#i usually was the one who did this when i was closing
weaselle · 2 days
had an interaction with a cat at my mother's friend's house (we dropped by to feed her while my mom's friend was out of town) and my mother said "i was surprised how much that cat liked you, she doesn't usually let people pet her but she followed you around and let you pet her a lot"
and in explaining to her my interaction with the cat i put into words a thing i'd never put into words before, having always automatically understood what i was doing. But once i put it into words my mother said she'd never thought of that and it felt like something worth sharing here.
This cat did a typical cat thing where she sniffed my fingers i was holding out, and then acted like she wanted me to pet her, but then when i started to move to pet her, moved her head away slightly to prevent it.
I instinctively understand this interaction, and stopped trying to pet her and moved back to a neutral position and waited to see if she would re-initiate an interaction.
Because this is basically a consent test. This is how a cat can assess "how closely are you paying attention to what i'm telling you" and "how respectful of my boundaries are you".
If i am responsive to her yes/no game, moving to pet her when she indicates i can, stopping immediately when she seems to change her mind, then she knows she can trust me to understand her, and also to respect her choices. That's what i did, so then she knew she could trust me and relax around me and enjoy my company. She was actually a very friendly and social little cat, who clearly wanted to make friends with me.
But if i had insisted on trying to pet her when she seemed to change her mind instead of simply understanding that she didn't want to be pet in that moment, she would have known she couldn't trust me to understand or respect her, and she would have treated me like she has to treat 90% of the people who visit that house, evidently.
I work mostly with dogs these days, but i grew up with cats too, and am generally good with animals. Many shy animals will also do this same "sniff sniff okay touch me nope just kidding" routine, especially if they've had experiences with people that make establishing that kind of communication and trust important to them.
And in fact, a lot of animals will do some version of this kind of consent test in a whole variety of situations. When well socialized dogs do that thing where they are rough housing and then they both stop suddenly for a moment until one of them play bows or makes a little pouncing motion and then they fly back into rough housing mode, that's what they are doing, they are doing a consent check-in, like "whoah this is getting wild, are you still in? are we still playing, is this still a good time for you?"
anyway, that's why this lovely little cat followed me around asking me to pet her the whole time we were visiting that house, because i showed her that i understood her signals and respected her boundaries, which is something i see a lot of both men and women not doing when interacting with cats and dogs.
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rottenaero · 1 day
They were gonna put Eddie down like a damn dog.
The group had insisted that Steve visit the hospital today, one year and two months after the incident. It was a random day, and he thought, ‘ why the hell not?’
Family Video had been closed for months, doing ‘ repairs’, so he really didn’t have much else to do.
He thought it was weird, the way the group was as far away from the bed as possible, and how when he entered the room, Hopper almost blocked the exit.
He doesn’t question it though, sidling up to the open chair beside Eddie, who was still asleep after all this time, and punching his shoulder lightly.
“ Hey, Hero.”
He’d taken to calling it sleeping instead of what it was, a coma. Sleeping sounded more peaceful, because with sleeping came dreams and relaxation.
Eddie doesn’t respond, doesn’t react. Steve didn’t expect him to.
He turns his head to Dustin, the one who’d called him in the first place. “ So, why’re we gathered here today? Any updates?” He asks, addressing the whole room.
The boy swallows, and something tells him something’s wrong. Really wrong.
“ Yeah, actually. Uhm, since it’s been so long, we were thinking-“ He cuts himself off, crosses his arms and starts tapping his foot. Thinking, probably.
Hopper glances to him, and sighs, deciding to lead. “ We’re gonna have to let Munson go.” He states.
Steve takes a sharp breath.
“ What?”
‘ Let him go’ like this is a job. Like this isn’t him losing his life. He wonders when they decided to do this, in the hospital room for the ten minutes they were waiting.
Eddie doesn’t give any indication he hears what’s being said, the beeps from the heart monitor still steady and even as ever. A constant metronome of the exact same sound on the exact say beat, all the time, always.
Except maybe not always.
Dustin takes over again, arms placating. “ It’s been a really long time, Steve. We’ve come to terms that he probably won’t wake up, and it’s doesn’t have to be sad-“
“ You’re killing him.” He hisses, “ You’re killing him and it’s not meant to be sad?”
Nancy steps forward, seeing it as her time to speak. “ Steve. You barely knew the guy, and you spend all your time here, it’s not good for you.”
“ There’s been no good signs, no nothing, not even when El looks into his brain.” Dustin nods at the girl across the room, who’s fiddling with her fingers.
Steve furrows his brow, “ Oh, so I guess you’re gonna pull the plug on Max too?”
Lucas’s eyes widen, mouth dropping open, and Nancy glares. “ That is not fair, Steve.”
“ This whole situations pretty fucking unfair, so I guess you’re gonna have to explain to me how this is different from Max.” He stands, stance wide as he points to the man in the hospital bed.
“ Max is making progress.” Lucas says weakly, and El sets a hand on his shoulder. The boy deflates.
He turns toward Hopper and Joyce, the latter still not having spoken. The Byers family had moved back to Indiana for God knows what reason, and Steve knows that if he had the money, that he could’ve moved somewhere else long ago.
“ Does Wayne know you’re killing his kid?” He asks.
He’d met the man while visiting, and they’d usually sit in silence and watch baseball or whatever was on. He never questioned why Steve was there, or why he was holding a limp body’s hand and taking off it’s rings and putting them back on.
When they did speak, it was stories he had from Eddie’s childhood, about how he buzzed his head because a spider crawled on him and he was convinced it was hidden in his hair, making babies.
Hopper pinched his nose, like he was being a pest. “ Stop using words like killing, and yes. He said he didn’t want Eddie to have to suffer, and his bills are getting expensive.”
And he blinks, realization dawning.
This hadn’t just been decided, had it? This wasn’t a ten minute decision while Steve was getting ready to come here.
He speaks, his voice low and keeping even through each word, “ You guys had a meeting.” The ‘ without me’ goes unsaid, but still echoes throughout the room like if would’ve if he shouted it.
They’d decided this whole thing beforehand, somehow knowing that Steve would hang on. And he would, will. He can’t let him die, he can’t lose.
Will nods, and next to him Mike and Dustin look ashamed. He would’ve thought they’d hold out more.
He racks his brain for any reason they should keep alive, can’t find one. Somehow, even without one for them, he has a million for himself.
“ If the bills are the reason, I’ll pay the damn bills. He’s fucking alive.” He tries.
“ You don’t have a job, Family Video is closed. Just let it be, Steve. Please.” Robin had been eerily quiet during this entire conversation, and it brings him chills him when she speaks.
His best friend had been in on it.
He crosses his arms, “ I’ll get a job. Listen, I’ve been having dreams,-“ He lies. He lies because there’s nothing true to prove Eddie is getting better. “-dreams that he’s alive in like a dark space, I don’t know- his mind maybe? I just- I really think he’s in there.”
The hope Dustin gets on his face hurts, but he doesn’t care. The guy will wake up and it won’t matter that the ‘ dreams’ never existed.
Maybe it’s because he’s an optimist, and that’s why he’s trying so hard, as pessimistic as he can be sometimes.
“ Why didn’t you tell us?” Dustin asks and Steve licks his lips.
Why didn’t he tell them? “ Despite all this crazy shit, me having dreams that he’s alive still sounds crazy.” He doesn’t look at the boy as he says this, eyes roaming over Eddie’s face.
He looks serene, the bat bite on his face as healed as it can get. The doctors had mentioned swelling on his back shoulder blades, but Steve thinks his would be swollen too if he sat on them for a year.
‘ A year and two months.’ He corrects himself.
He stares at the hair that, occasionally when it got matted, Steve would go through and brush it, not wanting him to wake up to being bald because a doctor seemed it necessary.
Wayne mentioned how much he hated the shaved head, and he wouldn’t put him through that again.
As he looks at him, he thinks ‘ I’m doing this for you, so you better wake up, asshole.’
Dustin’s eyes are wide, staring at the members of Hellfire. Steve could only describe the look as ecstatic.
“ Holy shit, I mean, holy shit!” He laughs, and Mike breaks into his own grin.
Jonathan chimes in, disbelief sketched into the lines all over his face. “ Sorry, but doesn’t that seem too convenient? I’m not saying you’re lying Steve, just… If El didn’t find anything, that’s pretty much it.”
His lips form into a line, determined. “ I told you, I’ll be paying for whatever. It’s no skin off your back, or money out of Wayne’s pockets.”
Joyce nudges Hopper when he goes to speak, and nods at Steve. “ If you wanna try, sweetheart, you can. But I don’t want you visiting too much, it’s doing you more harm than good.” She wraps him in a hug, before leading the ex-chief of police out of the room.
Slowly, everyone vacates, until it’s just Steve, Eddie, and El.
She doesn’t make a move toward the door, eyes locked onto his face.
“ You’re lying.” She whispers like a secret.
He nods.
She looks toward Eddie, nervous, and she messes with the hem of her shirt when she starts to speak again. “ I lied too.”
She doesn’t elaborate, walking out of the room without anymore information, and Steve blinks.
The hospital has to call Wayne to confirm the transfer, that's how he learns of the circumstances. He doesn't say much of anything, aside from a promise of a visit on Tuesday before he hangs up.
That night, that same fucking night, he gets a call.
It's the front desk lady, voice distressed rushing through an explanation.
" Eddies gone...Only blood in his bed...We don't know where he is."
Steve stares at the wall, the rest of the words falling upon deaf ears.
Someone had probably found out where he was being held, murdered him a year later for his crimes, and stashed the body away.
He sets the phone back in its holster without saying anything to the other line. Not even a goodbye, or a thanks.
He thinks, it only for a second, that he should've let them just pull the plug, it would've been far less painful.
A creaking brings him out of it, and his eyes dart to his door.
It's dark, too dark, and Steve's aware the Upside Down fucked him up in incomprehensible ways, and now every shadow looks like something,
But there was definitely someone in his house.
He keeps slumped on his bed, the same position as when he'd answered the call. He doesn't flinch when the door pushes open enough for a body to slip in.
There's the sound of something dragging along the carpet as they come closer, probably a shotgun, or maybe they're gonna beat him with his own nail-bat.
He doesn't care to decipher the shape, instead shutting his eyes.
A hand grabs his, sets it on dry skin. His thumb touches a rough patch, a scar like feeling.
One his hands had roamed over while patching up his stomach, refusing to get looked at. That concave patch of scratchy skin that they tell you eventually will just be soft, scarred, but normal.
The skin stretches, and he feels a cheek.
Somehow, he thinks if he keeps his eyes shut, he doesn't have to face the thing in front of him, that it somehow isn't real.
A scratchy, disused, and croaky voice sounds out.
" ' Hey, Hero.' "
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januaryembrs · 3 days
hot chocolate!
(last one i promise)
reader & spencer who aren’t exactly enemies but they’re def not friends but reader always double checks if spencer’s fbi vest is secured correctly which in return makes spencer check her over as well and they’re always like ‘stop checking up on me and worry about your own safety’ and it just happens every single time and they swear up and down that they dislike eachother deeply (they need to make out)
BANE OF MY EXISTENCE | Spencer Reid x reader
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description: Spencer hates you, and you hate him, until it comes to protecting each other in the field
length: 0.7k
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His fingers wound through the back of your vest as you made a move to dart past him, trailing after Hotch as you loaded your glock. 
You felt a yank at your neck, his obnoxiously long arms giving you a firm tug back with little to no effort, all but making you stumble backwards as he forced you to stop, and his fingers were at your hip, adjusting the strap before you could ask him just exactly what he was doing. 
“Wha- Reid, let go, my vest is fine,” You snapped, huffing when he ignored you, in the interest of fixing your belt, his brow turned down into a frown. 
“Don’t come crying to me when you get shot in abdomen and suddenly you’re bleeding out, and you lay there and thinking, dang if only the smart FBI would have told me to adjust my kevlar, and I’ll be right there to point and laugh and say I told you so,” He huffed, his fingers making light work of the fiddly strap, tightening it until he couldn’t see a single inch of your shirt to the point he heard your breathing constrict, but he thought he’d rather you be a little uncomfortable than shot. 
“I mean, if I’m laying bleeding out I won’t really have much to say other than, Reid, get medical, I think they hit something serious, please don’t come to my funeral, you were insufferable enough when I was living,” You said, allowing your body to be tugged back as he started on the other side, because there was no use fighting it when he got in those moods when he always needed to be right. 
He paused, his brain catching up to your words and he drew in a silent breath, wondering if the other side of your jacket needed tightening even more, or better yet, if there was any way Hotch would make you stay in the car as back up. 
Spencer yanked the strap with a vendetta, ignoring the way you whined it was too tight, and his lips pursed together. 
“Would you relax, I was clearly kidding,” You said, thinking his mood had come from your teasing, because you seemed to know exactly what to say to push every one of his buttons, “What I would probably be thinking however is if you’ll be able to flag down a medic with your shoelaces untied,”
His gaze snapped to his converse, and sure enough the double knot he relied on seemed to have failed him, and his strings were hazard material as they dragged along the pavement, already mucky where they’d probably been undone for hours. 
“Make sure you do them before we move in, I’m not carrying your bone head out of there if we start taking hits and you trip over your own feet,” You snipped, and he finally released you, immediately leaning down to fix his own issues, completely missing the way your eyes trailed down to make sure he did the loops tight enough because you were being serious when you said it would loathe you to be the one to carry him away from the danger, though probably not in the way he thought. 
He huffed, standing back to his full height and giving his feet a wiggle in their shoes to make sure they were comfortable, and he looked back at you where you were watching him carefully, catching the split second where something close to worry pooled in your eyes. 
It snapped back into your usual cold demeanour when you realised he was looking straight at you, and you whirled you keep your back to him, inspecting your loaded gun some more as a way to busy yourself. 
“Try not to miss, it doesn’t look good on the reports when I have to save your ass twice,” Spencer snarked, and he practically heard the scoff before you even gave it. 
“That was one time, Reid, and it was only cause I couldn’t see past your stupid fluffy hair. You’re a cop, Reid, not a poodle, you don't need that much volume,” You snapped back, the two of you squabbling the entire walk to the building, until Hotch separated you for the sake of his growing headache. 
He just wished you two would talk things out before he seriously considered Emily’s proposition of locking you in the broom closet together.
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rileyslibrary · 9 hours
Feeling frustrated and in desperate need of venting, you run to Ghost to let it all out.
A/N: Platonic fluff & the usual banter.
“And then guess what he said to me!” you shout, turning to look at Ghost. You’d expect him to sit at the edge of his seat, ready to storm out and confront that jerk. But no. Instead, he is reclining in his office chair, swivelling left and right. He has dismantled a stapler during your rant and laid out each piece on the table, apart from the spring, which he twirls between his fingers.
“Are you even paying attention?” You ask, placing your hands on your hips.
“Sure,” he murmurs, even though his posture says otherwise. He closes one eye and peers through the spring with the other.
“Oh yeah?” You tilt your head. “What was I saying then?”
Ghost rolls his eyes, throws his head back, and sets the spring down among the other parts. He pulls his mask down, then adjusts it on his nose.
“On the day of the tactical training—which, according to you, shouldn’t be so close to the physical training because it makes your back hurt, and you don’t shut up about it—you were teamed up with Sergeant Dickinson,” he says with furrowed brows, “whom you refuse to address by his rank and call him what instead?”
“Shart-geant,” you reply, waving your hand. “But that’s irrelevant.”
“I disagree,” he says. “Wasn’t the surname ‘Dickinson’ enough to mess around with?”
“Nah,” you scoff, flicking your wrist. “Too easy.”
“Fair enough,” he nods and continues. “So, apparently, Sergeant Dickinson was a real asshole towards you, bossing you around and whatnot. At the end of your training, he supposedly said something that justifies you SWATing my office and disturbing my peace.”
He finishes his summary, leaving you staring at him with your hands still on your hips. “That’s correct,” you finally confirm.
He looks proud, almost too smug at your agreement. He picks up the spring again and continues playing with it. “Well, don’t leave me hanging,” he prompts, motioning for you to continue, “what did he say that was so terrible?”
“No!” You protest, pointing a finger at him. “No, you guess what that fucker told me.”
“Are we seriously doing this now?” He asks, amused.
“Yes,” you assert, nodding. “Yes, because, chances are, you won’t believe what he said.”
“Fair enough,” Ghost sighs, fully turning his attention to you. “Did he tell you to eat shit?”
“What?!” you ask, raising an eyebrow. “No!”
“How about calling you a horrible, uncooperative, egotistical teammate?”
“No, Ghost,” you shake your head. “As a matter of fact, I was the perfect teammate.”
“Oh, I know,” he says, pointing a finger. “How about—”
“Never mind,” you cut in, frustrated. “I’ll tell you what he said.”
“You sure?” He asks, his smugness returning. “Because I could keep guessing.”
“No, no, that’s enough.” You reply. “He told me to go fetch him the car.”
“Oh, wow,” he murmurs, leaning back on the chair. “Un-be-fucking-lievable.”
“Well, it’s not as dramatic as your guesses!” You exclaim, throwing your hands in the air. “Eat shit? Horrible teammate? Who says that?”
“Well, clearly not Dickinson,” he mutters.
You shoot him a side-eye, to which he responds by concealing the spring in the palm of his hand. There’s a hint of a smirk behind his balaclava.
“So you were bothered because you were asked to get the car.” He states.
“Fetch the car!” You shout, throwing your hands in the air. “Fetch! Like I’m some dog!”
“Are you a dog?” He asks deadpan.
“What a stupid question!” You shout again. “Of course I’m not!”
“Then why does it bother you that much?” He contemplates.
“Because it’s demeaning, Ghost!” you declare, pacing back and forth in front of his desk. “After everything in that training, all the crap he put me through, that’s how he dismisses me? Like I’m not worth his time?”
Ghost tilts his head, his eyes narrowing. The spring is now forgotten in his hand. “Is that how you feel when I shout at you to ‘shut the fuck up, stop acting like a baby, and bear the pain’ during physical training?”
You stop pacing and meet his gaze. “No,” you admit, shaking your head. “No, that’s differ—.”
“How?” Ghost interrupts sharply. “How is it different?”
“You outrank me,” you whisper, dropping your gaze.
“Dickinson outranks you too.” he points out.
“And he shouldn’t!” you shout, stepping forward and slamming your hands on Ghost’s desk. “I should’ve gotten that promotion! I was the one who deserved it, and you know it!”
“So it’s not about fetching cars,” Ghost says calmly. “It’s an ego thing.”
Your eyes widen. Your mouth opens slightly as you lean on the desk, towering over him. Ghost, on the other hand, remains unbothered.
“Are you gaslighting me, Lt.?” You whisper, almost in a threatening voice. “Someone treats me like a dog, then it’s suddenly my fault?”
Ghost avoids your question. He instead turns to look at you with eyes full of empathy. The first time in a long, long time.
“We often ridicule what we secretly desire,” he says. “That’s why you mock his rank and not his name. It’s not Dickinson you have an issue with; it’s the fact that he has become a Sergeant instead of you that bothers you.”
“Th-that’s not true,” you whisper, turning away to hide your blush. “It’s about respect. About being treated like I matter. I don’t envy Dickinson or his stupid rank.”
There’s a soft chuckle behind you, and you turn to look at him. Ghost is shaking his head, his shoulders moving slightly up and down. He reaches into a drawer of his desk and retrieves an envelope.
“Why the laugh?” You ask, crossing your arms in front of your chest.
“You’re not envious, that I agree,” he says, pulling out a letter and pushing it towards you. “You are jealous.”
“I’m not jealous!” You exclaim, eyeing the piece of paper. “What’s this?”
“It’s a letter from your bestie,” Ghost replies, leaning back in his chair. “Just read it.”
You pick up the letter and unfold it. It’s from Dickinson, addressing Ghost. It reads:
Lieutenant Ghost,
I wanted to take a moment to commend Corporal Y/N for her outstanding performance during our recent tactical training exercises. She consistently demonstrated exemplary teamwork skills and a commitment to the success of our missions. Despite our challenges, Corporal Y/N remained composed under pressure and willing to assist her teammates in any way possible.
Her dedication to her duties and her team is commendable, and I believe she has the potential for leadership roles in the future. I have no doubt that she will continue to excel in her career.
Sergeant Dickinson
You fold the letter back and place it on the desk, still looking at it. You scratch your cheek and run a hand through your hair.
“I received it on the day of the training. Dickinson wanted to ensure it found its way to your file.” Ghost says, his eyebrows shooting up. “What do you think about it?”
“A week hasn’t passed since his promotion, and he’s already signing as Sergeant?” You mock.
“You really are a bundle of joy, aren’t you?” Ghost scoffs, throwing his hands up. “And they say about me.”
“Why didn’t he just tell me this himself?” you ask, your eyes darting back and forth while trying to process everything.
“There are lots of reasons,” Ghost contemplates. “Maybe he has trouble with expressing things.”
“Are you projecting much, Lt.?”
“Maybe I am,” he shrugs, playing with the spring more uncomfortably than bored this time. “But I also think he is a show-off who likes to suck up to his higher-ups—”
“—hence addressing the letter to you,” you murmur, finishing his sentence. “Gosh, I feel like an idiot.”
“Don’t just feel like it,” he jokes. “Embrace it instead.”
You scoff and lean on his desk, messing up the stapler parts he so carefully placed on the table. He playfully swats your hand away and shows you the door.
“Now go, and stop being so whiny all the time,” he orders, holding up the spring and pressing it between his index finger and thumb. “It’s ok to stress, as long as you bounce back stronger, like this.”
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leclerity · 1 day
stupid gets you killed
Charles Leclerc x Girlfriend!Reader count: 1.1k words summary: Charles and you have an emotional conversation after his reckless driving at a race. a/n: a short but angsty one, with a happy ending!
It could’ve been the end.
The way it felt, it almost was.
You watch as the red of the Ferrari and the green of the Aston Martin come close, inches apart, with Stroll nearly putting it in the back of your boyfriend’s car. Everyone around you gasps and for a split second, you see them touch and Charles’s car fly off into the grandstands – but that doesn’t happen. They don’t touch. Charles drives away unscathed, though you know that won’t be the end of it.
“That was too close,” says Arthur, shaking his head at the screen.
“He won’t like this too much,” you say and grab a pair of headphones lying around, listening in.
Everything is okay with the car, Bryan Bozzi says.
That was not okay! Charles screams. Who does he think he is?! Driving like an idiot… He should know better!
Keep your head calm, you’ve got forty laps to go.
You take off the headphones and tell Arthur what you just overheard. He shakes his head again, but you both know there’s nothing the two of you can do about it. Charles has been under pressure, ready to burst at any given moment, running second in the championship with maybe—maybe—a chance at something more. Anything that threatens it… Well, it throws him off.
You’re just waiting for the moment it happens.
The race keeps running, you listen in to the radio every so often, and his complaints and agitation are getting more obvious. He’s driving riskier, not caring enough about tyre management, and there’s a few moments when his car gets a little too close to another car.
He finishes in fourth. It’s not where he wanted to be but it’s better than out of the race, you tell yourself. There was a few moments where you held your breath, waiting to see if the anger is going to slip into careless mistakes, and it made you angry. Your boyfriend is better than this.
When he finishes the race, you run straight into his arms. “You did so well! I’m proud of you.”
“I could’ve done better,” he says.
“I know,” you say, and kiss him again. “Next time.”
Charles kisses you, too, before going to speak to others in the garage, keeping one eye on you at all times. You know he’s being hard on himself, but you see his clenched jaw, sunken shoulders, and you know this is going to be a tougher one than usual.
He’s in your orbit the most of the evening, glancing at you even when he’s in the media pen. You can hear some of the questions he’s being asked and a lot of them are about the incident and about his dangerous driving he nearly got a penalty for, and you can already hear the regret in his voice. He looks at you every time it comes up, as if he already knows how much it upset you.
At your side, Arthur gives you a nudge. “Are you going to talk some sense into him when you’re back at the hotel?”
“Maybe. I haven’t decided yet.”
“That was scary.”
You nod. “Too scary. I get the pressure and all, but…”
“Yeah,” Arthur says, “I don’t want to feel like I might lose my brother because he’s being angry and stupid.”
When you get home, you get dinner – he does the perfunctory celebrations and goes back to the hotel, where you’re waiting with him with your guys’ favourite takeaway. He had some time to hang out with the other drivers and now it’s time to hang out with you… But not before you give him a piece of mind.
He knows something’s wrong the moment he enters the hotel room.
“Did I do something wrong?”
“No,” you say.
He frowns. “Okay. You sure?”
You give him a long look.
Charles sits down next to you, looking exhausted but ready to devour the food – but he doesn’t. Instead, he sits with his elbows on his knees, hands held together. “It’s the race.”
“That’s why you’re giving me attitude.”
“Is it because of the Stroll incident?”
You shake your head. He should know better and he does, it will just take him a moment.
He sighs and leans into the couch, a defeated look on his face. “I should’ve handled it better, right?”
“Yeah.” You put a hand on his thigh. “Driving like that, Charles… You could’ve gotten hurt.”
“I would’ve been fine.”
“You don’t know that!”
“Don’t babe me,” you say, shaking your head. “You got angry and…. Anger makes you stupid. Stupid gets you killed.”
Charles opens his mouth and closes it, knowing fair well that there’s nothing he could say in his defence that would make you change your mind. He sees it all on your face, you know it – the terror you’d gone through waiting to see if his anger will make him slip up, make a mistake; the threat of losing him.
He takes your hand in his and kisses the back of it, before placing it on his chest, right where his heart is. “Y/N,” he says, gently. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have let my anger get the best of me.”
“I just… I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“I know.”
“It frightens me.”
“I know. I’m sorry.”
“I just—The thought of you—”
“I know. C’mere.”
Charles gives your hand a gentle tug and then your head is on his chest and his arms are wrapped around you, keeping you warm and safe. “I’m sorry for scaring you. My job is scary, but I shouldn’t make it any more difficult than it already is.”
He kisses the top of your head and you feel a few tears escaping down your cheeks, and he holds you even tighter.
“I’ll be less angry next time, I promise,” he whispers. “Less stupid. For you. Okay?”
You nod instead of answering, and he pulls your chin up with a gentle finger, and then he’s wiping your tears and kissing you gently, promising over and over again to never make you feel like that again – and he doesn’t.
