#i want to see him pop like popcorn /pos
richieshusband · 2 years
npmd spoilers?
nerdy prudes must die au where im luz and richie lipschitz is amity and we kiss and save the world from max jägerman and live happily ever after
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teapartyprincess4two · 6 months
begging you to write matt with reader who's also a youtuber/influencer. I want them to be best friends and reader is naive and way too kind for her own good. my idea is that there's another influencer who has a bad reputation and everyone hates on him because supposedly he's a big red flag. but one day y/n met him at a party and he put on an act so y/n now believes that he's not as bad as everyone makes him out to be. they become friends and that's when matt questions her about it and keep warning her about the type of guy he is because matt's worried about her but she won't listen because she's still giving the guy the benefit of the doubt and then they argue about this stuff idk you can change it up I just want this fic to have lotssss of angst but with a happy ending. if you could maybe even squeeze in an angry confession like "WHY DO YOU CARE" iykwim🤭
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Why Do You Care?- M. Sturniolo
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pairing: Influencer!reader x BestFriend!Matt
classification: angst, fluff
warning: use of y/n, toxic relationship, argument, slight cursing, mentions of blood, physical fight, “slut,” mention of alcohol use, long
inspiration: request^^
summary: You’re naive and let yourself be led on by someone you believe has good intentions, but one day Matt puts him in his place and ends up confessing his feelings to you in the process.
Most celebrities quickly become out of touch with reality, allowing the fame to inflate their ego beyond recognition. They splurge on fancy cars, big houses, designer clothing, and then flaunt all of it in the face of their viewers. They become friends with whoever’s currently trending only to chew them up and spit them right out, draining them for as much clout as possible before moving on to the next.
When you first started YouTube you were scared to become one of these celebrities; the celebrities that trade in everything old and meaningful for whatever’s new and shiny. You worked hard to create quality content for your viewers while also trying to remain as humble as possible. If it weren’t for your friends, you probably would’ve fallen victim to the materialism as well.
You had a large friend group consisting of influencers you met after the fame, but a small inner circle made up of your true, irreplaceable friends. Matt and his brothers were a part of this inner circle, all of you riding the wave into fame together. So, when everyone else was gloating over their newfound fame, the four of you remained humble and down to Earth.
Erik, the guy you were seeing, was the complete opposite though. You met him at an influencer event, much like all of your current friends, and he held a certain charm that drew you in immediately. Everyone warned you, claiming he was bad news and would only break your heart, but you didn’t listen. You were naive, giving him the benefit of the doubt and letting his sweet words convince you that he wasn’t what everyone said he was.
You’re currently sitting with Nick and Chris in their living room talking anything and everything boys. Usually Chris would just sit and listen, but the conversation has meandered into the topic of Erik, and he struggles to contain his opinion. An old film plays lowly in the background, a bowl of popcorn situated between piles of blankets and pillows.
“He’s not that bad. I promise!” you exclaim towards Nick and Chris, but it sounds more like you’re trying to convince yourself. You’re scrolling through your phone, buttery fingers trying to find proof that Erik wasn’t all that bad. Nick rolls his eyes, peering over your shoulder as you shuffle through endless photos on your phone.
Chris scoots in closer, copying Nick in invading your personal space before saying, “I don’t know, Y/n. I’ve seen him at a couple parties and he’s always either arriving with a different girl or leaving with one, or both.” You pop a few pieces of popcorn in your mouth, finally finding the screenshot you were looking for.
“Shush Chris, just look at this,” you reply with a mouthful of popcorn, a greasy finger zooming into the screenshot of messages between you and Erik. Before Chris can grab ahold of the phone, Nick is snatching it from you and reading the messages out loud.
“Hey baby, you looked so cute in that black dress. Can’t wait to see it off,” Nick reads, visibly shuddering at the message. “THAT’S the message you wanted to show me?” Chris scoffs, stealing the phone from Nick to examine the messages for himself.
“Just keep reading,” you murmur, now peering over Chris’s shoulder and shoving more popcorn into your mouth. Chris rolls his eyes at you, proceeding to read the messages from Erik, “You’re better than any girl I’ve ever had.” Nick laughs loudly at that, a laugh that exemplifies how unimpressed he is.
“He basically told you he’s fucked other bitches but you’re the best,” Chris deadpans, tossing your phone onto your lap. He’s had enough with the messages, all of them making him cringe beyond belief. Nick once again grabs the phone, examining the messages one more time, “He’s fucking doing the bare minimum, Y/n. Actually, he’s setting the bar so low it’s on the floor.”
Chris laughs at the comment, getting comfortable on the living room floor and averting his gaze to the TV. “Whatever Nick, he’s nice and I really like him,” you retort, no hint of true bitterness in your voice.
The room goes silent for a while, Nick’s focus being on deciphering any hidden meanings within the messages. You lean back into the blankets and pillows that surround you, joining Chris in finally watching the movie. Finally, when Nick has read the messages 10 times over, he replies, “Yeah you really like fucking him apparently.”
Your eyes widen to the size of saucers, your hands swiftly snatching the phone away from him, “I haven’t fucked him! What the fuck!” Nick laughs, knowing the comment trigged you, “Well from what I read, it sounds like you did.”
Before you can stop yourself, you’re grabbing one of the many pillows you’re laying on and lightly hit Nick with it. The pillow ricochets off his chest, the feeling being more annoying than painful. “Don’t start, bitch. I’ll fucking win every time,” he laughs, grabbing a pillow of his own and bouncing it off your head. Soon you’re both caught in a pillow fight, your giggles and laughter filling the living room and drowning the movie out.
Chris groans in annoyance when a stray pillow bonks him in the head, scooting away from you two and turning the volume up. Matt enters the living room fresh out of the shower tussling a white towel on his wet hair. He watches in amusement as you and Nick toss and turn on the living room floor, turning to Chris briefly and asking, “What’s going on with these two?”
Chris groans again, getting up and rounding the corner to head downstairs to his room, “I don’t know, something about Y/n fucking Erik.” Matt watches as Chris disappears into his room, the statement settling in his mind when the door clicks. You hear Chris’s comment, attempting to hit him by throwing a pillow his way, but missing because he descends the stairs before it can reach him.
“You’re fucking Erik?” Matt asks, attempting to sound nonchalant and casual. But there was nothing nonchalant or casual about his question, especially not when directed towards the girl he’s loved from the moment he met her. You and Nick halt your movements, both slightly out of breath and in shock by the straightforwardness of Matt’s question, he was never the type to be so blunt.
“No, that was a lie made up by Nick. See, Nick, that’s how rumors start,” you reply, directing the last part to Nick who holds his hands up in defense. Matt feels himself relax at your confession, the anxiety that was forming subsiding, “Oh okay, yeah. Good, cause I don’t like that guy.” He’s still trying to play the unbothered card, and he wonders if you can tell that it actually did bother him. You roll your eyes, watching as Matt slings the towel over his shoulder from behind the couch.
“Yeah, alright, because who I fuck is dependent on who you do and don’t like? Right?” you reply, a challenging tone in your voice. For some reason it hurt more coming from Matt than from Nick or Chris, maybe because you’ve been pining over Matt since childhood and he’s never realized it. You’ve seen him go through girlfriend after girlfriend without complaint, but the second you’re interested in anyone it’s a problem? “And that’s my queue to leave,” Nick mumbles, getting up and walking upstairs to his room in an attempt to leave the awkward moment.
Matt doesn’t get a chance to reply as you continue, “Whatever, I don’t know why I’m fighting with you.”
“We’re not fighting?”
“We literally are? You never like any of my boyfriends,” you reply, but even you know that you’re overreacting.
“Oh, so he’s been promoted to boyfriend?” Matt prods, a sassy hand resting on his hip. Truth be told, Matt has loved you for longer than you’ve loved him, but he’s always been too afraid to admit it to you. Both Nick and Chris know, but they’ve never exposed Matt’s true feelings for you because they know your relationship is complicated. They’ve watched you both try to fill the void with fling after fling, only to end up arguing about who’s dating who and ending up alone again. It was a never ending cycle between you and Matt, a cycle that would never break until one of you confessed.
