#and treat him like a pet cat at times giving him head pats even if he bats their hands away
moeblob · 4 months
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Look, I just think it's VERY funny and on brand that I thought of an entire premise of colorful characters for half the cast and immediately drew the only one void of color.
#my characters#i will not bore you all too much in the main post but now its story time in the tags so yeefuckinghaw#noll is a fae and is distinctly the only one that just lacks colors#at first he was like well surely i can wear colorful stuff to make up for my dark hair and eyes !#and then he overhears some of the fae talking about how hes a blemish to the fae and hes like well fuck#guess its time to go all in baby! and decks himself out in all black and jagged clothing#and he tries to play it off as hes an idiot and a lot of the fae actually believe its not ALL an act#like they can tell he thinks about stuff but he normally does it staring into space so they dont care to ask#cause surely it isnt important enough to brood about hes just thinking about stuff#and he really REALLY has a lot of confidence issues and worries that more fae are disturbed by his darkness than let on#but then the other fae that like to hang out with him are like#YOOOOOO THATS OUR LIL VOID! THATS OUR LIL GUY! our lil black spot look at him hes so edgy and cute!#and treat him like a pet cat at times giving him head pats even if he bats their hands away#and the plot premise is that some of the fae are bored and decide they should go play with some humans! give THEM enrichment too!#and noll gets roped into it and The Game is basically go find a human partner and convince them to be an ally#then the fae give the humans cool lil toys (weapons) and are like GO FORTH MY CHAMPION!#so noll keeps like ... not picking anyone to participate because its not just A Game to him#if he can prove victorious in A Game with outside factors such as humans then he can prove hes not#an absolute disappointment to the fae like he has a lot riding on this in his mind#and his friends are just like buddy you cant even play if you dont pick a human you gotta#anyway here is noll and then i have ideas for two other fae and also a veeeery vague idea for two of the humans though not as sure yet#rae if you read all this you should know the cobalt is a fae thanks bye#i am so stressed posting ocs every single time and i am incredibly depressed and anxious#so good lord please let me not just delete all the tags in an hour bc im ashamed
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crystallinestars · 7 months
If They Were Your Pet Cat
Happy Cat Day (22.02)! I was inspired to write a few headcanons about what the boys would be like as cats.
I wanted to include a few more boys, but my brain ran out of juice.
Parts 2 and 3 with Honkai Star Rail boys here and here.
Contains: Kaveh, Alhaitham, Itto, Scaramouche, Venti, and Dainsleif.
🍷 Is a Siberian breed.
🍷 When you first brought him home, Kaveh took a while to warm up to you. He was wary of your intentions and reluctant to let you touch him. With some patience and gentleness, you eventually melted the golden feline’s heart, and he became inseparable from you. Wherever you go in the house, he follows, or at the very least checks on you to know where you are.
🍷 Kaveh is very sensitive to your emotional state. If you’re feeling depressed, he likes to lay on your chest and purr until you feel better. When you cry, he’s always by your side, rubbing his cheeks against you and licking at your face as if trying to wipe them away. He doesn’t leave your side until he’s sure you’re alright.
🍷 Due to your work/school, Kaveh is used to you coming and going at certain times as a part of your daily routine. However, if you come home later than usual, expect to have a grumpy cat on your hands. He will angrily meow at you non-stop and flick his tail in annoyance. He doesn’t like being alone, and he lets you have a piece of his mind if you leave him alone for long periods of time. He’ll sulk unless you coax him with some treats and gentle pats. Spending some time grooming or playing with him usually calms him down afterward.
🍷 Is very good with having guests over. Kaveh is a sociable cat and always greets anyone that comes through the door and gives them a sniff to learn who they are. He’s open to being petted by others but prefers to sit on your lap as opposed to your friends or family.
🍷 He’s a gorgeous cat but his coat is high maintenance. Because it’s so thick and long, he doesn’t tolerate the heat well. He requires regular brushing and grooming to keep his coat healthy. It’s a good thing he enjoys being petted because it makes grooming much easier. He tends to lean into your touch or the hairbrush when you stroke his body and purrs a lot throughout the entire process. He loves being pampered.
🍷 Kaveh likes to sleep on your bed, pressed up against you or lying on your chest. You got him a cat bed, but Kaveh still prefers to sleep right next to you in your bed.
🍷 He’s generally very affectionate. He both loves to give you affection and receive it. You’re not sure how well Kaveh understands what you say, but he always looks very smug whenever you praise him and give him scritches. He’ll headbutt you, asking for more head pats and affection.
🍷 You often find him staring out the window with rapture. You’re not sure what captivates his attention so much—maybe the sunset, the rainbow after the rain, or perhaps the flowers that bloom right outside your window. He’s also strangely attracted to lightning. Rather than get scared and hide, he sits by the window and stares out at the stormy skies.
🎧 Is a Russian blue.
🎧 Alhaitham is the quietest cat you’ve ever met. Hearing him meow or make any kind of vocal sound is rare. He’s also very introverted and prefers to spend time alone, hidden in some cozy nook or cranny.
🎧 He’s also very stubborn and smart. If you want to put a silly little cat costume on him for laughs, you can forget it because Alhaitham will give you the slip every time without fail. Rather than try to chase and play hide-and-seek with him, it’s much easier to abandon the idea altogether. If he doesn’t want something done to him, you won’t be able to force him.
🎧 As mentioned earlier, he’s a very smart cat. Alhaitham figured out how to open doors on his own, and is even able to open the fridge all by himself. It’s a bit annoying because he sometimes uses his abilities to sneak a tasty little something from the fridge, but his intelligence is truly a marvel. When you speak to him, Alhaitham’s expressions and body language change in response to your words, almost as if he understands exactly what you’re saying and is reacting to it.
🎧 Most of your friends and family have only caught glimpses of him when they visit. That’s because Alhaitham dislikes having guests over, and tends to hide from them. He only comes out once they leave.
🎧 He’s not a social cat in general and likes to keep his distance even from you. He’s not a lap cat, and will jump off and leave if you try to force him to lay on your lap. When he does feel like being social, Alhaitham will lay beside you if you’re reading a book, or perch on your shoulder to observe what you’re doing.
🎧 Is a very lazy cat, so you frequently find him taking naps while lying in a warm spot of sunshine. If you disturb his nap by attempting to pet or poke him, he gives you a displeased look and flicks his tail in annoyance. He’s very grumpy when his sleep is ruined.
🎧 Alhaitham never listens to strangers but does listen to you. If you call him over, he will come to you. He also tolerates your touch, and lets you squeeze and pet him without biting or scratching you. He looks unhappy about it, but lets you do as you please. However, if you ruin his attempts to leave once he’s had enough of your affection, he will take his revenge. That cup that’s sitting near the edge of the table? Yeah, he’s gonna push that off and stare at you without remorse while it crashes to the ground.
🐂 A Maine Coon.
🐂 Itto is not meant for a house cat lifestyle. Despite your best attempts to keep him indoors, the rascal always manages to slip out somehow and venture into the great outdoors. His yearning to explore the greater world is too strong for you to contain, so you have to make peace with the fact he’ll spend most of his time roaming outside. On the bright side, Itto always comes home to you without fail, looking happy to see you and bask in your affection again.
🐂 He made friends with some stray cats in the area, so you have a small group of them regularly come to your porch and meow until you give them some food. It’s a bit costly to feed so many mouths, but watching the cats play together or rub against your legs while purring affectionately convinces you it’s worth it.
🐂 Since Itto spends so much time outside, he tends to come home dirty and matted. He needs to be bathed to stay clean, but good luck getting him in the bath. He screams and yowls bloody murder every time you try to wash him, to the point that your neighbors knock on your door to ask what’s going on. Thankfully, they grow accustomed to Itto’s bathtime opera and stop pestering you about it.
🐂 Brushing Itto’s fur also proves a challenge because he just can’t sit still. The little guy has too much energy to keep contained, so he usually ends up looking disheveled.
🐂 Itto is also a giant glutton. He’s capable of eating a week’s worth of cat food in just 3-4 days, yet somehow doesn’t gain weight. It’s expensive to keep him fed. If you try to put him on a diet, he will be very vocal in his complaints and even steal food from your plate.
🐂 He’s a troublemaker, but he’s incredibly loyal to you. If you’re feeling down, he’ll get you to play with him to take your mind off your troubles. If that doesn’t work, he’ll become more affectionate and rub up against you to get you to pet him and relieve stress. He never abandons you if you’re not feeling your best.
☂️ Is a domestic shorthaired tuxedo cat.
☂️ Was very hostile and cold towards you when you first got him. He was averse to touch, and often hissed and glared at you for the first few months of your joint cohabitation. Over time, when he was sure you meant him no harm, Scaramouche relaxed in your presence and wasn’t so hostile towards you anymore. He still glares daggers at any guests you may have over, but with you, he’s calmer and more affectionate.
☂️ Scaramouche is a bit of a loner and tends to slink off on his own to whatever corner of the house he calls his own. When guests are over, he likes to sit in an elevated spot (top of the closet, fridge, or shelf) and observe everyone from above. He does this for two reasons: firstly to discourage people from touching him, and secondly to keep an eye on the people around you.
☂️ If there’s someone he doesn’t like, Scaramouche will make it very apparent. That unfortunate guest of yours will get a warning growl to stay away from you. If the guest doesn’t comply, Scaramouche could even go as far as scratching the person. It’s not good behaviour on his part, but Scaramouche has his reasons. You’ve come to learn that he’s very good at picking out individuals who have bad intentions towards you or are just overall not good people.
☂️ He's a bit of a grumpy cat. He’ll let out noises of discontent if you pick him up to cuddle him or groom him, but he’s just all bark and no bite (but only with you). As unhappy as he’ll look, he’ll tolerate whatever it is you want to do to him. Unless it’s dressing him in silly costumes. Then you’ll get a harmless swat to your face (he makes sure to keep his claws retracted) and won’t see him for the rest of the day. Scaramouche won’t come out even when you call for him. No silly costumes, please.
☂️ For all his grouchy attitude, he still loves you. He wakes you up on time if you sleep through your alarm, badgers you if you forget to take your meds, and purrs on your chest when you feel sad. He’s very intelligent for a cat.
☂️ Is very picky about food. He won’t eat just anything you give him. Unfortunately for you, the only cat food brand he’s willing to eat is very expensive. He’s a very spoiled cat.
☂️ Hates bathing. Scaramouche tolerates brushing and nail trimming, but God forbid you try to put him in the bath. He will meow angrily and try to run, so it’s always an ordeal to hold him still long enough to bathe him. Sends you a scathing look if you laugh at how skinny he looks once his fur is matted to his body, making him look several sizes smaller. If you laugh, he’ll give you the cold shoulder afterward, so you won’t see him for a few days.
☂️ Isn’t into playing with cat toys, but he does hunt in his spare time. He brought you birds and mice a few times as a ‘gift’. He genuinely meant well, so was a bit irritated that you threw his gifts away.  
🍃 A munchkin cat.
🍃 Venti is a cat that cannot be tamed. He clearly understands your commands because he sometimes complies with them when he feels like it, but most of the time he prefers to do his own thing. This includes venturing out into the great outdoors. Venti is not content staying cooped up at home, and you’ve long since learned to just let him go out when he wants. He’ll find a way to escape one way or the other. Besides, he still comes home, so it’s not like he doesn’t like living with you.
🍃 Venti seems to have an appreciation for music. He becomes energized whenever you play music, no matter what genre the song may be. He becomes more playful, so you often find yourself sidetracked playing with the cat instead of doing your work. If you can’t play with him, then Venti will zoom around the house like a cat on a sugar rush.
🍃 To your surprise, Venti also likes to sing. Or at least, you think the caterwauls he’s making are his attempts at singing along to some of the songs. It’s an amusing, albeit weird, sight.
🍃 Is generally not a lap cat, but he makes exceptions if he senses that you’re feeling down. During such moments, he becomes more subdued and nuzzles into your side, allowing you to pet him. His gentle purring and soft body usually help you feel better. If not, then he’ll stick to you like glue and follow you around the house to keep you company. It will be one of the few times when Venti sleeps next to you at night since he usually goes off on his own during that time. It’s obvious that he worries about your well-being.
🍃 Out of all the foods you let Venti try, you never expected him to like apples as much as he did. You swear he likes them more than the expensive cat treats you bought him. You trained him to do all kinds of tricks and even sit still for grooming in exchange for a few slices of apple (given as a treat).
🍃 He likes sleeping outside under the shade of the canopy, accompanied by a gentle breeze. You often catch him sleeping high up in a tree or a nook somewhere in the grass.
🌌 A Norwegian Forest cat.
