#i used to look at lists of 'weird/unique kids name' when i would make ocs
skitskatdacat63 · 4 months
This is very random but. I think a lot about the name of my oc Rüß. It was originally just a stand-in name and was spelled "Russ." But I didn't want people to pronounce it "Ruh-ss" so I changed it to "Ruß" and then to "Rüß" bcs that's the way to pronounce it but it was also fun to use special characters. But then ended up at the same place I started: some people still won't know how to pronounce her name bcs the ü and ß 😭 I think my one friend called her "Rub" in her head for a while. But it is now eternally her name and I don't call her by her full name :)
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theonekrafter · 4 months
hello! i love all your writing so much - your characters are super unique and refreshing, i was so excited when i saw your new naruto si/oc. do you have any fic recs (any fandom)?
TY!! i dont really make rec lists often but here's some now!
(sidenote, i keep almost ALL of my bookmarks public on ao3, so if you ever want to see what i'm reading you can probably find it there)
I'll just stick to naruto recs for now!
Stretch, Fold, Expand by SenjuMizusaya
Kazue has not always been Kazue, but this does not make her less of a Nara, or less of a kunoichi, or less of a sister. Only less gullible. (Semi-SI into the Narutoverse.)
self insert into shikamaru's sister. there's only three chapters right now, but the clan political intrigue is super promising, as well as addressing a lot of canonical sexism.
Fallow Fields by zarinthel
For every rising star that the shinobi world produces, a hundred other geniuses are chewed up and spit out. Seiko crawls out of that grinder, only to find that she still has the rest of her life to face head on.
another si that is named seiko. completely embarrassed that i used the name as well without realizing, especially since this fic is so excellent and i would hate to cramp on the author's style.
a fic that is more focused on a slice of life story than an endless power grind, though the si does get a chance to be badass and awesome.
Glass Marionette by Haunted_Frost
It takes time to process the memories, but by the time Kankuro becomes a student at the Sunagakure Academy, he's certain he knows: he's in the Naruto universe, a village away, and he's standing next to a ticking time bomb at all times. One that he has an unfortunate urge to hug and tuck in for bed. Well, at least he gets to indulge in his inner theater kid with the whole puppet thing. That's a bonus. If he can just manage to wait out the worst of it, he might even become strong enough to make a difference in the upcoming war.
si into kankuro methodically destroys canon and makes a happy ending for people in under 100k words. marvelous, gay, and it's suna centric.
If 3 Reincarnated Ninja Were Fighting a Moon Goddess and One of Them Got Killed With a Rock, Would That Be Fucked Up Or What by mordox
Three random idiots were transmigrated into bodies of Konoha toddlers during the kyuubi attack. Each thinking they’re the only one who remembers a past life, they each try to hide it. Coincidentally, they are all assigned to Hatake Kakashi’s genin team since they were only average academy students and don’t have parents to complain about their children being failed via bell test, which happened with the last three teams he was assigned. What follows is three fools trying to hide their knowledge from each other and their jounin-sensei while desperately trying to reach chunin fast enough that Kakashi can teach the actual team seven, and a jounin-sensei who is very confused by his three genin but has so few (read: zero) points of reference for normal twelve year olds raised during peacetime that he can’t tell if they’re weird or not.
fucking hilarious. i'm not usually into multi-inserts but oh my GOD these three are disasters, and kakashi is just so confused. a series of assumptions from all three PLUS kakashi convincing them all that they're Normal.
"i sure hope no one realizes i just used the acronym PTSD, as in the english letters in the middle of my japanese sentence." "oh, i didn't know PTSD was a term in naruto. wow."
it's like watching a train wreck in slow motion. you can't look away.
The Scorpion and the Frog by zarinthel
Maybe the fate of Uchiha Itachi and the Uchiha Clan could have been changed if Itachi had just had one more family member he could trust -- someone as powerful, invested in Konoha, and devoted to the clan as him. Someone with a little extra knowledge up her sleeve. Unfortunately for Itachi, the Uchiha's abysmal luck with siblings has given him… Kaeru.
another zarinthel fic bc they are a super skilled and i appreciate them. completed fic. a genuinely good subversion of usual si tropes while still making the si op and kick ass. she's just uh. a little mentally ill about it. the entire time. and we love that for her.
THAT'S ALL FOR NOW! i hope you enjoy these!
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cry-stars · 1 year
Hey! I created the writing asks so I'll send you a couple, any OC you feel like:
pen, marker, crayon, copics, charcoal, tortillon, and eraser please!
Hi, thank you so much for asking and for making such a cool ask list!! I took a long time to answer haha. I wound up shuffling the names of my main adult OCs and answering these for whoever's name came up first!
Pen: what's one minor moment your character regrets? A small mistake, but something they "can't erase"?
Johann: I guess there’s no particular moment but a lot of small moments for this… but Johann regrets not picking up on his brother Laarni’s suicidal/depressive tendencies sooner. Johann had previously never suspected a thing--for good reason, since Laarni hides it from his brothers very well. After one close call when things get too tough for Laarni and Johann witnesses it, Johann becomes extremely vigilant, checking up on Laarni whenever he can--although subtly, since Laarni hates to think that his younger brothers are worrying about him.
Marker: what's one thing your character would never tattoo on their body, even if they were paid a million dollars for it?
Johann: Honestly if it was to get money for his family to help take care of them, Johann would do absolutely anything, no matter what it was. Even if he hated the tattoo, he’d do it for them.
Crayon: what was your OC like when they were four years old? Were they loud?  Shy? Were they the resident "weird kid" or did they get along with others their age?
CJ: CJ was extremely spoiled and bratty as a little child, and wouldn’t hesitate to scream and cry if things didn’t go her way. Outside of her temper tantrums though, she was extremely quiet. Even her dad was surprised if he heard her voice aside from screaming, and strangers would definitely never hear her speak.
Copics: what is this character's most expensive habit or hobby? Do they ever feel guilty about the money they spend on it?
Gareth: Gareth has no hobbies (usually). He devotes his entire life and work to trying to outdo his love-hate idol Clive’s past feats. Instead of using mechanical means the way Clive did, Gareth uses computers. Since my Gareth story happens in the 1980s, a computer hobby would be extremely expensive, especially for the powerful virtual reality-type machines Gareth is trying to build.  Gareth eventually does try out more hobbies thanks to his mom-crush Flora’s urging, particularly gardening. Rather than feeling guilty about the money aspect of it though, he more feels guilty or frustrated about spending any time on anything other than his plans to outdo Clive. He would never do it if it weren’t for Flora convincing him.
Charcoal: share any unique physical features about this character that are not scars or tattoos.
Pearl: I guess the main thing for Pearl is that she’s very tall (six feet) and looks enough like her brother that they can be mistaken for each other from a distance, although they aren’t twins and are several years apart from each other. She and her brother sometimes called themselves “the Caine brothers” in their early years establishing their robotics company, and the name was rarely questioned.
Tortillon: does your OC "blend in" with the people around them? Physically? Metaphorically?
Glynrie: Glynrie doesn’t physically blend in at all. He’s the only elf and acts quite archaically in a modern city filled with humans. Because of this, as well as because of being a butler, Glynrie tries to stay in the background as much as he can, devoting himself to serving the Khora company and watching out for another servant of the family, Walidah, who is also a homebody. If Glynrie ever left the Khora mansion, he’d definitely stand out, but he blends in well with the Khora family.
Eraser: what's one way this character has changed over time? Either over the course of their story, or over the course of designing them as an author.
Glynrie: Glynrie is an expy of an elf butler named Galion from The Hobbit. Galion doesn’t get to do much in the book, but I really loved him and wrote a ton of fanfics about him, developing him so much that he felt like my own character. I really wanted to keep using Galion even outside of the Tolkien world, so I created Glynrie, who is still an elf butler, but has a much different backstory and different relationships with people around him. Glynrie still has the borderline(?) OCD that I gave to Galion, but now also has a very big protective streak that the old character didn’t really have, as he takes care of his friend and fellow servant Walidah and also works to help his boss Ms Shinzou with anything she needs. I also canonized Glynrie being aroace now; Galion had been “coded” that way even if I didn’t know what that was when I was a kid writing him, but it’s official now.
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spnfanficpond · 4 years
Pond Diving - Katelynw93
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Welcome to today’s Pond Diving Spotlight! We hope that you enjoy this little insight to our members and perhaps even find some useful tips for your own writing. Happy reading!
Want to volunteer, send us an ask! We’re looking forward to learning more about all of you! Not sure what PD is, you can learn more here.
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“Don’t Be Koi About It” - All About You
Name: Katelyn, but most people call me Kate, Katie or sometimes even Kat.
Age: 27
Location: Originally from Kansas, but have been located in Upstate NY for the last six years.
URL: @katelynw93​
Why did you choose your URL: It’s usually the username that I use for everything and if I’m being honest, I’m not very creative when it comes to titles or names. Lol. I’ve been meaning to change it; I just need to decide on what.  
What inspired you to become a writer: Well, when I was in middle school (maybe seventh or eighth grade), my best friend and I decided to write a story together and post it on a fanfiction site (Can’t remember the site name, though.) And I just loved it. We never did finish that story. Lol. But eventually I started branching out and found some roleplay writing sites.  
How long have you been writing: Started writing in middle school (2006/2007), but really got into it in 2009 with RP. However, September of this year (2020) was the first year I started really writing fics by myself and opening posting them. 
What do you do when you are not writing i.e. Job/Hobbies etc? I work a lot, usually an average of 40+ hours a week; I am a manager at a popular food chain restaurant and on the weekends, a cashier at a gas station to provide a little extra cash for my family. When I’m not working, my time is spent with my two kids; Alekzander (Zander) who just turned five this past November and Lincoln (Link) who will be two in February. Outside of work and my family, I’m usually writing. Sometimes if I’m feeling extra creative or inspired, I’ll create a few crackships for couples I really enjoy. Lol. 
How long have you been in the SPN Fandom? I actually found Supernatural around the same time I started writing, so back in ninth grade, so 2008/2009. It was honestly an accident too, because I was searching for Smallville episodes (I have an unhealthy addiction to Superman and DC/Marvel.) and stumbled upon an ad for Supernatural. Was instantly intrigued and fell in love. Seasons 1 - 5 (the Kripke era) are my favorite. 
Are you in any other fandoms and do you write for them? Oh yea, I love TV shows and movies, and as I’ve already stated above, I love DC and Marvel. I’ve also written for Grey’s Anatomy and am willing to write for more, but SPN, DC and Grey’s are currently the only ones I’ve written for. I love The Vampire Diaries, One Tree Hill, Private Practice, Station 19, 9-1-1, Game of Thrones, The Witcher, Merlin, Dexter, Psych, and so, so many more. There are too many to list. Lol.  
Do you do any writing outside of fanfiction? If so, tell us about it? Other than RPing, not really. I mean, I did try to do an original story with my friend when I was younger, but it never went anywhere. But I am willing to try someday. 
Favorite published author: Other than the really big authors like; J.K. Rowling, George R.R. Martin, Jim Butcher, Nicholas Sparks, Suszanne Collins, I really like (and maybe it’s cliche) Stephenie Meyer. The Twilight Saga made me fall in love with reading and eventually, that love led me to writing. Those books hold a special place in my heart.  
Have you ever read a book that made an impact on your life? Which one and why?: Well, I guess I sort of answered that one already. But there truly are so many amazing books out there and still so many more to discover. 
Favorite genre of fanfic (smut, angst, fluff, crack, rpf, etc): Oh man, I’m not gonna lie, a majority of what I read is probably smut. But I am particularly fond of angst. I want you to make me cry. Really dig and stab into my emotions. Lol. And then come back in with some fluff. Haha. 
Favorite piece of your own writing: Well, that would have to be Sweet Cherry Pie because it was really the first piece I’ve ever finished and published online. It was inspired by an RP that I am currently involved in and they are my favorite couple in said RP. It got so much positive feedback after I shared it that it inspired me to keep writing. I was so nervous about posting it, but I am glad I did. 
Most underrated fic you have written: Oh I’m not sure. Maybe Love Bites. I am a sucker for Supernatural and The Vampire Diaries crossovers. I really loved writing this fic and am eager to write more. 
Story of yours that you’d most like to see turned into a movie/tv show: Oh damn, um, it’d be cool to see any of them like that. But maybe Sweet Cherry Pie or Out of the Fire (my firefighter!Dean series).  
Favorite Tumblr Writer(s): There are so many, but I usually find myself reading work from; @impala-dreamer​, @katehuntington​  @deanwanddamons​, @muchamusedaboutnothing​.  
Favorite Fic from another writer: This one is tough because there are so many amazing fics out there, especially ones that I adddddore; but if forced to choose, one story that will always stick with me would have to be Treacherous by @idkhaylijah​ OR The Sullivan Series by Kate Huntington 
Favorite character to write: Dean Winchester. I adore Dean and he’s probably the easiest for me to write. I have written the most fics with him and I portray him often in the RPs that I do. 
Favorite Pairing to write: Dean with anyone, but my favorite would be Dean x Caroline. 
Least favorite character to write (and why): That’s a tough one, cause there’s not really any that I’m uncomfortable with or dislike writing. Maybe characters with accents, because I don’t really know how to capture that in writing yet? I’m pretty open with my writing and am willing to try mostly anything. 
Do you have anyone you consider a mentor? Oh definitely. When I first started RPing, there was another girl (Jocelyn) that I used to write with and she influenced a lot of my writing. She was older than me and had more experience and gave me a lot of tips on how to get better. She is an amazing writer and had the potential of going far with it, but life happens and unfortunately, she doesn’t write anymore. But she is booming on Youtube, so that’s pretty impressive. It’s pretty cool to see how far she’s come. 
Do you have any aspirations involving your writing? I used to want to be a journalist when I was younger, but other than that, not really. I just want to have fun with it and write something meaningful for someone, and always improve and get better.  
How many work-in-progress stories do you have: I have a few ideas jotted down, maybe ten, but I haven’t actually started any of them. I have so many bingo cards I need to finish, but with my work schedule, it’s been pretty crazy. 
What are you currently working on? My main project is Out of the Fire.
“Pond Diving” - All About The Writing
What/who has had the biggest influence on your writing? Definitely the RPing that I’ve done and am currently doing. My friend Alesha has been the longest RP partner that I’ve had and her writing is phenomenal - and it helps a lot too when your mind's work in similar ways; her and I always seem to be on the same wavelength when it comes to writing. I love it. But like me, she has a very busy schedule and writing is limited. 
Best writing advice you've been given: Have fun with it, write what you want to write and always be open to helpful criticism. And don’t stress about it, either. Write in your own time. It’s meant to be fun, not stressful. 
Biggest obstacle you’ve faced in your writing: Just finding the time to write and getting over being so self conscious about my writing. I don’t let anyone in my real life read what I write.  
What aspects of writing do you find difficult when you write fanfiction? Just capturing the personalities of the canon characters sometimes; if it’s a character I’m not used to writing, I worry about portraying them the right way. And I have trouble individualizing the characters (separating them from myself/my own personality), like when I create an OC for an RP, sometimes when I have too many, their personalities all become the same in ways (if that makes sense?). And accents. I have trouble with accents. Oh, and fight/action scenes. They take me a bit.  
Is there anything you want to write but are afraid to (and why): I am always going to be afraid, no matter what it is that I’m writing, because I worry about it succeeding. I want to write for other fandoms though, I guess, but like I said, I worry about capturing the characters right and having a decent storyline that is unique. 
What inspires/motivates you to write: Honestly, positive feedback. I love hearing what people think about my writing and it motivates me to continue. 
How do you deal with self-doubt: That’s a tough one. I guess I just look towards my writing friends or beta’s for reassurance or I go back and read the positive comments and likes on the fics I’ve already shared. It encourages me to continue. 
How do you deal with writer's block: I usually listen to music and I’ll look up gifs of my favorite characters, create stories in my head with those gifs or I’ll create gif sets of specific scenes. If that doesn’t work, I’ll take a break and watch one of my favorite TV shows for inspiration. 
Do you plan/outline your story before you start: For my RPs, I have a group chat with those I’m writing with and we usually shoot ideas back and forth, but mostly we wing it. For my fics, I normally just wing it, but with Out of the Fire, I have a rough idea of what I want from each part. With that said, my ideas or plans often change as I’m writing. These characters have a mind of their own sometimes. Lol.  
Do you have any weird writing habits: I don’t know about any weird habits, but I always have music on and I guess I have to do it in spurts. I’ll write a few paragraphs or sentences, pause and scroll tumblr or facebook or gifs, and then go back, reread what I wrote and then write a few more. Rise and repeat. 
Have you ever received hateful comments on your fic and how do you deal with it? So far, no I haven’t, and I hope I don’t ever have to deal with that. But I know it’s bound to happen. I guess if I were to ever encounter that, I’d like to say that I’ll take it as a learning experience but I honestly don’t know I’d feel about that.  
Conversely: what’s been some of your favorite feedback on your fanfic? Oh man, I guess my favorite would have to be ellewritesfix05 reaction to the secret santa fic I wrote for her; Dean Fucking Winchester. And all the positive feedback I’ve gotten for Out of the Fire.
If you could give one piece of advice to a new and/or struggling writer, what would it be? Have fun with it. Write what you want and what you’re comfortable with. Don’t be afraid of constructive criticism and most importantly, don’t stress. Writing is fun.
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theoriginoffire · 3 years
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Second tierlist, for the boys! It was also posted to my main, but I’m going to expand on it here. You can find the girl one here. 
I either don’t like you too much or you’re forced as an ‘option’
I’M SORRY EVERYONE, I JUST DON’T LIKE LLOYD. I don’t even have a good reason. 
That said, I don’t really hate any of the dude characters. Calvin’s down here because I vaguely remember him being sexist, though it’s more interesting to me that a glitch stops you from marrying him in Tree of Tranquillity at all. Pete/Jack on the other hand is the only marriage option for the gameboy colour game, and I’m not to thrilled about that, but I don’t dislike him or anything.
No personal interest
Sorry fellas, you’re just not my type? After playing more of SoS I think I’d put Raeger higher since he’s kinda funny, but I wouldn’t date him. 
A cut above ‘no personal interest’ because I have a bit more respect for ‘em. This varies, though, so I’ll run through:
Bob has a body type you don’t usually see in candidates. Angelo does art. Julian is rather feminine and I think that’s neat. Gustafa is weird but, like the other Forget-Me-Not candidates, he breaks the mould. Dan is...well he’s got a gambling problem but this negative aspect makes him stand out. Klaus is a modern older-bachelor type that actually looks older. His first event is strange, though. Skye was added so people would have eye candy for DS Cute and, while he annoys me, I still respect his inclusion and army of fangirls. Mikhail ... has a violin? Idk. His design intrigues me. I haven’t actually met him yet!
Mason is REALLY interesting, but he doesn’t have a face and ends the game so he’s pretty low. 
Harvest King is also a fantastic inclusion to AP in my opinion, but if I were putting in that much effort, I think I’d rather woo the Goddess. 
