#i was gonna do Boston for the causing own problems one but Boston a. does not cry and b. cause 100% of his own problems
tiistirtipii · 7 months
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Only Friends + Textposts part 8/?
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heretherebedork · 7 months
Everybody's making fun that Nick again eavesdropped on Boston's hookup, but isn't it so interesting that Nick actually didn't back away even after knowing what Boston was doing in the bathroom. He interrupted them, almost grounding Boston from his meaningless escapades, forcefully reminding him of things that matter. The way Nick completely ignored the third person in the background, staring at Boston the whole time (and he was the one apologizing) when Boston could barely even meet his eyes. Nick was the one, being vulnerable and yet I think it was his honesty (and courage) that pushed Boston out of his superficial shell, and down on his knees, leaving him broken, open, and raw. For a man who has hated drama (read feelings) all this life, he is actually going to be very dramatic about discovering his own feelings. Nick fell first but Boston's falling harder.
I'm just gonna take a step back here to point out that Boston has been clear this entire time that he isn't looking for anything deeper or longterm and that it's not a bad thing to want to have casual sex.
There is no reason to be calling Boston superficial and to refer to him as broken, open and raw as if before this he was some kind of feelingless manipulation machine.
Boston froze his heart to protect himself knowing that he won't be around the people he knows right now for long, knowing that he's likely to be sent away from Thailand after every semester if he doesn't live up to his father's expectations.
Yes, Nick actually acted better this episode. I mean that in an amused sense because he still did follow Boston to a hook up in order to talk to him. But that's all he did. He wanted to put his cards on the table and finally, actually, apologize.
Which was very important. Before that moment, he never fully or openly apologized to Boston without the context being about winning him back or staying in his life. All of those apologies were to gain something, forgiveness and Boston back where he was in his life.
This apology was just an apology. It was Nick admitting that what he did was so beyond the pale that sometimes things can't be forgiven and that's okay.
And, yes, that changed how Boston looked at what was happening in that moment because he does care about Nick. But, you know what? He also cares about his other friends. He rushed up to check on Ray and looked worried. He stopped talking when Top asked him to stop. He didn't deliberately cause any trouble at the party.
Boston has his own moral code and it might look different but that doesn't mean we have to sit here and turn him into this huge villain for being a young adult who knows all his connections are likely to be severed soon enough in the future that letting them get deep just means they'll hurt more.
I do look forward to Boston's journey from here. But Nick also a journey that he started better because he has a friend like Sand who listens and pushes him and gives him good advice and doesn't judge him. I mean, admittedly, Sand also created all of Nick's problems by sharing the sex tape but Nick kind of made his own problems with that one tbh.
Nick stopped to talk to Boston in the bathroom not just because he had the moment to do it but because in a way Boston was trapped there. Leaving that conversation would be nearly impossible even with the hook up right there because once he answered and Nick started talking there was no pause for him to pull away.
I just... this isn't Boston versus Nick. Nick isn't better than Boston and Boston isn't better than Nick. They're both just messy young adults with different issues and different backgrounds who found themselves falling together in fucked up ways and are now falling apart in fucked up ways.
Boston's heart is melting and that scares him because he knows it's going to hurt because none of this can last. And Nick knows that Boston isn't going to be sticking around and that's why he stopped caring.
I admit that I read most of Boston looking away from Nick in that scene (especially before the line about his friends) was him just being bored of Nick trying to get back to his side. Because especially after Atom tried to push him into a relationship he didn't want again he was very, very done with people assuming that he has to want something more.
But then Nick didn't assume that. For the first time, Nick didn't refer to Boston in terms of a relationship but in terms of himself and that's what mattered.
Nick sees Boston as a whole person. It's the same thing with Sand and Ray. Only when someone realizes that they are truly wholly seen can they realize the parts of themselves they've tries to hide and tried to darken until they vanished into shallows.
Boston has never been superficial the way you describe because he made a perfectly moral choice to enjoy casual sex without deeper connections. Nick is the only one that he accepted more from and he was burned by that real hard so now he's twice as shy...
Until he realized that Nick genuinely saw him.
And that changed things.
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minghaos-girl18 · 18 days
Seventeen as Renee Rapp Songs
Just because I can (I came up with this idea 2.5 seconds ago)
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Don't Tell My Mom- Now some of y'all gonna hate on me for that, but S.Coups has a lot on his plate and I don't think he shares most of it. And Don't Tell My Mom message is about now wanting to burden a love one with your problems, which gave leader vibes to me.
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World Burn- I don't have much reasoning, except I fully believe Jeonghan would rock as Regina George.
(not that I didn't adore Renee)
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Pretty Girls- God made men and then sent Joshua as an apology.
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Snow Angel- Junhui is so under appreciated like this man is beautiful (I erased what I originally typed here because *minors*).
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Poison Poison- I need Hoshi to feature in this...although it would break my sanity
dont put "what sanity?" in the comments
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What Can I Do- I also need Wonwoo to do a feature in this song...also this is such a sad song, but it gives Wonwoo vibes?? Kinda similar to bittersweet, What Can I Do is about having a crush on a friend.
Also do you guys know how to send I'm sorry notes to fbi agents cause mine listened to me listening to this song on repeat for like a whole day-sapphic crushes y'all 10/10 don't recommend
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23- Our dearest songwriter Jihoon:) Again I do not have much reasoning except you know...the vibes match
if ya get it ya get it if ya don't...go listen to the song??
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Not My Fault- Its the vibes y'all ...I'm kidding...well slightly...the vibes do match but also I feel like Minghao definitely would love this song and I for one know for certain that I would in fact leave with him
(again if you know, you know if you don't say it with me "Go listen to the song" good job babes :)
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Talk Too Much- Now I know what you are thinking but you are wrong. Talk too much is about getting in your own head. I think Seokmin does that sometimes, so thus this is his allotted song.
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Someone gets hurt- In particular, the part where Renee says "People forget I am human too." I think sometimes fans sexualize Mingyu too much. I mean like those fan calls where fans are asking to see his abs?? like that's way too far.
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Meet The Plastics- Still not convinced he didn't help write this song (I feel like Boo either doesn't know this song or knows every word no in between)
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I hate Boston- I need Vernon on the track. Not really for any particular reason to be honest except...you guessed it... VIBES!
(if y'all wanted actual reasons for these-my bad...contact my FBI agent...I don't have his information if you know tell me I got to send an apology letter...might just hold it up to my laptop camera ngl)
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Bruises- I love Seventeen's dynamic but like sometimes I wonder if Dino gets his feelings genuinely hurt I mean less now and more like early on (like trainees/debut era). Now I don't think his feelings were hurt on purpose, but I mean being the youngest comes with being the root of jokes sometimes. And I understand being kinda upset over a joke.
There you go lovelies, I am so happy you guys decided to stay and read until the end (or maybe you skipped through and read only your biases part-you know who you are). None of these photos are mine and all of the songs are by Renee Rapp, I strongly suggest giving her a listen. Also don't forget to support Seventeen's upcoming album:)
Also, any suggestions on how I should apologize to my FBI agent will be taken with appreciation (and if you have no idea what I am talking about you are one of the lucky ones :)
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what-gs-watching · 6 months
“I’m 903 years old, and I’m the man who’s gonna save your lives.”
Well. My fridge has decided to completely die, which is really fun, and I’m fighting with Lowe’s to get it delivered tomorrow even though I know that’s absolutely not going to happen, and I had a phone screen with a recruiter for a company I’m dying to work for and I’m anxious as hell about a bunch of things suddenly, and that’s annoying as hell.
SO I’m still hunkering down in content because that’s just what ya do. Even though the dangerously low simmer my brain has been on has been causing problems in my life, I’m not ready to give in and boot up just yet. 
But what I AM doing is getting EXTREMELY excited about the Doctor Who 60th anniversary episodes, so we’re gonna dive into it. Because we have to. 
Doctor Who is a thing for me. Doctor Who is sitting in a stingy apartment outside of Boston with my roommate (who I had a major crush on, and eventually became my husband, which is definitely its own story) and watching episodes on a shitty laptop while we drank beers late into the night. I remember losing my mind when we found out who the Face of Boe was, my heart breaking during Rose’s goodbye. 
My husband had seen it all at that point, he brought me into it and he enjoyed watching me watch it more than watching it himself. I asked a million questions, constantly,  and he refused to tell me anything. At one point my inner monologue became extremely British and I had to resist shouting “OI!” at him when he was being a jerk. Doctor Who wove its way into our extremely weird love story; I fell for the Doctor while falling for him. 
So it’s really no surprise how obsessed over David Tenannt’s 10th Doctor I was. I mean, he was the first boyfriend Doctor, right? You could argue 9 was, but in this house, we don’t really talk about 9. You get through 9 and then you get to amazing, perfect, wonderful 10 and it’s all over. 
Also yes I’m very aware that I’ve said Matt Smith’s 11  is my number one Doctor and he absolutely is, but this is about 10. Because you have to separate them. The show is as good as it is because each of them are unique, while keeping that pulse of doctor underneath. And David does it so beautifully. 
 Like everybody probably, I did really love the Rose/Doctor relationship on the first watch. Boyfriend Doctor is supposed to have that little romantic string, right? And he was so sweet with her - burning out a sun to say goodbye. That got me. The moment he tells her she could spend the rest of her life with him, but he couldn’t do the same. 
Maybe for me the appeal of the Doctor though is the loneliness of it, and  it drips from 10. He’s fully inside of his feelings about being the last of the Time Lords, and he’s always so sorry when things go wrong. He wants to be with humans, he wants to experience things with them but he feels guilty about it because he knows that it never, ever works out. He’s excited and resigned at the same time. I felt a lot of that. He was sad and he was beautiful. And everyone kept fawning over him.
Except, for Donna Noble. She is my favorite 10 companion by far. She takes no shit from that man and the bond they end up with is so pure. I love the fact that she tells him no the first time he invites her to travel with him; that mofo had just murdered a bunch of crazy spider babies, dripping wet and radiating fury, and she was. not. having. it. And she was right about that. He had to get through the Martha Jones mess and realize he’s just fucking about with these poor girls before he could deal with the absolute powerhouse that is Donna-effing-Noble.
Makes him help free a slave society from servitude? Check. Forces him to save at least someone from Pompeii even though it’s a fixed point in time? Yeap. Becomes half time-lord and saves his ass? Obviously. They complemented the hell out of each other; she made him better and he did the same. 
Honestly, if I could be any one of them, I’d be Donna. I’m a pain in the ass, too. Sometimes it’s fucking needed. Brilliant people, amazing, shining sparkling people need to be balanced out too. 
Her ending is by far the saddest one in 10’s adventures. He has to wipe her memories of him so her mind isn’t swallowed up by time lord power, and it’s devastating. She’d come into herself with him, and he had to sacrifice all of that to let her live. Back to her basic life. Back to that horrible grind of absolutely everything. She was gonna travel with him for the rest of her life. 
Which is why I’m SO excited to see how they bring the two of them back. If any companion deserves it, it’s Donna. Rose is set with her cloned human doctor, Martha is knocking about doing this and that with Mickey? Right? But poor Donna, trapped in that very human, very boring, very static life. But she’s gonna come back, and she’s going to put him in his place again, and it’s going to be brilliant. 
Did I cry a little bit (a solid bit) when I saw the first full trailer? 100% yes. Donna Noble is very much another one of my spirit animals. 
And David Tennant has taken up permanent residence in my brain. After Good Omens season 2 I obviously had to watch all of 10’s story again and now it’s all mashed up in Crowley (and the infinite Crowley’s I’ve devoured through a sheer metric ton of fanfic) and I kind of love that. That man is chameleon and fully inhabits every role he plays but seeing 10 after the Crowley of it all, it makes more sense somehow. 
I clearly want to believe there’s a universe out there where they exist together. 
I also am going to believe that this whole 60th anniversary thing came around just for me. Because what I need right now is more of 10, running and saving and running again, lonely and sorry and excited and beautiful, and older but not, and different but not. 
My love for 10 is wrapped in my love for a lot of things that happened in my life and I wouldn’t be having an existential crisis without him coming back to me, so maybe I can love some of the things that are happening in my life right now. He’s going to be 10 and 14 at the same time, and maybe that means I can be a few things at once, again. Instead of whatever it is that I am, now. Maybe I can bring those things together again. 
It’s good that 11 is a singular thing, a completed something. Because 11 for me is someone else, as much as it pains me. Which is something I’ll get to. But I need 10 to keep going, and I really can’t wait to see it. It’s going to fuck with me in all of those uncomfortable, perfect ways. 
It’s gonna be good, it’s gonna be glorious.  So: Allons-y.
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williowdrake · 11 months
Fan Forum > TV Shows - Past > Fringe > Kirk Acevedo/Agent Charlie Francis #5 "Hey kiddo", when will we see you again?
Paradise is where I am
♥ Please, you couldn't handle it...Perhaps you're the one who couldn't handle it ♥
~Peter & Olivia~
Purpose. Meaning. Happiness. Love.
Fun Fact: Charlie France was born on June 22 1978 in both universes.
Charlie Francis Season One Scenes Survivor - Part Two
Scene 17
CHARLIE: Liv. Are you okay?
CHARLIE: Hey, Liv, you know I had nothing to do with the way you were taken in, right?
OLIVIA: Yeah, I know that. That son of a bitch Harris, he molested three women. I put him away, and that's what this is about. I am not gonna ask him for a thing. I'm gonna go to that building myself.
CHARLIE: We sent a team to the address, to the building where you were being held. It was empty. There was nothing there.
OLIVIA: What about the phone I got? The car I took? Did you trace...
CHARLIE: They're clean. The only prints were you. Oh, there's something else. There's a woman here to see you-- Rachel. She says that you're expecting her. Who is she?
OLIVIA: She's my sister.
Scene 18
CHARLIE: (enters the lab for a quiet conversation) Peter. You got a moment?
PETER: What's up?
CHARLIE: Olivia may have a lead on who abducted her. Only she can't pursue it without some help. I can't help her.
PETER: Why not?
CHARLIE: Suffice it to say that sometimes a problem with being in law enforcement is that you gotta obey the law yourself.
PETER: And you think I'm the guy to break the law for you?
CHARLIE: I'm sorry, I didn't--
PETER: No, look, you're right. I am the guy to break the law for you. What do we need?
CHARLIE: I need a wiretap.
PETER: On who?
CHARLIE: Mitchell Loeb... FBI.
Scene 20
OLIVIA: Charlie. Come here a second. See this guy? Daniel Hicks, he owns an import export company based in Chelsea. He's the guy that Marshall Bowman was flying in to meet. We need to bring him in for questioning.
CHARLIE: This your gut again? What's going on, Liv?
OLIVIA: Okay, this is going to sound insane. So let's just put it in the category of "crazy things happening in Walter Bishop's lab."
OLIVIA: (quietly) John Scott and I shared consciousness. Our minds were connected through a procedure before he died, and... some of his memories are still in my head.
CHARLIE: His memories?
OLIVIA: And sometimes I get flashes. I see what he saw in the memory. And in one of these flashes, I saw him with Marshall Bowman and this guy... Hicks. I think they were all working together.
CHARLIE: On what?
OLIVIA: I don't know. A weapons sale of some kind?
CHARLIE: Okay. I'll bring him in.
OLIVIA: That's it?
CHARLIE: Despite the thousand questions I have in my head right now, I'm going to bite my tongue.
OLIVIA: Thank you.
Scene 25
SONIA FRANCIS: Do you hear this? There's some kind of mountain lion on the loose.
CHARLIE: Mountain lion?
SONIA FRANCIS: Yeah, in Boston. Where does a mountain lion come from in Boston.
CHARLIE: Maybe it escaped from the zoo.
SONIA FRANCIS: Well, I doubt that, otherwise they would just say so.
REPORTER: ...local authorities advise that if you do spot the mountain lion that you should not try to approach it...
CHARLIE: Well, baby, that's why you married me.
CHARLIE: 'cause I can protect you from all the scary things that are out there.
SONIA FRANCIS: And, uh, who's gonna protect you?
