#i value the little moments that set this duo apart from the rest. ESPECIALLY when it comes to returning writers like rtd/moff
aq2003 · 29 days
i saw a post saying boom was good bc it feels like it could be done with any doctor/companion duo and honestly that was one of the things i felt was wrong with it
#in a show with a title character that could be Literally Anyone and a companion sharing the lead that could be Literally Anyone#i value the little moments that set this duo apart from the rest. ESPECIALLY when it comes to returning writers like rtd/moff#fifteen and ruby felt a little too eleven/twelve and clara adjacent in boom. in both their dialogue and characterization#space babies also landed a little weird at first bc it lifted a bit from end of the world BUT the scenes that fifteen and ruby#had to themselves. like ruby getting covered in snot and fifteen laughing. or fifteen and ruby looking after the Space Babies#or fifteen going out of his way to save the monster bc that monster is the only one of its kind Just Like Him Fr#that stuff is so good and its also something we haven't seen from another nuwho doctor. the vulnerable bleeding-heart empathy#and a dynamic w a companion that is basically 'two troublemakers that just deeply love fun and adventure and getting into trouble together'#oh yeah and also the devil's chord was peak fiction because it touches on fifteen's renewed connection and love for humanity#and marries it to ruby being a musician and how music like any art is the expression of the human soul etc etc#WHAT MAKES A DOCTOR WHO STORY GOOD TO ME IS PARTLY HOW THE PREMISE TIES INTO THE DOCTOR AND COMPANION'S CHARACTERS#IT HAS TO FEEL LIKE IT WAS TAILOR MADE TO THEM. ELSE IT WONT LAND RIGHT TO ME#i hate the take that they should've saved wild blue yonder for a fifteen episode bc#the tension is hinged on how well the doctor/companion know each other. u have a level of it that u can ONLY get#with fourteen and donna who are two halves of a whole soul but have also spent much more time missing the other than knowing them#im not rewatching fifteen's eps rn until a week later when i can watch it w my qpp but#rn i still feel a stronger sense of fifteen and ruby's characters from all the rtd-written eps rather moffat#which like. i get that a lot of that is my personal dislike of moffat's writing style but still#dr who#15 era#dw spoilers
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I know that many pple look out for sweet, flirty and loud Jikook moments to be able to determine if they are together or not but i somehow always looked for the not so sweet moments! The moments when the air was thick with tension and when it was clear that something wasn’t right with them. Why? Because to me, that was what really set Jikook apart from the rest of the ships in BTS. Taekook had/have very sweet beautiful moments and it’s really easy to just sit there watching their moments for hours just feeling this sweetness in your tummy but that is what made me 100% sure TK were just friends. With Jikook moments, i cannot tell you how many times i cried watching some of their moments, their history and the whole push and pull phase. Their dynamic is complicated and doesn’t fit into the mold of a ship. Jikook are confusing as hell and there were certain moments i almost pulled my hair out trying to figure them out. I was trynna look at them through the lens of fiction and rom coms where everything is sweet and honey. But when i took a step back and applied reality, real life relationships, real life struggle and simple human strengths and weaknesses, thats when I understood.
There is a reason why some parts of the fandom believe Jikook don’t like e/o. Except Taekookers who are spuns of the devil themselves and will do anything to invalidate Jikook’s bond, there are some other Army, including non shippers who genuinely think Jikook don’t really like e/o, hence their relationship is all fanservice. Now why do they think so? Now depending on the day and specific content u come accross, jikook could either look like sworn enemies or two pple who love each other to death and are ready to tear each other’s clothes off. Imagine you seeing a compilation of Jk ignoring Jimin or Jimin pushing Jk off him (probably in their petty moments or couple fight moments) when u see stuff like that more than a few times, it kinda gives you an impression of their bond and sadly not a very good one. Non shippers will have no other way to explain this, other than, they may not really be fund of each other so when u see them being nice and sweet to each other or being flirty, you automatically assume it is FS. It takes someone who biases Jimin, Jk or both and who cares about their bond to want to dig a little deeper to understand their dynamic and see it for what it truely is. Pple who don’t care enough will take certain things at face value and form certain opinions. Have u ever wondered why Jikook’s bond is the most hated and ignored in the fandom? It’s not just because half the fandom are tkkrs, it is also because Jikook’s dynamic is COMPLICATED as hell and it tends to stir up different emotions in different pple! Also sometimes they interactions make pple uncomfortable cuz they seem too real and pple (especially homophobic fans) don’t want to deal with it. All other BTS duo dynamics in my opinion are easy to understand. But Jikook, not so much especially when you are a non shipper or are a shipper but don’t really have alot of real life relationship experiences. This aspect of Jikook is what set them aside for me. Like I mentioned, immediately i started using a more realistic approach, understanding that humans are complex beings and not some cartoon characters with assigned roles, when I realized that relationships have their up and downs and also considered the fact that these boys are NOT in a NORMAL dating situation, it all started making sense to me. Instead of thinking Jk hates Jimin because he avoided skinship with him at a certain moment, I thought he probably wasn’t very comfortable with the place and time and was also probably flustered and didn’t know how to handle things when he wasn’t in control. Instead of thinking Jikook don’t like e/o cuz they weren’t smiling at e/o, I thought oh, they might be fighting or going through something in their relationship which is perfectly normal. To the onlookers who have no idea what goes on behind the cameras, it’s so easy to misunderstand certain actions or gestures but when u remember the fact that u also get mad at ur partner and you sometimes go days without talking to each other or even break up or takes breaks from your relationship, then it’s easier to relate to Jikook.
Why did i decide to write all this? For those who get insecure at certain points when Jikook don’t look very pleased with e/o or when they didn’t do something you expect a couple would do. Always remind yourselves that these are human beings and they do go through rough patches in their relationships. Personally, i am 101% sure Jikook are/were not just platonic friends or bros. Are they still together now? I can’t tell for sure but the only way they are not together is not cuz we read things all wrong and they were never together, it is probably because they broke up (God Forbid).
And like i said, there is no way in hell Taekook are together or have ever been! Why? No romantic relationship is that perfect! TK said they had never fought with e/o. In 10 years, they NEVER had an argument with e/o? And you think they are dating each other? 😂😂😂. Not saying that couples have to fight or argue with e/o all the time but inorder to argue with someone you love and care about, there has to be an emotional connection, there has to be feelings to hurt or reasons to disagree! No offense but knowing that TK never argued with e/o just confirmed what I thought about them not having any emotional connection. What were they going to argue about? Games? I’m sure they are much closer now but b4, there definitely wasn’t an emotional connection with those two.
Ah anon, your thoughts are so good and I agree.
Jikook is not a ship like the other ships. Thinking in terms of rough patches, the other ships in BTS don't have the ups and downs for years or random petty little moments the way Jikook does. The other ships follow friendship patterns. You get close to a friend, then get distant, and maybe get close again. Taekook too but try explaining that to them.
Some of the bad Jikook moments are enough to make you cry, yes. Like how I feel with the Vegas concerts -_-. There is this blog around here that swears Jungkook hates Jimin because of those concerts and I understand that, honestly. Like you said, people's view on Jikook will depend on the day and specific content they come across that day. Some of us stick around when we see the rough patches and see that there is resolution because we care for them both as individuals and as a couple. Other people don't.
I was discussing this with a fellow Jikooker and she was saying that my way of thinking is flawed because no couple comes back together the way I say Jikook does. But I've witnessed it many times. Stepping back and readjusting the lens you view them with will help you understand their dynamic better.
Anon, I really can't imagine all of us being this delusional where we have imagined all the stuff Jungkook and Jimin have done. All that stuff is real and I would question my brain for the rest of my life if they really were never anything. Then I would move on because I'm not going to live my life visiting Jikook land forever like the fans from One Direction lol
But yes, let's not forget they are human beings and not characters from a "novela", which is the Spanish equivalent of a kdrama but with 1000 times more drama, sex, and romance. Life doesn't work like that. People are ever changing and relationships too.
Anyway, I appreciate your ask.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
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sinkix · 4 years
♡ Haikyuu!!│Boys as your Roommate HC’s Pt.2│Ft. Kuroo, Bokuto, Kenma & Kageyama ♡
Since the last one did well I decided to do another 2am shit-post consisting of my bby HQ bois as your roommate so I’m v sorry if it’s messy and seems like rambling but honestly what did u expect. <( ̄︶ ̄)> The more I write these the more I just want to summon satan and make them come to life man I love them sm.
You can find Pt. 1 here
E N J O Y ~ <3
◃:✮.❃⭒ ◃:✮.❃⭒ ◃:✮.❃⭒ ◃:✮.❃⭒
So. Damn. Annoying
But in like, the best way possible??
Constantly teases and irritates you while cooking or when it’s your turn to do the chores.
“(Y/N)-kuuun I think you missed a spot”
Proceeds to show swabbed finger with the tiniest speck of dust on it with the biggest shit eating grin he can muster
You have constant competitions who can clean more thoroughly and rip into each other as a result.
I mean there’s worse things to compete over I suppose??
He likes to make it a habit of waking you up by throwing his HUGE ASS BODY ON TO THE BED IF YOU OVERSLEEP.
Wraps his arm around you and gives amazing cuddles tho so its worth it
Borderline suffocating you though just so you get up.
Also, don’t wake Kuroo when he’s had only a few hours rest
just, don’t. If you value your safety.
Last time you tried to haul him out of bed in this state he threw a pillow at you and BITCH WENT TO GRAB THE ALARM CLOCK NEXT but u dashed out the room before he could lob it. 
Speaking of which, pillow fights. 
so many.
 Y’all are always throwing random stuff at each other just to startle one another
You both make a conscious effort NOT to aim for the head though so I guess its ok???
The aroma of coffee always greets you in the morning and it’s become hella comforting since you’ve just come to associate that smell with him.
His bed head is 1000x more extreme in the morning which you tease him relentlessly for and def has bags under his eyes but it looks cute.
sleep deprivation but make it chic.
He is much more of a night owl i’m making it canon idc - however usually has to sleep early due to club activities starting first thing in the morning.
He wakes up especially early because he knows he not only has to haul himself up at an ungodly hour but Kenma as well since he NEVER gets up on time otherwise.
Kenma lives a few blocks down from you guys and you often kick it as a three.
Sometimes he stays over just to save the extra effort of Kuroo going to his place.
It’s always v chill with the three of you as you get on really well and just play mario kart till 2am.
which again, big mistake. They end up nearly being late to practise so it’s kinda counter productive lmao
worth it though.
Kuroo is a salty loser js and will definitely wave his arms in front of you or shove his ass in your face to block the screen so he can overtake you.
Sometimes forces you to go on early morning runs with him but it’s actually really nice since you watch the sunrise together while sitting for a water break in an empty field
Almost poetic if it wasn’t for the constant teasing and bickering like an old married couple.
Kenma is VERY thankful you have become his new victim for those morning run routines.
Actually pretty quiet in the morning?? Like the lil owl is just waking up so he usually just mumbles a good-morning and rubs his eyes its so damn cute
Usually pretty good about getting up on time but some days he needs a kick up the backside to get him out of bed.
He fully made you drag him out of the covers once before he was even willing to entertain the idea of getting up.
those 30 seconds felt like a 30 minute workout since he is so HEAVY.
I feel sorry for the neighbours on that day tbh
“Bokuto-san wake up.” 
“It’s (Y/N) you dumbass G E T U P”
You aren’t safe for long though because ONCE HE’S AWAKE HOMEBOY IS RARING TO GO.
Frequently makes y’all pancakes for breakfast with a frilly pink ‘best chef’ apron on and it’s fucking hysterical. 
actually has several aprons and one of them has a stock image of abs printed onto the front.
Pancakes is the only thing Bokuto is competent at so don’t expect anything else without the kitchen combusting
His pancakes are SO damn good tho like bitch who taught you to flip like dat.
Does a lil shimmy with his body and throws it back each time he flips so it basically aggregates as a performance too since hes so extra
One time the pancake landed on the floor and he was in emo mode for a whole day LMAOOO
boy was spiking while mourning the fallen soldier.
Akaashi was so confused as to why he walked into practise in such a solemn mood.
had to stifle his laughter once you told him the reason.
For some reason you have this tradition to play board games on a Friday night
Obvs you have to let him win and be a cocky ass bc otherwise he will be sad until the next morning.
sis will be in a slump while brushing his teeth over losing a game of monopoly.
Doesn’t expect you to come to practise with him but is always grinning like a dork the whole way there when you accompany him.
His game is always A1 on those days so Akaashi is eternally grateful.
Often tries to make you go to the gym with him SINCE Y’ALL BEST BELIEVE BOKUTO BABY AIN’T SKIPPIN LEG DAY.
Actually a really good workout partner though, he’s so hype and encouraging.
Grocery shopping is a nightmare, y’all come back with 3x as much as what was on the list while Bokuto just looks really sheepish and guilty like a dog who shredded up the sofa.
Your conversations are very minimal at first until he adjusts to living with you.
Hella private with his living space and his bedroom
You always suspected he’s got some like weird alien cult meeting from Fiji going on in there with how shady he acts sometimes.
After a while though he’s pretty chill and doesn’t mind TOO much when you invade his personal space or go through his stuff.
I’d still be careful though an angry Kags is not a pleasant one.
He’s a minimalist, so if you ever get decorating done it’s usually you that takes the reigns since as long as it’s got a roof, a stove, a bathroom and a bed he could literally not give a fuck.
Unexpectedly easy to please over the smallest things, make a meal for him after a long day of practise and it’ll be hard for him to contain an appreciative smile.
Do NOT pull him up on it though bc he will get defensive 
just embrace it bro you won’t see it often.
V good at getting up on time and hella quiet in the morning when going about his routine, it’s easy to forget he’s in the house a times so at least he’s considerate.
Honestly doesn’t care whether you come to practise or not it makes no difference to him. Though the closer you both get he will sometimes wait for the moment you walk through the door and mentally slap himself for doing so.
Sometimes plays music in his room but it’s always really quiet and hard to decipher unless you press your ear up against the door.
The boi plays some BOPS though which is really surprising???
Usually takes charge of stuff like grocery shopping, cleaning etc. 
Control freak™️ here to assist your household services. 
He’s pretty dense though with these matters and needs some guidance at times lmao
Will not get the item on your list unless you CLEARLY SPECIFY AND INCLUDE THE WHOLE DAMN TITLE OF THE ITEM
You’re surprised he doesn’t request you illustrate the fucking bar code.
In the end you sometimes end up caving and just either going with him or going in his place.
Once he warms up to you y’all like cracking little jokes at each other and pulling one another’s leg.
if you get up even the slightest bit late he’ll just throw a lil “good afternoon” with a smirk on his face.
Sometimes he will come and chill with you on the couch to binge watch shows and it’s just a really relaxed atmosphere.
has really good taste in movies and series??
Honestly just a hella respectful roommate as long as you respect him and his privacy in return.
You once stuck his knee-pads in the washing machine on a high temp and they came out ready to fit a 6 year old.
You still suspect he holds a grudge to this day.
He also tried to give them to Hinata and never have you seen him more genuinely offended lmao.
The pair of you always end up oversleeping and it’s a genuine problem ur the definition of a disaster duo.
If it wasn’t for Kuroo strolling into your sleeping quarters most mornings you guys would sleep till the suns ready to set again.
Bless up Kuroo.
Constant video game marathons and y’all always compete to top each others time
It’s basically just the speed-run side of YouTube but under one roof.
Cannot and will not cook he is too LAZY for that.
Only thing he will do is stick an apple pie in the oven.
He’s courteous though he leaves you like,,, a 1/8th slice
You mostly get take-out or you’re the one that ends up cooking.
