#i think my best bet is to just. redo the whole thing
Drabbles: Too Many Beds (ft. Heeseung)
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Lee Heeseung knew that the universe was against him today.
“We’re so sorry sir, all the suites are unavailable as of right now.” The hotel receptionist bowed apologetically, “We only have the family room available right now, would that be ok?”
That is how he found himself standing in a room with FOUR beds. 
He dropped his bag on the floor with a sigh. 
Heeseung finally mustered up enough courage to ask you out on a short getaway after dating for a month. He had planned everything from the words he would say and the whole itinerary. 
Everything started going wrong from the flight here. The two of you were supposed to travel together, but the airline had overbooked the flight and moved you to another later flight. Heeseung had offered to delay his flight to accompany you but the airline had also overbooked the flight you were on so there was no room for him to move his flight. 
Then there was the whole plane ride. Heeseung was suppose to spend the ride talking to you and charming you, he ended up being squeezed in between an elderly couple who spent the entire ride giving him a lecture on marriage.
The worse part was he just realised he packed the same side of 2 different slippers. Great, now you were going to think he was a freak for wearing 2 left slippers. 
Heeseung slapped his palm to his forehead.
“It’s fine,” He muttered to himself, “When she’s here, it’ll be fine.”
While Heeseung was going through what seemed like the worse day of his life, you were going through the best day of your life. 
The airline had informed you that you would be bumped up to business class, so you spend the whole 3 hours in luxury. You had your own little suite and didn’t have to talk to anybody apart from the flight attendants. An absolutely perfect start to your holiday.
Because the airline had caused a delay, they offered to pay for your ride to your hotel so of course you got an airport limousine. You sat in the plush leather seats, pouring through your most recent read accompanied by a glass of champagne. 
The best part was, you had the most handsome man waiting by the main doors for you as you stepped out of the car. 
“Heeseung!” You called as you got off the car. 
The man looked up from his phone, blinking. He didn’t expect you to arrive in such a fancy car. 
When Heeseung saw you lugging your bag, he quickly ran over. Gently prying your bags from you, he guided you into the lobby. 
“I’m glad you got here safe.” He sent you a charming smile that made you weak in the knees. 
“Y-yeah.” You stuttered, following him into the lift. 
“I’m so sorry I couldn’t accompany you here.” He sighed in frustration. 
“Oh don’t worry about it!” You reassured him, “I’m a pretty adept traveller.”
“Yeah?” He grinned as he opened your room door, “Gonna tell me about it over dinner tonight?” 
You paused at the sight, “4 beds? Are other people joining us?” 
“No!” Heeseung said quickly. “The hotel messed up my reservation, I swear I wanted just one bed.”
He turned red when he realised what he was implying. 
“I mean- not that I expect anything!” Now it was his turn to stutter. “I was just hoping- I was gonna ask you properly-!” 
You giggled as you watch Heeseung malfunction, there was basically steam coming out of his ears with his face turning 10 different shades of red. 
He sighed, putting down your bags before approaching you. 
He ran his hands down your arms and laced his fingers with yours. 
“I was going to ask you to be my girlfriend,” He explained, “I had this whole thing planned with roses and balloons.”
“I’m so sorry,” His eyes searched yours, “I’ll redo everything soon.”
You gave him a soft smile, “Can I just say yes to being your girlfriend now?”
“What?” Heeseung said, eyes widening. 
“You don’t have to plan something elaborate just to ask me that, the answer will alway be yes.”
a/n: bet you all can't guess who's my bias in Enhypen. Idea came from this list.
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raiiny-bay · 5 months
scrapping this edit & starting over so here are some outtakes/wips
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nalyra-dreaming · 1 year
Hi there! First of all, thank you very-very much for giving us polite and insightful answers all the time. It's always great to have people like you in the fandom :) Sooo this is yet another question from a confused fan who didn't read the books :D I know that Louis will encounter weakened Lestat in Paris at some point. But in the show we see Louis being very insistent on telling Daniel that Lestat is dead...does it mean that he&Armand originally had no intention to tell Daniel about the encounter? And what could be the specific reason for this?
Hey nonny!
Awww thank you, glad you like my ramblings :))) 💕
Hope I make sense *laughs*
I think that Louis had indeed not meant to tell Daniel much about Paris. It's in episode 6 as well, when he repeats the "we wanted to kill Lestat" to make sure Daniel has heard (only Daniel was asleep then). And then continues to detail their clever little plan in episode 7.
I think... I've just said it in the other ask re Loumand, too, but I think it all, the whole interview, boils down to the episode 1 comment "truth and reconciliation". Only he is spinning a tale for Daniel of their past as he wishes to remember some things (or Armand helps him stomach some things a bit better) while actually trying to provide the stage for Armand and Daniel to hook up again. Obviously this would mean the Devil's Minion happened to a large part already, and I personally think that is likely. Only Armand decided differently back then, for whatever reason, and wiped Daniel's memory. And Louis is trying to fix that, by making Daniel remember the truth. And then reconcile him with Armand.
Lestat... Lestat, his "death" and everything pertaining to him is much too personal for Louis. Too painful. He would have preferred not to go there I think (of course Daniel will now force him to, and, despite the fact that Louis so cleverly made Daniel delete the old interview... I bet Daniel has his iCloud and/or TimeMachine properly set up.^^ He will tear the narrative apart^^)
Also, the whole scene with Lestat and Claudia in Paris... will force some of Armand's actions into focus (The little Frankenstein moment and the tower comes to mind, which will in turn make Daniel question the narrative again). And I bet that was something Louis actually hadn't wanted to do, because reconciling with someone who did that? Not the best premises. :))
All in all it's a multi-layered game Louis is playing, imho. Some of Armand's reactions were too... honest, to be "in" on everything. He was surprised by some of the things Louis did and said. I bet Louis told him that he wanted to redo the interview and Armand reluctantly went along with it, and the little play (eternity can be dull). But I also bet he didn't really know of Louis trying to reconcile him with Daniel.
Also, if Lestat "were dead" in the tale Louis is telling... Daniel would be forced to concentrate on other things - and lets be real, Lestat is too interesting a character to just lose sight of for a journalist like Daniel, so in order to make Daniel lose interest in Lestat... he would need to be dead.
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chemzee · 9 months
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
Already answered this one here oWo
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
Ya bet she does. Actually, it's something I wanted to talk about for a pretty long time now, but sorta well... Never did xd.
Her main hobbies are learning transfiguration spells, listening to music and making attempts at trying to solve conflicts and issues of other people. But I think she also likes going for walk and reading cheesy novels from time to time although I wouldn't call those her hobbies :"D
But I kinda wanna touch on why she loves transfiguration so much.
I always imagined Melly as someone who had fascination with magic. Especially from a technical approach. As in, she finds it super interesting how magic is produced in the first place and how it's capable of doing the things it does. Even though she was familiar with magic throughout her whole life, unlike many of her peers, this very thing she's used to since she was little is exactly what's most interesting to her. Girl can read through spell books for ages, just to learn how to do certain spells(without actually casting them tho).
So, as of late, I figured that given how she's really interested in nature of magic and it's technicality, the branch of magic she would love most would be transfigurations, the more "scientific" form of magic.
"Haha cuz she's metamorphmagus". Yeah exactly! She was always fascinated by how, unlike me many other people, she was able to transform parts of her body, having an ability to pretty much be able to even camouflage or take on appearance of someone else, which is something she had always practiced and loved doing since she was little. But she also wanted to do the same for other objects too: changing molecular structure of an object and transform an object into something completely different or even into something with life? Holy shit, that's so awesome!
But thing is, transfigurations are notoriously not the easiest to master and Melly, who never says no to a chance to practice them, knows that better than anyone, especially given her terrible luck: does she backfire constantly? Oh fuck yeahyeah. Did it backfire so much to the point she had injured herself and ended up at Hospital Wing? Ya bet! But she never gives up. She will redo the same spell all over again, even if it often goes wrong, even if it takes her days, not until she'll learn or even master it. So her efficiency in them comes from her hard work and constant practice. And well, her enjoyment of it, of course. Same can't be said for subjects she doesn't like //cough/ DADA //cough/
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
First thing that comes to my mind is probably her receiving a letter from Hogwarts and well, arriving at it for the first time.
But I also feel like it would be worth mentioning her memories about spending time with her family during Christmas holidays. As much as her relationship with her parents wasn't the best, the moments she spent with them, the family dinners, drinking (at that time) non alcoholic butterbeer, the presents, the shopping around the city centre, it's all just magical.
But unfortunately these memories don't bring her the same amount of joy, despite being arguably her happiest/best ones.
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evasivaardilosa · 9 months
Ok, time for the long and probably incoherent reaction to what I saw. Just parts of the story mode, a bit of character endings though I tried to avoid it, and a bit of the menus and stuff. Under the cut
For reference, I started at what seemed to be Ashrah’s chapter and went until Kuai Liang’s. Conveniently my favs!
The girl was indeed Khameleon!! And she looks so pretty! If I had any doubts I needed the dlc pack, they’re gone now
The dlc (non guests) and kameos seem all to be un story mode? I wasn’t expecting for this. This is nice
Jerrod is in Ermac! That was it, right?? He’s there! We always knew but I don’t think we had anything as explicit as he calling for Sindel
(Then again it wasn’t actually said so it may end up being contradicted by something I didn’t see)
So Liu Kang’s plan to avoid shit was making the bad guys he nobodies. That was smart. Or would have been had it worked. Quan Chi isn’t even a demon anymore
(I bet it’s not a coincidence Shao was born disabled too, huh)
You know Shang is good when you want to punch his face when he is just standing there. This Shang is very good
Reptile ate a bug!!! I got one prediction right!! I really wanted him to do it!!
I may have to redo that poll now that Baraka is an Edenian. It’s only fair
Kenshi and Johnny are so gay. I was neutral on the ship and I didn’t see the beginning but what I saw was enough for me to get it
Talking about gays, my favorite scene was Mileena and Tanya obviously flirting and Kitana being like “no she has her vows!!” and Mileena asking who told her. Girl. You are not as discreet as you think you are
Only now I see what you guys were saying about Bi-Han’d voice. Not gonna lie I find it sexy
I know that Lin Kuei chapter was probably a disappointment to everyone and while I would also have liked for Bi-Han to be less of a dick but it’s Mortal Kombat, guys, the characters don’t usually step out of their boxes often. His box is of a bad guy. The chapter was pretty much what we all could have expected. In fact, I think everything there was successfully predicted without any leaks
That being said, it was hilarious that you could see the gears turning in Bi-Han’s brain as soon as he saw the money. I never saw him as someone that cared much about money. Power, yes, obviously, but not money. Then again I best know him after death and I guess money doesn’t matter when you’re dead
Kuai got the scar!! And I think that only after seeing it my brain finally accepted that that man is really Kuai Liang. Like, I knew it, and I think he was always called by his name, but he looks so different that it hadn’t really clicked. Until the scar
Smoke is lovely
Holy shit, Havik
They mentioned Sektor and Cyrax and since a lot of other kameos are in the story, I guess they likely are. So… are they just cybers from the start? Are we in the middle of the cyber initiative?? Can I have hopes of seeing them in human form??
(Kameos have skins, btw!! And gear!!)
There’s more that I am certainly forgetting, but let’s end this with Kenshi in sunglasses from the tower ending. He looks so nice
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Anyway since this post will likely get more views than the last one because of the tags, I will say it again: if anyone can tell me where to watch the whole thing, I will love you forever
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skelingtonsderek · 9 months
From “The House Carpenter:” I read this story years ago (and The Wayfaring Stranger, though I can’t find that one so I assume you must have taken it down; fortunately I have it downloaded, I hope you don’t mind) and I still go back to it sometimes. This goes a few dozen words over the limit, but I already shaved as much as I was willing off of either end, because I really wanted to get the whole scope of history contained within that hat, I think it really contextualizes Boyd’s request at the end:
"Your daddy used to drink like that," Boyd's mouth says. He feels like it's the wrong thing to say because Raylan frowns. Boyd loves to make Raylan frown sometimes. He loves to make Raylan feel something about Boyd and since he can't ever get a smile out of him, it's the best he's got. He feels guilty about it, though. He hates to make Raylan sad. He just can't help but want to make him feel. Sometimes Boyd just needs to know Raylan is there with him and not somewhere he belongs. Like Lexington or the old west. Raylan would be perfectly at home in Deadwood or out farther. The Alamo.
Raylan belongs somewhere that Boyd never will.
"He'd get to drinking and sit there with this frown like everything were shit and he was the only one who knew. Everyone knows, Raylan," Boyd says leaning towards Raylan and still smiling. Raylan is glaring at Boyd now. He opens his mouth to speak but Boyd beats him to it. "We can just hide it better. Cause we belong in this mud and shit and blood and snow. This is our penance and our sin."
Boyd stops, sways, looks down. He's taller than he should be. He's kneeling on the bed. When did he get up? When did he move? Was he ever not moving closer to Raylan? Struggling on too short legs to keep up with him? He went away after he did, fought and killed for a country that portrays him as a backwoods hillbilly. He notices the way other people, strangers, would shift their eyes when he talked. As if just cause the words came out of his mouth slow meant that he was slow. Boyd looks up. Raylan is staring at him.
If Boyd were a betting man, which he is, he'd put down money that no one treated Raylan like that once his accent had eroded away. He bets that it just helps. That little twang of something old, harkening to an age when women were ladies and men were gentlemen. It plays in the cowboy's favor.
