#i thought i wouldn't be getting anything out for halloween this year tbh like i didn't have any writing done
ravenxbones · 11 months
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plain version under the cut!
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llondonfog · 1 year
Hi!! Feel free to ignore, but I was just thinking about kid silver being adorable AND Halloween because of the upcoming event...and this thought was born—
(This is so long I'm sorry 😭😭)
So, Silver gets de-aged (bear with me here lol)—maybe due to a potions mishap or a spell gone wrong, it doesn't matter which. It's during Halloween week, so everyone's kinda frazzled due to everything being set up, etc. Lilia gets called to deal with it while Crewel tries to figure out a counter-potion/spell wears off because nobody can get in touch with Malleus, and therefore goes to Diasomnia's vice to help take care of Silver (not knowing that they're father & son).
Silver spots Lilia and yells "Papa!" while running to hug Lilia—while Lilia tries to cover up what Silver said. Regardless, he still picks Silver up and cuddles him—he's a silly old man who loves his kid, who can blame him?
Anyway, kid Silver hijinks ensue: running off with the animals on campus, taking naps surrounded by deer, birds, squirrels, etc., calling Malleus "big brother" and Lilia "papa" while around other Diasomnia students (they wouldn't say anything, because Malleus looks so endeared by the little human and Lilia glares and hisses *unknowingly* at any of them who DARE to interrupt their family).
Silver sees Sebek and looks back at Lilia. He's like, "Why did you make him so tall?? Papa, change him back, please!" *cue puppy eyes* he genuinely thinks Lilia pranked him. As much as Sebek says that he dislikes Silver's behavior, he's actually the one to take him everywhere. "You shouldn't miss so much school, Silver! I won't let you besmirch Waka-sama's good name!"
OK, but back to Halloween—Silver dresses up as a knight, or a prince. Maybe a unicorn??? DRAGON?? Any of them are cute tbh. Anyway, they end up going to each dorm to trick or treat (on Halloween night ofc) and Silver charms everyone, because he's Silver. Then, you have Lilia behind him just being the creepiest little demon fae you've ever had the misfortune to see...
As they're going to one of the dorms to get more candy, Silver sees another kid pouting at the lack of candy said dorm has, and their meager amount. Silver, despite having only a few more pieces himself, gives the kid most of his, and gives the other kid a hug. "There, there, you can have some of mine."
Honestly, you can do whatever you want with this, but I'd love to see this written out more coherently, if you want lol
I've been thinking about this for a while, and I NEED more kid Silver being cute and adorable and pure!! He deserves to be cuddled by his family and to eat candy :D
oh my goodness, this whole entire prompt was adorable and thank you for practically writing the premise into my inbox!! i'm not sure this is coherent.....or cuddly....but my mood with lilia has been in a pretty introspective place for sometime so i do hope you find something to enjoy :')
(and i did end up keeping that paragraph after so many of you seemed to like it akaldjll what do i know about anything)
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for a fae as long-lived as he, the concept of time is an ephemeral thing. one does not count the years in a decade nor the decades in a century; a fae knows time by the erosion of a mountainside, by the loneliness of an abandoned settlement, or even by the chance meeting of a human wearing the face of another long since passed. 
silver fills his arms, helmet askew and heavy with satisfied slumber, and lilia feels the ache of every day that has gone by since he was last able to cradle his son so tenderly in his embrace. 
he may be the only fae that now minds his days by the sharpening of his son’s features, a change emerging far too quick and now, strangely, unwelcome.
beside him, serene, the heir apparent to the valley of thorns— looking most pleased himself in their resplendent costumes so artfully reminiscent of the admirable long, yet any dignified mysticism is rendered charmed by the plastic pumpkin bucket clutched in his crimson-tipped claws, brimming with brightly wrapped candy. the overflow is nearly double the amount given to the visiting children, even with silver eagerly dispensing his sugary treasures to any who asked, for no dorm had been able to resist his solemn request coupled with those adorably drowsy eyes and plastic sword when he had so politely asked for one piece more so that their prince might experience trick or treating for the first time. not wanting to be the dorm known for stiffing the fae heir on the most magic-blessed night of them all, both toddling knight and noble dragon walked away, tiny hand in careful claw, with a bounty piled high between them and matching smiles on their twin eager faces. 
lilia had been so torn over which to get a photo of first, cheeks aching from stifling his laughter; the vulnerable delight on malleus’ face as silver so kindly presented him with his share of candy, or sebek’s ill-disguised fussing as silver’s sword had slipped from its sheath to drag across the ground. 
what kindness to be able to share such precious memories with them once again.
what cruelty to remind him of what would disappear tomorrow morning, crewel’s antidote ready and waiting for them in the dorm. 
“...i can see why silver enjoyed such a night of festivity and why he spoke on those memories with you so fondly,” malleus’ reflective tone scatters his wandering thoughts, leaving him to pull his focus back to the present with no small amount of difficulty. “I wish i could have participated in the revelry, but i understand now why you might not have invited me, lilia. the presence of their prince would have dampened any carefree spirits, and i would not have wanted to spoil the fun.”
a wry smile tugs at his lips at malleus’ inaccurate assessment, crooked and out of place, and he can feel the prince’s gaze weighty upon him with surprise, brows furrowing and lips parting with the question on his tongue— 
there had been no such festivities, no happily shrieking village children for silver to scamper among, sharing in the night’s delights and trickery with all the innocence of youth. 
there had only been an old fool of a general, taking it upon himself to fumble through the recreation of a human spectacle, for no other reason than he could not bear the sight of the boy’s features even mildly unhappy. 
he might have wondered how far he could have fallen to find himself repeatedly affecting surprise as he opens the door time and time again to a giggling child, but he knows better now; he had always been steeped in a miserable, lonesome darkness, and to nurture the vulnerable child curled into his chest was to bask in an undeserving light. 
without consent, his arms tighten around the slumbering boy in his arms, and malleus is wise enough not to comment. 
“I do wonder if silver will be able to remember tonight’s events,” lilia comments lightly as they continue their walk to the dorm, seemingly apropos of nothing and unbothered by the watchful gaze of his young companion. 
and he wonders which is more selfish; to wish it so, to have his son’s head filled with such saccharine-sweet dreams of a proper halloween as only a sweet and darling boy like none other deserves— or to cling to the lonely truth of the past, in which a bruised and battered soldier finds a purpose too kind for his bloodied hands in protecting that high and clear laughter of his child, delighting over and over again in the simple fact of his father opening the door.
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merakiui · 6 days
HELP ME YOURE CHILL you did accept my request actually . like right after I sent that !
I was sitting there for awhile after like 🧍‍♂️ oh wow I hope mera didn't take that the wrong way and thought I was just trying to get her to accept my request 😭 bc it was damn near immediate. tbh I thought you wouldn't answer that at all so that eases my brain a little. I am in your friends list tho! Lurking! I truly hope you enjoy my maxed jade 💜💜 he's my pride and joy :D! Even if you don't know which one he is lol
Speaking of actually!!! That twst Halloween thing... the leaks were deleted bc the poster got scared iirc (understandably so. as if work got back to aniplex/disney theyd probably make the game harder to datamine which is a Pain),, but they're still being kinda circulated around in private dms n stuff. So you'd have a hard time finding them if you Dod look for them really. I saw them and I do agree with the other anon though :-)!! I think you'll like it (also,, considering we're still slowly getting through the cast?? I don't think jade would be the ssr just bc he's already had one 💔 ohh but I do also hope for another event jade soon. my silly little creature I miss him!!!)
