#i thought so much what i wanted to say but i’m left speechless
bleucaesura · 3 days
WTF - Part 4
Blitzø wanted to curl into a ball and die. He felt so fucking small and weak and pathetic. His deepest insecurity, his biggest hurdle with Stolas, was finally laid bare at the Prince’s feet. And he was fucking TERRIFIED. All Stolas had to do was breathe and he could blow Blitzø away completely. Topple the walls Blitzø had spent his life building. Destroy him entirely. Wreck him forever for anyone else… HA! Who was he fucking kidding? There’d never be anyone else…
The empty space and silence between them began to grow like a chasm. Every second it felt to the two of them that they were drifting further apart. Soon the depth of silence and the distance between them would become too great. Too far to ever reach across again.
“Blitz!” Stolas choked in anguish. He fell to his knees, startling Blitzø. Blitzø looked at him in shock, tears streaming down his face.
“Please!” Stolas buried his face in his hands and cried. “What can I do to make you see?… How much you mean to me…” His words came in ragged gasps.
Blitzø was crumbling. He had nothing left to protect him anymore. His walls were gone. And there he stood: raw and naked, bawling like a fucking baby in front of the man he loved, the man he didn’t deserve. What the fuck was he supposed to say?
Try and ruin it. OBVIOUSLY… fuck me…
“What could I possibly mean to anyone?” He muttered, hugging himself tightly. “Especially you?… I’m a worthless nobody.”
Stolas lashed out and grabbed Blitzø tightly by the shoulders and shook him. HARD.
Blitzø’s head snapped forward and back once like the crack of a whip; his teeth gnashed so hard they felt like they might crack
“How DARE YOU!” Stolas yelled at him in between tears. “After ALL this TIME!” His hands gripped tighter, making Blitzø wince.
Stolas was angry. Really fucking angry. But also frantic and confused.
“After ALL the time we SPENT together! How DARE you say you don’t mean anything to me!!” His pupils danced in his glowing ruby eyes.
Blitzø was transfixed, caught in their glare.
“You’re worth EVERYTHING to me, Blitz! You and Octavia are my WORLD!” Stolas shook him again, but his anger was waning. His grip was loosening. His bottom lip quivered.
Blitzø didn’t stamp out his thoughts anymore… He DESPERATELY wanted to kiss those lips.
“I went to the human world for you! Risked exposure! Risked EVERYTHING for you!” Stolas’s grip loosened and his hands began to slip away. “And you didn’t even… You left…” His voice shook. He sniffled back tears. “You didn’t even care enough to visit me in the hospital!”
Blitzø’s heart dropped.
His hands snapped up and caught Stolas’s before he could pull them away completely.
“I DO CARE!” Blitzø cried desperately. “I care SO FUCKING MUCH, Stolas!”
Stolas jolted in shock. He stared wide-eyed and unblinking back at Blitzø. His heart raced and threatened to beat out of his chest.
Blitzø actually cared for him? He felt his beak flapping open and closed like a fish gasping for breath - speechless and dumbstruck.
Stolas.exe has ceased to function. Please reboot.
Blitzø clasped Stolas’s hands tightly between his and stared into his eyes pleadingly. Desperate for him to understand. For him to not reject him. For him to stay.
“I’ve ripped myself apart EVERY. SINGLE. DAY since Striker took you! Since I saw you wheeled into that hospital!” Blitzø’s voice cracked.
Stolas finally felt himself coming back online. He shook his head to clear the mess, and pointedly made eye contact with Blitzø. He looked so desperate. So broken.
I want to hold him so much…
Stolas leaned in, returning the hold of Blitzø’s hands; lacing their fingers together.
Blitzø shivered and averted his gaze, but gripped tighter to Stolas’s hands.
“It was MY fucking FAULT you got hurt, Stolas.” Blitzø choked out. “I didn’t DESERVE to be around you. I didn’t DESERVE to feel relief. I made my fucking bed when I left you high and dry and I had to fucking LAY IN IT!”
Blitzø spat the words out with such hatred and venom his body shook.
It pained Stolas so badly to hear Blitzø speak this way.
“Blitz…” Stolas whispered sadly. He rubbed his thumbs back and forth over Blitzø’s. He hoped it would be a welcome and calming show of affection.
He had never seen Blitzø like this before. So open. So vulnerable. He knew he was being given a gift. Something very precious. And that’s why he was so terrified to say the wrong thing. Afraid to say something that would have Blitzø slamming the door in his face, never to see this side of him again.
Stolas watched as Blitzø’s measured breaths became slower and less frantic. He continued to rub his thumbs over Blitzø’s. And he definitely wasn’t thinking about how beautiful this man was. How much he loved these hands, and what they could do to-
“But… Your colleagues. Moxxie and Mildred? They came…” Stolas said cautiously. “Was that not your doing?”
Blitzø startled and whipped back to look at Stolas. He searched those ruby eyes for… What? What was he looking for?
Stolas looked down at Blitzø imploringly. Head tilted slightly at the question, eyes soft, and the faintest smile at the corner of his mouth. Blitzø felt a heat pool in his stomach and his legs jelly.
“I…” He blinked a few times trying to remember what the fuck he was supposed to be saying.
Fuck, he’s gorgeous…
Stolas squeezed his hands reassuringly.
“Fuck… Yes?…” Blitzø heaved a heavy sigh and threw his head back to look at the ceiling. He couldn’t focus when he was looking at Stolas.
“I mean… I wasn’t sure what I was gonna do, but then Millie, like, offered?… And Mox was all eager and shit… And… FUCK…” Blitzø started to hyperventilate. He didn’t want to live this over again. He dropped Stolas’s hands without realizing it and backed away. He grabbed his head trying to drown out the deafening blood pounding in his ears and paced.
Stolas watched on in anguish. The man he loved was tearing himself apart because he didn’t think HE was enough for HIM. Not the other way around. It was so stupid a thing that Stolas would have laughed if it hadn’t caused them so much pain.
Stolas took off his hat and clutched it tightly in his hands. He glared at the crown on its brim. He wanted to crush it, destroy all it stood for. Instead, he tossed it aside.
Fuck it. Fuck it ALL!
“Loona NEEDED that shot… She NEEDED IT…” Blitzø couldn’t breathe. He felt like he was drowning. He stopped and turned to Stolas. And there he was. The light at the end of the tunnel. The surface. All he had to do was reach it.
Blitzø stumbled over himself to get back to Stolas. To reach the surface.
He tripped. Stolas caught him. They clutched each other’s forearms, hands at their elbows. When he looked up, their faces were so close.
“I didn’t…” He swallowed, shuttering the desperate thoughts of kissing him. “I couldn’t fucking CHOOSE.”
Blitzø broke.
“I COULDN’T CHOOSE!” The tears gushed and he shook.
Stolas yanked Blitzø and held him in a tight hug against him.
Blitzø froze for only a moment and then he was crying, grasping desperately to Stolas and burying his face into his chest feathers, breathing in his scent.
Stolas cooed soothing words over and over “It’s alright. I understand. You did nothing wrong.” And stroked Blitzø’s back. He rested his chin on the top of his head and relished the feeling of holding him in his arms.
Blitzø knew Stolas was trying to make him feel better, but he knew didn’t deserve it.
He tried to wriggle free.
Stolas loosened his hold on Blitzø when he felt him struggling in his arms. He looked down to see him trying to push away from him. His heart dropped.
“Blitz…” His voice cracked. “What are you doing?”
Blitzø shoved him away, his chest caving in with the effort, his world crumbling down around him. He couldn’t take Stolas down with him. He could at least spare him this.
“I fucking HATE myself Stolas!” He cried.” I break everything I touch!…”
Stolas reached out to him pleadingly, his eyes filled with tears.
“Blitz! Please…” He managed to brush the back of his hand and they looked at each other. Just looked at each other.
Lust and longing and anguish and anger and desperation and despair and friendship and flirations and laughter and love… and love… love… love…
Blitzø staggered back like he’d be shoved.
“I love you too much to break you too!” He cried.
Blitzø fell to his knees. He grabbed his horns and fell forward into a ball, forehead and horns pressed to the floor. He curled as close to his knees as he could.
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tuninghearts · 3 days
Lucifer invites Alastor to his room in the hotel. Alastor complies, for what else can he do while he was stuck in a deal with His Majesty?
Radioapple Week - Day 4
Prompt: Drinking/Bonding
“Come, Alastor, you have fixed me up, it’s only right for me to pay back the favour.” Lucifer smiles, as he glances down at his hands. The cloth, streaks of golden blood now forever staining its ragged appearance, was thrown to the side. Lucifer was blossoming in front of Alastor, and he was worried of the next word that fell from his mouth, either feather-like or tumbling down like crushing boulders. He didn’t want to ruin him, make him wilt all because he was blocking the sun.
“I’m good, don’t worry.” Alastor shakes his head at the offer. The staff being fixed was enough for the price that he thought Lucifer needed to pay.
“Oh, come on, we have only started today.”
“It’s late in the evening, and night is trailing just behind.”
“But that doesn’t mean we can’t spend it together, can we? This place smells of blood and death, let’s head back to my room, take a drink or two, shall we?”
“Are you serious?” Alastor’s eyebrows furrowed, pinched together, almost straining his facial muscles. “You better not make me sleep in your bed again.”
“No guarantee,” he teased, but when he sees Alastor’s expression unchanged, still as firm and rigid as how it was before, Lucifer says, “Okay, okay. No sleeping in my bed.”
“And not vice versa, either. I don’t want you in my room.”
“Got it. Okay, let’s get out of here, can we? I’m starting to sweat.”
The trapdoor swung open with a bang, and they climbed down. Alastor pondered over whether or not the trapdoor was cracked due to Lucifer’s unneeded immense force when we pushed the trapdoor aside.
“Welcome to my room,” Lucifer smiles, as his arms shoot up in a welcoming gesture. “Excuse the number of ducks, I’ve yet to transport them back to my own house.”
“Why do you have so many?” Alastor asks.
“I keep them as friends, they’re nice to have. Oh, and, did you know they were originally meant to be a chew toy? That’s funny, because I chew on one of them all the time. Stress relief, nothing much.” The rubber duck on the table next to the bed was picked with slender fingers. He placed its tail in its mouth, biting it down with jagged teeth. It was left with a couple of bite marks which glitter underneath the fluorescent lights of his room and there were more trailing downwards from where he initially bit into, past marks of hardship. “It’s not bad, I’d be dead if it ever broke, but I made it out of good material so it shouldn’t break… easily. Oh, and these aren’t actually made of rubber, they're made of plastic.”
Alastor nodded along to his every word, even though not a single word was understandable because he wasn’t interested in rubber ducks to the extent that Lucifer was, but was happy to listen to him talk so fondly about how he makes them, what purpose do each of them serve, and more—a script he had memorised in his head and was more than willing to share to anyone who piqued their interest in his creations.
After some time, Lucifer turns around and asks, “Sorry, was that too much? Am I boring you? I’m probably boring you. What was I—oh yeah, the alcohol. I keep a couple of bottles in the bottom drawer.” He pulls out one of them, liquid filled half-way. When Alastor tips himself lower to see the other bottle, he finds one of them empty.
“Have you had other guests over?” The question that Alastor asks makes Lucifer turn around to him.
“I have not. Why?” He inquires.
“One of the bottles is empty. Have you had other people finish it with you?”
His face tilts to the floor. He’s gloomy, eyes unable to meet him. Speechless. Quiet. The fist that holds the bottle is tightened, and Alastor was worried cracks would form underneath his grasp, liquid overflowing everywhere, or that the pain from healing wounds would be too much for him to bear, and the bottle would drop to the floor, screaming as a puddle of dejection would spread across the floor. “I’m not answering that question.”
“Of course, I’m sorry.”
“No, don’t apologise. Come on, I’ll pour you a glass.”
“Let me. Your hands need a rest.” Alastor picks the bottle from his hand, and gestures for Lucifer to sit on the bed.
He does so, and the bed creaks slightly, the blanket underneath him ruffling. “The glasses are behind the bottle, by the way,” he says. His voice is soft, forcing itself out. Alastor resisted the urge to envelop him at the moment, make him feel the perfume of flowers underneath the tip of his nose.
