#i was also keeping tabs of all the stuff i've missed on here that i wanted to catch up on but ending up deleting the tabs by accident
regular-lord-reckoner · 6 months
been having a bit of a hard time lately and the hits just keep coming because today our family friend that's staying with us, his wife got into a car accident
she's okay, thank god and so were the other people but they had to tow her car and she was really shaken up understandably
everyone's okay now but just...jesus christ, dude
also, i know i've been absent on here lately but i'm still around, just going through it. eventually i'm gonna get an actual break and will return in full but for now i'm just going to cross my fingers the rest of this year can be a little more gentle
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bomberqueen17 · 8 months
assorted, and snippet
it is a rainy sunday. we had a glorious last-gasp-of-summer week, 70s and sunny and lovely, and then last night as the sun went down it suddenly got cold and is going to stay that way.
today's my late father's birthday. he'd've been 79 today. farmsister asked the family groupchat if we wanted to do anything special but like, what? no, so we're just having our normal sunday family dinner. she decided to make enchiladas because while the tomatoes are done, there are still tomatillos, so she's roasting those. i decided to thaw a pork butt and i'll make a sort of al pastor kind of pulled pork for the filling, later. but at the moment i'm out in my cabin, which is a disaster area and needs cleaning. but at the moment i'm just listening to the rain on the metal roof, and i have the propane stove on to get it up to room temperature in here, and i'm dying to take a nap but probably won't.
i told myself i could sit for an hour and maybe write. I sorta don't want to write, I sorta want to fuck around and nap, lol. I'm at a bit in Peace-Tied where I'm trying to fold in stuff I wrote ahead that doesn't quite fit now, so that's complicated-- I've been resorting to using two monitors to have the old doc open in a window so I don't have to tab back and forth. But Fit For Thrones is also in an awkward spot where I wrote stuff ahead and like not a lot has changed, but I realized there needed to be a new thread introduced, so I've got to work that in, and I'm realizing a scene I wrote ages ago that was just fluffy and didn't show a lot of character development is going to have to get overhauled to fit the new concept in, which at this point is just a slight complication but later I wanna hang like a whole plot off it, so it's gotta be here-- if I put it in later it won't have any support and might not really properly hold all the weight it needs to, so. And this scene was just fluff anyway and needs more stuff in it. So that's fine. But it's hard. Because of course all I want to do is skip ahead and write the juicy weighty scene this is gonna support. But if I do that (again, as i've been doing a lot in this series, ugh) i'll get there and it won't fit and i'll have to do more of this fiddly kind of work.
I did only miss Friday's update because I was physically too busy at the time, though. It's the wind-down of the farm season but that just means people have started to peel away to do other things, there's not actually a lot less work, and so those of us left are kind of juggling a lot more balls, even if they're less heavy than they were. (more wittering specifically about FFP behind the cut, and a snippet)
So I have a bunch of stuff allllllmost ready to post, but a bunch of tricky work to do for the continuations of them. There has been a spate lately of very nice comments, some rereaders and some new readers, and I appreciate all of you and it keeps me going, really it does.
I can't find the one, though, someone commented on the latest FFT that they thought Morvran might wind up a bit subby perhaps, and I literally cackled out loud. (Someone else was speculating that he's more traumatized/demi/gray than pure ace, which I also have been trying to convey-- he's ace-spec for sure but gray, is where I'm headed with him.)
I don't think Ciri is going to wind up being particularly domme-y in her preferences-- she also would like a pretty lady to push her around please-- but understand she was raised by a bunch of dommes all around, so I had a very early slightly-cracky notion that she thinks this is how het relationships have to work (this did bear fruit in an outside-of-series published work on AO3 thanks to the Smubbles folks, here: What Every Young Woman Needs)-- but there's an excerpt here I haven't quite yet fit into the FFP continuity, which I suppose I'll put here for everyone's delectation (Ciri POV, of Morvran):
He glanced up only briefly at her arrival, flashing her a quick smile but returning to whatever he was writing, clearly intently focused. She propped a hip on the edge of the desk, waiting, and he finished writing the line and looked up at her.  There was something about the way he looked up at her, like this, something open in his expression that usually wasn’t. It sort of made her want to pull his hair, and made her suddenly understand some things about the way her-- Geralt and Yennefer had acted, around one another. She’d always thought Yennefer was perhaps too mean to Geralt, but she could suddenly understand Yennefer’s perspective, and see that maybe it… well maybe it wasn’t being mean.  But. She didn’t know Morvran near well enough to offer to pull his hair.
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s0urfangs · 4 months
I try so hard not to do this but i gotta rant. Regarding the last reblog, I do NOT think the lack of comments and such is 100% peoples fault. I honestly think a significant part of it is how app and website design combines with content culture.
I want, and need, an inbox that shows me original works people have posted so that I can rummage through it at my own pace and know I'm not missing anything I love. Deviantart was great for this. Sit down on an evening, go through stuff at your own pace, say hi!
Don't even get me started on how you can't save stuff easily on most sites to look back on let alone navigate your own profile easily. Pretty basic thing?? I can't even begin to count the amount of times I find an artist here, go to their blog and its like ah! Their art tag does not work, or they do not have a tag. There is no other website with a gallery of theirs? Scrolling through their blog is 90% reblogs? I have to give up. Again, it's NOT THEIR FAULT. This is not tumblr exclusive.
On all the popular apps and websites now, there's an endless and constantly expanding dashboard of reblogs and memes and maybe if you're lucky you might see some art or something you followed someone for. How are you supposed to keep up if you follow more than ten people?
"But you can turn notifications on!"
I have tried. I am not getting notified for every reblog, every post, at every time of day. It's such an intrusion, and I was missing important stuff irl from the sheer amount.
This is not the fault of people reblogging stuff! It's fun, and I love discovering new art! I also like a good meme ofc. It's the utter lack of organisation. Just a seperate (optional) tab is all it would take for a lot of sites to improve by a solid 50%
Bluesky is doing well with this so far, with the option to disable seeing shares and comments in your dashboard at least. (As well as muting blogs if one of ur beloved mutuals becomes absolutely obsessed with idk, minecraft youtubers. WE ALL HAVE OUR LIMITS...)
It really just seems like a huge oversight in basic accessibility that's become normalised. I don't really scroll tumblr anymore- I can't manage. I miss a lot, and the stuff I don't- well, I've probably also been sucked into the content cycle trap and just TRYING to keep up. This means I don't really want to post much either.
"That's just how it's always been on tumblr" That's okay! I'm not saying people can't enjoy it that way. It's the fact every single popular app is doing it the same. It's HORRIBLE.
