#i usually really have no interest in modern au of works that have such integral worldbuidling like dunmeshi that informs characters
imaybe5tupid · 1 month
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This bottle of Steven’s, awakens ancient feelings.
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grasslandgirl · 2 years
1, 14, 24 for any, 48, 49!!
mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
sfjkvnksjfbs this is so difficult bc i feel like so much of what i write is impossibly niche and only for myself and a handful of my friends skjfvnsk so i have no idea what an effective introduction to my body of work would be. my figayda coffeeshop au, maybe? just because i think it's really solid and a good demonstration of my narrative style/rhythm? alternately, my figfabian lounge singer au for similar reasons? i dunno ksjfnksjf
honorable mention jamie @gilears and my 2nd pov figgorgug fic we wrote last year bc its some of my favorite and best work and one of the things i've most enjoyed writing-- and i think it's a really solid hook into figgorgug, which i have not been able to stop writing since kjsfnbvksfjbn
14. Are there any tropes you would only read if written by a trusted friend or writer?
i really only read oc-heavy if i really trust the author!! as a genre/style of fic they don't usually hold a lot of appeal for me unless i know the person writing it/ the backstory and process of the oc/ trust the author to build and integrate appropriate and interesting ocs (a really great example of this is santeri @fearlessjournalism 's brushfire, and also casey all of your clsoc fic <3)
24. Are there any easter eggs in [insert fic], and if so, what are they?
idk if it's really an easter egg but jam and i have a running joke about a handful of beats/moments i keep putting into my figgorgug fics, with varying amounts of intention; including but not limited to: diners, pancakes, (fig) sitting on counters/tables, sunflowers, stolen clothes/sweatshirts, and kissing hands <3
48. What’s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it?
i was looking around through the zuko/sokka tag and read a modern nye get together fic and it was. fine. readable but not something i'd bookmark or send to people like "oooh i really liked this"
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
working on a fig/gorgug right person wrong time fic rn 😵‍💫 having many thoughts in my silly little head about it <3
There’s something rotting inside of her. Fig’s always been a little on the wrong side of selfish; Sandra Lynn says she gets it from her, but maybe it’s the hell influence too. She wants to be happy for her friends, the freedom from Aguefort and school and childhood thats burning on the horizon for all of them. A whole class of peers ready to stumble forward into the real world all together- college and work and more adventures and quests ready for the taking. Fig wants to be happy, wants to glow with a vicarious joy when Fabian talks about learning specialty knots and sending letters to Garthy and Jamina on the Leviathan. Or when Riz rolls out his conspiracy board and talks through it to them with tapping fingers that itch to get back on the road- with Penny, this time. Fig wants to join in on the excitement when Gorgug and Kristen make plans for finding a cafe on campus that’s theirs and trying to convince the dorms to let them room together. But she’s not. Because Fig can’t help but feel like everyone’s moving on without her. Like it’s the last weeks of eighth grade all over again and her horns are finally getting too big to be covered by her hair and all her (ex) friends have stopped pretending to make plans for the summer or for freshman year with Fig, anymore. The Bad Kids have been Fig’s roots, and her wings, and all the other metaphors she’s shoved into her songs all these years, and she doesn’t really know what she’s going to do with herself without them. Now that it feels like they’re all going their separate ways, with no school year starting in the fall to drag them back together. It’s just Fig, and the band she started because she wanted to scream and hear Gorgug slam on the drums- only this time it’s really just Fig.
send me numbers from this fic writer's ask list!!
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manikas-whims · 3 years
Morning Chat
Part 3 of my Kanej Neighbours AU
[Read on AO3]
Ship: Kaz Brekker X Inej Ghafa
Modern AU
Inej and her neighbour Kaz have an early morning chat on their balconies..
It's in Inej's PoV :3
Hope you guys enjoy ♥
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Inej spreads out a crimson mat on the floor of her balcony and stands on it facing the east. She relaxes herself, adjoines her feet and inhales slowly, bringing out her arms together from their sides. Then, with a soft exhale, joins her palms together in front of her chest in the praying position.
“Om Mitraaya Namaha”, She chants as she takes another inhale of breath.
Surya Namaskar, an integral part of yoga is what she has incorporated into her daily lifestyle since its good for health and well, makes her feel connected to her roots.
She breathes in again, lifting up her arms whilst making sure her biceps are touching her ears and pushes out her pelvis slightly. She focuses on properly stretching her body into an arc. After moments she exhales back to normal standing position.
“Om Ravaye Namaha”, She says, inhaling again.
As she lets out her breath and bends forward from her waist, a clicking noise catches her ears, followed by the heavy shuffling of feet.
“Tell Anika to be on guard. I saw that sicko Oomen around the block last night.”
Inej immediately recognizes the rough burn of the voice, like stone grating against stone. It’s Kaz Brekker, the intriguing guy next door. She cranes her head to see him standing in his sleep wear just like her. His right palm is cradling a cellphone to his ear whilst the other is lazily nestled in his pocket. She hadn't expected anyone else to be up at 6 am. Most definitely not him. He seems like a "late to bed and late to rise" sort of person.
She shakes her head and returns her attention back to her routine. Performing the full twelve steps isn't mandatory but it won't be as effective if she stops midway to converse with her neighbour. Besides, he's busy on his phone and based on her two meetings with him last week, she has got the impression that he doesn't really enjoy socialising.
Her fingers are now touching the matted floor before her feet and she whispers with another breath in, “Om Suryaya Namaha”
“Also Rotty, go to the hospital and check up on Nina.”
Her neighbour goes completely silent after that and Inej realises his call must've ended. Was that a coworker he was dispensing orders to? Do private investigators even have coworkers? Her train of thoughts come to a halt when she stretches her right leg back, resting its knee to the floor. The left one stays in a crouching position and she arches her face up, her pupils instantly dilating in shock. Kaz is staring right at her with that familiar look of curiosity. She has seen plenty of that due to her apparently being from an “exotic” land. Yet for some reason, his gaze doesn't feel creepily intrusive or judgmental. Its more laced with mild interest.
He doesn't say anything and she knows its mostly because he isn't the type to greet people first. But a part of her believes its also because he doesn't want to disturb her regimen. She smiles and continues. After all, eight steps are still left to be performed.
Throughout her sequence, he watches her silently and when she is finally done, he asks, “Does everyone in your family do this?”
She can't help herself from giggling. “Good Morning to you too, Mr. Brekker.”
He frowns. “Stop calling me that.”
“Calling you what?” She teases. She knows exactly what he means.
“Mr. Brekker,” He emphasizes every syllable in annoyance. “Makes me feel old.”
She wants to tease him a little longer but she isn't sure if he'll tolerate anymore of it so she concedes. “Okay, Kaz.”
He blinks, as if assessing the utterance of his name from the lips of a neighbour he barely knows. However, his reaction returns to its usual collected one and he repeats his question. “Does everyone in your family do this?”
“Just me, every morning.”
“Every morning?”
“Yes, it reduces muscle tension, improves blood circulation and its–”
“Yeah yeah, I get it.”
“No seriously all gymnasts do it!”
He scoffs at that.
“Okay, you win. I'm actually working on improving my flexibility since you see,” She inches her face out towards him from her balcony and smiles conspiratorially, “I'm planning to break into your apartment.”
There's a momentary pause and Inej watches his expression switch from that of brief shock to genuine challenging. He smirks, now resting his arms on the railing and himself leans closer. “You won't succeed.”
Inej's eyes widen briefly. His dubious face was adorable when she had fed him an Indian sweet. His scowls and apathetic gazes had been equally fun to witness. But she finds that she likes this smirk more. Maybe if she tries harder she can even pry a smile out of this strange guy. She doesn't know why but she wants to.
Her smiling lips curve further into a full-fledged grin and she declares, “I can jump to your balcony right now.”
“Why don't you try?” He suggests, quirking a brow confidently.
Her palms clamp around the railing and she steps back. But seconds before she braces herself for the leap, a buzzing noise disturbs her. The moment shatters and Kaz's cellphone is the one to blame. He pulls it out and answers the call, going to the other side of his balcony.
She can still hear a loud incoherent shouting from his phone. Whoever it is, must have something important to tell. Kaz listens quietly for several minutes and then sighs wearily. “I’m coming. And Jes, call the cop. You know which one.”
He disconnects the call and turns back to her. His eyes seem conflicted so Inej makes it easier for him.
“Its alright,” She speaks, “Go.” And she means it. Its not like they're friends and he's obligated to explain himself.
He nods and turns to his door.
“Bye!” She waves a palm.
“Right. Bye..Inej.”
He's gone yet Inej stares blankly at the spot he had been just seconds ago. Hearing her own name in his gravelly tone has certainly done something to her heart. She shakes her head and tries to distract herself by resuming her exercises. She's being silly. It must be because she hasn't talked to many guys in her life. Yes! That must be all there is to it.
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Surya Namaskar: Also known as "Sun Salutation", is a sequence of 12 powerful yoga poses.
Om Mitraaya Namaha, Om Ravaye Namaha, Om Suryaya Namaha: 3 of the 12 chants spoken during each step of the sun salutation. These are optional.
Hope you enjoyed reading this..:3
Read more Soc Fanfics, Headcanons & AUs here
(divider by @firefly-graphics)
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johaerys-writes · 3 years
Fic Writer’s Round Up: 2020
I was tagged by wonderful friendos @in-arlathan, @noire-pandora, @faerieavalon, @pinkfadespirit, @tevivinter, and @serial-chillr! Thank you so much, it was so interesting to see what you've been up to this year <3 
2020 was a ride from start to finish and I considered not doing this at first because frankly, I wasn't particularly happy with my output this year, but I decided to give it a go and I was pleasantly surprised! This year has had a lot of ups and downs for me and there were plenty of times when I had a hard time putting words on the page, while others I couldn't stop. I've written primarily for Dragon Age and The Song of Achilles, and a little bit of Castlevania. In the below breakdown I've included all the fics I’ve written solo, both my published stuff as well as those that I plan on publishing in the near future  (for my lengthier works, I’ve only included the chapters written in 2020):
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Aran belongs to @oftachancer!
I don't know if you noticed the ~50k words of deleted stuff, but that was an entire arc that I wrote for A World With You, but decided it wasn't good enough so I scrapped and rewrote it. Those long gaps between updates this year? Yeah. That was it. I normally don't include deleted scenes in my overall wordcount but I decided to add this out of spite because it was a lot of hard work and it may or may not have had me sobbing into my coffee once or twice. Anyway. MOVING ON.
I also co-wrote A LOT with my friendo @oftachancer this year! It all started with a Modern AU one-shot of Aran and Tristan as college roommates, which then derailed into an epic adventure of about 250,000 words (placeholder title: Never Let Me Go) as well as a prequel of about 180,000 words of the boys before they went to college, which is currently being published on AO3 (Playground Love). We also published a smutty one-shot for Kinktober (Tea and Corsets). I love those boys so much, and I’m excited to write more of them. I have also co-written a few scenes for the Band!AU @oftachancer and @midnightprelude have been working on, which has been so much fun and I look forward to writing more! So, total wordcount for co-written stuff is approximately 445,000 words,  not including a couple one-shots that we’ve written and posted on Tumblr and I’m too lazy to track down now, or others that haven’t been published yet but will soon!
New Things I Tried This Year: 
Co-writing two massive, novel length fics was definitely a first, I had a lot of fun world-building with @oftachancer​, and it gave me the opportunity to develop some of my OCs that had been lurking in my mind for a really long time. I also started writing for a new fandom, TSOA, and that has definitely been a highlight in my year. I grew up reading the Iliad and ancient greek myths, and to see them brought to life was very rewarding. It has also been a lot of fun finding ways to integrate ancient greek lore in my works, I really love it!
Fic I spent the most time on: A World With You, although Playground Love and Never Let Me Go are close seconds!   
Fic I spent the least time on: To Build A Home. I wrote it in only a couple sittings after finishing Season 3 of Castlevania because I had so many feels! Chapters 1 and 2 of High-Flying Birds were also written on my phone in less than an hour, because again I was overwhelmed with feels after finishing The Song of Achilles.  
Favourite things I wrote: I am really proud of everything I’ve written this year, especially since it was such a stressful year and writing gave me a much needed escape! But I'm going to choose a few highlights, purely based on the satisfaction they gave me while writing, and how often I've gone back to reread them (does anyone else do that?? Lol): Viper in Tall Grass, because I enjoyed the heck out of writing in the Witcher Universe. Chapter 2: Thorn, from High Flying Birds, which was one of those scenes that practically wrote themselves and I still like the way it turned out. Lastly, Chapter 28: The Prodigal Son and Chapter 29: In Water Waist Deep from AWWY. They were both really challenging to write but in the end they were worth it and I personally feel it’s some of my best writing yet. I always get emotional when I go back to reread them.  
Favourite Things I Read: I’ve read a lot of published fiction this year, but not near as much fanfiction as I would have liked! I mentioned some of the fics I’m currently reading and loving in this post, but I’m going to make a more detailed fic rec post soon, so keep an eye out for that! 
Writing Goals for next year: My primary goals for 2021 are to finish AWWY and High-Flying Birds so I can start working on some projects I’ve been wanting to post forever, but apart from that, I have no goals other than to have fun writing, and perhaps participate in more fic exchanges and challenges! 
This post is terribly long (I’m usually rather quiet unless someone asks me to talk about my fics, and then I can’t shut up lol), but I want to thank every single person that has liked, reblogged and commented on my work, you guys are the best and there’s nothing like a comment or a thoughtful tag to make me want to create more! 
I also want to give a special shoutout to @solas-disapproves, @in-arlathan, @midnightprelude, @tessa1972 and @oftachancer​ for being the lovely, inspiring people that they are, and for gifting me with wonderful fanart or fanfic this year that made me want to melt in a puddle, as well as to @tenmeooo-thefangirltrash​ for translating High Flying Birds to Vietnamese! (Check it out here) Thank you all so much, your friendship and support has meant the world to me ;w;
I’m sure that everyone has done this already, but I’m still going to tag @pikapeppa, @schoute​, @schattengerissen, @zuendwinkel​, @elveny​, @fandomn00blr​, @dafan7711​, @dalish-rogue​, @jeannedarcprice​, @nug-juggler​, @kittimau​ and @lavellanvibes​ for art or writing, because I always love seeing what you’ve been up to! If you’ve made it to the end of this humongous post, please consider yourself tagged, and tag me back so I can see your work too!
CHEERS, AND ON TO 2021!! <3
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god-of-dust · 3 years
@richardcampbellganseytheiiird asked about the wip tag game:
I NEED to know what PRIDEMOTHEFPHUCKER is because that title has me gagging on laughter. xD
just so you know, i opened the document and the first line is “LOSE URSELF TO DENS”, all caps included.
the story is a modern AU describing zuko’s first pride and him meeting the gaang there; i had no actual plot in mind yet, apart from zukaang happening in the future.
an unedited excerpt, featuring starry-eyed zuko, mai being mai and also being queer for ty lee, aromantic katara and shameless jet bashing:
So this is what a pride parade really looks like.
Zuko was used to seeing them through videos and pictures, more often than not followed by horrible, demeaning comments about how degenerate and filthy those people where, and he privately had to admit that a lot of people were wearing revealing and flashy clothes (if they could even be called clothes, Zuko's seen people more covered at the beach).
What he's seeing now is a lot like those pictures, but also so much more. More people, for one, but also more color, more variety, more music, more balloons, more glitter—oh, the glitter—, more life.
Rainbows were everywhere, on every flag and article of clothing and smiling cheek; they hurt Zuko's eyes... and his chest, too. A healing kind of hurt, like the sting from disinfectant, but without the sterile smell.
He can imagine what his father—Ozai, he corrects—would say about his being here. Probably nothing at all, in fact. Ozai doesn't waste words when it comes to show his displeasure, and Zuko has the scar to prove it.
Nevertheless, not even Ozai's looming judgment is able to ruin this.
“Your eyes are falling out,” Mai says from his side. Like him, she usually steers clear of crowds, but  this time she was the one who convinced him to come. Well, it was more the combination of Ty Lee's influence on her and her knowledge of Zuko's weaknesses; the relevant part, though, is that now all three of them are here, admiring their surroundings, and smiling with uncharacteristic (except for Ty Lee, of course) openness.
“It's... a lot,” he admits, “but not bad.” I'm glad to be here.
That's when Ty Lee takes their hands and pulls them both into the heart of the crowd, yelling over the music, “Don't think I'll let you two stay in the sidelines all day! Come on!”
Everybody's moving, a pulsing wave of shaking hips and restless legs. He tries to blend in and follow the upbeat rhythm, swaying from side to side, stiff as a wooden plank; and yet, his ability to care about his lack of dance skills has taken a vacation. He feels his smile getting broader, ridiculously so. For the first time in ages, Zuko's surrounded by strangers and it isn't suffocating. He's a nobody here, a black speck in the middle of an ocean of others who somehow, someway are his kin; it's the day where the underdogs run the place, and he lets himself take in that power, that link, that humanity, to save it in a quiet corner of his memories. He'll probably need it in the future.
A body bumps into him, hard. Zuko turns in that direction, instinctively rooting himself in the best defensive stance the cramped space allows.
