#i thought it was really funny and endearing. i miss spending time with them they truly are my best friend in the whole wide web and world
nuketowncryptid · 1 year
one really funny thing that occurred while i was visiting @flapjacques was when they elaborately described dennys and 7eleven to me as though i was from a completely different country instead of from two states away. god i miss them 💕
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brisquad-unit-4402 · 1 year
unit 4402, not to be needy in your inbox, but i haven't stopped thinking about the pliskin fic ever since i read it. it's so good. the emotional intimacy. the little snippets of their friendship before they actually meet. the stupid clumsy confession scene(s?). it's SO well-crafted, you should be a licensed writer.
alas i need pliskin!reader and ike to meet again and be horny because i think it'd be funny and endearing. they have all this emotional closeness but when it comes to actually being together irl they're suddenly shy and overwhelmed at the prospect so they act like teenagers again. i don't even need to think about the actual nsfw parts, i just love imagining them navigate this new romantic territory and being in love and making mistakes and laughing about it and being so sweet i get cavities 😔 i love them, they should be together forever i think
- anon 🦝 if i'm allowed a sign off qvq
[non-explicit nsfw under the cut]
oh 🦝 you're always allowed to sign off, i don't mind! thank you for the lovely complim—
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🦝. you are so brave for speaking the truth.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
it’s like this ok. they’re both such sweet people and genuinely want the best for each other, all this time has let them understand how they see one another and how to communicate, especially since they’re miles away from one another. every now and then the stars align and they get roped along into an off-collab with some of their other friends, and find excuses to sneak out by themselves just to spend time with each other and catch up on all the little touches they missed.
hands bumping together here, an arm around the waist there. resting on one another and taking in the scent as you wrap your arms along him. you spend a wintry week in london with half of the luxiem boys and a few other livers that want to visit, but you don’t miss how ike’s fingers brush against your neck as he places his scarf around you. the touch is brief but you have to grit your teeth as he ties the scarf, and the remains of his touch burns like coal under the fabric, unsatiated. you can’t keep your eyes off him but your hands want to explore, make him feel good.
eventually you both make time to meet up for a few days, just the two of you, discreet enough that only a few of your close friends know that you’re housing a guest at your place and your fanbases are unaware. it’s not like it was the whole point of the visit, to be clear! horny thoughts be damned, you really did want to see him again. being able to show him around your town and do the cheesy couple things—holding hands, cute dates, sharing clothes, the whole nine yards—it feels like a dream.
on that first night you agree he'll share the bed with you, and when he makes sure you're comfortable with it, he pulls his shirt up over his head and falls asleep half-naked under the covers. you wake up the next morning with a view of nothing but his chest, which pairs nicely (read: awkwardly) with the dirty dream you woke up in the middle of before you could get full closure.
you bring it up to him that very day. it starts off simple:
"do you ever want to have sex? yeah, i'm ready for it. yeah, i understand. that's what you want? i can do that.”
and it's just so easy deciding it then and there. and then he asks questions, and you're glad to receive them, and that makes you ask him about his preferences, too, and the conversation gets more intimate from there and halfway through it hits you that it's really happening and that, god, you're ready but you're not prepared at all for how bashful you're getting and he's getting bashful too and it's good information that should be out in the open and you're glad it is especially because it's important to know what is and isn't okay and he needs to know too but—phew. the conversation ends when everything's been said but your flustered face is in your hands and ike's been wiping a cleaning cloth at his glasses for the last ten minutes so he doesn't have to make eye contact.
but, well, you're both on the same page now! and the feeling is mutual.
and he's on top of you now. his glasses rest on the nightstand, and without them, his eyes are so, so clear, and bright, even as the red around his cheeks threatens to burn brighter.
"this is okay?" ike asks. one of his hands holds you down by your wrist but you can feel him tremble. he lets go to wipe his hands on the sheets. "sorry, my hands are sweaty. it's just that i've been looking forward to this for so long."
he giggles a little at his own awkwardness, and it spreads to you, too. he sounds so soft and cute. you sound like a weirdo. "oh, me too, you have no idea."
his eyes flit down. "can i take off your...?"
"yeah, you can s-strip me. if you want..."
bad choice of words. or good? you can't tell, just that it's making your heart lurch as he undoes the button. an inch of your underwear peeks out.
"oh, so you're wearing this color? it's really you," he says. it's so matter-of-fact and unsexy that you can't help but laugh. “wait, no, i mean, it’s good! i like it! they suit you—oh, forget it, i give up.”
you stay giggly while he undresses you down to the skin. you meet his lips and kiss him, soft and smiley as he shakes off the embarrassment. "never change. love you."
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
ah i got carried away but what if one or both of them are virgins...
they get to explore everything for the first time and with it comes all the anticipation and surprise and pleasure of feeling it all for the first time... you know. how wet it is and where things go. how the actual action is done so soon but how long you can savor the foreplay.
and all the silliness that comes with it! it's trying something new together. every touch runs electric and it's so hard not to beam at how it feels. bonus points if they're ticklish and laugh while fucking, turning the little shivers and thrusts even more intense, all smiles and loose laughter while you enter for the first time
✧. ┊ masterpost ✧. ┊ kofi
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writing-house-of-m · 2 years
Bend & Snap
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Crack
Warnings: A few sexually suggestive scenes, nothing graphic
Word count: 3,065
Summary: Your date night with Wanda gets interrupted in the strangest way
A/N: This was a collaborative effort between @speciallysapphic , @therunawaykind and myself for a challenge set by @vancityfire13 . I thought it was fun and wanted to share. I hope you all enjoy reading 🙂
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It had been a while since you and Wanda got a chance to spend some time together. So you agreed to a quiet date night in.
Sitting in front of the TV you were nearing the end of the movie you had picked out, dirty dishes placed on the small coffee table in front of the two of you as you snuggled on the sofa. It was your turn to choose a movie this time.
You both agreed that you would take turns choosing the movies you would watch on nights like this. Wanda always opted for classic movies you hadn't seen, while you picked 'iconic' movies Wanda would have missed because of her time through the war.
The night started with taking advantage of the empty compound, spending time cooking your dinner. Music filled the air as you danced around the kitchen together between cutting up vegetables and following Wanda's instructions.
You went along as best you could but not wanting to ruin your meal, you opted to follow her around like a puppy, completing little tasks you could see needed doing.
Throughout the movie Wanda tried to keep making moves to go further than cuddling. You stopped her wandering hands each time telling her to 'watch this part, it's funny' or ‘it’s coming to a good bit'.
She always found it endearing how you wanted to share the joy of watching movies together. It was one of the things she loved about you.
Now that the credits were about to roll Wanda seized the opportunity to pounce on you. She straddled your hips and began to desperately kiss you.
When air was needed she rested her forehead against yours, inhaling then letting out a breath, "I thought the movie was never going to end."
You furrow your eyebrows as you pull your head back to ask, "You didn't like it?"
Looking at your expression she can't help but find your pout cute, "I did like it, it was funny and definitely iconic," she answers.
Your face brightens but she continues as her hands move from around your neck down your body, "I just had something else on my mind," she says, biting her bottom lip and placing her hands under your shirt.
With your lips attached again, you waste no time in lifting her slightly to lay her on her back on the sofa and get comfortable on top of her.
Before you can even think about removing her shirt you hear the loud, excited voices of a few people approaching the seating area you were in.
You recognise the voices belonging to Steve and Thor. Even though you don’t hear them you know Scott and Vision will also be present because they were assigned on the same mission.
Feeling annoyed is an understatement because you really didn't think anyone would be back today. Before you get caught like a couple of school kids, the two of you sit up, fix your hair and clothes so you are presentable for your oncoming intruders.
As they enter the vicinity Scott notices the clutter of dishes and the movie credits rolling. The other men and the android turn their attention to you too once they are made aware of your presence when he asks, “You guys had a party without us?” His face, slightly sad.
But the question adds to your annoyance because intruding was one thing but him not realising he had walked in on your date was another. “Yeah, Scott. We had a party. Just the two of us.” You smile sarcastically at the man putting his helmet down on one of the empty sofas.
When he realises your tone he squints his eyes at you, “You know, it’s not your words that hurt, it’s the way you say them,” he says as if he is wounded. You roll your eyes and sit more comfortably, wrapping an arm around your girlfriend.
The ‘wounded’ man, getting over it quickly, asks, "What were you watching?"
Wanda leans into your embrace, "Legally Blonde," she replies for you, to avoid any cynical answers.
Scott's face lights up, "Oh, I love that movie. You really couldn't have waited for us to come back?"
You roll your eyes again and are about to say something but Steve is quicker, “Yeah, a relaxing movie would be nice after the 48 hours we just had," he states, joining the conversation.
Thor gets everyone's heads turning toward him as he walks closer to where the five of you are, beer in hand, “It was a long 48 hours indeed, but we were victorious in the end,” he smiles, proudly.
It’s silent for a moment before Scott speaks again, disregarding Thor’s comment and moving his gaze to Steve, "There's nothing relaxing about Elle Woods trying to get into Harvard, defying stereotypes, getting the man of her dreams back. On top of that she deals with sexism and her self-worth."
Thor, still with a bright smile on his face, says, "Ah yes, there is nothing more important than a woman getting the education she deserves."
To which Steve chuckles along with Wanda. You notice Vision standing on the side, looking like he is trying to compute the plot of the movie.
Scott, once again disregards Thor’s comment and continues, "It has so many iconic moments; 'What? Like it's hard?',” he quotes putting his hand on his hip as he pops it out for emphasis. "And using her hair care knowledge to her advantage! Who knew the girl would get caught because she got her hair done!"
Wanda giggles at the ant man’s enthusiasm while you sit there impassively watching him, still feeling a little irritated. You can’t help but wonder if you can sneak the two of you out while Scott has the attention of the room.
Your plan is foiled when Natasha, Sam, Bucky and Tony enter, the attention moving to them momentarily as they walk closer.
It really is a party now.
Nat raises an eyebrow assessing the crowd in the area, she smirks when she sees your displeased expression. You had already spoken to her about the fact you were finally going to get some alone time with Wanda - it was clear your time was cut short.
Everyone moves their heads in the direction of Scott as he gasps loudly, "The 'Bend and Snap'!” He exclaims, “How could I forget about the 'Bend and Snap'?!"
Steve, Thor, Vision and Bucky look at him confused, as Nat looks in your direction, “Legally Blonde?” She asks so you nod your head with Wanda nodding along, thinking the question was for her.
The new patrons to the room take seats in various places, when Vision questions, “The Bend and Snap?" You hear Sam laugh at the serious demeanour Vision has.
Nat stands with her arms crossed and everyone else listens from their seats as Scott explains, it's how Elle Woods gets a man's attention. Taking a couple of steps away from the couch he shows them how it's done.
Taking out a small disc from his pocket, he cautions everyone that it is safe. But from the look on the faces no one was worried to begin with.
The group have always been in agreement that Scott was the least worrying hero, the only reason he is on the team is because enemies don’t see him as much of a threat and that gives him the advantage to blindside them.
He’s about to start explaining when you all hear a commotion coming from the direction of the hanger. A moment later you all see the members of the Guardians of the Galaxy enter.
You let out an annoyed sigh watching them stampede their way to you greeting their comrades.
The red headed spy laughs at your exasperation, you can't help but wonder why everyone has chosen today of all days to show up.
When Peter asks what’s going on, he’s shushed and told to take a seat as they all sit and stand around joining the teaching moment.
When everyone is settled down, Scott continues, “First you need an item, it can be anything at all. You drop it,” he shows the item in his hand and drops it exaggeratedly, “Oh,” he giggles putting a hand to his mouth, his voice an octave higher, “Oops,” he smiles shyly, keeping up the act.
Returning to his normal voice, “Then you bend and reach for the item, like so,” he hinges forward at the waist, simultaneously sliding his hand down his leg, explaining the movement draws attention to the length of your legs.
“The whole point is to take your time, to keep the watcher on edge,” he wiggles his eyebrows and says this is the ‘bend’ portion of the manoeuvre.
“Once you have the item in hand, you quickly,” as he grabs the metallic disc he springs up positioning either hand to the sides of his chest, framing it while arching his back. Explaining this is the ‘snap’.
There is a round of applause mixed with some laughs as Scott bows to his audience.
Thor’s mouth hangs open slightly, intrigued and can't help asking, "So… if I do this it will get the attention of a woman."
Sam and Tony laugh together, “It will definitely get some attention!” Sam exclaims.
You join in with Wanda’s laughter, unable to get over how ridiculous this all has gotten.
Thor and Peter step forward to Scott with a few questions, wanting to go through the actions with him.
“I’ll need a volunteer to show you one more time,” he looks around and sees Captain America looking hesitant to ask so he does it for him. "What about you Cap? You wanna give it a shot?"
Steve glances over to the seats and sees Bucky looking over. He smiles and blushes but says he'll try, purposely moving to angle himself right so that the Winter Soldier will get a clear view of America's ass as he 'bends'.
Scott goes through the moves step by step using the American icon as a test dummy with Bucky’s eyes never leaving his figure. When he bends forward, Scott places a hand on Steve's back to get him to bend over a little more, much to Bucky’s satisfaction.
Steve’s movements are stiff but he manages to get through it getting a pat on the back from Thor as he tries to make eye contact with Bucky when he’s standing straight again.
Everyone else is too busy conversing or watching Thor’s attempts on the side to see the hungry eyes of the Winter Soldier, making you want to throw up. All those times Bucky has called Steve ‘Captain’ coming to the forefront of your mind.
You choke on nothing when Bucky signals toward the elevator as he stands to leave, while everyone is distracted Steve follows his path.
Wanda makes sure you are okay by rubbing your back. When your coughing stops, “It’s so nice seeing everyone together, it would be better if the rest were here too,” she says, which you can't help but smile at.
These people have become her family, it was one of the first things she confided in you. As if by magic Wanda gets her wish when you feel a gush of wind fly past you. Pietro stops next to Nat and shouts across the room adding to the chaos and noise, “I told you, even with a five minute head start I’d still win!”
You turn your head, you see, Yelena, Kate, Kamala, Peter (Parker) and America enter with Bruce trailing in just after them.
Thor’s boisterous laugh has you looking at the original group that ruined your night. Scott congratulates him for getting it correct and complimenting his arms being bigger than Steve’s. Thor is beaming, "I can't wait to try this on Jane, she will be so impressed."
Vision steps past Peter (Quill), who is showing Gamora the move, speaking quietly to Scott while looking sheepish. You swear you see him blush when he makes eye contact with Pietro, not realising the action was possible for the literal machine. He stutters his question asking Scott if he could help him next.
Nat told you he had a thing for Wanda’s twin but you didn't believe it. It really was a ‘you have to see it to believe it’ kind of thing.
Vision thinks he is quiet but everyone hears the final words come out of his mouth, “I just don’t think it’s appropriate in front of my daddies.”
A sheet of quiet takes over the room that feels like it lasts forever, jaws hanging open trying to fathom what they have just heard. Sam laughs first with the rest soon following.
They realise what Vision meant so fingers are pointed at Tony, Bruce and Thor with howling laughter taking over the room.
While Tony and Bruce want to sink into the floor Thor smiles not really understanding the joke. With Vision in the same boat he looks around not really caring and looking back to Scott with quizzical eyes.
You hear Mantis whisper beside you, “How many daddies does he have?” Making you feel bile creep up your throat again.
Before Scott can answer the android, Pietro cuts in and tells him he would show him himself but in a private setting, flirtatiously.
First you had to witness Bucky and Steve’s bedroom eyes. Now this, the world really was against you today.
Nat smiles as she sees her wife walk in and make her way to her. They greet each other with a kiss and she catches Maria up with what has been going on. She scoffs at the absurdity of it all and confirms they will have dinner in a few hours.
Their attention gets turned to Sam who asks if Nat will be a judge on who can do the ‘Bend and Snap’ the best. Scott takes offence saying he was right there, wanting to be the one to do the judging.
Wanda realises you have been quiet for a bit too long, “Hey, should we continue our date in our room?” She says lowly to you.
“You don’t want to stick around a little longer while everyone is here?” You reply with your own question.
“I think this whole thing has been enough for a little while,” she laughs, making you smile.
She takes your hand as she leads you away, the loud noise of the contest being sorted getting quieter the further you walk away.
You get in the elevator and are making your way up when it comes to an abrupt stop as the building shakes.
There’s a loud sound from something followed by the alarms going off.
The muffled sounds of Scott trying to defend himself, “I thought it was a shrinking disc!” Make their way through the walls of your location.
Sighing, you ask Friday what happened, “It looks like a sofa has been supersized and crashed through several walls.”
“So, how long are we stuck here?” Wanda asks for you. The only reply you get from the automated voice is that help will be on its way as soon as possible. Wanda doesn't want to risk using her powers in case something comes crashing down on the two of you.
It doesn't take long for you to get freed. You make your way back to the seating area due to the fact the oversized sofa is partly in your room.
You can’t believe your eyes. In the fifteen minutes you spent trapped in the elevator they have managed to set up a makeshift catwalk complete with a judging table, scoring cards and everyone has an assigned number stuck to their backs.
Noticing Steve and Bucky, you realise the early leavers from before have returned to take part in this little competition too.
When you make it to Nat and Scott at the judging section they explain one of his discs hit the sofa as they were trying to move it out of the way. “We still need one more judge, unless you want to compete,” Natasha quips.
You’re about to reply saying there was no way you were going to entertain the idea of you doing the ‘bend and snap’ but Wanda answers first, “I wouldn’t mind walking down a runway for you to judge me,” she smiles at you, biting her lip.
You smirk at her, “I think I already know the score I’m going to give you,” you give her a peck on the cheek. “You still have to work for it though, I can’t have anyone thinking I have a favorite,” you lower your voice to a whisper just for her to hear.
The competition starts when Nat announces contestant number one can begin and of course it is a loud fiasco.
With music blaring, it goes exactly how you would have expected something like this to go.
America and Kamala fall over their own feet in their collaborative effort, the two Peters decide to team up (two Peters are better than one they said) and have a wardrobe malfunction when webs attach themselves to Starlords pants pulling them down, Kate pushing Yelena forward to not do anything at the end of the runway but give her sister the middle finger when she catches her sister laughing at her.
Tony even managed to get Pepper to walk down with him as she awkwardly stood to the side while he picked up his glasses from the ground. Shaking his butt in her direction just to see her blush.
Drax, thinking it was a talent show, moves as slow as possible showing he can be invisible.
What’s even crazier is that Vision completing the action snaps the wrong thing because he short circuits and gets stuck. Pietro has to take him to Tony’s lab with Tony following behind him to get the android fixed.
When Wanda inevitably wins everyone has something to say about it. “An infinite amount of points isn’t fair!” You hear a variation of this same statement from a few contestants and you only have one reply, “Maybe you should find your own judge to sleep with,” you laugh heartily at your own joke.
Even though the night didn’t go as you hoped, you still had a pretty good time.
You are especially happy with the way Wanda was smiling and enjoying herself.
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silverofthunder · 10 months
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☆ i'll wait for you ☆
Papa Emeritus IV x GN reader || AO3
summary: It was supposed to be only six months intership kind of thing. The original plan had been: go there, do you job and then leave. You weren't ready for any unwanted feelings to blossom. But then you met Copia and something changed. The walls around you started to crack little by little.
content: 3.2k words, gn!reader, hurt/comfort, fluff, romance, friends to lovers (kinda), bad attempt at humor, references to past abusive relationship (just mentioned that past has been difficult, mostly left open to interpretation)
I wasn't supposed to write for this fandom but my brain decided otherwise. 🙈 It's been about three years since I've last written anything so this isn't my best work, obviously. Nonetheless, I had missed writing so much and I really enjoyed writing this so I guess that's all that counts. ♡
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”You should go!” your friend said, sounding way too excited. ”You said you wanted a change of scenery so this is your chance!”
