#i was just walking and this guy turns to me screams ''you homo!'' like super fucking loud and then walks away. so
fiendishartist2 · 2 years
she wont cut me free of her vanilla curls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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multifandomfic20 · 4 years
Tw: Homophobic words and actions, and abuse please don’t read if this might trigger you
Sirius had been hiding out in his room hiding from his parents when he suddenly heard his father screaming “SIRIUS ORION BLACK I’M GOING TO KILL YOU GET DOWN HERE IMMEDIATELY” his father yelled and Sirius rushed off his bed.
As Sirius was walking out of his room he saw Regulus looking at him with sympathy but then they heard their father and Regulus rushed back into his room ”SIRIUS GET DOWN HERE IMMEDIATELY OR I’LL KILL YOU” he yelled and Sirius rush down the stairs and when he saw his father he started cowering.
“I JUST GOT A LETTER TELLING ME THAT YOU ARE A NASTY HOMO” his father yelled as he backhanded Sirius, Sirius was shocked when he heard what his father said he had no idea how someone had found out about him and Remus they were always super careful.
“YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO THIS FAMILY YOU DISGUSTING HOMO” his father was yelling as he started to throw dark curses at Sirius and SIrius tried to dodge as many as he could but he ended up just curled into a ball crying.
After several hours of his father punishing him his father finally stopped and then he dragged Sirius to the cellar and pushed him in “you will not be leaving this cellar at all this summer” his father told him cruelly.
Sirius felt like he was on the brink of death and he was about to pass out when he heard the doors to the cellar opening Sirius flinched and tried to move to cower away but he couldn’t get his body to move.
When Sirius looked up he saw that it was Regulus, he was surprised to see Regulus but he didn’t think he needed to be scared “Reg what are you doing down here?” Sirius asked.
“I’m giving you your stuff so you can get out of here they are going to kill you and I won’t stand by and do nothing now take this you need to leave quick before they come down” Regulus explained.
“Reg I can’t leave you, if I’m not here they will turn their anger onto you I can’t let that happen” Sirius told Regulus “Sirius don’t be daft I’ll be fine they need if you are gone they won’t kill me, but they might kill you and I can’t let that happen now you need to apparate out of here to the Potter’s” Regulus told Sirius.
“Reggie I don’t know how to apparate” SIrius said “Sirius you have no other choice now I know you can do it you are the smartest and strongest person I know” Regulus told SIrius.
“Okay I’ll do it but you need to remember that I love you Reg” Sirius told Regulus and Regulus quickly hugged Sirius “I love you too now leave” Regulus said and Sirius nodded and concentrated and hard as he could and apparated to the Potter’s.
Sirius landed on the door steps of the Potter’s with a thud and Sirius passed out, James was in his room hanging up pictures of him and his friends when he heard a thud from outside and he ran downstairs with his wand in his hand.
James opened the door and saw his best friend who looked dead, James gasped and quickly started dragging Sirius inside “Siri can you hear me? Are you okay? Oh god please wake up” James pleaded and then James yelled for his parents “mom, dad get down here now!”
James’ parents came running downstairs when they heard their son and as soon as they got downstairs they saw blood then they looked around and saw James holding Sirius’ body in his arms.
James’ mom gasped when she saw Sirius “James honey can you let go of Sirius so I can take a look at him while your father floo’s Dumbledore” James’ mom said softly and James set Sirius down carefully and looked around the room “I need to floo Moony” James said trying to get ahold of his emotions.
“We can do that in a little bit dear, why don’t you sit down for now though” James’ mother said and James sat on the couch and looked at Sirius and he let out a sob at the sight of Sirius.
It had been a couple days and Sirius had been placed in the hospital wing at Hogwarts and James, Peter and Remus were sitting by Sirius bedside as Sirius hoping SIrius would wake up.
