#i think my last gifset was in like august
helaena-targaryens · 1 year
finally got a yenskier gifset idea which means yennskiersource 2k23 revival is coming
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cephalopodsquad · 5 months
so... bare with me and put on your tinfoil hats, but im having thoughts about swerve strickland, death and resurrection, the supernatural, and hangman adam page.
so as we all know, swerve at wembley was in a coffin match and IN KAYFABE was stuck in the coffin for 2 weeks.
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(this gifset is by bloodycowboyclub)
so... what if he wasnt stuck? but was actually dead and buried?
what if swerve came back... not necessarily wrong, as he was already ruthless before (i mean, look at the nick wayne attack spot. that was brutal)... but instead came back different? almost... inhuman? came back with an unsettling smile, with even less regard for human life?
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(bloodycowboyclub again)
his eye makeup is getting darker every single week, almost like hollywood rotting zombie makeup, or showing that he himself is getting darker. same with his gear, focusing on reds and blacks (and gray fur coats ofc) instead of colors.
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he hasnt slept since August? since the coffin match?
my favorite though, is how he knows how to get under hangman's skin. yes yes, going to his home. the drawing from his child. but also every word swerve says in the ring to page. his body language.
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(original gifs by firstmix)
he knows exactly what to say and what to do to make hangman angry. angry enough to draw blood. angry enough to drink it.
and then there was last night's promo. I'm still thinking about it.
“If God opened up the clouds above us and challenged everyone on earth, I believe Hangman could beat Him….. But he still couldn’t beat me”
implying that Swerve is not of this earth like hangman or anyone He would challenge. but isnt capital g God either - instead something different. something stronger.
swerve was in a coffin for two weeks. he hasnt slept well since then. his makeup and gear has gotten darker. he has gotten bloodier in the ring, and has targeted hangman, easily getting under his skin.
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(bloodycowboyclub once again)
i wonder, if when hangman shouted the above words at swerve, if he knew just how right he really was.
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hanleiacelebration · 11 months
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Han/Leia Appreciation Week 2023
Han/Leia Appreciation Week is an event originally hosted at @han-leia-solo between 2016-2019. Last year, and with their permission, we decided to host it at @hanleiacelebration!
Since Beth Revis' "The Princess and the Scoundrel" was released on August 16th, 2022, we thought it'd be fun to mark the date as the anniversary of Han and Leia's wedding 🥰 And since this year is also the 40th anniversary of "Return of the Jedi", you'll see prompts related to both of those things!
💗 How does the Han/Leia Appreciation Week work?
The event will run from August 13th to August 19th, and there will be two different prompts each day that creators can fulfill with: fanfic, fanart, gifsets, graphics, fanvids, headcanons, crafts, playlists, rec lists. You’re encouraged to tag your posts with #hanleiaweek2023 so we can reblog them! After the week is over, we'll also share a masterlist with links to the works.
You can show your appreciation in many ways; however, please keep in mind that it has to be a creation of yours of some sort, e.g. don’t repost other people’s fanart, gifs, or unedited pictures. Rec lists should include a link to the original source both for fanfic and fanart (more on this after the cut).
💫 The prompts
Sunday 8/13: Anniversary / Memory
Monday 8/14: Endor / Reunion
Tuesday 8/15: Rescue / Vision
Wednesday 8/16: Favourite scene / Quote
Thursday 8/17: Battle couple / Millennium Falcon
Friday 8/18: AU / Canon divergence
Saturday 8/19: Free day!
You can use only one of the daily prompts, combine both, reinterpret them, or skip the day if you can’t think of anything. If you’re not able to post on the same day for a prompt, you’re still encouraged to share it through the week—just don’t post works for a certain prompt before the day corresponding to that prompt.
💠 💠 💠
FAQs and Rules under the cut - please read!
💗 Can I post my work to another site and share the link on Tumblr?
Yes! This is a good option for people who might want to create explicit art that could be taken down on Tumblr, write a long fic or multichapter, or make videos or playlists.
💗 Does it have to be a new creation? Can I finish and post a WIP?
It has to be something that has never been posted anywhere else before, so finishing and sharing a WIP is okay! If it doesn’t fit any of the prompts, you can share it on Free Day.
💗 Is this event open to all ratings?
Yes! Just remember to use a “Read more” cut if you’re posting the whole work on Tumblr, and to add a note at the top if your work is rated Mature or Explicit, as well as if it has any major trigger warnings, so all folks can safely browse through the entries.
💗 Are there any length or quality requirements?
There’s no min. or max. length for fanfic or quality level for art, but please note that AI-generated works won't be accepted. For gifsets, there’s a minimum of two gifs (that must be made by you!). For playlists, there’s a minimum of five songs. For rec lists of fic or fanart, there’s also a minimum of five recs. Some more questions you might have about rec lists:
- How do I share someone else's art without posting a picture? You might post a thumbnail that crops a preview of the piece; if the piece has a title, you might use that; you might describe it; or you might say something like “this piece by [artist]”, and link to the source.
- What if I found a fanart on Google? Try to find the original source using reverse search image.
- What if I can’t still find it, can I just say “credit to the artist”? In that case, please just don’t share the piece.
- What if I know the artist but don’t have a link to the original source? Naming the artist and linking back to where you found it is okay, in that case.
💗 Is the event based on "The Princess and the Scoundrel"?
Not really! That's just an excuse to celebrate Han/Leia 😊 You don’t need to include or acknowledge it in any way in your creations, although you’re welcome to.
💗 Can I write for canon/Legends and include other pairings?
All canons, time periods, headcanons and AUs are welcome, and you're allowed to include side pairings, except for R*eylo. However, keep in mind that this is a Han/Leia appreciation week - at the risk of sounding repetitive, works should focus on appreciating Han and Leia's relationship!
💗 What's the time zone for the event?
Please don't worry too much about time zones: when we say "day", we always mean "whenever that day is for you in your part of the world". IE: if it's Monday for you, you can post your work for the Monday prompt.
💠 💠 💠
Do you have any other questions? Don’t hesitate to send us an ask or to message one of the mods: @lajulie24 @hanorganaas and @otterandterrier
We can’t wait to see what you all create!
