#i was following my group down passed the stage--it was a big building and the downstairs is where we were booked
niki-phoria · 1 year
hello! i would like to ask whether you can write OT5 txt reaction to you attending their concert (separate story for each member) , while being an idol yourself! preferably its already an established relationship with them, and you’re a ‘hyung’ (he/him) to them ! tysm!!
-💚 anon
⋆。°✩ txt reaction - their idol bf going to their concert
includes: older male reader (use of hyung), established relationship, tried my best to make these as different as possible while also keeping it an idol au, reactions are so hard to write but they're also usually my favs idk
a/n: thank you for requesting !! i hope you like it :))
male idol reader (he/him pronouns used)
requests open !! read my rules first
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⋆。°✩ soobin
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(word count 375)
you find yourself brightly smiling up at the stage as the lights slowly come up once again to fully illuminate the boy’s. your eyes immediately find soobin as he stands near the edge of the stage, excitedly waving to moas in the crowd. his faux blonde locks frame his face perfectly. 
soobin turns on his heel after a few seconds to join the other boy’s in the center of the stage. the camera focuses on kai as they quickly do their group greeting and bow to the crowd before it switches to taehyun as he begins talking. 
“thank you all so much for coming today,” he smiles. “we are incredibly grateful to have the opportunity to perform for you all.” 
you can see him glance down into the crowd at you with a quick nod before yeonjun begins speaking. “actually, before we continue on, we have a surprise for soobin.” 
you stifle a chuckle as your boyfriend perks up at the mention of his name. he turns to face yeonjun with a questioning glance. “me?” 
the cheers of the audience around you grow louder as the camera switches once again, this time showing you on the big screen. yeonjun simply nods before pointing behind him. your smile grows as you watch soobin slowly take in the sight before him. his eyes widen as he turns back to the crowd; this time he catches you almost immediately. 
“hyung?” you bring a hand up to wave, accidentally spurring the audience on even more. soobin’s cheeks flush a light pink as he smiles down at you. “hi jagi.” unable to answer him verbally, you raise your hands together to form a hand heart. soobin’s laugh plays through the loudspeakers before he replicates the action in your direction. 
“thank you for coming tonight,” he smiles. “i’ll see you backstage.” you dramatically blow a kiss up in his direction as kai chuckles. soobin repeats the action back to you before beomgyu interrupts. 
“stop being so cute,” he playfully whines. “we have a concert to finish.” 
despite his complaints, soobin winks down at you before fully turning his attention back to the crowd, though you don’t miss his occasional glances and smiles in your direction for the rest of the night.
⋆。°✩ yeonjun
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(word count 384)
you adjust the black mask concealing most of your face as you follow the crowd to your seat. the venue is a large building; rows of seats stretch as far as you can see, wrapping around a center stage in the middle. you tug the sleeves of yeonjun’s hoodie further over your hands as you play with the fabric to pass the time. 
“y/n?” the timid voice of a young girl next to you catches your attention. you turn to face her, smiling a little when she nervously steps closer. “my seat is right next to yours,” she murmurs. after a few moments of silence, she looks up at you. “are you here for yeonjun-oppa?” 
you nod. “it’s a surprise.” you kneel down to whisper to her when the boy’s walk onto the stage for the soundcheck. “can you keep the secret?” 
her smile grows when you step back. she nods eagerly before holding her hand out for a pinky promise. you link your fingers together momentarily before turning your attention to yeonjun. he’s wearing one of your hoodies and a pair of jeans. messy locks frame his face as he brings the mic up to his lips to sing his part of the chorus. 
kai is the first person to notice you. he smiles brightly, discreetly waving down at you. the girl next to you excitedly glances between you and kai. 
your eyes drift back to yeonjun as you patiently wait for him to see you. he wanders around the stage, waving down at the audience and effortlessly singing his lines of each song. his deep voice plays clearly over the loudspeakers. 
after a few minutes, yeonjun walks over to the right side of the stage where you’re standing. you watch as his eyes meet yours momentarily before he freezes. kai laughs as you smile brightly at him, tugging your mask down. 
“hyung!” you step closer to the barricade as he jumps down off of the stage to meet you. yeonjun doesn’t waste any time in wrapping his arms around you, nearly tackling you into a tight hug. you laugh as he clings to you, only pulling away enough to brush your hand against his cheek. 
“surprise,” you whisper. yeonjun’s smile grows before he reaches forwards, pulling you into a sweet kiss.
⋆。°✩ beomgyu
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(word count 311)
the cheers of the audience only grow louder as you trace the familiar hallways leading from backstage towards the main stage of the venue hall. you tug the sleeves of your jacket down further over your hands as you push open the doors where the audience is seated. 
it’s easy enough to slip past them towards the front of the barricade where you can fully see the stage. the big screens flash with a familiar opening sequence announcing the next group set to perform - tomorrow by together. 
your smile grows as the cheers from the audience become louder when the lights dim. the venue is illuminated by the glow from thousands of lightsticks as far as you can see. you watch as the silhouettes of five people filter onto the stage before they get into their positions. a few seconds later the lights come back up and the beginning few notes of “crown” begin to play over the loudspeakers. it’s an exhilarating feeling - watching the love of your life perform on stage for hundreds of thousands of people. 
beomgyu spots you in the crowd almost immediately. you watch as his smile grows from one of awe at the crowd surrounding them to one of love when his eyes meet yours. the camera switches from filming yeonjun to him as he winks down at you. you laugh as the audience around you begins screaming at the simple action, though both of you are aware that it was meant for you. 
the performance goes smoothly; the boy’s dance expertly and their vocals play clearly over the loudspeakers though you notice beomgyu continuously glancing your way. your attention remains fixated on him as soobin comes on the screen for the ending fairy when the song ends. you smile when he discreetly flashes a finger heart to the camera, winking down at you once again.
⋆。°✩ taehyun
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(word count 402)
“hi hyung,” taehyun sighs over the phone. 
“hey jagi,” you smile. “how are you feeling?” 
“a little tired. we’re about to head on stage.”
you hope he can’t hear the growing excitement in your voice as you glance back over your shoulder at the growing amounts of people filtering into the concert hall. “you’ll do great tonight. just like you always do.” 
“thank you.” 
you furrow your eyebrows when a beat of silence passes over the line. “is everything okay?” 
“yeah, yeah,” he says. “it’s just… i miss you.” 
you bite back a sigh of your own as you move further away from the crowd around you. “i miss you too.” your heart nearly breaks when another moment of silence passes. “we’ll see each other soon, okay? i promise.” 
“okay. i love you.”
“i love you too.” 
you shove your phone back into your pocket as you turn your attention back to the stage. the lights slowly dim down to leave you in the darkness. a manager steps forwards, calling you over with a small gesture from her hand. 
you follow after her, ducking underneath the stage and making your way up the steps to stand at the edge. you can see taehyun clearly at the new angle. your breath hitches when you’re finally able to see him in person once again. 
the song ends before you know it has. the boy’s hold their ending position for a few seconds as the cheers from the audience grow even louder. they gather in a line in the center of the stage to briefly address the crowd before moving on to the next song. 
soobin glances over at you, giving you your cue - a quick nod. “as many of you know, our taehyun has been seeing y/n for almost a full year now.” you chuckle when he turns to look at him with a confused glance. “their anniversary is today, so, as a surprise…” 
the cheers from the crowd only continue to grow louder as you step out onto the stage to reveal yourself. taehyun stares at you in shock for a few seconds. you smile brightly, laughing when he runs at you, throwing himself onto your body and all but tackling you into a hug. 
“i missed you so much,” he whispers into your neck. 
you pat his back, pressing a small kiss against his cheek. “i missed you too, jagi.”
⋆。°✩ huening kai
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(word count 397) i'm so in love with him help
you can see the moment kai notices you immediately: his eyes light up with an unmistakable joy, jaw dropping slightly before his lips curl upwards into a familiar bright smile. yeonjun walks over next to him, patting his shoulder as he waves down at you. 
you return the gesture quickly before pressing your hands together in a hand heart towards kai. he laughs, smile somehow growing as he flashes one in return. you can hear the cheers of the audience grow louder around you, though his eyes never leave yours. 
the concert ends smoothly like it usually does. the boy’s continue waving towards the audience with bright smiles as they’re slowly lowered backstage and the audience slowly begins filtering out of the venue. 
you wait for the crowd to dissipate a little before slowly making your way down the steps towards the barricade. “hey y/n,” the guard greets you with a smile and some small talk as she leads you along. “it was good to see you,” she says.
“you too,” you call before entering the hallway that leads to the backstage area. 
kai immediately rushes to your side, quick to wrap his arms around you in a tight hug. “hyung!”
“hi jagi,” you chuckle, gently patting his back. kai leans his body weight against you, letting you support him. he’s still wearing his stage outfit and his hair is slightly disheveled from hours of vigorous performing. a mixture of the heat from the stage lights and the hours of dancing has culminated in exhaustion quickly setting into his body. “tired?” 
kai hums against you. “very.”
you press a kiss against his cheek, tightening your grip around him a little. “you were incredible up there,” you whisper. “your confidence has really improved.” 
“you think so?” kai pulls away just enough to look at you, though his arms remain wrapped around your body. with his face now visible you can see just how tired he is despite his makeup. 
you bring a hand up to brush against his cheek, gently stroking your thumb against his soft skin. “of course.” 
he smiles as he pulls you into a sweet kiss. his lips are slightly chapped, something you mentally note to remind him of later. your smiles grow when he pull away before wrapping an arm around your waist. “come on. the hyungs will be happy to see you.”
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rayleigh2837 · 1 year
backstage access.
scenario : (hobie x fem!reader) you came to a concert by yourself, as lonely as that seems none of your friends like the band that was playing. so you came by your self, and bought backstage passes.
authors note : this is my first time writing on the website:) so i hope you enjoy it and i’m so sorry if i fuck some things up lmao. taking requests as well sense that’s a thing on here?😭🙏 pls bare with me
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after a little while you get up near the stage, the concert hasn’t started yet and more people flooded in. a group of teenagers chanting “hobie hobie!” there strong accents canceling out the h in his name. you turned back to the stage. it wasn’t as crowded as you thought it would be when it started. you looked up at his dark brown eyes. he was your favorite out of the band. the drums start playing, the. he strums along. the singer adjusts his mic and yells out.but the whole time ur eyes were on hobie, because who wasn’t staring at him? you were sure he could tell the way ur eyes lit up. and you swore he gave me a few glances. as the 2nd song went on the music builded up, and he stared right at you before having a bit of a “beat drop!!!” moment. after the concert was over , people cheered and threw flowers on stage. which was kinda weird sense u haven’t see people do that- only in shows. then almost half of the stadium left and others made it back stage, except for you. your dumbass got lost and had to ask someone for directions, so you were at the back of the line. great huh? as you got closer you saw more members of the little meet and greet leave sense it was getting late. but hobie didn’t leave, and that’s what sorta mattered. there was just one more person infront of you. and boy was she hot. she had this beautiful long hair with a tight sparkly dress. if hobie ever liked putting labels on stuff he would for sure call the girl infront of you his girlfriend. you thought. she then turned back and smiled at you before walking off.. shit. your dumbass didn’t even know what to say. damn u always fuck things up🤦‍♀️ his beautiful brown eyes looked at you. “oi big steppa!” he exclaimed. he was so energetic no matter how late it was. “ what’s ya name?”
* you sorta froze for a minute. he snapped his fingers infront of your face. you looked hella stupid now. “ i’m sorry- uhm i’m y/n.” he smirked. “ well your a real bonnie are’nt you?” ( no not the fnaf character. it means beautiful 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️) “ how are ya doll? sad some members left before you came ‘round.” his strong accent made you a bit confused. he could tell by the look u have in your eyes. “ oh yeah. i’m fine - i’m a big fan.” real creative… i’m sure he hasn’t heard of that before “a-and i love your hair and your pins!!” you rambled on about him and you thought you were annoying him but when you looked back up from your daze about him he was leaning back, smiling and following along. “say, wad’cha want me to walk ya home? it’s late, ‘m wouldn’t mind to swing ‘round your place to make sure your safe and all.” woah. HOBIE BROWN? making sure YOUR gonna be safe? you looked at your phone. it was 12:32 am. shit! you nodded and you both excited the stadium through a back door. you pointed in the directions your apartment was. you and him got infront of your building before turning around. he handed you one of his pins “just so you don’ forget ‘me.” ..as if you could ever forget him. you could feel your face become red. you grabbed the pin from him. but your dumbass was struggling to put it on. he chuckled at you, he grabbed the collar of your shirt, making you look up at him as he bend down. you noticed you guys were hella close. you could feel his breathing on your neck. you knew you had a fat crush on him but holy-.. he wasn’t looking at you, instead looking at your chest ( and sadly not in THAT way) , he was putting the pin on for you. you thanked him. and walked off. you turned around, then quickly ran back hugging him tightly. he wasn’t much of a hug guy but he took it.
did y’all like that??🤷‍♀️ idk what i should do IF i make a part 2.
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haerinari · 11 months
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PAIRING: idol!jake x nonidol!fem!reader
GENRE: smut, phone sex, masturbation, dirty talk, fingering.
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it was a common day in your life, except because you didn’t have your boyfriend with you. Jake was on a world tour, he left half month ago, leaving you alone for days.
you were scrolling to your phone on jake’s chat, reading the cute messages that he send you every time. “i love you”, “good night princess”, “see you tomorrow gorgeous”, “you are the love of my life”. you were so in love with him, and he was with you.
you decide to also scroll in the old photos that were on your chat, cute pictures of you two on dates, selfies Jake send you every time he went on stage, what he ate on the day, and some pictures with his group members.
you keep scrolling and scrolling, smiling at how cute jake looked in every photo. until you scroll a little bit more and found some old photos of half month ago of jake’s dick. you remember that day perfectly. Jake was on the HYBE building and you were on a family vacation, he was so horny that day that he ended sending you pictures of his cute dick.
oh how you missed jake’s touch. did was the only negative part about dating him, distance. but when you remember his touch, how his big hands cupped your tits, how his dick stretch your pussy walls so well.
your hands started to travel down your body, touching slowly your tits and going down to your shorts. you began to unbutton your shorts, putting your hands inside your panties and starting to touch your pussy slowly. one of your fingers travelled all the way down your slit, feeling how wet you were just by looking at your boyfriend’s dick. you began to rub circles on your clit while your other hands was passing through all the pictures of jake’s dick.
you inserted one of your fingers inside your soaking cunt, enjoying how it felt, then you put another one inside. you started to imagine that it was jake’s fingers instead of yours, how well they would stretch you if he was here with you. you threw you phone aside, paying more attention to the rhythm your fingers were following. doing it faster and harder, trying to reach your orgasm. you couldn’t stop moaning jake’s name, al what you wanted was him to fuck you.
barely screaming, you were just about to cum, when suddenly…
“hello love, how are you doing?” a voice said.
“hello? y/n are you there?”
oh god
“jake! hi, how are you?” you said nervously grabbing your phone from the other side of the bed. did you called him by accident?
“very good, are you okay? you sound like if you had run like 1 kilometers” he said with a worried voice.
fuck, you orgasm was gone. but you needed to cum so bad that you started tu run your thighs together, hoping to create some friction that could finally make you cum.
“yes, i was just— i was just, yes” you said trying to sound normally. you were breathing heavy and you could feel how hot your body was becoming. something about touching yourself while jake was one the phone make the situation a little bit more exciting.
“fuck jake, i just miss you so, so much” you told him, leaving your phone aside on the bed.
“y/n are you… are touching yourself?” he asked.
“god, this is so embarrassing”
“are you missing me that much?” he said with an obvious smile on his voice.
“yes” you answered.
“but are you missing me, or are you missing the was my cock makes you feel?” he told you.
“don’t do this to me jake, please” you begged.
“c’mom, keep touching yourself pretty. show me how much you miss me” he said.
you did what jake told you. once again, your fingers traveled between your thighs, touching you cunt feeling a hat you were starting to feel more wet than before. your other hand traveled under your t-shirt, touching one of your boobs and pinching your nipples softly.
“describe to me what are you doing princess”
“uhhm— with one of my hands i’m pinching my nipples and the other is on my puss” you explained.
“okay, now i want you to start doing circles on your clit, make yourself feel good” he said.
you did exactly what he told you, rubbing small circles on your clit and whimpering softly.
“that’s my girl” he said. “i love hearing you moan every time. imagine is my fingers rubbing your soaking wet pussy, imagine that i’m right there with you”
“ohh~ fuck…”
“put two of your fingers inside that pretty pussy, fuck yourself with your fingers”
you did just as he told you, putting two of your fingers inside you cunt and fucking yourself faster every time.
“it feels so good, jake. fuck i wish you were fucking the brains out of me right now” you said trying to catch your breath.
“go faster y/n, rub your clit with your thumb while you’re fucking yourself. imagine my tongue all over your wet pussy, licking every single part of it. slurping and making all those wet sounds with my tongue and your juices that you love. remember how well my fingers stretch your tight cunt walls that i love. and how good my dick would make you feel”
with this you wouldn’t last any longer.
“because that’s what you want, don’t you y/n? being fuck like the slut you are. begging me to please let you cum like you always do. do you want to cum y/n? do you want to cum princess?” he said.
“yes yes, please” you gasped.
“then do it, fuck yourself like you never had before”
and with that you fingers began to move faster and faster, fucking yourself you never had before. you feel a tight knot on your stomach, your legs started shaking like jelly and all your juices came out of your pussy like crazy.
“fuck, yes jake! ohh fuck” you moaned. your breath was heavy and your heart was beating like crazy.
“just wait until i come back to you…” he said
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angelosearch · 7 months
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Six years ago, I went to the most magical concert of my life.
Cher has always been one of my favorite artists, and why wouldn't she be? A power ballad diva with a disco/techno vibe? One of the most iconic voices of all time? Outfits always on point? Plus she's as funny as all get out too.