“And so what if he has? What is to you, Matt? Not like you don’t have a new random girl in here every week,” you snap, surprised by the venom in your voice. Matt’s hurt by your comment, is that what you viewed him as? As a womanizer? But his hurt is quickly masked by anger, “Alright so now we ARE fighting, and it shouldn’t be any of your concern who I’m seeing.”
“Same goes for you, buddy! I don’t see why you care so much about my relationship with Erik,” you stand from your spot on the floor, feeling small compared to Matt’s towering figure. The condescending nickname is a slap to the face, quickly informing Matt that you aren’t here to play games or coddle his feelings. He wants to say so many things, all of them about his true feelings for you, but he bites his tongue. Plus, after being called ‘buddy’ he’s not sure you’ll even listen.
His jaw is clenched, one fist balled up and the other gripping onto the towel so tightly his knuckles turn white. Once the silence becomes too much, you continue, “Whatever, Matt. I’m going home, I’ll talk to you later. Tell Nick and Chris I said bye.”
“No, you don’t get to ‘whatever’ me. Let’s talk about this,” his tone is almost pleading, a gentle but firm hand keeping you in place. You won’t make eye contact, afraid that if you meet his gaze the tears will spill.
“There’s nothing to talk about,” you sigh, suddenly feeling defeated and guilty for arguing with the one man you truly loved. Why was this so hard for you both?
Matt opens his mouth to say something, but quickly closes it like a fish in water when he realizes that what he wants to say will only further complicate the situation. He silently watches as you gather your things. You push past him, making your way to the front door without another word, but you’re internally wishing he’d pull you back in and fix this. He doesn’t though, so you swing the front door open and walk towards your car.
When the door slams closed, Matt realizes that if he doesn’t do something about it, he’ll lose you for good.
Loud music booms through the club, the vibrations of the bass shaking the walls with each beat. You never pass up on the opportunity to celebrate friends, so when Tara, an influencer friend of yours, invited you to her party you immediately said yes. The venue is filled with drunk people, all of them so inebriated that all they can do is dance, makeout, and continue drinking.
Matt, Nick, and Chris follow closely behind you as you push your way through the crowd of dancing people. They were completely out of their element, choosing to stick to you like gum to avoid any uncomfortable interactions. As you weave your way through the club, you spot Erik in the corner with a few of your other friends, and immediately without thinking you abandon all loyalty to your friends and start walking towards him.
“Hey, where are you going?” Matt asks, voice straining to be heard over the music. He’s holding onto your elbow, grip firm enough to keep you from moving. “I’m gonna get Erik, I want you guys to meet him,” you reply, managing to slip out of his grasp and continuing your journey through the dense population of drunk, sweaty people. Matt wants to grab you by the waist and pull you back, but you just forgave him after your last argument and he knows your relationship is too fragile for another argument right now.
“Where is she going?” Chris shouts, scanning the room anxiously. The club was loud and chaotic, filled with strobing lights and bumping bodies that were enough to overstimulate anyone. Matt’s eyes are trained on you, watching as you reach Erik and cling onto him like a necklace. Chris, upon not receiving a response from Matt, looks at his brother. Matt’s jaw is clenched, prominent veins visible on his arms as the anger begins coursing through his veins.
Chris follows Matt’s gaze, immediately clocking what has Matt so serious. Nick is standing close by, bopping his head to the music. “Fucking hate that guy,” Chris comments, slapping Matt’s back and pulling him into a quick side hug. He was attempting to console his brother, to show his solidarity, but Matt was too blinded to notice.
“Tell me about it,” Matt grits, watching as you excitedly lead Erik towards the trio. Your right hand is holding a drink high in the air as your left is behind you, fingers laced with Erik’s as you dance your way back to your friends.
“Guys! This is Erik!” you look so excited, like a little kid showing off their new toy. But Erik is unimpressed and honestly, he doesn’t give a fuck who your friends are. Matt, Nick, and Chris care even less about him, in fact they hate this guy from the rumors alone.
“Hey man, nice to meet you. I’m Chris,” Chris is the first to break the awkward tension. He extends a hand, dabbing Erik up briefly as to not seem rude. Nick follows, going in for a quick side hug, “Nice to finally meet you, I’m Nick. Y/n has told us so much about you.”
“All good things I hope,” Erik replies. There’s a fake tone laced in his voice that Matt catches instantly, causing him to roll his eyes. Matt waits for Erik to give him his full attention before introducing himself with a firm handshake, “I’m Matt.” He wasn’t going to put on a show, all he had to do was introduce himself, simple as that.
Matt’s hand holds onto Erik’s for a little too long, successfully managing to intimidate him before he pulls away. “Matt. Noted,” Erik says awkwardly, ready to ditch this situation and consume as much alcohol as possible to forget this ever happened. Erik rocks back and forth on his heels, surveying the room for an excuse to leave. He spots a girl he’s fucked before, eyes lighting up as he creates an excuse on the spot, “Hey baby, I’m going to go find some friends I want you to meet. I’ll be back in a bit.” Erik plants a kiss on your cheek before dismissing himself with a wave, “Nice meeting you guys, see you around.”
“Nice meeting you, see you around,” Matt mocks in a high pitched voice, rolling his eyes for what feels like the 100th time tonight. There were so many red flags about this guy, but he was being so nice, so fake, that Matt couldn’t even point them out. And hearing another man call you baby has Matt’s blood boiling, he just knows that Erik throws that nickname at anything with legs.
Chris and Nick return Erik’s wave, but Matt immediately pulls you in close and begins warning you about the type of guy Erik is. “He’s so weird, Y/n. Just be careful please,” he whispers into your ear, the loud music forcing him to be inches away from your face. As he says it, he catches Erik checking a girl out on the dance floor, the same girl that Erik dismissed himself to go talk to.
“I don’t want you to get hurt. I care about you and don’t want to see you upset over a guy, especially not a douche like him,” Matt continues, subconsciously letting his hands rest on your waist. It’s a feeling you welcome, wishing that it was more than just friendly.
“I’m not going to get hurt. I’m a big girl,” you reply, a drunk smile on your face. How you’ve managed to get so drunk already, he doesn’t know, but he knows that he feels a sense of responsibility for you. He’s about to tell you to stay close, your drunken state inhibiting you from properly taking care of yourself. “I’m gonna go find Tara,” and with that you’re lost in the crowd again, forcing Matt to loosen his grip on your waist as he watches you dance away.
He leans against the wall behind him, a tight jaw forming as he switches his attention from you and Erik. You’re having so much fun dancing with friends, completely oblivious to the fact that Erik is chatting up yet another girl, and Matt couldn’t do anything about it.
After about two hours, Matt has officially decided that he’s bored. He and his brothers are the only sober people, the three of them watching as everyone else makes drunk decisions they were sure to regret later. “I’m gonna go to the restroom,” Matt excuses himself, earning a head nod from both his brothers. In reality he just needed an excuse to stretch his legs and a reason to walk around the club to look for you.
Matt hasn’t seen you since went to look for Tara. And as he laps the club, he ends up running into Tara, her small dancing figure thanking him for celebrating such a big milestone with her. He asked her if she’d seen you, but she said it had been a while since she last saw you. That worried Matt, especially considering how drunk you were. So, as he heads towards the restroom, he studies every face in the room in search of yours.
When he finally reaches the restroom, he still hasn’t found you, but as he pushes the door open he’s met with Erik’s annoying voice, “No I don’t actually like her. I mean, yeah she’s cute, but why would I tie myself down? I just need her to boost my views.” Matt sees red as soon as he hears it, he knows Erik is talking about you, who else could he be talking about?
“So you’re using her for clout?” another voice chimes in.
“Something like that. Have you seen her numbers, dude? Her and those little triplets she hangs out with are all anyone’s talking about right now. I don’t get the hype, but you know I have to get in on that… Plus, if I play this game long enough, she might let me hit,” Erik replies, the gross comment he made about you earning him a round of laughter from his equally as disgusting friends.
Matt’s about to push the door open, slam Erik onto the floor, and beat the living shit out of him, but Erik continues before he can, “And the look on that Matt guy’s face when I finally do it will be priceless. He’s clearly in love with her.”
Matt’s heard enough, and before he knows it he’s fuming and barging into the restroom, you can practically see the steam coming off of him. It doesn’t take long for him to single Erik out, the adrenaline pumping through his body providing him with a sudden, unmatched strength. Matt grabs him by the color, using momentum and force to push him against the cold tile wall.