- :3 anon
Oh I did wanna add to my ask abt the leaks that we don't have the full cast yet?? So tbh it's still mostly up to guessing who's even getting ssrs, etc 💔
Aaa I'm hoping for a Floyd ssr this year personally since he doesn't have one yet . but there's no telling if he's even there this year :-( !!gosh I hope so. Especially looking at that little freak in the preview with the two heads and rolling pins?? Tho tbh?? Could just as much be like. Trey! He's missing an ssr too and he bakes!! Lots it could be aaaaa I'm so excited :D!!!
- :3 again
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OH what unintentional timing!!! Σ(°ロ°) I'm happy I friended you!!! It would've chewed my intestines if I didn't and you were still waiting for me to add you back. T^T but it's a relief that's not the case!! Thank you very much for the max Jade!!!! I will use his power to charge into battle (gathering guest room supplies LOL). May my tako be of use to you!!! <3
I had to physically withhold from searching out the leaks, as difficult to find as they may be. I genuinely opened my writing notebook and started scribbling just so I could prevent the temptation from creeping up on me. >_< feeling like Rollo when he sees ankle for the first time....... </3 AAAAAAA I AM TOO CURIOUS. OTL
👀 oooo now I'm even more excited if you also think I will enjoy it!!! Knowing me and how easy I am to please, I already love it and I don't know anything yet. ^^;;; my heart may not be able to handle how amazing the event is sure to be!!!! AAAAAAAAA >0<
💔 not another SSR Halloween eel..... one can dream. I'm continuing to cling to the hope for Coral Sea event with SSR Jade. Aaaaa but I'm also hoping Floyb gets the SSR for this event!!! Or any of Savanaclaw because they've yet to have a Halloween SSR. :D I've been turning all kinds of characters over in my head trying to determine who might get the SSR (or SSRs if it's more than one). So many thoughts.......
Although I do hope at least one of the eels is part of the cast for the event!!!! Or Azul....... on second thought, they should just put all of the fish in the event (shameless favoritism). (ᵕ—ᴗ—)
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sk8termikey · 5 months
Chapter 1 of 21 Questions
*lily pov* looks better on wattpad btw
Lily was actually surprised to see that the last stranger she texted had answered so quickly – she was assuming that it was either someone living in the US or just someone with a really messed up schedule.
Heyy stranger, wanna play 21 questions? :)
Hello there :) I don’t have anything else to do rn so sure, let's play
A smile appeared on Lily’s face as she was happy that someone had finally replied to her after so many failures. However, doubt was clearly felt as a part of her really wanted to start chatting with the person on the other side of the screen and the other part was planning to sleep. Fuck it, she thought. She was starting work a bit later than usual as it was Wednesday tomorrow so she quickly opened the text and started typing back.
Omgg finally someone answered😭 
I’m so happy rn
My 1st question is a very important one
What’s your favourite season?
Oh that’s an easy one
Fall for sure
Kind of a bummer spring has barely started
The vibe has been passed
Yeah absolutely
Fall is my favourite as well like just not too hot, not too cold
Just the atmosphere in like october/november is so cool
I totally get what you mean, my brother LOVES fall
He’s a huge halloween/pumpkin fan
Oooh sharing personal info with a stranger
Your mom didn’t teach you well haha
You’re the one texting strangers in the evening
I’m only joking dw
I’m sure your mom is great
She’s the best actually
Follow up question as we came on the family topic
Do you have any siblings?
I’m an only child unfortunately :((
But my best friend has been in my life for like 8 years
So she’s the sister i’ve never had ig
That’s so cool when friends end up feeling like they’re family
Such an awesome bond
Exactly, best feeling in the world
I wouldn't trade her for anything else
(maybe a 1d reunion but i can’t go without her tbh)
Ig you have siblings as well?
More than the halloween fan brother?
I have 3
Quite a big family but they’re amazing
Wow that’s a lot of guys in the same house
Wait idek your gender
If that’s ok to ask
Is that your 2nd question? 🤨  But ofc it’s ok, no problem I am a guy, you guessed right
Yay i’m so good at this
Just my instincts of like ‘i do not want to think ab you being a poor girl alone w 3 brothers’ lol
And i am a girl btw
If you were gonna ask
I was yes, you saved me from writing another text
As if writing to me is annoying
I’m a pleasure to talk to
According to my teachers 10 years ago
10 years ago?
I hope you’re not some like 35yo woman who finished school that long ago
I mean you did say ‘girl’ so i would say you’re maybe a teenager?
I’ll take that as YOUR 2nd question
I’m not a teenager anymore unfortunately
Fucking adulthood has started recently
I’m 19 but 20 soon
Just people with the mind of teenagers having to act like adults so suddenly
Took the words out of my mouth
It was to be expected but like so unexpected at the same time bc you never know time is passing that quickly
Yeah… let's just go back on more light-hearted topics
Too soon for deep ones like life, time and growing up
100% agree
We're getting to know each other
Since you're an adult, do you have like any piercings or tattoos??
Hmm i have my ears pierced and one arm tattooed
That is sooo cool like patchwork or a themed full sleeve?
Kind of both bc they're related to the same thing i would say
Which is my family
But the styles can be a bit different
You have any?
Tattoos no, unfortunately😔
I want one so bad but it's hard getting prepared to have it permanently on your skin
Bc like i have several piercings
8 on my ears as well as a nose ring
But i can remove them whenever i want and bam they're gone in a few weeks
Piercings are actually so cool
And you match with my brother btw (the halloween one)
He has a nose ring too plus a stud
I feel like this brother of yours is gonna be my favourite
He’s great, you could like him and he probably would like you too
Real question is do YOU like me?
Technically it’s my turn to ask a question but the one i have will decide my answer to yours
Sorry go ahead
Are you a dog or cat person?
This is very important so reply carefully
I feel like you’re not gonna like what i have to say
Bc seeing as you put dog first
I’m going to say that you’re a dog person
Which i’m not…
It was a pleasure talking to you
Farewell stranger
Wait what
I’m not apologising tbh
Bc i love my cat with my whole heart
He’s the best
I hope you were joking bc our convo was fun
Anyways, bye then-
Thank you for reading. Votes and comments are always appreciated if you like this story ;)
The story is co written w @/little_grapejuice on wattpad
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thedarkestgreys · 11 months
tagged by both @stannisfactions and @theangrypomeranian 🖤🖤 thank you friends!
How many works do you have on AO3?
67 but something new is popping up for halloween
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
so it says 976,114 but 266,429 of those words are from @baratheonbrotherspresent group written co-op fics
3. What fandoms do you write for?
primarily Fexi/Euphoria right now. but i've also written fics for ASOIAF/GoT, Eternals, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, and Teen Wolf over the last near decade.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
your violent overnight rush (fexi) stages (jonsa) and i'll do anything you say (if you say it with your hands) (drukkari) slow hands (drukkari) and then a fic that i currently have hidden 😅
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
always! even if it's a quick TYSM FOR READING. i always appreciate when readers take the time to leave a comment, and i want to show my love back.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i don't think i've written anything with an angsty ending tbh. yes, lots of angst in various fics, but i'm a happy ending girlie through and through.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
as stated above, im a happy ending girlie. but maybe my heart's gone double time if i had to choose.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i haven't in a long time, but in the past yeah. like drove me away from a ship and shut down my interest in writing for like a solid year. it wasn't even about the writing, it was about the plot (a Sweet Home Alabama AU) and the comments were unnecessary (go read the wiki on the movie yall its not hard) and it just sucked lol. that was a hot minute ago though. we're good now.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
hahahaha do i write smut???? i have an internal checklist of all the smutty things i haven't written yet that i want to give a go, so you could say that. (note: daddy kink is off the list and never to be seen from me again)
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
i do not! but i like to write a lot of AU's of different media.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
as far as i know of, no i haven't.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
i've had some offers in the past to have things translated back in the GoT days but i never gave the okay on it simply because it was a fic i never completed (ya girl used to get in over her head)
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
technically the BBP fics are cowritten but we all did our own chapters following a basic outline of plot/storylines and worked around what other authors were posting. it was chaos and hilarious and the most fun i've ever had
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
to write for? i'd have to say it's fexi, they unlocked a new level in my brain as an author. shout out to my favorite non-canon little crackship that could podrya though - i'll love you forever. to read? this is like asking someone to pick their favorite child. i've read so many incredible fics across a ton of different fandoms. but god i guess the ones i still seek out frequently is dasey and dramione. wouldn't say i have a favorite though?