My best friend and I were going to see her, even though we were broke young adults. We were in the nose-bleediest of the nose bleeds, but we were excited anyway. Before the show, we went thrifting to build perfectly Cher-ical concert outfits. Me in a purple crushed velvet croptop, chiffon skirt with silver detailing, and fishnets, and he in an artsy shirt with Cher's face on it he just happened to find, and every shiny piece of jewelry he could muster.
As we walked arms-linked into the venue and took several escalators to our section, we noticed a man strangely following us. It was unnerving. We just figured he happened to be seated near us. When we finally arrived, the group of older women sitting behind us clucked some hellos and then continued their conversation about how bad the seats are.
We hadn't settled into a seats fully when the man from before walked into the row in front of us and turned to say something.
"You look like big Cher fans."
"Y-yes?" My friend replied nervously. Oh course we were, we were at her concert, weren't we?
"How would you like to see her front row?"
We traded stunned expressions.
"I'm her tour manager," the man said. He took two tickets from out of his pocket. "We have two empty seats up there and it would be great if you could fill them."
Now this felt like some Princess Diaries bullshit. I don't think we believed him, but we followed him down to where the seats were... inches from the stage.
"Have fun," he said nonchalantly as he passed off the tickets. As if he didn't just literally hand us the night of our lives.
Needless to say, the concert was incredible. Cher is a very theatrical and high-energy performer with great crowd work and cool sets. We were on our feet, singing and dancing the entire night. I remember saying to my friend, "I want to look like that when I am 70." To which he responded, "I want to look like that now."
So the moral of the story is, if you love an artist, always go all-out on your concert outfit. You never know who will notice/appreciate your enthusiasm.
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twilightmalachite · 1 year
Altered - Heaven and Hell 14
Author: Akira
Characters: Natsume, Eichi
Translator: Mika Enstars
"I have to beat you to the punch every time you come at me. Seeing you crawl up to my feet makes me feel like I’m dealing with the ugly and stupid self I used to be."
Season: Winter
Location: Sidewalk In Front of the ES Building Underground Stage
⚠️ This is an import from a unproofed Twitter Livetweet!
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Present day, on the second day of OO. Sidewalk in front of the ES Building Underground Stage, OO Venue 1
Natsume: Tenshouin Eichi.
…-senpai. Can I talk with you a momeNT?
Eichi: Fufu. You changed your attitude because there are people around. You know how to be smart when you need to be; as you’ve always been.
However, there’s no need to use honorifics without respect. Your sarcasm outweighs it.
Natsume: Of course I’m being sarcastic about iT.
Or do you think you have a reason to be respected by mE?
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Eichi: Of course, I believe I do, actually. We are similar to each other.
And so, we judge by the same rules. And following that method of judgment, how different are we?
I am superior to you. I am the embodiment of your ideals; a top-notch conspirator and idol. Much like me, you are the kind of person who wants everything to dance in the palm of your hand.
And so, you cannot help but envy me. Just looking at me gives you a sense of inferiority.
But as I have hurt your beloved big brothers in the past, you always look at me in a way that is filled with murderous intent.
That’s good of you. I genuinely like that part of you.
I have to beat you to the punch every time you come at me. Seeing you crawl up to my feet makes me feel like I’m dealing with the ugly and stupid self I used to be.
It feels great.
So, I suppose I should be thanking you, Sakasaki-kun.
I’m glad that you’re alive.
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Natsume: You are really the absoluTE, utter worST.
You’re just trying to provoke me in such an overt way that will make me refuse to talk to yoU, thouGH. Because I want to talk to you about something you don’t want me to talk aboUT.
Eichi: Oh, I guess you’ve also grown up a little bit.
If it had been back during the war, you would have already turned red in the face and left, or have thrown something at me.
Natsume: Just what do you know about mE?
Eichi: I don’t need to know you to understand. As I said, you and I are very similar.
Fufu, oh how I wish I could continue our idle banter like this, but unfortunately, I am quite busy with my own business.
I cannot concern myself with you forever. If you have something you need, then I would appreciate it if you’d hurry and get it over with.
Why is it you’re here to see me on a day like this?
Just so you know, after us Ring.A.Bell got bored on day one, today, on day two, we each will be competing under the name of another temporary unit.
Keito in DEADMANZ, Tsukinaga-kun in Knight Killers, so on and so forth.
Natsume: Aren’t you also a member of Knight Killers?
Eichi: Yup. Tsukinaga-kun innocently asked me if I wanted to participate. I’m not feeling well, however, so I had to give it a pass.
But this time around Knight Killers appears to have some newcomers from Knights participating, so it’s become quite a big group—
So well, they have enough in numbers, so they’ll be able to join even if I’m not there.
In this age without conflict, the knights, the experts in the art of warfare, have nowhere to go.
Having been released into the wild, the men all joined together, swelling into a mercenary group called the Knight Killers.
It’s quite an interesting situation, isn’t it? Seems to me this phenomenon will persist even after OO.
Natsume: Here you are casually avoiding the topic agaIN. I can’t get through to yOU.
I can’t play games with you forevER. You’re looking rather paLE, it’d be troublesome if you ended up dying because I kept you talking for too loNG.
So, I’ll lay down my trump card heRE.
This mysterious unit known as “Altered” causing a stir around OO are actually former members of fine.
The nameless angeLS, the ignored and forgotten existences who never were able to show themselvES.
Eichi: Correct. You’re well-informed.
Natsume: Altered is a rumored existence that originates from the internet.
As the head of SSVRS, I have easy access to anything related to the internet.
The internet is my territoRY. So if anythiNG, I feel it was a trap laid out for mE, someone whose forte is scouring the nET, rather than being an overt way to disseminate informatiON.
Eichi: Also correct. Amazing, you’re so smart, Sakasaki-kun. Good boy, good boy. ♪
Natsume: … …
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elitebuster2012 · 2 years
Penetrating the Double Zero: Part 3
(Here's the third part, and as far as I've written so far, as usual Characters and setting belong to @constellor, and feel free to follow to catch further chapters! TW: Suggestive)
    As the ship eased away from the hanger, doors closing behind it, Karo joined Orion in the cockpit, clipping the last of a couple earrings onto his ears. “By the way, you forgot this in the bathroom.” He dropped a crumpled up piece of paper onto the pirate’s lap. 
    “Wha?” He blushed after unfolding the centerfold of Karo lounging seductively on a bearskin rug. “Oh…Whoops? He chuckled as the ranger rolled his eyes, guiding the ship on its journey.
    “So then, Mr. Pirate, what’s your plan? You know that Don Vorban is gonna skin you alive if he catches you…like, literally. Nicolas Cage would be jealous.”
    Orion sighed, an unusually serious look on his face. “Yeah, I know. Look, you know I’m not a fan of “Laws” or “order”, but I’m not a murderer. Vorban is. I tricked some guards to get into his place, was wearing a mask and disguise and all that. The guy fed them to his pets, even after what they told him everything, then he burned down the building of the company I stole the uniform from, and then the owner’s house.” His hands tightened around the ship’s controls. “They had nothing to do with what happened, and he didn’t care. I don’t care about the money for the rest of the stuff, I just want Vorban taken down.”
    Karo looked at the other man, and part of him wanted to reach out to him, but he didn’t know how Orion would react. “So that stuff about “being free to sell the rest of the haul” was just a front?” 
    He shrugged. “Not entirely, but I can’t exactly tell the Rangers that I’m a big ol’ softie, can I? It would ruin my reputation.”
    “Oh, but you can tell me?” 
    Orion blushed slightly, not willing to lock eyes with the bunny. “Well you’re…you’re….you’re different, you know?”
    “Mhm…..” Karo sat back in his chair as the cockpit fell silent, that same part of him that earlier wanted to comfort his partner now strangely pleased that he thought so much of him. They stayed quiet as the ship approached their docking hanger in the shadow of the massive casino cruiser docked nearby, and packed up without much conversation before disembarking with their luggage. Once they had entered the terminal, it wasn’t hard to find their way, what with the advertisements for the maiden voyage of the Double Zero plastered on every wall and holoscreen they passed. Before too long, they were at the gate, which was specially built and three times as large as the other gates, and had a small stage set up in front of it.
    On said stage was their target, Don Alexander Vorban; at almost 7 feet tall, with handsome reptilian features and greenish skin with patches of scales, the man definitely stood out, and if the muscles under his suit were any indication, he could easily handle himself in any sort of fight. He was smiling, showing sharp carnivorous teeth, and joking around confidently with the other people on the stage as they approached, the newcomers melding into the crowd of people waiting around the gate area.
    After a couple of minutes Vorban approached the microphone on the stage, motioning for the crowd to quiet down. When he finally spoke his voice was deep, husky, and powerful, barely needing the minor amplification of the PA speakers. “Hello everyone, thank you all for coming! For those of you who may not know me, I am Alexander Vorban, head of the Vorban Group, CEO of Vorban Shiplaying, and now Owner and Operator of the newly completed casino cruiser, the Double Zero!” With a flourish he motioned to the windows of the docking gate, which had been up until that point covered up with velvet curtains. The shades dropped, revealing the sight of the truly massive vessel docked outside while the crowd clapped.
    After a bit, he motioned for them to stop clapping. “Alright, alright. Now, as you may have seen around the station, the ship’s official maiden voyage starts isn’t for a couple months, but this is a special treat: it’s my nephew’s birthday this week, so I decided to give a sneak preview of what we will have on offer to you wonderful people before me. Everyone here is either family, a friend of the family, or has been personally selected among critics, influencers, and travel bloggers to be one of the first in the galaxy to experience the luxury and hospitality of the Double Zero and share that with the world and your audience! And while what we have this week will be only a fraction of the final variety on offer when we are fully operational, the quality is guaranteed to satisfy! On behalf of everyone who has worked so hard to bring this project together, I just want to say thank you, and I hope you enjoy the trip!” He stood back from the mic as the couple hundred or so people in the gate applauded.
    “Hmph, I wonder how many of these people would be clapping for him if they knew what he’s done.” Karo whispered to Orion under his breath.
    Orion shrugged. “Half these people are “influencers”, they’d give a wet paper bag a standing ovation if it’ll get them a free trip and enough likes.” Karo sighed, knowing it was true. Before their conversation could continue, they were approached by a functionary carrying a tablet, and flanked by a pair of masked and helmeted guards.
    “Excuse me, we’re just doing a ticket check, would you mind showing us your boarding pass?” The attendant gave them a smile as she held up the tablet, wating for them to hold up their passes. 
    Karo and Orion looked at each other then back to the worker. Orion cleared his throat. “Well, we don’t exactly have tickets, but I was hoping I could have a word with Mr. Vorban. I’ve got something that I think he’d be rather eager to receive.” 
    The clerk’s smile didn’t falter, but it did seem a bit less genuine. “One moment!” She stepped away, tapping her earpiece and whispering for a moment. After a couple seconds, she turned back to the pair. “And what would that object be?”
    Orion gave a smile and a wink. “Unfortunately, that’s a bit above your price range dear. Just tell him, and I quote, “I won’t let the cat out of the bag, it’s for his eyes only, and he wouldn’t want to misss out and bust”, Ok?”
    She nodded, that same professional smile on her face even though she was wondering wtf his deal was as she turned away and went back to muttering. What she heard back clearly surprised her enough to break through her customer service persona, because confusion was evident on her face as she turned back to the pair. “Well, umm…If I could please see your wrists?” Orion and Karo held their wrists out, and she snapped a band around them before scanning them with her tablet. They beeped, a small screen lighting up on them and displaying the time. 
    “Please keep the bands on you at all times when outside of your rooms, as they’ll function as both your room key and your payment for goods and services on-board. There will be someone waiting to escort you to Mr. Vorban once you are on board the ship.” She motioned towards the gate entrance, which was currently blocked by a velvet rope with a line forming. She lead the two over to it, where another attendant scanned their bands and opened the rope, allowing them to enter and skip the line. “Enjoy your trip!”
    “Oh we will!” Orion waved back to her as the two walked down the long airlock tunnel that connected the cruise ship and the station. “See? Not a problem!” Karo rolled his eyes, still not convinced something else wasn’t gonna implode.
    When they arrived at the ship, an attendant gave them a bow and a smile, welcoming them aboard. They were fairly certain that this wasn’t the escort they were informed about however, since there was also a quartet of guards standing there looking rather menacing. “Come with us.” It wasn’t a question, but an order, and the bird & bunny men had no real choice but to comply. The halls and passages that they walked down were very sumptuous, with wide viewpanels along the outer wall looking back at the station they had just left. Soon enough though, they turned and headed deeper into the ship, into the heart of the cruiser.
    After a couple minutes, they arrived at a pair of wide double doors with attendants standing outside that opened silently at their approach. Within was a room that was better appointed than any room aboard any ship that either man had been on before. At the far end, wide windows looked out into the ship itself, revealing what looked like a shopping district in any resort town, complete with sunny blue skies overhead, walkable paths and greenery down below, shops lining the sides, and even a couple fountains. Over the shops on the sides were balconies, leading to the most expensive rooms on board. Both men were rather speechless at the sight. 
    “So I take it you like it?” The deep voice broke them out of their stupor, and they turned to see Don Vorban sitting at his desk on one side of the room. “I do hope so, after all…” the crimelord stood, removing his suit jacket and starting to roll up his sleeves as he slowly walked around his desk to circle Karo and Orion. “You’ve done so much to get in uninvited. You said you had something for me?” 
    Karo kept the fact that the giant handsome lizardman was more than a little intimidating down, and nudged Orion. “Show him what you got.”
    Orion nodded, throwing Karo a reassuring wink. “Why of course! May I?” He motioned to a small cart at the side of the room, and with a nod from Vorban, who had completed his circle to lean against the front of his desk, he pulled the cart over and placed the case on top. “I believe this is yours?” With a flourish, he popped open the case, revealing the opal bust.
    Vorban stood slowly, a wide and dangerous smile spreading over his face. “Well well well, I see that message wasn’t bluffing after all. You dinguses, bring it over here.” One of the guards pushed the cart over, and Vorban inspected the bust up close, lifting it and testing its heft. 
“I must say, when you said you had something I would be eager to have, you weren’t lying.” He placed the bust back into the case. “Now, I would be remiss in not asking why and where you acquired such a piece.”
    Orion gave his most charming smile as he replied. “Well, I’m in the business of…well lets say the “Import and Export of objects of great value and secrecy”, if you know what I mean. On a certain trip to acquire some of these objects, I heard a couple locals talking about a ship that had crashed nearby, and that the wreckage was in the process of being scavenged when some local wildlife decided that the people doing the scavenging looked tasty, and chased them off. I figured there might be something worth looking into, so I outsmarted the fauna, and recovered the bust from a hidden compartment in the hull that the earlier scavengers must have overlooked in their haste.”
    “Mhm…that certainly is an interesting story, Mr….?”
    “Starlor, Orion Starlor, at your service.” He gave an overdramatic bow and a smirk.
    “And your…friend? Do they have a name as well?” Vorban raised an eyebrow as he looked Karo up and down slowly.
    “I’m Kevo Blackwater, nice to meet you. Orion here promised that he’d show me a good time that nobody else ever could.” 
    “Oh did he now? Quite presumptuous of him.” Vorban chuckled, looking between the two. “Well Mr. Starlor, what is is that you came here for then? A finder’s fee perhaps?”
    Orion waved that away. “Nah, that would be asking too much.” Vorban’s smile as he said it showed that the Don very much agreed. “However, if you graciously allowed us to join you on this little cruise, it would be more than enough for me.”
    Vorban locked eyes with him, and was silent for a few moments before letting off a loud laugh. “Oh is that all? I suppose it would keep you around long enough to confirm your story, so I’ll agree to your terms.” He stood up and reached out to shake first Orion’s hand, then Karo’s. 
“You enjoy your stay, Mr. Starlor. And as for you, Mr. Blackwater, I hope you find your time here as good as he promised you.” This last line was punctuated by a gentle squeeze of the bunny man’s hand and a smile, and for a brief instant Karo imagined the feel of the lizardman’s large, strong hands on his waist before the handshake was broken. 
“Guards, put them in 713, that should be open. Gentlemen, welcome to the Double Zero.” The pair followed the guards out, and Karo could feel Vorban’s eyes on him all the way until the doors closed behind them.
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percervall · 2 years
Tumblr media
Player: Marcos Llorente Words: 1104 Requested: No Warnings: None, fluff, friends to lovers A/N: This is my first fic for Llorente, please let me know what you think! 🧡 a big thank you to @theflyingfeeling for being my beta reader
Autumn masterlist
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She loved this time of year. The days were still warm enough where it felt like summer would go on forever, but the evenings had started to get a nip to them as soon as the sun disappeared behind the horizon. Most of her friends had gone home already after helping her renovate her new house, so now it was just her and four of her best friends. Jan had decided to build a bonfire in the firepit in her new garden. Two of her friends had offered to quickly run to the store when Jan suggested it to get supplies for s’mores. Which left her and Marcos to clear up after a take away dinner. 
Being alone with him made her nervous. Not because he made her nervous, but because she had the biggest crush on him for the longest time. The only person who knew was her best friend Julia who had –very unhelpfully– joined Antoine, giving her a wink as she walked out the door. She groaned internally, wishing she had never told Julia. 
“So, how’s work been?” Marcos asked her, pulling her from her thoughts.
“Good. Busy, for sure, but good. How about you? Looking forward to the Champions League match?” she replied, scrubbing at a stain on a plate. Marcos leant against the counter, facing away from the sink as he waited for her to pass him the clean dishes.
“I love playing in different countries. It’s exhausting, don’t get me wrong, and I sometimes wish we’d spend more time in each place, but it’s the Champions League. That’s massive,” he mused, drying the plate she handed him. 