Boyd wants to yell at these people, blow them up in a fire of history, tell them what the cowboys did, what their job was. He wants them to know the bloody birth of the marshal. He wants them to look at Raylan and see that. He wants them to never look at Raylan and see what Boyd sees. He wants them to keep their romanticism so he can have the boy with the black eye and bruises on his arms and chest. He wants the coal miner who shook like a leaf when the world rumbled and fell on them. He wants the young man he pulled out of hell only to be sent to it again with a rage in his eyes and a steady hand, determined to not let the uncaring world win.
He wants the lawman that looked at him like he was a stranger but worse. Like he was a bug that needed to be purified with Raid. He wants those cold eyes and the rage. He wants it to pound into him until he’s oversensitive and screaming.
"I want to wear your hat. Can I, my friend?"
Raylan stares at him with cagy eyes, like how a wild horse looks down on the man who will break him, and nods slowly.
Why’d you go and have to pick one of my favoritessssss. I’m very excited to talk about this. A quick answer for the Wayfairing Stranger: It was pulled down for remodeling because I thought it unfair to leave up when I planned to redo so much of it. I’m still trying to work that one out so it’s more cohesive and fits into the existing story set up by The House Carpenter. I also have it downloaded and in my WIPs file until I feel bold enough to tackle it. I’m glad you liked it enough to remember it existed anyway TT_TT you’re so nice. OKOKOKOKOK On to tHC… I actually really like this part, too. I suppose it’s Boyd, constantly romanticizing, filled with a covetous sort of nostalgia that he doesn’t want to share, being too fucking thick-headed to realize that you don’t get to know someone the way he knows Raylan here— you don’t get to see their tender spots and bruises and vulnerabilities like this— if they don’t let you. He’s made a narrative in his head where he, Smart and Brilliant and Hopelessly and Tragically In Love Boyd Crowder, is the only person perfectly situated to truly deserve to appreciate Raylan Wounded Baby Bird With a Loaded Gun Givens. But he’s an idiot and I wanted to show that by mixing it together: the public brand of the Marshal service, the way strangers treat them with the quiet private things that strangers don’t have the privilege to know and see. They’re in bed together at the end of the world, sharing a shiny little thing Raylan saw and thought of Boyd and decided to give to Boyd and Boyd is so wrapped up in his internal narrative that he fails to realize you don’t bring treats to someone you’re indifferent about, you don’t reach for a stranger in the middle of the apocalypse for comfort, you don’t let just anyone sit in your lap, and if you’re a Hat Guy you don’t let just anyone put on your goddamned hat (fellow hat guys know what I mean). Hat Privileges are a form of intimacy reserved for those who have already made your heart hurt in that most special of ways (IYKYK) Meanwhile on the other side of the mattress is Raylan Givens, actually hopelessly in love with this fucking drama llama, trying to be careful, trying to be kind, trying not to reach and grab and take more than he is given because he knows Boyd the same way Boyd knows him— with all those tender spots plotted out and the ragged seams pressed against his own damned skin— and he knows the only thing that would drive Boyd away quicker is showing him exactly how much he’s wanted. At least that’s what he’s afraid of.
Boyd thinks that he’s the Daemon lover from the tale but he’s not. He never has been. He’s the one who stayed and grew his own roots and has to leave it all behind. He’s the one being seduced out to sea. He sees the parallels in the maiden with Raylan and his baby and Winona but never gets past that superficial connection because he’s incapable of seeing in himself any beauty. So instead, he casts himself as the Daemon Lover and Raylan as the Fair Maiden, tricked in to leaving her baby and her husband to get swept up in a stormy sea. But it' was always the reverse. Boyd and his home he made while Raylan was out adventuring and “forsaking” the 'crown and gold' of the life he could have had had he stayed away. It’s Raylan asking him to give up everything he has to be unmoored. But Raylan can’t make himself ask for it and Boyd thinks he’d be the one asking Raylan to damn himself for it. The hat is this role for them. The ship that takes them down together.
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colethewolf · 2 years
I assumed at first that Crystal's age would be like those 80's movies where we all just ignored the obviousness that a full ass adult was playing a teenager and that she'd been dead all this time. But now I'm seeing posts saying she's been alive all this time?
Like...first off, bringing back THIS story line without Dylan and Arden is kinda a slap to their faces. Not surprised. Part of it I also agree is laziness in Jeff's part. Another part is just the narcissism of him thinking he could redo the favorite season of a lot of people without the reasons why it was people's favorites.
All the while retconning and ruining characters and their relationships. In this case....Lydia. She felt Allison die. Of course it could be said her powers were still developing and new and Allison could have been engulfed by the powers of the nogitsune and so close are death and grief and strife that she could have been fooled. BUT...that's the kind of detail only fanfic authors would care to give a character other than Scotty. I don't think nor will I give Jeff that kind of creative credit into thinking.
But also...they were "sisters". Best friends. Regardless of how much influence the nogitsune has had on Allison, if they just have Lydia accept her back into her life...it's just another show that Lydia is nothing more than a pretty thing to keep around and if she had any character development it was accidental or only done on purpose if it moved the plot along so Scott could get his next power up.
She can miss Allison. Of course. But if they don't show her feeling guilt or betrayal...by allison's actions or even her powers, then it's a failure on Lydia's character and because it's a movie not a show, I can easily see her mental state of all of this not even being mentioned.
I don't think she's been alive this whole time. I think he's been revived somehow by the nogitsune or nemeton. My best guess is that Jeff was too lazy to actually think up an original idea for this movie, so he just pulled a bunch of leftover script ideas from season 3B.
Back during 3B, I think there were obvious plans to have more than just 1 trickster spirit. They specifically referenced the fox, raven, and coyote. Stiles was the fox, Malia was obviously the coyote, and that would've left Allison as the raven. And consider how Allison also opened the morgue door in her dream (like how Stiles opened his bedroom door and let the nogitsune in) I think Allison was supposed to be possessed as well.
But for whatever reason, Allison wasn't possessed. And Malia, who was clearly set up to be a villain, was changed at the last moment to be a good guy and then they brought her onto the show to fit Crystal's absence. So, I'm willing to bet that Jeff just took "evil Allison" from his list of shit he never got around to doing and stuck it in this movie.
Allison returning doesn't have a genuine emotional impact because Jeff Davis refused to allow any characters to actually mourn. Sure, you had a few scenes where Scott was sad, but they largely just moved on. The same way they did with everything else that should've caused some kind of trauma ie. Derek's abuse and Stiles being possessed and forced to kill innocents.
I remember back during 3B where Crystal said that she was initially told that she couldn't have Allison say "I love you" to Scott in her dying remarks because Allison was "with Isaac now", so Crystal fought them on that.
And I also remember how Jeff's reason as to why he refused to write Allison a funeral episode (and why he wrote a time-jump into s4 to skip all the mourning) was because he felt that characters being sad wasn't entertaining and he didn't want the characters moping around.
It's so annoying how Jeff puts such little effort into his work and yet remains confused as to why people don't like him/respect his craft. He can't be bothered to do the bare minimum like allow characters to work through the traumatic events they've lived through or even take the time to mourn the loss of a character who was literally there from the beginning. And then he gets to do a movie & he just stuffs it full of old story arcs we've already seen before.
Wow! A character who previously died comes back from the dead? A villain from a past season returns? Scott works at a vet clinic and hates being a werewolf and wants to live a normal life? It's so repetitive and unimaginative.
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lxnarphase · 3 months
keep it quiet
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☾₊‧⁺...ft. : g. satoru + g. suguru + n. kento + h. hiromi + f. toji + k. shiu + k. choso + r. sukuna + h. kinji + t. fumihiko + t. aoi ☾₊‧⁺...cw : college au, 'we have to be quiet' trope, unprotected sex ☾₊‧⁺...synopsis + a/n : this is based off an old ask from my old account that i just HAD to redo but for the jjk men : "which of the jjk men would fuck you when visiting your parents in your childhood home?"
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who teases you the whole time ↴
g. suguru ; oh, he’s an asshole, acting like an innocent angel when in reality he’s slipped his hand into the back of your sweatpants several times today, giving your ass a squeeze when your parents weren’t looking. you nearly curse him out when he ‘squeezed past’ you, his hand on your waist pulling you against him as he makes sure you feel how hard he is through his pants. so it's no surprise when he whisks you away and has you pressed against your bedroom wall. 
“do you hear that? those dirty noises you making from me fucking you? bet you wanted this all day, didn’t you, princess?” “didn’t mean to go that deep…but might do it again, just like this. oooh, I like that noise you made, pretty girl, make it again for me.”
g. satoru ; satoru can sense you getting needy, pulling you to your bedroom the second your parents bid the two of you good night. it's technically his fault, just a few minutes before your parents said goodnight, he excused himself to the bathroom. you were confused when your phone buzzed and you saw a message from satoru, opening it just to see a picture of his hand wrapped around his dick. 
“didya plan this, baby? hm? for me to fuck you until you cream on my cock in your parents' house? so needy, my pretty little baby.” “such a whore f'me...you can’t stop thinking about my dick, look at how wet you got just from that picture. bet it feels good being stuffed with it now, right, baby?” "oooh, she's creamin' all over me, so pretty, i can't stop, can't fucking stop, so fucking pretty when you're all messy like this."
f. toji ; he acts like it’s not him who had you against the wall with his hands up your shirt and his tongue in your mouth literally seconds before your parents came back home from the store. the two of you are on edge, and the second your parents tell toji he is free from helping in the kitchen, he drags you away to your old bedroom down the hall to continue what he started. 
“you're not talkin', but fuck, you’re making so much noise down here, they’re gonna know, sweetheart.” “you gonna cum, mama? aww, pretty thing's gonna make a mess of my cock while your parents are down the hall waiting for us to come eat? fuck, do it, baby, cum all over my cock like a good girl.”
r. sukuna : it's some family get-together your parents invited you to, but you can barely focus on saying hi to everywhere with the way sukuna is draped over you, arms around your waist as he presses his hips into your ass as you talked to your parents. the moment you have the chance, you make some excuse about showing sukuna your childhood home, dragging him inside to your old bathroom. 
“you really wanted me, didn’t you? my pretty whore, sucking me back in, your squeezing me so tight.” “had to pull me away into the bathroom to fuck you stupid. tch, desperate slut." "you know your parents are literally right outside, what if they come back in? mm? come on, let me really fuck y'deep, give ya what you want.” 
h. kinji : he just wants to get on your nerves, seeing how bold you were acting in the car earlier about being your parents’ best kid, telling kinji what an angel you were in your parents’ eyes. sure, you still are the biggest sweetheart kinji has ever encountered but...little angel? oh, he couldn't wait to prove to you how that’s changed.
“’little angel’, huh? pfft, if only they knew what a slut their precious girl is. what if they walked in right now, seeing how their ‘good little angel’ is taking her boyfriend's dick like a dirty little slut?” “right there? is that where it feels good, cupcake? ohh, shit, baby, did you cum already? aww, you can keep going right?” "i know, i know, 's too much, 's too much, but you're takin' it like a champ, hun, just keep cummin' and let your man fuck you good, baby, pretty please?"
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who is loud and doesn't care ↴
t. fumihiko : if you want to keep him quiet, you better kiss him or put something in his mouth to shut him up because he’s so lost in how good you feel that he can’t keep his volume down, knowing that your parents are probably watching tv downstairs.
“i-i can’t stay quiet, ‘m sorry, if we get caught i-i’ll make up to you, just-just lemme go faster, pretty please?” “ah, i know i said one more but can’t stop, n-need to cum again!" "’s already leaking out of you, hohmygodd...g-gotta fill you again, keep you nice and full of my cum, fuuuuck, ‘m gonna cum again!”
t. aoi : it's those damn sweatpants. the second he changed when you got to your parents’ house, you can fucking see his dick print when he sits down, the way he has to spread his legs not helping. you drag him into the bathroom with the intent to fix it, just to see this motherfucker isn't wearing underwear.
“aww, bunny, ya didn’t have t' lie. if you wanted me to fuck you so bad all you had to do was ask.” “saw you starin’ at it, you're not very subtle...you happy now that 'm fucking you full, bunny? shh, don't whine, babe, 's okay.” “so loud, they're gonna know i’m about to stuff you with my cum. hey, don't cover your mouth, it's alright, i'll buy 'em somethin' to make up for it, bunny.”
k. choso : as you sit next to him at the dinner table, you can feel his leg bouncing, rubbing up against yours. you press your hand to his leg, looking at him with a concerned face when you see how choso is sweating a little, his ears pink. all it takes is one glance down for you to see he got himself worked up. 
“i know, 'm sorry, 'm so sorry, b-bad timing but i need you. i’m so fucking hard. g-god, you're just so pretty and-and i gotta fuck you, i promise i'll do it nice 'n' good, you'll love it so much, baby.” “h-huh? fuck, i knoww, g-gotta be quiet but you feel so good. can i go harder? please? i know it’ll make noise, but need to go harder, wanna cum in you, wanna fuckin' stuff your pretty cunt full of my cum, babyyy.”
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who manages to stay quiet ↴
h. hiromi : hiromi didn’t know what happened until you sat him on your bed, locking the door behind you before getting in his lap and pulling him into a deep kiss. he doesn’t know how thin the walls are so he opts to keep your lips on his so your moans don’t reach your parents in the living room.
