#i understand Soi Fon
soienjoyer · 2 years
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Yoruichi’s Business to take care
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mamangasick · 2 years
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Tite Kubo
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gallusrostromegalus · 4 months
How does each of the main aeiwam cast react to spiders?
Ichigo: "...Why's my leg itchyyYEAUGH! DAMMIT!" *scoops spider up in piece of paper, opens window and throws it out* "OUTSIDE! SHOO! I hate it when they sneak up and on me...
Orihime: Had an intense close personal friendship with a Joro Spider that had made it's web on her apartment balcony when she was six. It's death at the end of summer was her first real experience with mortal loss, and she mourned it for weeks. She still recalls "Joro-San" fondly.
Uryuu: Secretly dreams of Spiders large enough to spin actual ropes of silk- the stuff is a marvel of chemical engineering, and would be incredibly useful to him as a Doctor or Fashion Designer. He feels like the difficulty of harvesting Spidersilk is the main thing holding back a Golden age of Humanity, and is disturbed to find out he shares ANY opinion with Mayuri Kurotsuichi.
Tatsuki: Paralyticly Phobic of spiders. Understands and appreciates their importance in the ecosystem, knows they can't hurt her and that the phobia is an irrational reflex, and even thinks some of them 'look cool as hell'. The second there's a live one in her presence, she locks up and can't move until someone removes it. (Usually Ichigo, because Orihime will just stare at it, fascinated).
Chad: Has a Pet Kitchen Spider. thought about shooing flies in it's direction, then felt bad for the flies.
Kon: Is a cat, hunts them, and will have nuanced discussions about how different spiders taste with Yuzu, the one person who will tolerate that analysis.
Keigo: Screams theatrically and jumps away and into someone's arms if they're there, but that's just how he reacts to anything that startles him.
Mizuiro: Fascinated by them, will stare at them with Orihime and tell her fun facts about Joro-Gumo Yokai and other lore, which delights her to no end.
Yoruichi: Like Kon, enjoys toying with them before eating them.
Urahara: Curled into the farthest corner, screaming, crying, throwing up, and begging Yoruichi to STOP FUCKING AROUND AND GET RID OF IT!
Rukia: *entirely genuine, with a huge spider crawling on top of her hair* "...what Spider?"
(Seireitei Squad Under The Cut)
Yamamoto: Utterly fails to notice or care. There are so many things he's seen that are so much worse, and honestly? Even when he was a young man he didn't give a shit. He slept rough delivering messages, waking up in the dirt with half a dozen bugs on him was normal.
Sasakibe: Thinks they're delightful. So many elegant designs! Such perfect sense of when to strike! Such patience! He finds out about Diving Spiders and goes Ape Shit. THEY MAKE THEIR ON SCUBA TANKS!!
Soi Fon: Spiders are cool but not as cool as wasps and hornets :)
Omaeda: Also has a Pet Kitchen Spider, but does not feel bad about shooing flies into it's web at all.
Gin: Isn't actually sure what spiders are, or if they're even real. He's seeing sixteen dimensions at once, something that minuscule gets lost in the noise. Still thinks that someone Screaming "SPIDER!" and everyone flailing around in fear or suddenly attacking the walls and furniture is a social game like "The Floor Is Lava"
Rose: Thinks they're cool right up until they're in his personal space and then they are VERY SCARY.
Izuru: Was the designated spider-wrangler for the third from the first day he transferred in, because everyone else is a huge bitch about them. he plays it cool, but he's actually creeped out by the really big ones.
Unohana: Spiders are garden Friends :) often heard verbally encouraging them to destroy her garden pests with calls of "GET HIS ASS!" coming from the Hydrangeas.
Isane: Everyone is sort of surprised how chill Isane is about dealing with spiders- even Yamada's Actually Dangerous Specimens- and she shrugs and tells them that she deals with more dangerous things every day, especially over in Pharmacology. It keeps the focus off the Bug she's actually terrified of: Butterflies.
Hanataro: Do Not Ask The Head Of Toxicology And 11th Division Pocket Medic About Spiders Unless You Are Prepared For A Seven-Hour Lecture With A Pop Quiz At The End.
Aizen: HUGE fan of Spiders. What splendid creatures- look at how carefully the spider selects the anchor points of it's web, the skillfulness with which it weaves. Such incredible patience, waiting for the lines of tension it's woven to snare it's game- though I suppose such patience is easier when the fly's capture is inevitable >:)
Shinji and Hiyori: *Screaming and flailing, hitting things at random (mostly each other) in a blind panic, because they share a braincell and that cell is TERRIFIED of spiders* "It's so fast!" "It was huge! It had to be a tarantula!" "We should burn the division down, just to be sure."
Momo: Escorted the little garden spider outside in a cup like ten minutes ago, and forgot about it because that's such a routine chore, and she was having a more important phone call at the time.
Byakuya: Rarely notices spiders, but sometimes one will scuttle across his desk and he'll stop to watch it for the seven minutes it takes to actually cross his desk with a neutral expression, before resuming whatever he was doing. It's a pleasant diversion for him, not unlike watching the koi fish swim around in the compound pond, and he resumes his duties feeling spiritually refreshed by that chance encounter with nature.
Renji: Not bothered by Spiders. VERY Bothered by his Boss's fucking peculiar-ass reaction to a spider wandering across his desk because to Renji, it looked like Byakuya had never actually seen a spider before and was staring at it with an expression that indicated his higher brain functions had ceased entirely. Is currently making plans to study "The Captain Kuchiki Spider Brain Glitch" by catching a bunch of spiders in a jar and releasing them into his office to see what happens.
Komamura: He's particularly fond of Jumping spiders, because they sing little songs while hunting that he can hear if it's really quiet. They're very cute. Gets very upset when people kill spiders or talk about killing them.
Iba: Not afraid of spiders but doesn't know what to do when they're in his way. Killed one in front of Komamura once when he was a little kid and Komamura was still his babysitter, Sajin gave him a huge and very upset lecture about respecting life in all it's forms... but did not actually teach Iba how to remove them. So every time he sees one he sorta stands there for a minute and hopes it will move, before yelling "BOSS!"
Shunsui: Does not want to admit how much Spiders freak him out. It's not fear, precisely- more of a disgust reaction. All bugs make his skin crawl and he understands how important they are, but can they do all that ecology stuff Far Away From Him, Please And Thank You?
Nanao: Like Unohana, reveres spiders as pest control. She takes it a step further, and actively collects Jumping Spider egg sacs as she finds them in the archives and tends to them over winter so when early spring comes, she can release several hundred thousand spiderlings into the archives to destroy the mites, bookworms, moth larvae and other archive pests before they can get a foothold. She usually does this while dumping out the entire terrarium and cackling manically.
Lisa: Immediately joins in on Nanao's Spider Propagation Project, much to Shunsui's horror.
Tousen: If there is a sudden shriek and burst of profanities and hexes in the ninth division, 90% chance it's because Kaname walked into a spider web again, his LEAST favorite texture in the Universe. Yes, including the curse nails. He'd keep them in his spine if it meant he'd never walk into another spiderweb.
Kensei: Often cracked open a beer while watching the evening news during his exile in the living world. Sometimes it was several beers, or something stronger if he'd had a rough day. One night, it was a bottle of Fireball as he watched the news, and felt too intoxicated to change the channel from the newshour, so he kept watching when PBS Nature came on, and damn near pissed himself laughing when he saw the Peacock Spider's Mating Dance. Full on Howling, tears streaming down his face, barely able to breathe, Pterodactyl-noises laughing. Nothing has been funnier before or since to him, so now whenever he sees a spider he starts guffawing and stop to explain WHY.
Shuuhei: Deeply confused by the fact spiders keep coming indoors. "Why are you all here?" he asks, doing a cobweb patrol with the broom before his boss gets back from the inter-division meeting. "What are you eating? Crumbs? Lint? Is it Lint you eat?"
Mashiro: Has a grasshopper-type Zanpakuto who is not a fan, so she attempts to destroy any spider she sees in solidarity. Usually misses and destroys something else.
Matsumoto: Spiders are cool, but not as cool as snakes :)
Hitsugaya: Grew up on a farm, and shares Momo's total non-reactivity to them. It's even deeper, because his constant ambient chill means spiders never climb on him if they can't help it.
Zaraki: Used to agitate Yumichika and Ikkaku by eating them. Now he agitates them by wandering off the trail during 11th Division Boot Camp or other deployments and coming back with extremely dangerous ones and handing them to Hanataro "fer yer collection". The 11th Division's Pocket Medic has explained toxicology at length to him, and now Zaraki thinks of various medicines as "Spider Pills" and "Scorpion Juice".
Yachiru: Still eats spiders. She's the sole exception to the Wrath of Komamura, because there is no malice or fear in her actions- it's perfectly natural and morally upstanding Carnivory. The rest of you are being irrational and jerks.
Ikkaku: Sometimes regrets his life choices when he sees the freak he's sworn loyalty to walk out of the trees with something venomous enough to kill half the gotei-13 with a single bite crawling over his face, then realizes that's FUCKING BADASS and is assured that he made the right choices.