It seems that while Ozai can't rain on this parade, there's definitely someone else who can, and he's staring at Zuko with the usual air of superiority, head tilted as if in challenge.
How could Zuko have ever found that smirk charming, he doesn't know. What he does know is that expression on the face of the not-so-charming douchebag in front of him, and it means that he's trying to stir shit; from the murderous intent he can feel radiating from someplace on his left, Mai knows too.
“What a pleasant surprise to see you here,” Zuko's ex from hell says.
“Pleasant surprise, indeed,” Mai scoffs. She's murderous, Zuko can tell, and as much as it's comforting to know that she's got his back, he also has to put a stop to this before she decides to act.
Trust him to have never learned his diplomacy 101. “Jet, what are you doing here?” Great, Zuko, that's the right question to ask a queer person. Congratulations.
“Out and proud, remember? In fact, what are you doing here? Didn't expect you'd ever find the guts to be out so publicly,” Jet taunts, “What will your daddy think, I wonder?”
“That's none of your business.” It's easier to feign calmness when he's not forced to hear Jet's irritating tone and scornful words.
Jet lifts his chin towards Mai, whose hands are twitching. “Ah, but I see you brought your favourite beard. Still trying to cover your closeted ass?”
Diplomacy be damned, Zuko's tempted to just let Mai do her thing—the one with sharp blades and a not-so-polite amount of surgical enthusiasm. Why should Zuko bother preserving this asshole's physical integrity? It's not like he deserves it.
Whispers come from behind Zuko, and he remembers that he's not playing saviour out of the goodness of his heart; they're in public, people are all around them in a newly-formed circle, keeping their distance and watching with varying degrees of interest. Their conversation hasn't escalated enough to be worrisome, but Jet isn't famous for his self-restraint... and neither is Zuko, for that matter.
He's also remembering that he's not quite that comfortable with crowds.
As he opens his mouth to retort, someone steps in and places their body between them, their back to Zuko, effectively cutting him—and Jet—off. Their t-shirt marks them as security, and air almost freezes as they speak.
“I saw your friends and I knew you'd be somewhere close, stirring trouble. You never disappoint, don't you, Jet?” the girl says, with a cold, acrid venom in her tone that's nothing short of a work of art.
For a second, Jet's face makes a complicated thing; Zuko has no time to wonder about it, as it morphs lightning-quick into an arrogant upturn of lips.
“Katara! Since when are cishets allowed to play security?”
She tenses, then relaxes again. “I'm not having this conversation. Your gatekeeping shit's gotten old years ago.”
The scene unfolds in front of Zuko, and he really should take advantage of the crowd to make a swift exit. It's clear the two have history, and it's not his business anyway. He darts a glance to Mai. She ignores him, glaring daggers into Jet instead.
“Yeah, because you know I'm right and you don't belong here. You act like the troubled martyr as if you're not waving your little flag and claiming non-existing problems to feel special. Do chick-flicks oppress you, princess? Boo-hoo,” Jet mocks, wiping away imaginary tears with his knuckles.
Definitely not my business, Zuko's mind provides.
“Are you unable to talk with people without being an utter piece of trash?”
Nevermind. Now it is.
Mai's stepped forward to stand close to the security girl, chin high and back straight, elegant and dangerous as a poisonous flower; her enemy's enemies are her friends, after all, and Jet let his mouth run a little too much for her taste. In fact, she's been wanting to draw Jet's blood—in a not so figurative way—for a while now. The douchebag is offering her vengeance on a silver platter and her behaviour screams that she's going to take it.
Zuko doesn't want her to. He wants to leave. There's too much for him to lose here, badly stitched wounds ready to be exploited, new ugly memories ready to unearth the old ones from their shallow graves, emotions that he's not sure he's ever managed to hold secure.
But he loves Mai. She's started this and he'll back her up if needs arises.
Please, let this be quick and painless.
Then Jet looks at Mai and laughs, a revolting sound, and Zuko's fist is two seconds away from being snugly encased into the fucker's fucking face.
my notes say that katara is the one that decks jet in the face after this. ooops.
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vulpes-incendium · 4 years
Question 0-0 I’m writing a historical fic (Ming dynasty to opium wars if that helps) with both HK and Macau in it (also has the rest of the gang), should I use the official Hong Kong Cantonese romanization of HK’s name or not because idk if the official Hong Kong romanization existed at that point, if not, how should I write his name? (I feel like you’re the name authority now lol so that’s why I’m asking 😆)
Romanisation of Cantonese in HK (+ other Chinese speaking countries)
Ahhh this is quite a complicated question. I'll try my best 🙈🙈🙈 Remember, I’m not a linguist nor a historian, these are only information I researched and based on my own knowledge. I could answer you right away that it’s safest to stick to the HK system for HK’s name now, but since romanisation has something to do with history, I thought this bit of insight would interest you and some others as well?
Basic facts
The standard English romanisation of Cantonese the HK government uses was introduced in late 1800s to early 1900s after HK was colonised and Hanyu Pinyin (Mandarin pinyin) in the 1950s after the PRC established, both did not exist back in the period you mentioned. So even Yao might not be Yao back then! (but I’ll talk about that later)
Also, the language has evolved a lot since then, plus there are also many other dialects (that are not mutually intelligible with Cantonese or Mandarin), this could play a role in it too!
How the system worked in Hong Kong 🇭🇰
So I only heard this from my parents and grandparents! Back then (30s - 50s) people just went to the registration office and said their names in Cantonese, the officers (mostly British I think) would hear it and translate it on the spot. I have yet found an official romanisation guide by the HK government (unlike Macau), but I believe with time, they kind of built up a system? HKers are used to the romanisation and would just know how to romanise names. There are some cases with names romanised not in the usual way, like 林 is usually Lam (99% of the time), but there are some romanised as Lamb, could be because of the mistakes made by some officers or they weren’t too used to the system, it does happen sometimes, but they are rare.
The government probably has a system for the street names, but it’s also a mess, they don’t necessarily reflect the pronunciation well, one obvious example would be “G” to “K” like the “K” in Hong Kong, it’s pronounced more like “Gong” in Cantonese, name romanisation has this problem too, but that’s another story.
Pre-colonial Hong Kong
Hong Kong was of course in the Canton/Guangdong region back then, there isn’t really like a border or anything like now. As the name hinted, the region speaks Cantonese. I couldn’t find that much information on the people living in HK, but one of the most famous people active around the HK area was 張保仔 Cheung Po Tsai, a pirate, active in the late 1700s. He wasn’t born in the area that is now known as Hong Kong, but HK was the area where pirates were active, because it’s surrounded by the sea. His name is romanised using the HK romanisation system, but I believe this is how the HK government preserves history. Mind you, this is the modern HK romanisation, his name might not be romanised like that back then, but I couldn’t find further info.
I believe only some people’s names were romanised in Cantonese because (Nanjing) Mandarin was the language the government used (which I heard was quite different from the Beijing dialect, aka modern Mandarin). There were only a few exceptions to have their names romanised in their native dialects (Cantonese, Hokkien, etc) to highlight their heritage/ importance to the region.
Hong Kong before the colonial period was very small and there weren’t a lot of people living there, most of our ancestors fled China for HK due to wars or political instability, but that was mostly after the Brits took power. So I’d say, for the sake of simplicity and also due to lack of information, using the HK system now would be fine, which is Wong Ka Lung or Lee Siu Chun, it also shows his identity (from HK) and his language. See this post for more info on his name.
Macau 🇲🇴
I have to also mention that even among Cantonese, the romanisation could be different too! Macau’s system is similar to HK’s but not 100% the same, this is because their system is based on Portugese pronunciation. Some common differences are Leong instead of Leung in HK or Ao instead of Au in HK. I’m not quite sure when they started using the system, but the document I found from the Macau government in 1985 showed they had a system for quite a while.
My bet for Macau is that his name was probably already romanised based on the Portugese system at that time, he’d probably also be given a Portugese name for the ease of communicating with the Europeans too. I have 2 names for Macau: 王濠鏡 Wong Hou Keang, popular among the Chinese fans which is based on one of Macau’s old names (I romanised his name wrong in my previous post using the HK system) and ���嘉麟 Wong Ka Lon, suggested by a HK fan, it shows his relationship with HK sharing the word 嘉 (many parents give siblings a sharing name). I use Vicente or Marco as his Portugese name. I can do a detailed post on this later.
Pre-PRC China (pre-1949)
Before the PRC was established (and Mandarin pinyin was introduced), I believe each country had their own method of romanisation for Chinese (all different dialects), probably catered to  their own speakers. Wikipedia said Nanjing dialect-based romanisation systems are more commonly used until the late 19th century, but I can’t really confirm that, since I don’t speak the dialect and I couldn’t find much info on that. But it could make sense, Nanjing was once the capital and a very important city, I could see why that would be the case.
If you look at this book from 1742, you can see the romanisation is very different from what we are used to, it's a French book so it’s based on French pronunciation, on top of the fact that the language back then was a bit different than nowadays (both French and Mandarin).
A notable example would be Confucius. It’s the latinised from 孔夫子 (Kǒng Fūzǐ in Mandarin pinyin) in the late 16th centuries by the early Jesuit missionaries in China, which consisted of mainly Italians, but also Portugese and Spanish I believe. Nowadays, of course his name wouldn’t be romanised like that, but this name was made popular by them based on Italian/Latin I think. In theory, his name would probably be based on the Nanjing-dialect, which I have no clue of, it does sound like Beijing Mandarin though.
Wade-Giles I believe was the most used romanisation system pre-pinyin. It was created in the 19th century and based on the Beijing-dialect. This may not be obvious if you look at important people in the modern (mainland) Chinese history because the Chinese government has probably changed the records to make the status of Mandarin pinyin more important (eg. Peking to Beijing). However, you can still find some hints in Chinese living abroad or non-mainland Chinese (most prominent example would be the Taiwanese).
Michael Shen Fu-Tsung was one of the first Chinese people who moved to Europe (late 1600s, from Nanjing/Nanking), he was using his Portugese name Michel Alfonso most of the time when he was in Europe, but his Chinese name was romanised using the Wade-Giles system later, could be because his life was more well-known in the west than in the east, so when Wade-Giles became popular, the European used the system when they refer him by his Chinese name?
All in all, China’s name would probably be romanised differently in each period by different countries. Not sure about Nanjing-Mandarin, but in Beijing Mandarin, his name 王耀 would be romanised as Wang Yao in both Mandarin pinyin and Wade-Giles luckily.
Taiwan 🇹🇼
Taiwan still used Wade-Giles until the government started encouraging the people to use Mandarin pinyin in 2009. I would say if you’re using 林曉梅 (Lin Xiao Mei), Lin Hsiao Mei would be more accurate to the time, for 林乙玲 (Lin Yi Ling) it’s Lin I Ling according to this. For Wade-Giles, names were usually hyphanated too I think so that the westerners know they have to use both words to refer to a person’s name, so Lin Hsiao-mei or Lin I-ling? (It’s not important, I just wanna mention my observation)
Taiwan also has another official language, which is Taiwanese (Hokkien). Now I don’t speak Taiwanese, but it’s also an important representation of the culture too and some people’s names were romanised from their own dialects, which leads me to my next point...
Other dialects
Some names were romanised from their own dialects, an example would be Koxinga from 國姓爺, or 鄭成功 (Zhèng Chénggōng in Mandarin pinyin). It’s the Dutch romanisation of Hokkien. From his name, you can probably tell why his name was romanised this way. He was of Hokkien and Japanese descent and he was most active in Taiwan (well, the sea regions, his family were pirates), hence he had most contact with the Dutch (he eventually replaced Dutch Formosa with Kingdom of Tungning). His name was also romanised differently, either from Beijing Mandarin or based on other languages, but I supposed he was most well-known by Koxinga.
Most of the Chinese immigrants in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Phillipines and Myanmar are of Hokkien (Hoklo) descent. I believe this is why many Chinese names are romanised differently in these countries, say the surname 陳 is usually Tan in Malaysia because it is romanised from Hokkien or Teochew (it’s Chan in Cantonese and Chen in Mandarin). This could theoretically happen in HK too, but most people wanted to integrate into the community and the majority of HKers speak Cantonese (eg. my grandparents were Shanghaiese but their names were in Cantonese).
Cantonese in Pre-PRC mainland China
This is just an extra piece of information if you’re interested, it’s about Cantonese in mainland China after British Hong Kong was established (mid-late 1800s), which is probably not your subject of interest, but maybe if someone wants to do an oc, or idk, just want to know in general? Long story short, there’s still not really an offical way to romanise names, but in my opinion, you can tell someone’s story/background from how their names were romanised.
Cantonese like 康有爲 Kang Youwei and 梁啓超 Liang Qichao were romanised like that (pinyin) because they worked at the Chinese government and I think the Chinese government now romanised them like that? Their names were probably not like that back then, not sure.
Another example would be 孫逸仙 Sun Yat-sen. He was Cantonese, born and was mostly active in the Canton(Guangdong) region. He’s more well-known as 孫中山 in Chinese (he had a lot of names), but he mostly went by Sun Yat-sen when he’s with westerners since he studied in HK. It looks a bit different than modern HK romanisation (it would be Suen Yat Sin I think), but I believe it was because that was the time the HK government just started developing the system, and as I’ve mentioned, there are some exceptions when romanising names in HK.
And then we have Chiang Kai-shek, who was not Cantonese (he spoke Wu, another Chinese dialect) but his name was romanised from Cantonese, probably because of the KMT activities he participated in were in Canton/Guangdong? He did change his name and the romanisation for his political career (he went through a lot of names too, I don’t speak Wu unfortunately to tell you whether one of his names were romanised from Wu, but some were from Mandarin using Wade-Giles). His name looks like it’s romanised using the HK system to me, it could really be that the Cantonese in the Mainland adopting the system when it was developing and got popularised in HK.
Cantonese might not be the main language used by the Chinese government (even though it almost became the official language of modern China), but since Canton/Guangdong was an important trading spot (on top of HK and Macau), many foreigners would learn Cantonese too.
Romanisation is to aid their own countries, it would be catered to their own languages, Turkish doesn’t have the letter Q, or W is pronounced V in German, Yao’s name in German could be “Jau” if the Germans were to romanise his name to cater their own people. The influence of the countries contributes a lot in it too. As you can see there are many names romanised from Dutch, because the Netherlands was a strong power, so I guess that’s why sometimes the Dutch romanisation would be more used? The HK romanisation and Wade-Giles got so popular probably because the British Empire was so strong back then or that English became an international language. And of course there is history too. Taiwan’s old name, Formosa, means beautiful in Portugese, because the Portugese were the first Europeans to discover Taiwan.
There are still so many different romanisation systems nowadays, one can tell where you’re from or where your root is just by seeing your romanised name. Say the surname 鄭, it’s romanised as Cheng in HK and Taiwan (different languages though), Cheang in Macau, Zheng in China and Tay or Tee in Malaysia and Singapore (Trịnh and Jung/Jeong would be the equivalent of the name in Vietnamese and Korean respectively) and they are all based on different languages, romanising different languages/dialects based on different languages.
Again, I’m not a linguist nor a historian so I might not be 100% correct! Please correct me if I got any of these wrong! Sorry for turning this into an essay lol, I really really appreciate your effort on making your fic historically accurate! Feel free to ask me more, I’m glad to help!
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veliseraptor · 4 years
I mean if we're getting into xue yang, might as well ask what kinks does he have? Is he a dom/sub/switch?
anon! here you are asking the real questions. and bringing together two of my great loves, aka “xue yang, apparently” and “sex headcanons, I guess??” so you’ve really stepped in it now.
First off to your second question: absolutely a switch. And can go hard in either direction, too, depending on partner/situation/mood. Xue Yang is also one of those characters who I think is very much on both sides of more specifically the sadism/masochism line, as in, into both. I think in general Xue Yang likes his sex hard and preferably with at least a little bit of an edge (whether literal or figuratively). If someone isn’t hurting at least a little then what’s the point. (More on this later, though.)
In general when it comes to sex I think Xue Yang approaches it in the same way he approaches most things in life, which is to say, flinging himself into it with abandon and a certain amount of recklessness. I don’t think of it as exactly self-destructive (not exactly, anyway, though I think sometimes it tips that way in modern au settings for reasons I can elaborate on if anyone is interested), but it does entail a certain amount of disregard for his personal integrity, and the idea of “boundaries” and “limits” is sort of a “for the weak” sort of thing. He’ll try anything once. If he’s not into it he can always just kill them, probably, anyway. But also sometimes it is fun to get fucked up! 
Xue Yang’s approach to life is frequently a “fuck around and find out” sort of philosophy. What’ll happen if I do this? Who knows! Let’s see! Could it be terrible? Maybe but we won’t know until we try!
And that extends into sex too, I think. Though I would gamble that because he tends to be pushy and aggressive he does end up playing a dom role more often in sex because if he’s going to sub it’s usually something the other person is going to have to push on, which is the way that he likes it. It’s the “make me” approach to things.
Especially because - and this is something that pops up a lot in my personal Xue Yang writing - there’s a very close connection in his head between sex and violence, one often getting sublimated into the other, the two intimately related in his head. There’s a few reasons for it, one of which is just that being a lot of Xue Yang’s physical frame of reference. So much of his life has been defined by violence that it just bleeds into the rest of it, even the parts that aren’t...explicitly that.
