#i think this is the first time i post my ocs here!?!?!
earthnashes · 20 hours
Heyooooo ya'll! Figured it'd be a good idea to give a quick lil update on what I'm up to since it's been a while since I just talked on here.
If you don't wanna read here's the TL;DR:
-Fanart and headcanon AU projects in indefinite hiatus. This tumblr will host my commissioned art, original art/OC projects, and occasional tomfoolery of my thoughts, interests, and updates on my Powerlifting venture.
The full update under the break! :)
---- I'm doing relatively good! Cool news: I will be competing in my first powerlifting meet this year! It's been made official as of two months ago, and I've been hard at work with training and prep for the meet. I have my eye on making the state record for the Benchpress in my weightclass and I think I have real shot at it, so I'm gonna make the attempt. Wish me luck! ;w;
Not so good news: Rent's going up. Who's isn't, right? Gonna be putting a serious effort on looking for a new place (I'm reeaaallly gunning for a house) because SHEEEEEEEEEEEESH that spike in price for the exact same shit? Nah man. Likely will get rough a few times over the next few months but I'm confident I'll figure things out!
Now, the crux of why the update: I figured it was probably high time to mention the complete lack of fanart and headcanons 'round here, especially because that's what helped me find all of you and vice versa.
I'll be honest; I am no longer burnt out on creating art, but I've found the interest to continue any of my AU fanprojects is still missing, so as of right now they are on an indefinite hiatus. I apologize to everyone who followed me for the Super Mario, the LoZ stuff, anything and everything I was working on before the burnout! ;w;
I'm still working on projects, they're just completely original ones! I've been having so much fun with them and I'm pretty happy with them; here's a quick preview of each:
One is a slowburn fantasy where a god becomes trapped in the mortal realm while on a mission, but ends up compromising said mission when she begins to believe everything she knew about mortals is a lie.
The second project is an anthro mystery/thriller about a doe who knows her husband was murdered, but no one else believes her. As she works to find his killer herself, the last thing she expects is falling in love.
The third is the only fanproject I have going and ya'll know of it: Melon's Adventure! Follow Melon as he faces dangers and villains on his quest to return baby Mario to his family. A retelling of Yoshi's Island with twists and a personal flair!
But ye! I wanna say thank you all so much for your interest and engagement with my fanart work; regardless of everything I had an absolute great time working on them, and you all made them all the more enjoyable. It may take a little bit before I start posting them, but I hope you stick around for the original/OC stuff and enjoy what I've got in store! ;w;
Feel free to ask questions or make comments, I'll be around to respond starting today. Until then keep them peepers open for more art! :)
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magmethius · 21 hours
going to be taking a little break from constantly drawing. maybe 2 weeks or so. just a little tired after emps week and i want to bunker down and get some writing stuff finished for once
moss's oc creation date is oct 10 (amusingly enough, 4 days after my actual birthday hah) so i've been working on a sappy indulgent 20th ceremorphosis anniversary/rebirthday smut thing for that lmao. i'm not going to post it online because it's embarrassing but! if you wanna read it my ask box is always open :weak squid noises:
anyway have a bunch of squid wips until then :'3 below the cut
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this was meant to be my sea/ocean piece for emps week but i ran out of time weh now i'm going to be even more foolish with time and individually paint hundreds of flowers for him lmao (no Moss in the final product)
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ocean blanket piece i really want to finish one day because i sure do love painting water but i think i need more practice first
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another solo emps thing. comforting night breezes. some day
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danceys... :') i love dressing these two up but the anatomy is donked up bad here so i'll probably just start over lmao ugh
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moss lilypad bath... i lov water...
anyway if u made it down here hiii. here's a preview of the birthday thing :') ok have a good day byeee
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samipekoe · 2 years
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I have obtained copic markers
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fauxbia · 9 months
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Okay!!! Finally (Finally, this has been months in the making and redone several times) I made a lineup of my Iterator designs!!! They're done and I'm really happy with them.
Misc headcanons under the cut
All: Asexual, Trans
Looks To The Moon: She/Her, Demiromantic Lesbian
Five Pebbles: He/Him, Greyromantic MLM
No Significant Harassment: They/Sometimes He, Aromantic
Seven Red Suns: They/Them, Demiromantic Bi
Moon and NSH are both Gen 1. NSH was Moon’s first junior and friend, and they are extremely close because of it.
Suns is early Gen 2 and was created by a particularly aesthetically inclined group, resulting in their slightly more ornate clothing.
Pebbles is put off by NSH’s humor, thinking that if they’re a Gen 1, then shouldn’t they act like it?
NSH’s humor is actually sourced from their life experience. They’re relatively comfortable with themself and know how to see the bright side in most situations. (Moon’s collapse not being one of them. They were completely devastated; even moreso once assigned Senior in her stead.)
