#i think those tags are appropriate...
thelostmoongazer · 9 months
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yeah he's baby girl or whatever
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factual-fantasy · 5 months
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So recently I've seen some cool cookie run OC artwork floating around by people such as cosmicwhoreo, shipovnikk, rawdough and 8bitesofsweets. And even though I have never played the cookie run games and I know literally nothing about that universe... I reaaally wanted to make some cookie run pirate OCs <XDD
I really like the colorful art style of the game. And as I have discovered in the past, the round cookies are really fun to draw! So after a bit of research and doing my best to mimic the art style in most ways.. I came up with these 12 goobers! I hope they look like they fit into the cookie run universe- <XD
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sarioh · 2 years
this saga is. bonkers . did bdubs ever say etho’s stance on shipping ?
not explicitly besides basically conveying etho's general shock at the fact that people are talking about him in these kinds of ways LMAO. he did say etho's just glad to be in the loop though. but regardless i think we as a community need to learn to put less emphasis on what ccs think about the content we make and should stop feeling the need to seek their validation on what is okay to write/post/make art about. this is our space at the end of the day and ccs who visit are doing it on their own volition knowing this. it shouldnt really matter what their stance is on stuff like character shipping in my humble opinion
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lynxgirlpaws · 7 months
I want you to imagine. Okay? Me. My hair is still kinda wet so it's still kinda long. I just got out the shower, I smell like green apple. Wearing nothing but my sweatpants. Boobs are out. I'm walking to my room, carrying a plastic cup of water and a bowl with wings and garlic bread I just microwaved. I am singing "I'm so fresh you can suck my nuts" in the closet thing I can do to a girl voice out loud. It's 1:35 AM. I want you to imagine that, and know it's real. That happened. Peace and Love on Planet Earth
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
In discussions about mental health, I am so tired of the only voices mattering being other people or other people who do not deal with a condition/disorder or a specific situation.
"Here's how I deal with loved ones with [x] condition!"
"If you do [y] because of [x mental health reason], you're selfish and everybody who loves you is having their lives made harder by you!"
"If your symptoms are [z], you're gross, and you deserve no sympathy for struggling"
I understand to an extent why people do this, but holy hell, as somebody who struggles and struggles often, the last thing any of us need to be told is that we're a burden that others have to carry. And it's terrible how everybody else's feelings but ours matter - even if we are the ones most affected by our condition or situation.
If you are dealing with issues surrounding your mental health and well-being, know that everything above isn't true; you are worthy of patience, understanding, kindness, and love. You are worthy of being listened to without judgment. You don't have to apologize or "make up" for who you are or what you struggle with.
#mental health#mental health advocacy#sanism#sanism tw#ableism#ableism tw#since when do we just go 'you're sick? well I'M more affected by YOUR illness than YOU are so my voice matters MORE'#i'm actually genuinely angry that people think saying stuff like that is appropriate#and when i say 'deal with' i mean when people treat those they say they love like a burden#simultaneously discussions about mental health have gotten better and have stay horrific and lack compassion or nuance#like people have more words to describe mental health but they cling to their disgust for us ~insanes~ like it's a lifeline#TW FOR MENTIONS OF SUIDIDE AFTER THIS TAG#when i actively wanted to take my life being told that i was selfish did NOT help. it made the desires STRONGER#because i had something ELSE to use to justify why my death was imperative. if i was selfish then why do i deserve others?#do you see why these discussions are harmful at *best* and can be the final factor in a decision like that?#sure. maybe those discussions alone won't be what pushes somebody to pass like that.#but it will have contributed to the demonization of mentally ill people#those discussions aren't going to save us from suicidality or something equally seen as drastic#videos like abigail thorn's cosmonaut video were actually way *more* helpful because she was compassionate#she provided compassion and empathy and was vulnerable enough to share her *own* experiences#i think i'm going to re-watch it for the....... 500th time#i'm so glad she kept her old videos up. this one is one of my favourites#heavy watch but i forever will be grateful to her and the others who helped me out of that pit
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someguyiguess23 · 17 days
Wasn't entirely sure what I wanted to draw today so i made some Sona doodles. :3
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mars-ipan · 1 year
thinking abt atsv. and how i think “miles was never meant to be spider-man” is kind of bullshit or at the very least being spider-man is so not his fault. bc clearly kingpin was meant to set up that collider. so following that pattern of logic that spider was meant to be brought into the universe. so it’s not too far-fetched that miles was bitten. not like he sought out the spider
not to mention the canon has pretty clearly accepted miles as a spider-man. he’s been spider-man for a year and a half and his dimension is fine (interestingly enough, so is the universe his spider came from). he had/has canon events like uncle aaron and also his dad potentially dying soon
like i think he actually very much was meant to be a spider-man. so
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formosusiniquis · 1 year
things i know/things i want to learn
also on ao3 if you want the full smut experience, otherwise this stands on its own
He knows it's crazy. He knows it borders on batshit even. He knows it's weird and obsessive and, frankly, a little unhealthy.
