#i want the next special or movie or tv series or whatever the fuck to start with this goofy shit again so badd
aquapolis · 10 months
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can't stop thinking about not just the fact zenigata slowly stops choking lupin so he can pay attention to the call but also the fact that lupin somehow FORGOT HE WAS THERE
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woofety · 7 months
I was tagged by @sirtadcooper - thank you!! 😃
Tag someone you want to know AND/OR some of your besties.
(mandatory under the cut because I'm an idiot who can't keep it short to save her life 😅)
Favourite colour: this is an easy one, I'm in an established relationship and still madly in love after so many years with practically every shade of violet/purple that exists! 💜 Maybe I'm slightly more drawn to colder hues, but I'm not really that picky when it comes to this family of colours!
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(This is a picture of a portion of wall in my bedroom I have asked to be painted with this shade of violet - which is a bit darker in reality but y' know, artificial light, that corner is way too dark to photograph otherwise... the whole room has various hues of purple scattered around: curtains, decorations, blankets, pillows... here's a special appearance of my beautiful boat lamp! ⛵💕)
Last song: thanks to a suggestion from Youtube, which probably hates me, because I'm still recovering from a flu and generally weak so it would be wise to avoid any kind of unneccessary emotional outburst:
Not technically a song, but still... I'm not sure if I was crying while watching this because I haven't had the chance to listen to them live yet, since they made a European tour twice but never touched my country and I couldn't travel abroad to see them, or because of... whatever it is that is going on with this performance and these artists, "epicness" to me barely covers it, I know I'm exaggerating but that's how much I love Two Steps From Hell, what can I say... In any case here I am being even more of a mess than I already am, you'd think I have had enough of using handkerchiefs these days! 😭❤️‍🔥
Last movie: I think it was Imagine me & you, which I finally watched after seeing a lot about it here (unpopular opinion no one asked for, I thought I would have enjoyed it more... ☹️)... It was either that or Bros (which I actually enjoyed it more than I expected instead 😁), at the moment I don't remember exactly which came last...
Currently watching: Fellow Travelers as for new shows (fuck me, seriously, what am I doing to myself 😭 - I'm crying quite a bit in this post 😅), rewatching Blackadder after having finished A bit of Fry and Laurie 😆, and sports as well, mainly tennis, padel and basketball atm!
Other stuff I watched this year: Oh my, I didn't watch an awful lot of things, but I'll surely forget something - I'm terrible remembering this kind of stuff (if only it was just these things 😅)! Let's see, in no particular order, I can recall Minx (so far this year the most pleasant surprise in terms of TV series I've watched for the first time, silly [affectionate] little show), Wednesday (it was a bit meh for me, not sure if I'll watch next season), Red, white & royal blue (likely one of my favourite movies this year ❤️... yeah, it's not certainly a big deal of a movie ofc and I'm not even a rom com gal, especially for those Hallmark style movies, like this kinda is, but idk, it was cute and warm and brought good feelings and probably I watched it in the right moment for me, or one on which I just needed good vibes, what can I say), Call me by your name (even more than watching the movie reading the book was... quite an experience - I'm not saying it an entirely bad way, but I'm still so utterly confused about my feelings about this novel), What's love, The kissing booth (don't ask me about this one, the things I do to watch an actor I like 😅 - there's a whole trilogy of it but I only watched the two movies that had in the cast the actor I was interested in, really can't be bothered to do more than that, it was enough suffering I endured 🤣), Only murders in the building, The witcher, National treasure: edge of history (I don't care what anyone says, this show deserved at least another season, it was far from perfect but there has been way worse that still sticks around, and I'm speaking as a fan of the movies foremost, especially the first one, which is one of my comfort movies, as absurd and silly as it is 😊), Shadow and bone, The witcher (as for these, I'll probably keep watching an eventual next season only for some of the cast, because both were an utter disappointment and I wouldn't bother continuing otherwise), let's see, what else, oh yeah, Smiley (this was another nice show tbh, and in this case I could also train my ear a bit on the language since it's in Spanish and I'm trying to learn and improve it 😝) and two other Spanish shows (guilty again for watching mainly for an actor I wanted to see ah ehm), Merlì/Merlì: Sapere Aude and Alguien tiene que morir, and Érase una vez… pero ya no, all pretty much forgettable... I don't know what else, probably there is something more, but I'm making it lenghty already, I should stop anyway!
Shows I dropped this year/didn’t finish: damn, I should make a sheet about tv/movies as I do with books, it's honestly hard remembering what I watched or dropped! I can recall not going through the second episode of Warrior nun: again, another show I was curious about having seen things here on Tumblr, but I didn't feel it after the first episode, I'm not even sure exactly why - it's possible I'll try again someday, it's way too early to have an opinion after only one episode! I also didn't finish Lockwood & co., this one wasn't really for me tbh... I'm not even mentioning something I've been watching only and exclusively because it's a sort of joke I have with a friend of mine... All right, I'll say, it's High School Musical: The musical - the series 😅 Truth is, my friend likes the movies and low key also the series, whereas I hate them all, and she knows they piss me off and she has fun hearing my comments and teasing me about it... I have a bit less fun submitting myself to this "torture" but whatever! 🤣 I try to watch the series when I'm particularly willing to waste my time, because the only reason I'm doing it is to have a laugh with said friend, anyway rn I'm at the last season and it's so bad, sooooooo bad (mind you, meaning it's just not for me, I'm likely too old and too millennial to watch this kind of shows anymore), I don't know how I am supposed to endure any more of it lol!! I guess at some point I'll force myself to finish it to end my suffering and hoping my friend and I will finally close this questionable chapter of our watching experience, but damn it's hard! 😝 As for shows of which I completed a season but didn't watch the next, I could say one was Abbott Elementary: pretty bummed about it because it was actually cute and was enjoying it, I finished the first season when the second didn't air yet and when it did, I had moved on and lost interest a bit and wasn't in the mood to continue my watching (happens to me a lot)... I think at some point I will resume this one, just have to find the right inspiration! 😛 (I'm rather complicated and picky about my watching/reading experience in general, ops) And I have to mention as well, even if it will surely grant me some disapproval from the person who tagged me in this game 😆, I couldn't pick up Our flag means death after the first season as well, and for now I don't think I will resume it: I didn't really feel this show, I don't know what to say... 🤷 Should I mention that I also tried rewatching The Terror but I was like "oh hell no!" after the first episode?! 😅 In my defense I watched it at night, and the show is A LOT and nearly killed me the first time, yeah ok I'm making excuses but I have to be in a certain state of mind to watch certain things and The Terror is one of those cases - I already mentioned I'm complicated with my watching experience, yes?! 😜 Anyway it was a rewatch so it shouldn't count sssshhhh 🤫😁
Currently reading: more like, the books I've put on hold atm, ouch! True that this year, especially in the first half, I've read way more than I expected and definitely way more than I usually do, but that's not an excuse to make a pause - still, I'm realizing that it's been few weeks since I've picked up my readings! Anyway, what I've been reading is Mercanti avventurieri by Attilio Brilli, which collects stories about merchants and their travels and trades through the centuries; Columbus by Lawrence Bergreen, the account of Cristoforo Colombo's voyages in America - not happy enough of ending up horrified and outraged by the chronicle of Magellano's expedition (by the story and events, not the author's writing, which I actually appreciated a lot), I decided to educate myself more about another so called "pioneer" who thanks to his hubris committed terrible atrocities in the name of "progress" and "religion" and "civilization" and so on 😡 , since the little knowledge I have about Colombo comes mainly from my years at school... Despite the fact that my respect for this man is nowhere to be seen, I'm still somehow fascinated by the narration of sea voyages, which in the end are actually my main interest when reading this kind of stories; Atlante delle fortune di mare di Cyril Hofstein, an account of tales about (mis)fortunes at sea, involving incidents, lost treasures, mysterious events, discoveries, disappearances, disasters and so forth - btw, in the book there is this particular chapter:
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The disappearance of the Erebus and Terror is the title - the real story is terrifying enough even without creating a fictional horror show inspired by it jfc!
And lastly, this is definitely the less "serious" reading, The Lawrence Browne affair by Cat Sebastian, one of my first attempts at reading "proper" (meaning they're not fanfictions, not that I don't consider those "proper" literature, on the contrary many of them are written far better than some published books I've read, so yeah, I should say "published" instead) erotic novels lmao 😝 This was a whim really, I felt I wanted to read something light, "wicked" and not to be taken seriously (it also was probably some sort of "knee-jerk reaction" to many of the queer books I read this year, which were sad, depressing and/or tragic 😔)! Romance novels are not really my jam in general, but every once in a while they don't hurt, since I'm doing it just for fun! This one is actually the second book of a trilogy, more disappointing than the first book I have to say, which was more "juicy" and entertaining! 😁
Currently listening to: ah, this is a tough one to pinpoint, because lately my Spotify is on shuffle most of the time (I have a folder literally called "Miscellanea" that keeps a bit of everything, it's a glorious mess lol), and my music preferences are rather varied... Let's say that if I have to consciously choose something at the moment, there would certainly be Poets of the Fall, Gaelic Storm, The Irish Rovers, Santiano (in general celtic folk/punk songs, especially if inspired by sea and sailors stories- those are good for all seasons 🥰), Two Steps From Hell, J2 and "epic music" in general, and dance-pop music from '70 to '00, original or remixes, especially when I work out in the last case!
Currently working on: do crosswords count? It's my newest pursuit lol 😆 Because otherwise I'm afraid I'm not working on anything in particular at the moment (and I should start, since I had a couple of ideas for gifts for Christmas that alas, have to be handcrafted in order to be created, and if I want to have them done I am the one who must work on them, ugh can you believe it, outrageous, what has the world come to 😂)... I occasionally do a bit of calligraphy, create costume jewellery or create little macramè things, again usually trinkets but this summer I bought thicker yarns so I could have a go at something a little bigger like coin purses, wallets and little bags, and all in all it didn't go that bad:
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The problem is, at least with the purses, that with these dimensions I can't fit half the things I usually bring with me when I go out because "you never know what might happen I might need this thing", so these purses were more like first tries and will likely not be used by me very much because they are too small for my necessities! 😅 In any case, I had to put this activity on hold for a bit because I lacked some time to dedicate myself to it!
Oh, wait, does trying to repair a porcelain ornament that fell on the floor (not because of me, I want to clarify, for once that I don't accidentally bump into stuff and make a mess - which happens more often than I'd like 😅) count? Hardly but whatever, anyway it's going to be complicated to glue the pieces back, some have shattered in such tiny fragments, sigh...
Current obsession: I'm almost shocked to report that at the current moment no particular obsession has consumed my every waking hour 🤣 I mean, even the flame of padel, which I've been following almost religiously all year, has dimmed a little, but it is the end of the season/year, everyone is tired and so am I apparently, rooting for couples who almost never have significant results (story of my life lol), so I guess I'm recharging the batteries for another round of hopeless cheer next year, yay! 🥳 For the rest, in terms of media I believe there is nothing of significance to report in terms of proper "obsession" for the time being, so yeah, that's it 😌 (the times of Black Sails or even Agents of SHIELD are far behind me, I miss being that "obsessed" tbh ☹️)
Tagging @thelifeinmyshadesofgrey , @whitestnoise , @lives-ruined-and-bloodshed, @valentinaonthemoon , @mednay , @tirairgid (ofc if you want to and haven't done it before) and whoever wants to give it a go really!
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Movie Review | Demonoid (Zacarias, 1981)
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The fact is, people going into an R-rated ‘80s horror movie can expect two things with reasonable certainty: blood and gore, and T&A. Okay, that was four things. Violence and sex. That’s two things. Unless you’re keeping a running count, in which it’s six. But those are things that the opening scene of Demonoid delivers. We see a bunch of people in yellow hooded robes fighting each other. (The costumes look like if the KKK had a mishap on laundry day.) Turns out one of them is a lady, so the other two tear her robe open to reveal her breasts, and then lop off her hand and put it in a fancy hand-shaped box. (It’s not clear why they tore her robe open if they were just gonna lop off her hand, but whatever, I’m not complaining.) Now, I hope you got your fill of violence and sex with that one scene, because those are two things the movie never delivers on again. Okay, there’s a bit of blood here and there, but nowhere in the quantities the opening scene might have primed you for. As you can guess from the description, that opening scene is metal as fuck. The flashes of (presumably) the titular demonoid, seen in silhouette against a foggy background that the movie throws in during choice moments? Pretty metal too. The rest of the movie? About as metal as, I dunno, Air Supply? Seals and Crofts? Not very, is what I’m saying.
Now, after that opening scene, we flash forward to present day, when a husband and wife explorer team find that hand-shaped box in a mine and foolishly unleash its reign of terror into the world. The husband is played by Roy Jenson, who looks like he could play Jess Franco in a TV biopic, likely one without any nudity, so we’d get lots of scenes of him adjusting his zoom lens and maybe a few where he hugs the Lina Romay lookalike they hired. The wife is played by Samantha Eggar, who most will recognize as the stand-in for David Cronenberg’s crazy ex-wife in The Brood. Here she is not so crazy, but is certainly a welcome presence as she brings a certain level of class and poise to a movie about a killer hand. She’s also a welcome presence because she has nice marble-shaped eyes which come in handy during her many reaction shots, and sports terrific hats in a couple of scenes. Jenson doesn’t stick around too long in the movie (although not before he runs into Haji of Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill! fame), so Eggar enlists the help of a priest played by Stuart Whitman, who brings an off-brand Father Karras energy to the role. (I know of Whitman because of his role in Guyana: Cult of the Damned, a movie I haven’t seen but is cited as the premier dictatorsploitation movie in Bill Landis’ Sleazoid Express. The only movie in the genre I’ve seen is Amin: The Rise and Fall, which is very boring but has a convincing Idi Amin in Joseph Olita. The most memorable scene has him boasting of his romantic prowess. "Let me tell you, I'm the world's greatest lover. They all want Amin! Right, baby?") It’s mentioned that the hand is trying to make it’s way to Eggar, but the decisions it makes don’t line up too clearly with that objective.
As I mentioned earlier, this is a movie about a killer hand, or rather, a series of killer hands as the spirit of the hand jumps from one host to the next. What this means is that we get a lot of hand-centric scenes of horror, like characters tearing off their hands with a car door or demanding emergency surgery at gunpoint to have their hand sliced off. (I assume the latter scene takes place at a clinic that specializes in hand surgery.) A lot of this is directed with the lowest energy imaginable, giving such scenes an amusing deadpan quality. There is however a car chase that the movie commits wholeheartedly to, blaring dramatic chase music (the wah wah pedal gets plenty of use), and the climax, set in a church with the lights turned down and a bit of a breeze coming in, is not without atmosphere. And it must be said that the hand effects look nicer than one might expect.
Listen, this is eighty minutes long and available in a nice transfer on Tubi. If you can get on its low wattage wavelength, you won’t miss those eighty minutes.
Thanks to  @thedrillerkiller​ for the recommendation!
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ebbiemunson · 2 years
Tag People You Want to Get to Know Better
Repost  don’t  reblog.
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FAV COLOR(S): white, yellow, pink
FAV FLAVOR(S): Cherry, Blue Raspberry, Chocolate, Vanilla, Grape, Orangesicle; I like savory foods like chips, and I would rather have a burger than something sweet!
FAV GENRE(S): horror, fantasy, sci-fi, comedy
FAV MUSIC: Things I can sing to! I love singing, because of this my music taste is all over the place. I tend to like whatever makes my brain go brrr. Fall Out Boy was my first favorite band, and I love everything from Elton John to Eminem. I love filthy music too. NF is something that'll always get me pumped. My Vecna song is NF - The Search
FAV MOVIE(S): Antrum, Incantation, The Hills Have Eyes (both the classic and the remake), Nightmare on Elm Street-- let's just say I'm a slut for horror movies. I especially love The Endless and Annihilation. I also fucking love Girl With All The Gifts. I love horror movies that make me feel something too. One of my all time favorites will always be The Grudge. It was the first horror movie I ever watched. My brother made me a deal when I was ten that if I could sit through The Grudge, he'd let me watch The Hills Have Eyes... let's just say from there a horror junkie was born. I am ALSO A SLUT FOR GHIBLI MOVIES. Soldier's girl, and To Wong Foo - Thanks for everything Julie Newmar have special places in my heart.
FAV SERIES: Pushing Daisies, Friends, MLP, Simpsons, Rick and Morty, Naruto, Fullmetal Alchemist (Both 2003 and Brotherhood), Bluey, Malcolm in the Middle, House MD, Futurama, Boy Meets World, Bones, Criminal Minds, Hannibal, Scrubs, Gravity Falls, Tangled, Halt and Catch Fire, Lucifer, Chuck, Black Mirror, Wentworth, InuYasha, Cells at Work, Aggretsuko, Ouran, Good Girls, Final Space, Pokemon. These were just the ones off the top of my head.
LAST SONG: The Steve Miller Band - The Joker
LAST MOVIE: Encanto! 
CURRENTLY READING: Trying to work through some D&D lore so I'm not so fucking clueless. Mostly I read r/nosleep
CURRENTLY WATCHING: There's nothing on the TV right now, but I casually kind of loop Stranger Things, the series I'm binging right now is King of the Hill
WORKING ON: Making Icons! Also doing some outlines for some fics I would like to work on and finish. I'd love to get the next chapter of Map to Hope out, and I have another one I've started that's a big vent fic with Disabled Eddie. I also am gently working on something Munver, and I wrote the opening lines to a Mungrove.
Tagged by: @tthehair​​
Tagging: You, motherfucker
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cyanlastride · 3 months
the colorado kid has torn through my mind over the past several hours
i was scrolling through tv shows i could watch when i saw haven. my parents watched haven when i was younger, and i remember bits and pieces of it. i was surprised, however, to see stephen king mentioned in the show summary. i read my first king book, the gunslinger, long after my parents finished haven, and before the gunslinger i really had no interest in king. now, even though ive still only read a handful of his books besides the dark tower, i jump every time i see his name, or anything nineteen.
i watched the first episode of haven with intent for the first time, and after something like 6 ad breaks decided that tv was not worth my time. also, though the show was interesting it didnt feel like king, other than it being set in maine. obviously i am no expert of what does and does not feel like king as i swore that donnie darko was a king adaptation when i watched it recently, but whatever. a quick wikipedia search confirms that only the setting and the idea of the colorado kid are king-inspired, along with a couple of references to stuff like IT. still havent read or watched IT. at the end of the day im a dark tower fan, not a king-horror fan, and surprisingly the fanbases have relatively small overlap. anyways, while im on wikipedia, i decide to quickly check out the colorado kid page.
and of course, my eyes immediately spy out the words dark tower.