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allllium · 2 days
Hi! I have a Jason Todd x reader request if you’re still looking for those! A little angst, a little hurt/ comfort, a little protective Jason Todd.
Soulmate AU where soulmates can feel each others feelings. Jason is on patrol and reader is at their shared apartment when someone breaks in. Jason is not nearby so he feels a lot of feelings while he frantically tries to get home. Reader may get injured but they aren’t helpless, they fight back.
Thank you!!!
Break In
~ I hope this is what you were expecting, this was so cute to me <3
~ WC: 885 [Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort]
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- Things go wrong while he's on patrol
Jason is a man that loves with his whole heart. He falls hard but it takes a long time. Once you win him over, he's yours. Growing up the way he did Jason didn't think he'd ever meet his soulmate, not the way Dick and Tim did. As terrible as it is he always assumed you were dead - he never felt that overwhelming feeling of someone else's emotions that people had explained to him all his life. Not until he died.
No one knows why his soulmate bond didn't kick in until he had come back to life, but that's how it happened. Not only did he have to deal with his own problems of coming back but he finally had to get used to yours too. And he wouldn't change it for the world.
“What's got you smiling like that?” Dick asks, from his position on the roof of an opposite building.
“What? A man can't be happy?” Jason continues smiling to himself as patrol goes on. Feeling your relaxed state through bond makes him stay relaxed himself.
Jason usually tries to stay as close to your shared apartment as possible, his paranoia holding him on a strong leash. However, he was forced to step more out of his comfort zone tonight, due to Dick's excessive begging.
He's almost ready to begin heading home when he feels it, overwhelming fear rushing down his spine. He becomes breathless as he quickly starts running home. Not staying long enough to hear Dick's questioning.
So many thoughts are running through his head he can't quite decipher them from one another. What if you're hurt? It's fine you probably just fell or something. But if all you did was fall you wouldn't be so scared? What if someone got in? What if someone from his nightlife is targeting you? What if he doesn't make it in time?
Still, almost halfway to your apartment, he feels as if he can't breathe. He feels as if his heart's in his stomach and all of time has stopped. Suddenly he stops. All feelings of fear and dread have dropped out of his body. Instead they've been replaced with feelings of relief and humor?
Why the fuck would you be feeling humor? As soon as he's stopped, he's moving again. Moving just as fast as moments before, he reaches the apartment in only a few minutes. After running up the stairs and slamming the door open with unbelievable force, he is hit in the face with a pile of dirt?
“Oh Jay! I'm so sorry I swear I didn't mean to throw dirt in your face.” You immediately run over to him and help get the dirt specks off his face.
“Then why did you?” He asks, sounding more confused than ever before. Only once he's done talking does he see the man laying face down on your living room carpet, surrounded with broken pieces of a potted plant. “And who is that?”
“I have no idea. He kinda broke in.” You tell him, moving to clean up the dirt and leaves covering the floor.
“Broke in? Is that why you were scared? That was a dumb question, don't answer that.” He takes off his helmet and sets it on the coffee table. Right next to the smear of blood. “What happened, sweetheart?”
“I don't even know, everything happened so fast. One moment I was falling asleep on the couch and the next I was smacking a guy with Bob.”
“Oh you smacked him with Bob.” Jason sounds strangely disappointed in the death of his potted plant you named Bob.
“I'm sorry he was the closest thing to me, I didn't think about it.” You stand up from the floor to look at the mess still sitting. From this angle Jason can see the bruise starting to form on your jaw bone.
“What happened here? Did he hit you?” He questions, grabbing your hand and pulling you close enough to inspect the bruise.
“Only once, there was a little fight. But I obviously won so it's fine.”
“It's not fine princess, you got hurt. And I could feel that you were scared.”
“I'm alright Jay.” You smile at him and place your hand on the side of his face. “I handled it.”
He can feel your pride run through him. “I'm glad, but that shouldn't have happened. We're moving.”
“No the fuck we're not. I like it here.” You cross your arms over your chest and raise your eyebrows at him.
“Baby, someone broke in.”
“Good. That means it likely won't happen again.”
“That's not how it works.”
“Oh c'mon. What are the chances that happens again?”
“Too high. We'll move somewhere in the country, away from people.” You chuckle at his suggestion.
“As great as that sounds, not yet. I'm alright Jay, I promise.”
“I'm teaching you self defense.” He pulls you into a bone-crushing hug.
“Why? I did great here.” You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him impossibly closer.
“Because I can't promise you'll always have a Bob to protect you.”
“Fine, as long as we get to spend more time together.”
“Whatever you want, sweetheart. I love you.” He presses a gentle kiss to your forehead.
“I love you too Jay.” You hum into his chest.
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tsimvkas · 2 days
i wish you were sober — trent a.
A/N: oh here we are 🫶🏻 tbh ive been super nervous about writing a long fic for trent for the first time so i’d really appreciate if you could tell me your thoughts about it mwah!!
word count: 21.9k (wow wow wow) | masterlist
content: childhood friends to lovers, angst, smut, drunk!trent and fluff
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Every time your best friend Trent has too many shots, the pair of you share a kiss. And he never remembers it.
You’ve met Trent Alexander-Arnold when he was still only Trentie, your colleague in kindergarten. A sweet and endearing kid, who would play with you every afternoon before napping on the little child’s bed next to yours.
Growing with him was something special. He became funnier with time, but always affectionate towards you. He’d always invite you to his house, to play with water balloons or hide and seek with the kids in the street.
The teenager stage was the hardest for your friendship.
Following his career up close, you got to discover a new Trent when things became more serious, so focused and dedicated, but also without time for you. You weren’t selfish, and you knew that football was all or nothing for him, so you tried your best to support him no matter what.
When he was finally called up for the first team, everything changed for the better. He was still the busiest person you’ve ever met, always so dedicated and focused, but your efforts were recognised and from that moment on your friendship only became stronger.
Trent always did his best to see you between training sessions and matches, sometimes dragging you with him to photoshoots and ad recordings. His family sees you as one of their own, and yours looks at him the same way.
You couldn’t imagine your life without things like the monthly BBQ at the Alexander-Arnold’s yard anymore, and the family trip to Anfield so you could all support him. Both families get along so well, and you’re sure you won the lottery with this rare and special type of friendship.
But things started to change for you when the first kiss happened. A party full of famous people wasn’t what you were looking for that day, but Trent dragged you there anyway.
He asked you to drive so he could drink and of course you accepted. The same way he would do everything in his power to make you happier, you would always help him too, so you hadn’t had any drink that night and as the hours passed you started to want nothing more than your house.
It got incredibly worse when you spotted a heavily drunk Trent chatting with a girl after looking for him for about half an hour. It usually never bothered you to see someone hitting on him and vice versa, but this specifically time stung.
When he was too drunk, he’d always reach out for you and let you know, so you could keep an eye at him and make sure he’d have water and painkillers the next day, but this time he had leave you alone in a place you knew no one, just so he could get some.
You remember debating for a while if you should go there and end his party or let him mind his business and try to distract yourself until he was tired enough to ask you to leave, but you hadn’t had the chance to make a decision though, as a blonde and muscular man approached you.
You both were chatting and laughing together when Trent got closer, suddenly circling your waist whilst nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck.
The blonde guy, Liam, looked at you with a funny face before asking if you needed help, but your best friend didn’t let you answer before mumbling that he wanted to leave.
A clingy Trent wasn’t unusual for you, always cuddling and snuggling together, but when he brushed a kiss against your neck the weird and new feeling in the pitch of your stomach made you shiver.
“Alright, I also think we should get going, Trentie” you tapped his arm on your belly, and Liam raised an eyebrow at you.
“Are you sure you don't want me to drop you home?” he smiled softly, but before you could answer Trent squeezed your arm.
“Can you grab my hoodie for me? I left it in the cupboard” he murmured. You nodded, telling Lim you’d be right back and quickly making your way to the door underneath the stairs.
When you came back with his fluffy hoodie in your hands, Liam was nodding his head to a serious Trent.
“Everything’s ok?” you frowned, since Trent didn’t look that sober a minute ago, but none of them answered.
“Wear it” your best friend motioned his head to the hoodie. “It’s cold outside”
You obeyed, pulling the hoodie over your head. Trent offered you his hand, and you grabbed it whilst turning to Liam in order to say goodbye.
“Will you take my number or what?” you playfully rolled your eyes.
His pale cheeks instantly turned red, and Liam shook his head.
“Sorry, Y/N. You’re really nice and beautiful and I’d love to know you better, but I think it’s better not” he scratched the back of his head, and the atmosphere instantly became awkward.
You shrugged, not actually knowing what to say. “Ok. C’mon, Trent”
When you made it to the car, you made sure Trent’s seat belt was correct before getting behind the wheel. Turning the engine, you sighed loudly.
“See? You don’t believe me when I tell you but they don’t like me. I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but something clearly is” you started to drive to his house.
In general, Trent doesn’t like to leave his house, and that’s why he only goes to parties thrown by close friends which usually happens to be next to him.
The drive was quick and silent, and once you parked in front of his house he turned to face you.
“Nothing’s wrong with you. You’re perfect, Y/N, and I like you”
You smiled appreciatively, turning the engine off since he decided to chat instead of saying bye and jumping out of the car, like his drunk ass usually does.
“You’re my best friend, Trent. What I’m trying to say is that no one likes me romantically” you gave him a small shrug.
Taking the seat belt off, he got up and rested his knee on his seat so he could lean closer to you.
Not fully understanding what was happening, your first reaction was to hold your breath and freeze in place when Trent got too close.
You aren’t dumb nor blind. Trent has always been pretty and hot, but more than that he is adorable. Gentle, curious, caring. And way out of your league.
In all these years of friendship he never looked at you like he wanted something else, so you always tried your best to keep sane.
They were friendly touches. They were friendly pet names. They were friendly cuddles, sleepovers and trips together.
You’ve been holding back your thoughts so you wouldn’t fall for someone you couldn’t have. You’ve been trying really hard, as you truly believe that a genuine friendship between a man and a woman can exist.
But when his lips brushed against yours and you closed your eyes, you couldn’t fight the thoughts anymore.
He was your best friend, but he was also the guy you wanted. With his silly jokes, strong arms holding you, a chill personality and pretty eyes looking back at you to check if you think he’s actually that funny.
Alexander-Arnold was definitely your type and you knew this all along; he just wasn’t available for you.
The kiss lasted a few minutes before Trent pulled away and looked at you with wide eyes. You didn’t know how to react or what to say, and the car stayed in silence for a while before he kissed your forehead.
“Thank you for taking care of me tonight. See ya”
You watched him jumping out of the car and quickly entering his house, the one he lives in with his parents and Marcel, and turning around to wave at you. Waving back, you headed home with both your mind and heart racing.
Discovering that he didn’t remember the kiss when he woke up the next morning hurt you a lot, but it also made you think if the universe wasn’t giving you both another chance to not screw up your friendship.
Then it happened again, and a second time left you even more confused. The way he kissed you tenderly, so different from what you expected a drunk kiss from Trent to be.
It happened a third time. And a fourth. In every party, he’d have a few shots and come to you, kissing you softly. You knew it wasn’t right, the fact that you’ve been carrying this alone whilst he couldn’t remember.
It felt like the destiny of your friendship with Trent was exclusively in your hands, and you hated it.
The pair of you spent a few months like this — even though it was wrong, you couldn’t force yourself to deny him or tell him you didn’t want that, because you did. Until the last time you agreed to go to a party with him.
You knew your kisses didn’t exactly meant anything, especially if Trent couldn’t remember them later, but it still hurt you when you left to grab water and came back to him flirting with a girl.
A girl that looked nothing like you, by the way.
Cleaning your throat, you got closer and tapped his shoulder, waiting for him to turn his head back and look at you. He gave you a disinterested look at first, and your stomach instantly churned.
“I’m not feeling good. I’m leaving now, are you staying?” you murmured.
Truth be told, you were secretly hoping he’d say yes. No matter how much it bothered you seeing him with other girls, it was the only way to convince yourself that he wasn’t yours. Not like that.
But the look in his eyes instantly became worried, and you had to bite your lips to stop you from smiling every time he showed concern for you.
“What’s wrong?” he turned completely to you, his back now facing the girl forgotten in the corner.
“I’ll be fine, just need to sleep” you shrugged.
Trent instantly grabbed his phone in his pocket and reached for your hand, guiding you outside without even saying goodbye to the other girl.
You couldn’t force yourself to feel sorry for her.
Without questioning you, he called an Uber to his house and hugged you for the quick drive, making you stay over.
Once in the safety of his room, Trent sat in the bed and reached his arms out to you.
“What are you feeling? Do you have any pain, nausea?” he asked gently, holding your waist when you got closer.
“I just need to sleep, Trent”
“C’mon, baby. What’s wrong? Is your sensitive tummy again? If you tell me I can grab the med for you” he caressed your stomach underneath the baby tee you chose to wear that night, thumbs stroking your skin softly.
You couldn’t hold the giggle, feeling giddy with his touch and the pet name slipping through his lips so easily.
“What’s so funny?” he smiled, looking at your face.
“How many shots did you have tonight?” you raised your eyebrows, your nails scratching the back of his head like you know he likes.
“A lot?” he told you shyly, making you laugh. “Why?”
“And who’s that girl you were talking to?”
“Oh, so that’s your nausea?” he grinned, tilting his head to the side. “You shouldn’t be worried, I told her I have a possessive and jealous best friend”
“Thanks” you tried to laugh, but the change in your expression was clear.
“No, what’s that face about? What did I said wrong?” Trent pouted, kissing your tummy over the fabric when you didn’t answer at first.
Knowing he had drinks enough, you sighed heavily. “Do you have any idea how it feels to see the guy you love flirting around with another girl?”
Trent’s eyes widened before he smirked, squeezing your waist.
“So you love me” he grinned, and you instantly started to walk backwards, cursing yourself.
“Of course, yeah” you coughed falsely. “You love me too, we’re best friends”
Trent got on his feet to follow you, and you cursed under your breath when your back hit the wall.
“No no, don’t run now” he cornered you, and you started to laugh even before he grabbed your waist.
The atmosphere was like the ones you were used to see in the movies. You yelped when he pulled you in his shoulder, his tipsy state making you both fall on the floor before he could make it to the bed.
You laughed so hard your belly started to hurt, and when he hugged you still laying on the floor you felt your body warming to his touch.
“I think I have an idea, actually. About how it feels” he murmured, your legs tangling together. “Not sure if you remember that pale and blonde man that looked like a ghost”
You laughed even harder at the mention of Liam, and Trent snorted before finally kissing you that night, a bit harsher and sloppier than how his kisses shared with you usually are.
Kissing him back, you giggled when he got on his feet and took you in his arms, tucking you in bed before getting back at kissing you.
You really thought things would change this time. That he was yours from now on.
Trying to fall asleep, the butterflies in your stomach made you company, and you couldn’t shut down properly due to the excitement, daydreaming about him.
It was only when the morning came and Trent asked you what had happened the last night, that you felt your heart sink, not even able to finish the breakfast you were sharing with him.
Since then, you started to decline every time he invited you to a party. Everything stayed normal when you met him during his matches or at his house, when you both decided to have dinner together or watch a movies.
In all those moments he was still only your best friend Trent, but you couldn’t face the other side anymore.
You couldn’t keep building hope and excitement only for his feelings to go away, like they were only part of the high of being drunk, so in order to protect your heart you’d only accept to see him in friendly circumstances.
It worked for a month and you were able to run from every party he mentioned, until you got the letter.
When you read it for the first time, it was hard to understand exactly what you were feeling.
You wanted this for years, and you worked hard to get it, but still… you used to think that the moment of reading your acceptance in the school you’ve always wanted only happened in movies.
Immediately telling your mother, the pair of you screamed excitedly, knowing for how long you worked for it.
After hugging her, you ran to your room and hit the button to call Trent, not pretty sure of what to say. He, more than anyone else, even your mum, knew how much you wanted this. He was there every step of the way, and you wanted to share the final one with him.
You soon found out you couldn’t tell him through the phone. When Trent asked you what was wrong, you only asked if he was free to have a coffee run with you.
Of course he agreed. Even if Trent was actually busy, as long as he wasn’t at training then he would drop everything to go and see you.
Your houses used to be in the same street, but as soon as he became a first team player he had to move, so you waited for him patiently at your front door.
“Good morning, sunshine” he smiled, waiting for you to get in. “What happened?”
“I’ll tell you when I have my coffee” you rolled your eyes, leaning over the console and pecking his cheek. “How’s auntie Di?”
He giggled, starting to drive to your favourite place. The fact that he never needs to ask where to take you always makes you giddy.
“She’s good, but she can’t stop talking about Marcel giving her a grandchild” Trent snorted, making you laugh, but you know damn well that he’s just as excited with having a niece. “How’s your mum?”
“Asking about you as always” you giggled. “I told her the news and she said ‘wow! Trent already knows?’, can you believe it? No ‘congrats’ like normal parents do”
Trent laughed, soon parking next to the coffee shop and running to open the door for you, as always. Wrapping your arm around his, you both walked inside.
It was pretty common in your friendship to be touchy with each other, and Trent pulled you in front of him so he could hug you whilst ordering your coffees.
The cashier smiled softly and took your order before shyly asking for a picture, which he instantly agreed to. Even though his job is tiring and being stopped every time isn’t the nicest thing in the world, you never saw him being rude or awful to anyone.
Grabbing your order, he led you to your favourite booth seat since you like being able to sit next to each other. After a sip of your coffee, you rested your head on his shoulder.
“I was accepted” you told him, giggling. “In Italy’s university”
Trent couldn’t held his jump, your face slowly going in the seat’s direction whilst you giggled and tried to straighten your body again
“I told you, Y/N!” he screamed, coming back to hug you. “You’re the smartest girl in Liverpool, of course they would want you to study with them. I’m so happy for you”
“Thank you” you giggled, knowing he wouldn’t stop talking about it for a while.
“When are you leaving? We need a farewell party” he poked your waist, the happiest smile on his face.
Your expression must have changed a bit, because he frowned at you. “Oh, I don’t know, Trent…”
He crossed his arms, and you knew he wouldn’t give up.
“C’mon, you’re going to another country! We won’t be able to see you for months” he insisted, and you hadn’t had the strength to say no to him.
So three days later you were at his house on a weekday, because Trent couldn’t during the weekend.
He made sure to make a pretty nice farewell party. Doing his best to invite only the people important to you, as he knows you don’t like the crowded parties he throws sometimes, and making a cute and aesthetic decoration for you.
A few members of your family had passed by earlier, but as soon as midnight came it was only the young adults, drinking and dancing.
Trent convinced you to have a few shots, and you didn’t want to disappoint him on your last party together. Since you knew you were safe with him and that you could go to his bed and sleep any time you wanted, you drank shot after shot.
You get drunk very easily, and that’s why you never drink when following Trent to one of his parties, so it wasn’t a surprise when your head started to spin and everything was suddenly too funny.
Dancing and chatting, you never left his side. Usually you prefer to hear him than to speak, but you couldn’t keep quiet and he was having fun with it.
When one of the boys called him, you nodded and let him go to check what it was. You took the time alone to observe the room, filled with people you grew up with, having fun, and the thought that you were about to leave all of this behind crossed your mind.
Trying to breathe and suddenly seeking for some silence, you went to the kitchen, thanking the universe when you saw it was empty.
As soon as you sat on the balcony your best friend entered the room, and the way his eyes lifted up made your tummy flutter.
“I was looking for you” he smiled, walking towards the balcony.
“Look no further” you smiled, hand already going to his hair as soon as he got closer.
He closed his eyes at the feeling of your fingers scratching his scalp, sighing in content.
“I’ll miss you” Trent slurred, his hands instantly going to your waist. “You’ll miss me, right?”
“Of course I’ll miss you, Trentie” you smiled at him, already feeling your cheeks warming. “You’re my best friend”
“That’s all?” he asked, spreading your legs so he could fit between them. When you looked at him with a confused expression, his fingers squeezed your waist tighter. “That’s all I am?”
You felt all types of emotions running through your body, your mind instantly on alert. The subject caught you off guard since you didn’t see him drink all night, so you just frowned.
“I can’t answer you that” you murmured, your own dizzy mind not being that helpful.
Trent pouted, getting closer and licking his lips wet. You felt your stomach back flipping, a cold sensation washing over your body.
“But I want you to answer” he murmured, his face so close his lips were brushing yours.
Later you could choose to blame the alcohol, but it that moment you chose to lean forward and grab his neck, pulling him close enough to close your lips on his.
You needed a goodbye kiss like your lungs needed air.
Trent’s response wasn’t immediate and you started to think you got the message wrong. All those times he was the one to initiate the kiss, and that’s how you knew he was actually drunk.
You started to panic with the realisation that he might not be as drunk as you thought he was, but as soon as you motioned to pull away his hands quickly cupped your jaw and gently deepened the kiss, one of them slowly sliding to your neck.
Usually your kisses wouldn’t last that long, and you tried to resist when Trent slid his tongue over your lips — but you’re just a girl, after all.
Opening your mouth and letting your best friend take control, soon you had to hold on Trent’s shoulders so he wouldn’t lay you down on the counter.
It was the first time he kissed you with such energy, instead of the shy kisses you’d usually share, and you couldn’t stop yourself from whimpering against his mouth.
“I’m gonna miss this too” he whispered against your lips, his erratic breath giving you a smug pride sensation.
“You won’t even remember this tomorrow, Trent” you tried not to sound too hurt, but your drunk state wasn't helping. “And it’s just a year, I’ll be right back”
“I’d miss you even if it was just a fucking week” he kissed you again, groaning against your lips. “You know I’d never, but I wish I was selfish enough to ask you to stay. You know you’re my favourite person in the world, right?”
You giggled at his silliness, tilting your head to the side.
“Tyler won’t like to know that, last week you said it was Aura-”
Trent cut you with another kiss, the hand on your neck trying to pull you even closer.
“Can I take you to my room?” he murmured after pulling away, and you instantly panicked.
“Oh- I- hm, I don’t think-” your mind went blank and you stuttered, thinking of how could you remind him — and yourself — that you are each other’s best friend.
“So we can cuddle” he cut you with a giggle, and you never felt more embarrassed. “Come here, legs around my waist”
You obeyed, yelping when he grabbed your thighs and pulled you closer.
“Sooo scandalous” he teased, making your face feel even hotter. “I wonder if you’re like that in-”
“Shut up” you groaned, hiding your face in his neck and cursing yourself when Trent started to laugh.
Once in his room he offered you a t-shirt, and you thought that you’re probably the reason why he needs to buy new ones every month.
Tapping the bed so you would join him, Trent waited for you before covering you two.
“There’s something I need to tell you” he murmured, waiting for your eyes to meet his. “I know you’re leaving for a while, and this isn’t, in any way, an attempt to make you stay. I want you to go, because you want to go. I want you to be happy, to see the world, learn different languages and make new friends. I really do”
“But?” you encouraged him to keep going.
Trent isn’t the type of guy to speak about his feelings. You know he’s sensitive, emotional, caring and an empath, but he likes to keep all of this to himself.
Constantly hiding what he really feels behind jokes and silly comments, it’s hard to make him open up to you. He can talk for England when he’s comfortable, which means he’s always yapping around you, but rarely about deep and profound things.
You know that for him to speak about what he wanted and what he feels, his mind had probably reached an overwhelmed state.
He got closer to you, his legs intertwining with yours.
“I think I’m kinda afraid that you won’t need me once you see what the world has reserved for you” he admitted, playing with the hem of the shirt you were wearing.
“I’ll always need you” you caressed his cheek, your eyes begging to be closed. “You know that”
“I really like you, Y/N. In a different way. And I get if it’s not what you want but from the way you kiss me I think it is and telling you this isn’t the easiest thing I’ve done in my life but you’re worth the fear and the uncomfortable feeling of speaking too much” he blurted out, his eyes avoiding yours.
You pecked his lips slowly and gently, letting it linger.
“I really like you too” you kissed him again, giggling. “I like you so much”
Trent smiled against your lips, circling your waist and bringing you closer. You got into a comfortable position, with half your body on top of his, and let your body relax.
For the first time, you were the one waking up with a huge headache and black spots in your memory. Trent was hugging your waist and even though it wasn’t unusual for you to be like that, you felt your heart twisting in your chest.
You’d miss this moments with him. A lot.
“I shouldn’t have let you convince me to drink” you groaned, making Trent giggle.
“I liked your drunk version. It’s a proper yapper”
“Why? What did I say?” you looked into his sparkly eyes. “Actually, what have I done? I can’t remember anything past the third shot, my head is burning”
You thought you had imagined the flash of pain in Trent’s eyes, the quick frown and confusion stamping his face for half a second before he smiled at you again.
“Such a lightweight girlie” he teased you, poking your waist. “There’s medicine and water next to you. Please, just don’t throw up on me”
You hadn’t realised you wanted to until he mentioned it, quickly getting on your feet and running to his ensuite.
Trent immediately followed you, crouching beside you and taking your hair out of your face. With a hand holding the hair, the other rubbed circles on your back, trying to soothe you.
“I’m sorry, pooks. I’ll never convince you to drink again” he murmured, guilty spreading through his body — over your sick state and the fact that you couldn’t remember last night.
“I appreciate it” you groaned, trying to take a deep breath. When he helped you to get on your feet and clean your face, Trent kissed your forehead.
“C’mon, we can spend the day recovering from it in the living room. A cosy afternoon with movies and snacks, uh?”
“Yeah, you owe me a last comfort day after this” you whined, tying up your hair.
The mention of it being a last moment suddenly hit you, and you looked at him with teary eyes and a fat pout.
“Don’t cry, your headache will get worse” Trent hugged you. “Shhh, if it’s the last one then let’s make it also the best one. No crying until you get on the plane”
You nodded against his chest, immediately groaning for moving your head too fast.
“First, you’ll take a shower whilst I get things ready” he spoke softly, his hands still caressing your back. “I’ll leave a shirt and a new pair of boxers on the bed”
“Ok” you mumbled, smiling when he kissed your head one more time and left the bathroom. After your shower, you wore the clothes he had left for you and tried your best to detangle your wet hair without a brush.
You should be used to feeling like an ogre every time you stayed over at his without all your stuff.
