#i wanna scream about my oc lmao
mikecrewsteacup · 1 year
my wife has been listening to summaries of old and current religious stories/horror/whatever fanfic category paradise lost is in, and i've been retreading more semi-recent horror (lovecraft, shelley) and i feel myself VIBRATING with excitement of the concept of being inspired...with no commitment to actually writing but the IDEA of it is very real and very exciting... i've started two short horror stories and opened up a new concept for an oc of mine and it just kinda feels nice
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classicjdog · 7 months
hangman/swerve texas deathmatch has a death grip on my fucking brain
good shit hanger, you did it again
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pyr0graves · 6 months
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its been one of those days for awhile now
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mistercrowbar · 6 months
Heya! Firsr I wanted to say that I love your art it always makes me smile when I see it. I'm trying to learn how to draw, and eventually want to be able to draw stuff like yours. Do you have any tips/ advice on how to improve on drawing characters?
I could give the Fine Art Answer and go on about drawing from observation, from photo reference, making master studies, gestures, linear perspective, colour theory lightning composition etc etc etc but really
Let obsession grab you and ride it
I’ve known plenty of people whose art skills took off because they got into D&D and wanted to draw their OCs and they kept drawing and drawing and learning along the way. It can start as simple as, how do I draw my character making a really angry rage scream, and so you go to a mirror and make silly faces and draw from that. Then it can go to, I want to draw my OC and their party in that funny scene we RP’d at the tavern, so you start grabbing references for the interior of such a place, dabble in that perspective thing to lay out the bar, find references for the pirate NPC’s parrot, add some other elements just to frame everything nicely and bam, you’ve drawn yourself a full scene, got experience in drawing interiors, and learned some avian anatomy.
I do emphasise starting small and having fun. I illustrate full time for a living so that’s why most of what I post is silly sketches, I just wanna get the ideas out there without stressing myself. You wanna make art a habit, you want to make it something you look forward to doing, instead of getting wrapped up in thinking every new work has to be a masterpiece. Try to learn one thing at a time and add it to your repertoire instead of lumping a bunch of lessons in at once.
One thing specifically for characters, don’t jump right into making a reference. They’re likely to evolve the more you draw them as you get a better handle of what traits you want to emphasise or details that kinda get forgotten. Like, look at Aldiirn, I’ve had him for 3-4 months and he’s put on at least 30lbs lmao but also a bunch of other changes to emphasise round shapes like nose eyes hair. No one’s holding a gun to your head to keep things consistent.
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So yeah! You can crunch and do the master studies and learn quickly, but if you’re just in it for you, have some fun! Draw your blorbo a million times and try branching out for one new thing here and there. If you are just starting out, it could be helpful to learn the basics of constructing a head and general body proportions. I don’t have any tutorials to recommend but I’m sure there must be something on youtube.
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borathae · 1 year
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↳ Index [Chapter 22 - Inventions]
Warnings: there is so much going on idk where to start, the beginning makes me physically weak, there is death & betrayal & violence, Jimin is being a bitch again lmao, Yoongi deserves a hug, OC is a badass bitch we stan, much stuff is going on, there is a twist ohoho
Wordcount: 14.8k
a/n: *screams*
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Yoongi is gone again the next day. You wake before Jungkook, staring at the emptiness between your bodies where once Yoongi rested.
You were so happy last night. You shared a passionate night with your two lovers and it was incredible. You feel flutters in your tummy just thinking about it. You reach out to tug a strand of hair behind Jungkook’s ear. To imagine how far he came from when you first met him. He couldn’t even be in the same room as you and something like passionate, unrestrained sex wasn’t even possible and now you shared a private moment with each other and fucked so goddamn hard. It makes you so happy to think about.
Jungkook opens his eyes, meeting your gaze.
He smiles tiredly and closes his eyes, “morning”, he mumbles into the pillow.
“Mhhm I’m so lucky”, he whispers.
Jungkook scoots closer and drapes his arms over your back. He presses a kiss to your forehead, staying close like that afterwards.
“Cause I can wake up to the best view.”
Your heart flutters. Giggling, you nudge his waist gently.
“You’re so cute.”
“Mhm”, Jungkook hums, pecking the bridge of your nose, “I had so much fun last night”, he whispers.
“Me too.”
“I’m so lucky, baby”, he leaves little kisses on your forehead as he speaks, “thank you for last night, you made me so happy.”
“No, thank you. My legs are still jello and I’m gonna be sore for days.”
Jungkook chuckles sleepily, inhaling deeply whilst pulling you closer. Like this, you can really feel his muscles tense in his arm and feel his warmth engulf you.
“Yeah same”, he says, “I can’t believe I got fucked like this. I never had a cock up my ass while I was fucking someone. I couldn’t stop cumming.”
“Yeah, me neither. Yoongi’s kinda crazy for doing that to us, isn’t he?”
Jungkook snickers and you do too.
“We can really count ourselves lucky to be with him, can’t we?” he says.
“Yeah, we’re so lucky”, you agree, pulling him closer, “I’m so happy. When I’m with you two, I feel happy and good and like life is easy.”
“I feel the same”, Jungkook kisses your forehead, “can I tell you something?”
“Mhm, of course.”
“I’m gonna fuck you so good from now on. Mh-hm yeah, you’re gonna get that dick twenty four seven, baby.”
“Geez Kookie, don’t say that”, you fluster, “you’re making me shy.”
“Why?” Jungkook snickers.
“Because you’re…” you nudge him, “I don’t know, I just do okay?” you whine, “you’re so hot when you’re flirty, I’m not used to it.”
“No, that’s just how I am”, Jungkook teases and laughs, “I just couldn’t show you yet because I always wanted to eat you and had to stay away.”
You lift your head, locking eyes with him. His cheeks are covered in veins, but he looks in control otherwise.
“What did I sign myself up for, hm?” you tease, tracing the black veins.
Jungkook grins cutely, “I hope that’s good.”
“Mhm, it’s so good.”
“Baby”, Jungkook purrs, chasing your lips, “I wanna kiss you so bad.”
“Yeah? There’re veins on your cheeks.”
“Mhm yeah I know, that’s why I haven’t kissed you yet”, he whispers, “fuck, I gotta train even harder, I wanna kiss you.”
You run your thumb over his lips, making him purr quietly.
“You can do it, I believe in you.”
“Thanks”, Jungkook says and puts a little distance between you and him. You understand why he did it and you aren’t angry. He lets his eyes run over the empty room behind you, “where’s Yoongi?” he asks.
“I don’t know. He was gone when I woke up”, you answer him.
Jungkook shimmies back so he can look at the rest of the room, “you don’t think that he did the…you know?”
You sit up, “no. No, of course not”, you say, shaking your head vigorously.
“You sounded convinced.”
“Don’t say that. God, I feel so bad for telling him.”
“No hey”, Jungkook intertwines his fingers with you and tugs you down into his arms, “it was the right thing to do. He deserved your honesty”, he says, running his fingers up and down the back of your neck. Like this, you can take in his warm scent and the softness of his skin.
“I know, I’m just worried that’s all. I hate seeing him so upset”, you talk against his chest.
“Yeah, me too”, Jungkook squeezes you in reassurance, “should we go downstairs and check if he’s with the others?”
“Yeah, I really want to do that.”
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You find the others outside in the garden. The air smells of lavender and food. The origins of said scents were easy to spot. The sun is shining onto the lavender beds while on the dinner table, bowls of freshly cooked pasta are standing. 
Seokjin and Emma are both enjoying a serving, as is Hoseok. The latter is chatting with Sophie – one of the witches. Meredith said that she and a few others joined her coven in the sixties – when you sit down by the table. Taehyung is with them as well. And Jimin. They are sunbathing on the lounge chairs. Both are in nothing but swimming trunks and sunglasses. You feel relief wash over you at the sight of Jimin. So Yoongi didn’t go completely berserk on him. Yet.
“Good morning”, you greet them and one by one, they turn their heads to you.
“More like good lunch”, Seokjin jokes, “it’s already five past one.”
“Wow really? Gosh, we didn’t even notice the time.”
“Crazy night, huh?” Hoseok teases.
“Yeah, one could say that. It got pretty late”, Jungkook says and snickers boyishly. 
You fluster because of it, feeling your cheeks heat up. You didn’t expect him to expose your little secret, but you don’t mind. It feels nice to be so open and official about your relationship. 
“Wah our Jungkookie, you’re such a player”, Seokjin teases to which the younger vampire rolls his eyes.
“No, I’m not hyung. I just had fun with my girlfriend”, Jungkook throws back, sending even more heat to your cheeks. Confidence suits him.
Seokjin and Emma chuckle fondly, while Hoseok coos and wiggles his brows. 
Taehyung studies you from head to toe throughout the entire scene, tonguing his cheek in annoyance. He looks at Jungkook’s hand caressing your lower back. His eyes gleam in jealousy for just a second. He looks back at your face. Your gazes meet.
“A fucking joke”, he mumbles and turns his head away.
Jimin ignores you completely, fuelling the fire of annoyance by reaching out and caressing Taehyung’s cheek.
You look away, turning your attention to the people who actually seem happy about your company.
“Have you been awake for a while?” you ask them.
“Yeah, I think since seven? Right guys?” Hoseok says.
“Yes, since seven. We were already at the market with Dragana”, Emma says.
“Really? That sounds like fun”, you say.
“It was fun. That’s where we got the pasta for today’s lunch. You should try it. Dragana and I cooked it”, Hoseok says. He has been getting along with the dark-haired witch rather splendidly. You even caught them whispering to each other on more occasion than one and just two nights ago, you ran in on them chatting in the library over some tea. Hoseok seems happier, even happier than usual and whenever she is close to him, he seems to smile even brighter. Even today, they seem to almost want to stick together. There is nothing but two fingers width between their arms and Dragana has been looking at his lips the entire time he was talking. It’s cute.
“Well, then it can only be good”, you say.
“It’s so good”, Sophie says, “now sit you two before it gets cold”, she offers you and Jungkook the chairs next to her.
You gladly take her up on her offer, thanking her for the glass of wine she prepares each of you. You thank Hoseok for the pasta and then dig in.
“Wow, you weren’t lying. This is incredible”, you gush and by your side, Jungkook frowns and nods his head vigorously as he enjoys the food.
“Thanks”, Hoseok says, turning to Dragana to exchange a look. They keep staring at each other for just one second too long. Truly it’s so cute.
“Do you guys know where Yoongi is?” you ask no one in particular.
“No sorry, I thought that he was with you”, Seokjin says, shaking his head.
“I saw him leave when we left for the market”, Emma says, “but I thought that he already returned, has he not?”
You and Jungkook exchange a wary look.
“Not that I know of. Oh god, what if something happened to him?”
“Yeah sure”, Jimin throws in and scoffs, “one can dream.”
You hate that Taehyung snickers because of it. He shouldn’t snicker. Not him.
“Shut up, you bitch”, Jungkook seems less constrained in his annoyance, spitting the hateful words at both Jimin and Taehyung.
“Wow, now that hurt”, Jimin says sarcastically, rolling his eyes.
“Oh you wanna go, you-” Jungkook growls only to get interrupted by Seokjin.
“Yoongi! Hey”, he calls out, forcing Jungkook to drop back into his chair and for your heads to turn.
Yoongi is strutting to the table, wearing black from head to toe and with his hair still wet.
“What’s with the hair? Are you trying a new look today?” Hoseok asks.
“I washed it. It got dirty”, Yoongi answers him dryly. You all know what he was insinuating. That the reason why Emma watched him disappear into dusk was because he went out to hunt and that somewhere along that hunt, it escalated to the point where even his hair got dirty. Which is rarely something that happens with Yoongi. Only you and Jungkook understand the exact meaning of this fact. His hunt wasn’t of hungry nature, he was still angry.
“Wow hyung, I can’t believe you got dirty. That’s what you get from waking up so early, it makes you sloppy”, Hoseok jokes and for just a second you and Jungkook clutch each other’s hand under the table in fear that this would tick off Yoongi.
“Yeah”, Yoongi says and scoffs, acknowledging his stupid joke that way. He places his hands on your and Jungkook’s shoulders, giving both of you a good squeeze, “did you two sleep well?” he asks you.
“We did. But what about you, are you okay?” you ask him, looking at him with worried eyes.
Yoongi sneaks a glance at Jimin, “don’t worry about me, I can handle myself.”
“I know that, love. But you know me”, you take his hand, “I’m such a worried idiot.”
Yoongi pinches your chin softly, “I know.”
Taehyung, who watched the whole scene unfold and had to come to realise that you and Yoongi already made up again, rolls his eyes as far as possible.
“Jimin, can we go?” he asks the obsidian haired vampire as loudly as possible, standing up from the chair rather aggressively.
“Of course, I’m so ready to get out of here”, Jimin says, standing up with an almost taunting arch of his back, “it smells like control freak in here all of a sudden”, he adds, locking eyes with Yoongi. 
Yoongi’s fingers tighten just slightly on your shoulder.
“Yoongi knows that you forced me, Jimin. I’d shut your mouth if I were you”, you say, putting boredom into your voice because you know it would annoy him. 
You lock eyes with Taehyung, hoping that the iciness in them lets him know that you were just as pissed at him than Jimin. He seems completely taken aback and confused.
Yoongi lets out a deep growl, the kind which is just so obviously supernatural. This was a warning.
Jimin flusters even if he doesn’t show it. He does break eye contact with Yoongi however, visibly shimmying behind Taehyung. 
“Move”, he hisses at him, pushing him rather harshly. 
Taehyung stumbles, widened eyes locked on your face for as long as possible.
“___ can we-” tries to ask you, only to be shoved by Jimin again, “Jimin, what are you doing? Hey, you’re hurting me, stop pushing me.”
It aches to see him get pushed away like that, but in the end you have to let it happen. The situation is already messed up enough, you don’t want to make it worse by speaking up again. 
They soon disappear from the garden. 
Yoongi slides his hands from your shoulders, finally claiming the chair beside you.
“So you know”, Seokjin says. 
Yoongi nods his head, frowning.
“How isn’t he already plant fertilizer?”
“___ doesn’t want me to kill him.”
“Ah”, Seokjin looks at you, “I see.”
“Where are they off to either way?” 
“The town. Jimin wants clothes”, Hoseok answers you. 
Yoongi sighs loudly, fingers coming up to massage the bridge of his nose. 
“Seriously can I please murder him?” he says, eyes squeezed shut, “he is irritating me so much.”
“I relate”, Seokjin agrees. 
“No”, you say, “stop wanting to murder people.”
Yoongi groans, “I just wanna do it a little. Just break his neck once.”
“You bloodsuckers and your need for violence”, Sophie throws in, “have you not learned better, Min Yoongi?”
“I have learned better, witch”, Yoongi hisses, “but Jimin had the audacity to hurt ___”, he spits, placing his hand at the back of your head most tenderly, “nobody hurts my ___ and gets to tell the tale.”
Sophie rolls her eyes, “you truly have a liking for the dramatics. She seems fine to me.”
“Don’t test me”, Yoongi hisses before convulsing in what looks like pain, “a-ah”, he croaks, hands falling to his temples.
“Yoongi? My beloved, what’s happening?” 
“I’m making the blood in his brain boil”, Sophie answers nonchalantly.
“What? Stop that!”
“Okay”, Sophie says, clicking her fingers. 
Yoongi wheezes for air, lifting his head to reveal his glassy eyes. They are now lowering in anger, focused on the witch.
“You’re in our house now, Min Yoongi. Your threads are useless.”
“You’re fucked up”, you say, “you can’t just do that to him”, you spit, cupping his face, “my love, are you okay?”
“I’m fine”, he says, caressing your wrists, “I wasn’t trying anything, Sophie. I’m not the one who will act up, I’m telling you.”
“Oh I know. I hope he does”, she stands up with a smirk, “at least that will give me an excuse to finally pay him back for 1956.”
“What happened in 1956?”
“He broke my heart, dear”, she answers Jungkook, leaving the table afterwards to disappear somewhere in the garden. 
The mood is awkward and confused. While you and Jungkook are busy checking up on Yoongi, Seokjin and Emma are busy exchanging a confused look. Hoseok is the one speaking up. 
“Not to be dramatic or anything, but am I the only one being fed up with our breakfasts always ending in some sort of violence?”
“No, I’m tired too”, Jungkook says, “I miss our place. Can you remember all the mornings we had, guys?”
“Mhm yeah”, Hoseok sighs, “they were good mornings.”
“If you want them so bad, piss off”, Yoongi hisses, earning himself offended looks by everyone.
“Yoongi, don’t say that”, you whisper. 
“Yeah seriously, we’re on your side”, Seokjin says.
“Whatever I’m”, he sighs in defeat, “I’m sorry. I know”, he says quietly, “I’m tired of it too. I’m sorry that it’s taking me so fucking long to find this bastard.”
“Us”, Seokjin says, “we’re a team. It’s not just you.”
