#i want to save him - Evan afton
puhpandas · 1 year
(2,984 words)
Gregory dies saving the Pizzaplex from the virus. In return, Evan saves Gregory by giving him the gift of life. Evan is done with just watching. (warnings: major character (child) death (gregory), implied murder, implied stabbing, blood.
Evan had to go fight his Father on his own.
Vanessa had been too incapacitated. Too distraught to come along. She'd woken up not too long after Gregory had freed her, hair greasy and wirey and body weak, knees wobbly. It had only gotten worse after she'd seen the cost.
Theres nothing Evan could have helped with. All he could do is finish things.
His Father had gone down easily. Theres not much you can do as an animatronic on the brink of collapse, no matter how much of your virus is spread across the network. No matter how many brute machines you have at your command. Its hard to kill somebody whose already dead. To hurt somebody who isnt tangible.
All Evan had to do was call in a favor.
The amalgamation hadn't needed any more than a promise. It had thrown itself at his Father, giving itself up to secure that his Father is gone forever. For good.
Evan had promised to set the fire. He knows that Freddy has a lighter in his finger. He knows that his Father is stuck, and is at Evan's will.
Evan has the power to take the call, here. He can set the fire whenever he wants. He gets to choose when it all ends.
He hasn't, yet. He just needs to see Gregory again.
Vanessa has barely moved by the time Evan phases through floors, arriving back in Vannys old hideout. Shes sitting up, but unmoving. Before, her shoulders shook harshly with barely contained grief.
Now, it's like shes empty. Like there's nothing left of her.
After what was lost to free her, Evan understands why.
He can barely look, once he floats next to Vanessa. Gregory is right where Evan had left him, still laid flat on the linoleum tile under Vanessa's hunched form.
Shes almost curled around him, as if to protect him. He cant be protected much, anymore. But he deserves to have whats left of him taken care of.
It hurts so much more than the others when Evan forces himself to look. Nothings changed; Gregory is still unmoving, eyes open and unseeing. The knife is discarded to their left, tossed in some corner to rot.
The floor is a mess. Gregorys blood stains every crevice. His blue shirt is barely recognizable, violent rips and tears litter the area near his stomach, and blood stains the fabric a sickening black.
Evan stares at his face. It doesnt so much as twitch.
He knows better than to beg. He knows better than to hope, or plead, or wish.
He's dead. Evan knows. He's known this whole time. He knew when he'd gone off to fight his Father. To get revenge.
Gregory's dead.
It hurts so much more than the others.
Evan floats downwards, sitting by Gregory's body next to Vanessa as much as he can as a ghost. She doesn't seem to register that hes there, just staring blankly at Gregory. At the empty husk of the boy Evan had just begun to know.
Shes already expressed her grief. She'd yelled and screamed and sobbed when he'd still been alive, clinging to life by a thread, but despite Vanessa's attempts, he'd died in her arms.
They'd only shared little words before it was over.
They'd watched as the life left his eyes. Evan watched as Gregory went still in that way only dead people can. He'd watched as Vanessa fell apart.
It hurt so much more than the others.
He'd just been getting to know Gregory. He'd only scraped the surface. He'd only known Gregory for six hours, but he'd felt like he'd known him for a lifetime.
He'd just been getting to know him, and Evan had been planning to stick around. He'd been planning to follow Gregory. He'd been planning to take the one child who'd been brave enough, smart enough, to survive, and lead him to the source.
Hed been planning on finally doing something. He'd been planning on ending it all, and saving one child out of it. He'd been planning on being done with watching, and doing something about it. He'd tried to help the others, to guide them where it mattered, help them survive, but they'd been snuffed out before they could begin.
And all Evan could do is watch.
He's so tired of just watching.
"Gr-- Gree-- Gregory..." Freddys voice filters out of the watch, crackling and glitching. "Gregor-- ory-- Please tell me you are saf-- fe. I cannot re-- each you--"
Something snaps in Evan, at that. Freddy doesn't know. Freddy had tried so hard, like Evan had, to save someone. To save one person after so many were lost.
Evan has seen Freddy. Hes seen them all. Hes seen how they all wake up the next day horrified at the blood under their claws, and the memories of murdering burned into their code. Evan has seen how all Freddy's been able to do is watch as he's hijacked, unable to fight back, and forced to sit backseat in his own body.
This time had been different. Freddy had been spared. Freddy had fought for Gregory. Freddy didnt just watch this time.
Evan doesnt want to just watch anymore.
Evan's stomach burns, normally, his soul is cold, as lifeless ghosts are. Just a figment of who he used to be.
So unlike the chill hes used too, how unfeeling he usually is, warmth bursts in his stomach, at hot as fire, and it swirls. Unfurling and spreading.
It tingles, prickling and sharp, and to Evan, somehow, it feels like an invitation.
Evan had been the first. He'd been there for it all. He'd been there when Charlie had died. He'd been there when she had given life to the other children. He'd been there when they'd all lost their humanity. He'd been there for the first fire, the second, and soon, the third.
Evan had been the first.
His chest burns with intensity, hot and bubbling.
Gregory will be the last.
He welcomes it; the simmering feeling underneath the film of numbness. It claws to escape, and Evan let's it.
He curls inward, a burst of light shining from his body, and at its warmth, it's like Vanessa comes back to life. She jerks when a glow spreads across the room, twisting her neck to watch it with wide eyes.
He cups his hands gently, shutting his eyes and reaching inward.
The Remnant responds to him. It hears him. It hears his grief, his wishes, and his determination.
Like the others, Gregory never deserved to die. Like the others, he'd been lost to his Father. Like the others, he'd been lost to a long string of tragedy that began on the day Evan died.
His chest opens, a yellow, pinprick of light seeping out and into his hands.
Unlike the others, Gregory will be the last.
Evan holds the remnant gently as can be, and ignores the blatant emptiness inside of him. He ignores how much weaker he feels. He ignores how he essentially just halved his life force.
Instead, he offers the life to Gregory's body, like giving a gift.
It receives it.
The light seeps into Gregory's body, spreading across his injuries and soaking in. Light crawls across his skin, spiderwebbing and stitching skin and flesh together.
The light mends Gregory's body, fixing what had been broken.
Evan never thought that anything involved with his Father could be good. That it could help instead of hurt.
But when Vanessas lights up as Gregory's eyes ignite with life, all gifted by the warmth in Evan's soul, he thinks it's not the magic that's bad, but the man who wields it.
Its agonizing; waiting those few seconds for Gregory to wake up, but the shine that had re-entered his eyes only grows brighter when he gasps harshly, jerking to life.
With a cry of joy, Evan shoots forward, attempting a hug as much as he can as a ghost. At the same time, Vanessa sobs with barely contained relief and reaches out, pulling Gregory out of the puddle of his own blood and setting him gently against her chest.
Evan meets his eyes, and man, do they look exhausted, but they also look alive. Evan cant contain the grin on his face when Gregory's eyes dart to him, seeing but not. Hes still in that stage between floaty and aware, but Evan waits for him.
It only takes a moment for Gregory himself to understand, but then hes clutching back, breaths deep, life laced within every intake of air.
Vanessa is crying. Shoulder shaking sobs that leave tracks down the dirt and blood on her face, and snot smudged across her cheek.
He doesnt blame her. Evan feels more alive than he has in a long time.
"You--" Gregory rasps out before coughing, but despite the fact, it's the most beautiful sound Evan's heard in years. Compared to the last words Gregory spoke before now being goodbyes. "You saved me."
Evan knows that Gregory knows. He knows everything. When Evan shared a piece of himself with Gregory, it connected them. Their souls are entertwined, now.
Evan feels the remnants of true fear deep inside Gregory of truly dying. He feels the relief that its over. He feels the accomplishment that nobody else will be lost.
Evan knows Gregory knows his feelings, as well. Evan knows Gregory feels the grief for the others. He knows he feels the satisfaction of sending his Father back to Cassidy. He knows he feels the anger at being forced to observe for so long.
So Evan just nods, the permanent tears on his face growing thicker and inkier. "I did."
And it's as simple as that.
Gregorys tucked under Vanessa's chin, her stringy hair falling out of what used to be a ponytail. Shes still sobbing, and Evan doesnt think she'd be able to do much of anything right now.
That's okay. Evan knows Vanessa had cried for the others, too. He knows Vanessa had been horrified at the memories. He knows shed been lost for years.
"You're you?" Gregory asks, weak and thready. He brings up a shaky hand and sets it on Vanessa's arm. Shes still wearing the bunny suit; she hadn't had it in her to tear it off when the only thing shed been focused on was the kid who saved her dying in her arms.
All Vanessa does is nod, over and over, almost deliriously. "Yes--" She sobs. "Because-- Because of you."
And its right there that Evan let's himself relish in the fact that they're all here. After watching so much grief and tragedy take place, its finally over. Gregory saved them, and now Evan was able to save Gregory.
He laughs in delight, feeling more hope and warmth than he has in a long time.
Three victims sit in a circle, relieved and alive.
"Gr-r--" Gregory's watch sputters to life, staticky and warbling. "Gregory-- I'm so worried about yo-- you-- P-P-Please respo--"
Three sets of eyes blow open.
Gregory and Evan had been alone together all night. Freddy wasnt able to follow them everywhere, and Gregory, with that determination that saved them that night, carried them far. Deep into the belly of the beast.
But its only when they finally haul themselves up when the clock gets a little too close to six, hop in Vanessa's car, and hightail it to her apartment that Gregory and Evan are alone again.
Vanessa, with a little more energy in her step, had followed through with her promise. Before they'd left, she said she would set the fire. All she wanted to do is take care of a few things. Freddy went along with her, wanting to collect his friends when they wake up free of the virus.
It's just the two of them, now. They're sitting (floating, in Evan's case) on Vanessa's couch, Gregory is eating some cereal, since its all Vanessa had on hand, and hes wearing one of Vanessa's too-big shirts when his had been too ruined to keep.
Theres some cartoon on the TV about a girl and a weird blue floating blob, but Evan isnt paying attention. Not when Gregory is staring at his bowl with furrowed brows, lost in thought.
Evan can tell he wants to say something, so he just sits patiently, and stays quiet when Gregory eventually starts opening and closing his mouth, trying to find the words.
"Evan--" Gregory begins eventually, and when Evan looks over, Gregory's looking at the carpet instead of him. "Um... can I ask you something?"
Evan nods. "Of course."
"Kay." Gregory responds, and then sighs, scratching the back of his neck and fiddling with the fold of fabric where his stomach is. "Uh... well..."
Evan stays silent, waiting for Gregory to gather his thoughts. Evan had hated it when people rushed him when he spoke while he was alive. He wasnt stupid, just nervous.
Eventually, Gregory throws his hands down and huffs, as if biting the bullet. He turns to Evan, looking him in the eyes as he asks, "Why did you save me?"
Evan blinks, and looks at Gregory, confused. They'd already communicated everything when Gregory woke up. "What do you mean?"
Gregory fidgets again, glancing to the side and looking frustrated. "Well-- I mean... just, why did you choose me?"
Evan furrows his brows. "Um... I dont understand."
Gregory growls, but Evan can sense it's not at him, just at Gregory's own scrambled thoughts. He rubs at his eyes, before, "I mean--!. eight other kids went missing before me."
Evan starts to get it. "Oh."
"Just... why did you save me?" Gregory asks again, a little more surely this time. "Like... you literally gave up half of your life force just so I wouldnt die. You met so many other kids that didnt make it... I... just want to know why you see me as so special to sacrifice for."
Evan shakes his head, twisting in place to better face Gregory. He tries to convey so much in one motion, his brain swirling with thoughts, and remnants of feeling from past memories.
"Gregory..." Evan glances downward, an old feeling of grief coming back. It's his old friend at this point. "...Nobody deserved to die. Nobody. But... in a way, some of us didnt. I'm still here, and I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. I'm technically living, arent I?"
Gregory nods, but he looks confused. "Yeah, I would say so. But what does this have to do with what I said?"
Evan looks at the couch, watching as his fingers phase through the cushion. "I mean... the others, they died, but they didnt leave. They were still there, but... they weren't living. Bit by bit, they lost themselves, until they really were as good as dead."
