#i was going for like an old-timey photo vibe
cerealboxlore · 9 months
WIP #4: Captain Marvel The Animated Series (written)
Episode One: Welcome To Fawcett I
Freddy sat down in the booth across from Billy Batson, surprised by the softness of the seats as he practically sank into them. He took in the decoration of the diner with awe, recognizing the old interior design from pages of history books and old television shows. Looking around, a lot of the photos on the walls were in color, but most of them were in the classic black-and-white style that hadn't aged a day, along with the people in them. The radio on the counter of the kitchen window was playing an old tune, one that Freddy recognized as his grandfather's favorite! He was so enchanted by the vintage nature of the place that he hadn't noticed Billy ordering milkshakes for the both of them. If Freddy hadn't snapped back to reality when their drinks were brought to the table, he was sure he would have been there for hours.
"Wow! You know, I heard that Fawcett was frozen in time for like, decades, but it doesn't really hit you until you get here. The architecture, the people, the whole vibes of everything you all have around here just scream old-timey. No wonder my grandpa wanted to move here, haha-oh, wait! I didn't mean that as an insult, trust me! Fawcett has a good thing going for them. I just need some getting used to it, that's all." Freddy's nervous laughter eased down, as he wiped away the sweat rolling down his face. He was naturally popular in school and around the other kids, as Billy saw firsthand, but actually making friendships and connections with people took more effort than just being a pretty face. Freddy knew that. He just hoped he wouldn't bite his tongue or say the wrong thing as the new kid in town. A kid from the modern day around kids from the past? Yeah, that was for sure going to go great. "I just need to get used to being in this town...it's all new to me." His voice waivered above a whisper at the end, an unsure look in his eyes telling Billy that there was more going on than on the surface.
Billy took in the nervous expression and behavior Freddy was showing, trying to think of a way to calm him down. During school, he could tell that Freddy needed some fresh air and time to think about his move to Fawcett without being bombarded by all the other kids who kept asking him questions. Billy also knew that Freddy moved to Fawcett because of rather...unfortunate reasons, after hearing the rumors that spread around the school, like wildfire, during lunch. He didn't want Freddy to associate Fawcett with negative emotions, thus, the reason for inviting him to Philip's Diner.
"No, it's alright, you don't have to worry about anything, Freddy. Fawcett folk here understand the odd looks we get from the rest of the world." Billy chuckled, taking another sip of his milkshake with a smile. He didn't get the chance to drink these very often, so the moment he saw the chance to have one again with his new friend, Freddy Freeman, Billy seized the opportunity. Honestly, he never treated himself to anything nice unless someone else was tagging along or if the main reason was in consideration of another. Always the money saver, that kid. "You know, being the new kid in town, being the new town in the world, it's not so different once you think about it. The Fawcett Freeze may have set us back, but we're more than eager to catch up with the rest of the world and stand tall! I promise you, you'll do just fine around here, you just need some time to adjust and breathe the air, and you're free to take all the time you need, we've got plenty of that here. So, even if you stumble or fumble some steps, I've got your back!" Billy shined a bright smile on Freddy, who seemed at a loss for a brief moment.
Before Billy could be concerned about the silence, however, Freddy reached a hand out to the boy. Freddy had his doubts and worries about Fawcett, and his place in this town, but after hearing Billy speak so easily to him without any problem, he felt a little stronger.
Freddy felt...calmer.
"Well, if you say so, Billy," Freddy sighed out, grinning. "I'll take your word that Fawcett rocks and I'll take a chance on being here. I can tell already that you're gonna be a great friend!" The two kids shook hands, feeling a strong bond forming between them. Maybe they'd be good friends for a long time. "But, I doubt I'm ever going to stumble or fumble like you said. I've got the best pair of running legs a baseball field has ever seen!"
"Let's put that to the test then, Freeman! Finish your shake in a quick second and I'll take you over to the local baseball field here. The one over by Sherman Street is great for games!"
"Don't gotta tell me twice, Batson!" Freddy shouted excitedly in response. The change in mood seemed to do him some good.
The two boys then chugged their milkshakes like a couple of starving raccoons, sprinting out the door as soon as Billy paid their bill.
Had the boys left a few seconds later, they would have heard the breaking news alert on the radio, alerting the public to Dr. Sivana's recent escape.
@wolfsbanesparks (Merry Christmas! Hope you like this WIP!)
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Just arrived 💌
That's a mighty fine hat you got there my man. And a mighty fine deep v as well...
50's Jer but he's giving me 60's Jer vibes. I like it I like it.
In the original sepia and a black and white version for your viewing pleasure.
***Small Disclaimer*** Howdy pardners. If y'all would like to share/post this here mighty fine photo please feel free. I just would like to humbly request that iffin ya do, you credit this blog. Thank ya kindly. Also I have no explanation for why I'm channeling an old timey Sam Elliott in The Big Lebowski cowboy voice to type this, I just go with the flow like a tumbleweed in the wind...
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stargazer-sims · 2 years
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Victorian vibes
Here are Evie and George, all dressed up. They like historical re-enactments, so seeing them in period clothing is not an uncommon sight.
These are both EA outfits.
I’m happy with this suit and shoes for George, and there’s an EA hat I like for him as well. I’m also digging these glasses on him. He may be keeping them as his everyday glasses.
Even though I love this dress on Evie, it’s not exactly the style I was going for. But, I did find some nice CC ones that I’m going to try on her tomorrow. I found a great CC hat, too.
They’re not quite ready for their old-timey portrait, but we’re getting there. This is the pose I’m probably going to use, and the actual photo will be outside so it’ll be appropriate for them to be wearing hats.
As a side note, the more I look at them, the more I think the twins look like George and Sadie looks like Evie. I’m just imagining George at Eden & Charlie’s age, strutting around like he owned the place, attracting women like a magnet lol.
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poemarsviner · 7 days
Research [Moyse's Hall]
Another part of our research was going to a small museum called Moyse's Hall and gathering photos of items that could fit into our worlds.
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The first thing I found was this old chest which definitely could fit in my world. It looks very secure so I can imagine inside there's lots of gold or dark secrets.
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I then found these old coins and I thought they were really interesting with the unique designs. I like these because they're very old and they must have a lot of history with who they've come in contact with.
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I also saw this old hatchet and I thought it was cool because it is very old but still is so intact. I like axes/hatchets so I always prefer them over swords and seeing the hatchet was really fun.
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While this is a simple prayer book, I think it looks quite old and I like the vibe of old religious items. It looks very worn which obviously showed it was well used and it makes you think of how they were devoted to it in the past.
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I then also found these skulls. I'm not sure what animal they are, but they are very cool to look at. I enjoy seeing skulls because it shows how different all our anatomies are and I'm also morbidly fascinated by death and remains.
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I took a photo of this anatomy poster because it's very interesting to see how long ago we started to understand our anatomy and to compare it to nowadays. I like the angle as well with the stretched neck and it's very detailed.
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The final thing I found was this book bound in someone's skin. It's very morbid and a little disgusting but it's certainly a way to memorialise somebody. I bet William Corder didn't expect to be remembered 200 years on because someone used his scalp as a book binding.
It's very interesting going to see things from different eras and they're inspiring, especially for old-timey aesthetics like pirate ones. I'll definitely keep these in mind when I think about background props and smaller details of my pirate world.
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sock-to-the-third · 1 month
Handmade Paper from Naturals
By Diane Flowers
It’s a cute little book that has a gradual introduction into the subject with a little history before jumping straight into supplies.