Yoongi lifts his gaze, looking at Seokjin in surprised awe. 
Seokjin gives him a warm smile, flustering him. 
“Whatever”, he mumbles, touching the side of his neck, “eat, you need the strength”, he says, gesturing at the food.
“You should eat too, the bread’s delicious.”
“I already ate, thanks.”
“We know”, Hoseok says, “the forest’s okay though, isn’t it? Or did you rage kill every deer?”
Yoongi studies his features with a pursed lip. He clicks his tongue, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
“You woke up a jokester today, didn’t you?” he grumbles, making Hoseok snicker.
“Just trying to lighten the mood.”
“Mhm”, Yoongi acknowledges him before pushing the chair out to get to his feet instead.
“Where are you going?” 
“Meredith, we have a lot of work to do and I wasted enough time already”, he says, leaving the table after giving you and Jungkook a soft kiss on the cheek.
“So Yoongi knows”, Seokjin says once he disappeared from sight.
“I told him last night after we talked it out.”
“I was wondering if you guys did. He seems glued to you again”, Seokjin sneaks a glance at Jungkook, “and Kook for that matter.”
“I helped them”, Jungkook says proudly, “I told them that I was hurt in the attic and that they needed to come get me, but it was just a scheme to get them to talk. I locked them in there and only opened the door once they talked it out.”
“You should have heard him act, I was so worried for him. His voice was all weak and frail”, you say.
Jungkook snickers, nodding his head proudly, “I’m a natural, what can I say.”
“Wah Kookie you’re such a sneaky mastermind”, Seokjin says, reaching over the table to slap Jungkook’s arm brotherly.
“I know, right?” Jungkook agrees, grinning cockily.
“You’re such a sneaky brat”, you say, rolling your eyes fondly, before chuckling.
“But what does he say? Did you really have to convince him not to kill Jimin?” Hoseok asks.
“I guess? He was really angry last night.”
“Understandable. I’m angry too”, Seokjin throws in to which Emma and Hoseok nod their heads, “real talk though, can’t we tell Jimin to piss off? Ever since this idiot is back everything has gone downhill. You and Taehyung are fighting all the time. Jungkook got broken up with. Yoongi’s mad and quite frankly, we’re pissed too. He’s only ruining the peace we had.”
“Yeah totally”, Hoseok agrees, “even now he had to throw in his stupid comments. Why is he always trying to start something? I bet he’s the reason why our breakfasts always escalate.”
“See? He gets me”, Seokjin points at Hoseok with his thumb and a flick of his wrist, “we should throw him out, send him back to where he came from. Which was a crusty butthole, fyi.”
“As much as I want to agree with you, I don’t think Taehyung would”, you say.
“Yeah well, I never really liked him either way”, Seokjin murmurs, earning himself a roll of your eyes.
“Well I do and I don’t want to push him away just because he’s friends with a dick.”
“They do say that the friends you keep close reflect on who you truly are.”
“I don’t think it does, otherwise I’d be an idiot.”
“Yah!” Seokjin gasps, making you snicker, “you take that back, young lady.”
“Never”, you joke, laughing because of the faux offended face Seokjin makes.
And soon the others join in too, laughing for the sake of laughing because you hadn’t done so in too long.
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You spend the day with Sanguis, catching up on your language lessons in order to be able to read the books of old. Seokjin and Emma wanted to do something fun like play board games or go for a walk on the beach, but you insisted that it was safer to stay here and study. They agreed to it groggily. You also visited Yoongi in the shed come the later afternoon hours. He was working hard with his sleeves rolled up when you visited. Meredith and the other witches were with him. Jelena is close to him again, looking at his hands.
“I’m bringing snacks”, you announce yourself, making the witches turn around.
Yoongi turns, studying you from head to toe.
“Oh ___!” Jelena calls out and smiles, “you’re an angel, we were already starving.”
“That’s good. Hobi and I made you sandwiches”, you tell them, setting down the silver platter on their working table.
The witches gather around you, each snatching a neatly done sandwich to snack on.
“Oh this is so good.”
“So yummy.”
“I love tomatoes so much.”
They chatter, eating happily.
You abandon them in order to get to Yoongi. He is on his knees, working hard to fix the side plate of the device.
“I see that you are working hard”, you say, running your fingers through his hair.
He lifts his head.
“Mhm”, he hums, nodding it.
You squat down next to him, now caressing the back of his neck.
“How far is the device already?”
“Almost done.”
“Well that’s good to hear. I’m proud of you, my prince.”
Yoongi looks at the device instantly, nodding his head.
“Mhm”, he hums, trying and failing to not let it show that your praise flustered him.
He fixes the position of a screw while you play with his soft baby hair at the nape of his neck.
“Are Taehyung and the ass back from shopping already?” he asks you.
“No, they’re not. I texted Tae, but no answer as of yet.”
“I hope he gets hit by a car.”
“Yoongi”, you gasp, dropping your hand.
“Jimin. Not Tae.”
“Yeah well, whatever. You’re saying the silliest stuff”, you murmur, nudging his arm.
“Mhm”, he acknowledges you, “can you hand me the screwdriver?”
You look at it resting by your feet, picking it up and placing it into Yoongi’s open palm.
“You’re looking so professional in what you’re doing.”
“He does, doesn’t he?” Meredith says, making you turn your head.
She already finished her sandwich. Jelena is by her side as well, looking at Yoongi.
“He’s such a big help. I don’t think we could have done it without him”, Meredith says.
You stand up, “he is?”
“Of course, Min Yoongi here knows so much”, she says, nudging his back with her foot, “don’t you?”
“He taught me most of my magic back in the days when I started out”, Jelena says.
“He did?” you ask, sneaking a glance down at him.
“Of course. He was the strictest teacher. Weren’t you, Yoongi?” she says and gives his butt a little stub with her foot.
He stands up instantly, sending her one of his looks.
“I was trying to teach you. You were a reckless girl. It wasn’t my fault that I had to discipline you.”
Jelena laughs mischievously, Yoongi rolls his eyes.
“How can I understand that?” you ask.
“Doesn’t matter”, Yoongi dismisses you, squatting back down, “it’s in the past either way.”
You huff out air, giving him a little pout even if he can’t see it.
“Yeah, sadly it is”, Jelena teases and giggles, “gosh, either way”, she dismisses the situation, “I have to leave now. I’m meeting up with Hale in town, he finished his research. I’ll be back by dinner. Doodaloo.”
“See you”, you murmur.
“I think you’ve made your girl jealous, Yoongi dear”, Meredith teases, nudging your arm.
Yoongi looks over his shoulder, “it’s in the past. She knows that it is”, he says dryly, locking eyes with you for just a second.
“Yeah totally”, you say, “you’re being weird Meredith, I’m leaving”, you say, making her laugh.
“You know that I’m just teasing, don’t you?”
“Of course, but I still have very important business to take care of.”
“Gosh, you are adorable, dear”, Meredith laughs, watching you with fond eyes as you leave the shed with burning cheeks and the empty tray under your arm.
Yoongi shifts his eyes from you to Meredith once you are out of sight.
“Don’t stick your fingers into my private life, Meredith”, he warns.
“Your private life? Oh come now, Yoongi”, she laughs, lowering herself next to him, “loosen up, we’re all friends here. ___ knows I was just teasing.”
“We’re not friends.”
She rolls her eyes, “of course we aren’t. The last two hundred years of contact state so clearly. How dare I say something differently.”
“Tch, just hand me the rubies will you?”
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Taehyung and Jimin return in the evening. You were in the sitting room when they strut past you. Well, Jimin does. Taehyung just kind of follows behind with all of the bags in his hands.
“You’re back”, you say, studying Taehyung, “why are you so packed?”
“He offered to carry my bags”, Jimin says matter of factly.
“Ah”, you cock your eyebrow up, “did he?”
“Of course he did. Am I right, Taehyung?”
Taehyung fixes the position of the bags, “of course. They aren’t heavy to me.”
“Where are the others?” Jimin asks, looking around the room.
“The boys and Emma are helping Suzy make dinner and Yoongi’s still with Meredith fixing up the device.”
“I see. And you? What are you doing?”
“Studying”, you sneak a glance at Taehyung, “and worrying about Tae. How are you, darling?”
“Uhm”, he flusters, “what?”
“I haven’t seen you all day and we haven’t talked in days, so I was wondering”, you give him a shy smile, “maybe we could chat a little after dinner.”
“Do you actually mean that?” Taehyung asks, sounding hopeful.
“Of course I do.”
“I would love-”
“We’re busy after dinner actually. We want to go out”, Jimin interrupts him, “you can gladly join us. That is if your captor allows you to leave his side. You know, now that you aren’t allowed to be our blood bag anymore”, he mocks Yoongi’s voice as he speaks.
You frown at him, “I sometimes wonder if all the rudeness in the world is stored in you”, you say, “show a little empathy before I run out of mine and punch you in the throat.”
Jimin snorts and laughs, “good one. Either way”, he snaps his finger, “come Taehyung. I want to try on my clothes”, he says and struts off.
Taehyung lingers by your side, studying you with weary yet hopeful eyes.
“You could just drop those bags and join me in my studies”, you offer him, “I miss studying with you.”
Taehyung nods his head, taking a step closer to you.
“Yeah? Oh darling, that makes me happy to hear. Come here”, you say, welcoming him with open arms.
Taehyung drops the bags and hurries to you.
“Taehyung!” Jimin yells from upstairs.
He flinches and stops.
“Are you coming or not?”
“You don’t have to, you know?” you tell him, “he can very well carry his own bags.”
“I’ll just bring the bags upstairs, I’m already at it”, Taehyung says, inching back to the bags.
“Tae, darling”, you say, sagging your shoulders.
“I’ll be back soon. I promise”, he says and with that, grabs the bags and disappears upstairs.
He won’t come back again and you are destined to study alone until dinner is served.
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The food fills the dining room with a mouth watering smell. Most of the witches, safe for Jelena who was still out and Suzy who is getting more wine, have already gathered. Hoseok and Jungkook are chatting with two of them as they pour wine into everybody’s cups. Meredith is talking to Yoongi. The latter turns away from her when he notices you enter the room.
He gets to his feet, pulling out the chair next to him.
You hurry to him quickly, allowing him to help with the chair once you sat down.
“Thank you”, you tell him.
“Mhm yeah”, he says, studying your face.
“You did your hair”, you say, touching the soft curls framing his face.
“I looked messy”, he answers you, moving his head away for the sole reason of being embarrassed by public skinship.
“I love how you did it, you’re so handsome like this.”
“Mhm”, he nods his head and then turns to Meredith, picking up the conversation again.
You would have joined them, hadn’t Taehyung and Jimin entered the dining room. They are dressed in clothes which let you know that somehow, Jimin managed to convince Taehyung to actually go out after dinner. They sit down opposite you and Yoongi.
And while Yoongi willingly ignores them just to spite Jimin, you can’t take your eyes off of Taehyung.
“I missed you during studying”, you tell him.
“He was busy”, Jimin throws in.
“I wasn’t talking to you, you walnut. Taehyung can speak for himself.”
Jimin scoffs, swallowing down the snarky remark for now. Not because he wanted to, but because he felt Yoongi’s deathly glare on him. He leans back in his chair and turns to his left to instead chat with Dragana about the fabric of his shirt.
You send him one last dark look then avert your eyes to Taehyung.
“You look very handsome”, you tell him, “I love the way you did your eyes.”
“Thank you”, he says quietly.
“Are you really planning on going out later?”
He nods his head slowly.
“Well, that’s a shame. I thought that maybe we could play some card games together. Hobi asked if we wanted to join.”
Taehyung’s eyes fill with sad longing, running over your face.
“I like card games”, he says in a small voice.
“Yeah?” you reach over the table, placing your hand over his’, “you can join us if you want to. We’re still one player short.”
Taehyung nods his head as carefully as possible.
“Yeah? Oh, that’s great to hear.”
“He isn’t going”, Jimin throws in, “right Taetae? You promised me to go out later.”
“But card games sound fun”, Taehyung answers him quietly, looking oh so sad.
“What are you? A bore or something?”
Taehyung lowers his head sadly.
“As I tho-”
“Let off of him, Jimin”, Yoongi interrupts him. He watched the whole ordeal long enough to want to speak up.
“Why are you talking?” Jimin throws back.
“Because you’re acting like a controlling cunt. Let Taehyung play card games with the others if that’s what he wants. He is very capable of thinking for himself and you don’t own him.”
Jimin tenses his jaw, while Taehyung stares at Yoongi with his eyes widened in shock. He defended him. Yoongi stood up for him. He was on his side.
Yoongi lets his eyes flit to Taehyung. The latter gives him the smallest and shiest smile ever. One which Yoongi barely even retorts, breaking the eye contact as quickly as he started it.
Taehyung looks into your eyes.
“I want to stay for card games”, he tells you with his voice louder than before.
“That is so great to hear. I’m sure that we will have lots of fun”, you say, ignoring the way Jimin lowers his eyes in pure anger.
Seconds later and Emma announces that dinner has officially been served. Everyone, safe for Yoongi and Jimin, takes a portion of the delicious smelling meal. He adheres to his glass of red wine, sipping on it throughout dinner. Jimin stays silent for most of it, but one could sense that he was considering whether or not to ram his fork through Yoongi’s skull.
Dinner is delicious. Like always, Seokjin and Emma managed to create the most flavourful meal in existence. The sweet wine the witches produce in their winery compliments the food, elevating its exquisite tastes. Everyone loves it. Especially Jungkook who seems to be especially hungry for human food tonight. He frowns throughout dinner – a clear sign that he loved the food – while making high-pitched sounds of approval and nodding his head vigorously. You offered Yoongi a little bite too, but he dismissed you with a little pinch to your cheek and a soft “thanks, my love.” Taehyung seems to be enjoying himself too, now that the feeling of having no one to back him was gone, he really started to become himself again. He and Hoseok were lost in deep conversation the entire starter and main course, talking about the most random topics before landing on their shared interest of music. Yoongi joined the conversation then, giving his occasional commentary and throwing in his random, obscure music trivia fact which impressed you and the others greatly.
Seokjin and Emma clear the table with the help of Dragana and two other witches once the main course was finished, disappearing back in the kitchen with promise of dessert soon.
“I’ll see where Suzy is off to. I want more wine”, Lela excused herself as well, leaving the dining room whilst snacking on a sweet grape.
“Now Meredith”, you say, looking past Yoongi at the witch, “how far is the device? Were you able to finish it?”
“We were, yes”, she answers you, “Yoongi was of great help. I don’t think that we would have been able to finish it today without him.”
Yoongi acts as if he couldn’t hear her, sipping on his wine nonchalantly.
“That’s great”, you say, caressing the back of his neck to let him know that you were proud of him, “and how exactly is this device going to work now?”
“It’s rather simple actually. To activate it, you have to fill it with the blood of the person with the greatest grudge against Namjoon and through magic, the blood will active the power of the gemstones in the heart of the device.”
“And what will those gemstones do?”
“They will send out a frequency which will act like sort of a paralysing factor. If it reaches Namjoon, he won’t be able to move for as long as the device is glowing and in this time, Yoongi will capture him using some of my binding shackles.”
“That sounds like a good plan. Whose blood are you going to use?”
“Mine”, Yoongi answers you.
“Mhm”, Yoongi studies your face, “if somebody has to make sure he gets put down, it’s gonna be me. Besides, we only have one try, we can’t risk using the wrong blood.”
“One try? Why? What will happen if you fail?”
“Namjoon will flee and the device will be broken. I have to make sure that it works.”
“I’m sure it will. You’re always so resourceful, I’m sure this plan will be successful”, you assure him.
“I hope it will be. I can’t risk it failing”, he looks at you, eyes lingering on your lips, “I want you to be able to go home.”
“Gosh Yoongs, you’re so sweet”, you say with a fluttering heart. You reach out, cupping his cheek, “and if it fails, we’ll just look at one more city together. We’re a team, yeah?”
“Mhm yeah”, Yoongi says, leaning into your touch.
“Tzt laughable”, Jimin murmurs.
You send him a deathly glare. Yoongi frowns at him.
“Excuse me?” you say.
“Jimin, please be quiet”, Taehyung whispers.
“It’s not like you actually love her“, Jimin ignores him however. 
“What?” Yoongi hisses.
“What the fuck?” you gasp, hand slipping to the back of Yoongi’s neck in a protective manner.
“You have no concept of love. How could you when you didn’t feel a thing for thousands of years and hid away like a coward for half your life?”
“Yo dude, tone down your attitude. We’re having a nice dinner right now. Besides, Yoongi’s the only one here who actually knows how to defeat Namjoon and he’s doing a great job at that”, Hoseok throws in with anger on his face.
“Yeah seriously, chill out for once”, Jungkook hisses.
