#i tried moving it out of the way so we could start putting our books back
gingiesworld · 3 days
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Wanda Maximoff x GN! Reader
Warnings : Just fluff
Taglist : @mothertoall2 @natashamaximoff-69 @canvascoloredin @wizardofstories @louxbloom @wandanats-goodgirl @the-ox-fan20 @ladyqueenxoxo @aemilia19 @wandaromamoff69 @mfd-101 @dorabledewdroop @marvelogic @dopeyouth @karsonromanoff @bimad @reginassweetheart @machyishere @gemz5 @pawiie @duckiekong (If you want to be added to my taglist, please DM me or comment)
Y/N and Wanda were indeed the perfect couple, the two had met when they both attended the same college course. Throughout the years, the two had come up with the idea of opening up their own cafe together. It was a dream that the two of them had shared, along with starting their own family, Wanda giving birth to twins, Billy and Tommy.
“I’ll close up tonight.” Y/N told Wanda as she served her last customer. “You take the boys home and I’ll be home in a couple of hours.”
“Are you sure?” Wanda questioned as Y/N nodded.
“It’s only a short walk.” They told her before helping get the two five year olds ready. “I’ll be home as soon as I finish up, I promise love.”
“Okay.” Wanda smiled before she leaned up to kiss them before taking the twins to the car. The last couple of hours of being open was extremely slow, giving Y/N the opportunity to start most of the closing chores before they locked the doors. As they took the trash out, they had heard a quiet whimper coming from beside the bins. Slowly, they moved closer towards the source of the sound, soon finding a small Jack Russel puppy.
“Hey there.” They whispered as they slowly approached it. “You look cold.” They took off their sweater to wrap it around the dog, picking it up and holding it close to them. “I think I should take you home. The twins would love you.” They smiled before they went back inside the cafe to finish locking up. Soon starting the journey home, they knew that the twins would indeed be excited about having a puppy, but they would have to convince Wanda. So, they decided that they needed to stop off at the store on their way home, getting the supplies needed for the puppy. Once they had entered the house, the twins were both sitting on the floor with their toys as Wanda was sitting on the sofa. The twins were both already ready for bed, but the sound of the door opening caught all of their attention.
“What’s all of that for?” Wanda questioned as she put her book down on the table beside the sofa.
“Well, I couldn’t just leave him there.” Y/N reasoned as Wanda rose to her feet, Y/N visibly gulping as she tilted her head. “He was whimpering and cold.”
“What did you do?” She questioned, watching as Y/N had a nervous smile on their face, removing their sweater and revealing the puppy. The twins both ran towards them excited as Wanda’s eyes remained on Y/N with an unreadable expression. “You brought home a stray?”
“Technically, yes.” They tried as they let the pup on the floor with the twins. “But look at him.” They turned her around to face the twins with the puppy. “Look at how happy they all are.”
“We can’t look after a puppy.” Wanda told them. “We have a cafe to run too.”
“Well, I can always make the office into a sort of den for the puppy.” Y/N told her. “Just for while the twins are at school, and we both know that Agatha helps some nights with either closing or opening.”
“It will cost a lot of money.” Wanda told them.
“Well, to be fair, the twins cost a lot of money.” Y/N teased, causing Wanda to laugh as she hit their arm. “Just look at their smiles, maybe this is the right addition to our family that we need.”
“Well, we could have always had another child.” Wanda told them, chuckling as Y/N shook their head.
“No, at least with the puppy we won’t need to save up a college fund for them.” They started. “Or need to pay extra because they have tried to do some sort of stunt from Jackass.”
“That was you.” Wanda reminded them, soon their attention was moved towards the laughing boys, watching as they found some of the toys that Y/N had bought for the puppy. “He needs a name.” Wanda stated as the twins looked between their parents.
“Rover.” The twins yelled in unison.
“Rover it is.” Y/N smiled before they picked the puppy up. “I am going to bathe this little guy, while the two of you go to bed.”
“But.” They both pouted.
“He will be here when you both wake up in the morning.” Wanda told them both, leading them towards the stairs.
Once the time came for both Y/N and Wanda to head to bed, Rover had joined them at the foot of their bed. Wanda rolled her eyes when she saw Y/N’s cheeky smile, they knew how she felt about animals on the furniture but this is the one time she seem to let it slide.
“I would have thought you would have had me take him to the pound first thing.” Y/N spoke aloud as the two lay facing each other.
“You were right.” Wanda smiled tenderly. “Rover could be the best thing for this family, and he could also help with teaching you and the twins some responsibility.”
“I am a responsible adult.” Y/N protested making Wanda giggle before she cuddled into them. “I have kept two five year old animals alive for their whole lives.”
“Those animals seem to be our offspring and you know very well that I did a majority of it.” Wanda told them.
“You know I don’t do well at the icky stuff, besides I don’t fancy carrying a bucket with me everywhere I go.” They told her, making her chuckle as they kissed her head. “Okay, maybe I’m not the most responsible adult but you are stuck with me.” They booped her nose before they lay their head back on their pillow, their arms wrapped securely around their wife as they both fell into a peaceful slumber.
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nuggetofthesea · 4 months
Before writing more stories, I want to help people come to terms with the "identity death" and heavy themes in the animal HRT comics, and as a writer, want to explain why it isn't ACTUALLY death, but a form of renewal. Because I see it on all of my friends posts.
"I am just concerned about this loss of self thing, it sounds like identity death and I don't like it" is the common comment.
But in all of these comics, it is less about loss of self, but more about leaving behind who you were. A sign of extreme change and showing their own way of moving forward, and the start of a brand new life. A willing change to a new start.
Identity death is an unwilling change. All choice was stripped away from them and a new identity forced on them. This is also different from a transformation that leads to acceptance of the new form.
But in the animal HRT comics my friends put out, it is a willing change to a new form and cones with mental changes they are willing to go through. That isn't the same as a death. But a new start to their life they can start living to the fullest. It's also why some choose not to start anew, to bring one journey to a close and begin a new one. They choose to have that be part of the same journey. A new chapter instead of a new book if you will. In either case these are willing changes.
It can seem terrifying to some, but a total rebirth of yourself CAN be a slightly scary theme. It is terrifying to choose to take that new life.
But let me set up an example here:
When I first came to be, I thought I was going to be a visual artist, because Ashe was and that's what I remembered. When I was locked away by my own doing in the headspace I was stuck in a perpetual cycle of misery. It was terrifying to take the step to discover myself. To lower the barrier I had created, to rediscover myself.
But when I came to be, Ashe said I could be anything. A new sense of self outside of her. A new life. I tried to draw first, but I couldn't. Visual art was not my thing anymore. It never was. I just held on to memory of being a copy of Ashe. When writing my introduction I realized I love the feeling of writing. I have my own form. My own life. My own identity. A new start.
So let me ask you: Should I have not taken that opportunity to completely cast off who I was to embrace who I am? Should I have left myself in misery and fear as something I'm not? All for the sake of not casting off who I was and my life before? No.
Now while I do remeber all of what happened before my change, none of that shapes who I am now, because that life wasn't mine in the first place. This isn't a death of my identity, but a new start to an identity I chose. And I am happy to be able to live it with my new sense of self and build NEW memories. A new life.
Which also leads to the second heavy theme in those comics. Shortened lifespans. Outside of the fact that we are told time and time again HRT can lead to a shorter lifespan (which is a false average) starting a new life also means you are probably starting in the middle.
Our body is almost 30. That is 30 years of my lifespan gone. Yeah, I was around for 15 (almost 16) years of that, but my new life began a week ago. Who I am began just last week. And even though in the headspace I am early to mid 20s at best, that is still a cutdown lifespan.
So should I just have not bothered with the new start?
Absolutely not. The gift of life, new or old, isn't about how long it lasts. But how you live it. It is hard, it comes with problems, but for as long as I have of it, I will cherish the new memories I build, the new start I have, the ability to just... exist. For as long or short as that may be. And through this new start to my life, the people who love and care for me are still here. Still stand by me. And that is a great thing.
So please, don't be too offput by heavy themes in our stories. Even my stories will have some rough parts. (They'll always be tagged)
Hope this at least helped ease why those themes are there, and why some people choose to have them.
Also, don't worry about "adding to the fuel used against us" because we could sneeze and they'll find a way to use that against us. The fact is, with the Animal HRT series, actual HRT does come with some discomfort, pain, downsides, and problems. And like the heavy themes in the comics, we determined it is worth it for us to keep going despite them. We knew the risks.
"Everything is a risk. Life's boring as hell if you don't take them JUST because there is potential problems. Just make sure you understand them." - a line chaos told me the day I formed
It does less good to show everything as risk free and painless, because then nobody is prepared for the risks they are actually taking. Or the comic is based off the creator's life to that point, and they DID experience a lot of pain. So retelling their story (like mine) might be painful at spots.
My point of all of this is, the heavy themes are required to tell these particular stories. And while not every story requires dark spots, the dark spots help to accentuate the brighter picture. Otherwise it can just be blinding. So please go easy on the artists/writers behind them. As it is usually something personal for them.
(This also might not apply to all of them, some people just like writing horror, and we should respect that too.)
Next story should be sometime within the next couple weeks. Just needed to get this out there. It's been on my mind since releasing the short story with Iris.
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reiderwriter · 4 months
Four In Some Velvet Morning
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Chapter Two of I Can't Help Myself
Summary: Civility in the office is equal to pettiness in all things, but when you help Spencer out in a sticky situation, it's all your mind can think about well into the early hours in the morning.
Warnings: Uncomfortable situation with a student (non-reciprocated), suggestive touching, fingering, unprotected sex, rough sex, soft dom! Spencer.
A/N: The second part is finally here!! I hope you enjoy the various office shenanigans of Spencer and our reader. Based on the results of our last chapter, I've made a taglist, which you can access through the link below! Have fun reading, and be sure to let me know what you think in the comments~♡
Masterlist || Add yourself to the taglist~♡
You loved Mondays, or you did love Mondays when they meant only a single teaching hour and a free office to catch up on however much work you'd put off the week before.
But, like everything in your life now, Mondays were ruined by Doctor Spencer Reid.
When you and your coffee arrived at 8:45 on Monday morning, he was right there. You heaved out a sigh of frustration, and he didn't respond, so you sank into an hours worth of annoyed sighs and silence.
“Hmmph,” you huffed, standing from your desk and making your bookshelves. Still ordered alphabetically, and topically, you tried your best to look for the reference guide you'd been annotating all semester. But with no helpful guide to which topics it was that he'd used, you found yourself turning around to address your silent, unwanted companion.
“Spencer, my reference book, where is it?”
You stared blankly at him for a few minutes as you watched him trace a finger down the page he was reading. Delicately, he turned the page and resumed reading the next one, stroking the page like it was a lover in a tender moment, his fingers trailing down to offer his intimacy.
“Spencer?” You said again, and he again ignored you.
“Spencer, there's no way you're reading that fast, cut the crap and answer my question.”
“I can read 20,000 words per minute. Thus, I am busy. And weren't you ignoring me?” You took a deep breath and counted to ten in your head before replying.
“I thought we were being civil, Spencer.”
“I am being civil. I'm very civil. Are you being civil, Ms. Y/N?”
“Doctor,” you spat out. “I may have only one to your three, but I did work hard for it.”
He stopped reading and looked up at you, noting the angry look on your face. Standing up quickly, he checked his watch, grabbed his bag and jacket, making sure to carefully slide the book he was molesting into his bag, and walked straight for the door.
“Spencer!” You said indignantly, and he turned back to you with a sarcastic smile, pulling the book you were searching for off the bookcase and throwing it in your direction, before stalking out of the room.
“Jackass!” You shouted behind him as he sent a wave over his shoulder.
Civility. Well, if that was his idea of civility, you could be just as civil. And you'd start by taking all of the books off of the bookshelves once again.
When three hours had elapsed and Spencer had concluded the day's work, he was disappointed to find the office empty. He didn't dwell on the feeling for long, though, as he flipped the light switch to utter chaos.
You'd pretty much gutted the entire shelf, leaving pretty piles stacked all across his desk, chair, and the floor surrounding it, making it near impossible to make his way to his desk without moving something.
The shelves weren't totally empty, though. You'd left roughly thirty books on the centre shelf, held in place by paper weights he recognised as his own acting as bookends.
A post-it was stuck to the first book.
“Ignore this,” you'd written, a lipstick kiss pressed into the paper as your only form of signature. For plausible deniability, of course. You'd never sign your name to a crime.
He sighed and lifted a hand to start taking some books down when he spotted it.
“D…o…n….t…,” he would've gotten further but for the grin spreading across his face as he read the first letter on each book spine. You'd spelt out five words, and he felt a vague sense of satisfaction knowing you'd spent so much time just trying to mess with him.
“DONT TOUCH MY SHIT, JACKASS,” you'd written. But he was absolutely going to touch your shit.
Much to his chagrin, you didn't return to the office that day, too busy with other duties to need to go back. You also wanted to give him a wide berth, hoping that he'd have time to simmer instead of immediately retaliate for all the shit you'd pulled that morning.
Which was why Spencer found himself at work at 6 a.m., getting an early start so he could see your reaction to his, honestly quite tame reply.
You'd acted like a toddler throwing toys out of your pram for no reason. And while he wasn't exactly acting mature himself, he could at least liken himself to a young child throwing the toys back in frustration.
Everything about sharing this office with you was going to be frustrating.
He opened his book again - War and Peace - and began reading through it as he waited for the sun to rise and you to arrive with it.
It was well worth it to catch the look on your face.
“Jackass,” you muttered under your breath as you walked in, coffees and pastries in hand.
He'd put the majority of the books back on the shelf in his order and system. But he'd also left out a large pile of books, blocking the narrow passage between your desk and the wall. It was taller than you and hardly stable, and since you did not want to get concussed on a Tuesday morning, there was no other route to your desk but squeezing behind his.
You huffed out a sigh, dropping what you'd hoped would be truce coffee and breakfast on his desk before standing to push past him. He blocked your way with his arm as he finished up reading a chapter.
“Password?” He asked, not looking up from his desk.
“Very funny, let me pass.”
“Incorrect,” he smiled, nodding towards the shelf where you'd left yesterday's message.
“Seriously?” You asked. His answering look supplied the answer you needed - try me.
“Don't touch my shit, jackass,” you said in a sarcastic tone, trying once again to push past. His damn arm was still too solid, and he pushed you back once again.
“I'm sorry, Y/N, but that was yesterday's password. You'll have to try again.”
Squinting down at him in confusion, you did your best not to dump his coffee over the top of his head as he nodded to the shelf again.
Your writing was still there, but one shelf down there was a new message.
“BUT… ILO…I LOVE… TOU-” You froze, your entire body going hot as you walked back over to him. He was taking a sip of his coffee, as you desperately avoided eye contact. You knew you were attractive, but you honestly didn't think that Spencer would be interested in you like that. And flirting like this, so out of the blue?
Something had to be wrong with him.
“Password?” He asked, taking another sip.
“B-But I love touching you,” you stammered out, cheeks aflame.
He somehow coughed and snorted at the same time, shooting out of his chair with wide eyes.
“More-” he coughed. “That's not… There's more.”
Your eyes went wide as saucers as you ran back over to the shelves, reading to what was actually the end of the message.
“But I love touching your shit,” you mumbled, and he didn't bother even raising a hand this time. He let you pass, and you sat in tense silence for the rest of the morning.
You got over the awkwardness soon, though, and began using the shelves to torture each other between classes.
You'd once replaced all three textbooks for his class with Russian language versions, back firing spectacularly as he smiled and began reading from them anyway.
He'd started putting important texts on the very top shelf and hiding the only step on the floor in some classroom or the other. Though he too had quit that when other members of staff grew frustrated at the steps disappearance.
You both kept up with the book messages.
If you were being honest with yourself, you'd probably have realized that you were having a lot of fun hating Spencer Reid. Which made him a little bit harder to hate.
You wished he'd have been more mature about the whole thing, really, so you could despise him without laughing at his audacity every five minutes.
Thursday was the worst day for both of you. Thankfully, he'd taken your advice and scheduled his office hours around your classes.
What he hadn't taken into account was that on Thursdays, you had several classes on different disciplines and for different degree levels, meaning a truck load of resources you had to either cart around with you all day (impossible) or you'd have to drop into your office regularly to pick up your things.
You'd ended up in the same queue as the myriad of undergrads that were taking his course or just auditing and wanted to pick his brain on his off hours, and it was hell each time.
“God, isn't he just so fine. An 18-year age gap isn't noticeable, right?” One girl whispered to her friend as you turned the corner, books in hand, ready to use them as defence weapons should the need arise. The need to laugh and yell it was too much had you biting your tongue quickly. The man was 10 years older than even you, and even you had to pause at the age difference. These girls were practically children.
“And his hair? I just want to tangle my hair in it and pull him down to my-”
“Girls! Please remember this is a hallway, and your professors are still trying to get some work done.”
To their credit, the two first years did turn crimson in shame, sending each other panicked and dirty looks as they communicated their shared horror.
You stepped up to the small hall window at your office and peeked through the blinds.
Another student was inside with Spencer, and the panicked look on his face meant that his conversation was probably going similarly.
The students in the hall whispered and glanced at you every few seconds, and if you weren't in the biggest rush of your professional career, you'd take the time to ask them if you had something on your face.
Instead, you just tried to knock on the glass and hope Spencer would notice your plea for access.
When Spencer noticed you at the window, his eyes locked with yours, his mouth forming a simple plea as the undergrad inched closer to him.
“Help,” he mouthed.
You shrugged in reply, wondering what would possibly be so bad that he'd need your help of all things.
It was then that you noticed the undergrad had reached out a hand to play with the buttons of his jacket, stroking her hand along his chest as he cringed backwards.
You watched him take her hands off him, but she was tenacious, or just a downright creep, and she grabbed his thigh this time, pressing her chest forward. You couldn't see it yourself, but you knew from his reaction and instantly turned head that she was dangerously close to flashing him.
Or she was just doing it.
His eyes pleaded for help again, and you barged into the room with a large cough.
“Doctor Reid, if I could have a moment of your time? It's urgent.”
You dumped the books on your desk, and he jumped up to greet you, stepping out of the young students' grasp and almost shielding himself behind where you stood.
“Of course, yes, Y/N. It is urgent, so I'm sure the students will... be understanding."
He turned back to the student and gestured helpfully to show her the door, but her angry gaze was stuck on yours.
“Old ass skank,” you heard her whisper under her breath. From the hand on your arm and the furrowing of his brow you knew Spencer had as well.
“I'm sorry, what was that, Miss….?”
“Hmm? I'm sure I didn't say anything, Doctor Y/L/N.”
“You-” Spencer began but you silenced him with a hand on his chest.
Her gaze flicked to it, and she grew redder in the face, as if she were truly angry at this development. Interesting.
“Spencer,” you span around, totally ignoring the student now, wrapping your arms up and around his neck. He blinked in confusion once and then twice and hesitated, but let his hands land on your waist.
“It really is so urgent that we speak. Alone. I wouldn't want your precious students hearing anything I have to say to you.” You leaned in closer for the last words, letting your voice flow like honey, neatly seductive as you did your best to remind the student of her place.
Which was as far from a professor's bed as possible.
“She's just leaving, Y/N,” he whispered, equally as breathy as you, if not more. He didn't bother a glance over your shoulder to check, though, keeping his eyes on you as if you were a tiger preparing to pounce on him at any second.