Note to self: investigate the history of paper, especially non-Eurocentric
Amusing Terminology (pg16)
Deckle: paper stencils
Couching (pronounced cooching): process of removing water from wet paper
The book instead said “Couching (rhymes with ‘pooching’)
Lol, someone doesn’t wanna say cooch
Paper Press Techniques (pg16-17)
Wood Squish: paper btw 2 slabs of wood + c-clamps
Wire Wrack: air dry, glue down to keep flat
Fan Box: cardboard diy tomb with fan
Microwave: (nah)
Iron: (seemed aggressive, and needed alot of towls)
1 and 2 seemed the tortoise method while 3, 4, and 5 haire style. Out of all of them, I’d rather do the first two but if I had to pick a faster one I’d do the fan. The other two I’d be worried about burning them + I don’t have a spare microwave.
If I did get into this, I think I’d go with a Professional Paper Press or comission someone to help me make one. It involves screwing the paper into place while the homemade is merely squishing it between wood with bricks that would be uneven for the kind I’d like to do.
Random Side Bits
“Adding Texture” (pg42-43) has a photo of a rubber stamp imprint on the paper that looks absolutely adorable, definitely would want to replicate on the border.
There’s a range of paper recipes but my favorite is “Tea Paper” (pg55) that has this old timey scroll look that I love. The “Denim Paper” (pg60) sounds intriguing to try for the gorgeous blue hue while “Moss Paper (pg64) has this gorgeous grainy textured look that I love.
Then for the sake of experimentation rather than practicality, I am curuous about Ivy Leaf paper (pg72-73), its rather textured and a deep green that has such good vibes.
Handmade Books (pg96-97)
Don’t underestimate the author, Flowers, there is a FUCK TON of information packed int these two pages including how best materials for the cover and strategies for book making.
For one, I definitely will take Flowers advise.
“When you make your first book cover, practice with some scraps of paper. After you understand how the process works, use your precious sheets of handmate paper.”
More terminology!
Awl: hole puncher
PVA (polyvinyl acetate) glue: dry fast with perservative against mold
Bone folder: for creasing
“Please pass me the bone folder.” I proceed to take a thigh bone the size of my arm, pressing it gently into the paper with love and care one would use for holding a baby.
Lol, just love the word
Wax Paper: keep covers/pages separate while glue dries
pH levels (pg30)
“Papers that are pure and pH neutral are considered archival quality […] When overly acidic or alkaline matsrials exist in pulp, the cellulose will eventually break down and cause the paper to deteriorate.”
Enough to say that got me super interested. Whether or not I decide on making my own paper, the science of why some paper may break down faster than others and the chemical process involved of treating pulp sounds fascinating.
There’s a separate process for working with raw plants and vegetables to reduce the pH rather than recycled paper or prepared pulp that “you should add an acid free additive in the blender to avoid deterioration over time. After your sheets are dry, you can protect them further by spraying or coating them with an acid free sealer.”
Molds (pg12, 33-34)
Both have their perks but I prefer the pour mold. Neither looks difficult simply getting the material but getting it out looks more challenging with the dip than pour mold, but I have a feeling I won’t know until I try it.
There’s waaaaay more terms and information tid bits. I’ll come back later for proper notes.
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puerifungorum · 11 months
silly vampire movie concept with my ocs <3
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(to clarify. what i mean is that i am jettisoning all the tragic backstories (we do not have the time or budget for those. they can be vaguely implied.) and trashing all my worldbuilding and lore. this is based on vibes and tropes and does not and should not make sense. i'm not assigning characters roles based on translations of what they've actually got going on, i'm assigning characters roles based on what would be fun. we're using as lore what i vaguely assume old-timey vampire movies to have as their lore.)
anyway. setting! this should be vaguely 1800s or vaguely 1930s with perhaps 1950s 1960s 1970s sensibilities? or all at once. but no modern technology! this is the idea of a campy vampire movie as it exists in my head (have not watched many vampire movies) (have watched dracula 1931) (have looked at still photos of other vampire movies). the setting is vaguely eastern european. if parts of it are not in eastern europe they can be in england. various characters can be in flowy white dresses.
you should imagine this in black and white.
Alianora is a vampire hunter! (not an angel in this.) She's very noble and sincere and brave and all that. At like, the very start of the movie or something, her dear friend Anselm dies due to a vampire’s predations! She’s mourning him from then on, but, like, not visibly in a hysterical grief way, in a solemn stoic way. 
If it’s Scarlet who kills him, Alianora can kill Scarlet right after and that’s my explanation as to what Scarlet’s doing in this. get staked idiot.
it might not make sense for scarlet to be the one to kill him based on the idea of like. vampires dying if you kill their sire. whatever i don't care moving on
So Alianora goes on. Vampire-hunting and whatnot. There’s a new vampire she’s hunting, who will turn out to live in a spooky castle! I’m going to say it’s Vianna for now. Helpful local maiden Judith is helpful and framed narratively as the love interest. There’s subtext that Alianora is interested in her as a way of displacing her grief over Anselm dying - trying to replace him with another emotional attachment/bond, attracted to qualities Judith shares with Anselm (personality-wise. They don’t look much alike).
initially it should not be clear whether Vianna is a vampire or just like. a weirdo
Shock and horror! Anselm has joined the legions of the undead! Will Alianora find the fortitude to free him of his curse and save his soul by killing him? Or will she succumb to the awful lure of the vampire herself?
Anselm btw is filled with resentment toward her for letting him die. because what is Anselm if not animated by wrath. He wants to turn her into a vampire as well (she has to stay with him as recompense for his own death) and if she refuses or hesitates he will go into a rage and try to kill her. (he's also mad at her for the romance with judith. he's barely even cold in his grave!! how little is he worth that he can be replaced so quickly! die!!!!!!)
At some point - either when she first finds out he’s become a vampire or right before she slays him - she does catch him waking up from his coffin.
it should not be clear if there's anything romantic going on between them before he dies. after he dies they're definitely acting romantically, but they should only refer to each other pre-death as "dear friend" and similar things - the romantic bit should be ambiguous whether it's based on an actual relationship or typical vampire seduction tactics. they should never kiss during the whole movie. they do get to almost kiss. it has to be weirdly charged when she's trying to kill him
(symbolically like her desire for him can be that he's the manifestation of her guilt and grief and unfulfilled love, but he's only a warped version devoid of the actual person she's missing - etc etc you know the drill. vampires are fun)
Judith meanwhile has her own gay little plotline going on with Vianna. 
It’s a love triangle! Will she choose the dashing vampire hunter who increasingly seems to only be using her as a replacement for a lost love, or the eerie and charismatic vampire who offers her immortality and a share in the Evil Plan (world domination à la Dracula)???
she's initially interested in Alianora because she's tragic and haunted. after some point Judith does realize that maybe "being sad about someone else" isn't really what she wants in a romantic partner. hm. (this bit should be subtextual)
Judith and Vianna also don't ever kiss. sorry Judith. they do get in some lust-filled gazes and they do get to lingeringly touch hands and Judith does get to be sexily menaced.
how are Anselm and Vianna connected? haven't figured that out. anyway
At the end of the movie Alianora kills Anselm and either she kills Vianna with Judith’s help or Judith kills Vianna. And then they have an obligatory romantic moment. (they are allowed to kiss.) This is what tvtropes.org calls an esoteric happy ending i think
i guess the ending could be like "oh nora's vanquished her personal demons of guilt and grief and righted her failing by saving her new love interest... judith's rejecting the lure of selfishness at the cost of other people...." but it should be done in a way where it doesn't FEEL like that's the takeaway. oh ok the leads are now in an unhappy romantic relationship where they're both pining for other people and had to kill the person they actually wanted. what was the point of this, you should come away asking.
more pictures :)
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harleyquinnzelz · 4 years
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‘Swan Song’ Cover Reveal
‘But perhaps it is the greater grief, after all’
The year is 1942. World War II is in full effect.