Oh You Know
A lot of these dudes are fandom-hated or mean in general. But I like them for that reason. I don’t think Brandon or Allen or Kappa are nice, but I LOVE poking fun at them, so I appreciate their existence as a result. This is essentially the ‘Would Date For the Lolz’ tier. 
I know Jamie is a lot higher on my ladies list, but consider that the extent of my divided opinion!
I like you but not THAT much
I suppose this is similar to the ‘friends’ tier on the ladies’ list. I’m not too interested in marrying them, but I’d be inclined to raise their friendship some.
I should marry them...
Fellas I’ve considered dating but it’d take time and effort that I don’t have. They weren’t top priority on my first playthrough. Lots of interesting routes, though!
Why did I marry them...?
A confusing tier to be in. I never got around to marrying Dirk, but I’ve married both Carter and Rod. Rod is really sweet and nice, I just... hate his clothes, and personality-wise I prefer a few of the other candidates. I’m really sorry Rod, you deserved better. 
Carter is, uh. The oldest man of oldest men, and deluded to boot. I mostly married him to get a specific child sprite. He has a really funny blushing face, though, and I’m going to use that to validate my decision. 
With Dirk, it’s simply a change in taste. He looks pretty young in Bazaar, and I was young when I was interested in him. But nowadays I’d rather marry ...
... Ivan. He gets a special tier because I liked his name so much that I named my mascot OC after him. I’ve never really fancied him, per se, but I think he’s well dressed and is my top choice for GB. 
Married ‘em or was going to
My various husbands. I’m not as certain about Hiro anymore, but the last time I played ToTT I was pursuing him. Mistel has dropped a few tiers since I first made this, I’d rather date Elise. Like his sister, Mistel is written quite poorly, and he doesn’t even like birds! It’s hard for me to trust people that don’t like birds...
Ludus was my replacement for marrying Inari after finding out I can’t have kids, and...he’s pretty nice! I respect him and his hardworking nature. I’m not as crazy about him as I am about Doctor, though, who I’ve married a few times.
Soseki is ... unusual. I’ve come to love him, despite how much I hate his ‘ohh nooo I’m so old’ shtick. C’mon dude, you’re only pushing 30. He’s got a rather mysterious backstory and his trust issues are explored in his heart dialogue. I think he has a lot of potential, so I married him, and I still ship him with my MC, Duck!
My all-time favourites. 
Pierre is one I’m not super interested in anymore, his face is baby, but I hardcore crushed on him when I was 13, so I still have a lot of respect for his character. I like seeing Gourmet family lore, and he makes a lot of funny faces, as well as having a personality centring around the culinary arts. I like food.
Carl has a whole entire tragic backstory attached to him, but long story short, you can only play as a boy in the EU version of Magical Melody. I really wanted to marry him bad, but had to marry Kate instead. Nowadays I have means of playing the USA version and I was finally able to marry him. I think he’s great. A polite fellow with a big dream.
Gill is just really good, probably my top favourite. He comes off as cold and aloof, but as the son of the mayor he cares deeply about the town(s) he lives in, and in turn warms to the farmer because of their work ethic. He might be distant at first, but not in the same way that Vaughn and Neil are. I’m just a bit soft for his character type, that’s all.
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benisasoftboi · 4 years
Unorganised thoughts on Trails in the Sky: First Chapter:
Going to keep this as spoiler free as possible because I want you to play this game if you haven’t
I’m well aware that I’m very late to the party here, but... Trails in the Sky is very good, everyone
It had been on my Steam list for like six years. My friend reminded me about the summer sales, and a combination of the price having dropped and good reviews convinced me to finally pick it up. And I am so glad I did
Calling it ‘FC’ from here on out because the title is long, and I can’t exactly uses the acronym that Trails in the Sky shortens to, can I?
So I love JRPGs. I almost exclusively play JRPGs. And FC, to me, is kind of the JRPG. It does basically everything that is expected of the genre, but it doesn’t feel generic because it does all of those things very, very well
Gameplay! The gameplay is fun, a good mix of allowing for strategy and tactics without being massively difficult. I really appreciate that - I don’t play JRPGs because I’m good at video games, but I also don’t like just mindless hitting things all that much 
There are one or two slight annoyances with the combat system (if you’re fighting a lot of enemies you’ll be waiting forever for them all to take their turns, some of the animations are a little slow, when you’re in the field enemies touching anyone in your party can start a battle, which means you have to be extra careful where you step when you have a full party), but none of them are game ruining
And there are no random encounters! Yay! I hate random encounters!
Story! FC’s story isn’t the most unique JRPG story out there, but there’s lots of little touches I greatly appreciated
For one, (trying to work out how to say this without spoilers) - I really liked the main antagonist’s motivations. So very often it’s ‘destroy the world’ or ‘become God King of the universe’ or something. This person had a very understandable and honestly kind of reasonable motivation - like, you could really see how someone would think it was a good idea, the problem wasn’t that they were evil, it was that they either hadn’t considered or didn’t care about the negative consequences it could have on the average citizen. 
Also, the conflicts don’t just stem from like, tangible nefarious forces - you also see how it results from things like untreated PTSD, or industrialisation, or societal sexism. Which is more compelling than ‘everything bad in the world is the result of the evil dragon god, kill it’  
There’s also really good foreshadowing. During a certain scene at the end of the game, I actually gasped when I realised the connection it had with a certain character’s second S-Break. I will say no more, but people who’ve played this know what I’m talking about
Characters! FC has great characters
Estelle: I like Estelle. Firstly, it’s pretty rare for a JRPG to have a female protagonist (hell, it’s relatively rare to even be given the option to play as a girl!), so that was very cool. She has good character growth over the course of the game, and I really enjoy that - she starts out very hyper and optimistic, and she never loses that, but gets better about recognising the right times and places for it. It’s a pretty risky move to give the protagonist of a long game a personality (you have to spend a lot of time with them. Silent player avatars are easier and don’t run the risk of the player not liking them), but with Estelle, it pays off
Joshua: Joshua is very well designed. He’s the game’s real mystery - the whole time, we want to keep playing so we can find out what’s up with him. Appearance-wise he’s unique among the rest of the cast without coming across as ‘my first OC’, he has a great rapport with Estelle and I like him in his own right -  I want good things for Joshua. 
Joshua and Estelle are just a great duo in general. I found the romance subplot... weird, at first, but I came around. I want these kids to be happy, damn it!
Schera: Not my favourite, but good at what she needs to be. My least favourite to use in combat. I like her mentor relationship with Estelle and Joshua, and I also like her design
Olivier: MY BOY. I love him. He’s so great, I love ‘weirdo’ characters and he’s great example of one. I love his design, I love using him in combat, I love his interactions with other characters - Olivier is just the best and I want to be friends with him irl.
(It’s also pretty neat that he’s undeniably canonically biseuxal - that’s a rarity!)
Kloe: She’s fine. Not a huge fan (probably didn’t help her that she joins the party after MY BOY leaves), but I definitely don’t dislike her. She just feels a little generic, is all, and I predicted the ‘twist’ with her a mile off. I love using her in combat, though, and I really like her design
Tita: Tita is cute, and she’s a little girl with a big gun, which is always great, if silly. How old is she meant to be, though???
Agate: I 100% thought that I wasn’t going to like Agate. He comes in with that Arrogant Asshole Shounen Protagonist vibe and I hate that. But then you get to know him, and you realise that his earlier attitude was actually pretty understandable, and by the end he was actually one of my favourites
Zin: Eh. Like Kloe, I don’t hate him, but there’s just kind of nothing that draws me in with Zin. I think he joins too late, and doesn’t have enough time to really build up an interesting rapport with anyone. I liked his interactions with Olivier, though, and he’s pretty great to use - I have a massive bias for defensive characters 
Maybe I’ll feel differently about some or all of them when I’ve played the second game - we shall see...
There’s also a tonne of major NPCs, pretty much all of whom I liked (except maybe Dorothy - I don’t hate her, but she kind of got old after a while. I appreciate that Estelle found her equally annoying)
But the other thing that’s really worth mentioning is the minor, faceless NPCs. Because they all have names and little stories and lives - like, when you’re in the city of Ruan, there’s a maintenance worker named Clive who’s offered a prestigious factory job. He turns it down to look after his brother Todd, which upsets Todd because he doesn’t want to hold Clive back. Then when you move on to the city of Zeiss, you can visit the factory and learn that they’re now struggling to find someone else. Eventually they hire a woman names Louise, who ends up being an excellent choice - but if you visit her home, you find out she has a strained relationship with her own sibling
And none of this matters to the plot at all! You can miss this entirely, but the fact that it (and hundreds of little stories like it) are there makes the world feel so alive. It’s full of people living their own lives that don’t revolve around what your team is doing. It feels real.
We’re told that Estelle and Joshua have to travel the world by foot so that they really understand what it is they’re tasked with protecting. It took me way too long to realise that it’s also so that the player understands, too
So many JRPGs ask you to save the world. FC is special because it actually feels like there’s a world to save
Now I’m going to go play the second game and hope they keep that up!
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writtenbyhappynerds · 4 years
Unit 4: Nameberry.com
    Welcome back. Names are yet another foundation in characterization that will ruin a story if they are terrible. The story will never be able to get off the ground because readers won’t be able to get past the name. Much like paragraph breaks or continuity errors,  if the name is too god-awful, a reader won’t sit through a fanfiction. An example: if you are writing 90s era wizarding fanfiction and your white OC has a Japanese name, I am going to shoot myself and close out of the fanfiction in that order. Last week we discussed how “pretty” is not a character trait and OCs shouldn’t have to be beautiful to be good OCs. A name that is not like any other name, or is balls-to-the-wall against the grain of every other character and name is not a character trait. The character is not clever, unique, or interesting because they have a name that no one else around them has. When you name your character ‘Sapphire’ and everyone calls her ‘Saph’ it takes the reader completely out of the immersion of the narrative because A) what kind of nickname is that, and B) Why would a 90s era witch or wizard name their kid that?
        Nameberry.com and websites like it should be used. You can google “90s English baby names” and find the top 100 lists from 1994. When picking a name, you can be unique, so long as you fit the vibe. Imogen Edwards, as Imogen is a top 100 Wales and England baby name circa 1994, could totally go to Hogwarts. Would she go to Camp Half-Blood? Probably not. But Hogwarts for sure. Another thing you shouldn’t be afraid of are trends in names. In our current generations, you can remember when every girl was named Brittany, Megan, or Alex. If your OC’s name overlaps with a character from the cast that’s fine. Make a joke out of it. In David Wong’s John Dies at the End the character tells the interviewer that he picked the name David Wong because “David” was the most common men’s name in the world and “Wong” was the most common surname in the world. Pretend they’re a really small gang. I would totally read a story about all the Megan Smiths in the world being part of a secret underground network. Sherlock’s homeless network would be shook. You don’t have to shoot for the moon to make your character unique: a character’s uniqueness is not and will never be tied to the originality of their name. It’s what they do that makes them special. 
        On the flipside of unused names, some names are way overused. You see them all over this website and others: Montgomery is way too popular for its occurrence and we need to stop lying to ourselves and put it to bed. We all read Pretty Little Liars or watched the show, we all know where the surge in popularity came from, and not every character is Aria. I see you guys. Names and surnames surge in popularity as different TV shows and movies come out. When Pretty Little Liars came out in 2010, suddenly every OC was a Montgomery. They’re like fashion trends; they’re cyclical, and instead of feeding into that trend (or making sick fanfic where every Montgomery witch, superpowered individual, and OC know each other) take the time to scroll through popular names and surnames to find one that fits the era of when you’re writing. Don’t half-ass it. I’m guilty of that myself, and if I can get better so can you. My Psycho-Pass fanfic? Sheeta Makishima was for Sheeta from Castle in the Sky. I couldn’t be bothered as a kid to look up a name for her and picked the first one with an S I could think of. A character’s name should be significant, but it doesn’t define them as a person, and I keep going back to personality but names can tell you something about the personalities of the parents who named the OC. For example, one of my new characters the Editor and I named Chad Michael Smith and said that his parents were diehard Chad Michael Murray fans since the comparison would be inescapable.. We have a series of characters that are all named after the different ways the Editor gets her name mispronounced at Starbucks. I don’t want you to be joyless and dull when naming your characters, but a touch of realism will make for a more immersive story. 
        When we say, “fit the vibe,” we mean that if there is a pattern in naming the character should fit that. The biggest example is little Weasley sister fanfiction for Harry Potter. All of the Weasley children, except Ron, are named after nobility. Arthur is King Arthur, Bill is King William, George, Frederick, Percival, etc. What this means when you are writing Weasley sister/sibling fanfiction, is that your OC should be named after nobility, because that fits the vibe of the Weasley family and makes her character more believable than if the character was named Lola or Ruby. In googling English nobility, the names Margaret, Matilda, Philippa, Anne, Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, Sophia, and Victoria appeared. Tilly or Pippa Weasley would be strong OC names because both fit the style and vibe of the characters. Fanfiction is not your own story. It is your influence or spin, and with that, you have to do some research to keep the narrative consistent. 
        Speaking of consistency, not every name was meant to have a nickname. Again, you can google names that have easy nicknames that glide down our throats. I shouldn’t choke on a nickname like it’s a bad shot of tequila. It should feel effortless. This is where my aversion to the name “Sapphire” comes back. “Saph” is not a nickname for Sapphire. Remember Harry Potter where Lavender Brown called Ron “Won-won” and Harry was dying inside every time he heard it? That’s me. I am Harry. Not everything can have a nickname, and a good way to examine this, as well as all of your dialogue, is to say it out loud. You, as an author, know what tones and inflections each line of dialogue is supposed to be. But you don’t know how awkward a name or how weird a phrase is until you say it out loud and hear it. That’s a way to eliminate awkward nicknames and use the plethora of other monikers and pronouns that exist: dude, bruh, girlie, my guy, etc. You have options, and if you choose a name that doesn’t have a realistic nickname, don’t force it. 
        Next week, in addition to a unit we will be posting a link to a quiz on the first 4 units of Fanfiction 101. We did say there would be a test, and it’s coming next week. I will be online and available for Office Hours on Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday from 12-1 pm EST. Feel free to send me a message, send me your fanfic, or ask any questions about what we’ve covered in class. Or, leave it in the comments and I’ll answer it when I have time. After Exam 1, the Editor and I are going to rapid-fire a list of cliches for general fanfiction as well as fandom-specific fanfiction, and why they’re bad foundations for stories or bits to include. Hide your twin OCs. We’re coming for them.
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the-rebel-archivist · 5 years
OC Interview: Raynda Lavellan
Raynda Lavellan. Or, rather, Rutherford, but you don’t have to use that, it’s still pretty weird to me too. It’s sort of like giving up part of your identity, right? But it’s also so comfy and homey.
[‘Raynda’ doesn’t seem like a traditional Dalish name, is there a story behind that?]
No, quite the opposite, as one might gather from the whole name thing.
[She smiles and turns away before answering]
Ridiculously, stupidly happy. For such a long time after I… lost… my arm, I wasn’t.
[She traces the pattern engraved on the metal arm on her left without looking down]
It’s easier when you have someone looking out for you.
I mean, I try not to be. It’s a remarkably unpleasant emotion and I’ve had enough of it. So many people in my clan were fueled by it; even I was to a large extent. I still have a short temper.
Sometimes I get angry when I think of former friends who turned out to be different from what I thought they were. Ultimately I think that people see themselves as good and try to do what they think is right, it’s just that that can conflict with what someone else thinks is good, so it’s important to look from their perspective before blowing up in anger. I don’t really know if I  even believe in an objective good, you know? Sorry, I’m a little off topic.
[She has an impassive look on her face, interrupted by amused flashes of what looks like her thinking about whether or not to say what’s on her mind.]
They’re also dead, so there’s that. But they died married, so I’m not a bastard, which is cool.
Somewhere in the Free Marches, I’m not really sure where seeing as I wasn’t in a state to remember the location at the time. We moved around a lot. I know we’d recently moved away from Wycome, where my father had disappeared, but I don’t know where the clan went.
You seem to have a working pair of eyes - they’re a nice colour, by the way - so you tell me. And don’t give me any of that ‘ginger’ or ‘’auburn’ bullshit, it’s just straight up red.
Alright, I’ll give you this one, because people tell me that they change depending on whether I’m inside or outside. When I see them they’re blue, but I’ve heard green a lot as well. Because Cullen is fancy he sometimes goes with ‘aquamarine’ or ‘sea green,’ but I’m not particularly pretentious so I usually say ‘greeney-blue.’
Sometime in Drakonis, I don’t know the exact date. I’ve always liked it because it happens right when the snow is melting and spring is in the air and the birds are flying back after winter. When I first started celebrating birthdays I picked the 15th because it’s smack dab in the middle of the month.
My mood right now or generally? Right now I’m really pretty neutral. Generally I’m… also pretty neutral. 
Well this should be self-evident, or are you trying to insult me? Don’t… don’t mind me, I’m just going to be in the corner weeping.
I’m a girl.
[She laughs]
Oh that’s a tough one! They really do both have so much to recommend them. I think I have to go with winter, even though I do so love the sun in the summer, since winter means curling up in blankets and drinking hot tea in front of a fire. For some reason Cullen never joins me in the blanket, but oh well, his loss, more blanket for me, and he seems content enough in the freezing cold wasteland that is the blanketless living room.
Morning, easily. The sun is just coming up and it’s lovely. Plus you feel like the day is so much longer! EIGHT THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE ARE YOU IN LOVE ➔ 
Very much so.
You know, I do. Although I’m not entirely certain that it was love at first sight as much as attraction at first sight. Helps when the person you’re falling for is easy on the eyes. Love at first speak, maybe? We had a great conversation about bows and it was the most engaging and delightful conversation of my life.
I’d rather not discuss it, but me.
This isn’t really a line of questioning I’d like to pursue. Probably a lot of people’s, probably not all romantically.
Of the concept, no, but I haven’t really been in any place long enough to get committed. Not even to an asylum, though Creators know sometimes I think I belong there.
So many people. What can I say, I’m a hugger. Do you want a list? Because I can’t remember a list. If there’s a person around I’ve interacted with I’ve probably also given them a hug. Do you need a hug? You sort of look like you do.
When I was about fourteen, someone kept leaving me these really ridiculous love notes in my quiver. I still don’t know where they were from, I used to find them and laugh about them with Tam. They were the dumbest things, stuff like we can run off together, your eyes shine brighter than veilfire in the dark… He always said that we had to burn them after, I didn’t quite understand why.
It was Tam, wasn’t it.
Well, now I feel bad.
How about we change the subject? SIX CHOICES LOVE OR LUST ➔ 
Why not both? If they must be separate, then love, but the best love has some lust mixed in there. 
Tea is hot, isn’t it? I like hot tea, though I’m not sure about how it would be cold. I should try it! So, uh, lemonade I guess.
I like them both! Cats have a special place in my heart though, the way they’re social but on their own terms. They seem  solitary, but can be so good at keeping one company.
A few best friends. I’d rather have a smaller number of real relationships with people who actually care about me.
Night in, hands down. Although I do enjoy a good party, especially one that isn’t too crazy so that I can hear the people around me speaking.
