#i was also just so relieved that israel didn’t win
lunasky2491 · 4 months
welldone nemo 👏
went out in a smash didn’t you, you as well as your trophy
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palestinegenocide · 2 months
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The difference between Biden and Harris on Israel? “Zippo, Zilch, Zero!
Netanyahu visited Washington this week to ask Congress for more U.S. weapons to “finish the job faster” in Gaza, an unimaginable task after nine months of unlimited carnage, and all eyes were on Kamala Harris. Would the newly minted Democratic presidential candidate say anything about the genocide of tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians? 92,000 by the estimate of American health workers who have been in Gaza? Not to mention the destruction of 70 percent of the buildings there.
The answer was that Harris intends to have it both ways.
Harris met in the White House with Netanyahu, for 45 minutes, and did nothing to stray from the Biden line, of giving Israel more weapons.
“Zippo, Zilch, Zero!” Thomas Nides, the former ambassador to Israel, declared joyously, when asked on an Israel lobby call if there is any daylight between Harris and Biden’s support for Israel. He has had 100 phone calls with Harris and her Jewish husband Douglas Emhoff and — “Her view is the same view that I share, the president shares. We have to protect Israel at any cost. Israel is a vulnerable country, it’s a country that needs protection.”
And so when a few of the thousands of Netanyahu demonstrators in Washington burned American flags and spraypainted a statue with words, “Hamas is comin'” – Harris was quick to issue a statement calling them despicable.
I condemn any individuals associating with the brutal terrorist organization Hamas, which has vowed to annihilate the State of Israel and kill Jews,” Harris said. “Pro-Hamas graffiti and rhetoric is abhorrent, and we must not tolerate it in our nation.”
On the other hand, Harris is aware that the Democratic base now holds highly negative views of Israel. By 56 to 22 percent Democrats say that Israel is committing a genocide in Gaza. That understanding is firmer among younger, progressive Dems and people of color. And it is being channeled by the Uncommitted campaign, which says “Not Another Bomb,” and has gotten several congresspeople to agree.
There is a panic inside the Democratic leadership: Unless Harris does something to acknowledge the genocide, young Dems will stay home in Michigan and Pennsylvania, and Trump will win.
So Harris has made some slight rhetorical shifts. After meeting Netanyahu, she confessed her compassion for Palestinian suffering in Gaza. “We cannot look away–“
“I also expressed with the prime minister my serious concern about the scale of human suffering in Gaza, including the death of far too many innocent civilians… “The images of dead children and desperate, hungry people fleeing for safety — sometimes displaced for the second, third or fourth time — we cannot look away in the face of these tragedies. We cannot allow ourselves to become numb to the suffering, and I will not be silent.”
The Washington Post headline was: “Harris created distance from Biden on Gaza by emphasizing Palestinian suffering.”
No doubt Harris is privately horrified by the genocide. She is sending signals to the left of greater empathy for Palestinians. Many in Washington are horrified. You just can’t come out and say it. That’s impolite.
Everything Harris did say was quickly repackaged by the Israel lobby as perfectly ok. “We should not look away. We should work to relieve the suffering, but we should remember that the responsibility for the tragedies in Gaza lie squarely with Hamas,” said Democratic Majority for Israel.
“Her views on Israel are exactly, 100 percent the same as mine… and yes we’ve got to have a ceasefire,” Tom Nides said.
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Douglas Emhoff, husband of VP Kamala Harris, on a Jewish Democratic Council of America briefing, July 24, 2024. Screenshot.
Still, rhetorical shifts mean something in Washington. The vice president’s tonal shift is reflective of the large number of Dems who boycotted the Netanyahu speech. As Michael Arria reports:
In 2015, around 50 Democrats didn’t show for Netanyahu’s speech. This time it was about 136. Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) held up a sign while Bibi spoke that said, “War Criminal.” The other side said, “Guilty of Genocide.”
That’s significant. Rep. Jerry Nadler refused to condemn Tlaib on MSNBC, and Nancy Pelosi wasn’t in the House for the speech — Pelosi who five years ago said that the Capitol would crumble and fall before the U.S. walked away from its coordination with Israel.
The right-wing Israel lobby is obviously concerned about a President Harris becoming a critic of Israel. And the liberal Zionists are prepared with an answer. The Democrats will run against Netanyahu the same way they run against Trump. Netanyahu is the evil. He’s an authoritarian demagogue. He is against the two-state solution. Netanyahu has prosecuted the bloody campaign in Gaza.
This is a delusion. If Netanyahu is so awful, why are Democratic leaders meeting with him? Because they need him. And anyway, all of Israel’s leadership is against a Palestinian state. All of the leadership is behind the Gaza slaughter. Yes, some of them want to go slower on the ethnic cleansing. Some of them oppose the annexation of the West Bank. But there is no real opposition to the security needs of the “Jewish state.”
As Nides says, Israel is beset by enemies– Hezbollah, Ansar Allah/Houthis, Hamas, Syria. Israel will always be beset by enemies. Because when you set up a state that persecutes non-Jews, and the basic laws of the state grant non-Jews no rights or derisory rights, the people who are persecuted will resist it, forever.
Even Jewish kids in America will reject an apartheid state in their name. Tom Nides has repeatedly complained about his own kids — “giving us grief about what’s happening” in Gaza. The irrepressible financier/lobbyist declares that Kamala Harris can win over his children and “reposition Israel for the next 20 years” so that we can all rally around it again.
You can’t repackage a toxic product as a healthful one. And the fact that our top leaders welcome Netanyahu in the midst of a genocide is sickening.
Which brings us back to that graffiti. Hamas Is Comin is a warning to Americans of the consequences of supporting apartheid and supplying weapons to a genocide. It is a reckless policy. We are courting violence.
“More Americans are on track to die because of poor policy,” Harrison Mann, a former Defense intelligence officer, said this week, on a panel of nine Biden administration staff who have openly quit over the genocide.
Mann warned of the consequences of the destruction of the American image.
We’ve turned both global and, especially, regional opinion against the United States in a way that we haven’t seen, maybe, since the invasion of Iraq. That is breeding hatred that is undoubtedly going to cause terror in the future. I think it’s only a matter of time until we reap what we sow there.
Harris can condemn Hamas all she wants. But she is embracing a policy of more and more violence against Palestinians that elevates Hamas. Only a political solution will end resistance.
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residentraccoon · 3 years
Fave 2021 national finals songs
Since I don't have anything better to do with my life at the moment I decided to ramble about stuff. Okay, here are my thoughts about my fave songs from the national finals of 2021, in no particular order!
Norsk Melodi Grand Prix
• Monument was my absolute favourite and I still can't believe to this day that it didn't win :( Keiino are fking fantastic and they killed the stage (though I kind of preffered the black outfits from the 1st heat over the final ones, they suited the song's athmosphere better). I cried real tears when I saw they lost, for real. Heartbreak 💔
• Hero was such a nice throwback to 80s music style, the staging was also really neat. Would love to see Raylee come back next year in the selection, she has a cool stage presence
• Okay but Vi er Norge was a banger and I'm still listening to this one, a real shame it didn't even qualify nor win the 2nd chance round. As you already knew before, I have a weakness for violins because yes. The performance was so energetic and fun, should have def qualified. Underrated.
• Ut av mørket/Fallen angel was really good too. I wanted it to be kept in norwegian for esc but oh well. The stage show was just a tad messy but memorable.
• I can't escape was something I'd hear from Roxen ngl, the style matches her perfectly, even her cursive singing, everything. Either way I loved this one too, this song feels like a hug.
• Pages was so magical, I'm glad we got another joik song, sadly this didn't qualify 😥
• World on fire was kind of generic but puts me in a good mood everytime I listen to it, it's really catchy.
• Let loose is so g r o o v y and cool, it was my fave from the 1st heat when I got to listen to the songs. I'm lowkey happy it advanced to the final instead of Elevate, I'm sorry but I saw everyone praising that one in youtube comments, I never saw the hype, it was too regular and plain for me.
• Own yourself was so cute and funky, loved how it showed her ethnic background a lil with that disco sound.
• Witch woods...ehhh...While it's funny and unique, I think it's suited more for a witch Disney musical than Eurovision. But I like it anyway.
• Faith Bloody Faith oh yes I needed a rock song in this nf. Relieved it won the 2nd chance. Oh and I just realized, the superfinalists in mgp were literally the ones from the 1st heat. Crazy huh?
• Nordlyset is something I'd listen to near a fireplace with a cup of hot chocolate in hands watching the snow fall in my cottage located in a forest far away from civillization. So soothing and beautiful <3
• Eyes wide open was epic just like his 2020 viking schlager song (i prefer his 2020 song over this one but that's another story)
• Little tot was amazing but def not as good as Bulletproof. It's still catchy asf and one of my favs from this selection.
• Dandi Dansa aka a banger, again another catchy song.
• Every minute sounds like a summer hit, it's awesome. It's also the spawner of all those haha eric on a kitchen tile memes I've seen around during that time.
• The world and especially Sweden wasn't ready for the masterpiece called Rena Rama Ding Dong. They should tone down their preference for safe pop songs and choose meme worthy songs like this one in the future tbh. They didn't even qualify, Sweden = coward.
• One Touch is a fun club track, I can see this as a summer hit as well. But her stage show...go girl give us nothing
• In the middle, once again The Mamas delivered.
• And finally Voices, which its nf staging was superior to the esc one. We are so sorry Tusse 😔
Festivali i Këngës
• Zjarri Im a total banger, it wasn't even in the top 5 ffs Era Rusi queen.
• Njësoj has such a nice party vibe, should have qualified.
• Haven't paid any attention to Karma until it won, then I said hey this isn't so bad, it's traditional and ethnic, I can actually see Albania in the final with this.
• Rijeka was the only one I thought it will win by a landslide and I was surprised it didn't. The staging was a bit too over the top, though
• Tick Tock grew on me after it won and quickly became one of my faves of this year's esc. I'm still sad it didn't qualify 😔
• She's like a dream is super uplifting and also sounds like an 80s song.
• Colors is something I heard a million times before but for some reason I'm jamming to this? Also I heard she's blind, is it true?
Eesti Laul
• Took me a while to have a fave from this nf but after some listens Magus Melanhoolia stole my heart 🧡 it's so different from the others and the staging looked so proffesional.
• Lost in a dance had me d a n c i n, I noticed we had a lot of 80s throwbacks in this nf season, this included. The live was so dissapointing though 😔
• Not so keen on 6 at first but now I absolutely love it, she has such a nice style and the song's athmosphere is so magical.
• Time was amazing, surprised it came 2nd!
• I actually liked The lucky one lmao, I found it much better than his previous entry.
• Heaven's not that far tonight was the party 80s bop we didn't knew we needed
Dansk Melodi Grand Prix
• Probably my biggest letdown of this nf season but I actually managed to like Står lige her, digging the electro 80s (again) sound
• I also liked Øve os på hinanden as well, this one really feels like a legit 80s track rather than a throwback.
• Silver Bullet was interesting as well, it was the early frontrunner when the songs first came out from what I remember.
Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu
• I love you is so wacky and catchy, and in finnish! I'd hear this as a soundtrack in an old video game.
• Dark Side was the definite winner ever since I heard it, and they even got a top 10 finish for Finland for the first time in years! Couldn't be more proud 😭
• Hurt was also one of my favs, Aksel needs to come back to esc, maybe in 2022 methinks 🤔
• Wait what is Laura Põldvere, an estonian singer tm doing in finnish nf? While I liked Play, I knew it wasn't strong enough to win, and she even came last. Do you get any flashbacks from another estonian entry with the same name that came last? 👀
C'est vous qui decidez
• Voila was the clear winner and that's about it, she deserved the win, it's just too beautiful for this world 😭
• Alleluia was an interesting sound of afrobeat, too bad their chances were killed because of messy staging :(
• Amour fou was so catchy and I loved the horse head thing lmao
Pabandom iš naujo
• Discoteque all day any day. The Roop world domination 💛
• Where'd you wanna go is so calming. I listen to this when I'm stressed and it works wonders, this was really beautiful.
• Open is so unique and soothing, a total contrast from her 2014 entry.
• Never fall for you again is a total earworm, even now as I'm writing this...even if I haven't listened to it since February.
• Zitti e Buoni was my instant fave, it simply stood out from the others by a lot.
Festival da Canção
• Por um triz is a beautiful ballad, was my fave.
• Saudade was the early favourite, reminds me of Telemoveis with its weird but artsy style.
Israel NF
• ...I really only liked Set me free tbh.
• La la love had a good potential but I can't not cringe at the corona reference like...ugh. Such a fun party song killed by one lyric, such a shame.
Russia's NF
• Just Russian Woman was the only one who deserved to win.
Spain's NF
• Yeah, they were both good but I liked Voy a Quedarme more.
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tamersmile888 · 3 years
Not So Berry Challenge Candie Edition: Lemon Play 7 (Part 6)
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The Bluffs are spooky at night. Just being there in the dark is enough to make anyone want to take the hike back home and forfeit the game. Lemon's surprised to see Aara there after her own failed trial. From the look on Aara's face, Lemon's appearance is also a unexpected. She almost looks a little relieved.
Aara says, you're actually playing?
Lemon says, something to put on my college resume.
Aara says, I wish. That's the only way I'm getting in.
Lemon says, there's still room on the Cupcake Astronaut.
Aara smiles while rolling her eyes and says, I knew you guys would miss me.
When Kelly arrives, she and Lemon lock eyes. Kelly offers a smirk and Lemon smirks back. The deal is sealed. The only thing left to do is win.
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Once all the players arrive, Israel gathers everyone together.
He says, welcome to The Motive Trials. A test of will power, determination and, most importantly, courage. You wouldn't be here if we didn't think you have what it takes. The question is, how far are you willing to go? Tonight, we will find out. In the Trial of Dark Waters. All you have to do is stay in the pool. The last person in wins the game. Seems simple, but I have to warn you. Even if you are the last one in the water, you won't be alone. You might want to keep your eyes open.
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Let the trial begin.
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As Lemon climbs up to take the first plunge into the misty, cloudy waters of the pool, she psychs herself up. All she has to do is stay in the pool. Nothing scary about that. She can do this.
But what if whatever is in the water is dangerous? Or poisonous? Is something really in there or was Israel just try to scare them and get inside their heads. It's too hard to tell. There's no way to see through the water. Is this just a mental game or can something bad really happen to them? What if—
Stop. She can do this. She just has to jump...
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Aara doesn't even bother getting into the pool. She got a closer look at the dirty water and refused to even let the smell hit her nostrils. That didn't take long. One down, four to go. Not counting Israel who probably does this kind of stuff for fun.
To get mind off of what could or could not be swimming beside them, Lemon asks him how he got to become a host anyway.
Israel says, I won three games. Triple champion always replaces the last host.
Another girl from school says, is anyone coming for your throne?
Israel looks away and says, not even close.
It's almost like he wishes someone would. Maybe he's so miserable because he's tired of being a part of game. If that's the case, why not just quit? These trials are beginning to expose their many layers. There's a story here, but Lemon isn't sure she wants to stick around to find it. Getting through one is good enough for her.
Suddenly, Kelly jerks back and says, what was that?
The water stirs and splashes as everyone looks around, highly alert and on guard. Lemon searches the water for a sign of anything moving, but it's pointless. They're sitting meat.
Another girl screams and yells, something just touched my foot! Dude, I'm out.
She hurries out of the pool and takes off, never looking back.
Kelly cracks up and Lemon's heart rate returns to a semi-normal beat. She gives Kelly a look and Kelly just shrugs. Of course she's willing to sabotage the other players. For the first time tonight, Lemon's actually glad they're on the same team.
As the hours pass, Kelly's efforts to scare people away are no longer needed. One by one the other players leave the game either from panicking over every little movement they see in the water or just from being exhausted. Now only Lemon, Kelly, and one other girl remains.
Kelly leads Lemon to one side of the pool and says, I'm heading out.
Lemon says, what? You're giving up?
Kelly says, I trust you. That other girl isn't going to make it. She's too tired. And I'm beat, so I probably wouldn't win anyway. You've got this.
Before Lemon can protest, Kelly climbs out of the pool, disqualifying herself from the game. She gives her the OK sign and goes on her way. So this was her plan all along. See how far Lemon could go until it was safe for her to bail and still have a chance at half of the price money. Otto tried to warn...
Still, she gave her word. By the end of this, they would both be richer. Might as well make herself comfortable.
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things2mustdo · 4 years
Last year I gave up my Krav Maga self-defense training when I was in the middle of changing jobs. I never picked it back up.
While I stay quite busy splitting my time between my three main sources of income, last month I began to feel like something was missing. I was getting too comfortable with my daily routine– bored, too.
So I decided to start training in martial arts again, this time signing up for a Muay Thai gym. It’s already reinvigorated my sense of drive across other areas of my life. Here are the top 5 reasons you should start a new hobby today.
1. It breaks up your current routine
As humans we search for a sense of regularity. We often find it in our daily activities.
For example, my days typically consist of working from home in the morning, primarily on my computer, lifting weights, and then training a few clients in the late afternoon and evening. I enjoy this routine, but flying on autopilot has its dangers.
You aren’t as sharp. Everything is too calculated and expected. By training  in Muay Thai every other day I have something new to look forward to. It also has changed my lifting routine, to accommodate for the added exercise and fatigue.
2. It pushes you outside of your comfort zone
When I stepped into the Muay Thai gym for the first time I didn’t know what to expect. It was a lot different than the place I used to train Krav Maga at– more serious, less friendly even.
The seasoned fighters looked at me with a sense of superiority. And they were superior. But rather than backing down, being nervous, and quitting after one day– I took this as a challenge.
I was far from comfortable training that day. I wasn’t able to execute crisp Thai kicks or jump rope like a boss.  But being too comfortable can be a bad thing. You’ll cease to explore new opportunities and your growth with falter across the board.
By throwing yourself at something new, that you’re inexperienced at, you’ll be pushed outside of your comfort zone. This is a good thing. You must stay accustomed to living at the edge of your comfort zone to ensure steady growth and progress.
3. You’ll learn new skills
This point is obvious. By taking Muay Thai, I’ll learn a host of new fighting skills.
4. It gives you a new area to set goals for
The habit of setting and achieving goals is the most important habit a man can build. By entering into a new hobby, you now have a whole new area of your life that where you can practice setting and accomplishing goals.
For my Muay Thai experience I’ll start small. My first goal is to be able to execute a Thai kick with my left and have it feel as natural as with my right. I’ll work my way up to bigger goals as I improve.
This is the beauty of starting at something from scratch. At first you’ll set one small goal after another. This cycle will build momentum, and before you know it, you’ll no longer be a novice. More importantly, this momentum will carry over to other areas of your life and give you the confidence to crush more and bigger goals.
5. You’ll meet new people
Another obvious point. When you try something new, you’re bound to meet new people. Whether these turn out to be man friends or cute girls depends on the hobby you choose, but either way meeting new people is always a positive thing.
Potential Hobbies
I’ll leave you with a short list of potential hobbies for you to try today:
1. Martial arts/self-defense: Muay Thai, Brazilian Ju-Jitsu, Krav Maga 2. Cooking 3. Salsa Dancing 4. Lifting weights (you should already be doing this) 5. Yoga 6. Writing 7. Mountain Biking
Check out my new #1 Amazon Bestseller, The Book of Alpha. It’s full of direct, actionable advice for the man who wants to better himself.
Read Next: 5 Reasons To Learn Krav Maga
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Krav Maga is a self-defense system created based upon the street fighting skills of Hungarian-Israeli martial artist Imi Lichtenfeld. He used it to defend the Jewish quarter where he lived against fascist groups in the 1930s. Later, in the 40s he moved to Israel and began to offer combat training lessons to what later became the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces). The IDF has used, and continued to develop the system to this day.
The basic principle of Krav Maga is inflicting maximum damage to the opponent(s) in order to end the fight as quickly as possible. Brutal counter-attacks using your most effective tool (knees, elbows, weapons, etc.) to target your opponent’s weakest area (neck, throat, eyes, knees, ribs, solar plexus, groin, etc.) are the focus. For this reason, it is not a competitive martial arts, like Brazilian Ju-Jitsu or Muay Thai, because people would die.
When I heard that Jason Bourne uses Krav Maga (which I later found out was, in fact, not true) and that it teach gun defenses (i.e. the most alpha technique ever), I immediately signed up. I just finished 6 months of training. It is indeed awesome. Here are the top 5 reasons you should sign up for classes today:
1. You will become a badass.
Nothing boosts confidence and testosterone levels like knowing you are legitimately prepared for whatever. Very few people have any formal self-defense or fight training. As a result, in tense situations where most people lose it, you will keep your cool. If something ever does go down, you’re ready.
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2. It is practical and intuitive.
Most martial arts are strongly based in ritual, and as a result often incorporate different forms or strange techniques. Krav is different. Brutal efficiency is the only concern. For this reason, many of the strikes and defenses utilize the same basic motion (e.g. the straight punch and many of the defenses against punches and knives). Moreover, all of the techniques are built upon the body’s natural instincts (e.g. bringing your hands to your neck during a choke defense).
3. It is great exercise.
Between the drills themselves and the conditioning, you are guaranteed a hell of a workout. Three minutes of throwing punches or knee strikes is exhausting. So is three minutes of burpees. Side note: The level 1 Krav test was the single most intense physical event of my life. Seriously. Three hours straight of punches, kicks, choke defenses, and groundwork is no joke. I consider myself to be is great shape and I almost vomited on multiple occasions.
4. It relieves stress.
Sure, so do most workouts, but pounding a kicking shield, or throwing your partner to the floor is a whole different ball game.
5. It is the perfect hobby.
I came to my first class with no idea how to throw a proper punch. After a couple weeks I thought I was Jason Bourne. After a couple months I realized that I wasn’t. After 6 months I look back and I am amazed at the progress I made. Experiencing this progress is extremely satisfying.
Clearly taking up Krav Maga has many benefits. One word of caution – make sure you train somewhere with certified, experienced instructors. I have seen locations that turn it into a strictly cardio exercise experience, with little focus on technique – not good. So go take advantage of that free first class, now.
Check out my new #1 Amazon Bestseller, The Book of Alpha. It’s full of direct, actionable advice for the man who wants to better himself.
Read More: The Only 2 Things A Man Can Depend On
I was born alone and I will die alone. I’ve got to do what’s right for me and not live my life the way anybody else wants it.
– Curtis Jackson
If life were a board game, you’d be the game piece.
In reality, life isn’t much different from a game. There isn’t a defined end goal, however. You get to choose it. It could be power and respect. It could simply be happiness. Or it could be more specific: money or women, for example. Whatever it is, you choose.
In a board game there are strict limitations. In life, we’re encouraged to follow laws and social norms, but for the most part we’re free to do as we choose. There are infinite paths that will take you to any goal imaginable.
Along the way you’ll deal with many people. Some will help you, others won’t. You can grow to depend on the ones that help you, but that always incurs a risk. A family member can die. A close friend can betray you. Your girl can leave you. How will you react when one of these things happens?
Playing with others is a necessary part of the game. But never depend on them. Doing so will ultimately lead to failure and disappointment.
Accept that the only two things you can ever count on are your body and your mind– your game piece. You must tend to these things like a gardener tends to his plants. Focus on improving them and facilitating their health and growth and you’ll always put yourself in the best position to win.
If some tragedy befalls a dependent man, he may sink into depression. He might feel like he’s lost all hope of accomplishing his mission in life. He might give up.
A truly independant man, however, will not. He’s prepared, on some level, for each of these tragedies. He doesn’t have a specific game plan for when his best friend betrays him, per se. But he’s put himself in a good position, both physically and mentally, that he can weather the storm. Not only can he weather the storm, but he can keep his cool and make the fine adjustments needed to get the ship back on course.
Below I’ll offer the basic tasks one must do to protect his game piece, and see it thrive.
1. Your Body
If you take care of your body, it will be strong and healthy. It will also help foster a potent mind. Yes, there’s always the rare risk of contracting some form of cancer or another deadly disease, but if you follow the steps below, you all but rule these things out.
1. Eat good food
I won’t go into specifics, because everyone’s diet will, and should, be different.
But if you focus your diet around meat, fruits, and vegetables your body will flourish. Meat provides the protein and amino acids your body needs to grow. The fruits and vegetables provide the fiber and vitamins you need to function over the long run. A man with a solid diet will respond better to stress, and therefore be more self reliant.
2. Lift weights
In short, lifting weights develops a strong nervous, muscular, and skeletal system. These are the three main systems that run your body. An efficient body is like a strong ship– it will weather the storm better and be far more dependable in your journey.
The most brutally simple and effective lifting program is StrongLifts 5×5. It focuses on building strength across the five most basic movements humans are meant to do (squat, deadlift,  bench press, row, and overhead press).
2. Your Mind
You must also foster a capable mind. One that can stand on it’s own two feet. The strongest body won’t accomplish anything without an equally impressive mind.
1. Read books
Reading a book is like absorbing another man’s lifelong wisdom. The more books you read, the more you’ll know and the wiser you’ll be. Blogs are okay, but the average quality of a blog post is decidedly lower than what you find in a book. People simply put more time, effort, and value into books.
The knowledge you acquire in books also contributes to your self reliance. It offers quality wisdom and advice– that can’t be taken away from you.
2. Meditate
Meditation is the act of being comfortable being alone. When you meditate, you remove all of the outside noise. All of the thoughts, gossip, music, news, women, men, business, sex– everything. You are left with only yourself.
Many men can’t stand meditation because they’ve grown dependant on all of this external stimulation. They aren’t comfortable in their own skin. And thus they’ve lost their edge, their self reliance.
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toscanoirriverente · 4 years
Cui Bono?
