#i was drunk and sending him voice notes from the bath
we-r-loonies · 3 months
james: i wasn't even that drunk! i was barely tipsy!
regulus: sweetheart, you sent me a voice message and got upset when i didnt say "i love you" back.
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Winter's King 23
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, cheating, violence, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You are a maid to the Duke of Debray, a lord of the Summer Kingdom. That is, until the king of Winter appears with his particular air of coldness. (Medieval AU)
Characters: Geralt of Rivia
Note: I sprained my ankle.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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The king shifts you off of him, lifting you with him as he stands. The tension is rigid in his grip. He steadies your bodies and helps you over the edge of the tub. Another pounding sounds at the door and his name arises again. 
King Geralt follows, splashing water on the floor in his expediency. He takes a bath sheet from the wardrobe and wraps it around you, not saying a word. Your heart races as you let him move you. You’re paralysed with the embarrassment of that moment. You’re about to be caught out in a perilous position. 
He urges you towards the bed and points you onto it. You hug the sheet around you and sit near the pillows. He pulls shut the canopy around you, blocking out the room behind the drapings. You sink down, horrified. He’s hiding you. As thankful as you are for his discretion it only reminds you of your own guilt. 
He coughs and his feet slap around. You hear another rustle of linen and your ears prick as he goes to the door. He inches it open with a creak, “Vesemir,” he greets flatly. 
“Ah, the king lives,” the gritty voice is more familiar without the barrier of the wood, “ah, and look at him, in his respite, enjoying the hot waters as his wife runs amok in my castle.” 
“Wife?” Geralt repeats grimly, “what is your meaning?” 
“Do you mean to keep my out in the corridors of my own home?” The man demands and slaps the door. “Boy--” 
“Eh,” the king grunts, “mind yourself.” 
“Don’t play proper with me,” the man scoffs and the door groans, letting him in. You can see shadows through the small slot between the curtains. You shy away, hoping whoever it is won’t look back. 
“Vesemir,” the king repeats, confirming the identity, “what is my wife about?” 
“Won’t you come see?” The man challenges, “her and her soldiers are raiding my cellar. I allowed one bottle and now I will be drunk dry. I serve the kingdom but I did not swear myself to spoiled summer welps.” 
“Mm,” the king growls as he moves beyond your sight, not that you can see very much through the narrow space. “I’ll tend to her--” 
“Certainly, you will or I will march her out with my ax.” 
“You needn’t go so far,” the king girds with a sigh as you hear the stiffness of leather. 
“When you marched south, I didn��t think it would soften you,” Vesemir rebukes, “you hide in a tower, soaking in steam.” 
“It has been a long road. We won’t be long here and I thought to wash,” King Geralt sneers defensively. “Even bears like you need a good scrubbing. You more than any, I think.” 
Silence. Tense and roiling. You crawl forward to get a better view of the room. You put your eye to the slat between the curtains and nearly squeak as the older man booms with laughter and claps the younger’s bare shoulder. 
“Aye, I probably do smell like the caves,” he rumbles. “And you always did smell like a horse, Geralt.” 
The king mutters again as he pulls a tunic over his head, the wet tails of his hair leaving speckles of water across the wool. You blink as the other man shifts and you see his profile clear. You know the man. It is the cook. Rather, not a cook at all but Vesemir, the lord of the castle. You're caught in surprise, staring through at him. 
As if drawn by your gaze, he glances over and you quickly retreat from the curtain, hoping you were not spotted. His tongue makes a noise against the roof of his mouth and he huffs. His sole scuffs as the king’s laces whip against his boots. 
“Geralt,” Vesemir intones with disappointment. 
Silence and another heavy breath. You don’t know from which man. The chair scrapes as the king stands. 
“It isn’t to mind,” King Geralt insists, “I will fetch my queen and put her back in her chamber.” 
Vesemir growls, “I do wonder why she might act so, with such a loving husband.” 
“Enough. It isn’t your concern.” 
“Not as yet, but the king’s business is everyone’s concern. Especially of those who marched on his behalf for a summer’s kingdom and a summer’s queen.” 
“You did not march,” the king rebuffs. 
“Eh, do not,” Vesemir warns, “I do not lecture, I warn you. You are a king now, mm, not a boy playing at tourney knight.” 
“I am aware,” King Geralt snips, “tell me what you are aware of, hiding away in your vultures’ pit. These winter lords wanted home to their families, so I made it so. I agreed to marry that... traitor’s daughter and what have I got for it but a headache? You need not make my skull pound any harder, Vesemir.” 
“Oh yes, your father was no fan of politics either. Nor did he play them well. Perhaps you might take another lesson after him,” Vesemir rebukes, “that turncloak’s daughter will not be any more amenable should she learn of her husband’s follies.” 
“She cannot see past her own nose,” Geralt straps his sword over his back. 
“You are hard to miss,” Vesemir insists. 
“Let us go to the cellar, I tire of your reproach.” 
“Ever obstinate, my liege,” the lords tuts and shakes his head, turning for the door. 
You angle to watch them go, the door shutting heavily in their stead. You let out a breath and hug your legs to your chest. You look up at the canopy and the looming bed frame. And so it begins, you sit, trapped by the king’s deceit. 
After some time, you dare to step beyond the canopy. You dress and sit at the table; the chamber growing still as the water cools and stagnates. The fire crackles to embers but you’re too fraught to think to feed it. You stare at the door. The longer you wait, the more your doubt threatens to consume you. 
There is no dial or no sunlight to gauge how long but it is longer than you anticipate. You grow restless and rise, pacing as you twist your palms against each other. Is it the queen the keeps the king? Or something more dire? 
When at last you hear movement on the stairs, you can’t help but hide against the wall. The footsteps hammer up and the door bursts open from the other side. At first, you fear the worst. Perhaps your mind has made it all a bit too extravagant but in a manner, you long for it to end, one way or the other. 
King Geralt storms in like a gust of wind and snow. The wood snaps against stone as he blusters across the floor and kicks a chair. It cracks against the table and the armrest splinters. You curl your fingers into your apron and sway.  
The king grabs the edge of the table and overturns it, sending the books and plates atop it to the floor. He circles like a rabid wolf, stomping and seething, growling as his anger simmers up his throat. He stops as if struck and goes to the bed, tearing back the canopy. His chest puffs as his brow furrows. 
“Treasure...” he breathes. 
You shudder, “your highness.” 
He turns and sees you, his shoulders easing. He closes his eyes and his jaw locks. He pushes his hands over his hair as he calms himself. He opens his eyes against and drops his arms. 
“Did I frighten you? I didn’t mean to,” he slowly comes closer, “you know I could never harm you.” 
“Yes, your highness, I only meant to be out of the way,” you utter. “Something is amiss?” 
“Mmm,” he hums through his nose, “that is a way to say it.” He takes your hands in his, his thumbs rubbing your knuckles, “my wife has not been a very gracious guest. Lord Vesemir’s hospitality quickly wanes. The storm won’t be much longer before we can depart...” he doesn’t look happy for the fact, “and we would be best to do so quickly.” 
“Is that not good? Aren’t you happy to go home?” You ask. 
His expression softens, “little maid, of course. I cannot wait to show you it all but... I hoped we might have some more time before that. The road is not easy.” He exhales and raises your hands, kissing each, “I must let you go for now. I have acted hastily and there are still matters to attend to. The war I started still roils in the air.” He shakes his head, “I have foes to harry as yet.” 
You blink, “what do you mean?” 
“Never you worry,” he lowers your hands, “I’ve only one mission for you, little maid.” 
“Yes, your highness.” 
“You will return to the queen’s service, yes? You will tend to her as you always have but you will watch and you will listen. Every lord, every lady, ever single vermin that keeps her company, I want to know of,” he sneers.  
“Your highness? Why--” 
“Do not ask why. I require it, that is all you need to know. For our safety, you must do this,” he clings to you, “treasure, I know you are a loyal creature, it is what first drew me to you, but that woman you serve wouldn’t know loyalty if it crept up her skirts.” He lets you go hesitantly, “she is still a traitor’s daughter.” 
Your lip trembles and you quickly still it. He is asking you to play spy. On Jazlene. On your queen. His very own wife. But why? She is foolish, she is a drunkard, but she is harmless. 
“You swore yourself to your duty, didn’t you?” He arches a brow. “The king comes above all. Regardless of house, of master, you serve me.” 
“I will serve as I swore,” you grit out, injured by his tone. 
That same day he was gentle and now he is steely and demanding. He toys with you. He only means to use you in whatever way the moment calls for. It is not grand revelation but no less painful. 
“Do not be sombre, treasure, in due time,” he rasps. He backs away and puts his back to you, “go, before I let my heart get the best of me. Should you stay longer, I might never let you leave.” 
“Your highness,” you bow and walk to the door. 
“The knight awaits you. He will take you to the queen.” 
“Thank you,” you stand in the doorway. 
“Wait,” he calls to you and follows after. You turn to find him with cloak in hand, “you will need this.” 
You look down at the cloak. You take it without protest. Even if it is tainted, he isn’t wrong. You will face the cold soon enough and you wouldn’t fare long in your wool and linen. You thank him and he sees you through the open door, closing it as you descend. 
As you come to the bottom, you find a shadow awaiting you. It isn’t Bryce. The figure is broader and his white hair shines in the torch light. You step off the bottom step and bend your neck. 
“My lord,” you greet the castle lord. 
“Maid,” he returns dully, “so it is the little dove that coos as the king.” 
You keep your head down, turning it away in shame as you purse your lips. It is your first lesson in judgment but not an easy one. 
“I didn’t expect you so much as you didn’t expect me. Sir Bryce has allowed me your time but he warned me he would be back,” he explains. “I only wanted the measure of the king’s fancy. I’ve known him a very long time so it is curious to me that he has put himself in such a... circumstance.” 
“My lord,” you whisper, throat crackling. 
“Hmmm,” he gives a thoughtful hum. You languish in his silence as he looms in the flicker of lanterns. He pushes away from the wall and steps closer. “You are not offended, but guilty. There is no presumption in you, dove. You do not take insult from what I say, you only take on the onus of the king’s desire.”  
He leans in and brings his hand under your chin, forcing your head up. He looks at you, examining you like some riddle. His wrinkles deepen as the shadows make caverns of his eye sockets. 
“I see it clear,” he remarks as he pulls his hand away. “I remember the dove who treated cook no lesser than lord,” he stands straight and crosses his arms, “I see no difference between her and you. Yes, I was not mistaken before, but I believe our king is. He does not know you though he believes he does.” 
“My lord, I serve the king.” 
“You serve your queen,” he counters, “you are of the summer, just like her. So how do you choose?” 
You stare at him and your eyes sting. Can you choose? 
“It doesn’t matter which one, either would clip your wings,” he lets out a gray breath. “Dove, I will keep your peace. I hold no malice for you, no, I pity you.” He puts his hand to his chest, “while you are under my roof, you will have whatever you need. I will have that soldier find you a proper chamber. For yourself, and should you want, you will have the pick of my pantry. What little delights you might have, I would enjoy them while you can.” 
“Thank you, my Lord, but that is very much for a maid.” 
He touches your cap, his fingers lingering on the linen, “summer dove... I told you these winds were too cold for you.” 
“I must go to the queen,” you plead. 
“Yes, go,” he backs away, “I will send your soldier to you.” His lips go crooked as his eyes narrow thoughtfully, “I’ve known Sir Bryce a very long time. That man alone is the best army you could have at your back.” 
“He is kind, sir,” you say. 
“Is he now?” Lord Vesemir scoffs, “well, maybe one day, I might remember him as such. Do not let me keep you from your duty.” 
He stays by the wall and you step around him. You don’t look back as you march forward, the cryptic conversation follows you through the corridors. There was something unsaid in his voice, as if he knew something you don’t. One might take it as him making a joke of you, but you don’t see that man laughing over such grave matters. 
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garoujo · 2 years
sitting on megumi/nanami's face🙈
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・✶ 。゚ megumi thinks you are intoxicating.
♱ warnings — f!reader, agedup!megumi, face-sitting, he is very pussy drunk and trying his best >< not proof read ( ‘m sleepy )
♱ note — help it’s been so long since ive thirsted 4 anyone who’s not satoru . i’m sorry my ideas have been worn thin sob pls help </3
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“does it feel good?” megumi asks from where his face is squished between your thighs, and he swears he feels his whole body shiver when you send him a starry-eyed look followed by a slow roll of your hips, grinding your cunt down onto his tongue with a neediness that makes his eyes roll as you nod out a pretty, little dazed uh huh.
his cheeks and the lower half of his face are slick with your juices as they drip down to pool onto the sheets below him, but it only spurs him on. they’re good signs as his slender fingers flex into the flesh of your hips every time your thighs tighten around his head, encouraging your needy little humps against his face.
“fuck—keep going, k-keep doing that.” you hear megumi mumble under his breath before he buries himself back into you, the low tone of his voice sending pleasured vibrations straight to your clit as your hips twitch from the sudden jolt of bliss, your fingers twisting in his dark hair as your hole clenches around his tongue.
but you almost hear him choke on his next growl when you trail your fingers between your thighs, spreading your folds lewdly before he’s diving back in — desire igniting his veins as his cock leaks and twitches in his pants. the way you’re melting so intoxicatingly for him is all new, and he feels like his ears are ringing when you meet every roll and swipe of his tongue with an even more eager grind.
megumi is flushed from his cheeks to his chest, a thin sheen of sweat over his toned torso and he feels sticky when he laps at your clit, his fingers tightening in your skin so he can push his tongue even further past your folds to dip into your hole. lewd squelching noises fill the room as he fucks you with the muscle, lazily blinking up at you when your hips grind against his face.
“i.. fuck—i wanna make you cum.” he grunts, desire heavy in the tremble of his voice and you arch almost painfully into his mouth when you feel his tongue split through your folds — slurping at the slick that’s gathered between them before he’s dragging his tongue up to roll your clit.
the sight of megumi so fucked out on your taste, eyes rolling back as he buries himself in you like it’s his first taste of heaven only makes you feel even better — bathing you in mindless kitten licks that make you tremble and rock in time with his movements.
the way he’s groaning beneath you, so lost in the pleasure he’s digging out of you is sending pleasured vibrations straight through your clit when he closes his lips around the bud, suckling languidly as his fingers twitch in your hips. his movements are experimental but he’s careful, he’s learning what makes you feel good — what makes you moan and grab tighter at his roots before you pull him deeper.
“so pretty. u-use me to make you feel good.” megumi exhales in reverence along your folds, grunting low when you only press deeper into him in response.
your clit is beginning to feel firmer when he flattens his tongue against it, messy with his spit and your slick and megumi think heaven really does fucking exist between your thighs when he looks up at you again, head thrown back in pleasure as you moan for him and shit—if he’s in heaven you’re definitely an angel.
but then he’s letting his tongue twist messy along your folds, letting you grind and hump yourself against his mouth until you’re hips are twisting and you’re going rigid above him, every roll of your hips turning into blissful jolts and humps that make you cry for him as you cum.
megumi’s eyes roll back and his cock feels like it throbs at the first taste of your cream on his tongue, his chin and cheeks glistening as he drinks up everything you give to him so eagerly. he keeps up his ministrations until the aftershocks of pleasure feel like they burn you with each kitten lick from his tongue over your clit, pushing his head away with a cute little whimper.
but he can’t hide the furrow of his brows when he looks up at you, cock undeniably hard between his thighs but his fingers are still tight around your thighs.
“are you done? i—i can keep going.”
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© 2022 garoujo. please do not copy any of my layouts or writing and translate or repost onto any other sites.
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everlastlady · 7 months
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Mammon + Servant Reader (Female)
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✘Posted: 11/4/2023
✘Story Contains: Fem reader, Reader is a maid, Bubble baths, Gentle Mammon, Slight Nudity, Favoritism, & Feel good times.
✘Word Count: None, writing this on mobile y'all
✘Author's Note: Decided to do Mammon with female reader, I'll do a male reader soon. Just decided to cater to my female readers but I promise I will cater to my male readers. Remember to eat a meal or a snack, drink some water, get some fresh air, take your medicine, and remember that you are loved. If you loved this story remember to comment, click or tap that heart button, reblog with tags, and blaze if you can. Always remember to support your local writers. ♡♡♡
✘Summary: {Name} is a simple maid for the greed lord Mammon. {Name} isn't sure why Mammon always calls on her and always wants him by his side when he wanders his home. But she doesn't mind because she finds her master funny and enjoys how gentle he is with her. But what happens when {Name} gets sick? And it's time for Mammon to take care of them.
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" It's okay sir, I'm sure that you will fine someone better than Fizzarolli. " She spoke softly to her boss Mammon who sat in the large green chair. As the imp news woman spoke about what happened at the show. The maid named (name), picked up the remote and pointed it at the large screen and turned it off. Once it flickered to black. She looked over at Mammon who was still fumming over what happened at the clown pageant. " I don't understand, I gave him everything! " Mammon's voice deep and demonic as he slammed his fist onto the table, sending a large crack through it. (Name) smacked her lips. She would have to get that fixed. " sometimes, you can give someone everything and they will still leave, I understand that you are frustrated sir but don't let this stop you from making money; I'm sure someone new will come along, what about the Glam Sisters? " (Name) walked over to Mammon's liquor cabinet. " Comas, after a piece of the set fell on them, they both ended up in the hospital in comas, besides they don't really fit the image of what I'm looking for. " Mammon muttered. (Name) noodded her head and set down the glass of liquor for Mammon. The greed demon looked up at (Name) and smiled. " Thanks, I know I always say this but you are my favorite maid, far better than the rest! You always do your job right and know how to keep a smile on my mug. " Mammon chuckled and took a drink. " Come drink with me, (Name) " Mammon grinned looking up at the maid. Her soft (E/C) looked at Mammon before shaking her head. " No, thank you, sir, I still have work to do; it's not good for one to be drunk on the job. You can cause a lot of mishaps that way putting others in harm and yourself. " (Name) said with a darling smile.