The room felt cold, and you grabbed the hoodie on his coat rack before walking to the living room, where Trent was putting a few blankets on the sofa.
“Feeling better?” he gave you a smile, tapping the sofa and waiting for you to sit. You nodded, getting comfortable and grabbing the bottle of water he offered you.
“Thank you, Trentie” you murmured, giving him a lazy smile and snuggling with him whilst he covered the pair of you.
That night, you watched various movies and ate some snacks together, always joking at something or debating about scenes.
You tried your best not to cry as he asked you to, but sometimes, looking at him when he started to laugh or throwing popcorn so he could catch it in his mouth, your eyes would tear up, missing your boy in advance.
When the last movie ended you were resting your body on his, head on his shoulder whilst Trent’s arm was around yours. He mentioned to get up, but you grabbed his t-shirt to catch his attention, and he understood as soon as he saw your eyes.
“I can hold you through it if you promise me you won’t feel guilty or sad about your decision once you leave”
Not trusting your voice, you only nodded and let him put you on his lap, laying your head on his shoulder. Trent hugged you tightly whilst you cried, grabbing his shirt on your fists.
You heard when Dianne entered the house and your best friend shook his head, telling her he got it. Losing track of time, you’re not sure how long you stayed there, pulling him closer like he was about to disappear — like he was the one leaving.
“I’m sorry” you croaked, pulling away.
His soft and empathetic smile made you tear up more, the pain in your chest something you never felt.
“Don’t be. Gotta live your dreams like I’m leaving mine, yeah? I’m not going anywhere and you’ll find me here when you need me”
“But I need you all the time” you whined. “I can’t choose my movies alone and I can’t remember the last time I had to buy a t-shirt, you’re better than me in the kitchen and the engine never dies with you”
“Anyone ever told you how much of a cry baby you are?” he smiled, tucking your hair behind your ear. You could see water on his eyeline, but you knew better than to mention it.
“Yes, you” you rolled your eyes, making Trent laugh.
“Self pity time is over” he decreed, tapping your thigh. “I’ll drop you home and you’ll pack. I can’t make it to the airport though, I’ll travel to face Brighton”
You only nodded again, and Trent knows better than to force you to be like him, mascaring his pain with jokes. He kissed your head one more time and drove you home, letting you cry a bit more in the car.
Even though he was in another city when you went to the airport, he still made sure to say goodbye one more time, texting you sweet things.
After saying goodbye to your family and to Trent’s, hugging his mother and brothers before getting on your plane, you had to face what it was probably the scariest moment of your life.
Leaving everything you knew behind. The safety, the food you eat since a kid, the places you know how to get to, the country you know how to communicate in, how to walk around, what to do.
It was time to dive into the unknown, and even though you were afraid there was this voice in the back of your mind, making you go further — gotta love your dreams like I live mine.
So you placed your carry-on bag on the right compartment and took a deep breath, ready to live your dream.
You soon discovered that Italy was incredible, and Milan received you with open arms.
In only three months studying there, you met so many amazing people and places and day by day you felt a bit more at home.
Getting used to the streets, the food, the language, you felt the country slowly beginning to be a part of you.
On the other hand, you missed home. You couldn’t keep the promise he made you make, and some days all you could feel was guilt for choosing a life without him, your family and everything you love around.
Italy would be perfect — if they had a Trent. Which they don't.
They don’t have your best friend, who always shows up at your door on his day off to bring you coffee. The only person that would lay on your bed whilst you studied, take a nap even, only to spend some time with you.
When you think about it, Trent was the one who supported your decision most. Even more than your mother, being honest.
Of course she wanted you to be happy, but the fact that you would be happy 1285 km away from home worried her a lot, whilst Trent knew that you were about to find exactly what you’ve been wanting for years.
‘Italy is great, Y/N. You’ll love it’ he used to say, every single time you shared with him about giving up. ‘And they have the best gelato in the world’
Since you landed, you knew he was right. And that only made the decision of leaving him behind even harder.
You tried to facetime him every night to stay updated on his life and tell him about all the different things you were living, but as time passed your classes got more and more difficult, and you had to focus entirely.
This helped a bit with the sadness it filled your heart every time you thought about home, since you barely had time to miss anything or anyone, but soon Trent started to feel left aside.
You still watched his games every weekend, but every time he texted you about FaceTiming you had to decline, saying you were at the library or too busy with your notes.
Even though he understood that you were studying and that the life abroad must be really hard to cope with, he missed you and soon his grumpiness about the situation started to show up.
The last straw was when you couldn’t attend the only game you had promised you would. Everybody knew how important it would be for Trent to face United in the conditions they were in, and you really wanted to be there for him, but you needed to prioritise your exams week.
You explained to him that it would be really risky buying the tickets without knowing if you’d need to so a recuperative exam on Saturday, and Trent understood. He supported you through it, always asking how you were feeling and if the exams were really that hard, but you could feel the change in his humour.
By the end of the week, you had successfully finished the semester, and when your friends decided to go out Sunday afternoon you didn’t hesitated.
Theo, Paola and Veronica were also abroad students and you clicked with them immediately in the beginning of the course. They were your study group and the ones you’d get out with in a city you don’t have anyone else.
Having a brunch and a few drinks, it didn’t take long for you to return home, wanting to watch the game.
You took a shower and got into comfy clothes, selecting a few pictures of your afternoon and posting them on Instagram before getting in bed and turning the TV on.
Trent’s face on the line-up art was the last thing you saw before blacking out, a sleep deprived week taking its toll on you.
The first thing Trent did after changing and getting out of the stadium was trying to call you. When you didn’t answer, he sent you a text, and when this one was unanswered as well he gave up, snorting before checking his Instagram.
He wish he hadn’t, because the first post he saw made his tummy hurt, and soon he was grabbing a hoodie and leaving home, walking past a few houses before knocking at his friends’ door.
Saffie opened it for him, and he tried to smile.
“Curtis is back already?” was the first thing he asked, and she immediately knew something was bothering him.
“Yeah, he’s in the living room. Get in” she gave Trent space to enter and he waited for her to close the door, not wanting to be rude and run to Curtis.
“How are you doing, Saffie?” Trent asked, gesticulating to her belly.
He was, obviously, not the best with words and sentimental things.
“I’m good” Saffie smiled. “It’s still so early, but we’re excited. Curtis is really happy. I’m sorry by today’s results, by the way”
Trent smiled appreciatively and nodded, following her to the living room. When Curtis saw who it was at the door, he frowned.
“Wow! Who died?” he chuckled, getting on his feet and walking towards Trent.
“Curtis, don’t be rude” his girlfriend scoffed at him before leaving the pair of them so she could finish dinner.
“She was out today” Trent mumbled. “And she didn’t even answered my texts”
Jones instantly sighed, knowing damn well what Trent was talking about. Everybody in the club knew.
“Maybe she didn’t saw the result-”
“C’mon Curtis” Trent threw himself on the sofa. “It’s not about the result, she was supposed to be here and I was supposed to win this one for her. I thought she would at least watch the game. But instead we had an ugly draw and she is out with some ugly Italian”
Even though you posted the picture before the kickoff time, the only explanation for your lack of response was that you were still with the guy. An ugly one, according to Trent’s standards,
“Oh, I see” Curtis giggled. “You’re jealous”
“What? I’m not jealous. Why would I be jealous? I’m the best friend. She calls me every night, her family loves me, she knows me more than anyone and she tells me everything whilst this guy doesn’t even know her favourite colour”
“Which is…” Curtis raised an eyebrow, but Trent only rolled his eyes before answering.
“Red, of course. And golden” he mumbled, fidgeting with his shirt.
Curtis sighed, walking towards Trent and tapping his head affectionately.
“And she told you about him?”
“She said she had made some friends, he might be one of them” Trent shrugged, taking his phone out of his pocket and searching for your post, showing it to Curtis.
“Doesn’t look like a friendly night out” Curtis teased him. Of course it did, with your two friends together, but he always liked to pour salt in Trent’s wounds. They grew up doing that to each other.
“It might be not totally friendly but it’s not a date either. If it was a date she’d be wearing a dress. She has a special dress for date nights”
“And you know that because…”
Trent smirked, feeling a bit more secure of himself.
“I helped her to choose it. Told you Curtis, there’s no reason to be jealous. The guy can try but he’s not me”
“Well, at least he has the courage to call her out” Curtis chuckled, running out of the living room before Trent could shoot him with his cold eyes. “Come have dinner with us, cry baby. Saffie made baked potatoes”
Trent lazily got up from the sofa, walking to the kitchen, and the place smelled really good.
“Aw, the baby wanted potatoes?” he teased.
Curtis laughed, but shook his head.
“Oh no, she doesn’t have cravings yet”
Trent passed through him, slapping the back of his head and entering the kitchen.
“I know, you are the baby in question” he giggled, smiling when Saffie burst into laughter.
When you woke up, the first thing you saw was the uncountable number of missed calls from Trent, guilty instantly spreading over your chest.
It was easy to unblock your phone and see the Liverpool widget telling you the last game’s result. 2-2, a draw that you were sure it felt like a loss for him.
Quickly clicking Trent’s contact to call him, you got up.
“Trentie?” you asked when a groan sounded on the other side, beating yourself when you remembered he was a year behind it was probably too early for him. “I’m so so so sorry. How are you feeling?”
“Mhm” he mumbled, making you sigh. “Sorry, I just feel awful, there’s not much to say”
“It wasn’t your fault. I know it was an important game but there’s still time, don’t be too hard on yourself. You can focus on helping the team in the next game, yeah?”
“I can’t” he snorted. “Hamstring again”
You felt your heart drop. It was his first injury since you left, and if you already used to feel helpless when next to him, the feeling only got worse being so far away.
“I’m so sorry, Trent. They told you how many weeks?”
The silence showed you that he was still trying to cope with it, and you felt even sadder.
“Not yet” he mumbled.
You thought about how to make him feel better, wanting nothing more than to comfort your best friend.
“You could… like” you stuttered, not knowing if it was the right time. “I’m not sure, I thought you could come here. For a few days, but now that I said it I’m thinking you probably need to take care of your injury and you can’t have mini vacations just because you’re hurt”
It took him a couple of minutes to answer, and you could even imagine his mind working whilst biting his lower lip.
“Liverpool plays against Atalanta this Thursday” Trent murmured. “Google says it’s forty minutes away from you. I think I could go with the team on Wednesday and stay until Friday morning. I’m already having physio sessions so I’d just be two days without it”
“Are you sure?” you bit your lower lip, the bubble of excitement growing in your stomach.
“I mean… I should rest, but I really need to see you” he murmured, and your heart ached. When in England, you were the one Trent always ran to when he got this type of news.
Finding comfort in your hugs, a cuddle session, some ice cream and scalp scratches. You know that the same way he’s yours, you’re his safe person.
“I’ll be waiting for you then. I can pick you up in Bergamo”
“Deal” he yawned, and the sound made you smile. “Now, if you let me…”
You laughed, nodding even though he couldn’t see
“Yeah, yeah. Sorry, go back to your sleep”
“I love you” he murmured after another yawn, warming your heart.
“I love you too. Sweet dreams, mwah” you sent him a kiss before turning the call off and get ready to start your day.
The start of the week quickly passed through you. The classes were fun and you had coffee dates for study with the girls, even though you couldn’t keep your eyes off of your phone, tacking every minute.
Every minute until you could see Trent after months apart.
During Monday and Tuesday, your mind often got lost in thoughts. You wondered if it would be weird at first, if you both had already forgotten how to be around each other.
The idea made you nervous. Like it was years apart from him, instead of only six months.
By Wednesday morning you had already convinced yourself that Trent would hate everything about Italy and this new version of you. That you’d both discover you don’t understand each other anymore and that the friendship of twenty years had come to and end because of your choice of moving away.
Trying to survive during the day was the hardest. You went to your class and tried to ease your feelings with your favourite coffee, but soon it was time to make the drive to Bergamo so you could be there once they landed.
The forty minutes in your car with your favourite playlist eased your feelings a bit, and soon you were in the airport’s parking lot.
Biting your lips furiously, you started to bounce your leg as the minutes seemed to stop passing. The turmoil in your head coming back even stronger and getting the best of you as fear won over excitement.
When a light knock on your window woke you up from your trance, you slightly jumped before meeting your favourite pair of eyes.
Trent tilted his head to the side and smiled at you, waiting for you to open the door. With your hands slightly shaking, you pushed it a bit and stood there, looking at him as if you were trying to confirm if he was real.
“Forgot how to hug me or something?” he raised his eyebrows, and you realised how you’ve missed even his annoying teasing tone.
“Maybe” you croaked, your eyes immediately filled with tears.
“Hey no, what’s wrong?” he left his bag on the floor, quickly leaning to hug you as best as he could with the space he was given.
You took a deep breath, inhaling Trent’s scent and finally giving your body permission to relax.
“I’ve just missed you” you murmured, your lips brushing against the crook of his neck. His arms around you dissolved the tension and the worries you’ve been feeling since leaving home, making you feel silly.
Trent and you could never not like each other anymore. You would always understand him, and he would always be there for you.
“Yeah, I know the feeling. But I’m here” he kissed the top of your head, arms tightening around your shoulders. “I’m here”
You took a deep breath, pulling away from his hug just in time to see the team waking to their van, smiling at them.
“Take care of my boy, Y/N” Virgil shouted, giggling and waving at you. Trent gave him his middle finger, hugging you again.
Laughing, you waved back to them before telling Trent to get in. When you finally got home, you helped him to take his bag inside, leaving it in the living room before throwing yourself on your sofa.
“Come here, I think we need a healing cuddle” you called him, lying down and opening your arms.
Trent giggled and walked towards you, carefully lying his body on top of yours.
“I missed this so much” Trent groaned, snuggling further into you. “Tyler wouldn’t let me cuddle with him after a bad game”
“That’s why I’m your best friend, not him” you giggled, brushing your fingers over his forehead. “How’s everything at the club?”
“I don’t know how to explain that it feels like we’re falling apart at the same time that we’re reinventing ourselves” he murmured, his pout making you smile.
“Changes are difficult. The transition, when you’re not sure about the future. When everything feels scary and uncertain. But once it happens, you’ll feel the hope of better days and the eager to live these days”
Trent hummed, nodding before staying silent again. After a few minutes, you checked only to see him peacefully sleeping with his mouth slightly open.
Letting him rest, you kept looking at his features. Tracing his lips and his nose, going to his eyebrows and brushing his cheeks.
“My skincare is giving results?” he spoke suddenly, scaring you and giggling at your heart beats getting higher. “Strong heart, you have”
“Which skincare you’ve been doing?” you raised an eyebrow at him.
“I call it ‘using all the products my best friend left behind’, and I think it’s working” he giggled, making you slap his head slightly. “I’ll buy you new ones, I swear”
“I hope so” you rolled your eyes playfully. “C’mon, let’s get into bed before we end up staying the whole night on the sofa”
“Wow Y/N, you say this to every man who comes here?” he teased you, but you only rolled your eyes again.
“No one comes here, Trent. That’s what you wanna know?” you poked his cheek.
“That’s exactly what I wanna know, thank you” he kissed your chin before getting on his feet and helping you.
You asked if he wanted to eat something before taking a nap, but Trent only said he’d rather have dinner later, which would be a good option if any of you had actually woken up for dinner.
“You’re sure you wanna lose class to watch the game?” he whined the next morning.
The pair of you ended up sleeping through the whole night, only waking up when your alarm went off.
You had given him breakfast and he took a shower before you told him you wanted to watch the game, having bought the tickets when he said he’d be going.
“Trent, I haven't seen my club for months now. Plus, with you I have special treatment” you smirked, laughing when he rolled his eyes. “We still can go out tonight, I’m sure there’s nice places around Bergamo”
“Fine, let’s go then” he groaned, wanting nothing more than to just cuddle with you all day instead of facing a game he wouldn’t be able to play in.
But Trent would accept anything that could make you happier, so he grabbed his coat and followed you outside. You decided to leave home early so you both wouldn’t need to rush, respecting his injury.
The drive was filled with Trent’s laugh at every embarrassed moment you told him about, letting him know that the first months trying to speak in Italian had made you dirty a lot.
When you finally parked at Atalanta’s stadium, he sighed and opened the door, but you grabbed his wrist before he could leave.
“You’re here as a fan. Let’s not stress” you smiled, but the small nod he gave you made you sigh. “Trent…”
“I’m good. Honestly, let’s not pay attention to me, we’re here so you can see your favourite boys” he opened the car’s door.
You sighed, looking at him. “You are my favourite boy”
“A broken one” he rolled his eyes, quickly getting out of the car and shutting the door. You didn’t move, knowing he’d want to open your door for you and not wanting him to force his leg trying to get there faster.
Once he opened it, you got on your feet and waited for him to close it before circling his torso and laying your head in his shoulder. It took a while for him to relax in your arms, resting his face on top of yours.
“I love you” you whispered, feeling guilty for dragging him with you. “You could’ve told me you really didn’t want to come”
“I will always do anything you ask me for” Trent shrugged, and you knew it was true.
“You don’t have to if this won’t make you happy as well” you pulled away, cupping his chin. “What doesn’t make you happy also doesn’t make me happy. Got it?”
“Yeah” he nodded, rolling his eyes playfully. “But we’re already here, so move your fat ass and get inside”
You chuckled, always amazed with how he’d always brush the hard times with a joke.
The game was a true nightmare, and you could see Trent squirming on the seat next to yours. He wanted to be there and make a difference, and the fact he couldn’t hurt him a lot.
“We don’t need to wait for the game to end” you squeezed his knee, feeling bad for putting him there when the relief flooded his expression.
Soon you were in the stadium’s parking lot. A few football fans tried to stop him for pictures and you could see it hurt him to say no, so you started to dismiss them for him.
Choosing to drive to a bar you liked when you visited Bergamo, you order for you and for Trent before sitting in a booth.
“Feeling better?” you smiled at him. Trent nodded, and you caressed his chin.
“I’m sorry for ruining the game” he sighed.
“Well, if someone ruined the game it was definitely not you” you joked. “Don’t feel sorry for being unhappy or uncomfortable with something, Trent. You don’t need to be funny all the time for me to like you, and you should know that by now”
“Y/N?” a male voice interrupted you. When you looked up, your colleague from university smiled at you.
“Theo! Hi, what are you doing here?” you greeted him excitedly. “This is Trent, he’s visiting from England. Trent, this is Theo. He’s my classmate”
You weren’t expecting to see any of your friends out since you and Trent were a bit far away, but it was nice to show a part of your new life to your best friend.
“Oh, aren’t you the-” Theo pointed at him, frowning.
“Yeah” Trent didn’t try to be gentle or decent, but you didn’t judge him since you knew his current situation.
“He doesn’t want to talk about it today, Theo” you explained.
“Of course” your colleague looked at Trent and then at the TV in one of the walls. “I’m in the way of something?”
“Yes-” Trent snorted, but you unintentionally cut him.
“You can sit with us if you want” you smiled. Theo chose to sit on your other side of the booth, and you stayed in the middle of the two man like a salami in a sandwich.
It was all over Trent’s face that he didn’t like having to share his best friend when he had so little time together with you, but you only squeezed his hand.
Holding your hand on his lap the entire time, Trent even tried to be socially decent sometimes, but you knew him good enough. Talking with strangers wasn’t his cup of tea, and he’d rather stay home and not talk with anyone at all. Anyone besides you.
As time passed by, it got really late. Since you and Trent had agreed that he’d stay in Bergamo he refused to let you go back home alone in the night.
After saying goodbye to Theo, the pair of you found a hotel to spend the night in so you could drive home safely in the morning.
You thought you could have a funny night together and ask something in the room service, but as soon as you got inside and took off your jacket and shoes Trent turned to face you.
“I didn’t like the way he’s with you” he rolled his eyes. “He looks clingy”
You frowned at him, throwing your bag in the corner. Trent can be a bit possessive over the people he cares about, so you weren’t actually surprised.
“You don’t even know him, Trent”
“Well, I don’t care. I don’t like him. The way he kept staring at me and trying to get closer to you like he thought it was some kind of competition or what? If you want the girl it sounds stupid trying to fight her best friend”
You turned to face him, surprised to find his eyebrows together and his lips in a firm line.
“He doesn’t know you’re my best friend” you shrugged.
“Oh, no?” Trent raised his eyebrows, and you could tell that the fact you weren’t making clear to someone that you had a best friend hurt him a bit. But more than that, he looked annoyed. “I wonder how you would’ve felt if it was the opposite”
You chuckled, not understanding his point. “What do you mean?”
“If a girl was hitting on me and I never told her about my best friend” he crossed his arms. “If I never made it clear I have a close and deep connection with another girl”
You rolled your eyes, still not understanding where he was trying to get, and your action made him huff.
“Plenty of girls hit on you all the time” you told him, unbothered.
“And I always make sure they know about you” he pointed out.
“So what?” you shrugged. “I didn’t tell him, I’m sorry”
“You didn’t tell him because you’re starting to forget about me” Trent finally snapped. “You think I didn’t notice how you barely have time to call me or to even text me about your day? You couldn’t make it to the game and I get it but I thought you would at least watch it instead of going out for some kisses”
He gave you a sharp look, and it bothered you. It bothered you that he thought you needed to tell a guy you had a intimate friendship with him only ecause he hoped this would keep them away, whilst you had to sit in Italy and read the multiple articles about his different ‘things’ during the last months.
“The world doesn’t revolve around you, Trent” you got in the defensive mode, even more annoyed that he thought you missed the game because you were with Theo when you were actually forced to rest by your own body.
“Never said it does. But I can’t be upset? I can’t be upset you didn’t even mention me to him?” he raised his hands in the air, starting to gesticulate. “I mention you to every girl I hang out with because I need them to like you, Y/N. If I’m dating someone, I need them to know you were there first. And if they have any problem with you, then I need to know from the beginning so I won’t find myself in love with someone that wants you out of my life. Not that the decision would be hard to take, but it would hurt a lot to break up with someone I’m already used to”
“Theo would never ask me to get away from my best friend” you defended your colleague only by the need to refute Trent. In reality, you don't know how he’d act.
And you don't want to know, because you never saw him as nothing more than a colleague. No one could make you choose between them or Trent.
“Of course he wouldn’t” Trent screamed, and you were taken aback. “He doesn’t even know you have one”
You never heard him screamc not with you, not with anyone around him. It didn’t scare you. Instead, the urgency to understand his feelings for once got the best of you.
“Why the hell are you so fucking angry?” you sighed, lowering your voice.
Trent didn’t look you in the eyes, turning his back to you when he spoke on one go without even pausing to breathe.
“That city doesn’t even feel like home when you’re not there and I’ve been waiting for you to come back so I can be whole again whilst you’re here kissing a fucking Italian that doesn’t even know I exist because you didn’t think I was important enough to be mentioned” he’s voice was low, and despite the meaning of what he was saying was important, you couldn’t stop yourself.
“He’s German, Trent”
Your best friend turned to face you, and you knew you hurt him by not acknowledging his confession. In the end, that’s why he always choose to keep his sentimental words to himself.
“I don’t fucking care, he can go to hell” he muttered under his breath. You knew that he was showing you a vulnerable side of him, and you could stop the fight whenever you wanted to.
Instead, you chose that moment to say what you’ve been carrying with you for a while.
“At least when he tries to hit on me he doesn’t forget about it the next morning” you murmured back. “And he definitely doesn't want me only when he’s drunk”
Trent was close enough to grab your wrist and pull you against him, making you gasp surprisedly.
“I want you all the time. I might have had a few drinks tonight, Y/N, and I might have made you believe I was heavily drunk every time I wanted to kiss you, but I still want you when I’m sober, and I’m sober enough to know what I’m talking about” he murmured. “I’m sorry, baby. I won’t forget about this one”
You didn’t see the kiss coming. Trent kissed you harshly, his hands cupping your face like he was afraid you would run away from him, his grip tight on your waist instead of cupping your face softly like he always did.
It all escalated too fast with the pair of you desperate and carried away by the intensity of your argument, and it didn’t take long for you to be laid in bed with him on top of you.
You took off his white t-shirt, throwing it across the room before getting back at kissing him.
“Are you sure?” he murmured, distributing kisses alongside your neck and you nodded.
Trent stopped his kisses to grab your chin between his fingers, forcing you to stare into his eyes. “Words”
“I think you should ask this for yourself, Trent” you smiled ironically, making him chuckle.
“Never thought you could be such a fucking brat. Just answer me” he tightened his grip.
You took a while to observe his eyes, his breath, the way his lips were curved on a teasing smile.
“I am pretty sure”
He was quickly to slide your panties down your legs after your verbal consent, getting comfortable between your legs.
Before you used to think that it would at least feel weird, doing this with him. But the truth is that you were so attracted to Trent that this thought didn’t even cross your mind at that moment.
Gently working you up, Trent teased you for a while before inserting his finger. Respecting your time and always asking if you were good, he inserted a second making you squirm.
“Relax f’me, princess” he murmured against your temple, and you shivered at the pet name. “So deliciously tight, uh?”
When his fingers didn’t feel like intruders anymore Trent scissored you, smiling to the contorted expression on your face. He kept the pace torturously slow, building your pleasure.
The first moan that slipped your mouth made Trent’s mind go blank. The way his dick pulsated inside his boxers, the goosebump travelling down his back, the way he felt his own moan almost falling from his lips.
A second later, he wanted to make you do it again.
“Does he make you feel like that?” Trent murmured against your ear, only making your situation worse whilst his fingers reached deep and his thumb caressed your clit. “Do any of them?”
“Trent-” you whined, feeling empty when he removed his fingers and adjusted himself, going down until his face was between your legs.
“So fucking wet. What do you need, baby? Tell me want do you want from me”
“Everything” you were able to whisper, closing your eyes when he kissed your clit, brushing his lips against you.
“You look good enough to eat” Trent brushed his nose between your folds, making you gasp. “And I’m so fucking starved”
When he closed his lips on your clit, you closed your eyes, throwing your head back and letting it fall down on the pillow.
Trent felt goosebumps when you whined for him and his tongue kept exploring you, savouring every part of the new found paradise, coming back to tease your clit and casually sliding deeper every time.
You cried out, your moans getting whinier by every second, and soon found out that your moans were now his favourite sound, trying harder every time to make you whine and beg louder than before.
Trent couldn’t hold his own hips at the sound of you so desperate underneath him, pressing them down so the friction against the bed would help him ease the pain.