In the German occupied town of Tønsberg, Norway, a scientist named Johann Schmidt and his men uncover a relic known as the Tesseract which possesses untold power. 
One year later, in New York City, Steve Rogers struggles to find his place. He wants to join to ranks of the United States Army, wants to serve his country overseas in this time of crisis, but find himself unable to join due to a myriad of health issues. 
A chance encounter with a young woman named Esme Flamel changes everything. She and her research partner Abraham Erksine offer Steve a potential solution, a chance to do what he desires most, an opportunity to serve his country. 
What follows is a story for the history books, the birth and death of the man named Captain America, but one thing those same history books never get right is the love shared between the man behind the shield, Steve Rogers, and the brilliant scientist, Esme Flamel.
‘to be left on Earth when another is gone.’
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pumpkinpot · 3 years
hey, hope you’re doing alright! could i get some fluff headcanons of mirko and midnight (seperate) pls? tysm, have an awesome day!!
Yes. unfortunately for me just tested positive for covid so my so anime and books are my only escape from the walls of my home rn so this is a welcome distraction. Also, I added some
Though she is usually hc'd as the biggest sporty girl and I absolutely agree I will die on the hill that she is such a big fantasy fan. Like I think she def has a wall of swords in her house paired with a really well made ren fare costume pieces. All of your professional couple photos have some sort of whimsy to them like you two on thrones or in fields in extravagant outfits.
I also think she is big into sapphic fantasy novels. At standing The Priory Of The Orange Tree is a favorite.
You two host gather night at y'alls place for your friend group. Hawks is one hundred percent in charge of bringing food and joke always finds the best board games, but you pick the best movies.
She def does as much as she cAN to cover a drunken tattoo she let mic giver her one day on her thigh.
IDK why but I feel like she's done narration work before like for books and things. It was in her years before teaching, but she had a really fun time with it.
After dinner every night you two have a tradition to take a walk down to the local pastry shop and get a scone and drop one off to Mic at his DJ job before coming home to make some night tea so you can read or be together before bed.
She really can't stand most comedy movies because of their pejorative and often times punch down humor, but she does love old timey newspaper comics. Just classic humor made up of bad puns. As a gift once you drew her one and she keeps it tucked in her wallet.
She is such a good roller skater. Don't argue with me, I'm right. She does that glide thing where they look like their moon walking while dancing just a little bit. She just- floats. She takes you to skate night as often as you'll go with her. You two are skating beneath the neon lights in matching outfits and the vibes as immaculate.
She is always forgetting to drink water. Its gone as far as her throwing herself into coughing fits while laughing so she asked you to pick out a really pretty water bottle for her and sends you snapchats every time she finishes a bottle.
I have the oddest feeling that she'd be into ariel silks, maybe because it helps her to feel both heavy and weightless given her quirk. Anyhow, in the morning before the sun is up. She has a rig in her living room because it has the most windows. As the sun is rising or setting she's doing silk yoga to stretch her body and wake up her muscles. She'd be ecstatic if you'd join her, even if it was just to hang around.
She does not take very good photos, but she has so many blurry candid shots of her friends and places she cherishes. Some of these have made them into frames and are put up on her walls.
She grub hubs you food all the time. There have been a few times where she has just shown up with it, but it is not uncommon for you to get a knock at your door and its some food she knows you like.
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sunnyrinusstudies · 4 years
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[Image Description: Dark green text on a floral background, it reads “Studyblr Re-Reintroduction”. The flowers are white hydrangeas. / End ID]
Photo by Tanya Trukyr on Unsplash
Studyblr Re-Reintroduction
12/02/2021 12:04
Hi everyone! I’ve been using this tumblr account off and on for a while now, and then proceeding to forget about it in favour of using my other account (the one true main tumble :p). So here’s my nth attempt at getting back into studyblr.
About me
Call me Rinus
He/him pronouns
I’m 20
Currently doing first year at Uni in the Netherlands
Queer as hell
Germanic/Norse heathen (shitty exclusionists not welcome here. there are no nazis in valhalla, none)
Newspaper delivery guy by extremely early morning, English student by day.
Open source stuff, privacy stuff, security stuff
Whatever my obsession of the week is.
After some hiccups I’m finally in my first year at uni! Studying “English Language and Culture”
So far there’ve been two subjects every block, one is linguistics focused, the other is literature focused. For literature we’re currently discussing renaissance and restoration period texts. Linguistics is focused on phonology (and using voice frequency analysers, there’s suddenly physics in my english :/ ), syntax, and morphology.
(I’m not that good at like, keeping up with any of these though)
Scottish Gaelic
Trying to learn some programming because I wanna dabble in mobile development
Godot (game engine)
Germanic & Norse heathenry, and some local folklore
Getting much more into online privacy, security, and open source stuff
Things I’m involved in
Freesewing! Where I’m attempting to help adapt old timey pattern drafting books to work with their pattern drafting software. Join in if you’d like! :D
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See me struggle to code something functional on github if you feel like it, and if I ever get to it
Maybe check out my art website? It’s over at hornedmousestudtio.nl , I used to have a different one and then I forgot to renew my domain and such. So uhhh it’s still very under construction.
General Goals
Survive this schoolyear
Get vaccinated as soon as I physically can.
At some point I’ll hopefully become a teacher, or something in that direction.
Maybe do more art things?
finally learn to code so I can make that one app that I’ve been thinking about for so long
Maybe this year is the year I finally win nanowrimo
Why a studyblr?
I just really wanna get involved in the community again
Making friends!! or at least acquaintances :p
Hopefully this will help motivate me to keep studying.
I have opinions on some things, that I gotta just blurt out somewhere on the infinite void of the interwebs
What you’ll see here
Reblogged content
Probably some aesthetic-y things
Bujo stuff
Fibercrafts things?
Maybe some witchcraft and heathenry things too
Plant and gardening stuff?
ADHD studyblr things
A few shitposts probably
Mostly attempts at good vibes
(I’d like this blog to be a place where you can maybe take a break from all the things in the outside world. I wanna try to just no longer have any kinds of reblog bait or big news things or such going on on here. I’m on not here to feel miserable, I can continue participating in activism outside of hellsite dot org)
Original content
hopefully notes
planner pictures
desk setup stuff?
fibercraft related things
gardening stuff
probably heathenry stuff but in a studyblr vibes kind of way
I wanna make a short post series on how to get more open source stuff in your life, and also why it matters.
pictures of my chickens maybe?
Inspirations & cool mutuals
in no particular order
@studyfajr , @eintsein , @raebae-studies , @myhoneststudyblr , @upside-down-uni , @derflauschigstefuchs , @forensicscienceblr , @obsidianstudy , @softlystudying
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trashboatprince · 3 years
In reference to those photos we got of the husbands... 
I’m sure we’ll be seeing more outfits in due time while they film, but I think my favorites are going to straight up be whatever the heck Crowley and Aziraphale are wearing in these latest photos because the androgyny of those old-timey, early 1800s outfits makes me so freaking happy. Plus, I’m a huge sucker for fancy dress with excellent color coordination. 