When it comes to kinks - I mean, as I said above, he’ll try almost anything once and he doesn’t have a lot of strict hard limits, though I think degradation/humiliation is touch and go and very situation/context/person-dependent. (It’s a little bit of a “is this a kink or a trigger?” “yes” situation.) I don’t think dirty talk does much for him, generally. 
But like. The things that will truly send Xue Yang out of his head are absolutely the things that don’t hurt, or at least don’t hurt directly. In general the ‘being gently dommed’ thing is pretty much a one-hit k.o.; special mentions go to paying a lot of attention to his hands and responding to his attempts to push with straight denial instead of punishment. Best way to demolish a Xue Yang, right there. 
And the praise kink. Hoo boy is there a praise kink.
When it comes to the other side of things there’s also, I think, very Xiao Xingchen specific kinks surrounding the fact that he actually enjoys not just demolishing Xiao Xingchen but also like. Putting him back together, sort of. Turns out that part can be fun too? How about that. Also gets to indulge his very secret cuddle kink.
Please just picture Xue Yang little spoon wound all around Xiao Xingchen. It’s a good mental image, I treasure it regularly. 
And if dirty talk doesn’t do anything for Xue Yang personally, he loves delivering it to other people. I mean, he’s incapable of not running his mouth, it’s just a thing. Just in general, unleashing some of the aggression, indulging the desire to be rough and to hurt someone, is...fulfilling, in a similar way that (again) the physical violence is fulfilling or satisfying. It’s a similar kind of release/catharsis for him, which is part of why he ends up sort of putting the two together in his head.
Usually the other party enjoys themselves too! He’s flexible enough, and good enough at reading people, to make that work and not push too far (though he’ll push riiiiiight up to that line and his understanding of consent is...a little loose? like, he knows it’s there, but what entails consent is a little bit blurrier). But usually it works out!
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natsukitakama · 4 years
Hi, it's long-distance relationship!anon ! I finally have a little request for Armin ! How about this : Reader is a foreign exchange student for this year, but has a little trouble adapting to the high school/college. Seeing this, Armin offers his help, and friendship (and more? 😎) begins to blossom from here =w=
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Author note : Hello Long-distance relationship!Anon (definitely need to find something shorter lol) how are you ? ♡ damn , I giggle like a baby while reading this it sounds so cute, I hope I didn’t messed this request up. Armin si such a sweetheart how could we not fall in love for him ? This modern AU take place in Germany but I apologize cause I know anything in German so. If you enjoy this please let me know ! I need to apologize cause I’m super late for my request I’m so sorry it took me so long I was kinda busy but still. I hope you’ll enjoy this, let me know ♡ 
Warning : Fluffy request as usual / Armin being a little cutipie 
I did write fully the study session since I was kinda inspired by it I hope you’re fine with that. Also I do not own that glorious gif of Armin, credit to the owner. 
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Anxious was the good word to define your currently mood, it was the first time you travelled far from your house without your parent. You never experienced something like this before, and you were kinda afraid cause it was a country you never travelled before. 
You were an artist student and you decided to travel through Europe so you could study a new way to see your art. You were especially a fan of German’s romanticism, so you though studied art during one year or two won’t be so hard especially about something you craved for. 
You decided to join the Shingeki College (I’m sorry couldn’t find a good name) in German, cause you heard a lot of good things about it. You were afraid you might not understand lesson but since it was a foreign college most of the lesson were in English so you were good. 
Basically anything seemed to run its course, but that wasn’t that simple. Of course being the only one from your class to travel through German meaning you were most of the time on your own. It wasn’t like you were introvert or anything, but everyone seemed to have their own friends and the last thing you wanted was to stick your nose in friend’s groupe while they didn’t want you to. 
So during the first month, you were totally on your own and you couldn’t help but felt lonely and started to regret your country’s choice. In face no matter how hard you tried you couldn’t integrate yourself with your class. You thought no one cared about you, at least that what you thought. 
But someone did noticed you. 
It’s been couple of days since Armin Arlet had his eyes on you, in fact one day you sat yourself next to him for an art history on twenties. He quickly noticed you were kinda shy and won’t start a conversation on your own, and as he was about to ask you something he was joined by Jean and his friends. He didn’t want to embarrass yourself by trying to talk to you while he was surrounded by people. 
As a shy and calm person himself, he knows how hard it could be to make some friends while everyone seemed to not noticed you. So he promised himself to do everything in his power, to start a conversation with you and get to know you. 
And that’s exactly what he did, it took benefit of a share-lesson you two have to make a move. Fortunately for him, he was alone on this hour so he knew he won’t be bother by anyone. So he walked close to you and asked for a sit close to you, at first you were taken appart cause no one ever asked to be with you.
But the man looked gentle so you let him not knowing what to do beside he may be your only chance to actually make friends so. 
He sat beside you, and starting a talk with you it wasn’t very deep just a way to him to test the water. At first Armin talked about the current lesson, the teacher, what he really loved what he disliked about it, then when he saw you were kinda talkative he started to ask you question about yourself. 
« I never saw you last year are you new ? 
Yeah, I’m a foreign student I used to study in London but my college propose my to travel through Europe and I thought it could be a good idea to work a year here. 
Have any second thought ? 
We can say that … I just … I have troubled making new friends here it’s like everyone know each other already I don’t want to the third wheel or anything. In addition It’s the first time I travel on my own, and I can’t help but feel a bit homesick. I don’t what I told you that I’m probably bothering you I’m-
You don’t bother me quite the contrary I own you apologize 
For what ? You’ve done nothing wrong 
I kinda did, I saw you couple of times walking alone during class. I saw you have troubled making friends and I didn’t know what to do to help you. I should talk to you the second I saw you I’m sorry 
You shouldn’t be sorry besides you’re here now thank you very much …? 
Armin, My name is Armin Arlet what about you ? 
I’m Y/N » 
After your class, Armin proposed to study into library he then told you that if you ever need any help for a lesson or something you could always ask him. 
You were so happy, finally you found someone to be with you it was such a relief for you. Of course you couldn’t just stick around with him just like that, but he sounded so friendly : maybe will be become a friend ? 
Days after days you started to walk around with Armin, it was so easy to be with him. The man was genuinely interesting, he was nice alway happy to help. He was so curious, there are so many things he was curious about. 
You couldn’t help but find it extremely cute, he has this smile when he was talking about something he loves and the way his eyes were so bright never failed to melt your heart. 
You decided to keep this strange feeling on a side of your brain, for all you know it could have a significant other moreover the fact that he was kind with you doesn’t mean he was into you. 
Armin sounded like a man who was genuinely kind to everyone, not only does he help you during your study with his note but he also introduced you to his friends. You became friends with most of them even with Armin’s best friends Mikasa and Eren (even if you didn’t understand their dynamic, they seemed good friends)
One day you asked him about it 
« What do you mean « why am I friends with them ? » 
I mean- don’t take me wrong they are incredible but… Eren has no chill I can’t count how many times he went on a fight because of something ridiculous especially with Jean and Mikasa … Well she literally sweat Eren I’m not even sure if she is interested on something who isn’t Eren’s related … And you … Well you are so kind … so sweet with everyone and so smart and courageous and and -»
You couldn’t finish your sentence cause you heard what seemed to be the sing of angel : Right in front of your face, you saw Armin holding himself as he was laughing. It wasn’t just some snorts you made when something was barely funny but you didn’t want to kill the mood, it was a real laugh, a cute one. You never heard something so pure and sweet at the same time. Then, when Armin was finally able to catch his breath, he started to reply back 
« Well first thank you for that, but I don’t think I’m as brave as you thought I am. Nonetheless, I got your point we aren’t alike right ? 
Yeah kinda, all of you are incredible but you are so different especially you, you’re the smartest one 
Yeah about that, I’m gonna confess something to you but it’s gonna be a secret ok ? 
Of course ! 
Alright, for a long time … As long as I can remember actually I always thought I did not deserve their friendship in fact they were always here to protect me… I-I used to be bullied when I was a kid you know ? I wasn’t the one to start a fight or to reply back, I always thought it was useless. And everytime, no matter what happened, Eren and Mikasa ran into me to protect me. I used to feel bad about it, like I was burden to them but then we went to college together and they made me realized how wrong I was. They never saw me as weak, they valued me they always did … Do you understand now ? People saw us individually when they should see us as a group » 
To say you were breathless was an understatement, Armin always had this power to impress whenever he was talking about something deeply. You couldn’t help but feel a bit sad when he mentioned him being bullied, I mean who could hurt such a precious boy like him you wonder. But you got what he mean anyway. For a brief moment, you felt bad for judging his friends and you wonder if he was disappointed by your behavior. 
But when he asked you for a study session on Saturday, you realized how wrong you were : Of course Armin won’t be sad for something so petty like this. But for the sack of your consciousness you apologized. 
You have more in your mind anyway, he asked to study with him on Saturday does that mean he actually asked you on a study date ? You weren’t 100% sure but since no one seemed to be invited so. 
Damn, you were so nervous. Not only did you want to impress him by your knowledge but you also wanted him to be taken-apart by your look. You couldn’t explain why but the idea of him telling you how gorgeous he thought you were made you feel odd. 
Why did you want him to find you attractive ? You were friends and this meeting was purely professional… Right ? You should find a cute outfit just in case. 
That what’s you did, cause you couldn’t shut your little voice inside your head telling you to be presentable for once. It won’t hurt to be al dressed up ?  
Much to your surprise, Armin was actually breath-taking even if his outfit were pretty simple : a black pant with some brown derbies, a white shirt with black jacket. He did look incredible handsome especially with the way he was smiling at you. But it wasn’t a study date right ?  
It was definitely a study date, you just weren’t aware of that yet. It’s been a long time since Armin wanted to do something like that with you. Of course he knew better than to go in front of you telling you abruptly how he feels about you. First because he wasn’t sure himself how he felt about you, he tried to talk with some of his friends but every oh them were pretty awkward when it came to feelings especially Mikasa (who he thought could help him since you know…). Then, because even if he was actually in love with you he wasn’t really sure about how you felt about him ; after all all he did was talking to you once, then you two became friends easily and most of the time he felt like you were the one who talked the much (and he was 100% fine with that since he’s kinda attracted to people like you in addition he really appreciate your voice so he couldn’t complain).  
So, Armin decided it would be good for both of you to go out during weekend claiming it would be for study. It wasn’t an entire liar tough, Armin did plan to study with you cause he really loved when you came to him for an explanation. Just having you close to him, listening to him very carefully to fully understand his lesson damn you looked far too cute for him : how your nose cracked when you frowned your eyebrows when you were focusing. Just the sight of you working hard for your study was enough to melt his heart, he loved when someone tried their hardest to do their work ; in addition he was kinda jealous about you cause you worked so hard in a country who wasn’t yours, surrounded by people who barley knew you. When he introduced you to his group of friends, he was mesmerized by how well you were with almost everyone, he just couldn’t help but smile at that thought. 
But Armin also planned do other things such as going into a coffee shop just to get to know you better. He thought sharing a hot drink with you would help him to know if you were into him. Indeed he was afraid you might think of him as a friends, in the end you were just sharing some class you never attend to stay any longer (or at least that what he thought) : it won’t be a surprise if you just saw him as a school-friend someone you share a class but that’s it, he couldn’t be angry if you saw him that way … He didn’t actually feel like he could be angry at you at all so. 
It took the opportunity to dress well, if he was about to seduce you (or at least try to) he has to be presentable. He wasn’t very fancy, but he definitely knew how to dress well. He tried to look good but not too good, cause for now you still thought it was just a meeting with two friends, helping each other. He didn’t tell you anything about his true intention. So he has to be discreet about his intention, the last thing he wanted was you discovering his plan. 
When Armin met you, he had to think twice though : were you aware of his plan ? Did you dress like this just for him ? When you greeted him, he had to swallow two times cause you were breath-taking ; Armin was the one to think physical appearence is important but he had to admit you were very attractive in that outfit of yours. For a moment he was about to confess right there his feelings, but he knew better, he has build a plan and he had to respect it. 
So as you two agreed on, you walked together into the library for some studies. During your walk, Armin was pretty talkative (part of his plan he actually asked you a lot of personal question but always did it furtively) which you didn’t mind, it was good actually it made you think you were getting closer to him. When you were finally at the library, you started to work but none of you were actually into this. Everyone could tell, something was radiating from you  : was it attraction ? Was it nervousness ? No one could tell, but it sounded like you couldn’t work properly. 
« Should we go out ? Let’s have something to eat maybe we could try again later ? » 
You thought he would never say that, you couldn’t explain why but since you started to study with Armin you felt nervous it was the same for Armin. He used to be so confident when he explained you something, but today he seemed pretty shy and you didn’t know why and what to do to help him keeping his school. In addition, it seemed like your heart wasn’t on a better state, you could literally felt it beating against your chest you thought it could go thought your chest. You didn’t know what to do abut it, but you were agree with Armin both of you need something to cool off. Nothing would be better than a hot cocoa with some sweets. After ordering what you wanted, you were just staring at each other not knowing what to do. 
Knowing he was the reason of this awkward situation, Armin took a deep breath as he remembered his speech. He knew they won’t be another chance and that he won’t be able to took his words away : they’re no going back after he was about to say. So he had to be clear, he had to tell you everything so he won’t regrets anything. He couldn’t help but feel a bit nervous, he was afraid he didn’t understand you, afraid that everything was a misunderstanding ; the last thing he wanted was you feeling uncomfortable with him. He cared about you far too much to let this happen. Deep down, he was a bit confident after what he saw today and the way you behave with him he was hoping that you were sharing what he felt for you. Nonetheless, he won’t know if he don’t do it, so here we go. 
« Look Y/N, I’m sorry for today I was kinda nervous as you can see. It just, I had something to tell you but I was afraid you might not enjoy it. I was afraid, I might misunderstand you cause you’re incredible and full of surprises. I was about to give up when I realized that for once Mikasa and Eren won’t be here to help me, so today I decided to not be a coward and told you everything.  You might guess what I’m about to tell you, but still I want to do this properly. I’m in love with you Y/N I really do love you, it took me a long time before I could finally realize what I really felt about you. I just love everything about you from the way you laugh to the way care about people. You seem so caring and I know you are, you’re so kind with me … I-I love when you come close to me when you don’t understand something, how you always seem curious about everything, how you listen to me carefully when I talk to you about my passions. I love how gorgeous you look today even if I told you it was just a study session and now I feel stupid for not dressing properly, I love the way your nose crack when you’re focusing on something, how you analyze everyone, I especially love your art. Romanticism suits you Y/N it really does. There are so many feelings in your art I really love it.  I know you didn’t plan on staying here, but I would really love having you by my side. Everything seems simple when you are with me, but I won’t force you to do anything you didn’t plan on. I love how brave you are for travelling here on this country with no one with you, how hard you worked to have some friends to be a part of this college. I’d love to help you more and forever » 
So, what would be your answer ? 
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tundrainafrica · 4 years
Thanks @callantry for the tag! This gave me some opportunity to reflect on my preferences.
slow burn or love at first sight // fake dating or secret dating // enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers // oh no there’s only one bed or long-distance correspondence // hurt-comfort or amnesia // fantasy au or modern au // mutual pining or domestic bliss // smut or fluff // canon-compliant or fix-it // reincarnation or character death // one-shot or multi-chapter // kid fic or road trip fic // arranged marriage or accidental marriage // high school romance or middle aged romance // time travel or isolated together // neighbors or roommates // sci-fi au or magic au // body swap or gender bend // angst or crack // apocalyptic or mundane
Commentary for people who might be interested: 
All these preferences are rooted in the fact that I love slow burns. If I’m gonna ship something and create headcanons and domesticate them in my head, I’m gonna make sure at least in my head that they have the solid foundation of a relationship to actually last until they’re old grey and dead. 
A similar background, moral compass and view of the world are usually integral to making a good relationship work. If they don’t, they are at least placed in a situation where they further learn about each other and develop their personality as needed. I cannot fathom how it would be  possible to get a solid foundation of a relationship from an enemies to lovers background. I get the appeal of it but personally, I have never liked a relationship which went straight from that enemies to sex, there was always something in between which made it make sense. ShikaTema to a degree had an enemies to lovers development , but Shikamaru and Temari only fought in Part 1, right after the alliance, they literally had like five hundred episodes to build a solid relationship given the alliance and the fact that they were constantly working together on and off screen made the culmination satisfying. Levi and Hange are polar opposites but their morals are rooted in the same place,having worked in the survey corps together for so long and the recent events in the manga created a situation where they had to get close, which makes the relationship so much more believable and easily writable. 
For romance focused stories, I would say that Wall of Winnipeg and Me and Yuri on Ice executed the slow burns really well by developing the characters in a way that a relationship between the protagonists was bound to happen while putting them in a situation that encourages the relationships to naturally develop.  
About smut as a reader, of course I read my fair amount but I cannot for the life of me enjoy sex as just sex. Love is an integral part of any sex scene for me and thus, the best way to enjoy it for me is either through a one shot of a very well developed couple, as the culmination of 10 chapters of mutual pining or even an angsty “one last night” type of shit. Like if they’re gonna have sex, at least give them enough history that it becomes an act of mutual understanding and trust on top of the passion. 