"The review of The Colorado Kid in today’s issue of today's USA Today mentions that there was no Starbucks in Denver in 1980. Don’t assume that’s a mistake on my part. The constant readers of the Dark Tower series may realize that is not necessarily a continuity error, but a clue."
and just like that, im hooked. you see, im the type of nerd that grinned like a fool when i noticed the name of the bus company in the dr sleep movie. i love finding the little references and connections to the dark tower, so much so that the entire reason why i bought and read fairy tale was because i thought the staircase on the cover looked like the eye of the crimson king. the dark tower reference ending up being much more mundane in that book, but i still enjoyed myself.
so i wasnt able to sleep because i want to find my special little dark tower easter egg just for me oh boy oh boy, and now ive spent at least that last 4 hours starting and finishing the colorado kid which has left me unable to sleep because i cannot stop trying to come up with theories and trying to figure out how the fuck a starbucks existing in denver in 1980 when the first one didnt open there until 1992 on our/kings(?) level of the tower has any fucking relevance to the colorado kid who we already know exists on a different level of the tower to kings level because im assuming the forwards/afterwards are canon like they are in the dark tower books.
also, completely separate to the dark tower relevancy discussion, my main question about the colorado kid is as follows: where the hell did he get the steak from? either my man has been carrying around a cooked steak in his suit all day including into the fish n chip place, or he got it somewhere presumably after the ferry, so on the island? there cant be that many places that serve steak on the island, and with how the setting is described i find it unlikely they wouldnt be able to track down a witness who remembers an out of towner ordering a steak to go. so he was most likely given that steak by someone, someone who knew him well enough to want to give him a steak to eat with his bare fucking hands and then either purposefully doesnt speak up when he is found dead or never finds out about his death. im also willing to bet that the mysterious steak-bearing stranger saw and moved the colorado kid after he choked, because seriously if you were sitting enjoying some steak on the beach cuddled up with a trashcan one why are you rawdogging your steak next to a trashcan two when you start choking are you not going to attempt to stand, or lean over, perhaps over the trashcan, to attempt to choke out your steakbit? let gravity do some of the work, and right into the appropriate receptacle no less? like seriously my man mustve been going through something when he started choking on his steak he just sat there chilling, completely unbothered. if he was in any normal "ohgodhelpmeimchokingtodeath" position when he died he shouldve been face first in the sand. so yeah the colorado kid one hundred percent met with someone who gave him a steak, watched him choke on it, and then sat him up against a trashcan and just left.
maybe it was one of the furries or vampires or whatever. they were having some sort of fancy dinner when jake and callahan showed up, right? was that steak or human? also i seem to remember their little "come watch the humans fuck up their world lol hehe 9/11" teleport door hallway having something to do with russian currency, not sure what the connection is there but my brain seems to think theres something.
last thoughts before i give up for the night: not bothering to factcheck this but i think the dark tower series was completed in 04 and this book's afterward was dated 05 so the whole of the tower is potential context here. also the stand is one of the few other king books ive read and i think boulder colorado is important there too? its either the target city for the good survivors or the place where the sheriff comes from, i think? or maybe its the city the katet passes through in wizard and glass? i dont remember anymore my memory is awful and its late. if the kid ever went todash we at least know he started and ended on the same level of the tower cuz of his wife. the starbucks thing is bothering me too, like why is it significant that hes on another level of the tower, and one thats so similar to our own like they have starbucks during the cold war but with the way they talk about airplane regulations im assuming 9/11 still happened so it cant be that different. im starting to think that king just said that to turn people who were miffed about colorado kid onto the dark tower to increase sales or something but he posted this on his blahag so like i really doubt that.
im boutta pass out, damn you king, damn you colorado kid
0 notes
1kook · 4 years
commercial break; SEVEN
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this is part of my netflix & chill series ! happens a few months before part 7 
summary; And lastly, Jungkook will bring it full circle by indulging you two in some good old fashion spooky sex where he nuts inside you because the only thing scarier than a scary movie is a pregnancy scare. It’s a perfect plan.  warnings; horny jk, jk wants to roleplay... everyone point n laugh, mentions of his impreg kink lol, making out, tits, honestly jk is just very horny n in love lol, jk in a vampire costume w fangs O_o rating; mature (18+) wc; 2k
notes; if u don’t know who lindsay is first of all ur sick, second of all here’s my queen’s top moments. also i just gotta say, this was originally gonna be a larger fic (a halloween special) for my ncouple, but i got a lil busy with school n ultimately didn't have time to invest in this as a whole installment so..... enjoy this commercial break instead!!
Jungkook loves Halloween.
He loves the pumpkin carving and the decorating. Loves the spooky music and the abundance of candy. He loves it, absolutely adores it, and for the second year in a row, he gets to spend it with you! Yet another person he loves very much.
He doesn’t remember ever being this excited for Halloween. Last year, you had roped him into going to some frat party with him, had egged him on, begged so cutely that it was your last year in college, baby until he caved. The two of you had spent the night drinking until you blacked out, Ubering home with your costumes half on, and then unceremoniously fucking in his living room with the blinds wide open.
(The next neighborhood meeting had been very awkward for Jungkook.)
It was his first time ever drinking with you like that, and he vaguely remembers, through his own drunken gaze, how cool you had been. Had absolutely owned a bunch of greasy football players at beer pong in your little sexy nurse costume. And when the crowd cheered your name, shrieked in awe, it had been him that you turned to for praise. “Did you see me, baby,” you had giggled, crowded him against the wall of this random house until Jungkook was sweating profusely. In lieu of a costume, he had worn a silly jogger set with a skeleton design that was supposed to glow in the dark, according to Amazon. You had told him he looked adorable, had kissed and squeezed his cheeks until Jungkook was a flustered mess.
It was still early into your relationship— if Jungkook did the math, you were only about five months in at that point —so he didn’t know how else to cope with the rapid thundering of his heart, the confession sitting on his tongue, the then scary L-word begging to be heard. So, he took you home and fucked you until your little nurse cap slid off your head and you were begging for him to let you cum, thus earning him his first ever offense for violating the neighborhood rules (i.e., traumatizing a group of middle schoolers by fucking in plain sight).
Long story short, Jungkook loves Halloween, and he loves it even more when he gets to spend it with you.
(He’ll never admit it, but he’s a hard romantic. He wants to do cheesy things with you, like cuddle you into his arms when you get scared, pat your head until you can look at whatever is happening on screen again. He wants you to feel safe in his arms, wants to be your refuge when things become too much. He likes to think he’s done a pretty good job so far.)
Jungkook’s plan goes like this:
First, welcome you with that Halloween basket you’ve been sending him tweet links about all month. The cute little Jack-O-lantern candy bucket stuffed with candy and hair ties and a soft Halloween themed blanket. It’s so cheesy, makes him blush when he catches sight of it in his closet, but Jungkook will do anything to please you.
Next, after presenting you with your Halloween gift and having you coo and tell him he’s a good boy, he’ll invite you to break your new soft blanket in. The living room will be prepared with an assortment of your favorite foods, the flat screen ready to play whatever horror movie the two of you settle on.
And lastly, Jungkook will bring it full circle by indulging you two in some good old fashion spooky sex where he nuts inside you because the only thing scarier than a scary movie is a pregnancy scare.
It’s a perfect plan.
It’s the best way to spend his favorite holiday, with his favorite girl by his side and some of his favorite horror films on the big screen. Jungkook spends all of October geeked up for it, even considers hanging up lights around the living room to really set the mood. He’s so excited, can’t wait to spend another wonderful holiday at home with you, that he doesn’t fully realize why you haven’t brought up the long awaited topic of costumes.
“You like?” you ask, standing at the door of his bathroom with a sultry look in your eye, tits practically pouring out of the tight top you’ve wiggled into, skin oiled up scandalously. He fumbles with the fake vampire fang prosthetics he’d been trying to glue in for the better half of an hour.
He had heard the door open downstairs when you got here, had called out his mandatory greeting as he heard you come up the stairs. But none of that had prepared him for the sight of you in… whatever this was.
Jungkook doesn’t really understand exactly what you’re supposed to be dressed up as until the two of you are back downstairs—blinds drawn, full moon slipping in through the cracks—with some random horror movie pulled up on the TV. “I’m Lindsey,” you whine, brand new fluffy blanket wrapped around your shoulders. It shields your boobs from view, but he’s not sure if that’s a win or a loss. “From Total Drama Island!”
He settles in beside you, doesn’t get too comfortable because it’s nearing sundown now and he knows the herds of children are bound to start flowing in. “Uh huh,” he says mindlessly. His collar feels itchy, the overly-detailed vampire costume he meticulously scoured the internet for being one size too small. You snuggle into his side anyway.
“You don’t know anything about cinematic masterpieces,” you frown, avidly tuned into The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning, because apparently you love horror movies all of a sudden, a fact that genuinely throws Jungkook off. He’s not sure what it is about you that had deluded him into thinking you would be a scaredy cat, but he doesn’t take the new bit of information too hard.
The doorbell rings right as the first gorey scene ends and you make a big show of huffing and whining as he rushes to answer it. But it’s only the beginning of the long night that awaits, and, as Jungkook comes to find, running back and forth from the door to the couch is harder than it seems.
Anyway, Jungkook’s neighborhood is a little posh, or ‘bougie’ as you like to claim, and trick-or-treating hours end a little before eleven pm. By then he’s tired, having refused your offer to switch places in fear that your boob might fall out of that scrap of fabric you call a top and earn him his second neighborly offense.
However, that doesn’t mean he’s opposed to your boobs falling out in private.
“Stupid,” you giggle when he gets caught in his long cape, the sound slowly melting into a whimper as he slips his hands beneath your top, fighting with the ridiculous push-up bra you’ve donned tonight. Hands tangle in his hair, mess up the careful side part he’d styled up for tonight, and legs lock around his waist. “Your curtains closed?” you tease.
He huffs, catches your chatty lips with his roughly, presses and presses until your mouth must bruise. He belatedly remembers about those sharp fangs he’d glued on—hey, if he was going to dress up as some gaudy monster it might as well be realistic—and doesn’t realize until he tries to bite your neck and you let out a little yelp. Truthfully, he feels bad right away, but then you’re practically dissolving in his arms so he plays along. “Shh,” he hisses.
The roar of a chainsaw and terrified screams fill the living room, almost drowning out the soft sounds you release by his ear. “O- Or what?” you pant, flinch when he pushes your sad excuse of a skirt up over your waist. “Gonna b- bite me?”
And so Jungkook does.
You shriek. “That hurts, you idiot!” you scold with a tiny whine in your voice, but Jungkook’s cock is so hard. Your tiny, tight outfit does you no favors. Tits in his face, tiny thong against his bulge. He wants to make you sob, litter bites and marks all over your skin until his love makes you ache. You must see the crazed look in his eyes, because you drop the scowl. “Hey,” you say slowly, hand on his chest. “You look like you’re gonna eat me.”
He lets go of a breath he hadn’t known he was holding. He wonders if you can feel his thundering heart beneath your palm. “Fuck,” he sighs, leaning away to regain his senses. Was it something in the air? Was it the fatigue? The full moon? Why did he want to fold you in half and fuck his cock into you until you were a crying, shivering mess? Something about you tonight, laid out for him to take, makes him feel absolutely insane. Starved and psycho; he just wants to take and take until you don’t have anything more to give. He purses his lips, tries to ignore the hot feeling in his lower abdomen when your hardened nipples register to his eyes. “I think I’m becoming evil.”
Of all the idiotic things his brain can come up with, this one is definitely top five. His cheeks flush right after, fueled by the boisterous laughter that escapes your lips at his statement. “Oh my god,” you gasp in glee, hands falling down beside your head. “You’re becoming evil?’
Jungkook frowns, flopping down on top of you to hide the embarrassment that paints his face. “Shut up,” he mumbles against your neck, warm and safe.
A hand cards through the back of his hair, nails dig lightly into his scalp. “Aren’t you the cutest little vampire,” you coo, seemingly ignoring the rock hard cock Jungkook presses against your thigh. He’s still so horny, has this sick thought that he could just pin you down right here, tear that silly costume to shreds and swallow you up in his lust. But your voice is so sweet, has his eyes fluttering shut as you gather him in his arms. “Silly vampire,” you hum, one leg thrown around his hip, a subtle roll of you hips up into him.
Jungkook huffs, licks a flat strip along the base of your neck. It draws a shaky exhale from you, has your hands digging into his back when he begins to slowly lap against the skin, nibble and tug until your back is deliciously arching up into him. “Wanna push you down,” he confesses quietly, hands securing themselves against your hips as he leans back. You're all dazed, eyes trained on his fanged mouth when he hesitantly adds, “l- little human.”
You could laugh, tease him for his sudden weird need to role play with you, but you don’t. A look of understanding crosses your face, sly smirk slowly following. “Oh?” you grin, hand coming around to cup his cheek. “The little vampire wants to use my body?” Jungkook tightens his jaw at your jab, but nods nonetheless.
You’re a feast before his eyes. Boobs in his face, pussy begging to be filled. You’re his, just like Jungkook is yours. And when you indulge him and his stupid whims—kinks, he should say, occasional interests that sometimes make him question himself—his heart feels warm and full. Proud and unashamed, like the truest version of himself when you look at him with those eyes. And your words only confirm it.
Your hands reach down for your top, pull the flimsy material over your head in one swoop that has your bra coming off with it. It drops to the floor. If it makes a sound, Jungkook doesn’t hear it over the shrieks of terror on screen. the blood deaths, the suspenseful music. All he hears is he hammering of his heart. 
It’s two of your sneaky fingers that come up to play, pinch one nipple tenderly as you meet his eyes. “It’s all yours,” you purr. “I’m all yours.”
And the thirst he feels, well. It’s a little vampiric, to say the least. 
Copyright © 2020, 1kook on tumblr. absolutely NO reposts allowed.
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paisley-print · 3 years
10:00pm / Happy Birthday
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About: It’s Jack’s Birthday and you planned something special. 
Warnings: Marriage problems, infidelity, alcohol.
Rating: 18+
Characters: Agent Whiskey x Reader
Note: You wanna see some real speed boy? (Months of not posting and two chapters in less then 24 hours. Whack.)
Series Master List
@scorpionerd  @just-here-for-the-moment@sherala007 @jediknight122 @pintsizemama​ @kenbechillin @elegantduckturtle @hearttbreak @tintinn16 @showbuckysomelove​ @somenerdyuser @kesskirata @ohyeasam @athalien @spideysimpossiblegirl @littlemisspascal @sheresh0y​  @voteforpedro09 @greeneyedblondie44 @feel-it-on-the-way-home13
“Hi Jack, it’s....” you glance over at the clock on the stove, checking the time. “It’s ten. I’m calling to see when you’ll be home. Okay, love you, bye.” You played the message back, cringing a little at the way your words slurred together, but sent it, anyway. 
You reached over to pour yourself another glass of wine. It was your third one, but you were already feeling the effects. He said he would be home at seven. If you knew he was going to work overtime tonight, you wouldn’t have spent all day rushing around. 
Your stomach hurt just thinking about the tray of lasagna and birthday cake you spent hours working on. Still though, you wanted to wait to eat until he got home. 
This year had to be better than the last. You doubted whether you could make it through another twelve months of silence. Plus, with the whole Ezra thing, you needed a grand gesture to show that you were willing to work on this. He cared for you; he had said it. He loved you. He would always love you, and although he looked through you as if peering at a specter, you believed him. You hadn’t been the best wife these last few months, so you felt as though you owed him this. 
Tonight was just for him, and everything had been prepared perfectly. His favorite movie on the TV, beers in the fridge, birthday gift all wrapped on the nightstand upstairs. Months ago, he mentioned a pair of cuff links his father used to wear while the two of you were combing through old photo albums you had found in the attic. They were square, with yellow gold trim and two crossed six-shooter pistols set into a background of black onyx. 
Jack’s father left when Jack was nine, and one of the few happy memories he had was the day his father brought home his first suit for Sunday mass. His father taught him how to make sure his shirt wasn’t creased, how to wear a necktie, comb his hair back with gel, and finally the importance of cuff links. 
While looking over the photograph, Jack had mentioned liking the style of the cuff links in passing, but you could see they held quite a bit of emotional value. After that, you had spent weeks tracking down the exact set. With the help of a Reddit board, a few antique shop owners and one generous seller on Etsy, you secured a pair identical to those in the photograph. 
Keeping the secret had been tough. You almost let it slip a few times, but you will yourself to go on a little longer. The surprise would be that much more meaningful if you gave it to him on his birthday…. if he ever planned to show up, that is. 
As you finished another glass, you stood from the table and walked into the guest bathroom to reapply your lipstick. A few hours ago, your makeup was perfect, but it was now looking smudged. You tried to fix it as best you could while the room around you spun.
You had one of his dress shirts, with thigh-high stockings and a new lilac set of lingerie you bought specifically for this occasion, and heels you took off about three hours ago. You felt so incredibly ugly looking at your reflection, and you weren’t sure why. A few hours ago you were on top of the world, now you were willing yourself not to cry. 
Once you were done touching up your lipstick, you grabbed another glass of wine and took a seat on the couch. It was then your phone buzzed, and a number you recognized popped up on the screen.
You picked it up, becoming aware of how fast your heart was beating in your chest. “Hello?”
“Little bird?” Ezra’s voice came floating over the receiver. “Forgive me for calling at this hour, but I was becoming worried about your lack of response to my messages. Noticed your car in town today on my way to work and I wanted to make sure you were alright.”
You felt guilt grip tightly at your chest. He had sent you a few texts since the night of the shooting. You couldn’t bring yourself to respond. This man was bad for you. It didn’t matter how much you liked him; you were a married woman trying to work on your relationship. Ezra knew that, he should respect you and understand why you weren’t jumping to text him back.
“I’m fine” your aid.
He paused, hearing the way you were slurring your words. “Little bird-”
“Stop fucking calling me that,” you snapped, anger rising out of you from nowhere. “I’m not your little bird, okay? I have a fucking name.”
Ezra seemed incredibly taken off guard “my apologies-”
“And I need you to stop texting me and calling me. Whatever the fuck you think we had, we didn’t. You were convenient, that’s all. I think it’s seriously creepy how you keep trying to hit on me when you know I’m married. Seriously, go find yourself a real fucking girlfriend and stop trying to ruin my marriage.”
The silence that followed was deafening, so you continued, “okay? Please get out of my life.”
“Understood,” he said simply. “Have a nice night.”
You hung up the phone and threw it onto the other side of the couch.
It was nearly 5:00am when Jack finally came through the door. The first thing he noticed was the half empty bottle of wine left open on the table, then you, asleep on the couch. He set down his satchel and locked the door behind him. Then he went around, shutting out the lights, then the tv. Once he was done, he sat next to you and rubbed your arm to wake you up. 
His patience was running thin. He had wished you up in bed by the time he got home, asleep, so he didn’t have to deal with any of this. “‘Y/n’ come on. Time to go to bed.”
You drew in a slow breath and blinked at him as you woke. You could still feel the effects of the alcohol burning bright. “What time is it?” you mumbled, sitting up. 
“Come on, I’m gonna pick you up. Ready?”
 You nodded and allowed him to stand you up and put you over his shoulder. You noticed how his shirt was untucked in the back.
Once in the bedroom, he laid you down on the bed. He moved towards the closet but took his hand and stood. He sighed in annoyance and moved his face away as you wrapped your arms around him. 
“Happy birthday,” you smiled, the heat from the alcohol making your face feel warm. 
“Not my birthday anymore,” he said, trying to gently pull away from you.
Some part of you knew you were making a fool out of yourself. “I got a gift for you-”
He shook his head. “You’re disgusting.”
The words stung. You let go, your eyes widening, like you were about to cry. Then you realized what he thought you meant by gift. He knew you were too drunk to sleep with, so implying that he would have offended him.
 You laughed, trying to smooth over the awkwardness. “No, not like that. I’m sorry about - I. I drank when I was cooking because I thought you would be home earlier.” You noticed a smudge of pink on the inside of his collar. Then you noticed he wasn’t wearing a tie either. You lifted your hand, intending to touch it “What’s-”
 He jerked back, then turned, going into the bathroom and slamming the door shut behind him. You jumped at the sound and the way it made the photos hung on the wall rattle. You weren’t exactly sure what you did or saw to deserve a response like that. 
When you heard the shower turn on, you figured you would get ready for bed yourself, but before you did, you withdrew the gift from the nightstand and placed it on his side of the bed. After that, you made your way to the guest bathroom to take off your makeup, then back downstairs to heat up some food. Nausea was already beginning to set in. You needed something in your stomach. While you were down there, you made a point to pack some leftovers in Tupperware containers that he could grab on his way out the door in the morning.
You slept in the guest room that night, figuring it was best to allow him space. He left before you woke, but you could have sworn you felt the mattress dip sometime in the morning and a soft touch come up to smooth down your hair. It could have very well been a dream though. The hangover was a bad one, and it was times like this you realize your age was catching up with you more quickly then you would like to acknowledge. Your plan for the rest of the day was to clean, mostly because you didn’t know what else to do and if you sat mulling over the events of last night it would just make you sad. 
