#i truly cannot wait to go home on saturday
capyclub · 10 months
sigh today was so fucking bizarre
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heretherebedork · 6 months
Can't believe how feral I am about the fact tomorrow is Saturday. God, bring me the stepbrothers.
The red thread and the black bracelet and the shining cufflinks.
The space and time apart and the growth that they're each going to go through.
The loneliness and the isolation, one at home and one abroad, connected but so distant and both aching.
The self-understanding that Qian needs to achieve and accept and the independence that Yuan needs to feel so he can truly support Qian as he needs.
The many, many red threads connecting them that can never be broken.
The marked wrists, the gifts that connect them, that will stay with them even without them there.
The pain that will lead to something better.
Oh, but they're not stepbrothers.
They're adopted brothers, they're found family, they're everything to each other.
They are our trauma babies who are still fighting with their own pasts just trying to see the future.
They are two men connected through so much that finding what the love means to them means they must be apart because everything else is so wrapped up in their past that they don't even know what to do.
Qian is still struggling with what his mother did to him and her abuse of him and his deep seated fear of romantic closeness as well as his visceral reaction to sexuality in the people he loves and that it something that he has to reflect on.
Yuan is still struggling with his guilt and self-blame for how Qian was injured and his own fear of abandonment.
I cannot wait for more.
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liamobrienlove · 11 months
My MCM Comic Con Experience
Oh y'all, i have been wanting to talk about this to anyone who will listen haha Sorry this post is a bit late but it's been busy at work since i got home.
Where do i even begin? I met Liam! Still seems surreal even though i have photo evidence haha Let's just start with meeting him!
First up on the Saturday morning was meeting up with the amazing @formulares - who is amazinnnng btwwwww! had so much fun! 10/10 would recommend being friends with him lmao
Next it was time to get in and get in line for the Liam autograph! CR had their own section for autos which was great because the queues were SO LONG. Luckily, we were like 5th in line! When they all came out, the whole room erupted and the cast looked utterly amazed and completely taken a back with the turnout. Here starts the whole Liam experience haha I made Ares go first because i just couldn't and to watch is conversation with Liam was special. Liam is a special guy, i'll say that.
When i got to him, i was so nervous and he just made me feel like we were old friends. I gave him some letters i had to give and then the dice i'd brought him and he was so happy and rolled them! got a Nat 1 on his first roll but rerolled because halfling luck hehe and got a much better number! i then was able to tell him how much his characters and he have helped me through a lot in recent years and he was so grateful and wrote a lovely message on my print i was getting signed (which i'm not going to share yet as i will most likely be getting it as a tattoo) and then that was the end of the auto portion! when i went in for my photo with him, he remembered me! ahhhh and then we had the cutest picture and he gave me a bug cuddle as i was leaving. Liam is an amazing human, so kind, sweet and humble. I'm hoping i get to meet him again in the near future because truly, one of the best moments i've ever had.
Then i had photos with Travis (who was making sure to ask everyone their names and shake their hand before the photo) and was thanking everyone as well once they were done. it was so sweet!
I did have a Sam photo op but because i was anxious about not making it to my Taliesin one (sam's was the same time as Travis), i gave my photo ticket to Ares who had a great picture with Sam (who is really tall!). Next it was time to have my photo with Taliesin who is just a super sweet man and was wonderful! i love my photo with Taliesin so much! he was so excited to meet everyone!
Now, onto meeting Matt! Bear in mind i queued for three and a half hours to meet him. One thing i will say is MCM need to work on their queuing system because the line for matt was 4 people wide and just didn't seem to go down! By the time i got to the front i was emotional and overwhelmed and i think Matt could see that right off the bat. He shook my hand and asked my name and then we jumped into what was a very amazing and sweet conversation, where when i started to get emotional, Matt took hold of my hands (he's an utter sweetheart) and when i told him how much this show, this world had changed my life, he was just so receptive and so humble about it all and just amazing. Then he got up to give me a hug and it was so sweet of him - that man just adores every single person/fan. He spent time talking to every single person and stayed late to make sure everyone got to meet him.
i cannot begin to put into words how amazing they all were. From seeing Travis, Laura, Ashley, Marisha, Sam and Tal interact with everyone when standing in line, to how they were in photo ops - this cast are genuine and amazing. I count myself lucky to have been able to see them in person and cannot wait until i'm able to again in the future. I just adore them and it's an experience i will never, ever forget.
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umemiyan · 1 month
Happy Friday Robin!! ❤️ tell me, what does the weekend routine look like in the Aviary?
HELLO MY WONDERFUL PRECIOUS sorry i didn’t answer this last night i was so damn tired fjdndjskks
but omg okay so weekends are reserved for family fun time <3 aka all the little birdies are forced to get together and do activities because mother says so. also in my fantasy land i don’t work on weekends, so this is actually possible LMAO
on saturday we’ll usually go out and do something or maybe stay home and do like a movie marathon or game night or something like that. it depends on the activity but we usually end up leaving the house sometime in the early afternoon because it takes everyone a while to get ready, but i’ve devised a plan that somewhat moves everything along a little bit faster
belphie and nagi have to get their asses up. i usually employ the help of either tanjiro or suga for this because they’re good motivators while also being capable of gentleness to avoid irritation. hajime can also be good for tasks like these.
denki has to decide which jacket and cologne he wants to wear. hajime has to fix his hair. oikawa’s taking mirror selfies. i have to be kissy kissy with katsuki to keep him from blowing up because “all you damn extras are taking too long” etc. even tho i'm lowkey feeling the same way. it’s a whole process truly, like taking a huge family with lots of children out
some of my good boys like megumi are just sitting off to the side waiting because he in particular has been up since 6am. yuuta’s there with him because that bitch barely sleeps
i usually try to have everybody ready to go by a certain time, but depending on the progress that’s made we sometimes split up. hajime or someone will be like “you go ahead and take those guys and i’ll get everyone else rounded up. we’ll be right behind you.” so me and my little brigade of punctual/efficient babies are loading up in the van to go to the mall or whatever LOL
sundays are way more chill like everyone is just getting up whenever they want and tanjiro will probably try to make two or three different waves of breakfast because he feels bad if somebody misses it fkdjdkdjdn i’m like “tanjiro it’s okay they can just have cereal” but he’s literally already cracking eggs into the pan
everyone’s mostly just chilling around watching tv/movies or playing games with some designated chores mixed in. it’s not an organized family event but it may end up being a whole group thing depending on what we’re watching or doing. even katsuki’s competitive ass cannot resist a mario kart tournament or something djdjsksjje
anyways yeah we’re a big insane family but it’s so much fun <3 oh and we usually have a nice homemade dinner on sunday evening!!! most everyone ends up pitching in one way or another whether it be cooking or setting the table because they’re not allowed near the stove lmfao
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dksw0rld · 2 years
How I achieved being the happiest I’ve ever been during the hardest year I’ve ever been through
I stopped waiting for the weekend to live life
If a friend asks me to go out to grab a drink on a Thursday for happy hour I now say yes. If I want to go to the movies on a Monday I go on a Monday. I began to refuse living a life that waited for the weekend to live. 