Hopefully that makes me feel better . Whew. Ofc I'm busy recently anyway, which is why I haven't dedicated time to trying to use new sites - I'd love to set up toyhouse properly but that's a huge undertaking, and have got a bsky sitting around. Waiting. It's hard to start new habits even if its just opening an app atm, but I'll post when I do so.
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kimmiessimmies · 8 months
Sweet Beginnings Tag
This tag is all about looking at your past. All you need to do is to find one of the first screenshots you ever took (preferably also published), and post it beside the recent one! And tell everybody when you took that first picture! Oh, and don’t forget to tag your posts! #sweet beginnings tag.
Thank you @hancyan, @greenplumbboblover, @nocturnalazure and @eljeebee for tagging me in this.
I have to be honest though, seeing this Sweet Beginnings Tag going round has been bringing out my insecurities. I see people posting their 2010's stuff saying "Eww!", "Cringe!", "OMG, look at this puddingface!", "The lighting is horrible!" and "What was I thinking with that camera angle?!" Meanwhile I'm sitting here looking at these pictures they deem to be such an embarrassment and all I think is "Umm, that's better than what I currently do... So if that's all so disgusting, what does that say about (your opinion on) my stuff?"
But I will play! I love looking back! I know what everyone is expecting is a huge difference between a Sim created in the 2010s and one created now, but guess what, peeps; the Sims that were the centre of my Sim-universe back then are the same ones still going strong today. I stick with my babies foreverrrrr. I also will not say, "Oh, look what an embarrassment I was back then." What I will say, though, is there was a time when I didn't know turning off headline effects was an option. See for yourself:
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September 2012
This is The Prom of 03, one of the first (non-)story posts. We see Dan and James, still the best cousin-friends ever, talking after James had just publicly broken up with Jill.
At that point, I posted to my WordPress blog and to The Sims Daily (I know I keep commenting this on everyone's posts, but I soooo miss the awesome atmosphere of the forums and to my darlings from the TSD days: I MISS YOU! I MISS US!).
However, aside from the picture above, I also managed to shoot the picture below by NOT posing anyone and just clicking at the right time. For the early days, that's quite the skill, I think! Especially when you realise I also didn't know how to use the tab camera mode yet.
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September 2012
This is Ellie's mum Annabel meeting teacher Eva on Ellie's very first day of school. With Ellie standing by. Just using in-game interactions (not even Animator).
In April 2013, I came to Tumblr. At first, I mainly reblogged posts by my Daily friends and posted pictures of Honeycomb Valley and interiors. I feel tempted to reblog one of those full posts now. Should I?
After a few months, I started posting links to my (non-)stories on my blog, accompanied by some pictures to get a taste of the story and hopefully lure people to my WordPress blog. Funnily enough, one of those first pictures is my darling Sadie singing, which is the same thing I photographed today! :)
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June 2013
Fun fact: This is the karaoke performance which landed Sadie her place as The Hot Wings female lead! Oh, how this moment would end up changing her life... Neither her nor me knew just how much by that point. Makes me all nostalgic to see her like this again.
By this point, I did know how to turn off headline effects and how to work the camera in tab mode, which already made a difference.
Unto the current stuff. Well, my absolute proudest pictures are these:
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August 2023
Particularly because of the emotions they portray. Which were so on point for the story they were telling. Aww, my Joshua <3.
A lot of the credit for these goes to the pose creators though. In particularly @danjaley for her railing poses.
I will also share Singing Sadie again, even though I've shared this picture two times already, but I figured it would be fun to see in this post to compare her (and me) to the picture above.
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October 2023
I do think I've grown over the years. No, I know I did. And I know even my current stuff isn't as shiny and polished and perfect as a lot of other stuff out there, but these are my babies and I love them just the way they are. :)
Tagging @simsaralove, @ice-creamforbreakfast, @wasset-aseskara, @missy-hissy, @danjaley. But feel free to ignore if you've already done this or simply don't feel like it.
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mastersoftheair · 4 months
You're doing the Lord's work posting all of these pics from the boys instas, etc bc I do not have an Instagram or whatever and I would never see these things otherwise! Thank you!
you're welcome!!!! also, i am Not a social media person At All (i'm a tumblrina through and through). the only reason i have an instagram, really, is to message friends/family who almost exclusively message people through instagram for some reason lol
+ (overly-detailed) storytime about instagram research under the cut (since i'm using your ask to take a trip down memory lane...)
back in 2021, with tremendous help from @carninator-blog (who was equally as interested in the "MotA Cast Investigation"), i managed to cobble together a growing list of cast and crew members (sometimes, i was faster than imdb lol). instagram was the Key tho, like it was INVALUABLE! if you found one person, they might post a story that shows Another person with them and, if you recognized That person, then you could find Their profile (if they had one). and so on and so forth.
dramatic reenactment of this:
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anyway, it's a lot easier to do the instagram stuff now (can you believe i mainly use it for "research"). i browse the search term "mastersoftheair" and have retired the rest: "mota" (too much weed lmao), "masteroftheair" (an easy typo, but no one makes that mistake anymore), and "whirlwind" (production name which yielded 1 result out of like. 50 or more). i even had to download an old version of the instagram app bc they just HAD to get rid of the "recent" tab which is crazy inconvenient! that's where all the timely information is!!
another thing. a few guys straight up Do Not have an instagram profile (....like nate mann. it'd be hypocritical of me to not respect it but come onnnnnnn, nate mann!!) and, while some guys Do have a profile, they never post anything about MotA Ever (like fionn o'shea). further- some guys don't have a profile anymore, but they used to (like kai alexander). some guys have a private one (valid. also callum turner), some guys suddenly got Verified some time inbtwn the production and the premiere (the elliot(t)s), and some guys changed their user name (like josiah cross). every once in a long while, i have to go update my cast/crew instagram profile list on google docs with all the names and links and GODDDD i sound like a weirdass stalker now that i've put this all into words, but believe me when i say i'm very much not invested in any of the actors' personal lives!! i try to keep it as professional as i can (everything's sourced, like an archive). i'm only ever looking for the MotA stuff, Exclusively.
additionally, a lot of behind the scenes pics and videos would Only get posted in cast members' stories. if i missed that 24hr window, i'd never see it again (unless they decided to put them on their profile), so, i'd check their instagram profiles Every Day whenever i was free. on the bright side tho, a lot of them were Fantastic behind the scenes pics/videos and "watching" the production of this show from afar (through instagram, of all things) was a lot of fun in the midst of pandemic anxieties and boredom (go check my 'video' tag if you're ever in the mood for some on-set cast shenanigans!)