Moon loves Pebbles and wants him to be happy and healthy. He thinks she’s too overbearing, but loves her too deep down.
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lilybug-02 · 3 months
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Artfight against @ejsuperstar ft. The Mad King and Chip. They're both so evil. I hope they have the most extravagant downfall of any onscreen villain.
This interaction is based on a little fic writing >:)
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chalkrub · 11 months
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it's mendel!
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vocalmocha · 7 months
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When you miss your Mad Maggie ult and it rebounds
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cherrirui-official · 3 months
Sorry I've been gone for pretty much all month, the ancient ones awakened from their slumber and only I could defeat them. Anyways Happy Pride! Yippee!!
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moeblob · 4 months
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Look, I just think it's VERY funny and on brand that I thought of an entire premise of colorful characters for half the cast and immediately drew the only one void of color.
#my characters#i will not bore you all too much in the main post but now its story time in the tags so yeefuckinghaw#noll is a fae and is distinctly the only one that just lacks colors#at first he was like well surely i can wear colorful stuff to make up for my dark hair and eyes !#and then he overhears some of the fae talking about how hes a blemish to the fae and hes like well fuck#guess its time to go all in baby! and decks himself out in all black and jagged clothing#and he tries to play it off as hes an idiot and a lot of the fae actually believe its not ALL an act#like they can tell he thinks about stuff but he normally does it staring into space so they dont care to ask#cause surely it isnt important enough to brood about hes just thinking about stuff#and he really REALLY has a lot of confidence issues and worries that more fae are disturbed by his darkness than let on#but then the other fae that like to hang out with him are like#YOOOOOO THATS OUR LIL VOID! THATS OUR LIL GUY! our lil black spot look at him hes so edgy and cute!#and treat him like a pet cat at times giving him head pats even if he bats their hands away#and the plot premise is that some of the fae are bored and decide they should go play with some humans! give THEM enrichment too!#and noll gets roped into it and The Game is basically go find a human partner and convince them to be an ally#then the fae give the humans cool lil toys (weapons) and are like GO FORTH MY CHAMPION!#so noll keeps like ... not picking anyone to participate because its not just A Game to him#if he can prove victorious in A Game with outside factors such as humans then he can prove hes not#an absolute disappointment to the fae like he has a lot riding on this in his mind#and his friends are just like buddy you cant even play if you dont pick a human you gotta#anyway here is noll and then i have ideas for two other fae and also a veeeery vague idea for two of the humans though not as sure yet#rae if you read all this you should know the cobalt is a fae thanks bye#i am so stressed posting ocs every single time and i am incredibly depressed and anxious#so good lord please let me not just delete all the tags in an hour bc im ashamed
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blujaydoodles · 1 month
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I can't remember whether I ever posted this guy? Drex 'Pooka' Berenockt is Melliwyk's homunculus servant, because she may already have two familiars and the tiny servant and unseen servant spells but none of those things have hands and an intelligence higher than 2. he has wings modeled after an earwig's origami'd into a back panel and he curls down into a sphere when he's deactivated. he is also A Leetol Guy and I love him 😌
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psygull-arts · 11 months
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Surrender my love to you? Like a hunter you never miss your mark I think this time you are gonna find You want my love, you'll have to take it
Winkie and Sterling as a birthday present for @steampunkforever ! I love these guys a lot and it was fun to finally do a finished piece for them. the emotions are big, and so is the hair
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smply-sktchng · 3 months
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tori summer
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knifebaby3000 · 5 months
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fear fun fear love
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accidentalcookies · 3 months
Whumperless Whump Event Day 1
self-done stitches / alcohol as sanitizer / "It's just a scratch, I've had worse."
tw: blood, but i think that kind of goes without saying, haha
caretaker: celestinus
whumpee: shaoyuan
no oc intro post yet because i am a chronic procrastinator, but someday i'll link it 😅 for some context, both celestinus and shaoyuan are part of a mafia/criminal underworld-type thing run by aristides, with celestinus as aristides' personal bodyguard and just general medic, and sy as aristides' assassin. this is relatively early on in their relationship, after celestinus has warmed to sy, but before it has been made clear to sy that the others actually care about him as a person. there's also a brief mention of some sort of technological enhancement that sy has, which i hope to elaborate on in future fics, but for now, you can essentially think of it as just your bog standard sci-fi enhanced human-type thing (strength, speed, healing factor, etc.)
The elevator doors slid open—and, catching sight of what was inside, Celestinus groaned.
“No,” he said. “No, you have got to be kidding me.”
Shaoyuan raised an eyebrow at him. “‘Hi, Shaoyuan,’” he deadpanned. “‘It’s nice to see you, Shaoyuan.’ I’ve been led to believe that that’s typical for greetings.”
Celestinus leveled him with an unamused stare. “You know that’s not what I’m talking about.”