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wen-kexing-apologist · 6 months
✨2023: A Summary✨
Post your most popular and/or favourite edit/gifset/analysis for each month (it’s okay to skip months!)
tagged by @dribs-and-drabbles, thank you! this was a fun review and I was interested to see how many times my favorite post and the most popular post coincided (or didn't)
I wasn’t writing meta
Most popular: Heart’s Confrontation- the scene breakdown that started it all!
Favorite(s): Heart’s Confrontation, Moonlight Chicken Sign Language Index- I really had a lot of fun figuring out the similarities and differences in American Sign Language and Modern Thai Sign Language!
Most popular: Best Criers in Moonlight Chicken- it's funny, short, and sweet
Favorite(s): Moonlight Chicken is for the Queers, Isn’t it Difficult to be Born Poor?- I loved writing these so much!
Most popular: A plea for Akk to have unrestrained summer fun
Favorite(s): Bed Friend and Reflections Part 3; Songkran, Water, and KingUea- Not to sound egotistical or anything, but I was really proud of myself for the conclusions I came up with in both of these pieces
Most popular: Silence- I think this was one of the only things I wrote in May
Favorite(s): Silence- THE ACTING IS JUST SO GOOD OKAY?
Most popular: By/For/About Queers Part 1 and Part 2- these only have the most notes because this was originally a post from @absolutebl that I added thoughts to, so most of those notes are from them
Favorite(s): Phupa and internalized homophobia Part 1 and Part 2- it was really fun getting to unpack my past assumptions about Phupa and work through those until I came out the other side with a new blorbo.
Most popular:  Lack of Touch in BMF
Favorite(s): Rain, BL Boys, and Reciprocity; Trans Allegory in Cupid’s Last Wish; Body Language in La Pluie, Episode 12- I especially liked Rain and Reciprocity because I think it has really shaped how I watch shows since then because I want to see if my theory holds.
Most popular: Only Friends, Boston, and Queer Culture
Favorite(s): Only Friends, Boston, and Queer Culture, Pause for Reflection, Part 1: Respectable Promiscuity and Only Friends- listen, I was going to write boring, academic, cited work about sex/porn as a joke, okay? I didn't expect people to actually engage with them as excitedly as they did!
Most popular: A Must Read- I give all credit for the success of this post to the Teen Vogue author who wrote the article and to @waitmyturtles who sent this link to me
Favorite(s): Pause for Reflection, Part 2: Only Friends, Racism, and the Commodification of Queer Asians; Poor Boy; Who is Mew Anyway?- Honestly, I had a wonderful time writing all the essays for Only Friends
Most popular: Best Scene in Only Friends and Why it was Sand and Nick Kissing
Favorite(s): Let’s Talk About Sex!, Why I Like BL, Physicality of Characters- the sex essay for my 69th essay was fun, and hilariously appropriate because I had recently answered the physicality question and could use it as an example
Most popular: Physical Touch and Hands in Last Twilight- It made me feel so warm and fuzzy that people would notice I wasn't posting about this show and want to hear from me <3
Favorite(s): IS BROTHER ANURAK THE ONE ARMED MAN?- I will never reach a higher high than when my obsession with hands finally paid off and I figured this shit out a month in advance of Part 2, I'm a motherfucking genius
Most popular: Hands Touching Hands- I love throwing in complete key smash type of analysis from time to time as a treat cause I keep forcing people to read literal long-form essays all the fucking time (sorry, not sorry)
Favorite(s): Top 5 Favorite Food Moments, Best of QL 2023: Favorite Lines, Best of QL pre-2023: Favorite Lines- I love when I can cause people emotional pain, and all of these not only stabbed me in the heart but took a couple of people down with me as far as I can tell from the tags.
It's wild to have done this, because I haven't really been keeping an eye on my stats until now. I've made almost 400 original posts this year, and increased my notes by 25,000 annually looking at 2023 compared to 2022. I have been a lonely little tumblr goblin since 2012. I came on here to read other people's smart thoughts about things I was watching and to reblog gifs, and I never really thought building community here was possible, but here I am 11 months after making my first BL analysis post with a bunch of friends I didn't know a year ago, and about 20 more lenses through which I watch my silly little gay shows.
tagging: @bengiyo, @ranchthoughts, and @rocketturtle4
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morkofday · 6 months
Every month of 2023 ✨
Post your most popular and/or favorite edit/gifset for each month (it’s okay to skip months!)
thank you so much for tagging me zey [x] @smileytharn, mj [x] @forcebook, jessi [x] @daymork, and antania [x] @raypakorn ♥ it was so lovely to look through all of your creations! you've all worked hard during the past year and i hope i get to see more creations from all of you throughout this year ^^
i'm collecting my creations for each month under the cut but let's look at some fun statistics at first! (inspired by antania's post ♥)
i created 68 edits
additionally, there were 5 photo collabs (jimmysea photoshoots)
and 4 text post meme posts (for last twilight)
the most edits i made in may (due to our skyy 2 episodes)
most of my edits were related to vice versa (13 in total)
the second most popular ones were bad buddy (8 edits) and last twilight (10 edits)
most of my edits were either lovely/warm or angsty
i got deep into episode edits this year
and also took inspiration from other than poetry and lyrics
thank you so much for being part of all this!
my most popular edit was this vegaspete set i made for @spicyvampire ♥ i actually like it a ton! but my personal favorite from this month is my bad buddy characters + the real 5 love languages set. i like the meme a ton and i loved how the set turned out (+ for me, it's super funny).
my most popular edit this month was the toddblack differences edit i made for @i-got-the-feels ♥ it was a very different type of edit and i'm very happy ppl liked it this much. personal favorite is this jimmy(sea) set for the varitda mv he/they appeared in. i loved the aesthetic of the mv and i feel like i captured that very well.
the most popular edit in march was my akkayan + one direction piece dedicated to @fitfmybeloved ♥ i think i need to make something else with a similar style sometime. my favorites would be the puen & talay's top 10 outfits edits which technically happened in february and march. i had a ton of fun with them and i honestly adore looking at the results.
my birthday month! the most popular creation was my beyond evil edit which was interesting to make according to @nongnaos's request ♥ i had never edited this show (or any kdrama) before and i also struggled a bit with figuring out the layout. it's a very simple set but felt fitting. my favorite this month would be this puentalay set made for you antania ♥ it took a lot of time, especially all the coloring, but it was worth every second! (special mention for my sea bday set which i still cannot believe the bday boy actually saw and liked on twt ;; i love him so much!)