while i'm here tho, i've gotta say that while keeping up with the cast back then was fun the Vast majority of the time (if nothing else, it gave me something to do during the chaos of 2021/22), i had a sorta anxiety about it sometimes wrt the, idk, "sensitivity" of the content. it was very NDA This, NDA That. i figured, "well, if they already posted it in their stories, it's probably fine" until one of the cast members Literally made a whole tumblr account and very kindly asked if i could please remove a few of the pics i posted of him bc he technically wasn't allowed to post them in the first place, so having them Out There could get him in trouble! i was SOOOO embarrassed about it and i felt Awful about the possibility of him getting in trouble all thanks to some hyper-observant internet rando (thankfully, tumblr is famously lowkey. it'd be different if it was as popular as twitter lol). after that incident, i had this semi-anxiety about "should i post this pic or just That one? should i Not post this?? should i download/save them and post them after there's a big announcement of some kind??? where's the line?!! What Do Now???!!". it didn't help matters when, in the MotA behind the scenes facebook page, a bunch of really cool set pictures would sometimes get deleted within an hour bc Whoops! the poster actually wasn't allowed to share those (and, even if i'd already downloaded them before they got wiped, would i be able to post them, despite being under no such NDA myself? or would i get another mysterious DM?)
but that's all in the past, now! i'm pretty sure i've posted Every Single One of those behind the scenes pics/videos, provided i downloaded them in time. if not, sometimes the (finally active) MotA subreddit has my back lol.
further, looking for Any MotA content during from 2021 to 2023 came with acknowledging the eventual "droughts" (what i nicknamed them) where it'd be a good while before i saw anything new at all. bc of this, i have a legitimate soft spot for certain cast members who posted a lot of updates/pics/videos Wayyyy before we even got the first teaser (s/o to luke coughlan, louis greatorex, jordan coulson, josh bolt, and josiah cross for keeping hope alive)
tl;dr- it's no problem and i'm happy to do it!
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argentumcor · 5 months
Having just replayed Never Fade Away, Alt is full of shit. She's her, alright, and Johnny's memory of those events is acurate.
First of all, we have the journal entry, one of the underrated ways he interacts with V:
You get nightmares, don't you V? The stubborn kind that keep coming back, night after night, like they wanna make sure you never forget a single detail, sight or touch? The kind where you can barely breathe because you know what comes next? You ever get those? I know you do. So here - welcome to mine.
Also, there is no version of events, even if you chose the less asshole options, that comes across as flattering to him. He does not regard it as some heroic tale of Johnny; when V comes out of it, he expects her to be as horrified of how he was as he was reliving it.
But it doesn't come across as flattering to Alt, either. She shows up to the concert when she said she probably wouldn't, then they bang which he is sentimental about, and then she's all "it's been real, it's been fun, not quite sure it's been real fun, deuces." She doesn't tell him things, partly for perfectly rational reasons- he was out of his mind between drugs, fame, and, uh, anger issues- and partly because relationship stuff. I get the impression Johnny never hid things from Alt, not that his secrets were dangerous in any way no matter what he thought, but she sure hid things from him. It was an epic love and a true love, but it was not a good love. I think she sees the memory and is defensive about it.
Alt is so clearly still mad at Johnny. She is not human anymore in very fundamental ways, and I think that is far more a choice than just purely a function of her form of existence. We never get a reason for her creating Soulkiller when she was human, but I can't conceive of a good one. I am not one to think technology is ever evil- it's a tool, tools cannot be evil- but Soulkiller (did she name it? As an AI, she denies this, but she plays it that there's Alt and then there's Alt) is only going to end up being used one way, she had to know that, she was not naïve. I've got doubts about Alt's character is all I'm saying. Rogue may deal death callously, but I don't think she is quite so heartless as Alt. Too much heart, maybe- same as Johnny, hence the explosive mix.
Anyway, she is definitely still mad at him. Fond of him, too, almost helplessly, but very mad at him. She so clearly blames him for her death, which is in fact silly. She shuts him down hard when he wants to talk and not casually. An AI, even a cold calculating one, would not essentially slam the door in his face like that. She'd say "I am not the Alt you knew, there is nothing I can say to you that would give you what you want to hear." She does not. He wants to talk, she says "No" and kicks V and Johnny back.
What's interesting about Never Fade Away I think Johnny has some awareness that this is not real. That's why there's less asshole options. Johnny has changed in his time with V, short as it may be at that point (the VDB path is always my second, after Hellman). When he tells Milt "I missed you" it's not 2013 Johnny saying it. It's 2077 Johnny, who is very very alone except for this gonk dead merc chick who is dying because of him and pure shit luck. He should pay his tab the bartender at Atlantis, he should help the merc with the vending machine- I think in real life he didn't do any of these things. He's torn between the inevitable choices and wanting this to go better in some way, to be better. The real choices, I think, are the asshole ones- it's way he always has to come across as a lunatic egomaniac by saying several times that Alt was kidnapped because of him. In 2077, in V's sober brain (you can't match him for the substance abuse in game, excellently displayed), he knows that's not the truth.
This is thematic. The game's nearest thing to a happy ending is The Star, I think most people agree, but it is full of sorrow and uncertainty anyway. Johnny is gone and by the end of the game- if you didn't go for a speedrun of the Devil ending- he is as dear to V as anybody. The Aldecaldos may knows someone who can help, but they may not.
It's not the destination that matters- in the end that is, for all of us, the grave. It's how you get there. Do you choose others before yourself, do you pay your debts (a reoccurring theme in Cyberpunk 2077), or do your choose your own survival- yourself- before all else? You will see the natural consequences of your choice, and you will certainly die as all must, but you must choose.
And you can choose better, shit luck, incomplete information, rotten old world, and all.
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straye · 1 year
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𝐃𝐀𝐒𝐇 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 : the hella sweet munday meme ( ORIGINAL SOURCE, FORMATTED TO BE A DASH GAME. )
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♻ Any advice on improving Tumblr RP experience?
Block and blacklist, block and blacklist. Out of sight out of mind is a real thing here, and even reading everything on someone's blog to be able to do that efficiently.
⛅ Do you believe aesthetics are another form of expression?
In a way, yeah! I mean, the way I have my blog set up is certainly so.
☮ Are you feeling happy and inspired right now?
Happy, I guess. Inspired, errr. Trying!
☄ Has someone ever admitted to being inspired by you?
Maybe once? I mean Ren once said that the verse they made with Ghostshima was for me and I almost bawled my eyes out because I feel passionately about that evil little tape worm and the effect he has on Kogami past the grave. T_T
⚌ Who inspires you?
[dial up sounds]
♋ Are there any FC’s you believe should be used more? Why?
I don't use FCs at all if I can help it, so I think this is geared more towards people who use rl FCs? But if I had to say, as someone who observes secondhand, MORE SOUTHEAST ASIAN / BROWN / BLACK / INDIGENOUS FCS !!!
☸ Do you reblog from the source when someone practices reblog karma or do you follow it?
