#i think my bf has moved on but i can't shut up about them
diam-etrical · 1 year
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Reunited under the sun.
or where Amicia and Lucas meet again after seven years.
plotting a fic as we speak
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junosmindpalace · 5 months
🎧 you’re proud to be my man, and i won’t let you go!
synopsis: they just can't see what a particular fangirl of theirs is trying to do...with the msby 4!
content: litte bits of insecure reader and little bit of clueless msby. but fears are put to rest. fluffy. casual intimacy. they are Smitten & loyal bfs
total wc: 4k
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BOKUTO: Kotaro has always been good at handling difficult people. It just wasn’t in his nature to think the worst of them, and he handles even intentional malice by interpreting it as genuine questions or comments that needed a response to. And so he’d reflect and answer honestly how he felt, and that was often times enough to shut those kinds of people down. 
Even the seemingly most malicious kinds of people Bokuto eagerly approached in a friendly manner and treated as a close friend. That, of course, included his fans. 
He's always been one to enjoy basking in the limelight, being praised for his strengths and acknowledged for his easy going attitude. It was a great bolster to his self-esteem; he loved the people, and boy did they love him. 
It’s because of Kotaro’s easy going attitude that made forming a relationship with him very easy. 
Boundaries can become more easily crossed, but Kotaro doesn’t have very many, which only encourages fans to attempt to see just how far they can tread over the line before they’re pushed back on the other side of it. 
Of course, there was nothing wrong with fan interactions, especially on your end; your heart swelled when you saw the ways his fans supported him and how much joy your boyfriend took in connecting with them. Their support meant just as much as his love for the sport he plays.
But there’s one fan you just can’t help but get a bad feeling from.
It’s more instinctive than anything, but the fact that you’re a little too familiar with her doesn’t sit right with you. She's somehow managed to catch Bokuto at all his events, and talk with him outside of matches before he's due to depart from the arena. She's always eager to catch him, even at the very last second, but since it’s Bokuto, he has no qualms, and happily stays to chat for a couple of minutes before the coach insists the team needs to get a move on. 
And then she’d start to slowly up the physical touch, from brushing her hand against his skin while reaching for something for him to sign, to fully grasping his arm as she laughs at something he said. 
You knew he wouldn’t believe you at first when you brought up your concerns. 
“Really? I mean, I don't blame her for coming back for more; I'm awesome! But she’s only a fan!”
This one particular person you had a bad feeling about was not exempted from your boyfriend's goodwill, despite over time becoming more obvious with her intentions. Eventually, she began treating him like an old friend with some underlying feelings. 
“I don't think she has bad intentions.” he’d answer honestly in response to your concern. Of course, Bokuto doesn’t want to believe that this nice fan of his has an underlying agenda with her eager conversations, but he can at least see that the situation has been stressing you out with each reluctant drop of the subject, lip jutted out as if not fully soothed by his reassurance. 
She’s there in the crowd again, and you know that after the game, no matter the outcome, she’ll go looking for your boyfriend as he sticks around for a couple of interviews to conclude the day, and you dread it. The game goes smoothly, with Kotaro in perfect form, something you know he wasn’t able to achieve very often back in his high school days, and you can’t help but marvel sometimes at the amount of progress he’s made.
When the Jackals eventually file out of the gym after their triumphant win, you make a beeline for each other. He quickly runs to meet you halfway in one of the halls, caught up in his adrenaline high from the game as he wraps his arms around your waist and spins you off the ground. He’s sweaty, and how he still has energy is beyond you, but you don’t care and immediately reciprocate the affection, wrapping your arms around his neck. 
“Did you see me? Did you see how amazing I was out there?” he badgers excitedly as he puts you down, and you nod with a grin. 
“You did so good, Ko! That spike in the final set was—“ 
“Kotaro! You were incredible!”
Your grip on his forearms immediately tighten, and the two of you both look over your shoulder to see her jogging up to the two of you with a breathless laugh. 
“As always, of course. I knew you’d be able to power through their defense!” 
“Well, not always.” Bokuto let’s out a little laugh and peeks from the corner of his eye at your tense smile. She seems to take notice as well, and hers only widens. 
“Give yourself more credit,” she scoffs playfully. “I noticed even in this game that you—“ 
“I appreciate the kind words, but I can’t stay to chat.” he smiles at her, wide and genuine, and you look down in surprise when you feel his arm wrap around you, his hand squeezing your shoulder as he brings you to his side. 
“My partner here is treating me to a celebratory meal!” 
The two of you both blink in surprise at his words. Typically no matter how crowded his schedule, he always spares a couple of minutes to chat. 
“Oh, well… I suggest this one sushi place nearby. I can pull up the location!”
“That's alright! Y/N already promised to take me to one of my favorite places. It was nice seeing you again!”
And with that, he takes your hand and drags you off with a bounce in his step and a smile still plastered on his face.
There isn’t a single indication that any of his words were fake or had a malicious undertone meant to humiliate her. Only that he was vocal in that he prioritized you over her. 
You gave him a teasing smile. “So, when did I say I'd be treating you?” 
“You mean you won’t?!” he whips his head toward you with a heartbroken expression, as if having fully expected that you’d reward him for his incredible performance. 
“No, no, of course I will. Anything you want.” you grinned, bumping his shoulder as his grip on your hand tightened and his smile widened, and he continued to boast about how great his plays were. 
He later posts a message of thanks to his fans for all the support he received for the match on his socials with a photo of the two of you enjoying your meals. You can now be confident that no other fan will be testing their luck with his boundaries any time soon.
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MIYA: Atsumu is solely focused on himself. On his plays. On sharpening his skill. On having his fun.
And, of course, on you. 
Atsumu, as much as it has been stereotyped for him, is not one to look for validation in his fans. Whether they’re a fangirl or an old man in the stands who's watched the game all his life, he does not care for their criticisms nor their compliments. The only people he at all considers feedback from is his coach, his brother, and you. That doesn’t mean he’s immune to what they say about each one of his plays, however. He gets down when the commentators call out a bad play, and pumped when the stadium roars with cheers for him. 
But because of this sort of suave personality of his, people fit him into the mould of a playboy. And because he has such high expectations of the people around him, people have assumed that he had high expectations of his romantic partners as well.
Someone rich, someone famous, someone absolutely drop dead gorgeous. That was who the majority of Atsumu's fans assume is his criteria for a partner. And so, when he’s spotted out with a celebrity he’s been working closely with for a modeling partnership, one that happens to exceed all of those expectations, it’s no surprise that dating rumors regarding the two of them being in secret kahoots start to circulate among not only their individual fanbases, but the sports community as well. 
Multiple comments claiming the encounters to be a “soft launch” made your eye twitch as you encountered them under related posts. You couldn’t help but sometimes find yourself laughing at those who insist that it’s obvious they’re in love with one another. 
Perhaps the celebrity he’s been hanging with was in love with him, as she hasn’t been the least bit shameless in expressing her admiration and adoration for your boyfriend, but Atsumu had not the slightest bit of romantic interest for her. You knew through his exasperated rants about her being difficult and obnoxious. But, of course, nobody else knew. 
Still, he works with her for quite a bit of time. And though you know Atsumu isn’t the type to be disloyal, certainly not toward you, you can’t help but let the rumors get to your head sometimes, and in turn an insecurity manifests in the form of an ache in your chest or a lump in your throat. It doesn't help the fact that this celebrity is constantly posting her time with him online, and “playfully” validating comments that ship the two of them together. 
He tells you to get off of social media when you get down about the situation. It just isn’t worth the mental torture; and besides, their relationship is strictly professional. It's the only reason why she’s so friendly. For a man who loves to bask in whatever praise he’s given, he sure seems oblivious to the very obvious clues she’s been dropping him. He has to believe it’s strictly the guise of accomplishing successful business. 
Still, it’s not like you make a conscious decision to go against his words and subject yourself to further irritation and insecurity. You couldn’t help yourself; you knew very well that, compared to her, you were a nobody. You couldn’t compete with everything she had. 
You slowly started to agree with the comments who argued that they should get together; they do look pretty good together, they are extremely compatible. And above all else, she could probably support him way better than you ever could. You swear to yourself you don’t feel jealous, bitter, petty--not in the slightest.
But the sour expression Atsumu comments on one evening while the two of you lounge on your couch as you yet again scroll through comments claiming your boyfriend would suit someone not like you has you reflecting otherwise. 
“What’s with the look? Reading the news?”
“Mm.” Is your vague reply, eyes not peeling away from the screen in front of you. Atsumu’s curiosity grows, and he raises an eyebrow. 
“What’s it say?” 
A moment of silence between the two of you as you continue scrolling. When you finally process the question and silence, you inhale sharply and finally look up at him, closing your phone and setting it on the coffee table beside you. “No, it’s nothing. Just something online.” 
“Ugh. Don’t tell me you’ve been scrolling through those comments again.”
You shoot him a glare at his insensitivity, but also at how quickly he was to figure it out. The sour look on your face has become synonymous with that topic that Atsumu could easily recognize as the source of your frustration.
“Fine. I won’t tell you.”
He groans as he collapses on top of you, closing his eyes and nuzzling into the crook of your neck. You grunt in pain at the sudden weight, and still annoyed from his previous comment, you try to pry his face away, which only makes Atsumu stubbornly latch even harder onto you. “Atsumu!”
“I told you, those people have no idea what they’re talking about. She’s insufferable.”
“I know.”
It’s a statement, but the sad tone in which you say it makes Atsumu’s heart sink. He opens his eyes and tilts his head to look up at you, chin digging into the side of your arm. “You’re way prettier.”
You roll your eyes. “Thanks.” 
“And your place is nicer. And your food is tastier. And your humor is better than hers.” 
You couldn’t help but laugh as you feel your heart lighten a little at his attempts at picking you up, and Atsumu feels his own growing lighter, too. “Don’t tell Osamu about the food thing.”
“Oh, no, his is still better than yours.”
“Of course it is.” You reply back as if it were hardly a matter that needed to be debated. 