" See that is why you're my favorite (Name)! So smart and responsible with your duties. Maybe next time on one of your vacation days, you and me can drink together. " Mammon said. He would actually love to have a drink with (Name). And you wouldn't have to wear that plain maid outfit. Mammon wondered what (Name) would look like in different outfits. What dresses would (Name) wear or outfits that weren't dress related. Mammon never really seen (Name) outside work. He knew that she lived in the Pride ring and had an apartment. That's all he really knew about (Name's) life since she barely sooke about herself, she listened more than she speaks. " So (Name) how the payments on your apartment? Going because I've been thinking about giving you more payment, maybe you could buy yourself a nice house. " Mammon smirked. " It's going well, besides my loud and annoying neighbor. It's been good but I don't think I need a bigger payment. " (Name) said while tucking a piece of her hair behind her pointed ears. " Aww, come on; yes you do because you are responsible and work hard so tonight expect me to send you a shit ton of money. Now run around and tell the cook to prepare dinner. " Mammon waved his hand to dismiss (Name).
She smiled and bowed, walking out of Mammon's office. Mammon stood up and stared at the spot that (Name) stood in. " Lord of greed giving out money, I must be crazy... " Mammon looked away. " She better get a nice house with that money, a beautiful one at best. " Mammon sat back down. But there was no time to think about (Name) because Mammon had to find a replacement for Mammon so he would probably have to hold another clown off. His little fucked up beauty pageant, but hey if it helps him find Fizzarolli's replacement. Then he would be glad to hold one again. Especially have Fizzarolli and Asmodeus banned from it even that little imp with the gun that had showed up. When night time had finally coated the sky. Mammon sat in the dining room. The table decorated with food. (Name) stood next to Mammon holding a bottle of the greed demon's favorite wine. " (Name) how about you sit down and eat with me. " Mammon took the bottle wine and set it on the table. " And that's an order, just in case you try to come up with some excuse. " Mammon gestures towards the chair at the end of table. " Hey cook! Bring out plate for (Name)! " Mammon yelled. (Name) walked over and sat down - with a smile, the chef brought out a plate that had lemon pepper chicken, mashed potatoes covered in gravy, pasta,and vegetables that were just steamed. The night went well, Mammon made (Name) laugh with his jokes and stories. She listened to her master's rants and ideas.
Mammon enjoyed seeing (Name) laughed. The way her giggles slipped off her lips and coated his ears like honey. How her shoulders moved when she laugh, even that snort was adorable. Mammon felt hot in the face. He couldn't believe that she had made him feel this way for such a long time. But he never acted on these feelings because he was busy making money. But he always made sure that no one tried to get at (Name) which is why so many servants were fired for trying to hit on her. After dinner was done, (Name) stood up and bowed. " I'm grateful that you invited me to join you for dinner, sir, everything was delicious and I appreciated our conversation and the jokes you told. " (Name) spoke through a fit of giggles on the last part still remembering Mammon's joke about clown fish. " No problem, I also enjoyed eating with you. Way better than those dinners I have to attend with Lucifer and the other sins. " Mammon stood up smiling but he stopped noticing how (Name) wobble a bit when standing straight up. Did she drink to much wine? No that couldn't be because she had to drive home. " (Name)? " Mammon walked over to (Name) . " You okay mate? " Mammon reached out. Before she could respond she threw up on yourself and the carpet, (Name) would have fallen and hit the floor but Mammon caught her before she could pass out.
" (Name)! " He called her name and held you close not caring if he got her vomit on him. (Name's) eyes flickered opened as she coughed. " I don't feel good... " Her voice sounded dry and low. " Y-You are going home, let's go get you cleaned up. " Mammon picked up (Name), poor girl could barely speak it hurt to speak so she wouldn't fight back with Mammon who brought her into a guest bedroom. (Name) always took care of him, he will now take care of her. Mammon managed to grab a large shirt that had his logo on it. (Name) could sleep in that and get out of that disgusting maid outfit that was covered in vomit. Mammon ran (Name) a bath. He made sure the water wasn't too hot or cold. He added in some bath salts and oils. Mammon turned towards (Name) trying to figure out how to not make this sound creepy. " (Name) take off that outfit and get into the tub, we gotta get you washed up mate, this bath will help a little. " Mammon offered his hand. (Name) nodded weakly and took his hand, stepping into the bathroom. Mammon turned around as (Name) peeled away her clothing and stepped into the tub - it smelled like mint and honey. She let out a relaxing sigh. Mammon turned around and got on his knees as he began to wash her up. " You don't have to do that sir. " (Name) said in a tires voice. " Shh, yes I do, you always take care of me, so for the night just let me take care of you please. " Mammon said while washing up (Name).
She nodded her head as her boss Mammon washes her up. Avoiding her chest area and crotch area. She held onto the tub when Mammon lifted her leg to wash it. This felt nice, so she enjoyed herself. Mammon took a cup of water and poured it over (Name's) head as he washed her hair and face. He would let her handle the rest while he went to go get her towels and medicine. He could have gotten servant to do this but no, he wanted to take care of (Name), Mammon returned and helped (Name) out of the tub. She dried off and slipped into the large dark green shirt that Mammon gave her. It had his logo on it. " Sorry that I couldn't get you any undergarments. " Mammon said with a crimson blush. " It's fine, I usually sleep without them more comfortable that way. You feel less trapped. " (Name) said while taking the medicine that Mammon brought her. She crawled into the bed as Mammon placed his hand on her head. " Your fever is going down a little. " Mammon said with his hand placed on (Name's) head. " I'm going to stay by your side so scooch over. " Mammon moved over before getting into the bed with you. He laid next to you and stared at you. " You look cute in my merch. " He said. (Name's) voice was still a little dry but still did her voice to talk. " Thanks, the material feels soft. " She said while playing with the blanket.
Mammon turned his side to look at (Name) who did the same to look at Mammon. " Sir... " (Name) began to speak again. " Call me, Mammon. " Mammon said running his fingers through her hair. " Mammon thank you for taking care of me, I'm also sorry that I ruined the carpet. " She looked down. " It's fine, I can get it clean; besides I've been wanting to replace that carpet with a new one. Taking care of you is something you deserve, you always take care of me, so I decided to take care of you... I don't know your my favorite and I like you. " Mammon he hoped that saying that didn't make things awkward between (Name) and him. " I like you too. " (Name) smiled tiredness filled with their eyes. She rested her head on Mammon's chest, while he continued to play with her hair, but soon he leaned down and kissed her. (Name) pulled away quickly. " Mammon, you'll get sick! " She had worry in her voice. " I don't care, I will be fine. " Mammon went back to kissing (Name) who soon melted into the kiss. She enjoyed this moment between her and Mammon. This was no longer just a maid and her master. But just two people who love each other and care for each other. Who take care of each, who soon will have a future together.
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Mammon's Clowns aka Mammon Tag List:
If you want to be added to the Mammon Tag List Let Me Know.
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bearhugsandshrugs · 6 months
gortash HAS to be an experience for the 5 senses, like, his stubble ? spiky...his scent ? sweat, musk, wine, paper and ink (i'm sure plenty of other things would be accurate though like, add to that a hint of sweetness, like vanilla or mint ?uughh wow). his eyes ? piercing, deep charocal orbs that are on a whole another level when it comes to eye-fucking (i know he's good at that game i just KNOW HE'D LOVE THAT), his voice that has rough undertones, yet can be so smooth and almost hypnotizing. lastly, the way he tastes when you kiss him : salty, smoky, malt-like... sometimes you just want to be drunk in him
-gortash brainrot anon (again aaaaaaaaa)
hiiii again and sorry i didn’t get to this earlier! also somehow this became a whole thing again??? lol
This man has a presence, in every sense of the word, and it’s as carefully constructed as lazily maintained. When he sends you the invitation for his coronation ceremony it smells of vanilla and rosewood, and it’s so intriguing, so soft, like a cloud almost, that you can’t help but wonder what kind of person chooses such scents as their signature.
When you see him alone in his office though, you understand: While his hair looks messy, every strand is placed into position meticulously, just like the intricate adornments on his coat. His eyes pierce you before you can even speak, and you feel so vulnerable, so seen, that you can’t help but wonder what he looks at you like before he comes.
He’s taken off his gauntlets and you see the veins run along his forearms, strong and lean, and you imagine surrendering into those arms without a second thought, imagine trailing the tips of your fingers along those veins up to his chest. But there’s more: When he sees you walk in, he hums, so quietly you wonder if you heard it at all, and when he gets up to greet you, his “Welcome” is so deep it stirs at your core.
When you shake his hand you immediately notice how hot he runs, his palm just radiating heat, and his skin feels soft with firm callouses along his knuckles, a result from the nights he still spends in his workshop, tinkering.
He hums and sighs in agreement or objection while you discuss your plans, accentuated by his gesturing hands, and the more you hear from him the more you wonder what he sounds like when he moans out your name.
Eventually he stands next to you, both of you leaning over a war map, and you can smell his day on him: soap, and coffee, a slight note of tobacco in his hair, probably from the prior night, the familiar rosewood, a tinge of vanilla, and a sweet tinge of fresh sweat – something, or someone, seems to have him sweating.
Later, much later, you tease him about that first working session of yours and how he barely managed to hide his nervousness around you, and he chuckles, a light note of embarrassment hidden within his tone. He sounds endearing, and you have since figured out how he sounds in every way you wondered about but one – he hasn’t said anything about his feelings for you yet, or if he even has them.
But oh, then he pulls you in for another kiss, and sometimes he tastes like wine, or tobacco, or coffee, or like the minty salve he uses to brush his teeth, or all of them mixed together. When you run your tongue over his skin you occasionally taste the lingering metal or fuel from his work, or a salty, musky flavor when he returns from a particularly long day.
Initially you smell and taste other people on him: roses, lavender, or even a stranger’s sweat, and you are outraged, how dare he crawl into bed with you while he reeks of another’s body; and at first he’s taken aback – what does it matter? – but then, for a while (and that is the most painful time) he’s freshly bathed each time you meet.
But then you meet more and more often, his body and presence drawn to you and yours to him, and the warmth of his breath against your neck is enough for you to close your eyes and lean back into his touch. He can’t bathe every time, but now, he rarely smells or tastes of another, and over time you wonder if he’s given up on them completely.
He’ll likely never tell you, but maybe he doesn’t need to – when you nestle your head on his chest at night, his chest hair lightly scratching against your skin, his stubble pricking against your lips as you kiss him, his jaw, down his throat, his damned voice that vibrates in his chest when he mumbles into your hair, but gets so high pitched when he sinks into you – maybe this is all you need to know.
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blue-aconite · 1 year
the night is calling || part one
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Summary: A slight chill runs up her spine as she reaches the part of the lot where the lights have gone out. The entire area is bathed in darkness and as she steps out of the halo of safety the light provides, it feels that the temperatures drop about 20 degrees. She peers into the darker parts of the trees, eyes straining to see.
Warnings: supernatural!au, spooky themes, mentions of character death, no use of y/n, f!reader
Word Count: 1k
Pairings: hinted at jake seresin x f!reader 
Authors Note: Based on this from the “send me a made-up fanfic title”. Thank you @a-reader-and-a-writer​ for the title! And the best beta, who made this lil blurb so much better, thank you @writercole​! 
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"Shh!" Ghost slaps a hand over Rooster's mouth, eyes wide. "Did you hear that?"
Bradley's brows furrow, his hand reaching up to remove her palm from his face. "Hear what? It's dead quiet out here." The parking lot is mostly empty, save for a few cars left behind.
"No no, I heard something. Over there." Ghost whispers, nodding towards the far end of the lot, where the street lamp flickers continuously.
Bradley snorts loudly, making Ghost shush him again. "Ghost, you're being paranoid. There's nothing out here. It's dead, quite literally. C'mon, let's go back inside."
He tugs on her arm, trying to get her to budge. But she doesn't move, eyes trained on something that he can't see. He tries again, but Ghost doesn't take notice of his actions.
"Fine. Stay out here and stare at the dark. I'm going." She makes an agreeing sound but doesn’t protest him leaving. 
Ghost should go back inside with Rooster, she knows that. But she stays, listening carefully to the whispers coming from the dark. Bradley might not have heard them but she does. It's her name, over and over, coming softly from the trees.
Ghost wouldn't call herself impulsive but it might be the proper word to describe her next actions as she moves towards the shadows where she can hear her name being whispered, calling to her like a beacon in the dark.
A slight chill runs up her spine as she reaches the part of the lot where the lights have gone out. The entire area is bathed in darkness and as she steps out of the halo of safety the light provides, it feels that the temperatures drop about 20 degrees. She peers into the darker parts of the trees, eyes straining to see.
"You should have listened to your friend, little one. If only you had gone back inside." The voice that comes from the shadows has her pulling back, scrambling to get back into the light.
The voice tuts as the shadows move. Ghost can now make out the silhouette of a person, standing hidden in the darkness. Broad shoulders and muscular arms crossed over the chest of a man that she vividly remembers.
"I truly wish you'd gone with Rooster. You're the last person I want to hurt. I've missed you, Ghostie. It's been too long."
The nickname makes the hair on her neck stand, hands trembling as she takes another step back. There's only one person that calls her Ghostie.
The only problem is that he's been dead for 7 months and they never recovered his body.
She must be drunker than she thought. Maybe someone slipped something in her drink. Wiping a hand across her face, she rubs at her eyes to adjust to the darkness engulfing them. The man is still there, eyes roaming over her figure. He doesn’t move from his spot against the tree, nor does he speak again. He just stares. Maybe this is a dream, she thinks. Maybe she went home and this is all some drunken dream after a wild night out. 
“It’s not a dream, Ghostie. And you’re not that drunk. I’ve been watching you. Nobody slipped you anything. I wouldn’t let that happen.”
Ghost hadn’t realised she’d been speaking out loud. He smiles again, pearly white teeth quite the contrast to the dark. 
Hallucination then. This can’t be real. He can’t be real. 
“Sweetheart, I am quite real. I wanted to come look for you earlier but adjusting has been.. Hm, difficult to say the least. It’s a whole new world.” 
“You’re dead,” she whispers, while desperately wishing Rooster would come back. The man chuckles, straightening up and taking a step towards her. 
Her instincts tell her to run but her body won’t listen. She’s frozen on the spot, helpless to do anything as he comes closer. 
“I guess you’re right. I am dead, in a way.” He stops on the edge of the parking lot, where the light touches the ground. He doesn’t take another step but she can see him clearly now. 
Gathering her wits, she holds up a hand, hoping it will stop him from advancing. “Don’t come any closer. I’ll scream.” He doesn’t seem bothered by the threat, leaning against the lamp post now, hands shoved in the pockets of his tan peacoat. 
Tsk’ing, he shakes his head. “Please don’t. It will only attract unwanted attention.” He leans closer without actually moving his feet and he’s too close now, enough that she can feel his breath on her face. 
She flinches when his hand comes up to cup her face but her body is frozen still. His touch is nothing like she remembers it being. It used to be scorching hot but now it’s cold. 
When he leans in closer, Ghost closes her eyes, heart beating erratically as he inhales. One hand is still cupping her face, the other one gripping her wrist. 
“Hmmm, you smell even better than I remember. I do wonder if you still taste the same?” Ghost shudders as his fingers trace her pulse point. She keeps her eyes closed, wondering if it’s all going to be gone when she opens them. He said he wasn’t a hallucination but there was no other explanation. 
Seven months ago she watched as his aircraft exploded right in front of her eyes. He was dead. Search and rescue hadn’t found a body and the wreck of the jet was so badly burnt that they assumed his remains had been turned to ash. 
“Sweetheart, I’m right here. Open your eyes, I promise things will be alright. Don’t you trust me?” 
Taking a shuddering breath, Ghost opens her eyes. He’s so close now, eyes gleaming under the street light. His green irises are nothing like she remembers them. He’s still smiling, but something menacing and dark hiding under the plumpness of his lips. She shivers when she realises what’s wrong as his tongue darts out to wet his lips. His teeth are too pointed. His lips are too red. His eyes are ringed in black. And his skin - 
“There she is. Now, try not to fight, it will be over before you know it. I know I should wait but I can’t. It’s been too long.”
The hand on her throat squeezes and Ghost gasps, hands coming up to claw at his arm. His grip never falters, despite her desperate attempts to get free. 
Ghost gasps his name, desperate for air. His smile widening is the last thing she remembers before darkness claims her. 
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Tag list: @wildbornsiren​ @therebeccaw @imjess-themess @antiquitea @fuckyeahhangman @writercole @hederasgarden @yanna-banana @wkndwlff @bobfloydsbabe @hollandorks @anniesocsandgeneralstore @ereardon @luminousnotmatter @roosterscock @thedroneranger @fandomxpreferences @top-hhun @princessmisery666 @princessphilly @a-reader-and-a-writer @green-socks @angstybluejay @seresinhangmanjake @ayorooster​@notroosterbradshaw​ @indynerdgirl @gigisimsonmars @girl-in-the-chairs-void @bradshawbabes @unhinged-btch @horseshoegirl @sadpetalsstuff @bradshawbaby @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @ummjustfics​ @septemberrie​ @somenamewithepineapple​ @seresinsweetie​​ @crescentwolf​ @seresinhangmanjake​ @sylviebell​ @waklman​ @roosterforme​ @rosiahills22​ @dempy​ @i0veless​ @ilovewriting06​ @genius2050​ please let me know if you want to be added/removed
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nashusglasses · 7 months
note: just a little continuation of this drabble with bodyguard!suguru and king's sister!reader. me + pining = ultimate couple. anyway, suguru watches as she's getting primed for an heir :P
18+ nsfw warning ; mdni! actual voyeurism this time, breeding (ft toji), suguru's pov again
By convention, Toji comes first, and Suguru watches every time.
Toji's got your legs bent over his shoulders, hips pounding wet rhythm and Suguru knows you're bruised. It doesn't matter. You take it like the good, obedient wife you've been primed to be.
Suguru doesn't get the privilege of a more revealing angle. Where he's posted at the door, he'll revel in your moans instead, the sight of Toji's dick pumping deep where you run hot. Your legs trembling with every push, throat dry from your mewling.
Suguru feels safer when he can't see your face twisted sick with pleasure, anyway.
Toji's rhythm clips into a frenzy. "Yeah. Squeeze me harder. You're so sweet," Suguru hears him groan. You say nothing, blubbering through pitched noises for a response.
When Toji comes, he fucks through it. Suguru watches white splash past the creamy ring of your pussy, Toji's hips possessed with the higher need for your potential heir. A sick feeling twists in Suguru's chest at the thought.
Toji slips out, slaps his dick on your sex till you’re shaking from pleasure. Suguru knows you like it from the way your grin is drunk. And just as you’re told, you stay there. Letting the seed take, or whatever jargon your mother used when she told you how to position yourself after Toji was done.
