#and his friends are just like buddy you cant even play if you dont pick a human you gotta
moeblob · 4 months
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Look, I just think it's VERY funny and on brand that I thought of an entire premise of colorful characters for half the cast and immediately drew the only one void of color.
#my characters#i will not bore you all too much in the main post but now its story time in the tags so yeefuckinghaw#noll is a fae and is distinctly the only one that just lacks colors#at first he was like well surely i can wear colorful stuff to make up for my dark hair and eyes !#and then he overhears some of the fae talking about how hes a blemish to the fae and hes like well fuck#guess its time to go all in baby! and decks himself out in all black and jagged clothing#and he tries to play it off as hes an idiot and a lot of the fae actually believe its not ALL an act#like they can tell he thinks about stuff but he normally does it staring into space so they dont care to ask#cause surely it isnt important enough to brood about hes just thinking about stuff#and he really REALLY has a lot of confidence issues and worries that more fae are disturbed by his darkness than let on#but then the other fae that like to hang out with him are like#YOOOOOO THATS OUR LIL VOID! THATS OUR LIL GUY! our lil black spot look at him hes so edgy and cute!#and treat him like a pet cat at times giving him head pats even if he bats their hands away#and the plot premise is that some of the fae are bored and decide they should go play with some humans! give THEM enrichment too!#and noll gets roped into it and The Game is basically go find a human partner and convince them to be an ally#then the fae give the humans cool lil toys (weapons) and are like GO FORTH MY CHAMPION!#so noll keeps like ... not picking anyone to participate because its not just A Game to him#if he can prove victorious in A Game with outside factors such as humans then he can prove hes not#an absolute disappointment to the fae like he has a lot riding on this in his mind#and his friends are just like buddy you cant even play if you dont pick a human you gotta#anyway here is noll and then i have ideas for two other fae and also a veeeery vague idea for two of the humans though not as sure yet#rae if you read all this you should know the cobalt is a fae thanks bye#i am so stressed posting ocs every single time and i am incredibly depressed and anxious#so good lord please let me not just delete all the tags in an hour bc im ashamed
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sibylsleaves · 1 month
Hahaha yes okay Idk if this makes sense but like thats literally my favourite part of couch theory because buck so clearly does not care about eddie’s couch in the context of couch theory. Its like. To him the couch is something someone will bring to his home to complete it, or whatever. Not even considering that no one is supposed to bring a couch to his house, because they cant, because “his” couch is already residing in another home. But hes not thinking of it like that at all hes just like somebody please make my home complete :( and to me that is the beauty in couch theory like buck doesnt need to be making a home in his loft. But I think at the time so much of buck’s identity is tied finding his independence in LA that to look outside of the first thing thats ever really been his and only his and that he put so much work in to make his home. To look outside of that to recognize his actual home is probably really hard. And maybe even extra hard bc he tried to make the loft a home with taylor and it failed epically so now he views it as starting from scratch (not having a couch does give a just moved in vibe). And hes not even seeing the fact his best friend and child are at his dinner table playing boggle while he cooks for them, when hes trying to build his home from scratch again. And obviously when buddie happens its like Duh. Eddie is my home. But before that I dont think he’ll really stop thinking about someone completing his home/loft. Couch theory is really THE onion of 911 it can have as many layers as you want it to and its literally real and canon if you want it to be (All of this is of course insane when you think about how buck started making his home with eddie wayyy before he even got the loft. Yay. His subconscious and conscious are so disconnected on the couch/home thing its going to be so beautiful when he figures it out)
the thing about couch theory is that. it actually IS real and canon. but i definitely don't expect them to pick up that thread again. they closed it out in s6 and I'm FINE with that (lying) everybody moved on (i stayed there, dust collecting in my pinned-up hair....)
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alstroemerian-dragon · 6 months
theres something that really bothers me about the way a lot of people talk about and write peko re: her place as fuyuhiko’s “tool,” especially when it comes to like. despair. and i feel like it stems from a few different places and one of those is definitely uh. distance from the source material. because. w. did we play the same game
like. the second trial is a lot of things. annoying. about the death of a character i dont really care about. kind of confusing. Very Sad At The End. but the one thing it shows beyond any shadow of a doubt is that peko Does Not Want To Be Fuyuhiko’s Tool. she leans into it a lot in that trial, past the stupid. serial killer shit. which is literally just desperation and quick thinking on her part (and non diagetically meant to parallel the first game but whatever). but she does that because it is the only option she thinks she has if she wants to keep fuyuhiko alive. because thats her ultimate goal, right? sure, she’s his tool. sure, theyre Badly and Unhealthily codependent. sure, she was basically groomed to stay at his side no matter what. but…
she also cares about him. genuinely. she loves him. for all that teenagers can properly conceive of love in all its forms, but she at least think she does. but she does truly care about him.
did anybody do her free time events other than me? genuine question. because i dont think someone who wants to ask the guy shes sworn to protect on a date would be content being just his tool. that sure sounds like someone who wants to be on equal footing with him.
like. look. say what you want about the anime. take it with a grain of salt. cherry pick what you like and toss the rest of it out. that sure is what i do!! but even if you do that, youve got to take the text of the game itself into account if you want to have any semblance of regular characterization, and the game makes it clear that she hates this!!! she doesnt want to be his tool! she will fight him on things if she has to! she will disobey him if she has to!!! thats the whole point of the trial!!!!! he told her to run and that he would take the fall and she told him no!!!!!!!!!
and you cant ignore the fact that the time between them starting at hope’s peak and the tragedy hitting the ground running was two whole years. people can change a lot in two years, especially teenagers, and especially high schoolers. idk how long its been since you were in high school (unless you currently are in which case. dear gd im so sorry. good luck) but your mental state in high school is so fucked. you have no idea who you are and neither does anybody else and can you even imagine the kinds of pressure the ultimates would have been under?? again, taking the anime with a grain of salt, but even if you go along with it and think the school was barely a school at all, the pressure from society, from family, from peers still has an impact. everyone was telling them who they were and that thats who they were going to be for the rest of their lives and i doubt ANY of them felt like it.
and even if you subscribe to the idea, like me, that their second year was a downward spiral because of junko’s presence and influence, they still needed somewhere to fall from. the idea that peko was uniquely comfortable being quiet and violent and doing whatever fuyuhiko wanted so she didnt need despair to be his tool is ridiculous. i see the argument of “well watching her friends fall into despair and spiral made her spiral in turn and grow numb to it and retreat into herself until she needed to become fuyuhiko’s tool again as a coping mechanism” but. buddy. That Is Despair.
sometimes i feel like the only person who thinks about despair complexly and maybe thats its own post because this ones too long already but. despair isnt just Being Brainwashed Into A Monster. ignore what the writers told you. okay? look at me. Look Into My Eyes. The Writers Are Fucking Idiots And Dont Know How To Write Good Drama With Genuine Stakes. despair as a nuanced concept is so much more horrifying. different post. sorry. peko.
if peko had not been pulled down by despair just like the rest of them she would have fought tooth and nail to keep fuyuhiko above it. she would have demanded he explain to her why he was doing what he was doing. and she would have told him no.
and of course heres where i get into the accusatory part because the other place a lot of this comes from is, and im sorry, an unwillingness to write complex or nuanced women. not pointing fingers, but reducing peko down into “fuyuhiko’s tool” and “she does whatever he says without question” completely destroys any minuscule amount of agency she has. shes a fucking person. yes, shes pixels on a screen. yes, shes a representation of tropes. but diagetically, within the fiction of the game, she is a human being, and if you want to write her, and not be puppeting around a gddamn cardboard cutout, you have to think of her as a person with agency who makes her own fucking choices. sometimes those choices are taken away from her. but they shouldnt be taken away by you.
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cerealmonster15 · 11 months
I’m acting on a whim and posting some unfinished(?) fanfic stuff I wrote like a year ago. Part of my many branches of caterella aus that has vague reference to one of my rsa ocs (dañarte)… but with a cater/idia main plot with jamil/azul happening in he background. My blurbs ended in a bit of a sad spot BUT it was always the intention in my mind that there would be happy resolutions 🙏 these were just little things I wrote for my friend and me bc it was an au we talked about…
Context: idia and cater are bonding, but only online over magicam, and idia is kinda catfishing cater (though not maliciously). when i was trying to name my original rsa oc (char) and looking at names, eppa was one of my initial possible choices. It was maybe my friend who had the idea initially of idia having a fake, RSA princely identity that cater gets to know over magicam?
Eventually I picked char for my actual guy, and dañarte became his cousin via me making typos and more discord sillies lol, but prince eppa became a pseudonym for idia and created another branch for the story. I’ve talked a bit about the dañarte lore and some of that comes into play here. Char I guess would too but I don’t think he got mentioned anywhere lol sorry buddy. But ya idia is pretending to be a prince at rsa named eppa who “secretly likes video games” or whatever I think lol. Idia likes his bond with cater but can’t even begin to think of how cater would react if he found out idia was lying to him.
Anyway. This is more cater/idia (and board game boys friendship) focused than anything (lots of idia pov pining lol) and idk if anyone would wanna read it but I’m putting it here to record keep anyway. No ao3 Bc It’s very unedited and unfinished and just kinda blurb writing lol
But it’s the only time if technically written for caydia. And I do like it. It’s just embarrassing bc I get embarrassed with my oc things and my love for romance drama but i guess I’ve been exposing more of it lately lol… shout out to anyone who recognizes the fic I’m referencing that I DID post lol.
Anyway. Copy pasted from my Google docs:
Idia’s computer pinged as a message appeared on screen.
C.Dia - eppa, are u awake?
Idia looked at the clock, startled. It was 3AM… Idia was still up because he was grinding a new event in one of his many, many, many games, but what the heck was Cater Diamond doing up at this hour? Had he just gotten back from a party?
PrinceEppa: ya, why r u tho? It’s crazy late lol
C.Dia: lol ikr
C.Dia: i just cant sleep rn >.<
PrinceEppa: how come?
C.Dia: i got into a fight w/my bf again…
Idia sighed at his computer. Right… Cater’d started dating that prettyboy from RSA.
PrinceEppa: 0~0 thats like the third time this month…
C.Dia: ya ik ;-;
Idia fiddled with the strings on his hoodie. He didn’t really know if his heart could take hearing Cater talk about another guy, but the thought of Cater laying around sad and alone made him ache just as bad… But what was he supposed to say in times like these? Idia didn’t know anything about comforting someone about relationships! He barely talked to people in general!
Thankfully, Cater kept going and spared Idia the anguish of trying to figure out what to do next.
C.Dia: are u going to bed rn?
PrinceEppa: no lol ill be up for a while longer.
C.Dia: royalty keeps busy at all hours huh?
Idia tensed at the mention of his lies.
PrinceEppa: something like that. Balancing the princely duties and the princely gamer sessions is tough work 😌
C.Dia: LOL. never change eppa <3
His face grew warm, a bittersweet swelling filling his chest.