The student grabbed her things and huffed out the door. As soon as the thing was shut, you pulled the blinds totally shut and detangled yourself from Spencer completely, giving yourself a wide berth after bringing yourself so close.
You hadn't realized how long and pretty his eyelashes were until you forced yourself to look at him, how nice his eyes were. The image of them burned into your brain - jealousy, probably. Men always had the best natural eyelashes. It was incredibly unfair.
“What the fuck was that?” You whispered, trying to contain your laugh as you knew the walls here were anything but soundproof.
“Shh,” he hissed, his ear pressed to the door as he listened to the remaining undergrads outside start talking. They obviously hadn't got the memo.
“Is this an official FBI strategy?” You teased.
“Shut up, would you? They're talking about us.”
You found yourself all of a sudden pressed against the door next to him, trying to listen in on the conversation outside.
“So it's true? He's really screwing her?” You slapped a hand over your mouth, both from shock and to stop the hysterical laugh bubbling up in your chest from jumping out. The girl sounded distraught. She sounded absolutely heartbroken. "The coffees every morning were suspicious, and they're always in the office so wrapped up with each other, but I didn't think they were seriously screwing."
“No wonder she was giving us dirty looks earlier,” the other girl whispered back.
“I heard he got her the job here. Pulled some strings, you know. And then, when it didn't look so suspicious, he started and asked for the shared office.”
“Gross! Total nepo hire!”
“No, Tiff, Nepo is when your parents get you the job. What she's doing is just called being a whore.”
Your mouth grew dry, and you pushed back off the wall, suddenly uninterested in anything else the girls had to say.
“Y/N…” Spencer took a sympathetic step your way, offering you an awkward smile as you started busying yourself organizing books.
“Nothing I haven't heard before, Spencer, don't bother,” you said, throwing some papers into your briefcase and keeping your hands moving.
“Though I will say they're getting more creative with their back stories since I have been working here half a year longer than you.”
He watched you work around the office, picking up items and tidying them away as you made a line of tidiness through the chaos of your desk.
“Do you think they all think that?” You asked, curiosity somehow piqued.
“That I got you the job?”
“That we’re screwing,” you said, finally turning to face him.
But the movement was a mistake - you hadn't heard him step closer, so as you turned his face was directly in front of yours, his nose practically touching your own as he looked down at you. It was enough so that the sharp intake of breath you took smelt like him, like he'd wrapped himself around your body and kept you there.
“Do you think they think we're screwing?” He asked, meaning to move away, or at least give you the space for you to do so.
“It doesn't matter to me what other people think,” you smiled up at him. “Because I wouldn't touch you with a tensed foot pole.”
You're thinking about the comment well into the evening, right until the moment your head hits the pillow.
You're thinking about the way his eyes dropped to your lips when you said those words, how he stepped closer and closer until you were backed up against the door.
“You were fine touching me earlier, Y/N. What is it now that makes it unappealing?” He whispered into your ear.
A hand came to your waist as your breath hitched.
“Is it the goosebumps I leave on your skin?” His hand pressed harder as it rose up to your chest. You gasped as he took one of your breasts in his hand, fondling it.
“Is it the way your heart beats uncomfortably hard when I'm close?”
His hand dropped again, falling down the plains of your stomach until he was stroking along the top of your pants, begging for entry.
“Or is it the way I make your cunt wet? It must be so hard pretending to hate me when you want my fingers stuffed inside of you.”
You gasped, but your tongue suddenly didn't work, as he slipped past your pants and his fingers were suddenly on your underwear, grinding the pads of his fingers against your slick pussy.
“You dont have to answer, I think I can tell just from feeling this. Shit, Y/N, I could probably slip into you right now with no resistance,” his fingers pushed inside of you as you gripped his arm for support. It was stronger than you expected, rigid as he tensed his arm.
You let him use your body, aware of your soft sighs and moans as he pushed you closer and closer to the edge.
His hands were inside you, then they pulled out, and somewhere in between his fingers and his cock filling you, you'd been pressed against the bookshelf, facing it and grabbing at the shelves for stability as he made good on his promise and pushed right into you without a care in the world.
“Spenc-Spencer, the books-”
“You know the books aren't a problem, Y/N,” he groaned into your ear as he pumped deep inside of you.
But the books were a problem, and they fell to the floor with each rough thrust, vibrating as they landed.
Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. Buz-
Your eyes shot open the next day, and you jolted out of your slumber, a pillow between your legs as you tried to find your release squirming and humping against it. You reached out for your vibration phone alarm, switching it off quickly to avoid the memory of those falling books from your fast fading dream.
Spencer hadn't touched you in that office. He'd taken your comment at face value and let you leave for your class, but it had stuck in your head.
You'd spent the entire night thinking about his hands on you, and you were entirely uncomfortable with the conclusion you were drawing.
Because now, you supposed, you'd quite enjoy the idea of Spencer Reid touching you wherever he damn well pleased.
🔖@stillhere197 @understandingsunrise
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yunohentai · 1 year
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night lights. warnings: noncon/cnc ?, pervert heeseung, boob guy hee, reader's older (like 2 years?), reader's shy and sophisticated, virgin reader + experienced hee, dumbification, she says no (which is like noncon) but is enjoying it so its cnc, clicking pics and recording sex too ig??, indication of blackmailing towards the end, he masturbates alot. this is like real filth with some wild kinks. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK + minors dni please.
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Lee Heeseung has huge secrets, everyone thinks he's a perfect boy with great grades and a promising future ahead... but little do they know. He's the biggest pervert you could come across. Just 19 yet he's obsessed with sex. He lost his virginity at the age of 17 to a 20 year old girl who rode his dick in a huge crowded party. he was so obsessed with the feeling that since then he's been having sex every week, different pussy every time and well he got blessed to have a huge, thick cock which he knew how to use well, oh and his amazing looks... got all the girls on his dick, ready to let him ruin them.
While you, Y/F/N... knows only the main thing. 'Sex is done to reproduce.' without too much of an idea, and neither you've ever felt any "dark" desire. Innocent little sweetheart who is focused on building up a career and leading a stable life. You love shopping, studying English literature and posting on Instagram. Your tits are so huge. It's as if your tits are honey and boys are bees, they want you and your body so much... but you don't wanna give it up.
Heeseung and you were in the same college but have never crossed ways until today. You were wearing a sage green dress till your knee, which showed alot of your cleavage, your sister always bought you outfits like those in hopes you'll finally have a boy in your life.
You were on your way to class while reading through your 'Wuthering Heights' notes quickly, not noticing your way as you bumped into a guy, falling on top of him. It was obviously none other than, Heeseung. It was a very bad collision. You fell in his lap, your arm hurting as he just stared at you with his mouth wide open, eyes on the main attraction, the huge tits that were almost slipping out of the dress.
Unknowingly his hand moved towards your chest, fixing your dress as you gasped softly and looked into his eyes. he felt your cleavage and the softness made him harden a little as he got up and helped you up too. "I'm so sorry." he apologized and bowed, eyes stuck on your milky white legs. "I'm sorry too! Please forgive me!" you felt really shy and guilty as you bowed, your breasts coming all out again as he moaned lowly and made you stand straight again, "hey it's fine. anyways, I'm heeseung. Freshman." you smiled at him while fixing your dress.
That fucking smile. His heart fluttered, and butterflies filled all of his stomach and he smiled too. "I'm Y/n, Junior." he nodded his head as her cheeks burned with shyness. "I hope we become friends." he winked and walked away, leaving you a mess because of how well that handsome boy treated you and even cared about how your dress revealed your private parts! so considerate!!
He had left straight for the bathroom as he then sat in cubicle, gasping to himself. " Oh wow" he said to himself as he then started wanking, he couldn't help thinking of her. Heeseung tries to use his negative emotions like, anger and all because he works his ass off all the time. So he mostly channels those emotions sexually, kinda hot.
~ ~ ~
The day had ended as you were by your locker, putting in your books and taking the one you're gonna study at home. as heeseung came running to you. "Oh my god- listen y/n do you major in English lit. ?" he asked her, acting all worried. as you nodded your head in confusion. "why?" you asked and he leaned on the lockers. "Okay so our teacher is making me get tutored by a very annoying girl so I told him I'll find someone else, and while looking for someone else I saw you. Do you mind?" he told her with a pout on his lips, and the look in his eyes, that could make everyone melt. "Hmm... I'm not that good at it but I can help."
heeseung smiled. " thanks alot!! btw, your number?" he asked with a pretty smile and you nodded while softly blushing as you both exchanged numbers and shook hands.
~ Timeskip to a month or so later ~
You and Heeseung sat in the hallroom of your rented apartment as you helped him out with the freshman English lit syllabus, wearing shorts and sleeve less top that barely kept your tits inside. "Okay let's take a two minute break." you said and took your phone scrolling through your instagram. you were wearing a really soft shade of pink which highlighted your hard nipples because of cold and your cleavage. Heeseung pulled out his phone and subtly clicked alot of pictures of them, from even different angles.
"hey, i'm gonna use the bathroom." he said and you nodded, very busy on your phone as he quitely went towards the bathroom but sneaked into your bedroom. he knew you won't look for him for the next 10 minutes, so he went into your wardrobe for like the 5th time this month and stole another pair of your panties, it was a lacy white one as he sniffed it and moaned. "Like always. even her fucking panties smell heavenly." he said and put it in his pocket as he went back outside.
he was a bit shocked to see you stretching from your spot, your complete breasts visible and ass in the air, as you lazily tried to grab the charger and your earphones. your hard pink nipples rubbed on the wool carpet getting harder as he felt his dick harden, he looked down and saw the boner. he sighed and coughed, making her gasp and sit back up, fixing her clothes. "Are you alright?" he asked and you nodded. "Let-let's get back to work!" you said and he shook his head. "Wait y/n let me help you." he said and smirked, he knew you were gullible and he could atleast get to touch your tits tonight.
He sat down, way closer to you than before. "Straighten your back." you were about to question but he shushed you and you nodded, giving up. You followed his command as he then leaned down, now his face was almost buried in your chest and your eyes widened. "Hees-" he silenced you and grabbed your tits using his hands. "Heeseung stop!" you said in an angry tone. "just let me do it, y/n!" he said and removed your shirt with one hand and held your hands tightly with the other one. he was so ecstatic to finally see the tits.
he hooked his lips on your nipple and started sucking on it aggressively while caressing the other one, you could feel wetness spread down between your legs. Confusion was what you felt, what's happening- why am i loving it..? she let out a string of hot moans as he grew harder and harder, he then sucked her tits really good, the nipples un-hardening slowly. he then pulled away.
"see. that's how they un-harden" he rolled his eyes and you looked into his eyes. "oh... thank you... heeseung.. can we conti-continue?" he shook his head. "I'm going home." you nodded as he left.
you didn't know or understand this feeling between your legs, as you went into your bedroom, touching between your legs and gasping. "Oh god- i'm just gonna sleep-" you gasped and hugged the pillow between your legs falling asleep.
And well in your sleep, you humped that pillow, thinking it's heeseung's thigh. oh your first wet dream!
while heeseung thrusted his dick into your panties, and also wanked himself off, moaning and grunting your name. how you moaned, your scent, the smell of you in the panties, your tits, your innocence, your beauty.. everything turned him on so bad as he grabbed his phone and wanked himself more and faster, watching you boobs.
~ The next week ~
For the full next week you were acting weird. turning red whenever heeseung was around, and not even avoiding him at all, trying to get closer to him. While heeseung enjoyed the attention and continued to secretly steal your panties and click lewd pictures of you.
For example, He dropped his fork down on purpose and went down the table, where you sat with your legs open wide and enjoyed the food as he clicked a photo. Then when you were busy looking for something under your bed, he got a picture of your perfect round ass. Oh and when you thought he was in the bathroom and sheepishly pushed your hand inside your shorts, feeling and caressing her clit. that photo made him feel so fucking turned on. he litreally caught you touching yourself, he thought. And last, when you had left your main door unlocked and he got in, you had taken off your lens and were showering, you didn't even see him when he got the most lewd of all pictures and videos. Photo and video of you squeezing and scrubbing your tits and them bouncing etc.
He was in love with your body and with sexualizing you. He was excited to fuck you and feel your pussy.
Today you went over to heeseung's so you could help him out with the work and studying as his exam was approaching. you wore the tightest and revealing dress today. it was till your thigh and super tight on the breast region making them pop out more. you had no idea why you were doing this but dressing up for him was fun.
you rang the bell and smiled as he opened the door. "hey y/n, welcome" he greeted as you walked in, taking of your jacket and hanging it. heeseung was done with life now, you're wearing a peach dress till your thighs which was flying everywhere because of the fan, showing him your black underwear and the fact your tits were spilling out and your nipples were visible, you weren't even wearing a bra.
he was now almost offended, she acts innocent? and then dresses like that? is she fooling me.. he pushed away the thoughts and led her into his bedroom as the two sat down and today you were helping him finish his sketches for submission. his arm was pressed in the region between your breasts as you led his hand and helped him sketch. "see, that's how you do it. you're bad at this." you said and continued to lead his hand, as your tits then rubbed on his arm.
That. drived him insane, but he held back and decided to play the same game with you. you giggled at his bad drawing and made fun of him. "Oh yeah? You're so mean" He said and started to tickle you as you giggled and fell backwards onto his bed as he was on top of you tickling you while you giggled and bounced. His eyes were stuck on your tits. "OKAY STOP STOP NOW."
He stopped and you looked into his eyes, seeing a certain look on his face which scared you and brought that same feeling between your legs. "Y/n, Can I?" he asked leaning in to kiss you as you let the thoughts leave your head and pulled him closer by the collar of his shirt and let him lead.
His hands were next to your head as he softly kissed you, slowly speeding up and biting your lips. His hands ranged lower while touching your thighs and touching you sensually as you made out with while breathing heavily. Soon the reality hit you as you pulled away and tried to push him off of you. "heeseung no no-"
You were resisting him but the soft look in his eye had now been replaced by something darker, something more scary. Chills went down your spine and your pussy fluttered. "Shh" He whispered and started to leave a trail of harsh bites kisses from your chin to your shoulder blade. "I've been waiting for this moment. Don't fuck it up for me."
"Heeseung stop, let me go." you said as a few moans left your mouth too. He rolled his eyes and slapped your face as you gasped and looked at him with wide eyes. With one swift moment he threw everything that was on the bed away and pulled you closer to him.
"Are you nicely gonna take it off or should i tear it off?" He asked as you looked at him with doe eyes hoping he'd stop but the need in your eyes stood out to him more. "Fine." And there was your dress, left only in shred around your thighs.
Your tits fell out with a small bounce as he licked his lip at that view. He shimmied off the shreds and your panties to the side as you tried to stop him, few tears forming in your eyes. I want to feel more.. you thought but tried to kick him off of yourself. "Please stop this!!"
His hand moved between your legs harshly as the other one held you down, he rubbed your clit harshly and waited for your wetness to grow so he could put his fingers inside your walls while you complained and cried. His lips were abusing your tits like an animal, biting, pulling the nipple and kissing them. You were moaning and rubbing your hips against his fingers while he thrusted them harshly.
"It- hurts.." You cried out with your eyes closed and he smiled. "Just the way my dick used to hurt watching you in those tiny clothes love." He said and continued abusing your tits and pussy. The tears weren't there because of disgust or any negative feeling, you were crying because you were actually liking it. You knew your dad would kill you if he found out you consummated before marriage.
He was just there admiring your beauty as you threw your head back and moaned softly to his touches. He moved a bit away and stopped touching you as you looked at him. He was rummaging through his side table cupboard as he pulled out a vibrator. You were confused as you watched his click a button and put it into your pussy. "OH GOD-" you moaned and threw your head back.
He then took off his own clothes and started to rub his tip while watching you get off. "Need to get my dick wet myself because you're too dumb to do it for me." He tsked. He noticed how the area around her breast and her face had turned, there was drowsiness in her eyes. "M-my belly-" you moaned as he then stopped to pull the vibrator out.
"Please stop it heeseung... this isn't r-right" You whispered as his hands moved behind your head, and he grabbed your head by your hair. His lips were inches away from yours as he whispered. "I don't care." and there he was, pushing both of your hands above your head and pushing your legs wide apart.
You could feel it, all too much. Even the smallest of touch and the smallest sound in the nearest area, you could feel it all, hear it all. You closed your eyes tightly, slowly fighting the grip his hand had on your hands while he just slid his penis inside you, your faces inches away as a few more tears fell out of your eyes. "I hate you" You whispered out as you felt rippling pain with his soft motion. "D-DON'T!" Heeseung stares at you as you complain about the slight pain.
"Be a woman, Y/n." He whispered as he slowly started to move, taking his time and let the pain turn into pleasure. The moment it did change, it was too clear. You couldn't protest anymore as your hands moved to his shoulder, scratching and wanting him to increase his speed so bad but no word left your mouth except the moans.
"Fuck. this feels so good. so so good" he panted out like an excited child, but in a deep voice. You could feel the shivers on your back as you shook underneath him, letting your breasts bounce and jiggle with each and every hard thrust. Heeseung continued to pound into you senselessly, his eyes stuck on your breasts well it shifted to see your face twist into a pleasure-ful expression. "Gorgeous"
His hands were free now so they dived lower, rubbing your clit while he moved his hips graciously rubbing against THE stop. You felt these overwhelming feelings for the first time in your life, you knew you could just explode anytime and then there came the tickles in your belly. "My belly!" you gasped as you felt his pace increase, it was indicating your coming orgasm and well also how deep his dick was into you. It could be seen when he thrusted inside. "m-my god-"
"You're all mine now" he smiled, watching his cock create the bulge in your belly, proudly. He groaned when you clenched a little too hard on his dick. It twitched inside of you, as you felt him paint your insides white. That feeling broke your control too as you felt all of your tension and stress evaporate along with the "liquid".
You felt free, but little did you know by putting that small camera right in the correct corner... he might have changed everything, and made sure that you stay with him and only him.
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duhnova · 1 year
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Dancing Queen | Choi Seungcheol
Pairing: disco club owner!choi seungcheol x performer!reader (fem)
Genre: smut, fluff, tiny bit of angst if you squint but its almost nonexistent
Synopsis: the stage is where you felt the most comfortable, letting go and singing for everyone that would sit and listen. but it was hard making a living in America, every corner you turned there was trouble waiting for you because you were too comfortable with your sexuality for the public’s liking. so when you stepped off the ship that took you to your new life in Paris, you were surprised to collide with a disco club owner who was in a similar boat as you.
Warning(s): smut under the cut (mdni!!!), mentions of food and alcohol, joke about marriage, ambiguous sexuality, talks on sexuality and swinging any which way, cat calling, talks of sexism and a little power imbalance, mentions of religion and leaving the church, mentions of immigration, implications of a future threesome, cheol has a sir & daddy kink (big surprise), spanking, bruises (cheol has a bit of a heavy hand and thrust), office sex, a bit of praising (both ways), lowkey breeding kink (are we surprised?), i feel like the sex was a bit tame in this but please let me know if i forgot anything else! - don't mind grammatical errors and typos, i tried!
