about sylki babies in fanfiction, yet people accused me of pointing fingers at the fic writers. and they would come to my blog, harass me in the replies and asks, and talk about how despicable i am in their own blogs, and it went on and on for a while.
thanks for your nice words, anon, they are uplifting. and to those who can't stand me so much, don't worry, i'm going to leave this fandom once the series is finished. i hope you are satisfied that being a shitty, gatekeeping, narrow-minded, egocentric person worked for you! but don't ever feel entitled to complain about how lokius shippers treat you.
#asks#sylki#sylvie laufeydottir#loki#i regret ever getting invested in this fandom i really really regret it#learn from my mistakes my friends#unfortunately a lot of your mutuals aren't actually your friends#they are going to turn your time in the fandom into hell if you dare to voice your unpopular opinion/hc on your own blog!#i had mutuals harass me and ppl i thought as friends not come to my aid bc of nonexistent sylki babies lmao#anyways anyways#you win! good job at forcing the last sylki who has unpopular takes/hcs out of the fandom!#you could have just muted or blocked me but i guess it was your duty to make sure it was clear that sylki fandom hates me!#oh & thank you for destroying my desire to ever read a sylki fic vanilla or not bc i can't be sure that it's not written by someone who#felt so insecure bc of my hcs that they decided to ruin the fandom experience for me!#mf i never insulted your fic i'm sure i have never even read it i was simply ranting about what i would like to read in case there was#someone wondering if there would be an audience for that sort of thing#and i never told you not to hc sylki/sylvie a certain way when i ranted on my blog how i don't think housewife!sylvie would work in canon!#but deep down you know that you just don't want anyone to have a different hc/take#again don't worry! you won! hope you are happy!#actually you managed to destroy my desire to be in any fandom ever! i should replace fandom with grass-touching bc maybe the lack of said#grass-touching is the reason some of you think everything is about you and targets you and your precious hcs#god i just cant stop thinking regretful i am for getting invested in this fandom when so many shippers turned out so hypocritical bad peopl#maybe one good thing that may come out of this is some poor soul reading it and getting a reality check regarding twitter/tumblr fandoms#DON'T GET ATTACHED THESE PPL WILL HARASS YOU AND HURT YOU OVER MADE-UP BABIES#it's not worth it! prioritize your mental health!#i have wasted so much of my time defending sylkis from the antis here & on twt only to have the majority of them turn on me#i want my time back god i really want all that wasted time back#why are you mfs sending me angry asks i told u that u won i'm leaving this fandom what more do u want from me?!#im not wasting my life in the fandom where the mfs would harass a real person bc of their parasocial relationship with hc babies#be content with hurting and forcing a person out of the fandom bc u took smtng that wasn't targeted at u too personally
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maxphilippa · 1 year
I remembered that back then when I was still on the damn bird app, I saw how people were making fun of this one guy because they said that the osc sucked a lot, and meanwhile I think that the osc didn't took it seriously (and that the guy maybe meant it in other way), they did have a point there.
The osc sucks. But not for the reasons you might think of. It sucks because it became too harsh. Too aggressive. Too full of expectations from others artists to eachother. People who feel entitled to stuff, who had made sure there wasn't content of a certain pairing or duo just for the sake of their headcanons, or people who attack eachother because someone has a different take over a different character or event.
People who have the AUDACITY to treat artists as machines and not like they're people just because they like certain pairings that aren't even problematic whatsoever, people who put too much pressure to other artists, people who just like to hurt others because some people have a different take on stuff.
People who treat artists or others as MONSTERS, literally worse as criminals just because they didn't know about an fucking tweet from almost over a decade ago or so that isn't even valid now, since the person who made said tweet has said recently that they don't care anymore. Even when said person HAS asked about the reasons as to why something wasn't popular or accepted.
They claim to have had "reached out to the artist", yet all they did was harass them and didn't even give them the chance to explain themselves.
And don't get me started on how people in the osc seem to not understand that people make mistakes and that they can change as well after that. That constantly spamming or harassing someone won't make anything better.