Atsumu was good at this; making you smile, making you laugh, making you feel loved and wanted. It didn’t take long for him to stomp on the insecurities that managed to manifest in your heart in order to lessen their load on you. He wouldn’t stand for his partner to feel inadequate compared to someone else, especially since Atsumu chose you. You and your wit, your kindness, your passion, your talent, your everything. 
He stays over that night as he often does, and he knows he really shouldn’t do this, but the people he cares about came before anything else. And what’s the worst it could do, really?, responding to a couple of comments?
Needless to say that Atsumu’s replies talking you up about how great you are under his shippers’ comments make headlines on news articles the next day--and show the world just who his heart truly belongs to regardless of who you were. 
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HINATA: Much about him is different, upgraded. His technical skill has immensely bolstered since his high school days. He's able to pull off more in games; impressive feats achieved by his lightning quick reflexes and speed, once aiding him in his high school signature quick now aiding him in setting and receiving, sharpened by his intense training in the South. Even his physique is different; still shorter than most players you’d encounter in the realm of volleyball, but he’s grown a few inches and packed muscle all around. If that wasn’t enough proof of his hard work, his tan surely gave away just how much he dedicated himself to the sport with all the time he spent out in the sun training. 
All of these things, along with his impressive performance on the court, have made Shoyo Hinata quite popular, and not simply for what people used to cheer him on for; being the underdog, or one half of a fearsome duo. His journey as a player aided him in his career, and all on his own has he established himself as an indomitable force. 
People admire him for that. You admire him for that. You couldn’t blame the people who were so amazed and star stricken by him; how could you when you were as well?
But sometimes it went overboard, and sometimes it seemed like you were the only person who took notice. Sometimes this one sided observation was accidental; he’s too absorbed in his game; in the blood rushing to his ears, in the thrill of a good game-- that he just doesn’t notice. Sometimes you purposely keep the observation one-sided; these kinds of fans are inevitable, and the rational part of you knows they won’t compromise your relationship by any means. 
There's one enthusiastic interviewer that’s a fan of Shoyo’s, and that he’s very friendly with; as he is with all of them. But this one in particular has managed to latch onto him because of it. You see her and her crew at every one of his games, big or small, and always openly expresses her very immense love for the sport; and for him. 
Of course, Shoyo only understands “volleyball”, and you know that he’s always been giddy over being shown on the front covers or interviewed online, and so he’s always eager to accept a conversation with her, especially since she’s so friendly and knowledgeable.
iIt’s late in yours and Shoyo’s apartment when they run the interviews and live games from a big game earlier that season. As they start to discuss the Black Jackals, you call for him over your shoulder in the kitchen, where he’s preparing dinner.
“Sho, hurry, it’s starting!” 
You can hear the increased urgency in his movements, but they die out as you watch one of his interviews from a very familiar news channel come onto screen. Your boyfriend, from hours earlier, stares happily at the interviewer behind the lens.
“Your skill and strength was absolutely incredible in this game- as it always is. You were also very impressive in high school, you must’ve been really popular—especially with the girls.”
You felt your smile drop slightly, not even hearing the curses coming out of Shoyo’s mouth as he fumbled around in the kitchen. 
The Shoyo on screen chuckled and rubbed his neck. “Oh, no, not really. Many didn’t even believe I was a starter!” 
“Oh, that’s me!” Present Shoyo struggling with your food calls out excitedly from behind the kitchen wall. 
“I know!” you laugh over your shoulder, and you recognize the interviewer’s also intermingling with yours, which only makes your irritation grow. 
“You’re so impressive though, especially now! I'm sure there isn’t a single person out there who wouldn’t want to be with you.” 
You could feel a vein in your head pop and your eye twitch, but you were caught off guard by on- screen-Shoyo’s next words.
“Well, I wouldn’t really know; I have an amazing partner who I'm always looking at, so if there were, I wouldn't have noticed!” he laughed, and it’s so sincere that your heart flutters at the honesty behind it.
“Ohh, that’s so sweet.” you hear the interviewer speak again, and you laugh at the significantly less cheer in her voice. “They must all envy—?“
“Y/N!” he interrupts to introduce you with a cheerful nod. “Yeah, I'm not sure. I know I used to envy their admirers.” he reflects with a short laugh. “But they’re truly my biggest supporter, and always put up with my schedules and drills. There’s one drill in particular actually—“ 
He goes back to droning on about the subject at hand, about his volleyball training and how it impacted his performance in the game, but by the time Shoyo from behind the kitchen wall finally arrives into the living room, the main spokesperson has moved on to discussing other players and matches. 
“Aw, did I miss it?” Shoyo cries disappointedly as he speeds into the room, sliding your plate down on the coffee table in front of you and taking a seat beside you on the couch with his own. 
You grin at him, mind still on his words from before and you nudged him. “Took you long enough.”
“You could’ve helped.” he grumbles and you kiss his cheek sympathetically with a small sorry, and from the way he brightens and his cheeks tint pink, you can tell you’re immediately forgiven. 
And as he gushes in awe of the other players’ highlights and interviews, a small part of you can’t help but think back on his words and feel a little smug with yourself when you also remember the interviewer’s awkward disposition after he had brought you up. You can’t help but be comforted to know that the innocent mention of you was not only a reminder to her, but to those like her, that his heart was fully committed to you and only you.  
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SAKUSA: If there was one aspect of Sakusa’s career he particularly disliked, it was the fans. 
It was evident that he couldn’t care less about the fame he had or the things people were willing to do for him or had to say about him (unless they were directly interfering with his life), and you couldn’t help but feel some sort of relief to know Kiyoomi would not spare a single glance at some of his more fiercely devoted fans.
Yet of course, your problem had to lie outside of that realm.
Your problem was not an avid fan, who had the circumstances of a parasocial relationship to comfort you, but a colleague of Kiyoomi’s whom the Jackals worked pretty closely with; and happened to be quite a fan of your boyfriends.
You felt bad getting worked up over something so petty, but her persistence in trying to extend her relationship with Sakusa into something friendlier couldn’t help but sound off alarm bells in your head. You already knew that your boyfriend had a million other nuisances to deal with, and you had no intention of adding onto that list with your selfishness and unjustified uneasiness, especially when you knew your boyfriend had strict boundaries he wouldn’t compromise for anyone. 
Well, almost anyone. 
She was shamelessly unprofessional at times, attempting to emulate your affectionate behavior towards him in hopes that she’ll receive the same sort of submissive response that only you could get out of him. 
Your boyfriend, for the sake of keeping good business, tolerated the over-friendliness, and saw it as nothing more than an attempt at trying to seem more casual and easy going in a business setting. 
You’ve attempted to subtly bring up your discomfort at times when she got too out of hand for your liking, typically when the two of you were in the car or lounging around at home. You’d ask his thoughts about her behavior or her personality, to which he respond with something that amounted to the conclusion that: “she’s just doing her job.” 
She’s tagged along on one of the away games that you so happen to also be coming along on. She's been quite enthusiastic on sharing her research on the area they’re staying in to him, and she doesn’t spare a single detail as he prepares to head out for the day. 
“--and apparently the food in this area is extremely good. Everyone says that you can’t visit without trying it. There’s this restaurant in particular not too far from the training center! I’m sure I can get the two of us reservations before we--” 
“Why would we do that?” he asks suddenly, obviously already irritated by her incessant conversation, turning toward her with a frown. 
Her expression is one of shock and slight embarrassment for a moment before she recollects herself. 
“Just…you know, to sample the cuisine!”
“Is it business related?”
Again, blunt and to the point, the woman needs a moment before she responds.
“My partner and I have plans while we’re in the area. You can talk to my manager about scheduling a meeting regarding any matters you have to discuss. I've already discussed with them my availability.” 
You start to approach him as he finishes setting the remainder of his gear into his training bag, and the woman yet again tries to recollect herself after suddenly being met with the fact that Kiyoomi was already taken. He looks up at you waiting for him by the gymnasium doors, and doesn’t even spare the woman a single glance or wave before making his way over.
He bumps your shoulder as he strides in step with you, mumbling “let’s get out of here.” and then “are your hands clean?”
And when you mumble a yeah in response, he reaches down to take one in his, intertwining your fingers and leaving just enough room for the woman watching your backs to be able to see the rare show of affection. 
You’re caught off guard by the sudden pda, and glance over your shoulder, then back at him in confusion. He feels your quizzical gaze on him and sighs exasperatedly. “She wasn’t just doing her job…”
You couldn’t help but hum a little pleased with yourself, puffing out your chest a little when you realized that she didn’t get her way, and squeeze his hand a little tighter. He shoots you a look at you a little with a roll of his eyes and squeezes back. “We’re going back to the room.”
“Actually, I heard there was a really nice restaurant around here. I was thinking of trying to get us reservations.”
He stared down at your eager smile and bright eyes and found his resolve waning the longer he did so. He turned his gaze back toward the front. “Okay. Room first, though.” 
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coupsjin · 9 months
not close enough
╰┈➤ bf!seungcheol x afab reader
╰┈➤ summary: both not ready to loose their virginity, you and cheol try something new
╰┈➤ warnings: mdni, dry humping, dirty talk, kissing, making out, pet names, squirting, overstim, oral (giving) etc. lmk if i should add any more!
a/n: as a coups bias... this killed me
wc: <1k words
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"hey cheol?" you call as you walk into his room, your boyfriend lying down lazily with his phone in his hand - he turns his attention to you.
"yes, love?" you now join him, his hand immediately going to your thighs.
"well, i was thinking." you paused, nervous "y'know how we talking about ... it? the other day?"
a couple days ago, you and cheol had a serious talk about if you were ready to have sex. you trusted him with all your heart, but still weren't sure about losing your virginity. thankfully, the thought the same.
he smirks, "yes what about it?"
"how about we try something new today?" you asked, already horny thinking about it. this perked his interest. he rests his back on the headboard, curious. instead of telling him (a bit embarrassing you thought) you started to demonstrate.
you took off your pyjama pants, surprising him. you threw them to the side, and next you slid down his shorts just enough for you to sit. you climb on his legs, now straddled on top of him.
"is this okay for you?" you asked, your pussy already drenched for him.