i think it's very deserved that my most popular edit in may was this puentalay one for my our skyy 2 episode edits series. it's for the first vice versa episode and tbh also my personal favorite out of all those episode edits i made ^^ the coloring just worked super well there. my true favorite of the month was the pran's life anthem edit i made for @pransobrave ♥
as is fitting for pride month, my most popular edit and also my personal favorite was my our skyy 2 couples edit where i tried to describe all of their different loves through the colors of a rainbow. it was a lot of fun to do!
the most popular edit this month was the pran set i made for @punpunsutatta ♥ i had a lot of fun with this one bc i got to try some new things with it. personal faves and my peak as an editor (in my own opinion) were the two puentalay edits i made this month. this sam smith song inspired one i made for you zey ♥ i adore the layout and the colors, it makes me think about vintage images and letters. and this other one was born bc the quote haunted me. i love the pink in it a lot, it's so soft.
for august, i felt like i was making a ton of things even if i didn't have the energy or the time. in reality, i didn't make that many but i made a couple of very big sets. one of them and the most popular one this month was my winteam set made for @jimmysea ♥ making it took some research and then i had to go through the episodes a little while i searched for the fitting scenes. personal favorite was this akktheo set bc it turned out looking very cute. i think it captures their feeling as a couple and their story well. special mention for my jimmy bday set bc i poured my heart into it ♥ i love this man so much (and i currently wish he is fine and gets well soon, he's apparently in the hospital ;;)
things got hectic in september as i started my internship and had to travel around a lot. i was too tired to do much else but work and study and watch dramas without any brain. that's why i only made two edits. my most popular set was my last request edit for my event. it was patpran with the lyrics from ford arun's song come closer and made for @celestial-sapphicss ♥ i love the colors in this so much. personal favorite, only barely, is still my puentalay + 8 types of love set. i had a blast making it as a kind of collab with @dimpledpran who made the patpran version!
made only two edits (or well, one cut into two parts) in october too due to being very busy and tired. they were quite big tho bc i used a long while gathering material for them. it was its own type of research project when i wrote down all the times puentalay told each other 'i love you' without saying those exact words to each other. i struggled with the layout too as mimi can probably remember :'D but i love these sets a lot so they're both my favorite and most popular ♥
finally in november last twilight came to save all of us and so it's no wonder i created a lot for that during this month :'D i honestly wished to make more but i was still mostly busy with my internship and with starting my thesis. my most popular one was this last twilight trailer edit. i think it was fun to kind of make it similar to my mock trailer edit all that time ago. my personal favorite is the mork + linkin park edit that probably caters to only myself lol. am honestly obsessed with each song mentioned in this bc i can see it with mork so well. it was a relief to get that one out.
haven't really had the time to dive as deep into last twilight and make as many edits for it as i'd wanted due to using most of december to catch up on sleep and all the studying i couldn't do during my internship, but hopefully now i'll have more time to devastate yall ♥ the most popular post was this last twilight + random tweets thing and my personal favorite is the only morkday quote edit i've managed so far. i love the colors and the whole concept to bits, and cannot wait to make more ^^
thank you if you read this far! i'm not sure who hasn't been tagged yet bc i'm a bit late with this one but if you have done this already, you can always send it my way! i almost demand you do. i love appreciating all your art ♥
tagging: @dimpledpran @jimmysea @moonkhao @chinzillas @khaotunqs @pranink @dengswei @taeminie @psychic-waffles (i'd love to see your art!) @yilinglaozu @eohachu @difanghua @mooninagust @namchyoon ♥
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sollucets · 6 months
beloveds @khaotunq, @pranink & @alexshenry tagged me to do:
every month of 2023! list your favorite/most popular gifset for each month.
i started making gifs in march this year, so january/february are off the table for this. it's funny that it hasn't even been a full year yet. it seems both somehow a lot longer and also like i remain some kind of photoshop baby at the same time. the images in this post will remain undescribed until i have some energy in my failing body, unfortunately
in any case:
march: midnight museum invades all 2 of my braincells. i download photoshop. the end is nigh
most popular: msp/eclipse pool parallel set
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favorite: the bams i made for sof
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(notes: it's hard to look back at these lmao. what is coloring and why don't i know her. why is everything so dark. who told me to use noise dithering and why did i ever think that was a good idea. anyway)
april: the eighth sense is airing! i meet many mutuals and friends. i figure out about the curves tool (thank god)
most popular: taehyung getting dunked on
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(very deserved dunk; very bad set. the coloring of this scene was extremely questionable and i did nothing to fix it it looks so dull and gray. augh)
favorite: feet lining up / jihyun & jaewon on the beach
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i really like this coloring actually. it's bright enough to actually see them, their skin doesn't look as weird, and i like the soft pink i made the beach. a win for baby photoshop user rowan
may: the purple is in full swing now
most popular: purple yok
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first set to cross 1k! the purple is still very good but in hindsight there are things i now know i couldve done to help his skin. in any case. a banger. beloved
favorite: pink our skyy 2 hands set
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[through tears] you're my space. also my first try at typography
june: i lose the will to gif some in the back half of this month, but i also learn to do a Lot of new things, like gradient maps & more complicated typography and transitions and such
most popular: puzzle piece hugs!
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deserved! hard to gif and fun to look at
favorite: i think it might be the heartliming i made for vi now! but i still like khathadome from eden too.
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july: i try giffing a few different shows. the only friends trailer comes out on the last day and i enter some kind of terrifying fugue state
most popular: sand and ray fighting / crying in the ofts trailer
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do you guys remember the trailer 1080p? life was so good
favorite: nobody appreciates my ride enough
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august: only friends airs, eclipse anniversary is concurrent, i lose my mind. i also learn to use the method of brightening that i still use & several other fundamental gif tricks
most popular: sandray car makeout
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good for them! i start using significant grain on my ofts gifs from here on out and can never decide how i feel about that
favorite: orange/blue eclipse episode seven set
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september: the madness continues
most popular: sand cooking for ray / special
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ive giffed this scene three times and this is my least favorite coloring but what can you do. this is my third post to cross 1k
favorite: new rules set! i had mixed feelings when i posted it but it's really grown on me.