And everyone is at eachother's necks just at the MERE FUCKING SECOND someone does something that goes against what's popular/known in the fandom.
And this is so fucking sad because all of these stuff has affected my friends and I. I don't like the OSC. I don't think I will EVER like it after that type of experience.
No one in a fandom should feel that scared of having a different opinion, no one in a fandom should be scared of posting certain type of content, no one in a fandom should feel embarassed of themselves just because of the whole ambience the fucking community made.
No one should feel like everyone is out to get them just because they have different opinions.
And most importantly:
NO ONE should be attacked because of an honest mistake, or because of a ship, headcanon, anything.
AND if it's problematic of some sorts, or you might have a different view of it, you should TALK to the artist FIRST OF ALL if you have your concerns about it. Reaching out isn't making a call out post with information that you're missing too. Just FUCKING talk.
Everyone has gotten too comfortable being an fucking asshole.
Remember that the members in your community are people too. They have feelings and concerns. They have a life. You certainly have one too.
So for the love of FUCKING GOD.
Be a fucking decent person.
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fridgrave · 1 year
Yeaah im in the same boat as the other anon ive been seeing the shit on twitter too and yeah its really just unfair just how much theyve been piling onto you because of an opinion they dont agree with. Its why the minute they added the wilbur egg i immediately started backing up and hiding in the juanaflippa and slimeriana side of twitter cus i knew people were gonna go rabid for that egg in particular
And as for the slimeriana shit it does suck how much people seem to be hating on your art when there seems to be a mass majority of people (particularly the spanish speaking side of the qsmp fandom) who also ship it and draw the same type of stuff? And it makes even LESS sense to me when considering that the cc's themselves have canoncially made it so that the two characters have a toxic sex driven marriage???? So its not like it all came from no where
Its just a very weird purity thing that the fandom has going on and they just cant seem to just block and walk away from things they dont like and im sorry that it seems like youve been caught in the storm of this mob mentality going on
the slimeriana part is completely messed up for me at this moment because they talk about their characters and what they have sex even out of their playthrough. especially mariana, he mentions charlie very often and it's always something really spicy. i don't understand why it's such a problem for english community bc hispanic and russian communities are more than fine with this. maybe it's just an audience quality issue of some certain streamers, or it's common for english community to be a sofa warriors, i don't really know anything at this point
people are forgetting that their one mocking or harassing message becames one of dozens and hundreds what can literally kill someone who's less prepared for the bullying. being agro on the words which doesn't even hurt anyone and are just a different opinion is the vilest thing
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discluded · 2 years
Hi! I really like your blog! Can I ask what is your opinion in regards to the recent BOC and Chinese statement issue? Please feel free to ignore if not appropriate ❤️
Hi Anon,
Thanks for asking politely. I'll answer because I can present it as a business case study which allows me to talk about BOC's failures somewhat objectively. It's clear at this point it doesn't matter how much feedback BOC gets from fans, so at least hopefully some of y'all can learn some things. *jazz hands* Didacticism.
Warning to everyone else this does not mean I am opening my inbox to complaints about how BOC sucks or how certain fans are entitled 🤪 I will block you. Open your own blog.
Be On Cloud's Communications Crisis – Business Case Study
So first, we need to define a couple of things: what is the difference between communications, marketing, and PR. Other folks with experience, please feel to add your opinion too, but how I see the difference is:
Communications is usually the the written or spoken content by which events/occurrences of a company are shared with both those internal and external to the company.
Marketing focuses both on the process by which that information is disseminated outwardly, and also usually aims at a high level to sell you an idea or product. Often the goal of a marketing campaign is explicitly measurable, whether it's in sales, conversions, email opens, etc.
Public relations (PR) is the process by which a company aims to maintain a positive public image to those outside the company
As you can see, those each have quite a bit of overlap with each other while also being distinct. Depending on the size of the company, each of those teams can be the same or differentiated. The fourth piece I want to add on to this is strategy. All three of the above are the actual day-to-day implementation of work, while strategy is the overarching goal posts by which they operate. Executives (like Mile being a CEO) influence strategy. When things go wrong, new strategy needs to be developed quickly and implemented.