I stopped feeling guilty for spending money on myself
When I began to make my own money in high school, I would save all of it and not spend any on myself. A lot of this was honestly due to my parents paying for everything, they wanted me to save the money I was making for college and the future. Don’t get me wrong having parents like that was and still is a blessing. At the same time, it led me to associate money with needing to hoard it to be prepared for the next step. I began to recognize and heal those thoughts. I embarked deeper on my self love journey and adopted the mindset of recognizing that I am worth every penny I spend and more, whether that be spending money on experiences, on self care, or for my future self.
I re-started a hobby I loved as a child
When I was younger, I did ballet among a few other activities. I loved all of them but ballet was (and still is) my favorite. For years I wanted to start again but let life get in the way. This year I said enough. I looked up in person classes in my area and found that all of them were way out of my price range but, instead of giving up, I found another way. I found a program that taught lessons online with an instructor. Re-starting ballet truly makes my inner-child so happy. 
 I prioritize experiences
This ties into not waiting for the weekend to live life but it deserves it’s own point. I began prioritizing finding ways to live. I look up events in my area and actually attend them. I attend events I find that bring me out of my comfort zone like dance classes in the park, roller skating with a group of people I don’t necessarily know, attending a sunflower festival, etc. I also joined a few social groups that host events and I attend those. I take weekend trips with friends. I take myself on staycations and solo weekend trips. Life really is so much fun when you actually go outside and do things!
I volunteer
I grew up volunteering and I stopped during college. This year I realized how much I missed it. I also knew it would be a great way to meet new people and foster relationships. I’ve always loved being around horses so I knew I wanted to volunteer at a barn. I googled horse barns near me and found one 8 minutes away from my apartment - this barn is a true hidden suburban gem. It’s a therapeutic horse barn for kids with special needs. I volunteer there every Friday and Saturday and am absolutely in love with it. It brings so much to my life. I also volunteer through my church home but more about that in the next point. 
I prioritized finding a church home
I grew up in the church as my Dad was an elder there for 15 years. I sort of lost touch with my faith in the past couple of years. This year I renewed my faith and prioritized looking for a church home after putting it off for a year and a half. I googled churches near me and visited one every Sunday until I felt I found the right fit. I found the church I’m at now and I cannot explain to you how life changing it’s been. I joined a community group through the church to meet more Christians my age and those people mean so much to me now. We meet every Tuesday night, we go on runs together, volunteer together, had a Friendsgiving this past year, it’s just been amazing. I’ve grown so much in my faith.
I stopped prioritizing finding love
I am truly a certified lover girl. I have so much pure love to give and craved someone who would give me the same type of love. I tried to find that person most of my life and while I’ve had some great men in my life they never were “the one”. This year I genuinely stopped prioritizing finding my person and started prioritizing myself and my life. It feels like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. I’m now filled with trust that my person will come along when it’s time and until then I’m truly enjoying my season of singleness! 
I don’t care what anyone thinks
I’ve genuinely never cared what people think, even when I was younger, which has been a huge blessing. I’ve always marched to the beat of my own drum. I’ve never been ashamed to like what I like or to not like what I don’t like, no matter what the people my age were doing. I’ve always done what I’ve felt is best for my life. I never get embarrassed about anything. This notion has just intensified this year.
I don’t care about social media
I stopped going on Instagram. I deleted the app off of my phone. I deleted Twitter years ago. I don’t go on TikTok. I only use Snapchat for extra picture and video storage. I genuinely do not care about social media anymore. I don’t care for everyone to know what I’m up to. I don’t care to know what anyone else is up to. I know what’s going on in the lives of people that matter to me because I actually talk to and spend time with them. I personally don’t see the point in posting on Instagram. I don’t care to know what “celebrities” are doing. I just truly don’t care about any of it. 
I prioritize privacy 
This year I realized how important privacy is. For a whole host of reasons. Some of them being peace, less evil eye, safety, not having the pressure of trying to “keep up”. I can go on and on honestly. This year I’ve begun to say less and observe more. Since choosing private over public I’ve seen my happiness grow and my life blossom. I’m very careful with who I let into my circle. I don’t tell anyone everything. I’m selective with whom I share with and what I share. I’m truly in love with privacy. I love having beautiful experiences and no one or only the people I’m having them with knowing. 
I pay attention to myself 
This year I began to truly pay attention to myself. How I act in certain situations, my thought processes, my emotions, what I still need to work on, how I’ve grown, what triggers me, etc. Once I started doing this, healing, growth and making changes has become so much easier. I finally feel like I know myself through and through. I feel in touch with who I am. I know how to love myself and make myself happy.
I pray this new year you begin to choose happiness, because happiness will always be a choice. This year was NOT easy for me at all but I still prioritized myself and my happiness and I truly have never been happier. I pray this new year you choose yourself. I pray this year you begin to truly live. 
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After an amazing few months singing on stage in Finland, I have been lucky enough to be chosen to partake in a week long masterclass in Salzburg (starting this Saturday!), having gotten the call a week ago! It’s a big deal, and it will be a full on schedule with daily masterclasses and culminating in a performance at the end of the week, with people like potential agents and sponsors watching! I feel deeply honoured to be chosen! It feels like a step in the right direction for the future of my career and I cannot wait to see what the week brings! It could be the big stepping stone I need to finally get my career on it’s feet!
That being said, taking the time away to further my career leaves me vulnerable financially. Having just returned from Finland, and no shifts at my normal day to day job until September, it leaves me financially crippled, especially after having just had to move to a new home and spend what little savings I had into resettling myself back into the swing of London. As of right now my bank account will go negative by the end of the week, and with no way to feed myself or travel when I need to get the airport, or to take care of myself when I'm away in a different country, let alone worrying if I'll have enough money to pay rent come September...I'm feeling a great deal of stress.
But I refuse to let this damper my spirits. I know things will look up soon, but for now, I reach out to seek help. I've set up a little donation button through paypal, and I would be greatly honoured and humbled if anyone could consider donating, or even sharing my post and story around! Already I’ve had this post up on my personal social media’s for more than a day, and there has been no support, which has truly reminded me just how much my family do not approve/understand the life I live as a freelancer.