Yumichika: *currently sneaking up behind Ikkaku with a fake spider on a string to affectionately terrorize him*
Mayuri: Unlike Uuryu, Mayuri isn't a Weenie, and he's making his dreams of Milkable Spiders the Size of Cattle a reality.
Nemu: Helping with that. This one is hers. She named it #47, after it's designation, Specimen Number 47.
Ukitake, *entirely genuine, with a huge spider crawling across his forehead* "...There's a spider in here?"
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brittscafe · 8 months
Can I have an headcanon about the captains having a S/O who has a great skill of analysis and because of that they're easily bored of people or situations?
Sorry it's weird
of course!! This was sooo fun to write lol <3
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Jushiro: He's super sweet, patient, and understanding about it. He feels like you get bored of him quickly since he's sick most of the time and confined to his family estate. You spend the whole day with him when he's sick, but he can't help feeling like a burden.
You have to assure him that even if you get bored of sitting around, you'll never get bored of him or taking care of him. It brings a smile to Jushiro's face knowing you'll never get bored of him.
Shunsui: If you're stuck in meetings, Shunsui can tell when you start to get bored. He'll glance over and see that your eyes have wandered off. He'll reach his hand over and grab onto yours that hidden underneath your sleeve, squeezing your hand. He'll shoot you a glance that says, it'll be over soon.
He'll rub his thumb over your hand and squeeze it every once in awhile, trying to keep your attention on the meeting.
Shinji: He'll tease you about it and make fun of you for it. Once you've looked around the room and analyzed what is going on, you decide to zone out. Shinji's eyes on you, watching as your body slumps over and he'll start chuckling to himself.
"Getting bored there, y/n?" he'll tease you, pinching your upper arm and earning a hiss back from you. Shinji usually teases you and won't leave you alone, so you don't get super bored.
Mayuri: Mhmmm, this is one is interesting. You both can get super bored and annoyed at things if you're not interested in it. Best believe if you start getting bored when Mayuri shows you his experiments, he gets so mad.
He'll scoff and roll his eyes, saying you don't even care about him or his experiments. Sometimes he'll grab you and sit you onto his lap, making sure you're paying attention to what he's saying.
Byakuya: He's usually stuck in meetings that are pretty boring and sometimes you'll have to come along. He knows that you can hold yourself together and at least pay attention, but sometimes you're off in another world.
Byakuya's a noble, so he's very polite about it. He'll quietly clear his throat or nudge your shoulder. He doesn't get mad or annoyed about it since he's in the same boat, being just as bored as you are, expect he never shows it.
Kenpachi: I feel like y'all have a mutual thing of getting bored of other people/ situations really fast. The two of you find mind games to play with each other or you'll have a staring contest in the middle of a meeting.
The two of you find ways to entertain each other with silly little games.
Unohana: She's super patient and understanding, knowing that you just lose interest in things fast. Normally, she won't say anything and she'll just fold her arms over each other, minding her business. If it's something important, she'll usually pull you to the side before and let you know that you have to try and pay attention.
If it's a private matter, she'll cup your face and tilt it up, making you focus on her.
Toshiro: I could see him getting slightly annoyed at this, but he knows you can't control it. After all, Toshiro has quite a short temper, so he has to learn how to be patient with a lot of things.
He teaches you his ways on how to not be bored and gives you tips and tricks. If you're getting bored in meetings or doing work, he'll send Rangiku to entertain you.
Kensei: He's super chill about it and always keeps his cool when you start to get bored. If you're in place where he's allowed to be affectionate with you, he'll wrap an arm around your waist or shoulder, pulling you closer.
He'll lean in closer and whisper in your ear, sometimes dirty things to keep your mind from getting bored lol.
Soi-Fon: She definitely tries to help you out with it. I could see her getting kind of annoyed at it when it happens during something important to her. She communicates with you on how it makes her feel and try to be more sympathetic towards her feelings.
If you're both bored, Soi-Fon will suggest sneaking out of the meeting or whatever you're stuck in.
Sajin: He's patient and has a good grasp on how to make you less bored. Usually, he'll crack jokes and make you laugh. He loves making you laugh when you're stuck in boring situations. Sometimes, he'll even tickle you if he can.
Rojuro: He's soooo sweet and kind of shy about it. When he notices you fiddling with your hands and not paying attention, he steps closer to you. You immediately notice that he's stepped closer and that usually means you have to pay attention.
Whenever you're out doing stuff together, if you start to get bored, Rojuro will ask if you want to do anything else. He won't ever let you get bored for too long.
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bleachbleachbleach · 2 months
five comfort characters, five tags
Thank you for the tag, @fractoluminescence! I made a new post because this got long, but the original meme is at this link, and @fractoluminescence's cool responses are at this one, if you'd like to read everyone's (I recommend!).
I had a difficult time developing an answer because I got too in the weeds about what the definition of “comfort character” was, rip. It turns out there are a lot of definitions, ranging from characters you find cozy, to characters you find relatable, to characters you look up to, to more elaborate definitions that attempt to articulate those distinctions between a character you love and a character that you would sink to the bottom of the Marianas Trench with.
I’ll define “comfort character” as that thing that begins by delineating, say, a show you love so so much (Haikyuu!!—my soul for a volleyball) vs. a show you want to be fannish about (Bleach. BleachBleachBleach, even. BLEACHBLEACHBLEACH, even), and then refines further into characters you love (my eternal Soi Fon era) vs. the characters you’re in the Trench about. Because while I probably think an above average amount about Soi Fon, and love seeing her on my dash, and do want to write for her once I alight upon some idea that sufficiently connects my headcanons about her to 1) actual canon and 2) a Story, she is not who I:
think about every single ding dong day;
regularly revel in in daydreams;
both consciously and unconsciously filter my lived experiences or relationships through, such that they become doubled; they find translation, in an act of both processing (growing distance from, or increasing intimacy with) the experience and in tugging at the character themselves, growing them into something that proceeds from their canon or offers an opportunity to entertain new and additional dimensions.
I think the key elements here are:
the alwaysness of this—the readiness to be in the soup at all times;
how personal the engagements are, which I think is sometimes to do with the relatability of a character (proximity to oneself) and is sometimes personal to… the character? Like, the intimacy of wanting to both crystallize one’s understanding of a beloved character by stress-testing their concept, and to spin them out, break them from what is canonically known just to see how much depth they have beyond that and in how many ways they might be known.
…Which, now that I’ve written that, is... just my definition of “blorbo” and not “comfort character,” but maybe the terms are synonymous??? who knows—AS THOUGH BLORBO HAS A DEFINITION AND ISN’T WHOLLY MEME-DERIVED TO BEGIN WITH. AS THOUGH ANY OF THESE THINGS HAVE PRESCRIPTIVE DEFINITIONS.
Anyway, all of that is the appeal of writing fanfic, to me, so it technically extends to anyone I’ve had occasion to write. But that’s within the specific action of writing a story, or preparing to write a story, or thinking about writing a story.
If we’re talking “always” and unconsciously, readily, blorbo-ily, whether there’s a story or not, then #1-3 are and have been for the last four years:
They are who I am most inclined to give things to, or translate things through, and am most interested in defining/destroying. <333
There are probably use-cases/concrete examples that should go here, in addition to the somewhat woowoo definition above, but part of me is shy, and another part is like, those are what the stories are, and another part is “those two parts are the same part...” and yet another is “those two parts are the exact opposite of each other..."
So instead I'll no-pressure tag @confluencechimera, @recurring-polynya, @afinepiece, @bendingwind, and @unohanadaydreams!
Below the cut because it's not Bleach-related enough: I promise I’m not trying to be evasive/coquettish on purpose, but I don’t think I can get myself to put my thoughts about my lifetime character for this on Tumblr, because according to me, organizationally, that’s not where they go. So I’ll skip him. I’m also one of those people where my idea of comfort is to lean into the negative and feel comforted by the experience of being joined in misery by others, rather than go the cozy route. In that usage my comfort “character” is Law and Order: SVU because it’s like 800 episodes of people having the worst day of their lives and/or people on absolutely depraved sprees, depending on which side of the story you focus on. But also that show is deeply unserious, pleasingly formulaic, and has infinite rewatchability. So let's say those are responses #4 and #5!!
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How would the shinigami react to playing a horror game for the first time?
- Ichigo would have a very internal reaction- like he’s not screaming but he is jumping and his heart keeps trying to escape his chest
- Rukia thinks Ichigo’s terror is hilarious and therefore isn’t scared but when she’s alone she’d have a heart attack
- Orihime would just die. Pass away. (not a Shinigami but shhh)
- Shuhei cries. He gets scared, then sits there in silence, sets down his controller or pulls his hands off the keyboard, then bursts into tears.
the scariest game he can handle is resident evil 6
- Byakuya is too hyper focused on everything to get scared
Like he picks up on cues for scares really easily but also he’s shit at the game
- Izuru played FNAF once and somehow failed night one
He shut himself inside a room and sat in the dark for a while after that
- Mashiro throws the controller through the screen.