But Nancy Wheeler started it.
Nancy Wheeler who is scary and prim and proper. Nancy Wheeler who had his hand in her lap last week, painting his nails a regal navy blue because it was the closest Nancy Wheeler had to black. Nancy Wheeler who spent the time their nails were drying chatting at him, like the Upside Down had spit him out solely so she would have a gal pal she could talk about boys with -- a first, he imagined, if his memory of Barbara Holland was at all accurate. Nancy Wheeler who said, "Jon is sweet, and he tries so I feel bad for even thinking it, but he just doesn't have as much fun when he's down there and you can tell. I mean, you know, when Steve did that thing he does with his tongue-"
Eddie has been running that particular sentence fragment through his head for the last week.
That thing with his tongue.
Has fun.
You know.
You know.
You know.
Cause the thing is, he decidedly does not know. He has never come anywhere near the realm of knowing. He would love to know exactly what he has done to make his new sort of friend, sort of nemesis and obvious flame of Steve's still burning affection think that he has any fucking inkling of a clue what kind of shit Steve 'always goes down' Harrington does with his tongue.
It's all he can think about.
Eddie is but a man. A man who has been forced by the fascist government and their pet doctors to stop smoking and give up most of the other addictive substances that he partook in for the sake of his admittedly shaky health. A man who has had these demands enforced by the much more effective puppy eyes of one Steve 'stop calling me mom, remember I was cool once' Harrington. A man who has an addictive personality, comes by it honest, and having given up smoking and drinking and the occasional bump -- anything from nature's bounty stays of course, he's not a total fucking loser -- has needed something new to latch onto.
Thank you Nancy 'I can only orgasm from oral' Wheeler for helping him straight onto the high that is staring at Steve Harrington and his pretty pink mouth.
I can tell he isn't having fun, not like Steve.
This thing with his tongue.
You know.
He wants to know.
The second thing, and it's barely a thing at all these days, is he does technically have some of the same shit going on that Wheeler does. A little bit less now. If there's a silver lining to this whole bat thing it's that, though he may be a nipple short, he lost enough of one tit to sweet talk his way into government funded top surgery, just to even things out. A just as silver lining, he was saved from the awkward 'guess what I'm trans' conversation thanks to the bat induced blood loss. When the older teens found him and Dustin, one of them in hysterics the other clinging to this mortal coil with both fists as best he could; and used the remains of a shirt that had seen better weeks to staunch the bleeding from his neck only to reveal that his own rippling pectorals had a different bounce than Steve 'at least I got to see his chest before I die' Harrington's. There wasn't any time for anything other than 'if he's still bleeding he's still alive let's move.'
They haven't talked about it.
He is fine not talking about it.
Prefers his acceptance this way actually. He knows he has a heating pad with his name, literally, on it at the Harrington abode, along with some other necessities. The only acknowledgement of his situation at all, that heating pad that's tucked away in the same drawer as Robin's -- also with her name on it like Steve doesn't trust them to share.
He would like to talk about it a little now. Now that he's been cleared for moderate exertion by a very mean physical therapist who enjoys inflicting so much misery on him that he's thinking of scrapping the black hanky all together. Cause he'd really, really like to know about that tongue thing.
Actually, first he'd really, really like to know why Nancy thinks he would already know. Maybe that's what eats at him the most -- second most the bats had actually eaten at him a lot, so he figures he can obsess about this for at least another week before it risks overtaking the literal eating -- that the woman who having had it all, having had Steve 'I know I saw you yesterday, but I missed you' Harrington in her pocket, and gave it away somehow sees something that makes her think Eddie is having sex with her ex-boyfriend on the regular.