C.Dia: can u chat with me a lil longer then?
C.Dia: tell me about ur day or ur games or w/e? I kinda just want a distraction, i dont really wanna be alone rn
C.Dia: if ur not busy anyway >.< it’s oki if you wanna focus on ur gamer mode lololol
Idia paused for a moment, before moving his mouse and closing out of his game. The rest of the event grind could wait.
PrinceEppa: im never too busy for you, cay.
C.Dia: thx <3
Sometimes, even for the prince of otakus, there were more important things than gaming…
But only when those things were really, really, really special.
“I heard Cater and that RSA boyfriend of his broke up.” Azul spoke after several minutes of silently moving chess pieces around the board.
Idia frowned. “Don’t try and use that as a distraction from the game just because I’m winning.”
Azul kept his face neutral so as not to betray any bluff he might have. “Perish the thought. I just thought his sweet prince eppa would be interested in such information.”
“SHH!” Idia hissed. “Not so loud! Besides, I-I already know. He told me…”
Azul raised an eyebrow. “He told you, or he told Eppa?”
Idia focused on the chess piece he moved. “Same thing.”
Azul sighed as he took his own piece and contemplated his next move. “Hardly. Honestly, how can you ever expect to move your relationship forward if you don’t unmask yourself? All this bonding will be for nothing if you don’t use it to the full extent!”
Idia rolled his eyes. “I don’t wanna hear it from you of all people. How long have you been saying you’re gonna ask Jamil out?”
It was Azul’s turn to shush Idia, face reddening. “How is that even relevant?!”
Idia grinned. “Cuz you keep going on and on to me about how I should be more confident with Cater, but you won’t even take the plunge with Jamil! Hypocrisy much?”
“I’m simply waiting for the right time. I would be a fool if I didn’t stick with my patient strategy of getting him to warm up to me before striking! Move too early, and I’ll undo all my progress…”
Idia sighed, thinking back to all the hours he’d spent DMing Cater under a fake name. They’d gotten quite close, but as far as Cater knew, Idia was still that vague acquaintance in the back of his classes.
If he messed up by telling him his identity at the wrong moment, or didn’t phrase it right…
“Lost progress… that’s exactly what I’m afraid of…”
“Idia!” Cater’s cheerful voice called out as he approached the lecture hall desks. “You’re in person again today; that’s three for three this week!” He spoke with a smile as he slid into the seat next to Idia.
Idia jumped at the sudden appearance of his classmate. “O-oh, uh, yeah…”
“Oh, B-T-W, did you hear that Azul and Jamil were on a date Friday night?” Cater said in a half-whisper, leaning close to Idia’s ear.
“Uhh…” Idia didn’t really know how to answer that. Sure, he knew Azul had some overly complicated date-but-not-a-date plan to get Jamil to hang out with him, and then ask him out for real, but how did Cater hear about…?
“I was hangin’ out with the pop music club on Friday when Ruggie texted Kalim that he was serving their table! Isn’t that just crazy?”
Ah. Kalim and Ruggie. That explained it all.
“I mean, I always wondered if those two had something goin’ on, y’know? Like, they had that ‘will they, wont they, playing hard to get’ kind of vibe. Super cute, if you ask me.”
Idia wasn’t really sure that ‘cute’ was a good way to describe anything those two were involved in, but he simply nodded his head along to Cater’s blathering, as he discreetly pulled his phone out of his pocket and switched to his Prince Eppa magicam account, reading the messages from that morning.
PrinceEppa: howre u feeling?
C.Dia: like total trash lol…..
C.Dia: ik he was a jerk but like i miss him, yknow??
C.Dia: or maybe i just miss having someone there. And its almost valentines day lol. Shit timing amirite?
PrinceEppa: that really does suck… im sorry, cater.
C.Dia: thanks, it’s oki tho. Better to get it overwith lol
C.Dia: i really dont wanna get out of bed or go to class…
PrinceEppa: mood
PrinceEppa: u really should tho. Ik it’s hard but itll feel worse if u stay there all alone
C.Dia: urk. Idk if i have the energy to be around people today
PrinceEppa: tbh i get that… i dont rlly wanna go face people either today…
PrinceEppa: how about we try it together?
C.Dia: i wish u went to my school so we really could go to class together <3
C.Dia: but oki. I'll try, for you :)
PrinceEppa: :)
If Cater really was feeling as bad as he felt, he was pretty good at hiding it with that blinding smile and bubbly laughter.
Sure, Idia’s first instinct would be to immediately enable anyone that wanted to spend the day hiding in bed, but… The thought of Cater lying alone in the dark with his thoughts just made Idia sad.
And, if he did that, Idia wouldn’t get to see him in class today…
“Oooh, do you think Azul and Jamil are gonna go out again on Valentine’s day?”
That depends on what Jamil answered on Azul’s questionnaire, Idia thought to himself. He was sure he’d get a full report from Azul later that day at their next club meeting.
Cater sighed. “Another Valentine’s day, and Cay-Cay’s single yet again!” He smiled, but Idia felt that his eyes weren’t lit as bright as they normally were as he spoke. “But, I’m sure some of the boys at Heartslabyul will be hangin’ around like always. It’s never lonely when you live with friends!” He turned to face Idia again. “What about you, Idia? Any steamy plans for Valentine’s day?”
“U-uh…” Idia started fiddling with his hair. It was now or never. ‘A-Actually, Cater… M-my dorm, Ignihyde, we’re h-hosting a movie night that night… Y’know, ‘cause a lot of us don’t really have plans for Valentine’s day and don’t wanna be sulking alone…” He swallowed a lump in his throat and took a deep breath. “...Y-you can come join, i-if you want…?”
Cater blinked a few times, a look of surprise on his face, before breaking into a smile and giving Idia’s arm a small squeeze of a hug. “OMG, movie night at Ignihyde?! I hear you guys have like, the sickest setup! That sounds great; count me in!”
Idia breathed a sigh of relief as the professor began class.
A few seconds in, his phone quietly vibrated as a single message came through. Idia glanced at it from down in his jacket pocket.
C.Dia: a rlly sweet guy in my class just invited me to hang out w/him and his dormmates on valentines day
C.Dia: u were right about getting out of bed. i think ill be okay today ^.^
“Hey, Idia…” Cater put his phone down, magicam abandoned where he’d paused on a video of a turtle swimming around an aquarium. “We’ve gotten a bit closer lately, huh?”
Idia paused the game he had up on his tablet. “H-huh? Oh, uh, y-yeah…”
“So, uh,” Cater played with a strand of his hair. “Do you mind if I talk to you about something a little… personal?”
Idia froze. Abort mission, find an escape route, he was not a high enough level for this kind of topic yet! Maybe Eppa was, but Idia!?
And yet, he couldn’t bring himself to just say no when Cater was looking at him with those soft green eyes.
“Thanks! Y’know, you’re really sweet, and like, such a good listener…”
Idia hoped the redness of his face was hidden behind the flames of his hair that flickered in every direction.
“And I’ve just been feeling so… confused lately, about where my heart’s at. My feelings feel like they’re being pulled in so many different directions!”
Idia could feel his heart hammering in his chest.
Cater sighed, laying his head down on the table. “My ex asked me on a date today. He wants me to give him another chance.”
The burning sensation from Idia’s insides made a 180 as he felt his blood go cold. This was the last thing he wanted to hear his normie crush come and tell him without warning…
“And the craziest part? I said I’d think about it.”
Oh god.
“I know that’s like, totally insane after everything that happened, but… I dunno, seeing him around now that he goes to school here just has my head all scrambled!” He picked his head up from the table, opened his phone again, and gave the turtle video a like before standing back up suddenly. “Gosh, sorry, I don’t know why I just came over here and dumped that on you, Idia. I guess I just find you so easy to talk to, I get a little carried away!” He said with a nervous laugh.
Lucky Idia.
“But, don’t worry about it. I’ll figure things out for myself. It’ll be A-okay!” Cater gave an unconvincing thumbs up before turning to leave.
Super lucky.
“Azul, today might actually be the worst day of my life.” Idia said as he dragged himself into the clubroom and plopped down in the seat across from Azul in their usual spot.
“...Hm? Oh, hello, Idia.” Azul looked up from his phone. “I believe you said the same thing when you came in here to lament about Cater getting together with his… boyfriend, a while back.” Azul seemed tense at the very concept of Danarte. He hadn’t exactly been a fan of the guy since he transferred to not just NRC, but into Scarabia specifically, where he’d made a point to hover around Kalim and Jamil as much as possible.
“I mean, it’s basically the same level of despair. Cater just told me Danarte not only asked him out, but that he’s considering it!” Idia dropped his head facedown onto the table in sorrow. “Like, how could I lose to the same guy twice!? Ugh, honestly, there’s no one as pathetic as me. I am having the WORST time, and NO ONE could possibly understand the agony I’m in right now!”
Azul chuckled, his tone solemn and hollow. “I’ll do you one better. Jamil broke up with me today.”
Wait, what?
Idia’s head shot up as he squinted at Azul, who was gazing sadly at his phone again. “Huh!? Wh- Huh!? What happened?”
Azul sighed. “We had another fight- and I mean, you know how we are. We have our differences, our disagreements, and the two of us can be a bit… stubborn at times. But we always figure it out! We were doing so well… At least, I thought we were.” Azul rested his chin in his hands. “But I suppose Jamil didn’t feel that way. He said he’d had enough of the relationship. Enough of me.”
Azul bowed his head to stare down at the table.
Idia wondered if he was trying not to cry. He looked out the window, both out of respect, and also because it felt kind of awkward to stare at his friend who was clearly just barely holding it together after getting dumped.
After a few seconds of awkward silence, when it was clear neither of them wanted to discuss their woes anymore, Idia spoke. “Uh, wanna play the VR headset boardgames today? Now’s kinda the perfect time to… Escape reality, right?”
Azul lifted his gaze to Idia. “...You just want to make me use the virtual dice again because you know I can’t use my perfected dice strategy on them, don’t you?” He straightened his posture, standing up to get the headsets. “I’ll have you know I won’t let your silly game of virtual chance best me today!”
Oh thank god that worked. Idia didn’t think either of them could handle any more emotions for the day, so he stood up and followed Azul with a grin. “Hehe, we’ll see about that, Azul.”
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eldritchmochi · 1 year
yeah I am pretty young lmao, I'll spare you from another playlist by just naming some artists that gave me inspiration for god knows at some point
first off you mentioned Hozier, which I kinda only mention because he released a new album recently. Arctic Monkeys and Father John Misty are kinda in the same boat as him. More like the same lake.