He used his hand to pull his dick out of his boxers before inserting his fingers in you again, pumping them faster whilst his lips would suck your clit precisely and the pleasure was too good to be true.
You could feel your body hot everywhere, the pressure on your stomach and the warmth on your pussy driving you crazy.
“God, Trent” you whined, scratching the back of his neck, rolling your hips when you felt his smile against you.
He pulled his face away, his fingers never stopping whilst he grind his hips on the silky bed sheets, groaning at the sensation and looking at you with swollen lips and bright eyes,
“C’mon, be good and cum for me” he whispered, kissing your tummy before placing his mouth back at where you needed him. Gripping on his shoulder and sinking your nails in his skin, you let your high reach you.
When you tugged your fingers on his hair, pressing his face further whilst he guided you through your orgasm, he shamelessly came on his boxers, moaning loudly against you.
Recovering from his high, Trent laid beside you and brought you closer to lay your head on his chest, a hand around your shoulder whilst he took deep breaths.
The pair of you spent a few minutes like this, in silence. He looked at the ceiling, thinking of what had just happened meant for your friendship.
The fact that he would be going back to England by the morning and leaving you behind suddenly hit him, and he could swear he was about to have a panic attack.
“I can’t do this” Trent whispered, and your breath instantly hitched in your throat, your heart twisting in your chest.
Your cheeks were burning and you could feel the humiliation sinking in, and you wondered if you could get your clothes and lock yourself in the bathroom before collapsing.
“We shouldn’t have done this” he said again, and the pain you felt on your chest was becoming unbearable.
“I heard you the first time” you muttered, quickly getting on your feet and starting to look for your things.
“I’m coming back to England and you’re staying here…” he closed his eyes, cursing himself for letting you both get so carried away.
“I got it, Trent” you raised your voice a bit, and he finally looked at you. “We shouldn’t have done this. You wish we hadn’t”
“I didn’t say that” he immediately said, taken aback by the change in your tone.
You quickly wore your skirt, unsuccessfully trying to find the corset. Groaning, you took the shirt you had just taken off of him and wore it, looking for your purse whilst he sat on the bed, his hand supporting his weight.
“What are you doing?” Trent frowned, hopelessly watching you walking around the room.
“Going home. I have classes tomorrow morning” you mumbled, not trusting yourself to stay there any more. “I’ll return the shirt later”
He looked at you, the messy and loose hair. Trent wanted you to come back to bed and sleep, but your behaviour confused him.
“We’re in the middle of the night you can’t drive alone-”
“I can’t stay here, Trent” you cut him and stopped by the door, the urgency in your voice making him flinch.
“I’m sorry” he whispered, not even looking at you. His head was spinning and he couldn’t properly understand what was happening.
You looked at him one last time, his bare torso, the strong arms supporting his weight, the marked jaw.
“I’m sorry too. For believing when you said you wanted this and letting you go on” you muttered before leaving.
Trent’s mouth opened in surprise, his dizzy mind trying to fight the slowness he’d always get in after his orgasm, but you quickly left the room and he knew it was too late.
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After reading Trent’s message before turning on the engine, you drove the forty minutes home trying your best not to cry, focused on the street.
The playlist making you company was constantly playing sad love songs, and you couldn’t stop repeating the whole night in your head.
As soon as you got home, you immediately headed to the bathroom, seeking some comfort and wanting to wash the evidence of what just happened.
Running a bath in the middle of the night was unusual for you, but you didn’t want a rushed shower. You needed to relax, so you waited for it to fill with hot water and took your clothes off, carefully entering the bath.
The water’s temperature embraced your body, and you sighed deeply.
You didn’t hear from him anymore that day and you were sure he was trying to respect your space, but for some reason that was not what you wanted.
What you really wanted was for him to call you. To try to fix this, somehow. To tell you that it was ok that you both got into this situation because that was all he ever wanted, just like you.
Now, you don’t even know if all those things he said before going to bed with you were real.
When the water got cold you decided that the best would be to get in bed, quickly drying yourself and looking for a pyjama. Not being able to find one in the middle of the night and too tired to keep searching, you reluctantly wore the hoodie Trent left at yours before you headed to the game, his smell immediately engulfing you.
Laying in bed and getting comfortable beneath the sheets, you allowed your body to feel what it needed to, and it wasn’t long until strong sobs were shaking your body.
You couldn’t lose Trent. But at the same time, you had no idea how you’d be capable of looking at him and chatting with him without letting your feelings get the best of you.
You knew it was unfair to ignore his messages without an explanation, so you quickly typed one, which Trent was quick to answer.
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Sighing, you locked your phone and tried to sleep, the uncertainty about your friendship’s future consuming you through the night.
A month without Trent was the worst thing you had to go through in a while. Before everything, he is your best friend.
The guy who’ll hear anything you have to say, that’ll spend hours on the phone, that’ll bring you something cute because it reminded him of you.
The silly, caring and funny Trent. The other half of you.
You had already decided you wouldn’t go to England during your break, your feelings too messy to be deal with right now, when your mother told you that the whole family was invited for Klopp’s last game.
‘I respect your decision of not coming home during your weeks off, but he really needs you. I’m just checking if you’re totally sure about it’
You thought that the worst you’ve felt during your friendship with Trent was the last time you saw him, but hearing your mother telling you how he begged her to allow him to stay in your room for a while, where she heard him crying for hours, completely broke you.
So without even blinking you immediately bought the plane ticket after the call, and started to pack up your essentials. You knew that in the end two weeks could reveal to be too much, but you chose to risk it.
Whilst you picked up your favourite outfits, you analysed the situation. Of course a friendship so long like yours would face a harrowing moment at some point.
After that night, you were sure your feelings were real, but you couldn’t blame Trent for trying to understand — and in the end, feeling different than you.
You know you want him close. You need your best friend around, and you need things to be ok between you two.
Even if for that to happen you must bury your romantic feelings for him, pretending like you never felt them.
Landing in Liverpool the day of the game, you were happy to see your father in the airport, giving him a tight hug.
He drove you directly to Anfield, and you were able to enter the family box during the warm up. Not wanting your best friend to spot you with his family and get distracted, you stayed in the box d most of the time.
Even when you went to the stands, you made sure to stay away from everyone he knew and would look for. During Klopp’s farewell, you allowed yourself to get closer to his brothers, knowing that he would be too focused on the boss.
The goodbye was painful to you. Being a Liverpool fan your whole life, you and Trent spent all these years with Jürgen, and whilst the tears felt down your cheeks without any sign of stopping soon your only thought was how hurt your boy was feeling on the pitch.
Your question was answered when a footage of Trent with teary eyes showed up on the stadium screens, making you choke on your own saliva.
Not having the strength to be a part of the lap of honour, you waited with your mum and dad whilst Trent’s family went to the pitch to celebrate the end of the season, and watching him playing with Aura and feeling so happy with his loved ones around him settled your heart.
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You smiled down at your phone, sitting on the box sofa and chatting with your father. When Tyler came running and hugged you, you started to laugh, knowing he was trying to piss Trent off.
When your best friend showed up at the door, you smiled softly at him.
“Y/N?” Trent gasped, not expecting to see you there. His wet and puffy eyes made your heart twist, and without thinking of anything else you opened your arms to him.
He threw himself at you, pushing Tyler away, and his strong arms hugged your torso tightly. Holding his shoulders just as tight, you sighed in his embrace.
You watched both of your families leave the room, more to give Trent privacy after what he just had gone through, and you hugged him even tighter.
“Oh, pookie. I’m so sorry you’re going through this” you scratched his scalp, and Trent relaxed against your body.
When he didn’t answer you thought he simply didn’t know what to say, but after a few seconds you realised Trent was slightly shaking, and soon you could hear the strong sobs washing over him.
You let him cry, a hand rubbing circles on his lower back whilst the other kept scratching his scalp until he was able to calm down, fifteen minutes later.
“Baby, hey” you tried to pull away so you could look at him, but he only clung to you tighter, decided not to let you see his face. “Look at me, Alexander”
“So you can see how weak I am?” his croaked voice cut you deeply.
“Trent. Look at me” you firmly asked, finally being able to cup his face in your hands when he pulled his head out of your neck. “Being emotional and sensitive about something isn’t being weak”
His teary eyes looked back at yours, the sight of the trail of tears making your heart drop.
“I had lots of weeks to prepare for this” his hoarse voice made you pout, stroking his chin.
“Doesn’t matter” you brushed his tears out of his face. “You’re allowed to cry when you lose something important. We all know you’re tough and strong, and crying sometimes won’t change that”
“Thank you” he sniffed, still holding you close to him. “I don’t deserve you”
“Don’t be silly. Took you twenty years to realise that?”
You tried to make him giggle, but Trent only shook his head.
“No. I’ve always known” he looked you in the eyes, so intense that you felt like he was seeing you naked again.
When Dianne opened the door to check on you, you cleared your throat.
“I’ll go home, spend some time with mom. But I see you later, yeah?” you smiled, and Trent only nodded, reluctantly letting go of you.
“I was just thinking-” he stuttered, and you stroked his chin.
“It’s okay, Trentie. Don’t worry” you reassured him. Your best friend looked at you with a lost expression and you tiptoed to kiss his cheek. “I won’t lose you because we made a mistake, it’ll be like nothing ever happened. Just me and you again”
Even though you didn’t want it to be like it never happened, you knew it was necessary for your friendship to survive. Not acknowledging that you had sex with your childhood best friend would make him stay as your childhood best friend.
“How many days are you staying?”
“Two weeks. I won’t run from you, Trent” you giggled, but the insecurity in his eyes made you stop. He could be feeling it in a different way, but it was clear that what happened affected him too. “I’ll stop by your house Wednesday, alright?”
When Dianne asked him if he was leaving with them, he quickly nodded and kissed your forehead.
“See ya then” he murmured, leaving you alone with your thoughts and that weird feeling in your stomach.
The few days with your family were much needed. You were excited to tell them about the things you hadn’t had the time to say on the phone yet, and your mother wanted to know everything.
If you were seeing someone, how’s the college, your favourite italian meals. Everything. Your mother wanted to know all the details, while dad was focused on hugging you like you could disappear.
In three nights straight, you all had dinner together before grabbing sweet treats for a sleepover in the living room, watching movies together and sleeping with your parents like you were eight years old. It was the best three nights you had for a while.
On Wednesday morning you woke up lazily, trying to kill time so it would take you longer to see Trent.
When your mother knocked on the door to call you for breakfast, you groaned for her to enter the room.
“I want to talk about something…” you murmured as soon as it was just you and her, and she smiled whilst sitting on the bed.
“Of course, my sweet girl. We can talk about anything”
You took a deep breath and changed to a sitting position, avoiding her eyes to muster up the courage and only looking at her when you felt ready to talk.
“Do you remember when Trent visited me last month?”
Your eyes full of tears explained everything she needed to know.
“Oh, Y/N…” she quickly embraced you in her arms. “Have you guys kissed?”
“I wish” you let your tears fall, not having the strength to hold it and wanting your mother to comfort you. “It was so much worse”
So you told her everything. From the silly and drunk kisses you both would share every party to him saying you shouldn’t have gone too far. The month without talking to them and having to pretend nothing happened for the sake of your friendship.
When she was about to answer you, someone knocked on the bedroom’s door.
“Uhm” your father cleared his throat whilst already entering the room, scaring you and your mother. “Excuse me”
“Were you hearing behind the door?” you looked at him with a shocked expression, immediately feeling shy.
“I’m sorry” he gave you an apologetic smile. “But if you allow me to stick my nose on your business for a bit, I have some opinions about that”
“Dad…” you felt ashamed. The last thing you wanted was your father talking about your sex life, even though he had always been chill about the subject.
“Y/N, I know you’re not my little girl anymore. That’s ok, we did our best to raise you for these moments, to the world. But I can’t hear all that you said and stay quiet. All I have to say is, don’t be unfair to Trent”
“What do you mean?” you frowned, wiping the tears from your face.
“That as much as you’re afraid of losing your best friend, he might be too. That what you thought was rejection could be simply fear” your father sat on the bed beside you, hugging you closer.
“Why would you think that when he clearly said he couldn’t do this?” you rested your head on his shoulder.
“It was how we started” your mother shyly answered. “We were best friends and one night, there was this party… we had too many drinks and it happened”
You never knew that. Actually, the only thing your parents told you about how they met was that your mother has been hard to conquer, and you also never asked about it. You always thought that they’d tell you in their own time.
“The next morning your mother woke up terrified and told me we shouldn’t have done that. I remember that she was picking up her clothes from the floor and saying that we crossed a line that shouldn’t be crossed” he chuckled. “We were scared, you know? I was scared that she didn’t like me that way and that’s why she ran, when actually she ran because she thought I slept with her just because I got carried away”
“But-” you tried to argue, but your father cut you.
“If we haven’t talked later and opened up, besides not being a couple today I’m pretty sure the friendship wouldn’t have survived. Look how funny, we were running away from our feelings so we wouldn’t ruin what we had, but running can be exactly the reason for you both to fall apart”
“I don’t know” you sighed, and your mother’s hand immediately started to rub your back.
“You don’t need to talk about that right now, Y/N” she comforted you. “Do it in your own time, but if we can give you any advice, it is for you to do it before going back to Italy. Distance is cruel, and paired with miscommunication can cause irreparable damage”
You stayed in silence for a few minutes, letting the new informations sink in.
“I’ll think… I’ll think about it” you nodded, cleaning your face again. “Gotta face him now tho, so if you excuse me”
Your parents giggled, and gave them a hug before getting in the shower to quickly get ready, suddenly wanting to be there soon.
Wearing a simple pair of jeans and a t-shirt, you tied your hair in a ponytail before applying sunscreen, and borrowed your father’s car.
After the quick ride, you nervously rang Trent’s doorbell, and Marcel excitedly opened it to you.
“Y/N!” he screamed, and with all the fear and nerves directed to Trent you ended up forgetting that his family also hadn’t seen you for six months, and you couldn’t talk much during the match. “You’re taller?”
“Oh, shut up Marcel. You don’t need to remind me that you’re like the Eiffel tower” you giggled, hugging him tight.
“Why did you scream Y/N’s name?” Trent showed up at the door, wearing only his sleep shorts. Nothing you hadn’t seen before, but you still felt your cheeks getting hot at the sight of him.
He stopped in his tracks, looking at you like you were a ghost.
“Hi?” you giggled, finding it amusing how he blinked his eyes slowly.
“Oh” his smile grew wilder, and he soon was pushing Marcel to the side so he could give you a hug.
“That’s not fair, you’re not the only one that missed her” Marcel complained, but Trent was pretty good at ignoring the youngest.
“Let him be, Marcel. You know he’s a bit possessive” you could hear Dianne’s voice.
“The thing is that he’s not, mum. That’s the Y/N effect” Marcel complained, following his mother to the kitchen.
Trent engulfed you in his arms, and it was like the world didn’t exist anymore. You couldn’t hear his family nor the cars on the street. The only thing your ears could focus on was his steady heartbeat.
“As much as I love your hugs, I’m freezing” you giggled, but Trent only inverted your bodies so now you were inside the house. “And I don’t want you naked on the street, you’ll get sick”
“I’ll get sick or you’re being jealous?” he giggled, closing the door without breaking the hug. “I missed you”
“I missed you too” you ignored the first part, laughing when he started to walk while still hugging you.
“She won’t disappear if you let her go” Michael teased him from up the stairs.
“Hi uncle Mike” you yelped when Trent took you off the ground and walked into the living room.
“Hi Y/N, don’t let the boys bother you too much” he smiled whilst crossing the room and blowing you a kiss. “Stay for dinner so we can talk, I’ll be right back”
You nodded awkwardly since Trent was on top of you, your body pressed against the sofa whilst he snuggled you.
“I missed you” he murmured, and you felt warm inside. No matter what you say to yourself, having Trent’s attention would always make you giddy and soft. “I missed you so much”
“Missed you too buddy, but you’ll crush my bones” you giggled when he finally pulled away so you could breathe.
“You know what, you should come with me to Monaco” he smiled, proud of his idea. “So we can spend some time together”
You sat on the sofa, carefully thinking about what he said.
“Oh, I don’t know. Don’t wanna ruin your boys trip” you told him honestly. “It’s your time off after a long season”
Trent sat next to you, and you rested your face on his shoulder.
“Cmon, you only have two weeks off and I don’t want to spend one of them far away from you. It’ll be fun, Tyler and Marcel will love having you around for a few days”
Suddenly coming from the kitchen, Marcel threw himself besides Trent.
“Yeah Y/N, come with us. It’s a brother's trip, and you’re like a sister. At least to some of us” he chuckled, and you straightened your body to frown at him.
“Shut up” Trent scolded his brother, and soon they were pushing each other and playfully fighting.
Dianne came out of the kitchen, giving them a flat look.
“Boys, Y/N didn’t come here to see this” she sighed. “They look like five years old, don’t they? Come here darling, help me out with the cupcakes”
You happily followed her into the kitchen. Her energy has always embraced yours, and after your mum, Dianne is the oldest woman you like to talk to the most.
“Oh, Y/N! We missed you so much, darling” she smiled softly, taking the cupcakes out of the oven. “How’s Italy? Everything you ever dreamed about?”
“Italy is good, Di” you smiled back, smelling the cakes. “They just don’t have…”
“Trent” she put them in front of you, giggling.
Sometimes, his mother knows you too well for your liking.
“Yeah” you admitted shyly.
Taking the coloured buttercream frosting she gave you, you started to decorate the cupcakes.
“Is everything alright between you two?” she asked tenderly. “He’s been really upset about himself lately and the only thing he’d say to me is that he had upset you”
“Yeah, we had a bit of a bickering moment” you shrugged. “Friendships are like that, but I’m sure we’ll talk about it once we’re ready. We always do”
Dianne nodded, and you knew she didn’t want to stick her nose in your friendship. She just cares too much.
“You know he loves you” she brought you some sprinkles.
“I love him too” you smiled. “Trent is my favourite person, you know. He just can be hard sometimes. To read, to understand”
She sat next to you and grabbed a cupcake to decorate it herself.
“To love?” she teased. You shook your head, biting your lips so the few tears wouldn’t spill.
“Trent was never hard to love. I think it’s quite the opposite, actually. He must have a hard time loving me” you murmured, but Dianne stayed quiet.
“You were never hard to love either” his voice made you jump, immediately shy of being caught. “What do we have for dinner tonight, mum?”
His arms circled your waist, and Trent hugged you tight against his chest. The heat on your face wasn’t unusual at this point, and he seemed to be the king in making your cheeks burn.
“Homemade pizza. I would’ve changed it if you had warned me Y/N was coming, poor girl probably eats pizza every day for the last six months” she gave you an apologetic look but you only laughed.
“It’s ok, Di. I love your pizza” you smiled. When you were younger, both of your families would reunite once a week to eat her pizza, and in the end it always looked like a party, full of people, laughters and happiness.
“And we also have my cupcakes for the dessert” Trent said excitedly, the pure joy in his voice making you smile. You leaned back so your head would rest on his shoulder, and he gave your forehead a quick peck.
“You baked them?” your shocked tone made Dianne laugh, and Trent looked at you with a false offended expression.
“Surprised?” he murmured in your ear, and you tried not to choke in your own spit.
“Di, are you sure I have to stay for dinner?” you joked, laughing when Trent’s fingers started to squeeze your waist.
Soon Michael was home, and after chatting with him about your classes and teachers, you shared a pizza with the Alexander-Arnold family.
Dianne also told you how Aura has changed their life’s, and the spark on Trent’s eyes was impossible not to see.
After tasting his cupcakes and having to admit they were pretty good, you had to say goodbye to your second family, promising to try and visit as soon as possible.
Later that night in your old room, you wore one of your favourite hoodies of Trent that you shamelessly brought from his house, pretending you were too cold to come back home without one, and his smell instantly engulfed you.
You came to Liverpool focused on forgetting your feelings and determined to get back at what you and Trent were before all of this, but watching his smile, his body lazily thrown on the sofa and how his soft eyes would look at you ruined you all over again.
On the other hand, he seemed like he couldn’t stay away from you either, his arms always hugging you, his pinky touching yours over the dinner table. His longing and lingering stares.
You groaned, grabbing your pillow and burying your face in it before screaming frustratedly. Now more than ever, it was clear for you that you weren't able to be only his friend. That you would always want more.
But you had promised him this, that things would be like nothing ever happened, and your friendship deserved a try.
Your father’s words hammered in your head, and if you were being honest with yourself you knew the pair of you needed to have an honest conversation, but the fear wouldn’t let you ask him for it.
If you make the decision alone, you know what it implies — you’ll have to suppress your feelings for him, forever. But as soon as Trent enters this conversation, he can choose to cut all the ties.
You know Trent too well, and this means knowing that by not feeling the same as you he wouldn’t want to be friends whilst you were in love. This would mean hurt you a lot, and he could never.
Squirming in bed, you tried your best to fall asleep and have a break from your thoughts, but his face refused to leave your mind. Giving up, you texted him exactly what he wanted to read.
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You were sure you looked like a child.
Everything was so glamorous and fancy, and you were truly excited to be experiencing the most classic Formula One Grand Prix.
The cars were huge, the atmosphere unbelievable. You felt like you were at Disneyland, but made for adults with an unhealthy love for cars.
You felt at home, the engine sounds reaching deep in your heart and you knew you couldn’t be happier.
Tyler and Marcel decided to take a few pictures whilst you and Trent went to the Alpine box so he could see the team before the first session.
You gladly noted that things weren’t awkward between you both, and you soon started to talk about the old times when the pair of you would watch races together.
Suddenly you heard someone shout for Trent followed with a whistle, and immediately prayed that it wasn’t a fan.
You love them, you really do, but since you started to show up more at the games and with his family they were usually rude to you, and you were having a really perfect weekend.
Gladly for you, the pair of you turned around to face Ben and Mason, and Trent happily greeted them with a hug.
“No red bull garage this year?” Mason teased, talking about when they met in the same garage.
“Oh you know, I’m here for business” Trent chuckled, showing them the Alpine paddock pass and the boys playfully whistled. “This is Y/N, my best friend”
“So this is the Y/N” Mason’s eyes twinkled and he shook your hand. “Nice to meet you”
“Trent talks a lot about you” Ben also shook your hand, smiling politely.
You smiled at then, feeling your face heating up at the mention of Trent talking about you.
“But he never told us you’re this pretty” Mason playfully smirked, making you giggle.
“Can I have a word with you, Mason?” Trent motioned his head, making Ben laugh.
“I’ll take Mr. Flirty Mount out of here before the news needs to report the England boys were fighting in Monaco. See you, guys” he chuckled, dragging Mason away whilst he’d blow kisses to you.
You laughed, shaking your head and facing Trent.
“Remember when you told me guys don’t like you romantically?” he snorted. “And now I have to kick them away from you”
“Mason wasn’t flirting” you told him. “He was trying to play with you and get under your skin, hitting on your best friend”
“Y/N, if I wasn’t here to say he’s not allowed to get closer to you in a romantic or sexual way Mason would’ve asked for your number and obviously tried to take you out and God knows what more. Now that he’s close enough I can’t take the risk, that man should’ve stayed in London”
You stared at him with a serious look in your eyes.
“I’d never get involved with someone from your workspace. You know I wouldn’t want to make you uncomfortable, but even if you didn’t kicked him away Mason would just do like all the others and disappear after a while”
“The others… you say like, the ones I also had to kick?” Trent chuckled before your confused expression made him gulp. “Looook, a car! Wow, plenty of cars. So many cars”
“You’ve been scaring my potential boyfriends away?” you crossed your arms, and Trent started to walk to Alpine’s box.
“Guilty! I didn’t want you to date any of them. I’m sorry, but they weren’t good enough for you, Y/N” he shrugged, turning around to check if you were following him.
“Since when is up to you to decide?” you raised an eyebrow, but your light tone showed Trent you weren't about to kill him.
He gave you your favourite smile, when he bites his lower lip in tries to stop smiling, but then his smile slowly shows up. It’s pretty and sensual and makes you want to lean forward and kiss him.
“See, I’m your best friend. I know what’s good for you, and they weren’t. That’s all! I’m a guy and I know other guys, I was just protecting my incredible friend” he blinked, reaching out his hand for you to take.
“Well, thank you then. But I’d appreciate it if instead of kicking the ones that aren’t good enough, you could find me someone good enough” you hugged his arm, resting your face on his bicep.
“The only one good enough for you is me” Trent poked your nose before waving to what you presumed was one of the racing drivers. “Esteban, hi!”
After the events of the day, you decided to walk back to the hotel room you would stay in, whilst Trent and his brothers stayed to talk a bit.
Sharing the room was an obvious decision. You and Trent always shared a bed on every trip or when staying over someone’s house during teenagers parties.
You instantly got in the shower, and the hot water helped you to relax your tense muscles from walking around the paddock the whole day, but also from being next to Trent for so long.
You didn’t have where to run, and the lingering small touches were driving you crazy. You promised him that it’d be like nothing happened, but you weren’t so sure you’d be able to do that.
‘Look how funny, we were running away from our feelings so we wouldn’t ruin what we had, but running can be exactly the reason for you both to fall apart’, you remembered your dad’s words.
Sighing deeply, you finished your shower and dried your body, wearing Trent’s t-shirt you stole before entering the bathroom.
You couldn’t sleep without your skin care night routine, so you took your time to wash and moisturise your face, applying the simple version of your routine since you wouldn’t travel with all of your products.
After finishing it and brushing your hair, you left the bathroom. You were expecting Trent to stay out longer with his brothers, but as soon as you got out he was entering the room, and you froze in place.
“Thank you for staying with me” he smiled, closing the door behind him.
“Well, your brothers would find it weird if we didn’t share the room for the first time in fifteen years” you joked, but Trent frowned.
“That’s why you accepted? You wouldn’t share the room with me if Marcel and Tyler weren’t here?”
You sighed, not wanting to argue with him.
“You’re overthinking, Trent. I wouldn’t have accepted to come to Monaco with you if we weren’t on good terms”
“I had to beg you to come, Y/N. What’s wrong?” he asked you, exasperated. “Am I a bad fucker or what? Is this about Theo? Are you with him now?”