Gregory is silent, so Evan continues. "I didnt feel like I was living for a long time, even though I technically wasnt dead. I had my friend. That's what we had that the others didnt. That's how we held on. But when she left... I had to stay for her to, as well, and I was stuck. I couldn't see my family. I was living, but I didnt want to be. I was living, but didnt have a life."
Evan glances up, and sees Gregory's own face looking back at him, eyes sad. Evan frowns, feeling decades of memories creep back up on him. He shoves them down. "All I did was watch tragedy and death occur for years, while I was alone. And I couldnt do a thing about it."
"You were done just watching." Gregory mumbles.
Evan nods. "...I was. So when you came along, and you survived, and dodged death, and saved everybody... you didnt deserve to die. More than the others. After all youd done, you deserved to live."
Theres a stretch of silence, after that. Evan has patience to spare, so when Gregory just stares, probably turning Evan's words over in his head, he waits.
After a while, Gregory tries to set a hand on Evan's shoulder, but it phases through. Gregory frowns, eyes downcast as he stares at his body dissipating at Gregory's touch, falling away like sand. "You havent felt alive in a long time, huh...?"
Theres that connection, again. Evan's gonna have to get used to this; he hasnt been connected to someone this way since Cassidy.
He nods, but in the melancholy, he smiles, and looks pointedly at Gregory. "Yeah," He agrees. "but that changed."
Gregory understands quickly. Evan pushed all of his feelings and earnesty towards that seemingly now permanent sense of Gregory presence, after all. He looks suprised, if his wide eyes are any indication, but then he finally sees the undeniable smile on Evans face, and Evan can sense that Gregory believes him.
Tears swim in Gregory's eyes, and he wipes at them half heartedly, grin on his face. He chuckles wetly. "Would you believe me if I said nobody has ever said something like that to me?"
Evan fractures, smiling. "Not really. I doubt you've met a lot of other dead people."
"Youd be right." Gregory replies. "Man, I wish I could hug you. It doesnt feel right just letting you sit there and be all... ghosty after saying something like that."
Evan chuckles at that, smile wide. "Put your arms around me."
Gregory raises a brow, but does it anyway.
It's funny. How Gregory, a boy who was in the wrong place at the wrong time saved the ones at the heart of the tragedy. He saved everyone without being involved himself, and Evan cant help but feel like Gregory saved him as well, in a way.
And Evan, who shuts his eyes and brings forth every ounce of power he has as a poltergeist, let's his body fall against another solid one, and sink into the hug.
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jokeringcutio · 9 months
Reader x Stepdad William Afton (Drabble)
AN: You got me there, ANON. All right, here's a very QUICK drabble for you, because I COULDN'T RESIST. MATURE THEMES/NO EXPLICIT SMUT. Just a happy family dinner (well....)
Also, I am overwhelmed with prompt requests and I love them, so do keep 'em coming. But if you want to help me out for reaching my goal to save up to commission a celebratory piece of artwork for this tumblr (as we've almost reached 1000 mutuals following this account :3 ) please feel free to donate me a little something on Ko-fi ♡ ︎.
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based on this in my inbox: [ See Reaction to the post here x ]
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The clink of silverware against porcelain punctuated the silence, a staccato rhythm that seemed to echo in the cavern of your chest. Across from you, William’s hands were steady as he cut into his steak, but there was something about the tightness in his jaw, the way his blue eyes didn't quite meet yours, that whispered secrets.
"Sweetheart," your mother's voice sliced through the tension like the knife in William's hand through meat, "it's time we talked about a paternity test."
Your heart stuttered in your chest, a wild, frantic thing eager to escape. You swallowed hard, the mashed potatoes on your tongue now tasting like ash.
"Whoever the father is... he deserves to know," she continued, oblivious to the undercurrents swirling beneath her words.
"Of course," you agreed, the word brittle on your lips. Your gaze flickered unintentionally to William, then quickly away, fearing what might be revealed in a single glance.
He cleared his throat, a sound that rumbled deep and low, a prelude to the storm you knew brewed within him.
"It's only fair," he said, but his voice was a masterclass in control, every syllable measured, every intonation practiced.
"You can ring up the boys... see if they're willing." She was all practicality, all motherly concern, not an inkling of suspicion clouding her features. If only she knew…
"Right," you breathed out, the lie sour and heavy in your mouth.
In your bedroom, Evan's chest rose and fell with the innocent trust of sleep. Unaware. Untouched by the deceit that hung thick in the air. The door ajar, otherwise he wouldn’t sleep if he didn’t hear that you were near. As if somehow, your tiny son was aware that he had been born in a house full of dark secrets and possible danger.
Your fingers curled around your glass, the cool surface grounding you. Water, while your parents were drinking wine. Wasn’t your mom still trying for a baby? Had she finally given up now that she saw how it was to be between diapers and the soreness of giving milk?
William's gaze flitted toward the open door where your son lay oblivious to the grown-up games played at his expense.
"Will do it tomorrow," you promised, your voice a whisper of determination laced with dread.
"Good girl," your mother smiled, contentment lighting up her face. But in William's eyes, the reflection of a different kind of pride—a dark, devouring satisfaction—flickered and then died.
You pushed your plate away, appetite lost. While inside your thoughts careened like a runaway train, you tried to remain your compose. Look and act normal. But what would happen when the truth came out? What would happen when the masks fell away?
What would William do?
Because in all honesty, it wasn’t your mom and her feelings you were worried about the most any longer. She had proven time after time again to be there for you, no matter what lies had been told about you. Her two-goody-shoes daughter, suddenly a wild partying animal who had gone and get laid whilst drunk – even if she bought it she faithfully helped take care of you and your newborn son. She was so – so darn sweet! Like an angel sent from the blessed sky. If she’d forgiven you this, then you wouldn’t doubt she would forgive you the truth.
Could you bear her disappointment? Right now? Could you see her so crestfallen and betrayed? Did you want to break that dam and wait whilst pain raked through you both – a pain that only time could mend?
Beside you, William scraped his throat, his thick fingers scraping past your thigh underneath the table. The horny beast. Even now he couldn’t stop touching you.
Shouldn’t he be working on one of his new robot animals? Like that yellow bunny suit he was making to resemble your favorite plushie? With the only difference that it was ten times bigger and build for him to wear?
You tried not to glance at your stepfather, not even when his fingers reassuringly squeezed your already bruised thigh. You gritted your teeth at the soreness – thanks to his latest bout of fucking, of course. The man took his chances whenever he could.
No, the real problem here was your stepfather. William was a tall, strong and dangerous man. His mind worked in ways that only left you guessing. And you had no doubt that he had hurt others in the past before to get exactly what he wanted.
If you wanted to play this game, you had to play it right.
Silently, you vowed to protect Evan from the shadows that lurked behind William's aviator glasses, from the manipulations that twisted beneath his agreeable facade. You would stand between your son and the man who wore danger like a second skin.
"Let's finish up here," your mother suggested, unaware of the battle lines being drawn right before her eyes.
"Indeed," William agreed, and his smile was a predator's grin, hidden in plain sight.
The baby slept on, his dreams untainted by the turmoil that swirled just beyond his reach.
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frompearl · 7 months
Mrs. Afton’s Daily Life: THREE
Warnings: Mentions of Child Abuse, William being a bit fucked up ngl, Unedited :')
A/N: Enjoy!
“Watch where you’re going!!” A furious William yells to an elderly driver who almost crashed into him.
The older lady in question only flips him off to which he returns the gesture.
“Crazy old hag, you’re lucky I don’t want to do jail time.” He grumbles to himself, taking out a cigarette to place between his lips. 
It was his lunch break and usually around this time, he would pick up Michael from school. 
But today would be different for he would be picking up both Evan and Michael. 
A smile paints his lips, his baby boy Evan was growing up so fast. It felt like yesterday when he was just barely learning how to walk and now the little boy was going to school. 
He didn’t know whether to feel proud or anxious. Evan was small for his age. Knowing how little brats his age act, they’d probably pick on him. His grip tightened on the steering wheel. 
Unlike Y/N who wouldn’t dare hurt a child no matter how furious she was with the kids who would beat up Michael, William had no issue with harming the nearest brat who threatened his children. 
Sure William had some violent tendencies growing up, but did he grow out of them? Pfft no.
Similar to his son who was starting to get involved in fights, William had been a violent child growing up.
From witnessing both his parents get into violent fights and being on the receptive end of that abuse, William grew up with pent up anger that was quick to flare up. As a small child he would let out that anger onto innocent rodents he would find crawling in his walls at night. His soulless black eyes would observe as his small thin hands strangled the life out of the innocent mice he got his hands on. If his mother caught him again in the act, she would beat him, her own black eyes tearing up.
“Why can’t you be normal?” 
He found that he hated his own eyes when they reminded him of his parents. 
Both held the same blank look that was quick to convert into rage at the drop of a hat. 
His home was a suffocating place that was filled with the threats of violence and anger. His mother was constantly angry with his father for “not providing the lifestyle she deserved.” While his father would argue back that it was her fault for “failing as a woman by being a useless wife.” Then their anger would shift onto him and they’d berate him for ruining their lives. 
Both his parents were high school sweethearts from the countryside of England. 
They’d both come from abusive families that made them both bond over their own personal struggles. 
His mother wanted stability and to be lavished in riches that his father couldn’t provide. 
While his father wanted her love and for her to give him the happy family he’d always wanted. She never wanted children but she’d kept quiet hoping that he’d eventually forget about wanting a child. 
Both teenagers thought that they’d be happy together so they decided to elope to the United States. 
They’d spent all their life savings on the move, their imagination of a perfect life in the States blinding them of the realistic problems. 
Problems quickly arose when they both realized how completely inadequate they were for each other. 
His mother’s resentment to his father grew with each passing day she worked minimum wage jobs, her wish to be taken care of slipping from her fingers.
And her father started to grow irritated with how often she refused to bear him a child. 
There would be times William wished she kept refusing him. For both his parents to be aware of how morally wrong it would be to bring an innocent baby to whatever fucked  arrangement his parents had going on.
But alas, fed up with his persistence for a baby, she caved in begrudgingly. She hoped that if she birthed a child, things would go as they planned. Maybe the baby would look cute?
Something she would remind William constantly that she regretted caving into her father’s wish for a child. 
She hated being pregnant and hated the changes it brought to her body. The birthing process had left her traumatized after many hours of pain and blood loss.
The first time she’d laid eyes on an infant William, she’d only sneered at him.
He wasn’t the blonde baby with the chubby cherub cheeks she wanted. Nine months of torture, sacrificing her body, and hours of agony. 
For this weak looking baby? He was underweight for his age and he remained silent when he took his first breath of air. No piercing wails or exciting emotion evoked from his mother. 
This baby looked dead. She didn’t want such an ugly looking baby.
Poor William had been barely born and his mother had already rejected him. 
His father tried to love him at first. He’d want to have the perfect family all his life. But when his mother was caught in an affair, was when the fights started. 
The earliest memory he recalled was being four years old and watching as his father beat the shit out of his mother. Her screaming cries  
as she begged him to stop were overshadowed by the furious yells of his father. The man had come home from work to see his wife in a lovers embrace with another man. 
William was only watching from the box television when he saw a half naked man run out of the room followed by his father carrying a shotgun. His father had dropped the shotgun in the living room before storming back to his bedroom. There he’d drag his wife by her long black hair as she kicked and screamed. 
When he’d beat her till she was black and blue, he’d gotten up and stood over her body.
He sobbed about why she brought the worst out of him and that she hoped she learned her lesson for being an ungrateful wife.
When he’d turn around to go clean himself of his wife’s blood on his fist, he failed to realize that his shotgun was near his wife’s hands.
Big black eyes that belonged to an innocent William watched as his mother started to shoot at his father. Said man taking cover behind the kitchen counters, screaming about how crazy she was.
The man cried out as he felt a spare bullet nick his leg. Once his mother realized what she did, she started to cry hysterically claiming that she didn’t mean to harm him, only to scare him as a lesson.
They both then screamed at each other until the police had shown up after a neighbor made a complaint. 
His mother plastered on a fake smile and assured them everything was fine. That the bruises on her face were a result of the pet cat playing rowdy again. While she convinced the concerned officers that everything was ok, William’s father cleaned out his wound and any blood that stained the creaky wooden floors.