“We see an uptick in sales every year when a Spanish club makes it to the group stages, it’s wild how far fans are willing to travel,” she said as she emptied the washing-up tub and rinsed it out. 
“It’s always great to know that the fans are with us, it’s often what makes us work even harder on the pitch,” Marcos said and hung the tea towel to dry. She smiled at his answer and dried her hands. He helped her by carrying out glasses and drinks while she pulled a few throw blankets out of the chest she used as a coffee table. Now the sun was gone, it had gotten chilly outside. Antoine and Julia came busting through the front door in fits of giggles.
“Anto got the biggest marshmallows he could find in the store. Please someone tell him they’re not gonna fit on the graham crackers?” 
“They’re gonna melt, it’ll fit!” Antoine replied, arms full with bags of marshmallows and chocolate bars. Julia rolled her eyes but followed him outside with a few boxes of crackers and metal skewers. She followed them outside with the blankets, shaking her head. The four of them had already picked their seats, leaving her a spot next to Marcos. She glared at Julia who blew her a kiss. She gratefully accepted the wine Jan offered her and took a large sip hoping it would calm her nerves as she sat down next to Marcos on the bench.
 Julia and Antoine were still bickering over the size of the marshmallows as they roasted them over the fire. In that regard Julia and Anto were perfect for each other, and having been together for several years now should be enough evidence that they were. Jan on the other hand was the calm in the storm, the voice of logic if you will. She loved him dearly for it. And then there was Marcos, who was somewhere between Antoine and Jan; he loved to tease, but would drop everything in a heartbeat if you needed him. 
“Here,” Marcos said quietly, offering her one of the s’more he’d made. She gratefully accepted and took a bite of the gooey treat. She moaned softly when the melted chocolate hit her tongue. For a moment she could swear something flashed across Marcos’ face, something that caught her off guard. Was she imaging things or was that a look of want? Surely it was the former; the alcohol was playing tricks on her or the flames dancing over his face cast a shadow. That was the only logical explanation she decided. She shouldn’t have accepted that second glass of wine. 
“You have something-...” she said, not finishing her sentence as her thumb brushed against the corner of his mouth wiping away some of the melted chocolate. She didn’t know what hit her, but she sucked the pad of her finger into her mouth, licking the chocolate off. Marcos’ breath seemed to hitch, his eyes darkening for a second. His throat bobbed as he glanced down at her lips and back up. It made no damn sense. Why would he be looking at me like that, she thought. Her heart was hammering in her chest. Marcos’ face seemed to move closer.
“Just kiss her already! Ow!” Antoine said. She broke the spell Marcos had on her by looking over to her friends. Antoine was rubbing his ribs where Jan had elbowed him. 
“I-.. I don’t understand… You-..?”
“Have the biggest crush on you,” Marcos interrupted, “have done for years. I wasn’t sure whether you felt the same way and I was too scared to lose you as a friend to ask.” 
“Marcos..” she said, not knowing how to respond to his admission. 
“I understand if you don’t-..” She interrupted him this time by kissing him. It was brief, a chaste brush of her lips against his to convey what she couldn’t tell him –that she felt the same about him. Marcos let out a startled noise but was quick to chase her lips after she pulled away. Her eyes fluttered closed as he kissed her, his hand resting against her cheek. Where hers had been tentative, his was full of conviction. Marcos tilted her face, allowing him to deepen the kiss. Her hands took hold of his hoodie as if to ground herself in reality, to make sure that this was really happening. Marcos rested his forehead against hers after he broke their kiss. 
“You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do that,” he whispered, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear.
“Probably as long as I have,” she admitted, still feeling a little breathless. Marcos smiled at her, giving her a quick kiss. He pulled her closer to him on the bench they were sitting on, wrapping an arm around her. She sighed contently, feeling the warmth of his body against hers, reminding her that yes, this was really happening. She huffed a laugh, staring into the flames. Who would’ve thought a new house would come with a new boyfriend?
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etrangersvoyageant · 1 year
Rewire, day 3
Third and final day, head’s still a little weird, but I set out to catch a few more performances.
First off Tim Hecker & Vincent De Belleval. I came in late, just off the train, so I found myself in the back with other latecomers and people who needed to their phone to either communicate with another or update their social media profile, because either way they were making and sharing pictures of the performance.
Now describing said performance is a little tricky, I think mood plays a big role in this. Imagine a dark room, a beam of blue light appears, smoke follows and engulfs the first 5-7 rows. Over time the beam changes patterns, then characters and finally colours. At some point, I expected the words Los Angeles 2019 to appear, but alas no words materialized in the string of code.
Music wise, there’s noise, it builds up. Following the smoke, it engulfs the audience, this time the whole audience. It may sound boring, yes. Even if nothing happens, something happens. I’d say this performance borders between music and art in a minimalist sense. Like I said it’s about mood, it’s an experience. Hecker is great at turning/elevating noise into art.
That also means to me that if you commit to sit down, you’re committing for the whole thing. Of course, this is a festival, so people did leave, but generally speaking: the only way out is through. If I’d have left halfway, I might still wonder what would have happened…
After about an hour I and many with me emerged from the temporal tomb with a story, more of sound than of actual words.
Next up: Patrick Belaga, Asma Maroof & Tapiwa Svosve. This performance was the coming together of saxophone and flute player (Svosve), a cellist (Belaga) and electronic producer (Maroof, of Nuzunguzu fame). There were no visuals, but all wore red in their own respective styles (Belaga had wooden clogs on), with white, yellow and red light shining down upon them. It was a great collaboration to witness and listen to. The lack of visuals weren’t the problem, but some people in the back valuing their conversation over the performance were.
(Free suggestion: have something to share in a moment like this? Either leave or send each other messages with the notification sound off. Thank you!)
Fortunately, at times, the music was intense enough, that by concentrating on it, you could to dive in deep. When they were done, the players were visibly relieved and happy, especially Maroof appeared glad to have pulled it off.
With an empty hour, Sunday’s programme was rather weak, ahead of me, I decided, I wanted to check out a venue I hadn’t visited until now. By accident, I ended up at a séance with a dead rainforest in the catacombs of a church (-insert whippy comment here, if you like-). The attendees were witness of Vivian Caccuri & Thiago Lanis creating a rainforest in sound (and occasionally light). Especially Lanis was impressive, creating animal sounds with his voice: mosquitoes, various monkeys, a tiger already passed us… Yeah, a bit odd, but not bad. After the applause, they briefly spoke about their project, mentioning spending a month to create the project from scratch.
Then, I wanted to check if I could see Ana Roxanne, but the queue was long. It went through the venue’s lounge and into the street. Thus, I walked around, letting my thoughts wander, the night air was good for the head anyway.
After a while, I went to the last venue and caught the end of Zebra ‘And what the fuck do you know about that?!’ Katz’ performance and it seemed like a lot of fun, people were cheering a lot.
About 40 mins waiting and presided by a group cheer backstage, Kelela appeared upon a stage. It was just her and 4 units/pillars of light.
Beforehand I wondered if she’d fit at a festival like this, in my mind she’s a pretty big rnb star… I imagine she graces larger stages. And offence to Rewire, but no venue is exceptionally big. Funnily enough, a few songs in Kelela remarked how intimate the room was. Anyway, more importantly, she was great. Opening with ‘Washed Away’, followed by more off ‘Raven’ and calling her show a dance party with live vocals, brought cheers and applause. But there was more, ever so often she stopped to talk about things that matter to her. Nothing sermon-like, she led her songs do the talking, but just addressing male stoicism, emotional stuntedness and being emotionally available was important. Though, as an introvert, I’m not sure I can comment. Really though, I thought it was great, she said she felt the world is unkind enough already.
She also did some older songs, which was great. To watch her sing ‘Rewind’(?) under 2 white spotlights while being engulfed in smoke was simple yet outstanding. Plus, hearing the ‘Bank Head’ brought me back to the time I listened to Hallucinogen and a few select Boiler Room sets, while editing my thesis.
Finally, because all things must come to an end, she did ‘All the Way Down’ in a flurry of light and sound. (Testing my vampire eyes once more, I’ve been working inside too much.) Making her performance a great closing act to a solid festival.
It’s a shame it was over, but I wouldn’t have it any other way: Friday should be good, Saturday amazing and Sunday ends alright. That way you get closure. If Sunday ends with a bang, you may end up wandering for more while the festival has nothing left to give.
0 notes
kaymarie-bell · 2 years
Ignihyde Chapter Spoilers (Pometrio + MC Side)
The highlight of this chapter has been the character interactions without a doubt 
As always, translations done by me for the purpose of entertainment. There’s bound to be errors so don’t trust me 100%. Please do not repost or translate to other languages!!! 
[previous] / [next] / [brief general summary]
The groups are on their separate ways, the story branches off to follow the respective characters…
(Pomefiore Trio + MC Side)
[S.T.Y.X. Tartarus]
Vil: So this is…the Phantom Detention Center, [Tartarus]
Vil: This size and depth…it’s overwhelming
Epel: I can feel cold air rising from below. It’s no different from Harveston.
Rook: Yeah. I can feel chills running down my spine…My body is automatically shivering.
Rook: Although this may not be from the cold alone, but rather a chill caused by the “fear of meeting one’s demise” and not being able to escape.
Vil: It must be a place where living people should not stay for long
MC: {Is Grim down there alone?} / I can’t see the bottom…just how deep is it?
[S.T.Y.X. Tartarus - Emergency Exit]
Vil: According to the map I was given, there is an elevator that goes down to Tartarus…right at this door.
Vil: It doesn’t move, just as I expected.
Epel: They said that all of the equipment in the building is under Ortho-kun’s control…
Epel: He said he didn’t want to get in the way of our plans so…why won’t he let us use the elevator?
Everyone: !?
Rook: The elevator doors opened, this is…
Vil: I give it a nine out of ten¹
Vil: A combination of a mischievous android and elevators…I get a bad feeling about it
Vil: But that’s the only way to go. Let’s pray it doesn’t shake from up and down.
Ortho: Hello everyone! Welcome to the first tower of the cursed [Tartarus] camp!
Vil: You finally came out, Mr. Mischievous Doll
Ortho: I never imagined I’d be able to see the real [Night Raven Quest]
Ortho: Additionally, new characters and roles have been put into place.
Epel: What is [Night Raven Quest]?
Ortho: This is the first challenge for everyone embarking on a great adventure down the Underworld.
Ortho: If you want to challenge us, you’ll first have to clear this level easily.
Mini-Game: [Star Rogue - Path to Heroism] (shooting-style game, our ‘ship’ is the Pegasus from Hercules, we have to defeat enemy ships in the form of Hades’ henchmen as well as a Titan at the end)
Vil: Is this the same [Star Rogue] we played while we were isolated in that room?
Ortho: If you finish this game, I’ll allow you to continue to [Tartarus]
Ortho: Now…[Run like a meteor, aiming for distant glory!]
(The level is impossible to win, we get a GAME OVER)
Rook: Oh, no! It’s a game over…
Vil: Wait a moment! The level of difficulty is much higher than the one I played before!
Ortho: Ahahaha! You can’t even clear pass this much? That’s too bad~!
Ortho: Unfortunately, I can’t place such small-fry players into [Tartarus].
Vil: Hmp…that annoying way of riling people up is just like Idia’s
Ortho:…is that so? Are we really similar?
Ortho: I see. I’m just like Big Brother. Hehehe.
Ortho: Yes, I see. This is too boring.
Ortho: I’ll grant you another chance to make up for it.
Ortho: I’ll even lower the level of difficulty for a beginner
Ortho: Are you ready? Game start!
(Mini-game level, it must be cleared in order to continue)
Epel: I did it! I cleared it this time!
Ortho: Hmm. I guess it’s a decent score for a beginner.
Ortho: I think I’ll be able to enjoy this a little more. Alright. I’ll put you into [Tartarus].
Ortho: Vil Schoenheit-san will be a “Tank”²
Ortho: I wonder what kind of role would be good for Rook Hunt-san and Epel Felmier-san?
Ortho: And Prefect-san as well.
Ortho: I’m looking forward to see how they will perform in the party to clear the dungeon.
Ortho: From here on out it’s a high-level dungeon filled with real monsters.
Ortho: I’ll be waiting for you on the next stage. Haha!
[S.T.Y.X. Tartarus - Emergency Exit]
Vil: Ha. He’s such a playful little brother.
Vil: Look forward to it. You won’t be putting on airs of being the ‘last boss’ for too long.
Epel: So this is the inside of Tartarus…
Epel: The elevator doesn’t seem to be working anymore, so we have no choice but to continue down the stairs.
Vil: The staff at the control room told me that there is a high possibility that the phantoms have already started to unfreeze and are moving around in the higher levels of the tower.
Vil: We may encounter a phantom at any time now. Keep an eye on your surroundings as we go down.
[S.T.Y.X. Tartarus - Emergency Exit]
Vil: The timing wasn’t right for us to talk when we met again. And now we’re in enemy territory…
Vil: I have something to tell you, before it’s too late.
Rook: What is it, Roi du Poison?
Vil: First of all, Rook.
Vil: You, even though you’re the vice-leader you abandoned Pomefiore, didn’t you?
Vil: I always thought you were someone who didn’t act like a vice-leader should. But…
Vil: After [S.T.Y.X.] attacked the school and everything was thrown into chaos
Vil: How could you act so arbitrarily and irresponsibly?
Vil: I can’t overlook this as the head of the dorm.
Epel: W-wait a minute, Vil-san! Rook-san knew the danger Vil-san was in…!
Vil: Silent.
Vil: Me being taken away and Rook’s dismissal of his responsibilities as the vice-leader are two completely different things.
Vil: The other vice-leader who isn’t here should be serving as the acting dorm leader by now, and will be taking care of the dormitory.
Vil: I am ashamed to have a man with no sense of responsibility towards the dormitory as my vice-leader.
Epel: Hey…! Isn’t this the wrong way to say that?!
Rook: It’s alright, Epel-kun. Vil-san’s anger is justified.
Rook: I’m prepared to be dismissed as the vice-leader when we return to the school.
Epel: No way…!
Vil: Next, Epel and the Prefect. You too, do you realize how reckless you have been?
Vil: It’s no good to act as a hero when one doesn’t have the abilities.
Vil: It’s quite annoying to put it simply.
MC: But, I couldn’t just do nothing to help / {(I knew that, but it still hurt…)}
Vil:.…you’re such fools.
Vil: Well, that’s all I had to say as the Dorm Leader of Pomefiore.
Vil: And now, I’ll speak as “just” Vil Schoenheit.
Rook: Eh?
Vil: To be honest…
Vil: When I heard from Idia that you had come to the Island of Woe I was so happy I couldn’t help it.
Vil: I’ve been holding back since I saw your faces.
Vil: Will you allow me to give you a kiss and a hug?
Epel & Rook: Eh…?!
(Vil kisses both of them, then a close up shot for the player. Video below)
MC: {A world-class model kissed my cheek…?!} / What’s wrong with you all of a sudden?!
Vil: Excuse me. I’m so happy that I just had to give you a hug and a kiss as a thank you.
Vil: My hunter, my poisoned apple, Prefect.
Vil:…thank you for chasing after me.
Vil: As for you and the others, I will definitely take you back to school.
Rook: That’s our line, Your Majesty.
Epel: Hehe! I won’t lose again this time!
MC: *nods*
Epel: Because listen, Vil-san! I learned my unique magic on our way here!
Vil: What?!
Rook: That’s right! Vil-san saw it earlier, didn’t you?
Rook: The Charon agents were trapped in a beautiful glass cage!
Vil: No way…that was Epel’s unique magic?
Epel: Yes!
Epel: [Sleep Kiss]³ can lock people inside a barrier and stop their movements.
Epel: I’m not great at using it yet, and the success rate is about 30 to 40 percent…
MC: {It saved my life} / It can be used as a shield or a cage!
Rook: We were being attacked by Charon and it was starting to look like the end, and that’s when Epel-kun’s unique magic awakened.
Rook: I’ve never regretted the fact that my eyes don’t have a recording function more than this day.
Rook: I wanted to show that courageous figure to Vil
Vil: Hmm…I’m sorry I couldn’t be there.
Vil: But if it’s Epel’s courageous figure then I’m sure it’ll have to make an appearance soon.
Rook: Ha-! Of course. Vil’s right.
Epel: What’s wrong with you senpais? You look so serious all of a sudden…
Vil: Prepare yourself, Epel. Something is coming from beneath!
[To be continued…]
the kiss scene in question because that made me lose my mind, the fucking hearts pls:
¹ a bit conflicted about the translation here. Original line: 十中八九、 昆でしょうね。
²Tank: in gaming terms this refers to the unit/player who takes care of drawing enemies away from others taking the brunt of the attacks. IIRC Vil’s dorm uniform SSR has one of the highest HPs in the game so this is very meta 😭
³while Epel's unique magic is called "Sleep Kiss," the game writes it as 「真紅の果実」 or The Crimson Fruit
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cherienymphe · 4 years
Joke’s On You (Joker x Reader)
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WARNINGS: DUB-CON, NON-CON, ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP, knife play, blood play, murder, violence, 
➥ {page breaks done by @whimsicalrogers​}
summary: you’re a part time thief who keeps getting in the Joker’s way. What starts out as rivals quickly turns into something hot and heavy, and before you know it, you’re J’s girl. Whether you want to be or not {based off of this headcanon}
The first time you ever come face to face with the Joker, the clown king himself, is during one of the first night’s you first started to execute your grand idea. You went through a klepto phase when you were a kid, but you never expected you’d return to it, and definitely not on a bigger scale like this.
It wasn’t like you were homeless or right on the poverty line. You had money, quite a bit in fact. One of the perks of being a stripper in the most popular club in Gotham, but there came a certain thrill from stealing from the rich in this city. Sure, you took their money on the stage, did everything you could to make them empty their pockets, but taking their money right out from under their nose was different.