So I thank you in advance for all your help, even if all you are able to do is a simple reblog. That in and of itself I am just as grateful for. You all have helped me through so much, both known and unknown, and I’m humbled to have such a community surrounding me and this little part of the internet. 🥺
Thank you all for helping in whatever way you are able! ❤
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memento-morri-writes · 8 months
joy list tag
I was tagged by the lovely, amazing @mysticstarlightduck! Thank you so much!! <3333
Rules: Make a list of all of the things that have made you happy recently! Then, tag as many people as you want that you think may need it to keep the positivity going ✨
D&D!!! This game is my special interest, so it's no surprise that it's my favorite part of my week. We had really long roleplay sessions for my Friday campaign last night, and the party finally got to learn a few things about Cyra, plus she got some... interesting news about her old gang... And tomorrow for my (usually) Saturday campaign I get to traumatize my poor boy Rook some more! (Poor man really is my punching bag... he's already been through so much...)
Playing video games! I bought Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous on January 1st, and I've played 98.3 hours since then, and am enjoying it immensely. I just hit level 20 yesterday! Cannot recommend this game enough, especially to people who liked BG3.
Seeing pictures of my parents' cats! My mom just got a new kitten a little over a week ago, and I'm so obsessed with her, I can't wait to meet her! And my dad's cats are still being their adorable, weird selves, and I want to see them again soon.
Watching Critical Role! I'm inching ever closer to the end of Campaign 1, and I'm not ready for it to be over. I can't decide if this ending will devastate me more than the ending of Campaign 2. On one hand, I preferred C2 overall, but on the the other, my favorite character dies at the end of C1. But either way, I love this silly little show, and it brings me so much joy. Watching Campaign 2 was literally a life-changing experience for me.
Daydreaming about my OCs! Even if I haven't been able to write lately, at least playing around with scenarios for them in my head at night while I'm trying to sleep brings me joy. These silly little guys (gender neutral) are truly the lights of my life. (This does include my D&D characters, btw.)
Buying books! While I was home over winter break I bought 7 books, and just yesterday I ordered 9 more, including a few from some writeblr people! I'm excited to read them whenever I get the chance.
Finding new music! In the past week I got really obsessed with Arrows In Action's latest album (Built To Last), and then WE MADE PLANS AND GOD LAUGHED by Beauty School Dropout came around and put me in a chokehold. It's fun finding new music that I like, and I'm excited to share it with my mom when I get a chance.
Getting tagged in posts / getting asks here on tumblr! This website is my only form of social media, and I truly adore all of the friends I've made on here. Even if I haven't done the thing you tagged me in, or I haven't answered your ask, the fact that you even thought to tag me or send me one makes me so happy.
I'm going to make this an open tag!! If you want to do this and/or need a reason to remember the good things in life, please feel free to say I tagged you!!!
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drhoneyandelley · 7 months
Love and to be loved in return.
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I truly believe in the power of love. Love is more amazing, beautiful and powerful than anything in the world.
Looking at the photo of me and my honey hubby, I realize that I am content more than ever. (I look at the pictures of us a lot in a day because my honey hubby is so devoted to his job as a surgeon not coming back until late at night on business days from Monday to sometimes Saturday and I am ALWAYS missing him. So no doubt that I am like a dog in a rush to the door welcoming her owner when he comes back home.)
I used to be more hungry (even greedy) to get what I wanted and sometimes feel insecure thinking about my future. Now that my heart is filled with huge love from/for him, I am fulfilled and sleep peacefully beside him at night. He is everything to me (most of everything I confess. I am a fashion freak and cannot help it). He makes my day. I am not sure why I love him that much? Rose glasses? No, oh wait, well... it could be... NO. I would say it is the power of love.
Although the world is getting more in danger and chaos and we never know what it is going on, I strongly believe that all we can do for the better life is to spread love, to love someone you love and be loved in return, and love yourself.
Here is the words of Mother Teresa; If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.
I love him. He loves me. It is beyond description. It is the love. I could write forever how much I love him....but it's time to go cook dinner for my honey hubby who believes in "you are what you eat". Here are how I cook like below;
More than 3-4 dishes with various kinds of vegetables to take nutrition from a diet.
One cup of miso-soup per day that is one of the most popular and typical Japanese fermented foods.
Mostly fish or some kind of seafood for a main dish sometimes beef, pork and chicken because fish oil like tuna is better and healthier also cod is better digestion.
A bowl of rice sometimes brown rice less flour (I am trying gluten-free diet because I get feeling fuzzy and foggy with it).
Most importantly, cooking with love. The more I think of my honey hubby smiling on his face while eating, the better I can cook. Love is the best spice!
I love, therefore, I am.
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headspaceinanutshell · 8 months
It seems like Sunday blogging is becoming my thing. It’s like the weeks events all boils down to the one day that I can truly reflect on how I feel.
I actually had something to look forward to this week which was supposed to be today.
On a Monday at work, people sit, sip their hot drink and make small talk about what they got up to on the weekend. Last Monday, I heard how one of my colleagues went to a lovely restaurant and spent the day child free enjoying their partners company. It raised a question in me as if to say… “Why don’t I have those nice moments to talk about on a Monday?”
Most evenings afterwork consist of a glass of wine, cans of beer and hours of watching The Chase before bed. In the summer, we were active and out walking. I honestly cannot wait for those days again where it stays light, maybe it will bring us closer.
I sent my partner a message and suggested that we arrange a long overdue date day soon. Which happen to fall on today. I suggested bowling and some lunch somewhere. To be honest, it’s not even the activities I was pushing for, it was the quality time alone together. On Saturday, we discussed a plan to potentially get the 9:40 train to Liverpool, visit the natural history museum and grab some lunch with a voucher we had received for Christmas.
So naturally, as he seemed keen, my hopes were high and I was super excited but in the back of my mind, it was like I already knew this wasn’t going to happen. I had felt this anticipation before and had something get in the way. It’s like I emotionally prepared myself for hurdle to stop this from happening.
This morning, I woke up early trying hard not to wake him from his deep sleep. Crept downstairs to get ready and sort the dogs out with breakfast etc. I did my makeup and hair with the knowing of going out to a nice restaurant together and potential photo memories being taken. I left him sleeping quite late, the past 2 nights he had been struggling with his sinuses so he needed as much rest as possible.
I watched the clock once ready, I had gotten ready 2 hours in advance to ensure that as soon as he was up and ready we could go. As the clock moved forward, we reached 9:30am. I knew the Liverpool plan would not be going ahead but was hopeful for a later start to do something else.
He eventually came downstairs, and from the moment I saw him, it was confirmed that we were not going to be doing anything. It looked like he hadn’t slept. Like I said, I had prepared myself for this to happen so I just suggested we stay at home and forget the plan. It's as if I had come to terms with this, way before it was even spoken about.