I like them both - I mean, have you looked at the starry sky at night? Gorgeous. It’s so sparkly. But the sun is warm and bright, like a hug from the universe, so day. That’s my final answer. FOUR HAVE YOU EVERS BEEN CAUGHT SNEAKING OUT ➔ 
Oh, fuck yes, do you know how hard it is to sneak out of an aravel? Pretty freaking hard. 
There was this one time at the last arlathvhen I went to when I went to meet a boy in the woods and… well, maybe I shouldn’t tell this story. It was a pretty good time until the rabbits.
Tam’s mom was so mad. She wanted to make me sleep outside, but, well, that wasn’t much of a punishment so for the rest of the arlathvhen I had to sleep closest to the wall. It was hot.
[She laughs and looks down]
Good times.
It’s really embarrassing, but both, more times than I can count. It got so bad that Cullen insisted we find a house with only one floor. I had a permanent bruise on my shin from falling up the stairs at Skyhold. What, they were an awkward length and I kept trying to go up two at a time! Think of all the valuable seconds I saved. When I didn’t trip like an idiot.
I don’t know, can you get me my arm back? Haha, I’m just kidding. Or am I.
Wouldn’t you want to if everyone kept asking you what to do and you had no sodding idea what the best path was? FOUR PREFERENCES SMILE OR EYES ➔
Smile. A smile brightens up someone’s whole face. It’s also so much fun to make someone who doesn’t smile much burst out laughing, it’s like a ray of sunshine.
I like people to be taller than me, with at least a good five inches of clearance, but honestly it doesn’t matter much. If I truly care about someone height isn’t important.
Oh, intelligence. I can appreciate a pretty man well enough and they’re good for some things, but for anything deeper I need someone who can make me think, you know?
Relationship. I’ve done the hook-up thing enough and it only leaves you lonely. Plus you can work on really tailoring your in-bed experience to your preferences in a relationship, constantly iterating on concepts and what not. Lots of iteration. Yup. FAMILY DO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY GET ALONG ➔ 
I assume you mean my clan, not my dead parents, but either way the answer is no. Cullen’s family is great though, they’ve really adopted me. They’re so… warm. I thought it was normal for families to be distant. But Mia’s more of a hugger than I am!
Maybe once I would have.
Slept in the forest, yes, but I wouldn’t have run away. When you only have familiarity with one small group it’s hard to break out of that. Like, money - what do you do when you know how to barter but barely know the value of a coin?
Let’s just say learning the value of a coin was the easiest part of a pretty rude awakening. FRIENDS
Absolutely not, if I hated someone I wouldn’t be friends with them. Sometimes people can get on my nerves, I’ll admit.
Yeah, I really do.
Definitely Dorian, he’s persistent and won’t let me not be his friend. He makes me laugh so hard, and my fashion sense has really gotten an upgrade from being around him. Sometimes I look in the mirror at an outfit and just think, ‘Thanks, Dorian.”
Also did I say he’s funny? He’s uproariously funny.
Sometimes I want to twist his moustache just to annoy him. I do it, but I want to too. He hates it. But I think he also secretly loves it.
On a more serious note, he has a unique perspective and I’m pretty sure he’s the smartest person I know. He probably should treat me like an idiot in comparison, but he doesn’t.
Cullen. If there’s anything he doesn’t know about me it’s because I’ve forgotten about it or it’s just never come up, but he knows me like nobody else does.
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BDRPWRIMO: A mock application- disclaimer that I did this as an exercise for my OC story aha but it’s still connected enough to Swynlake so!! 
ABOUT THE CHARACTER; NAME: Opal FACE CLAIM: Mackenzie Foy PRONOUNS: She/her AGE: 18! SEXUALITY: Straight-ish. True Generation Z Straight, aka she mostly likes boys but won’t rule out ever liking a girl lmao sexuality is fluid JOB/SCHOOL: Pride U—Theatre! Scriptwriting at this moment. RESIDENCE: Belle’s house! WHY YOU’RE APPLYING FOR THIS CHARACTER (5 SENTENCES MINIMUM):
I’m just gonna use this space to talk about why I love Opal. She’s such a bright, upbeat, artistic character who has lots of dimensions to her. She’s driven first and foremost by an intense love and delight for life—for making each day unique and figuring out how to express herself or “make her mark.” She’s had a happy childhood with parents who love each other and are very passionate themselves, and that passion rubbed off on her and onto everything she touches and does. Because she was taught early on to never give up and to tackle problems head on (very Hades and Belle truly), she isn’t a pessimist or a cynic. She wants to find solutions to her problems. She wants to succeed and triumph. And so when her illness strikes, it never really occurs to her to be depressed about it. I mean, sure, that’s part denial right there but it also speaks to the iron of her will. She’s resilient and why wouldn’t she be? She grew up in Swynlake.
WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR CHARACTER CAN ADD TO SWYNLAKE (5 sentences minimum): She is the kind of girl to get into trouble and bring people along with her! She hears about something mysterious in the forest? Absolutely she wants to check that out. Student body elections? You betcha Opal wants to run. She’s more of a ‘leader’ than a follower, though at the same time, I think she operates in this middle space between “mom friend” and like, I dunno, cool aunt friend—like, part of Opal getting into trouble will be on behalf of some of her closest friends sometimes. (If you’re thinking to yourself, is Opal a Gryffindor??? I don’t know. I’m between Raven v Gryff v a very friendly Slytherin because I think she gets attached to persons over groups but I’ll let u know where she lands lmao.)
None of these are gonna make sense to you guys here we go— 1. Come to terms with her chronic illness—her ghostliness is sort of a metaphor for this. Opal desperately wants to be normal but she isn’t normal. She needs to accept she has certain limitations…but those limitations don’t have to necessarily LIMIT her “life” experience. 2. Have a YA-worthy romance probably—Opal is definitely too romantic for her own good, while simultaneously being pretty sensible about it and probably a little persnickety. She’s definitely had boyfriends in the past, but does fear true commitment in a way because of how much she values independence and doing things her way. She’s like her mum in that sense ahah. And I’d love for her to really learn how to be in a relationship. 3. Hijinks with her brothers related to “fixing” her condition—which maybe culminates in a visit to the underworld?! Mostly because I need a fucking plot for this thing. But it would be funny if Hades is still Lord of the Underworld and this is like the equivalent of going out to a 21+ strip club or something lmfao.
Opal grew up around magic so naturally she loves it. She also depends on magic to make her life livable. While magic is vilified by others, magic lifts up Opal’s own life—and so she sees lots of good with it and is a true magic advocate. She also realizes she’s in a really unique position (like a lot of white upper-class kids with a chronic illness) in that the nature of her family’s magic means she GETS the care she needs, even if that care is through magic. BIOGRAPHY (300 WORDS MINIMUM, 3RD PERSON):
Opal Acheron is not dead yet. Opal Acheron is a lot of things besides dead (ish.) She is the daughter of Belle Acheron, a very successful Magick Rights Lawyer, and Hades, the ambassador to the Underworld. She’s an artist. She’s an actress. She’s a big sister who takes that job very seriously, even when her twin brothers annoy her. She’s a wicked horse rider and she also plays a mean game of chess, taught by the Lord of the Dead himself. And when she was just 12 years old, she scripted her first petition with the help of her mother, advocating for an Undead Appreciation Day. She is a Swynlake Native and it’s in her very blood. She wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. And yes. She’s just a touch dead. Soon after Opal’s eighteenth birthday, she developed a very inconvenient heart tumor that would certainly lead to her untimely end. But her father intervened before her soul could pass through the veil. He bargained with the Fates—Opal would live frozen in time, a ghost during the day, and a girl at night, for as long as she wanted…or at least, until the Acherons found some kind of solution, magic or medical, that might give Opal more time. Now, Opal has to learn a different way of living, a life between things, and just in time for her first semester of university. But Opal considers herself a very optimistic girl, even if she’s a ghost one. She’s determined not to let her condition get in the way of her dreams. Why should she— Opal Acheron is not dead yet.
Opal sees a cute boy.
He sits in the back of Hatter’s café, trousers the colour of mustard and rolled up so she can see his ankles. She likes his ankles best of all, or at least, she likes them best from where she stands next to her brother who is waiting for his peppermint mocha. She wants to get closer to decide about those ankles. And whether or not those glasses he wears—the thick, clear plastic kind—are real or just a fashion statement, and what she thinks about that, too. Either way, she knows he is cute enough to ask.
Unfortunately, she’s a ghost, which makes these things slightly more complicated.
If she were still alive, Opal would not hesitate to go over and introduce herself. If she were alive, she’d already have made eye contact with him across the room-- like in her favorite classic movies, with women in splendid pin-up skirts and perfect curls, who flirted over the tops of books, speaking whole poems with a flutter of their eyelashes. If she were alive, maybe she’d even entice the skinny-ankled stranger to buy her a coffee too. But because she is not alive, she should turn away and mind her business-- her flirting days behind her now.
But that sounds terrible. So instead, she informs her brother, who is a medium: “Bell, I see a cute boy.”
Bellamy is reading and not paying attention to cute boys. He doesn’t look up from Frank Herbert’s Dune, only turns a page and says, “Good for you.”
She presses her lips together. “Bell, you’re not even looking. I need you to go over and talk to him for me.”
“No thank you.”
“That wasn’t a request.”
 “Ah, well, then you should say please.”
 “I said it wasn’t a request.” Opal stares owlishly at her brother, who has officially started ignoring her, as though she is little more than a gnat buzzing around his ear. Well, she can buzz much louder if she really wants to. Opal has no qualms about being an annoying older sister. In her opinion, being annoying is in the job description of an Older Sister, and especially an Older Sister Who Is Also A Ghost.
And so she reaches out with those ghosty hands of hers and levitates Dune right out of Bell’s hands. A few eyes in the queue slide their way and follow the book as it floats above her brother’s head. Bell stares at his hands still, like nothing happened.
“This is rude,” states Bell with his eyes on his empty hands.
She wiggles the book in the air, pages fluttering. “Please,” she says.
He finally looks up and regards her with a blank face. “You’re so immature.”
“I’m a ghost—emotionally stunted by nature,” says Opal. “Now, please, talk to Cute Boy for me.”
PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING ABOUT THE CHARACTER (MINIMUM OF THREE WITH 2-3 SENTENCE EXPLANATIONS): FAVORITE (OR LEAST FAVORITE)… COLOR(S): “It’s not fair to the other colors to have a favorite.” WEATHER: She loves thunderstorms. They’re so dramatic and she likes to pretend to be scared or like it’s gonna blow the house down. MUSIC: Musicals of course! Lots of classics and old jazz singers. She does like pop music too but only a tune here and there. MOVIE(S): oh OLDIES again! Musicals! Black and white classics! Got really into silent films at one point. She also loves old historical dramas and she wants to start in an Austen revival. Loves Shakespeare theatre. Sexual awakening when she saw DiCaprio in Romeo + Juliet SCENT(S): Um…flowers. Understated scents, probably doesn’t wear perfume unless for special occasions. BEVERAGE: is she an ice coffee bitch—Yes also flavored lattes and herbal teas. FOOD(S): vegetarian :3 She really loves coconut in things. Her favorite meal is probably like a vegetarian coconut curry or something—kinda sweet n spicy at the same time. She loves Indian food for that kinda reason too. Oh and vegetarian sushi like with avocado and mango and stuff. ANIMAL(S): Horses! Belle would have Opal start riding as soon as she can walk (despite Hades probably being overprotective.) Opal would be a true blue horse girl. She’d read all the horse books and goes to feed Philippe with her mum and probably wants her very own horse too! Horses are the best! 100 percent horses! Also, the humble caterpillar. OR 3 HEADCANONS (3 sentence mimimum): -Opal has one of those weird girly phobias about cutting her hair. She only ever trims it and she loves it as long as it can go. She also taught herself how to do extravagant braids and updos—definitely self-taught when it comes to that and also make-up, all through Youtube tutorials, since Belle isn’t exactly savvy herself. (I bet she’s done Belle’s hair tho isn’t that cute.) - Despite absolutely loving to dress up, her day to day look is pretty practical. She likes boots because they can be cute but she can still go trudging through Enchantra and they don’t get too uncomfortable.
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deviatingmycode · 6 years
To See Through Your Eyes (Markus x OC Part 1)
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//OKAY so this was specifically requested by my pal @birdy5tark​ and we worked together to build this RAD ASS STORY. I think its going to have 4 parts, but I’m not entirely sure. Either I’ll cut them up into more chapters or just have all the segements suuuUUUuuper long. Either way. Enjoy!//
Markus x Fem OC
3.8k Words
No trigger warnings
Read it on AO3!
It was brimming on the edge of Winter in Detroit, Cera could feel the snow in the air. She loved this time of year, the vibrant colours that contrasted the grey skies and gentle winds biting at your cheeks. Autumn was coming to a slow end but that didn't stop the city from being a bustling metropolis.  
Cera's sneakers hit the ground gently as she ambled across the pavement. Tonight, she'd be hosting a cocktail party that may or may not be attended by the one and only Carl Manfred. She had adored his work for as long as she could remember. The way he managed to capture what he saw around him and within the world was... quite honestly astonishing. And tonight, she might watch him utterly destroy or make her dreams come true. She was brimming with nerves This could make or break her.
Cera had been setting up a debut of a new set of canvas paintings in the 'Carrolinous Gallery of Unique Arts'. Said gallery also held a vast Manfred collection that she'd gazed at for longer than she'd care to admit. But she never thought he'd be put on the guest list by the curator. He's often escorted by a tall android who goes by the name of Markus. Cera had never met him, but some of her more successful friends told her about him. He was soft spoken, gentle and had a very calming nature. Growing up in Florida towards the start of the Android craze, Cera had never cared for them. Well, that's a complete lie. Cera ADORED Androids, she'd always had a fascination over robotics. She thought Elija Kamski's creations were fascinating people. But, that was the difference wasn't it? She'd always considered them far more than most people wanted to. Even in their early stages, when Kamski would parade his latest prototypes to the world, she saw them as... people. It was unbelievably unsettling to watch them be bought and sold. It left a sour taste in her mouth.  
She swore to never own an Android. It felt so wrong, to have a slave in your home. Someone who cooked, cleaned and did everything while getting nothing in return. Being treated like dirt, like objects. Every Android she met, she treated with as much respect as she would any other person. People thought she was weird because of it but Cera just thought it made sense. You can't build an entire new race of people and then treat them like that, it was disgusting. It reminded her of when parents treat their children like burdens, children who never asked to be born. Androids weren't asked to be made, they had no control over it.  
The music in her earbuds blocked out everything around her, she focused on the feeling of the wind and the way little drops of water kicked up from her shoes as she walked across the wet pavement. Cera was trying to calm herself down before the party tonight, she didn't want to be too het up when she got there, or it'd be a disaster. She had her methods, but she found a soothing walk just before she needed to get ready helped, most of the time, to drown out all the other noise before she'd have to face a room full of very loud, very nosy people. "Serves me right for being in the art industry. These things need to happen if I want to get my work out there." She mumbled to herself, only just hearing herself above her music.  
Getting ready for the party was... interesting. It was a constant cycle of checking the clock, looking at the outfit she'd laid out for herself, reconsidering, asking Erica what she thought and then rinse and repeat. She huffed her bangs out of her face as she noticed the time was drawing far too close to be able to mull this over for much longer. Cera wasn't a very fashion-centered person, yet she knew making a good first impression at these types of socials was stupidly important. Yes, a lot of the art world were obsessed with personal image. She figured her art should speak for herself, but the reality of the situation meant she needed to be at least somewhat presentable. She eventually settled on a sleek red cocktail dress and some comfortable flats. Parties were uncomfortable anyway, why make her feet suffer? It was an hour before the guests were scheduled to start arriving and the curator wanted her there early so she could have a final say on the structure of the showcase; and make any last minute changes she felt necessary. She ran a hand through her dark hair, smiling at how the white tuft at the front sloped over her eyes. Cera huffed, looking herself over in the mirror. Tonight was the night.
The night she'd have to stand and watch her life-long idol scrutinize her work and most likely belittle it. Would he do it to her face? Surely not. Would he trash talk her to other artists? She let out a shuddering breath, realizing she'd been holding it in. He's not like that, surely? But then, who really knows their idols. People can have the sweetest, most distinguished outer persona but really just be monsters in disguise. She reached to her wrist where an intricate bracelet sat. It was made from strong strips of leather, stained black and swerving in-between each other in a tight weave. Speckles of red ran through it like stars in the evening sky. She fiddled with it, rolling it between her fingers as she nodded.  
She settled into the back of the autonomous taxi alongside her best friend and roommate, who was furiously typing on her phone. "Getting into another fight?" She asked her, chuckling. Erica looked up at her with a steely determination. "No, I'm proving someone wrong." Cera rolled her eyes at her friend, knowing she'd be getting an earful on just who this person was and why they were the embodiment of Satan. Erica was sometimes a handful. She was very energetic and had a strong character, someone who wasn't afraid of confrontation. Her background in Biology meant she could argue and have the facts to back it up at arm's reach. This could be useful whenever someone decided to mindlessly harass Cera over a piece of her art they didn't like, but it could get a little much at times. She loved her though, she was the person to get her away from her family, who sheltered and fed her in her worst days. She, who paid for her art supplies and never stopped supporting her when she pursued her love while demanding nothing in return.  
The taxi coming to a stop snapped Cera out of her dream-like reminiscing and the tight knot of nerves in the pit of her stomach quickly made a return.  
The inside of the Gallery was incredible.  
It was made from a repurposed Cathedral, huge panes of stained glass depicting the stories from its long-abandoned purpose decorating the inside. The company who had renovated the Cathedral refused to take them out, wanting to respect the building's history; creating an art exhibit from the building itself. The different rooms held exhibits for various artists and mediums. Sculptures, digital art, wool crafts, paintings, you name it. It was probably why Carl Manfred liked to display his work here, he never did enjoy the norm. The inside of the Gallery was awe inspiring. The huge main room was where they held their current exhibits and today, Cera's art was front and center. She had to stop the tears that brimmed at her eyes from falling. 'I'm finally getting somewhere.' She thought, a rush of emotions overwhelming her for a moment at how far she'd come.  
Thankfully the Gallery had done a good job at organizing her works the way she'd planned and Cera didn't have to make any drastic last-minute changes to the set-up. It was around 7:45pm that guests started to filter in. The event technically started at 8pm but there were those who wanted to get in early before the bustle. Cera fiddled with her fingers as she looked at who was filing in. She recognized a few people but she couldn't bring herself to try and make that kind of small talk. This was already becoming hard, but she had to push through. She pushed her bangs back a couple times, catching the stray strands that tried to escape as she watched people survey the pieces she'd spent a year preparing. The canvases that told more about her than these people could ever see. She wasn't stupid, she knew many of the people here weren't interested in the art she had to offer, only what they could make selling it. Wasn't that the dream? To be successful, loved, in homes and galleries across the world?
Cera's eyes drew towards the entrance where she heard comfortable chatter and a painfully familliar voice. A lump formed in her throat and she turned towards one of her own pieces, trying desperately to act as if she were surveying the brush strokes.