CHARLIE: I told you, it's just a scrape. Bad guy, broken bottle.
CHARLIE: Nothing I haven't handled before a dozen times.
SONIA FRANCIS: Who's that?
CHARLIE: (answers the ringing doorbell) Liv.
OLIVIA: Charlie, hey.
CHARLIE: What's up?
OLIVIA: ...uh.
CHARLIE: You okay?
OLIVIA: Yeah, Charlie, um -- but you may not be.
Scene 27
OLIVIA: You need anything?
CHARLIE: A shot of J.D. and a chaser of beer would be nice. You know, hunting this thing in the sewers... It's not a good idea, Liv.
OLIVIA: You got a better idea?
CHARLIE: Yeah. Don't get hurt for me.
OLIVIA: Well, that's not really very fair considering you would do the same thing for me. I'll be back soon... promise.
Scene 28
CHARLIE: You just get in?
SONIA FRANCIS: Hi. I thought it might be you. I just got in from the market. I ran into Jody.
CHARLIE: What is it?
SONIA FRANCIS: Oh, uh, she just told me a really funny joke.
CHARLIE: Tell me.
SONIA FRANCIS: ...so the patient goes to his doctor and he says, ‘Doctor, if I give up wine, women, and song, will I live longer?’ and the doctor says, ‘Well, no. But it'll feel longer.’
CHARLIE: (laughs, wheezes in discomfort)
SONIA FRANCIS: You don't think that's funny.
SONIA FRANCIS: No, you don't. Are you gonna be home for dinner?
CHARLIE: I don't know.
SONIA FRANCIS: Okay, alright. Well, I will see you when you get home. And I love you, babe, even more for laughing at that joke.
CHARLIE: And I love you too.
Scene 29
CHARLIE: That's it then?
WALTER: Now we wait. Prepare Agent Francis for the ultrasound.
CHARLIE: Sonia and I, we've been talking a lot lately about having a baby.
ASTRID: Sorry, I gotta gel you up.
WALTER: You were right. What you said before about the consequences, I don't think of them, never have. Don't know if I can. That's not who I am.
PETER: I know. But you were brave today.
WALTER: Yeah. Check in on Agent Francis. Let's look in on our little friends.
ASTRID: It didn't work.
WALTER: Ever the pessimist. Look.
OLIVIA: They're dying.
CHARLIE: What happens now?
WALTER: Now you crap 'em out.
Scene 30
SONIA FRANCIS: Hey, you're home.
CHARLIE: I didn't mean to wake you.
SONIA FRANCIS: You feel good.
CHARLIE: So do you.
The Road Not Taken
Scene 31
CHARLIE: No movement. Why am I not surprised you brought one of those? (lock pick)
OLIVIA: Because you know me too well.
CHARLIE: If we get caught, I don't know you at all. Looks like somebody left in a hurry.
ANSWERING MACHINE: You have four new messages.
SUSAN PRATT: Mister Winters, this is Susan. Susan Pratt. You told me to call you if anything odd started happening. Well, it did, after I took the tests. Please call me back.
CHARLIE: I'm gonna call ERT, have them dust for prints.
There’s More Than One of Everything
Scene 33
CHARLIE: You're saying that William Bell disappeared into a different universe? Like Dorothy going to Oz?
OLIVIA: Well, Walter calls it an alternate reality. Do you understand?
CHARLIE: Not remotely. You're saying that William Bell is not on this planet.
NINA: No, he is. Just another version of this planet.
OLIVIA: Have you ever had déjà vu?
CHARLIE: Living a moment you've already lived before? Yes. What does this have to do with where Bell is?
OLIVIA: Well, déjà vu is like a glimpse into the other side. You feel like you've been somewhere before because actually in another reality you have.
"Admit it. You like me..."
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Post #34: UXM issue 171
This isn't a special issue that I was gonna give its own post, but it's in between two two parters so I don't wanna lump it in with one of those just for formatting. We begin with a brief conclusion to the events of the last two issues, where Ororo decrees to the Morlocks that they can no longer prey on the surface world lest they feel her wrath. She's exchanged her cape for Callisto's vest, and she speaks arrogantly and cruelly to Callisto as she leaves. Kurt watches, worried about what's happening to his friend and more worried that she doesn't seem to care about it. In Alaska, Madelyne wakes up from a nightmare and finds comfort in Scott. She was dreaming about the day the plane she was piloting crashed and she was the only survivor of the burning wreckage. To Scott's shock, it happened on the same day Jean died. Outside Boston, Carol- who kinda disappeared the last few issues- is visiting her parents. Thanks to Anna's identity theft, she feels no emotional connection to them, which hurts both her and them. At the school, Kitty is throwing a tantrum about the New Mutants stealing her floppy disks until Illyana points them out under her keyboard, at which point Kitty calls herself a jerk. It's a nice moment of self awareness about how she treats the other students, and she definitely needed a reality check after what happened a few issues ago. Peter is in the kitchen trying to cook, but his efforts are interrupted by the arrival of Anna (just a reminder, I'm calling her Anna, but everyone in universe calls her only Rogue until like 2004). She's come begging for Xavier's help, because having two psyches in her brain is causing her incredible mental pain and anguish. The X-Men are unsympathetic to the woman who destroyed Carol's mind, but Xavier decides to help her and sends his students away to the Danger Room. They ask Illyana to set a training sequence, and she conjures holograms of Belasco's chambers, complete with an evil Kurt and dead Peter. When Kitty asks her why, she goes into a trance and draws a glowing sword from nowhere. She attacks Kitty, who to her shock isn't able to phase through the swords blade and gets a cut on the cheek. She knocks the sword away, and Illyana is herself again, now with memories of Belasco that she had repressed. Ororo goes up to the attic, and we finally get a glimpse into her thoughts. She feels like she's at a crossroads. The person she's becoming, the person who struck to kill against Callisto, is the person that life as an X-Man has made her and the person best suited to lead the team. But it's at odds with everything Ororo used to value. She can't bring herself to leave her family or responsibility to the world, but when Xavier calls her downstairs, she screams at him that it was his fault she joined. Also in this scene, Ororo's plants have been wilting without her, and as she faces her inner turmoil, she accidentally summons a storm that destroys them. When she does go downstairs to meet everyone, it's to learn that Xavier is taking Rogue in and putting her on the team to help her, both with her mental problems and with her redemption. Ororo refuses, saying that it's her decision as leader and that she won't fight alongside an enemy. Just then, Carol returns and punches her into the upper atmosphere. Peter manages to calm her down when Anna returns. Although Ororo and Kurt threaten to walk, Xavier reminds them of what Ororo said about Logan back when Warren left the team. She said that while he wasn't the best person, he had the potential, and the point of the X-Men is to help people like him. People like Anna, who without the X-Men's help are condemned. Eventually, the X-Men agree, minus Carol, who flies off into space. Ororo spends some more time in somber reflection, and concludes that no matter what, she can never be the person she was. The only thing left for her is to stick to her duty as an X-Man and find out what she will become. In format, this issue was similar to 168, a downtime issues with special focus on one character, in this case Ororo. Her sense of self has been torn by the Brood and Callisto, and now she has to pick through the pieces to find out who she is. Over the next few years of the book, whenever she's close to finding herself again she'll be ripped apart again. It's some of the best character development I've seen in comics, and I'm so excited to dive into this part of my reread. Before I end, I wanna talk a little about Anna. Up until this point, she's gotten very little character development or depth, which is usually not what you want for a redemption arc but in this case works perfectly. The reader feels the same shock and anger that the characters do, and Claremont gets to build Anna basically from the ground up while still having a fully formed supervillain background for her. She's one of my favorite characters, and yet another thing to look forward to as I continue my reread.
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spencersawkward · 3 years
switchblade faith // spencer reid - chapter 3
summary: one month after joining the BAU, Clea is still settling in. between solving murders and getting acclimated to DC, the only comfortable thing in her life is her friendship with Dr. Spencer Reid.
word count: 4k
content warnings: mention of rape and victim-blaming (talking about Clea's previous job in sex crimes— not her personal experience).
this chapter is drawn from the season 1 episode 17 episode "A Real Rain," which is supposed to be in New York, but I didn't wanna write about New York so I changed it to Boston.
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I drop a second sugar packet into my coffee before taking a tentative sip. my face twists in discomfort. previous to working here, I would bring my own thermos from home and it would last me all day, but I've had to up my caffeine intake to two or three cups.
"you get used to it." JJ walks over to me, steeping her tea. despite the fact that it's early, she's perfectly put together. her hair is tied up and her eyes are sparkling.
"how?" I laugh. she points to the coffee pot, which is fresh and yet somehow tastes slightly stale.
"when you've been up for twenty four hours, you won't care how it tastes."
I avert my widened eyes at this.
"you could do what Spence does and just add a bunch of sugars." she tilts her head towards Reid, who is rocking back in forth in his spinny chair with a huge volume open in front of him. he doesn't even notice us staring at him.
"ew, what?" I giggle. JJ nods.
"hey, Spence!" she calls across the office. his head pops up to frown at us.
"how many sugars do you use?"
"five. occasionally six." he says this without a hint of the shame it deserves. my eyebrows shoot up and I take another sip of the bitter drink, trying to ignore the taste. it coats my tongue.
"see?" she smirks. "just so you know, we have another case. meeting in five." she sashays away to the conference room, leaving me standing there with an overwhelming urge to sweeten my drink. I keep it at three and add a splash of creamer to drown out the bitterness, then walk briskly to my desk to grab a few of my things.
"we have a meeting, Reid." I say across the divider between our spaces. he holds up an index finger, slams the book shut, and grabs his things. I wait for him to get collected before we head up.
"what were you reading?" I ask, peeking at his workspace. books are lined up against the divider, loose papers scatter the surface, and there are three uncapped pens littered about. his disorganization surprises me.
"War and Peace." he replies, checking his watch.
it's not even nine am.
I'm staring out the window of the jet while Morgan and Prentiss battle out yet another card game with Reid. there's not much to see until we slice through clouds and fly over Boston, which is glittering in the early light. I sigh and turn back to my book, tucking my legs up beneath me.
"this is not how I planned to visit." Morgan notes, looks through his cards.
"I'm looking forward to seeing Boston." Spencer smiles softly. at this, all of us look up.
"you've never been?" Morgan asks doubtfully. Emily snorts.
"we've never had an unsub there." Reid doesn't seem to think this strange at all. Morgan and I share a glance before he speaks.
"Reid, it's an hour-and-a-half flight."
"I'll show you around if we have some time." Emily smiles reassuringly at the boy genius.
"it's an easy trip, man." Derek chuckles. Spencer isn't bothered by our teasing. instead, he draws another card from the deck and focuses on his game.
"I've never been either." I state. the team turns to me with surprised expressions, causing my cheeks to flush.
"you, too?" Morgan makes a face like I've disappointed him.
"I've been meaning to go." I shrug. "there's an exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts that I wanna see."
"what exhibition?" Spencer doesn't look up from his hand.
"uh, Titus Kaphar." I haven't had the opportunity to travel much, so a lot of the art I've seen has been from a computer screen or in class in college. it would be nice to actually get some experience seeing things face-to-face.
"Shifting the Gaze!" Spencer's face snaps up to beam at me, referencing the piece so vehemently that it makes me laugh.
"yeah, exactly."
"I went to his talk a couple years back."
"no way. really?" I shut my book and lean forward while he nods. Prentiss and Morgan are watching our conversation like a tennis match. while Reid rambles about all the things he heard at the lecture, I listen intently. it's good, because I don't really feel like talking right now; my head is pounding all over again, and this is distracting.
"do you ever go to the art museums in DC, then?" I ask once he's finished. Reid gets this crooked smile on his face like he wants to say a bunch of things, but is holding his tongue. his face is animated when he tells me about the other exhibits he's seen at the Smithsonian and apparently abandons his cards. Prentiss and Morgan have lost interest in our conversation; they start their own game and let us talk for the rest of the flight.
when we touch down, I immediately feel overwhelmed by the crush of people around us. our first crime scene is a taxi cab in Hyde Park, where the driver has been blindfolded, shot in the chest, and stabbed right through his ear. the blade, broken off from the handle, is lodged in his brain.
despite the fact that his kills are violent and seemingly random, the unsub definitely isn't disorganized. he carries his MO out the same way each time, which makes all of us question if we've missed a connection between victims.
"it's possible he's a sort of serial killer groupie." Spencer notes as he examines the inside of the cab, which is splattered with a mix of rainwater from the night before and blood. I shift where I'm standing to try to follow his line of sight.
"what do you mean?"
"Lawrence Bittaker and Roy Norris drove ice picks into their victims' heads and broke off the handle." he explains.
"well, if he's doing that, then he's presenting a mixed profile." I frown.
"mixed profile?" the police officer next to me asks.
"yeah. the fact that this guy is shooting his victims first suggests that he needs a quick and effective means of controlling the situation, which means that he probably doesn't think he can overpower them." I say.
"he could have a physical problem-- or maybe he's just not confident because he's small." Reid is still examining the taxi for any further evidence, but it seems sort of pointless.
"plus, he's organized and hunts at night. that tells us he most likely has a steady job."
"so," the cop stares between us with a perplexed expression. "we're looking for a small, angry white guy with a day job?"
the sarcasm in his voice makes me smile a little.
"I know it doesn't narrow down a lot right now, but we know that this guy isn't blitz attacking his victims. it's more of an execution."
the officer nods at this and my phone buzzes in my pocket. I turn to Reid.
"we gotta go."
Spencer nods curtly, straightens, and starts to immediately walk back to the car. I shake my head at his behavior, then follow after.
we get called to visit a new crime scene in the morning, this time in a church. Hotch holds the door open for me and I walk in to see a body laid out in front of the pews. an older woman sits towards the back, comforted by a nun.
"how'd they find him?" Prentiss asks the police chief as she leads us to the victim.
"night janitor." she nods to a man being questioned by cops in the corner.
"did he see anything?" I ask her.
"no, but he remembered a parishioner who was here earlier," we walk past the older woman. she stares at us expectantly as the chief talks. "so there could be a potential witness."
we stop at the body of a priest, his eyes covered and a blade lodged in his skull, unsurprisingly. Emily and I stare down at him, realizing the same thing.
"first public killing." she notes as she bends down to examine his wounds. "he's getting bolder."
"the presentation is just as important as the kill." I join her on the ground, snapping my gloves tighter on my hands and turning his head to the side to get a better look at the blade. semi-dried blood coats the tied fabric around his eyes.
"I'm gonna go talk to that woman." Emily leaves. the crime scene agent crouches down on the ground across from me, and I bite my lip before making a strange request.
"would you mind... sliding that thing out of his ear?"
the agent blinks at me in disbelief, probably not wanting to pry a knife out of someone's head, but nods and does so carefully. I squint down at the wound. then I realize something.
"Reid?" my voice carries across the room. Spencer is talking to an officer when he hears me and walks over.
"this doesn't look like a normal blade, but I don't know what it is." I point at the now half-buried weapon. it sits unpleasantly out, the blood catching warm light. Spencer gets down next to the crime scene agent and examines it more closely.
"this is flint." he says slowly, turning to me with a concerned expression.
"like the stone?"
"flint is the symbol for protection and retribution in Egyptian mythology. with hieroglyphics, they used to display dangerous animals like scorpions and snakes being cut with flint knives in order to render them powerless."
"oh." is all I can manage while I process what he's saying. Spencer waits for me to say something else, but instead I bend my head down to pull back the silk tie.
"there's no way that using flint is a coincidence." I reason. the blood is all on the inside of the tie as well, which gives me pause. Reid recognizes this a second later, his eyes lifting to mine. they look almost brown in the candlelight, flecks of gold sparkling in them while his mind whirs endlessly.
"I'm gonna call Garcia to see if any of the victims have been charged with a crime." he tells me.