“This is not about how you- do it, Trent. And I already told you he’s just a friend, we’re not together”
He gave you an annoyed look, and you were about to say you could just share the room with Marcel instead when he opened his mouth.
“I’m just your friend as well and this doesn’t stop us from kissing each other once a month” he mumbled, his words making your body stiffen.
“So you remember?” you gasped, not believing the words he had just said.
“How the fuck could I forget” Trent’s voice was low, and is was obvious that confessioning it was taking everything in him. “Every time you kiss me is like the world makes sense. You make me feel alive and I hate that someone else can be feeling the same whilst I’m so fucking away”
Your mind started to spin, and you tried your best to keep breathing.
“You- what? Why you never told me?” you looked at him, your vision slightly blurred with tears. Trent stayed silent, and even though you know he’s not good with his words you expected him at least to try and defend himself. “Fuck you. How could you let me believe you didn’t know for all these months?”
“Listen-” he sighed, but you only shook your head.
“No, you listen. I’m tired” you wiped the tears from your face. “You can’t pretend you doesn’t know that we kissed multiple times and then act like you’re in love with me”
“But I am!” he ran his hand through his hair, but despite the hurt look in his eyes you weren’t willing to believe him.
“The only thing you are right now, Trent, is drunk. Just like every other time you thought you wanted something to do with me” your hurt voice tone made Trent’s heart drop, but at the same time he just wanted you to believe his words. “Just like how when you thought you wanted to fuck me”
He knew it was wrong to keep something like that from you, to pretend he didn’t know about your feelings for months, but he couldn’t change the past. The only thing he could try to do was explain himself but he had no idea where to start, and the fact he felt lost started to annoy him.
“Good. We can always blame Trent’s lil shot of vodka and his silly glass of beer” he raised his voice, exasperated. He knew it wasn’t your fault, but he was trying to open up for the first time since your first kiss and things weren’t going on as he planned. “We should just go to bed so you can forget we talked about this”
“You’re the one who likes to forget when something happens between us” you screamed back at him. “I used to wish you were fucking sober so you would remember you want me when you were not. You knew that? I used to pray for you to wake up once and still feels like kissing me”
His heart twisted in his chest at the sight of your tears.
“Why did you pretend you didn’t remember? You want me when you have more drinks than you should and when you wake up you realise you don’t?” your shaky voice hurt him. “Acting like it never happened has been killing me for months, just in order to not ruin things with you when in reality you knew all this time”
“So why did you say it back then?” his hands were on his neck, in an exasperated movement. “I never told you I remembered because I was afraid you didn’t want me to remember, Y/N. And then, the only time you were sure I did, you ghosted me only to come back saying exactly what I feared to hear. Why?”
“I don’t want the fact that I fucking want you to ruin our friendship, Arnold” you blurted out, instantly panic washing over you when Trent’s eyes widened. “Forget it. Forget, I’ll go to sleep. I don’t wanna talk about that”
“But I do. I need to talk about that” he held you by your wrist, not letting you get to the bed. “Please?”
“Do you need to talk about what, exactly? Why the fuck are you the one acting like I rejected you” you snapped, watching Trent frown at you.
You knew you needed to talk to him, and that you were doing exactly what your parents asked you not to, but the fact that he’d been lying to you changed everything.
“Because you did! You didn’t even let me explain what I was thinking that night. You didn’t let me talk before assuming that I didn’t want you”
You felt your face heating up, thinking that you had actually ran away from him.
“You told me we shouldn’t have done it” you murmured, playing with your fingers.
“Yeah, I did. But not in the way you understood” he snorted. “I was dizzy and lazy from my orgasm, and you didn’t give me any time to explain myself. I just- I don’t know why I said it, I should’ve kept shut. But the fact that I’d be going home hours after having you and we would spend God knows how much time apart from each other made me sick. Just slipped out of my mouth and you got it wrong”
“Oh” you bite the inside of your cheek, avoiding his eyes and suddenly too shy to argue.
“Yeah, oh. Then you ignored me for a whole fucking month. Not funny, Y/N”
“I’m sorry, but things weren’t clear, Trent. Can you try to see this from my perspective? You fucked your best friend from ages, but I slept with the only guy I’ve wanted since high school. When you said you couldn’t do that I felt so embarrassed. Naked in a hotel’s bed whilst the man that I love was saying he didn’t want that” you kept looking to the floor, feeling your heart twisting in your chest. “I told you pretty personal things once, Trent. I was honest and I was scared, and when you told me back I thought that that was when things were supposed to change”
“What are you talking about?” Trent walked towards you, his body gently pressing yours against the wall. He held your chin, tilting your head up to face his.
“That night at the England party before the camp, when you flirted with that girl. I told you things” you murmured, not wanting to repeat that you told him you loved him in a different way. “And when you said it back I thought that we-”
“Fuck, the National Team party? You chose the only day I was actually drunk to tell me things?” his forehead dropped to yours, his hand stroking your chin. You closed your moist eyes and Trent observed your face. “We’ll, I’ve told you things too. At your farewell party” he giggled. “I told you pretty personal things, and when you said it back…”
You were back at avoiding his gaze, but his gentle grip on your chin forced you to face his shining and soft eyes again.
After a minute of looking at each other, Trent picked you up and quickly walked the pair of you to the bed, laying you there before getting comfortable on top of you and between your legs.
“You know I’m not good with words, but since you told me you love me I think I should say how I feel about you” he brushed his nose against your neck, the suddenly comfortable atmosphere making you smile. “You seem to have no idea of that, but being around you is the best thing to ever happen to me. You’re like breathing pure air after inhaling smoke, Y/N. When I see you I know I can finally relax. No worries. I don’t need to pay attention to what I’m saying, I don’t need to worry if you’ll understand me. I can be myself. You’ve seen my flaws and my qualities, and you haven’t run away not for once. My mind is at peace when I look at you, but then my heart is pretty different. So disturbed. You settle me but then you’re not mine, and one day you’ll be settling someone else. It terrifies me to the point I can’t breathe sometimes”
Trent said it all in a low and controlled tone, like he was forcing the words to come out. Without breaking eye contact, you cupped his face and stroked his cheeks and let him continue.
“I- in Italy, I was so angry and I’m sorry. I've been hoping that what happened wouldn’t change what we are because the mere idea of losing you makes me sick” he sighed, making you smile softly. “But at the same time I need it to change. I just can’t be your best friend anymore. I want to touch you like that. And kiss you, and hold you”
You felt your cheeks getting warm and that weird feeling on the pit of your stomach. The uncertainty about the future, the fear. But also the hope of having the only boys you always wanted.
“We’re kinda friends with benefits at this point” you joked, but Trent huffed.
“I’m not here for friends with benefits, Y/N. It never works. I want all or nothing” his lips brushed against yours. “Be my girlfriend”
Your eyes widened at his words, but Trent only leaned against your palm, his softly gaze analysing your expression whilst patiently waiting for an answer.
You didn’t need to think much about it, but you appreciated that he let you take your time to picture what that would mean for the pair of you.
“Like- like a girlfriend? You girlfriend?”
“Unless you’re already dating someone else” he teased you. “But I’m way better than him, so if you are then you should break up with your boyfriend”
“I couldn’t date anyone else that’s not you, I’m afraid” you shyly admitted, making Trent giggle.
“I wonder how would you explain a possessive and jealous guy that does everything with you and cuddle and snuggle and wear you on his clothes, cook for you, drive for you, pick your movies and likes to kiss you” he kissed your chin, and only then you understood what he meant back at your fight about Theo.
Trent didn’t want Theo to know he had no chance. He wanted Theo to know that, if he wanted to date you, he’d have to accept your best friend that looks like your boyfriend. Just like how he does with the girls he chats.
Maybe, just maybe, that’s why none of you ever had a long and lasting relationship with anyone else.
“You eased things for me a lot” you smiled. “Now I just need to say that the jealous guy is my boyfriend”
Trent tilted his head. “It sounds good, doesn’t it?”
“Yeah” you murmured, trying to bite back a smile. “It sounds really good”
Different from the kiss that night in Italy, Trent gently pecked your lips and waited for you to make the first move. Rolling your eyes playfully, you pulled him closer by his neck before kissing him.
His lips touched yours gently, caring and lovingly. Slowly opening them, Trent let his tongue slide inside of your mouth, fighting with yours for dominance.
The hand on your waist kept rubbing circles and caressing your skin underneath your hoodie, his fingers constantly bumping into your panties’ strap.
You couldn’t have enough of him, and when you tried to get him even closer, scratching the back of his neck, Trent groaned into your mouth and pressed his hips forward.
The feeling of his semi hard crotch pressed against your core made your mind go blank. You opened your mouth to moan and he took the opportunity to turn your kiss into a sloppy one, biting and licking your lips.
“Let me take care of you. Real care of you this time” he murmured against your jaw, pressing even further against you. “Please”
“We can’t right now” you told him, but his only response was to suck your neck in a way that got you squirming beneath him. “Trent-”
“I’m dying to feel you, baby. I’ve been dreaming about you, every night. I wake up sweating and hard as fuck and all I wanna do is to beg you to take care of me” he whispered. “I swear I’ll be a good boy, please?”
You gulped, incapable of denying that his words got you close to the edge.
“But your brothers-”
“Just be quiet f’me” he whispered, kisses trailing down your neck. When his hand found your bare chest, you knew it was over for you.
“I can’t be quiet with you” you whispered in a desperate tone that immediately got Trent chuckling, his thumb slowly stroking your nipple.
“Guess you’ll need to try” he pulled away to look at you and smirk.
You cupped his face, stroking his chin and staring into his eyes.
“This is different, right? Than the last time”
Trent stopped his teasing and leaned down to give you the softest kiss you ever had, his lips touching yours like he was afraid he could hurt you.
“I’m truly sorry for what happened, and I’m truly sorry for panicking when I should’ve seen you were just as scared as me” he murmured, stroking your cheek with his thumb. “But I didn’t lie, Y/N. I want you, and I think we can make it work. You know me like nobody else, and I like to think I know you too”
“You do” you quickly nodded, your heart warm with love.
Trent’s gaze made you feel like he could see your naked soul, his dark and big eyes showing you they were ready to be honest with you.
“You’re everything I need. You make my tummy flutter and my dick hard and every time I get home I wish I could hug you through the night” he told you sincerely, making you laugh. “Don’t laugh at me, baby”
“I’m not. Sorry, it was just cute”
You bit your lips, still trying to hold your giggles.
“Oh, you think it’s cute when I say you make me hard? I’m starting to think you’re a bit naughty, Y/N” he poked your waist, and you laughed harder. “I mean it when I say I want you to be my girlfriend, and I need you to know I’m being serious. I know we’re both tired though, so we can talk better when you’re ready, yeah?”
Hw kissed your forehead and motioned to get off of you, but you didn’t want that.
“No” you protested, hugging his shoulders to make him stay.
“You wanna sleep like this?” his soft voice made your tummy flutter, and you almost felt bad for all the filthy thoughts running through your mind when he was talking so sweetly. Almost.
“I’m wet and bothered because of you, Alexander” you whispered, tugging your fingers in his hair. “You’re fucking me tonight”
Trent raised his eyebrows at you, surprised by your attitude, and licked his lips.
“Am I?” he murmured, his eyes falling to your lips. You scratched the back of his head, pulling him closer so you could gently bite his lower lip. “I’m def fucking you tonight”
You giggled, circling his waist with your legs, and he groaned, hand slipping underneath your t-shirt again.
It wasn’t long until his face was between your legs. Trent kissed your inner thigh, holding eye contact. Lazily brushing his nose against your skin, giving it little bites before kissing your core over your panties’ fabric.
When you raised your hips for him to take it off, Trent cursed under his breath.
“I’m wet enough, babe” you whispered, the pet name falling from your lips like it’s something constant.
Trent raised his head to look at you, his eyes wide and mouth slightly open.
“Said it again” he asked, his body on top of yours again.
You smiled, biting your lip. “I’m wet enough?”
“No, the other thing” his lips brushed against yours, his low voice making you shiver whilst your entire body screamed for him.
“Babe?” you repeated innocently, smiling when he rested hus forehead on your shoulder.
“God” he tucked his head in your neck, kissing your skin. “Gonna moan like that for me?”
“If you make me” you murmured, pride washing over you when he tightened his grip on your waist. “Are you good?”
“I said it once, but I never thought you could be such a brat” he mumbled, taking a deep breath. “I’m having trouble to control my own body”
“Aw” you lovingly mocked him. “Then don’t”
Trent chuckled, pulling away so he could take your panties off, and the way he looked at you made you feel a bit shy under his gaze even though he had already seen you naked.
He wanted you, and you could see how much just by the way his dark eyes travelled your body, his tongue poking out to lick his lips at the sight of you uncovered.
“So fucking pretty. And you know that” he caressed your waist, eyes meeting yours.
Even though you never saw yourself as an ugly girl and that a few guys often had told you how gorgeous they thought you were, it was the first time you actually believed that another person could see you as profoundly as you see yourself.
You could feel in his voice tone how Trent actually thought you were this beautiful, how much he liked to look at you. And how he meant it.
“Someone might have told me that once” you shrugged, smiling when he rolled his eyes.
“I did” he pecked your lips before slightly biting your chin. “And you were moaning my name a few seconds later”
You giggled, kissing himin sequence. It was still weird for you how his lips fit into yours so well, how they were able to make you weak.
When he pulled away with an erratic breath, you smirked and laid down again.
“You’re wearing too much clothes” you teased, and Trent raised his eyebrows before getting off of you and starting to strip.
He took the white t-shirt off, letting you admire his arms and chest before unbuttoning his pants, taking it off along with his boxers.
You cursed loudly, catching Trent’s attention.
“I don’t think you’ll fit, Alexander” you chuckled, but knowing you damn well he could say you were scared straight away.
“I know it looks like it but I’m not that big”
It was a lie. You licked your lips whilst watching him touching himself a few times before wearing the condom, getting ready for you.
“You’re huge, babe” you whispered. “Insanely big”
You could see him getting flustered, his shy eyes meeting yours whilst he walked towards you again.
“Stop” he groaned, and the sight of his large hands teasing his angry tip made you feel warm. Everywhere.
“You’re not only big, Trentie. You’re thick” you raised your eyebrows, biting back a moan. “Fuck, you’re so hot”
Trent bit his lips shyly, and you were amazed with your capacity of making him shy. Tapping the bed, you waited for him to crawl in your direction, settling between your legs.
“Which position do you want?” you smirked when he was on top of you again. You could feel him against your thigh, the desperation growing wilder.
“I feel like I should be the one asking this” he chuckled. “But I’d like our first time to be missionary, if you allow me”
You’d allow him anything at this point, you wanted to say.
“Any special reason?” you stroked his cheek, quickly pecking his lips.
Trent brushed a strand of hair out of your face, looking at you like you were holding the moon.
“I liked the look in your eyes when you were almost there that night. I want to see how you’ll look at me whilst I’m hitting you good” he kissed your chin, the feeling of him pressed against you making you let out a small cry.
Trent didn’t lost time in guiding himself to tease you, sliding his tip through your folds and tapping it against your clit.
He wasn’t the type to praise a lot, and instead of words he used his actions very well, every touch of him working you up even more.
When you sighed, he slowly slid it to your core and slightly thrusted forward, a small moaning falling from his lips.
“Trentie-” you whined, making him kiss you to silence you.
“I haven’t even started yet and you’re already falling apart?” Trent teased you, his forehead against yours whilst he pushed himself further.
It took you a while to adjust to him. Not that you were a saint, but you didn’t hook up with half Italy either, and as much as it was good to feel him it was also uncomfortable.
“Why are you tense baby?” he kissed your hairline, trying his best to stay still.
You sighed, debating on telling him or not.
“It’s been a while- I’m not as experienced as you”
Truth be told, you were terrified you wouldn’t be to him as good as he was to you.
“Y/N, c’mon” he trailed kisses down your face. “It’s just me, baby. Your Trentie”
“I know, but this is such a new thing to us” you pouted, making him smile.
“Love how you’re able to go from a brat to a baby. The duality of a woman” he brushed his nose against your cheek, and you giggled.
“Sorry, I’m ruining it. You’ll be soft again in a second” you joked, but Trent only pressed his hip further.
“Are you listening to yourself right now? Your personality is exactly what turned me on to this point” he adjusted himself slightly, and you couldn’t help but moan.
“Move” you asked him quietly, murmuring. “Please, Trent”
The sensation was overwhelming. Not only the pleasure of having sex, but the euphoria of having sex with him.
With your boy, who knows you so well, who waits patiently for you to adjust around him, who makes you moan with just a touch of his strong but ever so gentle hands.
Trent kept his slow pace, enjoying how he could feel every inch of you whilst groaning and moaning in your ear.
“God, you feel so good” he murmured, leaning to kiss your jaw. “So fucking tight around me, just how I imagined you’d be”
His words made your head spin, the goosebumps down your spine making you moan.
“You really thought about this before?” you whispered, digging your nails into his shoulder.
Trent giggled, biting your shoulder lovingly. “A lot”
You closed your eyes, and knowing that he was enjoying let you totally relax your body. Feeling the difference, he increased the pace and changed the angle.
It didn’t take long for you to feel that weird and hazy sensation in the pitch of your stomach, your toes curling whilst you dropped your head on the pillow.
“Trent, babe” you murmured, trying to be quiet. “I’m-”
He looked at your fucked up expression, your swollen lips and the messy hair around your face, feeling proud of the state he got you in.
“Does that feel good?” his lips brushed against yours whilst he pounded into you. “I know it does by the way you’re clenching around me, but I’d like to hear you say”
“It feels so good” you whined, sobbing when he pressed his palm against your lower stomach. “It feels so fucking good, it makes me wanna scream”
Arching your back so you could feel him closer, you repeatedly whispered his name, like a song Trent would never get tired of hearing.
“I can’t hold it anymore, Trentie” you cried out, scratching his neck and biting his shoulder in tries to keep quiet.
“Uhm, my pretty girl” he kissed you softly, his tongue invading your mouth, so lazily and caring. “Let go f’me, princess”
Your high hit you with an unknown intensity,
“You squeezed the life out of me” he kissed your temple, getting on his feet to discard the condom.
Coming back from the bathroom, he laid on top of you, sighing when your fingers started to scratch his scalp.
“Gonna sound cliche” he groaned, kissing your shoulder. “But you have no idea how many times I’ve dreamed of this”
“In any of your dreams, it happened in Monaco?” you chuckled, yawning in sequence. “And if yes, we made it to the race? I feel like sleeping the whole day”
“We should take a shower and get some sleep” Trent murmured, and even though you agreed with him, none of you moved a finger.
“This is real, right?” you whispered, the answer already sparkling in his eyes when he looked at you. “I’m scared” you admitted, your heart beating wildly in your chest and the knot on your throat immediately showing up. “What if we can’t make it? What if we fight really bad one day and you’ll be sure there’s no way out of it? What if we broke up and things won’t ever be the same and it’ll ruin our family’s friendship. And I’ll probably have to see you walking around with an ugly model as your new bag”
“Shhh, I wouldn’t let that happen” he changed to a sit position, bringing you closer and holding you tight.
He ran his hand on your back, and you took deep breaths before replying.
“You can’t promise me that” you murmured against his shoulder.
Trent took a few seconds to speak, tilting your head up so you would see his eyes.
“I promise you, Y/N, I would never, ever, walk around with an ugly model” he chuckled, stopping when you hit his arm. “We’ll, I’m promising you that right now, baby” he murmured. “I’m forever yours, and nothing will be able to ruin this. I’ll never let anything get in between us”
After a quick shower and some sleep, you almost couldn’t wake up in the morning. Trent used the bathroom first before gently calling you so you could get ready for the day, and after half an hour you were able to win the battle.
When you left the bathroom, you watched Trent looking at himself in the mirror, adjusting his beige overall.
“Are you wearing this?” you frowned, feeling like one of those toxic boyfriends.
“What, you don’t like it?” he turned around to face you, and you instantly cursed yourself from opening your mouth when you were met with uncertainty in his eyes.
You shook your head, quickly walking towards him.
“No, is not that. You look really good” you hugged his neck. “You just look too good for my concern”
His shoulders relaxed and he let out the cutest giggle in the world, holding your waist.
“That shouldn’t be a good thing?”
“We’re in Monaco, Trent. And you’re a footballer. I can only imagine the amount of girls that’ll throw themselves at you” you frowned, but he only shrugged.
“Unfortunately for them, I only care about one girl”
You rolled your eyes playfully, leaning to kiss him when a loud knock on the door made you pull away. Trent groaned before gently pulling you close by your neck until your lips were brushing against his.
“Priorities, princess. They can wait” he pecked your lips, trailing kisses down your jaw and your neck. It wasn’t long until you felt your knees getting weak.
Gently sucking and biting the spot underneath your ear, Trent groaned when a small moan slipped through your lips.
“I think the race isn’t that important” he mumbled, kissing you gently and slowly, the urge of pulling you even closer making his grip tighter on your waist.
When one of his brothers knocked on the door again, Trent pulled away and huffed.
“The sooner we leave the sooner we get back” he whispered, grabbing your hand and walking to the door, only stopping so you could pick up your bag on the bed.
When he opened the door, Tyler and Marcel were looking back at you.
“Wow, Y/N. You look like you don’t sleep for days” Marcel teased your appearance as soon as you left the room.
“Me and Trent kept gossiping until morning” you yawned, grabbing the coffee Tyler handed to you. “I’m starting to regret it”
When Marcel and Trent started to walk a few steps in front of you two, the eldest brother passed his arm over your shoulder.
“You know I’m old enough to recognise a man who had sex when I see one” he giggled, and your heart instantly dropped.
“Tyler-” you gasped, but he shook his head and squeezed your body against his.
“No, no. I’m glad it happened. You make him happy like nothing else does, Y/N. I won’t tell anyone until you two are ready, but I wanted to tell you myself how happy I am to have you around and looking out for my little brother. Trent had some bad and tough moments, especially when it comes to love, but I trust you. And I trust him to take care of such a special girl like you”
You smiled shyly, his words making you feel safe and loved.
“Thank you” you smiled, hugging his waist. “You know I’m also happy to be around your family”
“Oh, just wait until you’re officially part of it then” he chuckled, the sound getting Trent’s attention.
Your boy turned around, frowning at the sight of you two laughing.
“Hey, can you get away from my girl please” Trent shouted, walking back to you and grabbing your hand.
“You’re so dramatic” Tyler rolled his eyes before looking at you again. “Good luck with this one, you gonna need it”
Trent snorted, putting you beside him. His hand slipped into your jean’s pocket, and you tried to bite a smile.
“Your girl?” you teased. “Are you sure you wanna do this?”
“Of course I wanna do this. There's a better place to have paparazzi couple pictures than the Monaco GP?” he kissed your cheek. “Yeah, I’m totally sure. Want them to know you’re mine. The only one I want when I’m happy and when I’m sad, when I’m sleepy or when I’m awake. The one I want when I’m drunk and when I’m sober”
“And the one that makes you talk like you’re twelve years old” Marcel rolled his eyes, slapping Trent’s head and making you laugh. “Never saw you talking like that”
“Man is in love, Marcel. Let him” Tyler came to the rescue, but soon he was teasing along. “Wait for him to have his own kid and you’ll see him reach his peak of foolishness”
“God, Tyler. I got the girl yesterday and you’re trying to scare her already” he looked really annoyed, and you tried to hold your giggles so you wouldn’t ruin his mood. “C’mon baby, let’s get out of here”
“C’mon baby” Marcel mimicked him, extending his hand to grab Tyler’s.
“Let’s get out of here” the eldest joined him, both erupting in giggles whilst Trent guided you to Alpine’s box, soon finding a corner where he could kiss you as if the pair of you didn’t have a race to watch.
For the rest of the day you walked around the paddock with Trent. Fingers intertwined, kisses exchanged and vows of love quietly spoken against each other’s mouth.
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pupyuj · 2 days
okay hear me out... nerd!annyeongz (g!p) who take the reader to pound-town for teasing them🤭🤭
[new anon unlocked!]
lordt apologies to 🐶 anon IT'S BEEN LIKE... MONTHS?! 😭 this ask was collecting mold in my drafts omg BUT EHE i'm lucky i had some stuff on it so i can just continue where i left off :DD this is gonna be a bit long too so bear with me ya’llll 😭✊
you weren't their bully, per se... but you would be lying if you said that you didn't make fun of them every once in a while 🤭 they just looked like the biggest losers ever, how could you not? 😭 baggy sweatpants, big hoodies, thick glasses, noses glued to their textbooks, always scribbling something in their notebooks... but at least wonyoung knew how to style herself, yujin was fucking hopeless! and you always made sure she knew,, either by making fun of her outfit for that day, her messy hairdo, and the rugged way she carried herself around the halls... you're always on yujin's ass for no reason 😒😒
and then there's wonyoung who could totally climb on the very top of the social hierarchy if she so wanted to. she was extraordinarily pretty, moderately rich, can definitely fight bcs you were always impressed with how stingy her side-eye is, but she wants to stick with her loser best friend 🙄 stupid girl...
seeing them together always made you excited bcs they were your daily dose of serotonin, for all the wrong reasons! but the thing doesn't happen until you catch them alone in a mostly empty classroom one day, huddled up in the back corner engaged in casual chatter with their textbooks and notebooks cluttered on their desks as usual... you were bored so you decided to pay them a visit!