Veeryyyyy quiet, only noise in the household is the occasional snicker or lil conversation.
he has such a soothing voice hnnnnnnnnnggggg
The only time it’s remotely loud is when you play video games but even then the volume is quite low.
You usually end up crashing in his room from playing games till the crack of dawn and Kuroo frequently scolds the two of you.
you don’t listen though lmao.
For some reason you both end up in a hugging position when you wake up and neither of you have addressed it.
Except for the sus side eye look Kuroo gives the pair of you when he finds you like this.
He knows if he mentions it you’ll both infiltrate his apartment and choke him out with a console cable lololol.
You order most of your groceries online bc Kenma’s social anxiety will skyrocket and not allow him to be in a store full of more than 10 people, poor bby.
It works out for you too since why tf go there when you can have it delivered to your door.
You often binge watch anime together and he has GREAT taste mind you.
You made him watch a romance anime once and he secretly enjoyed it.
Since then he will very awkwardly request to watch them occasionally and you can’t help but smile.
The only time you clean is when you have to, like bins brimming with trash before you decide to take them out.
You accidentally broke his fav controller once and he didn’t talk to you for a week LMAO.
Still handed you one to play split-screen though so you knew he wasn’t entirely resentful.
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snifflyjoonie · 3 years
A Rose by Any Other Name
In which Min Yoongi finally takes Park Jimin out on a real, proper date.
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(a little) snz-centric featuring a slightly allergic Yoongi and an incredibly endeared Jimin. 
Word Count: 3855
FlowerShop!AU Part 4
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
a/n: I...have no excuses. I’m in a mood. Bear with me again, lol. There will be a break from the boys I swear. That being said though, I still hope you guys find some enjoyment out of this silly little thing! 💕 side note if you happen to read this: for the next chapter are we wanting a yoongi focus or a jimin focus? I’m not going to give away whaaaat will be happening exactly, (you can maybe get a hint via the moodboard on my masterpost page lol) but -- If you have a preference please let me know! 
It took two full weeks for Yoongi’s cold to fully make its way through Jimin’s system. To Jimin, it really hadn’t been that bad. Once his fever had broken by day three, the remaining symptoms were simply a mild nuisance more than anything else. 
As he recovered, he made sure to thank Namjoon profusely for stepping in to help with his deliveries. The day off to rest had really been his saving grace, and there just weren’t enough gift baskets in the world that could truly express the proper amount of gratitude Jimin wanted to convey to his long-time friend. 
Just as Namjoon had promised, the deliveries went off without a hitch, and the man had ended up genuinely enjoying the work. So much so in fact, that he offered to keep it up during the day in order to ease Jimin’s workload. Touched that Namjoon even wanted to do so, the florist had happily agreed, and the two men hurried to work out the necessary details one-on-one. Not long after, Namjoon officially became the shop’s first real employee: a much-needed delivery driver who always seemed to have a smile on his face no matter the occasion. They were an unstoppable duo.
And then, there was Yoongi. 
As the two men took the time they needed to recover from each of their respected colds, they rarely missed a day of messaging. Once Yoongi had broken the ice about wanting to take Jimin on a date, there really was no stopping the mutual pining that only seemed to increase the more time they spent apart. To help combat this, Yoongi made sure not to shy away from showing up on Jimin’s doorstep once or twice to drop off things like Nyquil or ibuprofen. It was his own silly nod to the florist’s previous impromptu visit, and Jimin was always grateful whenever he’d choose to swing by, no matter how brief.
However now that it was two weeks later and both men were healthy, Jimin was in the process of getting ready for their first official date. 
He had been on dates before, of course — At twenty-five he had in fact been on a lot of dates — but something about this one had felt different right from the get go. Yoongi was unique. There was just something about him that had drawn Jimin in from the moment the man had set foot into his flower shop nearly a month prior. He held himself with a mysterious air of nonchalance that reminded Jimin of strolling through an art museum or laying down in the street while it rained. He was special, and Jimin had picked up on that right away. The florist was eager to learn more about what kind of a person he was underneath the cryptic layers he guarded himself with. In fact, he almost felt privileged that Yoongi seemed to want to share a new vulnerable side of himself with him, and open up more fully.
They had planned for dinner at some fancy restaurant that Jimin wasn’t familiar with but Yoongi swore up and down by. The man’s excitement of the choice in turn amped up Jimin’s own, and it left the florist feeling like a perfect fifty-fifty mix of anticipation and uneasiness.
Not wanting to overdress, Jimin ended up deciding on an outfit that felt both comfortable yet put together. It hugged his body in all the right places and made him feel confident and secure. His figure was one of his strongest personal assets, and he enjoyed showing it off when he could. Today was definitely not an exception. 
Jimin ended up ready for the date nearly a full hour before Yoongi was supposed to pick him up, and it left him spending most of his time pacing his apartment out of pure nervousness. He really liked Yoongi, and because of that, really didn’t want to mess anything up. He may’ve been a risk taker, but he was also prone to letting his anxieties get the better of him. This was especially true when it came to dates, and even more so when it came to Yoongi. 
In an attempt to distract himself, Jimin spent the rest of his time flipping through channels on his television. He tried to pay attention to a handful of shows, but his mind was elsewhere — too full of what was to come to keep up with any of the bad sitcom plots. 
By the time Yoongi texted him to let him know he was on his way, Jimin had flipped through at least thirty of the channels. The butterflies that swirled in his gut as he read the message caused his stomach to bubble with sour nausea. He let out a stuttering sigh and tried to calm himself down, running shaky hands through his hair before dragging them roughly down his face. He needed to snap himself out of it and he knew it. If he didn’t, he feared he might make himself sick. 
Taking another unsteady breath in through his nose, Jimin allowed his mind to wander to Namjoon and the way his friend had described his ex-coworker. He had said Yoongi was quiet, but had a heart of gold; was funny, but not someone you’d want to piss off. To Namjoon, Yoongi was actually a bit of an enigma, and he didn’t shy away from letting Jimin know this. The sensitive florist had been thankful for the forewarning as he’d had his heart broken one too many times to warrant it happening again. However, instead of being scared off by the prospect, he was left feeling only intrigued —  who really was Min Yoongi if even his co-workers hadn’t truly known him?
Jimin was abruptly pulled back to reality by a knock that echoed through his apartment. He swallowed thickly when he felt his heart leap into his throat and allowed himself one final deep breath to calm his nerves before rushing to the door. It was now or never.
As he pulled it open, there stood Min Yoongi. 
The man was dressed in a form fitting button up that he paired with a stylish black blazer and matching slacks. It was the most put together Jimin had ever seen him, and the sight made his heart race. He took it all in, eyeing the man up and down. He honed in on the little things like the specific way his bangs rested against his eyebrows, and the way his colourful tattoos poked out from beneath his tailored sleeves. He was breathtaking, but even so, what stunned Jimin the most was the single red rose that he held delicately in his left hand.
“Hey, Jimin.” Yoongi finally spoke, smiling softly at the florist.
“Yoongi,” Jimin breathed, a ghost of a smile pulling at his lips. “hey.”
Yoongi’s smile extended wider still, his gums poking out from beneath his lips as his eyes crinkled at the very corners. He extended the rose out to the other, and Jimin accepted it graciously.
“Before you ask, a friend of mine grows them.” He laughed at his own explanation and ran a knuckle against the underside of his nose. “I called in a favour. His are not quite as nice as yours, but I figured it would do.” He winked and Jimin instantly felt his cheeks warm as he averted his eyes, instead choosing to focus his attention on the gorgeous rose. If Yoongi kept up the sweet talking he fully expected to turn just as red as the flower in his hands.
“Anyway,” Yoongi continued as he stole a quick glance over his shoulder towards his still-running car. “Ready to get out of here?”
The city’s bustling nightlife sped by in gorgeous streaks of blues and reds as Yoongi drove the two towards their destination. Jimin was near mesmerized by the sights outside of his window as he typically didn’t spend much time on this end of the city, let alone spend said time out during the evening. He wasn’t really much of an extrovert by nature and ended up spending most of his evenings either scurrying around his shop or simply at home with a good book. He had initially pegged Yoongi as being the opposite — someone who used to bartend with Namjoon had to be as outgoing and boisterous as he. However, as he spent more time with the other, the confidence he originally had in this assumption began to falter. Now, he really didn’t know what to make of him. Getting to know Yoongi was like trying to read text in a language he wasn’t fluent in.
The pair spent the beginning of their drive in silence, the quietness of the car only being broken by Yoongi’s occasional sniffling as Jimin’s gaze stayed firmly locked onto the unexpected rose that he held in his hands. The man knew Jimin was aware of his allergy, and yet he had arrived on his doorstep with the beautiful flower anyway. Jimin was grateful, but he did find it a bit peculiar — why put yourself through the nuisance of an allergy for a simple gift? Because he was a florist? Because flowers were something he was passionate about? Maybe that was just the kind of person Yoongi was: someone who valued others’ joy over their own suffering. Jimin really didn’t know what to make of him or the gesture. 
Getting fed up with the silence and his own over-analytical thoughts, Jimin forced himself to pull his attention from the rose and instead to Yoongi, and mustered up as much courage as he could to try and start up a conversation.
“So…” He managed to huff as he crossed his legs, warranting a curious side eye from the other. “Do you take all of your first dates to this place?”
The question made Yoongi snort and he shook his head a bit at Jimin’s bluntness.
“Only the special ones.” He retaliated, stealing another glance at Jimin from behind the wheel as he swiped his thumb against his nose.
“And...how many of those were there?”
There was a pause as Yoongi allowed himself a moment to search for the right answer.
“Well, just you.”
Jimin felt his face flush instantly as he let his gaze fall back down to the rose held softly in his hands. He heard Yoongi chuckle fondly at his lack-of response and felt his blush deepen still. He seemed to know just what to say to make the blood rush to Jimin’s cheeks within seconds. He’d been able to do so since the day he walked into Jimin’s flower shop, and Jimin knew he was in trouble the very moment Yoongi had opened his mouth. It had been a long time since anyone had had this type of affect on him, and the prospect of what that meant made his stomach flip. Unsure of how to respond, Jimin simply continued to let Yoongi chuckle to himself and carefully fiddled with the petals of his flower. 
Just then, Yoongi’s laughter died on his tongue as a sudden wavering breath shuddered its way out of him. Acting fast, the man clamped his free hand down hard around his nose and ducked into himself, clearly trying to turn out of Jimin’s view as he forcefully stifled a sneeze into his palm. 
“huh—NGx’ttschhiuew!— shit, sorry.”
“Oh, bless you.” Jimin offered sympathetically as Yoongi straightened himself back up and sniffled into his hand. “It’s the rose, isn’t it? I should’ve left it at home.”
Yoongi waved off the other’s suggestion and fished a tissue out from the pocket of his blazer, bringing it up to dab at his nose.
“No, no, you’re fine. I expected you to bring it.” He scoffed, visibly annoyed by his own allergy. “It’s really my own fault. I didn’t think only one would get to me like this. Must just be the closed space of the car.”
Jimin hummed in agreeance as Yoongi sniffled sharply against his tissue. He couldn’t help but feel bad even though the other had really dug his own grave by bringing the flower as a gift in the first place.
“I mean,” Jimin started. “if it’ll help I can just get rid of it when we get to the—”
Yoongi’s free hand snapped to his chest and he gripped his shirt as if he’d be shot.
“Jimin.” He cut off the other with an over dramatic grimace plastered on his face. “Get rid of it? You wound me.”
Jimin shook his head, unable to suppress a laugh as it bubbled its way to the surface. He had only ever gotten small glimpses of Yoongi’s sense of humour in the short time they’d known each other, so he had found himself mostly unsure of what to expect. The man had always seemed so serious and stoic whereas Jimin considered himself to be a bit of a goofball. Laughter was important to him, and the fact that Yoongi was coaxing out waves of it only solidified Jimin’s infatuation.
“Hey,” Jimin managed through another laugh. “you know I didn’t mean it like that. It’s just...I remember how you got the last time, that’s all.”
“You mean how we got last time?” Yoongi retorted as he raked his fingers through his hair. There was a playful grin stuck on his face that made Jimin feel slightly self-cautious as he recalled their first encounter. Yoongi wasn’t lying — they were both a mess.
“That’s not fair.” Jimin groaned with a shake of his head. “I can’t help it.”
“Well, technically, neither can I.”
The florist let his rose fall delicately into his lap before folding his arms across his chest and sighing. Yoongi had a point, though their circumstances were vastly different. 
“Anyway, it doesn’t really matter,” Yoongi chuckled as he expertly brought his car around a tight bend. “We’re here.”
Jimin blinked in surprise and turned his attention back out of the passenger window as the pair turned into the restaurant's parking lot. 
Just from the outside alone Jimin could tell the restaurant was on the higher-end, and he couldn’t stop a small noise of surprise from slipping past his lips.
“It’s really good.” Yoongi assured him with a small sniff. Jimin wondered if the man misinterpreted his noise as apprehension. “Think...Asian-fusion. I figured since you liked sushi...” He trailed off, directing a small ticklish cough into his fist.
Jimin hummed and nodded, feeling his stomach flip as Yoongi shimmied his way out of the vehicle. After weeks of build up, the florist could scarcely believe they were finally here together going on a legitimate date. The whole situation almost felt surreal and it made his head swim as he exited the vehicle and stepped out into the cool evening air.
Jimin could smell Yoongi’s sweet cologne as the pair walked side-by-side towards the restaurant. It reminded him of fresh rain in the summertime and sweet, ripe tangerines. The smell contrasted slightly with his more intimidating outward appearance and it made Jimin smile to himself as Yoongi pulled open the heavy doors and gestured for him to go through.
Once inside, Yoongi was quick to take the reins. He led them towards the host stand and let the employee know that ‘Min’s reservation for two’ had arrived. Jimin wasn’t aware Yoongi had even made reservations. He felt himself blush as the host smiled wide, greeting Yoongi with an almost teasing-sounding ‘Mr. Min’ before grabbing two menus and instructing the pair to follow him ‘right this way’.
The table the host led them to was set off to the side in a slightly more secluded, private area. A candle burned brightly in the center of the table, illuminating the place settings and creating a romantic ambiance that made Jimin thickly swallow a lump that had lovingly decided to form in his throat. 
As the host motioned for the pair to sit, Yoongi suddenly snapped at the waist with a vicious sneeze he directed into a tissue that made both Jimin and their host flinch.
“Fuck, ‘m sorry.” The blonde managed, snuffling against his tissue as both men offered taken aback ‘bless yous’.
“Catching a cold, Yoongi?” The host asked. Jimin found it a little odd he chose to call him by his first name, but Yoongi didn’t seem at all phased and instead just shook his head.
“No, it’s…” he sighed, clearly fed up with himself, and simply gestured to Jimin’s rose. 
The same rose that Jimin hadn’t even realized was still clutched in his hand.
“Oh my god,” He exclaimed, taking a slight side step away from Yoongi. “I swear I didn’t even realize I was still holding onto this, I—” He swiveled in the direction of the host and extended the flower out to him with pleading eyes. “I’m so sorry, would you be able to keep this in the back until we’re finished? I don’t want to make him—”
Yoongi sneezed again.
“—don’t want to make him uncomfortable.”
The host happily obliged without hesitation, and Jimin was just able to make out the look of appreciation Yoongi shot him as they both took their seats.
As soon as the pair was settled, the host wasted no time listing off the restaurant’s specials as he held the rose behind his back. Jimin’s mind was buzzing too loudly to register much of what the man said, and when he ended by asking if he could grab any drinks, all Jimin could think to say was “water, please.”
“Are you sure?” Yoongi asked as he shoved his tissue back into his pocket. “Tonight’s on me, Jimin. Get whatever you like.”