“shhh…stay quiet, sweet girl. i know it’s a lot, but you have to be quiet.” “i can…see a little bump whenever i fucking slide back into you...god. what if i press down on it- oh fuck, don’t squeeze me like that, fuck.” “you’re squeezing me so tight, sweetheart, does it feel that good? yeah? hey, hey, shhh, come here. kiss me, don’t be too loud, kiss me when you cum.”
n. kento : kento is hushing you the whole time, not questioning the way you shook him awake while whispering his name. poor thing, he can instantly hear the desperation in your voice, the want and need to take care of you helping him wake up quicker. but your parents were above your room, so kento knows he had to keep you quiet. 
“nonono, let me take care of you darling. i don't mind, you just focus on staying quiet, i’ll make it all go away.” “mhm, i know i’m hitting your spot, angel, but you have to stay quiet. i know it feels good, i knowwwww, but stay quiet for me.” “shh, shh, you can do it, cum quietly like a good girl, i've taught you how to be a good girl, right? come on, be good, be a good girl for me, cum for me.”
k. shiu : it's 4am when he wakes you up, mumbling something about not being able to sleep. you don't even get the chance to ask him what's wrong before he pulls his pajama pants down, his cock slapping against his stomach as a thick stand of precum dripping down the base. he needs help otherwise he’ll be up all night.
"mm, angel, you're being too loud. be quiet for me, don’t need your parents hearing us.” “stop making so much noise before i fuck your mouth instead, or is that what you want?” “i should've had you like this in the first place...poor thing, always so noisy when my cock hits you this deep, right? mmn, just keep your ass up and your face in the pillow, baby, sound so pretty all muffled.”
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all rights reserved © lxnarphase | do not repost, copy, translate, or alter my work
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levisgirll · 3 years
Hi! Can you do a headcanon of Levi being jealous/posessive when someone tries to flirt with his crush?
𝐦𝐲 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐨𝐰𝐧 (𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐀𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
text: Hello anon! Thank you so much for the request🥺 Of course I can! and I hope you like what I wrote💞 (also I’m sorry this took some time! this week and last week was just so stressful ahhh) incoming some cute jelly levi boi, I also realized now we need more of this- ALSO will be using this fact stated by Isayama about levi getting jealous which is he wouldn’t get jealous over his lover because he would trust them, although if he were to be jealous he’d stay low about it then by time explode. in this case it would be his crush and not lover as requested! (incoming some real cute fluff and levi being a cutie who is a bit jealous <3)
synopsis: Levi Ackerman isn’t the one who would get easily affected by others, he wouldn’t care most of the time what people would do and say to him. But....he has a crush on y/n for the longest time now and it seems his feelings is growing too with time. He notices some scouts trying to tease and flirt with his crush, he starts to feel something about it and pushes the thought away, but the feeling is still present. One day, something happens and he can’t take it anymore and becomes a bit possessive and clingy towards y/n!
fluff, aot world, headcanon fanfic ♡ —
You let out a long sigh as you were heading back to the survey crops headquarters from your training. Today was a really busy and stressful day as you had to train a lot and also manage to keep up with everyone.
You joined not long ago and you still were trying to fit in, learn new skills from others, and kept on training to catch up with others. Many saw you as a really hard worker.
But, you recently been getting some help and advice from Captain Levi! The strongest solider that everyone talks about and with that, you both got close and Levi seemed to like your attitude, and would usually ask you for your opinion on things.
Everyone was quite shocked how Levi seem to show a little bit of interest in you and even spoke to you. Y/N was different, unique more like it and how they never gave up and still kept on going amazed Levi. He was a bit worried about you though cause you could be reckless, but he had your back always watching without you even noticing. Later then, he realized after sorting out this emotions and feelings he had....he actually had a crush on you instead!
It was a fact that Y/N was quite attractive and good looking, everyone had eyes on Y/N and Levi would sometimes be quite annoyed and pissed about how some guys who seemed to have bad intentions always trying to get a chance to talk to you and get you alone but Y/N would usually avoid them and leave the scene before it happens.
You were just such a likeable person though! Who wouldn't like you? and many tried to make a move on you but you made the scouts that you were hard to read. But instead for one guy.
A scout was keeping his eyes on you for a while, and with his friends telling him that 'he would never get a chance with y/n' made him take the bet and go for it.
"Hey there! I see you training hard? My name is Roy, nice to meet you" He said with a big smile and gave you a little wave while coming up to you. You were setting up your ODM gear and glance at him. "Oh, I see it's Y/N." You said normally, but you weren't going to lie, the guy did look kind of cute but you had a gut feeling something was up.
"Of course, you are the great Y/N everyone talks about." He said with a smirk, "You look so much prettier." You were taken aback by the comment and thanked him, it was not everyday you would hear this comment and someone saying that bluntly.
"Haha, you don't have to be shy! It's the truth so own it. Anyways, I'll see you later yeah? Bye!" He shouted out and ran back to his friends, and you stood there quite shy.
You did not notice that Levi was actually standing near the entrance of the headquarters and watched the whole thing. You could tell by his gaze towards Roy he was...glaring at him? "Tch." He scoffed and walked away from the training area, looking rather pissed but you managed to go over to him and caught up with Levi. There your bright energy opened up, and you gave Levi a bright big smile that you would only usually do for him. "Hi Captain Levi! How was your weekend? I haven't seen you for a while." Y/N said in a cheerful tone, they looked rather happy to see Levi and that made him relax and warmed his heart since his crush has always greeted him this way. "Hey Y/N, it was alright I guess. And Oi, didn't I tell you to just call me Levi? Drop the captain, don't wanna hear that from you." He said and crossing his arms and looking slightly away to hide his faint little blush on his cheeks.
He observed you for a while, and he realized that you were the only one who would talk to Levi like this and he was the only man you ever showed your cute and gentle side to! And the same goes to him, you were the only one who he showed his soft and nice side by his small actions and words. So, he felt really lucky and somehow was assured and felt trusted that you might not be interested in anyone else, and maybe....just maybe he had a chance!
"My bad, Levi" Y/N said after a small giggle which was one of his favorite sounds, hearing his crush laugh a little was one of the main things he wanted to achieve. "I'm going to do hand-to-hand combat training later. Could you perhaps train m-" Before Y/N was going to finish talking, Levi cut them off and said "Yea sure, don't ask me and just tell me what it is and I'll help you train."
Levi didn't notice, but he was becoming rather tender and considerate only to Y/N these days which not only shocked them but also made them happy. "Thanks Levi, you are the best! I'll see you later!" Y/N waved at Levi with a joyful expression and ran off. After that small interaction and chat, it seemed like all Levi's worries and stress was relieved and he gave a small smile. Not only that, but also another feeling he had earlier was gone, but he couldn't figure just what was that feeling from earlier?
Later on, training for hand to hand combat has started and you were there, ready and waiting for none other than Levi to show up. But, someone else showed up instead of him. "So we meet again, Y/N." You turned around and it was Roy, he looked rather excited and he was checking you up with a gaze that made you slightly uncomfortable. "Um...yea cause we still have training?" You gave him a confused look and raised your eyebrow at him 'Just what does this guy want...' you wondered.
"You aren't pair up with anyone, so let's train together!" He said cheerfully and was in his fighting stance, all ready without you even having the time to respond to his offer.
"W-Wait...I'm waiting for Levi to train me!" You finally said in a stuttering tone. "Levi? Ha....since when did you start calling him that? Anyways, I don't see him? So, train with me instead sweetheart." He gave you a flirtatious smile, and you sighed and brought out the wooden dagger which you took your stance and took charge at him. He somehow let you take the hit and you looked up at him "Wow, you are good!". He was not taking you seriously, and was playing around with you, teasing you more like it. While you were training with Roy, without any warning he made you trip and you fell on the ground which you felt your knee starting to hurt. "Oh no. Are you okay?" Roy said and bent down, to check your knee. You felt it was done on purpose just to get you off guard, and so he can get closer to you.
With your surprise, he brought his hand out and pushed your hair back and behind your ear and then touched your cheek which made your eyes wide "No one should be allowed to look that good. How do you do it?"
"Huh...what do you mean?" Y/N said, all confused and tried to get up but Roy's grip made you not get up so easily. "Say, tell me how are you still Single?"
Before you could respond, someone quickly grabbed Roy by his wrist and pulled him up quickly. "You....The fuck do you think you are doing?" It was....Levi! He gave a death glare to Roy who now seemed to have been displeased. "I'm helping them up...What do you think you are doing holding me like this?"
"Did I ask you a question? It a command, answer it. What. Were. you trying to do." Levi said now in a very serious tone that gave off a scary vibe and everyone had stopped their training and were all frightened. Levi was not dumb, he clearly knew what Roy was up to, seductively flirting with you which he ignored before he knew you would not respond to it but.... he then purposely made you trip which he noticed and was not able to hold it in any longer.
"Do you want me to fucking break your leg to answer me?" Levi was being impatient and without any hesitation and not giving Roy any time to respond, he knee kicked him right up his chin and that made him fall down on his knees and covered his nose which was now bleeding. "You little shit, and you dare even question me after disrespecting Y/N? You have a death wish for sure."
Levi was about to kick him when Y/N quickly held on his arm and pulled Levi a bit back, holding on to his arm. "Stop! That's enough Levi. Don't bother with him, I'm fine now!" Y/N said, trying to calm Levi down and reassure him.
He stayed silent, and looked back at Roy, deciding on what to do. "Hm...Alright. I'm only stopping cause of Y/N." Levi took Y/N's hand which shocked everyone in the training area, including Roy and Levi turned around while saying in a cold tone. "Roy, you have cleaning duty for all the toilets at the HQ for a month and it better be fucking clean or I will make you redo it. You are nothing but a piece of trash so be useful and clean them."
Levi still, holding your hand tightly, pulled you and you both were walking away from the training area, away from everyone else. Y/N was blushing now and was looking at Levi's back head where they clearly saw his neat underhair cut. 'Levi why did he do this....' You wondered and Levi then stopped walking when you both reached near the stable. "Are you...hurt?" He said, turning around to look at you with a slight worried expression. "N-No, and thanks for back there." Y/N said, blushing even harder and looked down. "But, why..." They finally said looking directly at his grey eyes which soften, this was a question that kept killing Y/N's curiosity.
He stayed quiet, and looked away from your gaze. He seemed to refuse to respond. 'Wait....don't tell me!' Y/N then jolted their head up which caught Levi by surprise (worried if they noticed-) and they immediately said in a hyper tone.
Y/N: "Oh Levi....were you-"
Levi: "No."
Y/N: "You sure? Cause I swear you-"
"Shut it. I was just being annoyed by him, alright?" He would say and ruffle your hair gently. He wanted to hold you, hug you. You were just too adorable to him! But he knew he couldn't do any of that.
"Weird...I don't recall saying anything about that. But you just proved to me you were actually jealous!" Y/N said, and let out a happy and cheerful laugh. He would not admit it, but he felt embarrassed right now.
"Tch, brat are you gonna actually keep saying it now?" He said with a slight blush and turned around, "Well...Not till you be honest with yourself." Y/N told Levi in a shy tone, and still with a smile that was too big it hurted their cheeks, they were just too happy to see Levi like this!
You weren't going to lie, but seeing Levi jealous really made you feel something and so did he!
He took your hand gently and caressed your hand with his thumb. "If you want to know....come to my office?" Levi, was now a blushing mess, he was being nervous but he knew that at some point he had to let his feeling out because it was not an easy one to handle despite him being emotional he was able to control that but this was a special case and today proved that to him. He had to let you know.
You both went to Levi's office, and he pulled you closer and looked at your eyes which was filled with lust and love just for you "Please....Could I?" Levi said softly which had a little bit of nervous and tense tone. You then realized and confirmed, you both did actually shared the same feelings and behind closed doors while the evening was approaching you both slowly started to kiss each other even though you both were new to this sort of thing you took it slowly, and kept trying it again and again, till you both got the hang of it. Levi did that just to show that he wanted to make you his starting tonight and not having anyone else flirt with you anymore and that that he was capable of being romantic to u too! You never saw him this clingy, it was super cute.
With your reassurance and talk with Levi, your words would comfort him and calm him down and he then started to trust you even more which he was since the beginning but now that he got your approval he never felt such a lucky man.
Now, no scout with bad intentions ever dared to come up to you and Levi does not take it lightly next time if he even sees someone checking you up, or making you uncomfortable. With this, he promised to protect you from any harm and swore to that, he wanted to be your protector.
So poor them who ever tried to flirt with you and poor Roy stuck with a broken nose and having cleaning toilets duty!
But thanks to Roy, Levi finally was able to explain and show/say his true feelings to Y/N and now he can keep Y/N close to him only and cherish and protect them without any hesitation. He truly did value and care for Y/N.
This was actually so fun to write up ahhh and I find Levi acting sort of like this when he explodes at the person trying to flirt with his crush and the one responsible making him jealous! (I don’t think he would explode or lash out on his crush/lover, he is too mature for a situation where someone flirts with them, he would lash out on whoever is hitting on them instead of his lover ofc) I hope you enjoyed this anon and sorry this was late but hope you enjoyed it and if you did or anyone else please leave a like or a reblog!🥺 ♡♡♡
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h3art-n-s0ul · 3 years
Akaashi x Reader
(Please feel free to reblog and comment)
Word Count: 2k
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Keiji is planning on proposing to you, but nothing seems to go to plan.