We did manage to get to the supermarket for some weekly supplies but the whole time, I could see that he was irritated and wanted to just get home. To be honest, I picked up on this and just wanted to get back myself.
Jump to now, he’s in bed. Clearly exhausted and not well. I was laying next to him, I turned to kiss his head whilst he lay there, the only physical contact we’d had all day. He mumbled, “Stop smothering me.” With that sentence, I was gone.
I’m sitting on the sofa, feeling.. well, I don’t know how I’m feeling. Every time I sit here and type, I have tears in my eyes. Empty is the only descriptive word I have right now.
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awesomenessg · 2 years
I know this post is pretty late considering that the episode came out last Saturday and I apologize for that, but I still wanted to just make a nice quick and easy recap giving my overall thoughts.
But in short, omg this episode was fantastic! The entire time I felt like I was on a crazy roller coaster ride of emotions. I went from laughing, to crying, to laughing again, to being on the edge of my seat, and so much more. The deep emotional moments hit so hard for me. And it feels like the animation keeps getting better and better with every new episode. The fight scene near the end where Millie went off on a full-blown killing spree was the top tier highlight of the entire show's animation for me, even topping the fight scene from S1 E6 Truth Seekers imo, and that's saying a lot. What I also loved about that scene was that it shows just how powerful and a badass Millie can become when you anger her enough. You do not wanna be messing with her! >:) She is so protective of her husband, and you do not dare touch him or she will unleash her full fury out on you. And that scene really drove the point of the whole episode home that Millie and Moxxie's relationship is just so healthy and strong and not a force to be reckoned with. Not a single thing in Hell can tear them apart from each other.
And don't even get me started on this episode touching on Moxxie's backstory! When I said I was crying at one point in this I was not joking. I already had a feeling that his dad Crimson was not somebody to be trusted before this episode came out, but holy shit, I was not at all prepared to see just how evil and vile this character truly is. He is not only homophobic, sexist, and abusive to his own child, but the fact that he had the gall to straight up murder his own wife??!! Yeah... he's officially at the top of my list for worst Helluva Boss character now. Geez and I thought Stella was horrible, but Crimson has got even Stella beat at this point. And poor Moxxie did not deserve having to grow up in such a hostile environment and go through all that trauma. By the looks of the very end of the episode it seems like this won't be the last time we'll be seeing Crimson. This seems to be a set up for him to be a returning villain and I am all here for it.
As much as I didn't like Chaz because of him being an f-boy who sleeps around and just a really cringy character overall, I have to give credit where it's due and say that he was written very well and I do love his design and voice actor. Though I'm gonna be completely honest, part of me was kinda relieved that he got killed off at the end lol I just did not enjoy watching this selfish arrogant horny dude who was all talk and no show try to interfere with M&M's precious marriage.
Oh yeah and one other thing, why is nobody else talking about how Moxxie is such perfect bisexual representation? 💗💜💙 Being bi myself I just couldn't help but feel so seen the moment he confirmed it. Loona has always been my favorite character since the very beginning, but after this episode, I think Moxxie might just be a close second (and also because he's voiced by my all-time favorite voice actor Richard Horvitz).
Now the only thing that disappointed me about this episode was that Loona was barely in it at all. I was really hoping for more Loona moments, I missed seeing my baby wolf girl so much! 😢
So to sum this all up, I thoroughly enjoyed this episode. It was definitely worth the long wait. This show has not yet once failed to impress me. I hope it continues to head in the right direction and I cannot wait for the next episode! ❤️🖤🤍😈
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malamai · 6 months
My weekend was a write off.
So as you will have all seen my mothersday was a bust and my week had YET ANOTHER HORRID END! I am not even shocked anymore when things go down now.
So in short Elijah was hospitalised because he'd had this really nasty chest infection since Christmas time that was passed off as viral by a ridiculous amount of healthcare professionals, despite me fighting to get him antibiotics because it was not viral at all and to no surprise of mine that chest infection turned out to be NOT FUCKING VIRAL. So he eventually saw a nurse, that unlike everyone else we went to did not have the brain activity of a fucking chicken nugget and got some antibiotics, some steriods and naturally she could see my frustration and was quite peeved herself at the state of him and fact that when she went through the notes on the computer that at least two other people had reported crackling in the chest along with damp sounds and not given him any medication. We started the antibiotics and the first course didn't do enough so he had to have another course and submit a Flem sample on Thursday.
On international women's day on the Friday I had a shoot and Elijah was still not in school so I send him down to my parents house so my brother could watch him and my mother was just getting over a stomache bug but was fine, thought nothing of it, but I didn't know until the Sunday but she made him lunch. (I know, doesn't seem relevant or important, but it is a key part of the puzzle. Stay with me on this.) So he came home and all was well, the day was fun, it went swimmingly.
Saturday morning I wake up and Elijah isn't looking too good, but I just initially thought "wow the antibiotics have knocked him well and truly" I do my normal and make him eat something before he has his antibiotics which he did and then he took his antibiotic. Within 30 minutes he suddenly takes a turn for the worst and he just starts constantly vomiting, like barely a break, everything he drank came back up, he just could keep nothing down and he starts looking extra bad, I knew something just wasn't right, he's vomited for an hour straight, he can't eat, can't drink, can't take medication and he just cannot stay awake and he has puked everything up to the point where all that's coming up is bile and even that is coming up constantly and he went clammy. I went on the phone to 111 and they got a hospital to call and when the hospital called they wanted us there after I explained all the stuff that has gone on with him health wise recently and Lee was with me and I think at first he thought I was loopy because I got him to sit with Elijah and started preparing my house because I knew I wasn't going to be back the same day judging by the look of Elijah, so Lee is like "what are you doing and why are you doing it so fast?" Because I was preparing my handbag with chargers ect... rushing the washing up, tidying, making sure I had a bucked and towel to take with me ect... and I just said "I'm doing everything I need to do now because I honestly don't think I'll be coming home tonight and I suggest you do anything you need to do when I'm done because I think I'll need you to stay with Aura."
When we get to the hospital they check him over and they basically don't have the facilities to find out what exactly is wrong but the lady we saw was lovely and she said she could see why I was concerned and he definitely needed some medical attention so off we went to the next hospital and I knew we would be fine going to the next hospital because it was Darlington, we always go to Darlington over Durham hospital because none of us have ever had a bad experience there, everyone has time for their patients, they leave no stone unturned, there is no waiting around left to god and good nature, there are more facilities and it runs like a dream. So we got there and Elijah got sent straight back to pediatric observation, his heart rate crazy, pulse crazy, oxygen low, constantly vomiting and they took blood, found markers in his blood, saw he couldn't keep a thing down if he tried and they decided to keep him in for the night on antibiotics and fluid drips and keep giving him anti sickness meds. I was allowed to stay with him which I obviously did. I did not bank on a mothersday sleepover in a hospital this year but you know, here we are. The next day he finally stops puking and his stats look a little better and they toom samples of everything. He was diagnosed with gastroenteritis and gastritis on top of his chest infection he already had and he got out at around 6.30pm.