“As if he isn’t doing that all for himself”, Jimin scoffs, “spoiler alert, Min Yoongi. One good deed is not going to erase the fact that you killed thousands in your past.”
“Why are you saying that?” Yoongi says, trying and failing to keep his voice from trembling, “I didn’t even do anything right now. All I want to do is to make the world a safer place. Why are you always like that?”
“Oh? You have to ask?” Jimin throws back, hellbent on getting his revenge for Yoongi and you convincing Taehyung to stay back.
“Please be quiet, Jimin”, Taehyung begs, getting dismissed with a flick of Jimin’s wrist.
“Yeah, fucking shut your mouth”, you spit, squeezing Yoongi’s neck in an angry massage.
“You barely even know how to be human and you want to tell the rest of us how to behave. Look at yourself first and actually learn how to handle your emotions or are you too much of a monster for that, mhm?” Jimin spits.
Yoongi falls back in his chair, eyes showing how deeply hurt he was because of his words.
“Be quiet!” you bark.
“Leave him alone or I’ll kill you!” Jungkook yells with ruby eyes.
“Be honest, you don’t love her. You-”, Jimin continues.
“Shut up, you fuck!” you interrupt him, but Jimin doesn’t care.
“You’re nothing but a greedy Glutton having found your obsession with her. Those aren’t real feelings, you’re just being a fucked-up Glutton.”
“I’m going to kill you“, Yoongi roars, jumping up from the seat to launch himself at Jimin. 
He doesn’t get far and strong magic flings him against a wall, knocking the air out of him. 
“My love!” you exclaim.
Yoongi is on his feet in an instant, bleeding out of his cheek now that he has a big shard of a shattered picture frame casually stuck in his flesh. He rips it out and drops it, eyes focusing on Sophie. 
“What the hell?” he says, wound closing up quickly.
“No violence in my home. Do you hear me, Min Yoongi?” she says calmly. 
“So I can’t even fucking defend myself? Did you hear what he said to me? I just gotta sit there and take it?” Yoongi spits, pointing at his own chest with his eyes widened in shocked anger.
Sophie shrugs her shoulders, earning herself the most poisonous look from Meredith.
Jimin snickers, only fuelling the anger in Yoongi’s chest. 
“Shut the fuck up!” he barks, “stop laughing you ugly bastard!” 
“Oh, I’m sorry but this hilarious. What’s wrong, Min Yoongi? Are you embarrassed that you got called out? Mhm? Control your emotions, will you?”
“Princess, please”, Yoongi looks at you with pitch black eyes, “please, can I kill him? I’m fucking begging you.” Yoongi suddenly hisses, face contorting in pain. “Ah, shit”, he groans, hands falling to his temples.
“Control your temper, old friend”, Sophie warns. 
“Sophie, stop that before I put you down”, Meredith warns.
“Stop that, please!” you beg.
“Yoongi hasn’t done anything wrong!” Jungkook pleads.
“No, no, continue this is hilarious”, Jimin cackles.
“Please everyone just stop”, Taehyung wails.
“Jesus fuck, you’ve got issues Jimin. Serious issues”, Hoseok murmurs.
“Are you behaving?” Sophie challenges.
“Sophie! Cut the bullshit!” Meredith yells and with a flick of her wrists stops Sophie’s magic.
Yoongi shoots up with a gasp, sending Sophie a dark gaze before his eyes fall to a cackling Jimin.
He storms to the table, slamming his hands on it.
“What’s your fucking problem?” he spits, “why do you wanna ruin everything I build?”
“You have to ask?!”
“Yes! Yes I gotta fucking ask!”
Jimin jumps up, slamming his hands on the table, “because you never helped me! You let Namjoon hurt me to the point where I took days to heal! You let him ruin my life, so why should I sit idly by and watch you find happiness when you allowed him to ruin mine?” Jimin screams, “why did you never help me? Why did you let him hurt me so much? Why?”
Jimin stares, inhales loudly and presses out a sob. His face contorts in tears. The room is silent as everyone stares. 
“Why was I never good enough for your help? I know I’m not perfect, but why did I have to suffer so much? Why?”
Yoongi is panting and slowly but surely his once angry features morph into surprise.
“That’s it? That’s why you’ve been acting like such a fucking bastard all this time? Because you wanted revenge?” Yoongi says, staring at Jimin with widened eyes. 
“Did I stutter? You heard me clearly!” Jimin hisses, dripping tears even if his face contorts in anger. 
“Jimin”, Yoongi begins, “for the longest time I had no idea what Namjoon was doing to you.”
“Liar! You just didn’t care!”
“I care now!” Yoongi screams and slams his hand on the table, “yes, you’re right, there was a time where I couldn’t give two shits about what Namjoon did and I’ll regret this for all eternity. And I’m sorry”, Yoongi grips the edge of the table to the point where his pale knuckles turn bright white, “I’m so fucking sorry that I didn’t care for such a long time and that this meant you had to live in hell, but I care now and I’m trying to make up for it by taking action and making sure you guys are safe. I can’t change the past, but I can make sure the future is good. Fuck’s sake you bastard, I could have killed you a dozen times already and yet I didn’t. I didn’t because I want you to find peace. Do you hear me?”
Yoongi slams his hand on the table again just to make a statement.
“I want to make the world a better place for you too. I want you to heal and to feel safe in being yourself. I do all this work for you too! So for fuck’s sake, stop working against me!”
The room is silent. The air is so tense one could cut it with a knife. Yoongi really just said that. 
“Hyung”, Taehyung whispers. 
Yoongi studies his features, looks at Jimin and clenches his jaw. Their gazes barely meet. A deep inhale. He pushes himself off the table. 
“Fuck”, he exhales and turns to storm out of the room. 
Silence. One second. Two. Eyes flit to Jimin. He looks honestly and truly surprised, blinking his tears away before his eyes darken in anger (you were all aware that this was pretend to hide his real emotions). 
“Stop staring, you cunts”, Jimin hisses and runs out of the room. 
“Mimi wait!” Taehyung calls after him, “excuse me for a moment”, he addresses all of you then turns to leave, “Jiminie wait! Talk to me! Wait!” he calls out as he leaves in search for Jimin.
The door closes. You are all alone, exchanging flabbergasted looks.
“What the actual hell was that?” Hoseok says what you are all thinking. 
“Did that actually just happen?” Jungkook asks. 
“Uhh, what is going on? We’re out for two minutes and everything escalates”, Seokjin says, holding a huge plate of sweet milk cakes.
“Oh dear, what happened? Where’s everyone?” Emma gasps, entering the room seconds later with a tray of chocolate pudding.
“Bro, I can’t. The craziest shit just happened ”, Hoseok answers them. 
“Okay? What?”
You stop listening, storming out of the room to look for Yoongi. Judging by the roar of anger coming from the attic, followed by the shattering of something, he must be upstairs.
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A shelf filled with heavy book drops right in front of you the moment you set foot into the attic. 
“Geez”, you squeak, jumping back at the last moment.
A growl reaches your ear, your eyes meet a shadowy figure staring at you from the darkness. He is carrying a chair but drops it when he finally takes in your presence.
“Yoongi hey, it’s me”, you take a little step closer.
Yoongi growls deeply, carrying his truest face. Hidden slightly in the shadows, he truly looks like a figure of nightmares. But you aren’t scared, not one bit. You are just so incredibly worried. 
“Hey love, I’m here.”
“Leave”, Yoongi speaks with two voices, one so sweetly familiar to you and one laced with demonic anger. 
You shake your head, stepping over the ruined bookshelf. 
He watches you, frozen on the spot and with his shoulders heaving up and down quickly. 
“Leave”, he stresses.
“No, I won’t. Somebody’s gotta make sure you don’t hurt yourself.”
“Leave me alone!” he screams, but you shake your head. 
“How are you doing?”
“I hate him! That’s how I’m doing”, Yoongi’s voice is raised in anger “I hate him so much.”
“He was just trying to provoke a reaction from you”, you say.
“Then he should pick something else!” he yells, kicking a book across the room, “not my emotions!”
“I know love, I know. But he knows that he can get you like this, I’m sure that’s why he always does that shit.”
“He doesn’t even understand me! Doesn’t he get it? I spent half of my life forcing myself to rot and the rest of it wanting to fucking die. A-and now I just want to make the world better! Why can’t he let me be?!”
Yoongi kicks another book.
“All I’ve been feeling, all my fucking life, was pain until you came”, Yoongi stops abruptly, inhaling shakily, “a-and he dares to question my feelings for you? He dares to say that, that i-it’s not real? That, t-that it’s only because I’m a-”, Yoongi stops talking, throwing his hand over his own mouth even if it is hard in his current state. 
“I know my prince, I know how betrayed and angry you feel, I feel the same”, you say, inching closer. 
“Stay where you are”, he warns, stumbling back.
But you don’t listen. 
“Please don’t come any closer”, he begs hiding away in the shadows.
But you reach for him. He flinches, but doesn’t fight you off. 
You cup his cheeks, eyes racing over his features.
“Don’t touch me, look away”, he chokes out, trying and failing to pull his head away, to hide his features, to become normal again.
“I love you”, you say, tracing the features which brought him so much misery in his life. And you do it with unyielding adoration.
Yoongi blinks, mouth slowly morphing back into his normal mouth. You smile, tracing his lips.
“I love you, Min Yoongi”, you repeat, caressing his cheeks.
The obsidian veins disappear from his skin as if your touch was magic. And to Yoongi it was. The only magic able to bring back harmony to his loud mind. 
“I love you”, you whisper, stepping closer just so you can kiss his lips. 
Yoongi squeezes his eyes shut, cupping your cheeks with shaking fingers. 
When you pull back and his eyes flutter open again, nothing but the endless depth of his dark brown eyes stare back at you. 
You smile, tracing the sensitive skin right underneath them.
“How are you?” you ask him.
Yoongi’s eyes race between yours, his fingers grasp your face.
“I love you”, he chokes out, “I love you with all my heart and every fucking inch of my soul. It’s not because I’m a-”, his lips tremble, “you know that, don’t you?”
“Yes, Yoongi I do. I wouldn’t mind if you’re a little obsessed with me, though. Quite frankly, I hope you are.”
He laughs, spilling tears. You wipe them away, smiling with him.
“I am”, he says, nodding his head. 
“Good. Because I’m obsessed with you too”, you say, “all of you. Every side of you.”
Painful embarrassment washes over his features. “I’m so sorry”, he croaks, hiding his face in the palms of his hands, “you were not supposed to see me like that. I’m so ugly.”
“Shut up, no you’re not”, you gasp, “I just told you that I’m obsessed with every side of you and I meant it!”
He shudders in an inaudible sob, growing smaller in an attempt to hide away.
“I'm sorry”, he croaks, “I'm sorry, I’m crying so much lately. I’m sorry I have so much going on, everything hurts me.”
“God Yoongi. Come here, my love. I’ll give you the best goddamn hug ever”, you say, pulling him in aggressively. Oh, you hug him as tightly as possible, as strongly as possible, as adoringly as possible. You need to squeeze every single ounce of self hatred out of his tiny little body. 
“I’m sorry”, he squeaks.
“Stop apologising. You can cry as much as you need to”, you assure him, swaying your bodies from side to side.
“I fucking hate emotions. They’re so much.”
“I know, but you’re not alone. You’ve got me and you’ve got Kookie. We’ll always be there for you when it gets too much.”
“I know”, he squeezes you, “I’m so grateful for you. Thank you so much.”
“Don’t. I do it gladly”, you whisper and pull him closer.
“Fuck”, he melts into you, “I’m so ugly, aren’t I?”
“Shut up! Don’t ever call yourself ugly again. You’re so beautiful”, you say, shaking him violently, “don’t do that. Hear me, my love?” you say through gritted teeth, apparently shaking him so well that Yoongi feels the need to begin squirming, making sounds of embarrassment as he does. They are a mixture of unsure giggles and little huffs of air. 
“Hear me?” you say, doing the unthinkable of picking him up. 
Yoongi full on whines, grasping your shoulders tightly.
“You’re pretty”, you say, bouncing him in your arms, “so freaking handsome.”
“Stop. Set me down”, Yoongi complains, kicking the air weakly. 
“Not before you tell me that you think that you’re handsome”, you warn, bouncing him again just so you can grip him better. Right under his butt, squishing up the flesh and holding his legs hostage.
“I’m handsome. Now let me down”, he says.
“Now say it as if you mean it.”
“I-I’m handsome”, he stutters.
“Good boy”, you praise, holding him for a little while longer.
“Let. Me. Down”, Yoongi stresses, wiggling like a panicky fish. His cheeks are burning up, aflame, properly flushed. His eyes can’t bear to look anywhere close your face.
“You’re so cute, my prince. And really light, I could carry you for hours.”
“Well don’t, set me down”, Yoongi stresses, kicking the air again.
“Uff fine”, you let out, dropping him without warning.
Yoongi lands clumsily, knees buckling so much that he falls into you.
“Gosh, you sweetie”, you chuckle, caressing his back.
“No”, Yoongi pushes himself off of you just to run to the other side of the room. Now pressed against the round window and with his hands pressed to his chest, he looks at you panickedly.
“Don’t run away, come here”, you say, closing the distance in big steps, “let me give you squishies.”
“Stay away, you’re weird”, he says, fighting you off by slapping your hands softly.
“No”, you say, burying your face in his neck, “you’re so handsome and I need you to remember this, always.”
“I, I will just don’t lift me again.”
“Did you like it?”
Silence for a second, then a whispered, “no, it’s weird.”
“Oh, you’re lying”, you say, giggling as you lift your head to gaze at him, “be honest, you love it when I push you around.”
He looks to the side, “shut up”, he murmurs.
“It’s because you’re tiny and cute”, you add, making him widen his eyes in shock.
“Shut up”, he whines, “what the hell is your problem?”
You cackle, caressing his waist.
“Don’t laugh like that”, Yoongi hisses, pressing himself against the cold window as tightly as possible.
“You’re so cute, oh my gosh”, you say, squishing yourself against him. You nuzzle your face into his neck, “I wanna eat you up”, you whisper, biting him gently.
He gasps then shudders with his entire body, knees growing weak and hands clutching your hips. His head falls against your shoulder completely defeated by gravity. His arms wind around your torso until your bodies are almost merged into one. And even then he squeezes you tighter to make sure that you were really here in his arms.
“You are so sweet”, you whisper, melting in his embrace.
“Do you think that he was right?” he asks quietly.
“No, he was being a cunt”, you say without hesitation, “you don’t suck at emotions and he should take a look at himself in my opinion. Because if someone has issues, then it’s him. Not you”, you assure him, “you do so much for everyone, even for him, and if he is too stubborn to see that then it’s his problem not yours.”
“You really think so?” he sounds unsure.
“Yes, I really think so”, you say. You run your fingers through his long hair and with it, sending his mind into a complete state of tranquillity, “don’t let his words get to you. I’m sure he is already regretting them now that he knows that despite all the shit he pulls, you still want to make the world better for him.”
“He makes it really hard. All I wanna do is help people and he always calls me a monster.”
“I know”, you squeeze, “fuck, I know. But it’s not true when he says that. You are not a monster and nobody thinks that you are.”
Yoongi nods his head in understanding.
“I’ll fix it, yeah? I’ll have a talk with him.”
“No, don’t.”
“Well, I want to. You’re my Yoongi and that means I’ll try to fix the shit that hurts you.”
Yoongi can’t even control the pout washing over his face while his brows furrow tightly. His chest tightens not uncomfortably but from utter gratefulness.
Maybe it’s not that bad that you found him. Maybe Yoongi is glad that he didn’t hide well enough. Maybe it is actually nice to be held and to know that he can share that awful pain in his chest. And maybe it is actually nice to know he can lean on you and maybe because of it, he doesn’t feel like crying anymore. 
“Thank you”, his voice is barely there and if he wasn’t hugging you so closely you probably would have missed it.
“Don’t. I mean it”, you tell him, craning your neck to kiss his forehead.
Yoongi closes his eyes. The kiss you just gave him lingers on his skin even long after you pull back. It keeps him warm and makes him decide that he loves forehead kisses so, so much.
“I love you, Yoongi love”, you whisper, swaying your bodies from side to side almost as if you were dancing.
Yoongi lets you guide him with his eyes closed and his body calming down more and more. He may have a lot of issues, but they don’t even feel important when you are holding him. He runs his hands to your upper back and presses your chest closer to his’. He can feel your heartbeat this way. The sensation is paradise to him. It truly is.
“I love you too”, he says so quietly that only you can hear him. It feels easy to say these words right now. Because you make it so godamn easy to love you. Yoongi tightens his arms around you and buries his nose in the warm of neck, “so much”, he adds. 
“Oh, my love”, you whisper, ruffling his hair. You won’t ever grow tired of hearing these wonderful words from him.
“Yoongi? Are you there? I- what the hell happened here?” the voice interrupting your silence rips Yoongi out of his comforting trance.