Jimin flushed but insisted he was fine. Yoongi just shrugged and ordered himself some sort of cocktail that Jimin had vaguely registered as being both the restaurant's signature as well as on special that evening. 
The host smiled and Jimin thought he saw him waggle his eyebrows at Yoongi before walking off to enter in their drink orders. Yoongi rolled his eyes.
“Do you...know him?” Jimin questioned curiously.
“Who, Jungkook?” Yoongi asked, jutting his thumb in the direction that the host had gone. Jimin recognized the name from the host’s name tag and nodded in confirmation.
“Sort of.” Yoongi affirmed. “I’ve tattooed him a couple of times. Good kid, just goofy.”
Jimin hummed in response. He was aware that Yoongi was a tattoo artist but beyond that the man had never gone into much detail. For one reason or another, Jimin found it intriguing to get to see Yoongi’s clientele out in the wild.
Before long, Jungkook returned with their drinks, causing Jimin’s eyes to widen as he set down not only a glass of water but a second cocktail as well. He opened his mouth to object, but snapped it shut again when Jungkook winked and assured them it was on the house. Yoongi merely rolled his eyes for a second time and mumbled something about how he would make sure to sneak the kid a tip on their way out.
Now alone for a moment as they waited for their server to arrive, Yoongi wasted no time letting Jimin know what he thought was good, what the place was famous for, and what he recommended the other to try. Jimin couldn’t help but feel endeared by his uncharacteristic enthusiasm and insisted Yoongi order him whatever he thought was best. Once their server arrived — a cheerful man whose name tag read ‘Hoseok’ — Yoongi did just that.
“If you don’t like it, just let me know.” Yoongi instructed, swiping his forefinger against his nose. “I have no problem ordering you something else.”
“I’ll like it.” Jimin giggled, feeling his cheeks grow warm from a combination of giddiness and the few sips he had taken of his cocktail. “I’m not picky, so please don’t worry. I’ll try anything once.”
Yoongi raised his eyebrows at the statement and softly chuckled. It wasn’t until he responded that Jimin fully registered what had come out of his own mouth.
“I mean, it’s only our first date but...I guess that’s good to know.”
Jimin choked on another sip of his cocktail and made a grab for his cloth napkin, bringing it up to mouth to try and suppress a series of sputtering coughs. The whole display only seemed to make Yoongi laugh harder and he winked at the other as Hoseok swung by to drop off their appetizers. 
Jimin let out a sigh as he wiped his mouth with his napkin, murmuring an apology to Yoongi to which the blonde simply waved off. As Jimin readjusted, Yoongi was quick to explain which appetizer was which, and Jimin was more than happy to listen to him. There was something about Yoongi’s voice that he found naturally mesmerizing, and Jimin truly believed he could listen to him talk about absolutely anything for hours on end. Yoongi could easily make a story about watching paint dry sound like a New York Times bestseller.
The blonde was in the process of passing over a pair of chopsticks when the florist noticed his eyes start to unfocus mid-sentence. He raised an eyebrow curiously and opened his mouth to ask if everything was alright when Yoongi suddenly cut himself off with a sharp intake of breath.
He fell into himself with a harsh sneeze he couldn’t contain; leaving delicate wet spots splayed haphazardly across the middle of his white button up shirt. He swore immediately and made a grab for his cloth napkin as a rosy red colour started to creep across his cheeks. 
“Bless you.” Jimin managed, desperately trying to ignore the way his own sinuses had started to prickle. He sniffled sharply and prayed it would be enough to alleviate the oncoming sensation. “You alright?”
“Yeah, just…” Yoongi blew out a breath, clearly embarrassed as he straightened himself back upwards. “Look, I’m really sorry about...all of this.” he gestured to himself with a self deprecating chuckle before continuing. “I’m starting to think the rose wasn’t my smartest idea. I just thought only one might not…” He trailed off with a shake of his head.
“You have no reason to be sorry.” Jimin reassured with a soft smile. “But for next time...I like chocolates, too.”
Yoongi raised an eyebrow at this.
“Next time, huh?” he echoed, his dark eyes glowing intensely. 
Jimin swallowed. Yoongi’s eyes were like the deepest part of the ocean and nearly twice as mysterious. He could hardly read the expression that sat just beyond them, and it made him fidget in his seat. Had he possibly overstepped his bounds? Had he been too cocky? Did Yoongi think he was —
All of Jimin’s intrusive thoughts were abruptly squashed as Yoongi reached across the table and interlocked his index finger gently with Jimin’s own. His hand was warm, aside from the cool metal of his rings, and he ran his thumb tenderly across Jimin’s knuckle with the smallest hint of a smile on his face.  
“I think I’d like that,” he murmured.
“Yeah,” Jimin breathed. “Me too.”
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nalu4emily · 4 years
The Unexpected Reward - Chapter 12
Summary: Natsu and Lucy go on a job together, but what they bring home is something neither anticipated. Forced to make a life changing decision, they have to adapt quickly, but that's never easy, especially given the circumstances. As they work together on their toughest adventure yet, they find themselves drawn to one another, in ways they never realised. Nalu/cute/fluff/multi-chapter.
Contains mature content. Adult readers only! 
Natsu sighed, his breath visible in the brisk night air. Unable to sleep, he sat alone outside his house. His mind was distracted, it had been since the quarrel he'd had with his small flying companion.
He never fought with Happy, well, rarely enough for him not to remember anyway and because of it, the Exceed was refusing to speak to him. Sure, they had minor disagreements, tiffs were common place between friends and loved ones, but it never meant anything. This however, was something entirely different, something he knew the cat wouldn't forgive so easily.
"Still thinking about Happy?" A soft voice tore through his thoughts.
He peered over his shoulder at the sleepy blonde standing there, clad in next to nothing, shivering uncontrollably from the crisp autumn breeze.
"I thought you were sleeping?" Natsu replied, ignoring her question completely.
Seeking out a warmth that only the dragon slayer could provide, Lucy plonked herself down next to him and grazed her chilly hands against his bare arm.
"You're freezing! Why didn't you put more clothes on before coming out?" He removed his jacket and placed it over her shoulders.
"That's what I got you for! Duh!" She said, resting her head on his shoulder.
Playfully rolling his eyes at her statement, he cradled her hands in his, blowing hot air onto them. Once satisfied she wasn't going to freeze to death, he laid his head on top of hers, contented to have her next to him whilst he felt so down.
It had been a week since the altercation between Natsu and Happy, happening just as they were set to leave on a mission with the whole team. Originally, Natsu had been ecstatic about finally doing a job again with everyone, it'd been so long since they'd all worked together. It was going to be his first mission since Haru was just four weeks old and considering the little one was seven months now, he'd been dying to set something on fire.
But then, everything fell apart.
Distraught, Happy had ditched the job altogether and refused to listen to anyone who tried to persuade him otherwise. Natsu hated the idea of leaving without him in such circumstances, but did not have the luxury of bailing out himself. He and Lucy had another mouth to feed and no matter the situation, Haru came first.
It'd been a long mission, having only just returned home from it. Natsu had hoped after a week apart, the Exceed would've been ready to talk to him, but he'd been very wrong. Happy kept his distance and it was starting to really frustrate the fire mage. He valued all of his friends dearly, but the blue feline held a special place in his heart. The inseparable duo not on speaking terms was almost unfathomable, yet here they were and the poor boy was at a loss on how to make things better.
"So, are you gonna answer my question?" Lucy asked, startling the slayer once again, he'd forgotten she'd even said anything. Trying to remember her question, his mind was too muddled right now to think straight. "I asked if you were still thinking about Happy?"
"How can I not? It's too weird not having him here." Natsu looked down to his lap, feeling an emptiness without his friend at home. "I said I was sorry, what else can I do? I can't change what I did."
"I know, but try to see it from Happy's point of view. I imagine he was just as shocked as everyone else when you reprimanded him like that. You've never done that before." Lucy said, thinking back to the incident.
"I don't know what came over me, I shouldn't have called him irresponsible…"
"Or reckless, or careless, or immature… Sounds like someone else I know, hey Natsu?" She giggled at his cute pout.
"Hey, it's not funny!" He huffed childishly. "In my defence, I thought he had been—at the time! Haru could've gotten seriously hurt if I hadn't been there, but I still regret saying them now." He really did regret it. In the heat of the moment, words were exchanged that he wished he could take back.
They were all at the guild, helping to set up the hall for a local event and Happy had been charged with occupying the baby. The Exceed had sat Haru up on the bar top, having only just mastered the skill of sitting unaided, the infant was still a bit wobbly. Thinking the baby had gotten his balance, the cat let go for just a few seconds. In which time the little guy had fallen forward and toppled head first off of the side and nearly collided with the hard floor.
Luckily, Natsu had seen it happen and just managed to catch Haru in time before his head smacked the ground. The baby, of course, had been none the wiser, giggling and clapping his hands when he'd landed in his fathers firm hold, thinking it all a very fun game.
Although relieved to see that his son was unharmed, the slayer did not hold the same reprieve when he glanced up at his little friend. Happy had apologised profusely to the fire mage, however, pumped with adrenaline from watching Haru fall like that, the slayer hadn't taken a blind bit of notice. Further adding to Happy's mortification, Natsu scolded him like a child in front of the entire guild for how irresponsible he'd been, causing the cat to fly off in a huff.
"You were just being a protective father, no one blames you for that, Natsu. But, Happy didn't do it on purpose, you know that! You just didn't give him chance to explain." Lucy chuckled, shaking her head. Those two were such idiots sometimes! "You've got some grovelling to do when he does finally come home."
"Grovel?! But I already apologised!" He exclaimed, but one look from Lucy made him recoil, the guilt returning. "Fine, fine… Happy's pretty stubborn, if I don't do it, he definitely won't." Natsu sighed.
In the end, the cat hadn't really done anything wrong. It'd been an accident and now the fire mage would have to find some way to make it up to him.
"Why don't you take him fishing, just the two of you? You haven't done that in a while." Lucy asked. She could almost see the light go on in Natsu's brain at the suggestion. "It'll be good for you both to spend more time together, he's your best friend Natsu, you don't want him to feel left out."
"You think he feels left out?" Natsu looked down to his lap again, he didn't want Happy to feel pushed out, especially now that this had happened between them. The blue feline was a valued part of their family and now more than ever, he needed to be reminded of that. "I guess I have been busy with Haru, that I've not really noticed because he's always around."
"Babies do take up a lot of time, but a break to go fishing with Happy every now and then wouldn't hurt. Plus, Haru will be old enough to go with you before long." Over whelmed by how quickly the last seven months had gone, she smiled at all the memories they'd made. "It really has flown by, hasn't it? He was a tiny baby not moments ago and now look at him! Maybe he'll even say his first word soon?"
Natsu turned to look at her, feeling a warmth flood his body at the pretty smile on her face as she thought fondly of their son. "Wouldn't that be awesome?"
He couldn't believe it either, their little baby, the one they found so helpless that day had become such a happy boy, with so much love held within those chubby cheeks when he smiled. He'd grown into a very cute, chunky baby, that they couldn't be prouder of.
Leaving the conversation there, they fell into silence once again, looking out onto the horizon. Well, Lucy was—Natsu had his eyes set on something much more enthralling. Shining brilliantly with the sun, she made his heart flutter excitedly in his chest. The morning light had cast a warm glow to her angelic form, bringing out all of her natural beauty. To put it simply, she was stunning.
"Like what you see, Natsu?" She teased, feeling his eyes burning into her skull. She moved her head to look at him directly, an amused smile dawning her cheeks.
"I always like what I see when I look at you." Lucy felt herself shudder, he was so blunt sometimes but that's what she liked about him, there was no dancing around the bush with Natsu.
Even after being caught gawking, he kept his gaze on her, only this time she was staring right back. The gentleness of his expression made her yearn for his touch, her eyes flickering down to his lips, feeling a tug from an unknown but familiar force to kiss them.
He cupped her soft cheek, quirking his lips up at the delicate pink tinting her skin. Feeling that same yearning, he brought his mouth to hers. Soft, gentle and smooth, with enough pressure to send little vaults of electricity down into her stomach, eliciting a small contented sigh into his mouth. Their lips, having gained plenty of practice in the previous months, meshed together snugly, tongues interloping, losing themselves to the moment of beautiful uninterrupted bliss.
Breaking apart, Lucy stood herself up, a shiver taking over her body suddenly from feeling the bitterness of the wind again. She turned and offered her hand to Natsu and pulled him back inside. Cuddling up together in bed, Lucy hoped Natsu might get some needed rest now.
Lucy had made it her mission to try and take Natsu's mind off of the missing Exceed. He was always so ready to make her happy that for once an opportunity arose where she could repay the favour. She hadn't seen that face splitting grin in too long and was determined to make him smile as much as she could until he started to feel like himself again.
They'd decided to stay home, after a week long mission away from Haru, they wanted to spend some time with him and just relax. The first to wake, Lucy was already downstairs preparing breakfast by the time Natsu got himself up. Haru had been seated in his chair at the table, whilst Lucy busied herself in the kitchen.
"Morning Luce, whatcha making?" He mumbled whilst stretching, looking over to his partner who was busy washing up the pans she'd used for cooking.
"Morning Natsu!" She chirped, smiling sweetly over to him. "I've made your favourite and lots of it, so I hope you're hungry?" She said, plating it up and placing it on the table.
"Awesome! Thanks Lucy, I'm starving!"
He gave her a tired, half smile whilst walking over to the table and sitting down next to Haru, ruffling his hair. "Morning, little guy! What's Mama made you then?" He asked, noticing the baby had covered himself in whatever sticky substance he'd been given to eat. Natsu sniggered at the state the child was in and grabbed a wet cloth to clean him up. "Did you eat any, or just go straight to painting yourself in it?"
"It was little mashed up pieces of fruit. I was gonna feed it to him but he got there before me…" Lucy's sheepish grin made Natsu quirk his lips up and shake his head in amusement.
"Daddy does that as well. Only, I'm not cute like you so Mama likes to yell at me for it!" Natsu jokingly told the baby, turning to the sound of Lucy giggling. He retrieved what was left of the fruit in the bowl and began to spoon it into the little one's hungry mouth. "That's better, now you're actually getting some!"
Once they'd all finished, they sat around and played with Haru for the rest of the morning. Lucy sat back and watched Natsu chuck the baby into the air and catch him again, pretending he could fly. Whilst distracted, he seemed like his normal self, smiling and laughing, but there was still something that felt off, like he was missing that fire in his belly that he was so well known for.
Just as Natsu was about to chuck the infant back into the air, Haru let out a big yawn and began to rub at his eyes. "Did all that super cool flying make you sleepy?" Natsu said, bringing the baby into his chest so that he could snuggle in. Haru had closed his eyes the second his head touched Natsu's shoulder, sleeping soundly in the comforting warmth that surrounded him.
"So cute! Here, I'll take him upstairs to his room." Lucy whispered, gently taking the baby from Natsu and making her way to the stairwell.
Once returning to the living room, Natsu was nowhere to be seen. Lucy knew where he'd gone though, back outside no doubt to keep himself from getting bored. Seeing a bright light coming from the partially open front door, she walked over and peered out of it, watching as he made short work of burning all of the brown leaves with his fire breath, that'd fallen onto the grass around the house, then perched up against the offending tree, looking forlorn once again.
"What's it gonna take to cheer you up?" Lucy muttered under her breath, making her presence known and walking over to him.
"Huh? What do you mean? I'm fine!" Barely believing himself.
"Sure, that's why you're sat out here by yourself, setting leaves on fire?" Raising an eyebrow at him, she sat herself down on the now charred grass, courtesy of Natsu. "What did those leaves ever do to you?"
"They keep falling on my head, that's what!" Feigning annoyance, Natsu caught another leaf mid air and burnt it, making Lucy chuckle. No matter how blue he was, the sound of her laughter always made him feel brighter.
