#i told my mom the one thing i wanted was to see changbin do the charmer dance break when charmer comes on and i found out our day 2 tix
seungfl0wer · 3 months
*Chan Calling You Clingy*
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Genre: Angst/Fluff
Pairing: Bangchan x Reader (GN)
Warnings: none? I mean arguing and cursing? Not proof read
The way this one sounds like it could be real hurts me even more not gonna lie
This is part of a series Find the other members here:
Bangchan, Minho, Changbin, Hyunjin, Han, Felix, Seungmin, Jeongin
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Your boyfriend and you had just arrived in Australia. He had brought you to spend sometime with him and his family. It wasn’t often that he had time to himself it was almost unheard of though that he had time to be able to visit his home and family. This was not the first time you had met his family. You and Chan had been dating for a few years now. They treated you like family and you were comfortable around them. Chan was able to get 4 whole days here with his family and it made you so very happy to see him be able to spend time with them.
You followed him around a lot while you were there, although you were comfortable around his family it still made you nervous to be without Chan. His sister who was out in the US with friends had told you about a good food spot there that she said “you totally had to eat at before leaving.”
You asked Chan about it when you got there and he told you “you guys would stop there at some point.” The time was winding down really wanting to stop by you asked him again. He just basically sighed “babe we will” his voice low. He sounded grumpy for some reason you stared at him for a second before asking him what was wrong. He rolled his eyes “nothing y/n” he said getting up to grab his drink. He’s seemed irritated all day today and you don’t know what was wrong. Did you do something? Did someone say something?
You didn’t wanna press, you laid your head on his shoulder only for him to move it making you move your head. You looked confused offended even. What was his problem? Why the fuck won’t he talk to you about it. He looked at you “can you just leave me alone” he hissed. He got up walking to his window to look outside. His mom and dad had went to the store quick to grab a few things for lunch.
“Channie what’s wrong?” You ask voice cracking a bit. “Y/n please” he said in almost a growl. You could feel he was angry but why? It was eating away at you before you kept at it “babe talk to me? What’s wrong? Did I do something?” You asked walking towards him. He spun around “y/n what part of leave me alone don’t you get? You’ve been so clingy the whole damn time I feel like I haven’t even had a chance to spend with my family. Can you just leave me alone!” He spat out his words running together.
He’s never raised his voice at you let alone yet at you like this. You could feel your eyes weld up with tears and you nod “fine I’ll leave you alone” you said before grabbing your bag heading out the front door. You walked to the park chan and you would frequently would go to. You went to play some music to calm you down a bit realizing you forgot your phone at the house. You sat there thinking you should go back for it deciding not to. Not wanting to see Chans dumb cute face right now.
You sat in one of the swings wiping your tears away. You sat there calming yourself down for a bit before going to a spot you two had dubbed as “your spot” it was a small spot covered by trees nice and shady. You laid down underneath it your mind just racing. Thinking about how you’ve been lately. You had kinda clung to him a lot while down here, feeling awkward a bit still not wanting to be alone at his house with his parents yet.
Chan had cooled down a bit he was about to text you but his parents came home. He went to help bring in groceries helping his mom put them away. “Y/n go for a walk?” His mom asked grabbing a pan out of the drawer. He tilted his head a bit as she continued “we saw he walking towards the playground you guys go to all the time.” He breathed out a bit and just nodded not wanting to get into what happened.
He headed back to his room to grab his phone to text you to come back for dinner.
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Chan ran, he ran as fast as he could. All the horrible scenarios raced through his head. He felt the tears building up as he ran. As he finally got to the park he frantically looked for you. God where were you! He couldn’t find you, his heart sank fearing the worst. Before remembering the little place you guys had a picnic here under the trees.
He raced to the spot his eyes widened as he saw you lying under it. He felt at ease a bit finally finding you. You had fallen asleep under the trees you looked so pretty but yet so sad with puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks.
He softly rubbed your shoulder trying not to scare you awake. “Babe wake up” he said softly. Your eyes fluttered awake bringing your hand up to wipe at them. Trying to focus your eyes and wake yourself up you stared up only to be met with Chans gaze. You sat up looking around forgetting you had come to the park “did I fall asleep” you asked rubbing your head.
Chan almost full on tackled you wrapping his arms around you pulling you to him. “Y/n I’m so sorry for what I said to you” he said burring his face into your shoulder. “I brought you here to spend time with me and my family and all I did was be an asshole.” He said his voice sounded so sad, cracking in parts. He sniffled as he tried to choke back his tears “I shouldn’t have lashed out at you, I’m just sad we have to leave. It’s so hard for me to leave.” He stuttered “I hate that I only get to visit so little. I want to spend more than a few measly days with my family you know? It’s all I ever get. The others get to see their families why can’t I”
At this point he was sobbing into the crook of your neck. You’ve never really seen him cry it’s normally only a few tears before he pushes it away. He doesn’t show this side very often not wanted to seem weak. But here he was crying so hard on your shoulder.
You rubbed the back of his head as you let him cry it out. He started to calm down a bit “Chan I’m sorry if I took away time with your family.” You said still rubbing the back of his head. He shook it no “no no don’t say that you’re part of our family now. I’m sorry for the way I acted you didn’t deserve that.” He pulled away from you wanting to look at your face. He places a hand on the side of your face as he rubbed your cheek with his thumb. “You aren’t clingy by the way, I just said it while I was mad. I know it won’t take away the hurt but please don’t make it make you pull away. I love how you are and I’d never change anything about you.”
His eyes searched your face only to be met with a small stream of tears “I just don’t wanna be to clingy to the point I push you away either.” You said through tears. “You won’t I promise you. I promise you my love. You will never push me away. You’re stuck with me remember?” He said tapping his finger at the promise ring he got you a few months ago “I’m not going anywhere.” He said before pulling you into him. “I love you angel” he said kissing your cheek. “And I love you too” you said whipping away the tears.
He helped you up giving you a big long hug before heading home to the delicious lay out of food his parent had just got done preparing. You headed to the bedroom to find your phone with all his messages. “Babe I’m sorry I never responded to you. I left my phone here” you said with puppy dog eyes looking at him. “It’s ok my love, I’m just happy you’re safe.”
💙 If you’d like to read more of my stuff you can find it Here: Master List . Thank you for reading and if requests are open or you just wanna talk feel free to send me something🩵
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mong---mong · 5 months
Reactions SKZ Family
When your Pregnant for the first time
I went and closed voting early, since it was obvious who was going to win
Anyway, the length of these stories are not biased, just different require more details!!
Chan: (241 Words)
You knew for about a week before you told Chan, 
and it wasn’t like you were trying to keep it a secret, but he was always coming home late, at the studio.
The pregnancy had been planned, a while ago, but the results had been negative, so Chan wasn’t expecting much out of this one either, and just tried not to think about it too much.
“Where are you going?” You ask one night as Chan was sliding on his shoes. “Oh I just need to go down to the studio to get some things done..” he said. “Well when will you be back?” Hoping it was only an hour or so.
“Ehh, I’m not sure, don’t feel like you have to wait for me..” When Chan was vague like that, you knew it meant he wasn’t going to be home, until the early hours. So you stood, up and grabbed his jacket taking it off. 
“It’s Friday night, and I need to talk to you..” You said planning to be straight forward with this. “Is it important, I just-..” Chan started to ask, but instead of giving him a look to prove your point you said. “It’s your call whether our children our important or not”
Chan stared at you for a good few seconds, before blinking and saying “Oh my gosh..we are, you are pregnant?” You nod, and Chan gives you soft hug, and kisses you.
“Thank you…”
Minho: (461)
Minho runs a small business with his parents, but they make very good money, that they are almost considered and company and will be moving into a bigger building in the next few weeks.
With that Minho has been really busy, and you’ve also been his plus one to all these events. At one of these events Minho and his dad were butting heads as usual, while Minho’s mom had found her way to the alcohol table.
This is how the nights normally go, you opinion is constantly asked for, and you always having to chose between you in-law and husband. But this was anything from a normal night.
Everything started off normal, when one of the investors came over to you, he was the owner of a modeling company. “Are you the famous Mrs. Lee?” He asked.
You nod, as the man offers his hand for a dance, this was normal for strangers to ballroom danced, and you didn’t mind nor did Minho.
Normally these strangers were nicer about the way they were dancing, but he was just odd, swiftly swaying, and grabbing you hip making you a bit uncomfortable. “Your as beautiful as they say..” the man says.
Not knowing how to respond, you just thank him. After a while, you stop dancing, feeling sick, and dizzy, you stumble to the bathroom, you weren’t sure if that man had done anything to you.
 You sat there for a while, the place had some pregnancy tests, and you weren’t thinking straight from the one glass of light champagne you had.
Jokingly you took, since the test was going to expire. To your shock it came out positive, you tried a newer one and then a 3rd one. All positive.
Now you were just freaking out, you had a glass of champagne earlier that night. You got up instantly washing up and ran out of there, you approached Minho who was still butting head with his father.
You grab his arm and say “Minho, we need to leave” you say panicked not wanting to say to much in front of his parents. “What sweetheart I’m in the middle of something.”
Minho you said again, it was the tears in your eyes, that made him snap out of his trance, and take you to the car. “Where do you need to go?” He asked as he was getting in the drivers seat.
After getting checked out the doctors confirmed everything was healthy and that you just couldn’t drink anymore. You went out in the waiting room, to see a tired Minho,
“Are you okay?” He asked standing. Grabbing his hands you put them in your stomach. “We are perfectly fine.”
Minho had the biggest smile on his face all the way home.
Changbin: (271)
Changbin and you had been looking into starting a family since marriage, but being mature adults you decided you were going to wait until later in your marriage, so you had time and money.
It was only the second year of you marriage, and you and Changbin were sitting in the bathroom waiting for the pregnancy test to get your results in. The silence had been deadly, not even a fly had buzzed.
You had been getting sick lately, and you also missed your period. Changbin and yours relationship had barely any secrets, and that’s how you kept it. As Changbin was sitting on the edge of the bathtub he says, “Please understand dear, I don’t mind if your pregnant, I really don’t, so please don’t think that I don’t want this, because I do..”
Changbin’s words were comforting “Thank you Bunny..” you say. 5 minutes had taken what felt like 5 years, when finally the timer beeped. You and Changbin make eye contact. “I want you to check it..” you say looking at Changbin with a slight smile.
After checking a million times if you were sure, Changbin removed the test from the cup. You close yours eyes not being able to look at his reaction. You feel one arm hug around you waist. “Open your eyes..” he says calmingly. 
You open your eyes, to see the pregnancy test saying “Pregnant” you let out a sound of relief and disbelief. “We are..going to be parents” You say, tears building in your eyes as you hug Changbin.
He kisses the side of your head and says “We sure are Mama…”
Hyunjin: (308)
“I told you he wasn’t the right man for you” Your dad says. “Appa! We’re not divorcing, we just need time to figure it out!” You say back.
“And don’t say that Yu-Kai! You love Hyunjin as if he was your own son!” Your mom says, and she holds your hand. “Are you going to even tell us what you two fought about?” She asks again.
You and Hyunjin had fought about your future, and Hyunjin told you he wanted kids just not yet. It was a stupid argument, and you would’ve have figured it out yourselves if you didn’t find you were pregnant.
You were scared of what Hyunjin would say about you, how he would react.  You just sigh not wanting to explain to your mom.
“It was silly stuff, I’m just afraid to return to him..because I’m pregnant..” You confess. Both your parents eyes widen, “Honey you have to go back..” you father says.
“I know but..” you say before your mom cuts you off “No, Y/N you can’t do this alone, and Hyunjin needs to know! We’ll take you home now!”
Just as your parents were about to get up, the door bell rang, your answered the door, and there stood Hyunjin. He instantly hugs you, not to tightly. “I’m sorry..I shouldn’t have said what I did..” he says.
You look at him with tears in your eyes “I assume you saw the test..” Hyunjin nods. “If I had known I wouldn’t have said, even though I shouldn’t have said at all, because I didn’t mean it at all!”
Your dramatic Hyunjin was back in your arms, and how bad you missed, you just kissed him. He kissed you back. 
Breaking the kiss he says “Are we going to be parents?”
You just nod as the two of you kiss again.
Jisung: (460)
It was Jisung who told you were pregnant, but it was in a dream he told you, it had felt so weird. You wake up at 8AM, and you face your husband, who’s snoring with his puffed cheeks.
Remembering the dream, you feel dazed, and when you stand up you wobble a bit. After you get changed, Jisung will be shifting in his bed. He sat up and noticed you weren’t sitting next to him.
“Baby?” He says, looking around and he made eye contact with you. “Why are you up so early on a Friday?” He whines, making grabby arms for you to come back to bed. “I have to go to work, Ji-young had to cancel her shift, she has an ultrasound..”
Jisung pouts a little “I should just get you pregnant so you can stay home all day” you blush a little “Stupid squirrel, I own the cafe, anyway, see you later you pabo” you say kissing his lips.
You went through the day like normal, but you couldn’t stop thinking about the dream. You tie your hair back as you help customers come. 
A wealthy customer came in, he smelled like leather, and cologne, the smells were really getting to you. You had to excuse yourself to go throw up in the bathroom.
On your drive home, you stop by the pharmacy to pick up some nausea medication. All that was left was maternal nausea relief. You sigh, and start to leave, when you pass the pregnancy test. ‘It’s just a coincidence’ you told yourself. 
You almost were out the door, when you looked at the hospital sign that was across the street. “Are you pregnant?” It asked. You were over the signs the world was giving, and you turned right around, and bought three pregnancy tests.
You get home, and see Jisung laying on the couch asleep. You go to the bathroom and set up the pregnancy tests, all you did was have to wait 10 minutes.
You go to the kitchen, to see that Jisung left you his fortune cookie from lunch, you smiled, and you opened it. “A new life will be here for you to take of”
Your eyes widened, as Jisung came behind you. “Hi cutie!” He says, nuzzling into your neck. You just turn around “I think I am pregnant!” You say, sounding distressed.
Jisung’s eyes widen, “That was random, have you taken a test?” You nod “There are three in the bathroom right now..”
As you wait you explain all the signs you got today,and Jisung listens, then the alarm goes off. The two of you went to the bathroom.
After seeing all three tests positive, Jisung’s chuckles, holding you. “Well now you have to stay home with me!”
Felix: (331)
Felix had been preparing his dance class for their first on stage performance, in Paris France, and he has been there for about a week, and was performing tomorrow and coming back the next night. You had been anxious, because while he was gone you found out you were pregnant.
You and Felix wanted to experience every step together so when you found out by yourself, you felt so guilty, you feel even worse because you have yet to even tell him.
This wasn’t something you texted him though, so you had to wait till he came home.
You kept stressing about Felix’s safety, worried he wouldn’t make it back, and that you would have to raise your children on your own.
You were known to over think, and Felix was your sanity, but he wasn’t here, so you had to keep yourself preoccupied with tasks.
When the door opened the night of Felix’s return, you were so grateful for his return. You rush to the the door, and give your husband a hug. 
“Hi sunflower!” Felix chuckled, clearly happy to be back with you. “Hi sunshine!” You say in return. You tried to sound normal, but this is Felix we are talking about of course he noticed.
“What is wrong, you seem off-?” He asked, you just look at him, unsure on how to tell me. “I made a mistake..” is all you say.
“That’s okay, we are all human, they happen!” Felix says smiling, you sigh, “No Felix, I feel bad about it..”
“Well let’s talk about it, and I can hopefully make you feel better!” Felix says, comforting. “I took a pregnancy test without you, I wasn’t thinking and-!” You say panicking, Felix puts his hand on your shoulder.
“Sunflower it’s okay..all that matters is the result..” Felix says, his eyes overflowing with curiosity. “Positive..” you say.
Felix smiles and says “I will be with you for the rest of the steps, I promise..” 
Seungmin: (428)
Bomi is your dog that you got with Seungmin when you were dating. She is a retired medical dog. While you and Seungmin were ready for kids, you just couldn’t seem to get pregnant.
You always get upset when you have every negative test. This time when you took the test, Seungmin was away at the store, you were hoping to surprise him.
Instead you just cried in the bathroom, Bomi had found you, and knew that her Mama was hurting, so she came over and laid on your lap. Only a few minutes later, Bomi was sniffing your stomach.
You giggled a little and said “I’m sorry Bomi, Mama can’t give you a little sibling..” Bomi just whined sitting up, and did a little paw motion. 
That’s when it clicked in your head, Bomi was sensing something, you were terrified, because you knew Bomi mainly sensed cancer.
You grabbed your purse, and looked at Bomi, “Watch the house okay?” You walked out and drove yourself to the ER. After they ran a few tests and stuff, as you were waiting in the room, you saw that Seungmin was almost home.
“Mrs.Kim?” The nurse says, you look up, and she hands you a folder. “Congratulations..” is all she says as she walks away. You were a bit confused. 
As you open the you open the folder you gasped in shock, tears filling your eyes. It was sonogram, of a little baby, at the top it said “Kim Y/N, 8 weeks”. You were shocked. 
You had been taking pregnancy tests for so long, all of them being negative, your dog was able to tell you were pregnant.
You drive home, and you see Seungmin’s car, as you enter the house, Bomi rushes in between your legs her tail wagging. Seungmin looks up, “I thought you might’ve gone a walk to the park, I’m shock you didn’t take Bomi.”
Seungmin grabs your waist, “I saw the test in the bathroom, maybe it was wrong, have you try taking another?” Seungmin asks. You chuckled a little, “I actually went to the ER, Bomi was doing her little trick that she used as a medical dog”
Seungmin went pale, clearly thinking the same thing you had thought. “Is it cancer?” He asked, you shake your head and handed the folder.
Seungmin opened it and his eyes sparkled. “Bomi knew before you?” He asked and he nodded. Seungmin petted the dog “Bomi you smart girl!” He says happy.
As he goes to your level, he kisses you, “8 weeks pregnant..wow..”
Jeongin: (401)
Jeongin had gotten home late from work, so when you woke up at 4AM, you tried you best not to wake him up, but you fell to the ground, about to throw up, you would rather him hold your hair, then clean up the floor.
“Jeongin-!” You gagged, but luckily he was a light sleeper, so he was by your side quickly, you just pointed at the toilet, and he got you there and held your hair, just in time for you to throw up.
He stayed by you whispering comforting words. “It’s okay” “It will be over soon”, and after 5 minutes of not getting sick, you turn and sit against the sink. “I’m sorry I know your probably tired..” You say guilt fills your heart. 
Jeongin picks up your hand and kisses it. “Your my wifey, I said in sickness and in health for a reason..” Jeongin says acting cute, which cheers you up, “But do you think that you might be pregnant, I mean..we got drunk a few weeks ago..”
You remember the moment and nod a little. “Maybe..if I am, how does that effect us?” You asked, Jeongin stands up and grabs a pregnancy test. “We become parents, like we’ve wanted too, we weren’t trying to get pregnant right now, but if it’s going to happen, it might as well happen now”
You take the test, 2 just to be sure, and you two sit on the bathroom floor talking. “Yoon is going  to tease me about this forever..” Jeongin says. “He just jealous of his older brother” you said nudging his side. 
Jeongin lays his head on your shoulder, the alarm goes off, and Jeongin groans. You start to get up, but Jeongin beats you to it. You join him, still dizzy, you pull out the first test, and it shows the a positive result. Your eyes widen and the two of you look at each other. 
When you pulled out the second one, you closed your eyes, it seems Jeongin had to because he said “What does it say?” “I don’t know I closed my eyes?!” You say back.
You both open yours eyes looking at the the test. Positive, Jeongin let out a squeal that made you jump. Jeongin picked you up and spun you around in you bathroom, and the he kissed you.
“I’m sorry, I- I just, I am really excited to be a dad!” He said with the brightest smile on his face.
New poll will be out soon, make sure to vote~!
Have a wonderful day~!
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agi-ppangx · 1 year
💭strangers to lovers (100 followers special)
chan | minho | changbin | hyunjin | jisung | felix | seungmin | jeongin
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“i have a delivery for mr. kim!” you exclaimed proudly when a caramel haired boy opened the back door to the coffee shop. 
recently you made your dream come true and opened your own little bakery. since you were five and your mom let you help her with baking cookies and pastries on holidays you knew it was something you wanted to pursue as an adult. something about measuring ingredients, mixing them together and waiting for the cake to be done is oddly soothing for you, it taught you patience and accuracy. and now you were beyond happy, being able to have a rewarding job and do the things you enjoy. 
a few weeks ago you got a call from a small coffee shop near your bakery; the owner wanted to sign a contract with you so that your bakery would supply his café with pastries. and you agreed, of course you agreed, because nothing made you prouder than more people trying your baked goods.
“oh, yeah. you can place them here, on the table.” he pointed inside and you smiled widely at him. he only nodded and got back to work, you heard the coffee machines and faint music coming from the front of the café. though you didn’t see much of the main room, it seemed to you that it was really cosy and quiet and you made a mental note to come here in your free time. when you unpacked everything from your car you made your way to the boy and gave him a piece of paper. “here, there’s a list of things you ordered for today. could you check if everything’s okay and if so, could you sign this?” you asked shyly, not wanting to interrupt him, since he was clearly preparing his equipment for the day. he mumbled a faint “sure” and did as you told him to. when he was checking the pastries you were able to take a closer look - he must’ve been your age or slightly older and he seemed really peaceful, his face features were soft and really pretty. “everything looks great.” his voice brought you to reality. you observed his hand as he was signing the paper and handed it to you. “thank you for all of this, it looks delicious,” he added and it made you blush a little. “sure thing, i hope people will like it,” you responded softly and then headed to the exit. “see you tomorrow, mr. kim!” you waved goodbye and got in your car to start your day as well. 
the next morning looked exactly the same. you arrived with a car full of cookies and cupcakes and placed them on the table. the barista took a look at them and you gave him the piece of paper. “everything sold out yesterday, i think people liked it,” he murmured while signing it. you grinned at that. “really? that’s awesome!” he looked back at you and gave you a shy smile. “okay, i gotta go now, bye mr. kim!” you waved at him, but his voice made you stop in your tracks. “don’t call me mr. kim, it makes me feel old.” you chuckled at his words, realising that in fact it might’ve been quite weird. “just call me seungmin.” “hi seungmin, i’m yn.”
now your every day began with this little interaction with seungmin. even though he was always quiet, not saying much, you didn’t mind and his calm disposition didn't stand in the way of becoming friends. “hey, um, i tried this new recipe and i wondered if it came out good. would you mind tasting it and rating it on a scale from one to ten?” you asked him one day while handing him a little bun with marzipan filling. you’d never tried to bake it before, but you remembered your mum saying one day that her grandma used to bake something like this and since then it hadn’t left your mind. seungmin took the bun from your hand, his fingers slightly brushing it, and you got shivers from that one innocent touch. you observed him as he took a small bite, not sure what to expect, and you exhaled loudly when he grinned. you‘d never seen him smile that widely, but now he was and oh my god what was happening to you? “it’s… it’s really good, a solid ten. i like how soft it is,” he explained, visibly satisfied. you mirrored his smile, really glad that he enjoyed your little experiment. “oh, yn, actually there’s something i was meaning to ask you, uh… it might sound a little weird, but could you maybe teach me how to bake?” you were caught off guard by his question, but actually why not? this way you could get closer to him, maybe get to know him even more. that’s why you agreed and gave him your number so you could work out the details. 
seungmin came to your apartment a few days later. “here, i made you some coffee,” he said while handing you the cup. “thank you… um, here, welcome, make yourself at home.” you led him to your kitchen and gave him an apron. he looked at you confused, but you just rushed him with a gesture of your hand. “come on, put in on, unless you want to be covered in the dough.” he obediently took it from your hand and did as you said. he looked really cute in it and you felt the tips of your ears getting warmer. then you proceeded to put on your own apron as well and you got to work. 
seungmin was a fast learner, though he needed your constant assistance. you told him what to do step by step and he was quietly following your instructions. there was something so intriguing in the way he was paying attention to the details, trying not to put too much flour in the bowl and not to spill the melted butter from the pot. you watched him stir the ingredients, his arms full on display since he rolled up his sleeves. “what’s next?” his voice brought you back to earth and you slightly shook your head. “uh… now you have to knead the dough with your hand, until it’s all soft and even.” he nodded and started to knead it, but you noticed he was doing it a bit too gently. “wait, let me help you.” you stood behind him, your chest pressed to his back, and you placed your hand on his to knead the dough together. seungmin was glad you didn’t see his face, because it was covered in bright red. “see, like this. you don’t have to be aggressive, but it’s important to mix everything well.” it was such an intimate moment and you thought for a while if you didn’t overstep his boundaries, but he didn’t seem to mind it. “and done!” you took a step back and seungmin turned to face you. you noticed he had some flour on his chin so you leaned over and gently wiped it with your palm. you were met with seungmin’s piercing gaze and it was only then you realised how close to him you were. “can i do something stupid?” he whispered suddenly and you nodded. and that’s when you felt his lips met yours. the kiss was soft, his lips were moving slowly, almost lazily, but you enjoyed every single moment of it. when you backed off a bit, he grinned and you heard him mumble. “you’re sweeter than any pastry in this world”
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feedback and reblogs highly appreciated🫶🏽
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resi4skz · 6 months
Title: Be Mine
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Warnings: fluff (drabble)
Pairing: Chan x Grace (OC)
Plot: Gracie starts seeing her friend in a different light.