"Agather, thank you for letting me know about this. I'm always pleased to see these up and coming kids and what they're coming up with. Keeps this old man feeling hopeful." Carl smiled up at the curator of the Gallery, a soft-spoken woman with fading grey hair. Her cheeks were always rosy, and she gave off a very motherly aura, it was incredibly calming. She bent down to kiss Carl's cheek. "Oh, hush you. We wouldn't dream of keeping you locked in that studio of yours, come!" Agather ushered both Carl and Markus forward into the room. Markus pushed Carl's wheelchair silently. His eyes flickered to the various pieces dotted around the room and he smiled, seeing the clear inspiration that had been taken from Carl's work. While his Master may always claim to hate these types of parties, he couldn't deny it was lovely to see those who admired his work. Carl had inspired so many artists, young and old, and Markus knew that secretly he loved these gatherings. It was the events that his own work was the highlight that bothered him. So many people simply wanting to try and cash in on Carl's popularity.  
"Cera! Cera dear, I wanted to introduce you!" Agather's voice pierced Cera's mind like a bolt of lightning. The sweet woman was not the problem, it was who she knew she was with. Cera attempted to compose herself before she turned around, offering a polite smile. She couldn't help the hitch in her breath and her eyes widening as she found herself mere feet away from her idol. He looked so casual, confident even. This was something he did all the time, why would he be nervous? "Carl, this is Cera. She's one of our newest exhibiting artists. This is her debut! Cera Stark, this is Carl Manfred, a-"  
"I know! Um- I mean, I uh, I'm very fond of your work, Mr. Manfred. You've been a huge inspiration to me, ever since I was small." She tried to get her words out in some sort of sensible fashion but it all ended up being rushed and shaky. Though she did have to commend herself on it being somewhat intelligible. She held her hands out, and Carl smiled up at her as he shook it, she felt her heart stop. "Thank you very much my dear, that's very humbling to hear." She desperately fiddled with her bracelet, trying to calm her rapid heartbeat. "I was interested in seeing what you youngsters were putting out into the world. Our world is built on the innovation of the young, not the traditions of the old. That's real progress." Cera smiled as a wave of relief washed over her. Carl didn't seem to be like the other stuffy artists she'd met. He hadn't let age wash over his fiery love for his craft like so many others. "I always loved to create things, e-even from when I was young. I never imagined I could end up her-" She gestured at the grand building they were stood in. "-I think 12-year-old me is having a party at the moment." She let out a nervous laugh, trying to hide how her hands shook. She looked up to Markus who was giving her a patient smile, his eyes looking... no. Was it? They just seemed to hold so much more... emotion than the other androids she'd met did. Come to think of it, she couldn't think of anywhere she'd seen this model before. She extended her hand out to Markus. "Nice to meet you as well, um, I-I'm sorry I didn't get your name." The hot sting of embarrassed hit her for not learning the name of the Android of HER IDOL, GODDAMN IT. She was sure she knew his name, but it escaped her like when you're chasing a hat in the wind. So close but always one step ahead. His smile flickered to a look of confusion for a moment before he composed himself, taking her hand and shaking it firmly. "My name is Markus, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." WOW his voice was soothing. It was like auditory silk and Cera felt a blush creep up on her.  
The three were interrupted by the sound of someone tapping on a microphone to test if it works, followed by Agather's energetic voice.  
"Thank you, everyone for attending tonight's debut exhibit. We have some excellent pieces tonight. A special thank you to Carl Manfred for sponsoring our gallery. We wouldn't be anywhere without the incredible people who put blood, sweat and tears into keeping this establishment together. Without further ado, please welcome Cera Stark!"  
Oh Jesus Christ that was her queue.
She smiled politely at Carl and Markus before attempting to weave her way through the maze of people. Agather was stood in front of three of Cera's best paintings holding a microphone and looking at her expectantly. She slid up to the older woman and took the microphone, trying desperately to rehears her speech again in her head, delaying the inevitable for as long as she could. Before she knew it, she was stood alone in front of a crowd of people, including her idol.  
Here goes nothing.
"From the first day I could pick up a pencil, I knew this was what I wanted to be. The world we live in doesn't offer a lot of control... We have rules. Rules for everything it seems. But, when I paint..." Oh god she was shaking, no, she couldn't let the wavering enter her voice. Appearance, presentation, that's what these people were looking for. She scanned the crowd and in the split second that she paused, her eyes found the gentle green ones of Markus. He had wheeled Carl close to the front of the crowd and was nodding at her, encouraging her to continue. The overboiling pot of nerves she'd become began to slow into a simmer. "When I paint, I am in control. People will try to tell you there are rules when it comes to art, force you even; to follow them. But there aren't any. Art is free, it's... It's a comfort, in many ways." She paused again, adjusting her feet and smiling across the crowd. Smiling is important, keep doing that. She thought to herself. "Tonight's pieces I present to you are the fruits of difficult, troubling times in my life. I don't celebrate them, I celebrate myself. My struggles are my own and I dealt with them. I'm still here, they didn't get the best of me. These paintings are a commemoration to my own strength, and I thank you all so much for coming to see them. Art is the thing that has always inspired me to be better, be it famous, well known masters of their trade-" She took a moment to smile down at Carl, who returned it in kind. "-or simply anonymous graffiti on an abandoned building. I am always inspired." A rupturing applause broke Cera out of her dream-like state.  
Her cheeks tinted pink as Agather came to her side to give her a hug. She accepted it, despite not particularly wanting to be touched at the moment. She was filled with adrenalin at what she'd just accomplished. She never dreamed she'd ever be so lucky or brave to speak to a room of people about her art.  
The night was a blur. Cera's brain went into autopilot as she was approached by various artists and curators, offering her their thoughts on her pieces. She did listen, to the best that she could. The constant chattering noise of the room acted like a white noise machine. Everything was so loud, she could hear every tiny thing. Someone accidentally clinking a glass against another as they go to pick it up, the rustling of clothes as someone reaches for a handkerchief in their pocket. The chinking of jewelry when someone tilted their head to consider the piece they were looking at.
Cera was stood in a more secluded part of the huge room, holding a cup of water as she desperately tried to ground herself. Footsteps were muffled through the sea of noise, but the gentle touch on her shoulder caused her to lurch backwards. She turned to see Markus looking down at her with concern. "I'm very sorry if frightened you. Carl asked me to ask you to come see him, so he could ask you some questions about one of your pieces." Cera gulped, tapping her leg absentmindedly. "Oh! Yes, sorry. I was in my own world. Lead the way!" She couldn't help the shakiness of her voice and she cursed herself for being so jumpy. Why did parties have to be so hard for her?
He smiled down at her and she could feel herself calming down, if just a little bit.  
Markus walked effortlessly through the various people dotted around the exhibit before Cera could see Carl in front of one of her pieces. Her breathing hitched, it was the one she'd made just after...
"Art is so interesting. People can debate the meaning behind an artist's works for decades, but unless you actually ask the artist, you'll never really know. I could assume a million things about you from this one painting, but I doubt I'd be right. So, tell me my dear. What went into making this one, if you don't mind me asking?" He turned his wheelchair so that he was facing her, a look of happy curiosity dancing across his face. Cera drew in a shaky breath.  
"I was h-homeless for a time. I didn't have..." She fiddled with her bracelet. She couldn't lie to Carl Manfred, but this was a hard subject to approach. "I didn't really have anywhere that I felt safe. It was a difficult time. My friend Erika... she kept me going." Her mind raced back to those nights... Nights where she couldn't sleep because it was so cold, nights where she was sure she'd never find a home again, night where... she gave up. "She offered me a place, here in Detroit. This..." She gestured to the painting. "Was the first painting I made after I found myself in D-Detroit." The lump in her throat didn't fail to leave her, the memories flooding her.  
"That's very powerful." Carl simply said, his eyes scanning over the canvas. "Don't ever let anyone tell you that your struggle is what made you. Yes, struggle is what sometimes shapes us into who we are, but you clearly have a lot of talent. You turned a horrible situation into something you could master. Never let them tell you that you needed that struggle to build you, you would have gotten here without it." The sparkle in his eyes made Cera smile. Carl Manfred was truly a wonderful man, who managed to bring tears to her eyes over something SHE'D painted. He told HER that SHE had talent. She wanted to hug him and tell him how much that meant to him, but instead she opted for the brightest smile she could muster. "Thank you, Mr. Manfred, there are no words to describe how much that means to me." He nodded, turning back to the painting. "What do you think, Markus?" That made Cera stop in her tracks. She'd never heard anyone ask an Android what they thought before. Markus scanned his green eyes over the painting, his LED blinking as he seemed to take his time to analyze what was before him. "There's a powerful emotion behind this, as you've clearly stated. But you don't have to know that to see that this painting holds extraordinary value." He turned to look at her. "Not monetary, emotional." His gaze was back on the painting. "Though of course I'm sure many will be happy to have this in their home."  
Cera held her hands behind her back, fiddling with her bracelet again. She couldn't quite fathom what he had said. Did Carl tell him to say that? A million thoughts ran through her head and she realized she'd been staring at him. "Thank you very much, that's really sweet of you Markus." She exchanged fiddling with her bracelet to lightly tapping her leg again. "Let's hope everyone else here have the same opinions!" She let out a laugh. Surprisingly, being around Carl and Markus was far more calming than she thought it would be. She doesn't feel she needs to impress anyone like when she talks to other people she's met at these things. Maybe he hated these as much as she did?  
The rest of the evening was as she expected it to be. People sidled up to her to network. They complimented her art in the way they thought she wanted. She enjoyed the praise, of course, but it was hard to take it in when you knew the people giving it likely didn't mean it. They simply wanted to see if they could try and squeeze money out of her.  
Carl and Markus stayed for a few hours, but for much less than she'd like. She said goodbye, offering a sincere smile at the both of them. They managed to make this evening far more enjoyable than it could have been, and shit. Markus probably unknowingly saved her from a terrible presentation and barrels of embarrassment. She wished she knew them well enough to thank them with a gift, but hopefully she'd see them again.  
However, this wasn't the case.
This would be the first and last time that Cera would meet Markus, as he was then.
Before he went Deviant.
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kenzieam · 7 years
The Return of the Viking Daughter - Chapter 4 (Ivar X OC)
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Rating: M - Mature (angst, swearing, violence, eventual domestic violence, eventual attempted assault, eventual smut)
Genre: Drama, angst
@fuckyeahalexhoghandersen @my-emotional-self @bloodyivar @lupy22 @alex-ivar-minx @heathensisterwives @kduran04 @charliexowrite @angryschnauzer @rachiieee @ivarinleatherpants @ivars-heathen-army @neonxwitch @theheathenqueendickubus @dangerousvikings @zpandaqueen @irishhiggins @romanchronicles @didiintheblog  @mercy1997 @kawennote09  @iammarylastar @sparklemichele @son-of-anubis  @beltzboys2015-blog @paranoia-love  @captstefanbrandt @ruler-of-hel @ivars-valkyrie @poopercoot @fullpeanutkoala
@angelswannawearmyredshooz @kc-7
*If you want to added or delete to the above list, let me know*
Holy shit everybody! Thank you so much for the support!!
Sympathetic smiles and glances met me as I returned to the table, Ivar’s temper had burned everyone at one time or another, and I was no exception. Sigurd had persuaded Veronique to stay, they were at the table again but she purposefully avoided my gaze as I took my seat and Ragnar motioned for the dessert to be brought out. Whatever, maybe she’d keep her nastiness to herself now. I gaped at my bowl for a moment before looking back up at Ragnar in shock. He beamed back.
“Ragnar? I haven’t had this in years... Blueberry Grumble?!”
Ragnar laughed in delight. “My honorary daughter is finally home, of course I’m going to serve her favourite.”
I looked back down at the dessert, my heart starting to pound in anticipation. In truth a simple dish, cooked in a basic cast-iron frying pan, Blueberry Grumble was a delicious bastardization of blueberry cobbler, only gooier and richer, the topping a mix of sugar cookie, shortbread and cake; the result of a manic afternoon in the Lothbrok kitchen one weekend when I was nine; I’d been staying over, my parents on a cruise of some sort. Ragnar had let Ivar, Hvitserk and I run wild while he’d laughed from his perch on the countertop, sipping ‘adult coffee’ and shooing Aslaug out when she’d stuck her head in to investigate the ‘wild noises’ drifting out. Blueberry Grumble had been the result, so named because Ivar had grumbled about it afterwards, lamenting the blueberry portion when he’d specifically wanted cherries. Fresh tears pricked at the corners of my eyes, Christ, I was a wreck today.
The grumble tasted better than I remembered, and I was mildly embarrassed at how fast I finished my bowl. Ragnar smiled at me from the other end, winking at my reddened cheeks.
I found myself relaxing as the evening wound down. Ivar didn’t return, but no one seemed particularly surprised. We retired to the living room, perched on various chairs and couches and caught up, telling stories and adventures. Bjorn’s sons fell asleep perched against their massive father, snuggled against his muscular chest and it was the cutest damned thing I’d ever seen. Soon I was yawning too and reluctantly said my goodbyes, not really looking forward to a night alone in my empty house.
Hvitserk offered to walk me home, but then got distracted by leftovers and, shaking my head in amusement, I decided to leave without him. Hearing the door slam behind me I slowed, expecting a sheepish Hvitserk to fall in step beside me.
“Leaving so soon?” Sigurd’s voice was like an icy finger down my spine.
I glanced at him, decided to try a polite rebuff. “Yes, goodnight Sigurd.”
“But we have so much to talk about,” his hand grabbed my elbow, pulling me sharply off balance and I was forced to grab at his shoulders to keep from falling. As soon as I had my balance again, I pulled away angrily, my fist itching to break his nose, but he anticipated this and grabbed my upper arms roughly, shook me like an insolent puppy. He leaned in close, a cunning gleam in his eye and I ran through my options quickly. I must have given myself away however, for he blocked my knee to his groin and continued to invade my space; shit, I was out of practice.
“I missed you,” he whispered and my skin crawled.
“What did I ever see in you?” I growled and the teasing light in Sigurd’s unique eyes disappeared. His hands tightened and he dropped his head, trying to force his kiss on me. Suddenly, his hands were gone from my arms and my ears registered a painful sounding crack.
Bjorn stood in front of me, fists flexing, looking about ten feet tall. Sigurd staggered away, clasping at his nose, gushing blood and obviously broken. I caught sight of Veronique on the front step, watching us, a strange, calculating look on her face. Bjorn turned back to me, his hands gentle.
“Are you okay?” He muttered, one large hand cupping my cheek.
“Yeah, I’m rusty, I used to be able to defend myself.” I was horrified to hear my voice shaking.
A low growl rumbled in Bjorn’s chest. “You shouldn’t have to against your own family.”
“Sera? What happened?” Hvitserk jogged over, eyes wide with concern; he glanced over at Sigurd, now being helped to his car by Veronique and turned back to Bjorn, his expression hard.
Bjorn nodded angrily back, turning to glare daggers at the retreating couple. He looked back at Hvitserk. “She never gets left alone with him, ever.”
Hvitserk nodded humbly and reached for my hand. “I’ll take you home, if you’re okay?”
I nodded, hugging Bjorn and whispering my thanks in his ear. He squeezed me tightly back and yanked my ponytail affectionately.
Hvitserk took my hand, to my surprise, and began to lead me home. I was grateful for his touch, but surprised nonetheless.
“Sorry, I should have been with you.” He murmured, and I understood immediately.
“It’s fine, you shouldn’t have to worry about your own brother.”
“He’s been weird around you ever since Ivar started watching you.”
“What do you mean?” I probed gently. Hvitserk would never make a spy, he wasn’t good at keeping secrets, and as long as you didn’t show too much immediate interest in what he was saying, you could usually get quite a lot of information from him before he figured it out.
We’d reached my house and I unlocked the door, pushing it open. “Come in?” I invited, but Hvitserk shook his head.
“Nah, I need to get going, but yeah... once Ivar started really watching you, then Sigurd seemed to get interested too.” Hvitserk faltered, frowning in confusion. “You did know, right? That Ivar had a crush on you?”
I shook my head in a mix of shame and surprise. Christ, had everyone seen it but me?
Hvitserk nodded thoughtfully, “I didn’t think you were purposefully breaking his heart, but Jesus Sera, you really didn’t know? It was so obvious, Sigurd teased him all the time about it, and when you two started dating, he rubbed it in Ivar’s face every chance he got. Christ, the night he popped your cherry-”
“Okay! Okay, Hvitserk, I get it. And no, I had no idea, I mean, I do now.... but no, not at the time... with my parents and everything... “ I trailed off lamely, god, I’d been an air headed teenager.
Hvitserk gave me a gentle smile. “You were going through a lot of shit with them, weren’t you. You’re mom’s quite the lady.”
“Jesus, no kidding. Woman’s had a stick up her ass for years, my whole life actually. I... I let her dictate my decisions too much... I... I’m ashamed I let her run over me like that.”
“You should be able to trust your own parents,” Hvitserk replied thoughtfully. “That’s on her, not you.” He stepped forwards and placed a chaste kiss on my forehead.
“Goodnight Sera.”
“Goodnight Hvitserk.” He smiled again and turned away. “Hvitserk?”
He turned back, eyebrows raised.
I swallowed. “Could you tell Ivar goodnight for me too?”
A small grin pulled at Hvitserk’s lips and he winked. “Sure thing, kid.”
I shut the door behind him and leaned back against it for a long moment, trying to clear my tangled thoughts.
**************************************************************************************************************************************************** A good night’s sleep would have helped clear my mind and clarify my thoughts, but I didn’t get one; I tossed and turned all night, falling unconscious for minutes before snapping awake again. Consequently, I was not at my finest the next morning, and was tempted to drag around a blanket over my shoulders all day, retreating to my cave after a half-hearted mission to the kitchen for cinnamon toast and strong coffee. Halfway to the kitchen, I changed my mind to scrambled eggs and bacon, then when I reached the kitchen I was suddenly jonesing for French toast, but I realized it was irrelevant when I opened the fridge and found I had precious little beyond a hunk of cheese and bottle of wine. The cupboard was just as bare, and I bemoaned my lazy ass that had decided to skip grocery shopping until later. I was hungry now.
Christ, unless I wanted to starve, or drag my sorry behind down to the Lothbroks and beg breakfast I needed to make myself presentable and go to the grocery store. After a brief debate I decided to skip begging. I certainly didn’t want to run into Ivar right now, not with yesterday hanging over my head. I’m sure Bjorn and Hvitserk had told him what Sigurd had done, and I was torn on whether I wanted Hvitserk to have talked to Ivar more about what he’d told me; Ivar’s crush on me, and the way I’d been so goddamn blind about it.
I couldn’t keep hitting myself over the head with this, I needed to accept it, accept my cruelty; passive, blind cruelty but cruelty nonetheless and decide what I wanted to do with my future. I wasn’t actually starting at Columbia until next year, but in the meantime, what? My loft in LA was waiting for me, I had friends there, a job. Accepting the professorship at Columbia meant I would be leaving all of that eventually, and moving across the country to Manhattan, and I’d meant what I’d said last night about my reasons for choosing Columbia, an easy commuter train or car ride would bring me to the countryside beyond Greenwich, CT, where I was now, but.... what about Ivar? I was falling back into my old relationship with the rest of the Lothbrok’s, and to be honest, I hadn’t been this happy in years, but Ivar and I needed to figure out what was going to happen between us.
