#i torture my OCs for fun
therealcallmekd · 3 months
You Call Out For Help….There Is Nothing But Resounding Laughter.
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realized i should prolly start posting my stuff actually instead of building a huge backlog....
Here's a thing i did for the Corru.Observer Discord Drawpile today!
I'm extremely proud of it,,,
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crescentfool · 22 days
me when rockagilly blues has a 25% chance of playing compared to literally every other song in the game
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whump-queen · 2 years
A whumpee who was only captured because whumper thought they were pretty
Treating their captive like a dress up doll— dressing them up to compliment their outfit and wearing them on their arm like a pretty little accessory.
Whumper dragging them to fancy events with other whumpers and showing them off.
Whumpee is forced to wear a collar that shocks them every time they try to speak, so they’re a perfect little silent thing whenever whumper wants to show them off to their friends or take them to a party.
Maybe whumper let’s their friends fawn over their pet, and even touch the pretty thing’s face—
and whumpee has to stand still and strain to keep their expression pleasant and pliant while the strangers crowd around them, while fingers extend to grip their jaw and tilt their head this way and that, while too many unfamiliar hands run over their face and through their hair.
And the strangers compliment whumper about whumpee’s appearance— ‘how pretty those eyes are,’ and ‘how did they manage to find such a beautiful thing?’
And whumpee’s face is red with embarrassment—at being crowded and poked and prodded and talked about as if they’re not even there—at being treated like some kind of decoration. And whumper and their friends only laugh and coo over how cute they look when they’re blushing.
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
Whumper never hits their face, leaves scars or permanent damage—they want to keep them looking nice after all.
Electricity is their preferred weapon, and the shock collar works wonders for conditioning.
And after weeks and months of getting brutally shocked for every little misstep, every perceived ounce of resistance, for anything other than absolute perfect compliance—
Eventually, whumpee’s will crumbles completely—and they’re plaint, docile, and desperate to obey to avoid the agonizing pain that the voltage brings.
Completely mentally broken— a perfect little decoration.
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
Just dehumanize the hell out of a pretty boy and make him your accessory ✨
The thing that inspired this post
More prompts like this
General whump taglist:
@whumpshaped @whumpsday @emmettnet @a-whump-sideblog @whump-it-like-its-hot @wolfeyedwitch @whumper-soot @unorganisedalienrubbish @kira-the-whump-enthusiast @hidden-dreamland @whumpedydump
Just ask to be added or removed from the taglist <3
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dazaisdearest · 5 months
would anyone care if I posted miscellaneous art of my OC…………….🤓🤓
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cosmobrain00 · 3 months
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did anyone think about kid keith td🙂 do u want to🙂
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pistachi0art · 1 year
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If anyone’s noticed I’ve been using a new brush and it’s been allowing me to draw anything that comes to my mind I’m unstoppable GRAAAAHHHH
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jrueships · 7 days
Do you have any ocs? You play 2k?
i did play 2k!!!! i mean.. i play 2k13 2k bcs it has pg and it's offline bcs im unwell and love the dying out practice of inviting ppl over to play games still but 😭 it still counts, right?? anyhow! im not a big oc guy, like i don't have a lot of them or my own universe of them, but im also not a self insert kinda guy (no shade to anyone who is any of this, i think it's all rlly cool and wish i had to creativity to do so as well!) so i kinda just made this dude
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his first name is THE and his last name is SHRIMP, and he's like 5'3 . He's number 11 on the raptors and i made him solely to cause a rift in kyle/demar for ship drama (it's ok tho bcs he only makes kyle/demar stronger by being an evil division) (plus his girlfriend is denver levins so he rlly just kinda tried breaking kyle/demar up as a social experiment or smthing idk he's insane)
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gutterspeak · 4 months
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pov a chaotic evil trickster circus clown is exploding you with their mind
rori belongs to @thronealigned :]
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racmune · 4 months
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unnamed transmasc ocs im doodlin up cauuuse i need 2 draw weird ppls or else i die
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Wool Combs
Here's a little bit of writing I just did for Valda and Rieka. Trigger warning for violence, torture, and nudity used as humiliation. If I missed something, just send me an ask.
Valda Wulf was once a queen, a grand queen with a throne of marble and silver and a crown of diamonds and sapphire. Once her clothes were made of thick furs and imported silks. Once her people had loved her and looked to her for guidance, which she provided readily. Once she ate fine food and laughed and danced with her family. Once, she was more than a prisoner. Once she was happy.