You stared at the letter in your hand and then looked up at your friend. They nodded, smiling.
You shook your head, sighing. ”Okay, I guess I’ll do it then.”
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And that’s how you found yourself standing in front of the Sister Imperator at the Ministry.
”Is everything clear now?”
”Yes, Sister,” you answered, taking a pile of books and papers from the table. ”One question --”
you were interrupted by the door opening and someone rushing in.
”You’re late,” Sister Imperator remarked, clearly a bit irritated. The man who had come in drew in a long breath, looking a bit apologetic and came to stand beside you.
”Copia, here is your assistant. I have given them short briefing, the rest is yours to decide.”
Your eyes met his mismatched ones and you smiled politely – or at least tried to smile. Copia returned the smile, then taking a slight bow.
”Pleased to meet you.”
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The first few weeks were quite hectic as you tried your best to keep up with your assistant chores and stay as far from Sister Imperator as possible. There was something in her that made you feel so uncomfortable.
You were now walking in the garden outside, enjoying the short break you had been granted. It was nice to explore more of the Ministry area, and properly take it all in. You breathed in the fresh air, then slowly releasing it out.
At first you had thought that coming here had been a mistake but now it didn’t seem that bad. Copia had made you feel welcome and it was actually nice to work with him – or for him. He certainly was intriguing, and you couldn’t wait to get to know the man more.
You had also met the ghouls and they were a bit intimidating but also interesting creatures. So human-like but still not human. They hadn’t talked much, only looked at you with curiosity, and you took it that they didn’t mind you being there and working with Copia.
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”Would you like to have a dinner with me today?” Copia asked quietly, and you nearly knocked over your ink bottle.
Oh shit, you cursed in your mind. It wasn’t an unusual question, so there was no need to react that way. But still, it had surprised you.
”It’s okay if you--”
”Yes, I would like that very much.”
You were afraid that you might have sounded too eager but Copia didn’t seem to notice anything. The smile was tugging at his lips as nodded slightly before burying himself in his work again. Something inside you jolted but you ignored it as you moved your gaze back to your papers, a small smile still plastered on your lips.
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It became a habit, that you two ate dinner together. Soon you even started spending more time together outside of work and you could easily admit that you enjoyed Copia’s company. He was kind, funny and slightly awkward but it only made him more endearing.
You two grew closer day by day, and so grew the feeling somewhere deep within you. At first you you just ignored it, thinking it was just some temporary glitch in your system.
But you knew what it was. And you knew it most likely wouldn’t go away.
Something you weren’t yet ready for had started to blossom.
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You couldn’t sleep so you decided to go to the part of the Ministry library that had become your favorite. You sat down on the chair and and switched on the lamp on the table next to it.
For a moment you just sat there and then you unlocked your phone, searching for one secific conversation. You didn’t need to read it again since it all was still clear as a day in your head but you still went through the messages.
It hurt to read them. It always did. Not so much nowadays but the pain was still there, nonetheless. You were pretty sure it would never truly go away, no matter how much time passed.
A few tears fell to your cheeks as you closed the conversation, locking the phone. Sudden rustling startled you and you almost dropped you phone.
”Sorry, tesoro, didn’t mean to scare you,” Copia’s familiar, soothing voice made you relax. You quickly wiped away the tears and turned to look at him.
”Hi,” you said, attempting to smile. ”What are you doing here?”
Copia didn’t answer straight away, he looked at you with concern and you shifted on the chair.
”What’s troubling you, my dear?”
You sighed, looking straight into his eyes. You hadn’t really spoke about your past, especially your painful past, and only a few of your friends and your parents knew what you had gone through. Copia seemed genuinely worried, he pulled another chair closer, sat down and took your hands in his.
”It’s a long story,” you stated. ”And not a pretty story.”
Copia’s brows furrowed as he squeezed your hands.
”We have all night.”
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The plan had been very clear: go to the Ministry, do your job and then leave. There wasn’t supposed to be any unwanted feelings involved. Your love life had been a bitch in the past and you had sworn that you had no time for crushes or anything like that.
But it seemed that dear Satan had another plan for you and now you had to deal with an undeniable crush on Copia. The sweetest man you had ever met. Who, despite now knowing about your past, had not run as far as he could or had not called the whole internship thing off. Who still treated you with the same respect as he had done straight from the start.
Basically it seemed like nothing had changed – maybe there hadn’t on his side. But what came to you… Everything had changed.
And it scared the hell out of you.
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”Keep your eyes closed,” Copia instructed and you kept your eyes closed, excitement bubbling at the bottom of your stomach. You could hear Copia moving in front of you, mumbling something and letting out some quiet funny noices every once in a while.
”Now it’s all set, open your eyes.”
You did as was told and the sight before you took you by surprise. On the ground there was a blanket with plates, wine glasses and a basket full of food on it. The lights on the trees casted a faint glow upon it and before them opened up a lovely lake view. For a moment you couldn’t do anything but stare at the whole setting.
”It might be too much but I--”
”No, it’s beautiful, I…” you trailed off and took a hold of Copia’s hands, your gaze meeting his. Copia shifted slightly, and you pulled him closer, freeing your other hand and lifting it up to brush you fingers along his cheek.
The look in Copia’s eyes softened as he leaned into your touch.
”I just want to know. Why? Why all of this?” your voice was barely a whisper.
”You really haven’t realized it yet?” Copia sounded almost hurt and you shook you head, a knot forming in your stomach.
Of course you had your suspicions. The way Copia had acted around you, the slight touches, the softness in his gaze, the moments you had caught him staring at you and the faintest of red had started to adorn his cheeks and ears.
You weren’t ready for this, voicing the feelings part. It was too hard.
”Can we just… not talk about it now?” you pleaded, cupping Copia’s face. The look in Copia’s eyes was devastating and it made your heart break a little. But you knew he understood.
”Let’s just enjoy this now,” you suggested, caressing Copia’s cheeks with your thumbs. ”I need more time.”
Copia offered you a sad smile, nodding. You really hadn’t much time since the internship was about to end in two months. But for now, you didn’t want anything to change.
”I really don’t deserve you.”
Sighing Copia wrapped his arms around you and pulled you in a hug. It felt a like comforting blanket but also like you were letting something huge go.
Why were feelings so hard?
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”You did what?!” your friend basically screeched at the other end of the line. ”Oh god, you’re such an idiot!”
”Thanks, that really made me feel better,” you remarked while pacing in your room.
”Oh, sorry, but honestly, what’s the problem?”
”You know what’s this all about.”
Your friend let out an angry sigh and you tried not to laugh. They were so dramatic sometimes.
”You can’t let your past define your future. From what you’ve told, it seems like he really likes you and you definitely like him back. He’s a good man, right?”
”Yes, he seems to be. Too good even,” you answered, a small smile tugging at your lips. Your friend let out a little laugh.
”I can hear you smiling.”
”I’m not,” you tried, knowing well your friend wouldn’t buy it.
”Sure you’re not. Honestly, what’s the worst thing that could happen?”
That was a good question and you really had no sensible answer.
”He could break my heart?”
You could hear your friend try to keep it together. They drew in a long breath, slowly releasing it.
”That’s the risk you’ve got to take when it comes to love.”
”Yeah...” you said quietly, knowing that your friend was right.
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For the past few weeks hadn’t been easy. Copia seemed to avoid you – or at least keep more distance – and your conversations had shortened greatly. He still seemed to be a bit hurt by your rejection, though you didn’t count it as a proper rejection. Now, whenever you two were on the same room, he looked like he didn’t know what to do with himself and it made your heart ache. A part of you wanted to just go and comfort him and the other part was holding onto the walls around you that had started to crack.
You had around six weeks left and everything was a mess. The ghouls were sending very intimidating and hard glances at you when you happened to pass them by. They were pretty protective of Copia and now you basically had given them a reason to be on the alert. They hadn’t seemed to mind about you at first and you didn’t see them that often but now a few of them seemed to keep a closer eye on you.
It was just your luck that everything had gone to south. You kicked a stone in the ground while walking on the yard and cursed in your mind.
”What did that stone do to you?”
The question made you jump and you turned around fast, meeting Copia’s slightly amused gaze. Your brain short-circuited and for a moment you just stared at him.
”Nothing”, you answer after a while, now mentally kicking yourself. Copia hummed, stepping closer to you until he was standing right in front of you. Your heart rate sped up a bit and you could feel the warmth on your cheeks.
”Tesoro mio…” Copia started quietly. ”I’m sorry I’ve been a bit distant lately.”
”It’s my fault. I…” you trailed off, shaking your head.
”I never meant to scare you. It was too much and too soon.”
Copia’s eyes were filled with emotion and your heart stung.
”It’s just… My past… I’m afraid I get hurt again.”
Copia seemed to hold back tears and it made you tear up.
”I could never hurt you. Not like that.”
You closed your eyes, tears starting to flow. Hands took a hold of yours but you didn’t dare to open your eyes.
”I’ll wait for you.”
For now, that was all you needed to hear and you took a step forward, wrapping your arms around Copia.
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You were going through papers, reading some parts here and there but the text seemed blurred. It was no wonder as you had slept badly for the past few nights as the nightmares had plagued you.
”It’s third time you go through the same pile”, Copia stated, worry evident in his voice. ”You seem tired. Have you not slept at all?”
You checked the papers again and he was right, you had already organized them. No wonder everything had looked so alike. With a loud sigh you dropped your head onto the table.
”The nightmares have started again so no, I haven’t really slept.”
”They come and go. Usually they bother me for a few nights and then it might be several weeks before they come again”, you explained, lifting your head up and meeting Copia’s eyes. The look in them was filled with worry.
”Is it…?” Copia didn’t finish the question, he didn’t need to. You just nodded.
”Can I help somehow?”
”Maybe…” you started, hesitating a bit. ”...if you could stay the next night with me?”
The look in Copia’s eyes softened, a small smile tugging at his lips.
”I can do that, though I’m not sure if that actually helps.”
You shrugged, flashing Copia a slight grin. ”Well, we won’t know if we don’t try it, right?”
Copia laughed.
”I guess the floor is mine, then.”
Your eyes widened as Copia grinned and you grabbed some trash from the table and threw it at him. He pretended to be offended by that.
”You… old man! You’re definitely sleeping on the floor.”
Copia shook his head in amusement before standing up and coming to you. You had no time to react as he pulled you up and lifted you up. You grabbed onto his shoulders as he spun you two around, your laughter echoing in the room.
This was it. This was how you wanted everything to be. Or at least a part of you wanted.
As Copia finally let you down, your eyes met again. The warmth in his eyes made your heart soar, awakening the part you had wanted to keep asleep.
The part that wanted to kiss him so badly.
You stepped away from him, still smiling, and the moment was gone.
Even thought it wasn’t supposed to happen, that night you still ended up sleeping in the same bed. Copia’s arms where wrapped around you, his breath tickling the sensitive skin of your neck.
There was no nightmares that night, only cozy warmth, peace and safety.
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”So are you two now together or what?” your friend sounded confused on the phone.
”No, we’re not together,” you said. ”It’s complicated but everything is well now. We can have fun and just be us like we used to be before… you know.”
”Okay… But you just said that you have been sharing a bed with him? And you’re just friends?”
”Yes and yes.”
”Alright… That’s really confusing,” your friend stated. ”But I’m happy that you seem to be doing better now.”
”Me too.”
There was a short moment of silence before your friend spoke again.
”Have you thought about what’s gonna happen when your internship ends? There’s only like… three weeks left, right?”
”Three weeks, yes,” you confirmed. ”No, I haven’t really thought about it.”
Your friend let out a long sigh.
”You should think about it. And goddammit, make your move already or I will come there and kick your stupid asses!”
You couldn’t help but laugh at that threat.
”I was about to make a move some time ago,” you admitted and your friend screeched so loud your ear hurt.
”What?! What do you mean?”
”We had a… moment and we were pretty close and I almost… kissed him. I mean I wanted to kiss him, but didn’t.”
”Dammit, you oaf! Oh god, I’m probably gonna get a heart attack before anything happens between you two.”
”That’s possible,” you laughed. ”Okay, I need to go now, I will call you again at some point.”
”Yeah, go to your man! Bye!”
Shaking your head smiling you said your goodbyes and hung up.
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The days went by fast and ending of the internship had now come. You had spent as much time with Copia as possible and it had been amazing. It was hard to explain how you felt with him. Even though you hadn’t been easy to be with, he had stayed. If something would have made people run away from you, it would have been your past.
But not Copia. He had taken your past as a part of you, understanding the weight of it on your shoulders.
Falling in love was supposed to be a beatiful thing but to you it had been one of the greatest fears for several years. And now you had had to face that fear, try to open your heart and break the walls around you.
It wasn’t easy when your heart wanted one thing and the head told the opposite. But maybe, just maybe, you had started to see the beauty of falling in love again.
I’ll wait for you.
That had been a promise you never expected to hear. And it might have changed the course of everything.
As you now stood outside the Ministry, all your luggages beside your feet, waiting for your ride to arrive, you felt sad and like you were doing something you shouldn’t do. You had to admit that you really didn’t want to leave. Even though it hadn’t been easy, you still had enjoyed being there. It had been quite an experience, opening pages in your book you thought would never be opened again.
The car pulled over and the driver came to help you with the luggages.
”Trying to leave without saying goodbye?”
A small smile rose to your lips as you turned around, seeing Copia standing by the Ministry doors hands behind his back. Your heart ached as this was it.
The moment you had dreaded.
You asked the driver to wait for a moment and walked over to Copia, noticing the hint of sadness in his gaze. You two hadn’t still spoken about what you were and you knew that now was the time to make some things clear.
”Copia…” you started, cupping his face gently. He leaned into your touch, the look in his eyes changing hopeful as he set his hands on your waist, pulling you closer. You breathed slowly in, the mild, familiar scent of Copia filling your senses, comforting you.
You lingered in the moment because you didn’t want to let go. And neither did Copia, it seemed, as he just tightened his hold of you and rested his forehead against yours.
”Please…” he whispered.
Your heart made a little jump in your chest as you knew what he wanted. You pulled slightly back so you could look at him in the eyes. And that was the moment when all your doubts seemed to vanish and you let your heart make the decision.
With a fluttering heart you finally leaned in and kissed him. You felt Copia basically melt against you, his arms sliding around you, and it made you smile into the kiss.
A sudden clearing of throat broke your moment and you parted, both smiling in awe. Unfortunately it was time for you to go.
”I’ll come back”, you promised as you started to walk backwards towards the car.
Copia nodded, his face radiating happiness.
”I’ll wait for you.”
30 notes · View notes
dutchvanwinkle · 1 year
Mr Van der Linde Pt. 7 - Dutch x Reader
TW for blood and self-injury with a blade – it's not self-harm or anything but I thought I'd drop the warning just in case. (It’ll make more sense when you read it – its still a bit insane but the idea was funny in my head lol) Anyway, eurovision is over and I'm sad so here's another chapter!
Here's the ao3 link!
Summary: The long-awaited wedding of Arthur and Charles finally takes place, with you and all your friends on the invite list.
Word count: 10,477
Content warnings: smut, self-injury
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5 | PART 6 | PART 7 | PART 8 | PART 9 | PART 10
After spending such an intimate weekend with Dutch, for the first time, you found yourself regularly missing him.  
It was a mutual feeling, and the two of you made the effort to escape away and see each other, a couple of times over Easter and a few over summer. He’d been understanding of your exam stress, and while second year had been tough for everyone, your group of friends had one thing to look forward to once it was over.  
Arthur and Charles’ wedding was to be a big affair according to John (and Dutch). In your limited experience with Arthur, you hadn't pinned him to be the lavish type but he was apparently a fan of the prospect of a big family get-together; luckily for you that included close family friends.  
John managed to get you all an invite, and you were unfortunate enough to draw the short straw and drive down with him. You had Sean, too, as he and Karen insisted on travelling separately due to their recent breakup. Thank the lord for headphones.  
How Abigail had managed to fall asleep you didn’t know, but she was using you as a pillow, her head slowly drooping onto your shoulder until she drifted off. It was a good excuse for you to tell Sean to shut it, and in fairness, he did attempt to limit his voice to the front of the car that carried him and John.  
The venue was a couple of hours away from the Van der Linde residence, and Mr Van der Linde had been kind enough to provide everyone with hotel rooms so they could enjoy the celebration in full. You could only imagine how eye-watering that bill was.   
John drove up the long path, Sean finally falling silent as he gaped at the size of the place. It was a big stately home, converted for use as a wedding venue and hotel. You marvelled as you passed the big fountain out front and through to the car park which was beginning to fill up nicely.  
You couldn’t escape the vehicle quick enough once John had pulled into a space and you’d gently woken Abigail. John popped the boot open, and you removed everyone’s bags to place on the floor.  
“God, what a place,” Abigail stretched after exiting the car, taking in the gorgeous surroundings.  
Upon closing the boot, the slight of Mr Van der Linde strutting towards the four of you with his arms outstretched graced your eyes. He was beaming, and you suspected he was thoroughly in his element surrounded by so much planning, organising, and people.   
He was wearing a dressed-down suit, the top few buttons of his shirt undone, and you busied yourself with pulling up the handle of your suitcase as you simultaneously pulled yourself together.   
“Hello son,” he grabbed John for an embrace and ruffled his hair, which John did not appreciate, and spent all of 3 seconds trying to smooth it down again before giving up. “Hello all, good journey down?”  
The three of you nodded, Abigail instantly jumping in to answer. “Yes! Good, thank you.”  
Dutch offered her a kind smile, and she and Sean began following John to the house, you just behind them.  
“How lovely it is to see you again, my dear,” Dutch gently clapped his hand on your upper back, and it was impossible not to think about the expanse of that large palm as it remained on you while he led you towards the door.  
“You too, sir,” you smiled, and you really meant it. He enjoyed your endearment about as much as you enjoyed his.  
Thankfully, Dutch’s behaviour was not out of the ordinary for him, and John didn’t bat an eyelid. “Where are our rooms?” he asked, and Dutch gestured to the front desk, giving your names to the receptionist and handing out the appropriate room keys.  
“You’ve got two rooms, a triple and a double - I hope that’s okay?”  
“I’ll sleep anywhere, Dutch,” Sean laughed, and Abigail affirmed it was absolutely fine, thank you.   
You were glad to be sharing with Abigail and Karen, the three of you were always being interrupted by the boys and rarely had time alone together, so you were looking forward to a few days of quality time with them. 
“Shall we go drop out bags and freshen up?” you turned to Abigail who nodded and the two of you turned in the direction of the stairs.  
“We’ll do the same,” John sidled along beside you, Sean joining him.  
Briefly, you glanced back over your shoulder, for Dutch to shoot you a wink. You smirked disapprovingly and began the descent up the stairs.  
Everything fine with the room?  
Yes, it’s lovely, thank you.  
You’re sure?  
Of course – why wouldn’t it be?  
If there was something wrong with it you’d be more than welcome to stay in mine.  
How hospitable of you.  