“She’s all yours,” he calls to Suguru over his shoulder. “Clean her up, would you?”
Suguru nods. Toji leaves when he gets dressed, no gesture for a polite exit other than the cum he’s so graciously left you with. You’re used to the abrupt departure. A task well done, and now you’re left to bask in the aftermath.
The door closes behind him.
You beckon Suguru over, legs akimbo, pussy marred with Toji's slick. Suguru wipes the sheen of sweat on your brow. "I'll call for Utahime to ready your bath," he says.
You take his hand, nuzzling deep into the warmth. Suguru wants to press his thumb on your tongue to hear you gag.
"Thank you."
You don't let go.
Suguru watches your other hand trail down your body, scooping at the last trail of cum on your ass to plug inside. You use that same wetness to rub frantically at your clit.
"Suguru," you coo. "C-Can I tell you something?"
"Anything." He's quiet. Any louder and his voice will crack.
"I’m happy you’re here with me.”
Divine punishment. This is Suguru’s reality. Seeing your destiny entwined with another man’s, and he can only watch as you dutifully play your role till the end. Maybe when your child is born, he’ll have the guts to resign.
But for now he’ll stay. You still need him. Toji could never offer you the security Suguru knows only he himself can provide.
You come when Suguru leans down to kiss your forehead. Tits heaving with every deep gasp, he watches you arch into the pleasure he wishes so badly he could give you.
"Thank you," you say again, and Suguru nods.
He relishes in the warmth of your cheek. Sends a prayer to the gods on high.
Another night with her. That’s all I ask.
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angelst4re · 2 years
jamie comforting drunk!reader😩
okay so after writing this i realised this probably isn't what you meant... but i'll post this anyways as it was super fun to write, but i'm so sorry if it's not what you wanted my love!! just send another request and i'll get it written!! :)
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Drunk in Love- Jamie Campbell Bower x Reader
summary: you come home drunk from a night out with your friends and jamie helps you to get ready for bed!
warnings: reader is sick, only once and it's not graphic! also there is so much fluff.
note: i want jamie to comfort me when i'm drunk <3
“Hi sweetheart, how- oh fuck-” Jamie shot up from his seat on the sofa as he saw you walk in through the door with one shoe on, the other in your hand, your makeup slightly smudged and your hair a bit ruffled up. You must have gotten quite drunk. 
“Hi Jamie!” You grin, your voice slurred as you spoke, “I missed you at the bar… did you get my texts?” 
“No, I didn’t.” He chuckled, helping you to take your shoe off as you held onto his shoulders for support, “how about we get you ready for bed, hm? Are you tired?” 
“No! Why would you think t-that?” 
Jamie leads you to the kitchen first, where he gets you a glass of water and some painkillers so you hopefully wouldn’t wake up feeling hungover. After that, he takes you to the bedroom to get you changed out of your clothes- which stank of alcohol. He guided you to sit down on the edge of the bed, but you flopped backwards, laying down.
“Darling, sit up, let’s get you into some comfy clothes, okay?” He returns to you with a pair of your shorts and one of his t-shirts. He snakes his arm around your back and pulls you to sit up. “Can you get changed by yourself, love? Or do you want me to help?” 
“You.” You groaned, screwing your eyes shut as you sat up, “I’m so tired.” You whispered.
“I know, baby,” said Jamie as he began to undress you, “but you’ll feel even worse tomorrow if you don’t let me take care of you right now.” 
Jamie scrunched his t-shirt up around the neck and pulled it over your head, pulling it down as you tried slipping your arms into the arm holes. He then got down on one knee as he put each of your legs into your shorts, then pulled them up. You wiggled your hips a bit so he could pull them up to your waist where they belonged. 
“Jamie…” You pouted, your eyes welling up with tears. 
“Yes, my love?” 
You couldn’t believe how much he truly loved and cared about you, so much that he would still take care of you so gently in the state you were currently in. You wanted to tell him right this moment that you loved him more than you could possibly love anything, how your life wouldn’t make sense without him, how you didn’t deserve him, how you wished you could spend your life and beyond with him and only him, but instead-
“I think I’m gonna throw up.” You say, looking up to him with eyes full of fear. He quickly took the bag out of your bedroom bin and held the bin out to you in case you were sick before you could make it to the bathroom. 
He helped you up and led you through to the bathroom, where you fell to your knees in front of the toilet and began throwing up. Jamie crouched down beside you, pulling your hair back from your face. He rubbed your back to comfort you as tears flooded your eyes again. Just when you turned your face to the side to tell Jamie everything that had been on your mind, you realised you hadn’t finished being sick, so you quickly leaned back over the toilet. 
“Just get it all out, darling. You’ll feel better after, okay? Do you want me to get you some water?” Jamie asked, to which you nodded your head. 
You didn’t even realise Jamie had left until he came back, handing the glass over to you. As your hands were shaking, he helped lift the glass to your mouth. 
“Just small sips, okay? If you drink too quickly you might be sick again, we don’t want that, do we?” 
You shook your head in response. Jamie took the glass back and placed it on the edge of the bath. You remained kneeling in front of the toilet for a few moments before you were completely sure it was all done, you weren’t going to be sick anymore. Jamie helped you get back up and flushed the toilet, he then sat you on the toilet seat (it’s closed!) and began searching through your skincare cupboard for something to wash your face with. 
“Y/n, where’s the face wash?” He asked, examining each bottle. 
“The blue one,” you slurred, if Jamie didn’t know you were drunk he would’ve simply thought you were just tired, “it should be at the front.”
“Oh I found it!”
Jamie took the blue bottle from the cupboard and walked back to the sink, taking a cloth and soaking it in warm water. He also washed his hands before applying some of the face wash into his palm and walked back over to you, rubbing his hands together before he began to wash your face. You held your hair back from your forehead, you thought it was the least you could do to help. 
Once Jamie was happy with what he had done, he washed his hands off and took the cloth, rinsing the water from it so it was only damp. He then returned to you and began to wipe the bubbles from your face. When he was finished, he ‘booped’ your nose with the cloth, leaving you smiling from ear to ear. 
“Can I go to sleep now?” You ask, looking up at your boyfriend. 
“Hmm, I think so. You need to get some rest, my love.” 
You held onto the sink for support as you stood up, your legs were still hurting from kneeling on the hard floor for so long. Jamie offered to help you, but you felt bad so you declined him, forcing your legs to take you to the bedroom. 
As you walked through the bedroom door, you saw Jamie arranging the pillows so you would be as comfortable as possible. He smiled when he spotted you by the door, pulling the covers down and patting the bed with his hand, telling you to lie there. 
As you slid into bed, Jamie pulled the covers over you and placed a kiss on your forehead. He left the empty bin on the floor by your side of the bed in case you had to be sick, he also told you he had brought your water in and pointed to it on the bedside table. You thanked him for everything and as he was about to leave you reached for his arm. 
“Wait, could you stay?” You ask, slightly embarrassed by how needy you sound, yet he smiled and walked to the other side of the bed, sitting up beside you. 
“You should know by now that I find it impossible to say no to you, darling.” He sighed playfully before kissing your cheek. 
You moved slightly to face him, his hand coming to your cheek, stroking it with his thumb as you let your eyes shut and eventually fell asleep. He kissed your forehead once more before standing up again, switching off the bedroom lamp and returning to the living room to continue watching his show before he would join you in bed.
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shayminlucario07 · 8 months
Alright fuck it I'm posting it
The following is (I believe?) the first bit of writing I've ever posted online.
Yes, it is Genshin Impact fanfiction. If you're going to say something negative, say it about the writing, not the subject. Don't be an asshole about it.
Anyway, here it is.
Kaeya Alberich was in love.
That kind of news would send all of Mondstadt spinning into a frenzy- one of the most eligible bachelors in the City of Freedom, head-over-heels for some mysterious figure. The gossip train would never stop- the people would lose their minds, and never take their attention off of him again. They'd work themselves into a craze, destroying any semblance of order- possibly permanently.
That was why he had to make sure no one would ever find out.
And certainly not because he knew it was unrequited, and that he wasn't worthy of requited love, anyway.
He just wanted to make sure the city stayed in order, to lessen the workload of his fellow knights. That was all.
Self-loathing threatened to eat him alive- a common occurrence, really- but today was far worse than most. So much worse, in fact, that he'd gone to A Cat's Tail to drink, instead of his usual haunt- he didn't want to risk running into Diluc. Not when he was in such a bad state. He didn't need to contemplate jumping off the statue of Barbatos again.
The last time he'd done so, he'd stood on the statue's head, staring down. It was so late, so dark, that no one would even see him- and yet, just when he was about to take that jump, Sister Rosaria's voice broke the roaring silence in his mind. She talked him down from the edge, as she'd done for him so many times over the years- and as he'd done for her. They owed each other their lives more times than they could count, and trusted each other more than anyone.
He'd considered inviting her to drink with him. Telling her everything. She was the only one he'd be comfortable saying it to- he was comfortable with anything when it came to Rosaria. Always had been. She was the only person who had seen him drunk- really, truly drunk- and she'd undoubtedly seen him naked more than anyone else. They'd changed in front of each other, bathed in front of each other- they'd even hooked up with people in the same room. Hell, they had hooked up some nights, when neither of them had felt like sleeping with strangers. Nothing was uncomfortable between them.
But he didn't think he could talk about this yet- not even with her. Because how could he even put it into words? The feeling wouldn't let him. He thought about it, and all capacity for coherence left him. It was the most beautiful moment of his life. He'd heard that haunting, beautiful sound, and knew- he'd felt it instantly. He was ensnared from that alone, and he'd never be free. Without even thinking, he'd followed that sound. Into Dragonspine. He didn't even feel the biting cold- didn't feel the snow crunching beneath his shoes, or the cold wind blowing over his chest. There was only that Siren's Song- and then, her.
She stood at the water's edge, facing away from him. She held a bone whistle to her lips, its song- its beautiful, ensorcelling melody- echoing off the mountain, until Dragonspine itself seemed to sing to her, the notes carrying on the wind like the seeds of a Dandelion. Barbatos' work, no doubt- blessed archon, for granting him the chance to see such a wondrous scene. And then, she started to dance, and he felt his heart stop.
The dance was one he'd seen before, at midnight galas at the Dawn Winery. He knew every step- from his time with Master Crepus, and even before- and he'd danced it himself with many a faceless partner. But he'd never seen it like this.
The dance was measured, precise, controlled- but she moved with a grace he'd never seen. Every step a flowing, rolling whirl, as fluid as the ocean waves- and just as mesmerizing. An invisible partner in hand, she danced, as though she was the only thing in the world- as though the cosmos itself danced around her. And then-
She spun. And spun. She spun until he was sure she'd fall over, until he was sure her balance had been destroyed forever- and she didn't stop. She spun in place, and then she began to move, still spinning, still so maddeningly fast. And she spun, and danced, onto the surface of the water itself.
It froze beneath her feet, unfreezing as soon as her foot lifted. It was only a few moments, before she circled back again, setting foot on dry land once more- but he saw every moment, and knew he'd never forget it. And finally, her dance came to a close, the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen, over, just like that. He'd have done anything to have it go on forever.
And when she finally danced her last step, she faced him, eyes closed, as they had been the whole dance. Her face was perfectly passive, as though nothing remarkable had happened at all. And she slowly, painfully slowly, opened her eyes. Her beautiful, soul-binding violet-and-gold eyes. And met his. Looked into his eyes- his soul- deeper than anyone else could. And he stood, simply watching, staring, as she turned and walked away, as though nothing had even happened.
But her dance, her face, her eyes- they haunted him for the rest of the day. The cold, winter mountain wind seemed to sing her name, the only word he could even understand.
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ominoose · 2 years
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𝐒𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐠𝐞 - 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐄𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
Featuring: Amanda Young, Thomas Hewitt, Lester Sinclair, Pyramid Head. RZ Michael Myers TW’s: Yandere themes, Unhealthy Relationships Tried to accurately pin a slasher to each of the 5 types of love language! Was not easy!
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𝐀𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐚 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠
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❥ Words of Affirmation
+ “I believe in you.”, “I have your back. No one else will, but you can trust me to have it.”, “You’re everything to me.”
+ Amanda hammers home her devotion to you intentionally and as much as she can. She will not allow any room for doubt in your mind of her feelings, the pressure it puts you under to return the same level of loyalty is an added and calculated bonus.
+ She won’t just speak her love to you, she’ll plaster it everywhere you look. Notes will be hidden around the places you frequent, under the table you usually sit at in your favourite café, in your car, in your purse, in your drawers. Not only does she want you to thread her infatuation into your daily routine, she wants you to know how close of an eye she keeps on you. Every habit, everything you do, she knows.
+ Text messages from random numbers will start lighting up your phone more and more often, several times a day. Amanda has your number memorised and likes to send you texts from her numerous burner phones, either reminding you how much she loves you, or how pretty you looked at your doctor's appointment. It's another way for her to signal she’s keeping tabs on you, romanticising it enough that you won’t fight back too much.
𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐇𝐞𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐭
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❥ Acts of Service
+ Thomas’s worth to the world is based on the work he does. In his eyes, he doesn’t have the looks, doesn’t have much of a voice and his expressions are mostly covered by his masks. The only way he can convey himself is with his body, so that is exactly what he does.
+ You won’t be allowed to lift a finger, literally. Anything you need done or want to do, Thomas is already doing it. Whether it's helping with a chore, fixing your slanted bookcase or sewing up the tears in your clothes, you won’t be given a choice in doing anything for yourself. It ends with you being powerless and losing most of your autonomy as he takes over doing everything for you and forcing you to rely on him.
+ He isn’t entirely conscious of what he’s doing, but when you start giving up on doing basic things on your own and ask him for help instead, he enjoys the feeling and lays it on thicker. He used to lay an outfit for you every now and again when you slept in, but now you wake up to it each day, only wearing what he wants. When you want to run a bath, Thomas shoos you from the bathroom and insists on doing it, but in his own time. You’ll end up having to tug at his sleeve several hours later, asking him when you can take that bath, looking up at him pleadingly and Thomas is drunk on the feelings of love and control you’ve accidentally handed to him.
+ As it goes on, his acts of service will have taken over most of your life. You can cook and do one or two chores under the supervision of Luda Mae, you can sew if Thomas joins you, you might even be able to take a bath alone if Thomas is busy (granted he sets it up first), but outside of that, you’ll be completely at the mercy of Thomas.
𝐋𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐫
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❥ Physical Touch
+ Lester can stutter with his words a bit, his feelings for you are so strong his mouth can’t quite convey it, so he lets his body take over.
+ You end up being tugged around a lot, red marks permanently outlining your wrist, arm and neck from him pulling you towards him for a hug, a kiss, to sit closer to him or to simply be by his side. Sometimes he does it to grab your attention, jerking you suddenly and pointing at a deer or roadkill, wanting to get a smile or amused expression from you.
+ His hands will regularly explore your body. His experience with women has been just looking at them, and now he has you he needs to show you exactly what that means to him. If there is a particular part of you he loves, his hand will rest on it, stroking it or squeezing it when he gets the chance, he’s almost never still if it means he gets to touch you.
+ Surprise kisses and hugs happen almost every time your back is to him. In his mind, it's a way of showing you he’s thinking of you even when you aren’t right next to each other or face to face. This can result in bruised lips and sore ribs, he gets so excitable and caught up in how much he loves you that he won’t take the time to be careful, especially when he realises he likes you marked. Surprise hickeys soon become even more common. If you ever show slight exasperation over the attention, he’ll double down on it, expecting you to get used to it forcefully.
𝐏𝐲𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐝 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝
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❥ Quality Time
+ He can’t talk, doesn’t have the time to write or give you a massage. Your presence is enough to drive him into a state of complete infatuation, so his should be enough for you.
+ When he feels you’ve been apart from him for too long, whenever your body language seems downtrodden, you’ll be dragged behind him to a dark and damp room to be pulled into his lap and sit for hours on end. If he’s feeling charitable, he’ll stroke your hair and rub your back slowly, and you’ll be expected to curl into his chest.
+ If he doesn’t have the time to sit, then you’ll just have to tag along with him. His scarred hand will keep an iron grip on your own, not letting go once. If you can’t keep pace with him, he’ll tug you and pull you up if you trip, while keeping a forward march. Pyramid Head doesn’t have much patience if you’re consistently lagging behind, meaning you’ll either be left behind wherever he’s dragged you to or thrown over his shoulder.
+ He’ll be extremely offended if you interrupt the quality time, suggest something else or ask to get up. Without warning, you’ll be shoved off with force, and he’ll disappear for days or weeks at a time. You’ll hear him around, sense his presence, but until you beg on your knees and acknowledge your wrongdoing, you’ll be alone. When you beg hard enough, he’s there in front of you, pulling you into him for as long as he desires. It's your only comfort and safe space in a place of constant threat, in the end, you have to come to like it.
𝐑𝐙 𝐌𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐥 𝐌𝐲𝐞𝐫𝐬
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❥ Gift Giving
+ He can’t remember much about relationships, knowing nothing about a healthy one. Michaels sees how men act with their partners, each couple is different but few things are the same. The way the significant other lights up over a gift, the way an item ends all arguments, that was always a common act in relationships.
+ It starts with whatever he pulls off his victims. Necklaces, clothes, phones, shoes, teddies, he’ll come home in blood and gore with something new clutched tightly in his hand, held out for you to take. The frequency of the gifts quickly increases when he sees you smile at them, thanking him for thinking of you and gushing over how sweet it was. Now every night he comes home with something new.
+ As your relationship deepens with him, he realises you deserve more than the trinkets of the dead, so he makes you a mask. He paints it in your favourite colours, spending hours on it and not letting you into the room until it was done. When he held it out to you, you were touched, but he wouldn’t let you hold it. Michael places it gently over your head until it covers your face, tilting his head at you and taking you in. He loves what he sees. You have to take it off eventually, but expect the cold shoulder when you do. In his eyes, that must mean you don’t like it, so he’ll make you more and more.
+ When you run out of room, or when you aren’t as entirely enthusiastic about the 50th gift as you were at the 1st, he’s in a huff. The gifts should be good enough for you, if you aren’t excited about the effort he’s putting forth then it's a reflection of how you feel towards him. He takes the gift back and slams it into the bin, going up to your room and throwing around any recent gift you’ve gotten. When he’s done, the room is a mess of tattered clothing and broken bracelets. It’ll take you salvaging and actively wearing what you have left to soothe him, and the gifts start rolling in.