When he pulls the glasses out from behind the cupboard, Lucifer smiles ever so slightly, and Alastor feels his soul brighten with joy. “Wine? How classic.” Alastor jokes, hoping to tug that smile upwards a little more. It works, he’s got Lucifer grinning, while he pours him a glass first and hands it to him, before he pours a glass for himself.
When he sits next to Lucifer on the bed, he couldn’t help but notice the sparkle in his eyes. It dances and glimmers, it flickers with admiration, it tugs at his heart in the best way possible. The chaos that fires within him was drunk away, as he wants to live in the moment with Lucifer, stay in endless conversations with him. Neither seemed to mind the spillage of the wine on either of their suits, as they laughed and bickered as if they had known each other since life.
“I’m tired, Alastor yawns, and puts his glass on the tabletop.
“Let’s get you to your room,” Lucifer chuckles, a drunk mess—his words were slurring. “No sleeping in my bed, remember?”
A part of him chokes on regret. He wants to feel Lucifer next to him, like the night before. Curled up in his sheets, even if they aren’t touching each other, but his presence was enough to comfort him through nightmares. “I want to stay with you,” he blurts out, a thought that was never meant to make it past his razor-sharp teeth or his once filtered tongue.
“This is the drunk Alastor I’m talking to.” Lucifer stands on his two feet, wobbling. “Come on, to your room.”
“Okay, fine,” Alastor sighs, and stands too.
“Aren’t you going to go and mix with your shadow to go back to your room or something?”
“I want you to take me back.” Another sentence that he has muttered into the air, when he was too drunk to watch what he says, and he can’t ever take it back.
“You’re really drunk, jeez,” Lucifer laughs, as he offers Alastor his hand. When they slide together, a reminder of how Lucifer's hand first felt in his from the night before, the door was opened, and they stumbled back to Alastor’s room. --- 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
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kiuruthings · 2 months
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Bojan during ”Bluza” in Malmö
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hyunniesgirl · 5 months
My cat likes you
Pairing: Lee Know x gn!reader
Genre: fluff
Summary: your cat is behaving strangely lately and a walk outside your apartment shows you exactly why.
Warnings: none
A/N: I saw a video on Instagram with a cat rubbing on the floor when they saw a cute guy and I was like "why is this so Lee Know coded?" And had to make something like that with him heheheh
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It's been a few days since your cat started behaving strangely, she'll wake you up early in the morning meowing at your room’s door. At first you thought she did that because she was hungry, but when you put food in her bowl she ignores it and keeps meowing.
You realized then, that she wanted you to follow her as she twirled and rubbed on the floor. She would wait for you at the door and would keep scratching it, waiting for you to open it.
“It's too early for a walk, Bo-mi”, you tell her, shaking your head and turning around, going back to your bed to try and sleep a little bit more before work.
She keeps insisting on the early morning walks, but you don't give in, you can't have her get used to going out when it's still time for you to be sleeping.
After a few days, Bo-mi starts having that same behavior late at night, when you are already in bed, ready to go to sleep. She meows for minutes straight until you get up and walk with her to the door.
“Bo-mi, we can't go out now, I'm already in my pjs”, you sigh, patting her. But she keeps scratching the door and meowing for you to go out. “Tomorrow is Friday, okay? So I can stay up late to take you out for a walk”, you tell her before going back to your room.
You spend the next day trying to figure out why she's acting this way. You think about the possibility of her being sick, but she's eating and drinking water normally and she's sleeping the same amount as she always did. Her last check up wasn't even two months ago, even so, you should definitely make an appointment with the veterinarian.
You arrive at home and Bo-mi comes running to you, purring and rubbing herself on you. After you pet her, she goes back to the couch, getting comfortable there again, she doesn't even try to go to the door. Why does she just want to go out when it's late? Or early in the morning? It’s just strange.
Thinking too much about it won't help you find out what's going on, so you give up on the thoughts and just go to the bathroom to take a shower and put on some comfortable clothes since you have to take the lady of the house for a walk in a few hours.
Everything kind of makes sense when you open the door and Bo-mi goes running to the corridor, however, she stops at your neighbor's door, sniffing a bit. The sound of the elevator takes you out of your thoughts and your cat walks in that direction finding a strange man coming out of the elevator.
He looks at her and smiles, trying to go past her but she throws herself in the ground, showing her belly to him and rubbing herself on the floor.
Before you can speak, the guy bends down, petting and making her meow. You look at your watch to see that he's arriving at the exact time that Bo-mi tries going out every night. The weirdest thing is that she hates strangers, especially men.
“I’m sorry”, you finally get out of your head to say something, “she has been acting strangely lately”
“It's okay”, he says, without looking at you. Hypnotized by your cat's little meows and cuteness. “I actually saw her on the balcony one of these days, but couldn't pet her because of the distance”, he chuckles. “What's her name?”
He finally looks at you when asking that and for a moment it seems like the world stops for the both of you. He's the most handsome man you have ever seen in your entire life, with cute boba eyes and an innocent look.
“It's Bo-mi”, you tell him, feeling your cheeks a bit warm.
He clears his throat, petting your cat for the last time before standing up again, fixing his clothes. He didn't look at you at first, but you are so pretty it actually left him speechless and that is a hard thing to achieve. He was even going to make a joke about cats, but couldn't even manage to get that out while looking at your face.
“I'm sorry to ask, but do you also go out around five a.m.?” You ask out of nowhere, making him look at you suspiciously.
“Yeah, why?”
“Because I think my cat is in love with you”, you tell him, pointing at Bo-mi, rubbing herself on his legs. “She always tries to go out around five in the morning or at this time of the night, I guess she wanted to see you again”
You really understand Bo-mi on that, you would also want to see him everyday if you had the chance.
“Oh”, he smiles, “I'm Minho by the way, I moved here two weeks ago”, he says pointing to his apartment.
“I'm y/n”, you give your hand for him to shake, “I know it's weird to ask this, but can I bring her out sometimes so she can see you?” You ask, shyly, making Minho chuckle.
“Yeah”, he nods, “maybe you can also meet my cats”, he says, feeling his ears warming up. “I mean, in a housewarming party, of course”, he completes.
“I would love that”, you smile and he feels like he could melt just with that, “I'll take her home now”, you catch Bo-mi in your arms even though she struggles to get out of your grasp and go back to Minho, “I'll wait excitedly to meet your cats”
Minho watches you go into your apartment, waving to him before closing the door. Now, how the hell does a housewarming party even work?
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rineptune · 4 months
hello! can i get a lucifer x fallen angel!reader, that is maybe seen as another parental figure for charlie, and there’s some jealousy from luci in the beginning before he realizes how much care reader has towards charlie? if that makes sense?
hell’s greatest parent.
summary: in which charlie thinks of you as a parent figure and once again lucifer’s genuinely distraught and scared that his one and only daughter would no longer need him.
a/n: he’s jus a little insecure, but lucifer’s doing his best and that’s what matters!!
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lucifer could feel it. an irritated, uptight smile threatening to make itself known in his face.
“what was that, kiddo?” lucifer asks charlie.
“yn’s going to teach me how to make pancakes!” charlie answers. “it’s a great bonding activity that enhances familial relationships. they told me all about how pancakes made in heaven are soo different from the ones made here— i just had to ask if they could teach me!”
“she’s quite the persistent lady, your highness,” you chuckle. “i’m assuming she got that from you?”
“...yes,” he grumbles, straightening his posture. “but, charlie! why didn’t you just call me? no offense, but i make out-of-this-hell pancakes, too!”
“because, dad! you weren’t awake yet, and i wanted to surprise everyone here in the hotel with heaven’s recipe for a devilishly delicious breakfast,” she preened, hands clasped together. stars are shimmering in her eyes, possibly a candidate to outshimmer the pentagram in the skies.
lucifer sighs, defeated. “oh, alright... but i’ll watch.”
“ok! this could be a refresher memory for you,” she beams. “what first, yn?”
“well, to start, we need to wear our aprons.”
you held up one for charlie, the fabric littered with small red hearts for its pattern, which she gingerly took with delighted awe. you also offered one to lucifer, but instead of accepting what you had brought with you, he simply snapped his fingers, and with what’s left of his angelic magic, he conjured one of his own, which he wore with a smug grin.
“how efficient.”
“heh, i could do a lot more than that,” he proudly says.
“i would never doubt it, your highness.”
your indifference to lucifer’s (perfectly wrapped under the radar) jealousy is just perfect. not only did he deal with the radio demon, who had the balls to even duel him in a sing-off—now he had to win a cooking contest, too?
it’s crazy!
crazy if he doesn’t participate in it and properly show you why he’s the boss!
“and careful to put the batter, charlie,” you guide her hand to pour the batter onto the heated pan.
“whoa—.. i did it!” she cheers.
“good job, sweetie,” he tells her.
lucifer is on charlie’s left, observing how his daughter works herself around the kitchen. he had to admit, you were a pretty good teacher; that even he learned a thing or two about making pancakes.
would you look at that?
lucifer learning new things that he already thought he knew.
“now, what would you want to go with your breakfast, charlie?” you ask.
“there’s bloodied-sweet syrup, mini fresh eyeballs that a friend of alastor brought in earlier; oh— ah, here it is,” you pulled out maple and strawberry syrup along with some butter and fruits— actual fresh fruits that you managed to smuggle in your bag before the fall.
“what?! they actually have maple syrup, and not stale-oak sap?”
“yes, they do,” you chuckle. “would you like to try them?”
“do i? i’m so happy to!”
lucifer sits at the end of the table as charlie decorates her pancakes with the toppings and condiments of her liking. a smile is seen on his face.
he remembers the time when it used to be like this, simple and sweet. how times have gone by, really.
your offer brought him out of his trance of thought. a breakfast shaped into one of his favorite things in the world.
a duck with a little apple slice on its head.
“thank you, though you didn’t have to go through the trouble of...” lucifer’s absolutely speechless, and if it weren’t for the façade he has on, you bet your wings he would’ve been jumping up and down in joy. “serving it in this shape.”
“it’s no trouble at all, really.” you smiled.
and holy hell does that smile ease his worries.
“dad, oh my gosh! thesh are twe besht pancwakes, ever! like, weally—the absholoo best!” charlie says, words somewhat audible because she had her mouth full.
“charlie, dear, don’t talk while your mouth is full; otherwise you’ll choke,” you sigh, yet there was a smile on your lips, taking initiative to wipe away the excess syrup on the corner of her mouth with a damp cloth.
charlie giggles sheepishly, nodding.
“than’ weu!”
the realization sets in when lucifer sees this. that you actually care for charlie and are not there to replace him totally. he’s reassured, and happy as he finally takes a bite of his warm, delicious breakfast.
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bunnylovesani · 3 months
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You Belong To Me
Summary: You find out about your husband Spencer’s affair with another woman. It's safe to say you don’t have the reaction either of them were expecting.
Content warnings: infidelity, voyeurism, facetime sex, humiliation, p in v sex, creampie
WC: 2.3k
“Who is she?” You shudder with disgust as you stare into the sunken eyes of your husband. He looked almost unrecognisable to you now that you’d learned of his betrayal. 
“Her name’s Maeve. She’s a geneticist who’s been helping me with those headaches.” He sighs resolutely, knowing there was no point attempting to hide this from you. He didn’t mean to let things escalate but you’d been going through a rough patch and Maeve was just so understanding- she embodied all the things you lacked.
“Did you fuck her?” Your voice trembled with anger, goosebumps piercing through your thin blouse as you braced yourself for his response. 
“No. It was a purely emotional affair.” He stated a little too coldly. 
“Ah. And I suppose that makes it alright, does it?” You scoffed, getting up from the sofa you were curled up on with Spencer mere minutes earlier before he came out with his crushing confession. 
“Of course not. There are no excuses.” He looked down, not daring to meet your appalled gaze. “I-I’m sorry. I don’t know what to say.” 
“Spencer Reid speechless? I never thought I’d see the day.” You chuckle darkly, fidgeting with your wedding band. You loved him with all your heart, the day you said your vows was the happiest of your life- now that he’d broken his, you weren’t sure how much any of it really meant. 
