#i wanna like swsh more
front-facing-pokemon · 6 months
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randomminty · 1 year
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b4kuch1n · 2 years
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and the storm he was driving/washed it away/in the eye there was a silence
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loki-ioki · 1 year
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Quick sketch of these guys, they're all siblings. Geeta is the oldest (31-33~), Nessa is middle kid (24-25~) and Nemona the youngest (17-18~). They're also all descendants of Adaman(/Perrin who is just transfem Adaman in the modern day).
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I was thinking about it and I really do think so much of my issue with scarlet and violet is that you can't go inside of buildings anymore. There's the school (which has no hallways or transitional areas) and the gyms (that you don't fight inside of and which look the same) and one specific sandwich shop (lol) but other than that there's really nowhere to actually go once you've made it to a town.
Mesagoza is possibly the largest city we've gotten in Pokemon (or at least in top 3) but it feels way smaller than both Castelia and Lumiose because there's nothing to DO. You wander around in a circle not talking to NPCs, because 70% of them don't actually have unique dialogue so why bother checking every one, and you look at what are essentially the same 5 shops over and over until you make it back around to the school's giant staircase.
Towns are just pit stops (that aren't even necessary anymore, with free healing items being so plentiful, and boxes being a menu option now) where you go fight the gym or heal up before fighting the Titan pokemon and never have a reason to visit again. The world is vastly open but it feels unpopulated and sparse because there's pretty much no hidden content tucked away in towns or NPCs that will tell you about the region's culture or optional side ventures aside from looking for pokeballs on the ground in new places. It's a shame because I think Paldea's towns are all pretty and cool but they're just cardboard cutouts
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tera-starstorm · 2 years
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toonified my bingles for funsies. no bg version under the cut
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vaugarde · 2 years
video game animations for me are like... not really the decisive factor to me, even if the presentation of a game is kinda bad i can tolerate it. but my bar is that i dont want it to be distractingly bad yknow? 
sadly pokemon fits into distractingly bad tho 
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se7ens-oc-heaven · 2 years
Man, it's hard clearing out my Switch memory of cutscene pics when I know I have the excuse of keeping them for 'research'......
(And it is 'excuse' bc like. I can look up these scenes online if I really need to....)
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bitchapalooza · 2 years
Today's gonna be an easy day, at least until like 4 MAYBE when the rain stops for the day, so I think I will draw Piers :)
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beauzos · 9 months
ScarVio dlc kinda slapped. plot was super short on both ends and was pretty mid but the actual areas they added n the exploration was really fun. i sunk about 40 hours into the dlc just wandering around catching pokemon n shit. i actually completed the Blueberry pokedex. first time i ever completed a dex in my fucking life.
really love Blueberry Academy. Kitakami was alright but i felt the area designs were a little too generic and not very fun to explore. really like Carmine and Bloodmoon Ursaluna is one of my favorite mons now. loved all the Unova references in Indigo Disk. fun game. better than a lot of the base game imo.
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vincentcipherstrange · 7 months
As an XY enjoyer, I was holding out hope for new Kalos games rather than Unova remakes. And Apparently I was right to do so! Now with the new game announcement, it means some things to me and I have predictions/thoughts.
(more under the cut in case.... future spoilers)
1. It seems like it's set in the modern day, potentially not long before or after the originals. So We probably get to see more Sycamore. Which. Yes please. Gimme. I would like to see my boy.
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2. If it's set not long after the originals, Potentially a Lysandre return. Or mention. There's no way he's DEAD dead. So they better do him justice. He got flubbed in the original games.
3. MORE KALOS LORE! FINALLY! 11/12 YEARS (when Legends ZA releases) AFTER XY PROPER!
4. The cancelled event Pokémon, AZ's Floette, might ACTUALLY be obtainable this time around! (Which also means the return of event mythicals like Volcanion, Hoopa, and Diancie)
4.5 which also means if you have Xerneas, Yveltal, and Zygarde from either the original games or the shinies from Go, USUM Ultra Wormholes, or SWSH Dynamax Adventures, they can probably be brought over!
5. Zygarde might be the big bad you have to defeat this time around, using Xerneas and Yveltal to stop them. Probably controlled by someone like Xerosic. (think like Ultra Necrozma in USUM, or Eternatus in SW/SH)
5.5 that being said, Xerneas and Yveltal may get new powered up forms (potentially Megas) as a boost to calm the rampaging Zygarde
6. Sycamore actually participates in Story Events with the player. Because he might feel bad for asking so much of them the first time. (It's a stretch but a Sycamore lover can dream. I want to see him be a badass like in the anime. Give him his Garchomp)
7. Team Flare might still be kicking around, though subdued a bit depending on how long after the originals it's been. Maybe some new faces in there. Malva is probably the one running things with Lysandre being MIA.