Silence yet again befell them, it was a comfortable silence but Lucy knew better than to assume it was because Natsu didn't have anything to say. She needed to distract him somehow, make him concentrate on something else for a while. Haru was always a good diversion and had been all morning, but he was now fast asleep so she needed to find something else. Then it hit her, she could totally use herself! Ideas flooded her mind at all the ways she could occupy her brooding partner.
Starting off gently, Lucy leaned forward, catching his attention as she ever so slowly brought herself within inches of his face. Natsu watched, a bemused expression taking over as she pressed her lips to his cheek then moved away again, smiling brightly, hoping he'd reciprocate. But to her dismay, he didn't say or do anything other than look at her like she was being weird. She huffed in frustration, this was going to be harder than she thought.
"Alright, cutesy not working for ya? Fine, I can do rough…"
Eyes widening, Natsu had no idea what she meant by that, but was soon to find out when the blonde eagerly plopped herself in his lap and grabbed his head, pulling him forward and taking his lips by force. Lucy mashed their mouths together in such a fierce and scorching kiss, it was enough to make his head spin. It was blisteringly hot, and full of dark promises, plunging her tongue deep into his mouth and nearly choking the poor guy.
He tangled his fingers into her hair, not knowing what else to do with his hands and tightened his grip, causing a light whimper to escape her mouth. Enjoying the roughness far more than expected, Lucy reluctantly pulled away, gasping for air. She stared into his eyes, his dazed and completely bewildered eyes.
"Are you trying to kill me, Lucy!" He panted heavily between each word, struggling to catch his breath, he felt both confused and aroused by her attack.
"Not even that worked?!" Dumbfounded, she couldn't believe a fiery kiss like that hadn't had the desired affect. "Right, well, you asked for it! If this is the only way, so be it!" She got up from his lap onto her feet and turned away, gathering herself for her next assault.
"Asked for what? I didn't ask for – WHOA!" He exclaimed, shocked by her sudden boot clad foot coming straight for his face. Luckily, he'd seen it just in time to push himself up out of the way before she made contact with the side of his head. "What the hell was that for?! I didn't do anything that time, I swear!"
"Fight me!" Were the only words she said.
Using the other foot that was currently holding her weight, she jumped up and round house kicked him straight in the chest, knocking the boy flying back and landing him flat on his ass.
"Aargh! Dammit Lucy, that really hurt!" Gritting his teeth, he rubbed at the sore area where her foot had made contact. He peered up at the cocky looking blonde standing there in a fighting stance. He was so confused, if he hadn't done anything wrong, then why was she trying to fight him? And then he realised… "Wait… fight you?"
"You brawl with everyone else, so why not with me?" She challenged him, knowing that she'd get a reaction from the fire boy eventually, she just had to say the right words. "Or are you scared I might win?"
"You're being serious right now?" Standing back up, Natsu raised his eyebrow at the smirking blonde, he just didn't understand what had come over her. This wasn't like Lucy, she hated fighting. She never got into any guild brawls and rarely chose violence over talking first. "You're not everyone else though? I don't wanna brawl with you, Lucy."
"Why not? I'm perfectly capable! I might even give you a run for your money… Or do you really think I'm that weak?"
Lucy knew that was a low blow and almost back pedalled when she saw the guilt appear in his expression, but she held strong. The blonde wasn't planning on taking it too far, but a little brawl might cheer him up just enough to put a smile back on his face and blow off some steam that he so clearly had built up inside him.
"What?! I never said- Aargh!" Distracted, he was thrown back once again, by yet another lethal kick, to the face this time.
She smirked, starting to feel a little smug at all the hits she was getting in while he was still holding back. Holding his sore cheek, Natsu realised then that he really didn't have a choice in the matter, it was either spar with his weirdo of a girlfriend or become her personal punching bag and that sounded quite painful. With his competitive streak finally seeping through, he stood himself up and wiped the blood from his mouth, dawning a smirk of his own.
"Alright, Luce, you're on! But don't think I'm gonna take it easy on you, you've had your hits, now it's my turn."
In a flash, he was right behind her, about to grab her arms and pin her down on the floor. Having anticipated that he'd go straight for the kill, to try and end this quickly, she threw her head back, crashing straight into Natsu's nose, making him yell out in pain. Lucy swivelled and ducked down whilst he was distracted, taking out his feet and watched him flail, landing him flat on his ass for the third time.
"Ow! That's not fair! You're fighting dirty!" He accused her, holding his nose until the throbbing stopped.
"Oh, poor little dragon doesn't like it when he gets beaten… Looks like I might win after all." Her voice was sickeningly sweet and filled with tease. She laughed mockingly, anticipating his next move while she taunted him.
Back on his feet in an instant, he readied himself for another attack. It was apparent that head on blows weren't going to work against Lucy. Although physically weaker than him, she was too smart and cunning for him to get to her like that. Natsu needed to figure out a way to subdue the girl, the quicker he did that, the sooner this, whatever this was, would be over.
He eyed her dangerously, she was obviously trying to provoke him and he hated to admit, it was working. Lucy's fighting prowess had really come a long way since they'd first met. Natsu felt pride swell in his chest at how well she held her own, even against a force like him. Many powerful mages in the past had struggled to lay even a single finger on him, yet here she was playing with fire and then goading him like it was nothing.
Even though he'd never gone up against her before, the fire mage had learnt through the years that she wasn't one to take lightly. That was becoming apparently obvious, having landed three separate strikes to him already.
"Don't get too cocky, ya just got lucky! It won't happen again!" He warned.
If Lucy wanted to fight dirty, then he would too. Having already made the detrimental mistake of challenging the fire dragon slayer, she naively followed by not setting any ground rules, which he was going to exploit to his full advantage.
He stood by for a moment, gauging her every move until he'd figured out a way to bring her down without going overboard, because this was Natsu after all and he had a slumbering baby to think about.
Taking him by surprise once again, there was no time to react before she rushed at him, dodging the fist he'd aimed right at her in a vain attempt to knock her down. Bringing out her whip, she slid along the floor, catching it around his ankles and yanking hard, toppling him over and watched him face plant the dirt.
"So much for it won't happen again! I was being serious about sparring and you're just making a mockery of me. It'd be different if I was Erza or Gray right now." Surely that would get him into gear? Lucy knew he was probably still unsure of her true intentions and that was the reason for him not going all out, but she wanted him to let loose and be the Natsu she'd always known. "I know I'm not as strong as they are, but now you're just rubbing it in!"
"You really think I'd do that?" His voice stern and his gaze held a seriousness that wasn't there before. Keeping true to her intentions, she did nothing but stare at him accusingly, waiting for him to react in the only way Natsu would.
Taken aback, he bore deep into her eyes, hoping to find a slither of falsity, anything that would tell him she was lying, but he found nothing. A sudden rush of adrenaline pumped through his body, a fire ignited within his belly, determined to prove her wrong.
Grabbing hold of the whip that was still wrapped around his ankle, he yanked it hard towards him. Lucy, of course, tried to pull back, not willing to let go of her precious celestial whip. But Natsu was simply too strong, bringing her closer until she fell straight into his arms. Quickly flipping them over, he pinned her to the floor and straddled her hips.
However, the blonde wasn't about to give up that easily, not until she got what she wanted. Grimacing up at him, Lucy thrust her hips right into his groin, yet another low blow, but necessary. With his eyes leaping out of his skull and a yelp of discomfort, she speedily switched their positions, with her now on top and him being pinned to the floor.
"Nice try, dragon boy, but you're still not trying hard enough!"
Her grip tightened on his wrists, knowing that if he truly wanted to, he could get out of her grasp, no problem. So she promptly used her magic to dawn Taurus' star dress, using the pervy cows strength to hold the slayer down.
"Jeez, Luce, when did you get this strong?!" Natsu asked surprised, pushing against his restraints and being met with equal amounts of force. He was testing Lucy for sure, finding it rather enjoyable. "Have you been training with that goat man again?"
"I wouldn't have to if you ever bothered to show an interest! You never even ask!" She was trying to push the boy further, he was still holding back and it was starting to frustrate her. "Go on then, Natsu! I know you're not really struggling! Stop treating me like some delicate flower and-"
Before she even knew what'd happened, Natsu had pushed against her and flipped them once again with her arms held down above her head. He was staring right at her, almost intimidatingly so as her Taurus form faded back to her own clothes. She glanced up into his piercing glare, curious to know what he was thinking after having obviously triggered him.
"Lucy… You're no delicate flower… trust me on that." His expression remained stern, like he was working through something in his mind. "You're right, I don't ask but only because I don't need to, you're the strongest person I know. But if that's still not enough for you to believe me then train with me? Show me what you're made of!"
Although not the purpose of this little exercise, she was pleased to hear him say that. It made her feel good that someone as powerful as Natsu recognised her capabilities as well. "I'd love to, Natsu." She smiled.
"Good." He smiled back at her. "And I gotta admit, you've surprised me, Luce. I don't let just anyone knock me down that many times and get away with it, so a word of advice for ya."
Leaning down to her face, his green eyes locked on to her pink lips and smirked as he claimed them eagerly with his own, rough and heavy just like their earlier kiss, proving he could be just as torrid. Detaching from her needy mouth, he studded small kisses across her jaw and up to her ear, where he whispered to her, sending a shiver down her spine.
"You should never let your guard down, Lucy." Hearing him chuckle made her realise her fatal mistake.
"Oh no…" She uttered, gazing upon the piercing glare of a very smug dragon slayer. She gulped thickly, knowing what was about to come. If she didn't get out of his hold soon, he would use her ultimate weakness against her.
"What's wrong, sweetheart?" He murmured sarcastically, enjoying the look of horror on her face. "Did you forget who you were up against?"
Her eyes were wide as he switched to hold both of her arms with one hand and without a moments hesitation, dug his fingers into all the places he knew would make her squirm with the other. He tickled her mercilessly, tears welling in her eyes from giggling so much and Natsu couldn't help but grin along with her, finding pure joy in making her laugh so hard that it made her cry.
"N-Natsu! St-Stop! Please!" Lucy begged, barely able to breathe from his hand ravaging her entire body. She couldn't control her movements, jerking and writhing beneath him as he continued his onslaught, only stopping to let her inhale some much needed oxygen.
"Do you give up?" Technically if she conceded now, he'd win, regardless of what underhanded tactics he'd used. Chest heaving, she stayed quiet, contemplating whether she should give up now or not. He grinned wickedly, preparing himself for his next attack, giving her exactly what she'd been after this whole time. "Surrender or I'll use both hands this time. It's up to you, Luce!"
The girl smiled up at him, happy to see his contagious grin back on that handsome face once again. She pulled her hands free from his loosened grip and sat herself up a little, so that she could reach his face. Placing her hand on his cheek and caressing it softly.
"That's all I wanted, was to see that sexy smile of yours. I give up, Natsu, you win." She said, kissing his lips tenderly then placing her head back on the ground.
"That's all you wanted? Pretty weird way of getting what you want, Luce. But I gotta say, it was fun!" This girl was such a weirdo sometimes, but then again, it had worked, she had cheered him up and had definitely got his blood pumping. Now he had the problem of wanting to let off steam in a different way, a more… intimate way. "You know, watching you fight has always been a huge turn on. Now I know fighting against you just makes that worse."
"So, you like being beat, do you? I didn't know you were a masochist! I'm sure Virgo has plenty of things I can punish you with." She sniggered, as his eyes widened in fear, not entirely sure how serious she was being. "Or would you prefer it if I was the one tied down, to do with as you pleased?" She smirked, feeling his member twitch in excitement, she rubbed it ever so gently with her thigh, turning him on even further.
"Hmm… I think I'd prefer that. I never knew you were into such kinky shit, Lucy." He growled, latching on to her neck and nipping at her sensitive skin. The mere thought of Lucy being tied up, begging him to please her, almost made him want to try it right where they lay, but a singular thought was enough to rip that away. "Wait, I'm not sure how I feel about Virgo knowing, she's creepy enough as it is…"
Lucy giggled, her own arousal faltering as images of them getting freaky were ruined by Virgo popping up in the middle of it, asking for punishment—well, if anything was a mood killer… "Shh! I don't wanna hear about Virgo when I'm trying to have my way with you."
"I like the sound of that even more!" He murmured, closing in on her, and kissing her passionately, the scent of her arousal taking over his senses, making him forget about everything but the beauty under him.
Lucy freed her legs from underneath him and wrapped them around his waist, using him as leverage to pull her hips up and rub her core against his erection. He growled against her mouth, approving of her ministrations. Not wanting to wait any longer, he reached down and pulled himself free of his pants and moved her underwear to the side, gently pushing himself into her and earning a guttural groan from her plump lips.
Heightened by their sparring, he thrust into her hard, making her eyes roll into the back of her head and cry out into the open air. In that moment, Natsu didn't care that they were outside and Lucy's loud moaning would give away to anyone within earshot what they were up to. He had so much pent up energy and as much as he loved fighting, fucking Lucy senseless was the best way to get rid of it. This didn't require any underhanded tactics, he simply allowed Lucy's reactions to guide him and the best part was, everyone was a winner.
"Yes, Natsu… Harder!" She gasped as he doubled in speed. In her haze, she felt the slight ache of her back being ground into the floor, but it was over taken by the intenseness of his relentless pounding. The roughness of it all was going to make her cum, that sweet knot inside her was just about ready to snap.
"Cum, Lucy!" He growled through gritted teeth, feeling her tightening around him.
She was so close, her eyes were shut tight, her breathing had become heavy and laboured and she was gripping onto Natsu's head like it was her lifeline. With one more forceful snap of his hips he came, unloading himself deep within her, a strangled moan escaping his lips.
Feeling him tense between her legs made Lucy shudder, gripping tightly around his shaft and greedily milking him for every last drop. Digging her fingers into his scalp, she pulled hard on his pink locks, her cries of ecstasy flying out with the wind.
Natsu took great enjoyment in watching her unravel and waited patiently for her to come down from her high, soaking in every last harsh breath and weary whimper. It was a new type of accomplishment, knowing that he and only he, could make Lucy feel like that.
Leaning down and grinning like a mad man, he kissed her with every last ounce of lust he had in him, thoroughly spent after their afternoon of wild activities. She kissed him back with just as much fire, burning deeply into their bellies.
"AAHHHH! NOT AGAIN!" They heard a small voice shriek from the distance.
Breaking apart, both mages heads twisted to where the noise had come from, their hearts beating rapidly and faces turning beet red, to see who had caught them in such a compromising position.
"Happy?" Natsu said, all arousal leaving his body as he gazed upon the little Exceed, shocked to see him floating there. "You're back?"
The blue cat was hovering there a few metres away, masking the embarrassment in his cheeks by averting his gaze away from the mages who'd obviously been up to naughty things, wanting no part in it. "Um… C-Carla told me I had to come and speak to you, but I can see that you're, uh, busy…" He went to turn around and leave, when Natsu shouted out to him, catching his attention again.
"No! Happy, wait! Uh—just give me a second…" The slayer yelled awkwardly, grateful the Exceed hadn't flown off yet.
He looked down to Lucy for approval, not wanting to just ditch her like this, but she simply smiled at him and kissed his cheek. This was what she'd been waiting for, knowing that once the pair made amends, everything would return to normal, she would have her family back together again.
"Go on, Natsu, don't worry about me. I'll make sure dinners ready for when you both come home, okay?"
Pulling her up into a sitting position, he slipped out of her and quickly adjusted himself before the Exceed looked over. Natsu jumped up onto his feet and drew Lucy up with him, feeling the strain of their actions on her back as she straightened herself up. Her underwear and skirt were now back to normal and all evidence of their intimacy now gone, both looking as innocent as ever.