You’re not sure when you came up with the bright idea, but you knew that if you wanted to keep this up and stay out of prison, you had to get smart about this. That was where the Joker came in. That clown ran this city, and you knew that with him around, no one would dare to even notice you. If you made your hits the same time as him, you could get in and out to no one’s knowledge.
It was a solid plan.
Until it wasn’t.
You almost ruin his plans to send a bank up into flames, and your eyes briefly meet his cold green ones before you’re taking off. You half expected to hear the sound of gunshots, even expected to get hurt or worse, but you can hear him telling his thugs to stand down. He doesn’t seem the least bit bothered by your presence, no real threat, and you’re unsure if you should be offended or not.
You had never seen the man himself up close before, and you’re shocked to realize that he’s taller than you imagined. More intimidating than you imagined. Despite the fact that he barely paid you any mind, you can’t help feeling like he’s going to break into your apartment and slit your throat. You’re a petty thief, nothing like the big criminals in this city, and your run in with him spooks you. It takes a long time for you to fall asleep that night.
You quickly put it behind you though and tell yourself that you just have to be more careful from here on out. It soon becomes obvious that that’s easier said than done. You hadn’t meant to get in his way when he was taking the mayor hostage. It was an honest mistake when you almost kept him from breaking some other danger to society out of Arkham, but the nail in your coffin finally comes when you do prevent him from robbing a bank truck.
You barely ducked in time as a bullet came flying past your head. You’re shaken up, but you manage to force yourself to get the hell out of there before the cops showed up and before the Joker took another shot. You should have known that he was going to be expecting you. The Joker was a lot of things, but stupid was not one of them.
You walk right into a trap, and you’re in the bank vault, hands full of money when you feel a sharp tug on your hair. You swallow down a yelp as you’re yanked back into a bare chest, and your eyes widen when a hand curls around your throat. You may not be the best villain in the world, but you’re one that can defend yourself, and the walls of the vault shake as you fight back.
He’s stronger than he looks, but you’re stronger than you look, and you both realize this when he has a gun pressed to your forehead while you have a knife at his throat. Your heart is hammering inside of your chest because not only are you once again face to face with the Joker himself, but he’s seconds away from killing you. You feel like you’re about to throw up, and he’s clearly amused.
He tilts his head at you, red lips parting to reveal a shiny grin, a laugh bubbling in his throat as he presses the barrel of the gun even further into your skin. His purple coat hangs off of him, pale chest heaving and that’s how you know that despite his grin, he’s irritated. Maybe even mad.
“…and what do they call you?”
His voice is deep, and that takes you by surprise. A lot of things about the infamous criminal are taking you by surprise.
“What does it matter? You’re going to kill me anyway, right?”
He hums, stepping closer with a sneer.
“I haven’t quite figured that one out yet…maybe I will when you tell me your name…”
“Well, I haven’t quite figured out what I want to be called,” you honestly told him.
No one but him and his goons knew about you, so you had never counted on anyone else knowing about you either. The thought of an alias never crossed your mind.
“Trying to steal my shine or something? You want to be the big dog around here?”
“Oh, please,” you scoff, and if he had eyebrows, you were sure he’d be raising one at you right now with the look he gave you.
He narrowed his eyes, and in one movement, he ripped your mask from your eyes, making them widen. He looked down his nose at you, taking in your all black attire before finally resting his eyes on your face.
“…or don’t tell me…you’re one of those girlies who thinks she can run around with me?”
You frowned at him, and he continued.
“I take it you’re a big fan.”
His tone was mocking, and you had the urge to spit in his face, but you knew that would surely put a bullet in your head, so you simply rolled your eyes.
“Hardly. With you around, no one will even look my way. Your taste for the dramatics allows me to stay below the radar,” you told him.
He hummed at that, tilting his head from side to side as he weighed your explanation in his mind.
“That’s smart, and I gotta hand it to ya, I didn’t think you were smart.”
Your frown deepened at his backhanded compliment, but it was quickly wiped from your face when he tightened his hold on his gun, and your eyes widened.
“Smart, but not smart enough to stay out of my way-.”
He was interrupted as the building shook, and you both turned as gunshots reached your ears. While he was distracted, you slipped out of his grip, ducking in time to miss a bullet before turning the corner. A recognizable shadow passed over the walls, and you ducked into a nearby hallway just as the winged vigilante himself met the Joker as he stepped into the hall.
The air hitting your face reminded you that your mask was gone, and you quietly made your way to the back exit as the sound of fighting and gunshots grew fainter. You released a sigh of relief when you made it outside, and although you didn’t have anything to show for your excursion, at least you had your life.
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A thin layer of sweat clings to your skin as you step down off of the stage, feet aching in your heels. A coworker of yours winks at you as she takes your place on the stage, and you wish her luck. Customers were being a bit stingy today, and considering your last heist granted you with nothing, your lack of cashflow today had you more annoyed than usual.
Sure, it was a Tuesday afternoon, but it was still the hottest club in Gotham. Customers of all types of backgrounds frequented the place, and although the old money crowd practically lived here, you had a love hate relationship with their kind. They tended to be the stingiest with their money despite having more than you could ever dream of.
“What time are you off?”
You turned to another girl who worked at the place, Mandy, and threw her a grim look.
She grimaced, blue eyes filled with pity as she shook her head.
“Sheesh. Well, that’s what happens when you’re the best dancer in this place,” she said with a shrug. “Your demand is high.”
“High demand and low pay. What a treat,” you sarcastically replied.
She chuckled, but she quickly swallowed it down, eyes glancing past you. The club was already loud, but there seemed to be an uptake in noise, and you turned to find the cause. You froze where you stood, eyes wide and lips parting at the group of people who just stepped into the place.
All of the men varied in size and shape, all dressed in black as they made their way inside like they owned the place. You supposed that in a way they did. Anyone following the footsteps of the Joker probably felt like he could get away with anything. The man in question led the bunch, strutting past patrons with a dark look in his eye, green hair contrasting against his dark red shirt.
You quickly turned back around, squeezing your eyes shut as Mandy let out a low whistle.
“I haven’t seen him step foot in here in forever,” she commented.
You looked to her with a confused frown.
“Oh, yeah. You’ve only been here for what, half a year? The Joker used to come in here all the time. They’d get a bit rowdy but what is that when he’s the highest paying customer?”
She shrugged, reaching for a tray of drinks, completely unaware of your internal dilemma. It was almost time to get back on stage.
“Have fun,” she purred, walking past you.
You took a deep breath, forcing yourself to calm down as you stewed over what you should do. Sure, you were a thief in your spare time, but you couldn’t lose this job. As much as you wanted to, you couldn’t walk out of here, so you straightened your shoulders and made your way back to your stage.
You kept an eye out for pale skin and green hair, and you were thankful to find him far on the other side of the room. He and his crew were occupied by another dancer, Mandy serving them drinks. You were thankful and carefully stepped onto the stage.
As usual, you attracted a nice sized crowd, and you made sure to keep your face turned away as you moved around the pole. You were pleased to find that this crowd was more generous with their money, but your satisfaction was short lived when your turned to find your boss gesturing for you to come off the stage. You were confused but did so anyway. He nervously scratched his dark beard as you approached, and you had a sinking feeling in your gut for some reason.
“What is it?”
He grumbled and jerked his head towards the other side of the building, and you hesitantly looked over his shoulder. The Joker’s goons were having a good time tossing money at the dancer on stage, a few of them clearly drunk. The green-haired man, however, wasn’t partaking in the festivities. His unreadable gaze was focused on you, and your heart sank when he didn’t break the stare. You were forced to when your boss spoke.
“He wants a private session with you,” the older man mumbled, and you’d be dumb to miss the fear and concern in his voice.
You internally cursed.
“You’re kidding…”
“…’fraid not. He was very clear in his…request,” he responded.
You both knew that it wasn’t a request. The Joker never requested anything, and you briefly closed your eyes, positive that this was going to be your last night on earth. Your boss placed his hand on your shoulder, gaze sympathetic…and pitying.
“Just do what he says, alright?”
He wasn’t just telling you that to make more money, but to keep you from becoming the clown’s next victim. You didn’t have the heart to tell him that your fate was already sealed. With a nod, you strutted past him and made your way to the other side of the room. The Joker’s expression didn’t change as you approached him, and you nervously swallowed. His cold green eyes seemed to follow the gesture, and you took a deep breath.
“Someone request a private room?”
Again, he said nothing, simply tilting his head to the side as his trailed his eyes over your scantily clad form. Some of his posse was still enamored with the dancer before them, but the rest had turned to not so discreetly eye you. They all looked away when the green-haired man stood, and your eyes fell to the sliver of skin that peeked through the top of his shirt, unable to hold his gaze.
“Right this way…”
You didn’t hear his footsteps, but you could feel his presence behind you as you led the way to the back where the private rooms were located. The walk was quiet, thick with tension, and you wondered if it was too late for you to start saying your prayers.
You went in first, blinking at the red glow of the room that came from the neon lights. You were shaking, stomach churning as the door clicked shut behind him. You turned to tell him to get it over with when his hand wrapped around your throat, forcing you to swallow your words. You let out a pained squeak, eyes watering, but his lips swallowed any other noise you threatened to make.
Your eyes were wide as he roughly kissed you, shock coursing through you while his mouth moved against yours. You stumbled back in your heels, but he quickly followed, teeth nipping at you so violently that you tasted blood. You wanted to tell him that this wasn’t that kind of club. This was not in your job description and was not allowed, but you remembered your boss’ words and wondered if he knew that this was what the man wanted?
Even still, you couldn’t go through with this, but his tattooed hands were ripping at your attire before you had the chance to voice what you wanted to say. Your lips were finally free to tell him off, but the only thing that came out was a yelp when his teeth sank into your shoulder. The pain you felt was quickly overshadowed by the pleasure that warmed your stomach when his fingers brushed over you.
You pushed against his chest, but his other hand grabbed your wrist, spinning you around so that your back was pressed to his chest. It happened so quickly that you didn’t have time to ponder what was happening until he was already inside of you. One hand was tangled in your hair, face pressed into the seat of the sofa as broken moans escaped your trembling lips.
His free hand was pressed into the skin between your shoulder blades, holding you down while his hips snapped into you over and over again. He was far from gentle, but every harsh stroke only seemed to stroke that fire inside of you. Your lashes were fluttering as he thrust into you, eyes rolling while you tried to make sense of everything.
You could feel his nails pressing into your back as he pinned you down, and your own scraped against the fabric of the couch while choked moans climbed out of your throat. This was far from how you expected your day to go. After all, it wasn’t that long ago that this man was trying to kill you. You fluttered around his unrelenting cock and tried to remember why that was a bad thing.
He let out what sounded like a growl above you, the fabric of his pants pressing into your skin as he ground against you, and his hand in your hair moved to the back of your neck just as the tightening in your stomach snapped. You came around him with an embarrassing scream, going limp beneath him as he fucked you through your climax, diving headfirst into his own.
You collapsed the minute he let you go, vision blurry and throat sore as you heard him zip his pants. You were still shaking, and he was already gathering himself together like nothing had happened. Like he hadn’t just fucked you delirious. You moved to stand, ready to give him a piece of your mind, but you collapsed back onto the couch.
If you didn’t know any better, you’d say you heard a low chuckle in his throat. Either way, you didn’t get to ask him because the sound of the door slamming shut reached your ears seconds later.
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The next time you ran into that stupid clown, you took great satisfaction in striking him square in the face. You didn’t care that he was surrounded by his band of hired muscle nor that you were currently standing in the middle of a jewelry store, alarm blaring in your ears almost painfully.
He gestured for the men around him to continue looting the place, seeing as they had paused to take in the scene. You knew they would have killed you without hesitation had he told them to. You glared at him as he grinned at you, bat perched on his shoulder.
“We’ve gotta stop running into each other like this,” he lowly said.
“That was for the last time we ‘ran into each other’,” you sneered. “I don’t care who you are, you don’t get to-.”
“Consider it my way of letting you get off easy.”
He chuckled at his play on words, but you weren’t amused in the slightest.
“Get off easy? Are you even crazier than everyone thinks?”
His grin was gone in a flash, and he stepped towards you, tapping his bat against his shoulder as he leaned in. His lips were parted as his eyes bore into your own, and you forced yourself to stand your ground as the scent of him invaded your nose.
“If you recall,” he slowly began. “You’re supposed to be dead.”
You swallowed, jaw clenching as he tapped his finger against your nose.
“The plan was to put a bullet in that pretty little mouth of yours. Does that…ring any bells?”
You pressed your lips together, glancing away as he let out a breathy chuckle.
“Fucking you brought me more satisfaction than killing you ever could,” he deeply said.
You felt heat rise to your face, and he tilted his head, lips brushing against your own as he spoke.
“So…I suggest you keep me satisfied…”
His coat flew behind him as he spun away, stomping towards one of his men to bark orders at them. Anger and humiliation coursed through you as you stomped outside, and you narrowed your eyes as the sound of police sirens drew nearer. With a sneer, you grabbed the knife in your holster before slashing the tires on his van.
That kept you satisfied throughout the rest of the night, but you paid for it dearly the next day at the club. This time, he hadn’t even waited until you were in the room. His hand had curled around the back of your neck as soon as you got to the door, forcing you inside as soon as he opened it.
You had stumbled in your heels, falling to your knees, and he was there before you could even rise. His hand was on your neck the entire time he slammed into you, the carpet scraping against your back. You could hardly breathe, let alone moan as he had his way with you, and you knew that he was genuinely angry this time, and you wondered how he managed to escape the police.
He was punishing you for your little stunt, but God did you love it. Your hands fisted into his bright red button down as he slid into your soaked walls, trying to pull him closer. You heard him hum every time you clenched around his throbbing member, the sound of your arousal reaching your ears. You should have been embarrassed at how wet you were, but the Joker seemed to enjoy it just fine, and besides. You saw no reason to pretend.
Like the last time, he was righting himself as soon as he was done while you lay on the floor, still trying to catch your breath. You let out a soft chuckle as he slammed the door behind him, and you wouldn’t be surprised if you weren’t even able to talk in the morning.
This little game between the two of you became something of a regular occurrence. You’d make your hits when and where he did his to avoid exposure, and sometimes things would go wrong on his end. Some mishaps were genuine accidents, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy the way he’d take out his frustration on you.
He fucked you like an animal, and you loved it because sometimes you couldn’t even form words afterwards. And best of all, he wasn’t trying to kill you anymore…just your vagina.
One day, he didn’t leave as soon as he was done. He stood over you, watching as you fought to control your breathing. When you realized that he wasn’t making any moves to leave, you peeled your eyes open to look up at him from your place on the couch.
You nervously sat up as he dug into his pocket, eyes widening when he pulled out the shiniest bracelet you’d ever seen. He dangled it in front of your face, a low hum escaping him as you admired it.
“Saw this shiny little number in the display. It had my little thief written all over it…”
He jerked it away when you reached for it, so you reached higher, gasping when he closed his free hand around your wrist. You watched as he snapped the expensive piece of jewelry around your arm, and you brushed your fingers over it the minute he let you go.
You were forced to pull your eyes away from it though when he harshly gripped your chin, pulling your head up so that you were looking at him. His green eyes bore into your own, face unreadable as he pressed his red lips together.
“You like it, doll face?”
You couldn’t hold back your grin, and you nodded.
“I love it,” you told him, unaware of the implications behind the gesture.
You started showing up to work with all kinds of new things. A new pair of earrings, a necklace that wasn’t that before, even some new heels that didn’t hurt your feet as much. You figured it was just a perk of fucking the king of Gotham, of keeping him satisfied.
You didn’t know that it went beyond mere satisfaction and thankful gestures.
It was a late night, or early morning depending on how you looked at it. The club was almost at its peak, the early hours of the morning being your busiest. You hadn’t seen J in a few days, but it wasn’t unusual. The man was basically running an empire.
You were servicing a client, a regular who could never stick to one dancer. He had a habit of hopping between the ladies at the club, and it looked like this week, he’d chosen you. The loud music filled your ears as you slid your hands over his shoulder, thighs brushing his as you danced on him. The bass from the music made your body vibrate, and your eyes fell closed as you fisted one of your hands into your hair, chest pushed forwards.
The man had already given you a handsome sum of money, and you knew that if you put on your best show, there was plenty more where that came from. The loud music prevented you from hearing the rise in voices as a new patron entered the club. It also prevented you from taking note of the worried chatter that had only just started to emerge, but it didn’t drown out the sound of a gunshot that you flinching.
However, you didn’t open your eyes because of the gunshot. You opened your eyes at the feel of droplets landing all over your face, hair, and clothes. You faintly registered the sound of screams surrounding you as people fled from the club, tripping over one another. You stumbled back, frozen in place as you stood up straight, hands raised in front of you as you stared at your dead customer in shock.
He was dead.
That much was more than clear, but you were having a hard time wrapping your head around it. Heavy footsteps slowly made their way over to you, and you hesitantly looked over, terrified eyes connecting with familiar green ones. His eyes were wild and crazed, green hair pushed back away from his face, gun swinging back and forth on his finger. He looked good in his all white suit, not a spot of blood on him.
You wished you could say the same.
“Are you insane?” you screamed, legs trembling.
“Well, that’s what they tell me.”
You frowned at him as he threw his head back and cackled, and you shook your head, fighting to clear it.
“Why did you do that? What’s wrong with you?”
He abruptly stopped laughing, slowly lowering his head to gaze at you. His lips parted into a mocking grin.
“What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with you? I leave town on business for a few days, and I come back to find my girl practically screwing some punk for the whole club to see,” he slowly said, voice low and threatening.
Your anger kicked you into gear, and you stomped towards him, a frown on your face.
“I am not your girl, and even if I was…this is my job! You know this is my job-!”