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
i really want to finish but the wolves came and went and i think i'm sitting on at least two chapters completed for it right now lol someday i'll sit down and finish writing the whole thing and get it posted.
16. What are your writing strengths?
plotting. world building. exposition. keeping characters in character. i've been told i'm good at writing big emotions too?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i've improved greatly but i still struggle with dialogue. 🙃
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
okay so. when i was writing slow hands as i got further into the story i really started describing the actual sign language being used by makkari and druig. hours of watching asl videos to pick out different words or phrases to translate. it was fun and it was hard work and i ended up with a whole new appreciation for asl. but it also felt important to really dig into describing the asl and i'm glad i did it.
19. First fandom you wrote for? ... and i'm still bitter about the cancelled reboot.
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20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
taking yvor out of the equation: my fexi warm bodies zombie au sharing different heartbeats mostly i go back and read it and go "wait i wrote this?" because i don't do zombies at all lol. i'm just very proud of it.
tagging: @sarahcakes613 @muserepeats @calculated2stagger @iwantthemtostay and @idontneedtobeforgiven
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thedruidofnc · 2 years
the well road incident
So it was like 2:50 in the morning and Adam and I were bored cause we had already done a ton of crap and didn’t have a whole lot left to do. So we started texting anyone that would be up and down for some bullshit. So Isabel was up (Nate’s Ex lol) and we snuck her out (2nd child that I stole from their home). Anyway we hung around for a bit, and then Adam wanted to go to this pond near his house, so we found this road that backs up to it, and we went down it to try and see it, well Adam got out of the car and closed the door and Isabel said “drive away” so I did, like the good friend that I am. So I took off going like 70 down this road and when I hit 51 I turned around and went back to get him and be like “hah prankt”. But we didn’t see him at all, in fact we drove all the way down to the very end of the road (it’s a dead end) and didn’t see him, so we assumed that he was hiding in the woods. When we drove back we saw him walking in the middle of the road and I thought that was odd but whatever. Anyway he got in the car and we started talking and he asked how we were able to loop back around and get behind him, and we were like “we didn’t we left and came back” the same way up. So we defended ourselves and he was getting more and more scared. Apparently he was walking in the middle of the road the whole time and just all of the sudden saw our headlights behind him. He was freaking tf out, like frrr, I’ve never seen him so scared. I dropped him off at like 4:50 at his house and he had Isabel’s phone in his pocket so we called him and asked him to walk it up the road so we didn’t have to pull down and wake his parents, he refused to walk up that road alone because he was so scared and made Isabel walk up on his porch.
Oh also don’t tell anyone about this, the more I think about it, the more I think that it might be some kind of mental lapse that can stem from epilepsy (which he has a family history of). People might look at him weird and I don’t want that. Tbh I hope it was something demonic and not his mind. -Wesley
Firstly, be aware that names have power, so when connecting with them, give yourself a nickname to use, or don't say any name.
Second, if a faerie provides you with information, do not thank them. While you may appreciate it, this is an admission to a debt owed.
Thirdly, do not accept anything that is edible from the land of fairies because consuming anything from the land of the Fae might result in locking yourself out of the land of mortals. Just politely decline.
Fourthly, most Fae are very old so politeness and regards to being courteous is rather crucial. Since they can hold grudges for a very long time, exercise caution when speaking to them or refusing something.
Finally, when accepting gifts, be knowledgeable that some faerie gifts could come with unforeseen side effects. If you are concerned, either accept them destroy it, or cleanse with salt water.
Well Road Personal Account October 31, 2018
I'm writing this because I can't sleep and am mildy terrified. I know it's most likely my mind playing tricks on me but I think I just saw something move outside ofy bedroom window for the first time in years, and after the events of tonight, it wouldn't be surprising. It's Halloween, so naturally Me, Wesley, and our pal Denver decided to take Adam back to Well Road not once, but twice, against his will and better judgement. The first time we went and drove down, Wes and Adam dropped me and Denver off to walk a short stretch of the road alone. It wasn't completely dark yet but it was creepy as Hell. Unfortunately nothing actually happened. I think it was bc two people we're out there instead of just one. Fast forward a couple of hours and we're killing time so we decided to go back again. Adam wasn't excited, but I was. This time they left me alone to walk down the street for like 5 minutes. I saw nothing but I kept thinking I heard something walking behind me. I'm not gonna write off the fact that my imagination was running wild, but I still think something was following me. Every time I turned around I saw nothing. They came back to pick me up, and them we pulled over bc Adam needed to get out of the car for something. It took maybe 30 seconds before he ran back to the car beating on the window. At first we thought he was trying to scare us but he got in the car and yelled at Wesley to drive away. I've never heard anyone sound so scared before in my entire life. He was terrified. It took us 5 minutes to get him to tell us what happened. He had seen a man in a black T-shirt standing in the woods, not moving. In his rushed panic, Adam dropped his deaderant out of his pocket (why he had it with him to begin With is another mystery) so we turned around d and Wes said he'd get out of the car to get it. He did and when he got back in the car he confirmed that he heard something or someone walking in the woods. It could very well just ve a man but in light of other things that have happened on that road, I dont think it was. I don't know what it was but everyone was sufficiently freaked out.
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zabrak-show · 3 years
In the Absence of Light
Ch 4 I can be your angle or your demon baby
Entire story can be found here
Final chapter!
Word count: 3k
Summary: The teams must work together to get out of the room. Savage has a tasty treat or two up his sleeve.
Warnings/Tags: Horror themes/elements (pretty tame imo), spiders, demons, spirits, i made up my own lore lol, kissy kissy, not beta read, probably ooc tbh it's quite a silly au
Happy Halloween everyone!! Stay safe and have fun xoxo
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"Maybe there's another secret door. How'd you guys find that first one?" Ahsoka asked, feeling the walls for any sign of weakness or discrepancy.
They all followed the Togruta's suggestion to feel around the walls looking for anything, any way out. Feral found a wrinkle in the wallpaper. His thin tan hands followed it to the edge. He pulled at the corner with little effort, and the paper tore with ease. The wallpaper glue had worn down so much through the years, and it near disintegrated at the touch.
Feral continued ripping away the paper until he revealed A grease pen drawing of a door.
"That's gotta be it!" Ahsoka exclaimed. "Do we push on it? Or?" She asked, investigating the drawing.
"It's far more complicated than that." Maul rolled his eyes. Obi-Wan glanced over at him, seeing him in the light for the first time without his sweater at a distance. He wore a thin black shirt with an even deeper V neck than Obi-Wan thought possible. It clung to his sinuous muscles. "There's a summoning spell we need to perform to open the door-"
"A demon summoning spell? Are you mad? Is that how you opened the last door?" Obi-Wan near yelled, his heart racing.