"Thanks, Lucy! You're the best!" He grinned, kissing her mouth one last time before letting go of her hand and turning to run towards Happy, who'd been waiting patiently.
The young girl sighed and smiled as she watched them walk off towards the river. Once out of sight, she turned to make her way back inside the house, the sound of the baby stirring, catching her attention.
At first they remained quiet, sitting by the river with nothing but the sound of water rushing passed made it feel awkward between them. Natsu really didn't know what to say, he'd been running it through his head all day how he was going to apologise to his little friend, but now all words seemed to have vanished from his vocabulary.
"So…" Happy started, looking out onto the river. "I didn't know you guys were exhibitionists now."
"Happy!" Natsu exclaimed. Using his scarf to cover his cheeks as they flushed with embarrassment.
"What? I'm just saying! Being caught in the house wasn't enough for ya, so you ventured outside this time?" Happy said, a devilish smirk appearing on his face.
"Shh! Lucy will gut you if she hears you say that!" Natsu darted his head around quickly to make sure the blonde hadn't followed.
This hadn't been the first time the cat had caught them in the act, or the second… or third for that matter. He had a habit of popping up at the most inconvenient of times, although Happy would argue that they were always at it, so it was never truly safe. It was a wonder it hadn't traumatised the poor cat for life. But Happy simply giggled cheekily, shocking Natsu for a moment until he too found the humour in it all.
"It's nice to smile again. I haven't since-" All mirth had gone from the cats face as he looked down to the grass in front of him, feeling saddened as he remembered the incident. "I really didn't mean to cause any trouble, I was just trying to entertain him. I didn't think he'd fall off of the bar that suddenly, I only let go for two seconds."
Happy felt tears well in his eyes as he turned to his best friend. He'd had a lot of time over the past week to think about what'd happened and what could've happened if Natsu hadn't been there to save little Haru.
"Happy, it's o-"
"No, Natsu, it's not okay!" He interrupted the dragon slayer, who instantly shut his mouth, allowing Happy to continue. "You were right, I was careless and irresponsible. I could've seriously hurt him and then what would you have done? You don't want someone like me around, I don't deserve your friendship!"
Feeling like utter shit, Natsu couldn't believe Happy had come to that conclusion. The fact of the matter was, nothing bad had actually happened and speaking in hypotheticals was a waste of energy. All the slayer wanted was his friend back, by hook or by crook, Happy was going to come home with him, because that's where he belonged.
He was going to make this right, Lucy was counting on him to make it right and he'd be damned if Happy thought he was going to be walking away from here without him as his friend. That would never happen! Natsu leaned over and pulled the now crying Exceed into his lap, holding him close until his bawling calmed into whimpers.
"Happy, I will always be your friend, that I know for sure." The slayer sighed, he wasn't good with emotion or talking about said emotions but he was trying, for Happy's sake. "Look at everything we've been through together, you think I'd let you leave alone? I never meant any of what I said to you, Happy, but I couldn't stop it from coming out. Looks like we've both got a lot to learn, huh?"
Happy, having stopped crying, looked up to Natsu's solemn face and watched as he went through the motions. This argument had been their biggest to date and it'd affected them both greatly. It seems even the care-free, rambunctious hot head, wasn't immune to the stresses of life, especially those that came with being a father.
Natsu never saw caring for Haru as stressful, he enjoyed everything there was about being his dad, but having a child was still an extra responsibility and that came with added worry, something the slayer was very unfamiliar with. It was the only reason why he'd reacted like that towards Happy, why he'd been unable to control himself when Haru took that fall.
"I know I don't spend as much time with you now, but that doesn't mean I don't want you around. In fact, having you there makes everything feel normal. You're the one thing that's always remained the same through all of our adventures and I never want that to change. You'll always be my best friend, Happy." Natsu finished, hoping he'd managed to convey just how important the flying cat was to their little family dynamic.
"You're my best friend too, Natsu." The little Exceed felt hope build within his small frame. "Does that mean you're not angry with me any more?"
"Of course not, Happy. I never really was. I just want you to come home."
"Fine… I'll come home then on one condition…" Happy smirked, his stomach rumbling. Natsu tilted his head in curiosity, what did the blue cat want? "I can have fish for dinner, I'm starving!" The cat began to drool, thinking of all the little fishes.
Natsu began to snigger which quickly turned into a full blown laugh, all these emotions were sending him doolally apparently. He'd had a feeling the request would be fish related and he was right. Patting the little guy on the head who also started to snicker. The fire mage nodded, relieved that everything had fallen back into place.
"Kissed and made up yet?" A female voice broke through Natsu and Happy's laughter, snapping their heads to the beautiful blonde standing there. Clad in appropriate clothing this time with a basket in one hand and a baby in the other, smiling happily at the two on the ground.
"Lucy? I didn't hear you coming, I thought you were gonna stay home?" Natsu asked, surprised but happy to see her.
"I didn't know how long you'd be, so I thought I'd bring dinner to you guys instead." She said, placing the basket down on the floor and plopping the little one into Natsu's lap. But before she had chance to sit down herself, Happy flew at her, barrelling into her chest and wailed like a child.
"Lucy! I missed you!" He yelled excitedly, snuggling into her chest. "Did you bring me fish?!"
"Of course! Raw and smelly, just how you like it." She chuckled at the grin on the Exceed's face, plonking herself down by the basket.
They sat along the river bank until the early evening, enjoying their dinner and telling Happy all about the mission they'd been on. Everything seemed normal again, like the fall out had never happened. Everyone was smiling and talking, even Haru was trying to join in on the conversation with his babbling.
"Let's get a look at ya then." Happy said, walking over to the little one. Haru, who was still sat in Natsu's lap, grinned widely as he laid eyes on the cat. Haru tried to lean forward to grab hold of the cats whiskers, but missed and fell forwards again, but this time Happy was right there to catch him, lifting him up into the air. "Wow! You're getting heavy! Just like your Mommy…"
He smirked evilly and looked over to Lucy, who's expression turned sinister. With a sense of foreboding hanging in the air, Natsu took the baby back from the cat and slowly moved away from the now steaming blonde, mouthing to Happy to run for it before she skinned him alive.
"That's it!" She yelled, like a battle cry. Storming over to the Exceed, her Cancer form appearing with two large blades pointing directly at the felines throat, scarily resembling a certain red head. "Say that again, I dare you!"
"WAH! Natsu, help! She's gonna kill me!" Happy screamed, flying into the air rapidly and shooting off into the distance, with the stellar mage hot on his tail.
Natsu watched them both run off into the trees, furrowing his brows he looked to the baby in his arms, who was busy playing with the white scarf. "And they say I'm the impulsive one?" Shaking his head, he casually made his way into the woods, hoping Lucy hadn't killed Happy before he got there to rescue him.
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heyhyunjiin · 5 years
Game Over (Cheater!Hyunjin AU) PT. 2
Pairing: Hyunjin x You
Part 1 can be found here.
Genre: Angst
Warnings: none.
A/N: Hello! I’m so sorry for the delay with this fic!!! It took me so much time trying to figure out the works but :-D here ya go!
Summary: Hyunjin’s schedule had been packed due to their upcoming comeback, leaving you two to communicate through text messages and short phone calls. He texted you late one night saying he’s going to be practicing with Felix for a song. You buy the boys food and just as you’re about to enter their practice room, it isn’t Felix that Hyunjin was in there with, and they surely weren’t just, ‘dancing.’
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You ignored the text and shoved the phone inside your back pocket. It was as if your legs had a mind of their own because you were in the elevator and then out the back door of the jyp building in a matter of a few minutes. Your body didn’t want to be anywhere near Hyunjin. In all honesty, you were considering on boarding the nearest plane at the moment to the next country over just so you could be miles away from the cheater.
After the first tear escaped from your eyes, the rest followed like an unstoppable river. The frosty air wrapped itself around you, and the warm liquid which cascaded down your cheeks were messily brushed away by your freezing knuckles. The atmosphere felt constricting. Your breathing was so erratic that the people watching you stagger through downtown silently expected you to pass out. To them, you were just a very upset girl pacing away from her friends or something of the sort with a bag of food hanging around her wrist, swaying recklessly side to side. Their staring didn’t bother you the least bit. There was no particular direction that you were headed to, but the further from the building, the better. However, your legs were losing strength. In a moment, your knees caved in and fell to the rigid cement.
The door to a convenience store abruptly swung open as Jisung and Chan stepped out with bags of snacks at hand. They were having a random conversation about bees when their eyes landed on a familiar figure on the ground.
Both rushed to you, one asking what had happened while the other helped you stand up slowly.
Jisung let your body lean against him for support while Chan held one of your hands and lifted up your chin so there would be eye contact. Their faces expressed sorrow. You were a good friend to them and seeing someone they adored in this state made them ache.
It seemed like you hadn’t heard their question, so Jisung repeated it. ”What’s wrong ________?”
Your bloodshot eyes turned to him and your lip began to quiver as a single sentence was uttered out, ”People don’t realize the value of trust and love until it’s all thrown away.”
The statement stunned them. Neither had a reply because they had no idea what was going on.
”W—What?” Chan spluttered out, unsure of how he should react.
Jisung gave a look of equal confusion to his friend as he mouthed the name of your cheating boyfriend, silently asking if Hyunjin had been the culprit to your tears.
After taking a shaky step towards Chan, “Hyunjin’s cheating on me,” is all you said to the boys before looking down at the cement you had been kneeling on some minutes ago.
“Oh hell no,” thought Jisung and Chan at the same time.
For a while now, they’ve had suspicions about his behavior. JYP had used some of their members to film an M/V with a girl group who were debuting in a couple of days and from what they’ve heard, the girls were pretty nice. Perhaps, one was too nice to Hyunjin specifically. Since their concept was based on more cutesy school-girl love, some scenes involved light skinship such as hand holding, wrapping arms over each other, and a 3-second hug. However, the other boys who partook in the film making noticed that Hyunjin was holding that girls hand when the camera wasn’t even rolling, his arms were draped over her shoulder more often when they weren’t filming, and their hugs outside of the set lasted longer than what anyone would consider appropriate. Despite the fact that the M/V was completed weeks ago, Hyunjin was still seen with the brunette nearly every day. The boys shrugged it off, saying that the duo were just good friends and that was it. Now, everything was beginning to make sense.
Chan urged for a talk somewhere private, and it led to the three of you walking in the direction of your apartment which was merely a minute away.
The security guard looked suspicious of the two boys beside you, yet still let them in after they signed their names on the check-in log. Your door code was messed up a couple times because of the shakiness in your hand from the weather outside. Jisung sat with you on the couch, wrapping you as best as he could with the blankets he had found in the closet. Chan returned to the living room with three cups of warm hot chocolate. The first sip was difficult to swallow because you were experiencing hiccups due to the heavy crying.
It took awhile, but eventually you told them about the scene at the JYP building. Both were in deep shock and couldn’t even form words to respond. They knew that Hyunjin could be a little reckless sometimes, but this was totally out of proportion.
“What did you do after seeing that? Did you talk to him or the girl?” Chan asked, his fists were clamped tightly on your couch pillow and was beginning to crumple it from frustration.
You bit your lip and answered, “I just left. I didn’t want to face him or her at all because— what could I have done?”
Jisung scoffed and rolled his eyes at the thought of decisions Hyunjin had made.
“We’ll talk to him, making sure he knows just how badly he messed up—“ Chan ranted.
“Don’t be direct about it yet. Treat him like you know he did something wrong, but don’t tell him that we all know exactly what he did. I want to compose my thoughts first before anything else. I might break down if he and I talk anytime soon, and I’m not gonna give him that power over me. Not this time.” Your mind flashed back to all the times Hyunjin had used your moments of vulnerability to encourage you to forgive him through the acts of false promises and passionate kisses.
The boys nodded in agreement and promised to not cause too much suspicion.
After an hour or so, they left your apartment with heavy hearts and returned to their dorm filled with a couple of hungry members craving the snacks they had asked the two to buy.
As Seungmin and Minho were rummaging through the bags for their snacks, Hyunjin entered the dorm casually, commenting about how much colder the weather was getting.
He hung his coat on the rack and turned around to catch a glimpse of Jisung on his way to the bathroom. He said a small greeting but was just ignored.
Hyunjin assumed he wasn’t heard by the other boy and plopped himself on the couch in between Woojin who had earphones on and Chan who was scrolling through his phone.
“Hyungs, what time is practice tomorrow?” He asked the older boys.
Woojin didn’t reply since his music was too loud and Hyunjin noticed this. He waited for Chan’s answer since it was impossible to not hear the question when the two were inches from one another.
. . .
. . .
. . .
Felix who was seated on the floor with his laptop looked up and softly poked Chan.
“I think Hyunjin had a question for you.” He said slowly, somewhat concerned at the lack of response.
Chan faced the boy who had asked and said, “It’s at 9.”
Hyunjin rolled his eyes playfully and said, “Was that so hard to answer?”
Chan scoffed and said in a sharp tone, “Maybe if you’d check the emails, you wouldn’t have had to ask.”
Felix, Hyunjin, and Woojin (who had removed one earphone to listen in on what was going on) were all surprised at the retort of their leader. Chan wasn’t the type to snap at a question by any of the members. They knew today wasn’t tough in practice and they had received good remarks on their performances from the fellow producers. His patience was also pretty good especially even if the day wasn’t going as great as he would have preferred.
After releasing a heavy sigh and showing an unreadable facial expression, Chan stood up from his seat, uttered a bid of good night to everyone, and shut his bedroom door.
An unsettling silence took over in the dorm living room. No one dared to say anything for the tension to ease. The sudden ringing of Hyunjin’s phone felt like the relieving sound of a bell during a boxing match. He casually wriggled out the device from the back pocket of his jeans.
Woojin and Felix both looked confused at how fast their young member sprang up from the couch and hurriedly stepped outside in the freezing cold to answer a phone call he could have done inside the protection of the warm dorm.
Hyunjin ensured that the door was fully closed before answering the phone call of Minji, the girl who’d stolen his heart years ago.
The boy could still remember his beginning encounter with Minji and you. She had trained in the company a year before he began. Everyone and anyone knew of Minji Choi. She ranked as the top prettiest girl trainee according to the majority of male trainees. Female trainees would even describe her as their ideal type when it came to appearances. Her talents were also no joke, everyone just knew she’d be the center of whichever girl group the CEO would place her in. She could dance almost as good as their choreographer could, thus giving her the nickname, “Dancing Queen.” Her potential was riveting.
Although, if only her pretty face matched her personality. One problem with Minji was her temper. The littlest thing would set her off. One time, she had asked another female trainer to pass her a water bottle from the fridge. All was going well until she tasted the water, spat it out on the girl, threw the opened bottle on the ground, creating a major mess on the floor, and proceeded to shout unnecessarily about how the water wasn’t cold enough.
Hyunjin felt such a burning desire to always grab Minji’s attention in any way, shape, or form. She was his dream girl at the time and if he could get her to glance at him for even a mere second, it’d be worth it. Alas, his attempts were generally disregarded by the dancing queen.
You, on the other hand, worked at a well-known coffee shop that he and the boys enjoyed going to on their time offs. It had been another, ‘failure to make Minji notice me,’ type of day for Hyunjin. He sat alone in the shop, just wallowing in his sorrow. The sound of a cup being placed on the table alerted him to look up and the scent of his favorite brew fluttered to his senses.
You smiled warmly at him and pointed at the drink, “I know you didn’t order that, but by the look on your face, it looked like you needed it. Remember, you’ve gotta withstand the storm in order to see the rainbow.”
Hyunjin didn’t know what to say or do. He just stared at you: eyes wide open, mouth agape, and he could feel his heart beat in a similar pace whenever Minji was around. But, she wasn’t.