“Were you going to leave me for her?” Against your best efforts, your voice broke with a pitiful crack that left Spencer with a pained expression on his handsome face. 
“No! No, I promise. I would never leave you.” He interjected, leaving no room for doubt. “She was just a distraction. You’re it for me.”
You sunk back into the plushy couch with a defeated sigh, unwelcome tears pricking your glossy eyes. 
“I don’t know, Spence…” You sniffled, beginning to slide the ring off your finger. 
“Baby.” He took your hands into his own as he dropped to his knees before you, still in his work suit. “I messed up. I messed up in the worst way possible. I’m a fucking idiot. But if you forgive me, I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you. Please, my love. I’ll do anything.” 
An unfamiliar desperation tinged his voice that made your gut twist into an iron knot. He looked pathetic right now; kneeling on the floor with furrowed eyebrows as he pleaded to save his marriage. 
“I want you to call her.” You exhaled sharply after an excruciating moment of contemplation.
“You- what?” His forehead wrinkles deepened with shock. 
“You heard me. Call the bitch.” He gulped at your request and his eyes darted around frantically as he analysed every possible outcome.
“A video call. I want to see what the little homewrecker looks like.” You spat as he remained motionless, mouth agape and eyes narrowed. “Unless you’d rather get a divorce?” 
“I’ll do it.” He shook his head clumsily, rattled by the whole ordeal. 
“Wonderful. Come sit next to me and prop your phone up on the table.” You patted the spot besides you as Spencer stumbled over, still confused by your unpredictability. 
“Well? What are you waiting for? Start dialling.” You snapped snarkily as he scrolled through his phone with shaky hands. Locating her contact, his fingers hovered above the call button. 
“Dr. Donovan, huh?” You peered over. “The one you told me had been helping you with a case?” 
“Y-yeah.” He whispered ashamedly. 
“Now this I have to see.” You murmured bitterly as the line began to ring. 
“Spence, hi! Wasn’t expecting you to call at this time.” The bubbly voice of the other woman rang out through his speakers. Your eyes zeroed in on the pixelated image of a brunette woman with a choppy fringe. 
“Why, do you guys have a set time for your little calls? When I’m sleeping, perhaps?” You popped into the frame, grinning wildly. 
“Oh. H-hello. Spencer, what’s going on?” She looked to him for help but he just sat there resignedly, knowing he couldn't appease you both. 
“So you’re the one who’s been helping herself to my husband.” You chuckled disingenously. “I thought you’d be a lot prettier.” You neared the phone to get a better look. “Really, baby? Her?” 
Spencer looked away, not daring to say a word to his wife or his lover.
“And you? You don’t have anything to say?” You opened the floor to Maeve.
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Her cheeks reddened as she stuttered, her nauseating voice ricocheting off the walls and worming its way into your ears. 
“That’s okay. I don’t need you to talk. Just watch.” You hissed in such a searing way that it made her feel threatened and inclined to obey. 
Spencer looked up at you in confusion but his doubts were swiftly answered when you loosened his tie and ripped off his collared shirt with a murderous lust. 
“Baby, what-“
“You’re not going to say a word.” You smoothly replied, voice barely audible. 
You observed his sad eyes, entrenched with light crows feet that worsened with the weight of stress and regret. You weren’t sure how you were even going to begin to process his betrayal but right now, you had to take care of her first. What better way to drive home the point that he was yours than to show her? 
Unbuckling his heavy leather belt with an urgency you’d never felt, you glanced over to make sure Maeve was watching. Sure enough, the demure woman couldn’t peel her eyes away from the sight unfolding before her. 
As you pulled down his pleated black trousers, you unbuttoned your blouse and pulled down your skirt, throwing the articles of clothing behind you in a rushed hurl. Trailing your fingers down his boxers with your engagement ring flashing in front of the camera, you settled on his waistband. 
“Now, Spence. You’re going to fuck me in front of her.” 
His breath hitched as the unholy words left your smirking mouth. 
“And you-” You turned to face Maeve, who’s hand engulfed her mouth in panic. “You are going to watch it all.“
“No! You’re insane-“
“Or I’ll tell everyone at your work that you’re a home wrecking whore.” You dropped the threat like a hammer and it instantly silenced her.
“That’s what I thought.” 
A twisted grin consumed your face as you looked back at Spencer, who licked his lips at the sight before him- his wife eagerly spread open on the couch, waiting to be filled up. You weren’t sure whether it was an anxious tick or a sign of arousal and frankly, you didn’t care. 
“Show me how sorry you are.” You breathed heavily as you hooked your black lace panties and pulled them to the side.
Needing no further initiative, Spencer lowered his boxers and let his heavy cock spring free from its confines. Despite sex being the last thing on his mind, he couldn’t help the natural reaction his body had to you- it didn’t matter how many times he’d seen it in the last 5 years of your marriage, the sight of you split open for him was always enough to bring him crumbling to his knees. 
Shuffling closer, he let a long string of spit dribble down to your pussy before smearing it around with his painfully swollen tip. He was in a state of delirium and shock as his body moved as though it weren't his own- whatever the consequences, he knew he couldn't lose you.
“You see that, Maeve?” You cocked your head to the side. “That’s all mine.” 
You moaned shakily as he pushed himself in, coating his shaft in your wetness. 
“Isn’t that right, baby? Tell her.” You ordered your husband as he grabbed the back of your thigh, pushing against it to go even deeper. 
“That’s right.” He groaned as he plunged his cock in as deep as it could go, his skin flush against yours. 
“Who do you belong to?” You gazed up at him, running your fingers through his messy curls. 
“You, baby. I belong to you.” He whispers before turning to face the camera. “I belong to her. She owns me.” 
Maeve let out a short huff of disbelief, wanting to look away but struggling. 
“Harder.” You choked out a whisper as your body trembled under his touch, longing for more, aching to possess and to be possessed. 
His thrusts sped up in response, his hips smacking against yours fervently as you clawed at his back like a wounded animal. 
“I’m sorry, baby.” He whined as he took you by the face with both hands, forcing you to look clearly at him. “I’m so sorry.” 
“Keep going.” You whispered frantically- the feeling of being perfectly stuffed paired with your volatile emotional state left you teetering on the edge of collapse. 
“She means nothing to me.” He grunted between thrusts and you bore a wide toothy grin at the capriciously sweet words. Real or not, you knew they had to hurt her- and that brought you a sadistic amount of pleasure. 
“What were you thinking going for her?” You tutted as he pounded into you like it was the last time, creamy arousal glistening in the dimly lit lounge. “I’m so much better than her. She’s so ugly. Isn’t she, Spence?” 
“Y-yes.” He whimpered. “She’s nowhere near as beautiful as you.” 
Satisfied enough with his taunting, you pushed him back with a bitter hand against his chest and climbed onto his lap with increasing desperation. 
“Bet you wish you could ride him like this, don’t you?” You sneered as you stroked his wet cock with a couple squelchy pumps. “But you never will. This dick is all mine.” 
You lowered yourself onto him, adjusting to his size with breathy moans as he threw his head back in deluge. Bouncing on it with more force than usual, you looked back to observe Maeve’s horrified face glowing on the screen. 
“You got that, bitch?” You jeered mockingly as you reached for his phone and flipped the camera to show Spencer’s exasperated face. “My husband, my dick.” 
With your final act of aggression, you hung up the call and threw the phone behind you. You were fairly confident she wouldn’t be inserting herself into your marriage again any time soon. 
“What the hell-” Spencer’s croaky voice rang out in intervals as you continued riding him with stomach-churning speed. “was that?”
“I was reminding you who you’re married to.” You halted for a moment to catch your breath. “You seem to have forgotten.”
His firm, calloused hands snaked their way around your hips as he dug his fingernails into your flesh, bringing you closer to him. 
“I'll never make that mistake again.” He declared solemnly, brushing the pad of his thumb against your cheek. “Do you forgive me, my love?”
Your limbs went numb and you felt paralysed at the thought. How could you ever forgive such an abuse of trust? 
Spencer firmly grabbed you by the jaw before trailing his hand to the nape of your neck. You wanted to wriggle out of his grasp but he guided your head to rest over his shoulder as he settled his touch on the small of your back. 
“I don’t know…” You slumped into him, feeling immobilised as you murmured mindlessly. 
He suddenly grabbed your ass and roughly spread it apart to allow easier access to your core- he thrust up into your weeping pussy with a force that had you huffing out wordless squeaks. He set a ruthless tempo, hammering into you as your gushing arousal dripped down his thighs. 
“If I’m going to let that little stunt you just pulled slide-“ He growled with a renewed ferocity. “then you’re going to suck it up and forgive me too.” 
Whining, you smacked the side of his bicep in protest but the way he was fucking your brains out left you unable to speak. 
“I don’t wanna hear it baby.” He kissed your temple sloppily as he patted your hair, smoothing it down while he massaged your insides. “You’re meant for me and I’m meant for you. We’re perfectly fucked up for each other.”
“Mmph-“ You moaned into his shoulder, drool dribbling down his skin as you bit into it. 
“I’m never letting you go.” He sped up as his force and aggression grew, leaving bruises in the shape of fingertips littered along your hips and ass. 
With one final thrust, you came undone - squeezing his cock so tight in the process that he couldn’t help but fill you up to the brim with his cum. You panted as you tried to catch your breath, creamy wetness pouring out of you as he pulled your sweaty bodies apart. 
“Okay.” You sighed. “I forgive you.” 
Spencer abruptly sat up as the precious words spilled from your swollen lips. “You mean it?” He trembled hopefully, melting expression tugging at your heartstrings. 
“Only if you swear to me it’ll never happen again.” You wagged your finger at him as he leapt onto you unexpectedly.
“Never! Never, baby, I swear.” He planted grateful kisses up and down your body as you indulged in a reluctant smile. “It’s only you. You are the only one for me. Now and for the rest of my life.” 
You could tell by his adoring gaze that he meant every word. Wrapping your arms around him, you settled into a healing embrace. He was allowed to make one mistake, you loved him enough to let it slide. And if resentment ever crept up on you, you could always fondly recall that drunken night with Agent Morgan. Who said married couples weren’t allowed a few secrets?
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gay-dorito-dust · 20 days
Hi!! If you know the reference where the person A says the moon is beautiful without noticing the Person B saying yes beautiful while staring at Person A (//∇//) can I have that with the batboys? I know it’s corny lol thank you!
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I hope this was what you envisioned but idk.
‘The moon is beautiful tonight.’ You said.
Jason who’s eyes never left you for a single second, seeing no point in staring at anything else when everything he’s ever wanted was right next to him, smiled at your need to bring attention to the beauty of other things others may walk right past by without a second thought.
‘The moons always has been beautiful, and it will only grow more beautiful as time continues.’ He replied.
You looked over at him, only to see that he was staring at you fondly and with a dopey smile spread across his lips, and immeditly felt very exposed by the way he looked at you as though you had intricately hung the very moon and stars above by hand. It was a look you weren’t use to being on the receiving end of -having only heard of similar looks being talked about in books or seen in movies- but now that you were you were at a loss on what to say or do.
‘You really mean that?’ You asked, finding a loose bit of fabric on your clothing extremely interesting all of a sudden.
‘I’d gladly say it a million times over if it makes it more easily believed.’ Jason said as he moved closer to you until your shoulders were touching, he then gently grabbed your hand away from fiddling the loose bit of fabric of your shirt and intertwined your fingers together, not once had his eyes left your person the entire time.
You smiled at him as you leaned yourself into him, leeching off of his warmth as you tried to go back to looking at the moon, but found it hard once you were made aware of the fact that Jason was staring directly at you as though he found something much more interesting to focus all of his attention on. ‘It’s hard to not believe it when your eyes look at me like that.’ You told him.
Jason tilts his head. ‘Like what sweetheart?’
‘Like I’m special.’ You replied.
Jason then chuckles before kissing the top of your head softly as he then rests his head against the side of yours. ‘I could write an entire essay on how special you are to me and still it wouldn’t be enough, so yeah you are special, more than you could possibly imagine.’
Dick smiled as he propped up his head in his hands as he watched how the moonlight practically illuminated you in your entirety.