After plugging your phone in and setting it on the nightstand, you put your feet up on the bed and rested back, watching Abigail as she decided what to wear.   “You look fine in that,” you commented, and she scrunched her nose at you.  
“I’m too dressed down. This is a fancy place.”  
You huffed a laugh, her jeans and jumper were more than appropriate for the setting. “You reckon Johnny will finally ask you out and make this whole thing official?”  
“Ha. You’re funny.”  
“What?” you sat up, “all this romance might just give him the kick up the arse he needs.”  
“Maybe, I’m not getting my hopes up though. Why I had to get feelings for such a moron I have no idea,” she scoffed.  
With a laugh of agreement, you lay back once again and Abigail perched herself on the end of your bed, her expression still one of concern.   
“Mr Van der Linde seems to like you.”  
Thankfully, Abigail was looking between the tops in her hand as she gave you her remark and didn’t witness the panic pass over your face as all your blood drained from it. You earnestly hoped you hadn’t both gotten sloppy. “What?”  
She tilted her head towards you, in a casual manner that had you second-guessing her definition of like. “He’s just always nice to you,” she shrugged, an embarrassed smile creeping onto her face. “Any tips?”  
That calmed you somewhat, though you could still feel your pounding heartbeat as the shock began to subside. You didn’t suppose your uncouth methods of getting Dutch to like you were quite what Abigail had in mind. “I...” you pressed your lips together as you thought, “I’ve known him longer, I guess? I’ve never really noticed it.”  
Abigail tusked, letting out a belaboured sigh. “I bet he’d rather John was dating you.”  
You almost laughed aloud, but thankfully cleared your throat and avoided that display of insanity. Hopefully, it wouldn’t be inappropriate to mention that to Dutch later. “Trust me, that is not the case.”  
“You don’t know that,” she decided on a blouse, throwing the other top into her suitcase before she began changing.  
“Dutch likes you, there’s no reason why he wouldn’t.”  
“See,” she smarmed.  
“See what?”  
Abigail sat on her bed this time, facing you. “You’re even on a first-name basis with him.”  
“I get the feeling you’d know if he didn’t like you,” you nudged the subject back towards her, subtly deflecting her comment.  
“I suppose.”  
There was only a beat of silence before the door opened, Karen making an entrance and already dressed in her skirt and bodice of choice. “Well hello gorgeous girls!” she exclaimed.  
“Look at you!” Abigail hollered as she entered, and Karen did a showy twirl.   
“Oh, for fucks sake,” you stood from your bed, eyes scanning between your two lovely-looking friends, “now I have to change too.”  
“Well it’s a party,” Karen said proudly as she dropped her bag onto the last unclaimed bed.   
“Not until tomorrow,” you laughed, and found a nice middle ground of an outfit choice that wasn’t too dressy; you’d already packed your actual dress for the ceremony tomorrow.  
“How was the drive?” Abigail asked.  
Karen pulled off her boots and flopped onto her bed. “Alright! Javi’s car smells better than John’s, at least. I can only imagine how much worse his was given Sean was in there.”  
Abigail and you exchanged a knowing look.  
“What?” Karen grunted, catching the interaction.  
“You’ll have your tongue in his mouth by this time tomorrow,” you sighed, and Abigail chuckled in agreement.  
“I will not! It’s over this time. I mean it.”  
“Alright,” you held your hands up in surrender, “sure. We believe you.” You didn’t believe her one bit and suspected Abigail didn’t either.  
The three of you only had a brief opportunity to chat, and your dreams of girl time were squashed as you opened the door to the knock of your three idiot friends who proceeded to wander in with beers in hand. Maybe next year, now that you’d all finally agreed on a house to rent, you’d have more time for just that.  
“This place is something else,” Javier said as he entered. “Much too fancy for my blood.”  
“Same here,” you agreed, pushing Sean’s shoulder to move him up after he’d instantly claimed your bed as his seat; conveniently the furthest option from Karen. Thankfully, the three of you were all used to the permanent awkward tension that surrounded them by now. “What’s the plan for the rest of the afternoon?”  
“We’ve got dinner later, I think,” John scratched at his head, and it didn’t escape you that he’d sat closer to Abigail than in usual group settings. Perhaps the romantic atmosphere was having an effect on him after all.  
“Like a rehearsal dinner?” she asked.  
“Don’t think so. Just so we can all get together and catch up before tomorrow.”  
“Then we can drink after?” Javier questioned hopefully.  
“You can,” John scoffed. “I can’t be hungover at my brother’s wedding. Arthur’ll kill me.”  
“Where is Arthur, anyway?” you peered over to check your phone, noticing an unread message from Dutch and deciding to ignore it for now.  
John yawned, tired from the drive down. “Fuck if I know. Probably panicking about something or other.”  
Javier stood to check himself out in the mirror. “You got any cute cousins, John?”  
“I think if I had an answer for that question I’d be a bit of a creep.”  
“True. Besides,” Javier turned to point at you accusingly, “you’re the one that needs a wingman.”  
“I do not,” you huffed in offence.  
“For the love of god, yes please!” Karen agreed, and you scowled at her.  
John nodded with a laugh. “Is there really still nobody on the scene?”  
Yes actually, John, I’ve been fucking your dad for the best part of a few months and I can’t stop thinking about him.  
“Nah, nobody.”  
“We have got to get you laid this weekend,” Abigail demanded.  
“I am fine. Besides, don’t we need to be downstairs soon?”   
“Oh, yeah,” John checked his watch, and you were glad your diversion worked. “It starts in half an hour; I reckon I’ll go down early and check out that bar. No harm in having one, I guess. Maybe two.”  
While everyone agreed and stood to join him, you checked the message waiting on your phone.  
I’m in room 6, if you want to stop by before the dinner.  
Abigail looked back when you didn’t join the clan. “You coming?”  
“I need to do something with my hair,” which wasn’t a lie, “I’ll meet you down there when I’m done.”  
“Alright, see you soon,” she followed behind the others, and you decompressed with a sigh. The weekend may end up being more complicated than you’d anticipated.  
After a gentle knock on the door of room six, you paused to listen for any noise inside, wondering if Dutch had already left. But there was movement, followed soon after by the man himself opening the door, a pleased smile appearing on his face. “You took your time.”  
“I know,” you swiftly stepped inside, not wanting to risk being caught. “Everyone decided to hang out in our room.”  
Dutch shut the door and turned to you, placing a hand on your hip and a chaste kiss on your lips. “Better late than never. Though, I don’t have long before I’ve got to be down there.”  
“I know,” you shrugged, your expression turning to teasing. “Better something than nothing.”  
“Very true.” He moved past you and reclined on his bed, and you followed suit, sitting cross-legged beside him.  
“Are you excited?”  
You already knew he was; he’d called you earlier in the week and didn’t come up for air before he’d told you about every detail of the wedding. Though he nodded, he seemed more reserved than you’d expected.  
“No, not nervous,” he looked down at his hands and back to you. “It’s just got me thinking, is all. Few things I wish were different that can’t be helped.”  
Wishing Annabelle could see it went unsaid, and you rested your palm on his thigh comfortingly. Regardless of the passage of time, it was bound to be emotional for the family. “I can’t believe it’s come around so quickly,” you said, hoping to alleviate the mood some.   
“Neither can I. Are you friends looking forward to it?”  
“They are,” you said warmly, neglecting to tell him that the open bar was the main reason for their excitement. “That reminds me, we may need to be a bit more careful of how friendly we are to each other.”  
“Why?” Dutch frowned, as though the thought itself was an insult.  
“Abigail commented on it. She wants you to like her and mentioned that you seem to like me a fair amount,” you leaned forward with a wry grin. “So much so that she reckons you’d rather I was dating John.”  
Dutch tsked in disbelief. “I couldn’t think of anything I’d want less. Besides, I like Abigail.”  
“That’s what I said.”  
As Dutch sighed, his face became more thoughtful, and a few beats of silence passed over you.  
“I like the thought of it.”  
“The thought of what?”  
He observed you for a moment, placing his hand over yours that was still on his thigh. “Us,” he shrugged genuinely.  
“Dutch,” you pulled your hand away to rub disparagingly at your forehead, and his own wrapped around your wrist before he intertwined his fingers with yours.  
“Would it be so bad?”  
Your expression dropped, and you looked at him with intense incredulity. “Have you taken your meds?”  
Dutch laughed, before bringing your hands up to kiss your knuckles. “Of course I have.”  
“Perhaps you need to up your dose.”  
He tugged your hands to his chest, coaxing you into an embrace and then wrapped his arms around your shoulders. “I’m serious.”  
You frowned up at him, finding his face void of any teasing. “You’re telling me you want to go out there right now, hand in hand, and you think it’ll go down well?”  
“No, not now... it’s just got me thinking is all. About where this will all lead to.”  
“Well,” you said placatingly, “how about you focus on your son, and son-in-law-to-be, instead? It'd be a shame for you to spend so much on a fancy wedding and depart it with less family than when you entered.”  
“Alright,” he snorted. “Fine. We should get going, on that note.”  
“Agree,” you kissed him and stood, turning back once you were at the door. “We should probably go down separately.”  
“Don’t be ridiculous. We ran into each other on the way, nothing wrong with that – right?”  
“If you say so,” you sighed, and Dutch opened the door and nodded his head for you to come out when the coast was clear. You remembered your previous excuse and began tying your hair up.  
“What are you doing that for?”  
“I told Abigail I was doing my hair,” you grumbled, and Dutch laughed in understanding, and you hoped she wouldn’t question why it took you so long to do something so simple.  
Dutch was right, nobody cared when you walked in together; you were certain nobody had even noticed. He took his seat on the family table and you on the one with your friends, and after he’d convinced Arthur to give a small speech to thank everyone for coming, you ate quite possibly the tastiest meal you’d had in your life.  
The three of you could hardly contain your excitement come morning. You’d made everyone’s morning tea or coffee and Karen sorted out the music, while Abigail went to check on the boys and make sure they hadn’t slept through their alarms. She returned with pastries, enough to satisfy you all until the buffet after the ceremony.  
As if Dutch hadn’t had enough to pay for, he’d also insisted you let him buy your dress for the event. You assured him it was fine, you had some you could wear but he was too stubborn to allow it. Even you couldn’t deny that the dress was nice, the material expensive and hugging you at the waist, then flowing out over your legs.   
Once the three of you were ready, you picked up Sean and Javier on the way to the main hall.  
The ceremony was so beautiful you had to stop yourself from crying multiple times. Despite the lavish venue, it was a mostly simple affair – a compromise you imagine Arthur had insisted on.   
But Dutch? That man had never looked so good. His suit was perfectly tailored, he had not a hair out of place, and you just knew he smelt good. If you closed your eyes, you were sure you could smell him and remained pointedly wide-eyed for the duration of the ceremony. You’d need to proactively avoid getting too drunk, as the prospective reality he mentioned the previous day may just come true without you meaning it to.  
After the ceremony came the reception, speeches given by both Arthur and Charles, their made-of-honour Sadie, Charles’ mother, and of course, Dutch. He’d been planning the thing for months, and to be fair he did a very good job. It made you all warm and fuzzy seeing him so gleeful as he addressed the congregation, though you caught more than a few eye-rolls from John and Arthur both.
The couple were overjoyed, the perfect picture of love you and didn’t miss John kissing Abigail’s cheek and tucking a hair behind her ear when he came over once the scheduled program had ended and the buffet had begun. You raised your brows at Karen, who raised her glass in turn with an excited grin.   
Music came on soon after, and you got the chance to congratulate Arthur and Charles, everyone a few drinks down and pretty merry. Dutch had heard you nearby, clearing his throat upon his approach.  
“That was lovely,” you said genuinely as you faced him, and he beamed with pride.  
“It was, wasn’t it?”  
“Congrats on the new extended family -” you began to say and noticed Abigail had entered your conversation.  
“Thank you,” Dutch said to you, then turned his attention to Abigail. “You look lovely, Miss Roberts.”  
“Oh,” she blushed, and you could tell it was a shift in the right direction to convincing her that Dutch did like her. Not as much as he liked you, but that certainly wasn't what Abigail wanted.  “Thank you.”  
Over Dutch’s shoulder, you noticed Karen and Sean lock eyes and knew the rest of their night was history. “There they go again,” you hummed to Abigail in amusement. “What did I say?”  
“What?” Dutch asked, following your gaze to the pair.  
“They broke up. It was a matter of time before they fell into each other's arms again,” you teased, and saw Abigail give you an odd look out of the corner of her eye.  
“Ah,” Dutch chuckled. “I see the open bar has rekindled a romance.”  
“I don’t reckon theirs’ll be the first,” you joked, Dutch humming an amused laugh of agreement.   
“Oh,” something caught Dutch’s attention, “if you’ll excuse me, ladies.”  
After he’d parted, Abigail turned to you with a face full of hardened trepidation. "How much have you had to drink?!”  
“Not that much, why?”  
“You shouldn’t talk about that kind of stuff in front of Mr Van der Linde,” she said in a hushed whisper, gesturing to where he’d previously stood, just in case you’d forgotten.  
“Why not?” you laughed, “he doesn’t care.”  
“Well, because, what if he ends up viewing me and John like that? Just a silly, immature relationship?”  
“He won’t,” you softened, noticing the concern building in her eyes. “But okay, I won’t say anything like that to him again.”  
“Good,” she folded her arms over her chest.   
“Speaking of,” you nudged her forearm, “John has been awfully attentive to you today.”  
Abigail scoffed, unable to stop her smile from tugging at the corner of her mouth. “He has, hasn’t he?” she said sheepishly, as though you’d confirmed something she wasn’t sure was entirely true.  
“Why don’t you go speak to him?” you suggested, nodding to him as he stood by the buffet table, picking at what remained.   
After a short moment debating it as her eyes raked over him, Abigail turned to you and nodded. “Okay. I might do just that.”  
You laughed at her excitement as she went, not long after hearing a throat clear behind you. “Welcome back,” you teased hospitably.  
“Why thank you.”  
“Good job with Abigail,” you said, “she seems more relaxed now.”  
Dutch observed her speaking to John, the two of them laughing about something or other. “I’m glad.”  
You opened your mouth to speak, and noticed a man behind Dutch, beelining for the pair of you. Dutch noticed your gaze pass over his shoulder and turned, extending a hand to the man.  
“Oh - this here is Hosea Matthews.”   
“Nice to meet you Mr Matthews,” you greeted the new addition, dressed in a muted navy blue suit. His existence hadn’t formerly been a mystery, you knew enough about him from Dutch though you expected that fact to remain a secret.  
“Please, call me Hosea,” he batted the air in front of him, and you nodded graciously. “I recall your face from the engagement party, too, you’re one of John’s friends?”  
“I am, he’s lived across the hall from me for the past two years.”  
“That so? Oh, I could tell you some stories about John," he smiled with amusement, "though I imagine you could probably tell me more.”  
“I don’t think he’d be too happy with either of those scenarios,” you chuckled.  
“No, no, I think you’re right about that.”  
The small talk continued between the three of you, and it was no lie that he and Dutch were very close friends. Dutch seemed calmer around him somehow, his hands leisurely tucked into his pockets in what you expected was a rest from putting up his façade to all the other guests. It was nice to know you made him feel that way too, at least on some level.  
After your friends and stolen you away elsewhere, Hosea shook his head at Dutch, whose eyes lingered on you a moment too long as you walked away.  
“I can’t believe it. You're going to get murdered by your own son.”  
Dutch faltered and attempted to disguise it with a laugh. “Whatever do you mean?”  
Hosea paused, allowing the silence to do some of the talking. “I’m not stupid, Dutch,” he said eventually.  
Dutch tightened his lip.  
“You think I don’t know your type by now? You haven’t looked at anyone like that in a very long time,” he said in a whisper.  
“Hosea,” Dutch began, but came up empty on account of having no excuse or ability to pull the wool over his oldest friend’s eyes. “It isn’t how it seems.”  
“How does it seem, do you think?”  
Dutch huffed, his body becoming rigid. “Don’t be like this. Not now.”  
Hosea complied, but only due to the manner of the event. “She’s a pretty thing, I’ll give you that. But you,” he pointed a finger at Dutch’s chest, “mind yourself.”  
Dutch tutted, brushing Hosea off now that the intensity of the accusation had lessened and he was in the clear, at least for now. “Oh, don’t be so constipated.”  
Perhaps you’d have been more concerned about the intoxication level of your friends if it didn’t seem like every other guest was on the same level. Thankfully, you’d managed to remain tame, at least in comparison.  
The part of you that yearned for Dutch had been awoken by the drink, though to a level you could contain. That was until you saw him leant up at the bar, squinting over to look at the spirits behind the counter. His suit jacket had been abandoned, and you had a clear view of his ass and waist; two of your favourite things about him.  
Casually, you joined him, after you’d made sure your friends were good and distracted. “Having a good time, Mr Van der Linde?”  
His lip twitched at your formal address, but he remained otherwise nonchalant. “Indeed,” he said as the bartender handed over his drink. “Can I get you something?” he asked as an afterthought, the bartender already serving someone else.  
Why was alcohol so good at making you brave? You sighed slowly, pondering his question before lifting your eyes to his, watching how he noticed the new seductive glaze over your expression. “Actually, I am rather thirsty, now that you mention it.”  
Dutch swallowed, bringing his glass up to his lips. “That so.”  
“Mhm. There’s a bathroom, just down the hall. It’s a little out of the way,” you glanced over the scattered crowd of guests. “I might sit in there for a while.”  
“I see,” Dutch said, dipping his chain. “I think you should.”  
“So supportive,” you hummed and backed away, trotting off to the bathroom.  
It’d only been a minute since you’d closed the door to the bathroom, one that was way fancier than anything you’d ever been in. There was a big mirror over the sink and a small sofa opposite it. You weren’t sure if it was a private one, since there was only one toilet, and it was through another door. That was when you heard a knock and the familiar sound of Dutch clearing his throat behind the door. You unlocked it, and he slipped inside.  
“Nobody saw you, right?”  
“No,” Dutch leaned up on the sink, extending a hand out to you and pulling you to stand between his feet. “You’re getting into all this sneaking around.”  
“I suppose it is a little fun,” you ran your hands up his chest, his dress shirt soft underneath your fingertips. “You look good in your suit.”  
“And you look good in your dress.”  
You kissed him as thanks, the familiar taste of brandy on his lips clouding your mind. Experimentally, you dipped your tongue into his mouth and Dutch hummed, gripping at your waist and reciprocating your actions.   
A passionate kiss led to your torso flush against his, being reminded of the wonderful hardness between his legs, and a simple yet effective way to thank him for the dress came to mind.  
After pulling off you offered him a wry smile, kissing the corner of his mouth tenderly, changing the tempo of your interaction. You kissed down his thick neck, hit with the scent of his aftershave and hint of musk that was distinctly him. Your earlier suspicions regarding the man's aroma were bang on.
“Oh, that’s nice,” he sighed into the air, and you grazed your teeth over his skin.   
Then you lowered onto your knees.  
“What are you doing?” Dutch tilted his head down at you, your expression mischievous.  
“I told you,” you pulled his belt out of its buckle and unfastened it, “I’m thirsty.”  
A strained noise came from Dutch, and you couldn’t help a giggle slip from you. His thighs tensed as you ran your hands down and up them, before continuing to remove him from his constraints.   
The sick of his cock through his underwear sent a shiver down your spine, a wet patch where he’d leaked some precum visible by the head. He gripped the sink behind him, watching you with apprehension and excitement. Coyly, you leaned in and pressed your lips over it, leaving a gentle kiss on the fabric.   