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bereft-of-frogs · 3 years
I always find it odd how broadly speaking, MCU things do well with gen audiences, like Loki got the highest critical scores out of the three MCU shows so far but then for each project there seems to be some really passionate hate too from certain internet corners. Like, I heard someone say Black Widow was awful and I'm like... really?... awful?
Presuming this ask is from me talking last night about I wish the Loki series was the worst show I’ve ever seen, because god I’ve watched some bad shows - Black Widow certainly had its flaws and I wouldn’t count it in the top of the MCU by any means, but again, good god I wish it were the worst movie I’d seen this year alone.
I think the reason general audiences rate these things higher is contextual. Most general audiences go in knowing roughly what they’re going to get out of a high budget tentpole film. They’re going in expected to be entertained and not expecting to have to really think so much so they’re largely satisfied because their expectations have generally been met. Good rating. Boom. Done. And then they don’t think about it until they’re looking for the next thing to do on date night.
The two groups of people who hate these films loudly, consistently, vocally tend to be: the people who think Marvel is ruining all of film and culture and is a moral blight on the world because people aren’t watching Citizen Kane anymore or something. That was a pretty extreme generalization of their viewpoint, I’m sorry haha, and they do have half a point - Disney is fast reaching a terrifying monopoly status in the industry, and their distribution model is really hurting smaller cinemas, and it’s hard to get started as a filmmaker nowadays, just to name a few problems with how dominant they’ve become. But also no, you, individual moviegoer who just wants to watch some pretty people fight each other with good special effects, are not responsible for the death of all culture, and also these people are around for every mass popular phenomenon and surely will be to the end of time.
The second group is the diehard fans who are constantly analyzing and building up expectations, sometimes for years, and are disappointed when those expectations aren’t met, even if otherwise the thing is well constructed. These are people with a personal investment and possibly some...unrealistic ideas about what Marvel Studios is actually able to do, and also have sort of lost sight of what general audiences would want, so they’re crushed when the narratives they’ve built up over time aren’t actually done. I mean, I think sometimes that they’ve even lost sight of what other diehard fans would want, and assume that their singular vision is of universal appeal. I just remember a lot of the most dominate ‘the Loki series better do [this]’ stuff had me going ‘oof I kinda hope it doesn’t...’
But yeah, I think the hate comes from passion and...building up unrealistic expectations and losing sight of how and why these movies appeal to other fans or general audiences.
And I can certainly sympathize, because that was definitely Endgame for me. I think the difference is I can recognize that Endgame was a fairly well produced film, even if I was personally really disappointed by the tone and plot decisions, and I got why people liked it. I think we should really make more room for people to be like 'personally, it was really bad for me, but I also understand how others can like it'. I also often cite Kingsman: The Secret Service as a movie that I personally hated. I really hated it. I had a huge problem with it (and similar to Endgame was also going through some personal stuff that may have colored my experience) but I can still recognize why people enjoyed it and it was a ‘good’ movie.
I also think a lot of the really extremely online fandom types that get this upset over Marvel movies/series...don’t watch a lot of TV. And that’s not me just making stuff up, people talk about that! There are so many posts nowadays where people specifically talk about not being able to get into any new things, or only caring about Loki, or only reading fanfiction. And like, do whatever, I don’t care, but I do watch a lot of television. I make time and space to watch a good deal of television, and I feel like people who are watching more have more of a grasp on the highs and lows, shall we say. Aka, there’s a lot of shit to filter through and when you watch a greater breadth of TV (or film...I’m more in a TV phase right now, but same for film) I think it’s easier to recognize quality and be able to sort things into ‘objectively good’ ‘objectively bad’ categories. (And the related ‘good but I didn’t like it for personal reasons’ ‘bad but I did like it for personal reasons’ subcategories.)
And I will say, I can also sympathize with feeling really confused when you really don’t like something and then it gets a bunch of positive reviews. The true worst TV series I watched this year, Amazon’s Dark/Web, has a good blurb from Den of Geek and a few Emmy nominations (though I’m assuming they were technical...I have to assume they’re technical lol). My so-far least favorite film, Pieces of a Woman, has a 7.1 on IMDB and got good reviews. And it does kind of suck when you’re like ‘hey what the fuck, how is everyone not seeing how bad this is?’ but...I think that’s only solved by watching a lot of TV/movies and getting a sense for your own tastes and different levels of quality, and our society opening up more space for people to feel comfortable saying things like ‘I really didn’t like it, but I can see that it’s well-made and I’m glad you enjoyed it!’ or vice versa. (Which, given how we can barely get people to stop looking for moral reasons to hate something when they just don’t vibe with it...I don’t have a lot of hope lol.)
Disclaimer: not everyone, etc etc, and obviously I’m not talking about the people who say things like ‘eh it wasn’t for me’. That’s a perfectly natural response! It’s okay to not like things, obviously. What I’m specifically referring to is the people who say whatever new Marvel thing it’s the worst show/movie they’ve ever seen, which thus far seems to be no more than a handful, but their posts occasionally make it to my dash and I do think of them every time I’m watching an objectively terrible TV show like ‘god I wish that were me’ XD
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simpsiren · 3 years
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mark lee x reader
description. Over the years of being a close friend of Mark Lee, I realised that my platonic love for him slowly began to develop into a feeling far beyond the love of a friend; it’s just simply what happens when you love someone.
genre. FLUFF! JUST FLUFFY FLUFF! your classic best friends to lovers!au
word count. 2.8k~
warnings. nonee
a/n. hellooo! adding onto this series, i really wanted to do this song by day6 because its just so sweet and romantic cjdndndn
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“It was a hard day wasn’t it?
It hurts my heart just looking at you
There’s not much I can do for you except being next to you, I’m sorry.”
I laid down on the couch in pure silence, the noise coming from the clock above me ticked ever so softly as the seconds passed that turned to minutes, that turned to hours as I waited for Mark to come home.
He offered me to stay at his place for the weekend. Well actually I invited myself over since I have always done that and he doesn’t mind. He’d always welcome me. I came here in the afternoon, his keys hidden under the welcome rug outside his apartment. I didn’t go out. I knew he was about to come home from work, but I got worried when I looked at the time on my lockscreen. “One in the morning? Where are you markie...” I couldn’t help but mumble under my breath.
Mark wasn’t one to get home late. Except for when he’s drunk. But he wouldn’t be out drinking if he wasn’t with me or his other friends. He would’ve texted me before he drank as well. it was out of the ordinary for him to not be home yet, which was why I stood up from the couch and frantically started pacing back and forth from one end of the living room to the other, thinking if I should go out and search for him.
“Fucking hell.” I gave up, refusing to stay put. I grabbed whatever belongings I could, which was only my wallet and shoved it into my sweatpants. Before I could reach my hand out for the doorknob, the door swung open, revealing Mark.
I looked at his figure. He’s extremely tired. His posture was terrible with his slouched body, his eyes looked like they were about to close at any second, his face was droopy and it felt like he could collapse if he doesn’t make a run for the bed.
“Mark! Where were you?!” I half-shouted, moving myself to the side to make way for Mark to come in. He dragged himself, feet sliding against the floor with each step. I closed the door for him. I watched as he made his way to the closest most comfortable spot, which was the couch.
He dropped himself onto it, his face planted against the pillow. He didn’t even bother moving his body to get comfortable. He just laid there. Sighing, I walked up to him, bending down on my knees and tapping his shoulder lightly. “Mark... Are you drunk?” I whispered, seeing his body moving up and down as he breathed.
Mark groaned, turning his body so that his back was against the couch. He grabbed a random pillow and hugged it tightly, his face digging into it. My heart softened at the act, but it also made it ache as I noticed just how tired he looked. I began to wonder what happened at work, or anything that happened for him to end up like this. He’s so worn out physically that it just somehow pained me to look at him.
I didn’t want to ask. I didn’t want to bother him for an explanation. Instead, I brought my hand up warily to his hair, threading my fingers through his black locks and patting his head as he slowly fell asleep. His eyes were closed, but I couldn’t tell if he was just closing his eyes or was he actually asleep. I assumed the latter.
I stared at him, when I hoped that he finally slept so that he wouldn’t think that I’m weird for watching him sleep. His figure made him look small and fragile, innocent and sweet, which he was. He was everything that’s bright and soft and loving. And that’s what I liked about him.
I decided to sleep next to him on the floor, my head resting on his arm. I felt bad. I didn’t know what to do. How to be there for him, how to help lift off some burden or the things that’s made him end up in such a state. I’d do anything to make his life lighter. Isn’t that what a best friend should do? Sadly, I could only be here for him. Just like this, next to him. Despite thinking that it wouldn’t even help, I’d still do it, since I just liked having his presence next to me.
“You’re so beautiful when you smile
So whenever I see you’ve lost your smile
I want to give it back to you
Whatever it takes.”
The next morning, I was the first to wake up. Just like last night, I stared at his sleeping figure. It calmed my heart seeing out peacefully at sleep he was. I smiled softly. Slowly but surely, I lifted a finger up, tracing his features in the air, the urge of wanting to touch his face was there, but I couldn’t. I didn’t want to wake him.
I stood up and went to make a simple breakfast. Toasted bread with butter. I made two in case Mark wakes up so I wouldn’t have to make him wait while I make another. I went back to the living room, sitting down on the floor again and turning on the tv to watch Netflix. I lowered the volume, considerate of the sleeping Mark behind me.
As I munched on the toast and watched the show will full concentration, I was immediately alerted when I felt something weighted on my left shoulder. I turned lightly, seeing Mark’s head resting. His eyes were still closed. Shocked, I couldn’t help but flinched, which sent Mark’s eyes flying open and making contact with mine. “What?” He whispered.
“Good morning to you.” I breathed out, trying not to freak out at the fact that Mark’s face was so close to him as I faced forward instantly to continue watching the show. “Sorry about last night. Coming home late I mean.” Mark said, his morning voice tone shining through. Another thing I liked about Mark. He used to call me first thing in the morning sometimes, I liked hearing his voice. But to have it this close to my ear, I really had to stop my urge of screaming and jumping out of my skin.
“You had me worried sick.” I said, my words muffled as I chewed on my food. Mark exhaled, his breathe warming up a part of my skin that sent a shock all over my body. “Last night was rough, physically and mentally.”
“Work?” I felt his head lifting off my shoulder as I heard him moving his body so that he’s sitting normally. I turned around, waiting for his answer. I noticed how his eyes got gloomy, a looked I didn’t see on him for a long time. It was only for a split second. It disappeared as quickly as it appeared. “That. And other things you don’t have to worry about.” Mark smiled softly, reaching forward to grab the other toast and taking a bite.
I finished mine, I rested my head on the palm of my hand as I leaned against the table. “Don’t lie.” I simply stated. I knew that he knew that I knew him well. I knew when he’s feeling down, when something’s out of place. He could never lie to me. He’s terrible at it. With a defeated sigh, he brought his hand with the toast down to his thigh.
“It’s just... Rose. I saw her cheating on me.” Mark muttered, looking down and fiddling with the hem on his white shirt. Now this, this thing, Mark in front of me, I felt a piece of my heart falling off. It broke me, seeing Mark without his smile, not hearing his laughter. It’s like the happy switch on him turned off and now he’s under the weather. I know he’d probably be standing in the rain pathetically if he could.
“I told you she wasn’t trustable.” I replied, not wanting to have that i-told-you-so tone to it. I didn’t like Rose. She’s always bossing Mark around, she’d force him to agree with her though I knew very well that Mark was uncomfortable. I didn’t like how Mark simply followed her, thinking it was love when really, it was abuse and manipulation.
“Thanks. I got your advice stabbed in my back now.” Mark ran a hand through his messy hair, strands falling back down to his face, some covering his eyes.
On instinct, I brought a hand up to sweep away the strands off his eyes, making him look up at him. I held his face in my hand, feeling his cold skin against my warmth. “Let’s go out. We can forget about her. We can go wherever you want. How’s that sound?” I put on a smile, one that I hope will cheer him up somehow. He responded, a light chuckle escaping his lips.
“You’re seriously the only one that can make my day.”
Thank you, but why wouldn’t you consider me any more than a friend? Is what I would reply, but I kept silent. Like I said and promised, I’d so anything for Mark Lee, whether he sees it as a gesture of a friend, or perhaps a potential lover. I don’t care what he thinks of me. I just want him to be happy, even if it meant sacrificing my unsaid feelings for him.
“I want to be hurt rather than letting you be hurt
I don’t want you to get hurt ever again.”
We came back home from running around the whole city. Going to parks, shopping malls for window shopping, did a photoshoot, and ended the way on the beach, walking at the shoreline as the sun sets. We got home at night, Mark stretched his arm over his head. “Today was so fun!” He shouted as he placed the take out that we got from the beach onto the kitchen counter. His giggles echoed as he made his way to the living room, which of course made me smile to myself like a dummy.
I chuckled, the day being recalled in my mind like scenes from a movie tape. It felt like any other day to be honest. But I guess it felt more special and serene since we didn’t experience such a day in a long time due to our separate lives interfering with our time together.
“I’m glad that you’re back to normal.” I said, unpacking the take out and throwing the plastic bags. I brought it to the living room where Mark sat down. I took the space next to him, not bothering to leave a gap between us.
Mark leaned forward to grab the coke can, opening it to take a sip and exhaling after. “I wouldn’t say she’s completely off my mind. But your plan definitely made me feel a whole lot better.” Mark suddenly laid his head on my shoulder, his soft hair brushing my skin. I shivered at the touch.
“All I can say is don’t let yourself fall in love with someone like her again. I don’t want you to end up like last night. I would take your spot if I could, so you wouldn’t suffer. But don’t be stupid.” I gave a firm advice. Like a child heeding his mother’s words, he nodded agreeably. “Got it, maam.”
“But who will ever treat me like you?”
“What do you mean?”
“They say I should find someone like my best friend. But no one does it like you do.”
I didn’t give a reply. His sentence resonated in my head. No one does it like me, Mark claimed. So why wouldn’t he even look at me as a woman?
“Loving someone
More than I can take
It’s so strange
When you love someone.”
Mark and I ended up falling asleep on the couch. I jolted awake suddenly. I searched for my phone which was hidden under a pillow, looking at the time and realising it was two in the morning. I looked over to Mark, who again was peacefully sleeping on my shoulder. All I could see was his fluffy hair. I sighed quietly as I examined him.
The more I look at him, the more I fell in love. I didn’t even have to see his face for the memories of us to come crashing at me like big waves against my heart. Though I never want to admit, and though I never thought that I even could feel this way, I whispered softly. “I think I’m in love with you, Mark Lee.”
“I want to be helpful even just a little bit
I want to be your resting place
If you think of me on a busy day
I’ll do my best to comfort you.”
The next morning, I woke up. Mark was gone. And I knew he went for work since I don’t work of Mondays like he does. I went along with my day, Mark’s laptop on my lap as I looked through my work emails and got some work done for the day.
Late afternoon, I got bored. Absentmindedly, my feet took me to Mark’s room. The first thing that caught my eye was his guitar. It leaned against the bed. I didn’t know why, but I had the sudden urge to take it to the living room. I walked up and grabbed it, forgetting the weight of it from not holding it for a long time now (though it wasn’t even that heavy).
I sat back down on the living room couch. I propped the guitar on my lap, one hand placed on the top part of the guitar while my other hovered over the strings. I forgot how to play to the guitar. Mark used to teach me. It was one of the few ways I got Mark to sit so close to me and to just have that bit his touch that I absolutely adored.
I pulled on one string, the sound ringing through my ears. I strummed on the guitar, not exactly caring about playing an actual song. My mind took me back to when Mark taught me how to play. It’s like I could feel his fingers on mine as he would scold, laugh and giggle with everything I do to the guitar. He would play me songs, he even sang. I could fall asleep every time I heard him play. His grey hoodie, thin glasses, messy black hair. The transparency of him; a feature I’ll always indulge myself with.
It was now seven. And at around seven thirty, the door opened. Mark walked in with his black suit and tie, his hair pushed back with hair gel though now it looked slightly messy. “How was work?” I asked, adverting my focus from the guitar and to him.
Mark plopped onto the couch next to me. “Brain deteriorating. Mentally and physically draining. Why did I even get this job?” Mark groaned and complained, running a hand down his face. I chuckled and punched his arm lightly. “You told me it’s because of the money.”
“Yeah well I’m starting to regret that I used to think money is everything.”
Mark snaked his around me, pulling me into his embrace. I was completely shocked and confused as to why he’s suddenly being so clingy. I liked it yes, but I never thought he’d grow attached to me in this manner. It made my heart race and my face heating up.
“Why are you-”
“Just... Let me hug you for awhile, please. You just make me feel at peace that’s all.” Mark whispered, digging his head into the crook of my neck as the two of us just sat there in silence, admiring each other’s presence.
“Mind playing something?” Mark asked. I chuckled lightly, giving a gentle smile. “I play like shit.”
“It’s fine.”
Comfortable silence filled the room for a moment. I wasn’t sure how to feel. I could already feel my cheeks burning and probably blushing a light pink. I gulped.
“Since when were you like this?” I questioned curiously. Mark looked up at me, his face looking as cute and indulging as ever. “Since I liked you?” He replied in a cheeky manner. My eyes widened. “Wait what-”
“Shush. I wanna sleep.” Mark pulled me closer to him. I looked down and saw that he’s closing his eyes with a light smile on his face. I couldn’t believe it. Mark likes me after all this time...? “Play me something to sleep.”
“I like you, _____.”
I didn’t reply, wanting that to be the last thing I heard from Mark before he changed his mind. Slowly, I strummed on the guitar, trying my hardest to make it sound decent. Mark giggled softly and gave up, his hands traced from my arms and to my hands, his head still on my shoulder with his eyes closed. He guided my fingers with each strum ever so carefully.
“I like you.”
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kz-i-co · 4 years
A Simple Favor
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»Summary: Your best friend ends his relationship and ends up staying with you.
»Pairing: Han Jisung x Reader
»Genre: smut
»Words: 2.1k
» M.List
»A/N: let me know if you guys want this to be a series?
"Why the hell did you go in there? Tsk...you deserve to die then- ahh." You screamed as you heard a knock on your door that was perfectly in time with a random jump scare.
Your body was fighting every urge to get up and retrieve it but before you know it you heard your door close shut and foot steps coming closer. Your breathing picked up as you sat up staring at your hall and a shadow coming closer. As soon as the figure turned the corner you screamed throwing a pillow.
"It's just me." You heard the voice and immediately grew angry.
"JISUNG WHAT THE FUCK!!!" He was quick to sit next to you already hogging your blanket and eating your popcorn. "You can't just enter my place."
"You were taking forever and I know where your spare key is.
"You scared the shit out of me."
"Why are you watching Annabelle?"
"I like horror movies." You shrugged.
"Not me." He grabbed your remote changing it.
"Excuse me, who invited you?" You snipped taking your remote back.
"I always come to your place."
"It's fucking 12:30. Why are you here so late?"
"I have nowhere else to go."
"What do you mean? Plus you have Chris and Minh-"
"Nowhere I actually want to go." You were silence as you tried to put the pieces together.
"I broke up with Sohyun." He was looking at the tv. "I'm just fed up with her, she complains about everything, she's constantly yelling at me for every little thing, I just need a change."
"Have you ever thought that maybe this quarantine is just making you both nuts?" You suggested trying to sound optimistic.
"We've been fighting for months. But I'm sure it's not helping."
"I'm sure you just-"
"I'm sure." He cut you off. "Our relationship stopped feeling special for a while now, I just didn't want to believe it."
"I love you Jisung but you're really bringing me down." You slouched against the couch.
"Maybe if you turn off this evil doll movie, it will lighten my mood."
"Fine." You picked through different comedy titles until one crossed your sights.
"You looking for a roommate?" You looked at him pursing your lips not knowing what to say.
"My apartment is a one bedroom."