It was almost as if a spotlight had shone down on you, making Dick unable to look elsewhere but you and that gorgeous smile that blossomed across your face, not that he needed to be forced to look at you when he could be doing so for the rest of his life if he was allowed that simple luxury.
‘The moon sure is beautiful indeed, can barely take my eyes off them.’ Dick said softly in response.
You then looked over at Dick, only to see him looking at you in a way that made your heart flutter and your face become warm. ‘You can stop looking at me now.’ You tell him.
Dick leaned against the railing with a cheeky smile. ‘Why? I was enjoying the view.’ He replied.
‘Oh so I’m the view now?’ You asked, putting your hands on your hips.
‘You always were the view babe,’ Dick said, ‘a view so beautiful I could barely take my eyes off of and I’m lucky enough to get to see it as often as I do.’ He adds as he pushed himself off the railing and walked towards you and held you by the arms.
‘You’re a sap.’ You laughed, feeling your cheeks grow even warmer.
Dick watched as you laughed and took the time to mentally engrave this moment to his memory, from the way your mouth opened to laugh, to the way your whole face practically light up and the way you stood out amongst the rest of the bright, vibrant lights. ‘Yeah but I’m your sap.’ He retorted as he held you against his chest as you both soaking in the moonlight together, all the while only ever looking at one another.
Was speechless, the words he had preplanned earlier within the day to say to you had long left him as he could only admire you as you basked in the moonlight and looking ethereal amidst the artificial city lights.
This was a state he often found himself in whenever you were just standing there and it was a little embarrassing for him because it only made him think of how obvious he had been about his feelings this entire time. However he couldn’t exactly blame you for being the epitome of perfection and beauty simply just by existing, Tim didn’t know it could be possible to feel this strongly about someone but here he was, unable to speak his mind in your presence without admiring your every feature as though he was seeing you for the first time again.
You furrowed your brows when you didn’t hear Tim say anything, becoming worried that he might’ve passed out from the lack of sleep he’s had recently and went to look over at him, only to see him looking at you with a wide eyed expression and flushed cheeks.
‘Tim, are you okay?’ You asked, moving towards him.
‘The moon is extremely beautiful tonight yes, even when they are within close proximity.’ Tim blurted out and you stopped when it hit you that he wasn’t talking about the moon, but more so about you and now you were both stood in silence and extremely flustered.
‘That’s, that’s really sweet of you Tim.’ You said, breaking the prolonged silence between the two of you as you felt butterflies within your stomach and a warmth spread throughout your chest.
‘It’s- I was only speaking the truth.’ Tim scratched the back of his head as he looked away from you for a split second before looking back at you, gauging your reaction as a positive one and took the chance to shuffle closer to you.
Tim had been in dangerous situations before but being this close to you, sharing a heartfelt moment between the two of you was enough to have him unable to think properly, his emotions were running rampant within him as his heart was unable to remain at a steady and consistent pace the more he was near you to the point he couldn’t help but be hyper aware of it.
‘Well I appreciate you being truthful,’ you tell him, flashing him a smile that almost ended him with how sweet, kind and loving it was, ‘it’s one of the many things I like about you Tim.’ You add as you then rested your head on his shoulder as poor Tim could only stand there stiff as a bored, but that didn’t matter as a smile grew across his lips and rested his head atop of yours, not wanting to say anything else incase it ruined the perfect mood.
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hyunverse · 2 months
when you know, you know ☆ hwang hyunjin.
hyunjin x gn! reader. fluff. hurt comfort. no warnings.
wc: 800 words.
song: margaret by lana del rey.
in the darkness of the night, he asks for your reassurance. super soft hyune.
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“Why do you love me?”
Hyunjin whispers, his voice hushed akin to a nightingale’s, it blends with the darkness of the night. You feel his body shift closer towards you, his warmth blanketing you better than the cotton duvets could. 
He waits, and you swallow as you try to put your words together. Hyunjin hasn’t been feeling the best, constantly letting his mind drift as his eyes stare at the wall. You know that with the right words, he’ll hopefully pull away from the awful headspace. 
“Well,” you mumble, inching closer towards him to the point he could smell the mint in your breath. “I like the way your eyes light up whenever we visit your favourite bakery and you see that your favourite baguette’s fresh from the oven. When you run around with Kkami in your backyard and desperately try to get his kisses.”
You pause, looking up at him to catch sight of his softened expressions. 
“I like it when we visit your parents and your mom lets you taste her food. You tend to dance around and giggle. It’s cute. I also love the way your eyebrows scrunch when you observe your painting. Or when you spill coffee on your shirt and pout at yourself.”
All of the words spill from your mouth in one breath — seamlessly, like you’ve memorized all of them and have been waiting for someone to ask. It leaves Hyunjin speechless.
“So,” his voice trails, “You love me for just me? Not for what I can give, but for me?”
You nod, reaching a hand out to push his bangs off his forehead, then lean in to kiss. 
“Of course, I also like you for what you have to give. It’s like an added bonus. Ultimately, I love you for you and your little things.”
Hyunjin could only weep. A rivulet of tears traces down his cheeks as he sniffles. Through his tears, he tries to speak.
“I thought,” he sobs, “I’ll only be loved if I give something — if I keep giving. I didn’t know I could be loved for just me.”
The confession has your heart aching — like somebody had ripped your heart from your chest and squeezed it dry. Your hands reach to his face and wipe away his tears, but the tears keep coming. So, you wrap your arms around his neck and cradle him, and he nuzzles his face into your shoulder like he wants to hide away from the world. 
“My baby,” you comfort him. His demeanours since the past week suddenly made sense — the extra hours he’d spend in the studio and coming home long after dusk. Seungmin telling you that he’d been staying back even after all the members had left. “Is that why you’ve been working so hard?”
You could feel him nod, and so you reach to his nape and gently massage — an attempt to comfort him. You wish you could do more. You’d take away all his pain and endure it by yourself if you could.
“You don’t have to push yourself too much, my baby,” you whisper, “I’m proud of you even if all you did was breathe.” 
At that, Hyunjin pulls away. He looks into your eyes, his own a pale red. 
“How did you know that you love me?”
You smile. Gently, you squeeze his shoulder. He could feel the affection in the action.
“I just knew.”
"You... just knew?" he repeats your words like a pre-schooler learning ABCs for the first time.
A fragment of your memory comes into mind — of the first time you told him you love him. Hyunjin was biting into a footlong baguette in his favourite cafe, happily dancing in his seat. The smile that plastered across his visage at the time was huge, it reached his ears and formed crescents under his eyes.
People say that it’s not hard to realize that you’re in love with someone. The feeling either hits you hard, or it seeps into your bones gently. Either way, you’d know. 
When you know, you know. 
You knew, then. 
“When you bit into that footlong baguette in the cafe, I just knew. I was in love with you.”
This time, Hyunjin smiles. Like moonlight that brightens darkness, he smiles. Like you just put up stars in the sky for him. 
Hyunjin remembers it too. It’s not easy to forget the memory, of how he stopped in his tracks and stared at you. How his heart fluttered in his chest and realization seeped into his bones, prompting him to tell you that he loves you too.
Another tear cascades down his cheek but this time, it’s from happiness. You giggle, reaching out to wipe the tear and to press a kiss on his nose. 
“I love you, Hyunjin.”
Hyunjin looks at you like it's the first time someone has ever told him that.
“Say that again, please.”
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disclaimer — © 2024 hyunverse on tumblr. all rights reserved. authors works are protected under the copyright law. do not plagiarize or translate my works. tumblr is my only platform.
taglist — @zoe8stay @starlostseungmin @bakugossanity @hwajin @sleepyleeji @skizzel-reblogs @jdopes-recorder @sherryblossom @cb97whoree @alyszaen @aaliyahxsx @jeonginsyoungestsibling @hyunluvxo @bokk-minnie @ghostyycat7 @fortunatelyhertragedy @yongbokkari @ameliesaysshoo @seoli-16 @jisungsdaydreamer @soobnny @seolboba @in2heartz @jehhskz @astraystayyh @mnwrld @hanjsquokka @pheonixfire777
networks: @k-labels @straykidsland @skzstarnet @kflixnet
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kquil · 9 months
SUM. : you and remus meet an adorable baby while grocery shopping
TAGS. : husband remus ; wife reader ; modern au ; muggle au ; married au ; baby fever ; mentions of birth control ; honeymoon phase ; domestic fluff
LENGTH : 0.6k
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You and Remus were doing your weekly shop, list in hand as he pushed the shopping cart beside you. It’s a peaceful routine the two of you got into after making it official and moving in together. Every Friday, after the two of you got off work, he’d pick you up and you’d both go grocery shopping for the upcoming week.  
“Should we buy welsh cakes or make them ourselves?” you mutter aloud as Remus chuckles beside you. 
“You mean ‘or you make them’, you know I’m useless around ovens,” he presses an affectionate kiss against your temple and smiles at the giggle it draws from your pretty lips — music to his ears. People said it was impossible to stay in the honeymoon phase of your relationship for so long but you and Remus debunked all of that. From a distance, the two of you still looked like newlyweds. 
“I suppose I have some time to make a few batches after we get home today,” you smile at your husband, “we can have some before tea,” 
“Sounds like a plan, dove,” Remus agrees and, as you add a small bag of self-raising flour to your cart, you hear a cry to your right and turn to see a baby perched in the cart seat, reaching its small pudgy hands down for a small dog plush they must have dropped. To the left of the baby, you saw, who you assumed was the child’s mother softly ask what the matter was, her brows furrowed from worry. It appears as though she didn’t see that her child had dropped their toy. 
Before you could take action, Remus was already handing the small plush back to the child, “here you go,” he whispers softly, “no more tears now,”
The mother flashed a smile at your husband, “Thank you so much,” she then turned to her child, “let’s say thank you to the kind man, darling,” she took the child’s small wrist and made them wave at you and Remus, who moved to stand beside you with an adoring smile on his face. Seeming to understand what their mother was asking of them, the baby gives a gummy grin with the few teeth they had as their eyes disappear behind their pudgy, flushed cheeks. At this, the mother gave one final grateful smile before moving on with her shopping, her baby hugging their beloved plush to their chest. 
“How cute,” Remus mutters, smiling and waving a final goodbye at the baby as he gradually begins to realise how quiet you’ve been. 
“Remus…” he looks at you with soft eyes as yours become rounded when looking up at him, they sparkled with want as you push your bottom lip out into a pout. It’s a look he’s familiar with; it’s the one you always pulled when you wanted something so he’s quick to anticipate any request you wanted to make.
“Yes, dove?”
“I want a baby,” 
“A–...” speechless, Remus stares at you with his jaw slackened and his eyes wide. A heat crawls up his neck and floods his cheeks as he stiffens in the hopes that the tightening of his pants weren’t just his imagination, “a…a baby?...”
“Yeah…” your whining voice makes a heat pool in his lower abdomen and, just when he thought you couldn’t make things worse, your arms wrap around his torso to squeeze him close. He looks down with red cheeks as you place your chin on his chest and continue pouting, “I want a baby now!”
“D-Dove— we can’t–”
“Why not?” 
“..y-you’re on birth control–!”
“I’ll get off it,” you quickly reply, grinning up at him like the little minx you are. He knows that you can see the profound effect your statement has on him, “please, honey~” like all of your requests before, Remus can’t say no to you. 
He’ll give you a baby and he’s not going to wait for you to get off birth control. 
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A/N : i'm dying from a horrible flu and fever but i had to write this before i lost the inspiration to, again, this was inspired by tiktok XD i hope you darlings enjoy! i'll try to get better as soon as possible so i can get back to writing again ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝
TAGLIST : @rosalyn-s @melinajenkins @aastonishment @until-i-found-you @corp0real @celestcies @lovelydoveval @inlovewithremusjohnlupin @calums-betch @futurecorps3 @hihihi1112 @simpingforthe80s @yrluvjane @neeezza101 @chaosofmanyfandoms @storyofaromance @loving-and-dreaming @somewereinthegalaxi @chullu-bhar-paani
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landosjpg · 4 months
champagne problems | ln
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the one where your boyfriend asks you to marry him, but you’re not on the same page.
lando norris x fem!reader
word count: ~1.1k
warnings: if you know what the song is about i don’t think this needs any warnings… but basically rejected marriage proposal, heartbreak and falling out of love
note: part one of this blurb series i’m doing right now. not proofread & also (it has nothing to do with this but) OMG NEW TAYLOR ALBUM THIS APRIL I’M SO EXCITED!!!!