"Well, no, but you can see these sigils up here," he pointed to small symbols penciled in above the top of the door drawing. "and if you could have seen in the basement or wherever we were, you would have recognized them. I'm surprised someone so knowledgeable in the paranormal wouldn't know about these." Maul smirked at the bearded man wearing his charcoal gray sweater. Was this Maul's way of flirting?
"Well, I'm surprised someone so adept at ghost knowledge wouldn't notice these claw marks at the bottom of the door." Obi-Wan retorted with saucy contempt. "There was a great struggle in here with once-living beings. We need only to call out to the ghosts." Obi-Wan pointed where the door met the floor, and there were marks from someone dragging their nails across the floorboards. He lined up his hand with the gouges to further prove his point.
A roaring groan took over the argument from outside their room. The floor shook, and the sound became deafening until it slowed down to a light rumble outside the elevator door. The door slid open with a cheery 'ding,' and a seasick-looking Anakin stumbled out of it.
"Wait!" Ahsoka ran over to the door to try and keep it open. It made no difference; the door slammed shut. She whipped her arm back, looking down at her fingers she near lost in the sinister elevator door.
"Ughhhh, where am I?" Anakin asked, looking around at everyone. Dust and grime-covered his clothes, hair, and body.
"Well, we're still trying to figure that out. We've found this drawn door and are trying to find a way to contact the ghost who made it to open it for us." Obi-Wan walked over to Anakin, brushing off the dust and cobwebs covering him.
"Excuse me! But it's the demon we need to summon. Do you refuse to listen to ANYTHING I say?" Maul walked over to Kenobi, the fire in his eyes ready to shoot lightning.
"I make it my life's goal to never listen to anything you say, Maul, yes." Obi-Wan would not let Maul see him get to him. Not like this. Not after everything that happened so far. He stood firm on his ground, crossing his arms in front of his chest. The feel of soft cashmere on his hands reminded him whose sweater he wore. He hardened his posture avoiding any observable sentiment.
Maul narrowed his eyes on Obi-Wan, "You'll listen to me when it's too late, Kenobi." he threatened with cold, calculated steps towards the man.
Ahsoka put her face in her hands in an exasperated gesture, "You two are the absolute worst." She groaned in exaggerated annoyance, "How about we each do what we believe to be right and see which one works. It can't hurt, can it?" She shrugged her shoulders and arms in a final
"What?! Summoning a demon? Yeah, that can hurt. That can hurt a lot. Are you crazy?" Anakin screeched out. His color was returning to his face.
"Ahsoka's right," Obi-Wan cut in, "it's our only option at this point anyway. We need to get out of this room. We must try everything." He sighed and avoided eye contact with Maul, who he could sense was jeering at him.
He didn't like the idea of summoning a demon. He hated it, in fact, but to argue with Maul was futile. The priority was getting out of this room, whatever that may take. Ahsoka, Anakin, and Obi-Wan sat near the door in a semi-circle. Ahsoka was in the middle since she was the medium. Anakin and Obi-Wan touched the bottom of the door frame where the scratch marks were most prominent. They all held hands while Ahsoka hummed out a calling in the ancient language of the spirits. Very few knew this sacred language. Anyone not gifted in this skill at a very young age could never attempt it, lest they desire insanity. Obi-Wan and Anakin closed their eyes, meditating on the spirits in silence. They were calling to them in their minds to come forth and open the door.
In another corner of the room, Maul and Feral began summoning the demon of the door's sigil. They spoke their native tongue Paecian as they called forth to the devil. Green mist surrounded the Zabrak brothers as they chanted their spells of summoning. The floors and walls creaked as both groups worked hard to summon help.
Something crawled over Obi-Wan's outstretched hand on the wall, and he swore it felt like the spiders from earlier. His focus was pertinent to the summoning ceremony. He couldn't lose focus. Sweat beaded off his forehead as he used all his might to concentrate on meditation, to not think about the possible spider on his hand.
The shaking of the floor increased; it felt like the floorboards would rip apart beneath them. Maybe that was going to be their way out after all. The foundation would give out to an endless abyss. The raucous noise of the elevator took over the room, stifling out Ahsoka and the Zabrak's voices until it finally shuddered to a stop.
Obi-Wan peaked an eye open at the elevator door. Was this it? Their moment? It was hard to see through the green mist that now filled the room, but he could still see the shiny brass outline of the door. It creaked in a loud high pitched moan as it slid open inch by inch. Everyone's attention now on the door, what was going to come out? Obi-Wan heard that familiar noise from his dream, the crawling, horrific sound of thousands of spiders. His gaze turned down at the floor, and sure enough, a sea of spiders now covered it.
They skittered all over but left a perimeter around the trio holding hands. Thank the gods because he really might have lost it if they started swarming on him. They scaled the walls, near covering the room before the door was even fully open. The elevator shook again, moaning like a forlorn lover at the cliffs of her lover's suicide. A gurgling noise followed by a long ink-black tendril forced the door open further.
Obi-wan's eyes burned from the green smoke and putrid air. His skin bristled though no spiders touched him as he witnessed what horror creeped out the elevator. His first met the torso slick with something tarlike, the room even filled with the scent of tar. A thousand eyes sequined the face, glittering off the dull light. He wasn't sure where the mouth on its head was until a long black tongue exited one of the holes in a disgusting squelching noise. The figure writhed towards them all. Eight long skinny legs twitched in an unsettling manner with slow movement into the room. The air felt cold and hot all at once. Tar oozed from the bulbous body connecting all the legs. Gods above it was a spider demon.
The demon snarled at them, and black drool fell out of its mouth onto its body, adding to the already slick appearance. The multiple eyes moved in all different directions as the long tongue slithered back into the mouth opening. The creature hissed before moaning out some ancient language. Obi-Wan had no idea what they spoke or if the Zabraks could understand. He hoped they could and that whatever it wanted was something of ease to obtain.
Ahsoka gasped, and Obi-Wan turned to look at her. She was staring, mouth agape, up at the ceiling, where two shadows danced around the water stains. Their form changed as they danced, and with the green mist, they looked almost like glowing fireflies, though much more prominent. There was a terrifying beauty to them he couldn't deny. Ahsoka spoke in the spirit language, and they stopped dancing to stare down at her with their glowing lidless eyes.
The shadows twirled down the wall causing the monster to moan, a sorrowful sound, almost a whale sound. The figures finally made it to the giant creature Concern creased Obi-Wan's brow. What was that creature going to do with them? What were they? They danced and swirled around the spider legs, eventually settling on the other side of the demon's torso. Its long top arms or legs, whatever they were, wrapped around the spirits.
The demon and shadows quivered towards the drawn door in static movements like a TV with bad reception. They were moaning and screeching in blood-curdling sounds. The disaster trio near the door scuttled back out of the way. Obi-Wan's jaw felt locked. He was clenching down so hard in abject fear.
The lines of the door and sigils lit up in bright yellow light. The wall opened inwards, pouring the light all over the room. The tiny spiders, once blanketing the entire room, evaporated at light's first touch. The three spirits walked into the opening and, for a moment, took the form of an elderly man with two young adults walking hand in hand into the light. With a soft rumble of the floorboards, it all disappeared.
The blinding light dimmed where the door remained open. The five occupants of the room stood and sat transfixed by the scene they had observed. All were unable to move as the shock coursed through their bloodstreams.
"WOW, how'd you guys do that?" Like a ray of warm sunshine, Savage peeked his horned head through the door. Obi-Wan slid his eyes toward him and tried to understand what he was seeing. Was he wearing a pink apron? And the smell that now filled his nostrils, sweet and warm, and cookies?