Content Warnings: Language, minor comedic sexual references
Akaashi had been planning to propose to you for two months. Two very long months. Well he knew he was going to marry you about five minutes after meeting you. But technically, he bought the ring two months ago. He had it all perfectly planned out. In two days, he would propose in the place you two first met. He knew it was cliche but, the place you two met was slightly unconventional.
It was the parking lot in front of the local university library. He had actually gone in to talk to the administration and see if he could rent out the parking lot from them. The request was so odd, it took them a bit of time to respond. It actually worked out perfectly since they were closed this Saturday, so they agreed to let him rent it out for his intended purpose. The staff were quite confused as to why he would want that old parking lot until Akaashi explained. They hadn’t gotten enough funding to redo it in years so there were tens of potholes, cracks, and broken pieces of blacktop. The colored lines were fading so most people just guessed where to park. But that very parking lot was responsible for your meeting.
It was early spring, and there was still a chill in the air. Akaashi was running late to one of his classes and was weaving between vehicles in the parking lot to get to his car. You were busy walking towards the library with a book up to your nose. Multitasking you know? Akaashi didn't see you around one of the cars and obviously neither did you, too invested in your book. Like fate brought you together, you crashed into one another. You completely stumbled backwards, less than gracefully, sending your book flying. And fly it did, right into a muddy puddle.
“I am so sorry!” Akaashi bent down to help you up before retrieving your ruined book. He brushed off the cover and noticed the title.
“Shit, sorry I wasn’t looking where I was going.” You apologized and he handed you the novel.
“No, no, it was totally my fault. I was in a rush. I’m so sorry about your book. I have to say you have great taste in fiction though.” Akaashi laughed lightly.
“Oh um thank you. Again, I am so sorry for running into you, well, I mean I'm not, but, uh-that was totally my bad. I’m sure you need to get going…” You turned to leave before he grabbed your wrist while he reached into his bag to pull out his wallet.
“Please allow me to pay for it.”
“No, really it’s fine. You don’t have to do that. Totally my fault. I'm sorry.”
Akaashi opened his wallet and groaned, “Ugh god I am so sorry I only have my card. Here.” He scribbled on the back of a receipt and handed it to you. “This is my phone number, text me your venmo and I’ll pay you back. I’m really in a rush right now, sorry.”
“No it’s fine really! Um what’s your name if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Great. I’m Y/n. Wish we could have met under better circumstances, but I’m glad we’ve met. I’d like to chat about your taste in books sometime.”
“Me too.”
Eventually, you texted him, but it had nothing to do with venmo. Instead you invited him out to coffee and you two just kept meeting. Akaashi felt bad each time that he hadn’t paid you back, but you reassured him it was fine and he could bring money next time. In actuality you were using it as an excuse for you two to keep meeting up. Until finally, neither of you needed an excuse to see each other. One thing led to another and two years passed. Now you and Akaashi were living together in perfect harmony.
Akaashi had contacted Bokuto before he bought the ring. Who better to consult about this than his best friend?
“OH MY GOD YOU’RE GOING TO PROPOSE?!” Bokuto yelled into his receiver. “About fucking time. Okay hear me out, spell the question out in fireworks. She can’t say no!”
Akaashi chuckled. “Well I was thinking of going for something a little more private and personal. And I don’t even know if she’ll say yes yet.”
“Keiji are you kidding? There’s no way she can say no. You two are so perfect for each other!” Bokuto was so excited for his best friend.
“I don’t know about that first part. I just know she’s it for me. I’m just glad I know her pinterest username. I think I’m going to start there.”
“I admire your resourcefulness. Honestly, I bet you could pop the question in a garbage yard and she’d still say yes.”
Then it hit Akaashi and he knew exactly where he wanted to propose to you.
“Hey thanks for the ideas Ko. I have to go right now.”
“But you just called?”
“I have to run to the bookstore right away.”
It was perfect. He would set the open ring box on top of the book when he got down on one knee, finally paying off his debt to you.
All he had to do now was lie in wait. Just two days. He could do it. It took everything in him not to tell you already. He tucked the book into the back corner of his t-shirt drawer along with the ring. It forced a smile on his face every time he got ready in the morning.
“Hey Darling, I’m going to head out real quick to pick up the new air conditioner, okay?” Keiji yelled from the back bedroom.
“Yeah okay sounds good. Oh wait- can you get take-out? I’m kinda too lazy to make dinner.” You laughed and he walked into the living room where you were sitting. A book sat in your lap. Some things just never change.
“Yeah of course. Panda express?” Keiji smiled at you.
“Oh god I’m so in love with you.” You replied. Akaashi scoffed and leaned down to press a quick kiss to your lips.
“Okay I’ll be right back!” You heard the clatter of his keys and the shut of the door. Your eyes cast downward back to your page. About five minutes later you wiped a bead of sweat from your forehead. ‘God it is way too hot.’ You stood up and walked to your shared bedroom to change into something lighter. Unfortunately, your favorite t-shirt resided in Akaashi’s drawer. You pulled the drawer open in search of the thin, white shirt. You fingered through the various fabrics until they touched something hard and smooth.
“What- is..” You pulled the novel out and saw the title. ‘Why would ‘Kashi hide this…Fuck what if this was like a gift for me or something?’ You thought. You already felt bad before your eyes scanned back inside the drawer. A little black velvet box sat in the back right corner. Holy shit. Your hands were shaking as you slowly grabbed the object and opened it. A bright diamond ring stared back at you. Holy shit.
“H-he was going to propose?” Shock filled your body and you backpedaled to sit on the king bed. You couldn’t think.
‘Maybe the ring wasn’t his? What? No that’s stupid. Well maybe it’s not an engagement ring?’ Your eyes glanced back down at the ring.
‘Nope. Definitely an engagement ring. When was he planning on proposing? Sure you guys had talked about getting married before but- he was planning it this whole time? How long?’ And then the worst thought filled your mind. ‘Holy shit. What if he’s angry at me? I totally ruined the surprise! Maybe I can put it back and pretend I didn’t find it? No, I don’t wanna lie to him! Oh my god what if I start off our marriage with lies! He’d never forgive me! And then we’d have to get divorced in our 40’s! Oh god!’ Before you could pull yourself out of your thoughts, the front door opened.
“Hey love, I forgot my phone!” Panic settled in your body and your hands scrambled to shove the ring underneath the blankets.
“Darling?” Akaashi walked into the bedroom and saw you awkwardly sitting on the bed. He chuckled a bit, “Love? What’s going on? Why are you sitting like that?”
“Oh- me? What do you mean? I was just relaxing.” You tried to block his view from the book by sitting upright.
“Did you finish your book? Why are you all sweaty?” Keiji noticed the anxious aura around you.
“Um well you see-” Come on Y/n. Think of an excuse! Come on!
Keiji raised his eyebrow suspiciously and started to lean over to see behind you.
“MASTURBATING!” You squeaked out.
“What?” Keiji started laughing.
“ I was- um masturbating. That’s why I’m all sweaty. Sorry. God this is so embarrassing you should just leave!” You nervously winced. ‘I’m so fucking stupid.’ You internally facepalmed.
“Um okay. I’m sorry I uh I’ll just get going. Sorry babe.” He flushed red and awkwardly started to shuffle out of the room before seeing the open top drawer. Oh fuck. He immediately turned around to you and sighed. He hung his head low and asked, “You found it didn’t you?”
“KEIJI I SWEAR TO GOD I AM SO SORRY I DIDN’T MEAN TO IT WAS JUST SO HOT AND YOU KNOW HOW I LIKE WEARING YOUR T-SHIRTS-” He collapsed into a heap on the floor and put his face in his hands.
“PLEASE ‘KASHI NO I AM SO SO SORRY PLEASE DON’T BE UPSET WITH ME YOUR SHIRTS JUST SMELL SO GOOD AND YOU KNOW WE DON’T HAVE AC! UM WE CAN PRETEND IT NEVER HAPPENED I MEAN I DIDN’T REALLY EVEN SEE MUCH-” You continued rambling before he got up and grabbed your hands. When you looked at his face he had tears in his eyes.
“Why would I be upset with you, love?” Keiji smiled bitterly.
“Y-you’re not mad?”
“No, of course not. I’m mad at myself. I should’ve remembered you liked wearing my t-shirts.” He tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. “I guess this just isn’t really how I pictured this going. I’m so sorry.”
“No, Keiji, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault.” You profusely apologized.
“Wow this really brings me back.” He smirked thinking of your first meeting. “So, I take it as a no?”
“What? WHAT? NO NO NO!” You frantically waved your hands in front of yourself. “IT’S A YES! YES! Keiji, I am so in love with you baby!” You grasped his cheeks in your hands and sniffled.
“Really?” His eyes widened.
“‘Kashi are you kidding? Of course I want to spend the rest of my life with you! There’s no one else I want.” You reassured. Slowly he propped his right leg up and looked up at you while holding your hands.
“Darling...I’m so glad to hear that because I will never love anyone more than you. You’re all I want. Forever. Will you marry me?”
“Yes. Yes. Of course!” You buried your face into the crook of his neck and started bawling.
“And just so you know, I wasn’t planning on proposing in our bedroom. I was actually planning on proposing to you in a shitty parking lot.” Both of you laughed.
“Where we met?”
“Of course.”
“No, no, this was perfect too.” You grinned into his neck.
“I rented out the parking lot too.”
“You didn’t!” You shoved his shoulder in disbelief.
“I did. I was going to finally give you your book.”
“You’re such a romantic, Keiji.”
“And now your fiance.” Both of you couldn’t keep the smiles off your faces.
‘I can’t wait to spend forever with you.”
“CONGRATS YOU GUYS!!!” Bokuto hugged both of you. “Akaashi I thought you rented the parking lot for Saturday though?”
“Yeahhhh...about that.” “She found the ring early.”
“Oh shit. Sorry man.” Bokuto rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.
“No Ko, it was actually perfect. I don’t really care anyways. As long as we’re together.” You leaned into your boyfriend, fiance, future hubby.
“What did I tell you, Keiji?” Bokuto cawed.
“Yeah, yeah.”
“So what are you doing with the parking lot then?” Ko asked.
“We’re having a panda express picnic date on Saturday.”
(A/n literally could not sleep. Just this on my brain at 2:30 am)
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caffeineghostie · 3 years
𝐋𝐞𝐭'𝐬 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐎𝐧 𝐈𝐭 - 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐁𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
Summary: You were more than satisfied with your academic career, but there was one aspect of it you absolutely couldn't stand: Chris Beck.
W/C: 1.3k-ish
Warnings: talk of exams, some language, Beck is a bit of a jerk, one Brooklyn Nine-Nine reference.
A/N: hi! Thank you @natlovesu for requesting this piece, I hope you like it! I am not really used to writing for Chris Beck so this was a first! It turned into some sort of college au, but if this is not what you had in mind I'm happy to redo it :)
Join my taglist!
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You loved studying; you loved learning new things every day. You absolutely adored being able to pursue your interests in an academic setting, and luckily, you were also good at it. Not without sacrifices, all-nighters full of coffee, sweat and tears, of course.
But there was only one thing that you couldn’t stand: Chris Beck.
More precisely, his smirk. Right now you wanted to rip it off his annoyingly cute face.
Because of course, as much as you couldn’t stand him when he was all presumptuous about his academic career, you had to have a crush on him, and you had it since the first year of your degree course, two years ago.
You two had been introduced by a mutual friend, Mark Watney, the first week of classes, and you had been in pretty much the same friend group ever since. You’d usually study all together at a diner next to your university, revising between a hamburger and a smoothie.
Chris was reading his notes out loud, editing them and lecturing your group, and you weren’t really listening. You instead were playing with some fries on your plate, while looking at him and fantasizing about ripping that smirk you hated so much off of his annoyingly cute face.
Yes, because, ever since you met him, you had developed a crush on him, and you desperately wanted to forget about it. But he had such charisma to him, it was almost impossible.
“Earth to Y/N, Earth to Y/N!” Watney interrupted your fantasies, dangling a hand in front of you.
“What Mark?” you glared at him.
“Were you listening to me or do i need to explain it again?”
Chris always did this. There was this rivalry between the two of you, about who was better, and you both were brilliant students. But he always got that one mark more than you, and you couldn’t bear it anymore. You had to do something.
“Oh shut up, like you wouldn’t like it. And then bitch about it forever,” you joked. But seriously, you wouldn’t hear the end of it. It had always been like this. There was this rivalry between the two of you, on who was better, and you both were brilliant students, but he always somehow scored that one mark more than you, and you couldn’t bear it anymore. You had to do something.
“Hey, Beck! I have a proposal for you,” you called him, tossing your fry on the plate. “Next week’s exam. Let’s make a bet.”
“I’m listening”, he put his notebook down, curious about what you were saying.
“If I beat you, and I will beat you, you’ll stop making fun of me. No comments, no remarks. Nothing.”
“And what if I win?” he paused a bit, thinking, and then you saw a lightbulb go off in his head. “You and me. One day, together. You can’t complain about anything.” he smirked at you, extending his hand.
And this certainly would not help you forget your crush about him. But if this is what it took to finally get him to stop boasting about him being smarter than you, then you gladly took the risk.
“Let’s shake on it” you said, nodding. You hoped this deal wouldn’t make things worse, but you didn’t have to worry, because you were so going to win it.
One week later, you found yourself scouring between the results of your exam. You had studied day and night all week, and you were absolutely sure you were going to pass it with the highest mark. Beck next to you, having your same thoughts.