The Amazing Devil and The Oh Hellos never fail to give me some sort of D&D/character inspiration. Ghost does?? something??? as well with characters, but specific ones. Same with Steam Powered Giraffe.
other than that, Library Magic by The Head And The Heart is very Wizard, along with The Magician by Andy Shauf. and because I just can't go without mentioning it, Queen is my favorite band. :)
that's all! with any luck it'll end up being useful somehow lol
hozier is one of those artists who i dont listen to on purpose like ever i dont thinki could name a single song of his with confidence BUT i know his voice starkly as one i really lusted after pre-t. i saw he just dropped a new album and i HAVE to give it a listen to especially the video of sssomething or other (full album mv??? pLEASE) because it stars domnall gleeson and i am still horny for that man even after all these years (he's the actor for hux for context lmao)
queen is also one of my long time favs, though definitely a band i dont know in and out the way i do with a lot of more modern punk bands lmao. freddie has and always will be Gender (god the video for i want to break free was IT for me in like 8th grade right around when i came out)
ive seen spg live before!! they are *great* experience even if you're not deep into the lore (i had friends who were big lore fans). i have heard precisely One And A Half Ghost Songs and im keeping it that way on purpose because its just sooooooo funny that im not into them because aesthetically they are way up my alley (and one of my sibs, a number of irl buddies, and MANY artists i follow are all nuts for them)
ive some passing familiarity with the artic monkeys, enough that i can pick out a number of their more popular songs on the radio even if i cant name them (i am garbage at song titles tho so)
i'll have to check out the rest, especially good Wizards Songs 👀
in response!! further things to check out:
FUNKY.FM - playlist by alexmoukala who is one of my FAVOURITE video game composers. i know him primarily through twitter where he posts snippets of remixed or reimagined video game music... but FUNKY (this one is particularly relevant to u based of ur playlist shared w me)
ye old spooky club 1995 - playlist by unnerving governess who i am 90% sure is gothic charmschool. i know i got the link thru her but i thiiink she also made it (another playlist that may vibe w u based off your playlist)
creature feature, especially the album "the greatest show unearthed" (ookey spooky rock with a lot of vincent price era horror camp and a lot of really impressive technical skill. i want it to be halloween damnit)
the mind electric by the miracle musical (behold, the essence of the inside of my brain but in tangible form. it is. incredibly ominous. do recommend headphones for max goosebumps (includes a lot of records played backwards type sounds and other distortions))
dance monkey by tones and i (one of my big essek songs since i get a lot of that vibe where he's beholden to his station for *so much* that its a disservice to his growth as a person)
bottom is a rock by mother mother (my m9 as a whole song. the chorus has a line for each of them i stg and if i could reliably draw i would do an old school lyricstuck to it)
my verdict on ur playlist btw is that it is very solid and cohesive a+, but *just* to the left of my tastes, largely because a lot of it skews 70s/80s which just by nature of the beast lacks the bass i like (because it was mixed entirely different compared to modern music, which is better suited for sounding big when played digitally through smaller speakers. ive heard some of these bands on big sound systems and theyre MUCH more in line with my tastes then lmao)
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nicomrade · 2 days
Hello local Akagi and Sahara enthusiast! What do you think those two would think about each other? Would Akagi be impressed by Sahara's begging to be in a dangerous gamble?
took forever to get to this one cuz i cant make up my mind. so lets start easy i suppose
i dont think akagi would be... impressed by it but i tihnk he might respect it? at least an older akagi does respect it- hiro did some similar begging to be part of the east/west tournament and akagi enjoyed that. a younger akagi only looks at other people to tell if they can be "an existence like his" and doesnt care much beyond that. sahara IS willing to take risks and stick to his death gambling decisions so that 19kagi does respect id say? (if his conversation w urabe is anything to go on- he dislikes/d half-assed people) he wouldnt feel NEGATIVELY towards sahara anyway. but who does akagi even truly dislike ?... only time he gets mad is in the chohan arc so. hes a pretty easy going dude all things considered
sahara-wise i think hes got a bit of an ego and overestimates how really good at gambles he is/would be lol. like "please let me in ur death game and i promise ill win and i wont die and u wont have my death on ur conscience i promiiiiise ill win i can win id win anything" is kinda like erm. u dont even know what game itd be yet. and hes one of the first people to actually step on the brave mans road (if not the first? i forgor) so he has an outlook of "ok i can pull that off" and i think hed be impressed w akagi skills but not see him as a demonic gambler or anything hed hear about akagis risky wins and think "wow! so cool! i could pull that too!". but akagis drive towards death and destruction he wouldnt vibe with and maybe thats what hes scared of akagi for. the suicidal drive of it all. that sahara doesnt have he just doesnt wanna have to work a job hes in it for the money (which akagi has no interest in) like he wouldnt get why akagi doesnt care about money & isnt happy despite always winning really ("wdym losing is healthy? losing sucks. if i could, id never lose. this guys an idiot lol." <- sahara internal thoughttrack)
so i guess put together.... theyre both a bit puzzled with each other but feel generally positively towards each other? also sahara DOES die at the peak of his gamble and thats the one thing (19) akagi desired so maybe hed be a bit jealous of that. but then saharas dead so they cant interact
sahara also has social skills that akagi doesnt have... hes like if osamu was kinda fucked up. like sahara would maybe make himeslf look like easy pickings so he can scam his colleagues and then akagi walks in and wins his bets before sahara can pull his scheme.? vs osamu just being straight forwardly picked on by his colleagues lol. sahara would similarly stick to akagi and follow him around if they met in those circumstances i think. but less in a "i admire you and want to learn from you" way and maybe more "let me eat off of ur scraps"
or saharas kaijis friend that akagi meets once and he just invites himself in akagis life and hangs around him. idk if hed be interested in playing akagi tho? saharas really just in it for the money lol idk that he enjoys games really. but they could be game buddies still thatd be fun even if not necessarily in-character
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gikairan · 5 months
Got one single line of blorbo thoughts just rotisserie chicken-ing it around in the ol' noggin
I decided to play Dragon's Dogma as Sel, because I remembered how mage just... sucked a bit to actually play in the original game. And then i picked a canon compliant pawn with Emma.... rather than kinda reversing the roles I played in the first game (Zah and Sel - who DID know each other in canon back then, and now Do Not)
In canon- Sel has grown up a Loner. And spent a lot of time feeling very ostracised from his peers. Hes not exactly used to people being genuinely nice to him? THEN he gets a nice healthy dose of ~TRAUMA~ - seeing everyone he does care about be killed horribly, his home torched and then imprisoned/ tortured for Fun
.... Followed by waking up in a place of healing. With people genuinely trying to look after him, make sure hes healthy and well and generally okay. They listen to him about what hes gone through, try and accommodate his requests (even if it makes the healthcare a little harder) and just generally act Very Nice to a Complete Stranger?? And this is a guy whose brain is very much Soup, with all its chemistry trying to work out what the hell its doing.
So hes kinda generally Very Protective of the people who are nice to him? Hes already lost a few once, he doesnt want to again But also.... the nice doctor lady around his age? 🥺
And then just taking this sort of base idea and then throwing over the Arisen/ Pawn dynamic.......
I havent quite thought much on Sels backstory here, because I dunno what the games going to throw at me. But i cant see it being MUCH different? Hell, hes even being thrown in jail for absolutely nothing once more!
But now the loner guy is being told to summon HIS pawn? What kind of lil buddy do you want, huh?? And i dont really think he has any idea WHO he wants - just someone to look after him? Like his brain is soup once more - he has no memories, no idea what hes supposed to be doing. Just knows he was in prison and now here? So he ends up with... a healer mage lady. Someone whose always by his side on this adventure hes kinda been forced on? Someone who picks him up when some beastie has flattened him. Tends to his wounds. Gives him magic shields. Compliments his battle prowess when they emerge victorious. HI FIVES HIM??? LITERALLY GRABS HIM IF HE FALLS FROM TOO GREAT A HEIGHT AND SHES THERE.
He would literally die for her.
Shes there to make sure he doesnt die. But he still would.
But also.... what do you do when your favourite person is kinda.... not a person? Pawns are supposed to be relatively unfeeling, mostly just getting on with what theyve been tasked to do - or serving an Arisen (if there is one). You want this person to stop calling you "master", and to treat you as a friend and equal. But they literally cant, its not in their nature
Cant work, too distracted by thoughts of the relationship between an Arisen and their Pawn
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plantley · 1 year
ive had a bit of crush on my guy friend for a few months but ive been basically ignoring it and brushing it off as the wires are crossed and i dont actually like him, its only that he's one of my only guy friends and that i trust him so much, not a crush. and i cant have a crush on him because i dont date friends as a rule because it ruins the friendship and friend group. and theres no way he liked me too.
we had a fourth of july party, and especially towards the end of the night i thought there might be a little something. my legs were on him like kinda in his lap bc the couch was crowded. we were talking a lot, and at one point he went to grab my sunglasses from hanging on my tank top and like basically right between my boobs so like kinda intimate. but also literally all of our friend group is quite touchy and affectionate we everybody and we were drunk, so like none of that really was for sure that he liked me, but it felt different.
but the next week at trivia, he talked about dating apps or a girl he was talking to, so i took that as he obviously didn't like me and it was nothing because he was interested in other girls not me. so like id literally encourage him to get like the waitress' number and gave tips on talking to girls. like a month ago, my car broke and one week my friend allison gave me a ride and the 2 weeks after that max did, and its out of the way for both but i was like wow i have such good friends.
this saturday was allison's birthday party, and max said he was going to drive the 45 to pick me up and then 45 back to his and allisons place. and again thought, wow i have good friends and allison would have been sad if i couldnt be at her party. we all played beer pong, drinking games, just all hanging out and having a good time with everyone. i was crushing on max and was basically trying to see if itd be like last party and maybe there was something. i sat by him in our circle intentionally and kinda being more touchy than normal. but nothing either of us were doing were like obviously out of character and like clearly flirting.
part way thought the night, like 11 or 12, allison pulled me into her room and said "omg i just had an REVELATION! you and max need to hookup, tonight. yall have cute chemistry and now hookup and make it happen" and i was flabbergasted! like she knows my hard stance on "its a bad idea to date friends" so i tried arguing and like just making shocked stuttering noises, and before i could protest so much she grabbed me and pulled me back out to the party right by max, and she was smug like just do it.
but that had me thinking maybe its all in my head and like there is something there and maybe max likes me too. like if allison sees enough that she'd say that, its gotta be something. i kept acting the same way i was all night and now was just overthinking him even more.
towards the end of the night, like 2 or 3, some people went home, some were getting ready for bed, or just in smaller groups to talk in and it was just me and max talking. i was planning on just crash on the couch with julia, like normal, but by this point it definitely felt like there was something and he wanted to tell me but he couldnt. after a bit, he nervously asked if i wanted to be like cuddle buddies for the night and i said sure. we put on buffy the vampire slayer and cuddled for a bit but pretty quickly facing each other and having a real talk.
some of the details are a blur, but he was saying how he didnt want to pressure anthing or ruin our friendship, etc etc and hes fine with whatever i want and hes just so happy to be holding me and has wanted this for so long. i was like absolutely shocked still because i couldnt believe he liked me too and had for a while. he was so absolutely so sweet, but was so scared that its going to ruin things and i completely loose him as a friend but i was 100% comfortable and even leaned in to kiss him first and it was off from there. after kissing me, he said “you have no idea how long i’ve wanted to do that”. we kissed and cuddled the whole night and he was so fucking hot. he straight up tossed me to the other side of the bed. omg.