🌌 You got Dainsleif from a shelter. He has a chronic illness that requires you to take him to the vet regularly for treatment, and some kind of scarring on his right side. The right side of his face and flank has matted, thinning fur, and you can only guess what happened to him before he ended up at the shelter. He was a very pitiful sight, which is why you brought him home. Under your care, Dainsleif lives the best life he can given his afflictions, and you’re even proud to say that aside from his mangled right side, the rest of his coat looks gorgeous.
🌌 Dainsleif is a relatively quiet and well-tempered cat. Though he’s shy and skittish around strangers, with you, he is more open. In private, his sweet temperament comes out. He often grooms you with his tongue as an act of affection and relishes in your gentle caresses when you pet or groom him in return. Watching his eyes close as he relaxes is a nice feeling since he usually has his guard up.
🌌 He’s not playful. Dainsleif is kind of serious for a cat. He dutifully waits for you at the door like a dog whenever you leave the house and greets you with a loud meow when you return. He doesn’t play with the toys you got him and prefers to spend most of his time sitting by the window and staring outside with an expression you can only describe as wistful.
🌌 Likes to sample whatever food you’re having. Dainsleif eats his cat food just fine, but you notice that he’s often curious about what you’re eating. He can’t help but want to sniff and taste human foods since the unique scents and flavors entice him. You share a little bit of your food with him after making sure it’s safe for cats, and Dainsleif couldn’t be more grateful for your generosity. However, this led to him expecting you to share a bit of your food with him during every meal. He’ll look dejected if you don’t.
🌌 When not weighed down by his illness, Dainsleif is very agile and has good stamina. He’s well suited for traveling outdoors with you if it’s something you want to try and will stay by your side like a loyal guard dog the entire time.
🌌 He’s very pliant with you. He tolerates bathing and grooming like a trooper despite not being fond of it since you’re the only one he trusts. If someone else attempted to groom him, then Dainsleif would simply run off and hide. However, he allows you to maneuver him in whatever way you need to complete the work well, and he doesn’t even complain about it. He becomes the sweetest cat in your presence.
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holylulusworld · 2 months
Cat shows
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Title: Cat shows
Written for @buckybarnesevents HotBuckySummer Week 9: Free Week
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Summary: You’re in trouble.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Wife!Reader; Alpine x Reader
Warnings: crack!fic, fun, fluff
A/N: A random drabble.
Catch up here: Shopping trips
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“Mrs. Barnes, your husband is here to bail you out,” the cop mutters under his breath. You refused to leave the interrogation room without your cat. You fought tooth and nail, telling them you’re going to sue them if they don’t bring Alpine back to you.
You reluctantly follow the cop out of the interrogation room, grumbling under your breath. Arresting you was unnecessary.
“Doll, there you are,” Bucky jocks toward you. “I was worried sick when you didn’t come home. I thought you wanted to have lunch with your friends, and you were just gone. Alpine too.”
“Oh, yeah…that,” you chuckle. “My friend got this crazy idea to go to this cat show. She said Alpine is too pretty to hide.”
“Where’s Alpine?” Bucky looks at the cop standing next to you. “You! Where is my cat?” The cop swallows thickly when Bucky steps closer. He didn’t miss that your husband is the former Winter Soldier.
“Uh—the cat is…uh,” he stammers. The cop starts to sweat seeing the angry look on Bucky’s face. “The cat will be right there, Mr. Barnes.
You watch the cop run off, sighing deeply. “I’m sorry, Buck. This is all my fault. If only I didn’t listen to my friend. I find these shows stupid and hate how they treat the pets but Alpine looked so pretty with their new collar.”
“What happened?” Bucky gently cups your face. “Baby doll, you got to tell me what happened. I can only help you if I get all the information.”
“Okay,” you sigh deeply. “I attended that cat show with Alpine for fun. We weren’t that bad. Alpine looked cute, and we got a nice ribbon. We didn’t win, but it was fun. Alpine even won some cat food.”
“Alpine won food,” Bucky snickers. “How did you end up at the police station if you won cat food at a show?”
“Uh-“ you drop your gaze and sigh again. “There was this bitch, the one who won all the competitions. She wanted the ribbon Alpine won too, and the food. I told her to leave Alpine alone.” You sniff and glare at the cop carrying Alpine in a pet crate. You can hear Alpine hiss at the man, and smirk.
“I sense there is more to this story, doll,” Bucky presses on. He quirks a brow and you throw your hands up. “Baby, tell me everything.”
“She said Alpine, my pretty princess, and queen of our castle, looks like a mangy stray. She wanted me to give her the ribbon and the food.” You grit your teeth seeing the woman and her spoiled cat walk toward you and Bucky. “I told her if she wants the food so badly, she can have it and—” you grin at Bucky. “I threw it at her.”
“You threw cat food at the lady,” Bucky snorts. He watches the arrogant woman pass you by and laughs. “At least you didn’t threaten to kill her.”
“I was tempted,” you giggle when Bucky snatched the box with Alpine out of the cop’s hands. He rips the box open to free Alpine. Alpine lifts their head and slowly walks toward Bucky, hissing at the cop as they pass him by.
“Come here, punk,” Bucky says as he crouches down to help Alpine jump on his shoulder. “There you go, Alpine. Did you miss me and mommy.” Bucky asks while slowly getting back up.
“Aw, I bet Alpine missed me,” you say. Looking Alpine all over, you sigh. At least your cat didn’t get hurt.
“Sir, you should talk to your wife,” the cop mutters because Bucky doesn’t pay attention to him. “Next time she won’t get away so easily.”
Bucky turns toward the cop like in slow motion. He cocks his head and stares the cop down. Your husband doesn’t say a word. It’s unnecessary because the man murmurs something before walking off.
“You still got it in you,” you purr his name and pat his chest. “You’re scary as shit when mad, baby.” You take his hand, interlacing your fingers with his. “Let’s get Alpine home. Our champion deserves the best food.”
“Next time you want to throw cat food at someone insulting Alpine, give me a call.”
“See, that’s why I love you,” you giggle as you walk out of the police station, holding hands with your husband. “You’re ready to throw cat food at ladies messing with me and Alpine…”
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kaiser1ns · 5 months
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𝗺𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗲𝗹 𝗸𝗮𝗶𝘀𝗲𝗿 𝘅 𝗳𝗲𝗺!𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿
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╹synopsis :: good luck appears suddenly, even if it's just for little while, but there is always hope and faith for another tomorrow.
╹contents :: MAP OF THE SOUL PT. 2, 2.4k words, fluff + angst, KAISER BACKSTORY TW: physical abuse, alcohol.
╹taglist :: @chaosinanutshell @rinitoshisgirl @thebluelockroyals
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Closing the door as he heard a glass breaking once he stepped outside in the sun that shined upon him, giving some type of warmth as he put the black hood over his head walking away from the so called 'home'. As Michael strolled through the neighborhood, the faint jingle of a bell caught his attention. Pausing, he realized the sound ceased whenever he stopped. Strange, the boy though and continued walking, the bells chiming anew as he moved forward. Turning, he spotted a sleek black cat with a white collar and a bell attached to it.
A lost cat? Kneeling down, he inspected the collar, discovering the cat's name, Felicity, and a phone number. Too bad he didn't have a phone to call and get the cat out of here. Well, there's nothing for me to do. He patted the cat on the head, got up and continued to walk aimlessly leaving the animal behind. Michael was now a little further away, and there was no sound of the tinkling of a bell. Maybe the cat found its owner already and is taken care of by receiving treats and pats.
Speaking of treats his stomach rumbled, and before he went out, he took a little bit of his savings in case of getting hungry. It was strange for him to go into the store and buy something instead of stealing it like his father wanted him to do. He took the most ordinary sandwich with ham, cheese and some sauce. When he was at the register paying, he saw the candy Y/N gave him as a reward — he will keep the location of the sweets in mind.
Walking out of the store, holding the soccer ball in one hand and the sandwich in the other, the blonde boy made his way to the playground where he first saw the girl two weeks ago, and sadly he hadn't seen her since. Well the boy can't blame her — she probably went to school and has other close friends to hangout with, something he doesn't have. Sitting on the ground, leaning against the graffiti wall he began to eat, until suddenly the sound of a bell was heard again.
Michael looked up, his eyes locking with the familiar black cat from earlier. She mewed at him, her white collar glinting in the sunlight as she approached rubbing at his leg. He couldn't help but smile at her persistence. "You again, huh?" he murmured, tearing off a piece of ham from his sandwich and offering it to her.
The cat wasted no time, devouring the ham eagerly. Once they both finished their meal he got up and without hesitation, started dribbling and kicking the ball around. To his surprise, the cat seemed intrigued, her paw batting at the ball whenever it came close. It reminded him of someone, though he couldn't quite put his finger on who. Michael took a break, sitting back against the wall and Felicity wasted no time in curling up in his lap, purring contentedly as he stroked her fur. It was a rare moment of peace for him, every time he goes out it's his free time from the prison with the awful guard that stayed in. He cherished moments like that more than anything and he wished to see Y/N again, so they can play together and maybe win another pack of candy.
As he enjoyed the quiet moment with the cat, he heard footsteps approaching. Turning his head, he saw the angel in disguise running towards him, clutching a poster in her hand that had a photo of the now sleeping pet. His heart skipped a beat at the sight of her bright smile and eyes that were glossy, Did she cry?, he wondered but her sad face was quickly replaced upon seeing the boy.
"Michael!" the girl exclaimed, relief evident in her childish voice as she reached him. "Thank you for finding Felicity! I was so worried to where she could have gone."
A smile graced Michael's lips as he realized the cat belonged to her. No wonder it reminded him of someone he knew. "I didn't know it was yours," he admitted, still patting the sleeping feline. "She just followed me all day."
You chuckled, your eyes twinkling with amusement. "She has this habit of following people, though it was only family members and not one of my friends." The word friends echoed in Michael's mind, stirring something warm and unfamiliar in his chest. He looked into Y/N eyes, feeling something that he had never imagined to exist, as if he was lost in the galaxy with millions of stars to explore, falling deeper and deeper into the black holes, losing himself. What's this feeling? Why is my heart beating so fast? He couldn't figure it out, what's happening inside him, and why is she the reason for it?
"And you know animals can sense if a person is good or not, so she chose you for a reason." Michael couldn't help but feel a flutter of warmth at your words, his cheeks tinged with a faint blush. "I'm glad I could help," he replied softly, his gaze still locked with yours. "And I'm glad you were here, because I was going to ask you to help me, but there is no need anymore."
There was a moment of silence between them, Michael shifted uncomfortably, unsure of what to say next. But before he could gather his thoughts, Y/N spoke again, her voice gentle and caring.
"Michael, are you okay?" she asked, eyes searching his face with concern. "Where did you hurt yourself?"
For a moment, panic gripped Michael's chest as he instinctively reached for the hood of his jacket, pulling it over his head to hide the scar his father had left that morning. "I fell very hard on the ground while dribbling," he lied, of course he would lie not to make her worry about his personal matters and mostly not to scare her, because what if she tells her parents about him being abused? It will not end well.
The girl frowned, clearly not convinced by his answer. But instead of pressing further, she reached into her bag and pulled out some pink bandages. "Sorry, it's the only color I have left," apologizing, a small smile playing on her lips as she gently applied the bandage to his forehead.
Michael's heart swelled as he watched Y/N tend to him with such care and kindness. Despite his best efforts to keep his struggles hidden, she always seemed to see right through him, offering comfort and support without hesitation. It was a feeling he wasn't accustomed to, but one he found himself craving more and more with each passing day.
As she finished bandaging his wound, Michael couldn't help but meet the girl's gaze once again, his eyes soft and vulnerable — a child's look. "Thank you," he murmured, his voice barely a whisper, but it was genuine.
A smile tugged at the corners of Y/N lips as she reached out to tuck a hair behind his ear, wanting to see his beautiful and gentle face. "Anytime, Michael, friends help eachother."
For twelve year old he thought she was very mature, always so kind, so gentle — a beacon of light in his otherwise dark world. He couldn't help but be jealous at her innocence and grace, hoping that she would never lose that spark, unlike him, cursed by the mistakes of two adults.
"Also I'm sorry for not showing up, I know you must have been waiting for me"
He just stared at the girl slowly nodding his head acknowledging what she said but he wasn't mad, not even in the slightest. The cat who slept in Michael's lap woke up and went to her owner "Felicity don't you run away like that!" Y/N scolded the cat but of course the animal just let out a 'meow' as she laughed enjoying a moment with her pet then she looked back at Michael who was still staring.
"Hey, Misha, do you want to play tomorrow?"
"Misha?" Y/N giggled, noticing Michael's uncertain expression at the nickname. "Sorry, is it okay if I call you Misha? It just popped into my head, and it's kinda cute, don't you think?"