You both look at the door.
Jelena is standing in the threshold, staring at the ruined bookshelf.
“What did you do?” she asks, lowering her eyes in annoyance.
Yoongi picks you up just so he can set you aside. You huff out air. Stupid Jelena interrupting your sweet moment. You were so ready to hug him for the rest of the night.
“What do you need, Jelena?” Yoongi speaks without emotion in his voice, carrying his usual public frown on his face.
“I just returned from my research and wanted to share it with you. Did you do that?”
“No”, Yoongi lies perfectly, “this was already like that when we came here. What did you learn?”
“Are you changing the topic?”
Yoongi struts to her in big steps, “no, you’re imagining it.”
“Sure, I am”, she says, shaking her head in disbelief, “you’re cleaning this mess, I am telling you. If Meredith finds out that you destroyed her bookshelf, she’ll kill you.”
“Whatever. What did you learn?”
“Come, I’ll show you.”
“Wait! I’ll come with you” you call out, hurrying to Yoongi’s side. You grab his hand. He gives you a gentle squeeze instantly, pulling you closer to him as if it was instinct.
“You are okay, aren’t you?” Jelena asks, studying Yoongi’s face. She can notice the small glimmers of past tears on his lashes.
“I’m fine now”, he answers her, squeezing your hand again.
Jelena sneaks a glance at you and smiles knowingly.
“That’s good to hear. You know, Hale had a lot to say.”
“Yeah? What did he say?”
Jelena reaches into her bag and pulls out a book, placing it into Yoongi’s hand.
“He gave us one of his spell books as an amplifier.”
“That’s good. It’ll help a lot”, Yoongi says, handing the book back to her, “will he be with us for the locating spell tomorrow?”
“Yes and he’ll bring his husband too.”
“Mhm”, Yoongi glances at Jelena, “I didn’t know that they got married.”
“Yes, five years ago. Luka was the one who asked him.”
“That’s good. They deserve each other”, Yoongi says, drawing a small heart on your hand.
“Are Luke and Hale witches too?”
“Yes, they’ve been practicing magic for two hundred years?” Jelena glances at Yoongi.
“Mhm yeah around that much”, Yoongi says, “they’re experts in locating spells.”
“We’ll use the spell to finally track Namjoon, right?” you ask to which Yoongi nods his head.
“Yeah. Hopefully it’ll work. The updates Hale gave me until now always led to Namjoon having already fled the cities.”
“Yes, but with you here as an anchor we can track him as precisely as possible”, Jelena says.
“Yeah, right”, Yoongi agrees, slowing down his steps as you pass by the dining room. Everyone except for Sophie and Shirley (another witch who joined the coven with Sophie) was missing.
“It’s empty?” you say.
Sophie turns.
“Ah hello there”, she says, “the others are in the sitting room if you need them. The witches left for the market, yes the market. Why are you guys here?”
“I came back from Hale. Yoongi and I wanted to go over his spell book and prepare the ingredients for tomorrow’s locating spell.”
“Oh, that’s wonderful. We’ll join you. Right Shirley?”
“Yes, we’ll join you.”
“We should do it upstairs, Jelena”, Sophie says, “it’s better than staying in the mess outside.”
“What do you mean?” you ask.
“It’s a mess, I am telling you. Jimin is screaming at Taehyung in the garden. Look he even managed to cut both our hands”, she says and shows off the deep cut on her hand. 
Shirley shows off hers as well. They look done by a knife. 
Yoongi lowers his eyes at them, “that’s a precise cut.”
“Indeed”, Sophie agrees, “he had a knife.”
“A knife? Did he?” 
“Yes, yes either way”, Sophie places her hands on Jelena’s shoulders and pushes her gently, “we should do it in your room, it’s better than going outside.”
“Wait”, you say.
The witches and Yoongi look at you. You only look at Yoongi.
“Do you want to go looking for Tae while I talk with the others?” Yoongi asks with understanding in his voice.
You nod your head, “are you okay with that?”
“Of course”, he assures you, caressing the back of your head, “don’t go too far, yeah? I need you to be in ears’ length still”, he steps closer and presses his lips to you ear to whisper, “take this and throw it on the ground when something happens. Do not take your ring off.”
“What?” you whisper so only he can hear you, accepting the small flask of what looks like ash. You clutch it tightly in your hand.
“Don’t step out of the circle, yeah?” Yoongi whispers and straigtens up to look deep into your eyes. You are confused by his words, but don’t dare to ask him for clarification. You know Yoongi. There was a reason why he whispered the last part.  
“Y-yeah, yeah I won’t”, you say. 
“That’s my princess”, he praises and smiles. He gives your cheek a soft caress and steps back, “be careful, love.”
“I will”, you promise him, “I’ll see you later.”
“Mhm yeah.”
And with that you abandon Yoongi and the witches on the staircase, hurrying to the kitchen. You open your palm when you are sure that you are alone. 
“What did he mean by all of that?” you wonder out loud in a murmur, inspecting the flask. It is made of translucent glass, showcasing a black powder. It must be of magical nature. Yoongi told you to throw it on the ground and not to step out of the circle. Does it mean that this powder will form a circle once thrown on the ground? And will it protect you? It must be that. Yoongi only tells you to do certain things if they meant your safety. 
You close your palm and take a deep breath. You have to stay calm. For now, you aren’t in danger. Yoongi would have reacted differently if you were and he wouldn’t have let you run off alone. Whatever he just gave you must be a precaution. Perhaps to you wanting to talk to Taehyung and Jimin. It would make sense why he told you to not take off your ring. 
“Okay, I’m calm. As long as I have this and my ring, I’m fine”, you say and decide to continue your journey. It isn’t far anymore.
You run into someone as you leave for outside. 
“Oh? Oops”, you stumble and look up, “Jimin?”
“Outta my way.”
“Hey”, you stop him by his wrist before he can leave, “where’s Tae?”
“Outside, fountain. Let me go.”
“No. I know what you did to him. You’re not running away now”, you say, pushing him back until he stumbles outside with his back facing the terrace.
“Huh?” he lets out, tilting his head to the side in confusion.
“You’re not gonna fuck him up again and then ditch. Fucking own up to your mistakes”, you spit, pushing him again.
“What the fuck are you saying?”
“Also? The things you said to Yoongi about him only being with me because he’s a Glutton? I need you to apologise for them. You know, just like everyone here, that Yoongi loves me honestly and deeply, so don’t you dare say that again. He does so much, so be fucking grateful”, you say and grip his wrist tightly. You tug him with you, “now follow me. Where is Tae?”
“Fountain, I said so”, Jimin says, stumbling after you, “hey, let go of me. What are you doing?”
“I also want you to clear up the lies you told Tae. You fucking bastard won’t get outta this situation by making me the villain. You messed up, so fucking own up to it. You can’t expect Yoongi to own up to his shit, but then you do nothing to better yourself.”
“You are literally so confusing right now”, Jimin says, stumbling after you.
You ignore him, looking for Taehyung.
“Taehyung?” you call out.
No answer.
“Where are you? Please answer me”, you try again, walking to the fountain.
No answer, just the gurgling of the water.
“Taehy- oh there you are”, you had almost fallen over him as you crossed the corner, “hey, what are you doing here sitting in the dark and on the cold ground?”
He lifts his head, furrowing his brows in confusion.
“What are you doing here?” he asks.
“I heard what Jimin did, so I brought him here to apologise”, you say, gripping the latter by his shoulders and shoving him in front of you.
Taehyung and Jimin exchange a confused look.
“What is she talking about, Mimi?”
“You tell me”, Jimin says.
“Huh?” you poke your head past Jimin’s arm, “stop acting confused. You yelled at Tae, didn’t you?”
“What?” Jimin lets out and snorts.
Taehyung breaks into laughter as well.
You look at them, “why are you laughing?”
“He didn’t yell at me”, Taehyung says, wiping tears from his eyes, “we merely talked and then Jimin left to get some wine.”
“I don’t know who told you that, but we’re good sweetheart”, Jimin says and snickers.
They both do and somehow it annoys you.
“What’s so funny?” you hiss at them, stomping your foot loudly.
Taehyung stops laughing, looking up at you with widened eyes. Jimin still continues, but stops soon after when you slap his arm hard enough that it hurts.
“Ah”, he gasps, rubbing the spot.
“You two piss me off lately”, you spit.
“Me? Why me?” Taehyung gasps.
“Because you’re acting like an idiot.”
“Huh?” Taehyung lets out, widening his eyes further.
“Yeah, you heard me”, you say and slam your hand down on Jimin’s shoulder, “stay. You’re not running away.”
“But-”, Jimin doesn’t get to finish his complaint and you have already forced him to his knees. Jimin falls onto his butt with a low grunt, wobbling so hard he falls into Taehyung’s side. The latter catches him by throwing his arm over his shoulder. They both stare up at you with widened eyes afterwards, looking utterly and truly flabbergasted.
“This is as much your conversation as it is Tae’s. So stay”, you say, “actually you know what? Imma start with you either way. You’re a dick.”
“You know damn well that Yoongi’s the only person who can actually save your ass if Namjoon ever finds out you’re alive. I also know that that’s the main reason why you two idiots are still here even if you are too proud to admit it.”
They both lower their eyes.
“Look at me”, you order them and somehow they are so surprised by your harsh tone that they actually follow, “clearly you have your own packages to heal from and I won’t ever invalidate the trauma you had to live through and I genuinely wish for you to heal from it, but I won’t allow you acting like an ass because of it. You are going to apologise to Yoongi and you are finally going to tell Taehyung the truth about what happened at the club.”
Taehyung glances at Jimin.
“Are we clear, Park Jimin?” you spit.
“And if I don’t?”
“Do you wanna find out how I am when I’m actually angry?” you warn, taking a small step closer.
Jimin presses his back against the fountain as inconspicuously as possible.
“It’s alright, darling. I’m not angry that you lied. I understand why you did it”, Taehyung assures you and tries to hold your hand. Your dark eyes flit to him, darkening even more. He gulps, pulling his hand away again.
“You’re a naïve idiot if you really think that I could actually lie like this”, you say, “no. You know what? You piss me off”, you add in a harsher voice, “there. I said it. Ever since Jimin is back you are acting like a literal idiot.”
“Rude”, Jimin says.
“Shut up, it’s not your turn.”
“So can I leave?”
“Does this look like this kind of situation?” you throw back, “I don’t think so. You are leaving when I tell you that you can.”
“Fuck. Fine”, Jimin mumbles, looking to the side.
You look back at Taehyung, who looks both scared and highly impressed by you.
“I know that Jimin is your best friend and I really don’t want to portray him as a complete asshole because I know that he has his reasons for being the way he is, which by the way no excuse”, you add the last part solely for Jimin to hear, sending him a look.
He retorts it with a scoff.
“But you seriously have to stop giving him so much power over you”, you address Taehyung again, “ever since he’s back, you stopped thinking for yourself. And I know I’m sure you just want to impress your best friend because you missed him a lot, but I get the feeling that you are dancing on the border of giving yourself up for him and I can’t allow that to happen, Tae.”
“I kinda feel so attacked right now”, Jimin murmurs.
“Good. This is supposed to hurt, maybe you’ll finally get it together then”, you throw at him and look at Taehyung, “I know that you are confident and that you are proud of your morals and your beliefs. And seeing you give up that part of yourself again is worrying to watch.”
“I’m not giving myself up. Why are you saying this? You are just trying to find a reason to exclude Jimin, aren’t you? That is why you are making this up.”
“No, I’m not. Contrary to popular belief, I don’t want to exclude anyone. I just worry about you. You have to admit that Jimin is playing with you. And that he’s one major asshole.”
“Rude?” Jimin gasps.
“But true”, you say, “sit your ass down”, you say, pushing him back down as he tries to get up. You keep your hand on his shoulder tightly, “you are going to hear what I have to say.”
Your eyes shift to Taehyung. He knows that it’s his turn to speak.
“He isn’t playing me.”
“I truly think that he is. I’m hoping that his intentions for you are of no evil nature, because I can see that you really love him, but I still think that he uses certain tricks to make sure you would always stay with him. And that’s shitty of him to do and it isn’t healthy, Tae. Not one bit.”
“I can literally hear you”, Jimin hisses.
“Good. That’s the fucking point, you walnut”, you throw back, letting go of his shoulder and crossing your arms in front of your chest.
“And now tell me. Which tricks should that be?” Taehyung sounds just slightly angry again.
“When he lied to you about the night at the club for example. He knew that we were fighting and twisted the story so I would look as if I wanted to break you and him apart.”
“Well, what else were you attempting to do?”
“Taehyung”, you spit with honest anger in your voice, “stop doing that. Why would I lie to you like that? Why would I wait days to drop this supposed lie? If I really wanted Jimin gone, I could have told you the moment we left that club bathroom, but I didn’t. I literally threw up because I was so scared of turning into a Glutton and yet, yet you believed his lies. And now you still want to continue to call me a liar?”
Taehyung gawks at you.
“I am hurt”, you finally speak your truth, “you hurt me and I’m tired of glossing this over. You call me a liar and accuse me of manipulating you when you know damn well that you are best friends with the biggest manipulator ever. You push me away over and over again, act like a childish fuckboy with your asshole friends and you almost killed me when we fucked and proceeded to get angry at me when I told you that I don’t want to blood share anymore, reducing me to nothing more than just your blood bag. And yet you deem it unnecessary to show any sort of remorse.”
“But that’s not true! I am remorseful”, he insists, touching his own chest, “it has been eating me up alive and I can barely even look at you without feeling sick in guilt. Please believe me, I didn’t want to turn you into a blood bag or go too far that night and, and I am sorry. Please believe me, my darling.”
“Stop that”, you silence him, “for once I want you to be truthful too. You are always saying all these beautiful poetic words and yet I haven’t seen any actions lately.”
Taehyung closes his mouth.
“You should have apologised once you found out how much you hurt me. I don’t blame you for losing control, because we were both reckless idiots. But to get no apology from you even after you found out how far you went hurts me, but what hurts me most is that you would believe Jimin over me.”
You bite down your tears, because this was not the time to tear up.
“I’m hurt by you, Taehyung. The only reason Jimin, and you for that matter, is still alive is because of me. It’s because I told Yoongi not to kill him. Time and time, I’m the one keeping Yoongi at bay even if sometimes I wanna give him the fucking go. Without me, you guys would both be dead already. I want you to stay with me and I fucking want you to keep your best friend. Do you hear me?”
Taehyung nods his head, avoiding eye contact.
“And it hurts me that you think that lowly of me and that you find it unnecessary to apologise for how you acted lately. And if you are going to continue to behave this way, you are going to lose me. And it’s not going to be because I chose Yoongi, but because you messed it up.”
Taehyung lowers his head. Jimin stares at him then at you.
“And this goes for you too. If you keep acting like such an asshole, you are going to bring me to the point where I won’t stop Yoongi anymore. He can very well kill you for all I care. And it’s going to be because of you, because you kept acting like a fucking cunt even after all the chances we gave you.”
Jimin looks away and touches the side of his neck. He doesn’t say anything, which meant a lot with him.
Silence. It feels suffocating, but you stand your ground. You said what you wanted to say and it’s making you so nervous that you feel sick to the stomach. You don’t let it show. They had to know and while it’s making you sick, you had to finally stand up for yourself.
Taehyung is the one to break the silence.
“I’m sorry”, he says and for the first time in a long time his voice finally sounds honest. He looks into your eyes, “I’m sorry.”
You listen with your eyes racing between his’.
“I don’t want to lose you and I am sorry, but for that to truly sound honest, I have to reevaluate myself, don’t I?” he furrows his brows, “how unfair of me to expect of you to care for me when I haven’t shown you any remorse for what I did. You are right, I should have apologised the second I found out what I had done and yet I was too proud to do so.”
He lowers his eyes.
“I stubbornly went up against Yoongi to defend my pride instead of redeeming myself to the person I actually hurt”, he looks into your eyes, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for hurting you and for calling you a liar and for treating you as if you were my property. You aren’t my property. I don’t owe you, I have the privilege to be with you because you want me to be with you and I don’t want to ruin this.”
He kneels and reaches for your hands. You allow him to hold them.
“You don’t have to believe my words, but I want to do better from now on”, he says, caressing your knuckles, “I won’t ever take your blood again and I will only feed you my own when you ask me to do so or if you are hurt unbearably.”
“Do you mean that?”
“Yes. Yes, I do. From the bottom of my wicked, twisted heart I do.”
You laugh softly, painting a small smile to his lips.
“So please may I have one more chance to fix what I broke?” he asks, resting his forehead on your hands.
“I think”, you begin, “I think I can give you one more chance, but if I realise that all those things you just said are nothing but beautiful, yet empty, words again, I will leave.”
“I know I just…I just…just…”
Taehyung’s eyes roll back then his body goes slack and falls against you.
“Taehyung?” you ask him, “are you alright?”