"you know yujin, i always wondered—" you rudely interrupted their conversation, earning the usual frowns you get from them whenever they see you. ugh wonyoung was so cute glaring at you since you were once again attacking her bff just for the fun of it,, yujin was even cuter. head hanging low, fidgeting with the cuffs of her sleeves... but god she looked pathetic :(( "—how you would look without these..." you pulled yujin's glasses off her face before either of them could react,,
DSKHKSMVK your breath getting caught in your throat after seeing yujin without her glasses??? "well damn.. who knew you could be so sexy, ahn?" you teased, licking your lips and shooting the tall girl a suggestive look bcs she genuinely did look fucking hot???? "you should keep this look! or else you'll never get laid! that's gonna be a waste of that big dick." ofc that was the one thing about yujin that was appealing to you :((
🫠 wony being the one that gets the courage to stand up, trying to snatch yujin's glasses back but you raised up it in the air, laughing and just being a little shit 😭😭 it was funny until you found your ass backed up against their desk, now wonyoung looked intimidating bcs of how much she towered over you and that scary little glare she had on 😰 “leave unnie alone. this is the first and last time i’ll ask.” see now that made you laugh again! she was intimidating, sure, but oh her face was just too cute! and you couldn’t take her seriously when she wore that stupid sweatshirt with the university mascot on it! she even matched with yujin! “what are you gonna do? punish me?” you teased, tilting your head and giggling.. you were so annoying 😭
and then wonyoung sneaks her knee in between your thighs, shutting you up immediately bcs now she was wayyy too close 🫣 “that’s a great idea actually. i always wanted to know if the ‘campus whore’ deserved her title.” whoawhoawhoa 😳😳 you wouldn’t even be able to spit back since wony raises her knee and presses it against your cunt! and ofc you whimpered… and ofc wony doesn’t waste the opportunity to grab your hair from behind and force you to look up at her… “unnie, you wouldn’t believe how wet she is.” wonyoung tells yujin, dark eyes locked onto yours while she slowly moved her thigh… 😵‍💫
“i-i wanna feel too…” yujin was quick to put her hands on you! bcs in truth, even when you're so horrible and straight up rude to her, she secretly gets off to you 💔💔 she’s kinda creepy with it too… stalking your social medias, admiring your pics and jacking off to them from time to time… and every time you’re all up in her face being a bitch all she can think about is using your mouth and filling it up with her load… maybe she’ll get that chance today! 🤤🤤 while wony’s making your ride her thigh, yujin has already ripped your uniform open and pulled your bra down to fondle your tits with her shaking hands… god she was so clumsy! 🙄 (she has never touched a girl in her life, give her a break!)
and both of them make their little dreams come true with their favorite position: yujin seated on a chair while you’re deepthroating her as you’re bent over with wonyoung pounding your tight ass with her own monster of a cock 🫣🫣 you couldn’t believe that the two losers filled you up better than any of the guys or the hot girls you fucked before.. it was almost humiliating how into it you were! allowing the dumb virgin ahn yujin to grab the back of your head and move you up and down her length.. she was so obnoxiously loud that people wandering around the halls probably heard her 😳 and then there was wonyoung who clearly had a lot of anger to express towards you! ramming her cock in your hole and driving herself crazy with how well you can take both of them! fuck, if she was petty enough she could get you pregnant… but that was a mission for another day 🤭 for now she needed her revenge, and that she will get, that’s for sure! 🫢
poor yujinnie who’s too caught up in the feeling that she practically forces her cum down your throat.. she doesn’t hear your gags or feel how you’ve drawn blood on her thigh with your sharp nails 😣 “f-fuck… yujin-unnie, y-you have to fuck her for real… so fucking tight i can’t believe it.. ah!” ugh being talked about as if you were some kind of toy by jang wonyoung of all people was degrading by her voice was unnaturally high-pitched and whiny.. she (and yujin) was so cute and this all felt too good to fight against! 😵‍💫
and that was how the two biggest losers(?) of the campus got their way with the school whore with the big mouth 🤭 they may or may not have kept you in the classroom for a couple hours more.. just fucking you to their hearts’ content.. and it got even more fun when you ended up feeling like you didn’t have enough of them and invited them to your dorm room.. 😳
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papaya-twinks · 2 days
Kikaaaa im really in love with your writing 😭✊🏻
Could I please ask for a Lando short fic?
I was thinking about something in the scenario where the reader is a currently Redbull driver, but has known and been an opponent of Lando since the karting days. Despite them being rivals, they don't hate each other and are always making jokes with each other, about something that went wrong in the race or about the strategies the team made for them etc.
On this specific day the reader was a little more upset with her result in the race and when Lando comes to make a joke about it she gets really angry and Lando doesn't understand. The discussion ends up turning into provocations about the reader's sex life and they end up in bed, to relieve the sexual tension they built up during the day.
I would be forever grateful if you wrote something about this 🫶🏻✨
Warnings: Angst, smut, 18+, sexual tension, praise
Pairing: Lando Norris x fem!reader
A/N - chat this request just jumped the queue of my other 12 because oh my word, I’ve never read a request that makes me feel so good. LIKE CHAT??? First and last lines had me in love <3 it’s not short coz I can’t make it short with all the detail
“That’s P2, well done Y/N,” your engineer said on the radio as you smiled. “Who’s third?” you were already aware your team mate, Max, would be first. “Norris in third,”. Your smile grew even more - though you’d been competing against Lando from a very young age, but the bond between the two of you was unbreakable. Not as in friends, you were friends, but not close. 
You drove into the pits, thanking the team as usual as you drove into your second place spot, seeing the orange car on the other side of the Max’s. “Nice job, Y/N,” Max shook your hand as you stepped out the car. “Cheers,”. You were distracted by the voice of Lando, waving to you from where his team were standing. “Nice one Y/L/N,” he said, lock-in your sides as you avoided his finger. 
“Thanks, Norris,” you said, emphasising his surname, as he sighed, “another result ahead of me,” he sighed dramatically. “Can’t help I’m just better,” you shrugged as Lando rolled his eyes, watching you take the microphone for the interview, poking your tongue out at him. That’s how your friendship worked - constant teasing between each other. 
“For fucks’ sake,” you groaned, watching as the cars raced past you, the smoke fogging from your engine. You’d been so close to winning the Grand Prix and there it went, an engine failure, wow. “Y/N, retire the car, please,” your engineer said. “Fuck!” you groaned, pulling into the pit lane, driving into the garage. You’d been on a streak of getting podiums since the start of the season, and now, there it went, your win and your podium. 
You stayed in the garage to watch the race, Max in first, followed by Lando, then Oscar. “C’mon,” one of the engineers tugged your arm to stand under the podium and watch the celebrations. “Bad luck, Y/N, sorry,” Max said, shaking your hand as you nodded. And then, Lando came. “Aww, someone crashed?” he raised an eyebrow. Usually, you’d be okay with it, but being so close to a race win?
It hurt. “Well fuck you,” you put on a sarcastic smile, ignoring the hand he’d put out to shake. “Alright then,” he held his hands up in mock surrender, “someone’s in a mood,”. You rolled your eyes at his words, turning, ignoring him pointedly, and watching the podium. As you walked back of the garage, to mull over your result and what you did wrong (even though you did nothing), you felt a tap on your shoulder. 
“Y/N,” a voice said, stern and cold, from behind you. You turned around, raising an eyebrow to Lando. He was covered in champagne, his eyes half narrowed. “I thought I said fuck off,” you said, without really thinking about it, rolling your eyes. “Yeah? Well I don’t wanna,” Lando said, making you stop where you were walking. 
“What do you want, Lando?” you paused. “To know why you’re having a goddamn tantrum over one DNF?”. That made you scoff, he clearly didn’t understand how you felt. “Lando, I was so close to a win, and it wasn’t even my fault!” you snapped, crossing your arms. “Guess you and your engine have something in common, you both blow up at random fucking points!” his tone was harsh and disgusted. 
“Cheers, Lando,” you scoffed, turning away. “Why did you have to yell at me? We make jokes like that every time. You did last time, too!” he snapped, his price way too high than to just accept it. You said nothing, watching his outburst. “Oh yeah, sorry I interrupted your little eye fucking session with Max,” Lando spoke sarcastically, making your ears perk up. 
“Excuse me?” you snapped, hands on your hips. “Oh, so you reply when Max is involved? Yeah, Y/N, all you two do is eye fuck in the cool-down room, I hate being there with you lot,” he said, venom in his voice as you paused. “Seriously, Lando? You sound desperate,” you laughed sarcastically. “Desperate? Really?” he snorted, “You’re out here looking like the desperate slut with those ridiculous little puppy eyes you pull on him,”. 
You’d never heard anything to stupid, but your attention focused on one word. “A slut? Really?” you scoffed, “You go round fucking whatever girl looks remotely pretty, every single decently attractive girl will end up in your bed for one night, then they’ll be out,” you spat. “You’re such a prude, god, Y/N,” he rolled his eyes, “and ‘every’ attractive girl?” he laughed at your words, the disgust poorly concealed. 
“Good job, your ears word,” you jeered, flicking your hair back over his shoulder. “You know that’s not true, Y/N,” he raised his eyebrow. His tone changed momentarily, but it went back to normal. “What?” you asked, bemused at his words. “Haven’t seen you in there, so it’s not every attractive girl, is it?” Lando’s words were quiet, but carried a certain level of power. 
You brushed off his comment, not wanting to give it anymore attention than it deserved. “Your point?” you asked, eyebrow raised at his words. “My point is that I’m not the whore, you are,”. Shaking your head, you turned back away from him, walking towards your motor home. “Seriously? You’re just gonna walk off?” he scoffed, following you into the room. 
Lando had never been in my room, before, we didn’t maintain that kind of friendship. It was a surprise to me as well as Jim, but I said nothing. “You’re not getting me in your bed, Norris,” you shrugged, taking your Red Bull hat off, along with your coat. “You’re the one undressing,” Lando commented under his breath. “I’m hot,” you said, like it was obvious, which it was, the heat of Spain hitting hard. 
“I know you’re hot,” he said, eyebrow raised as his eyes roamed over your body, lingering on your chest. His comments were getting really flirtatious now. “What are you trying to do?” you turned to him, a suspicious look on your face. You watched as he stood a step forwards, a few inches away from you. “Nothing,” Lando took another step forwards, your body pressing against the door. 
“Did you know,” he said, eyes dropping momentarily to your chest, “sex is good for stress?”. You did know that, obviously. “You look stressed,” he pointed out, making you pause. “D’you want me to get Max?” he cooed innocently. “Wow, Norris, I don’t know if you’re just stupid, but you’re not Max,” you rolled your eyes, “I don’t want Max,”.
“Right, so what driver then?’ Lando scoffed, his face centimetres from yours. “Oh, I dunno,” you said sarcastically, maybe you?”. The way he froze made a smirk flicker onto your face before it fell as he leaned forwards. “You want me?” he asked slowly, blinking at you, his eyes wide. “I believe I just said that,” you shrugged, eyes rolling. 
Lando’s lip curled at your eye roll, his face leaning closer to yours. “Better behave or I’m gonna make them roll for another reason,”. Your cheeks flushed at his words, your eyes wide as his lips bit down on the skin of your neck, your eyes wide. “Lando,” you gasped, his hands tugging at your shirt, breaking off of you to take it off. 
“Wanted to do this for so long,” he ran his lips over your jaw as he pulled your baggy trousers down. “Oh fuck,” you moaned as he pushed your knees apart, your legs over his shoulders as he held you against the wall, his tongue against your clothed clit. “Lando,” you mewled, eyes wide as he flicked his tongue, your hand tugging at his curls. 
Lando had been picturing this for so long, his head buried between your legs, licking at your sweet goodness, your hands tugging at his hair. Fuck, if he could see this from third person, he’d cum just like that. You rolled your hips softly against his mouth, his tongue pushed your drenched panties to the side. “Someone desperate?” he pulled back, a whine leaving your lips. 
“Lando,” you tugged at his curls as he looked at you, standing up fully, his body the same height as you, due to how he was carrying you. “You’re gonna be patient for me,” he said, hand running through your hair, “and you’re gonna be good,”. You nodded, eyes wide as he lifted you onto your bed, your legs slung over his shoulders still. 
As he moved you, his finger slid against your wet folds, his thumb toying at your clit, as he pulled inside of you. “Lando, fuck!” you moaned, eyes wide before squeezing shut, your hand instinctively tugging at the waist band of his joggers. “Someone’s needy,” he commented, letting you take his joggers down, his cock springing against his abdomen. 
His other hand wrapped around yours, pumping your hand up and down him as he groaned, your body squirming from his fingers. “Feels good, doesn’t it?” Lando smirked, your back arching for a second as you wriggled, his fingers pumping in and out, fully. “Open,” he said, his large hand on the back of your head, your lips parting a bit. “Really, Y/N?” Lando raised an eyebrow. 
“You know won’t fit,” he commented, hand pumping his own cock as you complied, opening further. Instantly, you felt his cock hit the back of your throat, before he fully pulled out, letting you dictate how far in he went. Your hand pumped the parts of his length that you couldn’t reach, his throbbing head hitting the back of your throat as you gagged, Lando’s other hand with his fingers still deep in you. 
“Fuck,” he pulled you off, he would cum merely at seeing your pretty little mouth struggling with his length. He lifted you onto his lap, lifting your thighs up, so he could align his throbbing dick with your folds. You whispered as he ran his dick through your folds a few times, before pushing into you slowly, your muscles tensing. 
“That’s it,” Lando cooed, one hand holding you up as he sank you down, the other cupping your cheek. “Open,” he said, your mouth falling open instantly. You flinched as he spat into your mouth, pressing his thumb to your tongue as you gagged slightly, resting your body weight on him. Lando turned you over, your body against his, legs round his hips as he slowly pushed into you, and then out again, before he quickened his pace. 
Your mouth fell open at his ever quickening speed, his hips slamming into you, one hand tangled in your hair, the other cupping your breasts as you tightened your arm round his neck, your head on his shoulder. “Lando, fuck feels s’good,” you moaned, body rocking quickly at his rough movements. 
“Been wanting to fuck you for ages,” he groaned, feeling your nails sink into his backs, clawing desperately, as if scratching would give you your orgasm, “look so pretty taking my cock baby,”. You loved the way he spoke, his words dirty, but his tone soft, so opposing to his rough slams. You felt the knot in your stomach building up at his words, your eyes rolling softly. “Told you I’d make them roll,” he smirked, grinning at you, “look pretty like that,” 
The knot in your stomach came undone as you sank your nails into his bare back, his chain dangling on your lips as his hips stuttered, his cheeks flushed red. “Gonna cum in you,” he said gruffly, hips jittering as his slams became messier and messier. “God, fuck,” he groaned, his cum pooling in you, the thick toped ropes hitting your insides as you moaned. “Mmm, fuck me, Lando,” the words came out, not even paying attention to what you were saying. 
“Just did,” he said, sitting up, your body slumped on his. “So fucking tight,” he groaned, holding your body as he pulled out, your pussy clenching round him as he did so. “Fuck, baby, you gotta let me go,” Lando chuckled, pulling you off of him fully. “That’s what you get for a DNF,” he snorted as you watched him, panting from your recent orgasm, “let’s see what happens when you win, love,”.
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mxtantrights · 15 hours
Jason as red hood dropping off lost animals at a shelter and being smitten by one of the volunteers?
a/n: thank you anon for sending this in I could marry you!!! love love love this idea and If you want more.. my inbox is open!! <33 I hope you like it, enjoy!!
You think you'll have a door just for him. Only he can go through it, only he would have the keys to it. And he could come by as he pleases.
It's late at night when he comes in. The bell over the front door rings out and takes you out of your late night work. You were filling up needles for the night crew and also filling out paper work from earlier in the day.
"I've got another one." he says.
You lay down the needle and jog over to the front door. Jason Todd walks in with a cat in his arms. It seems calm and unmoving. It's white fur dirty and a bit matted.
"Highway?" you ask.
You take out your flashlight and carefully look at her pupils. They dilate to the light and track it as your move it around. No signs of a concussion but a scan would really answer that question.
"Yeah, she was doing cars left and right. Didn't seem hurt but you usually do scans right?" He asks you.
You look up at him.
You nod your head, "Yeah I can do an ultra sound...do you mind staying?"
In that moment, you try to dissect the way he's looking at you. No, you didn't mean for it to come out like that. But you did mean to ask. He's the one that saved her from the highway. His presence could help her stay calm.
Jason clears his throat, "Yeah I can, I can stay. Sure."
"Okay, follow me."
The cat, who Jason is calling Ziggy, is resting peacefully in a pen on her own. You close the gate gently and lock it after. You turn and look at Jason now.
He's standing a few feet behind you with his arms crossed over his chest. A serious look on his face.
"You know sometimes, it's not always a bad story. Sometimes its a good one." you speak.
"A cat on a highway dodging cars is a good story?" he asks you.
You sigh, "I've had some come in this office with extensive injuries and they were dumped on the highway. In a bag or no bag. Just left to fend for themselves in a dangerous environment."
"How do you do it?" he asks.
"Me being here makes a difference. I'm here when someone like you shows up with an animal in need. You make a difference too Jason." you answer.
He shrugs his shoulders, "I'm just doing what I can."
"Which is more than most do. So give yourself some credit."
"I don't really do that." he says.
"Well, you keep coming around here I'll do it for you." you reply.
He doesn't really answer. He just hums a response. An approving and a quite silent hum. But a hum nonetheless. You smile at that.
You remember the first time he came here and dropped of a lost bird. He barely said more than four words to you. He told you about the bird and then he parted ways. You didn't expect to see him again but he keeps showing up.
And you want him to.
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The Malicious Daughter Is Back! - 9
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Character : Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Summary: It's just a business marriage. Bucky thought it would be easy until he encountered the stepsister of his fiancée. She turned his world upside down.
Chap 1, Chap 2 , Chap 3 , Chap 4 , Chap 5 , Chap 6 , Chap 7 , Chap 8 , Chap 9 ,-
Main Masterlist || Support : Ko-fi 🙏🏻
Thank you to everyone who has read this chapter. Leave a comment and Reblog, please. I'd love to hear your thoughts. ❤️
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The silence and awkwardness were thick in the air. Jonathan looked at you and said, "Come with me."
You followed him to a private room. He leaned against the billiard table and crossed his arms. "Why are you doing this?"
He was actually impressed with you for having Bucky as your shield. But to take something from Victoria? It wasn't like you, since you usually chose to ignore her.
"Isn't it obvious?" you replied, standing your ground.
He smirked. The way he acted was not like a father talking to his daughter but more like a gangster addressing a subordinate.
"I'll see what you've got," Jonathan said, straightening his suit. He turned to leave the private room.
Before he opened the door, he heard you say, "I still don't understand what you see in her." Your voice was steady, but you didn't look at him.
Jonathan paused for a moment, his hand on the door handle.
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He remembered the quiet days with Ophelia and you. It was peaceful but boring.
As a successful man, he wanted to face something that challenged his adrenaline. That's when he met Genevieve. She gave him something that he needed: excitement.
He admitted that he went out of control. That resulted in the death of his first wife. Ophelia's face was still engraved in his memory, especially since your face was a carbon copy of hers.
Ophelia was calm and patient but fragile. You used to act like her, too, and it scared the hell out of him. He wished you to be different from your mother.
Be careful what you wish for. Jonathan should have remembered that saying because you changed into something he couldn't control.
It was exhausting to keep you in place. So when you challenged him to leave the house, he accepted it. And he cut all your resources to see how long you would survive.
His calculations were wrong. You were so stubborn and chose to live with Cassandra, his mother-in-law. He hated that woman. She cursed him right to his face and blamed him for Ophelia's death.
Jonathan said, "I understand your hatred. But did you expect me to leave her?"
"Maybe. Perhaps one day you'll realize that your mistress is a Beelzebub," you replied.
"You're quite creative," he chuckled, then he left.
You turned around and stared at the closed door, clenching your fists. Every word that came out of his mouth made you hate him even more. Your jaw tightened, and you could feel your heart pounding with a mix of anger and frustration.
After the empty talk with your father, you went back to be with Bucky. He saw the lifeless look in your eyes. The lively you had gone quiet. The short talk with your dad had drained your spirit.
Bucky felt your despair as if you were drowning in darkness. He gently touched your arm. “Are you alright?”
You nodded. “I'm sorry I left you alone.” You felt something was missing, but also a sense of peace. Looking around, you noticed Genevieve was not here or your dad.
“She left,” Bucky said.
You raised your eyebrows. It seemed impossible, considering Genevieve loved to be the center of the party.
“I said something that hurt her feelings,” Bucky explained.
“Really?” you asked, surprised that Bucky had confronted Genevieve.
While you were talking with your dad, Genevieve had approached Bucky. “You're really nice for bringing her, but I wonder why you didn't bring Victoria with you? Since she's your fiancée.” She emphasized the word "fiancée."
Bucky was silent momentarily before responding, “I've already talked to Jonathan, and he's okay with it.”
Genevieve sneered, “I never thought a dignified man would act like this.”
“At least I didn’t destroy someone’s marriage,” Bucky retorted calmly.
Genevieve flinched. If someone else had mentioned this, she wouldn’t have been offended. But coming from someone like Bucky, someone more affluent and influential than her, brought back memories of when everyone had pointed fingers at her. She knew she had taken someone’s place—Ophelia, the true Madam Sinclair.
She huffed and left the party. That was when she saw her husband emerging from the private room.
You chuckled. All your life, you had called Genevieve a mistress, and she never budged. Instead, she would give you a look and say, “So what?” But with Bucky, she was so offended that she left the party.
Bucky recounted the exchange, and you laughed softly. “Pfft.” You couldn’t help but chuckle at the thought. “All my life, I’ve called her a mistress, and she never flinched. But one word from you, and she’s out the door.”
Bucky grinned. “Sometimes, it just takes the right person to say it.”
Because of your grand entrance, everyone at the party—Celestial Enterprises employees and investors—now knew of your existence.
You were exhausted, and Bucky kindly drove you back to your place.
To be exact, a new home.
Bucky's family moved fast. They weren't kidding when they said they had prepared a reward for saving Bucky.
You walked out of the car and entered the house. The house they gave you was different from your grandmother's house. Your previous home had only two bedrooms and one bathroom, while this new house had four bedrooms and three bathrooms. The incredible thing was that Bucky had provided your grandmother with a 24/7 caretaker and had prepared the best doctor for her surgery.
When you entered the house, your grandma was awake, her bedroom door still open. It seemed she couldn’t sleep because she was in a new place. But her caretaker had done a good job of keeping Cassandra calm and not confused.
Cassandra widened her eyes when she saw you. She opened her arms. “My dear Ophelia. You look so beautiful.”
You smiled and gave her a hug. The dress you wore was designed by your grandmother. She was so talented. In her eyes right now, you were Ophelia wearing the dress.
She noticed someone standing behind you. She giggled and whispered, “You said he’s just a friend. But what is he doing here late at night?”
You blushed at her comment.
“But honey, you can’t let this go on. We’re going to meet the Sinclairs next month.” Cassandra looked at you sadly.
You were taken aback. Did this mean your mom had a boyfriend before she met your father?
You looked at Cassandra, who was already yawning and starting to feel sleepy. You didn’t dare to wake her up and ask what she meant.
Did seeing you with Bucky trigger your grandma’s memory?
The next day, inside the bedroom of a penthouse in an elite neighborhood, outfits were scattered on the floor.
“Uurgh,” Victoria groaned as she woke up with a headache. She saw her phone showing 12 p.m. Shit. She was late for the office.
She pushed away the hand, hugging her waist. “Get up.”
After the humiliation at the party, she called her friends and went wild at the club, bringing home her friend with benefits. He didn't look as good as Bucky, but at least this guy could eliminate her loneliness.
“What?” she answered the call with a raspy voice.
“Why didn’t you pick up your phone? Don’t you know we’re facing a crisis? Come to Valerie. Now!” Genevieve sounded panicked.
Victoria could feel the anxiety. Despite the painful headache, she left the bed and threw on the first outfit she saw.
What had caused her mother to be this scared?
She soon found out the answer when she arrived at the company.
You were inside her office, walking back and forth while looking at a sketchbook.
Victoria stormed into her office. “What are you doing in my office?”
You smirked, letting out a small chuckle. “Didn’t you hear? I own 40% of Valerie's shares. That gives me the freedom to go wherever I want.”
Victoria gasped. How? How could you, who had no money, worked as a teacher, and had a limited budget for your grandmother’s medicine, acquire so much money to buy 40% of the shares?
The alcohol from last night clouded her judgment. She should’ve known the answer. It was all because of Bucky.
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Author Note: Hey friends,
If you've been enjoying the content, I've set up a Ko-fi account.
Your support through tips would mean the world and help me keep creating.
Only if you feel like it!
Here's the link: Ko-fi
Thanks a bunch for being fabulous followers!
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GOD chapter 59 was SO GOOD n i have a lot to say so sending an ask instead of leaving it on the post.
i /love/ when you make things hyper detailed, because your shading techniques are so much fun to sit n stare at and soak in for a while. that being said, the coloring of the wine spilling is what does it for me this time. it still would have been really cool in bw, but not as cool as seeing all the shades of red over the dark blue bg. you did the glass really well too!! I don't think there's a noticeable difference between the wine color inside and outside the glass which is fine bc it's clear, so it RLY makes me appreciate the lighting you have around the glass rim to show the edge in contrast. that tiny little detail makes the image for me. stellar work. i love it
also i do wanna throw in appreciation for the handwritten serif. super well done at first glance it did look like you'd jus typed it out. idk what texture you have on the brush you use for words but it's rly nice to look at up close.
i think the color kinda tipped me off but i waffled bc i couldn't remember if either of his parents spoke in serif font and was a bit daunted to dig thru 50+ chapters to confirm who it was if it didn't turn out to be them. i'm glad i looked at your tags tho haha saved me the trouble. what a way to end the act too!! i read this one on my phone and was scrolling thru the images at full size and after four or so i kept expecting it to cut off. it was a very pleasant surprise to have it keep going, worth the wait to have a longer chapter :)
maybe it jus wasn't meant to be a la sabo getting the letter from sally. it might have to be stelly after all tho there are things that come before then. what a bad time to have one or both of his parents speak to him for the first time that night. oof can't wait for the next act lets goooo
Oh wowww what a beautifully long review!
Thanks so much im glad you like how it turned out, i’m really happy with it, too! Ive never drawn fluids like this before, but i really needed this page to have that extra kick because it was such a short one.
Because i couldnt figure out how to make this moment look slow mo with multiple different panels on one page, I really wanted to make a piece that is like,, frozen in time instead.
A page like this, you can keep on it as long as you’d like. You can make it as slow mo as you want it to be.
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The serif lettering is that of outlook’s!
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I dont know if you can see the difference between this and my usual handwriting, but it’s supposed to look taller. Higher up. Neater. Cleaner. (Still my handwriting though so like so actually neat or clean, but you know like,,, in comparison to the norm.)
His dad only talks in one scene, and his mother has never said anything yet, so i dont blame you if you couldnt find it. In my. Large repertoire of chapters ive accumulated.
I definitely felt the same about the pages when drawing them. But probably the opposite feeling lol. Mine was more like “ugh i forgot theres so many. How many more of these do I have to get through??? How did i do this the first act ending with 11 pages???”