Your words were cut off, and you winced as he tightened his hold on your neck. Your feet were barely grazing the floor as he walked forwards, forcing you back. You dug your fingers into his arm, hitting at him with your free hand, but he acted as if you weren’t even fighting back.
“Those nice earrings you’re wearing says you’re my girl…”
Your stomach churned as you began to realize the serious meaning behind his gifts.
“…that pretty little bracelet on your arm says you’re my girl…”
You looked around in fear, realizing that the club was completely empty save for you, the Joker, and his thugs. You kicked at him as he forced your back onto the stage, his firm body pressing down on yours. His hold was still tight, and you felt tears spring forth as you fought to breathe.
“…and I say you’re my girl. Understand?”
You gave a shaky nod, but it wasn’t enough for him. He lifted you by the neck before slamming you back down, making you wince, and a slow grin spread along his face, revealing his shiny teeth.
“I’ve got a whole lotta toys, sweetheart. I earned those toys. I took those toys. Those toys are mine…”
You watched as he pointed his gun at the dead man still slumped in the chair.
“…and I don’t like people touching my toys.”
You didn’t get a chance to ponder on this turn of events before his lips were harshly pressing against yours. He slammed the gun down next to your head, hands pulling at your attire, and the tears finally spilled over as you fought against him. You weren’t alone, and this was a new level of humiliation that you weren’t okay with.
A man was dead. In fact, you were still covered in his blood, and the Joker’s men were just behind him, intently listening to everything, no doubt. His grip was harsh as he took hold of your wrists, slamming them down beside you. He let one go to grab his gun, pressing it into your lips as you shook.
“You gonna be a good girl? Or do I have to use this again?”
His voice was calm despite the violent implications behind his words, and you shakily shook your head.
He was rougher with you than he had ever been before. Biting you, choking you, and holding you far too tight. Part of you felt like it was done on purpose, not only so you’d get the idea, but so that the rest of his crew would get that you were his too. You cried as he pressed your cheek down onto the stage floor, hips snapping against your backside while harsh grunts left his lips.
You couldn’t handle staring at the Joker’s latest victim while he forced himself into you, so you squeezed your eyes shut. His other hand dug into your hip so harshly, you knew it was going to leave a bruise. As the minutes drew on, it seemed like his ministrations were becoming rougher, and if you didn’t know any better, you’d say the sound of your sobs were egging him on.
His grip on your hair when he came had more tears springing to your eyes, and you flinched when his lips brushed your ear.
“Clean yourself up…”
Having only been half on the stage, you collapsed to the floor when he let you go. Your hair and makeup were a mess, and you miserably stared up at him through tear-filled eyes as he tucked his shirt back into his pants, swiftly pulling on his white suit jacket.
“…the cops will be here soon, and you gotta pull yourself together. Huh, doll face?”
He forced your head back as he gripped your chin, and you reluctantly nodded. He roughly dragged his thumb over your lips, smearing what was left of your lipstick before taking his leave, leaving you alone with one dead body, and one bruised one.
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You shuffled upstairs, arms aching and eyes tight as you made your way to your apartment. It had been weeks since you’d been back to the club. Your boss, someone you were ever grateful for, told you to come back when you were ready. After all, you’d had someone’s brains blown out right in front of you…on you.
You were fortunate that no one stuck around to see J’s possessive display of ownership, so no one knew what his impromptu murder was really about. Everyone speculated that the customer had crossed the Joker in some way, a business deal gone wrong, but only you knew the truth. Only you knew that the man’s only crime had been paying for your time.
You took a break from stealing from the wealthy too. Not only did you lack the energy, but you couldn’t chance running into the Joker. Had you known what all of those gifts had meant, you never would have accepted them. You didn’t want to be the Joker’s. The last girl who got seriously tangled up with him had ended up almost crazier than he was.
Granted, you heard Harley Quinn was doing better these days, but God. Look how long it took her to get there? The thought of telling him to his face that it was over was a scary one, so you settled for just hiding away in your apartment. He was the Joker, a man who had a lot on his plate, and like he’d said, you were a toy to him. There were plenty of toys out there, and he could easily find another.
You dropped the groceries to the floor as soon as you made it inside, and you groaned as you straightened. Your shoes clicked along the floor as you made your way through your dark apartment. You turned on the kitchen light so that it would be on when you returned, and you made your way through your living room, looking forward to getting out of these clothes.
However, when you turned on the light in the living room, you were startled by the sight of a familiar green-haired villain standing in the corner like some statue. You barely swallowed down the scream that bubbled in your throat, and your eyes were wide as you took him in.
He was wearing a tux, a nice one with a white bowtie and a matching boutonniere. His hair was slicked back, and you weren’t sure where he came from, but you wanted him to go right back.
“I was enjoying a night out on the town…taunting Batsy as I like to do…”
He walked away from the wall as he slowly begun, cold eyes roaming over your apartment.
“…when I realized that I hadn’t seen my little thief for days. Weeks even.”
“What are you doing here?”
He didn’t respond, instead opting to make his way around the living room, running his gloved hands over your furniture. You didn’t realize that he was gradually closing the circle, nearing you.
“You haven’t been at work. You haven’t been in my face while you ruin my plans. You’re not hiding from me…are ya, doll face?”
You clenched your jaw, swallowing down your fear as you crossed your arms over your chest.
“I’m not hiding from you. We’re just through,” you told him.
He froze, glancing over his shoulder at you before continuing to look around.
“Did you hear me? You and I are done. Take your jewelry back, take everything you gave me and leave,” you continued.
He continued on as if he hadn’t heard you, and you stomped towards him.
“I’m serious, J! Do I need to call the police?”
That made him turn, and he wagged his finger at you like you were a misbehaving child.
“Careful,” he purred. “…because I personally know a certain thief they’d love to be informed about.”
You frowned, swallowing before pushing past him.
“I don’t care. At least in jail, I’ll be away from you-.”
You were cut off by your own scream, reaching for his hand as he pulled on your hair, forcing you away from the phone. He pulled you against him, and your eyes widened when he pressed a knife against your cheek, a hair’s width away from your lips.
“You have no agency in this arrangement.”
He threw you to the floor, and you scrambled away from him, nails scraping along the wood as he pulled you back. He cut your clothes away with ease, the torn shreds falling to the floor to leave you bear before him. The knife that grazed along your skin kept you from screaming as he undressed, but you did wince when he pressed it into your thigh, like a warning of what could come.
He took you behind the couch first, holding your thighs so tightly that the skin burned when he finally let go. Your table was next, but unfortunately, it didn’t withstand his rough treatment. The wall shook as he fucked you against it, every thrust rattling the pictures you had hung up to make this place a tad cozier.
Broken glass and broken pieces of wood littered the floor by the time he forced you into your bedroom. His knife remained in between his fingers the whole time he fucked you against your sheets. Your scalp burned from his harsh hold, and your throat hurt every time you swallowed, and you just knew that you’d wake up with finger shaped bruises in the morning. His deep voice was a constant in your ear, calling you ‘his little thief’, tsking at you like you were a confused child, telling you how much he was going to straighten you out.
When you clenched around him for a final time, your legs were thrown over his shoulder while your hands were pinned above your head by one of his. His free hand had fun cutting little nicks into your skin, greedily licking up the blood as tears continued to dampen your cheeks. He continued to push himself into you even after he came, and when he finally pulled out, your legs fell to the bed, chest heaving with shallow sobs.
“Now, wasn’t that a whole lotta fun?”
You glared at him as he sat up, a thin layer of sweat clinging to his fair skin, and your eyes traced the ink that decorated him. His green hair was in disarray, a smug grin on his lips as he pushed the strange colored locks away from his face. You could hardly even move, and you feared that attempting to would hurt worse.
You watched as he leaned over to his discarded pants, pulling out some sparkly piece of jewelry that you couldn’t care less about. You swallowed as he held it up, nearing you.
“…and here I was out shopping for something to compliment those new earrings, and you’re talking about leaving me. That’s a bit rude, but I’m willing to look past it.”
More tears spill over as he slides it around your neck, and it feels more like a noose than a necklace.
“You look like a work of art,” he says, lips brushing your cheek. “…all pretty and marked up by yours truly.”
His hair tickles your face, and he slowly leans away, dragging his fingers over your lips. You wince when he roughly grabs your jaw, pressing his fingers into a tender spot that you know is already forming a bruise.
“Now, I’ll be back in a couple of hours, so don’t do anything stupid.”
He tightened his grip at the end of his sentence, and you flinched. He grinned at you as he lightly patted his other hand against your cheek, grin widening when you recoiled.
“Let’s not do anything like that again, alright, sweetheart?” he purrs. “I’d hate to have to really hurt ya.”
tags: @harryspet @sherrybaby14 @darkficreposter @xoxabs88xox  @opheliadawnwalker3 @honeychicanawrites @honeychicana @nickyl316h @captainchrisstan @sebabestianstan101 @readermia @villanellevi @lokislastlove @notyourtypicalrose @coconutqueen21 @hurricanerin @buckybarnesplumwhore @quaksonhehe @nerdygirl8203 @mandiiblanche @cocoamoonmalfoy​
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teddy06writes · 4 years
Can I request a Karl x Alex x Nick x Reader fic in which the reader is a teacher and they bring their boyfriends in for career day? I just thought it’d be so cute to see them interact with little kids.
sapnap x karl x quackity x reader
trigger warnings: none
premise: pretty much everything from the ask, although I know nothing about children so..., sorry lol
requested by the person above as well as @eliasxxk who asked for more karlnapity x reader
(y/n/n)- your nickname
(y/l/n)- your last name
“Career day?” Nick asked.
You nodded, quickly packing up the last of the assignments you had finished grading and tucking them into your bag, “Yeah, remember how I was planning the different stations and stuff for the kids?”
“Oh yeah, I thought you had all that stuff sorted?” Karl handed you your laptop from across the table.
“We did,” You sighed, “But someone backed out and now we have a slot to fill. So, one of you, all of you, I don’t care, we still need someone to do it.”
Alex frowned, “What would we have to do for that?”
You ran a hand through your hair, “Make a presentation on what you do? We were looking for a broad spectrum and the guy who backed out was someone’s cousin who did like, animation or something.”
As you gathered the rest of your things you explained that one group or person would be set up in each classroom, and that kids would rotate through, not just the fifth graders you taught, but the whole of the elementary school.
Karl grinned, “What time would we have to be there?”
“The welcome thing for the speakers is it 9 ish on Friday, so I can bring back the forms you’d need to fill out today to get them in on time.”
Your boyfriends agreed, and with a smile you pecked them all on the lips, “Alright, I gotta go. I’ll see you later.”
“Love you!” Karl called as you started out the door.
“Love you too!”
After practically zooming through your first three units, ELA, Math and History, and sending your kids off to PE, you headed down to the admin offices to make copies and grab the forms.
“Hey Sadie!” You greeted cheerfully.
The secretary smiled, “Hey mx. (y/l/n).”
You moved over to the copier, starting your copies, “Do you have any of those forms? For the people giving the presentations on career day?”
“You found someone?” Adam, the sixth grade teacher who had been organizing the career day asked as he entered the office.
“Three someones actually,” You smiled, “Alex, Karl and Nick said they could.”
“Oh, that’ll be interesting.”  Sadie laughed.
“Minecraft youtubers,” Adam mused unenthusiastically, “I’m sure the kids will love to hear about people without real jobs.”
You rolled your eyes, “They pull just as much if not more than me every year, plus Nicky and Alex are still in college.”
Adam cocked an eyebrow as you grabbed your copies, and then the forms from Sadie, “Well at least I can’t complain, your saving my ass.”
“Damn right I am,” You scoffed starting out of the office, “You owe me.”
Heading back down the hall and then up the stairs to the fifth grade hallway you pulled out your phone, sending a text to the ‘loves <3′ group chat, ‘the files have been secured’
Back in your classroom you began to set out the Novels your class had been reading, and set up the last of the things you would need for the mini science lab that would happen later in the after noon.
~~ The next few days passed quickly, and soon you were pointing your boyfriends in the direction of the library, where the volunteers were supposed to be meeting before heading up to your classroom, greeting the kids who were already inside.
“Hey guys! Are you excited for today?”
A few kids nodded.
“Which presentation are you most excited to see?”
“Probably the actor!” Damien exclaimed.
“The actor? Any reason why or you just think they’d be cool?”
“I wanna be an actor.” He said.
“Yeah?” You chuckled, “What about you Sam?”
The girl through for a moment, tapping at her desk absently, “Probably the firefighter, I want to save people like them some day.”
You nodded, “Calum? Any your excited for?”
“Well I was excited to Ricky, he’s my cousin and an animator but he couldn’t come.” The boy pouted.
“Aw, well I’m sorry about that, but I’m sure there’ll be plenty of interesting people for you to see.” You looked over the schedule again, answering a messege from Adam, willingly surrendering yourself to running around and helping wherever needed during the day, instead of watching the presentations with your kids.
The morning announcements came and went, and the teaching aid who would be taking your place, touring the kids around came in, “Alright guys! We’r~~e going down to the auditorium so that the principal and Mr. Alderton can explain the plan for today, and so that the people who are going to be in these rooms have time to set up!”
She herded the kids out of the room, smiling at you as you grabbed your phone, following them out, but turning down a different hall to the library.
Adam breathed a sigh of relief as soon as you got inside, “Oh thank god! Okay, I need you to get these lovely people to there rooms, Adda is already going around to set up projectors.”
You nodded, taking the papers from him, “Okay people! If you’d follow me, we’ll get you into these classrooms on time!”
The group of various adults followed you out of the library as you started calling out names at each floor, in between the intersection of grade level hallways, pointing out room numbers.
By the time you had made it to the cross roads between the fifth and sixth grade, Adam was already frantically messaging you about being late so quickly you called out the last of the room numbers, pointing various directions and telling the people to let themselves in.
You turned to your boyfriends, “Right you guys are in my room, it’s at the end of the hall, my computer should be unlocked.”
“You’re not like, staying to hang out or anything?” Karl asked.
“I’ve been roped into over seeing this thing. I might be in and out at various times through out the day,” You pressed a kiss to each of there cheeks before starting back towards the stairs, “Have fun!”
You spent your day running around, delivering different things to various classrooms and basically doing Adam’s bidding.
A little way into the last rotation of kids around the building you finally got the chance to take a break and head back up to your room, slipping in and sitting in the back as Karl tried his best to explain streaming to a group of kindergarteners.
They may not have fully understood what he was talking about, but they sure did find him funny.
You watched quietly as your boyfriends interacted with the kids, opening up for questions sooner than they had with the older kids, and patently answering each one.
“What are you going to college to learn how to do?” A young girl asked.
Alex smiled, “Well I’m going to get real smart to be a lawyer, and Mr. Sapnap here is learning about computers.”
“What’s a lawyer?” Another kid asked.
“My uncle’s a lawyer,” someone two desks away offered, “My mom says it’s someone who works in a court!”
Alex chuckled, “You are absolutely right Big Man, lawyers defend people who go to court.”
“If you and you are goin to college,” A boy near the front pointed at Nick and then Alex, “Then what’s he learning at college?” He pointed at Karl.
“Karl isn’t in college anymore.” Nick said simply.
“Not honking smart enough.” Karl grinned as kids laughed at his use of the word honk.
They continued to joke around for a while, until the pa crackled that it was time for everyone to head back to there normal classrooms, and you moved back to the front of the room, “That was entertaining.”
“(y/n/n)! This was awesome!” Karl exclaimed.
You nodded, glancing at the clock as you began to re arrange your desk, “Theres like, maybe ten minutes to the bell, you guys want to hang out in here?”
“Sure.” Your class began to file back in as Alex spoke.
“Mx. (y/l/n)! Why didn’t you tell us you were dating famous youtubers?” Damien asked.
You groaned, looking at a shrugging Nick, “Why have you done this?”
You class laughed at your displeasure, and you were about to start asking everyone how there days had gone when Karl beat you too it.
“Who was your favorite?”
“It better have been us!” Alex stage whispered.
The kids laughed, and you sat back, content to watch your boyfriends entertain the class.
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saturnsummer · 3 years
oh, how we’ve grown.
prompted by an anon from my ask here! 
notes: this was probably the fic that stumped me on so many occasions, since it was really bittersweet. editing, grammar and other mistakes will be taken responsible by me! it took me longer than expected and i’m not sure if everyone would be able to catch on how i interpreted the group’s futures and personalities! if anyone would like to know more, do dm me! as always, enjoy and thank you for the support and love!
original prompt: I think Joon Hwi and Sol A was already dating during their 3L (since Sol A looked so comfortable acting flirty and cute aroud Joon Hwi on their way to the old man's trial). Now I wonder what happen with them during time skip and by the ending, what stage of relationship they are in. Can you write a fic or headcanon ab that? Thank you! 🥰
words: 4373 words
it was finally the day of graduation.
joon hwi was beyond excited. he was nostalgic, sad and emotional, for sure. but after crying so many tears yesterday and the past week, he found it useless to cry any further. he lets the adrenaline set in for his new chapter lying ahead.
joon hwi was finally going to be a prosecutor.
his letter came in a few weeks after the bar exam. he counts himself lucky, being one of the students that helped to capture assemblyman ko, solve his uncle's murder, prove his professor's and his own innocence. all in his first year. it was no surprise that when he applied, they immediately wanted him. his grades were just the cherry on top to his stack of achievements. he was certainly overqualified for a guy who just passed the bar.
(well, he did pass the second round judicial exam.)
further than that, he was crowned valedictorian and was tasked to give a speech to his fellow batch mates. he had practiced his speech countless times, and he could recite it in his sleep by now. but he can’t quite place the feeling that he feels. his thoughts are all over and he can’t seem to keep his heart rate constant.
a knock on the door of his now empty dorm room distracts him from his thoughts. there, dressed in similar graduation robes, with long wavy brown hair is kang sol a, or to him, his kang sol. she walks in with a small smile on her face, but her smile fades away to a face of concern after studying his face. her eyes dart to the door, and she strides back to shut the door, giving him and her the privacy that he needs.