- Kensei got so scared he broke the controller in his hands then threw the broken remains
- Kenny just doesn’t understand what’s going on and why he can’t fight the enemies
Yachiru also wants to fight the enemies
- Ukitake played that scary maze game and nearly started crying
- Unohana plays silent hill every now and then and laughs at all the serious bits
- surprise off topic hc Unohana’s laugh is really nice to listen to
When she finds something really funny though it’s a loud hyena laugh
- Gin feels nothing.
- Aizen predicts the scares, similar to Byakuya
- Isane got so scared she had to sleep with the lights on
- Renji rage quits after a jump scare
- Soi fon gets jumpscared once and recites every slur she knows in alphabetical order
- tosen does not react. Stone faced ass “that was not scary.”
- Shinji jumps after a jumpscare, he fumbles the controller until it falls out of his hands and then he covers his face in shame
Shinji jumps insanely high
- Momo is surprisingly tolerant to scary things.
(Hm I wonder why)
- or second option she doesn’t do horror games unless it’s a markiplier playthrough
Nanao is the same
- Shunsui refuses to play any horror game but resident evil. Also he thinks Devil may cry is a horror game
- Nel just cries her poor eyes out (IK YOU SAID SHINIGAMI BUT NEL)
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rose-riot-johnson · 9 months
Hey my Tumblr Peeps... I have decided to work on a female character x female reader, this time and I figured what other female character to write about other than, Bleach's very own Soi Fon🐝 I hope you enjoy my Tumblr Peeps🐝😁👍
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🐝Does She Really Hate Me?🐝(Soi Fon x Female Reader)
Genres: Enemies to Lovers (Warning⚠️: Mentions of Attempted Murder (and Possible mentions of murder))
Eversince you became a member of squad 2 in the Gotei 13, your experience in squad 2 was far from pleasant. You understand what squad 2 is about and what squad 2 would have to be capable of, however you honestly weren't expecting your squad 2 captain Soi Fon to be as tough on you as she really is. It was just hell for you.
During your training sessions, things were fine, until Soi Fon trains with you, because everytime she trains with you, she nearly kills you. While she says that it's to help you with you combat skills for squad 2 and the rest of the Gotei 13, you just honestly felt like she was actually trying to kill you, because you truly believe that she just can't stand your guts, which you're not sure what you did to deserve the treatment of nearly getting killed by Soi Fon, everytime during her training with you. You have been contemplating on seeing about getting transferred to a different squad, instead of staying in squad 2.
One day you went inside of squad 2 barracks to have a talk with your squad 2 captain about the issues you were having, about why you feel your captain hated your guts to the bone, and about leaving squad 2 for a different squad. Soi Fon said, "I usually don't have any visitors... What's the occasion, (Female Reader Name)?", smiling at you, even tough you don't buy it. "Cut the crap, Soi Fon! I bet you're only smiling at me, so you can trick me into your trap! I even am sure you're planning on celebrating me going to a different squad, leaving the Gotei 13, or even you making your kill on me!", you shouted. She was shocked you talked to her the way you did, as she then asked, "What are you talking about? You actually think I'm that heartless? You believe this is why I'm smiling, at you?".
You snickered, then replied, "You actually think I'm naive, captain?! I'm tired of you trying to kill me! Well, you will get one of your wishes! And I will be going to a different squad, then I will spite you! I'm very sure you could never stand my guts from the very beginning, since we first met! I have looked up to you! And what do I get?! I'm the only one you tried to kill! You have me in a bloody pulp every time we train together and you never did that to your other subordinates, especially your lieutenant, FYI! I'm leaving your office now! I'm sure the other squads would be more than happy to take me in! You on the other hand would be more than thrilled to see me gone! I hope you're happy! And good riddance, Soi Fon!". As you were about to leave squad 2 barracks, Soi Fon panicked, as she grabbed one of your wrists, while begging you not to leave. You then yelled, "Are you only "begging" me not to leave, so you can trick me into letting you actually killing me?! Nice try! Not falling for that trick!", attempting to punch her, as she then grabbed your fist of the opposite side of the wrist she grabbed.
"Please don't leave my office yet... All I'm asking is for you to hear me out... After you hear what I need to say, then I will let you leave, if you still wish to...", Soi Fon pleaded. You reluctantly stayed and decided to hear her, hoping that she's not out to get you, as you believe she is. "You see, (Female Reader Name), killing you was never my intention, at all... I'm sorry I put you through what I did... I really don't blame you for being paranoid about me... I just really wanted to train you to be tougher than me, faster than me, you name it... I truly believe you have alot of potential for squad 2 and the entire Gotei 13, in general... You may not realize this, however I know you also have potential in surpassing me, as well... Don't get the idea of thinking that I hate you... It's actually quite the opposite, to be honest... I tried, so hard repressing my feelings for you, that I thought how I was training would keep others from talking and others have complained to me about over harming you... I ignored their complaints, not realizing you would leave me... I don't want to kill you... The truth is that... I don't just need you... I honestly want you... To be in my arms... If not be in your arms... I wouldn't have blame you, if you were to never forgive me for the mistreatment I put on you... I only hope you would atleast accept my apology, (Female Reader Name)...", she explained, while trying to hide the tears in her eyes. There's one part of you that's telling you that her expression(s) was only an act she's trying to pull, so she can poison you using her zanpakuto's shikai ability, however your mind, heart and soul tells you that she truly is sorry and she's not out to get you, like you thought she was in the first place... You began to realize you were wrong about her, despite of her actions towards you during your training with her.
As Soi Fon was trying to hide the fact she's sobbing, you hugged her and told her, "Now I understand, captain... I will say in squad 2 after all... So, needless to say, I forgive you, Captain Soi Fon...", as you proceeded to pet her head. She was surprised and relieved that you told her everything you have told her, as she looked at you and touched your face. "Just don't tell anyone what happened during our conversation...", Soi Fon said, as you then replied, "Ofcourse I won't tell anyone what happened with our conversation, captain... I know you're embarrassed for anyone else to see your soft side, so I will keep that between us...", before planting a kiss on her lips.
This kiss from yours definitely made Soi Fon blush, as she said, "Thank you for understanding (Female Reader)... Does this kiss mean we will be in a relationship together now?". You then answered, "Ofcourse this means we're in a relationship now, Soi Fon... If I didn't kiss you, then we wouldn't be dating, now would we...". The both you then kissed and held eachother, until it was almost time for training, as Soi Fon asked, "Considering I will be easier on you now, are you ready for some training time today, (Female Reader Name)?", before you replied, "Ofcourse I'm ready for sone training this time, Soi Fon... I feel better about training with you now...".
🐝The End🐝
I hope you enjoyed this Soi Fon fanfic, my Tumblr Peeps🐝😁👍It's 1 of the fanfics that took me months to complete... Anyways for anyone wondering why I wrote a female character x female reader type of fanfic, because I figured since I have written male character x male reader fanfics and I have written a female character x male reader, so I figured why not give a female character x female reader a try😃👍Why Soi Fon x female reader for the 1st time of writing female character x female reader? Well I figured since I've written about Bleach's very own Isane Kotetsu male Reader I really wanted to write a female character from Bleach x female reader and I figured I'd write a Soi Fon fanfic🐝😃👍I also wanted to write a "Enemies to Lovers" for a Soi Fon fanfic, which I figured it would be fun to write for the fanfic🐝😁👍
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toyatominaga · 11 months
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I think people underestimate the emotion in this fight. I always felt pity for Soi Fon, especially when she starts to realize this is a losing battle. You can tell she worked her ass of to beat Yoruichi one day, so you can clearly understand why her emotions begin to take over. I would be beyond frustrated with myself if I was in her shoes.
I overall commend Soi Fon though. I can only imagine the obstacles she faced having to take over all of Yoruichi’s responsibilities, all while growing up and trying to manage the grief of losing her mentor. Y’all need to give her more props.
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mshexley · 1 year
Question this is going back to the whole Giselle debate on bleach.
But how do you think how Kubo handles his lgbtq and trans coded character? Are they good or they could be be improved. I have been seeing mix reactions saying Kubo is anti lgbtq and transphobic because his characters. But to me I think he handle them pretty well. I can see how people can say why since how he handle Giselle and Charlotte but then you have characters like Soi fon, Chizuru, and Yumichika yes they don't get much spotlight authentic rest of the cast but in some ways they all have good personality
Personally, I feel like it usually depends on a person's experience. I also like to add the disclaimer that I'm not trans or Japanese, so take my stance with a grain of salt. I also want to make it clear that I'm not making excuses for him.
TLDR: He wants to clearly add more queer characters to his work but he doesn't seem to know anything about queer culture even in Japan which is where you would assume he gets most of his inspiration but he seems to take his knowledge from a very pop-culture view of queer people.
I don't think it's out of malice but he can definitely improve by putting in the research work especially if there's going to be another Bleach arc and especially for any added arcs of Burn The Witch and he wants to add more queer characters.