And William watched it all happen. 
That was his home life. A never ending dance that his parents refused to end no matter how miserable they made each other. 
Not even in school could he be safe because he was bullied for being smaller than the other children. His British accent was also picked on, kids mocking the way he talked because he spoke differently. Everyone and their mothers also knew about his abusive parents, so it was easy to label him as the “weird British kid with issues at home.”
He’d only feel happiness when he’d visit the traveling circus. 
The famous attraction he’d love to see was the dancing bear that was the main attraction. 
There was where his love for entertainment began. He’d remember how the dancing bear would distract him from his miserable home life and he became allured at the idea of bringing that entertainment to those who were like him. Miserable with their day to day lives and in need of a distraction. 
As he grew with those dreams in his head, so did he grow too. The small little boy that he once was grew bigger until he towered over his parents. They’d stopped beating him once they realized he could retaliate against them. 
The bullies at his school that would pick on him cowered at the sight of him. He had cracked the skull of one of them, threatening to go after all of them if they let word get out he did the crime. The kids he grew up with that would bully him now did anything to avoid him. 
If someone said, acted, or even looked at him the wrong way William would beat them mercilessly. Threatening much worse if they were to tell anyone. 
People avoided him at all cost once he revealed his violent tendencies. 
Word got around that the once meek boy became a danger to those who he didn’t like. It was advised for anyone who met him to treat him with caution. 
Something that his parents started to do as they realized how much of a threat he could be to them. 
When he turned eighteen, his parents had kicked him out of the house. Fearing that he would seek revenge against them for abusing him as a child.  
That was when William sought out to build his own replication of the bear he saw many years ago. 
He got into engineering through a mentorship at a car deal. The sleepiness nights learning about mechanics at the school library paid off greatly. 
He absolutely hated working there but knowing it kept him fed and housed in a dingy studio, made him bite his tongue whenever the owner would belittle him. 
Double Majoring in business and engineering, he met his future work partner Henry Emily in a class.
The two were very close at the start of their friendship, they’re work together made them an unstoppable force that would soon create the Freddy Fazbear Franchise. It was a shame they grew apart as the success of Freddy’s skyrocketed. 
While attending college, both young men started to pour all their ideas into making the place of their dreams.
Through gathering enough funds, they were able to create the first two animatronics, Fredbear and Spring Bonnie. FredBear was inspired by the dancing bear at the circus. And Springbonnie was William’s own personal creation. He affectionately dubs Spring Bonnie as his first child much to your annoyance. 
Impressed at the mechanics and advanced technical abilities of the two robots, they were able to convince investors that “FredBear’s Diner” would be a massive hit with all the children of the United States.
And it was.
The first two days, their small diner was filled with many customers. Children crowded around the stage as they watched the two robots sing and interact with the guests. 
Sure the food served wasn’t the best, but he really came for the food anyway? Not when both young men had created something so…revolutionary.
Then the Diner and expanding the Freddy Franchise became a priority in both men’s lives. It was a golden opportunity that they’d be fools to ignore. With that they both dropped out of college and William finally quit his dreadful job at the car dealership. Flipping off his former mentor as he walked out the door. 
There was when both men started to make the Freddy Franchise grow.
Kid restaurants like McDonalds, Burger King, and Chuck E Cheese (he hated all of three of them, especially the last one. Cheap knockoff) were sweating as most of their child customers were swayed by the restaurants made by both William and Henry. Then merchandise and many other products made from them live in the arcades, hell! Freddy’s even had its own cartoon! Money was flowing in and both William and Henry would be recognized as the youngest entrepreneurs to succeed in the country. 
Then William had started his own company, “Afton Robotics.” That quickly became a success as well. 
The life that both his mother and father wanted in America had been achieved by the son they had thought was insignificant. 
He showed them he proved them wrong. 
They both would pester him for money, still in the low economic class. Despite both being divorced, they still were miserable and insufferable people. His mother married the man she cheated with on his father. It wasn’t surprising to learn that she also had issues with him. Like in her previous marriage, she cheated on the poor lad as well. 
His father had turned to drinking to cope with the divorce and spent anything he earned on alcohol. 
Thankfully, none of them had any more children with each other or with other people. 
Thank God.
If they did, William had no qualms of fighting for full custody of any sibling born of those vile people. No little kid deserved to experience what he went through as a child. 
The violence he’d seen growing up 
So when he recalls his family life as a child. 
Never would he lay a hand on any of his precious family, he’d rather die than hurt any of the people he loved most in the world. Even Michael would never experience his violent wrath for he made an oath to himself to never harm his children as his parents did him. 
But anyone besides them? They held no sympathy from the large man.
In his head, everyone and anyone was a threat to his family. 
He’d raised a business from the ground as a college dropout, he’d seen how cruel the world could be.
He’d be damned if anyone hurt them on his watch. 
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melanodis · 1 month
🐰👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 :]
🐰👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 (the Afton Family; what were they like?)
They were as close as you could get to the nuclear family stereotype. William arrived from overseas to attend college in the States, where he would become well acquainted with Henry and Adelaide. He had a rather dreary home life on the English countryside, living in practically a ghost town by all accounts; so getting to leave to a more lively place was a rather welcome change in pace. He had an interest in creating music, though had no prior knowledge of music theory or what have you, instead preferring to play things by ear and self teaching. While he prefers the guitar, he has some skill in playing piano. This would lead him to connect with Henry, who wanted to scrabble together a small band comprised of himself and Adelaide, the two who were practically conjoined at the hip. He has a habit of taking facets of others and absorbing them into himself, leading to his interest in the mechanical. He found himself in some sort of strange relationship between them both. He did love them both, equally. But ultimately ended up choosing to marry Adelaide after they found themselves with their first: Michael. William was truly a loving father at some point in his life, but after the first springlock incident and Evan's death, things started to simply go downhill. Fast.
Adelaide herself was an only child that was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Not that she abuses this power by any means, but others would in her early life under the guise of “friendship.” A relatively good relationship with her parents, though there were a few disagreements about her choice in career. They wanted her to be a doctor, but Adelaide found much more joy in the performing arts, most particularly dance. I don’t really have them characterized as I don’t like to delve too deep into stuff like that. Hauty, disdainful of the people she chooses to surround herself with, (“a hick and a brit? you’re better than that.”) and completely disagree with her choice in… husband. But… whatever makes her happy, they surmise. She certainly played favorites with Evan with him being the youngest, but none did she love unequally. She kind of favored them all for particular reasons. Elizabeth was the only one with her rusty ginger hair, but Michael was their first, and also had her curly locks even if he was still a brunette like his father. I won’t lie, she became standoffish with Michael after the whole Bite of 83, but came around eventually. Holding them even closer after Charlotte died. Elizabeth enjoyed doing makeup and hair, Michael actually took an interest in her ballet teaching, and Evan really wanted to help with cooking, more particularly playing around with ingredients and dough.
It was when Elizabeth, too, died to another one of William’s damned death machines that she held onto Michael like a lifeline, her eldest and only remaining child. Michael... well, Michael was an attention seeking child from the very beginning. While Adelaide typically stayed at home to care for him while William worked, all he wanted was to have his father's attention, too. He wasn't necessarily a trouble maker by any means, but once he had two more siblings he felt as if he was invisible to them. Oldest sibling syndrome. He loved them, too, he helped care for them, but there's no doubt that in the back of his mind he felt uncared for at points. This would be what led him to take on a more aggressive out look, bullying their youngest out of jealousy. Elizabeth tried as she might to diffuse it, but she could only do so much as their parents were constantly too busy trying to keep things held together to keep a keen eye on them all. "I was kind of an asshole as a kid."
Elizabeth, however, wasn't completely innocent herself. She was very clearly William's favorite, and she reveled in this every moment she could. One could consider her a carbon copy of him in every aspect save for appearance. And also a brat. But not necessarily in the traditional way. She knew she was the "golden child", and often used this to her advantage just to one up Michael. She could practically do whatever she wanted with zero consequence, but she didn't really use this for bad things. However, she did enjoy using it in order to help Charlie, usually just urging William to get her gifts and the occasional toy that Henry wouldn't have otherwise. Many of her crayon drawings served to become inspiration for many of William's machines. Even in her death, she continues wanting nothing more than to impress him, finding safety in refusing to understand that their father had long stopped caring for them all. While Evan didn't really get to grow up enough for a more distinctive personality to shine through, he enjoyed more hands on arts and crafts. Think macaroni and glue, play-doh, even making things out of clay that Adelaide would cook to concrete them. Mugs, little trinkets, all things that she continued to hold onto after his death. I imagine he would've loved to get into pottery or even woodworking when he got older.
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dalekofchaos · 2 months
Michael Afton:Accomplice/Killer Mike au
So after looking at these three fanarts on the subject. I've come up with a FNAF au where Mike is William's accomplice.
Fanart 1. Fanart 2. Fanart 3
It starts after the Bite of 83. William sees potential in Mike.
Instead of letting Mike be arrested, William saves Mike and pins the blame on Bonnie bully(Jeremy)
William pulls what he did with Susie.
"He's not really dead, son. Help me and we can put him back together." Mike at first is hesitant. But he just wants to make it right and bring his brother back.
It starts out with William doing the killings and Michael cleaning up the evidence. The police never begin to suspect a thing. Mike is the suspicious one due to his connection to the Bite of 83, but because of lack of evidence, no one ever charges either father or son.
Eventually, Mike has to lure and kill some kids to prove to William how committed he really is. William helps Mike by making a Springlock Foxy costume to help blend in to Pirate's Cove. Mike performs as his hero and his symbolic fall of grace. After every Pirate's Cove performance, Mike lures them to the safe room.
It starts by luring them so William can kill them. But one day, Mike is locked in there with the kids.
"Oh it's far too late to back out now, help me or I swear I will tell the police what you did to your brother and I will pin all those little disappearances on you."
Mike kills his first victim. He uses Foxy's hook for a weapon and he does the deed. 5 more dead kids.
"You've done it. Well done, Mikey! I'm proud of you, son! We're gonna do great things together"
All the remorse and regret he's felt is washed away by finally making his father proud. The one thing he's wanted all his life is finally his and together they will bring Evan and Elizabeth back and put their family back together.
Throughout the years they would kill together. Not only kill together, but make Fazbear Entertainment and Afton Robotics bigger and better than before.
There is one setback however. Jeremy has returned. He took the night guard position and because of the Puppet's visions, he knows too much. So Mike hacks Mangle and causes the Bite of 87. "...I'm sorry Jeremy. I had to. I did it for my family!"
Because of William and Mike openly working together, Elizabeth knows it's Mike and Circus Baby even helps Mike make a makeshift Springlock version of Funtime Foxy so he can slip in and out to capture children.
Although Mike loves Funtime Foxy, he just can't help but continue to use Classic Foxy to lure the kids at the old Pizzeria. Because a true classic never goes out of style!
Mike is officially the new head of security. Everyone sees this as a "nepo hire" but Mike is just so charming and manipulative that FE eats out of his hand. He can easily ensure that the kids go missing without a trace. When security officers get too close to the truth, then Mike wears his old Foxy mask, gets the hook and goes through the vents and kills them.
"Save them"
"You can't"
Now who could be the protagonist now that Mike is William's right hand?
Sammy Emily. In this au Henry is not a deadbeat dad to his son. They grieve together over Charlie and when Sammy is grown up, Sammy fills Mike's role as the security guard.
Charlie even helps Sammy. When Sammy gets jumpscared by The Puppet, all he hears is "Sammy, it's me. Charlie"
One day Mike and William return to the decaying and dilapidated Freddy Fazbear's Pizza to get more remnant.
Sammy, Charlie and the MCI work together and corner William and Mike.
William gets springlocked via the rain and Sammy and Charlie work together to cause Mike's springlock.
Sammy in Fazbear Frights is being hunted by Springtrap and Foxtrap
In the attempt to free Elizabeth and the funtimes, Sammy is scooped.
After the fire. Scraptrap, Foxscrap and Circus Baby come together. Lefty tries to stop them, but because of the suit and calls she can't stop herself from hurting Sammy.
Henry's speech happens. The fire happens. But Sammy survives.
Sammy has a daughter named Vanessa.
As Vanessa works for Fazbear and the VR game. She sees a bunny....and a Fox.