"what's troubling you?" she asks gently, taking his hand into hers. a quiet, simple gesture done by sol could soothe him so much. joon hwi is silent, not knowing why he’s so nervous. he’s done speeches and talked to crowds bigger than this. heck, he has testified for court. yet, the knot in his stomach refuses to cease.
“i don’t know… it’s nothing new, yet…” he trails off, avoiding his eyes with his girlfriend. his thoughts race through his head, but it leads back to his uncle, his samchoon, the man that brought him up: seo byungju.
“joon. joon, look at me.” sol brings a hand up to his cheek, gently raising it so it meets her eyes rather than the floor. joon hwi promised he wouldn’t be emotional today, yet he found his eyes glassy when he met sol’s eyes. as a tear slips, her fingers wipe it away gently.
“your uncle… he would be so proud of you to see the boy he raised achieve his dream.” sol says, a voice so quiet and soft, it seems to echo to joon hwi. she always knew what to say and always knew what was troubling him deep down, even if he denied it.
samchoon… are you proud of me?
“i’ll always be supporting you, like how your uncle did. when you’re on stage, if you feel intimidated, just look at my eyes, alright?” sol says, rubbing his cheek. he gives a small smile and nods slowly. taking his hand, sol intertwines it between her fingers, an action that he knows she only does when they are alone. an act so simple, yet his heart was so soothed by then.
joon hwi’s free hand reaches to the back of her head, as he lowers his slightly, so their forehead rest against each other. he breathes her perfume in, the one he bought for her a few months into their relationship, the one that she always wanted but could never buy. he takes slow breathes with her, her thumb rubbing his knuckle gently.
sol pulls away, much to joon hwi’s disappointment. he wanted her skin ship even more, just savouring her touch under his skin. sol notices his disappointment and only gives him a smile.
“they’re waiting for us. come, let’s go.” sol says softly, letting go of his hand after giving him a squeeze. he knows she hates being affectionate in public, even in front of their close friends. he gives her a quick peck on the top of her head before following behind her, walking to the lobby where they were.
“yah, hyung!” bokgi waved with enthusiasm, gathering the attention of the group. joonhwi maintains his composure and lets out a deep breath.
“nervous, hyung?” yebeom asks, his fingers fiddling.
“tch, it’s me. i’ll be fine.” joon hwi replies. it’s a half truth, now that sol is by his side.
“that’s why sol-noona had to find you, right?” bokgi teases, earning a nudge from yeseul. bokgi looks in mocked offence, but he recovers. everyone eyes at sol with prying eyes, the look of teasing on their faces. she takes this moment to shut her eyes, bring her hands up to face and shakes her head while sighing. these kids have literally nothing better to do than to just tease her and joon hwi.
“it’s time. you should go.” jiho says as he nods towards the lecture hall. the ceremony doesn’t start till half an hour later, but being valedictorian, he had preparations to do. they send joon hwi their last words of encouragement, but joon hwi was not going to leave unless he embarrassed his girlfriend a little longer.
his hand reaches up to sol’s hair, sweeping the curls behind her and cutely arranging her fringe the way she likes it. sol blushes as the group ‘ooh’ and ‘ahh’ in front of them. joon hwi knows she hates being so affectionate in front of her friends, but it’s always fun to tease. sol’s bright red and her face forms the smallest pout. joon hwi knows he’s achieved his mission.
“i’ll see you later.” he says with a wink and walks away, hearing the tease from yebeom and sol squeaking back.
when he’s on stage later, giving his speech, the words fall out of his mouth effortlessly. but the only thing that changes is that his eyes are fixed on the warm brown eyes of sol. as he addresses his late uncle at the end, he pauses and takes a deep breath. sol looks at him and gives him an encouraging nod. he ends his speech, eyes never once leaving her gaze, as the student body claps for him and he takes a bow.
one by one, the students are told to line up and take their certificates on stage from dean oh. she gives the seven graduates a knowing smile when they step on stage, knowing how much they’ve been through, after being swept up by their problems in their first and second years. even after all that, they managed to graduate with excellent results.
when they gather to take their photos (taken by seungjae, who decided to attend their graduation. it was the least he could do to show his support.), joon hwi swears he sees his uncle standing at the rock by the entrance of the school. he swears he sees the knowing silhouette of the tall man, grey hair and his metal spectacles. but what warms him the most is the smile of seo byung ju’s face and the slight nod.
yes, my boy. i’m so proud of you.
with that, joon hwi lets himself smile as seungjae snaps the camera.
(he doesn’t notice his blurred vision from his tears, but rather blames it on the sun hurting his eyes.)
the group takes individual shots of themselves, even jiho and sol b are smiling when their photos are taken. sol doesn’t lose a chance to tease her roomie about her cute smile, one she only reserved for limited situations.
joon hwi watches as his friends spread out across the field to meet their family, sharing the good news of graduation and their new starting jobs. the smiles on the parent’s faces warms his heart deeply, somehow, even though he’s standing alone.
jiho was going to be a prosecutor with joon hwi in their new office. jiho could care less about joon hwi, but he can’t help but admit that it comforted him knowing a familiar face to be in his office in about two weeks. after all, they did share a room for three years.
sol b, against her mother’s wishes, has decided to take a gap year. her mother initially planned for her to continue her training, securing her route to being a judge. but sol b has had enough of her mother’s toxicity. as they went through therapy as a family, sol b had expressed as best as she could her need to discover what she wants for herself, not what her mother wants for her. what she will be doing in her gap year is still undecided, but she has chosen to move out for the time being.
yeseul was going to be in a firm that mostly did cases of women rights. while she initially was hesitant, bokgi encouraged her to take this opportunity, using her experience and her trial as a voice to the other victims. from time to time, she promised professor kim that she would come back to help at the legal clinic.
bokgi, on the other hand, had finally achieved his dream of being a human rights lawyer. while he was upset that he couldn’t work near yeseul, his spirits were immediately lifted when he heard that yebeom was going to be working just at the building across from him, another big law firm. (it was settled that as much as they went through, the bok-beom duo was never to be separated.)
sol, on the other hand, accepted her first job at attorney park’s firm, ironically. just when she had her first internship, she remembers screaming that she would never work with crooked lawyers like him. sol chose to work with him, as a return of the many favours she owes professor yang, starting with the one from high school. it was the most she could do for her role model.
joon hwi observes as he notices the proud faces of mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters, and spots the few sightings of grandparents. somehow, he can’t help but feel a little lonely. his parents, the two individuals he had a short-lived relationship with had long passed. his uncle, the closest thing he had to a father had too passed. he can’t even guess where his aunts or other distant relatives are. his distant relatives probably don’t remember him, and neither does joon hwi.
a small body crashing into him breaks his flow of thoughts, as he looks down to see who it is. byeol wraps her arms around joon hwi’s waist happily and joon hwi breaks into laughter, realising who it is and lifting her before spinning her. she’s giggling in a mess as joon hwi spots sol’s mother and her walking to them.
“ah, hello, mrs kang.” joon hoi greets with formality. sol’s mother playfully smacks his arm with a smile, clearly embarrassed from such formality.
“ah! how many times have i said to not call me that, joon hwi-ah! at this point, you should just call me halmeoni!” she says, earning a big laugh from joon hwi and sol’s face burning with embarrassment.
“umma! don’t say things like this!” sol squeaks back. joon hwi only smiles and insists to call her ‘mrs kang’. byeol is getting introduced to their friends as bokgi and yebeom play a game of tag with her. sol’s mother stands by sol, her hand on her back and her other rubbing joon hwi’s back.
“joon hwi-ah, i hope you know how proud i am of you. sol has told me your own fair share of troubles. i know... you don’t have much of a mother figure in your life, but as your girlfriend’s mother, i hope you know i treat you like my own.” sol’s mother comments to him, holding both his hands in her warm ones. “more than just tutoring my daughter and helping her, you got through your troubles on your own.” joon hwi can only smile as he suppresses the emotions.
“your parents must be so glad to have such a righteous son.”
joon hwi, for a moment, is reminded of his limited memories with his parents. he doesn't remember much, being so young when they died. but how his mother would teach him the importance of kindness and compassion. his father would teach him to be strong, to stand up for the bullies that picked on the poorer kids in his preschool.
hearing his girlfriend’s mother tell him that, he couldn’t help but just pull her into a warm hug. sol joins in from behind, enveloping them with a warm that joon hwi was unable to explain. burying his face into the older woman’s hair, he lets himself be a child, as she rubs his back and holds him lovingly.
for the first time in his life, he finally experiences the warmth of a mother’s hug.
as the field starts clearing out, the seven graduates and seungjae are left behind. their families have gone home, leaving them on the field, laid down in a circle, heads together. there was just silence, as they breathed in the air of hankuk university once more.
once more, as students.
once more, as graduates.
once more, before they step into their next phase.
“i’ll really miss you guys.” sol says quietly. yeseul, lying next to her, nods, although no one can see.
“we’ll meet up. especially you, seungjae-hyung! don’t be shy to ask for babysitters!” bokgi announces, earning a smile from seungjae. they slowly got up from the grass, dusting off the dirt and making their way back once more to the university lobby.
this was the place where these eight students met, all with different objectives and from all walks of life. yet, as different as they are, they got along and went through hell together, for each other. the short lived three years were filled with so many troubles, yet they pulled through together.
truly, they were more than friends. they were family.
seungjae took his leave first, being the family man he was. yebeom had to rush to a family event, and yeseul was going to catch a meal with bokgi. (yeseul promised bokgi to give him a chance once they graduated, and so she kept her promise.) jiho and solb were silently headed off in the same direction with their only conversation being “i’ll drop you off” by jiho and solb nodding. (joon hwi and sol only eye them, making mental notes to tease their ex-roommates.)
“are you going home?” joon hwi asks as sol grabs her bag. after graduating, sol made the decision to move home for the time being, to pay off her loans and support her family and ease her mother of some financial burden. joon hwi has opted many times to help, even wanting to pay off her loans. he had no loans, and after he sold his uncle’s mansion, he had a huge sum of money along with the inheritance. but sol couldn’t do it, she needed to work for this herself.
“yeah. i promised byeol i’ll help her with her work and catch a movie with her too. it’s been long since i could just spend time with her.” sol says. the lobby was now empty, with a few students walking in and out. sol looks at the lady justice statue, almost reminded of the many times she stared at it to remind herself of why she chose law. why she chose this profession.
together, they walk out, holding hands for the first time openly in their school. they were no longer students, and there was no point hiding from others anymore. she was just kang sol; he was just han joon hwi. no more ‘second round judicial pass’, no more ‘uncle killing nephew’, no more ‘klutz’, no more ‘twin failure’. just them.
joon hwi takes the bus to sol’s home, still in the ground floor apartment by an alley. sol’s mother invites him in, but he quickly declines, saying he needs to run some errands back at his own apartment. well, it wasn’t a lie. he just shifted in and he certainly had to clean and unpack.
when the apartment is packed with law books stacked neatly in his bookcase, the floor dusted and mopped, furniture clean and the fridge stocked with fresh groceries, he picks his phone to find seungjae sending the group their photos. there’s numerous comments on how yebeom is already missing us, and even jiho gives a ‘tch’ as a reply in the chat. he notices an unread text from his professor and opens the chat box.
you’re on my speed dial for cases. don’t ignore me.
joon hwi scoffs. he sets his phone aside as he flops back on his bed, for the first time processing all that has happened.
he can’t wait for the future.
(on his wall, he hangs a childhood photo of him and his uncle. on the frame, it has a tag with his daily reminder to judge fairly, and to make sure no one suffers unjustly.)
the next few years for joonhwi are an adventure. his experience in the prosecution office is busy and stressful, but with jiho working just next door, he finds comfort in having him by his side. he battles many cases, slowly but surely, making a name for himself. instead of being known as the man that solved his uncle’s murder, he was now known as the prosecutor that never loses.
the study group kept in touch, meeting every two weeks for dinner at a barbecue place. somedays, they drank. on others, they just chatted and kept the plates of pork coming. seungjae did his best to join, but with his toddler kid, things were difficult.
seungjae took a year after his hearing to be with his wife, and take care of her during her pregnancy. he then decided to work as a forensic examiner. if he couldn't practice law and help people with it, the least he could was to uphold it and enforce it. his job was new and interesting, but he humbled himself to push through his training. he meets the group when they are dealing with criminal cases and helps them out as best he can.
the study group also took turns meeting his kid, and would always love babysitting. sol, as expected, was the best with chaotic duo bokgi and yebeom. instead of dinners some nights, they met at his house to catch up with him and spoil his kid. (seungjae couldn’t stop it. when the kid was born, he immediately gained 7 new aunts and uncles, ready to spoil and pamper him.)
his relationship with sol grew as well. working such long working days was tough, but they tried their best. sol would sometimes deliver homemade stews to his apartment and joon hwi would deliver jjajamyeon with her extra pickles on some nights. they met on the weekends, where they would just go to the park and take strolls or hole up in joon hwi’s apartment to work on their cases together.
sol was doing exceptionally well as a new attorney, almost successfully appealing to all her clients. her clients love her, not only for winning, but for always being so caring to them. many say she still keeps in contact with some clients, even after the case has been closed. while she thinks it is no big deal, sol’s career was climbing up. her loans were fully paid, and she has begun looking into apartments for her family and her to shift out of. that alley brought too much danger, especially with byeol growing into a teenager and her mother’s joints weakening.
sol b took that gap year to work at an administrative office at a law firm, before deciding to continue her law career to gain experience before moving forward to be a judge. throughout the gap year, she split her time on herself and therapy, as well as on her study group. she found herself wanting to be a judge, not for her mother, but for herself.
jiho and sol b also started dating each other shortly after they graduated, when joon hwi spotted sol b and jiho holding hands when he was leaving his office. they only told the group a few months later. but of course, everyone knew by then. ever since then, they caught sol b and jiho smiling a bit more, even if their smiles were just the slight curl at the corner of the lips.
yebeom was doing well in his law firm, handling mostly small cases, but he was content since he had a fun time handling the many cases and making visits to meet clients instead of being stuck in the office. bokgi was a human rights lawyer, with most of his cases about the discrimination of citizens in any aspect. he fought for the rights of those of different sexual orientations, races and religions and was extremely happy being able to do that.
yeseul was defending women of all walks of life, from their unequal treatment to domestic abuse. she was passionate and has made headlines a few times over the years when she chose to speak out about her story. she was well known in this area, being the first few lawyers to be a victim of domestic abuse and defending them. she also kept in contact with professor kim and made regular visits at the legal clinic.
bokgi and her only started dating a year after the graduated. bokgi respected the reasons and her space and yeseul found herself falling in love with him. after all, he stood by her all this while for the whole three years and have seen her at her worst. more than that, he treated her with respect and loved her equally, even after all that.
one day, as joon hwi and sol spent their day on the sofa at joon hwi’s apartment, joon hwi was nervous to ask this question. sol was busy looking at different apartment listings.
“sol, can i ask you something?” joon hwi asks, grabbing her hand. sol nodded, eyes still focussed on her screen.
“would you... would you want to move in with me?” sol’s hand stops scrolling as the words sink in and she slowly faces her boyfriend.
“i... i don’t know. i mean, byeol and umma will be left alone, right?” sol says, her voice quiet and soft.
“we can live near them. i think the lease of the apartment is ending soon, anyways.” joon squeezes her hand.
“but... i don’t know if i have enough money to get an apartment for them and us. joon, i really want to, i really do. but...” sol’s eyes are uncertain, and joon hwi sees her eyes guilty, almost like she feels bad for saying that.
“we can get the apartment in instalments. you can buy one for your mom and byeol first and we will slowly pay for ours.” he says. placing a finger under her chin, he raises it so her eyes meet hers. “sol, they are going to be alright on their own.”
sol nods her head and reaches up to pull her boyfriend’s face to hers, letting their lips connect. his lips are soft against hers, as she taste the slight coffee taste from his mug. it’s almost frenzy, from what started as a simple kiss lead to a fight for dominance. without knowing, sol is straddling joon hwi, as his hands pull back her long hair.
when they pull away, he feels her hot breath on his face, and her face burning red, embarrassed at how she acted.
“should we get back to looking at apartments?” joon hwi asks, a small smile on his face, ultimately an act of tease to her. she quickly nods and climbs off of him as they look at apartments together. joon hwi gives her a knowing smirk, before sol swats his arm and they resume scrolling.
and it was true, when professor yang had him on speed dial.
he was just about to leave for a coffee and bother jiho for a bit at his office one day, when a call came in from professor yang.
“han joon hwi.”
“you’re needed, now. meet me at hankuk university in thirty minutes.” and the call disengages. it was a habit of his professor’s, to give blunt replies and just cut off without saying goodbye. he slips on his blazer and grabs his briefcase before picking up the call from sol instinctively. so much for listening to orders, even though he wasn’t a student anymore.
“called you too?” he asks once he picks up, scribbling on a post it note, noting his early leave from the office.
“what else? gosh, i really hate it when he hangs up like that.” sol replies, a twinge of annoyance in her voice.
“i’ll pick you.” joon hwi says, as he leaves his office, then knocks on jiho’s door. jiho’s head pops up from his laptop, before nodding in acknowledgement.
“no, don’t bother. i’ve already caught the train.” sol replies and joon hwi hears the familiar beeping of train doors. sol knows she’s got to hang up soon, if she doesn’t want to irritate other commenters on the train.
“love you.” he says back. sol’s face is blushing red, but she’s lucky everyone on the train was busy on their phone.