A/N: biggest shout out to @onlyseokmins & @the-boy-meets-evil for proof reading for me and offering feedback/opinions, and for also putting up with my late night bullshit these last few nights of constantly putting off finishing this - jess really saw my turmoil with this one and BLESS her heart for not telling me to go fuck myself after id message her late saying i either finished a section or i didn't end up writing like i wanted too (and then id send her an idea right after for her to read in the morning). anyways i spent the last few months struggling with this fic and i hope ya'll like it and if you don't... keep it to yourself <3
70s;teen collab masterlist | my svt masterlist
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Paris was beautiful, the long voyage was more and more worth it the longer you spent in the city that bustled and thrived. America was nothing compared to France, the countrysides and the cities alike felt like they were straight out of a book. 
Life was starting to finally look up for you, even if you weren't fully able to escape the turmoils you faced in America, you were given more opportunities in the so-called city of love. Cars driven by men still honked at you and women with their children glared and covered their kin's eyes as you walked down the street, your cleavage and shoulders on display and your skirt far above the knees. 
Despite the business of the city during the day, there were plenty of shops downtown that didn’t open up until nightfall. One in particular, Club Kidult, was said to be the best nightclub in all of the country. It’s owned by a man from Korea who is a wildcard, with a knack for “adopting” foreigners - or so you’ve been told. 
“Can’t you read? We’re closed right now.” A man glares at you after knocking on the front door of Club Kidult. 
“Is the owner here?” You brushed the strange man’s hostility off. His glare turned to curiosity as he finally eyed you up and down in a manner that wasn’t unfamiliar. 
“Why? Does he owe you money, doll?” The man moves to fully stand in the doorframe, letting you get a nice view of the inside of the shop behind his tall stature. 
“No…” You huff quietly at the insinuation before giving him your sweetest smile, knowing exactly how to play with a man. “I wanted to see if I could perform here tonight.” 
“You a dancer?” 
“I can be if you want.” You couldn’t help the flirty tone, the man was attractive and so far he hasn’t treated you like an object. “But I mainly sing.”
“A singer?” He hums quietly, his grin showing off his sharp teeth. “We don’t get many of those around here, most women want to dance on our stage.” 
“I could imagine,” You cross your arms, pushing your boobs up slightly. “So… Is he in?” The man hums quietly. 
“Ah, no.” He was very blunt with his answer before he looked back over his shoulder to look at the empty building. “But…”
“He might kill me for this but,” he looks back at you. “I’ll let you wait for him. He likes to stop by and make sure everything is ready for the night before he goes to get dolled up.” 
“Well I don’t want to get you in trouble now.” 
“Oh, I’m sure you’ll get me in a lot of trouble, doll,” He gives you a wink before he’s moving out of the way to welcome you into the club. “Too bad I’m not scared of Cheol.”
“Cheol?” You question as you hesitantly walk into the establishment. Despite it being closed still, there was music playing and you could hear a lot of voices coming from somewhere in the back - easing your nerves of possibly being alone with this stranger. 
“Choi Seungcheol is the name of the owner, but don't call him that or he might bite your head off.”
“So what do I call him then?” 
“I’m sure he’ll tell you, but you can address him as sir, I guess.” The man shrugs. “I’m Mingyu by the way, head of security at this joint.”
“So head of security, do you just let all the people that come knocking on the door looking for your boss in?”
“Only the pretty ones.” He smirks as he walks around the bar. “Our bartenders don’t show up for another hour but I can whip you up somethin' simple if you like.” He leans against the counter as he watches you take a seat at one of the bar stools. 
“Whiskey please.”
“Just whiskey?” He looks at you with raised eyebrows as you nod your head. You never felt comfortable in bars back home, the majority of them filled with only men and so the list of mixed drinks intimidated you. The only thing you were comfortable with was bourbon and whiskey as your father always had them in stock in his cabinet. “I like you.” Mingyu grins as he pulls the most expensive bottle of whiskey off the shelfs to pour over ice for you. 
“I’m wonderin'…” You mumble as you pull the glass towards you after Mingyu set it down on a napkin for you. 
“About?” The tall male leans against the counter top. 
“Is it true?” You take a sip of your whiskey and before you can reiterate what you mean, Mingyu beats you to it.
“If the rumors are true?” He shrugs at your scoff. “Most of us workin' aren’t from here… Couple of the girls are from across the pond like yourself.”
“They're American?”
“Well… A little more south. Brazil I think.”
“Are they dancers?” You take another sip of your drink. “I’m assuming that’s what Mr. Choi likes.”
“A few are but one of them is our head chef.” Mingyu hums quietly. “And dancers aren’t Cheols favorite, they're mine.” You laugh quietly at his wolfish grin. 
“Well what does Mr. Choi like?” 
“Well he doesn’t like to be called Mr. Choi, that’s for sure.” He pushes off the counter just as the door to the club opens. “And he likes singers!” He’s quick to rush out as he speed walks around the bar to stand in front of you a little. 
“Wha-” You stop midway through your word as you spin in your chair to see a man dead staring in your direction. 
“Mingyu…” His voice was low and dangerous as he tried to scope you out from behind the tall wall of a man. 
“Hiya boss… Look.” 
“What have I told you about bringin' strays in while I’m not here.”
“C’mon man look at her, she’s smokin'!” He whips around to quickly apologize before he’s turning back towards the man you presumed was Choi Seungcheol. “She wants to sing here.” He doesn’t give anyone a chance to breathe as he steps to the side to give Seungcheol the full view of you. He falters for just a millisecond as his eyes scan you from head to toe before he’s turning to Mingyu. 
“Next time ya bring someone in here without me knowin', I’m cuttin' your pay.”
“Noted.” Mingyu nods quickly. 
“Come with me upstairs.” He doesn’t give you a second glance before he’s walking towards a set of stairs that are blocked off that lead up to the upper level where his office sits.
“So, ya wanna work here?’ Seungcheol wasted no time as he offered the seat in front of his desk for you to sit in. His accent a little different from his friend downstairs and you figured it had to do with the duration of time each had spent in the country. 
“Yes,” you take the seat with a small nod of thanks. “I wanna sing on your stage.” The look Seungcheol gave you as he sat back in his office chair, the slight glare of his eyes as they raked your body, caused shivers to run up your spine. 
“A singer?” He mumbles behind the hand that rested over his mouth as he propped his elbow on the arm of his chair. 
“Yes. I used to sing in New York an-”
“New York? You're American?”
“I... yes,” you mumble. “Is that a problem?”
“No... Not one bit.” He sat up straighter, fixing his coat as he eyed you up again. “My whole staff is foreign, as are my performers.”
“So I’ve heard.”
“My reputation carries, I see.” He smirks. 
“So... Will you let me sing here?” You lean forward a little, letting your chest pop out a little, hopefully his eyes will linger long enough for him to fold. 
“I’ll need to hear you first before I let you on my stage.” His eyes don’t waver from your face, he knew the game you were trying to play - it’s one he’s played plenty of times to get where he was. 
“Oh...” You huff quietly before sitting back in your chair. 
“Don’t sound so disappointed darlin’, I didn’t say no.” He has to bite his tongue to keep from grinning at the way your demeanor changed in seconds. “We’re closed on Sundays, come back then and show me what you got and I’ll decide if I have room for you or not.” 
“What? Don’t tell me you’ve got plans already.” He watched the way you messed with a beat up rosary sticking out of your pocket.
“I didn’t take you for someone that got on their knees for men that were higher than them.”
“Only the rich ones.” You smile back. “But no, I don’t go to church anymore. I just have a date with the eiffel tower.”
“I see, sorry I assumed because I saw the rosary. I’ve only known church goers to carry them.”
“I abandoned the church a long time ago, it just used to be my grandma's, it’s kind of like my good luck charm now.”
“I abandoned the church a long time ago too.”
“Yeah?” Your eyes lit up in curiosity. 
“Times are changing, life’s too short to not love who and what you wanna love.”
“So you swing one way… two ways?...” Your voice trailed off as you tried to guess his preference.
“I swing anyway you want me to, darlin’.” He leans over his desk and rests his chin on the back of his interlocked hands so he can give you a cheeky grin. “We can even invite the idiot downstairs that let you in if that floats your boat…” Your legs squeeze closed at the idea and his eyes can’t help but wander this time. “And I’m sure it does.” 
“So Sunday?” You whisper, your voice getting lost in your throat at the way Seungcheol's eyes looked back up at you through his lashes. 
“Sunday, nine in the morning. Can you do that?” You nod quickly. 
“Yes!” You clear your throat as your voice cracked from the change in volume. “Yes, I can do that.” He laughs a little at your contained excitement as he sits back in his chair again. 
“Good, don’t be late. I expect you to be here the second the clock hits nine and if you’re not… My doors won’t open.”
“Got it... Sir.” You smile sweetly at him, his adam’s apple bobbing a little as he scoffs quietly. 
“Good… Girl. Now go, suns goin down and we open soon.” 
“Right. Well, I’ll see you on Sunday.” You stand up and straighten your shorts before you give him a curt nod and scurry to the door. Just as you open it you turn your head back and give him the cutest smile you could muster. “Thank you, Sir.” 
Before you could get any kind of response from him you close his office door quickly and rush down the stairs, cheering quietly to yourself. You were going to spend the rest of the week anticipating this little “audition.”
“I take it he’s lettin' you in?” Mingyu was leaning against the bar top, a shaggy brown haired male working behind him, cleaning glasses. 
“Well, not exactly.”
“What?” The unknown male stopped what he was doing to look at you wide eyed. “You’re the finest girl to walk through those doors and ask to work here and he just turned you down?” 
“Chan…” Mingyu's voice was laced with warning. 
“Sorry…” He mumbles to you before he goes back to cleaning his cups. 
“It’s alright, I’m used to it.” You shrug with a smile. “But he didn’t turn me down, he just said I have to show him what I got first before I can sing on his stage.”
“First, ya shouldn’t be used to men treatin' you like that, this world is disgusting.” Mingyu pushes off the counter so he can walk you to the door. “And second, Cheol has never allowed just any singers to sing here. You have - ”
“I have to be good, I know.” You smile up at him and pat his arm that was firm under your touch and it took everything in you to not do it again just to feel the muscles that laid under his shirt. 
“Piece of advice...” He mumbles to you as he opens the club’s doors for you. “He likes upbeat songs, things that are funky and out there.” 
“Has he heard of Abba?” 
“Honey... I don’t know who that is.”
“So I know what to play then.” You both mirrored the same grin as you stepped out into the dimming light. 
“Will you be okay walkin' home?” You nod your head as you turn to walk backwards to watch Mingyu watch you walk while he leans against the doorframe. 
“I live close enough to see your neon lights shine!” You call out over the loud roaring of a car passing by. “I’ll be fine!”
“You better be! I wanna see you perform!” He yells back, waving at you as you wave and turn to start to run down the sidewalk in joy. You laugh to yourself, twirling and jumping over the curbs - your dream was one step closer to coming true. 
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Sunday couldn’t come any quicker as you spent everyday exploring Paris just to sit at your window and watch the crowd in front of Club Kidult every night. To think that that many people could be lining up next week to hear you sing - if all goes well - when you meet Seungcheol again. 
When you woke up to the sun barely peeking over the horizon, you groaned in frustration. Your little alarm was set to go off in forty more minutes but the excitement of what was going to happen in a couple hours had you jumping up to take a long hot shower. 
You let your hair air dry for a little bit before you set it up in curlers so you could finish off drying them with the fancy new hair dryer you splurged on when you moved here. You could never afford these types of luxuries back home, the prices being drastic. 
You hummed the tune of the song you were going to be performing quietly as you danced around your room getting clothes out so you could change while your hairs cooled off in the curlers - hopefully making your curls last longer. 
“I can’t believe today is the day,” you mumble as you buttoned up your high waisted pants that flared a little at the bottom. Tucking your shirt in a little, you make your way to your front door where all your shoes sat waiting for you to choose from. 
You go back to humming your song as you slip your shoes on, fixing the straps on them before standing up straight to check your makeup in the mirror by your door. You yelp quietly at the sight of your curlers still in before you are carefully rushing to take them down. 
“Can’t believe I almost walked out the house lookin' like a clown.” You laugh quietly at yourself as you go back to your bathroom to hairspray your hair, mumbling that you’ll clean your apartment floors later tonight as you trudged your outdoor shoes through your living room.
Once you were out the door, you all but skipped down the hall, taking the steps two at a time as you happily jumped down them so you could make it to the club on time - early even, which you hoped made a good first impression on the owner. 
“You’re early.” Mingyu chirps from behind you as you make your way up to the front doors of the club. 
“Jesus!” You yelp in surprise.
“Sorry darlin’, didn’t mean to scare ya.” He walks past you to unlock one of the doors. “Cheol ain’t here yet, it’s barely eight.”
“Guess I’m earlier than I thought.” You laugh nervously. 
“He’ll like that. Most of us barely run on time.”
“You’re here early too, though.”
“Actually, between me and you I’ve been here since seven.” He laughs quietly as he hangs his coat over one of the bar chairs. “We have a delivery comin soon and I was supposed to be here waitin' and cleanin'.”
“Well your secret is safe with me.” You smile at him as you watch the way he messes with the clock on some machine on the wall before he’s putting a card through it. “Don’t forget to set that clock back.” 
You watch Mingyu almost break his back as he jerks back around to make sure the punch machine clock reads the same time as the clock on the wall before he’s putting the glass cover back on it. 
“Thank you, darlin'’” He gives you a grin full of teeth. 
“No problem, handsome.” You giggle at the way he puffs his chest out a little at the comment. “If you need any help I obviously have some free time.”
“Just sit there and look cute while I restock the bar to make room for new inventory in the back.” He winks at you. “Wouldn’t want you gettin' hurt before you're supposed to perform for me and the big boss.”
“Lookin' pretty is no fun.” You huff as you sit at the bar just as the club door swings open to let in a bunch of natural light. 
“You must never have fun then.” Seungcheol doesn’t waste a beat as he locks the club door before shrugging his coat off and making his way to the staircase.
“I have plenty of fun, thank you very much.” You cross your arms and watch the way his pants accentuate his ass. 
“Do you now?” He stops in front of his office door to look back at you. “Hard to believe for a pretty face like yours.”
“You think I’m pretty?” 
“Doll… I’d be dumb to not think it.” You can’t help the little happy wiggle you do as Seungcheol turns back around to walk into his office. 
The bar doesn’t stay quiet for long as Mingyu hauls a bunch of boxes from the backrooms that are filled with supplies. 
“We had a busy week.” He drops the last box on the counter in front of you. “Had to call in this month’s shipment early.” 
Your eyebrows rose in curiosity as you peek into the box to view its contents. Packs of little drink umbrellas filled half the box, and with even more curiosity, you pull one of them out. 
“You mind pullin' those all out for me?” Mingyu sets an almost empty container on the counter next to the box that had a couple little umbrellas left. “Just put 'em in there and Chan will unwrap them later.”
A nice silence fell between the two of you as he replaced missing alcohol bottles on the shelves and put more cups under the counter. Mingyu even gave you a box full of straws and told you to wash your hands so you could fill all the straw dispensers with what was left in the box. 
“Are you makin' her work before she’s even hired, Gyu?” Seungcheol walks down the stairs to smile at the sight of you stocking straws and Mingyu stacking more receipt books under the register. 
“Hey, she wanted to help.” Mingyu shrugs as he goes about his business unbothered. 
“It’s fun stocking things.” You shrug in a similar manner as Mingyu without even looking up from the dispenser you're trying to symmetrically stuff straws into. 
“You two are strange.” He shakes his head before sitting at the bar to admire the way you floated behind the counter, moving around Mingyu's clumsy figure like he didn’t even exist. 
“Strange how?” Mingyu scoffs as he finishes his task before turning to stuff the last straw dispenser despite your whining that you were just about to do that one. “There was time to kill before her performance.” 
“There was only time to kill cause someone here is an early bird.” He smiles at the way you cross your arms. “Which is nice… It’s refreshing to see someone here before me.”
“Hey, I was here before you.” Mingyu butts in. 
“It’s a miracle.” Seungcheol raises his eyebrow at the tall male in a manner that challenged him to keep arguing. 
“Fuck face.” Mingyu mumbles under his breath in a playful manner before he starts gathering all the empty boxes to break down and toss out. 
“So.” Once Mingyu took all the trash to the backrooms Seungcheol put all his attention back on you. “Any reason why your early?”
“Gonna complain already?” You lean against the counter so you were closer to his vicinity. Mimicking you, Seungcheol leans forward too – you're so close your breath mingles together. 
“Who said I was complainin'?”
“Well you don’t seem too happy I’m here.”
“Oh darlin’, I’m over the moon.” He smirks at the way you bite your lip, your red lipstick unwavering. 
“Maybe I just wanted some alone time with your little guard back there without any distractions, like you.” You hum playfully. 
“Ouch, you’re hurtin' me doll.” He runs his tongue over his teeth.
“Aw.” You fake pout before you're grinning. “You could hurt me.”
“The only thing I’d hurt on you, doll, are your hips.” 
“Is that a promise?” You lean over the counter, a little more in excitement. Flirting came naturally to you, it was a great way to get what you wanted but you’ve never felt more genuinely attracted to someone like you are to Seungcheol. Before he could respond, Mingyu comes sauntering through the backdoors with his arms full of cleaning supplies. 
‘Great timing, Gyu” Seungcheol pulled away at the same time as you jumped back from leaning on the counter. 
“Sorry,” He looked at you, then his boss before he was dropping the supplies on the counter. “Did I interrupt somethin'?” Neither of you answered, which was enough of an answer for Mingyu as he starts to clean the bar, mumbling another apology to you as you scurried from behind the counter to stand a little awkwardly off to the side of where Seungcheol was sitting. 
“It’s almost time for you to sing for us, need me to set anything up for you?” You shake your head no, you were more than familiar with the systems that were used in clubs like this. “Everything you’ll need is either behind the stage or off to the side, yell if you need me.” 
While you were turning the system and speakers on, you realized you forgot your vinyl record that had the song on it at home. Cursing quietly under your breath you pray that they somehow have the record as you start to flip through the hundreds of vinyl records they had in the back. 
“How the hell are you not gonna have Abba in here?” You whine quietly as you made your way through the last couple of vinyls. “Mr. Choi!” You yell loud enough for him to hear you from behind the stage. You could hear what sounded like the chair hitting the counter (or floor) and Mingyu cursing as Seungcheol’s quick footsteps approach from behind you. 
“Are you okay?” His voice was filled with worry.
“I forgot my record at home and you don’t have it here for me to use in the background.” You huff quietly, a small pout on your lips. 
“Aw darlin'; you gave me a heart attack, I thought you hurt yourself.” Seungcheol sighs in relief. “Just sing without it, wow us even more without the sound.” 
“I haven’t performed for people without the music before.” You mumble, a little self conscious of your raw voice.  
“It’ll just be me and Gyu, you got nothin' to worry about.” He reassures you with a smile. “I’m gonna sit down, come out when you’re ready.” 
When Seungncheol went back out to the front room, you started to pace back and forth. You focused on the melody of the song in your head – you’ve sang this song a million times, both with and without the track, so it shouldn’t be too hard. 
After a couple minutes pass by, you finally take a deep breath and push your nerves down. Without much of a second thought, you walked out onto the stage and up to the mic that was already setup. Seungcheol was sitting at the bar with a glass of what looked like orange juice while Mingyu leaned against the counter to watch you intensely. 
“This song is supposed to be upbea.t so it might not sound as good without the music but,” you took a deep breath. “I’ll be singing Dancing Queen by Abba for you.” 