Thank you for reading all the way if you did, just a note, these are just my personal preferences and I am in no way, implying that anyone else’s preferences are inferior to mine.
tagging @scribusdomina , @astrajpg and @lizaloveslevihan
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promptmaker · 4 years
Cloti Smut Prompts Part 2!
This is the second half of my Cloti smut prompt list. The first part of the list can be found HERE.    All Prompts came from my Fantasy Cafe Prompt list found HERE. If you are interested in any of the below prompts let me know and I will put pending by them if you wish. Crossed off prompts have been written.
29. Please, I need the distraction.              (Modern AU) Cloud comes to visit Tifa at her college. She was supposed to meet him at the front but she is not there. After no replies from texting her he decides to go straight to her dorm room. Using his own key for the room he enters and finds her studying intently with her headphones on. Tifa doesn't notice he is there. Sometimes she gets so focused that she loses all track of her surroundings. Rolling his eyes but smiling at her intense focus, he notices her tense shoulders and tight grip on her pencil. Knowing she has been overworking herself again, Cloud comes over and puts his hands on her shoulders. She jumps at first but relaxes once she sees it’s him.  He continues to rub her shoulders as she tells him what she’s been working on. He tells her she needs a break and urges her away from the school work. She reluctantly agrees and gets up to stretch. Cloud takes in her casual wear, taking note she is wearing one of his shirts. Noticing him staring she teases him and he teases her back, offering her another way to decompress from studying. She likes the sound of that and pushes him onto her bed for some fun.   (optional: Her roommate gets an eyeful when she barges in)   
3.  I can't believe we haven’t tried that before!   (I can’t believe that worked!) - Full DISCLAIMER: I have never been to New Orleans or Mardi Gras and am aware that this is a sensationalized version of it.        (Modern AU) Fresh off of a bad break up, Tifa’s friends, Jessie and Aerith, decide she needs to get out and cut loose. New Orleans is a short drive away and it just happens to be time for Mardi Gras. Tifa has never been so her friends are excited to show her the sights. Tifa is reluctant to get into the festivities at first, but booze and good friends really help her to cut loose so she decides to enjoy herself and have fun. A couple days in Tifa and Co.  are bar hopping. They are a bit tipsy and her friends decide they want to collect the beaded necklaces that are thrown to tourists.  For souvenirs of their trip. The easiest way to get them is by flashing (according to her friends anyway), but Tifa has been reluctant to try that.  That is  until they come across a local named Cloud who is handing out the necklaces they are looking for. Tifa is instantly attracted to him and in a drunken sper of the moment impulse, flashes him. Cloud is taken aback but is bemused by her but gives her the beads. Seeing her starting to get embarrassed at what she did, Cloud decides she is cute and offers to show her around. Tifa’s friends practically shove her at him and tell her to have fun (but to check in from time to time). Tifa sobers up a bit and the two have a good time exploring the city. When it gets late, they head to Clouds place where he offers to sleep on the couch. Remembering the purpose of this trip, Tifa tells him that that’s not necessary and the sexual tension building between them all night explodes as she leads him to bed with her.    (PENDING)
4. What if they hear us?  (Modern AU)                                                       Sick of neither of them making a move on each other, Cloud and Tifa’s friends conspire to get them together. The friends get the two to take time off and a pay to send them to a spa, not telling them that they signed them up for a couples massage.  Since it's already been paid for, Tifa and Cloud decide to go along with it. They spend the day there together getting massages together before ending up in a sauna, where they finally decide to make a move.    
5. Where did you have that hidden?  (Game or Modern AU)  Tifa and Cloud are really into role play. Lately a game they like to play involves “interrogation”.  For this game, Tifa is an AVALANCHE soldier restrained to a chair and being interrogated by Cloud playing a turk and dressed like Rude. Cloud will “integrate”  her until she gives the safe word. (Logarithmic Base 2 Ch.1)
Tifa is the Turk interrogator and she is dressed as Reno. With an open shirt and goggles. Cloud is the AVALANCHE soldier but on a leash instead of restrained. Tifa leads him around the house and uses toys pulled from her cleavage to get the info she needs.       
9. Looks bigger up close.   (Modern AU)                                                    Tifa and Cloud first met in a chat room online where they became friends. After months of chatting online, they decide to give online dating a chance. Once a week they have a date through video chat and sometimes those chats lead to webcam sex. But now one of them is moving closer to the other so now real dates can happen. When the time comes to actually be physically intimate, they find that the real deal is WAY better.
10. Describe it to me. (Post-Game)                                                                While out on a delivery, Cloud is blind sided by bandits. One of them manages to hit him with a Blinding spell.  Cloud of course manages to fight them off but his vision is fading due to the spell and he has no more Recovery items on him.  He manages to walk his bike the rest of the way to Edge and someone escorts him home. There Tifa gives him Elixir but it will take time to take effect. So Tifa takes care of him until then. Runs him a bath and hops in with him to help him wash. Afterward Tifa gets him to bed and they attempt to go to sleep but Cloud is restless after the day’s events. So Tifa gets the idea to help him wear himself out. She will help him masturbate by describing things they have done and could do together.  (She gives him JOI basically)    
12. I missed your taste     (Modern AU)                                                          Tifa is a Succubus (decked out in leather) and replenishes her life force through sexual activity.  Lately she has found someone that she greatly enjoys replenishing it with, a man named Cloud. Unlike most men, Cloud is able to handle her and gives as good as he gets. One night, when she is in need of an energy boost, searches for Cloud and finds him relaxing on his rooftop apartment. When she greets him and asks if he is up for some fun he teasingly  plays hard to get.  Tifa takes it as a challenge and goes into full seductive mode and he quickly gives in.       
23.  I didn’t think that would get such a reaction out of you  (Modern or game AU)                                                                                                       Tifa works at a bunny club (a honey bee inn type place) as a bartender, server, and manager. The standard attire is a sexy bunny outfit (or whatever animal the writer prefers) and Cloud also works there as a bouncer. Due to her attire, she gets hit on a lot but it goes with the job and the tips are worth it. It also helps that Cloud keeps a watchful eye on her throughout her shift.  Whenever a customer gets too bold with her Tifa usually likes to think of a time when her and Cloud have fucked right where the rude customer is sitting.  Since Tifa is the one that closes, her and Cloud have the run of the place when its empty. Tifa also finds that although he is a professional, Cloud has a jealous streak. The more Tifa flirts or gets hit on, the more he gives it to her after hours.  Tifa’s favorite time to rile him up is on Fridays when they switch out the bunny outfits for lingerie. The more daring the outfit the better because all the extra attention is worth it just to see Cloud’s reaction when he sees her and for what he does with her after hours. 
16. I see you found my message   (Modern AU).                                     Cloud is smitten with a cute “Coffee Shop” worker named Tifa he meets in Amsterdam. To shy to talk to her, he writes down everything thinks about her in his notebook.         (Logarithmic Base Ch.2)
19. You want to do what!    (Modern or post game AU)                          Cloud and Tifa are on their honeymoon to Costa de Sol. They are staying at the resort there and are enjoying all it has to offer. One evening, while walking along the beach, they come to a blocked off section of it that was not advertised. That section is a nude beach. They give it a curious glance but don’t see anybody there. So they turn and continue their walk. But Tifa keeps thinking about it. She thinks of her friends who tease her for not being too shy to try anything daring and she thinks about how its just her and Cloud there so know one home would know. So that night in their room she suggested to Cloud that they should visit the nude beach at some point in their trip. He is not a fan of the idea at first but she tells him it could be a fun experience to reminisce about in the future and that it would be their little secret. Cloud relents and they go the next day. They get to the nude beach, still in their swimsuits but they gradually ease into it. Once they get used to the fact that no one cares, Tifa takes the plunge and strips down first before jumping into the ocean. Cloud as always, follows after her.  They enjoy the rest of their day there. Cloud notices some glances their way but doesn't care. They only have eyes for each other. Tifa decides she should reward Cloud for being a good sport (a cause she wants to) by sneaking off with him to a nearby alcove or empty lifeguard shack for some intimate fun.     
21.  Quick, while the kids are asleep!    (Game AU)                                       It has been a month since the last time Tifa and Cloud have had sex, though not for lack of trying. Between moving into a bigger place and with school done for the summer, the kids  are around a lot more now, and are constantly interrupting any intimate moments. But now is their chance. After a long day of moving furniture and setting up rooms in their new place, the kids are now tuckered out and in bed while Tifa and Cloud are enjoying the peace and quiet in their new backyard. They relax in lawn chairs by the fire pit until they make the startling discovery that there are now kids in sight and they are suddenly now full of energy. Tifa jumps Cloud in his lawn chair and a month’s worth of repressed sexual energy comes out at once. They do it with most of their clothes still on and the chair is destroyed but in the end, it is worth it.          (The gravity of falling stars)
22. Are those my boxers?    (Post Game)                                                  After the bar closes for the night, Tifa and Cloud have drinks and play cards together as they do every night. Getting tipsy, Tifa ponders whatever happened to Cloud’s dress that he wore to Corneo’s years ago. Cloud (lies) tells her it has long been destroyed. Tifa calls him on his bullshit and asks him what it would take for him to wear it again. Cloud drunkenly suggests she wear some of his clothes (A secret kink of his) and he’ll wear whatever she wants. They laugh it off and to bed.  The next night, they continue their ritual of drinks but Tifa tells Cloud she is going to get some of the good stuff from storage and disappears. When she returns, she is dressed in Cloud’s clothes (the ones from remake or whatever the writer wants). She asks him if he likes her outfit and he decides he loves the sight of her in his clothes and tells her as such. She pulls out the drinks and a deck of cards and asks him if he wants to see her out of them, So a game of strip poker commences. Who wins and how far they go is up to the writer but in the end they toss the cards aside and go at it in what little clothes they have left. When they finish Tifa once again asks Cloud where his dress is. He smirks at her and tells her he’ll get it out of storage.   
24. I am loving this new piercing  (Modern AU)                                      Cloud works in the video store or comic shop at the local mall. For the past few months he has been pining for the Tattoo artist, Tifa, in the  shop across from his. He loves to watch her work when days are slow but hasn’t had the courage to talk to her. Between her clients, the heavy metal always playing, and having several  tattoos herself, Cloud thinks he would be too overwhelmed to say anything if he did visit.  His coworker Zack reminds him that they are both getting tattoos there soon, so he will have to talk to her eventually.  Days later, Cloud and Zack are now at the tattoo parlor to get their new tattoos. This will be Cloud's first one.  He finally meets Tifa and she is way sweeter than he expected, while he gets his tattoo, he is still too nervous to talk much but he wants to say something so he blurts the first thing he can think of, that he likes her new navel piercing.  Tifa ponders out loud how he knows it was new when they have just met, Cloud about has a meltdown but Tifa just laughs it off and tells him she was teasing and that she knows he works just across the way from her. This wins him over and they become fast friends. Now he stops by her shop whenever he can to visit or to get a new tattoo or piercing. Tifa loves to tease him when she can too, whether it's giving him a look down her top as she gives him a new tattoo or lifting her skirt just enough to show him her thigh tattoo, his reactions are always worth it.  One night, as the mall closes, Cloud heads over to Tifa’s shop and helps her close up since her co-worker left early. As he helps out, Cloud makes note of Tifa’s back tattoo and asks her what it is (since the shirt covers most of it). As a reward for helping her out she tells him she’ll show him and takes him to the back room of her shop. She faces away from him and takes her top off, expecting him to be shy about it but when she looks back she sees a heated look on his face. This gets her going too as she asks if he wants a closer look and the two go at it (possibly on a spare tattoo chair). She is pleasantly surprised to learn he is not nearly as shy during sex and is happy to let him take the reins as he blows her mind. (Optional: She shows of her new tongue piercing too)   (PENDING)
26. You know me to well   (Modern AU)                                                      Tifa needs repairs done on her motorcycle, so she takes it into her favorite auto shop to be looked at by her favorite mechanic, Cloud. The two of them have been seeing each other in secret and have been trying to keep their relationship hidden from their group of friends. Cloud lets her go back into the garage with him as he works on the bike since he is the only one there at the moment. Tifa chats with him and checks out all the other bike/cars in the shop. Cloud takes a break from fixing her bike to show her a new model that has come in. Cloud shows it off and the sight of him with that motorcycle is a huge turn on for Tifa. To the point where she can’t take it anymore, Tifa makes sure his co worker Zack will be out on his lunch break for a while longer (they’ll never hear the end of it if he finds them). Cloud, noticing the state she is in, asks if she wants a “ride” on the new bike. Tifa is hesitant to defile such a nice bike so early so Cloud suggests Zack’s car that is in the shop at well. Tifa thinks thats acceptable and takes him over to go at it right on the hood.  (Perhaps leaving grease/oil stains for Zack to find later)
27.  I wanna try something from this book  (Game or modern AU)       Cloud has discovered Tifa’s hidden horde of trashy romance novels. He teases her about them at first but oddly finds some of them informative after looking through them. Never being that adventurous in the bedroom before, Cloud asks Tifa if they can try some of the things they do in the books. Tifa is more than willing to try anything with him. The books inspire them to try new positions and role-play. Their first attempts at role-play are cheesy and awkward but they get the hang of it and have fun.  But now they are much better at it.  Now they are trying out a scene from one of her books that they have been practicing for a while and even have props for it. What kind of scene is up to the writer but here is an example: Tifa and Cloud role play from a fantasy romance novel where a monster huntress falls for a werewolf and they have a secret rendezvous. Tifa is decked out in a corset “hunting” garb while Cloud has fake teeth and ears of a wolf. It's the first time he sees her in that get-up so he doesn’t even need to pretend to be ravenous for her. Tifa thinks the ears are cute and the teeth are hot. They play out the scene of a forbidden rendezvous where they both like it rough. When the scene is finished, they have a good laugh about their performance and head for the showers.
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Early use of the expression seems to be a lot more usual in Australia/NZ and UNITED STATES than England. The earliest clear reference I've found is for 'Goody Goody Gumdrop Ice-cream' which was marketed by the Baskin-Robbins ice-cream parlour shops in their early years, which was late 1940s/early 1950s in U.S.A.. Somewhere else it is recommended that Reward Goody Gumdrop Gelato first showed up in the USA in 1965. There likewise appears to be a typical use the expression for ice-cream consisting of gumdrop sweets in New Zealand. Using the reward gumdrop expression alike speech would almost certainly have pre-dated its usage as a branding tool for ice-cream.
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This is an adaptation of the earlier expression to be 'all over' something or a person definition to be obsessed or absorbed by. A similar expression to the 'affordable match' metaphor is 'around him/her like a breakout' which is flexible in terms of sex, and again likens individual interest to something certainly 'on' the sufferer, like a suit or a rash. I'm keen to find the earliest use of the 'affordable fit' expression - please tell me if you recall its use prior to 1990, or far better still can recommend a substantial renowned very early priced estimate example which could have established it. Chambers Thesaurus of Etymology differs a little with the OED in recommending that charisma replaced the earlier English spelling charism around 1875. The preference of the 1953 Much shorter OED for the words charism as well as charm recommends that prominent use charm came much behind 1875. Chambers says the Greek origin words are personal appeal and also charizesthai, from charis as well as pertaining to chairein, meaning rejoice. According to Chambers once again, the adjective charismatic appeared in English around, from the Greek charm, indicating favours given.
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Words likewise appeared early in South African English from Afrikaans - more evidence of Dutch beginnings. This table meaning of board is just how we obtained words boardroom also, and the popular very early 1900s furniture piece called a sideboard. See likewise the expression 'sweep the board', which additionally refers to the table meaning of board. Numerous recommendations have actually been mentioned in Arabic and also Scriptural writings to suggest that it was originally based on Center- and also Far-Eastern custom-mades, in which blood rituals symbolised bonds that were more powerful than household ones. ' The blood of the commitment is stronger than the water of the womb' is an explanation priced quote by some analysts.
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If anybody recognizes of any type of certain references which may support this concept and also to connect it with the Black Irish expression please inform me. This usage is more likely to be a misunderstanding and misuse of an earlier definition of the 'black Irish' expression, based upon black significance angry. for the birds - useless, unstable facts, unacceptable or trivial, implying that something is just for weaker, unintelligent or minimal individuals - American origin according to Kirkpatrick as well as Schwarz Thesaurus of Idioms. Decharne's Thesaurus of Hipster Jargon actually recommendations a quote from the Hank Janson novel Chicago Chick" 'It's insane man,' I informed him, 'Genuine insane. Strictly for the birds.'" - yet doesn't state whether this was the original usage. Maker's Dictionary of Expression as well as Myth definitely makes no mention of it which suggests it is no earlier than 20th century. The term alludes the small minds of birds, as well as expressions such as 'bird-brain', as a metaphor for individuals of limited intelligence. amateur - non-professional or un-paid, or much more lately an insulting term meaning unprofessional - the word stems from the same spelling in Old French 'amateur' significance 'enthusiast', originally meaning in English an enthusiast of a task.