(Aside: Mile has mentioned that he is an executive at BOC, but I want to clarify "executive" positions may also include being on the executive board/board of directors, who advise on strategy to the CEO or possibly of another department, and wouldn't have influence over marketing/comms. He isn't doing that work at his own businesses so I can't imagine he'd run comms for another one.)
The Earlier Crisis: Global Auditions 🤦🏻‍♀️
It might help to read these as well: The 6 Best PR Crisis Management & Communication Cases and PR Crisis Communication & Management Planning
Here are important key takeaways from the planning link:
Tumblr media
Sound familiar? :')
I'll keep this brief, allow me to highlight a practical differentiation of the four of the above succinctly and is something the fandom collectively can agree on was a massive comms flop and PR nightmare.
Strategy: We want to recruit new talent for an upcoming series as well as generate fan hype for this series/season
Marketing: We will announce global auditions for this series/season
Communications: Unfortunately forgot to have marketing, which handle the social media posts, mention that "global" means three cities in Asia, as well as only looking for men between 16-22 despite most fans -- who saw the post -- being female.
PR: Not only makes the company's strategy look inadequate by the details of the audition only following the SM marketing announcement rather than sharing those details first/simultaneously to manage fans' expectations but also makes BOC look sexist. They haven't recovered. 🤷🏻‍♀️
I started with this one because where it went wrong was way more clean to see the breakdown.
The Case: What happened on Sept 12
BOC somehow managed to generate a PR crisis out of something that originally had the fans rallying around them, which is...impressive(ly bad).
I'm not going to document the triggering event too much but at approximately 10pm on Sept 12, stalkers tried to break into Be On Cloud's offices. I maintain my stance that it's not the company's fault or responsibility this happened, especially since these people obviously didn't succeed into getting into the building.
BOC issued a statement in Thai condemning these actions and immediately issued a following statement in Chinese on Twitter, due to the stalkers being Chinese-speakers. Obviously, a large number of KPTS fans are Chinese-speakers, but some Chinese fans pointed out that there was no immediately second translation/third set of tweet of the statement issued in English on Twitter which a large portion of the KPTS fanbase also used, especially on Twitter.
Chinese fans immediately disclaimed the stalkers as being fans but also felt they were specifically being targeted/attacked for the behavior of the stalkers.
Sept 13: The next morning, BOC issued three statements, in Thai, English, and Chinese this time. Many Chinese fans felt that the explanation in the Chinese statement was both overly brief compared to the English version and comparatively aggressive/unapologetic. BOC stood their ground and did not issue any more statements. Chinese (former?)fans then began to unfollow Apo on Weibo as well as perform a number of visible acts of quitting fandom.
What broke down? (Hint: Everything, for no reason)
I'm not going to give out too much free advice here, but here we go.
Strategy: They clearly don't have a PR crisis strategy despite the fact this isn't the first go-around. It's pretty clear they likely don't even have a PR strategy most of the time and are flying by the seat of their pants. Everything they do in terms of comms is almost reactive rather than proactive.
Marketing: The dissemination of information via socmed isn't terrible; that being said, there appears to be very little discipline over what is being sent through which channels such as if it's vetted at all (ie, the admission of being heated in the Chinese statement on Sept 13) and how well it's vetted (eg, wrongfully tagging accounts of their talent). There's a reason a lot of companies' CEOs have a personal twitter account. It allows a reiteration of statements, especially apologies, to be more personalized. Actually a lot of fans interpret Mile and Apo going online and making statements as doing damage control for BOC. Whether or not that's true, it's certainly unwise to use your talent to do that rather than your CEO who's ego should be able to take it
Communications: I'm not bothering to read the statements in depth. But It's not unreasonable for your audience to have the expectation that what's posted in one language is reasonably equivalent in other languages. Don't treat your audience like they're dumb, can't speak other languages, or don't have access to Google translate.