"I can stay on the couch."
"Doesn't your other friends have open rooms?" He just stared not answering. "I'll let you stay for a little bit so you can find your own place or moving back in with your girlfriend."
"I'm not moving back in with her." He quickly shut you down.
"You've been together for what....7 months? You really want to throw that away?"
"Thanks for reminding me....how could I be so stupid to move in with her, 7 months is way too soon."
"I don't understand, you two seem fine last time I saw you."
"I was dead inside." He laughed at his own joke. "No really she's fine one night and then the next she's pissed at me. I can't even remember the last time we kissed."
You couldn't help but feel sympathy for your friend. You never really liked Sohyun but that was none of your business.
"What about you (Y/N)?"
"We are never going to finish this." You teased.
"What about me?" You continued to ask.
"Who was your last boyfriend again? Wait...please don't tell me Sungjae."
"Yeah, so what?"
"That was over a year ago that's all." He looked back up front letting you unpause the movie.
It's been one week since you've let Jisung stay with you and it really wasn't as bad as you thought, especially during quarantine. He was a slob no doubt but he was actually nice about helping you stay tidy, but with a helping of sarcasm. He was your best friend after all and he was fun to be around, for the most part.
"Your bed is a queen right?"
"Yeah." You looked at him confused.
"Meaning you can fit two people in it."
"You ask about sharing my bed one more time, I will seriously toss your ass out."
He pouted. "No, I appreciate your couch, I just want to make sure you're not lonely."
"I'm perfectly fine thanks."
"Shall we rent a new movie?" You changed the subject. "Oh how about this?" You picked a comedy movie that had actors you recognized so you decided to complete the purchase.
Jisung has ordered food since he was grateful for letting him stay.
"This movie is unrealistic." Jisung complained.
"They don't even like each other." He was referring to the sudden make out scene that was quickly turning more intense.
You always hated watching a movie with these type of scenes, it was always awkward no matter who you watched it with. In particular Jisung, who was fresh out of a breakup. He was clutching onto your pillow trying to stay still as he grew uncomfortable.
He sighed suddenly as he began by turning next to you. "I know you don't like to talk about it but I'm just curious."
"What?" You whined.
"When's the last time you did it?"
"Come on-"
"(Y/N) you know you can trust me with anything." And you could. Jisung was the only friend that you were an open book to, but you still couldn't help but feel embarrassed.
"I don't know, last summer."
"Please shut up......this movie was a bad idea."
He was silent for a little while that it actually worried you, so you felt relieved when he began. "I have a proposition." You looked at him. "Why don't we just do it with each other, it's been awhile for the both of us."
You weren't convinced you heard him correctly.
"(Y/N), please I'm not into hook ups and it's a hard time to date right now."
"But we're friends."
"That's why it's perfect, we know each other more then anyone and it won't be weird since we trust each other."
"It's weird just talking about it."
"It's not weird, we just use each other for special needs and we can stay friends...no ties."
"Someone always gets hurt in these things, don't you watch movies."
"How are we going to get hurt, we've been friends forever and we're always honest with each other. If you don't like it we can stop."
"I don't know."
"I would never do anything to hurt you, you know that don't you?" You hated when he looked at you like that. Jisung was an emotional person and really was everything to you.
"Okay......" He smiled. "But I have conditions." His smile quickly dropped as he looked at you unamused.
"This is only between you and me. Don't tell anyone, not even your friends. Also if you happen to get back together with Sohyun, we end it."
"That won't happen but okay."
"And if things start getting weird between us, I want it to stop."
"What do you mean by that?"
"I just don't want this to change us."
"It won't." He said. "When can we start?"
"You're really bottled up aren't you?" You arched your eyebrows.
"You have no idea." You couldn't help but notice his already visible bulge. This movie just had to have explicit scenes didn't it?
"Bedroom or here?"
You rolled your eyes. "It don't matter."
"Would you rather do it in the kitchen?"
You playfully hit him. "Let's just go to the bedroom."
"In your bed?"
"Was this all to just win over my bed?"
"Of course not. And it's not just me, you want it too, unless you would of said no."
"Whatever jerk."
"Last thing." He began and you looked at him confused. "Try not to fall in love with me."
"Likewise." You returned his cocky attitude and got up and made your way to your bathroom.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"It's been awhile so I need to clean up a little."
"I don't care about that."
"I don't want you to be disgusted-"
"You are far from disgusting (Y/N)."
"You've never seen my body."
"I don't need to." You were taken back, you couldn't help but blush.
He looked around the room. "First things first, do you have any condoms?"
"I think I have a few of Sungjae's left over."
"What? Ew."
You gave him a questioning look. "It's not like they are used Jisung."
You opened your underwear drawer grabbing the box. "They're too small."
"You didn't even see the box yet."
"Don't need to." You shut him up by throwing the box at him. "Sungjae is a medium? Did you even feel anything?"
"You are seriously making me regret this."
"Can I just pull out?" He whined.
"I'm going to kill you."
"Okay fine." He began by removing his plaid shirt that hung over his plain white t-shirt.
"So how do we-"
He came really close to you that you grew speechless. "Um.....we don't have to kiss or anything." You looked up at him as he was already leaning down.
"How are we suppose to set the mood if we don't kiss?" He arched his eyebrows. "Plus...I'm like a really good kisser so you wouldn't want to miss this opportunity."
You shook your head amused. "Why do you have to be so annoy-" You were cut off by him sealing his lips with yours. You had the urge to push him off but you couldn't, something felt right.
And now you fear the worst.
Once he pulled away, you felt dizzy but you wanted more as you kissed him back to his surprise and he leaned you down on the bed.
Everything was happening so fast that you couldn't even process. He had you pinned against the bed while he kissed up and down your neck. His wandering hands started brushing up your shirt, feeling every inch of you.
You felt him playing with your bra strap, eventually loosening up the tight fabric. He had it off quicker then you realized and immediately started messaging your chest, loosely under your shirt. His lips made it's way back up to your lips, feeling more moist then before.
He stopped suddenly once he felt your hand making it's way inside his jeans. He closed his eyes tightly as you rubbed against him. You could feel the tightness growing causing you to unzip his jeans for more room.
When you felt like he had enough, you tugged his shirt up signaling for him to pull it off. You took some time to admire his toned body that you began to wonder when he even started hitting the gym. He suddenly distracted you by tugging off your sweats and you went ahead and took off your own shirt being completely exposed.
It almost looked like he blushed as he saw you in full. At this point you were growing impatient as he was taking his time with the protection.
"Jisung can you step on it?"
He looked at you amused. "Wow someone is a little eager."
"Shut it."
"I told you I didn't even want to wear one." He leaned forward and began kissing your neck once again before making his way to your swollen lips. You felt him slowly push in, not aware of how tight you were.
You couldn't help but wince from the slight pain until the feeling subsided to pleasure. His muffled sounds were so beautiful as he began your movements faster. The pleasure was familiar and too far forgotten. Almost like a dream. If only it was to save you from all the trouble you can already predict.
He leaned down kissing you passionately once again as his pace was comfortable. You felt like you were lost in your own world not caring who can hear you. You moved your hand to the front of your folds to guide your pleasure closer to the edge. You felt numbness scattered throughout your body as the climax finally reached its high point. Once he reached his he collapsed to the bed next to you.
You looked over at Jisung and you couldn't help but smile seeing how exhausted he was. He turned on his side facing you as he gently started to close his eyes.
Try not to fall in love with me.
You remembered what he said. Maybe it was just your hormones talking but you felt butterflies non stop. You're just hoping you didn't feel this way tomorrow.
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Rose Red’s All Hallows Eve: Ticket Please?
Summary- 4.2k Curtis Everett x You. Your boyfriend got you tickets to a charity Haunted House, and the special features include immersed scenes from the movie of your choice. Once you hear that the one and only Curtis Everett from Snowpiercer is a part of the choices, you just have to go. Prepare for a night of apocalyptic fun! 
Warnings- Blood/Gore, brutal killings, swears. 
A/N- Written for @jtargaryen18 Haunted House 2020. This is a 3 chapter story that will be posted within a few days of one another. Be sure to read the warnings for each chapter. The page dividers were made by @firefly-graphics​ , I highly suggest checking out her work, its really excellent and a bit of everything to choose from. The manor described in this story, Rose Red, is a piece of work from Stephen King, and I highly suggest watching the tv mini series, if you can find it. Perfect for this time of year. Special thanks to @what-is-your-plan-today​ for being my Beta in this project. Happy Reading and Haunting! 😈🎃
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“What do you mean Bryce that you can’t come? You promised you would! When is New York State ever going to open Rose Red to be explored like this again Bryce?” You spoke into your cell phone while looking in the mirror, currently doing a french braid to keep your hair out of your face. Your expression reflected back at you was a mixture of fury and disbelief. You had only been talking about this charity for 6 months, and here was your boyfriend backing out after he’d promised to come with you numerous times.
“Something came up with Maya, okay? You know my sister can’t do anything without fucking it up. Besides it's just a house” 
“Bryce, don’t talk about your sister that way.” You sighed exasperatedly before your voice dropped slightly conveying your disappointment “And it's not just a house, it's just the most haunted manor and grounds in New York. They had it condemned supposedly just for that reason! You really can’t come?” 
“You know that shit isn't real. Sorry Baby, but why don’t you take one of your friends? How about that Karen chick?” 
You gave a sigh and roll of the eyes, Bryce never bothered to get to know any of your friends, not like you did with his friends. “You mean Stacey? Her name isn’t Karen.” 
“Well, she’s like a Karen.” He retorted with a condescending tone. 
“Whatever Bryce, I’m hanging up now.” you snapped out, he was being an ass especially considering this entire night had actually started out as a treat to him from you.  
“Hey, Hey, I was kidding. Take Stacey. You know I wouldn’t be any fun, I never liked Snowpiercer, remember?”
“That’s not the point Bryce…” you sighed again. 
“Look, go have fun with Stacey, and tomorrow morning I will pick you up, we can go for a drive down the coast, just the two of us. Maybe have a long weekend in Hampton. How does that sound? I will even take you to that hotel you like. That one right on the beach with the view we stayed at last summer. We had fun there, didn’t we Sweetness.” now his tone was a hint of teasing and promise, and although you were still mad that he ditched you again, you felt a warmth bloom in your chest that he was trying to make it right. 
You bit your lip remembering, it had been a fantastic vacation, and Bryce really showed you a good time without ever having to leave the room. At your silence he gave a chuckle of triumph. “That’s what I thought, I'm gonna call them right now. Have fun tonight baby.” 
“Okay, but you better be here bright and early Bryce. Love-” Before you could even say the words, he hung up, and you hit the end call button, trying to get over the feeling of disappointment before you called Stacey. You could already hear what she would say, but as your best friend, she would be there. She always was. Dialing her number, you pulled out the tickets from your purse, allowing yourself a smile. 
What could you say, you were a fangirl. Snowpiercer was such an intricate dark story, you had fallen in love with it the first time you watched it on Netflix. So when Bryce mentioned his grandfather was helping sponsor a haunted house charity at the town's resident creepy manor, and it was featuring several film sets. Including none other than Snowpiercer, you just had to have all the details. It even went as far as Bryce having his grandfather putting in a good word of how much of a fan you were to get you in. You scrimped and saved, Bryce as well helped you with paying for the tickets. You had really wanted to do this with him too. No, he didn’t share your love for the story, but he was your boyfriend and Halloween was your favorite holiday. It was something you two could have shared. 
Oh well, next year we will do what he wants to do, you thought to yourself waiting for Stacey to pick up her phone. 
A familiar voice answered, jerking you from your thoughts. “What’s up? I thought you would have already left for the charity function?” Stacey questioned. 
“Slight change of plans, something came up with Maya, and Bryce can’t make it.” 
“Big surprise.” the answer made you wince, cause this wasn’t the first time you called Stacey about Bryce. “You want some company? I can be ready by the time you get here?” 
“Please?” you already had your purse over your shoulder and were heading out the door as she answered. 
“Don’t worry girl, I got you. See you in a few.” 
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The line to get into the grounds was long, cars piled up as the two of you pulled to a stop. Stacey leaned forward to look out the windshield, giving a soft whistle. “Damn, they pulled out all the stops for this charity, didn’t they? Isn’t that the Rose Red Manor?” 
“Yea, they were able to get it for the night from the Governor. Pretty crazy since this place has been condemned, they were supposed to demolish it back when Ellen Rimbauer’s grandson sold it to New York. You know the stories here, don’t you? Men die, Women disappear never to be seen again. The house somehow has random room built on out of nowhere. No one actually knows how many rooms Rose Red has, and the grounds are much larger then the records state.” You let your foot off the brake, easing forward. 
“Shut up, that’s not true.” Stacey gave a shudder and you laughed, winking in a teasing manner. “How does a house keep getting bigger? I say bullshit.” 
“It’s all just for spooks, the place is safe or else they wouldn’t let us on the grounds.” 
“If I die Y/N, I’m haunting you.” Stacey jibed back, pulling up to the concession stand, and you rolled down your window. 
“How many, and what set are you here to visit?” a tired voice sounded at you while you pulled the tickets out of your purse and handed them out the window. 
“2, for the Snowpiercer, Curtis Everett set.” 
The redhead took your tickets, her green eyes flickering to check them before she gave a slight smirk of perfectly painted ruby lips. She leaned forward, to look into the car. “Curtis Everett you say? A personal favorite of mine, the set reminds me a bit of home.” Your eyes flickered to her name tag, reading Natasha Romanoff, it sounded Russian, where it is assumed the train derailed at the end of the film. “Curtis is a bit intimidating, but don’t get scared, it's all a part of the show.” She stamped your tickets and collected bracelets, handing them back to you which you and Stacey both snapped onto your wrists. “Enjoy, and make sure you have those tickets on you. The Wilford on set will be looking to collect them. Bozhe, pomiluy tebya.” God have mercy on you.
Your brows came together in confusion at the foreign launguage and gave a nod. “Thanks?” 
The woman smiled and snapped her window shut, ending the conversation. Pulling the car away to continue to park, Stacy wrinkled her nose. “What was that about?” 
“You got me. I don’t even know what language that was, I’m guessing Russian?” You watch and follow the people directing you to park and are soon in your designated spot. “Whatever, you ready?” The uneasiness slipped away as you got excited, cause lets face it, Curtis Everett had been a crush for you since you saw the movie. And now you were going to see him, well the actor in the role, once again. From what you could tell this charity was an a-list kind of deal, cause after hours of scouring online, you found nothing talking about Chris Evans doing this function. Maybe Bryce was good for something, you thought as you got out of the car, and then chided yourself for being so cruel to your boyfriend. After all, if it wasn’t for him, you wouldn’t be seeing Curtis or the Snowpiercer set. While you two were walking, apparently the last ones in the queue, you pulled out your phone to send him a message.
Hey, Stacey, and I just got here. Miss you and Love you.
 It wasn’t even a few minutes till your phone pinged back 
Have a good time and don’t get too scared. 
Smiling to yourself at the glowing screen, you stuffed your phone back in your purse and proceeded towards the front where you showed your bracelets. 
“Ahh Snowpiercer, you actually go around back. Follow me.” Your host said as he led you around the side of the building, away from the last of the people disappearing inside. 
“We're not going into the house?” you couldn’t help but feel disappointed at the idea, it was supposedly one of the most famous haunted houses in New York State. The well-dressed host turned, looking at you for a moment before putting on a suave smile. 
“Since you are special guests, I’ll wait for you after your tour with Curtis Everett on Snowpiercer. Give you a proper tour of Rose Red. But I assure you, that you’re in for a better treat, this is a truly exclusive walk though as hardly anyone gets to explore this much of Rose Red. Did you know that Ellen Rimbauer also had a private train on the grounds? It’s not documented as extensively as the house is, but many strange occurrences have happened here as well. It’s rumored that a single match light can be seen running up and down the aisles. Workers will be glimpsed from the corner of your eye in the darkest shadows. The ones that have visited the train claim to feel extensive chills, and in the engine, ramblings and whispers of madness can be heard. Most assume it's the conductor, looking for his replacement.” Your host continued, while out of the darkness a massive ominous train loomed, vines all over it, and it almost had a skeletal appearance as windows were busted out of it, and it looked pitch black in all the openings. 
“The workers used the train to bring in materials from the harbor to the construction site. And in 1903, a riot happened on the train, the crew claimed that they weren’t being compensated for the conditions, and they demanded better wages. When W. Rimbauer refused them, they put a stop to the train for good. Resulting in many deaths.” Your host led you to the front car, in which a pale man stood with a lantern and a single red rose he was twirling in his fingers, and upon seeing the trio of you, he promptly slipped the delicate flower into his robe and smoothed down his outfit. Giving a wave, he stepped down and you noticed that oddly he was wearing what looked like a luxurious robe, his bald head shining in the glow of the lamp. The more you studied him, the more you thought he looked exactly like Ed Harris in his Wilford role. You were about to ask, when he interrupted you with his own question to the host. 
“Blackwood, this the Curtis couple? We were a bit worried you wouldn’t show up tonight. Which is a shame, as Curtis has been waiting for you.” He seemed to direct his answer solely at you, his pale blue eyes glinting gleefully at you, it was the only way you could describe it, but they still sent a shiver down your back. Ed Harris or not, he was a good Wilford, you thought to yourself as you tried not to let his act give you the creeps. Stacey pulled in closer to you, hooking her arm through yours and whispering. 
“You sure we should go on this train? It’s pretty fucking creepy back here. And where is everyone else?” 
Blackwood cleared his throat with a smile. “Now ladies, the Curtis scene was very exclusive. In fact, only you two were able to get tickets. Seeing how it’s away from the main house. But I’m going to leave you in the capable hands of Wilford here as I must return for the next group. I will be back soon to give you a house tour afterward. You ladies enjoy the fully immersed experience.” 
Your host left you with Wilford, who lifted his lamp to show a path that led down the side of the train. “It’s just a way down here, Curtis will meet you inside, and take you on the tour of Snowpiercer. Now, remember, he will not be breaking character as is per his instructions. We want this to be as authentic as possible.” 
You and Stacey follow along behind his seemingly smooth stride, both of you tripping up a bit although Wilford seemed to have no issues with the uneven ground. Both of you were panting a bit when he came to a stop, and held a hand up to a ladder, leading into the darkest opening you’ve ever seen. 
“There are no lights inside?” You drawled out and Stacey braced her hand against the train to catch her breath.
“How the hell are we supposed to see? And climb in with heels? No one told us that this was going to be an expedition just to see a movie set.” the woman snapped out, and Wilford turned that gaze from you to Stacey, giving a cold smile. 
“It will all come on once you're inside, everything is in its preordained place in Snowpiercer and we are allowing you to really see it all come to life. But before you two go on, can I have your tickets please? No one goes onto the snowpiercer without one.” His grin turned eerie in the shadows on the lantern he had brought with him, and you were quick to look away from it, 
Fuck he is weird. You shudder, while searching your bag and handing over both tickets. He immediately put them in his robe and held the lantern up so you could see a bit better to get inside. Grasping the ladder, you start to climb in, Stacey following right behind, holding onto the back of your shirt. One you stumbled in, and Stacey did too, you both turned to look back out, expecting Wilford to follow you in, but the door slammed shut, and a shudder went through the train, hard enough so you both yelped, falling into each other. 
“Y/N! What the fuck is this? We have to get out of here.” You could feel Stacey digging into your arms in a panic, and you stumbled back to where the door was, your hands slamming against freezing cold metal, your palms pounding on the vibrating metal. 
“Why is it vibrating? WHY IS THE TRAIN MOVING?” You started to yell, and Stacey moved up next to you, also slamming her palms against the metal walls. Blinding light made you both yelp and cover your eyes, stumbling to land in a heap when you pulled your arm away from your face, blinking to get your pupils to focus. It was an empty train cart, windows that appeared to be filled with bright natural light lined the walls, and at each end, metal doors that have yet to be opened. Stacey takes the first tentative moves to stand up, pulling herself to look out a window and her eyes widened in disbelief. 