Maybe it was the heat from walking in the summer sun to get to the coffee shop or maybe he was going insane, but Hyunjin swears that there was a bright light radiating from behind you and a halo was directly above your head. You basically resembled an angelic being that came from the heavens above to cheer him up.
It was a weird feeling for him at first. This wasn’t the first time he’d seen you because the boys go there often and you took their orders numerous times. Had you always been this mesmerizing? Was your smile always that welcoming? Maybe his mind was too occupied with Minji, that he also failed to notice the beauty right before his eyes, just standing behind a cash register in a work uniform and an apron.
Since the shop wasn’t particularly busy that day, you sat with him and talked about the most random topics, but it didn’t matter. Hyunjin was like a moth drawn to your flame.
Although, it’s been almost three years, and it looks like the moth has wandered back to his previous flame.
Their phonecall was short and sweet. Minji wanted a goodnight call from him and they went over the details of their meetup tomorrow night. He entered the dorm again with a goofy smile and went straight to his room with a skip in his step, causing Woojin and Felix to exchange a look that said, ‘...Well, someone’s happy,’ and they couldn’t have been more correct.
Hyunjin went to bed with a peace of mind, while you tossed and turned in your room, the image of the kiss replaying in your head.
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coll2mitts · 4 years
#47 The Muppet Movie (1979)
Welcome to Muppet week!  There are 7 Muppet movies on this list, so instead of watching them in the order they appear (and having to pay for several months of Disney+), I’m going to present them chronologically.  I’m curious to see how they evolved over time, and if their quality diminishes.
For watching my fair share of The Muppet Show as a kid, I’ve never had the privilege of watching The Muppet Movie.  Let me tell you straight off - it is a gem.  The first scene shows the Muppets attending a screening of the movie you’re about to watch.  Statler and Waldorf call the movie studio a dump, Professor Honeydew comes at Fozzie with a great burn (Well, then you’ll have to get another apartment, won’t you?), Sam Eagle displays his stoic patriotism (Does this film have socially redeeming value?), Gozno cuddles with a chicken - it’s all there.  When the movie finally starts, we are treated to Kermit singing the iconic “Rainbow Connection”.
The first 5 minutes of this movie are a great indication of what the rest of it holds in store.  It balances slapstick humor, puns, social commentary, 4th wall breaking gags, and emotional beats that catch the viewer off-guard in their earnestness.  I lost my shit laughing one moment, only to tear up in the next.
The story is an approximate retelling of how The Muppets were formed.  After serendipitously running into an agent in his swamp home, Kermit decides to travel to Hollywood and audition for a casting call looking for a talented frog.  On the way, he runs into Fozzie, who Kermit tries to save from some unruly patrons of the El Sleezo Cafe by distracting them with a snazzy dance.  Fozzie pulls the ‘ol “drinks on the house” gag, which sends the mob up to the roof so Kermit and him can sneak out.  They decide to drive Fozzie’s Uncle’s Studebaker (his natural habitat) on a cross country road trip adventure so they can pursue their dreams of making millions of people happy.
We are then treated to the most jaunty song - I was literally bopping to it the minute it started.  Kermit and Fozzie perform their best comedy duo gags, and it is intensely joyful.
But, of course, Kermit and Fozzie’s trip is immediately derailed by the pursuit of Doc Hopper, who wants Kermit to be the mascot for his frog leg restaurant chain.  This is disturbing for a wide variety of reasons, of which Kermit vocalizes in the best line of the movie...
Kermit reiterates to Doc that his request is heinous, but Doc will not take no for an answer.  This leads Fozzie and Kermit to employ unconventional means to try and evade him, including having Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem paint the Studebaker to blend in exactly with a billboard advertising a soda.
They soon after run into, literally, “The Prince of Plumbers” Gonzo and his chicken Camilla, and the 4 of them head to the state fair.  With all those show chickens walking around, Gonzo gets a bit of a wandering eye, which triggers Camilla’s jealousy.  They observe a beauty pageant awards show where Miss Piggy is crowned (of course), and Kermit falls in love with her at first sight.
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In order to appease Camilla after his previous digressions, Gonzo buys every balloon in the joint, which sets him aloft, sailing about 7 knots away from the fair.  The gang follows after him in a panic, but Gonzo can only appreciate the view from on high.
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After a car chase scene between the newly formed gang and a shotgun-wielding Doc Hopper, Gonzo comes crashing down after a billboard pie hits the pursuing vehicle.  Miss Piggy (who doesn’t know what’s going on) convinces the car to stop somewhere for the night, and she puts the big moves on Kermit, exhibiting all the traits of her extra self.
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Right when things are starting to get hot and heavy, Miss Piggy is called by her agent, abandoning Kermit at the table.  He commiserates with Rowlf, only to find out that Doc has kidnapped Miss Piggy and is holding her ransom. 
Much like The Muppet Show itself, this film is packed full of celebrity cameos, including (but not limited to) Lillian from Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Reuben from Oceans 11, Bob Hope, Richard Pryor, and Steve Martin.  The most entertaining bit may be Mel Brooks’ portrayal of a mad German doctor who is only interested in lobotomizing Kermit for funsies.
After Kermit’s failed rescue attempt, Miss Piggy decides she’s had enough of this damsel in distress nonsense, and kicks the everliving shit out of her captors, with the craziest eyes I’ve seen on a puppet since Meet the Feebles.
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After a brief patriotic interlude (presumably to appease Sam), a flat tire forces the gang to pull over and sleep by the side of the road around a campfire.  Without help, Kermit is disheartened that he and his friends will not be able to make the audition in time.  Gonzo, who is a little like a turkey, sings a song that perfectly articulates everyone’s feelings about finding other people who share the same dream, and their quest to live it.
“There's not a word yet for old friends who've just met. Part heaven, part space, or have I found my place? You can just visit, but I plan to stay. I'm going to go back there someday.”
The songs do a great job at illustrating the characters’ personality, and they change genres depending on who is singing it.  Gonzo is weird, but he’s a mushball at heart, which is reflected in the quiet sincerity of the song.
After Kermit’s very important introspective conversation, The Electric Mayhem show up, informing Kermit they were inspired by his journey, too, and they can give everyone a lift to Hollywood.  But not before heading into a ghost town to have one final showdown with Doc Hopper, who has now amassed a gang to take Kermit and his friends out.  Animal eats their new friend Honeydew’s conveniently presented growing potion and scares away Doc Hopper and his group of bandits. 
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The Muppets successfully make their Hollywood audition, and the studio head takes one look at Kermit and decides to offer him the “standard rich and famous contract”.  Kermit and his friends immediately start shooting a movie, reveling in the fact they found each other, and now they are doing what they love.
The amount of love put into this movie shows in every aspect.  The story itself is referential to the feelings of Jim Henson and his team, and the end scene where all their puppet creations are singing a revised version of “Rainbow Connection” hit me straight in the feels.  The craft aspects of the movie, too, are just impressive, and there were several scenes I was amazed by:
Kermit playing a banjo in the swamp
The wide shot of Kermit riding a bicycle, and the adorable faces he makes
Kermit and Fozzie dancing at the cafe (2-3 KICK!)
When The Electric Mayhem play in the church, every shingle, floorboard, window, and plank of wood holding it together moves with the beat of the song.
Gonzo sailing across the sky like the original Carl Frederickson
The entire set recreation of the plot of the movie, only for it to be destroyed by a crazy light technician a minute later
The costumes, of course, are amazing.  Miss Piggy’s constant wardrobe changes, especially in the romance montage, were stellar.  I appreciated they made Doc Hopper look like a discount Colonel Sanders.  Also, I want Gonzo’s hat with the tiny little faucet on it.
I really can’t chat up this movie enough.  This is my peak aesthetic, and I’m glad this project forced me to watch it.  This whole thing might be worth it for the mere fact this movie is now in my rotation.  
I have a feeling it can only go down from here.
0 notes
fasa-umich · 4 years
Matt Ratanapanichkich, 2019-2020 FASA Co-President
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If someone were to ask me: "What three words would best describe how you've felt over the course of the last year?", the only words that would come to mind are: Surprised, Proud, and Grateful. And as much as I would love for those three words to reduce to some elegant acronym, I truly can't find ones that are more true.
FASA, even from the beginning, has surprised me. I always go back to the first time my lineage ate dinner together. The warmth and acceptance that they expressed to me that day is one that I will never forget, and those feelings have been associated with my perception of this organization ever since. For someone who had not gone to any prior events except for Winter Mass Meeting, they treated me truly like anyone should treat their adings: with love and respect. To think that complete strangers could make me feel so comfortable here... I have them to thank for the unforgettable experiences that I have had since. Kuya Christian, Ate Natalie, and Ate Colleen, thank you for giving me the home that I had no idea would change my life like it has.
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But a while has passed since then, and in March of 2019, I was again surprised to learn that the family that gave me a home when I was a freshman chose to give the Presidency to my co-chair, AJ, and I. Even today, I still don't fully understand how the boy who joined late (but not too late!), became your friendly, neighborhood Historian, and only a year later, Co-President. And yet, I was honored all the same. Miracles do happen, and while I do acknowledge that a lot of work was done to get to that point, I'm sure that anyone who has run for an Executive Board can relate to the feeling that they may not be exactly the right person for the job. Everyone, from the bottom to the top, can feel like they are imposters, but it is their actions that validate those feelings or wash them away.
But I do have one more thing to say on that point: I hope from the bottom of my heart, that not a single person on my board feels as though they are an imposter after this year that they served FASA. I've said it before, but I am so, so proud of the things that we have accomplished together and the people that the boardies, my friends, have become. While growing is an undeniable part of being on E-Board, it is the speed and extent to which they did so that makes them some of the most capable people I have had the pleasure of working with. Each chair has done so much, overcome so many obstacles, and owned their work right to the very end, that they make my job easy, or as close to easy as a Presidency can get. And to that point, I would like to be a bit sappy for a moment, so if you would like to get through this testimonial without all the gushy stuff, you may skip to the next section. But I would suggest sticking around, if only to hear about how amazing these people are.
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Lauren Escote, Media Chair
Lauren, you've heard me say it before, but just so it isn't forgotten: from the moment you became my intern last year, I knew that you would become a better Media Chair than I ever could have been. Granted, you are the first (technically), but oh boy, how high you've set the bar for those who follow in your footsteps. There is no doubt that Nursing is one of the most strenuous undergraduate programs at Michigan, and even under that weight, you never failed to create photos that make people feel how special they are, graphics that have excited our friends to attend events in numbers that we haven't seen (maybe ever), and a newsletter that has kept everyone in the know of any of the multitude of events that we took on this year. They might have called Historian the FASA photographer, but I only dare them to say the same to you.
Bea Fandino, Performance Chair
Bea, I know for a fact that you don't need me to laud you for your accomplishments this year; but then again, I'm going to do so anyways. You were such a strong leader coming into this year that you didn't even need to stand on the shoulders of giants- you stood tall alone (or almost alone #iykyk). From Kalayaan, to PCN, to Battle, and all of the little performances in between, you showed us what it means to perform at a high level, get things done efficiently, and have fun doing it. Dance practices don't have to be super serious. FASA Performance doesn't have to be about just music and dance. Performance has been a large part of the soul of FASA for such a long time, and through it, there's no doubt that you've influenced the whole of FASA for the better. I can't wait to see what you are able to do next.
Reggie Galanto, External Chair
Reggie, if there is anyone who has known the struggles of our board the best, it is probably you. The 2019-2020 school year has thrown FASA so many curve balls (to put it lightly), many times through the typical External channels, that I can easily say that I am so proud of how well you've done this year. Even from the beginning, when you fought for what you believed, but stayed professional when the cards didn't fall in the way that we wanted, I knew that you were going to be someone on our team that could be trusted to do exactly what I expected from all members on the board: to push where we needed it, and compromise when we needed their energy elsewhere. And from then on, tackling the never-ending problem of needing to be everywhere at once, working with people with priorities that didn't always match our own, up against circumstances that none of us could control, I hope that you are proud of the things that you've accomplished in the face of all of that. The measure of a person is what they can do with the cards that they're dealt, and I would argue that even at face-value, the work that you've done, especially in pushing for FASA to focus more on advocacy and community-building, has steered us in a direction that will shape our community into one that even our current board won’t be able to imagine.
Hannah Anderson, Service Chair
Hannah, even from the beginning, I knew that we would be in good hands in Service. The amount of work that you did behind-the-scenes for your chair was truly inspiring, but even more importantly, you embodied everything that I’ve ever wanted in a teammate better than nearly anyone else: your competence in your role was only matched by your willingness to help everyone on the board carry out their duties. While your chair is notable because of its independence from the operations of the board and dependence on organizations beyond the collegiate level, in spite of it all, you gave FASA an outlet to give back to the communities that have given us everything, which is undoubtedly one of the most important functions of FASA as a whole. But beyond all of that, you displayed a willingness to bring new life into the role and into the board, with the rollout of Mental Health Mondays, designing what will become a more structured alumni program, and collaborating with Jacque and Christine on the creation of an entirely new chair in Professional Development. AJ and I’ve always said that before even your chair, all board members are members of the board, and I would just like to thank you again for being exactly that.
Christian Magno, Social Chair
Mango, what a wild ride. To think that my first real interaction with you was at FACT 2018, I’m sure that anyone who knew you back then would be nothing but proud of the person you’ve become. Creating and overseeing events that are supposed to be fun above all else is a task that is deceivingly difficult, but tacking on your and Jacque’s goal of integrating culture into everything that we do is one that I would personally find extremely challenging. And yet, there is no doubt that you and your co’s work this year has done just that: even apart from my role as Co-President, I’ve never felt more at home. From our youngest members to those that I’ve known from the very beginning, I’m happy to say that I’ve gotten to know them better than I had in the last two and a half years in FASA. And for that, I hope you are as proud as I am.
Jacque Young, Social Chair
Jacque, the athlete that could talk the ears off of even the shyest of people. It’s hilarious to think that while we have the same personality type (allegedly), I could never in a million years even imagine myself as Social Chair, while you are the very embodiment of it. Your ideas for Social and the board were among the most ambitious, notably your push for Professional Development, and from someone who has had the opportunity to be on countless teams: it is so much better to be on a team that can crank out legitimately creative ideas and then reduce them to something that can actually be accomplished than to be on teams that stick to what has been done before. Your clear perspective on all board things was one that I always listened for, and I can only wish that my teammates outside of board could copy the way that you approached your work with energy and empathy. Above all, I hope that your performance on board can serve as confirmation that not only is one’s major not important to their ability to be a good board member, but their commitments should not stand in the way of their contributions to FASA, if only they have the discipline and love for this community that you do.
Kaitlyn Barron, Cultural Chair
Kaitlyn, one half of the heartbeat of FASA. Out of all of the boardies, I think I knew you the least before coming onto board. Little did I know that you would become part of the powerhouse duo of Co-Culture that never ceased to inspire the rest of the board. Working with Izzy several days of the week over the summer (I even remember that there was a point where you and Izzy had calls every single day), I was absolutely floored that you two would put in so much effort for an event that was more than half a year away. But boy did it pay off. I can safely say that PCN 2019 is one that will be remembered for a very long time; if not for the speaker, if not for the history-imbued storyline, PACE-MI, or the performances, then for the way it made us all feel. PCN is a celebration of our culture, but it is also a celebration of how each and every one of us are an important part of that culture as well. And of course, you know that better than anyone else (except maybe your co!). But even apart from your role as part of the cultural duo, you, as a singular member of the board, are someone I would love to have as a teammate again. You are so on the ball about everything, so willing to throw your hat into the ring, and you have an energy that reminded me every meeting why I decided to run for board again. Being a nurse is hard by itself, but the way that you balanced your role in FASA with your studies and had energy leftover is a testament to how lucky any team would be to have you on it.