it was so sweet. the next morning we still were able to banter and tease each other. we did have to walk out the room and talk to all of our friends just knowing we got together and were dying for info, but i still didnt know what i entirely thought and didnt want to kiss and tell. i walked out to the patio with all the girls and they excitedly asked "omg what happened, SPILL" and i said "nothing happened, okay not nothing happened, something happened, just not everything", but i did tell them it was just like a sweet and wholesome night. like he seems to like me so much and has been just waiting to let me know and he said something like "you had to have felt something at the 4th of july party too" so it wasnt just in my head and he felt that too, and i would love to date him like proper bf/gf but i am so scared ill lose him and ruin the friend group and everything is going to go wrong.
but he drove me back home and we got dunkin on our way, and said he was going to take me to work too but i was like no way itll take me like 20 min to get ready, ill just get an uber. and he was like, nope i have nothing else to do, ill wait and im dropping you off. so i showered and got ready. i had to cover a hickey, and it was my first one bc i always say dont give me a hickey but he gave me a little one anyway. when i came back out to the car i gave him a hard time that he's not allowed to give me hickies bc im simply not good enough at makeup to cover them up, and he joked that its not worst than my birthmark on the other side of my neck.
he dropped me off right in front of my work and i gave him a kiss goodbye and he said something and i said "youre too sweet". i was reeling my entire shift trying to pros/cons whether its a good idea to pursue this. on my pros/cons list, at first all i wrote under both columns "its max". i see my therapist on wednesday and hopefully she can help me sort through this. i finished the pros/cons and both sides are pretty full. i think next time we see each other, well have a real talk about this and i think i want to like a trial period and like try going on a proper date and couple-ly things and if that goes well then actually date officially. i want to take the romantic mushy things slow so we have time to navigate. and have an easy out/get out of jail free card at any point so we dont feel stuck and call it off if things feel weird or mess with the friend group or arent compatible, etc.
honestly in hindsight, some things kinda add up that it was probably him liking me not just normal friends. also im pretty sure he'd totally told allison he like me and theyre in cahoots. i want this so bad, but im so scared to lose him. ugh i am loosing my mind over this, and being away from him and having to think if this is going to ruin everything is putting my stomach in loop. it feels so natural with him. this feels so cliche and sweet that its like something out of a sitcom.
like thinking about it, we make a lot of sense together. both have been through fucked up shit and can relate and joke about it with each other. were outdoorsy and talk about moving out into the middle of the woods. we are extraverted but if we run out of social battery were totally done. hes talked so sweetly about wanting a wife and doing everything he can to love and protect her and make her happy, its so precious. hes truly such a sweetheart. this is gonna kill me
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castor--writes · 4 years
ok ok wait wait wait. could you go through your list of mcyt and give headcanons for what you think each one would be like on road trips? thank you!! <3
i really love this request omg i ended up rating the quality of the trips and idk what i was using to judge the quality of your trips but i did it anyway i wrote this for dream, georgenotfound, eret, wilbur soot, tommyinnit, tubbo, and ranboo
Dream • absolutely a driver • i think he'd joke about driver controlling music but he's a simp and he'd let you play whatever music you want • would act like he didnt like stopping at roadside attractions but he would have the time of his life as soon as he stepped out of the car • holds your hand while driving • has absolutely tried to lean over to kiss your cheek on empty stretches of open road and you have to smack him and tell him to stop being an idiot and just pay attention to driving jesus christ dream you'll crash the fucking car • over all 8/10 just please keep your eyes on the road, lover boy Georgenotfound • lmaooo dude has no driver's license • rides shotgun the whole way • buys lots of snacks i think • idk what music he listens to but his playlists are either fantastic or awful and he switches between them regularly • is pretty indifferent about roadside attractions • like, he's down to go and has lots of fun every time but also is chill not going and actually making it to your destination on time • probably naps in the car • 9/10 pretty ideal passenger Eret • switches places with you so neither of you drive for too long • will hold your hand and give it kisses, whether he's driving or not • has pretty chill playlists, definitely a lot of good songs on there • also very much enjoys listening to your playlists • you guys probably switch who gets the aux cord when you switch drivers • doesnt seem like a car sleeper idk • if they notice that you're asleep, they'll pull over and cover you with a jacket or a blanket if there's one in the car so you dont get too cold • 100% down for roadside attractions • 10/10 wholesome trip Wilbur Soot • definitely a driver • holds your hand or rests his hand on your thigh while driving • he brings the good playlists and you bring purposely bad playlists and you switch between them all the time • it makes for a very interesting drive • i think he's less excited for roadside attractions but when you get near the exit and you give him big puppy eyes, he just kinda says fuck it and ends up having a great time • legally not allowed to sleep while driving but if you convince him to take a break, he'll probably fall asleep but denies it to his dying breath claiming he was just resting his eyes • 8/10 admit you're asleep fucker you sound like my grandfather Tommyinnit • i dont think Tommy has a license either • i think you two only go on road trips if your parents take you • even if theres only the driver in the car, you two sit in the back together bc it makes for easier access to mess with each other • you probably listen to whatever music the driver puts on or you share earbuds and listen to like. teen songs. idk what the youth listen to • very chaotic • lots of yelling • you two caused the driver to almost crash once • you weren't allowed to ride together for like. six months after that • might end up asleep on your shoulder if you're driving late enough • definitely denies it • has a list of roadside attractions he saw on previous trips that he didnt get to go to and tries his damnedest to stop at as many as he possibly can • 8/10 good time, except for when you've almost crashed bc you're both being too loud so maybe dont do that again Tubbo • also cant drive so you're probably riding in the backseat with your parents in the front again • usually much more chill than tommy but is still fairly chaotic when he wants to be • i think you two let the driver pick music and then share earbuds while showing each other funny videos on your phones • falls asleep on your shoulder and admits to it bc hes not a coward • has been known to sit in the middle seat for better hugging access bc leaning over a whole-ass middle seat to cuddle someone isnt fun or easy or comfortable • probably researched the route you were taking and found some cool roadside stuff and asked the driver about it beforehand so yall have a plan? but then you get on the road and he asks to go to all of them instead of just the ones that were talked about • 9/10 really nice to ride with for long periods of time Ranboo • idk if he actually has a driver's license or not but he vibes like he does • will take you to mcdonalds at two in the morning and calls it a roadtrip adventure but doesnt really wanna drive very long distances so long road trips with him are definitely driven by your parents • hits his head on the ceiling a lot • you tease him about it relentlessly but will also kiss the top of his head to make it feel better bc you're a good friend • i definitely think you guys do weird voices together and i dont know why • i also think you're more likely to fall asleep than he is so if you fall asleep on him, he'll just get really still and quiet so you dont wake up • is excited about roadside stuff and is kinda bummed when you cant go but it's not a big deal • 10/10 great car ride buddy
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ajdrawshq · 2 years
ok im tired as hell and its too gotdamn warm for me to actually sleep so im gonna list off some of my omori thoughts til i pass out
i got the good ending bc i was following a guide bc i Cannot stand full screan surprises n the guide was good but the one (1) thing it doesnt remind u to do daily is water Basils plants. so. im doing all of that again now
i love the fucking characters in the game theyre all so neat n alive. i keep wanting to say im attached to someone specific but im having a hard time picking favorites theyre all so Good
theres a lot like a Lot of instances where Kel is hinted at being the lesser sibling and just the least important out of his friend group and its only really stated in an obvious kinda way once n like. he seems totally fine most of the time and he doesnt seem down often or for long at all in unrelated moments but for these he doesnt seem to even acknowledge it. and of course the others dont seem to think of him as less important which is Good but does he like. have a problem with this. i wanna say hes hiding it but i dont Know bc hes fucking good at it. i might make a whole post on this later actually
seeing Hero cry hurt more than i thought it would and seeing him jump right back to smiling seconds later every time made it Worse. its the older sibling thing
one detail i really like is that while some of the scenes are meant to be funny to the audience, Hero's fear of spiders isnt usually made fun of (the only time i can remember is when Mari apparently snuck bugs into his desk to see his reaction lmao). otherwise hes taken seriously and the others try to push him to overcome it someday, not Now but its something he should work on himself. and the bit w Kel removing a spider from their room, all while saying what hes doing exactly and reassuring Hero that the spider was gone, was a sweet thing to see compared to all the other media where siblings would throw it at the other or something yknow its just nice
Aubrey Good. thats the post
i dont even know where to fuckin begin with Basil (affectionate) this kid has Problems
seriously theres so much shit going on w these kids thats left unsaid but is worked into the environments or even just what they Dont say its genuinely incredible. beautiful characterization and worldbuilding
the real world sections of omori feel less like im playing as Sunny and more like im guiding this child in a gentle but assertive manner to Do Shit. like ok kiddo brush ur teeth and then we're gonna go outside today. yes its good for u trust me ive been there anyway ur buddy is at the door, go have fun!! oh btw i found some parents who will literally pay u to help their kids with homework. yes ur doing that. its free money dude cmon
cant believe omori lets me live my true dream job (organizing things in short bursts for money)
on that note the music that plays for the tool organizing and the flyswatting jobs might be my favorite track in the game and i have no idea why. its like the audio equivalent of the word blorbo
i wish there was a fucking therapist in this town bc god knows id drag em all there
my brother came in during one of the endgame parts n thought Sunny was a girl when Basil was teasing him abt his crush on Aubrey n went "aw yeah you cant escape the gay even here" (not in a derogatory way) n it took me so off guard i forgot to correct him. hes right tho actually
"when the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie thats omori" is the funniest joke that couldve ever come out of this game i want to personally thank whoever did that
showing all the different ways the kids reacted to grief and trauma and acknowledging that some were more harmful to themself or others and thats just how people work sometimes n they all make amends n agree to support each other in the end and begin to heal despite it all. h
also the moment that i realized the dream world was in fact a dream world made by Sunny and. everything it represents. his desires. his fears. dude
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iwaisuke · 3 years
i like you so much, you'll know it
ft. kageyama tobio, semi eita, iwaizumi hajime x fem!reader
genre: fluff (prompts are based off lines of the song)
a/n: from the c-drama a love so beautiful :) i wrote this at like 4am so sorry if its crap haha. not proof read either. also, sorry in advance if they're too ooc lol im a mess rn.
» ˚⸙͎۪۫⋆
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i like your eyes, you look away when you pretend not to care i like the dimples on the corners of the smile that you wear. i like you more the world may know but dont be scared cause im falling deeper baby be prepared.
» today was your first day at karasuno highschool. honestly, you were so scared. that was up until you found out kageyama was going too.