Earliest use of break definition good luck was primarily U.S.A., very first videotaped in 1827 according to Partridge. boss - manager - while there are misconceptions suggesting beginnings from a particular Mr Boss, the actual derivation is from the Dutch 'baas', implying master, which was taken on into the United States language from Dutch inhabitants in the 17th century.
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Incidentally Brewer also suggests that the Camel, 'ruch', became what is currently the Rook in chess. It seems that playing cards were initially called 'the Books of the Four Kings', while chess was called 'the Video game of the Four Kings'. Maker likewise mentions a reference to a specific Jacquemin Gringonneur having actually "repainted as well as guilded three packs for the King in 1392." Unassociated yet remarkably, French jargon for the horse-drawn omnibus was '4 banal' which equated after that to 'parish stove' - what a fantastic expression. Bottom likewise mentions a kick up the backside, being an additional technique of propulsion as well as ejection in such conditions. Partridge/OED suggests the luck element most likely originates from billiards, in which the initial shot breaks the initial development of the spheres and also leaves either possibility or difficulty for the challenger. This feeling is supported by the break meaning break or leisure, as in tea-break.
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resting duck - very easy target or something that is prone or defenceless to assault- an allegory from shooting field sporting activity, in which a resting or hatching duck, would certainly be an easier target than one flying in the air. Oddly there is extremely little etymological referral to the extremely typical 'sitting duck' expression. doolally - mad or crazy - initially an armed forces term from India. Soldiers at the end of their term were sent to Deodali, a town near Bombay, to wait to be delivered residence. The hot climate, aggravation and dullness triggered odd practices among the delayed soldiers, who were claimed to be dealing with 'doolally touch', which was the complete expression. In the late 1600s a domino was a hood, attached to a cape used by a priest, likewise a shroud used by a female in mourning, as well as later a domino described a cape with a mask, put on at masqueredes. This was from French, stemming initially from standard spiritual Domino references in priestly language.
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Regardless of your situation, there's nothing you can do to grow your hymen back. A virgin is someone who's never had sex. But people define “sex” and “losing virginity” in many different ways. Bottom line: the definition of virginity is complicated, and it's really up to you to decide what you believe.
Interestingly the old Indo-European origin word for club is glembh, very similar to the origin word for golf. expat/ex-pat - individual living or working abroad - the contemporary 'expat' (as well as increasingly hyphenated 'ex-pat') expression is commonly believed to be a reducing of 'ex-patriot', yet this is not real. Around 1800 the migrant word came to be made use of as a noun to indicate an expatriated person, but still after that in the feeling of a banished individual, as opposed to one that had willingly moved abroad. The early use the expatriate word described the loss of citizenship from one's homeland, not a short-lived or relatively easy to fix situation. Making use of migrant in its contemporary interpretation seems to have actually begun around 1900, as well as was popularised by Lilian Bell's unique 'The Migrant', regarding rich Americans living in Paris, published in 1902. Purely talking for that reason, the proper type is deportee, not ex-pat.
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It's possible, but not guaranteed that he won't know. Will he be able to tell you're a virgin by looking at you naked? No. In fact, some experts say there may be no way to tell if a woman is a virgin, even with gynecological tests.
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In 1968 the pop group 1910 Fruitgum Firm had a little UK graph success with a song called Goody Goody Gumdrops, and also there is no doubt that the expression was strongly developed in the UK, U.S.A. and Aus/NZ by the 1960s. There is some association with, as well as certainly some impact from the 'Goody Two Shoes' expression, in that the meaning is essentially buffooning or putting down a gain of some type. Golf is a Scottish word from the 1400s, at which time words gouf was also made use of. Related to these, kolfr is an old Icelandic word for a rod or blunt arrowhead. All these derive eventually from Proto-Germanic kulb, in turn from the old Indo-European word glebh. The primary point of view recommends that words golf perhaps entered Scottish language from Dutch, where comparable words were made use of specifically describing video games involving hitting a round with a club.
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dead end - dead-end road, a road shut at one end/blind alley - this extensively utilized English street indicator and also term is from the French, meaning the same, from cul and also cavity. By the way, calling someone a 'cul' in French equates to the disparaging English term 'arse', given that cul also means the bottom or behind of an individual. I am informed also that cul de cavity is regarded as a rather repulsive expression by the French when they see it on British street signs; the French use instead the term 'deadlock' by themselves dead-end street indicators. The orginal usage originates from the French créole, from Portuguese crioulo, related the Portuguese verb criar, to increase, from Latin creare, indicating produce. The name 'Socks' was instead pronounced the winner, as well as the feline properly named.
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A supposed John Walker, an outside staff of the firm Longman Clementi as well as Carbon Monoxide, of Cheapside, London, is one such individual referenced by Cassells vernacular thesaurus. scam - deceive deliberately - the hoodwink word is initial recorded in 1562 according to Chambers. It simply stems from the actual meaning and also make use of to describe covering the eyes with a hood or blindfold.
It particularly connects to individual enthusiasms and also feeling of fulfillment or fate. The fulfillment of personal objective - past academic and adult conditioning. A basis of analyzing whether you've maximized your life, when it's far too late to have an additional go. As at September 2008 Google lists 97 uses of this word on the whole web, yet most/very a lot of those seem to be typing errors inadvertently signing up with words life and also wishing, which do not count. I'm open to tips or insurance claims of first usage and also source. Occasionally you can see the birth or early advancement of a brand-new word, prior to virtually any person else, as well as definitely prior to the thesaurus. If you are reading this in 2008 or perhaps very early 2009, after that this is perhaps one of those events.
Words mews is in fact from Falconry, in which predators such as goshawks were used to capture rabbits and various other game. Falconry came to be exceptionally preferred in medieval England, and was a much-loved sporting activity of aristocracy till the 1700s. Mew was initially a verb which defined a hawk's moulting or losing plumes, from Old French muer, as well as Latin mutare, suggesting to change. Mew then came to be a name for the hawk cage, and also described the technique of keeping a hawk shut away while molting. The imperial stables, initially established in Charing Cross London in the mid-1200s, were on the site of hawks mews, which triggered the word mews to transfer to stables. lifelonging/to lifelong - something meaningful yearned for every one of your life/or the verb sense of longing for something for your whole life - a lately progressed portmanteau word.
Today's metaphorical expression as well as definition 'to trick' established in the early 17thC from the earlier use of words to indicate 'hide' in the late 16thC. Her change is qualified by her having just a single shoe when inadequate, and also being provided a pair of footwear, which marked the beginning of her brand-new discovered as well as obviously enthusiastically self-proclaimed pleasure. The expression could be from as much back as the mid-1800s, given that 'goodie/goody' has been used to describe yummy food since then, which would have lent extra relevance to the significance of the expression. Also, words gumdrop as a name for the range of chewy sugared gum desserts appears to have gotten in American English speech in around 1860, according to Chambers. Nevertheless it's more probable that prominent use of goody gumdrops began in the mid-1900s, among kids, when mass-marketing of the sweets would have increased.
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Charisma, which most likely grew from charismatic, which grew from charm, had mostly trembled its spiritual associations by the mid 1900s, and also progressed its non-religious meaning of personal magnetism by the 1960s. Even more information concerning the origins as well as interpretations of personal appeal is on the personal appeal web page. Maker's view is that playing cards were developed from an Indian video game called 'The 4 Rajahs', which follows the idea that the roots of playing cards were Eastern. In The Four Rajahs game the having fun items were the King; the General (referred to as 'fierche'); the Elephant (' phil'); the Horsemen; the Camel (' ruch'); and also the Infantry. Likewise Brewer claims that the Elephant, 'phil', was exchanged 'fol' or 'fou', indicating Knave, comparable to the 'Jack'.
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Chambers in fact contains a whole lot even more information about the variations of the diet words relating to food especially, for instance that words dietician appeared as late as 1905. It is interesting that the original Greek definition as well as derivation of the diet - training course of life - relates so strongly to the modern concept that 'we are what we eat', which diet regimen is so very closely connected to how we feel as well as behave as people. The modern-day diet regimen word currently resonates plainly with its real original definition.
The images of a black cloak and also mask eye-holes subsequently gave the motivation for the dominoes video game to be so-called - in both languages the video game was originally called domino, not dominoes. Surprisingly, the name of the game showed up in Italy also later on, around 1830, from France, full circle to its Latin origins. So, while the lord as well as master origins exist and also no doubt aided the adoption of the name, the exact organization is to a black cloak as well as mask, as opposed to lordly supremacy or the winning objective of the game. Words came into the English language by concerning 1200, and 1450, from the Greek, via Latin, then French. The diet meaning assembly was likewise affected by Latin dies significance days, relating to journal as well as timing. cellulite treatments produced the German tag as it shows up in the words for assembly, Reichstag, Bundestag, and Landtag.
What is a FemiWand?
Vaginal Tightening with FemiWand® is a non-invasive, non-surgical treatment designed to restore and repair vaginal tissue without the use of anaesthetic or numbing creams. FemiWand® is a High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound treatment that utilises powerful ultrasound energy.
The terms 'cookie collapsing' (pertaining to breasts as well as sexual intercourse - use your imagination), 'cookie duster', as well as 'cookie crumbs' (Bill Clinton's ruin) extend the the sex-related connotations into even more salacious region. The paradox is naturally that no-one would have been any the smarter concerning these significances had the Blue Peter monitoring not sought to shield all of us. Using words idea - as a metaphor based upon the round of thread/maze tale - referring to addressing a secret is initial taped in 1628, and also previously as clew in 1386, in Chaucer's Legend of Good Women. The allusion is to the clingy as well as apparent nature of an inexpensive suit, most likely of a tacky/loud/garish/ unappetizing layout. When it comes to adulation there may also a suggestion of toadiness or sycophancy.
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vermilionsunriseao3 · 5 years
Author interview
Tagged by: @littlefeatherofhope Cheers!!!! It’s been so long since I’ve been active on tumblr, thanks for giving me a little push!
Name: Vermilion_Sunrise or DarkPhoenix83
Fandoms: A Song of Ice and Fire, Harry Potter, Mass Effect, (perhaps Witcher but we have to see if the series inspires me)
Where you post: AO3 and Fanfiction.net though my AO3 account is more up to date. FF is just more complicated, the interface for publishing not so great AND the fans on AO3 are better ;-)
Most popular oneshot:  No oneshots for me. Though perhaps this means I should write one or two!
Most popular multi-chapter story: Running the stats to look at the highest number of kudos to hits, it looks like Betrothed wins. This story sticks out in my mind because it is one of the few (perhaps the only) stories that looks at the myth surrounding Sandor Clegane’s first kill. It’s used as a device in the stories and series of GoT to build him up as hard man, brought up in a life of violence. I use it as a way to have him betrothed to Sansa Stark.
Favorite story you wrote:  I’m really torn on this question, the majority of my stories have some kind of emotional significance to me. The War of Southern Occupation is very near and dear to my heart, because it is the first super AU I wrote in the SanSan space with an “epic” appeal. The other one would have to be Midsummer Eve’s Bounty. There was something so haunting about how Sandor and Sansa’s relationship grows that it really gripped me during the writing of it.
Story you were nervous to post: Aside from all of them :-p It’s always putting a piece of yourself out there when you post a chapter. I would have to say Betrothed made me nervous. Even if betrothal at a young age was totally accepted in the period the story takes place, it’s hard to make it digestible for modern readers. 
Part of me is like “fuck it” and that I should write what I want, how I want to. Then part of me is like “give readers something they can enjoy and identify with” even if it means holding back on topics that I find curious or worth exploring. It’s a constant struggle between light and dark for me! 
How you choose your titles: It usually comes to me, though I try to make it something that catches the eye or imagination. I think of myself as I scroll through fan fiction and know I am notorious for deciding my interest based on the title of a work. Guilty as charged!
Do you outline: Usually yes. It can range from just chapter names to chapters with the basic idea of what will happen in the chapters there. All of the details and emotions are things I play out in my head kind of like a movie --just over and over again. I think about a scene or chapter to the point of having it memorized in my head, then it comes out on the page much easier!
Complete: 14 - Still more completed than in progress.....
In-progress: 11 -- I’m really terrible! 
Coming soon/not yet started: “Jesting with Fate”-- a SanSan story, A modern SanSan AU that has yet to be named, an update for Behind Enemy Lines, and update for the Warrior’s Test, a SanSan with a Conan the Barbarian flare...but I’m horribly torn on this one for many reasons. 
Do you accept prompts: No, I’m a free spirit and seem to cook up ideas in my own little head just fine. Though I do love to know what people are thinking and what their ideas are. If a story has inspired ideas or if they thought something should be there that wasn’t, I’m very open to hearing them and integrating them into the creative process!
Upcoming story you are most excited to write: This modern AU for SanSan that I have been thinking about....though modern AUs are totally not my strength. I think I’m a glutton for punishment. I love to read them, I literally jump on them when I see them...but I personally seem to miss the formula somehow. 
I tag @killmongersmistress @plotweaver @adult-orphan and, as always, anyone who wants to play along!
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buttsonthebeach · 5 years
Quick, Bright, Easy
@wardsarefunctioning is the nicest ever and commissioned me to write about Ashara and Lucius, in an AU in which they are secretly sleeping together! Thank you friend <3 <3 <3 It was fun taking these characters into a modern space and playing around with this scenario.
My Ko-Fi || My Commissions (Slots currently CLOSED as of 7/29/19)
Pairing: Ashara Lavellan x Lucius Talvas
Rating: Mature. There is smut but it is not overly explicit. Read at your own discretion!
As usual, when Ashara made it to Lucius’s dorm room, she was already going a mile a minute. Already kissing him, one hand already on his belt. She smelled like soap and the leave-in conditioner she used religiously on her thick curly hair, and before he was really processing anything, his hands were already tangled in that hair, pulling her closer, breathing harshly against her lips.
“Careful,” she murmured. “I have class in half an hour. Can’t mess up the hair. But also hurry. I have class in half an hour.”
He laughed, and her cheeks pinked with embarrassment.
“Don’t laugh at me,” she said, pushing him a step or two back. “We have an exam today and I’m all wound up and I -”
Lucius silenced her with another kiss, with his hands on her ass now, pulling her tight against him. The sundress she was wearing was thin and he could feel the heat of her skin through the fabric and Maker he was already hard, and minutes ago he had been studying for his own exams and now he’d forgotten everything he’d ever learned about property law and the nature of limited liability corporations (not that he had ever really cared that much about them in the first place). All that mattered now was that Ash was here, and in his arms, her hand already snaking down the front of his jeans, gripping him tight.
Things were always fast with her, it seemed. She thought fast, talked fast, learned fast. She was quick to push him backwards towards his bedroom, to pull the sundress over her head, baring all that perfect brown freckled skin beneath it, the simple brown cotton bra and underwear beneath that. She’d been fast to befriend him after that first day they met in the campus library six months before, at the start of the fall term. She was a firstyear student at the University of Kirkwall but she was already fast knocking out the classes for her degree (Physics of the Fade with a minor in Elvhen Cultural Studies).
And when they’d first kissed, four months ago, she’d been quick to deepen it. They were at a Wintersend party at their friend Laurence’s fraternity, in a quiet corner, and Lucius was tall but so was she and she was on tiptoe and he wanted nothing more than to keep kissing her. But he’d had to pull back, tell her the truth that had been knotted around his heart ever since he realized he was falling for her.
“My work-study program - they have very strict rules about dating. I can’t - we can’t - unless it’s a secret.”
And she’d been fast to accept that. Sure, whatever, it’s fine, we don’t need to be that serious anyway.
And now here she was, in his dorm, fast removing his clothes, kissing his collarbone, grinding against his thigh. And she was, as always, a wonder in his arms, and he feared, as always, that it would be over as fast as it had begun. This secret between them. The sweet sound she made when he slipped a hand between them, played with her over her underwear, pushed the underwear aside so he could feel how wet she was.
“Fenedhis,” she swore, her palms slapping against his headboard, and then she whimpered when he entered her, and he wanted to hear that sound every day, he wanted to hold her hand when they walked to and from class, he wanted to take her to one of the nice restaurants off campus, but he was a poor Tevene student from a poor family and this work-study program was the only thing keeping him in school, paying his tuition and putting food on his plate, and so this had to stay a secret.
But all of that fell away as he watched her, all but riding his hand as he fingered her, her own fingernails digging into the headboard. As she pulled away, fumbled through the drawer in his nightstand and found a condom, took him out of his briefs, rolled the condom down, and then sank down on him. Then there was nothing but how good it felt to be in her, close to her. She bent down and rested her forehead against his and it filled him with a tenderness that overwhelmed all of his senses, that forced helpless sounds up from his throat as he kissed her, bucked up into her, everything forgotten but the present moment -
And then, of course, his phone rang.
He had every single contact in there set to vibrate, except for one - Magister Corix, president of the Kirkwall chapter of the Nicon Estoris Center. His boss, and the reason his feelings for the beautiful woman above him had to stay secret.
"Shit. Sorry. Hang on. I have to take this."
Just as she'd been fast with everything, Ash was fast to listen. She pulled away from him, scrambled to the end of the bed, panting, apologizing. Lucius took a second to catch his breath, cleared his throat, and answered the phone.