After running your fingers up the back of his thighs, you pinched either side of his underwear and peeled them down, delighted to be so close to his thick, hard cock.   
Dutch chuckled proudly above you. “You whisk me off from my own son’s wedding,” he placed his palm under your chin, “because you’re that desperate to have me in your mouth?”  
“You say it like it’s a bad thing.”  
“Oh, but it is,” he pressed the pad of his thumb onto your bottom lip, “it’s a very bad thing.”  
In response, you opened your mouth and sucked his thumb in, watching his eyes turn dark as he watched from above. You released it with a quiet pop. “I’m okay with that.”  
With a smile that told you that was the right answer, Dutch released his hold on your chin. “Then please, miss, do proceed.”  
Eyes locked firmly on his, you brought your tongue out and pressed it flat against the underside of the head, licking up some so you could fit your mouth around it and suck gently before releasing. Dutch released an audible breath, almost a hiss. His jaw was so hard you half-expected him to crack a tooth.   
You repeated the motion, enjoying the salty taste of him on your tongue. He’d even gone the extra mile of perfectly trimming his dark public hair, and you appreciated the effort.  
“Sweetheart,” Dutch said, his voice on the verge of cracking, “you’re killing me.”  
“Something the matter?” you asked, purposefully widening your eyes.   
“Oh,” he hummed, “I’ve been too soft on you, haven’t I? It seems you’ve forgotten who you’re dealing with.”  
It was true. Dutch was a rich, successful, powerful man, but that wasn’t what came to mind when you thought of him. Instead, he was caring, loving, passionate and a consistent perfectionist. The side of him you got to see was rarely put on display, and while you revelled in not having to pretend around him, that fact went both ways. He’d let himself slip so much that you often forgot who he was at the surface, and perhaps who he was deeper down.  
You flattened your tongue against the base of him, licking up his shaft and once again closing your mouth around his spongey, straining head. “You may have to remind me.”  
“Alright,” Dutch’s chest decompressed with the tension of your teasing, “either you work your way along my cock until it’s down your throat, or I fuck your mouth until you don’t have a choice.” As an afterthought, he added onto his statement, “I’m being a gentleman by giving you the option.”  
“Aren’t I a lucky girl.”  
“You are, as a matter of fact.”  
A forming response lacking in your brain, you ran the tip of your tongue along the slit and Dutch let out a breathy laugh.  
“Oh, my girl,” he rumbled, his palm resting on the back of your head. “You truly are perfect.”  
The tantalising static running through your body hummed at your fingertips and toes, and Dutch allowed a moment to pass over before adding pressure to your head, bringing you forward, and you opened your mouth willingly.  
Dutch eased his cock past your lips, pushing in slowly until he was hot and heavy on your tongue. You muffled a moan around him, feeling deliciously filthy in this state. His fingertips in your hair, Dutch eased you off him, and you licked your lips, already wanting to taste him again.  
“If you’re on your knees for me, then you ought to remember what that means,” he warned, his expression verging on dangerous. “You are of service to me like this, sweetheart. I have had a rather stressful few weeks, and if you offer me such a relief as this then rest assured, I am going to take it.”   You took a breath to respond, and Dutch dragged his cock over your lips. “Ah ah. There’s only one thing that mouth should be doing right now.”  
With that, he pressed on the back of your head, simultaneously thrusting his hips forward until he was a couple of inches in, then pushed you right down to the base. You gagged, spluttering some and feeling the urge to pull off but Dutch held you there, drunk on the power of having you like this. “You can do it. Be my good girl, now.”  
You actively relaxed your throat, attempting to swallow and regulate your breathing through your nose, and gradually you relaxed, Dutch sighing in approval.  
“That’s it,” he cooed, using his free hand to run a knuckle over your temple, “you’re doing so well.”  
His hand in your hair, holding you in place while you were powerless on your knees, his proud gaze radiating down on you, and the gentle affection made your insides turn to mush, combined and you were thoroughly overjoyed to have him so pleased and infatuated with you. You placed your hands on his thighs, steadying yourself, and felt them tense underneath his suit pants.  
“Now. I’m going to fuck that throat of yours.”  
At least he gave you some warning. His fingertips hardened on your scalp, vice-like in the way they kept you in position. His hips did the work, fucking his cock repeatedly past your lips, hitting the back of your throat on each thrust. He grunted with each one, and a dull ache making itself known in your jaw. It was beyond worth it to see his face screwed up in ecstasy above you.  
You soldiered on, Dutch evermore vocal, littering the air with praise about how warm and wet you were around him. His movements increased in intensity, and tears slipped from your watering eyes at the sensation, both from the repeated hits to the back of your throat and the tugging against your scalp.  
“You are fucking gorgeous like this, darlin’,” Dutch huffed, face reddening with beads of sweat journeying down his forehead, “I’ve got to use you like this more often.”  
You moaned at the thought. The two of you had always been so keen to get straight to fucking, you’d never made time for this sort of stuff. You cursed yourself internally - what a thing to be missing out on.  
The thick cock in your mouth began to twitch, and you watched as Dutch tipped his head back, finally taking his gaze off you. He groaned, his thrusts becoming sloppy. “I’m - I’m gonna – right down your throat -”  
Ropes of his cum shot down into your mouth, and you instantly swallowed to avoid spluttering, allowing you to be able to keep your mouth on him. His load was larger than you expected, but you continuously swallowed until his palm relaxed on your head and you were able to ease off him.  
His gaze down at you was full of affection and ecstatic after his orgasm. “Look at you,” he marvelled, “didn’t waste a drop.”  
With a laugh, you accepted Dutch’s offer of being helped up, and he held you by the waist while twisting around to get some tissue from by the sink. Tenderly, he dried the corners of your mouth of spit and your under eyes of tears. He even made a point of cleaning your smudged makeup. “I hope you brought some makeup in that bag of yours,” he said hesitantly.  
“I did,” you reached behind him for your bag, and pulled out your powder to begin applying after swapping positions so you could use the mirror. As you did, Dutch fasted his trousers and belt, then stood behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, placing kisses on your shoulder and then observing the two of you in the reflection.  
“We look good together.”  
“Shut up,” you chuckled, digging around for your lipstick when there was a knock at the door.  
Dutch tutted at the intrusion, but swiftly stilled at the sound of Arthur’s voice on the other side of the door.  
“Dutch? You in there?”  
You frowned at him, growing concerned at how the two of you were going to escape this one.  
“Shit,” he grumbled, checking his watch, “it’s been a while.”  
After glancing at his watch, you shot him a glare. “We’ve been in here for forty-five minutes -”  
“Well I was hardly tracking the time -”  
“Perhaps you should’ve -”  
“Of course, let me just set my handy blowjob alarm -”  
“This isn’t helping,” you hissed, irritated at him for being so snarky and unhelpful. You broke free from his embrace, as Arthur called his name out again.   
“Just a second,” Dutch called back, and you opened your arms in irritation. “What else am I meant to do,” he whispered sharply.  
“How the hell am I meant to get out?”  
Dutch took quiet steps to the door and put an ear up to it. He backed away, looking at you with uncertainty before whispering again. “Sounds like there’s a few people out there.”  
“Shit,” you glanced around, looking for any sort of inspiration. During a search of a drawer under the sink, you found a pair of scissors and Arthur calling for Dutch yet again sent panic through you. “I suppose you don’t have any ideas? We need to do something now.”  
“I - no,” he began, then frowned at the scissors in your hand. “What do you plan on doing with those?”  
At that moment, it didn’t seem like there was any other option. After all, the two of you needed a good excuse for being in the bathroom together, alone. Now or never.  
You turned your gaze away, held the scissors a few inches from your upper arm, and drove them into your skin.  
Dutch rushed towards you, holding your arm and taking the scissors from you. “Jesus! What did you do that for?”  
“We need an excuse –“  
“And you do that?!” he applied pressure on your deeper-than-intended wound, “you really are drunker than I thought.”  
You frowned at him, blinking a few times. “I feel... A little faint.”   
“Goddamnit,” he hissed, leading you to you the sofa, “and I thought I was the insane one. Stay here, and hold your hand over your arm.”  
Once he’d guided your other hand to hold your arm, Dutch rushed to the door and flung it open. “Sorry,” he began, stepping out of the way and gesturing to you, “there was an incident.”  
Arthur stepped in, Dutch returning to your side and clutched your arm.  
“What the hell happened?” asked Arthur.  
“Jesus,” John said, trailing behind with a horrified Abigail in tow.
“It was my fault,” you blurted, ignoring Dutch’s uncertain gaze, “I - I cut myself on a glass. Rushed down, ran into Dutch, and -” you gestured as well as you to yourself. “Here we are. I’m fine, looks worse than it is,” at that you looked down at the sight of all the blood, wincing.  
“Could one of you find the hotel medic?” Dutch said, irate, and you shrank a little in your seat. Maybe this wasn’t the brightest of ideas.   
“Sure,” Abigail responded, immediately jogging back out to hunt down a medic.  
“You are an idiot,” laughed John, and Dutch shot him an annoyed look.   
“Does this look like the time for jokes, Johnathon?”  
“She’ll be fine,” John shrugged an arm at you, bemused.  
“He’s right,” you said pointedly, hoping Dutch would quit being so outwardly concerned, “I really am fine.”  
Dutch muttered under his breath, still gripping your wound while Arthur attempted to clean away some of your blood.  
“Sorry Arthur,” you said to him, realising this is not how he should be spending his wedding night.  
“S’no bother,” he said easily, “glad you’re okay. We was just wondering where Dutch got to, Molly said she’d last seen him over this way.”  
It wasn’t noticeable to anyone but you the way Dutch stilled at the comment. You didn’t have time to think on it further when Abigail returned with a medic.  
“Hey there,” said the new face, and she knelt in front of you and opened her first aid box. “That’s a nasty cut. Are you okay to keep that pressure on for me?”  
Dutch nodded, adding more pressure for good measure and you grunted at the increasing sting. “Sorry,” he muttered.  
“It’s okay.”  
The medic used some antiseptic wipes to clean around the area, Dutch moving his hand so she could get a good look at the wound. “Well, good news is there doesn’t appear to be any broken glass in there, which is lucky. I can stitch you up, probably best if you come to the medical room – how do you feel? Can you walk?”  
Oddly enough, you weren't in all that much pain. Perhaps the alcohol, or the adrenaline, was responsible for that. “I feel a little nauseated. But I can walk.”  
“Alright,” the lady helped you up, Dutch on your other side and you moved past the others, Abigail and John then following behind. “Just one of you needs to come if that’s alright,” she said looking between the three of them.  
“I’ll go,” Dutch said immediately, “I’ve already got her.”  
“You sure?” asked John.  
“Yes. Don’t worry about it.”  
You offered a reassuring smile to the two of them, clearing your throat as an afterthought. “Thanks, Dutch.”  
“Don’t mention it.”  
Once you were seated in the medical room just off the reception, the medic got to work in fixing your wound with the help of another doctor.  
“We could take you to the nearest hospital, but we’re more than well-equipped to deal with it here. Plus, I wouldn’t recommend the journey when you’re bleeding like this,” she said, after injecting a local anaesthetic to numb the area in preparation for a few stitches.  
“That’s fine,” you said, “there’s no need for us to go to a hospital. It’s not that bad.”  
“How did you manage this?” asked the other medic.  
“Oh,” you cleared your throat, “I broke a glass in my room, then forgot I’d done it and lay back on my bed... the thing must’ve been sticking up. Then I came down for help and ran into Dutch,” you gestured at the man who was intently watching their work on your wound. “Suppose I panicked at the blood.”  
“That’s understandable,” she said comfortingly, “you bleed more after drinking so it’s no surprise.”  
Once they were finished, they gave you their emergency number and asked you to go and see them in the morning, provided you had no issues overnight. They asked you to at least lie down for a while if you insisted on returning to the party, which you did, and Dutch was more than happy to escort you to your room.  
“You are a rather good liar,” he said once the two of you had entered, and you’d ambled over to your bed.  
“Hm. Dating my best friend’s dad has given me a lot of practice.”  
“Oh, dating are we?” Dutch asked in a teasing voive that wasn’t as humourless as he’d intended.  
You lay back on the bed with a sigh. “You seem annoyed.”  
“Well,” he sat on your bed, adjusting the covers around you, “that was a rather stupid thing to do.”  
“I don’t see what choice I had,” you countered.  
“If it’s between stabbing yourself in the arm and not stabbing yourself, I’d go with not stabbing yourself.”  
“Well, I don’t want anyone to find out,” you yawned, feeling floaty all of a sudden. 
“Would it really be the worst thing?” he asked genuinely after a beat, taking your hand in his.  
“Depends on how much you like your son.”  
Dutch laughed, once again mirthless. “I like you.”  
“Let’s not do this now, please,” you groaned, and Dutch nodded despite himself.  
“You go back down, you can’t miss any more of your son’s wedding because of me.”  
Dutch appeared conflicted, agreeing with your statement but not wanting to leave you.  
“I’ll be fine,” you reassured.  
He brushed some hair from your face and nodded acceptingly. “Just have a rest for a bit. I’ve got my phone on me if you need anything, there’s some water and painkillers for you there.” With that he stood, placing his hands on his hips. “Make sure you take them.”  
“I will,” you assured him, and he placed a kiss on your lips. “I’ll see you in a bit.”  
“Alright. See you later.”  
You did as Dutch asked, taking the painkillers, finishing the water and remaining still for a time. After around an hour, you grew bored and started to wonder what you were missing out on. Sitting up slowly, you found yourself no longer feeling dizzy and placed your feet on the floor by your bed.   
Miraculously, there was no blood spilt on your dress, and you stood to give yourself a once-over in the mirror. A minor fix of your hair and a touch of makeup later, you walked a lap around your room and found yourself not the slightest bit dizzy. Your arm only felt numb, and you were okay with not being able to drink for the rest of the weekend, even if it did seem like a waste of an open bar.  
The girls and John had messaged you, telling you to let them know if you needed anything, but there were no messages from Dutch. In fairness, he had more than enough hands to shake and people to thank for their attendance, along with the fact you’d taken up more of his time than you’d intended on such a special day.  
Note to self: don’t give Dutch a blowjob in the bathroom at his son’s wedding. And don’t impale yourself with scissors after doing so, should you insist on doing it again.  
You made the walk back to the hall, the party now in full swing.   
John and Arthur were chatting nearby, and you walked over to them with an apologetic smile.   
“Oh, here she is!” John exclaimed, patting your back and being mindful of your new injury.  
“Yeah, I’m so sorry. It was so dumb of me.”  
“Don’t apologise to me,” Arthur grinned. “Just glad you’re okay?”  
“Completely fine. Just a case of the idiot.”  
“What else is new,” John muttered and tutted at him playfully.  
“There you are!” said Karen as she rushed over, “I heard you got in a fight with a wine glass?”  
With a friendly smile, you angled your arm away from her slightly swaying form. “I did. The wine glass won.”  
She barked a laugh, and you were reminded of her own escapades from earlier.   
“I see you and Mr Macguire are on good terms once again?” you asked, wiggling your brows.  
With an eye-roll, Karen began explaining. “Oh yeah, well, see that whole thing we fell out over -”  
John and Arthur had edged away, presumably to finish the conversation you interrupted. But you could hear them and couldn’t stop yourself from tuning in following the mention of Dutch’s name.  
“He’s off with Molly,” Arthur groused.  
“You’re kidding?”  
“No,” Arthur said through his teeth, and took a breath to remove the tension from his body. “I don’t think it was like that. Not again.”  
“I sure hope not.”  
“You and me both.”  
Molly? Like what?  
“Are you even listening?” Karen snapped you out of your nosy trance. “What sorta meds did they even give you?”  
“Yeah, I’m listening. Sorry. Still just a bit sleepy.”  
“Well, I would recommend a drink,” Karen looked round at your arm, “but I don’t fancy getting between you and the China cabinet later on.”  
With a scoff, you shook your head, noticing the end of Arthur and John’s conversation.  
Apparently, you’d missed the cutting of cake and Arthur and Charles’ first dance, but that didn’t mean you missed out on receiving a slice brought over by Abigail. You were glad for the excuse of not being allowed to over-exert yourself, given the swirling pit in your stomach at the second mention of Arthur’s friend Molly. The plan was to slip it into conversation with Dutch sooner rather than later, but he’d been AWOL for another hour until he took a seat beside you while you watched your friends as they danced; the slow song sparking more room for romance between Abigail and John, and now Karen and Sean.  
“Hello, my lady.”  
Turning in your seat you were met with Dutch, and offered him a restrained smile.  
“Feeling better?”  
“Yeah,” you nodded mutually, “just fine.”  
“Alright, good,” his expression dropped minimally, and he visibly searched for another line of conversation. “Will you dance with me?”  
At his nod to the dance floor of couples, you frowned at him and lowered your tone. “We’ve been through this. That’s asking for a death sentence, we can’t up and dance together in front of all these people.”  
“I don’t care,” he shrugged. “I want to dance with you.”  
In the corner of your eye, you noticed his hand edging towards your thigh and you stood, shooting him an angry glare. “Don’t be stupid,” you said, attempting to keep your expression neutral.   
“I’m -”  
“Actually,” you interrupted him. “I think I’m spent for the night. I reckon I’ll just head up to bed.”  
“Don’t,” Dutch stood, appearing casual and relaxed to an outsider but you could see the concern in his eyes. “Not yet, the party is still going.”  
Whether it was the alcohol still in your system, the mixture of it with the painkillers, or Dutch’s blatant disregard for subtlety you weren’t sure, but you began to get wound up. “I’m sure Molly is free for a dance.”  
His expression hardened, and you instantly regretted your words. You didn’t know a thing about the situation, and what you did know was vague hearsay. “What are you talking about?”  
You shrugged, genuinely uncertain. “I’m going to bed.”  
Without another word you turned, knowing full well he couldn’t follow you without rousing suspicion, and made for your hotel room.  
Hours passed of you staring at the ceiling, scrolling on your phone, and fidgeting in bed. The faint noise of the party you could hear from your open window had died down, and you closed it once the room grew chilly. Knowing John had his own room, you imagined Abigail was joining him, and assumed Karen had gone to Sean’s. For Javier’s sake, you only hoped he did end up finding a pretty cousin of John’s lest he want to sit through a rather unsavoury interaction between his two friends.  
It was no surprise that Dutch had continuously messaged you, some of questioning, some of apology, but most asking you to return to the party.  
There was a break in his attempts to contact you, and you grew irritated with yourself for snapping like that. You could’ve just asked him, instead of jumping to conclusions and making him bear the brunt of it. Nonetheless, there was a quiet part of your mind that wondered if it was warranted; wondered if he was hiding something from you, after all.  
It’d make sense, that if he had some sort of history with Molly, considering your actions, now would be the perfect time to rekindle anything that had existed before.  
As you followed the pattern of the swirls on the ceiling, your phone vibrated continuously. Glancing over, you found that Dutch was calling you. You ignored him.  
He called again, and you ignored him again. Of course, he couldn’t come to your room and demand an audience, considering the likely possibility that you weren’t alone.  
But you were, begrudgingly so. You’d hoped the girls would return, while you couldn’t confide in them about your feelings you could at least benefit from the comfort of their company. It wasn’t a lie that you were happy for them, off with their love interests, but still. It made for an annoyingly demanding train of thought with regards to your situation, and no means of interruption for it.  