Okay, so according to Hvitserk, Ivar had nursed a crush on me, and, looking back at all my photos, with the clarity of years of hindsight, I could now see it too; and, according to Ivar himself, he had loved me and still did, but what about me? What were my feelings regarding the man I’d grown up with?  
First things first, I needed a shower and food, I’d never been good at life-changing decisions on an empty stomach. Twenty minutes later I was leaving the house, my stomach growling. I contemplated walking for about a half-second, then turned to my rental, when I stopped short. Ivar stood beside the passenger door, leaning on a crutch, dressed in jeans, t-shirt and leather jacket. I swallowed hard, it was difficult, regardless of my confusion, to not find him incredibly handsome. He’d left his hair loose and I was surprised at how long he’d let it get, in school he’d always kept it clipped close. I opened my mouth and closed it again, not sure what to say. Was Ivar here to yell more?
He saw my uncertainty and flashed that incredible grin. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to yell this time.”
I couldn’t help grinning back and hit the fob. The hip little SUV chirped back. “I was going to grab breakfast and some groceries, did you want to come with me?”
Ivar’s grin dazzled me again and I felt an long-forgotten stirring in my chest.
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whentvsfly · 8 years
u should answer all 20 of the mob psycho ask meme things jsust DO it u peice of fuck....
Fuck you, I will.
1: What is a scene that really got to you?In the anime, probably either the flashback to when Mob went ???% when he was young (I love the Angst™), or when Mob nearly goes 100% murderous intent and then instead goes like, 1000% gratitude. In the manga, the entirety of the fuckin Mogami arc (the part with the cat like Holy Shit) nearly made me cry, and I barely cry at things anymore. So like. That.
2: Who’s your favorite character out of the cast?I….love so many……..They’re all so good. All the esper kids are Good, Reigen is a good man, the Body Improvement Club members….Tome and Mezato…..fuck, even Dimple. I can’t choose…
3: Who’s your favorite esper kid?Mob, Ritsu, Teru, and Shou are all my sons thank you very much. I can’t decide between them. Mob is a Good Boy™ who needs a fucking break holy shit. Ritsu is a little shitsu but he cares a lot about his bro and I cry and he’s good too. Teru is also a shitty boy and also he wants to do good and I cry for him (I’m his parent now cause idk wtf his actual parents are, ONE plz explain). And Shou is a good but destructive boy who deserves better. 
4: Who’s your favorite ship(s)?I….really like Ritsu and Shou, and was kinda indifferent to anything else, until @pundeserving​ (and fanfics) ((thanks u fuck)) showed me the beauty of Teruki and Mob. Also???? I kinda like Tome and Mezato?????? They could like find aliens and report it to the news and honestly they’d be a power couple.
5: What battle shook you most?Uhm. The one at the end of the World Domination arc. So many emotions…..
6: What friendship do you find the cutest?Literally any with Mob. He’s such a good boy.
7: What’s the most hilarious moment to you?gotTA PUMP SOME IRONsorry duDE TOUGH BREAKwoAH ITS HEAVY okletsgo(pff other than so many lines from the dub, uh, I’m not too sure. Right now I can only think of how funny the whole situation with that Shirt™ in the Divine Tree arc is, and like the school festival in which for like a panel Ritsu is forced to dress like a maid and Shou is there. NO WAIT. I KNOW. Justifiable Self Defense. We’re not too sure it’s justifiable, but he’s yelling it anyways. also: OOHHH. HE FUCKING APPEARED! There’s probably others. I can’t remember them rn. OH well, guess I better reread the manga…..).
8: Favorite and least favorite arc?hmmmmm….The angst pit inside of me wants to say my fave is the Mogami arc, because of how fucking sad it could be (or the way it can spawn fics about it like nobody’s business) but honestly I don’t really have any favorites or least favorites. They all have their pros and their cons, but they’re all really good. 
9: Which antagonist could you never forgive?Mogami. Hands down. 
10: Do you have any OC’s?Nope. But there is an oc I saw once on this hellsite which was a cat named Milk that Mob owns and I fully support that hah.
11: Did you watch the anime or read the manga first?Anime. Subbed. Then went for the manga, then to the dub hah.
12: Would you visit Spirits and Such Consultation Office (if you didn’t know any better)?Hm. I dunno. Probably would be too lazy to seek out help if I thought a spirit would be on me or smth, or haunting a place. Maybe if it was Real Bad.
13: Are there any specific MP 100 artists/writers you admire?Uhm. Idk, I tend to not actually look at who is the OP on an art post or who writes a fic. I’ll edit this if I find out some good ones (there’s one artist I’m thinking of on here and they do real good arts, they do comics based on fics (one was on this court thing where Mob was dead by Teruki’s hand b/c the choking thing, the other was on an au fic where Mob was kidnappeped and Reigen ended up rescuing him and they hadn’t met before that idk I have yet to read it myself) and there’s a fic on ao3 that I am always waiting for the next installment, even if it’s been 20 seconds since I read the last chapter. That story’s linked below, and you can see other authors I’ve linked too).
14: Are there any MP 100 fanfics you HAVE to rec?(this answer is So Long I am So Sorry I just have A Lot Of Love)Ohhhh boy. You’ve done it now. You’ve awakened the Beast™. Fanfics are my forte. I’ve gone through all of them on ao3. Don’t fuckin test me on this.Ok so first off, if you want all the stories I’ve gathered off of ao3 (My picking process: Ignoring all stories with incest or an adult x a kid (or ships I don’t particularly care for), is the fic well written with a good plot? then onto the list it goes. Or if its bad enough to be good. That too.) you can just ask me for the fics and I can either share the googledoc with you or send you the links in another way.Some of my favorites from the list, tho, are as follows (in order of which I read them):Color in a Monochrome Worldby Sifl is a really good introspective series on many different characters, set after the World Domination arc. Sifl also wrote a companion piece, Vertigo.Extracurricular Education is a series by entrenched about Shigeo and his growth as he works for Reigen. It’s real cute, they’re good bros, I love it. A few stories takes place after the Mogami arc and reference it.Turning Slowly by sorrow_key is a fic about how Shigeo knows what unrequited love feels like b/c of Tsubomi, so he can see through Teruki really easily. He feels like a liar pretending to not notice. (eventually becomes TeruMob), My notes say if you’re in the divine tree arc, then you’ll get any references made in the fic. Can’t remember what’s said, but it must reference something in that arc for me to have wrote that.One Step Forward, Two Steps Back by fireflysummers_ao3 is a fic in which Teru feels terrible after the Divine Tree arc (this was made before 97.uh. the chapter that came out this last Thursday, the 5th of Jan, so it may not be as accurate as it could be) and Shigeo just wants to be friends and help him out. After Divine Tree arc.Temporary Accommodations by Originia is an interesting fic where, through shenanigans, Shigeo’s body is kidnapped without his like, spirit thingy in it (using the strategy from the Mogami arc) and Reigen tries to rescue Shigeo (which Dimple is possessing in Mob’s absence). I fucking love Ritsu in this story holy shit.The Adventure of the Red Shoes by dyingplatypus. Ho. Ly. Fuck. If you only read one story, read this one. It’s funny, it’s quirky, it’s in character. It’s solving a paranormal case about haunted shoes, and Reigen being cursed. It feels like it could be an actual happening in the anime or something. Seriously. Read this one. It has a little reference to the World Domination arc cause Serizawa is in there but like. You could proooobably read it without reading the manga.He Just Likes Dogs by reiqenarataka nearly made me fucking cry in a dentists office. It’s about Reigen and dogs, what more could you want?Signed, Sealed, Delivered by entrenchedis a series centered around Teruki and his crush on Shigeo, even as Shigeo crushes on Tsubomi. He would rather never tell Mob and continue being friends, over risking their friendship by confessing.do make tomorrow a sunny day by dyingplatypus is a series based off an au I mention in the next question. The AU is one in which Shigeo is taken by Claw at a young age, and thus works for them currently. Ritsu grew up without a brother, only knowing he had a brother at some point who presumably died. Both Shou and Shigeo are a part of Claw and work for it, and things Shigeo took care of during the normal universe didnt happen. (LOL) is a growing and powerful cult, Teru still wants to fight people. There’s many different perspectives in the series and they all add up to a unique experience (I’m still real fuckin amused by what Teru thinks of Shigeo in the first chapter of his POV fic)tomorrow isn’t always another day by suitablyskippy is another good fic on par with The Adventure of the Red Shoes. It’s also quirky, funny, in character, and shows Shigeo and Reigen solving cases. Of a haunted copy machine. Which Mob is preeeetty sure they solved yesterday. And the day before. And the day before that….Three by Ravenesta is an outsider POV story from a teacher’s perspective, on Shigeo Kageyama and his mysterious third emergency contact, Reigen Arataka. It’s pretty cool, and shows some good shit. Return. Continue. by UncannyCookie. A series. Takes place after Mogami arc, Shigeo isn’t doing too well, hands feeling too itchy and wrong after he was driven to choking someone in that unreal world. It’s bad. He’s fine. Teru tries his best to help. The second story, though, Teru is acting weird and Shigeo wants to help him but he swears he’s fine. (also has some of my fave tags: “Teru is not a natural blond, that’s the real drama here”). This is the fic I find myself waiting for updates with bated breath. It’s so good and interesting. Love that shit.
15: Do you have a favorite AU?I don’t know of too many aus, but most are real good. I like the art I see of the ageswap thing, where Mob is the adult and Reigen is the kid, although I don’t tend to read the fics about it. Idk why. But there are other good aus too, like any where Mob ends up being raised by Reigen. There’s an interesting one on ao3 I saw where Mob was taken by claw at a young age and now kinda like…works for them? Idk. It’s good though. 
16: What would be your first or basic psychic skill (telekinesis, pyrokinesis, hydrokinesis, ect)?Honestly telekinesis. I’d fuckin own that shit, being too lazy to get up and grab things myself. I’d probably be like, hah, my pop is on the table literally inches from my hand. If only I could just float it over to myself! And then it does and I’d be like Holy Shit. Also, using telekinesis on yourself (if it’s strong enough) allows you to basically fly? I’d train til it’s that level and then I would be the least athletic person in existence. 
17: Do you like milk?I really like strawberry milk. I only have normal milk if I dip a cookie in it. Sometimes chocolate is ok too. And I only really have whole milk cause it tastes the best.
18: What headcanons do you have for (character)?I mean u didn’t provide a character uhm. There’s so many. Me and @pundeserving​ have been talking and whenever I come up with some headcanon I tell her and she may or may not add it to her headcanon list. Usually she does. It’s very good and if you wanna hear some shit about a certian character feel free to ask abt them specifically.
19: Would you hone your basic psychic skill or try to learn different ones?Both? If possible? I’d like to get my telekineses to a point where I can move myself with little to no effort, but having basic version of other powers would also be nice (like psychokinesis to light a candle or warm up some cold soup or smth)
20: Would you try to use your psychic powers for personal gain or only if you had to?I mean, if it’s (like i mentioned above) heating up soup, that’s kinda personal gain hah no but seriously if it’d unfairly advantage me above other people (in a sport or something) or harm someone else, I wouldn’t do it. I’d use it for little things like retrieving something that’s out of reach or smth, or if worse comes to worse, to protect my friends or family,  if there are no other viable options. 
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lrgcarter · 8 years
Understanding the appeal of Transformers
Over on Twitter, Colin Smith of the comics blog Too Busy Thinking About My Comics (technically a retired blog, but I live in hope) asked ‘I wonder if it's possible to truly enjoy The Transformers if you didn't grow up with them at all?’
Twitter is not the best medium to answer this question, so I have turned to Tumblr. I’m going to lay out a few notes that hopefully will show readers why people like Transformers, even if they can’t get into it themselves.
I’m not a hardcore fan of the franchise myself. I remember watching it as a child, but those memories are hazy to say the least. My partner is a hardcore fan. She didn’t have any contact with the show as a child, but discovered it as an adult. I’ve watched this development of her interest from outside the fandom, which is why I consider the following opinions to be an informed answer to the above question.
To start with, here are the conditions of this essay:
1. I’ve got other things to do today, so I’m setting myself a time limit. The 1986 animated Transformers movie is playing in the background. Once that finishes, I’m posting what I have, regardless of how well edited it is.
2. I’m going to try to keep things ‘Outsider friendly’. I’m going to avoid franchise-jargon as much as possible. I’m going to paraphrase things as much as possible. This may cause True Fans a problem, but they will just have to deal with it.
3. Having said that, I’m going to use the word ‘continuity’. Transformers has lots of these, and I couldn’t think of any way around using this word. I’m sure one will strike me as soon as I hit the ‘post’ button.
4. I’m not going to provide sources, or even look things up to confirm my memories. I’m writing about the appeal of a cartoon, not fixing the planet’s political problems.
With these points in mind, let’s begin…
The Toy Commercial Argument
I want to get this out of the way before we go any further.
Critics claim the franchise is nothing more than a vehicle to sell toys.
Now, while it is undoubtedly a vehicle to sell toys, it isn’t just that. Sure, some Toy Company CEOs wanted kids to buy toys and so hired a cartoon to be produced, but to say ‘this robs the resulting cartoon of any quality’ is insulting to those who worked on it. I never hear similar criticisms thrown at Noggin the Nogg, even though that is also a cartoon based on a toy (I know this is a somewhat false equivalence, whatever).
It all comes back to the idea that if you are getting paid to do your job then it isn’t art, This toxic idea has been discussed by those more eloquent than I, so I won’t dwell on it here.
Needles to say, I’m going to avoid insulting the creators of these works and assume they actually care about the stories they are telling, and wanted to do their jobs as well as they could (well, with one exception, but we’ll get to him).
The Problems Presented By Understanding Transformers
1. Mega-franchise.
Transformers suffers the same problem as any big, old franchise. Where do you start? It’s a question faced by fans of Dr Who, 2000ad, Star Trek, and many others. As with any of these franchises, there is no right answer.
Transformers has many different continuities. These continuities have sub-continuities, which in turn have sub-continuities themselves. I’m not exaggerating. This means that any two ‘Introduction Points’ could be consumed back to back and leave the audience completely confused as to what the franchise is about.
All of these continuities have different pros and cons, as well as different selling points. Beginners should consider each continuity as separate entities if they wish to understand their appeal. I’ll return to this later.
2. Preconceived perceptions.
People think they know what Transformers is about. It’s about giant transforming robots, right? Robots in disguise, it says so in the theme-tune!
The problem is, this is almost never what the stories are about. Remember how every aspect of the franchise has different selling points? Transforming was the unique selling point for the toys. In the cartoons and comics etc, you could mostly drop the transforming aspect and the stories would still work. Don’t get me wrong, people enjoy the transforming aspect, but it isn’t essential.
Here’s an example in defense of this controversy: there’s a group of Transformers that can turn into Dinosaurs. The creators of the old cartoon film wisely decided to hardly ever show these transformers not as dinosaurs, because their audience liked dinosaurs. They could have just made them non-transforming robot-dinosuars, and no one would have objected, or even noticed a difference.
So what is the franchise about, if not transforming? Like any enduring franchise, it’s about the characters. When the creators remember this, they produce popular material. When they don’t remember this, the fans tend not to like the result.
1 and 2, combine to form… Confusion!
The characters between continuities can provide one of the stumbling blocks when getting into the stories. You may have two robots that look identical and have the same names, but in two continuities will have two completely separate characters, plot roles, relationships with the other characters, and so on.
Getting Past These Problems
If you want to enjoy Transformers, you need to get to the characters without getting bogged down in the knotty history of the franchise. I’m going to give a brief summary of a few key continuities in an attempt to lay out how each of them has won or lost their fans. This is far from being a complete list of Transformers stories, and is not given in order of release date:
1. Original Cartoon Series
Plot summary:
Two armies of ancient, giant robots get stuck on Earth. They both have to: A) Solve humanity’s energy crisis. B) Learn what these weird organic human creatures are all about. C) Continue fighting their war.
The Original Cartoon Series (from now on, OCS) consists of almost two series and one cartoon movie. Any fans currently reading this are shouting at their screens right now, saying I’m wrong. They think I am talking about what they call ‘Generation One’, but I’m not. The OCS is what non-fans remember of the Transformers from the 1980s, regardless of whether or not their memories are complete or true.
They remember two armies of giant robots fighting in arid desert landscapes with loud sound effects and rock music. They don’t remember that one where the Transformers go to another planet and turn into trees and mermaids. Not every episode in the first two Transformers series qualifies as part of the OCS. It is a cherry-picked collection of stories, a series constructed by nostalgia, but it does exist and sits ready for people to enjoy.
This series is adrenaline for the eyes. It is what 2000ad calls Thrill Power. Everything is turned up to eleven, then multiplied by two. All the characters are larger than life, in personality, motivations and ambitions, and obviously, physical size.
Generation One.
Plot summary:
This is the same show as above, but with the addition of everything that people have selectively forgotten. The Transformers actually get themselves un-stuck from Earth pretty quickly. They can then return to space and intergalactic adventures with loads of other alien races. There’s a planet where some of the characters realise they have gambling problems. There’s the previously mentioned tree-and-mermaid planet. There’s the psychologist planet, to which the bad-guys send their boss because they are worried he is too unstable to be their leader. There is the planet where everyone sings.
Appeal: The appeal of this story is epic scale. There are infinite corners to this universe, and anything can happen in any one of them. The war takes a back seat, and loads more characters are introduced. It’s kind of like a blunderbuss approach to appealing to people.
Transformers Armada
Plot Summary: 
Two armies of ancient, giant robots try to beat each other at Pokemon.
This series is pretty awful. Apparently the creators were given unworkable deadlines, and it shows. I mention this series because the Boss Good Guy opens it with the following voice over:
“In the beginning, there were three races of Transformers: Good-guys, Bad-guys, and Pokemon. War broke out between them, because the Bad-guys wanted to enslave the Pokemon, while the Good-guys wanted the Pokemon to take their rightful place as servants...”
This series places at the forefront a theme that lurks in most Transformers continuities. The Good-guys and Bad-guys are very, very similar, to the point that it is hard to tell them apart. The so called Good-guys are incredibly flawed, and any moral high ground they once occupied has collapsed under years of war. The Bad-guys often have good reason for starting the war (I mean, not in this particular story, but in some of the others) and have only become bad-guys because war tends to do that to people. These character dynamics provide plenty of story potential.
Transformer Animated
Plot Summary:
A small, plucky band of reject good-guys get stuck on earth. They make friends with humanity while trying to prove that they were never the rejects that their fellow Transformers thought they were.
This series throws out the formula of the above shows and almost completely rebuilds the franchise. It benefits from this originality immensely, and is favoured by fans because the creators showed a great deal of respect for the original material. It’s basically the Eccleston Dr Who of Transformers.
This show casts the Transformers as superheroes, and has a ‘Returning Ancient Evil’ arc plot. Everyone loves those, entertainment statistics would suggest.
