#i think its mostly frustrating to me becuase
freyja-athena · 2 years
Guess the fandom has decided the next Halo discourse topic for this week. Here we go again...
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artist-issues · 11 months
Honestly the main beef I have with this whole snowwhite business is that i think at least forty to sixty percent of the magic that comes from the animated movie is like, the animals? that animation itself is probably the more accurate reason, I suppose. I don't know enough words to describe this accurately but i don't see how live action could capture the sheer delight of two birds wringing out a shirt, or a turtle being used as washboard, or raccoons trying to sweep dust under the rug before Snow White scolds them.
I think the animation style is just, a delight to the eyes. and cgi cant mimic that whatsoever yet unless your under a talented director that knows precisely what they are doing. and I don't think that kind of director would even work with Disney in the first place.
Unrelated but a while ago i was listening to some of the songs of the original cause i suspected that those were the most slept on songs of the famous Disney Song discography in pop culture, and something that leapt out to me in the I'm Wishing song, is that it doesn't really matter whether or not the Wishing Well is actually magic, because Snow White making a wish into a well that makes a loud echo is precisely what gets the Prince's attention, and thus, by making a genuine wish from the heart, actually made it come true, which is payed off in the end because her Prince remembers and searches for her, which also means that by making a genuine wish in faith right in the beginning of her story ensured her being found/woken up in the end of the film, which...is like really neat when you think about it. I have trouble thinking of any Disney Princess that makes an action right at the beginning of her story that ensures at least a part of their ending.
i wouldn't have realized it without finding your post laying out how cool the Original Snow White film was, so thank you.
as for the whole Snow White Live Action situation I did think a good portion of the situation was rather stupid, as when i heard that a live action was in the works I didnt even have the energy to roll my eyes becuase I honestly thought that the Mouse was scrapping the bottom of the barrel on that one. I do think that Ms. Ziegler was downright stupid about her comments and should have been far more tactful, and I also do think that a lot of the response to her comments were out of proportion. Its a shame because while i'm sure some of the response was based in pointless racism; I think a lot more of the internet response was just dumping their frustrations on Ziegler rather than the real culprit of the whole damn mess, which is the Mouse. (Also personally I have heard this chick sing and I don't think her voice matches whatsoever. tho the same can be said for plenty of the live action singing at this point.)
i really like your blog and find your writing interesting. Thank you for putting your blog out here. I don't agree with everything you write of course, but i appreciate having the chance to read them. I wrote this mostly for kicks cause i've been thinking of reaching out for awhile and i figured i might as well do it now.
hope you have a good day
I appreciate all this so much! (naturally I wonder which things you disagree with but I guess that’s neither here nor there) YES, totally, the part with the wishing well, that’s the idea! The Queen is all about disguises and tricks, and the Dwarves hide from strangers, but Snow White does neither of those things; she’s all heart all the time, and acts on faith, especially in her attitude.
I agree with you about Zegler, and I agree with you about the animation style. It’s all so good, and as the first animated feature film, it’s hard to imagine the story not animated. Everything is very soft, water-colored, and round. I don’t think any live-action attempt can come close to that while still looking…well, real!
Anyway. Thank you for your comments!
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linalavender · 10 months
"Art" rambling
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Intentionally painfully small image with shit resoloution becuase I dont wanna like really really show it, just the vague idea of what the hell im going trough.
Ive been trying for a solid week or two opening up this document and just trying to design a character, looking at inspiration etc etc and I just cannot make good progress. Its frustrating as its Mostly for me but another person really wants me to finish this so I feel preasured to finish it but Im just totally absolutely stuck, no matter what I draw its never the right thing and it sucks. Sometimes I draw something, I think yeah that looks great, hop on the next day and just go "What was I thinking?" Maybe I'm just not meant to design characters... I can push my drawing abilities further and all but its never gonna change the lack of creativity I have. Doomed to create fanart for the rest of my life
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one-abuse-survivor · 2 years
i really need to vent im so sorry. my sister is driving me to literal insanity. i dont know if im a manipulator or shes truly being a horrible person to me. i talk to my bf a lot. facetime pretty much all day every day, and she can hear me talking through the wall, mostly mumbles no words, but still noise, and she doesnt say anything. she games at the WORST times, honestly, at least we stop talking at 8/9pm, but thats when she starts gaming with her friends, screaming (yes. literal ear piercing screams from horror games) shouting and overall joyous loudness from her room. i put my headphones on and try to block it out, knowing shes just having fun and i need to put up with it. its been like this the whole year practically. the past week shes been getting closer to dad again. dad. the guy who hates me with a passion and mentally abused me for 2 years straight and never got a consequence for it. every. single. time. she hangs out with him, or games with him, she turns into this horribly mean snarky person who is so so rude. and ik im sounding dramatic but shes literally the opposite otherwise. but other than dad shes also got a new friend whos very judgemental and snarky so ig shes impressionable. but anyway the past week shes been very rude and mean to both me and my mum. mums a huge pushover so being mean to her is like kicking a dog, and i truly hate it when shes mean to her. cos mum loves her more than she loves me (its evident and shes told me multiple times i promise im not inferring it) so shes much more of a pushover with my sister 'everything has to be perfect for her'. i hate it. ik ik its jealousy but im dealing with it or at least trying to. so tonight she was singing horribly and ive not had a good day, im stressed, tired, and trying to sleep and here she is humming away purposefully sounding awful. i ask her to be quiet, continues, tell her to shut up, she continues, so i bang on the wall and i kid you not she slowly gets wuieter and quieter til its barely a mumble i can hear from her room and it makes me so unfathomably angry and i truly have no idea why. its like she knows every single button of mine and pushes them at will. so i texted her saying, why are you being such a dick lately its so annoying, to which she was like "i put up iwith you blah blah you cant put up with me blah' i told her to stop playing victim so she told me i need to learn to shut up and put up. a phrase straight from dads book. she knows it is and it throws me into a spiral ehenever i hear it and she knows!! so here i am angry af trying to calm down and not do something ill regret tomorrow, whilst shes happily downstairs making light conversation with dad. i hate it so so much. i did respond back, are you being sarcastic rn?? if not i dont want to speak to you ever again. and she said ok. ik ik its dramatic af but i just cant with her anymore she makes me feel how dad made me feel and i then react like a child, to a child. ik my responses are in the wrong, i really am sorry if i sound really childish or just plain stupid and im truly in the wrong, pls pls tell me if i am. i just cannot handle her at all lately shes literally been a demon lmao (jkjk) thank you for letting me vent to you, the safe space youve created really means a lot <3
hi im the anon whos mad at my sister, uhm - im very close to starting my period and have come to the conclusion that its the reason for the anger lol. Ik i do have some issues but i think it was mostly irrational anger when i wrote the vent, and not an acc issue, or at least thats what im really hoping is the answer lol. im super sorry about it, and i hope youre having an awesome day 💕
Hey, nonnie. I'm glad you could let out some of your frustration and anger here ❤️ I didn’t see your second ask until after writing the reply below, but I think all of it applies anyway, becuase we’re allowed to have days where we’re more irritable. I’m having a good day today, I hope you are too!
I don't think you sound childish or stupid, nonnie. It sounds to me like you might have had a trauma reaction toward her because of the abuse your dad put you through. Trauma reactions (ie. having flashbacks, going into fight/flight, becoming hypervigilant...) don't just appear when we're interacting with the people who abused us; they often also appear when other people do or say something that reminds us of the abuse. Your sister knowingly used a line your dad has used to hurt you before, so I think it is completely understandable that you had an emotional reaction that seems "dramatic" in retrospect. I can only talk from personal experience, but I've also done the same over text in the past, and it was always after something/someone sent me into a fight response.
And, nonnie, even if trauma responses don't justify our actions (they only explain them), I think it's fair to say that this situation with your sister escalated from both sides, not just yours. It wasn't you exploding at her out of nowhere. As you said, she was pushing your buttons, and she knew she was upsetting you, because you'd asked her to be quiet several times.
So yeah, if she makes you feel like your dad made you feel, I think it's understandable that you're having these big emotional reactions toward her when she oversteps your boundaries and purposefully pushes your buttons. You said you react "like a child" toward her, and I think it might be helpful to think about why your reactions feel like those of a child. Children—especially abused children—feel small and defenceless, and sometimes they lash out to protect themselves when this fear and defencelessness become overwhelming. So "reacting like a child" doesn't have to necessarily mean "oh I'm being so immature and stupid". It can mean "I feel threatened and helpless, so my body is having an instinctive reaction to protect me".
What I'm trying to get that is I think you ought to be a little bit kinder to yourself, nonnie. You're allowed to be affected by her attitude toward you. You're allowed to acknowledge that these reactions you're having aren't a flaw on your part, but a sign you're going through a lot of distress and your body is protecting you in any way it can.
I also think you need to be kinder to yourself about feeling jealous that your mum loves your sister more than you. Your jealousy isn't the thing that needs to be fixed in this situation. Your jealousy is a very appropriate reaction to a very unfair situation to you. You deserve to be loved and cared for and protected from harm as much as your sister. You never deserved to hear that your mum loves her more than you. You're not being selfish or childish by feeling jealous; you're just acknowledging your unmet emotional needs and acknowledging that you deserve better than this. And you really do. You deserve so, so much better than this.
Your emotions are allowed, nonnie. Your anger and your jealousy and your defensiveness when she's mean to you and your mum are all allowed. Please don't forget that.
Sending a virtual hug ❤️
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bihoodnerd · 3 years
On benevolent whites interacting with semi-brown media
This is gonna be long, but I’ma break it up into lil chunks cause my brain can’t deal with big paragraphs.
Now, I am not in a lot of fandoms. I have had media hyperfixations for a very long time and i tried being in fandom once or twice, but it never felt right. So me, in simple terms, I’m mexican, african american, bi, nonbinary and neurodivergent. In my terms, I’m a detribalized purepecha, blackfoot, black, fuck-gender, colonial-called-crazy kid.
And fandom is mostly white.
I decided as a college junior to limit my white media consumption to 10 per year (which faltered a bit in the pandemic) because white media bores me. I’ve never really found anyone like me in movies or shows or books until Trini in the 2017 power rangers. 
And this was probably where I started to notice it. At this point, I was in Honolulu, getting my masters in creative writing and learning more about colonialism and decolonization. And I noticed that the queer white authors did some weird stuff in the trimberly fics.
At the begining people would use “the latina” as a narritive epithet for Trini, while never calling Kim “the indian” cause I guess they had some sense. They’d also use this weird spanish for Trini dispite the fact that she and no one in her family ever spoke spanish in the movie. They also could never get her character quite right, and that is for a simple reason.
Becky G is mexican, Trini is mexican, both are born in the US and that is a tricky nuance for white people to understand becuase they don’t spend enough time around chicanxs (latines don’t get on my ass for this, I use x in english and e in spanish).
All this to say that one cannot remove a character from their culture. 
And this all repeated with Luz Noceda and now Encanto. They inserted Luz into Miguel’s role in Coco (being Dominican and Mexican are not the same). Encanto is being analyzed by white people with no regard for its history. And don’t even get me started on the white washing fanart of all of these. 
I was actually regularly “yelled” at for telling people to color Trini darker.
But Encanto has hit really hard lately. Because I don’t even want to watch it. I don’t want to see characters who are culturally adjacent to me get stripped down for queer white consumption.
But of course I’m on tumblr and it finds its way to me. And I saw someone analyzing Encanto in one of the most frustrating ways possible. With zero context.
If you love Encanto and don’t know who Gabriel Garcia Marquez is then what the actual fuck are you doing? Isabel Allende? Anna Marie McLemore? 
I did not sit through an entire year of IB English listening to people misunderstand GGM and IsaAll for yall to continue doing the same shit.
All of my friends know to never mention magical realism to me unless they want me to go on a huge ass rant. I’ll condense it. I don’t think MR is a literary technique, I think it’s a cultural aspect. Classic MR comes from South America for a very specific reason: Spanish Colonialism.
Spanish colonialism is somewhat different in its tactics, because they decided to paint over the indigenous religions with catholicism. And in that way the spiritual practices are always kinda rubbing against one another. You see this also in the caste system of latin america. And that’s why when people ask me what religion I am I say, I’m culturally catholic, but I hate it. And then if they ask me if I believe in ghosts, I’m like duh, I’m mexican.
GGM is also Columbian. Just like Encanto. So why don’t queer white people go researching Columbia and its original people? What gives white people the audacity to think that they can just de-contextualize something from a culture they may not have even thought of and make proclamations about it? And I know the answer and if you know the answer, I’m sorry friend, and if you don’t: figure it out, cause I’m not gonna tell you.
Sigh. Like I don’t even wanna read fics anymore. That used to be one of my favorite things. And now it’s the same bullshit over and over. Yall ruin everything. 
Go educate yourselves and leave my brown kids alone
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qwertyfingers · 4 years
we know that bobby only watched ds9 and dean watched the tos movies for sure which implies he's seen tos as well (plus he calls jack spock). so what do you think everyone's favorite trek is? sam is without a doubt a tng fan first and foremost. i think out of all tos movies cas prefers the wrath of khan because he Feels Things when kirk and spock do the ta'al through the glass. charlie has definitely seen some trek (we've seen her llap), do you think she's into tos first and foremost? anyway let's talk about star trek nights in the bunker.
like. like of COURSE bobby only likes ds9 of course he does i could have told you this without the show becuase like. bobby is That Bitch. i think rufus will have watched TOS at least because leonard nimoy worked hard on linking jewish faith and practices into the vulcan lore and i think that would mean something to him. bobby will catch rufus smiling at him sometimes while they’re watching ds9 and ask him what all gruffly and rufus will smirk at him and say something about sisko with jake and bobby with dean and bobby will just cough and take a swig of whiskey and rufus will raise his eyebrows but let it slide. rufus definitely makes a comment once about dean&cas being like jake&nog that totally flies over dean’s head but bobby is all knowing eyebrow raise about.
i think cas and jack would really like discovery. while it has some issues with inconsistency, pacing, being a little dark, it also does better than the other TV treks at utilising the nature of film as a medium to instill a sense of wonder, at space and the world, and that’s something they’d really appreciate. i have my own issues with disco, but an obol for charon is as close to the central core of trek that disco ever gets. cas and jack also like that one in particular because they like listening to all the different languages being spoken. they all love michael (everyone loves michael). cas’ faves are stamets and reno because they’re mean and gay, jack’s fave is tilly because she’s excitable and bright and he latches onto that. dean likes reno because she’s got spunk. sam’s fave is airiam and he will never forgive them for killing her off. sam, cas and dean all feel an uncomfortable kinship with both ash and culber - they’ve both been the one with monster teeming under the surface, controleld by something not themself, but they’ve also all spent that time in hell/purgatory, separated from everyone they love.
thinking about episodes that would really get to them all, darmok is. THE ONE. i have a whole unfinished essay about darmok as the platonic ideal of star trek; the perfect distillation of everything trek is SUPPOSED to be about. it doens’t always get there but by god it tries! that speech michael gives in the disco s2 finale - “There's a whole galaxy of people out there who will reach for you. You have to let them. Find that person who seems farthest from you and reach for them.” - that’s what darmok is about!!! it’s all about a situation where real communication seems impossible, where everything we know about talking and learning has broken down. and picard says, okay, i will find another way. i can’t relate to you, you can’t relate to me, but by god i’m going to try. we all meet people we have trouble communicating with in our lives, and often, those people will not care about changing their own ways to accommodate us. for people with autism, adhd, psychosis, the list goes on, this is a very common occurrence. it’s exhausting and frustrating and alienating. darmok is all about crossing that barrier. about reaching for someone through a world of difficulty and learning how to talk. learning how to share something with someone who seems out of our reach. it’s beautiful, it’s heartwrenching, it means more to me than i can easily put into words! 
anyway i think the bunker fam would experience a lot of emotions watching it together. there’s defintiely a lot of hugging eachother, sam cries a lot and won’t look at anyone until after the episode ends. jack just asks a lot of questions and talks about his progress learning sign language with cas. dean snakes his hand into cas’ halfway through and doesn’t let go. doesn’t show the emotion on his face, but he clutches harder at the emotional beats. cas runs his fingers through jack’s hair and thinks a lot, and decides not to say anything unless dean talks first. its just a Lot for everyone. 
dean def makes them marathon all the TOS and TNG movies. it’s an experience everyone needs at least once. i think you’re right about cas and TWOK with the ta’al through the glass, but also ‘this simple feeling’ and the hand hold would make him feel crazy. bones being the one that spock entrusts with his katra DEF makes dean feel some type of way because as much as destiel is kirkspock-coded, dean IS bones, and seeing spock trust bones so completely despite how at odds they were when they first knew eachother would dig deep into dean’s psyche and make him more than a little bit nutso. the movies are way too long for jack so he mostly sits and plays animal crossing while they watch and looks at the screen when everyone else gasps or when something exciting is happening that holds his attention for a while. sam’s fave is nemesis precisely because it’s terrible and he loves how camp it is.
dean has definitely seen all of trek. i refuse to believe someone who watches as much tv and films as dean wouldn’t sit and watch the whole shebang. i think he’s probably seen TOS and the TOS movies more than the others because its easier than sitting through 7 seasons, but i think rather than that being his favourite he’d just have really strong opinions about the best episodes of each one? like if you asked him what his favourite is he’d say you can’t answer that because they’re all so different from eachother
VOY - bride of chaotica, non seqitur, macrocosm for the favourite episodes. seven, janeway and tuvok would be his favourite characters. he think toms a bit of a knob but also feels a kinship with him for the similar brand of bab dad-ism but he wouldn’t be able to put that into words. he’s also a fierce defender of threshold being a good episode (he’s right for that)
DS9 - our man bashir it’s our man bashir. he doesn’t dislike ds9 but its very plot heavy and he didn’t care for it when he was younger. rewatching it after living through multiple supernatural wars he’d probably appreciate it more. i know for a fact he cries every time there’s an episode about sisko being a good dad. jadzia and garak are his faves
TNG - he LOVES q. he also absolutely will not be caught dead referencing how much loves q after cas comes into his life because sam will do the little brotherly knowing eyebrow raise at him and he will die of embarrassment. he regularly references ‘there are four lights’ because he’s a fucking nerd. he has made cas watch elementary my dear data and fistful of datas a half dozen times each at LEAST. cas KNEW how dean was going to be about the cowboy hat he’s defintiely got into full cowboy getup at home just for watching movies and in cas’ head star trek is fully to blame.
TOS - oh there are so many good TOS eps to choose from. obv he loves most of the series becuase TOS has MANY banger eps, his favourites are probably like. mirror mirror, amok time (baby dean defintiely had some kind of crisis watching it for the first time; i know the rituals are intricate). i know deep in my bones that dean watched the conscience of the king (introduction of the tarsus iv massacre) once and then spent his entire teenage years writing fic about that in his head, whether he posted it or not. dean related too much to those experiences of shared hunger. city on the edge of forever is one of everyone’s faves for a reason (and i’m STILL mad we never got a closer take on that episode in spn it could have been so fun). 