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What if life had been different if I wasn't a coward enough to stand up for myself when my dad was berating me in front of everyone when I told him I wasn't going to follow in his steps to study business? What if my mom actually had the decency to stand up up for me or tell my dad that she's been cheating on him for.the last 3 years with his best friend, Charles?
All this would've been different if I wasn't a scaredy cat. If only there was a miracle. I watched cars drive by, a drink in hand with the summer breeze flowing through my long wavy hair as I sighed, peering at my phone. A message pops up.
C: hey, you up?
Except Chan was the only one who stuck by me, stuck by my ups and down. Even when I fought him once over me telling him to call me fat because of my chubbiness and didn't speak to him for a week, he still left me sweet messages on my phone every day.
G: yeah i am
C: im coming over with pizza and company
I smile, walking back inside and setting the glass of wine down on the kitchen counter.
G: define company
C: me, hannie, hyunjin, changbin and felix
G: bring ice cream
C: with cherry on top?
G: channie, istg if you make another corny joke, im changing my locks.
C: :( so you dont want me as the cherry. Sheesh
Shaking my head, I put my phone down. This guy......
He's flirted with me before but it wasn't anything major. It was just....he showed me affection like a boyfriend would do to his girlfriend. But weren't anything like that. Sure, I found him very attractive but that's all it was. There was no way he would go for a woman like me. Chubby and unattractive.
"We're here!"
I jump up at the voice and walk over to the kitchen as Han came into view with Changbin trailing behind him. "Where's Felix?"
"Wow, and I carried all this pizza just for you to forget I existed?" Chan's voice comes around the corner, holding 4 pizza boxes.
Oh. My. God.
"You....you dyed your hair?" I asked, blinking at the color sitting on top of his head. The shade was brown, with hints of maroon if he was to stand directly under the light. And it was styled differently than his usual curls.
My hearts skips a beat and I'm suddenly regretting this whole thing about me not finding him attractive more than a friend.
"Yeah," he replies, setting the pizza boxes down on the counter and came around to give me a kiss on the cheek. "Hi, beautiful."
Hyunjin, who was standing on the other side of the counter, made a gagging aound. "Ew, get a room."
I roll my eyes and ignore him as I get the paper plates for everyone as Hyunjin and Felix join the other two, leaving Chan and I alone. Opening a pizza box, my hand freezes upon seeing a number and a name written in a sharpie, with a lip mark next to it. "Oh wow, she really did give her number," Han says from behind me.
"Who?" Changbin asked, grabbing a paper plate.
"The woman at the pizza place. The one who couldn't stop ataring at Channie hyung," Han replied.
"For the last time, she wasn't staring."
I whip my head at Chan, his ears red. "Sure she wasn't. I bet she wanted to get in your pants if we weren't around," Han retorted, grabbing a pizza slice.
"Come on, Channie hyung. What's the harm in calling a phone number?" Hyunjin chimed in.
Why......why do I hate all this? Why do I hate about a phone number being given to him? Why is my heart feeling like there's been an arrow shot right through it?
"Guys, just cool it, alright? I'm not going to call her," Chan says annoyed.
"You should call her," I hear myself saying.
Every eyes lands on me but it's his that breaks me in two. "You do?"
"I....." I swallow the bile down my throat. "I need air." I turn around and walk to the patio.
Taking a breath of fresh air did nothing. But I was glad I was away from all that. Or so I thought.
"Hey, what was that back there?"
"Chan, today isn't a good day to drill sense into me," I sigh, already defeated from all the drama today.
He sensed my frustration, and steps closer to me. "What happened?"
I tell him. About how dad berated me and how mom didn't defende me, as always. By the end of it, I feel his arm wrap around me as I lean against the patio railing. I turn my head. He's looking at the view in front. My eyes travel down his forehead, nose and lands on the lips.
Was he always tbis beautiful or am I just noticing it now?
"For what's it worth, you don't have to listen to them anymore. You make the life you want. Don't ever live the life others want for you when its the life they wanted." He turns his head and smiles down at me. Our faces were very close. "Your worth is more than that, Grace."
Fuck, my heart can't stop beating so fast. He chuckles. "Falling for me, Gracie?"
I narrow my eyes at him.
"Okay, I think it's time we go i-"
His word get stuck when I yank him back down on my lips. He lets out a surprised sound but his body immediately relaxes as he wraps his arms around me. Wow, his lips. "Gracie, wha-"
"Shut up and kiss me, Channie," I whine. I wanted his lils back on mine. My heart was going crazy but it became crazier when he slams his lips against mine, cupping my cheeks.
"Fuck, baby," he whispers, biting his lower lip. "You drive me crazy."
"That makes the two of us," I replied, my cheeks heating. "Do you always show girls see this side of you?"
"Only you."
My breath hitches in my throat. "Should I be scared?"
He throws his head back, laughing. "Have I ever made you doubt me?" I shake my head no. "Do you want to try it with me?"
"Try what?"
"Being my girl."
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A/N: should I continue this or leave it as it is?
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cutiedwaekki · 11 months
mr policeman ♡
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— hey mister policeman i don't want no trouble
Changbin x Seungmin
summary : Where a Changbin overwhelmed by work follows the recommendations of his colleague Seungmin. But should he have?
contain : weight gain , weight gain denial , mention of thight clothes , button popping , public humiliation (?) , police AU
A/n : GUYS I'M FINALLY ON HOLIDAY YESS and my arms is a bit better now so here is a long awaited fic that I had in my drafts ♡
Enjoy ♡
—I fucking told my mom I'd be there tonight. She's gonna kill me. muttered the brunette as she filled out the paperwork they'd assigned him.
The District 9 police station seemed quiet, but it was full of officer just as passionate about their thirst for justice as they were about their work.
It's very simple: here, Seo Changbin, inspector, had to fill in the case file 143, since Jeongin, who was in charge of the case with him, had broken his arm by chasing the criminal.
The poor man was so stressed, and his poor mother kept sending him messages to make some blind dates for him. In fact, it was another date he'd missed that evening.
—Sunbae, you seem tense, are you okay? Asked then asked his colleague and office neighbor Seungmin.
The two of them had a Tom and Jerry kind of relationship, always bickering, but caring for each other only when things got really bad.
— Oh, it's nothing, but between my mother, the work I have to manage on top of Jeongin's chores and my neighbors who fuck every night, I think it'll be a miracle if I don't throw him in the Han River by the end of the week. The brunette massaged his temple , causing his friend to chuckle, and as if a light bulb had gone on above his head, he suggested something. I've got a good stress reliever I bet that could help. No sooner had he said this than Changbin turned his full attention to him. When I finish a file or feel I need it, I eat a praline, which motivates me to finish quickly and get my fix.
Changbin wasn't convinced, but no sooner had he mentioned it than Seungmin shoved a handful of pralines into his mouth, leaving Changbin to macerate them before swallowing. The sweet taste of the caramel that coated the peanut was a delight, an unimaginable sweetness, it was as if all his problems had vanished.
— See ? It works! exclaimed Seungmin proudly. Yes, I admit it, where did you buy them? Changbin asked curiously.
Seungmin simply smiled wryly, at least he had helped his friend to get better and was no longer preoccupied with his files or the messages his mother had sent telling him that Yeri's appointment was waiting for him.
— And another box finished, it's time for what? Praline time. The brunette seemed to have acquired the happy habit of grunting an praline ever since Seungmin had told him about it. He wasn't going to admit it, but from the first day he'd gone to bought some directly, he'd only taken one packet, thinking that given his stress, one would be enough. But when after two days the whole pack was emptied without a single crumb, he went back to the store and took a stock so he'd never run out.
Because yes, one praline was never enough, you needed at least one pignet to get the taste in your mouth, like a lollipop that you suck until there's nothing left.
But is eating so much hard-boiled caramel-coated kosher good for your health when you spend eight hours a day sitting on a chair, doing administrative work to replace your colleague? Definitely not. And although Changbin was a really atheletic, muscular guy, the lack of exercise and time was starting to show. After all, if he had to manage on the runway and go to dates that in 99% took place at the restarant, no wonder he put on weight.
His figure was still just as toned, well, you could still see his broad shoulders, his big arms, but added to that bulging cheeks, a prominent belly to which were added love handles so big they fell to the sides of his uniform and an ass so round and juicy that Seungmin could have sworn he'd seen it wedged into his seat once.
But let's get back to the story. Changbin euphorically swallowing his praline fist
— one praline for this case, another because Changbinie wrote over 200 words, another for-
— Changbin-nim ... about pralines ...
—oh they are sweets fallen from the sky
— yes surely but how to say ... you look quite ... fat
Changbin almost choked on a praline as he glared at hil. How dare he call him fat, he wasn't, uh?
After a few long seconds of trying to sit up, catch his breath after that effort and eat another praline, he pointed at Seungmin. You ... how dare you call him fat, this is a place of work an not a recreation center.
But Seungmin wasn't even offended by these words, he just smirked, concluding with As you wish.
But honestly, Seungmin would be lying if he said this new Changbin didn't trigger something in him. After all, he'd always found him attractive and had already openly asked him out for a drink after work, but it had never gone any further. But now ... ... he found him seductive, sexy and hot as hell.
How could he resist?
—Yes and so in case to this folder I thought- Hey oh Felix are you listening?
-Shh look, Changbin's trying to get out of his chair but he can't it's so cute
Effectively , in the meantime and from eating other bags of pralines, Changbin had put on even more weight, going from a muscular, athletic body to a simple ball of fat, so fat that he'd been on the official administrative charge ever since chase with a crimminal went wrong.
His belly was so massive that you could see it through his shirt, it was so big that it was always resting on his knees. His chest, which he often flaunted with pec movements, had also rounded out and looked bigger than a C or even a D cup . But the biggest thing was still his ass, still round and juicy, shaking with every step he took, now he couldn't take a step without waddling, letting his whole body shake from the shock of his body weight.
But did Changbin seem to notice? No, not so much as to stop his addiction to pralines or to waddle away, as he'd gone from tons of dates to almost none at all. Anyway, he didn't mind, he loved the peace and quiet now.
—Wow, we've got to get this on film. When Jeongin sees it later, he'll be hallucinating.
—Changbin-ah do you need help? Felix asked politely, amused by the scene.
-N-No .. hff... i-i'm fine and finally after an umpteenth effort to get his ass out of the seat, he'd managed to do it, he was both proud and surprised to see that half the office had their eyes on him, the former jock turned to a pig.
—What, do I have something on my face? But the only response he got was from Seungmin, who discreetly pointing his shirt. Indeed, all his efforts had led to his blouse giving way at the seams and popping a few buttons in the process. Come one Sunbae, I'll help you find a solution Seungmin walked over to him and led him to the shop where he hoped to find a solution.
Seungmin offered one of the district's XL jackets, which was often lying around for those who had a clothing problem.
I mean, it's mostly when someone get a a coffee stain, but rippint his shirt to the only strength of his fatty body was a first
—Am I fat? Changbin asked, visibly confused, the only one not yet aware of it.
— honestly... yes, you are huge
But Changbin swallowed his saliva, his ego had just taken a hit and now I understood why Mum wouldn't give me a date anymore. Nobody wants to date a pig
—If you think like that, then yes. Changbin looked up at him, confused. His puzzled look denoted Seungmin's confident face.
So confident that he approached him and placed a kiss on his lips.
—If you're looking for someone who wants to date this pig, call me.
Seunglin so left without saying a word
Changbin was perplexed and impressed by what had happened in the last few minutes.
Seungmin was asking him out?
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bangchan-ssi · 1 year
Bangchan imagine #1
Y/n woke up with a happy mood accompanied by the cheerful voice from his mother.
"Stand up and eat your breakfast, I cooked your favorite" Mom said.
"Okay, just give me a sec"
The first thing he did was to look at his phone, straight to messages to send some memes to his friends.
After 1 second, one of his friend, Bangchan, replied with a laughing emoji and a greetings for y/n.
"You woke up early, huh?" Bangchan joked.
"Btw, goodmorning" he added.
"Good morning, daddy" y/n replied.
Bangchan and y/n have been friends since the start of college. However, y/n have always had a crush on Bangchan even after they become friends. To cover y/n's love for Bangchan, they always call each other some nicknames that couples use.
For bangchan it was probably nothing, but for y/n, it was something.
It had always been special for y/n everytime Bangchan interacts with him as it made y/n fall harder for him.
Y/n was happy until this morning...
"Who?" y/n answered.
"One of my friends told me that this girl likes me, what should I do?"
"Accept and flirt" y/n said jokingly.
Thinking that it probably some girl that he will blushed on for a few seconds and move on.
But this time, it was different.
"I'm going to accept her tomorrow then this would probably be my soulmate😍" Bangchan replied
Y/n left the chat for a second once he saw another one of his friend, Changbin, enter the group chat.
Y/n saw the whole conversation between Bangchan and Changbin and yet he didn't interact with the conversation.
"Fuck" y/n whispered.
With Bangchan and Changbin's convo, the more worried y/n became. Bangchan was serious and y/n wasn't ready.
As immature as it seems, y/n's cheerful morning became a sad one.
He didn't want bangchan to be with other people.
Y/n wanted Bangchan but at the same time, he had a hard time with himself, he knows he couldn't be with bangchan for several reasons.
1. He was not openly gay
2. He had a homophobic father
3. He is a red flag
None of those reasons was better than the other, so it was clear, he shouldn't be with Bangchan.
After a minute, y/n's phone lit up.
"Dont just 'seen' me" Bangchan chatted on gc.
"Sorry, just not in the mood lol" y/n replied
"Oh, what happened?" Bangchan worriedly asked.
Y/n didn't reply nor looked at the message. After some minutes his phone lit up again.
"Hey, are you okay, baby?" Bangchan privately chatted with the nickname that you two jokingly used for each other.
"Sorry, just really not in the mood lol" y/n replied.
"Does this have to do with school or something?"
"No, just not feeling it rn. Why is my daddy so concerned?" y/n said trying to light up the mood.
"STFU, I'm trying to be noice"
"I'll tell you some other time"
"No prob, take your time, baby"
"Are you up for some talk though?"
"Yeah, sure. Not doing anything atm"
"So this girl..."
Bangchan kept talking about the girl that sent him a friend request. Y/n could only say...
"Pursue her" y/n said with laughing emoji, but who is he kidding?
The chat ended with Bangchan accepting his advice.
As dramatic as it gets, Y/n's heart broke and yet he couldn't do anything about it. There were too many factors that hinder his confession for Bangchan.
The time past by as if hours were seconds. Y/n wished he could feel better but nothing really works.
Y/n had the urge to look for other people to chat with and become more than friends but he is so reserved that there isn't anyone to chat. He installed some apps that might be able to help him have a gf.
Y/n didn't hate the girl for liking Bangchan but rather he envied her because Bangchan was already down to date her.
Y/n looked at the clock again and it was midnight already. To get rid of the heartbreak, he prayed.
"God, I'm hurting. I don't want him to be with her. If I could only be the right person for Bangchan, I would...I want him to be happy but I want him. I know he would never see me more than friend but I don't know why I feel like there is a chance"
"There is still hope that he might like me, but even if he does, I don't think I can take care of him" y/n continued.
"But I hope that I will recover from this" y/n ended that prayer and went to bed.
The next morning, he was already stress the moment he woke up.
Y/n wanted to feel better that is why he prayed again.
After praying, he was already in the acceptance stage. He knew he couldn't be with Bangchan even if there is a chance between them and this almost repressed feelings is starting to make him feel better.
"Hey, how are you and that 'girl'?" Y/n initiated the private chat
"I haven't accepted her, didn't want her to think that I'm easy sksksksk"
"Are you not easy? Jk" y/n said
"No, I'm not. My focus will be for you for now, baby" Bangchan said playfully
"Cant believe that you flirting with another girl and had the audacity to tell your sidechick" Y/n joked.
Y/n put down his phone harshly, covered himself in blanket and screamed with no sound.
"I'm not fucking ready, pls dont, i cant" Y/n said to himself.
Y/n couldn't resist and indirectly told one of his bestfriend, Minho, what he was feeling.
"You sure you liked him or you just jealous?" Minho asked.
"No, I liked him"
"I'm sorry but who are we talking about?"
"Tell you some other time"
"Ayt, take your time, but I kinda wanna know now"
"Next time lol"
A day passed and it was already midnight. Y/n thought about what Minho said, if I'm probably jealous.
With my on-going repressed feelings, I started to think that I'm just probably like that"
In the end, y/n didn't confess, he chose friendship over a stupid love. He couldn't treat Bangchan any better if they were in a relationship. But as the day passed by Y/n will only repress every feelings that he had with Bangchan.
(Hi, this is my first time writing a story. It's not the best but i hope you enjoyed it somehow!)
(Also english is not my official language, so sorry for the bad grammars, if there's any)
(Looking for active moots!)
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decembermoonskz · 2 years
i wanted to share my view of the charmer dance break (look at changbin fucking it up 😭)
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Mom And Dad (B.C)
Warnings : none
Word Count : 811
Synopsis : chan is the dad of 7 chaotic children, it only makes sense that his girlfriend is their mom.
Author’s Note : thanks to the anon who requested this! it’s a really cute request and i hope i did it justice.
She hummed to herself as she busied herself in the Stray Kids’ dorm kitchen, preparing a nice homecooked meal for when they get home from practice. The boys always work themselves so hard and she just wants to make sure they’re well taken care of. It’s been a habit ever since Chan introduced her to them 3 years ago as their relationship got more serious.
As she placed the final dish on the table, the door opened, all 8 of them piling into the dorm, smelling the delicious food she had cooked for them. “Perfect timing.” She smiled, pulling Chan in for a quick kiss. “I figured you’d be hungry after practice.”
“You’re the best.” Chan told her softly, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “How did I get so lucky?” She playfully slapped him as she rolled her eyes.
“That’s my line.”
Everyone gathered around the table, digging into the food she made. She watched silently as everyone filled up their plates, chatting amongst themselves as they did so. She noticed Changbin struggled to get something, so she picked it up with her chopsticks and placed it on his rice, smiling at him. “Thanks mom.”
“Mom? She’s younger than you, Changbin.” Chan chuckled, shaking his head at the younger member. She won’t lie, the first time one of the members called her mom, she was taken aback. She knew they called Chan dad from time to time, but she never expected them to call her mom seeing as she was younger than most of them. But as it continued, she got used to it, no longer batting an eye at the nickname.
“Yeah, but we call you dad, and she’s your girlfriend. Besides, she takes care of us like a mom does.” Changbin explained before chowing down on the food in front of him.
“I don’t mind them calling me mom, Channie.” She told him, placing food on his bowl of rice as well. “Now eat up.”
“She even moms you!” Jeongin laughs, earning a soft glare from the eldest member.
“Here Innie, you eat up as well.” She said as she placed some meat on his rice, smiling warmly at the youngest.
“Yes mom.” He happily munched on the food in front of him, thankful there was someone around who could cook for them.
It was mostly silent as they enjoyed the food, but the silence didn’t last long as they finished all the food in record time and regained their energy. “Help me do the dishes?” She whispered to Chan as she stood from the table, all the younger members off doing their own thing.
“If I must, mom.” He joked, standing from his own seat, and bringing as many dishes as he could to the sink. She giggled to herself as she began filling the sink with soap and water.
“Yes you must, dad.” She joked back, flashing him a wide smile that had his heart racing. Being with her like this had him thinking of the future, of marrying her and starting a family. He thought of how good a mom she would be, seeing how well she takes care of all the members as if it was second nature to her. His heart swelled at the thought of waking up next to her for the rest of his life, at the thought of having children with her and watching them grow up while the two of them grayed together. How beautiful she’d still look to him even when they’re old and gray.
“I can’t wait to have kids with you.” He whispered as he wrapped his arm around her from behind, nuzzling his head into her neck and placing a soft kiss on the side of her neck.
“We already have 7, how many more do you want?” She joked, seizing her actions, and placing her hands on top of Chan’s, leaning into his embrace. He laughed, as he rested his chin on her shoulder, the two of them swaying back and forth.
“Maybe 3, make it an even 10.” She giggled as she turned around in his arms, wrapping hers around his neck.
“Do you really want to have kids with me?”
“Of course. After we get married though. We’ll settle down in a nice house, get a dog, raise beautiful children together.” He rested his forehead against hers. “You’re my future, Y/N.” He whispered before pressing his lips against hers, a kiss she happily reciprocated. The future he described; she couldn’t wait to live it.
“Mom and dad are making out in the kitchen!” Jisung yelled, earning a chorus of “ew” and “gross” from the others and they pulled away, chuckling to themselves.
“They really are our kids, aren’t they?” Chan said as he smiled lovingly towards his members.
“Yeah, they really are.” She replied, the same loving smile mirrored on her face.
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pastelracha · 3 years
SKZ reacting to your underboobs tattoo
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☾ Title : skz reacting to your underboobs tattoo
☾ Pairing: all members x fem!reader
☾ Genre: fluff, established relationship, smut
☾ Prompt: underboobs tattoo magic on skz
☾ A/N: I just really want my underboobs dragon tattoo so I've been thinking about it a lot lately and why not turning it into a skz reaction ? should I do a nipple piercing reaction ? or other things in this style?  don’t forget to give me your feed back guys xox
☾ Word Count: 1.045K 
masterlist | ask or request 
I totally imagine him with a huge smirk on the lips, “ so my baby girl get a new ink ?’’ A big fan of this ink, forget Chan, Christopher just entered the chat and man he has a lot of things to say about your tattoo. Would ask you to wear one of his black hoodie, slightly open without a bra so he could see the ink and call you a masterpiece like every 5 seconds. When in the mood would kiss it and say “we can’t forget this piece of art, huh ?’’ HUGE turn on for this man, would 100% let his tongue run on the ink. And have one or two photos of you laying in bed with nothing but one of his boxer on, just to remind him what is waiting for him at home. 
At first he didn’t think it was a real thing, so he didn’t really give it attention. “Babe, it’s real’’ so he look at you and ask to see it one more time, and this time he really look at it and became a fan of the tattoo, it’s soft and a really good drawing so yeah. 
After what Minho would totally look at you as if you are a bad ass girl. “Dude, don’t mess with my girl she has a tattoo’’ MINHO ! 
I don’t think it would change the way he look at you overall, he just love you and your whole person turn him on so yeah but would totally love the way it look on your skin and when a scorpio loves they love with their whole heart (n/a: my mom is one so yeah I know)
I think he would be so into it, we all know the “tattoo artist Changbin au’’ (n/a: and tbh I’m so into it  dude I’ve like 20 tattoos)… He would like to draw it with his fingers, under your shirt whenever you guys are cuddling. Totally support you on your ink choices, as Chan when he is in the mood, oh dude this tattoo is a turn on for him ! Making him question himself everyday if he should finally get a tattoo or not. In all Changbin is a sucker for your underboobs tattoo. 
Has a whole rap about your tattoo and how much he loves it, but when he is in a soft and cuddly mood, would take some your eyes palette and put colors on the ink. “Some pretty colors for a pretty tattoo on the prettiest girlfriend’’
If this man had a IG page, he would post aesthetic photos of your underboobs tattoo like 4 times a day, story and feed, just to please himself cause his girlfriend is hot, but even more with black ink running under her chest, turn you into art that belong to a museum! 