8. It might be revealed that Kalos and Paldea did have beef in the past, which is where Paldea's crater came from. Bringing Paldean pokemon into Kalos may strike up new dialogue. (If paldean 'mons can be transferred over, that is. If that's the case though Terapagos, Ogerpon, and the Sandwich Dragons are going to be nerfed. HARD. Especially the small Terastal Turtle.) (i wanna see Sycamore's reaction to a Clodsire or Terapagos. He'd love the little guys.)
9. New megas, but that's kinda obvious. I'm thinking some i want to see are going to be Rapidash, Talonflame, and the original Box Art Legends.
10. It may be revealed that Sycamore and Lysandre did have a little fling, if not a full on relationship before the weapon incident. They gave us Brassius and Hassel in SV. And implied one with ORAS Maxie and Archie. You know what we want, Gamefreak.
(bonus) 11. A Paldean character might appear for a side quest.
I'm holding out hope. But just the fact we're getting more Kalos stuff at all is enough to make me happy. It gets glossed over far too much.
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queeniesrose · 1 year
This is inspired by a post that was done a few years ago on a friends blog where they did for the SWSH leaders were reacting to thirsty tweets. This post includes characters from different games, so it’s not for just one group. This is a NSFW post. And no, I will not explain what anything means. This post will read like it is for a youtube video. The host of the video will be you, the reader.
Also! Arven will be included in this post. Please see this post and this poll, both on @pokenimagines (A Pokémon blog I help run when we both aren't burnt out) to get some insight on why he is included.
Master Post 
Warning: This is NSFW so if you’re under the legal age or uncomfortable with content like this, please skip over this one!
Thirsty Tweets: Pokemon
As soon as the video starts playing, the viewer can see the host on screen. It wasn’t long before you said in the video, “On today's episode of Celebrity Thirsty Tweets, we have Gym Leaders, Elite Four, a Champion, and a Professor! Sit back, relax and enjoy the video!” The screen fades to black with a rendition of ABC by Jackson 5 playing. Soon the first person and their corresponding tweet is on screen.
I want to give him the most astonishing, atrocious, shameless, violent, rude, disrespectful, toe curling, sheet gripping head he's ever had. @GalarChampionLeon
It takes Leon a full minute of opening and closing his mouth before he could form a response. His cheeks turned a scarlet red. "I- I. Well that's certainly something. More power to you if you can accomplish that to someone." He looks down as he runs a hand through his hair. He chuckles, before he looks up at the camera, "Some of these fans are real imaginative."
As soon as Larry finish reading out the tweet, he lets out a deep sigh and shakes his head. "I am flour because I am bland? I will give you that. At this point, being a stressed and depressed adult will do that to someone." He pauses for a moment to think. "If you're into all purpose flour, guess I'm the guy for you."
Ayo fine ass girlboss spotted. Come here madam. I would like her to put me on a leash. @Elite4Rika
Rika smirks as she finishes reading the tweet. "Awe does someone want to be my pet? Does someone need to go on some walkies?" She lets out a hearty laugh, shaking her head. She leans back in her chair and rest her arm on her knee. "Sounds like a many of you need a badass domme in your life."
Rika can break me, while Brassius can breed me. @Elite4Rika @Truleewoodo
"I can do more than just break you sweetheart." Rika says, winking at the camera. "Tell me when and where. Safe word is Mushu."
Brassius leans back into his chair, smirking at the camera. He takes a few moments before he says anything. "You want me to breed you darlin? Is that really what you want?" He asks, leaning forward, "Have you been good? Only good darlins get to be bred."
@ProfessorSycamore is so hot. I wanna climb him like an Arceus damn jungle gym.
Sycamore's face heats up instantly. "That doesn't sound very safe, now does it?" He asks, "Although, I don't think you care about your safety from your tweet. Which is very important! Being safe in all situations is important! Even in kinky situations." He rubs his cheeks a little bit as he attempts to hid the fact that his face is going a tomato red.
Who, @Guacamole?
Giacomo sighs and rubs the side of his face. "You make one joke!" He exclaims, "One joke! One joke about being able to use different words for my name like what happens with Bramblepatch Scratch-n-Sniff! Then you get called Guacamole and that becomes what people call you! But yes, I can definitely get it! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise!"
I once made my dildo dent in half, you wanna see my gorilla grip @DragonRaihan?
After he finishes reading out the tweet, he looks up at the camera with a confused look on his face, "I- how the fuck did you manage to do that?" You could see the gears turning in his head as he tried to work out how that happened. He scratches his head after a few moments, "Ya know, I'm not gonna try to figure out the logistics of that."