One day a boy named Gregory plays and sees the Fox. To Michael, Gregory is Evan reborn.
They found their new Elizabeth while getting revenge on Sammy & Henry and Michael found Evan Reborn. The Afton Family is put back together.
Mike would orchestrate a Glamrock Foxy to be built. William becomes Burntrap and Vanessa is Vanny while Gregory is Dr Rabbit.
However, a ghost from Mike's past survived. Jeremy returns. as a VR tester and as the Pizzaplex technician.
Instead of "What makes you so special" it's "Why are you STILL ALIVE?"
Cassie enters the picture. In this case, she's not looking for Gregory. She's looking for her father.
Jeremy and Cassie will do whatever it takes to stop the Aftons, even if Jeremy has to become one with the remains of Glamrock Bonnie.
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darthpastry · 8 months
*Slaps Michael on the head* This strange creature can fit so much trauma.
It's time for a character analysis of one of the protagonists of all time! Because what do I do if not overanalyze things and characters we only have crumbs of?
So, childhood. We have pretty few things confirmed about his childhood.
Both he and Evan were tormented with the fear gas from who knows how young.
He bullied Evan.
He killed Evan.
Foxy was his chosen animatronic.
Yep, that's all we have to work with. But that's more than enough!
First of all, shout out to Evan for dealing with the most bullshit and never doing anything wrong in his life (next game comes out and reveals that if he lived, he would've been worse than William or smth and this whole post ages like milk) or afterlife unless you count the Golden Freddy jumpscares, but those feel justified, and this post isn't about him.
Back to Michael. Since all three Afton children were abused, it does make sense why Michael would act out the way he does towards Evan. Heavy emphasis on the fact that reasons are not excuses and that just because reasons behind his actions can be found does not mean it wasn't any less horrible.
Besides that, I don't really have much to say about the bite of 83, it's already gotten a ton attention, so I don't feel the need to analyze it either. It's interesting that we don't what the dynamic between Elizabeth and Michael was, I do like the theory that Elizabeth wasn't around until after the bite, but that's an entirely separate post.
Yeah... that's about all I have to say about his childhood. So, let's just skip ahead for years to FNaF 2's events!
I'm going to be honest and say it's unlikely Jeremy and Michael met during this right off the bat. Sorry, but with how much Mike is treated as a punching bag in canon, it's unlikely he had any friends at this point. The bully gang probably just drifted apart without any hard feelings against each other.
I'm curious about what exactly Michael's age would be at this point, minimum working age is the same, at 14 and considering the workers are paid exactly the minimum wage at the time ($3.35 an hour), I don't doubt William would put Michael to work as soon as possible, and at ten years old the bully group probably would've been able to lift Evan to shove him in Fredbear's mouth, I would say between Michael was probably 14 and at oldest 18, just because due to the sprite design of the bullies and he appears in earlies 20s in SL, which I'm placing 1993, but I'll save that for later.
Sheesh. First time really thinking William just plopping 14-year-olds in that situation for minimum wage. Nothing in comparison to being a serial killer of children, but, still, yikes.
Why was he there? I don't know, actually. I do think he's Fritz Smith, but why he would need a pseudonym or want to work there I haven't a clue. Unless he ran/moved in with Henry (doubt) and was trying spare cash and maybe track down William after hearing about how his sister died and it was six years before he actually caught up to William and that was because William had figured the only way to get Michael off his back was to get rid of him.
And this is already a horribly long post, so if I expound upon this anymore it'll definitely be a part two talking about SL, Springtrap, and the thirty-year time gap. FNaF 3, Pizzeria Sim, and theories about how he could still be around and what he'd be doing in modern FNaF would probably have to be a part three, knowing me.
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sugarywishes · 7 days
Presuming all the Afton Family had survived, what was their ambitions for when they were older? In terms of jobs, goals, things they want to do, etc... And same goes for the Emily Family as well, I'm quite curious to see what you have to say given the direction you have taken these characters in your AU.
God, I'm super pumped up to answer this one, sorry for the late response! (I assume you mean if they had all survived, that the Bite incident never occurred, so I'll be basing the answers off of that idea!) Also, the answers are insanely long 😭😭
Okay we're going back to the regular formula and starting off with William. No dead son = no reason to kill children, which means THE MCI AND KCI KIDS LIVEDDD!! Although his violent urges would still manifest in him abusing the kids and his wife. And also because of no dead son, he kept working with Henry. (Although he'd get more and more sick of him as years go by) I honestly think he wouldn't mind continuing the way his life used to be for a very long while, as long as he kept control of everything, and of course, control of Evan. In the universe where the Bite never happened, his dreams did come true.
Onto Clara, I definitely do not see her staying for long with William any longer, he's broken her down for years and essentially ruined her life. I can see 4 possible futures she could've had, either A. She'd flee Utah and reluctantly go back with her horrible family, seeing as they are the only ones who she thinks William wouldn't consider her going with (As if he'd bother going after her) B. She'd leave and move to a city, probably to finish her schooling and maybe she'll get to become a ballet teacher! (Too bad she never accomplished her original dreams...) C. She'd leave and maybe take the remaining kids with her (I'm not sure if she'd even want to take care of William's spawns, but I'm also not sure she'd just ditch them at an orphanage) or D. Leave the family and have a new one, promptly abandoning her children. I think between her and William, she was more likely to want better romance for herself (in my original rewrite for FNAF, I considered having her in an affair with another man in the midst of Pre-FNAF 4, but I thought it seemed really melodramatic, not sure if I'd bring it back though)
So with Mike, the Bite incident is what gave way to his redemption arc and what made him become a better human being, but because it didn't happen, he never grew past being a total piece of shit. His biggest goal would be however, to get away from his family as soon as possible, so I think he'd run away at 18 (maybe he asked Jeremy to run away with him too /hj) and I think he'd want to make it to California or New York or Chicago (cause yk they're the cool places of the time, do you think he'd want go to Wyoming or something?? HELL NO) I always headcanoned Mike as wanting to be a Rockstar when he grew up, or at least some kind of musician. I don't know if he would've accomplished that. It's up to ones imagination. I can see him becoming kinda sleazy. Maybe he'd get into the party scene and become totally unleashed. Would he have want a normal settled lifestyle? Not sure. Another goal is to try and save his mom from William (he didn't consider saving his siblings, because he thought they'd be fine with him)
For Elizabeth, she'd want to try harder and harder to win her dad's affection, and it probably will never work. I'm honestly skeptical if she would ever be interested in romantic relationships, I think if she would, she'd just do it to fill the hole in her heart. For jobs, she'd probably try and inherit her dad's job. Her efforts wouldn't work. For other job ideas, she probably wouldn't really have many careers she'd want, she'd probably settle for a mundane and 'simple' job like nursing or teaching, or even working as a cashier. She preferred being home than actually working. Maybe she would've become a caretaker for her parents when they got older. I don't think she would've ever been disillusioned from the idea of her father being the best, no one would've stayed to help free her.
Finally, Evan, boy oh boy, did he dream. His biggest goal was to just- make real friends. At least one. But that can never happen to him, his father said so himself! (Yeah, because Evan still lived, William further exploiting and abused him 😔) but hey, I can imagine Evan eventually escaping his family! Maybe he can become an artist, or an inventor, or a toy maker, or maybe he can become a depressed recluse. (I think if Evan had lived, bite or not, he could've basically become the Boo Radley of FNAF). I don't think he would ever develop any romances with anyone (how could he??) I see Evan's future as being very uncertain. Maybe he will get a happy ending, but he doesn't think he's worthy of one :(
Okay moving on from that depress sesh, it's Henry's time! I think he'd be open to the idea of getting a new wife, although Charlie would absolutely hate that idea, (okay Lydia Deetz). Someone to give his Charlotte a sense of femininity she so lacks. Best case scenario, it's some random woman he knows, worst case it's Jeremy's horrible mom 😭😭 Anyways, besides getting a new wife, he'd still try and swerve Charlie into a more girly lifestyle like how his wife wanted. Moving onto business, he'd probably still keep Fredbear's up and running, he probably would've become ambitious enough to sell it off and try to become the next 'Disney' (it won't really work, but selling it off did give him tons of cash!) Maybe he'd still try to cut off the Aftons? Besides that, I dunno how else life would go for him, I'll think abt it more eventually.
And finally for Charlie, she wants to become independent and free and all that stuff. So her first course of action is to do whatever she wants with no limits and judgements from her dad! (That would be a very hard task to do...she could probably end up cutting contact with him) and I can see her getting a career in something that helps people, doesn't matter what it is as long as she can assist people and make them feel better. I don't think she'd become romantically involved w/ anyone either. I'm not sure if she'd stay friends with the Aftons either.
Suffice to say, everyone has a kind of negative or uncertain fate. Probably because I haven't thought of anything good that could happen to them without completely changing everything. Hope this was a sufficient response!
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blackypanther9 · 1 year
Caring Afton kids| William gives birth
FINALLY !!! Some really wanted this, so I pretty much decided why not and made it angsty, wholesome and a bit (Really just a slight bit) dark. AND I FINALLY FINISHED IT !!! QWQ
WARNING!: Birth, wholesome, body/gender changing, blood, screaming, murder, Evan/Chris/CC tells M/n what he saw, rough Sex, biting, marking, pregnancy, perverted old doctor AND MORE ! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED !!!
The first two months of William’s pregnancy were pretty uneventful. Nothing happened, but Will throwing up and eating a lot. That was good, M/n supposed...
While that happened, M/n experimented on William’s cum, that, he had in the tank of his “milking” machine. Finally he got what he wanted and made a small little “potion” for William to consume twice a day.
Of course there was still plenty enough left of Will’s spunk and honestly, M/n was glad that there was. Many normal thinking people would probably consider to give it to doctors that can give women a child by putting sperm inside them from other people, donate it if you wanna call it that, others would think it is a trophy or again others would probably even go so far and thing that M/n will use the cum for something twisted.
...Maybe he did use it for something twisted.
You see...M/n was an Incubus. Usually Incubi are looking for a male or female for a one time fuck. M/n though...fell in love with William and his Incubus side was awakened after the 5th time they had Sex together. He grew pretty depended on William, his pleasure and his cum.
Incubi can be fed by their victim’s pleasure and cum, so there we have THAT. One of the few reasons he build the machine.
The other one was to help his Bunny to have no trouble giving birth. William might not have seen it, but M/n saw that the Doc was lying. They had that incident once before already, yes, but the male that gave birth, never got out alive. His hole was ripped wide open and bleeding like shit. There was no saving him.
How did M/n know ? He stole their report files about that man. They have no CLUE how to make them stay alive.
-Month three-
M/n started to mix the potion into William’s food and drinks. Until now he never noticed it and everything seemed to work just fine. William stopped throwing up completely and he ate way more and ran more often to the toilet, to relieve his bladder. The only thing that was new, was how horny William was from time to time.
His belly also started to show already and M/n forbid William to go to work, so nothing bad will happen to him and the baby. His bunny was a CEO after all and owned Fredbear’s, Circus Baby’s and they were VERY successful too. Anyone would love to hurt him just so he will lose his business.
But back to the whole horny William part...
....because that was just happening.
“You like that, hmmm~? You like that little slut~?!”, M/n asked his bunny, while fucking into him harshly.
“MYES~! AH~! MORE~!”
William’s cock was again connected to the machine, filling an empty tank with his cum. He was cross eyed and this would be his 6th time in a row that he cums. M/n slammed into his bunny’s prostate harshly, making William jostle in the bed, screaming out his moans.
Michael and Evan were at Henry’s for the weekend, per M/n’s request. So M/n didn’t care how loud William was.
“MASTER~!”, William screamed out as he came the 6th time.
M/n had a smile on his face as he watched his bunny’s fucked out expression. William was still horny, but M/n knew how to fix it every time. He roughly fucked into his bunny, while he was still in his aftershocks. It made William crazy instantly and he moaned and babbled nonsense.
“Such a good little breed able bunny~ You are such a good little slut~”, M/n purred out.
William babbled something, that made no sense and M/n loved it. He got his William completely drunk on his cock and absolutely brain dead. M/n was so close to fill William again and he lifted him up by the hips, then came inside his little Pet again. William whimpered in pleasure.