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october: the madness is so much worse. only friends ends and i am left near-catatonic immediately, apparently. also, i learn to blend and use overlays and some other cool things. i join userdramas :'>
most popular: raysand afterglow. as it should be. cheek kissie
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favorite: space girl!! show me the stars!!!
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loved making this. purple and sparkly and gay. still super proud. that said other runner-up favorites in october are ray's o-face & the boyfriend shirt & akkaye's thumb thing collection
november: i am left cavernously empty after ofts ends and i fill the void with namtan
most popular: last twilight episode one porjai
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she <3
favorite: gaipa userdramas set
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again, i learned to use musescore for this set just so i could have those pretty notes. :')
december: i am punched in the face by seasonal depression. all is not well. i made just one gifset this month, but at least it was good? :')
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and here we are today !! it was very fun to look over everything; thanks so much for playing and have a happy new year everyone
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knotwerk · 1 month
holy shit i fucking love editing. (remind me i said that in two weeks.) 
i’m working on the proper hydration series finale aka PH6. i finished writing the first draft on 4/6/24, clocking in at 85k words. and then i sat on it for a few days before rereading it, did an extremely cursory once-over edit, and sent it off to my first reader & og beta @demolitionwoman-blog (CHEERS!!!). she started working on the beta, and by the time she hit chapter 3, she made the observation that the next step in the editing process for this might not be a typical beta read, but a structure/development read, and maybe a reverse outline would be a good next step. 
and i was like, i have never heard of a reverse outline. like, i have never heard of most things, really; i just started writing fiction in fucking august 2022 and am having a FUCKING BALL learning by doing. so i googled reverse outline, read the top three hits lol, and was like OH FUCK YES. 
because i do not Outline-outline when i write. all respect to those who do!!!!!, but i just Can Not. i have tried, and i get both daunted and bored, and that combo is like fucking kryptonite to my brain. for a longer piece (or a piece that doesn’t just burst out of my fingertips in response to a gifset or bts drop or tweet or gc comment 😅), i do make a sort of vibes outline. like, i open a fresh doc and splort down all the themey ideas i’m able to put words to at that point, and i make notes on whatever beats have already formed in my head, but it’s loose and sketchy at best. and then i write and see what happens as the story unfolds, and i go back to that notes doc to sort of talk to myself about it, to update the vibe outline as i get further in my draft, etc. 
but PH6 is the longest & most complex thing i’ve written yet, so by the time i got to the end of the first draft—by the time i’d put the whole story into words—i was like, oh my god, what is this. like, has this done the thing i wanted to do, per my vibe outline, and also, what did it actually do, and is it legible (whatever that means; like far be it from me to tell the reader what they should get out of something, but, generally speaking, is it cohesive.). now that i have told the story, like… what the fuck is the story about please, and does it "work." 
so i “finished” my reverse outline yesterday and omfg it’s helping so much and it’s SO EXCITING!!!! LIKE, THIS IS HELPING ME WRAP MY MIND AROUND THE THING I DID, SO I AM BETTER ABLE TO SEE WHAT I AM TRYING TO DO!!!! AND I CAN WORK WITH THAT!!!!!
it’s like i had a bunch of kittens scrambling around in my brain and while i was writing i was like 'oh i love these kittens so much, and i really hope this story herds these kittens effectively so they slow down just enough that people can really see their cute little faces (including me, i am people)' and then i finished the first draft and was like 'ahhh did the story herd the kittens??? i can't tell, they're still moving too fast in my brain' and then the reverse outline showed up and was like I COME BEARING TUNA AND FIFTEEN CARDBOARD BOXES and now i can see the kittens better. 
and then! i slept on it last night, and this morning my brain was like, “oh, here, why don’t i just efficiently articulate the vibes and arrange them in a tidy visual diagram that reveals how they all flow through the story for you?” WHEE!!
and then i got so excited that i had to put it down and write all this instead of working on it further 
(this, which could probably use its own reverse outline lmao)
like, i’m reading Mary Ruefle’s Madness, Rack, and Honey, which is a book of collected lectures that i cannot stop screaming about and that slaps so hard i keep having to throw it across the room, and just the other day i read, in the chapter “On Secrets,” 
I used to think I wrote because there was something I wanted to say. Then I thought, “I will continue to write because I have not yet said what I wanted to say”; but I know now I continue to write because I have not yet heard what I have been listening to.
and i think the reverse outline is helping me hear it a little better, and that is fucking exciting.
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befuddledcinnamonroll · 5 months
✨2023: A Summary✨
Post your most popular and/or favourite edit/gifset/analysis for each month (it’s okay to skip months!)
I was tagged by @telomeke (thanks! 😘)
Also appreciation that this post helped me finally take the time to figure out how to find my blog archive, lol.
January-June 2023
No posts! I was still in my lurker phase. Somehow I thought I had started earlier, but it's just been 6 months! That is insane to me. It has felt so much longer. Timey whimey and all that. Clearly I have made up for lost time. Now I cannot not talk about stuff on here.
July 2023
most popular - A whole 19 notes! When I was still totally on board for Be Mine Superstar. That did not last.
favorite - My very first post, in defense of Tai in La Pluie. Not so much because of the content, but it was the moment I just had to say something, and I'm so glad I did. Once you break the ice, it's so natural to keep going.
August 2023
most popular - My first genuinely popular post, and still my most popular post, where I joke about gay mafia. I start to get an idea of what makes y'all tick. It still gets likes now. I find that hilarious.
favorite - I think this one, on Hidden Agenda. It was the first time I started to genuinely dip into analysis, and I think I was on to something, considering what we learn about Zo and his mom's relationship!
September 2023
most popular - My cuddling friends agenda is supported!
favorite - I am deep in my Papang love. And yes, he is absolutely delicious, but is also such an amazing actor, and needs to be a goddamn lead already. Closely followed by my Bosston appreciation post, he rocked my socks in Be Mine.
October 2023
most popular - We were all losing our minds over Kiseki, clearly. Normally my recaps aren't that far-reaching, but this one apparently hit right at the high point of Chen Yi/Ai Di fever.
favorite - My proposal for GMMTV, inspired by @respectthepetty's gym bros post. YinWar have come through for me, which means that Petty deserves some goddamn Gym Bros already!!