» the two of you had been childhood friends due to each others grandparents knowing the others. you had been with him through his ups and downs. his victories and defeats. almost everything kageyama did, you were there with him.
» actually, you didnt know kageyama was going to karasuno until you walked outside your door to find the raven haired boy in the same school uniform as you
» "tobi? you never told me you were going to karasuno?" giving him a side eyed grin. "i thought you were planning on going to aoba johsai like oikawa senpai and iwaizumi senpai"
» you viewed kageyama as someone who expected others to reach his level in order to be a good match for him. he had a strong head on his shoulders. naturally gifted in volleyball, like everything was given to him on a gold platter. of course, he wasnt perfect and thats where you come in and keep him level headed. helping him understand his faults and weaknesses as well. doing your best to encourage the setter
» he let out a sigh. a slight frown forming on his face. "i didnt get in.." he quietly said. "karasuno has a good volleyball team though and i can feel myself growing here" he stated bodly
» and boy was he right. something about kageyama did changd that day. he usually was so bitter and angry. a very pessimistic look on life if he and others weren't at the top. maybe it was the orange haired boy, hinata, that the setter and you became friends with. and maybe it was his great senpai's who were patient with him and gave him the opportunity to grow
» kageyama started smiling more often. his small unnoticeable dimples showing. he became kinder. softer. and more carefree. he was a growing boy both mentally and physically.
» what you didnt realize was that not only was kageyama changing, you as well, had something changing and growing in your heart.
» but kageyama noticed. oh boy did he really notice, the way you seemed to become happier and livelier by the day. how the stars sparkled in your eyes when you talked about something you enjoyed. the kind of perfume you would wear and how you would tie your hair differently each day. the weird trinkets you just seemed to love that decorated your bag. but most importantly, how much bigger your heart has become, loving everyone and their faults. always encouraging and motivating him and his team.
» was she always like this? he would constantly think to himself. all of a sudden being hyperaware about you... but he would NEVER let you know that, let alone his senpai's. it was just too embarrassing. just thinking about the never ending teasing he'd get from tanaka and noya senpai made him shiver.
» all of these things he felt about you hit kageyama like a truck the day everyone started to wear their winter uniforms.
» picking you up to walk to school together was a normal thing since the two of you lived close, but how was kageyama suppose to do this now when you're standing in front of him. thigh high socks to keep your legs warm, an oversized jacket that you had borrowed from him a while back you forgot to return. white mittens to cover your cold hands and the slight blush on your face from the wind chill.
» "does it look weird?" you shyly asked. kageyama was silent. "ah.. give me a second. I'll go back in and change real qui-"
» kageyama tugged on your hand. "its fine. lets just go to school or we'll be late." refusing to look you in the eyes. heat rising to your cheeks as tobio dragged you along with him.
» your feelings for the setter had blossomed over the past few months. falling deeper and deeper into him, and at this point you felt like you couldnt hide it anymore. you just had to tell him. tell him all the wonderful things he's done. the way he's grown and how much he means to you.
» "tobi..." your soft voice spilling out. eyes closed, the fog of your breath coming out as you exhaled. "i lik-"
» you felt something wrap around your neck. "wait y/n..." kageyama spoke, interrupting what you were about to say. not gonna lie, you felt like your heart was about to be shattered like ice eventhough kageyama continued to wrap his scarf around your neck.
» "dont say it..." he quietly said as he began to walk forward without you.
» ah... is this what rejection feels like? i didnt even get to say it properly... your hands felt colder now that kageyama wasnt holding them anymore.
» he took a quick glance back at you. blush on his cheeks. "be prepared because i want to be the one to tell you first."
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i like the way you try so hard when you play ball with your friends. i like the way you hit the notes in every song you're shinnin' i love the little things like when you're unaware, i catch you steal a glance and smile so perfectly
» semi eita, your 3 year heart throb from the moment he first spoke to you.
» at first, you had suppressed these feelings, telling yourself he would never look at you the same way. but something about the blonde tsundere struck a chord in your heart that you just couldn't forget.
» the two of you ended up becoming friends. closer than you had actually imagined within these past 3 years. doing everyday life with you. waking up and saving you a spot at breakfast. helping you with your studies in exchange for being his workout buddy and motivator.
» semi kept his tabs on you. your likes and dislikes. the things that made you smile and the things that made you groan in disgust, but he would never let you know that.
» to semi, you were his breath of fresh air. the song he has on repeat everyday. the kind of person who would keep him on his toes. in a good way of course
» "oi what are you daydreaming of this time?" semi asked as you zoned out while drinking your carton of strawberry milk. "hm? oh nothin. just thinkin about whats in store for us today!" reaching your arms above your head letting out a stretch. "i just know for a fact. today is gonna be a good day." semi chuckled at your optimistic claim. "how do you know for sure?" "i dont know how. i just do" you replied with a smile on your face.
» today, shiratorizawa had a practice match with aoba johsai and today, eita was picked to be in the starting line up. the pure joy that radiated from his body. maybe today was a really good day just like how you had said.
» semi took a quick glance up into the stands, you gave him a thumbs up and wished him good luck. his smile was brighter than you had ever seen it and his eyes shined like stars. he always told you that whatever chance he got on the court, he would be sure to not let his team down no matter what. he was in his zone. playing his best and sure enough, they had won all 3 matches.
» after practice, semi and you would hang out at his dorm afterwards. he liked to show you all the new songs he was working on. whether it was a cover or a song or a song he was writing on his own.
» the two of you leaned against the wall as you sat on semi's bed. his sheet music all sprawled out before him on his bed sheets. guitar in his arms and you beside him.
» "what are you working on semi?" "a song" "well obviously dum dum" you laughed, reaching out for a paper in front.
» "so who's the special lady?" you teased him as you read the lyrics. deep down inside you could only wish these words were meant for you. a blush formed on eita's face. "just... shut up about it... its not ready yet"
» it was getting late and falling asleep at semi's place was a normal occurrence at this point. your eyes became heavy and your head started bobbing.
» "sleepy?" eita asked as he noticed your eyes drooping. "mhm. sing for me semi? please?" his voice was so soft like a mothers touch yet somehow had the power to pierce through your soul sometimes. although, it never failed to help you fall asleep when you needed it.
» hesitantly, semi started humming. softly speaking some lyrics here and there. you didnt know where the tune was from so you listened the best you could.
» "... till the last of snow dissapears ... till a rainy day, becomes clear. never knew a love like this, now i can't let go..."
» your eyes had closed. slumber taking over you as you fell onto semi's shoulder.
» "im in love with you... and now you know..."
» yeah. today was a good day. just like you said it was going to be.
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in a world devoid of life, you bring color. in your eyes i see the light, my future. always and forever i know i cant let you go. im in love with you and now you know
» to iwaizumi, unlike volleyball, oikawa, maki, mattsun, school, anything life threw at him; you were the thing in his life that was constant yet at the same time a whirlwind of new beginnings. not in a bad way though.
» ever since you were kids, you showed iwaizumi the beauty in things he would have never guessed had. he was bold and tended to look over things without giving them much thought. his eyes straight ahead to the trials before him. you on the other hand, stopped him and slowed him down from rushing into them blindly.
» "every moment is precious. you should learn to cherish it because you never know when it's gonna be your last" you always said
» your views of the world were beautiful compared to how cruel it actually was. naivety maybe? or maybe it was just because you were blessed with a kind soul.
» iwaizumi always knew he had feelings for you. you had been with him through thick and thin. he could depend on you and you could depend on him. in his eyes, you were the most beautiful person on earth. deep down he had hoped the two of you could stay like that forever. nothing could ever change that.
» or so he thought...
» "iwa chan~ you owe me a meat bun" oikawa whined as the group of friends were walking to the gym for volleyball practice. "shut up crappykawa. i already bought you one last week" "oi isn't that y/n over there?" maki said, shaking iwaizumi's shoulder.
» sure enough it was you. apparently you had told iwaizumi to go ahead of you today because you had something to take care of in the afternoon. telling him you'd meet up with him after practice was over. not thinking much of it, he bid you a farewell and went on in his day.
» "oooou by the looks of it, this is the perfect confession scene" mattsun teased. "oi stop messing around" iwaizumi's voice hoarse. not gonna lie, iwaizumi felt his heart drop when mattsun said that
» the 4 boys crept closer to see what was going on.
» there you were, standing in the middle of a classroom with a black haired boy. "mhm. definitely a confession." oikawa stated. "shut up tooru we cant hear" maki retorted.
» you weren't considered popular in school but that didnt mean people didnt know who you were. iwaizumi knew you were gorgeous and on top of that, smart, kind and one of the sweetest girls, so it was only natural that people would be drawn to you.
» they watched as the boy got closer and closer to you. voices barely being audible to the 4 boys outside. iwaizumi's heart could bear to see this right before his eyes.
» without even thinking, his feet moving on his own, iwaizumi barged into the room. all eyes towards him.
» "iwa what are you-" without letting you finish, iwa dragged you out of the classroom. "iwa where are you taking me" asking him as he took you to who knows where, leading you up the stairs of the school.
» up on the roof, he finally let go. "sorry..." he mumbled.
» "sorry for what iwa?" "for ruining that confession... i just-"
» "you just...-?"
» "i just love you ok?!"
» your heart shook at the resonance of his voice. iwa liked you? he liked you back?! wait no- he loved you.
» you had loved iwaizumi from the moment you met him and as the two of you grew up, your love for him only grew deeper. he was the only one you'd ever look at. the only one who would ever cross your mind. you had hoped he felt the same about you but he was always so busy with other things you only felt like you would be able to support him on the sidelines as he faced the world head on like he always does.
» just being in iwaizumi's presence was enough for you. no need to be greedier, you thought. its good to be content with what you have, but just knowing that he shares the same feelings... its ok to be a little greedy right?
» your silence being louder than it should have been, iwaizumi took it the wrong way. "look I know this isn't the greatest confession. heck it's not even the way I wanted to confess to you, and get it if you like that other guy, you don't have to-"
» shuting him up with a kiss, you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him in closer. needless to say, he was shocked, but embraced you as well.
» "you're overthinking too much iwa. that's so unlike you" you chuckled. his face bright red at the previous actions.
» "i love you. I've loved you for a long time actually. every single second. every moment we've shared. i cant picture myself with anyone but you hajime."
» iwa let out a sigh of relief. a smile being brought back onto his face. "good because all I know is that i cant let you go. in the past, present and even in the future...."
» the blue sky slowly changing into shades of coral warmed your heart even more on top of his sweet words that you've always longed to hear.
» "im in love with you, and now you know"
-» ˚⸙͎۪۫⋆
enjoy your order! have a great day!
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blxetsi · 4 years
Hi! Can I please request modern au hcs for Armin?
tysm for requesting !!