"oh yeah.." he said shakily, "it's more than okay. keep going." you had never seen cheol like this, breathless and gazing at the cloth that kept more away.
you slowly rock your hips back and forth, carefully watching his reaction. his jaw slightly drops, muttering a breathy "fuck.." while he pushes his head against the headboard, his eyes fluttering shut.
as you picked up the pace, your moans get from breathy to full, filling his ears while he kisses your neck. over a couple minutes you get into a rhythm, cheol unknowingly bucking his hips every time you rolled your hips closer to him. his dick was visibly harder and longer than you imagined.
"fuck," you thought, "i can't imagine his dick actually inside me."
you were getting unbelievably close, your moans turning into whines. this drove cheol crazy, grabbing your hips and taking control. he rocks you harder and faster, thrusting his dick onto your clothed pussy. for the first time, you fall apart on his cock. you squirt, letting out a huge amount of liquid onto his dick.
"oh god fuck!" he yells, feeling your warm liquid wrapping his horny dick. he arches his head back, his brows furrowing as he feels his desire to penetrate your pussy.
he suddenly flips you onto the bed, now towering over you with his dick still rubbing your clit.
"shit, this isn't close enough baby," he moans, now groping your chest. your legs are shaking from overstimulation, your moans turning into yells every time he thrusts onto you. he's so desperate, moving every which direction to get the pleasure he needs from you. in this moment he is incredibly hot, facing towards the ceiling.
he finally comes, his cum dripping out of his boxers.
"come here, princess. lick it." still aroused from his behaviour, you sit him down and are between his legs. licking his cum, his back and neck arches, moaning the loudest he has tonight.
"oh... fuck!!" he yells. "please suck my dick y/n, please." he begs, still caught up in ecstasy. he whines as you lower his boxers, caressing his length slowly. cum is still dripping out of him, you lick his tip with your tongue, cleaning up the rest of his dick.
"shit!" he moans while covering his eyes with one of his hands. the other pushing your head down as you he fucks you in the mouth, his moans getting louder with every lap.
"i'm close.. oh god!" he manages to get out, now thrusting into your mouth as he grips onto the sheets and your hair. he cums inside of your mouth, giving a loud moan and a sigh of relief.
"swallow" he says weakly while looking at you. you swallow, tasting his cum for the second time.
"why didn't we do this sooner?" he laughs, taking you into his arms while rubbing your back.
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vhstown · 10 months
miles g morales x you headcanons
— 42!miles x gn!reader (dating)
warnings: fluff, brief mentions of violence, angst if you squint
note: ok i know i didn't write him like a bad boy rizzful cool criminal bf but this is just my interpretation from the 1min of screentime he had 😭 i hope someone likes it? i don't really but it's ok posting anyway, kind of long a lot of ramble
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wasn't edited previously but is now!
Miles has never dated anyone before, so naturally, he's never kissed anyone before. In fact, though he's reluctant, he asks his uncle for advice about you (just as a nephew in need, of course.) It's sort of hilarious to see the boy with such a cold and unbothered exterior try to flirt and make a move on you. When he asks you out, he nearly trips over himself trying to block your way, and nearly trips over himself again when you say yes. When you try to kiss, he freezes up, but eventually gets the hang of it. It's surprisingly sweet and careful; warm.
Miles is hesitant to date you — date anyone. It's a casual sort of thing at first; he doesn't want to get too attached. But what draws him to you is the fact that you can make his life feel so normal, so simple and in-the-moment. It doesn't take long for him to realise that this is what he wants.
He does everything in his power to keep his criminal identity a secret. When there's rumours going around about the Prowler, he's quick to shut down the conversation with vague, uninterested answers. He's not scared of many things, but he's scared of the only person he can really be Miles around leaving.
So, the boy tries his absolute best to be good to you. Yes, he misses dates doing God knows what, but he's quick to try and reschedule or show up to your door with gifts, food, anything he thinks might make you happy (despite your annoyance, he's really good at making it up to you.) When dates aren't working, he decides to take you on spontaneous ones, going around Brooklyn and wracking his brain for anything that might interest you or be nice enough for a date. Half of your date is usually spent walking around together, but it's more fun than you think to pass time together like that.
For the time you do manage to spend together, you notice he's very observant (he has to be to survive as the Prowler.) Miles remembers every little detail about you and what you like. Things you told him since he met you are still firm in his memory, even if it was something you said off-handedly or to somebody else. He's always surprising you with little things you mention: an accessory, dessert from the place you wanted to try ages ago, etc.
Miles is very aware of your interests and whenever he passes by related stores, he's always asking you if you want anything. You're the only person in his life other than his family; of course he's going to cherish you.
But the second thing Miles is worried about is his mom. He's very overprotective over his mom, understandably so. She's the only parent he has left and he knows she overworks herself trying to provide for them. He's always trying to help her when he can, doing chores and errands without question and per his uncle's suggestions, but if something was to happen to her, he'd blame himself for it above all. So when he introduces you to her, he's more than uncertain. It's not like you could do anything to her, but he's made it a habit to never fully trust anyone anyway.
That is, until he sees how Rio completely lights up around you. She's so thrilled that Miles has a friend (or whatever Miles told her you were.) Even though she can only talk to you for a few minutes before her shift, she automatically opens up her home to you, telling you that you can help yourself to the kitchen and come over whenever you like. She whispers a couple things in Spanish to Miles that you can't quite catch, and he doesn't care to mention.
But you can definitely guess what she keeps telling him. Whenever he brings you over, he acts aloof, almost awkward trying to follow what his mom says to make you comfortable. The house and Miles' room suddenly becomes eerily spotless whenever you're due to come over, and the cupboards are in complete order. Rio's always asking Miles where you are, and she treats you like you're her second kid. She's very aware that you might be in the future (though Miles keeps denying it.)
You catch glimpses of his uncle sometimes. He doesn't really talk to you, but the man is calm enough. Miles seems to be comfortable around him, but when he finds out, you can make out an amused glint in Aaron's eyes whenever he sees you. Miles doesn't take you to see his uncle; he'd rather you're not aware of the man's ridiculous way of teasing him.
Whenever you come over, you both make it a habit to snack, play videogames, listen to music, whatever you feel like doing. It seems like he's always trying to keep you there. Miles will never admit it, but he misses you a lot. All he really does to show that is pull you into a silent hug and kiss your cheek when he sees you again, asking in the lowest voice what you've been up to.
When you asked Miles about his interests, he tells you the ones he shares with his uncle at first — music, art, etc. But whenever you go into his room, you notice a bunch of empty shelves and hastily shut drawers. Miles never really shares his real interests with anyone (he thinks they're childish more than anything), but when you insist, he bedrudgingly takes out the figures, comics and posters, acting like he put them away ages ago and forgot about them (more 5 minutes before you came over, if it wasn't obvious from the way he was flushing.)
The two of you spend a while putting everything back. You ask him questions about it and he returns them with short answers. When you leave that day, his heart is full, and his jaw hurts from trying to hide his smile as he looks at his shelves filled with superhero figurines and comics. He won't be touching anything now that you've put them in place. He really can be himself around you, though he's still a bit reluctant.
On top of Miles' other "secret" interests, he likes drawing. He keeps a tiny sketchbook where he draws people mainly, and you catch glimpses of it sometimes when he thinks you're not looking. Half of it is ripped out (there drawings of his mom, uncle and comic book superheroes scattered around his room), but the faces that do remain are of his dad, unfinished. There's another drawing he's never finished in there too. It's been constantly erased and redrawn; it was meant to be you. Eventually, that page is ripped out too. You can't find it no matter how hard you look; it's in his jacket.
And at first, the boy was kind of awkward. He didnt want to hurt you; he knows he very well could. He usually let you initiate anything (though he's clingy as hell and was just shooting that feeling down as much as he could.)
When he does get more comfortable around you (especially after he's sure it's not just a fling), he's always kissing your cheek, forehead, your hair; his kisses are surprisingly chaste, sweet, much like your first one. He holds your hand often too, even if you're just sitting next to each other, fingers firmly locked together with the occasional squeeze to let you know he's still there.
But he's no short of a tease too. Miles always likes to say pretty things in Spanish just to get you riled up. Even if you might understand what he's saying, he says it under his breath so you can't catch it. Miles doesn't repeat himself, instead giving you that stupid cocky smirk you've grown to love (and hate.) Sometimes he lifts your chin to make his eyes meet yours, maybe to see you flustered too as he studies your face in silence, poker-faced, not responding to anything you're saying. You think he's being teasing, but he just really doesn't know what to say. You're his, and sometimes he just can't believe it.
What he really loves though is holding you close: his head over your shoulder or your head against his chest (or his against yours, with much pestering) so you can't see the way that he's smiling. As much as he wants to be the cool and distant boyfriend, he's a big softie, absolutely melting with your affection, always quick to return it with his own.
But when you're out, it's a different story. He's not only overprotective of his mom, but of you. It really shows when he walks you home. He keeps his arm firmly around your waist, giving dirty looks to anyone who goes even an inch too close to you. He whipsers "you okay?" and "c'mon" while basically directing you around.
Miles knows these streets better than anyone else, but he's not going to take you through quick back alleys. He'll take you through busy main streets, maybe stop by a bodega to pick something up for you if you're still hungry while he eyes every corner of the store, even go on the subway with you if you're feeling particularly lazy, your back to his chest with an arm around you so you don't fall. He's always muttering about being safe, and his street smarts definitely rub off on you; his advice is sound, almost too experienced for a random kid living in Brooklyn.