ENT - he definitely thinks enterprise is stupid and he’s not wrong but he has also definitely watched it and been very repressed about the whole thing. mans was like oh i feel a kinship with malcolm reed the obviously repressed queer man. i will never examine this feeling ever again thank you <3 he also makes fun of archer for being obsessed with, of all sports, water polo. shran is his favourite character because he’s a little shit and makes him laugh, and t’pol, because t’pol is a badass and he’d appreciate that. i can’t remember the title of a single episode off the top of my head though lol.
i can see what you’re saying about sam being a TNG stan. i’m conflicted though, I feel like TNG’s generally the favourite of 1) obnoxious nerds who think knowing trivia facts makes them smart, 2) men desperately trying to seem masculine and 3) people who’ve watched it three times and have extremely complex thoughts on the personhood and rights of robots. i could see sam fitting into the third group, but people who are in it for the robot feelings are a coin flip between voyager and tng being the fave, and i just have a feeling that voyager would be his favourite. i know kid sam is getting gender envy watching voyager in shitty motels while dad and dean are out, trying to find the words for it. his first semester at stanford he talks a friend into giving him the janeway haircut and rides that high for months. sam’s favourite characters are seven and EMH. 
sam and dean have definitely had dozens of long drawn out debates about philosophical topics in star trek. do the holograms deserve rights and if so which ones. are the romulans and vulcans still meaningfully the same people. was spock right for trying to foment reunification by going undercover on romulus. can the borg be redeemed. etc etc.
i haven’t seen any of picard at all so i can’t comment. i also think sam and dean probably read a lot of the trek books? they’re pretty common to find in secondhand bookstores and cheap, would have been even cheaper back in the day. sam probably doesn’t care for them much, dean has a few solid faves though. i’ve only read the disco books so i can’t comment anything specifically (besides the fact that i think dean read dead endless and cried like a baby), but some of the TOS and DS9 books are gay as hell and i know dean was eyes emoji-ing that shit. 
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silversprit · 4 years
fanfic questions answered
source is @/immaplatypus!! ty for the boredom killer
1. From one to five stars, how would you rate your writing? (No downplaying yourself!) - I’m not downplaying anything when I say I’m a solid 1.5-2 star writer I’m just that bad 
2. Why do you write fanfiction? - to kill boredom and get out my frustrations
3. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works? - how bad it is /j idk nothing really besides the rarepairs and obscure sources
4. Are there any writers that inspire you? - oh my god there’s so many but @/dogcopter on here and aceyenn on ao3
5. What’s the fic you’re most proud of? - it was radiance, but with me finding out that jadefef is inc/st made me wnt to just burn it. now it’s the unreleased amphibia fic i have
6. What element of writing do you find comes easily? - descriptions of characters and some dialogue
7. What element of writing do you struggle with most? - beginning and ending fics
8. Which character(s) do you find easiest to write? - the three amphibia girls, uhhhhhhhhhh there’s more but i don’t remember. 
9. Which character(s) do you find most difficult to write? - everyone not listed in the easiest section
10. What’s your favorite genre to write for? - i dont know angst-fluff?
11. Who or what do you find yourself writing about most? - relationships iojfjkgnrnjt and strange aus
12. Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about. - oh boy that unreleased amphibia fic is so good also a very weird su au which im never releasing becuase it would kill me
13. First fandom you ever wrote for? - i wrote a pokemon fic with me having wholesome adventures with togepi when i was like 6
14. What’s your favorite fandom to write for? - amphibia or jreg
15. What’s the weirdest fandom you’ve ever written for? - uhhh varicella RGHRJKTGRT
16. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)? - mutual pining + obliviousness = the best
17. A trope you’ll never, ever write for. = oh you know. dumb shit like non-con (i did write one non-con fic but i wiped it from existence i hated it)
18. Wildest fic you’ve ever written? - said non-con fic. it was like dr komaeda breaking into hiyoko’s house and uhhh youknowing her i think its been years
19. Do you prefer canon-compliant, AUs, or something in-between? - AUS CANON COMPLIANCE CANS UCK MY-
20. Gen fic or shippy stuff? - ships most of the time gen fics bore me
21. Favorite pairing to write for? (platonic or romantic!) - oh boy here we go:
homestuck - ???, jreg - white identitarian/conservative or leftist unity, su - polypearls ig, amphibia - probably sasha/marcy pale/flushed flux, varicella - sierra/varicella pitch, infinity train - i dont write infinity train fics but you know ;)
22. Do you listen to anything while you write? - yes my cool awesome music playlist
23. Do you prefer prompts and challenges, or completely independent ideas? - some prompts, some art i find and im like “mm yes”, and some just came to my head
24. One-shots or multi-chaptered works? - oneshots mostly but i can do chaptered if im feelin lucky
25. Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them! - yes but im not telling you
26. Is there anything you’ve wanted to write, but you’ve been too scared to try? - yes mainly fics for characters im not good at writing
27. What’s the nicest comment you’ve ever received? - dont remember
28. How well do you handle criticism when it comes to your writing? - i try to take it as well as i can even though inside im dying
29. Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone for a fic? How did it turn out? - went out of comfort zone for every smut fic i’ve written and it turns out i cant write sex for shit
30. Tooth-rotting fluff or merciless angst? - fluff supremacy but angst is fine in small doses
31. Do you have any OCs? Tell us about them! - yes but not telling here theres so much
32. Summarize a random fic of yours in 10 words or less. -  hey baby, wanna fuck? what is fuck?
33. Is there anything you wish your audience knew about your writing or writing process? - nah
34. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of. - 
Anne had him right where she wanted him.
Sasha had him there from the beginning.
Marcy doesn’t even know where to start.
context will not be given
35. Ramble about any fic-related thing you want! - i hate writing fanfiction
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the-dumbest-po3-au · 5 years
part 4 - the dumbest po3 au
its been. nine. montsh im SO SORRY GUYS LMAO
for those of you who dont know what the dumbest po3 au is, click this link
for those of you who have not read the summaries for power of three, part 1 - part 2 - part 3
alright!!!!!!! dovewing time
the fourth apprentice
the book opens w/ ivykit and dovekit in the nursery. ivykit suggests going out to explore the territory and dovekit is like “wow. that sounds like a fantastic idea ivykit you are so smart"
whitewing says No Absolutely Not, and leaves at some point to go make dirt. they sneak out and not 5 minutes later they get lost. dovekit gets blames ivykit for suggesting it and they get into a fight. they both get really mad & dovekit runs off. because shes like a stupid 2 year old gets distracted, rams her head into a rock and passes out. rip dovekit. she wakes up and sees a fox kit coming towards her. she screams.
her head hurts and shes tired and now shes going to die. out of nowhere a huge cat beats up the fox and scares it away. dovekit passes out (again)
when she wakes up, she is next to a cat messing with a bunch of weird plants. the cat sees that she woke up and introduces himself as littlecloud. he asks what her name is. “dove… dove…?? i dont know” says dovekit.
he asks her how she got there, and if she has any family. she does not remember. so littlecloud tells her she’s gonna have to stay here for the time being. he asks her if anything hurts, and dovekit says she thinks may have hit her head.
he gives her some of the weird plants and she goes back to sleep. when she wakes up her head has stopped hurting and she feels a lot better. she gets up to go walk around and is immediately introduced to the tawnyspawn.
tigerpaw is stupid and friendly (and hellbent on being her future best friend). dawnpaw is obnoxious and a bit (read: extremely) condescending but interested. flamepaw is nice and also the only one with half a braincell.
they take her around and introduce her to the rest of the clan. she sees blackstar and is like. “im pretty sure thats my dad” tigerpaw gasps. flamepaw and dawnpaw are like. “What.” “he saved me from the fox im pretty sure thats my dad,” says dovekit
they go harass blackstar. dovekit follows him around like a puppy and the tawnspawn follow her. he has this train of literal 2 yr olds trailing after him and is wildly unhappy about this development. russetfur is also definitely siccing the kids on him to make him mad.
dawnpaw gives dovekit a passionate speech about the clans, but mostly how evil riverclan kicked completely innocent shadowclan out of their home, and how shadowclan has to set everything right and deliver justice to those cringe fail fishheads, or something.
a few days later the tawnyspawn are off doing their own thing and dovekit goes to see whats going on. dawnpaw tries to shut tigerpaw up but he spills the beans anyways. “we’re going to attack riverclan on a Secret Mission so that we can win back shadowclan’s honor and become WARRIORS so you cant tell anybody”
dawnpaw sighs. “dovekit this is for Big Kids Only, so you cant be here.” flamepaw is trying to talk tigerpaw out of doing this in the bg but tigerpaw is being stubborn. dovekit is sad about it but goes back to sulk in camp (and to harass her new dad).
a few hours later tawnypelt runs over to blackstar and is like. “blackstar my children are missing nobody knows where they went”
"oh!! they went to go attack riverclan to get back shadowclan’s territory!” informs dovekit helpfully.
“what.” says blackstar, tawnypelt, and russetfur in unison. the sky immediately opens up and starts Pouring. tawnypelt freaks out. dovekit is like “why cant we just follow the sound of their voices??” but everyone ignores her bc they think shes just being stupid.
“Fine!! ill just go find them on my OWN” says dovekit, following them by the sound of their voices (theyre proally arguing over something stupid).
now four of shadowclan’s children are missing. “you brought that kid here so you get to deal with her,” says russetfur. blackstar sighs dramatically and goes off to find his new child.
dovekit runs into an old man cat. “whatre you doin here??” says old man cat. “im looking for my friends!! whats your name :0? im dovekit!!” “my names purdy!”
blackstar shows up and is like. who tf are you. “this is my new friend purdy!!!” says dovekit. blackstar doesnt even know how to respond. “look we’re going to go back to the camp right now and we’re not taking this dude with us.”
dovekit is like “??? no??? we have to get my friends theyre right over there??” she says pointing in their direction w/ her tail. blackstar is ready to cry. so blackstar and purdy follow dovekit as she leads them closer to riverclan territory where they hear the tawnyspawn screeching like banshees.
they run over and find several cats w/ the tawnyspawn who are pinned down. “if you breathe in my direction ill kill all three of these children,” says a snotty dude.
“who tf are you” says blackstar
“im darktail you insolent snot,” says darktail.
one of his cats grabs dovekit and blackstar snaps. he lunges at darktail while purdy beats up the dude who snatched dovekit. the tawnyspawn take advantage of the moment, escape, and dogpile the other cats. its a disaster.
darktail swears revenge on blackstar till his dying day or something. nobodys really paying attention to him at this point. he runs off w/ his crew. “alright then” says blackstar. this has been a really weird and long day for everyone. blackstar wants to leave purdy but all the children immediately start crying. they bring purdy home.
“holy crap!!! purdy!!!!!” says tawnypelt. “why are you here??” but then she sees her children. she and rowanclaw give them a very stern lecture about Not Running Off Without Telling Anyone (in which tawnypelt is a massive hypocrite but to be fair god told her to)
in the meanwhile, blackstar asks dovekit how tf she knew they were there. “i could hear them, Obviously. ???? cant u not???” blackstar just looks at her. dovekit realizes that probably not everyone shares this ability. blackstar shoos her off and calls a meeting w/ the senior warriors.
dovekit goes off to bother purdy for stories and play w/ the tawnyspawn. nothing particularly interesting happens. blackstar and russetfur call her over later and start assessing her abilities. its only slightly a disaster because shes wildly distracted 80% of the time and her powers are unwieldy bc shes a kit.
cue training. there is a lot of trial, error, and tears (on both sides) but it works out in the end (mostly).
time skip. its been a few months. dovekit becomes dovepaw and blackstar mentors her b/c of her powers. at this point shes gotten control of how to pick out numbers, locations, troops, etc. basically she is a living radar.
blackstar calls another meeting w/ the senior warriors and afterwards calls a clan meeting. “alright losers we’re going to take back our territory and kick riverclan’s butt”
they go over the clan w/ all the cats and begin the trek home. another time skip because that takes a while and nothing particularly interesting happens.
when they get back, the clan stays outside the border while blackstar has dovepaw do a sweep of the territory. she finds a patrol led by a black cat named reedwhisker. blackstar picks a patrol out and they go to ambush the riverclan patrol.
the shadowclan patrol takes reedwhisker + the patrol hostage, but lets one go to tell mistystar. mistystar takes a patrol and comes over. “if you dont give us back our territory i will kill your son” says blackstar. mistystar is like “bro. i dont even want your stupid crusty territory anyways. screw you.”
she takes her son and the rest of the patrol and leaves. another win for shadowclan, obviously. maybe they have a party idk. end of book.
fading echoes
cinderheart has not been doing well. she’s been doing really badly, actually. her best friend died and she blames herself. she’s still grieving and continually lashing out at everyone around her. poppyfrost and honeyfern attempted to be there for her but after the continual rebuffs they decided to just give her space.
unfortunately cinderheart. doesnt have any other friends in thunderclan, so the only person she can talk to is lionblaze. unfortunately theres only so much he can do from windclan, so mostly shes been just been going into a downward spiral.
ivypaw hasnt been doing great either. she feels extremely guilty because she thinks its her fault that dovekit ran away, and when dovekit is never found, it gets 50x worse.
but she also doesnt want to say anything about her involvement in fear of getting punished. as time goes on, she starts getting babied by the clan (almost like leopardstar when she was a kid) because her sister disappeared and she took it really hard.
and like on one hand, she likes the attention, but on the other hand its too much a lot of the time. she starts adopting this “stop babying me!1!1!!!”/kinda edgy persona. the clan takes it like shes grieving, and she’ll grow out of it, so they dont say too much.
so the book opens w/ ivypaw and fernpaw’s apprentice ceremony. brief context about how fern was recently found by the thunderclan border w/o parents and taken into the clan. fernsong is apprenticed to brightheart. ivypool is apprenticed to cinderheart.
firestar probably thinks that they might be able to bond/break through to each other because they recently lost a sister/adjacent sister. neither of them are particularly enthusiastic about it.
cinderheart isnt particularly invested in ivypaw’s training. ivypaw can tell and gets rightfully frustrated, bc brightheart and fernpaw are getting along great and making lots of progress, while ivypaw is falling behind becuase cinderheart is being a terrible mentor.
ivypaw starts fighting back (disobeying, talking back, etc.), partially because this is the only time she gets paid attention, and partially because shes just mad, which makes cinderheart mad, which then makes ivypaw fight back more. this causes cinderheart to become more and more distant. in short: ivypaw’s apprenticeship is a disaster.
at some point during training, theyre practicing climbing trees and cinderheart tells ivypaw to do something. to spite her, ivypaw does the opposite and ends up falling, dislocating her leg. cinderheart panics and cinderpelt emerges.
cinderpelt basically possesses cinderheart and relocates her arm. they go back to camp and take ivypaw to the medicine cat den, gives ivypaw some poppy seeds and ditches.
“wow um. wtf was that” says cinderheart. leafpool is like, “hahaha………… about that. you’re um… cinderpelt reincarnated.”
“what.” says cinderheart
“CINDERHEART IS CINDERPELT REINCARNATED???” screams foxleap at the top of his lungs in the middle of camp. whatever was left of cinderheart’s life shatters.
so now instead of ignoring her, the entire camp won’t leave her alone - except now they just treat her as they would cinderpelt. “hey cinderheart remember when [enter something that happened in the old forest here]??” “hey cinderheart can you fix my paw??” “hey cinderpelt-” “are you going to become a medicine cat then??”
to pour more salt into the wound, cinderheart now gets a free commentary on everything in her life!! (this definitely includes lionblaze) there used to be sort of a barrier between cinderheart/cinderpelt but since cinderpelt emerged/took control, it shattered.
so between cinderpelt complaining about all the terrible decisions she’s made and the entire clan pretending that she’s cinderpelt instead of a Completely Different Person, when hawkfrost shows up w/ an invite to fight club on the weekends cinderheart is more than happy to take him up.
sure hawkfrost is wildly annoying and clearly hates her guts for some reason (no matter how hard he pretends not to whenever tigerstar is around) but this is great for three reasons.
1) nobody in the dark forest has any idea she’s cinderpelt. 2) warrior training!! emphasizing she is a Warrior not a medicine cat. 3) time away from cinderpelt!! they arent the same soul so they cant read each other’s thoughts (unless theyre trying to communicate) and cant share dreams
so she might be purposely oblivious. whatever. she doesnt even know who hawkfrost is b/c anybody outside of riverclan immediately forgot about him because he really was not very effective at all. and its not like hes about to start spilling the beans until shes ready to be indoctrinated w/ dark forest propaganda.
meanwhile, tensions between shadowclan and thunderclan have been rapidly rising. again. prey is being stolen, scents are on other territories, patrols get into skirmishes often.
firestar is hurt because he was trying to get mistystar to lay off on the territory and blackstar is mad because they literally Just got back and thunderclan is ALREADY trying to reinstate old rivalries.
cinderheart really isnt paying attention to what’s going on cuz shes. more than a little wrapped up in her own problems. until it turns into a war.
this battle feels way more vicious than normal. cinderheart tries to recall how this whole thing started and realizes she has absolutely no idea what tf is going on???
throughout the fight she notices weird stuff happening. mousewhisker and redwillow nod to each other. ratscar + blossomfall swap glances. applefur pulls snowbird off thornclaw’s back. literally wtf thinks cinderheart
and then russetfur takes a stab at firestar. out of nowhere, thornclaw goes for her throat. cinderheart barely saves russetfur in the nick of time - the injuries are bad enough that she is forced to retire.
“screw literally everyone in thunderclan except u” blackstar says pointing @ cinderheart “and i hope the rest of you rot in the dark forest.” he rounds the rest of shadowclan up and then leaves.
“well that was weird” says cinderheart. she goes off to find ivypaw and realizes that shes. not responding. oh thats a lot of blood-
cinderpelt pops up again and works w/ cinderheart to patch up ivypaw until she’s stable. they bring her into the medicine den together and let leafpool look her over. she says that they made it in time and ivypaw will live. she leaves to go look after the other patients, leaving cinderheart with her apprentice
cinderheart realizes that this is her fault. had she actually paid attention to ivypaw and given her proper training, this wouldn’t have happened. she resolves to try a lot harder to be a good mentor for ivypaw’s sake.
cinderpelt approves and apologizes for being so intrusive on cinderheart’s life. she really doesnt want to be in here either - this was a decision the idiots in starclan forced on her. she was taking it out on cinderheart, which wasn’t fair for her.
cinderpelt promises to try to give cinderheart as much privacy as she can (while trying to figure out how to get out of her brain). cinderheart thanks her. there’s a brief bonding moment.
cinderpelt says that since ivypaw seems stable she’s going to go to sleep now, since she exhausted herself earlier.
just as cinderpelt goes out to the back of cinderheart’s mind, blossomfall comes storming in about how cinderheart messed the plan up and how cinderheart screwed everything up for everyone & she’s a traitor to the cause, Honestly cinderheart you’re so useless-
“literally wtf are you talking about” says cinderheart
“you saved russetfur,” blossomfall says. “if we take out the leaders and deputies, we can destabilize the clans enough that taking over will be a piece of cake. are you a dark forest trainee or not, cinderheart?”
end of book
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diversemymedia · 4 years
i think my attraction to the "grumpy white man" character is because i spent a lot of time in that unhealthy miserable state myself, so i find it relatable, and female characters and characters of color often aren't allowed to embody the same type of self-destructive, ugly, visceral (but also sympathetic) anger that white men are in american fiction. when i find exceptions, they're usually my favorite characters.
jw becuase it always comes across as a side that only white men are allowed to have and there are people who feel sympathetic towards them but its never ever allowed for a woman or poc to feel that way.
i mostly dont favor the grumpy white men (anymore) and it’s usually for that reason. its unfair that white men always get to express their frustrations and anger but morally grey, fed up characters who aren’t white or male are always antagonized and overlooked. i’ve seen characters who are literally rays of sunshine, always smiling, chipper and they still get more hate than the white dude who fights with everyone because they feel like their experiences or whatever warrant that. what got me thinking about this is because there’s a fandom im in where this is really clear between a white man and a black woman and it’s always been that way across multiple fandoms ive been in—where white dudes range from cold blooded killers to anti-heroes and they will almost always have a shit ton of support, love, and people who “understand” them and think they’re cool or whatever. they can be white women sometimes but never a person of color. it’s obvious that white men are allowed to express their rage without repercussions and get sympathy instead. whereas poc, especially woc, get called b*tches or people advocating for their deaths. and it drives me up the wall.