Sirius had gone into a coma and Madame Pomfrey doesn’t know when Sirius will wake up. Remus was holding Sirius’ hand when he felt Sirius squeeze his hand “did you guys see that?” Remus asked and the other two nodded “I’ll go get Pomfrey” Peter said.
When Madame Pomfrey came into the room she kicked the three boys out and they were anxiously waiting outside of the room. Madame Pomfrey walked out and they all looked at her anxiously.
“Sirius is awake but he is still in a lot of pain, he refuses to talk about what happened maybe you boys will have better luck but be gentle. Now you may go in” Pomfrey told them and they rushed in.
When Remus walked and he saw the pain in Sirius' eyes he wanted to cry but he just went over to Sirius’ bed “will you lay with me Moony?” Sirius asked “I don’t want to hurt you Pad’s” Remus told Sirius “you won’t” Sirius said as he grabbed Remus’ arm and Remus got onto the bed with Sirius.
It had been a couple hours and Peter and James had gone to get food so Remus decided to finally ask the big question “what happened Pad’s?” Remus asked and Sirius sighed “someone sent a letter telling them you and I were together and my dad was pissed” Sirius explained.
Remus wanted to cry because this was all his fault “Pad’s I’m so sorry if you didn’t love me this wouldn’t have happened” Remus said as tears started to fill his eyes.
“Rem I think that loving you was the best decision I’ve ever made” Sirius told Remus as he pulled Remus into a kiss.
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Hi, may we please have Tim Drake x Homo-Magi reader fic where Teen Titans are fighting with some magical being and R comes to the rescue? Bonus points if team doesn't know that Tim has a boyfriend and they kiss at the end, suprising everyone;) (Just incase, homo-magi is a sub race of humans, that are able to do magic)
Pairing: Tim Drake x Homo-Magi!Male Reader
Warnings: swearing
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Blood fell to the pavement as Tim spat it out of his mouth, grinning with bloody teeth at the newest super villain to wreak havoc.
“No matter how many times we defeat someone like you, another always takes your place”
“Well maybe one day, one of us will win, and maybe that someone is me”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever, do you have any idea how many times we’ve heard that?” Beast Boy butted in, ducking as a minion threw a punch at him. The villain scoffed, not wanting to engage in childish banter as he achieved world domination.
The fight had started out in the favour of the Titans but had soon taken a turn as the villain’s back up had arrived, the superhero team stood no chance against the endless waves of the army. Raven was thrown to the ground, a sickening crack as her head made contact with the pavement.
“Raven!” Starfire shouted, rushing over to cover her disorientated team mate.
“Robin, man we need to retreat!” Tim heard Cyborg shout over the ceaseless noise of gunfire.
“We can’t, we can’t let them win” He shouted back, too stubborn to admit defeat. Tim turned around as he heard Starfire scream his name, his eyes widening as the villain picked him up his neck, cutting off his air supply. Tim could hear all of his team mates frantically trying to make their way over to him, but being barred from him by the army’s soldiers. His vision started to go dark as he spat at the villain’s face.
Tim felt himself drop to the ground, probably breaking some sort of bone in the process, but he was preoccupied by the refilling of his lungs. He blinked multiple times, clearing his vision. A smile spread across his face as he saw an all too familiar ray of brilliant light shoot past him.
I had sat down and turned the tv on, wanting to relax and watch some sort of show. Instead I got a news broadcast of some city getting attacked, I settled back into my seat as I saw that it was already being taken care of. Then I looked closer and saw Tim getting his ass handed to him. Sighing, I got up from my couch, cursing Tim for always taking on someone way too big for him.
“I’m too tired for this” I mumbled, opening the door to my flat.
Citizens gave me shocked looks as I ran in the opposite direction of them, using their fleeing as a way to navigate where exactly Tim was. There was a loud boom, as an explosion went off, sending me sprinting in that direction, determined to get my boyfriend out of whatever mess he had gotten himself into now.
My eyes went wide as I saw Tim being hoisted into the air by his neck, being choked out.