“i love you too.” she whispers before hanging up and storing her phone away in her handbag.
when they meet at the doors of hankuk university each time they are called in for a case, they can’t help but to think of how far they’ve come. sol, the girl with bad grades and on a scholarship. joon hwi, the top student with a hidden secret. yet in a matter of years, they blossomed together with their friends on their routes.
professor yang is by the lady justice statue, and when he looks up to see his students stroll in with authority and confidence, he gives a knowing smile.
shall we start?
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byeolies · 3 years
Genshin impact idol!au
|May be a various! Genshin impact x idol! Reader or a normal reader|
| Prolouge? |
(Warning this will contain grammar mistakes since I’m an amateur at writing stories. You’re also free to judge this )
Enjoy :)?
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“You’re up in 2 minutes Eternity!” The backstage worker warned us. “Kay!” I responded. How did I get into this stituation? Well..
“They did it again! Dckz and 4nemo breaking world records, how many more are they gonna break?! Now onto the new rumor involving Dckz’s Kaeya-“
I turned off the tv. All the channels were talking about the same subject, the popular idol groups Dckz and 4nemo. “I’m going for walk!” I called out to my roommate Xiangling while putting on my shoes. I didn’t exactly have any destination in mind so I wandered around. I heard music and followed it to the source to find people dancing to music. ‘That looks fun.. I wanna join!’. I immediately went to the dancing circle and started to dance with the people, not noticing I was being watched.
Once I was tired, I sat down on a nearby bench to catch my breath. ‘Today wasn’t that chaoti-‘. “Hey you! Be in my group!” A voice exclaimed. ‘Spoke too soon...’ .I looked at the voice to see a blonde girl with short hair with long front hairs to shape her face. “What?..” I said only to be given a card with information. (The card below)
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“An entertainment company?” I questioned. “Please be an idol with me!” The mysterious girl begged. People passing by were looking at us. “Fine I’ll be your partner! So please do stop bowing” I said in hope she’ll stop. The blonde girl grabbed my wrist and took me to a building.
We entered the building, the girl announced our arrival and a woman peeked her head through the doorway. “Is she the one ?” The lady scanned me from head to toe. Blondie nodded her head, bringing me inside the room. “Sorry about her, my name is Jean. The owner of Starlight Entertainment and manager of you two” Jean introduced herself as the blond girl introduced herself as well. “My names Lumine, you can call me by my stage name Ying!” Lumine said .
After signing the contract and tour of the company, we made it to our dorm. It wasn’t too big or small, a small kitchen, shared bedroom with two separate beds, and a bathroom. When night came around, I texted Xiangling the whole situation and she supported my decision. She even offered to help tommrow to move my stuff into the dorm.
Lumine and I trained hard to become idols even if I was hestitant in the beginning. I created the instrumentals and lyrics and asking Lumine for her opinion. Now here we are, performing on stage for no matter how small the audience is, enjoying ourselves.
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Back to present time
I looked at Lumine with determination , our eyes connected as if saying ‘let’s do our best’. The audience cheered as we went on stage.
(The song)
We went backstage, exhausted. Jean handed us refreshments. “Well done you two, you guys can relax for a moment before we have to go to our next thing on the agenda.” Jean said while we changed into our everyday clothes. After doing the things on the agenda, we went back home to rest.
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mrsbrookegillespie · 3 years
-Chapter One- Teacher!Charlie Gillespie x Single!Mom!Reader
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(Not My Gif)
This Story Was INSPIRED By @boyfriendskywalker Who Deactivated Their Account While Writing The Charlie Gillespie Kindergarten Teacher Story. I Have Taken It Upon Myself To Write My Own Version With Some Of The Storyline They Used. So, ALL Credit For Part Of The Storyline Goes To Them. This Will Be A Series, And I Will Finish It.
Description: Just Read It While I Try To Come Up With One--GOT IT! Okay, so Y/N L/N is a single mother of her daughter Y/D/N. Having it been four years since the father walked away. Y/N taught herself to never trust a man, but when Y/D/N’s teacher uses his charm to worm his way into her life, will she finally be able to open herself up to love again?
Warnings: Language, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of mental abuse, and as the story goes on I’ll think of more. But, be prepared for some angst.
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-Chapter One-
“One, two, three, four--”
“Mama?” Y/N looks down at the doe-eyed 5 year old. “Why are you counting?” 
With a head shake, she presses her fingers onto her temples, gently massaging them. “Mama’s just tired, baby,” she explains, calmly. “And has a migraine.” Now flashing her daughter, Y/D/N, a fake smile, she starts the car. “Are you ready for school? Not gonna cause trouble again… Are you?” 
“I don’t cause trouble!” Y/D/N argues, lightly kicking the back of the passenger seat. “My classmates also cause trouble, I just resolve it differently than others.” She crosses her arms with a huff.
Y/N furrows her eyebrows at her daughter's words. “Are you sure you’re five?” 
“I like to say I’m six,” she says, casually.
The seriousness of the young girl’s demeanor was enough to make Y/N fall into a fit of laughter. “Well alrighty then. Six it is.” She pulls into a parking space. “We are here,” she announces, unbuckling her seat belt.
“Finally!” Y/D/N wrestles to get out of her car seat. “Could you help me out?” 
Y/N gets out of the car, rushing to grab her majesty from the backseat. “Do you have everything?” she asks, setting Y/D/N down on the pavement. 
Y/D/N shrugs, but resorts to saying, “Yes.” 
“Good.” Y/N takes Y/D/N’s hand, guiding her into the colorful building they both grew to love and hate. 
“Ms. L/N,” a female teacher says, only giving a stiff nod towards the women.
“Mrs. Winchester,” she replies mimicking the gesture. Both her and Y/D/N shiver when she passes by. “She scares me.”
Y/D/N nods dramatically, agreeing. “I think she’s a ghost,” she stage-whispers.
“Definitely.” Though Y/N’s tone might’ve been teasing, she wouldn’t be surprised if she actually was. 
“Hello Y/D/N!” Another young female teacher waves before meeting Y/N’s eyes. “Ugh…” She continues to walk without giving Y/N a proper greeting.
“Good morning to you too,” she mumbles under her breath. 
Only a couple more awkward encounters were experienced until she heard the loud shrill of-- “Mr. Gillespie!” Y/D/N lets go of Y/N’s hand, sprinting towards the man that she called her teacher.
“Good morning Miss Y/D/N!” he greets verbally, along with a big hug. “And look who’s with you.” He moves from his crouched position to stand as tall as he could next to Y/N. “Good morning, Y/N.” 
“Good morning, Mr. Gillespie,” she responds. “Nice to feel welcomed.” Her tone turned a little colder than what it was. “I swear it was either just someone saying my name, or a judgement glare.” 
“You’ll warm up to them,” he assures. 
“Like I warmed up to you?” she questions. “Don’t put me under the impression that you actually like me, please, it’ll just blow my ego right out of proportion.” She uses her hands to demonstrate.
He doesn’t respond, only showing her a bright smile.
The bell rings, signaling both of them to go their separate directions. “Mr. Gillespie the bell rang,” a student calls out. 
Y/N snaps out of her little daze. “And I guess Y/D/N already went to her seat. See? I knew she wasn’t that much of a troublemaker, but you know--” she cuts herself off seeing his amused expression. “You have to teach,” she blurts. “Right! Sorry, I’ll let you get to that. Bye Y/D/N!” she shouts into the filled room, Y/D/N’s face going into a look of horror. “Love you, stay safe and…” She salutes Charlie. “Good luck.” With a turn on her heel she goes to leave the building, mentally face palming herself on the way.
When in the safe space of her car, she allows her head to fall forward, which only led to her accidentally setting the horn off. It wasn’t like she’s not used to people. With being a hostess at a restaurant, all she did was talk, see, and meet a variety of different personalities and personas. But, after having to raise a daughter on her own you can say her cool way of talking, and the ability to form well rounded sentences went downhill. Baby talk does that.
“So, what you’re trying to tell me is that you like your daughter’s hot teacher?” her friend, Madison, asks. Madison was a little bit younger than Y/N was, Madison being seventeen and Y/N being twenty-four, she couldn’t help but bond with the girl. 
“That’s not what I said,” Y/N remarks, wiping down a table. 
“Then why are you blushing?”
“Because you’re embarrassing me!” Y/N whines.
“And I’m the teenager,” Madison snickers.
Y/N blows some of her hair out of her face. “I won’t deny that he’s… Decent looking, but the problem is in the question. ‘Daughter’s teacher’,” she repeats the words Madison said earlier. 
“You told me that Y/D/N can’t get enough of what you only call ‘Mr. Gillespie’, I don’t even know his first name.” She scrunches up the right side of her face. 
“Because it’s informal.” 
“He calls you by your first name,” Madison replies back, bluntly. “But, back to the point. If Y/D/N really likes him then what’s the problem?” 
Y/N stops her movements, giving Madison a blank stare. She opens her mouth to answer, but closes it. “I just can’t, okay? Can we please drop it?” 
Madison’s eyes soften when seeing Y/N’s pleading ones. “Yeah, sure.” She leans against one of the tables. 
“Hello!” someone calls out from a few feet away. “We’ve been standing here for like ten minutes, can we be seated?” The annoyance on the man's face was evident.
Y/N sends Madison a cheeky smirk. “You’re on, Mads.” 
She stomps her foot, discreetly, going to the group of people who are most likely ‘hangry’. Y/N glances at her watch, seeing how it was about time she headed out for her break and got Y/D/N from school, only to have the last minute babysitter she found that morning watch her for the rest of the day, so Y/N can finish her shift. It wasn’t the most ideal schedule, but it worked. It paid the bills, it put food on the table--could it be the reason Y/D/N throws fits, and tantrums in classrooms, and seeks attention? Maybe.
“We need to set up a meeting.” 
Y/N gapes at Mr. Gillespie who for the first time she’s seen with a stern look on his face. “Wh-why?” she stutters.
“I know you aren’t blind to see that Y/D/N is…” His voice fades off. “The Principal wants to set up a conference with you, me, Y/D/N, and the counselor after school one of these days.”
Y/N’s frown gets wider, glancing over towards Y/D/N in the seat next to her. The girl only kept her eyes glued to her shoes. “The only days I’m off of work are Saturdays, Sunday’ and Wednesdays.” She pulls out her phone, scrolling through the calendar. “Yeah, only those days, I don’t know if any of those days would work but…” 
“You work all those other days?” He raises an eyebrow at her.
“Yeah,” she answers, not thinking too much about it. She gasps loudly, when it hits her. “Work!” She looks at her watch. “I’m gonna be late going back.” She stands up. “I’ll send you an email tonight on what time works best for me, and then you as a faculty can talk amongst yourselves if it works for you. I’m gonna take my kid now, and go, so I don’t have to keep being stared at with that look you and all the other teachers give me.” She takes Y/D/N’s hand, the slight pull of it noticeable enough to have Y/N make a mental note.. “Have a nice rest of your day, Mr. Gillespie.
“Bye, bye,” Y/D/N finally whispers towards him. With a weak wave they both leave the room, once out of sight running for the door. “Why were we running?” she asks, when Y/N starts to speed to their house.
“Because Mama’s gonna be late to work, and is now stressed because we have to talk to adults who don’t like her very much,” she pauses. “You and I need to have a very, very, serious conversation when I get back home on where your behavior is coming from.” 
“But, I don’t wanna,” Y/D/N cries.
“I know you don’t want to, I don’t want to, but it’s one of the cons of being a parent, I have to be strict at times when you don’t follow the rules.”
“Don’t make me yell at you,” Y/N warns. “You and I both hate yelling when you’re in trouble, so I think we’d both appreciate it if you promise to be good until I’m back, no arguing.” 
Y/D/N slowly feels the tears come to her eyes. “Mr. Gillespie never yells at me.”
The name made Y/N freeze a little. Was he a part of the reason? 
@yagorlemmalyn @justxfolio @charliegillespiewife
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ramzawrites · 3 years
IronGolem!Hybrid!Reader - Protector - Part 3
Part 1
Part 2
Pairings: none
Characters included: Quackity, Fundy, Tubbo, Punz, Technoblade, Philza, Dream
Warnings: blood, character death, cursing
Series: Part of my Iron Golem request series! 💙
Summary: Y/N helped the Butcher Army to escort Techno towards his trial only for this trial to turn into a surprise execution. An execution that finally gives Y/N the chance to flee that he was so desperately looking for, all along. Even if others had to push him towards this opening.
Words count: 2684
Authors Note: Woops I thought this would be the last part but there will be a part 4 after all o7
As they begun moving Techno followed along quietly. Never pulling on the chains, just dutifully following behind Y/N. His eyes mostly trained on the horse that Quackity was now riding.
They walked back to where they left their horses and got back up on theirs. Y/N got Quackity’s horse and let Techno on it, leading that horse along as he rode his own black steed. Sometimes petting his horse, his rough hands weaving through the long black mane, more as a way to calm himself down rather than the horse.
Riding between Quackity who was at the front while both Fundy and Tubbo stayed at Techno’s side while Ranboo stayed at the end of the group. Ensuring that Techno didn’t try anything too stupid.
Throughout the whole ride Fundy and Quackity began taunting Techno, Tubbo would occasionally chime in as well while both Y/N and Ranboo stayed quiet.
It surprised Y/N a bit that Techno actually responded to some taunts with his own snide remarks that would usually shut the other party up, for a short moment at least. He certainly had his wits about him.
Y/N couldn’t help but look up to Technoblade in a sense. He himself was escorted away in a similar manner but other than Techno, he immediately gave up and just followed along with his captors. Not even saying a word against them and while Techno did follow them along as well, he still talked back, made them feel stupid about their own thoughtless comments.
And Y/N enjoyed the frustrated exclamations of the group whenever Techno made one of his targeted comments. This was not a good situation for the warrior but he kept his dignity and a part of control and power in this situation.
Technoblade was strong and Y/N was not.
No, Y/N was weak willed and naïve. He should have fought more. Tried to escape or tried to send along a message to his home, to his people. Should have asked Ranboo to maybe check up on the town, after all he seemed to be the most reasonable one of the group but he didn’t. He was too scared and just gave up. What kind of protector was he?
Then again, he couldn’t fight, and he had to work with what he can do. Sometimes staying alive was the best and even most rebellious thing someone can do. Maybe if he was just patient enough, he would find a chance to flee! Though whenever this thought crossed his mind he feared that he had missed his one chance already due to his cowardice.
It didn’t take long for them to reach L’Manberg. Getting off the horses to walk back into the town middle. Y/N still holding the chains that were keeping Techno’s wrists bound.
As they walked further into the town, they passed Philza’s home.
The winged man stood on his upper balcony, staring down with a cold expression “You actually got him.”
“Get inside! You are on house arrest!” Tubbo just yelled back as an answer but Techno turned to face his friend, pulling on the chains in the process. Y/N pulled them back again, scared with what could happen next.
“Phil! Phil! What did they do to you!”
Fundy got his axe back out and pushed the flat side against Techno side, urging him to keep on going. This unspoken threat seemed to be enough for him to ignore his old friend and instead continued to follow Y/N who in return followed Quackity and Tubbo.
Though as Y/N pulled his gaze away from Philza, he could see a fond softness in his eyes. Worry mixed with anger. It was the first time he saw genuine emotion on his face, rather than the forced smiles he portrayed usually.
“Lead him up there, keep the chains around his wrists in there and stand close by.” Tubbo ordered the Iron Golem Hybrid, pointing at what looked like a cage right beneath a strange structure that Y/N couldn’t immediately make out what it was for.
But there was a foreboding feeling in the air.
Y/N opened up the door and without a word Techno just walked inside. The gate crashed shut again.
He could finally let go off the chain that he held on to. Dropping it as soon as he could. But the feeling of disgust stayed or maybe it was guilt. Maybe a mix. The less he thought about it the better, so instead Y/N just concentrated on Tubbo who begun a speech.
What kind of trials does L’Manberg have?
This wasn’t really a trial was it?
“Hey, Y/N, right?”
Y/N didn’t respond but stared at Techno from the corners of his eyes. Why was he talking to him? How should he react? Should he even react? Would the others hurt him if he visibly reacted?
“I know of you. You were-“
Though Technoblade didn’t finish his sentence. Smoke appeared in front of the stage and a person covered in armor appeared. They wore a white hoodie with netherite armor on top. Not even waiting a beat as they begun to attack the Butcher Army with their axe and crossbow.
Tubbo pulled his shield in front of his face, barely catching the arrow that came flying directly towards his face “Pull the lever, Big Q!”
Lever? What lever?
Even Techno seemed surprised letting out a quite frankly comical confused noise.
There was no hesitation on Quackity’s side. He immediately sprinted towards the structure and pulled the lever. Y/N could see a redstone pulse running up the build.
What the hell was going on?
Technoblade pushed his hands into his pocket, pulling out a small golden figure. Y/N couldn’t see it very well, but he immediately knew what it was.
A totem of undying.
Surprised Y/N stared at Techno only to see something black falling down.
He completely tuned out the sound of the fighting and screaming, his senses concentrated on Technoblade. His eyes directed at the black anvil that was flying with incredible speed down towards the cage.
Before Y/N could properly process what was happening, or the implications of this whole ordeal, the anvil was already on his eye level.
It connected with Techno’s skull with a sickening wet crack, immediately followed by an explosion of green light. It was so bright Y/N had to shield his eyes with his arms. Surprised by the warmth that came off the magic that engulfed Technoblade and revitalized his body. Pulling him away from the land of the dead and stitching his broken body back together.
As fast as the light appeared, it was just as fast gone. Y/N removed his arms and saw Techno jumping off the anvil and over the iron bars.
The man literally, just died but he didn’t waste any time to flee once he had the chance. Was it jealousy or admiration Y/N felt? He didn’t know, either way he was impressed.
While Y/N seemed to be a bit dazed, still trying to process this, Techno used the chance in between the chaos all around them to take a look around only to spot a masked man leading his horse away.
“He has Carl!”