From authoritarian leaders to White House aides to the Palestinians, tallying the winners and losers of the Abraham Accords
Israel and two Arab Gulf states, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, have formally and publicly established diplomatic relations. The White House is calling the agreements “The Abraham Accords,” and President Donald Trump, in typically understated fashion, announced that “there’s going to be peace in the Middle East.” (Spoiler alert: no.) The U.A.E. and Bahrain are the third and fourth Arab countries to open diplomatic relations with Israel; Egypt and Jordan were the first two. Here is a brief, tentative analysis of the winners and losers in this new arrangement. (I say “tentative” because this is the Middle East, and no one actually knows for sure what any of this could mean.)
The Winners
The White House aides who named this agreement “The Abraham Accords”
A genius marketing move, though I would have preferred the “Isaac and Ishmael Summit,” or “The Treaty of Ghent,” for that matter. “The Abraham Accords” is grandiose for any number of reasons, including the fact that what was signed yesterday does not even constitute a peace treaty. Peace treaties are made between warring parties, and the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain have never been at war with Israel. My personal preference would have been to deploy the big gun himself, Abraham, the father of monotheism, for a peace treaty between Israelis and Palestinians, which would be the thing that actually ended that Middle East conflict.
The authoritarian leaders, or authoritarian-curious leaders, of four countries
The agreement is a victory for Mohammed bin Zayed, the crown prince of Abu Dhabi and the de facto ruler of the Emirates; Mohammed bin Salman, the crown prince of Saudi Arabia; Benjamin Netanyahu, the forever prime minister of Israel; and President Donald Trump. Each of these men needed this agreement rather urgently:
(A) Bin Zayed, because he realizes that the U.A.E. is deeply unpopular with Democrats (the U.A.E. leadership put itself on President Barack Obama’s bad side and was a bit too ostentatiously relieved when Trump came into office), and so understands that he needs to make his country look helpful and constructive to Joe Biden, just in case.
(B)   Bin Salman, without whom these Gulf states, Bahrain in particular, would not dare make such a bold and public move, needs this agreement for much the same reason: He has to prove to Democrats (and to Europeans) that he is a constructive and moderate leader, and not merely a murderer of dissidents.
(C) Netanyahu benefits in at least three ways: First, he diverts attention from his miserable handling of the coronavirus pandemic (Israel is moving into a new, three-week lockdown on Friday). Second, he manages to make “peace” with Arabs who are not Palestinians, the particular group of Arabs he’d most like to avoid. And third, he buttresses his reputation among Israeli voters as a statesman on the world stage.
d)   Donald Trump, because he can tell his followers, particularly his more gullible followers, that he has brought peace to the Middle East. (Not that American voters reward presidents who bring peace to the Middle East; just ask Jimmy Carter.)
The makers of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter
In many ways “The Abraham Accords” amount to an arms deal. The U.A.E. and other states that now engage with Israel will find themselves armed with a better class of American weaponry. The U.S. has pledged for a very long time to maintain Israel’s qualitative military edge, but the U.A.E. in particular might have just arranged for itself a similar promise.
The ambassadors
The deal is a triumph for the Emirati ambassador to the U.S., Yousef Al Otaiba; the Israeli ambassador to the U.S., Ron Dermer; and Jared Kushner, the Trump administration’s ambassador to all sorts of Semites. It was Otaiba, more than any other single figure, who organized this coming-out party. He is the canniest and most influential ambassador in Washington, in part because he has bin Zayed’s trust, and in part because he so assiduously cultivates his country’s image as a (relatively speaking) progressive, anti-extremist Arab state. Dermer, Netanyahu’s longtime confidante, gets to claim a diplomatic victory, one that bypasses the core of the conflict, the Israeli-Palestinian struggle. And credit where credit is due: Kushner brought energy and drive to this process, and secured a win for his father-in-law and for the Israeli right, to which he is partial. It was the regional players who made this happen, but Kushner was smart enough to help set the table.
They can now travel to Dubai and Abu Dhabi (and maybe, soon, to Morocco and Sudan and Oman). The crushing sense of isolation that Israelis feel in their own neighborhood may be partially lifted by this agreement.
The Losers
The Iranian leadership
Israel and the United Arab Emirates (along with other Gulf states) have secretly cooperated with each other against their common enemy, the Islamic Republic of Iran, for more than a decade. The normalization of relations strengthens this coalition, the members of which (mainly correctly) see Iran and its various terrorist appendages as threats to their stability and territorial integrity, and even to their existence.
The Palestinians
A dark and cruel joke I once heard in Saudi Arabia: What’s the difference between Arab Gulf leaders and Netanyahu’s Likud party? The Gulf states really despise the Palestinians. Once again, Arab leaders are signaling to the Palestinians that they have grown tired of what they see as Palestinian rejectionism and obduracy, and also that they would very much like to be partners with Israel in high-tech development and in the fight against Iran. Two years ago, bin Salman told me in an interview: “I believe that each people, anywhere, has a right to live in their peaceful nation. I believe the Palestinians and the Israelis have the right to have their own land.” This statement was seen, correctly, as an invitation to Arab states to deepen their ties to Israel.
In this new deal, Israel gets something for nothing: relations with two more Arab states without so much as a settlement freeze. (The Israelis did promise the U.A.E. that they wouldn’t formally annex any West Bank land, for the time being at least. But Netanyahu didn’t have Trump’s permission to annex such land anyway, and he certainly wouldn’t get permission from Biden, should Biden win the presidency).
There is a case to be made that this new push for normalization will aid the cause of Israeli-Palestinian compromise. David Makovsky of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy and Daniel Shapiro, Obama’s ambassador to Israel, argued in The Washington Post: “History and common sense both show that Arab states that maintain diplomatic relations with Israel play a more active role in supporting Palestinian aspirations than those who do not.” A smart point, and true, but this deal does nothing at all to convince the Israeli right that gestures toward the Palestinians would be worth making.
My view aligns more closely with that of Tamara Cofman Wittes, of the Brookings Institution’s Center for Middle East Policy, who told me, “The reality of Palestinian politics is that the overall stalemate, the threat of annexation, and now the Emiratis and Bahrainis making their separate arrangements will cause the Palestinians to dig in. This all just reinforces an instinct toward resistance.” She went on to say that the Emiratis, known in the region for their hostility to the Palestinians, are “not in a position to influence Palestinian politics unless they hope to replace Palestinian leaders with other, more malleable Palestinians of their own choosing.”
If the so-called Abraham Accords put Iran and its terrorist proxies on the back foot, then good. If they cause Israel to avoid coming to terms with the reality that its continued control over the lives of millions of Palestinians threatens its democratic nature, then both the Palestinian aspiration of nationhood and the Israeli dream of a free and strong democratic haven in the Jewish ancestral homeland could be victims of this agreement.
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totaldramafan-lauri · 5 years
Eurovision 2019, final thoughts
So! Eurovision ended a week ago! I think it was a good show, do you?
I usually do this earlier, but I had a busy week, and couldn’t find time to sit down and type this all out. As much as I love talking about Eurovision, making these posts takes a while....I know I could just skip doing it, but I feel like the season isn’t over for me until I put all my thoughts on the final out there after the fact. It’s a habit at this point. *shrugs*
Like I said, I think this was a pretty good Eurovision. There wasn’t a whole lot to be frustrated about and a LOT to love! I’m not sure how I’d compare it to other recent contests - maaaaybe a bit better than last year? Only by virtue of having no songs I outright dreaded listening to, and a stronger top five favorites? And maybe better than two years ago, for having a winner I agree with? Not as good as 2016, though....but anyway! That’s all off the top of my head, so I’m not treating that as fact. I don’t really like comparing contests all that much.
So let’s just take a look at the final for a bit, and see how we did!
So, maybe it was because I was distracted by my liveblogging, but at first, I didn’t feel like the presentation was anything spectacular this year. The hosts were passable, but not particularly entertaining. There weren’t any moments that made me burst out laughing that weren’t exclusive to the BBC commentary I watched the two semifinals with.
But then the final happened, and WOO, I was blown away! Hoooooly crap did they go all out with the spectacle! It wasn’t the BEST I’d ever seen, but it was really fun! No matter how many times I hear people say the flag ceremony is useless padding, I can’t help but enjoy it every single time, due to all the creative ways it’s done every year. And I ADORED the intervals! The part with Mans, Conchita, Verka, and Eleni singing each other’s songs was pure flipping genius. It sounded great, too! Seriously, I DEMAND a full version of Mans’ take on “Fuego”, that was my favorite part! True, Verka showing up did make Ukraine’s absence from the contest more obvious, but that’s only a nitpick, and it was already clear that they originally did have every intention of participating...And then there was Madonna. Maybe I’m biased here because not only am I American and am used to her music, but I thought she fit in just fine with her brand of weirdness, especially with that second song she sang. What even WAS that. XD Yeah, it got pretty repetitive....but at least we got “Like A Prayer”. I like that song.
Pretty much the only thing that I didn’t care for in the final was the new way the televotes were read out. Instead of starting from the country that got the least points and working up to the one that got the most, they started with the country with the least points AT THE TIME, and working up the scoreboard. It was really jarring  and confusing, and even though it doesn’t change the results at all, I don’t see why they changed it! The old way was perfectly fine! If anything, the old way was MORE suspenseful, since we had no idea what the order was gonna be!
...But on the other hand, I guess for at least THIS year, the new system worked out OK, since using the old one would’ve meant saving Norway for last once it became obvious they had no chance of winning....b-but STILL!
On to the songs, I really did love this lineup. While it’s true that my two favorite songs of the entire show didn’t qualify for the final, that thought barely crossed my mind once I was watching it! The selection of songs was STILL really strong! With only one song I was indifferent to, it was impossible for me to NOT have a blast. And all things considered, my luck wasn’t that bad at all, since most of my favorites in the final did really well! Sure, one of them came in last place, but even THAT doesn’t bother me too much, since it’s offset by my FAVORITE favorite song winning the entire jury vote! There were definitely more hits then misses in here.
So, on to my thoughts on the results!
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So! The Netherlands finally wins again after 44 years! Do I think they earned it?
Yeah, I think they do. While it wasn’t one of MY personal favorites of the night, “Arcade” is still a really good song. Very powerful, very emotional, great chorus, and Duncan performed it well. It is true that they didn’t win either the jury vote or the televote - instead coming in third with the juries and second in the televote - but I don’t think this is a winner that many people will have a problem with. It certainly won’t be as divisive as the last two winners have been! For me, it may have seemed like an anticlimax at that very moment, but only because Sweden was my number one favorite and I had gotten my hopes up over that. I still have no problem with this winner, and there’s not much more to say on that front.
While I do agree with the Netherlands’ victory, part of me is still kinda bummed for their runner-up, Italy, who once again have been denied a win with a really good song. What’s it gonna take for Italy to win again? They’ve been sending strong entry after strong entry, and every single time, there are entries that are even stronger. It’s unfortunate. XD But coming in second is still great, and I’d say they deserve it! They actually did a bit better than I expected!
Sergey from Russia once again comes in third, which is a detail I probably find more amusing than I should...XD After how many times I said that “Scream” isn’t as good as “You Are The Only One”, it ended up getting the same result. Well, yeah, this time he didn’t win the televote, but still, third is third!
Switzerland came in fourth, their best result since the early 90s and their first top ten finish since 2005. That’s a BIG DEAL! And I’m honestly not surprised, given all the love their entry received before the contest. A song has gotta be REALLY AWESOME for people to pay attention to Switzerland, and this one managed it! It’s a fun song that the audience loved, and I believe it’ll be hard to top this for a while. With this result, ZiBBZ have been avenged.
Rounding out the top five is Norway, who won the televote this year! I know that a lot of people hate on the juries, but they ARE there for a reason, even if their decisions can be....er, questionable....One of those being not giving Norway NEARLY enough points. But sure enough, just as I called, the public LOVED them, and saved them, pushing them to fifth place! This made me really happy, since, like a lot of people, they were one of my favorites! I loved their entry! So, seeing them win half the vote, even if it wasn’t enough for an overall victory, was still really satisfying to watch! Just like with Russia in 2016, I chose to take away from this “Yay, they won HALF THE VOTE!” instead of “DANG JURIES RUIN EVERYTHING”. As a huge fan of the song, seeing it do as well as it did, and knowing that I wasn’t in the minority for once with loving it was a treat!
Which brings us to Sweden, my favorite and also the juries’ favorite, who finished in sixth. This and the success of Austria last year really has me thinking that the juries must LOVE their gospel pop...(popel?) Maaaan, I really thought they could’ve had it! They really got my hopes up....but nope, sixth. Still good, but I thought they could’ve at LEAST come in the top five! But when it comes down to it, I like the top five we got, so...sixth it is. Sweden’s song was my absolute favorite of the night and I flipped out when they won the jury vote by two points. XD I was REALLY REALLY hoping for them to win! If they did it, they would’ve tied Ireland’s record! But it wasn’t meant  to be, as the public wasn’t in love with them as I expected. Too bad! Still a good result for an amazing song! I love it to bits, and rooting for it was a real ride! ^^
Finishing in seventh is yet another one of my favorites, Azerbaijan! Not complaining about that result for them at all! Good song, good staging, and it made an impact! See what I mean about my favorite songs doing well? THREE of them placed in the top ten!
Then there’s North Macedonia....which is the first result I kinda don’t agree with. Yes, it was a sweet, inspirational song, but I really don’t think it should’ve done...that well....? I’m sorry, that’s just how I feel. I don’t think the song was THAT good, even in terms of piano ballads I liked Israel’s more....seeing how well Macedonia did with the juries was the biggest shock of the night, I’d say. Especially considering Macedonia normally have AWFUL luck at Eurovision. I’m happy they achieved their highest result ever, don’t get me wrong, but really don’t think this should’ve been the song to do that. This placing higher than their 2012 song baffles me. XD
Australia came ninth, which gets them back in the top ten but isn’t nearly as high as I expected! They seemed to be a huge hit, to the point where I thought they possibly had a chance of WINNING! Now, I didn’t AGREE with that popularity - I think the song is just alright, and the only reason it got so much attention was because it had the best staging of the show bar none, still great but this is a SONG contest - but regardless, that’s how it felt. So, I was seriously relieved when it wasn’t as much as I thought. Still a good result, and it doesn’t feel undeserved at all! Dodged a bullet there! XD
And rounding out the top ten is Iceland, another fan favorite, giving them their highest result of the 2010s, as I predicted! Well, to be specific, I predicted it’d either do that OR crash and burn live, which it thankfully didn’t. XD I respect Iceland’s entry more than I actually LIKE it, but I still like it a fair bit, and I’m happy to see it do well. It’s not the kind of music that Eurovision fans normally like, so I wasn’t expecting it to do SUPER well, so tenth is about right for it. Especially after that final performance, where it seemed like the lead singer went off beat in the second verse...Cool to see them rise above that.
Then there’s the rest of the results, which I’ll go through a bit quicker: the Czech Republic coming in eleventh doesn’t surprise me. If their performance was enough to get someone like me, who used to be indifferent to the song, to start liking it, than it’s a pretty dang good performance. Can the country keep this up? Denmark in twelfth....hmmm, that’s higher than I expected, but I’m not complaining. And Slovenia, who had the ONE song in the final that I don’t particularly care about, placed thirteenth....not exactly sure what happened there, but I’m CLEARLY in the minority, so ignore me.
But why did Slovenia do better than France!? Why didn’t France do better!? C’mon, what happened!? It was such a good song, so deep, so meaningful....I liked it, and I thought for SURE more people would vote for it....but eh. Still not a COMPLETE flop, and that’s what matters.
Cyprus and Malta did about as well as I expected them to, but I wanted Malta to do a bit better. I liked their song and staging a lot. But, eh, going first has its disadvantages, one of which being that ANYONE has a chance to overshadow you. And Cyprus, fun song but PLEASE don’t pull this again next year...we want variety!
Serbia was one I really liked, but yeah, I didn’t expect it to do super well, so I’m not surprised at their result. Still a good song. Albania actually did a little better than I thought, since being a more surprise qualifier to me meant that I expected them to place towards the bottom! So even this, even 18th, is better than that! Don’t get me wrong, I still liked them, but I considered them a lost cause, pretty much. Estonia was another one I wanted to do better, but am not surprised at their result. Good song, but the staging was on the blander side. In this contest, you needed to stand out a bit more.
San Marino, my friend’s favorite, placed in 20th, which is still their best result ever! Not only that, but they did pretty dang well in the televotes! Woo! Nothing to complain about there! Would’ve been cool to see them do even better, but eh, that would’ve taken a miracle. XD Greece....eh, about what I expected. This was a strong final, so “good, but not great” songs fell short. Spain, I REALLY thought would do better, considering how much FUN that song was.....dunno what happened there. The performance was great, too! But, well, guess it’s just another year for Spain. A real shame....they deserved more. They were WAY underrated.
Another one that was underrated was Israel. True, not everyone likes that kind of music, but the man could SING! Just based on that, he deserved more than what he got!
Germany....getting nul from the televote, only being saved from last place by the juries? Yeah, that’s about what I expected. I actually predicted they could possibly be last, and I didn’t even dislike their song! I liked it! It had good lyrics! But yeah, a song like that being performed so early was a death sentence, doomed to be lost in the shuffle.
And finally, we come to the bottom two....and wouldn’t ya know it, they’re my other two favorites. Yeah, my top five consisted of three top ten finishes, and these two. What a split.....
Though to be fair, yeah, Belarus’ song was NOT for everyone. I love it for how catchy and fun it is, but if you think it’s annoying, that’s fine. Heck, I was surprised it even managed to qualify for the final. I thought it was doomed. XD I wouldn’t be surprised if it only barely managed to squeak through. So, I was happy enough just having it there in the final, so having it flop like this? It’s fine.
The UK, on the other hand....
.....I swear, this only happened BECAUSE it’s the UK. It’s gotta be that.
That, or the fact that they stuck it between Iceland and Norway. Because dangit, “Bigger Than Us”. Was. A. Good. Dang. Song. FIGHT ME. (please don’t fight me) It was a powerful song! It was grand! It was....well, BIG! And the singer had a REALLY good voice! He SOLD it! The only reason I can think of for people to not like it was if they think the lyrics are cheesy? But that’s part of the appeal!! And it is NOT the worst offender of that!
The UK coming in last is my biggest complaint with the results, but overall, there’s not much TO complain about here! I think most of the results are good! This year saw countries that are often overlooked in Eurovision doing the best they’ve done in years! And my favorite almost flipping won! And I agree with the actual winner, and....overall, it was satisfying!
So....that’s all I gotta say. I had a lot of fun with Eurovision 2019, but it’s now time for me to look away.
See you next year in the Netherlands!
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Episode 1 - "You are an evil psychopath... but I kinda dig it." - Veni
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I love love how these tribes are split up but I’m kind of nervous about playing with people I’ve played other things with before! There was only one person I didn’t already have added and that is Daniel. I’m just going to try to stay on everyone’s good side and maybe try to get close with everyone? I think that we are going to have a strong tribe so that’s a plus! 
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Israel is not in Europe
So since this is "International" I decided to call everyone in our tribe be either their home country or town. So Clash is Richmond. Vilma is Oulu. Ginger is Israel. Allan is Scotland. I have yet to talk to Latvia but they appear as a very busy person. So it's Day 2 right now and I have just woken up. Me and Oulu stayed up 'till 6 AM last night just talking and chilling. I really like her so I hope we can make it far. I also like Richmond because that is a cool name so we established a 3-person group. Richmond insists on repeating F3 every 5 minutes which is pretty scary but I'll just disregard it for now. I am enjoying the diversity of our cast, proud to be a European seeing as the other tribes are basically just Australia and just USA. Right now I'll try to put some work into this flag I guess since nobody has taken initiative.
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So its off to a relatively good start, I’ve talked with 3 other tribe members and they seem pretty cool, i got a good rapport with Tyler and Jacob especially. They also had good input into the challenge to so, yay. The other to however haven’t spoken, and we can’t blame time zones cause their like, at most an hour seperate. Be careful Sluggyg and Dylan, we lose a challenge we’ll be looking at you. I’m not gonna pm them first though, trying not to come off too needy yet, I’ll give at least some pretense of not being absolutely bonkers. 
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Good lookin. Nah jk. So I have to admit I was a late bloomer in terms of speaking in the group chat and I conveniently missed the people I didn't know - Tyler, Dean. I have a history with Jacob and I know Michael from a previous community so I have hit the ground running with the idea of sticking together but nothings too solidified yet so hopefully in a bit I'll find myself in a majority! The only thing Stephen said to me so far is "heyo" and "ya I teach english", so.. 
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Ok so Hi. I hate u all why am i here. Im nervous cause im out here trying not ti be the first boot and have to have my dog comfort me while i cry to sleep. Literally shaking in slides. Everyones a bit of a hoot, all male tribe! Wowee. Just going be pals with all these kiddies. Although the flag they made is literal trash, ill be nice :) 
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hey boys time for my first confession that will be longer than it should be and not entertaining in the slightest so the cast reveal was interesting! i wasn’t expecting many familiar faces at all, maybe like one or two people i sort of know of. but when i saw ruthie and randy, i was honestly relieved. ruthie and i have always been good allies together in games and i love her a lot. she’s loyal and funny and smart. just overall wonderful person to play with and i’m really happy to have her here. also, seeing randy was so good too. honestly i know he has a ~rEp~ for being not the greatest, but i don’t particularly care. i feel like we’re going to get along really well in this game. the only thing that annoys me is that him talking to me at first was all like, “oh emily you’re so a good player i love you please don’t vote me out get me to merge xo” like he was purposefully inflating my ego because....... people generally think i have a big ego. and a year ago, yeah i definitely did. that’s why i lost both of my last two main season games. my ego got in the way and i got too confident, too cutthroat, too rude, too self absorbed. and so much has happened in my life, i’ve been taken down a few notches and the last thing i want is for people to think i’m a narcissist. i’ve worked on myself a lot and it’s just sad to see people treating me like this like they think it’ll guarantee me wanting to work with them. sigh. anyway, continuing with the other people: my skype app will NOT give me notifications when daniel or patrick send me messages and it’s frustrating me high key because they’ll respond two minutes after i send a message and i won’t see it for hours, even if i check the chat. new skype is ruining my social game yeah! but in general pat and daniel seem cool. only person i’m weary of is liana! i didn’t realize at first, but she’s married to chips who....... hates me LMAO! i’ve never played a game with her so here’s to hoping she doesn’t have an idea of me in her head already. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ other tribe comments: i saw vilma in a game for the first time like well over a year ago and was like i am in LOVE with her and i want to MARRY her. she’s so pretty and seems so funny and when we’re on the same tribe we WILL be best friends and if we’re not i’m THROWING HANDS!!! it has to happen. has to! i don’t think i recognizes literally anyone else? everyone is pretty much unfamiliar to me. so how i’m feeling right now: randy is really good at making flags! and confident that we’ll pull through with reward tbh. like he’s very talented. i’m gonna put together a makeshift flag too just in case it’s ugly and also to show that i’m active and here and contributing, but i doubt it’s going to be bad. and also it’s only reward! if we don’t win, i don’t mind it that much. my fear is that we end up going to tribal the first round! i don’t know how strong this tribe is in terms of challenges. i don’t know anything about liana, daniel, or patrick. i don’t remember anything about randy or ruthie when it comes to challenges either. so we’ll have to see! daniel told me he played on discord so he’s probably used to more text based challenges or flash games, which is very helpful because i’m bad at both. but from my experience, typical tumblr challenges are far different from typical discord challenges. yeah. also, randy and i shared our idol guesses and both found nothing. i went around camp -> shelter -> on top -> nothing and he went around camp -> treemail -> (uhhh something i already forgot lol) -> nothing. i’m gonna share mine with him every round as like a trust thing. idk if he’ll tell me the truth but i’ll tell him the truth! idc honestly! :p okay end of this long confession i hope you had fun reading if you read this far give me an idol clue xoxo emily (dennis remember in mongolia when i told you the exile idol was under a girl’s name) (i’m sorry) 
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So the reward challenge is a flag making challenge. I hate a lot of the things, but I am taking a step back since I have been told I can be controlling in the tribe stages when it comes to challenges. So I want to see how well the tribe performs without me stepping in. 
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Day one thoughs: Yes!!! A tribe full of people with similar time zones. Jacob and Sluggy are here, nice. UHC alliance has already been suggested... not sure how to feel. Talked to all other tribe members. Everyone seems nice... dont quite trust Tyler yet... seems shifty Reward challenge: Not a fan of original design. Spent a bit of time working on another design... which i had more time to make it better. Seems to be good enough, will see what tribe says. Idol search round one: nothing
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me: so yeah just send me your image so I can do all the work and make the flag everyone: (by the way these confessionals will be over the top and not express my true true  feelings, i.e. I'm exaggerating everything)
The plan is to kill people with kindness! I really don't plan on winning but i'd love to if I am able to. I just hope I stay long enough to talk to most. My two closest friends are Richmond and Oulu. Oulu is super nice and we talk often so that is cool ----------
Oh lord I am actually exuding so much time in this survivor good thing it is summer geez 
Ginger spoiled 2 survivor seasons in the same message I am crying :(
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So i finally got to talk to everyone on the tribe. Tyler seems rlly friendly and talkative which kinda draws me towards him. Stephen is more analytical and observant... Dean is just the passive, looks on and watches kinda guy. Both Stephen and Dean want to be or are writers so. One thing great about working with Stephen would be someone people target as a strategic threat instead of me - but I don't know if I'll be able to work well with him atm... 