Matt is glad that no one is here to hold him back, but even if there was he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from doing what he’s about to do. “Ay bro, what the fu—” Erik’s sentence is cut off by a swift punch to his jaw, a punch so hard that it has him dazed. Erik falls onto the floor harshly as all of his fake friends scurry out of the restroom, commenting something along the lines of “this guy’s crazy.”
Matt was in a blinded rage, watching as Erik spits blood onto the floor, using one hand to hold himself up and the other to wipe the warm liquid that dribbles down his chin.
“You think a punch will stop me from fucking your bitch?” Erik asks with a malicious, bloody smile forming on his face. Matt doesn’t respond, his fists doing all the talking for him as he kneels to Erik’s level and pummels his face. Punch after punch is thrown, each one leaving Erik bloodier and more bruised than the last.
Erik’s friends must’ve told people in the club what was happening in the restroom because you, Nick, and Chris are suddenly barging in. Nick and Chris are horrified at the sight, but with Erik’s track record they’re not surprised, he certainly had it coming. “Matt! Matt!” Chris shouts, wrapping strong arms around his brother and attempting to pull him off Erik, who’s laughing maniacally like he got what he wanted.
Matt’s stiff as a board, so it takes both Chris and Nick to pry him off the bloody boy. Finally, when they pull him off, Erik stumbles to get up. His face is so bloody he’s almost unrecognizable. “Matt, what did you do?” you whisper in shock, a trembling hand coming up to your face at the sight. Matt’s chest heaves as he tries steadying his breathing, his dark eyes softening a little when he realizes how scared you are.
“C’mon, let’s go,” Nick whispers, the severity of the situation settling into the atmosphere. Nick ushers everyone out of the restroom, and Erik gets one last jab in, “Yeah! Leave you fucking loser! And take your slut with you too!”
Matt was never quick to anger, in fact he was docile and patient most of the time, but Erik’s comment lets you know that his outburst was building and was most certainly justified. If Chris wasn’t holding onto Matt, he would’ve turned around and finished the job, but he’s glad he doesn’t because he catches the pleading look you give him.
“Let’s go home, yeah?” Matt asks softly, pulling you into his side and planting a kiss on your head. You nod slowly, eyes trained on the bloody knuckles that wrap around your shoulders.
The ride home is quiet, slightly awkward, and extremely uncomfortable. The streetlights illuminate the streets, the blood on Matt’s busted knuckles glistening every time he grips the wheel and takes a turn. Chris played music in an attempt to break the tension, but even that doesn’t help.
Once you’re finally at their house, the initial shock wears off. Nick and Chris are quick to go to their rooms, the entire night having drained them both socially and emotionally. Matt makes his way to the restroom, allowing the warm water to run across his hands. He winces at the feeling, watching as a pool of red forms in the sink. You’re upset, even if you shouldn’t be, so you follow Matt in hopes of getting answers.
“So are you gonna tell me what happened tonight?” you prod, leaning against the door frame. He doesn’t look up from the sink, instead running gentle fingers across his hands to wash the blood off.
“Nothing to say,” he replies sternly with a nonchalant shrug. In reality he had everything to say.
“Oh so you didn’t beat Erik to a bloody pulp?”
“No, I definitely did,” a smirk tugs at his lips.
“Okay… Why?” Matt was avoiding the question like the plague, not only because what Erik said is something he never wanted to repeat, but because it came with uncharted territory.
“Just…” his voice trails off as he turns the sink off, grabbing a nearby towel and drying his hands. He winces again at the applied pressure.
“You don’t get to ‘just’ me, Matt. Why!?” you’re raising your voice at this point, stepping into the bathroom and shutting the door behind you in the process. If Nick and Chris were asleep, you didn’t want to wake them.
“He was being a douche, okay?” Matt’s response is lame and he knows it. “I didn’t like what he was saying about you,” he continues without getting into detail, he was just trying to protect you and if that was such a crime he’d happily go to jail for it.
“I’m a big girl Matt. I told you I can take care of myself,” you scoff. Matt slumps onto the toilet seat, wishing he could just pull you onto his lap and hug the conversation away. “You always do this shit. You protect me like I’m a helpless little girl. We’re not eight anymore, Matt.”
“Sorry?” he replies, a sardonic tone evident in his voice.
Matt sighs, he’s not in the mood for this right now.“He’s just a fucking dickhead, Y/n. He doesn’t deserve you. Plus, that bitchass pussy had it coming,” Matt replies, his voice remaining stern and steady. He didn’t want to raise his voice at you, but he knows it’s bound to happen with the way the conversation is progressing.
“WHY DO YOU CARE, THOUGH? WHY DOES IT MATTER SO MUCH TO YOU??” your hands are thrown up in exasperation, desperately trying to squeeze the answers out of him.
“Because you’re my friend.”
“No, Matt. Why?”
“BECAUSE I FUCKING LOVE YOU, OKAY? IS THAT WHAT YOU WANTED TO HEAR? THAT I’M MADLY IN LOVE WITH YOU? THAT I HAVE BEEN SINCE WE WERE KIDS AND I JUST—” he takes a deep breath, adjusting his volume and continuing in a defeated tone, “just forget I said anything, Y/n.”
The room is silent, so unbearably silent that Matt’s ears are ringing. His cheeks are flushed, almost as red as his knuckles. Your heart is pounding out of your chest. Small, quick breaths falling from your lips as you process everything he just said.
“You love me?” your voice is hushed, almost inaudible. When Matt looks up at you, he sees the twinkle in your eye as the tears brim your waterline. “Yes, I love you,” he affirms, it’s simple but true.
“Oh Matt,” you cup his face, suddenly it all made sense. All the times he chased away your boyfriends, complained about a fling, commented on a new friend, it all made sense with this new revelation.
“I get it if you don’t feel the same. You don’t have to pity me—” You cut Matt off with a passionate kiss, it’s the only thing you can think to do. He’s shocked at first, but he melts into the kiss once it registers.
His hands travel to the back of your thighs, legs spreading as he pulls you in closer to him. He moans into the kiss, unable to contain his excitement.
Matt’s tongue finds its way into your mouth, his grip on your thighs becoming stronger with each passing second almost like he’s afraid that if he lets go you’ll disappear. You only pull away to catch your breath, whispering four long awaited words into his lips, “I love you, Matt.”
Strong hands tug you back in for another passionate kiss, the pain in his knuckles suddenly vanishing as he relishes in this newfound feeling.
He’s never letting you go again.
A/n: it’s been a while guys 😋💃🏻
thank you sweet anons for the requests, I combined them because they were very similar & I hope I did them justice!
taglist: @nicksmainbitch @sturniololovers @mayhem-72 @worldlxvlys @gnxosblog @meg-sturniolo @creamoncreamoncream2 @mattnchrisworld @sanyi5 @lustfulslxt @whicked-hazlatwhore @tworosesblackthorn @mxqdii @fawned01 @junnniiieee07 @sturniolololover @missriddle03
note: if you want to be tagged in my fanfic related posts, you can access my TAGLIST and comment 💐
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in-another-april · 1 year
─ movie date | s.r
summary/prompt - spencer invites you to his apartment to watch one of his russian sci-fi films with him | fluff
warnings - small mention of burns
wc - 735
notes - this was inspired by me rewatching and falling in love with awkward early seasons spencer all over again 😭
 You sink deeper into the brown leather couch as the alarm of the microwave rings out behind you. Tilting your head back, you watch as Spencer empties the freshly popped popcorn into a bowl. You let out a soft chuckle as you see him holding the steaming bag as gingerly as possible to avoid burning his hand, a practically inevitable occurrence whenever he prepares food, his clumsy nature almost never failing to bring a fond smile onto your face.
“Need any help?” Your question makes him look from over his shoulder at you.
“Oh, I got it.” He shakes his head before pausing. “Thank you, though.” He rushes to add with an awkward smile, hoping you can’t tell how painfully out of his element he was.
So far, you two had been seeing each other outside of work for a few weeks, but you had yet to meet up at either of your respective apartments. He’d like to think he presented himself as “cool and collected” as Derek had coached him to be when you first suggested the idea of going to his place for a movie date, but he knew he was done for as soon as you mentioned wanting to watch the Russian sci-fi film he had been eagerly rambling about on the jet. He finds himself struggling to even think about the way your eyes light up with genuine curiosity whenever he goes on one his tangents without his face heating up. You’re going to be the death of him, he swears.