Michael blinked, a faint blush dusting his cheeks as he processed her words. "I mean, sure, yeah," he replied, his voice softening at the end. Looking doen kicking the ball with his feet to distract himself from the burning tension in his body. He couldn't deny the warmth that spread through him at the sound of her calling him by that name.
Y/N grinned, delighted by Michael's response. "Great! Misha it is then." She scooted closer, her excitement bubbling over. "So, tomorrow, let's meet at the playground at 14:00. We can play some soccer, swing on the swings, and I can give you the cookies I made. What do you say?"
Michael's heart skipped a beat at the thought of spending more time with Y/N. "Yeah, that sounds cool," he said, his smile widening. "I'll be here."
As they continued chatting, Y/N suddenly leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a whisper. "Hey, Misha, can I ask you something more?"
"Yeah," Michael replied, a hint of curiosity in his voice. Y/N hesitated for a moment before mustering up the courage to ask, "Um, do you have a phone? I thought maybe we could exchange numbers so we can call eachother for when to play."
Michael's cheeks flushed even deeper as he nervously played with the ball. "Um, actually, I don't have a phone," he admitted, feeling a pang of embarrassment. "Sorry."
Y/N's smile didn't falter as she reached out to gently squeeze his hand. "Hey, it's okay. Don't worry about it," she reassured him "We can still meet up here at the playground whenever we want to hang out, okay? And if anyone of us doesn't show up we can always see eachother the next time."
A sense of relief washed over Michael as he gazed into Y/N's comforting gaze. "Yeah, okay," he agreed, feeling grateful for her understanding. With a bright smile the youngster nodded, her eyes filled with happiness. "See you tomorrow at 14:00 then?"
"Yeah, see you tomorrow," the young boy replied, his smile matching hers as they made plans for their next date. Y/N and Michael stood facing each other as the silence fell, but it was calm and pleasant, not oppressive as if they were expecting some monster to come out of nowhere.
"Thanks for looking after Felicity," Y/N said softly, leaning in and planting a quick kiss on Michael's cheek, it was a tender action, making him melt on the spot, something so simple meant a lot — it was his first kiss, his first touch filled not with anger and hatred but instead of love and care. She was causing his heart to flutter even more, was it not enough for his heart to beat so fast earlier?
"It was no problem," Michael replied, trying to hide the excitement in his voice. With a shy smile, she turned to leave, her cat cradled in her arms. Watching her go, feeling a sense of longing already creeping into his chest as he didn't want this moment to end, not now, not ever. Michael touched his cheek gently, still feeling the warmth of her lips lingering there, is this what it feels like to be blessed with angel's grace? He hopes he will get to experience it again. Realizing he was standing alone in the fading light, the sounds of laughter and play fading into the distance.
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He took a deep breath and he was infront of his home, his heart now heavy with the weight of the inevitable goodbye and the welcoming sounds of glass breaking.
Opening the door he was met with his drunk father who was watching TV but he didn't seem entertained and the bottles and trash on the ground made it for the energy in the house. But before the boy stepped further into the room he removed the patch from his forehead because he knew there would be even more scars if a bystander helped him and he wanted to keep Y/N safe.
His father's eyes snapped towards him, bloodshot and furious.
"Why the hell aren't you home earlier?" His father's voice boomed, shaking the walls of their small house. "I told you to be back hours ago, you useless piece of shit!"
The boy swallowed hard, trying to find the right words to appease his father's anger. "I'm sorry, Dad. I lost track of time."
"Lost track of time?" His father's voice rose, the frustration palpable in every word as he got up from the couch. "And where's the damn alcohol I asked you to bring,huh?"
The boy's heart sank. He had hoped his father wouldn't notice, but the empty bottles strewn across the floor were impossible to miss. "I... I couldn't find any," he stammered, knowing it was a feeble excuse.
The older man's face turned a dangerous shade of red. His eyes widened, his pupils narrowed, and the emotions he displayed were enough to scare anyone. Maybe it's better for his mother that she's gone so she doesn't have to see this, even though that she is the cause of everything. "Couldn't find any? You stupid pig..."
Before he could finish his sentence, the boy's father lunged towards him, his words drowned out by a tidal wave of anger and disappointment. The boy braced himself for the onslaught, knowing that this was just another night in their tumultuous existence. But amidst the chaos, he made a silent vow to be stronger so he can have another day to see his angel.
With a swift motion, his father's hand connected with his cheek, the same cheek Y/N kissed him now is tarnished, sending him crashing to the ground. He layed there, stunned and helpless, as his father's tirade continued, the sound of breaking glass punctuating each sentence. There was no defense, no escape from the torrent of anger that engulfed him. All he could do was endure, his body trembling with fear and resignation but he was already so used to it.
Each blow, both physical and verbal, carved deeper into his already bruised soul. But through the haze of pain and despair, one thought burned brighter than the rest: he had to stay strong, for her. For the hope of a better tomorrow, where he could see his blessing sent from above, but why isn't he blessed with good fortune right now? Is his suffering not enough, dear God?
As his father's rage finally subsided, leaving only a hollow silence in its wake, the boy clung to that flicker of hope, knowing it was all he had to hold onto. Will something be different? But this day will be over when the minute and second hands overlap as the world holds its breath for a little while.
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Felicity means happiness, good fortune
©2024 kaiser1ns do not copy, repost or modify my work.
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yanderes-galore · 3 months
And then last one Gojo with your prompts 17, 2, and 36!?
Sure! Couldn't figure out a plot for normal Gojo, so you're getting a Hybrid Darling AU. I genuinely hope this works better. Darling is a house cat hybrid while Gojo is a rich Hybrid owner. Got idea from @ursinaw. Thank you so much!
Yandere! Satoru Gojo Prompts 17, 2, 36
(Hybrid AU - Darling)
"You look so cute in those clothes! I think I picked well...."
"It's an honor for someone such as me to take you in and love you!"
"I'd hate to hurt you but... if you keep this up I might have to."
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Hybrid AU, Hybrid adoption, Condescending/Degrading behavior, Manipulation, Possessive behavior, Threats, Collars/Leashes, Alludes to toxic/taboo relationship, Dubious/Forced relationship.
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Satoru was often told he needed a new companion. After losing his dear friend Suguru, he needed someone to connect with. Eventually Satoru was pushed in the direction of hybrids... or demihumans.
At first, Satoru didn't like the idea. It was strange and foreign when he went to the shelter to see animal-like humans everywhere. He originally was going to turn back and not go through with it.
Then he saw you... a timid house cat hybrid that stared up at him with wide eyes.
Safe to say... Satoru fell in love immediately....
Like most cats you tend to like your alone time. When Satoru carried you home he was careful to buy all sorts of toys and supplies. You were technically a pet...
But to him you felt a bit too human.
Satoru couldn't help but find you cute when you roamed around his large house. He had enough money to spoil you however he wished. You even spoke the same language as him.
Spoiling you always made Satoru smile. You looked adorable when he bought you a new toy or game to play. Even something as simple as a treat made you purr as he patted your head.
Although... the idea of spoiling you in other ways eventually came across his mind.
You were his little kitty, after all.
Satoru saw you as his own little guilty pleasure. He always kept you pampered and taken care of. Although... his favorite thing to do...?
Dress you up.
His voice is a coo towards you as he dresses you in new clothes. He gets everything from normal clothes to new collars and leashes. He couldn't help but smile at the way the bell on your collar jingles as you pull at it.
All this spoiling... comes with a catch.
Satoru is adamant on you staying in the house. He never seemed fond of sharing his pretty little kitty. In fact, the Sorcerer finds himself irritated at the idea.
But cats tend to get themselves into mischief... don't they...?
"You look so cute in those clothes! I think I picked well...."
Satoru smiles softly, holding you still as he dresses you up. After all, his kitty deserves the best treatment. Although... you have quite the temper today.
Satoru shrugs when he sees your ears down and tail flicking. You were most likely mad that he caught one of your escape attempts again. Poor you... all pouty in front of him.
"Come on, sweetheart." Satoru hums, blue eyes twinkling playfully as he pets your head. You growl lowly, causing Satoru to click his tongue. He gives you the world... Yet you throw a fit? "Mad I won't put you outside?"
"I don't like the house..." You huff, Satoru merely laughing at your tantrum.
"The house is so spacious... you're telling me you'd rather go out there with all the danger?" Satoru frowns, a bit nervous as he thinks of Suguru once more. "You know I couldn't let my pretty kitty get hurt by Curses or bad humans...."
You reluctantly purr when he cups your cheek, stroking the skin. Your tail thrashes more in a warning as Satoru hums. You were too damn cute.
"It's an honor for someone such as me to take you in and love you!" Satoru chirps, arrogance seeping into his tone. "You have one of the best owners out there... you know I'll keep you safe, don't you...?"
You make a small hiss at your owner, batting his hand away before slipping off his bed. Satoru gives a blank glare before sighing at your disobedience. Yet another fit....
"Kitty-" Satoru goes to call you but you turn away, growling.
"Go away, is it such an issue to go outside...?" You murmur, Satoru looking unamused at your defiance.
"Yes, actually. You have no clue how dangerous it is for a hybrid like you..." Satoru frowns, standing and stepping closer. "In the house it's safe, you get everything you want, you're a house cat... not some predator."
Satoru goes to pet you, to pull you back into his arms. He can see you staring out the window longingly. However, when he goes to hold you...
You scratch and bite him, ears pinned back and eyes in slits.
However... your tone changes when you see the ice cold glare from your owner.
He's normally playful... but it appears you've struck a nerve.
"Is this the thanks I get...?" Satoru murmurs, "I take you in... buy you a cute outfit... and you attack me...?"
You quickly unlock your jaw, scurrying back. Satoru usually only looked so cold at guests visiting him, usually when they linger too close to you. Now... He's glaring at you, forcing you into a submissive stance.
"You've been so bratty the past few days..." Satoru continues, his tone becoming slightly playful. "Does someone think they're independent~?"
Satoru leans over your, his height towering over your smaller feline-like form. He chuckles in your ear, hands trailing down to your hips. He acts playful... but his intentions appear to not be as innocent.
"I'd hate to hurt you but... if you keep this up I might have to." Satoru whispers, his lips twisting into a grin. You can tell his tone is a subtle threat along with the tight grip on your hips. "So are you going to be a good kitty for me, baby...?"
You reluctantly nod, trying your best to purr for him as you nuzzle into his shoulder. Satoru hums, holding you closer. Your obedience pleases him.
"Good kitty..." He purrs towards you, "Unfortunately..."
Satoru tilts your head up by the chin, his smile turning into a sadistic grin. Your heart accelerates as Satoru leans closer to your face.
"My pretty kitty still needs a punishment for being so... bratty."
You regret even wanting to go outside....
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reaction when yall r doing the deed 🗿 and your pet starts barking or meowing (basically stopping yall) at you.
Enhypen Hyungline when your pet interrupts your sexy time 🐾
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A/N : Hiii, thankyou for the request! Lmao i love this ask even though i don't have any dogs or cats. Happy reading! :)
Pairing : Bf!Hyungline X Fem!Reader
Warnings : kissing, making out, sex, grinding, Jay getting cockblocked by your pet :(
Word Count : 1,360 Words (About 340 words each)
There might be some (grammatical) errors, so pls let me know!
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» Lee Heeseung «
About a year ago or so, you and Heeseung decided to adopt a little kitten which he had fallen in love with. He convinced you to adopt the kitten by telling you that you two can be the parents and practise parenthood together.
Your heart melted at his suggestion and you couldn't help but give in. But soon as the kitten was yours, he started treating it like it was his child and everyone knows that children aren't allowed to be around an intimate couple.
"Fuck Y/n, you feel so good around me" he moaned out, tilting his head back as his hands found your waist, fucking you on him. His hips moved at a quicker pace as he felt you clench around him, both of you close.
"Hee, I-I'm Com-" you got cut off by none other than the little innocent kitten, Ddongsik.
"Meowww" he little fluffy animal walked around the room before jumping on the bed, and snuggling into the pillows.
Heeseung stopped his movements, and even pulled out of you, just to coo at the baby cat. He reached for the kitten and grabbed it, giving it a little kiss and picking it up, ready to take it out.
"Ddongsikkk, you're not allowed in here" your boyfriend whined to the animal in his hands before he set him down and closed the door behind him.
"Heeseung, what the fuck?" you ask him in disbelief "I was so fucking close"
He pouts a little, coming over to you to pat your head. "Sorry baby, I forgot to close the door and Sik was just a little curious" he explains, trying to sweet talk his way out of this situation. "It's okay, we can go again, promise I'll let you sit on my face afterwards" he promises with a wink.
You roll your eyes and lie back down, waiting for him. "Next time don't forget to close that damn door Hee, or we'll never fuck again" you harshly threatened, smiling to yourself.