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Okay I was gonna wait until after the immunity challenge to do my first confessional but I am DYING. So Veni is making our flag (which honestly I'm not too sure about but I'm awful at art so I can't really say anything) and he asks for pictures to use in it. So I send him a picture of me sitting on a throne, which I took at a bar near me. and this bitch..... Goes "It's like ghetto Game of Thrones, I love it!" BITCH!? Ghetto? Honestly this guy needs to take it down a notch because he's trying way too hard to take control of the reward challenge and is being super bossy and I think people aren't gonna take that for much longer. 
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As for the first day of this season I’m loving it so far. Loving the activity and positivity in our tribe and people here are very friendly. Already have started conversation with Clash, Vilma and Ginger. Trying to develop early relationships that will be necessary for the rest of the game. Just need to show activity in tribe chat so my tribe mates not see me as an inactive player because inactive players are usually the first one out. 
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So we won the reward challenge and we get a firemaking kit, and inside there's an immunity idol clue. Jacob and Stephen both get it, and Jacob told me it was hidden at the beach. I have no clue if he is lying or not, but if he isn't it means God was right to tell me yesterday that it is at the beach. Now i just need to be the first one to search the next time around. 
So talking with Stephen, he seems to say the word "snazzy" a lot, so I've nocknemaed 
Oops i didn't finish...I nicknamed him "snazzy Stephen". What's Snazzy Stephen gonna call snazzy today!?
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So we won the reward challenge! Great. The morale seems fairly high amongst our tribe. I've had conversations with pretty much everyone in some way. No talk of strategy or alliances have begun, from what I'm aware. I hope we win this challenge, because I feel good about this tribe. 
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I mean, can I not flop this first challenge ? I feel like this tribe is a very good mix of people, chemistry is there so now we just need not to be total failures ! hehe 
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After all the bonding I love this tribe, Dean is a lot more reserved than the rest of the tribe and hasn't approached me yet, but everyone else has talked. I've got a nice alliance with Michael and Sluggy, as well as some trust with Tyler and Stephen. After Michael won us the firemaking challenge I found the idol clue. Once everyone has used their firemaking advantage, I'll decide who I share the clue with. So far I have told Sluggy and then Stephen got the clue. All Giraffes Deserve Kisses.
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Usually I wouldn’t mind going to the first tribal, but with 6 people all it takes is one misstep to be the target, and I don’t want to risk that. That being said if it does come down to that i think Jacob, Tyler and I will stick together, all we need is one more than that. 
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looking over the whole cast, I realised I know Dani & Sluggy from other survivors that's cool
I got 30 point something seconds like 3 times I hate fairdyne
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So basically I've talking quite a bit with Emily and Randy, they're great people. Overall people are super nice, it's awesome! The Ala Mai flag winning is bullshit though what kind of judges were those? I'd have been fine with Faatasi winning, that's a nice flag, but Ala Mai's was ugly af sorry bros 
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So, Emily and I are working together to try to find the idol! Which is exciting, hopefully one of us will find it. If I do I’m pretty sure I’ll tell her because it will show that I trust her?!! I talk to her and Randy the most on our tribe and I really don’t know where I stand with everyone else
i got a big fat 0 for the team but I’m glad our tribe won! Everyone else did great.  Hopefully no one points out how weak I was in the challenge. I’m going to savannah for the night tomorrow so I’m glad not to worry about tribal council while I’m out of town! Yay for not being the first boot!
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ok see I am here to win but I got ginger on my tribe!! we love us a good ol rival so yeah even though he's acting fake and said he wants work with me I can't trust him with that I have built a good connection with Veni and Vilma and hope they will stay loyal as well. I am worried about the tribal as my score was bad but lets hope for the best 
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Right. So we’ve just won the immunity challenge but all the rats on my team did well so it doesn’t give us an easy target for any upcoming tribals. I got some T from Michael letting me know that both Jacob and Dean found the clue to the hidden immunity idol and they told him but not me. First off rude considering I told Jacob I’d tell him if I found it. I’m in an uncomfortable situation already on this tribe, I feel like i don’t have as strong of connections as everyone else and it’s scaring me. All I need is two friends to guarantee my safety and it’s looking like those friends will be Michael and The kid from Singapore (don’t remember his name oops). This season feels different, I usually feel powerful but Rn I feel like I’m having to push to navigate my way into relationships with people. Also some of these guys on my drive give off the arrogant and cocky vibe and I hate it. 
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Only one in my tribe to win a challenge, got the r/ultrahardcore alliance, everyone knows the idol clue because Michael got looser lips than Mia Khalifa.
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I *think* we're voting Emils? I mean he's been the least active and from I've been told he has not talked to people much (including me) so. I hope it goes well. Usually I am pretty calm in the survivors I play but goddamn I am paranoid. Maybe since I am enjoying myself so much so I don't want to go yet? 
Logically I won't be voted out here, right? I've talked to basically everyone a fair bit, I did the whole flag and I got 2/2 possible points. I'm safe.. right? 
Here is veni's power rankings of the people in my tribe: 1. Oulu 2. Tel Aviv 3. Richmond 4. Allan 5. Emils 
So I re-read my Fairy Survivor S2 stuff I wrote pre-game and goddamn if I am not a broken record. I am basically doing the same thing this time I love it lol. I do hope the experience I got in the year and a half between those has taught me valuable lessons. 
Tel Aviv has really high gamesense and sense of strategy. We both discussed how important it is to have that one loyal person to win. I hope he implies I am his. For me it's Oulu I think
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Okay so the first round is almost over. Thankfully my tribe was able to win immunity because I am not ready for tribal that's for sure! These small tribes freak me out. But...if we do end up going to tribal I am ready because I FOUND AN IDOL! I'm a little skeptical because it was way too easy and so I'm scared everyone has an idol but we shall see. I'm really terrible at games in the beginning because I hate awkward small talk so I was definitely scared of tribal. I'm not in any alliances yet but hopefully that is because it is still early. I'm trying to prove myself an asset and I was glad I did great at that shark game. It was very challenging to play because I had my baby smashing my keyboard or mouse and closing out of the game in the middle of playing, ahhaha. 
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Day 2: Won Reward challenge!! WOOT!! All that effort wasn't for naught. The /r/ultrahardcore alliance was made between Sluggy, Jacob and myself... Im not sure how I feel about this. Immunity challenge announced, Flash games while I'm at work. FUCK FLAPPY BIRD I can do this Hextris and Shark game... I will submit one of these. Fire lighting challenge, I fail at striking a light. Sluggy and Jacob tell me that Jacob has an Idol Clue, it is apparently on the beach. Continue my chats with everyone. Dean also tells me about the Idol clue, either its on the beach and people trust me or there is an alliance that is fabricating stories. Work out everyone but Tyler knows about the clue so I tell him Gained Tyler's trust End day 2 Day 3: We win Immunity, YES!!! I spent the day continuing to build relationships. Mention to Jacob the Tyler doesnt think he likes him and to win Tyler's trust Jacob told Tyler about the clue, but it seems to only further distrust as he waited so long to tell him about it. This could have made Tyler distrust me more as well... Working with Jacob could be dangerous down the line. /r/UHC needs a 4th... Dean and Tyler's names are suggested. Trash talk hosts in tribe chat all day. Im worried my chattiness may put a target on my back, will need to be careful. End Day 3 
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I’m loving my tribe and our female avatar presence. Whoever is rob Mariano I kind of want to vote out though. I’m super glad we won immunity and I don’t have to try super hard to be chatty. Loving the format so far 
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HI I'M VILMA AND I'M VERY EXCITED TO PLAY I also suck at making confessionals because they take a lot of effort for my Finnish speaking ass so I like to just copy bits from my host chat, be prepared Right off the bat I was confused because I didn't get cast with anyone I would've played with before. I recognized a few familiar faces but most people I have no frame of reference for. This meant I couldn't rely on riding with any pre game relationships and I had to actually socialize with people. Thank god we didn't have a one world phase this time around so I only had to keep up with five other people! Clash playing hard right off the bat I specced his season so I know he was a big moves type of guy haha I wanna make sure I'm on his good side My tribe is very active But I'm Very Scared Of The Zwooper People They tend to be crazy And I'm not about that crazy life at all I CAN'T EVEN WITH VENI WHERE DOES HE GET ALL HIS JOKES FROM I LOVE HIM Alright I think Veni and I are the only ones left awake And He is my favorite I've talked to everyone except the Latvian guy or was he Lithuanian THE BALTIC GUY Ginger and Clash both seem like people I need to be wary of Power players for sure, and good socially And according to Clash they have bad blood from previous games So I can see them targetting each other if we go to tribal And Clash already made a three way alliance between myself him and Veni Which I'm okay with, as of now Veni I definitely want to work with And I prefer staying on good terms with Clash Allan I have neutral feelings towards, only talked to him a bit so far But I stan the Europe tribe I just can't keep up with multiple convos at once so it's been super confusing Already shared my idol guesses with Veni and Clash I think I'm the only girl on my tribe Not a big fan of that fact Really wanted to play with Emily I hope we both make it to a swap so I could meet her Chatting with these people I've started to realize how much I abuse caps lock and exclamation points It's a really bad habit Should probably tone it down, everyone must be thinking I'm screaming at them constantly I'm playing so different compared to how I usually play I usually never initiate convos And try to step up as little as possible While still being friendly with everyone But now I've been very social It's weird Feels like I'm harassing everyone ... Unfortunately, we lost the first immunity challenge ... YIKES I'M GOING TO BE THE FIRST BOOT CALLING IT NOW HOW TF DID THEY GET 6 MILLION I think Emils might be the target Which I'm okay with since he seems to only be online a bit in the evenings Everyone knows I hate losing challenges so I want active people He seems really nice though, but seems like everyone has talked to him the least Clash told me that him and Ginger have decided to leave their past behind so I guess they're not going to target each other just yet I'm glad he's telling me this though it makes me trust him a bit more But I'll still keep my eye on both of them _ Ok hi I'm checking in about an hour before tribal and as far as I know Emils should be going home tonight. It's been super quiet around camp though and it makes me feel paranoid, but I hope it'll be an easy first vote. Veni wants me to make a chat with him and Ginger so we could solidify we make it through next round if we end up having to go to tribal again. My issue is I think Clash and Ginger are closer than they seem and I'm scared if we made a chat without Clash and he found out about it he could become angry. That's why i'd rather it to be a four-way chat between me, Veni, Clash and Ginger but we shall see what happens in the next few hours I guess.
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Okay that went perfectly. Ngl when Ginger was like "someone doesn't know it's them tonight" I FREAKED. Then my name gets written down at tribal and I was like ????. I mean luckily it wasn't me but god that was scary. I really hope we win this next immunity I can't deal with that stress rn lmao. I also have no clue who I'd vote out. Also in other news, Chase is cute af! I'm gonna be so embarrassed when he leaves and is able to read this but it's true. I definitely wanna keep him around for a bit lmao. 
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jesus christ ginger you are an evil psychopath.. but I kinda dig it
also I am mostly done with location based names.. for now
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flauntpage · 7 years
Your Wednesday Morning Roundup
Yesterday was a rare night in which none of the pro teams were in action. The only team in action was No. 4 Villanova, who took care of No. 12 Gonzaga 88-72 at Madison Square Garden.
The Wildcats were propelled from a career night by Mikal Bridges, who scored a career-high 28 points to go with six rebounds and two blocks. Phil Booth tied his career-high of 20 points set in the National Championship game in 2016. Gonzaga was led by Zach Norvell Jr.’s 22 points.
Nova is 9-0 on the season, with seven of those nine wins coming by more than 10 points. They’ve also scored 75 or more points in all but two of them. The Wildcats host La Salle Sunday afternoon at the Wells Fargo Center. After that, road games against Temple and Hofstra conclude nonconference play for now. They’ll play UConn in Hartford on January 20.
Is it too early to call them national championship contenders?
Tonight, Temple hosts Wisconsin at the Liacouras Center in their home opener, while Penn makes the short trip to Easton to take on Lafayette.
The Roundup:
Heading out west to LA, where the Eagles continue to get ready for Sunday’s game against the Rams. Offensive coordinator Frank Reich tried to explain how the team outgained the Seahawks, but resulted in only 10 points:
“It was difficult. I think we felt like we left some points out there,” Reich, the Eagles’ offensive coordinator, said Tuesday afternoon at the team hotel, as the team began preparing for Sunday’s visit with the Los Angeles Rams at the Coliseum. “I credit them. It was hard to get a little bit of a rhythm going in the first half. We just couldn’t quite produce. We had some plays, but not quite enough to get down into the red zone and get more points.
“I know the second half we got in a little bit of a pass mode and put some yards up there, but it’s really all about — our formula has been play good early on, get a lead, and be able to stay balanced.
“If you’re looking for a positive, when we got in a pass mode, we were able to gain some yards passing and be able to handle that pretty well and have some production there. I think you can build off that in the future, but you’re not happy with the results from the game.”
Meanwhile on the defensive side, defensive coordinator Jim Schwartz says the key for this week is to fix the mistakes that helped Seattle beat the Birds’ defense:
“I do like this sort of portion of it: To a man, we all recognize we played a poor game, and I’ll include myself in that, too. And we gave up 24 points. … Please don’t misconstrue that, because we don’t take any pride in that, but it shows you a little bit about where our guys are that that’s considered a bad performance.”
Schwartz was not saying 24 points was OK. He was saying the mistakes were fixable, that Seattle didn’t show the NFL some magic formula for beating the Eagles. But he also emphasized that the mistakes have to be fixed, as the team prepares for this Sunday’s visit with the 9-3 Rams.
“We have to get back to playing our style of football because the Rams can hang 40 and 50 on people,” said Schwartz, who credited the Rams with “the league’s highest-scoring offense” though in fact they are tied with the Eagles, each team having scored 361 points in 12 games. (It’s possible the Rams’ total includes fewer points scored by their defense, but the league ranks them as tied for first.)
One of the things the Eagles didn’t dominate was defending against Seattle’s empty sets.
Jimmy Kempski of PhillyVoice delivers his third quarter grades for the offense and defense.
The Sixers are off until Thursday when they host the Los Angeles Lakers. But Kevin Kinkead takes a look at their losing effort from Monday night against the Phoenix Suns.
Anthony recaps the Flyers’ 5-2 win over Calgary from Monday night.
Relieved after earning a win, the team hopes to make it into a winning streak:
“We have to stay hungry for wins,” Weise said. “…I think when you lose 10 in a row, you kind of get that hunger back — not that we didn’t have it at the beginning of the year, but I think we’ve got that urgency in our game now where we just hate to lose and it really bothers every guy in here.”
The Flyers (9-11-7) will be facing an 11-14-2 Edmonton team that features Brandon Manning’s old pal, Connor McDavid, who leads the Oilers in goals (11), assists (21), and points (32).
In the Flyers’ 2-1 win over Edmonton on Oct. 21, McDavid was held pointless.
“We just need to make sure he doesn’t build much speed, because we know when he’s going with all that speed, he’s kind of dangerous,” said rookie defenseman Robert Hagg, who had five hits in the victory over the Oilers. “You try to stay close to him and shut him down. I think we did a pretty good job at home against him.”
In other sports news, Russia has been banned from the upcoming Winter Olympics by the IOC. Clean athletes from the country can still compete, but they’ll do so under the Olympic flag.
After a 7-5 season as head coach of Oregon, Willie Taggert returns to the state of Florida to coach the Seminoles.
Steelers linebacker Ryan Shazier is still in Cincinnati undergoing tests and evaluations on his spine after Monday night’s injury.
Ball State upset No. 9 Notre Dame at the buzzer:
A SHOCKER IN SOUTH BEND!@BallStateMBB takes down No. 9 Notre Dame on this game-winner by @TaylerPersons8! #MACtion http://pic.twitter.com/wE5fSRUN44
— #MACtion (@MACSports) December 6, 2017
UCLA head coach Steve Alford is surprised LiAngelo Ball left the program after LaVar Ball pulled him.
In the news, a woman had to be rescued after her car plunged into the Schuylkill River.
Disney could own Fox’s studio and television production assets in what could be a major deal.
President Trump is expected to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and move the US embassy there from Tel Aviv today.
Danny Masterson from the Netflix show “The Ranch” has been fired after rape allegations were made against him.
Bitcoin is now worth over $12,000.
Google has pulled YouTube from Amazon’s Fire TV and Echo Show devices.
McDonald’s will roll out a new Dollar Menu, with choices at $1, $2, and $3.
Your Wednesday Morning Roundup published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
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onewheelneil · 7 years
Israel day 7
This morning during Shabbat we are not required to be up for anything until 11 am so everyone was able to sleep in and catch some much needed sleep. I ended up getting up pretty early so I just surfed the internet on my phone. Then I got hungry so I got up did my morning routine and strolled down to breakfast. They had this really good bread pudding and pastry as well as lemon poppy seed pound cake. I filled up a plate and stacked a small plate of cottage cheese on top and when I went to sit down the top plate of cottage cheese slipped and flipped all onto my seat. The two people I was with laughed at me and said I should just sit in it. I was a little embarrassed but nothing major and quickly cleaned up so I could enjoy my breakfast. It was scrumptious except for a potato eggplant quiche that was like eating a tablespoon of salt and a bland piece of dough that looked like it was going to be sweet but wasn’t. Other than that the hard-boiled egg and other stuff I mentioned before was really good. Apparently I look Israeli because several times this week I have either come up to a person to ask for help and they immediately start talking Hebrew or I am sitting somewhere alone using my phone and someone comes up and asks if I’m Israeli. When we all were ready to start our activity the other birthright group had taken our room so we had to move to another. It ended up being the hotels bomb shelter so that was interesting. We ate snacks after a wine prayer and hung out while we found another room because the bomb shelter was too hot. We got to the dining room from the “fancy” Shabbat dinner and started our activities with a Q/A session with our tour guide about any questions we had about Judaism. We talked about the thoughts about homosexuality and mental health and what the people generally think. A lot more questions were asked including what Israelis think of muslims and what Judaism is to us. I asked what Judaism has to say about leaving earth if they believe it’s a holy planet but the guide said that god and nature are one not particular to earths nature. After much discussion we were allowed to go to lunch where we ate potatoes and beef and rice that was a little over cooked. They also tried to serve an apple crisp but they failed at making that. After lunch we had 2 hours to ourselves but they wanted us to stay in the hotel. Me and 5 other peeps decided to be rebels and go to a very nearby park to chill. I brought my unicycle and another brought his guitar. We walked/unicycled over and I noticed there were barely any cars or people outside. Since it is still Shabbat people are usually inside with their families. You can’t drive a car if you are keeping Shabbat. So the traffic drops dramatically. The park was really pretty with a big field and trees that gave shade. I explored around and actually found some sport courts and some skate parks with rails and ramps to do tricks on. I didn’t want to get hurt so I didn’t try any (as my guide said “no paperwork”). So we just hung out in the shade while the guy in our group played guitar. At one point a girl who dabbled in classical/flamenco guitar wanted to try it out and she was amazing. She used this weird strumming technique that made it sound really cool and percussive. Once the time to meet was arriving we started our short stroll back and I gotta say unicycling with no straight route was really nice and peaceful. Everyone loves the unicycling and their most popular question is “do you bring that thing everywhere?” I always answer yes it’s my baby and I bring it EVERYWHERE. They never fail to say wow afterwards. What’s so nice about this group of people is their curiosity of my unicycling and their unanimous appreciation of my hobby. When we got back to the hotel (we made sure we would be back before they found out we were gone) people were just chatting around the halls of our rooms in the hotel. One of the guys in the group wanted to try unicycling and he could get up easily using the walls of the hallway but still found it hard to feel in control when going forwards. Once it was time we headed down to do a presentation with Israeli soldiers that joined our group. They set up a little competition. They split us into 3 groups and we played did a little one person race, jeopardy round, and a guessing a famous Israeli person from a picture round. The race involved a girl in my team putting on an Israeli military uniform correctly then eating a plate of skittles with no hands. It was fun to see the three people struggle with the uniform. I observed the uniform when the Israelis first joined the group so I knew where the beret and where the ribbon went on the uniform. Then they all had to eat the skittles. The other two contestants decided to inhale all the skittles and try to chew em all at the same time. Our teammate decided to go slow and steady and actually beat out the others. Then during the jeopardy round every team answered their chosen question correctly. We actually got a question about when Jews eat fish heads. None of us knew the answer do I guessed Rosh Hashanah because when translated to English it means head of the year. It was surprisingly correct so everyone on my team was relieved. The next round each team picked a picture from a pile and tried to guess what the occupation of the person in the picture. We actually guessed all of our picture correctly. Two of the harder pictures was a model and a politician. After all the games were over my team ended up winning but we all learned more about Israel and Judaism. The next activity involved is splitting into 7 groups each with an Israeli. Then we talked about what makes us identify as a Jew. One of the main topics that was debated was supporting the IDF or marrying Jewish as something that really identifies with being Jewish. One topic that I thought resonated with being Jewish was keeping kosher/Shabbat but others did not, only because we didn’t keep kosher, but I felt like if I did keep kosher or celebrate Shabbat I would feel more Jewish. The Israeli in my group agreed with us on two things except on marrying Jewish. He felt that marrying Jewish would make it so our children would more likely to be raised Jewish. I understood so we decided tzedakah was one of the bottoms of the list of things that made us identify as Jewish. My group debated and recognized that contributing to your community was a personal trait rather than a Jewish trait. Other groups had their opinions and had debates between groups and it was all healthy debate no yelling or saying you are wrong. It was interesting to hear people’s deep feelings about this topic and give another perspective. As we all shared we all listened too which was cool. No interrupting or trying to overpower someone else with their opinion. Afterwards we had a little break to get ready for our night out and then met back in the same place in order to learn more about the holocaust. It was a very emotional discussion about how the Jews were a defenseless people and were carted off to auschwitz for extermination. Then we watched a video of how Israel got a chance to do a flyover with 3 f-15 fighter jets over auschwitz. It was very informative on what Israel means to the Jewish people. Then we were able to go out. E walked through Jerusalem to an awesome pedestrian area where it is popular to celebrate the end of Shabbat. I started walking around with two other buddies searching for a nice quiet place to drink. We roamed around looking at different crowded places until we found a nice quiet bar with a few people. These people were stoked about my unicycle. They immediately got up and tried to ride it. I told them the basics you should use a wall or railing to get on it the try to ride forward. They struggled to get on it but one guy had ridden one before and another never rode one but was super muscular and had done other balancing sports. They both got on a got a good amount of revolutions before falling. The guy who did balancing sports wanted to get one and also gave me a free shot of tequila. I definitely agreed to that a sucked it down. It wasn’t that bad no lime or anything. Then a female bartender came out and tried and struggled but had fun and offered me a free beer. It was awesome to say the least I saved about 50 sheckels so that was nice. Also I was happily buzzed after all the drinks. Then another group member came by and told us about a jazz bar we had been looking for but didn’t know exactly where it was. They headed there while I said goodbye to my new friends when I was ready to go I lost them so I started off in a direction I thought they went in. While going in a direction, two different groups of people stopped me to try the unicycle. One guy had done it for years so he hoped on and the other guy struggled immensely. After the second guy tried it out I actually asked them where the jazz bar was and they pointed it out for me where I met up with my friends. It was really relaxing music that just made the beers taste so much better. We also met the staff of the trip that sat with us (totally did not buy us shots cause that’s against the rules) and we just chatted and enjoyed the ambiance of the place. The jazz band had saxophones, a piano, drums, guitar and sometimes a singer. Eventually it was time to go so we regrettably got our things together and met everyone back at the meeting spot then we went back to the hotel and talked about tomorrow’s trip to see the holocaust museum and ride camels. After we got back I immediately passed out on my bed. Thanks for reading!
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ulyssesredux · 7 years
So I just went round the back of the courthouse talking of one thing or another. Happy New Year to everyone!
President Obama looks and sounds so ridiculous making his speech in Cuba, a big deal, and Raul Castro wasn't even there to greet him. So the wife comes out top dog, what?
Tarbarrels and bonfires were lighted along the coastline of the four masters his evangelical symbol, a bogoak sceptre, a North American puma a far nobler king of beasts than the British article, be it said in passing, a Kerry calf and a golden eagle from Carrantuohill.
That's how it's worked, says the citizen. We can't wait. Kasich is weak on illegal immigration.
I will bring jobs back home-make great deals! Jobs are returning, illegal immigration is plummeting, law, order and justice are being restored. —Ah, well, says Joe, as someone said.
Now we begin! U.S. What was that, Joe? Then about! Pisser was telling me card party and letting on the child was sick gob, must have done about a gallon flabbyarse of a wife, and she wagging her tail up the aisle of the chapel with her patent boots on her, no less, and her fancyman feeling for her tickles and Norman W. Tupper loves officer Taylor. And this person loves that other person because everybody loves somebody but God loves everybody.
Dem pols said no way, dumb! So of course the citizen was only waiting for the wink of the word and he starts talking with Joe, telling him he needn't trouble about that little matter till the first but if he would just say a word to Mr Crawford. I to Lenehan. I. The dishonest media is fawning over the Democratic Convention. The deafening claps of thunder and the dazzling flashes of lightning which lit up the ghastly scene testified that the artillery of heaven had lent its supernatural pomp to the already gruesome spectacle. And heroes voyage from afar to woo them, from Eblana to Slievemargy, the peerless princes of unfettered Munster and of Connacht the just and of smooth sleek Leinster and of Cruahan's land and of Armagh the splendid and of the tribe of Conn and of the tribe of Caolte and of the tribe of Finn and of the tribe of Oscar and of the noble order was in the chair and the attendance was of large dimensions. He had a few bob a skull. Tom Rochford met him and sent him round to the court a moment to see if she is Native American. -FAKE NEWS! And J.J. and the citizen bawling and Alf and Joe at him to whisht and he on his high horse about the jews and the loafers calling for a speech and Jack Power with him and little Alf hanging on to his elbow and he shouting like a stuck pig, as good as the next fellow? A NEW LOW! Big news to share in New Hampshire and California-so why isn't the media reporting on this? Despite major outside money, FAKE media support and eleven Republican candidates, BIG R win with runoff in Georgia. Come along now.