PR: BOC is creating these PR crises, not managing them. This isn't even the first one they've put themselves through. I think that's incriminating enough how good they are at PR.
Do I have an opinion? Sure.
Can I see where the Chinese fans are coming from? Actually yes. Fans want and deserve to be treated equally.
Do I think they're being unreasonable overreacting? Absolutely. Speaking as a Chinese-speaker too. If your personal reaction to BOC's comms team messing up is more heated than how your feel about the actors you care about being threatened by stalkers ... that's a lot.
That being said, I'm not going to waste my energy judging how individuals handle their lives or emotions. I am, like many fans, deeply concerned about how BOC is mishandling comms because BOC is not going away (for now).
Fans say lots of reactionary things, but the process by which BOC's comms team is failing is so overwhelmingly loud and public that I'm here writing a business case study about it. And that's part of PR too. Fans are always reactive -- this is not limited to KPTS or BOC. There are publicists and managers that manage Beyonce, BTS, Taylor Swift, etc. who all have loud fanbases. It's embarrassing to see a talent agency fuck up so badly it then begins to reflect on the talent. That's not just about fan reactions. BOC really needs to hire a consulting company and a new director of communications.
Should we be worried about the 2023 Film/KPTS Season 2
Surprisingly: probably not. BOC has at least two branches: a management (talent) branch and a production (art) branch. We see they're capable of handling the art.
This discrepancy between the art/artists being actually emotionally effective while the marketing side of the company just being a disaster is very reminiscent of the creators who work on Disney movies and Disney's extremely weird marketing team/s.
I'm sure Mile and Apo will do their utmost to bring us a beautiful piece of work. We likely just have to suffer BOC's continuous comms disasters while they do it.
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sideburndanny · 2 years
You know, it sucks that the term “fake geek” is only ever used as a misogynistic slur against women in fandom spaces, created to feed the paranoid insecurities and victim complexes of socially stunted white men by fostering the idea that women are only pretending to share your interests to lead you on.
In my opinion, the “fake geek” label would be more accurately used against alt-righters who pretend to be part of certain fandoms just so they can create outrage and indoctrinate white male nerds into fighting their culture wars for them.
For example, I remember some time ago I said that the dude-bro hate campaign against the female-led Ghostbusters reboot was waged mostly by people who never really gave a fuck about Ghostbusters and just wanted an excuse to attack women. The same is true, I think, of other “white male nerd temper tantrums” of late.
The Star Wars sequels met with a years-long backlash of male nerds obnoxiously whining about how the new movies’ diversity was ruining the franchise they grew up with when the sequels really weren’t that much more diverse than the movies that came before, and whatever problems the sequels may have had are barely different from problems people have had with previous Star Wars installments. Of note is all the so-called fans calling Rey a Mary Sue whose existence goes against everything the franchise has been known for when she really doesn’t do anything Luke wasn’t capable of in the old movies. If I were a smug contrarian dickhead, I’d use this to assert that Luke was always a terrible character that the fans only like because of nostalgia, but since I still love the old Star Wars films and have mixed feelings about the newer ones, I think it’s more reasonable to conclude that neither character is perfect or irredeemable and the more rabid detractors only hate Rey because she has a vagina.
The insincerity behind these outrage-addicted fandom shit-stirrers only gets more transparent when the topic shifts to superhero movies and you have these self-proclaimed comic book diehards displaying a stunning ignorance of the subject they claim is so near and dear to them. Female-led superhero flicks are decried as products of modern “wokeness” and “political correctness gone mad” when the characters they’re decrying have been a huge part of the original comics for decades. The existence of the She-Hulk series prompted a tidal wave of fanboy outrage, whining that Marvel has “gone woke” and at one point saying that Stan Lee would be rolling in his grave… you know, the same Stan Lee who created She-Hulk back in the 70s! You’d think hardcore comic fans would know that Shulkie has been a major player in Marvel Comics for almost 50 years before finally getting any kind of significant outside exposure. Those who are really committed to the act will say that She-Hulk’s MCU counterpart is nothing like the original comics, but all the things they hate about her are also true of her comic counterpart.