“You’ve got this!” Mingyu cheered quietly as he smiled encouragingly, while Seungcheol offered a soft smile that calmed you down instantly. 
You did a count in your head before you closed your eyes so you could feel the song deeper before you started to sing. Even without the music playing, you managed to stay on beat almost perfectly and as far as either male knew, the way you were singing the song was exactly how the song was supposed to sound. 
“That was…” Mingyu broke the silence right after you had finished singing before he started to clap and cheer loudly for you. “You’re amazing!” He flicks Seungcheol’s ear to snap him out of whatever trance he was in to give you his thoughts.
“I told you you didn’t need the music playing.”
“Wow you start off with ‘I told you so,’.” Mingyu mocks him playfully which earned him a rather harsh smack and a giggle from you. 
“Well I’m glad you both liked it since I was up here shakin' like a leaf in the wind.”
“Couldn’t even tell.” Mingyu calls after you as you go to shut the system off before joining the two in the front room again. 
“I don’t know what I was expectin' when you said you were a singer.” Seungcheol watches you take a seat. 
“Yeah he’s picky with his women, I mean singers.” Mingyu quickly excuses himself when Seungcheol glares at him hard. 
“Don’t listen to that idiot.” He sighs quietly. 
“It’s ok, I’m picky with my men.” You shrug and smile playfully at Seungcheol as you hop up onto the bar stool that was one away from where he was sitting. 
“Do you wanna sing here Friday nights?”
“Are you serious?”
“It’s just to start off with, if the people like you I’ll book you for more nights.” He takes a sip of his juice to hide his smile as he watches you practically jump in your seat out of excitement.
“I’d love to!” You bite your tongue to keep from squealing too loud. “I’ll remember my record this time.”
“You’ll have to show it to me so I can buy it for here.” You nod your head quickly.
“I can’t believe it,” You smile brightly again, your excitement hard to contain. “Thank you so so much.”
“Of course, don’t disappoint me now, okay?” His voice was playful.
“Never.” You sounded one hundred percent serious.
“Good girl.” He mumbles under his breath before he’s taking another sip of his juice. 
“I should get going now, I still have that date with the eiffel tower and a cafe to get breakfast.”
“Right.” He stands up from his chair so he can walk you out. “The view from the tower is beautiful.”
“So I’ve heard.” 
“You hear a lot of things don’t you, doll?”
“Only good things I fear.” You give him a cheeky smile as you sigh quietly at the feeling of the warm sun hitting your face as you step outside. 
“Well, have fun. I’ll see you Friday?”
“Maybe sooner if you’re lucky.” You can’t will yourself to step away yet. 
“Well I hope I’m lucky then.” He leans against the doorframe, unable to move himself. 
“We’ll see if you are.” A car horn in the distance finally broke you from whatever was keeping you glued there as you stepped backwards down the sidewalk like you did when saying bye to Mingyu the first day you were at the club. “Bye Mr. Choi, See you soon!”
“I hope.” He mumbles to himself as he waves back at you, yelling to be careful as you almost run into a lamp post.
“Bye Darlin’!” Mingyu pushes Seungcheol out the way so he can yell down the road before you were too far out of earshot. 
“Bye Mingyu!” You turn back around to yell. “By the way, my name is Y/N!” Your laugh could be heard even from that distance as you make your way towards the Eiffel tower, flipping off a man who cat-called you from his car. 
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For some reason you found it hard to sleep, the birds were extra loud outside your window and the sun had barely breeched the horizon. Groaning for the umpteenth time that morning, you sit up abruptly, your hair a wild mess from all the tossing and turning you’ve been doing. 
“This is stupid.” You mumble before tossing your blankets off your body so you could go to the bathroom to take a shower, hoping it’ll wake you up more.
The market down the street was going to open soon and you were in desperate need of more milk and coffee for your apartment. So when you got out of your shower you didn’t waste too much time in doing your hair, choosing to put it up in a messy ponytail with a red ribbon you recycled from an old christmas present. You didn’t bother with makeup before walking out of the house in a skirt that you cut to sit in the middle of your thighs along with a tank top. 
Strolling down the street slowly, you reminisced a little with what’s happened the last couple of weeks, from you leaving New York and being stuck on a ship for weeks only to land in France where your dreams came true quicker then they ever would in America, the so called place where dreams come true. In the middle of your thoughts, an obnoxious whistle broke you from your trance and an even more obnoxious voice followed. 
“Hi there, sweets.” The thick French -ccented English was slurred by alcohol and you weren’t surprised as you gave him the fakest and sweetest smile you could muster. 
“Don’t fall on your way home.” You wiggled your fingers as you waved him goodbye. Sometimes it was better to hold your tongue and be nice, especially in a foreign setting that you weren’t too familiar with. 
Luckily that was the only thing you had to deal with before making it to your destination. The market was just barely opened, the cashiers and a couple other customers joined you in the rather spacious store for it being so close to downtown. 
“Well hey there, darlin'.’” The grin in the voice made you know instantly who it was. 
“Hi Mingyu.” You put a jar of strawberry preserves into your little wicker basket that you brought with you as a bag. 
“How’dja know it was me?” You looked up at the six-foot-something male with a raised eyebrow. 
“Kiddin' me? I could hear the shameless grin in your voice from a mile away.”
“Touched you can recognize me without even lookin', I must be that good lookin'.” 
“Hardly.” You grin playfully as you move on to look at the selection of bread they had on display today. 
“Ouch, you hurt me darlin’.” He whines and it reminds you of Seungcheol, and a chill ran up your spine at the mere thought of said male. 
“What brings you to the store so early? Thought you weren’t a mornin' person.” You put a loaf of sourdough bread in your basket and look back to see Mingyu's brown mop of hair peeking over the top of the shelf as he moved to the aisle over. Either he’s tall as fuck or the shelves are short, both could be true. 
“Cheol’s been cooped up in his office all mornin stressin', an' being his right hand, it’s my job to stress with him I guess.” He sighs quietly but you still heard it as you moved further away from him to grab some bagels. 
“Yeah, immigration is on his ass 'bout papers for all the workers, himself included, so he’s tryin to get his shit straight before someone gets in trouble.” Mingyu pops up next to you to grab himself some bagels. “So bring your papers with you on Friday, darlin’.” 
“I will.” You hum quietly before looking down at the weird assortment of things in his store basket. “Whatcha makin’?” 
“Whatever Cheol is in the mood for later, I love cookin' and it helps him get the stick out his ass.” He shrugs as he moves towards the refrigerated section. 
“You cook?”
“And clean so if yer lookin’ for a husband I’m takin' applications.” He looks at you over his shoulder. “But only for you, darlin’.”
“In your dreams lover boy.”
“I could always dream ‘bout you.” He laughs quietly when you scoff. “Guessin' I’m not your type?” All you can do is shrug.
“Don’t gotta type.”
“All they gotta be able to do is make me orgasm I guess.”
“Scandalous.” He checks through a couple packs of eggs before finding one he’s content with. “You and Cheol are similar in that way - as long as they’re kind he doesn’t care much who or what they are.”
“Do you care?” 
“All I care is that they like my cookin’.” You knew you had found your people as you continue to shop with Mingyu trailing behind, picking up items he wasn’t even planning on until he saw you shopping in the section. 
“Are you going back to the club now?” You walk out the store after you argued with Mingyu over him paying for your groceries, him arguing that it was a “welcome to the neighborhood” gift. 
“Only to drop this stuff off.” He holds up his bag of groceries. “Then I gotta go pick up Cheol’s suit from the tailor and pick up some more food that I can’t get at a regular market.”’
“Fresh fish straight from the ports of Japan and I’m picking up an order I had put in a while back for fresh Gochugaru.” 
“Chili flakes?” You looked at him curiously.
“Yeah... You know Korean?”
“A little, my neighbor was a little old Korean lady and her kids moved across country and didn’t visit anymore, so I’d hang out with her often and she’d teach me Korean.”
“Cute,” Mingyu smiles gently, a huge contrast from the grin he always had. “Me and Cheol were forced to learn English when we had moved here because it was either that or French and one was significantly easier than the other for us.” 
“You speak really well.” 
“Thank you, I try.” You couldn’t help but giggle at the way he puffed his chest out. 
A comforting silence fell over the two of you as you continued to walk down the street in the general direction of where you lived. Reaching a certain intersection you two stop - one way led you the rest of the way to your apartment and the other way led in the direction of the club. 
“Need me to walk you the rest of the way home?” 
“I got it from here Gyu.” You start to walk again in the direction of home, leaving Mingyu to stand there on his own. 
“Gyu...” He smiled happily at you using his nickname. “Be safe! And I’ll be out of the club for at least an hour if you wanted to go visit the stress ball in his office, he could use the distraction!” 
“I’ll consider gracing him!” You call back over your shoulder before waving goodbye to the golden retriever of a man who all but scurried across the street, narrowly missing a car who he quickly cursed at loud enough for you to hear him from down the road. 
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It didn’t take you long to get all your groceries put away, the thought of going to see Seungcheol had you moving on auto pilot. Taking a second to freshen up your appearance, you make sure your hair isn’t frizzy before you make your way out of your apartment to walk to the club. 
The streets were unnaturally quiet as you walked in the direction that has become all too familiar to you in the short amount of time you’ve been here. Finally seeing the doors come into view, you realize that Mingyu said he was going to be out, so you had no idea on how you were going to get in. 
“Oh!” Mingyu jumps a little as he opens the door to leave to see you standing there with a look of contemplation on your face. “You came darlin’. ”
“I hope I will be later,” The look of confused curiosity Mingyu gave you made you shake your head with a fond smile, opting to not explain your innuendo. “You said I’d be a good distraction for Mr. Choi so of course I came.”
“Well he’s up in his office, like he has been for hours.” Mingyu sighs quietly as he looks up at Seungcheol’s office in worry before he’s turning to give you a smile. “Like I said, I’ll be out for a couple hours so whole place is to yourselves.”
“Thank you.” You wave him goodbye, wishing him to be safe. 
“Mr. Choi?” You mumble quietly as you knock on his door. It takes a long few seconds for you to get any acknowledgement that he heard you. “I’m comin’ in.” You didn’t give him the option to let you in or not as you open the door slowly to see tired eyes framed by fluffy and tousled hair looking at you. 
“Whatcha doin’ here, honey?” The new nickname sent butterflies a flight in your tummy as you close the door behind you and make your way to stand in front of his desk. 
“Gyu said you were stressin’,” you mumble as you look at all the paperwork spread across his desk. “Maybe you need a break from all this.” 
“I can’t just ignore this all…” He sighs quietly as he runs his hand through his hair for what looks like the millionth time that morning. 
“I’m not saying to forget ‘bout it, just saying you need to relax.” You start to gently and carefully stack the papers into a neat pile before setting it on the corner of his desk. Seungcheol just watches your hands move, even as you slowly move around his desk to stand behind him. “Let me help you, Mr. Choi.”
You hum quietly as you rest your hands on his shoulders and gently pull him to sit back in his chair. Sighing again, Seungcheol lets you do whatever you want as you start to massage at his shoulders - something you picked up from the men that you’d visit that worked on Wall Street. 
“That feels nice.” He mumbles, his eyes fluttering closed as he relaxes into the back of his chair more. 
“Yeah?” You mumble with a smile, a little sultry tone to your voice as you knead a little harder, the knot under your fingertips melting away. Seungcheol groans, satisfied at the tension leaving his body as he curses quietly in Korean causing you to giggle quietly. The words were familiar, your old neighbor having said them a time or two but in an angrier tone. 
“What’s so funny doll?” He opens his mouth, his eyebrow raised in curiosity as he looked up at you. 
“Nothin’ Mr. Choi.” You move your thumbs to rub as the back of his neck, gentler than you treated his shoulders. 
“Y’know, if you keep callin' me Mr. Choi, I might just have to marry you.” He grins a little at the way you squeak in shock. 
“You haven’t even taken me out to dinner yet and yer already proposin’?” You watch as Seungcheol sits up straight and rolls his head and shoulders, sighing in content at the relief he feels. 
“My mother calls my father Mr. Choi, they’ve been married forty years now.” You couldn’t tell if he was joking anymore about the marriage thing as he spun around in his office chair to look up at you. 
“What?” You look down at your outfit to see if there was anything he was staring at as a minute of silence passed by with him just looking at you. 
“You should be on the cover of Vogue instead of in some place like this.” His fingers twitch on his lap as he finally lets his eyes wander farther than your face, but not for long as he’s looking back up into your eyes. Something about the way he held eye contact had your knees feeling weak.  He didn’t look at you like you were a piece of meat but rather that you were the finest chocolates from À la Mère de Famille. 
“I’m not a model sir.” You shrug as you begin to feel shy, something you haven’t felt around a man in a long time. “Besides, I like it here. The workers are hot and the atmosphere is calmin’.”
“The workers?” He raises his eyebrow in a pouting manner. “What ‘bout the owner?”
“Oh, he’s more than hot but you didn’t hear that from me.” You wink, giggling quietly at the way his pout turns to a smirk. 
“Is that so? 'Nother rumor, I suppose.”
“Starting to think it’s not a rumor.” You hum quietly, rocking on your heels a little. 
“Are there any other rumors you wanna prove to be true, darlin’?” He leans back in his chair and manspreads as he props his chin on his hand that’s resting on the armrest. 
“Mm, not rumors per say.” You take an experimental step forward. “More of personal speculation.” 
“Speculation?” He watches you like a hawk, his eyes darkening the closer you get. 
“Can I touch you?” You whisper when you finally stand between his open knees. 
“Fuck…” He groans quietly at the idea. “Thought you’d never ask, darlin’.” He nods his head, giving you approval to touch him. 
Seungcheols adam’s apple bobs a little as he swallows, your fingers lighting a fire under his skin everywhere they ghost. You trailed your fingers up his knees and over his thighs before your palms begin to lay flat against his stomach. When you dig your fingers into the fabric of his dress shirt, Seungcheol flexed, the feeling of you tugging on it gently causes his resolve to crumble. 
“Can I touch you?” It’s his turn to ask as his hands moved to grip at his armrests tightly. 
“‘Course sir,” you whisper as you lean in closer, the scent of your soap filling his senses as his hands move to grab the back of your thighs so he can yank you to sit in his lap in one solid movement. 
“Tell me to stop.” He mumbles as his hands travel up your back so he can pull you closer to his body. 
“Don’t want you to stop.” You mumble as you lean closer to him, your hands leaving his stomach so you can drape your arms over his shoulders. 
“Tell me when then.” He lets you lean in first to kiss and once your lips are on his, he’s spinning his chair around so he can press you against the edge of his desk. Smiling into the kiss you begin to rock and roll your hips in a way that has him hissing and groaning as he pulls away from the kiss.
“You got the hips of a dancer.” He groans at how expertly you moved your lower body against his as he kisses down your cheek and to your neck, something no one has really done before. The time he took kissing and mapping out every inch of your neck until he found your sweet spot had you whining. 
“Told Gyu I was one,” You moan for the first time and it takes everything in Seungcheol to not slam you down on his desk to hear more of your pretty sounds. “Could show you what I got.”
“'Nother day.” He groans as he nips at the sensitive skin behind your ear before pulling away to look you in the eyes. Again the eye contact had your stomach flipping as you swallow the moan in your throat. “God…” He groans, his eyes closing as his hands on your back grip your shirt tightly. 
“Am I a god now  baby?”
“I’ll fuckin' worship you like one.” He growls when you push your hips down harder, the desire growing in every inch of your body as you bite your lip and watch him through hooded eyes. 
“Mmm~” You lean your head back and close your eyes in pleasure when Seungcheol finally grips your hips and grinds up into you. “Fuck daddy.” The name slips off your tongue like the old habit it was, men in America would fall to their knees when the word left your plush lips. 
In the blink of an eye, Seungcheol hoists you up to lay you flat on top of his desk so he can stand between your legs. His pupils were completely blown now, but you were sure yours were too as your thighs squeeze around his hips and he loosens the tie he had on and unbuttons the top buttons of his dress shirt. 
“I’m gonna fuck you till you can’t walk outta here, darlin’.”
“You did say you could bruise my hips daddy, hope you weren’t lyin’.” He haphazardly rolls his sleeves up past his elbows before he’s diving down to kiss you again, this time a lot harsher than the first. 
Moaning into his mouth, you tangle your fingers in his dark hair and tug it when he nips your tongue. All he does is smirk into the kiss and without letting up for much air ,he makes work on undoing his pants in the little room that’s between your bodies. 
You tug his hair hard enough for him to pull away, his eyes half open as he groans at the delicious sting on his scalp. When you let go of his dark locks he stands up straight again so he can push his dress pants down his thighs and make work on tugging your panties off from under the skirt you had on. 
“Tell me where you want me to finish.” He mumbles as he lets his hands travel up your thighs to slowly push your skirt up until it was resting on your stomach. His eyes stared you down like you were an art piece in the Louvre as his hands continued up your body till they were squeezing your boobs through the tanktop you were wearing. 
“Inside.” You could see his cock twitch behind his boxer briefs as his eyes snap up to look at you. 
“You sure darlin’? What ‘bout a kid?” He didn’t seem too nervous about having a kid with you but he was nervous that you might regret it. 
“I’m on the pill.”
“The pill?”
“Yeah, it’s what some of the girls back home would call their birth control.” Your hands reach out to grab the ends of Sungcheol’s dress shirt to try and tug him towards you again, the cold air hitting your exposed pussy making the desire grow even more in you. “Not too sure ‘bout it yet though, haven't had unprotected sex since startin' it but I guess we’ll see if ya knock me up tonight.” 
Seungcheol just smirks at your words and he opens his mouth to make some cheeky little comment but you sit up enough to grab his hair and yank him down to kiss him - shutting him up effectively and kickstarting his gears again as he pushes his hips against yours. The heat of your bare cunt makes his cock twitch more as he groans into the kiss that’s turned a little sloppy but that's just the way you like it as you grind your hips up against his, urging him to finally fuck you. 
“You’re so warm.” He almost whines when he pulls away from the kiss to breathe as he pushes his boxers down enough for his cock to smack up against his stomach. Your mouth waters at the sight and your core pulses at the thought of being filled up more than you’ve ever been. 
“'Nd your big.” You breathe out as he runs the tip of his cock through your folds, letting it nudge against your clit a couple times as he gets all nice and coated in your juices before he’s slipping further down where your entrance greedily sucks him in without much work from him. 
“Fuck.” His hands grip the edge of the desk by your head as his eyes roll a little at how you squeeze around him. It was a familiar feeling but one he hasn’t felt in a long time and he can say with ease that it’s never felt this good before and he’s barely bottomed out. 
“Move please.” You beg, the feeling of being split open made your brain go fuzzy and your mouth fill with drool as you choke on a moan when he slowly slides out till just the tip sits in your entrance. Just when you went to complain about him leaving you empty, he’s slamming back into you, jostling his desk and knocking the papers down that you had stacked up. “Fuck!” Your voice was high pitched and whiny as he definitely set a bruising pace early on. 
“That’s it, take it doll,” He groans into your ear as he kisses and nips at your cheek and ear. “So good.” He moves one of his hands to trail down your side where it rests on your hip. 
Your voice got lost in your throat as all you could do was moan and whimper a pathetic “Yes daddy,” every few seconds and every time you said it Seungcheol would find a new angle to make you say it louder and he’d accompany it with a smack to the side of your ass cheek - and when he felt like that side had enough attention hed switch to the other side. 