“What is it?” You ask as you start to push yourself up to a stand, and she shakes her head as if to shake whatever she was seeing away, muttering over and over. 
“What the fuck?” 
You make your way over, and all you can see is snow. Snow and ice, speeding past like this train were actually able to run on a track. Buildings encased in snow, making way to nothing but white, everywhere. Even the windows had frost encasing around the edges, your breaths fogging the glass. 
“How? What?” you question, beyond confused and rubbing at your face to look again. How the hell could this be? You go to reach in your bag for your phone, and look down to see it is gone. And not just your phone, your bag. Scanning the train, there was no sign of it. Panic settled in a little more now that you didn't have a way to call for help should you need it.
Stacey pressed her fingers to the glass, her tone a bit shrill as if she was trying to convince herself it was make believe. “Gotta be like we're watching a screen right? Just supposed to look like the trains moving.” Although the train gave another shudder, swaying back and forth. 
You never got an answer, as one end the doors swung open and people wearing all black spilled into the train, all carrying axes, faces masked so you couldn’t see anything discernible about them. Except for flashing teeth among happy grins. Each one hefting their ax like it was a toy. Your confused addled brain screamed at you to pay attention. Danger. But you were in too much of a shock to really focus. 
Another whoosh and you spin around to see who was coming out the other side, Stacey whimpering in fear next to you, still staring at the first group. But your eyes raked over these men, dirty and worn looking. The one in front had a wide stance, his feet braced against the rocking of the train like he was familiar with it. A black trench coat swept around him, ragged sweaters piled over a broad chest and your gaze fell onto a familiar hard face, scanning his opponent, drawing himself into a more fighting stance. Curtis Everett. 
“Oh shit” it dawns on you what scene this was and you draw Stacey closer to you, and back against a wall. 
“What? Oh god, I don’t understand what is happening.” Stacey said in a panicked voice, and you shook her a bit. 
“I don’t know either, but stay out of everyone’s way, okay? Those axes are not fakes!” The weapons they held were clearly not props, the heavy blade handles slapped in palms, and gleamed in the winter sun streaming through the windows. A touch would easily slice into anything. And these two groups look ready to hack into each other.
“Shouldn’t they help us get out?” Stacey’s eyes rolled wildly, and you gulped, seeing the large trout get passed up, and just as you guessed, the ax easily sliced into the fish’s flesh, drizzling blood down to see  along the edge, dripping down the handle and to the floor. 
“I don't think so Stace…” You whipped back to look at the opposing group, feeling Curtis’s gaze seeking yours with a glimmer of hatred and confusion behind them. For half a second, then it was back on their enemies. You could see it, the taunting lunges each group made, and just when they both broke for each other, you screamed and yanked Stacey down onto the ground as they all collided. Attempting to avoid stomping feet and falling blades, you two tried to stick to the wall, screaming and covering your heads, blood splattering everywhere above you in hot sticky sprays that rained down on your two. 
Stacey wouldn’t stop screaming, her voice piercing above the noise of the fighting, bodies started to litter the floor, and you tried to make your way towards one of the exits, your hands and knees slipping in warm fluid. Over bodies you dragged yourself when Stacey’s screaming changed to one of pain and panic. Looking over your shoulder, she was getting dragged away by her ankles, her fingers trying to find a hold in the floor, nails raking through the blood to create long rakes through all the red. 
“Y/N! Y/N! Help!” she continued to scream, and you twisted to go back for her when she was whipped to her back and her arms came up in defense, trying to cover her face or neck. 
Whump! This is when you lost all your control and started to scramble back for her. There was so much screaming and you never realized it was coming from you. 
Whump! The ax planted in Stacey’s chest and she jerked upwards, trying to push the blade away, and the militants foot planted on her stomach, yanking her loose. You would still see her moving, still alive. You were closer. 
Whump! this one landed on her skull, blonde hair turning stringy red and his boot planted on her face this time, crushing in her forehead and nose as he yanked it out, once more red spray flew through the air. 
Several whacks fell on her, over and over, spraying you with each yank the axe gave off Stacey's body, the militant man grinning as her blood sprayed all over him, you, any nearby person. 
You were in shock, your hands to your mouth, as you saw Stacy's body collapse into broken pieces, blood spurting out of her mouth and she went limp right in front of you. His gaze fell to you and his wide bloody grin looked like he just won the prize, his axe lifting when he was suddenly thrown back and slaughtered himself. You didn't pay attention to who took him out, only catching sight of a whipping coat snapping in the person's actions, you turned towards your best friend's body, convinced she might still be alive. This was all just for fun, pretend after all, right? Snowpiercer and the Revolution did not exist. 
“Sss-Stacey?” you crawled over to her, your hands cupping her broken face and leaning over her still warm form, doing your best to hold what remained of her face together, as if you could just piece it back together like a puzzle. You kept shaking her, although she had several gaping holes in her body. 
“Come on Stacey, we got to move.” you sobbed over her, unaware once more of what was going on. 
You didn’t notice the fighting stop or the survivors rush to look out the windows in a panic, but you did feel a hand yank the back of your shirt to slam you into the wall and keep you pinned in place. Even as you struggled to get back to Stacey’s body, lying lifeless. You didn’t notice any of these things till a growl snarled in your ear. “Girl, stop it! What’s wrong with you?” A vicious shake thudded your head against the wall, and the crack against the back of your skull made your eyes roll back in pain. The world tipped upside down, Curtis’s scowling cut face tipped around, and you went under, the blackness welcomed from the hell you just experienced. 
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“Hey Curtis, she’s awake.” was the first thing you heard, your head pounding and when you started to pry your lids open, figures were blurry, moving around, flashes of light blinding you till they were blocked back out by bodies. You gave a moan and lifted your hand to your face when the larger one slapped it away, and the cold slick hand grasped your throat, dragging you forward. “Focus Bitch, we don’t have all day.” Your eyes snapped obediently to Curtis, fearful and wide-eyed as you took him in. 
In the movie, he was large, towering over others. Here, as he was staring you down, face contorted to semi-controlled rage, and leaning over you so you could feel his hot breath wash over his face, how the blood dried to crack along his cheek, and eyes that you swore were debating snapping your neck.
“I don’t understand what is going-” 
“Shut the fuck up, you’re not asking questions here. Wilford sent you?” 
“Wilford? Yes, yes.” You stutter, his fingers squeeze further and you can feel the hot tears streaming down your face, landing on his filthy hands. “He put Stacey and I in here, m-m-my friend. She was…” Your eyes rolled to where her body was twisted strangely, smeared in gore from where she slid around, or someone tripped over her. All you knew is her eyes started up at nothing now. Her wounds were gaping and bled out. 
Curtis gave you a shake, his snarl brought you back to him. “She was what? What did Wilford send you two back here for?” 
“We were here for a charity! I was supposed to meet Chris Evans, You as Curtis Everett.” your voice started to rise in a panic, your hands grasping his wrist at your neck. “That’s it, why is the train moving? Why are you all using real axes, fuck I just want to get off.” You sobbed, the survivors looked at you with disgust, shaking their heads. 
“Once you’re on the Snowpiercer, there is no getting off.” Curtis leaned back a bit, looking you up and down as if inspecting you curiously. “You’re such a fragile little thing. Just like a baby bird, all brittle bones and helpless.”  
“No getting off? What are you even talking about?” your tears started to sting your eyes, the panic settling deep in your chest like your heart was about to explode.
Curtis ignored your question, his free hand tugging at your thin sweater and shaking his head. “Fucker didn’t even send you back here properly dressed.” 
You tried to struggle and Curtis slammed you back hard enough to make you stop.
“She’s fucking whacked out of her gourd. Gotta be a kronole head someone spouting that shit.” A young man said behind Curtis, and he got in your face, tapping your cheek smartly. “Girl snap out of it, that shite fucking rotted your brain.” 
“No Edgar, this is different, she's lying. Good at it, but lying.” Curtis made to stand, dragging you up with him. You stumble in his hold, falling against his body before he dragged you along, hissing in your ear. 
“I don’t know what Wilford was thinking Little Bird, sending you back to me with this innocent act of yours. But don’t worry I will make you sing.”
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peeterparkr · 4 years
perfidy;tom holland|4
chapter 4: the scene
enemies to lovers au/enemies with benefits
story summary: Tom and you have been sworn enemies since you were young. However, you happened to be best friends with the twins. When one of your friends challenged you to break Tom’s heart, you immediately accepted to get back at him for all the times he’s hurt you. Old feelings might come back, while both of you try to go past your pride and your lies.
chapter summary: you and Tom get... nicer. 
pairing: tom holland x y/n
warnings: smut (if you don’t wanna read it skip the *), swearing, mentions of sex, alcohol mention, didn’t proof read
word count: 4.9k
here’s a playlist
previous chapter next chapter series masterlist wanna be tagged? 
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We’ve all made mistakes. It’s a part of life. It’s on us if we learn from them or not. Making the same mistake twice makes you a fool, but making it for the third time and doing it worse, makes you wise. No, it doesn’t. It really doesn’t. Because life isn’t a movie, you can’t skip a scene. 
But everyone conspired on making everyone believe life would be like the movies. You knew better. You knew that your life wouldn’t have something out of the ordinary. 
And you didn’t believe in movies that made the whole big act, you loved movies which pictured life as it is. Of course, we can’t get rid of the whole happily ever after and the good guy wins, dreams come true. But, the whole story can’t be a fairytale, it had to have some drama, it couldn’t be perfect, because life..it truly wasn’t. 
You had a lot of trouble with the script you were about to write, not only because it involved pulling stunts you’d certainly not like doing, but because it wasn’t the kind of scripts you liked to write. Because you knew that your boss wanted a story that would sell, and you didn’t like writing those. They felt… plain. 
You believed in feelings and in poetic cinema, if one must call it some way. You believed in rough action and transmitting something, on making life a little bit better, but true. You loved writing feelings and the thoughts and the way we tend to speak when we're alone, the roughness of thoughtful and quiet minds, life as hard as it was. Not writing about some stupid tv series about getting revenge on your childhood enemy. Because even though this was life, it was more than that. 
It was deeper and so beyond the crap you were pulling. 
It wasn’t something you’d watch. Especially, because for you, there were too many love songs, too many romance movies, too many of them. The world doesn’t need one more, did it? It was getting tiring the same old story. There wasn’t one that made you feel something. What was so special about romantic movies? You never truly liked them, maybe it was due to your early heartbreak but you never invested your life on romance. It felt… plain. Like a scene with no action. 
How would you write something that probably didn’t exist? Not that you didn’t believe in love, but romance per se. You didn’t like the idea of giving false hope. 
But movies, they gave false hope. Of the guy who’d stop your wedding, or the summer love or whatever crap they’ve manifested so recklessly now. It was stupid. 
Sure dreams aren’t crap, and there are moments in life which you’d love to picture forever. There was something about life being captured in camera that made it so… magical. Maybe that’s why you’d obsessed on the videos that you’d recorded throughout your childhood and teenage years. You had a sort of project with them, one you’d kept to your heart. The script you actually wanted to write, about a girl and a dream and how life maybe keeps pulling her down. And that maybe she stopped one day and wondered if this was the life she was supposed to live. 
An Oscar worthy script, that’s what you’d love to write. Not some stupid tv series that’d probably star some standup comedian that would be popping at the moment and Britain’s latest sweetheart. 
You didn’t want to write it.
Besides, you weren’t sure  how exactly you’d write what was probably going to happen. Because you knew what was going to happen. You wouldn’t have this on camera, though. 
The driver was rushing  to get you to your location, and you weren’t sure why you hadn’t stopped either yourself or Tom from doing this. 
This was the sort of mistakes that happen in movies that lead to the perfect romantic spot. But this was your life and you were sure that this would only lead to more trouble than you already had with him. But gosh, why was he so good at this? His lips were like poison, but you had to keep on tasting and tasting. 
This could be… poetic cinema. 
His fingers were roaming around your skin as he tried to deepen the kiss, his tongue finding a way into your mouth. You pulled away, this was inappropriate, and you could clearly sense it by the way the driver was trying to go faster. 
Tom frowned and you discreetly motioned to the driver, but that didn’t keep Tom away. His hand on your waist was fidgeting as he cleared his throat. 
The ride went quiet, too quiet for your own convenience. Except for the music the driver was playing in the background. Your heart beat was about to pop out of your chest, but eventually you arrived at Tom’s place. 
“Or should we go to your…?” He asked but you quickly jumped off the car. Tom quickly followed you and rushed to the door. He searched for his keys but you had already placed your lips back on his, you felt in such a rush, unsure why. 
He weakened against your touch as he then pushed you against the door, he finally found the keys and opened it, you both, between sloppy kisses walked in. Your hands were going under his shirt and he pulled away. 
“We can’t make any noise,” he whispered as your lips landed on the very welcoming spot on his collarbone.
“Shut up, then,” you ordered as his hands landed on your ass, feeling it up. His fingers then travelled up your sides. 
He slammed you against the wall, taking you by surprise but he smirked. “In no way are you taking control of this,” he warned as he sucked on that sweet spot on your neck. 
“We’ll see,” you sentenced as you walked your fingers down his chest, down to his pants as you unbuckled him, but then your fingers stayed on his abs, as they traced them up, making him shiver as he was too busy moving down to your cleavage. 
You pushed him away to finally rip off his shirt and he pushed you right back to the wall, as he unzipped you, his hand cupped your heat. You let out a moan but he quickly silenced you by pushing his lips back to yours.
“So wet for me, darling?” He smudged between kisses, as he started to grind against you, you felt a bulge growing up and pushing you up. He was the one to groan this time. 
“I’m gonna fuck you,” he stated as he pulled your legs up to his waist. 
“That’s the least you could do,” you snapped. And he took it as an invitation for his hand to go past your pants, feeling your folds through the underwear. You closed your eyes with pleasure as his fingers gently circled your core through the fabric, but then he pulled his hand back up as he saw you liking more than he wanted to
You started to unbutton him but he stopped your hands. This was the alcohol doing its job, but also you had really felt the need to do this, without feeling anything for anyone. Somehow your friends had been right, this was exactly what you needed a perfect rebound.
“To my room,” he warned as he picked you off the ground and between pushing you against the walls and trying no to fall, you both finally made it. 
He slammed his door shut and then let you down, but you changed it up, pushing him against the bed. He sat on the edge as he pulled you close to him, he finally got rid of your shirt as his lips then connected to your chest. You sat on top of him, and grinded against him. He moaned, but you covered his mouth knowing damn well his brother and Harrison were next door. 
“Easy, Holland.” You grinned as you pushed his arms down to the bed, he looked at you with surprise but then a smug smirk traced on his lips. 
“This seems oddly familiar,” he recalled, laughing. “Seems like all those years wrestling were of use.” 
He unhooked your bra as he then admired them, he didn’t hesitate on bringing his lips to them.
His tongue swirled around your nipples. You bit your lip trying to stop yourself from making any noise as you pushed him back down, you finally unzipped him and pushed down his pants, his hard cock trying to burst out of his boxers. You crawled back up to meet his lips, your hand palming his length. 
“All that for me? I thought you hated me,” you grinned cockily, as you kissed down your way down to his abs, but then you kissed your way back up. You teased him, as you felt his cock growing. You say on top of it, legs opened and chuckled as you moved your hips around just a little, his hands practically cementing into your body as he also tried to move you as he pleased to. 
“Fuck, y/n,” he half moaned half whispered. But you went back down to the edge of his boxers as your fingers brushed against his length, as his body . But you were only teasing him, somehow seeing him tense and suffering had you on your edge. 
“Are you going to do something or not?” He snapped, and you laughed to yourself. 
“No,” you smirked as you traveled back to suck on his collarbone, grinding against him. 
“Fuck,” he cursed as he took you by your arms and pushed you into the bed. It was his time to pull down your pants, as his hands caressed your half naked body, bristling your skin with each touch. He kissed behind your ear and then turned your face to face him. 
You thrashed your hips against his, trying to get some friction to the growing need in yours, it seemed like he had needs of his own to be covered. But even as his lips crawled down from your lips to your chest down to your belly, you knew you weren’t going to get what you wanted. You squirmed against his touch, his lips leaving wet spots as he was trying caving his way down. He was just an inch from your sex as he kissed your thighs, his warm breath vibrating against your heat, he smirked as he placed a single kiss on top of your underwear. 
“Tom,” you breathed out, but he only brushed his lips against it, as if he was punishing you for what you’d done earlier. “You’re a prick.” 
“I know.” 
He climbed back up as his fingers brushed your underwear again, pulling it down slowly. His index gently bristled your folds as you let out a soft moan. Your hands arrived back on his ass as you kneaded them, just as his own hand played with your breasts. 
You finally pulled down his boxer and his cock sprung out, already dripping. He brushed it again your swollen clit and you had to catch your breath. 
“Keep it down,” he warned again. 
“Or what, asshole?” You grinned as your fingered traveled down to hold his pulsating bulge, he rolled his eyes back and then gasped out of surprise. 
But he pushed your arms to the bed, as you looked into his eyes, filled with lust and excitement. 
“No touching,” he ordered as you plucked into the duvet, gripping tight as his own fingers slid through your folds, as his thumb rubbed circles on your core. 
You convulsed with pleasure as he then tried to positioned himself in between your legs. He searched in his nightstand and reached out for the condom, ripping it open with his teeth. 
You saw his hard and big cock sprung out as he wrapped it around. He smirked. You couldn’t have expected it even if being warned as soon as he filled you up, you let out a moan. 
“Shut up, idiot,” he reminded you as he adjusted himself. “So tight,” he whispered as he started to thrust upon you, slowly at first then getting a steady rhythm than had you pulling on the blankets. You bit your lip to resist you from moaning, and Tom was trying to shut himself too as he was slamming against you. Your hands found their way into his har and you clawed his back. He cursed against you, but his lips found their way back to yours. His fingers trailed down back to your core as he was circling it, just like you needed him to. 
You cursed under your breath, as you rocked your own hips up. He rolled back his eyes as he let out a moan. 
“You shut up,” you said this time with a smirk, as he pulled you up, sitting the two of you up, helping you out to maneuver more. 
“Fuck, I hate you so much,” he stated. 
“Hate me harder, then,” you snapped. You rocked your hips in circles trying to find the perfect spot as he jumped up and down, his head falling back down with pleasure, as his hands explored around your body. 
“I’m gonna--” He announced as you nodded. Sweat dripping down the both of your bodies. 
“Me too,” you whispered as you felt your orgasm building up in your stomach, your thighs trying to close as he kept opening you back up. He laid you  back down as he tried to keep up his pace but you saw him squirming, as your own toes curled and you had to keep the grip on the duvets as you reached your high, panting slowly as he finally came undone, and pulled out of you to catch his breath.
You rubbed your face as you were panting softly. 
That had… been a scene. Maybe not as poetic as you thought it would go, but it was rough. 
“We fucked up, didn’t we?” You managed to say in between breaths. 
He grinned. “I… don’t think we did.” He admitted as he faced you. “That was amazing.” 
“It was okay,” you stated, with a smirk, knowing it’d pinch his pride. 
“What?” He frowned. 
You laughed. “I’m kidding… it was…” You bit your lip. “It was great.” 
“Try fucking great,” he corrected you. “We made a good team for once.” 
You shrugged. “You said it, all those years wrestling.” 
“Man, why did Timmy leave you? That was… something else” 
“Are you really going there?” You rolled your eyes. 
He laughed. “Right, sorry, I forgot about your shitty personality.” 
“And you’re one to speak,” you flicked his shoulder. 
“I’m England’s sweetheart,” he smirked. “The whole world is in love with me.” 
“The whole world is stupid,” you stated. 