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» Park Jay «
Jay didn't think that he'd fall in love with an animal so much to treat it like his son. You introduced your family dog to Jay not so long ago, but Jay fell in love. You had such a cute dog and Jay loved playing fetch with him or give him belly rubs.
This weekend, your dog was staying at your apartment since your family was out of town and you had to babysit the dog. "Sit!" you ordered the dog and he obeyed "Good boy! Who's a good boy, huh?"
When Jay came back needy from work, he found you playing with the dog, but he hoped you'd give him some attention at least. "I'm home" he announces, making his way over to you and wrapping his arms around your hips. He leans down for a kiss, which you return, immediately getting lost in it as he deepens it.
You almost forget your dog as Jay, with his lips still connected to yours, pushes you on the counter, lifting you up and standing between your legs. He tries to subtly grind into your thigh, but before he can even say anything, he's interrupted by the barking of your sweet dog.
"Woof, woof!" (lmao) the loud barking scares your for a second, Jay haven put you in a trance. You look up at Jay, offering him a sheepish smile before pushing him back and sliding off the counter, making your way over to your dog and cooing at it.
You kneel down, scratching behind the dogs ears. "Aww, sorry baby, I forgot to give you your food" you frown, reaching over the counter for the dog food.
"Y/n?" he asks, bewildered at what just happened. "Did you just pick that dog over me?" he asks again, catching your attention.
"Jay, the dog can't feed itself" you explain, "You can jerk yourself off in the bathroom" you defend the dog.
"Whatever" he rolls his eyes, heading to the bathroom. Damn, he can't wait till that dog goes back home so he can have you all to himself again.
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» Sim Jake «
He gently pushes you on the bed, climbing in on top of you until his face was on top of yours. He leans down, capturing your lips in his again, before he gently bites your bottom lip, smirking at you when he pulls away.
His hands explore your body, trailing down between your legs to your core, sliding his hands under your shorts. "Fuck you're so wet for me baby" he points out, biting his lips.
"Need you Jake" you whine, arching your back when he rubs your clit.
"I think I have a condom in the top drawer hold on" he says before getting up and making his way over to his night stand. You lay in his bed, waiting for him, until both of you hear a little noise coming from behind his door.
He looks at you with a raised eyebrow, before dropping the condom back in the drawer and heading to the door, opening it only to find his pet dog Layla, scratching on the door.
"Laylaaa" he whines, dropping to his knees, half naked, and petting the dog on her head "What are you want huh?" he giggles, cocking his head to the side as he watches his dog lie down in a comfortable position in the corner of his room.
You watch in disbelief "Nope, no way I'm fucking you with Layla in here Jake" you tell him when he starts walking back to the bed. He sighs, looking at the ground.
"I can't just kick her out" he reasons, shrugging "Oh come on y/n, pleaseee" he begs, his boner starting to get painful.
"Jake, she's literally watching us" you explain, looking at the innocent dog at the corner of his room.
"I guess you're right" he admits "Will you let me fuck you on the couch?" he asks with his own puppy eyes.
"Fine, but if Layla interrupts us again, just know that you're gonna have to deal with your problem yourself"
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» Park Sunghoon «
With his lips on yours, you two stumbled in the bedroom as he hastily closed the door behind you and pushed you against it, his lips suddenly trailing down to your neck, leaving marks behind.
Your hands found his hair "Hoon.." you called out for him "Need you"
He didn't have to hear you say it twice, lifting you up as you wrapped your feet around his waist, letting him carry you to the bed. He threw you on the bed gently, already ready to rip off your panties before-
"Shhk meow" your eyes go wide as you realise that your poor cat was on the bed, and you had lay down on its tail, which was sprawled out on the bed, making it hiss at you.
Hoon looked at you in disbelief, as you grabbed your cat, cradling it in your arms and rubbing it's tail which you accidentally lay down on. "Aw, poor kitty, does your tail hurt?" you asked the cat even though you obviously wouldn't get a reply from, making Hoon roll his eyes.
"Y/n, was that cat seriously watching us make out at your door?" he questions, sighing to himself.
You stopped your movements to think and realised he was right. "Well, its our fault we were to busy making out to notice Luna" you defend you cat, blaming it on you and him.
Your boyfriend stares at your cat in jealousy, wishing he was the one getting the kisses. "I'm sowy Luna, didn't mean to sit on your tail" you apologize to the now unbothered cat.
"Okay so? Can we continue?" he breaks into your trance, making you sigh. You get up with the cat in your hands, giving it a last hug before placing it behind the door and watching it run into the corridor.
"There" you announce, walking back to him and sitting back on the bed in front of him.
"Gosh Y/n, didn't know you had such a perverted pussy cat" he says, referring to the way your cat was just watching you two, making you giggle. "You're more perverted"
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Hiii, I hope you enjoyed this one, Idk if its good, i'm a little rusty after not writing for a whole week :( But anyway, have a good day/night and remember that ily <333
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lazyneonrabbitt · 1 year
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Kraven x Reader [Pt.2]
Big cat man has a weak spot for little cats and their owner. / A simple domestic, fluffy one where a quick job takes an unexpected turn.
Wordcount: 2.6k
Kraven wanted to hit the Spider man where it hurt the most; his found family.
That family included you, so let's go over that day you met, yeah?
All he had was your name, social media profile pics and an adress his people managed to conjure up for him.
So there he was, parked a few blocks away, ready to get to his first prey. He made his way into the apartment building and followed the door numbers untill he had reached the right one.
He had decided to give this a more stealthy approach, so instead of simply breaking down your door he picked the lock and let himself in quietly. With one hand on the door handle and the other on his knife he stepped into your home, immediately being alarmed by the animals either hissing at him or scurrying away. He quietly closed the door behind him, taking in his surroundings and being almost stunned by the little piece of paradise you seemed to live in. He stepped around in your apartment, careful not to step  on any of the many cat toys sprawled all over and avoiding any of the cats that were curiously staring at him. He stared at your walls covered in fabric covered shelves amd scratching poles, little food and water bowls everywhere. Without thinking about it he reached out for one of the furry residents who happily pressed its head into his palm. As one started, the others slowly became more comfortable around him as well and within a short moment he was surrounded by cats of all shapes and sizes.
He padded around a bit more untill he had reached your small kitchen, staring at the lion themed towels and the cat shaped mugs behind the glass cabinet doors. A touch to his leg pulls him from his thoughts as he spots the big, red cat rubbing against his calf, purring for attention. He reaches down to pet him and makes the mistake of sitting down because quickly he is stuck with his back against the kitchen cabinets and a large cat in his lap with more surrounding him.
You're done at the store a few blocks from your home and make your way back with a small bag of food and another one full of cat treats.
You get to your floor and walk along the hall until you reach your door, putting the key into the lock and opening the door with only a small twist of the key. 'Ugh, again?' You think to yourself, making a mental note to remember to check if you locked your door before you walk away next time.
Entering your house you're immediately noticing you're not being welcomed like you usually are. There's no crazy meowing or paws trying to grab whatever is in the plastic bags. Really, only two of your oldest cats were to be seen from your spot at the door as you put your keys and phone on the little side table.
You stepped forward to say hi to the old, grey one closest to you gave him some pats and made your way through the livingroom, turning the corner and stopping dead in your tracks across from your kitchen entrance.
The bags previously in your hand hit the floor with a loud crunch, startling some of your cats, them scurrying away to their hiding places. 'What the hell..'
Before you were almost all of your cats, surrounding a man who was sitting against your kitchen cabinets with your biggest orange cat in his lap, clearly demanding scratches as he complained loudly every tine the man removed his hands from him.
"You uh.. You got a great place here." Who was this guy? And see? You did lock your door when you left! You just stood there, staring in confusion.
"What?" Was all your brain was doing. What was he doing here? What's the meaning of this? How did he even get in here and why is this stupidly handsome cat loving man on my kitchen floor? Who even is he?
A sigh left the man's lips as your loving companion clawed at his hands and pulled it back onto him for the umpteenth time in the short period he had been there.
"I'm Sergei." He spoke, looking up at you. "And you're a friend of the spider man." The way he stated it so matter of factly immediately sent you into panic mode, fidgeting to grab your phone, remembering you had put it at the door. Your cursed at yourself, not wanting to turn around to grab it because if he knew about you and spiderman there was no way this guy was gonna let you reach that phone.
He raised one of his hands, not wanting go raise the other as well and get scratched again. It was so stupid how you just stopped thinking of grabbing your phone when you noticed his sweet gestures towards your pets and the way they all seemed to love him. Your friends always joked about how you could never be someone's friend if your cats didn't like them, and since they all liked this man.. They liked Sergei so you just slowly picked up your bags and started putting the items away. You two talked, mostly about your crazy amount of animals and the things he observed about them as you walked around, keeping a close eye on him in the meantime.
"This guy is nice, what's his name?" Sergei spoke, pointing at the cat still draped over his legs. "That fatty is Nacho, he usually hates new people." You muse from beside him, squatted down to put the cat food on the bottom shelf. You look over at them, reaching to give Nacho some belly rubs like he wasn't still laying in this stranger's lap.
"You still haven't told me why you're here." You stood up and grabbed four large party snack plates and a box of wet food, deviding ghe food in small portions. You quietly shook your head as Sergei hadn't said anything yet. With the amount of space you needed to prepare this food, you had stepped so far to the side that his shoulder was resting against your leg. You nudged him with your knee, getting his attention. "You know you can just, like, put him on the floor, right?" They both looked up at you like you had just offended their families. "Get up and give a hand here."
He blinked in surprise with how direct you were being with him and gave an apologetic look to the animal in his lap before picking him up and placing him on the tile floor. Getting up he let out a tired groan aa he lazily reached for the two outter plates you jad prepared and basically trapping you between him and the counter. "Now, where do you want these?" He asks quietly, laughing softly to himself as he sees you stammering, trying so hard to find the words of the locations you put the cats' dinner. He chuckles and picks up the plates, carecully walking around to find the right spots and making sure not to accidentally kick any of the eager felines trying to get as close as possible to the food.
He looks around, spotting an empty side table and placing the first one there before taking the other one to a spot where three cats sat waiting on the floor.
By the time he had finished placing the food you were back to yourself enough to put the remaining plates away on autopilot, only stopping to aimlessly walk around as you see Sergei again, very carefully petting one of the older cats and letting it lick some sauce off his fingers. You walked closer, not taking your eyes off the scene in front of you, shocked that old Mr. Snowball was actually accepting food like that.
"He never does that.." you state blankly, more to yourself than to your guest. He had heard your comment and smiled to himself, petting the old cat some more and kept feeding it for a bit longer.  You stood closer to him now, closely observing his movements and body language, hoping to learn something from the way he managed to feed the one cat who barely even wanted to eat his favorite snacks anymore.
The doorbell made you both jump, taking away your focus on the scene before you as you walked to open the door, realization hitting you that you completely forgot to cancel your dinner order after your friend canceled your plans earlier today. You open the door and accept the food, thanking the delivery guy with a sweet smile and close the door with your foot.
"So, hungry?" You quip withtour hands full of takeout boxes. The confused stare you receive isn't really helping you feel less awkward about the whole situation. "I forgot to cancel the food order after my friend called me she couldn't make it tonight." You continue to ramble about today's events being all messed up, and on top of that having a complete stranger in her house.
During your speech he had moved over and carefully taken the boxes from your hands, setting them on the small coffeetable in front of the tv. "I can eat." His answer came out so simple, not even phased by your rather offensive wording from only a minute ago. With some convincing he managed to get you to sit down on the couch.
He sits down at the tsble on the floor, his back against the couch seats right next to you. "I'm not here to hurt you." He speaks softly without looking at you. "Well.." A sigh leaves his lips. "Not anymore, at least." 
You sigh, head laid back against the back cushions. "You're one of Spidey's enemies." It wasn't even a question. You recalled him mentioning you being friends with him earlier.
He turned to face you, one arm over the couch seat. "I can't hurt someone like you." You gave him a look at his choice of words. "You care more for these creatures than for yourself. I love that." Turning baxk to the table, he took one of the takeout boxes and handed it to you. "Altough I believe you need to start caring for yourseld a bit more. I looked inside your fridge." You fake whince at the fridge mention and accept the food, quickly taking a bite.
"So," still chewing on your food, you start. "You broke into my apartment to either kill me or hurt me very bad.." You looked at him and shook your head. "But you decided not to when you learned I like animals more than people?"
He lets out a laugh at that. "Yes. That is the basics." You smile back at him. "Well, be glad my cats like you, then. Otherwise I would have tried to kick you out and I'd have gotten hurt and slash or killed for sure. And honestly I'm surprised you managed to feed him." Nodding your head in the direction of the old cat in the corner. He follows your gaze and smiles to himself. "What can I say? I'm a cat person." He shrugs casually, eating some more fries.