“You’re getting tighter baby.” He moans instead of groans this time which causes you to squeeze around his cock tighter, the sound sending shockwaves through your body. 
“So good~” You moan as you claw at his shoulders and scalp which draws more moans from him as he feels his orgasm approaching like a freight train. 
“Oh fuck.” His hips stutter a little as he digs his nails into your hip to keep a grip on you as he quite literally fucks you into his desk. 
“Right there daddy, fuck.” You gasp and lean your head back and bite your lip, your orgasm right there. “Daddy!” You squeal when he angles his hips up a little and hits your g-spot with precision, which finally draws you over the edge. 
The force of your orgasm pulls Seungcheol over the edge with you as he groans your name lowly into your ear followed by gentle kisses to the side of your head as he continues to fuck his cum into you until both of your orgasms have been ridden out. Slowly he manages to pull himself from your grasp as he hisses at the loss of your warmth wrapping around him. 
Pride swelled in Seungcheol’s chest as he looked down at your worn out state, your hair was a mess and little love bites adorn your neck like a necklace. The cherry on top of everything though was the way his cum seeped out of your weeping cunt and it has his cock twitching again. 
“Still think I belong on Vogue?”  You mumble a little shyly as you looked at the way he was just staring at you as you slowly sit up. When you hissed quietly he was quick to jump forward and help you. 
“I’ll always think that,” He smiles as he picks your panties up from where he dropped them and helped you slip them on while you were still sitting on his desk. “You’re gorgeous, doll.”
“Well I feel like I belong on Playboy,” You roll your eyes playfully at your own little joke towards yourself before you're smiling up at Seungcheol as you reach forward to fix his shirt as he tucks himself back into his boxers and pants. “And thank you, you're not too bad yourself sir.” He makes a little noise at the title. 
“What’s Playboy?” He mumbles as he rubs soothingly at your hips while slowly helping you off his desk where you stand on wobbly legs. 
“I’ll explain it later.” You giggle quietly before your stomach interrupts by rumbling. “I’m hungry now.” 
“Sure it’s not a baby in there?” You laugh at him while smacking his side. 
“Don’t jinx it or I’ll never get to have that threesome you promised me.” You joked playfully. 
“Oh we’ll still have that threesome, darlin’.” He grabs his coat to drape it over your shoulders as he helps you walk to the door of his office. “But I don’t take too kind to sharin’ what’s mine.”
“Does that mean I’m yours?” He shrugs as he looks down at you. 
“Are ya?” You try to hide your smile by biting your lip as you walk ahead of him down the stairs. 
“Maybe I am.” You finally hum as you turn to look at him once you made it to the bottom of the stairs. “Does that mean you’re mine?”
“Maybe it does.” He smiles at you as he stops directly in front of you and grabs your hips to pull you against his body. “Never felt like this for someone so quick, like hell I’d let you go.” He mumbles before he’s kissing you gently, one of his hands moving up to cup the side of your face as your hands cup the sides of his neck gently. 
“Well,” Mingyu’s voice was laced in a pout as he opened the door of the club, his arms full of bags. “Havin’ fun without me? I’m hurt.”
“Great timing, Gyu.” Seungcheol mumbles against your lips with a huff. You giggle quietly and pull away from Seungcheol completely to go and try and help Mingyu with what he was carrying. If it wasn’t for the look Seungcheol gave him he would’ve fought you harder to do it all himself. 
“Did you get all your ingredients for lunch?” You hum as you follow the tall male into the kitchen, where he directs where to put the stuff you were holding. 
“Yeah, the market wasn’t that packed yet thankfully, but it also meant I wasn’t as gone as long as I thought.” He turns his head to look at you over his shoulder with a sheepish grin. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be, we had plenty of time.” You snort at the way he almost fell when he whipped around to face you fully. “I’m hungry though so I’ll tell you the details later.”
“Deal, guess I gotta make a heavier lunch to make up for all the energy you two burnt.” He goes back to putting the groceries away, leaving you to wander back into the main room of the club where you expected Seungcheol to be but it was empty. Huffing quietly you sit at the bar and squeak a little at the feeling of your thighs becoming wet from the mess Seunghceol left in your panties. 
“Sorry, I had to go grab somethin' from my office.” Seungcheol joins you in sitting down not even a minute after you had sat down. 
“What is it?” You question curiously as he sets a small box in front of you. 
“A welcome gift, was gonna give it to you Friday, but guess you were right about seein' you sooner.” He smiles as you happily open the box only to close the lid quickly and slid it back towards him.
“No?” He tried to not sound hurt.
“That looks too expensive.” He seemed to be a little relieved at this answer. 
“Don’t worry 'bout my money doll, besides you’re worth it.” He opens the box himself and pulls the little bottle of Chanel N°5 perfume. He opens the cap and gently grabs your wrist so he can spray a little bit onto it. 
“I’ve never heard of Chanel.” You mumble as you bring your wrist up to smell the perfume and you almost sigh at how good it smells. 
“Everyone is gonna know Chanel after they meet you.” He mumbles as he carefully puts the cap back on and puts it back in the box for you. 
“Thank you, Sir.”
“Cheol.” You look at him with raised eyebrows.
“You can call me Cheol when it’s just us and Gyu, and maybe Chan but he might tease me for it so try to refrain if you can.” He sighs quietly at the younger male’s antics. 
“Ok Cheol.” You smile, loving the taste of his nickname on your tongue and Seungcheol seemed to like it just as much as his adam’s apple bobs. 
“Ok love birds, try to not fuck on the bar please, don’t have time to disinfect it all.” Mingyu barges through the back door just as Seungcheol had leaned in to kiss you. 
“It’s my bar, Gyu.” Seungcheol glares at him as he sits up straight. 
“Not while I’m here, friend.” He laughs as he grabs three glasses so he could pour you all drinks. 
“Was thinking of making gochujang garlic noodles with some bulgogi and kimchi on the side.” Mingyu hands you your glass.
“That sounds amazing, I haven’t had kimchi and bulgogi since the night before I left.” You take a small sip of your whiskey, the warmth filling your body.
“You’ve had those things before?” Seunghceol looks at you curiously while he takes a sip of his alcohol. 
“Yeah, my neighbor was Korean and she’d cook all the time for me.” You give him a smile as you take another sip. 
“She even knows a little Korean!” Mingyu chirps up as he goes back to the kitchen with his glass of plain cranberry juice. 
“You do!?” He looks ecstatic as he jumps in to quizzing you on all the words you know while also teaching you a couple of his own favorite words while you two wait for Mingyu to finish cooking you lunch.
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feedback + reblogs greatly appreciated, especially if you enjoyed the fic!
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transparent-peach · 29 days
Hey loves! Hope you’re all having a great morning/day/night. Okay so here we go again. I can't put down my phone when it comes to writing so let's go. Yeah i kinda went deep into writing and i am glad i did. Hope you’re all feeling the same! Today i bring you another one with our man James.
warnings: smut, bit of ch0king, curse words, alcohol, tobacco products
James McAvoy x Reader <3
it is a bit long, hope you don’t mind it!
(more than 3k words)
Drunk In Love
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Luckily you were invited for the after party of the premiere of Split, since you worked with the crew. You are a set designer. You were a bit nervous to be in the same exact room with the whole crew of move Split. It was sweet to remember all the actors from the set of the movie, and how much they were so different. Especially James. He seemed to be very enthusiastic about his job. You looked up to him because of this.
I was anxiously fidgeting with my empty hand since the other was full of with a glass of expensive champagne. I was wearing a nice black dress with red bottomed high heels. My necklace sparkled in the yellowish light as i walked past the actors. I sat down to the table that had my name tag on it.
"How are you my beautiful Y/N?"
My smile grew bigger as i looked at Elizabeth, my coworker. She was my favourite woman in the whole set. Eliza was in her fifties but if i didn't know, i wouldn't tell.
"Kinda nervous. You know i get nervous when i smell too much millionaires."
I joked around as i took a sip from the champagne.
"It is okay, darling. May you join me for another one?"
She raised her glass up a bit so i could see it. It was empty. I nodded.
We went for drinks and I knew that if someone recognise her we must have to stop and have a chat. It happened that way. She was a very talented designer so she gained some fame along the way.
"Enjoying the gathering?"
A man came up to her and stroked her arm.
"Yes James, thank you. You were amazing in the movie dear. I knew yellow was your colour. Especially when you were half naked. Not so unfortunately that happened many times. We liked it, didn’t we, Y/N?" She let put a small laugh as she was toying around with me, poking the side of my torso. I smiled, tried to hold back my laughter, looking down to my shoes. "Are you enjoying this shitshow?"
She winked. She was a very charming woman and she had huge confidence in her hands. One more thing about her. Her husband was the director.
"Yeah, kinda enjoy it, yes. And you, Ms.?"
He was basically asking for my name as he turned to me.
"Yes Mr. McAvoy."
I held out my hand.
"Y/N Y/L/N."
"It's a pleasure to meet you, i think we have met before..." He held it, instead of shaking it he gave a short kiss to my hand.
"Okay kids, i will go enjoy my drink from a nice distance. Get to know each other."
And i haven't mentioned... She read people like books.
"Yes, we met before. I was the woman who rushed back and forth with the props. I think i helped Elizabeth with your clothes when you played… Hedwig i guess."
"Yes! I remember now. Sorry, there was so many things happening on the set."
He scratched his head and smiled a bit awkwardly because of the fact he forgot me.
"It's okay, Mr. McAvoy. I'm not that recognisable and memorable human being."I smiled at him as he shook his head.
"No it's nothing like that. You are an amazing artist, love. You know... Fuck it let's have a drink. It would be a pleasure if you join me for a cigarette too."He looked at me with questioning what i want.
"A scotch please." I searched for the pack of cigarettes in my purse. As i came to realisation i don't have it in there i just took the glass of bourbon.
"Am i not scotch enough for the lady?" He joked around as he opened the back door for me.
"Trust me, you are scotch enough." I laughed softly at his comment. He gave me a cigarette, and he took one out for himself too.
"I'm not a big smoker, i just do it occasionally." He started to explain it to me like i was a parent of his.
"Okay, Mr. McAvoy, i deeply understand you at this point, thank you." I joked around with him until he lightened my cig.
"Call me James, sweetheart. I like it when women are saying my name like that, but i guess it is just a weird kink of mine." He looked me in the eyes and we remained serious for a couple of seconds before he burst out laughing at the same time as i did. After the fifth glass of whiskey i was having a really great time. I let myself go with his flow, i took all of his dirty jokes very well. When i shot back with an even dirtier one, i enjoyed watching his eyes grow wider. It was always the mixture of surprise and amusement on his face. I thought he was as unpleasant as the other millionaires i have ever met but it was a a pleasant surprise that James had more up his sleeves than other people. It was like two totally freak laughing their ass of in the first step in a concrete stair. He was charming, he made me blush a lot. But i never let him know that i enjoy him doing that. It was my body that told him. And his body told me some things too.
"Well, James. I must say i had a great time with you, but i guess it's time for me to go." He gave a small, bitter laugh before he refuted me. He was admiring me. His eyes was scanning the whole body of mine. I stood up, his eyes were following my silhouette and he copied my activity.
"Where do you want to go love?" He placed two fingers under my chin, forcing me to look into his eyes. His fascinating ice cold blue eyes.
"Well, i don't see a ring on your finger." I said with a smile, completely ignoring his question.
"No ring. Yet." He took a step closer, closing the gap between us, and placing his hands on my sides, gently pressing me against the cold wall of the building behind me. He leaned in, his breath brushing against the shell of my ear, whispering.
"If you want to enjoy my company for the rest of the night, i had to make sure." I looked into his dreamy eyes as it darkened under the weak lighting. He was breathtaking in that suit. He let his hands rest on my hips as he let out a small chuckle at my statement. His fingers curled into the fabric of my skirt.
"And now, that you know that I am very much single..." His gaze grew more intense as it traveled down my body to the hem of my skirt, his eyes lingering there for a moment before looking back up.
He gave me a passionate kiss, as i leaned closer to his body.
"Yeah, James. You may take me home."
His arms tightened around my body and a sly smile played upon his lips as our kiss deepened. In that moment, James could scarcely believe his luck meeting such a beautiful, captivating woman, who was all too willing to leave the boring party with him. He pulled back slightly and met my gaze, his voice dropping to a lower register.
"Let's go, darling."
I totally forgot about how drunk we were, but he had a private driver anyway. We quickly and inconspicuously got into his black Mercedes and he told the driver to take us home. He couldn't keep his hands to himself. The whole ride was overheated with sexual tension between James and me.
We arrived at his place, actually, that was more like a palace. He opened the door for me, and turned the lights on before he suddenly got on my lips.
He couldn't get enough of me. His hands roamed over my body as if they had a mind of their own, desperate to feel every inch of my soft skin. He leaned in close, his lips grazing the sensitive skin of my neck, whispering breathless words against my skin.
"You're addicting as fuck."
At this point i couldn't decide if he was speaking from his mind, his heart or his erection. Or this was all about the big amount of alcohol in his system. "You can't complain either."
"If i remember correctly... I never did."
'What a sassy bastard. I think i like him.'
He lead me to the bedroom of his, unzipping my dress while he was stealing kisses from me. His eyes darkened with desire. It didn't take long to reach a bedroom, his mouth never leaving me for a moment. He took my dress of, as his eyes filled with lust and admiration. I began to unbutton his shirt, and the moment i took it off of him, i nearly gasped in ecstasy. He pushed me gently onto the bed, his body hovering over mine as his hands began to explore the curves underneath him. His fingers danced across my skin, sending shivers down my spine as I wrapped my legs around his waist. He chuckled softly, the vibration of his laughter tickling my stomach. He whispered sweet nothings in my ear. I felt his hardness pressing against me, I couldn't help but pulled him closer.He's got a wicked grin on his face, eyes locked onto mine. His fingers brush against my skin, sending shivers down my spine.
"Ah, you're gettin' bold, lady." he whispers in that smooth Scottish accent of his.
He leans in close, lips inches from mine.
"I want you."
I whispered to his lips, as i caressed his naked upper body. He took off his pants and tossed it to somewhere in the room. He leaned closer for a kiss and i pulled over a bit. I was teasing him so hard, he almost lost his mind. He chuckles, a low, husky sound, and his eyes flash with desire.
"Oh, you're a wicked one, aren't you?"
He leans in closer still, his breath hot against my skin as he whispers.
"I've got just the thing for a ladies like you."
His hand slides down to cup my sex through my clothes, his fingers tracing the outline of me through the fabric.
"God damn, James."
I let out a small moan. He went lower than i expected, slowly pulled down my red panties. I slide fingers through his hair as he left kisses on my stomach. He looks up at me, his eyes burning with intensity, as he continues to leave a trail of kisses down my stomach.
"Ah, you are so bloody beautiful," he whispers, his voice husky with desire. His fingers slide further down, parting my folds and finding the source of my pleasure. I feel his tongue playing with my clit. He found just the right spots in and out for me to almost lose my mind. I was moaning in pleasure as the scottish went down on me. He looked me into the eyes and i saw a little egotistical smile on his face. I felt everything at once, and it was magical. He's got a wicked glint in his eye, and he's clearly loving every second of this.
"Ah, you're so responsive, Y/N" he whispers, his voice muffled by my flesh. He continues to lick and suck me with renewed intensity, sending me spiraling into a vortex of pleasure. He suddenly got up and i almost lost my shit. I looked up to him in absolute disbelief. He let out a charming chuckle as he got back to kissing my lips. I felt his hardened cock against my womanly part, made me blush.
"Look at you."
I wiped off my remains from his beard and pulled him back to my lips. He lifted up his head as he pressed two of his fingers inside of my mouth. I was soaking wet already, but when he ran his fingers covered my own saliva along my pussy, i moaned for him. He was doing something right and i felt my heart racing. He grins down at me, clearly enjoying the effect he's having on me.
"You are so fuckin' hot when you moan for me like that." he growls. He positions himself between my legs, the head of his cock teasing my entrance.
"Tell me how badly you want it" he demands, his voice low and commanding.
"So bad. I want it so bad James."
I licked my lips and ran my fingers through his beautiful brownish hair. He sent shivers down my spine as he slipped his cock inside. I felt every inch pounding inside of me. We both moaned as he buried his head into the meeting of my shoulders and my neck. I couldn't take my eyes off of his veiny arms which had attractively tense muscles. He's got his eyes closed, lost in the moment, as he starts to pump into me with a slow, deliberate rhythm.
"Ah, you are so tight" he whispers against my skin. His hips flex and release, sending waves of pleasure through my body.
"Look at me." he growls, his voice low and husky. He opens his eyes and meets mine, our gazes locked in a fierce connection. He keeps pounding me. The rough kisses and the excellent work of his waist pushed me to my edges. I deepened my red nails into the skin of his back, making him moan. My legs started shaking and my back arched for him, just for him to make faster moves and bite my shoulder. I was looking at him with playfulness in my eyes, as i took a deep breath. After catching my breath from the lack of oxygen, i turned the situation around. I was straddling him and looked deeply into his eyes. He was sweating, his lips were wet and a bit apart from each other. He was catching his breath too. But i couldn't let him as i sit comfortably onto his cock. He's got a look of pure lust on his face, and he's clearly struggling to keep himself in check as I start to move on top of him.
"Fuck." he groans, his hands gripping my hips tightly. He looks up at me with those intense eyes of his, a smirk playing on his lips.
"You are so fuckin' hot like this." he growls. His fingers dig into the flesh of my hips as I continue to ride him, slowly building towards our shared climax.
"Yes, James!"
I let out a loud scream as i looked up to the ceiling. His hand was on my throat, grabbing it just right.
"Or should i call you Mr. McAvoy now? "
I slowed down and lead closer to him. Our lips were inches away. I loved teasing him. He chuckles darkly, the sound sending vibrations through my core.
"I think you can call me whatever you like," he purrs. His hand slides from my throat to cup my face, his thumb brushing over my bottom lip. "You are in control here, sweetheart " he whispers. But even as he says this, his hips are starting to buck up into me again, a telltale sign of how close we both are. I leaned toward him to invite him to a playful, passionate kiss. I started to ride him faster and i placed my hands on his chest. I almost cried out loud when he hit my most precious spot inside of me. I felt his hand tightened around my neck, made me feel hornier than ever.
"Oh god, James! Oh god..." I shut my eyes in pleasure, moving my hips a little slowly. He's got a triumphant grin on his face, and he's clearly loving the fact that he's got me right where he wants me.
"Ah, you are so close." he whispers against my ear. His hand tightens around my neck just a little more, and I can feel his cock pulsing inside of me as he starts to come. "Open yer eyes," he growls. I do as I'm told, meeting his gaze with mine as we both reach our climax together. He chuckles, a low rumble that vibrates through his chest. I got back to bed. Lying next to him was a dream. I placed my head on his chest and felt my heart pounding like crazy. He caressed my head as i drew little circles on his abs with the tip of my fingers. I felt his heart too. It was beating fast, but then again so calming. Feeling the temperature of his body, his breath was getting back to normal.
"I guess i haven't really had the opportunity to say i like your accent." I said with a calm tone. I still couldn't raise my head up.
"Ah, you're a wee bit of a charmer, aren't you? You could've just say it while i was inside of you." He laughed at his own joke, made me chuckle. His hand continues to caress my head, and I can feel his fingers tracing gentle patterns on my scalp.