Would be a sucker if you wear a cute lace bralette with an oversized blouse and let your tattoo free. Hands on you whenever you only wear a sport bra that let show your tattoo when your dancing with him. “ how do you want me to concentrate when you look this hot next to me, love ?’’ 
The first time he saw it, was the first time you guys get intimate and he just stopped, your shirt in his hands “ you play the soft girl, but you have such a sexy ink there noona (n/a: kill me but wow is in my head)’’ he kind of got shy but played it cool. 
He really love whenever he wear black nails polish and put one of his hand on the ink, he just love the way it look and call it ‘dark couple aesthetic instagram shit’ and actually put the hashtag under one photo on IG. And he love to kiss it now that your skin is kind of a bit sensitive. 
Once asked you to give him fake tattoos so you guys are even more the ‘dark couple vibe’. Also a big turn on for him to see himself on you making out with a lot of tattoos. 
We all love soft and precious Felix, but when he see your tattoo the beast is unleash. His aura suddenly turn dark and possessive. “You’re mine, you know it right ? And this pretty tattoo is only mine to touch, kiss and cum on, huh ?’’ 
Bitting his bottom lip, when he is in the mood. Or just when he is thinking about your tattoo. Would 200% drop cooking to go play with the ink on your skin. 
When he is sleeping totally have one of his hand on it, he is clearly obsessed with your tattoo, photos of it, videos, it’s printed in his memory. KIM SEUNGMIN
When you told him you wanted a tattoo, he wasn’t sure at first, but girl your body your choices he said. But now Seungmin just really like the ink running under your skin, he support your choice and is quite happy about it, I can totally see Seungmin cherishing the ink as much as he does love you, caressing it every now and then without even thinking about it. I don’t see it being a big turn on for him, you is really enough for him to feel bothered, would kiss it during foreplay but not much, it’s just an addition to your beautifulness.  “You’re so beautiful baby, I just love you so much’’
But he would really like the way the moon shine on it at night, feeling hopelessly romantic. YANG JEONGIN 
“Did it hurt ?’’ Is his first reaction, mostly worried about you being hurt, but when you say it was ok, he directly fall in love with the piece of you. 
I can see him asking if the tattoo has a background story, if it means something to you, if it’s relate to your relationship, just a lot of questions cause your his priority and he want to know everything that is running in this pretty mind of yours. 
He would touch it so delicately, letting his lips caressing your tattoo. Would push your shirt over your chest only to see the dark ink, and randomly kiss it, or tracing it right before you fall asleep. 
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fantastic-bby · 3 years
SKZ as animal hybrid boyfriends
Pairing: Reader x Members
Word count: 2.9k
Genre: Fluff | Headcanon | Animal Hybrid/Shifter AU | Boyfriend AU
Warnings: Very brief mention of spiders
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A husky hybrid
Has the CUTEST pair of gray and white ears that stick out of the top of his head
Also has the most gorgeous pair of pale blue eyes that glow in the dark
He has a fluffy white tail that wags like crazy whenever he’s excited because he doesn’t know how to stop it from showing
He’s also the sweetest boyfriend in. The. WORLD!
Always asks how you’re doing
Makes sure your not missing any meals and that you’re always hydrated
Every morning, he wakes you up with cute good morning texts and he always tries to send you good night texts sometimes forgets because he gets so caught up in work
He makes up for it tho
Sends flowers to your place whenever he forgets uwu
Chan’s the perfect boyfriend
The only problem is that you’re allergic to dogs
He didn’t realise why you always seemed to sneezy and stuffy whenever you would come over to his place
Until you told him
And his reaction makes you feel like you just told him the most horrific thing in the world
To him it is!!!!
Because he’s the reason that you’ve been having allergic reactions around him!!
He starts vacuuming his place more often to keep any fur away and makes sure to keep the area super clean so that you’re clear from anything that could cause a reaction
He also starts lint rolling and vacuuming his clothes before giving them to you so that you don’t take any of his fur home unless you ask him to leave his fur
Chan gets confused whenever you tell him that you don’t want him to vacuum or wash his hoodies before giving them to you
But you like them because every time you see the strands of gray and white fur sticking out of his hoodie, it reminds you of him
So instead,
Chan starts buying a crap ton of allergy meds
Puts them in every corner of his house
In the bathroom
The kitchen
The living room
The bedroom
Literally everywhere just in case you get a super bad reaction
That way he’s always prepared for anything
A maine coon hybrid
The most luscious fur ever known to man
His cat ears are so fluffy and always well groomed
He has this beautiful fluffy orange tail that he’s gotten pretty good at hiding his feelings with
Usually a hybrid’s animal features would probably give away their emotions, but Minho learned to control his ears and tails really well
It’s just that his ears are really sensitive and they flick around every few seconds whenever he’s in a crowded place
He has a pair of yellow eyes that are constantly in the shape of slits simply because he wants to intimidate everyone around him
Also always has his claws out because they intimidate strangers
Wouldn’t tell anyone, but Minho lets his pupils dilate when he’s alone with you (´∀`)♡
He also likes to tease you a lot but you know he’s just joking because if he was serious, his tail wouldn’t be so related
You try not to tell him because then he’ll start working harder to hide his tail swishes
Is the most precious yet teasing boyfriend out there
He’ll make a joke about you eating a lot of ice cream whenever you’re sad, but he’ll always have your favourite ice cream in the freezer
If you complain about some kind of muscle pain, Min would call you weak but then also come home with muscle relief patches that he’ll stick to you himself
Minho likes to shift into cat form if you’re stressed because then it means that he wouldn’t really disturb you a lot
His footsteps are way quieter when he’s in cat form as compared to human form
So if you’re stressed or tired and you ask him to give you time
Minho would shift and hide in one of the cat towers he bought for himself until he hears you coming out of the bedroom
The moment he hears the sound of the bedroom door opening, he’ll lift his head and peek out from the top
If you sit on the floor right in front of the tower, Minho will scurry off of the tower to sit in your lap to
But if you don’t even look at the tower and you instead go to the kitchen, he’ll wait a bit longer to give you more time
Yk I wanna say he’d be some cursed Dwaekki hybrid the skzoo dwaekki haunts me in my sleep
But I genuinely feel like he’d be something really threatening like a wild animal
So if Chan’s a husky and Minho’s a maine coon
I’m gonna throw Changbin in as a grizzly bear because he’s a tank of a man and I love him for that
His ears are dark brown and rounded, poking out from the top of his head
His eyes are super dark brown and sometimes you can’t even tell if you’re able to see the white in his eyes bcs his pupils are just that big
His hands have these huge black claws that could claw someone apart if he wanted to
Also has a cute brown tail that he often hides underneath his clothes because it’s small enough for him to sit on
Sometimes shifts into bear form just to cuddle you because it’s cold and relying on the heater might make it too warm
So Binnie likes to use his own fur to warm you up if he notices you shivering
Also would not hesitate to bear his teeth at anyone who tries to hurt you
Changbin doesn’t really tell anyone this
But one of his proudest bear traits is his ability to vocalise like a bear
Which means that whenever he feels the need to protect you or whoever’s around him
He will growl like a bear
And it’s terrifying
You didn’t even know that Changbin could roar until one night when a stranger wouldn't take your ‘no’ as an answer and your boyfriend almost lost his mind
He pulled you behind him and grabbed the collar of their shirt and just roared at them
The stranger being a hybrid of a smaller bear species immediately scrambled off
But Changbin also immediately switches back into sweet, cuddly boyfriend the moment he turns back to you <3
A sphynx hybrid
Very dramatic
Very loud
He has pink cat ears sticking out of the top of his head with a little black splotch on his left ear
He also has this naked pink tail that sticks out from underneath his shirt
Every minor inconvenience and Hyunjin’s meowing and whining to you about it and you think it’s funny every time he does
Like the time he misplaced his sock and was crying all over your shared home looking for it until he found it underneath the bed
His claws are retractable, so he usually hides them because he doesn’t want to hurt anyone on accident unlike Minho
He’s VERY cuddly both in human form and cat form
Hyunjin likes to do the ‘kneading the dough’ thing whenever you’re cuddling
And ends up leaving holes in your clothes because his claws would accidentally grab onto the fabric
Would also feel really bad afterwards because now he’s ruined your shirt
You reassure him that it’s fine
But Hyunjin’s dramatic also kinda wants an excuse to go shopping with you
So he cries about it and it leads to him dragging you to the mall so that he can buy you a new one
Ends up getting distracted at a cat cafe because he’s made conversation with one of the cats there
And he’s basically talking to them like he’s a middle aged wine mom talking about their weird husbands
You have to remind him what the goal is
But he’s so immersed in the conversation with the orange tabby that you can only watch in amusement
Hyunjin’s talking to it in English while the cat nods with it’s tail swishing every time he asks it a question, mewling every once in a while as a response
You watch with a smile on your face, chin resting against the palm of your hand as you listen
You can only gather that Hyunjin’s telling the cat about why you’re at the mall
And the cat turns to you with a bored expression on its face before meowing
“She says good luck on finding a new shirt”
You nod and reach out to pet the cat’s head as thanks
You and Hyunjin leave after a while
And soon, the trip to get one shirt turns into a shared shopping spree
Kinda obvious but he’s a squirrel hybrid
He has a pair of rounded, light brown ears on the top of his head
A bushy light brown tail that bumps into everything whenever he’s in cramped spaces
And the CUTEST pair of brown eyes EVERRRRR
His squirrel trait is where he gets the habit of stuffing food into his cheeks whenever he eats
Ji’s really good at climbing
So he has this long ass piece of wood that he keeps in the living room of his home so that he can still climb something in squirrel form if he can’t go outside
He also has tiny black claws that he uses mainly for practicality when he's in human form
So stuff like cutting into plastic, through strings and to open mail
He just slides his finger across the top of the envelope and boom
Jisung’s quite clumsy
It doesn’t help that he has this huge, bushy tail behind him
He bumps you with it a lot and he’s always so apologetic over it
But it’s fine because it’s his tail and it’s soft and cute and it’s part of Jisung UwU
There were a couple of times where you would wake up and his tail would be tickling your sides
So you’d wake up giggling
And it would wake him up too
He’d turn around and immediately wrap his arms around your waist to cuddle into you
You love playing with his ears
Jisung’s really responsive whenever you pet his squirrel features
So if you touch his tail in public
He’s jolting forward like AHHH
And you like to gently rub his ears whenever you’re cuddling
Jisung usually ends up cuddling into you more because he really likes it whenever you play with his ears
He has a habit of making those squirrel squeaks whenever he’s uncomfortable
So in public, if he feels like he’s overwhelmed or wants to leave
He’ll cling onto your arm and start squeaking softly so that only you’re able to hear
And it’s an easy way for you to know that he wants to leave without him actually telling you
Horned owl hybrid
He has two sets of white and brown feathers that poke out from the top of his head and curls to the back
He does, however, have talons at his fingertips that he doesn’t really like because it gets caught on a lot of things
Has feathers running down his arms, but can’t actually fly in human form
His eyes are this beautiful amber colour
He also has a lot of hanging stuff in his house that he likes to fly back and forth to whenever he shifts into owl form
Absolutely loves doing the head spinning trick because you freaked out the first time you saw him do it as a human
Felix also has really light footsteps
So sometimes you don’t even hear him coming into a room and suddenly he’s beside you
Which scares you sometimes
Overall, Felix is just unintentionally scary.
Because he has really good eyesight at night
And because he’s nocturnal
He sleeps in the day
Which means that all of his work is done at night while you’re asleep
His hearing is intense which means that he could hear the smallest pin dropping in the kitchen from the bedroom
So when he hears something strange coming from the kitchen
He’s immediately crawling out of bed and peeking out of the bedroom door
That’s when he sees a spider crawling out from behind the fridge
A huge spider
Now, Felix does NOT like spiders
But he knows that if you wake up in the middle of the night to get a drink, then you’re going to be freaked out by too
But he should be able to toss it out the window in owl form
So Felix pops open one of the windows and shifts
His silent flying and sharp night vision make it a quick mission that’s executed without much hassle
He manages to grab the spider with his talons and just tosses it straight out of the window
By the time Felix has returned to the bedroom
You’ve woken up because you realised he wasn’t beside you anymore
So he climbs back into bed and lets you hold onto him while you fall back asleep
Labrador hybrid
Has a pair of golden ears flopping over the top of his head
Also has a golden tail that he usually hides because if he gets over excited then it’ll wag all over the place and might bump into things
Is a relatively quiet person and is also a quiet dog
He doesn’t say or bark that much
But you’ve come to learn how to read his body language
Because his posture both in human form and dog form speak his thoughts
Like whenever he’s standing tall then you’ll figure that Minnie’s probably uncomfortable or feels threatened
As quiet as he is
He’s extremely attentive to your needs as well
Seungmin’s able to catch your body language way quicker than you are at reading his
Which means that the moment you look uncomfortable, he’s immediately moving to stand beside you with an arm wrapped around you
Think of it as that TikTok trend that’s like ‘using my scary dog privilege’
In this case
Seungmin’s more than happy to be the scary dog that lets you walk around alone
He’d bark and bite at anything or anyone who would try to hurt you
Even in human form, he’d growl as a warning to other animal hybrids that are around you
Whenever you’re out in public, Seungmin tries to stay by your side just in case anything happens
But when he has to part from you to talk to another group of your friends
He keeps you in his line of sight
He’d always angle himself in conversations so that the person he’s talking to has their back facing you so that he’s able to see you
And when a cat hybrid suddenly approaches you
Seungmin’s more on the attentive side but he hasn’t gone into protective mode because you don’t look uncomfortable
But then your frame starts to shrink
He immediately changes his posture
Which scares the people around him because suddenly, Seungmin looks so scary
He waits a moment longer and the moment you start looking around the room for him, he’s shoved his drink into the hands of Hyunjin so that he can make his way over to you
He slings his arm over your shoulder and glares at the cat hybrid who’s now extremely intimidated by the presence of the labrador hybrid
Seungmin leans close to the cat and growls at them until they run off
He stays with you for the rest of the night and the way he stays in protective mode makes you feel safe
Until you get home and Seungmin’s back to this ball of cuddle fluff that you absolutely love (。♥‿♥。)
Fennec fox hybrid
Has a big pair of white fluffy ears that poke out of his head
Has a fluffy white tail that blends into a more golden colour that’s long enough to poke out from underneath his shirt
He has super insane hearing
Even if he has headphones in, he can hear the outside world
Bodes well for him because whenever you walk into his apartment, he’ll walk out immediately to greet you
He never actually feels hot or warm because his body heat radiates off of his ears
Is always cold in human form
In fox form, his fur insulates his body instead so he doesn’t feel much of a difference
Has a habit of not drinking for hours because he can get stuck in his fox form
Also has a habit of chewing on your desk plants if he deems them edible
Unfortunately for you, that means you’ll come home to your beautiful plant babies half eaten and munched away because your fox boyfriend wanted a snack
To solve this problem, you filled the fridge with berries and vegetables for whenever he feels like snacking
But sometimes he goes overboard and he pretty much eats everything he can find when he forgets to eat for a while
He’s a fox hybrid that doesn’t know how to shift on command
Usually he has this big urge to shift but he’ll be stuck in one form for a while before being able to switch
He doesn’t know any other fox hybrids
So Jeongin has to learn to control his animalistic instincts with the help of you!
His human partner
Lucky for the both of you
You have a friend who’s a red fox hybrid
She’s not a fennec fox
But she still shares similar instincts to Jeongin because they’re both fox hybrids
So now Jeongin comes to you with the biggest smile on his face whenever he’s accomplished something, gushing about how Fox Noona taught him how to shift on command
He’ll show you
And you watch as he shifts into this tiny little fennec fox with a big smile on his snout (T▽T)
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etherealino · 3 years
fake dating, skz.
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ot8 scenario.
content/warning(s): fake dating au, just small scenarios. some are idolverse, some aren’t. swearing, hating on jype, nagging mother. tell me if i missed something!
note: i might do full length fics for each babies. what do u guys think?
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chan. —
the one where he’s being pestered by his best friend to bring a plus one to his best friend’s wedding and it can’t be a random person but someone he’s actually dating.
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minho looks at chan who just whines. “please?” minho says which is unusually gentle than his nagging teasing tone. “it’s been years and i think it’s time for you to finally go back to dating.”
“i will bring someone, i promise.” chan says, smiling lightly. minho could be annoying about this whole dating thing but he knows minho just wants him to be as happy as he was before.
“not just anyone?” minho says and chan nods. “someone you’re dating.”
chan looks up, eyes widening and minho frowns. what the hell does he do? chan knows how determined minho is, he won’t stop. “hyung, jeongin’s on the verge of asking his girlfriend of marrying him and—”
“y/n.” chan cuts him off with the first name that pops in his mind causing minho to raises his eyebrow. “i’m bringing y/n.”
“i said someone you’re—” minho cuts himself off, looking at chan with his eyes widening. he looks behind, seeing you having a conversation with his fiancé probably helping her with something on the wedding as she is showing you a sample from the magazine. minho looks back to chan who looks at him nervously. “hyung?”
“two weeks.” chan lies.
“why didn’t you tell me before?” minho asks and chan shrugs.
“i.. wanted to be sure.” chan says, seeing minho’s shock expression not going away and is probably not going away anytime so soon. “but now, i’m sure.”
“then, i’ll tell my girl that y/n will sit with you.” minho says and chan nods, mumbling a thanks. when minho’s fiancé pulls away from you to go to minho, chan immediately goes to you to explain the mess he has dragged you into.
oh, how frustrated you are going to be. chan could already see it.
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minho. —
the one where you two are roommates and he can’t help but overhear how your mother would always bug you about not having a boyfriend among other things, so he decides to just save your ass because deep down you’re one of the few people in his list who he would do everything for.
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throughout dinner, all minho has ever heard how your mom would pick on the littlest things that you would do and not do. minho was starting to get irritated because clearly, your mother doesn’t know how much of an amazing person you are (but of course, he’d rather go to jail than let you know that). 
as minho cleans on the table, you are still by the door with your mom.
“i didn’t want to bring this up earlier right in front of your roommate because it would be humiliating,” your mother says and minho rolls his eyes. as if she hasn’t humiliated you the whole night. “but do you ever plan on having a boyfriend?”
“mom, i just graduated college. i have a lot of things to focus on, i don’t have the time—”
“well, do it faster. no one is available forever.” 
that was it. minho couldn’t hold it any longer. he just wants your mom to stop and let her know how unbelievably amazing you are. as he puts the table rug down, he loudly says, “my love, can you help me?”
you turn your head to him, looking at him and minho doesn’t do anything but shrug. “y/n, love,” he calls again, walking to you and acting as if he was surprised to see your mother is still there on the doorway. “mrs. y/l/n, i’m sorry. i thought you went off already.”
“are you two together?” your mom slowly asks and your jaw drops, minho placing his hands on your shoulders. “why didn’t you tell me?” she asks and you look at minho.
“we decided to keep it between the two of us for now.” minho says and you let out a noise, eyes widening at minho as you pull away from his hold.
“you could have just told me, you silly girl.” your mom says and you look at her. “alright, i’ll be going. you help your boyfriend with the cleaning. remember the things i told you and bring minho by the house when there’s a gathering if he’s allowed to.”
you blink. “o-okay.” you stutter, leaning forward to kiss your mom on the cheek. minho does the same and your mom smiles. “take care, ma.”
“stay safe, mrs. y/l/n.” minho says and she nods, thanking the two of you as she walks to the elevator. you shut the door, glaring at minho. damn, this is going to be a long night of scolding.
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changbin. —
the one where people think he’s dating an idol and keep insisting that that person is the inspiration behind his songs but in order to not drag that other idol into the mess, he drops the name of his non-idol best friend that nobody’s ever heard of.
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changbin jumps when he hears the door of his room barge open and he sees you glaring down at him. “what. the. hell?” you grit your teeth, fuming at your best friend as you glare at him. changbin whines, knowing how fucked up did he do about the whole situation.
sure, he was thinking about the other idol who he never has exchanged at least one word with but he never though about his best friend. he was.. caught up in the moment.
“y/n, i’m really sorry. i didn’t think this would bring so much chaos.”
“you think?!” 
changbin whines. he may be all buff and strong and one of the most feared in stray kids but when it comes to you, he’ll fold even before you come at him. “y/n, i’m so sorry. i wasn’t thinking. plus, you’re profession is different from us they wouldn’t just..” changbin trails off when he sees you tapping your foot impatiently. right, dispatch could be a big bitch.
“y/n,” changbin calls, standing up from his bed and walking forward to place his hands on your shoulders. “just please, go along with it? just for a few months, i promise. i wil protect you from the reporters, i swear. just.. do this favor for me, please.”
you sigh, brushing your fingers through your hair. you wrap your arms around his torso, pulling him in and changbin returns the hug. “fine.” you say and changbin sigh in relief. “also, go take a bath. you stink.”
changbin laughs, kissing your temple.
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hyunjin. —
the one where the company is being a huge pain in the ass by telling the two of you to pull a public stunt which is fake dating one another.
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“what?” you and hyunjin said in unison. you looked at your manager in disbelief who just shrugs, shaking her head in disagreement as she turns away with a sigh.
“just for a couple of months.” the staff says in a gentle, manipulative tone. “just to get the heat off of the company.”
hyunnjin brushes his hand through his long locks, hiding his frustration even though he knows you feel the same just as he does. you sigh, putting your forehead on your palm as you close your eyes.
“it will help you with your upcoming comeback.” the staff says to you and you visibly scoff, causing your manager to lightly nudge you behind. you groan, looking away. “it will also help you with the votings and streamings.” the staff tells hyunjin and he only looks down, playing with his fingers.
silence takes over, everyone feeling your and hyunjin’s anger to the staff. but after a few minutes, hyunjin speaks up. “how many months?”
silence takes over again and you look at the woman in front of you who sighs. “12 months.” she sheepishly smiles.
“that’s a whole ass year.” you say and she smiles.
“we’ll send dispatch something tomorrow. so just be ready.” she says. “you’re dismissed.” the moment those two words left her lips, you and hyunjin immediately rose up to exit the office. when your manager closes the door, you went straight to the wall, covering your face with your hands as you lean against the wall with a groan leaving your lips.
you feel a hand on your shoulder and you look up to see the tall long haired boy. “hey.” you greet and hyunjin chuckles.
“we’ll get through this.” hyunjin encourages and you smile, holding your fist out.
“yeah, we will.” you said and hyunjin looked at your fist, blinking then back to your eyes.
“i’m going to be your boyfriend tomorrow and you’re giving me a fist bump?” hyunjin deadpans and you laugh, lightly pushing him as he laughs loudly.
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jisung. —
the one where he’s your best friend and someone takes a liking on you but you’re too soft to reject someone so you randomly ask jisung to be your fake boyfriend.
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“what do you want?” jisung says and you pout lightly, looking into his eyes.
“ji..” you softly call and jisung crosses his arms over his chest. “i think.. changbin’s going to confess tomorrow.”
“i need you to swoop in and tell him we’re dating.” you say as you play on chips of his door. jisung’s eyes widen, laughing lightly as he blinks.
“come again?” jisung says and you whine, looking at him. “no!”
“why not?” you ask.
“just say you like me instead of pulling this stunt!” jisung says.
“hey, i don’t!” you say, scrunching your nose as you look down. “i just really don’t want to confront changbin about it and you know me. i’d just end up saying yes and—”
“it’s okay to say no.” jisung says but you only pout looking at him. jisung pinches the bridge of his nose, sighing. “y/n, i swear to god—”
“free cheesecakes as long as this goes on.”
“—you’re the bestest friend ever.”
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felix. —
the one where you’ve been wanting to experience what’s it like to have a boyfriend so felix being the best friend, he lets you have the experience you deserve once you have an actual boyfriend. (got it from here.)
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“lix,” you called and felix turns to you with a smile on his face. “i’m kind, right?”
“yeah,” felix answered. you truly are. whenever felix is in need of your help, you would always be there. and by always, i mean even if you’re about to do something for yourself, you’d put felix first.
“i’m not that dumb, right?” you ask.
“you’re actually really smart, y/n.” felix answers. you are. felix would always ask for your help when he’s having trouble with some subjects. and everytime you two would get into talking and there’s a test that’s to be taken by that day, felix knows you didn’t study. you never study. but how the hell do you still get high scores?