Also, Aziraphale looks like a cookie run character, I feel like that’s a plus. 
and crowley has nanny vibes so thats just a huge bonus for me
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floridensis · 4 years
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(im just rambling under the cut and it got loooong)
ive been looking for the phone i had at this time and i cant find it
okay do you remember back when instagram was for hipsters? like it was literally basically exclusively about putting vintage filters on your pictures to make them look old timey. good times. why cant we go back.
anyway back around (?????) i had an instagram and i literally have no idea if there was a social feature, if there was i never used it. i just used it to make some pretty pictures sometimes.
well back in (??????) we travelled to pennsylvania to visit family, and i loved the vibes there, so much older and less.... whatever its like in my part of florida. i must have decided to take some pictures that matched my vibe. i knew i took some really old cemetery photos and some street photos to instagram, but i had no idea i took this one.
i KNEW i captured this butterfly eating a crabapple, and i had some normal, non-filtered photos, one of which i had as my lock screen. its these photos ive been after for a long time now, because i want to find as many old photos as i can to upload to inaturalist. my main blog has been fantastic for excavating high school finds, but this butterfly has remained elusive. i think i had a tumblr at the time, but some time in the middle of high school something snapped and i manually deleted every single post on my blog with a small handful of hand picked exceptions, so just about everything from before then is no longer there. i never ever ever get rid of my old phones (or most things.... because i have issues) so i know i must have it but i just cant seem to find it anywhere. i was giving the butterfly up for lost. but i was looking at my massive folder full of my photography and related stuff that has only been around for a couple years, and i saw that i must have saved a small handful of my old instagram photos. i opened it expecting to just be nostalgic for pennsylvania but what do you know, i also struck gold!!!!
unfortunately, that instagram account is gone, and this photo is dated at 2017, which must have been when i originally re-discovered it and saved it. the picture is absolutely way older than that, but i have no idea when it was actually taken. my phone would have that information saved, but alas i cant find it. id date this as probably 2009-2011 but i am bad with time in a very big way. i think this might have been a summer visit. so im happy i have this and might upload it to inat in this condition, but i hope im not done. im going to show my mom some of the other instagram pics i had to see if she has an idea about when this was. she most definitely does have that answer though of course she could not pin down the exact date of my butterfly. i will also need her help because i know the exact location of where i took this but i dont actually know where it is. if she gives me the address thatd be perfect.
i also like.... hate the idea of uploading something with a filter but thats all i have until i can find that phoneeeee
(i bet when i find that phone ill also have bunny pictures that will make me literally weep.... i really hope i find it)
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isnt it beautiful?
i love floridas nature but i detest the human parts. so modern and ugly. modern doesnt have to be ugly but it sure does like to be. i probably have some not-filtered cemetery shots because these stones were REALLY OLD, but again.... missing the phone. its like impossible to tell from these pics to see what the stones say but they dated back hundreds of years if memory serves.
call it my heavy cancerian influences, i have an immense draw to places and things with strong, long pasts. one day im going to accidentally bring a haunted object home. its hard to articulate my draw but its a feeling i cant deny
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4mulaone · 4 years
If I may be so bold as to ask for your thoughts on the Armani Sharl pics.... I feel like I may be in the minority here but. They’re cute but there have been better photos of him in this world... perhaps it’s the hair ://
me getting out my Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) to analyse the evidence: hm yes quite!........i feel like if im being honest the actual images are 8/10 in a world where there is evidence of him being a possible 48230920/10 . the hair is OKAY........if i dont look at it too much. too short on the sides and theres FAR too much product but his face IS very pretty.....i prefer candid shots of him because i simply LOVE the disillusion of the onlookers gaze :)
BUT the je suis ambience of it......the old timey vintage vibe vs the crisp suit and clarity of image........the power to be unashamedly exploring ‘high end’ fashion in a male dominant sport..........its really exciting! like i just love how he’s so unafraid to try things and pursue his interests!!! i kinda feel like he’s setting up the foundations to become a driver (like lewis) who encompasses so much more than just f1 and im like go GET it u bitch!!!!!!!
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neonstarz · 4 years
uuuuuhhhh ok here we go! These are for Fried Egg, Samuel, and I’m incredibly curious about Opal so this is also for them! Number wise, 6,9,26, 32, and 50!! Totally not asking about their fashion sense because I feel like they all are incredibly stylish and I want to be like some of them what noooo ahahah
LOOOOL 69 <3 also ur incredibly valid in wanting to look like some of them i try and give my ocs as much drip as humanly possible
6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate?
Fried Egg was kind of .. absolutely incredibly average in school. She kept her head down and tried to get good grades and not cause trouble. She dropped out when she ran away, though. Albert, the guy who owns the diner, is trying to enroll her in school again though. She liked art class and hated math.
9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals? 
animals in general don't really love fried egg but bacon is the exception 
26. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions? 
copy n pasted from another ask: she goes like >:) a lot. she is not a super expressive person tho and like its kind of hard to tell what mood shes in most of the time. she doesn't actively suppress her emotions, when she ran away she promised herself she wouldn't lie about herself and how she felt, but she just naturally isn't very expressive. 
32. What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like? 
she wears a lot of band t shirts and black jeans. that is pretty much her entire wardrobe. she has a few things that Albert bought when she first started living in the diner that are like.. stereotypical cishet girl clothing and while fried egg would not be caught dead wearing them she refuses to throw them out because they were a gift and it makes her happy thinking about how little hesitation Albert had before he just started taking care of her. When she has extra money she’ll shop at hot topic but for the most part she thrifts her clothes. She didn't bring a whole lot of money with her when she ran away and Albert’s diner does not make an insane amount so she is not really rolling in dough. She wears a tank top and pajama pants to sleep! She doesn’t wear makeup, it irritates her skin. Her hair is about waist length and neon yellow ! She has bangs that she lets grow out so they cover her eyes for the most part.
50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials?
KJASDFKLS she already did that so im just gonna. tell you what she brought with her when she ran away. The only clothing she brought was a flannel and pair of jeans, and her emotional support black hoodie. She brought about $200 with her, enough for 2 weeks of food and a bit of public transportation. She brought some beef jerky and those tuna cans that come with crackers and plastic spoons and an apple with her too, just enough food to keep her going for the first few days before she could stop and go shopping. she brought her phone with, after factory resetting it. Although if she had to leave and take one bag of stuff with her NOW she would also bring Egg, some food for Egg, and some creamer packets from the diner. 
6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate?
when samuel was at the oakley academy of alchemy he was a very different person. he was very withdrawn and focused on being the perfect kid the perfect student. he didn't love the academy, it was a very conservative school full of other stuffy rich kids trying to be the best. a very competitive environment. he didn’t enjoy any of his language arts classes, but he did like basic/intermediate general alchemy, history of fine arts, and resource collection and identification. samuel dropped out of the university in his 2nd year, when he was 16. 
9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals?
samuel’s SO fuckin good with animals. he has a dog!! an Australian shepherd, named Bo!! animals just naturally trust samuel and like to be around him.
26. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions?
samuel likes to hum and sing under his breath when he's happy!!! 
32. What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like?
he likes to wear knit sweaters and those super fancy extravagant old timey white button ups, with the flared sleeves and ruffles on the collar and everything. except he wears them in a cool and gay way not in a like. im part of high society way. he also likes to wear dresses sometimes especially for parties with dancing. he likes how skirts flare out. big brand clothing stores don't exist, people get their clothes from tailors, so he just gets his clothing from the local tailor. he does knit his own sweaters though!!