He doesn’t answer you, lying still against you with all his weight.
“Tae?” panic fills your voice, “Tae?” you try again, cupping his cheek.
What is happening? Did he just pass out?
“Taehyung?” you squad down, gasping loudly when this makes his body slip from you and almost fall to the ground violently.
You catch his head before that can happen, making sure to place it on the stone most carefully.
“Taehyung? Hey, Tae!” you shake him by his shoulders, “what the hell are you doing?”
You check for a pulse first in instinct until you realised and checked for his breath instead. It was so slow that it was almost nonexistent.
“Tae?” you try again, touching his face.
It is ice cold. Despite being filled with warmth just seconds ago, it feels colder than ice now.
“Taehyung? It’s not funny anymore. What are you doing?”
You laugh in fear, shaking him again.
“Please wake up.”
You sneak a glance at Jimin. He is lying on the ground on his side and his legs bend into an unnatural position. As if his body collapsed like a lifeless ragdoll.
“Jimin?” you gasp, turning him around carefully.
His eyes are closed, his skin feels colder than ice.
“Jimin? What the hell? Why, why are you passed out too?” you shake him by his shoulders, “Jimin? Hey! Wake up, you dick!”
You know that it is fruitless. Jimin is just as lifeless as Taehyung.
“Tae?” you try him one last time, but when he doesn’t budge no matter how hard you shake him or how loudly you call his name, you decide to get help.
“Shit”, you press out, “what the hell is happening?”
You have to get to the others, make sure they are okay and ask them for help if they are. Quick! There is no time to spare! You have to run.
“I’ll be back”, you tell them and with wobbly knees you stumble to your feet, running up the path as quickly as the dark night allows you to.
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The lights in the sitting room are still burning. Good. That means the others are still inside.
“Guys!” you break through the door. They are still sitting on the sofas, having their head turned away from you, “guys, please help me. Tae and Jimin are passed out and I can’t get them to wake up and I don’t know what-”
You stop, screaming up in shock upon finding your friends just as lifeless as Taehyung and Jimin. Jungkook has fallen off the sofa, now lying on the floor with his drink spilled all over his unmoving chest. Hoseok’s head has fallen against the headrest in an unnatural position and Seokjin’s body is slacking to the side while his eyes are open yet unmoving. Emma has fallen face first on Seokjin’s lap, head turned uncomfortably.
“Seokjin?” you try him as he looked to be the most awake.
You have to realise that this was just an illusion. His skin was just as cold and his breathing was just as miniscule. His eyes were grey, vast of his pupils or irises.
“Holy fuck”, you gasp, “what the hell is that? Seokjin?”
He slacks to the front as a reaction to you trying to lift his head. His glass slips from his fingers and falls on the floor, spilling the liquid all over your feet.
“No”, you stumble back, “nonono what, what’s wrong with you guys?” you press out shakily, “guys, please wake up.”
They stay still. Quiet. Unresponsive. Almost dead.
You turn with panic in your stomach to find the one person who will help. The one person who always knows what to do. The one person who is strong enough to fight everything.
You have to find Yoongi.
He will help. He will save the others. Once you are with him, everything will be alright again.
“Yoongi!” you scream into the nothingness, “Yoongi, where are you? Please answer me!”
You stumble through every room on the ground floor first, calling out your hero’s name over and over again.
“Please Yoongi, I need you!”
Upstairs. That’s where Jelena’s room is. The stairs are hard to take now that you can barely see in fear.
“Yoongi, where are you!? I need you! The others need you!”
Faster. You have to be faster.
“I need you! Please!”
He appears then. Stumbling out of a room upon hearing your pleading voice.
“Yoongi! Oh Yoongi”, you call out and begin sobbing in pure gratefulness, “oh Yoongi, you are finally here. Please help me, the others are all passed out. Their skin is cold and Seokjin’s eyes are grey. I don’t know what is happening! Please help me!”
Yoongi turns to you, looking at you with big eyes.
“Yoongi, I’m so scared. I don’t know what is happening.”
He stumbles again, lifting his arms as if he wanted to reach for you.
You stop running.
His eyes roll back and his legs lose their strength.
“Yoongi! No!”
You try to catch him with outstretched arms, but too late. He falls to the ground like a lifeless doll, hitting his head on the hardwood floor.
“Yoongi”, you can barely feel how you scrape your knees upon falling to catch him, “Yoongi please”, you beg, lifting his head on top of your lap.
He looks at you with grey eyes. They move as if they have forgotten how to find focus, how to see. Is that it? Is the greyness in them blinding him?
“Yoongi, can you see me?”
“Yes, Yoongi? Yes?” you ask hopefully.
“What’s with it? Yoongi, please stay with me.”
His head rolls to the side and his lips part never to be used again. His eyes finally fall closed.
“Yoongi?” you shake him gently, “what’s with my mind? Who should I trust? Yoongi, please answer me”, you beg, cupping his cheeks.
His skin is colder than ice.
“What is happening to you? Oh god, Yoongi please wake up.”
His breathing is stronger than that of the others, but it is still barely there.
“Yoongi, please wake up please. I don’t know what is happening. Please I need you”, you beg, sobbing softly, “I’m so lost without you, please Yoongi please wake up.”
You shake him softly, cup his cheek, wipe your tears falling on his forehead.
“Please wake up”, you whisper.
But Yoongi doesn’t wake up. He has left you in the uncertainty, in your fear and your inability to solve whatever was haunting you.
“Yoongi, oh Yoongi”, you sob, leaning down to kiss his forehead, “please Yoongi help me. Please I don’t know what to do.”
You lift your head upon hearing a voice.
“Suzy!” you call out, “oh Suzy please help me. Yoongi. He is passed out and, and I can’t get him to wake up. His skin is so cold. And the others! The others are downstairs, looking just the same!”
Suzy hurries to you and kneels down. She touches Yoongi’s face.
“Oh no”, she murmurs, “oh no so she has truly done it.”
“Done what?”
“Jelena she…oh ___ I have to confess something to you.”
“What? Just tell me, please just save them.”
“There are people in our coven, who hate Yoongi’s kind. Vampires. They despise them and I believe that they activated the device which we created to capture Namjoon.”
“Are you sure? But they are all passed out. How strong is this device?”
“I’m not sure, they must have used something to strengthen it, so that their magic would reach all the vampires.”
“What is happening to them?”
“They are most definitely dying.”
“What?” your heart shatters, “what? no”, your voice barely comes out audible, “please Suzy, you have to stop it. Please.”
“Come with me”, she says and takes your hand, “I will see what I can do.”
“Thank you, oh thank you so very much.”
And so you run, run and run with Suzy by your side. You are still frightened, terribly scared, but there is hope in your heart as well. Suzy is strong. She is wise. She knows what has to be done to safe your family. She will help you.
Suzy guides you over the lawn to the place where you watched them work all those long days in the estate.
“You were right”, you say, “there are lights burning inside.”
“I fear I was”, Suzy says with hurry in her voice, “we have to be fast, I fear that we don’t have much time.”
“Oh Suzy, please tell me that you can fix this.”
“I will try, I promise you.”
The shed is abandoned, but just as Suzy feared, the device was on. It is glowing, screeching menacingly.
“It’s so loud”, you gasp, covering your ears.
“I fear it is almost too much. The magic is too strong. Oh ___ this is worse than I imagined it to be”, she calls out to you in your thoughts for speaking normally was impossible in the screeching noise.
“Worse? What do you mean worse?”
“I fear that it is close to exploding and if that happens, every vampire along this coast is going to die.”
“What? But this is awful. How do we stop it?”
Suzy looks around the shed for a moment. She stops and squats down, picking up something glistening.
She turns to you, carrying a knife between her shaking fingers. The silver blade was covered in blood.
“What’s that?” you ask her, running to her.
“This is not good. Jelena must have used blood magic to active the device.”
“Blood magic?”
“Yes. That is why it is so powerful because Jelena fuelled it with her blood. Her hatred filled blood is running through the machine and giving it its power.”
“This is possible?”
“Yes, as long as the device is fuelled by her blood, as long as Jelena is alive, it will fill with magic until it finally bursts.”
“So Jelena ran to make sure that we wouldn’t put an end to her.”
“So how do we stop it?” you ask because you have no knowledge of magic and its working ways.
“By giving it another person’s blood.”
“Another person’s blood?”
“Yes. Someone who was wronged by vampires as well, someone who has to blame vampires for their nightmares, someone deeply hurt by them. Maybe even someone who almost lost their life through the hands of vampires. We need someone with reasons to hate them. Someone who can give the device its fuel, but who will use the power to control it for good reasons.”
“So if someone who had bad experiences with vampires fills the device with blood they can control it?”
“Yes exactly.”
“I could do it. I almost got killed by Namjoon, my nightmares are still filled with the night of it. I have bad memories with vampires.”
“You would do such a thing?”
“Yes”, you grab the knife, “yes if it means that I can save my family and all those innocent vampires living here, I will do it.”
Suzy smiles and lets go of the knife.
“Then act hastily. We don’t have much time.”
You run to the device, biting down the pain in your ears for the sake of saving everyone. You can’t be bothered to care about yourself. Not when so many lives are at stake. Not when you are so close to losing your family.
You lift the knife, connecting the blade with your palm. You just have to cut yourself, let the blood trickle over the device. Just like Jelena did it.
Jelena who moments ago was with Yoongi.
Jelena who so very clearly cares about the wellbeing of your friends.
Jelena who somehow managed to find a lie good enough to convince Yoongi she needed to leave.
Jelena who ran and abandoned the one device which could bring her victory.
Jelena who was intelligent enough to make up such a plan, but then forgot to grab the one thing which could expose her ways.
Jelena who was somewhere else mere moments ago and didn’t pass you as you were talking to Taehyung.
You eye the knife.
Why would she leave the knife behind? She must have known that the others would run for the device the moment your friends began collapsing. She must have known that someone would find it and connect the dots. And why are all the other witches gone as if someone or something was holding them hostage? Why is Suzy the only witch, who escaped this invisible force?
“What are you waiting for? We don’t have time”, Suzy calls out.
“What if it doesn’t work? Why would Jelena drop the knife if she knew you would figure her out?”
“Perhaps she left in a hurry and dropped it on accident.”
You look back at the device. You press the blade closer.
“Yes, cut yourself. Yes just one cut. One drop of blood is all it needs.”
Princess. Your mind. Trust.
Yoongi’s words are whispering to you again.
Princess. Your mind. Trust.
Why did he tell you that? What does it mean?
“Do it! We don’t have much time! Give it your blood!”
Princess…trust…your mind.
That is what he wanted to tell you. You should trust your own mind. Your own thoughts. You should trust in what you are thinking.
“What are you waiting for?” Suzy spits and grips your wrist tightly, “cut your palm already.”
You look at her and the anger in her eyes.
“Are you sure that Jelena activated the device?” you ask her.
“Of course she did, who else should have done it?” he hisses, lifting her hand to grab for the knife.
Your eyes flit to the white bandages around her palm.
“Suzy, your hand. Why is it bandaged?” you gasp.
“That?” she doesn’t even look at it, “I cut myself last night when I was trying to make dinner.”
You know for a fact that she didn’t have those bandages last night. Or all of today. You are also sure that she didn’t have those bandages when she magically disappeared to get more wine, never to return. Sophie and Shirley had the same cuts. And once Yoongi saw them, he made sure to give you this magical ash. 
Princess, trust your mind.
Jelena didn’t activate this device. Suzy did. Her blood is feeding it, her blood is giving it life. You stay silent with your thoughts, knowing that if you didn’t, she would kill you to get to her goal. The knife was still in your hold for now. You still had the upper hand.
Her blood is giving it life, her blood is going to kill your family.
And only her death is going to stop it.
You scream and cut deep.
You cut deep into Suzy’s chest until you feel your fingers touch the bleeding flesh of her dying body and you can feel her last breath swirl over your face.
“You bitch”, she chokes out and falls.
She coughs out blood the moment she hits the ground. The knife was still lodged in her chest. One cough. Two coughs. Three coughs. Blood covers her face. Her body stops spasming. Stiffness. Eyes half rolled back and soaked ruby from the coughed up blood.
The device stops screeching.
Its glow dies down.
“___?” just seconds later you hear your name being called out by Jungkook.
“Holy fuck, what happened?” Hoseok.
“___ are you okay?” Seokjin.
“Fucking hell, so you were right”, Jimin.
“My sweetest, oh my sweetest are you alright?” Taehyung.
You fall into a chest, get arms wrapped around you.
But you barely feel it.
You barely feel anything.
You should feel too much. Joy over saving them, disgust over having blood on your skin, horror over the dead body, shock, anger, heartbreak, shame.
But you feel nothing.
Not one thing.
“Get her out of here. I’ll take care of it”, Yoongi.
He is back.
You saved them all and yet you feel nothing.
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the-cult-of-riley · 4 months
Sleeping With Ghosts (Act One: Chapter One)
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Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Female OC
A/N: So, I hope Simon doesn't come across as out of character or anything in Act One. Just as a reminder, this is Simon and not Ghost. In my opinion, he doesn't become Ghost until after the Mexico incident and after his family have all been killed, which hasn't happened yet.
I've got a few different Ghost stories on the go and it's fascinating to me how many different facets this man can have depending on the circumstances. With this story, he learns to love and winds up married before he's Ghost which obviously changes things. This Simon is very different to one of my others who never had that and then has to learn to deal with feelings as Ghost. The man's brain is just fun to dive into and to watch how things change when I switch things up.
Act One starts off… well, it starts off horny, not gonna lie lmao Act One and Act Two have very different vibes as you'll come to find out.
Nine Inch Nails - Closer
(Help me) I broke apart my insides (Help me) I've got no soul to sell (Help me) The only thing that works for me Help me get away from myself
I wanna fuck you like an animal I wanna feel you from the inside I wanna fuck you like an animal My whole existence is flawed You get me closer to God
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The sky was dark and murky, a light dusting of rain starting to come down. The kind of rain that was so fine you barely felt it, yet would soak you anyway. Simon was glad to be sitting under the roof of the bus stop. The bus had almost ten more minutes to get there and he was already impatient. For the millionth time, he asked himself why the fuck he didn't get a car, wasn't like he couldn't afford one now. 
Being back here always set him on edge. He hated Manchester, it just held too many bad memories for him, yet something about it was just inherently… home. Not to mention he wanted to be close to his mum, to Tommy and Beth. The girl was pregnant now and he felt something stirring in his chest at the idea of his baby brother being a dad. That was all he ever wanted for him, to have a good life, and now he was freshly married to the love of his life and expecting a child. Simon was happy for him. Happy and maybe secretly a bit jealous. He knew he wasn't built for that though, just wasn't in the cards for him. 
He heaved a sigh as he glanced around, watching as cars moved passed in a blur. It wasn't exactly the same piss poor area of Manchester he lived in as a kid, the military paid far better than the butchers did. He could afford an apartment on the outskirts of the city centre now. Could afford one in the city centre if he wanted it but he really loathed being around so many people. He'd always been antisocial and with a childhood like his, who could blame him? But now at 23 years old, after seeing and doing things in the military that most people couldn't comprehend… well, he didn't feel human half the fucking time. 
With another deep sigh, he brought his arm up, pushing his navy blue jumper sleeve out the way so he could see his watch. 8 more minutes. He wondered if he should just walk home, never one to enjoy the wait for anything. He wasn't too far. Tommy had invited him out for a drink and he'd picked a pub near the city centre. He reckoned he could get home in under 15 minutes if he walked, but then movement caught his eye and he lazily glanced to his left. 
A girl was hurrying down the pavement through the mist of rain. She had on a black dress that screamed ‘night out’. It looked shiny, like some kind of satin that clung to her in all the right places. She was a tiny thing yet her body was the perfect hourglass, the dress only highlighting it with its thin straps and its neck that was dangerously low. She had long brown hair tumbling down her shoulders in waves, the colour a stark contrast to her skin that was as pale as snow. 
Instead of the ankle breaking heels he'd expect with a dress like this, she was wearing combat boots. Docs, he noticed, when she got closer and he saw the yellow stitching. As she got nearer, he saw the glint of a nose ring and could see a few tattoos dotted along her pale skin. Fuckin' hell. She was so… different. 
It had been a while since his interest had been piqued. He'd resigned himself to just one nighters that meant nothing when he was on leave. Nameless faces from bars when he was out of it. Pretty enough to get his dick going but not interesting enough to stop him from sneaking out in the morning and never speaking to them again. 
He expected the girl to walk right past the bus stop, anticipated the glorious view he knew he'd get from behind as she did. But instead, she turned into the bus stop, hair dripping wet as she shivered and wrapped her arms around herself. She plonked heavily on the bench beside him, leaving some space between them. Her scent floated over to him then and he was powerless to take a deep inhale. Fuckin' hell. There was something fruity like peach or apricot, but there was also vanilla and something deeper, darker. Something so alluring that he shifted in his seat and cursed himself. He hadn't been laid since his last leave and he blamed the lack of human touch for the stirring in his jeans. 