(The longer version is under the cut)
But in general, I feel Kubo has the same approach to writing queer characters in the way that early Togashi (HxH, Yu Yu Hakusho) did. In that way where he's trying but it's....just not good. It just reads that way to me.
And it very much paints the picture that Kubo wants to add queer characters to his stories because they tend to fit the themes of his works but he is not around a lot of queer folks and doesn't know much about the culture and what he does know is formed from a sort of pop-culture understanding of Japanese LGBT+ culture and when mixed with Japan's own queerphobia, it just doesn't mix well.
And its funny to bring up Soi Fon and Chizuru because I think they're a clear example of this as both fall into the "predatory lesbian" trope. Chizuru with Orihime and Soi Fon with Yoruichi. When Kubo writes well, he writes WELL but when he flops, HE FLOPS and he tends to drop the ball with a lot of characters. The only thing we know about Chizuru is that inappropriately touches Orihime a lot and the only thing we know about Soi Fon is that she's hardheaded and has been obsessed with Yoruichi since she was a child. And I can.....sort of give it a pass cause it was the early 2000s and...dear god those years were the worst.
In the cases of Yumichika and Charlotte, it feels like they can be read as deep but the whether it's intentional or not is up for debate just because of Kubo's track record. Like Yumichika and Charlotte are the best queer characters he's written because of how they both can be read. And again, there's no telling if that's intentional or not and that's what holds him back.
I already touched on Yumichika as a closeted gay man who lashes out on other queer people and I think the biggest issue is that there isn't a much clearer emphasis on Yumichika being the one in the wrong because Kubo has no issue with named characters getting told off for being wrong, especially when they're being backwards and narrow-minded. IMO, I think a small clapback of Giselle saying "you smell semen often" would've been way more relatable in terms of queer insulting and I feel like it would've put them on even ground somewhat but again, Kubo wouldn't know that because he doesn't know much about the cultures of queer people.
Charlotte gives strong drag queen vibes for me. Like compared to the drag queens I watch, Charlotte feels very much like them and everything about her personality is a campy bit right down to her super long attack names.
I also see some folks not want to claim Giselle which is their prerogative but it sets the precedent that queer people have to fit a certain mold in order to be queer and I feel like it's unfair to Giselle as a character because she's the not the only character that is morally bad. Mayuri exists and he shows no remorse for constantly abusing Nemu and takes pride in his experiments on other species like Uryu's grandfather and the Arrancar, Szayelaporro exists and he was so bad he went to Hell, there's also Nnoitora who actively attacks Nel because she was a woman ranked higher than him. Even among the Quincies, there's Quilge Opie who takes pleasure in ruthlessly murdering Arrancar prisoners and PePe who's power is to literally force people to "love" him, even using it on other Quincies.
I would understand if Giselle was isolated in that type of personality but the reason people "aren't talking about it" is because it comes with the food at this point. The Sternritters are literally modeled after Nazis (the guy that leads them literally built his power by killing the "mixed blooded Quincy), most of them are gonna have personalities that people may find deplorable.
In general, if Kubo wants to commit to it, he should put in the work and learn more about Queer culture because there are different implications when you write queer characters a certain way. Because I feel like with his style of writing, he can make it work.
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superboywife · 2 years
We've never been together, but we've never been 'just friends' either. I guess you could say we're forever lurking in the dangerous in-between.
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IF SOMEONE COULD have saved me from this ache, I would have taken any opportunity to do so a long time ago. The realization I learned over the past year was that no matter how good you could be to somebody, no matter how much you love them, they could never be yours.
“There are so many things for babies nowadays,” I remark as I sift through the aisles with Grimmjow.
“I can’t believe you dragged me here.” He scoffs as I put down a teddy bear into the cart along with some bibs and hats. “I can’t believe she’s pregnant and with that snake too.”
I turn to him. “It’s clear you haven’t been in love before.”
“Yeah, because you’re hogging onto it for dear life. Let the rest of us try to have some, but then again, your love life is shit right now.” He jokes, “You can keep it.” Grimmjow takes out my phone and looks at the gift registry, then puts a bassinet into the cart.
He might be mean at times but he’s learning to be more affectionate since he never had any love in his life. He’s becoming a better man.
He pays for our stuff and gets it wrapped one time for Rangiku’s baby shower today. It was late but with the unpacking for my apartment, it slipped my mind.
Grimmjow’s statement earlier had me thinking about whether I would truly get over Byakuya. The answer is indefinite because I could never see myself without him in my life. He could be just a friend or even an acquaintance and I wouldn’t mind it. But then my mind slowly replays our moments and no matter how much I try to push them away, he always comes back.
Something was going on with Renji and I could see from his worried look and on-edge aura. We were at Rangiku’s baby shower, and the shower took over in full swing, I’ve seen faces that I haven’t seen in a long time. I spoke to Yoruichi and Kisuke about their supply business which was successful and even had a chat with Toshiro who is gone with quite handsome and more accomplished. He’s currently a Captain in his station alongside Byakuya.
The shower was beautiful and perfect, thanks to Orihime and the girls.  Rangiku and Gin are having a little boy. As the shower went on after the festivities, we had to snatch a bottle of wine away from Rangiku.
Rukia held it against herself, while I brought apple juice for Rangiku. Yoruichi and Soi-fon were shaking their heads in disapproval.
“You’re a preggo with no morals, Matsumoto.” Soi-fon said as she took the bottle and gave it to Yoruichi.
I then noticed Renji even more on edge, I walked over to him and pulled him outside to the garden which won’t let anyone see us.
“What’s your deal?” I ask, looking him up and down.
I could see he was nervous like he was caught in an act. “Namika, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said nervously chuckling.
“Okay, we’re close friends but promise not to tell anyone I want to ask the Captain for Rukia’s hand in marriage, but I’m frightened that he will say no.”
I couldn’t help the little chuckle that escaped me.
“He’ll give you his blessing, trust me. That’s one thing about Byakuya, he may seem aloof with love but he’s understanding and besides that, you’re the only one he sees his sister with.” I reassure him, patting his shoulder.
“Well, Namika is correct about that fact.”
Renji and I freeze at Byakuya’s voice from behind us.
“What’s your intention with Rukia?” Byakuya questions, striding over next to me as he looks at Renji who might throw up.
“I want to keep her happy and loved for the rest of our lives and I will do anything in my power for her. She’s my friend who I loved for years, and I want to have a life together. Can I have your blessing to marry your sister?”
Byakuya says, “If I say no?” I elbow him but he pays no mind.
“Then I will continue to prove to you that I’m the one for her.”
I let out a sigh and look at Byakuya, “Stop doing the over-protective dad speech now.” I roll my eyes at him.
He takes the hint. “I give you my blessing, Abarai.”
Renji couldn’t believe it, he bowed to Byakuya and then went off inside, smiling ear to ear. I was about to join him, but Byakuya caught my arm.
“I wanted to speak to you,” he says sensitively. I looked at his attire, his dark green t-shirt and black pants with a white coat and white boots.
“About?” we stand opposite of each other, and the air is tense, just one sentence could break everything right now.
“I need you to do me a favor and I know it’s not exactly something you would want to delve into right now but humor me for a while.” The imaginary spotlight on us dims and I can’t take my eyes off him. “I would like a restart for our friendship, well whatever it is now.”
“I don’t understand. What do you mean by that?” I look at him quizzically.
His gray eyes hold this intensity which makes whatever he wants to say more important. “We fought before you left and after that day everything  has been miserable, and I would like to rectify that.”
“This slope that you want to go on is treacherous,” I remark, looking away from him. “What brought on this sudden insight?”
“I just want you back in my life, because I’ve seen the way you talk to everyone else, happy and carefree but with me, you’re walking on eggshells. We used to be so close, what happened to us?”
“That’s the thing.” I feel my heart breaking. “There was never an us in the first place, to begin with.”  
This is what I wanted to say to him but instead I say, “You and I had different things in mind, and I wasn’t fitting into your life anymore, so I removed myself.”
“Do you hate me that much?”
“No, I care about you too much to even hate you.”
I take a deep breath before I look at him. “There’s a difference between wanting me and needing me back in your life. I’m not a toy for you to keep playing with my heart, Kuchiki.”
“That’s the thing, Namika! I’ve been ignorant of your feelings and I’m trying my fucking hardest to rectify that because I’m ready to do everything in my power to win you over. I know that you have given up on me and that you’re still hurting over Aizen but—”
I stand in front of him and grab onto his coat and bring him down to my eye level. “It was never about Aizen. I don’t care about him, and I haven’t cared about since him I laid my eyes on you the very first night we met.”
I hear him take a deep breath and my hold on him is gone.
“Tell me why I should even spend my time with you now. Why are suddenly feeling this way toward me?”
Was I going to jump into his arms now and get a happily ever after? No, because that’s not right. I’ve waited for this man since I met him and call it madness or so, but I will not give up this story. There was more to this than before everything changed between us.
I can see the frustration on his face, his brows are furrowed, and his hair was moving with ferocity.