"Lucius. You sound out of breath."
Lucius closed his eyes, tempted to pray to the Maker he didn't believe in. "Sorry. I'm at the gym."
"I see. Go ahead and wrap up there - I have another mailing I'd like to get out before close of business today and I'll need you to come in as soon as you can."
"Understood. I'll be there in forty-five minutes."
"Sooner if you can. There are at least one hundred envelopes to be stuffed."
Corix hung up. Lucius had been working for him since he was a first year himself, and in those five years he still had not seemed to grasp that Lucius did not have a car, that forty-five minutes was the absolute fastest he could get from the University's Lowtown campus to the Center's Hightown office if he took the bus. Nor did he understand that most voters weren't going to open the mailings that Lucius would painstakingly assemble all afternoon. That was probably a good thing, though. The Nicon Estoris Center was focused primarily on so-called traditional Thedosian politics, and promoting the interests of the Chantry, and Lucius didn't particularly want anyone to open their mailings. He didn't particularly want to work there at all. But it was the only nonprofit that would pay the lion's share of his tuition, and his parents were so proud of him for going to college, and it wasn't like they were as reactionary as the Venatori faction that had been trying to influence Tevene politics and Thedosian politics at large -
And to be frank it hadn't really mattered all that much to him until this year. Until he met the woman sitting nervous and cross-legged at the foot of his bed, chewing her lower lip. The delicate points of her elven ears just visible through the cloud of her curls. Exactly the sort of person that the stewards of the Nicon-Estoris Center would never approve of.
All participants in the work-study will uphold the values of the Center in all aspects of their daily lives. This extends to their romantic involvements. Failure to uphold these values will result in termination of participants' work-study benefits.
They didn't say it explicitly, but Lucius had stuffed enough envelopes and edited enough promotional material to know what they meant. First, no sex outside of marriage, period. Second, that eventual marriage was to be with a Tevene woman. There was no room for any of the things he had ever felt towards other men. Or for what he felt for Ashara Lavellan, an elf, and the brightest and kindest person he knew.
"I should go," she said awkwardly, rising, looking around for the sundress she had discarded.
"Yeah. I'm sorry."
"It's okay. I've got that exam. Do you think you'll still make it to D&D tonight?"
"I think so. I'll probably be late though."
"That's okay. I'll let the others know. See you then."
She stood looking down at him, dressed but still flushed with desire, pink along the hollow of her throat and the rise of her breasts, the pupils of her big blue eyes still dilated. Before Lucius could say anything else she bent down and kissed his cheek. She drew back but her hand was still cupping his face, her thumb drawing a pattern across his cheekbone. She looked at him another moment, something like fear in her eyes, and then she was gone as fast as she arrived.
Lucius had never put that much energy into love and relationships. He'd been shy and awkward since the day he was born if you listened to his mother. He'd attended an integrated school in Vyrantium, in an era when the Tevene school system was trying to prove that mages and non-mages could have the exact same education, right down to their classes in practical magical applications. The end result as far as his social life was concerned was that he was isolated from the non-mage students who resented those who still had magic, an increasingly rare skill in modern Thedas, and one the teachers still fussed over despite being told to treat all students as equal. And yet his relative poverty isolated him from the wealthy mage students, of whom there were far more than non-wealthy mage students.
And, of course, the elven students, regardless of the other categories they might fit into - mage or non-mage - tended to stick to themselves as well.
Some students were brave enough, gregarious enough, to overcome those divides. Lucius barely had the desire or energy to talk to the students he most closely resembled, no matter how many pep talks his parents gave him. That did not change as he got older, as he became aware of certain girls at his school, and then occasionally of certain boys. He wanted the things he saw other people having - dates and presents and holding hands in the hall - but he wanted them distantly. The same way he wanted to be able to cast a fireball, the way mages had in the past, before magic became so rare and so weakened.
That had changed a little in college, with the introduction of alcohol. His work-study situation had been the perfect excuse to keep things casual. To dip his toes in, see what it was like, and then withdraw before any lines were crossed. 
Until Ashara.
Lucius sat in one of the oak-paneled conference rooms at the Nicon Estoris Center, mindlessly filling envelopes, thinking only of her. About how she'd kissed his cheek before leaving. It hadn't been like that when their secret first started. There'd been plenty of kissing of course but it was the hot and heavy kind that happened when you came over to "watch a movie." It had progressed from there. She was frank about her inexperience and he was frank about his and so they learned together, all the way until they'd finally had sex. A first for both of them. But even then she had not clung to him or made professions of love. And she had not kissed him on the cheek before she left.
“Ridiculous,” he muttered to himself, trying to refocus on the task at hand. He was obsessing over nothing. 
Ash was comfortable with their situation. He would know if she wasn’t. She wasn’t particularly good at hiding what she was feeling. And though no one was forbidding her from dating, or from dating someone who wasn’t an elf, she had plenty of reason to only want something casual. She’d come to the University of Kirkwall from the Republic of Enasan, an elf majority country in the far south. She was the daughter of two well known politicians down there - Solas and Ellana Lavellan - and she was a gifted mage and a gifted student. She was enjoying her first freedom from her parents and their relative fame (though she did always speak of them with great fondness). She was undoubtedly going to go on to great things. She didn’t need to fall in love.
She certainly didn’t need to fall in love with a twenty-three-year-old Business major who still had another semester to go after this one because he’d had to take time off part way through his degree to help out back at home in Vyrantium, who wasn’t even a particularly good or enthusiastic Business major, who had no idea what he was going to do with the degree when he was done with it.
So that was what Lucius reminded himself of over and over again. Not of the way she’d rested her forehead against his while they were having sex, or of the way she’d kissed his cheek or looked down at him with something like fear, something like hope, in her eyes. Of how impossible all of it was. Of how he’d never counted on falling in love anyway.
“Are we expecting more food?”
Laurence’s question cut through the fog of Ashara’s thoughts. She turned away from the door to the hallway, which she must have been watching more intently than she thought she had been.
“Oh. Too bad.” Laurence didn’t seem too put out though. He had a plate full of pizza in front of him after all. Their other friend, Haleir, was the one who started laughing.
“Wait - did you actually ask that just because Lavellan was staring at the door?”
“Yes. She usually does that when we’re waiting for the food to arrive,” Laurence said simply, and Ashara could already feel the heat rising in her cheeks. Haleir laughed even harder at that.
“I’m not sure what’s funnier - the fact that she does stare at the door when we’re waiting for food, or the fact that you noticed and got excited.”
“Oh, shut up,” Ashara groused finally, kicking at Haleir’s chair.
“Please no destruction of furniture,” Claudia said, emerging from her room with her mountain of D&D books in her arms. “Where’s Lucius?”
Ashara pretended that the name didn’t make her sit up a little straighter.
“Running late. He had to go to work on short notice.”
“Oh. He didn’t text that, did he?” Claudia reached for her phone, frowning as she swiped through the notifications.
Ashara realized her error at once.
“No - ah - I saw him earlier today on my way to class. He told me then.”
Claudia gave Ashara one long, searching look, and then she dropped it. Haleir and Laurence were busy laughing about something else by that point, which was a relief. Ashara was no good at keeping secrets, if she was honest with herself. She was amazed this one had lasted as long as it had. Four whole months. Four great months. Free to explore and learn and enjoy college and more importantly to enjoy Lucius, the secret world between the two of them - the soft little quirk of his lips when he found something funny about a movie they were watching, because he very rarely laughed out loud - the way he melted whenever she ran her fingers up and down the back of his neck as they kissed - his ticklish spots and the tone his voice only ever took on when it was the two of them -
Haleir’s singsonging voice jerked her back. He was the only one who ever called her by her full name, since he was the only other elf in the little group they’d cobbled together over the school year. 
“What time is he getting here?”
“Oh. He didn’t say. Let me text him.”
She sent the text and then drifted on the tide of conversation as she waited for his reply, observing her friends. She and Haleir were the youngest, still in their first year at the university, and had met in their orientation; Ashara had already known Claudia through their parents’ friendship, which was why they were roommates, even though she was a year ahead of Ashara in school; Laurence, also in his second year in college, had shown up (already high on elfroot) to a party Claudia was hosting, thinking it was a dorm belonging to one of his frat brothers, and had stuck around since. And then there was Lucius, the oldest of them by a good three years, still working on finishing the last credits he needed for his degree, and painfully aware of that fact. She wanted to soothe his feelings about it, to remind him that none of them cared, that probably no one cared. She hoped he was doing okay at work. She wondered why he hadn’t texted back yet.
Claudia got to work arranging miniatures and reviewing her notes for the evening’s session, and then they were all complaining about their midterms when Lucius texted back.
Should be on my way soon. Maybe 30 minutes but then I have to take the bus. You can start without me.
A dart of disappointment hit her chest. He sounded disappointed too. Hopefully he wasn’t too tired to come after all.
“What’s wrong?” Claudia asked.
“Lucius isn’t leaving work for another 30 minutes and then he has to take the bus to get here. He said we should start without him.”
“I can roll for him,” Laurence offered.
“Nope,” Claudia said. “Same rule as always. You miss a session, you don’t get any of the XP or loot. You guys are all back in town right now, anyway. He can let us know what his wizard has been up to.”
Normally D&D was one of Ashara’s favorite parts of the week. A chance to escape from the mundane every day into a world more magical than their own - a world similar to the one her father described in every one of her childhood bedtime stories. A Thedas where magic was not a trickle but a deluge, where the beings whose skulls she saw in museums were real - dragons and varterrals and broodmothers. A world she got to study now that she was finally in college. But that evening her eyes kept drifting back to her phone, over and over and over again.
Things were casual with Lucius. Casual and secret. Both of those things were good. She was too busy for anything else. Too young for anything else.
But she hadn’t felt casual about him that afternoon, standing there looking down at him in his bed as she got ready to go to class. She hadn’t felt casual when she kissed his cheek on her way out the door.
Well, whatever her feelings were they didn’t matter. He had to protect his work-study benefits. He had no other choice. He was the first person in his family to go to college and even if she did have feelings for him it would still have to be a secret and that would probably hurt worse, and he probably didn’t even want that, and it wouldn’t be fair to put that on him, but she didn’t have feelings anyway so -
“Ash!” Laurence sounded uncharacteristically frustrated.
“Nope,” Claudia said. “Too late. She wasn’t listening and didn’t react quickly enough to help you flirt with the barkeep. He has already moved on in horror and, quite frankly, disgust.”
“What? Sorry, what did I miss?”
“Laurence has failed in his quest to successfully hit on every barkeep in town. He was hoping you would step in and roll to assist him,” Haleir snorted.
“Oh, gods, I’m sorry.”
“Ah, it’s no problem. Perhaps your character wanted to see mine fail, anyway. He is quite handsome in his new set of armor,” he said with a dramatic waggle of his eyebrows.
“If her character is anything like her, I don’t think she dates,” Haleir chimed in, a sly grin on his face.
Ashara felt the urge to argue, and then stopped herself. A secret was a secret, and they weren’t really dating, and there was no reason for that fact to make her feel sad.
“A pity in both universes, then,” Laurence sighed.
Ashara’s cheeks filled with heat.
“You would be correct. My character is a dedicated cleric of Mythal and doesn’t need any distractions.”
“And her real life counterpart?” Haleir asked.
“Not everyone is as obsessed with sex as you two,” Claudia quipped, shooting a glare at both of them.
“Thank you, Claudia.”
By the time Lucius arrived they had moved on from the subject and were heading through a tunnel they’d found in the basement of one of the bars in town, trying to see if it did in fact connect to the Deep Roads, and someone had pulled out a pack of cheap hard ciders, and Ashara was buzzy with laughter, totally removed from the confusion of the earlier part of the day. But then he was there, tall and dark-haired and quiet, and nothing else mattered other than the fact that she wanted to see him smile.
“Talvas!” Haleir crowed. “You’ve really got to quit that job.”
“I wish,” Lucius said, sitting heavily in a chair beside Laurence, accepting the cider he passed over. “What did I miss?”
They launched back into the game. All the while, Ashara wished that Lucius had come and said hi to her, that he had sat in the empty seat to her right and not next to Laurence, and most of all she wished that she didn’t wish those things.
* Lucius was surprised how many levels there were to intimacy. How many shades of difference there were in sex alone, even ignoring the other kinds of intimacy - the emotional kind, the intimacy of holding someone’s hand.
When he and Ashara had first slept together, it had been an awkward, half-drunk thing, and of course it was intimate by default because they were naked and he was inside her but that was a blunt, de facto kind of intimacy, wasn’t it?
It was nothing like the next time they slept together, two weeks after the time they’d been interrupted by the phone call from Corix.
He and Ash had been texting all day, venting their frustrations over schoolwork and parents and high expectations. He could tell even through those words that she wasn’t having a good day. She was an anxious person, and had gone to a therapist for it back in Enasan, but hadn’t found someone she liked in Kirkwall yet. He’d heard her talk about the strategies she had learned over the years to cope, and had watched how she could get so overwhelmed that she forgot to use them. So he texted her again:
Do you want to come over?
Not sure I’ll be good company.
You’re always good company.
:) omw
He was nervous the way he always was when she came over. Excited, happy nervous. But it didn’t unfold the way it usually did. There was no awkward pretense of something else before they dove eagerly into sex. There was nothing awkward about seeing her look so tired, so defeated, and wanting to soothe that away. They sat and they talked about her fears that she was in the wrong major even though it was the only thing she’d ever wanted to study, ever since she was a little girl and her magic first became apparent. How she was wondering now if it was selfish, the height of her privilege to study something so esoteric and theoretical when so many people all around Thedas needed help.
“I don’t see you that way. You went on that volunteer trip to Par Vollen for spring break, right? And you went to that protest against the gentrification of Lowtown’s historic alienage district last week.”
“Yes, but is that enough? Am I enough?”
It was natural to tilt her face back up, to look her in the eye, to say softly:
“Of course you are.”
It was natural to kiss her then, sweet and soft, and it was also the most intimate thing he’d ever done with another person. To hold her close, to hear her breath hitch not in desire but against the rush of tears. To kiss her eyelids and her nose, and then to feel her bury herself against his chest. He leaned back against the couch cushions and they lay there like that, and it was a rush as strong as that first time they’d slept together.
“Do you want to watch something?” he asked eventually. “Or get something to eat?”
“Whatever you want,” she murmured. “I’m happy like this.”
He turned on the TV for the sound of low voices but barely paid attention to what was on it, trying instead to commit to memory what it felt like to be so close to someone. So trusted. Anxiousness bubbled in the back of his own mind - this was too close, too intimate, and the closer and more intimate things got the more it would hurt to keep it secret, the harder it would be - but he kept silencing it over and over again. He wanted not to care. He wanted to be someone who didn’t have to care about these things. So he would be, at least for now.
Ash sat up eventually, bleary-eyed, her cheek creased by his shirt. She’d been sleeping and that realization filled him with a rush of emotion. They had never stayed over with one another. Had never even taken a nap together. And to see her now, when she was slowed down, yawning, vulnerable, not a whirling rush of feeling and thought -
Lucius leaned over and kissed her before he could feel or think anything else. She responded at once, soft sounds dropping from her lips, and he deepened it, and she followed suit, opening her mouth against his, threading her fingers into his hair. He pulled her closer, onto his lap. He could feel himself getting hard between them but he focused only on the way it felt to kiss her, on the present moment, because nothing else was guaranteed for them. Ashara started grinding against his leg. Everything felt slower than usual as she reached for the hem of his t-shirt, helped him pull it over his head, as she ran her hands along his shoulders and chest, still kissing him, still grinding against him. She pulled back, made long and steady eye contact with him, and suddenly there was no rush; they could make the present last forever.
“Do you want to go to my room?” he asked.
She nodded, and they went together, undressed slowly, came together on the bed naked and quiet, covered themselves up beneath the blankets, making a perfect warm secret place where there was only the two of them, and Lucius knew - knew - as he moved in her that this was too close, too intimate, that they hadn’t talked about this, that it could never go anywhere. But looking down at her beneath him, feeling her body so close to his, he could not imagine letting her go.
“Closer,” Ash said, tugging on his shoulders, and he laid down on top of her and she wrapped her arms around him and held him tight and he moved in her until all the pleasure coiled white hot in his core and he came, shuddering, not embarrassed of the sounds he made for the first time, because she was holding him, whispering something in her native tongue.
When it was over he lay beside her, not quite touching, and this time his mind was the one that was fast. Maybe - maybe this could work - it could stay a secret but it didn’t have to be meaningless anymore - maybe -
“I - I should go,” Ashara said suddenly, softly. 
Lucius rolled over, saw her lying there stiff, looking up at the ceiling.
“There’s no rush,” he ventured, but Ashara was already standing up, collecting her clothes, not meeting his eyes.
“I, um - I forgot I had plans with Claudia tonight. I’m sorry. I’ll text you later?”
She was gone, and there was no good-bye kiss, and slowly but surely all the maybes in his mind drifted away.
Ashara had known Claudia on and off again, like a distant cousin, since she was young, but Claudia didn’t even need to know someone all that well to be able to read them like a book. And considering that people who didn’t even know Ashara could read her like a book, she probably didn’t stand a chance of hiding what she was feeling from her friend, but that didn’t stop her from trying as she unlocked the door to their dorm and slipped inside.