However, Miles won't let you find out. No matter how much he's juggling being the Prowler, his family and you, he'll make it work. He can't lose this, no way in hell. Even if he has to lie to you about his seemingly random injuries or ditched date nights, you'll never find out about that purple blur that skids past you when you're outside at odd hours. They're just rumours after all, he tells you.
thank you for reading 😭🙏 i struggled w this one and hobie too but idk i love 42 miles he's just some guy fr .... im thinking of writing a friends to lovers fic w 42 miles but im not sure yet (im just really lazy but lmk if ur interested?) + thank you to @qiuweyballs for the inspo i hate you (endearingly)
if u liked this reblogs are appreciated <3 catch the rest of my atsv headcanons here! love ya
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boba-beom · 3 months
༉‧₊˚. can't take my eyes off of you | CHOI YEONJUN
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pairing: bf!yeonjun x gn!reader
genre: drabble; fluff
summary: you tend to struggle falling asleep, but when yeonjun sings you a portion of a song with his soothing voice, you manage to sleep easier knowing just how much he loves you.
wc: 662
warnings: established relationship, yeonjun adores reader, lyrics incorporated in between, petnames; (hunny, baby, love), just so sweet :c, I'm also so soft for yeonjun T^T
a/n: I watched yeonjun's live this morning when I was half awake and I can't stop thinking about it 🥹 it was the sweetest thing ever
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The comforter ruffles from your endless tossing and turning in bed. You turn your head to check the time on the clock situated on your desk and as it read quarter past one in the morning. A sigh leaves your lips as you roll onto your back, staring up at the plain ceiling just trying to ease your mind to get to sleep. But it never works.
The door to your bedroom opens slowly as you look over to see your boyfriend come home from work, sling bag sliding down his shoulder and hanging it up on the hook on the wall.
These times, Yeonjun knows you've been struggling to sleep. Most of the time you're asleep before he comes home, but in the rare cases you're still awake when he gets back, his heart drops a little.
"Hey," Yeonjun coos, moving to sit towards you on the edge of the bed. "Can't sleep, hunny?"
He strokes your hair, caressing his thumb over your temple and lightly massaging it, easing your mind better than you tried to do yourself.
"I tried, I can't, for some reason." You move aside to make some space for Yeonjun.
He lays on his side, an arm propped up to hold him up and his free hand starts playing with your fingers, fiddling and intertwining them.
"Ease your mind, deep and gentle breaths, baby." He says lowly.
You're just too good to be true,
Can't take my eyes off of you.
You turn your body so you're facing him, laying your hand between the both of you, turning it upwards as his fingers skims back and forth the length of your wrist. His touches were always delicate when it came to you.
He sings the lyrics with a sweet tone, looking at you with so much love and adoration. You were always so grateful for the peace and comfort he brings you, doing the most even when he works hard until the hours of dawn.
You'd be like Heaven to touch,
I wanna hold you so much.
The lyrics resonated with him so well, but also resonated with you too. It holds so much meaning, especially with Yeonjun in front of you, observing the way you look at his lips moving as he lightly sings to you.
You catch the way the corners of his lips are slightly upturned, and it feels like a flower blooming in your chest. Watching him love you with no limit makes you wonder what you did in your past life to deserve so much affection, to deserve Yeonjun in your life.
At long last, love has arrived,
And I thank God I'm alive.
The sound of Yeonjun's voice becomes a little hoarse, almost whispering the song as he watches your eyelids flutter shut, analysing the features on your sleeping face. The face of his love.
His heart swells in his chest knowing that he's been blessed with an angel on earth. The traces he leaves on your skin slows down as he moves the stray hairs away from your face, cupping your cheek after while he continues to analyse your face.
You're just too good to be true,
Can't take my eyes off of you.
He ends the song with a soothing tone, letting the slight vibrato in his voice accentuate the meaning within the lyrics. Your soft breathing has him smiling to himself, just from the thought of being able to help you get to sleep.
He knows you work hard throughout the day, and even being able to see you sleep well with his help is like an accomplishment from him.
"Love," Yeonjun whispers, leaning down to kiss your temples again, pulling the comforter so you're tucked in comfortably, "I'm always here for you, m'kay?"
He reaches over the bedside light shade and switches it off, leaving his lips pressed against the side of your head, and his arms cradling you in his hold.
"I love you so much."
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taglist: @choiwrld @yjusei @feyregels @ahnneyong @prodsh00ky @wccycc @lizdevorak @fairybin @laylasbunbunny @acaiasahi @ttyunz @cha0thicpisces @fairybinie @ja4hyvn @yunkiwii @aprilisque @https-yeonjun @lovejoshua @seolis-world @bb-eilish @iggynor4 @amethysts-1620 @gorechoi-backup @ericyjun @luvsoobs @yeonyeonyeonjun @junniieesbby @kyrkitten @day6andetcetera @dainsleif-when-playable @txt-yaomi @soobinsman (send an ask to be added to the taglist, here's the sheet for reference).
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missnancywritesfanfic · 11 months
Grocery Shopping ft. Anemo Boys
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(Based On Stuff My BF and I Have Done)
Characters: Venti, Xiao, Heizou, Kazuha, Wanderer(Scaramouche), Aether
Contains: Modern AU, Everyday Life, Fluff, Swears
A/N: I was at the grocery store and the idea popped in my head 🥰
VENTI - Humming Along To The Music
From the moment you stepped inside to the moment you leave. He will be humming. Tapping his finger to whatever royalty free song is playing over the speakers. You used to asked him why he never listened to his own music when you were shopping.
"But if I did that, then I'd be ignoring you. Isn't it better to be together in the moment?"
"Yeah, in the moment of Funky Town for the thirtieth time? I'm flattered."
It gets worse with every trip. It slowly evolves into mumbling the lyrics, then singing the lyrics out loud, swaying along to the music, and sometimes full on dancing with no remorse. Not a single bone of shame in his body, and you have to watch your boyfriend shake his ass while you facepalm.
"I am never taking you shopping again."
"We both know that's a big fat lie, babe. You love having me around~"
God, you hated his smug grin. Let this shopping trip be done as soon as humanly possible.
XIAO - Carry All The Groceries/Steer The Cart
He will always man the cart. Don't you dare take it away from him, he has pouted at you before when you absentmindedly grabbed one and started shopping.
You seriously have no clue why he enjoys it so much, but you can't complain, it gave you time to actually focus on picking what you wanted. And you didn't have to worry about navigating traffic in the aisles. But he will nudge the cart into you when you're taking too long, you'll always turn back to meet his glare.
"Are you done yet? We need to get a move on."
"Hey, I am the chef of the house. If you don't like how I pick the ingredients, you can cook for a change."
That'll usually shut him up. He'll still silently nudge the cart into you though, after a while you get the idea and pick up the pace. When you finish shopping, he will always take the heavier bags. Even when you offer, he insists that it isn't an issue and leave you with the lighter bags. Sometimes nothing at all.
You appreciate his help, not like you wanted to carry them anyways. You still have to scold him about being delicate with the eggs.
KAZUHA - Cannot Decide On What To Take
"Baby, for the love of god, please pick a thing and stick with it!"
You've been in the aisle for over five minutes, he can't decide on what kind of rice to buy. This isn't a price issue. Kazuha's stuck thinking in the longterm: What kind of rice is best? Should we buy a bulk bag to last longer? Which type will work best with dinner tonight? (It's Jasmin. Always Jasmin. Cheap and reliable.)
You don't care! You just want to be in any other aisle but this one! But you're being hypocritical, you've done the exact same and everytime he'll give you a specific look. Nothing else, not a frown, not even a smug grin, just a look.
"Okay, but why does this package say sugar-free but it has the same level in the nutrients on the back?" You pause and glance over, you frown. "What?"
"I haven't said anything, dear."
"You don't need to. I know that look, it's Kazuha for I'm Judging You."
HEIZOU - Comparing Item Prices
He's the type of person to lay out all his options and pick the cheapest one with the best quality. There may be meat on sale today, but he knows it's only because they're going to expire soon. This can be useful at times, no need for bottom tier food in your household.
But that's not the worse of it. Like many middle aged home owners, he will deliberately check for mistagged items so that he can get them at a discount price. There's an air fryer he's been eyeing for months that's too expensive for a leisure purchase, until the day he spots that it's been mistagged for thirty dollars cheaper than normal.
"Heizou, honey, we can just wait until it's actually on sale..."
"Ah ah~, the price labelled is the price offered. I will be taking my prize!"
"You're insufferable."
You're at the checkout, silently apologizing to the cashier and manager that are trying to find a way out of this predicament. Unfortunately for them, he gets the airfryer. And unfortunately for you, he doesn't stop using it for a loooong time.
WANDERER - Buy Old People Snacks
He doesn't like sweets. He visibly cringes everytime you pass by the bakery section or candy aisle, and you have a horrible sweet tooth that can never be quelled.
However, he's gotten into the habit of picking up dried cranberries of all things. Now, usually you don't pass judgement on his choices, despite him making it clear he doesn't care if you. Regardless, you can't help poking fun at him every once in a while.
"Pfft, nice choice granpa."
"Shut up, you shovel junk down your throat like it's your day job."
"Yeah, but at least I act my age."
"You mean five?"
If you ever, and I mean ever, try to take some for yourself. He will smack your hand away and give you the nastiest glare. Don't bother with whining or fake tears, you should've thought about that before insulting his food choice. You won't be able to steal any of his food for a good month.
AETHER - Asking Permission To Buy Stuff
You have no clue where it comes from. Before you started dating him, he and Paimon were impulsive spenders. They used to empty literal shelves and have more food then they knew what to do with (Paimon usually ate most of it in record time). But now, when you're heading down the aisle, he'd sheepishly hold a box of cereal, maybe cookies, or even fruit snacks- and give you the biggest puppy dog eyes possible.
"Aether, you are a grown man. You can buy whatever you want."
"Yes! Buy ten of 'em if you really want to!"
Okay, maybe that's a bit overboard. But you needed to exxagerate to make your stance clear. Maybe he was trying to be considerate of you? But you always split the bill when it came to paying for groceries, a couple extra dollars wasn't going to kill you. Especially not with your shared salaries.
But if you're not careful, Paimon might end up eating you out of house and home. So maybe he had the right idea about clearing these choices with you first.