I reblog from the source for a cleaner activity tab, and I expect the same courtesy. Though, if it's something I can send in, I always try sending in stuff for memes.
☯ Do you believe you’re a forgiving person?
I'll be honest with you, no, and I've had very good reason not to be over the years.
⚑ Have you been forgiven for a mistake you’ve made?
Hard question, because I'd say kinda.
♛ Have you ever seen drama be maturely sorted out?
No lol.
♞ Do you tend to ignore drama?
Generally. It stops being drama if someone is a genuinely bad person or is up to some heinous shit though.
☾ Have you ever tried to bring peace to a situation?
One, a very long time ago. Now? Hell no.
☻ Have you ever made someone a promo or a positive shoutout?
Yes! <3 I always try to.
☎ What do you think about bias lists?
I only do these for like. KPop biases lol. Do you guys remember the mess that was follow forevers? I think we've learned from then.
☈ How many people would you say likes you?
I should hope my following, though idc if anyone hate follows.
♡ How many people do you like? Are there any people in particular that pop up?
Most of my following ??? I know me and @sorrowmarked , @withgutsandglory and @ungodli are super cool. I also wuv @kudakenai and @vtriol forever and ever. me and @yeonban have crazy meow meow to meow meow communication. Me and @n0fa0e have been friends for yeeeeears <3. And @naisetsu is pretty neat too. <3 ALSO @achroanimus FOR THEIR AMAZING IDEAS AND DEPICTION OF THE EVIL LITTLE MAN. I also owe so much to @amaeranthos. I also love love love what @vulpesse and @aahri do for a certain fox of whom I am smitten over ..............
☢ What calms you down after negativity?
Vidya games, talking to my best friend. :3
☠ What keeps you happy?
Thinking about Kogami Shinya.
☘ Is there anything that makes you instantly want to follow someone?
If they're funny as hell. Always.
☕ Is it often you hear people complimenting your blog? Characters, writing, theme, icons, etc.
No, not really, though the latest compliment I've gotten was the fact that my Kogami is so baby girl and I needed a moment to cry (positively) about that. <3
☂ What’s your best RP experience?
This was before this blog's time but when me and an ex made an entire multiverse of OCs. :( I miss that, and my OCs are still around, but that was a weirdly formative experience. Also when me and @ungodli had this rhythm for our first thread where our replies kept getting longer and longer and at some point we stopped apologizing for that LMAO AND WHEN ME AND @achroanimus STARTED OUR KOGAMI AND GHOSTSHIMA THREAD THAT I STILL NEED TO REPLY TO AUGH
⚈ What sweet things tend to happen to you from time to time RP wise?
When me and my partners will reply to something and when we see it we immediately alert each other with raw reactions <3
☐ What trends are you currently into?
girl idk.
★ What fandom do you consider welcoming?
I don't really pay attention to this. </3
☆ What are some the perks with the fandom you’re currently in?
It's small and quiet and if you want to be left alone you'll be well left alone.
☉ What fandom do you believe needs improvement? What could you do to do that?
No comment.
♦ How has roleplaying on Tumblr improved since you started out?
Um honestly yes especially when it comes to NSFW content and what kind of shit we'll let fly. It used to be that you'd see obscurely tagged full blown rl porn on your feed but now people have the courtesy to actually try tagging it better as well as people just feeling safe enough to call people out on bigotry and condoning gross shit. I kinda wish this environment is the one little 12-13 year old me started off on lol.
♨ Have you ever roleplayed with someone that has been problematic but offered critique and then watched them improve?
Yes but they did not improve.
⚓ Are there any small details you tend to like in roleplays?
Quoting some of my favorite medias / poems / etc. If you squint, you'll see my writing riddled with them. >:)
⚡ What are the good sides with duplicates?
I don't have a lot of experience with saying so but some of the villains I play where I don't mind duplicates : we really do understand these characters more than most of their fans do.
☀ What’s the best thing about roleplaying?
What isn't there to like about putting my character in all sorts of whacky scenarios or whatnot with characters he'll probably not have much interaction with or otherwise? Creating AUs, connecting with people through him, and even getting people into Psycho-Pass mwhahaha.
⛵ What genres do you like writing the most?
Slice of life, hurt-comfort, fluff, comedy, action. I want to try horror one of these days so bad.
☺ What tends to bring out your muse the most? What inspires you?
Little things that remind me of Kogami; then, I'm possessed by his spirit to let the world know that xyz is so him. Then his spirit leaves me. It often tends to be other forms of media, music, poems.
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sohmiya · 8 months
Because i have brainrot and i promised something a lot less angsty. i'm sorry for sending more than one long ask today asdfghjkl
Rigghtt, so y'know when Max and Ev get over that huge argument I imagine Ev going over to Max's place, knocking on the door and when she answers they're standing there smiling at each and Max asks "are you going to come in?" and Evren shakes his head and goes "uh, I don't trust the two of us alone together in a space that isn't a studio. do you fancy a walk though?" "where?" "the store, for stuff for a charcuterie board."
And they're walking down the street together side by side, and the silence actually isn't awkward, it's like comforting and it'd probably remind the two of them how well they get each other and then Max would go, "are we going to do this small talk thing?" "god, no. we're terrible at that. we can skip to the honest shit" "like what?" and Evren would be all confident and cocky and say, "am I still your person?" and Max would roll her eyes all like "you're still fucking hung up about that" "it's the nicest thing you've said about me" "hey! I can be nice regularly!" "yeah...sure, i believe you(!)"
And then they're in the store together and Evren's carrying the basket, and Maxine's putting stuff in it, and a couple-that-aren't-a-couple shouldn't look so good grocery shopping...but they do, and then Max goes "I listened to your most recent song" and Ev would laugh and go "that's cute, you're keeping tabs on me" "well I'm going to when you're writing songs about me...you mentioned a woman with red hair" and Evren would be all "there are lots of women with red hair" and Max would smirk and say "you sang about her being in a band too" and Evren's pretty much caught out bc ofc its about her and he just ends up not responding.
When they're done shopping I imagine that they have a mini argument about who's going to pay bc I see Evren wanting to pay, but Maxine wanting to as well so they like play rock, paper, scissors to come up with a solution.