Izzy Poquiz, Cultural Chair
Izzy, if Kaitlyn was FASA’s heart, then this year, you were its soul. Together, the two of you pulled off a reimagining of what FASA stood for that continuously reminded me why, even after I’m no longer on FASA’s E-Board, that I will be sticking around. While AJ and I made it a priority to make sure culture was at the heart of everything we do as a board, you and Kaitlyn not only made that idea a reality, but inspired the rest of the board to do the same in each of their positions. Being a leader in a cultural organization is tough: there are so many people with different ideas of what FASA should be that it is sometimes crushing to stand at the front. But you and Kaitlyn did everything with such conviction, empathy, and clarity of vision that there is no criticism that could diminish what you two accomplished together. And just as Kaitlyn was an irreplaceable part of our board outside of her role as Co-Cultural, you proved to be just as irreplaceable. Your combination of organizational ability, creativity, vision, and empathy made you a key leader amongst all of the great ones that our board was blessed with, and your voice was one that held more weight than I think that you realized. I can only imagine what you will be able to accomplish in the future, but from your performance this year, I know that I will be nothing but proud.
Natalie Lampa, Treasurer
Natalie, I can’t express how happy I am that I was able to serve on board with you this year. My other half of the Techtorian duo, I knew back then that if we were to carry out all of the ideas that the board was planning, we would need someone that was level-headed, knew FASA deeply, and had the organizational and writing abilities to keep the lights on. Our board was an ambitious one, and I can say that your guidance was one of the things that helped us make this year one that I will remember for the rest of my life. While I can understand why seniors wouldn’t want to serve on the Executive Board, you showed just how valuable the input is from someone who has seen it all happen before. Thank you, Ate: you made FASA feel like home for me when I was a freshman, and even as your undergraduate years come to an end, you have continued and will continue to do so for so many others.
Angela Salacata, Secretary
Angela, the return of the cultural queen! Like your ading, Bea, you don’t need me to reiterate the things you’ve done for FASA. But that won’t stop me from saying that I am grateful for having you as part of our Core Four. Your insight and sharp wit has always challenged me to be a better leader, and it’s definitely not a stretch to say that I look up to you in many ways. FASA wouldn’t be where it is without you, and for anyone who thought that cultural chair would be the end was only kidding themselves. Even beyond your duties as Secretary, taking on choreography for PCN as well as LITERALLY COMPOSING THE MUSIC THAT WE DANCED TO FOR BATTLE, your FASA accomplishments are unmatched. Future roomie, I am proud just to say I served on a board with you one last time.
AJ Espinoza, Co-President
AJ, what can I say that hasn’t already been said? It's been a rollercoaster, with this year being an extension of the one that we've been riding since freshman year. And from when we first met to now, I'd say that we've grown a little. Just a little. And I've said it before, a lot of it was because of the type of leader and person you are; I've always wanted to take just a little bit of that, and make myself just a little closer to the person I hope to be. But there are things that we can't learn from each other, and the things we've seen and done on this board are a good example of that. So while I think we both got a lot more than we bargained for, I couldn't have done it without you by my side. I'm proud that we built a few things that I think are going to last, and I'm grateful that it was you that went through the ringer with me. May we continue having our hour(s) long talks together, about FASA and not, into our last year and beyond. (But then again, hopefully we can get a bit more sleep when all of this is over...)
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I'm grateful to be here. I'm grateful to have had a chance to come back and serve a community I love. I'm grateful to have served with a team that I won't forget for the rest of my life. I'm grateful to have grown with these people, and to have grown with FASA. Our community is getting larger and larger every semester, and I'm just so excited to see where it all goes. Some of my friends from this year, on board and not, new friends and old, will probably go on to see another board. Or maybe join boards of other organizations. Or maybe just be the general members that we all wished to be at one point or another. But the fact is, I wouldn't have traded this time with FASA for anything. You all have taught me so much. You've given me opportunities that I couldn't have imagined. You've allowed me to touch more lives than I ever could have alone. And now, it's time that you give the opportunity of being Co-President to two other leaders.
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Four generations of Presidents
So to the aspiring Co-Presidents:
The funny thing is that I already know who you are. I don't know which two will sit where AJ and I have necessarily, but I do know that it is one of you who I've served with this year. So the first thing I have to say is this: FASA is in good hands.
But the second is: always remember that first thing. Depending on what kind of people you are, there will be times in your tenure that you might forget. Times where you don't feel qualified or knowledgeable or ready to make the hard decision. The fact is: maybe you aren't. But that shouldn't stop you from becoming qualified, knowledgeable and therefore ready. Being Co-President isn't about knowing or having all the right answers. I've personally, definitely had ideas that were wrong. Many, in fact. But what you have is a board to support you, and a Co to bounce ideas off of, and old friends that are always willing to offer you any wisdom that can be had from just a few years in your shoes. You're never alone, just as your boardies are never alone. You might have a fancy title, but only together can you get through anything.
A caveat though: always be decisive. You might not have the answer right now. Your boardies might not have the answer right now. But being Co-President comes with the fact that the buck stops with you. In the end, for the many decisions that have to be made that don't require a 3/4ths vote from the board, your word is the decision. So give your board something to stand behind. Make a decision, stand by it, and admit you're wrong when you are. Because at least, if you are wrong, your board knows that they can trust that you believe in and act according to what you say.
Another thing: being Co-President is not babysitting. The amazing leaders on your board are fully-grown adults, and you should always hold them to that standard, if not higher. They don't need to be coddled, they need to be supported. They shouldn't need to be reprimanded, they need to know that their leaders have their backs. Because when you give them freedom, when you give them your confidence, it is up to them to uphold it. They might not always agree with you, and they might still be learning to be the professional leader that you expect them to be, but in the end, they are capable of so much. And sometimes, they just need to hear it from you.
Finally, remember that you set the tone of the entire board, and further, of FASA itself. Once you become Co-President, not only do you become the leader of your board, you become the face of FASA. The implication: you can decide how you want your boardies and FASA to feel for this upcoming year. And really, that is your choice. There will be those, on and off your board, who might want you to be super professional. Or super social. Or super laid-back. Or any number of things. But then again, it is your choice. Be empathetic of the concerns of your friends and community, but do what you think is right. What we've done before can be a good template, what others are doing can be a good plan, but what you actually do should be what you think is right. Remember that and I promise that everything will end up great. Not perfectly as planned, not smoothly, and likely not great without adjustment, but great in the end.
So to sum it all up:
Always remember that you are qualified
You aren't alone
Be decisive
Stand behind your words
Admit when you're wrong
Your job won't be babysitting
Hold your board to a high standard
You set the tone of both your board and FASA as a whole
Do what you think is right.
Notice that I didn't mention anything about organization, planning, strategy, skills you need or anything like that. Why? Because I already know what you're capable of; I've seen it, and I already know that you're going to do great.
But let me get off my soapbox for the last time.
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How could you say no to a smile like that?
To FASA, again:
Thank you. Being able to serve the community that made Michigan feel like home, as much as I complain about it, has been nothing but an honor. And you can bet that you haven't seen the last of me, for better and for worse. Because, how could I stay away? I am endlessly fond and proud of this year's freshmen, the sophomores have proved to be some of my closest friends, the juniors inspire me every day with what they have and are currently accomplishing, and the seniors continue to be the Ates and Kuyas that make this community worth sticking around for. So while I won't be coming back as a board member in my final year, I guess you'll just have to catch me dancing in AJ's tinikling choreo this upcoming November... Maybe.
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Only the most high-quality facial expressions...
Mahal na mahal kita, FASA. Always.
Matt Ratanapanichkich, FASA Co-President
0 notes
glenngaylord · 5 years
FINE CHINA - My Review of THE FAREWELL (3 1/2 Stars)
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[Excerpted from https://thequeerreview.com/ ]
The first thing you see in Lulu Wang’s touching, entertaining The Farewell is a card that reads, “Based On An Actual Lie”.  Some of my favorite films and shows have explored the cost of lies, including All The President’s Men, Election, and the recent HBO miniseries Chernobyl. Wang’s film, while firmly in the popular entertainment camp, explores death and a conspiracy of lies.  Still, it remains a comedic drama despite its somewhat dark premise.  
Awkwafina (Crazy Rich Asians) stars as Billi, a Chinese-American writer who lives a lonely, broke existence in New York.  Her parents, Haiyan (Tzi Ma) and Jian (Diana Lin) live nearby but seem worlds apart from their struggling daughter.  Billi seems closest to her Grandmother  called Nai Nai (Shuzhen Zhao), who lives in China and doesn’t know she’s due to die from lung cancer in a few months.  The family agrees that it’s better that she remains ignorant of her prognosis.  Instead, they cook up a premature wedding of a cousin as an excuse to gather in China to say their goodbyes.  Nobody wants Billi to come, however, because she’s much less capable of hiding her emotions than the rest, thus potentially blowing their ruse.  
It’s a fine setup for a comedy of errors, but Wang, who based the film on her own experiences, digs deeper.  She’s interested in family dynamics, cultural differences, and that intangible quality which brings people together.  Filmed mostly in Wang’s hometown of Changchun, a sprawling industrial metropolis of over 7million people in Northeastern China, we enter the city through Billi’s eyes as her cab takes her past one giant Communist bloc apartment building after another.  Despite the drab exteriors, life bustles inside Nai Nai’s home filled with her sister, Little Nai Nai (a very funny Hong Lu), her self-involved partner, and may others.  Something always seems to be cooking on the stove and Nai Nai keeps active by attending medical appointments, chatting lovingly on the phone with her granddaughter, climbing her apartment stairs, or loudly practicing Tai Chi.  
When Billi arrives unannounced, the rest of the family, including her parents, brace themselves for their planned coverup to go awry.  Clearly saddened by the impending death, Billi blames it on jet lag and checks into a nearby hotel.  It’s here where we meet a bellhop who can’t stop asking Billi about life in America.  Insisting it’s different, not better or worse, the film’s themes crystallize here, showing a culture that sees the value in lies.  They get us through our tough days.  They sometimes make things easier, or make people feel good.  We’re not so different in the West, especially nowadays.  A standout scene between Billi and her Uncle features him hammering home the need for her to keep up the deception, the repetition of their back and forth creating a wonderfully absurdist tone. An earlier joke about bracing someone for a fall pays dividends throughout as well.  
The plot of the film remains quite simple.  Everything leads up to the wedding, a terrific, extended 2nd Act set piece in which many drink away their problems, leaving the audience concerned if anyone will spill the beans.  While moodier, more textured, and with something new to say, The Farewell sits firmly in the My Big Fat Greek Wedding camp. It resists political commentary, keeping its focus on a crowd-pleasing sensibility.
Awkwafina, in her first leading role, brings a loose charm and a surprising amount of warmth to the film.  I’ve often felt that comedians make great dramatic actors since their humor usually comes from trauma.  Awkwafina certainly has the goods and made me care about her predicament.  Shuzhen Zhao works beautifully with her, giving us a Grandmother full of life, opinions, and an unpredictability.  Many think of life in China as an Orwellian existence, yet she shows us a vibrant, exciting side to it.  I think I’d like to hang with Nai Nai for as long as possible.  This duo makes us believe in the power of such relationships.  Nai Nai passes something along to her Billi, which gives us its literally breathtaking final moment. The Farewell won’t change cinematic language, but by opening us up to a clash of cultures we don’t often get to see and by showing us the beauty of a lie, it just may change you.
0 notes
starryrein143 · 7 years
Oblivious [NaLu Oneshot] By: StarryRein143
Description: Natsu and Lucy had been dating for 3 months now, though the guild doesn’t know about it. They maintained a low profile and hid it from plain sight. They’re doing a good job since not a single soul had caught them. They do enjoy their private moments, although they really want to come out of the dark and tell everyone. One shot.. NaLu
Lucy’s POV
Our first three months passed by like a blur. It was wonderful and surely new. Who would have thought that Natsu ‘Salamander’ Dragneel was actually sweet and romantic in his own little way? Believe it or not, he’s actually the sweetest guy i’ve met in my entire life. He proven that on our first monthsary. It surely was our most memorable, though the other two was equally fun and romantic. I didn’t prepare anything grand that day. I only had with me was a home made cake and i wasn’t really expecting anything in return. I wouldn’t be shocked if he forgot our monthsary. But God, i was wrong. I went by his house at 3pm, it was locked and the only thing i saw was a note sticked on his door, telling me to go back to my apartment and prepare.
I was clueless and confused. Prepare? For what? Annoyed by the unsolved mystery, i went home and just then i realized what he meant. On my bed was a box, with another note attached to it. It told me to wear the dress and shoes he brought with me and be ready by 6 pm. I was shocked. Did he planned this? That was all i can think of when i was preparing that night. The dress he brought was a knee-length off-shoulder pink dress with ruffles at the end and a pair of pink flats. Did he pick this by himself or did he had help? That was left unanswered even when he fetched me at exactly 6. Natsu was standing at my doorway, wearing a white ¾ shirt, pink necktie, black slacks and dress shoes. He looked handsome, especially with the bouquet he was carrying. I asked him where we were going but was answered with a smirk and a kiss on the forehead. That night, he brought me to the Rainbow Sakura Park. Under the same tree he uprooted was a candle light dinner. It was romantic. Having a dater under a rainbow sakura tree that was glistening in different colors for our first monthsary never crossed my mind. It was beyond sweet.
Our next two months, he didn’t failed to surprise me. Our second mothsary, we had a small picnic under the stars. We just talked and laughed while stargazing and eating that night. It was amazing. Third monthsary, he brought me to Hargeon, the place where we met. We ate at the same restaurant from before. But what truly made my day was when we went swimming. It was fun. It only proved that Natsu value our memories together.
The 3 months we are together was one of the best months of my life. We did fought and had quarrels. But we made it a habit to not wait for the next day to make up. Before we sleep, we make sure we already are truce and raised the white flag. We do love to fight, just not eachother. But would you believe me if i told you not a single sould knows about our romantic relationship? Not Happy nor Levy. No one knows that Natsu and I are together. They still think we haven’t passed the dense stage. But what’s funny was the fact that they set us up to 'help’ us. If only they knew..
“..cy? Luce?” I snapped back to reality when i heard Natsu call out to me. We were at my apartment. Just the two of us, Happy was nowhere to be seen. Probably, he’s with Carla again.
“Huh? Yeah?” I looked at him, clueless but he only chuckled. He patted the space next to him as if telling me to sit beside him. I raised an eyebrow but did as told. I let out a small squeak when he suddenly pulled me to him. Now, i was sitting on his lap, with his arms around me. Sighing, i wrapped my arms around his torso and rested my head on his chest.
“You seem to be deep in thought. What is my Lucy thinking? ” he rested his chin on top of my head and played with my hair.
“Nothing important. Just the past 3 months. I never thought we would stay this long with no one knowing nor noticing.” I heard him sigh and pulled away slightly. He rested his forehead on mine and closed his eyes.
“Do you want to tell them?”
“Do you? Honestly, i like it how we spend together, just the two of us. No pressure, no eyes to judge or watch us. But it’s really frustrating sometimes. We can’t be this intimate or sweet infront of others. I can’t hold you this close nor kiss you in the guild or when we’re with someone.” Chuckling. I pinched Natsu’s cheeks. This side of him never fails to surprise me.
“let’s tell them then.”
“Alright. But we have to do it my way.” I can’t help but raise an eyebrow at him seeing him smirk mischievously.
“What are you planning?”
“Just an interesting prank. You in?” I can’t help but wonder how this is all gonna end.