Looking at the table you realised you wanted something to drink. You got up and placed your food bsck on the table, walking over to the kitchen to retrieve a bottle and two glasses, setting them all down on the table and pouring you both a glass. You sit back down and the two of you finish your food together.
After dinner you gather everything off the table, taking the stack and putting it away, bringing back a new bottle of drinks from the kitchen.
As you sat back down you missed your little side table and scooted over to the other side, placing your glass next to you and settling down right behind Sergei who was still on the floor. "You don't have to stay down there, you know." You mention. He looks up at you, his head now touching your lower legs as you sit cross-legged behind him. "I'm good here. Easy access to these guys." His hands again reaching out to pet some more wandering cats. He had closed his eyes halfway into his sentence and kept his head laying against your leg. Without thinking twice you let one of your own hands wander and softly brushed your fingers through his oh so soft looking curls. He let out a soft hum at that and you couldn't help but laugh at yourself a little.
"What's so funny?" With a quirked up eyebrow he watches you through one opened eye.
"It's just, my friends always told me I have a horrible taste in men,"
With that he openend his eyes to look at you properly. "What I mean is, they would totally kick me out of the friendgroup if they saw me here, having dinner and being cute with a guy who had plans to kill me." You kept playing with his hair as you spoke nervously to which he let out a soft hum and put a hand up to pat your leg. "You think they'd dare to say anything if they saw me next to you?" Putting the emphasis on the 'me' by motioning at himself and mostly his physique.
You nodded in agreement, knowing how absolutely intimidating he looked when he stood upright, so close and looking down on you at the kitchen counter. Not even the image of the gorgeous man towering over you, an image that would have normally helped distract you from literally anything, wasn't even helping against the anxiety that was coursing through your head right now.
Meanwhile your hands were still in his hair and his hand was still resting on your leg, the other coming up as well to rub comforting circles on your skin. "You really have to relax, little rabbit. I can feel you stressing out.." He leaned over on the couch and hopped up on it next to you, back agsinst the oposite armrest with one leg against the backrest and the other dangling off the seat. One of his hands reached out to give your shoulder a queeze and grabbed your arm, causing you to let out a yelp as he pulled you against him. He easily manhandled you on top of him, your side against his front and legs stuck between his. You let out a long, tired breath and told yourself to focus on his warmth instead of the gnawing, angry yelling in the back of your head. One of his hands dangled next to the couch, waiting for one of the cats to bump their head against if before picking one up and placing it next to you, petting it softly so it laid down for you to pet as well.
"Thankyou," you softly said getting more comfortable against him, nuzzling against his clothed chest. You had no idea how he managed, but in this short time from feeding your cats till now he had made you feel more normal than anyone else had ever done. His strong arms wrapped around you and pulled you further into him, his legs wrapping around and covering yours. Your face was now hidden in his neck and his lips were on your temple, a low, rumbling satisfied hum coming from his as he inhaled your scent. You returned his gesture by softly pressing your lips against his jawline, not exactly kissing it but just holding them there for a short moment.
He could feel the smile forming against his jaw and slowly led his fingers to your chin while moving slightly to capture your lips with his own. Without hesitation you maneuvered yourself to wrap your arms around him and kiss him back properly, scaring your cat away by doing so making you both laugh and separate. When he looked up at you he saw the tears theatening to spill, placing a hand on your cheek. "Let me care for you like you care for your creatures." It wasn't really a question, more of a statement of which the details would be discussed later. You sniffled, "Yeah," and nodded in agreement. "I'd like that."
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six-eyed-samurai · 13 days
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SUMMARY: Hitoshi has never been so annoyed by his new cat stealing your attention from him and ruining all your dates. A/N: I'M SO SORRY I LET THIS COOK IN MY DRAFTS FOR SO LONG AND I GOT LAZY AT THE END @/katsukistofu anyways, actual A/N: the cat's name can be interpreted as a reference to the Apothecary Diaries or a pun on meowing or in Chinese literally catcat WARNINGS: Mentions of poop (it's cat, what'd you expect) and probably very OOC Hitoshi (forgive me I haven't finished MHA)
Hitoshi wanted to throttle everyone in the room and then himself. Not the best way to start your mornings.
“Everyone in the room” was actually just his cat. Of course you could count Eri and Aizawa downstairs but in truth the only one Hitoshi wanted to actually (not really) throttle was the cat. Possibly himself later too when you inevitably get mad/laugh at him.
He doubted the cat in question knew that though. Or if Maomao knew that she didn't care. Hitoshi side eyes her from the mirror, still in the process of getting ready. She continues her washing on his bed, either very obliviously or very smugly.
Hitoshi liked cats. Loved and adored them, in fact. But ever since THIS particular, traitorous feline waltzed into his life he might make an exception.
It probably started when he introduced Maomao to you. He'd been pretty worried to how his new pet would take to you, because if his beloved girlfriend and precious cat didn't get along he'd get another reason for insomnia. Thankfully however, you had immediately fallen for the innocent-looking Calico, getting on your knees at once to pet and coo and fawn over her. Maomao, in turn, ate it up and made a huge racket when you had to leave eventually. So far, so good - until Maomao decided to subsequently betray the one who had adopted her and be a gigantic (beep)block.
Only Eri believed him when he was complaining about how every time he tried to cuddle you, bam, Maomao was there to yowl and get in between. Wanna kiss? Um, no, Maomao just had to run into your legs and beg for head pats. Close the door and sleep without her? Nah, no, nope, she stayed outside wailing and scratching. Enjoy a movie night? Haha, Maomao thought not, so of course she tipped over the popcorn bowl on purpose, right?!
One time Hitoshi gave you a kitty plushy that resembled Maomao. The cat in question (jealously, he swore to the wide eyed Eri) stole it and it still hadn't been found; she took a dump right beside her litter box to be petty as well.
You ate it up. You succumbed to her cute, beseeching eyes to hug HER (and not him), let her get in the middle of you two on the couch (you even shooed him away to make room) and the audacity! You always complained if he took up most of the blanket you two were sharing, and when Maomao hogged up everything? You let her.
He couldn't believe how you utterly believed the cat's obviously jealous, possessive nature. The nerve of Maomao, to steal his girlfriend when he was the one to rescue her!
While Eri believed him completely, no matter how cute she was it wasn't going to give him much credibility.
Therefore, as Hitoshi suspiciously watched Maomao saunter out of his bedroom, he was going to come up with a plan to FINALLY get some long overdue kisses, dates and affection from you without Maomao interrupting.
STEP 1: Begin by showing the cat who's boss.
Hitoshi glared viciously at the creature who had first crawled in between you and him, therefore interrupting yet another cuddle session before demanding you to go get her some more treats as if he hadn't just fed her an hour ago. To top it off Maomao was now triumphantly meowing at him and pawing at the plushy you had gifted him.
“You're not getting that. You might have my own girlfriend wrapped around your paw but you and I know what you're REALLY like.” Hitoshi wondered if his mind control extended to animals, particularly the one now hissing at his reluctance to hand over the plushy.
“First you steal my girl and now you want my plush? That's low, even for you.” The cat's eyes widened innocently as Hiroshi's narrowed. “Let's not forget who rescued you from the streets, Mao. Or who's been changing your kitty litter, feeding you or bought you all those toys. Remember I'M the one paying for all your vet and grooming visits. So the least you can do is at least let me enjoy one movie night with my girlfriend, thanks, instead of hogging up everything.”
Huh. He didn't actually think that would work. Maomao looked disdainful but trotted away.
You reappeared, holding a bowl of popcorn and setting down a bowl of Maomao’s cat food. “Hey, where'd she go?”
“Somewhere.” Somewhere where she was probably throwing a tantrum, Hitoshi meant, but he grabbed you and managed to spend a pleasant two hours getting snuggled and teasing you about your overreactions to the movie.
Then Maomao jumped on him and spilt the leftover popcorn everywhere before walking off proudly.
STEP 2: Attempt to appease your feline by providing them with more affection, food and playtime. Your cat may simply be feeling left out.
In other words, bribery was his next method.
Bribery and spoiling, really. For the next three days Hitoshi did his utmost best - Maomao was fed nothing but her favourites, Hitoshi bought her a new toy which they spent countless hours playing with, he let her nap in his bed, Eri helped him pick out a new collar, blah blah blah. Everyone absolutely showered Maomao with attention and affection. So far she seemed very pleased with herself, strutting her around with her tail swishing and purring loudly for all to hear.
Surely, surely, she wouldn't mess with the study session you and him were going to have, right? Right?
Hitoshi was beginning to believe that as time passed; the both of your heads were bent forward, trying to make sense of maths. The click of pens, the flipping of pages, the crunch of your third bag of chips were the only sounds around. He wasn't worried about Maomao’s silence either - she couldn't possibly be causing trouble while sleeping in a patch of sunlight.
“I think we did a pretty good job, ‘Toshi.” You stretched your arms, yawning exaggeratedly. “Not to be lazy but I really want a snack. Something grape flavoured.”
Hitoshi raised his eyebrows, lifting his eyes away from his essay. “No.”
“Oh come on, don't act like you're not hungry, I heard your stomach growling-”
“No as in I know exactly what “snack” you want. Enough eating those grape gummies. You're addicted.”
“Hitoshi!” You whined. “Stop outing me!”
In the end you both compromised with a bag of sour cream chips each, no sharing. Well, no sharing from your end, really - Hitoshi gave in with a sigh as you leaned towards him with puppy dog eyes when your bag empties, feeding you the chips. Maomao awakens and decides to drop by, meowing for the crumbs as well. Hitoshi shoos her away from his books, informing her she’s already eaten and he wasn’t even sure if cats could eat sour cream. Maomao sulks when he gives the chip she wanted to you instead.
But it turns out it’s Hitoshi that’s left sulking as Maomao leaps onto the table and knocks over his coffee all over the desk and steals the chips. While he won’t admit it to you or Maomao or anyone - yes he’s concerned about the sour cream thing and wasted half an hour researching if his stupid cat was going to be okay.
STEP 3: If that fails try asking someone else to care for your cat while you both are away.
“Don’t forget to feed Maomao, she’s not supposed to have-”
“Hitoshiiii! I know!” Eri makes a face, hugging the cat close to her chest as she rolls her eyes and pouts. “Trust me, Maomao’s my cat as well!”
“Yeah, but you’re still taking her to your friend’s house, so I don’t want anyone getting into trouble.”
“Quit being a worrywart! Go have fun with your loooooooover!”
“You know what, the faster you leave, the happier I’ll be,” Hitoshi grumbled, pushing Eri out of the door gently to where Aizawa was waiting impatiently. “Shoo, homewrecker.”
“Bye, Hitoshi!”
“Good riddance.” He gives her a side hug anyway. Maomao hisses, annoyed she was being forced to leave. Hitoshi paid her no mind, seeing as she had been throwing hissy fits all day as if she knew you were coming and Maomao wouldn't be around.
You come over soon, exclaiming over the loss of his cat’s company, but you get over it quickly. You both have the house to yourself, after all, and the freedom to do whatever you wanted until Aizawa came back. Hitoshi's guardian needn't have been suspicious of you both getting up to no good however; you both wound up wasting most of your time making dinner - a shockingly complicated recipe you had insisted on.
“I'll bring the ingredients, you don't have to worry about anything!”
Pfft, yeah right, now he has to worry about the mess you’re - fine, you both are - making in the kitchen. The floor’s all wet, the sink is overflowing, it’s a literal water park. The recipe wasn’t even halfway done yet.
“You know what, I’m going to get a mop, you can continue with - whatever it is you’re doing.” Hitoshi pinches the bridge of his nose in mock exasperation. You roll your eyes but agree, huffing as you push your sleeves back again.
“By the way, where’s Maomao?”
“Eri took her to a sleepover. Didn’t think she liked that idea much though.”
“Real! Maomao only ever wants to be with you,” you laughed.
“Nah, more like you,” Hitoshi grumbled. “She’s never happy when she’s not there and you are.”
“Mhm, you’re-” You’re cut off by Hitoshi’s unexpected yelp and the clanging coming from the bathroom where he’s gone to go fetch the mop. Dropping whatever you’re holding you rush over there in a panic. “Toshi! Are you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, that stupid cat took a shit here!”
“Isn’t she toilet trained? Did you step on- Oh god. You stepped on it.”
“Stop laughing at me!”
Even gone the blasted cat still managed to ruin a date. Hitoshi fumed silently.
STEP 4: Still unsuccessful? Try giving them a new friend, as they might be acting out from loneliness.
This particular method, unfortunately, quickly backfired on him.
“Aw look! They’re playing together, Jirou!”