So flash back to when my mother made him lunch. She works in a hospital and she had what she thought was a bug but was a actually a case highly contagious gastroenteritis and Elijah was already run down on antibiotics so of course he was going to catch it. So I'm looking after Elijah, I get him settled on the couch and he goes to sleep, Lee took Aura again so I could have some rest and have a bit of time to get some sleep but I just wanted some fun so I hopped on my xbox, turned on fallout 4 and was just chilling with the dogs on my bed. While I am playing I have to pause because I start feeling really bizarre. I remember just feeling so hot, like my eyes were rolling and I felt like I was so full I was going to explode which is exactly what I did, by this point I know I have caught the gastroenteritis and gastritis and I just start violently vomiting on mothersday night and I violently vomited for 12 hours straight to the point where I could not even call anyone for help, my muscles actually hurt from wretching and I had ran out of energy and started going in and out of sleep and somewhere in the 9th hour of this I managed to actually make a phone call in-between puking to Lee and he said I sounded like I was dying and I puked twice in the 2 minute phonecall we had. I needed him to grab me some Coca-Cola because it was the only thing I could think would help and I needed to stop puking because I had my own problem already through Elijah being sick.
When Elijah got taken to hospital I forgot to pack my meds which was not good because you're not meant to just come off them, so I didn't have one from saturday all the way through until Tuesday night and I have really felt the affects of coming off them all of a sudden because I was dizzy and acting out of character, a friend checked in with me and noticed. I explained "I am off my meds through no fault of my own due to vomiting and the trip to hospital and I'm now scared to take one because I feel like it will make me vomit." But he told me I needed to take the pill, so I braved it and I felt better, not 100% but it took the withdrawal away and the horrid "I'm off my meds" side effects but I'm still feeling some effects now like sudden deep depressive hours in my day and I have no drive but it can't be helped and I know its rational but needs to be numbed my meds and I can't wait til I am all stable on them again because fuck feeling like that.
But yeah, basically my son gave me gastroenteritis and gastritus for mothers day and I gave myself withdrawal on top of it all and had to go to work on tuesday while still recovering and looking after my children. Thats literally what happened. 😅
0 notes
now-we-say-c0ral · 1 year
September 2, 2023
I cannot fucking believe that I have to be working on a good Saturday morning. If things aren't bad enough the Elizabeth Line decided to be stupid and not function. I mean, why does it have to be down every time that I need it?
Called work that I'll be a bit late because of the signal failure. Got there around 8:20am and went to the coffee room where I found the team just chilling and waiting for the surgeons to brief. Have you ever heard of a condition called 'Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness'? It's actually a thing when your muscles become sore and hurt a lot after 2 days of you doing rigorous exercise. I haven't done leg day for like 2-3 months now and I just did it again two days ago. Now, I'm paying the price. This shit really hurts. I'm actually limping.
There were two cases scheduled today. I circulated for the TOF. When Prof. De Coppi was asking for a suction diathermy, we didn't have it in the prep room. I went out to get it and he literally said ever so calmly to run. I did. I was limp-running if that made sense and when I gave the thing, they literally used it for 3 seconds and that was it. I limp-ran for that. I did the second case which was a pyloromyotomy. It was like doing a lap chole only shorter. I literally have no more energy left to give for doing the more difficult cases. I'm just here to be and make money. I don't want to be tired no more. I just literally want to get paid.
They sent me home early today and I'm thankful that they always do. Went home around 8:10pm and Ed bought me a doner from that one store here that I truly love and it made me fat but it made me happy. I told him how I don't think it's [redacted] but what I actually have was [redacted]. I feel like I'm slowly going crazy with this. I have to buy some different creams tomorrow. Ed knew I was feeling volatile so he bought me my 'favorite' vape flavour. It was't but I loved the thought.
We watched Your Name Engraved Herein on Netflix and it was quite a rollercoaster ride. I emphatise with Jia-Han so much. I think we're similar in some sense but not to the point where I would go to such lengths that he went on.
Today was an okay day!
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umichenginabroad · 1 year
Finding my Paris routine
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My summer routine back home typically consists of waking up around 10 a.m., the occasional coffee or Target run, heading to work, and watching Criminal Minds before bed (very eventful, I know). Coming to Paris, I knew my routine would not nearly be the same. Upon arrival it was essential I find my Paris routine.
One fairly smooth plane ride later, my friends (who had been on the same flight) and I were transported to local housing, where we faced the looming challenge of discovering how we were going to live for the next 6 weeks. The three of us were housed in studios, one friend in a single and the other friend and I in a double, one of the options included in the program fee. After a few days I will say that I highly recommend the studio—it is relatively spacious and comes with nearly everything one could need: 2 beds, 2 desks, a closet, a kitchenette, and our own bathroom. The only stipulation is that you must provide your own food, which I don’t mind because I feel it contributes to the experience of ‘living as a local,’ per se.
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It therefore follows that the first part of the routine we had to establish upon arrival was our weekly shopping trips. Our studio being in the 20th arrondissement, the easternmost district of Paris quite some distance from its most ‘touristy’ areas, our local supermarché Franprix made a quick and reasonably priced choice for our first shopping trip. Now that we’ve stocked up on all the essentials—pasta, bread, eggs, cheese, fruits, and veggies—cooking for one another has become a fun way to avoid the costs of constantly eating out.
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It was not until the start of class two days upon arrival that we truly began to establish a daily routine. For myself and both friends, Calculus 3 from 12:30-2:30 p.m. forced us to begin to structure our days into the ‘time before’ and the ‘time after’ class. Additionally, with classes housed at our partner program’s academic building an approximately 45-minute (walk + metro) trip from our studio, we had little to no choice but to invest in a metro pass to make this commute feasible. The cheapest and simplest option for the number of weeks it would be in use ended up being the monthly pass, which has already provided for plenty of exploring during our free time.
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The ‘time before’ class has now begun to consist of quick café or boulangerie stops during the walking part of our journey, a little pick-me-up before the two hours of math to follow. The ‘time after’ has been filled with larger and lengthier trips: museums, sightseeing, you name it!
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Here are a couple of my favorite stops from this week:
-Starbucks Opéra, the first Parisian Starbucks, housed in a beautiful building over 3 centuries old!
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-Le Centre Pompidou, Paris’ one-of-a-kind modern art museum
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-Le Petit Prince store, filled with all sorts of souvenirs inspired by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s most famous book
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-And of course, La Tour Eiffel!!!