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you took a deep, shaky breath the moment the door slammed shut and you were left alone in the hotel room lando had booked for the weekend.
the weekend getaway he was so excited about now ruined, and you were the only one to blame.
he had decided to book the first train back to monaco that very same night, not wanting to spend one single second next to you. and as much as it hurt you, you couldn’t really blame him.
not after breaking his heart the way you did.
he had planned everything in detail, made sure it was perfect. after a triple header, he had insisted you two needed a little vacation from all the noise of the city.
but what you didn’t know at that moment is that he had been planning that getaway for months, with only one purpose.
and that’s how you found yourself all alone in the hotel he had booked, with your thoughts suffocating you and nowhere to go. and you guessed lando was sitting with his pain, surrounded by sleeping strangers that had no idea about the aching pain in his heart; on his way to what you had once called your home.
everything was right that very same morning.
you woke up late, wrapped in your boyfriend’s arms and nothing else mattered when he tenderly kissed your lips.
“i’m excited for today,” he whispered into your ear, making a shiver run down your spine.
he had told you his plan for the day a million times the previous night, and you weren’t sure why he was so excited about a simple date. but you didn’t think too much about it.
he’d had a tough couple of weeks, so maybe just the thought of having lunch with you somewhere by the sea was exciting enough for him.
and it was all going smoothly, just as he had planned.
you left the room with your hand in his and drove to the nice little restaurant with a pretty sea view. giggles and soft kisses were exchanged between the pasta and wine, and it was just perfect.
it was also perfect when, walking along the coast with your fingers intertwined, you found a lookout with the most beautiful sight of the city.
not that lando had planned that too, of course.
you dropped his hand and walked closer to the railing, admiring the breathtaking view in front of you. while he admired the view in front of him.
the skirt of your dress swayed in the breeze as his hand reached for his pocket. the ring his mum had gave him when he first told her his plans sitting patiently in the velvety box that his shaky fingers held.
he had dreamed about that moment a thousand times before, imagining every possible scenario.
but nothing could had prepared him for the expression on your face when you turned around and saw him in one knee.
you were speechless.
and he knew you well enough to know that it wasn’t a good kind of speechless. the shock on your face was clear, and his suspicions were confirmed when you tried to utter something, but nothing came out of your lips.
“love?” he cooed with a little smile, attempting to get you to say something.
he was trying to convince himself that he was just too nervous and most likely reading your silence wrong. but you could see the hurt in his eyes as he accepted your unspoken answer.
and you felt your heart break into pieces when he got on two knees and his free hand reached for your waist.
“please,” his voice was still low and gentle, hiding his true feelings.
he fucking begged, and you still couldn’t give him an answer.
not the answer he wanted, at least.
“i… i’m not ready,” you sighed after what felt like forever.
the walk back to the hotel was uncomfortably long. after your answer, he stood up and started walking away. you followed him, catching up to him and walking side by side in just a matter of minutes.
but your arms were now crossed under your chest, his hands on his pocket. it was nothing like a few hour before.
you felt like complete strangers, and with each step he could feel the love of his life slip further away. he knew by heart the speech he had repeated a million times in front of the mirror for when you said yes, but now he was left dazed, at a complete loss of words.
the silence broke as his phone rang in his pocket, and he quickly went to answer.
“how did it go?” you could overhear his mum’s excitement as he picked up.
“she said no,” he simply answered, his voice a murmur. and he sniffed, and that’s when you noticed that he had been crying all the way from the lookout. “can i call back later?”
he didn’t say another word as you got to the hotel, but neither did you. you checked your phone, only to find out that everyone was asking about it.
he had told everyone. and you weren’t brave enough to face the reality and break the news just yet.
you and lando had been dating since you two were just teenagers, and almost eight years later, marriage was clearly the next step.
you were made for each other, your friends and family were sure of that one thing; your relationship perfect to everyone’s eyes.
but you had never really considered the possibility of lando asking you to marry him. not so soon.
and when you saw him kneeling in front of you, it hit you.
lando was all you knew. you had grown together, and you had learned everything about love with him; the good and the bad. and maybe you had just grown used to the feeling. to him.
and perhaps it wasn’t that stirring feeling anymore, but just pure habit. you felt comfortable, so you stayed.
“why?” he asked in a whisper, loud enough for you to hear. lost in your own thoughts, you had no idea of how long the silence had been settled between you two.
you had curled yourself in the sofa in the corner of the room when you arrived, and lando was sitting in the edge of bed, teary eyes still looking at the ring.
“i don’t know,” was the only thing you could say.
you didn’t know what had happened, and you didn’t know when either. surely, you wouldn’t know why.
it just didn’t feel the same anymore.
“i’m going back tonight,” he sighed as he stood up and started packing his things back in his suitcase.
and you knew he was going back to your shared apartment, but it was no longer your home.
cause there was no more you.
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 4 months
Special Surprise » Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
Pairings: Fiancée!Bucky Barnes x Fiancée/Pregnant!Reader
Summary: Y/N gives Bucky a special surprise for Valentine’s Day.
Warnings: Fluff, language, kissing, cuddling, pet names (doll)
Written on my phone. I’m sorry for any mistakes and typos.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
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Excitement took over your body as you finished setting up for movie night. You and Bucky decided to have a lazy Valentine’s Day since he’s been a week long mission. You placed blankets and pillows on the floor in front of the couch with Bucky’s Valentine’s Day gift. He told you not to get him anything, but little does he know that you have the most special gift for him. You went to the kitchen to get the snacks when you heard the door open and close.
“Where’s my beautiful doll?” Bucky’s voice echoed through the house.
You giggled and ran his way. Bucky dropped his bag on the floor and caught you with right arm when you jumped into his arms, wrapping your legs around his waist. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him passionately.
“I missed you so much.” You say against his lips.
“I missed you more, doll.” He says softly.
“Impossible.” You say with a playful pout.
Bucky smiles at your cuteness. He gently put you back on the floor. His metal arm came into view. He had your favorite bouquet of flowers in his metal hand.
“Bucky.” You gasped, taking the bouquet from his hand. “These are absolutely beautiful.” You say with a smile admiring the flowers.
“Not as beautiful as you.” He says, making you blush.
“You’re so cheesy.” You say with a giggle.
Bucky kisses you one more time before picking his bag up off of the floor and going to yours and his bedroom to change into something more comfortable. You went to the kitchen to put the flowers in a vase. You felt a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist from behind.
“Since we decided to not go out for Valentine’s Day, I thought we could have a movie night and eat our favorite snacks.” You tell him.
“I love the sound of that, doll.” Bucky says, kissing your cheek.
You giggled when his beard poked your cheek.
“If you love that, you’re definitely going to love this.” You say.
You grabbed the bowl of plums and handed them to Bucky.
“Yes!” He says with excitement, taking the bowl from your hand.
You giggled and grabbed the rest of the snacks with Bucky’s help. A smile formed on Bucky’s face when he seen the setup you did for movie night.
“This is amazing, doll.” Bucky says.
You smiled and took a seat on the floor, putting the snacks to the side. Bucky sat down next to you.
“I have gift for you.” You say.
“Doll, I told you that you didn’t have to get me anything.” Bucky says.
“I know, but I still wanted today to be special.” You say.
“You being my fiancée is special enough.” He says, making you smile.
You smiled and kissed him sweetly.
“Look under the blanket.” You tell him.
Bucky’s eyes widened when he seen what was under the blanket. He seen white rose petals with ultrasound pictures in the middle of them. He picked up the ultrasound pictures, studying them carefully.
“Doll…” Bucky almost whispers. “What does this mean?” He asks speechless.
“What do you think it means, Buck?” You asked him.
“Are you pregnant? Are we having a baby? Are we going to be parents?” He asks.
“Yes!” You say with a smile.
A surprised squeak left your lips when Bucky kissed you passionately. You cupped his stubbly cheeks to intensify the kiss.
“How far along are you?” He asks against your lips.
“3 weeks.” You tell him.
“3 weeks? Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” He asks.
“I wanted to surprise you.” You say.
“I’m definitely surprised, doll.” He says with a smile.
Bucky looks down at your stomach and then looks into your eyes.
“May I?” Bucky asks.
“Go ahead, Buck.” You say softly.
You leaned against the pillows that were against the couch and Bucky pushes up your -his- shirt, exposing your soon to be baby bump. He kissed your stomach softly.
“Hi, little one. I’m your daddy. Your mommy is here too. I just wanted to let you know how much we love you and can’t wait to meet you soon.” He says, almost making you tear up at his sweet words.
Bucky leaned up and kissed you passionately. You hummed against his lips.
“I love you so much, doll.” Bucky says, looking into your eyes.
“I love you too, Bucky.” You say in almost a whisper, rubbing your thumb across his beard.
Bucky kissed you one more time before the two of you got comfortable and started the movie. You snuggled yourself against Bucky’s side with his metal arm wrapped around you protectively and his right hand on your stomach, lightly rubbing it.
“I can’t wait to marry you and start a family with you.” Bucky says in almost a whisper with a smile.
“I can’t wait to marry you and start a family with you too.” You say, smiling back at him.
-Bucky’s Doll
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d4yl1ghts · 2 months
After I read unfair i thought you could make a “second part” as to where reader takes Anthony to her old house to show him where she lived and what she used to do throughout her days 
unfair (2)
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anthony bridgerton x wife, fem!reader
summary: you take anthony to the house you grew up in and he sees how those who aren’t so wealthy live
part 1
Specks of yellow and gold breached into you and your husband’s shared bedroom as you slowly awoke from your slumber. Anthony felt you moving and brought you closer to him, snuggling into you. “Stay.”, he spoke with his morning voice, you always loved that voice. He sounded much deeper than usual. “I have to visit my mother, Tony.”, you replied, attempting to ignore the feeling of his rough hands around your waist. “I do not want you to leave me.”, he responded. You rolled you eyes with amusement. “Fine, you can come with me then.”
The eldest Bridgerton then hastily removed the sheets from his naked body and started to pick out his clothes for the day. You stared at him for a second before picking out yours too. “Do you like what you see?”, he questioned teasingly with a smirk on his face. “Of course, my Lord.”, you answered with a hint of cheek in your tone. “We must get ready, my love. You can look forward to that later.”, he winked.
The both of you had finally gotten changed and had begun the ride in your carriage. You gazed at Anthony’s perfect face, sensing his nerves. He has met your mother before of course, but he has never gone to your old house and he has heard many things about it due to your background. You were from a poorer family so he didn’t know what to expect. You gently grabbed his calloused hands gaining his attention. “What is wrong, my love?”, you cautiously asked. “I do not know if I even want to see this place you grew up in if it is so bad.”, he answered with pity in his voice. “It is not as bad as you may think. I managed to live there and look at where I am now.”
“Yes, I must be overthinking it.”, he added, placing a chaste kiss against your temple.
After an hour in your carriage you had reached the edge of London. The carriage halted suddenly. “We are here.”, you stated. Anthony, ever the gentleman, ran out of the carriage and took your hand, placed his lips on it, and guided you out of the vehicle. “You do not even know where you are going.”, you giggled slightly at Anthony’s charming nature.
You knocked on the door three times before your mother answered. “Oh, hello, dearest.”, she replied cheerfully. Anthony peeked his head in and saw how small the house was. There was a tiny kitchen with barely enough space for all the appliances and there was no maids anywhere to be seen. He could see a bit of the upstairs and make out that there were only two rooms up there. “After you.”, he said gently as your mother opened the door wider to allow you both in.
“So, are there any maids here, Lady Y/L/N?”, he hesitantly enquired, he had already assumed the answer. “Ah, no, my Lord.”, the older woman responded. “We do the work ourselves here.”, she added. “Oh.”, he awkwardly rocked on his heels. “Come on, my love.”, you grabbed his hand and guided him into the living room that had one sofa. It also looked slightly dusty. That was probably because there were no maids, he thought.