Im so glad you guys are on the edge of your seats with the letter :)
Thanks for the ask!
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worldofkuro · 14 hours
Painted Smile
Painted Smile XXVII
<- Previous Chapter I
Summary: You couldn't wait to meet new friends. What you didn't expect was this smiling little boy, only one year older than you, that would take such a big place in your life.
Notes: I won't lie, I'm proud of this chapter, it's better than the last one which I'm not completly satisfied with. I hope you will enjoy this chapter.
You gasped as your soul came back inside your body. You couldn’t help but feel fear sipping through your body, making you stand up quickly. You felt like something was coming toward you, at a racing speed.
You looked at your shadow which was frowning, staring at the entrance, her form being bigger and bigger, her growing presence overwhelming all the room. Your breathing was getting quicker and quicker, what was going on?
You tried to talk with Legba but you were too panicked to be able to summon a tangible link. You rushed into the kitchen as you felt another presence watching you. You took a knife and waited with your shadow at your side. It was snarling and growling, staying protectively near you. 
You flinched when your shadow rushed toward something, making you freeze. You waited, your grip on the blade showing no sign of weakness. You waited before seeing your shadow coming back with its usual hideous smile. You tilted your eyes, you couldn’t feel the presence… What you could feel was…
“ Alastor?”
You went into the living room where Alastor’s shadow was looking around, everywhere. It stopped when it saw you and rushed toward you, caging you in its embrace with his horrific smile. You patted its head with a relieved smile.
“ Good boy…” You watched as it beamed before it latched toward your own shadow and both of them began their usual banter. You sat on the sofa, calming your nerves. If Alastor’s shadow was here, it certainly meant he felt something like you did. But it also meant Alice and Alyzée were alone without protection… 
You called the two shadows to you which both went toward you, waiting for your commands. You tilted your head, crossing your arms against your chest, your finger tapping against your arms.
“ I don’t think I can manage to send my own shadow so far away from me, so you need to go back to Alice and Alyzée.” you said, sighing when you saw Alastor’s shadow fuzzing with anger, his smile dropping into a snarl. It moved toward you and wrapped its hand around your ankle, smiling once more. You pouted, it seemed like Alastor had decided that his priority would be you.
You looked at your shadow which was tugging Alastor’s shadow’s hair. Maybe you could try to send your own shadow..
“ Do you think you can protect our friends ?” you asked, ignoring Alastor’s shadow frown. Your shadow smiled hideously at you, nodding eagerly. You sended her to your friend and as soon as your shadow was out of your property, you fell on the sofa, your eyes closed.
You couldn’t move. It was a strange feeling, it was like you were watching from someone else's eyes. Your own body couldn’t move, you needed to be so concentrated to keep your shadow moving to Alice’s position.  How could Alastor manage to do his daily life when his shadow was always attached to Alyzée or you? 
You felt the Alastor’s shadow squeezed your ankle, like an encouraging gesture. If you could have, you would have smiled at it. It was oddly cute, it seemed like a more twisted version of Alastor when he was younger.
You looked through your shadow’s eyes which were already at Alice’s side. Your friends were talking with a woman about God. You tried to see if the man who watched you  was around but it seemed like he was gone. Well, you panicked for nothing…
You looked at the lady, she was kind of cute, holding a Bible against her chest, explaining something to your friends. It’s when you saw Alice and Alyzée’s uncomfortable face that you decided to listen to what the lady was saying.
“ We must fight those people who go against God’s will. Some women fancies other women, how disgusting.”
Well, that wasn’t a pleasant conversation at all.  You looked around, maybe you could make something happen so the unpleasant lady would back off from your friends. You looked through your shadow eyes, looking around. 
You didn’t want Alice to support the lady’s yapping more than she already indulged. You saw a group of men, chatting on the other side of the road, one holding a dog by his leash, but the dog was staring in your direction. The dog was wagging his tail lazily, seeming to look in your directions.
Could animals see the spirits ?
You asked your shadow to move toward the dog, wanting to test your theory and you smiled when the dog barked at your shadow, his tail wagging energetically. That was interesting information… You looked toward Alice and Alyzée, going back toward them as the two women were looking at the dog who was making noises.
You giggled but then froze when you saw the lady looking at you, seeming paler than she was a minute ago. She jerked her head toward the dog, before trying to come back to her discussion with your friends. Did… Did she see your shadow ? You needed to find out if she could see you, then you would know how to act. 
You forced your shadow to approach the lady who clenched her Bible harder against her chest. You could feel your shadow smiling down on the poor woman, in its usual horrific way. You smirked when you saw the woman looking at your shadow.
You got her, now what should you do? Follow her or stay with your friends in case something happens?
You turned around when you heard a panting noise coming from behind you. You turned around and saw Victor, catching his breath as he looked at Alice and Alyzée with a tired smile.
“ Hha… Alastor… told me to fetch you.” Victor said to your friend with a friendly smile.
Once again, your husband was just… perfect with his timing.
The lady ran away from your friends who seemed shocked. You demanded your shadow to follow the woman which it gladly did. As your shadow was following the woman, you felt your own body getting tired. How exhausting that exercise was! How could Alastor manage it? The woman ran for ten minutes before going inside a building. You watched as your shadow followed her, seeming to have much fun. 
The shadow entered the building, which seemed to be abandoned. It looked around, once again, its childish curiosity making it hard not to find it cute. It looked at a dirtied doll before going after the woman. You didn’t know where she went but it shouldn’t be hard to find her. 
You could only hear noise and see when you were inside your shadow, so you were a little confused when it moved toward a room with excitement. You looked inside and saw a.. was that a lamb? Your shadow moved toward it, touching the dead animal with morbid fascination. What was a lamb doing here..?  The room was dark, you couldn’t see anything but the lamb in the middle of the room. There was so much blood…
“ We got you.”
Your shadow turned around, snarling as a man was standing in front of the entrance of the room. 
You commanded your shadow to attack the man. You didn’t want to lose this time,  and furthermore, this man gave you the same vibes as the stalker who attacked you last time. You needed to see his face. 
The man avoided your shadow attacks with strange precision. You let your shadow play with him, letting him get away before trying to reach for him once more, keeping an evil smile on its face. You were trying to see the man's face, but because of the cloat he was wearing it was even more difficult with the darkness in this room.
Wait… Didn’t he say.. We got you..?
You felt your shadow snarl in pain when you heard a feminine voice chanting something. You squint your eyes, trying to see where the voice was coming from. You watched as your shadow tried to run away but it seemed like it was caged between an invisible shield. You looked around and saw with incomprehension something on the floor, around your shadow making it impossible for it to run away. Was that..Salt?
You looked up when the man lit a candle making you capable of seeing around you. The walls around you were gray but you could see blood dripping on it. You frowned as your shadow tried to make itself bigger, snarling at the man in front of it, banging against the shield.
“ Oh lord, you were right…”
The voice came behind the man and then you saw the woman you were after. Her Bible was opened and she was looking at your shadow with disgust and fear. You could feel anger swirling inside your belly, how dared she look at you that way? 
“ Yes, I saw her thanks to the Lord. We need to get rid of it.”
What was going on…? You looked as the woman began to read her bible, chanting something you couldn’t understand. You looked as your shadow began to snarl in pain, its body bending in awkward shape, its hand trying to keep the noise from coming inside its ears. 
You felt helpless, you couldn’t do anything but watch as your shadow seemed to be burned alive. You didn’t know why, but you felt foreign energy going inside of you, you knew you were upset and yet you didn’t feel any emotion. The man watched as your shadow was hissing in pain with a satisfied smile. 
You stared at the salt keeping your shadow caged. You could.. make it go away. It seemed like your shadow was the only thing being affected by the chanting. You closed your eyes, trying so hard to raise your hand. You could feel your own body in your house, moving like you were doing right here. Come on… Just a little push…
You wanted to use your telekinesis on the book or the salt, to break the barrier. You inhaled before energy busted out of you, making the woman fall backward and send the salt away, breaking the shield. You shouted in your mind at your shadow to run, to go back home at your side right now.
The man tried to keep your shadow but it snarled with pure fury, clawing at the man’s face before rushing out of the building, running back home. 
You opened your eyes with difficulty, you needed to see your shadow. Was it okay..? You sat up slowly, Alastor’s shadow trying to help you with a worried frown. You looked around you and frowned when you saw furniture on the ground. Did you use your power near your shadow but also here…? You patted the shadow’s head before jerking your head to the door, seeing your shadow coming home, cuddling its arms against itself.
Alastor’s shadow rushed toward yours, looking at what was wrong with your shadow. You walked toward them, crouching in front of them. Your shadow looked like half of its face had been taken off. You grimaced as your shadow kept a frown on its face, even with Alastor’s shadow trying to cheer it up. 
“ Let me heal you…”
You yelped when both of the shadows snarled at you with anger. You blinked at their reaction.
“ What? You don’t want me to heal you?”
“ And they are right, my love.” 
You turned your face toward the door and smiled at Alastor who was clearly irritated. He walked toward your shadow and looked at its injury. You didn’t need him to talk to know he wanted to know what was going on. You told him everything that happened, watching as his body tensed as you explained what happened in the abandoned building.
“ Mhn..We need answers. Kalfu, come here.”
“ Papa Legba, would you please join us?”
You watched as the two spirits were leaning comfortably against the wall. Kalfu was smirking, it seemed like he was enjoying himself. Legba was looking at you with his usual warm expression. You stood up with Alastor and everyone went into the kitchen.
“ I have questions. Would you betray us?” Alastor asked, drinking the coffee you made him.
“ Alastor!”
“ No offense taken, little lady.” Papa Legba said with a genuine smile. “ What is a betrayal for you? If you are asking if I will give others an access to the spiritual realm, as long as they give me a sacrifice, I will.” You looked as Alastor’s smile twitched.
You frowned at his answer.
“ Then, if I fight against someone who works with you… How are we going to deal with it? Would you tell our secret to them?”
“ Why would I do that? I will give access to a spirit they want to work with, nothing more.” Legba tilted his head, watching you calmly. “ If you were to fight with someone I helped, I won’t intervene, it is only your control over your powers that will help you.”
“ But I know my wife is your protégée, right?” Alastor asked with his usual smile. You watched as Legba looked at Alastor, staying silent for a moment. What was a protégée exactly..? You asked your husband who explained it to you. “ A protégée my dear, is when a Spirit is fond of a human who tries to reach for them. Like a mentor student relationship. The spirit decided to be more present, without needing to ask for a sacrifice each time they are called depending on the situation.”
You beamed at Papa Legba who was looking at you with a raised eyebrow. 
“ Am I your protégée ?” you asked with a big smile. You didn’t know why but you saw Legba as your grandpa and knowing he was watching over you was comforting. The spirit smiled, sighing before patting your head.
“ I guess you are.”
You smiled at Alastor who smirked at you. You looked at Kalfu who was looking in your direction when he felt your gaze on him. He smirked at you still trying after all those years to make you scared. You weren’t afraid of Kalfu anymore but you knew he could be so scary sometimes, so you didn’t want to push your luck.
“ Is Kalfu’s protégée Alastor?” you asked curiously. You flinched when Kalfu roared with a mocking laughter.
“ Ooh, yes he is. But unlike your sweet relationship with Legba, I won’t run to save Alastor’s life. He can save his own, if not, why would I be there? I can help him in other ways, but don’t call me for sweet things like saving his life. Isn't that why you are here, little missy?”
You looked at Alastor who nodded, smirking mockingly at Kalfu. You rolled your eyes, smiling a little. They must  talk about your healing abilities…Talking about healing… You turned your head toward the two shadows and felt sad.
Your shadow was still unmoving even with Alastor’s shadow moving around it, tugging its hair and waiting to see if it would react. It seemed to be more worried each time your shadow wasn’t giving it a proper reaction.
“ How could my shadow be hurted like this?”
You looked at the three men in front of you. Now, you needed to understand what happened in that building. Legba crossed his arms after smoking, his pipe fuming in a smoothing way.
“ Well, you saw it yourself , didn’t you?”
“ What do you mean?” you asked, making a cold chocolate for you.
“It was an offering, aren’t you not used to seeing them now?” Alastor asked, stroking your cheeks. “ From what you told me, the lamb was an offering.” He looked at Legba who nodded. “ Was it for you?”
“I’m more of a rooster man. This offering wasn’t for me.”
You frowned, looking at Kalfu who smirked at you before shaking his head. It wasn’t for him either.
“ Well, they did have a Bible with them, so I’m not surprised either…” you mumbled, drinking your cold chocolate.
“ We can work with christianity.” Legba said with a small smile. You tilted your head, curiously but he didn’t say anything more.  You looked as your husband took your hand, stroking your skin, deep in thoughts. You looked at Legba with a sad smile.
“ Can .. Can you heal my shadow..?”
Legba turned his gaze toward your shadow, still being taken care of by Alastor’s shadow. He stood up and walked toward them, smiling as Alastor’s shadow kept yours against its. Legba touched your shadow, a red energy coming off him. You closed your eyes as the light was getting too strong for you to be able to see what was going on.
After a minute, you blinked your eyes and you smiled as your shadow was moving everywhere, clearing happy to be painless once more. Alastor’s shadow was staring at it before tugging its hair once more and smiled when it saw your shadow running after him in the house. You sighed, relieved. 
You thanked Legba who asked for a rooster in exchange, which you accepted.
“ Then, is it possible for them to work with angels?”
All heads turned toward Alastor. Angels…? You never thought they existed but now, it could be a possibility… Could you compare Papa Legba to an angel? You didn't know how to compare their power… Well, Legba told you the power was held in the person who asked a spirit, so maybe… With a good plan you could take someone who was working with an angel..? How complicated.
“ It is highly possible, even more so if they had a Bible with them.”
“ Mhn, It’s not my favorite hypothesis.” Laughed Kalfu with a smirk, looking at you with a knowing smile. Alastor stared at his spirit, his smile never faltering. “ Now, I have other things to do, if you excuse me.”
You looked as Kalfu vanished from his chair in a dark mist. You looked at Legba who smiled at you, asking you not to forget his rooster before walking away, vanishing behind a wall. You waited a few seconds before looking at Alastor who was sighing, his eyes closed.
You walked toward him and kissed his cheek which made him look at you.
“ Ahh, darling, do you want me to die younger because of stress?” He said as he tugged you on his laps, his arms around your waist. You tilted your head as he kept talking. “ I sended Victor to take care of the girl so you would go back home, and yet… You went into the big bad wolf’s mouth, not even planning something. I taught you better than that, right?” He purred, his lips against your cheek.
You smiled at him, wrapping your arms around his shoulder.
“ I’m sorry. I was… too excited I think.”
Alastor hummed against your skin as he watched both of your shadows playing with each other. You smiled fondly at the view.
“ Don’t you think they acted like us when we were younger?” you giggled as Alastor’s shadow poked yours on its cheek, making it snarl at it.
“ I think the same… But they are deadlier.” Alastor gave you a sinister smile which made you shiver. You kissed his lips, humming as he kissed you back. You pushed your body against his, singing in bliss when you felt his nails digging into your skin. You whispered against his lips.
“ You don’t feel sick anymore..?” 
“ I was not sick dear, I was just… tired.” he kissed you back before you could answer back, making you chuckle against his lips. You knew that Alastor and you would find those who dared disturbed the peace you created for yourself. 
It’s been so long since you felt another predator was in New Orleans. But you would win, like always.
You were with Alice, at her home. 
It’s been two months since you discovered your new ‘enemies’. You didn’t expect it to put so much mental charge in your mind. You could feel their eyes on you on the street and yet you couldn’t find them. Fortunately, they didn’t show up and didn’t attack you, or Alastor or anyone else. Alastor and you went into the abandoned building, multiple times to search through every floor and you didn't find anything. It felt like they cleaned everything before vanishing.
You’ve been making yourself sick over this. It felt like the danger could happen any time. You were sleeping less, you had nausea and you were getting emotional with the lack of sleep. Sometimes you could cry because Alastor came later than usual and you thought he had been killed by the couple you couldn’t find in this bloody town.
Alastor, seeing your state getting worse, demanded you to stop caring about this and that he would handle it himself, but you shouted at him that you would never let him go alone against two persons that had power which you didn’t know anything about. 
You knew Alastor was getting more worried about you, you could see it in his eyes even when he was smiling like usual. Sometimes it was scaring yourself how you would lose yourself to your nerves. This was the most difficult thing you've ever done.
Killing Alastor’s father  was your first, but it was easy, it happened one night and it was gone, just like all your victims. You would track them down and kill them with Alastor by your side. Now, it felt like you were the prey, but unlike your previous victims, you knew you were being hunted.
You sighed, it’s been going on for two months and you didn’t discover anything, the only thing news was that Baron Samedi was coming to check on you more often. You wondered if Alastor asked him to… Well, when you asked him, Baron Samedi just smiled at you with a knowing look so you guessed it was Alastor’s doing.
“ Fuck it, I’m calling a doctor.”
You turned your head toward Alice, who had a nice small bum which made you smile. She was now six weeks pregnant. Pregnancy looked good on her… Wait, what did she say?
“ No, no need. I’m just… tired.” you sighed, lying on the couch, closing your eyes.
“ You’ve been in this state for more than two weeks. I’m calling our best doctor, don’t move.” She stood up and called her butler. 
You didn’t know when you fell asleep but you woke up with a gasp when you felt a touch on your shoulder. You sighed when you saw Alice who was beaming at you with a doctor next to her. You knew she wouldn’t give up, she didn’t know you were using your power most of the time to watch if the couple that attacked you was around… 
Well, let’s just let Alice win this time.
You let the doctor examine you and smirked when he told you seemed very tired. You stared at Alice, with a ‘ I told you so’ gaze. She just snapped her fingers, demanding that you keep your focus on the doctor.
You felt cold around you and frowned when you saw Baron Samedi behind the doctor, staring at him with an amused smile. You tilted your head and gasped when the spirit went inside the doctor's body, making the man faint.
Alice gasped as she touched the man’s shoulder.
“ Mister,are you okay?”
The doctor, which you knew was possessed by Baron Samedi, smiled at her. You could see his eyes were different, you wondered if Alice could see it…
“ I’m doing great. I’m here to tell you what kind of sickness Mrs.Sanglar is having.”
You frowned, was he joking with you? What was he doing–?
“ You are pregnant.”
“ What?” Alice and you said in unison.
“ Congratulations, you must be around nine or ten weeks pregnant.” Baron Samedi smiled.
You screamed with Alice, both of you panicking. You stood up, placing your hands on your belly, screaming at Alice who was helding your hands with hers, screaming with you. You needed to calm down, you needed to calm down ! It could be a bad joke of Baron Samedi.
“ Wait, Alice we can’t panic at the same time!” You shouted, trying to calm yourself. You needed to… to calm yourself.
“ You are right. I’m going to panic first, then it’s your turn.” said Alice before screaming, moving around the living room.
You looked at Baron Samedi, still possessing the doctor’s body.
“ Are you joking? It is a nasty joke?” you asked, your voice shaking.
“ No, I promise. It explained your nausea, your emotional state, you didn’t get your period not because of stress but because you are pregnant.”
You sat on the couch, your whole body shaking from excitement, fear and happiness. You were pregnant..? You were going to have a baby..? Alastor and you were going to have a baby…? Oh my God.. 
You gasped when Alice touched your shoulder.
“ I finished panicking, it's your turn.”
You screamed in joy and pure fear once more. Alice hugged you, being mindful of her belly, her eyes getting teary. You didn't know why you began to sob, hugging her against you. You were pregnant… Oh God, oh God!
You needed to see Alastor right now!
You took you things, already asking for someone to take you to Alastor work. Then you stopped yourself, Alice bumping against your back.
“ No, maybe I should do a surprise for him? But will he see it coming ? What do I do ? What if he doesn’t want children, we never really talk about it? Oh, I need to tell Marie, and my mother, and my father! Oh and–” you stopped talking when Alice put her finger on your lips with a genuine smile.
“ Sweetie, deep breath…” 
You closed your eyes and did as she told you, calming yourself. You bit your lips, oh lord, you were pregnant… You opened your eyes, feeling something you never felt in your life. There was a life that was beginning to grow inside you..
“ Now, what do you want to do?” Asked Alice.
“ I want to see Alastor.” you said, your voice calmer than a minute ago.
Alice nodded with a smile and asked one of her drivers to drive you to Alastor’s workplace. You were bouncing on the seat, stroking your belly, still flat for now. You felt like you were in a maze, you felt light but also heavy.
You ran out of the car once it parked. You looked down as you saw your shadow looking at you curiously. You told it to stay silent, watching as it went back to its normal form. 
“ Victor, is Alastor working?” you asked, panting,  when you saw the man in the corridor. He looked at you with a welcoming smile before shaking his head.
“ He is inside but he finished working.”
You thanked him before entering Alastor’s office, and closed the door behind you. You watched as your husband was looking at you with a fond smile. You were breathing hard, which immediately made him stand up with a worried expression even if his smile was still present.
“ Well, darling, you look like you ran from something… or someone? Did you see them?” you smile as his eyes flashed red when he asked you if you ran into the catholic couple. You shook your head as you took his hand and placed it against your cheek.
“ No, no… I… I have good news. Well, I hope it’s going to be good news…”
You watched as Alastor looked at you, confused but let you speak. You kept your gaze on his face,  taking his hand from your cheek to place it against your belly. He tilted his head, confused. He looked so cute like this.
“ I’m pregnant.”
You watched as his eyes widened and his smile dropped, making your heart clenched. Was he not happy..? You waited for him to talk, you knew he always needed to have time with his thoughts but right now you needed him to act right now.
You watched as he kneeled in front of you, staring at your belly with a mix of fascination and confusion. You let him touch your stomach with a soft smile, he looked like a kid again, when he discovered something he never expected to exist. 
“ You… I’ve made you… pregnant?” he asked softly, lifting his head up to watch you. You chuckled as you stroke his cheeks, your voice soft.
“ Yes.. I’m carrying your child.”
“Our child.” he corrected you.
“ Yes… Our child.” You smiled at him, your eyes getting teary. He scooped you in his arms, laughing. 
“ Who would have thought ! There is something… in your belly that we created together…” He stared at you in fascination. He seemed fascinated that you both created something that would be alive.
You kissed him softly and giggled when you felt his shadow touched your belly with curiosity. It was poking at your belly then it went to poked your shadow’s belly who let him do it. Alastor made you sit down before opening the door and asking Victor to bring you a cup of water.
You looked at your belly. You were creating life, after killing so many people. You smiled, in a few months, you would meet your baby, something you and Alastor’s love created. 
You couldn’t wait.
Tag List: @lukneetoonz @martinys-world @littlepoetnova @sirens-and-moonflowers @eris-norwega @tiredflame132 @mo-0-o @vvollerie @sodavizz @boogiemansbitch @tessemerick @slytherin4ever @kammsinn @alastorssimp @t0xic1vi @diamond-almond @fangirlbitch02 @saccharine-nectarine @thenorthnightingale @bibliophile-yomna @itzjustj-1000 @mothraantics @yourdoorisunlocked @phamtasic @karmakillz @holographicage @sarcastic-sourwolf @akuraluna2468 @everwolf-20 @thesunandmoons-blog @songbrita @noraunor @fandomsbookclub @hokkaido97 @catticora @gasiacos
76 notes · View notes
jmdbjk · 1 day
Privates First Class Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook: Our first real look.
Jimin and Jungkook. I know, I'm being insufferable but I can't NOT dwell on them a little more. Festa activities will make us move past this so fast as things always do in BTS Army life.
But you don't realize how much is bottled up or how starving you've been until you finally get to feast on that one thing you've been missing. That didn't sound very appealing and I'm not really that pathetic (its mostly the busy-ness inside my head) but you know what I mean, right? I've missed them soooo much!
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Military life seems to have been going well for them. Since January we've had very little news about them. Just military blips here and there... training with U.S. Marines... kitchen police... cooking rice... cleaning from top to bottom... learning to aim big-ass missiles and hitting targets and living on rations for a week. Even receiving recognition for outstanding service.
Almost every day I imagine them doing their daily duties and all... but there was little to go by. And that's fine. Some of those things I don't want to think about. But that's what they are doing every day.
Seeing them in real time in the flesh is very reassuring.
One thing that was noticeable to me is that Jimin and Jungkook did not look like their usual sleepy-head selves they are at that time of the morning. But they both looked strong and composed. Going to bed every night like a normal person and getting a good night's sleep is a healthy habit they will probably break the moment they are discharged.
Jimin... just wow. His hair grew out. No more buzz cut. But also, the duality continues:
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Someone posted a comparison pic of Jimin's painted nails and a close up of his hands which now have what look like healed spots on his hands and knuckles and scuffed nails... I don't have the pic but it shows how he's fully immersed in his military duties. Hands do get beat up somewhat when you work with them a lot.
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Jungkook looked amazing.
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Jungkook's little burn scars... that damn edge of the oven or hot pan will get you when you least expect it! Got him twice too! Ouchie! I hope it didn't bother him for too long. To the infirmary!
He'll get Polyc to cover that up with a new tattoo. Or maybe design one around it to highlight Jungkook's battle scars he received while an enlisted man.
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One thing they are most likely gaining now is self-confidence in the ability to do something NOT in their wheelhouse. Leading people or working with people who are not the ones they used to see day in and day out for ten years. Learning new skills, being part of a different team, doing different things can be enriching and will enhance other parts of their lives.
Not being with the people who are paid to be there to make sure they look good and every whim is taken care of....the isolation had to be culture shock for them. Knowing they are together, that center of familiarity when they are faced with something new, is a great source of comfort.
Jimin and Jungkook showed up to Jin's discharge in full uniform. I will assume they arrived together straight from their base, where they must remain in their uniforms at all times.
Hugs all around. Jimin's are the best, most heartfelt hugs.
Jimin and Tae's hug... I felt that shit. The squeeze, the "no, don't let go yet," the fullness of it. They mean a lot to each other. I know they've always been close, they've told us so, they've reminded us they speak to each other often even when they weren't working as a group.
And I'm sorry but the awkward side hug between Tae and JK was not "tHeY jUsT sPeNt TiMe ToGeThEr." Be for real. Are you fucking blind? That was Tae saying "bro, didn't realize you walked up behind me, are you not gonna hug me too?" And JK going "oh, well, ok if you insist, bro (since you won't let go of my wrist)."