After the fifth buzz of your phone, you decided to quit being stubborn and put yourself out of your misery, even if it did mean facing Dutch.  
“What?” you answered, and there was a pause as though Dutch hadn’t expected you to pick up.  
“We need to talk.”  
Oh, the dreaded line. “I don’t think we do.”  
“Come to my room.”  
“I’m not doing this over the phone. I want to speak to you in person. Come to my room. Please.”  
You sighed, rather childishly kicking off your covers. “Fine.” You hung up the phone.  
The hallways were quiet, and you dragged your feet at the very real prospect that Dutch was about to break things off. Your repeated displays of immaturity throughout today alone were likely reason enough for him to second-guess it all and lose interest. After preparing yourself, you knocked gently at his door. He opened it instantly, wordlessly stepping aside and allowing you in, shutting the door behind you.   
He walked past you to sit on the bed, and when you remained stood in place, he patted the bed beside him. “Sit.”  
You did.  
“Look,” he began, rubbing at his brow, “there’s no easy way to have this conversation. I’m stressed enough as it is.”  
“I’ve been putting it off for a while, and I take the blame for that.”  
“I see.”  
“Still, it’s not exactly an easy situation. For either of us, I imagine.”  
“I know.”  
“This whole thing has weighed heavy on my mind.”  
“I understand.”  
Dutch frowned at you, observing your unchanging face for an extended moment. “I’d appreciate it if you weren’t so short with me.”
He tutted, resting a hand behind himself. “I know you’re annoyed about Molly, but I’m trying to explain.”  
“You don’t have to.”  
“What?” he paused, “how do you plan on moving past it if we don’t talk?”  
You tilted your head at him, wondering if the two of you were even on the same page. “You don’t have to explain,” you repeated. “I’d rather you just get it over with, honestly.”  
“Get what over with?”  
“Breaking this off,” you shrugged, and Dutch looked at you incredulously.  
“You think that’s why I asked you to come?”  
You nodded.  
“And what of Molly? Where’s your grousing with regards to that?”  
“You don’t need to save my feelings. You’re at liberty to be with who you please, though I’d rather not have confirmation if you’d rather spend your time with her.”  
“That’s how it is, then? You think I’m going to bolt at the first sign of trouble? And what - jump into the arms of someone else?”  
“I’m sorry,” you glanced over his face, “is that not what’s happening?”  
“Of course not,” he said earnestly. “Jesus, what sort of man do you take me for?”  
You shrugged. “Just a man, I guess.”  
“Sweetheart,” he said softly, shaking his head. “I have no intention of ending things.”  
“Not one bit.”  
“Oh,” you settled, feeling even more like an idiot than you had at any point that day, which was saying something. “You can’t deny that it looks suspicious, though.”  
“I’m not denying that. But I – you,” he took your hand in his and kissed the back of it tenderly, “you mean a lot to me. It’s not a coincidence that I keep bringing up our future.”  
“It’s not?”  
“No. I’ve been thinking about it a lot.”  
“What about it?”  
“Mainly the fact that I want one. I don’t know what your thoughts are, about me or our situation, and truthfully, I don’t know my own, either. But I do know that you’re special – very special – to me. I want something; in whatever form we can manage.”  
“Better than nothing,” you said quietly, and Dutch huffed a laugh of agreement.  
“Better than nothing.”  
You blinked at the ground, a sad sigh rippling over you, and Dutch pulled you into an embrace and rested his head on yours. “You silly girl. It’ll take a lot more than that to scare me off.”  
Nestling into him, you began to fiddle with the buttons of his shirt. “I’ll keep that in mind.”  
“You better.”  
Dutch released you, a pitying expression on his face as he took in the view of yours. “What is it that you’ve heard? About Molly?”  
“I’d rather you tell me what’s gone on first,” you said, hoping to put a little pressure on him not to try spinning you a lie.  
“Fair enough.” Dutch cleared his throat, preparing to tell the story. “For starters, I went to see her today to make sure she hadn’t seen me disappearing with you after Arthur mentioned she’d seen me by the bathroom. She hadn’t, so all is good. But I do owe you an explanation of our history, which is what I was trying to do earlier.”  
“Right,” that made sense, now that you thought about it. “Go ahead.”  
“I’m not proud of it,” he sighed guiltily. “There was a time a few years ago when Molly had come onto me after a few drinks at one of our family parties.”  
He observed you for a response, and you remained silent.  
“Rather stupidly, I pursued it. We only kissed,” he clarified, and it seemed like the truth, “just the once. I knew instantly that I was being stupid, that it was the whisky talking – not that that’s an excuse, I know – and that I had no interest in her.”  
You elected against offering a response just yet. It wasn’t the nicest thing to hear.  
“Unfortunately, she told Arthur. For whatever reason I’m not sure, the sting of rejection, perhaps. Of course, he flew off the handle at me, rightfully so, and things between us were rocky for a time. Eventually, he accepted my version of events, that I hadn’t purposefully tried to get with someone younger, no less one of his friends.”  
“So, you didn’t like her?”  
“Not a bit. Don’t get me wrong, she’s a lovely girl, but there was never anything between us.” He smiled wistfully at you, “not like it is with you.”  
“No?” you asked, a little tender and in need of some reassurance.  
“There was something about you from the moment I met you. I know,” he laughed self-depreciatingly, “it sounds cheesy. But it’s true. Still, I didn’t let myself entertain the thought. I knew it would only lead to more trouble and make me seem like even more of a creep.”  
You smiled a little at that. “That’s generally the outcome when you steal people’s underwear.”  
Dutch laughed genuinely. “I only steal yours, though I’m not sure that makes it any better. Anyway,” he looked down at his hands in his lap, “it all changed of course, when you kissed me.”  
“Oh yeah. Sorry about that.”  
“Don’t apologise,” he said warmly. “I admit, I allowed myself to indulge in your company, and I shouldn’t have even done that. But I did, and you kissed me, and I didn’t think of anything else until I got to kiss you again.”  
“Makes me feel better about your initial rejection, at least.”  
“I was worried you’d tell John. Stayed up all night planning how I was gonna talk my way out of it.”  
You sighed, inching towards him and looking him in the eye. “And that’s the truth?”   
“Absolutely,” he confirmed.  
“All of it?”  
“Every single bit. I promise, darlin’.”  
It was conflicting. Part of you wanted to think that maybe you were just another young thing that’d taken his fancy, but he seemed so genuine. You knew your relationship, you knew the time you’d spent together, and you knew how real it was. There was no way he could be faking it.  
“Yeah. It’s - it’s not ideal,” you settled on. “And I wish you’d have told me sooner. But still, I’m glad you have.”  
“I’m sorry. Really, I am,” he took your hands in his. “I meant what I said about our future. I want us to have one. I’m - maybe this really isn’t the right time to say this but screw it. I have fallen hard for you. So much so that I find myself loving you. I do, I love you, and I don’t need you to say it back, but you deserve to know -”  
“No,” you smirked, brows softening. “I love you too.”  
Dutch’s eyes lit up, and he wrapped his arms around you and placed a kiss on your forehead. “Well, thank god.”  
Your lips tugged upwards in tandem, and you kissed him sweetly. This was real, and serious.  
“I wish you’d have danced with me.”  
“Even if it weren’t for all this, I still wouldn’t have. Come on, Dutch,” you placed your hand on his flank, “you know that’d be crazy.”  
Dutch nodded against his desire to disagree. “I know, you deserve more than this, that’s all. You deserve to be shown off, not kept as some dirty little secret.”  
“I don’t feel like your dirty little secret. Maybe one day, we’ll figure out a way to approach this whole thing, but I can’t, not right now. With finals coming up this year I really don’t need anything to get in the way of that.” Dutch’s brows pulled together, and you placed your hand on his jaw. “You understand, right?”  
Begrudgingly, but with acceptance, Dutch nodded. “I do. I understand. We won’t think about it until after your exams are done.”
“Thank you.”  
Dutch kissed you once, twice and then planted a third on your nose.  
“I do have one request to make of you, actually,” you offered, and Dutch’s brows pulled up in interest.  
“And what might that be?”  
You stood, offering a hand to him. “I believe you do still owe me a dance. Even if it’s in secret.”  
Dutch smiled and stood, taking your hand in his and placing his other at your waist. “Now, how could I say no to that.”  
The two of you slow-danced, to the music of nothing other than the sound of your bodies in the dimly lit hotel room. You lay your head on his chest, listening to the soothing rhythm of his heartbeat, and couldn’t help but think about the fullness of your own.  
It seemed the pair of you had too been afflicted by the romance permeating the air. 
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pinkpersonsblog · 1 year
Title : Stop It Right Now
Characters : Ram, Bheem
Summary : Bheem and Ram spend a day at the park and eventually Bheem discovers something charming about Ram -- he's very ticklish.
Word count : 1,909
Bheem sat opposite Ram on a blanket as they finished eating their tea sandwiches. They were at their favorite park, simply chatting and enjoying each other’s company. It was crowded with people— strolling and talking to one another, jogging, or walking their dogs.
Bheem took the last bite out of his sandwich and had to resist asking for more, knowing that it was the last one. Ram had made the tea sandwiches and it was Bheem’s first time trying them. He didn’t often eat foreign food, but found he really liked it. He never would have thought that cucumbers and cream cheese could go so well together.
Seeing that Ram had just finished his sandwich as well, Bheem was about to ask if he wanted to go for a walk. But he suddenly noticed something funny. There was some cream cheese and a few crumbs stuck to Ram’s mustache. He could have laughed at his friend being the messy eater he was. It was strangely endearing.
“Ram?” Ram looked at him and Bheem pointed at his own mustache. “Right here. You have something.”
Ram’s eyes widened as he swiped at his mouth, but missed. Bheem tried correcting him, but this time Ram only dabbed at it, leaving a large portion of the mess still on his face.
Bheem rolled his eyes upward at his friend’s ineptitude as he shifted towards him, picking up a napkin. “Here. Let me.”
Ram looked guilty, even hanging his head for a second before allowing him to clean his mess.
Bheem wiped the cream cheese off Ram’s lip carefully, as well as plucking off each crumb one-by-one. Once he was done, he leaned back and grinned. “Even a bib wouldn’t be enough for you. What would you do without me?”
“Probably continue gorging myself” Ram joked, looking slightly embarrassed. “God, I’m such a messy eater sometimes. People never say anything because they’re too nice.”
“Well, I’ll tell you, then,” Bheem said, smirking. “You eat like a pig.”
Ram chuckled. “That I do. Let’s just hope I don’t start oinking at you.”
They were silent for a long moment, looking on as a few people flew kites. They silently watched them raise the kites higher and higher, the colors vibrant against the blue sky. To their right there were some children running around and playing tag. And every now and then a squirrel or two would drop by, running up a nearby tree.
“Such a beautiful day,” Bheem said, turning to smile at Ram. His friend smiled back at him.
“I know I am,” Bheem teased, making Ram shake with laughter. All the stress seemed to melt from Ram’s face as he laughed, but it wasn’t just that—for the first time, Bheem found he really liked the sound of it. Before he could stop himself, he spoke his mind. “Ram, has anyone ever told you have a nice laugh?”
Ram’s smile froze as he stared at him, running a hand self-consciously in his hair. “Not really. When I was younger, I was told I laugh like Dracula, though, if that counts. So that was a boost to the self-esteem. Hey—don’t laugh at that!” Ram pouted as Bheem failed to suppress his chuckles. “I haven’t thought about that in a while. I’m not really the biggest jokester anyway, so I tended not to laugh much before I—” He stopped, looking bashful as Bheem waited for him to complete his sentence. He looked as though he were about to reveal something private. Then seeming to make up his mind, he continued, “…before I met you.”
Bheem smiled warmly at him, tempted to gush to his friend about how sweet he was, but decided not to embarrass him further. “Aw shucks,” he said simply, a slight blush blooming on his cheeks.
Ram, posing with his chin resting on his hand, fluttering his eyelashes, continued. “Why do you ask, Bheem? Do I have a nice laugh? What about it do you like?”
Bheem’s eyes softened fondly as he relaxed, opening himself up to his friend. He always liked complimenting him since his friend seemed almost reserved and unused to such things. “Yeah, you do. And it’s unique. Kind of funny-sounding.” Seeing Ram’s expression contort into a frown as he leaned back, he couldn’t resist teasing him a bit. “Like as if you were about to grab hold of my neck and sink your fangs into it.”
“You rascal,” Ram admonished, slapping him playfully. He still laughed, though, Bheem was pleased to note.
“I vant to suck your blood,” Bheem joked slightly menacingly as he reached out and brushed a hand across Ram’s stomach, grazing it playfully. To his surprise, Ram flinched and giggled in such a high-pitched tone, it was a strange sound coming from him. He protectively covered his abdomen with his hands, shoving Bheem’s fingers away. Bheem had never touched him there before, at least not in such a way that could elicit a reaction like that from him. It somehow made Bheem’s stomach flip upside down.
Bheem suddenly had an idea—a mischievous one, at that. He felt a bit shy in asking for some reason, so instead he felt like it’d be better to take action. Besides, the element of surprise was almost always rewarding. So once the time was right, when Ram was distracted, he stretched his arms widely and used that moment to scoot closer. So he could go in for the kill-- which he did by reaching out and poking his sides.
Ram cried out and scrambled away from him, hands protectively shooting to his sides. The way that he’d cried out was quite shaky—as though the sensation was too much for him to handle. But Bheem felt that his reaction was just what he was looking for. And it had answered his silent question – Ram was ticklish. Maybe even quite sensitive, based on his reaction.
“Don’t do that,” Ram warned him, going so far as to point at him critically as he gathered his composure, shifting so he was facing Bheem.
As Bheem scooted himself slightly away from Ram, he couldn’t help but feel giddy anticipation rush through him. He hadn’t had a tickle fight with someone in many years—not since he was a child— and he wanted to have one with Ram. He wanted to make him forget all his worries, laugh with abandon, and just have fun. He liked seeing his friend’s youthful side emerge and watching him come out of his shell was always a treat. He loved Ram so much.
Ram seemed to read the look in his eyes as he tried covering himself protectively with his hands. “Don’t you dare, Bheem,” he threatened, but the way he sounded when he said it...well, it sure sounded like a dare.
So Bheem shifted closer to his friend, and in turn, Ram, giggling nervously, shifted further away and off the blanket onto the grass.
“Not another inch or I’ll kill you…” Ram threatened.
Of course, that only impassioned Bheem further...before Ram could stand up and make a getaway, Bheem pounced on his friend, his fingers viciously trailing all over his sides, poking at him mercilessly. He somehow managed to overpower Ram, who was instantly reduced to cackles, laughing like a maniac as he struggled to escape his clutches. Ram even tried tickling him in return, but the joke was on him – Bheem actually wasn’t ticklish at all.
Bheem felt devilish as he continued tickling Ram, grinning the entire time. He could feel eyes on them from his right – some parkgoers had probably stopped to stare at them. He should have been a bit embarrassed, being a grown man tickling another grown man publicly – so childishly—but he didn’t care. He loved extracting giggles from his friend— now a broken mess lying in a heap beneath him, pleading, begging for him to stop. Ram’s teary eyes were so desperate, but that desperation only fueled Bheem’s desire to see him at his most powerless. Every time Ram tried crawling out of his reach, Bheem would take hold of his wrist and pull him back, never letting him get too far.
Bheem discovered that Ram was especially ticklish on his sides, as he’d gasp when Bheem’s fingers grazed them. It amazed him that he’d never discovered such a thing before, simply because he’d never thought to tickle him in the past. It was like he’d uncovered a great secret about his friend, one that had always lain right before his eyes.
“Bheem! Bheem, please,” Ram wheezed as Bheem had him straddled beneath him, tickling him feverishly. “I’m going to pee...I’m going to—”
But Bheem was so carried away that he was hardly paying attention to what Ram was saying. He felt he was going insane himself—full of glee and ecstasy as it’d been so long since he’d felt like a kid. Even as Ram begged him “STOP RIGHT NOW PLEASE”, Bheem only stopped after being concerned that he might actually make Ram pee or injure himself from laughing too hard. He eventually shifted off his friend’s body and sat beside him, laughing himself. He felt lightheaded with joy.
Ram panted heavily beside him, clearly exhausted from the bout of laughter he’d succumbed to. Bheem smiled warmly over at him, feeling content to just sit there with his friend, though feeling a bit guilty for tiring him out like he had.
“You didn’t pee, did you? Sorry I got carried away. It was just too fun.” And I like hearing your laugh, Bheem didn’t say.
“I didn’t, but I almost did, thanks to you and your torturous fingers,” Ram said with a laugh.
“I wish I knew what it felt like,” Bheem admitted, “but I was feeling kind of bad for you towards the end. So I had mercy on you.”
“How gracious of you,” Ram joked. He seemed to think for a minute, as he sat up and looked at Bheem. His lip quirked up at the corner. “It was fun, though. I haven’t been tickled in a very long time. I think the last time was when I was a kid, honestly.” His face grew more serious as he pointed at Bheem playfully. “I just hope next time you’ll listen so I won’t actually accidentally wet myself.”
Bheem ducked his head sheepishly, scratched the side of his face. “Sorry, sorry...like I said, it was the heat of the moment.”
Bheem hadn’t had such fun in ages. And he felt like he had gotten to see a new side of his friend that he’d never seen before. Ram could really stand to laugh more, he thought. It made him so much more endearing than he already was. He loved seeing him happy.
They sat together enjoying their remaining time at the park as a few ducks waddled past. Ram pointing at them and calling them cute. And Bheem agreeing with him. The park was getting less crowded as the sky was darkening, but they would probably stay at least a little bit longer. Just to enjoy the relaxing atmosphere.
Bheem looked forward to the next time he’d get to tickle Ram. He knew his friend was too nice to truly get angry at him for assaulting him with tickles. But he also could tell that he really did like it despite having lost control of himself like he did.
It was sweet.
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86 Thoughts while watching The OC season one episode 4: The Debut
1. I love that these early episodes really focused on the Cohens+1 as a family, and established these really deep dynamics.
2. Seth is such a shitty kid and it’s so funny in these early eps. It feels more endearing than like...shitty in later episodes.
3. Ryan getting adoptedddddddddd what a good lil math nerd.
4. Anyone who thinks Ryan is a bad boy I feel like you miss the point of the character. He has terrible luck, and a bad temper, but also, he is a MATH NERD who says whole sentences with his eyes.
5. “You steal a car? You burn down a house? You beat up the captain of the water polo team?” Let’s be real, Luke won that fight. Ryan isn’t a good fighter lol.
6. Kirsten is not a hugger.
7. Brody’s little groove walk is fun.
8. Califoniaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa here we cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmme
9. underpants!
10. Seth rolling around on Ryan’s bed like a puppy. Sir what.
11. He doesn’t have any things.
12. Poor Ryan, he does not know how to deal with this debutante thing.
13. Peggy deserved more than two episodes, she’s so salty and I love her. Where did she go???
14. Jimmy and Sandy are such strange frenemies. Like Jimmy so clearly still has a thing for Kirsten and Sandy knows. He knows, and he knows they have to play nice (for now), but he is not thrilled. He’s a friendly dude mostly, so he’s not gonna start shit just because, but like. He knows it’s bad.
15. My big quibble with this episode is that the girls’ dresses look incredibly cheap. At least for the main three girls they could have gone higher end. Or maybe it’s just that 2003 style.