“There you are,” Claudia said from the couch. And then, about twenty seconds afterwards, before Ashara had a chance to get to her room. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s nothing,” Ashara said, even though she felt like she hadn’t been able to breathe all day, her anxiety a vice that had started the day with its grip on her throat and had been tightening it one notch at a time ever since. It hadn’t been bad like this in a while. Was it just that the flush of excitement of starting college had worn off? Leftover stress from midterms? Why was her brain once again focused on nitpicking every last moment of every day, like a song she couldn’t turn off or ignore?
Was it because of Lucius? Because of how good he’d been at breaking down that panic in her, and how she wanted that in her life every day and couldn’t have it?
“Ash,” Claudia said, her tone equal parts warming and warning.
“No, it’s fine, really. I’ll be fine. I’m just going to go lie down for a bit.”
Except lying down made her think of Lucius again, about how she’d wanted to stay in his arms forever, about how that frightened her. About how she had no reason to be so anxious and how she really shouldn’t feel bad about anything, ever, because she was so lucky in comparison to so many others, including him. She didn’t have to work for a place she hated and disagreed with, didn’t have to give up on living her life in any particular way, just to get her degree. So really all of her self-pitying moments, all of her fear were stupid, self-indulgent, and she was a piece of shit for ever feeling bad in the first place -
And now she had let all of that fear drive her straight out of Lucius’s arms, right when things had been good, and she hadn’t even explained herself, and she’d probably hurt him, and if there was ever any chance of anything happening, she’d ruined it. And she could not just lie there with that thought sitting on her chest for hours.
So she went back out to the living room, where Claudia was watching one of her favorite fashion shows or another - probably Queer Eye for the Fereldan Guy judging by the group of well-coiffed men on screen - and sat down beside her.
“Are you going to talk about how not fine you are now?” Claudia asked, muting the TV.
“It’s just the same shit,” Ashara mumbled. “I haven’t been feeling like myself. My anxiety is getting really bad and I have no idea why. And I - did something stupid today, and now I feel even worse.”
Claudia frowned.
“What did you do?”
“Nothing - just something stupid. It doesn’t matter what. I just feel awful.”
“That doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. If it’s nothing, why feel awful about it? Where were you today, anyway?”
Claudia was one of the most trustworthy people Ashara knew. She would never breathe a word of this to anyone. And suddenly the secret was heavy and awful, as if one of the moons was crushing her windpipe.
“I was with Lucius. Like - with Lucius.”
“Ah, so you are dating him.”
“What - no - but how did you know?”
“Well, I didn’t know know, but I was pretty sure. You two always seemed to have a bit of a thing for each other. I just wasn’t sure why you weren’t shouting it from the rooftops if you were dating.”
Ashara was queasy with shame. Of course it had been obvious. Lucius should have chosen someone else - anyone else - to share this secret with. She was useless when it came to this sort of thing.
“Well, we aren’t dating. We’re just sleeping together. Because of his work-study. They have some stupid clause about upholding Estoris’s morals and values in public and private life.”
Claudia’s eyes widened with understanding. “Shit. Estoris was pretty conservative. So I’m guessing being romantically involved with an elf is completely off the table?”
“It’s actually being romantically involved with anyone you aren’t married to. But I doubt he would have considered an elf marriage material.”
“Lucius is totally against all of this, right?” Claudia asked, eyes narrowing.
“Yes, of course! He hates how conservative the politics are there. You should see him when he gets off of a shift. He spends hours proofreading things he doesn’t believe in and taking meeting minutes for meetings that he wishes didn’t have to happen. But you know what his family’s situation is. He has no other way to afford school, and he’s so close to finishing. So - we decided to keep it a secret. And keep it casual."
"So the stupid thing you did earlier today has something to do with all of this?"
"Yes. I was having a really rough day and he asked me to come over and we talked and cuddled and when we had sex it was - different than before. And I was so happy and then I just panicked and left and barely gave him a chance to say anything and gods I am so stupid, Claudia."
Ashara felt embarrassingly close to tears. Claudia was simply sitting there in front of her, one eyebrow delicately raised, a look of blank confusion on her face.
"So - you were having a good time, connecting with him more than usual, and then you left?"
"Yes. I mean, what other choice did I have?"
"Tell him that your feelings have changed?"
"It won't change the fact that the Center could deny his benefits."
Claudia looked off into the distance, nodding once or twice to herself.
"Let me figure that out. You just need to find out if he feels the same way."
Ashara thought back to earlier that afternoon - how Lucius had kissed her, the gentleness in his tone, the warm cozy closeness as they had sex, so different from excited experimentation or blowing off steam. And yet she still felt afraid.
"Maybe," she said. "We'll see."
Claudia put a hand on Ashara's arms.
"You could always talk to my dads, you know. They lived through some pretty shitty times in Tevinter as far as keeping love secret went."
Lying in her own bed that night, digging her nails into her palms, feeling like the whole world was spinning out from beneath her, like she was helpless and powerless no matter what she did, Ashara came back to that word. Love. She imagined the safety she felt in his arms that afternoon, and that was what pulled her into sleep, what caused her to wake up the next morning, knowing what she had to do.
Lucius already knew that Ashara Lavellan was fast - quick to learn, quick to laugh, quick to feel fear. In the end he shouldn't have been surprised that she would be quick to leave as well.
He'd played the moment she left the day before over and over again in his mind - how she had not even looked over her shoulder as she went. He had to remind himself that she had her own reasons for being okay with their arrangement. For wanting something easy and casual that did not tie her down or alter the dynamic with their friends. He'd panicked her with the intensity of his intimacy.
But then his mind spooled back to the softness of her voice, her words, when they had sex. How she'd held him. He hadn't imagined that.
He'd checked his phone repeatedly that morning but she hadn't texted. He tried to force himself to focus on the textbook in front of him but all he could think was how profoundly little he cared about his degree in business, about the Center and its politics, how he was barely into his twenties and already somehow totally trapped -
There was a knock at his door.
And when he opened it, Ashara was on the other side.
"Hi," he said, heart already in his throat.
"I'm sorry for not texting or calling I just - can I come in? It's okay if you say no."
"Of course."
She was already talking as she crossed the threshold, because Ashara Lavellan was nothing if she was not fast, quick and lively as a flash of sun on the surface of water. About how she was an idiot, and a mess, and she probably wasn't worth the trouble of dealing with what an idiot mess she was, and how she knew things had to stay secret but how Claudia had some type of plan about the Center, and Lucius was caught in the current, happy to see her, not sure he was following, unwilling to interrupt.
"The entire point is," she said, taking both his hands suddenly. "That I like you, Lucius. I don't want this to just be casual. I care about you too much for that. And I don't know if you feel the same way and it's okay if you don't -"
Lucius kissed her, not to silence her but because he didn't have any words of his own for the swelling, buoyant feeling in his chest. Because he would never have half her skill with words anyway. Because he wanted to be quick, too, to show her how he felt.
"I'd like that a lot," he said. "Figuring this out with you."
"Good," Ashara said, beaming. "Then we will."
Lucius had never felt more sure of anything in his life.
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seriouslyhooked · 6 years
Scoring Your Love (Part 15/18)
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six,Part Seven,Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten, Part Eleven, Part Twelve, Part Thirteen, Part Fourteen. Story also on FF here and AO3 here. Banner by the wonderful @timetravelandfairytales
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Modern AU where Killian is a world famous soccer star who has hit rock bottom and been sentenced to the place where ‘football’ legends go to die – America. While here he crosses paths with Emma, an up and coming musician and film scorer who challenges everything he thought he knew and makes him want more than the game he’s always loved. Will be filled with fluff for days. Rated M.
A/N: Hello friends. This chapter is coming to you after a little extra time away, but I hope you will forgive me after you read it. I enjoyed writing this because it brings a little closure in some ways, and sets CS up for more of the cuteness that the end of my stories always bring. I hope that you guys like it and I would love to hear what you all think! Thanks for reading!
Sitting in Regina’s palatial office on the top floor of the Mills Inc. building, there was no denying that she and her family were loaded.
Killian was by no means a poor man. He’d been saving for years, and his contracts were some of the highest paying that the sport had ever seen. With Liam’s advice and know-how, Killian had taken large chunks of his wealth and made more money on the right kind of investments and endorsements, but still there was a difference between rich and obscenely wealthy. Regina was clearly in the latter category.
“I’d say you get used to it, but I’m not big on lying,” Robin whispered as they awaited their host. Killian shook his head and turned his attention back to his coach, amused by the commentary.
“So if I asked where you and Her Majesty are relationship wise you would say…?”
“I plead the fifth.” 
Robin responded with a grin and a jovial laugh that spoke to his happiness. Killian didn’t need more confirmation than that. His coach and the team’s owner were clearly together, and Killian was glad for them. Robin was a good man, and though Regina was… well, Regina… Killian wished them both well in whatever they were doing.
“Smart move,” Regina said as she walked into her personal office, giving away that she’d been listening for a while. Both men made to stand up but she waved them away. “No need for that. We’re at war gentleman. Ceremony has no place in a warzone.”
“War?” Robin questioned, clearly entertained by the ferocity in Regina’s voice. His lightheartedness in the face of her fire put Robin in a category all his own. Few men would see such intensity and be interested, but Robin looked downright infatuated. “Isn’t that a bit… much?”
“Maybe. But I love a good battle,” Regina said, looking happier than Killian could imagine any sane person being under the circumstances. “What do you think, Killian? Is it a war you want?”
“No,” Killian said, surprising himself and Regina as well. Honestly though, when he thought of it he didn’t want a never-ending saga. His heart wasn’t set on vengeance or revenge, it just wanted Gold to be gone and gone for good. “I want peace for me and Emma. Now if the only way to get that is through a fight, then so be it. But I’m willing to bet there’s another way.”
“Good. I like the no fighting idea. Let’s go with that,” Robin said enthusiastically, drawing a deep sigh from Regina.
“Well, I was going to save this for a big finale – let us get a few good rounds in before just to mess with him - but I guess if you two are hell bent on taking the high road…”
The revelations that came from Regina thereafter were astounding to Killian, and he almost didn’t believe the words that the team owner imparted to him and to Robin. It turned out that for more than a year Regina had been cultivating a plant within Gold Industries, and that plant had been slowly moving up the ladder, gaining more and more access to the deeply unethical underbelly of a company that seemed clean on the outside. They were tracking and logging all of the happenings, and to Killian’s amazement, Regina was now confident that there was enough to take to the feds and get Gold in seriously hot water.
“I honestly didn’t expect these kind of results so soon, but Gold got sloppy, as fickle minded men are prone to doing.”
Regina’s words again could have been a turn off for a more ordinary bloke, but when Killian glanced over at Robin he looked proud of his woman instead of put off by her disdain for the male population. At another time Killian would seek to further analyze such a dynamic, but instead he focused on Regina’s words, which were more than he could have ever hoped for.
“It turns out Gold couldn’t juggle his hatred for you and his illegal business dealings all at once. We’re talking everything – corporate espionage, bribery, a hint of treason… and a couple of people on his personal black list who just so happened to get hurt or go missing. My source has documented all she can. All I have to do is make a call to my contact at the Bureau and that’ll be the end of it. He’s going away, no matter how much money he has.”
“You’re serious?” Killian asked, still stunned at the revelation. Regina held the key to the demise of a man they all know to be abhorrent, but still she waited. She should have acted weeks ago, or whenever the bloody hell she’d had enough to take this to the authorities. “Then what are you waiting for? Make the call.”
“I want to, really, I do. There’s just one problem. The second I make that call, you don’t need me anymore. If there’s no Gold there’s nothing keeping you from leaving when your contract is fulfilled. You’ll be back to Europe the second the season’s over.”
And there it was, the ultimatum. Killian knew the other shoe was going to drop at some point and now it had, but it wasn’t as bad a prospect as it could have been. As far as blackmail went, this was of a rather tame variety: keep playing for Regina’s team and Gold would go away. It was an easy trade in Killian’s estimations.
Robin’s tone of censure was harder than Killian was used to hearing it. He clearly did not find this funny any more, and this final proposal was not something Robin would let stand. In fact, this was the closest to angry that Killian had ever seen his coach. The usually calm man looked downright heated, and again the intrigue of what he was witnessing struck Killian. If only the team were here to witness this with him. This was something that needed to be seen to be believed.
“You want me to sign on for longer with the team in exchange for bringing down Gold?” Killian asked as Regina and Robin remained locked in some kind of stare down.  He only asked to clarify, and there was no resentment in his tone because the truth was he had already been thinking at length about staying on.
Meeting Emma had fundamentally changed Killian’s earlier expectations. Where before he viewed this relocation as a punishment that must be born to get back to a better place, now his time on the team represented a new start that he vastly preferred to the life he had before. All of that had to do with Emma, and since Emma’s life was here, his would be too. That left him with two viable options: continue playing for this team or leave the game for good. He found that he didn’t have an issue with either plan, but all things considered he’d like to stay on with the sport he loved, even if the competition would never match what he’d once known.
“No, she’s not saying that,” Robin exclaimed at the exact time Regina said, “Exactly.”
“Regina, are you kidding? Tell me you’re kidding,” Robin begged as Regina looked at him like the man had three heads.
“What? You want him on the team, you told me so yourself,” Regina explained. “I’m giving you what you want.”
By this time Robin had jumped up from his seat and begun to pace the floor of the office. His hands rested on his hips and his head shook forcefully, as if the action would physically erase the thought he found so terrible. He looked disgusted at the way Regina was going about this, and while Killian wasn’t quite as clueless as Regina, he had to admit he was taken aback by such a strong reaction. This situation didn’t merit such an incised response, but Robin was a man guided by character and integrity, so it stood to reason that such a play would make him uncomfortable.
“I don’t want it. Not like this, Regina. It’s bad enough he was forced to come here in the first place. You want to hold him hostage all over again? You want to take away his will, for what? Another winning season? No, sorry. I won’t be a part of that.”
“Fine,” Regina said with a sharp exhale after a moment’s pause. “I’ll make the call, no strings. Happy?”
“Thrilled,” Robin said, and though he still looked huffy he walked to where Regina was behind her desk and planted a kiss on her that was by no means work appropriate. Killian ducked his head to give them some privacy, but still, there was no denying he’d just been privy to something that was not fit for public consumption. “We’re going now.”
“I think that would be best,” Regina murmured, her voice so much softer and less testy than it was before.
“I’ll see you tonight?” Robin whispered lowly, but Killian still heard the man. He pretended to completely miss the question for everyone’s sake, but it was hard to act like everything was normal given the situation.
“Yes, tonight,” Regina agreed before she set her eyes back on Killian. “Sorry, Jones. Old habits die hard.”
Receiving an apology from Regina felt like a once in a lifetime kind of thing. The woman was hard headed, stubborn, and pushy. She’d crossed a few lines already and stepped on more than a few toes before, but never had he seen her apologize. He knew the change in her was likely brought on by her feelings for Robin, but either way Killian would accept it. There was no sense turning down her small display of humility, not when they were both on the same team.
“You handle Gold and send a competitive offer to my brother and I’ll consider it,” Killian replied, and though it wasn’t a direct verbal acceptance of her apology it was symbolically.
Leaving Regina with a victorious look on her face, Robin and Killian made their way to the elevator bay in silence. It had been quite a meeting they’d just attended, and there was a lot that could be said about what had just transpired inside the four walls of that office. Killian didn’t dare to broach any of it though. He had no desire to make things awkward with a man who he considered to be his friend and who had put himself on the line for Killian’s benefit. To do so would lack all honor, and Killian knew better than that.
“Not a word about this to the others.” Robin’s words might sound like a coach’s orders to some, but Killian knew it was a sincere request and not a demand.
“I was never going back to London,” Killian said, giving Robin his own secret to hold onto. It would keep things equal between them, and Killian could tell from the look in Robin’s eyes that his coach understood the gesture and appreciated it. “Do me a favor and keep that from the Queen for the time being, aye?”
Robin agreed that he would as the elevators opened on the first floor. At that point the two men said their goodbyes, and Killian headed off, allowing himself to fully rejoice in the good news now that he was alone. Gold was done for, and soon enough justice would be served. He and Emma might not be free from the pressures of the press, for those would never truly go away while he lived anywhere near the public eye, but his worst adversary was soon to be toppled. Knowing that that lifted a heavy weight from Killian’s shoulders, and by the time he ended up at Emma’s apartment, he was practically floating with that happiness.
Standing in front of the door, Killian pulled out the key that Emma had given him a few nights before. After they’d said I love you the exchange between them seemed merited. Killian wanted Emma in every corner of his life, and she felt the same way. Killian felt the privilege of her trusting him like this sincerely though, and as he walked inside his smile couldn’t be contained. This was a beautiful life that he’d stumbled upon and he, quite frankly, couldn’t imagine being happier.
“Oh come on! That’s a totally bogus call. He was off sides! Are you blind, ref?”