"good idea." we both stand, the crime scene agent scurrying off to do something else. I head back over to Emily and hope that we're right about this. flint is too specific of a weapon for it not to be intentional, right?
we deliver the profile by the end of the work day, our unsub a serial vigilante with a personal edge to all of his killings. my body is slightly shaky from downing cups of coffee without any actual food, so the promise of eating out after we finish makes my stomach eager.
we go to a Chinese restaurant by the station and keep talking about the case, despite having promised ourselves not to do so. I sit between Prentiss and Reid while I dig into my dumplings. I like listening to them swap theories and past cases, how they weave together all their stories.
"you forgot to add something to the profile earlier today, Aaron." Rossi says as he piles more noodles onto his plate. our attention immediately focuses on the Italian.
"what did he forget?" Prentiss has a ghost of a smile on her face. I've noticed that she tends to speak like she's on the inside of a joke that other people don't understand. the intonation of her words feels like a secret.
"I didn't mention the possibility of our unsub being a cop." Hotch takes a sip of his ice water. there's a moment where we all reflect on this information before Morgan breaks the silence.
"I mean, they do know the system."
"they could easily take matters into their own hands, given what they see every day." Prentiss adds. I nod.
"when someone like our victim is killed, police refer to it as a public-service murder." Reid struggles to get the noodles onto his chopsticks, which I notice but don't say anything about. he tries again, the food slipping back onto his plate. Morgan notices this shortcoming of Spencer's and I see that he's about to start teasing him, so I change the subject.
"I saw a lot of rapists walk when I was in sex crimes," I put down my dumpling while I talk. Hotch watches me intently. I haven't spoken much about my previous job with anyone on the team, especially not him. in fact, he barely knows anything about me. "a lot of the victims didn't feel safe pressing charges, or the juries said they were asking for it. it's enough to make you wanna explode."
"it's a long way from feeling like that and actually committing a murder, though, don't you think?" Emily asks.
"not really." I turn my gaze back to my plate and start to feel nauseous. there's a clinking of plates and silverware as we continue in silence. Emily nudges my arm gently with hers and offers me a supportive smile.
I hear Spencer next to me, getting the attention of a passing waiter.
"excuse me," he says in a low tone. "can I get a fork, perhaps?"
Morgan snickers as the waiter takes off to get the utensil. at this point, there's a palpable tension as we wait to see who makes fun of Reid first. he drops his chopsticks into his bowl with a defeated clatter and Derek gently pushes his knuckles against Spencer's cheekbone.
"having some trouble, kid?" he asks. Spencer smacks his hand away.
"don't be mean." I giggle, reaching onto my wrist to grab a hair tie. "here, try this." I wrap the thing around the end of Spencer's chopsticks so that they're easier to use, handing them back to him.
Spencer tries again and it works-- if not somewhat clumsily. he gives me a little appreciative smile and I smile back before returning to my food, listening to the stories that Rossi doles out. he even pays for dinner despite our half-hearted protests.
the entertainment for the evening is pretty nice, but when I've stuffed myself with Chinese food, Emily leans over to me.
"do you wanna go to that museum you were talking about earlier?" she whispers. I peek at my phone to check the time.
"I doubt we'd have much time before they close, but yeah, definitely." excitement bubbles up in my stomach as I realize I might actually get to poke around for a while. Prentiss throws her napkin on the table abruptly.
"Clea and I are going to the Museum of Fine Arts. anyone wanna join?"
I look around to gauge some reactions.
"I'm interested." Morgan nods.
"I've already been several times." Rossi takes a sip of his drink as he politely declines. Hotch shakes his head.
"I have some paperwork I need to finish."
"again?" Prentiss complains.
"I'll go." Spencer sits up straighter as he looks at his brunette friend, folding his napkin neatly on his plate. my eyebrows raise a little, although I'm not surprised that he'd be interested in visiting any museum. we stand and get ready to go; Hotch warns us to be ready to go at seven in the morning tomorrow. a little weight is lifted off my chest as I realize that there will be some reprieve during this case, and then we're wandering out into the evening air.
we ate dinner sort of early, so the sky is still slightly aglow with a bruised shade, preparing to sink into its favorite darkness. after finding the route to the museum, we hop on the train.
Boston is lovely in the kind of way that aches of neat corners and airy lights. stores crammed with antiques and novelty products line the sidewalks, people wander about as they take in a pleasant night. somehow disjointed and cohesive all at once.
whatever bit of conversation we had on the way dissipates into breathlessness once we get inside the enormous entryway. it's cavernous, extravagant, gorgeous. we flip through brochures advertising different exhibits. Emily raves about Impressionism and decides that that must be our first stop, so we head off with the rest of the museum stragglers who have decided to feed themselves with art until they're forced to leave.
my head is constantly spinning to admire something else in the enormous white rooms. it's a bit overwhelming at some points, what with the gargantuan canvases that greet me at every turn. but it's impressive, too, and I find myself hungrily reading all the small plaques. I venture out of the Impressionism vein and into Korean art, my feet carrying me away from Morgan and Prentiss. Spencer broke off a while ago; to where, I have no idea.
I check out vases and pottery, sculptures, renderings of historical events. images from the crime scenes fill my head intrusively. there's no use in trying to shut them out; they've been in my dreams for a while now, the kind that wake me up in a cold sweat. I haven't told anyone about them— I'm sure others get them, too— and I don't want to seem like I can't handle it. every time I close my eyes, I begin to feel the pressure of a knife against my temple.
"a lot of these are from private collections."
the voice causes me to jump, my skin erupting in goosebumps as Spencer stands beside me. he holds his bag against his side and follows my line of sight to the 18th-century bookshelf screen.
"that's interesting." I reply. what else is there to say to that?
"really makes you think about what other art pieces won't ever be seen by the public." he turns and starts walking onto the next work, seemingly done with this conversation. my brow furrows while I watch him go, his posture miserable as a result of his skinny build. he's quite tall.
"what do you mean?" my voice comes out quiet, but it carries in the otherwise empty exhibit. Reid turns around and stops in his place, allows me to catch up briefly. we start to read another plaque by a silver basin.
"you could have a Cézanne just rotting in your attic and it would never be examined by the right scholars." he shrugs.
"I really doubt there's anything nearing that value in my attic." I laugh.
"you ever seen 'Antiques Roadshow'?" he asks non-sarcastically. I balk.
"you never know." he's not a man of many words, apparently. I get his message regardless and we continue to walk, him setting out facts for me in neat rows, simple and easily taken in. he's definitely a know-it-all, but not in the way that makes me want to escape his presence. it's sort of comforting, having someone around who just understands everything. his absolute lack of social graces makes him easy to be around, too; I don't need to force conversation because he doesn't care.
we wind up in the mummy section, where the walls tingle with an energy that could only be described as magical.
"spooky." I nod to the domineering sarcophagus lid of Kheperra. a spotlight illuminates all of its intricacies and I make a beeline for it. Spencer trails behind me and we fall into silence as we peer at the exquisite details. it's intimidating, for sure, hulking and made of carved black stone. "you feel that?" I whisper to Spencer, who is enthralled in the image.
the way the spotlight spills over onto him is interesting; it emphasizes the shadow below his jaw and the delicate quality of his bone structure, his cheekbone prominent at the place where his ear meets his face. his lashes are long and lovely, his Adam's apple poking out of a slender throat. he turns to me with a curious expression.
"feel what?"
"the energy change," I smile. "from the ancient dead bodies."
"it's probably just the dark lighting and the media associations you have with mummies." but his eyes begin flitting about the room in a slightly panicked manner. I feel a smirk tug at my lips as I step closer to him.
"are you scared?"
"no," he scoffs and makes a face like I've made the world's most absurd accusation. "why would I be scared?"
"because we're all alone in here..." I use a lower tone to freak him out a little. "who's to stop them from coming out and... snatching us?" when my hand snakes around behind him to pinch his arm, he jumps.
"what the--" he catches sight of the devilish grin on my face. "don't do that!"
"sorry, Einstein." I laugh and turn in the other direction, him following me to the next piece. Spencer doesn't seem to have more thoughts to give on the exhibition, probably still a little creeped out. part of me begins to feel guilty for startling him, even though he constantly does that to me. his footfalls are weirdly soft.
I wonder what Spencer is like outside of work. what he does when he gets back to his apartment. how could someone like him entertain themselves? maybe he just reads books until his eyes glaze over. he definitely doesn't go out often, but maybe he has other nerdy friends. I hope he does. there's something in his eyes that's too viscous for me to grasp, something swimming and pocketed. I'd like to understand it, although that doesn't seem like a great idea to pursue. he barely gives his closest friends information about his life.
we end up at opposite ends of the room, him still examining an entombed husband and wife couple while I check out a canonic jar. the silence in this room is tangible. I wasn't lying when I felt an energy shift— it's like gold and clay and it smells like cracked cinnamon.
I'm trying to get a better look at the detailing when I feel a cold hand wrap around my forearm, easily encircling it. I jolt.
Spencer stands behind me with a playful smile, like he's quite pleased with himself.
"Reid!" I yank my arm away from his long fingers and see him let out that rare laugh. it's pleasant and fills the room with a warmer light as I rub my arm where his fingers held me. I'm surprised he was willing to touch me at all; it's pretty obvious that he's got a problem with germs, which is understandable.
"who's scared now?" he tries to defend himself with his palms when I reach out to gently smack his shoulder.
"you know, I was starting to feel bad for you." I laugh. he smiles brightly and keeps walking into the next room. I realize that the way we move is like two weighted ends of a string. he drifts out on his own, I follow, and vice versa.
I appreciate that he's beginning to loosen up around me, so much so that he smiles at a joke I make in the English Regency section. we walk quickly to absorb as much as we can before the museum closes, but we still don't get through all of it. Spencer isn't much of a conversationalist, and he doesn't really need to be. he listens to me talk, I listen to his erudite observations, smiling when he uses certain terms that sound like they're from someone much older.
by the time a curator tells us we have to go, we've completely lost Prentiss and Morgan and end up meeting back at the entrance. it's pitch black outside; Boston is still bustling, except my legs are tired and I'm ready to crash in bed. we have another packed day tomorrow.
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hettiesworld · 3 years
Name of fic: I Recommend a Daddy
Pairing: Sugar daddy!Chris x OFC (Addison)
Plot summary: When Addison runs out of money and is about to lose her house, her friends Auora and Sydney recommend to her a sugar daddy. Of course, there is one thing that is different to the other sugar daddy companies; there is a romantic relationship available.
Warnings: Foul language, sexual themes.
Author’s note: This is part of @donutloverxo Sugary 4k Challenge. Of course, it is not part of my Chris x Addison series fic, “Best Thing I Ever Had”, just to be clear. My OCs are not famous, neither are the celebrities in this.
Word count: 1641 words.
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“Rory! Sydney! Need your help quick!” Addison called out to her friends whilst running from her spare bedroom to her own, her handbag in one hand and her purse in the other.
“What is it Addy?” Sydney asked her, trying to braid Aurora’s hair.
“I have no money! I am gonna lose my house --” She started to freak out, breathing heavily. Just like the talkative person that she was. Until Auora stood up from her sitting position.
She placed her hands on Addison’s shoulders.
“Addy. Calm down, it’s okay, just do what we did. Get a sugar daddy.” “A sugar daddy?” “Yeah.” Sydney added on, also standing up, phone in hand. “Have a look. This is my sugar daddy.”
The picture on Sydney’s phone was of a 50 year old man. She could tell by the wrinkles on his face. Addison cringed at how old he was.
“And this is mine.” Aurora beamed as she picked up her phone, showing Addison her one. He looked, at least, 30-something years old.
“How old is he?” She asked Auora. “51. And he is Syd’s brother!” Aurora exclaimed. “What? How is he one? I have met him loads of time and it looked like… no offence, but he looked like he didn’t have a lot of money.” Addison explained.
“Meh. Something about a relative having a lot of money and I didn’t get anything. So I got Jeremy to help me.” Sydney replied. “But I don’t mind if my brother didn’t help me, I got to meet --” “--Yes, you got to meet Jeremy, we know. But that doesn’t mean you get to kiss him or something…” Addison interrupted Sydney.
She out her handbag on the bedside table and sighed, collapsing onto the comfortable water bed.
Addison sat up and was shocked at what Auora was going to say.
“Wait… you’re in a relationship with them?” Addison exclaimed, putting on a confused face.
Both Sydney and Auora shrugged their shoulders, basically saying that they were.
“It’s kinda complicated. It’s a polyamorous relationship. He can date other girls. That’s the business of the sugar daddy company they are part of.” Sydney explained.
Addison thought to herself, ‘Does she need a sugar daddy? She was losing her house and she didn’t have a lot of money…’ Sydney already had Addison’s laptop up, with the sugar daddy website on it, flashing in her blue eyes.
“Go on. Pick one!” Sydney encouraged, placing the laptop in her lap.
Addison sighed and looked over the website. She repeatedly denied every single one she looked at until she found a 39-year old man picture on there. Let’s just say, Addison was definitely interested in him. His name was Chris and he was from Boston, Massachusetts. 
“Ooh… He looks interesting and hot! Go on, message him!” Aurora said to her, instantly clicking on the messaging app within the website. “Rory! Why did you do that?” Addison condemned Aurora. “Look! He messaged you!” Sydney added.
Mr. Evans: Hello Addison. Are you interested in my offer of being your sugar daddy?
“Reply Addy, reply!” Sydney and Auora both exclaimed at her.
“Okay, okay. Just leave me alone. Let me message him.”
Addison: Hello, Mr Evans. I guess I am interested in your offer. Mr. Evans: Please call me Chris. Now, tell me. Why are you coming to this website? Addison: I am going to lose my job and my friends suggested this website. It could help me with my financial problems. Mr. Evans: I will gladly help with your money issues. We should meet up, but if you’re living far away, we should meet via webcam. Addison: I would like that.  Mr. Evans: Just give me your Skype details and I will contact you soon.
Sydney and Auora screamed with glee as Chris accepted the offer. Addison sighed at them before giving Chris her details.
“Now we wait.”
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It was a few days afterwards and Addison was alone, in her bedroom. She was waiting for Chris to call her via Skype. Then, it happened.
Addison looked up from her phone, as she was playing Candy Crush Saga.
 “Oh my… I am so sorry! I didn’t know you called me!” She yelped, making Chris laugh from the call.
“It’s alright. I’m guessing you’re Addison then?” He asked her.
“Yep. Sorry I was playing Candy Crush. And please, call me Addy. My friends call me that.” “Got it. What level are you on?” Questioned Chris, titling his head and then sipping a beer. “I’m on… level 182.” “That is cool. I’m on level 543.” “What? How?!” “Practice.”
They both laughed.
“Anyways… You have financial problems?” He then asked her, having a notebook and pen in his hands. “Yeah I do. A few days ago, I had no money in my bank account. I’m getting evicted soon cause I can’t pay my rent…” Addison rambled on as Chris nodded understandably, writing down what she was saying. “I am so sorry. Well, if you accept my offer, then you will be able to live at my place, accompanied with me and my dog, I will be able to pay everything off. All you need to do is give me company. Do some chores around the house, that sort of stuff.” He explained.
Addison thought for a while.
“I do need money. Okay, I accept.” “Great! You can start in 2 days. Just come to my address in Massachusetts and we will do the contract and important stuff. Get packed and I’ll see you then, okay?” “Okay! Thank you so much Chris!” She hung up.
2 days later, she flew from London to Boston, Massachusetts in the USA.
It was a city of wide avenues and small places to sit and eat, to relax as folk went about their day. There were the sky towers in the centre, what was once thousands of homes now took up less ground space than an old shopping mall. The rest was parks and wild spaces, a chance to walk among nature or enjoy the trails on bicycles or horseback. Yet perhaps Addison’s favourite thing was the river that flowed through the centre, crossing the bridges, pausing just to look at the view I saw every day and loved all the more.
She arrived outside a white-ish house, just outside the city.
There stood a tall man, about 6’ 0”, with short brown hair and bright blue eyes. He was wearing a Hawaiian shirt, 2 buttons undone. He also wore brown shorts and white sneakers. “Addy! You came!” Chris smiled and welcomed her with open arms. She stood out of the fancy car. She was wearing a pretty flowery dress with matching blue shoes with wedged heels. Bright red sunglasses, her blonde hair flowing in the cool wind. In her hand, a beautiful leather handbag.