After an hour of talking and catching up with tea, you and Anthony started the journey back to your manor. “My love, you look a bit out of it.”, you stated as you took in his widened eyes that were staring out the window of the carriage. “Dear, I’m fine.”, he said. He paused, then added: “How did you grow up there?”
“It was alright, I had shelter and was provided food and water.”, you answered. “Well, I love you so much and I’m so proud of you.”, he tenderly replied. You stared at the man in awe of how you had gotten so lucky before you kissed him with such passion that he was left speechless. Let’s just say that you didn’t make it back on time and you got your treat earlier than you expected.
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carmenberzattosgf · 4 months
olive. can’t rmb if u did smthg like this before but i need breeding kink w carmy ok.
like ur almost definitely on the pill and he’s lowk (highkey) terrified of being a dad/having a kid but the thought of filling u up… yes! ok lemme stop being filthy now
TEA. AHH. yes. Okay.
Carmy doesn’t realize he has a breeding kink until quite a bit into your relationship. Him finding out he has one is a complete accident.
You’re on the pill, but you two have always been careful. Carmen always uses a condom or he pulls out.
This night, he has you on the bed, pounding into you. Your legs are locked around his waist while your hands claw down his back. You’re close and over sensitive; he had already given you two orgasms.
He isn’t wearing a condom. He was in too much of a rush to get inside of you after a horrible day at work. “Carm- fuck. Close-“ you whine into his ear. Gasps leave your throat with every thrust. He’s hitting that spot inside of you. The pace is dizzying.
“I know, baby. You can take it. You can give me one more, yeah? Need you to cum for me.” His lips nip at the skin on your throat, leaving red marks behind. The rhythm of his starts to falter from the feeling of your cunt squeezing around him.
“Feels- feels so good. You feel so good, Carmy. Shit-“ The praise from your lips brings him right to the edge. He’s a goner when you start to praise him.
“Baby- I’m gonna cum-“ His piercing blue eyes meet yours.
You tighten your legs around his hips in response. "Carm- cum inside of me. Want you to fill me up." You see his eyes widen at your words before his entire demeanor changes.
"Yeah? Want me to fill you up and make you mine?" His hips speed up up as he nears his climax, never taking his eyes off of your face.
"Please Carmy- please, please, please." His thumb circles your clit and you see stars. It's only then that he takes his eyes off of you and buries his face into your neck. his groans are muffled as he spills into you. You can only make out bits and pieces of what he's muttering.
"Good girl- so good for me-" his voice is ragged. "Mine. Completely mine." When he finally pulls out of you, he quickly brings his fingers up to the cum dripping out of your cunt. "Can't let this go to waste." His pupils are blown wide as he presses his cum back inside of you.
That is only the very beginning of Carmen realizing just how into the idea of breeding he was. The next time he has you in the same situation, it's much different.
He's hitting inside of you deep. Your knees practically press against your chest. The position is mind numbing. Just then, Carmy starts talking.
"Going to fill you up again. I'll put a baby in you this time." His hips speed up with his words. "You'll look so pretty all swollen with my baby." Carmen's hand on your hip tightens in a bruising hold.
"Fuck- Carm- Carmy-"
"Oh, yeah? Does that turn you on?" He groans. "Fuck- can feel you clenching around me. You just want to be a cum dump for me don't you?"
"Please, Carm," you whine as goes to circle your clit with his thumb. "W- want your cum. Need you to fill me up. Please-"
"Go on, baby. Cum for me. Cum for me and I'll fill you up. I've got you, let go for me." His words send you over the edge as pleasure overwhelms you. Electricity pulses through your skin. Carmy cums inside of you as soon as you release around him. His groans of praise are loud in your ear.
"Fuck, Carmen. T-thank you." You didn't know what else to say. He's left you totally speechless.
"Let's stay like this for awhile. Gotta make sure it sticks this time," he mutters, settling on top of you.
WHEW- I need Carmen to breed me right now BYE.
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 5 months
I don’t know if This is the place where people make requests but I was thinking Katsuki and y/n have been friends since childhood but as they grow up Katsuki takes the hero path and y/n chooses the villain path it’s like the 2nd year of UA Katsuki knows y/n is a villain and keeps it a secret she’s also in the class. I don’t know how much I’m aloud to ask but hiiii and if this gets picked thank you
ouuuu this is such an interesting request ! i luv me some angst once in a while ! this is also probably the angstiest fic ive written rn lmfaoo ! i tried to honour your request as best i could and i hope you like it ! (also yall keep enabling my katsuki friends to lovers addiction its not me its yall sooo🤥..) also here, reader’s family is part of a crime syndicate sorta like the chie hassaikai !
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fem reader, blood n injuries, kinda angsty but i cant bring myself to fully write angst so take the bittersweetness <33 katsuki claims he hates reader but he doesn’t, reader has a sorta traumatic backstory but if u squint HARD, reader feels guilty, slight miscommunication trope, lemme know if i missed something !
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"how long are you gonna keep doing this ?"
you're rolling up your bloody sleeves when you hear the question you'd been expecting fall from your best friends lips.
"what do you mean ?" you're playing dumb, you know it. and unfortunately, katsuki knows it too.
he narrows his eyes at you, you ignore him "don't give me that shit." he all but growls at you "how many more times are you gonna come to me all fucked up like this ?" you'd expected him to be louder, but you blame that on the fact it’s so late. angrier isn't the term you're looking for, you've known him long enough to know he's trying to hold back his anger. for you. you feel your stomach twisting at the thought.
"as long as you'll have me" you jest, smiling at him. you never took anything seriously. from the time you were kids until now, katsuki hates that about you. "you'll keep taking care of me, won't you suki ?"
you're spoiled, you think everything is a fuckin' joke. katsuki hates that about you.
he huffs, grabbing your outstrechted bruised and bloodied arm "i won't if you keep wakin' me up so late. we've got school tomorrow, you dumbass." his actions are softer than his words, like they always are. he cleans at your injuries with the med kit he has stashed away in his room for emergencies, emergencies being you. you snort and katsuki can barely cover the smirk growing on his face at the sound.
"you're such a goody two shoes." you sigh playfully, but your tone is more loving than playful like you'd hoped.
you'd been hiding your lifestyle from kastuki until you no longer could. coming to him one night heavily injured because you thought he was the only one you could come to, a decision you regret to this day, even as you sit here in his bedroom again.
you'd never meant to get him involved in your mess. katsuki, who's future was so promising. katsuki, who since the ripe age of 5 with starry eyes and bandaged cheeks proclaimed he would be the best. katsuki, who had wanted you to be together when that moment came.
but you had to ruin it. and you're sure that even as he sits there with you and cleans up your wounds, a part of him hates you for it. you don't blame him, how could you ?
you ruined everything. you always do—
you feel a finger flick against your forehead and when you focus again katsuki's eyes bore into yours.
"don't go zoning out on me, idiot. don't go falling asleep on me either. 'f i can't sleep, neither can you." you huff out a laugh at his petulant demand. you hum as he bandages your arm up carefully. " i think i can do that." you sigh.
"i wasn't asking." he retorts, looking up at you seriously "don't go knocking out on me."
you're left speechless at his words. because despite what he says, you know what he means. you've known katsuki for too long not to.
it’s stupid that such a simple sentence has you blinking rapidly, sniffling away the tears forming in your lash line. katsuki sighs. even when you tried acting tough, you’ve always been such a crybaby.
neither of you say a word as he finishes bandaging up your wounds. he insists on rewrapping up your hand and your heart squeezes because you know he’s stalling and it would be time for you to go soon.
it’s for the better, you think. despite your heart tying itself in knots, you won’t allow katsuki to get caught up in them.
he finishes and no words are exchanged. he stares at you, pleading for something you’re not quite sure about, or at least that’s what you tell yourself (you’ve known him way too long not to know what he wants). you avoid his gaze, your eyes growing misty again when you hear him sigh in defeat before he gets up from his bed and leaves the room.
while you’re throwing your jacket on and tugging your dirty boots back on (katsuki was a stickler about keeping his room clean) you can’t help but look around his room. it makes you giggle how he hadn’t really changed that much at all.
he’s thrown out most of his action figures but it seems he just couldn’t separate himself from the all might one’s. he’s still got the all might poster, his pride and joy that he never stopped showing off when you were kids. and then you see something on the shelf where he keeps all his manga.
katsuki walks back into the room and his shoulders visibly sag when he sees you ready to go. you don’t see it though, you’re focused on something on his shelf, he raises a brow.
before he can ask you anything though, you turn to him with a sly little grin, the grin he knows you have when you’re about to say some dumb shit. he hates that about you.
you’ve got a small rubber band looking thing pinched around your finger and katsuki feels his stomach drop.
"you still have this ? " you twirl the braided friendship bracelet you’d made for him when you were kids around your thumb and index finger, giggling when you see katsuki’s expression morph from curiosity to embarrassment. faster than you could blink, he’s already stomping over to you. he wobbles around a little on his bed to reach over your shoulder to snatch the bracelet back.
“don’t go snooping through my stuff !” his fingers are inches away from the bracelet when you switch it over to your other hand. a struggle breaks out where you push and shove at each other. you end up underneath him with him trying to open up your hand tightly clutching onto your bracelet.
“s’not snooping—if it’s just sitting out in the open !” you giggle. he finally manages to snatch his bracelet out of your death grip with a huff and a pinch at your thigh. you don’t miss the way he inspects it carefully before deciding it was unharmed and placing it right back where you’d found it. your heart squeezes despite yourself.
“either way, don’t go puttin’ yer dirty paws on my stuff. you’ll get your germs on them.” he snickers childishly. you’re just as if not more childish because you blow a raspberry at him. katsuki squishes your cheeks out with his hand in response.
you realize you feel a little too comfy, then realize you’re laying in katsuki’s bed and suddenly spring up to try and leave but a hand pushes at your chest, stopping you from doing so. “where the hell do you think you’re goin’, huh ?”
“home ?”
“don’t think so.” he utters simply, pushing you down onto his bed harshly “you’re not going anywhere.”
“shut up. none of that bullshit you spout all the time” he leans down until your noses almost brush against each other, you inhaling sharply and katsuki grips the sheets next to your head “ if you get yourself in trouble again, i’m the one you’re gonna come bother and i’m trynna sleep. you’re staying.”
the asshole knows exactly what to say to make you feel bad, even if he doesn’t mean to. so you swallow the lump in your throat and concede “okay, fine” you nod “but i gotta leave super early, so don’t be surprised to see me gone when you wake up.”
“s’less trouble for me if you are.” he quips. he’s mean, he’s always been mean. yet his eyes tell a different story. there he goes again with those pleading eyes. the ones that make you want to spill your entire heart and more, to give your life and soul to him. you turn your face away from him.
“stop that.” he whispers, nosing at your neck, your heartbeat picks up and his does too.
“stop what ?” you're playing dumb, you know it. and unfortunately, katsuki knows it too.
“stop trying to act all hard. you know i won’t fall for that shit. those other extra’s might, but i won’t.” he’s awfully quiet. it almost gives you whiplash how he’d went from wrestling you to doing..whatever this was. you don’t mind, despite yourself. “known you too fuckin’ long, unfortunately.”
“yeah” you choke out “yeah, unfortunately.” you feel tears burning in your eyes but you refuse to let them fall, that’d be unfair. you’re not allowed to be upset over something you’d caused.
“for fucks sake’s, yn” katsuki goes from gripping his sheets to gripping your wrists, you close your eyes. “ just—fuckin’—“
“i’m sorry.” you whimper, he pauses.