Your heart was thumping in your ears while looking for your ID number, and then you saw your mark: 99/100. That wasn't bad. You were certain Beck couldn’t have done better. You smiled, proud of yourself. You were so going to win this bet.
“Not too fast, Y/L/N,” Beck caught your attention, and you turned to him. He smirked, pointing to his mark., and you followed his gaze on the paper sheet in front of you.
No. No. No.
He got 100.
“See, I told you. I’m the best human-slash-genius” he pointed at himself, all mighty and proud. Ugh, you hated him.
“Brace yourself, Y/L/N. Twenty-four hours starting from” he paused, looking at his watch, “ now. And I'm gonna make sure to be extra-pretentious.” he winked at you.
Oh, you were so fucked.
“So how are we gonna do this?” he asked you. .
“I don’t know. This was your idea. To kidnap me,” you let your bag fall to the ground, while letting yourself plop on the bed.
He brought you back to his dorm room, which he shared with Watney. Unfortunately, Mark had to visit a relative back home, and he would not be back for a couple of days at least.
Leaving you all alone with Mr-Know-It-All over there.
“And what a great idea it was. I’m brilliant!” he put particular emphasis on the last word, observing you to get your reaction.
“Yeah right,” you rolled your eyes “Well, if you excuse me, your highness” you hinted a bow at him, “I need to study” you started taking your notes out of your bag.
“Relax a bit. We still have a month before the next exam.” he sit at his desk in front of you.
“Nope” you popped the p, “I need to get ahead of you because next time, I’m going to make you pay for it. ”
“Oh, come on Y/N/N, let’s go do something fun.”
Turns out, Beck wasn’t that much of an asshole that you thought he was. Yes, he still was a pretentious idiot, but you know he did it on purpose, just to get on your nerves.
In the entire day, you spent together, you actually had fun.
You spent the day at the park, basking in the sun, which was much needed. You didn’t think you’d enjoy this.
Now the both of you were hanging out on a bench. He had even got you an ice cream as a thank you for agreeing to this whole thing with him.
"You could have made these 24 hours a hell for me, but you didn’t. And I really had fun. So thank you”
“Come on, you think that I'm that bad of a person? Man, you really must hate me,” he joked
“I don’t, actually. You just get on my nerves sometimes. Most of the time. But, you know, I don’t hate you.” which was actually true.
“Good, because I don’t hate you, either.” he smiled. You were glad, you were happy to be friends with him, even if sometimes he was a pretentious asshole.
"Actually, that's kinda the whole point," Chris chuckled nervously, playing with his hands. What was going on?
"Yeah, uhm," He mumbled, turning all red.
"What, the cat got your tongue?" you teased him. You had never seen him this flustered, and you were going to take your sweet time with it.
"Oh please,” he composed himself. “The thing is, Y/N, I- I like you,” he confessed, looking at you.
“What?” you couldn’t believe this was happening, he’d always been picking on you.
“Yeah, I have for a while actually, and I just wanted a chance to show you I’m not that mean, a-and I’m sorry if I seemed-”
“Shut up,” you mumbled, and then you kissed him. It was a soft kiss, you could taste the strawberry ice cream he had on his lips.
“So, I get it you like me too?” he asked, smiling at you.
“Mh, what do you say, genius, it's you that knows everything!” you chuckled.
He laughed, but then kissed you again. His kisses were so sweet and intoxicating, and you mentally bashed yourself for not having confessed before.
Chris pulled away, looking at you in the eyes, the smirk you hated so much appearing again on his face.
"So… you want to bet on the next exam, Y/L/N?" he whispered.
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millennialgrandma · 2 years
March Wrap Up
First of all, I had to redo this entire fucking post twice, an undisclosed number of times because if I even touch the power cord on my computer, it dies. I lost the whole goddamn thing and now I'm typing it up again out of spite.
March was disgustingly busy. I barely read more than 200k words. I barely managed to write 2k words of my own. But I made it through. An entire quarter of the year, already done. How did that happen?
Things I Wrote
I needed to do a little something for me, so I spun the Wheel of Doom and ended up with a little Charmione finger kink fic called u n d r e s s . r h e a r s a l. It's just - it's porn, you guys. The posting date may say April 1, but I maintain it counts for March because I kicked it into the void before going to sleep, so there.
Things I Read
I READ A BOOK. I BET YOU THOUGHT THE DAY WOULD NEVER COME. ONE OF MY FAVES, EVEN. Ok, but actually I don't think I even made half of our group reads. But I'm claiming it anyway. It's the thought that counts. And those are the rules I've just made up.
As far as fics go, I caught a few group reads and found the time to sneak in a few of the fics from the HP Call Me Daddy Fest, but that's about it.
Reread: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Complete: (approx. 148.3k words)
Reread: Rule number one by @veelantina (dramione, E, 39.7k)
Group Read: A Shift in Focus by @heyjude19-writing (dramione, M, 6.8k)
Reread for Group Read: Savour by @mignon-chignon (dramione, E, 3.1k)
Group Read: familiar faces, worn out places by @lovesbitca8 (dramione, E, 7.4k)
Group Read: In Vino Veritas by @cosmiccthulhu (dramione, E, 6.2k)
Smut with Friends: a silence surrounded in white noise by danceintheashes (dramione, E, 6k)
you're not gold to me by succulent_nurturer (dramione, E, 2.7k)
Sweeter than Revenge by thatblondebitvh (dramione, E, 9.5k)
Sept Facons de te Faire L'amour by @megan-p-cook (dramione, E, 7.2k)
Under the Moonlit Sky by @arabellawrites (harmony, E, 5k)
between two lungs by peachykeenjellybean (dramione, E, 3.8k)
Group Read: Crookshanks and the Worst Weekend by Anieria (dramione, T, 2.1k)
Group Read: Best Friends Fur-Ever by MykEsprit (dramione, T, 1k)
Reread: A Certain Step by Darkrivertempest (dramione, E, 32.4k)
Reread for Group Read: Seeker Fit by @senlinyuwrites; embedded art by @elithien (dramione, T, 2.6k)
Anniversaries & Desserts by @its-banannaz (dramione, E, 2.6k)
Petulance and Procreation by @lilithshadefanfic (dramionarry, E, 4.8k)
sixty minutes by @mightbewriting (remione, E, 5.4k)
WIPs: (approx. 70.6k words)
A Season for Setting Fires (NOW COMPLETE) by @mightbewriting - Chapters 30 - 31 (dramione, E, 8.1k)
A Safe, Devoted Darkness by @heyjude19-writing - Chapter 6 (dramione, E, 3.8k)
Let the Dark In by @senlinyuwrites - Chapters 13 - 14 (dramione, M, 10.3k)
Brew of a Kind by @indreamsink - Chapters 7 - 9; Chapters 12 - 13 (dramione, E, 23.4k)
Measure of a Man by @inadaze22 - Chapter 40 (dramione, E, 18.1k)
Bound by @thelashjedi - Chapter 1 (dramione, E, 6.9k)
Things I'm Currently Reading (Heading into April)
There are so many things I want to be reading. Contradictions is on a quick pause and I'm dreadfully behind on Disappearances. I've got to go back and catch up on two chapters of Brew of a Kind yet. I'm dying to make my way through the CMD fest fics. And so many friends have put new things out in the void. I swear, my TBR list grew 3.8 miles this month. C'est la fucking vie.
Happy April, friends! Wishing you gentle rains to water yourselves, and the room for new beginnings to sprout ❤
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Omegaverse Horny
Summary: You’re conveniently left alone with your crush who also happens to be an alpha. What happens when your heat strikes and all you can do is listen to your instincts?
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Words: 2.9k
Pairing: Namjoon x Reader
Genre: Smut
Warnings: Producer! Namjoon, Camerawoman! reader, breeding kink, knotting, unprotected sex, Alpha/Omega/Beta Dynamics, Big dick Joon (his cock can grow), Y/n is omega-horny
A/N: Happy belated b-day Joon!  🥳 🥳 🥳 I wrote this on a whim, completely unplanned. 
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“You’re doing it wrong. You’re supposed to staple it like this.”
“Oh-oh. I’m sorry producer-nim. Today’s shooting was hard. The head cameraman made me redo shots and my arm is all numb from holding it in one place for so long.” 
You vent to the dimpled man as he gazes at you with familiar golden eyes. His wolf is calling to you, you can almost hear him from within, playfully tugging at your wolf’s ears. Alphas and omegas are supposed to be the best mates after all. 
The newest laws were placed about a year ago, to ensure that Omegas weren’t mistreated, because of your infamous reputation for being weak and just breeding holes for your alphas’ knots.
Werewolves have existed in human culture for hundreds of years now, the two integrating fully in peace since humans were just dormant werewolves, technically. They were what you would call “betas,” and these people do not have a heat or a rut as strong as alphas and omegas possess. Unfortunately, they also cannot help inner wolves with their heat, since their Hydes are in a state of comatose. A dead Hyde means they can never reproduce with a wolf. Which is why most betas stick to other betas.
Alphas and omegas have been pretty equal in numbers as of late, enabling most werewolves to have one mate. Before, in 2010, numbers of omegas were so scarce that some alphas had to latch onto omegas in groups, sharing that poor soul until they all successfully knotted them.
Luckily, this reduced the primal urge to be greedy in alphas and made polyamory much accepted in the werewolf community. Betas turned a blind eye to it since in the eyes of society, it was a sin. Especially for women, since most of the time, omega women were being shared by throngs of alpha males. Alpha women were also sharing omega males and it went on like that for any other combinations. 
Now, society has reached a point where breeding is less for reproduction purposes as it is for the thrill of sex. Still, if a werewolf is mated, of course, they’d want to impregnate their partner with pups.
And boy did you have hopes for your crush, Namjoon. He aided you through most of your heats when you were locked in your bedroom alone with just a pile of cock-shaped sex toys.
You were too shy to ask him out on a date, much less ask him to fuck you senseless. You couldn’t even admit that you had a crush on him to his face! You were the weakest omega there ever was.
“Why didn’t he just make you use the crane?” He snaps you back to the real world as you feel a strange liquid pooling down in your pants. You weren’t due for your period, it finished about a week ago. What could this be? The sudden wave of pain in your gut strikes, making you stumble forward and grab onto the desk. “Oh god, are you okay?” Namjoon runs towards you, his sweet scent of pine filling your nose and making your omega whine. His eyes turn a darker shade of yellow, as he peers down at your figure with a frown. “Your scent...why do you smell so sweet little omega?” You bite back a groan as you clutch your stomach, a wave of arousal coursing through your entire body before you turn to look at him.
“M’ sorry alpha. Just didn’t think it would come so soon.” 
“On the floor, sweet. I need to breed you.” A carnal rush of adrenaline kicks in, your heart beating erratically quickly as your crush takes dominion of the situation.
“Why do you wanna do that? I haven’t even told you about how I feel yet…” Your words slur as you drop to the floor, kicking off your ankle boots as Namjoon crawls over you with need. He has an unnatural glow as he leans over you, his lips ghosting your neck as he mutters something under his breath.
“I thought it was obvious, little one. I’m sorry but with your scent, I can’t let you walk out of here without at least knotting you first. My wolf won’t allow it.” You understand, your wolf is just screaming “BREED,” but you’re just barely restraining yourself, helplessly listening to your alpha’s commands. It’s just a state of mind that you can’t control, like your period, or breathing, or another natural function that just happens with no explanation.
“What are you waiting for alpha? Aren’t you gonna knot me?” Namjoon curses under his breath as you press your lips against his in a hasty kiss as if he would run away if you didn’t take action. He kisses back just as aggressively, shoving you back into the floor as he tugs at your clothes and they come off with ease. He takes off his shirt in turn, revealing his glorious abs as he glows in the fluorescent light from the studio. You were currently on the set of an idol-based drama, on the interior of a room made to look like a dance practice room. So there were mirrors and barres and the entire set stretched till the ceiling.
No one could interrupt you here, since shooting wrapped up a long time ago and you were supposed to stay back with Namjoon to sort through and pick the final shots for the project. You were too wrapped up in each other to care about your work now, you still had about five hours to go.
“J-Joon!” You moan out his name, scratching his back with your claw-like nails as he sucks your nipples harshly through his teeth. Your lower body is shuddering, arousal coating your clit as Namjoon casts away your skirt and panties. 
“Mmm smells so good.” Without hesitation, he laps at your folds, your entire body shuddering with desire and a grin spreading across your face as you bite back a moan.
“Namjoon,” You moan again, as he delivers kitten licks to your core and swirls his tongue around your pearl before coating your hole in spit. He spits on your clit, the cold saliva making you tense up but loosened up your pussy so he could fuck you as he wanted. “Don’t hold back.” Your omega squeaks as Joon pushes himself in with no warning, your entire body thrashing beneath him as you climax all too quickly.
“Ahhhhh, you’re squeezing me. This little omega pussy is taking my cock so well.” Your inner walls clamp down on him as he moves quickly, his speed decreasing in response to your weak body’s reaction. Your body couldn’t simply take a big dick like his so easily if it wasn’t for your heat releasing extra fluids. Thanks to that, Namjoon was able to slide his generous length into your narrow hole. You were so tiny compared to him, the only thing that was “big” about you was your breasts.
Namjoon rips off your shirt next, and then he unhooks your bra and tosses it aside before squeezing your breasts between his warm hands and inhaling your delectable scent. He was wholeheartedly ready to devour you, but his wolf was not going to let him do anything else if he did not fill you with his knot.