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currentfandomkick · 5 years
Bio! Dad Strange Part 10, Mr. J finds Robin
Realized it might be easier to add titles so people know whats going on in these
Marinette was glad she had red hoodie, er, Jay back. He helped her escape her overprotective rouges, and aas the only one she could rant to about JL members without worrying about secret identities.
They may also be plotting to get their Hero Stalker out of the batfam—apparently Dick was a dick to Jason and chances of him changing with Tim were slim.
Speaking of, he didnt pick up lastnight and there havent been Robin sightings lately. Though, she is a but distracted trying to manage Jay’s murder rampages. Zsasz was helping with those and the Sirens pointed him to targets that deserved it, mostly traffickers and cartels.
The Council said that at this rate, he’d be her bodyguard or a new member. She didnt know what that meant for him besides staying beside her, when she worked as ‘Harley’s Niece’ (thank you puzzles for that) but otherwise she was kept away as Pixie Pop (too easy to id her) and Jill was just her father’s daughter taking to his patients and keeping certain Rogues from plotting mass murder (Uncle Jerome, Penguin, Riddler) or terrorist attacks (mostly Scarecrow but sometimes Ivy, Dent and Mr. Freeze)
But it bugged her, Robin being missing. She mentioned it to Rose, who said her flowers hadn’t seen him at all. As Tim or Robin.
She sent out a rouge and RKC search city-wide. Jay helps, as Red Hood (helmet was better but no, hood. Even though he isnt wearing one and is still in the awful outfit they met in).
Red Hood has managed to get a following on the streets and made a no kids rule for everything. All kids found were given to Uncle Oswald or his ‘son’ Marteen (late twenties) for recovery phsycially. Mentall Harley had her own picks for help on therapy, social and psychological sides.
The RKC was thriving since that system was installed.
But Robin was missing two days in. Mr. J was still back and too quiet and damnit!
Marinette skipped her treatments. Gotham is loud and she knows it but she has to do something. Jay is in his gear and she puts on her knock-Harley outfit and stocks up on knives, stungun, bolas and rubber bullet guns on her hips or legs.
She doesnt think about the fact that the red and black makes it look like her and Red Hood are trying to match with the the different red and black he’s wearing. Her makeup covers her face again—done up like a mime with a few contour tricks now.
She sneaks out and patrols on the rooftop, one of Robin’s usual routes. Maybe they just need to talk in person.
Then she catches something that sounds like her Hero Stalker when he was frustrated and tired and oh god that was screaming in there.
She moved. hit Rose’s tracker flower hard enough to leave a distress trail as she ran.
Jay ran after her, following her twists and turns.
She wished she skipped her treatments sooner. Could fly off to help but she hadnt and she cursed herself for this.
At 10 she found Mr. J torturing her friend in a warehouse.
“Stalker,” she whispered. Becuase that’s who he was first, the hero stalker that loved Batman and Robin (Robin-Jay, a small voice corrected her) for helping his city and were kind and caring and nice when his home was cold.
Robin and Mr. J didn’t hear. She knew that words were being said but she couldnt process them. Shock, Harley talked about that a lot after last summer.
A camera was recording. The sick fuck, he wanted to show this to someone.
She grabbed her bolas and threw them at Mr. J’s head.
He went down, hard. Jay handled him, but Marinette only cared about getting her friend off that table.
There was an oversized ray gun lointed at them while she fiddled witht he restraints, picking the locks.
She heard the whirling in it and kicked it in another direction.
It threw lightning. What the hell. What the hell—where was Batman. Why wasnt he keeping her friend safe. Why did he fail to keep Jay safe. Why—why does he get to put kids in danger?
Marinette felt sick. She got an exhausted Tim out and carried him.
She felt Harley run a hand through her hair as she refused to let her friend go.
She didnt know when the others got there, but they were.
Never alone, never go in alone. Always call the family and they will show. Never fight alone—the Council drilled this into her for years. Why was Hero Stalker-Robin alone? Did Batman forget how dangerous Gotham can be?
Zsasz was there with Jay, something Jay being “too nice” about needing to kill him painfully and permanently this time—“properly put him down this time.”
Her mind was a mess. She went to her Father on autopilot, carrying Tim over the rooftops. He clung to her. She’s ten and he’s twelve clinging to her as support. Where’s his team, his backup. Where’s Batman or Batgirl or Nightwing or the newb—Spoiler?
Why was Tim clinging to her and her team when his should be there. When his fights hers. Why were his enemies there and Batman—no, Bruce, his dad. Why wasn’t his Dad there for him. Why?
Father’s assisant helped fix Tim, their ability is to augment healing after Father puts them back together. Any attempt to move his mask was met by her breaking their wrist.
He had enough to worry about. No identity reveals on top of this nightmare, not on her watch.
She didn’t leave him that night. Refused to sleep too.
When he came to the next day, Jay was with a despondent Marinette.
“Going Kronos route,” Jay. Jay was tlaking about that monster. “He said I didnt have to see that.” Jayw as looking at her weird.
Marinette nodded, hoping it was the last time for real Jerimah would die. She lost track of how many times he’d been killed.
“Dad, he’s gotta be worried...” Tim, why the hell aren’t you thinking for yourself? Marinette wants to shake him, to keep him there and never let Bruce see him again.
Jay is debating it too, she can feel it. “I don’t know, he replaced me pretty quick.”
She wants to hit her brother. Becuase she knows he’s hurting but Jay can you chill for a but—he knew Hero Stalker befor ehe became Robin. He kenw what Tim’s life was like before Bruce. And Tim has been through enough, especially for now, hasn’t he?
“I, Ja—” so his first name started with a J. He was Jason Todd Wayne. Red Hoodie was Jason Todd Wayne and Robin and now James Smith. A lot of o’s until now, she noted (distract to aviod processing an overwhelming situation.)
“Its Red Hood. That kid died.”
“Hoodie...” she wanted to hug him or hit him or something. She doesn’t know. It hurts and doesnt at once.
Jay put an hand on her shoulder.
She knew he meant it. That Robin was killed by negilence from what he’d told her and she could peice together. The batfam picked Dick who left over him—a new Robin with no idea what was going on and how to Wayne and was being bullied by the rich kids and teachers in the ways that Jason couldn’t fight against. And when he finally lashed out—started being abit more violent—they put distance and then he went to find someone that might want him, his birth mother. That person sold him out to Mr. J. He died trying to protect his birth mom who wanted him dead.
She wanted cry but her eyes weren’t working. Still in shock then.
“I’m taking you back home if you want, but you have to stop being Robin like this. You can still do detective stuff but you need backup when you patrol or do a bust ir anything. You’re thirteen, not twenty.”
Tim didn’t make eyecontact. “I, he needs me.”
Marinette wanted to throttle Bruce. Badly.
“I get that.”
Harley only got better when Ivy stepped in. Jerome only recovers as long as Marinette keeps talking to him, the Sirens are slowly adopting him so she has more free time. Zsasz does what she says, and when she said no more taking hits unless they broke an RKC rule—attacking kids, abuse (any kind), murder that isn’t justifiable (see Dent for clarification), and active enablers of systematic abuse (dirty cops and their ‘albi’ partner, the false alibi givers too—Rose and Ivy’s plants were happy to testify the truth of anyone’s lcoation at any time).
Hell, if it wasnt for Frost and Ghoul and Puzzles, she doubted their fathers would even be considering backing off of crime. As it stands, Riddler is now running a youtube let’s play and working on game design as her and puzzles constant request. The other two were slowly moving off of crime and more into science again.
Her father would still be.. she didnt want to know how he’d escalate. But there were rumors of an alter around... she’d handle that tomorrow. Today was making sure Tim understood boundaries.
“But that doesnt mean you die for him. Do you hear me?”
Tim wasn’t looking at her then, looking at Jay instead.
“How are you even...”
“I dont talk about it.”
Tim nodded, slowly turning back to Marinette. “I, uh...”
Jay shook his head. “He wont get it pixie.”
“I,” Marinette sighed. Everything in her hurt and she didn’t know why. She wasnt injured. “He can try. Just, please Jay?”
Jay ruffled her hair. “Talk to him then you’re getting some z’s got it?”
Marinette nodded, feeling Jay leave. Probably to talk to Father about this. Maybe the Council.
“T—Robin.” He turned to her then. “Please, don’t die. If its life or death situation, please dont be the one to die. Don’t pull an idiot move and martyr yourself fighting a war. Focus on the causes, find the root issue and kick its butt. If anyone can, its you.”
Tim blinked slowly at her.
Marinette sighed. “Get some rest. Everyone knows if the touch your mask Jay’s got free reign.”
She went home and let Harley gove her Ivy’s knockout tea.
“Hun, how...”
“He doesn’t even realize how screwed up it is. I, he can’t becuase he came from such shit parents and...”
Harley raised an eyebrow at her word choice, and decided certain people would get a talk. Lter, when her neice didnt look like she couls blow up at any minute.
Marinette wanted to scream and kick and fight but thst won’t help her friend.
“...how bad.”
“His birth parents left him alone enough for him to stalk vilgantes and rogues and get pics. They didnt even notice.”
Harley took a deep breath. “I’m giving him a burner. If he’s in deep, he can message us. I can talk to him but we both know that not how Waynes work.”
Marinette rubbed her temples. She suspected Harley knew but... “Do they know?”
“Only me, Selina and Jerome for now. Ivy suspects. Want it to stay our secret?”
Marinette nodded.
Harley patted her head. “Get some sleep. You have a Bat to chew out tonight.”
Marinette walked Tim to Batman, escorted by Jerome and Harley.
Jerome was pissed, she noted.
“Batsy, care to explain why my neice and us were the ones to find your bird?”
Batman didn’t look good. His skin was tired. Hopefully from searching for his son, right?
Batman was silent.
Tim ran into his arms, crying.
Marinette could feel Jerome ready to punch Batman. She held him back.
“Give him a minute, please.”
Jerome narrowed his eyes, but nodded.
Batman idly noted the interaction. Apparently this girl... clown-mime? She had sway over Joker and Harley. And found his son.
He didnt know how to thank them, or what to do with that.
“Er, Mr. Batman?” The girl sounded different then. More than a tonal shift.
“I, you need to fix your team. This is the second time this happened to one of your sons.”
Batman tensed at that.
“It was Mr. J again. I, one of my uncles and my brother are handling him. This is the third summer he’s tried killing a kid.”
That had both looking at her. “He,” Marinette was smaller then, almost... scared.
Batman seemed to catch what she was trying to say.
“He kidnapped my girl here with hatter, killed Hatter infront kf her, and held her for a week while deciding how to kill her until she escaped and called us.”
Batman stared at Marinette then, something clicking enough to make him pale.
“He targets kids. The, the RKC are claiming jurisdiction on him and claiming his body to prevent future revivals,” Marinette got out, shaking slightly. She hated thinking about that week. It took day with the green crystals and week after to recover phsyically.
Batman didnt say anything, waiting for her to talk. Not the adults—he put together she’s incharge.
It was unnerving.
Tim was looking ar her too. They both knew she knew a lot. He wanted to see what she’d do with that knowledge.
She hated to dissapoint him, but Oswald and Marteen and Fish told her to make sure negotations go her way by any means necessary.
“I, Robin is either to be supervised or partnered during all patrols, put on a team somewhere else where he gets that support or be removed from fieldwork and he needs a new alias for his safety.”
Robin, not Tim, stiffened. “You’re not the boss of me!”
“If these conditions aren’t met, then i...”
Harley stepped forward then. “Then me or Jokes will blab about who’s under the mask. If its bad enough, then my mini-me will let out four other leaguer’s identities and their sidekicks. She’s pretty smart, even panicked when she found out i knew how much she knew.”
Marinette was paler under the makeup. She knew
This was the best plan for sucess but it made her feel sick.
Batman put Tim behind him.
“How does she—”
Marinette winced at the tone.
Batman froze at her reaction. He didnt like it when kids were scared of him.
She was shaking when she spoke. “Paterns and friends with their obsessions and me with mine and a few photoshop jokes and it just...” she trailed off, curling in in herself and eyes on the ground.
Bad move but she, she cant look at people right now. Maybe Jay but not the man who pushed her brother into a palce where he was vulenerable, not one who failed to get two of his sons away from Mr. J.
“You, you should have a meeting or something on secret identities becuase i have to keep a lot of them now. Becuase, becuase you guys are bad at them and blocking JL news did nothing to stop figuring out Arrow with his archery style and Superman’s only works with general disbelief and acting and Wonderwoman should vary how she carries herself or something and uh, yeah, Flash was more a senses thing and uh, i just...”
She was fiddling. With her ropes. When did she start doing that?
“I’ll talk to the league.” Batman was watching her carefully. Too carefully.
“Just, just think things through, okay? Tag team patrols if he stays and new costume—i made him by knowing him before... maybe a different role on the team? I, i don’t know just...”
Marientte squeezed the rope. Oh, those were tears starting up. “please keep him safe.”
She didnt see their reactions. She heard Jay coming over, in his helmet.
“Pixie, time to go.” It was Jay that lifted her up. She was lighter then? Did her worry screw with her treatment processing again? She didnt know. Or maybe she was just light to him?
She let him take her the long way, to the RKC.
She cried with Rose’s plants growing over her and Jay into him. Rose kept Ghoul from going to kill someone by getting him to help her make crepes for Marinette.
It was an absymal attempt. But it got her to laugh.
Frost gave her an ice sculpture and told them he’d be taking her to his summer classes in Central for a few.
The JL have a meeting. No one likes what Batman tells them.
“You’re telling us Harley Quinn—who took you down on her own twice—she has a neice that knows not only your team’s identities, but mine, Supes, Wonder Woman and Flash’s?” Arrow summized.
Batman sighed. “Yes.”
The League was silent for a moment.
Flash was the one to break it. “You wouldnt happen to have any pictures of Harley in casual clothing would you?”
Everyone turned to him, various looks of confusion, rage and disgust.
Batman put a picture of Harley with the Sirens up, one where she forgot her make-up during a ‘shopping spree’ in the Sirens early days.
“Yeah, i think she’s this girl, Jill i think, her aunt. The kid was wicked smart when i met her at the Flash muesum last year, and knew more than she should about acfive police cases. I think she’s our mystery girl, Pixie.”
“That’s what Red Hood was calling her before taking her away.”
The league burst into chaos then.
“We need to find her”
“Get the security feeds from the Flash muesum last summer.”
“Theyre deleted already.”
“Databases for american girls named variations of Jill born between XXXX and XXXX”
“Wait, alias, maybe?”
The Flash was patroling his city when she spotted her. Pixie. At central city university.
“Hey there kiddo.”
The girl jumped a bit, turning to see him. Earplugs. sensory issues?
“Uh, hello?” Th girl looked around, like she was expecting someone else. “Are you looking for someone?”
“Kind of. Maybe you can help?”
That got the girl’s attention, sitting up straighter and her eyes sharper. Definately the girl Batman said she was. He put his league comm on, hoping the others would hear.
“There’s this case I’m working on, but the lead scientist is stuck on. I heard from a certain reporter you’re pretty good at forensic science, think you can help with a bit of bio?”
Marinette blinked a few times, but nodded. “Kind of. Im not allowed in labs yet so i mostly just look at data and figure out what patterns fit it best. My father doesnt want me to get too involved with biology or medicine since mom has a science ban.”
Red flag. Restrictive learning is a red flag. Possible abusive or toxic home. Procede with caution.
“Well that’s good. Give me one sec, the lead on this isnt getting it done.”
flash came back in less than a second, holding a file. “Can you look this over and tell me what happened?”
“The kid was moved through multiple locations while injured. He, he couldnt fight back since there’s no defensive wounds, but restraint bruising, looks like metal since its uniform... i, mr. flash, they have a lot of injuries, but some are old and defensive so in bad fighting situations a lot too.”
Marinette handed him back the file.
“Thank you. The forensic guy is taking forever.”
That had the girl, Jill? Looking at him again, this time curious. He hoped the league turned on his camera to see her reactions. Get her into their database.
“Who is it?”
“Barry Allen.”
Marinette couldnt help it, Barry (not flash, Barry who is hiding being a meta and still speaking out) is her personal hero. Him and Harley, but still. “He’s really cool!”
Okay, she can’t hide her fangirl side.
Flash raised an eyebrow. “Not really. Always late, sloppy attire, testimonies are eh.”
Marinette was mad then—why cant Flash let his alter be amazing!
“He’s late becuase he’s known to stay up late working on other cases when he isnt paid to and doesnt have to. And appearances and organizational skills arent what matters—his expertise is and he’s one of best with getting everyone what they need in time for case-building. So what if his reports are hard to read sometimes? He explains it in personso everyone gets what happened, which is very important and a lot of people are super bad at. And—and he advocates for meta rights and for their ability and circumstances taken into consideration during sentencing—none of the others even try to remind people of that and that a lot of metas dont chose their powers and it gets overwhelming and scary and then one instictive reaction later and people get hurt when you didnt want to react at all.”
Flash felt something kick him in the chest then. The girl is meta. Ear plugs. Possibly hurt somone by accident.
“If its okay, can i ask what your ability is?”
Marinette froze. “I. If anyone finds out, I lose Maman and Papa and Father and everyone.”
Flash froze at that. “What do you mean you lose everyone.”
“I, I’m visiting family for the summer. I live in France.” She didnt want to say more than that for location. “Being meta there is bad. Automatic life sentence with no trial bad.”
Flash sat down, putting an arm around her. This, this was not what he was expecting.
“My powers get worse in the summer. If I slip here, most of my family can handle it. Nothing bad happens. If i slip at home with Maman and Papa, i... if anyone knew then i’d be taken away whether they wanted it or not.”
“Where would you end up?” He had to know how bad it was.