“i’m not that ugly, right?” you asked.
felix looks at you weirdly, eyebrows scrunched together as he shakes his head ‘no’. “everyone finds you extremely attractive, y/n. your beauty is simple, unlike the others.” felix says and you blush lightly, but still you want to continue with your drama.
“then why don’t i have a boyfriend?” you asked and felix just chuckles at you, continuing on doing his work. “hey,” you said with a pout. “i’m serious.”
felix softly smiles at you and places the slate and marker on his chair. “i’ll be your boyfriend,” felix answers and leans in to place a kiss on your forehead. your eyes widens, but felix continues to move as if nothing happened.
still with the soft smile on his face, felix grabs the slate and goes outside to seungmin.
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seungmin. —
the one where you both decide to fake date for the sake of the annual movie fest happening in your university and the genre assigned to you is romance but seungmin, the director and you, the scriptwriter have no experience in that area which makes it hard for the two of you to bring it to life.
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you softly sigh, rereading jisung’s text over and over again. seungmin gazes at you, noticing the expression that he was unable to decipher. “what did jisung say this time?” he asks and you look at him, turning the phone screen to him. seungmin reads the test and he leans on his seat, not removing his eyes on the text.
well, it’s not bad actually.
“what do you think?” seungmin asks and you shrug, softly sighing.
“it’s not a bad idea.” you softly say. “are you alright with it?”
“well, it is a good idea and we could work on it together.” seungmin says and you nod. “so, we’re doing this?”
“i guess?” you say, a bit unsure of it. you look at your wrist watch, seeing the time making you fix your things. “i have class in a few minutes, seung.”
seungmin nods, standing up as he helps you. when you sling your bag on your shoulder, he takes your laptop bag putting it on his shoulder and grabs your books as well. “what are you doing?” you ask.
“what kind of boyfriend lets his girlfriend go to class alone and on top of it, with so much bag as if she’s going to run away from home?” seungmin deadpans and you look at him.
“oh, we start now?” you mumble.
“we only have four weeks to pass the script.” seungmin says and you chuckle, nodding with a sigh.
“gosh, you need to be my boyfriend to help me with carrying my stuff.” you mumble and seungmin looks at you, pulling his tongue out.
jisung: this maybe stupid but also makes sense
jisung: date each other even just until you passed the script
jisung: just so you know what to do and stuff
jisung: just don’t fall in love
jisung: but if you do, please mention me in your wedding vows and speeches
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jeongin. —
the one where he thought it would be a good idea to get his fangirls off his back by telling them he’s dating you in secret.
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jeongin knocks into your apartment, giving you his charming cute smile. you raise your eyebrow, lightly chucking. “what’s up, yang?” you say, looking at him. jeongin gestures with his hands to go inside your apartment and you open your door wide to let him in.
“you know how were the bestest of friends?” jeongin asks, looking at you with his smile that not even a second did it fade.
you look at him. “no, not really.” you deadpan and jeongin sighs, frowning as he looks at you. “what do you need?”
“remember when you mentioned about the girls in uni going crazy about me?” jeongin says and you nod. “i kind of told them that i was dating someone in secret.” jeongin told you and you nod.
“you are?” you ask and jeongin shakes his head. “so you lied just to get them off your back?” you asked and jeongin nodded. “okay, so?”
“they wouldn’t let me go until i tell them who it is.” jeongin said and you nodded. jeongin just stares at you and you raise your eyebrow, not getting where the conversation is going. jeongin slowly tilts his head, staring at you and your eyes widen, hitting his arm. 
“you told them it was me?!” you exclaimed.
jeongin blinks at you. “ow?” he says and you groan.
“i know it wasn’t the smartest decision—”
“the smartest?” you repeat with emphasis because it wasn’t even smarter, it wasn’t smart. it was the dumbest. ever. “jeongin, those girls are oing to—”
“i’ll give you hyunjin hyung’s number after all of this is over.” jeongin cuts you off and you look at him. “it was obvious. he’s just... dense as fuck.”
you sigh, “you pick me up tomorrow at 7.”
“thank you, y/n!” he exclaims, hugging you as he presses your body against his. “thank you, thank you, thank you!”
“alright, go home.” you say and jeongin laughs, pulling away from you. jeongin giggles, kissing your cheek as he exits your apartment to go home.
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make me do it a full length au thanks. lmAO SDHBJHS,, im going to !! tell me if u want to be tagged <3
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streetlight11 · 3 years
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Summary: After your parents were murdered by werewolf hunters, you had to run away. You had to save yourself from going through the same tragic fate and that leaves you to being a lone wolf. Thankfully, moving to a new town led you to meeting new people and possibly a new family.
Theme: werewolf au, strangers to lovers
Genre: smidge of action, fluff, slightly suggestive
Warnings: mentions of slight nudity and violence, gets a little steamy near the end but nothing too detailed
WC: 6.6k
Pairing: Alpha!Minho x Omega!FemReader
a/n: Hi :) Obviously werewolf skz is just *chef's kiss* so of course I had to write about it. So here's a Minho one ;)
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Due to your parent’s unfortunate death, you had to move away to avoid being caught by the same hunters who killed them. By moving cities, it means moving schools too. Before this, you were in your dad’s pack which only consists of your mom, your dad and you. Now that they’re gone, it leaves you to being a lone wolf.
Hence, why you managed to enrol yourself into this new school after finding yourself a cheap rundown apartment.
You were an Omega werewolf which means you weren’t a part of any pack. You were a lone wolf. After your parents died, you had no one to go to. No friends, no family, nothing. You might as well just die.
Except, you knew your parents wouldn’t want that so you had to persevere and try to at least survive for as long as you can on your own. Throughout your whole life, you weren’t really able to detect any werewolves near you despite your amazing supernatural sense of smell.
So you thought you were alone from now on. Little did you know, the previous town you lived in just didn’t have your kind.
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The 8 of them were a pack. To be more specific, they were in Chan’s pack. Chan was their leader but also an Alpha along with Minho and Changbin. Meanwhile, Hyunjin, Jisung, Felix, Seungmin and Jeongin were Betas. They’ve been together for quite a while now where Chan was initially only with Minho, Changbin and Hyunjin before he took in the other young ones after a few unfortunate circumstances.
Chan has been teaching them how to hunt, enhance their skills and basically provide them food and shelter. They were more like brothers instead of friends or acquaintances. Their bond was stronger than anything else. If one was injured, the other would know even if they were miles apart.
It was a warm Tuesday afternoon, the boys were just having lunch at their usual table when Changbin’s nose began to tickle with a strong scent, only for the others to smell it too right after.
“Hey, do you guys smell that?” Changbin asked quietly, earning a few nods from the rest.
Since Chan, Minho and Changbin were Alphas, they have slightly stronger werewolf senses compared to the others and they could tell that this scent was new. They knew a few other packs that were present on campus and were even friends with some of them but this?
This was a very new scent that they weren’t familiar with.
“Whoever this is, they clearly just transferred here.” Jisung stated nonchalantly.
“No shit sherlock.” Minho said, earning a low snarl from the younger boy.
“But where is it coming from? I would know if they’re in the room with us… Looks like they’re in the grounds just not in this cafeteria…” Chan said as his eyes began to scan the entire radius of the cafeteria hall.
“But can you tell if it’s a male or female?” Jeongin asked curiously only for Chan to turn back to his brothers and nod.
“It’s a female.”
A few minutes later, they were all gathered for the talk session they had with a motivational speaker regarding the academics. The 8 of them were seated in the middle row of the lecture hall. It was already filled with students from all courses, leaving only a few seats empty. One of which was at the very end of the row below them, right by the aisle and just in front of Felix.
Soon enough, the man began talking and introducing himself to the audience. The boys were just seated there, barely focusing. Neither of them were properly listening to the speaker.
However, their attention was soon diverted intensely when the same scent from earlier only grew stronger by the minute. Before they could even ask each other about it, a new face came stumbling in the main doors.
That’s when they realized where that scent was coming from.
It was you.
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You were running late for the motivational talk which is why you were now sprinting across the campus to reach the main building which held the auditorium. Upon arriving, you managed to find the right hall after what felt like forever. The minute you pushed the double doors open, you were immediately met with at least 400 pairs of eyes.
The man standing on stage simply smiles at you and asks you to take a seat wherever you could find. He was nice and you could tell. However, your mind was currently spinning from the overwhelming amount of scents you could clearly smell in this hall.
There were at least 5 different werewolf packs in this room right now but there is one pack scent that was so strong and bold to you.
It literally stands out from the rest.
Just as you were about to walk to the steps on the side nearest to you, the strong grip on your forearm made you halt.
It was a lecturer you weren’t familiar with but you felt uneasy with him. The way he was staring at you from head to toe, his tightening grip on your arm made you wince.
“Are you a new student?” He asked lowly.
“Which class are you with?”
“I-I’m not sure. B-But I’ll just sit anywhere that’s available.” You frowned deeply before you yanked your arm out of his grip with a bit of struggle.
With that being said, you rushed up the steps towards the empty seat right next to the aisle. The moment you sat down, your fiery glare travelled back to the lecturer who was standing at the same spot he previously was in but his eyes were on you.
Damn him.
However, your mind seemed to grow fuzzy with the sudden strong scent that was intoxicating your senses now. It was so strong, as though whoever or whatever they are were extremely close to you.
Just then, the soft touch on your forearm made you flinch as you turned to come face to face with a pretty girl. She didn’t have any particular werewolf scent on her so you knew she was an ordinary human.
“Do you know which class you’re in?” She asked.
“Umm… I… I haven’t checked my timetable.”
She giggled softly before she continued, “Don’t forget to check it later so you know where to go after this. I’m Yeri by the way. You are?”
With that being said, you gave her a small smile before telling her your name.
“Nice to meet you Y/N. If you need help with anything, just ask okay?”
You nodded a little to acknowledge her but then your trail of vision got diverted to the male sitting a few seats diagonally above yours. What made you focus on him was the fact that his eyes were boring into yours. It wasn’t creepy or uncomfortable though. It was more like curiosity. You hold your stares for a bit and that’s when it hits you.
The scent.
It was from him.
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A few nights had passed, there was going to be a full moon tonight so you decided to go hunting. Your aim was to practice your survival skills, one that your father taught you when he was still alive. You didn’t bother bringing any change of clothes, telling yourself you would most probably just go to your parent’s secret hideout in the woods.
So here you are, in the middle of the woods alone, finding yourself standing in an empty spot that had the full moon just directly above you. This spot wasn’t new to you.
This is where your parents violently got killed by the werewolf hunters.
During that horrible incident, you were hiding behind one of the huge trees after your parents told you to run. The last thing you saw was your father’s head being decapitated mercilessly before you took off running on all four paws.
Running as fast as you can, praying that the hunters didn’t catch you.
Lucky for you, they didn’t. And yet, you knew they would do everything in their will to continue finding you which is why you moved.
You were taking in the beautiful moon, deciding to change into your furry self so that you could move freely through the woods. After about an hour of just running and strolling through the woods, playing in the lake, chasing bunnies, you figured you wanted to take a quick rest.
It wasn’t until you stepped onto a pile of dead leaves that the sharp click followed by a loud snap echoed through the woods. A shrilling howl left your lips as the pain began to crawl up your broken hind legs where your human ankle would be.
You whimpered in pain, your entire body collapsing to the ground when you realized you were trapped.
Just then, a soft click of a shotgun’s hammer sounded as they locked the bullet in place and were left with pulling the trigger. Your vision was getting blurred from the tears welling up in your eyes.
Your bright gold eyes were flooded with tears, a weak whine leaving your lips as you looked up at the man who killed your parents a month ago.
“Say goodnight. Your parents are dying to see you in the afterlife.” He said while he pointed the gun to your forehead.
However, before he could pull the trigger, a low growl came from somewhere behind you.
The last thing you saw was a larger silver coloured wolf lunging itself onto the hunter and soon began to wrestle with him, only to receive help from another wolf equally the same size but a light brown colour.
And a few seconds later, you passed out cold.
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The boys were in their wolf forms, strolling through the woods like they usually do except tonight with the full moon shining down at them. Everyone was having their own fun. Chan and Minho were lingering behind their younger brothers, watching over them and their safety.
Changbin was walking with Jeongin in the centre, once in a while playfully nudging Jeongin’s side with the tip of his snout.
Jisung, Felix and Hyunjin were playing catch but making sure to stick close by while Seungmin was just breaking out into small jogs and twirls excitedly whenever he comes across a field of dandelions on the grass patches.
They were all roaming freely together when all of a sudden, a shrilling scream echoed in their sensitive ears making them all halt to a stop.
“What was that?!” Jisung asked through telepathy, only for Chan to transfer his message to the rest of the boys through his mind.
“I don’t know but it sounds close by.”
“I don’t feel good about this. I think someone’s injured.” Hyunjin said worriedly. However, before anyone could continue, a certain scent intoxicated Minho’s nostrils and he knew exactly what it was or who it was.
“It’s that new girl from school. She’s caught in a metal trap. We have to help her. Now!” Minho said firmly as he began running through the woods, using his sense of smell to try and detect your location. The minute he saw the man standing over your limp body with one of your hind legs horribly clamped between the metal bars, Minho raced over to you.
Right before the man could pull the trigger, Minho leaped out from the shadows, sending the man flying backwards along with himself. Minho tackles the man easily as he growls in the man’s face.
Chan soon joins in to give Minho a hand. Chan bit the shotgun and tosses it far from reach.
Right when the man began to plead for them to spare his life, Minho lets out one last growl followed by a hiss before he bites the man’s head off without a single ounce of mercy.
Normally, Chan does not condone violence to his pack. He only allows it during a life and death situation and if it involves werewolf hunters.
After the hunter’s body was laying there limp, like a headless chicken, Minho licks his canine teeth tasting the disgusting blood coating them. His glowing red eyes bore deep into the limp body, feeling anger taking over him until he heard Seungmin’s soft voice through the telepathy.
“Hyung, she fell unconscious.”
With that, Minho turned around as he and Chan quickly went over to where your body laid.
Your chest was barely moving, your leg was bleeding and probably broken, there was no sign of other injuries except for your leg.
Meanwhile, Changbin, Felix, Hyunjin, Jisung and Jeongin were guarding the perimeter, senses heightened so as to be able to detect any danger coming their way just like how Chan had trained them to perfection.
Chan sniffed the metal trap to try and see if he could break you free from it.
“Minho, bite the other clasp. I’ll bite this side then we’ll try and pull it apart.” Chan said as the younger one walked around Seungmin and soon bit down one side of the clasp like Chan says.
The two of them managed to free your broken leg from the metal trap but now, your leg was bleeding quite a lot.
“What should we do now?” Seungmin asked.
“Take her back to our place. We’ll treat her injuries and wait till she wakes up.” Chan said firmly, earning a nod from the two boys.
Chan called the others over, asking Changbin to help him carry your limp body together.
Chan slides his head under your shoulders while Changbin does the same beside the leader. Once they were both standing on all fours, your body was splayed over their backs horizontally with your head hanging over the side of Changbin’s furry body.
They brought you back to their home, only for Felix to attend to your injury. After they had transformed back to their human self, they wore back their clothes before they went to make sure you were okay.
Felix had just finished cleaning your bloodied wound, washing it with rubbing alcohol to get rid of any bacteria when you slowly began to transform back into your human self.
Of course, you were still unconscious but you were now laying on their couch butt naked with your private parts shielded by your arms and the cross of your thighs.
Nevertheless, the boys quickly diverted their gazes away from you even though you weren’t awake.
They respected you being the only female in the house, which is why Hyunjin ran to the nearest room to get a cosy blanket and soon came back, covering your naked body with it. Felix managed to wrap your leg with the bandage but that was it. They wouldn’t want to help you wear any clothes simply because that would mean they would have to handle your nude self.
Since you were practically strangers, they weren’t gonna do it simply out of respect for you. “Now we wait…” Chan announced as the rest of them nodded.
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You didn’t know how long you were out but the sudden warmth and soft material hugging your body made you stir awake. You struggled to focus your vision, finding the bright light a little too overwhelming for you.
Where are you?
Your mind was racing with thoughts. A whole list of possible scenarios were going through your mind, making a guess of which one it was.
Just then, a very familiar scent entered your nose and you recognized it immediately.
That’s when you managed to focus your blurry vision towards the figures that were gathered around the room you were currently in, finally recognizing the faces that were staring back at you in utter concern.
However, it was still a little surprising for you since you were not only in a room filled with guys who were practically strangers to you, you were also butt naked save for the blanket to shield you from their eyes. With that being said, this made you squeak as a soft gasp left your lips.
You hastily sat up, desperately pulling the blanket tighter against your body. The light brown haired male carefully approached you with his hands out in front of them to tell you he was harmless.
“Woah, hey… hey… relax, we’re not gonna hurt you. I promise. Okay?” The leader said with a warm smile as your eyes went to scan him.
You could immediately sense that what he said was true and that they all meant no harm to you. When he noticed your shoulders relax a bit, he smiled before he carefully sat down beside you, making sure to avoid your broken leg.
“How are you feeling?” He asked as you noticed the others were intently staring between you and their leader.
“I… It hurts…” You whispered, eyes finding its own way to the one leaning against the shelves with his arms crossed over his chest. He had ash blue hair, his eye shape was similar to a feline cat and you vividly remember he was the same guy you had a mini staring contest on that first day in the auditorium hall.
“I know it does. So we will try our best to take care of you until it heals… But, only if you agree to stay and let us help. Of course we understand if you want to leave since you don’t know us. It’s up to you. We won’t force you.” The leader said, making you turn to him as your grip on the blanket only loosened slightly.
It didn’t take long for you to decide on staying after you practically could sense sincerity and safety from them. So upon agreeing to their kind offer, the leader went ahead and introduced them to you.
“Since we don’t have any female clothes for you, are you okay if we lend you some of ours for the time being?” Chan asked, to which you nodded gently.
You carefully got up, making sure to wrap the blanket around your body securely. However, the minute you put a small amount of pressure on your injured leg, your knee buckled from the excruciating pain. A soft whimper left your lips as you were about to collapse to the ground. Instead, you never made it to the ground thanks to the strong pair of arms that reached out just in time to catch your waist.
Your free hand flew out to grab onto his shirt, not really seeing who saved you from the fall until you looked up to see who it was.
It’s Minho.
“Woah, be careful. Are you okay?” He asked as you nodded. Except, he didn’t miss the tear that was threatening to roll down your cheeks. You were visibly trying to hold in the pain but he knew it was difficult.
“Let me help.” He offered softly as you could only nod.
With that being said, Minho bends down to carry you bridal style before telling his brothers that he was going to bring you to his room for you to change and rest in. Chan agreed saying it was a good idea since it was already nearing 1 in the morning.
Once Minho made it to his bedroom, he brought you in only to close the door behind him using his foot. He gently placed you down on his king sized bed, making sure to not hurt your leg.
After he laid you down on the bed, he went over to his closet and took out a clean oversized shirt and sweatpants.
“Here, change into this then go and rest. I’ll be downstairs if you need anything. The others will be right down the hall in their bedrooms, okay?” His voice was so gentle, you almost forgot you didn't know this guy personally.
When he saw you nod subtly, he flashed you a smile and was about to leave when you grabbed his wrist softly to stop him.
“Thank you… all of you…” You whispered, earning a smile from him before he told you to rest.
The small jolt of electricity running through your veins at the skin contact didn’t go unnoticed between you two but you decided to ignore it until he left. The minute he closed the door, you gently caressed your hand that reached out for his wrist.
Little did you know, he did the same to his hand where you left a tingling sensation to his skin.
What was that feeling?
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From the first day they met you at the auditorium, Chan could already sense you were an Omega. That night when they saved you from being killed, Chan already knew he would take you into the pack. It was just a matter of whether or not you want to accept his offer. It has been three months since they saved you that night.
Ever since then, it was pretty obvious that you’ve grown slightly closer to them and they were already treating you like a part of their pack. Despite not giving a firm answer yet on whether you want to officially be in their pack or not, Chan still treated you with respect and like you were a part of their little family.
And for that, you were grateful.
However, during the past three months, you’ve also developed a little crush on Minho.
Not only was he always sweet and caring towards you, he was also the one who offered to lend you his bedroom and his clothes when you stayed over for the few days after you got injured.
Although you tried your best to hide your feelings for him, it looks like the other boys could sense it considering how Jisung and Felix would sometimes tease you whenever Minho was around. You would normally just brush them off or just plainly ignore them. Yet, sometimes Minho would catch you blushing when the boys tease you about him and he couldn’t help but find you adorable.
It was a Thursday afternoon, you had just finished your first class and were just keeping some of your books in your locker when a figure appeared beside you with an arm resting against the lockers. You glanced up to find Minho smiling down at you adorably, his eyes disappearing into two crescent moons.
“Hey, joining us for lunch?” He asked.
“Yeah, just keeping some books I don’t need for later.” You said, only to feel him tuck the stray hairs behind your ear.
This small gesture was enough to make your heart skip a beat in your chest. You tried to ignore the feeling but he was making it so difficult as he soon began to gently play with your hair, telling you it's pretty and soft.
You couldn’t help but giggle as he slid his hand down only to rest on your waist. After you closed your locker, you turned to face him, letting him slide his arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him. However, before any of you could say anything, Changbin’s teasing voice broke out from behind you.
“Aye, finally the two lovebirds acknowledge each other’s feelings huh?” This made Jisung and Chan, who were with Changbin, to chuckle in amusement.
You pulled away from Minho only for the boy to speak up.
“Seo Changbin, if you don’t keep that stupid mouth of yours shut, I’ll make sure you sleep on the porch tonight.” Minho threatened, earning a silly face from Changbin who clearly gives no shit.
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A few more weeks went by, you only grew closer and closer to the boys and yet you still weren’t in their pack. You had been so dependent on your parents that when they left you, it almost rendered you insane. It took you a while to accept that you were a lone wolf but after that incident, it only made you stronger and much more independent.
That’s why until now, you still haven’t accepted Chan’s offer on being in his pack despite knowing they were good people. It wasn’t because you still didn’t trust these boys. It was just in your nature for being an Omega, to feel independent.
It was a Friday evening, you haven’t been to the boys’ place for almost a week now but you still saw them and spent time with them in school.
Just then, you distinctly heard a familiar howl which sounded like they were in pain.
It was far but you knew where it came from and who the howl belonged to. You didn’t bother changing out of your pyjamas, running out of your apartment and straight to the direction of the howl through the woods that were right behind your run down apartment complex.
You ran as fast as your two feet could take you, already memorizing the woods in the back of your head. You followed the scent as it got stronger with every corner you took which means you were getting close.
That’s when you recognized Chan and Changbin’s furry self attacking the three hunters while Minho’s wolf form was laying there on the ground against the tree with his mouth in a nuzzle.
“No, no, no!” You hissed as you ran to him, cupping his large wolf face in your small hands.
“Minho! Minho, can you hear me? Please tell me you can hear me! Please…” You whispered desperately as his eyes were closed. You reached behind his head to unclasp the nuzzle, freeing his snout from it.
You looked around to see there was a shotgun laying just a few feet from you so you crawled over to it and locked the bullets in place before you aimed it at the hunter that was struggling under Chan’s grip. One of the 3 hunters was lying dead on the ground headless. So with one deep breath, you pulled the trigger, shooting the hunter straight through the side of his head.
Chan jumped back a little only to turn to the side and locked eyes with you who had the gun pointed to them. You quickly shifted your aim to Changbin and the last hunter, but it was slightly difficult due to them rolling and throwing each other around.
Before you could pull the trigger, Changbin growled and soon tore the hunter’s limbs apart one by one before settling for the head.
You threw the shotgun as far away as possible, turning back to Minho who was going in and out of consciousness. However, feeling as though you needed to make sure he was still alive, you gently stroked his furry chest to try and feel for his heartbeat.
Chan and Changbin came back to you and Minho, only for them to talk to you through telepathy.
“He’s badly wounded. We need to aid him fast.” Chan said.
“Let’s quickly get him home. Are you gonna stay with us tonight?” Changbin asked, making you nod at them.
With that being said, all four of you quickly made it back to their home with Minho on top of the two, just like they did with you on the night they found you trapped.
Once you all arrived at their house, you quickly ran to their door, knocking it frantically and it took them less than 2 seconds to open the door.
“Oh shit, quickly, get in.” Hyunjin said as the 3 wolves entered only for the two to gently place Minho on the couch.