Obi-Wan stood, his legs feeling like jelly, as the adrenaline wore down. Anakin and Ahsoka followed suit, rising with him. They walked towards the door, Maul and Feral already poking their heads through it.
"It's the kitchen!" Feral exclaimed.
"Well, obviously! How'd you guys even get over there? Or create that door? I… I have so many questions!" Savage exclaimed with glee. He held a dough-covered spatula and flour coated his apron and some of his face.
"Brother, were you making cookies?" Maul inquired, a scowl on his face.
The timer dinged.
"Yes!!" Savage grabbed an oven mitt and took the sheet of cookies out of the oven. "I didn't know where any of you went, and I got bored looking, so I started making cookies to pass the time. So anyway, what happened to everyone?" He set the sheet of cookies on the counter. After everything, it was comfort beyond measure to smell homemade cookies.
They all reflexively took a deep sigh in remembering the past events of what had happened. Where to even begin?
"Maul was making out with Obi-Wan," Feral blurted out, already doubled over in laughter. Maul and Obi-Wan gave each other a hurried glance before staring down at the floor.
Savage's face dropped, and he set down the spatula to turn towards Maul. "Brother, I am so proud of you." He grabbed Maul's hands, "I know how long you've tormented yourself with your feelings towards-"
Maul ripped his hands away. "I do NOT have feelings for Kenobi. The spirits and the moment overtook us. Listen, I don't have to explain anything to you."
Obi-Wan's face grew hot, and he tried to look away from anyone, settling on looking down at his feet. Only to be reminded he was wearing Maul's sweatshirt. The sound of his heartbeat filled his ears, drowning out the rest of the sound in the kitchen. He could barely make out Anakin asking Ahsoka about this in bewilderment. Wait, did Maul say spirits? So he did believe in them. Although how could one not after what they'd experienced. A smile overtook him, and he couldn't help but laugh.
Everyone turned towards Obi-Wan. He stilled his laughter. Now that there was an awkward silence, he did what he knew best. Obi-Wan filled the tea kettle with water and prepared to make tea. He had the perfect blend to go with chocolate chip cookies. He clattered around in the kitchen getting everything ready while voices overlapped about his interaction with Maul.
"Ok, Ok," Savage's booming voice swallowed up everyone else. "I want to hear everything about what you all experienced in the house that was NOT my brother making out with his boyfriend."
Obi-Wan turned on his heel at this remark.
"I am not his boyf-"
Savage held one of his giant fingers up to Obi-Wan's lips, "Sshh! Tell me about the ghosts and the demons."
The tea kettle screamed, which was another helpful step in getting everyone to calm down and quiet up. Obi-Wan sighed and made everyone a cup of tea as Savage plated all the cookies. There was quite the tale to be told.
They all took turns over tea telling their versions of what happened. How each of them had ended up in the elevator and the strange empty room it took them. The drawn door they found under the wallpaper. Savage listened with excitable attention, his eyes big and gasping at parts of the story. When they got to the part about them each summoning the spirits and the demon, it seemed each group still felt a bit strong about who's was more effective.
"If it hadn't been for us summoning that demon, you never would have escaped that room," Maul drawled out, leaning back in the old kitchen chair.
Savage nodded his head at his brother, a crumb of cookie falling out of his yellow lips.
"Well, if we hadn't brought the spirits forth to reunite with the demon, then you all would have been consumed by the demon," Ahsoka shot back at Maul, her eyes electrified.
"Oh, that's true too," Savage leaned back in his chair, taking a sip of tea.
"We worked together, and that's the point," Obi-Wan stated, silencing everyone who was about to retort that their way was correct. "No one was right or wrong alone. We had to do it together."
The room was silent, save for the stirring of sugar in tea from Anakin and the crunching of cookies. Obi-Wan sighed in relief. The arguing was over.
"To be fair, though, we did have-" Feral broke the silence, which let everyone loose with their theories on why they were the better team.
Obi-Wan shook his head and laughed again. He caught Maul's eye through the sea of excitable voices. He wanted to look away, but the way Maul softened at his gaze, he felt the corners of his mouth turn up into a smile. Maul smiled and looked down at his tea. Obi-Wan supposed he had never seen Maul smile before.
A loud knocking tore through the room, silencing everyone.
Obi-Wan stood to go towards the noise, with Maul shadowing his movements. They walked out towards the noise together, side by side. Their hands brushed against each other, and they both laughed nervously and tried to apologize. Maul's eyes slid over Obi-Wan, and he reached for his hand on purpose.
The booming knocks continued, sending chills down their spines. They walked down the hall, hand in hand, their other fists clenched.
"Helloooo?? Did you all have fun??" The high-pitched voice of the caretaker sang out.
Relief washed over them, letting them relax their posture. The tiny elderly Twi'lek woman walked towards them from the main entrance. A gray cardigan pulled tightly around her frame. She hobbled on her cane, a bright smile lighting up her love-worn face.
"Oh yes, loads of fun," Maul growled out. A big bark for someone still holding tight to Obi-Wan's hand...
"Ohh yes, I am so sorry you weren't made aware of the double booking. I was certain that you both knew and had arranged it this way. At least that's what your team member suggested to me." She craned her neck to look up at Maul and Obi-Wan and then down at their clasped hands.
"Team member?" Maul's brow raised.
"Yes, the big fella. He arranged this," she explained with a sweet smile further creasing up the corners of her eyes.
Maul turned, a flame in his eyes, "Is that so," he started down back towards the kitchen, but Obi-Wan pulled back the arm he held.
"Are you really that upset?" He pulled him into an embrace. Maul's breath hitched, and Obi-Wan held him close, feeling the dual heartbeats of the Zabrak. He looked down at his lips, the bottom one slightly pouting, begging for a kiss. Obi-Wan closed the distance, and their lips met again, this time soft and slow.
The rest of the team had made their way out to the front entrance now. Maul and Obi-Wan were too lost in their own world to notice the ridiculous exclamations the rest of their team members were making in response.
thanks for reading!! reblogs and comments are sooo appreciated xoxox
taglist: @always-on-tatooine @dinsbeskar @maulpunk @hornystarwarsbisexual @dawdreygore @l1feisapigsty @maulieber @botherbother-blog @emissarydecksetter @wolfpack-arts-industries99 @mock-ing-bird_
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noxiatoxia · 2 years
GUESS WHOS BACK !!!!!!!! (me i am back)
very sorry for dying temporarily. i have revived for hikakao and hikakao only
ANYWAY i love your story,,, host club found family is so dear to me, and hikaru telling them a story is literally treating them like his closest family...so sweet. love him
AND KAORU BEING A PART OF IT. kaoru doesn't even realize how important he is to those stories, but it's literally the whole reason they exist. hikaru wouldn't tell stories if kaoru wasn't there to listen, if it didn't comfort kaoru when they were kids. it wouldn't have happened at all. so by bringing kaoru up hikaru showed him he is a vital part of the stories, because he needs his brother there to tell any stories at all. or they're missing part of their spirit altogether. i love themm ,,,,
so i was thinking (oh no), specifically about hikakao and their issue with being overly scared about each other's well being when anything happens to them, even if it's nothing really major
like at the end of episode 15, where kaoru literally just got an unprecedented cut on his face and hikaru's like. clutching his hand. shaking and everything. dramatic ass
or in the halloween episode where they get separated and act like they haven't seen each other for 10 years. you get the idea.
anyway, not to be super angsty (i am about to be super angsty) but imagine them in an actually dire situation. like it doesn't even have to be life or death, but just something actually severe happening to one of them, like getting hospitalized for a sickness or really bad injury. i can't imagine what that would be like bc with the way hikaru was acting over a CUT...imagine kaoru breaks his arm or something. worse if it was in an accident of some kind that could've ended much worse than that. hikaru would be so upset.
and in that halloween episode scene i mentioned, when hikaru was freaking out trying to get to kaoru. hard to imagine what exactly he thought happened to him, but he was so scared something was very wrong with his brother . poor guy
OMG HI ANON HIII *TWIRLS MY HAIR AND GIGGLES* I'm so happy ur back ur asks give me life.... never feel pressured ofc but I appreciate them SO much!!
also THAT IS SOMETHING I THINK ABOUT ALL THE TIME.... Hikaru's worry for his brother is SO immense it drives me crazy. I do think it's more fun to imagine scenarios where Kaoru gets injured bc Hikaru is the one who has the habit of going berserk when the other gets hurt. Sure, Kaoru would be worried obvs, but Hikaru... dude just has a flat out panic attack sometimes. What is up with him.