You can’t help the cheerful smile that makes its way onto your face as Spencer finally sits down next to you, after some fiddling with the TV and disc. You think for a moment before offering the other half of the blanket laid on your lap to him. His face turns red as he stares dumbly for a moment before happily accepting his side of the soft material, sliding closer to you. He’s eager to start the movie, in hopes it’ll serve enough of a distraction so you don’t notice the blush on his face getting brighter from simply being in your proximity.
He almost forgets he’s supposed to be translating for you until he sees the expectant look on your face after the first few lines pass. He mutters a quick apology before clearing his throat and reciting the words as they come, voice low as to minimize the disruption to the experience as much as possible. As the minutes pass, Spencer feels his nerves calm and breathing steady as he finds himself slotted securely back into his comfort zone: rattling off information regarding subjects he’s passionate about.
That is, until he feels the slight weight of your head against his shoulder, cuddling up to him like it’s second nature. His body instinctively tenses up under the contact, halting his translations as he stares off into space, cogs turning in his head as he tries to understand how his mind can feel blank while simultaneously housing so many rushing thoughts.
You lift your head off him slightly, turning to meet his eyes. “Oh, I didn’t mean to make you comfortable, I’m sorry.” You say, cursing yourself for being too forward. “I can move-”
“No!” Spencer interjects quickly, cringing at how desperate it made him come off. “I- sorry, I didn’t mean to sound so, uh, I just meant to say…” The deep breath he takes only serves to fluster him more as it ends up being just a whiff of your perfume. “You don’t have to move, I don’t mind.” Is what he settles on, trying his best to read your expression as he stares up at you.
“Are you sure?” You’re not sure why you ask, but you still revel in the sweetness of his answer.
“I’m positive. I’d… prefer it, really.” He shyly admits, looking everywhere except your eyes. “O-Only if you want to, of course.”
He’s happy to see that answer satisfied you, returning to your position leaning against him. You don’t think it’s possible for your smile to grow bigger, but you prove yourself wrong as you feel him hesitantly wrap his arm around you, pressing his head against yours. He resumes his whisper translations, but you’d have to admit that the movie is lost in the back of your mind as you opt to focus your attention on the man sitting next to you.
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caleiiiii · 4 years
mcytbers as subway workers because i work at subway and i said so
i wrote this all at like 1 am im sorry
subway terminology (at least where i work)
waste out -means an item cant, or isnt, being sold, like overbaked cookies or expired milk. gets written down on a list for tax returns or smth
freezer pulls -pulling items from the freezer to the walk in fridge so they can thaw for the upcoming days
POS system -the software used for ringing up food, has a bunch of options per type of sandwich
generally 2 shift rotations , each one has a shift lead which is ur main opener or closer
makes sandwiches so fast. 
how ??? 
he wraps the sandwiches immaculately as well
definitely a main closer
just. disappears during a rush 
only to be found two hours later STILL doing dishes
dream and sapnap are not pleased.
convinces dream to waste out bread for him so he can eat it
gives ppl he likes free cookies 
terrible at wrapping sandwiches
always works with wilbur and tubbo. always. 
he HATES freezer pulls but if he has to he can be seen SPRINTING between the freezer and the fridge
also bad at wrapping sandwiches
does all the online orders for tubbo because he cant read them well
loves to bake the bread and cookies
got a complaint once because he read an online order wrong so tommy always does them
hates ringing people up but loves to make the sandwhiches
only works like 1 shift a week but its the most goddamn productive shift of anyone.
always makes sure they are selling potato soup when hes working
another main closer
always controls the radio in the store
always works with tubbo and tommy, drives them to work
bribes others so he doesnt have to do the dishes
main opener
the manager
super chill about scheduling
turns a blind eye to people “accidently” dropping cookies and wasting them out
a goddess at baking the bread and cookies
never burns anything ever
everybody wants to work with her shes so nice
is really good at ringing those ppl up with 28372 coupons
horrible at making sandwiches tho
the only one that knows how to fix the soda machine when it breaks
always gets asked to translate the writing on the boxes since its in spanish 95% of the time
loves stocking the milk cooler so he can take home the expired sodas n shit
always forgets to remind customers when stuff costs extra
that one transfer from another store that does everything
slightly wrong.
its been long enough now that he should know better but nobody wants to correct him.
has tons of pins on his hat, 10/10
really good at making the wraps
always says hello when customers enter
the new hire
immediately taken under sapnaps wing, much to the chagrin of dream
much more bread is now wasted out.
bbh and skeppy
regulars that are just. always there
they know all the employee gossip and get discounts on food
phil is .5 seconds away from asking them if they want a job
normal shift schedules
wilbur, tommy, tubbo (day shift)
dream, george, sapnap (night shift)
eret, niki, fundy (day shift)
technoblade, quackity, schlatt (night shift)
karl mainly works with the dteam, but jumps around
random things
the cookie incident
once tubbo accidently overbaked like 2 dozen cookies
so he and tommy ate all of them during their shift
they did not come into work the next day.
dream and techno rivalry
dream and technoblade have a rivaly about who can close and leave the store the quickest
eventually they decide to time themselves and race eachother on their respective shifts
techno wins with a time of 3 minutes before theyre officially allowed to close.
they both get yelled at by phil
technoblade’s only mistake
the only mistake technoblade has made ever was accidently leaving the bread cabinet open overnight
wilbur, tubbo, and tommy find it in the morning and have to throw all the bread out
tommy and tubbo split the bread and each leave with a garbage bag full of subway bread
wilbur still wont let techno live it down.
hacker things
once fundy hacked the POS system to give him a 100% discount
used it for about a month before someone (quackity) accidently pressed the option and snitched to phil
luckily, he just sighed and reset the system
cookie dough
wilbur comes up with the idea to pop raw cookie dough in the microwave and eat it half baked
phil comes in one day only to make -direct eye contact- with tommy as he and tubbo lick cookie dough off of some deli paper
allows it to happen as long as they pay for the dough
subway garlic bread
on a really slow day niki and eret are goofing off and create
~subway garlic bread~
it instantly becomes a secret menu favourite among employees and regulars
the bet
once skeppy bet quackity and schlatt that they wouldnt start a fake argument during rush hour
skeppy recorded the whole thing
technoblade can be seen in the backround silently making sandwiches as quackity and schlatt scream at eachother about if quackity has a “flatty patty”
phil tries to be mad but sees all the tips they made and lets is slide
george is the one always sacrificed to deal with the crabby middle aged moms
its his punishment for not helping during the rush.
sometimes for fun wilbur takes his meal break right before the dinner rush
tommy stares at him in fury the whole time.
betting pool
none of the employees can tell if bbh and skeppy are dating
its to the point that they keep a betting chart on a white board next to the “top failure of the week” spot
subway ghost
after a few freak instances wilbur is positive that the subway is haunted and convinces phil to let him do a séance after hours
he manages to convince half the staff that the store is haunted
(the ghost is drista or smth idk aksjdhajk)
top failure of the week
a tally on the white board in the back room of who dropped/wasted out thw most items
sapnap has the record top failure of the week, dropping a total of 42 loaves of bread in a week
schlatt got put on the board once. never again.
enamel pins
tubbo finds a enamel pin of a bee that he puts on his visor
its not technically allowed but phil lets him do it anyway :)
tommy and tubbo take subway bandanas from the back room and initial them before trading with eachother
nobody comments that theyre not technically allowed to have a hat and a bandana
the war
at some point a rivalry breaks out between the day staff
wilbur, tommy, tubbo, niki, eret, and fundy
and the night staff
dream, sapnap, george (techno, karl, schlatt, and quackity stay out of it)
what starts out tame eventually leads to workers purposely messing up stuff for the next shift to deal with, like not stocking the fridge or mopping the floor 
at some point eret switches to the night shift
the day shift does not take it well.
 after about 2 weeks phil is forced to step in as the store quality starts to go downhill
he closes the store for a day and makes everyone clean it u
 techno watches from outside the windows with a bag of popcorn
tommy starts placing the stickers they use to wrap sandwiches everywhere with the words “pogway” on them
everyone can tell its his handwriting but no one can catch him placing the stickers
phil even checked the cameras, still no trace of him
subway gun
sometimes tommy goes around spraying others with a spray bottle full of water used on the bread
he calls it the “subway gun”
wilbur gets fed up hides it in the freezer overnight
thats all for now! if i come up with anything else i might add it lol
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embeanwrites · 4 years
Hello! If your requests are still open I would like to ask for guzma! He has a huge crush on reader and she get him to watch her favorite movie (like beauty and the beast) and when she starts singing the songs he just like falls more in love with her? Idk I just really want fluff and I can see him just like going the extra step for the person he likes ya know? Thank you so much for your time!