He cast a sideways glance at her, his dark eyes taking in her trembling form. He noticed a few things up close then that he hadn't seen in her approach. Like the tear tracks down her pretty cheeks and her red and puffy eyes. Bright blue they were. Like the ocean in some far off country when the sun hit it just right, but they were marred by the red surrounding them. He noticed then how her right arm, the one closest to him, was covered in what looked like fresh bruises and a graze down her forearm that was slowly oozing blood. Something quick smacked him in the chest as a barrage of memories struck him like a freight train. 
“You in trouble, sweetheart?” He asked, his voice low and she whipped over to look at him. Those pretty blue eyes flicked over his face rapidly, taking him in, sizing him up. Then they settled back on his own dark eyes. Fuckin' hell. When was the last time someone had looked at him like that? He wasn't sure he'd ever been looked at with whatever this look was but it was stirring something deep inside of him. His eyes darted to the arm she'd fucked up and her eyes followed, realization crossing her face as she did. 
“Oh… no, I fell over,” she replied with a shake of her head. Her voice was soft, sweet sounding and despite the situation he found himself in, his treacherous brain wondered what it would sound like moaning his name. He didn't realise he'd turned into a touch starved sexual deviant. 
“Heard that one before, love,” he countered with a raise of his brow and it caused her to snort, amusement dancing across her pretty features. 
“No, I really did fall. Tore out of the club like a bat out of hell and tripped over. Bouncer was nice enough to help me up,” she murmured, giving him a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.
“Not nice enough to patch you up though, yeah?” He asked sardonically and her smile brightened into a more genuine one with amusement once more. 
“Guess not,” she shrugged as she turned to look back out at the road. He watched her sombre face for a little longer before his eyes drifted back to her arm.
“You’re bleedin’,” he muttered, pointing out the obvious. She glanced at her arm before shrugging again carelessly. He sighed to himself before he shifted, grabbing the bandana from his back pocket. 
He gently took her arm, making her eyes snap to him, watching him curiously as he held her forearm. It gave him an excuse to touch her. Fuckin’ hell, she was soft. He also got a glimpse at some of her tattoos now. On the inside of her forearm were three cards. Tarot cards or whatever the fuck they were called. He had no idea what the cards meant but there was Death, Three of Swords and The Tower, all of which looked not very positive and made him wonder why the fuck she had them inked onto her skin. He had to admit that the artwork was pretty nice though. He felt her pretty blue eyes boring into him as he started to wrap the bandana around her forearm where it was bleeding from the graze. It was silent and he tried to think of something to say, wishing he was more social so he could actually get to know her a little better. 
“You ever wonder what the point is?” she asked after a long moment. He was taking his sweet time tying the bandana off, wanting to prolong the contact he had with her. 
“The point of what?” he asked curiously, eyes flitting to her morose face.
“Living. What's the point in everything, why are we here? What's the point?” she asked with a frown and he felt something tugging deep in his chest.
“Should I be worried you're gonna fling yourself off a roof, love?” he asked warily, finishing tying the knot in the bandana. His hands left her skin then but he stayed facing her. She heaved a sigh that even he could feel the heaviness to as he watched her carefully.
“I’m not gonna kill myself. I just… everything's miserable, you know? I came out of the womb with the umbilical cord wrapped around my neck. Almost died. Mum always told me it would have been better if I would have, maybe that was a sign,” she muttered and the words made a deep ache pinch inside of him. She said it so matter of factly and a frown etched onto his face. 
“That's pretty grim,” he remarked, unsure of what to say. He wanted to comfort her but he had a feeling she didn't want comforting. She laughed then and it startled him. A genuine laugh that felt like bells chiming all around him and making his inside feel like they were about to turn into outsides. She smiled up at him and he suddenly felt unable to breathe. Fuckin’ hell. 
“Grim should be my middle name with the life I’ve had. Just found out my boyfriend of four years has been cheating on me with my best mate. So now I’m out of a boyfriend and a friend,” she was still smiling but this time more mockingly and she turned her eyes away from him. 
“Whoever he is, he's a fuckin’ tosser then. What kind of arsehole would cheat on a girl like you?” he asked with a shake of his head. It annoyed him to think. Whoever this dickhead was, he didn't deserve her. That bright smile graced her face again then and he found himself wanting to bring it to her face more often.
“A girl like me?” she asked with a cheeky glint in her eyes. It made his heart thump wildly against his ribs as he looked down at her. 
“You're beautiful,” he said simply, watching as heat seemed to sweep up her entire body. What a pretty colour pink was on her cheeks. She let out a breathy laugh as she turned away, a bashful look on her face that melted off in seconds.
“Not beautiful enough apparently,” she replied with a shrug. He wanted to argue with her. Wanted to tell her that she was more than beautiful enough and the guy was just a  piece of shit. Yet the words died in his throat, struggling to comfort a stranger at the bus stop.
“The relationship was a mess anyway, I should have seen it coming. It got to that point where we stayed together because it was more convenient than to split. We were just going through the motions. But my best mate? It's a slap in the face having both of them sneak about like that. It's the lies that bothers me the most, you know? Probably for the best anyway, the sex was miserable,” she rambled with a huff and he chuckled at her. 
“That right?” he asked with amusement and she glanced to him with that pretty smile and eyes that spelled trouble.
“Mhm. Never had an orgasm with him, can you believe that?” she asked and he blinked dumbly at her for a moment as his brain registered her words. He hardly expected her to come out with something so personal. 
“Never?” he asked, sounding incredulous. This arsehole was bringing shame to all men with this bullshit. It wasn't hard to get a girl off, he had no idea how some guys had problems like this. 
“Never. Had to fake it the entire time and it was so boring. He never wanted to try anything. Probably ‘cause he was doing it all with Jessica,” she said the name with a mocking smile and a roll of her eyes before her face turned miserable once more. 
“What kinda stuff did you wanna try?” He asked. He was curious, he wouldn't lie about it. Wondered just what naughty things the girl wanted to get up to that her miserable wet blanket of an ex wouldn't allow her to. But he also didn't like that sad far away look on her face so he figured they could keep the conversation going in this direction. 
She glanced at him then with that pretty pink hue back on her cheeks and a demure look in her eyes. He could practically see the cogs whirring away in her head as she contemplated telling a random stranger at the bus stop about what she wanted to get up to in bed. 
“I won't judge, love. Promise,” he added, hoping to ease her worries. His curiosity was getting worse with each passing second, a more primal part of his brain just itching to know what she wanted, wanting to know just what she liked. 
She looked away again, pursing her lips for a moment before she blew out a breath. 
“It's nothing… too kinky or whatever. I just didn't get to try anything. Wanted to start easy, I guess. Wanted to try dirty talk, or more like someone talking dirty to me. Guys being vocal, words or moans… it always got me going a bit, but fucking him was like fucking a corpse,” she huffed and a chuckle got pulled from Simon's throat. 
“And I've always wanted to try… being submissive. The idea of a dominant man in bed appeals to me. Spanking, hair pulling, a bit of choking… But not like degradation or anything, my self esteem is too battered for that,” she snorted self deprecatingly and a smile tugged at his lips at her admission. Little lamb wanted to play submissive, did she? He shifted where he sat, hoping to conceal the bulge forming in his jeans at the thought of her submitting to him like that. His hands wrapped around that pretty little throat as he impaled her on his cock over and over. Fuckin' hell.
“Praise, then?” He asked, dark eyes boring into her and watching as she nibbled on her plump lower lip. Her blue eyes locked on his at his low and gravelly tone, something sparkling behind them as a shy smile curled her lips.
“I've never been praised in bed but I think I'd like it. Like a cat getting head rubs,” she grinned impishly and it was so endearing that he had to temper the urge down to kiss her.
“You wanna be called a good girl, is that it?” he asked, unable to hide the sinful undertone to his voice as he leaned closer to her. He felt the energy shift between them as he blinked lazily at her, like a lion basking in the sun and watching its prey. She looked at him with those pretty doe eyes, lips slightly parted and he watched how her eyes drifted to his lips before floating back up to his eyes. She nodded, the dusting of pink still sitting prettily on her cheeks.
“Words, sweetheart,” he drawled, a surge of something primal stirring inside of him at her little intake of breath at his words.
“Yes,” she admitted softly, seemingly unable to take her eyes off him. He was painfully hard now, his cock pressing uncomfortably on his restrictive jeans.
“You wanna be my good girl, love?” he purred, dark eyes swirling with so many promises if she agreed. Jesus, he wanted her to agree, more than he wanted anything in his entire life. He wasn't quite sure what had come over him.
“Yes,” she murmured breathlessly, “please,” she added and the smile that graced her face was devilish and he once again felt unable to breathe. Fuckin’ hell, I’m in trouble.
A noise he could only describe as a growl rumbled in the back of his throat as he reached out, his large hand gripping her jaw as he leaned down and crashed his lips to hers. Her hand fisted his jumper as she leaned closer, melting into him in a way that pleased him deep inside. His grip on her jaw was firm and his other hand snaked to the nape of her neck as he fisted her hair, tugging it a little. 
She let out a gasp that jolted through his entire being and he took the opportunity to slide his tongue inside her mouth to really taste her. She relented to him instantly, allowing him control as he explored every inch of her mouth. He could taste the cheap whisky she’d had back at the bar and he’d never liked the taste more. He lapped up every bit of her he could, allowing it to set his body on fire before he had to pull away, only for the sheer need to breathe. 
He was breathless when he pulled away and she looked dazed, her pretty eyes blinking up at him like she was somewhere else. His thumb stroked her cheek gently and it brought a smile to her face that had him melting all over again. Her eyes drifted to his lips before back to his eyes and this time, she was the one to lean up, capturing his lips. It was more tame and a lot slower than his desperate kiss but no less sensual. He let her explore him this time, loving how her hand splayed over his heart as she pushed closer to him. He pulled away when he heard the tell tale sounds of the bus down the road and he moved away from her, flashing her a sinful smile as he stood,
“Comin’, love?” he asked her, raising a brow. She flushed pink, taking his hand as she stood.
“I hope so,” she murmured wryly and it startled a laugh of him which only served to make her face light up.
“Fuckin’ hell,” he snorted, shaking his head fondly at her. He tugged her closer and she fell into him, one hand still wrapped in his as the other went back to his chest. His eyes darted to the bus as it got closer before back to her radiant face. 
“You'll definitely be comin’, sweetheart, I promise you that,” he assured her, giving her a serious look. 
“You seem confident you’ll get an orgasm out of me,” she grinned cheekily at him and he licked his lower lip, loving how her eyes darted to the movement.
“I’ll get more than one outta you,” he smirked and she snorted a soft laugh, eyes twinkling at him.
“That right?” she asked, sounding amused like she didn't believe him. She’d damn well find out. 
“Mhm. I’ll get at least three outta you,” he grinned wickedly and her eyes widened as she swallowed thickly. He already knew just how he’d be getting those from her too.
“Three? Are you serious?” she asked slowly, like he was stupid.
“As a fuckin’ heart attack, love,” he murmured and her cheeks flushed. The bus pulled up then and he led her on, paying both their fares for them before leading her to the back where no one was sitting. 
She sat close to him, hand still in his and he was glad she hadn't tried to take it back. He had this deep desire to be as close as possible with her and he still didn't understand it. He never did this. He did impersonal fucks after getting drunk at a bar. Going back to their place so he could slip out before morning without having to speak to them. Hell, sometimes he couldn’t even be bothered with that and just fucked them in the alley outside or the fucking toilets. He didn't do whatever the hell this was, yet he couldn't bring himself to stop. He just wanted more. The bus started moving again and he glanced to her as a thought occurred to him.
“Name’s Simon, by the way. Thought you should know since you’ll be screamin’ it soon,” he drawled, leaning closer to her. She laughed, amusement and mischief dancing across her face as she blinked up at him.
“Does that line usually work?” she asked cheekily and he scoffed, trying to look offended but it was hard when she was making him smile like a fucking psychopath. 
“Dunno, never used it before. Did it work?” he asked with a devilish grin and she giggled at him. It was such a precious sound that he wished he could record it and play it over and over when he was overseas in the deepest trenches of war. Her tongue swiped over her top teeth and she looked deep in thought for a moment, her body leaning into him even more and allowing him to drink in her scent.
“I’ll give you an eight out of ten for trying,” she smirked and his jaw dropped for a minute, eyes narrowing at her.
“You're givin’ me a participation award?” he asked slowly and she snorted, flashing him a pretty smile.
“The good girl line was way better,” she shrugged with a grin and he leaned in, unable to help himself. Who the fuck was this girl and why was she making him feel this way? His lips ghosted hers and her breathing hitched, making him almost purr in delight at her reactions to him.
“Never told me your name, love,” he murmured softly, rubbing his nose against hers teasingly as she tried to chase his lips for a kiss.  
“Charlotte,” she supplied and he finally graced her with the kiss she was after. Her lips were so soft against his and he loved the way she clung to him, gripping his jumper when he kissed her like this. He broke away, nipping at her lower lip and dragging a moan from her that should have been shameful on the back of the bus but neither of them seemed to care. 
“Charlotte,” he repeated, testing how her name tasted on his tongue. She seemed to light up at hearing it coming from him though. Pretty little thing was so responsive to him, he couldn't wait to get her into bed.
Looking up, he saw his stop coming up and he stood, leading her by her hand again to the front of the bus. She went willingly, her other hand curling around his arm as the bus swayed and jostled her. He glanced down at her, so small but yet fitting perfectly at his side like this and he felt something light up deep in the recesses of his hollow chest. She looked up and gave him this sweet smile. As if he wasn't some random stranger she met at the bus stop. Some random guy that was bringing her back to his place for a good time. She looked at him like she’d known him her whole life, like they'd known each other before. Looked at him like he meant something. 
He was brought out of his thoughts by the bus stopping, the door opening with a screech. His heart was hammering with anticipation of what was about to happen. Never in his life had he been this excited to fuck someone. Not even when he lost his virginity to some older girl in school he couldn't even remember the name of. This whole situation had him feeling so unlike himself, but he didn't hate it either. He felt like he was being sucked into a black hole and he was just allowing it to happen. He just hoped he could hold on long enough to enjoy the ride.
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ask-the-spooky-fellas · 7 months
i wanna make this a comic but i thought id write it down lmao. this is a variation of this class of 09 animation. this was supposed to be more oc indulgent but it isnt really whoops
Kevin: ...That wasn't even the worst part. People had to watch us do that. Streber: Now he's not gonna leave us alone for like a month now. He's gonna go home and make create-a-characters of us Kevin: He'll kill us in Grand Theft Auto Streber: You can make characteres in Grand Theft Auto? Kevin: Do I look like a bitch that would know? Streber: Whatever.. I want a xanax.. where'd I put it- hey! Kevin: *swallows it* Streber: that was my last one how'd you take it :( Kevin: Quick hands... titty and xanax. What a combo. Streber: goes together like peanut butter and percocet.. Kevin: 'this is true' Streber: oh yeah! He kept doing that!! 'This is true' Kevin: Like he's too good to just say 'yeah' he's gotta be a scientist about it. Streber: Oh-! and what about 'uhhmmm.. okay' Kevin: I hate it when they do that!! Like they've gotta sound like the gay comic relief cat in every Disney movie. Streber: 'this is true' Kevin: 'this is true' Streber: 'yes in fact' Kevin: 'quite the interesting outfit' Streber: 'stop screaming we're having sex' Ethan: What are you guys doing Streber: oh shit- Kevin: a- Ethan: Sounds like you guys had a run-in with Jaxon. Kevin: He has McDonalds!! Ethan, where'd you get McDonalds!? Ethan: ...McDonalds..? Kevin: bitch, gimmie a fry. Ethan: Is that how you ask?? Kevin: bitch, please give me a fry. Streber: and yeah, we ran into Jaxon. Ethan: *feeds Kevin a fry* Me too. I could tell. He was drawing pictures of you guys. Streber: No way?? Kevin: What were we doing in the pictures? Ethan: Like, being cute.. making kissy faces and stuff. Streber: Kevin, we're gonna get murdered. We're gonna get murdered by a guy that can't even tie his fucking shoes!! Kevin: Well, at least he can't torture us. Can't tie a rope either. Ethan: Yeah, but I tore them up and threw them in the trash. Streber: You're the best Ethan :) Ethan: I know Ethan: Anyway, I gotta go sell some Adderall to Rick, See you guys later. Kevin: ..he's like the hottest bitch ever. Streber: And I love his hair :)
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kookingtae · 3 months
It was the least I could do really!! I wanna give you a huge kiss on the mouth (respectfully) cause I just ughJDHSH nerd kook!! You know?? Of course you do it's your fic. The whole concept I swear to godd. And yess the confusion they'd experience? I just know it would be gold. I wanna scream so much right now. The angst cause all of the jealousy is actually palpable. Kooks all confused cause why is he suddenly seeing you in a different way, there's no way that the girl who lives to bully him can actually be nice, just no way at all. I might be tripping but like this image of mc talking shit about irene and kook coming to defend her and he ends up offending or actually hurting mcs feeling? Huge oh damn you really fucked up now yikes. Rambling over I promise
Can I ask for any crumbs? Anything that was in your plans when you started? :')
MY MOUTH IS WAITINGGGG BBY BC Y E S YOU SEE THE VISION jk defending irene and then oc actually getting hurt/offended is DEFINITELY something that would/will happen. hmmmmm im trying to think of crumbs that i can give you that wouldn’t be too much or too little, bc i def have like the entire thing planned out LOL
okok so at one point, one of their “lessons” is that typical like makeover thing yknow where the nerd gets made hot, and usually that happens by taking off their glasses and POOF they’re suddenly a sex god lmao but in this case, jk mentions he wants to get contacts and oc says he doesn’t need them bc she’s actually always liked his glasses 🥺 even tho she calls him four eyes lol and SHES LITERALLY THE REASON HES INSECURE ABOUT HIS GLASSES BC SHE ALWAYS MADE FUN OF THEM BUT SHE SECRETLY LOVES THEM 😭 oh and later on, they go to a bar to try out his flirting that oc taught him in the real world yk, and at some point some girl starts kissing him and oc YANKS his hand and drags him away and jk is like huh bc what just happened?? and oc is like YOURE NOT READY FOR ALL THAT and jk’s like ive kissed a girl before- and oc’s like I SAID YOURE NOT READY ksjdjjsjdj lowkey jealous af
their lessons are gonna get more ✨physical✨ after that too like making out, etc 👀 SO YEAH JUST A LOT OF FUN STUFF i was so excited planning it and this is getting me excited again 🥺
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imagines--galore · 11 months
FRIEND Hello!! It's been a while since I visited your inbox lmao. How's it going? Good I hope!