It doesn’t get any better on DC’s side, as there were many fanboys who celebrated David Zaslav’s decision to cancel the Batgirl movie, saying that a female reboot of Batman would be an affront to comic fans everywhere… except anyone with even a passing familiarity with DC would know Batgirl was never “a female reboot of Batman”, but his sidekick and protege, a member of his extended family, and has been since she was created in the 1960s! I’m tempted to say “they would know that if they were REAL comic fans,” but Batgirl has appeared so many times in TV, movies, and video games that even people who have never picked up a comic book in their lives would be bound to know about her! Fucking hell, they can’t even claim their judgments are based on the leaked details about the movie-that-never-was, because even those scant details clearly explained that Batman still exists as a separate character in the movie’s continuity and they never intended to just retcon him into being a woman!
I think my point can best be summed up by taking a look at the alt-right sources that promoted GamerGate back in the day: a number of far-right people and websites had rallied male gamers into attacking feminists they accused of trying to destroy video games, all the while promising up and down that they would defend gamers with their very lives if male nerds just gave them power. Fast forward about half a decade later, and now those same far-right people and websites are saying that people who play video games are stupid filthy degenerates who are holding us back as a species — all the while more mainstream right-wing sources continue to repeat the age-old “video games cause mass shootings” myth. This proves, if nothing else, that GamerGate was never really about video games. It was about women having opinions and men not liking that.
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unsettledink · 2 years
An interesting thread on comments and comment culture passed by on my dash, and for some reason it hooked me in. As usual, I started off wanting to say one thing and next thing I know, I'm 4k in with thoughts that everyone wants to hear. Right?
I left most of it on the post, talking about how comments used to be conversations, and how it never feels like people address the vulnerability of leaving a comment when they try and encourage more feedback.
I don't have answers. It's a cultural shift and how do things end up shifting again? Something big like a new platform or a radical change will probably have to appear before things go in a different direction, whatever it may be.
So no, I don't have an answer. I can say what helps me out, personally, when trying to remember why I want to go through the work of leaving a comment:
I write. I know from the other side what comments feel like. I remind myself of the excitement of seeing a notification pop up. (Obviously if you don't write, this doesn't help that much lol.)
Whatever I fear them judging me for, I can almost guarantee someone else has already judged me for something much worse. I mean, come on. I know the sort of things I write or rec.
I've done it enough I have a template in my head of how to write a comment. There are a few resources for that floating around that are good for getting started. Practice makes perfect.
Applying techniques from therapy. I'm not great at it, or have really internalized it, but at least aware that my fears are being egged on by anxiety, by past bad experiences, by the special hell of rejection sensitive dysphoria.
Easier said than done, especially on certain days, but just... running out of fucks to give. Like, oh my god self, so what if some author thinks I was too enthusiastic about their fic? What does it matter? They're just another random person on the internet, what are they going to do? Laugh at me? Then they're the one being a jackass, AND they don't get any more comments. Whatever.
And on that last one, if it's feeling impossible, like it'll never happen... holy shit this is going to sound condescending, but give it some time. Me from 10 years ago would have laughed at the idea of not caring what someone else thought. At some point, without me really noticing, I just could not care what some rando on the internet thought. It wasn't an active 'no I'm not going to care', it was 'wow I cannot find the energy to give a shit about you'. (But I can still find it to be mad when someone is Wrong on the Internet, so.)
I bring that up because every time I find out someone's age lately, I'm like, Jesus Christ. I forget how young fandom - esp tumblr - skews. Cause of course, I'm still young! It's not like I'm old, it's just that everyone is... younger... than... me. Wait. But for real, being in your late teens SUCKS. (Maybe you're lucky and they don't, but I doubt.) Being in your early 20's somehow sucks even more??? Being in your 20's period sucks. You couldn't pay me to be 20-anything again.