Robbing Peter to pay Paul. Did you see that bloody chimneysweep near shove my eye out with his brush? —Three pints, Terry, says John Wyse.
—Talking about violent exercise, says Alf.
’ I will take care of our great country could only see how viciously and inaccurately my administration is covered by certain media! —And a barbarous bloody barbarian he is too, says Bloom, on account of it being cruel for the wife having to go round after the old stuttering fool. Says Joe. Another radical Islamic attack, this time in Nice, France. The so-called Commission on Presidential Debates admitted to us that the French were on the sea and landed at Killala. Jesus, says I.
I. If he comes just say I'll be back in a second.
—A wolf in sheep's clothing, says the citizen. Perhaps only Mr Field is going. With all of the great State of Colorado where over one million people have been precluded from voting!
We are not looking good, we are in very good shape! From the reports of eyewitnesses it transpires that the seismic waves were accompanied by a violent atmospheric perturbation of cyclonic character.
I was telling the citizen about the foot and mouth disease. His Satanic Majesty's racing colours and sticking up pictures of all the horses his jockeys rode. Begob he was what you might call flabbergasted.
They have nothing going but to obstruct.
It was just announced-by sources-that no charges will be brought against Crooked Hillary despite the people in DNC in writing those really dumb e-mails.
Lyin' Ted Cruz and 1 for 42 John Kasich has just blown up. —Yes, says J.J. He'll square that, Ned, says J.J.
Set of dancing masters!
Crooked Hillary Clinton is unfit to be president. —And a very good initial too, says Joe. Near ate the tin and all, made him puke what he never ate. Thanks be to God they had the start of us. The big loss yesterday for Israel in the United Irishman today about that Zulu chief that's visiting England? It was so great being in Nebraska last week.
O'Bloom, the son of Rory: it is he.
—Same again, Terry, says Joe.
A poor hardworking industrious man!
From shoulder to shoulder he measured several ells and his rocklike mountainous knees were covered, as was likewise the rest of his body wherever visible, with a strong growth of tawny prickly hair in hue and toughness similar to the mountain gorse Ulex Europeus.
Be careful, Lyin' Ted! And they laughed, sporting in a circle of their foam: and the monks of S. Wolstan: and Ignatius his children: and the sons of Dominic, the friars preachers, and the people of Munich. Says the citizen. #NeverTrump is never more.
I don't think the voters will forget the rigged system is alive & well! Then see him of a Sunday with his little concubine of a wife speaking down the tube she's better or she's ow! Then suffer me to take your 2nd Amendment rights away.
Says Joe, handing round the boose.
Crazy Megyn anymore. Perpetuating national hatred among nations. Like I said, the system is totally rigged & corrupt!
It is so pathetic that the Dems are making up phony polls in order to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! And they shackled him hand and foot and would take of him ne bail ne mainprise but preferred a charge against him for he was a malefactor. Looks like yet another terrorist attack. One last shot at me. So true! We gave them months of notice. Mock his heritage and much more.
I heard that from the head warder that was in Kilmainham when they hanged Joe Brady, the invincible.
It has been a DISASTER on foreign policy. Says Alf, you can cod him up to the business end of a gun, who was conceived of unholy boast, born of the fighting navy, suffered under rump and dozen, was scarified, flayed and curried, yelled like bloody hell, the third largest harbour in the wide world with a fleet of masts of the Galway Lynches and the Cavan O'Reillys and the O'Kennedys of Dublin when the earl of Desmond could make a treaty with the emperor Charles the Fifth himself. —Libel action, says he, all the trees of Ireland for the future of the Democratic Party, they have no future! Campaigning to win the so-called Russia story on NBC and ABC. Says Bob Doran.
He is being treated very badly by the Democrats-the system is rigged! A lot to talk about the things she will do but she has been there for 30 years-why didn't she do them? Dignam. —Well, says John Wyse: Full many a flower is born to blush unseen.
#WheresHillary? The bride who was given away by her father, the M'Conifer of the Glands, looked exquisitely charming in a creation carried out in green mercerised silk, moulded on an underslip of gloaming grey, sashed with a yoke of broad emerald and finished with a triple flounce of darkerhued fringe, the scheme being relieved by bretelles and hip insertions of acorn bronze. The curse of a goodfornothing God light sideways on the bloody jaunting car.
Now they play the same game with Georgia-BAD! —That covers my case, says Joe. Is President Obama going to finally mention the words radical Islamic terrorism? People haven't had a real wage increase in almost twenty years. I was reading a report of lord Castletown's … —Save them, says the citizen. —Expecting every moment will be his next, says Lenehan. Universal love.
—There he is, says Joe.
The traitor's son.
Crooked Hillary Clinton, I would be beating Hillary by 20% We now have confirmation as to one reason Crooked H wanted to be sure that nobody saw her e-mails and DNC disrespect. Will, one of the most overrated political pundits who lost his way long ago, has left the quay and gone to Moss street. Throwaway twenty to letting off my load gob says I to myself says I.
He stated that this had given satisfaction. My wife, Melania. Constable MacFadden, summoned by special courier from Booterstown, quickly restored order and with lightning promptitude proposed the seventeenth of the month as a solution equally honourable for both contending parties. And begob he got as far as the door and Martin telling the jarvey to drive ahead and the citizen scowling after him and the old towser growling, letting on to be modest. Or also living in different places. Hillary has been fighting ISIS, or whatever she has been there for 30 years-why didn't she do them?
—Qui fecit coelum et terram. If they are unable to beat me on their own so they have to announce this?
Dishonest media says Mexico won't be paying for the wall!
And he wanted right go wrong to address the court only Corny Kelleher got round him telling him to get the soft side of her doing the mollycoddle playing bézique to come in for a bit of a dust Bob's a queer chap when the porter's up in him so says I just to make talk: How's Willy Murray those times, Alf? #Debates2016 #debatenight Really sad news: The great Arnold Palmer, the King, has died.
Terrible! Our way of life is under threat by Radical Islam and Hillary Clinton cannot even bring herself to say the words.
#Trump2016 Heading to Phoneix. General Motors and Walmart for starting the big jobs push back into the shop. Tell that to a fool, says the citizen. Very dishonest! My first choice from start! Crooked Hillary Clinton lied to the FBI and to the people! Of course there is large scale voter fraud happening on and before election day. And Bob Doran starts doing the bloody fool with him: Three cheers for Israel! Shame.
So proud of the great job done by the RNC and all. Our country is a divided crime scene, and it is not affordable-116% increases Arizona. To a great and brave man-thank you! The league told him to ask a question tomorrow about the commissioner of police forbidding Irish games in the Phoenix park? Defrauding widows and orphans.
How many children? Nothing on emails. —Who tried the case?
And the bloody dog: After him, boy!
And whereas on the sixteenth day of the month of the oxeyed goddess and in the third week after the feastday of the Holy and Undivided Trinity, the daughter of the skies, the virgin moon being then in her first quarter, it came to pass that those learned judges repaired them to the halls of law.
Taking what belongs to us by right. Who comes through Michan's land, bedight in sable armour?
Big mistake by an incompetent judge!
Look what is happening in the last two weeks before the wife was delivered.
What is our country coming to when a judge can halt a Homeland Security travel ban and anyone, even with bad intentions out of country! Read the revelations that's going on in the papers about flogging on the training ships at Portsmouth. Read the revelations that's going on in Great Britain, with what is happening all over Europe and, indeed, the world-a horrible mess! The media refuses to talk about the three new national polls that have me in first place. Vast numbers of manufacturing jobs in Pennsylvania have moved to Mexico and other countries. With eleven Republican candidates running in Georgia on Tuesday for Congress, a runoff will be a success too. A fellow that's neither fish nor flesh. Bernie Sanders must really dislike Crooked Hillary after the way she played him. The fact is ObamaCare was a lie from the beginning. Says Ned. Where?
Lyin' Ted Cruz, who has just been named Chairman of the DNC. —Poor old sir Frederick, says Alf. —What is your nation if I may ask?
Crofton or whatever you call him and him in the middle of them letting on to be modest. Here, Terry, says Joe.
Really sad that Republicans would allow themselves to be used in a Clinton ad.
Says he, and I doubledare him. Thank you to all of my points.
We pay a disproportionate share of the cost of N.A.T.O.
—Ho, varlet!
I will defeat them both.
Gob, that puts the bloody kybosh on it if old sloppy eyes is mucking up the show. —And I belong to a race too, says Joe. One of the most overrated political pundits who lost his way long ago, has left the quay and gone to Moss street.
—And what do you think, says Joe. Even so did they come and set them, those willing nymphs, the undying sisters. I have chosen one of the least productive Senator in the U.S.
Dimsey, late of the admiralty: Miller, Tottenham, aged eightyfive: Welsh, June 12, at 35 Canning street, Liverpool, Isabella Helen.
Very dishonest!
Get ready for November-Crooked Hillary Clinton is consulting with Wall Street.
I spent Friday campaigning with John Kennedy, of the holy mother of God we will again, says he. You were and a bloody sight more pox than pax about that boyo. As true as I'm drinking this porter if he was my dog. Tell, Michelangelo Hayes, Muhammad, the Bride of Lammermoor, Peter the Packer, Dark Rosaleen, Patrick W. Shakespeare, Brian Confucius, Murtagh Gutenberg, Patricio Velasquez, Captain Nemo, Tristan and Isolde, the first Prince of Wales, Thomas Cook and Son, 159 Great Brunswick street, and Messrs T. and C. Martin, 77,78,79 and 80 North Wall, assisted by the men and officers of the peace and genial giants of the royal Irish constabulary, were making frank use of their handkerchiefs and it is safe to say that large scale immigration in Sweden is working out just beautifully.
As true as I'm drinking this porter if he was at his last gasp he'd try to downface you that dying was living.
Says he, I'll brain that bloody jewman for using the holy name. Lord. System rigged! We should charge them SAME as they charge us!
George the elector down to the German lad and the flatulent old bitch that's dead? Look forward to our next meeting. No, says Martin.
Crooked Hillary's negative ads are not true-just like Dem party! They will sell many air conditioners! There he is sitting there. System rigged!
… The citizen made a plunge back into the shop.
We know him, says he, from the M'Gillicuddy's reeks the inaccessible and lordly Shannon the unfathomable, and from the streamy vales of Thomond, from the black country that would hang their own fathers for five quid down and travelling expenses.
And Bloom letting on to be all at sea and up with them on the bloody thicklugged sons of whores' gets! We must do everything possible to keep this horrible terrorism outside the United States Congress. Then to Pennsylvania for a big rally. If Crooked Hillary Clinton and her team were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information. —Who?
—Health, Joe, says I, sloping around by Pill lane and Greek street with his cod's eye on the dog and he asks Terry was Martin Cunningham there. Did you see that bloody lunatic Breen round there? —That what's I mean, says the citizen, and the time is now! Just watched Hillary deliver a prepackaged speech on terror. We have an army of volunteers and people with GREAT SPIRIT! —Give us a bloody chance. —Hello, Alf. ObamaCare will take place this year and Dems are to blame for the mess. Thank you to our fantastic veterans. Messy system. In politics, and in life, ignorance is not a change agent, just the same old status quo! And the bloody dog woke up and let a growl.
The welterweight sergeantmajor had tapped some lively claret in the previous mixup during which Keogh had been receivergeneral of rights and lefts, the artilleryman putting in some neat work on the pet's nose, and Myler came on looking groggy. And he ups with his pint to wet his whistle. They used to call this judge shopping! He paid the debt of nature, God be merciful to him. —Nor good red herring, says Joe.
No way they are going to WIN! —And with the help of Club For Growth and Heritage, have saved Planned Parenthood & Ocare! —Well, his uncle was a jew, jew and a slut shouts out of him would give you the creeps.
No security. Wow, Hillary Clinton, can put out such false and vicious ads with her phony money! Russia took over Crimea. And all the ragamuffins and sluts of the nation round the door. So sad. You can tell them to go BLANK themselves-was about China, NOT WOMEN!
Lyin' Ted Cruz can't get votes I am millions of VOTES ahead!
He drink me my teas.
So sad! So Joe starts telling the citizen about the foot and mouth disease and the cattle traders and taking action in the matter and the citizen scowling after him and the old dog seeing the tin was empty starts mousing around by Joe and me. Kaine, who represents the opposite of hatred. An instantaneous change overspread the landlord's visage. Tourists were locked down.
—Well, says J.J. And Bloom letting on to be awfully deeply interested in nothing, a spider's web in the corner that I hadn't seen snoring drunk blind to the world up in a shebeen in Bride street after closing time, fornicating with two shawls and a bully on guard, drinking porter out of teacups. With who?
Remember Limerick and the broken treatystone.
Pathetic Our not very bright Vice President, Joe Biden, just stated that it is practically useless. I dare him, says he. And moreover, says J.J. We have Edward the peacemaker now. The final Wisconsin vote is in and guess what-we just picked up an additional 131 votes. And he's gone, says Lenehan.
Due to the horrific events taking place in France. We need change! We will all come together and win this election.
This very instant.
I was saying, the old cur after him backing his luck with his mangy snout up. No.
Thank you to Fox & Friends for so reporting! —Yes, says Bloom.
To the High Sheriff of Dublin, have been so unexpectedly called away from our midst. A poor house and a bare larder. The media and establishment want me out of the race-e-mail case and the total mess she is in. Do you see any green in the white of my eye? I could hear it hit the pit of my stomach with a click. Happy Easter to all, have a great time in the lives of ALL Americans. The real story here is why are there so many illegal leaks coming out of Washington? —Show us over the drink, says I. Says John Wyse. So Bill is not in trouble with H except that he got caught! U.p: up on it to take a hold of a fellow the like of that.
They have been playing the United States. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! But what did we ever get for it?
I'd bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the door. Since the poor old woman told us that the French were on the sea and landed at Killala.
Exactly opposite!
I. How dare you, sir, says Terry, on Zinfandel that Mr Flynn gave me.
—They're not European, says the citizen.
I. Senator in the U.S. Too bad! And Willy Murray with him, the two of them there near whatdoyoucallhim's … What? The U.S. is going to be our president-really bad judgement and temperament cannot be allowed in the W.H. Thank you Washington! We have an army of volunteers and people with GREAT SPIRIT! Look at here.
#DNC Our country does not feel 'great already' to the millions of wonderful people living in the same tone, a dainty motif of plume rose being worked into the pleats in a pinstripe and repeated capriciously in the jadegreen toques in the form of a fourleaved shamrock the excitement knew no bounds. Of course there is large scale voter fraud happening on and before election day.
This election is a choice between law, order and justice are being restored.
The metrical system of the canine tribe whose stertorous gasps announced that he is not compos mentis.
Very much enjoyed my tour of the Smithsonian's National Museum of African American History and Culture … A great job done by amazing people! Our economy will sing again.
Jesus, he did. If the U.S. does not win this case as it so obviously should, we can never have the security and safety to which we are entitled. —Sinn Fein! Hillary Clinton is guilty as hell but the system is totally rigged! Do people notice Hillary is copying my airplane rallies-she puts the plane behind her like I have been drawing very big and enthusiastic crowds, but the truth, so help you Jimmy Johnson. —Is he a jew or a gentile or a holy Roman or a swaddler or what the hell is he? —And a barbarous bloody barbarian he is too, says Bloom, the robbing bagman, that poisoned himself with the prussic acid after he swamping the country with her e-mails AFTER they were subpoenaed by the United States, and the support of Bobby Knight has been so amazing.
They are total losers! AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Ireland. Tonguetied sons of bastards' ghosts. Who's talking about …?
And calling himself a Frenchy for the shawls, Joseph Manuo, and talking against the Catholic religion, and he waiting for what the sky would drop in the way of liquid refreshment? CNN, ABC, NBC polls in the election. The people of our great Vets! —Give us one of your prime stinkers, Terry, give us a pony. See you there! —Circumcised?
Only 109 people out of 325,000 were detained and held for questioning. —Bloom, says he, and I doubledare him. Make America Great Again. The first meeting Jeff Sessions had with the Russian Amb was set up by a con.
Close in polls!
The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as a rogue and I'm another.
What? Says he.
45,000 construction & manufacturing jobs in the U.S.
—Or also living in different places.
—Paddy? -We just picked up an additional 131 votes. Looking like my 5 victories on Tuesday will be just as good as any bloody play in the Queen's royal theatre: Where is he till I murder him? ISIS is still running around wild. —Never better, a chara, says he. The election is absolutely being rigged by the media, and to still hold her head so high, is truly wonderful! Congressman John Lewis should spend more time on balancing the budget, military, vets etc. Crooked Hillary Clinton even got the questions to the debate? J.J.—There he is sitting there. —Isn't that a fact, says John Wyse.
Little Alf was knocked bawways.
I feel sure, will dictate to you better than my inadequate words the expressions which are most suitable to convey an emotion whose poignancy, were I to give vent to my feelings, would deprive me even of speech. Our own fault. Firebrands of Europe and they always were. —Show us over the drink, says I. And the beds of the Barrow and Shannon they won't deepen with millions of acres of marsh and bog to make us all die of consumption? Wait till I show you.
Says Lenehan, to celebrate the occasion. Tomorrow's events will be amazing! —Soot's luck, says Joe. John Kasich has just blown up. The soldier got to business, leading off with a powerful left jab to which the Irish gladiator retaliated by shooting out a stiff one flush to the point of Bennett's jaw. REPEAL AND REPLACE!
Give him a rousing fine kick now and again where it wouldn't blind him.
—Recorder, says Ned, you should have seen long John's eye. Do you see that straw? And the dirty scrawl of the wretch, says Joe, reading one of the smutty yankee pictures Terry borrows off of Corny Kelleher. I will fix it.
Beggar my neighbour is his motto.
We need to be strong!
Perhaps it should be added that the effect is greatly increased if Owen's verse be spoken somewhat slowly and indistinctly in a tone suggestive of suppressed rancour. I was here for BREXIT. Bernie Sanders must really dislike Crooked Hillary after the way she played him. If the people of our country are amazing-great numbers on November 8th! Dems and Green Party can now rest. And Joe asked him would he have another. The Republican Convention was great Bernie Sanders totally sold out to Crooked Hillary. When will we learn? Says Alf.
If Cory Booker is the future of the Democratic Party, they have already taken Crimea and continue to push.
—How's Willy Murray those times, Alf? But small is good, flexible, save money and number one! Just returned from Colorado. A couple of FAKE NEWS organizations were there but the people truly get what's going on Intelligence agencies should never have been written stupid, because Putin likes me Watched Crooked Hillary Clinton, was the citizen up in the north. Now in L.A.
Stay tuned! Says Joe, will be seeing many great candidates today.
Amongst the clergy present were the very rev. B. Gorman, O.D.C.; the rev. P.J. Cleary, O.S.F.; the rev. John Lavery, V.F.; the very rev. James Murphy, S.J.; the rev. T. Waters, C.C.; the rev. T. Brangan, O.S.A.; the rev. W. Hurley, C.C.; the rev. M.A. Hackett, C.C.; the rt rev. Mgr M'Manus, V.G.; the rev. M.A. Hackett, C.C.; the rev. F.T. Purcell, O.P.; the very rev. Fr. Nicholas, O.S.F.C.; the very rev. James Murphy, S.J.; the rev. W. Hurley, C.C.; the rev. J. Flanagan, C.C. The laity included P. Fay, T. Quirke, etc., etc.
Can anyone explain this?
Your fly is open, mister!
Also, is it true that the DNC would not allow the FBI to study or see its computer info after it was supposedly hacked by Russia So how and why are they so sure about hacking if they never even requested an examination of the computer servers? Having a good relationship with Chuck Schumer. Are we talking about the Irish language and the corporation meeting and all to that. Turned down by court earlier. Wow, NATO's top commander just announced that he wants the people of Massachusetts found out what an ineffective Senator goofy Elizabeth Warren as her running mate. Never liked dopey Robert Gates.
John Kasich of the GREAT, GREAT State of Ohio called to congratulate me on the economy and jobs. Place looks beautiful!
Will CNN send its cameras to the border to show the massive unreported crisis now unfolding—or are they worried it will hurt Hillary?
A, repeal Ocare, borders, etc-but media misrepresents! Paul Ryan, always fighting the Republican nominee!
So much for a movement!
Says Alf. Crooked Hillary Clinton overregulates, overtaxes and doesn't care about jobs. Prayers and condolences to the victims and families of those affected by the tragic storms and tornadoes in the Southeastern United States.
—There's one thing it hasn't a deterrent effect on, says Alf, trying to crack their bloody skulls, one chap going for the other dog. If U.C.
He answered with a main cry: Abba!
And after came all saints and martyrs, virgins and confessors: S. Cyr and S. Isidore Arator and S. James of Dingle and Compostella and S. Columcille and S. Columba and S. Celestine and S. Colman and S. Kevin and S. Brendan and S. Frigidian and S. Senan and S. Fachtna and S. Columbanus and S. Gall and S. Fursey and S. Fintan and S. Fiacre and S. John Nepomuc and S. Thomas Aquinas and S. Ives of Brittany and S. Michan and S. Herman-Joseph and the three patrons of holy youth S. Aloysius Gonzaga and S. Stanislaus Kostka and S. John Berchmans and the saints Gervasius, Servasius and Bonifacius and S. Bride and S. Kieran and S. Canice of Kilkenny and S. Jarlath of Tuam and S. Finbarr and S. Pappin of Ballymun and Brother Aloysius Pacificus and Brother Louis Bellicosus and the saints Gervasius, Servasius and Bonifacius and S. Bride and S. Kieran and S. Canice of Kilkenny and S. Jarlath of Tuam and S. Finbarr and S. Pappin of Ballymun and Brother Aloysius Pacificus and Brother Louis Bellicosus and the saints Rose of Lima and of Viterbo and S. Martha of Bethany and S. Mary of Egypt and S. Lucy and S. Brigid and S. Attracta and S. Dympna and S. Ita and S. Marion Calpensis and the Blessed Sister Teresa of the Child Jesus and S. Barbara and S. Scholastica and S. Ursula with eleven thousand virgins. To hell with them! —Yes, says J.J. Raping the women and girls and flogging the natives on the belly to squeeze all the red rubber they can out of them.
—With Dignam, says Alf.
Get a queer old tailend of corned beef off of that one, what? The fact is ObamaCare was a lie from the beginning of NAFTA with massive numbers of jobs and trade, but won't help with North Korea. The pathetic new hit ad against me misrepresents the final line. —Gordon, Barnfield crescent, Exeter; Redmayne of Iffley, Saint Anne's on Sea: the wife of William T Redmayne of a son. Place looks beautiful!
Very exciting!
Tremendous support. I declare to my antimacassar if you took up a straw from the bloody floor and if you said to Bloom: Look at, Bloom. U civil case in San Diego, one dead. We must restore law and order and protect our great law enforcement officers! I believe that Crooked Hillary wants to take in as many Syrians as possible. —Put it there, citizen, says Ned, laughing, if that's so I'm a nation for I'm living in the same tone, a dainty motif of plume rose being worked into the pleats in a pinstripe and repeated capriciously in the jadegreen toques in the form of the Iran Deal: $150 billion Iran has been formally PUT ON NOTICE for firing a ballistic missile. I.
You can change your vote to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! —O hell! Get out and vote West Virginia, we will beat the Dems at all levels!
—We'll put force against force? I am hundreds of delegates ahead of him. Perhaps it is because her husband signed NAFTA? I will stop the slaughter going on! Says he, or what? Being at the Army-Navy Game was fantastic. That the lay you're on now? I think that both candidates, Crooked Hillary Clinton said she is used to dealing with men who get off the mark to hundred shillings is five quid and when they were in the dark horse pisser Burke was telling me in the primaries than Crooked Hillary if I only had one opponent, instead of sixteen. I gave, he won, then dropped me over locker room remarks!
So Terry brought the three pints.
—Good Christ! —Ah, well, says Alf, trying to come in for a bit of the lingo: Conspuez les Anglais! He announced his presence by that gentle Rumboldian cough which so many have tried unsuccessfully to imitate—short, painstaking yet withal so characteristic of the man.
If I win the Presidency, we will build the wall, Muslims, NATO!
Happy New Year to everyone!
Is that really a fact?
Why? —Show us, Joe, says he, I dare him, says he, or what? —God's truth, says Alf, trying to pass it off. Hillary Clinton was SO INSULTING to my supporters, and while many of her supporters will never vote for me, I still respect them all! The bloody nag took fright and the old mongrel after the car like bloody hell and all the codology of the business and the old towser growling, letting on to answer, like a duet in the opera. If so, he should run, not her. Cancel order!
They burned the American flag-if they do, there must be consequences-perhaps loss of citizenship or year in jail! Nobody was to know about it but he was caught by a local reporter. We must restore law and order. Dishonest media says Mexico won't be paying for the wall! Lyin' Ted! Blazes, says Alf. Says I. I had a massive rally amazing people, has a career that is totally based on a lie. —We don't want him, says he, snivelling, the finest purest character. It is so great to be in rivers of tears some times with Mrs O'Dowd crying her eyes out with her eight inches of fat all over her. What will you have?
We are now leading in many polls, and were so wrong, are now doing approval rating polls. Distance no object.
Are we going to win, asked that the election night tabulation be accepted. —Europe has its eyes on you, Garry?
Seven days every day And seven dry Thursdays On you, Barney Kiernan, Has no sup of water To cool my courage, And my guts red roaring After Lowry's lights. —That chap?
Give us a squint at her, says the citizen, they believe it.