50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials?
what is it with me and characters who run away god. anyway when samuel ran away he brought a fuck ton of gold, enough food to last a week, his bow and arrow, a photo of his parents (that he later threw in a river because fuck those bitches), his hunting knife, a journal, and a few pencils. i think if he had to get up and leave now tho, he just... wouldn't. he's built a life in the tiny town in the far lands, he’s healing, he's found a family and he’s in love, i don't think he could bring himself to leave. 
6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate?
she was kind of shit in school. she managed to get good enough grades to get into medical school, although she dropped out, but she caused a lot of trouble and tended to get in trouble a lot. she was kind of neutral on school. she liked anatomy classes a lot, especially the ones that involved dissecting cadavers. she didn’t like ela though. 
9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals?
animals do NOT trust her. vibes are RANCID
26. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions?
she has this.. little smirk she does. her expression of emotions is always kind of lowkey though she tries to keep this air of like,,,,, neutrality and kind of stay formal and cool 
32. What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like?
she dresses SO fucking fancy. her clothes are from like. idk where do rich people shop?? im sexy and poor. she likes what she wears!!! she wears those weird old timey pajamas with the fuckin stripes and embroidered intials to sleep. she wears makeup!! she likes black lipstick and red eyeshadow. her hair’s brown and she has a buzzcut 
50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials?
money <3 she has found that like. really all she needs in life to get what she wants is just insane amounts of money so she would just. bring money.
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euphoriarps · 4 years
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❊ ◜SOUTH ORLANDO .// demographics
population //. ~350k median age //. 39.1 median household income //. 70k languages spoken //. english, spanish, hatian creole
❊ ◜SOUTH ORLANDO .// kissimmee 
population //. 68k median age //. 33.8 median household income //. 38k careers of residents (most popular) //. server, food service, bartender, cook, hospitality, personal care, construction, management, healthcare, administrative  about kissimmee;; exit the walt disney world resort coming from animal kingdom and you will enter into kissimmee. towns like kissimmee are the reason that walt disney bought up so much land to make up the walt disney world resort, wanting to avoid his guests from being able to see the low end hotels and kitschy souvenir shops you find in kissimmee. kissimmee is a popular destination for cast members and team members alike to reside in (even though it’s requires a drive on I4 to get to universal) because rent is moderately affordable and because it is very easy to access things. 192/irlo bronson memorial highway runs through kissimmee and connects the town to haines city, davenport, four corners, and if followed for long enough can take you straight to I-95 to allow access to southern florida. kissimmee is where you’ll also find old town, which houses a 365 day a year carnival, an old-timey photo studio, and a year-round haunted house. old town is kind of on the questionable side, but orlando residents still frequent it nonetheless. rent in kissimmee averages about $1300 a month for a decent sized apartment. it’s a little bit more affordable, but that’s the benefit to living in a giant fucking tourist trap. 
❊ ◜SOUTH ORLANDO .// celebration 
population //. 8536 median age //. 41.1 median household income //. 83k careers of residents (most popular) //. arts/entertainment/recreation, art/design/sports/media, management, business/finance, sales about celebration;; celebration is land that was quite literally bought by disney for the sole purpose of housing executives and playing home to the corporate offices. everything in celebration gives off the vibe of wealth, from the neatly manicured lawns to the white picket fence lifestyle the residents aim to portray. a great many of the long-term residents in celebration carry some level of importance to the walt disney company, but other affluent and wealthy residents have found homes here in the years following its establishment. it’s a mind boggling transition turning off 192 from kissimmee and pulling into celebration, but it is a fun place to drive around and admire the houses. property value averages around $500k and a standard apartment averages about $1500 a month. 
❊ ◜SOUTH ORLANDO .// lake buena vista/williamsburg
population //. ~8,259  median age //. 43.6  median household income //. 51k careers of residents (most popular) //. management, education, office & administrative, sales, arts/entertainment, transportation about lake buena vista & williamsburg;; lake buena vista is ... a weird animal to talk about. technically speaking, it’s not a neighborhood where people live at all, being dominated by 25,000 acre walt disney world resort. however, housed in the walt disney world resort is golden oak ... a high-end, disney designed community housing florida elite, disney executives, retired imagineers, and even a few celebrities. you have to be willing to sacrifice a couple million and maybe an internal organ or two in order to say you live in golden oak, it being incredibly exclusive and difficult to get property in. if you do succeed in nabbing a home, however, you do get free disney admission for life. so that is pretty cool. outside the bounds of disney, there are apartment complexes that attach “lake buena vista” at the end of their mailing address, but disney will claim that is “simply orlando.” the population of lake buena vista is truly hard to estimate, many of the apartment complexes being inhabited by young adults partaking in the disney college program, the international college program, or the cultural representative program. essentially, underpaid college age students come to florida ... hoping for opportunity, and instead they serve as cheap labor for a rat. there are a select few apartment complexes that house non college program residents, nameless cumberland park and discovery palms ... but they’re pretty much 90% cast member dominated ... so what is even the difference? hop onto the start of international drive, however, and you will be taken directly to williamsburg towards seaworld. cast member, team member, and seaworld ambassador dominated ... williamsburg is an odd mix of luxury, resort-style apartments and more affordable apartment homes. williamsburg is so built up at this point that there are very few housing neighborhoods in this area ... but a ton of apartment complex. and seaworld. and restaurants. and hotels. and general international drive nonsense. essentially, think of lake buena vista and williamsburg on the same level as kissimmee ... a tourist trap, only classier. 
❊ ◜SOUTH ORLANDO .// doctor phillips 
population //. 12k median age //. 44.8k median household income //. 78k careers of residents (most popular) //. management, education, healthcare, sales, administrative, architecture/engineering, arts/media/entertainment  about doctor phillips;; doctor phillips the community in orlando is not to be confused with the doctor phillips performing art center, located in downtown. it’ll take you about twenty to thirty minutes via I4 to get from one to the other if you make that mistake. doctor phillips is the area surrounding universal, spanning the first chunk of sandlake road, a part of international drive, and a portion of turkey lake road. doctor phillips is where you’ll find the rialto, an apartment complex located directly above a shopping center with small retailers and popular restaurants. bento cafe is a particularly popular restaurant among the universal team members that work just down the street. take turkey lake to universal boulevard and it’s a straight shot into the universal orlando resort and citywalk. you can follow universal boulevard to kirkman road and that’ll essentially take you to west orlando and metrowest / millenia / oakridge. doctor phillips leans on the more upper-middle class to upper class side of things, though it does have its parts that are slightly less affluent. a home in doctor phillips will run you about $300k on average. you’ll find the orlando florida temple in the doctor phillips / lake butler area, an ostentatious religious institution of white marble, the second largest church of jesus christ of the latter day saints in the eastern united states (following washington dc). 