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sanhwaism · 7 months
drunk!bf seonghwa headcanon
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genre ⟡ established relationship, fluff, humor, a teensy bit suggestive if you squint your eyes
warnings ⟡ mentions of f .ᐟ reader, a bit of swearing, let me know if there is anything else!!
author's note ⟡ i was rewatching that one wanteez drunk ep. and i couldn't stop thinking of how endearing and funny seonghwa was in it how does he manage to make me fall in love with him over and over again help. it needs to be studied. HE needs to be studied okay ill shush ENJOY MY FIRST HC hehe
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naturally, (and i mean when he's sober) i see him as someone that wouldn't mind PDA
he's keeping it pg13 though!! his typical gentle hand holding, hand kissing, his arm dropped over your shoulders, warm hugs and some soft kisses on your cheeks while he caresses them with his soft hands
MAYBE if he's feeling bolder than usual some light teasing
tickling your waist, leaning towards you and giving the corner of your lips a peck that makes you crave for an actual, real kiss while he just smirks
i don't want to mention the tongue, thank you very much.
i decide to remain sane! ^^ (help me please)
he just loves seeing you getting all flustered! and loves showering you with his love, that's it! he's innocent! trust him!
until he gets drunk
oh boy
i feel like the moment this man has had too many drinks, it's going to be SO HARD for him to fight those inner voices and impulsive thoughts once his eyes land on you
he wants to keep you in his arms the whole time, especially on his lap so he can hum as he nuzzles your hair with his nose, breathing in your perfume that drives him mad
his pretty hands subtly touching your waist, hips and thighs, which leaves you squirming in his lap as you try to shush him with the last remained part of rationality in you
you can't see him, but you can feel the proud smile in the way his lips curl against the hot skin of your neck
he's loving this. never enjoyed something more in his life actually
he's a pretty self controlled man, with a lot of patience and an usual calm aura surrounding him
but please. for the love of god. he's an aries man after all
and right now? very drunk with a hazy mind and very, very curious hands
you might find this time the perfect opportunity for you to tease him back
there might be a problem though
shut up.
which isn't exactly what sober hwa would do! he's a listener more than anything; that, plus he adores your voice and you can always read the "please never shut up i love you and your voice and the way you speak and think oh my god i just love you" from his face expressions
but sober isn't in his vocabulary anymore
so technically speaking, you can't even open your mouth to say something because mr. "i'm just a bit tipsy– ohhh, since when do i have two beautiful girlfriends?" has something to say!
a lot to say.
from cutely humming some ballad you two have been listening to,
telling you about what he has been doing in animal crossing, showing you his island, what lego he is planning on buying next and how excited he is to be building some pieces with you,
asking you if you want to watch star wars and starting to tell you the lore for the fifth time and you just sit there in silence, watching him with a fond smile on your face and your chin resting in the palm of your hand,
him suddenly getting up and starting to show you some new dance moves the whole members have prepared for their comeback
you're doing great sweetie!!!!!!!!!!
let him cook!!!!!!!
he almost slips because he can't keep his balance
like six times.
but he blames the rug underneath his feet because he's CLEARLY noooooot drunk
sure love, whatever helps you sleep at night!
all of that to almost crying because he suddenly got way too emotional just from looking at you. you just mean the world to him
of course you're worried
even though you're fighting some cuteness aggression because his ears are a crimson shade of red and all you want is just to hug him very tightly.
when you come back with a glass full of water for him, he's almost half asleep
yet he still rambles to himself
all of the sudden he's showing off his poetry skills
we all know how good he is with his words and how beautifully and heart warmingly he talks about everything
like ugh ouch my heart just write a book i'm begging :(((
so i feel like when he's drunk and you're taking care of him, he looks at you with those drowsy, boba eyes of his and all of the sudden he's letting out all of the thoughts he normally keeps in his head when you're in his sight, but feels too shy to say them to you
"i was a lost star until you showed up... my moon... you're my moon. you know that, right? i feel like i shine the brightest when you're with me, aegiya." you let out a small chuckle, not being able to ignore the way your heart skipped a beat at his sudden tender confession. he looked extra kissable with his lazy smile and messy hair, cheeks slightly flushed. once he realizes what he's mumbling, he looks away from you. suddenly the wall is very nice to look at. "fuck, what has gotten into me– ah, sorry, i didn't mean to..."
did i mention that he swears when he's drunk?
haha... :D
eye twitches
(this isn't affecting me at all trust)
nOW HEAR ME OUT pleasepleaseplease okay, park seonghwa is a gentleman to you through and through, no matter if he's sober or drunk. when it comes to the rest of his members though, he lets out a few cusses if something doesn't go his way or he's frustrated or pissed, especially if there are no cameras around
i feel like he takes the "i'm the oldest" privilege VERY seriously
good for him, good for him!
but if it's you, all that escapes his mouth are honey covered words because he's totally infatuated with you and wants to treat you the way you deserve to be treated
when he's drunk though, he might accidentally let some swears slip through those pretty lips of his
not directed towards you ! of course not. just a few fuck's and shit's and damn's
but it turns you on
coughs RIGHT! where was i hahahahahdkfjcfuckhesdoingthingstome
he speaks in a cuter way for sure, sometimes almost baby voice or a gremlin kind of voice which makes you laugh
he just gets even sillier and laughs at himself A LOT and you can't help but find the scene before your eyes incredibly funny and endearing
if you show him a finger, be assured that he'll laugh his ass off like you said the best joke to ever exist
be prepared to see him copying everything you do and giggling at it because in that moment, you, my dear, can change your career path and become a comedian in seonghwa's eyes.
he's gonna ramble for like 10-15 whole minutes about what a funny girlfriend he has and how lovely and pretty and kind and absolutely stunning and caring and hot and
knowing the current situation is alcohol 1 - seonghwa 0, he can not control his voice or accent that much
conclusion? his deep, satoori accent will definitely come out and surprise you
that's when you start sweating and your heart starts beating like crazy like it's in fast & furious
how dare he.
"jagiya... ah, i kinda want to drink more, but i think i have drank enough already. did i? shit, i honestly don't remember."
seriously. how dare he.
you don't know if you want to punch him, kiss him, faint or bring him another glass of water.
you're going through a lot of emotions, that's for sure
but so does seonghwa.
all of the sudden he's approaching you, slow and a bit wobbly, but he manages to lock you in between his body and the wall behind you, getting closer and closer to your face
his body temperature is crazily hot, you would definitely get worried that he has a fever if you didn't know he's as drunk as a fiddler
his hot, soju infused breath hits your parted lips as he whispers to you and you feel your knees getting weak. so weak, that you wonder if seonghwa will be able to catch you on time if you fall
"damn, angel, have i... ever told you how fucking crazy you're driving me? hm?"
im sorry ria.exe has stopped working
your breath hitched and all you could do was whisper his name because you entered the panic mode
and oh why would you do such thing
now a very tipsy and lust driven seonghwa is staring at your lips as he savors the way your body practically melts in his arms
good luck!!!!!! or have fun!!!!!!! both work ;)
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{💌ྀི} masterlist
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rinatic · 1 year
Hello can i request mark as a boyfriend?
Thank you so much for requesting :)
Mark as a boyfriend
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You two were friends
Not exactly best friends but you were comfortable with each other
After being caught up in work, mark felt bad because you two don't hang out anymore
It was for a kinda long period like two months
So mark decided to call you because he randomly thought about you
"Y/n, how about we hang out today? Kinda missed you haha :)"
And ofc you agreed to meet him because who wouldn't hang out with mark?
So he cleared his schedules for you
When he saw you for the first time after these months, he couldn't tell what changed about you, but you just became prettier and hotter
So when you talked, he would accidentally stare at you for too long and ask you to repeat what you said
That's when mark started falling in love gradually with you
In the following days, he would accidentally zone out thinking about it
He missed you a lot even though you guys literally text and face time every day
And you started hanging out more and more
Bro would be so awkward the more he falls in love
But it's cute
And the confession will be so cute actually
It will be a cherished but thought of as funny memory lol
Now moving on to bf mark
He would be so caring ???
He himself doesn't know that he's caring to the point of willing to help you with every little thing
Bro just discovered his protective nature and is kinda overwhelmed
Spends all his money on you
Like you suddenly realize how many accessories, clothing items you have
But you remember you didn't buy it
He just takes gift giving to the next level
Like literally ask for anything even a five million ring lol
You're so spoiled im jealous :(
No because imagine mark writing a song about you
Where he pours all of his emotions into his work
And you discover how romantic he is because boi where did you get these words from??
When you read it, you can't help but fold and melt lol
He would be so shy to show because he knows you will tease him
But it's actually so ??? You didn't know he loved you this much
He would say "i just wrote a song why you making a big deal.." but you definitely didn't notice the other sheets hidden there in his studio with the 'for y/n ♡' on them
Can i mention that when he's with you he actually melts?
Like he literally loves you so much
But he's so shy to form his love into words and demonstrate it
So it's a good thing he can write his feelings for you
On his phone, he has 'y/n tingz' in his gallery
Where he has pics of you doing anything
And it's what he looks at when he needs inspiration
127 and dream tease him so much its unbearable poor baby
Just save him from haechan lmao
Whe they meet you they're like "so you're y/n? Mark keeps blabbering about you all day" "mark is always talking about you like give us rest damn" "do you know that mark always talks about you in the group chat? I almost thought you were a new member"
And boi just turns into a tomato
He's also very funny
"Send a pic of your heart?" "Just say you want a boob pic" "no ma'am i asked for your HEART not my problem that it's behind your boobs 😤"
"My girlfriend didn't share her food with me :(((" "shut up mark you literally have your plate in front of you" "why so rude dude?? I can definitely tell you didn't MARK me in your heart"
"Did you just skip my song???" "No it's an nct song" "girl I'm in nct 😭" "wait you were in the sub unit for this song??" "Dude..." "not my fault youre in 23 member group"
"Mark can we hold hands?" "No I'm christian.." "why tf do you suddenly turn christian around me??! As if you don't write sex songs" "y/n????"