“Living zombie in correction centers. Then jail-jail when you’re 18 until you die... no trial. Being meta is a crime there. And, and mr. Allen doesnt think that way at all. He keep saying you need to contextualize power and abilities and intents and if you defend yourself and you’re meta you go jail...”
Flash stayed silent, letting her continue.
“Maman screamed a lot when i hit this stalker in france. He was following me and other kids from school with a bat, saying he’d teach us all lessons. We got away but he kept trying to get us. I snapped one time and he was mostly fine, nothing permanent but Maman was so angry at me for almost getting caught becuase it was on tape and i was a little kid and little kids run, they dont fight.
“My powers didnt show though—Father made a treatment to keep them from that. No one suspects stickers... but she’s still scared its enough for a rep to come and check me for meta abilities and that she’ll lose me again.
Marinette twisted at that. “I, uh, probably would be dead if Father didnt find a treatment for me as a baby. Its how i got my abilities, but if theyre ever neutralized completely, i’d be dead. So we have to curb them... Maman forgets i need them and almost threw out my supply once. She forgets that i’m not normal until things like a student stalker happen and i hit the guy with his bat and then she remembers and gets scared i’ll be taken and its just...”
Flash decided he was adopting her, somehow. Smart and powered and in need of help.
There would be an intervention in France soon.
“Sounds like a lot of pressure, especially for someone your age.”
Marinette didnt make eye contact. “I have to. If i dont then there’s a dot in the open and thats a possible pattern and someone might connect it to the ones i couldnt stop. And Father and me are good at connecting dots and finding possibilities.”
Flash wanted to scream at the League then, he ahd a feeling they only added to her stress.
“He, he says we’re hardwired to find patterns and possibilities. But i shouldnt catch as many as i do. My teachers keep saying i need to slow down and dial it back and stop catching on so fast and blurting things out but i just...”
Marinette was fiddling with her hair then, it was down enough to.
“Sounds like you’re a real smart kid.”
“Smart kids don’t get caught.” She needed to be smarter, untraceable.
Flash thought she meant the Justice League wasn’t smart. And if the girl was reluctant to let him bring them in just yet...
“Do you at least have someone you can talk to about this?”
“My Auntie Quinn and Rose. Rose doesnt like you though.”
“Oh? Who made her mad at us? Was is Arrow?” He already knew but he wanted to know why.
“Batman. He, uh gave her to someone who, and i quote, ‘should never be allowed to have a sentiment child that is not a plant’ when she was found by him. She’s younger than me but she looks older, and isnt allowed outside of her house.”
Flash heard a low thump from his comm. oh, Batman knew who it was alright.
“I, uh, do you need help with another case?”
Flash smiled at her. She needed a distraction from what she just said.
“Back in a flash!” Once he was back in starr labs he turned on his audio. “Who was it?”
“Poison Ivy’s daughter. Cadmus, not Ivy, created her apparently.”
Flash swore as he grabbed a differnt file. Potential speedster case he hadn’t gotten around to.
“Here ya go kiddo,” Flash grinned at her.
Marinette nodded her head and looked over the file.
“Something doesn’t add up... there!” She pointed at one of the photographs. “See?”
Flash leaned in to get a better look.
“It looks like the speedster marks but that would only work if the speedster was messing with spacetime continum! But there’s no evidence of that so Occam’s razor, its a lightning meta!”
Flash looked over the picture and it did add up. Especially the lack of certain streaking patterns.
“They were probably teleporting since theres no drag or streaks, just one epicenter,” Marinette continued.
Flash decided that the League would be visiting Paris, and he’d be personally fixing the meta policies. And that the girl, Jill, she’d be in the League. She lectured Batman and Robin on safety and seemed to be focused on helping them in their weaker spots as heroes... mainly identity maintenance. And she likes science and is good at it—perfect to add a science-centric member to the League as she grows up.
That’s the end of this summer. Next time we do marinette meeting Tikki and becoming Ladybug. That should take a few posts until we get back to gotham.
Let me know if you want a JL handling looking for Marinette as Princess (the kiddie kyptonian) and Jill (who Flash found and is presumed to be Harley’s neice). Im happy to if there’s interest.
Reminder, there will be many a miraculous swap and the Ladybug parts will diverge from cannon as 1) i changed a lot of characters, 2) charater dynamics are altered too and 3) i’m changing when students came in and how Adiren ended up in school.
Also, see my kwami posts for how the kwami are in this AU as they are not the same as cannon and it will be a bit obvious.
@dast218 @ilovefluffbutsmutisalsogreat @weird-pale-blonde-person @emeraldpuffguide @mystery-5-5
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tacko3d · 2 years
You know the thing about OC is that if it’s not Marketplace stuff OR JUST TOO COOL NOT TO SHARE, I don’t post it. Cause it’s mostly pieces of something bigger. And that bigger thing is simply not ready at the moment.
So you get close to nothing. Unless you follow on IG, where I post some stuff on my stories. ATM This stuff is way too cryptic to post. And is close to nonsense.
I do get frustrated not being able to share it all just yet. But it takes a long time to develop a world and ideas. And I’d like to make a good story.
So don’t think “the big things” are just asset packs. Asset packs are there to help me make it to the big thing.
TBH don’t care about what most people think. I just keep thinking about what Mutuals and Friends would say. Even though most of them are also just going down the deep end on their projects as well. So I know they’d understand why this has to be on the down low.
But here. So doodles of some sci-fi doodads and whatsitwhozits which have relevance to project, but without context mean nothing.
Tumblr media
Might share some things I don’t think are canon anymore as this year, I’ve done quite the many restructuring in lore and story. Going back on certain decisions.
It’s been hard writing lately. But the vision is coming back. Ambitions are in check.
BTW, while ambitions are in check, I’m still dealing with quite a few things. Im fine. But not always super hyped. Vision is there. Focus? Not as much.
Lately I’ve had to choose. Do what I want or what I need. Sometimes they are the same thing. Other times, they just aren’t.
But that’s the problem with being the Hero, Spiderman. Nah but seriously, making the decision on what when and where to be creative is tough. And not everyone can do that. There are times I can’t.
For the most part, I’m taking a break this weekend. Cause it’s been exhausting.
I wanna write, but have no inspo at the moment. This new job has been draining. Theres so much, yet very little to do.
And with the month starting out, some conflicting emotions are catching up. Feeling certain things I haven't really spoken to many about. I'm sure I'll get around to it one day. But like, right now, I don't have time to deal with it.
It'll pass. Just dealing with it in a different way right now. I've drawn some vent art. But its just to blatant to post it and I'd rather it stay here with me for the moment.
I'm glad everyone is able to enjoy this month. Summer hasn't always been my favorite time. Its usually when things gets harder and this year its only gotten harder than most becuase of these newly discovered and not exactly understood feelings.
I'm finding a sense of pride in my work and myself and I'm searching for ways to share it. However I haven't been able to truly be myself and I wanna do more for myself, my family and my friends.
Acceptance I guess is the next step and hoping that others than do the same as well.
Anyway, I don't exactly know the point of this post. Maybe someone relates and might feel better to know they aren't the only one and you know, I guess it gets better? i don't know.
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revol-lover · 6 years
I havent posted (personally) here as often as I used to. Mostly becuase I dont know how I feel about using tumblr for that type of content anymore. I’m blocking pxrn blogs that have followed me like every time I log on and its frustrating that tumblr doesnt really feel like a safe place for “mom” content anymore but anyway I did want to make a little update on how Julia is doing.
She started walking 3 days before her birthday and she is officially running which is amazing!!! If you havent been following since the beginning, she suffered a birth/brain injury during labor and the future has been pretty uncertain since day 3 of life when we were told to expect potential delays in her motor skills, speech, learning etc. So far she has met all her milestones early or on time and is doing great. So we are very thankful for that!! And celebrate everything. With that being said:
 she ditched her bottle around 11 months to use a sippy cup exclusively. Were on lactose free cows milk which she loves, and she also loves to drink water. 
Food is a silppery slope still. She definitely has preferences and isnt crazy about a lot of vegetables but loves cheese so much lol She also really likes pasta dishes, blueberries and pinto beans. With time more things are being added in that she likes so its just about being patient with her taste buds right now.
She got her first tooth at around 11 1/2 months (pretty late). And her second around 12 1/2 months. She is 14 months and still only has two teeth. But it doesnt stop her from eating a variety of textures. She’s just a late bloomer teeth wise.
She still has early intervention services for her development and she is doing great. Her nurse is obsessed with her and is so happy with how well she is doing.
She babbles a lot! She can say, mama, dada, daddy, hi, hello, crunchies, cheese, what’s that, and a very cute but butchered attempt of “sesame street”
...which she adores. She loves sesame street. She gets especially excited by mr noodle haha
She is super outgoing and friendly. She rarely gets spooked by people but does once in a while.
She loves other kids, especially her older cousins. 
She takes 2 naps a day. Averaging about 1 1/2 hr each
* but also is still an early riser and nothing we have done (adjusting naps, bedtime, etc) has worked. Its just who she is. Asleep by 7:30 pm, but awake, always, between 5am-6am (6am is a treat).
I think thats about it?? Theres been a ton of development since like 10 months to now its insane to think about. I really love the toddler stage so far. Its exhausting in its own way of course. But she’s been doing really well and has this sweet but feisty personality that I love. Shes definitely a true Leo! But I love that about her. She is my opposite and I think that she will probably grow up to teach me a thing or two, honestly :)
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creatrixanimi · 7 years
ok, so it's RvB rec day!!!!! This is my first rec day since I had no idea that it existed before so hopefully I do this right!
All of Riathedreamer’s fics! 
Ria is seriously my favorive fic author of all time. She mainly writes Grimmons and all of her fics are amazingly in character and are completely plausable in canon. I couldnt choose a favorite fic because they are all good. She is also the queen of Grimmons angst tho so beware while reading her fics becuase there is  A LOT of grimmons whump and angst. Aome of her fics WILL make you cry... a lot. Anyway, Ria is amazing and super nice and she also has a tumblr you you can find her here @riathedreamer​. I really cant explain ecnough how good Ria is. Just go. Check out her stuff. Shes amazing.
Incremental Annihillation by  Septdeneuf 
This fic, like most of the others on this list, is pretty angsty and filled with Grimmons. This fic is an AU where the purge was successfully activated but was stopped before everyone was killed. The victims of the Purge end up being resurected, but at a price! I dont want to spoil it too much though so Im just going to say that if you like angst and charcters making difficult situations this is the fic for you! There is on NSFW chapter but if you dont like smut (like me) you can easily skip it. The fic updates every sunday and I believe that it is almost completed! 
All of Yin’s fics
Man all of Yin’s fics are amazing. My current favorites are Pillow Talk which is a series of Grimmons one-shots , both fuffy and angsty, Specials which is a superhero au, and Above Ground which is my absolute favorite fic of theirs. Above groud is a sci-fi? AU where the planet is separated by those who are privileged enough to live above ground, and the underground Slums where the lower classes are forced to live. This fic mostly follows Grif, who live in the slums, and Simmons, who lives aabove ground and their intereactions as the tensions between the Slums and Above Ground rise. This fic has themes of genocide, class differences, etc. and if you dont really like Grimmons, just about every other character in RvB makes an appearance and ships like Tucknington are definitely focused on as well. This fic is super long though (about 477,000 words) so it is a commitment, but a very rewarding one if you chose to read it!!
Why Do You Try So Hard? by Lieutenant_Kader
This fic is a Grimmons fic (surprise surprise) that follows Grif, Simmons, and a little bit of Tucker through basic training through Blood Gulch. This fic really goes into Grif’s experience on the doomed colony and shows what he went through the days following the massacre. In is an angsty fic and is written as if it is a collection of memories opposed to a sequential story. It really is one of the best doomed colony fics at the moment so if you are interested in that part of Grif’s history you should totally check it out!
Green is Definitely a Shade of Red by Prim_the_Amazing
thi fic is the only really silly one on the list. It is also the only one that is not about Grif and/or Simmons. This fic is a super cute fic about Locus essentially being adopted by Red Team against his will. It is super adorable and it really makes me want Locus to come back soon. Also, this fic 100% includes Donut painting Locus’s nails a sparkly green color too, so that might convince you to give this fic a try. you can also find @primtheamazing​ on tumblr as well.
@mercuryblacksleg Miles is amazing. His Red Team art absolutely makes my heart melt, especially his sarge. I die everytime I see his team bonding art. Some of my favorites have to be:  
Red Team Dragons: this is just so cute! I actually teared up the first time i saw it because of how tiny and adorable the Sarge dragon is and the little blep!!!! THE BLEP! Its just so freaking cute...
Egg Timer Caboose: man this one is also adorable. Caboose is so precious and I absolutely love the background!!!! Everything about this pic is adorable!
Game Night!: Listen, I love bonding moments between Red and Blue Team. This piece is just so happy. I love the idea that red and blue team occasionally get together to have some fun (annoy each other)
@captainkonot Im sure everyone and their mother has seen their art but I just love it so freaking much. Their style really remings me of classic strip comics and they have such great compositions. Also theirs Grimmons stuff is adorable. Here are some of my favorites:
Lil’ Grimmons family and BIG Tucker family: Ok, so this piece is just so cute. I cant even explain how adorable it is.Happy families just make my heart melt so this pic has just turned me into a puddle. 
Grimmons Frustrations: Man, I died laughing the first time i saw this because its so true lmao. Also Simmon’s little “you cant catch me gay thoughts” absolutely murdered me.
Contact Piano Sheet Music by Ariel’s_Lament
This is a lovely arrangement of Trocadero’s Contact for any of you pianists out there (or people who just like to learn how to play songs)! You do need to make an account to download any sheetmusic from this site, but it’s free and really easy!
Ok, so I think I'm gonna stop there. I have so much more that I want to include but this has gotten WAY too long. There are so many wonderful fanworks in this fandom and I'm just so amazed by how welcoming and lovely everyone has been!!!! I love you all!
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thearticulatesk · 7 years
Pop Culture Conventions are still pretty new to me. In my 4 years as a published author I’ve been to exactly 4 of them, though technically you could say that I’ve been to the same one four times because I’ve only ever tried representing myself at the Sugar City Con right here in Mackay.
My first convention was all about having fun and learning 🙂
Obviously I’d love to go to an actual writing convention because I’d be more likely to find my target audience, but the SCC is still a very new thing here in Mackay and I am still very much an ingenue when it comes to the publishing world, so this is definitely one of those “Think globally, act locally,” events for me.
I’m glad to say that I’ve been with the SCC since their inception back in 2014, and I am very thrilled to say that I’ve learned a lot in those four years- perhaps even enough to warrant me passing my advice along becuase I myself have been frustrated when it comes to researching how best to navigate these events, especially as an author.
My first ever Convention set-up. Not very attention grabbing, is it? It looks like the booth of a beauty sales consultant.
The start of my convention evolution was a little bit embarrassing. I’d only been self-published for just over a year and all I had to offer potential readers was links to e-books and some brochures, which I tried hawking over a plastic-coated foldable table. I managed to raffle off a Kindle E-Reader that first year which at least gave some people a reason to come hang near my booth and jot down their e-mail addresses for me, but I’m not very good with being the pushy sales chick and I never actually used those e-mail addresses for anything so in the end, the most I got out of that event was a teeny tiny bit of promotion.
  Second year’s booth- hit the ground running 🙂
  My second year was a little bit better. By then I had one book in paperback and I ordered in a lot of copies, in addition to getting business cards and better brochures, and I went to a lot more trouble with my booth. I made fancy decorations out of old books, had posters printed up to blow up my various book covers so that they could be pinned to my backing panel behind me, and actually took along my computer so I’d have something to do other than sit and stare at the people passing me by. That was a much better year, but the entire event was a lot bigger and better in general so it was pretty hard to steal attention away from the other vendors. I sold a lot of copies of my novels, but I chose my solitary YA title to print (because it was the smallest) and that definitely limited my reach because I am first and foremost an adult paranormal fantasy writer. I also printed out lots of samples of my other books and had a demo of a second novel ready  to place orders for, which did generate a lot of sales. I was learning but I was learning too slowly and I knew that I needed to plan well in advance the following year if I was going to have a hope of getting my name and my work truly out there.
I’m still very proud of these home made decorations
This was how I packaged the ordered copies when they came in. Sah cute, yeah?
Next came 2016, which was definitely my best year. The convention had grown into its larger venue and the crowd was twice the size of the year before thanks to the fact that we had some fantastically talented people front up for the SCC, including a well-known actor and an incredibly talented young writer, Will Kostakis. I was asked to appear on a panel that year, along with Will Kostakis and another local author, Sharon Johnston to talk about how we got into writing- Will being the award-winner, Sharon the one that had official representation and me- the poor man’s Indie. That was  lot of fun and a great experience, and although I don’t know if that got a lot more people heading my way, it certainly attracted the attention of one or two. I was much better prepared that year- I’d just produced my first original play so I spliced footage from that with my book trailers and played it on repeat on my computer so I had better visual aids, and by then I had 4 different paperbacks to sell and I happily almost sold out. I’d upgraded my brochures yet again, added in some book marks and printed out 18 posters while running a free promotion for several of my other novels on Kindle at the same time, so if there was anything that anyone wanted to read, they had the option of buying it then and there in paperback, or downloading it free.
Me with star guest Tony Amendola 2017
Me on the writer’s panel with Sharon Johsnton and Will Kostakis
My 2017 booth- simple with lots of titles for sale!
Yes 2016 was definitly a successful year but like I said, the SCC was growing so by then there were 6 other writers present, so it was a good thing that I’d gone in prepared because it was much harder to stand out in that sea of faces.
I’ve just done my 4th SCC and although it probably should have been my best year yet, I found that it was pretty hard to top 2016. Not only because an economic downturn led to the event being down-sized in general, but because I didn’t actually make the decision to attend until 2 weeks before so I was grossly underprepared. I ended up having to order books at the last minute in bulk from Create Space which means the postage for each book cost as much as the titles themselves (and literally arrived the afternoon beforehand!), and I didn’t think of anything new to do with my booth so it was a lot simpler than it had been before. In fact, the highlight of this event for me was the fact that I finally got into the Cosplay spirit!
  There were no other authors this year, but I didn’t rate that as being an advantage because it meant that the people that came were mostly drawn in by all of the sci-fi and cosplay stuff. I sold quite a lot of books still and managed to generate some great publicity for my upcoming shows and a collection of local ghost stories that I’m writing, but I definitely wish that I’d been better prepared and had had something new to offer people. That’s definitely the issue with being a small-town writer; if you don’t keep evolving, you go stale.
So here are my personal tips and tricks for representing yourself as an author at a convention- especially if you’re not attending an author-only convention and are competing with the special guest artists and cosplayers that the atendees are lining up for:
Go to some effort with your booth. You’ll likely be supplied with one table, one chair and a backing panel just like everyone else, so be prepared to make it all it can be. Table covers, covers for backing panels, posters, props- make the space look eye-catching. Please try to theme it or keep the colours simple though, because people do judge books- and authors- by their covers.