I ain’t here to be your toaster strudel. I’m here to be your Twinkie. Pull out and I’ll kill you. @FarmerMilo
"Oh my!" Milo exclaims, going as red as a tomato. He raises his hand to point at the screen as he starts to speak again. "There will be no killing happening around here! I am a good farmer boy." His eyes go wide and he smacks a hand over his mouth at the realization of what he just said implies in context to the tweet. Your laughter could be heard from behind the camera.
@EliteFourRika could step on me multiple times, spit on me, and call me worthless and I WILL THANK HER.
Rika moves the mike closer to her mouth, leans forward, and stares straight into the camera, before she starts speaking. "So you would thank me? That's it? What else would I hear darlin? Would I hear you begging me for those things?" She asks, her voice deeper than normal. She chuckles, "Y'all are really going feral, aren't ya?"
Anyone think that @Truleewoodo needs a nude model? Think he'll model nude for a class?
Brassius starts shaking his head and tisking at the camera. " There will be no classes that I will model for. There will also never be any media of myself nude that will be made public." He leans back and scratches his head, before he continues. "BUT the only exception to that would be a private session where I would allow my significant other to artistically capture my nude self in their preferred form of media. This would be for their consumption and their consumption alone.
I just want him to cook me a meal and tell me I was a good boy. Is that too much to ask? @Arven&Mabostiff
Arven looked at the camera with a shocked look, taking a moment to collect his thoughts. "I- I. No that's not to much to ask! Quite honestly, I would love to cook for someone, other than myself, mabostiff and my other Pokémon." He said as he got a bit of a distant look.
The camera fades to black, before you appear back on screen. "And that's all for today folks! This has been today's episode of Celebrity Thirsty Tweets! See you next time!" You say before your video outro plays.
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gen4grl · 7 months
You kinda pointed out that he does a while ago so I'm curious: why don't a lot of people pick up on the fact Leon has a different, significantly more irritating personality in the anime? It REALLY doesn't seem to be a common take that he does but oh does he ever
ooooo hello and goodmorning :3
i actually think about that post bc i feel like i didn’t word it properly :o
i think leon in general has a very hit or miss personality especially with a fanbase that is so tainted with nostalgia rose coloured glasses. leon is canonically the strongest champ (compared to red i have no clue where he would stand) and despite this being clear as DAY and implied within swsh i think what made leon seem annoying and got him his rep is: 1. the anime amped his most “annoying characteristics” of being the “unbeatable champ” and how he constantly tells you and 2. showed this roided up version to more fans on a larger scale. i also think him sweeping the floor with alain and diantha then saying “oh i got lucky” did not help LOL. the anime literally ran on plot armour so im not sure why people are shocked he sweeped some oc ass character and a champion people constantly say is “the worst champion from the worst game” (diantha defence squad here!).
i think all of that makes anime fans think leons “full of himself” when i feel like most swsh enjoyers know, that isn’t true. i think he’s got a somewhat childish mindset (possible due to being in the champion light for most his life) and is constantly making sure others don’t have to worry about shit, and burdens himself with those worries. leon is the epitome of the “big brother” stereotype which is why i love him so much.
i think another issue is that leon requires a lot of filling in the gaps (swsh in general, so not an exclusive criticism to leon). giving a trainer the title “the strongest” is risky because if you don’t flesh out that backstory and just expect fans to agree, it’s gonna feel cheapened. i feel why most fans accept red to be the strongest is because we PLAYED as him as kids. we saw red go from being weak, defeating team rocket and becoming the first ever champion. so to see him all alone on mount silver with his perfectly rounded, insanely high levelled team - it feels good because we SAW him on the journey that got him there. we didn’t see that with leon so i guess the lack of relatability also adds to the dislike. i also think while leon and red are meant to kinda mirror eachother in terms of what they both represent, again, red has the relatability that saves him for most. the anime was the PERFECT opportunity to show and flesh out leons backstory but all they did was like a 5 second flashback via sonias perspective.
i think leon’s biggest character development comes from being obliterated (and possibly traumatised but let’s leave the headcanons out of this LOL) by eternatus, being manipulated by rose and then being beaten by gloria/victor. i always tell people if they wanna watch a more enjoyable leon to watch twilight wings. i feel as if all the miniseries (evos, generations, twilight wings, origins) did a WAY better job showing these characters in the actual game environment.
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pinkhairandpokemon · 6 months
OOC poll
so. for April fools I wanna do something fun like I did Hop-Swap last year w/ some moots (except it’ll probably start on the 2nd though since I’m pretty sure April 1st this year is a world strike for Palestine day), but I’m stuck between two ideas:
1. Team Plasma AU Blake takeover. basically it’s an AU where Blake never moved away from Unova as a kid, and ended up becoming a Plasma grunt and N’s personal bodyguard
2. A (probably) week-long event where each version of Blake’s past selves takes over the blog for a bit. So SWSH 16 y/o Blake, XY 17y/o Blake, and BW 18 y/o Blake.