“His leg got shot twice, one more on his left rib and a plunge to his shoulder.” Changbin told Felix as the younger one began to get to work with Seungmin’s assistance. In the meantime, the two boys went upstairs to go change while you stayed behind with the others in the kitchen.
“How come you were with them?” Jisung asked as you leaned against the counter with Hyunjin standing beside you while Jisung and Jeongin stood opposite from you.
“I was at home when I heard a howl. I knew immediately they were in pain and it sounded very familiar. So I went to check.” You explained as the boys exchanged knowing glances to one another.
“Noona? Can I ask you something?” Jisung asked.
“Did you get any particular feeling when you heard the howl?”
“I just… I felt like it was someone close to me. Someone I cared for… Someone I-”
“-love?” Jeongin finished your sentence for you, making you look up at him with wide eyes.
“We know… We can always tell when one of us is in love… And we’ve known that from the start about Minho towards you. We just… couldn’t tell exactly for you since you’re not part of the pack.” Hyunjin explained, only for you to understand better.
Minho loves you?
You frowned as you stared at your feet for a while before you looked past Jisung’s shoulder to find Seungmin placing a blanket over Minho’s wolf form.
You were worried. You were terrified. The last thing you wanted was to never get to say goodbye to him. Never get to say the three words you hoped to tell him one day. Lucky for you, it wasn’t going to be a worry for you anytime soon.
Felix and Seungmin carefully left Minho there to rest as they approached the four of you in the kitchen.
“How is he?” Jeongin asked.
“He just needs plenty of rest. We managed to take out the bullets so I’m sure he’ll be fine by tomorrow.” Felix explained.
Since Minho was an Alpha, it means that he heals faster than the younger ones did. Same goes for Chan and Changbin if they ever got injured by something that wasn’t deadly to them. So with that being said, you excused yourself to go check on Minho, earning nods from the rest of them.
They watched as you made your way to Minho’s peaceful form on the couch.
“Why can’t they just confess already? They’re practically the perfect soulmates for each other.” Seungmin sighed with a smile.
“I know right?” Felix giggled.
“Come on, let’s give them some space.” Hyunjin said as he began to pull his brothers upstairs to let you and Minho have some privacy.
You sat on the floor in front of Minho’s adorable snout, gently caressing his soft fur on his neck. You gave him a small kiss on the tip of his nose before whispering to him.
“Please be okay… I don’t want to lose you.”
His soft breaths filled your sensitive ears as you stroked his chest like a lullaby for him.
A few minutes of silence accompanied you, allowing yourself to drift off to sleep with the top of your head leaning against his neck and right underneath his chin. You didn’t know how long you were asleep but you woke up to the feeling of someone gently caressing your hair.
Successfully stirring awake, you brought your head up only to find Minho back in his human form and still in all his naked glory but with the blanket covering his waist down.
You immediately got to your knees and wrapped your arms around his neck, earning a soft giggle from him as he snaked his arms around your waist.
“Hi princess.” His sultry voice echoes in your ear, making you blush.
“I’m so glad you’re okay!” You whispered, hearing him chuckle softly.
“Of course I have to be okay, I won’t leave you hanging.” His words made you pull back from him, staring into his adorable round eyes. Minho could sense your confusion in which he laughed.
With that, he reached up to cup your cheeks and gently caressed it with his thumbs before he whispered.
“I won’t ever leave you.”
You didn’t know what came over you but you suddenly felt brave. It has been screaming at you to do this for quite a while now, you just chose to ignore it. But this time, you felt like it was the right time to do it.
So with one small breath, you leaned in to kiss him, feeling him instantly smile against your lips. Both of you felt sparks shooting out of the kiss as he pulled you on top of him. His hands flew down to your waist while your small hands cupped his face softly.
Minho’s tongue teased you as he licked your bottom lip before tugging it in between his teeth.
His grip on your waist tightened, making you sit firmly on his thighs. You completely forgot he was butt naked until you felt something poking your inner thigh. It wasn’t until he pulled away from your lips to smile cheekily up at you.
“Should we go to my bedroom?” He asked, making you giggle.
“Are you sure you’re healed? I wouldn’t want to hurt you.” You asked.
Minho kissed you again only to pull back and smirk, “Trust me sweetheart, I’m already good to go. I’m an Alpha, remember?” You rolled your eyes at his cockiness but nevertheless found it so attractive.
Minho laughed as he captured you in a kiss yet again before he stood up with you on his waist, your legs wrapped around his hips. A small yelp escaped your lips as he carried you up to his bedroom. Once you made it to his room, he kicked his door close and locked it before gently tossing you onto his bed.
He crawled over to you until he was situated in between your legs, making you nervous.
“You know you can always tell me to stop if you’re uncomfortable, right baby? I will never force you to do something you’re not okay with.” Minho reassured you as he caressed your cheek lovingly.
You were nervous, yes because it would be your first time mating. However, you didn’t feel uncomfortable because you trusted him. So you weren’t going to stop him.
Not now. Not ever.
“I want you… Minho. Please… I… I love you.” You whispered with your eyes closed, too afraid to look at him. What you missed was how his eyes grew even softer the minute you said those last three words. Minho never felt this way before. Sure he has mated before and none of it works out. But this time, it all felt so foreign to him.
You weren’t just another one of his playmates. You weren’t a random stranger whom he would have sex with and leave. You were someone he cared for, someone he grew fond of, someone he trusts, and most importantly, someone he loves.
With that being said, Minho smiles as he leans down to close the gap before he whispers against your lips.
“I love you too, Y/N.”
Right after, he kisses you like his life depends on it. Pouring out his love for you through the kiss, hoping you could feel his sincerity. He felt your hands sliding down his chest, only to trace your fingertips along the outlines of his abs.
He helped you discard your pyjamas, tossing them onto the ground as he then realized you only had your panties and no bra.
“Did you really just leave your apartment like this?” He chuckled, pecking your lips a few times.
“I got worried okay... I wanted to make sure no one’s hurt…” You blushed as he teased you.
“Aww, so you rushed out without thinking to change just because you were worried about me?” Minho smirked down at you.
“Shut up, Min. I didn’t know who it was when I ran out okay…” You pushed his face away with your hands only for him to bury his face in the crook of your neck.
“Yeah, sure.”
“I’m serious!” You pouted as he pulled away to look at your disappointed face, making him chuckle and kiss you repeatedly, saying you looked too cute.
“Okay okay, I believe you baby.” Minho chuckled, cupping your cheeks to kiss you again, this time letting his lips linger there for a bit. Both of you took your own sweet time with each other. He promised to be gentle with you and that was exactly what he did. Only going rough once in a while so that you could both reach your highs.
Minho marked you as his partner and you were happy he did. But there was only one thing left that you haven’t done.
After he cleaned you, you were both lying in bed under his soft duvet. He was just gently playing with your hair while you laid your head on his chest. His mind was filled with nothing but you. All until you spoke up.
“I want to be in Chan’s pack.”
Minho’s fingers stopped whatever it was doing, only for him to stare down at you.
“What did you say?”
“I’ve thought about it… And I want to be in Chan’s pack.” You repeated again, causing him to smile.
“Wait… are you serious?”
You nodded with a small smile, making him huff. After almost 4 months of spending time with them, getting to know each of them better, you realized that they were nothing but a family to one another. And with your tragic past, maybe being in Chan’s pack wouldn’t be so bad. Not only will you have a family of your own, but you also have someone who you loved dearly.
So why not right?
With that being said, Minho kissed you again and again on your cheeks, your nose, your forehead and your lips. All you did was giggle.
“Let’s go tell Chan!” Minho said excitedly as he leaped out of bed butt naked, going around to collect both your clothes that were scattered on the floor. Once you were both changed, he grabs your hands and laces his fingers with yours only to run down the hall, accidentally bumping into Jisung and Changbin as you did so.
“Bang Chan!” Minho called out as he burst open the elder’s bedroom door, only to find Chan just reading something from his book shelves.
“Oh, hey guys. What’s up?” Chan smiled as he placed his book down on the desk but Minho was quick to tell him the news.
“Y/N wants to be part of the pack.”
With that, Chan’s eyes grew wide as he stared at you with a happy glint in his eyes.
You gave him a firm nod in which Chan couldn’t help but grin.
“Well then, welcome to the family Y/N.” Chan announced, only for the rest of them to rush in.
“Noona’s finally part of us?!” Felix and Jisung asked in unison, earning a solid yes from Chan. The younger ones immediately ran to you to give you a hug. You couldn’t help but giggle as they welcomed you warmly. After you were done exchanging hugs, Chan spoke up to get everyone’s attention.
“Also, I think it’s pretty clear that Y/N is now out of bound to the rest of us except Minho.” Chan smirked, wiggling his eyebrows at the male who had his fingers laced with yours.
“Yeah so don’t even think about it.” Minho warned, pretending to threaten his brothers but of course he didn’t actually plan to hurt them if they got close to you since they already loved you like a sister.
“Don’t worry brother, she’s all yours.” Changbin smiled cheekily, only for you to blush.
You were glad that you found them. You were glad they saved you that night and not any other pack. You were glad they came into your life. Because they taught you how to be strong again. They taught you how to survive. And most importantly, Minho taught you how to love again.
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sparklingchan · 3 years
Ruby Eyes|| Seo Changbin (Stray Kids)
Pairing : Reader(fem.) X Changbin
Word count : 7.3k+ 
Warnings : Mention of an accident, cuss words, divorce, a single kiss.
Genre : Romance, Soulmate AU, fluff, angst, best friends to lovers.
Description: Seo Changbin has done everything in his capacity to remove and replace you, yet fate seems to have different plans for the both of you.
A/N : Hello everyone ahhh I know it’s been so long y’all. So many things have been going on including exams and internships and I just didn’t have the patience to write :(( This one shot was written as a part of a collab event by wonderful, dear Ro! 
I hope y’all like it!
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"So, how's it being back, y/n?"
Your dad looks older now than he did the last time you saw him - probably two years ago, when you were leaving the country.
You missed him, really. You missed his warmth and his wisdom and how he was a sharp contrast to your mother, more calm and composed. Sometimes you wonder how your mother had even managed to get your custody after their divorce.
"Okay, I guess." You lie.
You didn't want your father to know how your feelings are all over the place, ranging from sadness to anger and longingness.
It's a weird thing to be experiencing such a cocktail of emotions when you'd convinced yourself these feelings had disappeared the day you left the old neighborhood, seven years ago. You had not felt any attachment towards the new neighborhood that you and your mother then went on to live for the next two years before you moved abroad for your studies. Yet you feel nostalgic now, as your father drives you through your old old neighborhood.
"How's mom?" He asks, taking a left to a road all too familiar to you, "Is she still going to therapy?"
You nod, "She's getting better, I think. The new country seems to have changed her. The therapy is helping too. She has many friends there now. "
At first when you were offered a job at one of the biggest publishing companies in the world, you were ecstatic. But everything soon died down when you found out you were posted at a branch in the country you'd left behind. It was your mother who'd convinced you to take it.
"I know you don't like being back, y/n." Your dad smiles sadly when he pulls over infront of your old house.The house that contains years of secrets, tears, lies and whispered confessions in front of the mirror stands in front of you, as grand and pretty as ever. It looks different but similar enough to make you tear up a tad bit.
"But I'm glad you're here. I really am." He says, "I renovated the house a little when you told me you were moving back. I hope it's okay."
You smile at the old man, wrapping your arms around him, "Thanks, dad. I missed you. I'm glad you're here, too."
He pecks your forehead, "I missed you, too, love."
Moving in doesn't take a lot of time since your dad had already set up everything. You just had to get some of your stuff and you were ready to kick start your stay.
That evening, your father leaves after making you promise to call him if anything happens at all and when the front door closes, you find yourself in the company of your old room.
You lie on your bed, eyes fixed on the ceiling as you hum an old tune to yourself. And without meaning to, you find yourself thinking about him; The man you hadn't seen or talked to for a whole seven years. The man who'd tried his best to stay in touch with you yet gave up when you didn't reciprocate the same.
A horrific realization then dawns on you,
He'd obviously replaced you now.
The familiar clouds of grief loom over you, threatening to engulf you any moment now.
No. Not now, please.
Getting up from your bed immediately, you shake your head as you make your way to the mirror- the mirror that had encountered more honest tears and smiles and words than any human ever had. You stare at your reflection as tears escapes your eyes, the bright red iris of your right eye staring back at you when you rub your tears off.
You shiver.
"Shit, I forgot to wear the contacts."
Quickly grabbing your lenses from your bag, you put them on, concealing the scary blood red color of your right eye. You take two long strides across the room and pulling your favorite black hoodie over your head, you walk out of the door.
By the time you manage to leave the house, it's already 10:30 in the evening. A quiet calmness has fallen over the town, as the shops and restaurants near the market square slowly start closing up. Your feet are as if on autopilot, taking you to that one place you know would still be open; Yang's Café.
And rightly so, the smell of freshly brewed coffee reaches your nostrils when you walk through their main door, past the group of chatty teenagers waiting outside. This place hasn't changed much, you realize, the brown and golden hues of the place and the vintage coffee cups collection in the far corner of the Cafe are still the same. The only difference is that you're no longer here with your best friend right after school, you are here all alone on an evening too quiet for your liking.
"Y/n? Is that you?"
When you turn around to face the owner of the voice, you are stunned.
Jeongin's family has owned this Cafe for three generations now, from his great-grandparents, his grandparents, his parents and soon enough it'll pass down to him. As a kid, you remember often playing with Jeongin at the park and teaming up with him during quiz competition. He was always sweet and always smiley.
But the handsome young man that stands in front of you doesn't resemble the Jeongin you once used to know, not even a little bit.
"What..what happened to you!" You exclaim, taking his face in your hands, "Where are the braces! And the specs and wow, would you look at the blue hair!"
Jeongin can only let out a few giggles as you continue squishing his face and complaining how big he's grown in only over seven years.
The customers give you weird stares but only the heavens above know how genuinely happy you are to see Jeongin, albeit the fact you almost couldn't recognize him there for a second.
"What have you done to my child?" You mutter when you've finally calmed down and Jeongin takes you to your seat.
"I have a mother, y/n, thank you very much," he laughs, taking a seat opposite to yours, loosening the Barista apron around his torso, "And I missed you too."
You attempt to pinch his cheeks but he is quick to dodge.
"So how have you been?" He asks through giggly breaths.
You sigh, "I'm good... I feel weird being back here, honestly but I think I'll get used to it soon. What about you?"
"I've been good. Graduated a few months back, now I'm working here full time." He ushers over a waiter, "What would you like, y/n?"
You don't even think for a second while responding, "An iced Americano, please."
The waiter notes your order and walks away before Jeongin pinches your arm teasingly.
"Ouch. What?"
"Old habits die hard, huh? You always used to drink an iced coffee whenever we hung out here. I am glad to see nothing much has changed," Jeongin laughs, "You and Changbin, too!"
That one name sends your entire mind into a frenzy. Changbin. Seo Changbin. The love of your life. The man who you wouldn't even go to school without, the man who had saved you from a terrible accident, also the man who probably no longer even remembers you.
And you realise, despite everything, your heart yearns for him, still- for you wouldn't be in so much pain at the mention of his name otherwise.
Jeongin seems to have noticed your discomfort because he immediately changes the topic, "Anyway, you have to try our new chocolate cake. It's heavenly, I'm telling you."
Your reason to leave the neighborhood wasn't a secret, really. It was public knowledge that your mother had blamed Changbin for the fatal accident you almost had.
You're grateful for what Jeongin does, and try your best to engage in conversations about the neighborhood and old gossip you'd missed out on. Yet all you want to do is drive out of the damn Cafe and find changbin.
Or maybe, Changbin will find you.
Behind Jeongin, you see the blurry image of a man that had once caused you great misery yet you had never felt as happy as when you were with him.
"Hi..hi, Changbin." You stammer as you see the said man walk towards your table.
The seven years have as if done some magic on him, because the Changbin that walks towards you in no way resembles your high school best friend.
With thick buff arms, new ear piercings and silver jewelry gracing his wrists and fingers, you have a hard time actually accepting the fact that Seo Changbin is really there, in front of you.
"Been long, huh?" He grins, but it doesn't quite reach his eyes and somewhere in the depths of your conscience, you realize it might have been your fault. You'd done everything in your capacity to break apart from this friendship, ignoring his calls, changing your number, even going as far as blocking him on all social media.
So, did you really expect him to welcome you back with open arms when you had caused him so much pain?
Jeongin brings an extra chair for Changbin to sit on and soon, the three of you are talking, maybe not like the old, happy days but it's still better than nothing. Changbin looks at you everytime you throw your head back and laugh, your eyes squeezing shut as his heart clenches in his chest.
You are really back home.
"So what have you been doing? I told you guys about me." Jeongin says, stealing a bite off of Changbin's cheesecake.
"Oh..you know," Changbin giggles, the tip of his ears turning a light pink shade.
You raise your eye brows in confusion.
"Been busy with the wedding and all."
Your heart drops. "Wedding? W-whose wedding?" You try to laugh it off but it's very evident from the way you're gripping your glass of iced Americano that it has affected you. A lot more than you actually thought.
"I'm getting married, y/n," Changbin smiles, "I'm so glad you could be around for the wedding."
Your grief stricken self has not gotten up from the bed since last night and you're thankful to Jeongin for finally checking up on you or else you would have gone deeper into the spiral hole of despair.
"Are you really going to be like this, y/n?"
You hate being miserable on the very second day of your stay. You hate depending on Jeongin. But you can barely move without bursting out into tears,so it seems as though there's no better idea than have someone take care of you at the moment.
"I'm sorry, Jeongin. " You manage to speak when he places a bag full of snacks and drinks on the dining table, "And thanks."
Jeongin chuckles, "Don't thank me, just yet. Guess who wants to meet up with you?"
Your eyes widen for a split second as you sit up on the couch, "Who?!"
No, he wouldn't, would he?
"It's not the person you think, y/n. Calm down." He laughs, "It's Bang Chan. Your senior, you remember?"
Oh, yes, the infamous Bang Chan. Shy smiles, dimples, curly hair, angelic eyes. Yeah, you remember the school's heartthrob. Very clearly.
"I was talking to him this morning and he said he'd be very glad to catch up with you again." Jeongin settles beside you, "It's not a date, y/n. He's an old friend. It wouldn't hurt, would it? You can't possibly sit here all day long crying about him."
You open your mouth to argue, but only air slips out and you realise you don't have anything to defend your miserable state with. You knew this was coming; when you cut off all ties with Seo Changbin, you knew this was coming.
Jeongin is right; you need to go out and meet new people.
You roll your eyes before pinching Jeongin's cheeks, "Fine. Give him my number."
He responds by pulling your cheeks as well.
The first day of work is weirdly gut wrenching.
You hadn't expected yourself to be this nervous but here you are, muttering under your breath as you make way towards the office.
"You'll be okay, y/n," you breathe in, "You've worked hard for this." And breathe out.
A few more minutes of self pep talking and you see all your hard work and expectations go down the drain as you feel a few droplets of rain fall onto your head. You look up and the dark, heavy clouds greet you.
Bloody brilliant.
You see the office goers around you jog quickly to the nearest shelter but you're short on luck today as your gaze falls on your watch and you realize you don't have enough time to wait for the rain to pass.
So you grab your office bag, cover your head with that and make a run for it.
The sole of your high heel shoes dig into your feet and a throbbing pain shoots through your body, as you wince. Note to yourself - never wear heels to office again.
You also secretly pray to the gods that your contact lens don't get washed off. Turning up at your new office on the first day with a blood red iris doesn't feel too fun, really.
"Do you need a lift?"
You had been so busy running to your office that you don't notice when a black car drives toward you and the driver rolls down the window, offering you a smile.
Seo Changbin.
Your heart skips a few beats.
"Y/n, do you need a lift?"
You blink back to reality when he clicks his fingers in front of you, "I-I mean if that's okay with you."
Changbin smiles, pointing to the passenger's seat, "Come on in."
When you're comfortably seated in his car, using his spare towel to wipe off the water from your face and hair, his questions start-
"So.." He steps on the break when the traffic light turns red, "How have you been?"
You look at the digital clock displayed on the cars' LED, and sigh. You're late to work and you're stuck in traffic with the one man you'd rather not be stuck in traffic with. Brilliant.
"Good." Your eyes are focused on the cars outside the window, "You?"
There's a moment of silence before he speaks again, "Fine."
Fine? Just Fine? Shouldn't he be over the clouds, now that the wedding is finally around the corner?
"Actually, I meant to ask you earlier, y/n." He turns to you, a gentle smile playing at his lips, "I am throwing a party this weekend. I'd love it if you could come by. And I could introduce you to her."
You sink back into your seat, biting your lip, wondering if you want to ever know who her is. Your peace of mind is more important than meeting your ex crush's fiance, right? And if you do end up going to the party, whom would you hang out with? It's not like you know any of his rich friends and cousins and there's no way you'd hang out with Changbin and the said fiance.
You are about to respectfully reject the invitation when a sudden, seemingly good idea pops into your head.
Bang Chan.
You nod, shrugging, "Okay. I'll be there."
You clasp your hands together as he continues driving and you look out the window, unable to suppress the bubbling excitement.
"Great, then." He replies, suspiciously.
The evening of the party finally arrives, much to your dismay, you find yourself seated next to Chan. He's just the same as the guy in your memory; a gentleman.
"You look pretty, y/n." He had greeted you as he held the car door open for you, "I'm glad we could meet up."
His words turn your cheeks into a darker shade of red but your heart doesn't beat quite as furiously as you'd expect it to.
Muttering a small thank you, you seat comfortably in the car while Chan drives towards Changbin's family's old Farmhouse on the outskirts of the city. You've been there before - during summer holidays, he would take you there with his family. That place was only filled with happy memories of sunshine, swimming pools, watermelon juice and bonfires.
You swallow the grief that comes along with these memories.
"Are we here already?" Chan pulls over in a familiar driveway not even ten minutes later, jogging up to your door and clicking it open, like the gentleman he is.
"Yeah, we're here." Chan smiles, "Very less traffic tonight."
You guys walk through the huge metallic gate, making your way through the main door of the house.
"Uh..." People are crowded mostly around the front door and in the front yard, so you and Chan have to push and squeeze your way into the Farmhouse. You hate the feeling of sweaty bodies pressing against you (or holding Chan's hand for stability) but desperate situations call for desperate measures.
"I hate it here." You mutter when you later find yourself by the pool side, swirling the drink that you don't even plan on drinking and looking at all the flushed faces having the time of their lives.
Thankfully, Chan happens to be on the same boat as you.
"I'm sorry I dragged you here, Chan. We could have just gone for a movie."
Chan giggles, "Hey, it's alright. I don't mind, I'm glad I could spend some time with you after so many years."
His eyes shine and dimples deepen.
You whisper, "Yeah, me too."
Chan is a handsome man, good at all kinds of sport, good at arts, very smart and intelligent yet there's a part of you that knows you'd never be able to reciprocate his flirtatious words. It's sad, really, but that's just how life is.
"Wow, those two seem to be having the time of their lives." Chan chuckles, pointing at someone behind you.
It's quite dark outside, the only source of light being a few decorative fairylights hung at random places haphazardly.
Hiding behind a huge, tall bush, you see a couple, kissing each other like it were the last day on the planet.
The guy's hands roam all over the woman's body and the woman is so loud that even you could hear her sighs and moans. When she pulls away to catch her breath for a second, Chan asks you, "You know her?"
"Nope. I don't know either of them."
You look away; what kind of creep looks at a happy couple like that? (Not a creep, just a lonely and touch starved person)
"Should we check out the dinner table?" Chan suggests and you agree with a nod, "I hope there's no crowd there."
As expected, there actually isn't a crowd there - there's only Changbin, sitting and nibbling on a pizza slice while scrolling through the phone.
The moment your eyes land on him, your feet as if stop on their own and your heart bangs furiously against your chest.
He's breathtakingly gorgeous.
By the time you debate in your head whether or not you want to sit there and fill your stomach, Chan has already made his way to Changbin.
"Hey, Bin!" He greets him with a smile.
Changbin looks at Chan with an unamused smile, the same one from your high school days, when these two were named the biggest rivals on campus. You wonder if somewhere deep in his heart, Changbin had still not let go of that rivalry.