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modern armin arlert dating headcanons
lowercase intended !
college!armin arlert x gn!reader
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- okay so
- i think in a college setting you and armin hit it off really well
- i think you guys wouldve just accidentally kept bumping into each other, whether it be around campus, at some coffee shop, in the library
- it gets so frequent you dont even know if its a coincidence at this point, yet you cant help but hope that you seem him whenever you go out
- after ALWAYS bumping into each other and apologizing before making small talk, armin makes the first move
- mf just says "are you following me ?" to which you reply "are YOU following me ?"
- that night ends in you two exchanging numbers 🤩
- you find out that hes a humanities major, and wants to be a psychologist some day
- you also find out he has a paid internship at a research facility near the university you attend
- hes super sweet but also super humble, so he tries not to keep the subject on himself for very long, just wanting to know more about you
- as you two get closer he gets more touchy (not in a weird way)
- he starts greeting you with hugs now, and likes to have a light grip on your wrist when hes leading you through crowded hallways of the school
- he introduced you to his bestfriends and roommates, mikasa and eren, and they were really accepting !! (they already could tell armin liked you even if he didnt know himself)
- you start developing feelings for him about two months after you exchanged numbers, and you honestly felt really weird
- because this beautiful boy whos so sweet and kind and intelligent is like,, wayyyy out of your league
- armin thinks the exact same thing
- he thinks youre so cool and fun to be around, you always have the best stories to tell and are so welcoming,, its HARD not to fall for someone like you !!
- finally he gets up the courage to ask if you can come to his apartment
- and there he confesses 😳💥‼️
- you sit there shocked for a couple seconds too long because now hes freaking out like "im so sorry i didnt wanna seem creepy i just wanted to tell you how i felt you can leave or i can walk you home- wait you probably wouldnt want that but-"
- you just kind of grab his shoulders and start shaking him. before you tell him you like him too.
- the apples of his cheeks turn pink before he smiles and gives you such a tight hug !!
- hes immediately planning a date with you for when youre both free
- takes you to the local aquarium 🤩 and kisses you in front of the moon jellies (u know those big tanks with the jellyfish that are like glow in the dark ?? and the whole hallway is pitch black except for the lights from the tank ?? yeah ❤️ he kissed you THERE and it was beautiful)
- has chapped lips 😐 sorry i dont make the rules
- has a habit of picking them when hes working or lost in thought
- doesnt mean you stop kissing him tho
- is the kind of guy that will genuinely get worried if you send an "sos" type message. gets out of his own class just to speedwalk (he isnt gonna break the rules and run in the halls 🙄) and come to your class just to see if youre okay
- looks at you like 😐 when you explain you just need him to get you an iced coffee from that shitty coffee place in the cafeteria
- does it anyway even though hes annoyed 😌✨
- will grumble about paying him back for the five dollars he just spent on you while you kiss him over and over again in thanks
- doesnt let you pay him back though smh 🙄
- loves to give back hugs
- will do it while youre working, or while youre doing the dishes
- if youre shorter than him he'll rest his head on your and just smell your hair
- if youre taller than him hes shoving his face inbetween your shoulder blades
- is such a lightweight drunk its not even funny
- none of his friends are tbh 🙄
- the first time you saw him drunk was when eren dragged you guys out to a party their friend was hosting (literally interrupted your cuddle time in armins bed to THROW OFF THE BLANKETS and say "you guys are coming with me 😁👍" and when you two said no he TURNED ON THE LIGHTS and ruined the vibe 😐 fucking asshole)
- anyways you two had to change back into your clothes at 9pm just to go to a shitty party that was gonna get busted by the cops anyways 😔💔
- you couldnt find him through the sea of people, and u got really worried until armin called you
- it was not armin on the other line 😁👍
- he said his name was reiner ?? and he said he was with armin bc he puked while playing beer pong
- the guy tells you where they are and you go to find them. theyre sitting on this couch in a backroom and theres only like,, five people in total there ??
- armin is SOBBING while reiner is trying to get him to drink water
- "reiner you dont get it,,, theyre so beautiful. i cant compete. i dont even think theyd wanna be with me. and you have to see them talk about their major. theyre so smart you dont understand." "okay buddy lets just finish this water okay ?"
- armin is leaning his shoulder on this GIANT of a man just going on about how much he loves you and how amazing he finds you. until you tap his shoulder. and then he realizes youve been listening this entire time. and then he starts crying because he doesnt want you to find him weird. and then you have to explain to him that you two are dating. where he doesnt believe you still.
- eren ends up giving you the keys to his car and saying "ill just call you when i need a ride back" and reiner CARRIES armin to the car 😭😭😭
- hes a real gentleman 😁👍
- that morning armin remembers EVERYTHING and is MORTIFIED
- calls reiner immediately like "did people see me puke ? oh god am i gonna be talked about ?"
- has very vivid dreams and remembers all of them ?? will literally tell you about a dream he had when he was five and WILL NOT forget a detail. its weird
- his family actually doesnt seem like they like you 😳 not because they dont theyre just very,, quiet people...... except for his grandfather
- doesnt even care who you are to armin, will pull you down on the couch with him to tell you about all his research and findings as an archeologist (before he retired)
- if youre ever feeling sad about anything, whether that be stress, family problems, or body image issues, armins taking you to his place 😁👍
- he'll cuddle you and whisper how much he loves you while you two are watching something on his laptop
- has acne scars on his shoulders. dont make fun of him for it pls
- loves getting back scratches though, the tingles make him feel really calm
- if you have like,, makeup brushes and stuff he likes it when you brush his face with them, no product or anything but the tingles he gets from it 🤤
- over time his parents warm up to you quiet a bit, and when his mom shows you baby photos and from him as a kid youre SHOCKED.
- he had this little bob cut from when he was ten to his teens 🥺🥺🥺🥺
- when you two are walking back home or wherever you cant help but go on about how cute he was and how healthy and pretty his hair looked (not that its not healthy or pretty now) and he just giggles before pulling you into his side and kissing your cheek while saying "okay baby, ill grow it out just for you then"
- also loves the petnames baby, angel, and love
- will gladly let you steal his sweaters. has a really nice knit one that his grandma made him before she died. that ones off limits.
- doesnt like to fight, but when he feels like hes in the right he wont hesitate to yell back when youre yelling at him
- just dont yell at him pls, it makes him sad
- it takes him a while (and by a while i mean like 30 minutes at most) before his texting you asking if you guys can talk about it
- its really easy for you two to make up, and immediately hes hugging you and just asking if you wanna do something with him
- also, cuts his own hair ?? and would cut yours if you asked. mikasa vouches for him "yeah he trims my hair all the time. why ?"
- every year on your anniversary hes taking you to the aquarium. and he always kisses you as softly as he did the very first time, in the dark hallway of the moon jellyfish tank ✨
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THATS ITTT !!! thanks again for requesting !! i hope you all enjoyed. remember asks are open !! u dont have to request headcanons either !!! go crazy friends !!
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blueposthings · 3 years
Tell The World (Reader x Peter Parker)
Warnings: Language
Word count: 1.1k+
Being an Avenger at your young age pretty much came in a package with being Peter Parker’s best friend. When you moved from your parents’ house in DC to the Avengers Compound in New York, Tony and Steve convinced you to be Peter’s patrol buddy whenever you were free. They said it was so you could bond, but you already went to the same school with Peter and hung out with him and his friends. It was obvious to you and Peter it was really so you could babysit each other; make sure no one ends up dead. At first, you were opposed to the idea but after a few weeks, you’ve learnt that Peter was actually a joy to be around and that’s how you two ended up where you are now.
Sitting on the ledge of an apartment building with a croissant on your hands and a sandwich on Peter’s, you listened to Peter ramble about the Lego set he just purchased.
“-and it’s life sized! It’s even longer than my whole arm. I think I might take it to the lab, tweak it a little bit, see if I can make it light up like an actual lightsaber.” The bottom half of his face was uncovered and between his chewing and talking, Peter didn’t let his mouth rest. “Ned is going to be so jealous. Wait until he knows about-”
Just then, the police scanner sitting in between you and the boy let out a familiar static buzz.
“We’ve got a 211A on the corner of South and Main. At least three suspects, all armed-”
“Damn,” you grumbled as you picked up your mask, “I’m not even finished with my croissant yet.”
Peter chuckled as he himself tossed his sandwich aside and fixed the position of his own face covering. “Maybe you should tell the burglars to be more mindful of your dinner schedule next time.”
“Haha, very funny.” You adjusted the gloves on your hands as you got up from your seat, waiting for your friend to finish getting ready. 
You were about to jump off the roof when Peter gasped, catching your attention. “Hold on! Wait!”
He fished out his phone from the black backpack sitting beside the ledge you were on. “I promised my fans I’m going to do a livestream tonight.”
Most of your face was covered but you were sure your incredulous expression was perfectly conveyed. “Your fans?”
“Yeah! I have an Instagram account now, remember?” He shrugged as he typed on his phone.
“For Spiderman?”
Peter hummed in confirmation.
You shook your head in disbelief and amusement. “You really are something else, Parker.”
“Okay,” he shot you a look. “Remember to not call me by my actual name?”
You rolled your eyes playfully at his needless concern. “Yeah, yeah, okay. Just hurry it up, would ya?”
You heard a chuckle from the boy before he finally put his phone against his torso, just below where his Spiderman emblem is embedded on his suit, attaching the device with his webs.
“Wow. Seriously?” You remarked again.
“What? Improvise, adapt, overcome.” He said with a tint of smirk on his tone. “I’m not gonna hold my phone while I swing, that’s like texting while driving!” With that he pushed himself off the ledge, catching his own body midair as he put his web shooters to use.
You could only shake your head at your friend’s antics before following suit, your powers keeping you from falling to the ground below.
It was a pretty quick save, the burglars were amateurs and nervous. You and Peter took your sweet time in taking them down though, it was always fun to mess with some criminals every now and then (because between me and you, the Avengers are not always the best people to play pranks on).
By the time the police arrived, the culprits were already safely apprehended and all that was left to do for them was take the men to custody. Your partner was talking to one of the officers as you finished giving your own statement to another and you decided to check your phone -thank Stark for giving you pockets on your suit. 
Your eyebrows creased in confusion when you saw 12 missed calls from MJ, 7 from Ned, and almost fifty text messages from the both of them. 
Ne(r)d: please tell me ure w peter
Ne(r)d: oh my god this cant be happening
MJ♕: beat peter’s ass for me
MJ♕: how is it possible for one to be so stupid
MJ♕: y/n 
MJ♕: y/n i dont like phone calls u know that
MJ♕: but please just once, answer me bitch
You were about to call MJ back when you finally saw a notification that wasn’t from either of your friends.
[y/n__] pparker108 started a live video. Watch it before it ends!
“Oh shit.” You muttered under your breath, staring at your screen.
“What? What is it?” You heard a familiar voice approaching you. “Everything alright?”
You felt like your eyes were about to pop out when you turned. Your gaze immediately going to the cellphone still plastered to Peter’s suit, feeling the stare of the camera on you. Your arm shot up in a pointless attempt of covering the camera and ending the stream.