You knew the day would come when you turn to an alpha to satisfy your needs and fuck you until you’re pregnant with his pups, but this was happening all too fast. You were unmarried, unhinged, and practically bouncing off the walls. You’ve never even had sex. You were a virgin, so stupid and silly for thinking things would work out for the last 26 years of your pathetic life.
“Joon.” You call out his name, eyes glazed over with lust as he crawls between your legs, and in all his naked glory, he thrusts his unsheathed cock into your sopping hole. Salacious sounds of cock and pussy echo throughout the room, sweat dripping from his forehead as he pushes in and pulls out, his cock covered in your essence, a putrid stench of cum clinging to his perfectly shaped mushroom tip. However, it smells like the best thing in the world to him.
“Take my knot little omega, I’m gonna fuck my knot into you. Just remember, you’ll feel a little bit of pain and once I start I can’t stop so tell me.” You’re in too deep to stop. Your eyes bore into each other as you nod, giving a small “yes,” before allowing Joon to let his wolf take over. “Wanna bite. Smell so good...mmm I bet you’ll look even prettier with your belly swollen with my pups.” You can tell the person speaking isn’t your Joon. It’s his wolf, the one who dictates the more...animalistic decisions for Namjoon. You know it’s him because of the deep rich quality of his voice. Joon doesn’t use a deep voice at all, now that you think about it. You’ve read about it too, the wolf is the only one who can knot you.
“Alpha, your cock is so big..” You trail off, muscles tightening as your core clenches around the exceptionally big dick. Was it always this big or did it just grow? Must be your imagination. Either way, you’re ready to take his knot. At least, every ounce of your wolf is screaming for you to take it. You have a lot more control than your wolf, so luckily it is safer for you to be out while your wolf watches from the sidelines. Mating is something one should not take lightly, and while you may be on your heat, your mind is still clear enough for you to make rational decisions.
It’s just that this time ‘round, you’re horny and your crush just so conveniently happened to be at the same place at the same time. Plus, he seems to be into the whole thing. A man that doesn’t run from you? You weren’t ugly, you weren’t gorgeous. You were just slightly prettier than the average girl. That’s it.
“Stop crying. Your sole purpose is to take my knot, so take it. I know you can, sweet omega. You’re all slicked up for me,” He gathers your slick up with his fingers, before pushing it up your slit and making you buck your hips against his hardening cock as the next wave of arousal pulses through you. His cock is rigid, and all you can do is bite back your screams as your alpha moves slightly. “Shit, at this rate I’m gonna rip you apart.” Namjoon looks down in worry, as he sees that his cock isn’t moving the way he wants it to go. Sometimes men are so humorous as sometimes they are blessed with large assets but they have no clue on how to use it. You loved how he would sometimes take control of his body again, since his wolf was more aggressive and you just really needed reassurance again before he proceeded to fuck his knot into you. 
The affection is present in his voice as he apologizes for moving a bit too quickly, as you can feel every inch of him deep in your hole. You didn’t think his dick could reach so many inches, and neither did you have knowledge of your body being able to handle the stretch without a single drop of blood. You were surprised the floor was still clean considering you and Joon had leaked a lot. Whatever didn’t go in your pussy landed on the floor. You were going to have to use a mop..
“I’m okay, just please knot me already so we can get to work. My heat won’t let me off.” Namjoon growls underneath his breath as you shift beneath him, your thighs beginning to ache as the man readjusts your position so that both your thighs were wrapped around his hips.
“I know how you feel. My wolf won’t let me do anything else if I don’t take care of you. It’s my duty, as an alpha,” He groans, sensations of your clenching heat wrapping around his cock overwhelming his alpha hyde. His wolf growls for more, as Namjoon fingers your velvety folds and you watch him through the mirror as he rubs your clit in circles at the same time as he thrusts his cock into you at a relatively fast pace. He’s sped up, since you were keeping up with him. “Oh my god, it’s coming. I’m gonna fill you-” Before he could get another word in, a small squeal leaves your lips.
You were being knotted, truly knotted as his gunky cum gets embedded in your womb, your entrance covered in glistening alpha-slick as he marks you on your neck, biting down on a spot that’s only reserved for mates. Technically, any wolves that do the deed are considered mates, but this mark shows commitment, that you are bound to another wolf by more than just a physical tether. 
You knew he liked you more than just a quick fuck. Your omega bows to him, as you quickly get to work on licking his neck too, like the gentle omega you are, you mark his neck too, as softly and painlessly as possible. The golden-eyed alpha smiles at you before covering his retracting penis with his hands. You simply grin at him, too blinded by your affection for him to notice his shrinking penis.
“It’s a normal bodily function. I know how knotting works. Although, I don’t think I’m pregnant. I had a birth control implant placed a year ago in case anything went wrong and I was in danger. You know, small omega, big city.”
Instead of reacting how other alphas normally would, your crush just presses the most gentle, feathery kiss on your forehead. You feel your nipples harden again from the memory of his touch. He lets out a low, sexy chuckle before turning to grab his clothes from the ground.
“Sorry I couldn’t take you out to dinner first. As much as I like wining and dining my women, your heat backed me into a corner. I couldn’t ignore my wolf either, since you were a needy omega who could only be relieved by the help of an alpha.” You blush, as he throws you your clothes as well so you could get changed and finish working.
“Don’t be. Maybe this was supposed to happen one way or another. I mean, how long do you think I would’ve lasted if you continued teasing me so rudely?” Now it’s Namjoon’s turn to be confused. He has no recollection of such a memory, he never intended to tease you with any of his actions in the past.
“Pardon? I don’t understand.” You frown at his feigned innocence. He knew you had a crush on him, so he purposely did all those things.
“Oh, you know what you were doing. “Dropping your papers” so you could pick them up, showing off that nice ass to the entire world. Damn, were you trying to kill me?”
“And don’t get me started on all those times you raced by my desk so you could get a paperclip. The way you reached up to the top shelf was sinful. With muscles like those, you could do a lot more than carrying boxes, my dear,” He stopped trying to talk in between your rant since you were too busy thirsting over him as he kept his arms folded. “Fuck, I’m getting wet just thinking about how you would sometimes pat your thighs while you worked. It’s so fucking sexy for an alpha to be so built. You’re just a hunk, aren’t you? So hopelessly hot.” After your rant is over, Joon just folds his arms and asks,
“Are you done?” 
“All of those things you mentioned were because of my clumsiness. While you thought I was doing them on purpose, I did drop my papers, and break the paperclips at my desk so I had to get new ones, and the patting thighs thing is a nervous habit. I just don’t get how you made it all sexual in your mind.” You weren’t embarrassed, no. Omegas are sexual creatures, perhaps more sexual than alphas. When you’re horny, it’s a lot more than just getting turned on by a single alpha male. In addition to Joon, the running water from a tap can burst your bundle of nerves, the cameras can make you think about all of the dirty things you could do in front of it, and when you mark up scripts, you can’t help but imagine all kinds of dirty scenarios for the PG-rated scenes you shoot.
“I don’t know, I guess I was just omega-horny.”
“What’s that?” You shrug as he grabs your jacket and you lead him to the PC so you could pick final shots.
“You could guess from the name. Omegas are horny in general. Maybe not all, but I’m one of the ones that get turned on by anything and everything. You better not take advantage of it.” Namjoon smiles sweetly before stealing one last kiss from you.
“Don’t you mean I should take full advantage of it? Use you like my little knothole? Didn’t you say you liked being knotted?” You turn fully red as Namjoon scratches his head in confusion.
“What, did I say something wrong?”
“Nope, I’m just horny.”
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asherlockstudy · 3 years
Uncomfortable close-up to their Valentine Newlywed answers
Since Rhett was a tad reluctant to compliment Link sincerely I decided to use my psychoanalytical skills (anyway whatever) and seek the underlying honest answers they wanted to give. This could be a bit much at times and perhaps you shouldn't read if you are not a Rhink shipper, that's why I used a cut.
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"What he loves about me" Link's expression is a little confusing - maybe an attempt at doubt or self-deprecation but it looks to me more like the embarrassment of the blushing bride.
"I love your..."
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Who wants to bet that the first thing that came to Rhett's mind was ass but then he changed it to the first word that came to his mind after ass? A-ccent. Like, there's just no case accent was the first thing he thought because Link's accent isn't even that strong at this point. When Link got surprised at that, Rhett simply replied that he was trying to find something funny. But even so, like I said earlier, Rhett does love Link's accent. I am sure he is fond of it, he finds it adorable. And let's not forget he said "there was so much he could choose from"!
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Link looks disappointed that it's not his guess, his eyes. An interesting thing here is that although he used a personality trait for Rhett, he expected / hoped for this physical trait for himself. But don't feel sorry - Rhett has talked about his baby blues and has even gone to the ridiculous extents of planning to make a blog exclusively for Link's eyes. So don't worry; it is known that Rhett at least acknowledges the beauty of Link's eyes. At least. And Link was expecting this from a place of knowledge and not as an attempt to be silly-sappy.
Things Rhett thinks Link loves about him:
voice (Link will later say he loves his laugh and this is close, he's also enchanted every time Rhett sings so...)
height (Link once said he is attracted to "people of extreme heights")
hair (we know that)
beard (lie detector test)
giving spirit (lol totally)
creativity (they've talked about this many times)
eyebrows (if Link has said he likes Rhett's eyelashes then liking his eyebrows is certain)
Rhett was guessing from a place of knowledge too.
Rhett then said he loves stories of Link's grandma doing weird things with him and I don't like being the weirdo to spell out the weird thing but Rhett's interest in that is vaguely associated to his weird mind being always in the gutter. I don't mean it turns him on of course but he loves hearing weird stuff that border on creepy. You know it's true. Sometimes he's like that. Link took revenge for the accent joke with the psoriasis.
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Wow we saw some Rhett teeth. Link answered sincerely with a super cute "I love your laugh" but Rhett just said "I love the sound your mouth makes when you don't chew". Oh well. Link regretted being sincere and Rhett, after some good laughter, defended himself by saying "he (Link) walked himself into it". This makes exactly zero sense and I am wondering whether he meant Link walked himself into it by choosing the vulnerable / sincere way. Or if he just didn't know what he was talking about.
Rhett then asks for the next answer to be complimentary. He then repeats he has strong feelings about Link's accent. Again, I believe this! In a positive light. IDK, I do believe this. Link said he has strong positive feelings for Rhett's car which I found weird like Rhett because I thought it was established Link has the better car of the two. Who knows, maybe he lied about the positive thing. Unless he connects it in his mind with memories / experiences.
Link's guess a little later:
Link: If I wanted to, I could easily... start over.
Rhett: Start over?! Like, whole life?
L: ...Yeah, just like, get a re-do.
R: Huh.
L: And I would be like "Really? How?"
R: Mmkay. I said "If you wanted to, you could easily kill me".
Okay, this gets a little deeper. I think what initially Link meant was a joke about starting over regarding his relationship with Rhett. Rhett didn't get that and asked him if he meant his whole life. Link considered that "mmyeah..." and realised it wasn't that far off from what he meant, all jokes aside. Link does wish he could start over and redo many things in his life. This surely has A LOT to do with their religious upbringing. And maybe how it affected Link's choices. Stevie's laughter is so out of place sometimes. Rhett does not laugh and tries to rush this moment. Rhett's answer about Link killing him is not exactly weird or offensive or mean as I saw some people consider it. It shows, maybe subconsiously, several things; Link's intensity, Rhett's pliable nature especially to Link and it might be more indicative of how Rhett feels about Link than anything else, at least in this video.
And then, out of nowhere, or maybe so it seems to us, Rhett goes ballistic against everyone. He starts complaining about those complaining when they didn't give each other heartfelt compliments. Link joked he agrees with them. Rhett attempted to let this slip although it angered him. The crew laughed with Link's joke, meaning they kinda sided with him, and Rhett turned basically mad at Link.
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He accused Link that he did the same that day and Link entirely deflected the conversation. All I'm gonna say is that don't think they don't communicate with each other about how they approach certain situations. I wonder if at times they misunderstand each other or one changes opinion suddenly and leaves the other hanging. Link tries to stop Rhett from going on but Rhett is unstoppable at this point.
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You might say Rhett was straight out mean right there and I sure was like "whoa where did this all come from, man" but mean is not a reasonable explanation. He was angry and his words show he is in a pressured state. Unless you tend to have mood swings, which Rhett doesn't really have as far as I know, you don't go from all cutesy and mischievous to furious in milliseconds. Except if there is an underlying suppressed cause. And you may ask, okay does he feel pressured to say a compliment to Link? Is this such a big deal? Well, yes and no. I don't think Rhett meant "we're not gonna hold hands" or "compliment each other" when we ask it. I think we know what he means. I think he's talking about the - well, in his words - elephant in the room. The actually serious consideration that there is something more there. The expectation that it might get revealed at any point - whether intentionally or unintentionally. Rhett loses control at that moment, which is why Link, who knows him well, warns him to not go there but Rhett still does. And again, you might say: well, no fan asked them to kiss or to confirm anything! We asked them simple stuff that can be normal between platonic friends too. Yes, but there is something we don't take often into account. The mythical crew. The mythical crew are actually the ones who monitor closely what the fans believe, want and prefer to watch. This means that the crew has to inform and discuss with Rhett and Link how much they are gonna please the audience and in what ways. Which means that a crew of 50+ people have an elaborate opinion on what fans think of Rhett and Link's relationship (next to their own opinion of course) and this has to be communicated with them face to face. In short, Rhett and Link have their privacy invaded not only by the fans but by their employees and, moreover, they are forced to always have fun with it and take it lightly. Again, you could think: well, they could forbid any rhink reference to the crew from now on. And you would think this WOULDN'T make the crew MORE suspicious at this point? All I am saying, they are fine when they make rhink insinuations / jokes voluntarily but most of the time is forced upon them by both the fans and employees and this can be uncomfortable at best if they are just friends or tyrannical if there is something more there that they still keep for themselves. So, Rhett's frustration comes from a deeper place than being expected to give a compliment. If I were in their place as I imagine it (I could always be entirely wrong) I would feel like a muppet trying to balance all my reactions towards thousands of people, with several dozens of them being paid by me to scrutinize me and order me how exactly to act!