I recommend this series as a starting point for any people trying to get into Transformers.
Transformers Prime
Plot Summary:
A CGI remake of the OCS, but the good-guys have Herbert West for a doctor, voiced by Jeffrey Combs, and he is always suspiciously nearby when some of the Transformers become zombies.
This series has flaws, but the fact that it is Transformers meets Reanimator is not one of them.
Rescue Bots
Plot Summary:
A small team of giant robots sleep through an intergalactic war. When they wake up, the fighters of the war want to avoid explaining some four million years of history to them, so set the awoken sleepers up as a rescue response team on an island full of unregulated human inventors. Hilarity ensures.
This series asks the question ‘can we make transformers without the good verses evil plot?’ They can and they did. This is one of the best Transformers series. Non violent and humorous. Innocent and inspiring.
I recommend this series as a starting point for any people trying to get into Transformers.
More Than Meets The Eye (comic)
Plot Summary:
An ancient war is finally over. A group of giant robots from both sides try to live on a spaceship together, with hilarious results.
This story lets characters meet without them instantly trying to kill each other. It explores LBGT themes among the robots.
It does require you to be at least familiar with the franchise norms.
Plot Summary:
This is what fans call those live action films that have been coming out recently. As soon as I make sense of the plot, I’ll return here to summarise it.
Everyone says these films are bad, yet they keep making money. So, there must be something to them, right? Here are some cons and pros:
Cons: Sexism. Racism. Lack of coherent plot. Lack of transforming and character at the same time. Lack of any evidence that the director has employed writers. The fact that the director has said on many occasions that he doesn’t understand the appeal of the franchise. Too often, a complete lack of actual Transformers. I know I said that the transforming isn’t really important, but these films even short-change people on the giant robot front.
Pros: Special effects Fans flock to the films hoping that they might be able to sift five minutes worth of character moments out of the whole film. That’s it.
Steven Universe
Plot summary:
Through the view point of a human child, the viewer comes to understand a galactic war between two non-organic factions.
This show comes in 10 minute episodes, and is completely free of any Transformers franchise baggage. There are songs and jokes and love conquers all. Very LGBT friendly.
I recommend this series as a starting point for any people trying to get into Transformers.
And that’s it, I’m out of time. There is more to transformers than this, but I don’t have space to investigate it all. Hope this has helped people understand why others like Transformers, even if they can’t see it themselves. I’m one of the few people out there that isn’t a fan of Star Wars, so I know how you feel.
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mary-sue-questions · 8 years
Blaze Angel and Friends (Re-review)
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So nobody’s really posting or sending us Mary Sues, and I was just scrolling through the old crap reviews I did years ago. Thought I should redo this review since the creator of this... character has made a bio for her and the sisters. So not only are we reviewing one character, oh ho ho no, we’re reviewing triplets! (Kms...)
Oh, and I’m now Mod Zilvani, here accompanied by my two good friends, Mod Triple A and Mod Lyn. Also, this creator made many bios, so this is going to be a longggggggg review. *Sigh* Oh the things I do for entertainment...
Zilvani is Bold.
Lyn is Italicized.
First Character... Blaze Angel.
+ Basic Information + Full Name: Blaze Angel Age: 19 Birthdate: June 14 Gender: Female Species: 85% Human 15% Angel
That’s not how it works. Genetics and ethnicity work in halves, so if you want to, at the very least, be 1/8 angel or whatever you want to do. Although, that would raise questions of your ancestry. What the heck were your ancestors doing with the angels?
Frankly this whole race/ethnicity is just a mess. What fandom are we even in, or is this an all-around type of OC? Not. Happening. Some fandoms don’t even have angels, so this definitely could not work. 
+ Appearance + Height: ??
Pick a height, damnit.
Build: Skinny but strong enough to punch someone
That’s... What.
What even. “Skinny, but strong enough to punch someone”.
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That’s really vague.
Not to mention highly CONTRADICTORY. If you’re skinny, most likely you wouldn’t be cut for a fighter. I doubt you could even defend yourself properly, without weapons at least. Actually, how skinny are we talking about? I agree with Mod Lyn, this is really vague.
Hair Color: red Hair Type: fluffy and long Eye color: red (left eye has sun symbol)
What the-- How does your eye have a symbol? That’s like some sort of whacked up genetic mutation. Most likely you wouldn’t even be able to see through that eye if the mutation is that fucked up.
And... Whatever.
I wanna know who the parents are and what have they accomplished to get a fucking sun marked into the eye. I’m not sure about the other mods, but I’m okay with symbols in eyes SO LONG AS THEY AREN’T IN THE SMACK DAB MIDDLE OF THE PUPIL. Like... a symbol in the retina could probably slide... but pupil? Your vision is literally blocked by this weird sun shaped shadow, or blackness. Really?
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Skintone: pale peach
Is this really necessary?
I’m not quite sure if there’s such thing as pale peach, so I’m not going to comment about it. Scars: none Piercings, tattoos: none Other: none
If there’s none, you don’t need to include it.
+ Personality & Relations + Personality: Hyper, Tsundere, All around, Pirate-like
... BE MORE SPECIFIC DAMNIT. Don’t give me that one word bullcrap, unless you’re in a rush or something. Even then, put down a “TBA” so that you’ll get back to it later! Freaking-- What does All around even mean? You need to be specific, otherwise this is half-assed.
What a well developed personality! A list of adjectives is not a personality. What the fuck is ‘all-around’ and ‘pirate-like’? That’s already 2 out of the four ‘personality traits’ down. Also, tsundere, is NOT a good descriptor for a personality, and it NEVER WILL BE. It’s a lazy excuse to make your character as random as possible.
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Occupation: Middle sister, "Dimension Hopper"
Middle sister is not an occupation.
A Dimension Hopper is not an occupation, so please specify. PLEASE. SPECIFY.
I called it. I fucking called it. This character doesn’t stick to one fandom, oh no, she goes ALL THE FUCKING AROUND. I need to drink clorox to feel clean again.
Sexual Orientation: Straight Relationship Status: single (?)
Supposedly she put down a question mark since she probably has Angel being shipped with different canon/other OCs in different fandoms...
I just remembered, if she’s a dimension hopper... and she’s dating with these guys in different universes... Doesn’t that make her a cheater? Very nice.
Also, how does she dimension hop? Please. Kill me.
Relationships with Other Characters: Blaze Kirigiri: Blaze likes her eldest sister, but she's always worry about Kirigiri's relationship with a certain crazy boy and her status as "Ultimate Duelist"
This is assuming that this is already breaking the 4th wall from the start.
It’s... It’s really vague. Does your relationship with your sister go only as deep as that?
I’d like to point out the fact that her sister literally stole the last name of the canon protagonist of the anime, Danganronpa. But don’t worry, we’ll get to her soon. Unfortunately.
Moon: Blaze adores her little Vocaloid sister, even if Moon is living at Vocaloid Studios, but she always worries about Moon when she's around the other Vocaloids.
Vocaloids are not people, they are voice banks. And at the very most, they are very interpretive characters. Every Vocaloid artist has a way of using said Vocaloids. Having a younger sister as a vocaloid is not possible, as vocaloids do not have parents, only “creators”. Unless she was somehow adopted????????
... Oh boy, this is going to be a long night.
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+ Other + Blaze is more of the all around type when it comes to her personality
All Around???????????? I’m so confused??????????
I can only defend her a little for this one. The way I see it, everyone’s capable of being anything, like I can be loud or quiet, shy or courageous, but the personality is the combination of traits that you choose to be. In a way, I... kind of understand where she’s getting at? Still pretty terrible and vague though.
Much of her background is surrounded by mystery; no one knows where she comes from
Ooh~! Spooky! *making spooky wind noises*
Okay, this isn’t even trying.
Blaze doesn't know where she was born at all, but she simply didn't really care, as long she is happy with friends
I’m not sure about you, but if I were her, I’d be pretty damn confused and demanding to know where the hell I came from. Doesn’t matter if I’m happy with my friends, I wanna fucking know if I was born in Jamaica or not.
Not even a little curious? Not, not even just a LITTLE BIT?
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Known as the "Dimension Hopper" for a reason but that is classified.
OOOHHH SO SPOOKY, OOOOOHHHHH *making the same spooky noises*
Again, not even trying. 
She may sometimes speak and dress as a pirate at times.
So she’s cosplaying, great. What for, and why. I’m actually getting a headache the more I delve deep into this.
Hey, at least she’s not... wait, she is. Never mind. Also, no hate to the pirate loving community, be glad we’re trying to exterminate this character for you guys.
She was the one who had Blaze Kirigiri and Vocaloid Moon as her sisters, because of their similar looks.
So... She’s the one who adopted them???????
Depending on which countries they were born, is Angel at the right age consent to be adopting kids?
Recently, Blaze is starting to become more and more human then her angel self....
THAT’S NOT HOW GENETICS WORKKKKKKKKK. If you’re going to make angels an entirely separate species from humans, then stick to your own damn canon!
Where’s the vodka.
I drank it all~
And you didn’t even leave some for me? Thanks, I needed that. THANKS.
Her ancestor is the Sun Warrior Solarias 
Who the fuck is this dude.
Please, please, EXPLAIN.
This next bio is her new bio for Blaze Angel, but it’s mainly focused on one fandom so I considered this bio to be a secondary to the previous bio we just reviewed.
Name: Blaze Angel Nicknames: Blaze, Dr. Angel, Tori Yugaina, Beta
Blaze is not a nickname, that’s her name. Dr. Angel is not a nickname, it’s a name her colleagues and patients would address her as. And where did Tori Yugaina and Beta come from? I hope this is explained later.
I’m going to be honest, I’m not educated in the fandom of Trauma Team so, Lyn, you’re going to have to guide me through this.
Age: Varies in roleplays
At least give us a range. I mean, it might vary between roleplays, but a range would be nice.
These rps are in the same fandom anyways, so I don’t see why it would vary at all. If this was in the first bio, I would understand since she was bullshitting with the dimension hopping around fandoms.
Sex: F Skin color: pale peach Hair color: red Eye Color: red
That’s a genetic mutation that I would not like to get into the chances of.
Red is not a good eye color to begin with. So many Mary Sues have dried out the uniqueness of the color red. -_- Keep in mind that this is the same eye color as her love interest, as I’ve been told.
Species: Sun Mage Angel (hides this to prevent being an outcast to the society around her)
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This isn’t even in Trauma Team. It was never a thing, It will never be a thing, WHAT THE FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKK
Likes: Erhard Muller (CR-S01). Dylan Stiles (belongs to *insert creator name* Only in TCGZ rps), Sweet things and plushies, her work, patient's smiling, etc
Of course only these people she likes. Of. Course.
I’m just confused, but alright.
Dislikes: interaction, being threatened/ made fun off, being an outcast, being feared, ghost, creepy shit, lazy people, etc
Anybody would dislike being made fun of or being threatened. But what I love is the GHOST, as in the singular one ghost. Which ghost is this?
(Maybe it’s Kasper, ‘CAUSE SHE AIN’T FRIENDLY.)
Finally, Triple A speaks.
(Sorry, I was watching Voltron.)
I know. I was sitting next to you the whole time.
Personality: Tsundere Tomboy: A mixture of her Tsundere personality and her Tomboy trait. When she's like this, she tends to get all tough and might as well punch you if your not careful. 
WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT TSUNDERES-- Also, the tomboy trait is also terrible. Don’t use character archetypes to build your character.
Lazy excuses, lazy excuses. 
(Why does the person always resort to violence?)
Loner Type: She dislikes interaction with others and never talks to them first. If someone tries to talk to her, she'll speak in a cold tone and in few words to push them away
I don’t think that’s how the loner trait works. 
(That’s not a loner, that’s a hostile person.)
They tend to stay away from crowds, not push people away directly.
(Yeah, they’re passive aggressive about most things.)
I... I have no words. 
Bio: No one knows where Blaze came from. 
*(spoopy wind noises)*
While her background is a mystery, Blaze does happen to remember the time she was called the "Beta" during the time she was used to host a pathogen, but was left for dead because her pathogen doesn't have the regeneration ability as some other advanced pathogens have. 
Um, that’s one big long run-on sentence. Do you know where you should put it?
(o , o ;;;;; )
Also, where was this happening????? (In Agar.io.)
Jesus Christ.
Plus she was used to cultivate pathogens that were used on other victims.
Again, where was this happening???? WHAT GOVERNMENT WAS FUNDING THIS???? Also, this is just BAD. SCIENTIFIC. STUDY.  Having already housed a pathogen...unless this takes place before the first mentioned pathogen...in which case structure your bio better...would ruin the integrity of the cultivated pathogen.
I’m just so confused.
(It’s okay. Just nod your head and pretend you understand. It always works.)
I’m already doing that. It’s not working.
(Did you try unplugging and replugging?)
(Wait, then take out the cartridge and b--)
After her escape, she went into hiding for a while so she doesn't get killed. 
Be more specific: How did she escape? Where did she hide???
(I’m willing to bet that she hid with her future love interest or something. That or in the magical world of Narnia because plot. Why not.)
I second that.
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Slowly during her years of hiding, she decided on being a doctor, preferbably a surgeon, to help people who are suffering and prove to them that the world is a good place to live in despite the ups and downs that people will have to face, which is what Blaze has currently gone through herself. 
Didn’t doctors do this to you? I guess, that’s pretty noble though, but how would a person like you, carrying a pathogen that would probably be picked up by like, tests or something, and with no qualifications, get a job as a doctor?
Honestly, what’s the deal with the Pathogen crap?
After finally catching her dream, she worked as a surgeon in a small hospital in Angeles Bay, where she also first encountered her first GUILT strain in a patient: Kyraki. In due time after figureing out how to stop it, she recieved an invite to work at Caduceus USA, which she accepts and began working there while gaining more knowledge about GUILT and how to treat them. When the GUILT scramble was over and done with, Director Hoffman had Blaze transferred to Resurgam First Care in Portland, possibly in case of a GUILT outbreak there, since some Delphi members escaped from Angeles Bay. She now works as a regular and a GUILT surgeon for Resurgam, keeping her guard up for anything Delphi will throw at her.
Just, no explanation, she just CAUGHT HER DREAM. Cue in the sparkles, please.
*Throws sparkles everywhere* Hooray.
(o u o ;;;;; Okay. wait, what if her eyes sparkle or something? gUYS STOP THE SPARKLES NO.)
(Also, I’m not really entitled to say much about the rest of the info, since I don’t know much about the game, but...Guilt? Guilt outbreak? From an outside perspective, I hope to God that Blaze’s creator catches the Guilt and well..No, not do anything bad to herself, just please and kindly fix Blaze.)
Trivia: ~ Blaze has a few weaknesses: While she does have a tomboy side, she still has a soft girl side to her. Evidence is her liking of sweet things and plush toys, though she hides that fact. She can't use sun magic during time when the sun is missing due to clouds or at night, because she is magically drained. Her liking her Erhard (in TT rps) or Dylan (in TCGZ rps) may cause her to lose her focus slightly but she does manage to finish the job without a hassle.
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( ;A; as a person who identifies as a non-binary gender role (I go by he/him or they/them)....You can’t....You can’t...List.....Girly things...As...A weakness..You can’t just........ cRYING NOISES INTENSIFY. Also, it’S A GOOD THING SHE DOESN’T LIVE IN LONDON CUZ SHE’D BE PRETTY SCREEEEEWWEED. Still, what is she, a freaking plant? I can just imagine her as one of those really cliche, ditsy anime girls yelling “ooohhh nooooo! So and so has drained my powerrrsss!!! Someone saavee meeee!!” Except, this time it’s Blaze yelling about how the clouds and natural weather occurrences are robbing her of her “special” magic.)
Also...magic...isn’t really a thing?? In Trauma Team?? I mean, there’s spiritual people, who can “talk to ghosts” and the like, but “magic” isn’t really shown or stated outright.
I still have no words.
~ Blaze has a few negative traits such as trying to work on a surgery alone when she is in her loner personality, or hit a wall with her fist when she's in her tsundere tomboy personality. She's also presistant that she doesn't want to work with an assistant.
Does she have multi-personality disorder?
(It’s also not very balanced/fair if she has “few negative traits” or “few weaknesses.”, then blabber on and on about the “good things” about your character. You gotta balance out all three equally. Also, I’m pretty goddang sure that you need a team while you’re preforming a surgery. It’s intense, really intense, and high stress. You can’t break your focus for a single second unless you want your patient to die. That includes looking away from the cut-open patient to go get the knives or something; you kinda are brought out of the zone lest you knock everything over or something. Also, just because you’re a loner, that does not justify not wanting to work with others. You can just simply have her do her thing, then leave almost immediately after. That can be considered a loner since she doesn’t stay around others for too long. I know this is a lot, but I got a lot so sit down and buckle up. One last thing; how is her hand not broken yet???? Walls are...Walls. One does not simply hit the wall with their fist while being angry/irritated and walk away unscathed. At the very least, you would have bruises or something. One more thing--)
(.....Why do you write like you’re running out of time-- Okayokay I’m sorry. I tend to ramble a lot when I actually have an opinion. Also, I’m not sorry for the paragraph.)
Gee Thanks. Let’s continue shall we? Even though the only person who knows the fandom left. Oh wait, she’s back, never mind. Now I’m clocking out, have fun guys!
~ Having Tori Yugaina within her doesn't affect her status as a surgeon, but she fears that it will go rampant, despite not harming innocent people or patients, and search of the person that left her for dead. However, Tori Yugaina remains dormant unless blaze digested a poisonous substance. 
Okay, so Tori Yugaina is the pathogen. An odd name, but that’s pretty par for the course in Trauma Team. However, she should know better than to risk it moving onto her various patients during treatment.
(Fear can mess someone up pretty badly if left unchecked. The fear that her or her pathogen may cause harm should make her more nervous or paranoid, but I guess that feeds into the loner personality?? Also, what, Tori feeDS OFF OF BLAZE’S OVERWHELMING FLOOD OF ANGST, SELF PITY AND DESPAIR WHEN SHE SLOWLY GETS SCREWED OVER BY SAID POISON?)
How did Tori Yugaina become Tori Yugaina in the first place. I didn’t know a pathogen could name itself... I am so confused, and thank god this bio is almost over.
~ Tori Yugaina is Japanese for "Poisonous Bird" and gains their name from eatting poisnous bugs, which is how this particular pathogen activates when Blaze digested a poisonous substance. She has blade like tentacles on her arms; if she lose both of them, she is rendered useless. Her arms served as wings when her blades are large like wings.
It’s a pathogen????? WHY ARE YOU SPROUTING TENTACLES???? I might not be doing terribly in-depth research, but I’m pretty sure that’s not a thing???
Well that sort of answered my question???? But where the fuck did the tentacles come from? WHAT IS THIS FANDOM EVEN???????
(o u o ;;; Sounds like some sort of Tokyo Ghoul crap. Okay, the explanation itself, at best, is mediocre. The explanation of the wings symbolism is still kinda confusing and really forced/not subtle. Ohkay, arms are wings. Cut them off and she’s a whiny, blubbering and useless pile of flesh.)