"I'm glad you like my accent," he says, his voice warm and husky. He pauses for a moment before continuing. "I've always thought it was one of my best features."
"Yeah. It is one of the best feature of yours. There's another one that i cannot say now."
I playfully let out a small chuckle and finally looked up to him. I couldn't help but started to think about this time we spent together. It wasn't that long but i enjoyed every second with him. He made me feel comfortable and happy. It made me kinda unpleasant to think it was just another one night stand. He raises an eyebrow, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes.
"Ah, I think you're getting a wee bit too comfortable with me, love." he says, his voice low and teasing. His hand slides up to cup my cheek, his thumb tracing the curve of my jaw.
"But don't worry about it being just another one-night stand," he whispers. His gaze is intense and serious for a moment before softening into a warm smile.
"I've got plans for you."
"Is that a problem? Me being comfortable with you?" I playfully raised an eyebrow. "I guess we were more than a bit comfortable with each other."
He chuckles, a low and husky sound. "Aye, we were more than comfortable with each other" he agrees. His eyes crinkle at the corners as he smiles. "Problem? No, not at all," he says. His hand slides down to wrap around my waist, pulling me closer to him. "I rather like it."
"I like you. " I gently put a kiss on his lips, and take a deep breath.  "Crazy scottish."
He laughs, a warm and happy sound.
"Ah, you're a wee bit crazy yourself" he says, his eyes sparkling with amusement. His lips curve into a smile as he wraps his arms around me, pulling me close.
"I like you too" he whispers against my ear.
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kmt123whatsthetea · 7 months
The Big Book of Desires
George Weasley x reader x Fred Weasley
Requested by: @gdogcat1
Request gist: “The twins find their wife’s dirty fantasy book and surprise her”
A/N: Thanks for the request! Sorry it's taken so long to write. Because no kinks were specified, I decided to pick some at random. I also focused on the marriage aspect and went for a ‘Reader feels the mundaneness of marriage and twins surprise her’ fic.
T/W: Fred being a bad influence on George and his sweet mind, Snooping, Daddy kink, Master kink, Blindfolding, Bondage, Edging, Unprotected sex
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Married life with the twins was how you'd always expected it to be. Sure, it was an amazing time in your lives, but the day was starting to go the same as the day before.
Wake up, work in the shop, make dinner, sleep, then wake up and repeat the day again.
The twins could tell that something was up with you. You weren’t as affectionate as before, you weren't as cuddly in bed, you didn’t kiss them before work. Something was wrong, and they vowed to find out. The twins came back to the flat after a long shift, one that you had off, and noticed something new. A new book that your eyes were glued to. Sure, you liked to read and owned most of the books on the bookshelf, but this was new.
The title read “The Fire of Love and Romance” in fancy writing. The woman on the cover was in nothing more than underwear with a man standing over her in a shirt and grey waistcoat. The twins exchanged a look of confusion. Compared to the other books you owned, this was an anomaly. When you noticed the twins, you quickly set the book down and got up to greet them and ask about their day.
A few days had passed and you were still reading that book, or better yet, you were still reading the same chapter. It was Fred who came up with the idea first.
“Tonight when she falls asleep, we’ll take a look and see what she’s reading. It's just a book, what are you so worried about, George?”
The ever practical George scoffed at his brother's idea.
“It's our wife’s property, we shouldnt be snooping. It just feels wrong. Can’t we just ask her about it?”
George knew the answer already because he knew you. You’d brush it off, make some excuse on the spot. That was one thing that Fred loved about you, your ability to lie so easily (which worked in their favour back when teachers would ask you who gave Filch puking pastilles). George sighed softly and relented.
The plan went ahead, and the twins waited till you fell asleep before taking a peek in your precious book. They didn't know what to expect, but they didn't expect this.
“Michael looked down at his new submissive, admiring her soft breaths. He trailed his hand down her supple skin and over her lace covered breasts. He watched as she shuddered and let out soft moans”
“Be a good girl for Daddy”
The twins looked up from the page simultaneously before looking back down, the action almost comical. They were shocked to say the least, but horny as hell.
As if fate whispered in your ear, you stirred. When you saw the book in the hands of your husbands, you sat up quickly and tried snatching it back. Fred held it out of reach to keep reading while George moved beside you. George kept his voice soft.
“I'm sorry, love. We shouldn’t have gone through your book. We’ve just been so worried about you”
Fred was less soft.
“Do you like this kind of stuff, pretty girl?”
Both you and George looked at Fred, confused at the new nickname. George caught on to his brother's little idea and turned back to you.
“You want us to take care of you, baby?”
“Yes Georgie, please”
Fred didn't seem as pleased with your answer as his brother did.
“That's not his name. Address him properly, baby”
Your cheeks blushed a dark shade and you gulped nervously.
“Yes Daddy”
George smirked at your response, his cock twitching in his boxers at the word. You always had a way of making mundane words sound so heavenly. Fred put the book back on the nightstand and stalked towards you, his signature smirk looking predatory.
“I need a title too, love. Can't let Georgie have all the fun”
“Yes Master”
Boy twins seemed pleased with their new titles, almost like they had just been knighted by a fair princess.
Fred walked over to the drawer and to retrieve two ties. He brought them over to you and secured one over your eyes, making you vulnerable to their next move. The other tie bound your wrists together, which Fred then attached to the bed frame.
Both men stood over you, admiring you. You heard George whisper to Fred and footsteps before feeling hands on your thighs, pushing your legs apart. The mattress dipped one the other side of you. Your nightie was pushed up, leaving your underwear and the slowly growing wet patch visible.
“Look how wet she is, needy girl”
A hand pulled your underwear to the side and ran something along your wet slit. When you felt something cold against your clit, you knew what it was. A small metal bullet vibe that the twins bought you.
When the vibrations started, your hips bucked involuntarily. No matter how much you squirmed, a pair of hands held your hips down and your legs open. The vibrator was held steady on your clit, giving you no escape.
“You can take it, pretty baby. Are you gonna be a good girl for us?”
Although you and the twins had been a trio for years and you could tell them apart in an instant, the blindfold mixed with your pleasure filled mind made them sound identical to you.
“Yes Master, Yes Daddy”
The twins were pleased with your words and the vibrator was pressed more firmly against your clit. Your moans filled the room, the blindfold seemingly heightening your senses. When your moans got louder, Fred turned to George.
“Should we let her cum, Georgie?”
“She’s been a good girl, but is more fun to watch her squirm”
Fred pulls the vibrator away, both men revelling in your whines. George couldn't wait any longer and made his move, kneeling between your legs. He pulled his cock from his boxers and lined himself up with your entrance. He pushed in until he was balls deep. Fred kept a hold of the vibrator, ready to keep teasing you with it.
George started moving his hips, thrusting his cock deep inside of you each time. He moved his hand to your face, cradling your cheek.
“I think you deserve a reward for being such a good girl”
With a nod to Fred, the vibrator was back on your clit. You threw your head back, your orgasm approaching quicker since your last one was ripped away.
“Cum, pretty girl”
That permission from one of the twins had you letting out a cry of relief, your orgasm pulling you under. Your walls convulsing around Georges cock caused his band to snap, his orgasm catching him by surprise. His cum filled you up, leaking out when he pulled his cock out.
Fred worked to untie you and remove the makeshift blindfold. He stroked the hair from your face, his touch soft.
“Such a kinky little wifey”
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yparkwrites · 3 months
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Pairing: Mafia Sunghoon x Female reader (Y/N)
Content warnings: explicit content (smut), mentions of abuse, bruises, blood, etc.
Word count: 18k+
Synopsis: When Sunghoon, the son of Mr. Park meets a fearless girl everything will change around him as he tries to fight for his freedom from his father's nest.
Note: this is my first ever Enhypen ff, it is published on Wattpad as a complete story.
© 2024 Y. PARK WRITES. All Rights Reserved.
Part 1 - 4
CHAPTER 5: Moving Forward
Three years had passed since the night Sunghoon had left Y/n, the night since he left a void in her heart. During those past years their circle of friends became bigger. Jay and Jungwon are additions to their circle. 
“How many years left before we graduate?” Yura asked, completely worn out due to their projects and exams coming up. 
“2 more years,” Y/n replied, chuckling at Yura’s presence, bags under her eyes and messy hair. 
“Did you guys hear the rumor?” Jungwon asked as he sat beside a sleepy Yura. 
“Jungwon, everyday you come with new rumors, new gossip, please give us a break,” Jake said, taking a seat as he placed his tray of food on the cafeteria table. 
“The new gossip is for Y/n,” Jungwon said smiling, raising both his eyebrows.
“Just spill it,” Jay said uninterested, worn out too, as he failed to get enough sleep the other night. 
“Sunghoon is back in town, a student said he saw him beating up a drunkard in the alleyway near the convenience store.” Jungwon said, catching Y/n’s attention. 
“What?” Jake asked.
“You weren’t interested awhile ago,” Jungwon retorted at Jake. 
“Well now you have my attention spill everything,” Jake argued back at him, widening his eyes a little.
“That’s the only information I know for now, but I heard that he’s gonna go back here anytime soon, and everyone should be prepared as he’s not the same Sunghoon from three years ago.” Jungwon said. 
Before Jungwon could add more details on what he had said the bell rang indicating that lunch was over. 
“Damn I’m not even done eating.” Jake said.
Y/n sat in the library to study, she decided not to pursue business and study literacy instead, she doesn’t have many classes compared to when she was in business class. 
As she tried working on her reviewers, her mind kept drifting off to Sunghoon, especially to what Jungwon had said during lunch. “Is he really back?” Y/n asked herself, looking at the necklace around her neck, the necklace Sunghoon told her to keep. 
“Are you really back?” She asked herself again, touching the necklace. 
“You good?” Someone said from behind her, and it was their group leader, Heeseung.
“Yeah, just thinking about something,” Y/n responded, looking down at her books.
“If you’re thinking about what I told you yesterday, it’s fine if you don’t feel the same way,” Heeseung said, taking the empty seat beside her.
“No, it’s not that. It’s about the rumor.” Y/n replied.
“Oh Sunghoon? Yeah, it’s not a rumor, I saw him a while ago, he enrolled in our class, I don’t know why our class but what can we do about it.” Heeseung said, clearly frustrated that Sunghoon will be in the same class as them. 
“Do you hate him?” Y/n asked.
“It’s not that I hate him, but he’s gonna put everyone in danger,” Heeseung said.
“He won’t.” Y/n replied looking at him.
“You don’t know him Y/n,” Heeseung replied back.
“Neither do you, he protected me from getting hurt three years ago.” Y/n stated slightly raising her voice. Y/n started grabbing her books to leave.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to offend you, but still.” Heeseung argued, holding her arm to stop her from leaving.
“You asked me, where I got the necklace, Sunghoon gave it to me three years ago before he left so that his father won’t try hurting me,” Y/n said, pulling her arm from Heeseung’s grip and leaving him alone in the library. 
“So you’re telling me, Heeseung told you he saw Sunghoon at the university?” Jake asked while driving Y/n home.
“Yeah,” Y/n responded. 
“And Heeseung pissed you off when he talked bad about him?” Jake asked. 
“Yeah, he’s talking like he knows him very well.” Y/n said, crossing her arms.
“Y/n we might know the old Sunghoon, but not the new one, the student that saw him the other night said he had changed completely, he’s like a different person,” Yura said, opening her eyes to look at Y/n.
“Well that’s just the gossip.” Y/n stated.
“It was on the news this morning that my mom watched, he killed the drunkard Y/n.” Yura replied, looking at her. “You don’t have to believe it, if you don’t want to, but I wouldn’t approach him first, if he approached you first talk to him, but if not, don’t.” Yura added.
At night, Y/n can’t fall asleep again. She grabbed the bottle of her sleeping pills, “It’s empty, great,” 
Y/n stood up from her bed and went downstairs. It was dark and quiet. She reached the kitchen, flipping on the light to search for something that can help her sleep. She sighed before opening the refrigerator, hoping a glass of milk might help her. 
She stood there, her thoughts consumed by what Yura had said, Sunghoon, a killer? That 's impossible. 
Y/n took her glass of milk and went upstairs to her room, she went out of the balcony as she stared into the night. She remembered the ball night, the first he held her in his arms, he kissed her and left her. 
Tears streamed down her face remembering that night. “What if they’re right?” Y/n asked herself. “What if he really changed?” She asked herself again. 
Y/n sobbed imagining the worst case scenario possible. 
The next morning, she texted Jake to let him know she was walking to the university to clear her mind.
Lost in her thoughts, she heard someone call her name and saw Heeseung approaching.
“Y/n, hey, you’re walking today?” Heeseung said.
“Yeah, just to clear my mind a bit,” Y/n replied, trying to keep her voice steady.
Heeseung sighed. “Y/n, look, I’m sorry about yesterday. I know I might have come off harsh. I don’t know your history with him, and I’m not really into gossip. I was just worried.”
“It’s fine, no worries. I just hate it when someone badmouths him. But I understand, it’s been three years, and he might have really changed,” Y/n said, her voice softening.
“You don’t mind if I walk with you, right?” Heeseung asked.
“No, it’s fine,” Y/n responded.
Due to their upcoming exams, Y/n decided to stay late at the university library, but she couldn’t stop thinking about Sunghoon.
“I should just go home,” Y/n mumbled to herself. She gathered her things and decided to call it a night.
She walked home to clear her mind. As she passed by her mom’s convenience store, she saw a familiar figure.
“Sunghoon,” she whispered. She watched him grab some snacks and pay for them. Their eyes locked for a brief moment. He looked at her, emotionless.
After a few seconds, he walked away without saying anything.
CHAPTER 6: He changed
Y/n stood there, her heart pounding as she watched Sunghoon walk away. She couldn’t let him leave without trying to talk to him. Mustering all her courage, she called out to him.
“Sunghoon!” she shouted, her voice trembling.
He stopped but didn’t turn around. Slowly, he looked over his shoulder, his expression unchanged, cold and distant.
Y/n walked closer, her steps hesitant. “Is it really you?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. Sunghoon turned to face her fully, his eyes cold and filled with confusion. “Excuse me?” he asked.
Y/n looked at him, her eyes welling up with tears. “Where have you been?” she asked.
“Do I know you?” Sunghoon asked. Y/n’s heart sank upon hearing those words. He didn’t remember her. She let her tears stream down her cheeks. Sunghoon sighed before turning to leave.
“You gave me your necklace before you left,” Y/n mustered all her courage to say. He looked back at her.
“I’m sorry, but I don’t remember you, nor that necklace,” he replied, leaving her heartbroken. Just then, it started raining heavily, as if the clouds were crying with her.
“Y/n!” Someone yelled from behind her. She didn’t turn around, watching Sunghoon’s shadow disappear.
“Are you crazy!?” The same person said before dragging her into his car.
“Jake, what happened?” Yura asked as she brought Y/n a towel.
“I don’t know. She won’t say anything,” Jake replied to his sister.
“He doesn’t remember me,” Y/n mumbled as they both turned to look at her.
“Who?” Yura asked, sitting beside her.
“I saw Sunghoon. I saw him, and he doesn’t remember me,” Y/n replied, tears streaming down her face.
Yura hugged her, letting her cry on her shoulder while Jake watched, feeling helpless as her sobs grew louder.
The next morning, Y/n woke up with swollen eyes and a heavy heart. She couldn’t shake the image of Sunghoon’s cold, unfamiliar gaze. The weight of his forgotten memories pressed down on her, making it hard to breathe.
“Morning,” Yura greeted softly, bringing a cup of tea into Y/n’s room. “How are you feeling?”
Y/n took the cup, her hands trembling slightly. “I don’t know,” Y/n responded.
Yura sat down beside her, gently squeezing her hand. “Everything will be fine. By the way, we called your mom to tell her you had a sleepover here,” Yura said.
“Thank you,” Y/n said, taking a sip of tea.
The three of them went to the university together.
As soon as they walked inside the university, everyone was gossiping about something. Just then, Jay and Jungwon came running toward them.
“Slow down,” Y/n told them as they almost slipped.
“You wouldn’t believe it,” Jungwon said, panting.
“Sunghoon is here,” Jay said, smiling at Y/n, unaware of what happened last night.
“You’re not happy?” Jungwon asked as he noticed the lack of excitement in her eyes.
“I’m going to class,” Y/n muttered before leaving them at the entrance of the university.
“What?” Jay asked Jake.
“Sunghoon doesn’t remember anything,” Jake responded.
“Who told you?” Jungwon asked.
“Y/n saw him last night. He didn’t recognize her, so don’t talk about him for a while,” Jake said, following Y/n.
Y/n entered the classroom and saw him there, sitting beside her assigned seat. He looked up when he heard the door opening, and their eyes met. His gaze fell on her neck, where the necklace was now visible due to the sunlight shining into the classroom. He stood up from the seat. As he slowly approached Y/n, his eyes remained fixed on the necklace.
When Y/n noticed where his gaze was, she held the necklace and tried to hide it under her shirt, but before she could do so, Sunghoon grabbed it, pulling her toward him, making her wince in pain.
“It hurts,” Y/n mumbled, trying not to cry.
“Where did you get it?” Sunghoon asked coldly, pulling her closer by the necklace.
“You gave it to me. Please, it hurts,” Y/n said, but he didn’t let go. He pulled her even closer, making her wince in pain.
“Let her go,” Jake said as he approached them, trying to pull Sunghoon’s grip away from the necklace.
“It’s mine,” Sunghoon said, tightening his grip on the necklace, making Y/n wince again.
“You’re hurting her!” Jake yelled. By now, they had attracted the attention of other students.
“I’ll remove it. Please, it hurts,” Y/n mumbled as Sunghoon released his grip on the necklace.
Y/n removed it, and Sunghoon took it harshly from her hand.
The next day, rumors of Sunghoon losing his memories spread throughout the entire university.
Sunghoon arrived at the university, wearing the necklace. Students started whispering about how harshly he had taken it from Y/n.
“Sunghoon,” someone called him, and he turned around.
“What do you want?” Sunghoon asked Jake, clearly frustrated.
“Can we talk?” Jake asked him.
“We already are,” Sunghoon replied sarcastically.
“In private,” Jake said, glancing at the students whispering among themselves.
Sunghoon and Jake went to the parking lot.
“What happened to you?” Jake asked him.
“Nothing happened to me,” Sunghoon replied.
“You gave that to Y/n before you left her, left us,” Jake said, slightly raising his voice.
“Listen, I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I’ve never seen you or that girl in my life,” Sunghoon replied. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be late,” he added and turned to leave, but Jake held his arm.
Sunghoon grabbed Jake’s collar and punched him.
“What, are you going to kill me too?” Jake asked as he held Sunghoon’s collar.
Sunghoon was about to land another punch, but someone pushed him off Jake. “What the fuck is wrong with you!?” Y/n yelled at him.
“Stay out of my business. Next time, I’ll put a bullet right in your skull,” Sunghoon said before walking away.
During lunch, they all sat in front of Y/n’s mom’s convenience store.
“What has gotten into you?” Yura asked Jake.
“He really changed,” Jake said.
“Why would you even approach him after what happened yesterday?” Jay asked him.
“I wanted to clear things up, to see if he really lost his memory or if he’s just pretending,” Jake responded, eating his sandwich.
“Well, that was a dumb idea,” Y/n said.