Normal POV
Natsu and Lucy entered the guild, laughing rather loudly which caught almost everyone’s attention. The Fairy Tail Mages stared dumbfounded at the duo who had ignored them and seemed trapped on their own little world. All are shocked. No one dared to say a word. They don’t know how to react. They don’t know which one was more shocking; that Lucy was laughing whole-heartedly while Natsu was grinning widely or that the blonde had the dragonslayer’s most precious possession, his scarf, wrapped around her neck.
“What the hell?” The ice mage muttered as he stared wide eyed at the two. As if hearing him, the duo snapped out of their trance and looked around the guild almost questioningly. They locked gazes once again before shrugging, clueless. They high fived each other before going their seperate ways. Natsu to Happy, Carla, Gray and Wendy while Lucy to Levy, Cana and Mira.
“The hell are you looking at Ice Freak?” This remark seemed to awaken the dazed raven haired. Gray blinked multiple times and shifted his eyes between Lucy and Natsu.
“Would you mind telling us what your planning, Flame Brain?”
“What are you talking about, Ice Princes?!”
“Err.. Natsu-san, what Gray-san means is, what is y-your real relationship with L-Lucy-san?”
“Hmm, thought so. You would play the innocent and dense card, aye? Then tell us, why is Lucy wearing your scarf?” Gray pried even more which just earned a scowl from the cherry haired pyro.
“None of your God damned business, yah perverted exhibitionist! she was complaining that she was cold when we were on our way here. So, i lend her my scarf to keep her warm. No big deal.”
“No big deal?! NO BIG DEAL?! ARE YOU FREAKIN’ KIDDING ME, DRAGNEEL?!” Apparently, Gray’s sudden outburst caught everyone’s attention.
“Woah, hold your horses! I don’t even know why your mad.”
“URGH! I SWEAR! YOUR THE MOST IDIOTIC, STUPID, MORONIC AND DENSE GUY I KNOW! CAN’T YOU TAKE A HINT?! FOR THE LOVE OF—I’M SO TIRED OF WATCHING YOU AND LUCY ACT SO HELPLESSLY INLOVE BUT REMAIN FRIENDS SINCE YOUR TOO MUCH OF A COWARD TO CONFESS!” The ice mage’s small speech received multiple shouts of agreement and opinions. The two mages in question looked at each other, shrugging but what everyone missed was the mischievous glint on the secret couple’s eyes.
“Geez.. what got your panties twisted, Ice Pick? Or are you on your monthly period?” The pyromaniac mocked which angered the molding mage even more.
“I heard you the first time, ugly stripper. Before you go sticking your nose on other people’s business, why don’t you face your own problems?! You don’t have the right to lecture me about confessing cause the last time i checked, you haven’t told Juvia about your feelings.” The ice mage took a step back as his face flushed in embarrassment. To his luck, the mentioned Water Mage wasn’t in the guild. She was out on a solo mission.
“The hell are you yapping about, Fire Breath?!”
“And you call me dense? Tch. Go bother someone else, Stripper. Me and Lucy are going on a mission. ” with that being said, the pyro jogged his way towards the request board, many eyes following his every movement. The dragonslayer scanned the board before ripping out a specific paper that caught his interest. Natsu grinned and ran over to the blonde. He waved the paper infront of her almost enthusiastically. Getting what he meant, Lucy grinned and nodded at him. They both laughed, which earned them confused gazes.
“Mira!” Natsu’s shout startled the dazed barmaid. The white haired beauty tensed and but managed to put on a smile.
“What i-is it?”
“We’re going on a job! Just me and Lucy this time since she’s short on rent money.”
“Is that so? But why just the two of you? If it’s for rent money, would it be much better to take a harder mission with greater pay and bring a team to help out?”
“Not this time. I want some alone time with my girlfriend since you all kept on stealing her from me! We can’t have any alone time anymore! That’s why i’m stealing her.” This earned him multiple gasps and reactions. The pyro smirked and swooped down to place a chaste kiss on the blonde’s lips. The Celestial Mage shrieked at the contact. Natsu pulled away and grinned before completely facing the stunned guild.
“LISTEN UP, IDIOTS! ME AND LUCY ARE DATING! FOR 3 MONTHS NOW, ACTUALLY! SO, IF SOMEONE DARES TO MAKE A MOVE OR EVEN ATTEMPT TO STEAL MY GIRL, I’LL BURN YOU TO ASHES! AM I CLEAR?!” not specifically waiting for an answer, Natsu leaned down to place another kiss on the blonde’s lips before he carried her bridal style and ran out of the guild. The whole guild had their mouths open witnessing Natsu’s declaration.
“D-Did he just say 3 m-months?”
“That freakin’ Fire Lizard made us look stupid trying to pair him up with Lucy when all this time, they’re already together!”
I made this a while back and had posted it on a different website. Hope you liked it! 😂😘
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ariestocratcat · 7 years
Who am I?
your Arian @ariestocratcat here.  If you’re not a spiritual being with interest in astrology, feel free to close this tab. But think about it - the moon has an affect on our tides, the way that we get periods and also simply how the sun affects our mood in the daily and we are all made of stardust. 🤔 (yes, it is SOLID science! we are stars! - and we all need darkness to shine 😉 ) 
Next time you’re out gazing at stars twinkling in the night sky, spare a thought for the tumultuous reactions they play host to. It’s easy to forget that stars owe their light to the energy released by nuclear fusion reactions at their cores. These are the very same reactions which created chemical elements like carbon or iron - the building blocks which make up the world around us. 
Source: http://www.physics.org/article-questions.asp?id=52
I want to tell you about being me as an Aries with the moon in Libra and Scorpio rising.  I am a passionate emotional creative artist and singer songwriter, my style of songwriting is using alot of metaphors and imagery words usually with sexual references, i have been working professionally as a songwriter and artist since 2013 and it’s been quite a ride - emotionally with a depression that lead me to see a psychologist with focus in mindfulness and i realized that all my life i’ve had been dealing with anxiety.  The personality traits of having Libra as my moon sign makes me a people pleaser and because of my often violent and agressive relation to my dad in my childhood i developed this anxiety that is triggered when i am criticized for doing something wrong or when i am not being or doing the way people expect me to. the Libra is the complete opposite of Aries and therefore i am both strangely dependent on others or their approval whilst being independant in solving problems the way that I want to solve them and i can, because of my Aries traits ignore the feelings, opinions, and wishes of others when i get a set idea in my head (further down in another post you can read about Aries with Moon in Libra) So i am a darn confusing character and it gets even more confusing and dramatic when i am intensely passionate when dating whilst easily getting bored if the intensity in the chemistry between me and my partner fades away, it is an ongoing huge problem, a riddle that seems really hard to solve. I can tell you about the last few guys i’ve been dating. two aquarians, a gemini and a Scorpio (he was SURELY with Aries rising) which makes me intense with a volatile sexual energy, have in mind both Aries and Scorpio is ruled by the planet of passion = Mars, Mars rules our sexuality and sexual energy. Source: https://www.astrology.com/us/articles/planets-mars.aspx 
  In the first WEEK of dating i got along with them deeply, one of the aquarians showed me his best friends and brother already on the 2nd date and as they say “nothing good comes easy” - suddenly he semi-ghosted me and was all of a sudden very busy - although he said he really wanted to get to know me and that he didn’t want us to stop dating - I waited for a month with flirtatious and sexual encounters in the meantime - one time with a gemini and one time with another aquarian (both blasts from the past)  - until i realised i had to say to my Aquarian-ghoster that i couldn’t wait any longer, that it wasn’t possible to put myself on hold till my partner has the time for me, cause i get bored easily - and this ofc. only happens if you leave me there to be bored and leave me there to wait cause i am really really impatient. I have never cheated on anybody, sure i haven’t had the opportunity of a longterm relationship yet, but when i’m really in love i will keep fighting for that love, but if my partners flaky and not in the same passionate frequency i will get bored or he’ll just leave. My blast from the past Aquarian that i had an encounter with, well that’s sorta the same story. When i started dating him in 2016 it was very very VERY passionate, although i kept on trying to hold myself back, so that this good relation wouldn’t end quickly as it tends to, still! it escalated quickly and he told me he felt like it was too much, that our sexual chemistry was too wild, the both of us being that passionate was a “dangerous cocktail” and i am also sure that he dumped me at that time because my emotions where affected by the depression i experienced months prior.  I do agree with him that it was all too much.  But! ofc. we decided to talk again after a year, with no intentions, just trying to be friends over a couple of beers, I wasn’t drunk - but i’m not sure how drunk he was and he started opening up about what he had been through and that his dad was sick - he had been wanting to call me to talk about how it’s like to grieve over a parents death hence my experience by loosing my dad in Easter 2017, i ofc. told him to stay positive and that my experience surely isn’t going to be the same as his (if it happens) because i didn’t have a flawless and deep relationship to my forceful and violent Dad. I am still thinking about this aquarian from time to time but we couldn’t remain just good friends cause ofc. that night i slept at his, i met his parents and they are so lovely, we also got along very well and had plenty things in common that we were bonding over - and he seemed a little annoyed about that the next morning when we had breakfast, or maybe just the whole scenario from the time we dated being replayed all over again (i am only guessing, i can only guess cause he won’t open up to me anymore). I wrote him a message about being grateful for the time we spent and i decided to pour out my heart and really explain to him how it felt when my dad was sick and how i felt when he “finally” was able to rest in peacefully “finally” with no pain, i told him to try keep being positive about anything that happens even though it’s hard to do and even though it seems absurd but it’s really all you can do to keep your head above water yourself in this situation. He had not responded me when i checked my messenger a week after and i started to worry if i did something wrong or that maybe he’d been misunderstanding me and was perhaps angry at me. So i messaged him and i asked if he was mad about what i wrote to him or if he could just try and communicate with me or just at least write me “it’s complicated” but he didn’t write to me at all, nothing .. and decided to unfriend him on facebook (yes i know real mature..but ffs i’m an aries woman) - but it’s just cause i don’t want to conflict with his life again and i don’t want to have the feeling that i say something wrong or do something wrong, clear communication is VERY VERY important for me, actually! it is or should be for all of us, so that we can continue maintaining our greatest version. good communication is crucial for any good relationship also close friendships. if you lower all your values for your partner or if your partner makes you lower your values and it creates a low self-esteem it’s a toxic relationship, if you often try to compromise and try to meet him where HE is, he won’t know where to meet you, that’s a toxic relationship and what’s being poisoned in this “relationship” is your own self-worth  - but being in a toxic relationship or having toxic relations will by time reward you with knowing what you’re really worth in the end but only when you realized what has happened. That i learned along my journey as an Aries with moon in Libra.  In some of my posts below you can read out Aries with Scorpio rising and Aries with moon in Libra, and you can do the math ;)
However my best matches in all kinds of relations are fire and air signs. Fire: Sagittarius, Leo, Aries Air:  Aquarius, Gemini, Libra
My 3 closest and best friends are Sagittarians. and they all showed up at my Dads funeral, which i didn’t expect them to do at all, but they are the ones that knows me best and i love them so much! I can always count on them no matter what, they’ve helped me through rough times a kid throughout my life.
I have a solid pack of friends with two of my Sagittarian bestbuddy “brothers” included and we’ve been friends for a very long time so to the funeral the rest of the pack tagged along which included an Aquarian, a Scorpion and a Taurus - and they always refer to me as their little sister - cause they’ve really been there when shit went down with my Dad, and if it wasn’t for them i wouldn’t have kept on pursuing my dreams. i wouldn’t have believed enough in myself if it wasn’t for them.
My 3rd but not least Sagittarian bestfriend, She is not part of the pack mentioned above but i went to a boarding school for a year with her where we actually wasn’t friends at all, i was alternative, she was very mainstream and a cheerleader kind of girl - but that was just on the surface ofc. cause 4 years after she invited me to her home a while after i moved to Copenhagen from Jutland, and after one dinnernight at her apartment we found that we actually had plenty things in common, i found out that she also is keen on astrology and that was the highlight of our beginning friendship. i can’t imagine my life without her and she has been supporting me in everything ever since, she’s been at almost every concert and i too support her in everything she sets up to do, she’s powerful and i love her big beautiful cheerful and bright positive smile and the way she dreams and pursues.
and i also have two best friends who are Leo females, ofc. we’ve been through some conflicts big and small and we debate a lot but when we find a cause to both fight for or a shared passion or an adventure to pursue we are the perfect duo.
,,There’s alot of passionate debates and wounded pride, but never a boring moment. Both want to be the leader; both have inexhaustible source of positive energy; and neither gives up or even slows down, especially when the other is going strong. They argue often, but their disagreements don’t last long. They are both eager to meet the next challenge, and seldom hold grudges against each other. Just the same, they should learn not to be offended if either feels he or she is not getting enough respect from the other. “
source: http://ariesonfire.tumblr.com/post/8831066124/aries-friendship-compatibility-with-leo  @ariesonfire
i also ofc. have other very close friends that are Gemini’s, Aquarius and Scorpio’s
My Mom is a Sagittarian ( 19th of Dec. 1963 )
My mom is the strongest woman i know, i love her to pieces but she does not open up emotionally it’s always like “everything is fine, honey don’t worry”, she always gets what she wants when she really wants it. She moved around in the philippines working very hard and then she moved from the philippines to Denmark and got married to my dad the first week she met him (they were pen pals in three years before they got married though)  she was very adventurous but that has settled since she gave birth to me. She is still hard working at work and she gets done what she’s demanded and what she demands she gets or else you’ll get roasted.. she is very smiley, happy and outgoing always and she doesn’t give a fuck about what people think of her clowning around. i love her so much for that especially, even though a clowny mom can always be a little embarrasing. But underneath her clowny and emotional distant character there is a layer of worrying and fearfulnes http://universal-tao-eproducts.com/mp/files/sun-moon_sagittarius-capricorn.pdf http://astrology-numerology.com/sun-moon.html#9_10
 My Dad was a Libra with Moon in Aries. (24th of Sep. 1934)
 He was the opposite of me and our energy is opposite hence i am an Aries with moon in Libra, we are very similar but it’s a big hit or miss - In this constellation he had a huge ego and he always felt like a victim, he often told me he everyone thought he was the black sheep, he felt sorry for himself and wasn’t an empath - very paranoid as well, sadly.. and i on the other hand don’t have the huge egocentric traits of the Aries because i have a tendency to want to please people all the time and i Am and empath and i’m highly sensitive as well. I was the one who was always meeting him where he was cause i simply couldn’t do anything else in order to have some sort of conversation with him. But i admire him hugely in his worklife and career path, cause he was crafty, skilled and he got really far in life and he has been in every corner of the world. He was a professional shoemaker first in Sweden and then was headhunted by an American shoe service (have in mind while reading that this was a time where Shoemakers were needed and cool sneaks wasn’t really a thing) He won huge prices and he was the Silver cup award winner of 1968 which is still considered one of the finest crafstman awards you can win. He was a Painter besides being a Shoemaker (like i am also besides songwriting) and he was taking classes in New York with Andy Warhol as a tutor in Croquis, he made shoes for ELVIS!! and Clint Eastwood. My dad was pretty darn succesful. And i believe i will so too, haha.. When i often borrow money fro people (Aries ofc. spending all my money)  I am ALWAYS met with this sentance ,,Just pay me back when you become a millionair” - Huge pressure, but i’ll ofc. do my best to pursue my dream of becoming a succesful and acknowledged songwriter.  - an Aries moon is constantly anticipating and fighting against threats. Many Aries moon people border on being paranoid about whether people are out to get them. There are things they perceive to be threats that other people don't even notice. source: http://www.southfloridaastrologer.com/the-difference-between-aries-sun--moon.html 
There’s a whole lot more to my life than what i’ve just described but these are major signs that the planets DO affect how we are here on earth <3
- Ariestocratcat 
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i found the perfect gif for this post a ram and a cat. lol
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