When M/n finished inside William, he put him back down and then roughly fucked into him again, making William babble again and scream his moans out into the room. M/n couldn’t resist and mouthed at his Pet’s throat. William just continued to scream out his moans, too far gone to say or do anything else, besides hug M/n close to himself.
After a few minutes of making harsh love to William and mouthing his throat, he started to bite it and William froze as M/n did so. Then he picked up his pace, making William scream his moans out louder than he already did. His voice will be so sore the next day. M/n could feel William’s last orgasm, for now, approaching.
“CUMMING ! CUMMING ! CUMMING~!!!”, William yelled in pleasure.
M/n let go of his Pet’s neck.
“Me too, Pet~ Cum for Master~”, M/n purred out.
On command, William came crashing down again, screaming in pleasure. M/n pulled him close, shoved himself in as deep as he could, cock twitching wildly inside William’s hole, and filled his bunny up again.
As soon as M/n was finished filling William up, his Pet slumped and was fast asleep. M/n carefully maneuvered them so they lay on their sides, his cock still buried inside William. M/n knew that as soon as his Pet woke up again, he wants to continue rabbiting. So there was no need to pull out.
-Month four-
Michael finally got together with a girl he had a crush on. Her name was Reina. M/n had to give Mike so many tips and advices that he doubted that Mike would ever remember all of them. But he did and finally was dating the girl he liked.
William encouraged his Son, supported him even. He just told him to not have the deed with her without protection. Mike complained about it, but was thankful that his Father didn’t hate him for dating and supported him instead.
Michael and Evan also knew that their father is expecting a baby. While Michael and Evan were in amazement that he even COULD get pregnant, they were excited to have another sibling around. M/n was glad that they didn’t have a problem with another sibling.
But...M/n had to admit that William looked way too big for having only ONE child. So he decided to make another appointment by the doctor, for a checkup. It was next month.
-Month five-
William and M/n were in the doctor’s office. He checked on him and was surprised at what he saw.
“Mr. Afton...”
“Y-yes ?”, William asked nervously.
“You have twins.”
Both, William’s and M/n’s, eyes widened in shock at these news.
“TWINS ?!”
The doctor nodded. He seemed worried now and M/n knew why. The last male had only ONE child and died right after birthing it. William had two. He scoffed in his mind. William will NOT die. Not while he was around !
They went back home, not wanting to be spoiled by the genders. They want it to be a surprise. William was slowly freaking out, while M/n already planned the rooms and everything.
“Don’t worry, my Darling. Everything will go just fine.”, M/n tried to calm William down.
“I will NEVER survive birthing them ! Gosh M/n, they are going to come out of my ASS ! I don’t HAVE a cunt ! I am not a woman ! I will die ! I...I will never see them grow up...”, William said scared.
M/n pulled William into a tight hug.
“I won’t let that happen. You will see them grow up. Stop stressing yourself, it is not healthy for the babies.”
“Pet. No buts. I have everything under control. You just lay back, take good care of yourself and the babies and wait it out. Trust me. I know what I’m doing, Pet.”
William whimpered submissively and nodded. M/n kissed William’s cheek and then noticed how hard William was.
“You want me to take care of you, hmm~?”
M/n chuckled and undressed himself, William quickly copied his motions, undressing himself as well. And they instantly went to rabbiting again.
-Month six-
The babies started kicking and William was so excited and full of joy, that he started crying, while he had M/n’s hand on his stomach, so he can feel them kicking too. M/n smiled brightly.
“Hello you two. I hope Momma takes good care of you two in there.”
William blushed a deep shade of red.
“M-Momma ?”, he asked M/n.
“You will birth them. You are their Momma. You will bring these two sweet babies to the world, so we can properly meet them.”
William stared at M/n with big eyes, filled with love and joy. Yes...sweet babies... William didn’t know that M/n already made the Baby rooms and that Mike and Evan wanted to help. Even Reina, Mike’s girlfriend, decided to help.
M/n kept feeding the serum to William and he could FEEL the changes. William’s body changed whenever he slept. It seemed like Will never noticed it though.
-Month seven-
William had big troubles moving and walking, so he was forced to stay in his bed. M/n and the other three finished the rooms and one was colored green and the other was colored purple.
Will was not allowed to be stressed at all, so M/n checked up on his Pet frequently. He could see the small boobs that William grew and he was getting proud that the serum worked. His bunny slept most of the time, but still, everything went perfectly well.
He barely wants to still have Sex, just food, bathroom and sleep. M/n was happy about that, because if he still would want Sex, he doubted that he could have behaved with his breeding urges. Then he could have hurt the babies.
-Month eight-
M/n woke up to screaming from his bunny. He jumped up from his sleeping position and saw what made him scream.
“Willy, Willy, calm down, my Love.”, M/n said calmly.
“W-what happened to me ?!”, he yelled at M/n in fear.
“Shhh, shhh... Calm down Love. I can explain everything. Just calm down...”, M/n cooed.
William took calming breaths with M/n and soon enough just waited for an explanation.
“I caused this to happen to you. I experimented on your DNA, which was in your cum and then started to make a serum to make this happen.”
“Why ?”
“So you won’t die. The last pregnant male, didn’t make it, because they couldn’t stop the bleeding and his hole was ripped wide open. It stood in the reports. I gave you a female body, so you can birth them and survive. I know that you can make it in this body. And the effect will wear off two months after you stopped taking the serum. Babies will need almost a year to stop sucking from the chest, so you will have to continue taking the serum until they don’t need Mother milk anymore.”
William stared at M/n and for once, M/n couldn’t tell how Will felt about all of this. Suddenly William hugged M/n tightly and gave him a loving, deep kiss, which M/n returned gladly. Then they pulled away and William was smiling brightly.
“Thank you, my Dear. Thank you so much.”
M/n gave him a loving smile.
“I told you that I have everything under control, my Darling. Now please, continue to rest and do NOT freak out and get stressed again. Okay ?”
William chuckled and nodded.
M/n gave William another deep kiss and then snuggled him again. They fell asleep together again until...
M/n groaned and then held William’s ears shut.
“I WILL !”
Then M/n pulled his hands away from Will’s ears and cuddled him again.
M/n growled in annoyance and got out of bed.
With that M/n left with only his underwear on, ready to clean up Evan’s room. William chuckled softly at M/n’s misery.
-Month nine-
His water broke. His water broke and he couldn’t move, nor could M/n get him to the car ! He called the doctors and told them that he can’t move William at all. He just got him barely to the bathroom. He was opening fast and there wasn’t much time.
They hurried over to William’s house and M/n called Henry to take care of Mike and Evan. Reina also came over for Mike’s support and Charlie came with her Father. They were in the room furthest away from the whole disaster.
Michael was fighting with one of the doctors that kept him away from his Father and Papa.
“I am their SON ! I have a right to be by my Father’s side ! Let me fucking through !”
“I am sorry, boy, but you are too young for this. It would scar you.”
“I went through HELL already ! It is more scarring to hear my Dad screaming in pain and I can’t be there for him, to support him ! That is my DAD ! Let me get to him ! Let me help him !”
Suddenly M/n left the room and spotted Mike, who was in tears.
“Mike ? What are you doing here ?”, M/n asked.
“I want to be there for my Dad, Papa ! They won’t let me !”, Michael sobbed out.
M/n saw the fear, pain, helplessness and anger in the boy’s eyes. M/n glared at the Doctor.
“Let him to his Father.”, he said.
“Sir, he is way too young to-“
“I don’t care ! Can’t you see how scared he is for his Father ?! He is scared shitless ! He doesn’t know how his Father is doing ! He wants to be there for him, which speaks volumes ! So for fucks sake let him through and support his Father !”, M/n yelled at him.
“He is only ten-“
“Michael is SIXTEEN years old ! He KNOWS what he wants ! He KNOWS what he can handle ! He already had birthing and Sex in fucking CLASS ! God he is a little shit sometimes and makes the worst jokes about Sex and birth too ! Now let him through !”
The doctor shut up and let Mike pass, who ran into the room. Then M/n rushed to get a glass of water for William, then he entered the room again quickly.
He saw Michael holding William’s left hand. He saw the love, care and worry in the boys eyes. Michael was definitely a Daddy’s boy. He loved William, as a Father, to infinity and back.
“You can do this, Dad. I believe in you, okay ? Evan does too. I am here not just for myself, but also for Evan. We both support you. We believe in you.”, Michael told his Father, who was in pain.
“I am surprised that he is a woman...”, the doctor at his feet said.
“Does it concern you ? Please just help us get the Babies out safely.”, M/n replied.
William squeezed Michael’s hand softly and smiled at him, while M/n sat down next to William and held his right hand, which William also squeezed gently.
“How did he change his gender ?”
“It is none of your concern, Sir.”, M/n replied to the Doctor, that was too curious for his own good.
Another contraption and William screamed again, squeezing Mike’s and M/n’s hands tighter.
“You can do it, Dad. Soon it will be over. It will be over as soon as it started. And we will be here through it all. Okay ?”
William was sweating from pain and slight stress, but nodded. When the pain left, he smiled at his Son again.
“You are a great support, you know that, Son ?”, William asked.
“I hoped that I would be.”, Mike replied.
William chuckled softly.
“I love you, Michael.”
Michael looked at his Dad in surprise and then he smiled brightly.
“I love you too, Dad.”
“You are a very loyal Son. I-I’m sorry that I only realized this, when I met M/n and not earlier...”
Michael gave his Father a sad smile.
“We all make mistakes, Dad. You were pretty busy, tried to give us everything you could. You couldn’t have known why I did what I did to Evan. I’m...glad that M/n found out and snitched.”
William gave a sad smile back.
“I should have noticed it though, Mike. You loved your little Brother so much and I didn’t even consider...”
“It doesn’t matter anymore, Dad. We made up for it and you know what ? Now we will have another sibling. You are more important right now than this silly conversation. Just concentrate on the baby now, okay ?”
William chuckled softly.
“Babies, Mikey.”
Mike chuckled.
“Yes, Babies. I forgot that it was twins.”
“Two more contraptions and then he is fully opened. Then he should push with the third one.”, the nurse next to the doctor said.
M/n nodded and Mike did the same.
“I will quickly check up on Evan and Henry. I will be back quickly, okay ?”
Mike nodded and William let go of M/n’s hand.
“Take care of your Dad, until I’m back. Keep encouraging him.”
“I will.”, Mike replied.
Then M/n left the room and sprinted down the hallway into Mike’s room. Evan, Charlie and Henry looked up and saw M/n.
“How is he doing ?”, Henry asked.
“He is still in the opening process, but he is doing as fine as he can with the pain. Mike is there and supports him. How are you three ?”
“Evan is a bit distressed. He wants to be with his Dad, but he is very sensitive to loud noises, so he is torn in between what he should do. Charlie is worried and I am as well.”
“How is Mike ?”, Reina asked worried.
“He is doing just fine. A bit worried and stressed, but his love and worry for his Father, the urge to be there for him and help him through this outweightens his stress and fear. He is a very determined, strong boy. I hope you will keep that in mind and keep him, as long as you can, happy.”
Reina smiled and nodded softly. She planned to make him happy. Michael was a special, extraordinary boy.
M/n looked at Evan and the boy looked guilty. He went over to him.
“Do you want to be with Dad ? Do you want to support him as well ?”
Evan nodded.
“B-but I’m scared of loud n-noises...”, he replied.
“I know, baby... But I might have a solution. Every time he screams, I will hold your ears shut, so it will be quieter. How about that ?”, M/n suggested.
“Y-you would...do that ?”, Evan asked.
“Are you sure that is a good idea, M/n ?”, Henry asked worried.
“I will make sure that he doesn’t see the other end of Will. Don’t worry. I will stand right behind him and shield his sight. But he wants to be there for Will. He should have the same chance as Mike to support his Dad.”
Henry was silent at that for a while.
“Good point. Just be careful, you two.”
“We will be. Come on Evan.”
Evan took M/n’s hand, his Fredbear plush and then they went back and into the bathroom, William was about to give water birth in. M/n shielded Evan’s sight and guided him inside, then turned him around and uncovered his eyes. Evan instantly saw his Father and knelt down, holding his dad’s right hand.
William opened his eyes and stared at Evan in surprise.
“Evan ?”