(Thinking of all the fandom people on here 20, 30 years older than me being like lol, you're still so freaking young :D )
Every comment I get these days I hoard like a dragon, and anytime I'm feeling crappy about writing or about some new thing being a bomb, I pull those suckers out and reread them for ages. I've got a whole doc just of tumblr comments, cause there's no other good way to find them again. if I'm really desperate, I go poke to see if there's any new bookmarks on my fic, in case they dropped a tag or put in a collection of favs or left a note of some sort (ya'll know authors can see those right?).
And I'd say I'm a pretty confident writer. I know I write a lot of niche stuff in tiny fandoms, so comparatively, I probably get a lot of comments. I have a moderately high opinion of my writing skills, so I'm mostly not sitting there going 'oh god I'm the worst writer ever', whereas I know that's the case for a LOT of fic writers. I'm mostly just sitting there like 'why didn't it hit the spot? why won't anyone say anything? I am so desperate to talk shop please anyone give me an excuse!!'.
So just... yeah. Throw an emoji at me. Throw a gif at me. Throw a novel that takes six comment boxes at me. Throw the exact same comment at fifteen different chapters/fics. I love it all.
(And hey. If you just lurk and read, it's okay. I get it. I still love you too.)
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romanken · 11 months
8, 10 + 2 if you're feeling heinous 😈 24 if ur not 😇
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
well MY special little noble is actually the most inherently just and pure of heart and when they win the throne there will be a thousand years of peace. Wdym inherent violence of feudalism that's not real. And while there has been a downtrend in this belief throughout the last five years it HAS influenced a lot of other discource subtly... most people have realized that the way to start fixing westeros's problems is not thru a nice feudal monarch, but they dont understand that abandoning this framework for character/plot analysis also means abandoning a lot of other framework. In the arya v sansa wars people still use feudal patriarchal definitions of femininity to decide who is the Best Sexy Feminist (preteen girl). In debates about morality for certain actions people excuse things because it aligns with the feudal code of ethics- a deeply flawed and violent code. See: ned HAD to take theon hostage because well we live in a society. Like i think it's important not to hold characters to the same moral standards that we hold people in modern times to, because their circumstances are so wildly different, but we dont have to adhere to THEIR feudal values when analyzing them because its only a detriment to their characters. They live in a society but WE do not... cmon guys...
10. Worst part of fanon
no one fucking draws these characters ugly enough. Asoiaf fandom has a plague of sameface ig model syndrome and it sucks cause george puts so much distinct personality even in minor characters and then people are like hmmmmm what if they had the same button nose and good chin that everyone else has. Brienne is ugly let her be ugly!!! Arya and jon have long plain faces u dont have to draw the teen/preteen kids as super defined and striking! Let the kids look like kids. I don't care how beautiful dany is let her be a 15 yr old. OR the instinct to make everyone best friends forever and soften the complicated dynamics btwn these characters. like modern aus where the starks are the benevolent rich people who adopted theon from his abusive trailer park family grind my gears like hes a child hostage from a powerful noble house and u cant erase such a defining part of his character bc you want everyone to be nice to each other. Also related to this is people making jaime nice/acting like asos was a redemption arc or that he didnt commit some uniquely horrific acts in agot/acok. His actions thru out the last two books are not the acts of a changed man they are the acts of a man who realized he can make choices based on empathy and reason not instinct. LAST thing which is something i dont reaaaaally see here much but i know the cunts on ao3 are doing it: the post canon thing where people want brienne and jaime to get married and have twelve kids. Fuck you eat shit and die brienne is not an incubator especially not for that lannister SLAG
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
cersei is not necessarily my fave but shes a character whose sexuality i often think of. In canon the only time she's had sex with a woman she's topped and every time she fucks a dude she's disassociating so hard shes on another planet. Even when fucking jaime shes like imagining herself in his body fucking him in her body. In the bulldyke cersei universe he's stone. The pants stay on during sex and so does the shirt and probably also the shoes. Cis gay guy cersei universe he already thinks being gay is emasculating enough so obviously he's not going to let anyone penetrate him. Transmasc bi universe its like you've never been strapped until you've been strapped by a dude who's never cum once in his whole life. THANK YOU!