“Huh, didn’t think Sora was capable of playing gently. She nearly gave Kaminari a heart attack jumping at him the other day.”
“Hey! Jirooooouuuuuu!”
“No, wait, Maomao, don’t do that!”
“Sora stop barking so loudly-”
Hitoshi’s overly exaggerated groan is barely heard over the din. His head lolled back, staring up at the sky. “Are we biking or not at this rate?”
Not that anyone heard him. You’re too preoccupied with cooing over Maomao, Jirou and her boyfriend Kaminari Denki trying to get their new puppy to stop eating rocks. It was supposed to be a biking-trip-at-the-park-double-date, for heaven’s sake, how did it spiral into this?
Maomao pawed at his leg. Hitoshi tilted his head back forward to glare half-heartedly at her. “You’re lucky you’re so cute. It’s your fault again.”
He’s even more offended when Maomao opts to sit in YOUR bicycle basket rather than his. Denki’s - traitorous friend that he is - snickering at him before Sora pees on his shoe.
STEP 5: As a last resort, consider punishing the kitten. Do not give them attention in any way. It is called the time out corner for a reason.
“Where’s Maomao?”
“Pay no attention to her.” Hitoshi burrowed deeper into your neck, his tone a request. “She’s being punished right now.”
“…for what?”
“A lot of things.”
“….every time you come she steals your attention. Just let me enjoy this.” Hitoshi’s voice holds the smallest hint of a whine. You mentally stored that away. “She was meowing at the door waiting for you at 3 in the morning!”
You twirl a strand of his purple hair, barely hiding your smirk. Ah, so all along…”Is that bad your cat loves me more than she loves you?”
“I adopted her!”
“Oh my god. You really are jealous of your cat.” You couldn’t help it. You collapsed on your side, crying with mirth. Hitoshi sits up straight, insulted, taking a cushion off the couch to smack you with.
“Stop that! I’m not!”
“Say that again; you’re not even convincing yourself!” Oh god, this made so much sense. You wiped at your streaming eyes, coughing up the last of the laughter. “No wonder you were - I can’t - this is too funny - I thought you were acting a little weird the past fortnight - oh my god -”
“Fine, fine, stop laughing! I was jealous! There, I said it, you happy?”
“But why?” You fondly pulled your dumbass of a boyfriend closer, squishing his cheek. Even sulky he was still cute.
“She keeps interrupting our dates.” Hitoshi’s voice is already muffled by your clothes but his muttering makes it worse.
“In all seriousness, Toshi, you could’ve just told me. We’ll remake all the dates without Maomao this time, alright? Swear on my life.” You even hold up a pinky.
His own grudgingly raises and locks it around yours.
“You can let Maomao out of punishment now.”
“Eh, no. She’s actually there because she scratched Aizawa’s car today.”
Alternatively, you could always just tell your girlfriend you’re jealous of the cat because the cat’s jealous of you both. She will immediately rush to reassure you and provide you with the much-craved, long-awaited affection you both had been denied by the cat.
Side effects, however, include providing her and everyone else with enough ammunition to tease you with for the next decade.
“Wait, Hitoshi was jealous of a cat?” Denki’s practically howling. Jirou sniggers quietly. “Does this mean he’s a pus-”
“Stop talking.”
Jirou nods appreciatively. “Now I wish i had mind control when it comes to this idiot.”
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Little Cthulhu!König snippet
For as long as you could remember, you’d always been fascinated by mythology. By Gods specifically. There was something about them that drew you in. A younger you had akinned it to a fan and their idol but looking back on it now it now you could recognize that you were more like a moth to a flame. Reaching for something bright and unattainable, sure to be burned to nothing in the process.
These days you couldn’t help but feel that like that fire was real, could feel how it was so warm and giving but already consuming you at the edges. Your God’s flames, and oh how happy you were to let him burn you up and use the ashes of your soul. As long as he kept praising and loving you, his hand on the back of your head, patting you like some sort of dog, the feeling only intensified by the weight of the collar around your neck. Sure it wasn’t what you were expecting when you summoned an eldritch god in the woods but you couldn’t deny that it was…..nice. A god cared about you, even if he treated you like a pet more than a person. Scolding you when you touched his things like a cat about to knock over a glass. 
“Nein.” König, Your King, Your God, mumbled, batting at your hand when you reached out to touch one of his many tentacles. You noticed how he pointedly avoided your gaze, knowing how weak he could become when you gave him your puppy eyes. “You were naughty today. Ruined a potion that took me almost a whole 100 years to make.”
A trivial amount of time to him and you knew it, giving him a quiet and pitiful whimper, rubbing your face against his arm affectionately, watching how he started cracking at the edges.
Another nuzzle and soft whimper.
This time you whined, crawling into his lap, not giving him the chance to fend you off before you were wrapping your arms around his shoulders, giving him a teary eyed pout. Finally he relented, pinching the bridge of his nose as he sighed.
“Fine! Fine! You can touch the tentacles!”
Eldritch God: 0
You: 100+
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adrianasunderworld · 1 year
So you know how it's known across the fandom that Yuu's love for Grim (and favouritism) is stronger than any potential romantic love and one of my favourite tropes is having Grim getting in the way of the boys' courting because of Yuu's motherly instincts for the little baby.
Imagine that but Miss Yuu and the villainous sidekicks in the House of Mouse!AU because of course her Disney Princess-ness is so strong that she not only has her own animal sidekick but also the animal sidekicks of the villains. Like, the overblot gang try to visit her at her job in the club only to find her already occupied.
Riddle comes in to find her having a pleasant tea party with the King of Hearts and the White Rabbit and feels too shy to say anything
Leona is visibly ticked to find his pillow herbivore in a hyena cuddle pile, with Yuu giving them all head pats (especially when Shenzi, Banzai and Ed give him smug looks when Yuu's not watching)
Azul can do nothing but stare when he finds Yuu's attention is slowly focused on giving Flotsam and Jetsam head scritches as they purr all self-satisfied like the little sea cats they are
Jamil is completely irked to see Iago hogging all of Yuu's time by letting her pet his feathers as he brags about himself
Both Vil and Malleus have come on separate occasions to find either Queen Grimhilde's crow or Diablo preening at Yuu's attention
The one time Idia leaves his room and comes to the club with Ortho so that he can play a new mobile game with Yuu, only to find her sitting in the corner with Pain and Panic all snuggled up on either side of her (and Grim on her lap, of course), as the three of them watch Kimi No Na Wa on the imps' tablet.
I just find find it neat how the sidekicks (both heroic and villainous) have all basically claimed Yuu as theirs as well. I've always loved the whole found family aspect of when a character is dating or gets gets adopted by a powerful character, all of the underlings instantly welcome them, shower them with love and are probably even more protective of them than the other main character (it happens quite a lot in manga, manhwa and in a lot of fanfics I read)
This is adorable, but also the image of Pain and Panic basically being iPad babies makes so much sense.
Hades brought Cerberus once, and Miss Yuu giving him a treat was all it took for him to be a good puppy. There is always a bird, good or evil, perched on her shoulder. Lucifer likes to curl up at her feet when she sits down somewhere. Yuu is basically and unofficial Disney princess now, so that means all the animals love her. But Grim will always be her baby.
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stupidlovergirl · 1 year
Just Right <3
Soft moments with just you two
Feat. Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor
Dateables Vers
not edited
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Early in the morning, your eyes flutter open. It seems to be early, as when you wake you still see Lucifer in bed. He looks perfect, relaxed and free of stress. These rare, memorable moments are all seared into your brain. You can’t help but smile, knowing you look like a love struck fool. Lucifer, your darling Lucifer. Your eyes drink in his form. His long lashes, hiding away his ruby eyes. So long they kiss his cheeks. His hair curtains over parts of his face, silky and rich in color. His soft lips, a soft pink that tempted you to kiss him. A vague sleepy thought of him being your sleeping beauty enters your mind, making you smile even wider. Placing your hands around his waist, you bring him closer and bury your face into his neck, falling back into sleep’s soft embrace.
Mammon sometimes feels the weight of everything crash down on him. In these times, he likes to hide. You knew it was one of those days when you felt him pulling you to your room as soon as you got back from RAD. You know he likes the scent of you, so he likes to hide away in there. You make sure to text the others that you were “studying” on your own so they wouldn’t disturb you two. You make sure to be soft with him. Turning on a movie you two have seen millions of times on low for white noise, a snuggle together on your bed. He likes to be in your arms, and especially likes when you play with his hair and kiss the top of his head. Maybe rub his back while you're at it. You almost always fall asleep like this.
You’ll never catch Leviathan lacking and engaging in such “cringe normie-based couple behavior”, as he calls it. That is until one day, he cracked. The little freak(affectionate) texts you how much he misses you while you're at school, and to immediately come to his room after you get back. You can’t help but smile. You tell him you will, and honestly debate skipping right then and there (You then remember what happened to Mammon when he skipped.) When you do get to him, he looks so happy. He pats his lap excitedly for you to sit on. Do not fight him! He can handle it!! Scrawny fish is a lot stronger than he looks, and has proven it to you multiple times. Once you have taken your seat he likes nuzzling with you. Whispering how much he loves you (through intense stutters cause mans nervousness is catching up, it's a battle between neediness and insecurities bro). His hair is tickly, so the two of you end up exchanging giggles at this time also. After a little bit of this, he goes back to his games. He likes to play his gatcha/RNG based games during this time, as he wholeheartedly believes that you give him a luck boost.
Satan is not always a soft lover, but you knew that when you decided to date him. He tries his best. The softest moments between the two of you was, unsurprisingly, at a cat cafe. He had stayed up late into the night, engrossed in a novel. He had been sleepy all day, but wanted to see the cute cats with you. So off you two went. You guys claimed a cute spot in the corner and started petting the cats and feeding them treats. Needing to use the restroom, you told Satan you would be back, and went off to do your business. When you came back, you weren’t expecting to see Satan asleep, with cats snuggled up all around him. You took so many pictures, and sent them to every device for safe keeping. After you secure the cutest photos of you boyfriend (and set one as your home screen), you decide to sit back down and stay for a few more minutes before you two go home. The cats never left your guys’ side for the rest of Satan’s nap
Asmodeus loves date night. You two get dressed up and go to whatever you two have planned. Sometimes it’s simple nights in, other times it’s to big parties, it can all be in the cards when it comes to Asmo. He had planned a simple night in, doing each other's makeup and playing dress up, and at the same time cleaning out his closet to donate to charity. When he asked you with puppy dog eyes to do your eyeliner, how were you to refuse him? So, that is how you ended up on the bed with Asmo on top, for the “best angle and lighting”. He was smiling so big, telling you how pretty you looked, as you fired back that he was the pretty one. Soon enough, the eyeliner was discarded as the two of you argued, with kisses and giggles laced between your guys compliments. You ended up covered in the pink lipstick Asmo was wearing. It wasn’t until the next day did you see the picture Asmo snuck of you smiling so brightly with his lipstick all over you. On his Devilgram, with the caption “Pretty in my shade of pink”.
Beel loves to be helpful to you, so when you asked him to help you in the kitchen he immediately accepted. You just were making a simple meal for the two of you, a simple stock soup you could eat with the bread bowls you had bought (and hid). Turning on the radio, the two of you set to work. Chopping vegetables, giggling at Beel’s attempts to eat the ingredients (and kitchen utensils). After you had put everything in, you left it to cook. A simple love song came on, and you smiled brightly as you dragged Beel closer to you. He looked confused, but your smile made him smile too. It wasn’t until you put one of his hands on his waist and started to sway did he realize you wanted to dance. The two of you spun and laughed as you clumsily moved around the kitchen. The two of you kept going even after the song ended, dancing to your own song. It felt like hours before you stopped, laughing and smiling so hard that your stomachs hurt. 
Belphie was in the attic when you came to find him. You had finally finished your daily tasks and came to snuggle with your boyfriend. You smiled when you saw him in the mountain of pillows, blankets, and stuffed animals he has gotten. You note the pillow you remember Lucifer said got stolen from his room in the pile. Hearing a soft snore from the center, you laugh quietly. You make your way over and crawl into the nest. Belphie wastes no time wrapping his arms around you, huffing and saying how you “took to long” and should “just tell them to do it themselves”. You just kiss his cheek and tell him your tired. Taking no time, you both quite down and fall asleep. It wasn’t until Beel came to wake you a few minutes before dinner did you open your eyes. Belphie, as stubborn as ever, just growled. You sat up, but Belphie made no moves to detach himself. You laid there and let him rest on your lap, brushing through his hair. Until you noticed a mark on your arm. Multiple marks, actually. They seemed to be… constellations? 
“Belphegor, did you draw on me?”