“i’m sorry, i shouldn’t have come tonight, or any other night” you sniffle “i should’ve—you should’ve forgotten about me.”
you’re babbling, you always do when you get in your own head. when you refuse to tell him what’s bothering you, determined to do everything yourself, katsuki hates that about you. though it’s something he can’t really get too angry at you for, cus he does it too.
you’re babbling and you’re crying like you always do because you’re a crybaby despite acting like you’re not, and katsuki hates that about you. that’s why he sighs and flips you both over so you’re laying on top of him. immediately despite your better judgment, despite claiming he should’ve forgotten you, you cling to him like he’ll disappear if you don’t.
you’re clingy. you’ve always clung to him. you’re annoying, spoiled and bratty. you make dumb jokes and you never take anything seriously and you cry easily and katsuki tells himself he hates all of that about you.
because it’s easier to say than admit he’s hopelessly in love with you.
he doesn’t care about waking up late to treat your wounds, he’d stay up all night even if it meant fucking up his sleep schedule just to take care of you. he’d give everything he has just to hear you giggle at your own stupid jokes and he’d offer up every limited edition all might figure he has just to stay here and bicker with you over nothing. he’d always comfort you cus you cry easily and he wants to breathe the same air you do constantly, he’d swallow you whole and keep you safe right next to his heart if he could.
you’re clingy, annoying, spoiled and bratty and all of the above but katsuki would do absolutely anything for you.
so he comforts you as you lay crying into his chest. apologizing about something he has no idea about. he’ll ask and he knows you won’t answer him, but he doesn’t care. as long as you’re here.
you fall asleep soon after and you’re still clutching onto him. he reciprocates by holding onto you just as tightly, hoping it keeps you safe as you dream. it’s a stupid thought, he thinks. but it seems you’ve gone and wiped your germs onto his heart.
“you drive me fuckin’ crazy.” he whispers into the air. you’re still wrapped up snuggly in his embrace and his black sheets. in his room where you’d spent the majority of your childhood together. until you came to him with a snotty nose and big wet eyes and told him you weren��t allowed to come play at his house anymore.
fate must think it’s so fucking funny, because despite you not coming over anymore you’d ended up going to the same school every year afterwards, even now ending up in the same class. and with you sneaking into his room almost every night to have him clean up your injuries.
he knows you’ll be gone in the morning, somehow untangling yourself from his snake like grip. with tired eyes and some treat from that coffee shop you know he likes, your stupid way of apologizing to him. katsuki wants to tell you you don’t have to do that because he’d forgive any crime you commit. he’ll turn a blind eye to whatever you do even though he’s studying to do the exact opposite because it’s you and he loves you. but you’ll get in your own head and start assuming stuff. so he accepts your chocolate covered croissants and splits both with you.
you must’ve hit your head extra hard during your late night excursion to think katsuki would ever forget about you. you’re stupid that’s for sure, and katsuki wants to say he hates that about you. but that’d make him stupid too.
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saiidahyunie · 6 months
dried flower
myoui mina x reader 
synopsis: being the timekeeper is a big responsibility to fill as a drummer, but why does that internal metronome go out of control whenever you’re around your band’s manager mina? 
wc: 3.7k
warnings: smut, fluff, cursing
✩♬ ₊˚.
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a/n: mina fits the cool girl vibe so well
also the smaller text is so much cleaner here^^
i kinda like it @miinatozakiii
you yell out in frustration as you throw your drumsticks down on the floor and shove the door open.
“what the hell is wrong with y/n? she’s been out of it all week!” 
you overhear your bandmate jay ask winter, the band’s leader as the whole group is left in confusion of your little breakdown as the door behind you shuts by itself.
“we only have two weeks until the gig and we need to have these songs down! she-” 
“it’s already a rough week for her as it is!” vernon shoots back as the band’s bassist, “you need to give her some slack since you’re already terrible at doing that anyway, jay.” 
“why you little-” 
“enough! both of you!” another voice is heard in the room as they look to see mina, who had been sitting in the sea of empty chairs and watched the whole thing unfold.
“arguing with each other isn’t gonna make the situation better.” mina sternly says, “i’ll step outside and see how y/n’s doing.” standing up from her seat as she exits the same door you almost busted down moments ago.
“dammit…” you sighed out in frustration as you leaned over the balcony overseeing the city lights, the breeze calming your thoughts as you continued to breathe at a slower pace, calming your heart rate. 
“figured you’d be up here.” 
you turn around to see mina, who was standing in the doorway as you leaned back against the railing, pressing your finger and thumb against the bridge of your nose as mina smirked at your distressed state, leaning over the railing to take in the view.
“what are you doing?” 
mina shakes her head at your question, “i’m just here to check on you, not as a manager, but a friend.” 
you scoff at her statement, “you didn’t have to do all that i was just-” 
“y/n, just shut up and let me listen to what’s going on in your head.” 
you don’t know why, but you feel a slight shift in your heart after mina’s sudden demand. it could be that or it could be just your fear of heights as you let your head back looking over your shoulder of the various cars on the street making their way around on a friday night. 
“why do you want to know what’s going on with me?” 
“because i have to keep everyone in shape in addition to not having one person tear the whole band apart.” mina responds, almost laughing as brushes a few strands of hair off her face from the wind. 
instead of keeping your wall up to mina since she’s the kind of person that will persist in asking questions until they get answered, you sighed in defeat as you met mina’s face, peering at the two beauty marks as she kept her eyes on you.
“i… just got out of a relationship.” you say, picking your fingernails as mina watches intently as you explained your emotional outburst. 
“stupid i know, but it’s been lingering on my mind for a week and a half now.” you continue to ramble, “i can’t think straight because of my stupid mistakes and-” 
a finger is drawn to your lips as your train of thought comes to a halt, mina’s soft side showing as her heart sank after hearing what you were going through, acting in sympathy in an attempt to mend your shattered state.
“who’s the girl?” she asks as you wave her finger off your face. 
“ryujin, i don’t know if you-” 
mina scoffs at your answer. to be fair, if it were anyone else you were telling about your relationship troubles and they did the same thing as mina, you’d swing first right on sight if that were the case. but for some reason, you weren’t offended at all by her antic; in fact, you were appalled that she was acting like this in front of you. 
“her?!” mina giggles out as you stand there speechless. 
“you can definitely do better y/n, no offense.” 
“none taken, actually, that made me feel a little bit better.” you mumble as she places a hand on your arm on the railing. 
“how bout i call practice off and we just hang out at my place?” she asks wistfully, “besides, the others don’t really need the extra practice for three additional songs.” 
you hesitated at her question as she rubbed her thumb across your forearm, looking at you straight in the eye as you bit your lip contemplating on what could happen–or what has already happened. 
so, in a brief second you scratch your temple trying to make your brain work faster in giving an answer to your manager and eventually you give her one, “okay, i’ll take your offer.” 
mina flashes that gummy smile at you, “great! i’ll go tell the others.” she says as she walks back into the studio complex as you stood there dumbfounded at what you just got yourself into. 
your eyelids flutter open a little at an unfamiliar ceiling.
as you laid on the bed motionless trying to piece together the bits of information your eyes were receiving, it wasn’t enough as you slowly sat up trying to connect the dots more. the drowsiness still present as you tried to fight the urge to fall back asleep. the more you blinked yourself awake as you hear the small whirr of a fan humming in the room, everything starts to come together–but there’s still gaps in your memory. 
the questions kept pouring in your head: “where am i?”, “who’s house is this?”, “how did i get here?” all listed as you scanned the room for anything that might help solve your predicament as you tug the comforter off of you–no pull as it seemed like it was weighed down by something.
after failing to get the comforter off, you continued to assess the unfamiliar room, and then another piece of the puzzle clicked in your head–this wasn’t your place. 
in the corner of your eye, you saw a figure form in the comforter, her back turned to you with her long black hair covering it. still asleep while you were panicking shitless trying to piece the events from last night. you shift yourself up a little bit better as you notice your bare shoulder, lifting the comforter to see that you were completely naked, adjusting the comforter more to see the figure sleeping next to you in the same appearance.  
the figure makes a murmuring sound, stirring awake as you pick up on the small sound that sounded a little peculiar, but also one that you recognized hearing before. 
no, there’s no way right? 
the figure sits up slightly as she turns around confirming everything that you feared as the person ruffles their hair, making it look more presentable. 
“mina?!” you cry out in surprise.
mina rubs her eyes together as the comforter drops down to her waist, her hair in the perfect spot in covering her tits as she yawns while you rush to cover yourself up frantically. 
“morning.” mina says nonchalantly, stretching for a bit as you stare in shock at the possibility that you just did more than just hang out at mina’s place.
well your mind tells you that the “possibility” was now all but a “certainty” as you scanned the room again to see a spree of clothes sprawled out across the room, the wine bottle and two glasses set on the nightstand that could explain one thing, but you still can’t remember all of it. 
“did we?” you ask in disbelief as mina chuckles at your stupid question.
“you don’t remember?” she asks you the better pressing question as you tried extremely hard to remember what you did–and then everything comes back.
flashes of last night came into your brain like a slideshow, giving a vivid play by play recap of what went down last night: drinking on the couch, laughing about stupid band stories, staring at mina, staring at mina’s lips and eventually…
you and mina kiss. at first it was wrong, but for some reason, there was a sense to get more.
one thing led to another from bumping into the door, stripping each others’ clothes off, you straddling mina, never ending groans here and there as you makes her way down to her–okay that would explain everything your mind tried to process but mina was the one who helped you in the end. 
as you and mina continue to stare at each other for a few more seconds, you then get off from her bed as you desperately scrounge up your belongings together, making sure that you didn’t leave anything behind, shuffling through the house as mina, now fully clothed, trailed behind you up until you reached the front door. 
“sorry i’m just confused right now, that's all mina. i didn’t mean to rush out on you like that and-” 
mina places a hand on your cheek, calming your train of thought,  “it’s okay y/n, if you need space for a bit all you have to do is just ask.” 
you scoff at her offer again, you didn’t want space away from mina, there was something about her that was comforting and it felt relaxing. then again, you weren’t so sure of yourself considering how ridiculously fast you were moving on from ryujin and in your “friendship”  with mina. 
“what if i don’t want space?” 
mina tilts her head at you, “what is it that you want?” 
“i don’t know i-” 
“maybe this will help clear your mind.” 
she draws you in for a quick, passionate kiss. you were thrown off by the contact of her delicate lips as you prop your hand just under her chin for better stability. it wasn’t anything out of the ordinary for mina to be forgoing with her actions but you happily reciprocated them as you almost fell backward.
pulling away, you sigh out in relaxation, blushing at mina’s new side as she giggles at your flustered face.
“i should be mad that it worked, but thank you.” you said as you locked your lips with hers again, retreating after, still brushing lips together.
“my door is always open for you.” mina mutters as she breaks the hug with you walking out the door. 
“i’ll let you know if i ever need that again.” 
mina hums at your small promise as you walk out of her house waving goodbye.
the next following weeks were hell for your heart and mind as things somewhat returned to normal. sure, you managed to get the songs down with the rest of the band, but you felt like something was missing.
mina wasn’t like the previous manager your band worked with in the past. she was stern, quick witted, and had a changing duality between her casual and work related persona. you learned that she was very caring in the member’s individual conditions, always understanding what they have going on in each of their lives despite her cold tone at times. 
her home also reflected her appearance as her apartment minimal, but had various expensive items that would make you think she bought them off the dark depths of the internet; it fit her that’s for sure and you catch yourself slowly getting attached to what you and her have brewing in your intimate friend/relationship? 
“everything okay with you?” vernon asks you one day before the gig your band was supposed to play at.
“yeah,” you respond, “i have most of the songs we went over for jihyo’s-“
“that’s not what i meant y/n.” vernon butts in, “i was talking about your love situation.”
even though you were perceived to be a closed off person in the band, you were fond of vernon’s quirk of always knowing how to pry through your tough shell. because of that, you and him grew close outside the studio where you usually practice.
“it’s been tough, but i’m just healing and breathing.” you say as you sip water through your pastel pink hydroflask.
“is there something going on between you and mina?” vernon asks suddenly, making you spill a few drops of water on your shirt.
“no? why do you ask?”
“i’ve seen the look you give her during rehearsals, the eyes never lie y/n, they never will.”
“she’s just a caring manager, even if she doesn’t talk as much while we practice, she makes sure to have us something to do on the weekends that way we’re not at the studio 24/7.”
vernon exhales in agreement, “you do have a point, but mina seems to get closer to you after your little episode.” you flash a look at him, astounded at his observation.