“Hey asshole!” I shouted at the villain, shooting an energy blast at him to get him to drop Tim. The other Titans’ head’s turned to face me, wondering what the hell a civilian was doing hurling insults at a villain. “Yeah, I’m talking to you” I shouted again, the villain smirking
“Ah this one will be easy” He made his way over to me, raising his weapon above his head, ready to strike. Before he could bring it down on me, I threw a fireball at his face, engulfing him in flames
“Hey I really don’t care about your stupid villain speech, just die or retreat” I threw another fireball, watching him burn. A few of his minions started to make their way over to me, I waved my hand, putting a wall of lightning in their path. A handful of them running into it, to fall to the ground shaking and smoking.
The main villain fell in front of me, I clenched my fist, distinguishing the flames, to show his burnt corpse. I looked up startled as all the other minions fell to the floor dead
“Ah I see, one of those ‘masters dies, we all die’ situations. Convenient, I like convenience.” I mumbled, approaching Tim on the ground
“Hey Y/N” He smiled at me with a bloody face
“Hey dumbass. Remind me why you were taking on an entire army with what five people?” I scolded, helping him stand up
“Because I’m super cool?”
“That is not the correct answer and you know it”
“Because I’m dumb?” I nodded, accepting that response.
“So Robin, you gonna tell us who this awesome dude is?” Beast Boy butted in, gesturing to me
“Hey I’m Y/N” Beast boy gasped “Yeah I don’t have a secret identity or whatever, hence y’know, no mask” I motioned to my face, which was left uncovered for everyone to see.
“Are you guys okay, Raven?” Robin questioned his team mates
“Yeah, I’m alright, just need to-”
“Do you want me to heal that for you?” I enquired, making my way over to the cloaked hero, pressing my fingers to the back of her head I whispered something under my breath. Raven startled at the sudden hot feeling on the back of her head. “That should do it” I told her as she touched where her wound had previously been, feeling nothing there.
“Thanks Y/N”
“No problemo Robin, just try not to get your ass beat next time, for me?” He nodded in response, as I pressed my lips to his, shocking the team. Walking away I heard various questions thrown at Robin about me.
“That dude, who can do MAGIC is dating you?” Beast Boy exclaimed, not believing it to be true
“Why is that so hard to understand?”
“Because he’s so cool!” I chuckled, hearing Robin try to justify our relationship.
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gaybastard2 · 4 years
IDFC- Chapter 6: Fluff
Travis POV~
Larry and I sneaked out of our school right behind his friends, our hands interlocked. God, it felt so good to be near him. And I guess his friends, I mean they're pretty cool, don't get me wrong! It's just, I've wanted to be with Larry since goddamn freshman year. He's just so perfect in his own way. His long, unruly brown hair felt so soft under my fingers. The way Larry's smooth skin felt under my touch. His dark brown eyes.
Hell, fucking everything about him. His smile gives me fucking butterflies. Larry even pulls off fucking chipped black nail polish. Even the mole under his right eye is adorable! The warm feeling of his hand interlocked with mine still feels like a dream. My thoughts were ever so rudely cut short as Larry poked my cheek. "Hey, you fucking good, Trav?" He asked, concern lacing his words. I blushed lightly at the nickname before smiling genuinely and squeezing his hand gently. "I'm feeling good. Way better than normal, actually." I kissed his cheek, smiling wider at his blushing face afterwards. Larry smiled softly and squeezed my hand.
"Hey homos, y'all are adorable and shit, but we should probably keep going before people see us or something. Also you guys are making me super aware of how single I am." Ashley announced. They all giggled as I snorted and jokingly flipped her off, repeatedly punching her in the shoulder afterward. Damn, she's blunt as hell. God, I feel like shit for being a dick to her. To everyone. I'm still flabbergasted Larry can even be in the same room as me. I mean shit, I'm an asshole. Oh whatever, if I dwell on it I'll probably get defensive and end up lashing out, thinking it's for the better.