"Hey, Changbin." You manage to whisper before sitting beside Chan.
He looks almost angry.
"You should have the pizza. It's good." He mutters, turning to pass you a slice of pizza on a plate, "Help yourself, Chan."
Yup, there it is. The Seo Changbin that would kill to be on top. You feel worse about dragging Chan here now when neither of you were having a good time.
"Thanks, mate. " Chan replies.
Your ears ring with the sound of approaching footsteps, and when a pretty girl comes walking in and takes Changbin in her arms, your heart stings. Like a fresh wound.
"Y/n.." Chan whispers to you as you watch the two collide in a loving embrace, Changbin smiling at her and running his fingers through her hair.
Your heart hurts at how happy and content he looks.
You could have had that, a part of you thinks, if you weren't such a coward, it would have been you instead of her.
"Y/n," Chan calls you again.
"What?" Your tone is harsher than you intended, "What happened?"
You think Chan is about to give you the whole it-is-time-to-move-on talk but he doesn't, instead he points at the girl and whispers,
"It's her. The girl we saw earlier."
The rest of the night is blurry to you, all conversations, all gazes, all thoughts just feel ....like an awkward dream.
"We have to tell Changbin."
You're sitting at Yang's Cafe at 1 am the same night, watching Jeongin's brother guide his staff to clean the place up.
"I agree." Chan says, biting the inside of his cheeks.
While you, on the other hand, are completely zoned out, staring at the glass of water placed in front of you and watching the droplets on its surface race each other.
"Y/n, what do you think?" Jeongin asks when you don't take part in their discussions.
You sigh, "I don't know. I really don't. As much as it troubles me that Changbin is being cheated on, I don't want to get involved in their personal relationship. "
"Let's not tell anyone for now, then. But someday in the future, before that goddamn wedding, we have to tell him. He deserves to know." Chan agrees.
You purse your lips and close your eyes.
Chan is right.
Changbin deserves to know the truth.
"So, how's it being back in town, y/n?"
"It feels good. Weird, but good." You smile at your old teacher, "How have you been, Miss Oh?"
Your teacher adds sugar to the cup of tea in her hands and then looks at you, smiling - the same old smile, except with more wrinkles now, "I've been good. I'm retiring next year so I'm glad I could see you before that, huh?"
You nod your head, "I'm glad too. The school hasn't changed much, unlike what I had expected."
Other than the addition of some new labs and libraries, and the change in color of the walls, everything was still the same. No place in this old school building feels foreign to you.
"Ugh, these administration people I tell you, y/n, they're cheap idiots. They won't spend a single penny on infrastructure unless it's absolutely necessary." She complains as you giggle in response,
"They've always been like that."
Miss Oh gulps some tea from her cup, "Anyway, y/n, I have a class now. I would have loved to stay and chat, really, but I'm afraid that might get me in to trouble."
"No issues, Miss Oh. Go ahead. I'll just roam around the school a little more though, if that's okay."
After Miss Oh leaves, you step out of her cabin and walk the familiar corridors, reminiscent of the memories you have here. Studying a few minutes before tests, bunking classes, running to class when you're late, hanging out with your friends- these corridors have seen you grow in love, in friendship, in life. There's absolutely nothing that could ever replace these memories.
Mindlessly, you wander around the third floor, walking toward the end of the corridor before stopping in front of an old door, way too familiar to not try and push open.
While a part of you tells you it might not be a good idea to go into that room again, there's also a part of you that thinks it's a bloody brilliant idea.
Pushing the door open, you walk into the old dusty room, sighing in relief when you see a particular set of letters still carved on the wall.
CB and YN were here.
You finally let your tears run free, as you crouch down to touch the letters.
Your heart aches at how much you miss Changbin being an important part of your life and how much you miss being his top priority. And your heart aches for Changbin, who is so in love with his fiancé and has no idea he's being cheated on.
You almost want to leave this town and go back to your mother, away from this terrible mess. Yet you don't find it in yourself to act on those thoughts.
Maybe, it is your fear of abandoning him once again that stops you. Or, maybe it is simply the unconditional love you harbor for him.
* Surprisingly, Yang's Cafe is near empty that afternoon.
"Did something happen, y/n? You look really worried." Changbin has his arms crossed over his chest, looking at you with a tense frown.
"Um..it's kind of complicated." You sigh. For a second, you see the genuine concern and innocence on his face, and you wonder if it is worth telling him the truth at all because it would kill you to see him lose his smile but then, his engagement band shines on his ring finger and your stomach turns unpleasantly.
He has to know. From you. In person.
"Changbin, that day at your party...I saw something. " You whisper, "Something I shouldn't have. I should have turned a blind eye really but I can't. My conscience won't allow it. I'm sorry, Bin."
"Y/n, it's okay, just tell me," he reaches over and wraps his fingers around yours, soft and gentle, "You're scaring me."
"Changbin, your fiance is cheating on you. I-I saw her kissing another man that night. Chan saw it too." You feel sick even having to say this to him, "I think you should confront her."
He sucks in a deep breathe, his face completely void of any emotions as he extracts his hands from yours.
"I know." Is all he says.
His eyes drill into yours, as if accusing you of a crime. He looks angry. Just how he looked the day you brought Chan to his party.
"Why are you still marrying her then?" You question.
He sits up straight, "Y/n, I wish I could explain. But I can't. I'm sorry. And please, stay out of this, okay?"
"Why? Why should I stay out of it?" Your voice threatens to break, "I cannot watch my best friend marry a woman who's not loyal. You deserve better than this, Bin."
A sarcastic chuckle leaves Changbin's lips as he taps his foot against the floor, "Let me correct you, y/n. You were my best friend. Seven years ago. You're not anymore."
Your heart shatters.
A part of you knows you deserve this after ghosting him for seven long years. You were the center of each other's world at one point of time.How could you have been so selfish to ever think that your absence and lack of communication wouldn't hurt him?
"Changbin, I'm sorry for everything I did okay. B-but I never stopped thinking or worrying about you. Even for one second. And I still do."
Changbin pushes his chair back and stands up while you stay frozen in your seat.
"It doesn't seem like that though. "
"What do you even mean!"
"Chan. I mean Chan, y/n." He grabs his phone and purse, "Goodbye, y/n. I hope Chan turns out to be a better friend than I ever did." With that, the love of your life walks out of Yang's Cafe.
And for once, he doesn't even look back.
* "Y/n, don't let go of my hand!"
Changbin is panting heavily, his voice shaking with fear as he desperately tries to hold onto you.
He should have known it would be a bad idea to play badminton near the infamous cliff in your town yet when you had showed him your innocent smile and pleading eyes that day, he just couldn't say no.
Your sweaty hands clutch his, legs dangling over the edge of the cliff. Your free hand grabs the rough surface of the rocky cliff to keep yourself from falling.
You want to cry; but you're too traumatized to even let out more than a few terrified grunts. "Y/n," he yells, "I'm going to try and pull you up one more time, okay?."
You don't even remember how you had ended up in this situation; one second you were happily giggling, playing badminton with Changbin and in the next second, you found yourself hanging by the cliff, praying for your dear life.
With all the energy he has left, he tries to pull you up onto the surface.
"Y/n, you have to free the other hand. Let go of that rock." He pants.
You shake your head vigorously, you know you would not survive if you let go of the rock, you'd fall thousands of feet below into absolute nothingness.
"Y/n, please listen to me." Changbin pleads, now crying, "Please. I'll catch you, I promise. I'll not let you die. Just..please."
Changbin sounds like he's about to give up and in all honesty, you couldn't blame him really. Everytime your eyes fall on what's beneath you, a part of you loses hope.
"Please, come on, y/n," he's still pulling at your free hand, while his right hand awaits desperately to grab the other hand. A mixture or sweat and tears grace his face, making him shine under the bright afternoon sun. Your heart aches at the mere thought of never seeing him again- your friend, your childhood crush, your partner in everything.
Well, here goes nothing then.
You suck in a deep breath and let go the Rock, immediately reaching for Changbin. He is quick to grab both of your arms and in one swift movement, he pulls you up onto the surface.
You fall onto his chest, "Y-you saved me."
Changbin let's out a sob mixed with a relieved giggle, pulling you into his arms.
Your eyes feel heavy, as darkness slowly begins to engulf your vision.
"Oh God, I am so sorry this happened, y/n. It's all my fault." He cries, rubbing your back softly, "I'm so sorry. I thought I was going to lose you, oh God. Fuck!"
You want to tell him that it was never his fault, and that you wouldn't even be alive if not for him but your body betrays you and your body goes limp against his.
"I'm not leaving this neighborhood."
Your hands rest angrily on your waist as your mom frantically walks from your closet to where the suitcase is spread open on your bed, shifting all your clothes. She dumps them inside the suitcase, not bothering to fold them even.
"You will do as I say! That Seo Changbin tried to push you off of a cliff and heaven knows what he might do next!" Your mom yells back.
You sit at the edge of your bed, trying to keep yourself calm, "Mom, I told you it was an accident. I fell because I was going after the shuttlecock and didn't notice the cliff. Moreover, why would my best friend want try to kill me!"
Your mom let's out a sarcastic laugh, closing the suitcase roughly. She looks at you with eyes full of contempt and a part of you knows that there's no point in trying to convince her. Her mind is already made. Yet you refuse to go down without a fight.
"You're just sixteen, sweetie. You don't know anything about the cruel world, " your mother sighs, "Rich people are not friends with anyone. Changbin may be nice to you but he only sees you as a pathetic poor girl."
"Mom, we're not even poor!"
"Yes, I know. But those filthy rich businessmen consider everyone below their economic status poor. His family probably doesn't like him being friends with you which is why they asked him to get rid of you."
You think of Mrs. Seo's face in your head, always smiling and always welcoming. You remember Changbin's sister and how she'd promised to let you borrow her dress for this year's winter prom. And you think about Changbin- his face, his smile, his passion for music and his protectiveness towards you. Why would these people ever want to hurt you?
"Mom, you're being ridiculous right now! Do you even hear yourself!" You stand up from the bed, now beyond frustrated.
She walks upto you and grabs your arm tightly, nails digging into your skin as you whimper slightly. "You will listen to me. I am your mother and you will listen to me. " she growls, "Pack the rest of your stuff. We're leaving tomorrow."
When she finally walks out your bedroom, your first instinct is to dress yourself in your black hoodie and track pants, and quietly slip out of the back window of your room.
The cold air nips at your skin, goosebumps slowly appearing on your arms and legs but you're too preoccupied to pay too much heed to it.
You reach Changbin's house and like always, walk up to the backyard and climb upto his room through the emergency staircase.
When Changbin hears knocks on his window, he quickly removes his headphones, "y/n?"
He walks upto the window and let's you in, his heart more at peace now than it's ever been the entire day. The guilt from the accident you had earlier was clawing at his conscience.
His room is mostly dark except for his table lamp. You notice the lyrics notebook lying on the table, open with some scribbles and random phrases on the pages.
"How are you feeling?"
You sit at the edge of his bed, cross legged while he kneels on the floor to get to your level. His hands find yours naturally.
"Fine," you swallow the tears that have been accumulating since you left the house, "Changbin, I- we're leaving tomorrow."
Changbin is taken aback; his heart shattering into billions of pieces at your words.
"Leaving? What do you mean Leaving?" his voice trembles.
You lick your dry lips and tell him everything your mom had told you earlier. When his face twists bitterly, a part of you wishes you'd held your tongue yet a bigger part of you wants Changbin to know the truth now; you didn't want him sending you off with lies in his mind and the fear of him finding out some years later just killed you inside.
"I'm so sorry, Changbin. Mom's just not been okay after the divorce." Your voice breaks when Changbin refuses to look at you, "I know she's speaking bullshit. But there's absolutely nothing I can do to change her mind, I've tried I swear. I'm sorry, Changbin."
When Changbin finally does look at you, even in the dim lit room, you see the tears glistening on his face, mirroring the ones that roll down your cheeks. "Why are you sorry, y/n? I don't blame your mom." He mutters, "It was partly my fault. I should have taken more care, I-"
You cup his cheek, "Shh. Bin, are we really going to spend my last night here crying and blaming ourselves? We might never see each other again."
The words sink deep into his soul, and he nods. He wills his tears back in as he grabs your hand tighter.
"Okay. What do you wanna do?"
You smile a little, "You're not gonna like it though. "
"Stargazing it is then." He giggles a little as the both of you make your way to balcony attached to his room.
It is quiet outside, unlike the noise in your head and you feel the calmness spreading to you when you look up at the stars.
Changbin brings a picnic mat from inside and spreads it out on the floor, along with two pillows and a blanket.
"We'll stay in touch, yeah? If you ever need anything, I'll be right here." He reassures you, lying beside you, hands behind his head.
You smile yet you cannot bring yourself to promise him the same because you know your mother would do everything in her power to push the two of you apart, even to the point of physically hurting Changbin. You would never want that so you'd rather distance yourself and let Changbin forget about you. And maybe, just maybe fate would be a little nicer to you and decide to bring you into his life again. Many years later.
He presses a soft kiss to your head, "You'll always be my best friend, y/n. I don't care how far we are."
It takes everything in your being to not repeat the words.
"Changbin, come on we're getting you to the hospital this instant, okay?" Mrs. Seo is furious next morning, running from room to room, looking through the list of doctors she'd saved just in case of emergency.
When she looks at her son, sitting on the sofa with one of his eye irises turning a glowing red, she is reassured that this is an emergency.
"How did this even happen, mom? I swear I didn't try to do anything funny with my eye." He murmurs, scared, "It feels so itchy, gosh!"
Mrs.Seo looks at him with concern just when the doctor picks the call, "Oh, hello Dr.Lee! Thank god you picked up!"
After his mom walks out of his room, Changbin quickly types you a text,
Binnie: Hey. Did you leave already?
Y/nnie: No not yet. We've stopped at the doctor's.
Changbin's eyes widen in alarm.
Binnie: What why?
You look at your face in the decorative mirror at the doctor's waiting room, one of your irises burning into a bright shade of ruby.
Y/nnie: Mom's running a cold.
You close the messenger app before he even replies, deciding to change your number and deleting all your old contacts as soon as you move into your new house. And as much as it hurt you, this one text turned out to be the last time Changbin and you ever talked.
It has been raining all day, which means you were stuck in your goddamn house with nothing to do but cry about Changbin and your lost friendship and your broken heart.
After you manage to get some food into your body during dinner time, you crawl back to your room and look into the mirror as you comb your hair and moisturize your skin.
(Self care is important, y'all)
Your red iris stares back at you, taunting your mistakes and calling you a coward.
If only you had still tried to keep in touch with him, if only that stupid accident wouldn't have happened in the first place, if only.
Suddenly, a knock on your balcony door makes you jump in your place.
Shit. Is it a burglar?
You grab the closest thing that could be classified as a weapon - which happens to be an umbrella.
The knocking continues.
"Y/n, it's Changbin." He yells, "Can I please talk to you?"
You freeze in your spot.
Why in the world is he here? Does he have anything worse to say? Is he here to invite you to his wedding? But why would he sneak in through the balcony when he can easily ring the main door bell.
"Y/n, are you in there?"
You quickly walk upto the door and slide it open, revealing Changbin, completely drenched in the rain. His wet hair stuck to his face and "Shit. What the- God, come inside!"
He obeys and tiptoes inside your room, a guilty expression plastered on his face.
You guide him directly to the bathroom and offer him a towel.
"What are you even doing here, Bin?" You lean against the door frame, hands crossed over your chest.
He is drying his hair with the towel when he looks up at you as if to answer your question but he stops. His mouth hangs open as his eyes remain glued to your face.
And that's when you realize why he looks so surprised.
"Shit- fuck." You turn around immediately, "my lenses," you mutter to yourself.
But before you can even walk upto your dressing table, Changbin has caught your wrist and spun you around, pulling you closer to his body.
"Your eye." He let's out a shaky breath.
"Yes, I know. Please don't freak out. It's always been like this after -"
"After the accident." He finishes your sentence, "I know."
Your mouth runs dry as his face draws in closer, "What do you mean you know? What do you know?"
He let's go of your wrist and takes a step back, turning around so that his back faces you.
And when he turns to look at you again, you swear you could have passed out there and then.
"Y-you have it too." You whisper, weak in the knees, "You have a red iris too."
Changbin gives you a small smile, "Yes, y/n."
"But why? What does this mean?" You say, "Is it a symptom of some chronic illness?"
"It's a soul mark."
"What's a soul mark?"
"It's a mark that exists on the bodies of soulmates."
You feel a pang in your chest; like someone was squeezing your heart out of your chest.
"Right," You fall back onto the bed, dazed with the sudden piece of information, "And how do you know all this?"
Changbin kneels down in front of you, hands finding yours. He looks more relaxed than he did since the first day you come back to town.
It almost feels like you had been given back your old friend.
"I've been doing my research, y/n. After you left, this is all I've been doing." He says, "This is also the reason why I had gotten engaged. By that time, I had given up on finding a soulmate. So I just settled for whatever I got. I didn't even feel bad when I found out my fiance was not in love with me. For the world, we might look like a happy couple, but truly, it was just a marriage of convenience for our parents' business."
You bite your lips wondering how to respond to these words. He'd laid bare his heart in front of you, something you never thought he'd do ever again.
"What now?" You say, tired.
He intertwines your fingers, "Also, I'm sorry for yesterday. I shouldn't have said all that."
You nod, "It's alright. I know you didn't mean it. And for the record, I and Chan have nothing going on."
"And for the record, I also broke off my engagement."
Your eyes widen as a gasp leaves your lips, "What? Why?"
"Because when I told my parents that I do not love my fiancé, and that I have only ever loved you, they said my happiness was more important than their business."
When you don't reply to his words, he looks worried, "Hey, you don't have to feel burdened to like me back and all okay? Literally, if you want me to leave you alone, I will. I understand-"
You pull him by the nape and place the softest, gentlest, most sincere kiss on his lips.
"I feel the same way, dumbass." You sigh as you pull him into your arms.
He muzzles his face in the crook of your neck, playing with your hair from behind, "So what now?"
"Let's start with a date." You say, "Let's take it slow."
Changbin wraps his arms tighter around you, kissing your cheek, "As you wish, my love. "
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jisungsplatforms · 3 years
[Chapter V: Han Jisung, you irresistible young man!]
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Pairing: Producer/Music Major! Han Jisung x Photographer! fem! reader
Genre: NSFW! Smut; non idol au, college au, strangers to lovers
Warnings: Mature Content! language, mentions of homicide (no one actually dies!), oral sex (m. rec) (yes again), exhibitionism
Chapter Word Count: 4.2k words
Taglist: @hyunjeongins @seungstarss @es-kay-zee @hyunjinsplaything @formidxble @freckledquokka @lbxgsunshine @cartierbin @solistired @rainbowmagicpixecorn @http-hyxnjxn @dwaebinnie @gothmingguk @minniehohos
Unable to tag: @kayannainsworth19
(want to be added? send an ask or a dm! <3)
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“You’re evil,” Jisung pouted, pulling down on his oversized shirt to cover his still semi-hard on as the two of you walked down the hall. You snickered, enjoying the way he walked almost painfully.
“Sorry,” you grinned. “But it was fun, wasn’t it?”
“For you!” he cried. He leaned closer to your ear and hissed quietly, “You’re not the one who has a boner!” You quickened your pace, turning your head to throw a wink and a kiss. Jisung grumbled, awkwardly waddling faster to catch up to you. “Minx. You evil she-devil of a minx!”
“Hey, is it my fault you get horny easily?”
“Yes! It’s you, for fucks sake! Have you seen yourself?” he huffed. “You’re on my mind 24/7, do you even know how much you affect me?”
Your heart raced. You rolled your eyes and laughed him off, hoping that he wouldn’t notice your flustered expression. Scoffing playfully, you said, “Now that sounds like a you problem, doesn’t it?”
“Y/n~! Stop!” he whined.
You briefly glanced at his reddened face and sighed. “Okay, okay. Fine. I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you, promise.” You were about to enter the canteen until Jisung grabbed your wrist.
“I know how you can make it up,” he said with a somewhat timid look. He took a deep breath before stating more boldly. “Go on a date with me.”
Your eyes widened in shock. “Wh-what?”
“Let’s go on a date. After school. Tonight.” Jisung stared at you with a newfound determination meanwhile your face grew hotter and hotter by the second. You stared at his reddened face, contemplating, before sighing.
“What time?”
“Oh, what? Seriously?” he gaped. “Holy shit. YES!” He threw his fists up in the air, hollering. “Oh my God, fuck yeah!”
You couldn’t help but laugh as he rejoiced, despite the slight embarrassment you felt from the scene he was causing. Putting your hands on his shoulders, you camly shushed him with a smile. “Sorry, I was just—wow. I really landed a date with the hottest person I know,” he chuckled sheepishly as he rubbed the top of his fluffy blond hair.
You giggled, moving his hand away from his head to hold it instead. “Better show up all dolled up for me, pretty boy.”
“Pff, I always look good, Y/n. What’re you talking about?” Jisung smirked, obnoxiously holding his head up high. You rolled your eyes at his playful arrogance.
“Watch it. I can change my mind anytime.”
“I know you won’t.” He brought your entwined hands up to his lips to kiss your knuckles. The rate of your heart beat increased, body tingling in adoration. Jisung smiled, letting go of your hand. “Gotta go now, I need to work on some stuff with Chan and Changbin today, but I’ll see you later, yeah?”
“Yup, see you soon!” You waved goodbye as Jisung walked away. He was only 5 steps in when he turned around and started walking backwards to speak.
“Tonight’s gonna be a surprise! Just be ready by 6, okay?” he called out.
“Okay!” You watched his retreating figure until he was halfway out of the hall. You walked happily into the canteen, thinking about your date with Jisung.
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It’s been 5 minutes since you’ve been mindlessly brushing the ends of your hair. Placing the brush back down onto your coffee table, you stood up to check your outfit on the reflection of the blackened TV screen for the umteenth time, bending down to sweep off any dust from your flowy pants. Now, you weren’t typically the type to obsess over your appearance, but tonight is certainly an exception, right? Grabbing the lip balm in your bag, you slathered on a thin layer of the sweet scented stick, smacking your lips together with a ‘pop’, and placed back inside. A notification went off from your phone. Recognizing the unique ringtone immediately, you hastily bent down to grab it.
1 new message(s) from Hannie Bear 🍯🧸
Hannie Bear 🍯🧸: im outside!
Me: Coming out now!
You rushed to the front door, grabbing your keys and switching off the lights in the living room in the process. You double checked everything in your apartment one last time before leaving.
You jolted in surprise seeing Jisung leaning on the wall right in front of your door. “What the fuck, Jisung, you scared me!”
“Sorry,” he laughed, standing up straight. “I saw Hyunjin earlier and told him about our date. He looked pretty excited.”
“Yeah?” you said as you turned around to lock your door. “Is that why you were standing in front of my door like a creep?”
You giggled at Jisung’s incredulous expression. “I wouldn’t say ‘like a creep’ but yeah, he’s the reason why I found your apartment.”
“Still sounds like a creeper thing to do,” you teased. “I never told you exactly where I lived, that’s lowkey freaky.”
“Oh, uh...Sorry?”
You walked up to him, smiling at his embarrassed face. “It's okay. You’re cute so I’ll allow it.” Grabbing his hand, you led him to the elevator. “Let’s go?”
Jisung instantly smiled, walking fast so he can be the one leading you instead. “Mhm!”
Instead of driving or taking a taxi, the two of you walked. Not that you mind, at least the night was cool enough for you to not sweat. “So? Where are you taking me first?”
“Hey, didn’t I tell you tonight is a surprise?” Jisung grinned. “No questions, no doubting. Just trust me tonight.”
“Well, for all I know, you might be a murderer luring me out for my last night.”
“Please. If I was a murderer, I would’ve killed Hyunjin and Felix for stealing my cheesecake earlier.”
You snorted. “Wait, you like cheesecake?”
“Yup! And chocolate cake! God, I love those.” He looked at you excitedly. “I think it was my mom who got me into cheesecake? She isn’t the type to like sweets that much but cheesecake is the only dessert she genuinely loves.”
“Yeah! I remember my brother and I used to go to the store a lot to buy it for her.”
“Cute,” you giggled. You walked a few more blocks before Jisung stopped you.