There is a cut following Rhett's vent and you can see that Rhett is trying to calm himself down.
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He speaks to himself, mumbling "yeah alright yeah ok ok" and by the expressions I can tell he acknowledges he lost control. That doesn't mean he regretted what he said - just that he said more than it benefits him to say and apparently he said a lot more in the unedited video. Kudos then to Link, who actively tries to calm his friend down and make him feel more comfortable.
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This might be unpleasant to some but from his stance I conclude that Link agrees with Rhett or at least understands him. He was just wise enough to not say it out loud. Link first warned Rhett to not speak and then stayed quiet as Rhett was venting. After the cut, we see him trying to help Rhett calm down and relax and he characteristically invites Rhett to focus his attention on him and find something he really loves about him. This is not a complaint - Link is smiling and is warm to Rhett. What he essentially does is trying to help Rhett forget he is being watched by thousands and his every word is weighted, which of course is Rhett's main problem. He just says "forget about them and focus on me and just say something you love, it's all good". I just love Link here. He's supportive and caring.
The next question is what Link loves when Rhett blanks his blank and Rhett is trying to picture it-
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I have no doubt Link loves that. The ear thumbing, I mean.
So, then I am adding the stills that redeemed Rhett in the fandom:
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But not to be that person, it's obvious that Rhett plays it up a ridiculous lot. And not even to appease the angry fans but probably to make fun of their anger. That's why Link laughs with his face and his answer "I love remembering the time we met".
This doesn't interest me at all. Instead, I am much more interested in Link's nonsensical answer "I love remembering the time we died" because what?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Link tends to say occasionally stuff that doesn't make sense but I don't think he would pass on the chance to say something even remotely meaningful in an opportunity like this and especially regarding his relationship with Rhett. Link clarifies: "...when we died. This is heaven". There are two possibilities and only two: a) this makes ZERO sense and it's the worst and most pointless joke ever and b) this is symbolic or something only Rhett could understand. Rhett does not dismiss this as stupid or silly with his usual done look. He asks questions about it and they discuss at length about how it happened that they died and why they went to heaven since it seems they killed each other. Well, it's because they killed each other in the exact same time with a prod-like tool and they escaped Good Ol' God's (in Link's words) notice. Okay. I'm just leaving this here and you can all draw your own conclusions. Personally, I am torn between a symbolical death and rebirth when they left their religious selves behind and death being used as a well known old metaphor of a certain physical state. It would work even more if it was both. Or Link was just talking nonsense. Let's not exclude that. So yeah. That's all I had to say................
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collecting-stories · 4 years
Home - c. 14 - Georgia
Summary: With your dad home the house feels a little too suffocating. 
A/N: Sorry this took so long to get out. 
Georgia Masterlist | The Walking Dead Masterlist
☼ ☼ ☼ ☼
You were home. You had driven home from Tara’s on Sunday, early so that you could go to pick up your dad. He was silent the whole way home and said little more when he got in the house, shutting himself in the garage. He didn’t come in again until your mom got home, annoyed from work and from your dad’s presence in the house. It took less time for them to get into it with each other than it did for dinner to be finished and you knew, as you snuck out your window, that your dad would be back on the bottle before the night was over.  
Leaving the jeep in the driveway, you headed down the street and cut through the catwalks, only half considering where you were walking. You hadn’t been home a day and already you felt like you were losing your mind. Maybe it was stress, all the minute components of life piling up on you, making you feel like you were seconds from probably losing your mind and the one thing that had been keeping you sane through all the other crap was suddenly gone, vacant from your life.  
You stopped at the familiar house, almost knocking on the side door but you noticed a light on in the camper and you went to it. The light flickered for a second as footsteps sounded, just a few to get to the door and it was opening, the spring creaking as you stood there off the step, Daryl standing in front of you.  
“Ya don’t give up, do ya?”
“Sorry, it’s just...a shitty night at my house. I just wanted to go somewhere I’d feel better, figured here was the best place.” You replied.  
Daryl stepped back, holding the door wide open for you to step up into the camper. It was small inside but cozier than you expected. You stood there for a moment, a little awkward, feeling like it was the first time you were around him again. And maybe that was because of what you’d said. You couldn’t erase telling him that you liked him, and you certainly couldn’t make him forget either.  
“Ya alright?” Daryl asked, handing you a bottle of water and sitting back down at the table. You sat on the bench across from him.  
“I picked my dad up this morning.” You replied, “he’s been in rehab.”  
“So ya came here?”  
“I didn’t want my mom to see I was gone so I walked.” You said, unscrewing the water bottle and taking a sip, it occurred to you only once the water hit your throat how thirsty you were. “I can’t go to Tara’s, she’s in Woodbury, and I can’t go to Maggie’s cause I’d have to tell her.”  
“Shouldn’t be too hard for her, the Reverend was a heavy hitter back in the day.” Daryl replied, continuing to eat his dinner, seemingly unfazed. He’d never show you if he was though.  
“Ya ain’t heard about it?”
You shook your head, Maggie had never said anything to you about her father having a drinking problem.  
“He quit the bottle when Maggie’s mom got sick. I remember, musta been nine years old at the time, my mama dragged me to church and he gave this long sermon about sinning and asking for god’s forgiveness. Load a bullshit if I ever heard it, but he changed himself around.” Daryl replied.  
“How’d you know the sermon was about him?” You asked, your mind swimming with information. You’d known Hershel all your life, at times when you were feeling lost he always felt like a second father to you.  
“Used to drink down at The Wharf with my dad. Told him I was gonna tell somebody about him once when I was real angry and he just said ‘you go tell Reverend Greene or the sheriff, I see ‘em every night’. My dad ain’t big on socialising and he only goes one place.” Daryl said, “it was a poorly kept secret but then he sobered up and everybody swept it under the rug for him.”  
“I had no idea.”  
“Didn’t mean ta ruin the Reverend for ya…just meant, he’ll be understanding, if nothing else.”  
“My mom would lose it if I told anyone that my dad’s an alcoholic. I mean, it’s just you and Tara that know, everyone else just thinks he works a lot or if they don’t think that they just don’t ask.” You admitted. You could practically imagine the hellfire your mom would bring down on you if you told everybody that your dad was a drunk.  
“What about yer mom?” Daryl asked, getting up from the table and going to wash his dishes.  
You watched him for a moment, thinking this was what you had been missing for those few weeks apart. This was the thing you craved the most from him. To just be able to sit and chat with him, listen to him talk, edging away at his reservations until he was talking to you about anything. You wanted to tell him you missed him, you missed this. That you loved him and that probably you always would but you kept your mouth shut, knowing that you had to take what you could get if you wanted anything at all with him.  
“What’d you mean?” You asked.  
“Til she died, my mom always stuck it out. Knew no one else was gonna deal with her. She was angry and she could mean when she wanted and she damn near hated my brother, ruined her life the way she saw it. So she knew nobody was gonna want that…she stuck it out til she died.” Daryl replied, “if your dad’s the problem, why doesn’t yer mom leave him?”
“I think it’s the other way around.” You admitted, “my dad drinks so he doesn’t have to be there with her but he doesn’t have to leave either.” Sometimes you thought he might be trying for a slow death, trying to drink himself out of the life he’d been saddled with.  
“Yer mom that bad?”  
“She can be.” You replied, “what about your dad, I don’t really see him that much, only the one time he thought I was a prostitute.”  
Daryl scoffed, that nearly invisible smile appearing, “we don’t bother each other too much anymore. I pay most a the bills and he leaves me alone.”  
“You should be the one in the house then,” you teased, smiling when he scrunched his nose and shook his head.  
“Nah, I’d have ta redo that whole thing top ta bottom ta wanna spend any time living it in.” Daryl replied, “ain’t the best memories.”  
“Don’t be, ya didn’t know.” He came back over to the table, sitting down opposite from you and leaning back against the vinyl seating. “Ya want me ta drive ya somewhere?”  
“Can’t stay here?”  
He sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Ain’t that I don’t want ya too…” he trailed off, “I don’t want ya doing something yer bound ta regret cause ya think ya feel a certain way.”  
“Why do you think I don’t?” You closed your eyes for a moment to calm yourself down before looking at Daryl, this was not going to be like the last two conversations. “I came here because we’re friends and I needed a friend. If you just want to be friends then, I can respect that. But please, I don’t want to totally lose you because of something I said.”  
Daryl nodded his head like maybe he was considering what you had said after all. “Fine, I ain’t gonna entertain ya though, I got things ta do.”  
“Like what?” You asked, glancing around the camper. It was clean and the space was small, hardly looked like he could do much.  
“I was headed down to the laundromat ‘fore ya came here. I got a bag a clothes ta wash in my truck.”  
“Good, I’ll come with you.” You replied, standing up, all ready to go.
“I didn’t miss ya pestering me ya know, least I got a break from it.” He joked and you smiled, if he was joking about it then it didn’t bother him as much as he said it did. It wasn’t a far reach for you then, to assume that maybe he did really like you and he was only saying different because he was afraid of being with you.  
“Yeah but I bet I’m way prettier than Rick,” you teased, following him out the door of the camper.  
“Don’t know, he’s got his moments.”  
“I’ve never been in the laundromat before,” you commented, holding the door for Daryl as he carried a hamper bag of clothing in. The laundromat was small, a little store front nestled in beside a law office and a psychic. You had suggested getting a reading, despite the late hour, and Daryl had scoffed at you. “Like, I always drive by but I’ve never been in.”
There were three vending machines besides the one that dispensed detergent. Coffee, snacks, and soda. You tried the coffee while Daryl threw his clothes in the wash. “It ain’t much.” Daryl replied.  
“That’s what you always say.” You joked, setting your coffee down on the counter and sitting up on it beside the pile of dark clothes that Daryl was sorting through to throw in the wash.  
Being here with Daryl was nice. It felt a lot like before you told him that you had feelings for him though you couldn’t deny the elephant in the room, knowing that Daryl knew you liked him, that you were in love with him, and that you knew he didn’t want to feel the same way.  
“Will you still teach me car stuff?” You asked, handing Daryl your coffee to taste.  
He took a sip, “ya always put that much cream in yer coffee?”
“To be fair, it’s powdered.” You replied. “I filled my own washer fluid the other day.”  
“And yer car didn’t blow up?” He teased.
“No.” You huffed, kicking him with your foot. “So, will you?”
“Yeah.” He replied. He wouldn’t ever admit it but seeing you at his door had felt like a weight lifting off of his chest. Not seeing you or knowing that you were okay had driven him a little crazy. Daryl had considered going to see you at the diner and talking to you but he chickened out every time, convincing himself that you were better off distancing yourself from him. But maybe he had been wrong. Or maybe he just wasn’t better off being away from you.  
taglist: @gigilame @enrapturedbythemoon @thanossexual @yespleasejayhalstead @cbarter @onemorebeautifulnightmare @mainokutan  @twdeadfanfic @legit-emily @hopesxxhigh @coffeebooksandfandom @jodiereedus22 @tehfabbooty @thecaptainsgingersnap @of-storms-and-sadness @twdeadfanfic @mainokutan @sabertooth-potato @solllaris @bucky-barnes-babies @ly--canthrope @daryldixonandfrogs @jaycc7983 @easnuppa @imaginecrushes @tonystarkismyboy @watchmeaspire @harpersmariano @guccicloudz @sapphire-angel @buzzybhee @alexbealee @elodieyung @its-evita-here 
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cruzrogue · 2 years
PrepPy GoThic LoVe
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A redo. Cleaning up the story in A03.
Chapter 4 FrusTrations & TheRapy
Forgoing knocking on the door. Felicity anticipates that the therapist must know she is here. An appointment she is forced to attend. As a minor who lied her way through the pregnancy. The authorities weren’t so cool about it. Never mind how Donna Smoak had a few things to say. Disappointment is just the theme of her life.
“I am here.” Felicity says with some melancholy undertones to the therapist.
The room big enough not to be claustrophobic. Felicity is somewhat tired of these little get togethers. She could be tending to classwork or looking into adoptions clauses or even spending time with Kyle.
Her thoughts are all over the place. From trying to tell herself that Kyle isn’t hers anymore because it easier to manage that pain. Even though she knows her heart will always be his as he will always be the precious bundle made from a passionate fling.
In this moment, the finality of another family raising her son is almost here. Doing her diligence to see what everyone’s rights are in the state of Massachusetts has become a hobby. She seems to know a lot which seems to infuriate nameless paper pushers trying to make their jobs easier. That isn’t happening. She doesn’t care if they have underestimated the feisty girl she is.