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bloodycassian · 3 years
Centuries - READER X AZRIEL -
Thank you everyone who sent me inspiration ideas for this, I was really struggling for some reason.
Prompt - Hi! I was wondering if I could request an azriel x reader where azriel and reader have been together for centuries but azriel finds his mate and is torn between them? You can end it however you like.
You eyed the line of red across your throat, willing it to go away before the next practice session. You’d been beaten, badly. And by a new Valkyrie no less. Well, Valkyrie in training. The scrawny female had managed to get you on your back within three moves and the wooden sword to your throat in one more.
You could have died of embarrassment.
Nesta had reassured you though, giving you a pep talk after. How many more cheer up speeches could you handle before it became too much? How many years of the same course running and failed attempts at ribbon cutting could you take? You wanted to scream. But Azriel was sleeping, peacefully for once. His shadows lurked lazily around him while he rested. You smiled at the peace on his face. It was rare to see such a thing.
You gathered your bag, gave Az a soft peck on the head before taking off from the balcony.
Nesta did not pair you with the newcomer - Neath. Gwyn had been shouting at her from across the ring for picking up a sword before stretching. You tried to hide your smile at that, feeling a bit better about your loss the previous day.
“Fighting stances ladies!” Emrie’s dark voice called over the chatter. Everyone got to their respective spots and began the intro stretches.
“I can help train you, if you’d like.” He soothed, rubbing your back gently. “You’re already busy-” Your voice caught around the lump in your throat. You sniffed, trying to pull yourself together. It didnt work. You sobbed into his chest, and let him pull you down into the bed. His wings wrapped around you, encompassing you in a darkness that put you to sleep quickly.
Azriel took it slow the next morning, leaving you a note on the bedside.
“I’m never too busy for you. I’ll meet you at the ring tonight.”
His lazy scrawl warmed your heart. You stretched and slowly got out of bed. You were still sore from yesterday’s session. You didn’t know if you were cut out to be a Valkyrie. You contemplated having Rhys send a message to Nesta that you wouldn’t be there today, but that would mean admitting your failures to more than just Az. You were sure he already knew, but speaking it to him was different than him dutifully ignoring the failure that lived in his house.
The seedy bar was a nightmare for Azriel’s clean boots. Spilled ale and who the hell knows what else. He tried not to cringe. The informant was bulky, with a voice that carried too much for a regular meeting place like an alley or street. And he was drunk. He offered ale to the shadowsinger several times, and each time it made Az more and more irritated.
But he left with success, and feeling like he needed to bathe.
Night was approaching quickly when he returned to Velaris. Rhys was waiting in his usual chair overlooking the city from his office in the house of wind. He spun a ball of dark power in his hand, forming it as if it were clay.
“There has been an uptake in recruitment in Spring. No one knows why, only that Tamlin has ordered it.” He briefed.
Rhys hummed his understanding, and the darkness melted from his hand. “If he’s building his army back, he’d better be damn careful about it.” He sighed. “Keep an eye on it. I want him to know we’re watching, too.”
Azriel turned to leave, assuming he’d been dismissed. Rhys stopped him with a word though. “Dont get caught though. Feyre would skin me alive if I had to kill Tamlin to get you back.”
“Thanks for letting me know you’d still kill for me, brother.” Azriel laughed darkly.
“Always will.”
You finished the warm up stretches right as Azriel landed. “You’re late.” you tisked, letting him wrap you into a hug anyway. The full moon caressed his cheekbones lovingly, painting him in a deep blue. “Let’s get to work.” He groaned, pulling away from you. “We could work out a different way…” You made a kissy face at him. He shoved the practice sword to your chest with a laugh.
He had you begging for a break by the end of the relentless training. “Tomorrow?”
“I dont know if I’ll be able to.” You panted.
“I know you, you’ll be able to.” He helped you up from the dusty floor of the ring and made sure you got to bed safely.
He inspected your split lip at lunch the next day. Neath had boldly chosen you as her sparring partner in demonstration. Nesta was on edge, ready to insist on someone else if you’d given her so much as a hint of discomfort. But you had too much pride, and paid for it. She’d spun her sword around and the blunt end of it caught you in the lip, hitting your teeth.
Nesta, Gwyn and Emrie dismissed the rest of the class for the day. Emrie took Neath aside firmly, giving her what looked to be threats of violence more than scolding. Buit the scrawny Illyrian showed no fear for the Valkyrie before her.
Nesta and Gwyn babied you until you insisted you were alright. And you were, your bruised confidence however….
Bruised was underselling it. Decimated, would be better.
You landed without much grace, and let your wings drag behind you, not caring that they stung in protest. It was a welcome distraction from the pain of crude humiliation. You numbly walked to the bathroom, ran the shower water for a few seconds until it was scolding, and started sobbing.
Azriel found you sitting on the bathroom floor and immediately knew something was wrong. He didn’t ask a single question until he’d helped you into bed and gotten you a snack first though. Then you let it out, trying to hold back the tears as you expressed your failures to him. How you’d been bested by a newcomer, how you felt unworthy of living in such a nice place, how you felty you didn’t deserve him.
He listened, and when you were done he only shook his head. “I love you. No matter what. And Rhys, Feyre...everyone else loves you too. Nesta wouldn’t have insisted on you training if she thought this would happen. I’m sorry honey. I can talk to them-”
“No. I dont want to cause more… issues. I think Nes is dealing with it anyway, Emrie looked to be too.” You half smiled at the painful memory of her scolding the illyrian earlier.
You knew he wanted to protest, but seeing your eyes struggling to stay open, he let you fall asleep in his arms instead. He pressed soft kisses to your hair, until you were in a deep sleep, breathing rhythmically. Then, he headed to Cas and Nesta’s room.
“No training this morning. Emrie and Gwyn have had something come up, and I dont want to handle that many Females alone.” Nesta said around her breakfast. She’d summoned a plate and extra food for you, thanking the house for its gifts. But your stomach didn’t feel like it could take it. You sipped at the tea, not wanting to be rude. You knew your eyes were swollen, and were grateful when she didn’t ask. She already knew, anyway.
“Sorting books today, then?” You asked, hoping your voice didnt sound too hoarse. Judging by her reaction, it was noticeable.
She gave you a small smile though, “No, actually.” She said with a devilish grin. Your heart sank. Nerves gripped your stomach. What the hell else was there to do? You prayed to the mother that she didn’t insist on personal training with her. Not that you didn’t like her, but.. She was different somehow. Harder, more...more of everything really. “We’re having a spa day.” She pulled three small flowers from her jacket pocket and handed you one. “Elain is coming too, I hope that’s alright.”
You stared at the small note, ‘A relaxing day, well deserved.’
Well deserved was damn right. “That’s perfect.” You breathed, the first genuine smile in days coming to your lips.
Az was waiting for you when you got home. His loungewear showed off his sculpted body perfectly in the golden setting sun. He set down the book he’d been thumbing through and wrapped you in a hug, taking a deep breath of your scent.
“And what did you do today?” He smiled broadly.
“Nes insisted.” You blushed, pushing back your styled hair. IT had been nice, not having to worry about training or money or where the hell you were. You’d nearly fallen asleep in the mud bath.
“I was thinking…” He began, taking your empty dinner plate. “If you wanted...I could train with you at night. If you don’t want to with Nesta anymore.” He said, not mentioning the title you’d never live up to. Valkyrie. You cringed at the thought of it.
“Maybe…. I dont see how it could hurt if its just us.” You shrugged, at least he wasn’t pressing it. He beamed though, and you knew even the prospect of you going was enough for him.
It took you a week. A week of confidence building and lip healing to get back in the ring with Az. Well, by yourself at first. You warmed up slowly, nervously. But by the time he arrived, you were centered in the ring. Ready, prepared for whatever may come from this.. Test training.
He instructed you not as your lover, but as a professional who knew what they were doing. He corrected your posture and showed you examples without the normal ways he’d play with you or crack jokes together. You realized you’d never seen him like this. So….diligently focused on what he was doing. And it was inspiring hearing his encouraging words even when you messed up for the third time in a row.
He even followed your stretches, letting you show him examples of what you practiced in class at the beginning and end of every session.
“I like this one for last. It flexes your-” You stopped. Your cheeks heated at the sight of Neath and her sword on the edge of the wooded path leading up to the ring. Az saw the look on your face, and turned in an instant, bracing for anything.
Azriel didn’t move after that though, didnt say a word. Then, Neath dropped her sword.Your heart stopped. Acid churned in your stomach as Azriel clutched at his chest. Everything moved in slow motion. You shook his frozen shoulders, and he fell to his knees with a sickening thud.
You turned to the Illyrian female, nearly snarling. “What did you do?” You spat, gesturing to Az. He was still frozen to that spot. Her eyes didn’t leave him though. You stalked forward, ready to rip her to shreds if Az was even slightly hurt. Her mouth gaped, but no words came.
Azriel’s shuddering gasp made you turn, and he was backing up, wings flaring. You held a hand up, as if to calm a wild animal. How ridiculous it was didn’t phase you. He was yours. And you were trying to calm him down as if he’d seen a ghost. His words made your stomach sink to a new low, burning deep inside you with strain and worry. “I’m sorry-” He choked out, voice hoarse. He took one last glance between you and Neath, then took off with force you’d never seen.
You turned on Neath, and were ready to throttle her. “He’s-” She got out as you placed your hands on her arms. Ready to shake her out of her stupor. “H-he’s” She tried again. But her pale face remained stuck in the shock of whatever she’d done. Whatever Azriel had seen scared him. Perhaps you should be running from her too.
“What?!” You demanded, squeezing her arms. Her eyes finally darted to yours, welling with tears as she hurt you more than she’d ever done in practice. “He’s my mate.”
The vomiting didn’t last long, considering how little you’d ate. You didn’t remember flying back to your room, or how you’d gotten yourself to the bathroom without injuring yourself with the blindness caused by tears.
You sobbed for what felt like days, an eternity. It was a lifetime of tears coming out at once. More pain and sadness than any creature should face. You wondered at one point how much one person could even cry.
Then, the cold numbness of sleep took you. You laid on the cold stone floor and let it smother every aching thought.
You scented him before you heard his light footsteps outside the door. He leaned against it, his body exhausted from the flight, from the fighting he’d done just to burn off the rage he felt towards himself. Rhys wasn’t enough. He knew that he’d hold back with him. So he flew to the spring court, where he knew he could find good fighters willing to die for a chance at bringing Tamlin one of Rhys’ Inner Circle.
They failed.
The sound of his voice cracked something more in you, and somehow more tears welled out. You were sure you wouldn’t look normal for a few days after all the swelling from crying so much. You held back the sobs, letting them burn inside you instead.
All you wanted was his voice, the feeling of him around you. Of those shadows sweeping over your back comfortingly. But he wasn’t yours. Not really. Not in the way that mattered. You cursed every damned god and religion you could think of, even the cauldron itself. As if it would change anything. It did make you feel slightly better though.
He started with muttered curses at himself. Then he began a series of apologies. You could hear the hurt, the weakness in his voice In the way he struggled to find the right words at times. You didnt care if he heard you sobbing anymore.
-“I dont love her, not the way I love you. I dont know why… I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I-” He sucked in a deep breath and tried to hold back the wavering in his voice. “Please… I know I mean-” He growled in frustration at himself. The sound tore into you. “I know you’re hurt...more than I am but if you’d give me a chance… I’m not going to be with her. I love you. I’ve loved you for what you are since we met. I’ve chosen you, over and over again. Some cruel trick of the Cauldron dosent’t change that.”
Your heart surged at the plain honesty in his voice. At the raw fear and truth that he laid bare. Tears streamed down your face even more than before. Somehow this new razing of your heart was worse than seeing that look they shared in the ring.
“I’m sorry. If you want me to go… just- I dont know, knock or something.” He concluded with a deep breath. He rested his forehead against the door, waiting for something. For anything. He knew you were inside, he could feel it in his very being that you were in there, distressed -because of him- and all he wanted to do was make it right. He waited to hear the dreaded knock. The nail in the coffin of the century long relationship.
There was a soft click, he nearly mistook it for the knock. But the knob turned, and you cracked the door. The red splotches on your face nearly made him fall to his knees. He fought for words, but no amount of words were enough, and he knew it. Your lip quivered.
Without a word to each other, you knew.
You knew he’d choose you. And you’d choose him over anything. Over anyone that would ever be. He was built for you, as you him. And you belonged no matter what a bond insisted on. You shared a bond deeper than any instinct could challenge. You’d chosen each other. You weren’t fated to find each other, and that was what made choosing each other even more special.
You gripped his back fiercely, letting the sobs wrack your body. He held back somehow until you landed in bed together, where you sobbed and grieved together. Where you kissed each other, and wiped each other’s faces over and over. And eventually among the mess of blankets and sheets, you passed out together. Hands locked together tightly. Never letting go.
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jenniferswhor3 · 3 years
midnight dip - jj maybank
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obx masterlist main masterlist
jj maybank x reader
summary || you and jj go midnight dipping in the ocean
warnings || alcohol, swearing, light make out doesn’t go into too much details
authors note || just something simple bc i needed to put out something enjoy tho !! requests are open btw 😁
it had been a long, long day of you and your friends running around town. you guys needed a night off. everyone went their separate ways of ‘taking the night off’ which only left you and your thoughts on your back patio.
you were sitting in a lounge chair by the fire pit you had, sipping a can of beer. you weren’t aiming to get drunk, just something to sip on.
it was quiet, no sound was being made other than the cracking of the fire, the occasional sound of the alcohol sloshing around in its can, and the waves breaching shore.
it was quite for a few more minutes before a unknown voice speaks up, “beautiful, isn’t it?”
nearly having a heart attack, you look back towards the voice. it was non other than jj maybank, the boy you’ve been in love with since 5th grade. that dorky smile and shaggy blonde hair is what made you fall for him more and more every day.
“geez, jj, you almost made gave me a heart attack,” you say with your hand over your heart.
“sorry, my bad.” he sits down in the vacant chair next to you.
you two make a bit of small talk about really nothing, just watching the waves hit the sand. laughing about something the other said. you two really enjoyed each other’s company.
you two had always been really close. it was a different kind of close than him and john b and pope or you and kie and sarah. you couldn’t put a name on it because you didn’t know what it was.
you shared clothes, beds, straws, everything. yes you would often share shirts with sarah or sleep in the same bed as kie when you were sleeping over but it felt different when it was with jj.
you had obviously liked jj since 5th grade and it was embarrassingly obvious to all of your friends. everyone seemed to notice but jj.
he thought he made it obvious that he liked you, always being affectionate with you. your friends noticed but you. you had been completely oblivious, blind by your own love for him.
it was very painful to your friends to watch you two being head over heels for each other and not do anything about it because you both were oblivious.
“let’s go swimming,” you suggest. jj looks over at you with a raised eyebrow.
“y/n, it’s fucking freezing out there.”
“so,” you shrug.
you began to take off your jacket and shirt. it was almost normal to you girl to have a bathing suit underneath all your clothes; never know when you might go swimming.
jj only takes off his shirt; he doesn’t mind getting his shorts wet. you two run towards the cold ocean just sending it. you don’t have time to be scared of cold water. once you get in you’ll get used to it.
once you reach the water you and jj dive right in, wasting no time getting your hair wet. you both come up shivering. you move up to wear both of you can stand, the water was up to your belly button.
“oh my god, it’s freezing,” you say crossing your arms over your torso.
jj smirks. he immediately starts splashing you.
“oh my god, jj!” you bring your hands out in front of you trying to shield yourself from the water even though you knew it wouldn’t work. “stop, jj,” you say in between laughs.
jj began walking closer to you still splashing you. at this point, your body was practically turn away from jj while your hands were still facing him attempting to block the water he was splashing.
jj then attacked you from behind, his arms securely wrapping around your waist. your arms subconsciously placed themselves overtop jj’s.
after moments of jj somewhat attacking you the whole thing died down. jj’s arms never left your waist and you weren’t complaining. you two were still slightly bent over. as your laughter had died down the only thing being heard, other than the waves, were each other’s deep breathes.
you slowly turned around, still in jj’s grip. his arms slightly unravel, his hands rest on your hips; yours rest on his forearms.
it was now just you two, standing in the middle of the ocean, staring deep into each other’s eyes. nothing else mattered in this moment.
you notice jj quickly glance at your lips. you move slightly closer to him while also glancing at his lips. jj looks in both of your eyes then back down at your lips. he met your eyes once more before silently asking for approval to kiss you. giving the slightest of nods, he begins leaning in. you met him halfway. fireworks everywhere. the moment you two have been waiting for, for a while now too.
it was almost magical. you’re arms wrap around his neck while his secure their place on your hips. this kiss felt like forever but it had only been a couple minutes.
you both pull away needing air. you both rest your head on each other’s foreheads breathing heavily. you bite your bottom lip attempting to hide your smile.
“you don’t know how long i’ve been waiting to do that,” jj says pulling his head away from yours.
“oh, i think i do.” and with that you lean in once more for another kiss.
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jeongvision · 4 years
make a wish
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synopsis. jaehyun loves you very much; so much that he came over to your place at midnight to wish you a happy birthday. meanwhile, you also love jaehyun very much; so much that you think that he deserves a very special present from you even on your birthday.
pairing. boyfriend! jeong jaehyun ✗ fem! reader
genre. smut, fluff if you squint a little, established relationship au
word count. 2.9k
warnings. cursing, sexual themes (marking, fingering, choking, grinding, dirty talking, degradation, cum play, power play), some religious analogies
author’s note. make a wish english ver. is making me feel some type of way and jaehyun looking expensive in the mv is not helping me so i had to let it out somehow, so enjoy this thirsty work of art lmao
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Today is your birthday, and all Jaehyun planned was to come over to your apartment at midnight with cake and sing you a happy birthday. After that, he’s all yours for the day. You’re free to do whatever you want, whenever you want with him for 24 hours. He was thinking maybe all you wanted to do is just stay in and cuddle while binge watching some netflix shows. Maybe order takeout if you’re feeling a little lazy to cook, and perhaps a few makeout sessions together here and there if you were feeling it. He could tell from your voice how exhausted you were from your work schedule based on the past couple phone calls.