You absolutely shake him up
He's extremely grateful that you're in his life
Like he just becomes a better version of himself everyday thanks to you
He also loves showing you off
Says "This is my girlfriend, y/n :)" so proudly
He also thinks that you deserve love
So he tries his best to shower you in love even if he's shy
He also thinks that you don't have to be insecure because you're so gorgeous
So he also makes sure that you're absolutely confident
He's very hardworking and wants to take his boyfriend role seriously
Provides for you
Because he really wants your relationship to develop into something more stronger
He treats you with a lot of respect
He's also fair, so you'll receive the same amount of love you give him
Gets lost in his thoughts while thinking about your future together
You're both his girlfriend and his best friend
He also acts confident all the time but on the inside, he's so scared that you'll find someone better and leave him
He has that hidden fear
So reassure him :(
An attention seeker
He can't live without your attention
That's why the boys tease him by occupying you in their shit so you can forget about mark 😭
Poor boy doesn't realize that they're behind this at first
He'll think you're avoiding him and thinks too much deeply about the cause of this
"What did i do? 😟" so cuteeeee
Johnny is definitely the one behind all of this
Says the only way to make it for him is by cuddling
So he'll act in a cute way which is rare since he wants you to see him as mature
He's the cutest boyfriend ever awieeeeee
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lovelyjj · 2 years
Hiii, can you maybe make a fic where the reader has to get surgery (nothing serious) but she is really nervous and scared and JJ (bf) goes with her to the hospital and comforts her and just pure fluff?? Hope this makes sense :)
It made perfect sense, thank you for requesting it! This was one of the first requests I've ever gotten so I really do cherish it. Sorry if took forever.
Right Here
jj maybank x reader
wc: 1,888
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JJ's hands gripped at the back of his neck, as he paced back and forth on the bright hospital floor. About every 10 minutes he went up to the lady at the desk asking if there were any updates, "but ma'am you don't understand, my girl is in there."
"JJ" you called for him, barely registering if you even spoke. But he heard you, he always does.
"What baby?" his voice was soft and calm, he saw the panic flash in your eyes just before they shut tight. The little streams of tears fell underneath them. You shook your head, signaling to him that you couldn't. Couldn't move. Couldn't breathe.
You were on the couch sitting down, JJ squatted down in front of you his palms resting on your knees. His thumbs were rubbing at the skin letting you know he's there, he's not leaving.
"I-I'm so scared, don't think I can do it." The way you spoke, the way you said it made him want to cry with you.
"But you can. I know you can. I'm right here." He moved his left hand to rest up against your cheek. He held your face there and tried to smoothly wipe your still falling tears.
You took in a shaky breath as his hands stilled on your face. His palms were warm and he swiped his thumb underneath your eye delicately.
"I don't wanna go there" you whispered with your eyes still closed. You wanted to hide. Hideaway from your thoughts and worries. To not be on display for the doctors and surgeons.
You thought maybe if you close your eyes, you can't be seen. That you're not having a panic attack and maybe just maybe your trip to the hospital isn't happening.
"Y/n, breathe." That voice stops your trembling lips and one of his hand's returns registering squeezing over your knee.
You inhale deeply and release your breath a few times until it's regulated normal again. The warm press of his hand on your leg, let's a ripple of calmness and strength spread through you.
"Now please let me see those eyes," JJ asks again. It sounded like it was more for him than it was for you.
Obeying his request, you open them. Your eyelashes were soaked with tears and your eyes stayed glassy. 
JJ raised a hand and moved the hair that was sticking to your cheek from crying behind your ear.
He picked up your hand and held it. You held it back.
"Now listen, I know you don't want to do this. But think of how much better you'll feel afterward. and I'll be there with you, every step of the way."
You looked at him and bit your lip, "promise?"
He let out a breath and squeezed your hand and promised. He didn't need to say it, you knew he meant it. You saw it in his eyes.
However, you still raised a pinky, begging for more confirmation that he'll be there for you.
JJ smiled and he said "I pinky promise," while intertwining your pinky's.
The warmth from the touch ignited a sense of braveness in you. His touch alone could make you move mountains. You were ready for your surgery. You wanted to, for the both of you.
You got up from the couch and JJ pulled you into a hug. You clung to him, wishing he could protect you during your surgery.
"Time to go baby." JJ spoke ever so softly, as he rubbed your back.
You sighed and removed yourself from his arms.
Unfortunately, JJ had to drive you to the hospital, which caused you to feel uneasy on the ride there.
JJ comforted you the whole way there trying to keep your mind away from your surgery. When he spoke to you he spoke in a way that kept your mind at bay. You would ask him about what certain hand signals meant on the way there. He would do his best to tell you to look up American Sign Language on your phone. That way you were distracted and at peace and not thinking about what was coming soon.
The ride there was not as bad as you couldn't seem to shut up. You rambled to JJ about how much you loved him. He would nod his head and smile at the way you were talking about him.
"I hear you baby." he said as you beamed.
When JJ arrived at the parking space in front of the hospital you felt your stomach drop. Being in JJs presence allowed you to briefly forget your final destination. You were rambling to him all the way here, he couldn't seem to shut you up. If a thought came to mind you would speak it.
Now, you were frozen. JJ parked and hopped out of the car to go open your door. He came around and out stretched his hand for you to take.
"You can do it." JJ voiced.
You jumped down from the car and took JJ's hand. He saw through your eyes how scared you were and he wished he could take all your fear away.
You clung to JJ's arm as you entered the sliding glass doors. You both walked to the correct office for your surgery.
JJ would draw little circles on the back of your hand with is thumb to try and calm you down.
When you arrived to the correct wing in the emergency room. You looked to JJ for some type of comfort.
The receptionist asked you to sign in. You were looking all around the building and reading all the signs. JJ encouraged you to write down your name and fill out the paperwork. He helped you of course.
After that the two of you were all signed in you took your seats in the waiting area.
Your heartbeat was erratic as you waited. JJ sat next to you with your hands intertwined. You looked around the hospital as you waited looking at the art on the wall as well as the warning signs.
You were fidgety, your legs bounced up and down as you sat there. Your mind was going a mile a minute. You couldn't seem to stop thinking. JJ embodied calmness for you. Being in his presence helped you relax.
Within minutes a woman came out looking at her clipboard, "For y/n l/n, we're ready for you."
You felt your stomach twist at those words but got up. JJ stood up with you and voiced, "it's gonna be ok baby."
He kissed your forehead and you took at deep breath.
"I'll be here when you get back." JJ smiled as he reassured you.
You were shaking as you followed the women through a second set of doors. You nerves were going crazy.
She led you to a small room where there was only a hospital bed and a computer desk for the nurse.
You sat there patiently waiting for instructions, as she did her typing.
Shortly after a couple questions you were put to sleep. Then wheeled to the surgery room.
Now that you were gone, JJ let his true emotions show. He knew you would be ok, he just couldn't help but worry. You were his everything and if something happened he wouldn't know what to do with himself.
After you went into surgery for about an hour is when JJ started to get up and pace.
JJ's hands gripped at the back of his neck, as he paced back and forth on the bright hospital floor. About every 10 minutes he went up to the lady at the desk asking if there were any updates, "but ma'am you don't understand, my girl is in there."
The lady at the desk would simply shoo him away and tell him to wait. That there's no way of telling what's going on and he should simply sit and wait.
JJ didn't wanna cause any trouble so he obeyed. He sat and waited for you.
You were outpatient, going home the same day as your surgery.
The procedure they did on you was simple and everything went well. You awoke with a pain in your stomach other than that you were ok.
The surgery went well. They gave you instructions and antibiotics to help with your recovery.
A kind nurse walked you back out to the waiting area, where JJ was waiting.
Your body and mind were tired but you smiled when you saw him.
JJ stood up immediately when he saw the pair of you waking out those big double doors. He was also excited that you were walking so well.
When you got closer you smiled and JJ spoke, "There she is, my brave girl."
Your heart leaped at that. You went up to him and leaned your body on JJ's chest and his big strong arms wrapped around you, casing you into him. He pressed kisses into your hair.
The nurse told him to make sure you get lots of rest and he simply replied, "She in good hands, mam."
You let go from your hug and looked into you boyfriends eyes whispering softly, "I missed you."
JJ smiled, "I missed you too baby."
"Let's get going, you ready?" JJ announced.
JJ took your packet and your prescriptions and the nurse walked away.
"Yeah." you answered.
The both of you walked out of the hospital and made it to the car.
"You feeling ok?" JJ asked.
"mhm fine." you replied.
The ride home was comfortable as you were happy to be back in JJ's presence.
"Please know that I am so proud of you for doing that. You handled your surgery like a rockstar. I couldn't be prouder." JJ spoke up.
"I'm just happy it's over." You voiced.
JJ smiled at you and smiled back as you intertwined your hands.
You made it to your house in a breeze. JJ asked if you needed anything.
"To be honest I just want to lay with you." You said timidly.
JJ's body got excited and he nodded his head, "Of course princess, anything you want."
You took his hand and led him to your bedroom. You bed was cleaned and the grey comforter was laid neatly on your bed. You went to climb in it and rest.
JJ followed you and got in the bed. You reached for him and cuddled into his side.
JJ snaked a arm around your waist holding you to him.
"Thank You." you murmured. "For taking me, and helping me and calming down my nerves."
"Always. I always want to be there for you when you need me." He said stroking your head.
You hummed and response. You felt warm and cozy as you leaned halfway on JJ's body. He always made you feel safe and warm and electric.
His body heat radiating on to you felt like you were magnets. You both needed to be close to each other, you were drawn to be smushed together.
JJ let you rest your eyes and he knew you would probably fall asleep on him after your exhausting day. He didn't mind he was just happy everything went well.
So you snuggled into your boyfriend and feel asleep after a long day of surgery. JJ eventually fell asleep with you.
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animetrash53 · 1 year
his Will to live
Solangelo Week 2023 Day Three!
words: 882
summary: Nico's struggling but Will is a supportive understanding bf
read on wattpad (and more!)
(i don't think WIll  would appreciate the joke, but i can see Nico making it and i can't get it out of my head)
!!TW for depression!!