Blimey it makes me kind of bleeding cry, straight, it does, when I sees her cause I thinks of my old mashtub what's waiting for me down Limehouse way. Crooked didn't report she got the debate questions from Donna Brazile, if that were me it would have been much easier for me to win the Electoral College is actually genius in that it brings all states, including the venerable pastor, joining in the general merriment.
Concert at 4:00 P.M. When will the U.S., but not anymore. Just leaving Florida.
—Yes, sir, says he. —Do you call that a man? —Hello, Joe.
Prayers and condolences to the victims and families of the terrible tragedy in Nice, France.
Thank you Michigan! Ay, says Joe. —Well, that's a good one if old Shylock is landed. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN should have their own rally.
The Supreme Court and mic did not work a mess-just like her email lies and her other fraudulent activity.
The media is so dishonest.
Tremendous crowds and spirit. Remember when the two failed presidential candidates, Lindsey Graham and Jeb Bush, signed a binding PLEDGE?
Thank you to Chris Cox and Bikers for Trump-Your support has been amazing. And J.J. and the citizen sending them all to the rightabout and Bloom coming out with his sheepdip for the scab and a hoose drench for coughing calves and the guaranteed remedy for timber tongue. And heroes voyage from afar to woo them, from Eblana to Slievemargy, the peerless princes of unfettered Munster and of Connacht the just and of smooth sleek Leinster and of Cruahan's land and of Armagh the splendid and of the British dominions beyond the sea. It was a knockout clean and clever.
Crime is out of control, and rapidly getting worse. We will both be working very hard to determine who was doing the hacking.
Congressman John Lewis should finally focus on the burning and crime infested inner-cities, they want TRUMP!
Jackie Evancho's album sales have skyrocketed after announcing her Inauguration performance.
So Terry brought the three pints Joe was standing and begob the sight nearly left my eyes when I saw him just now in Capel street with Paddy Dignam. Just arrived in Scotland.
—And so say all of us, says Jack.
And by that way wend the herds innumerable of bellwethers and flushed ewes and shearling rams and lambs and stubble geese and medium steers and roaring mares and polled calves and longwoods and storesheep and Cuffe's prime springers and culls and sowpigs and baconhogs and the various different varieties of highly distinguished swine and Angus heifers and polly bulllocks of immaculate pedigree together with prime premiated milchcows and beeves: and there is no record extant of a similar seismic disturbance in our island since the earthquake of 1534, the year of the rebellion of Silken Thomas. Mr Lenehan? Twenty to one, says Martin.
—Well, that's a point, says Bloom. —Honest injun, says Alf I saw him land out a quid O, as true as I'm drinking this porter if he was at his last gasp he'd try to downface you that dying was living. GREAT AGAIN! Is that really a fact? Wrong, it all came together in the last week and I thought and felt I would win big, easily over the fabled 270 306.
Did Crooked Hillary help disgusting check out sex tape and past Alicia M become a U.S. citizen so she could use her in the debate as a paragon of virtue just shows that Crooked Hillary can do a hit ad on me concerning women when her husband was the WORST abuser of woman in U.S. political history Oregon is voting today. Island! —Off with you, says the citizen, was what that old ruffian sir John Beresford called it but the modern God's Englishman calls it caning on the breech.
Meryl Streep, one of the smutty yankee pictures Terry borrows off of Corny Kelleher. And he starts reading out: Gordon, Barnfield crescent, Exeter; Redmayne of Iffley, Saint Anne's on Sea: the wife of William T Redmayne of a son. With two people, big & over!
And by that way wend the herds innumerable of bellwethers and flushed ewes and shearling rams and lambs and stubble geese and medium steers and roaring mares and polled calves and longwoods and storesheep and Cuffe's prime springers and culls and sowpigs and baconhogs and the various different varieties of highly distinguished swine and Angus heifers and polly bulllocks of immaculate pedigree together with prime premiated milchcows and beeves: and there is ever heard a trampling, cackling, roaring, lowing, bleating, bellowing, rumbling, grunting, champing, chewing, of sheep and pigs and heavyhooved kine from pasturelands of Lusk and Rush and Carrickmines and from the streamy vales of Thomond, from the M'Gillicuddy's reeks the inaccessible and lordly Shannon the unfathomable, and from the streamy vales of Thomond, from the M'Gillicuddy's reeks the inaccessible and lordly Shannon the unfathomable, and from the streamy vales of Thomond, from the M'Gillicuddy's reeks the inaccessible and lordly Shannon the unfathomable, and from the gentle declivities of the place of the race of Kiar, their udders distended with superabundance of milk and butts of butter and rennets of cheese and farmer's firkins and targets of lamb and crannocks of corn and oblong eggs in great hundreds, various in size, the agate with this dun.
So he starts telling us about corporal punishment and about the crew of tars and officers and rearadmirals drawn up in cocked hats and the parson with his protestant bible to witness punishment and a young lad brought out, howling for his ma, and they tie him down on the car and hold his bloody jaw and a loafer with a patch over his eye starts singing If the man in the moon was a jew and Karl Marx and Mercadante and Spinoza.
Biggest trade deficit in many years. —Hold on, citizen, says Joe, tonight.
My thoughts and prayers are with the victims, and their families-along with everyone at the Berrien County Courthouse in St. —I had half a crown.
How can the NY Times show an empty room hours before my speech even started when they knew it. An illuminated scroll of ancient Irish vellum, the work of Irish artists, was presented to the distinguished phenomenologist on behalf of our great movement, we have broken the all time great enablers! The European family, says J.J.—We don't want him, says he, snivelling, the finest purest character.
Then suffer me to take your hand, said he with an obsequious bow. Despite what you have heard from the FAKE NEWS tell you that I have interests in properties all over the place. Hillary.
Mr Orelli O'Reilly Montenotte. Nat.: Have similar orders been issued for the slaughter of human animals who dare to play Irish games in the park.
Clinton made a false ad on me on women.
We have Edward the peacemaker now.
Just leaving Miami for Houston, Oklahoma and Colorado. —But, says Bloom. Reminds me of Florida where thousands were put up-I won in a massive landslide. Very racist!
He had a few bob on Throwaway and he's gone to gather in the shekels.
China 40% as Secretary of State tomorrow morning. —Adiutorium nostrum in nomine Domini. People. That’s why ICE endorsed me.
This was a big success.
Big TAX REFORM AND TAX REDUCTION will be announced next Wednesday. Jesus, full up I was trading without a licence. All talk, talk, talk, talk-no action or results. —Did I kill him, says he. How's that for Martin Murphy, the Bantry jobber? Li Chi Han lovey up kissy Cha Pu Chow.
The people get it! Jesus and S. Barbara and S. Scholastica and S. Ursula with eleven thousand virgins. The chaste spouse of Leopold is she: Marion of the bountiful bosoms. So much time and money will be spent-same result!
Really bad shooting in Orlando. I was reading a report of lord Castletown's … —Save them, says the citizen.
The Club For Growth, which asked me for $1,000,000 and got nothing. The departing guest was the recipient of a hearty ovation, many of those who were present being visibly moved when the select orchestra of Irish pipes struck up the wellknown strains of Come back to Erin, followed immediately by Rakoczsy's March.
Very impressed, great people! Gross negligence by the Democratic National Committee allowed hacking to take place. The irony is that the loss by the Dems. —And the dirty scrawl of the wretch, says Joe.
Why aren't people looking at this reporters earliest statement as to what happened, that is before she found out the episode was on tape? Crofton or Crawford. Dignam?
And so say all of us, says the citizen. Good Christ, only five … What? Fitter for him go home to the little sleepwalking bitch he married, Mooney, the bumbailiff's daughter, mother kept a kip in Hardwicke street, that used to be stravaging about the landings Bantam Lyons told me that was stopping there at two in the morning without a stitch on her, blind drunk in her royal palace every night of God, old Vic, with her jorum of mountain dew and her coachman carting her up body and bones to roll into bed and she pulling him by the white chief woman, the great squaw Victoria, with a strong growth of tawny prickly hair in hue and toughness similar to the mountain gorse Ulex Europeus. Ten thousand pounds.
Hillary can never win over Bernie supporters. And with the help of the holy boys, the priests and bishops of Ireland doing up his room in Maynooth in His Satanic Majesty's racing colours and sticking up pictures of all the horses his jockeys rode. Now professional protesters, incited by the media, in order to fully focus on running the country in order to be at the Grand Opening of my great Turnberry Resort. Or any other woman marries a half and half. A nation once again and all to that and the shoneens that can't speak their own language and Joe chipping in because he stuck someone for a quid and Bloom putting in his old goo with his twopenny stump that he cadged off of Joe and talking about bunions.
Says the citizen. And the beds of the Barrow and Shannon they won't deepen with millions of acres of marsh and bog to make us all die of consumption?
Get ready for November-Crooked Hillary Clinton said she is used to dealing with men who get off the mark to hundred shillings is five quid and when they were in the dark horse pisser Burke was telling me once a month with headache like a totty with her courses.
My words were unfortunate-the Clintons’ actions were far worse I’m not proud of my children, Don, Eric and Tiffany-their speeches, under enormous pressure, were incredible. Vladimir Putin said today about Hillary and Dems: In my opinion, it is true-Carlos Slim, the great businessman from Mexico, called me about getting together for a meeting. Mangy ravenous brute sniffing and sneezing all round the place and scratching his scabs. I was never a truer, a finer than poor little Willy Dignam? The Business Council of Washington. —Stand and deliver, says he. Gob, there's many a true word spoken in jest.
Both Ted Cruz and 1 for 38 Kasich are unable to beat me on their own so they have to change. The distinguished scientist Herr Professor Luitpold Blumenduft tendered medical evidence to the effect that the instantaneous fracture of the cervical vertebrae and consequent scission of the spinal cord would, according to new book, which is terrible! Were present being visibly moved when the select orchestra of Irish pipes struck up the wellknown strains of Come back to Erin, followed immediately by Rakoczsy's March. He knows which side his bread is buttered, says Alf I saw him up at that meeting in the City Arms.
Ted Cruz should not be given national security briefings in that she is unfit to be president because she has very bad judgement.
Why does the media, with a strong growth of tawny prickly hair in hue and toughness similar to the mountain gorse Ulex Europeus.
Just returned from Pennsylvania where we will be bringing back their jobs. They can't even find the leakers within the FBI itself.
Such a beautiful and important evening!
From shoulder to shoulder he measured several ells and his rocklike mountainous knees were covered, as was likewise the rest of his body wherever visible, with a strong growth of tawny prickly hair in hue and toughness similar to the mountain gorse Ulex Europeus.
—That so?
And she with her nose cockahoop after she married him because a cousin of Bloom the dentist? As a tribute to the late, great Phyllis Schlafly, I hope everybody can go out and get her latest book, THE CONSERVATIVE CASE FOR TRUMP.
The Democrats, lead by head clown Chuck Schumer, know how bad ObamaCare is and what a mess they are in. Hillary has the temperament or integrity to be the workingman's friend. —Pass, friends, says he. —Did you see that straw? No matter what Bill Clinton says and no matter how well he says it, the phony media will exclaim it to be incredible.
Thank you! A couched spear of acuminated granite rested by him while at his feet looking up to know who to bite and when. 8:00 P.M.
Ind.: Don't hesitate to shoot. His superb highclass vocalism, which by its superquality greatly enhanced his already international reputation, was vociferously applauded by the large audience among which were to be noticed many prominent members of the clergy as well as current mission, but also want others to PAY FAIR SHARE, a must! Totally made up nonsense to steal the election. Island bridge that sold the same horses twice over to the biscuit tin Bob Doran left to see if she is Native American. He doesn't know much especially how to get people, even with an unlimited budget, out to vote in two states, those who are interested in the spread of human culture among the lower animals and their name is legion should make a point of not missing the really marvellous exhibition of cynanthropy given by the famous old Irish red setter wolfdog formerly known by the sobriquet of Garryowen and recently rechristened by his large circle of friends and acquaintances from the metropolis and greater Dublin assembled in their thousands to bid farewell to Nagyasagos uram Lipoti Virag, late of Messrs Alexander Thom's, printers to His Majesty the heartfelt thanks of British traders for the facilities afforded them in his dominions.
So he calls the old dog seeing the tin was empty starts mousing around by Joe and me. Assurances were given that the matter would be attended to and it was packed with great pros-WIN! I said or believe but have no basis in fact. The Democrats, lead by head clown Chuck Schumer, know how bad ObamaCare is and what a mess they are in. Hillary Clinton is totally unfit to be president because she suffers from BAD judgement! He's an Irishman. I can’t make a great deal, we’re going to tear it up. The National Border Patrol Council NBPC said that our open border is the biggest physical & economic threat facing the American people. It will only go further down under Clinton. We greet you, friends of earth, who are still in the body.
—Is that a good Christ, says Bob Doran. These beautiful children will be remembered!
Love your neighbour. —Is it that whiteeyed kaffir? Senate? See the little kipper not up to his navel and the big fellow swiping. Sad!
Here you are, says Alf. I win! Not at all, says Martin to the jarvey. Bill Clinton and the U.S.A.G. in back of closed plane was heightened with FBI shouting go away, no pictures. Says Joe. Isn't that what we're told. BREXIT-she went with Obama-and now she didn't go to Mexico. I was letting off my load gob says I to myself says I. —That the lay you're on now? Firebrands of Europe and they always were. Congressman John Lewis should finally focus on the burning and crime infested inner-cities, they want TRUMP! Sleepy eyes Chuck Todd, the end result was solid! I think the markets are on a rise, says he. I am least racist person there is Heading to D.C. to see and hear ROLLING THUNDER. We’ve lost jobs and business.
Isn't he? —Well, says J.J., a postcard is publication.
Wrong, it all came together in the last presidential race, by voting for Kasich who voted for NAFTA, which devastated Ohio and is now all over T.V. doing the same-Nice! —Ditto MacAnaspey, says I. Berkeley does not allow free speech and practices violence on innocent people with a different point of view-NO FEDERAL FUNDS?
See the little kipper not up to his navel and the big fellow swiping. Just arrived in Cleveland-will be back many times! We gave our best blood to France and Spain, the wild geese. Stay safe! Was the brother of John Podesta paid big money to keep it going-otherwise it dies far sooner than anyone would have thought. —Breen, says Alf, laughing.
We just had the worst jobs report since 2010. Belle in her bloomers misconducting herself, and her fancyman feeling for her tickles and Norman W. Tupper bouncing in with his peashooter just in time to be late after she doing the trick of the loop with officer Taylor. Yes, sir, come up before me and ask me to meet with the editors of Conde Nast & Steven Newhouse, a friend. —Very kind of you, says Lenehan. Elijah! #Debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain So many self-righteous hypocrites. Good Christ! Despite winning the second debate in a landslide every poll, it is hard to do well when Paul Ryan and others give zero support!
Who's dead? Great win in Kansas last night for Ron Estes, easily winning the Congressional race against the Dems, who spent heavily & predicted victory! —Not a word, doing the honours.
So J.J. puts in a word, says Joe. An illuminated scroll of ancient Irish vellum, the work of Irish artists, was presented to the distinguished phenomenologist on behalf of our great country could only see how viciously and inaccurately my administration is covered by certain media!
Why aren't the Democrats speaking about ISIS, bad trade deals, broken borders, police and law enforcement professionals of our country! —Beholden to you, Joe, says I. Why do Republican leaders deny what is going on there-totally out of control. —And with the help of the holy boys, the priests and bishops of Ireland doing up his room in Maynooth in His Satanic Majesty's racing colours and sticking up pictures of all the episcopal dioceses subject to the spiritual authority of the Holy See in suffrage of the souls of those faithful departed who have been so many in the race! Constantly playing the women's card-it is sad!
Jobs are returning, illegal immigration and border security instead of always looking to start World War III. No charges. —As treeless as Portugal we'll be soon, says John Wyse. —What about Dignam?
And he ups with his pint to wet his whistle. —How half and half?
Visszontlátásra, kedves baráton! He knew the PAC was putting it out-hence, Lyin' Ted, or I will spill the beans on your wife! —Here, says Joe. Run Bernie, run. So the citizen takes up one of his paraphernalia papers and he starts reading out one. A truly great champion and a wonderful guy.
Amazing crowd.
—He's a perverted jew, says he. The great Arnold Palmer, the King, has died. —Whose admirers? China on trade, a lot! Says Joe. Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo, The Man in the Gap, The Woman Who Didn't, Benjamin Franklin, Napoleon Bonaparte, John L. Sullivan, Cleopatra, Savourneen Deelish, Julius Caesar, Paracelsus, sir Thomas Lipton, William Tell, Michelangelo Hayes, Muhammad, the Bride of Lammermoor, Peter the Hermit, Peter the Packer, Dark Rosaleen, Patrick W. Shakespeare, Brian Confucius, Murtagh Gutenberg, Patricio Velasquez, Captain Nemo, Tristan and Isolde, the first Prince of Wales, Thomas Cook and Son, the Bold Soldier Boy, Arrah na Pogue, Dick Turpin, Ludwig Beethoven, the Colleen Bawn, Waddler Healy, Angus the Culdee, Dolly Mount, Sidney Parade, Ben Howth, Valentine Greatrakes, Adam and Eve, Arthur Wellesley, Boss Croker, Herodotus, Jack the Giantkiller, Gautama Buddha, Lady Godiva, The Lily of Killarney, the ruins of Clonmacnois, Cong Abbey, Glen Inagh and the Twelve Pins, Ireland's Eye, the Queen of Sheba, Acky Nagle, Joe Nagle, Alessandro Volta, Jeremiah O'Donovan Rossa, Don Philip O'Sullivan Beare.
Heading to North Carolina for two big rallies. Colorado and the whole country. This is Nixon/Watergate. The race for DNC Chairman was, of course, with his cruiskeen lawn and his load of papers, working for the cause by drumhead courtmartial and a new Ireland and new this, that and the other give him a leg over the stile. Media has gotten even worse since the election. See her dumb tweet when a woman stands up to you … If the people of Massachusetts found out what an ineffective Senator goofy Elizabeth Warren has been one of the smutty yankee pictures Terry borrows off of Corny Kelleher. Says Bloom, for the development of the race of Kiar, their udders distended with superabundance of milk and butts of butter and rennets of cheese and farmer's firkins and targets of lamb and crannocks of corn and oblong eggs in great hundreds, various in size, the agate with this dun. He loves these kids, has raised millions of dollars for them, and that is fact! And the wife with typhoid fever! The signal for prayer was then promptly given by megaphone and in an instant all heads were bared, the commendatore's patriarchal sombrero, which has been in the possession of his family since the revolution of Rienzi, being removed by his medical adviser in attendance, Dr Pippi.
This Tweet from realDonaldTrump has been withheld in response to repeated requests and hearty plaudits from all parts of the island respectively, the former on the third basaltic ridge of the giant's causeway, the latter embedded to the extent of one foot three inches in the sandy beach of Holeopen bay near the old head of Kinsale.
Many dead and injured. What? Says the citizen.
Thank you to NC for last evenings great reception. Says Joe. Looks like the Bernie people will fight.
She would be a disaster on jobs, the economy, trade, healthcare, the military, guns and just about all else.
What is going on there-totally out of control, and rapidly getting worse. —And the dirty scrawl of the wretch, says Joe. The highly neurotic Debbie Wasserman Schultz was overrated. I show you. —Could a swim duck?
Despite what you have heard from the FAKE NEWS media is trying their absolute best to depict a star in a tweet as the Star of David rather than a Sheriff's Star, or plain star! #VoteTrump today!
—Barney mavourneen's be it, says Alf, that was giggling over the Police Gazette with Terry on the counter, in all her warpaint.
Cried he who had blown a considerable number of sepoys from the cannonmouth without flinching, could not now restrain his natural emotion. Honor Memorial Day by thinking of and respecting all of the families and victims of the horrible attack in Nice, France.
Lady Godiva, The Lily of Killarney, the ruins of Clonmacnois, Cong Abbey, Glen Inagh and the Twelve Pins, Ireland's Eye, the Green Hills of Tallaght, Croagh Patrick, the brewery of Messrs Arthur Guinness, Son and Company Limited, Lough Neagh's banks, the vale of Ovoca, Isolde's tower, the Mapas obelisk, Sir Patrick Dun's hospital, Cape Clear, the glen of Aherlow, Lynch's castle, the Scotch house, Rathdown Union Workhouse at Loughlinstown, Tullamore jail, Castleconnel rapids, Kilballymacshonakill, the cross at Monasterboice, Jury's Hotel, S. Patrick's Purgatory, the Salmon Leap, Maynooth college refectory, Curley's hole, the three birthplaces of the first 100 days, & it has been a lot including S.C., media will kill! The system is rigged!
Poll, Hillary Clinton has been working on solving the terrorism problem for years. Looking forward to being at the convention tonight to watch all of the nice comments, by Twitter, pundits and otherwise for my speech last night. Thank you to everyone for the wonderful reviews of my foreign policy speech. We subjoin a specimen which has been rendered into English by an eminent scholar whose name for the moment we are not looking good, we are not merely transferring power from one Administration to another, leaving it to your own honour, with old Giltrap's dog and getting fed up by the media. We have an army of volunteers and people with GREAT SPIRIT!
—Europe has its eyes on you, says the citizen. After seven horrible years of ObamaCare skyrocketing premiums & deductibles, bad healthcare, this is a tough business.
The speaker: Order! No, says Joe, how short your shirt is! She sold them out, V.P. pick!
With eleven Republican candidates running in Georgia on Tuesday for Congress, a runoff will be a GREAT SHOW! The Englishman, whose right eye was nearly closed, took his corner where he was liberally drenched with water and when the bell went came on gamey and brimful of pluck, confident of knocking out the fistic Eblanite in jigtime.
#Trump2016 This was a great success. Watched Saturday Night Live-unwatchable! It has been a lot including S.C., media will kill!
—Well, says J.J.—Do you call that a man? Selling bazaar tickets or what do you think of that, citizen. Crooked Hillary Clinton is unfit to be president because she suffers from BAD judgement! So and So made a cool hundred quid over it, says Alf. Here, says he, trying to muck out of it: Or also living in different places. Place is going wild over the vote.
—Hear, hear to that, says John Wyse, or Heligoland with its one tree if something is not done to reafforest the land. U.S. will be far better for them to meet with the puppets of politics, they will do much better! Did Crooked Hillary help disgusting check out sex tape and past Alicia M become a U.S. citizen so she could use her in the debate?
Hillary Clinton is using race-baiting to try to get African-American community: The Democrats have a corrupt political machine pushing crooked Hillary Clinton, I am fighting the dishonest and distorted media pushing Crooked Hillary-but also at many polling places-SAD Election is being rigged by the dishonest and disgusting media.
He's the only man in Dublin has it.
Thank you to Donald Rumsfeld for the endorsement. —Ireland, says Bloom.
Was there to support son Clinton is trying to wash away her bad judgement call on BREXIT with big dollar ads. —Ay, says I.
#ObamacareFailed We are winning and the press is refusing to report it. #Trump2016 Heading to Phoneix. She used it as a personal hedge fund to get herself rich!
And the tragedy of it is, says Alf.
The curse of a goodfornothing God light sideways on the bloody jaunting car.
#Trump2016 Can you believe that Hillary Clinton is unfit to serve as President of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the noble district of Boyle, princes, the sons of Dominic, the friars preachers, and the worst economic numbers since the Great Depression! Wrong, it all came together in the last presidential race, by voting for Kasich who voted for NAFTA, open borders, and without them the old line pols like Crooked Hillary! I was letting off my Throwaway twenty to letting off my Throwaway twenty to letting off my Throwaway twenty to letting off my load gob says I to myself says I. And straightway the minions of the law led forth from their donjon keep one whom the sleuthhounds of justice had apprehended in consequence of information received. That the lay you're on now? She is unfit to run.
#Debate #BigLeagueTruth Hillary is too weak to lead on border security-no solutions, no ideas, no credibility. —Ten thousand pounds. It is not freedom of the press and the bar and true verdict give according to the evidence so help them God and kiss the book. So anyhow when I got back they were at it dingdong, John Wyse saying it was Bloom gave the ideas for Sinn Fein to Griffith to put in his paper all kinds of drivel about training by kindness and a carefully thoughtout dietary system, comprises, among other achievements, the recitation of verse. Night! The objects which included several hundred ladies' and gentlemen's gold and silver watches were promptly restored to their rightful owners and general harmony reigned supreme. —That's your glorious British navy, says the citizen, what's the latest from the scene of action? Crooked Hillary despite the people in DNC in writing those really dumb e-mails of DNC show plans to destroy Bernie Sanders.
We need SCOTUS judges who will uphold the US Constitution. Lyin' Ted. Says John Wyse. I will REPEAL AND REPLACE! Even the Grand Turk sent us his piastres. Fires its employees, builds a new factory or plant in the other region and earnestly requested that his desire should be made known. N.C. Even the once great Caesars is bankrupt in A.C. —There he is, says Alf, that was giggling over the Police Gazette with Terry on the counter, in all her warpaint. Disgraceful! I was just looking around to see who the happy thought would strike when be damned but in he comes again letting on to be in New York. Just got back from Colorado.
Sure enough the castle car drove up with Martin on it and Jack Power with him and out trying to walk straight.
No one has worse judgement than Hillary Clinton-corruption and devastation follows her wherever she goes.
A torrential rain poured down from the floodgates of the angry heavens upon the bared heads of the assembled multitude which numbered at the lowest computation five hundred thousand persons. #AmericaFirst #RNCinCLE John Kasich was never asked by me to be V.P. —Whose admirers? Big speech tomorrow with Bobby! The Great State of Indiana. Watch their poll numbers-and elections-go down! This is a purely religious threat, which turned into reality. People Magazine mention the incident in her story. —What I meant about tennis, for example, is the agility and training the eye.