I feel like their walk back to Max's would be even more comfortable than their walk before, and then Evren's handing Max the bag when they get to her door and Max would say "I can't eat all this by myself" "share it with your band then" "...me inviting you in is me trying to be nice, evren" and I think he'd really debate it before going "look, i missed you and wanted to spend time with you and i've done that. so i'm good" bc he's still sorta in love, and Max is still probably scared about any prospect of them actually being together. but Max is in his life so having her in some capacity is better than not having her at all, and then he'd smile, and take a step back and go "feel free to text if you write anymore bangers about me though, babe"
i know this was supposed to be fluffy and happy but this made me feel bittersweet at BEST like your previous hc was too sad 😭✋🏼❤️‍🩹
but SCREAM evren finally taking maxine to shop for charcuterie <33333 imagine them walking around the store and checking things out then max goes “is there anything you like? like idk, your favorite cheese or whatever?” and ev just shrugs like “whatever” so max goes “don’t you have those at rich people parties?” “i mean yeah. but cheese is cheese” LMAOOO
"are we going to do this small talk thing?" "god, no. we're terrible at that. we can skip to the honest shit" "like what?" and Evren would be all confident and cocky and say, "am I still your person?"
smiling through the tears………. in another life they wouldn’t be joking about that 🕳️🚶🏻‍♀️
but also maxine relentlessly teasing evren for writing a song about her and evren ending up not responding….. maxine out here making it hard for him to move on like girl if you don’t shut the fuck up
OH and if evren wins rock paper scissors and ends up paying max will buy a bottle of wine to go with the charcuterie board but if she wins she’ll just go “ha. loser” 😭
"look, i missed you and wanted to spend time with you and i've done that. so i'm good"
you calling this hc “a lot less angsty” vs this line singlehandedly breaking my heart all over again
i don’t have maxine’s self-control like if i were her i would’ve asked evren out right then and there 😭
BUT OMG ok so when max and ev have both moved on and healed their hearts, imagine evren suddenly releasing a song about a dancer who’s good at ballet JDNDJDJS maxine would be sooo nosy about it and immediately call him like “TELL ME EVERYTHING” ugh the miko creator in me is like 🥹 but my max x ev heart is all 🥲
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birdmenmanga · 1 year
So - I don't recall if you've ever written about it, but how did you get into Birdmen to start with? (I don't suppose it was because you caught Yellow Tanabe's Kaitou Kid art?)
Nope, it wasn't Tanabe's Kaitou Kid art, actually!!
I'd read Kekkaishi back in middle school and loved it to pieces, so I always diligently followed the authors work afterwards (diligently as in, I'd remember her once every few years. this is as much as I can love a creator. honest.)
and honestly I thought birdmen was just okay at the time. not really my type of story, but I liked her humor and pacing and paneling and art style enough to keep tabs on it and catch up every few years.
I didn't get really into it until...maybe april 2022? november 2021 one of my friends in middle school who read kekkaishi with me reread it and convinced me to give it another whirl and I got obsessed. lol. but its fandom is basically entirely dead, so it was tough making stuff for it... I know I reread BIRDMEN because I offhandedly told bells that it was about becoming something distinctly non-human and you know that's her ballpark but then I had sudden doubts like "dang but what if birdmen is bad actually. I've got to reread it to make sure it's like. good"
I ended up making stuff for birdmen because the fandom was still holding events and stuff at the time. (I caught the last fandom event for birdmen if that counts for anything! the 2021 Christmas event I think was the last one that was ever held.) There's a 5 month gap where I had reread birdmen but wasn't sold on it and then I tried examining the narrative under a queer lens for the bit but the stuff I kept pulling up all just fit suspiciously well for something that was supposed to be string on a delusional corkboard until I was like "hm. maybe... it's this way... on purpose ? ? ? ? ? " which honestly would be insane. like I really think I am true and correct and everything but also I'm ready to eat my words at a moment's notice but also when miss tanabe dies and people rifle through her belongings and such I am waiting for people to find some kind of will or testament or printout which will inevitably confirm my theory. like im that annoying and cocky like i'm literally waiting to be like yeah see i was right the entire fucking time. but also i'm just a sillyguy im just saying words and the words probably aren't even good and I'm probably just silly and wrong and delusional but I really think everyone is too cynical like I really think she did it on purpose. like yes I know. it's ludicrous.
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but also. i think it's possible. i really do.
anyways here's the picture of kaitou kid that tanabe sensei drew for the curious. you know how it is ! ! !
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oldcoyote · 2 years
Hey there! I just wanted to know your opinion of all these new people on tumblr that are making people who like posts feel bad. They’re saying that this is not instagram and that the likes do not help the original poster and they are on this high horse as if they’ve been here for so long saying things like “this wasn’t how it was supposed to be on tumblr, this is not how things were before” when they’ve been her just a couple of years (nothing against new people joining in, but you don’t have the right to tell people how to use a platform that is supposed to be a safe haven for many since its inception)… this is how it’s always been on tumblr. People like things to save them and they reblog things that catches their attention, many are acting as if the like option is new when it’s always been there and throwing shade to those that like stuff. Also it’s weird that people keep complaining when their post are liked and reblogged and get angry at people for that. I don’t know… tumblr seems like a hostile environment lately. I just got back after years (I asked for your opinion because we’ve been here for nearly the same time and we’re from the same tumblr time.) I don’t like that people are hostile lately and act as if throwing shade to other people is okay.
i'm very lucky that i haven't caught any of that hostility on my feed, i wasn't really aware that it was happening at all! i've been here 12 years now, if we're including the neaf blog, and liking things has always been an important function of tumblr. i think a huge part of the problem now is that notes are hidden away - previously, you were able to see the volume of people liking and reblogging your posts in notes on your dash and that would give you an immediate sense of response and reaction to what you were putting out there. we even used to have a function called like-spamming, where you would like a post repeatedly and the individual who posted it could see how many times you clicked like - hundreds of times, sometimes, for those who were enthusiastic enough to do it. it was often used for comedy but also just to show appreciation
now, notes are tucked away under the activity tab - and out of sight, out of mind. you have to go and check your post repeatedly to see what reaction there was to it - and that often can make you feel self conscious, checking to see if you've garnered the attention you desire instead of just having it presented in front of you
i absolutely do get why it's hugely important for artwork and artists specifically to reblog their posts because that's the only way the art is seen by more than a handful of people - it's vital to the survival of artists on this platform to reblog art you love. but everybody i know and follow on here does reblog the art they love, as well as liking it oftentimes, so i am missing a huge part of this discourse and can't really speak to it for that reason
i know i'm very lucky to have avoided that hostility because of how i've curated my feed over the years, and i'm so sorry that this has come up and caused frustration and stress for you now. but i will say, as someone who went through an enormous period of anguish and harm and was driven off a fandom-popular blog by people's cruelty way back when; tumblr can be and has been, in many of its alleyways, a hostile environment for a very long time.
my best advice is to curate a dashboard that brings you peace. it's a difficult thing to do and it takes time, but it's worth it. the peace i have on here now is everything <3
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hospitalterrorizer · 9 months
listening to brainiac before bed.
i did 5 songs today but only 4 are like things i redid, i got a new short song down, exciting. have to wait a bit before i can listen to it and think about lyrics for it i think, it's fresh and i'll want to mess with the guitars too much i think.