And just in case Shaoyuan didn’t get the gist, he pointedly swept his gaze down to his side, to where he had one hand pressed to a suspiciously dark patch on his clothing.
“No idea, actually,” he replied blandly. “Can I get through?”
The absolute gall of this man.
He reached in to take Shaoyuan’s arm—not the one that could have been holding in his internal organs, for all Celestinus knew.
But instead, his hand closed around air as Shaoyuan neatly sidestepped around him.
“Thanks,” he said, and turned to leave. “See you later.”
“Nope. We’re not playing this game.”
He dropped his bag and followed. In just a few words, Shaoyuan had already eaten up half the hallway with his lanky stride, and didn’t slow his pace as Celestinus caught up either, forcing him to do a sort of awkward half-jog just to stay at his side.
Shaoyuan didn’t turn. “What game?”
“The one where you swear up and down that you’re fine, and then I have to peel your sorry ass off the floor when you eat it.”
That had been a harrowing experience, loathe as Celestinus was to remember it. Aristides had only noticed because Shaoyuan, ever the most diligent member of this organization, had missed reporting in to him after his mission. When he’d gone searching, he found him flat on his face, bleeding out from a set of gunshot wounds—ones that normally would not have been a major problem, had his internal hardware not been compromised.
But it had been, and there was literally no one else left alive on the planet who knew how to un-compromise it, and so Celestinus had spent a long, stressful night playing “pin the tail on the donkey”—if you substituted the donkey with Shaoyuan and the tail with life.
“That was extenuating circumstances,” said the donkey, surprising absolutely no one with his wildly understated description. “There was an EMP involved.”
“That wasn’t extenuating circumstances, practically everyone tries to hit you with one nowadays,” Celestinus countered. “And the consequences were very much real and very much inconvenient and I’ll be damned if I have to deal with it again. What happened?”
“...It’s just a scratch,” he replied. “I’ve had worse.”
“I’m sure that’s true, but that’s not what I asked.”
“Weren’t you about to do something for Aristides?” he asked. “Don’t stop on my account.”
Celestinus had been about to run an errand, true, but that was before something else took priority. Namely, corralling their resident idiot into letting him throw a first aid kit at him.
Preferably at his head. Patients were much more convenient to work with when they were unconscious.
“Really, beanpole?” he sighed.
Looked like he had no other choice. It was time for the big guns: appealing to Shaoyuan’s unwillingness to inconvenience others.
He looked back over his shoulder. “You dripped blood on the floor.”
“I know I didn’t,” Shaoyuan said.
Despite that, he still slowed to turn back, and in that moment of distraction, Celestinus’ hand shot out to yank Shaoyuan’s away from his side.
Things proceeded to devolve. Shaoyuan ducked to one side, then again as Celestinus lunged for him, then a third time as he lunged for him again, at which point Celestinus gave up, decided that discretion was the better part of valor, and jabbed him in the solar plexus.
As Shaoyuan wheezed and folded over, Celestinus pulled his hand away—and then  had to fight through the various layers of fancy clothing both he and Aristides preferred to find the bloodied skin below, yanking them into disarray.
Ever the joker, Shaoyuan croaked out, “Dinner first.”
“Ha hah, you’re so funny,” Celestinus deadpanned, staring down at a large gash that would most definitely need stitches. “This is not ‘just a scratch.'”
“It hasn’t breached the abdominal cavity,” he pointed out. “That’s a scratch.”
Celestinus sighed and let it go, knowing that trying to argue injury definitions with a man who thought breaching the abdominal cavity was a good indicator for when things were starting to become bad was a lost cause. “You’re coming with me.”
“Your errand–”
“Can wait. Keeping you from bleeding on the carpets is the priority.”
Shaoyuan looked pointedly at the ground. “I’m noticing a severe lack of carpets.”
“Oh, because bleeding on marble isn’t just as bad?” he asked sarcastically. “I’m helping whether or not you agree. All arguing’s gonna do is waste my time.”
He made direct eye contact with Shaoyuan and held it stubbornly, until finally the man relented and looked away.
“Fine,” he said.
Internally, Celestinus breathed a long sigh of relief. “Then come on,” he said.
tagging: @whumperless-whump-event
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hysteriafossil · 6 months
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angel Ɛ✦3
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moe-broey · 13 days
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I def wanna color these when I have the energy BUT..... back on a Pokemon kick.... ever so slightly......... also second sketch is so rough SORRY (I DO WANNA CLEAN IT UP!!! But I was mostly focused on conceptualizing the outfits!!!!)
I have soooo many other sketches too but I wanna save em for later.... but let it be known, this is just an elaborate excuse to play dress-up. Esp for Moe I'm gonna be so real, it has SUCH A SILLY OUTFIT and it is SO. SOOOOOO jackass rival coded. Guy who is gonna pick fights and cause problems for NO reason. Or for gay reasons. Most likely gay reasons tbh
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