A/N: I love our big tough bug boy being soft for his S/O! I also love the idea that his S/O is HYPER compared to him so I sprinkled that in! 
God did he feel like a major dork. He was currently standing outside (Y/n)’s house. She had invited him over to watch movies and at first he thought she was joking. Why would she want destruction in human form in her home? But when he laughed at her request she had frowned. Quickly realizing she wasn’t joking, he accepted her offer and told her to pick the movie. 
Taking a deep breath he quickly knocked and shoved his hands into his jacket pockets. He rocked back and forth on his heels, looking around. 
“Guzma!” She shouted as she flung open the door, quickly grabbing his arm and pulling him into her house. She giggled as he nearly tripped over his own feet. 
“Watch it girlie!” He shouted as he was pulled deeper into her house. She finally let go when they were in her living room. Guzma noted that there was already popcorn sitting on the table, fuzzy blankets on her couch, and some drinks set out. She walked over to the couch and lifted up the blankets with a frown. 
“Boo!” He watched as her Pumpkaboo popped up from where the blankets were. 
“Pumpkin! I told you not to hide on the couch! What are you going to do when someone sits on you?” She scolded as the pokemon floated up and bumped her in the head, causing her to laugh. She wrapped her arms around the pokemon. “Sorry, Pumpkin can be kind of crazy sometimes.” She laughed and held the small pokemon out towards him. He chuckled and patted the pokemon on the head, causing it to trill.
“I remember Pumpkin, took him down a couple times with Golisopod if I remember correctly.” He teased and the pokemon growled at his accusation. 
“Yeah, but in the end who won all those fights?” She popped her hip out and smirked, causing Guzma to roll his eyes. 
“Cocky as usual Miss. Champion.” She let out a loud laugh that made even Guzma smile. Her laugh wasn’t the prettiest, but it was so genuine that it surprised him, especially since she was laughing with him. 
“Okay, so you said you hadn’t seen any Disney movies?” She asked, plopping down on the couch and patting the seat next to her. Guzma shuffled over and sat next to her, the couch dipped at his weight, causing their arms to be pressing against each other. Guzma tense for a moment and waited for her to move, but she didn’t. She continued flipping through a list of movies on the television. He cleared his throat.
“Yeah no, I haven’t seen any. Not a lot of chances to watch movies in Po Town.” She hummed in acknowledgment as she continued to scroll. After a few clicks, he heard her gasp loudly. “What?”
“Beauty and the Beast!” She screeched as she jumped up and did a little dance. “We have to watch it! We have to! I know all the songs by heart!” She turned towards him with a huge smile as she continued to dance around. 
“Okay! Okay! Jesus Christ stop acting like a crazy person will ya?” He chuckled, she let out another squeal and threw herself back onto the couch. Guzma was aware that she was still leaning against him as she turned the movie on. 
Guzma really tried to focus on the movie. The animation was pretty cool and the songs were catchy, but how on earth was he expected to focus when she was leaning against him and was quietly singing along to the movie. Her singing voice was far from perfect, but he couldn’t believe that he was here, sitting next to her and getting to hear her soft voice. 
He had been denying his crush on her for some time now. He fully recognized how dumb she would have to be to want to date an ex-gang leader, a dead beat, a good for-
“Are you watching?” Guzma was pulled out of his thoughts and looked down at her. Her head was resting in the crook of his arm and he realized his arm was around her shoulders, he must have done that without thinking. She was looking up at him with her eyes full of worry, Guzma swallowed. 
“Yeah, sorry. Just got lost in my thoughts.” Guzma fake coughed and removed his arm from around her. He tried to play it cool, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw her frown. 
“Whatcha thinking about?” She asked, she kept her eyes on the tv and pulled her knees up to her chest. Guzma nervously scratched the back of his head, noting that his undercut was going to need a cut soon. 
“Just nothing and everything. I don’t know.” He shrugged and leaned back, he looked at the ceiling. He heard her pause the movie and lean back with him. 
“We’re almost to the last song.” She whispered, still not looking at him. Guzma watched her sigh and look away. “I’m sorry for making you come over and watching this. I just thought it would be fun and I’ve been wanting to get to know you more and I’m sorry.” She sighed again and Guzma watched her draw small circles on her couch. He blinked. 
She wanted to get to know him more?
“You don’t have to stay if you don’t want to.” She whispered Guzma laughed causing her to jump and look at him with big round eyes. “What?” 
“I just..” He gasped between laughs, “You think that I don’t want to be here with you? Are you kidding? I’m still trying to figure out why you’d want me, of all people, to come over and watch movies!” He looked over at her to see her frown, she quickly moved so she was cross-legged and facing him. She cupped his face with an angry look on her face. 
“I invited you because...well I like you, Guzma.” He froze and kept his eyes on her. “I mean, sometimes you can be an asshole, but overall I think you’re a really good person and funny. I mean look at all those kids you gave a home to. I know you probably see me as a kid, but I’m pretty sure we’re the same age and-” 
Guzma wasted no time, putting his hands on her waist and pulled her closer. Their lips crashing together roughly. Guzma took advantage of the fact he took her by surprise and deepened the kiss. She responded instantly, moving one of her hands to the back of his neck and the other tangling itself in his hair. He could feel her smiling against his mouth as she let out a laugh, he pulled back and smiled at her. 
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that, Guzma.” She let out a laugh and laid her head on his shoulder, he glanced at the tv, which was still paused. 
“You said there’s one more song left?” He felt her nod against him. “What do you say we finish this one and watch another Disney movie?” She quickly pulled back with the biggest smile on her face. 
“That sounds perfect.” She grabbed one of her blankets and wrapped the two of them up in it, he heard her let out a sigh as she snuggled closer to him. He put his arm back around her and pulled her closer. Pressing a quick kiss to her temple as she started the movie back up again. 
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stardancerluv · 4 years
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Blood and Kisses
Summary: You encounter an ex. & you date Roman Sionis
⚠️Warning ⚠️: Abusive slaps, Torture, Blood & Implied Smut! I also make a silly reference to Ewan McGregor!
Dedicated to @theblackmaskclub 💪🏻we may have had horrible ex-boyfriends but we can’t let them still rule us! Any of you who has horrible exes...let Roman save you reading this!
Life, was looking up. On most Fridays and Saturdays, you sang at the Black Mask club. Sure you were singing for the guests, you actually sang for your boyfriend and owner of the Black Mask, Roman Sionis.
At the moment, you happily swung a few shopping bags from your hands. Roman, had told you to go shopping and have fun! Zsasz, waited for you. Leaning against the car he waited, he was able smoke. Something, Roman found disgusting, well unless it was occasional cigar.
You, were almost done. One more stop, you wanted to grab something for Roman. You had your eye on something special.
“Hey there you are!”
You knew that voice, you froze. It felt like you were filled suddenly with ice. It was a bright, sunny summer day in Gotham. You, turned and saw your ex lumbering down the sidewalk. You tried to walk faster.
He grabbed your arm and pulled you around to face him. “You stupid bitch, I’ve been looking for you everywhere.”
You bags went flying. “I left.” You said in a weak voice.
“Did I tell you that you could?” He back handed you.
You called out, dazed you tried to make eye contact with the occasional passerby. Nobody seemed to care. “No.” You wilted in his hand. “Can’t you just leave me alone?”
“I love you, I never wanted you to leave.”
You glared at him. “You don’t treat people like that if you love them.” He back handed you again. You screamed.
“Look, I’m sorry.” He paused. “But it looks like you have been losing your way.....what the fuck!”