Mike looked at him just as surprised. Evan gave a shy smile.
“Hey, Papa... I wanted to help too, like Mikey. Daddy said that I can and he will hold my ears shut when loud noises occur.”, Evan said.
William looked at M/n, who knelt to Evan’s right side, shielding the sight that might be gruesome for a seven year old, from Evan.
“He was torn. He wanted to help, but is sensitive to loud noises. He felt guilty that he didn’t come along just because of the loud noises, so I offered a solution and he was more than happy to come along. I thought you might want to at least see them and have their support as well as mine. After all, you love them, they love you, we are a family and it is about to get bigger. Hope you are not mad, Love.”
William gave M/n a watery smile.
“Mad ? No, no, no. I am so happy to have them both here with me. I...I never thought they would want to be present when this happens.”, William replied.
“Their love and worry for you, is bigger than you thought, Darling. You mean the world to them and they are ready to go against their own fears and out of their own comfort zone, just to be there for you. Not every child does that, but these two are happy to be here.”
“How is Reina ?”, Mike asked softly.
“She is doing well. She was worried about you, but I made them disappear quickly. I told her that you were alright, besides the slight stress and worry you have right now.”
Mike nodded and then smiled softly. Evan and Mike continued to hold William’s hands.
“Did I miss a contraption ?”
Mike shook his head.
“No. But one is about to come, Dad’s hands are gripping a bit stronger.”
M/n nodded and held Evan’s ears shut. Not even 10 seconds after he did that, did William scream again and squeezed Evan’s and Mike’s hands a bit tighter.
“FUCK !!!”, William cursed loudly.
Evan did squeeze his eyes shut, but the screaming was definitely quieter. He was thankful for that. He didn’t like seeing his Dad in pain, but he hoped that him being here, will help his Dad at least a little bit...
The other contraption came way quicker and the third one was where the agony started. M/n held Evan’s ears shut tightly, while William squeezed Mike’s hand tighter than he did before and his right hand squeezed a piece of cloth tightly. Evan had his hands on William’s upper arm, squeezing it from time to time and he petted it too. At some point he put Fredbear onto his dad’s chest too, telling him that he is there for a bit more support.
William would have smiled, if he wouldn’t have been in pain. Both of his Sons were so sweet.
“You can do this Dad. I know you can. You are strong.”, Michael encouraged his Father, to stay strong.
“Come on Papa, you can do this. You are cool in everything you do. I believe in you.”, Evan told William.
William really would have smiled. With each contraption he had to push the babies out, his Sons and Husband encouraged him to keep going. They believed in him, they knew he can make it. Soon, the first child was finally out and Evan heard cries of a baby. Michael didn’t look into the direction, just at his Dad, while Evan tried to glance over, just to see the shirt of M/n.
“You don’t want to see that yet, Evan. Trust me. You are too young for that sight.”, M/n said over William’s next scream.
Evan nodded and kept encouraging his Dad with Mike and M/n.
He only chuckled.
“You say that now, Darling. After a few years you are begging me to give you another one. I bet.”, M/n teased.
“We will see, my Love.”
And then the next push and...again cries of a Baby. William huffed and tried to calm his racing heart down. The nurses left the bathroom and went to the second one downstairs, to clean the babies and check on them.
“You did it, Love. They are out.”, M/n cooed.
“You did great Dad.”, Michael praised, his eyes filled with pride and joy.
His Father pulled though, he made it, he gave successful birth to two new siblings. He is still alive too.
“You did so awesome, Papa. I knew you could do it. Fredbear also knew you could. We are proud of you.”, Evan praised.
William was a bit calmer and he smiled softly at his kids.
“I think without the three of you, I wouldn’t have pulled through.”, William got out.
The kids smiled at their Father and M/n smirked.
“Of course you wouldn’t have. Without our awesomeness, you would have pouted and refused to give birth.”, M/n teased.
William laughed.
“You absolute idiot. Hahahaha !”, William replied.
“You know me, Darling. An idiot through and through.”, M/n said with a wink.
Then William closed his eyes, exhausted.
“Should we...?”, Michael asked M/n.
“Let your Dad rest a bit. He just went through a lot of physical stress. We will wake him up when the Babies are arriving, yes ?”, M/n asked.
“Yes !”, both, Evan and Michael said in excitement.
After an hour the nurses came back with the Babies. They were wrapped up in towels and they gave one to M/n and the other carefully to Michael.
“Am I holding them right ?”, asked Mike.
M/n chuckled.
“The arm where the head lays needs to go a bit higher, make sure you have the baby’s back on your whole arm, then you hold them just right.”, he explained.
“One is a girl and one is a boy.”, the nurse told them.
“Another Brother ! And another sister !”, Evan cheered happily.
M/n chuckled and then softly woke William up. He moaned in slight discomfort and then opened his eyes.
“Hmmm ?”
“The Babies are here, Willy.”
At that William was wide awake and looked into M/n’s arms. His heart melted as he saw the sleeping Babe in M/n’s arms.
“The other one is with Mike.”, M/n informed.
William turned his head around and saw Michael holding the other sleeping Babe.
“This is so damn adorable. They both are so precious.”, William said, voice hoarse.
M/n got the glass of water and gave it to William, who drank the whole glass empty. He gave it back to M/n.
“Thank you, Love.”
“No issue, Darling.”
Then William stretched his arms out.
“Can I...?”
M/n handed William their Baby and William looked at them lovingly. Then he checked their gender.
“A Baby girl...Love, a girl.”, William said with utter happiness.
M/n nodded his head softly and smiled.
“What name, Dear ?”, M/n asked.
William gave his Baby girl a soft smile.
“Penelope. Penelope Liz Afton.”, William got out.
“What about our little Brother, Dad ? What will be his name ?”, Mike asked.
William looked at Mike then at his other Baby and then at M/n.
“Another boy ? Another Baby boy ?”
M/n smiled and nodded.
William smiled brightly.
“Alex. Alex Zero Afton.”
M/n chuckled.
“Zero ?”
“Well...I did read a book with a cool character in it that was names Zero. Why not ?”
“Nothing, it’s just...I find it cute, Willy.”
“So the names are decided ?”, another nurse asked.
The parents nodded and the nurse wrote them down.
“The birth certificates will be in your hands tomorrow. The Babies are both healthy and Mr. Afton will be all healed up in 2 months. Until then no intercourse, no heavy objects lifting and no stressing.”
They all nodded and with that the doctors and nurses left the house and left the Family alone.
“I am so happy to have them.”, William said.
“We are too, Dad.”, Michael replied for Evan, M/n and himself.
They nodded in agreement.
-Time skip-
M/n was walking outside to someone’s house. The house of the doctor, that, didn’t really help to give birth to his two sweet twin Babies. All that old pervert did was stare at William’s cunt and the nurse had to help to get the Babies out. That Freak just stared.
While no one else noticed...M/n did. That sick old fuck had lust in his eyes as he saw William’s cunt. He wanted HIS Bunny. If he wouldn’t have given birth today, he would have disgraced William. And THAT, M/n, can’t let go unpunished.
He broke into the old man’s house and saw that he lived all alone. His wife left him with his unborn child. And somehow M/n had a feeling that she was forced into all of that. He sneaked into the kitchen and saw the Fucker hand up pictures of William’s cunt. Oh he was ready to kill him.
He took out his knife and sneaked up on him. The man saw him in the fridge mirror, gasped and spun around, only to feel how the large kitchen knife stabbed right into the Man’s chest and lung. M/n tsked and pulled it out.
“You should have stayed still, you perverted old fuck !”, M/n spat.
Then he stepped on the man’s left ankle and broke it, making the man whimper in utter pain. He continued to torture him, until he was bored and killed him off.
“I knew you were too curious for your own good.”, M/n muttered and then burned the house down.
He was back home, before anyone even knew he ever left. He bleached the knife clean, cleaned the sink and then put the large kitchen knife back into the dish washer. He was ready to go to William’s and his own bedroom, as...
“You killed him...d-didn’t y-you ?”, Evan asked.
M/n froze up.
“Killed who, Ev ?”
“T-the creepy doctor. M-Mikey said that perverted old fuck just s-started at Papa’s forbidden Zone and...t-took pictures of it.”
M/n stared darkly into the hallway.
“I did kill him, yes. I did it to protect your Dad. Don’t tell anyone about this, Ev. Okay ?”
“W-why ? Y-you only did it to p-protect us.”
“Police doesn’t care about the reason. Murder is murder. It is very bad. Even if you only have good intentions, police and the law doesn’t care about it. But they don’t help you to keep families save either. They always just do something about it, when something terrible already happened. ...And sometimes...they still don’t do anything...”
Evan stared at M/n with wide eyes.
“L-like Lizzy ? T-they don’t l-look for her anymore ?”, he asked.
M/n was silent for a long while before he answered.
“...Yes... They just...stopped looking for her. Your Dad and me...we were angry and devastated. I’ve been searching for her since.”
“C-circus B-baby a-ate he-her...”, Evan got out.
M/n perked up at that in utter surprise.
“What ?”, he whispered out.
“B-baby...sh-she ATE L-Lizzy. I-I tried to...stop h-her f-from getting to cl-close. B-but she didn’t l-listen.”, Evan explained.
M/n turned around and looked at Evan.
“Why didn’t you tell us ?”
“I-I was sc-scared y-you would be ma-mad at me...”
“Oh, honey...”
M/n pulled Evan into a hug. Evan hugged back and started to cry.
“’M sorry !”, he yelled into M/n’s shirt.
“No, no. Shh...everything is okay.”
“M-Mikey saw her t-too ! B-but he...th-thought he hallu-cinated !”
“The day he forgot to take his pills...Damn...”
“W-will sh-she be o-okay ?”, Evan asked.
“I will see, Evan. Don’t worry.”
Evan nodded softly.
“Now go to bed, little guy.”
Evan nodded again and went to bed.
End ? Or shall we bring Elizabeth back in the LAST chapter ?
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forever-fan · 1 year
My FNAF Hyperfixation has inspired me!
So I've been reading a bunch of FNAF time travel fix-it fics. If you don't know what I am referring to, they are basically fics where Michael/William/Henry/basically anyone else finds themselves in the past by some circumstance. They then try to fix the future.
Now that you know what I'm talking about I can actually get to the point. I have decided to write a FNAF time travel fix-it fic. It is tied to an AU, so don't come at me about "canon". Here is a sneak peek at it.
Michael wished he died in the fire. Well, technically he was already dead. He had no pulse and he couldn't breathe. His brain had long since stopped working and he got his energy from Remnant rather than digesting food. In all reality, he was a stubborn spirit trapped within his own corpse.
Michael hadn't died in the fire that Henry had set. Hell, his body was barely harmed. All he remembered was passing out before waking up in a random alley. Michael realized someone saved him, but now he was even more alone than ever before.
When the Mega Pizzaplex opened on top of Michael's old restaurant, he knew there would be trouble. Sure enough, there was. Michael took a job as a security guard and found that, while they weren't murderous, the animatronics weren't quite right.
Michael also found his fellow guard, Vanessa, to be a little shifty. She turned out to be way more than shifty when she pushed him into the daycare ball pit from a height that would have maimed or killed anyone else.
Michael's afterlife only got worse when he emerged from the ball pit and found that he was back in Fredbear's Family Diner in 1980.
This short introduction obviously doesn't tell you all the fun little headcanons that I have for this fic. I guess you'll just have to read it to find out. Of course, I haven't written in yet. But! I am so hyped about the movie that I think I'll probably finish the first chapter before twenty-four hours have passed.
[Edit: My entire document on Microsoft Word deleted itself from reality... RIP. So... I'm rewriting the first chapter all over again. :> And trust me, I looked through all of my files and drives. Let it be known, I have turned on auto-save cause it sucks to rewrite dialogue, and know for a fact that it's not the same as it was. Also, I lost a doc with half of my headcanons for a different fnaf au. Sadness.]
Real quick, I do have only a little bit of important information for anyone who wants to understand the timeline. (Also so I can remember the basic timeline I made for myself.)
Original Timeline
1968 - Michael is born.
1973 - Elizabeth is born.
1974 - Charlie Emily is born.
1975 - Evan is born.
1980 - William discovers something called Remnant.