“Mm, yeah, you look so pretty with the stars on your skin. My own night sky”
You’ll let him get away with it this time, you guess. (You let him get away with it every time. He smiles so fondly when he traces over his handy work, sometimes even kissing them so sweetly)
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arcade-chaos · 21 days
Eldritch Scritches
Everyone say ty daycare friend pickup for this drabble
First person POV, eldritchy mer moon x reader, a tiny bit of 'last day on earth' before 'the sacrifice' but its not for long and theres nothing too scary beyond Moon shenanigans. Very silly and indulgent, enjoy!
You quite literally signed up for this. The village was sad to see you go, but you had offered yourself up and no one could think of anything to say to convince you. Everyone knew this needed to be done, you were the only barrier between the things beyond and your home. 
Those who were rich enough left you all behind, desperately hoping to outrace the end of time itself, but this was your home and you were willing to do whatever you needed to stop it from coming to an end. 
The town wished you the best of luck, treasures and sweet treats to make what they assumed would be your last day as lovely as possible. When the sun set you set off towards the beach and the endless dock, the wood worn but surprisingly unrotted by the tide. The ocean grew quieter the further you walked out, it took a moment to realize the stars were blinking down at you. You would show them no fear, even if your heart was racing. 
When you reached the end you merely waited, glancing around for a toothy maw or an echoing voice. Instead the first thing you noticed was how black the ocean was, swelling not like a wave but as a mound. A spill of inky blackness pushed up through the water, little starry lights on its body winking and flickering as two larger ones opened. One red, one white. 
“Mortal.” The world whispered, no other sounds daring to cover the ancient voice. “What do you have to offer me?”
Tales of escaping death flicker through your mind, of Scheherazade and her many stories, of trading souls of crows and deer to quell death's hunger, even Sisyphus's tricks (even if they did bite him in the end). All of those ideas escaped your brain as your mouth opened. 
“I could give you some scritches.” The coil of blacky ink stopped moving for only the briefest flicker, the cool rush of air that slipped off his coils stilling. 
“What.” It asked, quiet and disbelieving. Your hands came up to where his probably-eyes shimmered, grabbing at the frigid air. 
“Y’know. Scratches. Pets.” With that he began to shift again, the eyes coming closer down, zeroed in on you alone. A god looking down at an ant. 
“You think me a pet?”
“Afraid you’d like it?” An ant with hubris apparently. The air hummed as it thought, the fabric of space itself splitting as rows of teeth shimmered in the moonlight. 
“You have one of your ‘hours’ to convince me this is a worthy sacrifice.” You have half a mind to make up some lie and say you can’t possibly touch him from here, but he coils again before you can think, the cold air that had been rushing your hair back suddenly turning as he shrinks down in on himself. His new form is more humanoid, with tendrils of that inky blackness instead of legs and a mouth far too wide. He grins, eyes red as the devil as his long arms come to rest on the dock. You don’t let him have the satisfaction of whatever line he's thinking up, instead you sit down on the worn wood and pat your lap. 
Like calling a cat.
An ancient terrifying kitty who only wants food and prey. 
Just like a cat actually. 
His grin waivers for a moment before shooting back up, the night sky warping behind him as he moves too fast to hover over you. Even when making himself small he still needed to be bigger than you. Go figure. 
“Hurry hurry.” He crackles, his head tilting at an unnatural angle. 
“Eager.” Your hand meets his jaw as you stretch up, feeling the way the flesh ripples under your touch. Like petting a waterbed, surprisingly not as chilly as the wind he had been pushing around, that was a boon. He stayed quiet as your fingertips rubbed careful circles, glad you cut your nails prior lest he think you were trying to harm him (you doubted he would let you anyhow). 
It took a moment to register what you were hearing, the chilling silence had been put away in favor of the normal sounds of night. The waves lapping at the beach far behind, the crickets even further, and the strangely comforting sound droning out of the body in front of you. 
Oh gods he was purring. 
His eyes that had slowly begun to shut opened to frown as you tried to suppress a smile, your other hand moving to cup his face. He shuddered beneath the little touches, leaning more and more of his weight into you until he literally fell into your lap. You snorted at the sudden intrusion, moving a hand instead up to his head to smooth it back. His hands clawed at the wood on either side of your legs, the purrs vibrating through your knees and legs. 
His head was devoid of hair, instead topped with another tentacle. Little wobbly yellowish spots occasionally opened to peer at your face, forcing you to stroke his head with single digits unless you wanted to poke one of them out and ruin any chance you had at saving the world. 
If they had told you it was this easy you might’ve actually let someone else do it instead.
Eventually your hands went back down onto the wood, the feeling of something not giving under you was both grounding and strange. The ancient one let out a louder rumble, then a louder one before popping up, glaring at you with the heat of a thousand volcanic vents. 
“Why have you stopped, mortal.” He hissed, getting as close to your face as he dared. 
“It’s been an hour, I figured I’d see if I’ve convinced you.” You were trying not to sound too cheeky, but he huffed and turned away anyways. 
“You have done… Well.” His grin grew again, one of his hands coming up to grip your leg. “However, that was not enough to put me to sleep for even a year. This token was hardly worth the day’s end. You have until tomorrow, then I will eat the whole world.” 
“I’ll see you tomorrow then.” You tugged away, dusting the splinters of wood off your legs as he watched. “Oh,” You turned, smiling as he straightened up a little under your eyes “They never told me your name.” His eyes tilted up at the question, his little tendril hat flickering about. 
“You will call me Moon.” 
“See you tomorrow then, Moon.” And with that you headed back towards the little town you called home. 
Days and, more importantly, nights passed like this for a long while. It seemed that Moon’s hunger wasn’t only for the world, but also for any form of affection he could get. Most nights he would rest his head in your lap and purr, clawing at the wooden safety of the dock. One night you decided to start bringing a blanket and were delighted when he started kneading it like biscuit dough. 
Little cat indeed. 
Sometimes you two would talk while you sat, he didn’t have a lot of experiences to talk about, but he seemed to like listening to you talk about your day. The goings on in your life, the shock of the town that he hadn’t eaten you or their world yet, what kind of treats you made for dinner. 
When you brought him a little pie he looked over the moon (ha), the cherry filling dripping down his hands would’ve looked a lot more terrifying if his ‘hat’ wasn’t wagging at 90 miles per hour. You made him wash the sticky mess before cuddling, and as a token for cleanliness you let him drag you into his lap. The vibrations from his mouth into the nape of your neck was ticklish, but not terrible enough that you regretted it. The little spines down his back curling into your fingers as though they were trying to snatch you up and hold you there forever. 
That was the first night you lost count of the time, staying almost two hours before you realized your mistake. 
“I don’t suppose you’ll let that count towards tomorrow?” Moon’s face scrunched more than you thought possible, making you giggle as you waved off the idea. “Guess not.”
The nights only seemed to grow longer from there, either by your own hand or by his (you suspected some nights he warped time to move just a little slower, but there was never any proof beyond his sly little grin and wiggling tendrils). 
“You fell asleep during our time little mortal.” He purred, his hand cupping your face as you tried your best to stay awake enough to hear. “You’ll owe me more time tomorrow.” You were too sleepy to argue (despite the fact he definitely knocked you over so you’d be laying down), nuzzling back into the blanket for five more minutes that stretched on for a bit longer than they should’ve. 
One night he was more riled up than you had ever seen, the ocean rolling as his tendrils kicked them up. He didn’t even straighten up when you called out to him, instead he seemed to pout even more.
“What’s wrong nighty?” Moon huffed, pulling you to the edge of the dock instead so he could keep kicking up the ocean (though notably the bubble around you two stayed calm). 
“The mortals have made a terrible treachery against me! After I have been so kind as to allow them into my waters!!” Ah yes, another hour in favor of him letting boats leave the harbor to look for more people. Your hands rubbed over his tendril hat, squeezing it back as it wrapped around your wrist. 
“Oh dear, what did they do this time.” Moon hissed, his fingers digging into the back of your shirt as he looked at you with an intensity that made your heart skip. 
“They have made noises at me.” Your brain fizzled out for a second before the giggles kicked in, Moon whining in indignation as he buried his face into your tummy. 
“Horrible! Cruel! Laughing at my pains! They make loud honkings at me like geese! After I was so kind!” 
“Aww poor baby, how could they honk at such a powerful thing?” 
“Terrible, laughing at my pain! You agree with their honkings!” 
“C’mon now, I’m sure they were just trying to get you out of the way. Maybe they were thanking you for not taking out your wrath on them?” Moon huffed, rubbing his face against your shirt. 
“A horrible offering. You owe me double for their treachery. 
“Alright, alright. Just for tonight.” 
It never was. 
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
NWhile you're doing pokemon, might i ask, for a platonic headcanons ofseeiven, Penny and Nemona x reader,
where reader's showing them the snowy cat weasel legendary pokemon that was sealed away(i forget names atm-), i can picture arven at least being concerned seeing the dex's entry for it as reader's just all "oh but it's a sweetheart! Don't be so worried!" as theyre giving the pokemon that no doubt would absolutely cause a devastating avalanche if the reader wasnt there scritches and pats/lh
feel free to ignore just thought it could be amusing!/lh
-salt anon(stay safe btw!)
This is perfect timing bc I caught Chien-Pao today (and also Ting-Lu, my fav) after struggling and restarting the game a lot
After Ms. Raifort piqued your interest in the "Treasures of Ruin", you set out to free them from their confinements, knowing these poor things were taken advantage of centuries ago.
You believe they could still be helped. It wasn't too late! All they needed was love and friendship, things you were more than happy to provide.
Of course, pulling the stakes that sealed the Icerend Shrine and challenging Chien-Pao afterwards was no cakewalk, but you caught it after convincing it to come with you, promising to give it a better life.
The feline ice-type was surprisingly quick to warm up to you after you gave it a bath during a picnic, figuratively melting its icy heart. 
You took great care in shining its sword fangs, smiling when it purred in thanks before taking a nap in the grass, curled up.
It becomes harder to believe this sweet creature had a hand in destroying an entire kingdom.
Soon after, you decided to call your friends so they could see it for themselves.
As expected, Nemona was the first to arrive, psyched to see a Pokémon she's only heard about in books. 
She could immediately tell it was quite strong (despite it being cuddled up to you when she got there).
"..and you're gonna let me fight it one day, right?" She dares to ask, taken aback when Chien-Pao wakes up and looks at her in disdain.
You just laugh and shake your head, giving the Ruinous Pokémon chin scritches. "Unless you wanna be swept away by an avalanche..I don't think so. Besides, I think it's been through enough fights in its life."
Not long after her arrival, Penny and Arven show up, completely shook(tm) at the existence of this bizarre Pokémon.
Penny’s surprised it was just stuck in its own little cave all these years, while Arven’s curious about what the Pokedex says about it.
But when he finds out..well...to say he’s just “concerned” is a huge understatement.
He’s downright scared for you, having no clue how you tamed it and fearing the repercussions of freeing it.
“...[y/n], this thing is more than just a Pokémon..it’s...it’s got a bunch of souls in it--angry souls of people who hated that “king”. It also causes terrible avalanches and-”
“Oh give it a rest, Arven...does this look like the face of someone who’d cause terrible avalanches?” You pouted, holding either side of Chien-Pao’s face as you stared at him. “Do you see any hatred here? Because I don’t.”
When he has no answer, you resume patting its head, treating it like a big ol’ kitty that was simply misunderstood.
Even Penny becomes brave enough to pet its back, only to freeze when it sends an icy gaze at her. “Uh....sorry...?”
She thinks she did something wrong and is about to invoke the wrath of this ancient beast....
Until Chien-Pao purrs and nuzzles her cheek, invading her personal space just like Koraidon/Miraidon did all those times, causing you to chuckle and shake your head.
You could only hope to nurture the other three in the quartet into sweet and cuddly creatures like this one.
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fishhuo · 3 months
Deafblind pet AU part 2
Warning: Starvation, deafblind amputee human pet, pet whump, dehumanization
A little slower part than last time! Caretaker Saejima trying his best. Also I feel a little silly writing out "Majima-chan" each time, but I kinda like the dehumanized, cutesy pet feel to it.
Part 1
Some art for this AU
Saejima woke up to something wet dragging across his face. He sputtered, reaching up to brush it off with a hand when he accidentally slapped something solid. He heard a yelp. 
His new pet crawled away to the other side of the mattress and fell off the edge, making a bony thump as he crashed down.
“Shit! I didn’t mean to—” Saejima hurried off the bed, still in the same clothes he entered with the day before. He scooped up Majima-chan in his arms and patted his head in apology. He got a small whine in response. No broken bones, that was good. 
It was easier to cope with… this if he treated Majima-chan like any other animal, like one of the stray cats he’d feed and give nice scratches to. 