She's supposed to be a detective, a real dateline NBC type. How on earth can she be looking at him and not see a starstruck virgin who, yes, is admittedly very, very in love lust with her ex.
And how is she okay with it?
Isn't there a best friend code or something? Not that Eddie would lay claim to that title, and it definitely feels weird ascribing it to Nancy when he's got the hellfire boys; but surely the regular friend code or the we survived a traumatic experience together and now we're inexplicably bonded for life code also has a byline about not sleeping with your compatriot's ex-boyfriends.
Even if she already thinks you know about how he gives good head.
So he just watches instead.
Watches him smile. Watches him pout. Watches him bite and lick and worry. Watches how they shine with something that's definitely more than just spit some days. Watches even closer to see if he can catch what Mabeline magic must be going on them.
He watches and watches and watches.
He has, by virtue of obsession, become the most studied observer of Steve 'absolutely wearing cherry flavored lipgloss' Harrington's mouth. He has also, by virtue of necessity, become the most talented reader of Steve 'seriously, Eddie, do I have something on my face' Harrington's lips.
Which provides him with a very interesting opportunity as he's browsing through the Family Video, looking for his pick for the weekly Big Kids Only movie night and not at all stalking Steve Harrington and his mouth.
"I'm going to ask him."
And Robin says something that involves an eye roll and a finger jabbed into a green polyester vest.
"I know I said it last week, but I mean it this time."
Her eyebrows are raised, so unimpressed she goes back to the counter to do whatever work stuff they supposedly do while they're here.
"I do mean it,” those cherry flavored lips pout, a dignified hand on his hip in the face of Robin’s clear disbelief.
She doesn’t open her mouth to answer this time but the arched brow and quirked smirk are clear enough that even he can make a guess at her response.
“I know I said that too, but I only kind of meant it last week. I actually mean it this time. “
She rolls her eyes, spitting out something quick and no doubt sharp and cutting with a slash of her hand.
“Just watch this.”
By this point Eddie 'hopelessly devoted to Stephan Richard Harrington’ Munson had actually stopped even pretending to be browsing the movie offerings of the sainted Family Video. He had in fact been standing with his hands wrapped around a copy of  The Last Unicorn watching Steve ‘does this thing with his tongue’ Harrington and his stupid mouth while he gossips with his stupid friend -- sorry, Buckley. A fact Steve must have already made note of, since he’s locking eyes with Eddie from across the store and shaping those soft pink lips into, “Go out with me?”
And that’s…
He does this thing with his tongue, you know.
You know.
Maybe he didn’t then, and maybe he doesn’t know why Nancy ‘shit we might actually be friends, I can never let her find out about this’ Wheeler thought he already would.
But if he plays his cards right, he might find out very, very soon.
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seeminglyseph · 1 month
someone doing a desktop simulator horror game throwback to the early 2000s needs to stop using Windows 98 or XP or whatever and pull out the real horror and use this baby as the OS as the basis for their digital horror game
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the real ones out there who suffered the Millennium Edition know full well, you'll spend half your time trying to figure out if it's a demon possessing your computer of if it's just Windows ME being period accurate with its jank.
*This* is the OS you need to use for your Desktop Simulator Horror Game. It was already setup for a Desktop Horror Simulation out of the box. Please trust me, all aspiring game developers working on an early 2000s Digital Horror Game. Put Windows Millennium Edition in there. It was *made* for this.
Because it was definitely *not* made to run computers, that's for damned sure.
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obeymeow · 2 years
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since everyone's generally agreed the new exchange students seem to stick out because of the different line weight and shading-I thought, hey, I can fix that! so I tried. (a couple other minor edits to thirteen, as well- if you want a copy of her original design with the fixed linework just DM me or hop in asks and I'll grab that for you!)