“Is your neck okay?” Jungwon asked.
“Yeah, it’s fine,” Y/n responded, smiling a bit at them.
“So, did you think about what Heeseung told you?” Yura asked, raising her eyebrows to tease her.
“I don’t like him,” Y/n responded.
“Oh, then I’ll take him,” Yura said.
“Yeah, do that,” Y/n said, chuckling.
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hyunjin1e · 11 months
POISON, jess mariano
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summary: jess has always kept to himself. never cared to like a girl since it “wasted his time,” but when he meets her…
pairings: jess mariano x fem!reader
warnings: fluff, smoking, making out, jess’ in love !
it all started with...
"jess, go help out that table," his uncle demanded, too busy sweeping the counter to look at him.
"yes, uncle Luke." huffed the boy, murmuring something under his breath, staring at his feet as they moved towards the table.
once his eyes locked with yours, as poetic as it sounds, the world around him, stopped.
"I-what can I get you?" he asked, quickly collecting himself as he awaited for your answer.
"uhh, a danish." you hummed, your eyes skimming the boy, seeing him for the first time.
his eyes looked down, spotting a book you've been reading, "pride and prejudice, huh?"
"you read?" to find someone your age, matter of fact, a boy, that reads, wasn't something you hear everyday.
"not much." was all he said.
"aha." you hummed as a reply.
"hemingway's better," the boy continued.
"yeah?" you raised your brow.
"yeah." he stared into your eyes, daring you to say something.
"jess! get the girl her goddamn food!" the boy, jess, rolled his eyes at his uncle, giving the girl one last smirk before leaving her table.
"one danish to that girl." jess stated, throwing the notepad onto the counter and making his way upstairs, deciding to finish his shift for the day.
jess was smoking a cigarette at the lake when he heard her voice again.
"smoking can kill you." you say as you sit down next to him, your legs dangling from the bridge.
jess looked at you, tilting his face a bit before averting his eyes back to the lake.
"yeah, well.." he didn't know what to say.
"it'll be a shame, too pretty to die." you said quietly, loud enough for him to hear, though.
"are you flirting with me?" the boy smirks, looking at your face once again.
"why, is it working?"
"well I feel quite flattered." he smiles, putting a smile on your face too.
"you're pretty too." he says after a bit of silence.
"thank you, jess."
"hey! you know my name, tell me yours."
"dunno, I like being mysterious." you gave a cheeky smile.
"please?" he tried giving you his best puppy eyes, which worked.
once jess heard your name come out of your lips, he paused, his eyes slowly drifting around your face, finally putting a name to the face.
"well, y/n, come walk with me?" he stood up, proposing his hand for you to take.
you take his hand, lifting yourself up and letting him take anywhere.
"what's with you and y/n?" Luke bursts into their shared room, startling jess, who has been leaning on Luke's bed, one hand holding his book.
"what do you mean?" his ears seemed to prick up at your name.
"you know what I mean! running around with y/n for 2 months now!"
"look, I might be in love with her." he stated.
"in love?! jess, you're 17." his uncle yelled confusingly.
"so?! im 18 soon. y/n is amazing, I've never felt like this before."
"I never saw you like this before!" Luke sighed, calming down. "just don't fuck up." and with a final nod, he left, leaving jess with a small smile on his face.
jess pulled himself up, reaching for the phone.
"y/n, hi." he smiled, biting his lip.
"jess!" your voice came from the other side, making his smile grow wider.
"meet me at the bridge in 5." and with that he ended the call, rushing downstairs and out the diner.
once he reached the bridge, he was out of breath. he ran so he could make it before you, so you didn't overthink if he bailed on you or not.
"jessie" you smile teasingly once you meet him.
"y/n." he did the same.
"anything you wanted to ask me?" you raise your brow.
"right! y/n, I know we only know eachother for a bit more than two months, but I fell for you. your smile, our share of love for books and music, your random rants late at night. I fell for you."
he awaited for your answer, his heart beating out of his chest, he has never done that before. the first time he saw you, he was addicted. it was like poison. you were poison.
but he loves it. he loves you.
"I fell for you too." your face hurt from smiling.
that was all jess needed for him to pull you into a long kiss, grabbing onto your neck, he kissed you long and good.
both could stayed like that forever.
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AITA for not going to a restaurant my parents booked?
I (15M) live with my parents and Sister (13F) who has special needs and some allergies. Because of that, my parents only allow certain kinds of food in our home that are allergin free and autistic friendly. Sister doesn't like certain smells or textures, so they don't buy some foods. Everything done centered around her needs and wants.
When it was my 15th birthday, parents said I could pick restaurant I wanted to eat at. So I picked a Chinese Dim Sum place. But Sister doesn't like that kind of food cause she thinks the texture of some of the dim sum feels weird. And she does not like the fish dishes the way they are made at Chinese places. So parents asked me if I was sure and that they would give me more time to think about it. They returned 3 days later and asked again. I gave the same answer. So they asked "could you really enjoy your birthday knowing that Sister would not feel safe and be able to enjoy the food?" I said "yes. Because it is my birthday."
Mom and dad told me that I was being selfish and that they already made a reservation at Sister's favorite burger place. They already sent invitations to family telling them we would be celebrating there. So on the day of my birthday, I went to my friend's house earlier in the day and "forgot" about the restaurant reservation and ate dinner with friends instead. Mom and dad were angry because Sister had cried over it. They went to friend's house and dragged me to the restaurant but I did not eat anything.
When the cake came, (grandma bought a cake I wanted), Sister moved to blow out the candles because she was told she could. But I quickly pushed her away (not hard enough to hurt her) and blew out the candles before she could. Sister started bawling her eyes put and parents tried to comfort her. Grandma let me cut the cake, so I ate the first slice while Sister continued to cry. No one really said anything, but I could feel people staring at me.
When we got home, mom and dad yelled at me for first not showing up on time and second not letting Sister blow out the candles first. I argued that since it was my birthday, I should have gotten to choose the restaurant and blow out the candles for my cake. I got sent to my room. I checked messages I got from aunts and uncles and they were all calling me selfish and spoiled for the way I treated Sister at the party. Only grandma and grandpa were wishing me a happy birthday.
What is wrong with me wanting my birthday to be about me instead of my sister?
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wutheringmights · 6 months
After I finished reading The Epic of Gilgamesh today, I entered a fugue state where I sat down and read the entirety of Alanna: The First Adventure by Tamora Pierce.
On the record, I have had a lifelong love and adoration for Pierce's Tortall books. I first read the Song of the Lioness quartet when I was 11, and they rewrote my brain. I love them so much. I reread them and the other Tortall books on a semi-frequent schedule.
It's been a while since I reread any of the Alanna books, if only because my sister took our shared copies when she moved out. I've been meaning to buy my own set for a long while now but haven't been able to justify the purchase. The other week, I just so happened to find the first two volumes at my local indie bookstore. I bought them immediately, as well as ordered the third and fourth book. (And discovered that the store owner knows me by name-- when I went to pick up my order, she saw me and said, Hi Frankie! I got your books over here.) (I may be spending too much money there.)
So I have been in a bit of an emotional rut these past few weeks. Work sucks. Life stinks. The temptation to run off to Tortall and curl up in the fantasy story that captivated me as a kid has never been stronger.
Ergo, I ran off to read the first book as soon as I could.
If you're looking for any critique of this book, series, or Tortall in general, I will never give it. Sure, it's problematic and dated, and in many ways imperfect, but someone else can list out all of its issues. They're all perfect to me.
Anyway, the book. I should say something about this book in particular.
One thing I appreciate about Pierce's writing is how she handles school settings in fantasy. Learning and training is so mundane. All of her heroines have to work hard and put in extra hours of study in order to improve, much less keep up with their peers. It's so normal that it circles around to being weirdly refreshing.
Also, there is still no other fantasy author who handles period talk and birth control the way Pierce does. We make fun of the trope of fantasy birth control nowadays, but I rarely see it presented as it is here: as a part of normal puberty lessons and given long before sex is in the girl's radar. And even today with the glut of YA fantasy stories out there, I still have yet to see menstruation be portrayed as frequently or as bluntly as Pierce writes it.
There was a period of time publishers really tried to push the Tortall books as straight YA, which doesn't work for that reason alone. You gotta market them to middle schoolers. They're the ones just starting puberty talks, and getting scenes like this is so good for their brains.
Moving on: I fucking love these characters. Alanna was an icon of brash, temperamental heroines that have shaped my taste to this day. I love how even in the first book, Jon is kinda shitty. I adore George Cooper. Talk about a taste maker the way this man sets a standard.
I just can't be coherent when it comes to any Tortall books. I have no thoughts. Head empty. I am going to binge the rest of this series as quickly as I can before my library book comes in. Then normal book content will resume.
Before I go, I need to talk about the book covers.
Growing up, my sister and I had these covers:
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Which, god. I love them. The black is striking. The art is incredible. Alanna looks so good. They were the perfect pocket-size too. I was going to buy the same edition for my copies, but instead I got the 40th anniversary reprints:
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Not bad at all! These books have had some seriously bad covers, and these look great! Very anime, which will appeal to the 11 year olds who need to have their socks rocked by this series.
But, man. I really miss those black covers. One day I will splurge and buy a second set of them just so that I can stare at the art.
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The Quartet That Started It All
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As followers of this blog will note, this is not actually the quartet that started it all for me, but it DID launch author Tamora Pierce's career in the 1980s, and Alanna remains absolutely beloved among Pierce's heroines. Let's talk the Song of the Lioness Quartet.
In a classic case of "if I can't do this as a girl, then I'll do this as a boy and I have a handy twin brother to go full Twelfth Night with," Alanna of Trebond begins The First Adventure by dressing as a boy to train as a page in Tortall's royal court. This book introduces all our main characters and establishes Alan the page amongst his peers and Alanna as she finds herself and her place in chivalry.
One of the other amazing things about Alanna's story overall is that she begins it absolutely terrified of her own magical gift. Her arc includes learning to work with her magic rather than to fear it, and that's a twist on magic users that I really appreciated. We often get overly confident magic users--indeed, we'll get TWO of them later in the series--but it's rare that we get magic users who are fully aware of their powers and are still absolutely terrified of them. So of course, the story and the world and Pierce herself keep throwing Alanna into situations where she has no choice but to develop and use her gift. It's so, so good. This first book covers Alanna's page years, and we move into her squire years in book two.
In the Hand of the Goddess really expands on Alanna's key relationship with Prince Jon on Conte, Duke Roger of Conte, and Geroge Cooper. Alanna moves into a wider world of adult politics and stakes in this book. From being able to defeat an older, stronger, and more experienced opponent in a duel to developing her healing skills when a wound puts her out of commission during a war, Alanna cements her skills, connections, and position in society. This culminates with unmasking Roger as an attempting regicide and the accidental reveal of her gender.
This book is really, really good, and extends Alanna's childhood fear of magic to her fear of Roger specifically in a really natural, logical way. I could say more about the details, but these two books have an episodic vibe to them, so I won't spend too much time exploring every single key plot event.
The Woman Who Rides Like a Man sees Alanna spending her first year as a knight in the desert, with a Bazhir tribe. She becomes their shaman by way of self-defense; she murders their first shaman when he tries to murder her for "being unnatural." Then it falls to Alanna to train three magic users for the tribe, and this is where we see more nuance into how different magic users relate to their powers, from sheer hubris to fear to "this is just part of me, let's do this." It's a phenomenal experience for Alanna, and she learns as much from her students as they do
Book three also sees Jonathan bitching to hell and back about having to be king, which is not a great look, and it's one Alanna calls him on. He spends most of the book alternating between pitching a hissy fit, begging Alanna to marry him, and training to take over as Voice of the Tribes. The interesting thing here is that Alanna refuses to marry Jon. He is trying to fit Alanna into his own fairy tale, and she very much goes "That isn't our relationship, I can't do that. We aren't meant to be like that, and that's ok." If I could inject that lesson into humanity's collective head, I would. It's well done and it's great.
Lioness Rampant picks up on Alanna's travels after she leaves the Bazhir, and eventually sees her return to Corus with a magical artifact to help secure Jonathan's position as king.
There's also the teeny tiny complication that Alanna's twin brother, Thom, has resurrected Duke Roger. Absolute chaos ensues, and Roger almost manages to take out the entire court during Jonathan's coronation. Nobody should have to kill an evil sorceror twice, but Alanna did.
If you want to dive into Tamora Pierce's Tortall Universe, starting with Alanna is absolutely a good choice. These books hold a very soft spot in my heart, and they're never not engaging.
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tomssexdoll · 4 months
Can you do like a 2014-2017 Tom? Anyway so you and him got into a fight in the morning and you ignored him for the whole day. At night you and him were laying in bed and he was trying to apologize. But you get annoyed and just say like "fine now leave me alone." And he does... until... he pulls your close and puts his hands in between your thighs and starts to finger you... Then when you come he hugs you and you both cuddle each other to sleep 😻🤭
This is also my first time asking to do a story so sorry if it's weird...
Broken promise
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PAIRINGS: Tom 2016 x Female reader
SYPNOSIS: Tom and Y/N were supposed to have a cute little breakfast date but instead he goes and does his own thing, when Y/N confronts him he just shuts her down, she decides that she won't put up with his shit and ignores him for the entire day, then when in bed he tries to apolgise, in ways she wouldn't expect...
A/N: eeee
WARNINGS: dom!tom, sub!reader, fingering, yelling & arguing
The morning started as peaceful, we woke up and kissed each other like we usually did, cuddling for half an hour before we got up, then things turned to shit.
I planned for us to make breakfast together, I even bought all the ingredients we'd need, but he just sat there on the couch watching TV. I thought nothing of it at first, just that he may of been waiting for me to prepare the ingredients, but when I called him over he just ignored me.
"Tom!" I called out, "what?" he grunted, frustrated that I took his attention of his sports game. "Cmon, we're making breakfast together," I smiled, showing him the cute measuring spoons I bought just for this occasion. "Nah, we can do it another day, this game is important," he mumbled, turning his attention back to the TV.
I felt a pang of hurt in my chest, "but Tom, you promised.." I called out, "shoosh Y/N! This game is important!" he grunted, closing the kitchen door. I was just stood there, shocked at what he'd done.
What the fuck was his problem, he'd never done this, ever. I walked out of the kitchen and grabbed the remote, switching the TV off, "hey! What the-" I cut him off, "no! what the fuck is wrong with you? You promised me you'd do this and what, you throw is all alway because of a fucking sports game?" I raised my voice.
"Oh, stop acting like it's so important! We can do it another day!" he grunted, trying to reach for the remote again, "no! you've never done this before, you always stick by your word, you can't even acknowledge my feelings?" I looked at him in disbelief, how could he do this?
"You're so sensitive!" he yelled, "it's not that big of a deal for fuck sakes!" "what the fuck Tom? Why are you acting like this, what have I done to deserve this?" I felt my emotions rising, ready to spill over the edge.
He knew I got emotional very easily, any mean word would send me into hysterical crying. He sighed, "I just wanted to relax and watch the game, what's the harm in that?" moving closer to me and caressing my cheek.
I pushed him away from me, "don't fucking touch me, you digust me," I wiped away a stray tear, storming off and sobbing. "Fuck.." he muttered, sitting back down on the couch and holding his head in his hands.
"Fucking asshole," I mumbled as I slammed the door to our bedroom, going into the bathroom and running a bath, desperatly in need to cool down. I grabbed my phone, headphones and some candles from the room and locked the bathroom door, not wanting to be disturbed.
I added my rose scented bubble bath soap, slipping off my clothes and relaxing in the warm water. "Ahh.." I exhaled, grabbing my headphones and connecting them to my phone, I put on an e-book and closed my eyes, enjoying the peaceful environment I was in.
I kept at this for an hour, switching books every 20 minutes, the warm water soothing my stressed out body. When I finished the last book I slowly got out, unplugging the tub and watching as the water drained, a little tornado forming as the water reduced.
I grabbed a towel, wrapping it around my body, walking over to the mirror and grabbing my skincare, applying it all, wanting to take care of myself since Tom obviously couldn't give a shit. I dried off and put my clothes back on, walking out of the bedroom to see Toms tall figure standing there, eyes sad and guilty.
I just ignored him, walking past him and into the backyard, grabbing my gardening tools and blasting my music, pruning and water my lovely plants.
I could his eyes burning at the back of my head but I payed no mind to it, if he wanted to treat me like shit and not even apologise, then he's going to get silence, he doesn't deserve my forgiveness. He shouldn't of treated me like that in the first place.
Later on when it was time for bed, I kept my act up, not even acknowledging his precense, even when he stepped into the shower with me I pretended like he wasn't there, when he grabbed my waist I just walked away.
As I finished my bedtime routine I slipped into bed, covering myself with the thick, warm blankets. "Baby.." Tom whined, getting into bed with me and trying to bring me closer to him, but of course, I pushed him off.
"Why can't you just let me apologise, please baby..I'm sorry.." he sighed, I just continued to ignore him, not ready to speak up just yet, my feelings still hurt. "I'm so sorry schatz, you know how much I love you, I was just acting like an idiot, i'm sorry," he kissed my shoulder, rubbing my back gently.
I huffed, still not satisfied. "Baby just face me at least, I can't stand it when you give me silent treatment, I need to hear your beautiful voice, yell at me if you want," he begged, the urgency in his voice very apparent now. But I was still stubborn, I wanted so badly to forgive him I really did, but I was hurt, choosing a sports game over quality time with your girlfriend?
"Please baby..I'm sorry..", I finally decided to put him out of his misery, I couldn't keep this act up any longer, we both knew that I couldn't sleep without us being on good terms. "Fine..now leave me alone.." I grumbled, "okay baby.." he whispered, kissing my neck softly.
But then, he wrapped his around me, pulling me closer to him. I thought nothing of it at first, it was just him trying to cuddle me to sleep, like we always did, but I started to feel his hands drifting down, going in between my thighs, rubbing the sensitive skin.
"Tom.." I gasped, arching my back into him, "let me take care of you, hm?" he kissed my neck while sliding his hand into my panties, "just relax honey.." he whispered, pushing 2 of his fingers in my wet pussy, "mm..." I moaned softly, my cunt throbbing on his fingers.
He picked up his pace, slamming his fingers in and out of my needy hole, wet noises coming from my pussy as he continued to finger me. "Soo good.." he groaned, sucking on my neck as his fingers fucked me rapidly.
"Fuck.." I pushed my ass into him harder, throwing my head back to give him better access. He left little hickeys, kissing and biting softly on my neck as his fingers fucked me so well.
He continued to pleasure me so well, his fingers going deeper with every stroke as he fucked me with them. His thumb came up to my clit, rubbing slow circles around it.
"You like that don't you? You like the way I fuck you with my fingers.." he smirked, pumping his fingers in and out roughly, curling against my g spot. "Mmm!" I cried out, feeling his rock hard cock press into my back.
"Cum on my fingers baby, cmon," he egged me on, pounding his digits into me, my orgasm building up. He groaned as he felt me tighten around his fingers, "you gonna cum for me princess? Gonna cum all over my fingers like a good little slut, hm?" I nodded quickly, moaning loudly as my orgasm washed over me, spilling my juices all over his fingers.
"Good girl..such a good girl for me.." he smirked, removing his fingers slowly and licking all the cum off, "come here baby.." he whispered, flipping me over to face him and wrapping his arms around me tightly, bringing me into a warm hug.