What he did not expect however, is for you to be straddling his hips as you mark his neck up with purples and blues right after you blew out the candles.
And neither did you.
But that’s what makes it all fun, right?
You arrived at your apartment earlier close to 11 at night. work was tiring today. You work as a full-time cashier at a huge department store down the street. It was decent pay, enough to pay for your expenses and live life a little. You didn’t mind how demanding it could be sometimes, how customers can go from being exceptionally patient with your work to customers being absurdly rude to you for just breathing.
However, some of your coworkers called out for a week due to ‘personal reasons’, whatever that may be. Because of that, your manager has been scheduling everyone to work more to make up for all the missing shifts, including you.
You honestly didn’t mind it.
The only time you do is when it doesn’t allow you enough time to regenerate your social battery that you’ve been draining every night for the past two weeks. And every night before your shift ends, without fail, you always think to yourself how much you can’t wait to go home, take a nice, warm bath, and drift off to sleep, only for you to repeat the cycle again the next day. Oh, and maybe call up your boyfriend, if he was still awake, and talk about each other’s day for a bit.
But today is a little different— you finally get a day off to yourself.
You did your nightly after-work ritual: dinner, shower, bath, doze off a little, rinse, dry up, all that good stuff. But once you got dressed and finished blow-drying your hair, your doorbell rang exactly at midnight. You weren’t expecting any visitors this late, so it was reasonable that you were suspicious.
Who the hell? You were on high alert when you walked over to your front door, a wooden baseball in hand. When you went to take a look through the peephole, there was nothing but confusion all over your face. Why is Jaehyun here? As you pondered on, you noticed he held a beige box in both of his hands. As you peered closer you caught glimpse of the familiar label on its right side: it was from none other than your favorite bakery shop.
And that’s when it hit you.
It’s midnight.
You boyfriend is standing right outside your door, holding a box from your favorite bakery shop.
It’s your freaking birthday today.
You didn’t expect Jaehyun to be at your doorstep with a box of cake in his hands. In fact, you didn’t expect to see him at all on your birthday. You remembered him mentioning he had to work on your birthday. He felt bad that he couldn’t spend time with you. There’s always another day, love, you said to him.
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And here you two are in the present: the candles have already been lit, birthday song have been sang, and the tiny smoke from the candles wafts through the air after you blew them out. Jaehyun told you that he called off work to spend the day with you and you were free to do whatever you wanted to do with him. You initially thought that spending the whole day inside lazing around would be the most perfect idea ever after all those strenuous hours at work.
But you had another idea in mind, an idea that stayed in the back of your mind after he sent you a scandalous text last week, stating all the things he wanted to do with you behind closed doors, away from public’s view. Of course he had to conveniently send it during your work shift and your nosy coworker just happened to peer over your shoulder reading the contents. It was all pure jest, my love, he said to you.
A joke it may be, but there’s no harm in making them come true, right?
Your arms are circled around his neck, legs stationed on either side of his legs with your ass planted firmly on his lap. You’re both sat on your living room couch, bodies pressed against each other with the cake long forgotten on your coffee table behind you. His hands are tucked underneath your shirt, caressing your soft skin.
As you continue to nip all over his neck, marking him up, he maneuvers his hands down to your rear, giving them a light squeeze. You sigh at his touch.
“Baby girl,” he grunts, “just what do you think you’re doing?”
You nip at a particular spot on his neck and he groans out loud. God, just the sound of him is enough for you to wet your panties. After licking down on his skin, you pull away from his neck and look down at your creation— there are blue and purple galaxies all over his throat, his lips are red and had a little swell to them from your sloppy makeout session earlier, and the eyes he looks at you with are filled with nothing but carnal lust for you.
You can’t help but feel pride burst in your chest because you did that. You made him, Jung Jaehyun, your boyfriend, look like that.
You gave him a lopsided grin, and he thinks to himself how he can’t wait to wreck you apart inside and out. “What does it look like I’m doing?” you cooed. You can feel his clothed erection poke at your thigh, pulsating underneath, so you grind on it teasingly, watching as his eyes roll back with his mouth open. “I’m just doing what my boyfriend wished for me to do through our text messages the other day. I wanted to show how appreciative I am that he came over and wished me a happy birthday.”
You face moves closer to his, your lips a breath away from his own. You lower your voice down to a whisper, “Is that wrong for me to do?”
He releases a throaty groan. You can feel him bucking up to gain some friction on his dick but you lifted your hips up a little from his lap. “Fuck,” he grunts.
You giggle softly at his reaction. You were never the one to take charge in bed. Jaehyun was always the one to initiate something and follow through with it. You didn’t mind it. In fact, you loved it. but the power you felt over him now was But you feel drunk on the feeling; you savored it, you felt intoxicated, and you wanted more.
Fuck it, screw those text messages. Let’s change it up a little, shall we? How about you take charge for the night?
But little did you know, that is exactly the opposite of what he was going to give you. It may be your birthday, but there’s no way in hell that you’re going to top tonight. You already mentioned those text messages he forgot about, and there’s no way he’s going to make you turn your words back on it.
Before you could even register anything, his right hand that was planted on your ass moves to your front where he cupped your clothed sex. You gasp, eyes blown out, hands now gripping onto his shoulders.
“O-oh!” you mewl.
And so, the reins have been handed over to him. As it should, he thinks. He smirks a little. His fingers rubs against your core at an agonizingly slow pace just to tease you a bit. He could feel the heat radiating off your body and wanted nothing more than to bask in it.
Just as he was about to move his hand away, you grab his wrist to hold it in place.
“Mm.. more..” you quiver.
He clicks his tongue. “Dirty little whore.”
After feeling how your thin shorts were starting to get drenched, he pulls his hand away from your grasp and shoves them inside your panties. Immediately, he can feel you dripping, his fingers and palm collecting all of your essence. His fingers deftly circle your clit before gliding them back and forth on your soaked folds.
Your mind is in a spiral.
“Holy fuck!” And holy, his fingers are, especially when he inserts two fingers inside your pussy. “O-oh my god, Jaehyun-n!”
He sadistically thrusts in and out of your entrance, his thumb stimulating your nub, your moans getting more fervent. “Acting all spoiled just because I’m letting you do whatever you want with me for your birthday. Just who do you think you are? Should I remind you who’s the one in charge here?” he growls.
You whimper at his words, shamelessly grinding yourself onto his hand as his other wraps snugly around the back of your neck.
He grins, face dangerously close to you now. “Now look at you, all fucked out from only my fingers. This pussy just can’t wait for me to fuck you nice and deep, huh? Is that what you want?”
You didn’t answer him, your mind too preoccupied from the bliss his fingers are giving to you. The sweat forming on your skin created a glistening sheen on your exposed collarbone, and all he wants to do is to just ravage it.
And he just might.
His hand wrapped around your neck tightens a little, sending more pleasure through your body and core.
“Answer me, slut.”
You cry out a little, “Y-yes.”
“Yes, what?”
You fail to swallow back your moans. “I-I want you to.. fuck me nice and- oh!”
His fingers hit that delicious spot inside you, your body jerking in response.
“Fuck you nice and what?”
Your sighs come out shakily, “Nice a-and.. deep, with your c-cock- oh my god!”
“God can’t save you now, fucking slut.”
He feels you tightening around his fingers, sending him to fasten his pace. Your grip on his shoulder intensifies, enough to painfully indent his skin. After a few more thrusts from his fingers, a coil inside you snaps, stars blurring your vision as a shockwave overtakes you. You did nothing to suppress your screams as your juices flowed out your core. His fingers continue to thrust in and out of you throughout your orgasm but finally stops as he sees you start to calm down.
Your breathing is erratic, trying to catch up after that earth-shattering orgasm you just experienced. After he feels you relax in his embrace, he lets go of your neck and rests it on your waist. He pulls his fingers out of your pussy and you shuddered at the loss of contact. Your cum slowly drips out of you onto your panties and shorts, some of it gliding onto your thighs where he can visibly see it.
God, does he want to have a taste. You’re definitely going to need some new shorts and undies now. With your half-opened eyes in a complete daze and your breathing evened out, he brings his fingers to your lips, staring dauntingly at your orbs.
And you obliged. He pushes his fingers past your mouth and you suck on his fingers, tasting yourself. Your tongue swirls around his digits, all while maintaining eye contact with him.
He gravely groans at the sight. “So naughty..” He pulls his fingers away and takes hold of your chin, ravenously capturing your lips with his own, tasting a little bit of you in the process. Your tongue glides past his as he dominates your mouth whole. Your arms wrap around his neck once more, pulling him closer to your soul. His lips are always soft, and yet he kisses you as if he wants to devour you up until your knees buckled.
He breaks away from the kiss, a string of saliva connecting the two of you, and he maneuvers his way down to your throat.
Now it was his turn to paint your neck pretty.
“So fucking naughty for me,” he moans. As he assaults your neck, you rack your nails through his hair, gently pulling on its ends. You could feel him sigh onto your neck as a result of it. He honestly loves it when you pull onto his hair, almost a little too much.
After he was satisfied with his artwork, he looks back up to you and delicately pecks your lips. The corner of his mouth lifts, his dimples now on full display. “Happy birthday, baby.”
You tiredly giggle at the complete change in his demeanor. You were so in love with this man, and you would do anything to make him happy.
“Thank you, my love.”
He grins at you. And he was so in love with you, he would do anything to keep you happy.
He kisses you once again, this time with much more passion and purpose. He held onto your waist as you held onto his neck, enjoying each other’s presence. Afterr staying in each other’s embrace for some time, foreheads touching, a thought popped in Jaehyun’s head.
“You know, you never told me what you wished for.”
Oh, but what is there to wish for when your present is right in front of you?
You shrug your shoulders, “It’s nothing really.”
He tsks out loud, “Baby, we both know that’s a lie.” He moves away from you and leans forward to the side of your face. And all of the sudden, you feel him nibbling your earlobe, kitten licks in between.
You bite down on your lip, struggling to keep your composure together. Surely, you were still recovering from your last orgasm— the attention he was giving to you got you feeling aroused for him again.
He snickers gravely.
Oh how fucking sinful the sound of that is.
“Come on, baby girl. Just tell me. Maybe I can make your wish come true.”
The moan you just released was lecherous to him.
“Answer me, then you shall receive.”
The devil works hard, but Jaehyun works harder.
You quiver at his command. No matter how many times you were intimate with each other, you could never get used to all the dirty talk. Jaehyun was always clear-cut about his wants and needs, but you never were. Mot until you’re pushed on the spot like now.
You swallow down your embarrassment and meekly respond. “I-I.... suck you..”
He stops his teasing and backs up to look at you. “Hm? What was that?” His smirk returns. “I didn’t quite catch that. Speak up, baby. Use your words.”
You refuse to answer, but he pays no mind. You’ll eventually cave in, you always do.
“Baby, I’m waiting.”
You close your eyes and let out a sigh. “I didn’t wish for anything.”
“And why is that?”
You eyes opened up but you look away from his gaze, humiliation all over. Hou stammer over your words, “B-Because.. you’re my birthday wish.”
He lazily grins, bringing his left hand to cup your cheek. That’s when you decided to look up into his eyes. “And what do you wish to do with me?”
You gulp. “I want to.. suck you.”
“Suck where exactly?”
Fucking hell. He’s enjoying this way more than you are. Just who is getting their birthday present here? You groan out in a frustrated manner. To hell with this.
“Your cock. I want your cock in my mouth. O want your fucking dick in my mouth and I want you to use my mouth and fuck it like your own personal toy.” After realizing that you just said, you gasp and covered your mouth with both of your hands. You’re now embarrassed out of your mind, completely wanting the ground to just swallow you up.
You just said that to him, but Jaehyun found it quite adorable that you were capable of saying such things.
And so, he removes your hand from your face, grips on your wrist, and kisses you, a loud smooch throughout the room. After that, he places one of your hands onto his prominent bulge, painstakingly waiting for you attention this entire time. “Baby, you don’t have to say it twice.”
And you couldn’t have been quicker. You step off of him, assuming position with your knees on the floor. He hastily stands up from your couch and works on unzipping his jeans with your help. After pulling his dick out, your mouth waters. Veins aligned along its sides, red at the tip with precum leaking out.
He chuckles at you. “Aren’t you an eager little whore?”
Your eyes shoot up to his, eyes sinfully taking you in. “Just can’t wait to have my cock in your mouth, huh? Greedy little whore. zi bet all you want is my cum in your mouth.” He clicks his tongue.
With one hand on his member and the other holding onto the back of your head, you look down at his shaft. You feel him guiding your head towards him. With your mouth wide open, tongue splayed out for him, you could hear the grin in his voice.
“Happy birthday, baby girl. Now make a wish and blow.”
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chocominnie · 3 years
Wasted Times- Pjm.
Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Warnings: A lot of Fluff, Angry Sex, Slight BDSM, Dom!Jimin, Jealous Reader, Fuckboy!Jimin, oral sex, Penatration, Foot Job?, kissing, spankings, seriously lots of jealousy and tension, use of the word ‘’whore’’, exhibitionism, cum in pants
Word count: 5.8k
Authors Note: So this is a draft of mine from way long ago. It was also posted on another account I used to be apart of, but no longer am. It’s an oldie but goodie. 
Copyright:  please do NOT repost, translate, or modify my works in any way, shape or form, on any platform. If found doing so , it is considered as plagiarism and appropriate LEGAL action will be taken.
Summary:  Two weeks, five days and counting since you’ve last seen him. Two weeks since that sinful body was tangled in yours, where you both let out strings of moans and shared sloppy wet kisses. Two weeks.
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If it wasn’t for Hoseok that whole night wouldn’t have happened. Despite you already knowing of Jimin, what you didn’t know is that looks can deceive. Oh yes, they deceived you very well. When you met him it felt like it was unreal? It felt as though you were talking to an angel. The butterflies in your stomach whenever he spoke made you feel the blood rush to your cheeks. So unreal.
A cute cheeky smile and a squeaky laugh. Someone’s who’s kind hearted, as what you previously had heard from Hoseok himself. Oh, but did he leave the major detail out from you.
He’s a fuckboy.
One that knows exactly how to play his cards right. Knows how to get into a girl's pants and make them melt with the sweet and dirty things that pout out his mouth like honey. He has the looks and charms for it. The hand he runs through his hair constantly, those pink full lips begging to be touched by someone else. 
You’ve only recently found out about most of the girls he’s slept with. It wasn’t a lot but enough for him to qualify to get tested every month. All because he can’t keep his god damn dick in his pants. And you, the fool, fell for it. You fell for his ways. 
Yet he pretends to know nothing. He pretends like he didn’t break your heart by saying he can’t commit to a relationship. He was just a one night stand. He fucking acts that nothing happened between you two prior to having sex.... and it hurts.
Now you’re sitting in your office stuck in-between whether to let that night go, or to bring it up with him. Because surely, he felt something too when you guys made love for an hour and a half right? Right?
‘‘Y/N. Did you hear me?’ ‘  
You quickly snap back to reality to the nagging voice beside you. Taking a sip of your peppermint tea, you turn towards the young girl. Her full bangs compliment her perfectly shaped face. Her long, straight hair that curls at the end a bit is jet black with no sign of split ends or damage. She holds a blue folder tightly to her chest with a cheeky smile upon her face.  
‘‘Mrs. Jane would like to see your work for this month’s upcoming project. Do you have the rough draft done?’ ‘  
You nod, ‘’ I’ve finished it already. Are you collecting?’’ The girl nods her head and holds out her dainty pale hand. Next to you is your documents drawer which you rummage through for a good minute or so before finding your pink folder with all the information and sketches.  
‘‘Thanks..’‘ She smiles, then walks away to her next prey. You let out a big sigh and place your hands in-between your head. Never have you had someone constantly be on your mind.  
It was killing you.  
‘‘ Child are you okay?’‘ 
You turn towards the voice to your left which sits next to you is your best-friend. Her smirk lets you know she knows what you’re thinking about. She knows. She also knows about that one night stand that you couldn’t shut up about two weeks ago. 
You try to hold back your laugh, ‘’ I’m. fine.’’ You manage to choke out. She shakes her head again with that damned smirk on her face. ‘’ Was he that good that he has you sitting here contemplating life honey?’’ 
Your eyes go eyes go wide and soon enough you find yourself swatting her thigh while trying to cover your face of embarrassment. ‘’ Stop! Geez I shouldn’t have even told you about it.’’
‘‘ I knew about him before you even did. Once you told me after the fact, I automatically recognized who he was by the way you described his features so well.’‘ She shrugs, swiveling her chair around to face you. You do the same.
‘‘ What?’‘
‘‘ I went to high school with him. Park Jimin right? He was a ladies girl. Everyone wanted him. Plus he was a former dancer.’‘ 
Former dancer? It all makes sense. The way his body was nicely toned, not to muscly but noticeable. The way his hips moved every which way making sure his sinful area poked and pried at every nerve inside your walls. Made you let out strings of moans and whimpers because of how good he felt inside you. You’ve never felt something like that before. How dare he.
‘’ Well he has a cute friend. His name is Tae... Tae something. I don’t know but they were also friends in highschool. He was a handsome boy as well. If you would like to you know... tap that.’‘ She giggles.
Who does she think you are? Some type of person who gives away sex for a living? Definitely not. By the looks of your face she quickly abandons the subject. You decide it’s best to get back on task before your whore of a boss comes back around.
Only before that petite girl, with the bangs and perfectly trimmed straight hair, comes back with your folder and a ton of papers for you. As if this this day could  get any worse.
‘‘ No I don’t want to go tonight.’’ 
It feels like you’ve said this on the phone more than ten times. You’re sure of it. He just doesn’t want to give up. You’d rather be in the comfort of your home cuddled up in a blanket watching Netflix all day. After-all, it is a Friday night and it has been a very stressful week for you in the office. A nice hot bath and a binge worthy tv show is all you want right now. It’s what you deserve.
‘‘ Come with us it’ll be fun. You can invite your hot best friend too.’‘ He says, and you know he’s smirking on the other line. ‘‘ Hoseok for one, you will not hook up with my best friend understand? Two, i’m tired. I want to sleep.’‘
‘‘ Oh come on Y/N it’ll be fun. It’s just a night out on the strip. It’ll be fun. I’m bringing Jimin.’‘ He tapers off at the end to wait for your reaction. 