#obey me on side#obey me thirteen#<- this is my FIRST recommended tag 💀 I am so predictable.#obey me raphael#obey me! one master to rule them all#obey me!#obey me! shall we date?#that'll work.#anyway we still don't have decent sized full sprites so I just went with the fandom wiki headers#list of thirteen edits for those wondering:#eyeburn blue (full sprite HURTS) to a deep purple#grey choker for harmony and because it blended in too well with her hair after editing#nail color because WHY are they YELLOW.#also rad uniform red lips because the pink also looked strange after changing everything#did NOT change her snake eyes because I think they're fun. I actually like her design at large#like the outfit's a lot of fun and I like the blue pink green.#just some of it felt appropriate to change since the edit was for the sake of sprite ''''symmetry''''#raphael's design is pretty predictable so I didn't feel the need to change anything. at least not torso up#have y'all seen his fucking shoes why is his cape shaped like that. I love the newbies dearly but they kill me#also he should have long hair. maybe curly maybe brown but I know he has long hair I know it#also if anyone bothered to read this far and is willing to humor me tell me what colors you think the newbies nails should be#any of them all of them. i like raphael having plain nails thirteen was controversial#general concensus either two colors (blue/pink or pink/green) or black#but I don't know about mephi he eludes me. AND he has gloves so I don't have a starting point#anyway.#OH I FORGOT#omswd#okay thanks tags over
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quietwingsinthesky · 3 months
i have spent far too much time on the uesp trying to figure out a lore-friendly name for my argonian that is also. compatible with me having made his name a doctor who reference.
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todayisafridaynight · 11 months
me when i ship zhaohan 😔 there's next to no content unless i'm just not looking in the right spots
be the change you want to see in the world my man.... if i can trick people into thinking masadai is real then i know you can rally the troupes with them lovable goobers......
#snap chats#zhao and yeonsu ARE cute to me tho thats the thing. theyre so sillay#i dont have many ideas with them but i love drawing them together when i get the motivation#i love drawing zhao and joon-gi honestly since Like Ichi i draw them kinda differently from everyone else#/kinda differently/ zhao's a foot tall motherfucker#BUT NO with joon-gi i want him to be a bishounen protag... so it's fun giving him all those sparklies and anime energy...#tho it'd be more appropriate to go for a manhwa art style huh#something to practice me thinks...#REGARDLESS i believe in you anon..... get that propaganda flowing you'll gather a small group in no time...#if you're sick enough in the head <- me#oh but if you arnet confident or know what to do yet !!!! pixiv and twitter generally has a good amount of art for them#i know i happen upon zhao and joon-gi art when i scroll through twitter sometimes#of course you have to follow eastern artists but they ALWAYS have The Best And Most Delicious Shit#they never miss they're the only artists i follow on twitter im p sure LMAO#if you don't know what artists to follow on twitter though pixiv's your best friend#some people are scared of her but not me...... i'm too numb to everything... plus she does have a LOT of good stuff there#'趙ハン' is the zhaohan tag on there. there's 101 works but i know not every thing is tagged sometimes#like a lot of arakawa fam stuff isn't tagged 'arakawa family' or even 'arakawa'- just generally 'yakuza' or 'rgg' and stuff like that#just gotta do a lil digging my friend ! best of luck to you ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
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viniervirus · 1 year
Hello to my two followers, welcome back to my tradition of posting twice a year for a different fandom each time. Today I present my gift as part of the @valensemblestars exchange 2023, for @get-junpeid! (At least I hope I got the right person, you seem to have changed URL since I got the original email-) (And side note for the organisers, it’s Shipsarebeautiful here I am merely posting on my side blog 👍)
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I’m so sorry that this is really late and that it isn’t even that big a project to make up for it, but turns out being a really slow drawer makes these things kinda awkward to be a part of, who would’ve guessed? I also was gonna digitalise this to try and make it better, but then my program of choice decided to break on me at the worst time so good old fashioned coloured pencil (and fine liner) it is. Anyway, rant out of the way, I hope you like the Kanata!
Also, shout out to the event Melty Kitchen SPP as it provides quite the perfect reference for this
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Bonus: chibi-ish shmk I made as a warm-up and thought was fitting to add since it was something else you requested (think of it as an apology for the late-ness)
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pr0cyon-lotor · 1 year
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Blond people in my head
Close ups :)
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And bonus picture :D
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computercuter · 5 months
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Ough. Yeah okay whatever I'll post it here Ig. I think I hauve covid
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moonbittern · 1 year
in network effect murderbot is starting to get the hang of talking about its feelings for mensah (with mensah herself but also with amena!! love that) but not in a human ritualized way, just like. using its own words to describe its own feelings instead of using someone else’s words to approximate them. it’s good
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