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My first weekend in Paris allowed for a bit of break from routine and for more free time to simply do, well, whatever we wanted! As for my friends and I, this was enjoying a restful Saturday followed by a busy Sunday enjoying the beautiful weather and city.
Some weekend highlights:
-Brunch (and the cutest cappuccino) at Sunday in Soho, located in Paris’ 2nd arrondissement
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-Visit to le Jardin des Tuileries and le Jardin du Luxembourg (weather was PERFECT for this!)
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-Dior Galerie, providing a fantastic look into the history of one of the city’s most famous designers
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Despite having left some room for spontaneity, having established somewhat of a routine over the course of my first week in Paris has helped me to feel at ease during my transition to life in another country and all the more eager to take on what is to come. I cannot wait to share the rest of my adventures with you!
À tout !!!
Hannah Bernardi
First-year Engineering
Engineering in Paris, France
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darkstarswitch · 2 years
A creature of habit
Funny I should call myself that. I cannot even get into the habit of writing here on the regular.
So, here's what I mean, when I leave the house, I walk the same path. I cross the street at the same point and when I get to the bus stop, I face east. I get to see the sun come up, but I am looking for the bus, going in the other direction. I acknowledge the bus then turn to face west for my bus. Now you know as well as I do that buses don't always run on time, unless you live anywhere other than where I am. Our public transportation...the scheduled times are merely suggestions. You could be at the bus stop ten minutes before the bus is "scheduled" to arrive and wait anywhere between ten minutes to an hour. With my habit if I miss seeing the bus going in the other direction, I start to panic that I have missed my bus to go into work. I know. Weird. Don't give me that look. Take a look at your life. How many little things do you have floating around in your life that are just a bit weird but are a habit?
You're going to laugh at this...Two Saturdays ago...I am at work. It's a busy day, I am runnin and gunnin and at quitting time, I hustle my dumbass up to the bus stop thinking that I only have eight minutes or so to wait for my bus. Eight minutes turn to ten minutes, turn to twenty minutes. It's raining and chilly and it hits me that it's not Friday, it's Saturday and the bus wasn't going to show up for at least forty-five minutes! I'm on the phone with my "sir" cursing and grumbling discussing my options. Two-fifty for a seven-minute bus ride or ten to fifteen dollars for an Uber ride. The bus will be showing up (at this point) in fifteen minutes. It didn't. I checked the app and the app says that my bus has been CANCELED! Okay, it's Uber to the rescue. I order and Uber, get the make and model of the car and my FUCKING PHONE DIES!!!
Had I figured out that it was a Saturday earlier, I would have saved myself the headache and had remembered to order and Uber way sooner. I'm a fucking idiot, it's my HABIT to take an Uber home on Saturdays.
Oh! I got the new job. More money and it's pretty much the same job I had at the other big box store I worked at. I truly hated to break my boss's heart, but I got to go to where the money is. I will still have to take the bus and I will have to be up an hour earlier, but I will be getting home earlier.
Hail and welcome to the newbies that have decided to start following me. I truly appreciate it, but I also wonder why you decided to. I have no clue where I'm going, and I cannot promise that you will arrive to your destination in one piece, but I thank you for your interest. Make sure to hit that "Subscribe" button and tickle that bell icon...oh wait. Sorry. Wrong media platform. LMAO!!
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peachykeenmomster · 2 years
my sons first birthday and a quick school and work update.
Hello and happy Saturday! I hope everyone is having a productive and meaningful weekend thus far. I did not intend to go two weeks between posts. It’s a good thing I decided not to hold myself to a schedule when I started posting over here, because I knew I wouldn’t be able to stick to it. Anyways, I feel like there has been much that has taken place since my introductory post.
First, my son turned one. I truly cannot believe that he is already a year old. I know everyone says time is a thief and not to blink, but until you have your own children and see for yourself, you won’t understand just how fast the newborn phase passes. Now that my little boy is entering toddlerhood, my goal for parenthood in this season as I help him learn and explore the world around him and gain just the tiniest amount of independence, is to not get overly wrapped up in my frustrations and not to wish the days away. Surely if the newborn stage passed so quickly, the stages that follow are sure to do the same. I want to be present in the moment and appreciative of where we are at. That is not to say that I won’t allow myself to be frustrated or to have days where I’m counting down until nap time or bedtime. I think it’s important to allow yourself the grace to feel those negative emotions. But, on those days, I hope I will also take a step back to breathe and remember just how quickly time has proven to pass.
On my sons birthday this year, a new family tradition was born. If you aren’t familiar with Build-A-Bear Workshop’s birthday bear, it is a bear that is available during your child’s birthday month and you can get it at the price of the age your child is turning. So we got our boy a bear for $1 this year! Then we had lunch at The Cheesecake Factory, where he had some delicious pasta and cheesecake! Check out the pictures below!
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We had an actual party planned for him with all our family and friends a few days after his actual birthday, that we unfortunately had to cancel last minute the day of due to a run in with strep that affected both me and my boy. We have since recovered and have rescheduled the party for next weekend! Hopefully all will go according to (backup) plan. A lot of time and energy has gone into putting this birthday party together, so I have high expectations for it. I can’t wait to share some fun memories made there in the next post.
Before I put an end to this blog post, I feel it necessary to give a quick update as far as work and school goes. Due to being sick, I had to call into work two days for myself while I had strep and one day to keep my son home from daycare when he came down with it. During that time, I also did not get a lot of studying, or homework done. My lab kit came in the mail though and now I have a rat, a cows eye and a pigs brain along with all my lab essentials- goggles, sterile gloves and dissection tool stored away in my closet. I’m nervous as to completing the dissection labs from home. I’ve never taken an online class up until this point, so to be in one with an accompanying lab class that I’m also tackling from home is a major step outside of my comfort zone. However, I had my first lecture exam this morning. It was 80 question and I had 95 minutes to complete it. I scored a 92.5% on it. After getting 75% on the first two quizzes, I definitely seized the opportunity to redeem myself and I’m still pulling an A in this class! In a couple of months I will be adding a CNA class to my already extremely busy schedule. I will keep you guys updated on that as well as everything else.
Until next time. ✌🏻
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Escape Room Challenge Frankston Melbourne
Whether you are coming with Friends, your team from work, or your family, we have the adventure you seek. As we run back-to-back sessions, we cannot always start a session late as it will cause the next session to run behind schedule and other customers will be left waiting. If it is possible, we can try to start a bit later. If we are unable to get you started, bookings are forfeited.