Could this be it? Another chance to see Jimin. Your chance to ask him.. if that night he felt something. Surely he did right? 
‘‘ I’ll come. But that doesn’t mean i’m coming for Jimin. I’m bringing Scar with me as well.’‘
A few seconds of silence fills the other line. Which you know that Hoseok probably muted himself to scream in success. You take this time to think about what you’re going to wear. Something that’s eye catching? Or something that’s casual yet classy since it is just hanging around downtown. Why not do both?
Hoseok come’s back to the line and you notice he’s more cheerful. It makes you smile to yourself, how cute. ‘‘ Be there in 45 minutes. We’ll be waiting by Krystal okay? Meet us out front of that place.’‘
You two say your goodbyes and hang up the phone. Anticipation runs deep through you lacing your blood with it. Just the thought of seeing him again rubs you the right way. 
Going into your closet, you take a good look at it and decide on a casual yet classy outfit. One that will surely catch his attention but very presentable as well. You hope that it’s going to pull through. Taking out your phone, you send a text message to Scarlet telling her all the details and to meet you here. 
‘’This will be one hell of a night.’’ You smirk to yourself as you pull out the accessories to your outfit. 
It wasn’t until you heard the doorbell constantly ring that broke you out of your trance of admiring yourself in the mirror. You look ravishing. Delectable. Every thing in the book. Surely you must have been admiring for quite some time because twenty minutes had passed and you didn’t even know it.
The doorbell ringing comes to a halt once you open the door forcefully. Scarlet greets you with a smile and a hug before coming inside. 
‘’ Okay does this make my ass look bigger than it already is?’’
You glance over at Scarlet who’s posing in-front of the hallway mirror, earning a small chuckle from you. ‘’ Yes, that dress always look’s good on you.’’
Scarlet grins at you, ‘’ Thanks. I try I try. You look sexy Y/N. Who’s getting it tonight? ’’
You giggle once more before  adjusting your black dress ‘’ You look so good Y/N i’m not lying. Did you put some make-up on?’’
You shyly nod your head yes, ‘’ Just a little. Not one of my dramatic looks.’’
‘‘ It suits the mood for tonight. Nothing to dramatic, more neutral.’‘ Scarlet says, picking up her purse again. ‘’ The dress does bring out your curves.’‘ She steps back and pulls out her phone for a snapchat picture. 
The two of you pose in the mirror for a quick second then giggle afterwards. Scarlet brings her phone back down as her fingers begin to type at a rapid speed. ‘I’m going to caption it; Going out with my babe!’’ 
You on the other hand were to busy into the hearts snapchat filter with Scar in the background of your video. You tap her with a smile and she looks up with a smile as well. ‘’ We are so gonna be late Scar. ’’
‘‘ Okay. Let me just grab my purse and we can go.’‘ 
You can’t believe you’re actually doing this. The cool breeze is enough for you to handle. Not to cold and not to hot of a breeze. Downtown is busy tonight, especially the strip. The neon signs blare into your vision, the cars speed past with drunk laughing people. Music plays coming from each store or bar you two pass. There’s a jazz man who’s playing some cool tunes next to the giant water fountain. You drop a ten dollar bill into his case hoping to brighten those tunes up a bit. Couples are everywhere you look. You haven’t been downtown in such a long time. Everything feels so brand new to you. It’s so lively. 
Scarlet walks confidently in-front of you, hips swaying naturally. You see Hoseok down the sidewalk waiting at the entrance for your arrival. Behind him is Jimin who looks fine tonight. He wears a long sleeve white Stussy t-shirt with black distressed jeans that show off his thighs. The same thighs that flexed with each thrust two weeks ago. The same thighs you wanted to ride because they had you soaking wet. Oh geez.
‘‘ Y/N! ahhh you look so good tonight!’‘ Hoseok grabs your hand and twirls you around a little. ‘‘ You’re right. Wow Y/N.’‘ A voice comes from behind him.
Part of you just wants to melt right into his arms right then and there. Keep it together.
‘‘ You don’t look bad yourself Jimin.’‘ It’s like your eyes refused to make eye contact with him. You want to, but can’t pull yourself to do it. ‘‘ And this is my best friend Scarlet.’‘
‘‘ Hello I’m Scarlet or Scar for short. Nice to meet you.’‘ She smiles, Jimin takes her hand and gives it a kiss. His eyes never leaves hers when he does so.
Scarlet lets out one of her nervous giggles as he lets her hand go. ‘’ How sweet.’’ Jimin smirks at her, ‘’ No worries. I’m Jimin, Park Jimin my love.’’ 
You almost choke at those last two words. My love? Seriously?
‘‘ Okay enough now that you’ve met my flirty friend who doesn’t know boundaries...’‘ Hoseok glares at him, earning a shrug from Jimin. ‘‘ .. I’m Hoseok. I’ve seen you on Y/N’s social media.. and I must say you are very pretty.’‘
‘‘ Thank you Hoseok. You are handsome as well.’’ She says.
You decide to end this introduction and start off the night. ‘‘ Alright enough of the talking. Can we have some fun tonight?’‘
‘‘ I agree, let’s get some drinks first.’‘ 
Only one hour in and you’ve only had one long island ice tea that you haven’t even finished yet. Somehow you’ve got tricked into third wheeling. Hoseok and Scarlet seem to be hitting it off very well walking in front of you.  But walking next to you is a quite Jimin. He’s to busy scrolling and typing on social media for him to even notice you. Oh so you thought.
‘‘ Y/N...’‘
The butterflies in your stomach begin. What could he want? ‘’ Hmm.’’
Jimin locks his phone and places it in his pocket. He then looks at you with that oh so familiar warm smile. ‘’ They seem to be hitting it off well yeah?’’
Oh. ‘’ Yeah. I ship it.’’ You giggle, crossing your arms.’’ How have you been? Haven’t seen your pretty self in weeks.’’ 
‘‘ I’m fine. You know, work and stuff.’‘ 
‘‘ Yes I can say the same. I’ve got some things going on as well.’‘ His eyes shift back towards the busy city. ‘‘ I’d be lying if I didn’t say I missed you.’‘
You stop dead in your tracks. He missed you? All this time you had thought he didn’t care but he does? ‘’ Missed me huh. Or did you miss the idea of me.’’
He smiles, ‘’ Can it be both?’’
You decide to let that comment slide. ‘’ Well Jimin. I missed you too.’’
‘‘ Great so I can do this.’‘
You’re caught off guard by his lips connecting with yours. Both of you move in sync with each other. Jimin open’s his mouth more so his tongue can move more freely inside of yours.  Both of your tongues fight for dominance making you moan inside the kiss. His hands cup your face, sending chills up your spine. Soon you find yourself whimpering for more, but you can’t let it go this far so you break away first.
‘‘ Hmm I missed those lips on mine. Sorry if I spooked you my love.’‘ Those dark brown eyes look deep into yours. ‘‘ I missed us talking constantly before we..’‘ He trails off, looking away from you smiling shyly.
‘‘ Yeah me too. We spent a lot of time texting and calling each other before that. But after that night we sort of.. stopped? I’ve been meaning to bring this up without it being awkward.’‘ You bite your lip, fiddling with your fingers.
Jimin looks around you guys. Scarlet and Hoseok are nowhere to be found. As he expected. ‘’ Well it looks like our friends ditched us. Have you eaten?’’
‘‘ I munched on something before I came here with you guys.’‘ You say, eyes shifting towards the city again. ‘‘ Well if you’re up for a little bit more of a walk I know this good place on the boardwalk. We are getting closer and closer to the beach.’‘
‘‘ Is this you asking me on a date Park Jimin?’‘ You giggle, covering your mouth with your hand. ‘‘ It can be considered our first friendly date. I would love to take you out some other time where it’s not last minute my love.’‘
‘‘ Stop saying that.’‘
‘‘ Saying what?’‘
You roll your eyes playfully, ‘’ My love. Stop saying it.’’
Jimin raises his eyebrows at you in amusement, ‘’ Did you just roll your eye at me.. my love?’’ Your cheeks have never hurt this much before from constantly smiling, but tonight you just cant stop them. ‘’ And if I did?’’
‘‘ I suggest you don’t do that again.’‘ 
The walk wasn’t as far as you thought. Jimin had linked his hand in yours on the way there. It surprised you for a minute but you let it happen. He hasn’t let go since. The two of you are sat down at a table outside by a waitress who cannot keep her eyes away from Jimin. Only if she knew how much of a sex god he was. Then she really wouldn’t be able to keep her eyes away.
‘‘ The moon looks beautiful tonight.’‘ He nods his head over towards the sky. Your eyes gaze over the sandy beach and waves that crash onto the shore. The moon lit sky peering over it looks beautiful.
Jimin brings both of your hands onto the table and intertwines them with his. A smile appears on his face when he sees you shyly try to hide your smile from him. Jimin’s most favorite feature of you is your smile, and moans of course, but your smile brings him happiness. It’s something about the way your lips curl up into a smile and your eyes narrow a little bit with it. Or when you laugh at one of his comments or jokes. It makes him happy inside and out.
‘‘ So, what were you saying earlier my love?’‘
You playfully roll your eyes again at that nickname. Before you can roll them again, Jimin’s smile drops and he let’s go of your right hand. You furrow your eyebrows at him for a second until you’re caught off guard with a tiny slap to the inside of your thigh. You hiss at the pain.
He says, ‘‘ Stop rolling your eyes at me. playful or not my love, I don’t like it.’‘ 
‘‘ Fine but stop calling me that nickname. You said it to Scarlet. Now I don’t want it anymore.’‘ You say, attitude high with your arms crossed.
Jimin chuckles and lets his tongue swipe across the inside of his jaw, ‘’Someone’s jealous.’’
‘’ I just see the name is useless is all if you’re calling other girls that.’‘
‘‘ Hmm jealous now aren’t we?’‘ He smirks, leaning back in his chair. ‘‘ Says the one who was all over me that night. Practically craving me. Now, what If i let someone else do that hmm? Equivalent to you calling other girls that name.’‘
His smirk never lets up. You know you trying to act all tough isn’t going to last. It’s just not in you. But what you can do is make him jealous and tease him for a while. You consider it a payback for those two weeks of hell you went through.
‘‘ I’m enjoying our night out Jimin. Thank you for taking the time to catch up with me tonight.’‘ Your face is innocent as ever, sipping on your water. 
His expression changes when your foot travels up his leg and onto his crotch and slowly grazes over the tip of his dick. Jimin glares and bites his lip at the constant friction between the head and your foot going in agonizingly slow circles. He let’s both of your hands go to try and pry your leg away but you increase pressure making him choke out a small wince.
‘‘ Aww. Cute.’‘ 
Jimin’s head pops up with a death glare on his face, ‘’ Don’t call me that after you just tried to pull some type of stun-’’
Your foot begins it’s slow circles again. It’s fun watching him stop his sentences. The way he holds in his moans and bites his lip. It turns you on very much.
“Fuck,” He grunts, eye’s closed.
You stop once your food arrives. The same waitress that can’t keep her eyes off of Jimin. She makes eye contact with her, and he winks as she places the food in-front of him. Your face drops into a stone cold expression. Once the waitress leaves his head slowly turns towards you with his famous sly smirk. He knew just how to press your buttons. 
You start back up again, going at an even faster pace at this point. He curses at himself and his eyes close again. You smile when he starts to shake his legs and breathe heavily. Only for Jimin’s eyes pop open with a devilish smile that confuses you. He grabs your leg and makes sure that your foot is positioned right ontop of his dick. He rolls his hips to the movement of yours, looking you dead straight in the eyes. You go along with it for now. But your eyes almost buck out of your head when he starts letting out moans and grunts as he throws his head back.
‘‘ Mmm fuck Y/N you do this so well.’‘
You’re at loss for words. The risk of being caught mixed with the sight you’re seeing now has your panties becoming wet.It takes all your might not to just jump over the table and devour him when he sighs in relief. You watch his body convulse of the aftershocks. So fucking sexy. 
And as if nothing had just happened, he picks up his fork and begins to eat his pasta. The rest of the night is silent. You both eat in silence but in the inside you want to say something but you know better. The stunt you just pulled has something coming for you. Maybe payback wasn’t such a good thing after all.
After Jimin comes back from the restroom, assuming he cleaned himself up well down there, he sits back down at the table with a warm smile. It confuses you.
‘‘ Do you want to leave now? We can go to my place and just chill for the night. Looks like the two love birds might have already went back to one of their place’s.’‘ He says, grabbing your hand once again.
You nod your head dumbfounded at what you didn’t know that was going to happen at his place. But you agree to go. What can go wrong?
The moment you guys enter his luxurious apartment, he pins you against the wall and raises your hands above you head. He tilts your head and nips at your neck, alternating between kissing and sucking. He hit one of your sweet spots that has your eyes rolling into the back of your head.
‘‘ Please Jimin.’‘ You cry out. Slowly pulling away, he pulls you from against the wall and bends to dip an arm under your legs to lift you up bridal style.
He deeply chuckles into your ear, ‘‘ You have an eventful night planned out for pulling that stunt at the restaurant sweetheart.’‘ His words sends shivers down your spine. 
Jimin closes the door behind him, giving you a taste of comfort before he has his way with you. He places you on his bed and you stare into those dark brown eyes that you love oh so much. 
‘‘ Face down, ass up now.’‘ He growls. 
You nod your head and do as told. Soon you feel your dress being unzipped and thrown to the floor. You’re in nothing but your bra and baby pink lace thong. His hands run up and down your spine, then to your ass. 
‘‘ You ruined my pants today. Made me cum inside them since you wanted to feel like you had control over me.. babygirl.’‘ He says, hands stopping right above your ass.
‘‘ Count for me Y/N.’‘
You don’t even have time to take a breath in when the first hard impact comes. It wells tears in your eyes but you love it. You love every smack and every second of it. And so you count for him, you count all fifteen hits to your sore,red ass. 
‘‘ You’ve taken your punishment well.’‘ Jimin says soothing the pain by rubbing over it softly. ‘‘ You looked so pretty doing what you’re told my beautiful girl. You deserve every inch of me. You deserve all of me.’’ His voice is soft and low. It intoxicates you. 
Jimin shifts you onto your back, his hands tracing every inch of your body. You prop yourself up with your shoulders and you don’t jerk away, instead you let him lean in and kiss you passionately. The lewd sounds of the two of you sharing a wet, sloppy kiss can be heard throughout the apartment. You whine in his arms wanting more than just the kiss. He growls in return, yanking your head back to mark up that pretty neck some more. His hands swiftly makes their way towards your nipples, you moan out in response.
“mmm so cute and hard for me.” He flicks your hard nipples with his index and middle fingers on both your breasts. The way he speaks is sinful. Your panties grow even more wet as he pinches your nipples to make you whimper. “ Making pretty sounds for me hmm? Got you all wet baby?’’
With his hands dropping to your hips, he pushes you to lay down on the bed. Your breasts look so captivating to him. Your back arches when his lips connect to your right breast and soon to your left.
“Jimin...’’ You whimper, tugging on his hair to get him to look at you. He pauses the swirling of his tongue on your breast and looks up with lust filled eyes.
“ Yes sweetheart?” He coos.
‘’Off... t-take it off.’’ You whine, moving your hands towards his clothing and tugging on it firmly.
Jimin smiles before balancing on his knees to lift off his shirt. You watch him strip his shirt off, revealing his beautifully toned stomach and sharp v-line. You want nothing more than to run your tongue across him, leaving hickies behind.
Once he takes off his shirt, he dips back down to you to kiss your lips once more. ‘’ Your reaction was instantaneous, your back arching as your hands flew to his hair in shock at the pleasure it gave you. You really were sexually frustrated. Just him kissing you was all too much for you to handle.
As if he could tell what you wanted, his hand found its way to the hem of your lace thong. He feels how wet you were with his index finger sliding up and down your entrance. Your breath hitched as he slid them off with his teeth.
Your mouth instantly falls open when one thick finger slides inside you, your wetness pouring out beneath his finger. Once his finger is coated in your juices, he pulls out of you leaving you whimpering at the loss of friction. You watch him slide his wet finger into his mouth, his eyes close as he hums around it.
“You taste so fucking good. Let me have more of you yeah? He says, waiting for some type of consent from you. 
You nod, wanting him more than ever.
Jimin props both your legs up onto his shoulder, licking his lips at the sight of your glistening core. You are left exposed to his lustful gaze as he took in the appearance of your swollen lips. Your lips spread apart to expose your clit that desperately seeks attention.  
And so he provides it. His head dips down to get to work on your cunt.  The pleasure you feel is outrageous, it has you clawing at his back, not even letting up, before letting out your never ending moans. You knew for a fact that Jimin’s tongue was a work of art when put to the test.
“Oh fuck! ” You yell out, arching your back when his lips begin to suck harshly on your clit, that bubbly feeling in your stomach appears. 
“Do I make you feel good ? Hmm, use your words.” He encourages, using two fingers to spread your folds apart to lick and suck on your clit.
“It feels so good Jimin, oh my gosh, please don’t stop. Fuck!” You cry out, tossing your head back as you clutch onto the sheets once more, leaving his hair alone. As soon as he hears that, he seemed to lose control. His fingers start abuse your g-spot in sync with his sucking on your clit. That’s all you took for you to explode around his fingers. Your body spasms when you close your eyes. You can practically hear your heartbeat pounding in your head.
That doesn’t stop Jimin though. He continues to abuse your hole but you can’t handle the over-stimulation. You grip his wrists to stop him in which he obliges. He pulls his fingers out of you slowly and shows you them before sucking on them harshly.  
“ Such a naughty girl now aren’t we.” He coos, rubbing your thighs that shake endlessly. “Want more princess?”
You nod your head, to busy lost in a trance. His words always get to you. A boy who knows his way with his words. The things that come out his mouth laced with either sweet venom or sugar. Damn him. Damn him for making you feel like this. Damn him for letting you fall under his ways. 
You don’t realize all of his clothes were off until the head of his cock is sitting at your entrance. He’s a nice size, as you remember, but it’s the thickness that gets you. He has a lot of girth and it damn sure stretches you out. 
“Shit, oh my gosh.” You moan, letting your head fall back as he starts easing into you. 
“ Mmm babygirl,” He growls, using one of his hands to spread your lips, giving him the bes view of you taking him all the way. “Fuck just look at that baby. Your little pussy stretching to take my thick cock. Feels good yeah?”