16. I know Luke is like “bleh Ryan” but I can’t help thinking of it as a lil bi panic.
17. Summer trying to bang Ryan. Ryan like “I mean she’s hot but...but...but...”
18. Ryan and Summer should have banged.
19. Like not a relationship. But just. Boning.
20. I’ve warmed up to Marissa as I’ve gotten older. She’s very sweet in these early episodes.
21. That is so much wine Sandy just poured Kirsten. SO MUCH. BRUH YOUR WIFE HAS A DRINKING PROB- we’ll talk about next season.
22. I love all the comic books just lying around as set dressing.
23. Ryan’s favorite comic is Justice Society of America, and I love that for him. It’s very classic superhero, but it’s not one of the BIG ONES.
24. Poor Kirsten, finding out about Jimmy’s dumb shit.
25. Sandy is in full lawyer mode. “We have to tell everybody this dude stole from them.”
26. I wish I liked these dresses more.
27. But god the music cues are so on point. The soundtrack for the OC is just top notch, all thees years later.
28. And ask the world to stay away please....
29. Ryan is so sweet. He just can’t say no.
30. Fucking Jimmy.
31. God damn, Julie just spending every last cent. She doesn’t ask ever about their finances. She just assumes. But Jimmy let her believe they were more than fine.
32. Jimmy is such an idiot. I wish I liked him more. He’s supposed to be charming. I love Tate Donovan. But god. That character.
33. Try to enjoy this, please! I love Peggy. Justice for Peggy.
34. The dancing. Poor Ryan.
35. Who let Adam Brody out of his feral nerd cage? Whoever it was, I’m grateful.
36. Summer is such a douche in these early episodes. Her character arc is amazing through the series. Truly. one of my favorites in TV history.
37. i still don’t quite buy Ryan and Marissa’s chemistry. Part of it is that Misha Barton is so young, and she hasn’t had time to develop as an actress. I feel like if she’d been like two years older when she played Marissa it’d hit harder.
38. Annaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. God I love Anna. Again. She has such good chemistry with Seth and Ryan. Again. Ryan should have been allowed to date Anna.  The two with the most common sense in the whole bunch together? Power couple.
39. Kirsten, stop trying to save Jimmy he doesn’t deserve it.
40. Oh Holly. I would have loved for her to get a redemption arc. Like still kind of brainless, but more mature. Less shitty. She comes back in s4 and has learned nothing.
41. Ben McKenzie eye acting choices.
42. Jimmmyyyyyyyyyyyy karma said “hey hi how ya doin”
43. Barbecutionist.
44. Marissa watching Luke’s friends and feeling just so done. Girl I get it.
45. Poor Ryan. He just wants to go home and hide in his pool house and read comic books and not deal with this dumb crap.
46. Luke’s weird toxic masculinity is pretty rough. He gets a nice redemption arc later where he just turns into a golden retriever. I love that for him.
47. Yep. There’s the JSA issue.
48. Julie really wants to be a good mother, but she puts so much importance on appearance and image and perception. And dumping all of that on her very sensitive daughter is cruel.
49. I love Julie’s eye makeup.
50. Melinda Clarke is such a heavy hitter in this series. Julie Cooper, Urban Cougar was such a thing.
51. Sandy not going either. Sandy said fuck that.
52. Again, these dresses...they’re just not...great.
53. lol Sandy and Ryan just....”Nah.” “Yeah, me neither.”
54. THE BONDING. THE VIDEO GAMES. I love this dynamic so much.
55. Sandy serving truth. “They’ve all got secrets and they’re all terrified that the guy nextdoor is gonna find them out.”
56. It’s such a sweet moment, and then “You just stabbed me again.”
57. Summerrrrrrrrrrrrr.
58. lol Anna and Seth spewing comic book stuff.
59. YOU’RE A GIRL. Bitch I have been reading comic books since 1991.
60. The birth of the Summer/Seth/Anna triangle/almost thruple.
61. I just tried to liken them to Roy/Keeley/Jamie but there is no grumpy asshole.
62. But if it were Summer/Ryan/Anna, we would have a Lasso Thruple sitch.
63. But not really.
64. Sandy is the best. I swear.
65. Jimmy and karma doin that dance.
66. Luke is, in fact, an idiot.
67. “Stop hitting a dude who didn’t actually do anything to you.” “I AM LEAVING BECAUSE YOU MAKE SENSE!” Oy.
68. Anna is so charming. I love her.
69. Julie just dislikes Ryan so damn much. Christ.
70. “Confidence, Cohen!” Ugh. So cute.
71. I love Seth/Summer but Anna/Seth was also so so fun.
72. “We’re gonna go this way.” lol
73. We don’t see Summer walk by herself. I think that was a missed opportunity.
74. Peggyyyyyyyyyy! My beloved!
75. The sweetness of this scene lasts all of three seconds before Jimmy gets slugged in his face.
76. I love that they were never afraid of the fact that Marissa was just a lil taller than Ryan. the visual works so well for the show.
77. Here we go.
78.”Bad accounting.”
79. hot damn y’all this old man fight lol.
80. Julie’s shaking fingers is such a nice touch in this moment.
81. I guess Sandy figures karma has done its job on Jimmy and now he can be supportive. lol.
82. Seth and Annaaaaaaa. Jesus so cute. Even though they’re kind of the same person lol.
83. Another great music cue. To Sheila, by the Smashing Pumpkins.
84. I just. I want to like Marissa more. I’m still not sure why I can’t get there all these years later.
85. LOL Luke. With the weird sneak attack.
86. And that’s it. A last shot of Ryan alone, who should be heading home to avoid the police.
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teecupangel · 2 years
Thoughts on Jacob Frye? And Jacob/Desmond? Would they work as a couple or no?
I like Jacob and I find his character quite intriguing considering how it’s a different take on how daddy issues can screw you up in a franchise littered with daddy issues no less. (I do prefer Evie gameplay-wise because that stealth camo thing is OP). While his real reasoning for making the Rooks can be debatable in terms of just what long-term plan he has in mind, his heart is in the right place and he does try what he can with the information available to him.
Would Jacob and Desmond work as a couple? Sure, they can.
My thoughts on Jacob/Desmond
Jacob a good flirt normally. He’s a bad flirt when he actually likes the person he’s flirting with. He’s a horrible flirt with Desmond because he can see Desmond is humoring him.
Desmond wouldn’t see Jacob as a ‘love interest’ immediately but he finds Jacob’s horrible flirting as cute. He does think Jacob isn’t really serious about him and just has a crush on him. At best, he’d consider Jacob as a friend. At worst, a novice needing guidance.
Jacob has to show him that he’s more than he lets on. It’s during the time they spend together as comrades and friends that their feelings deepen for one another.
So yeah, it’s a ‘friends-to-lovers’ kind of deal, mostly.
In a full-on Modern AU, Jacob would probably meet Desmond in Bad Weather and strike up a conversation with him. He’s still a horrible flirt but Desmond finds that endearing anyway. Jacob would definitely google puns he can use for flirting just to make me suffer and Desmond would find them funny anyway.
Desmond is more comfortable with Jacob than Evie because he’s fun to be with when it’s not Assassin-related. He’s also more understanding of Jacob’s actions because he can see that Jacob didn’t become an Assassin because he wants to uphold his family name.
In all honesty, I see Jacob as more of a character who became an Assassin because of pressure. Pressure to follow the steps of his successful father. Pressure to not fall behind his twin sister. There was never really any choice for Jacob to not become an Assassin, not really.
And Desmond understands that. They bond over it and Jacob shares with him things he could never say out loud to other people, not to Evie or their father.
Desmond still puts his foot down on many things that the Rooks do and cracks down on their less savory ‘tasks’.
Desmond sorta becomes Jacob’s second-in-command and the Rooks transformed into a more vigilante-type group than an actual gang.
Desmond would be the one to ask Jacob out officially. Before that, they were kinda dating anyway (if patrolling London and doing Rooks-related stuff counts)
They will have a playful and peaceful relationship. Desmond is the kinkier of the two of them (thanks, 21st-century knowledge) and Jacob is game with anything. They switch a lot too.
Because of Desmond’s personality and the cheats he got from his Bleed, he sees the darkness in Jack that Jacob missed. It would take a long while but he does manage to temper the darkness and channel it to controlled rage. This means Jack the Ripper does not exist but Jack the Assassin is definitely still a creepy kid who is super loyal to Desmond. And, yeah, he likes to call Jacob and Desmond his fathers.
Lydia still exists because they got a surrogate to have Jacob’s child. They dote on Lydia a lot. Lydia’s favorite uncle is Uncle Jack.
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cherrypeaking · 1 year
babyyy 🥺🥺🩵🩵 i had so much fun on our call i can’t believe i was ever worried about us not getting to spend as much time together when our call ended up being just as long, if not longer, than most of our other calls 😭😭 (in case you were wondering its place on the leaderboard, it’s in second place under the call we had last week! ✨)
i just got done writing the recap and i was laughing to myself the whole time i had so much fun 🥺🥺🥺 i can’t stop laughing about no my queen it’s so funny djshhshs
my heart is so warm for you my love 🥺🥺 everything about our call was so perfect (except when my mom kept interrupting 😭 who goes to the movies that early in the morning anyway??) you’re so thoughtful, sweet, kind, welcoming, funny, and so so beautiful 🥺🥺 my pretty princess i wanna see you wear cute hair clips you would look so adorable 🥺🩵🩵
when we hung up i went to get food and i wished you were with me in the kitchen so badly i really turned around and expected to see you in my house like djshhshs 😭😭 i missed you so badly and i still do baby 🥺 i hope you slept well and i’m sorry you have to get up so early for work especially when you stayed up so late just to talk to me :(( even when you were dozing off i was so endeared by you.. you’re such a dream 🥺🩵 i was imagining that i was petting your hair while you were falling asleep in my arms ;; 🩵🩵🩵
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moodboard but it’s just all soft fluffy taehyun since you remind me so much of him 🥺🥺🥺i’m trying to be less shy when it comes to telling you how i feel >< i’m not used to being so vocal about wanting someone so this is all new to me 🥺 you make me feel so wanted and seen and heard and i’m so thankful for you my sweet girl 🥺🥺🩵🩵 i love you so so much
looking forward to making more fun memories with you baby~
mommyyyy omg 🥺😭🩷🩷 this is definitely one of my favorite calls (they’re all my favorite except that train connection 10 min call 😭 so anxiety inducing to lose connection with my gf 😭) 🥺🥺🩷🩷 i didn’t expect us to get as much time together if not more and i really prefer it this way so we don’t have to force ourselves to stay up and we are both very awake and can talk lots 🥺🥺🩷 9hrs and 42 minutes right?? 😳
i love your recaps so much i’m still so amused by all the taehyun only liking to eat pussy hc like 😭😭😭 no my queen, don’t dirty your knees and moony really killed us with her addition it was such a highlight of the call 🥹🩷🫶 (your parents are so funny for this i’d never go to the movies this early 0_0)
everything about our call was really perfect it all felt like the right amounts of seriousness and the right amounts of crackheadedness and obviously we always go back to being all lovey dovey and those are my favorite parts because i have the best girlfriend ever 🥹🥹🩷🩷 if i start wearing hair clips i’m gonna send you pics of them hehe~ i wanna go to that shop i went to again just to document on what i found to you >\\< 🩷🩷
i wish i didn’t have to go to sleep so that we could keep going and i’d be there for your day as well and get to see what you’d make yourself for food 🥺🥺🩷 i’m happy you liked my salad and that you said i was wifey material hehe 👉👈🩷 you’re my wifey my precious wifey >\\\< 🩷🩷 i was so endeared by you too when you were dozing off so it feels good to know you felt the same mommy ;///; i stayed up because i wanted to 🥺 i’m a little sleepy but i know i’ll catch up on that tonight~ i needed to have you on call for as long as i could 🥺🥺🩷
the moodboard is so cute and so my favorite tyun like it’s really him he’s so gf and floofy 🥺🥺 hehehe mommy is getting better and better at it!! i feel so seen and wanted and heard with you my love 🥹🥹🩷 you’re the one for me i’m so so thankful our paths decided to meet we really met at both of our needed times 🥺🥺 i love you so much and i’m so looking forward to making more memories with you too my love 🥹🥹🩷🩷
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Against All Odds
Part 123
“What did Khan say to Robbie?” McCoy asked.
They were in the quiet of the back of the library. He trailed his fingers across the spines of a few books.
“He asked him to be student representative.”
McCoy turned back to look at Scotty when he heard the vehemence he spat the words with.
“He’s up to something and I don’t know what.”
McCoy heard the fear behind those words. He grabbed Scotty’s hand and pulled him close.
“Would Robbie be good at it?”
“He’d be excellent,” Scotty said proudly.
“Then maybe it’s for the best, even if it came from Khan,” McCoy said softly.
Scotty leaned into him.
McCoy saw a book on the shelf behind Scotty and reached for it.
“Here. This one,” he said and handed it to Scotty. “That’s my favorite.”
“Keep up the cover right?” McCoy grinned. “You asked for help looking for a book. Job done.”
Scotty looked at him funny then laughed. McCoy went to sit at the end of the bookshelf and Scotty joined him. The library was already a nice place, but it was quickly becoming McCoy’s favorite place.
“I miss home,” he started. “I had a place out in the woods. It was mine. I’d go there to get away from everything. Just me and a book most times. Hours I’d spend there. Sometimes just watching the clouds float by. I could forget everything about the expectations on me.”
He looked over and saw Scotty watching him intently.
“This is beginning to feel like my grove. Right here in the middle of the school. With you.”
He leaned over and kissed Scotty.
“Someday I’ll show you my clearing in the woods,” McCoy said when they pulled back. “We can have a whole day to ourselves. Just us and the clouds. No worries about anything else.”
He rested his head on Scotty’s shoulder as Scotty’s arm went around him. The thought of showing Scotty his private place at home made him smile. Even Leah didn’t know where it was. A whole day somewhere with Scotty away from prying eyes… McCoy sighed. Wouldn’t that be wonderful?
“This morning was great,” he whispered.
“Aye,” Scotty agreed.
“I…” McCoy started. He swallowed.
“What is it love?”
McCoy felt his heart skip at the endearment.
“I wish we had somewhere private here. That we didn’t have to rely on stolen moments in public places.”
“Aye,” Scotty said and nodded.
McCoy felt the movement from his place on Scotty’s shoulder.
Part 124
It was fascinating. There was something about Leonard that soothed his inner anxiety. When he was around him he felt calm and happy.
Especially when they sat close together. Maybe it was the touch of Leonard’s hand. Or the sound of his voice. Or the wonderful smell.
He couldn’t tell what it was. All he knew was that he loved it. And that he never wanted it to stop.
When Leonard told him about his favorite secret place at home, Scotty couldn’t help but smile dreamily.
A special day. Just for the two of them. Somewhere only they knew. For no one else to see. It sounded so beautiful.
But maybe that was just it. It was just a dream.
Would it really be possible? Maybe… if they really ran away together.
“When… I heard ye talking to Leah the other night…” Would he really say it? Would he actually ask that question?
Leonard looked up to face him. There was a gentle smile on his lips.
“Ye… ye said that… ye’d run away to be with me. Or… that ye’d abdicate the throne… Did ye actually mean that?”
He blushed heavily and looked down to the ground, avoiding eye contact. Scotty didn’t dare to look at Leonard’s face. What would it tell him?
Was Leonard serious about it? Or was it just something he had said while being emotional?
And if so… how would Scotty feel about either of these options? He just didn’t know.
On the one hand, he wanted nothing more than to leave this all behind with Leonard at his side. But on the other hand, he knew that it would cause a riot all across the universe.
People would search for them. And if they found them… what would they do? Would Leonard be forced to go back? To take his place as heir to King David?
He heard Leonard’s voice. But he couldn’t quite read it. It sounded like a sigh.
Scotty’s heart skipped a beat. But it quickly fell back into a familiar nice rhythm when Leonard grabbed his hand and held it.
He dared to look up and saw Leonard giving him a crooked smile.
“Scotty, I…”
What? What did he want to say? What was his answer?
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onlyswan · 5 months
Hey, Art! It's been so long since I logged in. Life has been so busy so I got not time. I missed this place so much! and I missed you! This is so long so excuse the comeback of my yapping gig!
First of all, I love love love the symbolism of bed and sleeping as the levels of vulnerability in the relationship.
THE FALLING - I really love and admire how much you made me antsy and nervous about their conversation and how the night will lead them during their first sleepover. With their dialogues, and Jungkook's internal monologue of wanting to grab the opportunity of spending a little more time with oc but also not wanting come off as a creep or someone who takes advantage of them, then there's oc making light of things Jungkook usually overthinks about. A great introduction of how their dynamic will be - also oc taking importance of their shared moment crying about an anime movie that they felt comfortable having him around, I see that as how oc values vulnerability itself and the people that shows them theirs - if this the first fic you will read about them. Another thing, I cannot recall all of them at this moment but Jungkook really loves oc's eyes and how expressive they are, I adore how you used our collective admiration of Jungkook's eyes to him understanding a new perspective of love, it is a classic way of describing an epiphany. I love you so much for that, Artie! I'm a sucker for yearning and I can say that maybe this could be one of my favorite parts of this installment. The awkwardness, the dead air that I could feel, and the funny butterflies on Jungkook's tummy is something I could feel too! He is noticing the little things and he knows he is ruined then and there!
ALLOW ME TO LINGER BY THE DOOR - First of all, the way that the first line completely contrasts the first part. "Hey, it's getting late. Shouldn't you be heading home by now?" (as if they don't know that Jk's gonna wanna stay), oc and their playful antics istg! The moment where Jk realized that they shared a straw and oc being so nonchalant about it, while he is internally exploding. Wait, I changed my mind! This is my most favorite part because of how you perfectly depicted the thing where Jungkook lied about not bringing his own clothes and actually planning to sleepover from the start. It's so funny and endearing at the same time because, yes! I would do the same if I were the one in his position and will definitely bask in oc's presence and charms. I, too, would accept my place to hell. Hahaha! Oh, Art, the way you play with my feelings, following that funny moment with their first intimate moment imo. The physical touch, the very close proximity, the domesticity of the act, and oc talking about a story from their past. Easily the most romantic thing ever. Especially the part where oc snorted and puts their forehead on Jk's back? My tummy feels so warm. The unexpected kiss from oc? I squealed and kick my feet in the air so hard! The little moments that you choose to narrate are one of a kind, Art. I'll forever dream about it happening to me. On the other hand, I know oc enjoys the moment too in many ways possible hehe.
THE YEARNING - Not gonna lie, this part is hard for me to read because this is something I would do drunk and I would feel so embarassed having a person like Jungkook to deal with me. But enough of me, this part of their story made me realize how much Jungkook went out of his shell to join or pick-up oc with their unexpected and silly antics. It made me think of a recurring thought while reading it - if it's not for oc, he wouldn't; if it's not with oc, he wouldn't; if it's not oc, he wouldn't do nor experience all the things. It reminded me of that drabble where Jungkook realized that his love for oc is persevering, this moment of them is a glimpse of how he would always, always choose oc. He's not even the boyfriend, yet he kneels before them to tend to them. Also, the different phases of denial in Jungkook's part and how you used being mad with it is so funny. I like it so much. (The cherry red dress though, oc's sense of style is chef's kiss hehe) Now, having these thoughts made me think of how many more sides of love they have that we haven't seen yet.