All the puzzles can be solved with items provided in the room, so please do not bring your own tools. We do not have a strict age restriction, but some parts of the rooms are designed to be quite challenging so we recommend an age of 15+ to play by themselves. Children under 12 must be accompanied by at least one adult.
We enjoyed Return to Thebes so much we immediately booked another room to do straight after. We have one room left to do and we'll definitely be returning. The ultimate team building experience allowing colleagues to work together and develop leadership skills.
Purchased this product to play with my husband and 10 year old son. We have done physical escape rooms in the past and enjoyed them immensely although we are by no means experts. This was a very good at home version, it took the 3 of us about 1 hour and 20 minutes to complete, the puzzles may be a little easy for our level but we really enjoyed playing. We carefully put all of the items back in the envelopes so we can pass onto another family to play.
Race against the clock to complete all the puzzles in our white themed arcade room for ultimate bragging rights. Race against the clock to complete all the puzzles in our black themed arcade room for ultimate bragging rights. An escape room is an immersive, real-life, puzzle solving and storytelling experience.
We were a group of 5 ranging in age from teens to in their thirties and this was so much fun! I hadn’t ever done an escape room before but everyone else in our group had and they all agreed it was a good one and I had a lot of fun as a first timer. Great set up, challenging but also fun and rewarding. Can’t wait to go again when they have another room for us to try. Our dedicated game masters can give you a clue at any stage if you feel stuck. This helps us to cater for different abilities – first timers through to experienced players.
Virtual Reality Rooms Entermission School Excursions Sydney and School Activities Sydney
You and your team will have a truly immersive, brilliantly challenging, and entertaining experience. Become a team of detectives to go deep into the memories of a maniac to investigate the kidnapping of a child. Work together to solve diabolical and dangerous puzzles and uncover the secrets held in the mind of a madman in 60 minutes. Entermission Sydney – Virtual Reality Escape Rooms is in the city centre , and offers two different games.
Register your details to receive our latest news and offers. Explore a feast of flavours at the city's most sought after dining destinations. Crown Towers Sydney offers luxury accommodation, leisure facilities and an impeccable standard of guest services. Under 18’s are permitted at Hijinx Hotel until 9pm, Sunday to Thursday and until 8pm, Friday to Saturday.
In the spirit of reconciliation, Holidays with Kids acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of country throughout Australia and their connections to land, sea and community. We pay our respect to their Elders past and present and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples today. Family fun with indoor heated water park and pool, opposite safe swimming beach. Additional hourly charge will be added if you are unable to provide a competent person to monitor/supervise the inflatable whilst on your property. Mission Possible – as distinct from the famous movie and TV series, our inflatable mobile escape room activities are “possible”.
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This game is one of Sydney's best family friendly escape rooms, offering a great challenge for both first time players as well as experienced teams. So whether you want to spend quality time with friends and family, or need a team-building exercise, look for one of the escape rooms in Sydney, and enjoy a fun-filled, adrenaline-fueled escape room experience. The Young Wizard’s Quest escape room in Sydney is popular amongst younger players, as it reminds them of the adventures of Harry Potter at the Hogwarts School of Magic.
Entermission offers hand tracking instead of the kids having to hold controllers in their own hands, a quite different experience. At Entermission you will also find some cool special effects, the smell of gunpowder and smoke, heat and the blowing of wind on the kids’ face. An Escape Room is an interactive and immersive adventure like starring in your own thriller. Your team of family or friends enter a themed scenario with the mission to solve the mystery. You will decipher clues, solve puzzles, unlock padlocks and hopefully escape the final door before time runs out.
Even if you can escape the Dunny, you'll still need to survive the Australian wild, and contend with an array of deadly Australian fauna. If they offer hints, either via walkie-talkie, a loudspeaker or another device in the room such as a television or radio, don’t be too proud to accept. They know how far along you should be at any given time and can see if you’re chasing dead leads. The more hints you’re prepared to accept, the more likely you’ll get through the whole room and get to see all the puzzles.
Parramatta's first real life escape room
If you really want to up the ante, split your crew in half and race each other to the find the missing child. Experience the next generation of Virtual Reality on this thrilling escape room adventure, just for your group. Working as a team of two or four, follow in the footsteps of 1920s explorers as you discover exactly what happened in the Pyramid of Nebka, experiencing high drama in the safety of VR.
Sydney plays host to some of the finest escape rooms in the world, so the best will depend on what you are up for. It might mean, for example, playing detective in a historically themed room – finding clues, solving puzzles and cracking open a mystery while the clock is ticking. Or it could be a multi-sensory VR adventure that pitches you into the world of Assassin’s Creed. This CBD favourite doesn't just offer an escape room experience along O'Connell Street.
The ultimate school holiday experience, escape rooms are great for children and families. Kids will love the chance to exercise their imaginations, solve brain-teasing puzzles and work together to beat the clock. RedBalloon can help you pick the venue your kids are going to love the best; we provide detailed info on the games themselves, as well as pricing and location. Escape rooms are a type of game where escape room is an physical adventure game that requires players must solve a variety of riddles and puzzles using clues, clues and strategies to achieve the tasks at hand.
Designed from the ground up to be a fun and social adventure. Collaborate, communicate and problem solve together in totally unique virtual worlds. Well, let us show you around the best virtual reality Sydney has to offer. Entering an Escape Rooms is like being the first detective to arrive at a crime scene. There are no signs or arrows pointing to what is relevant or not.
I really enjoyed it too, and I bet loads of other parents, carers, aunties, uncles and grandparents would too. This is a complete no contact event all experienced from the comfort of your own home. You will use teamwork to solve the challenges; working together and communicating to ensure your success. Book a day out at the beach, the winery, the cinema or more this Boxing Day with these top activities. Many escape rooms in Sydney allow people aged 7 years and older to enter an escape room as long as a parent or guardian is present.
5 Year Validity 5 year validity All RedBalloon vouchers and gift cards purchased will have a 5-year expiry, except where the experience has already been booked in. We honour the purchase price of our experiences for 18 months. If you book your experience after this time and the price of the experience increases you can either pay the difference or exchange it for another experience free of charge. With 14 years of history in New Zealand, Botswana Butchery is a premium fine dining experience with an emphasis on innovative dining.
We have 5 rooms so you can book multiple rooms to compete head-to-head. The average price of a 60-minute escape room experience sits at around $50 to $60 per person, depending on whether you want to go on the weekend or midweek. If you’re looking to bring friends or a loved one and experience the comradery of taking on the challenge together, you’ll find group offers at RedBalloon. Two people can enjoy a 60 minute game for around $120, while teams of four can test their mettle against an escape room for about $200 all up.