Addison pranced over to Chris, trying not to fall over in her shoes.
“Chris! It is a pleasure to meet you.” Her London accent was clear as day as she gave him the usual posh greeting; an air kiss on each cheek. “You too. How was your flight?” He asked her, being a true gentleman and bowing, kissing the back of her hand. “It was luxurious!” Addison smiled at him, blushing at the gesture he gave her. “Please! Let me give you a tour!”
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The house Chris lived in looked quite expensive. She was surprised that he had a drawing-room (or a living room to you guys). The drawing room had a snug and huggy feel to it. The dining room, which was next to it,  was Chris’s in-home cafe, one where all the chefs and wait staff cooked for a living.
Upstairs, the bedroom she was staying in was just tidy enough to show that she cared about the space and just messy enough to show that she was able to let her creativity roam free. It was her goldilocks zone, perfect for how she was, especially for an inspiring storyteller like her. The en-suite next to it was a place of washing, of nurturing our sanity with the sensation of warm water and aromatic soaps. For the body must feel loved and cared for, for then it feeds back these messages to the brain and begins to set up a positive cycle of wellness.
After the tour, Chris let his personal servant takes Addison’s luggage to her bedroom as they stood in the massive hallway.
“Please make yourself at home. You are staying here. Any questions?” He asked her. “No. Not that I can think of.” “Good. Let’s meet in the drawing-room to discuss the contract.”
They both walked into the drawing-room and sat next to each other, with a big pile of papers, which is basically the whole contract. It was halfway through the signing.“Okay… time for section 5, which is relationships and sex.” Addison choked as he said that. “S-sex?” She faltered, coughing as her drink went the wrong way down her throat.
“Yes… you okay?” Chris helped her by patting her back. Apparently, that doesn’t help at all but Chris didn’t know that then.
She hummed in response as she put down her drink, leaning back as if it never happened.
“You alright now?” “Yep. Carry on.” “Okay… Now, are you fine with us being in a polyamorous relationship or do you want a ‘just friends’ relationship?” Chris asked, reading off the paper. Addison pondered to herself.
“Can I think upon it? I don’t want to be in a relationship without any romantic interest in each other…” She mumbled. “Yeah, of course. It would be cool to go on a date to see if we do have a spark.” He suggested, placing the contract down back onto the table. “I like that idea.” Addison smiled at him, blushing.
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pinnithin-writes · 3 years
The First: Aftermath (Part 2)
A collaborative work between myself and @reneethecyborg on what happened after Lupin III: The First. Part 2 of 4, 1609 words.
It never ceases to amaze Zenigata how quickly things tend to spiral out of control when the Lupin gang is involved. Just a few days ago, he was staking out a Parisian museum in hopes of preventing Lupin from stealing some old diary with vague ties to his grandfather. The stakeout had sort of worked, excepting Lupin’s usual dramatic escape at the last second. Then radio silence for a day or so, until Lupin popped up again in the middle of Mexico for no clear reason. That’s when things really got complicated, as they almost always do with these people.
While arresting Lupin may be the cornerstone of his career, Zenigata’s primary goal has always been to uphold justice and root out corruption wherever it may lurk—even among his own coworkers, from time to time. With that in mind, it’s not terribly surprising that he often finds himself forming a temporary alliance with the Lupin gang when there’s a greater evil to deal with, and there are few greater evils than the one they’ve come up against this time.
All in all, things seem to have worked out alright. The entirety of the Brazil base’s manpower was either taken into custody or gunned down when Interpol (and the Lupin gang) stormed the place, the Eclipse device was kept out of the wrong hands, and Laetitia Bresson can get on with her life as a bright young woman with a promising career in archaeology to look forward to, finally free of the dark cloud hanging over her.
But something still isn’t sitting right with Zenigata.
He would never admit to giving them a head start—it would sound too much like he’s going soft—but it didn’t seem fair to chase the Lupin gang out on a rail before they had a chance to say goodbye to their new friend. From where Zenigata had been watching on Interpol’s own boat, ready to pounce at a moment’s notice, the whole affair seemed rather subdued. Lupin didn’t perform any of his usual grand gestures of farewell; Laetitia had hugged him, but he ended it fairly quickly and spent most of their conversation on the speedboat, like he was trying to keep a bit of distance between them.
The pursuit didn’t last long, on account of the fact that they could hardly leave Laetitia stranded there on the pier, but what little he saw before cutting the gang loose left a bad taste in his mouth. Again Lupin lacked his usual grandstanding and bravioso—no cheeky waving, no jumping around hurling childish barbs as the speedboat careened off into the sunset.
As a detective, Zenigata’s job is to make inferences based on whatever scraps of information he can wring out of a situation. In this case, the information he has leads to one conclusion: whatever happened on that plane, it didn’t go anywhere near as smoothly as Lupin insisted it would when he originally pitched his plan to destroy the Eclipse personally. There’s other supporting evidence, too; when the plan was originally hashed out, Lupin claimed he would set the Eclipse to destroy itself and then immediately bail out before it could become a danger to him. But when the time came, nobody saw him at all until long after the plane had begun to consume itself, and even then he didn’t have his parachute.
Something went wrong up there, Zenigata’s sure of it. If he had to guess, he would suppose that Geralt wasn’t as much of a pushover as Lupin seemed convinced he would be. They probably fought—or rather, Geralt fought while Lupin danced around making a fool of himself. Given the nature of Lupin’s scheme, it would stand to reason that Geralt might have come at him with everything he had. People tend to abandon all pretense when their ideology and life’s work goes up in smoke before their eyes. With that in mind, it’s very likely that Lupin took a beating before he could get away. That would explain his behavior after the fact, if he were injured.
Of course, there’s not really anything Zenigata can do about his theory, regardless of whether he turns out to be right. Going back for Laetitia meant he had absolutely no chance of catching the Lupin gang, or even tracking where they might have gone; he’s got a hunch they’re still somewhere in Brazil, but that’s not enough to work with. And there’s still all the logistics and busywork that come after a caper like this—reports to write and fact-check and edit, charges to file against the surviving Nazis, favors to cash in so Laetitia can make her way back to France (and then, shortly, to Boston) without too much hassle.
Zenigata is going to be up to his neck in paperwork for the rest of the month making sure this mess is sorted out properly and without any mistakes, and that’s assuming everything goes smoothly when it comes to filing charges. He’d like to believe his annoyance at being chained to his desk is purely a result of not being able to hunt down the Lupin gang after having no choice but to let them slip away, but he’d be lying to himself. The truth of the matter is that he’s worried, and there’s nothing to be done about it now except grind through the paperwork and wait to see if they resurface any time soon.
Just as Zenigata’s considering calling it quits for the night, his desk phone rings. That in itself isn’t terribly unusual, but everybody who’s needed to speak with him about today’s chaos has come to him directly—the building’s internal lines have been tangled up for hours with all the cross-department communication. It must be someone from outside the building, then, and Zenigata has a strong hunch who it might be. “Inspector Zenigata,” he says automatically.
“It’s Jigen.”
That’s what Zenigata was hoping for. “I’m not going to bother asking where you are.” Jigen would never say, and it would be impossible to trace the call before he loses his patience and hangs up. Besides, he’s almost certainly calling from a payphone, and that’s only marginally more useful information than ‘probably somewhere in Brazil’.
“Good. Saves us some time.” He sounds about as terse as usual—his gruff demeanor doesn’t translate well to phone conversations—but there’s something else there. Maybe he’s tired. “Just wanted to let you know we made it to dry land.”
Well, that’s good. Pretty vague reassurance, though. “And you’re all alright?” He can’t be blamed for probing a bit. It’s basically his job.
A brief pause. Not a good sign. “We’re all alive, if that’s what you mean.” Definitely not a good sign. Jigen sighs, or maybe it’s just static on the line. “Look, pops, I’ll level with you. Lupin’s not doing too hot. He’ll live,” he adds hastily, cutting off any possible miscommunication.
So Zenigata’s hunch was right. It’s no victory, all things considered. “How bad is it?”
Another pause, though this one is less loaded. “Not as bad as it could’ve been. He didn’t get shot this time, for once.” Lupin had mentioned his plan to palm Geralt’s bullets before they disembarked. Sounds like he pulled it off. “But that prick really did a number on him. Broke some ribs, fucked up his arm. Nearly crushed his throat, looks like.”
Zenigata finds himself gripping the receiver more tightly as he imagines what might have happened to cause those injuries, anger bubbling into his chest. Lupin may be a criminal, but nothing he’s done would ever warrant such brutality. “And you and Goemon, you two have it under control?” If they needed a proper doctor, Zenigata might find himself too busy to notice any reports that might come in regarding notable patients in the area. He’s got a lot of work to do, after all.
“I think so. It’ll mostly just take rest. Lots of rest.”
“Are you sure you can make that happen? Lupin won’t like it.”
“We’ll chain him down if we have to.” Jigen says it flatly, but there’s a hint of humor under there.
The situation must not be too dire, if he’s able to crack jokes. “Well, thanks for telling me. I really appreciate it, Jigen.” He won’t admit that he’s been fretting since he had to make the call to turn the boat around.
“No problem. It’s what Lupin would want, anyway.” Jigen pauses again; there’s a faint tapping noise, like he’s drumming his fingers on the receiver a little too close to the mouthpiece. “Pops, do yourself a favor. Take a vacation once you’re done cleaning up the Nazi mess. We’re not gonna let Lupin do jack shit for at least a month or two, so you’d be wasting your time waiting up for us.”
Now that he mentions it, a vacation sounds nice. Zenigata does get to travel a lot, but only for work; he hardly has time to take in the sights or buy souvenirs. “A month or two, huh? I’m holding you to that. I want a clean bill of health before you even think about another heist, got it?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Jigen sighs more than says. “Anyway, I’m gonna go. I’ll tell Lupin you said hi.”
And just like that, the line goes dead. In terms of the Lupin case, Zenigata still has no leads, but he can’t bring himself to be particularly upset about it. He got the information he was hoping for, and he can’t really ask for more than that. Instead, he returns to his paperwork and makes a mental note to look into attending Laetitia’s archaeology seminar in Boston next month.
Part 1 (by Pin) < --- > Part 2 (by Cosma) < --- > Part 3 (by Pin)
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lovlydovlyjaycie · 3 years
The walking Dead :  A World Changed
Hii so this is gonna be a story about a crossover but also not really a crossover from the walking dead and supernatural. 
Summary: Y/N is from Boston and moved to Los Angeles to be a nanny, she’s been doing it for a while now and loves the two, soon to be three, children like they were her own. One day she goes to work and it seems like the world around her is falling apart. People are dying, unbeknowst to her they are coming back to live. She is trying to find a way so she stays alive and the people around her too and she needs help, but she’d rather does it on her own.
Characters: Y/N, OC Alice, OC Mark, OC Birdy, OC Clark, OC Jayden, eventually Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester and more characters to come.
Word count : 1,010
Take us back - Alela Diane
Part 1 Take us back
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Day 730,
It’s been two years since the world ended. Two damn years. My car broke down somewhere in Inavale Nebraska. I didn’t know where I was going, as long as I didn’t stay in the same place for too long. I had been caring Jayden the whole way and my feet and back where about to give out. Clark was attached to me with a rope so we wouldn’t lose each other. It worked so far. It was just me, Clark and Jayden now. A lot has happend in those 2 years, a lot that I don’t want to think about. 
 I figured out very early that the people that were attacking were not alive anymore. We call them monsters. It was the easiest way to explain to kids that monsters are bad and you need to stay away from them.
 Finally after walking about three hours I finally saw another town in the distance. Red cloud. Please don’t let this be another small town where no one lives. I was so over these small towns. People that live there are either crazy and start shooting at you or they’re dead. There are also no supplies in small towns, sometimes not even a store and if there is a store there is nothing left.
 After walking for an hour in town I finally found a grocery store. I made this ‘system’ that I would clear the roof and put the kids there. We climbed up looking around I saw a door. Testing it, it was locked and couldn’t be opened. I would tie both kids to the door so they wouldn’t wonder off and fall down. I would feel safer going somewhere inside myself rather than bringing them with me and then getting hurt. “Ok Clark, you know what to do, right?” I have him a bell for on a bike. “If anything bad happens just keep ringing the bell until I’m there alright.” Clark nodded his head. “And where are you staying?” I looked at Clark, I know he knew the answer to this question, but I need to hear him say it. “I stay here and ring the bell of monsters or bad people come.” I smiled at him. “Good job Clark, now watch over your little brother ok.” I have Clark and Jayden a kiss on their heads. Jayden had fallen asleep. “I will! When will you be back?” He looked a little scared, he doesn’t like to be left alone.. of course, but I know he can do it. “It won’t take me very long, 10, maybe 20 minutes and then I’ll be back alright. After that we can find a place to sleep for tonight, cause it’s gonna get dark soon.” Clark gave me a tight hug and said that we’d see each other in a couple of minutes. All the while I was walking to the edge of the roof and climbing down he kept looking at me. I smiled and waved at him.. showing everything will be ok.
 Looking around I saw three monsters after two year I felt numb killing them. The first monster I killed had kept me up at night for days.. now I don’t care. Strange how that changes. When they were all dead I started banging the entrance of the store to see if there were monster coming up to me. There was just one. I tried to slide open the door. It was very heavy. When there was a small opening the monster tried to get me, but I was faster and stabbed him in his head with my knife. He fell to the ground. One more time for good measure I banged the door. Nothing. It was safe, for now. I checked if I had everything before I walked in to protect myself. My knife in my hand I had a machine gun on my back (yes I have one and it was very hard to get my hands on, so I will never lose my sight on that one) and a hand gun. My hand gun only had one bullet left. So I need to be careful with that one.
 I had everything so now I slid open the entrance so I could go through. I needed food and diapers. Diapers were really hard to come by lately. But I still look. 
 After 10 minutes of looking I found 3 cans of food. They were small, but food is food. I was walking around until I heard something drop in the direction by the entrance. I ducked down put the cans in my bag quickly and got out my machine gun, cause one bullet for whatever was by the entrance, is not a lot to work with. I crouched around to see if who ever or whatever was in here with me which direction it was going. And I did see someone, by the looks of it, is was a man who was also crouching down. So not a monster. Which is a bigger problem. With how many people is he or is he alone. Did more people come in with him or are people outside on the watch.
 I was trying to go towards the entrance to see if people were outside. I didn’t see anyone. He might be alone, not sure yet. Passing two isles I saw him go right he might have seen me and is hiding too. Here goes nothing. “WHO’S THERE?!” I yelled. After a moment of silence he spoke. “IT’S JUST ME, I DONT MEAN TO HURT YOU. WE SAW YOU WONDERING THROUGH TOWN, THOUGHT YOU MIGHT NEED HELP.” He had a heavy voice. Wait he said it’s just him but he said that ‘we saw you wondering’. “IS IT JUST YOU OR ARE YOU WITH MORE PEOPLE.” He might have slipped up and was supposed to say he was alone. If he lies and says he is alone now I know not to trust him. “ITS JUST ME.” Lair. “AAAHHHHHHHHH!!” It came from the roof.. Clark! “Shit!”
Let me know what you think :)
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genevievemd · 3 years
also do you have an angsty one shot in which there is no relationship problems between Ethan and gen (i.e. they should be a couple in it), just general sadness.
The reason I ask is because our uni surprised us with exams dates and they are A LOT sooner than we expected and I need a good cry
If you don't have it don't worry or write one on account of me
You can also light my way towards a good cry fic or movie
Broke “That's not the kind of tired I meant. Have you talked to Ethan since he broke things off?”
Send me a word, if it’s in my wip document I’ll answer your ask with the sentence that it appears in.
As for the rest of your ask, I have a couple WIPS but none that are near ready to be posted. BUT I adore you, so I’m gonna give you the super rough draft of one of the 50 ILY prompts that I think falls under what you want. 