November 2023
most popular - I love that this one was popular, because I still laugh at Meen's perfect "howwwww" face.
favorite - My thoughts on Shadow and forgiveness. As someone who's had family harmed by a religious figure, and as someone who worked in human services for a while, I have a lot of feelings about how often forgiveness is used as a cudgel against victims. And I got a private message from someone that my post actually helped them with how they were feeling after the episode. Which means so very much. And I reassert - it's up to you and no one else if you forgive, and it's ok if you decide you never will.
December 2023
most popular - Another one I'm so pleased was popular, because Saint deserves it. Also I like ranting about how much I like people or things. So much more fun than ranting about what I hate.
favorite - my love letter to you all. And I mean it!
I think anyone else I would tag has already been covered by @telomeke, but if we missed anyone, feel free to tag yourself!
Also, if you've been hesitating to stop lurking and start posting, just do it! The rewards are plentiful. This is a great corner of tumblr. We are nice people. You'll be ok.
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sparklyeyedhimbo · 6 months
every month of 2023
i got tagged by @i-got-the-feels @itsallaboutbl and @smileytharn
thank you all for the tag..this was pretty fun hahah
i am tagging @bunnakit @petrichoraline @gabrielokun @supanuts @heretherebedork @firstmix @guzhu-furen
okay lets go lets see my gif journey of 2023
(i am nice and put a read more here hahah)
JANUARY: i was still on my gaymer boyfriend agenda but i also did the the eclipse but it's a comedy. But my favorite gif out of that month is 100% this:
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which also was the last gif i did for this series i had started LUL
FEBRUARY: bed friend and my school president was omi-present in this month. I also started more to experiment with adding stuff to my gifs. My favorite out of that month is this one:
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this gif is always a mood okay
MARCH: this was the month of midnight museum and my mike in a boss and a babe gifs. This is where doki doki kali style was born (funny because this is also my birth month..so it's fecking fitting ahjsdhasjkd) so my favorite gif of that month is hands down this:
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look at all the sporkle (I EVEN POSTED THIS ON MY BIRTHDAY)
APRIL: april was the same as march with some bed friend gif sprinkled in. but mostly midnight museum and me making fun of khatha. but for this month i will go with a whole gifset as my favorite. it's my khatha matching the artifacts in every episode gifset.
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my old, pathetic and very stylish idiot
MAY: in may be my favorite joined the ranks of shows i going to make iconic gifsets for. And i was still doing the mike in our skyy gifsets. I think that was the only time i really was crunching out a gifset like on a specific time. Loved it but also it was very stressful hahaha. My favorite gif of this month is this one:
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babymode!puen was one of the best things out of their our skyy episodes..and well them as DADS.
JUNE: be my favorite was in the main focus in that month but i also squeezes in my pan-coded bl people gifsets (looking back i did all of this while working FULLtime..idk what i was on) My favorite gif out of that one is this:
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the birth of the excessive animated fronts hahaha
JULY: hidden agenda and be my favorite where the gifsets i did on the regular in that month. And i dipped my toes in working with "more then one gif in one gif" thing and i started to animate my own things i added on my gifs. My favorite out of that month is:
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this whole set i enjoyed doing so much hahaha
AUGUST: only friends and dangerous romance mayor things i gifed that month. I also started to do so much extra work for my gifs..like create a whole ass dialog wheel for my only friends gifs hahaha. Only friends really was just so mass effect/dragon age coded that i had to. With some of these decisions these idiots did hahah. My favorite out of that month is:
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nawin..it will always be nawin
SEPTEMBER: in september i really got in a low of gifing..you could say i was starting the burn out. (because my mental health finally catched up on me and well...) I only gifed 6 gifsets in that month and my favorite out of all of these gif was this one because it was the easiest to do at that time:
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look it's ray
OCTOBER: ohh spooky-tober was a treat, i fell into the kiseki: dear to me hole and i think came up with one of the most fun gifsets i have ever made at this point *playboyy looms over my shoulder*. my favorite out of this month has to be this one
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NOVEMBER: November came and brought me playboyy and pitbabe and boy did these show change my brand. A stupid brainfart idea about adding peach emojis on gifs turned into well the fruity bunch and me condition people into thinking about playboyy when they see fruit. i can't really say what was my favorite gif for this month because all of them i love them dearly (even the evil gifset i had to make for @kayatoasted) but to not post yet another version of shell with a fruit penis i am going with this one:
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pavel doing the fanficton sniff
DECEMBER: ohh december..my i sleep 50% of the day away and don't get shit done..but i somehow made 3 gifsets THREE..but are they iconic? because two of them are the sign gifsets? And both of them involve jellyfish? maybe? yes? but my fav of all of the gifs i DID is this one
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the gif i made for @bunnakit of yai our beloved himbo and first phayatharn shipper!
one thing for sure i let go in 2023..i didn't give a shit about what size my gifs where as long as they where 540 wide i was game hahahah.
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tophsazulas · 11 months
Welcome to my blog where I show love for a hundred billion wlw ships, hundred million mlm ships, and eight hundred something het ships haha.
@randomwriter23 is the Eric to my Donna (platonically)
@vintageholls is the Donna to my Jackie
Oh, and I track the #donna pinciotti defense squad tag <3
PSA: This blog is a safe space for everyone. Doesn’t matter if we have some different interests from each other or anything like that. Just as long as everyone is kind and respectful.
Edit 1/6 (OC ask game): here
Character ask game (edited 5/12): here
Edit 6/15: another ask game
(Edit 6/10): https://www.tumblr.com/tophsazulas/752920199338098688
Current polls: TBD
Another edit 7/18: list of colors for each ship/dynamic I make edits for
I do take giffing requests, so feel free to send me any ship or character and I’ll make an edit!