He let go of you. Your legs turned to jelly, you collapsed amongst your shopping bags. Looking up, you saw Victor turn him around and punched him hard in the stomach. When he fell to his knees, Zsasz bent over him. “Want to hit someone? Hit me. But it will be the last you do.” He said, in a tone you had never heard him use.
Your coward of an ex ran.
Zsasz, turned you. “Oh...Y/N damn it. Who the hell was that.”
You shook. “My ex.”
He just shook his head. He offered you his hand. You took it. “Let’s get you back to Roman.”
When you got back to the club you tried to get Victor to forget about it. “Roman, doesn’t need to know.” You tugged at his arm. “Let me, at least go and clean up.” He shook his head.
“No, Roman needs to know.”
Roman, looking as magnificent as always was sitting in the middle of then club watching the rehearsal. He was reclining in his chair munching on some popcorn.
He turned towards you two, you immediately stepped behind Victor. You didn’t want Roman to see the blood or most likely the bruises. “Roman, needs to know what?”
Victor, stepped aside you couldn’t hide.
“What the fuck!” Roman bellowed. His eyes grew huge. You tried to hold up a hand.
Whispering, came from the girls and a few of the guys. He turned to the hushed voices. “All of you stop your whispers. “Get out of here.”
They moved slowly away. “What did I fucking say? Get out of here now!” They all finally left and it was just the three of you.
You, try and turn away, trying to gather yourself. You had not wanted this kind of baggage with Roman.
He turned back to the two of you, he took a breath. “Baby, why are hiding?” He looked at Victor.
Victor, you looked at you. “Y/N, I need to know too.”
You took a breath and tucked some hair behind your ear. You took a step closer.
“Y/N, what the fuck happened to you.”
He closed the distance between the two of you.
“Oh baby, what the fuck?” He wrapped his arms around you and kissed the top of your head. “Tell me what animal did this.”
“My ex, he found me.” You began to shake and cry in his arms.
“I was waiting for Y/N to get done shopping. When I heard her scream. I looked over and saw this asshole back handing her.”
He looked down at you. “Oh baby.” He kissed the top of your head again. “Baby, look at me.” You slowly do, your eyes were watery. “I can’t let him think this was alright.”
“I..I..never wanted you to deal with this.” You shook a little.
“Baby, you’re my girl. I care about you.” Don’t you worry about anything. Victor and I can handle it. Any idea where he could be?”
You nod. “He always goes to McGregor’s Pub in northern Gotham.”
“There he is.” Victor pointed to your ex stumble out of the bar around three in the morning.
“Go and get that fucker.” Roman, sat forward in the seat to look. You were curled up sleep beside him. Vivd shades of purple smattered across your face from where he slapped you. Easing back, he took more of your head back into his lap. He gently brushed the hair out of your face.
In very quick order, Victor and one of Roman’s other goons grabbed him and stuffed him in the car ahead of the one Roman sat in. They sped off to the docks. Victor dusting his hands off got behind the wheel and began to drive you and Roman to the docks.
“Is she still asleep?”
“Yeah.” He whispered. “I was gonna wake her once we got there.”
“I’ll see you inside boss.”
“Baby...baby wake up.”
You stirred, your eye lashes flittered, a smile spread across your face but then you winced.
He smiled down at you. Gently, he caressed your cheek with his gloved hand. “We got him.”
“You do?” You sat up, turning towards him.
He smiled and nodded. “I’m about to go in there handle things, would you like to come in and help make him suffer...or do you want to wait out here. The last thing he wanted was to force you into something you didn’t want.”
“I’ll come with you.”
“That’s what I want to hear. Let’s get in there.”
Opening the door, he slid out and offered you and hand which you took and slid out yourself.
As he straighten his suit jacket he watched as you straightened your dress, a girl right after his own heart. “I wore this so I could look good for you.”
“You caught me looking?” He rose an eyebrow.
“Yes.” A flush of pink filled her cheeks, he liked that much better then the purple.
“Well, baby you look dynamite.” He offered his arm.
“You look just as amazing.” And you kissed his cheek.
“Thank you.”
When you walked in you relinquished his arm so he could do whatever he wanted to do. You stood back to watch. Looking ahead of Roman, you saw Alex hanging from the rafter of whatever this place was or had been.
“Hello, Alexander Thompson. Usually, when someone ends up here it’s because they personally offended me.” He drew closer. “Today, it came to my attention that you like to hit women.”
You could hear Alex scream against the duck tape that covered his mouth. It made you smile. You drew closer yourself.
“In this case, you hit my girl.” Roman, grabbed him by his hair and ripped off the duct tape, probably took some skin and hair. He screamed again.
“I don’t even fucking know who you are man.” He whimpered.
“I am Roman fucking Sionis.”
Looking past Roman, you saw the fear spread across his face it was delicious.
“And no one fucks with me.”
You came up to Roman’s side. “You will have to show him what happens when someone fucks with his girl.”
You smiled and shrugged. “After I ran away, I pulled myself together. I met him and now well, he’s gonna make you pay for all the beatings and....” You swallowed hard. “The time you raped me.”
“You love me. You will always love me.”
Roman reached into his pocked, he took out a knife which he slid open the rubbing of the metal echo through the empty room.
“Shall I start?” Roman slid you a look.
“Spectacular. Victor, hold this asshole.”
Roman, went closer. “I’m tired of you wagging your tongue. Give it to me.”
Alex, just shook his head, his mouth sealed. Roman, hit him with the butt of the knife that he held in his fist.
Alex’s mouth popped open and Roman grabbed his tongue, he whimpered. He tried to wiggle free. “That’s not a good idea.” He warned. He looked at a henchman that was nearby. “Get a new piece of duct tape ready.” Tape was ready in moments.
“Not sure, if you wanna see this.” He looked at you.
“No, I’m ready.”
“Alright.” In very quick move, he sliced off half his tongue. Blood sprayed some of his suit jacket, the red a sharp contrast to the white. Made you inhale sharply, your heart picking up speed.
The henchman came over shoved Alex’s mouth shut. Taped it and then added more tape. He was howling behind the tape. He hung over him. “Well we won’t be hearing from you anymore.” He smirked dropping the bit of tongue on him.
Still smirking, he looked over at you. That’s when you saw that some of the blood had splattered across his handsome face.
The sight made a knot of desire hit you hard. It stole your breath.
“Wanna have some fun?” He offered you the blood knife, your fingers tingled. There would be no turning back. You nodded, taking it, you moved the knife from one hand to the other, you enjoyed seeing how the red contrasted your skin.
You tilted your head to one side. “Where should I use this?”
He whimpered.
You slashed his cheeks, making a little a X on each cheek. “Fuck you.” You spat in his face. “Here you go.” You handed Roman his knife back. He closed the knife and put it back into his pocket.
“Nice....Wooo!” He gave a cheer.
He pointed, at the henchmen with the duct tape, go and get the car started. You are driving us back. The man nodded. “Victor, you can do whatever you want. And then clean it up.” He shed his gloves, dropped them
He offered you his hand, happily you took it. He pulled you close. “You are amazing.” And he kissed you. Finally breaking the kiss, he smirked. “Let’s get the fuck out of here.”
It didn’t take long, but you two were back at the car. The henchman, opened the door for you two, when you neared. “Thank you.” You said sweetly. Then you slid in.
Roman, followed you afterward he leaned over and pushed a small button the wall of the car. A small divider went up. “He can’t hear us?” You pointed to at it.
Roman, nodded. “Now, get over here.”
Within a breath you straddled him. “Fuck, watching you.” Your lips met and hungrily your tongues met. Your heart was threatened to beat against your chest.
You pulled back looking at him, seeing the blood. “Damn, Roman that was so hot.”
“Show me.”