Buy books online from Australia's leading book retailer
The storyline follows the heist of the Bank of Australia in 1828, and players must find the criminals before they flee the city. This escape room in Sydney’s CBD is perfect for those who have played escape games before and are looking for the next challenge. If you're looking for a fun activity for a rainy day, an exciting school holiday day out or a party experience like no other, an escape room experience is the perfect plan. Our Team Social Outdoors package is great for getting the team out and about while still having a fun and exciting time. Step outdoors and explore Sydney during an incredible adventure that blurs reality and fiction using a combination of augmented reality and geolocation technology. Teams venture off on an exciting 80-minute mission complete with iPad and action pack.
Offering multiplayer, free-roam VR escape room adventures and VR shooting games VR Kingdomis one of the premier destinations to engage in this alternative reality experience. Four escape rooms transport you through history and adventure so you can escape to another world. Escape the Lost Pyramid, set in the world of Assassins Creed Origins, and the breathtaking Huxleysci-fi adventure are both award-winning games, exclusive to escape rooms the Sydney VR Kingdom. There is also the exclusive Beyond the Medusa's Gate Assassin’s Creed Odyssey and the Huxley 2 journey to the centre of energy, as well as The Dagger of Time set in the world of Prince of Persia. With several exciting scenarios to choose from, groups of 2 to 4 players will work together to solve puzzles and problems, with each player in their own dedicated room.
Please answer a few questions to ensure we match you with qualified businesses. Little Champions Academy provides multisports classes for kids aged 2.5-6yrs. Classes have opened in Sydney’s Inner-West however we are gathering interest for all areas of Sydney. Our multisports program is designed to include a number of sports, each requiring different motor skills – it is NOT just SOCCER - as many children will demonstrate an ability in different areas. Our sports include; Basketball, Football, Netball, Cricket and Soccer.
You can stay 3-5 days at hotels in Sydney without running out of things to do. The Pullman at Sydney Olympic Park is the only 5-star hotel in this dynamic sport, entertainment and business hub offering panoramic views of Sydney's skyline. And don't forget, there's so much happening right downstairs at the Olympic sporting facilities, the ANZ Stadium and Allphones Arena...
Lowkey is a new hidden cafe in North Sydney serving up native ingredients in our breakfast favourites. All bread and sandwiches are made in-house, fresh every morning. North Sydney residents can pick up a brioche doughnut filled with strawberry gum jam and wattleseed custard on the way to work.
My favourite adventure was ’Squeek & Sausage’ because the theme was the most exciting and I found the puzzles in it were engaging and perfectly matched to the theme. The designers have done such a great job in making the game just as exciting and intense as an actual escape room. We loved that each game had unique puzzles and style, which made sure that the games didn’t become boring and the online app made our game run much smoother.
A Beginners Guide to Escape Rooms
Photo By Donald Lain SmithEscape rooms have reached an all-time high in Sydney. If you’re unfamiliar, escape rooms are interactive experiences that transport you through situations you would see in movies and sometimes, history. The idea is to solve codes and puzzles to unlock a new level and get closer to solving your way out of a locked room. Mission Room Escape differentiates itself from other escape rooms by offering a “mechanical escape room” experience that heightens its immersiveness with lasers, special effects and automation.
This process tends to take around 1 business day on average to receive a response from the venue. Once we've received a response, the VenueNow team will contact you as soon as possible. There are a few steps involved in booking an event at Expedition Sydney - Escape Rooms and the VenueNow team are here to do the heavy lifting for you.
Our challenge rooms range in difficulty and are based on a number of different and exciting story lines. Your work team may find themselves solving a murder mystery or trying to escape from jail! We can even offer double up rooms so teams can race to escape in exactly the same environment! Regardless of what you choose, you will enter a time capsule into the industrial era (we can even provide dress ups to really set the scene!).
The mission is tricky though as you will need to infiltrate a First Order Star Destroyer ship that is stationed above StarKiller Base. You are required to steal information relating to the First Order’s starship manufacturing center. If you can figure out where the ships are put together, the Rebellion can destroy the factory–causing the First Order to finally admit defeat. Your class is off on an excursion to the zoo but on arrival you learn that all the animals have disappeared.
This outdoor escape game offers an engaging new way to experience Sydney's CBD. Explore the historic district, its pubs, cafes, statues and street art, as winding clues lead you to the heart of a deadly mystery. Will you catch the killer, or will you be forced to survive by other, less heroic means... Escape rooms combine puzzles, riddles, problem-solving, adventure and the pressure of having to solve the puzzles within a limited amount of time, in an immersive atmosphere unique to each game.
Teams compete to find the culprits first, diamond smugglers being hunted by the CIA, FBI and now your team. The first team to identify the smugglers and open the safe are crowned Cluedo champions and have gloating rights for the rest of the day . Cluedo works with teams of up to 300 people and takes 2 hours..
Creative Leisure Room With A View North Sydney, Nsw
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Gift cards to Realmz Escape Game are an awesome experience to give to friends, family or work mates. Postma, 37, who had been stuck in bed for many weeks and was too weak to lift a frying pan, began developing his first online escape room. The barman plonks a large, dark glass of hoppy amber ale on the solid, wooden counter. Its warm, caramel flavour soothes as we ponder where to go next.
We have capacity for 60 people when combined with our VR arcade experience across two sessions or 30 people per session playing our virtual reality escape room adventures. You’ll have exclusive use of a room and you’ll be in your own adventure where you can see, hear and interact with each other. We have 5 rooms so you can book multiple rooms to compete head-to-head. An Escape Room is an immersive experience where groups of friends must solve puzzles and clues to get out of a room or location.
Our maximum player limits are what we recommend you should ever trying to play a game as a team. If your looking to arrange a Birthday Party group booking – please refer to our Birthday Party Page for more information. Locally, in Napier Street, George St, Greeves St and surrounding streets, there is free 2 hour parking but spaces are limited and often very busy. We recommend to either travel by public transport or to plan ahead and familiarise yourselves with where you plan to park. We’ve allowed additional time between games to minimise the number of customers in the venue at any one time and ensure that we have adequate time for cleaning. We ask that you arrive no more than15 minutes before the start time of your game and leaveimmediately after your game has finished to ensure that we can manage the number of customers onsite.
Our second game ‘The Inheritance’ opened in November 2020, it requires players to find the Will to inherit their fortune and our newest addition ‘Undetected’ will open very soon. Installation will be done by highly trained staff who will go through an online installation checklist with you. As your consciousness regains, confusion sets in, looking around your worst fears are confirmed. You are now left in a room with your team, it’s up to your teams brains to get you out of here. You will then be apart of a brief for your team about your mission. We have locked lockers for your belongings while you are completing your mission.
It’s a virtual experience like no other, and you can find your tickets here. Book online now for an unforgettable escape room experience. Get a group of people together, choose your adventure and book in.
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