He paused and then chuckled to himself, it felt silent, and you felt your stomach falling down. He stared at you, and for a moment, it felt different as if he had paused to admire you, and you did to, looking at the sweat that sensually brightened up his face and as his chest puffed up and down, it felt… Different, not like you were just seconds ago, it had  changed it all to this, not the rush, not the heat, it was… Silent. He puckered his lips as he then proceeded to caress them, you raised your brows but then pushed his hair away from his face. He kissed you again, it felt different as he wrapped himself around you. As if he was trying to state something with the kiss. As if he was asking to slow it down, and… you did. 
You woke up later, it was early, the moonlight was still striking through the room, you curled up to the soft and warm duvet that surrounded you, your bare skin made you feel uncomfortable, but you were… pleased. You tried to shift but his arm fell around you, he pulled you close to him. And then you turned around to look at him. You felt your skin bristle with cold. You ran a hand through his hair, still curled from the sweat. 
You despised him. 
Even if the moon was dancing over his skin and his eyes were calm enough and his lips just parted perfectly, you were sure of it, you didn’t like him. Specially because you’d felt used, no matter how good it had felt, it only made your hatred grow. Because you knew how it’d go in the morning, with him probably telling his friend and brother that you had begged him to sleep with you, even if he had been the one to start it. 
And you hated him because he had made you feel so good, it had felt great, there had been barely any inhibitions. And… no feelings. It was weird. It had been what you’d probably asked from yourself all this years, selfless meaningless sex. Casual, and… It probably wouldn’t ruin anything.
That’s what made it worse. This wouldn’t be acknowledged in just a few hours. 
You closed your eyes again to find some sleep, as he pulled you even closer. Which made you… feel different. He probably was doing this subconsciously and you didn’t need to address it. But if you were honest, you’d been so touch starved since your break up that you had missed this more than the sex. An arm around you and someone to curl up to. 
This… this was too intimate and you weren’t sure if you liked it was with Tom, out of everyone, with Tom. But you couldn’t help but feel nice with his bare skin against yours. 
Eventually you fell back asleep. 
You woke up later again, the foggy light coming from the window, as you stretched out to find no one by your side. You felt a jolt in your stomach as you saw your clothes perfectly folded on the edge of the bed. 
You didn’t want to walk out of the room, and you didn’t want to face anyone. Not Harrison, not Harry, although you’d been quiet, you were kind of sure the bed had made noise of its own. 
You didn’t regret it, though. Somehow, you didn’t regret it, but you didn’t want to address it. 
You dressed up and then, quietly made your way down. You almost had a heart attack as you saw Tom in the kitchen. 
“What the fuck are you still doing here?” He asked. The sentence stayed in the air, as you stayed there, with your arms crossed. 
 He seemed confused as he stared at you. 
“I just woke up.” Your voice was just as harsh as his. 
“Well, you’re up. Go.” He snapped again as he was looking behind you. 
“I literally just woke up, Tom,” you rolled your eyes taking out your phone. “I’ll—get myself a cab and then we’re good.” 
“I’m—no, sorry, I’m sorry,old habits, it’s cause...I think I saw Haz there. They can’t see you,” he explained, as he went to a softer spot on his voice. He gulped as he stared at you. He walked over and grabbed you by the hand as he pulled you to the end of the kitchen, cornering you against the counter. 
“I am not hiding, Tom.” 
“I—sorry, sorry… sorry,” he apologized, as his hands landed on your waist. Your brows picked up. “I just—don’t want them to know.” 
“You’d rather have them believe we hate each other?” You questioned. 
“I don’t have to pretend,” you stressed. “Nothing’s changed.” 
“Oh, I don’t like you either.” He smirked. “However, I think a lot has changed y/n,” he pointed out as he lifted your chin, his fingers sketching on your waist. He knew exactly what he was doing as his eyes were bathing you with his glance, going from your own sight to your lips. 
“We don’t have to do this,” you quickly sassed. “We can pretend it didn’t happen.” 
“But it did, y/n.” 
“You know it changed nothing right? I still despise you.” 
“Tell me more,” he smirked as his  lips bristled a sweet spot on your neck. 
“That’s not dirty talk,” you stated. 
He grinned. “Which makes it better, doesn’t it?” His lips were barely half an inch close to yours. “But we both know, they can’t find out about it,” he admitted and you felt his warm breath hitting your lips. 
Somehow that made it… fun. Keeping this a secret and having the adrenaline of trying not to be discovered awakened something in you. You closed the gap by pressing your lips fully to him, and you could taste coffee from them, a sweet but passionate kiss. 
“We were drunk,” you said in between kisses. 
“I’m not drunk right now,” he grinned as he cupped your face. “It was fun.” 
“I… really, Tom…” You looked away. “I don’t do that.” 
“You think I do?” 
You shrugged. “Well.” 
“I guess we both did it because we trust each other,” he admitted. “For better or for worse.” 
“Well, it can’t… Keep happening.” You gulped. 
“Why not?” He grinned as he placed a single kiss on your cheek. “It’s not like we’d catch feelings.” 
He was right, and that made you think of the first reason you’d done it. The bloody script you had to write. 
“But I’m going to work for you, it’d be unprofessional,” you said. “Besides, sleeping with the enemy?” 
Tom laughed. “I guess,” he sighed dramatically. “Well, it was fun.” 
You pushed him away. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m leaving.” 
“I was about to make you coffee,” he stopped you by your hand. 
You frowned. “Really?”
“No,” he smirked. “You really thought I’d get all domestic on you? Gee, y/n, thought you’d known better. Get the hell out of my house.” 
You grinned. “You’re such a sweetheart, aren’t you?” 
“Y/N?” And that voice had not been the one you expected. 
“Harry, hi,” you gulped. 
Harry looked confused, this had fucked it up. If he’d heard anything from what had happened. Tom stopped as he stared at you, you knew he was building up excuses as his brother watched you both. 
“What are you doing here?” He asked. “Are you… wearing the same…?” 
He seemed clueless, that was good. 
“Yeah, uh, last night y/n got pretty wasted so I offered her to stay here,” Tom cleared out his throat. 
“You did?” Harry raised his brows. 
“Yeah, yeah, he was drunk too, you know we’re nice to each other when we’re drunk,” you explained. But last night you’d been quite a bit nicer, hadn’t you? You wrinkled your nose. 
“Morning,” Harrison had chirped into the kitchen. “Oh, y/n didn’t see you…” He frowned as he looked between you and Tom. “Hello.” 
“Haz,” you smiled at him, trying to cover up your embarrassment. “What’s up?” 
“Eh, not much, just awful roommates I have,” he pointed out as he glared at Harry and Tom. “Uh, okay, I found this,” Haz said lifting up Tom’s t-shirt from last night, throwing it over at Tom, but then turning back to you.. 
Both Tom and you got flustered red as he caught it. 
 “Where did you sleep? Had I known I would’ve offered you my room,” Harry pushed.  
“I--I gave-I gave her my room, I slept on the couch, yeah, yeah, I slept on the couch,” Tom explained. 
“And the shirt?” Harrison frowned.
“I was drunk and since I slept on the couch… I took it off,” Tom quickly blurted out. 
“Yeah.” You nodded. “And he already kicked me out, so I’ll… see you later, Harry, Haz.”  
Harry frowned. “Of course not,” Harry said. “You’re staying for breakfast.” 
Tom sighed. “Then I’m not having breakfast with you.” 
“No one wants that,” you poisoned as he walked past you, but he dedicated you a wink as he left. 
“Piss off, y/n,” he chanted as he finally left, lifting his middle finger at you. 
“Fuck off, Tommy!” You sang back. “Have a shitty day!” 
Harry crossed his arms as he rolled his eyes. “Is that ever going to stop?” 
“No, not really,” you grinned. 
Harry headed to the coffee pot as he poured out a mug for you, you sat down on the counter as Harrison was very confused watching you. He pulled out his protein shake and started to prepare it. 
Harrison seemed suspicious. “Was anyone watching porn last night?” 
“What?” You laughed. 
“I heard...moans,” Haz said. “Could've been my imagination.” 
“Again with those dreams boo?” Harry teased. 
“I...I was,” you lied, nervously. Harry and Haz side eyed each other with a smirk. You rolled your eyes. “It wasn’t porn, I… Was helping out a friend with a scene.” 
That gave them less of an explanation. 
“He… is making a project, it’s… You know one of those films that has the unnecesary sex scene but it’s all poetic and shit?” You rolled your eyes. “He asked me if it had been unnecessary.” 
“Was it good?” Harry asked. 
“Very,” you said without thinking. “Bad. Very Bad. Very unnecessary.” 
Haz laughed. “Well, I heard it but then I went back to sleep, thought Tom had brought someone, but… Clearly,” he laughed as he stared at you. “I was very wrong.” 
Harrison finished shaking his protein. “Well, Imma head out, it was nice seeing you, y/n,” he grinned. 
“You too, Haz.” 
Harry ran a hand through his hair. “So, what’s the script gonna be about? Any idea?,” he said as he handed you a mug of hot coffee. 
“I...” You shrugged. “Dunno, I’m not as excited,” you admitted. “They probably want me to write something that sells.” 
“And have England’s new sweetheart to star it,” Harry rolled his eyes. “Right.” 
“But maybe I’ll go back to the other project you know?” 
“Memories one?” He asked. 
You nodded. “Yeah, so if you have any vids please... Send them my way, I need some inspiration.” 
He grinned. “For sure.” 
“I....y/n I’ve gotta be honest, I need to talk to you.” 
You felt guilt inside you, maybe he had heard you last night. “About what?” The coffee tasted bittersweet. 
“Tom,” Harry was serious. 
You almost spat the coffee.
“What about him?” You faked ignorance but you couldn’t ignore the tingle in your stomach. 
“You’re gonna be his assistant, y/n, and… I know he really can be an asshole to you,” he started. 
You loosened up as you took a deep breath. “Ah don’t worry, we… talked about that last night, we’ll… be okay, we can be….decent.” 
“But can you?” He questioned. 
“Well,” you clicked your tongue. “We’ll try, and besides... I...” 
“Did you go check his stuff last night?” 
You had checked him just fine, that you had. “I... we... didn’t, but I’ll ask him to send it over to me. Look, I’ll text him just now.” 
You picked out your phone and hovered through your contacts, Tom’s had a crap emoji right next to it. 
Y/n: Hey, send me your schedule, dipshit.  Tom: Hmm, I think I need something in return, love. 
You rolled your eyes as Harry watched you. “He’ll send it later,” you told him. 
Y/N: Not gonna happen.  Tom: I haven’t even asked you anything.  Y/N: No.  Tom: Tell me more.  Y/N: This isn’t sexting. Tom: Nice, and what are you wearing? Y/N: 🖕 Tom: Oh, already asking for a dick pic?  Tom: attachment Tom: 😉
You coughed as you felt your heart stopping, but it was only his schedule. You put your phone away and then watched Harry. 
“Everything okay?” 
“Yeah, perfect.” 
Harry sighed as he looked up. “There’s… there’s something else, I need to tell you.” 
You watched him as he paced around the kitchen, he seemed nervous, he really had something to tell you and you knew this wouldn’t go well. What was this all about? 
With Harry, it was always… Complicated. He was your best friend and you could trust him with anything in the world, but sometimes, you’d felt like there was always something in your friendship bothering him. Maybe it was due to the fact that he was so close to Tom and you couldn’t stand him, or maybe it revolved around the fact that Harry was one of the few people whom you’d actually worded it to: ‘I like him’, sure it had been a long time ago, and those feelings had never resurface but Harry knew it. Harry had seen you cry when Tom had made you cry. And Harry had been the one to show up at your house, uninvited to make you feel better after Tom had been an asshole to you. 
But what could Harry really do about it? It was his brother you were talking about, sure he could stop him, but he’d always have to choose Tom over you, because he was his damned brother. 
Would it bother him if he knew you’d slept with him? Probably. 
“I… I love Emma,” Harry started. 
That was certainly not where you thought the conversation would go. You grinned, knowingly. “I know, silly.” 
“I…” Harry closed his eyes. “I… really love her, okay, and… Everything else is just…” 
You raised your brows. “Well, that’s amazing, isn’t it?” 
“I..” Harry was shaking. “God, I thought saying this would be easier.” 
“Harry Holland, what are you tryna tell me?” You chuckled with confusion. 
He kept pacing through the room, trying to talk to himself. “I well, look, it’s complicated, and I’m telling you this first because you’re my best friend, alright? And I need you to tell me if I’m doing anything stupid, or… If whatever, I mean, I dunno, maybe it is very silly, but I feel that even after… After all these years when I thought I knew something, I well… Look, it’s… I haven’t even told Sam, and not Tom…” 
“What?” You tilted your head. 
Harry took a deep breath. “I think I’m going to ask her to marry me,” Harry finally blurted it out. 
Well, that was a scene.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 4 years
Won’t You Stay (Part 2)
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Summary: Jensen starts his first day of work and learns who the reader is...
Pairing: Jensen x Director!reader 
Word Count: 2,400ish
Warnings: language
A/N: There is no taglist for this series. Check out the masterlist to see how to be notified of new parts. Please enjoy!
“Ella,” you said into your phone the next morning as you walked out of your budget meeting, ready to dive into filming. “It was an accident. I’m sure the girl on the other team knows that.”
“I know. I broke her nose though. I felt so bad,” she said. 
“She’ll live. Talk to your coach. Maybe she knows the other one and you can send a get well card or something,” you said.
“Yeah, I think maybe I’ll do that,” she said. “How’s the movie going? I didn’t hear dad come home last night.”
“There was a slight problem yesterday but hopefully it’s settled now,” you said, hearing the phone get shuffled around. “No, Anthony, I’m not getting you Gil Nicholas’ autograph. Guy isn’t even going to be in the movie.”
“Really?” asked your brother.
“Really. He’s kind of a douche. I gotta go and you guys have school. I’ll talk to you guys later,” you said.
“Wait!” said Anthony. “The Nolan situation. You said you’d help.”
“Help what? You two are dating,” you said.
“Mom and dad, genius,” he said.
“Anthony,” groaned Ella in the background. “Mom and dad will not care that you like boys. Y/N and I like boys and they don’t.”
“Yeah but I’m the only boy and our dad literally plays a badass on TV and in movies, El,” he said.
“Anthony. Our dad also was a single father to me for years. He played dress up and princesses and he gave me the puberty talk. He loves you no matter what. So does mom. Trust me,” you said.
“Yeah, but you’re like, his favorite,” he said. You shut your eyes and sighed. “You know what I mean. You’re special.”
“I didn’t meet mom until I was ten years old, Anthony. Dad and I were on our own. I’m not his favorite. There’s no favorite,” you said. “Dad is just overly protective of me is all. We’ll talk about your cute little boyfriend later, okay? I promise.”
“Alright. See ya,” he said. You shook your head as you hung up and headed onto the set, stopping by the breakfast line to grab some coffee. 
An hour later you were at the Hale’s house location, everything looking like it was running smoothly. You popped inside and saw your dad rehearsing with Jensen, giving them both a smile.
“How’s it going?” you asked.
“Good,” said your dad. “We gonna start soon?”
“Five or so minutes,” you said, Jensen staring at you.
“Sorry. I didn’t realize you were a PA on the movie,” he said. Your dad chuckled along with a few other people in the room.
“Y/N Y/L/N,” you said, holding out a hand and watching the color drain from Jensen’s face. “I’m your director and the author of The Dark Woods.”
“Well fuck me,” he said, shaking your hand as you smirked. “Oh my...I am so sorry for being late last night and assuming you were a PA and you’re Ethan Y/L/N’s daughter and you wrote my favorite book ever which I was totally fanboying out over last night and I’m going to shut up now.”
“Don’t do that. You’re getting paid to talk after all,” you said with a smile. “Walk with me for a second.”
He followed you out to the back porch and across the yard, swallowing loudly when you came to a stop by a tree.
“Sorry about not mentioning it earlier. I didn’t want you to be nervous in your audition if I was there and I figured it wasn’t a huge deal if you found out this morning,” you said.
“No, no mam. It’s-”
“Please, no mam or boss or that crap. Y/N, that’s it,” you said. “I’m not even your boss.”
“I’m mostly embarrassed about how I gushed last night about the book to the freakin author,” he said, some blush crossing his cheeks.
“As the freakin author, we live for that shit,” you laughed. Jensen relaxed and let out a small one of his own. “I watched your audition. You knew Lyle inside and out.”
“I’ve read the book more than a few times. I…” he trailed off, face going red.
“I should quit while I’m ahead,” he said. 
“Maybe you can tell me why you like it so much over that drink,” you said, giving him a smile. He looked around and raised an eyebrow.
“You still want to do that?” he asked.
“I’m in charge. It doesn’t mean I’m your boss. That’s casting’s job. I would still expect a drink,” you said.
“Is that such a good idea?” he asked.
“Why wouldn’t it be?” 
“I sort of asked as...not friends,” he said. “You being...you and the director…”
“Oh,” you said.
“Your dad is kind of terrifying too,” he said. 
“Yeah. He has scared off more than a few guys. Or they’re more interested in him,” you said, forcing a smile. You’d never in a million years want him to feel uncomfortable so if he wanted to keep things professional, that was okay with you. “I guess I’ll be drinking alone on Saturday then.”
“I mean, I didn’t say…” he trailed off. “Maybe someday-“
“It’s cool, Jensen. Let’s get started for the day, hm?” you said. He nodded and you headed back inside the house, finding your chair in a back room. “We ready to go?”
“Mhm,” said your assistant director AJ as he took a seat beside you. You sat back and pulled on your headphones as various departments started shouting off, the camera lining up its first shot.
“Action!” you called. Your dad walked into the kitchen, pointing for Jensen to take a seat. He begrudgingly did so, your dad going to the fridge and pulling out a carton of eggs.
“You live here?” asked Jensen.
“No. I pay the mortgage on this place for fun. Of course I live here, kid,” he said. “Now keep your mouth shut.”
“You’re not a very pleasant person,” mumbled Jensen. Your dad spun around and grabbed the fork off the table, holding it up to Jensen’s neck. He froze, not even letting a breath escape.
“I am still not positive if I’m letting you live yet so be quiet if you want to increase your odds,” he said. Jensen swallowed and your dad pulled away, going back to the eggs. “I hope you like fried eggs.”
“Actually I don’t,” said Jensen. Your dad spun around again but this time Jensen stared him down.
“Fried eggs it is,” he said with a smirk. Jensen rolled his eyes and you called cut.
“Do it again,” you said. “Jensen, can you pause when you walk in and take a look around this time? Notice the house a bit.”
“No problem,” he said.
“Reset,” you said, waiting for them to get out of view of the camera. “Action!”
“Hey, Jensen,” you said, catching him in the parking lot for the actors near the production office that evening. He spun around with a smile, fixing his backpack on his shoulders. 
“Hi, Y/N. What’s up?” he asked.
“I uh, just wanted to say you did really good today. I’m really happy you’re playing Lyle,” you said.
“Oh. Thanks. I’m nowhere near as good as your dad,” he said. “He’s kind of insanely good at this.”
“He’s had more practice,” you said. “Honestly though, I’m glad Gil dropped out. He wouldn’t have done what you were doing today.”
“Why’d he drop out anyways? He’s in freaking Marvel movies. He’s huge,” said Jensen.
“I think he got an offer to do some serious drama. He doesn’t need a breakthrough role. He’s already had that. To be honest I never liked the choice,” you said.
“Well, Lyle’s smart. Gil isn’t exactly known for playing intelligent characters,” said Jensen. You smirked and he rubbed the back of his neck. “I probably shouldn’t trash talk him. I’ve never met him.”
“I have. Trust me. He deserves it. You know your Lyle Sullivan,” you said. 
“I started rereading today during a few breaks. Never hurts to have the source material in your head,” he said. 
“Not sure Gil can read so you’re already winning,” you said. Jensen laughed and nodded. “You don’t have to reread though Jensen. I kept the script the same as the book.”