Emma’s irritated words spoken allowed led Killian to believe they might not be alone tonight despite his hopes, but when he walked into the living room and found his Swan she was very much by herself. It was quite a sight to behold: Emma, a novice to the game, who had no love in her heart for the sport before meeting him, was willingly watching a match between his next opponent and another team in the league. Her focus was entirely on the television before her, her eyes taking stock of the ball as it moved across the screen and there was no denying as he watched her for a moment before she could notice he was here that she was enjoying himself. It did something to his heart to witness this from Emma, because he knew she was invested because of him. Learning the game and watching it played was about trying to understand that part of his life, and Killian was flattered and elated that she loved him enough to take this on.
“Ugh, these calls are bogus. It’s gotta be rigged,” she murmured, talking to herself as so many millions of fans had done before her.
“Feels that way sometimes, doesn’t it?” Killian asked, pulling Emma’s attention to him. Her smile at seeing him was immediate, but he noticed the blush that spread over her cheeks. She’d been caught indulging in this and she knew it, but Killian couldn’t bear to comment on it before coming over to kiss her. He’d gone hours without getting the chance to do so, and he was about to share such happy news with her, it seemed only fitting.  
“If I knew watching ‘football’ would turn you on like this I would have started ages ago,” Emma said when they came up for air. During the kiss Killian had taken a seat with Emma and she had managed to find her way into his lap, just as he wanted her to be.
“You really want to pretend this is your first time watching, Swan?” Killian asked with a raised brow and Emma shrugged.
“It just happened to be on, that’s all.”
Killian laughed at her attempt to hide the truth and Emma caved to the laughter too, burying her giggle in the crook of his neck and sending the reverberation of that gorgeous sound pulsing through him. The reality of the situation was so transparent, especially since the channels to watch these games in the states was so obscure no one ever saw it. People were more likely to watch his old league play than American ‘soccer’ and so there was no chance of casually happening upon the station. It required active searching or a preexisting knowledge of what number would provide the right coverage, but Killian would let her words slide, knowing in his heart what she’d really been doing for him.
“You seem happy,” Emma claimed, her eyes coming back to meet his as if she was searching for any other kind of emotion.
“I am happy, Emma. Gloriously so,” he confessed as his fingers came up to brush a few wayward locks of her blonde hair back behind her ears. God she was perfect, and she was, thankfully, all his.
“So the meeting went well then?”
He explained to her all the ways in which it had gone better than well, watching as Emma’s eyes grew wider and answering any questions she had along the way. It shocked her that Gold could be undone like this and that the time for his demise would come so soon. A couple of times she asked for more details on Robin and Regina (since she and her friends had all long since heard of the strange match that existed between them), but her interest always circled back to Gold and the triumph of good over a bad.
“I can’t believe it,” she finally whispered. “He’s really going to be gone, just like that?”
“Well I imagine there will be some dramatics involved. A man of his stature isn’t going to go down without a fight, and he’s hardly the most even-tempered man to begin with.”
“How long do you think he’ll be in prison?”
“Depends on how the trial goes. But I suspect it’ll be a very, very long time.”
Relief washed over Emma at his words, and Killian wanted to promise her that he would take care of everything and that there was no way Gold would ever taste freedom again, but he couldn’t do that. All he could do was trust that the system would prevail, and rest assured that if it didn’t, Regina wasn’t above getting dirty to make sure he went down and stayed down. As it was, this was truly an ending to the chapter of their lives that had anything to do with Gold. His time had come and gone, and there would be no rise of that monstrous man every again.
“It’s just…” Emma paused, trying to find the right words to relay her thoughts on the extraordinary circumstances. “I mean you couldn’t write a cleaner ending. It’s like that part in the movies where the villain meets their terrible fate.  The bad guy lost and the heroes live to fight another day.”
“And in this movie what role do we play, Swan?”
“The heroes, duh,” she said, teasing him as a playful smile appeared at her lips.
“Right. And these heroes, they’re the ones that get the happy endings, correct?” Killian prompted as his hand ran up her side. He wanted to hear Emma say again how she loved him, and that, yes, they were destined for a happy ending. Instead she rolled her eyes at his cheesiness, but even that action couldn’t deter from how good he felt right now.
“Like you don’t know,” Emma huffed, pretending to be annoyed. Before she could take her act too far and leave him though, Killian’s hold on her tightened. The air between them swirled with a new delicious tension, and Killian saw the moment Emma felt the shift as lust colored her jade colored eyes.
“I do know, Emma. I know you and I are destined for miraculous things, and as for happy endings…”
Killian’s hand traced a delicate design along Emma’s skin, finding the flesh beneath her shirt and teasing her with his touch. He pressed a kiss to her lips, then to her jaw and to her neck and he felt Emma gasp for breath only to sigh into the action. Her heart beat at the same frantic rhythm as his, and she melted into him, her fingers grasping onto his shirt as if letting go would mean the end of this perfect thing between them.
“Yes?” Emma asked, reminding him about his earlier thought where her gorgeous body had driven him to distraction. He pulled back to look in her eyes, his hand cupping her cheek in a tender motion.
“Ours is bound to be better than any that came before.”
And with that promise, and some fancy maneuvering to get them both up from the couch and into her room, Killian attempted to show Emma just how breathtaking and wonderful and life-affirming their story was bound to be. For the road before them was long and light, and though dark days may come again, it was nothing they couldn’t handle, as long as they faced it as they always should: together.
Post-Note: Hey all! So I have closed the door (for the most part) on the Gold story line now. Still ahead we have some Liam stuff to get to, but rest assured next chapter will address that last hiccup for good.. I hope that you enjoyed and I would love to hear what you thought! Anyway thanks so much for reading and hope you have a great rest of your day!
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twentysixdegrees · 6 years
maaaaan, this girl is non-stop!
*pushes my index fingers together* i wrote all the starters i owe, though i have replies that i still owe (i didn’t forget)! i’ll get to those either later today after i meet some deadlines or tomorrow!! that being said, welcome to the new members of werelit, and i still have a lot of brain babies and random ass ideas...so uh, if you want to do something you can take a look down below!
if we’re mutuals, if you find this in the tags and it piques your interest, or we already got something going on but something in this catches your eye....like, call dibs, message me first, or breathe in my general direction--anything works!
tumblr im is the best way to reach me! pls don’t leave me hanging!!! (also please excuse the typos that are sure to pop up, i’m running out of steam omg)
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random ideas
some kind of superhero au: im gonna be real i typed all the shit under this and lost my steam BUT i saw black panther the other day and was endlessly inspired. obviously it doesn’t have to be in that setting but maybe in the mcu with more poc heroes? 
mythology/percy jackson-esque au: i loved the percy jackson books! camp half blood or not, we could have them living in the outside world trying to integrate successfully, or recognizing each other as half-bloods and being all !!!.  ANYTHING!
existing muses that i have that i would love to make a plot for!
hacker (affiliated with some sort of underground organization): some typa mob au, park kyungri fc though it’s flexible! she was part of a closed rp at some point and i loved her even after i left the rp so i kept her bio close...intellectually gifted as a youth, while en route to a job in cyber security, in uni an event forced her to change careers drastically. w/ technology and her own set of learned skills, she’s off the grid, new identity, and working for the enemy of her enemy (so they’re now her friend). if you’re interested, lmk!!! i’ll give you her full bio or summarize it for you!
clairaudient psychic: kim taehyung fc, though it’s flexible! a psychic who has particularly clear hearing, aka he is especially sensitive to voices from beyond the grave. he usually uses his gift to help souls pass on by reaching out to relatives or vice versa, his brother’s death was a heightening event that only made him more sensitive. he has some spirit guides that *spoiler* guide him and assist him in distinguishing lost souls from malicious ones. makes a living as a psychic with a dedicated client base, though he does get the rando skeptic every now and then (that usually ends up leaving a little shaken). has the potential to lean slice of life or supernatural, depending on what kind of character plays opposite him!
nighttime radio dj w/ supernatural elements: more of a brain child than anything, i don’t have a fc for him yet! but kind of inspired by that whole ‘welcome to nightvale’-ish vibe? i’ll admit i never fully got into the podcasts, but i like the idea of them being completely human but unknowingly or uncaringly kind of blending into other dimensions because of a mix of location (perhaps near a bridge in the city that they’re in, since bridges have been known to have connotations of ‘leading to other realms’) and time (probably from 3am to 4am since it’s commonly associated with the ‘witching hour’). maybe their broadcast reaches out further than simply their plane of existence and kind of interferes into other dimensions? idk! it would be interesting and i am so up for discussion/tossing ideas back and forth!
time travelling cyborg: was a jb from got7 fc, but i want to change his fc...he’s from the future, was in a fire so the majority of his left side is enhanced prosthetic ergo cyborg. i have a lot of hcs though i lost his bio but i can tell you many many things about him. basically he’s studying the past in order to better the future (his present), etc etc etc, and for his thesis he gets to time travel back to observe...told not to make too many important relationships etc because butterfly effect but...inevitability!
a polyamorous dynamic: obviously this requires 2 other beautiful writers that kind of know each other (or don’t mind getting to know each other)! but i think it be really interesting to explore a dynamic that so often misrepresented? the r/s isn’t perfect ofc, and there’s still jealousy and misunderstandings involved but the three of them, at the center of it all, make each other better. it’s a balancing act but it’s worth it? so many potential dynamics between the three of them!
muses inspired by fcs/photos (very basic ideas!)
rena from pristin in a modern royal au: a princess. she is a princess. i fell in love on my timeline when i saw this photoset. something to do with this photoset? idk!!! if u have an idea lay it on me!!!
yongguk from bap looking like a snack: i just want to write for a yongguk. that’s all. hit me with any ideas if you want. let’s do it.
nayoung from gugudan in a pirate au: pirates! just PIRATES! there are so many ways to go about this? but all i know is that i want nayoung to be a pirate. whether you want to play a fellow pirate or a crew members or a naval officer captured or or or...there’s a lot of options............
jinyoung (got7) as a kind of kiki’s delivery service au: look how sweet and unassuming he looks! maybe a magical being who moves out of their little community to try and make it in the city...doing odd jobs and trying to make friends!!!
a plot where i can use liu yifei as a fc: yes, i know she is the casting for hua mulan but it doesn’t have to be mulan-esque (unless you’re down with that!)...i see this as a potential historical-esque, wushu inspired, fantastical plot?
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vvardenfellcat · 7 years
SHIPPING INFO // Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog. REPOST. Don’t reblog.
Stolen from uh...lots of people at this point. Took me a while to get to it. @aglitchinemotion finally got my booty in gear tho.
I have a few... Though it’s more of ‘hey these two/three/etc would be cute and actually get along and heeeeyyyy that might actually work in canon! I wonder...
Nothing’s canon yet for TES!J’hasi, though Aldaril and Morwaen have a one-sided thing going on atm. Mori, pls...show the poor mer some mercy...
Modern!TES AU J’hasi, Maarzi, and Jeer-Rah are a thing, Al and Morwaen are a thing, Icarus and mead is a thing... All the ships. Welcome to my self-indulgent paradise.
Depends on how well I know you. Unless you’re Paige I doubt it would go further than fade to black after smooches and whatnot. I’ve started writing the Porns™ to try and see if I like doing it/find it worthwhile, and while I enjoy the emotionally-connected ones, the stand of the night type ones aren’t fun to me. Still have to issue copies to Quality Control to determine their Hot Stuff merit.
TL;DR full blown prons are doubtful unless I’m really close friends with the mun first, else varies between No and fade-to-black depending on how well I know the mun.
Under 18 is a Hell No, TES is uh...weird with people living hundreds of years and yet some only 80ish or w/e so I guess it depends on how old they seem? Mer, man. Can’t get a good bead on em agewise. I suppose if there’s like a huge gap like Mr. 800 years old shacking up with someone around 400 that would be weird to me. A hundred years gap wouldn’t be too bad assuming the younger is like...30s? 40s? At least. Mid 20s would be the lowest I’d go with something like that, and even then that’s pushing it. Two hundred gap would be ehh...and anything beyond that is sort of a ‘how is each individual case like’?
Modern AU (aka not TES Modern AU) I guess like 10 ish gap is the most? Not much higher than that because then you get weird things of like ‘oh I was a teenager when you were born’ stuff and that rubs me the wrong way.
I mean I’m a bit selective with rping, like...I can’t up and ship with someone if I don’t know them. And yes, that has happened in the past and it made me not want to ship ever again because someone didn’t know/didn’t care that it’s not cool to write my character for me. And horribly OOC too. Yuck.
Honestly we’d have to be mutuals for a while before I’d be okay with shipping. Especially if it was J’hasi because LET ME TELL YOU THAT BOY FEEL TOO GOTDAMN MUCH FOR HIM GOTDAMN HEART. And yeah they have to have chemistry. And while most of my characters are more easygoing with the romance and boinking stuff, J’hasi is one of those that’s hard to get to that point because Trust Issues and whatnot. Anyone’s welcome to try, just know that we’d have to know each other and the muses in question would have to have some chemistry before anything progresses beyond verbal sparring.
Once someone goes beyond the belt, that’s the point that I’d say yeah that’s nsfwy-stuffs. Smooches and whatnot are safes, making out, etc, but once someone starts digging around in the other’s pants then yeah that’s a decent marker. I’d likely readmore it once it got beyond smooches for sake of people who don’t want to read two muses fooling around with each other but it wouldn’t get the NSFW tag until aforementioned marker.
I thought I was asked this before x_x UHHHHMMM usually it’s more of ‘who’s possible’, since I don’t set anything in stone until the characters meet in RP. I may misread a character and then the ship would be weird once I learn my mistake, so I tend to ask lots of questions of the person in question like ‘if x met y and they did z, how would they react?’ I do this with situations outside of shipping too because I LIKE LEARNING ABOUT CHARACTERS MANG.
Private ships are private ships, usually self-indulgent whatever to help me practice writing interpersonal communication and possibly sexytiems so I can learn what sounds natural because it’s a new type of writing for me, same as when I was first learning how to write actiony stuffs and MAJOR DOOM plots and whatever. The pronoun game kills me because 90% of it is gay. Maarzi and her gf Riheh is one of my fave ships because MAARZI IS SUCH A FUCKING TEASE AND THEN RIHEH CATCHES HER OFF-GUARD CONSTANTLY AND I LOVE THEM.
...I just realized I haven’t done any straight NSFW yet aside from that thread with Moj and Sham. I should...probably remedy that. Oops.
I’m fine with your character feeling as they will, it’s your character, that’s how they do. It’s when you try to push it onto my character without asking for permission that I get irritated. Like by all means, a character can make passes at mine, flirt, w/e, that’s totally fine. It’s when someone thinks that because my muse reacts a certain way back that they think it’s canon then, which. No. You ask me.
Sometimes my characters flirt back because that’s just how they are. They might be trying to use your muse’s apparent interest to suit their needs. Muses may not explain their reasoning for acting x way, so it’s better to ask me to see if it’s genuine ‘ay let’s ship’ vs ‘my character is using yours to get out of a situation or for their own selfish gain’. Plus, if I don’t know you, a ship isn’t going to happen. I need to know the mun before I make any commitments.
I’m with Dust!mod on this one, when it makes sense. I’m not romantically inclined irl, so it’s not like I Need it, it’s just something fun and new to play with, like when you get a new toy. You have lots of other toys, and that’s yet another you have at your disposal. Say that you think that the situation would be more exciting if Mr. Dinosaur came in and interrupted the tea party with some dire news from the front, or maybe he wants to confess that he loves Mr. Sheep and doesn’t want Mr. Sheep to elope with Tonka Truck, or that Tonka Truck was actually using Mr. Sheep for his billions in assets to make war on the Hot Wheels regime. It could be integral to the plot, or just give another facet to it, adding some extra drama to the Shit Going Down. The world is your oyster, friend.
Nnnnnnah. I tried AU stuff with other fandoms, didn’t like, and I don’t need multiple verses of the same TES verse to handle. Not to mention like...why would you multiship when you can have polyamory? Way easier imo. Imagine the cuddlepiles. The only exception I have for this is Modern!TES but that’s more of ‘this is my self-indulgent paradise, I’ll make everyone hold hands if I want to’, and that’s...kinda my personal verse since I haven’t really talked about it much and I don’t think other people would be into it lmao
If it’s friends, lovers, rivals, sworn enemies, whatever relationship a muse has with another, it’s all good in my book. It’s great to have character-developing interactions no matter how it’s brought about, if your friend is concerned about x habit you have, or if you got the hots for some new friend on the block, or if you can’t fucking stand your new co-worker/peer, or someone decided that You Need To Die For X Reason And You Just Won’t Go Quietly.
I don’t hold any over the others in terms of importance, like sometimes I’m more in the mood for rival battles, sometimes I just want nerds to cuddle and read together. It just depends on what mood I’m in for at the moment.
Uhhhhhh I can’t think of any atm. I get a stupid grin on my face when me and @brothersofthedominion come up with ideas for our plots involving a giant golden boy and a srs golden girl, but my current favorite ship that I think about a lot is stuck in self-indulgent paradise world.
I gotta know who tf you are first. Ask interactions are good for this, because then it unlocks the possibility of rps, which then once I have a good idea of who you are, then there’s a chance of shipping. Else it’s gonna end up being your muse tryna flirt with mine with little chance of getting anywhere other than flirting back or in J’hasi’s case, likely a big fat |:/
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