Of course, all of that was far off now. She wasn’t in the north, she wasn’t in Weitheim any longer. Snow didn’t cover the landscape and the trees weren’t pine or aspen. All of it, including her faith, had been ripped from her and now she sat alone, shackled to the floor of a dark and dingy cell in the far east. The voyage was horrible, but the dank and blood soaked dungeon was worse. At least she was allowed clothes on the ship.
Upon arriving, Rieka, Selena’s advisor who had been tasked with teaching her the ways of the east, had forced her to the dungeons and ripped her clothes from her body, leaving her exposed and humiliated. Her cheeks still burned with the shame that came with nudity. Even without another soul present, she felt their eyes on her body, judging her and hating her all the more for her seemingly wanton nature. Part of her wanted to cry and scream at the invisible judges, to tell them she was unwilling in her degradation. But that was foolish. There was nobody but her in the dungeon. The only judge present was herself.
Footsteps echoed slightly outside of the cell she was kept in, the little peephole sliding open. Cruel, green eyes stared at her, the corners crinkled. Behind the door, the wretched woman was smiling, giddy with her newfound power over her victim.
Valda looked down, her cheeks growing hotter. Despite the loneliness being its own wretched beast, it was better than dealing with Rieka. Anything was better than dealing with Rieka.
As the door was opened, the hinges creaked and groaned, the metal against metal grating against her ears. Light, too much light that made her eyes burn and ache, spilled into the once pitch black cell.
“Tell me, Wulf, are you ready to accept Selena as your queen, as your wife?” Rieka said, her voice cold and harsh. “Mind you, once you accept, the torture ends. No more pain, no more agony. No more whips and no more chains.” She crouched down in front of her, their faces level. “Wouldn’t that be grand, sweet girl?”
No matter how tempting the offer was, Valda couldn’t bring herself to accept it. Tears pricked her eyes as she shook her head, her body already trembling in anticipation for the punishment surely coming. “No,” she said, her voice small and strained. The only thing she had left was her pride. Anything else could be taken from her, but not her pride.
For a moment Rieka said nothing, her eyes boring into her. The silence was profound and far more terrifying than any punishment she could ever concoct. It was neutral. Nothing existed in between the noise.
“Pity,” she finally said, standing. “I’ll return in a moment. Don’t beg tonight, it’s unbecoming of a consort.” With that, she turned and left, her boots heavy against the stone floor.
Valda curled in on herself, the fear in her gut large and monstrous. Why did she have to be so damn stubborn? Why couldn’t she just accept defeat? 
The tears grew fatter and more numerous, her cheeks wet and eyes red. Another night of torment just because she couldn’t say yes. 
She cursed herself beneath her shaky breath. Her stubborn pride would be the end of her soon, she knew it. It was only a matter of time before Rieka decided enough was enough and killed her, regardless of Selena’s orders.
Rieka returned, a set of iron combs for wool in her hands. “Resplendent Queen Selena found these in your dungeons. Your own torturer seemed fond of them.” She knelt before her once more. “Allow me to ask, how many have you condemned?”
Valda swallowed hard. “Three,” she replied, voice still shaky. “One- one for murder. One for an assassination attempt. One- one-,” her voice broke off, the words sticking in her throat. The tears flowed more freely as she looked back on the day she had to condemn her own father. “One for insanity,” she finally choked out.
“Your father,” Rieka said. “I would’ve done the same, but much, much sooner. Resplendent Queen Selena found the records. It seems you did Weitheim and the rest of the world a service.”
Valda shook her head, a sob catching in her throat. She missed her papa. “I didn’t want to,” she said, “I had to. If- if I didn’t-,” she broke off into a sob. “He was a madman.”
Rieka tilted her chin up, her touch almost gentle. “He was indeed. Are you aware he had these,” she held the wool combs up, “used these on my parents, thirteen years ago.”
Valda nodded. “He was brutal,” she said, voice small.
  “Are you aware he made me watch as my parents were tortured to death? Are you aware that after they finally died, he exiled me?” Rieka circled around her and stopped when she was at her back. “I’m grateful, truly.” She pressed the comb into Valda’s skin, drawing blood and eliciting a gasp from her victim. “He taught me how to hurt and kill. After I arrived here, I was taught how to hurt and keep one alive.” She ripped the comb down, tearing and flaying the skin of her back. 
Valda cried out in agony, jerking forward as if it would help her in any way. “Pl- please!” she choked out, her voice strangled. Pain blurred her vision. Vomit threatened to come up from the sickening agony and the feeling of her blood pouring down her back.