HAPPINESS OUTSIDE DAYDREAMS - Ugh! I'm a sucker for this, Art! The first line is so cute and teasing and it introduced us to the next level in their relationship. He's officially the boyfriend! Everybody cheers! I've read so much installment that featured a scene where Jk called oc baby in so many ways yet having the context and experience of the previous parts made this "come here, baby." so fucking sweet! Like, that feeling where you new boyfriend didn't addressed you by your name, that moment where your new friend introduced you as their bestfriend, or that feeling when you got called as a student majoring in a course you've been dreaming about? That proud and exciting feeling of anticipation and contentment. Made me bury my face on my pillow! How you described the happiness Jungkook's feeling is on point, it made me smile like fool, Art. Like, I've been rooting for them, for him since the first part then yes! finally! Here we are!
THE SPRING FLOWER IN THE EYE OF THE STORM - Art, when I tell that this slightly smutty part made me cry more than feeling hot and bothered would you hate me? 😔For some reason, I've been anticipating a smutty part of them ever since you gave us a glimpse but to be honest, I just really ache to see how you perceive their first time will be and…. I am speechless, it is full of mixed emotions, it is exciting, and it is painful in a way that it's because it felt like oc has finally came home. Like, all the path they took in the past, no matter if they go back and change it, they will eventually, and inevitably lead to Jungkook. It is silly and lighthearted yet the undertones of it all makes it all the more romantic. I don't know but I specifically listened to intro (end of the world) by ariana grande during this part. It is so fitting, from the lyrics, the calm, sweet, and lovely sound, to and ariana's mellow singing.
if only you could see yourself through his eyes, even for just a moment, then maybe you’d understand why he’s dancing with fire and folding with his tower of cards. This part perfectly encaptured the thing about oc, it sucks because in any universe, they won't ever know half of the love Jungkook carries for them and them only. The beauty of love and commitment, trusting and giving them your heart, hoping and praying they won't take it for granted and loving them back beyond the reasons and without the reasons.
the burning tears that drip down to your temples are lost evidence you will bring to the grave. You broke me in this part, Art.
SPEAKING TRUTHFULLY YOU'RE THE ONE FOR ME - "You are my rest." To be called someone's rest is to be told that loving you is a nature to them. Something that doesn't require concious effort, something that doesn't need much thinking, something that doesn't require energy from them but a source for them. This such a beautiful phrase you add there. Ahh! I am being too sappy, making deep of the little and silly things but that's just how it is with my favorite couple! Again, the topic of proximity and perspectives as a reoccuring theme and you never fail to give us new idea to ponder to. I adore how Jungkook answered oc's question about his 'options'. I agree, you don't choose other because it is simply not the person you love. It is so cute how they addressed Jungkook's obvious infatuation from the beginning hehe, such a cute moment.
CHOICE TO STAY - I really love it when they call each other 'lover' like you recognize that person as someone who loves you, and you own it, and you know you deserve it that's why you do. Like it's such a validating and romantic thing. Writing my thoughts about this part makes me want to cry because I got reminded of how Jungkook want him and oc to die together. Their conversation here made me realize how much of a fearless lover oc is when it comes to him. They've shown it many times before but it never fails to amaze me how you wrote it differently every single time, and the degrees make me want to set the whole world on fire including hell. I love how they are so open and communicating to each other even if some conversations are painful to have.
The archive part is a compensation for my shaken heart. I lost count of how many deep breathes I took writing this. This is the first that I read from a long time and I was attacked by a big wave of love and wonder. As I always say, I thank the universe for making me alive in the same time as you. I love reading book but no book can make me feel the way your works do. I love you! Thank you for sharing this to us! Mwah!
♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧
my beloved swan anonie 🥺🥺🥺 oh how i’ve missed you!!!!!! i received this ask as i was about to sleep last night but i couldn’t help but to read it even with eyes blurry from sleepy tears. safe to say i went to sleep with a smile on my face :") also the words yapping gig is making me giggle until now LOL you’re so cute i love you. thank you so much for finding my works and this one in particular worthy of your time to yap about :P i wish i can squish in the biggest hug ever
I cannot recall all of them at this moment but Jungkook really loves oc's eyes and how expressive they are, I adore how you used our collective admiration of Jungkook's eyes to him understanding a new perspective of love, it is a classic way of describing an epiphany.
me blushing giggling and kicking my feet rn. i was kinda emotional when i came up with that honestly </3
The awkwardness, the dead air that I could feel, and the funny butterflies on Jungkook's tummy is something I could feel too! He is noticing the little things and he knows he is ruined then and there!
eeekkk i’m so happy 🥹 you have no idea how much i enjoy writing these pre-official relationship moments like oh my god these lovesick fools.
First of all, the way that the first line completely contrasts the first part. "Hey, it's getting late. Shouldn't you be heading home by now?" (as if they don't know that Jk's gonna wanna stay), oc and their playful antics istg!
that’s a real reader right there lmfao i adore you 😭😭😭
Wait, I changed my mind! This is my most favorite part because of how you perfectly depicted the thing where Jungkook lied about not bringing his own clothes and actually planning to sleepover from the start. It's so funny and endearing at the same time because, yes! I would do the same if I were the one in his position and will definitely bask in oc's presence and charms.
I AM SO GLAD U POINTED THIS OUT BC I WAS LAUGHING WHILE WRITING IT 😭😭😭 my man came prepared with his own boy clothes
The unexpected kiss from oc? I squealed and kick my feet in the air so hard!
same but i have two sides. the other being: i was kinda jealous of him tbh 😒
It made me think of a recurring thought while reading it - if it's not for oc, he wouldn't; if it's not with oc, he wouldn't; if it's not oc, he wouldn't do nor experience all the things.
what are you gonna do now that you’ve made me cry??? is this revenge???? 😭💔 oh my god i’m never forgetting this ever
Art, when I tell that this slightly smutty part made me cry more than feeling hot and bothered would you hate me? 😔
and when i tell you that was actually my plan all along would you hate me? 🥺🥺🥺 more than the act itself, it was such a meaningful night in oc’s part in terms of love and how they view it and i really reallyyy wanted to show that :(
This part perfectly encaptured the thing about oc, it sucks because in any universe, they won't ever know half of the love Jungkook carries for them and them only.
*insert every crying meme on the internet* no because they know!!! but do they actually know???????!!
"You are my rest." To be called someone's rest is to be told that loving you is a nature to them. Something that doesn't require concious effort, something that doesn't need much thinking, something that doesn't require energy from them but a source for them.
my beloved :( you said it so perfectly there are tears in my eyes.
Again, the topic of proximity and perspectives as a reoccuring theme and you never fail to give us new idea to ponder to.
really played around with this one hehehe it was so much fun and gave me a lot to think about too!!
Their conversation here made me realize how much of a fearless lover oc is when it comes to him. They've shown it many times before but it never fails to amaze me how you wrote it differently every single time, and the degrees make me want to set the whole world on fire including hell.
🫣 and you still haven’t seen all of it. writing it always makes me think that damn, it is such a privilege to be loved by them :(
0 notes
you. are. gorgeous. 🔪🔪🔪
and ksdkdkdkdkckdkdkd THEIR HANDS!!!! seriously they are so cute it makes me sick 😩 but I totally agree! you hold onto someone’s hand like that if you’re really close also their head on pedrito’s shoulder :’)
oh to be basking in the sun while eating grapes and spend my days daydreaming 😩😩 but nope reality is much more cruel, the only thing I have is the daydreaming so it’s really a pleasure to be able to share my headcanons with you! i just need time to write it out but it should be sent tomorrow or on thursday :) and please feel free to discuss them as much as you want, i love to hear your thoughts!!
OH AND I JUST FORGOT TO TELL YOU!! that little thing you wrote about Ellie defending reader OMGEEEEEE seriously “does that make me a milf?” 💀 it should be illegal to make me laugh so much miss girl 🤧 it was just as funny as it was endearing and ugh to be loved by Joel and by Ellie…what a dream, it would fix everything wrong in my life *sigh*
okay im seriously going to bed because I’m a serious, responsible adult 🥲 i have no idea what time it is for you but i hope you’re having a good whatever it is for you and you get to rest after such a slayyyy day
And now the latest Bella's post!!! I can't my little brain is literally going insane. It unspeakable how much I live for them and love them! Why they got to be so perfect! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I hope you rested well gorgeous! Look after yourself and I love you oh so much!🤍🫧
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t-h-i-n-g · 2 years
I saw your post demanding requests and it was really funny! Can you please write an eleven x reader where the reader is generally not very shy but becomes very much so around her crush/es.( you can also make it a mike x eleven x reader if you want). And eleven is understanding yet finds it amusing and endearing at the same time. Also can eleven be more aware of the world, please? If required it can be set during or post season 4 for that. And since I'm not giving much of a plotline, maybe eleven kills a big spider for the reader as the has a huge fear of spiders. Also the reader has never had a girlfriend/boyfriend before so she's sort of afraid of her feelings. Thank you in advance!
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a/n: hi!! Tysm for requesting, sorry it took a bit to finish. My motivation hasn't been the best but I got this done. I edited a few things from the request but not much, hope you like it!!!!
word count: 900+
summary: she sat across from you in the booth, lightly eyeing you with a smile. you would not have thought you would spending your spring break in California once again fighting the monster’s that were in the upside down. it didn’t help that the girl that was not even three feet away from you was making you a nervous wreck.
warnings: spiders, otherwise than that I don't believe there's any but if there is let me know!!
st - masterlist m.masterlist
You folded the last piece of the pizza box. Holding up the object and looking at it from every angle. Satisfied with your work you turned to El, meeting her eyes with a light smile.
"Alright, I think these should do the trick," you said nodding. She put her elbow on the table, placing her chin onto her palm.
"I don't know," she mumbled, "I think you'll have to try them out first to confirm." You quirked a brow at her. Her features lit up as you brought the glasses to your face.
"Hm, I'm surprised they actually are working as well as they are. I mean I can't see any-" you cut yourself off when you heard giggling. Removing the shades you saw El with a hand over her mouth. Her body shaking silently as soft chuckles made their way past her lips. You couldn't help yourself from mirroring her action.
"They looked pretty cool huh?" You questioned in a fit of laughter. She nodded.
"Oh, for sure. They go with your skin tone so we'll," El joked, leaning forward in her seat. She crossed her arms on the surface, balancing herself on her knees resting on the bench. You bit your lip, trying to contain your nervousness at her new proximity. Silence fell over the air as the laughter died down.
You bounced your leg lightly while your fingers tapped the table. A random rhythm being heard. You anxiously looked away from her eyes. Not being able to handle their intense stair. However the thumbing stopped and your body tensed as a hand covered yours. Your brows raised as you turned back to Jane.
Her head tilted slightly as she held a smile on her face. You gulped, taking in the sight of your hand in hers. She fidgeted with your fingers gently. Taking her other hand she held yours in both of hers.
"You know," she paused briefly,"I missed you." Your eyes widened even more than what should be possible. You stuttered trying to find a response.
"I-I uh… yeah, I mi-issed you too, El," you said, nodding. She laced her fingers in yours, holding them as her chin once again fell into her palm.
"That's good, this would have been awkward if you didn't," she mumbled, lightly swaying your hands side to side. You let out a nervous chuckle.
"Well of course I missed you. Why wouldn't I-I have?" you questioned softly. She shrugged.
"Your letters seemed different then what you are like in person," El stated, "You always have so much to talk about in them, but now that your here…It takes some work to get something out of you. But that's okay, it's cute."
"Cute?" you squeaked out. She giggled, nodding.
"Yeah, it's cute," she confirmed. "But once this is all over we're gonna have to work on that." You placed your other hand on the table, tapping your fingers once more. A breathy laugh fell from you.
"That depends if it will end," you mentioned. She frowned, gently taking your other hand in her free one.
"It will end. It has to… if it doesn't I don't know what we're gonna do," she stated with a sigh. A smile making it's way back onto her face. "At least I got you though." You shook your head.
"You got everyone, El. Will, Mike, Jonathan, me, even the people back at Hawkins, everyone's here for you. Like you're here for them." She rubbed her thumb across your knuckles.
"You know what I mean," she mumbled, "You know that I'll be there for you differently than I'll be there for them. Like how I have you differently then them." You stiffened, lightly gripping her hands. You shakily nodded your head.
"Yeah, I know." She smiled, peering into your eyes, trying to ease your nerves.
"And we'll work on this," she squeezed your hands, "Once it's all over." A soft smile made it's way to your featured.
"Yeah, that wo-" you cut yourself short. Eyes widening at the sight of an unwelcomed being crawling on the table. You jumped up, standing on your stair and climbing over the back of it into the new booth. "Oh hell naw, kill it kill it!" you screamed pointing at the spider settling itself on the scrap boxes.
El also stood out of her seat. Scared by whatever had caused your reactions. She placed a hand over her heart as it steadied. Her eyes landing on the little arachnid.
She huffed quitly to herself before picking up the sliced pizza box and walking it past you. Causing you to shrink away while she took it to the exit. Setting the box outside. She came back in to you, to see you peaking yourself behind the booth.
She giggled lightly coming up to you, El once again took her hands in yours and pulled you out of the seat.
"You know I hate spiders," you whined. She shook her head giggling. "You should have killed it."
"It didn't even touch you, there's no need to kill it when it hasn't caused any harm," she stated, swaying your arms. Your face scrunched up.
"Still, then it doesn't get the chance." El let out a light laugh, pulling you slightly closer.
"I could totally completely wreck you if I got the chance. You gonna kill me then?" she questioned with a quirked brows. You tried to come up with a reasonable excuse.
"Like you said you're different," you replied with a shrug.
likes and reblogs are appreciated :)
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zafirosreverie · 3 years
Cooking isn’t romantic, but you are (Julieta x Fem!Reader)
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a/n: reader is married to both Agustín and Julieta, but this focuses on her relationship with Juli.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
"Cook with her" Mirabel said "It will be romantic" she said.
Romantic my ass, you thought. Who in their right mind would consider this romantic?! And how the hell did your wife manage to do it every fucking day?!
It was too much stress, cutting, washing, mixing, were you using enough salt? too much? Was it enough water? And why the hell did it change color?!
"Teach her to cook" Agustín said "It will be fun" he said
Julieta wasn't sure that was the right word. Not when you looked so pale, stiff as a board and she was sure you were praying quietly. Adorable and endearing, but not funny.
The older woman knew that this plan of your daughters and husband was born out of love and concern, tho.
When she and Agustín had asked you out, Julieta had been delighted with you, you were sweet, loving, and cheerful, and you were always ready to help. Also, the fact that you were younger than them made you the perfect bridge between them and their three daughters, who were quick to accept and adore you.
It was no surprise to anyone when, sometime later, they had proposed to you...well, actually, it had been Agustín, because Julieta had never been able to shake those nerves from being with you.
That, and her busy schedule, were the main reasons why you usually spent more time with the girls and Agustín than with the older woman. Normally you two didn't care, because you knew that the love was genuine, but lately, things had gotten weird.
Usually, one of you was with Agustín and/or the girls, but never both at the same time. The poor accident-prone man had even been questioned about it, people thought he was dating you both, but that you and Julieta weren't.
That was something the family wasn’t going to allow. So, of course, they hadn't found a better way to get the two of you to spend time together than to put both of you in the kitchen and hope for the best.
"Are you ok?" she finally asked you.
"No" you answered quickly and honestly "how do you make it look so easy, Juli?"
"I've had years of practice, mi amor" she laughed warmly "besides, it's not that difficult, we picked an easy recipe for this"
"wi pickid in isy ricipi fir this" you mocked in a low voice "Easy my sister and I haven't even talked to that bitch in years"
Julieta had to bite her lip to keep from laughing out loud. It was not the moment. She knew that maybe she should scold you for talking like that, but to be honest, you were an adult and you hardly ever cursed, plus it was obvious that you were in a panic at the time, so she would let it slide.
"Here, let me help you" she told you, still trying to contain her laughter. You were adorable.
Julieta stood behind you and wrapped her arms around you, putting her hands on yours to guide your movements. Your cheeks turned red when you felt her warm breath on your ear and her chest pressed against your back. You forgot about the food for a moment.
Julieta was a very beautiful woman, and no matter how long you had been married, you were always impressed with her like the first time you met her.
"See? It's not that hard, is it?" her voice brought you back to reality
Apparently, she had been teaching you a lesson and you had completely missed it. Dammit. In your defense, she couldn't really expect you to pay attention when her lips were so close to your ear.
"Sorry!" You jumped "I-I...I"
The older woman waited for you to organize your thoughts, but she didn't pull away from you. If she was sincere, she wasn’t better than you. It was no secret to anyone that she loved her family, but the age difference between the two of you was still something that made her nervous.
She didn't doubt that you loved her as you loved Agustín, but she was not a woman who took things for granted either. After all, what could you want with someone who could be your mother? Part of her was afraid you'd find her boring or something.
This was by far the closest she had been to you without Agustín as an intermediary in a long time. She couldn't say she disliked it, in fact, she was discovering how well you fit in her arms.
You leaned a little more against her and Julieta let her hands go up a little more, caressing the soft skin of your arms. Neither of you wanted to talk, for fear of ruining the strange but pleasant moment between you.
You turned your head a little so you could look into her eyes. They were your favorite part of her, there was an overflowing warmth and love in them, a seductive chocolate fountain. Julieta was being called by the honey of your lips and soft but firmly she turned you in her arms to be able to kiss you deeply.
You wrapped your arms around her neck and pulled her closer. It wasn't common for you to get carried away like this, but hey! When your wife commanded, you obeyed.
You began to move slowly until Julieta had you gently but firmly pressed against the cold tiles of the wall. The older woman surprised herself because her nature was rather passive and she hardly ever took the initiative in this kind of thing, but she couldn't get enough of you. You were addictive.
Perhaps, she had missed you more than she thought.
"We have to do this more often" you said as you pulled away to breathe.
Julieta laughed softly, caressing your cheek for a moment. Your hands stayed wrapped around her neck and you made a mental note of all the little freckles on her face.
"You'll have to visit me in the kitchen more often then" she joked
"As long as I don't have to cook, it's a deal"
You laughed softly and started to get closer again when something clicked in both of your minds.
"The food!"
The two quickly separated and you saw how Julieta intervened in time to rescue the meal. Once the tragedy was averted, the woman looked at you again and you shared a mischievous smile. Maybe cooking was not for you, but you knew well that you would try again, if only for the chef.