i just spaced out listening to the guitars in 'this little piggy' i'm so fucked right now. thankfully the process of fixing everything will be over soon, hopefully, probably, and hopefully i'll fall in love with everything.
i should think about reverb a little, if the record needs it or not. i really avoid it cuz it feels cheap, not like it sounds bad, i mean i feel cheap using it cuz it used to be such a crutch for me i feel like, when i was making jungle and stuff.
thinking about cheapness, and jungle i guess, apparently people spend huge amounts of money getting synths to make "ps1 jungle" now, i didn't ever consider that. it's massively fucked up, all the music i've made i've never spent a dime on, making everything i've done super cheap, which i think is sort of cool. it's fucked up to me how people will spend huge amounts of money on equipment without ever really putting anything out with it. i just don't understand having really nice things and not really doing anything outside of putzing around with them. it's not like it would become okay if they did make anything though i guess, if someone spends 2000 dollars on a synth to imitate a sound that came from a sample pack that a japanese dude used to put a song together in a day, they are wasting their time. it's also fucked up because, at the time at least, in 2019 when i was making this stuff, it felt basically liberating to make that stuff because it let you be cheap, now it's gotten super particularized. i can't really touch breaks anymore, not because of these people who i never considered until today, but more because so much mediocre breakcore is being put out, and so many people love sewerslvt, it makes me feel dire, and i decided to just give up i guess.
i went looking for old mp3s of my jungle stuff so i might put it here or something and instead i found a bunch of other old stuff. reminded me of how much i miss having access to my cousin's audio interface for recording bass and guitar.
here's some stuff from when i was trying to do guided by voices in 2021.
these kinds of songs are so fun to make. i'd like to do it again some day. it's easy to hear how bad i am at guitar, but i really did love playing at that time. i still do, i just can't record it, i just get tabs/ ideas out and transpose them to midi, so i'm basically playing fucked up hardcore only right now. or not that fucked up. i love octave chords, and then sliding up a note so it's two notes right beside eachother. i think that's such a pretty sound.
anyways. the current state of jungle makes me sad. guitar music has always only ever made me happy, even when i was sad.
what does it mean, what does it mean.
well it's not entirely true anyways. some guitar music blows and it pisses me off like all the sewerslvt adherents. some electronic music has only ever made me happy. i love everything at the end of the day and it makes me sick i guess.
it's 6 am! i spent all this time reminiscing about my old music, but i have new music, i have to keep its heart alive too. i want to keep every heart i ever found alive. i'm an awful doctor!!
okay anyways #byebye!!
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jacobfiel · 1 year
Course Reflection
Throughout this course I followed along with the steps and guidance and guidance Toby provided to the class to learn and practice skills in Photoshop (PS) Adobe Illustrator (AI) and InDesign (ID). I would not only learn the basics of these programmes as well as key features, tools, shortcuts and workflow methods in the moment but would also document and annotate these learnings on my online Tumblr blog. This means that I can look back into my blog anytime in the future and will be able to remind my self of any skills/ minor details to preform skills that I may have forgotten. I see this blog coming in very handy as I already found myself using it throughout the course to look back on as well as for projects in other classes.
Before I came to Polytech and started the fundamentals class all I knew from school were some of the basic tools in Photoshop. So I came into the fundamentals course with very fresh eyes.
I found programmes like AI and ID very difficult because I naturally was use the the processes that take place in photoshop. Things such as holding shift when transforming items in AI was super difficult and frustrating for me to get use to. I also found it hard to understand how curves and handles work and every drawing would encounter a lot of COMMAND + Z's before I could get curves and shapes looking somewhat how I like them. Worse of all the pathfinder just made no sense and I would kind of just randomly click icons and hope they did what I wanted. I think Im also still having a little bit of trouble which frames and images in ID as well as how to use things like fill and stroke or the swatches tab in this programme.
I don't think my ID problems are fully resolved but Im on my way there. I think the way to fix these simple misunderstandings with the programme is to just go through the motions with them and practice. I find now that I naturally use the transform tools correct in AI and can draw shapes just how I want them nearly every time, I can break points, move them around and add new ones. I even find I now know what a couple of different icons on the pathfinder tool do and can confidently cut shapes out of one another with some sense of ease. I feel I achieved this by using AI as much as possible whether it was in fundamentals, DT1 or even on some personal projects. I also think if I do the same in ID and just keep practicing I will be able to fix the problems I have now is well.
During the course I learnt how to use programmes such as ID and AI and well as much better tips and tricks for my workflow and better ways to do things in PS. I learnt heaps of shortcuts and could confidently jump into any of these programmes when needed and could contribute to a body of work.
I was influenced during the course by Toby and Alexia especially if I had any questions to ask they were able to give me one on one support and guide me through anything I needed help with right when I needed it.
I hope to improve on my core skills in ID and would also love to explore more in depth about AI as from what i've learnt while being here, it's the core design programme in the Adobe Suite. I am interested in all the things the pathfinder tool can do as well as some stuff involving gradients which I saw a person using on a youtube video.
I Touched on this earlier but I feel I will definitely be looking back on this blog semi regularly 100 percent over the next few years and possibly even more so into the future. I found some techniques really stuck with me and I can do them very instinctively while others I may not have entirely understood at the time. Yet because everything in annotated in detail on my blog I think looking back and finding the 1 or 2 steps I may be missing to achieve a certain look or complete a particular task will be super helpful and make some of those little mental blocks easy to work through.
My favourite parts of the course would definitely have to be when we did the 'AI flex' as I got to put all the skills I had learnt into 1 quick project on something completely self directed. The result was a drawing I was really happy with and is something I think is quite cool. The other thing would have to be getting to print off the booklet at the end and be able to physically see the work I made and also use it as a little gift for some of my family members.
Throughout the project I used the Moodle, teams and my own blog to help me complete projects throughout the lesson. On top of the lecturing and sometimes personal help that Toby and Alexia provided.
I think I did well to document each thing we did in the course and have a really good beginner to somewhat intermediate form of user manual on how to use the 3 programmes we talked about over the course, (AI,PS,ID). Yet in doing this sometimes I didn't test my skills to the max as I was focusing a lot on workbook meaning throughout some of the projects my work may have came out less detailed or extravagant as my classmates.
I think using this process of documenting your learning somewhat in the moment as you do it is a super good way to learn as you may not directly soak up 100 percent of everything once you walk away and think about the next thing. Yet you will have the base and the key ideas as well as a few extras that stuck with you but because you documented it you also have everything else right at your finger tips and can look back on it when needed in the future.
My goal going into the course were to learn as much about the 3 programmes as possible. I think this goal stood true throughout the process. When creating something one of the most frustrating things is having a vision but your fundamental skills are holding you back and this is something I wanted to prevent from happing to me in the future. So really just soaking up all the little details was a big focus of mine throughout this course.