Peter opened his mouth to question you but you beat him to it by coming close to his figure and whispering in his ear harshly, “you went live on the wrong account, stupid.”
The mechanical eyes of his suit’s mask widen almost comically. He ripped off the phone on his chest and ended the livestream with a quick press of a button. At this point, his hands were trembling and you could see his jaw was slack opened beneath the mask.
“I- wh- h-” Peter stuttered, his brain was going into overdrive and you don’t know whether to feel bad or laugh your ass off.
You still haven’t decided either when the phone on Peter’s hand buzzed to life. The screen showed a picture of possibly the last person Peter would want to talk to at the moment. You didn’t think it was possible but his eyes went even wider as his head shot up to look at you, silently begging for your help.
You cringed in sympathy before slowly backing away. “Good luck?” 
“I- wha- you can’t leave me to deal with this alone!” The phone was still intensely buzzing against the skin of his palm. 
You ignored him and instead turned your body around, making the boy groan in exasperation.
He finally slid the answer button of his phone. With a nervous waver in his voice he answered “hi, Mr. Stark-”
You snickered. Gathering your powers to lift you off the ground, you left your friend on the sidewalk of the grocery store hoping that the abomination people call pigeons haven’t finished your dinner yet.
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adhdsix · 3 years
HI I FORGTO TO POST THIS UM ANWA S i am thinking about the besties (six mono rk and rcg obviously) and i wanted to write down a little. a little thing abt their relationships idk what to call this i am just thinking (this is all my personal thoughts btw u dont have to agree with anything i say but feel free 2 give some of ur own input :] )
OK SO this is sort of long(?) so haha 
starting with six; six’s closest buddy is (obviously) mono; they’re basically inseperable and may as well be attached at the side at this point. if you see one and not the other then Run because the other is behind you probably /j because six has never felt as though she has a safe space, she often considers mono her home, whether she realises it or not, and mono feels a similar way they go to each other for help and can communicate sometimes without words, theyre both happy to tolerate each other and theres clearly a bond between them you could see from a mile away. they rarely get seriously upset with each other and when they do they find a comfortable way to work it out. six would probably kill for mono, and he’d gladly die for her in return, even when none of them outright admit it. mono is one of the only people six actually talks to, and the only person allowed to touch her. on top of just being great friends that do truly care for each other in their own ways, they’re also an amazing duo that are great alone but are close to unstoppable together; they both have their own strengths that almost perfectly balance each other out, even when their differences sometimes get in the way, and theres really no situation they cant get out of as a team
next in line is rcg (i will refer 2 her as sandy to make this easier and because i think that is a cute name for her); sandy is like six’s older sister (tbh she is everyones older sister) and theyre both on pretty good terms with each other, shes pretty comfortable with sandy and trusts her a decent amount, if mono isnt around six wont hesitate to come to sandy for help and sandy will happily oblige :] six doesnt say it much but she appreciates that sandy is there to help and puts up with sixs sometimes unruly behavior and overall shenanigans, while sandys glad she can be a sort of guardian figure for six (and most of the other kids) and she finds the trust that the two of them are carefully forming is a great reward (six let her braid parts of her hair once and sandy was so honored, it has never happened again but sandy is determined that it will) last but not least is six’s relationship with rk; they don’t get along the best, and it probably would take a while to get them to really interact, and they definitely like to bicker or poke fun at each other from across the room but eventually, overall they tend to really just stay out of each others business. this proves 2 be hard sometimes though as they are kind of now in the same friend group (playable characters gang!!!!! *partying face emoji*) 
despite this theres still quite a few things they can bond over, and theyre both pretty comfortable in the sort of “frenemy” spot. most of the time they really dont mind situations where they have to team up together and just get along for a while, even if they still bully each other throughout  nowwww time for mono!!!!!!!!!!!  right away six is his best friend, like i said before theyre basically the same person except for the fact that theyre sort of total opposites he just adores her, thinks she is the absolute coolest and is always willing to give her his undivided attention. will obviously tell her off when needed but he’s always gentle and patient with her, and is always on her side, and six lets him know in her own way that she appreciates him greatly he loves to drag her into his activities and make sure shes included like i said before hes always patient with her, and makes sure she’s comfortable, for example when he goes to hug her (or just touch her at all) he’ll wait for a sign from her saying its okay; and if she’d rather be left alone he just sits with her and waits, ready for whenever she needs him for basically anything, and six always does the same for him
next is rcg/sandy!!!! like basically everyone else, he sees her sort of as an older sister, and appreciates her helping out with six’s shenanigans and being there for six when he isnt able to, even for a little bit. they actually make a pretty good team as well, and have tons in common. both of them love trying out new things and usually make plans together, and sandys happy to let him talk whenever he wants; whether he’s ranting, infodumping, or just bored and looking to strike up conversation, shes there to chat with!! also he loves her hugs because she always picks him up and spins him around  and again rk!!!! the two of them arent very close but still pretty friendly with each other and always manage to find things to talk about whenever theyre together, mono is always ecstatic to learn more about the nomes and rk happily shares his knowledge mono is also always trying to find ways to bring rk and six closer together, but always respects their boundaries, and rk appreciates it all tons now for sandy/rcg *evilly rubs my paws together*  starting with rk! dead buddies ahaha anyways like ive pointed out multiple times rcg sees the others as siblings, and rk is no exception! the two of them spend tons of time together, playing games usually with their nome friends!! sandy often drags him into doing things with her especially when shes trying out something new shes always happy to be there for him whenever he gets nervous about something (which. kinda happens a lot) and rk is there to comfort her in return when needed they share things with each other a lot, whether its information or physical objects or literally anything, they always feel the need to share it with the other  now six!! sandy is absolutely stoked to have a younger sister and six enjoys having an older sister as well sandy is always there for six whenever she needs something, and is working hard to gain her trust; she always gets excited whenever six wants to do something together, which in turn often makes six feel appreciated   i@dont even know what else to put here she just?? takes care of her very well ! she loves to tease six but always makes sure not to go over the line (kinda applies 2 everyone else aswell) mono!!! sandy adores his attitude and loves chatting with him, theres always something new to talk abt with him! they also have an unspoken “must protect six” code n chat about her a lot (all good things obviously)  even if they dont hang out too much she always has fun hangin out w him or getting together to plan stuff !!  i probably shouldve formatted this better bc ivre kind of already written rks relationship with everyone else but here we go anyways
rk and sandy!! rk is probably closest to her (and the nomes ofc) and just overall spends a lot of time around her, no matter what he’s doing he loves crafts, and sandy is always glad to join in making things, sometimes they make stuff for eachother  they also help out the nomes a lot together!! they make lil shelters/forts for them, sometimes for fun out of pillows and blankets and other times theyre more stable things, or, more often, they help clean out holes in the walls to make them liveable now mono!! rk loves to share his knowledge of the nomes with him, and they bond over other things too; for example both of them are interested in bugs :] actually they both adore most animals and rk is sure to let mono know whenever he finds a cool creature! rk also appreciates that mono tries to help six and rk become a little closer, as usually his schemes are harmless, whether they work or not  aaaand six! like i said before theyre not the best of friends and poke fun at eachother a lot, but when they need to team up they’ll somewhat tolerate each other. as much as he wants to, rk finds it hard to forgive six for yknow. eating him. six refuses to be very open about her side of the story, or atleast parts, which makes it a little harder, but theyre working on it and eventually they can atleast tolerate each other on top of that though, theyre also sort of opposites; rk thinks six is just mean and unruly, meanwhile six thinks rk is too soft and somewhat of a doormat  but again. overall they learn to put up with each other (barely)
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
Here again! Idk what to expect of this chapter... So guess i'll read it anyways 😎
KITTY is my religion!!
"But he knew he was thinking something. Julian Blackthorn’s mind never stopped thinking." THAT MAN!!
Hljsusivs I love Jace so much! He deserves peace!! THAT FAMILY IS SUPREME!
"Lexi on the other hand, although loud and chatty, played hide and seek with her feelings. Jace wondered if it was something she had picked up from him." 🥺🥺🥺 I just want them to be happy
"They had been experiments, their lives and futures altered permanently as a result of one man’s ambition and madness." YESS. Why does no one a knowledge it???
"It always felt like it. But now Jace wondered if the comfort came from Cirenworth or the man standing in front of him." Don't be silly Jace, if course it comes from Jem!!
Dani you can just drop this chapter and make me fall in love with Jem all over again💙💙
"That's no way to talk to your great-great-great-great aunt, Herondale!" 😂😂 I love her!!
"If he moves, I move,” Can you stop being perfect for each other?? Jk, please continue :))
“The arrowhead,” Jace held out the weapon. “It’s an elf bolt.” NO SHIT! This is going to cause trouble
Okey, so hear me out, maybe, JUST MAYBE, its the Cohort, and they are doing this so shadowhunters blame seelies and that leads to a war... We know those lil shits are smart, so they COULD... but Idk tho...
Yess. The Lightwood-Bane family deserve better!!💙💙
Nooo, now I got to go do my chemistry proyect about atoms I have been procastinating about :((
Like... Ma'am I dont even remember how to make a model anymore, I havent done one in more than 5 years... Anyways, better go... 
Back again... After like 5 hours, nvm lets continue:
Magnus is not sleeping well!! *inster "see you later, hates" vine*
"I will protect you, Alec silently promised. I will protect our family." 🥺🥺
Malec looking for strenght on each other is my reason to live!!!
"Alec wasn’t sure how long he had himself." Nope, not taking that shit Alec!!!
Malec be like: Will you🥺🥺 be my buddy🥺🥺so we can🥺🥺stay together🥺🥺if they try 🥺🥺 to kill us🥺🥺??
"Selena was pretty sure she would never get caught." Wait, what?
"Not that the two of them were dating of course" and "Her…feelings for Michael grew stronger every day." 💙💙 LOVE
"By every time she tried, she remembered it wasn’t Michael’s fault." YESS. Like... Its not her fault. Sometimes you dont know better and grow up believing your parents are always right...
Michael cocked her head. “Then what am I to you, Selena?” Selena blushed and looked away. “It doesn’t matter.” (I have no other choice but ship this :))
“You’re the only thing that matters to me.” kehevfirkfbe I CANT- 💙
Its 1:34 a.m and my battery is at 14%... Yeah, I can do this, I slept more than 8 hours yesterday, so no problem :)
"He had spent the entire day in Cirenworth with Mina. She had needed him today. She had needed her best friend." 🥺🥺 I love them!!
"For a moment, when the four of them were in each other’s arms, Max felt like there was nothing in the world that could hurt them." slgeyfki this family really is the dead of me💙💙
"Max noticed Rafael was leaning on their dad heavily." I dont like this. It has something to do with Anjali... and the cure he is looking... Ugh Idk
“Uh, didn’t you try to take away your boyfriend’s immortality behind his back?” Max asked. “Touché, son,” dad muttered and buried his face in Bapak’s shoulders. (please dont do this to me, I'm supposed to be asleep😂😂)
"Rafael had left the apartment - through the fucking window!" That lil shit!!!