(whichever one loses doesn’t mean I might not do that idea in the future btw)
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skrelpson · 8 months
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It's that time of year- time for skrelp to revamp his entire blog lmao
Howdy! Call me skrelp, Elliot, or Malon! I use a bunch of pronouns! Right now the main ones are They, Sylv, and She. I'll pick up pretty much anything you put down, though.
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(Favorite Gens are 2, 6, and 3!! Favorite characters are Milo, Bugsy, Erika, Jasmine, Sonia, etc...)
-The Legend of Zelda
(Favorite games are Minish Cap, OoT and MM!)
-Dungeon Meshi/Delicious in Dungeon
(I'm caught up on the manga!)
-In Stars And Time
-Lucky Star
(I've started watching the anime recently!)
-Pixel Art
-90s / 00s Media
Passive Interests!
(Meaning I don't talk about them as much (or know that much abt them), but I still think they're cool!)
-Ace Attorney
-Sailor Moon
-Deltora Quest
(If you give me a copy of the DS game I'll love you forever and ever/hj)
-Marine History
(Predominantly shipwreck archeology)
-Book Binding
-World of Horror
-Wings of Fire
(Mostly leftover info from my middle school days, lol)
-Professor Layton
-...And more!
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Currently Playing:
-Pokemon Shield
-In Stars And Time
Currently Reading:
-Station Eternity by Mur Lafferty
-Otherside Picnic (Omnibus 2) by Iori Miyazawa
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Anything Else?
-Feel free to tag me in things!* And send me reccomendations for shows and games!
-Due to my hip and cool(/s) anxiety, I tend to overthink and panic about a lot of things. So I may be slow to reach out! But! I do wanna talk!
-If I ever reblog something/say something offensive, please tell me! It's never my intention to hurt anyone.
-Let me know if you'd ever like to contact me outside of here! I have like...discord. Or email or something DJKFHAJ
- I also run @flo-aroma, which is a Pokemon sideblog! Check it out if you'd like!
-Basic DNI ig? Not like that one carrd that's been floating around, just...don't be an asshole! No bigotry, racism, transphobia, etc. Chances are I'll just block you if you make me uncomfortable 👍
-If you're a Pokemon IRL Blog and wondering why I followed you, that's because I have a few of my own! You can check out @skrelps-cafe for more info.
*for like, fun ask games or cool art you think I'd like! I don't participate in 'reblog if you think X is a valid thing', etc. They stress me out. Similar situation with chain asks(?) (is that what they're called? lol) also due to anxiety.
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Tag List!
skrelp speaks - posts of my own creation
apollo's "art" - posts featuring my own drawings
queue - ...my queue. I couldn't think of anything funny
malon muses: [oc name] - posts about one of my OCs! Currently unused.
Elliot's Extraordinarily Late Escapade - my playthrough of Pokémon SwSh's DLC, five years late (Finished!)
If you'd like anything tagged just lemme know :D
Ao3 Link
Pronouns Page
Divider Credit (1)
Divider Credit (2)
Daily Click !
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UH OH! YOU'VE ENTERED THE Pryce and Chuck Zone
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That's all now go drink some water u deserve it <3
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I like the concept of Pokémon violet, but when it comes to the actual game… the performance issues are absolutely terrible (it’s almost unplayable with the frame drops), the game doesn’t look very good, and I’ve already encountered some game breaking glitches.
I want to like this game more than I do, but with all the issues it has, I just can’t right now. I’m still trying to make the most of it since I paid for it but I can’t help but be disappointed in this game. It’s one of the only games I’ve ever had that I haven’t fully enjoyed.
I hope they introduce some patches to at least fix the frame drops and such. Just doing that will make the game a lot better. I can deal with the not so good graphics, but I can’t deal with the game running at a snail’s pace and turning into a PowerPoint slideshow.
turning into a powerpoint slide show 😭😭😭
i’ve heard so much about the game having tons of glitches. it’s honestly so embarrassing on pokemon’s behalf LOL i wish they’d take more time between games so the employees actually had realistic deadlines. and the games would benefit from it too.
so despite performances issues i’ve heard that the game is incredibly fun. it’s interesting bc i had the same experience with swsh, i thought the game itself was incredibly empty and lackluster in so many ways (story comes to mind), but i actually had a great time while playing it.
i’ll be picking up a used copy of scarlet or violet soon and i’m looking forward to it despite everything. i wanna see whatever everyone is talking about!
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