A challenging moment that stands out for me was learning how to draw with the pen tool in AI. Even when drawing the most simplest of shapes on the first few days I couldn't make them line up properly or just look right in general. Then moving on to drawing more complicated shapes and moving them round and I was completely lost. I think a turning point in the right direction when I finally started sorting out how to use this tool was when I asked the question of how to 'break a point' and once toby explained this to me properly and I learnt about tools like holding down OPTION or COMMAND the whole process changed and I was finally able to start making the tool do what I wanted it too. This would then flow into editing anchor points and handles once the shape was completed and well as actually trying to stick to the idea of holding down SHIFT and trying to as much as possible pull out handles on the vertical and or horizontal axis.
Personally I think the most important thing I learnt was the same as the most challenging thing that I learnt above. Learning how to draw with the pen tool and make it do whatever I see fit opens doors to so many opportunities and I find myself using it nearly everyday. weather it be in other classes for course, Fundamentals itself or even just on a personal project it's become a commonly used part of my tool kit and I really can't believe I designed stuff for quite sometime without navigating this tool.
The only thing I can really think that got in the way when learning my skills was past habits and muscle memories I had learnt in PS which I really had to unteach my brain when moving into programmes such as ID and AI
I think again that I helped myself greatly by keeping my Tumblr blog well detailed so I had everything just a couple of scrolls away whenever I needed it.
I felt other people in the course helped by asking questions and making mistakes as commonly I had done the same thing or was wondering about a similar question when asked. This meant when Toby and Alexia would resolve these problems, commonly for the whole class to listen to I was able to fix where I had gone wrong and not have the lesson start to get to far ahead of me while I was stuck a couple of steps back.
Overall I really enjoyed the course and felt like every lesson I was learning so much all at once. I think a course like this is something I would recommend to others and also 100 percent would do something similar again.
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midnightartemis · 2 years
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Pairing: Frankie x Benny
Rating: Mature
Words: 1,357
Same universe as out. and upside.
Warnings: depression, drinking, mentions of drugs/gambling/fighting, lots of cussing, coercion of a drunk person to not run off
This is how Benny and Frankie come together.
It's been going this way for a while now.
The crowds leave, the cheering fades away. All that's left is an empty locker room, ringing in his ears, and a dull body-wide pain coming off the adrenaline.
The lights outside go dark. The janitor will come around soon. And though Benny knows he can stay as long as he wants, it always feels like the janitor is trying to kick him out.
To go where? The bar? Where he'll halfheartedly flirt with women he doesn't care about? Where he will take them home if he's drunk enough and try to feel something?
Going home to nothing almost feels better than that.
Will's gone. Been gone for a few weeks now on some work trip. He's busy. He shouldn't have to take care of his fucked up in the head little brother.
The locker room door opens and slams shut. There are footsteps, but no janitor's cart. Must be Roy. The gym owner sometimes stuck around after fights taking care of business.
"I'll be out in a minute." Benny stood and started shoving everything into his duffle bag.
The footsteps stopped at the end of the row of lockers.
"Don't hurry on my account."
Benny would know that voice anywhere. He looked up at the man standing there. That familiar patchy beard. Those brown eyes. That stupid, worn-out hat. Benny grinned. "Fish! Man, I didn't know you were coming tonight?"
Fish shrugged. "Eh, Will mentioned something and Jules has Rosie for the night, so. How could I miss a chance to see you get your ass kicked?"
Benny chuckled. "Hey, I was just giving that guy a chance to get a hit in. Felt sorry for him."
Try as he did, the conversation fell flat. He couldn't keep up the happy-go-lucky Benny tonight. It just wasn't there. He was too tired. The ache of loneliness was a little too raw tonight.
Frankie shifted. "Hey, man. You wanna get a drink or something?"
It was better than going home and wallowing in the dark. Benny threw the last of his stuff in his bag and zipped it up. "Only if you're fucking paying."
"I did bet on the other guy, so it's on me."
"Fuck you."
"I'll make breakfast in the morning." Frankie's eyes met his and for a moment, Benny's heart stopped. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. He swallowed, pushing down all those years of feelings. Deep, deep down. Back where they belonged.
"You fucking wish, man."
Frankie broke, laughing. He clapped Benny on the back and followed him out of the gym.
The bar down the road was about as hole in the wall and dingy as they came. It had a good crowd after fight nights, cheap beer, and shitty fried food. Frankie opened a tab, ordered two beers, and brought them back over to Benny. There was something up with Benny tonight. He looked tired. He hadn't had his heart in that fight. It had almost looked more like punishment.
Frankie knew that feeling well.
He also knew Benny wouldn't open up about it without a few beers in his system.
Maybe more than a few.
Benny downed three bottles without even blinking. He was halfway through his fourth, making light-hearted jokes and comments. But he wasn't there. Benny's eyes were distant and refusing to look at him. It made Frankie more worried than he really should be. They were supposed to be bothers, but for Frankie, it had always been more when it came to Benny.
Benny's eyes snapped to him. They were watery, red. Benny quickly looked away. He took a long shaky sip of his beer before playing with the loose corner of the label on the bottle.
"Do you wanna get out of here?"
Benny's fingers paused in their destruction of the label. "I don't wanna go home."
Frankie didn't know why, but he understood. It was one of those nights where it was best not to be left alone. "I've got beds."
After a moment, Benny nodded.
Benny was quiet the whole way back to Frankie's house. Frankie fiddled with the radio. Though he always had it on the same station. The damn dial hadn't been moved in ten years. It played his favorite old Latin music– the type of shit his parents used to listen to. Maybe he was getting old. Nostalgic. Maybe he just missed his family and easier days.
Benny leaned his head against the window and looked out at the dark skies and passing houses. Frankie fought against the urge to reach out and take his hand. He gripped the steering wheel. Fiddled with the radio station.
It wasn't about him. It was about Benny. If Benny was bad... If he was going down dark paths... He needed to know. Will wasn't here. Santi wasn't here. God knows Tom wasn't here. It fell on him to keep Benny safe. It always had.
Frankie pulled into his driveway and killed the engine. Benny finally stirred and glanced at him. "Thanks."
"Any time, man."
Benny stared ahead at the house. He hadn't made any move to go inside, so Frankie sat there. Waiting.
"I couldn't–" Benny's voice broke. He shook his head. "I'm so fucking lonely, Fish."
Benny pushed open the door and practically fell out of the truck. He slammed it behind him and drunkenly charged into the front yard, onto the sidewalk, back towards the gym and the bar.
"Benny!" Frankie jumped out of the truck and ran after him. Benny stopped, pacing on the sidewalk, a wild, scared look on his face.