“let’s not talk about that please?” you ask as vernon laughs at your pleading request.
on one good productive rehearsal a month after your accidental one night stand with mina, you and her agreed to not let anything happen between the both of you as the band was back in strong shape with the harmonious tunes of jay’s and vernon’s guitars blending well alongside winter’s voice with the simple beat of your drums. 
everything was going well as you just let your inner metronome control your muscle memory as you lightly bash a couple licks and fills in the various songs–giving it a little bit more spice as you share glances with the other members in the band, nodding for your approval as you bopped your head to the music. 
and then you set your eyes on mina.
even for a short second, you let your hands and feet continue their work on the instrument in front of you as you stared at mina a little too long as her eyes mirrored yours, looking away to your ipad off to the side trying to cover your flushed expression. while you were doing that, mina bit her lip at the sight of you drumming away as she watched the band play out.
once you guys were cleaning up, you were getting your drums in the case as you took inventory of all your necessary equipment as you picked up the sounds of footsteps walking to you.
“jay, for the last time i already said no to your drinks offer.” you say as you look up to not see jay, but her instead. 
“oh hey…” you say softly as mina flips her hair to the side.
“just wanted to check up on you, how are you doing?” 
“i’m fine.” you respond as you shove your bag of drumsticks into the bass drum case, “i still need to listen to the last song but otherwise, i’m good.” 
mina takes the small foot stand from vernon’s spot as she sat on it while you matched her height on one knee. the chemistry that's been concocting from simple “hellos”, longing stares, and that slender neck that you’ve marked multiple times that night as mina also seems to have the same thoughts that you were having.
“y/n, we’re waiting outside are you sure you want to-” 
winter walks back into the room as she forgot her phone to see you and mina get unbelievably close, standing in a bit of a shock as you and mina try to play it cool, making it look like mina was helping you get the last parts of your drumset into the bag. 
“it’s okay wint, i was gonna go back home anyway, too tired as of late.” you say, sliding your ipad into your handbag as mina got up to turn off the lights on the other side of the room. 
“you sure?” 
“yeah, i’m sure.” 
“if you say so and oh!” 
you turn back to winter as you shoulder your bag, pursing your lips at winter’s lingering offer to bond with the band members some more.
“i’m glad that you’re moving on from ryujin, she didn’t really seem the kind of person to fit you anyway.” she ways as she turns around and walks out, earning a scoff from you as you look down at your feet from the sentence you just heard. 
“you had no idea how much i wanted to hear that.” you mutter to yourself as you see mina return back from checking the lights of the small studio. 
“wanna get out of here?” mina asks you as you ponder her question for a little bit longer than you should’ve as she stares at you promisingly that you’d take up on her offer again.
is it okay for me to do this with her? what if history repeats itself with mina? will i make the same mistakes i did with ryujin and how could i live with myself if the others found out that i’ve slept with our manager- 
you freeze for a second as mina grabs your hand, pulling you to the exit.
“let’s go y/n.” she says, you nodded as you followed her out, your hand gripping hers tightly as your heart shifted again at mina’s action. 
that same shift happened again as you and mina didn’t even make it past the front door. 
it’s fast, hazy, and hot–your brain was sending all the right signals to your limbs as you were driven by mina’s lips all over you. 
gripping her hair as she presses you against the door to her apartment, letting out a few soft moans in her mouth as she blindly opens the door behind you. stepping backward as your hands had more roughness, grabbing mina closer as she pulls away for a second to breathe.
“are you sure about-” you whisper at a loss of words, “why-” 
“stop.” mina groans, her lips sloppily placed on the edge of your lips, “just don’t think for once.” 
mina’s hands begin to discard your dark grey hoodie as you shuffle through the house, groans echoing in the hallway as you refuse to push mina away, reaching the room and crashing onto the bed as she mounts on top of you.
“don’t fight what you need, embrace it.” mina whispers in your ear as she pulls away from you, gazing at your lowly state as you try to get up, only to be pushed down back onto the mattress. “mina what the-” 
“shhh.” she coos, biting her lip at the sight of your flushed cheeks as you tried not to make eye contact with her. mina’s hands working your pants as the growing sensation between your legs grew more and more the closer she took your clothes off.
“you’re so pretty for me when you’re like this.” mina hums as you whimper at the sound of her rasping voice. your eyes meet hers as you were clearly aroused with how she wanted to take control the second time of hooking up.
“mina,” you start off saying shakily, “don’t hold back. show me how badly you want to wreck me.” 
mina hums at your demand, giving her the greenlight as she runs a finger through the damp cloth of you soaked underwear, sliding it off your legs smoothly, tossing it away carelessly as she smiles at the beautiful sight of you, kissing your neck again making her way down to the lower half of your body.
at this point, you didn’t care if it was right or wrong, nor the fact that you couldn’t remember the last time you slept with mina. all that mattered was how hot mina was making your body as she slotted herself between your legs, her breath right on top of your entrance, gripping the bed sheets as she was teasing up until the last moment of bliss you so desperately needed.
you gasp as your back arched once mina parted your folds open, tongue flicking up your dripping core as she purrs in delight of the first tastes of your slick juices. fuck who cares if you didn’t remember what you did with mina the first time, you just wanted to enjoy the moment of her going down on you as your heart was racing uncontrollably. 
“my f-fucking god.” you breathed out as mina continued to ravage you, gripping her hair as she clutched onto your legs, nearly scratching them with her well trimmed nails. 
the pace of her tongue in you, stimulating your senses to the point where your mind felt like you were one with the clouds. what seemed like forever she was down there as it elevated to a whole different level when she started to pump her fingers inside to push you more faster to the edge. hands grasping the bed frame to the point where it could break with your back and head pressing further and further down as you were making incoherent sounds of how good you were getting fucked. 
“i’m so clo-hngh!” you moaned loudly as your body shook in mina’s face, still taking in all of your slick from climaxing as your body starts to relax, sinking into the bed as mina relentlessly cleans you up as you lay there barren, mind still hazy from the absolute pumping you just received from your crushing manager. 
mina laps up the last of your cum as she ingests the last of your taste on her fingers as she helps you sit up against the headboard, pampering you with more kisses for a few more minutes as you regain your senses. 
you lean your head back as she plants her lips on your neck once again, stopping as she notices you raised your hand up, looking at her with half-lidded eyes as bundles up across from you. 
“something on your mind?” mina asks you as you finish catching your breath.
“i don’t know,” you reply, “it still feels like i don’t deserve what we have going on but,” mina tilts her head at your reason.
“my heart races and my mind feels at ease whenever i’m around you.” 
“that so?” 
you hum, nodding at her question to confirm her odd suspicion, kissing her knee as you shift yourself on the bed, ignoring the throbbing core in your thighs as you ran your thumb on your bottom lip. 
“i like this side of you mina, especially the one you had just now.” 
mina snickers at your observation, you flash a soft smirk as she meets your eyes again, running her hands through her dishelved hair before leaning forward for another kiss.
“that’s what happened the last time since you look like you don’t remember, so now we’re even.” 
“what do we even call this?” you ask her as you hold her hand.
“we can be whatever you like, just as long as you let me go down on you like that.” 
your heart shifts again as you and mina share a laugh together on the bed, and this won’t be the last time for moments like these. 
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raccoonbatz · 1 year
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Summary: Min Ho saves tipsy y/n from the party and sobers her up at his dorm.
Warnings?: Spicy, Enemies to Lovers!!, alcohol.
A/N: English isn’t my first language, so sorry if some sentences came out weird lol
“Y/n, come on!” Min Ho says as he grabbed your hand and tries to rush through the crowd.
“Why are you helppping me?” U said, slurring on your words trying to keep up to him.
Someone told the teachers about Min Ho’s party and now everyone was trying to leave the building to get back to the dorms.
Min Ho ignored your question as he pulled you through the crowd. You sighed and just let it happen. At this moment you didn’t really care anyways to be honest and you were lowkey glad the party was over. Everyone was involved in some kind of drama and left you alone. You haven’t seen kitty or Q anywhere the whole night.
After some time running u guys got back at the dorms
“Uh Min Ho my dorm is that way-“ You said kind of confused.
“Iknow.” He says as he pulled you into his dorm. He gently placed you down at the kitchen island on the chair.
“Wh-“ You tried to say something, but he placed a glass of water into your hand.
“Drink up.” He says as he leaned on the kitchen island in front of you.
“Why? Did you spike it or something?” You asked and chuckled
Min Ho sighed and placed his hands in his hair.
“No, y/n, as much as I find you annoying I can’t leave you alone when ur-“ he stopped for a bit and looked up.
“This much of a mess.” He finished his sentence and took the glass from your hands, taking a sip.
“See? It’s safe.” He said annoyed and gave u the glass back. U chuckled and took a sip of the glass.
“Is that why you’re helping me?” U asked and he nodded.
“Oh- so minnie isn’t a complete asshole?” You joked again, and he sighed.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, I’m always so nice to you!” He says sarcastically and u laughed.
“Yea yea.. Where is maddison?” U asked and he looked at u confused.
“Maddison?” He asked and u nodded
“Ur girlfriend?” U said, still a bit tipsy
“She isn’t my girlfriend-“ Min Ho said but u interrupted him.
“Do you want her to be your girlfriend?” You asked, leaving a confused look on Min Ho’s face. U stood up to place the empty glass on the counter.
“N-no-“ He said while you were coming closer to where he was standing. U placed the glass onto the counter, now standing infront of him. U smelled his cologne, which smelled quite nice.
“U smell good-“ u said and he chuckled.
“And you’re still tipsy-“ He said and u chuckled. U looked up and met his dark eyes. You hated the way your heart beats when ur this close to him.
“Why do you hate me?” You asked, tracing you finger across his shirt.
He swallowed, grabbing your wrist.
“I-I don’t hate you-“ he stutters, which made u giggle.
“Well I don’t hate you either, so what’s all that tension between us then?” You said, leaving Min Ho speechless.
“You’re nervous?” You asked, slowly placing your hand on his shoulder. His reaction made you giggle.
“Y/n, w-what are you doing?” He stuttered once again, slowly letting go of your wrist.
“Something we should’ve done a long time ago-“ You said as you placed your other hand on his other shoulder.
You weren’t lying, this is something you guys should’ve done a long time ago. Everyone saw that you guys actually liked eachother, except for yourselves.
A small smirk appeared on Min Ho’s face, leaving you blush a little.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to do something you will regret tomorrow-“ He said softly. You nodded
“I’m sure-“ You said and before you could finish your sentence he picked you up. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he turned around, placing you on the kitchen island. You giggled a bit.
You looked into his eyes, feeling a weird feeling build up in your body, something that never happend before.
“Who thought, y/n being this submissive to me-“ he smirked.
“That’s the Min Ho I know-“ You said as you leaned closer towards his face. He grabbed your waist, pulling you closer towards him. His strong grasp leaving goosebumps all over your body. You grabbed the back of his neck and crashed your lips onto his, getting rougher and sloppier with the seconds. His other hand traveled from your lower back up. You break away the kiss, grasping for air. Min Ho started to nibble on your jawline, slowly going down to your neck.
“Min Ho-“ you whined, wanting more.
He softly started to suck on your neck, making you squirm in pleasure and leaving you hickeys. You soflty grabbed his chin, making him look up. While both breathing heavily u started to kiss him again, hungrier then the kiss before.
Without even noticing someone coming in, you heard a ‘Well, there they are.”
You and Min Ho shot up, breaking up the kiss. Your eyes met with those from Q, who was standing next to Kitty and Dae. You quickly jumped off the counter and stood next to Minho. Both feeling embarrassed.
“I told you so-“ kitty says to Q and chuckled.
“Sorry for the cockblock by the way-“ Q says
“No worries.” Min Ho says akwardly.
“Well, we’re going to bed, be safe!” Q says as they all walked towards their rooms. Min Ho turned back to you, chuckling a bit.
“That was akward-“ you try to say but Min ho placed a soft kiss onto your lips which leaves u offguard.
“I liked it tho.” He says as he wrapped his arm around your waist. You blushed.
“Me too.” You say as you place your hand onto the back of his neck.
“Wanna stay over? Maybe we can finish what we started.” Min Ho says and smirked.
“Only if this isn’t going to be a one night thing.” U say, looking in his eyes.
“I swear I want nobody else but you.” He says and smiles.
“Alright, Min Ho- lets go.” You say and chuckle.
Min Ho smiled as he started to kiss you again.
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