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
"Daenerys is basically george bush because she uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh well its a post 9/11 metaphor and uhhh well astapor is basically iraq and uhhhhh nuclear arms" "dany has never done anything wrong in her life and criticizing her means uhhhhh you hate women and abuse victims" "dany is a RAPIST and a RACIST and wants ALL BROWN PEOPLE TO BE SUBSERVIENT TO HER" "mirri maz duur deserved to die horribly for killing (checks notes) her enslaver" "dany is a colonizer (that's not what that word means. you need to look up what that word means)" brothers. Lets all link arms and kill ourselves
Jesus Christ this is long as hell. Sorry I got a lot of beef
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neontokyoo · 1 year
Ask Game For Writers
Do you listen to music while you write?
I actually have two different writing playlists. I usually write with classical music or music that goes with the story and gets the creativity flowing because if it’s super quiet my mind tends to wander and I end up leaving my current draft to write a new one and then my perfectionist ass can’t keep up with my own thoughts and all of my documents are mixed up and it’s total chaos.
2. Computer or pen and paper?
Sometimes I will write in a notebook when I’m in the car or I’m not able to type anything just because I get really good ideas at the most random times. I usually type it though because I feel like it’s a lot easier for my left-handed ass.
3. Have you ever been published, or do you want to be published?
I have never actually published anything due to copyright because none of it is mine except for the storylines. I could probably publish an original work in the future, but I don’t really think I would want to because writing is just a hobby I do for fun and I really don’t care too much about getting famous or making money off of it.
4. How much writing do you get done on an average day?
I have absolutely no idea. Probably like five to ten thousand words a day because of requests and my current WIPs.
5. Single or multiple POV?
I mostly write in second person. However, I like to write about multiple characters’ thoughts and feelings.
6. Standalone or series?
I enjoy both. Although, in reality, I have never actually published a series yet because my mind usually wanders away from it before I can even finish it.
7. Oldest WIP.
Probably one of my unpublished Wattpad stories, Opposites (Sherlock x reader). I’m trying to get it published whenever I can, though. I just haven't had the inspiration or motivation to continue writing it yet.
8. When did you start writing?
I started writing about four years ago when I was in my Fairy Tail obsession.
9. What was the first story you've ever written?
I don’t even remember what it was but I remember it being a NaLu fanfiction for Fairy Tail.
10. What genres have you written for so far?
Romance, fanfiction (fluff and angst if those count).
11. Have you ever written for a fandom without reading other fanfictions from that fandom?
Yes. I do that with every single fandom I find myself obsessing over. I did it with Haikyuu, Fairy Tail, MHA, Demon Slayer, Attack on Titan, and Inuyasha.
12. Have you ever written a fic and never decided to publish it? Why?
Yes. Because I feel like I’ve been copying the Yuumori anime and Manga too much and I have A LOT of editing to do before I publish it.
13. What is the biggest change between when you started writing in fandom and today?
Probably the tone (I think). When I first started writing when I was like fourteen, I was really unorganized and scattered. I was using numbers instead of typing out “she was fourteen years old” and it really sucked now that I look back at it. Now my writing is more formal when I write stories because I type how I think instead of how I speak. Which is probably why everything else isn’t as organized because when it’s not a fanfic I stype how I speak.
14. In your opinion, what’s your most underrated fic?
I feel like in general my most underrated fic is the Sherlock x reader wedding one. Again, I love William more than anything, but this one had me in tears. You know those certain parts of either a story your writing or somebody elses story and it has you like screaming into your pillow for 10 minutes after every paragraph? That was literally me while writing that one.