“Aaand...We’re here!” You looked past him to see a small Italian restaurant. The inside looked homey, not too extravagant, with only a handful of customers inside. It had a minimalistic vibe that you very much enjoyed.
You couldn't help but chuckle. “Cheesy” you joked. “Were you hoping we would ‘Lady and the Tramp’ this?”
“Oh my God,” he gasped exaggeratedly, “that would've been so cool! But no, I heard from Minho one time that you like pasta, so I did some research and found this comfy, and more importantly, affordable place!”
“Aww,” you cooed. “You did research for me?”
“Psh, of course I did! I wanted to impress you,” he said cockily. “So, are you?”
You laughed, shaking your head. “Oh yeah, very much impressed.” You reached over to pat his leather jacket. “Especially with this sexy jacket you’re wearing.” Jisung turned bashful, fumbling with the zipper on his sleeve.
“What? Too much?” he chuckled stiffly. “Changbin actually helped me, believe it or not. He told me you’d find me irresistible if I dressed up like this.”
You took a step back to admire his outfit. From his blond hair nicely styled, to the black ripped jeans he wore that showed off his slender legs, to the runstar hike Converse he wore often. Oh yeah, this man is hot shit, you thought, biting your lip. You looked back up to seeing him fidgeting with his black mock-turtleneck with a flushed face. You giggled, gingerly placing a warm hand on his face so he could face you. “You look good, Sung,” you smiled softly, as opposed to the not-so-innocent thoughts running through your mind. “Changbin’s right, by the way. You do look irresistible.”
You grabbed his hand and dragged him inside. “But to be honest, I find you irresistible no matter what,” you winked flirtatiously, causing him to blush even more and smile giddily. You walked inside the restaurant, instantly catching the faint scent of cinnamon. Ooh Sweet… You stood near the door, waiting for a host to seat you. After 3 minutes, someone finally came by.
“Hello! I apologize for the wait, we’re just slightly short staffed tonight.”
“Felix?” you and Jisung said. Felix’s eyes widened, just realizing it was you two.
“Y/n? Jisung?” he gasped. “Hey! I didn’t know you guys were going out already.”
“We’re, well. Not official yet,” you said. “We’re still in the ‘talking’ stage, right?”
Jisung nodded, humming in agreement. “But this is still a date though.”
“Lit,” Felix cheered, fistbumping Jisung. “I’ll show you to your table now.” Your host led the both of you to the corner of the restaurant. As you sat on the chair, Felix handed you some menus.
“So my bros, I’m Felix, everybody’s favorite little freckled Aussie, and I’ll be your server for tonight.” He bowed like he would during a curtain call of a play.
“Your theatre side is coming out, Felix. Is it intermission now?” Jisung joked. You snorted while Felix rolled his eyes.
“Just give me your drinks for tonight.”
Without looking from the menu, you answered, “Water.”
“Just get me any soda you have, man. Thanks!”
“Aight. I’ll be back in 2 minutes to get your orders.” Felix walked back to the host stand to seat another set of customers. You sat in silence, skimming through your options on the menu.
“Didn’t know Felix worked here,” Jisung announced.
You shrugged. “Me neither. I guess that’s why he’s been so busy.” Another wave of silence hit the both of you. You calmly looked at the food presented on the pamphlet. However, Jisung couldn’t take the quietness.
“Remember that photography assignment you’ve been working on?” he paused, waiting for your acknowledgment. You hummed, making eye contact with him. “How is it?”
You grunted, stretching your back. “Honestly. It’s a lot harder than I thought,” you sighed. “I’ve taken countless photos already but none of them seem to resonate within me. I feel so...”
“Trapped? Blocked?”
You stared at him, the mood now oddly serious. “Yeah...Nothing seems to feel right. It’s like I’m missing something.”
“Man, I feel you,” Jisung sighed. “Lately I’ve been feeling that too. You know how many songs I’ve trashed cause they didn’t sound the way I wanted it to?”
“The life of an artist, am I right?” you joked tiredly. He nodded, patting your hand empathetically. From the corner of your eyes, you could see Felix walking back to your table. “Oh shit, Felix is coming back. Hurry up and decide what to get!”
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Pain. That was all the two of you could feel.
Your head was on the table, clutching your full stomach. You looked up to see Jisung blankly staring up at the ceiling. Is he still breathing?
All of a sudden, he looked down at you, a smile beginning to form from the corners of his mouth. “You too?”
You groaned, the pain in your stomach coming back. “Why did we order so much goddamn food?”
“Go big or go home,” he weakly cried out, raising his fists up. You laughed in amusement, regretting it immediately after when your stomach started to ache again.
“Holy crap, we’re gonna die in here.”
“‘Least we’re dying happy?”
“Is—shit...A-are guys okay?” Felix asked, worriedly. The sight of your empty eyes greatly concerned him.
“Just had too much food. We’re good,” Jisung answered, giving him a thumbs up.
“Barely,” you muttered as you slowly lifted your head up.
“I wanted to ask if you guys wanted dessert but nevermind…” he eyed you both. You and Jisung made eye contact together before looking back at your friend.
“What’s the special?” you both asked simultaneously.
“Nuh uh. I’m not about to be responsible for your deaths. Go home!”
You pouted. “Come on, Felix. Don’t you love us?”
“Yeah, bro! We can take it, let’s go!”
“If I go to jail for potential homicide, I swear to God,” he sighed. “Fine. The special for tonight is a chocolate cheesecake sprinkled with shreds of Belgian chocolate.”
Both your eyes lit up. You looked back at each other as if you were speaking telepathically. Chocolate cheesecake?
“I’ll get you both only one slice!” Felix scolded. “If you guys need to puke, the restroom is down the hall behind you to your left.” Your freckled friend walked away, into the kitchen, as he glanced back at your drained forms.
“Gosh, now we’re really gonna die in here,” you whispered.
Jisung snorted as he hung his head back over the chair, “At least I’m dying with you.” You stared at his limp figure for a while before feeling the urge to take a picture. Grabbing your bag from the chair, you dug for your phone, finding it, then pulled it out. You swiped to the camera screen and took some candid photos of Jisung. “Hey, hey! Do it again!”
You looked up to see him pouting. “I know I’m handsome but if you wanted to take some pictures, you gotta tell me!” he said, sitting up and fixing his hair. You rolled your eyes, scoffing in amusement.
“Fine. Smile!”
Jisung smiled, winking as he threw up a peace sign. You took two pictures before looking up. “Okay, do something else now.” Now he pointed his index finger and thumb out, placing it under his chin. He winked again, now smiling with his teeth. Then, switching to another pose; he puffed his cheeks, hands cupping his face with his lips pursed. “One more.”
He switched from a cute pose to morphing his face into an ugly one. You laughed, “Gross!” The two of you took a couple more fun pictures together.
“Wow, I’m so handsome. Look at that,” he said. You were about to reply when you saw Felix walking back up to your table.
“Okay, bad news guys. I for real didn’t plan this, but we ran out of dessert.”
“Aww, seriously?” Jisung pouted, looking up at Felix.
He hissed, rubbing Jisung’s back. “Yeah, sorry guys. I guess chocolate cheesecake is in high demand here.”
You watched Jisung frown deepen more, slightly feeling bad. “We can go out to buy some, if you want, Sung,” you offered, holding his hand. He turned his hand so that he was able to hold it properly.
Sighing, he said whilst chuckling to lighten up his mood, “Nah. This is probably a sign for us to stop eating.” He let go of your hand, much to your dismay, and faced Felix. “It’s alright, dude. Maybe next time!”
“I feel bad,” Felix muttered. “I’ll make it up to you guys next time, promise!”
“It’s okay, Lix, it’s not your fault,” you said. “We’ll just get the check now then.”
Felix reached into his apron. “Yeah, here it is,” he said, handing you the black bill holder before walking away. “Sorry, again!”
As You were reaching for your bag to grab your wallet, Jisung stopped you. “I’m paying,” he announced. You gave him a stank look before swatting his hand away.
“I can pay too, you know?”
He refuted. “No, I’m a gentleman. That means me paying for our meal is the gentlemanly thing to do.”
“Equal rights.”
“My treat.”
The both of you tightly gripped onto the bill, death staring at one another. Neither were going to back down anytime soon. You stared hard at his face as he did the same.
“Okay, fine. Let’s compromise. We split the bill. Deal?”
Jisung hummed in thought. He was about to disagree until you pitched in. “I’ll let you pay a little extra?”
You placed your split payment inside the bill holder and handed it to Felix. “Thanks guys, come back again soon!”
“Later, dude!”
“Bye, Lix!”
You walked out the restaurant, the bell on the door ringing as you left. You were about to take the path to your house until Jisung stopped you. “Park,” he whispered. “Let’s go to the park.”
You blinked, slightly off guard. “Okay…”
The walk to the park wasn’t too far, literally right across from the restaurant. It was a peaceful night, the cool breeze brushed past your bodies as you walked. Silence filled the air between the both of you; nothing but the wind and the sound of dirt crunching under your shoes was heard. The mood was...romantic. There was no one but the two of you in the area.
Your bodies brushed past one another every once in a while—more specifically, your hands. You wanted to say something when Jisung beat you to it. He shyly slid his hand into yours, watching you from the corner of his eyes, and smiled when you entwined your fingers together.
“Tonight was fun,” you said softly. You leaned closer to his body to rest your head on his shoulder. Jisung tightened his grip on your hand.
“Me too,” he whispered. “I just wish I can spend more time with you.”
“You see me everyday though?”
“Yeah, but like, I mean just you and me, alone; no one else. I—” he inhaled sharply. “I’m greedy, aren’t I?”
You looked at him confused. “What do you mean?”
“I want to be with you all the fucking time, Y/n. It hurts when I’m without you. I feel alive when we’re together. It’s like, I feel like my world would stop if I don’t see you.” You were stunned. You could only listen quietly to his rant.
“God, I sound so possessive, that’s not what I was trying to aim for,” he panicked. “I don’t care if you’re with the guys, or anyone else, I know you're not the type to pull shit like that; I trust you. I just—fuck, why is this so hard?”
He stopped walking all of a sudden and pulled you away from the path, leading you 7 feet into the trees. In any normal circumstance, you would’ve been terrified. However, this was Jisung—and you knew it, somewhere deep down, that he would never do anything to hurt you. He let go of your hand and faced you. “Jisung?”
His heart pounded erratically, he didn’t know if he was on the verge of getting a heart attack. He felt overwhelmed. Having you standing right in front of him felt like a dream. He took a deep inhale in hopes of calming himself down. “I meant what I said this morning.”
“You’re in my mind 24/7, Y/n. Everyday, I always think about you to the point I’m starting to think I’m going insane. Every text, every call, every time we talk, my heart feels like it might pop out. I can’t focus and I don’t know what to do about it!” He sighed, running his fingers through his hair. “Every song I’ve written was about you. Every time I look at my phone, I feel so disappointed when I don’t see a text from you.”
Jisung steps closer to you, nearly pinning you to the tree behind you. “You’re my muse, Y/n. I-I don’t really know exactly what my heart wants but all I know is that, you’re the person I want to spend my entire life with. I think…” he paused to take another deep breath. You could feel your own heart stopping, blood rushing up to your face. “I love you, Y/n!” Jisung declared loudly.
You didn’t know if the loud sound of a heart thumping was yours or his. You were stunned, happy, and scared; millions of emotions were racing within you. Not finding the proper words for yourself, you grabbed his face and kissed him. Jisung whimpered in shock, not really expecting that reaction from you. However, he quickly pulled himself together and kissed you back, wrapping his arms around your waist. You stayed like that until the burning in your chest overpowered the burn of your hearts. You both gasped heavily, taking back in the air you lost.
“You know,” your warm breath tickled his lips. “I never did take it up for the boner I gave you this morning.”
Jisung blushed, remember the embarrassment from earlier. “Yes you did? Our date is—”
“Then this is your gift.” You slowly kneeled in front of him, caressing his thighs as you went down. Jisung watched in shock.
“I—whoa. H-Here? I-in public? Y/n, that’s—”
“Do you not want this?” you looked up, wanting his confirmation. Jisung’s breath hitched, he never would’ve thought he’d be able to see you like this just yet. He bit his lip and nodded. You smiled, kissing his hip, before undoing his pants. You slowly pulled his jeans and underwear down to his knees, his cock springing up and slapping his stomach. You found yourself drooling, finally seeing his cock in person.
Jisung groaned, the cool air hitting his dick. “Fuck…” You licked your lips then took him whole, catching him off guard. He moaned, his hand now gripping onto your hair. “Holy shit, Y/n!”
You bobbed your head, hollowing your cheeks, as you pumped whatever your mouth couldn’t take in. The man above you let out heavy breaths, trying his best not to moan so loud. That was, in fact, proven to be difficult for your mouth was just heavenly. He rested his forehead onto the tree, looking down at you. Regret filled Jisung’s chest, greeted with the erotic sight of your cheeks puffed out, his cock sliding in and out of your pretty mouth. He moaned loudly into his arm. You moved your other hand to fondle his balls, causing Jisung to buck his hip into your mouth.
“Fuck baby,” he moaned. “So good—ah! F-Feels so good, shit!” He threw his head back, covering his mouth to mask his noises. His ragged breathing sounded absolutely delicious. You took his dick halfway out of your mouth, stopping right as you felt only his tip. You sucked harshly on it, tongue swirling around it until you decided to play with his slit.
Jisung roughly pulled on your hair, moaning so loud that it almost echoed through the trees. “Y-y/n…” he whimpered. You looked up to see tears brimming his eyes. You giggled, laughing even more when the vibrations from your vocal cords hit him all in the right places.
“Feels good, baby boy?” you briefly asked, immediately going back to his cock after. He nodded, pushing his hips closer to your face, almost making you choke.
“Y-yes, m-mommy.” A wave of arousal hit your core. You could feel your juices seeping right through your panties. The nickname had you moaning, much to Jisung’s pleasure as well. “Fuck! Mommy, more!”
You continued sucking and playing with the slit on his head as you pumped his shaft with one hand and groped his ball with the other. The higher Jisung’s voice raised, you knew the closer he was.
“Close, baby boy?” you giggled. He nodded, hips no fucking into your hand.
“Yes! Oh my God, I’m so fucking close, mommy!” he stuttered. “Please! Let me cum in your mouth!”
“Such a good boy, of course I’ll let you.” You attached your mouth back into his dick, moving your head once again to bring him closer to his high.
“Holy—FUCK!” Jisung moaned, his hand back onto his mouth to control his voice. His body shook as he released his creamy essence into your mouth. Your tongue swiped across his cock to lap up the rest of his juices. His and your unstable breathing was the only thing that could be heard now. Out of courtesy, you tucked him in back into his pants and stood up.
“Wh-What about you?” he asked breathlessly. You shook your head as you patted his head.
“Nevermind about me. You’ve made me happy enough,” you grinned. “When you’re okay again, we can go back home.”
“So...Is this the part where I’m supposed to kill you?” Jisung laughed breathlessly.
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The dim lights of the city were nowhere near as bright as your faces. The two of you walked, hand-in-hand, as slowly as you could, in hopes of the night never ending. But alas, the both of you had a morning class the next day. Jisung walked you all the way to your apartment door, telling you it was only for ‘safety measures’. What a liar.
“Text me when you get home, okay?” You said as you unlocked your front door. Jisung grinned, pecking the hand he held.
“Of course. I’ll see you tomorrow? Make sure you get a good night’s sleep.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you playfully rolled your eyes. Letting go of his hand, you finally opened your door and stepped inside.
“Hey, Y/n?”
You turned around to face him. “Yeah?”
Jisung stood there with a smile wider than before. “I love you.”
You giggled cutely. “Me too,” you said as you walked back to him to kiss his lips. “Goodnight, baby boy.”
“Goodnight...mommy.” He laughed.
You rolled your eyes, “Hurry and go home already!” He turned around and started walking to the elevator, calling out one final ‘I love you!’ before he walked inside. It was painfully obvious that he was trying to act cool for you, but the bounce in his walk made him look like he was skipping gleefully. You laughed, walking back inside your apartment.
Inside the elevator, Jisung pulled out his phone to text someone.
Me: hey, minho?
when i finally get married to y/n...
please be our best man! :D
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Stray kids reaction to your kid misbehaving with you
Guys I wrote this while travelling back and forth (does that make sense) I had to travel 4 hours to the capital to get my degree and meet my best friend and now I'm going back home, a 4 hour long bus ride, and I just finished this
Warnings: household problems, angsty/emo teenagers, yelling, degradation, disrespect
Bang Chan
You were in the kitchen with your twins, Noah and Mema, baking and laughing with the 10 year olds. It was almost 9 pm and your 13 year old son Joey (Aaron) hadn't come home even though his curfew was 6 pm. You anxiously waited for him to be back before his father. You guys were concerned about Joey because of his changing behaviour and friends, so Chan tried to control him little by little, the first restriction was the 6 pm curfew.
You heard the door unlock and footsteps near the staircase so you followed and were angry but relieved to see Joey.
"where were you? have you seen the time?" you ask sternly.
He gives you an annoyed look and continues going towards the staircase.
"Joey, I asked you a question".
"I was hanging out with my friends, get off my back" Joey says.
You were shocked at his rude behavior.
"Joey if your father finds out about you coming home this late he-"
"he'll what? huh? what will he do? you two are so annoying always keeping me from having fun and living my life the way I want. Why can't you guys be cool like my friends' mom and dad? why are you guys so stupid!"
You are at a loss of words, anger boiling inside you. He's looking at you with anger and you try holding his hand but he swats it away and screams "don't touch me mom".
"How dare you speak to your mother like that" says an angry voice.
"dad I- no I was joking with mom, I was teasing her".
Chan comes to stand next to you with his arms crossed in front of his chest. The look he's giving your son is enough to have him shit his pants.
"misbehaving and lying, don't recall teaching you that. Or is that what your friends do all the time that you've picked up" Chan says.
Silence. He tells you to go back to the twins, that he needs to have a word with your son.
Joey insists that you be there because he knows Chan will hold back for your sake, but Chan is beyond angry and you don't want to get in his way of educating your son. You see fear in Joey's eyes and anger in Chan's.
"Bang Aaron Jinhwan, go to your room and wait for me there" Chan says strictly and Joey runs to his room.
Chan hugs you and kisses your forehead, "don't listen to him, you know he doesn't mean any of it" he whispers to you. "go easy on our baby Chris" you say giving his hand a light squeeze. He gives you a sad smile indicating that he won't. You know he needs to talk some sense into him and it has to be him because Joey doesn't listen to you at all.
Best believe Joey won't misbehave with you again.
Lee Know
Yunhway, your 15 year old daughter, had snuck out and you found out. Minho had come home late, had an apple for dinner and went straight to bed. Phew, at least he didn't find out about Yunhway. You knew he was in a deep sleep from his heavy snores. After putting your 6 year old, Jaehyun, to sleep, you waited for your daughter on the couch. She came home around 1 am, her shoes in her hand and tiptoeing to her room. You switch the lamp on, startling her.
"come here Yunhway" you say.
She doesn't listen to you and walks to her room, you follow her. You sit on her bed while she changes into her pajamas.
"leave me alone mom" she says.
"keep it down, everyone's asleep" you warn her.
"then why're you awake? go away mom"
"Yunhway I am your mother, I was worried sick. You snuck out to see that boy again didn't you" you say and her eyes widen.
"you have no right to ask me that".
"you are my child, I have every right to ask you that. I told you not to meet him, he's not a good guy and you went against my word. Not just by seeing him but sneaking at night. Do you have any idea how dangerous this is? Why are you being reckless Hway".
"my God mom do you hear yourself, stop trying to control me. You're just jealous that dad doesn't spend much time with you and I have someone who cares about me and is by my side. Ugh now get out of my room" she spits venom while opening the door to find an angry Minho standing at the threshold.
Yunhway looks at him then you with pleading eyes. Minho walks into the room and you quickly get up to hide your daughter behind your back. "Minho no I'm talking to her, go to bed I'll come to you". Nothing you say is getting to him because he's walking towards you two now and holds Yunhway's hand. You hold his wrist but he gives you a blank expression. You get out of the way, not wanting to make him angrier.
"who is he?" he asks his daughter.
"he's just a friend dad it's nothing".
"then why did you sneak out? and you just came back? is he really just a friend" he asks angrily. She doesn't say anything. He nudges her arm "answer me!"
"dad it's nothing, I was out with friends I promise I won't do it again please" she says, crying.
"and what makes you think you can talk to your mother like that??" he says and you grab his shoulder and put your other hand on his chest, motioning to him to stop. He ignores you and keeps speaking.
"you have no idea what kind of hell your mother went through to bring you into this world, not only that, she sacrificed her needs just so you could get the best. She always always put you before her and this is how you talk to her?? You disrespect her and mock her about her relationship with me? When it is her who taught you to speak. You are standing here because of her! Apologize to her right now!" his face is red with anger. Your daughter is crying and you are at the verge of tears.
"Minho please stop, I'll talk to her, please honey" you try convincing him, caressing his face.
"mom I'm sorry. Please forgive me, I'll listen to you, I'm sorry". She cries. You hug her trying to calm her down. Minho hugs you both too, still angry but you guys can talk to her in the morning.
Your daughter Lin (Hyolin), 14, is in the kitchen with you, telling you about the new cute boy in school. You're both giggling about all the girls drooling over him and you giving her tips on how to make him like you, since he is in your class. Your son Juno (Junhong), 16, comes in talking on the phone with a girl. He grabs an apple from the fridge and tells her "bye baby girl, see you tomorrow". You have a good bond with both your kids so you're concerned about not knowing who this girl is.
"hey Juno, come sit with us" you say.
"uh no thanks mom, I don't want to know about that guy Lin's telling you about" he scoffs. You and Lin exchange looks.
"okay then how about you tell us about the girl you were talking to" you say playfully.
"there's nothing to talk about" he says dryly.
"come on, baby girl? Really Juno?" Lin says.
"stop teasing me. And mom please don't ask me personal stuff, it's my life okay?" Juno says.
You're a bit shocked because even though he keeps things to himself, he does let you know about things from the surface, just the main parts.
"Juno, hey is everything okay?" you ask. "what do you want mom? you want me to tell you what she smells like or how she keeps her hair? or you want me to introduce you to her? sorry to say mom but I would be embarrassed to introduce you to her. You're too touchy and want to get involved in things. Just look at yourself giggling with a 14 year old over some guy. You really need a life mom".
You're embarrassed by his words, not because you think he's right but because that's what he thinks of you. Just as you're about to say something he shows you the hand "mom please just stop, you've heard enough" the audacity of this kid I swear
Juno is turned to face his father, who has his arm in his hold, his expression is a mixture of annoyance and anger.
"Seo Junhong you got some nerve speaking like that to the woman who's the reason you're standing here" Changbin says.
"Changbin it's nothing, he's-" Changbin motions for you to stop.
"say that again, I don't think I heard it completely" he says loudly. Juno stays silent, Changbin's grip not leaving his arm.
"dad I'm sorry" he says
"I didn't tell you to apologize, did I? I told you to say whatever you said to your mother again. Oh and Lin will fact check incase you miss something, won't you Lin?" he says and Lin nods quietly, knowing far too well not to make her father angry with her.
"go on. Or do you want me to highlight some points for you. Tell us how you're embarrassed by your mother, and how you hate it when she gets involved in your super personal business hmm?"
Juno looks at you and you stand up and tell Changbin to let it go. "I don't want you to apologize to her because I'm not through with you. You won't introduce her to your girlfriend? She won't meet her and neither will I. If this is how you treat your mother, I'm ashamed to think how you treat girls around you. Go to your room" Changbin's words are heavy and Juno, who is a tough kid, starts crying.
"mom dad please, I didn't mean it, I'm sorry".
Changbin sits on the seat next to you and changes the topic to how his day went, giving your head a tight squeeze. You know what he's doing and you want to hug Juno but he needs to learn his lesson.
"and Minho hyung tried so hard not to call me out so I kept testing his patience" he says smiling at the memory, continuing his story.
Juno stands next to Lin's seat, trying to get your attention but you're playing Changbin's game and he will teach his son a lesson. Just because he babies his children a lot doesn't mean they get a free pass to disrespect you or him.