1981 - The Missing Children Incident happens and Fredbear's barely stays open.
1982 - William begins to create the Funtimes to harvest Remnant.
1983, March - Elizabeth dies at her friend's birthday party, three days after Circus Baby's Pizza World opened.
1983, August - Evan dies a week after the bite of '83. (FNAF 4)
1983, August - Mrs. Afton [Yet to be named] dies after driving her car off a cliff.
1983, October - Charlie is murdered by William at her own birthday party.
1986 - Michael goes to college to get away from the tragedy and gets a little therapy.
1990, April - Michael receives a letter from his father asking him to find Elizabeth.
1990, June - Michael dies in the Sister Location. (FNAF 5)
1991, January - Michael assumes the name 'Fritz Smith' and works at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria before being fired on his first day. (FNAF 2)
1993 - Michael uses the name 'Mike Schmidt' and works at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. (FNAF 1)
1993 - William dies in the Spring Bonnie suit
2000 - Michael works at Fazbear's Fright. (FNAF 3)
2010, Late December - Michael opens Freddy Fazbear Pizza Place. (FNAF 6, Pizzeria Simulator)
2010, Early January - Henry sets the fire, and Michael survives. (Still FNAF 6, Pizzeria Simulator)
2020, July - Michael works at the Mega Pizzaplex and is pushed into the ball pit only six days before the events of Security Breach.
Time Travel Timeline
[To be edited as chapters are added. Peek under the cut only if you have read the most recent chapter, or if you don't give a shit about spoilers.]
1980 - Michael arrives in the past. He is not happy.
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b-lightwalker · 11 months
FNaF Movie Ramble
Long story short, I really like the movie, I really like Mike, Vanessa, and Abby, and I want them to be happy.
There be spoilers beyond this point.
I love the little found family that started forming between Vanessa with Mike and Abby. I know it hasn't gone anywhere yet, but we all know the signs. Please, Mr. Cawthon, let Vanessa take on an older sister/mother figure role like Mike.
I love how Mike has a roundabout way of talking when he's being emotional. He doesn't just say, "I love you," or, "Thank you," to Abby and Vanessa respectively, he rambles and goes on whole tangents about why he feels that way and it works. It works so good. And I am also talking about game Mike.
I love how William was handled. I was surprised he didn't get a lot of screen time, but it works. William is a behind-the-scenes guy. It's not until he comes on stage, front and center, that you realize what he's been doing this whole time. And the scenes he is in, he kinda steals the show. I didn't expect William to have an outburst near the end when the animatronics started turning on him, but of course he would. In his eyes, he made them better than they were ever going to be alive, and not even seconds ago, they considered him a friend. And the sheer confidence of this man to put the Spring Bonnie head back on while actively being spring locked is insane. (Anyone else think William may have forced Vanessa to learn how to treat wounds for whenever he had issues with the spring lock suit?)
William giving a young Vanessa the toys from his victims makes me wonder if game William did the same. Of course, when game William started killing, his kids were long since dead, but still. Imagine, Michael going into his siblings' rooms that aren't touched unless they're being cleaned, and he starts seeing these toys that don't belong to Elizabeth and Evan, but they look like toys they'd like. At first, Michael ignores it, thinking he just didn't notice it at first, even though he knows. He knows everything that's supposed to be in that room and he knows those toys aren't supposed to be there. Eventually, he asks William and he just says he bought them 'cause they reminded him of Ev and Liz. It doesn't 100% work for Mike, but it works enough, so he leaves it alone. After all, people celebrate a passed loved one's birthday, so why wouldn't they get gifts too? Even if they just stay in their old rooms. Then one day, Michael randomly gets a gift from William. I can't think of anything better, so let's just say a cassette tape for his Walkman. It's a tape that Michael would actually listen to, and it's relatively new, so Michael's confused why it's just the tape and no case, but since a gift means a good day, he doesn't question it. At least, not out loud anyway.
I wonder what happened to Aunt Jane. I know she was most likely killed by Golden Freddy, but there's a chance Mike brought her to the hospital and neither him or Abby are visiting 'cause neither of them like her. Imagine your niece and nephew visiting the hospital almost every day, but to see someone who is borderline a stranger to them and not you. I'm absolutely "making" a game counterpart to Aunt Jane, though. She's William's younger sister and she's almost as vile and manipulative. Just not keen on murder. Directly, anyway. Though in the games, she wouldn't have a trigger to want to get rid of someone like she does in the movie, but if she did have one, she'd be willing to kill. Maybe she could talk William into it. She still smells like cigarettes and is the reason the Afton kids hate the smell.
I initially thought Garrett was Abby's imaginary friend, but--save for the fact that it was essentially deconfirmed--it wouldn't make sense for Garrett to haunt his sister and not his brother who he would've known was kind of losing his mind from the trauma of his kidnapping. In any case, I'm currently going with the theory that Garrett is the Puppet and the one behind the "Come find me." message at the end of the credits. We'll see.
Since FNaF 2 is a prequel, I wonder if the FNaF 2 movie will also be a prequel. And if so, will Jeremiah be our protag? I know he was probably just a reference to Jeremy Fitzgerald and nothing more, but if he's not, then game Jeremiah and game Mike are work buddies. And if he is movie Jeremy Fitzgerald, I wonder if he wanted the dream theory book Mike has because he also had weird dreams while working at Freddy's. Maybe. Maybe not.
Tutorial Lady/VHS Lady/Kim and Phone Guy are totally married and their kids are Phone Dude and Tape Girl.
I know Mike being an Afton is basically impossible now, but if another twist is Mike and Vanessa are twins or related in some way, and Mike was given up while Vanessa was kept, I'd be 110% down. Then it'd be found family in the most literal sense. It doesn't 100% work, sure, but it'd be neat. (Imagine recognizing the son you gave up 'cause you recognized his last name 'cause you killed his brother.)
In any case, I really love this movie, and I want Mike, Vanessa, and Abby to be happy. Family dynamic, please, Mr. Cawthon.
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cacticassie · 8 months
EEK SO INTERESTED,,, whats the premise/story so far :000
Everything I've thought of so far for the fnaf SB/fnaf movie au;
First of all it's like uhhh. Taking the plot of the fnaf movie and inserting it into SB. so it's not Mike and Abby at the Pizzaplex, nor is it Vanessa and Gregory in fnaf 1 (as in. The movie setting)
No no. It swaps characters around to make the plot work within the Security Breach timeline
I'll go into it below the cut.... :]
(Game) Vanessa takes (movie) Mike's role. She's struggling financially and isn't gonna be able to take care of Gregory for much longer if she doesn't pick up her act; they can be canonical siblings in this setting, let's say.
Gregory takes Abby's place of course, however he stays 14-- so he's in middle school, not elementary.
Not much changes for them both from the movie lore; you could have random ass characters fill Max and Jane's roles etc, and it changes nothing.
But who's the cop?
Everyone makes it Mike, it feels like. There's a million Greg & Evan aus, a million Greg & Mike aus, so I decided... why not just. Shake things up?
So. We have Elizabeth 'Shelley' Afton as the cop! She's young, but not too young. Younger than Vanessa for sure, probably in her late teens? (Idk, maybe she's a cop in training?? Idk how it works here, let alone in the US)
Last of all, who's William? Who is the yellow rabbit?
I figured I don't want William to be alive. I want him gone. But then why would Elizabeth stick around? Well... This au makes the Mimic William's creation. Sorry, Murrays erasure, but just trust me :P
The 'yellow rabbit' would just be a suit Mimic wears. Glitchtrap's costume, maybe.
The amimatronics... are not possessed. Yes, I know that may be strange, but hear me out again... they believe Mimic to be their friend until Gregory shows them the truth, bc Mimic is one of them, right? They're unaware of the murders. And yes, this means Freddy can be friendly... but I think he would still start off as mean to Vanessa. At least, sort-of. He doesn't trust her.
And this does all happen at the Pizzaplex! Shenanigans ensue
Cassie, Ellis and Tony are either some of the dead kids or they'd be saved for a sequel based on the second fnaf movie. Evan takes Garret's place since Vanessa is an Afton in the movie, idk.
None of this is fully thought out yet and I have a lot of other things going on so I haven't dedicated time to thinking things through... so I apologise if it's a little rough abdkjdjjf
One final thing! Take this unfinished art of the metal rabbit :]
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puhpandas · 10 months
I don't think people explore the concept of Evan afton + charlie Emily's relationship enough. theres a lot of potential with Charlie possessing the puppet with no help from giving gifts before Evan's death and maybe being the reason he possesses golden Freddy at all. it's safe to assume he didnt immediately die inside Fredbear and wouldnt normally possess it. the other kids were stuffed inside. so Charlie having a hand in it would be so interesting because maybe she had a close relationship with Evan and wanted to save him so much
it also works if Evan died first. it would mean that Evan possessed golden Freddy with no help and then Charlie went on to possess the puppet with no help as well. they both are special because of that and are seen as kind of the Angel's of the spirits. they would also be the only dead spirits for a while until the mci, and then the others + cassidy would come along
idk think theres some untapped potential. I love the Michael and Charlie ideas ppl have and would love to see some with Evan and Charlie =) they're both portrayed as kind people and spirits and I think if Charlie was so kind maybe she'd choose to be Evan's ally+friend while they were alive during Evan getting bullied. then they'd go on to have special roles in the spirit era
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br0-k3n-sch00lb01 · 5 months
I’m explaining all my Au’s in idiotic ways so that it makes them less horrible
Anyways. Time for the: MR LUCKY AU !!
but bad
So basically. Basil lives by a river in the rw because like why not. They all live kinda in a forest town. So . And anyways theres no fencing on the bridge to basil’s house across the river. And the river is very shallow and far below. So if someone were to fall off said bridge (foreshadowing is crazy) they would die. So anyways one day Snuuy is going to Brazil’s house and like. Basil is sitting with his legs kinda dangling over the river cus yknow its nice to do that sorta thing. And he’s careful. And sunny comes and calls to him while he’s still a good 7-8 ft away and like does the high wave thing. And Basil was gonna wave back but he leans forward so he can see past the post of the bridge and waves.
stupid idiot baka go oyasumi because WHY DID YOU LET GO OF THE BRIDGE YOU KNOW HOW BAD OF AN IDEA THAT IS
so he falls into that river onto one of those sharpass rocks they have in those shallow rivers sometimes and . Sunny literally sees him dead. Just fucking dead. With that rock like. Through his stomach and part of his torso. so brazil got gutted on a rock!! Wow!!
funeral yada yada
did i mention theres no headspace in this au and everyone’s death is sunny’s fault?
Second one to die is Hero. (Maris the 3rd death btw, still alive rn. I wont explain hers cus its normal game death.)
so hero takes sunny on a skiing trip! And Sunny trips while skiing
and hero goes to save him
which means he let go of his skiis
and fell. All the way down.
so hero broke his neck at a skiing resort!!
funeral yada yada
mari dies bc sunny pushes her down the stairs. He says she fell yada yada funeral and yeah.
4th: Kel.
kel wants to take sunny to the grand canyon!!
(they should know better than to take him to high places at this point.)
so anyways at the grand canyon. Kel almost falls off the glass bridge while looking over the side. And sunny catches his hand but he can’t hold kel at all. And so kel goes oyasumi at the grand canyon
funeral. Yada yada
and finally aubrey (not final)
She takes sunny to a chuck e cheese that still has animatronics. And she got them backstage tickets!!
what could go wrong with unsupervised children and malfunctioning animatronics?
the bite of 87!!
anyways aubrey went Evan Afton mode and fucking got her skull munched on by Chuckie Cheese
No funeral, nobody could find her body. And nobody cared tbh
and eventually sunny is like
fuck this i’m alone in the world
and killed himself
I love my aus
dont you
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alexcharmsyou · 10 months
Daily Drabble //nov-15//
An Average Night at the Afton's
Rating: T Word Count: 696
“I’ll be back before 11, uh, order pizza or something.”
William sighed, picked up his bags, and left. Not minding the impact of the door slamming behind him.
Michael hadn’t really heard him, nothing he hasn’t adjusted to by now- order pizza, back before 11 (sometimes), and a douche of a door slam. His father was rarely ever home and admittedly for the better, gave Mike time to cool off and let his defensive mask down.