“The day I was told I had the pleasure of teaching you our customs, my heart swelled with joy,” Rieka brought the comb down again. “Your father’s dead, but that doesn’t mean I can’t exact my revenge on your damned bloodline.” She brought the comb down once more.
Valda’s screams and cries filled the cell, her blood pooling beneath her as her skin was shredded. 
“I was told to be kind,” Rieka brought it down again, tearing skin and muscle. “I was told to be gentle.” She dug her nails into her open wounds and tore and ripped her flesh.
Valda sobbed, the pain so thick and deep she thought she’d finally die that night. Everything lost its meaning as Rieka continued. Words wouldn’t leave her mouth and thoughts stopped being made. 
“I was told not to hurt you!” Rieka said, her voice a little louder. “I was told you were precious and important!” 
The combs continued to shred and she fell forward, her arms and legs too weak to bear her weight. Her cheek rested against the cold stone, her vision dark around the edges. At that point, death would’ve been a kinder master to her than Rieka.
“But I know the truth,” she leaned in, “you’re a monster just as your father was before you.” She continued the assault against her back. “What moral ruler would condemn anyone to this fate?” 
Valda’s breath hitched in her throat as the darkness grew. It wouldn’t be much longer before oblivion took her, that much was certain. 
“I believe Resplendent Queen Selena made a mistake keeping you alive,” she said, her voice low. “I believe she should’ve beheaded you on your damned throne. It’s the least you fucking deserve.” She stood up. “I’ll return tomorrow night. I pray you say no once again. I find these sessions comforting.” 
With that, she left. The door slammed shut and the locks clicked into place.
No strength left, Valda lay there, silently sobbing as the pain ebbed and flowed. 
Tomorrow she’d finally say yes.
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shatouto · 7 months
random OC ask: what is an alternate life path your OC might have gone down? how different would their life be if they'd made those decisions instead?
ohohohoho. ohoho. oh boy
i think there are two biggest "branching off timelines" moments in solli's life, at least so far
1. running away with astarion VS staying with cazador
this moment, to be more exact. in the good timeline, solli comes down to the kennel, frees and heals astarion, and runs away with him
if solli hadn't come down to the kennel that night, cazador would keep astarion in there and torture him for another week, maybe even month, however long it takes for astarion to learn his lesson and never even think of approaching solli again. the cazador in my story enjoys making the distinction between his half-vampire heir and the spawn who are beneath him.
then cazador would rethink his approach so far and inject solli's sterile environment with more and more of his lordly venom. he will say that solli is about the right age to really learn, and start to mould solli into a second version of him.
solli is young, obedient and attached. he actually really loves his father, even in the good timeline, never mind here. he has always hung onto cazador's every word. i think once solli gets over the trauma of having to brutally beat astarion who is someone he cares about, the innocent child will truly be gone.
in this timeline solli will become a full-fledged cazador 2.0, and what he lacks in true vampire power he makes up with sadism. he will be an artillerist artificer who also makes torture device on the side (godey hates it; automation might take away his job someday!). he is cazador's second in command, often seen by his side during social gatherings, and he preens in that position. the spawn, especially astarion, hate him a lot. he doesn't care because he thinks they're beneath him
he doesn't know that he's also a sacrificial lamb when the time comes, just a little more special. he might or might not survive cazador's ascension, depending on how it goes
2. convincing astarion not to ascend VS helping astarion ascend
(this will be towards the end of the story so i haven't written it obviously lol)
this fork in the road assumes that solli did previously run away with astarion and was by his side for years before they come back to szarr palace to face cazador (like in the game).
this is basically the ascendant ending but because solli's relationship to astarion is a bit different from tav's, i still wanna talk about it a bit (also bc i've thought about it A Lot)
i think ascended lord astarion would really double down on gloating about having "stolen" cazador's heir. it's kind of sad because it's been years since he stopped thinking of solli as just a trophy and a fuck you to cazador; he's come to love the kid. but, with time, ascension will bring out the worst in him.
he has solli grow his hair out long again (so he looks more like cazador than ever), dresses him up all prettily, and keeps him locked in his beautiful chamber. solli is returned to exactly where he was as a child: a pretty doll in a glass case, to be displayed but never touched. lord astarion treats him pretty much the same way as cazador.