You and Hyunjin only have one daughter, Yerim. As much as you guys want more children, your health doesn't allow you to conceive so you accept it. You can always have another child later, when you're healthy. With only one child, both of you spoiling her, there's no wonder she was beginning to become rotten to the bone. (lmao what did I just write)
You didn't like how your 13 year old kept inviting her friends over without letting you know about it. You always find random people in your house and her coming home late. You feared what kind of habits your daughter was indulging in. You complained about the unwanted company to Hyunjin and he told Yerim to at least let you know beforehand. What was that? He's just allowing her to invite random people to your place? You hate this and are going to talk to her, since her father won't do anything about it.
Hyunjin just left with Seungmin and now is the perfect opportunity to talk to her.
"Yerim-ah don't you think it's a little weird that people we're not completely familiar with just roam around in our house? It's uncomfortable and what if something gets stolen. If you really need to invite people over, make sure it's just your friends"
"what's the big deal mom? chill out no one's stealing anything lol. And like dad didn't say anything about it, so don't tell me who I can or can't invite"
"never speak to me like that again. You're living under my roof, and I'm warning you. I don't want to see anyone in this house that's not your friend. Got it?" yeah you weren't gonna let the spoiled princess sass you, you're the sass queen.
"omg mom you're not the boss of me and get out of my room" she says shoving your shoulder.
You being weak sauce, lose your balance with the shove and try grabbing onto something to keep yourself from falling. You are caught by your husband's arms, his expression of shock and pure rage.
"yah! Yerim ah!" he's never yelled at her before and the girl is startled.
"I didn't do anything dad she tripped on her own"
"I don't want to hear another word from your spoiled mouth. You are grounded for a week"
"dad no you can't do that my friends are coming over today"
"you are not allowed to call anyone over again, you hear me?"
Hyunjin makes Yerim apologize to you and leaves the room with you. Your daughter crying and throwing tantrums in her room. He apologizes to you for being ignorant and tucks you in bed with snacks and water and leaves with his card, which he came back to get.
You weren't the type of woman to let people be rude to you and bring you down, you're a force to be reckoned with and that's what Jisung loves about you. So when Doyoung, your 16 year old son was talking back at you for staying over at his friend's house without letting you know where he was, you were having none of it.
"you have the audacity to disobey me, you could've at least sent me a text or answered my calls!"
"buzz off mom, I'm not a baby anymore, stop acting like I depend on you"
"I'm not acting like that. Watch your mouth. I'm concerned about you. What's wrong with you Doyoung, when did you get so rebellious"
"I'm not rebellious, you're so annoying. I'm just doing what I want to do and you can't handle that because you have issues. You can't handle that dad is almost never home and you want me to be here so you don't lose your fucking mind!"
You're taken aback, you can't believe that the child who never created much fuss because he didn't want to overburden you, is now grown-up to talk shit to you. Your jaw is hung open, your dad never spoke to you like that, Jisung never spoke to you like that. How can someone you gave birth to, and cared for and loved unconditionally ever since, speak to you like that. You feel miserable because you love him too much but he hurt you, had it been anyone else you'd have slapped them square across the cheek. Doyoung leaves you and you're sitting on the couch still processing his words and the pain in your chest. Jisung comes home 2 hours later and you're lying on the couch, hugging the cushion. He greets you and you hum trying to hide your gloomy mood. He picks it up and sits next to you. Jisung notices your swollen face, from crying and how uncomfortable you are.
"what's wrong honey?"
"nothing, I'm not feeling myself today, I'm going to bed"
"going to bed? It's 7 pm, are you feeling okay?"
"yeah I just need to rest" you say, your voice cracking. Jisung grabs you by your wrist and makes you face him. You burry your face in your hands and cry hard, he embraces you, extremely worried.
"y/n something happened. Tell me, you're worrying me"
"I'm not feeling okay Jisung, it's nothing really" you manage to say between sobs.
"I've known you for 22 years, and the times I've seen you cry, I can count it on my fingers. Something is up, talk to me please"
"Jisung do you think I'm going insane? Am I annoying?" you sob hard
"what? Where did that come from? Of course not, why're you saying that?" he's getting angry because someone clearly hurt you.
"you're only saying that aren't you"
"look at me, you know me way too well. You know I would never lie to make you feel better. Now tell me who hurt you" his grip on your wrist tightens and you're afraid of how he will react but he won't rest until you give him a name, so you get to the point.
"Doyoung, he snuck out last night and when I scolded him, he said I'm trying to keep him locked at home because dad's never home and I'm annoying and going crazy" fresh tears spill from your eyes. You're crying like a baby because your son really hurt you with his words. Jisung doesn't know what to say, he rubs your back and takes you to your bedroom. He runs a bath for you and takes good care of you. You're tired from crying all day so you're knocked out almost instantly. He quietly slips out of bed and goes to Doyoung's room.
"hey have you seen your mother?" he pretends to not know.
"she was in the lounge the last time I saw her, might be in your room"
"no she's not there, I looked for her so I came her thought maybe she'd be here"
"uh no, did you call her?" Doyoung asks starting to feel guilty and concerned.
"yeah, she's not answering" he says calmly, studying his son's expressions. He can clearly see panic and guilt setting in.
"dad we gotta look for her, where could she have gone?" Doyoung gets out of bed and puts his shoes on.
"uh no, let it go. She's so annoying anyway, maybe she finally lost her fucking mind and got lost" Jisung says as he leaves the room, making it clear that he knows what went down and now it's hell for Doyoung.
"dad, no, I- where's mom? I need to talk to her"
"go to bed Han Doyoung" Jisung gives him a stern look and he quickly goes back to bed.
You don't speak to him for 2 days and he's crying and begging for your attention.
"mom please I'm sorry, I was stupid for saying that please talk to me"
Felix has a very good relationship with his children Eve (Evelyn) 14 and Danny (Dennis) 11. You are a perfect family. Good genes, pretty smiles, everything about you guys is perfect. Your children are well mannered, smart and talented, like their father. Everyone always complemented the family and thw children for being respectable and warm. So Felix couldn't believe his ears when he walked in and heard Eve yelling at you. Danny and Eve had gotten into a fight and you were trying to resolve it. Eve was clearly at fault but she was not having it. To her, she didn't push Danny down the stairs because he mocked her dancing. She was simply defending herself because Danny was being mean to her (yeah right Eve). Right now, Danny was clinging to you with a bruise on his temple and lip, pain in the left elbow, which you treated and gave medicine for. You scolded Eve for the absurdity of her actions.
"what if something big happened to your brother huh? How could you do this Eve, I can't believe you"
"mom please shut up you're acting dumb. I was defending myself he just slipped"
"Lee Evelyn Hyeri! How dare you use foul words with me"
"oh my God mom please you're-"
Felix walks in the room, disappointment evident on his face. "look me in the eye and say that again Evelyn".
Her eyes go wide oh shit. "dad mom is taking Danny's side, she's being unfair".
Felix looks at Danny's tear stained face, he's sitting in your lap, clinging to your torso. It makes him upset seeing his son hurt and his children fighting but the reason behind his pain is his own sister.
"apologize to Danny and mama right now"
"but-" "right now" he says in his low dark voice. "no" she screams with tears of frustration in her eyes.
Felix hugs her to calm her down and reasons with her, calmly telling her about what could've happened if Danny's fall was serious and how hard you work for them and the sacrifices you make. By the end of the father daughter session, she comes to you and you for a hug and apologizes for her actions and words. Felix comes in for a hug too.
Perfect family.
Like Seungmin, his children were calm and collected. But there was one problem, they inherited the savagery from him and sass from you. That's a lethal combo. Your family was like that, always messing with each other, displaying your sass and savagery. To an outsider, you guys were always fighting but you all knew it was fun and games. That's all that matters right? The family should know your intentions.
So it wasn't hard for Seungmin to sense your 15 year old son Keith's (Kyungsoo) intentions of hurting you when he said you're a weak woman. You and Keith were arm wrestling and he cheated and smacked your hand hard and out of excitement went "hey loser, don't even think of a rematch you're weak and you know it". With this you, Seungmin and your 10 year old Hyesung went silent.
"stop that" Seungmin said before Keith could say anything else.
"I won. I won. I won. Huh. You're no match for me woman"
"Keith you're hurting your mother I said stop it" Seungmin says and Keith looks at you, feeling guilty. You were physically weak, it was commm knowledge, working around the house made you tired easily and your boys helped you with the chores, you were in this together. It made you upset that you couldn't put you 100% in for them but whatever you did was more than enough and they knew that. So Keith saying this made you upset. He realized his mistake and sat down to hug your legs. "I'm sorry mom, I didn't mean it like that. I love you and I really appreciate you" he says. You kiss the top of his head "I love you too" you say.
You're pregnant with your third child and it's getting hard to do work around the house. Your older children 13 year old Jihoo and 7 year old Yedam do whatever they can for you but you have to admit, Yedam is more considerate than Jihoo. All Jihoo does is play games and stay in his room. Jeongin doesn't notice much because he comes home late. By the time he comes, you're either asleep on the couch or the bed or you're cleaning the kitchen. He always helps you when he sees you working. You're right months in and Jeongin decides to take some time off work to be by your side so he comes home early. None of you hear him come in. You're feeling sick and ask Jihoo to bring you medicine but he refuses and tells you to get it yourself.
"Jihoo if I could I would get it myself, please I'm really sick and I need to make dinner"
"mom I'm not your servant, please go away, ask Yedam to get it"
"and she's your servant right? She cooks for you and cleans after you in this condition, she's practically a servant for you Yedam" Jeongin interrupts, seething.
Yedam is embarrassed and tries to explain himself. Jeongin takes your hand and brings you to your bedroom. He tells you to wait and gets the medicine and snacks for you.
"I'm sorry he talked to you like that. I don't know why he's like that but I'll talk some sense into him" Jeongin says rubbing his neck.
You rest your head on the head of the bed, feeling dizzy. "mm remember when we had him, we were over joyed, ready to die for him. I never thought he'd be like this" you say.
"I'll make sure this doesn't happen again y/n I'm sorry for not teaching our boys, I'll be better for them" he says and kisses you.
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bangbangchanie · 3 years
Maybe~Chan/ Changbin
Summary: When the love of your life died, falling again is paralyzing yet the person who's always been there makes it a maybe.
Paring: Reader x Chan(Past)/ Reader x Changbin
Warning: Character death, like angst really angst. Fluff
Word Count: 3.2K
AN: Admin Winnie here! Finally reposting this after removing a certain someone. Its the same sad story just with Changbin:)
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Arms were tightly wrapped around your waist as your eyes stared at the scene in front of you. Red and blue lights flashing in the dark night sky as smoke and a blaring ringing sound echoes through your ears. You didn't realize you were screaming, screaming out his name as you saw his mangled car. Your knees buckled as the EMT who was holding you fell with you.
“Christopher!” You sobbed. His eyes were watching you from the scene, his body moving across the road.
“Baby, are you okay?” He asks as he reaches mid way as you cry his name again. “Baby, Y/n I’m right in front of yo-” he was cut off from talking and walking when someone walked through him. Your cries grew distant as he looked at his chest, his eyes wide as he looked back to the car. His bleeding body was being dragged from the car, as CEPR was being performed. It felt surreal, watching his limp body move with someone’s pushed against his chest. He brought out his thoughts when your cry turned into a scream of pain. His eyes met your crumbling body, he moved to you. His hand reaching out to only have it pass through your face making you curse.
“I’m here, baby, right in front of you. I swear I’m not leaving, not now, not ever.” He whispered tears trailing down his face as you finally stopped screaming his name and just cried. “I’m still here.”
“Chris..Chris was the life of the party even if there wasn’t one.” Minho said as he shook his head a small smile lifted up on his lips, though his smile was painfully matched with swollen red bloodshot eyes. His cheeks puffy as you stood in all black in your shared apartment. “He did this thing where if it was too quiet he’d just start singing a random ass song and dancing. You know? He..he always tried to find the light in the dullest things, and he always…he always made me feel..us feel like we were…are bigger than this.” His eyes tailored to your hunched body, your eyes dull as you give him a small smile, tears trailing down your face as his mother grips your hand. Her sobs wracked her body as Minho looked at the glass in his hand. “Y/n..Mr. and Mrs. Bang..Chris…god he was a special man. I am so thankful you two gave him a life and a voice..and Y/n thank you for making him smile when no one else could…this is for you brother.” Chris was next to you and his mother, his eyes tearing up as he watched Minho turn around and let out a small sob as he walked away. Changbin stepped up, his skin pasty and his eyes just as bloodshot.
“We met in the second grade..he was new and had this accent that kids liked to make fun of. But he never saw it as a set back, and took it as a complement…he..fuck.” Changbin stopped speaking as he wiped his eyes. “I..I was told a month ago that he was..was looking for a ring.” He paused, making you stop breathing for a split second as you leaned closer to his mother, your heart clenching as Changbin looked at you. “I was told to prepare a speech as best man, that who I was to Chris and who he was to me. He was..and still is my brother. A man I want to scream at because he left us. He left me. With a speech, and no event to give it at. I wanted to give it here, but I can’t because it hurts too much. I’m so sorry Y/n..” Changbin coughs as he steps away as you wipe at your face. You take a shaky breath as you stand. His brother is clinging to your hand as Chris watches you, moving to stand to your blank side.
“Thank you all for coming..I know..I know Chris would scream at us all for crying like this.” Your words made his mother choke back a cry as his father rubbed her shoulder. “He didn't like it when the people he loved were upset, or cried. He didn’t enjoy not know-knowing how to fix..fix it all.” You breathed out as you messed with your black dress. “He loved with his whole heart…we all know that. He did..he did this weird habit that I still don’t understand and I was with him for four years..but where’d he grab the bottom of his shirt and spread it out in front of him when he was in deep thought.” His mother chuckled as she shook her head.
“He stretched every single one of his school shirts.” She said, making the room lightly laugh as you look at Changbin and Minho who clang to each other, their trio now turning into a duo.
“We love you Chris..I love you.” You whisper as you sit back down, people now talking among one another as you swear you feel a wetness drop on your shoulder where his head hangs over as he tries to imagine his arms around you.
“Honestly fuck you Christopher Bang!” You scratched at the broken picture frame. Your eyes were full of tears as you looked out the window. People living their lives, unknowingly passing the house of a broken girl that had black running down her face and it pissed you off that they didn’t know.
His scent was still wrapped around you, around the four walls of the apartment you shared together. His clothes still hung up in the clothes, and tossed outside of a drawer. His pillow at the end of the bed and his shoes resting against the front door wall.
“I hate you so much!” Your voice cracked as you fell to the hardwood ground. His large sweater falls over your hands as you bring your knees to your chest and sob into them. “Yo-you just left, n-no good-goodbye n-no an-anything.” You cried tears falling down as you rocked back and forth. The pain in your chest was breaking you down, shattering against any idea of love you had any future you planned together. You swear you heard his voice making you perk up and look around, the shuffling of his pillow made you stand up and wipe your cheeks. “Chris?” You whispered as you watched the bed dip.
“Y/n?” Changbin called out as he slowly set the key he had been given when you and Christopher had moved in. He was the security blanket for you two, always making sure you were sleeping, and eating. Killed the bug for the both of you, and watched the place as you traveled. “Oh Y/n.” He whispered seeing you down the hall in the bedroom. He walked down as you keep your eyes locked on the pillow, a dip in the bed that wasn’t there before. Your heart stopped as an arm wrapped around your middle, making you blink, and the dip in the bed was gone. “Come on, let me make you some hot chocolate.” He whispered against your hair as he pulled away and took your hand. His own body was covered in one of Christopher’s jackets. His body moved throughout the kitchen. “A month down.” He whispers, making you sigh as you let out another sob as your head falls.
“I-i miss him so fucking much.” You sob, making Changbin stop moving as he turns and looks at you. “Th-this isn't fair, we-we were gonna move into a house.” You whisper, making Changbin face you his mouth parted at the new information. “My love, my hero ,my everything was ripped for me…and it’s all his fault.” You sob, making Woojin jump into your body, his arm tightly wrapped around you as your body shakes.
“It's gonna be okay…it's gonna get easier..I think.”
“What the fuck did you do to our bed?!” You scream at Minho and Changbin  who were standing in the living room talking.
“What do you mean? I mean I made it-ow!” Minho cried as you slapped him. Tears falling down your face as you glare at him.
“His pillow stays where it was, his blanket stays bunched up..I can't recreate it, because it won't be the damm same! You asshole!” You cry as you start to shake as Minho's eyes widen. Not realizing it hadn't made sense he last laid there.
“I did-didn't know.” Your body shook as Chan finally found a way to hug you without passing through you. His head nuzzles your neck making you cry harder.
“Im..I’m sorry.” You whisper, making Minho step forward and cup your cheek.
“It's okay.” Chris moves away and Minho and you share a group hug with Woojin.
“Chris..I know this..this is weird.” You mumble as Chris sits next you on the bed, his hands reaching for your thigh as you let out a deep breath of air. “This is honestly crazy..but I just need you to know..what I said a few weeks ago..that it was your fault..it..it wasn't true..and when I screamed I hate you..it wasn't even close to the truth. Because…'cause you were..were the one and..I still need you here but you gone..and I took it personal…but death shouldn’t be personal.” You whisper, making him lightly smile as you take a deep breath. “I think..I think I’m gonna pack up some of your clothes.. give a few to your mom. They all smell like you.” You whisper as you reach for your phone and call up his mom for help.
“Are you sure you're ready for this?” He asked as he watched you pack some of his shirts and pants for goodwill.
“Yeah..it's been nine months..I need to do this..it's not a lot..but..a start?” You mumble making Minho nod as he helps you empty one draw of his. “Okay..no more.”
“Progress.” Giving each other a high five Chris chuckles as Minho misses making you laugh echo in return. Something Chris hasn’t heard in months.
Progress it was.
“Binnie!” You laughed as Changbin spun you around your living room, his hand tickling your sides as Chris watched, a ping of jealousy hitting him. But he understood, watching you and his friends the past few months, the feeling for Changbin had grown for you and you him.
He wanted you two happy.
So he came up with a plan, his spirit moved through the walls as he grabbed your journal and opened up to your most recent entry. His eyes scan the words.
'I haven’t felt this way about someone since I first met Chris..and it feels wrong but so right at the same time. Changbin had made this feeling come up that I thought I’d never feel again. And it’s scary. I don't know if I can handle losing someone again.’
And then he knocks a picture frame down making a loud crash disrupt the two of you messing around. Changbin stood up straight as he placed you close to the couch and looked down the hall.
“Wait here."he mumbled walking into your bedroom, where he looked around till a picture frame that he glued together from the time you’d throw it across the room in a fit of anger, caught his eyes. It was a picture of Chris smiling, his eyes bright as your lips pressed against his cheek. It made Changbin smile as he saw the man he considered his brother, he hadn’t looked at a photo of him in a year, it felt good. It felt good seeing his face again, even if it would never be the same. It was still Christopher Bang smiling, and he swore he could hear the hum sound he made while you kissed his cheek.
As he moved it back where he remembered where he placed it after he fixed it. His eyes casted down and he saw your entry, and his heart began to speed up.
"She..she feels the same?” He whispered to himself, making Chris smile as he stood next to him and spoke.
“Of course she does, you make her happy.” Changbin jumped as he felt the vibrations of a voice he knew all too well in his head. “Can you hear me?” Chris said, making Changbin look around, and nod slightly.
“Bin? Is everything okay?” You ask walking into your room seeing the frame in his hand, his wide eyes stare at you.
“Uh..yeah.” he chokes as he runs his hand down his face. “Yeah..just this picture fell.” You humm as you move to stand next to him and stare at the two of you, tears gather in your eyes making Chris reach to wipe it away as he did so Changbin. He smiled at his friend as he watched the two of you stare at each other.
“Oh..shit.” you whisper seeing your entry that was open as you move fast to shut it. Already having an idea that he knew and now was ready to leave and never come back.“Did you..”
“Yeah. Yeah I did.”
“I think..I think you should go.” You whisper, making Changbin frown as he moves to rest and hand on your shoulder but you shrugged to get away from him. “Just..just leave..please.”
“Y/n, please call me back. We need to talk..please.” You listened to your voicemail again, Changbin pleas only made your heart break more.
“Dammit women, call him back!” Chris snaps as he watches you bite your lip. His favorite sweater wrapped around you, making his dead heart thud rapidly against his chest. Then his own voice travels through the air making his eyes widen. “Why do you do this to yourself, baby?”
“Hey baby, I just wanted to call to let you know I’ll be outside of the building waiting for you in five…I know I’m too late to change but I think my office attire will work for the date..I know you’ll look beautiful as usual..hence why you’re probably not answering me! But it's fine,I love you..I’ll see you in a bit.” You play another one, “Baby! Changbin just dropped off food, I swear he’d be a better boyfriend than me like how he is his single! Anyway I just wanted to call and say I love you, and have an amazing day at work!” As you went to play another you phone began to glitch due to Chris being the playfully smart ghost he is, and found a way to only play the part he wanted you to hear. “I love you, but it's fine you like Changbin.” It was choppy and wasn’t even a proper sentence but it made you throw your phone onto the bed as you stare at it. It played again, and again as Chris watched your eyes widen.
“Christopher Bang I swear if this you are coming to haunt my ass I’ll find a way to bring you back and kill you again!” You whisper, making him chuckle, your eyes snap to the empty spot in front of you, where he sat. “I..I finally broke didn’t I..cause I did..I did not just hear that laugh.” You whimper, making him frown as he looks at you. “I’ve missed that laugh.” You breathe out making him giggle, a smile lifting on your cheeks as your phone rings pulling you out of your thoughts.
Binnie is calling.
“Pick it up.” Chris said, making you roll your lip as you hear the very faint vibrations, like he was talking while you rested your head on his chest.
“Hello?” You answer by making Woojin let out a breath as he begins to speak but you cut him off. “I..I like you.”
“I haven’t been here since the funeral.” You whisper walking hand and hand with Changbin, followers and balloons in hand as Chris' family walks in front of you. It was his birthday today. You somehow had gotten through the first one, tears and snot but this one..this one was easier in a way. Chris trailed next to the two of you as he watched you closely, the twinkle in your eye was back, Changbin's smile was bigger than ever.
Soon you reached his tombstone, bending down your smile, “Hi baby.” You whisper as Chris sits next to his name, you sit on the grass as his family sits on the bench next to his grave. Changbin sits behind you, over the last few months Chris' family has fully supported you two with the love that was twining the two of you. You place the flowers next to his name and lean against Changbin. “Happy birthday weirdo.” You mumble, making Changbin laugh as Minho arrives, his body moving to sit next to the two of you as he hits a card in his hand. “What’s that Min?” You ask.
“I….just a letter to my brother.” Minho says, making you nod as he places it next to your flowers, Chris smiles at his friends and family.
“What do you think he's doing right now?”
“About to fight Changbin.” Minho says with a smile, making Chris' mother laugh as she shakes her head.
“Idiot.” Changbin said, hitting his shoulder as he laughed and nuzzled his face into your shoulder.
“I..I hope he’s happy wherever he is. I hope he is at peace and that…that he isn’t actually haunting me.” You laugh, making Chris follow as Changbin nods and Minho and his family giggle. “I mean he said, if he ever died he’d haunt me so I’m wondering if it’s happening.” You said wiping the tear that fell down your cheek.
“I wonder if he can finally sit in peace and enjoy the quiet sunsets.” Minho mumbles, making the three of you look at eachother and break out in laughter.
“As if.” Changbin laughs as you place your head into his collarbone.
“I just want him to be happy.”
“I am happy..I think..I think I can leave now.” Chris mumbles to himself, another Ghost at the tree waiting with a smile on his face, freckles covering his cheeks as his fringe falls over his eyes.“I..I can let go now. Baby..baby I ..I love you so much. I know you won't hear this, I know you won’t..but I just..I just love you so much. I’m so happy you’re happy. Thank you for the birthday wishes…I love you guys.” He stood up and walked to the tree, the unknown ghost smiled and clapped him on the back.
“Are you ready for the fun part kid?” He asks, making Chris look at him with wide eyes.
“Will..will I see them again?” His question made the unknown ghost chuckle as he laughed.
“Ah you kids, never truly know what’s out there for us…you’ll see them whenever they visit here. You’ll get like a ring in your head, and any gift they leave for you you’ll be able to pick up and keep it.”
“What’s your name?”
“Felix, died 1976, leukemia at 17….you?”
“Christopher…died in 2020, in a car crash at 23.”
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