~ Blaze has a crush on Erhard, though she does not interact with him due to her loner personality. The crush probably developed after making eye contact with the convict surgeon, and though she does not speak to him, making eye contact says alot more than you can think.
Ah, love at first sight. Kill me, fellow mods.
Gladly, but let me kill myself first before I do so.
(Guys please ;w; you really shouldn’t joke about that kind of stuff.... As for the thing itself, uhhh.. Okay. I get that it’s been scientifically shown that if you make eye contact with someone enough, you’ll form a bond with them, but you can’t just stare at some eye in the eyes for a while without saying a word and somehow magically fall in love with them. Communication is key, and if your loner personality trait (which by now has been shoved down our throats) is an obstacle, then play with that idea. Does she overcome it for her crush? Or does she just let it continue to be an obstacle? Shrug.)
~ She keeps her wings and magic a secret from everyone else is mainly due to having the fear of being shunned away, being an outcast to the society, and being seen as a monster. She only shows them to the people she can trust, as long as they don't tell anyone. She's still paranoid however....
Whhhhhhyyyyyyy. Just why does she have wings and magic???????
(....You...You can’t just... You can’t just give her those things without any explanation or reasoning. You can’t just.. You can’t just....I mean, I’m sure there would be plenty of people who would be stunned and admire her for her abilities. Okay, though, I can understand the paranoia part, but you can’t just giver her things just so you can fuel her angsty teen flames.)
~ She can lose her loner personality and open up to others once she realized she's slowly accepting people into her life.
(You switched from present tense to past tense. GG? ((GG can also mean Good Going)) ....I guess this kinda redeems her constant hostility disguised as being a loner, but..Still. It’s not fully justified. Though, if pulled off correctly, you can actually have some character growth and development from this.)
~ Her hair, in a way, twitches when she's angry or sensing danger; It's kinda like an instinct or something.
I’ll pass this off as an anime thing, but it’s still annoying.
I never understood the hair twitch...
(IT’S ALIVE. IT’S ALLIIIIIIVVEEEEE!!) ~ When she is Tori Yugaina, her eyes are pure red with a slit black pupil instead of the whites just being black and retained the red iris.
Ow the edge.
So hardcore.
(AANNNNGSSTTYYYYY TEEEEEEEENNNNNNNN!! YOU CAN’T JUST....YOU CAN’T....WhydoIevenbotheratthispoint. Clearlythiskidhasnoselfcontrol/reason.)
~ Her left eye is covered to hide the sun imprint inside.
Again with the sun imprint. We’ve went over this already, so scroll back up and read it again if you want to get the ~*extended*~ experience.
Fuck this shit.
(If she constantly covers her left eye with her hair, I don’t care about what kind of fancy smancy powers you got. You’re going to develop this condition called “lazy eye”, which screws over your eye sight. If she constantly had this happen, in a little while she’s going to be half blind.)
~ Only Director Hoffman knows that Blaze is the next candidate to bear the Healing Touch, though it is uncertain when it will be in effect
“She’s sooooo speshyl, u gaiz!!! OMG!!!”
I can already tell this is bullshit. I’m keeping my responses short so I can let out full power on the next one.
(O   u   o ;;; okay you guys. Okay. Uhh.....That again just fuels the “Imma just sham things just cuz plot/reasons unexplained to the readers! WHY NOT” flame. What is she, freaking Jesus? You can’t just...Welp, never mind.)
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~ She likes singing and dancing like her younger half sister Moon. Don't watch her do it unless you want to get punched.
Violent, much?? Why would you hurt people who did nothing to you???
What next, is suddenly breathing the same air as her sister going to land me in jail?
(...Okay. So basically, avoid her like the plague unless I want to get physically harassed by a temperamental brat just cuz I found things out about her that she wanted to keep a secret.)
~ More to come later
Alright, that was tough. Two more sisters to go, hooray...
Next up, Blaze Kirigiri!
(o   u   o ;;;; okay..Let’s go..)
I welcome you, death.
+ Basic Information +
Full Name: Blaze Kirigiri
(....Wasn’t the detective kid from the first Dangan Ronpa named Kirigiri something?)
Kyoko Kirigiri! Please change the last name to something else, don’t rip off of an already canon character.
Age: (depending on 's Ryan Komaeda's age, she's 1 year younger then him)
Um, what the actual fresh titty?? Why is her age dependent on that of another character’s???
Fresh titty, oh my god-- On the other hand, what the flying fuck. Does the age matter when it comes to love? I’m only saying this because if she’s mentioning another character in an irrelevant category, it can only mean one thing after all...
(Language you two. Language. Uhh...You two pretty much summed up my thoughts. Whoopsies.)
Birthdate: Unknown (mostly i make it june 14)
Your birthdate should not be unknown in the world of Dangan Ronpa. It’s a “five minutes in the future” setting, which means it should’ve been recorded.
Is there a specific reason why the characters so far have their birthdays on June 14? What’s so significant about that day? Is it the creator’s birthday (I hope not, cause otherwise that’s self-insert character right there)?
(I really don’t have much to say about her birthday, other that I’m hoping to god that AQ is not going to use Blaze’s unknown birthday as a source of angst since no one will celebrate it with her since they don’t know when it is.)
nO DON’T GIVE HER IDEAS TRIPLE A-- Also for those of you who don’t know, AQ is the nickname of the creator. -w-
Gender: Female
Species: 90% Human 10% magic user
No. Dangan Ronpa, much like Trauma Team, has a “spiritual” aspect to it, but nothing like magic. Even less so. Also, why are “magic users” a separate species from humans? I already addressed the “race percentages” problem.
This isn’t Yu-Gi-Oh, get out. 
(....Uh...Okkaayyy theeennn. I’m pretty sure everyone canonically in DR are normal people. Well, mostly normal. There’s Sakura and Junko, but we don’t talk about them. Also, since when did magic come into play??? You can’t just throw that in there! It’s like throwing poop at a fan-- oh wait, she’s doing that already. Whoops.)
Mod Triple A is that one dude who refuses to swear by the way. -u-
(Yes indeed. This is off-topic, but I refrain from swearing or using strong language because I was kinda..Raised that way, and it’s been ingrained into my head that swearing is bad. Moving on--)
I was going to say more but yeah, off-topic.
+ Appearance +
Height: ??
Just pick a fucking height.
What Mod Lyn said.
Build: Skinny but not like chopsticks
(You do you, I guess. But..Chopsticks? Really? Okay then.)
Hair Color: red Hair Type: fluffy and long
(Floooooooooooooffff -smushes own cheeks-)
Eye color: red with purple moon in right eye
W h y??????
N o??????
(Cuz why not apparently. I think it was supposed to be a family thing; Blaze Angel is the “sun” while Kirigiri is the “moon”. Why? Cuz reasons I guess.)
No no, cause fuck logic, it got thrown out of the window. -w- Even if it’s a family thing, Danganronpa is its own fandom, no matter how magical your family is. Stick with fandom rules, pal, and stop causing dimensional paradoxes between universes.
(Yeah. You can’t just insert yourself while defying all logic and reasoning. But you do you, I guess.)
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Skintone: pale peach Scars: none
(Let’s all take a moment to appreciate the fact that AQ took the time to write down that she has no scars. I mean, that would imply that her other characters have them, or that she will be updating this later.)
I’m not fucking appreciating this. Moving on.
Piercings, tattoos: none Other: none
(-Insert thumbs up here- Okay. Other, none. Welp.)
+ Personality & Relations + Personality: Calm and collected, Lone wolf and emotionless, but is truthfully insecure.
Again, pretty lacking, but better than the others in that you didn’t start out with just a character archetype.
Very lacking. Again, explain yourself. But I agree with Mod Lyn, better than what you wrote for Blaze Angel, I guess.
(Woman of few words, huh? I actually appreciate that she put down “truthfully insecure”. That means that you can go from there with character development. It’s still not balanced with positive and negative, but at least it wasn’t all positive.)
Occupation: Ultimate Duelist (She has gotten rid of the Soldier of Hope title)
Soo...you’re a card game player. That...probably wouldn’t get you into Hope’s Peak. They’re searching for “the future leaders of the world” not “the future leaders of the basement dwellers.”
I’m at least appreciating the fact that she got rid of the Soldier of Hope title, because that was pretty cliche. Kudos to her for doing that. In response to what Lyn said, they literally have an “Ultimate Cosplayer” in the DRV3 game, so the “Ultimate Duelist” is passable in my book. I could list out a bunch of other useless titles that are actually canon, but that would take a considerable amount of time. -w-
(.....Uhh...... I’m just sitting here hoping that she didn’t throw away her Hope title thing just so she can “SUCCUMB TO DESPAIIIRR!!!1!1!1!”)
Sexual Orientation: Straight Relationship Status: Taken
Ryan Komaeda, who else? -w- He’s not part of this review, so we’ll ignore him.
Relationships with Other Characters: Ryan Komaeda: Loves him dearly. Insecure of her emotions with the subject is about him...
Called it. But yeah, why, why and why? Um... Yeah, I don’t understand how they got together.
(Didn’t your elementary school teachers tell you an essential writing technique? You know, the “WHO”, “WHAT”, “WHERE”, “WHEN”, and “WHY?” ...Oh, and “HOW.”)
... Yeah, pretty much what Triple A said. Off-topic, but can we just called you Mod Battery? Triple A is too long. Or should we just call you AAA?
(Yeah, I really don’t care. Triple A, Battery, or AAA is all good with me o u o ; )
Everyone, meet Mod Battery.
Blaze Angel: Likes her middle sister, but often has to put up with her hyperness
Not a word. Also, explain in detail.
Hm, I can really feel that deep, loving connection between the two.
(Welp....? Alright then.)
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Moon: She likes Moon, mainly because of her singing, but worries about moon's living conditions...
Again, this little detail on why she likes her sister makes her seem a bit shallow. Only the singing??
“Mainly because of her singing” makes it sound like that’s the ONLY trait Kirigiri likes about Moon. =v=;
(..Living condition? Be more specific?? What, is she living on the moon? I would be concerned too if that were the case.)
+ Other + Elder sister of the three, so she is the second intelligent, with moon ranking somewhat first She is rumored to be cold and emotionless, being more of a lone wolf and have only a few friends, but that is only a mask.. Truthfully, under any sort of negativity involved, will her true self be shown; an insecure duelist who doesn't know how to handle emotions very wells She loves Ryan Komaeda, but the relationship seems shaky, which is observed by the middle sister.
You need to establish the relationship. Explain some of the backstory. Build on her character. Stating that she is secretly insecure doesn’t make her “deep” or even interesting. You need to show events that also demonstrate this personality, otherwise she just looks like the shell that people “think” she is.
Lyn covered most of the things I would’ve said. I can’t muster up any more thoughts to talk about this section.
(Rumors???? REALLY??? ....Welp. If everything is so well hidden, then..I guess that’s plausible? But then again, it really shouldn’t be. The Mastermind has dirt on EVERYONE in the school. Also, SOMEWHAT first? Your age does not entail intellect, but okay then. Plus, why is it only when things are going to crap do you finally come out of that turtle shell of yours? Were your tears too much? Did they wash you out? -puts on sunglasses while air horns wail in the background-)
Oh damn, he sure got you there. Ugh, I know I could say a whole lot more but it’s about 3:40 in the morning and I wanna go to sleep.
Yeah, we’re drunk as we write this by the way.
Don’t worry, I’m god too.
Her background info is surrounded by mystery as well.
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You know the drill.
(Welp. Again, the Mastermind has dirt on EVERYONE, including YOUR MISTY BUTT YOUNG MISSY.)
Her ancestor is the Moon Warrior Lunarias.
Again with the ancestors? This stuff was never mentioned in Dangan Ronpa.
How relevant is the Moon Warrior Lunarias to the fandom? I bet zero to none, because he/she (I can’t tell because of the flipping unisex name) sounds pretty damn mystical and shit. In Danganronpa, no actual magic is really shown. Spiritually, yes, but physically, no. 
(Again with the random patronymic out of nowhere. Okay. I’m willing to bet that either Lunarias was created by AQ as well with little to no explanation, or they’re some sort of Japanese mythical kid thing.)
I think she made him up along with Solarius, I heard the creator mentioning the two warriors in Angel’s and Kirigiri’s PIRATE BIOS. YOU HEARD ME RIGHT FOLKS, THERE ARE PIRATE BIOS FOR THEM but we ain’t got time for that shiz.
(o  u  o ;;;;; weLP. So what, Moon ain’t cool enough to have some sort of mystical ancestor? I’m kinda confused as to how their lineage and family tree works, but that’s a thing apparently.)
Thankfully this is the only bio for this character. Onto the last one... Blaze Moon? Let’s just call her Moon, as the creator suggested. -_- She has a LOT OF revised bios, but being the lover of suffering I am, let’s review them all! Haha... ha... Kill me.
+ Basic Information + Full Name: Vocaloid Moon, PROJECT MOON Age: ??
Birthdate: ??
As I’ve said before, Vocaloids are not actual people, they are voicebanks assigned “characters,” so the age and “birthdate” of your vocaloid should be recorded.
On the wikias vocaloids apparently do have ages... Miku is 16 if I can recall. So I guess it’s based on when they were created? That or it’s actually their mental age. Whatever. (Regardless, they’re artificial, so measuring them in years for anything really is kinda..You don’t..Really..Okay then.)
Gender: Female Species: Vocaloid
Vocaloid isn’t really a species.
Eh... Try voice synthesizer? Although that as well doesn’t make sense either.
+ Appearance + Height: She's tall when she wears her platform shoes but without them, she's only chin high
Have you noticed she didn’t put down weight for any of these characters yet bothered to put down “Height: (insert crappy explanation/question marks)”? Honestly.
Build: skinny and weak Hair Color: red Hair Type: fluffy and long like the others Eye color: red with purple moon in right eye
You know the our rant about this symbol in eye thing. Moving on...
Skintone: pale peach Scars: Two horizontal scars on her back that looks as if she used to have wings but were entirely yanked off... painfully
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Ah, the angst. Repeat after me, kids: She shouldn’t have wings, because she’s a v o c a l o i d. I don’t think any vocaloid canonically has wings.
Oh, spare me the deets about wings. Cliche, and not happening in the fandom of Vocaloid.
Piercings, tattoos: none Other: she has two hand shaped bruises on her neck from when she was strangle, which is then hidden by a black leather belt chocker
See above. Also, must be a pretty big choker. But why would those stay? Bruises heal.
I’d imagine someone continuously bruised her???? But that would create more consequences right????? Jesus Christ I forgot that this sue had the most angst out of the three sisters. 
(I agree, Zil. Also...If it was continuous bruising, then that probably would interfere with her ability to sing. Or at least, make her have some sort of breath/speaking problem. If you were strangled, then you’re going to have some sort of health issue. Plus...She’s artificial???? She’s not human?????? She would either be a ghostly projection thing OR she’s a robot. Soo...)
I was so sleep-deprived that I completely overlooked the fact that she’s still a Vocaloid. =_=
+ Personality & Relations + Personality: Shy and always nervous. always stutter when speaking and would flinch away if someone would try to harm her. Isn't very good with socializing with others
Again, needs more depth, but better than before. 
Still lacking like Kirigiri’s, but I agree. A little better.
(“flinch away if someone would try to harm her.” ........wOOOOOWWW. CONGRAAAATUULAATIIONNNSS! YOU DON’T WANT TO GET HURT LIKE A NORMAL KIIIDD!)
This proves that Mod Battery know what he’s doing while the rest of us are being burdened with the “I can’t stand the sueness” headache.
(Welp, rip you guys lol.)
Occupation: Vocaloid at Vocaloid Studios Sexual Orientation: Straight
(THEY’RE ALL AS STRAIGHT AS A STICK I GUESS. I don’t have anything against straight people, but it would be cool to mix it up, I guess.)
Eh. I personally don’t care about their sexual orientation, at least for these mary sues. =_= It’s obvious that they got SOME DUDE they like. Moving on.
Relationship Status: Taken ((Insert creator’s friend’s icon)'s Daburu)
Relationships with Other Characters: (insert creator’s friend’s icon)'s Vocaloids
Daburu: She's always more comfortable around him and trusts him 100%. However, she always feel like she's not good around him. She keeps her distance away from him because Daburu's best friend. Her relationship is Platonic
You probably shouldn’t feel bad around your friends, but okay. Otherwise, this is pretty decent.
A-Okay -- Hold up, how the fuck are they in a relationship then, you just said Moon was taken by Daburu yet here she is, avoiding him like the plague. Contradictions at its finest, my friends!
(Calm down kids ;w; But yeah, contradicting. If you trust someone 100%, that implies that you are perfectly fine with the person being around you since you trust them completely. You can’t just forfeit that when another person is around; you would be okay with their friend if you trust the person entirely. One last thing; platonic? Correct me if i’m wrong, but platonic love means that you love someone, but not in a romantic way. That would technically mean that she’s not taken by him?)
Bodiru: She hates him. Because she has a relationship with Daburu, Bodiru would always try to harm her or kill her so he can have Daburu for himself. Moon often keeps her distances away from the two so she doesn't bother both of them
From what I’ve seen, even the creator is a bit uncomfortable at you using their characters this way. I don’t think this is his canon personality. Plus, it’s not like you’re completely innocent either.
Er... Bodiru... I wonder why she clashes minecraft youtubers with vocaloid, it doesn’t really help the situation...
(Okay, at least there’s explanation. But uh...Look out guys, we got a yandere over here. I’m also willing to bet that it was because of Bodiru that she got the strangle scars or something.)
Maaku: She thinks of him as an older brother and trusts him 100%. He, as well as Jakku, are probably the ones Moon would tell her problems to, other then Tom.
(Okay. That’s nice. This is a good thing. Maaayybe a little more on why she trusts him so much, but this is a lot better than before.)
Jakku: Like Maaku, Moon thinks of him as an older brother. He, along with Maaku, are the ones Moon would always go to speak her problems to, other then Tom.
Elaborate more. WIth this cut-and-paste relationship, you make it sound as if they are the same person.
Who cares, it’s SEPTIPLIER~ I hope someone detects the /sarcasm/ there.
Tom Wingfield: She respects him as a boss and sometimes calls him boss at one end and "Father" on the other. she trusts him with her documents
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???? Why would you call your boss “Father?” It’s a bit weird, but I’m going to assume that he’s Moon’s creator and that’s why.
Mkay... I guess this isn’t.... bad? -3- (insert creator’s friend’s icon here)'s King Haydess Boo the 14th: She's alright around him but mostly keeps her distance from him in case his wife might kill her. Because Moon is in love with a Boo, she calls herself Foolish. Why...why is a Mario World character in Vocaloid?????? WHY IS SHE IN LOVE WITH HIM?????
Yeah, fandom mixing is a no-go. Don’t do it. Especially if it’s with more than two fandoms. =_=
(I’m actually okay with fandom mixing, so long that it’s justified or at least has some sort of explanation. It does get kinda confusing, but again, so long things make sense it’s fine. This..On the other hand...Doesn’t really make that much sense. It’s like you’re just plopping him in here just ‘cause. Also... ooHH MU GAWD GUYSS!!1!1! LOOK, IT’S FORBADDEN LOOOOVEEE1!!!1!)