in my lore, solli can't really be turned into anything other than a half-vampire – he can't become a true vampire OR a dark consort. he was born being able to walk in the sun, so in return he can never have anything more than that. as such, astarion grows bored with him after a while and leaves him isolated for longer and longer stretches of time as he finds amusement elsewhere.
i'm ambiguous on whether astarion would torture him for fun at any point in time. it's possible, considering solli can look A Lot like cazador especially if you're like squinting to see that. maybe lord astarion would do it when he's feeling extra vindictive or resentful (or bored), i'm not sure
regardless, solli will just wither away in solitude and eventually die alone
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whumpacabra · 4 months
Dogs of War
WIP | ??? Words
Another AU set in my Freelancers Universe, diverging just before the canonical end of the Swansong Arc. (It's a good point in the canon for divergent plots, alright?)
Wolf's patient, dogged determination has paid off - his handler is off-base, his medical escort will have three guards, and there are three American volunteers who should be eager to play a part in this escape attempt. He hopes they are - because none of them are getting out of this alive if they get caught.
Military setting, captivity, escape, on the run, medical treatment, assumed dead, fear of recapture, betrayal, angst (with a happy ending?), referenced torture and noncon
Sheep's Clothing
Judas Goat
Gas Station Snacks
Good as New
Rinse and Repeat
Bite the Hand
Dreams and Doubts
Bad Karma
The Jester
Tied Down
Go Fetch
Peace and Quiet
The Devil
Good Acting
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kays-oc-story · 8 months
Fear of the Consequences.
(Tw for a mildly vivid description of death. little spooky visuals. Nothing bad and it's not as gory or spooky looking as I wanted it to be. Also, a swear)
Comic is below the cut if you're chill with that. :)
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(Did you see me just reusing the same image I made for my header? No. No you didn't.)
anyway, to explain what's happening, Pitch's power is controlling the souls of the damned and keeping them from the living realm. Well, when he was a kid, he had a sister, named Rose (the Melting girl). He got angry at her one day, and in a fit of childish anger, awakened his powers. The souls hands burst from the wall behind her, clutching and ripping her into the wall, and into the shadow realm.
Living beings are not meant to live in the shadow realm. It's mostly fluid and disembodied spirits in there. Note the fluid. It will be important. Pitch rushes to the wall, banging on it, demanding this to stop, screaming, crying, begging.
It doesn't work.
Through the shadow realm he feels Rose, only about 9 at the time, drown in the mess of spirits. He feels the moment the last bit of air leaves her lungs. The moment she goes still.
He doesn't get a body, and that incident forever traumatized him, leaving him forever paranoid about his powers.
But now that he's got a sidekick to protect, and is starting to find his swordsmanship skills aren't enough to hold back the villains anymore. There isn't much of a choice. He has to start using his powers again. This comic takes place before he does so. Where the stress and exhaustion causes him to hallucinate Rose.
Anyway, there's that comic.
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ra-vio · 1 year
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I wanted to draw something
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dem0nguy · 5 months
Did a redraw of a piece from ~2 years ago‼️
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I’ve changed a lot of things about Adam (my oc) in general since doing the original drawing of this. But here I mostly improved the style and reinterpreted the symbolism;
The silly shadow guy is a representation of Adam’s fears. But the shadow guy also isn’t really there, Adam’s seeing things in the dark because he’s scared.
The darkness itself is supposed to represent the unknown. Adam doesn’t know what’s going to happen to him, and that is what scares him the most. Yet, forming those fears into something he can visualize is less terrifying than not knowing anything at all.
The fire represents a sort of hope/guiding light. But the light doesn’t reveal anything in the darkness, it serves as a comfort to Adam. But it won’t actually help him find his way.
The shadow guy doesn’t have a fire, which implies that Adam’s fears take away his source of comfort. Essentially repeating the idea that Adam is scared.
The shadow guy is also reflected horizontally in reference to Adam, representing it being a reflection of his fears. (A big theme here is just Adam being scared…)
Uhhh I think that’s all the symbolism
Here’s the old drawing tho:
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Definitely improved a lot since then <3
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grokebaby · 9 months
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AYYYY UNDERRATED VARPUNEN FAM TIME LESGOOO. I'm thinking I'll try to say one positive and one negative but I won't force it if it stalls me
P - Negative: See she was born into a warrior family (aka she's the beast variety of demon), which in itself was just not the right lifestyle for her personally. Real stressful. I could pick probably multiple experiences from here but let's highlight the string of clashes between a Plague from those days who ended up killing and injuring several beasts. There are still two living Villagers that bear the scars from this time. P, however, bears the mental scars of having one or her co apprentices and teachers murdered. She has survivors guilt and various other kinds of guilt from this and suffered a bad freeze reaction that has stayed with her for a while.. The victims weren't even super close to her, but it was the sheer horror of the fact that anyone could just die (and in her mind, it'd be her fault bc she failed to help them).