❊ ◜SOUTH ORLANDO .// lake nona/hunters creek
population //. 23k median age //. 36.4 years median household income //. 65k careers of residents (most popular) //. management, education, computer science, sales, office/administrative, food service, transportation, healthcare  about lake nona & hunters creek;; there are large residential areas surrounding the orlando international airport; two such residential areas located near the airport coming in the form of lake nona and hunters creek. from hunters creek it’s only fourteen minutes to the airport, and from lake nona it’s only ten. . . residents of both areas able to observe the planes coming in to land at the airport. populations in both of these areas, particularly hunters creek, having been skyrocketing in recent years and hunters creek has been expanding and developing at a rapid pace. it seems as if you can blink and a new housing development or apartment complex is springing up, followed shortly thereafter by shopping centers and restaurants to serve the growing amounts of residents. lake nona is primarily inhabited by small families, neighborhoods ranging from middle class to on the wealthier side depending on what part of the community you’re driving through. houses average around 400k, but can skyrocket to the multi-millions if you’re not careful. hunters creek is a little bit more on the affordable side, dominated by theme park employees and members of the service industry. houses go for an average of $200k, but the rapid growth has skyrocketed rent prices to an average of $1500 a month. 
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badlydrawndrawnings · 5 years
in my desire on hopefully saving enough money for animal crossing new horizons and getting myself a switch (or switch lite), and with pocket camp new fishing tournament, i decided to make headcanons of sorts for most of the sugar bowl generation characters (and others) playing pocket camp. screw the timeline, and sorry if nothing about animal crossing makes sense
made a nintendo account in case he needs to change phones (which happens after dropping phone in a tank and it breaks; he feels so glad about making said account)
has all the alligator/crocodiles villagers [campers? this isn’t a mainline animal crossing game] and most of the frog/toad villagers (he has to rotate the frogs/toads). will temporary kick one of his villagers out to fulfill a special furniture request from other villagers
makes the campsite look like a maze in one half, and lake/water area in the other half. the only amenity he has is the exotic fountain. 
cabin has variety of villagers who are rotated out on a monthly basis and it’s set up as a movie theater; apollo [an american eagle] has a permanent stay there it’s mostly his fortune cookie that makes up the theater
camper has lots of plants and trees with seating
because he has the money and work is overwhelming, monty elects to get the happy helper plan when it gets introduce. his helper/assistant is jacques [a bird]; jacques isn’t sure if he feels flatter
josephine (and ike)
she fears smartphones on the chance the battery will explode in her face after reading an article of it happening to someone (older cellphones and phones don’t have this concern to her), but the game made her very tempted to get over her fear 
after monty drops his phone she backs out because she now fears she may drop her phone and crack the screen (or get it wet and lose all her  data. monty couldn’t convince her about making an nintendo account). ends of watching her fellow volunteers play the game for a while
ike bites the bullet and buys a smartphone so he and jo can play together. ike names his character avatar jo after josephine. ike also took monty’s word about making an nintendo account
camp terrain eventually becomes beach resort (josephine help ike not buy impulse buys of items needing leaf tickets), which works since their campsite is a transform into boardwalk with rides (they keep the merry-go-round and bouncy cake amenities) and food and games (a bit like lake lachrymose when in-season)
cabin is their grammar library; josephine and ike only allow the more realistic (as they can be) villagers in there. they like taking photos of jo and their villagers posing in their library
their camper is weird. it looks like someone has a lab for making drugs on the second floor, with the first floor mini museum being a front. it’s possible gregor got a hold of the game and they elected to keep it
charles (idk if he’s 100% working with vfd or just well connected to vfd)
gets overwhelm at the fact he has total 100 % control of something and he can do whatever he wants
likes cross pollinating flowers and almost has all the clothing and furniture and all the potted flowers (charles made himself a cross pollinating guide)
buys the birch tree terrain because it’s the only terrain he finds easy on the eyes. the birch tree terrain is only used for the summer and fall; spring he uses the spring garden foreground and middle because he got it during leif’s [a gardener sloth] gardening event and winter he goes uses the default terrain the games gives to player
makes campsite look like an actual camp site he is following the name of the game he usually changes furniture to change campsite layout
cabin looks similar to the lucky smell lumber mill library (he tried to recreate it)
camper is very home-y; living room and kitchen on first floor and bedroom and bathroom on second floor
because she breathes the air of what is in and what is out, her camper, campsite, and cabin changes almost every week (she’s loaded she buys leaf tickets to help fuel her need to stay in)
there is no consistent pattern to be made one minute it’s a ball the next it’s a restaurant and the next it’s the woods with a bonfire
this goes to her character avatar appearance too if it wasn’t her name some would be asking ‘when did i agree to be this player’s friend’
villagers are mostly the hip, elegant, and cool theme ones that’s the only thing anyone can figure out (esme does have a random villager of a different theme depending what’s in and out)
buys the leaf ticket clothing regardless if they’re in or out they’re limited time and she’s not taking any chances if an out item they’re selling will become in in the future (again, she’s loaded)
when the game is consider out, esme doesn’t delete the game in case it becomes in again, which is a frequent thing (she even made an nintendo account to make sure if she did delete the app or has to get a new phone, everything is restore upon re-installation) 
hoards his leaf tickets because he wants to buy a good terrain for his town campsite; he buys the feather weather sky terrain and the old timey town background and middle (he got the 1st anniversary white iron fence it was cheaper)
the town eventually has strong fall/autumn vibes. there’s food stalls (the chocolate banana stall and sno-cone stall from redd’s [a fox] gardening event), trees from maple [a bear cub] fortune cookies, a flower wagon (from kick’s [a skunk] gardening event), a fountain with benches, lamp posts (same event from kick), and lots of leaf piles to run through
has many potted marigolds (he went overboard and made lots of them from kick’s gardening event)
the amenities hector has are the hot air balloon and bronze twins fountain
camper is pretty much similar to charles: living room and kitchen on first floor and bedroom and bathroom on second floor
cabin is a bakery-cafe; hector’s upset he can’t make a mexican restaurant so he goes all out with food/cafe/restaurant items from fortune cookies he got for 5000 bells and the cute confectioner items from pelly’s [she a pelican] gardening event. he even wears the outfit  and never takes it off.
she buys katrina’s special furniture item the second it shows up for some reason [katrina is a panther fortune teller], but becomes glad when olivia decides what she wants to do with her camp site
loses a lot of her leaf tickets via the fortunate cookies she wants. as such, when it came to buying blathers or celeste [both are owls], olivia decides to save up to get both of them when they both are offer again.
camp is a mixture of a steampunk circus due to bob [a purple cat] and wolfgang [a wolf] fortune cookies. has most of spooky terrain sans the sky and fence (they’re the second reasons she lost a lot of her leaf tickets)
cabin is more steampunk library with astrological furniture due to julian’s [a unicorn] fortune cookies (this is why she’s saving up to buy blathers and celeste they fit the cabin theme more)
likes to wear dresses and skirts on her character avatar you will never see her wear pants unless it’s good
buys the wigs and switches them constantly (olivia wishes you can wear hat accessories over the wigs)
widdershins blew all of his leaf tickets on the seafloor terrain and ocean sky (which he saved up for) to make an underwater campsite (there’s a lot of whale pool floaties). the villagers stays until they reach level 20 before getting kick out; the only who has a permanent resident is eventually gaston [a rabbit]
enjoys the fishing tournaments when they offer fishes in tanks and underwater related items; the other tournaments -and in general the events- aren’t his liking but he has a compulsion to complete them anyway (so for instance, he would do the fishing tournament mention in the opening but he isn’t happy about getting knitted items)
also has a compulsion to complete the catalog
cabin is an aquarium with villagers being the ones who are max out there. right side is freshwater fish and left side is ocean fish
camper is rather home-y; the first floor is a bedroom/living/kitchen combo while the second floor is a library with chairs and a sofa to sit on
got lucky with filbert’s [a squirrel] fortune cookies and has all the astronaut clothing; if his character avatar can’t be wearing a diver suit an underwater astronaut will do
r, duchess of winnipeg
r got in on the first day release she heard the hype and wants to see why people are making a fuss about it (she already has an existing nintendo account but doesn’t use it much she’s not an avid video game player)
r didn’t spend leaf tickets when first starting to play. as such she was -and still is- the richest of her friends when it comes to leaf tickets (she brought leaf tickets from time to time; esme is the second richest when it comes to leaf tickets) and eventually in bells (a bellionaire)
r’s cabin, campsite, and camper changes for the seasons. spring is usually a garden or sort or casual party, summer is a japanese festival or an actual campsite, fall/autumn she usually makes a fancy ball (usually due to it corresponding with the game anniversary) or goes out for halloween, and winter it’s...a winter garden. as the game gets fortune cookies and more creative events, r makes a japanese zen garden/japanese restaurant for the winter.