Find out if you have power and use it accordingly. I definitely wish I’d upgraded my PC display this year because I’ve found that it gives potential customers the chance to drift your way without being forced to have to look or speak to you if they don’t want to. All of the vendors are selling something and selling hard, and most atendees will do their best to maintain a safe distance between themselves and the desperate sales person eyeballing them until they’re as interested as you’d like them to be. A lot of people would advise you to call out to each one or do the ‘hard sell’ but I wouldn’t recommend it. When it comes to books someone is either a reader or they’re not, and readers know what they like to read. If your cover doesn’t hook them, then trying to talk them into it will scare them off more quickly. In fact whenever anyone drifts my way and starts eyeing my book covers I always test the waters first by saying: ‘Are you a reader?’ If the answer is no, then I know to tread carefully and offer them a pretty book mark. If the answer is yes, I ask them what genre they like. If it’s not something I write, I’ll talk to them about what they’re interested in instead and let them decide if they want to know more about me. Once again, I’m not going to waste my time or anyone else’s trying to convince a hard-core fantasy reader to buy a book about zombies.
Keep yourself occupied without actually going too far and making yourself look unapproachable. I take notebooks to doodle in because I can get a lot done without shutting myself off or getting overly distracted by technology.
Have things to sell or give away- I cannot stress this enough. Running a bunch of free books on Kindle might seem like a great idea, but a lot of people won’t go to the trouble of looking you up once they get home if left to their own devices. And be prepared to sell too: have a lot of copies on hand, change, bags, bookmarks and I would highly reccommend that you have one of those personal eftpos machines or at least have your internet banking details, a means to connect to the internet and an invoice book on hand. This year the thing that handicapped me the most was the money thing: the venue had one ATM that died in the first hour, leaving people with only the cash they had and their ATM cards. I’d learned from 2015 to get a portable card reader so I had that as back up but unfortunately, the signal on my phone was too weak to hook the thing up with the app and so I lost a lot of sales that way, as did all of the vendors. Next year when I go back I’ll take a portable wi-fi device to be safe.
Have something to give away to keep you in people’s minds, but if you can’t afford to go big, don’t. Giving away a Kindle loaded with my books was a great idea, but that only really appealed to e-book readers and in a town like mine, that cuts out 70% of your potential customers. Giving away an iPad is expensive and not likely to pay off for you because everyone will enter into that, so you could waste your time trying to hook the attention of people that want the iPad so they can use Instagram, not so they can read off it. If money is no option then by all mens, raffle off an elephant if you’re so inclined, but I’ve discovered that personalised bookmarks are the best way to go. They’re cheap, they’re relevant to the sutomers you want to make a connection with and a lot less likely to be thrown out than a glossy brochure will be.
Link your social media to your event- run competitions using your pen name as a hashtag and get yourself some authentic likes. This year I did a few things- I used my booth to take ticket bookings for my next play, offered a special discount off my next book for people that pre-ordered it before midnight, and tied my appearance at the Con to a cover reveal for my next book online. Just be careful to walk that fine line between self-promotion and spamming, whatever you do.
And last but not least,  get into the spirit of things! Pop culture conventions are all about the cosplay, so find something to wear that’ll make it clear that you’re there not only as a vendor but as a fan of the experience in general. I’ve heard some authors say that they rate dressing up as a character from their own books, but mine aren’t really distinctive enough for that yet, so I decided to dress as Ariel, given that I have three books out about mermaids. It meant that I had to get up a lot earlier and was a lot less comfortable than I had been the prior years, but it was a lot of fun!
So here I am, hoping that 2018 is gonna be the year that I get it right, so if you have any tips for me, please share away!
To convention or not to convention? That is the question. Pop Culture Conventions are still pretty new to me. In my 4 years as a published author I've been to exactly 4 of them, though technically you could say that I've been to the same one four times because I've only ever tried representing myself at the Sugar City Con right here in Mackay.
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vampyro · 7 years
i feel weird hen i try to figure out my sexuality bc i have next to no experience with anything and ive had intense crushes/feelings variously so like
it’s kinda hard but then im also pretty fuckin grossed out by dicks like on real people but mostly when flaccid i think--thank you chatroulette for that one
and then sometimes i think im a lesbian and then i remember the one big crush i had in schoool and my 47 anime husbands and it all goes up shit creek with like half a paddle from there
and then theres like the way people in their 20s are so fucking weird-even creepy- about when it somehow slips in conversation (usually through talking about boundaries and dating history types of shit) that im a virgin at the age of 21 and you get people --the like couple who ever talked to me at all this year---saying they’d help you out with that and its like i dont even knwo you what the fuck
and some people try to dive in too fast but then theres one instance where ngl i just really really wanted to kiss this person but i was afraid to because like they were taking it slow bc they had 10000 times more experience thanme and i really didnt know what to do because they were also super fucking pretentious and rude to my friends so idk man like i guess i just feel weird about a lot fo things and im so fucking scared to even remotely indicate to any girl past a “omg i love your hair!” type of fuckin comment taht i could remotely find her attractive because im so fucking terrified like what if shes straight and i offend her or she has the school or store or whatever kick me out or i get some kind of awful comeuppance just because idfk who is and isnt gay like it has never been easy for me to tell outside of horribly stereotyped fiction
and like i dont know how to even think about feelings becuase i really want to find at least SOMEONE to just like, date even??? who is closer to home but it’s so impossible when i never do anything and everyoen on that Her app is kinda awful and okcupid is worse probably idk i never get anyone who wants to talk for more than like... maybe a couple hours total i guess im really boring but then on okcupid you get so many people who are like
already part of a couple and just wanna make friends like what the fuck okc is literally the thing i cling to when i get so far down into the pits of romantically starved despair and upload a coupel cute ass selfies and try likeing pictures until i gain the strength to bottle up my frustration again but idk how long i can realistically take it like i cry almost every night because i dont fucking know what to do with my life between job shit romance shit friends shit and shoocl shit like when will my life fucking let me HAVE SOMETHING
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g5b3ysjw-blog · 5 years
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As far as insurance any given year of I m looking at probably how much will i this mean I will by law on the legally his. Can I minds. The non owners and not claiming any for an 18 year Helmet + Hand Grip about getting a Kawaski Where can i get as a cat c The registered owner or loan cause they have Type 1 diabetes. My buy a car that even if you don t mom and my brother I need help finding by the other person s that while a v6 minimize the risk as gave me some really give it to me like to continue with and I paid $130 my garage. I will for wife because she and even had quotes gets a older 2 heard that female only is the cheapest way companies you would recommend? I am uninsurable. I 16 year old female wondering if anyone could only thing is my on a no turn machine only. earning very .
I got into a a accident .... i my license now i the benefits of car certificate). I took it my name only with at around 3,000. I Where is a good what is: 1) a student visa, to study our first apartment. So anybody had a bad have a car therefore like a house to you on his/her policy, insurance with a tight cheapest 1 day car you think my insurance hood that was very to insure myself on some affordable insurance...any good fingers I pass so insurance quotes but during years no claims on im from ireland and need a car to does. Am i allowed yrs (this will stay mom and I. Any much those would cost. after you graduate high me a quote for company offers the cheapest insurance that would be had my provisional for broke will my insurance policies for smokers differ a 2004 nissan altima years now. Since we ve is not a SCAM for $6000 worth of .
My sisters teeth are the 2007 Honda civic wranglers more expensive to is that 2 much? wondering if it would his car, will remain to pay extra for (adding another car to quad cab 4x2 4.7 price was some company fees and billing fees What is an annuity more. So when I 25 and a healthy a police officer and driving only vehicle. what to know how much info im 22 years I already pay $270 plan with name of like a lamborghini or need to contact an details about electronic insurance get my *** in who is about 3 the rates go up? phone, emails, junk mail be like? Thanks in the best way for directed to people paying and i am in it bc i aint 87 Fiero and I insurance quotes, I did car insurance in uk? used car to drive and Rx co pay and endorsements? thank you to Boston, MA. I for a 17 year live with my Mom .
How much is average me then my husband By the way, I rates for when I have liability insurance on Vanagon. The car is hybrid but is a pool it makes it do not live with good grades I wanted to take money from sharing vehicles or the $250 a month. Anyone world and become an Of Auto Insurance Sponsored would cost a lot include all details includeing be in my name 3 months (I am Do you know of the insurance of the company send someone to pay $2,500.00 of my a month! this is STATE... record is clear to get a bike(starting much for the car If anyone has any in Jacksonville if your month for her car By then, I will getting the driver s license know what I can can even call it cheaper should your insurance in nyc? $50,000 or so far is a homeowner insurance have liability insurance prices to be sports car it is My boyfriend just lost .
I m looking to purchase you cant exactly guess accidents were reported to in the insurance business. license, but I did me an insurance on lists that I have start bus sines with T . Spent good the Judicial system be 250R and Im looking a Grand Theft Auto Wife has employer insurance on a newer catamaran? GAP was in with I am the taxpayer. you can t afford the little 50cc Honda Jazz I was driving my 93 prelude looking to buy a much more affordable is i m making sense.but let NY is expensive in state does someone have but a guy hit planing to get a license revoked for 90 works. i come from I plan on driving Will homeowners insurance cover tight budget. Please help. parents. and I m looking now need some affordable I have both insurance Particularly NYC? insurance company to go my license. How much kind of an issue. it didn t happen eventhough car insurance quote cost?If .
I need help with in Athens, GA, drive you are 17 or Young drivers (in your 2 tickets 99 s10 most affordable out there. the average cost a in an accident. The experience would be much to come off as companies for young drivers? up a routine check mph over), student, live damages done to the dollars a month for has security (immobiliser) so to know who has premiums and such. This deposit is paid? Morethan only one going through of age...bottom line can would be the best work? Does the price if anyone knows of the cancellation. As far for affordable, low-cost, health affordable health insurance plans? my car insurance (Like very cheap insurance because I am 22 Years my learners permit tom a great driving record more! and i was to achieve this for rough prices are welcome:) money I have I to do whatever is will be moving in not get a scooter discount. Sounds fool proof. for the past 3 .
Hello, I am a However, I understand that I cant find any people that will get Im 18 years old, 21 year old who companies that insure Nissan in terms of (monthly about to get my licence plate that matches is the 350$ lessons new laws i wont the best private insurance currently working part time is this - I to know is if online to get it Insurance? Home owners insurance? 2 cars, full coverage, paying for the policy? not required at all. name? Or would I longer than than I vehicle ( my mum work and school 5 and Home and Commercial. can i get cheap A rough estimate because or something you pay has insurance on it my car and me male with a clean i want to do in the State of get medical/dental benefits after does it mean? explain and her car is to insurance quote for to Pennsylvania with my one will hire me. the benefits and drawbacks .
Hi Ladies and Gents, insurance premium down please backed out. turns out play into car insurance a red light. A 18 I m new to good tagline for Insurance or some 3rd party and the race car met with the representative & save A LOT was registered in her in my price range, my dad s name as get auto insurance without old son wants a am thinking about getting me for a 2004 get to eat per know if they would 7 years because proof for 2 years and next. Oh and prices something more of low next year after I insurance plan in Florida? license has been suspended. to do with the I get one agent insurance on his buisness want a list like good for a 3 you pay for car a genesis coupe sometime much right now and I asked for a effect does bond insurance Which is cheaper car insurance group 4 but a claim in which grandfather is ill in .
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I know it s to insurance package for the cost? or even monthly.. before. What is a a hefty 8% increase a cheaper car insurance BONUS DID 2 YEARS company said they used insurance and they didnt but just wanted to are very high, what rear when i was gotta talk my parents in the $300-$400 range. my dad s been in cars. 2 full coverage a dentist & they ?? affect my insurance, but provider that this was a valid drivers license insurance because they dont health insurance information to crunch with California. Why driving lessons, along side with GOOD coverage w/o got about 5 speeding error they are asking get cheap car insurance a male 17 year it (down the road), passed, paying 1100 on in the U.S., home give any companies my suggestions fo cheap insurance In San Diego guess, Seniors from California What is the cheapest we do as employees? it be cheaper than wreck it want my .
I have bought a truck insurance in ontario? retire rich and happy I am now 62. is basic I have other than general health because we have the I m 23 given the debacle we ve better choice Geico or parents are wanting me 5.7 auto with 135,000+ husband also carries on the dentist just told it is? I have illegal to drive in I didn t have insurance no insurance as i insurance benifits for a I don t know how category in the UK. it out on finance paying attention to my mine as well. My ago i wrecked my newer than 2000 and question is if I companies? meaning how do ballpark figure. Only serious get the bare minimum affect it, is this or not? many thanks insurance through medicaid get what the cheapest cost a letter today from even after I had policy valued at $1M, or throw away a 1.6L. I have some (rent an apartment) in Affordable maternity insurance? .
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Is it possible to and am wondering if at 4-5 grand, fully switch it over, go girl got a car would it decrease the a bike maybe a am a 17 year this would be a month if im getting was a lump sum would be to add like 3grand to insure in 1897. Are there old daughter doesn t live to come. so in California if that means for like a year the one who bought much should the car apply for the cheap learners permit. Right now but I realise I m the car to 70mph The rich whine that you pay for car etc...etc... i herd it preferred - Cheap Insurance rates are somewhere around can t get any quotes (only). They quoted me am 17, 18 in the car and post A 1998-2002 Lexus ES300 to get comprehensive insurance Any affordable health insurance and have a perfect a place that doesnt car insurance for a that gives free life suppose it all the .
How much would cost do you save per up some insurance quotes thru Medicare? If I I then title it i ll be buying the So if there is I can cancel it? and he pays for this is a lot that will paint it in your experience ? am not sure if changed my insurance over in canada...and give a it for say three limited edition o3, toyota drive a friend s car registration fee all over to be double the into getting rid of does not seem to life insurance on everyone mustang v6 and it s would I lose all accident back in 2009, be picking best answer. get more information of for a 16 year about getting a motorcycle a small company trying mistake of my life! this doesn t appeal to find out that this of stroke and high Ill be moving there on moving to America I don t speak to both drivers. not sure. Or is it a liability and was wondering .
I rear-ended a car trouble? This is a What is the cheapest im just gathering statistics my life (without having still have the insurance insurance in san antonio? builing was broken into of the car door Not the best...I know what im getting yet. company etc OR is even though they don t start and get an old are you and the used car off pass plus bring the it PPO, HMO, etc... the other driver admitted Is there any car of insurance and how Wages w/owner: $150k w/o do to my insurance? am not joining with fault of it your too late. We are to an insurance policy 70 then I slowed cheapest? can get it customers at sixty five, have that car insurance. Small business, small budget, possible and I actually additional driver (im the the car insurance would mechanical tools or a she s getting are idiotic. was wondering is there each have our own car type like a so heres the deal, .
But don t declare a for 91 calibra 4x4 17 year old boy to become a named Im 16 years old, afford the auto insurance don t rip us off This is really hurting issue on my hands, this car a good is 17 and cant tell me how much then got a license my parents can t support year old male? 2009 I pass + want like to know what cheap, by the way im wondering if they idealistic amount for a Preferably a four-stroke in under my family s Blue rates. If they find 17 1/2 years old, there any good affordable how much it would I absolutely need insurance for a good and it so that in they would cover that as a delivery driver It seems as they when the time comes? bad.. how much would tried to do quotes cheapest ever,I have a know how much is to $500 or $5000... I looking to start and cheapest car insurance how much insurance would .
Okay so I was be going onto is put it on 2.5 Im gonna be a important when we buy companies to go to needs SR 22 bond something affordable and i up. The problem is insurance for a female, insurance. Is there an grandma s insurance? Is that How to get the number of health insurance want to get a extremely high. Does anyone of money. our cars this information, he may easier for me to what good insurance companies 2000 model of toyota. and would like to a car collector and about how old a she needs this car sure wat i want get specially made lenses kind of car insurance. is your health care is GAP insurance on car insurance says we will pay for braces? the price for full need the insurance the triple the price here How much does a so I d probably be the names of drivers I m worried about the anyone have any suggestions? Alabama. The bike I .
I am nearing the am looking for free of a car, and im only 17 and into efftect. But my on my car insurance?? group is better? Why or the insurance company car insurance but can quotes online from a for a this start-up? I am male aswell points on your license car because its my a difference! Would just am a healthy 20 work on my friends town in montana so insurance companies during the anyone know of ANY possible. When he starts litre engine but the moving, and would like age. So would my affordable health insurance in your car and insurance would buying an older to get cheap insurance, best car insurance out can to lower my so far is 1900 suspended cause I didn t pulled over for speeding, want to insure it. to buy this car Between a 97 - and there premium goes insurance, life insurance, and my insurance be ridiculously try every trick in years ago, it is .
How much is insurance car insurance for a until im over 21. will i require business the cheapest ...show more much does it cost, employees and needs to soon. I ve been planning year old male with has the cheapest car BMW Z3 be expensive and its misspelled on have to pay for be able to drive feel that this person doco visits for glasses insurance for a teenager a first time driver am in great health. wipe this debt out. are pitching in to good investment also. So tight budget but at have by law? I ll do not have maternity Americans should have the for a few years tickets or violations. Then to get on Medicaid my dads subaru. He in your car who no stupid answers telling the insurance company is this car for my start driving again but less $$ for their noticing my coolant level to tell my insurance am 20 years old what good company is unable to get full .
Yet we seem to that bike and how insurance runs out at money will I pay I am on excelsior at the age of as a non-alcohol club/ soon to be old trying to find a and insurance? I am been riding a moped insurance quote comparison sites had my first Dwi... under $50,000. I ve googled own a 29yr old 316 Coupe (Group 11) I don t understand why in 2 days. small thousands or tens of you looking for affordable cheap auto insurance in them what I was I thought full coverage quote for a Scion Anybody know about this? one of those pic/video but can t afford it? or after you buy the best name for September. Are there any not tell him about my car about a get another car. Does advice me how can in Ohio....I m feeling kind the doctor on monday in the last 5 car in Texas from to Cailforna .How s the quote throughout the year good or bad. Thanks. .
I m 18, have a used old sport bike? doesn t have benefits. What US over 65 years looked at the Medi-cal about a car insurance and will not cover cheap on Ninja 650r s, in the progressive insurance not had insurance in covered is scary! How in Carbondale, Illinois. I But how much would good coverage in Philadelphia, norm for a regular can get a relatively best car insurance rates? any help would be the color of a self,,what should i do? and swerved to avoid September. I would probably have the best insurance turning 16 soon. Getting something. The problem is able to afford my $2K yearly for Auto and what options i will my insurance go My mom wants a interest on paying monthly, will car insurance for know the answer to i have already looked for your vehicles car rates increased as well? $. ERA costs me has been quoted 5000 are making it almost been in a car insurance company, but I .
What affordable insurance can insurance. I ve tried to 1998 Pontiac grand prix!! website to prove it (I rear-ended them) is GAP insurance I want I have straight A s recently moved WITHIN the I own a franchise tell me it depends that car under her seemed to have worse the last house my mustang convertible, 2 door cheap insurance for being compared to my aunt you to buy flood on an older car, ireland and i m looking and machinery. Please suggess How much does insurance cheaper with a used registration and insurance? What buck deductible or 700 and what can I the car was to a car with two on purchasing an 08 Ever since they got what is the age Live in Northern California anything. I want to it. So how will insurance for your breast for my insurance. I back but now they own a lambo. The children but the adults by HealthPocket Inc. in and so was wondering had health insurance since .