As a bonus, btw, the plague involved in these events is dead nowadays. Please, do take a guess as to how.
Positive: One time, P and Nan were left home alone together for roughly a week, and since P mostly didn't interact with Nan aside from what she deemed necessary, things got quiet and awkward for a bit.. P was honestly scared, bc she had the fear that this was some kind of test from their husband - one she could fail miserably, somehow, so she remained on her tiptoes the whole time. He said he'd be off on a business trip and as the author I can verify this is actually true, and it wasn't a test, but unfortunately Ps mental state was... Not good. Thanks to him. A few days in, Nan approaches P carefully and tells her that it's okay if she doesn't know what to say, and if she needs her alone time. But if she did want to hang out, or talk, or anything, Nan would be here listening, no pressure to come up with anything special. See Nan had thought that the avoidance had more to do with Ps social anxiety and being a very withdrawn person, rather than paranoia over their husband. Although I won't deny she had a hunch..
Either way, this left a very positive impression on P, and she found some kind of strength in the fact that maybe, just maybe, if things get bad enough, she can lean on Nan. That, and she decided then and there to try her best to treat nan better and try to approach her on her terms. It didn't end up happening too much (not enough in her eyes), but it did still happen.
Sighs lovingly. P deserves way more attention imo. I did not hold back from rambling. Anyways!
Pesticinger - Negative: (TW TORTURE FEEL FREE TO SKIP) So it's widely known she's unpopular amongst humans for obvious reasons, so they often plot various things to get back at her, and often try to even capture or kill it. So there's this waterfall. A group of humans really want Pesticinger to have her "comeuppance" for what she's put them through. So this waterfall. They've set a trap there, where there's a rope that ties into a noose when released, and it hangs under the rushing water. Pesticinger is lured into this trap, and here's the situation: she's got a noose around her throat, and it tightens the further you pull on it. If she gets swept up by the water's pull, it starts choking her, combined with the water trying to pull her under. So she has to literally constantly fight the water, or she suffocates (either by drowning, or noose). It is not a good time. Her feathers get soaked the hell out so flying becomes difficult, she's quickly exhausted and it's kinda hard to call for help when you're trying to fight suffocation. She was rescued, of course. Poor bird. But she can barely even look at a noose, and the noise of waterfalls gives her anxiety. So do ropes, if they're put anywhere near her body.
This next memory I'm not sure if I'd label it necessarily either strictly positive or negative but it was very impactful for her. See Pesticinger has the mental capacity to get really, really introspective and existential, but the way her brain works, also sometimes leads it to tie itself into knots and leads her down dead ends she can't think herself out of. So it can definitely overwhelm itself by overthinking. When she was still very young, in one of these cases, she came to speak to her creator henself; the Mistress. It asked many panicked, disjointed questions, trying to untangle it's mind, and getting distressed, it started knocking at it's head with it's foot. The Mistress, gently, places hens hand on Pesticingers face to block the hits, and they share silent eye contact for a moment.
"Dear bird.. You don't have to know all the answers. You might, someday, but you don't need to. You are more than just a bird, or a beast; you are a force of nature. Even still, you can be as ordinary as you want. Just don't forget yourself."
Pesticinger still feels.. Bittersweet, about it. She's frustrated that she didn't get the answers, in fact the denial of them entirely upset her back then. But she can't say it wasn't also comforting. The reason this memory isn't purely positive is mainly due to Pesticingers mindset.
I think I'll cap this post here BUT BEFORE I DO I'll include just a little something from Nan bc. My number one Varpunen fam for sure. It'll be under the cut
I'll be vague bc I was actually writing a whole thing about this and it's still kinda in progress. But.
Something that's really stuck with Nan was when she, at one point, took her kids to see their grandpa, aka Nans father. He knew there were kids, but hadn't met them due to life just sweeping everyone up for a while.
He did not react well to seeing them. Their visit became very short and very uncomfortable. Nan had to have a talk with her father privately, (His name is Yngve Surström, btw) while the kids awkwardly waited outside.
This would become the last time Nan sees her father before he disappeared completely. Nobody knows why. Or how.
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