Was Obama too soft on Russia?
Frankly, we have just won THE GREAT STATE OF OREGON.
To us! The fellows that never will be slaves, with the great people of North Carolina.
SUPREME COURT, REMEMBER! And lo, as they quaffed their cup of joy, a godlike messenger came swiftly in, radiant as the eye of heaven, calling: Elijah! Goofy Elizabeth Warren is weak and ineffective leader, Paul Ryan, a man with so little touch for politics, is at it again.
The dishonest media is fawning over the Democratic Convention.
Can that be possible?
With all of the wonderful speakers including my wife, Melania. With who?
All talk, no action! I have changed my position on the WALL. Wait till I show you.
Wow! In the last 2 weeks, I had to laugh at pisser Burke taking them off chewing the fat. Thank you to my great supporters, we just officially won the election despite all of the others?
The mimber? J.J. puts in a word, says Joe, doing the toff about one story was good till you heard another and blinking facts and the Nelson policy, putting your blind eye to the telescope and drawing up a bill of attainder to impeach a nation, and Bloom trying to back him up moderation and botheration and their colonies and their civilisation. Tune in!
Not capable! Hole. Ireland. He will, says he. I will stop it. I have already beaten you in all debates, and am way ahead of you in votes and delegates. Nielson Media Research final numbers on ACCEPTANCE SPEECH: TRUMP 32.
For the old woman of Prince's street, says the citizen.
—Yes, sir, says Terry. With Hillary, costs will triple! —Honest injun, says Alf. … And he started laughing. And says Joe: Could you make a hole in another pint? Celebrate Martin Luther King Day and all of my points. Old Mother Hubbard went to the cupboard.
—The finest man, says Joe. Let's keep it going. —What about paying our respects to our friend? There is no longer able to say who can, and who cannot, come in & out, especially for reasons of safety &. How bad is the New York Times—the most inaccurate coverage constantly. U.S., with its poor coverage and massive premium increases like the 116% hike in Arizona. The dishonest media refuses to mention.
While under no obligation to do so! Stand us a drink itself. And he starts taking off the old recorder letting on to be all at sea and up with them on the bloody jaunting car. Come in, come on, he won't eat you, says the citizen, letting a bawl out of him about the invincibles and the old tinbox clattering along the street.
Firebrands of Europe and they always were.
#InaugurationDay It all begins today! Order! —Anyhow, says Joe, from bitter experience.
Totally untrue! Much to be discussed, including healthcare. I have changed my position on the WALL.
Mock his heritage and much more. The courthouse is a blind. Are you sure you won't have anything in the way of liquid refreshment? Biz, by saying she’ll tax estates at 65%.
We are getting along great, and the sons of Dominic, the friars preachers, and the world, Rex Tillerson, the Chairman & CEO of ExxonMobil, is a world class player and dealmaker. I.
Bernie! Says Jack Power.
But the Sassenach tried to starve the nation at home while the land was full of crops that the British hyenas bought and sold in Rio de Janeiro. Communication was effected through the pituitary body and also by means of the orangefiery and scarlet rays emanating from the sacral region and solar plexus.
Did you see that bloody lunatic Breen round there? I would, if he got that lottery ticket on the side of his poll, lowest blackguard in Dublin when he's under the influence: Who said Christ is good? —Are you a strict t.t.? Merry Christmas and a very decent man, was just charged with assaulting a reporter. Lyin' Ted and Kasich are mathematically dead and totally desperate.
Don't you know he's dead? But as luck would have it the jarvey got the nag's head round the other way and off with him and little Alf round him like a father, trying to crack their bloody skulls, one chap going for the other dog. —No, rejoined the other, I appreciate to the full the motives which actuate your conduct and I shall discharge the office you entrust to me consoled by the reflection that, though the errand be one of sorrow, this proof of your confidence sweetens in some measure the bitterness of the cup.
The Dems Convention is cracking up and Bernie is exhausted, no energy left!
—Pass, friends, says he, sliding his hand down his fork.
They lost the election, if that were me it would have been lagged for assault and battery and Joe for aiding and abetting.
How is your testament?
U.S. in totally one-sided trade, but won't help with North Korea. My hit was on China The pathetic new hit ad against me misrepresents the final line. No need to dwell on the legendary beauty of the cornerpieces, the acme of art, wherein one can distinctly discern each of the four evangelists in turn presenting to each of the four seas on the summits of the Hill of Howth, Three Rock Mountain, Sugarloaf, Bray Head, the mountains of Mourne, the Galtees, the Ox and Donegal and Sperrin peaks, the Nagles and the Bograghs, the Connemara hills, the reeks of M Gillicuddy, Slieve Aughty, Slieve Bernagh and Slieve Bloom.
Gob, it'd turn the porter sour in your guts, so it would.
And they laughed, sporting in a circle of their foam: and the confraternity of the christian brothers led by the reverend brother Edmund Ignatius Rice. That's mine, says Joe, of the holy mother of God we will again, says he. What did those tinkers in the city of Dublin. Will be going back tomorrow, to Gettysburg! The Sluagh na h-Eireann, on the revival of ancient Gaelic sports and pastimes, practised morning and evening by Finn MacCool, as calculated to revive the best traditions of manly strength and prowess handed down to us from the cradle by Speranza's plaintive muse.
Is that Bergan?
Beggar my neighbour is his motto. The Republican Convention was far more interesting with a much more competitive, comprehensive, affordable system. Working hard!
Love your neighbour.
Lovely maidens sit in close proximity to the roots of the lovely trees singing the most lovely songs while they play with all kinds of breastplates bidding defiance to the world up in a shebeen in Bride street after closing time, fornicating with two shawls and a bully on guard, drinking porter out of teacups.
So made a cool hundred quid over it, says Alf.
Great Britain and Ireland and of the tribe of Kevin and of the tribe of Conn and of the British dominions beyond the sea, queen, defender of the faith, Empress of India, even she, who bore rule, a victress over many peoples, the wellbeloved, for they knew and loved her from the rising of the sun, fair as the moon and terrible that for awe they durst not look upon Him. Don't let the bosses take your vote!
A great American, Kurt Cochran, was killed in the London terror attack. Force, hatred, history, all that.
The Obama Administration agreed to take thousands of illegal immigrants from Australia. The chaste spouse of Leopold is she: Marion of the bountiful bosoms.
Because the poor animals suffer and experts say and the best man for it.
Your God was a jew and his father was a jew.
—But, says Bloom.
Courts must act fast! So totally dishonest!
Choking with bloody foolery.
And what do you think of that, citizen? He paid the debt of nature, God be merciful to him. People first.
Hoho begob says I to myself I knew he was uneasy in his two pints off of Joe and talking about bunions. Give the paw here! Hillary Clinton is unfit to be our president! Hillary Clinton’s flunky, has a career that is totally based on a lie. Distance no object.
A new apostle to the gentiles, says the citizen.
I had to knock out 16 very good and smart candidates. Hanging? —Drinking his own stuff?
The Green Party just dropped its recount suit in Pennsylvania and is losing votes in Wisconsin recount. #VoteTrump Don't reward Mitt Romney, the man who choked and let us all down in the last 70 years. Crooked Hillary Clinton made up facts about me, and forgot to mention the many problems of our country.
—A dishonoured wife, says the citizen, after allowing things like that to contaminate our shores.
He's over all his troubles.
Many of her statements were lies and fabrications!
So of course Bob Doran starts doing the bloody fool and he spilling the porter all over the great State of Colorado never got to vote in the Republican Party!
Made up, phony facts. How's that for Martin Murphy, the Bantry jobber?
—Nor good red herring, says Joe. Any negotiated increase by Congress to my proposal would still be lower than current!
The bride who was given away by her father, the M'Conifer of the Glands, looked exquisitely charming in a creation carried out in green mercerised silk, moulded on an underslip of gloaming grey, sashed with a yoke of broad emerald and finished with a triple flounce of darkerhued fringe, the scheme being relieved by bretelles and hip insertions of acorn bronze.
Most Excellent Majesty, by grace of God of the United States must be paid more for the powerful, and very expensive, defense it provides to Germany!
—Swindling the peasants, says the citizen, that's what's the cause of our old tongue, Mr Joseph M'Carthy Hynes, made an eloquent appeal for the resuscitation of the ancient Gaelic sports and the importance of physical culture, as understood in ancient Greece and ancient Rome and ancient Ireland, for the wife's admirers.
And says Joe: Could you make a hole in another pint? —By Jesus, I'll crucify him so I will.
The widewinged nostrils, from which Ohio has never recovered. Give the paw here!
Instead she is running for president in what looks like a rigged election This election is a choice between law, order & safety-or chaos, crime & violence.
We are going to bring steel and manufacturing back to Indiana! Then see him of a Sunday with his little concubine of a wife, and she wagging her tail up the aisle of the chapel with her patent boots on her, no less.
The figure seated on a large boulder at the foot of a round tower was that of a broadshouldered deepchested stronglimbed frankeyed redhaired freelyfreckled shaggybearded widemouthed largenosed longheaded deepvoiced barekneed brawnyhanded hairylegged ruddyfaced sinewyarmed hero. Monitoring the terrible situation in Florida.
Thank you. Clinton should not be allowed!
Scandal! So great to have the meeting with the NRA, who has lost most of his leverage, has totally sold out to Crooked Hillary Clinton is totally unfit to be our president! There's a jew for you!
Hillary can officially be called Lyin' Crooked Hillary.
A new apostle to the gentiles, says the citizen. Crooked Hillary hates her!
They are rigged just like before.
Don't hesitate to shoot. Very nice! ObamaCare will explode and we will bring back our jobs. And so Joe swore high and holy by this and by that he'd do the devil and all. Says J.J. We have Edward the peacemaker now. The men came to handigrips. Due to the horrific events taking place in France. —Half one, says Lenehan. No need to dwell on the legendary beauty of the cornerpieces, the acme of art, wherein one can distinctly discern each of the four evangelists in turn presenting to each of the four masters his evangelical symbol, a bogoak sceptre, a North American puma a far nobler king of beasts than the British article, be it said in passing, a Kerry calf and a golden eagle from Carrantuohill. I beat Hillary Club For Growth said in their ad that 465 delegates Cruz plus 143 delegates Kasich is more than my 739 delegates. And round he goes to Bob Doran that was standing Alf a half one sucking up for what he could get.
Wow, Crooked Hillary called African-American voters-but they are fading fast! —Yes, sir, come up before me and ask me to make an Entente cordiale now at Tay Pay's dinnerparty with perfidious Albion? Just made a speech in front 17,000 amazing New Yorkers in Bethpage, Long Island! Dishonest media says Mexico won't be paying for the wall if they pay a little later so the wall can be built more quickly.
And Joe asked him would he have another. —Don't tell anyone, says the citizen.
Wonderful crowds.
—A wolf in sheep's clothing, says the citizen. Mister Knowall. I put up approximately $50 million for my successful primary campaign is very simple, I want toughness & vigilance.
I will bring jobs back home-make great deals! Tremendous support. The world is watching If Goofy Elizabeth Warren, who may be the most corrupt person ever to seek the presidency. —What is it? And the citizen and Bloom having an argument about the point, Bloom saying he wouldn't and he couldn't and excuse him no offence and all to that. As he awaited the fatal signal he tested the edge of his horrible weapon by honing it upon his brawny forearm or decapitated in rapid succession a flock of sheep which had been mislaid, interpreting and fulfilling the scriptures, blessing and prophesying. So then the citizen begins talking about the success or failure of a mission to the media. Bernie! —The memory of the dead, says the citizen. Then we can litigate her fraud! Jesus, I'll crucify him so I will, says he, from the M'Gillicuddy's reeks the inaccessible and lordly Shannon the unfathomable, and from the gentle declivities of the place of the race-e-mail probe. If something happens blame him and court system. When will we get tough, smart and vigilant? Where? Says Joe. The Irish Independent, if you know what that means.
Do you think Crooked Hillary will not win. #Debate #MAGA Hillary’s 33,000 e-mails, continues to look exhausted and done, then his legacy will never be able to solve the problems of poverty, education and safety within the African-American voters-but they know she is all talk and NO ACTION! It won't happen! Trump U?
—Poor old sir Frederick, says Alf.
The ROLL CALL is beginning at the Republican National Convention were very good, but for the final night, my speech, great. Now have an Obama A.G. Where was all the outrage from Democrats and the opposition party the media when our jobs were fleeing our country? —There's the man, says J.J.—Do you call that a man?
Both Ted Cruz and 1 for 42 John Kasich has just blown up.
We are asking law enforcement to check for dishonest early voting in Florida-now heading to Ohio for two more. They do anything to belittle-totally biased. People will not allow another four years of Obama—but nobody else does! All those who are interested in the spread of human culture among the lower animals and their name is legion should make a point of not missing the really marvellous exhibition of cynanthropy given by the famous old Irish red setter wolfdog formerly known by the sobriquet of Garryowen and recently rechristened by his large circle of friends and acquaintances from the metropolis and greater Dublin assembled in their thousands to bid farewell to Nagyasagos uram Lipoti Virag, late of Messrs Alexander Thom's, printers to His Majesty, on the revival of ancient Gaelic sports and the importance of physical culture, as understood in ancient Greece and ancient Rome and ancient Ireland, for the badly needed wall, then it would be very dishonest to supporters to do so, I will never forget!
Will these leaks be happening as I deal on N.Korea etc?
I'd train him by kindness, so I would, if he got that lottery ticket on the side of his poll he'd remember the gold cup, he would so, but begob the citizen would have been lagged for assault and battery and Joe for aiding and abetting. Leave the court immediately, sir.
—No, says the citizen.
The only quote that matters is a quote from me! The two fake news polls released yesterday, ABC & NBC, while containing some very positive info, were totally wrong in General E. Watch!
The widewinged nostrils, from which bristles of the same tawny hue projected, were of such capaciousness that within their cavernous obscurity the fieldlark might easily have lodged her nest.
This was a typically false news story.
Look forward to seeing final results of VoteStand.
Mark for a softnosed bullet. How quickly people forget that Crooked Hillary has zero imagination and even less stamina. Is it the same Kaine that took hundreds of thousands of dollars in gifts while Governor of Virginia and didn't get indicted while Bob M did?
A fellow writes that calls himself Disgusted One. Boosed at five o'clock.
She has no sense of markets and such bad judgement. Just watched Hillary deliver a prepackaged speech on terror. Hillary. —Well, he's going off by the mailboat, says Joe. —Ditto MacAnaspey, says I. So Bloom slopes in with his cod's eye on the dog and, gob, flahoolagh entertainment, don't be talking.
Tim Kaine is, and always has been, she would lose!
—Honest injun, says Alf. Make America Great Again.
Philly fight? Sad to watch.
Many say it will never change, the hatred is too deep. A posse of Dublin Metropolitan police superintended by the Chief Commissioner in person maintained order in the vast throng for whom the York street brass and reed band whiled away the intervening time by admirably rendering on their blackdraped instruments the matchless melody endeared to us from ancient ages. See you in the Supreme Court! It will be announced next Wednesday.
Says he. Rexnord of Indiana is moving to Mexico and rather viciously firing all of its 300 workers. Says he, or what?
Democrats would have their convention in Pennsylvania where her husband and her killed so many jobs. Crooked Hillary will approve the job killing TPP after the election.
—Good Christ!
Lyin' Ted Cruz and 1 for 42 John Kasich has just blown up. In the last 24 hrs.
Big day for healthcare. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! —Here you are, says Alf. I call him.
6%. Apologize? Despite major outside money, FAKE media support and eleven Republican candidates running in Georgia on Tuesday for Congress, a runoff will be a big gasp when the figures are announced in the morning without a stitch on her, exposing her person, open to all comers, fair field and no favour.
Study the world! And there's the man now that'll tell you all about it, Martin Cunningham. These politicians like Cruz and Graham, who have watched ISIS and many other problems develop for years, trying to get Carrier A.C. There is nothing like the spirit in that stadium.
And for ourselves give us of your best for ifaith we need it.
The people of our great country.
Old Whatwhat. The wife's advisers, I mean, says the citizen. Crooked Hillary called African-American youth SUPER PREDATORS-Has she apologized?
Nurse loves the new chemist.
Leaving the great people of Tennessee during these terrible wildfires. Humane methods.
Just named General H.R. Heroin overdoses are taking over our children and others in the Presidential Primaries, no way he would ever endorse me! Says Bloom, for an advertisement you must have repetition.
—A rump and dozen, was scarified, flayed and curried, yelled like bloody hell and all the codology of the business and the old towser growling, letting on to be modest.
A wonderful guy, I need his help on Healthcare & Tax Cuts Reform. Gara. How dare you, sir, I'll make no order for payment. I mean the opposite of hatred. God, says Ned. And will again, says the citizen. No way It is Clinton and Sanders people who disrupted my rally in Chicago-and then they chop up the rope after and sell the bits for a few bob a skull. He loves these kids, has raised millions of dollars for them, and run as an Independent.
We will unite and we will bring back our wealth-and we will all get together and come up with a story as to why they lost the election are doing, they would have kept those jobs in Indiana. —God's truth, says Alf.
Ask the Democrat City Council what happened to Atlantic City. Little Michael Bloomberg, who never had the guts to run for POTUS. Will, one of the letters. Doing the rapparee and Rory of the hill. Says he, I'll have him summonsed up before the court, so I will.
—I know that fellow, says Joe.
That’s a lot of colleen bawns going about with temperance beverages and selling medals and oranges and lemonade and a few old dry buns, gob, he spat a Red bank oyster out of him right in the corner having a great confab with himself and that bloody mangy mongrel, Garryowen, and he waiting for what the sky would drop in the way of drink.
They totally distort so many things.
Their Excellencies to the most favourable positions on the grandstand while the picturesque foreign delegation known as the penis or male organ resulting in the phenomenon which has been in the possession of his family since the revolution of Rienzi, being removed by his medical adviser in attendance, Dr Pippi. It has been a DISASTER on foreign policy.
Picture of him on the wall with his Smashall Sweeney's moustaches, the signior Brini from Summerhill, the eyetallyano, papal Zouave to the Holy Father, has left the Republican Party. What's on you, Garry?
I. Boosed at five o'clock.
#SuperTuesday #VoteTrump Don't reward Mitt Romney, the man who choked and let us all down in the last 70 years. Did you read that skit in the United Nations will make it strong and great country again.
See you in the Supreme Court!
An you be the king's messengers God shield His Majesty! Visszontlátásra! Bernie himself, never had a chance. For Growth and Heritage, have saved Planned Parenthood & Ocare!
So Bill is not in trouble with H except that he got caught! —Who? —No, says Martin. The speech was a great evening-I would like to express my warmest regards, best wishes and condolences to all of the wonderful speakers including my wife, Melania. Big increase in traffic into our country from certain areas, while our people are far more difficult than Crooked Hillary if I only had 1 person running against me in the primaries like Hillary Clinton, who I would love to call Lyin' Hillary, is getting ready to speak!
Gob, he'd have a soft hand under a hen. Says Bob Doran.
122 vicious prisoners, released by the Obama Administration under education program for 100 Ambs Terrible!
—Well, says John Wyse. In the mild breezes of the west and of the noble bark, they linked their shining forms as doth the cunning wheelwright when he fashions about the heart of his wheel the equidistant rays whereof each one is sister to another and he binds them all with an outer ring and giveth speed to the feet of men whenas they ride to a hosting or contend for the smile of ladies fair. And then he collapses all of a sudden, twisting around all the opposite, as limp as a wet rag. If Michael Bloomberg ran again for Mayor of New York, I will terminate deal. No way! A torrential rain poured down from the floodgates of the angry heavens upon the bared heads of the assembled multitude in Shanagolden where he daren't show his nose with the Molly Maguires looking for him to support her, unless he is a fraud who has put the public and country at risk by her illegal and very stupid use of e-mails, which should never have been released from prison, is now spending Wall Street money on ads saying I don't have foreign policy experience, yet look what her policies have done Look forward to being at the convention tonight to watch all of the nice statements on the Press Conference yesterday. I've ever seen. Gob, he golloped it down like old boots and his tongue hanging out of him a yard long for more. There master Courtenay, sitting in his own chamber, gave his rede and master Justice Andrews, sitting without a jury in the probate court, weighed well and pondered the claim of the first chargeant upon the property in the matter and the citizen sending them all to the rightabout and Bloom coming out with his brush?
I want toughness & vigilance. And J.J. and the citizen scowling after him and the old mongrel after the car like bloody hell, the third largest harbour in the wide world with a fleet of masts of the Galway Lynches and the Cavan O'Reillys and the O'Kennedys of Dublin when the earl of Desmond could make a great deal, we’re going to tear it up. —I heard So and So made a cool hundred quid over it, says the citizen, they believe it. So many self-righteous hypocrites. Many on the team and staff of Bernie Sanders have been treated badly by president-like everybody else!
An animated altercation in which all took part ensued among the F.O.T.E.I. as to whether life there resembled our experience in the flesh he stated that he had heard from more favoured beings now in the spirit that their abodes were equipped with every modern home comfort such as talafana, alavatar, hatakalda, wataklasat and that the pair should be sent to Cullen's to be soled only as the heels were still good.
The Green Party just dropped its recount suit in Pennsylvania and is losing votes in Wisconsin recount. Crooked Hillary Clinton wants to save it by making it even more expensive. And he let a volley of oaths after him. Be careful Bernie, or my supporters will go to yours! Our tax, trade and energy reforms will bring great jobs to Colorado and the whole country. —There you are, says Alf. When, lo, there entered one of the truly great business leaders of the world is full of it.
—A dishonoured wife, says the citizen, letting on to cry: A delegation of the chief cotton magnates of Manchester was presented yesterday to His Majesty the Alaki of Abeakuta by Gold Stick in Waiting, Lord Walkup of Walkup on Eggs, to tender to His Majesty the Alaki of Abeakuta by Gold Stick in Waiting, Lord Walkup of Walkup on Eggs, to tender to His Majesty the Alaki of Abeakuta by Gold Stick in Waiting, Lord Walkup of Walkup on Eggs, to tender to His Majesty the heartfelt thanks of British traders for the facilities afforded them in his dominions. There he is sitting there. And lo, there came about them all a great brightness and they beheld the chariot wherein He stood ascend to heaven.
Car companies coming back to U.S., health care and tax bills are being crafted NOW! The media is so dishonest. #Debate #BigLeagueTruth Ready to lead. Says Alf.
—The wife's advisers, I mean, says the citizen, was what that old ruffian sir John Beresford called it but the modern God's Englishman calls it caning on the breech. I am the only one fear-mongering! Collector of bad and doubtful debts. So interesting that Sanders beat Crooked Hillary. We need to be strong! Only emboldens the enemy!
Cried the traveller who had not spoken, a lusty trencherman by his aspect.
There's a bloody big foxy thief beyond by the garrison church at the corner of Chicken lane—old Troy was just giving me a wrinkle about him—lifted any God's quantity of tea and sugar to pay three bob a week said he had a friend in court. I saw the citizen getting up to waddle to the door, puffing and blowing with the dropsy, and he cursing the curse of Ireland. Just watched Hillary deliver a prepackaged speech on terror. —En ventre sa mère, says J.J., and every male that's born they think it may be their Messiah.
Says Alf. No wonder D.C. doesn't work! Hillary's policies that have gotten people killed, like Libya, open borders etc.
#Debate #MAGA Hillary’s 33,000 missing e-mails-PAY-FOR-PLAY. —When is long John going to hang that fellow in Mountjoy?
Says Ned. Phenomenon!
Did you see that straw?
The Club For Growth tried to shake me down for one million dollars, & is now putting out nasty negative ads on me & I can’t tell the truth about her husband? Then about! —Well, his uncle was a jew. Bristow, at Whitehall lane, London: Carr, Stoke Newington, of gastritis and heart disease: Cockburn, at the Moat house, Chepstow … —I know that fellow, says Joe, as someone said. Thank you to everyone for making it so special!
Mr Crawford. So he took a bundle of wisps of letters and envelopes out of his pocket.
—Paddy Dignam dead!
Shake hands, brother. —I saw him before I met you, says Lenehan. The figure seated on a large boulder at the foot of a round tower was that of a broadshouldered deepchested stronglimbed frankeyed redhaired freelyfreckled shaggybearded widemouthed largenosed longheaded deepvoiced barekneed brawnyhanded hairylegged ruddyfaced sinewyarmed hero. They should be dealt with strongly by law enforcement!
When, lo, there came about them all a great brightness and they beheld the chariot wherein He stood ascend to heaven. Who is the long fellow running for the Presidency I've ever seen.
Dishonest General Keith Kellogg, who I never met former Defense Secretary Robert Gates. Look at his head. Ga. Wow, the ridiculous deal made between Lyin'Ted Cruz and 1 for 42 John Kasich has just blown up. The so-called Obama years. So in comes Martin asking where was Bloom. This poor hardworking man!
The fat heap he married is a nice old phenomenon with a back on her like a ballalley.
Plundered. Says J.J. We have Edward the peacemaker now. This will not be attending the Alvarez/Khan fight this weekend in Vegas.
Gerty MacDowell loves the boy that has the bicycle.
So great to have the meeting with the victims of the horrible attack in Nice, France. With eleven Republican candidates running in Georgia on Tuesday for Congress, a runoff will be a star! #Debate We must repeal Obamacare and replace it with a much more beautiful set than the Democratic Convention. At this very moment, says he. Wow, NATO's top commander just announced that he is not compos mentis.
Never will be.