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reidsnose · 4 years
Nose Taps (spencer reid x reader)
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overview: the newest member of the bau develops a cute secret language with the resident genius
genre: fluff
a/n: this is my first fic so my apologies if its bad lol i tried. also its very short sorry ! but yeah lmk if u like it :)
From the first day you walked through the doors of the BAU, you were incredibly charming in a unique way. You knew exactly how to talk to everyone, an amazing intuition letting you know just what to do. Spencer's curiosity had fallen on you; he was absolutely enthralled by your entire being.
the first thing that caught his attention was when you hand had accidentally grazed his.
it was a small meaningless gesture as you slipped past him, but he thought about it for weeks afterwards, in a good way. he thought about your smile as you apologized for "bumping into him". he missed the tingles that shot up his arm where your skin met his.
the second thing was much larger, he began to notice your kindness.
on only your second day in the office you stayed late to help hotch with paperwork so he could get home to jack faster. it was not a selfish act to get on his good side, rather an act of complete and utter kindness.
you brought JJ cheetos when she was feeling down because you saw her munching on them on the jet once.
you even got morgan to talk about his feelings for 4 hours one night after something was clearly bothering him. and morgan never talks about his feelings.
though you had just recently met them, you showed them how sweet you were without even trying. and Spencer Reid was no exception.
you stayed attentive to everyone who spoke to you, and when you noticed that people would often interrupt him or brush him off, it didn't sit right with you. after talking to him about it, the two of you developed a system. every time he didn't get to finish his thought, you would tap your nose to show him you noticed and wanted to hear about it later. then, at the end of the day, either in the hotel or on the jet, you would tally up the number of nose taps and he would get to ramble about all of it to you. it wasnt intentionally a secret but it was kept between you two, your little thing.
spencer thought it was the most endearing and kind thing anyone had done for him.
and you ate up every second of it, watching his eyes grow wide and then crinkle at the corners when he grew giddy about a certain statistic or historical story. you didn't understand how anyone could not want to listen to him.
soon, however, the nose taps evolved into something more. a whole little language grew between the two of you.
one nose tap from either party meant "im listening".
two nose taps meant "i have to tell you something".
three meant "i have to tell you asap".
an eyebrow tap meant "this reminded me of you" or "im thinking about you".
so on and so forth.
the team picked up on this little code between the two of you, but couldn't for the life of them understand what it all meant or when it had started. to be fair, they didn't have much time to decode while on cases.
to Spencer, this secret language was his most treasured peice of knowledge. And to you, it was your most treasured secret. and to both, unforgettable.
though Spencer had noticed your striking beauty when he first laid eyes on you, spending tome with you only intensified it. he found himself often marveling at the little details, especially on the jet.
the way your hair fell on your shoulders, the angle of your eyelashes, the blush that graced your cheeks when you laughed, the way you chew on your lip when you're thinking, even the barely noticeable wrinkles you have in your forehead from raising your eyebrows all the time. he was falling helplessly in love with every bit of you.
you did that same to him. admiring the itty bitty bump on the bridge of his nose right above the perfect little button tip, the curls in his hair, the way he puckered up a little as he talked, the way his whole face would crinkle up when he laughed really hard, his eyes squinting so hard they were barely visible. you were falling helplessly in love with every bit of him.
the team had OBVIOUSLY picked up on this, and though they would tease the both of you in private, they didn't dare embarrass you in front of each other. they weren't that sadistic. or so you thought.
one evening at rossis the team decided to have a powerpoint night. everyone chose a funny topic to make a power point and present about.
jj went first, presenting the slideshow titled "ways my clashing aesthetics present themselves through my sons"
next went morgan: "reasons i should be allowed to not wear a shirt under my bullet proof vest".
followed by Rossi who did "list of the fakest Italians weve ever encountered (they cant even pronounce gnocchi)"
after him was prentiss with "things i did while pretending to be dead"
and then hotch who made "ranking the bau from most to least childish"
then you went with "animals i think all of you resemble"
followed by reid who did "top 5 worst hospitals based on jello rating"
and last but not least, garcia. she went with "agents i think should just get married already we are literally not getting any younger"
you all laughed until the slide moved and there was a picture of Spencer and you, asleep on each other on the jet. his arm was wrapped around you protectively as you were cuddled up to his chest. you looked over at spencer who was matching your bright red face.
"y/n and spencer." garcia spoke before clicking to the next slide.
"wow she just cut right to the chase huh," prentiss laughed.
more images that the team had sneakily taken of the two of you riddled the screen.
one of you braiding his hair. one of him wiping frosting on your face from your birthday. on of the two of you mid laugh, mirroring each other exactly. a few more of you two on the jet, on cases, or even out at bars or at rossis with the rest of the team. so many of them and as much as you were embarrassed, you really loved all of those pictures.
"i really dont think i need to explain much, these speak for themselves," garcia chirped.
"i like that one," reid spoke up, pointing to the braiding one. ok so were going about that like this.
"i was just about to say that, but this ones also a close contender," you replied pointing to the frosting one.
"and that my friends, concludes my slide show!" garcia laughed.
"wait seriously? just us?" you laughed.
"yea.." she started, a giddy smile decorating her face. you looked over at Spencer and tapped your nose twice. he did it back but three times, cracking a cheesy grin. "see! and they have their little secret nose code thing! is that not relationship material?"
"you guys noticed?" spencer asked, clearly oblivious.
"duh." rossi joked.
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nonokoko13 · 3 years
Child!reader being adopted by spy x family characters Pt. 2
As I said in the previous part, these adoption headcanons are really specific, including your hypothetical pronouns and name; these two are extra so you can imagine yourself with your name and desired gender. You can ask for less specific headcanons if you want too. Part 1 here
Sylvia Sherwood
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How you met
She carries the responsibility of WISE, she needs to be committed to it. More than ever now that the peace was threatened every day by those who wanted war to arise again
She missed her family, but she overcame it. Just like the HQ she had to be impenetrable
At least, that's what she thought
Because right in front of her there was the question which answers she wanted to hear. A kid.
It would be normal to see one if she wasn't at the HQ
It didn't help no one knew there was a kid there until you spoke up
The camera system didn't record you and there wasn't any entrance to the agency that had been forced. You weren't any employee's kid either
After scolding them and order to search your parents she met you again
"Hello little one. May I ask you how did you get in here?"
You smiled, seeming to have been waiting her to ask
"Because I like to play and explore! And I'm really good at hide and seek"
Sylvia raised an eyebrow. No matter how well someone was good at hiding there was no way you could break into the HQ; it sounded surrealistic
"But how did you find this place?"
"Because it was easy to find"
"Don't you think you could end bad breaking into unknown places?"
"If I don't know what isthis place how I'd know that?"
Fair enough
That conversation wasn't going anywhere, yet she was angrier with the security staff than you. You didn't look worried though
You gave her an idea
"Do you want to play with me?"
Both entered in the nearest police station, she talked with the officers before telling you to count until 1000 while she was going to hide. You started the count facing a wall
She felt bad, but there were some traffickers she had to catch before they made the exchange
She was following their car; everything fine until she believed to see a small hand greeting her from the car's trunk
She returned to the police station to find out that moments later of her departure you disappeared without anyone realizing. She went to the point where the delivery would be made
Outside the abandoned warehouse there was no signal that you were there until she saw you getting out from under the car on the other side
Something caused a shooting that would make the police come and caught her at any moment. The bands kept shooting at each other while you were behind a transport container
"What were you thinking?! I told you to stay with the police!"
"I'm sorry, I counted until I know, then I saw you following the car, so I followed too. But before they caught me I hid in there...I'm sorry..." You pulled out a walkie-talkie
"I got two from the police station. I left one in there so the others thought the guys of that car were betraying them, it should have worked to scape with no bad guys seeing us"
She was impressed. However, there was no time to ask where you learn that from
Analyzing the situation the principal scape was blocked, fortunately they hadn't noticed you yet so–
You pulled her shirt, pointing somewhere else
"Let's get out"
General headcanons
Sylvia was still surprised that your plan of exiting through a rear window she hadn't seen and walk away without hurry could work
She stopped walking to watch you smash the walkie-talkie and take out some matches to burn it
"Now they can't find footprints!"
The police may not get answers about it but she had many questions for you
She lied to you about the HQ, after the shooting her lie was on the floor. Thenceforth Sylvia's not able to tell if you were playing along and keeping her secret or you have no idea what's all about
You thought her name was Handler. When you knew she was called Sylvia Sherwood you pointed your hoody logo and say "S of Super, you're superman–Superwoman!"
That's how she begun to be mistaken with an endearing mother and her son. She was superwoman and you "kid", because you said that's how you were called, along with child, shrimp, demon...
"That's unacceptable". She handed you lists of names to choose, unfortunately no one convinced you
It wasn't until you two went to a jewelry store that you found the name
The casual way you break in HQ when you want still frustrates her, how do you do it?? You don't see big deal though
Fullmetal lady didn't remember how tough was motherhood
Anyone would freak out if they found out about spies. Yet there you are, admiring flying guys in underpants
Sylvia asked you about your family, but you always tell the same: you lived with dad until he left you with a woman that he said was your mom
The Handler found out your father is a repeat offender, currently on a maximum security prison in another country. Both him and the woman without offspring legally
"Please, don't tell me one of his criminal records is jailbreaking"
The informant doubted "Actually, that's the main one"
The Forgers
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Scenario where it's up to both of them to adopt you. To keep Loid's mental sanity safe it will be independent of the timeline where Yor has a kid on her own, feel free to imagine both kids being Anya's siblings at the same time. You can ask me to include that idea if I write more about this
How you met
As I said before Twilight wouldn't adopt anyone due his job, only one kid for Operation Strix and that was Anya. For now Yor didn't want more kids, she loves Anya and that's enough for them
Not for Anya. She wanted a little sibling
All started talking with Becky when Damian mentioned his brother. Back at home she brought the topic and neither Pa or Ma were giving her an answer of where babies come from
That's when she begun to feel like being a sister. Any plan helped her to convince her parents though
Anya remembered something Mr Henderson told them. "If you want something, take it into your own hands"
And she took it too seriously
Next day Anya and Bond disappeared, she was in the dogs park with Yor
While Mrs Forger panicked Anya had returned to the place she met Twilight
As the time passed the Forgers worried more. When they found Anya and Bond at their building's door they felt relieved
Your presence didn't make things better
They asked Anya where she had been and where did you come from. She said she adopted you
Of course Anya wasn't going to say she broke into an orphanage and took you
Loid's scolding made you cry
"Anya, we aren't adopting–"
"If she's not my sister I won't go to school ever again!!"
"Just for a trial period" that's what Loid hoped
General headcanons
Loid thought babies were easy because it's unnecessary (more impossible) communication with a living being that can't talk; after all babies only have basic needs. He was wrong
It would be easier if you could talk. Why are you crying? You have eaten! Are you sad? Cold? You dislike him?
Yor is not better either. Because her parents died when Yuri was a kid Yor didn't have experience with changing diapers, or anything related with babies
She was more scared than Loid to the point she didn't want to hold you. She broke Yuri's ribs with a hug when he was a toddler, what if she kills you with few contact?
In less than 24 hours you already had a crib and all kinds of things a baby would need. However, having three bedrooms and parents sleeping in separate rooms meant all your things ended in Anya's room
You cried at night until they discovered you calmed down when Anya let you a plushie to hug
She can't wait for the day pa and ma share bed to take back her bedroom
The second night Anya had an idea
Ma is scared of being your mom, solution? Leave you in her bed while Yor is asleep imagining that would work
Thanks God Yor doesn't move much when sleeping. On the other hand Yor is a light sleeper due not being used to sleep with someone so she woke up minutes later
She almost jump out of the bed, realizing that would make you cry made her contain. You groaned, did she wake you up? Yor wasn't sure of holding you, instead she laid down again and approached you to her chest
Seeing you so peaceful by her side melted her, thinking about it you looked a bit like her and Loid.. She blushed at the embarrassing thought
Bold of them to not imagine that's why Anya chose you
In the morning Loid discovered what happened and had a little words with Anya during breakfast before she went to school
Yor went to work and he decided to take a day off from his work to spend the morning with you. The Handler said the first days you should see them to recognize faces
Walks with Bond, buying toys, trying to teach you sign language...Normal stuff
Loid is glad you don't do anything but sleep and eat, except your obsession with munching. When you first kissed Yor he found it normal until you munched her cheek and now you do that to everyone; probably you're teething
Yor found it really cute, but you shouldn't go kissing and chewing cheeks. Anya thinks is funny just don't try to chew her hair again please
Another problem came with names. Loid was going through a list of 850 names in alphabetical order, meanings included; Yor didn't take it to the extreme
"Hum, what about Rose? I think it's a cute name, I mean it's both decision and I'm not good with names Loid–"
Welcome to the family Rose
A spy, an assassin, a telepath and... Well, a baby. Seems like a good mix
Yor Briar
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As we know Twilight only would adopt for Operation Strix's sake. Yor became mother by marrying Loid, but what if she had already a kid before being Mrs Forger?
Inspired by this post of @say-seira
How you met
Long ago before Twilight adopted the identity of Loid Forger, the Briars moved to a flat in Berlint
While the eldest sibling had recently become an adult Yuri was only a kid, Yor decided to move to the city so he had nearer his school. It was possible due her proper salary as Thorn Princess
This change would make her job easier too. She had a new client which death could pay Yuri's entrance to a good university
There was a politician who negotiated with terrorists, helping them to get into Ostania and providing them with weapons in exchange to gain good propaganda abroad and getting rid of competition
Knowing this was enough to make Yor's blood boil. He deserved to die, she was sure of it
Struggling with the security around him, Yor finally killed the target without leaving trace
The only inconvenience was a bad injury made by a bullet that she received. After removing the bullet the wound got worse
She went to the hospital to avoid an infection. In the waiting room she met a kind lady, Yor swore that she had seen her before
The woman was scared, but Yor reassured her she will wait her
While Yor was attended the girl was taken to another room. As she promised, Yor waited in the hall after her wound was treated; with a buttoned medical gown on because she didn't want to attract more attention due the bandaged wound in sight
Time passed and many people enter and exit from the room, but she didn't. A nurse carrying something mistook her for one of the staff and scolded her for standing there
"Here, take the baby to the nursery"
"Me? But— wait! What about the woman? Is she okay?"
From afar she heard the answer, but before Yor could explain the error the woman had left. She was shocked, how? She seemed fine
Against her will the dark-haired looked at the lump she was holding: rosy cheeks babbling in dreams, you were in peace
Her shock grew when she saw you shared the username that the man she killed had. That's why the woman was familiar: she was the politician's daughter
Yor searched someone who hand the baby when she recognized the doctor that guided the woman to the room, he was talking with a masked nurse
The fact they went to a private place and maintained their voices low made her suspect
"Did you take care of the mother?" the nurse asked
"Yes, they got ahead of us with her father but I think they will pay us anyway. When they found it was a medical negligence we'll be far from here"
Yor understood they were assassins as well, probably paid by a rival. Luckily they hadn't seen her yet
"Heh, do you they will pay more if we got rid of the baby?"
Yor left the hospital with you, unsure of what to do. Did you have more relatives? The widowed politician didn't have more kids, and your mother came alone. What if they wanted to kill the rest of the family?
A small hand grabbed hers, and every fear disappeared. Looking at each other, she knew you were safer with her. Perhaps it was only guilt or sympathy, but she would try
General headcanons
The moment Yuri saw Yor holding you was in disbelief. Yor said she found you in the streets and he believed it
At first he tried to convince her sister to leave you in a orphanage but once scolding was enough to cease
Still disliking you for the first months. It took some time until he saw you like one of his family
Yuri helped, although they had a rough time because you refused to eat Yor's purees. Your endurance might grew up to make you the only person who can eat her food without bleeding but it doesn't mean you like its flavor
She viewed you as a sibling until you were two, being called mom made Yor too happy to correct you. Yuri was just Yuri, you never feel like using formalities with him or addressing "Uncle" everytime you talked
Yor decided to let your belongings, it was better that way. When you were older, and only if you wanted, she would tell you the truth
She's bad with names, Rose was the only name she could think of but you're a boy. Yor's parents loved that Yuri and her had matching names, therefore you would be the sweet addition to it
The only name I could think of is Yuu because it's gender neutral and means "you" sorry
During the first year of your life she didn't try to hide the blood of her clothes from you. Yuri never suspected either and you wouldn't remember it when you grow up
Your lack of childhood amnesia was something she didn't have in count. Not that she knows you know anyway
Yor has been training you since you were able to walk, if she wasn't there when you needed at least you would be ready to defend yourself. Proud to say you're her strong boy
That said, if the assassins that tried to killed you found were you lived it's something you ignore. Being the protective mother Yor is they could be dead by now
Six years later, it was still Yor and you against the world, with Yuri being the only paternal figure you had. Before one day she met a man and everything changed
She said he will help her by accompanying her to a party so Yuri stopped worrying about her. She said it would be one night, and the next morning you woke up with Yor waiting to talk with you
In part she accepted because of you; you passed the Eden exam before knowing you needed a dad for it. That requisite seemed stupid for you, as you reassured her you could go to any other school; now you would be accepted into the best school!
You agreed and started packing. What else you could do? The decision was made before you were asked anyway, and you didn't want to argue with your mom because she was doing it for your future too
Of course it affected you. No matter how nice they were it was a huge change; in one day you had to move to a new place which didn't feel like home and live with strangers who you'll have to share mom with isn't easy
Anya was nervous too, but for different reasons. She was so excited to meet her soon-to-be sibling! For her, who was an orphan last week, having a pa, a ma and a friend to play with was great
Her expectations went down when she read your mind. You didn't think bad of them, but excited wasn't the word to describe your emotional state either
Loid may not be good at understanding children, but it was clear for him you wasn't comfortable. For him would be weirder if you didn't seem affected at all
On the contrary, Yor seemed cool with all of this to you. Even without any idea of how to be a wife or mother for Anya she enjoyed her time as Forger, which confused you a bit
Yor is happier, not only because she didn't have to worry about the SSS or Yuri anymore. They make her happier, it's just matter of time she could fall for Loid and have a baby that was her own, real kid
Being sure Yor loves you and your new family want you to feel welcomed doesn't make disappear the feelings you carry with. Still, if mom is happy you prefer to keep it to yourself and try to maker her smile too
If it wasn't because Yuri hates the idea of her sister hiding her marriage for a year and sympathized your situation he would have laughed at the irony when you told him during your uncle-nephew walk the next day of his meeting with "Loiloi"
He doesn't know they got married before you attended school so he assumed you had been holding it for a long time. He passed his fingers through your hair
"I understand it's difficult, but I'll be for you whenever you need me"
+ Honorable mention to compensate you for the mild ansgt without warning
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We don't know much about him but I included this dork for fun
Thinking about "Daybreak" and "parenthood" makes anyone's mind stopped working
Mainly because it's difficult to say which one would be the child
Not "How you met headcanons" because he wouldn't be able to adopt to begin with
From what we saw in chapter 27 he seems to live alone, depending on his amazing spy career to afford pork steak for dinner. So he must not live too good given that after his first mission he was fired
If he had a child, it would be likely because of a previous relationship he had and didn't end well
He didn't adopt you. You're his biological kid, the only not adopted of this gang
Sorry we can't choose our family good luck ig
Not necessarily ended bad, even remaining as friends, your mother took a different path and is happily married with another man
If she knew he wanted to be a spy either thought "it's a joke" or *sigh*
She was who brought money in the relationship, now you live with her and your step-dad but at the beginning you didn't want to
Daybreak talked with you and promised you could visit each other and even live with him when he could afford it
They don't get it
Who would take care of him? The idea of living on his own was frightening to you
Imagine being father and is your kid who worries about whether pops know how to pay taxes without mom
You took after him in terms of appearance. Any signal of intelligence was from your mother
Average smart but surely smarter than him
Probably he thanked God that you were a boy. He will love whatever you are but he was relieved of saving himself of buying female products when you were on that time of the month and guide you through puberty
As much as he says to be a charming man he's not good with women either so
Your name is Sunny. Guess who chose it
Probably you see him more on weekends than during the week
Until you showed him Spy Wars he didn't have no idea that existed such good series
Of course not cooler than the legend he is but Daybreak jokes about how reading that and seeing your cool pops in action would make you half as good spy as he is someday
Quite sad is that your common sense along with the things you see on TV are enough to be better spy material
You try to watch it with him to see if he learns something
Unsure of what you'll be in the future but in the mean time you had fun watching cartoons and liking kids stuff like dinosaurs and skateboard
Current status: Busy with your first year at school and getting him out of trouble
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