But be warned, when I say rough, i mean rough. Like its half actually written and half shit sentences to get my point across before I go back and actually write them lol (under the read more)
She thought she was safe from him. Miles and years away from his taunts and games and tear downs. Never in a million years did Genevieve expect her ex to show up in Boston, Edenbrook no less. Her safe place. 
The darkness of the on-call room does little to ease herI h anxiety, stop the tears from falling and her chest constricting. Her eyes are still trained on the far wall, counting the minutes until her break is over, and she has to return to the demons of her past. 
Ryan Ozwell was the last person she ever expected to see again. Boston is a far cry from UPenn, 
No part of her wanted to tell him about her life and she was doing a fairly decent job at keeping the specifics from him. Until the moment Ryan asked if she was seeing someone. 
The smug, condescending look on his face like an echo from their past. His favorite insults repeating themselves over and over again in her mind. 
You’re worthless
You’re nothing
No one could ever love a piece of second class, backwater trash like you. 
So she gave in, against her better judgement, and told him she was with someone. That they were a doctor at the hospital but nothing more. But that was all he needed to break her down again, laugh in her face at the supposed absurdity that a fellow doctor would find her worthwhile. 
And In the hours between his admission and her later check in, Ryan had somehow figured out that Ethan was the man she was with, and it was like the gates of hell had opened. The fire in his eyes something unearthly, his words dripping with a deadly venom that paralyzed her. 
You’re still trying to date above your worth. 
How can you still be so naive? You really think he loves you? 
You’re a game to him, just like you were with me. Men like us get off on seeing how far we can string the pretty little thing along. 
I bet you only have the position you do because you’re sleeping with him. You were always a good fuck. 
It’s a shame you took that spot from someone who actually deserves it. 
She never showed him that it was getting to her, she kept the emotions at bay until she took her break. And went to an on call room to cry in the dark. 
She hates herself for still being affected by him, almost 9 years after they’d broken up and even after finding Ethan. 
She sees the door open, quickly shutting her eyes to make it look she’s sleeping. She hears the door shut with a soft click, the lock is turned and then slow measured footsteps walking towards her. 
Something in her tells her it’s Ethan and she’s proven right when he sits on the edge of the cot - placing a hand on her back, his fingers lightly caressing her.
Slowly Genevieve opens her eyes, but keeps her gaze trained on the invisible hole she’s been burning into the wall, afraid to see the look on his face. 
Ethan leans forward and wipes a tear from her cheek. His fingers linger on her skin before brushing a piece of hair behind her ear.He returns his hand to her back, running it up and down her spine. she can see him look at her with concern. Gen swallows back tears and reaches for his other hand, holding it tightly, but doesn’t look at him. 
After another moment, Gen takes a deep breath and turns her head to finally look at him. He gives her a reassuring smile, his face still full of concern. 
“I’m fine.” Her voice is barely above a whisper, still hoarse from crying 
“You don’t have to pretend with me, Gen.”
“I know that.” 
“Let me help.” 
She starts to tear up again and shakes her head. She bits the corner of her mouth and closes her eyes for a moment then looks back at the floor. 
“Don’t shut me out, Genevieve. Talk to me.” 
She half laughs, looking up at him with a faint smile. 
He leans in closer, placing right hand behind her and the fingers of his left hand brushing through her hair. 
“What did he say to you?” 
“How did you…” 
“I walked by his room and he very loudly yelled that he knew who I was. So I went to check his chart, saw the name and then immediately went to find you.” 
Gen sits up a little and Ethan moves his hand from her hair to her cheek. 
“Why didn’t you tell me that he was your patient? I could’ve gotten you off the case without anyone asking questions.” 
“Because you have enough to worry about. You’re the head of an entire department. Between that and Leland, Terrance and the construction, the last thing you need is a 3rd year resident crying to you about a difficult patient.”
“Genevieve…” Ethan leans forward and presses a loving kiss to her forehead. “You’re not just a resident, you’re my, as much as I hate such a juvenile term, girlfriend. Regardless of what’s going on, or how busy I am, you can always, and should always, come to me with whatever’s troubling you.” Ethan moves back to look into her eyes, “I know we try to keep the line between our work and private lives rather clear, but this is one of those times when that line should be crossed. Ryan Ozwell, isn’t just a random patient who’s being particularly difficult, he’s your borderline abusive ex. You should’ve come to me the minute you got his chart. Not just as a resident but as my girlfriend as well.”  
“You wouldn’t have been mad? I was worried you’d think I was being weak or something.” 
“Oh, I am mad, believe me. I’m irate, but not at you. Do you want me to take you off the case? Just say the word, and I’ll hand it over to a different resident or an intern. Preferably one of the less competent ones. Who’s caused the most trouble this week, it’s been awhile since I’ve given a good shake down.” 
Gen laughs, moving her hand to his chest. She fiddles with the lapel of his white coat, “No, I…” She looks down at her hand before looking back at Ethan, “I need to do this.” 
“You are absolutely certain?” 
“Yes.” She smiles softly, “You don’t need to protect me.” 
“I’m well aware that I don’t need to, Gen. I know you are more than capable of fighting your own battles, but I want to.” He strokes her cheek with his thumb, catching a wayward tear in its path. “Let me be there for you, the way you’ve always been there for me.” 
She nods
“How much time is left on your break?” 
Gen reaches for her phone, “A little over ten minutes.” 
Ethan takes off his coat, and loosens his tie. 
“What are you doing?” 
“Scoot over.” Gen does as he says but starts to cry again when she realizes he’s going to lay on the cot with her. 
Ethan lays down, leaning against the bed frame. Gen immediately wraps herself around him - practically lies on top of him. Her head is on his chest and her arm around his waist. Ethan holds her tightly, their legs tangled together. 
Thinks about how gentle and loving Ethan is, compared to her ex, how her safety and comfort are always his number one priority. How he makes her feel like the most precious thing in the world to him. How safe she feels when she’s in his arms. 
The moment is cut short when the timer on her phone goes off, Gen untangles herself enough to grab it from beside the pillow. She looks at it with a frown then looks at Ethan.
“Breaks over. I should go see if his test results are back. The sooner I figure out what’s wrong with him, the sooner he leaves.”
Gen gets up and stands, Ethan gets up as well. She hesitates, her hands shaking just the slightest bit. He steps forward to kiss her forehead, running his hand down her arm in comfort. 
“I’m coming with you.” 
“Ethan, really, you don’t -” 
“I’d like to see him try and say something while I’m in the room. He so much as looks at you the wrong way and -” 
Gen cuts him off with a kiss, leaning up on her tiptoes and holding his face in her hands. He immediately wraps his arms around her waist, holding her close. Her eyes start to water at his gentleness, never taking more than she offers. She pulls back after a moment, and looks in his eyes. They haven’t said “I love you you” yet but the way he’s looking at her says everything she needs to know. Ethan loves her more than anything. The thought makes more tears settle in her eyes and Ethan takes his hand off her waist to wipe them away. Her eyes flutter close at his touch and she leans up as he leans down, meeting her halfway as their foreheads touch. “I am so incredibly thankful for you, I…” 
“I know. I feel the same way about you.”
They share a knowing smile before fully leaving each other arms and heading for the door. ‘
I hope this helped. I promise to actually finish it at some point lol
Also, I can’t think of any movies to cry to atm. 
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
Male!Villain x Reader || Playlist Fanfic
Title: Twisted Intimacy 
Duration: 65 mins. | | These songs are all availably on Spotify. |
What is this? : I’m telling a fanfiction through songs! This way, we can really put ourselves in the story without all my blabber and feel things that only music can convey. I hope its easy to follow, and you like it! ^^ I hope to make a female villain one and one with a masculine reader voice at some point, too. 
Plot:  This is a very basic Villain x Reader story where the reader tries to move on from villain and be with a good person, but of course the heart wants what the heart wants and if the heart wants the sexy bad guy there isn't much you can do to stop it! ... right? 
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Thank You | Amy Diamond |: You were in a relationship with Villain, but you’ve finally gathered the courage to leave him and that is exactly what you’re doing. You think you wont miss him. 
~ I'm out, I'm closing a chapter
~ Thank you for all that you've done for me Now I know what real love is supposed to be Can't waste my time, so goodbye my baby, baby, baby Thank you
You'll Be Back | Jonathon Groff, Hamilton |: Villain is far more aware of his feelings for you, then you are of your feelings for him, and is deluded into thinking that you'll come right back to him.
~ You'll be back, soon you'll see You'll remember you belong to me You'll be back, time will tell You'll remember that I served you well
~ You say our love is draining and you can't go on You'll be the one complaining when I am gone And no, don't change the subject 'Cause you're my favourite subject My sweet, submissive subject
She's Got A Boyfriend Now | Boys Like Girls |: Our Villain is taken on an ego crushing trip to the ground when he realises you really have found someone new. Someone good, who you like. Who you got together with and dated normally, instead of the cat and mouse game that Villain played with you. 
~ Wish that I could turn this car around But she's got a boyfriend now
~ Maybe I thought I could sneak in And sweep her off her feet and go right back to Boston Thinking everything's goin' be alright
~ But she’s got a boyfriend now 
Boyfriend | Lou Bega |: Villain doesn’t like your boyfriend at all! No, no.
~ I love everything about you girl Don't you understand? I love you from head to toe, girl But I hate your boyfriend
~  He's a fake, ain't no man Not even able to count to ten
~  So come on girl, choose your joy: You can pick me or your little boy
SOS | Rihanna |: You reflect on your physical, sort of more animalistic need for Villain (Especially in regards to comparing him to your new guy)
~ S.O.S., please someone help me It's not healthy for me to feel this Y.O.U. are making this hard I can't take it, see it don't feel right
~  This time, please someone come and rescue me 'Cause you on my mind, it's got me losing it I'm lost, you got me lookin' for the rest of me Love is testing me, but still I'm losing it
According To You | Orianthi |: You start to realise that all the things that your New Guy doesn’t like about you, the Villain loved. Loves, in fact. Present tense. You wonder whether that’s okay. You get upset. You take a break from new guy.
~  According to you I'm difficult Hard to please Forever changing my mind I'm a mess in a dress ~ But according to him I'm beautiful Incredible He can't get me out of his head 
Fuck Away The Pain | Divide The Day |: Aha... ya’ll know what this mean...  
~ Fuck away the pain, erase him from your brain Fake it like you love me, Come on baby touch me 
Right Kind Of Wrong | LeAnn Rimes |: It’s not only physical now. You know you've fallen again for Villain, but you know, you shouldn't.
~ Say my name and I can't fight it anymore Oh I know, I should go
~  Loving you isn't really something I should do Shouldn't wanna spend my time with you That I should try to be strong But baby you're the right kind of wrong
I Didn't Just Kiss Her | Jen Foster |: Villain is having a bad time, now. It wasn’t just a kiss, it wasn’t even just a night. Not for him, and he knows not for you either. It was more than that. But you're going back to your new guy, now. You're denying it was any more then a night of weakness, and it hurts him. He wants to hurt you, back, and that want manifests itself into vulgarity and honesty. 
~ She likes to think she didn't invite it But these scratches aren't because she tried to fight it
~  I don't know what the problem is Why she gotta try so hard to keep it all a secret
~ She's gonna go back to her boyfriend now Before the questions come up She's gonna tell 'em I'm stalking her round the clock Like I'm making the story up
Love The Way You Lie | Eminem, Rihanna |: You and Villain fight, because he knows how you feel it too and you know how you feel it, but you're still trying to run away. You’ve always indulged in mutually toxic fights, its the reason you left, and it’s awful. But the connection between the two of you is undeniable.
~ Now I know we said things, did things That we didn't mean and we fall back into the same patterns Same routine, but your temper's just as bad, as mine is You're the same as me, when it comes to love, you're just as blinded Baby please come back, it wasn't you Baby it was me, maybe our relationship isn't as crazy as it seems Maybe that's what happens When a tornado meets a volcano All I know is I love you too much, to walk away now
The Way I Loved You | Taylor Swift |: Just after the fight you’re on your own again. You’ve cooled down, and you think more about the differences between your love for Villain, and your love for the New Guy.
~ He respects my space and never makes me wait And he calls exactly when he says he will He's close to my mother Talks business with my father He's charming and endearing, and I'm comfortable
~ But I miss screamin' and fightin' And kissin' in the rain And it's two a.m. and I'm cursin' your name You're so in love that you act insane And that's the way I loved you
History | Olivia Holt |: You're ready to break up properly, for good, with your new guy. Because you aren’t ready for a relationship like he wants. He's lovely, and despite your differences, he's good. But it’s clear you haven’t moved on from Villain and they're still there. Hanging over your heart like a raincloud and it’s not fair to new guy for you to stay with him.
~ Sorry, I don't really see this workin' out It's nothin' you did I just can't do this right now
~ Baby, you're so perfect But he's the perfect one for me I know that you're worth it But somethin' 'bout him gets to me Gets to me, all I need Plus, we got history
I Am Always Gonna Love You | Jon McLaughlin |: This is your new guy apologising to you, asking for your forgiveness, and asking for you back. Saying he loves you, he really does. And he asks you to marry him. You say yes. (There is a sort of sad tone to it, because he knows you love Villain as well- he just wants you to know how well he would treat you, if you let him, in comparison to how Villain would and has.)
~ I'm going to love you til my dying day I'll be beside you when you're old and grey Just like the feelings that I feel right now I'm never going to go away
~  From the picture perfect moments That I never want to end To the couch and tv kind of afternoons You're a light that's always shining And there's a million reasons why I know that I am always going to love you
Marry Me (Guy) | Thomas Rhett |: Villain at your wedding. Tense on the ‘Ain’t gonna marry me’ and not ‘Don’t wanna marry me’. Because he knows you want him, you just aren't going to. 
~ So I'm in my black suit, black tie, hiding out in the back Doing a strong shot of whiskey straight out the flask I'll try to make it through without crying so nobody sees Yeah, she gonna get married But she ain't gonna marry me
Marry Me (Girl) | Elle Mears |: You at your wedding. 
~ I’ve got on my dress now, welcoming the guests now I could try to find him, get it off my chest now  ~ He’s the one I wanna marry But he don’t wanna marry me  
So Close | Jon McLaughlin |: You share a dance with Villain at your wedding, and theirs a drowning amount of pining for each other. Gentle, happy tones as well though because you're happy with each other.
~ You're in my arms And all the world is calm
~ A life goes by Romantic dreams must die So I bid my goodbye
~  So close to reaching That famous happy end Almost believing This one's not pretend And now you're beside me And look how far we've come So far we are, so close
Bleeding Love | Leona Lewis |: Something has snapped. You're suddenly ready to be with Villain. You don’t want to marry your new guy- you want Villain. So, you leave the wedding with him, and you know people will think you're insane and maybe you are but all you know is that the way they make you feel? It’s a good kind of pain. 
~ But nothings greater, than the rush that comes with your embrace And in this world of loneliness, I see your face Yet everyone around me, thinks that I'm going crazy, maybe, maybe
~ But I don't care what they say I'm in love with you They try to pull me away, but they don't know the truth My heart's crippled by the vein, that I keep on closing You cut me open and I  
Chains | Tina Arena |: Ending song. 
~ I'm in chains I pretend I can always leave Free to go whenever I please But then the sound of my desperate calls Echo off these dungeon walls I've crossed the line from mad to sane A thousand times and back again I love you baby
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angelliev · 4 years
Lover Boy - JJ Maybank x OC - Part Fourteen - Spilled Tea
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Word Count: 3.3K
Summary: Aria wakes up in the hospital to be greeted with drama. Secrets are spilled within the room.
Warnings: Hospitals, cursing, crying, Claude being a jerk and much more.
A/N: Here’s the piping hot tea. Hehe. (Not my GIF. I don’t own any of the characters or the show.)