He then proceeded to grab Y/N’s forearm and pulled him along. Techno’s grip was strong and unrelenting. Pressing down uncomfortably on a few burns that were just beginning to heal properly hence why Y/N’s first reaction was to pull his arm away, but the Pig Hybrid was holding on. Not giving him a chance to protest.
Why did Techno do this? Why did he tug him along? He clearly knew of Y/N but how? What did he know?
So, the best option was to follow him, right into a little opening at the side of a hill. Inside there was a room, lined with chests and another opening that seemed to lead into tunnels.
But what really caught Y/N’s attention was the man that held the reigns of Carl. A white porcelain mask with a smiling face hid away his face. A cloak hiding his physique and probably weapons.
Once inside the room Techno let go off Y/N to snarl “Dream, give me Carl.”
This masked man was the infamous Dream? His green hood was pulled up, the mask looked already unsettling but with the added shadow of the hood? As he stared at Y/N it felt like he was sizing him up. As if to wager something out.
Once again Y/N felt incredibly small under someone else’s gaze.
Dream slowly got closer and gave Techno the reigns of Carl “You brought him with you? I’m surprised, Techno.”
Techno walked up to Carl and pressed his forehead against that of the horses as a greeting “I don’t think we have the time to talk about this Dream, besides weren’t you the one trying to get him out of there?”
“Yes, I suppose you are correct. We don’t have the time to talk about this though. You two better get going. There should also be some armor and potions in one of the chests. And Y/N?” Dream turned towards him now “We’ll meet again, I promise you. You will get your revenge.” With that he ran off through the opening that Techno previously pulled Y/N in.
Techno rummaged through one of the chests. Letting out a disappointed sigh as he spotted some iron armor. With trained movements he slipped surprisingly fast into the clunky armor. Fastening it around himself and hooking the potions to his belt.
Hooves clicked on the stone ground as Techno lead Carl towards the tunnels “Not to put too much pressure on you but if you want to get out of this mess you better come with me.” Techno’s eyes rested calmly on Y/N. He was serious and looked like he was calculating something but there was something genuine and almost friendly mixed in.
“I- uh, understood.”
This honestly felt unreal. Like a dream. Though Y/N hasn’t decided yet if this was just another nightmare. It felt like a trap. Too convenient but what could he do? Run back out towards the city? He can’t fight like Dream or Techno, he wouldn’t get the chance to flee. Besides they would just capture him again and he didn’t want to think about how he might be treated afterwards.
His best bet really was with Technoblade but why he would do this for him after he escorted him to his own execution, he didn’t know.
Hell, how did he even know of him?
“Now, Y/N.”
Techno just begun moving into the tunnels. Y/N made sure to stay close. A spark of hope inside his chest. Something he hasn’t felt in ages. Is it okay if he takes this spark and holds it close? Just in case it breaks out into a fire?
Almost as if to answer this question both Techno and Y/N heard a voice coming from behind them. It wasn’t Dream’s. No, Y/N knew this voice too well. It was Quackity. Quackity has found him and would bring him back.
That spark seemed to dim after all.
“What the fuck is this? What is this Techno? How the fuck did that Anvil not kill you? And now you are stealing my things? Stealing my blacksmith?”
Techno let out a cackling laugh as he made sure to stand in front of Y/N. Grasping the hilt of his netherite pickaxe in one of his hands.
“Listen here Quackity. I tried telling you that the root of the problems here was government! I fought alongside you to show you! And you used me! So, I retaliated with force, to prove my point but you still formed a government! After that I was content with getting away from it! I tried to retire! I swore off violence! You still hunted me down! You-“
He moved his head around a bit, looking at Y/N from the corner of his eyes only to snap back to Quackity “You hurt my friends!”
Quackity didn’t seem to have noticed this but Y/N did. Techno referred to Y/N as his friend? He somehow felt like he was missing some vital piece of information. Never in his life has he even talked with him before this. Maybe he really just meant the horse, it stood off to the other side but surely, he must have only meant Carl. Perhaps Philza as well? Yes, those he must have meant. No way did he group Y/N in there as well.
Not after he was the one who escorted Techno away from his peaceful life with chains around his wrists.
Quackity bit down on his lip in anger before he answered “Techno, I don’t care about that. All that I care about is that you are on my hit list.”
“Hit list? What kind of Hit list?”
“I’m building up a nation and this nation needs direction, organization and I swear no matter what it fucking takes me, I will fucking kill you.”
Once again Techno laughed “Quackity, do you really think you are enough to kill me? Even unarmored and only in iron armor?”
At this point Y/N was straight up jealous at Techno’s confidence and cockiness. He would have just cowered in fear, given up but Techno did not. He stood strong, calm. Like a boulder between turbulent waters.
That spark that seemed to dim inside of him seemed to flare up again. If he just stayed close to Techno and trusted in him, maybe he is allowed to hope. Just this once.
Obviously Quackity tried to stay calm and collected beforehand but this seemed to push him over the edge “So be it! I’ll fucking kill you right here and now!”
He immediately took his axe out and jumped towards Techno who confidently blocked the attack with his pickaxe. With a simple twist of his arm and body, he hooked Quackity weapon with his own and then used his whole body to pull it out of his hands.
The axe flew through the air, landing with a loud clanging on the ground in front of Y/N. He didn’t think much about it as he slowly stretched his hand out and grabbed it. Holding the weapon close to himself. Seeing how he couldn’t fight, this weapon would be useless in his hands but at least he could ensure that Quackity didn’t pick it up again.
It was the first time he rebelled against him. It was the first time he took some sort of control over this situation. He did not give up. He did something.
As he looked up he could see a shocked Quackity.
“I only have this pickaxe, Quackity, but I’ll put it through your teeth!”
There was this bloodlust to his words. A malice that Y/N expected from Techno before he met him. As his only idea of him was that what the butcher army told him.
He realized that their stories relied on a kernel of truth though in this moment he wasn’t scared of this Techno. No, he saw pain, self-preservation and conviction in his actions right now.
Quackity evaded one of Techno’s attacks only for his second to hit. Hitting his open mouth with the pickaxe and dragging it across his face. Resulting in Quackity to fall down motionless. Blood spilling to the ground as his body slowly dissolved into gold dust. He was respawning.
Technoblade just took Quackity’s first life. Just like that. It went over so fast. Like it was nothing.
Without seemingly missing a beat he turned around to look Y/N dead in the eyes, now calm again “We need to go. Now. I’ll explain everything to you once we are safe. I promise.”
He didn’t even wait for an answer and instead begun leading Carl through the tunnel again.
Y/N took a second to stare at the dissolving Quackity only for Techno to pull him back out of his thoughts “Y/N!”
“Why are you helping me. Just- Just tell me this. I’ll follow you, I promise, but I need to know.”
Techno sighed “Because how couldn’t we? How can you see injustice and not do anything?”
Tag: @plaguedoctorsnake
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cocobeanncteez · 4 years
ATEEZ Yeosang: Soulmate (oneshot)
Genre: Angst, fluff, idol au, soulmate au.
Pairing: Soulmate!Yeosang x Reader (fem) / Yeosang x idol!reader
Warnings: none.
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In this world, everyone has a soulmate. Most people give up on trying to find their soulmate, while some travel the world just to find that one special person.
Each person has different indicators that a person is their soulmate; in your case, every mark your soulmate gets on his skin appears on yours, like a burn scar, bruise, or a cut. You didn't have the same moles, freckles, or birthmarks, and if he drew something on his skin, it wouldn't appear on yours; basically, anything that changes an area of the skin that can't be easily or instantly undone, will show up on your skin. Luckily, you couldn't feel the pain from it, you could only see it.
"Y/N, you're next," your group's makeup artist said to you, making you get up from the sofa. You sat on the chair, allowing her to work on your face while you listened to some music. After everyone in your group got ready, you went on stage. You were the leader of your group, so you had to talk before the performance.
Ateez had just finished performing and were currently watching your group from the TV in their waiting room while they had some refreshments.
Yeosang wasn't paying much attention as he was really tired... that was until he noticed the burn scar on your finger while you talked: it was the exact same burn scar as his that he got two days ago while helping Wooyoung cook. He got up from the chair, moving closer to the TV to check if it was really the same. He mentally cursed when you gave the mic to another member, cause now he couldn't see your hands anymore.
"What's wrong, Yeosang?" Hongjoong asked.
"Hyung, she has the same scar as me," he replied, showing the scar on his finger, shocking some of the members. "I'm not sure if it's exactly the same."
"Wait, wait, wait," Wooyoung took out his phone; he had already found his soulmate, so he was sure this was a sign. He immediately searched for images on Twitter. When he found a picture of a bruise that you had on your knee, he showed it to Yeosang. "Didn't you have the same bruise last month?"
Yeosang's eyes widened. "No way... this can't be true."
"You don't look very happy for someone who just found out who their soulmate is," Yunho commented.
"That's cause I'm not," Yeosang said through gritted teeth. "I hate this whole soulmate bullshit. I'd rather genuinely fall in love with someone than have the universe choose that someone for me."
None of the guys questioned Yeosang, knowing it was not the best time to talk to him about it; however, they really hoped he would change his mind soon.
After your group's performance ended, you all started filming for your behind the scenes content. Today, you all had a challenge to do: your six-member group was split into two teams, and one member from each team had to visit five other groups/soloists in the building to play a round of rock, paper, scissors, and the team who gets the least wins would face a penalty that would be shown on the next vlive. You and one of your members, Aeji, decided to volunteer for it.
After finishing the first four groups, you went to Ateez's waiting room which was at the end of the corridor. Aeji knocked on the door and Ateez's manager opened it. She explained what you both were here for, and he agreed to let you film with them.
You entered the room, bowing to the eight men.  "Hi! I'm Y/N and this is Aeji, we have a small challenge to do here. Could one of you play rock, paper, scissors with us?" You noticed how some of the boys glanced at Yeosang who was staring at your hands. As soon as you made eye-contact with Kang Yeosang, you felt something unexplainable in your heart, making you gasp in shock. Your vision became blurry and your head started spinning, making you clutch your head with your arms in hope of getting the spinning to stop.
"Y/N?! Y/N, are you all right?" you heard Aeji ask, but her voice seemed so far away.
Your head started spinning even faster, causing you to faint.
"Fuck!" Aeji kneeled down, putting your head on her lap while Ateez's staff got some water for you. They sprinkled some water on your face, but you didn't respond. "Oh god, what suddenly happened? She was fine minutes ago," Aeji mumbled to herself, but everyone heard her.
"Yeosang, do something," Wooyoung said. "Maybe she'll respond to you."
Aeji glanced at them in confusion.
"I'm not doing shit," Yeosang said. "You know I don't like this whole soul—"
"I'm sorry, but what are you guys talking about?" Aeji questioned.
"Y/N is Yeosang's soulmate," San stated, making the older man glare at him for exposing him.
Aeji's eyes widened. "Oh, is that so? Well, then do something, please. I don't know what made her faint."
"Well, from what I know, she passed out cause she has seen and been in the same area as Yeosang, but never realized he is her soulmate. The intensity of not knowing but being so close probably caused her to pass out," Hongjoong explained.
You could hear everything, but you just weren't able to open your eyes.
"Hyung, touch her cheek or something," Jongho suggested.
Yeosang hesitated for a few seconds before he sighed, kneeling beside you. He placed his hand on your cheek, gently cupping it, stroking your skin with his thumb. Even though he hated the whole soulmate thing, he couldn't deny that you were absolutely stunning; he had never seen anyone as beautiful as you.
Your eyes slowly opened, immediately landing on Yeosang's beautiful brown ones. Time seemed to have frozen at that moment, and your heart filled with happiness. It was obvious to you that he was your soulmate; you were thrilled about it as you always wanted to find your soulmate, and you always found Yeosang unique whenever you saw him at shows.
"I-I have to go," Yeosang murmured before standing up and leaving the room, leaving you confused. Why didn't he look happy?
"Kang Yeosang from Ateez is my soulmate," you told your members. They all were happy for you, except Aeji.
"Y/N, I don't think Yeosang is as thrilled as you," Aeji mumbled. "Jongho told me that Yeosang hates the whole soulmate thing."
"Oh, my brother hated all that too, but after he found his soulmate, he loved it," one of your members said with a small smile.
"Then let's hope Yeosang is the same, hmm?" Aeji said, giving your hand a gentle squeeze. You really hoped everything would go well.
"Um, hey, can we talk privately?" you asked Yeosang, standing outside Ateez's waiting room. He rolled his eyes, but followed you to the rooftop of the building.
You gave him a small smile. "So, uh—"
"Look, Y/N," he started in a cold tone. "I don't care if we're soulmates according to the universe or whatever shit it is. Neither do I want a soulmate, nor do I need one. I'd rather find someone who genuinely loves me for who I am, not because of some hideous so-called soulmate bond." You just kept quiet, unsure of what to say while your heart ached terribly. 
"So just move on, yeah?" he continued, staring at the clouds moving in the blue sky. "I'm sure you'll find someone who will genuinely love you." He glanced at you before leaving you all alone on the rooftop with a shattered heart.
You always wanted to find your soulmate. You wanted to experience being madly in love with the person you're fated to be with till death. But how could you do any of that when your soulmate doesn't even want you? You wondered how it was so easy for him to break your heart. Was your bond really that weak?
You sighed, blinking away the tears from your eyes. You can't and won't force your soulmate to love you back, so you should probably take his advice and try to move on.
"Wow, Yeosang, didn't know you were getting some action," San said with a smirk, confusing the man who had just finished showering.
"What are you saying?"
"No need to act oblivious, we all can see it," Wooyoung said.
"I pity our makeup artist," Seonghwa commented.
Yeosang raised an eyebrow.  "What the hell are you guys talking about?"
Hongjoong rolled his eyes. "The hickey on your neck, obviously."
Yeosang's eyebrows furrowed. He checked his reflection in the mirror, eyes widening at the big hickey on his neck and one below his collarbone.
"It's on Y/N," Yeosang said through gritted teeth, feeling extremely annoyed and hurt. His heart ached terribly. He wanted to see you right now, but it was nearly impossible. Both his and your group's promotions ended two weeks ago, and there was no way he could meet you anywhere outside due to paparazzi. He didn't even have your number.
"You look... pissed," Jongho stated.
"Well, yeah, my soulmate is fucking another man," Yeosang spat before sitting on the large couch in the living room of the dorm, running his hand through his hair in frustration.
Yunho raised an eyebrow. "Do you expect her to wait for you when you literally told her to move on?" he asked in disbelief. "And now that she has, you're pissed? That's unfair."
Yeosang sighed, remembering every word he told you. He knew Yunho was right.
"I know, but... I just can't do this anymore. The bond is torturing me. A-And," his voice cracked as tears swelled up in his eyes. "I love her. I really love her, soulmate or not."
Wooyoung sat beside Yeosang, wrapping his arms around him, letting his bestfriend cry on his shoulder. Everyone could only hope it wasn't too late for Yeosang.
"Yeosang... it's been a week. You need to come out of your room," Seonghwa murmured, kneeling beside Yeosang's bed.
"I don't feel like doing that, hyung."
Seonghwa sighed. "We have to practice for the award show tomorrow. Our manager won't let you miss practice for the third time."
Yeosang groaned, putting his blanket over his head. "Can't I miss it? Can't our company say I'm sick?"
"Absolutely not," Ateez's manager said, entering the room. "You might win a big award tomorrow. And there's a large audience, you could draw a lot of attention. Besides, Y/N's group will be there." Yeosang instantly removed the blanket from his head at the mention of your name.
"She'll be there?"
"Yeah, the final lineup got confirmed an hour ago."
Yeosang leaned in close to Jongho. "When is our break?" he whispered in Jongho's ear.
Jongho groaned. "Hyung, this is the eighth time you've asked me that in less than half an hour."
Yeosang glanced at where your group was seated; unfortunately, one of your members was covering you, so he couldn't see you. He sighed, shifting his eyes back on the group that was currently performing while he tried his best to wait patiently.
As soon as all artists were given a break, he rushed to your group's waiting room. He found only half of your members there.
"Hello," he bowed. "Where is Y/N?"
"She's in the bathroom on the second floor."
Yeosang rushed there as fast as he could, ignoring the stares he was getting from other artists and staff.
"Y/N!" he yelled once he saw you leaving the bathroom, causing you to turn around.
Yeosang now stood right in front of you, panting from the run. Your heart raced at the sight of how ethereal your soulmate looked tonight, especially in his black suit and newly dyed black hair. He was absolutely stunning.
"Can we talk, please?" Yeosang asked anxiously, hope clear in his beautiful eyes.
You couldn't say no, even though you should've. You simply nodded your head, letting him drag you to the emergency staircase in the building.
You leaned back against the wall, waiting for him to say whatever he wanted to. You noticed how he was fidgeting with his fingers while he leaned against the railing of the staircase.
"Are you okay?" you asked in concern. Your soulmate sighed, taking a few steps towards you.
"Can I hold your hand?" he questioned. When you nodded, he took your hands in his, gently rubbing circles on the back of it while he tried to calm down by taking deep breaths.
"I love you, Y/N," he confessed. "I just... can't stand the thought of you being with anyone else. It kills me to even think of it. I know I was a jerk before and I know you've moved on, but I—"
You cupped Yeosang's cheek before capturing his lips with your own, surprising him; he couldn't believe you were kissing him after everything he said. He kissed you back, his heart beating rapidly like yours. The soulmate bond between the two of you strengthened, causing a euphoric feeling.
You pulled away with a smile that grew wider when you saw how stunned and happy Yeosang was.
"I tried to move on," you explained. "But I couldn't. Not when my heart, my soul, belongs to you. I love you, Kang Yeosang."
Yeosang chuckled happily, leaning in to kiss you passionately. His heart swelled with happiness and he mentally thanked the universe for bringing the two of you together as soulmates.
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