Sideblogs: @stebekahappreciationblog (stebekah blog), @bennxttwitch (Bonnie rp), @ao3feed-forwood (forwood ao3 blog), @that90sgifs (gifs and content for t9s), and @sabrinaswifts (Taylor Swift side blog), @creativewritingthings (prompt blog), @tophzulapolls (my Tophzula poll blog)
And if you wanna know more about me: here
Be sure to check out my video edits @that70sshowandthat90sshowluver in ig and @poorninarayanan6 on TikTok (a lot of them can’t fit into tumblr)
Pinterest: @nikkisgwens
Twitter: @MsPoorniNars (lots of my moodboards, fandom things, edits, and Taylor content is there)
Upcoming fic list: https://www.tumblr.com/hydesjackiespuddinpop/728727444466647040/upcoming-fics
T7S/T9S drabble pack masterlist: https://www.tumblr.com/hydesjackiespuddinpop/729013936318529536/ship-drabble-packs-t7s-loud-girl-and-puddin-pop
Psa: if there’s ANYTHING on my blog labeled as mature, please assume it’s tumblr being dumb. I may no longer be a minor, but I’m not comfortable making that kind of content.
Ships: Jackie/Eric, Toph/Azula, Gwen/Nikki, Jay/Leia, Gwen/Leia, Nate/Leia, Brooke/Kelso, Kelso/Fez, Eric/Buddy, Jackie/Donna, Eric/Donna (mostly s1-2), JT/Liberty, Peter/Darcy, Sean/Ellie, Sean/Emma (mostly s1-2), Ellie/Jimmy, Jimmy/Trina, Jay/Manny, Holly J/Sav, Spinner/Jane, Chantay/Anya, & Jackie/Hyde (it’s complicated) fan along with many more ships
One last psa: I will be writing my own posts with several of my opinions. If you don’t agree, then just don’t interact and all is good. You’re allowed to have your own opinion and I’m allowed to have mine. So there’s no need or point or state how you disagree with mine and think x. If you want to state your opinion, then I suggest writing your own post instead of going onto mine.
I am accepting gif requests, so feel free to send me any ship, dynamic, character from any fandom and I’ll make a gifset.
My main T7S/T9S opinions if anyone wants to know:
The T7S & T9S (T2S as well) timelines for my verse:
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cinematicnomad · 5 months
What made you really like interested in the Terror?
the terror is a show that i remember being vaguely aware of existing when it came out, but i had no real idea of how or where to watch it. i knew it starred jared harris, who i'd loved in mad men and chernobyl, so i definitely WANTED to watch it. i had a vague understanding that it had some sort of eldritch horror thing going on, which appealed to me since i was into the magnus archives at the time. but it was just one of those shows that like, i'd occasionally see a gifset for on tumblr or see mentioned on twitter and would go, "oh yeah, i still want to watch that."
anyway, then last like, august 2022?? i was in a weird mood, was watching a bunch of different videos about mysterious histories, and watched a video about the dyatlov pass incident. it happened in russia so i rewatched chernobyl, but it ALSO happened in winter and the combination of the story taking place in winter, the unknown horror elements that people grip onto, and my own rewatch of chernobyl which put jared harris at the forefront of my mind, reminded me of the existence of the terror and i googled where to stream it and lucked out that i happened to look when it was on hulu. i decided to give it a shot, put on the first episode, and then promptly binged the entire season in a single night.
as for why it gripped me so much and why i'm here giffing it daily 1.5 years later? definitely the inherent tragedy of it all. the what-if's that live rent free in my mind. the tuunbaq aspect of it is probably the least interesting to me—i like the added horror elements, but really i'm more preoccupied/interested in the human horror.
i tried reading the book but gave up about halfway through—around the point when fitzjames died? but really i think i gave up on it when i decided that i preferred the show's version of carnivale—the inherent horror of stanley setting himself and the tent on fire as this act of murder/suicide, this demented attempt at saving them all from a fate much worse, the guilt that fitzjames feels for it all...so much more interesting to me than the book's version of tuunbaq showing up to fuck shit up.
fitzier is definitely appealing to me and i've read a good number of amazing fics about them. the fandom itself is wonderful, and i LOVE reading the tags on all the gifsets i post and the ones i reblog from others. i'm not sure if i would have gone out of my way to gif the terror myself if a RL friend hadn't found out i was recently obsessed with it and offered to send me his copies, but i'm v glad he did. it's been fun v slowly re-watching the show while giffing almost every single frame of the season. i also just really appreciate that this is a finite story told in a single season.
✨anonymously ask me one thing you want to know about me✨
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athousandbyeol · 5 months
✨2023: A Summary✨
Post your most popular and/or favorite edit/gifset for each month (it’s okay to skip months!)
tagged by @daymork thanks, jessi :) this was really fun.
most popular — are you afraid of me? [palmnueng]
favourite(s) — can't i have you him now? [palmnueng]
most popular — i can't live without you. i want you to be with me forever. [palmnueng]
favourite(s) — i like your eyes. you... like... my eyes? [heartliming] // you make me feel normal. [heartliming]
most popular — (n.) boyfriends — heart and li ming. [heartliming]
favourite (s) — [same as above]
most popular — cher. you know what, boss? ever since i knew you, my life has been a big mess. it’s freaking exhausting, you know? i shouldn’t have known you. why did we have to meet? i’m freaking exhausted! cher. please don’t say that. my life has been so messed up. can you just let me go? i shouldn’t have known you! cher, don’t say that. can you just walk out of my life?! please don’t say that. [guncher]
favourite (s) — tun hasn’t told me his real name. you know his name, don’t you? of course. what’s his name? i think… he was trying to tell you. [puentalay] // i’m so happy that i’m scared this happiness will be gone. if your happiness is me, it won’t be gone. right. it won’t be gone. [guncher]
most popular — cher, promise me. yes, i promise. promise what? i promise, no matter how tough it is, no matter how hard i try, i will do anything to get back to you, boss. i love you, cher. [guncher]
favourite(s) — i’ll be your latest kiss then. people count their latest kiss too? i mean, your latest kiss and every kiss from now until forever. i’m the only one allowed to kiss you. [guncher] // whether you’re sleeping, awake, eating, or whatever you’re doing, you’ll always see me when you turn this way. how can you be so cute? oh. except when i’m using the bathroom. that’s my personal time. cher, you’re just— [guncher]
most popular — you already know it. so? [patpran]
favourite(s) — i didn't create much this month, but the patpran photoset was a favourite of mine :)
most popular — even when i knew what to do, i couldn’t do it in time. in the end, i still lost him. [pisaengkawi]
favourite(s) — a photoset inspired by hozier's cherry wine [guncher] // it is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye. [akktheo]
most popular — what are you laughing at, mew? i’m laughing at you. you’re going off-key. are you saying i’m toned deaf? no. you’re cute. why would i care if i’m toned deaf? i’m blinded by the love for you anyway. who would have thought a rich man could come up with this cheesy line? [topmew]
favourite(s) — are you sure? [pisaengkawi] // why do i have to learn about this shit on the day i already love you and gave you everything? [topmew]
most popular — if mew doesn’t get back together with me in the end, that’s okay. i just don’t want mew to screw up his life because of me. [topmew]
favourite(s) — that means i’m officially your boyfriend now? that’s not enough to consider it official yet? hey, thank you so much. stop feeling bad about it, my good boy. [kanghansailom] // i love you so much. then, why does the word love from top hurts me so damn much? [topmew]
most popular — topmew | hands. [topmew]
favourite(s) — but still, i want to live. will the lingering darkness still within me hurt you again? can i protect our love when i have no power left? [enhypen/kpop]
most popular — this is a love story witnessed by the last twilight sky. [morkday]
favourite(s) — people keep saying they understand. but in the end, you will never get how it feels, to look in the mirror and can’t see your old self. [morkday]
most popular — do you want it? i’ll buy it for you. it’s okay. even if you do, i can’t see it. let it be with someone with good vision. it should be happier. [morkday]
favourite(s) — same as the above // a ray of sunlight from the next day recreated mee’s shadow. in that split second, mee realised that the only way to break the curse was to keep chasing after the sunlight. [morkday]
tagging @hoppipolla and @forcebookish :) it's ok if you don't do it, though. no pressure hehe.