I think injury is generally the most fun. Unlike (most) sickness, it typically happens very suddenly, which I think is the part that causes Hikaru to panic. I don't think Hikaru has a panic-attack level issue with being separated from his brother, it's when it happens suddenly and against his will that scares the daylights out of him. Likewise, most injuries are very sudden, and I think the lack of before and after really freaks him out. It's just the suddenness of something that is legitimately scary.
So... CONCEPT based off your idea: Kaoru gets injured. It's not bad, but it's not good either. Nothing life threatening. But it hurts like a bitch, and it looks a lot worse than it really is.
The how is obvs the biggest question. Tbh, it was probably during club. Or at least, with the host club. They tend to get rambunctious and throw caution to the wind.
I think the most likely cause of injury (and tw for hand injury involving glass) would be crashing into some sort of table or stand with a pot, vase, etc. on it (Haruhi isn't the only one with no spacial awareness!) Only since Kaoru full-on crashes into it, he falls, too. And instinctively he sticks his hands out to brace his fall on the ground. Except, you know, he also just shattered a glass vase on the floor, too. And, well... you can imagine it's not a very pretty landing.
Everyone heard the vase shatter, so it's not like they don't know what's going on. They probably didn't expect the accompanying yip of sharp pain Kaoru let out, though. Whether or not Hikaru was near him when it happened, he's at his brother's side at an instant.
Kaoru instantly snatches his hands to his chest, and though it hurts like hell, he's holding back from showing any signs of real discomfort. He's kneeling on the floor in front of broken glass now, and Hikaru is crouching next to him demanding he let him see his hands.
Kaoru being Kaoru and worrying more about Hikaru's emotions than his own physical well-being worries about scaring Hikaru. It's just some glass. It really hurts, but it's not a big deal. He doesn't want Hikaru to seriously worry, not after what happened back at Kuruizawa, so he just shrugs jaggedly and tells him it isn't that bad.
Hikaru calls bullshit because fuck that. Also, while Kaoru is trying to hide it by keeping his palms to his chest, Hikaru can clearly see blood on them. Impatient and worried, Hikaru may just (gently) grab Kaoru's wrists and pull his hands away to look.
And, like I said, it looks a lot worse than it really is. Still hurts, though! And seeing his brother bleeding in any way always freaks Hikaru out.
Kyoya probably offers to call one of his family's ambulances or get the on-staff doctors to look at it. Hikaru vehemently denies this. Maybe he'll have a different answer later, but right now, high on emotions and fear, he doesn't want anybody even close to Kaoru. His brother is hurt and he doesn't want some strangers messing with him. He'd rather take the glass out himself and patch his brother up.
Of course though, Kaoru has to be the one to tell him to calm down and also say he would like to see an actual doctor...... This doesn't stop Hikaru from hovering over him like a hawk and not-so-subtly glaring at the doctor as they fix Kaoru's hands up. Every time his brother flinches or attempts to stifle a whimper as they pull out glass/use sanitizer Hikaru barely restrains himself from snapping at them.
Now obviously it's just because Hikaru is running on adrenaline and is really freaked out by seeing Kaoru in pain/get hurt, so he's edgy and irritable. Once Kaoru's hands are properly wrapped in bandages, Hikaru hugs him very tightly because that really did scare him. Glass can be really dangerous you know!!! And Kaoru reassures him he's fine now, but tbh it had also scared him a bit, too.
After a second vase-breaking incident, maybe the host club should reconsider their decoration placements...
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ceilingfan5 · 3 years
let's get wild with the character asks bestie 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 28, 31, 32, 33, 34 and also your favourite question if it wasn't one of these
oh my god, speed run
2. How tall are they?
roe is a solid six foot in their humanoid form, 7ish minus the horns cozy transformed, and can get to a full 8 or nine feet fully transformed, depending
wit isn't naturally "bi"pedal, they got tentacles!! but they're about 5'6. if they get upset or protective they can look nearly a foot bigger. theyre always very pleased to be swallowed up in roe's embrace
4. What’s their favorite activity on a rainy day?
tangled together and reading books that make roe blush
5. What’s their favorite color?
wit is fond of something north of ultraviolet (they can see more colors than roe can), and the sweet brown of roe's hair
roe would have a hard time picking outright but really isn't fond of red. if you gave them the option they'd pick pearlescent purple. for no reason. (they're in love is the reason)
7. What are their hobbies?
wit loves to collect!! they also like gossip but only if it's true. they have no time for falsehoods. they like to dance and read and sew. and they don't share this with anyone, but they like to sing
roe has no hobbies to speak of at the beginning, so used to burning themself out with work and then sleeping it off. when they meet wit they help with the collecting and sorting of treasures, and then branch out to painting, casual hiking, journaling, and play around with a few others! they want to try poetry but they're worried about embarrassing themself.
8. What’s their favourite dessert?
roe likes sour-- tarts and berry-flavored things, and wit likes any kind of candy with a satisfying crunch
14. What’s the pettiest thing they’ve ever done?
wit does petty things all the time but is especially satisfied by doing petty things to people who haven't treated their love well. when the starship brigade is like "you've had enough of a break when are you coming back" wit steals roe's data pad and just responds "no <3"
roe gets sweaty if they even think about doing petty things, but did stick their tongue out at the sky when their starship left them on Tovax
17. Their idea of a perfect date?
picnic under the stars or quiet day at home tangled in each other's arms tbh
18. Are they right handed or left handed?
roe is righthanded and wit thinks having a dominant side is very silly. their top "arms" are more dexterous than their second pair tho!
19. Are they more of a dog or a cat person?
i think roe needs to try keeping a cactus alive for a while before they have a pet but they're more likely to have some kind of chirpy alien puffball of a creacher than anything
20. What was their Halloween costume last year?
wit was sexy entropy. roe pretended to be busy and went to bed early, but did accept a little halloweeny button from their coworker for the workday
22. Do they have any tattoos? if not, what would they liked to get tattooed, if anything?
wit's skin is very sensitive and also doesn't work like humanoid skin, so they would end up with blotches of ink that wouldn't last. they can change colors but tend to forget that's something they can do until they're like, real emotional and accidentally do it
roe might get into the idea after some time thinking about it? it would be small and very sentimental
23. Do they believe in the supernatural?
honestly this is a alien universe with magic so like, it would be foolish not to, but also roe had missionary parents plus went to private school and then the starship brigade academy so their education is seriously mixed and they would tend to believe you if you said some shit
28. A secret of theirs?
wit worries they're too clingy and come on too strong, even after they've been together for a long time. but they can feel roes thoughts and read them like an open book and who wouldn't fall head over heels in love?
roe is pretty nonviolent and will faint at the sight of blood but would 100% no hesitation kill for wit.