“Oh, I know. I could tell there weren’t really any changes between them. I just like rereading it,” he said.
“I like to read it every once in a while too,” you said. “I’d say if you ever had any questions on how to play a scene or how Lyle would act feel free to ask but I have a feeling you won’t need help in that department.”
“You had plenty of notes for me today,” he said, ducking his head down.
“I’m sorry,” you said, his head instantly popping up.
“No, no. They were good. It’s kind of why I’m reading it again. Take the kitchen scene today. It’s very clear in the book how Lyle looks around the space,” he said. You stared at him and smiled.
“Jensen, you don’t have to memorize the thing. It’s why I give you notes, so you don’t have to. I know I went a bit overboard today. I’ll try to ease up some.”
“No, it’s good. Keep doing it. It makes it better,” he said. “I want to make it look as good as possible. I can’t imagine being in charge of everything.”
“Well I only get called kid in every meeting I’m in which is lovely,” you said. “I mean my dad is the other lead. I get the whole people thinking this is nepotism thing.”
“Didn’t you use a pen name during publishing though, at least to get someone to choose it on it’s own merits, not your name? I thought I read that,” he said.
“Yeah. I did. Once I got the deal I gave my real name. I mean, people can think whatever they want. I wanted it published because it was good enough though, not because some chick in an office thinks my dad is attractive or something,” you said.
“I can understand that,” he said. “Hey, can I ask question about the book?”
“Shoot,” you said as he leaned back against his car.
“Why does the cover have a picture of the woods on a bright day if it’s the Dark Woods? I always wondered that,” he said.
“Oh boy,” you laughed. “It’s been a while since I’ve been asked that. If you can believe it, there was a printing error where they forgot to add a filter but it was too late to go back and fix it. I ended up liking it.”
“Here I thought it was because Lyle’s a good guy, Hale too, despite all the reasons they have to be bad,” he said. “You know, light in dark. Symbolism or whatever.”
“Nah,” you laughed, Jensen letting out one of his own. “I do like that interpretation though. I uh, I’m sorry for keeping you. I’m sure you want to get home. I have to go do some more work. I won’t keep you anymore.”
“No, it’s cool. I like talking to you,” he said. “I’ll catch you around tomorrow, Y/N.”
“You too, Jensen.”
You headed into the building, heading upstairs to where your movie had a few rooms to use. You popped into your small office and pulled out your laptop from your backpack, stretching before you grabbed your binder and sat down.
You skimmed through it and made some notes, hopping back and forth between it and your email for a while. You yawned and put your head in your hand, scrolling through a few things and making a choice on a few costume choices for Jensen and your dad.
“Kiddo,” said your dad, shaking your shoulder all of a sudden. You popped your head up from your production office desk, your dad giving you a smile. “You missed mom’s calls earlier. She had me come check on you since you never answered. I think you conked out at some point.”
“What time is it?” you yawned.
“About three in the morning. I checked your apartment first,” he said. “Come on, up and at ‘em.”
“I got to be here at six for prep, might as well stay,” you said, stretching in your seat.
“You’ll burn yourself out if you pull all-nighters all the time,” he said. “It’s only day three.”
“And it took a lot longer to film yesterday’s scenes than I thought it would,” you said. “Everything was good but the location hopping took way longer than I thought it would.”
“Follow me,” he said. You groaned and he pulled you to your feet, guiding you down the hall and outside to the night air. You walked for a few minutes until you were at his trailer door, your dad opening it up and flipping on the light switch.
“Your trailers have gotten nicer over the years,” you said as you stepped up inside
“And what was your favorite part of my trailers ever since you were a little girl?” he asked, walking you back to the bedroom. “The big ass bed.”
“They were awesome for jumping on,” you said.
“Well next time you skip dinner at our place, text mom so she doesn’t worry and the next time you need to stay late, crash here, sweetie,” he said. “Now sleep, kiddo. I’ll be out on the pullout.”
“Thanks dad,” you said, getting a kiss on the forehead before you plopped down on the bed.
“Rest up. Tomorrow’s a big stunt day.”
A/N: Read Part 3 here!
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capfalcon · 3 years
do you have any advice for getting into star trek?
sort of?
i can give u a guide to the like. style of different movies/forms of media
the og- this is the very first star trek, with the first ever kirk and spock. it's fun and intresting and definitely good, but i personally don't love it bc they're old, it's definitely progressive but i still get kinda. uncomfortable w the amount of sexualization of women sometimes. but it might be ur thing who knows!!!! i don't mean to be like "this is bad" but if ur expecting a show like a modern tv show it's a bit different but still. the trouble w tribbles is still fantastic
the next generation- my personal favorite!!! start with the show then maybe watch the movies if you want, this kind of universe is a lot more flexible in terms of like what order when, it's not like marvel trying to avoid every possible spoiler. this is absolutely my favorite and it's pretty easy watching, you don't rlly. need any lore or anything. again, there are some mildly uncomfy moments but that's honestly par for the course in any old movies/shows.
but god. the character collection in this show is fucking incredible. there's geordi, who's a black blind chief of engineering. there's data, who is arguably representative of a lot of different types of people, who i personally love. there's worf!!! who is a very interesting character, there's picard who i like a lot. there's beverly crusher, deanna, there's guinan etc etc. this show, just in terms of diversity, has more genuine, fleshed out people of color who don't feel like props or token characters, they're genuine characters allowed genuine arcs and growth and development and respect. i watched tng as a kid and i genuinely believe that it made me a better person, a better more accepting person because i grew up seeing diversity that wasn't just there, it was respected and normalized. i have a distinct memory of watching tng and seeing captain picard not balk at all when seeing a blue person with like. some sort of special effects on their head. i remember thinking "wow they look really weird" but then i saw captain picard treat that person as if they were completely normal, and that genuinely affected me. i saw that and i was like, well, maybe they are normal.
and a lot of neurodivergent people relate to data, i personally do. and the female characters on this show get character arcs, they get to be important figures, they're respected and they get. screentime and friends and it's just. really good. multiple episodes that i can remember focus on deanna, who sits NEXT TO THE CAPTAIN in the command room. and beverly crusher is a working mom who is HEAD OF MEDICAL. and worf on his own, portrayed as a warrior race, played by black actors, could be seen as racist but theres also an emphasis on honor, and a genuine culture around klingons and alongside geordi, a black blind engineer, who is kind and empathetic, it prevents worf from becoming a racist stereotype and guinan who could easily fall into the whole "black grandmother gives advice" racist steryotype as well, is given her own plotline and her own stories and her own place on the enterprise. it's just a very good show.
the alternate original series- (the one w chris pine) i know some star trek purists or whatever won't watch this but i personally really really love the movies and the cast and the plot, i think aos really really really captures the characters SO well. it's so difficult when writing a reboot of sorts to give genuine credit to the past characters while also changing them, and i think aos got it perfect. this version of spock is brilliant, and kirk in this movie is. i LOVE chris pine in this movie. i really really do. he's so good in it, he plays jim perfectly, and i think that this version really managed to capture the essence of what made all those characters so loveable and honored in the first place.
so, here's my advice. if you're just looking for a casual tv show, most similar to modern day shows, 100% watch tng. it's on hulu i think and on netflix?? maybe?? but it's 100% perfect casual watching and it's fun and it's good and it heals the soul and it's absolutely a fantastic show
if you're looking for like a proper action movie, watch aos!!! very enjoyable action movie, very fun and very very very hopeful, very happy.
and if you wanna be like super Informed, watch the og version!!! it definitely has some great moments and episodes and i enjoyed it as a kid.
but basically my advice is just that tng and aos and even the og are all super approachable pieces of media, all you really need to know is that they're explorers in space. you don't need a specific order or a list or anything like that, just go off what you think you'd like, media form wise, and you should hopefully enjoy it?? i watched random episodes as a kid and i never really felt lost or confused, and it's definitely not like marvel where you need a set timeline.
anyway, i hope this helped! and that u enjoy it!!!!!!
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sillyrabbit81 · 3 years
Her Heavy Cross
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Summary: Three years after tragedy hits, Lana she decides to start dating again. She meets Will through a dating app and they begin an online romance. After months of constant requests, Lana relents and agrees to meet and go on an irl date with Will. But is Will who he says he is? Lana is quickly pulled into an intense relationship forcing her to confront her tragic past. Will Lana face it or will she close her heart forever?
Pairing: OMC x OFC
Word Count: approx 3k
Warnings: swearing, angst, implied smut
Authors Note: The story started as a Henry Cavill fanfiction but I changed it to be an original character, but shades of Henry are still there. Hope you enjoy the story and thanks for reading.
Part 10 Part 12
Part 11
The next few days were monotonous. Most mornings, I would go to the gym. Then I'd head off to work. After work, I'd take Perrin for a walk. We stopped at the dog park a few times to throw the ball. Then I'd go home and read or watch tv. After dinner, I would FaceTime Liam before falling asleep.
Although I missed him terribly, it had been good to have some space. I was able to think about us a bit. Liam was always great on the phone, a gentleman even. Yes, he flirted with me and made inappropriate comments, but they were always in context. I'd be lying if I said I didn't flirt with him back. But it was nice to get to know him better, and I decided I definitely liked him as a person and a lover. He was sweet, sincere, funny and warm, the same as he was when he was Will. He seemed to accept who I was. There were no digs at me, maybe some friendly ribbing, but it seemed he liked me too. We spent a lot of time laughing. We had a similar sense of humour.
He opened up about some of his past relationships, how he felt about them and what went wrong. A lot of the times, he admitted to fault, especially in the early ones. I talked a bit about Andy but kept a lot back. No doubt, he noticed.
Thursday afternoon changed everything.
Liam called me when I was driving home from work at about four-thirty. It broke with our routine. We usually spoke around nine o'clock. I answered the phone, and Liam's voice came through the speakers.
"Hello, Sweetheart. How was your day?"
I smiled at this now familiar greeting. "Really good, Liam. How was yours? Have you finished work already?"
"Yeah, good. I'm supposed to stay for another hour, but I wasn't needed, so I left." Liam paused and said, "Listen, Lana, I have to tell you something."
"Oh, no."
"Yesterday, a parent from your school saw the pictures of us." I went cold. I was 10 minutes from my house, but I pulled over. "She left a message on one of the pictures that you look like a teacher from her kid's school." Oh shit. "Anyway, this morning, you were on duty at the "kiss and drop", whatever that is."
Robotically I said, "it's where the parents drop the kids off at school without getting out of the car." I could see where this is as going.
"Right." He sounded strange but continued. "Well, they took a picture of you, put that side by side with the others. Long story short, Sarah was called to confirm your name."
"Oh, for fucks sake." I was pissed off. "What did she tell them?"
"She said she couldn't confirm or deny."
"In other words, yes, but my boss said, don't say anything."
"That's a bit unfair, Lana. She can't lie to them, or they won't bother calling her when they get a story. They will just run it because they can't trust what she says."
"Fuck this," I said and hung up on Liam.
I slammed my foot down on the accelerator and spun the tires. I had a Toyota Camry SX. It's sort of sporty, but it's not meant to be driven like that, but I was fuming. Liam rang again, but I ignored it. I backed off and slightly and rounded a corner, tires chirping as I went. I fumbled in my bag, driving one-handed until I found and lit a cigarette. As stupid as it was, I drove the rest of the way home like that.
When I got home, I quickly changed into my Draggin jeans, leather jacket and riding boots. I grabbed my helmet, gloves and went for a ride.
I loved being on the bike. Andy was the first guy I'd been with who rode. I remembered the first time he got me on the bike. He hadn't even let the clutch out, and I screamed and jumped off. The second time was better, and I went around the block before I got off. The third time, I was hooked. I loved holding onto his waist as we rode, my chest pressed against his back, my thighs touching his, my hands under his t-shirt. I loved the heavy thrumming of the bike, the wind whistling past. It was exciting, erotic, but also calming. Calming is what I needed.
I was so angry. Not at Liam or Sarah. Or even the bitch who outed me or the others who put my photo out there in the first place. I didn't know who I was angry with. Hollywood? Gossip? Social media? Myself? Maybe I was mad at myself. I deserved it. I'd turned my back on Andy, fucked another guy, and now I'm in a relationship with him, according to public record. Every time someone googles my name, his will come up.
The parents at school will give me looks, and I won't know what they are thinking. Will they be laughing at me? And if it didn't work out, everyone would know. I would have to go through a break up while everyone watched, picked at it, chose sides and commented.
I rode for about an hour up through the Blue Mountains. When I stopped for petrol at Wentworth Falls, my thoughts had settled, and I was thinking clearer. I stopped at a cafe, got a coffee and checked my phone. Liam had called twice more and sent a few messages. Riza had called and texted me.
I checked Riza's first. It was a link to an article, Liam Cross's Secret Aussie Lover. Her text simply said, "Jen just found this. Call me if you need me." I didn't click the link.
I checked Liam's. He said he wants to make sure I'm ok. Then he said he wants to come over and talk to me.
I called Liam. He seemed to answer before it even rang. "Sweetheart. Are you ok?" He sounded a bit frantic.
I took a deep breath. "I'm sorry I snapped at you."
"I knew you'd be upset."
"Upset is one thing. I snapped at you and blamed Sarah. You're right. It's not her fault."
"Lana, don't worry about that. Did you read the article?"
Liam was quiet a while. Then he said, "Are you ok now?"
"Yeah, I'm ok. I just needed some time to calm down." I let out a short laugh. "I am a redhead after all. I have a temper."
Liam laughed, "Do I have to be worried about being stabbed in my sleep?"
"Nah, being a redhead wouldn't make me do that. I get that part of me from being a Scorpio."
"I don't know whether to be scared or turned on right now."
I smirked, "Why not be both?"
Liam laughed and then got serious. "You sure you're ok? Do you want me to come over? I almost did get in my car when you wouldn't answer."
"Stalker," I teased.
"And that's why I didn't."
"I'm not at home anyway."
"Where are you?"
"I took off on the bike to clear my head. I'm in the mountains right now."
"The mountains?"
"Yeah, the Blue Mountains. Look west tomorrow, and you'll see them."
"I'll do that." Liam paused. "I'm really looking forward to seeing you tomorrow."
"I'm looking forward to seeing you too. Bye, Liam."
"Bye, Sweetheart."
I finished my coffee and rode home.
I texted Riza to let her know I was ok. I played with Perrin. I texted my brother to remind him to pick Perrin up tomorrow afternoon. I ate some dinner before packing my bag for tomorrow and went to bed. It was a long time before I finally fell into a restless sleep.
Liam Cross's Secret Aussie Lover
"Pictures of Liam Cross, 38, with an unknown female were circulating on social media earlier this week, and tongues were set wagging.
"Users were quick to put their detective hats on and tracked down Cross's new flame late yesterday. The woman was identified as Mrs Alana Walker, 30, Sydneysider, and special education teacher. Not much else is known about Mrs Walker other than she was widowed in 2017.  Her husband, Andrew Walker, and father Brian Kelly were killed in a horrific Boxing Day crash when his car was destroyed by a truck driver who had a medical incident behind the wheel.
"Sources close to Cross say that he has been elated the past couple of months, and now they know why. They hope for his sake that this relationship will not be plagued by scandal like his previous relationships.
"For now, Cross's camp is remaining tight-lipped on the situation. While they don't deny a relationship, they will not confirm it.
"Cross is currently in Sydney for an adaptation of the widely popular and romantic fantasy epic Beyond the Stones series by C. W. Taylor. He will co-star alongside Australian Myra Roberts with an expected release in the northern hemisphere winter of 2022."
I woke on Friday morning and laid in bed for a while. I should have gone to the gym, but I just couldn't get my body to move. I wanted to chuck a sickie, blow off the whole day, maybe go for a swim, or just watch movies all day. I had an urge to watch Kill Bill for some reason. But I couldn't do that to the kids.
I knew I was just trying to avoid the parents at school. I'm sure most of them know by now. Gossip runs rampant at the school gate. We've all seen Big Little Lies. Probably all the staff knew too. It was one of those days where I wish I could just press fast forward and get to the part where I see Liam again. I didn't want to miss out on that.
In the end, I got up, showered and got ready for work. I tamed my hair, put on my war paint and dressed in black work pants, ballet flats and a pink knitted cardigan.
I started to pack my bag for the weekend, trying to work out what outfits I needed. I had decided what I wanted to wear for dinner tonight, but I didn't know what to wear to bed. Would I even need anything to wear? I blushed at the thought. I packed a basic set of pyjamas. I added jeans and a couple of t-shirts, a hoodie and my Dr Martens. I put some pretty underwear in there too. I didn't have much, just a white lace set which Liam had already seen and two black lace sets. I packed them all.
My phone beeped, and I got a message from Liam. It was a picture of his face all sweaty from working out. He had his tongue sticking out. He had written, I was going to send you a picture of my cock but thought that was a bit vulgar. So I decided to send you a picture of another part of my body that's going to fuck you tonight. Can't wait x.
My whole body grew hot, my stomach filled with butterflies, and I giggled. I started to reply with 'cheeky bastard', but then I had an idea. I sent him a picture of my face with my mouth open in an O shape, and I rested a finger on the corner of my lower lip. I wrote, I was going to send you a picture of my pussy but thought it was a bit obvious. So I sent you a picture of another part of my body that's going to get fucked tonight. X
Within a minute, I got a reply of: Game on, Sweetheart.
Well, if Liam wants to play a game, I can play a game.
I pulled my pyjamas out of my bag and put in a satin shift, pretty much my only sexy bedclothes. I thought about what other sexy photos I could take and packed a few other things. Then I made my lunch and headed off to work.
I rang Riza on the way to work. She asked me about how I was feeling. I told her I was dealing with it, but I said no more about it. I asked Riza about how she and Jen were going, and she said we would meet up soon.
"I miss you," she said.
"Yeah, I miss you too. Talk soon, ok?"
"Yeah, have a good weekend slut! Tell Liam I said hi."
"Suck a dick Riz."
We hung up, and almost immediately, Dave calls.
He doesn't say hello or anything, just launches in with, "Are you dating Liam Cross?" Fuck. "One of Lucy's friends just sent her an article about you and him."
No use denying it then. "Yeah, I am. He's the one I'm spending the weekend with." I braced for his reply.
"Fuck me dead. My fucking little sister is rooting Liam fucking Cross." His voice didn't sound angry. He sounded impressed.
I rolled my eyes. "It's not a big deal. Just don't forget to get Perrin and don't tell Mum."
"Not a big deal? The kids will go crazy when they meet him."
"Dave, we are hardly at the point where we are meeting families."
"Yeah, alright, keep your shirt on."
"I'll come by Sunday arvo to pick Perrin up?"
"Wanna stay for dinner?"
"Yeah, ok. See you then."
I ended the call and got to work not long after that. I went straight to my classroom, trying to avoid everyone. There was one person I couldn't avoid, and that was Marla, my teacher's aide. She was in her late 50s, though, so I thought she would be pretty safe. She didn't mention anything all morning, which was a relief.
At lunchtime, I stayed in the classroom. I told Marla I had some work to do, so she left me alone. I checked my phone and found a message from Liam.
It was a picture of Liam drinking from a bottle of pineapple juice, and it said, Me hydrating for tonight x.
His innuendo made me chuckle, but I had planned for something like this. I took a selfie of myself with a banana in my mouth and sent it with the caption: Presumptive much? Me carbo-loading for tonight.
Liam replied a little later with, I can't decide if I'm winning because my pics are better or if I'm still winning because yours are better.
Marla came back into the classroom about halfway through lunch. She pottered around the room, trying to look busy. She kept looking over at me. I felt myself start to panic. She wasn't acting like that this morning. She must know now. They all must know. I started wondering what everyone was saying about me in the staff room. They had probably sent Marla back to the classroom to see what information they could get out of me. The panic receded, and anger filled the void.
Eventually, I lost my temper. "Have you got something to say, Marla?"
Marla had the good grace to look ashamed. "No. Nothing."