No, Jimin and Jungkook did not hug each other... they just got out of the car that they rode in from their base where they live together. Where they showered and got dressed and ate breakfast together before getting in the car. It is perplexing how that is even a question I see people put out there.
There was curiosity as to whether Jimin and Jungkook were on day leave or what and initially seeing them in uniform the first assumption is that they might be only on temporary day leave and would have to return to base that evening. But then we got the group pic at the Hybe building and Jimin and Jungkook had changed clothes. From what I understand, when a soldier is on day leave, they must remain in uniform AT ALL TIMES during that day. No quick change into some other clothes for a while. REMAIN IN UNIFORM AT ALL TIMES NO MATTER WHAT. So them being in civvies tells us they are on vacation/days off. We don't know how much time they took off but perhaps they won't go back to the base until Monday.
During their days off they will probably separate and go do their own thing. Maybe they will take time to go to Busan and visit fam. Most likely, Jungkook will go check on the progress of the Itaewon house construction (the exterior of JK's new house is black and it will have a tiny balcony that faces the street and appears to have some livable rooftop space). Jungkook may visit Bam. They may visit their other friends. Since the entire group was there, they most likely shared how they were doing and most likely talked about next year.
The delulu mode has activated...
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spiceofvy · 2 days
BTS - Teaching an innocent reader
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requested by: @dambaepuff
cws: gender neutral reader, nsfw, this made me blush while writing it, dirty talk, (soft) corruption, praise, could be read as d/s if you squint, slight degradation (jin), blowjobs (jin, yoongi, jimin), handjobs (hoseok, namjoon, taehyung, jungkook), implications of the reader also receiving pleasure, mentions of porn (taehyung), mentions of masturbating in front of someone (jungkook), mentions of edging (jungkook)
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Seokjin: Surprisingly he gets off the most on the idea of „taking your innocence.“ Also kinda the meanest about it as you try your best to get as much of his dick in your mouth. „Aww, you really never did this before. It's so obvious, so cute.“ „Helps“ you by pushing his hips up, not enough to choke you but just enough to startle you a bit as he suddenly shoves himself into your mouth deeper. He is not super vocal as you suck him off, as he is too high on his power trip, locking his eyes with your teary ones. His hands caressing your hair, petting your cheek, wiping your tears. „You can do more, I know it. Try harder for me.“ Encourages you to move your head on his dick, hearing you sigh around his cock as you feel his dick twitch in your mouth. He gets close to his orgasm faster than he realizes and pulls you away at the last second, coming all over your face. After he slips down from the couch onto the floor with you, wiping you clean with his shirt as his usual sweet persona returns. „You did amazing. So good for your first time. I‘m so proud. Made me feel really good.“ Gives you such great aftercare after.
Yoongi: He is oh so gentle with you. So understanding, almost tooth rotting sweet, reassuring you the whole time. „Don‘t worry about doing anything wrong, I will tell you exactly what to do.“ Helping you kneel down on the pillow he laid before his studio chair, so you don‘t hurt your soft little knees while you suck him off. He’s stroking your hair as he opens his thighs shuffling just a little bit closer, putting you face to face with his dick. „C‘mon no need to be shy, open my pants, little love.“ Chuckling at how hands shake just a little bit, as you reach for him you blush getting darker as you undress him. Secretly or not so secretly he puts all of his attention on how he likes to get pleased. He's not just teaching you how to give someone head, he is teaching you how he likes it. Where to suck, how deep to take him. He’s getting the biggest power rush from knowing that you are leaning all of this for him. Because you want to please him. Want him to feel good due to what you are doing. Ruining you for anyone else. „So good, keep doing. You know what I like, don't you?“ Pulls you onto his lap after he has come, holding you tightly, while he in turn makes you cum on his skilled fingers.
Hoseok: Oh he has so much fun „teaching“ you everything you need to know to make someone feel good, especially if that someone is him. Likes taking it nice and slow while he leads your hands down his body, cupping them in his when and slowly moves them over his dick. Shamelessly moaning in your ear, and cooing at how you blush. „Shouldn't it be me who is shy? I am the one who is naked after all. Cutie.“ Helps you jerk him off, showing you the moves. He has so many sinful yet sweet words of praise for you. „Keep going love, show me what you learned.“ Tells you when he feels close, whispering to squeeze harder, go just a bit faster, to not let go. „Doing so good for me, feeling so good. Aren‘t you listening well ?“ Squeezes you so tightly to his chest when he spills all over you, his hips twitching, riding out his orgasm. Wipes your hands clean after he comes before pressing you back onto the bed. Slowly kissing down your body, ready to repay you. Is really soft after you also came. Holding you tightly. Telling you again, and again how good you did. Just to start it all over again the next day.
Namjoon: Is so sweet and patient with you, dims all the lights so you feel less intimidated by the sight of bare skin. Hugs you tightly, laying your head on his chest, telling you to touch him whenever you feel ready for it. „Take your time, sweetheart. We‘re doing this at your tempo.“ Won't rush you, as you finally snake your hand down his sweatpants, under his underwear. Grazing his already half-hard cock, a soft sigh leaving his lips at the slightest touch worked up from anticipation. When he feels you hesitate, he takes your chin in his hand and turns your head to his, making you keep eye contact. „So good, the hardest part is done. Just touch me.“ Kisses you to calm your nerves, and moans into your mouth as you wrap your finger around his dick. Carefully you start pumping his dick, feeling his hip push towards your hand. „That's it. That's my baby. Keep going. You can do it.“ He keeps encouraging you, his hips doing most of the work. Not big on giving you direct orders, likes to teach by positive reinforcement. He comes almost embarrassingly quickly, but neither of you mind, as he hugs you even closer, kissing your cheek softly.
Jimin: Usually calm-headed in bed but the way your big innocent eyes look up at him, is doing things to him. Are awaken something in him. His eyes look dazed as he sees you sitting between his thighs, shaking trying to open his fly, but slipping. „Try again, you can do it.“ Laughs, when you blush, making you blush even more, as you sit a bit helplessly in front of his dick, eyeing it. „C‘mon you are a smart baby, aren‘t you? Try to lick it, it's intuition, I promise.“ So responsive too, getting loud so easily, as you shyly give his tip kitten licks. Buries his hand in your hair but stops himself from pushing you down, softly urging you to take something into your mouth, and more and more. Not once are you breaking eye contact and it makes him crazy. Not really helpful with advice, but his moans are enough to give you an idea of what he likes. „Look at you, doing so good for me. So perfect. Sweetest of them all.“ Comes on your mouth but immediately hands you a tissue in case you want to spit it out. Helps you onto the couch, caressing your sensitive knees. Promising to kiss them better later but first he repays you in pleasure.
Taehyung: Uses porn to help get his point across, not caring how flustered you get by the idea of the two of you watching such kinds of videos together. Sits next to you on the couch, some amateur porn running on his big-screen TV. Opens his pants and as he slowly pulls your hand to his crotch he whispers commentary into your ear. „See how he moves his hand over tip, that feels really good. C‘mon try to copy him.“ Guides your hand onto his dick, leaving you your only choice to either look at the sinful video, his face, or his cock. „Just move up and down. So good, keep going for me.“ Moans close to your ear as you do as he tells you. Pressing kisses to your cheek and neck, whispering more and more praise. As he gets closer and closer, his hips start moving on his own, working in tandem with you. The video ended already but you keep going, his sounds making you feel hot yourself, shifting in your seat. He comes over your hands, dripping onto his expensive couch but he doesn‘t care as he kisses you hurriedly. „You did amazing, what a natural talent you are.“ Kisses down your neck while undoing your pants, getting to lesson two, how to be good for him as he makes you feel just as amazing.
Jungkook: Believes in „learning by showing“, because how are you supposed to learn when you have no example to follow? Which is how you ended up with him sitting in front of you, naked stroking his dick. Telling you everything he believes you need to know to give an amazing handjob. „You need to pay attention to the base too. See?.“ He comments, as he strokes himself for you, cock shiny with the excess amount of lube he used. Gets himself so close, making sure you get to see the whole process, „Don‘t look away. Look at me. Only at me.“ Just when he is about to come, he rips his hand away, edging himself for you. Before urging you to come try yourself, just do what he did. You can do it, he believes in you. Pulls you onto his lap, sitting chest to chest, as you reach down, shyly taking his dick into your hand, still wet with the lube. Feeling how hard and hot he is your hand. You try to imitate his moves, his eyes not leaving yours once. „Doing great, amazing. Learning so fast for me.“ Comes really fast due to his edging, and turns into a lovesick puppy afterward. He is just so proud of what you accomplished. And while he cuddles up to you, whispering sweet words, his still lube slick hands move into your pants, ready to make it even.
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ladylovesloki · 1 day
The Fated Apple: Part Five
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Warnings: Language
Summary: Loki makes bad decisions when he’s afraid.
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
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“Help! Poison! She’s been poisoned! Illyrium! It was Illyrium!”, Loki shouts as soon as he walks you through the portal. He places you down and looks over to Eir.
She’s already in her cabinet full of antidotes.
“Where in the nine did someone get Illyrium?!”, Eir asks. Rushing over with a vial in hand.
“I have no idea, but I intend to find out.”
“Hold her head back for me Loki.”, Eir asks him. Forgoing formalities.
He does as she asks and she pours the antidote down your throat. Eir steps back, takes a breath then uses her hands to activate the soul forge. Loki has seen many healers use the soul forge, especially the few times he has seen Odin fall into his Odinsleep. From what he could decipher, the antidote was working. Just very, very slowly. Loki hears the sound of swishing skirts and clicking shoes, he turns and see his mother followed closely by the Goddess Idunn and a few of their ladies.
“Loki?! What has happened?”, Frigga asks out of breath from running to the healers wing as quickly as she could.
Loki looks to Frigga, “she has been poisoned. I do not know by whom. I was revealing my true self to her mother and then she started to say she wasn’t feeling well. She stood, opened a window to get some fresh air, I sat her down and then after I dropped my illusion she…she collapsed and she…”
Loki’s eyes start welling up as he recounts the events of what happened to his mother. His throat closing from trying to hold back tears.
Frigga brings him in for a hug.
Loki tightens his hold on Frigga, “who would have done this? I don’t understand... This is all my fault.”
Frigga places her hands on his shoulders, “my son you cannot blame yourself. Whoever did this will pay for what they have done. And soon she will wake, eat Idunn’s apple and we will never have to worry something like this will ever happen again.”
Loki looks at her miserably, “what if she doesn’t wake?”
Idunn steps into Loki’s view, over Frigga’s shoulder. “She will wake Prince Loki. Have faith in the Norns.”
As soon as those words leave her mouth it looks at though your healing has paused. The purple veins once again spreading across your neck and face.
“What’s happening?”, Loki asks in a panic.
Eir approaches and this time a fellow healer holds your head back so she can pour more of the antidote down your throat. “It must be because she is mortal. I have never see a reaction like this.”
More footsteps are heard and then Jane, followed by Thor rush into the wing they are currently occupying. Eir had just finished giving you more of the antidote and was monitoring the soul forge. When Jane and Thor approached she took a step back so Jane could see you.
“Oh my god! Y/N!”, Jane runs to your side and takes your hand in hers. Something that Loki has wanted to do since he placed you down on that very bed. “What happened?!” Jane asks, clutching your small hand.
Loki, feeling like he should be the one to inform her responds, “she was poisoned. We do not know by who..”
“Poisoned?! But…I don’t understand. She was supposed to be at her class today with Ana!”
Loki nods, “there is no Ana Lady Jane.”
“What do you mean there is no Ana?”
Loki conjures his illusion of your friend, “I am Ana. Your sister came across myself when I conjured an illusion of Ana. I used that illusion to get to know her better...”
“So you’ve been lying to her?”
Loki, back in his usual form, looks down to the ground. “Yes, I deceived her but I was telling her the truth when all of this happened.” Lightning fast Loki straightens his back, “the maid..the one that brought us the tea. Find her. Immediately!”
The guards in immediately spring into action hearing the command in Loki’s voice.
Frigga takes Loki’s hands in his, “my son. Be calm. Even if the guards bring you this maid, she might not have even been aware the tea she served was poisoned.”
Loki closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, he opens them and looks back to you lying in bed. Another look at the soul forge shows that the second dose of the antidote was working.
But for how long?
He takes a step to the other side of your bed, he reaches out to take your hand but Jane snaps at him.
“Don’t touch her!”
Loki glares at her, “whether you like it or not Ms. Foster, y/n is mine to care for.”
“I’m her sister.”
“And I am her fated! I am hers just as much as she is mine. You will not keep me from her. You have no right.”
“No right? You couldn’t stand her a few days ago! Now all of a sudden you claim her as yours?!”
“Please! This is not good for her.”, Idunn interjects. “The both of you care for her. The both of you want the same thing. The most important thing right now is helping her heal and finding out who did this to her in the first place.”
Loki takes another deep breath, “Goddess Idunn is right.”
He looks over to Jane, “I am sorry. It is true your sister and I’s relationship was….at best toleration. But after spending time with her and getting to know her as the beautiful person she is…I will not call it love yet but…I am…fond of her.”
He grabs your hand gently in his and a small laugh leaves his lips, “I suppose I owe you a thank you Jane. She told me…well, she told Ana…that you told her to give me a chance.”
Jane looked at Loki and nodded, “yea and look where it got her.”
“I know you are worried for your sister but casting blame on me will get us nowhere. Whoever did this had their own motives.”
“Yea, to hurt you!”
“According to you it is well known of my apparent dislike for y/n. If that is so true why would this hurt me? If anything, someone would believe they were doing me a favor if I truly hated her.”
Jane went quiet. She couldn’t argue with his logic.
She collects herself, “then why? Why her?”
Odin walks into the healers wing followed by about 10 guards and a very frightened maid. “Loki. The guards tell me there has been an incident. Your mortal has been poisoned?”
Loki nods, “yes father.” He then turns his attention to the young maid. “My lady, the tea you served the Lady y/n today, who brewed it?”
The maid is shaking like a leaf and tears are falling down her face, “I do not know my Prince I swear it! I was told by our mistress to deliver it to her. But I swear to you, it was already brewed and waiting for me to deliver it. I don’t know why someone would do this My Prince, the Lady y/n is very well liked amongst the staff.”
Loki listens very carefully to what the maid was saying. She was telling no lies. She knew nothing.
Loki slowly approached her and placed his hands on her shoulders just as his mother did to him to help calm him. “Be at ease my lady, I know you speak the truth.”
The maid visibly relaxes, “if there is anything I could do for the Lady, please do not hesitate to ask myself or any of the palace staff. As I said, she is very well liked in the palace.”
Loki nods and smiles kindly, “thank you for your kindness.” He then looks to the guards that escorted her in, “please escort the lady wherever she needs to go.”
The guards nod and the maid exits along with them.
Loki exhales, “now what?”
“Y/N got into an altercation with Alarian last night. Perhaps he has taken matters into his own hands.”, Frigga reminds Loki.
It hit him like a blow from Mjolnir.
Loki doesn’t say a word he just walks out of the room.
“Brother!?”, Thor tries to keep up with him. “Brother, wait! Where are you going?”
“To skin Alarian alive. I don’t know why it is occurring to me just now…He injured y/n last night at the feast. Who else would dare?!”, he moves around Thor to continue his hunt.
Thor moves in front of Loki and places his hand on his chest to stop him, “Loki, allow the guards to collect him. You should stay with y/n.”
All Loki saw was red, he should’ve killed Alarian the moment he heard he put his hands on you. But as much as he wants to be the one to drag Alarian to the dungeons he knew Thor was right. He needed to be there for you.
“Alright Thor. Send your men. Find him.”
Thor puts his forehead against Loki’s, “I will brother, you have my word.”
Thor moves away from Loki and signals for his men to follow him.
Loki turns around and walks back to your bed. He sits down on a chair one of the healers placed there for him and once again picked up your hand. He places a light kiss on your knuckles, just like he did last night, before everything went to shit. “Please wake up. I have so much to apologize for. So much to explain. I’ll spend the rest of my existence making it up to you. Just….wake up.”
Jane looks over at Loki.“You really do care about her..don’t you?”
He nods, “more than I care to admit.”
Jane nods and looks back at you, “then why did you lie to her?”
Loki looks down at the hand he’s holding and rubs his thumb back and forth over the top of it, “I truly did not mean to. When I wish to disappear for a little while I cast an illusion as someone else so I can still do what I wish uninterrupted. Your sister happened to come across me in that exact situation. She was so sweet and open. I selfishly didn’t want to lose that.”
Jane nods, “I understand that.”
“Do you think she will?”, Loki asks.
Jane takes a deep breath, “knowing my sister, she probably had an idea you were up to something anyway. I think she will be upset you lied to her but ultimately…I don’t think she’ll stay angry for long.”
Loki nods, “I hope you’re right. Either way. I have a lot to make up for.”
Jane smiles, “I’m sure you’ll think of something.”
Loki looks back to your sleeping face and runs his hand through your hair, Frigga and Idunn approach quietly.
“She is improving. When she wakes she should consume the apple as soon as possible. It will quicken her healing.”, Idunn suggests.
“Only if she wishes to. I will not force her to make that choice. She might not want to after she…after she wakes and remembers my lie.”
Jane stands and walks over to Loki, putting her hand on his shoulder and the other on his hand that was covering yours. “Everything is going to be ok.”
Loki gives her a soft smile and turns back to you, focusing on your face.
Guards come rushing in, lead by Thor. “We cannot find him.”
Loki stands, “what?!”
“We went to his chambers, family, his known acquaintances. Nothing.”, Thor explains.
“Heimdall?”, Loki asks.
Thor shakes his head, “he cannot see him.”
Loki looks back at you, “well that confirms it then. He has to be the one responsible.”
Jane looks to the brothers with a concerned face,“But how do we find him, if Heimdall can’t see him, then…”
Loki squeezes your hand, “then I will. Lady Jane, if your sister wakes before I return please.”…he closes his eyes trying to hold the tears at bay, “tell her that I will see her soon. And I will explain everything when I return.”
Jane nods and sits back down to continue her vigil. The last few hours trying her nerves.
“Thor, with me.”, Loki takes one final look and then leaves the healers wing. He opens a portal straight to his chambers, Thor following closely behind.
“Brother, how do you intend to find Alarian?”
“By any means necessary.”, Loki walks into a room Thor had never seen before, let alone been in. It was Loki’s laboratory, something he kept hidden under an enchantment. It’s where he brewed all of his potions and poisons. He grabbed a few vials from one of his cabinets and walked up to his work bench and started combining them. With a flourish of his hand he also reproduced something Thor could not see. Whatever it was, Loki just sprinkled a bit of it into his mixture and it glowed a bright green. Loki closes his eyes and holds his hands over the shining light that was now billowing smoke.
Thor moves to stand next to Loki, watching every move he makes. “What did you pour into that?”
“A combination of things, a potion mother helped me brew for finding lost things..some of Alarian’s hair…”, Loki admits with a smile. Eyes still closed in concentration.
“What?! How in the nine did you get Alarian’s hair?!”
“Please Thor. I have something from each of Odin’s council just in case.”
“In case of what?!”
“A moment like this Thor, when someone inevitably decides to go against our family. Now hush. I need to concentrate.”
Loki’s eyes remain closed for another moment and then they snap open.
“I found him. The coward is hiding on Mulspelheim.”
“Muspelheim?! Why would he be there?!”
“He probably thinks I will not follow him there. My Jotun heritage doesn’t exactly react well to heat.”
“Then you will not be the one the claim him.”
“We must speak with father before we decide to do anything. And I will be the one to claim him Thor.”
“Brother. Think about y/n. You’re going to risk your life going to a realm that could very well kill you just from stepping foot on it. I will not allow you to put yourself in such danger.”
“You will not go without me. I will drag him to Asgard myself, even if my skin sears off in the process!”
“What are you trying to prove Loki? She can’t forgive you if you are dead!”
“Don’t be so dramatic Thor.”
“I’m not being dramatic! You are being selfish!”
“Selfish?! How am I being selfish?!”
“You do not think of those who you would leave behind Loki. You never do. You did not think what would happen to us when you let go. Do not do the same to y/n. Do not give her the gift of an eternal love just to rip it away because of your arrogance.”
Loki looks down and then looks up to Thor with a smile on his face, “well done brother, you have successfully made me feel guilty. Something has to be wrong with me. I have felt more guilt in the last two days than I have in my entire existence.”
Thor places his hand on his shoulder, “that’s what happens when you hurt the people you love.”
Loki places his hand over the one that Thor placed on his shoulder, “I’m sorry brother. For everything.”
“It’s alright brother. Let me do this for you. Let me bring you Lord Alarian. We’ll say it’s your wedding gift.”
Loki rolls his eyes, “alright Thor, alright. Let us speak with father about how we can do this without starting a war.”
Loki sends Thor to speak to Odin before he stops by the healing wing to see you. Eir stops him before he can enter your room.
“Prince Loki, I have had to administer the antidote 3 more times.”
Loki closes his eyes and takes a breath, “what can we do?”
“Finding Alarian might be her only chance. If I knew where this poison came from I might be able to brew a different antidote. Or…”
“Or…she consumes the apple.”
“We will not be doing that without her permission to do so.”
“I understand My Prince.”
“I am on my way to speak to my father. Continue with the antidote you have. I will be back with Alarian before the day is over.”
Loki turns to leave without even walking in the room to see you. He goes straight to the throne room where he knows Odin and Thor will be.
When he walks in Odin and Thor look to him, Thor with sad eyes and Odin with his usual hard stare.
“Father. Brother. Any news?”
“What of your lady Loki? How does she fare?”, Odin asks.
Loki halts in his surprise. Odin showing concern for anyone but his precious realm and heir?
Loki shakes his head, “not well I’m afraid. The antidote Eir is administering seems to be missing a key ingredient. She believes if she knows where it originated from she can acquire whatever is missing and brew a more potent antidote. For now all she can do is administer the same one.”
Thor walks over to Loki and pulls him into a hug, “Surtr has agreed to hand over Alarian. He awaits father and I at his palace.”
Loki removes himself from his brothers hold, “I’m going with you.”
Odin immediately rejects the idea, “Loki. Be reasonable. You cannot step foot on that realm.”
“I can and I will. I have already conjured cooling charms on myself and my armor. Nothing will stop me from going.”
Thor looks at Loki, “brother please. Remember what we spoke of earlier.”
“I will not stand by and watch you and father put your lives at risk for what is mine to protect. I won’t hear another word of it.”
Odin releases a breath, “very well. We leave immediately.”
Loki already feels the heat searing into his skin. The cooling charm he used to try and combat the sweltering temperature can only do so much. He takes a look around and it looks like everything he sees is deadly to him. He’s reminded of his brothers words about not coming to this realm. Maybe he should’ve listened and stayed with y/n…
“Loki. Are you alright?”. Thor asks concerned, he can see the discomfort on his brothers face.
Loki nods, “I’m fine. Let’s get to the palace and get this over with.”
Thor nods and continues walking forward. Odin leading his two sons and the large group of guards.
Once they reach the palace Loki is taken aback by the state of it. It was a large black monstrosity, the smoke rolling off of it like waves in an ocean. It was severely damaged and surrounded by wasteland. Loki now truly understood why Surtr never dared start a conflict with Asgard. Whatever small amount of his realm he had left would’ve been destroyed by Odin and his armies.
Loki has sweat pouring down his face, he tries to wipe it away with his magic but even small charms are trying for him right now. He can slowly feel himself getting weaker and weaker every step he took.
The massive black doors open when they reach them and Loki was hoping to be met with a cooler temperature once they got inside but such was not his luck. If anything it felt hotter. All of the black stone absorbing the heat, feeling as though the bottoms of his boots were beginning to melt.
“Odin Allfather. You arrived sooner than I anticipated.”, Surtr greets.
“King Surtr, thank you for your hospitality and your cooperation in this matter.”
“Of course Allfather. Do you wish to see the prisoner now?”
“We do. As soon as he is in our possession we will depart back to Asgard.”
Surtr nods, “is my home not treating you well Odin? Or is it to cater to your Jotun bastard.”
“I would take care of how you speak of my son Surtr, we came here under the impression this would go peacefully.”
Surtr holds his hands up, “Oh of course Allfather. And peace you shall have.”
The guards walk in with a beaten Alarian in their arms. He doesn’t look like he completely conscious from the way they are holding him up.
Odin looks back to his men and nods to Alarian’s broken body, “take him.”
Surtr holds up his hand, “before we move on to that…Odin I believe a proper thank you is in order for handing over the Asgardian betrayer.”
Odin squints his one eye, “you speak of a trade? If you wished for something in return then you should have asked for it before we came here.”
“How much is your fated’s life worth Prince Loki?”
Loki shows no emotion on his face, “we came here for Alarian, Surtr. Nothing else.”
“No?… Not even an antidote for your fated love?…
Loki’s heart stopped.
“You? He got the poison from you?!”, Loki accuses boldly.
“Not from me directly Prince of two realms….though he did procure it from my realm. And I can imagine with her mortal body, the antidote your very talented healers have is not working.”
Loki face doesn't change. “What do you want Surtr?”
“Odin has taken many things from many realms over the years. I want what he stole from us.”
Loki looks to Odin, “no Surtr. This was not part of our agreement. Keep Alarian, do with him what you will. We are leaving.”
“What about the antidote?”, Thor asks Odin.
“Lady y/n will consume the apple and that will heal her. Alarian will stay and rot here.”, Odin declares as he starts walking towards the empty space where Heimdall will send the Bifrost.
“Father..”, Loki starts to object.
“No Loki. Heimdall!”
The light from the Bifrost comes beaming down and Loki uses the last bit of his magic to push himself away from it. Falling to his knees, he looks up to see Odin, Thor and their guards get pulled up to the sky back to Asgard.
“Well, well, well.”, he sees Surtr standing in front of him. “What shall I do with you?”
Loki stands, his knees shaking from the effort. “I’m not leaving without Alarian or that antidote.”
“I’ve never had a Jotun in my realm before. I wonder how long it will take before the dungeons break you. Seize him.”
Loki gets grabbed and chained. When the guards are confident he cannot escape their hold, they drag him to the dungeons below.
To be continued…
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