Finally, the therapist decides to acknowledge her existence.
“This is all for your benefit Ms. Smoak.”
Wanting to get to the point. Sometimes this woman talks to her in a circular fashion. It is frustrating. Felicity just wants to get this whole ordeal over with.
“What do you want from me?”
“This session is about you. Its Therapy for you.”
“I don’t want to be here.”
“It is a requirement. Seeing that you lied to your own mother. The state wants to make sure you are fit. Besides if you want to visit Kyle in NCIU after our session, even though the adoption isn’t finalized.”
“You’re reporting to my mother also, aren’t you?” The woman says nothing. “Yea, that is what I thought. You and my mom eagerly know what is best for me. Typical.”
“I can sense why you’re angry. This must be…”
“Does every adult need to tell me how I feel?”
“How do you feel?”
“Like shit.”
“Would you like to elaborate?”
“I’m giving my baby up. I feel worthless. I feel like a fraud.”
“How have you been coping?”
“Being Goth is the best thing so far most people keep their distance from me.”
“Is that what you want? To be isolated?”
“There was this guy that made me smile when I just wanted to be left alone that was that day of my birthday session.”
“You were quite triggered that day. Barely said a word and when you did it was colorful.”
Felicity shrugs knowing how many swear words this lady heard probably filling one of her notepads fully.
“He was persistent and just wanted to chat.”
“I know strange. Though in his defense I think he needed someone to talk too like I did.”
“Did you talk to him about Kyle?”
“God no. We talked about anything else. He made me feel normal.”
“I see.”
“Yea I bet you do.”
“Excuse me?”
“I didn’t talk about Kyle because I have no right to.” Using her finger on her other hand and starts to tick off in quickly steady stream of points to get across. “I am giving him away.” “I didn’t know I was pregnant.” “He’s fighting to stay alive.” her index finger still pointing to her other hand.
“I am a terrible person…”
“Fe-li-ci-ty” The therapist tries again.
“You’re only human.”
“I’m terrible at that.”
“No, you are not. You’re here and you’re hurting that means you have empathy for your son. You love him enough to give him a better life.”
Hearing what the woman says but deflecting as Felicity can’t let herself feel anything but shame.
“It’s becoming a distant memory… his dad’s laugh.” as she remembers one feature that sometimes becomes rather a distant memory to hold for any lengthy amount of time.
“Do you remember more about him?”
“No. Just things that stick out. His smile, his eyes. Even his nose. I think Kyle has his nose.”
“What else does Kyle have?”
“Kyle could look like his dad. He is just so small. Like his skin is so very translucent. I’m afraid I’m doing the wrong thing.”
“You still can call off…”
“No. No. He deserves better. I still have two years to finish off and get my masters. Let’s say I’ll stop with school. I’ll have to find a minimum wage job. Yes, I have my mom who says she’ll help me.”
“Indeed, you thought about it?”
“Of course! It is my baby. Though I’ll be eighteen in a year. Then what? I’ll be able to get a job without my mom’s permission. Whoopie!”
“True, being underage is a con. What else?”
“My education won’t mean anything if I don’t get a degree. That is time and money wasted. Not to forget going to class doesn’t bring food, shelter, baby supplies, and everything else we’ll need.”
“True again, poverty is most likely the avenue you’ll face.”
“How can I do that to him?”
“I’m more interested about what it is doing to you. How will you cope when the adoption is finalized? Now if you keep your son. How will you mentally cope? Before we even talk about managing with the financial burden and anything else that falls into that mix.”
“I’d be a mess. I don’t have to be a genius to know that.”
“I suppose so. Though how would you handle day to day affairs?”
“What do you mean?”
“Your son will cry? He will have needs in all different time frames. He is a preemie and I have seen his health report with your consent, and he is doing mighty well but there could be long term health problems. How would you deal with that?”
“I have no clue. Another reason I am unfit. I don’t have insurance once I graduate so if I quit school, I’d need assistance. Just too many things against me.”
“Felicity, I am here for you to talk. This is what these sessions are about. How does it feel to finally say your feelings out loud?”
“That I should listen to my gut.”
“Okay, what does it say?”
“The Jacobs are Kyle’s parents. They have been with him shortly since he was born. I have been a visitor.”
“Is that what you truly feel?” after a short pause, “Or is that what you’ve conditioned yourself to say?”
“I really don’t know. One moment I’m okay.” Felicity shoulders sag, “Next moment I’m crying.”
They keep talking. When her time is up Felicity walks down the halls slowly until she reaches the unit.
Feeling the atmospheric change. She doesn’t enter yet needing to mentally prepare herself. Finding a seat nearby. A door opens and she pays no mind until a voice brings her out of her stupor. “Felicity? Felicity Smoak? Is that you?”
Looking up she sees that it is her gynecologist.
“Hi Dr. Liu.”
“Is everything alright?”
“Just here to see Kyle.”
“I heard he is doing very well they say most likely with the overall vast improvement he will be going home in less than a month.”
“This is actually the month he was due to be born.”
“Oh yes I remember. Why are you not in there with that little sport?”
Felicity gives the doctor a tight smile and rises, “You are right I need to see him. Were you in a delivery?”
“Oh yes, another beautiful child has entered the world.” With a soft smile, “Well, have a pleasant evening.”
“You to.” Felicity finally puts herself together and walks into the nurses’ unit to sign in.
She immediately notices Kyle is fraction bigger than just a few days ago. Going to the antibacterial piece and prepares herself to be as clean as humanly possible. Going through the routine as a nurse makes sure she is tidy with the medical garb she has over her clothes and is guided to an enclosed unit.
It isn’t lost on her the expel of air from her lungs. The vision of her son. It’s a mix of glorious beauty and terrifying experience. Stroking his sensitive skin and how his body responds gets a tear to escape her eye and freely begins to descend her face. Not wanting to let go. If she cleans the tear away, she must go through the whole antibacterial process. Sensing her dilemma, the nurse has a tissue and helps Felicity out.
Sometimes she forgets that there are people who care. Felicity is thankful. The nurse thinks nothing of it. There is a shared understanding.
Felicity breaks the silence even though the machines in the room are strident and substantial in size that it makes the little patients in the room appear smaller.
“He is growing.”
“Yes. He is breathing on his own. Carol has been nonstop with him.”
“She’s going to be a good mom.”
The nurse just nods sadly. She can see Felicity loves her baby and its tragic.
“It takes courage to do what you are doing.”
“I don’t feel it. I feel like a loser.” Felicity is lightly brushing his face as her other hand is feeling his grip around her finger.
“I was adopted and like you my mom was a teen. I met my birth mother when I was twenty-three.”
“How did it go?”
“I found out I was like her it was so uncanny. I understood why she gave me up. I was lucky that my mom loved me enough to let go. I had good parents.”
“But did you ever…” Felicity started to ask than stopped.
“All the time. If you’re asking if I wondered why? It was all the time. I suppose all adopted children go through that, but you need to realize I am the best version of me because my mom did the most selfless act.” The woman holds wavering look, “She gave me a home full of possibilities I see that now.”
“Thank you.”
They spent the remainder of the time in a quiet hush as Kyle demands a few things that they replied to.
Oliver flips on his bed as he tries to get comfortable. He may have had to many drinks as he’s starting to lose himself again.
His plan to just go to the gym cancelled after a phone call with his mother. She is so fixed on his love life. Even he isn’t pursuing anyone. His father is no help just shrugging at his wife’s antics.
He can’t believe he really was set up. That makes him weary about going back to Starling any time soon. Maybe he’ll try to get Tommy to go away for the Holiday season. Now he must get some sleep. There are finals to attend.
The fall semester starts back up basically two weeks. At least Tommy will be back tomorrow. That is one comfort Oliver has.
He has the route of going back to his comfort zone in which leads to his old ways. Reckless abandonment. The lifestyle he has known for years. He could go find some babe to help release some stress.
The problem is. He likes the new side he’s found. Oliver isn’t ready to give up on his principles. Which directly feeds into hopelessness.
He spends almost an hour tossing and unfortunately for him his usual thoughts on the Goth girl it is really giving him a hard time. Picturing her with another guy.
Frustrated groan. He can’t let her go. It’s been months. Yet here he is thinking of those amazing blue eyes. Her voice. Oh man that tone of hers as she’d utter some random fact. Probably unknowing to her how much she expresses herself with her hands. Getting goosebumps as he tries to relive those perfect moments in a frat bedroom.
As one long finger goes down his ribcage as she’s casually talking about digestion. Oliver gets off the bed and walks to retrieve a biology book from a few semesters ago. Pulling up on chapter twelve in the book on the digestive system. How could she have made the leap into nutrition and get him harder that night? He may never know.
Her lips did a lot of talking but when she made him a meal after some lecture on biology. He was done for. As drunk as he was his mind catalogued every word that left her lips after that.
Oliver shutting the book. He has got to get a grip. Maybe he does actually need a physical workout. Grabbing a pair of running shorts and a tank top he plans on going for a run.
He makes it to the ultra-busy pass and stops at a red light scanning a bus in front of him. It can’t be real. He sees the girl that has been evading his world. His queen haunting his mind for almost a year.
Running towards her but the light turns green for the bus. With a push of stamina, he is running after the bus. Crossing the street to begin his run upon Harvard Bridge. Trying his best to keep up. After the bus keeps getting every green light causing Oliver to stop a few times or chance his luck not to be roadkill.
He stops to catch his breath when he finds the bus on its routine stop. Goth girl isn’t on the bus, and he starts to wonder if she even was really there to begin with.
Felicity enters her dorm building and begins her ascent to her floor. Tonight, the bus smelled of cheese she couldn’t wait to get home. This fall she’s getting a new roommate as Anabelle is moving in with her boyfriend off campus. Checking her messages, she has received a few from her mother and two from Cooper.
She presses play on the audio retrieval as she begins to untie her boots.
“Hey gorgeous was wondering if you want to meet up tomorrow and go over some study notes.”
Listening to the second message which is also from Cooper.
“Hey, thinking after we get a bite to eat. My treat of course. Call or text okay bye.”
Texting him back.
‘How’s 9 if U do breakfast, I’m game. Have to work in the lab at 11:30’
Shortly after she receives his text with a smilie face and a thumbs up.
Now dreading the three messages from her mom. Two are exactly the same telling her to call her mother back. Listening to the third.
“Felicity, please my beautiful baby girl. I miss your voice. Call me or expect a surprise visit.”
Felicity sucks in a breath. Dealing with her mother is a catch 22. There is guilt. There are expectations. There is a boy who Donna Smoak really wants to call grandson. Reluctantly agreeing with Felicity that the baby deserves everything. If money wasn’t so tight. Felicity knows her mother would fight to raise the child. Donna Smoak spends immense hours at work. There would be no way she could handle an infant alone.
It doesn’t take long to hear her mother’s chipper voice, “Honey.”
“Hi mom.”
“How have you been sweetie?”
“Okay and you?”
“You know me. I’m always up to something.”
“Mom you aren’t really thinking about coming here?”
“I miss you and I know you have so much on your plate.”
“Next week I’m signing those papers.”
“No, mom. I know it may sound selfish from your point of view.”
“I never said you were selfish. I just think…”
“Mom, my mind is made up.” Felicity says that with conviction even if she doesn’t feel that way at all.
“You're so young baby. I just want what is best for you.”
“I know. I also know I’m young and your right I could be making the biggest mistake in my life, but this isn’t about me. He deserves better mom. Better than me.”
“There is nothing better than you.”
“Mom! I have nothing to offer him. Love is not enough. The Jacobs have his best interest at heart.”
“You really are going to go through with it?”
“I’m sorry.”
“Oh honey. I’m not as disappointed as you think. You are a brave woman. You’re placing your child’s welfare before your own. If the Jacobs weren’t in the picture…”
“I’d do what I could for him.”
“No.” Donna pauses before adding with some gumption, “We would. I’ll always be there baby.”
Felicity’s voice getting more expressive, “Thanks mom. I guess it is always nice to know that.”
That phone call took a lot out of Felicity. Sitting down before checking what she needs to accomplish for any upcoming classes she remembers the breathing technique. Getting herself back in a calming state.
Next week she’ll sign the final papers. A new life to live. As long as the Jacobs are in a happy loving relationship she needs to move on.
That is the reason for all this. To give Kyle a better life it has her reading every bit of this bidding agreement. Asking millions of questions even finding herself looking up law personnel if she’ll need it. Nothing like reading up on laws that emphasis on her own dilemma.
This decision was not easy, but it is justified if her son will benefit, and she stresses the word ‘benefit’. She isn’t a genius for nothing she has stressed out the lawyers on both sides no caring as long as her son is taken cared. For nothing else matters.
Maybe if depression didn’t cloud her mind. Maybe if she could use her smarts to figure something out. There could be another way. That is what is happening within her inner monologue.
Unfortunately, from the moment of meeting her baby. Seeing how fragile he is. Knowing no matter how irrational it is. Blaming herself in part for his ailment. She can’t be careless with a sickly newborn. There is a couple who can truly help him.
If… that is a big if.
If the Jacobs weren’t a valid option. Felicity knows she’d step up. There would be no way she could blindly give him away. The reason for Felicity to let go of this beautiful mix of her and a guy she still pines for is knowing Kyle will be cared for by a sweet couple that would make him their focal point.
Preppy Gothic Love redo... (will be posting over) chapter 4 in A03.
Once the whole story is rewritten.
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