After he filled the water dispenser yesterday, he coaxed Majima-chan out of his cage with a convenience store onigiri and fed it to him by hand. Then Saejima put his jacket on him for warmth and fell asleep in the former owner’s bed. The only real bed in the apartment, not tattered rags in a cage. He must’ve gotten up in the middle of the night and carried Majima-chan up with him. His jacket was also nowhere to be found. Majima-chan probably slipped out of it in the night.
The pet in question nuzzled deeper into the crook of Saejima’s neck, making audible sniffing noises at his scent. He’d been forgiven. He usually wouldn’t think he smelled like anything at all, but to Majima-chan, his smell was the world. He absentmindedly took one of Majima-chan’s stumps and rubbed it under his thumb. He rocked in place a little to sooth his pet.
How long had he been here? And why? How old was he? The bags under his eyes and his brittle hair aged him, but he didn’t look any older than his late 20’s. The deep reds and blacks of his tattoo were somewhat preserved over time, having no sunlight to wear away the ink. White snakes slithered around his shoulders and chest, and the hannya at his back remained a jarring contrast to his pathetic state. He wondered if the man chose the design himself at some point, or if his superior decided on it for him. Was he a former Tojo member? Whose family was he under? Who… did this to him? Saejima’s own tiger was contained to his back, rising above a rock and roaring with its whiskers splayed out. Lately, he hasn’t felt the same ferocity and loyalty it symbolized. Not in this situation.
Saejima brushed the hair out of Majima-chan’s relaxed face. Maybe they had even crossed paths at some point. But with the scars and Majima-chan’s limited expression, nothing came up. He was painfully docile, all the fight beaten out of him. Saejima couldn’t tell what he was thinking at all. He didn’t forget that he had to eventually transport him to his own residence. He had a week. It was a long taxi ride as well. 
He exhaled and tapped Majima-chan’s shoulder to let him know he was getting up. As soon as he started to put Majima-chan down, he whined and clumsily wrapped his residual arms around Saejima’s thick neck like a snake. 
“Hey now…” He sighed. Guess he’d be taking him with. Saejima stood up, arms full, and took Majima-chan to the main bathroom across from the owner’s bedroom. Not the one inside the pet room. This one was much cleaner. He might as well give the guy a bath while they’re here. Still holding him in his arms, he started filling the bath with hot water. 
“Ow!” Majima-chan bit him in the neck and chewed lightly. Saejima sighed. “Ya aren’t trying to eat me, are you?” He’ll feed him after this bath. He patted him on the back and slowly peeled him off, getting him into a good position where he can be carried into the bath. 
“Here we go…”
Majima-chan let out a grunt at the sudden warm water. He flailed his limbs and splashed some water out the side of the tub. 
“Hey, it’s not that bad. It’s just water…” Saejima trailed off. Majima-chan seemed to be trying to climb out now. “No, don’t—” 
He pushed Majima-chan back into the water where he landed on his bony rear, groaning in pain. “Sorry, sorry, I didn’t mean…”
Saejima rubbed his back gently, holding his front with his other hand so he wouldn’t lean too much to either side. He lathered him up with soap and got to scrubbing, trying to finish up quickly. His hands swept over sharp curves and rough, scarred skin. There wasn’t much body hair on him, maybe a slight happy trail. Saejima tried not to linger on his privates too long, simply scrubbing his groins and lightly washing the dried blood off his rear end. Majima-chan squirmed and closed his thighs, letting out a whimper. Saejima got his message and withdrew his hands. 
“Let’s wash your hair now,” he murmured to himself. The tub had a generic bottle of shampoo to the side that was mostly full. He didn’t imagine it was used for Majima-chan’s long hair very often. He squeezed some onto his palm instead of scaring the man with sudden coldness on his head. He started lathering it in there, lightly scratching Majima-chan’s scalp and spreading shampoo across his head. Saejima heard a small moan. He was enjoying this. 
By the time he was done, Majima-chan didn’t want to leave the bath. He huddled in the lukewarm water, which was slowly getting colder. The air was cold, but Saejima couldn’t warm him up if he stayed there. 
“Come on…” He muttered, trying to lift him out. Majima-chan whapped him in the face with a wet stump. 
Eventually, Saejima was able to wrangle him out the tub and into a towel. “There we go,” he sighed. His shirt was wet down the front, and both his arms were dripping with bath water. 
He carried Majima-chan out into the living room where he stayed hunched over in his towel. He shifted to the side to lay on his hip instead of putting all his weight on his bony sit spot. Saejima had taken off his shirt to dry. Looking at Majima-chan, he pondered about what to feed him. Some fruit might do him good. 
He checked the fridge… nothing. Just some leftover takeout and sauces. He opened a container, only to immediately close it. The smell was rancid. He tossed it into the trash. He looked back over to his pet. He’d have to leave and get food.
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thatspookyagent · 2 years
Dating Heimdall (Black!GN!Reader) would include...
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Warnings: Typical assholery and bastard behaviour lmao otherwise none
a/n: First time writing for a video game franchise and I hope that y’all enjoy this! Heimdall is easily my favorite GOW character besides Freyr and Angrboda. There’s not much fanfiction out there for GOW: Ragnarok right now, let alone for Heimdall, and like none for a Black!Reader specifically. So this is me PUTTING that content out there in the void for someone to find, read, and share! Side note: I am yet again writing Black!Reader headcanons with a darker skinned!reader and 4 type hair!reader in mind unapologetically. <3
If you want to be tagged in any of my content, don’t be afraid to tell me via my ask box or through messages! Just remember to be clear about what specific kinds of content, characters, and fandoms you want me to tag you in or if you want to be put on my general tag list! I’m always looking to add more people and I’d be more than happy to add you (if you wish)! :3
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If you were to describe Heimdall with just one word it would aggy lmfao
No really, he makes you want to kick both his ass and those grills in his teeth all the way to the Light of Alfheim
But regardless you fell for him because Reasons™
When you reflect upon why and how you did so, you can’t really come up with a definitive singular answer
Maybe it's because he treats you differently especially when it comes to teasing 
It’s more playful than brutal like he is with others and it gives you boy who pulled your hair back in kindergarten cause he secretly likes you vibes
Whenever Heimdall does tease you, his body language is different as well
Less condensing and try me and more goading and trying to vy for your attention kinda thing
That and he smiles relentless while he does it, like a genuine heartwarming smile not I’ll eat your kids and your pets smile
Just imagine him walking backwards slowly on his heels while swinging his arms and bringing them forward occasionally to make a soft clapping sound
He’s poking fun at you tripping earlier and thinking that nobody saw you when he absolutely did
Your comeback is to ask him why he was staring at you in the first place
He replies with “I just liked what I saw.”
You jab back with "If I only liked what I see now back."
That’s another reason why he really likes you, you always have a comeback to his remarks when most don’t
You really don’t take his comments lying down and actively engage in fun spirited banter with him whether you're starting or finishing it
While others shy away from it and avoid that man like the PLAGUE
To be fair his demeanor and vibe with you is MUCH less hostile with others so nobody wanting to be around him is very understandable lmao
Even then when there’s moments were Heimdall steps outta line (and there are), you don’t hesitate to push back and check him
He NEEDS a s/o who can do that cause otherwise Heimdall won’t read, understand, or internalize boundaries and will eventually continue to keep going
Those moments where you check him are usually answered by long periods of silence from Heimdall or curt nods, he knows your limits, and chooses to respect them
Partly because you do the same with him, which for you is mainly out of respect, and cause you like him
On another note, Gulltoppr is y’all’s child I said what I said
You were deathly scared of them at first cause who the hell smuggled a whole ThunderCat into Asgard hELLO???
But after awhile you warmed up to the battle cat since Gulltoppr can see just how much Heimdall cares for you and if you’re good enough for Heimdall, you’re good enough for them
Heimdall often scolds you for feeding Gulltoppr apples and cheese a lot but you also scold Heimdall for not giving enough treats to them cause how else do you remind them that they’re doing a good job protecting Asgard???
When he’s not looking you like to give Gulltoppr head pats and belly rubs cause they do NOT get enough of those in their life
You’ve managed to persuade Heimdall to snuggle with you and Gulltoppr while he reads on his breaks and you bet that there’s even more cheese and apples involved in that
Now onto some stuff that’s more Black!Reader specific-
This man is a bit OBSESSED with your hair don’t @ me !!!
If your hair is longer, especially long enough to be in box braids or have extensions in, he will be in total and complete awe at them
Catch him staring at your hair whenever you’re in the Asgardian mess hall together
At some point the staring gets so frequent that you sorta call him out on it and he’ll just...freeze
Later on when you two are more alone he’ll go “So...how does THAT work?” and motion towards your head
Sure Heimdall braids his own hair from time to time but his braids are different in many ways
Speaking of Heimdall and braids, you bet your ass you braid his hair stop playin !!!
You’re kind of a whizz at it and he doesn’t let ANYONE touch his scalp so you’re fumbling with a gold mine here
Heimdall only trusts you to mess around with his golden locs and will only really allow you to see him with his hair down OR messy
Speaking of hair down, he’s down for you to do or help him in his hair care routine lmao
Washing it, brushing it, putting some kind of good smelling product in it, you name it
Also if you leave your hair care products just lying around he WILL sniff and try them out
SO if you’ve got some expensive stuff that’s really for your hair type usage only, you better hide it better next time
For revenge you can put his hair in cornrows and then watch it fall out the next day sksksk
Now back to your hair, even if you hair is short or you use wigs, he will still be intrigued by it
Imagine Heimdall being dumbfounded at your waves like WHy is the ocean on your head and HOw?
He will return the hair care time favour and learn how to take care of your hair if you wish
Will steal your bonnets, durags, and head scarves BEWARE
He claims that it was just “lying around” and that he needs to protect his hair too <3
You roll your eyes and just make sure to order more protective hair fabric for the both of you
If you ask him if he has any design requests, anything with gold ornate on it will suffice (similar to his outfit that he wears)
That way y’all can tell your stuff from one another’s and he can color coordinate with his own natural hair color
Also he WILL throw at you and or remind you to put on a bonnet, durag, or head scarf if you aren’t wearing one before you go to bed
Something else that he admires about you is definitely how different colors of clothing make your skin tone stand out
Heimdall always stands out honestly due to being albino and having gold teeth like even for an Aesir God
It admittedly is different and a bit unfamiliar for him to see someone with darker skin and textured hair
Though don’t get him wrong, he welcomes it with open arms
Especially whenever the two of you are in bed together, cuddling, and just lying there together
He likes to have the windows open and have you on whatever side of the bed is facing that particular window
Cause it means that when he wakes up before the sun rises, he gets to watch the sun come up, and bounce light off of your melanin <3
He will absodoodley lay with you in bed all day (for as long as he can get away with it) while he brushes his hands against certain parts of your skin that are being lit up by the sun
He’ll only get up to get you some food or shower, basically basic needs until he has no choice but to get up cause he’s The Watcher of Asgard™ n all that
You know that his love for you has to run DEEP if he’s slacking off on watching Asgard cause he’s too busy giving you the attention that he deserves
And his love does indeed run deeper than a Jotunn’s ass crack for you truly if Odin doesn’t really approve of his relationship with you and he still actively decides to continue it anyways knowing this
Regardless of what other people think, he knows where his love lies, with him every morning and night, in front of sunny windows while he caresses and admires them
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belit0 · 1 year
How would indra, hashirama and Madara react if their lover behaves like a cat sometimes. Like she loves head pats, likes to be around them when they work and also hiss at them when she is angry/annoyed.
I'm sorry for portraying Indra as an asshole but that's exactly how I imagine him lol
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- Girl... get your shit together. He doesn't have time to deal with animalistic attitudes, he needs a serious and mature, professional person by his side, who will adapt to his standards of perfection. He will likely completely ignore (Y/N), and even end up replacing her just out of embarrassment. He will not tolerate any hissing or her being near him when working, refuses to touch her head as if she were a cat.
- Weird... but cute? Of course it surprises him at first, especially when he has to write documents or sit down to negotiate important things. He doesn't usually have any company around him at such times, but it becomes pleasant soon enough. Madara is usually a solitary person, but having her next to him fascinates him. He himself is the one who starts stroking her head like a cat without realizing it, and gets scared when he hears her hissing at him for excessive petting. Back off, you big-handed, spiky-haired man, give me room!
- FASCINATED, HE WOULD LOVE TO HAVE KNOWN IT BEFORE?! Hashirama often has trouble picking up on attitudes or discovering patterns, but when he does, it's a one-way trip. He takes (Y/N) everywhere with him, even sitting her on his lap in the Hokage's office to listen her purr (Tobirama doesn't approve). He treats her as his pet, and spoils her as such. His attention is often so intense it makes her upset, and he cries if she hisses at him to stay away.
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