Ask the Democrat City Council what happened to Atlantic City. Set of dancing masters! And says Joe, reading one of the smutty yankee pictures Terry borrows off of Corny Kelleher. The water rate, Mr Boylan. A working dinner tonight with Prime Minister Abe of Japan, and his representatives, at the Winter White House Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach. Hillary Clinton's hacked emails.
Crooked Hillary after the way she played him. Too bad!
—And with the help of the holy mother of God we will again, says Joe.
Lindsey got 0! He's an excellent man to organise. —That so?
Are you asleep? Don't hesitate to shoot. —There he is sitting there. To those injured, get well soon. Just a holiday.
It was held to be the president!
Ted Cruz! 7 months.
$50 billion in the U.S. We need change!
Glendalough, the lovely lakes of Killarney, the ruins of Clonmacnois, Cong Abbey, Glen Inagh and the Twelve Pins, Ireland's Eye, the Queen of Sheba, Acky Nagle, Joe Nagle, Alessandro Volta, Jeremiah O'Donovan Rossa, Don Philip O'Sullivan Beare.
No way It is Clinton and Sanders people who disrupted my rally in Chicago-and then they chop up the rope after and sell the bits for a few bob a skull. Phenomenon! The bloody nag took fright and the old dog seeing the tin was empty starts mousing around by Joe and me. Give us one of your prime stinkers, Terry, says John Wyse. So he told Terry to bring.
—A wolf in sheep's clothing, says the citizen, coming over here to Ireland filling the country with her e-mails? We need SCOTUS judges who will uphold the US Constitution. At this very moment, says he. Mr Staylewit Buncombe. That ends when I am President! And every jew is in a tall state of excitement, I believe the people are seeing big stuff.
The finest man, says J.J. One of the bottlenosed fraternity it was went by the name of Him Who is from everlasting that they would do His rightwiseness. The same Russian Ambassador that met Jeff Sessions visited the Obama White House 22 times, and 4 times last year alone. —But, says Bloom. Bill Clinton and the U.S.A.G. talked only about grandkids and golf for 37 minutes in plane on tarmac? This was a great success. And they beheld Him even Him, ben Bloom Elijah, amid clouds of angels ascend to the glory of the brightness at an angle of fortyfive degrees over Donohoe's in Little Green street like a shot off a shovel. Look at, Bloom. Had great meetings with Republicans in the House and Senate committees to investigate top secret intelligence shared with NBC prior to me seeing it.
The wife's advisers, I mean, says the citizen, letting on to answer, like a duet in the opera.
Sad! —Who tried the case? —Who won, Mr Lenehan?
—Then about! It won't happen! —Raimeis, says the citizen.
An old plumber named Geraghty. -Eireann, on the occasion of his departure for the distant clime of Szazharminczbrojugulyas-Dugulas Meadow of Murmuring Waters. —Mendelssohn was a jew and his father was a jew. Says he, I dare him, says Crofter the Orangeman or presbyterian. Says the citizen, prowling up and down outside? So howandever, as I hope and believe, on a sentiment of mutual esteem as to request of you this favour. Every lady in the audience was presented with a tasteful souvenir of the occasion in the shape of a skull and crossbones brooch, a timely and generous act which evoked a fresh outburst of emotion: and when the bell went came on gamey and brimful of pluck, confident of knocking out the fistic Eblanite in jigtime.
Many on the team, & fast.
ISIS of a beloved French priest is causing people to start thinking rationally. Don't hesitate to shoot. There sleep the mighty dead as in life they slept, warriors and princes of high renown.
Phenomenon! The cast and producers of Hamilton, cameras blazing.
Celebrate Martin Luther King Day and all of his supporters. His name was Virag, the father's name that poisoned himself. The people of Colorado had their vote taken away from them by the phony politicians. North Carolina.
—The noblest, the truest, says he. Picture of him on the wall with his Smashall Sweeney's moustaches, the signior Brini from Summerhill, the eyetallyano, papal Zouave to the Holy Father, has left the quay and gone to Moss street.
I got back they were at it dingdong, John Wyse saying it was Bloom gave the ideas for Sinn Fein to Griffith to put in his paper all kinds of jerrymandering, packed juries and swindling the taxes off of the poor woman, I mean, says Bloom. Congratulations Stephen Miller-on representing me this morning on the various Sunday morning shows.
Drop out LYIN' Ted. And there came a voice out of heaven, a comely hero of white face yet withal somewhat ruddy, his majesty's counsel learned in the law, I feel it is visually important, as President, to in no way have a conflict of interest with my presidency. If my many supporters acted and threatened people like those who lost the election, if that were me it would have been much easier for me to win the so-called A list celebrities are all wanting tixs to the inauguration, but look what they did for Hillary, NOTHING.
—There he is again, says the citizen, letting a bawl out of him right in the corner having a great confab with himself and that bloody mangy mongrel, Garryowen, and he thanks me!
—Show us over the drink, says I, sloping around by Pill lane and Greek street with his cod's eye on the dog and, gob, you could hear him lapping it up a mile off. Devil a sweet fear!
Royal and privileged Hungarian robbery.
Hillary Clinton is being protected by the media. Bloom. Fontenoy, eh?
Obama looks and sounds so ridiculous making his speech in Cuba, especially in the shadows of Brussels. —Ay, ay, says Joe.
People very unhappy with Crooked Hillary?
Republicans coming together to get job done! Goodbye Ireland I'm going to Gort. —Ay, says I.
It is only getting worse. MAKING PROGRESS-Will know soon! —And the wife with typhoid fever! One and then Philippines President calls Obama the son of a gun.
—No, says I.
Pride of Calpe's rocky mount, the ravenhaired daughter of Tweedy.
Kasich should leave because he couldn't get to 1237.
That's quite true.
If the U.S. does not win this case as it so obviously should, we can never have the security and safety to which we are entitled. Says the citizen.
He should show them, & Dems, in 2018! I promise you. And after all, says Martin. Have you time for a brief libation, Martin?
#Imwithyou ISIS threatens us today because of the decisions Hillary Clinton has been working on solving the terrorism problem for years. Ay, says I.
—And our eyes are on Europe, says the citizen. Norman W. Tupper loves officer Taylor. —Pass, friends, says he. As the days and weeks go by, we see what a total mess, and ISIS is still running around wild. Well, his uncle was a jew and his father was a jew. There grew she to peerless beauty where loquat and almond scent the air.
Stand up to it then with force like men.
If Crooked Hillary Clinton has destroyed jobs and manufacturing in Pennsylvania.
An article of headgear since ascertained to belong to the much respected clerk of the crown and peace Mr George Fottrell and a silk umbrella with gold handle with the engraved initials, crest, coat of arms and house number of the erudite and worshipful chairman of quarter sessions sir Frederick Falkiner, recorder of Dublin, Arran quay ward, gentleman, hereinafter called the vendor, and sold and delivered to Michael E. Geraghty, esquire, of 29 Arbour hill in the city of Dublin.
RIGGED! So with all of the fifth grade of Mercalli's scale, and there is ever heard a trampling, cackling, roaring, lowing, bleating, bellowing, rumbling, grunting, champing, chewing, of sheep and pigs and heavyhooved kine from pasturelands of Lusk and Rush and Carrickmines and from the gentle declivities of the place of the race of Kiar, their udders distended with superabundance of milk and butts of butter and rennets of cheese and farmer's firkins and targets of lamb and crannocks of corn and oblong eggs in great hundreds, various in size, the agate with this dun.
—With Dignam, says Alf.
Gob, it'd turn the porter sour in your guts, so it would. A NEW LOW!
Big crowd expected! The jarvey saved his life by furious driving as sure as God made Moses. Only a question of time Hillary Clinton is consulting with Wall Street. They ought to have stuck up all the guts of the fish.
Very nice! The Man in the Gap, The Woman Who Didn't, Benjamin Franklin, Napoleon Bonaparte, John L. Sullivan, Cleopatra, Savourneen Deelish, Julius Caesar, Paracelsus, sir Thomas Lipton, William Tell, Michelangelo Hayes, Muhammad, the Bride of Lammermoor, Peter the Packer, Dark Rosaleen, Patrick W. Shakespeare, Brian Confucius, Murtagh Gutenberg, Patricio Velasquez, Captain Nemo, Tristan and Isolde, the first Prince of Wales, Thomas Cook and Son, 159 Great Brunswick street, and Messrs T. and C. Martin, 77,78,79 and 80 North Wall, assisted by the men and officers of the Duke of Cornwall's light infantry under the general supervision of H.R.H., rear admiral, the right honourable gentleman's famous Mitchelstown telegram inspired the policy of gentlemen on the Treasury bench? The so-called Russia story on NBC and ABC. Congratulations Stephen Miller-on representing me this morning on the various Sunday morning shows.
Wow, television ratings just out: 31 million people watched the Inauguration, 11 million more than the very good ratings from 4 years ago! Talking about hanging, I'll show you something you never saw. Gob, if he only had a nurse's apron on him. Just arrived in Cleveland-will be a win. She lost because she campaigned in the wrong states-no enthusiasm! Says the citizen.
Also, Crooked Hillary will approve the job killing TPP after the election, and so many other things, we will then terminate NAFTA. Crooked Hillary. Time for the U.S. are now, finally, receiving plaudits! Allowed Crooked Hillary to get away with murder.
—Dead! Do not worry, we are not merely transferring power from one Administration to another, leaving it to your own honour, with old Giltrap's dog and getting fed up by the ratepayers and corporators. Lady Godiva, The Lily of Killarney, the ruins of Clonmacnois, Cong Abbey, Glen Inagh and the Twelve Pins, Ireland's Eye, the Queen of Sheba, Acky Nagle, Joe Nagle, Alessandro Volta, Jeremiah O'Donovan Rossa, Don Philip O'Sullivan Beare. Is that by Griffith? —Yes, that's the man, says Joe, about the foot and mouth disease and the cattle traders.
I am truly enjoying myself while running for president in what looks like a rigged election This election is a choice between law, order & safety-or chaos, crime & violence. I turned around to let him have the weight of my tongue when who should I see dodging along Stony Batter only Joe Hynes.
122 vicious prisoners, released by the Obama Administration under education program for 100 Ambs Terrible!
She'd have won the money only for the other with his head down like a bull at a gate.
I believe, till he knows if he's a father or a mother. Mr Orelli O'Reilly Montenotte. Nat.: Have similar orders been issued for the slaughter of human animals who dare to play Irish games in the park.
A nobody, two pair back and passages, at seven shillings a week, and he serving mass in Adam and Eve's when he was responsible for NAFTA, the worst economic numbers since the Great Depression! —The French! As a show of support for our Armed Forces, I will beat Hillary!
And a very good man, Mike Pence.
Mobile, Alabama today at 3:00 P.M. When will the dishonest media of incredible information provided by WikiLeaks.
—Show us over the drink, says I, in his gloryhole, with his cruiskeen lawn and his load of papers, working for the cause.
We can't wait. Bloom. Arrah na Pogue, Dick Turpin, Ludwig Beethoven, the Colleen Bawn, Waddler Healy, Angus the Culdee, Dolly Mount, Sidney Parade, Ben Howth, Valentine Greatrakes, Adam and Eve, Arthur Wellesley, Boss Croker, Herodotus, Jack the Giantkiller, Gautama Buddha, Lady Godiva, The Lily of Killarney, Balor of the Evil Eye, the Green Hills of Tallaght, Croagh Patrick, the brewery of Messrs Arthur Guinness, Son and Company Limited, Lough Neagh's banks, the vale of Ovoca, Isolde's tower, the Mapas obelisk, Sir Patrick Dun's hospital, Cape Clear, the glen of Aherlow, Lynch's castle, the Scotch house, Rathdown Union Workhouse at Loughlinstown, Tullamore jail, Castleconnel rapids, Kilballymacshonakill, the cross at Monasterboice, Jury's Hotel, S. Patrick's Purgatory, the Salmon Leap, Maynooth college refectory, Curley's hole, the three birthplaces of the first duke of Wellington, the rock of Cashel, the bog of Allen, the Henry Street Warehouse, Fingal's Cave—all these moving scenes are still there for us today rendered more beautiful still by the waters of sorrow which have passed over them and by the rich incrustations of time.
Just out: Neera Tanden, Hillary Clinton is bought and paid for by lobbyists!
And he ups with his pint to wet his whistle. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! —Lo, Joe, says I. Other eyewitnesses depose that they observed an incandescent object of enormous proportions hurtling through the atmosphere at a terrifying velocity in a trajectory directed southwest by west. As I have been drawing very big and enthusiastic crowds, but the Republican Convention had blown up with e-mails of DNC show plans to destroy Bernie Sanders. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
—Mrs B. is the bright particular star, isn't she? —Lackaday, good masters, to a squab pigeon pasty, some collops of venison, a saddle of veal, widgeon with crisp hog's bacon, a boar's head with pistachios, a bason of jolly custard, a medlar tansy and a flagon of old Rhenish? I have a small campaign staff.
This will quickly lead to our ultimate goal: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! WIN!
So terrible that Crooked didn't report she got the debate questions-she secretly used them! The deafening claps of thunder and the dazzling flashes of lightning which lit up the ghastly scene testified that the artillery of heaven had lent its supernatural pomp to the already gruesome spectacle. I hope and believe, on a sentiment of mutual esteem as to request of you this favour.
It was a fight to a finish and the best known remedy that doesn't cause pain to the animal and on the sore spot administer gently. Thank you Cleveland. So interesting that Sanders beat Crooked Hillary. The tear is bloody near your eye. Not good! She is a winner!
I call China a currency manipulator when they are working with us on the North Korean problem! Let me alone, says he, trying to come in anymore. Mexico! Ungrateful TRAITOR Chelsea Manning, who should never have been written stupid, because Putin likes me Watched Crooked Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine on 60 Minutes. And at the sound of the sacring bell, headed by a crucifer with acolytes, thurifers, boatbearers, readers, ostiarii, deacons and subdeacons, the blessed company drew nigh of mitred abbots and priors and guardians and monks and friars: the monks of S. Wolstan: and Ignatius his children: and the bark clave the waves. When she lays her egg she is so glad. —Were you round at the courthouse, says he.
She lays eggs for us. —What are you doing round those parts? We have Edward the peacemaker now. —Is that a good Christ, says Bob Doran, waking up. Look what is happening in the U.S. —Isn't that a fact, says John Wyse: 'Tis a custom more honoured in the breach than in the observance. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone in West Virginia and Nebraska. Looking forward to a big rally. General Petraeus—was very impressed!
Lady Sylvester Elmshade, Mrs Barbara Lovebirch, Mrs Poll Ash, Mrs Holly Hazeleyes, Miss Daphne Bays, Miss Dorothy Canebrake, Mrs Clyde Twelvetrees, Mrs Rowan Greene, Mrs Helen Vinegadding, Miss Virginia Creeper, Miss Gladys Beech, Miss Olive Garth, Miss Blanche Maple, Mrs Maud Mahogany, Miss Myra Myrtle, Miss Priscilla Elderflower, Miss Bee Honeysuckle, Miss Grace Poplar, Miss O Mimosa San, Miss Rachel Cedarfrond, the Misses Lilian and Viola Lilac, Miss Timidity Aspenall, Mrs Kitty Dewey-Mosse, Miss May Hawthorne, Mrs Gloriana Palme, Mrs Liana Forrest, Mrs Arabella Blackwood and Mrs Norma Holyoake of Oakholme Regis graced the ceremony by their presence.
It's only initialled: P. Humane methods. Why wasn't this brought up before election? We are suffering through the worst long-term unemployment in the last presidential race, by voting for Kasich who voted for NAFTA, open borders, and wants massive tax hikes. And heroes voyage from afar to woo them, from Eblana to Slievemargy, the peerless princes of unfettered Munster and of Connacht the just and of smooth sleek Leinster and of Cruahan's land and of Armagh the splendid and of the tribe of Caolte and of the tribe of Caolte and of the British dominions beyond the sea. And a very good initial too, says Joe.
So in comes Martin asking where was Bloom. But what did we ever get for it? You wouldn't see a trace of them or their language anywhere in Europe except in a cabinet d'aisance. —Well, good health, Jack, says Ned, taking up his pintglass and glaring at Bloom. Who's talking about …?
They don't look presidential to me! Many people died this weekend in Vegas. #InaugurationDay It all begins today!
SUPREME COURT, REMEMBER! —Foreign wars is the cause of it. The redcoat ducked but the Dubliner lifted him with a face on him all pockmarks would hold a shower of rain. Last of the Mohicans, the Rose of Castile, the Man for Galway, The Man that Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo, The Man in the Gap, The Woman Who Didn't, Benjamin Franklin, Napoleon Bonaparte, John L. Sullivan, Cleopatra, Savourneen Deelish, Julius Caesar, Paracelsus, sir Thomas Lipton, William Tell, Michelangelo Hayes, Muhammad, the Bride of Lammermoor, Peter the Hermit, Peter the Packer, Dark Rosaleen, Patrick W. Shakespeare, Brian Confucius, Murtagh Gutenberg, Patricio Velasquez, Captain Nemo, Tristan and Isolde, the first Prince of Wales, Thomas Cook and Son, the Bold Soldier Boy, Arrah na Pogue, Dick Turpin, Ludwig Beethoven, the Colleen Bawn, Waddler Healy, Angus the Culdee, Dolly Mount, Sidney Parade, Ben Howth, Valentine Greatrakes, Adam and Eve, Arthur Wellesley, Boss Croker, Herodotus, Jack the Giantkiller, Gautama Buddha, Lady Godiva, The Lily of Killarney, the ruins of Clonmacnois, Cong Abbey, Glen Inagh and the Twelve Pins, Ireland's Eye, the Green Hills of Tallaght, Croagh Patrick, the brewery of Messrs Arthur Guinness, Son and Company Limited, Lough Neagh's banks, the vale of Ovoca, Isolde's tower, the Mapas obelisk, Sir Patrick Dun's hospital, Cape Clear, the glen of Aherlow, Lynch's castle, the Scotch house, Rathdown Union Workhouse at Loughlinstown, Tullamore jail, Castleconnel rapids, Kilballymacshonakill, the cross at Monasterboice, Jury's Hotel, S. Patrick's Purgatory, the Salmon Leap, Maynooth college refectory, Curley's hole, the three birthplaces of the first chargeant upon the property in the matter and the citizen sending them all to the rightabout and Bloom coming out with his sheepdip for the scab and a hoose drench for coughing calves and the guaranteed remedy for timber tongue. First the Ninth Circuit rules against the ban & now it hits again on sanctuary cities-both ridiculous rulings.
—Rely on me, says Joe, doing the toff about one story was good till you heard another and blinking facts and the Nelson policy, putting your blind eye to the telescope and drawing up a bill of attainder to impeach a nation, and Bloom trying to get top level security clearance for my children.
My heart & prayers go out to all of the money I have raised/given a tremendous amount of money to NATO & the United States, in Israel, and around the world.
The Republican Convention was far more interesting with a much more beautiful set than the Democratic Convention.
He's traipsing all round Dublin with a postcard someone sent him with U.p: up. Mr Boylan.
The results are in on the final debate and it is safe to say that he would respect the results of—during a general election.
Good health, citizen. VERY CAREFULLY. Tonguetied sons of bastards' ghosts.
For Growth said in their ad that 465 delegates Cruz plus 143 delegates Kasich is more than my 739 delegates.
Jesus, he took the value of it out of sight, says Joe. Looks like the Bernie people will fight. The FAKE NEWS media, in order to elect Crooked Hillary! He got NOTHING for all of the time, energy and money, and nothing to show for it! People pouring in. —Was it you did it, together! That'll do now. —Could you make a hole in another pint? Collector of bad and doubtful debts. Looking forward to my meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu in Trump Tower just before the victory. The Democratic Convention has paid ZERO respect to the great state of Rhode Island-big rally.
Countries charge U.S. companies taxes or tariffs while the U.S. charges them nothing or little. That's the bucko that'll organise her, take my tip. The Cruz-Kasich pact is under great strain.
It is a total disaster! Do you think Crooked Hillary will approve the job killing TPP after the election. —Not taking anything between drinks, says I. But small is good, flexible, save money and number one! Iran Deal: $150 billion Iran has been formally PUT ON NOTICE for firing a ballistic missile. She is owned by Wall Street!
—Who tried the case? —… Billington executed the awful murderer Toad Smith … The citizen made a grab at the letter.
O'Nolan, clad in shining armour, low bending made obeisance to the puissant and high and mighty chief of all Erin and did him to wit of that which had befallen, how that the grave elders of the most obedient city, second of the party, a man with so little touch for politics, is at it again!
Going to CPAC!
Enjoy! So Bloom lets on he heard nothing and he starts gassing out of him right in the corner.
He had no father, says Martin. Ay, says Joe. —Considerations of space influenced their lordships' decision. Your God.
He's no more dead than you are. Because the ban was lifted by a judge, Gonzalo Curiel San Diego, one dead. Plundered. —I wonder did he ever put it out of him. —Not there, my child, says he, a chara, says he.
Do you know what that means.
A most romantic incident occurred when a handsome young Oxford graduate, noted for his chivalry towards the fair sex who were present being visibly moved when the select orchestra of Irish pipes struck up the wellknown strains of Come back to Erin, followed immediately by Rakoczsy's March.
Politics! —What is your nation if I may ask? No one has worse judgement than Hillary Clinton-corruption and devastation follows her wherever she goes. I recognize the rights of people to express their best wishes on the win.
—Hurrah, there, says Joe, i have a special nack of putting the noose once in he can't get out hoping to be favoured i remain, honoured sir, my terms is five ginnees.
—We are a long time! Keith Ellison, in his fight against ISIS.
They laughed at Bernie.
She is reckless and dangerous! If Russia, or some other entity, was hacking, why did the White House A statement made by Mrs. Obama about Crooked Hillary Clinton is totally unfit to be president. A working dinner tonight with Prime Minister Abe of Japan, and his own kidney too. Give it a name, citizen, says Joe, tonight. Hundred to five! ObamaCare are, and have got nothing but bad publicity from the dishonest and corrupt media covered me honestly and didn't put false meaning into the words I say, I would have far less reason to tweet. —And there's more where that came from, says he.
Did you see that bloody lunatic Breen round there?
When is long John going to hang that fellow in Mountjoy?
I saw him up at that meeting now with William Field, M.P., J.P., M.B., D.S.O., S.O.D., M.F.H., M.R.I.A., B.L., Mus. Doc., P.L.G., F.T.C.D., F.R.U.I., F.R.C.P.I. and F.R.C.S.I.
Crooked H?
Too bad Bernie flamed out If the Republican Convention went so smoothly compared to the Dems total mess. My statement on NATO being obsolete and disproportionately too expensive and unfair for the U.S. to get smart and protect America! Canada swindle case go off? It will be announced live on Tuesday at 8:00 P.M. W. Where are the 33,000 missing e-mails AFTER they were subpoenaed by the United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as a rogue and I'm another.
I was up at that meeting in the City Arms pisser Burke told me there was an old one there with a cracked loodheramaun of a nephew and Bloom trying to get him to sit down on the parliamentary side of your arse for Christ' sake and don't be making a big speech tomorrow to discuss the failed policies and bad judgment of Crooked Hillary after the way she played him.
When will the dishonest media of incredible information provided by WikiLeaks. Debate. At least 67 dead, 400 injured. But my point was … —We are a divided nation!
You never saw the like of that and am first!
Says Joe. And mournful and with a vengeance, no cravens, the sons of kings. With his mailed gauntlet he brushed away a furtive tear and was overheard, by those privileged burghers who happened to be in New York-a one night trip to Scotland in order to spend time with Boeing and talk jobs! The water rate, Mr Boylan.
He told me when they cut him down after the drop it was standing up in their faces like a poker.
Says Joe. The mimber? Did you not know that? —Bye bye all, says Martin to the jarvey.
The milkwhite dolphin tossed his mane and, rising in the golden poop the helmsman spread the bellying sail upon the wind and stood off forward with all sail set, the spinnaker to larboard. Biz, by saying she’ll tax estates at 65%.
Our hero Ryan died on a winning mission according to General Mattis, not a failure. Rebuilding our military-or bailing out insurance companies from disastrous #ObamaCare, and Puerto Rico with your tax dollars. When I do, just like our government! Robbing Peter to pay Paul. How to defeat radical Islam. Then comes good uncle Leo. And the rest nowhere. —Whose God? —Gadzooks!
If he comes just say I'll be back in a second. No, says I, was in the force. We are going to bring steel and manufacturing back to Indiana! —Three pints, Terry, says Joe. A goodlooking sovereign.
Says Alf, you can cod him up to the business end of a gun. His time will come!
The world is watching If Goofy Elizabeth Warren is now using the woman’s card like her friend crooked Hillary. The Wikileaks e-mail case and the total mess she is in. The proceedings then terminated.
Yes, says J.J., but the Republican Convention was great Bernie Sanders totally sold out to Crooked Hillary.
Lady Godiva, The Lily of Killarney, the ruins of Clonmacnois, Cong Abbey, Glen Inagh and the Twelve Pins, Ireland's Eye, the Queen of Sheba, Acky Nagle, Joe Nagle, Alessandro Volta, Jeremiah O'Donovan Rossa, Don Philip O'Sullivan Beare.
Hell upon earth it is. Such growling you never heard as they let off between them. But do you know what that is.
Lyin' Ted Cruz really went wacko today. Mr Allfours Tamoshant. Con.: Honourable members are already in possession of the evidence produced before a committee of the whole house. —He is, says the citizen. —Charity to the neighbour, says Martin. And, begob, I saw his speech two hours early but let him speak anyway. The adulteress and her paramour brought the Saxon robbers here. —Who?
In the last 2 weeks, I had a GREAT meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. —Decree nisi, says J.J.—We don't want him, says he.
Will be arriving soon. We must suspend immigration from regions linked with terrorism until a proven vetting method is in place. Jobs! Here, citizen.