"You forgive me now?" he chuckled lightly, kissing the top of my head, "yeah alright, but we better make breakfast tomorrow, make it up to me," I glared at him playfully, he nodded and kissed the tip of my nose, "of course, lets get some sleep now.." he rubbed my back soothingly, both of us drifting off to sleep.
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tags: @itsmealaiah @itsangelll @kaulitzsbabyy @ballhair @tomsonlyslut @bkaulitzlover @charliesgoodboy @estxkios @miyukafujii @ge-billsgf
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pelova4president · 9 months
Almost impossible
Lucy Bronze x AWFC!Reader
summary~ playing a champions league final against the love of your life is harder than you thought. Can you put your life on hold and play those 90 minutes against her?
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Playing in a Champions League final was hard. Playing it against the love of your life is even harder.
We fought our way to the final. Every single game got harder and harder but that’s how a competition like that works.
You play two games per week, one for the league you’re in and one for the champions league. I didn’t think about my body or my mental health, i just wanted to win. Not that you really get time to think about it all anyway.
And along the way, Beth got injured and Viv not long after. Leah and Laura later in the competition. So when i thought, i’ve gone through it all, nothing can stop me now, her team was waiting for us on the pitch.
To say i dreaded this day was an understatement, i absolutely hated it. Whenever i played against my clubmates in the international breaks i didn’t even think about it. It was normal, you put your personal life on hold and just play those 90 something minutes.
That’s how football works and i like it that way.
When Lucy and i started seeing each other it wasn’t really serious. We both knew it was almost impossible to date as footballers who weren’t in the same team, let alone league.
Throughout the Euros we’d have little ‘dates’, going to dinner, exploring together or just staying in. We were lucky enough our hotels weren’t that far away. We played against each other in the group stages. Both nations got one point out of it and both of us got out of the groupstages. I guess you could call us lucky.
When Lucy won the Euros I was happy. She deserved it and at least we didn’t take each other out.
We had a little break before going to club life again and i enjoyed every single minute of it. Lucy and i planned a trip right after the euros. We spent two whole weeks together, tanning, going out and enjoying each other.
I guess i really started to feel something in those weeks, like real feelings. The way she would be up, reading a book with her glasses on when i woke up, god i liked those glasses on her. Or when she would take my hand or put her hand on my lower back when we explored the city together.
Those two weeks flew by and i had to go back to North London and Lucy to Barcelona.
At first i just wanted to ignore her, ignore my feelings for her. So when she called after she landed i didn’t pick up. When she texted me i didn’t respond. That’s how it works, you have a great time and after that it becomes too complicated to maintenance.
Lucy posted about our vacation together on instagram. She didn’t tag me, that was probably the smartest move but it bothered me. I didn’t like her post, i just chose to completely ghost her.
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a winning vacation 🏆
That didn’t mean i didn’t miss her though. I missed her company, i tried to convince myself that i just needed someone but i just needed her.
So when i got ready for bed and scrolled through our vacation photos together and Lucy called me, i picked up. I picked up embarrassingly fast.
“Y/n, i kinda miss you. Fuck no i want you. Just don’t ignore me anymore, i love you baby” she slurred. I could hear the rough music on the background. She was drunk, and called me to confess her stupid love for me.
“Look Luce, you’re drunk and you don’t know what you’re saying. Please get Keira on the phone with me.” I told her. She hummed and murmured something under her breath, “Babe i mean it.”.
For a moment there was only music coming from the other end until i heard Keira speak “Hey y/n, Lucy really misses you and i can’t hear her talk about you anymore. Talk to her please.”. I sighed and looked at the book at my bedsidetable, the one that lucy was reading every evening when we were on vacation.
“Yeah, i will.. just get her home safe. Please.” I promised her. We said our goodbyes and i hung up. Fuck Lucy, what am i doing.
The next morning i went to training. I was off, i’ve been playing bad ever since i decided to ghost Lucy. Leah knew that we were close throughout the Euros, she just didn’t know we were romantically involved.
So after another bad training session i wanted to train on my own, just a little bit longer. I tried running it off, shooting it off but even doing those awful drills didn’t help. I sank to the ground, defeated that even shooting on goal was going terrible.
What happened to me.
Leah sat down next to me and we sat in silence. “Leah what do you want.” I asked her grumpily. “You know what i want, tell me everything.” Leah demanded. I looked her in the eye and saw the concern. She gave me one of her sad smiles and i just wanted to cry. So when i couldn’t hold the watergates closed anymore she hugged me. I sobbed into her chest and told her everything, about the Euros, our vacation, how i ghosted Lucy and her call. She held me and rubbed my back listening to me.
“Y/n, you should just call her back, you promised her.” she whispered.
So that is what i did, i went home and called her. I was sitting in the kitchen, looking down at my hands that were fidgeting with my rings. I clicked on her contact name and the phone went over, she picked up.
“Hi Luce” i spoke up. “Hey, how are you doing?” she asked me. I was not sure if i should just say ‘fine’, like i did every time someone asked me or if i should tell her how much i missed her.
“Uh ‘m not doing great at the moment” i murmured, hoping she would change the subject. “Yeah, me neither.. i really miss you you know” she told me, just like yesterday. “Luce, i’m sorry i didn’t respond to your texts or picked up when you called me. It’s just that i didn- don’t think this can work.” I told her truthfully. I heard her hum before speaking “We could make this work, I can make this work. Please just try with me. I’m sure we can.”
And that is how we ended here. We facetimed after every practice, went on vacations together whenever we could and Luce tried to visit me every day she didn’t need to train or play.
But i just needed to fuck it all up again.
A week before the final i started to distance myself again. Just like i did about a year ago. I thought it was for the best, i always did. We both needed to concentrate. I didn’t want to put her off her game. I wanted her to do her very best.
She texted me every day. Just hours before the game she texted me good luck.
I wanted to cry, i just needed Lucy to hold me. But she was getting ready for the game. When i saw Leah in the changing room i flew into her arms, i needed her, now more than ever.
Minutes later we were in the tunnel. I stared at the ground, ignoring Lucy who stood somewhere further down the line of her teammates. I could feel her eyes on me but i didn’t dare looking behind me.
Passing every opponent and shaking their hand along with a ‘good luck’ i did no different with Lucy, completely emotionless. Keep your personal life off the pitch. That’s how it’s always been, that’s how it has to be.
We were up 2-1 when the halftime whistle blew. I was hopeful. We could do this, we could win this thing. Jonas gave us the halftime talk and we went out again.
Within the first ten minutes they made it 2-3. I had to do my job. I had to make us win, that’s what strikers are for.
Lotte passed the ball to Victoria, she dribbled over the halfway line and gave me the perfect pass. I only had to get past Mapi, she was a difficult one to get past but i managed to do so. I got inside the box, one on one with their keeper. I shot it into the topbins and the stadium absolutely erupted.
Before anyone could grab me to celebrate i ran to the nearest camera and screamed “for you, beth, viv, lee and lau!” and tapped the badge. The team came running at me and katie jumped on me while screaming.
It was the 82th minute and it was still 3-3. Vic passed the ball to Lia, who shot the ball right into my feet. I dribbled past Keira, running into the box and was ready to shoot when i felt the pop.
The pop Beth and Viv told me about. The pop that could end your career.
I dropped to the ground, my hands covering my face, the ball that was planned to end at the back of the net in the hands of Paños.
She stadium was quiet. I could only hear Katie screaming for the medics and Vic holding my hand and telling me i’d be alright.
I took my hands off my eyes and looked at her with tears streaming down my face. “Vic, i heard it pop.” was the only thing i could tell her. I could see she was trying not to cry but i saw the tear that escaped the corner of her eye before she wiped it away.
Lucy came running to me. “Hey, hey.. you’re okay. You’re fine y/n, you’re doing fine.” she told me, more to convince herself than me i think.
I held her hand “Luce, i heard it pop, it’s not okay. I’m really sorry, i was just scared.” I told her. She nodded and just stared at me. Lucy held my hand when the medics came and i was stretchered away until the outer white line of the pitch.
I don’t know how Leah found me but she arrived just in time before they took me to the hospital. I told her about what i felt and she gave me that sad smile again. It made me want to burst out in tears again but i was just so tired. Tired of wasting my happiness and fucking everything up. I closed my eyes and when Leah thought that i was asleep i heard her cry. I didn’t open my eyes, i just whispered “did you see that goal i scored for you?” and she laughed. “Ofcourse i did.”.
When game was over and they confirmed that i tore my ACL. Lucy knocked at my hospital door. I knew we lost.
“Hey baby..” she walked in. I turned my head, looking at her. My eyes were glossy again, hers were too. “You won” i smiled. She didn’t return the smile and just sat down next to me on the hospital bed.
“Y/n, i’m so sorry.” she whispered, her voice breaking. “Luce, it’s not your fault. At least i’ll have a few months off so i can visit you more often” i laughed, trying to soften the mood. She didn’t laugh though.
“Y/n i love you, i don’t care that you ignored me. Just please never do it again.” she kissed me on my forehead. “I’ll try, for you.” I replied looking up at her.
“Why aren’t you celebrating this win baby?” I asked her and she looked at me like i just said the most offensive thing ever. “Are you serious? You think i’m gonna celebrate right now?” Lucy spoke. “I love you” i laughed and kissed her.
Eleven months later i got to play again. A real game of football.
I used the time i had off to visit Lucy. I missed the World Cup and that hurt me more than i would ever admit but seeing Lucy play softened the blow at least a little bit.
She even got some time off to see me play for the first time again since my ACL injury. I got about fifteen minutes of playing time but it was so worth it.
Lucy got a reservation at an Italian place in the evening and we drove home after, or atleast that’s what i thought.
We stopped at one of the Coffeeshops we used to go together throughout the Euros. She opened my car door and we went inside. We sat at the table where we would sit every time, we ordered the same drink and she looked at me.
“Y/n, i know you didn’t think this would work. But it did, we made it work. We can do it together. Y/n will you marry me?” she asked sinking down on one knee. “Oh my god.. Yes Luce, i’ll marry you, now please get off your bad knee.” I chuckled.
Dating another footballer was hard, dating one that wasn’t in the same league was even harder. But it wasn’t impossible.
lucybronze, y/n_y/l/n
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put a 💍 on it
leahwilliamsonn ❤️❤️
keirawalsh congrats!! ❤️
victoriapelova it was about time
katie_mccabe11 might steal her from you bronzey
↳ lucybronze get your own missus
wosofan12 omg since when?!!
bronzey02 they’re so cuteee
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adnauseum11 · 7 months
Point of Contact (John Price x Reader)
John reaches out to Kate for a favour.
850 words
CW: swearing
feedback welcome!
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It is the absolute crack of dawn when Kate gets the call she’s been expecting for the last few hours. She’s up, mainlining coffee and checking her emails relentlessly when her cell vibrates across the desk.
Kate’s initial impression is that John sounds tired. Immediately she wonders if she’ll get the full story from him or have to rely on Gaz’ version.
“Gaz said you were going to have a name for me to run? What’s happened?” Her concern is unmistakable down the line.
Of course, Kyle told her what happened, but she wants to hear it from John himself. Their past squabble is sidelined immediately without discussion. John sighs and Kate can picture her friend pacing and pushing his hand through his hair in frustration.
“Her place got broken in to yesterday. Guy didn’t touch obvious jewellery, or cash, seemed to be looking for information. Not sure what type of information or to what end just yet. Dislocated his shoulder before the police picked him up so he’ll be with medical for a little bit. Could be something, could be nothing. I’m hoping we can use their detour through medical to do a little information gathering of our own.”
“You’re sure this isn’t just a B&E gone bad, John?” Kate tries to keep the skepticism out of her voice.
“Worst B&E I’ve ever seen if that’s the case. Man was empty handed after a sizable head start. Odd time of day too, right when people are getting home from work.”
“You think he meant to do more than rob her?”
“Don’t know. Scared the hell out of her at the least. But he wasn’t doing any talking and I’m no good to her arrested so I didn’t force the issue. He’s booked on B&E but he didn’t technically steal anything. He’ll get a slap on the wrist at best. Never hated being a fucking civilian more in my life.”
Kate can hear the frustration in his voice. For a man like John, used to making things happen and getting answers by any means necessary, being beholden to the laws and skills of the local police force was particularly infuriating.
“What’s the name?”
John gives her the name from the police report, spelling it out for her.
“I’ll owe you if we can get this put to rest sooner than later. I’m hoping it’s nothing and just some tweaker, her place isn’t in the best part of town but something’s just not sitting right for me. Maybe I’m seeing ghosts where there’s nothing, but I want to be sure.”
“You really should move her out of there John, either way.” Kate can’t help but prod him about it, finding it out of character for John to be lax about security.
“You think I’m unaware? I thought I was going to have to drag her out of there last night. I’m going to have to pick my moment with that topic.” John’s cranky, making Kate smile to herself.
“At least it sounds like you know what you’re up against.”
John’s huff of amusement is weak, even over the staticky line.
“This favour, would it have limitations?”
Kate switches topics easily, only half teasing. She isn’t above making her own life easier down the road, even if it temporarily complicates John’s. That give and take has been a natural part of their friendship for years.
“Cross that bridge when we get to it.” John defers, and Laswell decides to take pity on the man and let him get away with it for the moment.
“Gaz said she seemed nice. When do I get an introduction?” Kate tacitly accepts the terms of his offer, moving on to personal interest.
“After I get some answers. We’ll have dinner, my treat.” John sweetens the deal further, a peace offering for their last interaction.
“Alright, I’m going to hold you to that. It’s not every day I get the chance to meet someone who can order a Captain around in his own home.”
Kate can’t help taking a swipe at the man, Gaz’ report including just as much detail on the state of John and his woman as anything else to Kate’s delight.
“Unbelievable, fucking Gaz, listen she was not having a good time of it yesterday–“
John’s trying to explain but Kate cuts him off before he can get very far.
“Knowing you, I’m sure not. I’m also sure that after you were asked to keep it down so she could sleep, you did, you big softie. Certainly, you two left an impression on Kyle.”
Kate’s smile bleeds through the line and the corner of John’s mouth quirks up finally at her gentle teasing despite his concern over how yesterday shook out.
“Bloody hell. Don’t make me regret agreeing to dinner, Kate.” He sighs, pushing his fingers through his hair.
“I’ll update you after I do some digging John, keep your phone handy.”
"Thanks, Laswell."
John's gratitude is palpable. The knot of tension in his chest relaxes infinitesimally, and he disconnects the call and leaves the kitchen to rejoin you, still sleeping soundly in his bed.
Next Chapter
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@deadbranch @beebeechaos @cadotoast @syoddeye @writeforfandoms
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ell0ra-br3kk3r-writes · 8 months
pairing: kaz brekker x fem!reader (established)
genre: fluff and maybe a tiny bit of angst
el's thoughts: requested by anon for my speak now event. this may have a mediocre ending... but i hope yall still like it!! please note that this takes place yearsss after the events of six of crows and crooked kingdom
main masterlist // speak now masterlist
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“Kaz wait up!” Tiny feet pattered through the fields of tall, dying grass of the season. “You’re too fast!”
Laughter spilled from the young boy’s lips as he kept running to the small lake. The young girl tried her best to catch up, while the pair was followed by the older Rietveld boy. 
“Yeah, Kaz, you’re too fast!” Jordie called out as he kept his pace to match Y/N’s. 
“You’re just too slow!” Kaz laughed as he reached the lake. 
Y/N threw herself down next to him, gasping for air. “That wasn’t fair.” The boy said nothing but smiled brightly at her. She smiled back, watching the older boy with eyes that held him in such a high regard. The two year age gap felt like a mountain to her but she adored him with her whole heart. He was her bestest friend, the only one who sat with her in the school yard during lunch and the only one who stood up for her against bullies. The oldest of the Reitveld brothers had quickly picked up on the strong bond between the two and left them to have their fun. 
They never would’ve guessed what life would have thrown at them, but one thing was for sure. That whatever it was, it wouldn’t get in the way of their friendship. As cheesy as it sounded, it stood the test of time.
“Y/N/N,” Kaz nodded to the girl who sat in the window seat of his room. She had curled in on herself with a book in hand with the window pushed open. “You’ll catch a cold, close the window.”
She rolled her eyes at him but smiled as her eyes continued to follow his movements. He reached into his dresser to pull out a new set of clothes, eyeing the extra shirt he left out for her on her chair opposite his by the desk. Everything would’ve passed off as a normal evening for the two if only she didn’t notice that Kaz’s limp was heavier than normal and his shoulders were so tense he was almost hunching. 
Y/N grabbed a spare sheet of paper and slipped it in between her book pages. “How was your day, Kaz?” A grunt was all she received in response causing her to roll her eyes. “Come on, Kaz. What’s got you in a knot?” 
She could hear the rustling of his clothes from the bathroom and waited patiently for him to finish. She quickly slipped out of her clothes and into the spare shirt that was set out for her, letting it fall just above her knees as she walked to grab a pair of thick socks. 
Kaz walked out of the bathroom in his black night clothes set, avoiding eye contact with Y/N as he made his way over to his desk. He sifted through a few files and started to put them away in the desk drawer. Her y/e/c eyes scanned over him thoughtfully, trying to piece together what happened. 
“What’s wrong, Kazzle?” she spoke quietly, adding her childhood nickname for him.
His shoulders tensed again. “Don’t call me that,” his voice was strained, it almost sounded pained. 
Y/N moved to sit in her chair across from him. “You’re going to have to tell me what’s wrong eventually… You know that.”
She watched as he clenched and unclenched his jaw, his thoughts racing and flickering through his eyes. 
“Do you ever wonder what our lives would be like if we still lived on the farm?”
The question caught her off guard for a moment before she understood what was wrong. “I do sometimes, but i don’t pay it much thought.”
Kaz hummed. “We would probably have a family and live on my parent’s farm. I would’ve put a ring on your finger a long time ago and I would’ve gotten your father’s blessing. We probably would have had a traditional wedding. Unless you didn’t want that, then we’d do whatever you wanted.”
“Kaz,” Y/N reached her hand out across the desk. 
He placed his finger tips against hers. “I’m sorry I can’t give you that life. That I’ve forced you to live this out with me. You didn’t deserve any of that.”
“Hold on now. You didn’t force me into anything. I chose to live this life with you. I wasn’t going to lose you no matter what. You didn’t force me into this life, Kaz.”
He sighed as he finally made eye contact with her. “I’ve changed, that much is obvious, and with you staying beside me… You’ve had to change in order to adapt to me.”
“And I would do it all over again if it meant we are seated right here today. Sure everything was easier in our firefly catching days, running through the fields but look at us now. I happen to like us the way we are right now. Sure, we’re far from perfect and I know you think you’ve done terrible things. But remember, I did them too. Please don’t think that I need or want anything different from what you’ve given me or who you are. That insults me.”
Kaz squeezed her fingertips in her hand, and tried to hide the flush of his cheeks. His eyes spoke his gratitude more than his lips ever could. She smiled her bright never changing smile as they both came to terms with the situation. Sure life would be great if they were able to stay back home and had never stepped foot in Ketterdam. On the other hand, if they never came to Ketterdam they wouldn’t have their friends or all the life experience they’ve gained along the way. The couple may be in their early thirties but they felt like they were still growing up. And as long as they were by each other’s side they’d be innocent in the other’s eyes. 
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