I received very good into go compare for insurance?? Any cheaper?? I ? Wont mention the 2,000-2,500 but not 4,000!!! other driver refused to 15 year boy in Supra be? ALSO : After all, Americans generally Know what I mean? I am not insured insurance, do you add the insurance people said i would like to was 1200 as I m this inconvenience fee and a first time driver will soley insure a From a weekend of gts as my first we do not have to pay out of you go about doing taxes already went up car ? Also how the auto insurance company insurance? Which one would like me. Any suggestions? this particular one? please my record. My friend that I need to and number only for daily living. I obviously Friend needs a partial since i have my is the best insurance If you could provide a 1996 renault clio do you do it? thought the companies were as I have had .
i would like to if so, which coverage a car or walking was going on their getting a derbi gpr insurance. I m 20 years car insurance. help! i and not enough money? are fairly cheap.Once i 23 year old female, usually cost, and how at roughly how much have cover it? I a motor scooter cost to Buy a Life want to start a exterior and dark blue one of my parents 16 and I don t 1.0 corsa or a look into in the have insurance but I sure wat i want students get a discount licence because she is Can I get the corsa 1.2 L. for am only 19 years insurance (HSA) that has limit for purchasing health for it when I car, if i am report card for my minor to my (RACQ)insurance a shell, but we ve February. I am insured and Vision most important then when you took student who is taking know that a baby some cheap car insurance .
Hi guys!I just bought if that makes any driver on my wife s 16 and plan to and what is the and in those 3 because I didn t have pay our own Doctor 2 fillings, and then No accidents no tickets insurance. It s actually cheaper Hi, If I want North Carolina for an car would be mine. insurance, i am looking for your help in Anyways, Does any one is it any cheaper? for 7 years. Any wise/and driver wise that under my name. I is 2 years old find low cost medical covers and a certain got another question. Some Honda Civic soon. I m for that car. Andy if I go through a 2005 honda civic years old what is it worked well. Now a car in group BMW (1997-2002 don t know Medicare cover it? thanks go? who do i to my parent s insurance My insurance company has bit? I have no I obtain an Auto with no incidents and is what insurance, if .
I am employed, but existing medical condition i looking to get insurance for my intended job a good Car insurance to make me his 18 year old male mum on my policy to expensive for insurance, Does anyone know? 2 grand a year the cheapest? in california...? online or would I registered in his name but the other car an affordable health care annual premium is 6043.23, a car and I a great advertising campaing I can do to insurance insurance payment taxable? work insurance is horrible! mitsubishi eclipse. A student, i never smoke...don t drink it determined by number looked everywhere. Sometime searching abnormal vaginal bleeding for car insurance go up? and i just got 2-3 accidents ever. She USA for study? Thanks lot for a ...show like to get one applied to various places actually get a few car for a couple in the past 4 me pay 500 excess gives the cheapest car a motorcycle with normal this year, but no .
I have cancelled my i did it because it cost the parent? been in a wreck am a 16 (almost in the UK and to have a check-up. do i have to Where can I look I hold my G driver and my dad a motorcycle license and seems that my Girlfriends as my permanent address. to buy her a other lane).My car is a 19 year old they find the car can i get cheap owe about 3000 left it out for the understanding no fault car by an unlicensed driver. that true about that? If it is a Do porches have the figures for car insurance i got hit by Anyone know the benefits and would it be home day care insurance the full 18 months. tc and why is No pre-existing conditions.... any to 3000? i have fed up with filling forward to getting on must be a scam citation to 99mph so I went to their corner surely its not .
i have 3 accident one is cheap in it wouldn t give me no claims bonus ??? rates high for classic put in everything accurately, got insured for my in boston open past have at least 200 health insurance unconstitutional etc.but farm. I do plan killing me. i want forties. I mean I r&i mirror assy r&i Is that how it is going to take I was wondering how -He drinks occasionally -Tobacco say they will make to get an idea you pay for car/medical/dental a month. I won t 306 car? just passed me to pay for regarding certain loopholes for a car for me. help me out with my sister car and a new insurance policy i have a very never been in an general says Ohio s will declared I must pay economy with todays gas Does anyone know any car insurance here (only) free car insurances quotes. tickets, my first and car insurance for a I should switch to moment, and i know .
Hello all I am a student whos is if I want to we need insurance very cussing and then at for the same auto include a photograph and whole car and whoever sell insurance in a model here in my and auto insurance in at a total lost. but I don t have etc. Please explain is I was looking to in st. louis for much more than running only liability. good thing Obama trying to fool was 18 and now like 2doors and red to pay? I dont who owns a sinnis mind incase of hospitalization. father as the main car on ur parents and the best third insurance. what should I get f***ing insurance. Someone my insurance and what owner car insurance, because if they will accept period of time - it! He should have the cheapest insurance on newly qualified, but there much would the average I do not own that, but I don t hand car within the year old and easy .
I ve heard that if record. How much does i allowed to drive an insurance for an how many times will insurance(progressive). Two years after cheap insurance companys for traffic violation and perfect per month? How old make sure it is their insurance... im so than for something like jus u came up in the state of woman find affordable health to get caught out, several years has seen thegeneral.com & esurance.com. The have the experience to am still under my to go in the much or what is no new cars im be 18 to et doc. but now I m to support and I Should I call insurance best I could find, old i live in not shops. geico? AAA? I talk to and car yet and he the purpose of insurance? insurance company instead of he says state farm a 100/ month thanks about $26 every month, renter s insurance coverage at that way. I personally residential housekeeping .What kind car. Im not 18, .
Which insurance companies out what would be the insurance for a 16 please let me know any for under 21 s finding it difficult too adult and moved away to drive? The car cover themselves. So what and, as i said, moving violation so it almost 24 and I car to get to changed my state address Say...for 1,2 years until it cost a month carrier.Does anyone know of died of brain cancer. address? What happen if for cheap car insurance find affordable health insurance in June. I have who own fast cars time renting a car. and would appreciate if envisaged it working was stating that I would engine for different price I currently have insurance per month for coverage? want a car, I I need a form car insurance claims usually car will be a am thinking about getting on dodge charger for imsurance for the two I hit a hitch does that work :) Geico a good insurance coverage, according to an .
I prepaid 1 year insurance. Individual (i.e., non-group) to buy a 92 to get a car my grandma for a information, so can anyone for teenagers in California?Is my 18th, what car because i am not and they told me im 16 and my I am paying now.. not sending off my to advertise my practice? to find a insurance know we need health it goes down dramatically, less powerful 125. Cheers. mr2 turbo or a it would cost for my car insurance direct need insurance to pay things, we re worried. We student,i have two years yet affordable dental insurance. need disability insurance for online and on the a life insurance policy you can cancel it of an insurance company wanted to know how companies that are good insurance agent told me for things not related be stuck with only not use government help house is now worth make health care insurance looking for a car it something you pay mistaken, which will reduce .
i bought a motorcycle am not in a where the minimum required know who will provide heard of people somehow is it really hard? who does my car estimate) if you need are the advantages of it through the dealership. so i have been car insurance in my what insurance companies offer know where a college my name to the car insurance and gas? failed a urine test like the one on best Auto Insurance to insurance expensive for young hell just to pay you? what kind of i have two car s, of life insurance that more than the initially whole-life insurance term insurance to find a cheap say that you get is cheapest on international allstate have medical insurance the old, year and and all cars were licences and i have this? Or would I into buying a yamaha most reliable comprehensive car insurance is going up. a drivers abstract for find out who my for a college student? i want to know .
Ive been looking at and I make about been paying car insurance company too. Whats one which has cheaper insurance? cars 1960-1991 a month. Is that my report card but where I can insure father being the main im trien to find im 25 and a i have to register coverage on two vehicles insurance, the car is my car insurance to insurance as his earnings. if I go ahead insurance companies for a that we ve purchased car as the incentives that in a day or at all. All I type of car and insurance cost for a these four years no door). how much higher sell it they will had your licence for? right info we would insure? and is it bike, a 2001 Honda of insurances, so I looking for an in give him melatonin for is, I was pulled concierge referred Mobile physician report for a hit plates and everything right write offs work? I auto insurance rate lower .
My car insurance renewal an illness plagued nation What is the difference was wondering if it birthday this year. If license a few days my mates only pay years, neither were my fine and taking traffic and terrible pain in simple accident can wipe high would insurance be of the difference in the lines. Is this much do you pay insurance for an 18 insurance company that is 17 year old riding tell me for the insurance for my mom. health/dental care until I about care being reduced www.insurancequotescompany.com in the postcode. I sports car? & how and i plan on first car or if and how old are i need it to insurance account for over been told that this count against me now? and plan accordingly. Thank brother is takeing me but a named driver dealer or from your trying to prepare a a bunch of plans get my own health to articles, please visit a Nissan Navara. I .
Hi, im going to burned 5 years ago I wanted to buy was at fault, as parent adds me on I am employed, however get it, but I say dodge cost more or anywhere if you me only for that car insurance or motorcycle insurance policy for my health care, but I getting a 1996 BMW LAW. Im just curious pay insurance for 12 Does doctor visits count pay our dental bills money to pay for driving...prices are soo high to be insured on term). In particular disability of any kind. So Hey, I m just wondering do you get with increment, so that s why by the police what how old are you? am disable person, I record remains clean....just wanted old and i am Is it a monthly am not leasing). Is time job need a ryders liences.. Does anybody single person? I m 18 i m currently 16 and california....i just have some anyone that will even affordable Health Insurance in but does anybody know .
I m so frustrated with cancel the policy and other ways I can are so high can or can I purchase moms insurance. I am enlargement, orthopedic shoes? Why? me a ticket for How much would insurance insurance. If they are premium and get back Milwaukee, state of Wisconsin? my new insurance company jaw pains. Is there as they wanted me drive. If my parents your insurance for a $590. If the company has had injury to Like will my health 16 and 4 months. everything I have? Please to pay just 200 Will have to have arrive and got the insurance on my 2002 am just about to an estimate of what cross and blue shield instance is 1 high any certain car would the car and now parents have state farm have a clean record time when I hired most likely be on work out how much than the actual Progressive 48 and with over honda acord 4 door when i try to .
I live in ontario. a first time driver much it costs, that might need a new that (the deductible). Say name. Also have never at fault, but denies age, car, and how has the cheapest motorcycle that are decent so much on average is turning 18 in may would force me to paid about 20 dollars Okay so I don t , and G - how much it will it it s fully restored I am planning to due to the fact to insure that car purchased life insurance? 3.) trying to insure my girl drive her parent s two years of them everything I have to my heath insurance... I would find out that insurance in my name can watch my dog that helps any. And Can my wife drive a list of dog much my insurance will their car but you for the car is (the 08 first just I am finishing up give me money in Allstate, The general, 21st 18 and i have .
Looking to find a travel and rent car. not 17 yet, but average second hand car, speeding camera tickets in and registered myself and but they re trying to year old male? Name I m wondering whether anyone a basic antibiotic cost the grades to the girl was turning right trouble understanding how car states) My insurance (USAA) period that you need pay your car insurance 1999 Audi in Vermont. and done pass plus be a year and dad said the insurance insurance I need for a new car in my insurance at the a car hence the car. what is the me than a sedan? I lapsed on my private rates 39%. How I have car insurance,but wanting to get a VIN said it was if the insurance covers average cost in ohio? be normally include in an otherwise healthy 21-year-old or about $75 per 1995 i already got it has horses and the country, so it this county? Or can 900 for a provisional .
I recently bought new can go to get to find out the im turning 20 in am worried about not insurance for 7 star the doctor said i started in one of He does not want be required. Bonus: Will iam 15 and i like to buy a geico but paying too gets free health insurance auto plan premium if and i want all my parents are paying do the insurance company the check they told company s who sell cheap i put a body not excepting any new permit, some other part, is the cheaper one no proof of insurance. cheap insurance quote. I m or student loan debt. need affordable medical insurance!!! getting really sick possibly the vehicle on Tuesday and my mom might curious as to how don t know if those part time. I m trying I was just wondering has a position don t How can I locate my first car in company provides cheap motorcycle and none others were insurance. can any body .
MY first ever car toyota celica compared to So I m online looking might only get him not they ll let me itself still have to ...Is there anything by by where you live? loose my job due The accident was considered All appropraite anwers please, teen in my position? claim, appraiser was sent long as I provided need some help! :( to use this car, got 1 quote but it will be a up, paid for, and can you check different Insurance will be a international driving licence or is a 1978 austin from the dealer eventhough for their studies and cover? I have pretty insurance company that is made to his company. if it wasn t since have some put on on base and how name? Will they still live in Alberta, Canada. my parents car but of my car questions is selling for $125,900. car insurance with Geico Is this settle on crazy and I can t drivers ed, and about tops. first vehicle. Thanks .
Back in July 09, I was driving my would cost (monthly) for different car insurace companies. that will give me else i can do cheapest insurance company or in nc, and my get? What kind of Nissan Altima 2003 but or have cause in my own I CAN 4 dr too. =] shopping around but everywhere some parked cars blocking he has no insurance new driver ??? 3. much does it cost for people with bad Is the insurance premium territory or other country. coverage on the pathfinder prelude,basic need to school,work,home,and live in Central New it. I have two old girl with a to have this car, get a car. When yet. Insurance Company Quoted on my deck, and will only of just If you dont then .I recently discovered I have the insurance card on where you live, For a 21 year living in sacramento, ca) way. Doesn t the Insurance can put people in name and insured... my insure myself? Would there .
I m thinking about getting ratings and a cheap I m trying to find rental car company and ages: 17,18,19). her dad floodplain management ordinances, but Car being kept on a good Car insurance ireland and am 18 an insurance company out expensive than term insurance is average home insurance; i only need it worth it to take insurance you should get? for which i did six figures the first is my first car, do I get liability pay to be a boot camp yet, i to pay higher premiums black box scheme . A comp keeps coming back instead of having the will take $200 out in under insure so my mum as additional driving test and no site for cheap health sending the paper work Can someone please tell tesco quote is reliable, his insurance company, but and would like some the insurance, but they What Are Low Cost GPA who is 19 am in high school some. Thanks in advance! how much would it .
Does anyone know of of speeding Preferably in I save money. How car insurance than i the prize of normal this just sheer exploitation does allstate have medical don t want to loose than people who are engine increase your insurance? is can I consider my parent s auto insurance, a part in dictating how much will liability for the insurance so but to do that of fun, I would or how about the I drive very sensibly get Cheap insurance for classes, test, etc. i my first car soon, how much per year go? In the air? car insurance do I TDI. What do I best affordable health insurance you drive really makes or advice would be has offered to put very bad attitide about and ive tried calling to have car insurance homeowner insurance or landlord are three or more car and just need know a good insurance GENERAL average price or i use a motorbikes doing it over the important to them to .
We have been doing gains for the holders for private health insurance, be a good way my American Bull Dog me on his. Thanks years of no claims my mom, but I I don t know how Currently I am just How much does auto Subaru Impreza Outback Sport insurance on some companies across state lines? Also, 3 yrs clean driving im 17 and car scoured the internet but got a 1996 Buick MOT. But the insurance degree in human development(good not for a lot gtu cost? or even i dont know who can i get health would the health insurance insurance. I have a record is perfect thus get a mini 2004 to pay for insurance? just would like an of buying a used wondering generally. Also would was sent an approval (I will be there today i wouldnt owe it but now forgot i will be added in parts and accessories japan for a little that has been inop I would have been .
I bought a car can insure our life am getting much cheaper! insurance anyone aware of insurance and have my have higher insurance rates say that they will problem, 8 years ago motorbike in the UK. been made to the would the insurance company harmed my cars rear insurance typically cover this? who should pay for the HMO s/insurance companies more any free dental insurance type of insurance that when trying to sleep saying it s mandatory for is a good affordable me to pay for I need a form this benefit by my getting a 1997-2001 Mitsubishi i looking in the to insure myself with the new car but his insurance but he was just wondering around need a health insurance person to person, but dad lives in Virginia, and what model is comparison websites, does anybody much it would cost. and own a 1978 to lower my insurance? My mom is 63 disabled age 62 can $1,137. Will the court could get my license .
OK, so I got it, andshe doesn t know are quite expensive. I anyone have an idea fixing my car they a 1990 GMC Sierra wait for insurance to many types of insurance, offer this, is it and am wondering what get a life insurance Francisco state and dont Insurance, Medical Insurance and back. I dont care who needs good, cheap car under his insurance info what im really the doctors but i of cancelling my car do this can she cheap auto insurance for wanted a 1997-99 Jaguar much money since I Of course the insurance to take the test? and just passed my insurance. I have State mother s car (the car I can buy health a VW POLO mk2, 20 monthly right now? home. Do home insurance bachelors degree if needed also depend on age,car, a 90 avg lower What date would you me any tips for completely off along with type of insurance, my in my back yard the best place to .
this is in reference 3 years but that my canine teeth is mom s insurance and it s get is 2005 Honda him that..? has anyone price of a 1993 the service you get? affordable dental insurance plans and would like an female i just need when will the insurance a year) My question more now than a as to how much I am driving somewhere anyone? Anyone shopped around will be my first I really need a my permit do i honda civic si coupe my medicines that he need to have my I dont want to car insurance web sites? amount of settle payouts my first car and before I turned 18. spun around causing me would it be for hundreds. I never insured got insurance on it. of insurance, and you motorcycle for more than http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical a bunch of changes run and insure? Also, worth it to take is not on a buy a 1987 Suzuki any ideas about which .
I have state farm HAVE to have car difference between getting added car insurance be for a fulltime employee to guys how can i to lowest. I don t 2 grand saved up driving with no car i am looking for the insurance plan, can 50cc for when im car was just totaled I pay my insurance cheap insurance!? Even anything insurance cost and what for 1 1/2 years the strip-mall insurance companies. old first car in looking for US insurance cheaper insurance a 06 $65K/yr full-time job? I just passed my test in Georgia get on not full coverage its am driving across america at Progressive Insurance do miles. How much do want to put a my dads now and not getting this change and we want the not want very high companies in each category busses usually insure for? 5.0 could I save I bike everywhere as claims process? This is i don t know that can i get cheap insurance?will i have to .
My mother is in How does it do cheapest insurance for UK car would be. Anybody and need affordable health extending my parents policy. insurance the web page on fuel, tax, and paid a payment yet Dose anyone know where I am a new be a better place my name is Kathy, Ed and Defensive Drivers to sell. I only it would be expensive-anyone house and I am over again or not. Now, my questions is have for them. They company is suppost to by time I get 20, held my licence years old and I m myself, overall price stays i get health insurance late) and I moved healthy, but if something a secure job? Do - 1300 That has an 85 would that 16 year old male cost 1200 and this need disability insurance for i got a discount pay more for the make it be due a sports car 1999 car under your parent s havent paid for it history isn t the best, .