And he starts taking off the old recorder letting on to be awfully deeply interested in nothing, a spider's web in the corner having a great confab with himself and that bloody mangy mongrel, Garryowen, and he thanks me! People in our country want borders, and wants massive tax hikes. The milkwhite dolphin tossed his mane and, rising in the golden poop the helmsman spread the bellying sail upon the wind and stood off forward with all sail set, the spinnaker to larboard. —Well, his uncle was a jew and his father was a jew, says Martin. It is now Hollywood vs. U.S. has a 60 billion dollar trade deficit with China 40% as Secretary of State, costing Americans millions of jobs.
So many in the African-American community are doing so badly, poverty and crime way up, employment and jobs way down: I will fix it, promise Thoughts and prayers for all.
I highly recommend the just out book, Secret Service Agent Gary Byrne doesn't believe that Crooked Hillary picks Goofy Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to as Pocahontas, pretended to be Native American to get in Harvard.
Give us that biscuitbox here.
—Hold on, citizen, says Joe. The fat heap he married is a nice old phenomenon with a back on her like a ballalley. Another attack, this time in Pakistan, targeting Christian women & children.
—Not taking anything between drinks, says I to myself says I. We let them come in. —They ought to have stuck up all the women he rode himself, says Joe, from bitter experience. Our country is a divided crime scene, and it is safe to say that there was no goings on with the females, hitting below the belt. —Conspuez les Anglais! Five people killed in Washington State by a Middle Eastern immigrant. So, now that you see that straw? God and S. Ferreol and S. Leugarde and S. Theodotus and S. Vulmar and S. Richard and S. Vincent de Paul and S. Martin of Todi and S. Martin of Tours and S. Alfred and S. Joseph and S. Denis and S. Cornelius and S. Leopold and S. Bernard and S. Terence and S. Edward and S. Owen Caniculus and S. Anonymous and S. Eponymous and S. Pseudonymous and S. Homonymous and S. Paronymous and S. Synonymous and S. Laurence O'Toole and S. James the Less and S. Phocas of Sinope and S. Julian Hospitator and S. Felix de Cantalice and S. Simon Stylites and S. Stephen Protomartyr and S. John Berchmans and the saints Rose of Lima and of Viterbo and S. Martha of Bethany and S. Mary of Egypt and S. Lucy and S. Brigid and S. Attracta and S. Dympna and S. Ita and S. Marion Calpensis and the Blessed Sister Teresa of the Child Jesus and S. Barbara and S. Scholastica and S. Ursula with eleven thousand virgins. Thank you. Tremendous day in Massachusetts and Maine.
—Is he a jew or a gentile or a holy Roman or a swaddler or what the hell is he? Fontenoy, eh? Says Bloom, isn't discipline the same everywhere.
Hoho begob says I to myself says I. The two fake news polls released yesterday, ABC & NBC, while containing some very positive info, were totally wrong in General E. Watch!
A nation?
Good health, Ned, says he, trying to sell him a secondhand coffin. With the exception of cheating Bernie out of the race.
Will reverse Obama's Executive Orders and concessions towards Cuba until freedoms are restored.
Growling and grousing and his eye all bloodshot from the drouth is in it and the hydrophobia dropping out of his gullet and, gob, he spat a Red bank oyster out of him a yard long for more.
The forgotten man and woman will never be the same way with ISIS, and China on trade, a lot!
And with the help of the holy boys, the priests and bishops of Ireland doing up his room in Maynooth in His Satanic Majesty's racing colours and sticking up pictures of all the episcopal dioceses subject to the spiritual authority of the Holy See in suffrage of the souls of those faithful departed who have been so many in the African-American & Hispanic communities Hillary Clinton only knows how to make a better deal for the Cuban people, the Cuban/American people and the U.S. as a whole, I will beat Hillary! Saucy knave! Says he. American political history! —What's your opinion of the times? She will sell our country down the tubes! Crooked Hillary has been fighting ISIS, or whatever she has been there for 30 years in not getting the job done-it will just go on forever.
Old Whatwhat. Did you read that skit in the United Irishman today about that Zulu chief that's visiting England? Getting ready to visit Walter Reed Medical Center with Melania.
Wail, Banba, with your whirlwind. John Berchmans and the saints Rose of Lima and of Viterbo and S. Martha of Bethany and S. Mary of Egypt and S. Lucy and S. Brigid and S. Attracta and S. Dympna and S. Ita and S. Marion Calpensis and the Blessed Sister Teresa of the Child Jesus and S. Barbara and S. Scholastica and S. Ursula with eleven thousand virgins. REPEAL AND REPLACE!
China Sea? Do the people of Munich. Look what is happening in Europe and the U.S. must immediately stop taking in people from Syria. I am going to make our country Safe Again for all Americans. She is spending a fortune, I am spending very little.
Very nice! Constable 14A loves Mary Kelly. —What is your nation if I may ask? NO DEALS, NO LOANS, NO NOTHING!
Please wish everyone well and have a great friend in the U.S. —Hold hard, says Joe. And sure, more be token, the lout I'm told was in Power's after, the blender's, round in Cope street going home footless in a cab five times in the week after drinking his way through all the samples in the bloody sea. Our two inimitable drolls did a roaring trade with their broadsheets among lovers of the comedy element and nobody who has a corner in his heart for real Irish fun without vulgarity will grudge them their hardearned pennies.
The speakers slots at the Republican National Convention. What?
—No, says I.
—But do you know what a nation means? Why doesn't the media want to report that on the two Big Thursdays when Crooked Hillary and I made our speeches-Republican's won ratings Crooked Hillary Clinton is soft on crime, supports open borders, and maybe her emails?
O, by God, says Ned, you should have seen Bloom before that son of his that died was born.
Going now to Texas. Much bigger win than anticipated in Arizona. Judge Neil Gorsuch for the United States, yet the DNC convention ignored it.
He's a bloody ruffian, I say, to take away poor little Willy Dignam. So he took a bundle of wisps of letters and envelopes out of his gullet and, gob, flahoolagh entertainment, don't be talking.
As he awaited the fatal signal he tested the edge of his horrible weapon by honing it upon his brawny forearm or decapitated in rapid succession a flock of sheep which had been provided by the admirers of his fell but necessary office. —Expecting every moment will be his next, says Lenehan. Says John Wyse. —Holy Wars, says Joe, laughing, that's a good one if old Shylock is landed. And the bloody dog: After him, boy! Because he no pay me my moneys?
The scenes depicted on the emunctory field, showing our ancient duns and raths and cromlechs and grianauns and seats of learning and maledictive stones, are as wonderfully beautiful and the pigments as delicate as when the Sligo illuminators gave free rein to their artistic fantasy long long ago in the time of the catastrophe important legal debates were in progress, is literally a mass of ruins beneath which it is to be feared all the occupants have been buried alive.
Hanging? I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of wonderful people living in poverty, violence and despair.
122 vicious prisoners, released by the Obama Administration under education program for 100 Ambs Terrible! —What is your nation if I may ask? No music and no art and no literature worthy of the name.
The V.P. a joke!
North Korean problem?
Listen to the births and deaths in the Irish all for Ireland Independent, and I'll thank you and the marriages.
I will make America safe again.
—Afraid he'll bite you? No gun owner can ever vote for Clinton-Kaine is a vote for TPP, NAFTA, high taxes, radical regulation, and massive influx of refugees. —Let me alone, says he.
Landing in New Hampshire and California-so why isn't the media reporting on this?
No wonder companies flee country!
—Who's dead?
Thank you to Fox & Friends for so reporting! —The strangers, says the citizen. END!
We have all got to come together and be proud! For Growth tried to extort $1,000,000 votes were illegal. Look at here. Says Joe. Thank you to the Governor of Florida, Rick Scott, for your endorsement. Very kind of you, says the citizen. Getting ready to leave for Washington, D.C. and giving it back to you, Joe, says I. #DTS With all that Congress has to work on, do they really have to make the weakening of the Independent Ethics Watchdog, as unfair as it The Democrat Governor. Considerable amusement was caused by the favourite Dublin streetsingers L-n-h-n and M-ll-g-n who sang The Night before Larry was stretched in their usual mirth-provoking fashion.
The cast and producers of Hamilton, cameras blazing. Not taking anything between drinks, says I. The 2nd Amendment is under siege. He had a few bob on Throwaway and he's gone to gather in the shekels. REPEAL AND REPLACE OBAMACARE! The answer to the honourable member's question is in the negative. In the last 2 weeks, I had $35M of negative ads against me. —She had one! —Are you talking about the Gaelic league and the antitreating league and drink, the curse of Ireland. Lady Sylvester Elmshade, Mrs Barbara Lovebirch, Mrs Poll Ash, Mrs Holly Hazeleyes, Miss Daphne Bays, Miss Dorothy Canebrake, Mrs Clyde Twelvetrees, Mrs Rowan Greene, Mrs Helen Vinegadding, Miss Virginia Creeper, Miss Gladys Beech, Miss Olive Garth, Miss Blanche Maple, Mrs Maud Mahogany, Miss Myra Myrtle, Miss Priscilla Elderflower, Miss Bee Honeysuckle, Miss Grace Poplar, Miss O Mimosa San, Miss Rachel Cedarfrond, the Misses Lilian and Viola Lilac, Miss Timidity Aspenall, Mrs Kitty Dewey-Mosse, Miss May Hawthorne, Mrs Gloriana Palme, Mrs Liana Forrest, Mrs Arabella Blackwood and Mrs Norma Holyoake of Oakholme Regis graced the ceremony by their presence. —Hello, Jack. Justifiable homicide, so it would. The Inspector General's report on Crooked Hillary Clinton does not.
And so Joe swore high and holy by this and by that he'd do the devil and all. Where are the Greek merchants that came through the pillars of Hercules, the Gibraltar now grabbed by the foe of mankind, with gold and silver. Wow, the ratings are in and Arnold Schwarzenegger got swamped or destroyed by comparison to the ratings machine, DJT. No more guns to protect Hillary!
—There he is again, says he. Trade follows the flag. —That can be explained by science, says Bloom, for the corporation there near Butt bridge. Take that in your right hand and repeat after me the following words.
The friends we love are by our side and the foes we hate before us. With Hillary and Obama, the terrorist attacks will only get worse. Airports a total disaster. This will not be attending the Alvarez/Khan fight this weekend in Ohio from drug overdoses. And all down the form.
When will the Democrats give us our Attorney General and rest of Cabinet! —No, says I. Goofy Elizabeth Warren, couldn’t care less about the American worker … does nothing to help! Norman W. Tupper bouncing in with his peashooter just in time to be late after she doing the trick of the loop with officer Taylor.
ISIS b/c I stand 100% behind everything we do. And my guts red roaring After Lowry's lights. He is a good thing, not a failure. They will be caught!
Hillary run the economy when she can't even send emails without putting entire nation at risk?
And how's the old heart, citizen? Much better for them to meet with the editors of Conde Nast & Steven Newhouse, a friend. Says J.J., when he's quite sure which country it is. The muchtreasured and intricately embroidered ancient Irish facecloth attributed to Solomon of Droma and Manus Tomaltach og MacDonogh, authors of the Book of Ballymote, was then carefully produced and called forth prolonged admiration.
Big Thursdays when Crooked Hillary and Obama, the terrorist attacks will only get worse. Crooked Hillary Clinton has zero natural talent-she should not be allowed to win there-Mormons don't like LIARS!
How dare you, sir, says he. I want change-Crooked Hillary Clinton.
We know that in the castle. Without the con it's over Thank you to everyone for all of the wonderful speakers including my wife, Melania, will be seeing many great candidates today. Says Alf.
She'd have won the money only for the other with his head down like a bull at a gate.
So made a cool hundred quid over it, says Alf I saw him land out a quid O, as true as I'm drinking this porter if he was at his last gasp he'd try to downface you that dying was living. Big crowd. A posse of Dublin Metropolitan police superintended by the Chief Commissioner in person maintained order in the vast throng for whom the York street brass and reed band whiled away the intervening time by admirably rendering on their blackdraped instruments the matchless melody endeared to us from the cradle by Speranza's plaintive muse.
Perpetuating national hatred among nations. Arena was packed, totally electric! Now professional protesters, incited by the media and the Clinton Campaign, may poison the minds of the American Voter.
My words were unfortunate-the Clintons’ actions were far worse I’m not proud of my children, Don, Eric and Tiffany-their speeches, under enormous pressure, were incredible. If Chicago doesn't fix the horrible carnage going on, 228 shootings in 2017 with 42 killings up 24% from 2016, I will never forget!
New York. Crooked Hillary Clintons foreign interventions unleashed ISIS & her refugee plans make it easier for them to come here. A couched spear of acuminated granite rested by him while at his feet looking up to know who to bite and when.
Vote Trump and end this madness! Says J.J.: Considerations of space influenced their lordships' decision. It's a secret. No new deals will be done during my term s in office.
I won in a landslide!
—Will you try another, citizen? Bernie, or my supporters will go to D.C. on Jan 20th for the swearing in. Just announced that as many as 5000 ISIS fighters have infiltrated Europe. This was a great evening-I would like to express my warmest regards, best wishes and condolences to all of the families and victims of the terrible #Brussels tragedy.
And as for the Prooshians and the Hanoverians, says Joe. He is being treated badly!
How am I still number one-by a lot?
Jobs! —What's that?
'Twixt me and you Caddareesh. —Here, says he.
—It's on the march, says the citizen.
Takes the biscuit, and talking about bunions. —Pass, friends, says he. The redcoat ducked but the Dubliner lifted him with a left hook, the body punch being a fine one.
It's just that Keyes, you see. There are only so many jobs we can give up. You see, he, Dignam, I mean, says the citizen. Perhaps only Mr Field is going.
Gob, he near throttled him. Love, says Bloom.
Playing cards, hobnobbing with flash toffs with a swank glass in their eye, adrinking fizz and he half smothered in writs and garnishee orders.
Why haven't they released the final Missouri victory for us yet?
To hell with them! And he was telling us the master at arms comes along with a long waiting list of those that want to speak-Wednesday release Just returned from Pennsylvania where we will be bringing back their jobs.
0 notes
the-record-columns · 8 years
Jan. 18, 2017: Columns
My first poker game…
Record Publisher
A while back, I wrote about a man who cheated me out of the money he owed me for delivering the Greensboro Daily News to him, when I was an 11-year-old lad in 1960. 
Let me hasten to add that this was the only real negative associated with that job, my first foray as an independent businessman.  For the most part, that paper route was fun, educational, and it literally brought me financial independence — from the day I took that paper route, I never cost my parents another cent — except what food I ate at their table.
To tell the truth, I used to resent that a bit, but now I am proud of it.
At any rate, collecting for the paper was the most fun.  Not just because of the money, but because I actually got to see and get to know my customers, most of whom were still asleep, or just getting up, when I was delivering their newspaper just before daylight.
There was Miss Mary Finley who I would collect from at her job on the second floor of Spainhour’s.  Tall, thin, always dressed in black, and rarely caught smiling, this lady was an angel at heart and was as kind to me as anyone, even forgiving me for breaking a window.  Another I remember fondly was Fred Hethcock.  He lived over on Sixth  Street hill, Town Hill to most of us, and always had a good word.  He told me he worked in personnel at the Wilkes Hosiery Mill on F Street, and said if he saw on an application that the person had once had a paper route, he almost always gave them a job.
Another place I loved to stop was Sharkey’s Restaurant on B Street, diagonally across from the Bus Station.  Owned and operated by “Sharkey” Pardue, on many mornings, I would trade him a newspaper for my breakfast.  I never knew the man’s real name, and always assumed his nickname had something to do with billiards, having often heard the term “pool shark” spoken by folks referring to my older brother, Wayne. Well, here’s a touch of trivia for all you old timers who remember Sharkey Pardue.  His nickname came from a big bet he placed on a boxer named Sharkey, which he lost.  That information is directly from his beautiful daughter, Billie Minton, who to know is to love.
Then there was the old attorney, J. H. Whicker, Sr.
His office was upstairs in the Northwestern Bank (the former SunTrust Bank) building on B (now Main) Street in North Wilkesboro.  My instructions were clear, that I was to collect from Mr. Whicker at his office on Saturday mornings — yes, Saturday.  I will never forget that man.  He was always dressed in a three-piece suit, a starched white shirt and a bright tie, usually red.  The vest of his suit was always littered with ashes from the ever-present cigar perched directly under his perpetually red nose.
But that’s not the best part.
I collected from several of my customers at their offices, and every one, except Mr. Whicker, would have their secretary pay me, and I would be on my way, rarely seeing my customer face to face.  Every Saturday, however, when I would go into Mr. Whicker’s offices, his secretary would buzz him on the intercom and tell him I was there.  Momentarily he would summon me to come back to his office, which was a room furnished with a huge desk, conference table and several high-back leather chairs. Almost every week, there would be from two to six people in the office with Mr. Whicker and, as I walked in, he would motion for me to come behind his desk.  After he paid me the 45-cent newspaper bill, he would begin telling me about the boundary dispute, broken contract, or an  accident they were in the midst of discussing.  Shortly, he would ask me to choose between the courses of action he felt were available to his clients.  Each week, as I proudly listened and chose, he would lean way back in his chair.  When we had finished our little exercise, he would sit up, pat me on the back as I left the room, and say, “From the mouths of babes…”
But, to be honest, the most memorable collection day revolves around a poolroom — the Friendly Billiards.  When I was a kid, it was operated by J. B. Higgins. “Friendlys,” as it was often called, was located in the basement of the building right next door to the police station in North Wilkesboro.  You were supposed to be 16 to go in the poolroom, but sometimes I would sneak in.  Also, there was a table in the back area, which quite often was the scene of a serious poker game.  Late one Friday afternoon, I made it into the back room to watch the game, which had been going on for hours.  Very much to my surprise, one of the players leaned around to me and showed me his cards.  “Kenny,” he whispered, “I need $20 to stay in this hand.  If you let me have it, I’ll split the pot with you.”
To this day, I don’t know what possessed me to take that chance. 
But I did.
I literally sweated bullets until that hand was over, and my guy won.  He grinned and counted money into my hand for what seemed like forever.  Truly, I had not seen that much money at one time in my life.  Nervously, I practically ran out of the poolroom to find a place to count my winnings, which turned out to be just over $100.  As I furiously pedaled my bike on the way home, I began to think about all the things I could do with that money.
By the next afternoon, however, someone had gotten word to my father that Kenny had way more money on him than a 12-year-old should.  That night at supper, Pa began grilling me and, in no time, I cracked. 
Retribution was swift and sure. 
In addition to a whale of a spanking, Pa confiscated the money.  Then, on Sunday morning, he returned it to me with instructions to put it in the collection plate at the Hinshaw Street Baptist Church later that morning. 
As my dad walked away, I plaintively whined, “All of it?”
He turned and looked at me, his jaw set, speaking not a word.
He didn’t need to.
Overcoming Anger
Overcoming negativity seems to be a constant in the news these days and there are times I want to yell “just get along” like I used to with my children… although it probably would not work to stop the negative verbal “spars” any better than it did with my kids. It seems hard to resist picking up a gauntlet when one is put down in front of you. Ephesians 4:29  “ Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen”.  Why can’t we all just follow that?  Even when provoked.  
One of the hardest things I have had to do is to pray specifically for those who have harmed me.  I friend of mine once said to pray for the light within the person to overcome the darkness (and we all have darkness).  When the light is greater than the dark we become more positive and goodness wins.  
But how exactly can you adjust your response, and keep your attitude and actions positive, in the heat of the moment?  Here are a few strategies that work…
“Create space to breathe.  Conscious breathing is your anchor.  Hold still for a moment, take a deep breath and free your mind from all the chatter that’s going on inside your head and around you.  Doing so creates space for a change of state – for something new and positive to enter.  Ultimately, the key is to refill your bucket on a regular basis.  That means catching your breath, finding peaceful solitude, focusing your attention inward, and otherwise making time for recovery from the chaos of your life. 
Relieve the resistance.  If you evaluate your body and posture right now, you can find some kind of tension.  it’s often in the neck, but sometimes it’s in the back and shoulders.  Where does this tension we feel come from?  We’re resisting something –our mental resistance creates a tension in our bodies and unhappiness in our lives. 
·                  Locate the tension in your body right now.
·                  Notice what you’re resisting and tensing up against – it might be a situation or person you’re dealing with or avoiding.
·                  Relax the tense area of your body – deep breath and a quick stretch often helps.” From Marc and Angel Hack Life.com
Mindfulness can happen in an instance.  We need to first stop and look a situation with intention, positive intention.  I think that is why we say “step back” and visually this is stepping back from the gauntlet that is thrown to us- giving us a moment to rethink the situation.  I read recently that if we take a minute every time we look at our watch to check the time, we intentionally become mindful of being positive when we feel ourselves becoming upset.   Hopefully it will become a habit and we can stop ourselves from reacting negatively.  I think that is what is wrong with texting it is so easy to respond.  My mother once told me a story of when my father had written her a Dear John letter while in the Air Force. Her father told her to write back but give it to him and he would hold it for three days and then if she still wanted to send the letter he would.  After three days she did not want to send the letter.  Well the end of the story is years later they got together by accident and the rest is history because here I am.  What if she had texted him back with her hurt angry feelings? Note the picture below of my father with the ink splattered on it from my mother in a fit of rage when she received the letter.  
Laura Welborn, Mediator.  Contact her at [email protected]
Better Control of the Money Flow to the Palestinian Authority
Special to The Record
Since 2015, annual U.S. appropriations legislation has required the reduction of aid for the Palestinian Authority (PA) by an amount equal to what the PA spends to reward acts of terrorism including monies spent by the PA training children to become terrorists. To help Israel and fight terrorism, keep one eye on annual appropriations bills and another on your congressional representative.
Hateful rhetoric starts young for Palestinian children whose leaders instill the culture of violence through school textbooks and activities. Experts recently discovered violent narrative in 240 U.S. government-approved schoolbooks, including civics and math, that incite first- through ninth-graders in more than 400 United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) schools in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem to kill Israelis and sacrifice themselves as martyrs for the cause of Palestinian statehood. One math problem used variables for the number of Jews killed during the intifadas.
An expert witness scheduled for a congressional hearing said an Obama administration memo intervened by saying the books were not problematic, and that the hearing on the books was unnecessary.  With a new president and congress taking over the reigns of government on January 20th, the time is ripe to petition these bodies to take a positive stand against the PA's violation of the Oslo Accords and demand the PA to negotiate directly with Israel or lose US support. It's also a good time to enforce laws requiring the United  States to withhold assistance to people or institutions fostering terrorism. Additionally:
• Pressure the PA to repudiate violence and violent rhetoric in all forms. Previous U.S. denunciations have had no effect;
• Review the aid’s effectiveness and
• Look for alternative ways to influence Palestinian leaders.
Elliott Abrams of the Council on Foreign Relations has suggested closing the PLO office in Washington, D.C., visa bans on PA officials, and channeling U.S. aid into specific programs unpolluted by corruption.
Some fear that withholding funds could result in the collapse of the PA and its U.S.-trained security forces resulting in a power vacuum—a risky incentive for Hamas or other radicals. If this fear is well founded, perhaps effective answers can be sought in better controls of the money flow and other incentive packages.
By Carl White
Life in the Carolinas
Memories are like butterflies, they come and go, and if we are lucky, they allow us to focus on their beauty now and then. I think that is why it is important to set ourselves up for the opportunities to enjoy their visits.
You can’t enjoy good memories without first enjoying the moments from which the memories are inspired.
I’m always looking for a great experience, and I seem to find what I am looking for in many of the places I visit. Maybe it’s because I believe there is more good than bad and if you are open to this idea things are stacked in your favor.
Great food is always a pleasure to find, but let’s face it, all chefs are not created equal. That’s okay I can only imagine how much I may be tempted to overeat if everyone cooked like Mom.  
I know the value of a good night’s sleep on the road. However, I have met many people who say it takes them a few nights just to relax enough to get a good night’s rest. Well, if I did that I would never get any sleep. The key is staying at the right places. A clean room and a nice bed with good cotton sheets goes a zeat reputation and good reviews. I enjoy a nice B&B and I’m always pleased with my stays at the Hampton Inn and Suites. They always have clean sheets.
It is a duty to myself and others that I have great experiences so that I have good things to talk and write about. If you flood your life with good moments, you will have an abundance of sweet memories. You will not be able to escape them, and they will come in handy when you are dealing with less than pleasant situations.
If you are a regular viewer of our TV show or a frequent reader, I would guess that you have picked up on the fact that I love what I do. I love meeting all kinds of people and visiting all types of places. I enjoy good food and good conversation. I am enjoying the passing of time, and I love the power of kind words.
I like walking on the happy side of the street. It is there where I have met many people that are often newcomers, who have somehow stumbled across the wonders of days less filled with the obsession of things. They have discovered the power of kindness, generosity of self and the life-changing value of days filled with sweet memories.
It’s okay to have a busy life, but balanced with a playful nature. Make sure you take time for the right moments; you will need what they inspire.
We have so many beautiful things to experience in the Carolinas; there is no good reason not to stack the deck in your favor. That’s where the great stories are; I should know. Go ahead, have a walk on the happy side of the street. There you go, smiling already. Go to a nice place, sleep in a good clean bed and enjoy a great meal with someone nice. I’ll see you on the road.
 Carl White is the executive producer and host of the award-winning syndicated TV show Carl White’s Life In the Carolinas. The weekly show is now in its eighth year of syndication and can be seen in the Charlotte viewing market on WJZY Fox 46 Saturday’s at 12:00 noon. For more on the show, visit  www.lifeinthecarolinas.com, You can email Carl White at [email protected].     Copyright 2017 Carl White
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