31. Something they’re really proud of?
wit is really proud of all their collections and also their sense of fashion. and roe. they are proud of roe so deeply. roe is very quietly proud of how much healing theyve done. also roe is so good at trivia except for like, pop culture and sports,
32. A description of their relationship with other character?
ooey gooey full support tangled in tentacles love love love
also they [redacted] [redacted] [redacted]
33. If they’re a story character, a lil vague spoiler?
things get so, so better. roe realizes just how happy they can be. wit finally feels like they have a home again.
34. A random fact?
wit is actually something close to an amphibian. roe is not human, but also not what they were raised as--their species is shapeshifters. wit can kind of taste with their skin. roe doesn't like their birthday for very sad reasons. roe can do the splits but only if they're in a good mood. wit has dated a monarch. it wasn't worth it. roe has two moms and a dad. they don't talk much anymore. roe sneezes sometimes when they step into the sunshine, and wit thinks it's adorable. roe can purr in their main transformation. when wit laughs too hard, it turns into a clicky chirp.
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palaugranetes · 4 years
31 OCTOBER 2020
JC: I wanted to be the first to wish you HBD!@Ansu
Sergiño: Happy Birthday Bro!💙❤ @Ansu
Frenkie: Feliz Cumple craquito!!
JC: The baby is all grown up😭😭😭😭😭
JC: I remember when he was that tiny baby face killer.. it feels like it was just yesterday!
Dembz: Because it was just yesterday fréro.😂😂😂
JC: *sniffles* they grow up so fast
Dembz: 😂😂😂
Riqui: Feliç aniversari nanu!! @Ansu
JC: Now he can officially officially win MOTM awards! Finally!
Pedri: Feliz Cumple hermano!❤❤
Francisco: Feliz aniversario @Ansu
Ansu: Let it go already!!
Iñaki: HBD little one! No so little anymore!
Arnau: Manito!!! Happy birthday!
Carlitos: 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉el niño se nos hace mayor! 18 already.. he was just a baby 2 minutes ago! Where did the time fly!
JC: Right?! I was just giving him piggyback rides like yesterday.
Ansu: 😒
JC: And now he is old enough to watch Deadpool
Ansu: 😒😒😒
Ansu: Can we please focus on the match today.. we have to do something good.
Frenkie: Ansu is right.
Dembz: Look at him already adulting.
Arnau: Please for the love of everything good.. win
Riqui: Yes please win.
Carlitos: You are included in Arnau's plea Ricard.
Riqui: Nope. I am not the one fucking up here. I have nothing to do with your crappy form..
Riqui: Might as well dress up as a ghost today since clearly Ronald Sr. sees me as one🖤
Carlitos: You don't know.. you might even start today.
Riqui: very much doubt it.
Pedri: Come on man, you might.
Riqui: You were saying?
Ansu: 😐😐🙄🙄
Carlitos: Well that message aged like milk.
Frenkie: 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️
Riqui: Please do well.
Riqui: You have a commentator buddy today! @JC
JC: Fun!
Riqui: Watching them is fun? We haven't been fun to watch since 2016
JC: Sarcasm bro, do you speak it?
Riqui: I miss Marc..
Riqui: I do feel bad for Neto though..
Riqui: Are you idiots even trying?!
JC: Bro how do you miss that.....
JC: What even!??!
JC: Finally ANTOINE!!
Riqui: I mean it's about damn time..
Riqui: So this is how you are going to play...
Riqui: Peep Frenks at CB though!
JC: What is happening!? Why are they doing this..
Riqui: Hell if I know Jan..
Riqui: Great.. this is just great.. We should have been relegated instead of the pericos.
Carlitos: "Riqui: Great.. this is just great.. We should have been relegated instead of the pericos." How dare you!
Riqui: Play like them, get their fate.
Carlitos: Hey, do not include me in this either bro
Ansu: "JC: Bro how do you miss that....." 🙄🙄🙄 I don't know how that happened.
JC: It's alright kiddo.. it happens
Frenkie: I really have had about enough of this.
Riqui: Yeah well you are not the only one.
Francisco: It's not working
Arnau: I wonder which circle of hell watching us play it is...
Iñaki: all of them dude
Ronald: I would like to officially say that we are a mess.
Riqui: You just realized that now?
Ronald: No but it is official now
Riqui: It has been official for years now.
Ronald: Show me the papers
Riqui: Youtube is literally right there.
Ansu: Guys I need Explanations please! SOS!
Carlitos: Yes?
Ansu: What does "And as our All Hallow's Eve baby celebrates his 18th lap around the sun, he shall be getting the perfect present. As for all his goons, beware." mean?
Carlitos: Man's gotta be so dramatic just say fudging Halloween!
Riqui: Ansu.. You might want to lock the doors.
JC: So there are benefits of being under 18.
JC: @Pedri you are so lucky.
Ronald: Don't include him in this narrative. He has not done anything wrong.
Francisco: Okay but why doesn't he just do it and get it over with already?
Francisco: I'm nervous and I am not even under any threat 😅
Carlitos: Because he is evil!
Iñaki: I literally never said a word to him why am I being threatened?
Riqui: You are an accessory.
Arnau: What is this all about? Who is he?
Riqui: Geri. We might have, sorta, kinda pissed him off.
Arnau: Good job. I salute both your bravery and your dumbassery.
Carlitos: Thanks.
Pedri: I feel bad for Iñaki though.
Arnau: Bet you he was standing next to rizos when he pissed Geri off
Pedri: 🤷🏻‍♀️
Arnau: Wasn't it?
Arnau: I do not doubt it one bit. No benefit for you there bro.
Carlitos: @Riqui tell me again why he is here...
Arnau: 🤗
Ansu: Trouble in Twin Town?
Dembz: He keeps texting me "🎲🎱🃏"
Ansu: Um.. 🤷🏿‍♂️
JC: Bro I am not texting you!?
Dembz: Yes you are. Stop the stupid messages!
JC: I LEGIT AM NOT. I haven't texted it in 2 weeks?!
Riqui: 👀
Dembz: Then how come your name keeps popping up on my damn phone!
Carlitos: How long have these texts been going on?
Dembz: 3 days!!
Carlitos: Have you left your phone unsupervised in these 3 days?
Dembz: Only when I shower after practice.
Carlitos: Rookie mistake.
Ronald: It's Gerard.
Ansu: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
JC: SEE! He got me with Samu.
Dembz: I am getting tired of this shit!
Ronald: y'all made your bed, now you must lie in it.
Riqui: Wouldn't that defeat the purpose?
Ronald: Shut it. I was talking to Ous.
Carlitos: Bro just block him. Problem solved.
Arnau: That braincell is working wonders today! El Dia de los muertos resurrected it I see..
Carlitos: Go away.
Iñaki: I am just gonna talk to Geri and tell him I have nothing to do with this.
Pedri: But he did nothing!
Riqui: I don't care.
Frenkie: HAPPY BIRTHDAY LITTLE BRO!!! @Sergiño 💙❤💙❤🧡🧡
Francisco: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! 🙌🏻💙❤
Ansu: Happy Birthday Golden Boy!!😏❤💙
Dembz: HBD BRO!! 🤜🏿🤙🏿💙💙💙
Arnau: Happy Birthday crack! @Sergiño 💙🤗
Riqui: Happy birthday bud!! To many more years! @Sergiño 🚀🍿💙💙
Ronald: Feliz Cumple mano!❤❤
Carlitos: Sergi said that the adults gc is very quiet now that Luis left.