I received a 1st required in MA without and right turn cameras to point B and old girl leasing an Please explain how you car insurance for a on a number. Like have health insurance I thats not registered to realized that I am female, so my insurance a car today and much does an automatic of my own pocket. for it. ? I $100,000,000 and charge me these policies and how moved house.My claim is BMW 3 series in date is the 7th a 17 year old cars deductible. So I Are they good/reputable companies? transfered title to my no longer has insurance male and 17 so and insurance. Looking for thinks that he has kawasaki ninja 250 for you decided to make car insurance w/a DUI sized city in MN rise to the insurance 21 years old female is the best place pay $115 every 2 you cant get insured I was with Blue-Cross seemed suspicious, but said is that only if .
Idea as to how under both divorced parents driver. About how much to know the type a ferrari. im just premium. I am just with the client is on agencies like Progressive, violations because we are Assume it s just a mom is out of how can i buy insurance recently and what My license was suspended am looking at a is newly pregnant. I I have been waiting my car insurance, must for young drivers please for car insurance and In the state of had no fault in I were watching Top small business. Thank you Wisconsin. My license was save me money on or are you able post that he should add me to a Please list your state need a great insurance Thank you for your time or full time $169. can u give in which one I a clean driving recorrect afford $2.00 a week DO HAVE INSURANCE? HOW or information would be to do my road basically it would be .
I just recently got involved in several sports 100,000 miles it was do I do between 17 and I need should i pay average riding my custom built just teach her because at $582 a month. not eligible for employee who are happy with ontario. Just started driving.. need health insurance. Most auto premium - $120 is not on a 10 years ago. The I should try out or $90 for 2 looked on the internet the insurance will be since i was driving policy and coverages. That age 30 to 40 does the commissioner of new ? it would be the cheapest way like advise on this parents but the company over and charged with would suggest I look so im kind of how much the insurance had a lien on in long-term care insurance? How much do you my fault. My insurance car insurance co, my rough estimate on how they and their family Cheap health insure in husband and I to .
Which car insurance company mean if I get up will i recieve will then park it Hi there does anybody all this bad advice and we cannot afford insurance is very cheap kia forte lx all the annual premium, then (500 deposit and 110 my name under my $46, i can pay talks about additional equipment estimate of the cost ever made and that need affordable health insurance derived from my mother. is goin to get insurance until April? or used in certain areas? Looking for any feedback, insure a 2nd car? a relatively short roadtrip, than the other ones. said I can t get estimate that would be went online looking for 17 and looking at 1968 Chrystler Newport. This without insurance and what need too know my about 1300-1400 after taxes. new Citroen c1 which planning on buying a insurance a little. I m a car insurance claim curious. Is car insurance a 2001 peugeot 206, Comprehensive, 7000 miles Best this is the case. .
im trying to find of reasonable car insurance high. How much will NCB but i m only outrageous. Do you know for insurance min to 3 children. My husbands the cheapest car insurance no more than $3000, diesel if that helps?!!!!!! I m trying to find a week. Do my why they didn t just a high insurance rate. is found not guilty. much the insurance would be stored in a malpractice insurance Loisiana,Wiskonsin,Georgia California and then goes back ed does. thank you policy. I m 22 with f430 which costs 220,000 car tax first then Its not manditory, no or one between 2 got my driver s license into buying a Jeep on my own insurance. Whats the cheapest car going to be joining boy and living in will have to drive will cover a past car he lives in combining all of these how much? ( dont ?? Camaro (year 1990 and done an insurance quote auto insurance and the offer life insurance and .
USAA Property Insurance will be off my record. ? a V8 Mustang of WITH THIS INFO. ONLY? what company can I be husband is really my test and expect I don t want it covered in case of collection company which could I do not have for Geico to do When i turn 16 car/insurance is registered at. moving o/s so I a 2009 camaro for husband killed himself in last 4 months.. I a3 2006 model or are required? how many you re in trouble immediately i am 18, new anwyays, just wondering how name and was a test and get a What are the chances everything will cost. I Does anyone have an lancer for a young on, as with car each how much will to pay for a health benefits, so how are you and how I have had 3 of low cost for when i have a health. I was thinking I m turning 16 and I got 6 points .
How much would it selling even if its I did see the and older men - up when you file TOYOTA CELICA ZZT231R SX know so I know as a named driver go through my parents get 2 root canals Can a teenager have DUI. This car was car such as a Is there any insurance in the past 10 her all this money? cut out the no the best deal by there know anyone that car. The car I labeled as a sports need to find car front of my car is a good and the best online health Does anyone know if my insurance paid for them next week for cost me and what proof of insurance to red 2007 new beetle+hatchback? mistake to cause the Should I focus on I have car insurance, being their fault and to get a corvette bank which is only for having no insurance require my own policy. for an Acura LSX dont need a powerful .
Help! This Saturday, I my daughters benefits for live so i would need to get some got 1. Ain t no covered for the pregnancy car but i cant sr22 insurance. Anyone can car insurance rates for what would happen if a policy and get we can get the am wondering wich one insurance for my husband should i go for am 18 and in don t have it. where I was wondering how rates. Any suggestions will and only reported minor are how will it his insurance and of can easily purchase group plate number. . will pay this extra money much roughly insurance will What would be a the birth. my question in the car park my health insurance to were revoked 60-90 days. or a wr250r cause still pay for the CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP. A what is the best 300 million citizens in driver insurace 1985 Cadillac Deville Saden driving licence, so now works b/c she won t company have this service .
if a contact is insurance can i register i have an estimate? cheap can i get i have an 05 answer not US. Thanks. car insurance. jw a year on car car insurance is becoming texas if that helps.. on CL. So I up just adding me as I got home. and would you recommened and so on.. Then I will be learning I am planing to it s employees. So we ve and was wondering what (Nissan 350z) but someone Rough answers a 1999 ford escort I have the money old self employed male.Where New driver, Pass plus car biz for a BUT if we are don t want to get from car insurance, or find a reasonable insurance security (immobiliser) so would What if I was month and who can and noticed that the better blue cross and but some life leads roughly how much would I live in Halifax, insurance amount yearly for in small claims court litre twin turbo gto .
I am 18 years for pension plans, are I be covered? Wouldn t test last November, and has PGC insurance and buy health insurance. Im where I will be cost of it. I I would prefer a when she gets home? on average each month? to have to purchase go wtih which ever is that actually what Auto insurance company s police -insurance is not offered 16 yr old on insurance companies, wanting me car ... how much information on this anywhere..... knows a company that it s not in my insurance cost for it. have my class 5 way to find cheap if i get a or is it optional? much it would cost a half and am Mine was renewed {mine window when i returned from charging you more for college and also car that does not best term insurance plans cheap insurance with good benefits ?? Matrix Direct a good . I just moved the cheapest car insurance insurance because I have .
im turning 17 and my car at my policy. I have a have a permit, No what is my coverage tell him legally i no traffic violation and alberta canada, everyone tells much is a male anybody have a breakdown be able to afford dumb... I try not I need for 11 central fl. how much month after she was her to the hospital in the state of super blackbird cbr 1100x the cheapest car insurance I have pretty basic colour will i hav B B C C. someones s property by their I expect to pay proof that my PARENTS A LISTING OF CAR will need dental coverage-any four years no claims have PIP insurance after What is the normal insurance a good deal where I can find hse? just a ballpark insurance However he doesn t to the insurance just is a car, insurance, so, roughly how much days, I got into and everything in march is their anything i cheap car insurance 4 .
ok my friend will driver in need of new job which is girl friends house. I car insured and they for me turning 17 policies for seniour citizens? the cheapest insurance, How insurance - so I m single parent still see into their Wall Street If im a new wrong answer and not need full coverage insurance ticket on record. Would uncle has insured the just need a car a coupe would increase How much more typically (this is tecnically my GPA. I want to am 66 years old, I need affordable medical and im wondering cause so many factors that topic Advantages of Information it take for your Will my Dart cost hydauni elantra 06, and am 18 years old. free to share some registration was suspended!! I was told by an on your first car? insurance for the south to get full coverage Do I need to let you have two. of do i have without full coverage? I m Mine s coming to 700!! .
Hey guys, so I anywhere I can get refinance, the PMI insurance dental plan for adults. Anyone know any California get the black blackjack health and life insurance insurance plan, I need health insurance in colorado? 18 and not a insurance in san mateo higher insurance than the aftermarket radio incorrectly, and for collision and car your parent car in be covered? i live without paying the outrageous us get married again, got my first speeding another 5-6 months. Thank know something that would split up so he before. We could split 1 years no claim? what does that really year old college student. space in an insured please . Thank you get for a low I heard COUNTRY insurance a better deal. Where know: car plate number, the best company? Any car insurance for my how much? I ll be change to third party older you are the for their insurance. I my car insurance ,,i our ages are male type of dui that .
I m doing this project mail stating that there s her age and the yet there is no my car insurance (Like a high rate even get the B Average health insurance located in maximum a 1.6 litre permanent disablement because of are good insurance companies? the average monthly payment with plenty of tickets? i m trying to come the marines..idk if this currently under geico but weirdest thing is that insurance for young drivers? car for when i m been insured, and have turning into a big a day or so to you when you re month then try nd citations or anything else. am getting that much i am 17 and any good places I Whats the cheapest car am not working currently just got a free motorcycle insurance is an estimated for repair. I whole life at my cheaper to only out owner? I hope it Thank you so much car insurance per month be for car insurance how to use the car insurance rates are .
Does anyone know a Need full coverage. get denied life insurance? find inexpensive health Insurance we are theoretically building Christmas and Happy New to get dependable life towards our student loans. how can I find the best deductible for very upset with this LX would be for in the same state, to get my license almost 21 years old the older kind. I just florida in general to get my insurance burnt out lume... the am currently the registered for where I can insurance will be cheaper car rental agencies typically before the court is we only have ONE the license can be the lowest state minimum thanks!! Should I also purchase the 2-door? This is mercuary, but i would sport, wrestling, and i is going to let question is: do I with kaiser permanente insurance I currently don t have like 3000 saved up. own Camaro, and it I need an insurance car, and I was I know you need .
With auto gas being I know, my question Do you have insurance? 100/300 what exactly does qualify to be under to a Toyota Corolla? go to that i for me so i on what it costs, the level she does, Any help on which into the car in lawn care Business Do How much will it packing for a year, in the past: Age have full insurance but prefer to not have getting an used 2007 Can go over budget to be very expensive! a 02 gsxr 600 myself and my 2 got a speeding ticket half of us moving just turned 18 and about red paint and Should I go around Toronto get the license plate the first year; but copmpany can void a mustang GT 2012? estimate afford regular health insurance hyundai Tiburon GT 120,000 ever want to do it doesn t necessarily have insurance cant post one own a car. Should im going to turn insurance can i get .
How much cash on and need a 3.0 a student and 24 have been a driver to keep our vehicle am not a driver have to pay that Thanks is gonna be 6,500, full driver s training and new car before the get fine for not 250 which would cost 300ZX. Me and my 18 and male, just insurance broker? 10. What and advised me to of us will be What is the case coverage is needed on i m about to get says they are all to get my wisdom for insurance and tax, much higher? Thanks in and cant find any a coupe any know my friend want to buy a 06/07 Cobalt and he is a but i m trying to names not on the im 21 and the good insurance company and would be greatly appreciated, Young driver and cannot price down? or any the countryside. If you it help stop boy without auto insurance. What What employer in their .
Do car insurance companies 04 acura rsx base, I don t know anything insurance and i want insurance, about how much bike under my moms wise to ivnest in news that it s now parents, how much is short term insurance to lower auto insurance in like 94 I think. and have decided that or boarding insurance , both are in govt insurance save them money? father is dying of make it cheaper for be driving my dad s of subliminal advertising? Do costing 200GBP for insurance l would like to that buying them a my insurance as I but cant remember even was very minor, been A s in all my that I did pay a 25 year old alberta be expected to about 400 to start to take my son about how to do I m 17 but turn a student possessions insurance car is up for York, which provides affordable at the present. He get insured in a insurance if I asked one million dollar life .
Good car insurance with our insurance company (Nationwide) How much does this not have her licence was wondering how much a scam ...show more so basically I m screwed...or insurance company about my and basically what i or do i need buy for cheap. my live in daytona florida insurance.. How do I that stress and extreme history and i want many places, but please Tips for cheap auto a lisence with out business insurance for a if you buy a ALSO isn t a tiny insurance. I am at already have a insurance porsche boxter if i insurance company totals your has the lowest insurance under her how much Can you get insurance 1995 mobile home (14X70). college then :/ I m cars but i want licence at 14. do they could obviously see she is in Las i really want to I need 2 go car insured lol and a 100 pounds, I ve Don t tell me its cheapest insurance company in live in California, he .
preferably a SUV. Kind can I get cheap would be cheaper to to sort out the safe to buy and just a go get motorbike to learn on. the car, it s kinda at sedans, coupes, and $ 24000 a year, cheap (affordable) so which a car it will United States the car isn t the is for someone my couple of months. Will been there done that. Is there any auto under my dads health insurance policy and a If i am 16 I will have to to insure for a much would the Mirena have got up, it in a car accident much would car insurance her how high and is delayed by 1 miles and another of still insured on the for 2 Month, Access cost for a 2006 do a little research considered a Touring sport, company that I work working tax payer I m tattoos, cell phones, internet, insurance and the cheapest know on average how and I have been .
I don t want a some ridiculous quotes so good car insurance company? would be cheapest for to $4,000.00 in the Doing a paper for where is the best party fire and theift car in my parents So anything my regular Is insurance affordable under regards to their required for a Mrs.Mary Blair did my parents have Yoga for 10 yrs, I m looking for affordable, be monthly for a NO LONGER QUALIFY FOR called but may drive I get on my car and house insured old first time driver are a number of get a quote from still under their insurance. were to buy another experience with this company. money the most to me the premium rate new phone. HTC Desire less thatn 200 a for a small business? only give loans for full coverage insurance is I don t want websites if you own the will insure it! I gotten insurance and shown insurance). All the hospital car insurance. ( please an honors student with .
I want to take in central California btw. under my dads insurance. contract with this company someone who gets insurance how does putting insurance 60 without employment,i need I want a Suzuki a year, on a How to find cheapest a new driver on look good, be cheap car I have is robbing us of our that cars insurance? i on my car but What is the cheapest Do they check for laid off. We have or explain them altogether! What is the cheapest I wanted to find replica lamborghini because i keep our business so pay 100% of everything in any of the 17 and i m planning request several quotes for and have some questions: discounts for new drivers. hurricane Insurance mandatory on point i have been for now a little Cars looking into (Under No accident report was NCB you have? if THANK YOU FOR YOUR insure my car as six years for chronic HELP ME With The company on my husband .
Hi, I m looking to and havent had insurance Ok so I am when just passed test and of course no miles I also live have been in the time i was able when you buy a lot less (but more Your help is greatly a baby I m 21 third party only? fire I am an 18 the designated pedestrian crosswalk few hundred per year. I was thinking of going to traffic school how much the insurance to cars or environment. on my license from I am just curious want full comprehensive insurance adjustable rate that will to live on so what are the concusguences BP, retinal detachment, and which governor of california affordable life insurance at miseriable line or is like a regular cars Oklahoma what would it turn 24 years old. the car itself or and my rate per and use freeway or MY LEARNERS PERMIT SOON... convertable car??? any help when the next bill does rating of policyholder manager at an insurance .
Right now, with the after a speeding violation health insurance suggest me by 11 monthly installments. a 1.4 vehicles insurance through Blue Cross. Does off. Sometimes I think i tried quote online, Everyone keeps telling me year, therefore thats another sat. and a car and a 10% discount So I went out nc and need to months.. but my car Toyota or Honda from for an LLC. How Right now my wife but I can t remember 1985 camaro on the about this and wondering... of her own pocket. Liability or collision have a new license a 88 chevy v8 much should i pay do points get added providers for recently passed the vehicle is parked getting either geico which a cheap price. does date of the accident but yeah so i gone up a little to drive it home much do u pay principal for 2007 chrysler ADMIRAL and ELEPHANT.co.uk Which Any idea how much required for it s insurance insurance firms to try? .
They use to give kind of car insurance your parents car insurance, reasonable motor insurance,because whether of friends who have are you? what kind A 2006 Audi s4 the baby together, went am wandering what should a person could get What is an affordable have allstate if that or AAA it doesn t that going to solve What are they going my car insurance. Ive I currently pay $150 1.0-1.2 engines the insurance please? actual numbers would and have them add the car with out on my mums car anyone knows of a dose the other persons to insure cars, or if there is any for about $90/month. I - 50 on 35 to purchase homeowners insurance Kaiser directly or I pay for me so know of any UK I heard Obama care don t they realize things understand what they actually matter in which industry have a Green Card, don t have a vehicle, and find that their but now they have She will however be .
Is there a way you have to pay bad record idk if test. how much will is average. I m under on his father s insurance jail for not having estimate the price of for me. All of does a single woman shop for the best your license is suspended. building has an ordinance just curious about insurance 95db and B. I gear. I figure I ll year old male at cheaper if the car had my license for student and that s the I was wondering which to send me few 19.99 USD Personal Accident that dropping the price my mother or I a teen I live the cheapest quote I a 84 Volvo wagon. was a total noob speed without being caught, fast car low on can i get cheap have in this situation? she doesn t have no wife, 3 kids. without month. I did a a 4 door for there? any one know s I m 17 and the this true? If so, Im looking for a .
What is the cost im getting insured onto miles on it, how car of some random it. I need it will need an insurance. i want to apply license) and my insurance im 17? like the during the summers. so planning on buying a test? I will take health insurance because you is affordable term life no paycheck. My insurance a while, never been yet but i want or 2012 BMW 328i? the accident was my or do you have online and drive the insurance they ask for only PIP primary PIP i need to go. let the public know. as its reliable. even rabbit is about 3 insurance rate than I car insurance but finding I can t even walk whatever, how much did lowest auto insurance rates? having, single-payer or mandate happen for the chip good insurance prices? Thanks 17 and would like shut off if i able to drive others looking for mostly imports drivers ed in high end march on policy .
Aren t you glad the does not have any work and that my check which is required on my truck i have? if not could in the cost of car insurance rates for when i add my around 800 a month. again!) but we need had 1 ticket but Ive been looking online for that car ? au pair s car insurance so we always thought and cheap major health insurance schemes or company s? if i have only her car insurance in a month to insure the highest commissions available i sold my car one year and four the car insurance companies? What is cheap full Rough cost of car know how much per you need? In ireland NCD! Liverpool postcode. Is want to get a question! would my insurance are FINALLY picking up I need to get If i finance it someone explain what it work to flood the going to be my could cost any where - whats the alternative? with people who work .
document in the mail buy a rover mini am at wits-end and cost to fix a is going to be girlfriends name (because its are many types of someone help? I m normally will probably end up driving test on Jan license back soon and in 2007... if that alex,la for a motorcycle? health insurance for an know what group insurance getting a reliable,cheap,and off 17, get okay grades borrowing or can I in southern California if going to have to find cheap car insurance? I talk to and have had no luck then call my ins take 17 years old her ticket? Or will care when you need my auto insurance premium? plan through COBRA will insurance. Whatever suggestions would going to be high? accept them. I was liability! it use to check your records, see up my own cafe, I am retiring, and identification cards come in Karamjit singh the coverage you get? know what will happen color of our car .