r hates the winter stuff in general (sans new years eve and exceptions) in part because it’s almost all christmas related. jack’s [like jack o lantern] garden event tested r’s limits; she came to the conclusion she can use the food, candelabras, chairs, tables, pumpkins, and potted flowers but that’s it (she almost used the hearth but change her mind)
only buys fortune cookies she likes and avoids the winter ones (again, almost all christmas related). r did however cave in and bought rhonda’s [a rhino] fortune cookie (r actually doesn’t mind the nutcracker). r got what she wanted: the clothing, castle pop-up book, and starry field pop-up book
r laughs at her avatar wearing a ballroom gown with their spoon hands cover in long sleeve gloves
snicket siblings
jacques was the first one to play after r; he got in right a week after it was open to the public (he makes a nintendo account for the same reason as monty). kit and lemony (same reason as monty and jacques) follow suit a week later, and everyone else join from there
out of the three (all of the volunteers really who are playing), lemony took gulliver’s bad as hell revamp the worst (jacques and kit and basically everyone else agree to change their rating) and made a strongly worded review that is one of top negative review of the game (even after lemony edited it an retraction after the pocket camp team revamp gulliver again).
jacques like wearing the fancy full set suits (the anniversary clothing are a second). lemony made attempts to cover his face but after fail attempts and coming to the conclusion he doesn’t like the king tuk mask he gives up. he wears the pumpkin head in october though
kit’s character avatar wears one of the special leaf ticket clothing items (it’s a jacket that cost over 100 leaf tickets) and glasses. she would have gotten a wig but after olivia show her character avatar with the wigs kit didn’t think it was worth it spending leaf tickets
jacques makes his campsite a campsite, kit’s campsite resembles a farm for some reason, and lemony’s campsite sort of looks like an unfinished town
jacques’ cabin looks like a regular cabin (he made a hidden space with a coffin and skeleton). kit’s cabin looks like a car garage that’s up and running with customers. lemony’s cabin looks like a nice writing study/library; he has the vineyard phonograph from brewster’s [a pigeon] gardening event playing in the corner
jacques and kit’s camper are dumping grounds for random furniture. lemony has villager pictures in his camper
they know christmas is popular in japan [no really, it’s not treated as a religious holiday it’s more for fun and romance], so they send requests to the team for more general winter theme furniture or like, other holiday stuff that’s not christmas. they makeshift Hanukkah [Chanukah? i seen this other spelling] menorahs knowing their requests will probably never be fulfill (given they learn that mainline games does the same thing)
doesn’t play pocket camp. he does however plays animal crossing new leaf. he has more control of what he wants to do in mainline and likes being mayor and the only player/human resident.
is actually pretty good at it. he completed all the four sections of the museum, got all of main street, and he does animal requests and is like, never mean to them. unless he hates the animal then olaf goes all out and does bad things as possible in this game: giving them rotten fruit, hitting them with a net, and making them fall in pitfalls (olaf collect many of them for this purpose), in hopes they tell him they want to move out of town
in fact, the bird jacques is one such animal because the real jacques did something to make olaf angry and olaf had to take it on ac!jacques. kitt [a kanagroo] and olivia [a cat] are on thin ice
has a soft spot for vladmir [a pink bear club] and hazel [a squirrel with a unibrow] for some reason
had to put the keep town beautiful ordinance after getting the golden roses he can’t play every single day at best he plays once or twice a week (olaf’s town has high standards he doesn’t want it a mess)
will only play pocket camp when all the villagers in his town are in
the denouement triplets
they deliberately made their character avatars look identical to one another so if one changes clothing or facial feature, the other two follow suit (they do this to mess with their friends/other players). this becomes a problem if one of them wears a fortune cookie outfit/clothing
even their campsite looks identical; usually it’s the lobby of the hotel denouement done to the best of their abilities. the cabin are also identical, being a hotel room. if someone changes it, the other two follow suit (again, to mess with their friends/other players). this becomes a problem if one of them has furniture from a fortune cookie
the villagers are dress differently they’re not dress the same. they don’t even keep the same villagers in their cabin or campsite. this is the only way to tell the three apart
frank’s camper looks like something from a 1920′s speakeasy, ernest’s camper looks like their home when they were five (there’s balloons set up for a birthday party), and dewey’s camper looks like his secret library (or his attempt at it)
frank crafts a lot of clothing for his villagers and likes dressing them up. he just wishes that all of the clothing is wearable for them (like pants)
ernest dump unwanted bugs to other people’s gardens during the second half of gardening events (claims he’s helping plays finish bonus tasks for first half)
dewey likes to take a lot of photo of him hiding behind furniture or a bigger villager to troll his friends and other players
he starts playing as it was intended: being a camp manager running a campsite. however, as the game got updates and add more features, bertrand decides to get creative
his camper first floor looks like a fashion boutique selling clothes for men and women; second floor is what appears to be a miniature town, with a giant crystal hiding behind some tall grass
campsite ends up being a train station. he got the locomotive station and clockwork tower as amenities. the station itself has sellers selling things like magazines, clothes (it’s the concert merch stand from dj kk’s [a dog] gardening event), and flowers (it’s the flower wagon), with lief selling his flowers as the ‘boss’. has a grand elephant statue from a fishing tournament that sort of blocks the clockwork tower.
cabin is bob’s fortunate cookies mix with some marching band items from broccolo’s (a mouse) fortunate cookies (he thought they fit well together)
bertrand is the only one who character avatar has the greatest resemblance to him in real life; clearly it’s the glasses
will switch up his avatar clothing and wear dresses and skirts if bertrand can find a clothing combination his character avatar can pull off
everyone is convince she is playing pocket camp but no one knows for sure because she gives hint she is playing but at the same give hints she doesn’t play
to get something out of the way: beatrice is playing pocket camp but her in-game name doesn’t starts with ‘b’  it’s something else entirely
wears the fairy wings (regular and autumn) and alternate between the two with an outfit that fits the wings aesthetic. beatrice knows they’re not dragonfly wings but fairy wings are close enough (she wears the bat friends from time to time, again with an outfit that fits the aesthetic)
has an makeshift play stage for her villagers to sing and play music and a small fountain area with benches at her campsite. she rarely changes it  (see last bullet point), only switching up the musical instruments and fountain and benches
beatrice doesn’t know what to do with her cabin, so she decides to make it a game of musical chairs and every time she visits she takes out a folding chair and leaves until there is only one sitting. she did this with so many villagers beatrice is considering on holding a championship round
like the snicket siblings, beatrice makes a makeshift Hanukkah menorah and place it outside (in which she will destroy her campsite to celebrate). she couldn’t figure out how to put it in her camper, which is a nice cozy apartment with an attic
bonus: ishamel (original schism generation)
has a campsite cult. it becomes a beach cult when the beach resort terrain gets release; he claims it’s a regular beach resort
cabin is a prison housing villagers ishamel finds ugly and he rotates them every month or so. they only appear in his campsite when they get to the level where he can get their furniture request (after that he force feds them snacks to max them out)
the only time he changes campsite and cabin is when august and september rolls around he likes making classrooms and everyone getting an education
when november hits ishmael  goes back to the cult and prison
camper looks very well furnish with many bookcases and chairs it’s a library
i advise those who made it this far to look up animal crossing pocket camp cults and pocket camp jail/prison this was actually a thing
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I saw on someone else's post that you offered to show them how to make gifs? I am super interested in making The Magicians gifs so I was wondering if you could teach me as well? Or even make a public post or tutorial or something? Thank you!!!!