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casualavocados · 6 months
i was tagged by @iressails months ago to do "a year in gifs" game, and instead of doing it for the half year i decided to leave it in my drafts 'til december so here it is!! thank you very much for thinking of me 🧡
rules: link my favorite and/or most popular creations from each month of 2023.
January most popular: this set of father gomez and balthamos and the crowd cheered (we are all the crowd) personal fave: broke my own heart with this quote i chose for gun (msp). im still really proud of how that set came out, it was my second time blending. & special mention to this panjava web weave
February most popular & personal fave: tell them stories <3
March most popular: tinngun compilation set personal fave: also that compilation set!!! but bonus my boy li ming and chinzhilla
April most popular & personal fave: my school president fashion yeah this just deserves both of those <3
May most popular: tinngun dance at the pool personal fave: lyra and will being vulnerable for the first time in s2
June most popular: the little mermaid 2023 kiss the girl sequence personal fave: lyra in the first half of season 1 (thats my DAUGHTER); fourth acting appreciation
July most popular: my last msp gifset personal fave: panjava "look at me, will" hrhrdfhhrbdfhsdkfj chewing on this still. i love this set so much, im also still in love with the coloring
August (everything i giffed this month was andor) most popular & personal fave: thats what a reckoning sounds like
September most popular: pjo teaser trailer gifset personal fave: these two hdm season 2 rewatch sets because im in love with how the colors turned out, especially that second one; you would not believe how difficult balancing the cyans was
October most popular: mat cauthon getting his shining moment personal fave: will parry, character of all time - i didnt make the rules, philip pullman did.
November most popular: pjo official trailer set personal fave: the best gifset ive ever made for my favorite episode of hdm season 2, and this set of lyra emotions
December most popular: the rituals are intricate in last twilight personal fave: sally and percy hug; and panjava skipping rocks (sobbing into my hands about it)
tagging: @daymork, @bo-kryzze, @coredrill, @grapejuicegay and @cal-kestis if you guys want to and have time to! 💗 here's to another year of creating!
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Finally got around to making a list for that Hogan’s Heroes/Taylor Swift prompt list I mentioned a while back, so welcome to Cruel Summer at Stalag 13!! (cannot for the life of me decide if I love or hate the event name, it’s real hard to make a combo of Hogan’s Heroes and Taylor Swift 😂) Lemme know what you think, I was considering coming up with some alternate prompts in case there were some that weren’t catching your eye, but it was hard enough to come up with the 31, so if there is a Taylor Swift song or some Taylor Swift lyrics that you would have liked to see, drop me a line and I’ll add them on! I’m gonna go ahead and set it up for the month of July so everyone can have plenty of time to get a start on their creations (or if you’re like me you can just wait till the last second 😂) I may or may not make a collection on ao3 but I'll keep yall posted on that
For starters I’m gonna go over some rules (though I don’t really like to call them that cuz there aren’t really any rules) but anywho
If you’re writing, these do not have to be song fics, these are just meant to be prompts to inspire whatever story, art, etc. you may have inside of you, no use of lyrics or any mention of music required, it doesn’t even really need to be related to the song as a whole in anyway, so no knowledge of Taylor Swift is required
All types of media are welcome!! This includes, but is not limited to, writing, artwork, gifsets, video edits. Whatever you can come up with, you are more than welcome to share!
Interpretation is completely up to you!! Whatever idea comes to your mind, just roll with it, there is no wrong way to do it
You can complete as many or as few prompts as you wish
If you choose to post your work, please tag it with #cruel summer at stalag 13
Please wait until the day of the prompt to post, and late submissions are always welcome!
And most importantly, have fun :D 
If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to reach out to me, I promise I don’t bite lol
Without further ado, prompts are below the cut! If the prompt is a lyric, I put the title of the song they’re from after it in parentheses. There’s also a picture after the text (and quick shout out to @annieslytherpuff21​ for some of these suggestions!)