"I can't- I can't fucking do this anymore. I can't-" Benny bent over, trying not to hyperventilate.
"Just tell me what's going on. Is it drugs? Gambling? The fights? Did you knock a girl up?"
Benny laughed.
"Whatever it is, we can fix it. I know people, Benny. I can get you help if you want it." Frankie stepped closer. He didn't want to spook Benny. If this is what Benny needed, this is what Benny needed.
"I go home every night alone. It doesn't fucking matter if there's someone with me. I'm always fucking alone, Frank. Because the one person–" Benny gasped for breath. "The one person I want, I'll never fucking have."
Frankie paused. Was this about some girl? "I know it hurts, Ben. But you'll find another woman. You won't be alone forever."
A broken laugh came from Benny's mouth. "I don't want a woman, Frankie. Goddammit, I've only ever wanted you."
The world fell away.
One second, they were apart. The next, they were coming together in an almost painful collision. Frankie gripped at Ben, pulling him closer. Fisting his blond hair in one hand and his hoodie in the other. He tasted like sweat and blood and battle and beer.
Beer. Benny was drunk.
Frankie pulled away, but Benny chased after him. "Benny, you're drunk."
The blissed-out look on Benny's face faded. He pulled away quickly, stumbling. "Fuck. Fuck! Shit. I shouldn't have– I'll fucking walk home."
"Benny," Frankie reached for the man and grabbed his arm in a tight grip. "You're not fucking walking home. You're staying here."
"No–" Benny tried to pull away.
"Yes. You're staying on my couch. And if you still feel the same in the morning, we can talk."
"NO. Fuck, Frank. Just let me fuck off. I don't wanna hear how you love me like a brother. How we can't be anything else. How I'm just the gay little Miller boy who was never as good as his brother."
"I never fucking said that. I never–" What was it going to take to get it through Benny's thick skull. "Benny. Listen to me. I've only ever wanted you. I just want you to tell me when you're sober."
Benny paused, looking up at him with those big blue puppy dog eyes. He didn't believe it. "But... Jules."
"I'm bi, Ben. And I really only started dating her because I thought I couldn't have you. And it was good for a while. I got Rosie out of it. But, it ended. It's okay. Come inside, Benny."
- Part Two: upside.
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postwarlevi · 2 years
I think I need to get off Tumblr some.
Not disappear or an hiatus, exactly, but I think I'm slightly unnaturally obsessed. I never though I'd say that about social media.
I feel the need to check Tumblr all the time, even at work or on movie nights with the family, or at 2am when I get up to go to the bathroom.
I'm afraid I'll miss something that I would really like and open all these tabs on my phone to go back to things if I don't have time to get to them all.
Also, I'm a bit ashamed to say I've been looking at my notes a little too much. I get excited when there's a lot of activity and something I post is going over well.
And I do this thing (with real life, too) where I get overwhelmed thinking about the things I should be doing, so then I literally do none of it and am unproductive the whole day.
I want to read, I want to interact, I want to write, I want to organize my dash. There's tag games and inbox notes and I want everyone to know I see them and want them and want to get to them. I feel bad for taking a while to get to them.
But I can't decide which of all of those things to do first so I have a chat with myself as to how best to go about it and don't ever come to an answer and by the time I know it, it's dinner time and the day is gone.
Since I do not know how to fix that still, I think it would be best for me to just get off here once in a while. As I write this I feel I'm not going to do it properly like I should. Tomorrow my dash could very well be filled with stuff. I wouldn't be surprised with myself.
I guess what I'm saying is if you don't hear from me for a day or two, it's all good! I'm not ignoring anyone, I want nothing more then to be here with you all, I'm just trying to keep myself sane.
If you made it this far, you're a trooper LOL <3
I will be around! Bear with me! And good luck to anyone finishing up classes, or just dealing with life issues in general!
Ps anyone else feel they have this issue?
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I completely forgot i said this ngl lol. I dont have the eloquence some ppl have with makin posts like these, so i ll use bullet points to avoid sounding incomprehensible. This is all about love nikki, not shining nikki. (@thelorekeeper)
I've been here since nearly the beginning. And at the beginning, the story is.............. boring ok its boring. There is not much going on. Plot only really happens later down the line, and by that point i completely lost interest. I tried to reread from the beginning, but again, i got bored and never went past ch 4. However the beginning is important too, because it explains how nikki got from A to B and whatever, so you can t really skip it
Bcs of its nature as a dress up game, it has to make you do what it says on the tin. Which means the story starts and stops, plus it does it in stupid ways (lets catch the bad guy nikki hurry! But first, put on some sexy sportsy clothes and do a style battle with me)
Goin off the last point, not only does the story stop at every stage, it also stops when you have to craft stuff to progress. Like bro. I will forget where i was
This may just be preference but because its vertical u dont have much space to put characters on. They look uncomfortably close to eachother, nikki is in the same position she s been the entire game, idk it just looks off and makes for very boring visuals while you re reading. The cg s are epic tho
Lol. Ok. This is common knowledge i think but major plot elements are delivered in time limited events, in the wrong order. So if you miss them well. Fuck you? Wait 6 months maybe the rerun of this event would make more sense uwu
Tldr, because of its nature as a mobile dress up game, as well as the mismanagement of events with important story details, actually keeping up with the story turns into a chore.
Which is a shame, because i think love nikki has a good story and super neat worldbuilding from what i ve learned of it outside the game. I just will never have the patience to properly understand everything thats going on. The time diary is a nice addition, but i d be surprised to find anyone that finds reading a summary of the story engaging. Plus, the tab that tells the story of the events is. Not good from a ui design perspective.
Anyway i went on long enough byee
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thinkingheron · 2 years
Here's a little journey I went through tumblr madness.
The trending tag says Book of Boba Fett, which I'm not too interested aside from keeping occasional tabs on what's going on in SW verse at the moment, because no offense to Temura, Boba Fett was just never a character I was particularly interested in.
But then there's a familiar figure in the top images and the Mandalorian armor in said images are shinier than Boba's, and I realize the guy under that armor is Din, making me confused because did Mandalorian s3 come out while I wasn't looking?
Trekking through the tag a little deeper I see they're about Luke and Grogu and Ahsoka and the old Jedi attachment stuff, a particular Star Wars discourse that I've honestly grown so tired of.
It's vaguely funny seeing that Luke Skywalker apparently lectured Grogu for missing Din. Also what is Ahsoka doing there I thought she was done being a Jedi? I'm so behind on all the lore but I'm not too sure I want to find out because I have a feeling I'm going to be annoyed by it and I have enough things to be annoyed about irl.
Only after hitting backspace do I remember the tag I was going through was The Book of Boba Fett.
I wonder what they are going to do for the actual Mandalorian S3, because at this rate there's not going to be anything left for s3.
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