I have ✨️questions✨️. Not particularly requests but little funny questions
1) which characters you write for- are more likely to forgo a wedding, and instead secretly sign the papers with their s/o and see how long it takes for their friends/family to realize they got married
2) which characters you write for- would goof off and make husband/wife jokes with their s/o pre-marriage or even pre-relationship. (Ex. My friend and I played It Takes Two, where you play as a husband and wife trying to talk to their daughter and we call each other by husband/wife. And whenever we want to play the game we text "hey wanna try talking to our daughter?)
3) during roadtrips, which characters would roll down the windows and scream sing to music no matter the weather. Or who would be embarrassed about their s/o doing that?
4) which characters would dress up with their s/o to see the new spiderverse movie, or barbie movie
I'm doing alright and I hope you are too!
Most likely to forgo a wedding and just sign the papers
Alright so for your first question thats a tough one! But if I had to pick I would pick a couple of them. First one being Sherlock Holmes, I mean come one, he would find it hilarious when people figure it out that he married his s/o because NO ONE would've expected that of him. Also he would just simply want to get it over with because secretly(something he will NEVER admit) he can't wait for his s/o to take his last name. hehe. So the second one would be Taichi Kamiya from Digimon. Not a lot of fans for this character but I adore him. And his s/o is actually an oc of mine called Hidemi. And I think the both of them would forgo the wedding because they wouldn't want the hassle that comes with planning everything. And given their LARGE group of friends, it would be really funny to see them loose their minds that he went out and actually got married given his think before you act nature. And the final one is Spock. He would find it logical to just sign the papers and be done with it. Though I have a sneaky suspicion that he wouldn't be opposed to a small wedding ceremony later, especially if his s/o asks for it. hehe
Goof off and make husband/wife jokes before a relationship or marriage or engagement.
And moving on to your next question! The first character that comes to mind is definitely Roy Mustang from FMAB. I mean he is a flirt and has a teasing nature, and yeah their s/o would be taken by surprise at first, but would soon join in. Which would also drive their team nuts because why do that have to act like that so openly when they're not even in a relationship. And yeah, NO ONE will be surprised when they actually get together. I mean, has anyone seen how they look at one another? Also Vax from Vox Machina! I have a feeling he would be the same with an s/o who is confident and sure. The S/o would have to start flirting like that first, and Vax would catch on pretty quick and start flirting back. Would probably take a near death situation for true feelings to come out. haha For Clark aka Superman, I think things would pick up after an engagement. Pet names and calling one another by their last names sounds like something he would do.
Singing during road trips and who would be embarrassed about it.
Oooooooo Spencer Reid! He would be a little embaressed at all the attention but once he realizes just how happy his s/o is, he will just sit back and stop worrying about everyone else. Red Arrow aka Roy would be pretty embarrassed about it as well. Their s/o would be singing really loudly with the rest of the team, since they would all go on a team trip and yeah he would wish he had never come. But his s/o would just kiss his cheek and force him to join in at the chorus at least. Though he REFUSES to sing anything Taylor Swift.
And finally who would dress up with their s/o to see the new spiderverse or barbie movie
Peter Parker MCU version would DEFINITELY dress up as someone from the barbie movie with their s/o to go see it. And Michelangelo from TMNT would dress up to watch spiderman because that movie is epic. No question and no competition.
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magyctale-official · 2 months
hi I just found this au today and it is choking me alive
you art is amazing and the au looks stunning and when I found out this is gonna be a series I screamed!!!
I just wanted to ask if you had like a character list or a description of what the au is about?
I really would love to jump on this hype train and all this has got me so excited!
I do have a google sheet with a buncha characters written down but it has some spoilers in it so... 👀
But I can absolutely give a rundown!! Magyctale doesn't exactly have a solid "gimmick" (like Underswap or Underfell) but it's more like a rewrite of sorts? The characters act somewhat differentlyto their original counterparts and the main meat of the story is how their journey affects them and their relationships. :3
So for instance: Season 1 is for the most part a reimagining of Undertale, with a few original characters sprinkled alongside the AU cast. One of the biggest changes is that Frisk is older (they're about 17) so they have a lot more to say and there's a lot more room for them to express themself. Also I just prefer writing characters who aren't small childen XDD
After Season 1 is when it starts going into more stuff from my own noggin as opposed to being a retelling. So S1 is kinda like introducing all the characters and their dynamics before adding more stuff :3
By far my favorite arc is the one that incorperates elements from Deltarune- that's where my favorite boys come in and also is the arc with the most OCs!! Especially Mave- that's my horrible horrible son whom I adore with my entire heart and soul <3<3<3
I do have some character refs I can share!!
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These are all from S1 (since that's what I'm focusing on planning right now) but I will take a short detour to talk about my awful little son just because I can <3
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This is my vile little lad Mave :3
He started off as just my interpretation of The Knight from DR but now he is one of my most multi-faceted characters of all time I think. Funny how that worked out-
He is by far one of my favorite OCs of All Time and he's such a lil weirdo hehehe
I'm so sad he doesn't come in until much later in the story,,, I want him to be Real already XDD
I don't wanna give too too much away about him because,,,yknow,,,spoilers,,, but I've posted vaguely about his lore on this blog and my main (@bonetrix-arts) as well as over on my YouTube and TikTok accounts if you're curious!!! I simply love to vaguepost about my lore <3
If you have any more questions absolutely feel free to ask!!!! Also if you wanna ask something specific about a character- though I haven't posted about it in a while -I do have character asks open :3
I was posting em on my TikTok as well as here and I think Insta for a while n then I got side-tracked HNGSVDHCJ
I think I still had more art to finish up for the last one n that's why I never posted it,,
But anyways- feel free to do that if there's anything else you wanna know!!!! I need to draw these lil weirdos again n that'd be a nice way to kickstart my brain LMAO
Also I need to make a section for my AU in my Discord server,,, why haven't I done that yet?? RAHH I'm rambling!! Sory I just get so excited when people ask about my babies hehehe
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demonpiratehuntress · 5 months
Hey hey hey, how you doing? Hopefully you're having a good day and staying hydrated and rested, I just stumbled upon your blog and I'm already loving it, I was wondering if requests are open? If they are may I have a Ace x reader where she's the biological daughter of lovely cute adorable insane psycho Doffy? (can you tell I love this horrible man? 😂) so just like... Shenanigans? Also somehow he's saved in marineford (he just doesn't fall for magma bitchs taunts) (I HC her to have the Otto Otto No Mi her words carry the power of command... Like Inumaki Toge cursed speech from JJK, also basically the affects of a siren hypnosis and such like Doffy ppl don't really know her DF or how it works so she just hypno-Comands him to run but says it in a mocking tone as to not alert the others "run~ run~ Fire Fist~ run away and don't come back~ hhehehe") yeah she laughs like her dad, yeah she's a daddy's girl and absolutely spoiled and definitely got her own feather coat it's about ✨flamboyance✨ and style (yes he ain't too thrilled that he's a D. Clan member but he's also never thrilled about the idea of her having a partner but he let's them be cause she's happy, amused he's Rogers son), so Doffy pulls the Boa Hancock move and is just like yeah I'll hunt them down that's interesting lmao (she does too cause Luffy lol... Imagine being chased by two warlords just cause you've got two brothers with astronomical rizz 😂) ofc they don't take the Polar Tang and Laws help cause ah, Doffy is here and Law don't do that, so some tension cause she manipulated him to run away and she's like yeah cause I rather you live idiot, happy fluffy ending pls? Thank you for listening to my ramble I can't summarise my requests to save my life and I gotta make sure I'm getting my poimt across so I over explain to avoid my stupid from confused ppl (sometimes I explain in stupid ways lol). You obviously don't have to take this request, and if you do take your time and adjust as much as you wanna adjust (just please keep in good dad Doffy my daddy issues are screaming for him after reading all of his being a dad fics... And I still thirst for him too... Benefits of having an individual OC for each character I like), again thank you for reading this and thank you in advance if you write and even if you don't, and take as long as you want and need have a good day dear. Also no matter what you decide can you please confirm this reached you cause Tumblr tends to eat my asks please? (I suck at conveying nice things so I'm sorry if I sound rude or demanding).
hello! im doing okay, thank you for asking! unfortunately, i don't know anything about Doflamingo because the last time I saw him was before Skypeia so I haven't seen him much yet. I also haven't gotten to the Marineford part yet, so I wouldn't know what to do there either! I'm so sorry if this is disappointing 🙈 im just not sure about a lot of things in this request 🙈
feel free to request anything else, though! I'm happy to write about things I CAN do 😊
also, Inumaki Toge 🥺🥺
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monmuses · 2 months
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general-kalani asked: 🔥🔥🔥 { You decide topic have fun <3 } ; Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion.
you are truly making me roll the dice here for stuff i wanna talk about LMAO
okay firstly: overwatch. i still play the game just with friends and i manage my frustrations with it as a support main, but i cannot stand how Blizzard has singlehandedly shot themselves in the foot so many times over this company. forget the sexual assault lawsuits and frat lifestyle within the company, can we talk about how their company has fucked over their OWN game that won GOTY years prior? like, how do you fuck up a game this much that you reload the gun and keep shooting yourself in the foot like that?
you lay off a majority of your art team, you scrap PvE altogether (literally why did you even BOTHER with Overwatch """2""" to begin with?) and ruin the uniqueness your game had? i will always be a 6v6 enthusiast. the only problem is Blizzard will NEVER own up to their own mistakes of making the game 5v5 after this and probably never will, because there's so many issues that could be fixed if they brought back 6v6, like y'know, that secret power creep supports had in the early seasons of OW2?
this will 100% get me some nasty response, but i cannot stand how often people will scream for certain representations within certain race groups or LGBTQ+ rep, but the moment they DO get it, that's all they'll prioritize in characters in media. i have never seen SO MUCH mischaracterization in fandoms before up until it came to the representation they brought. people care about characters more when they have an official LGBTQ+ label they have and people will drool over that. and as somebody who's asexual, there's people who will only care if a character is asexual too! like, who cares if a movie or show has amazing writing, fuck all of that - we want the GAY character that we've picked and we will mischaracterize them so hard that we'll turn them into an OC (stares at the multiple anime fandoms who are notorious for this).
and lastly, people who gatekeep are so fucking weird. i've personally never met any gatekeeper before in my life, whether it's on Tumblr or outside of that, but people who are like that are so embarrassing. like, you DO realize that most of the info you swear secrecy to and will never tell anyone can show up in an easy Google search, right? or shit about a character that you know? you're not special for guarding a fandom from people. if anything, YOU are the problem.
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minevn · 1 year
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Some "Understand my Ship in 5 Minutes" charts! Feel free to tag me if you use them with your ocs! I would love to see! I'll have another post pretty much the same but without the horny section!
I'm gonna do some chart explaining just cause I want to, but feel free to ignore anything below this!
= means they're the same age as you
-1 means that they're one year younger.
Please note that all characters are AT LEAST 18 though.
All: I think all of their horny levels would fluctuate? Like maybe one day they just aren't feeling it and the next they could be going crazy or whatever.
Minato: I don't think he'd have much of an opinion about who's the big spoon or not, he likes being held as much as he likes holding onto you. I don't think he'd be against borrowing your clothes, but I think he wouldn't do it mainly because of size. He's 6'5 and pretty buff so unless you have clothes that could fit him I don't think he'd borrow clothes, he'd love seeing you in his clothes though! I just can't see him using pet names. I think he'd try but I think he more so just finds using your name more romantic then a nickname or a pet name. He's pretty awkward in general. A lot of people have shied away from him due to his intimidating size and they see the scar on his face and assume the worst, he doesn't really know how to talk to people and h's never really outgoing. I think even if he was close to you he'd still be gentle and more on the soft spoken side. Spoiler territory for confessions so I won't get too much into that but he'd be too shy to confess first. Instead of squashing the bug with a shoe I think he would just move the bug outside. He doesn't really care about bugs, but he doesn't wanna hurt them, they're still living creatures. He's a pretty good driver so he doesn't mind driving, but he wouldn't mind you driving if you wanted to, as long as you were good at driving. If you're bad he will take it upon himself to teach you, other then practicing the car is off limits to you. He's also a pretty good cook. He has experience helping his parents cook when he was younger and cooking meals for his grandparents that he's taking care of. It's not that he really dislikes PDA, more like he gets too shy and awkward to really enjoy it. He doesn't like having so much attention on him and when it is, its all he can focus on. He doesn't mind you being affectionate, just feels uncomfy if its out in public. He's protective of the ones he loves just in general. I don't think he's had any relationships, but I think he'd had like one or two crushes.
Haruto: I think he'd prefer to hold you, he just likes the feeling of you in his arms. If you also wanna hold him though he wouldn't mind but he might suggest you both face and hold each other. HE LOVES SEEING YOU IN HIS CLOTHES! HE ADORES IT! Even after all these years, he'll never get sick of the sight. He just thinks you're so precious<33333 He loves using pet names, he loves trying out a bunch just to get a reaction out of you. I just don't think he likes talking to others, like he's not shy, but he just cant stand other people LMAO. He likes to do both, but I think he's a bit better at using his words. He's all poetic with it or whatever. Bros been dropping hella hints about his crush since forever honestly. He's probably outright said it but you just took it as the friend type of love. He hates germs! and bugs...they're covered in nasty germs. He screams about the bugs not because he's scared of the actual bug, but because he's scared of the germs on those things. He Hates driving, but he hates not being reliable more. Its one of those things that could honestly change. If you like driving, then please, take the wheel. but if you don't, then he's got you. He likes cooking and is good at it too, he loves cleaning up while he's cooking. If you wanna cook then he'll help you by cleaning the messes that cooking makes. He loves PDA, he loves you showing off that he's yours just as much as you're his. Nothing screams "leave my partner alone" like some hardcore PDA. He's so overprotective that he doesn't even trust his younger brother around you. Him and his younger brother get along fine, great, wonder, fantastic even, but does he want his younger brother to get along too? absolutely not. Imagine you've liked someone your entire life and then your younger brother who you kept away from that person comes in and takes them? That could neeeeever happen 0_0. He has no relationship experience because h's saved himself ALLLLLL for you<33
Jun: I don't think Jun would mind holding you but I think Jun would feel like getting held is a reward after staying loyal to you all these years. She's done the holding for soooooo long, she wants to be held too. She loves borrowing and lending clothes equally. He's been using pet names since before you two were even close, just to feel like maybe your relationship is going somewhere. He would stop if he noticed it made you like SUPER uncomfy though. Anyways pet names are cute and Jun LOVES cute things, like you! Jun used to be more introverted but he realized that he'll only get to live once so he's kinda pushed himself to be more extroverted, but he's happy he did it! He can talk to you with more ease now! Jun is an all around lover! She loves telling and showing you just how much she loves you! She never fails to support you and compliment you and she loves touching you. Physical contact if definitely her main love language. Another one that has been confessing to you since the very beginning. He's not subtle about his feelings in any way, even more so since he's come back from college. If he doesn't confess now, someone else might sweep you off your feet. She HATES BUGS! okay maybe not ALL bugs. The cute bugs can stay, but the scary ones GOTTA GO! Okay its not that she really cant drive, just more so that she absolutely despises it. You are the only thing in the world that could make her drive. Unless she's driving for you, she hates it and outright refuses to do so. She tries...she tries REALLY HARD to cook, but her cooking is more on the bad side. Like you CAN eat it, but would you WANT to? ADORES PDA! Even if you two aren't dating she'll do all the PDA you're comfy with to try and give others the wrong impression. She loves showing you off and he loves being shown off. Less overprotective then others, but that mainly because she doesn't really know your friends other then Aki, his sister. Considering how Haruto is with his brother, Jun is definitely better when it comes to being less overprotective. Has tried to date in order to get his mind off of you, but the heart wants what it wants y'know? Jun's heart wants you, so those short relationships really meant nothing. Jun couldn't even do anything romantic with others without flinching. in one relationship, Jun tried holding hands with this boy and ended up throwing up because he wasn't you. Jun felt like he was CHEATING on you which she would NEVER EVER EVER DO!!