Lover Boy Series Masterlist
The blinding white lights of the hospital attack my eyes that attempted to flutter open. I scan my surroundings when my eyes finally adjust. I could hear the heavy rain pattering on the windows. Outside is all gloomy and wet. I sit there confused as I try to remember what happened. I then notice someone slouched next to me. I immediately recognize the mop of blonde hair and light snores. I lightly shake his shoulder, causing him to snap his head up. His eyes light up when he sees my awaken form. “Aria! You’re awake! You scared the shit outta me.” He hugged me tightly and littered my face in kisses. “Sorry about that lover boy. Speaking of, what the hell happened?” I asked out of curiosity.
“You passed out on the boat and cracked your head open. Don’t worry, your mom said you’ll be okay.” He reassured me. It all starts to come back to me. “She must be freaking out. Does she know what caused me to faint?” I can already see my mother asking me a billion questions. “Not yet. They’re still trying to figure that part out.” He nods his head. “How long was I out?” I asked. “Since you passed out yesterday. They had to put you under anesthesia while stitching you up, so that kept you out till this morning. I stayed here all night waiting for you to wake up.” He rubs my hand. This made my heart flutter.
“They let you stay past visiting hours?” I asked surprised. “Your mom may have snuck me in.” He smirked. Why does that not surprise me? “I called your sister by the way.” He said, making my eyes widen. “What did she say?” I pushed for an answer. “She booked a flight out here as soon as I told her. She’s getting here as fast as she can.” "Thanks JJ. It’ll be nice to see her again. I just don’t know how my parents will react to seeing her pregnant.” I say nervously. Her due date is in June and its already April. She’s definitely showing.
“They still don’t know?” He asked incredulously. “No, she wanted to be the one to tell them.” “Well they’re definitely gonna know now.” I say. I felt guilty not telling my mom or brother about the pregnancy, but it’s not my story to tell. I still don’t know what the gender of the baby is. I’m really excited to be an aunt though.
The door to the room opens, revealing my mom, who smiles at my state. “Sweetheart! You scared me! How are you feeling?” She hugs me tight. “I’m okay mom really. Just a little tired and sore.” I try to calm her down. “It’s about time for you to take your prescription. I ‘m just glad you’re okay. You’re lucky to have such amazing friends and a stubborn boyfriend.” My mom teases JJ, causing him to blush. “He refused to leave your side. I had to sneak him in so he’d stop freaking out.” I giggle watching the two smile.
“Speaking of my friends, are they here?” I asked wanting to see them. “They were until visiting hours were over. They were sent home, much to their dismay. Your father should be here soon as well. He was at a business meeting in Philadelphia.” Great. Just the person I wanted to see. “What about Damian? Where’s he?” “He went home after visiting hours. I’ll give him a call and tell him you’re awake. Make sure to call your friends, they were pretty worried about you.” My mom suggested about to leave the room before turning to us.
“JJ, I never got to thank you for what you did. Not just for yesterday, but also for defending her against Rafe. I really appreciate you standing up for my daughter. It means a lot to me love.” She thanks him sincerely. “It’s no problem, really. I’d do it again in a heartbeat.” His words make both of us smile. “I know you would. Thank you. I’ll be back in just a moment. Call your friends.” She leaves the two of us alone. “Now if only my dad loved you as much as my mom.” I say. “Tell me about it. He always looks like he’s ready to bury me whenever he sees me.” JJ agrees as he calls JB. “Hey man. Get down here. Aria woke up. Yeah, she’s alright. See ya later man. Bye.” He hangs up before turning his attention back to me.
“You sure you’re okay babe?” He asked once more with puppy eyes. “I’m fine really, thanks to you guys. My heroes.” I peck his lips. “Next time, if you’re feeling off, just tell me and we’ll stay home.” “Yes mom.” I tease, earning a kiss from him. The two of us just sat there scrolling through channels. Soon, the Pogues start pouring in, questioning my being and covering me in hugs. Kie, Charis and Sarah held flowers and teddy bears. My brother followed in not too long after. It just occurred to me that this was the first time he had met JJ and the Pogues.
“I want to thank you guys for what you did. Which one of you is JJ?” My brother asked. Oh boy. “That would be me.” My brother turn to the blonde, before walking up to him and holding his hand, which JJ gladly shakes. “Thanks for kicking Rafe’s ass when I wasn’t there. I appreciate you looking out for my little sister.” The two share a smile. “The pleasure’s all mine.” Looks like those two will get along just fine.
“Aria?” A familiar voice had made everyone’s head turn. There stood Jennifer, with her impressive baby bump. My eyes lit up to see her. Everyone’s eyes nearly flew out of their sockets when they saw my very pregnant sister standing there, before she waddled over to hug me. Collectively, except JJ and I, everyone had said, “What. The. Fuck???” Not holding back. “I came as soon as JJ called.” Everyone looked over at the guilty blonde with shock written all over their faces.
“Hold up. You knew two knew she was pregnant?!” Damian asked the two of us. Jennifer turned to Damian. “Surprise?” She said nervously. The awkward silence in the room had lingered for a moment, until Kie broke the silence. “Well, I don’t know about you guys, but I think we should grab some lunch and let these guys talk this out.” The Pogues, all agree and begin to leave the room, well except for Charis. “But this is some piping hot tea! I wanna hear!” The girls drag her out of the room. My mom enters not too long after.
The look of shock was written all over her face, when not only did she see Jennifer, but her gigantic baby bump. My mom and brother began questioning her. “You’re pregnant? Where have you been? Why haven’t you called?” The two asked frantically. “I’ll explain everything. I just need you guys to calm down.” She says. “What in the actual fuck?!” There in the doorway stood my father. “It’s about to go down” - Kevin Hart
“What the fuck is that?!” He points to her blown stomach. “It’s a baby bump you fucking idiot!” Jennifer snaps at him, surprising all of his. Looks like she’s had enough of his shit. “More like a slut bump!” His hateful words anger everyone. “Watch your language! This is our daughter you’re speaking to!” My mom scolds him. “You have some explaining to do! What the hell is going on?” My father yelled. “Stop yelling at her!” Damian stepped in. God, I wish I was high for this conversation. “Everyone calm down! Let her talk!” My voice breaks the chaos. “Thank you.” Says Jennifer.
It took everything in my father to sit down and let my sister explain everything. The pregnancy, moving to Boston, Andrew Coleman, who is now her fiancé. Everyone just listened as they tried to process what was going on. My dad stood up as he paced around the room. “So, you’re telling me, that you moved to Boston, pregnant with this man’s kid and now you’re marrying him?!” Claude asked astonished. “Yes.” “Why?!” His eyes were filled with anger. “Because of you and Rafe! You two were the ones who had pushed me away. Not mom, not Damian, and not Aria! You! And that’s not even the worst part! I learned that you were trying to set Rafe up with Aria! Are you fucking kidding me? You think that just because I left, means you could push you next daughter to marry him? You’re fucked in the head you know that?” Jennifer yelled angrily.
“Everything was fine, until you little pricks screwed it up! Now your mother is pressing charges against Rafe!” My father looked like he was about to pop a vein pointing at us. “I’m sorry I’m pressing charges, because he assaulted our daughter who you clearly don’t care about!” My mom shouted. “Don’t care about? Woman I left the middle of my meeting to fly out here! Don’t tell me I don’t care about her!” He talked back to my mother. “Oh really? Cause the first you did when you walked in here, was yell at Jennifer. You didn’t even ask if Aria was okay! She just cracked her bloody head open!” “She’s alive is she not?!” Fucking dad of the year right here. “Gee thanks dad. Really appreciate your concern.” I said sarcastically.
Someone knocks on the door. Housekeeping. JJ pokes his head in to see all of us staring at him. “I take it this is a bad time.” You think?! My dad’s face begins to sweat out of frustration. “What the hell is he doing here?!” He points. “Don’t be rude! He and his friends were the ones who brought here to the hospital!” My mom defended him. “What does he want? A fucking cookie?!” Jesus Christ shoot me know. Can this get any worse? A nurse peeks her head into the room.
“Dr. Prescott, you might want to take a look at this.” The woman looks between all of us. Elaine steps out with a sigh. My dad paces around the room frustrated before speaking to JJ. “This is all your fault. You know that? Aria was perfect, then you showed up and corrupted her.” Before any of us could say anything. “She’s already perfect! Always has and always will be! I know you think I’m not good enough for your daughter. I may not have fancy yachts or mansions. I may come from a shitty home life. But sir, I love your daughter with every bone in my body. I’ll do anything to make her happy. I may be young and stupid, but damn it loving her was the best decision I’ve ever made, and I’ll never stop loving her. Her name is forever inked on my body just to prove that!” JJ shouted before revealing the tattoo of my name. That’s my man. “Kill me now.” My father mutters.
The door creaks open slowly. My mom’s eyes fall on me. She looks like she had seen a ghost. This makes me scared to the core. “Mom? What’s wrong?” I asked cautiously. She doesn’t answer. “Everyone, please remove yourselves from this room.” My mom requested calmly. “Like hell,” My dad doesn’t get to finish his sentence, before my mom snaps. “Damn it Claude! This is between me and Aria! If you don’t leave, I’ll have security show you the door!” Mama’s mad - JJ. Everyone leaves the two of us alone, the door shuts on the way. “Mom, you’re scaring me. What’s this about? Please don’t tell me I have cancer.” I begin to panic. “No, it’s nothing like that.” She calms me down. “Then what is it?” I asked confused. My mom just sits there for a moment, hesitating to answer.
“We tested your blood and samples. Traces of the hCG hormone came back positive.” She explained as I sat there dumbfounded, not understanding. “What does that mean?” I asked confused. She just looks at me with sympathetic eyes. “Aria, you’re pregnant.” Her words made me freeze completely. My blood ran cold and my eyes watered. A thousand thoughts began to run through my head. This can’t be true. I must be dreaming. I’ll be waking up in a few minutes!
“We estimated that you are about three weeks pregnant.” I ran my shaky hands through my hair. “Mom, what am I going to do? What am I going to tell JJ?” I asked frantically. “We’ll figure this out sweetheart. I’ll be by your side the whole way.” She held my hand. “Can you send JJ in please? I want to see him.” I cried. She simply nodded her head before inviting him in. He rushed to my side immediately.
“Babe what’s wrong?” He asked concerned, wiping away my tears. “If I tell you, you’ll hate me.” I sob. He looks hurt by my words. He takes my face in his hands. “Baby, look at me. I could never hate you okay? I love you too much to hate you. Whatever it is, you and I will get through it together. I’m not going anywhere I promise.” He kisses my forehead. “Now, what’s the matter?” He asked. I couldn’t find the courage to find words, with my tongue tied and the lump in my throat.
“JJ, I’m pregnant.” I whisper, more tears stream down my face. The silence in the room made the situation even scarier. His eyes bulge and his hands run through his hair. “JJ please say something. You’re scaring me.” I plead. He huffs. “I’m sorry. I’m still trying to process this. We’re having a baby? Like for reals?” He asked nervously. “What else would we be having?!” My heart beats fast. “I’m sorry! I’m scared too okay. I don’t want to grow up to be like him okay!” Tears began too well in his eyes, as his insecurities poured in. His father’s words coming back to him. “I can barely give you anything! How am I supposed to give our baby anything?” He stressed. “You are nothing like your father. You’ve given me so much love and care, I know you’ll do the same for this baby. We’ll raise this baby together. You’ll be a great dad. I know it.” I hold his head in my lap.
“What are we supposed to do about housing, groceries, diapers and everything else?” He asked already worried. “You let me worry about the financial situation.” My mother steps in. “We can’t ask you to do that Mrs. Prescott.” Says JJ. “I want to. I don’t want the parents of my grand baby to be starving or homeless.” She looked at the two of us with nothing but love.
“What are we going to tell dad?” I asked nervously. She just sighs. “I don’t know. It’s honestly up to you. I didn’t think you were going to tell him. Can’t say I blame you.” My mom looked at him sympathetically.
“Tell me what?” My father’s voice interrupted us, Jennifer and Damian walk in. For a moment we all just stood there not knowing what to say. “Dad, you might want to sit down for this one.” I warn him. “Oh, for the love god, out with it!” He demands. “I’m pregnant!” I decide to let it out. What I wasn’t expecting was for him to bust out laughing. He kept laughing until he realized no one else was. “You’re serious?! Are you fucking kidding me?!” He kicks a chair making me jump. “Claude! Calm down!” My mom yells.
“How do you expect me to be calm when both of my daughters are knocked up? One’s pregnant with a man we never met, while the other is pregnant with a pogue’s kid! This is a monstrosity! We can’t allow this!” He declares, making our brows furrow. “What are you talking about?” Asked mom. “She’s getting an abortion and that’s final. We still have plenty of time.” His words made me see red. “No!” I shout. “Excuse me?!” Claude looked at me with ferocious eyes. “I am having this baby! This is our baby, not yours!” I yell grabbing JJ’s hand.
“The hell you are keeping it! It’s just a fetus!” Claude protests. “This is not your decision Claude! She’s the one who’s pregnant. Not you.” My mother takes my side. “Bullshit! She’s my kid I’ll do whatever I want with her. And if that means I have to rip the child out myself then so be it!” He grabs a hold of my arm, dragging me out of bed, while everyone tries to shove him off of me. “You monster! Get off me! Help!”
“Get the fuck off her!” JJ punches Claude across the face, which seems to piss him off even more, causing him to grab JJ by the shirt. Damian is finally able to pull Claude off of me. Jennifer and my mom pull me up from the floor. “I’ll kick your ass if you ever touch her like that again!” Yelled JJ. “Fuck off! She’s my kid! I’ll do whatever the hell I please!”
“She’s not yours!” My mother’s voice echoes throughout the room. Everyone stared at her for a moment, in disbelief, unsure we heard her right. “What the hell did you just say?” Claude asked in disbelief. “She’s not yours, Claude.” My mother says softly. Her eyes full of shame, as she looks over to see me in complete utter shock. Words can’t find their way out of my mouth. “You fucking liar! You’re lying!” He denied. “Why would I lie about that?!” My mom shouted, tears in her eyes. “Okay, well if she’s not mine, then who’s the father? Tell me goddamn it! Who’s her father?!” Claude knocks over a glass. My mom doesn’t answer. She just stands there silently holding her ground.
“She’s his. Isn’t she?” All of us sat there in confusion, as to who they were talking about. “You lying whore!” Damian grabs my father by the collar of his shirt. “You watch your mouth when you talk to my mom!” “She’s a liar and a cheater!” My dad defends himself. “Like you aren’t?! We all know you’ve been cheating on mom for years now, so don’t act all innocent! You think we don’t know about your mistress? Don’t shit on mom because she was tired of being in a loveless marriage, and you refused to sign the goddamn papers. You gave her no fucking choice!” Jennifer called him out triumphantly.
“Screw you guys! You deserve each other!” He yells before turning to Jennifer. “You can go back to Boston for all I care! And you!” He points at JJ and I. “Don’t even bother coming back home.” He said heartlessly, tears began to well in my eyes. “Where am I supposed to go?!” “Why should I care? You’re not even my fucking kid!” His words stung me harshly. “Enjoy your little bundle of joy.” Claude says before leaving the room. I finally break down in the bed, not able to hold back my sobs. JJ wastes no time pull me into his strong arms, letting me cry into his shoulder.
“Just let it go, baby. I’ve got you. I’m not going anywhere. I promise. I love you and I’m gonna love this baby. I promise.” His soft words bring me comfort as I cry. I don’t know how long we laid there with him just holding me and whispering sweet nothings into my ears as I let all of emotions out. At this point, I didn’t care about what my dad, er, Claude had said. I have JJ and our beautiful creation inside me.
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Boston Boys [Part One]
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Summary: Dr. Aurelie Juneau treats someone in the emergency room she shouldn’t, and get a visit from her brother a few days later.  Pairing: Chris Evans x OFC, John Krasinski x OFC Word Count: 1700 Chapter Warnings: Hospital setting and treatment, mentions of guns, implied crime.  Square Filled: The entire series (bits and pieces of it) will fill my Crossover square for @marvelfluffbingo​.  A/N: This story contains a character who lost her hearing as she got older. I do work closely and regularly with the D/deaf community (I’m a sign language interpreter), but my own hearing problems do not involve significant hearing loss. It is not my intention to offend anyone, only to bring in a character with a quality I don’t see often in other fics. If you have questions about her, feel free to ask :)
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A busy emergency room wasn’t an unusual thing, especially in Boston, but tonight the chaos was weighing down on Aurelie. She pulled the magnet piece of her cochlear implant away from her head in an effort to drown out the sound for a few peaceful seconds. She stretched her neck from side to side, then rested her head in her hands. The near-silence was a welcome reprieve from the things weighing on her mind.