“Because you’re my yellow. I can’t imagine a life without you by my side and it has been agony to live without telling you about my feelings toward you because I’m afraid you’ll leave me just like everyone else has. I lost my family and Hisana—all I have left is Rukia, Renji, and you.
All I ask of you is to please don’t be in love with someone else and let me have the opportunity to fall in love with you unconditionally.”
I’ve heard this thing called ‘The Boyfriend Method’, it’s to prevent yourself from getting into a situation ship and not knowing where you stand with them. If you like the person enough, you give them a month's trial of them being your boyfriend and see whether it works out or not.
And that is what I’m going to do with Byakuya.
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bitteralmondbutter · 1 year
LISTEN i *know* soi fon's bankai is useless but you don't understand that is her STRAP
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troius · 2 years
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I just don’t get this at all.
Like, what purpose did Harribel wind up serving, in the end? The only person she fought was Hitsugaya, and he won! And then Wonderweiss freed her, and she fought Hitsugaya + Lisa and Hiyori until Aizen did this. So unless her purpose was “occupying Hitsugaya for a while” she doesn’t seem to have really done anything.
I don’t know, it seems a little like Kubo just wanted to speed things up here. And I understand the impulse-- the manga has been dragging for the last ten chapters or so, mostly because it’s turned into a series of fights between characters we don’t know all that well, and the connection to our protagonist has become extremely attenuated. This manga is theoretically about Ichigo! But we haven’t seen him in quite a while, and of the characters still fighting in Karakura town, the only ones we really know all that well are Hitsugaya and Soi Fon.
Every other Soul Reaper or Visored is nearly as unfamiliar at their Arrancar opponent, and so a fight like Starrk’s doesn’t have as much reader investment, and the unfamiliarity of the protagonists makes it harder to explore the antagonists. Harribel vs. Hiyori and Lisa would probably have been the same, so I can’t judge Kubo for wanting to skip ahead-- but the execution is really lacking.
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For An Elephant is Warm and Mushy, what's the deal with Ichigo and Isshin? Cause I hate Isshin, but I want to know what your take is on it. (Sorry if you've already addressed this.)
I think my thoughts on Isshin in AEIWAM are best summed up as such:
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To elaborate: I think that, if he had been a father under normal circumstances, Isshin would have been a perfectly competent and even a good father.
...But he's not parenting under Normal Circumstances.
He's parenting as widower (alone) with three psychic (no how-to guides on this!) and traumatized (Especially Ichigo) children, while processing his own trauma (Again, Widower), while in a HIGHLY demanding and stressful career (Emergency care specialist/Surgeon), while technically on the run from the law (he's still wanted for being a deserter), while also in Apex Predator Central (Karkura is CHOCK A FUCKING BLOCK fulla hollows).
And BY GOD, the man is trying! AEIWAM! Isshin does his best to keep his children informed of the dangers of their world while not also risking them breaking his witness protection scheme. He works extremely hard and his best to keep them fed, housed, safe, educated and loved, and he LOVES them SO MUCH. Isshin is NEVER shy always genuine with affection towards his children! Hell, he even reaches out to who he can (Urahara, Ryukken, his neighbors, the kid's teachers) for help because he knows he's in over his head and needs help and that's a hard damn thing for a parent to do, but...
...It's not enough.
He still lies to his children. For perfectly sane and understandable reasons, but he still lies to them. He still doesn't understand his children- He gives them all the love he can, as best he knows how, but Ichigo especially speaks an entirely different love language. He's still not there for his children. Balancing three kids is ROUGH when you're a single parent and I'm afraid Isshin has some old-fashioned notions about gender that cause him to prioritize the twins over Ichigo. And worse, he's not there when Ichigo, and later the twins, start being in mortal danger from the fallout of his connection to Soul Society.
He grit his teeth and moved heaven and earth to rise to the occasion and still managed to fall well short of it.
A+ for Effort
D- for The Actual Results
So. Why DOES Isshin keep failing at healthy communication? Why DOES he make bizarre choices? Why DOES he suck at being a father?
As I was writing I realized the answer is that he was in the right time and place to accidentally learn some VERY bad habits from his friends and colleagues during his heavy involvement in the Soi Fon-Yoruichi Debacle.
This is already a very long post, so the explanation is under the cut:
To be clear: It's not their fault.
It's one of those awful "Its nobody's fault specifically, but the way human minds work means that this sort of conflict and bad behavior was inevitable" situations. The tragedy of being discrete beings.
The crux of Soi Fon and Yoruichi's relationship was that two people who had previously only moderate issues met another person whose own issues massively exacerbated their own in a continuously escalating cycle.
AEIWAM! Soi Fon is the SOLE surviving child of the Fon Clan. He five older brothers were all killed in service to the second division and the Shihon clan. Possibly under Yoruichi's direction, if I understand the timelines right. She was also raised from a very young age to ignore her own needs as a person, use violence as a Solution to her problems, largely starved of affection, and to hero-worship Yoruichi. Girl was already messed up when she walked into the Second division.
AEIWAM! Yoruichi is ALSO a sole surviving clan heir (Yushiro is conceived as a direct result to her vanishing in TBTP) and ALSO taught to use violence as a first solution, but instead of a self-sacrificing mindset, Yoruichi was raised to believe that other people sacrificing themselves for her was normal, good and even virtuous on their part. She was also sort of doted on by her parents, who were thrilled that their last-chance heir was shaping up so well (So far as they knew).
You can see how this was always going to go badly.
Soi fon is desperate to please. Yoruichi thinks this is perfectly normal and desirable behavior, and so she rewards it with copious affection, because Soi Fon responds to that well. Soi fon, receiving her first hit of positive reinforcement in her whole life, promptly falls head over heels for Yoruichi, and works even harder for her. Yoruichi, thrilled to have someone so capable, continues to reward this behavior. The cycle continues, and escalates.
Eventually, the two of them are operating in completely different worlds. So far as Soi Fon can tell, She and Yoruichi are in a Grand Romance, like a knight and her princess in the fairytale stories she used to comfort herself with as a little girl. She assumes this is a normal relationship between lieutenant and captain. So far as Yoruichi can tell, She and Soi Fon are in a Perfectly Normal And Platonic Working Relationship, because this is how every 2nd Division Lieutenant has fawned over their Shihon captain since the division's inception, and she assumes this is perfectly normal.
At some point, Soi Fon realizes that their relationship is really one-sided and she's giving 110% for maybe 4% on Yoruichi's behalf, but she's invested so much and every authority figure in her life is telling her that this is Right and Correct, that she actively chooses the fantasy over reality to cope with her circumstances. At some point, Yoruichi realizes that she's wildly taking advantage of Soi Fon's romantic feelings that she... well. She likes the girl well enough, but not romantically. But She relies so much on Soi Fon to run the 2nd Division and every authority figure in her life is telling her that this is Right and Correct that she actively chooses to play into Soi Fon's fantasy to preserve this very beneficial (for her) status Quo.
...Enter Kisuke Urahara.
Urahara has no horse in this particular race- in fact, he doesn't even know there's a race going on. He's deeply enamored of this ABSOLUTE BABE that's into his schlubby little ass, who's cool and funny and involved in the same insane workplace he is, and when Yoruichi sometimes complains to him about how crazy her lieutenant is, his only frame of reference is... Mayuri. He thinks this is normal, and the romantic relationship between him and Yoruichi continues to grow. She's his unexpected 11 out of 10, he's her fun dirty little secret. It's kinda tawdry, but it is honest.
Then TBTP happens. Kisuke and Yoruichi sorta accidentally frame themselves for treason, then someone (Aizen) very on purpose frames them for treason.
And so far as Soi Fon knows, the woman she loved, the woman she devoted her life to, the woman who (allegedly) loved her back- has lied to and discarded her.
It hurts. It hurts A Lot.
...Enter Isshin Shiba.
In AEIWAM, Isshin becomes a captain the same week TBTP happens, though he's on the other side of the rukongai when that shit goes down, so he shows up to his first captain's meeting with more than half the captains being brand new to their jobs, not totally sure what he or anyone else is doing-
-And there's Soi Fon. Alone and Miserable.
Isshin is an older brother to a younger sister (who never gets a name in canon) and an uncle to her three children, but they all live way out in the middle of nowhere so he hardly ever sees them and seeing Soi Fon at the meeting, exhausted and distraught (And maybe a little bit hungover) activates every single Big Brother And Uncle instinct he's been looking to inflict on someone.
It's VERY easy for him to hear Soi Fon's side of the story, conveniently ignore the part where she actively chose to believe in a romantic relationship she knew didn't actually exist, and cast Yoruichi as The Bad Guy Who Took Advantage Of My Poor Substitute Little Sister.
Soi Fon, who had *almost* been on the verge of being realistic about the breakup, leans into his version of the story, because, again, she's massively starved for affection and Isshin is giving her the type of love her now-dead brothers used to. So Isshin learns Bad Gender Habits here, and Bad Listening Habits, and Bad "Casting People Into Roles Instead Of Treating Them Like People" Habits, and gets rewarded for them with Soi Fon's attention and sisterly affection.