Carlitos: He should have stayed there tbh
Carlitos: ALSO HAPPY BIRTHDAY crackazo!! @Sergiño ❤💙❤💙
Pedri: Happy Birthday!!!💙💙💙
Riqui: So you still have done nothing useful I see @Carlitos
Carlitos: I told you I have to be subtle!
Iñaki: How can you be subtle when Gerard already caught you!
Iñaki: Happy Bday @Sergiño!🙌🏻✌🏼🤗💙
Carlitos: I can..
Arnau: You already failed.
Frenkie: I say we give up trying to infiltrate the adults gc
Frenkie: I am already nervous enough for you guys.
Sergiño: THANK YOU GUYS!!!! MUCH LOVE ❤💙❤💙❤💙❤
Frenkie: You sit down!
Sergiño: What'd I do.. I literally just got here 😧
Frenkie: No no not you @Sergiño Hope you had a great day. I meant @JC
Sergiño: 😅
Sergiño: I did! Thank you!❤❤💙💙
Ronald: Y'all really expect to win anything playing like this?😒
Ronald: Holy shit!!
Ronald: GERARD!!!🙌🏻😂😂😂
Ronald: This is hilarious
Ronald: In my head we lost 2-5..
Ansu: OMG I AM SAFE! 😳😳😳
Ansu: Geri just told me!
Riqui: Lies!
Ansu: "@Gerard🌳: You are safe now. No pranks for you. Tell the others they aren't that lucky."
Ronald: 😂😂😂😂😂
Arnau: Welcome back to the land of the living!
Carlitos: 😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒
JC: 😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑
Dembz: 😤😤
Iñaki: I'm happy for you😑😒😑❤I really am.
Ansu: The size of the gasp that came out of me. It scared my mom😂😅
Pedri: 😂
Frenkie: Amazing Ansu!
Frenkie: The rest of you.. not so much.
Riqui: I tried to talk to Geri..
Arnau: 😂😂 I know. Oscar told me he brushed you off like last year's iphone
Carlitos: It went well.
Riqui: 😒
Arnau: Bring Oscar here it'll be fun
Riqui: 😒
Pedri: I am not even gonna ask
Francisco: I thought he was gonna step on him
Arnau: 😂
Riqui: 😒
Carlitos: Should not have cut your hair ijs. You look less like a child now. I would hit you.
Riqui: No one asked you hedgehair
Carlitos: Don't insult the curls.
Riqui: 😒
Carlitos: 😌😌
Carlitos: Just admit you failed too.
Riqui: No.
Ronald: You both did. Just accept your fate.
JC: Guys.. How about we prank Geri first?
Ansu: Great idea...
JC: Thanks
JC: Come on. We can do it.
Pedri: Out
Francisco: me too
Sergiño: I just got here. No thanks
Arnau: I wanna see this. But just as an observer.
Arnau: You know, for science.
Ronald: Let the Hunger Games start.
Frenkie: 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️Oh boy
JC: @Dembz @Riqui @Carlitos @Iñaki?
Iñaki: I am trying to get out of the current state of regret. I could have easily moved.. A few steps further and I would have been safe.
JC: So no?
Iñaki: BIG NO
JC: 😒
JC: Okay.. 4 against 1 .. we can take him
Ronald: I cannot wait to film this disaster. 👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾
Arnau: I am so glad I'm here to witness this mess. 😌
Ansu: I am so glad I am out of this mess. 🙌🏿
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ambitiousskychild · 6 years
I don't have any specific questions or anything but I wouldn't mind if you talked about Keith's Type a little.. just like the DVD special features on it lol.. like random stuff we might not know otherwise, inspiration, backstory, what have you. OH also?? Curious what your inspiration was for Grand Gesture. It gave me strong Ghibli vibes, I wondered if you'd had any specific influences for that one
Okay, well I wrote Keith’s Type for my friend @yoyo-dodo RIGHT after season 4 mainly bc on her sideblog she and anons were talking about the possibility of a Matt/Keith/Lance triangle and.
Listen i really mcfucking hate love triangles like with an actual burning PASSION, but something about Matt AND Lance having insane crushes on Keith, this quiet, awkward, blunt, desperate for love star child? SO SWEET. And being able to write Keith this way and letting the reader LEARN Keith this way was really fun and satisfying. I wanted to let Keith be soft like. Just bc canon doesn’t know how great their character could have been doesn’t mean we all have to make him an asshole when we write him
I also love writing Lance’s POV so it was a great opportunity to explore Lance’s feelings of inadequacy while no one else but Keith really seemed to notice. Great chances for pining and ANGST and Keith loving him right back all along? I wrote that entire fic in like 3 weeks I was having so much fun sdljgbsldjbg
Grand Gesture is probably my favorite thing I’ve written this year! It only came about bc my friend @kaiserin-astraia and I like to do these small challenges every few weeks or so - usually a 24hr challenge under 5k or something like that just to keep us writing and keep us being creative. And Halloween was coming up and I just ALWAYS want Witch Keith like all the time, fucking always lol.
And tbh I was watching Spirited Away almost constantly while i was working on this and I wanted to convey The Ghibli Mood and I’m glad you think I succeeded?
I actually really want to expand on Grand Gesture and flesh it out more, maybe do a short chapter series on it when I get the time bc i had SO much fun with that world and I am absolutely positive that I’ll get to it, I just have soooooo many other things i’m working on so it’ll be a hot minute ahhh
This was fun thank you so much for the ask!!
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belphegorbillickin · 3 years
...Sloths are the best. Lmaooo I'm lazy and sleep a lot too even tho I have an athletic body so idk why I'm wasting myself. Anyhow thank you! I did enjoy! Not Halloween sadly bcuz my country doesn't celebrate it oof. You?
Okay but no that's great!! I'm so glad things aren't serious and you're better :D take my love and support!!!!
Altho yeah, that does seem like it. Surprisingly enough, beel was also my fav here, although I must say I liked Lucifer too. Bcz...yandere vibes. BELPHIE WASN'T EVEN SCARY HE WAS CUTE. Satan and asmo seemed pretty much normal to me. I think. ANYWAY. The romantic elements sorta ruined it for me. I would love some dark themes lmao, like enough romance for now. The spy event was pretty much different bcuz if I remember right, there was no romance?? Idk, but yeah, I do hope their events get better and darker!! – 🍹
I guess calling myself out for sleeping so much inspired me, because I overdid it and had to use my inhaler in the grocery store and when getting the groceries out of the car lol. I guess that's a good thing to do on a heart monitor anyway.
Now I'm super exhausted again, but I feel great! I'm still not as healthy as I was a year ago, but I'm a hell of a lot stronger than I was even a month ago! Maybe all that sleeping paid off.
We celebrate Halloween, but tbh I was so exhausted I didn't even watch any scary movies or anything. It's not like I would've gone to party or anything if I could help it anyway tbh.
Belphie was pretty sweet in that event, although I read it as "eternal sleep" rather than literal sleeping. He's one of the reasons I said it might be their hunting methods. I think him and Asmo would be the most likely to manually lure/charm humans into giving up.
Speaking of Asmo I agree he was basically just season 1 Asmo with an interest in MC, but I thought Satan acted a lot more similar to Asmo than he usually. I remember wondering if it was because Asmo designed his costume or if the mask was a pair or something.
And yeah that's why I liked the normal ending more than the keys route, especially with how the keys route ruined the mask mystery.
I think the spy event was one of the better ones because we could basically start over with them instead of being shoehorned into the same "spend two "romantic" seconds with the cast, while Lucifer or Mammon get five seconds" formula we get every single event.
I wouldn't mind it as much if it was actually romantic, but it's basically the worst of both worlds for the most part imo.
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