Some days are good, really, really good. Some days Nico actually feels like he’ll be able to have a normal, happy life. Other days he feels like there’s no point in climbing out of bed; it takes too much and oesn’t give enough back. It’s like having an anvil dropped on his head, it comes so suddenly. It’s not that he doesn't want to get up and have a normal day, it’s that doing anything is too much. There’s people outside of his cabin. People with expectations that can be let down. He doesn’t want to let them down, so it’s easier–and better–if he stays where he is. Everyone’s happier that way
On the other hand, if he does nothing they’ll get worried. He doesn’t want them to worry about him. So he has to at least try to get up, but it takes so much effort, and he’s so tired, and he wants to go back to sleep but he’s needed. Plus there’s the possibility of nightmares…
So there he lays, in his bed, staring up at his ceiling in the barely lit cabin. His Cocoa Puffs curled themselves around him, occasionally making concerned trilling noises while blinking at him with their big round eyes. One chose to curl itself on his stomach, he reached down to pat their little heads to assure them that he’s okay, even though he knows that’s far from the truth and he knows it. 
There’s a knock at his door. It jolts him out of his thoughts, he turns his head to look at it. “Nico?” Will. Guilt floods through his body, he should have at least told Will that he isn’t feeling great. He would understand and he sounds so worried. A few of the Cocoa Puffs spring off the bed, and climb on top of each other, assembling a tower to twist the doorknob and let Will in. Nico’s not sure where they learned to do this but he’s admittedly impressed. They trill excitedly, happy to see Will, who smiles down at them. “Thanks guys.” They scurry back to Nico, looking back at Will as if to lead him to Nico. 
“Hey,” Nico’s voice comes out quieter than he anticipated. WIll shuts the door and walks over to him, kneeling in front of him. “I’m sorry.” He whispers. Will seems concerned, almost upset. 
“For what sweetheart?” Will’s voice is kind, gentle. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?” Nico sighs, rubbing his eyes. 
“I guess,” he pauses. “It just feels like too much.”
“What does?” Will asks, moving to sit with Nico, gently picking his head up to rest on his lap. His fingers push strands of hair off Nico’s face. The simple action soothes him, he opens his eyes to look at Will. He’s so pretty, it seems like all the light that was in the cabin gravitated to him, surrounding him in a halo. “Talk to me angel, tell me what’s wrong.” The nickname puts a glowing warmth in his chest, spreading over his skin like a blanket Will threw over him. 
“It feels like there’s so much pressure to get up and pretend like everything’s perfect, like I’m perfectly fine.” Will listens, stroking his hair. “I feel like I’m gonna do something wrong and become a massive disappointment and let everyone down.” Nicos words twist a knife into Will’s chest. He looks down at his face, his eyes are unfocused looking through everything, lost in his own head. “If I let everyone down they won’t want me around anymore,” his voice trails off. “You won’t love me anymore.” Will feels like he’s going to cry; wishing he could pull the stabbing thoughts from his lover’s head. 
“I get it,” he whispers. Nico’s eyes come back, snapping to him. He frowns like what Will said troubled him. “You’re doing amazing though. It’s okay if you have days or weeks where you don’t feel like doing anything, but you’re trying. You telling me is already enough.” Nico smiles at him with watery eyes. “You couldn’t let me or anyone else here down, you’re always striving to do more when you’ve already been through so much.” A few tears fall from Nico’s eyes, Will’s thumb brushes them away. “I love you so much and I’ll always be proud of you.” 
“Thank you.” his voice is airy; there are butterflies doing excited circles in his chest. “I love you.” Will leans down and kisses him, muttering another “I love you” against his lips. 
“Do you need anything? Have you eaten?” He inquires. 
“Can you stay with me for the rest of the day?” Nico reaches up, curling his fingers around Will’s wrist. 
“Of course,” Will intertwines their fingers. “Let me go tell Kayla and Austin they have infirmary duty and get you something to eat.” Nico nods, picking his head up. Will kisses him one more time before exiting while Nico gazes after him wondering how he got the gift of a boyfriend so wonderful.
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dogcodedcatboy · 5 months
🦅, 🗣️, and 🐕 !! also au where aaron works at w.aystar sounds soo so fun omg
🦅How good are their friends at being wingmen? Do they even help at all or just sit back watching the pining with a bag of popcorn?
(aaron is one of like... 10 fully fleshed out ocs i have that all make up a wretched wretched friendgroup of late 20's gays and i love all of them dearly. i could literally talk abt them forever theres SOO MUCH!!! if anyone ever wants to get an earful frm me feel free to inquire bc holy hell like 10 years of oc content n my mind...)
ANYWAY... his friends are sick of his shit anyway so when he's like 'ooh new man :3c' theyre already like. shut the hell up brother. but when they meet roman...they can't help but be a /little/ charmed. they wont wingman for aaron bc his lovelife is so radioactive they dont wanna get near that shit. but tbh they do think roman is funny and he fits in with all of their senses of humor and stuff. even aarons childhood bestie (who hates everyone hes ever dated) likes roman so he gets a Good Grade in getting along w aarons housemates. so much to say on this but i'll leave it at that.
this doesn't...apply to poor roro so much bc he's like...deeply lonely...certainly no friends who he would come out to, or introduce his bf to. :(
🗣️ Who’s the one that will ramble on about their highly specific interest while the other just sits back and nods along?
i think that they both do this to some degree. aaron is the bigger culprit bc he has a lot of interests roman wouldnt know very much about (specific genres of music, culinary arts, specific horror movies), but they pretty equally yap at eachother! they both have SO MANY OPINIONS on filmbro shit...also roman is actually pretty knowledgeable on art so they can both bounce off eachother about that too! when roman talks abt work aarons eyes do tend to glaze over.
🐕: Do they have any pets together? If one of them had a pet from before their relationship how well does the pet get along with their partner? Do they have the pets approval or does said pet sit in between them and their partner any time they try to make a move?
aaron has a silly lil cat named gustav!!!! thats his baby (adopted the cat after a bad breakup and pair bonded to him Instantly) and he would take a bullet for him. roman never had animals growing up and at first was a little iffy on gustav but eventually he falls completely in love with him. before hes able to have any public pics of aaron he makes a picture of gustav his lock screen on his phone....
gus is iffy on rome at first but after about a month or so of bribery via treats he's chill...he still gets a little jealous and tries to sit between them on the couch and in bed. he also yowls like a bastard outside the door whenever hes locked out.
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soullikethesea · 1 year
Spent most of the day huddled up in bed. My soft blanket and leopard plushie are what's holding me together right now. Stumbled upon something that is apparently a big trigger, in therapy today...
Major TW for denial, abuse, emotional abuse
I don't remember it completely, but I think I was gathering some courage to talk about Bf.
I somehow touched upon the subject of trying to explain what happened, trying to fathom what was okay/what wasn't. (Mostly about my parents).
Then quite quickly I shut down. I heard a voice inside stuck in a flashback. It went something like: "You don't know what it's like. I can't say it any more than this. Please help me. Please help me. Please help me. But no one will come. No one is going to come. No one can help me."
Eventually T asked me if I needed a distraction and I said yes. So we talked about cooking. And then she asked what happened and said that maybe we can keep the image in a frame. I said there wasn't really an image. Then she explained about looking at feelings from a distance and only looking at a small bit of them.
I tried for a tiny moment and then I physically flinched and tried to move away. T said maybe it wasn't something for today and then I couldn't help but start crying. I looked for her during some of it, which has never happened before. It was a bit of attachment cry. A bit of the "Help me" inside. Because at that point my feelings were going through me with full body waves.
T said that Bf must have really hurt me. But it wasn't about him. This was about asking for help and somehow never finding a way that was understandable to people and bearable for me at the same time. This was about feeling *so* confused and insecure, about feeling like I am the problem.
Afterwards I showed her the text exchange with Bf and told her of the underlying messages and I think she responded in helpful ways. But I still feel the emotional flashback right now.
The big, punitive doubt. The hypervigilant mess of emotions. The thoughts about how I can't be trusted, how my interpretation is what is the problem, how I just never have been able to be okay and how that is my fault. The rotten apple of the family. I have a lot of urges to hurt myself and I want to go swimming and hide deep under water. When I was around 12, I would specifically take walks in the rain so that I wouldn't have to worry about people noticing that I was crying.
I have such a deep belief that I am unacceptable.
And Bf was the one who told me otherwise in a thousand ways. When I met him I was convinced that I was bad, weak and worthless. And he got me through that until adulthood.
So his betrayal tastes like poison. Like I ruin my life and add pain all around me, like I draw that from interactions. Nothing was really that bad, I made it out to be. I invented it. I am the biggest liar out there - the one who believes they are telling the truth.
Obviously I am trying to get un-triggered now. I took a med. I really like the leopard. I am trying to think about how it's nobody's fault.
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Tw emotional abuse, I suppose
Hi, I have a very bad relationship with my bfs mom since the beginning of our relationship. (She was emotionally abusive towards him too so, it's wasn't a "one time" thing).
At the beginning of our relationship I was commited to a clinic because of my ED and my mom was certain that I only did it, to make her mad. To talk bad about her with strangers and to make her colleagues think bad of her. So she kicked me out. She "offered" that I could live with friends of her, who's children just moved out, and I did. These friends know very little of my mental issues and don't believe me either but okay. At some point, after several weeks, my mom wanted me to come back and when I refuaed, she told her friends lies about me, until they kicked me out. I was together with my bf for 5 months maybe at that point and he asked his mom, if it would be okay for me to stay with them for 2 or 3 weeks. And it was fine for her. I had only met her twice before. This is where the story starts. Ah and, we've both been 21 at that time. I've been at his moms house for 2 weeks at that time.
So my bf had a hard time finding a job, since his mom lived outside nowhere, and at some point he considered coming to my city (2h away) and looking for a job there. We could find an appartment together and just live our lives. He asked his mom, what she thinks about it and she got so mad. She started yelling at him (idk what) for several minutes and when he flew into his room (where I was at that moment) she followed him and continued yelling "And I am not a fucking open house for some fucking dirty hobo" which was referred to me. She only knew that my mom and I needed some time seperated. My bf entered his room, locked his door and his mom continued yelling for one hour straight (I don't remember what, I covered my ears most of the time) and came back every hour and yelled again for 10min (at some point because we refused to open the door to have "a serious and open conversation".) For like 6 hours until she went to bed.