Hoshi: You're insane if you think you can sit him down and convince him to be the little spoon. He's laughing at you. Okay, MAYBE you could convince him once or twice but you are to never speak about it again and if he says he doesn't like it then don't ask it from him again. He's never thought about lending clothes and borrowing yours. Why would he even think about you like that? he doesn't! But if you INSIST on exchanging clothes then he doesn't think you look bad and if you wanted to you could totally wear more of his stuff, but you didn't hear that from him or from me, okay? He doesn't care what other people think of him. He's a prankster and is loud and arrogant. Much like Jun, he knows that he only gets to live once. He's gonna have fun in this life, he wishes you would let up and have fun too... You're funny if you think he shows affection AT ALL! He totally doesn't show both equally 0>0 His physical affection is dragging you out to have fun, his verbal affection is telling you to loosen up and have fun. He wants you to have fun. YOLO y'know? He'd confess to you first if he actually liked you y'know? He's not nervous at all! Please accept, he literally only cares about how you think of him. He'd squash those bugs without hesitation. He'd probably make a game outta it tbh. He can drive but he shouldn't. Unless you both wanna end up dead and severely damaging others and potentially killing them, you shouldn't EVER let them drive. He actually enjoys doesn't mind cooking. He has practice from working with his dad and all. He also likes experimenting with cooking as well. Sometimes it doesn't always work out but that's fine, over the years he's gotten pretty good at telling what spices and seasonings would go best with what meal. Yooooo who marked up this chart bro? Hoshi liking PDA????? He loves it so much more then anyone could ever imagine honestly. He HATES PDA!! Despises him, like don't even touch him. Please touch him. he loves it. he's sooooo touchstarved. He doesn't care who you hang out with because he totally doesn't like you. In all honesty though if you're dating him, then he trusts you. You took your time getting to know him despite how he treated you and still continues to treat you(He's less harsh in a relationship but he's stiiiilllll...Hoshi) that has to mean SOMETHING? Besides if you ever DID want to leave him Then it'd totally be okay he wouldn't let you :) He's had one relationship before, but it lasted a while and ...
Habiki: Prefers to be the big spoon but wouldn't mind you being the big spoon every once in a while if you wanted to. He doesn't care about borrowing clothes from you but if you wanted to borrow his clothes then he wouldn't be opposed He kinda likes seeing you in his stuff. He straight up does not use pet names. He thinks they're STUPID. Your name is perfect the way it is<3 Much like Haruto, he's not shy he is around you, he just doesn't like people. He's not good with his words, and although his movements are stiff and uncertain, he's trying really hard and can do stuff like that easier then telling you how he really feels. He doesn't confess first unless his patience is running extremely thin. Well he'd squash the bugs without hesitation, unless you wanted him to save the bugs and just move them out He thinks any other way is stupid and useless. He drives through and through, there's no convincing him to let you drive. He's a good driver and only trusts himself behind the wheel. He just doesn't want you getting hurt. DON'T EAT HIS COOKING! DON'T LET HIM IN THE KITCHEN UNLESS YOU WANT IT TO BURN DOWN! I think he might go crazy if you show him off. Seriously, how'd he end up dating you? He doesn't like PDA at all, he thinks it's stupid and there's no point to it. He's shy. He really doesn't deem others as a threat, for the most part, he knows his worth. Why wouldn't you wanna date him? Not that he wants to date you... He doesn't even look at other people. All of those npcs people that have no meaning to him.
Kage: THEY CAN'T HOLD YOU!!! THEY'LL PASS OUT! Being a little spoon is hard enough for them, just being held! Lending clothes to you is one of the only thing Kage can manage to do with you. Seriously you look amazing in his clothes. USING PET NAMES IS WAY TOO MUCH!! They'll try though, if it makes you happy. Just let them sit down while they do it otherwise it'll hurt when they pass out! I don't think I need to elaborate on the introvert/extrovert section LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO! He's too shy to do ANY affection LOL their affection is just letting you do whatever you want with him. Bro can barely breathe around you, you think he can CONFESS to you??? might as well just get him to stop breathing completely, forever. He screams not because he's scared of the bugs, he actually likes bugs, he screams if one of them land on his because then he's scared that he's getting ambushed. probably by the other LI HE DOESN'T GO OUT! HE CANT DRIIIIVE! The only thing he can make is Ramen. Fun FUN at home dinner dates. Literally his house only has Ramen, soda, and water. HE LOVES PDA AND AFFECTION BUT HES SOOOOOO TERRIFIED OF IT! He might pass out if you show affection in public. He's over protective but like he's not gonna do anything in the moment. He's coming up with a plan to get rid(murder orrrrrr???) of that person. Do I need to explain the last row? As mentioned earlier he really doesn't go out. Typically the only time he'll go out is to buy food most of the time he asks Haruto or you(if they're comfy enough) to get it or the visit the graveyard and dead of night when like no one is around.
Kei: Whatever you want darling. Personally he prefers being the big spoon but he also loves being held by you. He doesn't really lend or borrow clothes. Don't get him wrong though, he knows that you would look good in his clothes because you look good in everything, he's just a little nervous to ask if you wanna wear his stuff, so feel free to ask yourself! He thinks your name is perfect as is so he loves using it, but also he's had a list of cute pet names to call you since high school sooooo he's gonna put that list to good use. Although he's gotten more confident, he's still not THAT confident. He doesn't talk to people unless he needs to or unless they are you. He's good with his words, but his throat tightens whenever he's near you, so affection through shaky, inexperienced hands will have to do. He'd rather wait for you to confess, but if he is going to confess first then he's making sure that you like him 100% and that there's no doubts. He'd also just let the bugs go. Most bugs. Bugs that he absolutely despises are getting squashed immediately without mercy. One time there was this scary flying bug and I kept hitting it with the flyswatter so hard it disappeared into the backrooms, I imagine that would be him with bugs he doesn't like. He's a good driver and doesn't mind it, but if you want to drive then feel free to! He's not THE BEST cook. He's very by the recipe when it comes to cooking so depending on the recipe it may be bland, but his food is good and edible. He loves PDA but with only initiate it if you do! He's scared of scaring you off and ruining years worth of progress to have ANY kind of relationship with you. Much like Minato, he's overprotective in a "I care about this person a lot and therefore wanna make sure they are safe!" kinda way but also in a "I don't want anybody but me touching this person and even if they're looking at them or breathing in the same air it still bothers me." type of way. In a previous post I mentioned how Kei met you because you were teamed up for a project and how you were "one of the only" people that also did the work, implying there were more people? Yeah he had crushes on them, but they were very short lived crushes and he had them when he was in like elementary to middle school.
Yani: HES WHATEVER YOU WANT HIM TO BE! big spoon? Little spoon? He's fine with whateverrrrr! She LOOOOOOVES stealing borrowing you clothes! Of course she'd be flattered if you wanted to wear her stuff as well. Please do, get your scent all up in her clothes. Literally calls you anything other then your name LMAOOO Petnames? Hell yeah! Nicknames? Yessirrrrrr they've got infinite nicknames for ya! Yani has NO SHAME!!! NONE! WOULD ABSOLUTELY HAVE A DREAM THAT IT WENT TO SCHOOL IN ONLY UNDERWEAR AND THEN WOULD ACTUALLY DO THAT BECAUSE IT THOUGHT IT WAS FUNNY! The police hate him Affection through words? Affection through actions? AFFECTION THROUGH EVERYTHING!!!! Yani does it alllllllllll! Super affectionate! Once again, HAS NO SHAME!! PROBABLY CONFESSED WHEN THEY FIRST SAW YOU! Like imagine this person comes up to you and is like "I've known you for .2 seconds and I'm in love with you because you dropped your phone." Yeah, sounds like Yani. Nothing Yani does makes sense. She plays with the bugs<3333 she loves bugs, the only reason she'd be screaming about the bugs is over how cute they are, with their cute lil venomous tails and stuff. Would you even TRUST Yani with a car???? WOULD YOU EVEN TRUST YANI IN THE KITCHEN??????? Its SUPER affectionate, It LOOOOOOOOOVES PDA!! Not as much as it loves you though!🫰🫰The MAIN yandere, the poster child, the reason why Mine was made in the first place, of COURSE Yani is the MOST overprotective LI! Yani has NO relationship experience nobody wanted them ToT sorry Yani, illy tho bbygrl
WOOOOW once again I made a post thats long. I love talking about my ocs and getting info out about them!
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safyresky · 8 months
I was thinking about random TSC characters if they had tattoos (which I hope to make my own post about eventually, another one added to the pile) AND THEN I remembered that one Jacqueline Frost exists and I wanna know if she would have any tattoos! What of? Where? Would any of your OTHER oc's have them?
Idk just a thought to roll around in your head. Cause it's certainly been pinballing in mine!
This pin balled in my head ALL NIGHT, I TELL YOU. ALL! NIGHT!
I asked Jacqueline and she had 0 reply so I was left on my OWN here. NONE of the characters were like, sups vocal about this. BUT ANYWAY after a good night's sleep and some pre-bed pin balling, I have a list of likely to get tattoos/want them at the VERY least:
Fino and Fiera deffs would. They probably would get something matchy for funsies at some point, somewhere like. Obscure?? Like their side or like, shoulder or like leg somewhere. Deffs a nondescript one! And probs just before they turn 2000 lol. (tho the image of two rather small 1200 year olds going HI YES 1 MATCHING TATTOO PLEASE is so fucking funny)
Fiera would get more tats than just that for sure, lol.
Blaise would tattoo. does he have any? Not that I'm aware of. But he deffs would
Jacqueline simply has 0 ideas for a funky little tattoo, so she has 0 plans for one/want for one/need for one. Part of me is like, maybe she'd tattoo her scars?? But I think she leaves them as is. She thinks they're neat. They're tinged blue. Nobody ELSE has scars like that (you can imagine how this makes literally every other Frost feel lmao. Except the Twins, they're like "yes girl get it!" Fiera more so than Fino ;) I could MAYBE see her doing one with Dite? But neither of them are like, screaming OMG YES WE HAVE ONE ALREADY EVEN so take that with a smidgen of salt
Winter would not tattoo, but her sisters would! Autumn would get smaller ones but deffs in full colour. Summer is like MY BODY IS A CANVAS LET'S GO! She'd have even MORE colours than Autumn. Spring is a basic bitch and probably has a basic tattoo somewhere like a butterfly or a flower or something. Like, a really stereotypical "I got a tattoo omg!!" kinda thing! I WILL SAY. If she got a phrase in another language, Spring would Spell Check That Shit 100%
If Blossom wasn't a bunny, she'd have tattoos (I don't want to think about the logistics for an anthropomorphic-ish bunny getting a tattoo)
Grand Witches deffs have tattoos. Both of them. What are they? Idk! But they have them!
In terms of other Legates: I think Charlie would get a tattoo >:). Xander is a solid maybe. He could go either way. Day MAYBE and Night DEFFS and his are cool. I bet they're silvery and look like they are made of moonlight (they may very well be!). I already covered Jacquie and Dite (Dite would probably get a tattoo! Doesn't have any that I know of presently but deffs would) Myles I think has a thing about needles so he probably wouldn't get one unless Olivia went with him for emotional support. Olivia would NOT get a tattoo, but probably has the best ideas for them!
Upon further reflection, Winter is not a tattoo person BUT. DEFFS KNOWS HOW TO GIVE THEM. I feel like that's an unexpected hobby she'd have and that she's probably really good at it, too.
I hope this adds a second pinball to your pinballing ;) Sorry there's no concrete like OH YES THIS PERSON WOULD DEFFS GET THIS!! I am very much camp Jacquie and Myles, in that I think tattoos are very cool but A) have no idea what I'd get/want for a tat and B) DO have a thing about needles and would not want to even ATTEMPT to get one, my needle thing is that bad.
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vortship · 1 year
🌵, 🍀?
send 🌵 and i'll recommend a canon rp blog
@piinetrees I haven't been following long but they have a really good handle on Dipper and I love the plots we've been discussing. Making me wanna rewatch GF tbh.
@divile's Roman from Hemlockle McGroove. You will not meet a person more passionate about a character than May is about Roman. She really writes him with a lot of heart, I'm pretty sure she secretly wrote the books. ALSO my oldest friend on the hellsite, maker of my graphics, and person who sends me tiktoks of pugs in scenarios at 2 am.
@manaborn I have never seen Ben 10 a day in my life but their blog and dedication to Gwen is fantastic. Gwen is so dynamic, I wanna be her when I grow up.
send 🍀 and i'll recommend an oc rp blog
@moonspower Vi is love. Vi is life. More importantly Vi is so fucking real. I have a soft spot for characters who go through a lot and come out on the other side wanting to help others, people who are tough but with gentle hearts. Also a GTA AND King of the Hill AND Shrek verse? I'm screaming and crying (in a good way).
@the-blackened-dove I love seeing Roxxy on my dash. Sometimes we all just need a really tall, fancy lady. Roxxy's got a lot going on, but maintains a lot of dignity throughout. Also it's so clear how much her mun loves the crap out of her, even VOICE ACTING her, like that's so fucking cool to me. I've tried to do that before and it has nooot gone well lmao.
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theriacballad · 3 months
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Heyo! I'm Dandy, below you can find more information about me, as well as links to my carrd and pronouns page; including some common tags you'll see on my page.
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I go by a lot of names, of which you can find on my pronouns page, but my main ones are usually displayed in my carrd or my tumblr Bio. Neato!
I am a MINOR. So please, for the love of all things unholy and holy, don't be weird with me. With that being said though, please do not interact with me if you are under the age of 16, you are allowed to interact with my content, as I can't stop you from doing so, but please be respectful of my wishes.
I'm an autistic nonbinary fellow, so tone tags are greatly appreciated; I also suffer from dissociative disorders and other disorders I am not willing to disclose, so please be mindful of that.
I will say slurs I can reclaim, and I will also make KMS and KYS jokes; of which will be tagged incase you do not wish to see those posts. Suggestive posts will also be tagged; SUGGESTIVE POSTS WILL NEVER BE OUTRIGHT NSFW! AS I AM STILL A MINOR!
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As of right now, I am heavily hyperfixated on IHNMAIMS, Ultrakill, Jekyll and Hyde, and gothic horror literature in general. My brain chemistry is forever changed by these Victorian aged fools and sopping wet cats and robots; feel free to talk to me about them!
Other content and fandoms you may see on my page consists of: IHNMAIMS, Ultrakill, FNAF, DSAF, TMA, Undertale, TSP, True crime, Scenecore, LSOH, Heathers, Black Christmas, Scream, general horror movies, Chickens, and a lot more! If you wanna tag me in any of this content, feel free to! I love seeing it :] I am a self taught artist and roleplayer, I've been roleplaying for almost a decade now and doing art since I was like. Young. Lmao. I post about my ocs here sometimes, you have probably seen Roman and Rufus, along with Bennie posted here on occasions!
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General Jekyll and Hyde tags - for anything related to Jekyll and Hyde! Gothic horror/Literature tags - Anything related to the generalized enjoyment of Gothic horror literature and the like :] Meowing on the microphone - For when I spew bullshit out of my maw! Yay! Kitty's arts and crafts - For whenever I post art! JAH Paddock AU - For the AU that I am writing on AO3, posts about it, updates, etc!
OC tags - for any ocs I post !
IHNMAIMS tags - For I have no mouth and I must scream related content
-- Slurs usage - for when a post of mine contains a slur.
-- Suggestive - for when a post of mine can be deemed suggestive.
-- KYS usage - for whenever I use a KYS or KMS joke.
More TBA.
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I know this post is pretty long, but hopefully it goes over the general stuff of my page and what's to be expected here. :] Here's my links!
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