“Little David had a crush on Alec Lightwood.” seriously, im holding back my laugh so hard😂
”David was a human first, and a shadowhunter second." Daily reminder that David is perfect 💙
Wait, the day what??? The day you get what David??
“It’s yours if you want it.” “The necklace?” David asked and then added carefully. “Or the name?” “Yes,” Max smiled. (Oh god, oh god, I cant 💙💙)
“Mon ange,” David whispered. “What does this mean?” “It means I love you,” Max kissed his boyfriend. “It means you are my family now.” (Mavid is just so fucking beautiful!!!)
“But it’s a promise. A promise that I am yours and you are mine.” THIS IS TO BEAUTIFUL AND I JUST WANT TO SCREAM!
“David Beauchamp,” Max whispered. “Welcome to the family.” I'm literally about to scream 🥺🥺
Jsisbosbd I'm crying silently, send help!!
Ajudueje it wasnt wise to read it right now with 5% of battery!!!!
Now I got to go cause my phone is dying
I loved the chapter!! It was amazing as always💙
Loved this! Thank you 🥺
Hope your phone is recharged - and so are you 🤭💚
Also atoms are so tiny and yet cause so much chaos smh 😭😭😭
Here is a tiktok for you: Rafael @ Mavid
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wisherbysharlight · 4 years
Endgame!LAMP. Dukeceit, Remile
Just 2k stream of consciousness words from a plunny that grew legs TW for v slight underage drinking, one joking mention of violence, and a non-specific discussion of intrusive thoughts
-Janus has just moved there because his parents wanted to start a new "adventure" and he is a Stereotypical Teenager. Very "ugh MOM I wanna go back to my FRIENDS for my LAST SUMMER BEFORE COLLEGE"(most of his friends suck. He should not spend time with them. He does not know this)
His Parents buy him a surfboard and tell him to try it out as a way to get him to Shut Up
Hes a Skater Boy(cue music) so he picks it up super fast from like,,, youtube videos
 -He gets told to Get a Job if he wants to like, keep buying surf gear?
All the local kids work at like one restaurant/yacht club type place right on the beach
Janus gets hired as a host
 -Logan is a beach badge checker, Patton, Roman, and Remus are beachfront restaurant waiters but Roman just Really Wants To Surf, Emile and Virgil are Lifeguards, and Remy is a bartender
 -Janus is Very Good At Customer Service because Fake Smiles
Patton recognizes this Immediately
He shows him the Rage Closet which is a tiny room with an arm chair that locks from the inside where you can punch a pillow on your break when it gets to be Too Much
-Janus is Attached now and there is no getting rid of him
Patton Fully Endorses this and introduces him to the rest of the group
Janus Knows Immediately that LAMP is In Love but says nothing because he aint no snitch
-Remus surfs, but he also always wear a thong while doing it
Roman wears a full wetsuit and somehow still gets Board Rash. Remus is somehow immune and it infuriates him
 -Janus, not knowing that the twins live right on the beach cuz they are RichTM: Hey Ree I kinda wanna learn how to surf would you be able to teach me 
Remus, who religiously watches Janus surf every morning, but is absolutely willing to play this game: Yeah absolutely
Patton, later: “lets rinse off at the twins they’re right here” Janus: theyre.... What?!
 -Meanwhile, elsewhere, Virgil and Roman are double teaming Logan to drag him into the water with them cuz he’s pouting about losing a debate with their manager about how he didn’t really be mean to the dudebro who wanted to get his buddies onto the beach without paying, he was just enforcing the rules. And if the dude was so offended by Logan’s Very Accurate Dragging that he complained to management then, well, that’s his problem not Logan’s
 -Logan is never without a book. Ever. And its always a different book. Janus is starting to think he owns a library
One day he is just... reading a Physics textbook. Not taking notes or anything. Just reading. 
Roman is Very Very Alarmed by this because he is Gay and Math is Scary
"Roman I'm also gay that is not a determining factor"
"Yeah but you can't drive"
 -the first time janus has a shift with the twins, he cant stop staring, not just because hes like,,, super attracted to Remus but also because they are like Chaos Incarnate and yet somehow get the most tips??? He doesn't understand???
It's just cuz they are both Huge Flirts and Flatterers and the patrons dont care that they're not-so-subtly beating the shit out of each other right there on the dining floor because theyre just so charming
 -one of the bartenders gets aggressively snapped at by a customer and called "sweetheart" and before Janus can even begin to react Remy is there, sunglasses off, fire in his eyes, telling them to settle their bill and get the fuck out
Janus, used to City Restaurants- "Wont you get in trouble with the owner?!"
Remy, who knows Nothing Else But This- "What?? Not likely I only did it cuz Thomathy wasnt here to do it himself"
 -the restaurant is closed Monday and Tuesday so that is the Pseudo Weekend for the staff where everyone hangs out at the beach
Emile and Virgil take Tuesdays off but still work Monday’s cuz they feel better being the one watching over their friends
 -Roman, staring at Virgil on the lifeguard stand: ugh he’s so pretty I almost wish I was drowning just so he could give me cpr 
Janus: you wanna potentially get your ribs broken just for lip contact? 
Remy, staring at Emile on the lifeguard stand: listen, if that’s what it takes, I’ll take it
Remus, immediately going up to the lifeguard stand because he has 0 impulse control: hey my brother and cousin want you to break their ribs 
Virgil and Emile: excuse me?????
 -Patton will literally spend hours in the water. Logan physically drags him out to put sunscreen on him every two hours to the minute. Patton does not admit that he purposely "forgets" just so Logan will do so
Logan is Dark and has never used sunscreen ever but Patton is so pale and he just gets so concerned about him. Patton thinks its adorable
He has pages of research on proper spf determination.
Roman and Remus use spf 15 just on their faces and have never once burned in their lives
Logan wants to submit them for scientific study because that shouldnt be possible
Virgil calls Logan out on the fact that he also should be wearing sunscreen and Logan like... blue screens he cant believe in all his research he missed that
 -Patton is like... a ridiculously strong swimmer. Virgil still has a heart attack every time he goes for laps when there is the slightest hint of an undertow
Patton Knows This so he tries to stay in Virgil's sight line for the most part if there is an undertow. Or just dives over the waves again and again.
His nickname is Ariel. He thinks its just cuz of the swimming and the fact hes a red head. LAP all separately also tack on that its the swimming, the red hair, and the hnng pretty 10/10 would follow out to sea ala Prince Eric
 -first beach bonfire Janus goes to Remy is Fully In Emile's Lap like... half an hour in
he has had like maybe a sip of a beer
Remus says he still claims this is because he is a Clingy Drunk
no one will call him on it, least of all Emile
 -there is truth or dare. Roman may or may not skinny dip you have no proof
 -Logan gets infuriated that he cannot roast a marshmallow properly
Patton does it perfectly every single time but its ok cuz he shares and Logan eats it right from his fingers and Roman and Virgil are just in the background Trying and Failing not to be the Most Jealous
Patton thinks theyre upset they didn't get marshmallows and makes some for them too and there is lots of Significant Eye Contact involved
Janus is going to spontaneously combust if they don't get their shit together
 -Janus is out walking on the beach one night on a full moon cuz he cant sleep with everything so quiet around here when he sees a bright green patch out in the water and goes ...wait
he calls out to Remus and he comes into shore and is like "waves are perfect at night you should join me" so janus goes back and gets his board and they surf and chat for like the entire night
Janus finds out Remus couldn't sleep cuz intrusive thoughts were keeping him awake
Janus listens and doesn't judge, just lets Remus talk it out
They go back to shore and fall asleep on the sand next to each other like mid sentence still talking, now about whatever creative business idea Remus had, and get woken up by Logan's morning rounds like "come on guys you know you're not allowed to sleep out here" but they dont care theyre both just *blushing emoji*
-Logan Always Has A Notebook right? And a regular book he reads. And everyone assumes they are like Notions and Observations, but no, it’s actually blank paper and he uses it to sketch and then one day he leaves it behind and someone either Virgil or Patton finds it and flips through it and it’s all sketches of them and Roman and they’re like??? Actually really good? Anyway that’s how they find out Logan is actually minoring in art even though he’s majoring in something Very STEM 
And he never told his best friends because like almost all his pre college art is Them and he doesn’t want to be caught having Feelings and by the time it gets to college it’s been too long and he can’t tell them now 
Roman takes one of the sketches of him surfing and makes it his profile picture on All Social Media He Has and Logan is so flustered he nearly breaks his damn phone
Patton is so offended he didn’t get invited to Logan’s first showcase that he doesn’t talk to him for like two whole hours 
Virgil quietly asks if there is any art of all four of them, finds out there is, and makes a print and keeps it on his bedside table
 -They are all Pining Outwardly Now and its Worse
 -Remus : you have known them since pre-k please ask them out I beg of you 
Roman: You just dont get it 
Remus: I asked Janus out after 4 weeks what is your problem
 Emile: Virgil, I love you, you are my Partner in Anti-Drowning but you are so stupid 
Virgil: What???? All I said is that you and Remy are really cute and I'd love to be in a relationship like that 
Emile: I am not a violent person, Virgil, but I have the strong urge to smack you
 Patton, in the Rage Closet: They're all just so hOT and ReSPEctFUL 
Janus, waiting for his turn, trying to act like he cant hear him: I Am Looking Elsewhere
 Logan: I just don't understand why they were more upset that I didn't tell them than that I'd been making art of them for years?? Shouldn't that second part be worse??
Remy, who has been partial to Every Single One Of AMP Waxing Poetic About Logan: Yeah, no idea /s
 -the twins get into a surfing competition as a pair and everyone goes to see them and support them
Thomas airs the competition on every tv in the restaurant cuz he’s Proud of his Bois
They WIN cuz they are Creative and Talented and came up with all sorts of crazy tricks while they were fucking around in the water but it earns them Major Bonus Points for originality
 -Roman does the run off the podium and into Love’s arms trope with just like... whoever’s closest lets go Patton because he is a Waif and forced himself up front so he can see
The other two are Devastated because well shit but then Roman pushes through the crowd, still holding Patton’s hand, and gives them this smile and is like “remember in like second grade when we said we’d do everything together and made a pact on this beach”
Analogical: uhhhhhh yeah
Roman: holding you both to it. No take backs. This counts. Now kiss me, dammit, we WON and they DO MANY TIMES AND ITS REAL CUTE
 -Meanwhile dukeceit have Mysteriously Disappeared and No One wants to be the ones to go find them. They show back up, eventually. Janus has a branch in his hair and remus' hair is sticking straight up and when he opens his mouth roman glares at him and tells him in no uncertain terms that they do not want to know
 AnYWaY these are my children and I will gladly answer any questions about them. I left out Janus Backstory and Creativitwins Angst and Many Individual LAMP Scenes and Remile/Dukeceit getting together and Epilogue but can absolutely provide such things on request
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