“ Yes Jimin, fuck, it feels so good please. ” You whimper, wanting to feel all stuffed and full. Finally he bottoms out and you definitely feel it in you.
Jimin’s hands grip your hips as he starts to move inside of you. Since your previous orgasm residue was still there, mixing with your fresh juices,  every time moved in and out your juices would drip.Lewd, wet slaps filled the room as the pace quickened, wanting to get you to cum again.
Your cries of pleasure filled the room. There was no point in hiding them now.  With his hips moving at a fast pace, and his dick murdering your g-spot, it makes you feel that familiar feeling again. 
“My good girl, you’re doing so well for me.” Jimin smiles, praising you as you become undone around him. Your hole spasms around his length and it feels like heaven for him. Jimin holds himself up on his elbows, resting his face against yours while he gently eases you through your orgasm. 
“You don’t know the things your body does to me Y/N. The faces you make when i’m fucking your brains out. You look like you’re in pure ecstasy because of me and only me, baby.” He whispers, his lips hovering just above yours. You nod and press your lips against his. Smiling into the kiss, his hips begin fucking you  again, getting up to his previous pace.
Your body is automatically put into over-stimulation mode. “Are you going to cum again for me?”
“Mhm, oh my god!” You whimper, closing your eyes shut harshly. Jimin pulls out of you, and starts to slide his cock up and down your folds to bring you to another orgasm. You let out a scream as Jimin watch your juices fly and soak everywhere around you both. Your death grip on the sheets havent left and your back is arched so high from the bed that he has to bring you back down. 
“Fuck, that’s it. You’re squirting princess.” He praises you, smiling as he doesn’t stop movement, juices everywhere. “You’re squirting so much baby look at you.’’
The feeling is too much for you so you shut your legs around him. Jimin smiles at you when you finally open your eyes. They hardly stay open but long enough for you to see him get himself off using his right hand. You open your mouth to say something, but he interrupts “Shh princess, you’re too sensitive. Maybe next time.”
You nodded with a small pout on your lips. You want him to cum inside you. To feel his hot sperm coat your insides. Your body says otherwise. You are spent, exhausted to the max..
Just as he is about to cum, you sit up and climb over to him. Your mouth quickly finds it’s way to his length and as if a habit, you begin to suck. ‘’You don’t have to princes- fuck.’’ He groans, releasing his load inside your mouth while you deep throat all his length.
Soon you pull away from his cock after he cums. You open your mouth to show him and then swallow it all down. ‘’ Filthy whore.’’ He smirks, pecking your lips.
Jimin kisses your forehead once more, before lifting up and disappearing into the bathroom. He returns with a warm, wet towel to clean up the mess between your legs. Your eyes flutter open and close. You catch a glimpse of his nicely toned back when he turns to disregard the towel. He comes back again with a green t-shirt which makes your heart flutter as he pulls it over your head. Another forehead kiss, then those nose, then the lips. 
‘’ Jimin?’‘ You coo.
He climbs in bed beside you, ‘’ Yes?’’
‘’ We never discussed what we are...’’ You say quietly, picking at your fingers. 
He laughs softly, ‘’ You know I can’t commit right now. I have too many things going on and-’’
‘’ Excuses Jimin.’’ You pout, turning away from him. ‘’ Aww come on don’t be like that. Listen, if I ever get my life together and the ladies off of me you’ll be the first one I run to, my love.’’ 
‘’ Promise?’’ 
‘’ I promise.’’
Oh so you had thought. Another two weeks had passed and the same thing happened. Now you’re stuck in your office again contemplating life, as Scarlet would say. The only difference is, he texts you more often. Usually good morning and goodnight texts. An occasional ‘how was your day.’ 
You can’t help but to wonder what he’s probably doing with other girls. Feeding them empty promises. Saying sweet nothings in their ears. Letting them hear what they want to. It’s no doubt he knows what he’s doing. No doubt.
Only if he hadn’t wasted your time.
Two weeks and counting since you’ve last seen him. Two weeks since that sinful body was tangled in yours, where you both let out strings of moans and shared sloppy wet kisses. Two weeks.
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peakyblindersxx · 3 years
ice blue - tommy shelby x reader
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a/n: hi lovelies! i literally just finished typing this and i’ve gotten so many notes on my preview of it that i literally couldn’t wait to give this to you guys. i really really hope you like it :) lmk if there’s anything in specific you guys want me to write, otherwise the next thing i’m working on is gonna be with john (i’ve already started it and this one is fucking hOt a bitch is sweating). as always message me literally about anything or if you want me to start a taglist
love, abi xxx
prompt: you’re back home in Birmingham and you need a job. Tommy Shelby offers you one.
warnings: nsfw!! smut, light choking, power kink oops
You stepped out of the car, cold air coming up to brush against your ankles as you shivered in the brisk English evening, wrapping your black wool coat tightly around you. You were once again new to Birmingham, having grown up there, but at the age of 9, you were sent to a boarding school in London after your parents were killed in a house fire. You had gone on to college, but had to drop out because you simply couldn’t make ends meet. Now, at the age of 21, you were back home, looking for a job, and as soon as you arrived, the first person to call was your best schoolmate, Ada Shelby. Ada was spunky, fearless, and didn’t take no for an answer, which was one of the reasons the two of you got on so well. She had insisted on taking you out to her family’s bar, despite your pleas that you were exhausted. Fuck it, you had thought to yourself. If you were going to go out, you were going to look good doing it. So, you slipped on your best set of red silk lingerie and your shortest black lace dress which dipped low to accentuate your breasts and applied a dark red lipstick as well as eyeliner. Underneath, you slid on a pair of sheer black tights and slipped on black kitten heels. You slipped on a pair of dangly silver earrings, admiring yourself in the mirror before you had slid your silver cigarette case and lighter into a black clutch, shrugged on your coat, and made your way out the door.
There, Ada had been waiting in the back of a Model T, looking gorgeous in a dark purple silk dress. She had greeted you with open arms and a huge smile, chattering on about how beautiful you looked and how much she had missed you. The two of you had managed to stay in contact throughout the years, writing letters about the current events, so you knew all about her baby, and pressed her with many questions about how she was doing. Now, here you were, in front of a bar, the muffled drunken shouts and laughter seeping through the brick walls.
“I’m so glad you’re here,” Ada grinned at you, nudging you with her shoulder. “Come on, let’s go in, and don’t worry about paying. This is my family’s bar,” she said, leading you towards the wooden doors.
“Fuck, Ada, your family owns this whole thing?” You marveled at the exterior of the building as Ada practically dragged you towards the double doors.
“Yeah, it’s all that and everything,” Ada waved her hand dismissively as she reached for the door handle. “Let’s get to the damn bar already, I need a fucking drink.” She pulled the doors open and the noise washed over you, the smell of alcohol permeating the air. The bar was dimly lit, with leather upholstery and plenty of drunk Englishmen. Bottles of spirits adorned an entire wall behind the bar in the rear. The noise swirled around you as Ada pushed her way through the crowd, determined to reach her destination. Finally, you reached the bar, and almost immediately a bartender appeared. You had known the Shelby’s were powerful, but Ada had never really talked about her family’s business. They must have been fucking loaded; the way people parted for Ada, you couldn’t even imagine the way they must have bowed for her brothers. You had never really interacted with them, but you assumed that was going to change. All you really knew about them was from the rumors, which were gruesome and plentiful.
“Give me two whiskeys,” Ada said to the bartender, who slid the glasses her way. “Thanks, Harry,” Ada yelled, handing you a glass and pulling you towards the rear of the bar, opening a door and ushering you in. As soon as you entered the room, the entire atmosphere shifted. This room was much quieter; you could even hear jazz music over the chatter. Smoke clouded the air, and you downed your drink to quiet your nerves, as you had realized that these were some of the most powerful people in the city that surrounded you. A maid appeared to take you and Ada’s jackets, and as you slipped off your coat, a wave of insecurity hit you. Ada was making small talk with an unfamiliar woman next to you, and you tapped her shoulder, telling her you were heading to the bar as she nodded, shouting after you, “When you come back, get me another whiskey!”
You laughed, turning and making your way to the bar, sliding into a stool upholstered with crushed red velvet. You motioned the bartender over, and as you waited, you took out a cigarette and lit it. The bartender set your whiskey in front of you, and as soon as you had picked it up, Ada had you by the arm and was tugging you to a booth, your whiskey and cigarette still in hand, your clutch tucked under your arm. In the booth sat three men, each of varying ages and all adorned in formal wear and newsboy caps, complete with glistening pocket-watch chains.
“Shove over,” Ada said, pulling you into the booth next to one of the brothers. “Y/N, these are my daft brain brothers, Arthur, Tommy, and John.” The oldest, sporting various scars across his face did little but grunt and touch his hat, getting up to exit the booth, and the youngest had already started bickering across the table with Ada, something about who was the biggest idiot. The middle brother, however, was fucking gorgeous. You already knew you were screwed. He had long doe eyelashes, framing ice blue eyes, and his jawline was neatly defined. His cologne alone was doing things to you. Get it together, you thought to yourself, downing the whiskey in your glass. The motion caught his attention and you felt his gaze on you, piercing your soul and sending goosebumps down your spine. He put his cigarette to his mouth and took a drag, and you couldn’t help but draw your eyes to the way his lips parted.
“You like Irish whiskey?” His smooth voice shook you to the core. You looked at him in shock for a second before quickly collecting yourself.
“I’ve always drank it, my whole family does,” you responded, your gaze lifting to meet his. He leaned back, eyes drinking you in. You chewed your lip, pressing your thighs together in an effort to quench the ache that had begun to form.
“Tommy!” A voice rang from across the room. The brother, who you assumed now was named Tommy, stood. “Excuse me for a minute,” Tommy said, stepping aside to converse with a woman you recognized as Ada’s aunt. The woman seemed angry, but then, from what you remembered, she always had. After a few minutes, she left and Tommy slid back into the booth, exhaling and shooting his whiskey. Ada and the youngest brother, who you had learned was John had both moseyed off, so it was just you and Tommy in the booth, in the corner of the room. Tommy took a drag of his cigarette and sighed.
“Ada told me you need a job,” he said, eyes lingering on you.
“I do,” you admitted, “but I don’t want you to feel obliged or anything. I can manage-”
“I need a new assistant,” Tommy cut you off, but you honestly didn’t mind. Something about the way he did it managed not to rub you the wrong way. “It’s mostly paperwork, but I’d pay you well. 40 shillings a week.” Tommy took the last drag of his cigarette, putting it out while still holding you in his gaze.
“I can do that,” you managed to blurt out. God knows what you were getting yourself into, getting hired by a man that not only had a notorious reputation but was making you trip over your own words. Something about the way he looked at you, though, made you say yes. You already couldn’t resist him. God damn it, you thought to yourself.
Across from you, Tommy pulled his jacket on. “Monday, 8 am. My office.” He slipped a piece of paper to you with an address scrawled on it, standing and leaving. As quickly as you had become intoxicated by him, he had left. The whole night, throughout all of Ada’s chatter, on the way home, in the bath, in bed, he never left the back of your mind. You wanted to be his, as much as you tried to fight the thought for not only your sake but Ada’s. You knew it was impossible, that he would want you like this, so you reserved yourself to daydreaming. His hands on your hips, his mouth on yours: you craved it, unsatisfied by your own touch even after multiple rounds. You couldn’t escape him.
You awoke nervous, stomach doing cartwheels. You hadn’t seen Tommy since Saturday at the bar when you had met, and the anticipation of seeing him and having to hold yourself together and not beg him to bend you over the nearest piece of furniture was almost overwhelming. You decided on a simple black blouse and a tight black skirt with black tights and heels. You pulled your fitted wool coat over your shoulders and stepped out into the cool British morning, horses clopping past as your heels clacked over the bricks, making your way past children playing and yelling. The wind whipped past your cheeks, staining them a rosy pink as you pulled open the heavy wooden door of the office building. The warm air surrounded you, and above the conversations between the workers seated and standing around desks, you could faintly hear Ada arguing with someone in a back room somewhere. The office consisted of wood furniture and a couple of separated rooms, you assumed, for Ada’s brothers, the heads of the company. The fireplace in the corner provided a much needed reprieve from the wind outside, and you slipped your coat off, hanging it on the coat rack. One of the doors read “The office of Thomas Shelby” in gold lettering, and you knocked lightly, not wanting to appear late on your first day.
“Come in,” Tommy’s voice echoed from inside the room and you opened the door, closing it slowly behind you. Tommy was seated at a dark leather chair behind a desk, taking a drag from a cigarette whilst reading from a newspaper spread out in front of him. He looked up at you, clad in a dark grey vest which hugged his chest deliciously with a white collared dress shirt and black tie underneath. Gold chains sat firmly on his biceps, ice blue eyes boring through your clothes and making your cheeks flush. He sat like a king on his throne, and it was tantalizing.
“Good morning, Mr. Shelby,” you spoke quietly but firmly, eyes trailing up to meet his. He cracked a small smirk when your gaze met his, and it felt like he could see right through your shirt and your black lace bra. It must be your imagination, you thought, that he could be undressing you with his eyes like that. Surely you were delusional.
“You decided to take me up on my offer, I see,” Tommy said, leaning back and crossing his arms across his chest in a way that made you want to test his self control. “You know how to type, I assume?” His eyes flickered over your figure, lingering on the curve of your hips, making you feel like this wasn’t a regular business transaction. What you wouldn’t give to be one of the whores he visits in the middle of the night… You quickly gathered yourself together and responded.
“Yes,” you spoke. “I’ve worked as a secretary before.” Tommy nodded, standing and making his way around the front of his desk to lean on it, narrowing the space between the two of you significantly. “I’m not your normal businessman, you see,” he said, leaning back against the desk. “I keep odd hours, so if I asked you to stay late, would that be a problem?”
“No sir,” you replied, unable to rip your eyes off of the curve of Tommy’s lips and how they looked puffing at a cigarette.
“Good girl.” Your mouth dropped open slightly at his shameless assertiveness, a blush spreading across your cheeks. You couldn’t believe his forwardness, you thought, but you weren’t going to lie, it was fucking hot. Tommy grinned at you, turning his back to grab a bottle of whiskey and two glasses from the barcart in the corner of the room. He made his way back to his seat and placed the whiskey as well as the glasses on his desk, filling each and gesturing for you to sit with his hand. You sunk into the chair, legs crossed tightly in an attempt to relieve your throbbing core. You were absolutely fucked, you thought. Tommy opened a drawer, rifling through some papers before producing a contract typed in black ink.
“Cheers,” he offered you a glass of whiskey in one hand and a pen in the other. You accepted both, quickly rifling through the contract and scribbling your signature on the last page. Once you signed, your eyes flickered up to meet Tommy’s and he grinned, boyishly handsome yet devious.
“To new beginnings,” he said, offering his glass to clink against yours. You downed the whiskey in one gulp as Tommy looked on, blue eyes drinking you in.
“Nervous, darling?” he drawled, puffing at his cigarette. You suddenly felt a rush of confidence you hadn’t before. You could play this game too, and if you were, you were going to do it well.
“No,” you shook your head, a shy smile playing at your lips. “Just want to get to the point, is all.”
Tommy chuckled. “A woman after my own heart, aye?” With every glance he gave you, you became more emboldened. Yet, the man was still your boss, and you were in no place to proposition him, so you had to play coy.
“If that’s what you’d like, Mr. Shelby,” you said, looking up at him through your eyelashes as you reached for your cigarette case, taking one out and lighting it, exhaling a small cloud of smoke. Tommy refilled his glass, taking a swig as he stood and made his way to a cabinet, retrieving a stack of papers. He made his way back to his seat, placing the pile in front of you.
“I need these transaction records typed up by Friday, end of the day. Can you do that?”
You nodded, pink-stained lips puffing at the butt of your cigarette. “Is that all, Mr. Shelby?”
Tommy’s eyes flickered towards your mouth, and he took another drink. “For now, yes. I’ll have John show you to your desk, yeah?”
“Yes, Mr. Shelby,” you responded politely, putting out your cigarette. You could feel Tommy’s eyes on you as you left the room. As soon as you closed the office door behind you, you almost let out a sigh of relief. You hadn’t realized how tightly you’d been pressing your legs together, and they almost felt shaky. You didn’t know how you were going to get through another day of this, let alone the rest of the week. Fuck me, you thought to yourself.
The rest of the weekdays flew by, as you kept yourself busy with not only the work Tommy had given you but also managing his appointments and relaying his messages to his two brothers and other various family members. You got on with everyone in the office relatively well, most likely at Ada’s enforcement. She could be very assertive, but that was normal, considering she was the only girl with 4 brothers.
Your contact with Tommy, though often, was all business. He would spend hours at his desk, frowning down at various papers and logs with his whiskey and a cigarette, long after the others had gone home. He would always send you home though, telling you to get some rest. Though he was assertive, you found him to be surprisingly sweet. He didn’t hold doors for you or anything like that, but you didn’t expect that; you knew your place in the company. However, he never kept you late if you looked exhausted and would do small things, like let Ada interrupt your work with whatever news or gossip she had, and never said a thing, just smiled. However, Ada’s chatter had gotten the better of you and it was already Friday.
Around 8pm, after most of the office had left for the day, you finally typed up the last transaction log, sighing with relief and slumping back in your chair for a brief moment before straightening up and smoothing out your plum-colored pencil skirt and white blouse. You flipped open your contact mirror, making sure your pinned-up hair looked acceptable before putting out your cigarette, gathering the pile of papers and log, and knocked on Tommy’s door.
“Come in, Y/N,” Tommy’s voice came through the door and you shivered, already nervous not only to be alone with him but also about the quality of your work. You pulled the door open, closing it behind you and walking up to Tommy’s desk, where he sat in a light grey three-piece suit reading through a folder. A pair of gold spectacles sat neatly on his face, and a cigarette hung loosely from his lips, making your mind wander.
“I have the papers you wanted typed up in the log, Mr. Shelby,” you spoke, clutching the book so tightly in your hand that you had to tell yourself to loosen your grip. “Is there somewhere you’d like me to put them?”
Tommy gestured with his right hand towards the desk, his eyes still trained on the files. “Set them on the desk, and stay.” You complied, standing in front of his desk, and Tommy closed the folder, placing it into a drawer and locking it, taking off his glasses and setting them down on his oak desk. He reached for the work you had completed, flipping through it and letting out a small grunt of approval. “Very good.”