This is also probably where his decision-making skills start to decline- Soi Fon is a Trusted Colleague of his, and he goes to her for advice on Tricky Political Things, because that's what 2nd division DOES. Unfortunately, Soi Fon lives in Information Opsec Paranoia Spy Shit Hell, and gives her advice out accordingly. He starts favoring not giving out details unless he thinks it's REALLY necessary, and using bad-faith decision making. Even More unfortunately, the Gotei-13 is a hot mess of an organization and these habits serve him well.
...Enter Masaki Ishida, and shortly thereafter, Exit Isshin Shiba until he appears in the Human world as Dr. Isshin Kurosaki, and his wife, Masaki Kurosaki.
It's during the "I met a woman who is *technically* an enemy of the state, but she was so cool I fell so hard in love I decided to do a desertion and light treason" mess, Isshin becomes properly acquainted with Urahara and Yoruichi, and eventually, he hears Yoruichi's side of the story. He reverses course, now Soi Fon is the Crazy Ex, and Yoruichi was just doing what was necessary to survive in their demented military-industrial-spy-governement workplace.
Yoruichi doubles down on his "Shut the FUCK up or Yamamoto or worse is gonna come and kill us, and everyone we love" paranoia, because she's also on the run, and when he comes to her for advice on "So apparently the hollows are WAY stronger than I thought, they KILLED MY WIFE, how am I supposed to keep my kids safe?" She advocates teaching them how to recognize and hide from hollows rather than proper self-defense or the truth, because her first fear still is retribution from Soul Society. It's not insane of her- Yamamoto has a very literally fiery temper and can hold grudges for millennia.
So Isshin Tries. But he's also very burdened by paranoid neurotic behavior he doesn't even know he has, and dodgy-if-not-totally-insane advice from his friends.
And that's what I think of Isshin Kurosaki :)
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lily-radiance · 2 years
Even Flowers Can Bloom In The Winter- Bleach- Aizen, Byakuya, Grimmjow and Ulquiorra x reader
Chapter 3
/Click for chap 1/ chap 2/
Taglist: @erensl1ut @chrissie2003
"What's going on in here, lieutenant Abarai -"
Captain Hitsugaya had walked in, immediately ready to grab your wrist if need be, but you allowed the blade to blow away, specks of snow dissipating entirely as the shorter captain was disappointed.
"Lieutenant Abarai, you may leave us. Go about your duties." Toshiro instructed indifferently.
The door shut behind your colleague, leaving you alone with your superior. 
"Lieutenant (L/N)...."
His tone had changed, becoming softer as he approached the bedside, trying his best to keep you calm.
"I know what you're going to say Captain, that I should be resting, using this time to recuperate, but I'm telling you I felt fine during the training, honestly."
He breathed out a sigh at your prepared speech, shaking his head.
"I don't personally hold you responsible for this, and I do understand your frustrations with Captain Kuchiki, but pushing yourself to exhaustion, hiding information, and raising your blade towards your colleague, is inexcusable."
You waited for him to continue to scold you, but were surprised when he sat on the edge of the bed, trying to show no hostility.
"We all have our own opinions, our own ways of thinking, and everyone is entitled to that opinion. But that doesn't mean one opinion is right while others are wrong, especially in this scenario. Every captain who voted for your recommendation, did so because we have an immense faith in you. That doesn't mean Captain Kuchiki lacks faith, but he's still skeptical of your limits, and only argued his opinion because he thought it would keep you safe."
He placed a hand on the back of his neck, hair standing on end.
"And maybe he was right, but we can't know for sure until we test this theory. So you need to rest before you take these risks, rivalry or not. If you do not comply, you can and will be watched by a trusted member of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads, do you understand? That means no missions, no training, no fights in the Seireitei, and absolutely no use of your zanpakuto for a specified amount of time."
Sometimes you forget how bossy the smaller man could be, remembering to watch your step when crossing lines.
"So how long until I can leave the infirmary? Or be trusted enough to walk around outside without a bodyguard?"
Impatient as always, you asked for an exact timeline of when and how your recovery was to begin.
"There is no exact answer, lieutenant, as it all depends on your condition and choices. If you stick to routines, take your medication, rest and recover without a complaint, about one year exactly until you are allowed to be on your own once more. If you act out or deliberately disobey commanding officers, the time can be extended. So don't cause any trouble, okay?"
You gave him your hand, offering to shake his own as a show of your agreement to the deal and its rules. 
"Captain Hitsugaya, if I may share an honest opinion with you, can you be straight with me?"
His blue eyes narrowed at your question but he ultimately accepted, knowing much was weighing heavily on your heart.
"When the announcement for the recommendations came in, I was so excited for more training, the very idea made me feel ready for the chance to impress you all. I was sure I would be instructed to learn more from you about ice zanpakuto types, but Soi Fon was selected instead. Is there any reason that might be?"
He was certainly surprised by your question, but there was no polite answer.
"Byakuya Kuchiki is your current captain and therefore in charge of assigning your training schedule. He thought that since my training was not sufficient enough that you needed a change of pace, hence why he chose Soi Fon and Aizen. Honestly I don't think the ice is the full issue, but your release of spiritual pressure is constantly changing. If you want to get better, and prove Byakuya Kuchiki wrong, you'll need to fully understand your own flaws in battle. Not doing so will only hold you back farther, hurting not only your reputation, but the strength of the sixth division as a whole."
So your training to gain control while fixing your shaky reputation has begun. If only you could predict the many twists that would come through the following year.
Time Changes 
Time had passed so quickly, making changes to the Soul Society, and you as well. The year prior, your agreement with Toshiro Hitsugaya was set in stone, making you rebuild the very foundations of your life. At first it felt like such a punishment, to be banned and excluded from the normal activities of day to day life.
Tension was always felt in the air as you passed citizens and soldiers, unclear whispers spoken in hushed tones. Eyes glancing away at a fast pace, hoping you didn't notice the stares marking your back. But you got used to it, so much so that it no longer was a bother, instead serving as another motivator to do better.
Your secrets were no longer as safe or respected as they had been in the past, rumors like wildfire ghosted over every nook and cranny of the Seireitei, making any previous connection with Byakuya Kuchiki seem insignificant. He was still your captain, but no longer did you greet him at the office, or ask him to rest, but stayed short and curt when given orders. If you were to drop off paperwork, you would state your business, complete the task and carry on with your day like nothing ever happened.
You met his eyes every now and then, but would not acknowledge his presence unless spoken to directly. In return for your cold personality, he remained indifferent as ever, unable to articulate how he regretted pushing your hand and threatening your position. 
"I can't believe you did that, Renji, seriously you need to be more careful with hollow encounters!" Rukia's voice spoke from the office lobby.
Renji was trying to keep up with her criticism, but found himself busy staring at your frame at a designated desk, clearly frustrated as you flipped through piles of paperwork and signed with little care as to what was requested on the document.
You had removed your eyes from the request, looking out your doorway when you saw the redhead staring back. Without much hesitation you stood up and closed the screen door that led to your office quarters, hoping for some piece of mind.
Rukia noticed his line of sight, placing a hand on his arm to remind him that your sour mood was not his fault. 
"She barely interacts with any of our peers, not even me anymore. It's like she's blocked out the entire world besides work, and she doesn't look like the (Y/N) I know. It's as though something flipped a switch on her heart, she doesn't see Rangiku as much either, although that's probably because that idiot let out her secret in front of some rookies without a care."
His mind wandered to the day you had discovered her treachery, forgetting common sense and being blinded by the ghost of betrayal. Rumors always found their way back to you, invoking a storm to erupt inside your gut. Not only had you trusted her, but she knew everything, every little detail that made you tick. So the fact that you had also cut tight ties with her was a worrying sign.
She had apologized profusely, but it was no use as the damage had been dealt to your uneasy mind. You still said hello in the hallways, gave awkward smiles when forced to be near each other, and stayed polite, but that was all.
"Renji, you know Rangiku didn't mean anything by it, but (Y/N) thought she did. The people she held close turned around and spilled a big secret, and now she doesn't know who to trust."
As Rukia spoke to Renji, the sound of your door opening and closing resonated throughout the room, making them equally statuesque as you passed by without a word. As you passed they both felt a burst of cold air, no doubt a warning sign from you.
Across the room they could see you talking to the captain, no emotion except for the slight tinge of irritation that was exposed by the shove of papers towards his hand and the slam of his office door. As they saw you leave the building, they collectively let out a sigh of distress.
"How has Captain Kuchiki been doing, Rukia?"
She was trying desperately to think of any positive outcomes in the past year, but could find nothing but bitter memories. While Byakuya had never shown her much of a familial connection, he has never been this distant or distracted, causing her worry to increase.
"Same as the last few months, how about (Y/N)?"
Renji's silence spoke volumes, indicating that this affliction would not end anytime soon, even if Byakuya were to apologize or you were to forgive him. There was a stalemate between you two, neither one making a step to better the conditions of your cracked relationship, letting it drift away with time and negligence.