A Place in This World
It’s a typical Tuesday night (You Belong With Me)
Dear John
I remember it all too well (All Too Well)
Hung my head as I lost the war / And the sky turned black like a perfect storm (Clean)
This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things
Death by a Thousand Cuts
Back when I was livin’ for the hope of it all (August)
Crescent moon, coast is clear (Ivy)
Sometimes I wonder which one’ll be your last lie (Vigilante Shit)
You put up walls and paint them all a shade of gray (Cold as You) 
I close my eyes and the flashback starts (Love Story)
Now I’m lying on the cold hard ground (I Knew You Were Trouble)
Out of the Woods
New Year’s Day
It’s Nice to Have a Friend
Past the blood and bruise / Past the curses and cries (Happiness)
I should not be left to my own devices (Anti-Hero)
I’ve been a lot of lonely places / I’ve never been on the outside (The Outside) 
It’s hard to fight when the fight ain’t fair (Change)
Do you still feel like you know what you’re doing / Cause I don’t think you do (Better Than Revenge)
It’s poker, he can’t see it in my face / But I’m about to play my ace (New Romantics) 
Don’t Blame Me 
Devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes (Cruel Summer)
Tolerate It
All that bloodshed, crimson clover (The Great War)
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ivashkovadrian · 1 year
a creation for every month of 2022
post your favorite or most popular post from each month this year (it’s okay to skip months).  
i was tagged by the absolutely great @yenvengerberg, thank you so much for thinking of me for this 🥺 i still cannot believe we’re friends for you truly are a fantastic person AND the most talented person on this website. sending you all my love and my best wishes for the new year to come 💖 (oops this turned into a love letter but i don’t care). i had fun doing this last year so let’s goooo, and have an existential crisis over the amount of time spent on photoshop. just like last year, i’m blending in with edits i made for sourceblogs
january (aka the month i didn’t think i’d partake in Yen week but finally did because i was stuck at home with c*vid)
favorite: yenskier in s2 + pink most popular: every friend group should have...witcher edition
favorite: words are like arrows graphic most popular: the kingsguard pre-ASOIAF era
favorite: yenralt: she’s smart, beautiful and can kick my ass most popular: yennefer + Don’t Trust Me lyrics
favorite: kanthony + senses most popular: wet Anthony
favorite: pride and prejudice + lilac/sand (honorary mention: Violet Bridgerton’s s2 outfits) most popular: pride and prejudice + dark blue/gold
favorite: team dragonstone most popular: witcher ladies: violence IS the answer (also my favorite tbh)
favorite: Triss Merigold + blue/pink (honorary mentions: Fringilla x Fran enemies to “partners” and witcher ladies fighting in dresses) most popular: Triss Merigold + marigold
favorite: Maiden-Made-Of-Light graphic (honorary mention: Violet Bridgerton’s teal and sand outfit) most popular: Yennefer: rough yet gentle
favorite: Arianne Martell desert gifset most popular: fuck the rich...please. kanthony edition
favorites (ex-aequo): everyone has a little bit of Geralt in them...(coping with Henry leaving the role) and Yenralt + Ships in the Night most popular: Kate Sharma’s sunset gown
favorite: Rosaline + Pride&Prejudice parallels most popular: southern locations of Westeros
favorites (ex-aequo): House Martell family tree (that one...) and Geralt: darling deadly boy most popular: eloquent Jaskier
tagging (no pressure ofc!): @zoya-nazyalenskys @harrenhals @lady-arryn @ughmerlin @castlesrichards @arthurpendragonns @keirahknightley @mxrisacoulter @redbelles @something-more
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peachraindrops · 2 years
The votes are in!
Good Girls Appreciation Week 2022 will take place Sunday, August 7th through Saturday, August 13th.
Good Girls Appreciation Week 2022 is seven straight days of dedicated fans creating and sharing new content showing their love for the show. Each day of the week has a specific theme voted by fans to interpret as creatively as they like!
I don't know about you guys, but life has been more depressing than usual lately and Good Girls gives us an escape. Let's have some fun with this!!
Y'all voted and here they are:
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Everybody! Creators create, and the larger fandom boosts those creations with likes and (especially!) reblogs to spread the joy.
It’s a great time for people that have thought about trying their hand at content creation to give it a go!
More details under the cut.
You can participate as much or as little as you like. If just one day speaks to you, create content based on that theme. Post it on the allotted day with the designated hashtag, and boom, you’ve participated!
Several people have already expressed interest in what kind of content they’d like to contribute, but there’s no official sign-up. You can lurk for a few days, get a feel for it, and then post, or you can start planning and creating now, waiting for the official week to post.
I know rules are lame but we have to make this thing a somewhat official thing somehow 😂. There are 6 important rules of #ggaw2022 so that we see a #GGAW2022 post when we see it:
Keep it positive! This means when you’re focusing on your love of A, B, or C, you avoid tearing down X, Y, and Z in the process.
Spread the love! Like the posts you see and encourage content creators, old and especially new! Hit that reblog button a little more often. The fandom benefits when we support each other and encourage newbies to try their hand at creating something. Let creators know what you think they’ve done especially well by leaving positive tags and/or dropping a note in their inbox!
Use the designated hashtag! Tag all posts #ggaw2022 so that anyone following the tag can see all the new content as its uploaded.
Use headings or captions! Try to use a heading or caption that alludes to which day you are posting for, e.g. “Day 2: Favorite Location - The Park.”
Post within your timezone! The days last a little longer here in Good Girls Land where time is fake and everyone counts on their fingers! Don't worry about calculating numbers—the day starts at 12:01 am and ends at 11:59 pm in whatever timezone you happen to be in.
Do your best! Try your best to post by the designated day, but remember: this is supposed to be fun. If you miss the designated day but are still really inspired to make or finish something for it, share it anyway!
Literally anything that makes you feel some sort of way. Gifsets, videos, photo manipulations & edits, moodboards, drabbles or short fics, imagines, metas, fanart, playlists, and whatever else you can think of! Wanna make a cross-stitch pattern and share it with the rest of us? Wanna make a list of GG-inspired recipes? Want to make a movie poster? Go for it!
The survey showed me how many ideas y'all have for this so we'll try this! Submit them to my inbox (@peachraindrops) anon or not, whatever feels best, and I'll post them all in an inspiration post a week from today, July 20th, 2022 in an aggregated (and nameless!) list. The prompts will be used for creators to draw inspiration from and maybe even hit a few of your favorite things!
We all want to see these themes the way you interpret them! Again, the more creative, the better. In the end, I just hope this brings a little bit of joy back into everyone's lives because that's what we need right now, right?!
& the final finally:
thanks to everyone for all of the excitement and participation, and even more finally to @foxmagpie for letting me rip most of this post from GGAW2021. I would have been lost trying to figure this out without something so detailed to go off lol.
Reblog to spread the word!
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