I crossed my arms. "What are they saying?"
Marla sighed, "honestly? They're mostly pretty stoked about it. Happy for you."
I let my arms fall. My vision went a bit blurry. "Really?"
Marla came over and leaned against the table, and rubbed my back. "Oh, Darl, yeah, most of us remember what it was like for you. We just want you to be happy."
I smiled at her, but the tears still came. Marla gave me a tissue. "Thanks, Marla." I sniffed, "ugh, the parents, though. I'm not looking forward to that."
Marla smiled and said, "don't worry about it, Darl. I'll fill in for ya this arvo, and you can do my Wednesday lunch duty. How's that?" I thanked her. Relieved, I hugged her and cleaned myself up.
When school had finished, I made a mad dash to the car park. I knew I was just putting off the inevitable. I'd have to show my face in front of the parents sooner or later, but I decided it was Monday's problem.
I checked my phone before I headed off to Liam's place. He had sent me a shirtless picture of himself with some rope curled up around his shoulder and written, One of my costumes has a rope. It made me think of you. I'm about to leave. See you soon.
Dammit, I couldn't think of a response to that one! I sat and thought about it for ages. I was not about to give in easily. Then it came to me. I got my water bottle and one of my spare undies from my overnight bag. I wet them a bit, put the underwear and water bottle on the bag and took a picture of them both. I wrote. My water bottle leaked in my bag, and my panties got wet. It made me think of you. I'm on my way.
The three circles came up within seconds, and Liam sent, You are in so much trouble, Sweetheart. Park around the back.
And because I can't control my tongue in real life or texts, I wrote back, That's what she said.
I didn't wait for a reply. I just put an audiobook on and drove.
Part 12
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Top 10 Thanksgiving Episodes
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Happy Thanksgiving Everybody! Time to eat a ton, pass out, and watch MST3K and all that. And since I already covered most of the general stuff about how diffrent this holiday is in my Loud House Review, and to reitarate to anyone having a big, 20 or so people crammed in a room thanksgiving this year
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For the rest of us like all of the big three of Holidays, thanksgivings also the time for some classic episodes of television. Granted most shows stick to one, with some exceptions like friends, roseanne and new girl, but most make their one count. Thanksgiving may not be as big as the holidays it’s sandwitched in between, to the point christmas is slowly but surely trying to swallow it whole, but it’s still a time for family, fighting, and food that brings plenty of opprotunity for greatness and even with a smaller pool, I stiill had signifigant trouble narrowing down my list to 10. But I stand by what I got it wittled down to. This is my top 10 thanksgiving episodes! And for my regular readers, there’s a suprising lack of animation but i’m more than willing ot go outside that and now’s the right time, asi’m currently having a black friday sale with reviews marked down by two bucks to just 3 dollars for an episode of any tv show. Yes it’s a shameless plug but since when have I ever had shame? So with that in mind let’s chow down, it’s my top 10 thanksgiving episodes!
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10. Pangs (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) Buffy is as a show I REALLY need to revisit. While lately, what with the abuse he did that we can’t get details on when making justice league or his you know cheating on his wife on and off over a decade, I’m not at all a fan of series creator Joss Whedon, Buffy itself is still a classic in my eyes. 
The tale of a teenager given the role of the Slayer, a chosen female asskicker given moderate super powers and the duty to defend the world from vampires and other ghouls. The show dealt with the usual teen superhero stuff, ballancing asskicking with saving the world and arguably codified the genre, to the point I hold it at least partially responsible for the bigger wave of teen heroes in the 2000′s in animation and comics. The show had smart dialouge, metaphors, mythology and a rich, and vibrant cast. Sure some things haven’t aged well like an adult vampire dating a teenager or the really dated ways Willow’s sexuality were handled, as groundbreaking as it was, from barely letting her kiss her girlfriend or be shown being intimate iwth her, or just entirley shutting out the posiblity she’s bisexual. But a few age wrinkles aside the show is still good and I still need to rewatch it and that includes our number 10 pangs, one of hte most memorable and well done thanksgiving specials and one fo the shows more comedy moments.  It’s thanksgiving, and Buffys mom’s going out of town, so she decides to hold thanksgiving at Giles place to bring her slowly drifting surrogate family together. Naturally given the way things usually go for our Slayer, she has a hard time of it as Willow chafes at celebrating colonolsim, Giles dosen’t get what the big fuss is about that or the meal being british, and Spike shows up looking for protection from season big bads the initiative, a secret military unit that’s chipped him so he can’t harm humans, so he has no way to eat and spends the mal tied to a chair. Oh and of course, a vengeful native american spriti from the chumash tribe has given Xander syphilis and killed a currator as revenge for his people’s suffering, so now Buffy has to fight a ghost bear if she want sa happy thanksgiving. Also Angel is back in town and being kind of a dick, but hey it leads to a good episode of his spinoff so whatever. 
Pangs is just a fun episode, not only does it do well by not ignoring american colonalisim, but it just has a fun energy to it as Buffy desperately tries to have a good thanksgiving, Spike instnatly proves his worth as an addition to the gang both chemstiry and comedy wise, and we of course get this classic moment. 
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It had to fight it’s way onto the list, but pangs is a holiday dish worthy of sinking your fangs into. 
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9. The Dressing (Aqua Teen Hunger Force) Speaking of nutty fun thanksgiving episodes.. this one is simply that. I love Aqua Teen Hunger force.. even if like a lot of comedy shows it drooped in later seasons, it still has it’s classics earlier on and even later on has a few gems. But on the earlier on side we have their utterly bonkers and delightful thanksgiving episode “The Dressing”, a sequel to the Christmas Episode “The Cybernetic Ghost of Christmas Past from The Future”, which itself is an utter classic, but we’ll possibly get to that in december’s list. 
The Aqua Teens are having Thanksgiving with Carl, whose naturally onlyt here for the free food and staying outside. it’s also days before or after, with black colored frito pie,a t urkey, and whatever else their broke selves could scrounge up.  However, naturally, like Buffy a normal day for the Aqua Teens just isn’t complete without some weird shit happening, thanksgiving gets interrupted by the cybernetic ghost of Christmas past fromt he future, whose transformed himself into a turkey and wants to save their turkey so it can lead a rebellion in the bizzare hilarious distopian hellscape he comes from. This of course leads to him getting drunk, eating all their food and later showing up with a laser sock to murder carl after the episodes over. It’s just a fun time, a really funny episode and one of the teens more memorable outings. Not a lot to say here, it’s just really damn funny. 
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8. Arnold’s Thanksgiving (Hey Arnold!)  Anoter classic I really need to revist but that more than earns his place here. Hey Arnold.. is easily one of the best animated shows ever. I say that with no hyperbole as it handled slice of life well while still getting dramatic when needed to, and is easily the gold standard for slice of life children’s cartoons to this day. And naturally it’s holiday specials were great, and I only r eally haven’t revisited them because they also hurt.. a lot. So unsuprisingly this one makes the list. 
IT’s thanksgiving and given how chaotic things are for both Arnold and Helga’s families, our heroes are miserable. Arnold would understandably like just once to have thanksgiving on thanksgiving, his family instead doing fourth of july due to his grandmother being who she is. And Helga naturally is ignored and mistrteated as usual since her sisters home and her dad and alchoholic mother ignore her as usual even when she’s not around. What i’m saying is while Arnold’s issue is understandable, helga always wins a “whose got the shitter life” contest. 
So the two flee to their teacher Mr Simmons, a character I genuinely loved and loved even more finding out he was gay as an adult, as he was a kind , supportive teacher who could be a bit softhearted but wasn’t afraid to step the fuck up when needed. But they find his thanksgiving isn’t much better, as his Mother and wont’ stop sniping at his boyfriend peter and clearly isn’t entirely comfortable with her son’s sexuality, his friend keeps snapping at peter and mooching off him, and his uncle.. well he’s just a loud asshole who wants turkey.. The kids naturally realize the meaning of the holiday, reconclie with their families who DID take genuine steps to make up for them being gone and missed them, all is well. It just shows nobody’s family is perfect, and is well done in that but also shows why thanksgiving has grown beyond it’s roots: It’s a day for families to get together and even if they may fight, recognize why they love one another. I also give the show balls for heavily imiplying a character is gay and not slapping a girlfriend on him or any of the usual bollocks: Simmons just very clearly is gay and it’s as transparent as the show could get at the time, with the show making it crystal clear years later with the revivial movie. Nice. We’ll have more servings of thanksgiving classics after the cut. 
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7. Slapsgiving (How I Met Your Mother) Oh How I Met Your Mother. You started out really good but boy did that go downhill fast and land in a nuclear inferno didn’t it? But I can bitch about the How I Met Your Mother Ending some other time, and probably will. In the show’s prime before they decided to stick with an ending no one wanted anymore, it was pretty great and while season 1′s also impressive Thanksgiving outing “Belly Full of Turkey” was considered, there was ultimately one slaptastic king when it came to Thanksgiving: Slapsgiving. 
Naturally for this show Slapsgiving ties into the show’s suprisngly deep and rich lore: The season before this, Marshall and Barney made a “Slap Bet”, which is exactly what it says on the tin: A bet where the winner slaps the looser. And due to Barney prematurely slapping Marshall, Marshall got 5 penalty slaps to be dolled out whenever, one in that episode and another in a coda to another. For his next one though Marshall decided to outdo himself and set up a counter.. and it all comes down to thanskgiving.  So we get a good ten minutes of Jason Siegel making meancing slap based refrences while NPH’s barney cowers in fear before Marshall’s wife lily pumps the breaks on the bet as comissoner.. only to reconsider when Barney makes the mistake of tormenting Marshall over it, resuling in the inevitible, and in THE thanksgiving song. 
Basically it’s what happen when you give three really funny people a subplot together. Magic happens. The subplot is not bad either as a pre-totallyinsufferabledouchebag Ted hooks up with Robin again over lingering feelings and thanksgiving prep and the two have to deal with that... though it’s mostly funny for Robin’s new boyfriend, who Future Ted acknowledges is barely older than them, but admits to remembering as decrept old man, which results in a  30 something’s dialouge coming out of a very old man and me laughing very hard. A simple joke but one that really works. Overall a slaptacular good time. 
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6. Two Turkeys (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)
NINE NINE BITCHES! I’m honestly shocked I haven’t talked about Brooklyn Nine Nine on here already, but it’s easily one of the best sitcoms in recent memory, if not of all time. It has one of the best ensemble casts, great jokes and timing, yet still ballances things out with a sense of realisim beneath the madness> It’s also noticable for holding it’s officers more accountable than most real world police departments, to the point all scripts that were written up for next season were thrown out post George Floyd. It’s truly a joy to watch. 
So naturally they’ve had their share of Holiday episodes, with them easily having the best crop of halloween episodes since roseanne with their annual heists, and having some pretty damn memorable christmases, opening with this:
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So naturally thanksgiving is no exception, with it’s last two being the best and it being a really hard choice wether to go with season 4′s “Detective Santiago” or this one. But as good as the other ep was.. this one inched it out for good reason. 
The episode’s split into two equally good, equally hilarious plot lines. In the B-Plot, the 99′s Captain Raymond Holt, one of the best characters in sitcom history and gay icon, and his husband Kevin take their annual trip to get a pie for Holt’s families thanksgiving and come back with the well crafted pie, even if both prefer their food nice and bland. But the pie go missing and Captain Holt procedes to hilariously drill into each of the other members of the 99 and uncovering holes int their previous thanksgving stories with Rosa’s being suprisingly heartwarming (She’s going to a humilating minons on ice show with her family because they reconnected in jail.. setting up the equally awesome “Game Night” episode where she comes out.) and Boyle’s being utterly pathetic as you’d expect (Cooking his son mac and cheese because he’ll eat nothing else and declaring him a “basic bitch”). The solution however ends up being heartwarming as the culprit is actually Kevin, who hated the pie.. as did Raymond who suggests just taking the drive anyway because they enjoy the silent ride there and back every year. It may be boring to us.. but it’s preicious and really sweet all the same.. as it is hilarous when Kevin treats this as a big endugence and seems turned on by that. What i’m saying is these men are couple goals and Marc Evan Jakcson was awesome long before ducktlaes.  The main plot is also great, as Jake and Amy, now engaged after this year’s halloween episode which is also , coincidentally, the series best, try to unite their families. It just goes about as well as you’d expect as Amy’s are type a control freaks, jake’s mom is a retired hippie school teacher and his dad is a human disaster area who has to be told to put on pants, cheated on his mom constantly, somehow got her back, and in general is barely functional on a good day. The families do bond breifly but things ineveitbly break down, hilarity and severed limbs insue and family comes together. IT’s just a funny, well done 20  mintues that’s also really damn sweet, with this plot ending with Amy’s dad accepting the chaos as that’s’ts what you do with family. Also jake naturally finds out he has a ton of step siblings as his dad was and still is a man whore. Happy Thanksgiving!
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5. Bart Vs Thanksgiving (The SImpsons)
Let’s face it: if you follow my reviews at all you knew this was coming. While not one I go back to due to being an emotional kidney punch, i’d be doing this list a diservice if this classic wasn’t on there.  In a nutshell, Bart starts a petty fight with Lisa over her centerpiece that ends with it in the fireplace, Bart sent to his room till he apologizes, and Bart seething insiting he did no wrong. It takes a visit to the homeless shelter after running away, and ending up on the news, to realize what an ass he’s been and one nightmarish dream sequence later, seriously why do you think I don’t revisit this one that often? This thing has traumatized me since I was a kid and unlike the slap song I will not be showing it to you, has a heartwarming reconcliation with his sister on the roof. It’s just a nice, sweet special that gets the holiday just right and i’d expect nothing less from Golden Age Simpsons.  
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4. A Deep Fried Korean Thanksgiving (Gilmore Girls) Another show I need to talk about more, Gilmore Girls is fucking awesome. The story of a woman who ran away pregnant at age 16 and built her own life for her daughter in the quirky town of stars hollow who finds herself reconnecting with her parents in present day against her will.. is really good stuff. Funny, heartfelt and really damn well acted with one hell of a cast, the show is part of me and I make no bones about that, so it’s big thanksgiving outing naturally belongs on here.  The premise is simple: Rory and Loreli end up having to go to four diffrent thanksgivings, which even for big eaters like them is a massive task, each unique and entertaining. The main event of course is Suki’s, where everyone’s faviorite chef agreed to let her husband cook the turkey.. of course with the plan to sneak in mid cooking and add her own touches. This gets foiled when Jackson and his family decide to deep fry the thing.. probably in part because Jackson knows his wife well and knows what she was planning. Though over the night while our heroines are at their other meals, it devolves into them deepfrying everything they can get their hand son including a shoe, and Suki getting plastered to tolerate it.  While not topping it the other meals and the sheer lunacy of four thanksigvings in one day, are still memorable: There’s the natural posh one at Richards and Emilys, the dour joyless one at The Kims where Mrs Kim forces the band to play the whole time and forces our heroines to eat food as joyless as Mrs. Kim, and Lukes for a nice round of Rory grappling with having PDA with her boyfirend Jess before resolving it at the end. Also dean’s a jackass. No one is suprised. Jess isn’t one at this stage in his character which is. Also Kirk adopts a cat that slowly pushes him out of his own house which works comedically becaus Sean Gunn is a national treasure. Overall a really good episode and if you have netflix and haven’t checked the series out, this is a good one to try out. 
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3. The Thanksgiving Special (Regular Show) I already talked about this one in my top 11 Regular Show episodes so i’ll try to be brief. In a nutshell Mordecai and Rigby destroy thanksgiving and genuinelly feeling bad about it, scramble to win a thanksgiving bird from a Thanksgiving Song Contest, going up against an all star super group comissioned by Donald Trump. Yes really. Meanwhile Muscle Man and High Five Ghost go to get sides and the  rest of the park staff’s attemtps to get a turkey are thwarted by a bunch of thanksgiving reinactors who go unexplained in any way shape or form which given how rare that is for regular show, which usually has some sort of explination for the madness, just makes it funnier. It ends with a REALLY touching song, a fight on a blimp with outgoing president trump, and a truly heartwarming thanksgiving meal. All in all a nice special that combines the shows madcap nature with the genuine warm fuzzies of thanksgiving. 
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2. We Gather Together (Roseanne) Another series I need to talk about more.. and another series where one of the creators has turned out to be a terrible human being. Seriously Roseanne Barr is is a terible person, she deserved to be removed from her show, and while the Conner’s isn’t GREAT it’s still FAR better without her. That being said I will still stick up for the original as she wasn’t the only one involved (indeed the aformentioned Joss Whedon worked on the show breifly and Gilmore Girls creator Amy Sherman Paladino not only worked there but later adapted one of Roseanne’s insane antics, making all the writers wear caps with a number instead of referring to them by name , to Gilmore Girls.). Her being a bad person even then dosen’t change the fact that the show is sitcom gold, one of my faviorite shows, and a true classic. And this episode helps showcase WHY. 
What makes this episode special, even among Roseanne episodes is it’s structure: While there are things going on it’s mostly a free floating day in the Families life and thus feels like your there with them through thanksgiving. It feels genuine, like past thanksgivings i’ve remembered: Everyone has their own stuff going on, they all eat, and there’s naturally a big blowup.. and one that eveyrone else ignores to eat which I can relate  to. That authenticity really elevates the episode and is why I seek it out every year. 
That’s not to say nothing happens, it just flows in and out like it would in a normal thanksgiving. Roseanne deals with her parents, a pre-abuser version of her dad and her overbearing nightmare of a mother beverly, and the inevetible blow up when Bev’s needling about Jackie’s life goes too far , prompting Jackie to reveal her new job as a police officer before bursting into tears, all to Roseanne’s annoyance. Rosie also moves them to a hotel despite an attempted guilt trip from her mom. 
Speaking of Mom’s we see Dan’s for the only time before the later seasons and the utterly terrible last season, a professional career woman whose moved on well from her ex and brought her new boyfriend there. Ed, despite some comptemplation over it is firmly accepting and instead starts flirting with the Conner’s friend Crystal. Dan, being overprotective because of his Daddy Issues, but ed cals him out on it “Being lonely is a hell of a lot for two people to have in common, you woudln’t knwo anything abotu that son, and I pray to god you never do” A great caper to a fantastic episode.. one I thought was going to top the list... THOUGHT is the key word here...
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1. Turkey in A Can (Bob’s Burgers) This one is. Bob’s Burgers is one of the best things to come out of the 2010′s and i’ve fallen way too far behind on it, so I can’t say if any thanksgivings after thankshoarding top this one.. what I can say is this one is the gold standard for thanksgiving episodes, and is filled with great stuffing. 
Thanksgiving is Bob’s holiday. Being a chef he loves the chance to go all out, and really flex his muscles for his families when it comes to cooking up a storm, and it’s endearing when bob gets just as nuts as his family. But this year someone keeps flushing his turkeys down the toilet despite his best efforts, so while Louise hilariously tries to solve things to proe it wasn’t her (though it’s entirely fair they thought it was her consdering.. everything), while LInda, Gene and LInda’s flighty sister Gale try to write THE thanksgiving song. And while it’s no you just got slapped, damn if they didn’t succeed. 
Sailors in your mouth indeed. It leads to plenty of great jokes the best being the guy at the Deli Counter thinking Bob’s into him and bob not being sure how to respond, but being mildly recpetive. But the climax is what makes the episode as when Bob falls asleep we find his medication has been making him sleepwalk.. and thus put the turkey s int he toilet, as Tina’s desire to be at the Grown Up Table, itslef a REALLY funny runner as you’d expect, has him panicking internally and thus reliving her potty training. The episode ends with Bob letting her come to the adults table, and a rather heartwarming thanksgiving feast. All in all an excellent episode. It also leads to the chaos seen above whic hif htat’s not thanksgiving, I don’t know what is. 
Have a happy thanksgiving and check out my black friday sale! Until then there’s always another rainbow!
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