"The only thing I can think of is her connection with Captain Aizen and Captain Hitsugaya, they're the only people she's close with at the moment. She's even stopped playing her usual round of games with Yachiru. I don't know who she is anymore."
The dark haired woman reached out a hand, trying to ease the mind of her childhood friend.
"Is there anything I can do to help you out with her? With work?"
At times like these, he was glad he had Rukia for a friend, but her big brother was currently your nemesis, making him doubt her abilities.
"Can you help out the captain? He is your brother after all, and I can focus on (Y/N). The only problem I can think of is her avoidance tactics. And even if I do talk to her alone she just stays quiet, and by the time I'm done she's out the door."
Rukia suddenly turned to Renji, grabbing his arm and pulling him along, causing him to stumble. Once they were alone in one of the hallways she began.
"Then we make her listen, to everyone who she'd normally listen to, and we host a meeting expressing our concerns with her behavior. If we let her know that we want to help her, maybe we could understand each other."
Unfortunately, Rukia and Renji had not thought this through entirely, the meeting hall beginning to fill as people filed in. Of course to make you unsuspecting, you were told that it was a plan between captains and lieutenants to assign lower ranked shinigami to missions and tasks.
The plan began to make you feel cornered as only certain captains and lieutenants entered, each one invited and assumed to be close to you.
Soi Fon, Hitsugaya, Rangiku, Yumichika, Momo, Renji, Yachiru, Rukia, Komamura, Kyoraku, Ukitake, Shuhei, and Unohana sat on one side of the long table, staring at you with blank eyes.
"So there is no meeting today, I should have known better. So what else are we criticizing, today? Because surely I'm not the only reason you all put aside your actual work?"
Your tone was not welcoming, an air of sarcasm at the actions taken behind your back. No one spoke, afraid to say anything that could escalate the situation.
"I don't understand what else you want from me, what else do I have to do to prove I'm worthy enough to be on my own? I followed your rules, I obeyed and didn't bat an eye, but clearly I must have missed a step, especially when you can't even look me up and down without that hesitation!"
Rangiku could feel her eyes growing irritated, her body trying to hold back tears at the sight of your anger. She hadn't meant to blabber on to Toshiro, or the rookie soldiers who put two and two together when the ginger mentioned how a certain captain was lovesick.
While she hadn't said your name, the public could distinguish the bond between you and the fifth division captain.
When it reached Byakuya, he was furious.
When it reached Momo, she was heartbroken.
When Toshiro and everyone else heard, they remained at a distance, afraid of what their reactions could do.
"We're not here to scold you lieutenant (L/N), but rather express our concern for how the year has affected you, how it's affecting all of us."
You were surprised to hear Komamura speak, expecting Toshiro or Renji to lead the meeting. Your sandals hit the linoleum floors repeatedly, legs moving in slow paces around the room as you examined the ones in charge.
"How can you ask me that, when you're the one who forced me into it? All of you claim to understand, to feel sympathy, but you couldn't be further from understanding. Do you know what it's like to be unable to access your spirit energy? To be stuck between loneliness and judgment? To ask yourself if you'd rather sit with your thoughts or go outside with whispers following your every movement?"
Everyone could feel the air grow tight, trapping them in their uncomfortable emotions. Toshiro, Rangiku and Renji could feel your presence watching them, analyzing them, ripping their heart to shreds without a second thought.
"If you want to suggest that I'm personally trying to get back at each of you, at any of you, ask yourself why you think I would want to hurt any of you? Because if I'm being honest, I'm angry, I'm disappointed, but I would never hate any of you, let alone want to cause you more pain. So try to understand that not everything I'm doing is meant to affect you, and that my relationships, my private life, is not up for discussion."
Toshiro stood, slamming his chair into the table without fail. The legs screeched against the floor, scuffing the tile.
"That will be enough out of you, Lieutenant (L/N). If you wish to press the matter, then I suggest you get a decent amount of time to think this over."
He marched up to you, not hiding his disapproval as your superior.
Still you stood in place, scouting the other bystanders for their thoughts.
"Oh you must be joking to say such a thing, Shiro! Oh my I'm so sorry, only Momo calls you that right, because she's such a dear girl? Time, time is all you can suggest for the problem you know doesn't exist! I've had time, years in fact to think about everything you haven't done for me! I've clawed my way through meaningless tasks, through the mud-coated forest, and a hell of a lot more than you give me credit for! So please let me show you what I'm capable of, and let me show you the extent of my satisfactory skills!"
His height had always been a bother, certain cadets not treating him as a captain. That had never been a problem for you, respecting him as an officer, and even a friend.
That was no longer the case now, your figure glaring at him with disdain. A blade wasn't necessary for you to tear into him, an odd emptiness placing itself inside him.
"Meaningless tasks…."
His whispered words faded as he registered the meaning behind them.
You took one last look at their faces, their bodies slumped in the chairs, before moving from the meeting room to the nearest exit. Bewilderment at the scene behind your walking figure, wishing for one chance at peace, at new beginnings, and the chance to move on.
As much as you wanted to be disgusted at them, that disgust had burrowed into your own heart, guilt wracking every inch of your body. The world seemed a blur, every color seeming to fade into the background, the sound of life dissipating into nothing but your heartbeat.
Every once in a while you could feel that desire to let go, to let your zanpakuto take the leading role over your sound mind, wondering what that release would feel like. What would make you calm? What could stop this feeling of a time bomb inside your skull? Your hand instinctively wanting to rest on the side of your head, the frustration accumulating like storm clouds.
Your fast walk became a light jog as you found yourself back near the barracks, a new desperation building, your blood boiling beneath your skin until you were sure you had caught a bug.
That unending heat was so unusual, especially when considering the Soul Society weather range and your zanpakuto abilities. Yet you couldn't escape the feeling of burning up, wondering if it was normal, exhaustion digging itself into your muscles just like a parasite.
"(Y/N) what happened? (Y/N)?"
Your mind was going so slowly, so much so that you barely recognized Aizen's room, a fog blocking your sense of perception.
From his perspective, you looked as though you had run a marathon, sweat beading along your neck, hair sticking to the nape in uneven tangles.
He had walked over to your figure, eyes moving all over your features, but they eventually locked onto you. He had always gotten overprotective of you, ulterior motives or not. Any sign of trouble and he would stop at nothing to find a solution.
"There was a meeting - but it wasn't actually a meeting, Toshiro and a bunch of others were talking - and I freaked out - so I left-"
Without hesitation he softly placed a finger over your mouth, stopping any other jumbled words to leak out.
"Tell me what happened, and take it easy."
His very presence always had a calming effect on you, similar to how lavender can make even the most energetic people fall asleep within a short amount of time.
The brunette could see the gears turning in your head, your panic falling away into despair. His heartbeat rose as he felt you collide with his chest, arms squeezing as tight as you could until you could only sense him, his cologne, his aura, and the soft rise and fall of his chest.
As calming as Aizen could be, that didn't neutralize the tears cascading down your cheeks, or the rapid speed of your breath as he continued to hold you close.
"Did someone hurt you?"
He had to mentally remind himself to keep his words covered in a soft tone, almost dropping to a malicious whisper at the very idea of you in trouble.
You didn't pull away from his embrace; your response was only made coherent by the shake of your head. His body relaxed a little at that reassurance, but he was nowhere near calm, at least in his thoughts.
"Say you won't leave me, please. I'm so afraid of what you might do, Sosuke."
His hold tightened, the knot of revenge building in his chest, unrelenting as he could only imagine the payback, the satisfaction. In a moment you were lifted up into his arms, legs secured by one arm, while the other had secured your torso, making sure to keep you as close as possible.
"Such a silly girl, aren't you? Why would I ever do that?"
You lifted your head to meet his gaze, feeling so fragile underneath his stare. The pad of his thumb wiped away any stray teardrops, the softest touch making you putty in his hands.
He lowered himself onto a nearby couch, still cradling your body without any second thoughts. His height had always made you feel safer, specifically in these moments where you could feel him underneath you, enveloping you into a stronghold.
"I'm serious about this, about everything, as silly as you might think…"
The grip around your torso loosened, allowing for you to position yourself however you saw fit. You raised your upper body, staring at the bewitched captain below.
With his hands freed he placed them underneath your jaw, bringing his mouth to the side of your throat, allowing his teeth to ghost over your jugular. His lips made repeated contact, eventually giving open-mouthed kisses, smirking ever so slightly as he heard you sigh deeply, knowing exactly how to push your buttons in all the right places.
"Sosuke - what are you thinking - right now?"
He didn't respond, trailing kisses up your jawline, each excruciatingly irresistible, making your body betray your mind.
"I'm thinking about how to make it clear to you that I wouldn't leave you, especially not here."
Without any more motivation necessary, you took the initiative, lips meeting him in a desperate attempt to curb your memory, to forget about it all.
It was always a sight to watch him come undone, especially after a hard day's work. His disguise was no longer relevant or needed as you combed your fingers through his hair, trying to get as close to him as possible.