A blush crept across your cheeks. “Thank you, Mr. Shelby,” you responded, trying to focus your mind on something other than the way he would look on top of you.
Tommy set the work aside, eyes now firmly trained on you. “Tell me something, Y/N,” he said, taking a draw from the cigarette in his mouth. “Have you ever been fucked?”
Your mouth dropped open in shock. “Mr. Shelby, I-”
Tommy chuckled, shooting his whiskey and refilling his glass from the bottle on his desk, leaning back in his chair. “I’m not asking if you’re a virgin. I’m asking you if you’ve ever been fucked, properly.”
Your face was a rose pink, and it wasn’t just from the embarrassment. “I don’t know what you mean, Mr. Shelby-”
“I think you do.” Tommy smirked at you, ice blue eyes tracing your figure. The heat between the two of you was practically unbearable, and you had to remind yourself to keep breathing.
“No, not really,” you whispered, thighs clenched together as your eyes met Tommy’s.
Tommy smiled, almost deviously. “I didn’t think so,” he said, taking another drag and putting the cigarette out as he stood, coming around his desk and leaning back against it, eyes still fixed on you. “Do you want to be?”
You almost couldn’t believe the words you were hearing. Yet, Tommy was here, in front of you, asking if you wanted to be fucked by him. “Yes.” The answer almost fell out of your mouth, and your knees felt weak. Tommy wasted no time in closing the distance between the two of you, pressing you up against the nearest wall as his lips met yours. The feeling of his body against yours was better than you had imagined, and as his hips met yours, you let out a soft moan into his mouth.
“Fuck,” Tommy growled, picking you up by your legs and placing you on his desk, sweeping all the papers off with a sweep of his arm. A glass crashed onto the ground but he didn’t care, tugging his shirt over his shoulders while you removed yours. He pulled you against him roughly as he reconnected his lips with yours, his cock pressed up against your damp underwear. He stopped kissing you to let you pull off your skirt, discarding it somewhere on the floor, leaving you in your black garters and underwear.
“Look at you,” Tommy groaned, palming his cock through his trousers as he stared at your touseled hair and swollen lips and the way you were breathing hard. “All fucking riled up for me already, and I haven’t even gotten you naked yet, aye?”
“Mr. Shelby, please sir,” you whined, eyes widening as you realized what you had just said. Tommy’s eyes, however, darkened as he stepped inches away from you.
“Is that how you want it, huh?” Tommy breathed down your neck and you shivered, his hand gently wrapping around your throat. “You want to be fucked on the boss’s desk?” He reached his other hand down to cup your cunt. You squirmed in protest, pushing yourself against his hand as he chuckled darkly.
“You going to be a good girl for me?” Tommy cajoled, pressing his palm against your clit. You moaned, nodding vigorously as you looked up at him through your eyelashes. He pulled your panties down, ripping your garters off and slipped a finger inside of you, making you cry out in response and clench around his fingers. He quickly joined that finger with another, pumping them in and out of you.
“Oh fuck,” you cried as you felt your release approaching. “Oh God, I’m gonna cum..”
“Cum for me then, pretty girl. Make a mess for me, yeah?” Tommy growled into your ear as you came all over his fingers. Tommy chuckled as you caught your breath, bringing his fingers to his mouth.
“God, you’re sweet,” he murmured, his eyes blown out with lust. Your breath hitched at his words and you kissed him, tasting yourself on his tongue. He pushed your back against the desk, unbuckling his pants and pulling out his cock before running the tip of it against your wet core.
“Please..” You squirmed against him in an attempt to get him to comply.
Tommy smirked. “What is it you want, huh?” You moaned in response, hips rocking up. Tommy’s hand made his way to your neck, holding it firmly yet not hard enough to bruise. “I wanna hear you say it, sweetheart. Maybe then I’ll give it to you.”
“Sir, please,” you cried out, hips still undulating. “I want your cock inside me.”
Tommy’s eyes dilated and he pushed himself inside of you, snapping his hips against yours at an unbelievable pace. Your eyes rolled back into your head and you were seeing stars, but you wanted everything he was willing to give you. He hadn’t even claimed you, yet you were already his. Your moans echoed throughout the office as he fucked you faster, your hands gripping at the desk, then scratching at his back. He didn’t seem to care about the marks, as he buried his face in your neck, nipping at the sensitive skin. You felt yourself coming close to the edge once again, and you tipped your head back, crying out as Tommy fucked you through your second, third, and fourth orgasm. He had you over the desk, up against the wall, even on the chair, and you didn’t care. You wanted it just as badly as he did. Finally, Tommy had you on your back on the couch, hand around your neck as he fucked you. Your eyes flickered up to meet his as you gasped.
“Please come in me, sir,” you gasped as Tommy grunted, setting an unrelenting pace.
“You’re mine,” he growled as he fucked into you. “Every inch. If I catch anyone here even looking at you, I swear to God, I’ll fucking kill them. You belong to me now, yeah?” He panted.
“I’m all yours,” you moaned at the thought.
“Mine,” he groaned, his cock twitching before he released inside of you, cum dripping down the backs of your thighs. It felt dirty, but you didn’t care. Tommy Shelby could make a mess of you in front of the entire World’s Fair and you wouldn’t protest.
After a moment of delirious silence, Tommy stood, lighting a cigarette and offering one to you. You took it graciously as he sat next to you, leaning back into the crushed velvet.
“So,” he said, blue eyes looking into yours, “I ripped your garters.” He reached into his discarded pants’ pocket, pulling out a 10 pound note from a huge stack and offering it to you.
“So you can buy new ones,” he spoke, taking a drag from his cigarette.
You accepted it, taking a drag from your cigarette. “So, would this make me a whore now?”
Tommy chuckled. “We’re all whores, Y/N. We just sell different parts.” He took a puff from his cigarette, exhaling softly. “But now, you’re with me. You’re going to have to get used to nicer things, yeah?” His eyes traced your figure before coming back to yours, smiling softly.
“If you say so, Mr. Shelby,” you smiled shyly before putting your cigarette out in the ashtray on the table and retrieving your discarded clothing from around the room, putting it on one piece at a time. You could feel Tommy’s eyes on you as he drank from his glass, and you liked it. Before you could start to make your way to the door, Tommy quickly pressed you up against his desk in a passionate kiss.
He broke the kiss, smirking slightly. “I’ll call you tomorrow, yeah?”
You looked up at him inquisitively. “But I haven’t even given you my number.”
Tommy grinned. “Don’t worry, darling, I’ll get it,” he said, eyes drifting after your figure as you headed for the door. Before you left, you looked up into his ice blue eyes. “Goodnight, Mr. Shelby,” you smiled.
“Goodnight, Y/N,” Tommy responded. You closed the door behind you, taking a deep breath after you left his office, already craving his touch on you again.
Tommy Shelby was going to be the goddamn death of you.
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lokislastlove · 3 years
Come One, Come All (dark!Loki x reader)
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Summary: A girls night out to the fair takes an insidious turn.
Warnings: Noncon/Rape, knife play, oral (m&f), smut, bondage, kidnapping.
This is a dark fic! 18+ ONLY! Explicit Adult content. Please READ THE WARNINGS! Do not continue if these matters upset you!
Authors Note: I wrote another one! No idea where this came from, but it was fun to write. Still working on improving my smut, huge thanks to @darkficsyouneveraskedfor for some tips and editing the shit out of it. 😘 also I know there is a creepy clown in the pic but I feel like I have to say there aren’t any clowns in the fic. I hate clowns.
Chapter 1:
It was the kind of summer night you dream about, warm enough to keep you comfortable in your shorts and peasant top, but with a light breeze that keeps you cool enough to fight the flush of alcohol in your veins. You look forward to these moments when you are able to go out with your girlfriends and let loose, forgetting about all life’s responsibilities, if just for a single night.
“Come on!” Ash calls over her shoulder, her hand tight around your wrist pulling you impatiently.
“Aww but that looks so good” you groan as you press your face longingly against the glass barrier of the hand dipped corn dog cart.
The sweet scent of the frying corn dough wafts tantalizingly through the air making your mouth water. You friends laugh at your theatrics, having just helped you scarf down a large sugary funnel cake and a platter of nachos, the evidence of which still stains the corner of your mouth. Really, it was their fault for getting you tipsy before taking you to the county fair, everything just smelled heavenly and if you could you would try one of everything.
“Just a slushee?!” You beg as Jen steps behind you and pushes you out of the food court, giggling the entire time.
“Come on, fight the drunchies! You promised you would try that new funhouse,” Jen whines, looping her arm through yours, Ash doing the same on the other side.
“Oh yeah,” you grumble.
“Oh stop it” Ash scolds playfully. “Everyone at work keeps talking about it - it’s like a mini escape room! And I’ve always wanted to do one, please.” She rants excitedly before giving you her best puppy dog eyes.
“Ugh that’s cheating. No one can resist those big brown eyes” you pout, but yield as easily as they knew you would.
“I know” Ash smirks, tossing back her long silky black hair over her slender shoulder.
“This is gonna be so much fun, I promise” Jen bumps your hip, giving you a wide encouraging smile.
You manage a strained grin as you let them lead you through the crowd. It’s not that you don’t like funhouses or the idea of doing an escape room, having always loved solving riddles and doing puzzles. It’s just you don’t like clowns, and every funhouse in your experience has at least one.
“Oh damn there’s a line!” Jen moans as you all stop in front of a large structure covered in flashing lights, the ominous ‘Tricksters Trap’ bathing your face in a violent red glow.
Garish contrasting colors somehow both attract your eye and make it hard to look at. Your pupils dilate with the lines of fluorescent bulbs burning into your retinas. The stereotypical circus music blares through the cheap speakers, reminding you of one of those old Jack in the box toys. And of course, without fail, was the obligatory clown statue hanging over the entrance, like some creepy sentinel there to guide you to your inevitable demise.
“Ugh fucking clowns” you grimace as you pass by the entrance, heading toward the end of the line.
“Yeah they definitely nailed the creep factor,” Jen agrees, her eyes shining with nervous excitement.
“I know isn’t it great?!” Ash squeals.
You stand there taking in the horrific detailing painted on the side of the metal structure. You are thankful when Ash explains there is a time limit, only ten minutes to complete the puzzle or else they kick you out and you have to try again. If you figure out the puzzle you get to leave through the mirror maze and you earn the coveted “I tricked the Trickster” sticker.
“Gotta get that sticker, or else that bitch Katie at work will never let me forget that she got one and I didn’t” Ash complains, causing you and Jen to share a look and snicker.
“Hey! Don’t laugh, this is serious! We gotta be smart and figure this out, failure is not an option” she urges dramatically before collapsing into drunken giggles with you and Jen.
“You ladies seem eager to prove yourselves,” slithers a low voice.
Startled you gasp and spin around quickly. The three of you look up at the tall lean figure standing behind you. He wears a perfectly tailored black ensemble, that matches the color of his slicked back hair. His eyes practically glow green against his alabaster complexion. His sharp cheekbones and angular jaw make your breath hitch, causing his thin lips to curve into a sinister smirk. He is stunning.
“Um, yeah. Well this place has the whole town buzzin’. Seems like everyone is talking about it” Jen is the first to speak.
“Ah I see. Wouldn’t want to miss your chance to take a stab at it” the mysterious man surmised, eyes focused on you.
“We got this shit. Right guys?” Ash assures him as she playfully smacks you and Jen.
“Well, I guess we’ll find out. Good luck,” he challenges with a raise of a brow.
You stare after him as he saunters away without another word. His hips and shoulders sway smoothly, his soft footsteps giving him a dangerous almost feline vibe, like he could rival even the most deadly of predators. As he turns to round the corner of the ride he takes one last look over his shoulder at you. Your eyes lock for only a fraction of a second but it’s enough to send a chill down your spine.
“That was weird, right?” You mutter, eyes still transfixed where he disappeared.
“Eh, just another creepy dude. If I had a nickel for every weirdo who tries to chat me up…” Jen jokes.
“You’d have like a whole 50 cents,” sasses Ash.
You are finally broken from your daze when Ash is pushed into you. You laugh and try to brush off the lingering effect of the handsome stranger, shifting your focus back to your friends. The line goes by quicker than expected, with only one group out of the three ahead of you making it out with stickers. The losing groups return to the line from a back door, bickering about where they went wrong.
Finally it is your turn. Ash claps her hands excitedly, dancing up the metal stairs to the costumed man at the entrance. His red and white stripped suit is expertly torn and painted with fake blood to make him look as intimidating as possible. With a tip of his top hat he welcomes the three of you and begins to explain the rules in his well practiced accent.
“Come one come all to the Tricksters Trap, if you’re feeling lost, just go find the map.” He sings with flair and a perfectly timed bow, directing you to the inauspicious black door.
Taking a deep breath you follow your squealing friends into the darkened hallway. Pausing to look back as the door creaks shut, cutting off the jovial sounds of laughter and chatter with a sudden slam. You flinch at the loud noise and turn back to the dim hallway. The short corridor is lined with wall to wall green velvet curtains barely visible with the green rope lights running along the ceiling.
“Guys?” You whisper when you don’t see them next to you, causing your heart rate to quicken
You call for them again, this time louder, your feet unwilling to move from the spot. It has only been thirty seconds and you are already about to call it quits. Get a grip. You take a hesitant step forward.
“You guys?!” You call shakily.
“Hey! Come on we found the map!” Jen pokes her head from around the corner at the end of the hall.
She disappears just as quickly, waving her arm for you to follow. You breathe a sigh of relief and rush after her. You enter a large room filled with all sorts of random objects. It’s as if it is designed to overload your senses. The green from the hall carried on into the room, more velvet green curtains hung on the walls that were not obstructed by shelves of books or other oddities. You saw everything from perfectly aligned glass jars filled with alien looking creatures, grandfather clocks, to treasure chests overflowing with grizzled toys.
Jen and Ash are hunched over a table with a map spread out smoothly. It was easy enough to see it was a map of the room and hallway, with what appeared to be three small rooms hidden along the wall behind the heavy green drapery. You go over and pull back a curtain and find a locked door, the other two also hiding a locked door.
“Ok so it looks like we gotta find a way to open these doors” you offer, your anxiety calming a bit as you focus on the mystery at hand.
“Hey look there is some sort of code over here by the lock on the door.” Ash hollers excitedly.
You each pick a door code and frantically search the room. It doesn’t take long for you to figure out you need to use the books on the large shelf along one wall. The first number tells you the book the second refers to a specific page. You find a slip of paper in the book with a riddle written in a blood red ink.
“I make two people out of one” You read aloud.
“You can hold me in one hand, but I’m used to fill the room” Ash reads hers, her face twisting in concentration.
You both look to Jen, “I have two hands, but I can’t clap.”
“Damn no wonder so many people failed, definitely wish I wasn’t drunk right now” Ash laughs.
“No no we can do this, it’s probably items in the room so let’s just focus. We’ll do one at a time.” You assert, pacing the room and trying to take in all the random objects.
“Two hands…” you mutter as you stop in front of a large grandfather clock. “Clocks have hands!” You yell excitedly and open the narrow door.
The heavy pendulums swing inside and you see a shining silver glint off the rounded golden end. You pull off the small silver key, stuck on by a tiny magnet, and jump in excitement.
“Holy crap! You’re a genius!” Jen exclaims running over to take the key and try it in the door.
The key slides in smoothly and the door opens with a gratifying click.
“Woo! Keep going, you are on a roll!” Ash claps as she cheers you on.
“Ok, ok” you giggle before taking a deep breath. “Two people out of one… maybe a camera? Or wait…” you realize as you stare at Ash currently checking her makeup in an antique mirror hung between two curtains.
“Ash! Try pulling on that mirror!” You yell pointing frantically at the mirror in front of her.
Her brows knit together briefly before understanding, grabbing the frame and tugging gently until it swings open, revealing a key hung on the wall.
“Yes!” You all shriek together.
Suddenly, the lights flicker and a loud maniacal cackle reverberates through the surround sound speaker, turning your elation into yelps of surprise.
“Two minutes left” a familiar polished voice echoes forebodingly throughout the room.
“Shit, that scared the crap out of me” Jen laughs clutching at her chest.
The warning gives you pause, managing to shift the spirit of the whole room. Ash giggles nervously as she watches the lights of the room transition from their previous dim yellow light to a menacing red hue. The mood lighting in addition to the increasing volume of the horror soundtrack playing over the speaker helps to put you back into your initial anxious state.
“Seriously? Is this fucking necessary?” You curse, shaking your head.
“Ok let’s get the last one guys! We can still do this!” Jen yells through the cacophony of sound effects.
“Yeah what can we fit in our hand but somehow also fills the room?” Ash reiterated the final riddle.
“These red lights make it so much harder to see” Jen complains bitterly as she rummages through the items inside a large chest.
“Lights… Jen that’s it! A lightbulb!” A smile breaks out on your face as you figure out the final clue.
“Look up there!” Ash points to a solitary darkened light bulb screwed into the ceiling.
“I got it.” Jen jumps onto the table and reaches up, unscrewing it quickly. “There is a key inside!” She shouts.
She unscrews the bottom of the fake lightbulb and received the key before handing it to Ash. Each of you run over to the corresponding doors and turn the key, squealing in delight when they all slide open.
“Is that it?” Jen asks looking into the cramped dark space behind the door.
It was little more than a closet. Barely enough room for each of you to stand in. You were at a loss. You could have sworn that would be the end.
“Guys there is a lever here on the back wall of mine, how about yours?” Ash’s muffled voice calls from inside her closet.
“Oh yeah mine too!” Jen replies.
“Do you think we have to pull them at the same time? ‘Cus mine did nothing when I tried it” Ash says poking her head out to look at you.
“Thirty seconds!” That haunting voice booms again as a tick clock sounds through the speakers, counting down your final moments.
“Ok let’s try it together!” You nod at both of them, before stepping into the tight dark space.
“THREE! TWO! ONE!” You shout, mirroring your friends calls, pulling down your lever with a snap.
There is a moment of silence as the lights of the room behind you suddenly go dark, the music and sound effects cutting off instantly.
“Did we get it?!” You yell.
You don’t get the chance to hear your friends response as the wood door slams behind you, locking you into the small space.
Tags: @darkficsyouneveraskedfor @caffiend-queen
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