Yeah, of course! There are a lot of ways to make gifs, some of them undoubtedly better than what I do. But, for me, I have a couple methods I generally use, one with Photoshop (when I want very specific control over the colors, composition, type styles, etc.), and the other with just a free tool (when I just want to make a gif that looks decent and not sink a ton of time into it). 
I’ll go over the free tool method here; it’s more straightforward and limited, but wayyyy friendlier for someone just starting out. Also, again: it’s free. (But lemme know if you wanna talk Photoshop and I’m always happy to open that giant can of worms.)
One nice thing about gifs becoming the one true currency of the web is that a lot of gif-oriented sites have built gif-making tools in the past couple years and made them free and easy to use, so we can all become gif-producing worker bees, constantly toiling to keep up with the internet’s insatiable demand for gifs.
I use Gif Brewery 3 for mac, built by Gfycat. (There’s also Giphy’s GIF Capture which I’ve used a few times and didn’t hate.) So for the purposes of this tutorial, Step 0: Download and install Gif Brewery 3
So! Now let’s make a gif. Let’s say I want to make some gifs of Margo taking her throne as high king. 
Step 1: Open Netflix in Google Chrome (i.e. not Safari because it blanks your screen if you try to record your screen while a video’s playing) or play a DVD on your computer, or pull up the scene you want on YouTube. Basically get a video of the scene you want playing on your computer screen in whatever fashion you prefer.
Step 2: Open Gif Brewery and select “Record Screen.” Resize the window that Gif Brewery then opens up so that it frames the video, hit record, and then play the part of the video you want to gif.
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Step 3: When you’re done with video, click “Stop.” Gif Brewery will then open the video clip that you made in their interface. You can close your browser and the blue frame window. You can see the full clip you just recorded in Gif Brewery. Trim the extra bits off of the clip by dragging the green bar to define your start point and the red bar to define your end point.
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Step 4: Resize! Tumblr’s main content box is 540 pixels wide. So if you’re making a gif that’s meant to be full width, you can size down to that width. Make sure “Maintain Aspect Ratio” is checked. (Now’s a good time to also crop if you want to, say, gif only Margo’s face without the space to her left and right.)
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Step 5: So now we have something that’s the size and shape of a gif. If you want to add text, now’s a good time to do it. Use the “Text” button at the top of the window to open the Text box. Here you add your text, adjust the font weight, size, color, and border if you’re using one. I’m going to use a Billie Eilish lyric for this example because I’m cliche as hell. 
If you’re making a standard-style gif with a text caption, you’ll use a bold san serif font like Helvetica, with a black border around it to make sure it’s readable, and then keeping it small and centered at the bottom of your gif, like so:
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But! if you’re feeling Artsy, go nuts with your font choice and placement. Find a font that captures the tone your message and clip are conveying. You can find a wide range of free fonts on Google Fonts or good old DaFont. I want that badass Margo ‘tude, so I’m using a grungy font and Margo’s signature bright fuschia. Drag the text box to move and resize it until you’re happy with it.
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Step 6: Time to fix your colors! Screen captured images basically always look more dark and muted than they should. The fix is to fuss and fuss and fuss and then fuss some more over the colors. Gif Brewery has limited color controls, but as I’ve learned, you can still spend an inordinate amount of time fussing over them. The Magicians makes this an especially good exercise in finding the limits of your patience because they’re always backlighting scenes in a way that blow out your brightness when you try to make even small edits. (Which is why I’m switching over to a different shot that’s easier to work with for this example. Margo’s hella backlit in our gif.)
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Exposure Adjust: Increase exposure to make your brights brighter
Gamma Adjust: Increase gamma to make your darks richer
Saturation: Increase to make the colors as rich as they can be
Vibrance: I also like increasing vibrance for even more of a pop of color
Hue Adjust: their hue controls are funky, but you can make some minor adjustments if at this point your gif looks weirdly too red or yellow.
Play around until you find what looks good to your eye. For a gif that’s meant to look like it’s colored normally, watch out for things like: the whole thing looks too dark and you have to squint to see the details; you overbrightened and now the white is blown out and blinding; or you oversaturated so much things look pixely and glitchy. 
Step 7: Open the Settings panel with the button at the top right. Time for more fussing to make sure the timing, frames, and settings are how you want them.
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HERE’S THE THING: Tumblr does NOT let you upload gifs larger than 3mb. So everything you’re doing in this panel is a balancing game to keep your gif under 3mb without letting it look like trash. These are the settings you’ll fiddle with most often:
Speed is set to 100% by default. But you may want to slow it down, especially if your clip is only a couple seconds long. Slower means it’s easier to see the subtle changes in a character’s expressions and it makes the action look less jerky. The slower you set your speed, the more frames will be added to the gif, so keep an eye on that.
Frames per Second is what it sounds like. The lower you set this number, the fewer frames you’ll use, but the animation will look jerkier. You want enough frames per second that your animation looks as smooth as a hot knife sliding through butter. 12 is their default. I try to not go lower than 10. When I’m feeling particularly luxurious, I’ll set this to 15.
Color Count: Gifs can use as many as 256 colors and as few as 2, if you don’t care about your gif being an offense to nature. You can set it to the low 200s without compromising on quality, though, so that’s what I did here.
Step 8: Hit “Create” and wait an inordinate amount of time while your gif renders. When it finally, finally does, check the filesize on the bottom right. In the above gif, you’ll see my gif was 2.1mb. Perfect. So I can hit save and it’s done. But if it had said anything larger than 3mb, I’d have hit “Cancel” and then fiddled with the settings some more to get the number of frames down.
Alt-Step 6B: If I want to do anything fancier/artsy-ier/more unique than this kind of gif, this is when I’d usually crack open Photoshop. But there is some room for creativity within Gif Brewery. Let’s go back to Margo and look at some of our options:
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In the Filters menu, you can see there are a number of bre-built Photo Effects to play with. Sometimes they look awesome; sometimes they look like trash. So experiment! There’s also rando filters like Halftone effects. And the Color Effects can give you options like adding a vignette, fading the colors to old-timey sepia tones, or creating a duotone like I ended up doing. 
Have fun with it and look for effects that will support the tone you’re setting with clip and text you chose. So like for this Margo example, going black and white, or dark and heavy, etc. would not have been tonally consistent with the badass vibe I’m going for.
And I… think that’s it? At least to get started. Hopefully that helps, let me know if you have any questions! Or want to talk about anything beyond the basics. I’m always happy to dive into the specifics of how a particular effect was made, or how to add more advanced refinements.
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