“Shit.” Mike mumbled under his breath, firmly placed his hands on the table and let his head hang.
He quickly turned to see Elizabeth standing in the hallway. Her Eyes told Michael everything. She was worried.
“Oh, Lizzy. Hey, are you doing okay?”
He felt so guilty for letting her see him this way. He wanted her to just have a happy childhood, not be broken down in her own home, like he was. Lizzy hesitated.
“I took a nap. Evan’s still sleeping. Did Daddy leave? He said he would say bye first.” The words were so soft, eyes locked to the floor.
Mike couldn’t get the words out. He walked over to Liz, kneeling down to give her a big hug before gently wiping the tears from her cheeks.
I'm sorry was all his brain repeated but he just looked into her eyes, heartbroken eyes.
Asshole. Forget your children again?
“Mikey, w-why doesn’t Daddy love us?
There was so many things Michael wanted to say but this was not the right time. Right now he just needed to comfort his sister as best he could until they could both just forget about everything. At least that’s what he wanted to do. Mike liked to think they could do just fine without William.
Mike took a deep breath and pulled his finger away from Lizzy’s delicate damp cheek. He walked over where the housephone was, grabbing the couple dollars left on the table as he went.
“Hey, yes it’s Mike again, same as usual.” He made eye contact with Liz. “Oh actually if you could add some of those cinnamon bites that’d be dope. Okay, thanks man. Later.” He smirked as Lizzy’s eyes lit up in what made her look like a glowing star.
She laughed and ran into Michaels arms. He shared a chuckle with her lifting her above the ground and spinning around the kitchen floor.
“I have to go tell Evan!” She squealed and ran off to Evan’s bedroom.
Michael smiled as she left. This was exactly what he hoped, the house would have a good night. Mike waited till she was out of sight to slide into his room and empty his very miniscule savings jar. William only ever left just enough for them to get one pan, the treat would cost Mike about half his coins.
Eventually, his dad would have to start paying him for his work at the Diner, and that age was coming soon. Until then it didn’t really matter, he just used the money he did manage to collect to buy new records and boards anyway.
On the thought of records, Mike decided to play his freshly bought Led Zep record. William hated when he played it, too bad he wasn’t ever around to hear it.
The hammer of the gods
Will drive our ships to new lands
Mike plopped on the bed and chewed on a lolipop, bopping his head to the beat. Zoning out to a daydream.
His door slowly swung open to show Evan and Elizabeth’s excited faces.
“Pizzaman’s here! Pizzaman’s here!” Lizzy squealed.
Yawning, Michael covertly slid the coins in his shorts pocket and hopped out off the bed and into the hallway.
“Guys’ excited?” Mike asked his siblings, affectionately.
“YEAHH” Lizzy bounced down the hall and down the staircase.
Mike glanced over at Evan while he slid his jacket over. He looked tired, clutching his Fredbear plush closely.
Michael nudged him gently, “Hey, how about we watch that new Star Wars film? Or Jaws, but i dunno if you and Liz could handle it.”
Evan smirked, “I like Starwars.”
“Alrighty that settles it. you, me, and Char will go see it next showtime."
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tenebraevesper · 11 months
Five Nights at Freddy's (Movie Review, Part 1)
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I had finally watched the Five Nights at Freddy's movie, and I the only thing I have to say about it is...
I LOVE IT! ☆*:.。.o(≧▽≦)o.。.:*☆
Honestly, this movie was everything I, as a FNaF Fan, could ask for. I will admit that there were some things that were missing that I wanted to see, mainly due to changes in the script and the characters, but as a movie adaptation of one of my favorite video games, there was barely anything I could find to complain about.
Like, I don't know what movie the critics have been watching to call this movie mediocre or bad or whatever, because it was far from that. Objectively, it wasn't peak perfection, but I personally adored every second of it. I believe that the criticism surrounding this movie is just another Super Mario movie situation, where the critics cannot handle a movie that gives fans exactly what they wanted.
While I cannot speak for non-FNaF fans, since I've been with the franchise since its humble origins, I do believe that FNaF Fans will love this movie and enjoy it. This movie is a love letter to the fans and it shows.
Now, this was the non-spoiler review. Below, I'll add the spoiler review because I need to talk about my favorite moments from the movie.
If you haven't watched the movie yet, you can skip it.
Oh, boy, where do I start even?! *rubs hands gleefully*
I suppose I'll start with the main characters, Michael ''Mike'' Schmidt and Abby Schmidt.
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I genuinely enjoyed their characters in the movie and I loved their brother-sister dynamic (as someone who has younger siblings, they definitely nailed that part). Mike is a very relatable character, having to step up as a guardian for Abby while also clearly processing his own grief in regards to losing his younger brother, Garrett Schmidt and his parents.
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He is doing his best to protect his sister and solve the mystery behind his brother's disappearance, acknowledging that he is flawed, yet loves his sister. Once he is given the job as a night guard at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place, he not only learns about the Missing Children Incident, but also hopes that the Ghost Children could help him learn more about his brother's abductor. It is clear that he feels guilt for letting his brother getting kidnapped, because he was supposed to watch over him, yet got distracted, and now he is obsessed with fixing the past.
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The one scene that made me incredibly emotional was when Mike started dreaming of his family again and the Ghost Children offered him to reunite with them in his dreams in exchange for something Mike would give them. Mike, in a moment of weakness, promises them anything, just to be together with his family, only to realize that he made a huge mistake when he learns that he gave them Abby in return, and he immediately regrets his actions and tries to save her. I believe that this is also the moment where he finally let's go of the past, because he needs to focus on the present and on Abby.
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Speaking of Abby, she's definitely having the best time in her life being friends with a bunch of haunted animatronics, and honestly, I'd love to switch places with her (and yes, I know what happens later on, but we'll get to it).
Note, Mike, Garrett and Abby, are clearly parallels to Michael ''Mike'' Afton, The Crying Child (aka Evan Afton, according to what fans dug up) and Elizabeth Afton, even though they aren't related to William Afton. However, the things we know about them are present in their Movie!Selves, with Mike feeling guilty over the death of his younger brother and being obsessed to make things right, and Abby, similarly to Elizabeth, getting too close to the animatronics and almost suffering being springlocked inside an animatronic suit that resembles Circus Baby (or more accurately, Ella from the novels).
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As for the Animatronics themselves, I absolutely adore them! X3
These guys have SOOOOO much personality and are really expressive, and I knew exactly what they thought and felt at every waking moment, even though they never spoke, unless it were the Ghost Children. There were a bunch of little moments, like Foxy's humming and Chica's Cupcake being an absolute menace that I loved, but I did miss Freddy not playing Toreador March or the animatronics having the game screams. Nevertheless, I enjoyed every single moment of them being on screen, especially since I knew these guys were real and not just CGI constructs.
I also love how they just switch from being happy and friendly (especially around Abby)...
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...to going complete Murder Mode around everyone else.
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Seriously, the look Freddy gives to Mike clearly screams ''You will be the next to get stuffed into an animatronic suit.''
I also loved the animatronics hunting down the thugs Mike and Abby's aunt has hired to get Mike fired. These guys were the highlight of the movie (along with another character, but I'll get to that soon enough). I know some people complained about there not being buckets of blood and gore, but to my knowledge, FNaF was NEVER about gore or being a slasher flick. The veterans of this franchise know that the main appeal of FNaF is its lore and the trail of breadcrumbs and puzzle pieces we are still try to understand to this very day. If you want gore, go watch The Banana Splits Movie or Wily's Wonderland. Or any other slasher flick.
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Also, screw you Balloon Boy, you both jumpscared me and made me laugh. Seriously, BBs appearances were hysterical. X3
Speaking of which, shout out to MatPat and CoreyxKenshin:
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I definitely had a laugh when MatPat was interrupted during his Food Theory on lunches and Corey always getting the weirdos entering his taxi.
Moving on to Vanessa Shelly....
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...or rather, Vanessa Afton.
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Yeah, I'm not gonna skirt around this reveal, especially given people were interested to why a character from Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach, a game that takes place during the 2020s-2030s is doing in a movie that adapts a game taking place during the 1990s.
The answer? She is the movie version of Elizabeth Afton (whether she has siblings or not is unknown, but I doubt it; after all, Elizabeth from The Silver Eyes didn't have any siblings either).
I will admit, I do like that the movie combined aspects of Security Breach!Vanessa being the Reluctant Follower and covering for her father's crimes (or rather, not wanting to get involved with them) along with her knowledge of Freddy's by virtue of being the daughter of one of the founders. Unlike Elizabeth, she manages to defy her father at the very end of the movie, and gets stabbed as a consequence. Don't worry, she is alive, but also stuck in the hospital.
Also, her being William's daughter in the movie opens a huge can of worms for her Game!Character, given how Game!Vanessa (aka Vanny) is known as Vanessa A.
Now, let's get to our main attraction... in part two, because Tumblr won't let me post more than 30 images.
Five Nights at Freddy's (Movie Review, Part 2)
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doofnoof · 11 months
Okay so I have a theory.
I think Vanessa, Mike, and Garrett are Aftons. Their mom divorced William and took the kids but due to a traumatic event William blackmailed Vanessa into lying and saying she wanted to stay with William instead of her mom. I also think Vanessa may have accidentally killed Garrett, and William covered it up for her and used it to keep her loyal and obedient.
I don't think she knew Mike was her brother until that last scene where she's bandaging him and he asks her to save Abby with him, but she was definitely starting to figure it out by the time she throws his meds away. Her reaction to Abby being in danger is an intense one, because of the trauma she went through as a child for certain, but what if she knows Abby is her little sister? What if she reacted that way because she already lost her little brother, remembers him dying, and now she has the chance to protect her little sister from a similar fate?
I think she knows that William is capable of messing with their memories, and that's why she tells Mike that the dreaming thing doesn't work/isn't helpful, because she's seen first hand how he can change things to be different than what they really were. For instance, there was a yellow frisbee in the park mentioned again and again, as well as a scene where too much ketchup is put on a hamburger. I think Mike actually saw Vanessa killing Garrett and William changed his memories so he only saw Garrett being taken, not the actual incriminating act of William disposing of his body, nor of Vanessa actually accidentally killing Garrett.
I think they were all together having a fun day out as a family, with Mrs. Afton pregnant with Abby, and while playing Vanessa (or maybe even Mike) accidentally killed Garrett, and William came to see what happened when they didn't come eat when they were called. William saw what happened, realized this would look really bad, and possibly threaten his already shakey marriage with his wife, and decided to dispose of the body, maybe even teaching the kids how to do so along the way. Perhaps he even took Vanessa with him and left Michael to watch him drive away. Once he was done, he messed with their memories so that what really happened would be completely buried. Mike only remembers the airplane, Garrett in the car, the blood Ketchup, the yellow rabbit Frisbee, and his family not all of them sitting at the picnic table. This didn't bring the family closer together like William had hoped, his wife didn't lean on him for support while grieving and looking for their lost child, and eventually the Aftons divorced. William took Vanessa, because she asked to stay with him (because he told her to ask to stay with him, unless she wanted her mom to find out about Garrett) while Mike and Abby went with Mrs. Afton, who became Mrs. Schmidt. I wonder if he changed their names around while scrambling their memories one last time after the divorce, maybe Garrett was Evan at one point, and Mike (as he prefers to be called) was Michael, and Abby was going to be named Elizabeth.
Vanessa is given Garrett's plane as a trophy from William, and they continue luring children away from parties in the Pizzeria, while Mike does his best to take care of his mom and Abby. Years pass. The movie takes place.
I also think Garrett is haunting Abby. If she wasn't born yet when the Aftons went on that picnic, it would make sense that Garrett would attach himself to something or someone after a particularly traumatic death, right? Abby is seen talking to ghosts in the movie long before she visits Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria, and one of her "imaginary friends" calls Mike a rude name after he sits on him. (It's gonna be so fun when Mike realized he said "at least I'm real" to his dead baby brother.) Afterwards, when Mike asks about what she remembers of Garrett disappearing, it seems like someone is telling her what to say for a second there. I think Garrett told her not to tell him anything, because he knew Mike would obsess over it and it would ruin their relationship. This was the moment Mike would have to choose Pizza or Spaghetti, because he can't have both, and the Pizza (Garrett) is already gone.
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