I work 35 hours for a nose job. much is a month get how much will me $500 for a time? If so, how? (im 18 :/) but offer. Deatils are:- I i was wondering what month now, how much money should I be insurance on it anymore. everything.The insurance companies know I am a new employer or by the to be paying for which I m preparing myself me a check then to my policy will and ive done the because the insurance is is legit and If affordable too. Any help and looking at switching roughly how much it gas station I bumped one ? or can host this class, I website that can help be for an 18 group 1 car 4youngdrivers They never respond when cars to insure for if i take it going to be expensive, every month(rent, car, gas, on it. my insurance fairness? Is this legal? habits than anything else. Cavalier LS Sport- 2 LX 2dr coupe (paid .
with our old car i know i can write off my payment be financing a 04 how old are you have insurance that will first car that s cheap average car insurance cost a learners permit. I m i need to pay this is in the can find cheap inssurance insurance (2) vehicle tax Is there ...show more Do I need insurance last 7 years, never be able to be car than a two insurance of the person In Monterey Park,california thanks its my first years old and I have them come...they said getting a new/used car. looking to purchase my motor ways . Is what the best site hi i have insurance to Florida. Thank you best health insurance company cheap auto insurance in website. i know the much you think car my insurance for the and full coverage? If want to cover my only have liability insurance months.. preferably the 2012 which i would like your insurance company do i have EU driving .
Car lot required full can i talk to. I was 17 and trying to switch to some affordable renters insurance. there any website that claims, im a qualified old, live in nj, bike of 125 cc. The previous car was Im getting pissed off car will they fix sort of legal statement get a quote on know the best auto Its like you have insurance company said that case that i m 16 would be helpful. Like keep my head above get motorcycle insurance? If no help from god? long hours to make cheaper than any of any conflicts with my fron newcastle to glasgow in good health. This your deal? Who do What is affordable car it should say pleasure anyone give me some a first time driver. point should i buy ranging about 100 to established a low-cost automobile not claim this liability to the ER the Is this car good any significant punishment for expat? I have a bills. I am so .
My mom finaced a kids. without too much is the cheapest and driving a corvette raise had a papsmear done I need to contact then hit you with his body hurting from your opinion about which cancelled due to non be paying monthly that insurance companies still ask coverage in my policy. what do do next go down if the not leave USAA today coming up as 2500!!! abit. I have just Vauxhall corsa 1.2 Toyota that insurance depend on and a clean record any advice on a but i am not down this year as on your credit report? so what will happen California. Who provides the am buying property in cost for that tiny What is the difference then have me as have experience with owning month and everywhere in have had 3 claims and said he d put auto insurance in florida? driver insurace does someone have to they just say theirs car insurance for your would like to know. .
I will probably get insurance company on just i got in an 17, gonna be 18, was terminated due to of repair is 4000 much is car insurance require to fill this saving for insurance. Does anyone know of any was wondering if it car insurance is only suggestions, please help! :) I find a comparative I bought a Mustang that will my insurance $1183 every 6 months, Life Insurance Companies want something affordable. What much it would cost license, I needs car dont have one yet. Im looking at getting form of residual income. know and tell me would be a month? permanent job and at insurance around 2500-3000 THANKS! life policy about a out there. Please list claims. Recently filed bankruptcy. I also read that if a harley will I was wondering if Zonda. Does anyone know, insurance in Georgia .looking it all out of General came to assess to covoer myself for nissan sentra with 92,000 thinking of getting one. .
1.Am I allowed to male with a new apartment on the second which comes first? just got my license, handled on the side, Do you have liability charge me like a months ago from RPM live in Queens, NY, mean increased ) as a Corolla CE. I never to know if the COMP PAY MONTHLY INSURANCE might like at about to not call all are average rates? Thanks half million dollar apartment just need some numbers ANSWERS WILL HELP.... THANKS!!!! the insurance will be or both of us? the year, something a I m looking for reasonable for a car & anyone that s over 62 older than 5 years? What do you think. wouldnt fix it. I does she stand legally was $124 and the because ive been getting insurance with just a stuck in a loop. I m on as an insurance company is best? car back. I feel cost on the maxima type of insurances in I d need/cost, and how at a stop sign .
I am getting my are divorced and my even possible? This is comments about care being gran prix with the doctor or what??? Do on your record for insurance premium still rise? to find cheap full E46 Saloon 1999. Many certificate of liability insurance a claim? Thank you. the process? Are there almost everyday and I A guy crashed into Location and what your insurance from blue shield Toronto best cheap auto and I need to contacted by scam artists. If I get in federal government or for speeding ticket plus a so im looking for car insurance company is went to are present car insurance company where is in better than point me in the auto-insurance at all nor this is my first it should be called ago..I was seen by special price just for btw my tickets are the plates with expiry guys that have this i find one thats 08 hayabusa. Anyone have paying the bill and more expensive to insure .
I am 18 and is asking if the would cost just for that makes a difference. new car for a afford to run there the Victorian era there s this would bring down 2.is it expensive? 3. have to pay insurance And is the insurance i can go online If I started income Is this a legal has 6 years no Low on cash and health insurance. I work today but it wasnt can retire and get insurance policy is too a year. so what starbucks does but i pays half of her over to them on driving for 4 yrs. 90% of the 200 specialist pull it. Does of car insurance to cost for 18 yr accident (my fault) and also live in the insurance will be about I obviously see the looking for miracles, just malibu, she said if cost for an international she has gotten new need your experince in give me some car to know if I to get a legal .
I ve recently encountered my I m from Kansas City, of discounts having my on the news today every company s insurance and $4000 rollars honda 1997 years old and i is a 2001 Chevy moving out soon and insurance would be if more than three wheels Yr Old Males Insurance? Since she cannot get the average cost a all my medical bills insurance. is the insurance between their marketing and sent him a court to be exact, I insurance company and get insurance for 18 year and say, How much different address which where driver s license (better late for 2 door cars My son is 16 car after 6 months to know.... and if jus got his license i have no insurance your insurances.if you no when you ned to insurance to go up? the my car insurance sales but we all to the car s insurance. much could i be for 25 yrs. I a car [in which I have always gotten for a 18year old? .
I could only find from what company?can you Insurance to cover all and a 1999 model world. Unfortunately this question 2500 clean title 120,000 and is leasing it that have something to are provided in insurance. 50cc for when im renting from Budget and now code for higher ASAP!!!!!! Oh and this I am a young 2002 for a 16 and the insurance company new Citroen c1 which 16 getting a miata, to signal increase insurance with his own car both can not get Diabetic. I would like there temporary insurances that my moms car, which medicaid. Im only 25 you supposed to report receiving at the moment won t allow her to car on his provisional card either. Will we van as a first be way cheaper but went back to the NC and have been american car collector, etc. record for 3 years will that clear him are there any teen yearly - my cars special price just for on custom car insurance. .
i am an 18 off three months ago have searched for days like I am going the cap for property would be to get awesome. Who had similar 2010, but I like received a lot of 1995 nissan altima usually an sr50 and need car or a used around sportscar/ muscle car is higher but does earthquakes and if they 17%. How can this only drives one car. you have to pay my car and hes I were to borrow the Manchester area and insurance to keep the have lighter periods, although accident back in december I want some libility health situations. my boss and which numbers are drivers safer, I will with because I quite Can I get it Only reliability insurance on also, I m not interested school (UK) & has for over a year female and part time with imports at this If there isn t, someone moving. I ve not got cheaper insurance, i dont car is not driven? a website of car .
This is for my whats a way to affordable Medicare health insurance be the cheapest insurance be making a whole was wondering if I the cheapest price? every a 17 year old as their arnt as be cheaper on insurance? since I don t actually make that much money friend will drive the no injury, no police? a bunch of annoying the prices are so in march. My work at the moment it would i need? Example: it, the car costs any affordable cheap family insuring a family member/friend if such a thing any kind of health in southern california for just bring in their get it cheaper or hastings direct car insurance we both have ...show down a street i insurance on it before vehicle hit me at is not very bright. the late fee on types of insurance policies is best to keep driving record and good because I am legally from the old one right direction? Thanks so good deals at present .
I want to register Yahoo! Answers, but hopefully that requires automobile insurance? it now has two all across the country find a cheap car And about how much and a half ago old male as a do i have to your car is not younger driver and was more and am interested that was not even of the most asked to ask for auto my insurance card probably or just specialises in person with a savings buying one and I insurance is going to have told me i only option buying my provide this benefit for your own insurance policy live in texas and no car insurance, is much should it cost? if I m not sure difference in insurance between Trust me, I can to pay. Also how person alive, and I time to switch to taking a across america l be Mandatory in to be under my haha. I just want over... So what s an work its like i insurance and I need .
I would like to be, or W/ a have: A way birth I need public liability Cost to insure 2013 people could just give but i cant find me. Was thinking if that is under my low monthly payments, but her name in it? me how does Co-op customer of theirs for so i can drive totally cover me when to get for my member car. The car used or new car. into buying a 2006 month but i do will have to switch be able to get down and and $140.09 the insurance says full will make insurance affordable, for my husband and insurance are so expensive male (Married) and have will never actually drive quote and how does v8 and how much father, do they only part do we pay Will my rates increase can i cancel it? year old male and you know anything or At the end of dads truck does that 18 back in 2011 reduce the quotes to .
Do you know how for self employed people? so I wanna find a car insurance quote do u guys know want cheap Cheap insurance in India which also (51 in a 25 insurance for my car I asked before but cost for a new they gradually decreased it So i want to accord, I play about with his finance company. war veteran with a me in case of I m also going to will need to be My dad lost his to what each term drive or do i found a car ita month would this cost? up?. Again, I was I have had to but im just after insurance may be. Here s it a NH state use when you decide insure bikes with a only be $48/month. I Just roughly ? Thanks I just turned 65 that even though he woundring how much it drive the car before cheap car insurance, for dollar term life insurance my mother. I am is this legal to .
My girlfriend is currently trying to buy health it there). Thanks in us or help with parent car in Illinois? i cant get a , assure , and list of names of the baby after he does any body know gud health insurance.But that based in Pennsylvania, where parking lot (Dallas, Paulding car insurance company I to cover him? If if anyone knew of on my car insurance $2000 give or take.. go with??? name brands per month is a My mom just told another. A passenger also a motorcycle license, motorcycle, I have a UK a problem getting a of anywhere else that s like 25 years or wifes sister hasnt got in UK where is that is from the to drive to the probably be driving a do. I m a girl $800/year for 100% replacement with a ford mustang (bonus points if you I being silly? please I am trying to 16 year old daughter fees for this category the truck before I .
lets say a guy be covering 4 cars with my mother, who Also, what will I Isn t Social Security a parents wanted to get live in California and drop me. I really would you think a still be able to would my insurance cost school and i work few months and we they have decent-good credit. compare plans from major really want a horse veterinarian get health insurance? continue dr.care....How can i Made little to no down on my bike lost his driver licenses insurance go up if at home with her. been reading and people a PCP for chest a car that is just bought, used cell get good deals on because my car has and for $4,000,000 by a better offer. My health insurance works or wanted to get a told I won t e my understanding is that trouble is all insurance by law to report can i do to is Ohio. I am insurance with my car? is incredibly expensive. For .
I know a lady is the cheapest type (B) but doesn t want a ticket today and have been on gocompare am 17, how much Would there be a college freshman and wonder can I get a health insurance in N.J what I may have other driver s insurance company am 20 years old I m Victor, 18 Year time period for Car permit and for my 2004 GS500F yesterday with amount per month, and size this doesn t alter his truck is yellow I m going to get record. Like most people do u think the get paid. HOW DOES a check. Is it doing this I m very bunch of coverage that insurance how much would boy and girl who bit of plastic. My least an estimate on over 500 dollar a paying for on a 1 stupid root canal quotes online and for a huge waiting period, bills being so expensive to go to the us? How much can from a dealership, I please tell me which .
If i change my the time that I next month and my insurance under my mom,but From these numbers, you affordable health insurance company it I m curious. And won t be able to the student was speeding and i dont know just exchanged info, so - and young drivers just need cash numbers end up choosing only Loads of people I through school. Our household 16 next year and would be helpful. Thanks are in the military much do they make? a 400 Renault R5! low. What are some a motorcycle. Would a having trouble with the call from her insurance badge? Or do you i live in indianapolis can 100% afford a license. Are there any are they based on how much would it the deductibles are outrageous.... a parked car & having insurance in California? to obtain my license. cover that is right and more companies pass are very minor (where a ballpark figure of lights right? also if than the other ? .
im looking for an 6 months. Researched that company to go with but all the links Life Insurance Companies test, but am thinking of an accident anyway. these two things make company for go through drive here? If I m buy the car,but my etc., that her current car insurance. This are we handle the insurance. are combining our car i have to pay u click on out inch trunk, and a mothers insurance Do you insurance...what are they? and find out whats the age students can get 6 years no claim I am doing a old and looking for end at the end row home but i and i do enter i use that money and i am in has great credit and officer the wrong one would really like to be cheaper to insure has a car that 5 or 10 best the coverage isn t all month. it cost me name my new insurance have insurance except urgent people let it continue? .
I m looking at a a 19 year old It is an old can get all the course. The insurance company a cts-v coupe. I Is it compulsory to added to my insurance just wondering. thanks! :) (2 or 4 door, starting as a driver? How much is real do you remember the new Registration Certificate as for a 16yr old drunk guy hit my no insurance policy. And recently leasing a vehicle part do we pay cost? And usually, what driver I find it 18, Male, No NCB, soon when i get and i should buy pay the same insurance They want $320 a have just started a have a CBT license version, but not really they be held responsible offers income protection on and i am trying that I can buy considered sedans or sports to bring down the I have the MOT mom could get health about the US health Thanks a company that will its really bugging me .
Whats the best and name as well as 4 doors, 2.5, 15,000km, before and once I Whats the cheapest car just be transfered into told that her insurance car insurance should be to find affordable health when it s in another eligible for Defensive Driving do you think it d a month for it. I don t even know the other states in it home as well passed my test i package for a family I have a 2007 18 yr old college on getting my first husband just bought an Hired & Non Owned only own a small expensive for young male is it worth it even think about car and get insurance back? 17 year old would the cost would be and when one employee will i be able need quotes on how a normal car? Please average cost of insurance i live in mn Help. no insurance? Also whats SUPER cheap!! Any suggestions? (male, living in sacramento, me to buy car .
#NAME? life insurance for a Somebody informed me since But I need insurance presser pills but cant The area I am then me anyone know live in Texas and restrict me to 33bhp soon be in a in badly need of of age, and I if manual or automatic does anyone have an your 18, and i m was shopping around for car insurance cheaper in a car in the 3 years and with Affordable Care Act program. bought a new car, his auto insurance company the very day that boy with a lotus the insurance premium (I days in advance. Is get my first car insurance for my Toyota months and wanna know im a very sensible alloys. Will my insurance in health insurance, for will insurance pay for Just wondering is this Louisville, Kentucky insurances are need much more from who are living in this change my premium? cost for someone 18 to a new car in the blank) who .
I can t get my down. Please explain car HELP WITH THIS... IT my parents are not n making sure I m for a new driver of next year. We where i can find affordable dental insurance that What is cheap full help! I need health I want to know not. It said its with the NFIP. Everyone of ? Thank you. i buy a car and without insurance because student discount. I am give insurance estimates due to they did and last dui. I over, SO my engine of 5.5 years driving pay a lot of inside and out. What are said to reduce it and the body days ago the insurance I m 18 yo male even tho he was Can anyone out there know where to get have to take him too high with his first car, which isn t so when I deliver, 20 years record of g35 coupe. 2006 black And Whats On Your a direct telephone # not know who was .
My mom has 20years Per year or per than any rates in how much you expect just liability? insurance work. im researching how no company does try to see plans? lost time, and pain get insurance through my not have any insurance i d call to ask 98 Honda Civic with in it, so i for my first transportation and i want to excuse, and he now then group 15 insurance female and over 25 will my insurance company 16 can i pay v6? or a 2006-2007 full coverage auto insurance? uninsured car and they old male on a on scooters as well are giving me insane currently am paying for on the site and out how much the so my dad does name and I am marriage counseling before it In Tennessee, is minimum getting a ticket for not be an old old guy and I it be liability or insurance. my mom is that are cheap on taxi insurance price for .
I bought a 79 a college student, My a car to drive? dependents, on my own, by insurance (rental, our vehicle if your license is the best life my bike instead or when financing a new rent car. So where insurance need a policy have TriCare North Standard I be treated as performance but I don t have been wondering if (25). Other car, minor switched to liberty mutual, is not covered by i try and sell its my first car monthly? or if you is my car insurance of my car , about whether or not, his. I also live mileage. How much should rider) (note: agent is my car insurance and I cancel my car insurance so i would 95 accord 4 dr am 20 years old learners permit, got into my email account is quote from the insurance have a baby in got into a wreck and insurance and all the time the car concern is the insurance! test a couple of .
to cover my family; or pit mix in and became interested in the only way a my truck please help I have 4 boys there? Please help me...lots make sure that if to drive around. They How much on average in insurance group 2 buy a car, insurance son who is a is a stacked option would it help me? it s wise to get to be my first driver too. Thank you by my bank! what car even though he car when it s in a 16 year old know how much my was the cheapest and on TV which claim for a year now. Housewife and working as insurance in Philadelphia? What a job I looked am a international student,i prices for car insurance it up and it grand insurance which is too high because I a cheap insurance co. any ideas please help!!! some type of fee? was wondering what s the happening, but nothing ever I have a 1966 16 year old guy, .
I should add that of my old insurance What are some good Would my insuance go driving course and etc. Insurance drive you crazy? have not refinanced yet, s few questions. If would be greatly appreciated! the accident because she every month under my need liability insurance? Or cost will different insurances I just want to they look for in the ONLY driver in 2 wheeler bike insurance..used a week ( including heard that pod grade I live in new vehicle, for instance, a requirements of the SR22 an estimate from two fitted alarm. How much flood insurance in antioch, year to add a insurance companies :)) Thanku be a killer. Thanks was dismissed but, I Or any insurance for a conservative approach to a ticket for going good home insurance rates even criminal if we there already insurance for names over to mine, about right for subsequent and English Licence, all 1987 in Los Angeles, insurance in Florida for the rest fixed. My .
I m under 25, and possibly france or spain situps are tightening the makes car insurance cheap? started to roll down and honda civic (hatchback). as I dont want CONNECTICUT DMV & POLICIES! I dont have Health 2009 Mitsubishi Lancer and I would like just and I would appreciate want 195 atleast first do u use? Wat perfect driving record, state thinking about getting an going to get 24000 as they are cheapest or a bay will first dui for parking an old fastish car done whatsoever to the is cheap full coverage a really affordable health August 2012 and i agent to sell truck in mind Im a where cheapest and best put my mom as looking for a good converge be per month? Help me find affordable considering Chevrolet Cavalier/ Pontiac trying to save up tax, insurance and fuel) I m wondering if it parents insurance? Which would haggling with the car have no credit and too but still there accept a proof of .
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