@darling-i-read-it @spn-obession @vintagemichelle91 @xxxeatyourh3artoutxxx @ewanfuckingmcgregor @zodiyack @angel98624 @starwarsprequelfangirl @nebulastarr @emyliabernstein @thepeachreads @itsknife2meetu @whyisgmora @omghappilyuniquebouquetlove @nomnomnomnamja @poe-kadot26
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Children, Chill, and Definitely: Id 57038, 3 Yrs. Old, 43 lbs. of Sunshine! Waiting for his perfect family, Manhattan ACC Popcorn Poor Popcorn has been returned -- 6/6/2019 He lights up a room. This ray of sunshine with his megawatt smile is POPCORN, a gorgeous, mushy faced wonder that (we admit!) has stolen our hearts. Joyful, social, super friendly and downright sweet, this gorgeous youngster dances on two legs, leaps for toys, and sits for treats. He’d be perfect for an active, fun family who will include him in all their outdoor fun. A wonderful companion, a perfect snuggle bunny, we love what volunteer Misha Barbour had to say when she wrote: “Popcorn, delicious, bite-sized, and jumping for joy @ Manhattan ACC.” We concur. This little jumping bean is waiting, dreaming, and full of hope that a family will pick him for their own. How can you not want Popcorn by your side! SERIOUSLY! <3 MESSAGE our page or email us at [email protected] for assistance fostering or adopting Popcorn. He’s neutered and ready to roll! His Foster At MACC Said THIS About Popcorn: If I had to describe the perfect dog, it would be Buster (aka Popcorn). He's well-mannered, medium energy, house trained, gentle with his toys, food and treats, knows commands (I've added "look" to his repertoire which is helpful on walks), he is content to sleep for 8 hours while I'm at work with no anxiety and is the sweetest cuddle bug with people and children. He will greet you with hugs when you get home and is happiest splayed across a lap." A volunteer writes: Dinner and a movie sounds great, sure, but my ideal evening is filled with something a little more fun. Something bite-sized, delicious, bursting with life and flavor. It's 3 year-old Popcorn! Now if you like your pups like you like your snacks you definitely need to meet this special boy. One glimpse of that smile, those wrinkles, those little legs giving hop, skip, and jump! I can guarantee Popcorn will leave you craving more. But this compact cutie is far from just good looks. Raise up your hand and watch popular Pop hop up on his hind legs and give you a spin! And maybe one more if he's feeling generous. So clear a spot on the couch, switch on the Netflix and get ready to chill, or, well be thoroughly entertained. Popcorn is waiting in adoptions at Manhattan ACC. MY VIDEO: Good morning, Sunshine <3 (Popcorn in Fosterhome) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8X5aEbuixk Popcorn shows off his tricks https://youtu.be/D0MsP27wuTI POPCORN aka BUSTER, ID# 57038, 3 Yrs. old, 55.4 lbs, Neutered Male Manhattan ACC, Medium Mixed Breed, Brown / White Owner Surrender Reason: ADOPTION RETURN Shelter Assessment Rating: Medical Behavior Rating: ----------------------------------------------------- NOTES FIRST STAY / Intake 03/14/19 POPCORN aka BUSTER, ID# 57038, 3 Yrs. old, 53.6 lbs, Neutered Male Manhattan ACC, Medium Mixed Breed, Brown / White Surrender Reason: Stray / found tied to fence Shelter Assessment Rating: LEVEL 2 Medical Behavior Rating: SHELTER ASSESSMENT SUMMARIES - Date of assessment: 17-Mar-2019 LEASH WALKING Strength and pulling: Moderate Reactivity to humans: None Reactivity to dogs: Moderate Leash walking comments: Barked at a dog SOCIABILITY Loose in room (15-20 seconds): Distracted, sniffing room Call over: Approaches readily Sociability comments: Body soft HANDLING Soft handling: Seeks contact Exuberant handling: Seeks contact Comments: Soft body, leans into pets AROUSAL Jog: Follows (loose) Arousal comments: None Knock: Approaches (loose) Knock Comments: None Toy: No response Toy comments: None PLAYGROUP NOTES - DOG TO DOG SUMMARIES: 3/15/19: When greeting another dog through the gate, Popcorn would bark. Once off leash in the pen, he would be persistent in his greetings sometimes vocalizing. 3/20: Popcorn rushes in while barking and nipping the hindquarters of the helper dog. MEDICAL BEHAVIOR - Date of initial: 14-Mar-2019 Summary: Allowed some handling, growled ENERGY LEVEL: We have no history on Popcorn so we cannot be certain of his behavior in a home environment. At the care center, he displays a medium level of activity. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION: Level 2 Behavior Asilomar TM - Treatable-Manageable Potential challenges: On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration Potential challenges comments: Popcorn has been reactive towards other dogs at the care center. Please see handout on On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration. MEDICAL EXAM NOTES: 20-Mar-2019 Progress Exam. Patient was neutered today. Rechecked a couple hours after surgery and he appeared to have a moderate amount of mucopurulent nasal discharge bilateral. Also started sneezing. No coughing or ocular discharge noted. Lungs clear/eupenic with no crackles or wheezes. A:CIRDC (new, mild to moderate). Hx of otitis externa. P: -Move to iso. -Start doxycycline 250 mg PO SID x 14 days, -Start enrofloxacin 136 mg tabs-1.5 tabs PO SID x 14 days, -Start Cerenia 30 mg PO SID x 4 days -Recheck day 7 and 14 14-Mar-2019 DVM Intake Exam. Estimated age: Approx 2-4 years. Microchip noted on Intake? Negative, placed at intake. History : Stray found tied to fence. Subjective: BARH, food motivated and easily distracted by food, allows full exam, but low growl during parts of medical treatments. Soft muzzle placed as precaution. Evidence of Cruelty seen – none. Evidence of Trauma seen – none. Objective: P = wnl, R = wnl, BCS = 5/9. EENT: Eyes clear, ears - yellow discharge, erythema AD>AS, no nasal or ocular discharge noted. Oral Exam: Mild tartar. PLN: No enlargements noted. H/L: NSR, NMA, Lungs clear, eupnic. ABD: Non painful, no, masses palpated. U/G: Male, two scrotal testicles. MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat. CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities. Rectal: Externally normal. Assessment: Otitis AU. Prognosis: Good. Plan: Cleaned ears, mometomax instilled AU. Neuter. SURGERY: Okay for surgery *** TO FOSTER OR ADOPT *** If you would like to adopt a NYC ACC dog, and can get to the shelter in person to complete the adoption process, you can contact the shelter directly. We have provided the Brooklyn, Staten Island and Manhattan information below. Adoption hours at these facilities is Noon – 8:00 p.m. (6:30 on weekends) If you CANNOT get to the shelter in person and you want to FOSTER OR ADOPT a NYC ACC Dog, you can PRIVATE MESSAGE our Must Love Dogs page for assistance. PLEASE NOTE: You MUST live in NY, NJ, PA, CT, RI, DE, MD, MA, NH, VT, ME or Northern VA. You will need to fill out applications with a New Hope Rescue Partner to foster or adopt a NYC ACC dog. Transport is available if you live within the prescribed range of states. . Shelter contact information: Phone number (212) 788-4000 Email [email protected] Shelter Addresses: Brooklyn Shelter: 2336 Linden Boulevard Brooklyn, NY 11208 Manhattan Shelter: 326 East 110 St. New York, NY 10029 Staten Island Shelter: 3139 Veterans Road West Staten Island, NY 10309 *** NEW NYC ACC RATING SYSTEM *** Level 1 Dogs with Level 1 determinations are suitable for the majority of homes. These dogs are not displaying concerning behaviors in shelter, and the owner surrender profile (where available) is positive. Level 2 Dogs with Level 2 determinations will be suitable for adopters with some previous dog experience. They will have displayed behavior in the shelter (or have owner reported behavior) that requires some training, or is simply not suitable for an adopter with minimal experience. Level 3 Dogs with Level 3 determinations will need to go to homes with experienced adopters, and the ACC strongly suggest that the adopter have prior experience with the challenges described and/or an understanding of the challenge and how to manage it safely in a home environment. In many cases, a trainer will be needed to manage and work on the behaviors safely in a home environment.
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stlgeekgirl · 7 years
Arnold/Helga: 6, 7, 25, 32, 48, 54, 94, 117, 135 (arnold asking helga would be amazing) :'D feel free to pick and choose b/c it's a lot lmao
I got five for you right now and I’ll finish the last two tomorrow.  (I’m doing 135 because you were specific and I have an idea!)  Hope you like what I’ve got so far!
Also, I’m tagging @pointyobjects for #7 because I feel she can relate and therefore appreciate it. (Miss you PO!)
6- Scary movies are for chumps
 “Where are you two jack legs going?’
Arnold and Gerald stopped in mid-conversationto glance towards the blonde star softball pitcher of Hillwood High and hertrusted bestie standing by said bestie’s locker.  