15. What’s your most overrated fic?
In my opinion, it’s either just every single William fanfic I write, or it’s the amount of Mycroft angst requests I receive every day. It seriously makes me giggle with how angsty Mycroft’s relationship with the reader is. Has me giggling while I bawl my eyes out while I write it. That’s officially my new genre now: Mycroft Angst.
16. Has there ever been everyone who’s made you freak out because they’ve read your work and followed/favorited/reviewed your work?
Okay, when I first started posting on Tumblr it was because I happened to run into @moriartyluver and a few other blogs that I don’t remember because I never saved anything and let me tell you when I started getting notifications that said they either liked, reblogged, etc., my heart nearly stopped beating because I really wasn’t expecting for the inspiration to end up reacting to my work and it just made me really happy. It’s unbelievable how quickly my blog is growing and how many people enjoy it. I love you all! <3
17. What’s the nicest review you’ve ever gotten?
When I get asks that are always telling me like “I am so obsessed with your writing” and things like that it just makes me really happy and gives me more motivation to continue writing just knowing how many people enjoy my content.
18. Are any of your stories inspired by personal experiences?
A lot of them have references to my own personal experiences or things that I’ve seen other people experience because I feel like it’s a lot easier to write about things that I’ve actually experienced.
19. Who’s the one character who shines without you even trying?
William. He is literally husband material no matter what you do to him. As long as the writing style is good, I’m going to end up being obsessed with literally any and every fanfiction I read and/or write. He’s just perfect in general, and there isn’t really much you can do to ruin him.
20. What embarrasses you most about your own writing?
I feel like the most embarrassing thing I have ever written is sexual content/smut because I had absolutely no idea what I was doing due to my lack of experience.
21. Do you write every day?
I try to, but sometimes I’m unable to due to school and/or work. Exams are killing me and taking up most of my time lately, so I’ll write whenever I have the time, but usually I only get like five minutes every two hours between studying. I’ll definitely have more time to write this summer.
22. What time of day do you prefer to write? Why?
I usually write in the morning before school and/or before my first class starts, as well as late at night when I have more time.
23. Do you feel like you put out enough content?
I feel like I do, but I definitely feel like I could write more. I just don’t have time.
24. Favorite writing snack?
Oreos & milk, goldfish, and cinnamon rolls.
25. What’s your favorite part of the writing process?
I think that my favorite part is coming up with ideas to write about or add into a story. Even though 95% of the time they never make it to the finished project.
26. What’s your favorite emotion to write?
Mycroft angst and William fluff
27. What kind of endings do you prefer?
I actually have no idea. I want to say that if I had to pick one it would be cliffhangers or endings that didn’t really make sense because it always has me trying to figure out wtf just happened.
28. Do you plan or jump right in, and if you plan, how much do you like to do before you start a story? 
I kind of do both if that makes sense. I’ll come up with an idea, think about how I want it to go, and then I’ll start writing without even drafting it. And then I usually have to go back and rewrite half of it because the original version was absolute shit.
29. Narrative or dialogue? 
Dialogue. I cannot go without somebody talking because I feel like it gets really boring and I end up passing out halfway through it just because I’m wasting all my time and energy trying to make it more interesting.
30. Describing people or settings?
I feel like I’m better at settings just because every single one of my character descriptions are always: “He was tall and skinny with ____ eyes and long ____ hair”. You know? But with settings I can be a little bit more descriptive like “the grass was green with a variety of different types of flowers blooming. The sky was cloudless, the sun was shining, the birds were chirping, …”
31. Show a piece from your current WIP/most recent story, up to 30 words.
The same one that probably will never be published, but at this point, I really don't care anymore.
“‘I am afraid there is little that can be done,’ William confessed to Moran and Bond after we had recounted our encounter with the woman. 'Once wed, the bond between a husband and wife is irrevocable. Unless, of course, the matrimonial union is terminated by unspeakable means.’
”'Till death do us part,’ I uttered aloud as if reading my brother’s thoughts.
“'Indeed,’ William concurred. 'Unfortunately, there are no alternatives. The only solution is to eliminate one of the partners.’”
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