To see him hungry, short of breath and eyes only focused on you. You could do or say anything in these moments, but the odds of you getting out without scratch marks down your back and hickeys below the neck of your formal work attire were little to none.
"I thought you were busy today—"
Another sensitive nerve was struck in the middle of your sentence, making you squirm in his lap, trying to stay composed.
You covered your mouth before any more suggestive noises were heard, noticing how he paused his actions at the sound of your silence.
"You know for a lieutenant, you get flustered so easily? Don't worry if you can't keep quiet, it's not like you do this for anyone else."
Another kiss, another muffled moan, another pause, until he had finally pinned your wrists above your head with one hand, careful not to bruise your skin.
As the kisses became deeper you wriggled your hands free, placing them back on his head, and pulling him down to meet your mouth once more.
With every breath and sigh, the satisfaction of seeing you so flustered, his hands reached toward your thighs, hoisting them around his waist then sitting back down.
You had surrendered at last giving in to his touches and praise, no longer resisting any contact, but embracing it. At first you thought you heard a noise, a small thud, ignoring it at first as nothing more than a random noise. But then the same thud occurred, louder and repetitive against his front door.
As much as he wanted to continue this session, it would be incredibly suspicious if he ignored the knocking. He placed you back on the couch before cracking open the door and peeking out to see Momo Hinamori and Hitsugaya, both looking rather glum.
"Did you need something, Captain Hitsugaya? Lieutenant Hinamori?"
Toshiro felt a strange curiosity as he looked at the taller superior, stray hairs ruffled and his skin flushed a light pink. If Toshiro really concentrated he could sense traces of your spiritual pressure.
"Have you seen Lieutenant (L/N)? Captain Kuchiki was expecting her to deliver some reports and says she has not returned to the office. Do you have any idea why that might be? "
His brown eyes narrowed, calculating the best approach.
"I saw her earlier today, did something happen, Captain Hitsugaya? Maybe something upsetting?"
His voice was full of rage, evident to only you as you saw his shoulders tense under his uniform. The hand leaning into the frame had gripped the material, knuckles whitening at the pressure.
"No, I don't think so. Would you say she's seemed upset lately?"
Toshiro continued pushing his limits, taking steps toward the taller man. Aizen stood his ground, body blocking any opening of the doorway.
"Earlier, a half hour ago actually, but she didn't tell me anything. Do you know what could have happened? Was there a specific meeting I missed?"
He emphasized his knowledge of the true events, making it undoubtedly clear that you had stopped by.
Without any warning Toshiro Flash-Stepped by him, able to find a gap.
His confusion didn't last long as he saw you laying back on the sofa, clothes baggy and coming undone as you clutched them to your chest, not expecting him to see you like this. The fabric had slid down your shoulders, revealing bare skin that was glistening in the evening light. From the angle, the golden hues had emphasized your features, making a certain radiance bounce off of you, even as teardrops still rested on your lashes.
His blue eyes softened, but you paid his regret no mind, looking away to conceal your further embarrassment. He was going to speak, but the firm shove on his shoulder towards the exit interrupted him.
Momo, who was still outside, was conflicted, not understanding why her best friend was pushed away so violently by her favorite captain.
Toshiro muttered something about lying and privacy, unnerved by seeing his subordinate in such a state. Not only that, but the image of you with the fifth division captain made his stomach churn.
Once the door was closed you were embarrassed beyond all reason, completely caught off guard.
"Next time give me a warning before you go out, especially when I'm like this."
Now that his blood isn't boiling he can't help but stare at your exposed body, partially covered up by throw pillows and your robe. His smile makes a shiver travel down your spine, knowing full well his intentions, his imagination on the cusp of breaking.
"At least you know he didn't hear you, but that was close."
His mind had completely centered on you, making it his priority to see you come undone in his lap.
"But then again, I think I'd prefer you to scream as loud as you can. Guess I can't let you down."
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chiefatticcreator · 9 months
Yoruichi ask Soi Fon about what happened last night. Soi Fon pretends that nothing happened, so Yoruichi shows her the video that she recorded of Toshiro fucking the drunk assassin, especially up the ass.
"So.. how did it got after you left me to go find Toshiro?" Yoruichi grinned.
"I.. I have no idea what you are talking about." Soi Fon blushed, looking away.
She still felt sore, and she still found herself thinking about Toshiro's godly dick every few minute. It had taken hours of successive showers before she stopped smelling of his cum, and she still could feel it on him. he had marked her, fucked her and owned her... but she would never admit as such to Lady Yoruichi.
"Are you sure?" Yoruichi's teasing smile was still there as she leaned closer to her former subordinate. "When i told alll my stories last night, you left in a huff sayign that you were "going to see if he's all that great". So, how did it go?"
"I found him, we talked, but i didn't let him touch me." Soi Fon insited. "I still don't understand why you cannot stop talking about him in such a devoted tone." she scoffed, trying to sound as distant and disdainful as possible.
"Oh, really?" Yoruichi's teasing smile only grew. "That's really what you think? And what about this, then?"
A phone was pushed between Soi Fon's hands, and within a second the video was playing.
There, on the screen, was soi fon. Squealing and crying out like a bitch in heat. Like the primal part of her that called her to be bred and fucked by a man had finalyl broken through. Like her midn was broken. tears of pleasure streaked down her face as her breasts boucned from the force of the thrusts rockind her body.
And right behind her, the person thrusting. Usign her plump, fat booty like a sextoy, Toshiro Hitsugaya.
Even with the angle of the camera makign things more difficult to see, it was clear as daylign that Toshir'os hypercock was being rammed inside the ninja's ass over and over. The white-haired captian's powerful thrusts, bed-shattering, as his enormous balls swung. His cock deep inside her ass, bulging Soi Fon like nothign ever had before.
And soi fon was screamign her bliss. She was squirting near-constantly from the brain-destroyign fucking. she was howling to the sky. Her ass stretched, his enormous cock buried deep inside of her. Not simply fucking, but outright breaking and owning her. This was more than simple sex, this was Soi Fon being broken to the state of a pure slut. Until her ass clapping against Toshiro's hips was makign her cum from the noise alone.
"And it goes on and on and on for hours." Yoruichi moaned, watching the video.
"So, does watching that makes your memory work, now?"
"I.. yes." Soi Fon huffed, blushing. "he.. Captain Hitsugaya... master... fucked me. broke me. He is as amazing as you said, lady Yoruichi. Even better!"
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OMG I got tagged for the Fanfiction Writer Bingo!
Thanks for tagging me @bleachbleachbleach!
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I tried my best to make this look presentable!
So Pink is things I fully agree with and Green is things I agree with partially.
1. Wattpad phase? Didn't really have one. But I read some fics there sometimes. And also did on FF.net and LiveJournal. Never had accounts, though.
2. I do, I do actually! I plan on... Doing something with it. Someday. I am known as Lunagan, there. You might see me commenting on your stuff sometimes!
3. I write smut yes. Sometimes just to keep my mind out of other things.
4. Guess you can say I beta read something for someone once.
5. Wrote a self-indulgent fic? Nope. I didn't "wrote" one, I write lots of them. All of my fics are self-indulgent!
6. I do! Expect me to comment and scream and put lots of unreadable stuff in your comments. I am just like that!
7. I did. Will do so again. If I like your stuff, I will give you Kudos with glee in my heart. TO MAKE YOU UNDERSTAND I LOVE IT.
8. Fluff makes me cry. Please make me cry.
9. Now this one. I am a Kenmayu writer first, rest second. But let me be clear... I do have full intentions on writing Isane/Unohana, Soi Fon/Yoruichi, someday. This latter one I kinda already did? I heavily imply it 😉
10. Now I said I partially agree and it's truly that. Genre doesn't matter to me. If you wanna read it, read it. Doesn't matter if it's literature or not. If it pleases your heart, read it.
11. Look, I can write LOTR as well as I can Bleach. It's just that I have been mainly a Bleach writer recently.
12. I don't love it, but I don't hate it either. It's always good to learn new stuff!
13. I always have the canvas and the paint... Problem is actually painting the thing hehe.
14. I... Will. When I publish something. When I find courage.
15. I DID GET FANART, YES! Credit to the lovely @raberris , go check em' out, lovely arts all around! Also @seeveekat , I owe them my Gang AU!
16. Ahahahaha. All of them. All of my fics.
17. It isn't hell... But I do forget loads of stuff. I am a terrible editor 😔
18. When showering. When walking. When watching something completely unrelated. LITERALLY ANYTIME.
19. I don't need coffee or tea... It does help, though.
20. "Fangs". All my attention. It needs. And I gotta FOCUS.
21. That is the dream, yes... Dunno if it will ever happen, though.
I write for Bleach, mainly. Can do LOTR. And LORD HELP ME, but Gomens caught my eye so much (I just find Aziraphale to be the cutest bunny bunny honeybun!) Also could write for Zelda!
And I tag two illustrious members of the Kurotsuchi Council, @seeveekat and @missingmayuri, and also fellow writer @heretostealyogirl . Only if you, my friends, want to... No pressure!
Template under the cut!
Thanks for the tag again ❤️
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