Stan Wingstein: Moon did not know about him at all, but she is supposed to be his artificial daughter.
Ooooh boy. Here comes ze angst. Need I repeat what Vocaloids ACTUALLY are?
Oh Funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn You hardly know about Vocaloid do you.
Kingsley/ Glitch Moon: Moon despises her, but has no choice but to live with it. Kingsley always causes trouble by either trying to take over Moon's system, or try to kill her when Kingsley is in her own body
Any sort of “virus” in the Vocaloids’ systems are created by Vocaloid artists for songs. They’re not real and even if they were, VOCALOIDS ARE JUST VOICEBANKS. THEY WOULD NOT AFFECT THE VOCALOIDS’ PERSONALITY. I’m pretty sure no canon Vocaloid has a “glitch” or “secret dark side.”
*sigh* This is getting ridiculous.
(mORE ANGSTTTTTTTT -throws black confetti everywhere-)
The Yo-kai Venoct, Shadow Venoct and Light Venoct (in Japanese: Orochi, Kage Orochi and Hikari Orochi): After a recent update, Moon can now see the impossible, which include these brothers. Their always around her so she'll be safe. They created this scarf for her to wear, which it also protects her
=_= Whyyyy can you see YOKAI???
( ; w ; It would, again, be cool if there were some sort of explanation. Also, kindly stop trying to plop all the Japanese things in here. Also, why is it so special that she can see these guys?? I don’t know anything about Yo-kai, so..? But why would they want to protect her??? Cuz they take pity? ; m ; )
+ Other + Moon was born in a test chamber and was to be Stan Wingstein's Artificial Daughter, but was then a Vocaloid upon awakening in the now abandoned lab.
How...how do you accidentally turn someone into a vocaloid?? (*≧▽≦)ノシ))
(weLP. That would mean that she really is artificial, but..Human, like? Not a projection or a robot?? Okkayy then. That doesn’t really...Welp.)
She is the clone of Stan Wingstein's daughter, Lunar Wingstein, however, even if cloned from her DNA, Moon does not gain any memories from her.
Vocaloids(’ characters) are androids, not clones????
What even at this point. How is this process accidental????? I’m hiccuping spicy hiccups because NONE OF THIS MAKES SENSE.
(hWOT AND SPWOCYY -wINK- but uh..You...Do..You, I guess. I’m just going to nod at this point.)
She once was a singer for a boy band because they were looking for a girl singer, but she left the group after some time because at ever concert, all the male fans would gather at Moon's feet, making all the women jealous.
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But why would there be a bunch of male fans of a boy band??? Seriously, tell me one boy band known for its male fanbase. Also, boy bands are not known for their female singers (it’s in the name) or their use of Vocaloids.
Because she has to be a pretty pretty little princess who’s somehow attractive to ALLLLLLL DEM BOYS AMIRIGHT =_= This is literally just saying, “Hey, she’s hella attractive that all the boys love her and all the women are jealous!” 
(Welppppp. You're doing it. Also, was she a guest singer? It defeats the purpose of calling the group a boy band if they're trying to mix things up with having a girl member. Plus, I'm not really going to comment on why there are guy fans, but I would imagine that they're not the only crowd; there probably would be a majority consisting of girl fans. One last thing; just because you sing beautifully doesn't mean that you are guaranteed a date.)
Moon was ambushed in an alley and left for dead until Tom Wingfield found her. Moon was admitted to the hospital a few times because she often insisted she would go out by to do the shopping without an escort, because she does not want to burden anyone.
Hospital clerk: Wh...what do you want use to do with this?? This a hospital, not a mechanic.
(Run on sentences. Grammar. I'm thinking that at this point, AQ is convinced that humans/humanoid people become vocaloids if they're programable or can fit their role of singing and such. On the topic of the thing.. I hope she realizes how contradicting that is. You go out with no protection, you get mugged and sent to the hospital...you're causing a lot more trouble then it's worth. Also, why the heck does she continue to go out if she's such a target? After the second time a logical person, who would really want to avoid the traumatic experience, have the common sense to stop doing that.)
She has died once, by a Kingsley infected Daburu stabbing her power core, but was back online by Tom. After a recent update, Moon is now wearing a whispy scarf with dragon heads, in which changes color according to Moon's emotions and it protects her by biting the attacker. 
Moon can see the impossible, but says nothing about it. 
“She’s so speshul u gaiz!!!!11!!! OMG!!!!11!!!!11!!111!!!!!eleventy-two”
(Guys calm down ; w ; it's a little nit-picky, but just.. A singular, singular infected crush guy. Also, if she apparently is a human mixed with artificial, mechanical behaviors, then.. I'm not entirely convinced that ghosts can control that kind of thing. Why do the scarfs change according to her? Is there some sort of spiritual bond? Again, ghosts and technological human things probably don't mix.)
But wait, there’s more (bios)!
Name: Vocaloid Moon. Age: 18-19 Birthday: N/A Height: ???? Weight: ??
In the Vocaloid “universe” Vocaloids are androids with realistic weight. Please, for everything that is good and pure in this miserable world, put some information down.
No comment.
(Still refuses to add a height, this time along with weight. As for the birthday...again, I'm really confused as to what her deal is with the human...clone...robot thing is. You're trying to imply that she's more mechanical since machines don't really have birthdays?)
Gender: F Speices: Vocaloid
(Again with the Vocaloid species. Welp.)
Occupation: Vocaloid at Vocaloid Studio, Venoct's student
Personality: shy and nervous, sometimes to the point of crying if nervous enough. When her scarf is black, she might attack you. If yellow, she'll be a kind and happy person. When turquoise, she's normal.
(Uhh...Well.. I guess it's kinda better than before? Still lacking, but I guess what's there is...Okay I guess. It's actually nice that she has more of her flaws in there. Unsure about the scarf part, though; didn't she say before that only she could see the scarf? It defeats the purpose of including the colors part if others can't see it.)
Clothes: She always wears her standard Vocaloid outfit. Often she wears Lolita dresses, normal dresses or an outfit she received from the mysterious lord of Yo-Kai
Again. Why the yokai.
Fandom mixing. Like I said, I’m not keen about that. By the way, Mod Battery left so he won’t be reviewing the following information. =3= 
(Clothes ....Mmmmhmmm. Alright.)
(ALSO, WHATCHA SAY ABOUT ME?! I was busy shopping cuz...Reasons?)
And he’s back, never mind!
Status: 90% Vocaloid, 10% Yokai
(ノTwT)ノ ┫:・’.::・┻┻:・’.::・
(Percentages don't always round to nice and pretty numbers, but alright then.)
Secrets: Heightened Sight to see Yo-Kai, able to use Yo-Kai technique, has the Slippery Tribe mark on her arm.
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(...It's nice that she included this, but I was hoping for something that would add to her character so she isn't 2D. ....Being 10% Yo-kai doesn't really...entail all of those abilities. Or at least, the percentages and abilities sorta seem..Off-scale. You make her Yokai-ness sound more like it's complete, when the percentage doesn't line up That would probably be more like...I dunno... 60% Vocaloid, 40% Yokai??)
Sexuality: straight
Relationships: () Dabaru: although she trust him with her secret to see strange things and is indeed in love with him, she worries that she'll drag him into her problems too much.
(....Mkay. That's...Reasonable, I guess. A little more info is preferred..But okay.)
The Slippery Yo-Kai Venoct (and 'brothers'): When Moon isn't singing, she can always trust these three for her training. Depending on the scarf color, each teacher varies in attacks.
(...Mmmhhmmm.. Ooohhkaay then. I don't entirely believe this kid, but I guess that's a thing. Again, I don't know much about Yo-Kai, but from an outside perspective..That's...That still feels self-centered on Blaze. Why do they teach her?)
Lord Enma: She and this lord of Yo-Kai get along pretty well since their first meeting.
W H Y????
H O W???? I hope this is explained in the bio.
(Lord Enmna ....-slow nod- You do you. Though, the way she goes on about Yo-kai kinda undermines the vocaloid part of her, which SHOULD be the majority??)
Bio: Moon was to be the Artifical daughter of scientist Stan Wingstein, who's biological daughter passed away from a disease. She was supposed to wake up at the correct age, but wasn't able to be awaken at the specific date because Stan was forced to leave her behind. She woke up at a different age and time, releasing herself from her glass prison and wanders the world herself. However she is different from the rest of the world because of her 'sight'. She can see creatures called Yo-Kai, creatures that love to make mischief and can't been seen with human eyes. However her eyes are not stronger enough and can only see their sillouettes. Any attempt to see clearer will put a strain to her eyes. 
This is Vocaloid. Yokai should not be involved.
Who cares, she’s already been fandom mixing shit from the start.
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(Zil, please ; w ; I know you're upset, but keep going with the character analysis. As for the thing, yeah. Talking so much about the Yo-kai part should mean that she's mostly Yo-kai..Wait, is that even a species?? Aren't they human, just with cool special powers?? Also, this is again a little more nit-picky, but please change the sentense structure. That's like, looking in one direction, looking in a different one with the first "however", then looking in the same direction as before with the second "however". Plus...She never explained why she's part Yo-Kai. Was it because her timing got screwed over so much that it mutated??)
She was brought into the studio by Tom Wingfield, Stan Wingstein's nephew, who is unaware that Moon is his uncle's Artifical Daughter. During her time, Moon enjoys singing solos, but after partnering up with a boy named Dabaru, she enjoys duets as well. She find that she has a crush on him, knowing he will keep her secret and everything. One day Moon had met Venoct disguised as a young boy who had passed out in the snow, but with her 'sight' she managed to found out that he is really a Yo-Kai. After helping him keep warm, she was rewarded with his medal of friendship, and a night visit from the Lord of Yo-Kai himself. Moon met Lord Enma at night, who helped heightened her 'sight' by giving her 10% Yo-Kai soul. With that 10%, not only she can 'see' but also can use Yo-Kai powers. After asking the question about which Tribe she like and who shall be her teacher, Moon has chosen the Slippery tribe and wanted Venoct as her teacher. After the approval, Lord Enma gives her his medal of friendship and a duplicate of Venoct's aura scarf, warning Moon that the dragons at the endS may attack if angered. Afterwards, Moon has lived in two different worlds, her Vocaloid life and part Yo-Kai life. 
“She’s so speshul u gaiz!!!!11!!! OMG!!!!11!!!!11!!111!!!!!eleventy-two”
Why would the Lord give her fucking Yo-Kai powers. I get that she saved Venoct, but I don’t think it’s that remarkable to be awarded with powers. THEN AGAINNNN, Mythology loves to exaggerate awards and quests as well, so maybbeeeeeee I shouldn’t be complaining. Maybe.
(...Again, grammar. Then again, I suck at it too so I don't really have much to say, but still. Also, having a crush doesn't immediately guarentee that he'll keep a secret. Or the other way around; keeping a secret does not entail romantic attraction. Also, how does her sight work? Can she turn it off and on? Is it always like that? ...And did he just magically create a medallion and give it to her as a sign of friendship?? This is not the Indian Peace Medals, nor the 1800s. As for the rest of the thing..Saving one of a leader's subjecst does not entail a visit from said leader. They got other stuff too. Even if the guy you saved is a leader, the supreme guy doesn't just go over and say "hey you did good so Imma bless you with special powers now." I'm still skeptical about the whole percentages and..Wait...SHE WAS ABLE TO SEE AND DO THAT KIND OF STUFF WITH THE YO-KAI //BEFORE// SHE HAD THE PART SOUL THING?! THE HECK?!)
I think this is the last bio for this character. Thank god.
Name: Vocaloid Moon Will respond to: Moon, Squirt (Jakku may call her this), Lass, Miss Moon, Little sister, Madchen (German word for Madame. Nobori and/or Kudari will call her this)
Will NOT respond to: Asshole, Bitch, ugly, stupid little sister (Bodiru might say this), any bad names.
There’s...really no need to put this here.
Nobody would respond to those names. I don’t think those are even nicknames, they’re just name calling.
(I'm surprised that she didn't mention anything about punching the guy who did it, since there was a log of violence earlier.)
Age: ?? Personal symbol: Purple moon
skin color: pale peach Hair color: red Hair style: little bit sticks on right side, tuffs of hair sticks up on left side. Back reaches the middle of her back. Has braid tied to left side of head with purple moon hair clip at the starting end. Front of hair covers right eye
(...Soo...Uhh..Her hair is poofy and medium sized?)
Eye color: red. Right eye has purple moon symbol.
(...Again with the whole moon thing with no explaination.)
Clothes: a white vocaloid outfit with purple edges. The left sleeve is short and comes with arm warmer. Right sleeve is long and reaches past her fingertips. Shirt reaches up to her stomach, where you can see her belly button. Her pants ar also white with purple edges. Has multiple zippers. Left legging is short. Shoes are white with tall purple platform soles.
(Pfft she still wears arm-warmers? What, is this the 80s? And what's with the platform shoes??)
Other sets of clothes: Black and white Subway Master uniform, Green male depot agent uniform, a lot of Lolita outfits (Shiro, Kuro, Sweet, etc), boy clothes, a pair of all of her brothers clothes (stolen from their bedrooms by Operator).
Oh my god---We’re bring Pokemon into this, kill me. Just please, stick to a solid fandom and stop mixing them with others, unless you have a REALLY GOOD AND DETAILED EXPLANATION.
(o w o ;; welp..There goes Zil again-- as for the analysis...You..Do..You I guess. Wait..She has brothers?)
Yeah, Daburu, Bodiru, Maaku, Jaaku, all those people.
(.....She..Oh? Okay???? wAIT SHE'S CRUSHING ON HER BROTHER?! And she never explained that part either ; w ; ;;; she just mentioned how she was cloned or something, nothing about the others and how they're related.)
That... That’s true.
(TT w TT ;;; okay then)
Accessories: white headset with purple moons on the muffs, arm warmer (comes with the outfit), black leather collar.
(.....Slowly nods. Okay then.)
Injuries, wounds or red marks: a large black bruise around her neck (covered by black leather collar) (caused by Bodiru), a few small non-fatal stab wounds (caused by Bodiru), a scrap on head and kneecaps (caused by tripping on first day at Studio), a few large bruises (caused by falling down the stairs after being pushed by Bodiru), a large hand print on her back (cause by Jakku giving her a friendly slap on the back), another large handprint on her lower back (caused by Maaku trying to kill a mosquito when she couldn't reach it), some mosquito bites.
I mean, these all will heal...and thinking about it, SHE’S AN ANDROID! SHE SHOULDN’T BRUISE OR BE INJURED THAT EASILY!
She shouldn’t bruise or be injured PERIOD. Freaking---
(Bodiru is really out to get you, huh? There's really no real explanation about why he's such a Yandere.. aLSO WHAT'S WITH THE MOSQUITO PART?!?)
Self insert. AQ always gets mosquito bites so... yeah.
Personality: Fragile like, easily scared, prone to cry when nervous levels are off the charts. Always nervous. In fear of few of her brothers.
More like one.
Literally Bodiru is the only brother terrorizing her. Who else?
(Your personality can't really be fragile..??? I can't really take AQ seriously about the nervous part when you describe it as "prone to cry when nervous levels are off the charts". Instead, I hear the freaking Dragon Ball Z in the background. Those are actually very realistic things that she's described, so props to her, but still, you should really explain a little more.)
likes: Dabaru, sweets and pastries, singing, cooking, drawing, hard work, strawberries, moons, nice people, meat, some veggies, some fish, singing parody songs.
(Pretty stereotypical stuff, but alright then.)
dislikes: Bodiru and jinboppu, rude people, veggies, raw food, lizards, snakes, spiders, some bugs, poisonous things, etc
(Same as-- wait, pFFFT JINBOPPU?! THE HECK?! REALLYYYYY?????)
In love with: Dabaru
(....bUT ISN'T HE YOUR BROTHER? I shouldn't really say anything about that since I ship Skycest and crap, as well as being dubbed the Shipping Satan, but..Incest? Alright then?? Maybe..Justify it????? I can justify the different forms of Skycest that I ship but--)
Really hates: Bodiru, Jinboppu Terrified of: Bodiru, Jinboppu, spiders
Fuck, I forgot about Jinbop. Jesus Christ... 
(I can't take this seriously anymore. Just..Jinboppu--)
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Info: ~ can sing to the different emotions in every song ~ has no specific pitch in tone.
~ often sings parody songs for fun or for her own purpose. ~ likes to use the voice changer function in her headset to copy her brothers voices.
(Likes to use the voice changer ....Soo..You are a mechanical human thing. Wtf? Please, for the love of god, choose a freaking thing; are you more human or more mechanical????)
~ is in love with Dabaru, but is shy to make the first move. ~ likes to take walks with Aaron, Maaku and Jakku.
(who's Aaron?)
~ likes to hang around with Nobori and Kudari ~ always hide from Bodiru and Jinboppu
(Wtf did you do to Jinboppu to make him hate you so much?)
According to some of her dA gallery pictures, Jinboppu is a yandere for Moon, that's why she hides away from him.
(Um??? Being Yandere and scaring the crap out of your senpai is...Counter productive??)
~ she had no particular favorite song; she likes them equally
(....Them? Specifics?)
~ the only time she has a sexual side is when she sings sexual songs, other then that, she is normal and nervous. ~ always gets strangled by Bodiru, other then that, it might be sometimes a knife going to her head or being pushed down the stairs
Why are you painting him the bad guy because you like the dude he’s paired with???
With every love interest comes with a lovely and badly characterized love rival. Sighhhhhhhhhh...
~ sometimes might call Tom "Father". Most of the time is "Boss"
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Since Mod Lyn and Mod Battery had to leave, I’ll be delivering the final verdict alone.
*clears throat*...
But in all seriousness, these characters are ridiculous. What’s even more outrageous is that they all have the same appearance, yet in different ‘fandoms’. You need to get their family genetics/lineage right and put them in the same fandom or something, otherwise this will not do.
Barely anything in these bios are salvageable. You may have to start from scratch again, but if you choose to fix your OCs, be warned, it’s going to take a long time to fix them before they’re considered decent.
The mods and I had a tough time sifting through these bios, but we made it. We’re alive, with the cost of our precious sleep taken way from us.
All in all, just do your research for the fandoms, please.
~Mod Zilvani
EDIT: Battery came back and demanded his own separate judgment. THANKS BATTERY.
(aLRIGHT, SO my judgement. Honestly, there's a lot of wishy-washy mumbo jumbo. It just feels like everything just..Is..Just put in there randomly and without any reason. It's just there for the sake of the character. If you explain a lot more, that would deffinantly help. It really does seem like Blaze, all three, are Mary sues; they're not "perfect", but they're so freaking special but angsty and powerful but weak. All these contridictions. It really feels unnatural and forced. You gotta fix that, you gotta make things flow more naturally.
I was more or less sane while looking through all this bio stuff. You and Lyn were dying--)
(So was I but I still kept a level head--)
shhhhh I can't handle sleep deprivation as well as you can ;A;
(Until next time--)
(I'm the "OH BABY A TRIPLE" A BATTERIES, and we'll see ya later!~)
Yup. Buh-bye~! -u-
~Mod Zilvani and Battery
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