She also said, I had to leave the next day and I did. But my bf came with me. He found a job, we found an appartment, it went well. It's been 5 years and she doesn't remember. I am always very shy and closed when talking with her (she's anyways always criticizing me) and at some point she asked my bf, why I was like that and what she did wrong and he just told her "You've insulted her pretty badly" and she was like "I don't remember. But I am sure she deserved it".
But whenever I look at her, talk to her, I know that I can't trust her. Because she's shown how fast she can switch and what she really thinks of me. And she's been really affectionate and hugging a lot etc and I am on one hand sure she means it. But I always think "Stop pretending!!" when she hugs me and idk if I can ever have a neutral relationship with her. Sadly, she's too "perfect" to have an earnest talk about my fear. She has said some other stuff... that was mostly well meant but sometimes just yelling at me for no reason (like, she believed I didn't do something, I said, I did, she said I lied). Etc. Idk, it is hard. I'd love to never have to see her again. But I don't want this to affect my relationship with my bf so I just shut up and join him visiting her everu now and then.
Hi anon,
First of all I'm so sorry about everything you went through. You did not deserve to be treated those ways, and I'm honestly appalled that both your mom and your bf's mom have said such blatantly rude things about and to you. There is no reason to speak to and about anyone that way.
It hurts when not only your mom, but your mother in law disapproves of you. It makes family functions needlessly more complicated. That being said, I do think you deserve to both set strict boundaries with these people and also have those boundaries respected. So for example, you say you'd love to never have to see your mother in law again, and that's okay. That could become a boundary where you say "If you're going to see your mom, I'm not coming. She has disrespected me and has now lost the privilege of my company."
Your boyfriend should be more understanding and supportive of you. When I put myself in his shoes, I would think it's completely valid why you don't want to see her. I wouldn't make you go with me when I wanted to visit her, I would simply respect that boundary because of my love for you, and so I'm curious why your boyfriend still makes you go along. It may be necessary to have a conversation with him and just explain to him that you love and respect him and his family but because his mom has hurt you so unapologetically, you don't want to visit her again, but remind him that he's free to visit his mom by himself whenever he pleases.
Obviously avoiding her won't be completely possible, but you deserve to respect your boundaries where you can, and if you really don't want to see her even at family functions, you may just want to keep a distance from her.
If anyone else has any suggestions, please feel free to add on. Otherwise I hope I could help, and please let us know if you need anything.
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crazyloststar · 2 years
Something that I've been struggling with and trying to work through is that hey actually, I was in a toxic war with my mother growing up and she actually is the reason for a big chunk of my anxiety. And it's something I sure can't ever talk to her about.
But it keeps coming up on therapy.
People meet my mom and think we have a strong relationship and in my head I'm like well you see yeah because now we see each for like 4 hours at a time and I don't live close enough for drop by opps. I moved out right after high school even though I clearly didn't make enough money so I lived with my bf at the times family.
My dad told me (and my siblings) that if we went to college, we could stay home with no rent. But once done need to get a job.
I had FAFSA so I took it a loan TO MOVE OUT and then worked 3 waitress jobs at the same time to survive. And I did that instead of continue living at home. Even though that would have been way easier. Financially.
My brother and sister? Sister lived with them until she met her girlfriend. My brother still lives there but as agreed has a job and helps out. Which I don't fault them for. They had very different relationships with my parents. I don't know if it was because I was the oldest or what but.
What I do know if I spend more than a couple days around my mom 99% of the time she does or says something that triggers me so hard I shut down and stop speaking to keep things from spiraling.
Like, I haven't lived them for 20 years and that shit STILL makes me feel like a 16 year old listening to her mother run through the house SCREAMING and throwing shit as she passes, hiding in the closet to stay out of sight.
I guess what I'm grasping for is, family is family but you don't have to have this super strong bond with them to keep a connection and if you can be around for short bursts like. Just fucking do it. Take care of yourself, my dudes.
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finnofamerica · 2 years
How would your OCs react to their GF/BF having a bad day? Like really shitty rainy bad day
James "Dix" Dixion
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Dix would immediately try to make you laugh. Probably telling you a story of something stupid he did as a teenager.
He's so animated when he tells you too. Making up voices, using a comb as a mustache.
"And Josh's dad was so pissed at me! It's okay tho Mr. Vaughn can't resist me, he forgave me after a week. Moved all his old trophies though."
He'll keep you laughing until your bad day is completely forgotten.
Joshua Vaughn
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Josh would offer you an oversized sweater and some boxers while he washed and dried your clothes. No one wants to hang out in sopping wet clothing on top of their already shitty day.
"Tell me about your day, baby."
He'd just sit and listen to how shitty your day was. Once you tired yourself out he'd ask
"Do you want a ride home or a sleepover, baby?" "Sleep over." "Yeah, I figured. Up to bed, I'll tuck you in."
Everett Reed
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Everett would be so pissed on your behalf.
"Next time you tell Patricia from accounting that if she has a goddamned problem then she can take it up with me. What the fuck is she talking about? 'yOuR sLaCkInG'. Shut the fuck up Patricia."
He'd be pacing back and forth cursing out whoever made you cry.
Devon Reed
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He'd see your tears and your soaking wet clothes and immediately pull you into a hug.
"Do you want to vent, be distracted, or have a problem solved?"
Whatever you decide he'd be all too happy to help.
He'd cuddle you the whole time too, helping you relax.
"Do you wanna hear a new song I wrote?"
Ryker Jones
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"What's wrong? Talk to me."
She'd listen as you talk about the shitty Karen who ruined your day, massaging your scalp.
She'd have to resist the urge to hunt down that Karen, but ultimately she knew that it wasn't something in her jurisdiction.
She'd give such light kisses all over your face, helping melt away the stress.
Ava Reyes
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Runs you a bubble bath with nice-smelling candles and makes your cocoa.
"Listen, they can only bother you if you let them. At the end of the day, they are just bitter. You are stronger than them for not reacting out of aggression or jealousy."
She'd definitely wash your clothes for you and provide some nice PJs to sleep in.
"Do you wanna watch a movie with me?"
Magdalyn Rose
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She'd take you in her arms and soothe your crying.
"Come, my love, prep breakfast for the shelter with me. Cooking is as good as therapy, no?"
You would act as her sous chef as she instructed you on prepping the meal.
The longer into the meal prep the more your worries were forgotten.
She served you up some nice hot biscuits for dinner, instructing you to eat.
If you crashed out at her place, she'd take you home in the morning.
Aaron Jones
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If you came to Aaron after your bad day, he'd pull you to his reading nook, serve you up some coffee and sit with you while you talked about it.
"Feeling better?" "A little." "Good. You're not allowed to be sad in my presence. Only happy thoughts."
He'd kiss your forehead, pet your hair.
"How about I make you forget your worries?"
Samuel Lowe
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Sam would cuddle you, let you cry it out.
"Let's watch a movie. You can tell me all about it when you're ready."
He's very patient, but usually very tired. He'd want you to talk about it, but knows patience is key with you.
"Can we just go to bed, please?" "Of course. Anything to make you feel better."
Greyson Reyes
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"You know, typically I'd think your tears are hot, but I don't think that'd fly in this situation."
He'd sit you on his lap and soothe you. Offer his advice.
"You need a hot meal and to rest."
He'd check on you throughout the night to make sure you were sleeping peacefully.
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linear9 · 2 months
The 6 people you meet online
There are conversations that I can't help but replay in my head. Some I've had online. Like the one I had with someone from Argentina, Austria, Greece, France, as well as a Tunisian-Russian fellow, among others. Some were entertaining, thought-provoking, etc. But the following exchange was stuck in head because it went nowhere. I think it's a personality trait: if I think something is absurd, then I'll remember it for a long time. The post was as simple as this: the guy shared an anecdote, in particular, he said that in one of his past relationships, he was talking to his girlfriend (now ex) about a general topic, and he raised his voice at her. And what was the bottom line of the post? Her actions constituted a redflag, because you shouldn't be with someone who projects their past trauma on you (the gf, who apologized! explained that apparently her mother used to yell at her, and so whenever someone yells at her, she's thrown back into the times when she had been on the receiving end of her mother's abuse, i.e, she relives the helplessness she used to feel in those instances (I'm paraphrasing))
In most developed countries, I think this would an open-and-shut case: you yelled at your gf, especially over a trivial matter, you apologize. The girl's issues with her mother are secondary, because the yelling in and of itself was wrong. The guy wanted to argue that he isn't responsible for how the gf felt as result of being yelled at, however, the problem is the yelling. You don't allow yourself to yell at your gf, forgive yourself for it, then move on to blame her! for her reaction because it's a redflag she's blaming her past trauma blah blah blah. If love is nothing else, it's respect.
It doesn't matter if you think up until that point, you had been the most compassionate, understanding… person and bf, and therefore you think you should be cut some slack (i.e., so what if I raised my voice one time type of reasoning).
The guy claimed his gf's behavior was a redflag… What about looking back at this years after and STILL not recognizing that you should've apologized? What about sharing this person (the ex)'s story, so that others can learn what redflags to look for in a partner, even though the person who did nothing wrong (the ex) apologized. Imagine the amount of mind-fuckery and how little you have to advocate for yourself to think that you should apologize for being yelled at. That day, I remember thinking if this guy doesn't understand what I'm saying, what hope is there for the average guy in this sexist, backward part of the world. Though I suspect he only couldn't understand because he was involved, and/or that maybe he's used to people being shitty to him (real or imagined) that he couldn't accept that he could do that to someone else. Edit: Actually, fuck that. The reason why he couldn't see his gf's perspective is selfishness, first and foremost. Her not wanting him to raise his voice, get angry ... = thinking he has to restrict his own freedom = a nuisance to him. But for someone to try to make the argument that their s.o wanted them to walk on eggshells, he would've needed more than her asking him not to raise his voice at her + at one particular occasion, for that claim to even begin to have any grounds to it. The funniest part is that he tried to guilt me for commenting on his private matters, as if the only reason I knew anything about this incidence wasn't him putting it in writing for everyone on this website to read.
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