A tap on her shoulder prompted her to replace the magnet against her head and turn to see who was beckoning her. A nurse handed Aurelie a chart.
“The guy in room five is refusing to let anyone examine him or anything until he sees you. Says he’s got a lac, I see blood on his shirt.”
Aurelie frowned. “He seem legit?”
The nurse shrugged. “Seems like any run of the mill guy, middle class, whatever. We called security down, they’re waiting by the room.”
“All right.” She flipped through a few pages of the chart. “I don’t recognize the name, but I’ll check him out.”
She stood from the desk where she had been charting and skimmed over the rest of the chart as she walked. The curtain to room five was pulled closed for privacy, but the sliding doors were still open. Normally such a room would have been reserved for a psych patient or a near-trauma. Aurelie suspected that the nature of this patient’s refusal to speak to anyone but her had something to do with his room placement.
The request for her services was another common occurrence in the emergency room. Though no one, including most of her patients, particularly knew why she did it, Aurelie treated any injury or sickness that came into the ER, and she did so with a discretion that, at times, was outside of the law. Her casual manner about the treatments often went unnoticed by her co-workers, or didn’t bother any of them enough for them to speak up. If you lived in Boston and got tangled up in some mess that got you hurt but you didn’t want the authorities involved, you went to MassGen and asked for Dr. Juneau. That’s just the way it was.
Pulling the curtain to the side, she kept her facial expression neutral, as she would with any patient. She surveyed the man laying on the bed; at least six-two, maybe a buck-eighty in weight. Brown hair, face pale -- from his injury, Aurelie figured. She set the chart on the metal tray and crossed her arms over her chest.
“I’m Dr. Juneau. You asked for me?”
The man nodded. “I’ve heard that you’ll take care of someone and not put anything sketchy on the books.”
Aurelie licked her lips, pulling her bottom lip between her front teeth. She flipped on all of the lights in the room and surveyed the man again; his face was only vaguely familiar. Regardless, she wasn’t going to put herself on radar by causing a scene. So, she stepped out through the curtain again and told security they could go.
“He’s an old family friend, scared of hospitals. I’ll talk to him about it.”
The two guards who had come down from their bubble shrugged and left. Aurelie asked the nurse to give her a few minutes before she came back into the room. She donned a pair of gloves and disappeared back behind the curtain. After hooking him up to a heart monitor and a blood pressure cuff, she checked his temperature and respirations. With all of vitals noted, she took a seat on the rolling stool and asked where his laceration was located.
The man pulled his shirt up to reveal a cut above his left hip bone, pulling around to his abdomen. Aurelie positioned herself on the side of the bed and took a closer look at the cut.
“How’d you get this?”
“Does it matter?”
“Fair enough.” She rolled to the door and asked the nurse to bring a laceration kit. While she waited, Aurelie got a clean washcloth and doused it with sterilized water. She cleaned the dried blood from the area, then sat and waited in silence. When the nurse came with the lac kit, Aurelie sent the chart with her, and got ready to stitch the man up.
“This is gonna sting, but it’s better than taking the stitches raw,” Aurelie assured, injecting lidocaine to several places in and around the cut. She waited a little longer, then poked him with the needle again. When he didn’t even flinch, she knew she could start the stitches. “Do you need a tetanus shot?”
“Don’t think so.”
Other than that, she went to work in silence, quickly and neatly stitching up the cut, making sure the scar would be straight and minimal. The cut was halfway stitched when he spoke again.
“What’s that above your ear?”
Aurelie pursed her lips, completing two more stitches before answering him. “It’s called a cochlear implant. It helps me hear, to a certain degree.”
“You’re deaf?”
“I wasn’t always. Slowly started to lose my hearing as I got older, sometime in high school, it dropped out completely from the left side. Right side is there, but not nearly a hundred percent. They still don’t know why.” She bit her bottom lip as she struggled to knot the stitch she had just completed on. “My turn?”
He frowned. “What?”
“You asked me two questions. Now I get to ask you two questions, right?”
“I guess.”
Aurelie nodded. “Are you from Boston?”
He laughed. “The accent didn’t give it away?”
She smiled. “You needed to lighten up. It was worth wasting a question. What’s your real name?”
“My real name?”
“I know it’s not Boris Schmidt, even if that’s what’s on your chart.”
The man said nothing, and Aurelie knew better than to push the issue. They fell into silence again while Aurelie finished the stitches and bandaged the area. She left for a few minutes to fill out his dismissal papers, then returned to educate him on the aftercare.
“What are you going to put in my chart?”
Aurelie shrugged. “That you came in with a lac to your lower left flank and quadrant, there was no sign of infection or organ disturbance, that I stitched you up and sent you on your way. Nothing more, nothing less.”
He nodded. “Thank you.”
Aurelie snapped her gloves into the trash can and turned back to him. “You’re welcome. Good luck.”
At the curtain, Aurelie thought she caught him say something, but had to turn back around to ask him to repeat.
“John,” he smiled. “My name is John. Krasinski.”
Aurelie’s smile faded. “Krasinski?”
“Yeah,” he confirmed, “it’s a weird one, I know.”
Aurelie nodded. “Do me a favor, John. Don’t tell anyone that I treated you.”
With that, she pulled the curtain closed behind her and went back to her desk to chart and catch up with her other patients.
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GIF found via Pinterest search. 
Three days later, another hospital shift. Fortunately, this night was not nearly as busy as her last shift. When Aurelie’s pager went off and she saw the code 613, she finished the current orders she was working on, then made way for the parking lot just outside of the emergency room lobby.
Her brother, Chris, was leaned against his car, a classic American muscle number, smoking a cigarette.
“You know this is a hospital, they’ll fine you for smoking outside of the designated area, dumbass.”
Chris turned with a chuckle, tossing the cigarette to the ground and put it out with the toe of his boot. “Better? Here. Your ma packed lunch for you.”
“That was nice of her,” Aurelie replied, taking the brown bag from him. “What’d she pack for you?”
“A nine mil and a wish that I wasn’t so much like my father. The usual.” He opened the driver’s side door of the car and reached in for another bag. “This is from him, by the way.”
Aurelie checked that no one was watching them and shoved the bag back at Chris. “I don’t want that shit, and you know it. I didn’t earn it, neither did you, neither did he. I don’t need it.”
“Aur, listen, all right? Hey, don’t make that damn face. Yeah, we’ve been over this a million times, we’re gonna fuckin’ go over it again. You’re his kid, whether you ever wanted to be or not. Maybe he’s not the dad you were born to, but he’s the one you ended up with. He’s just trying to take care of you.”
“He’s not over what happened. He still thinks my deafness is his fault, and if he pays me off long enough, I’ll come back to the family. Can’t you see that?”
Chris pursed his lips. “Why can’t you stop putting me in the middle of this?”
Aurelie groaned and tucked the extra bag into her white coat. “Fine.”
“All right.” He pulled another cigarette from the pack and held it between his lips but didn’t light it. “You been holdin’ up all right?”
“Yeah, of course. I can hold my own. You made sure of that.” She decided to take a chance and mention her patient from the other night. “Hey, you remember that guy who went to the high school, he was a year ahead of you -- John Krasinski?”
“Fuck that guy,” was Chris’s immediate response. “He and his family could jump into the river and not come back up and I’d keep walking.”
“Tell me how you really feel,” Aurelie snorted. “So that thing with your family and his, that’s still a thing?”
Chris nodded, tossing his cigarette lighter up and down in the palm of his hand. “Hell yeah, it’s still a thing. They’ll learn one day that we run shit, though. What made you think of him?”
“I don’t know. Random thought, I guess.”
The expression on her brother’s face told Aurelie he was going to be watching her carefully over the coming weeks. She thanked him for the food and went back into the hospital, careful to put the bag of money into her backpack before anyone else suspected something was amiss.
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AllOfTheThings: @captain-s-rogers​ @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan​ @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked​ @hurricanerin​ @horsesandbandsforlife​ @im-not-an-armrest-im-short​ @captain-rogers-beard​ @shynara51​ @sea040561​ @anxiouskore​ @pinknerdpanda​ @xtina2191​ @jackryanplz​ @beakami​ @heartsaved​ @fullprunerebelstatesman​ @blackwidowismyhomegirl
Boston Boys: @atc74​ @the-murder-strut-murdered-me​ @becs-bunker​ @shield-agent78​ @patzammit​ @crazyandanonymous4u
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alwaysgcld · 3 years
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a mixtape for finley || @silvcrlining
[ to finley | in response to this goodbye text ] I’m not disappointed in you Finley. I understand. [ to finley ] Just... Be safe, okay?  [ to finley | the next day this link is sent ] I made this for you because... Because I really do understand needing to leave to find something. Yourself, peace, whatever you want to refer to it as. Especially after feeling like you fucked things up. I don’t know what all happened, it’s not something you have to share with me either. But I think our stories are similar enough that I have an idea of what you’re going through. What you might need to hear. Who knows, maybe I’m wrong about that. I do know I wasn’t wrong when I said you make this town brighter. Making a mistake doesn’t erase that, it makes you human. I hope that this helps, even if it only does in a little way. Just know I’m still your friend, Finley. And if you ever need me, I’ll be there for you.
tracklist below
i. boston - augustana
i think i'll start a new life / i think i'll start it over, where no one knows my name / i think i need a new town, to leave this all behind / i think i need a sunrise, i'm tired of the sunset
A fresh start. He remembers what it felt like when he needed one. Remembers the conversation he had with Finley about that feeling. While he wishes that they didn’t have to go, he gets it.
ii. this is home - cavetown
get a load of this monster / [they don't] know how to communicate / [their] mind is in a different place / will everybody please give [them] a little bit of space? / get a load of this train wreck / [their] hair's a mess and [they don't] know who [they are] yet / but little do we know, the stars / welcome [them] with open arms
How he suspects Finley sees themselves versus how he sees them. Finley made it clear they don’t think they’re as great as he once said they were, that they just fuck things up. Ben sees their pain, he understands it. He knows they just need space, to leave and clear their minds. Maybe they won’t be able to make amends with everyone they hurt, but there are still people in the valley who care about them. Who would welcome them back with open arms if they came back.
iii. falling out of trees - barcelona
fall, fall out of trees into the street all on my own / i finally found out how long I can hang on / oh, i got this all wrong, my heart is scared, my heart is gone / and now looking around, there's no one here to hear my fall
There came a time when he realized how alone he was. That there was no one there to look out for him if he fell back into that deep, dark place within himself. He doesn’t know where Finley is going, doesn’t know if they’re going to have anyone there for them. He can only hope they’ll be steady on their feet if they fall again.
iv. that’s how you make the roses grow - the fergies
step right up i got a midas touch / turn to cold everything i love / truth is an open heart to see me through / they're taking root under my skin, and a'roses bloom / all i know is my flesh and bone / don't feel like home, don't feel like home
Back to the suspected root of Finley’s problem. That they think everything they touch gets ruined, Midas touch if you will. He knows that until they address what makes them that way, they won’t find what it is they are looking for. It’s hard to find a place to call home, inside or outside yourself, when you’re carrying around that kind of weight and not working to fix it.
v. misguided ghosts - paramore
see, i'm trying to find my place / but it might not be here where i feel safe / we all learn to make mistakes / and run from them, from them / with no direction / oh, you are not useless / we are just / misguided ghosts / traveling endlessly
He knows that Finley isn’t there yet. To the point where they can face their mistakes head on. They need to run away, try to find their place again. That doesn’t make them hopeless or useless, just misguided. This is their time to try to find the right direction to go to find themselves.
vi. i have made mistakes - the oh hellos
and all the doubts i've faced / all the doubts i've faced, i continue to face them / but nothing is a waste / nothing is a waste, if you learn from it / cause we are not alone / we are not alone in the dark with our demons / we have made mistakes / we have made mistakes, but we've learned from them
It’s their time to face their mistakes, to learn from them. Otherwise they’re going to keep on making the same ones over and over again. Like they did, but Ben isn’t aware of that part.
vii. human - civil twilight
where do i begin, can i shed this skin / what is this i feel within / it's only love, it's only pain / it's only fear that runs through my veins / it's all the things you can't explain / that make us human
“Making a mistake doesn’t erase that, it makes you human.”
viii. i’ll be good - jaymes young
for all of the light that i shut out / for all of the innocent things that i doubt / for all of the bruises i've caused and the tears / for all of the things that i've done / all these years, no, yeah / for all of the sparks that i stomped out / for all of the perfect things that i doubt
This is what he hopes for them. To get the point where they actually make the change for good so to speak. To acknowledge, truly acknowledge, the harm they’ve done, not only to others but themselves. Because they doubted they deserved all of those “innocent, perfect things” that they had so they destroyed it. 
ix. can’t go back now - the weepies
and yeah, yeah, go where you want to go. yeah, yeah, be what you want to be / if you ever turn around, you'll see me
“Just know I’m still your friend, Finley. And if you ever need me, I’ll be there for you.“
x. i know a place - muna
you think being yourself / means being unworthy / and it's hard to love / with a heart that's hurting / but if you want to go out dancing / i know a place / i know a place we can go (yeah) / where everyone gonna lay down their weapon / lay down their weapon / just give me trust and watch what'll happen
He knows what it’s like to feel unworthy, and he’s knows it’s all bullshit. Finley deserves love. Especially to love themselves. But they have to heal first. So, if they want to talk about it, he’s here for them. If they want a distraction from it until they are ready, he’s also there for them. They just need to put some trust in him. Also a small callback to the second unsent text here.
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syms-things-5 · 4 years
Clear The Area - Chapter Fifteen (Part One)
Previous Chapter Here
Tags: @jennmurawski13 @kelbabyblue
Warnings: Some mild language
Notes: This is the first of a 3-part chapter. It moves the story along quite a bit (finally) and I am about 80% complete on the second and third parts, too. Shouldn’t be too long ‘til they get posted, fingers crossed. Thanks again for stopping by. Let me know if you have any comments or advice; all greatly appreciated, good and bad!
Chapter Fifteen: Part One
“So, what you’re saying is if I don’t put out a statement, they’re going to roll this all over me? And there is nothing we can do to stop this?” Chris yelled into his phone, his hand coming down hard on the white marble counter in front of him. “What do I even pay you for?!”
“Listen to me, will you?!” Matt was on the end of the line attempting to diffuse his client’s growing anger from 3,000 miles away. “There isn’t anything in this that harms you, OK? I’ve read the copy and honestly, you come across as a really sweet guy. She paints you out to be a lovely person, someone who was helping her come to terms with the end of her marriage.”
Matt was getting no response from the other end of the phone but could picture the look on Chris’ face as it he was standing in front of him. “I know it’s not ideal. It’s not great timing but it could be so much worse. You’re not being painted as a homewrecker. We can absolutely deal with this when it happens, put out a couple of cute pictures of you and your nephews or something and all will be forgotten.”
Chris sighed in exasperation. Or was it desperation? He didn’t even know. “...who the fuck ever writes this trash? None of it is remotely true.”
“I know, I know, we’ve pushed back on a lot of the smaller details, dates and things like that, but I honestly think if we put out this statement it’ll clear up a lot of the ambiguity they’ve left in theirs. They’re just trying to get some clicks, that’s all.”
“It’s not ambiguous, Matt, it’s downright bullshit. I mean, the whole thing about the hotel is not even close to being true. I booked it ‘cos I was feeling unwell and needed a break. She just turned up. I didn’t invite her.” He was losing his cool again and becoming more upset. “And what have they said about my mom?”