“Evil Twin 27: The return of the Thirdis out today.”  Gerald answered.  “We’re heading to the afternoon showing.  Wanna come with?”
Arnold winced at Gerald’s invite to the twoteens.  Phoebe smiled shyly, tucking herbooks into the crook of her arm.  
“Sorry Gerald, I have a ton of homework to doand you know my thoughts on scary movies.”
“Scary movies are for chumps.”  Helga added popping her gum.  “Sounds lame.”
“Chumps?” Arnold stepped forward, looking at the blonde and missing the sharedglance between Phoebe and Gerald.  “Iseem to remember a very different conversation during Evil Twin 26,Pataki.”
Helga snorted. “Just as lame.”
“That’s why you were in my lap during half ofthe movie?  Because it was lame?”
“I wasn’t in your lap.”  She retorted, her face reddening.  
“So it was some other ninety-eight pound blondein my lap clutching onto me like a life preserver?”
Helga took a step towards him.  “There’d better not be any other blondes inyour lap bucko. And I was not clutching onto you like a life preserver.  You’re delusional.”
“Wanna test that theory tomorrow?”
“Fine! Pick you up at three?”
“Fine! You’re buying the popcorn.”
Phoebe leaned towards Gerald.  “Can’t they ever just ask each other out likenormal people?”
Gerald grinned. “That’d be like asking the sun to set in the North, babe.”
  7-You’vegone to the bathroom fifty times today.
 Arnold looked up from his book as his wifeeased herself back down on the couch.
“You okay?”
“As well as can be expected, why?”
“You’ve gone to the bathroom fifty timestoday.  That can’t be normal.”
Helga reached for the remote and failed fallingback onto the couch with a “hmmphff”. Arnold leaned to pick up the remote and hand it to her.  
“Thank you. Arnold, I’m pregnant.  Your spawnis sitting on my bladder.  I’m countingit as a win that I haven’t peed my pants today. Fifty times today successfully making it to the bathroom is a greatthing, because they were all successful. I hate trying to change clothes while I’m this huge.”
His smile softened and he reached over andstroked her round belly, feeling movement under the skin.  
“You look beautiful.  You aren’t huge, you’re pregnant and I loveyou.”
“Aww…” She leaned towards him for a kiss before stopping suddenly and growlingunder her breath.  “This is gettingridiculous.”  She snarled as she tried toclimb to her feet again.  Arnold helpedher up and she waddled back towards the bathroom.  
“Get the hell off my bladder!”  he heard her yelling at her stomach as hewent back to his book.  “Move positionsalready!”
25- Aren’tyou supposed to be the adult?
A group of nine teens raced madly out of thenow abandoned Dino World, chased by three out of shape security guards, separatingin different directions once they all cleared the fence.  All thankful that Eugene didn’t end upjoining them on this expedition into reminiscing their childhood as he surelywould’ve gotten caught on the fence, a ride, the large delapidated dino statueat the front of the park and would’ve gotten caught by the three Securityguards Helga had dubbed Larry, Shep and Mo.
Gerald, Stinky, and Harold had run towards thePier. Sid, Nadine and Lila had taken off towards the tracks which left Helga,Arnold and Curly running towards the overpass. They raced under the abandoned highway underpass, throwing themselvesagainst a concrete barrier.  Helga peekedaround the corner for any signs of flashlights while Curly cackled in nervousrelief.  
“Shush!” Arnold hushed him franticly.  “We don’tknow where the guard went.”
Curly spun around in circles, hands thrownwide.  “But don’t you feel alive?  That was great Arnold!”
He couldn’t help the half grin that slid acrosshis face while he watched Curly.  
“Yeah…it kind of was.”
“I don’t get it.”  Helga was back, standing next to him watchingCurly spin around.  She waved away hisunspoken question.  “Nah, they much ofhave given up or gone after the group that ran towards the Pier.  This was your idea?  To break into Dino World?”
“Yep!” Curly announced gleefully.  Shetilted her head.  
“Aren’t you supposed to be the adult.”
Arnold shrugged, shoving his hands into hisjacket pockets.  “Sometimes, we gotta actlike kids Helga.  Even I can’t be theadult all the time.”
She shook her head and leaned against hisshoulder.  “Like Gerald always says, you’rea bold kid Arnold.”
 48- Ibet you can’t go 24 hours without cussing.
Helga stared at him as if he had lost his mind.
“Excuse me?”
He stood before her unruffled.  In fact, he looked like he was almostenjoying this conversation.  
“You heard me Pataki.  I bet you can’t go 24 hours without cussing.”
She shifted from one foot to the other, tryingto figure out his plan.  
“And…for argument’s sake, let’s say I manage todo this-“
“What do I get for winning?”
His grin grew wider and even more calculating,his arms spread wide.  “Whatever youwant.”  He said, annunciating each word.
She raised an eyebrow.  “And if you win?”
He gave her that look.  Dammit, he knew what that look did toher.  “I get one favor to be determinedlater.”
She swallowed. Hard.  “Okay football head.  You’re on.”
He stuck out his hand.  “Shake on it.”
She shook his hand and he pulled her towardshim so his lips were right next to her ear.
“I look forward to winning Pataki.”
Just as quickly he released her with a smuggrin.  “See you later.”
She watched him leave, mouth dry, heartpounding.  
“Christ.” She whispered.  She was so fucked.
 54-Why’sthere a pregnancy test in the trash?
 Arnold stood in his bathroom staring indisbelief at the crumpled box in the trashcan. The pink and white box with the picture of a stick with a pinkline.  
His heart pounded in his chest and hefrantically tried to remember when he last time he was sent out to buychocolate and pretzels was.  He waspositive it was only last month…not even three weeks ago.  Had she forgotten to take one of herpills?  Had they not been safe?  Was there a heat of the moment time he’dforgotten?
He frantically racked his brain over everysingle time they’d had sex within the last three weeks and, granted, he keptgetting sidetracked, but he couldn’t remember a single instance that wouldresult in this box being in their bathroom.
Was he ready to be a Dad?  He wasn’t sure.  He wasn’t to be a Dad, that wasn’t aquestion.  He wanted a family more thananything and Helga knew that, agreed with him, even after he was worried that,with her family, she wouldn’t ever want to have kids.  
But they were only twenty. He wasn’t sure hewas ready to be a Dad at twenty.
He stepped out of the bathroom in a daze,wandering towards the bedroom where Helga was getting dressed for their dinnerwith Gerald and Phoebe that night.  Shelooked up at he stumbled in.  
“You okay?” she asked worriedly as he looked up at her, his eyes scanning her abdomenas if trying to spot any differences.  “Youlook as if the Headless Cabbie drove over your grave.  What’s wrong?”
Nothing for it but to just ask.
“Why’s there a pregnancy test in the trash?”
She blushed. Actually blushed and he felt his heart skip.  
“Damn, I forgot about that.  Sorry. You weren’t supposed to know yet.”  She winced and he felt his heart catch as herealized that, yes, he wanted this. He was okay with this.  
“Phoebe was late and she came over for moralsupport to take the test.  She didn’twant to tell Gerald until she was sure. So act surprised when they tell you tonight, yeah?”
He frowned, not expecting this turn atall.  “So…wait…it’s not…Phoebe’spregnant?”
Helga nodded. “Yep.  She had a huge freak outbut now she’s fine.  As long as Geraldo’sfine which I think he will be, I mean after all, you two are all about familyand kids…”  Her voice trailed off as herface drained of color.
“Oh…Oh hell….oh shit, you thought….oh Arnold, I’mso sorry.”
He waved off her stumbled apology, feeling botha little let down and relieved.  “No, noit’s fine.  I just…”
She crossed the room, hugging him to her.  “Oh my love, I’m so sorry. I didn’t eventhink how this would look to you.  I wasso worried about Phoebe, I forgot to shove it under the empty rolls orsomething.”
“It’s fine Helga. It just threw me.”
She pulled back to look at him.  “I know you want kids Arnold, and when ithappens, I promise, you will not find out by a discarded box in the bathroomtrash.  I will make absolutely sure thatany pregnancy test I do, you’ll be right there walking the halls for thoseseven minutes with me, I promise.”
He smiled and wrapped his arms around her,dropping a soft kiss on her lips.  “Youalways know what to say to make me feel better darling.”
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