“Ummm...” Matt scanned the pages scattered over his desk. He quickly located the offending quotes and just as quickly sugar-coated it to avoid one of his biggest stars passing out from stress. “Just that they’d met and got along. I actually don’t think that’s a problem for us. If anything, it shows you are close to your family and they visit you on set from time to time.”
It had been a long morning and Chris was already feeling like he wad done for the day. No, the entire week. He needed a beer. He needed beers plural and he needed to get wasted for a night and forget everything arising around him again. Better yet, he needed Sarah. She’d know what to say and when she’d finished saying it, she’d help his mind feel quieter again.
Oh fuck. Sarah.
She’ll think he’s a dickhead when she reads this. It almost goes against everything he’d explained to her and his family so far.
“When is it coming out?” Chris asked after a few moments had passed.
“They’re pushing for late August and I actually think that is out best chance. September is a busy time for magazines across the board and everyone will be talking about the big ones, Vogue and Vanity Fair etcetera. There’s no competition.” Matt was talking in a calmer tone mirroring Chris’ own change of pace. “We can slip out a quiet rebuttal and end it before it’s even began.”
“Yeh, yeh, OK. I understand.” Chris took a deep breath wearily and leaned his whole body onto the counter. He ran his free hand down his face and rested it on the beard underneath his chin, tugging slightly on the hairs in a bid to feel something else that would hopefully bring him back into the room.
“You need to trust me, Chris. That’s what you pay me for.” Matt reassured him. They exchanged as polite a goodbye as possible before hanging up. Matt threw himself back onto his desk chair, swinging it around to take in the view of a bustling downtown Los Angeles outside his office window. stuff like this was child’s play for a pro like him but Chris wasn’t a typical client. He was normal for one thing, whatever “normal” meant these days. He’d been representing him for close to nine years, one of his longest relationships now he thought about it, and one that meant a great deal to him.
Professionally, the work helped pay for his mother’s retirement home and his own holiday apartment in Aspen, Colorado, but it ran deeper than that. Chris was also a very good friend. If Chris had stuck to low-budget Indie dramas like he originally planned, Matt wouldn’t have minded even though he had worked with and had experience of dealing with mega-studios like Marvel and stars who actively sought to cover themselves in PR glory any chance they got. That sort of thing was strangely easier to handle but Chris remained quiet and adamant about sticking to his guns when it came to his private life and Matt held a very high respect for that. So, when stuff like this came along, well, Matt knew exactly what to do and was all too happy to hold a light up to the hypocrisy of the Hollywood press machine.
Thousands of miles away in a small kitchen in Boston, Chris remained holding on to the edge of the countertop as he brought his breathing back under control. Lisa, had ventured in and out at times only to fall back when she felt Chris’ bristling, nervous energy. It was rare that he got angry at Matt so something was clearly going on to cause him to lose his cool but she knew now wasn’t the right time to ask him.
“Shall I make us some lunch, sweetheart?” she finally plucked up the courage to take a few steps into her kitchen. She ran her hand lightly across his broad shoulders causing Chris to look up and take stock of his surroundings again.
“Yeh, that’d be nice, thanks.” He pulled a stool out and sat down. “Sorry if you could hear me shouting. It’s just some stuff with work but it’s fine now.” it was sweet that he was trying to make her feel better as though he himself had done something wrong.
“I didn’t hear you so don’t worry. Glad it’s fine now, though. Ham and cheese OK?” she asked, a broad smile now painted across her face that only grew wider when he nodded back at her. “Also, Scott and Shanna were going to cook some dinner later on tonight so we could pop over if you like? Save us cooking here again.”
He would very much like to head over to his sister’s apartment. That way lied harmony and he could relax in calmer surroundings and spend time with the people he loved the most. This press nonsense could wait another day. If it was going to happen regardless of his intervention, why even bother stressing about it in the first place?
It wasn’t much of a surprise to find Shanna’s kitchen a total mess when they arrived later that afternoon. Despite the comforting smell of fried onions and garlic that greeted them from the hallway, the physical view of her kitchen provided an altogether different experience. A stack of unwashed pans and remnants of chopped tomatoes and leeks spread out across the counter surface and what Scott had actually meant when he said he was also going to be helping with the cooking was that he would stir the bolognese for half an hour and check the garlic bread hadn’t burned. Other than that, Shanna appeared to have built some kind of living art installation.
The four were seated around the table, a second bottle of wine down, and gabbing about sport and nothing in particular. Chris’ quietness had not gone completely unnoticed with Scott and his mother sharing a few glances as the evening wore on.
“Is Sarah staying at work for a while, then?” asked Lisa, picking at the final slice of garlic bread after her children had decimated the rest of it.
“Yeh, I think so. It’s been a bit up and down lately after the crash and I know she’s keen to muck in as much as she can now before she goes away.” offered Shanna.
Chris’s ears perked up. “Away? What do you mean?”
“Oh crap.” Shanna banged her hand on her forehead. “Um, OK, this isn’t common knowledge and I didn’t tell you guys this but she’s possibly heading back to college to train to become a doctor.”
“Really?” Scott dropped his fork on his plate causing a loud clang that reverberated around the kitchen. “Well, good for her. She’d be an ace doctor. She looks great in scrubs and I know for a fact she handles drunk people exceptionally well.”
Shanna rolled her eyes at Scott. “She actually has the exam in New York next week and if she passes that, who knows? I can’t really tell if she’s excited or not but her parents don’t know so please don’t mention anything to them...” Shanna looked across the table at her mother whose eyes widened in response to the insinuation.
“If she gets back into college, will she stay here to train or move or what?” asked Chris trying his hardest to keep a rising level of confusion at this new information to a minimum.
Shanna merely shrugged non-committedly and he felt his frustration with his sister boil close to the surface. “I can’t see her moving or if she does then it’d be more of a commute. Like, a couple of days there and here or whatever.”
“She likes living in Boston, doesn’t she? And I imagine it would be harder for her folks to visit if she lived in New York full time.” Scott offered, some logic that Chris was grateful for. “Jocelyn hates busy cities. She would hate New York for sure.”
“Lincoln is a teach hospital, right?” Chris asked, his tone more urgent than he’d intended. “I mean, she could train here? There’d be no problem with that. I’m sure they wouldn’t wanna lose her.”
“Well, selfishly I hope she doesn’t move ‘cos who’s gonna look after your sorry ass?” Scott needled his sister with his elbow and was rewarded with a slap on his shoulder. “Or if she does move full time it means we have a party base in the city again!”
“Oh yeh I’m sure she would love you rocking up at her home at all hours of the goddamn morning.” Lisa remarked. “When is her exam, honey?”
“Thursday. She’s staying at a hotel in town a few days before to swot up on some notes Greg lent her. He rocked up with a frickin’ suitcase the other night. Just books and books of the stuff.”
“What’s he getting out of this?” Chris asked. It was not the first time talk of Greg had ruined his day and now on top of that he was starting to feel distrusting of the interest he appeared to show in her future. He especially didn’t like the knowing look he caught his family give to each other either. “Oh c’mon. He’s not her type, really. She’s said as much herself.”
“Yehhh but he’s super cute and have you seen his car?” Scott asked, pouring another glass of wine for himself. “He reminds me of, fuck, what’s that actor’s name again? The guy from Sons of Anarchy but with darker hair...”
Chris threw him a puzzled look before dismissing his comments with a wave of his hand. “Sarah’s not like that. She’s not into trivial stuff.”
“No, I know, but he’s also stable. I mean, he’s ambitious to a fault, sure, but he knows exactly what he wants and where he’s going.” Scott reasoned. “That could be good for her. I think we can all agree that this stuff with Charlotte left its mark and maybe she’s wanting to try something different? Find a bit of stability? Y’know, settle down a bit or whatever.”
“Since when did you become an expert?” Shanna spoke up. Chris was glad somebody else said it but was less glad when she laughed a second later. She nodded, evidently in agreement with his rationale.
The room fell quiet again as they finished what was left of their dinner. Chris was feeling the dread borne from this morning’s conversations now manifesting itself in the very bottom of his stomach. He regretted coming now. He should have stayed at home and gotten drunk by himself. It would have felt a whole lot nicer than what he was experiencing now.
He swirled what was left of his wine around his glass before downing it and reaching for the bottle. Just as he poured, the front door went and in and walked Sarah surprisingly fresh-faced and smiling upon catching the clan sat peacefully around the kitchen table.
“Hey!” she exclaimed, happy to see them all. She walked over to the hob to smell what was left in the pan before catching sight of them staring at her. “Why are you all looking at me like that?”
“Nothing honey. Ignore them. How was your day?” Lisa started, breaking the silence.
“The usual. I did, however, manage to separate a grown man from a Tonka truck he had glued to his hand.”
“The fuck?” Scott quizzed almost choking on his food and turning around in his chair to face her. “I swear, you have the best job I have ever heard of.”
“Hmm true story. He was making some kind of art display and held on to it for too long. Took us an hour and a tonne of olive oil from the cafeteria to free him.”
Sarah glanced between Scott and his mother laughing before clocking Chris, stony-faced and not quite making eye-contact. She left her eyes on him a little longer than she was usually comfortable with in these settings but he didn’t budge. Shanna eventually grabbed her attention by handing her a bowl of pasta that she gratefully accepted with a “yummy” and grabbed a seat at the table.
Lisa left a little over an hour later but Chris and Scott remained loitering around the kitchen and the lounge. Scott was helping to wash up alongside Sarah when she excused herself to go to the bathroom. When she emerged, she nearly ran full-on into Chris.
“Sorry.” he said, shifting to the side so she could move by him.
“It’s OK.” she moved further out of the way so he could walk in behind her. “Are you OK? You’ve barely said a word all evening.”
He glanced back to her, trying to play down his obvious discomfort. “Yeh, fine. I’ll be out in a minute.”
He closed the door behind him leaving her in the hallway at a loss as to the reason for his agitation. She could hear Shanna and Scott making a mess of what was left of the washing up, the TV volume a little louder now in anticipation for Drag Race, and she retreated into her bedroom to fold away some of her clothes that Shanna had left on her bed from their washing that day.
Chris lingered in the hallway wanting to avoid the loud shrieking now coming from the kitchen before heading towards Sarah’s bedroom. She hadn’t noticed he was there so he allowed himself to watch her, smiling to himself when he heard her hum a tune under her breath. It sounded like ‘Beat It’ only slower. He never figured her as a Michael Jackson fan. Truth be told, he didn’t know all that much about her musical tastes other than making fun of the fact that she cried at a Pixies concert some years earlier.
He viewed the couple of photographs adorning the wall, one of a family gathering, one of her Shanna graduating, before resting on the Steve McCurry print she’d bought at the exhibition. That felt like a lifetime ago now. So much had happened since but he still clearly remembered the shit he had given her at the time. All she was trying to do, he now realised, was get some answers for herself. She wanted to put to bed all of the questions she had had since she was young, questions that might offer answers for who she was as a person. Isn’t that what everyone wants?
He liked Jocelyn and Noah, they all did, they were great people. but she wasn’t a part of them physically. There was something growing somewhere in the back of her mind and as she grew older and wiser, as time moved on, she increasingly felt the differences between them. She had once tried explaining it to him, that it was like a tree and an acorn; no matter what beautiful and wonderful branches and leaves grow from it, it always comes from something small at the very beginning. The acorn directs everything that follows. He couldn’t properly understand it at the time - why would he, he had had an easy life thus far - but as he watched her shuffled around in the closet, humming to herself quietly and in her own little world, he understood that what she longed for, that all anyone ever longer for, was to feel like she belonged somewhere.
He could hear Scott and Shanna joking around in the kitchen, no cares in the world, and knew he had it lucky. Despite the crap this morning still ruminating in the back of his mind, a slight unease at what might find its way into the press over the next few weeks, it was small-fry compared to the real, honest problems normal people experience in their lives. You never know what goes on behind closed doors. Maybe Scott was right. Maybe she just wanted some stability after all, and that realisation was stirring something uncomfortable that he couldn’t name inside him.
“Hey, you OK?” she asked and he realised she had been staring at him for god knows how long. All sorts of thoughts flew through his mind in quick succession but he didn’t immediately know how to respond to such an apparently straight-forward question.
“Yeh,” he responded, clocking how unsure he sounded. “I mean, I’m good. You?”
“Yeh, I’m OK.” She smiled at him and he instantly felt better, waves of stress just ebbing away. He wanted to reach out to her and give her a hug but he knew she wouldn’t feel comfortable with his family so close by and liable to walk in at any moment so he settled instead for smiling warmly back at her and handing over some folded towels from off her bed.
A couple of moments dragged by before she decided to break the awkward silence. “I know I said I would make it up to you but work’s been busier than usual and I’ve had to cover shifts for a couple of guys as well. Michael’s ill so Audrey’s been playing nurse at home.”
He leaned back on the side of her chest of drawers and nodded slowly. He was biting the inside of his cheek and she recognised his face from when he’d shown irritation towards Shanna. He was clearly contemplating something.
“Well, you can make it up to me now if you want?” He offered, arms folded, posing an interesting predicament. He noticed the confusion cross her face and chuckled to himself. “No, not that, not with... I just meant you could do me a favour now. If you wanted to.”
Sarah looked perplexed but Chris didn’t move. He didn’t immediately offer any answer to his question so she didn’t know what he was aiming for.  She left the closet and re-entered her bedroom, taking up a stance a couple of feet in front of him. Even leaning back against her cabinet, he remained a good couple of inches taller than her. 
“Shanna said something earlier and we promised not to bring it up with you ‘cos apparently it’s supposed to be some big secret,” he started, noting the hint of verbal aggression and thinking better of it, “but are you leaving Boston?”
“What?” She asked, stunned. She never anticipated that this was where he was going.
“She said you’re heading back to the college and that you might consider starting up your doctoral training again, and...I don’t know.” He was losing confidence with every passing word. “It just sounded like it was a done deal is all.”
She oscillated between feeling annoyed that Shanna had revealed her plan to re-take her MD exam, and concern that they all assumed she was suddenly wanting to leave town. As if it would be that easy to do so.
“No, I’m not leaving Boston. My God.” she rubbed her hand across her forehead in frustration. “I am taking the exam, yes, but I haven’t figured anything else out beyond that. Honest.”
He didn’t seem altogether convinced of her response but time was passing by and the noise had died down from the kitchen so it looked like it he would just have to accept whatever she was giving him. He had hundreds of questions, many far away from being appropriate, but the sincere look on her face did some of the work for him.
“It was only an idea. I tried it before and maybe, if it works out again, it could be something different for me to focus on.” she continued. Scott has been right about one thing at least.
“If you pass, you could always train at Lincoln, though, right?” he asked quietly. He sounded like a child asking his parents if they were still going to be friends once they divorced and he hated himself for it. 
She shrugged, not having immediate answers that might make him relax a little more. He was clearly struggled with something. “I guess. I mean, I honestly have not thought about it beyond the exam. I have a lot of studying to do as well so I might not even pass it.”
“Yeh, she said Greg gave you some magazines or something.”
“Oh, good, so you’ve got the whole story, then.” Her tone validated the sarcasm behind her words. “Look, this is all so far into the future now and really, who the fuck knows what’s going to happen? But I promise that I will tell you guys everything once I know whatever the fuck it is I am thinking about.”
Selfishly, he wasn’t thinking of his family, or her family, or even her colleagues for that matter. He just wanted to know where she was going to be one month from now. Or, hell, even a year, and whether or not she would be open to him visiting her. Visiting her new apartment in Brooklyn. Or Greenwich. He could imagine her in Greenwich. It was greener and she could go for a run in the park every morning and they could grab a coffee on their way back home. He could walk her to work and wave her off and then spend all day lounging around her apartment reading the newspapers, waiting for her to come home again. One thing he had gotten used to was enjoying his quiet time a lot more when she was around. He wasn’t quite ready to give that up.
“Guys?” shouted Scott from the lounge. “It’s starting!”
“What’s starting?” he asked Sarah.
“Drag Race, I think.” she responded biting her lower lip and knowing exactly how he was going to feel about that.
“Oh fucking hell.” He threw his head back and laughed before resting his eyes back on her. “Alright. Let’s get this over with.”
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