The rest of the walk was filled with talking and laughing, and was honestly really fun. I'm still not really used to being near people I can stand. Or being near people that can stand me. We made it to the apartments and ran in. Larry held the door for me and winked. I blushed lightly and rolled my eyes playfully, punching him lightly in the shoulder as I passed him. Larry giggled and followed me. I bumped into Sal as he stopped in front of the apartments basement door, earning a snicker from Larry. " We're here, bitches!" Larry yelled as he walked through the door.
"Language, Larry! Why are you all back early?" A woman from another room shouted. Larry's eyes widened as a woman walked in from a room from the right. She had long brown hair that reached halfway down her back. She was wearing worn, purple coveralls and brown fingerless gloves. She had a tool belt around her waists holding various tools. "Mom! You're home early." Larry said nervously. Sal and Ash snickered as the woman narrowed her eyes. Her eyes widened when they landed on me. I felt them linger on the bruise on my face before she smiled sweetly.
"Oh, you brought someone new! Lar-bear, you should have said something! Dang it, that's not the first impression I wanted to make." Lar-bear? Holy shit that's adorable. She sighed and turned back to me. "Hello, I'm Larry's mom, Lisa." Lisa explained with a warm smile, extending her hand for me to shake. I smiled and shook her hand. "I'm Travis, Larry's..." Shit. Is he out? I hesitated and looked over at Larry, praying he'd understand. He smiled and nodded. I grinned and looked back at Lisa. "Boyfriend. I'm Larry's boyfriend."
Her eyes brightened and she grinned, quickly pulling me into a tight hug. "Oh my god! That's amazing!" She squealed. I stayed frozen for a bit, surprised. She's nothing like my dad. I smiled and hugged her back, giggling quietly. After a few seconds, Lisa pulled away and sighed. "Well, I wish I could stay, but I just came back to grab my tool belt. Larry, when I get back, we're going to talk about why you guys aren't at school, but for now, please just stay out of trouble. Bye!" She quickly kissed all our heads and rushed out the door.
I looked at Larry. "Holy shit, Larry, your mom is so fucking nice." He laughed and nodded. "Yeah, she's awesome." He smiled sheepishly. Sal clapped his hands. "Well guys, it's been an interesting day, with some..fucking gross discoveries," Larry gagged and Ash shivered. I raised an eyebrow and looked at Larry. He just shook his head. The fuck did they find? "I think we should just chill and watch a movie or some shit. We can talk about the shit we saw later." They all nodded and then looked at me.
I smiled and nodded. As long as I'm not sobbing I'm a bathroom stall, I'm fine. We all decided on watching Heathers and took our place on Larry's couch as he got snacks from his kitchen. Ash, Sal, and I were just talking when we heard a crash from the kitchen. "Uhh, hey Sal? Can you come and help me?" Larry called. Sal snickered and ran to the kitchen to help him, leaving me and Ash in uncomfortable silence.
My eyes were glued to the floor as Ash fiddled with the cuff of her purple sleeve. Suddenly, praise the lord, Ash broke the silence by clearing her throat, causing my head to shoot up and look at her. "Hey, I just wanted to let you know, I'm not mad at you. Well, not that mad. I understand there was some, uh, things happening with your ass of a dad. I don't fully forgive you, but I'm on the right track." She said grinning. I felt a smile creep on my face. "Thank you, Ashley. It means a lot." I said shakily. I can't believe she forgives me, like holy shit I thought she hated me.
We managed to chat and joke relatively naturally with only a few awkward moments until Sal and Larry ran back in the room, both holding various snacks, blankets, and pillows. "Oh fuck yeah! This is going to be awesome!" Ash yelled. I snorted, reached up, and snagged a bag of chips from Larry's arms. "Gimme, I'm hungry as hell." He snickered and pecked my temple as Sal and Ash fake gagged.
After everyone finally settled, clutching blankets and pillows or eating snacks, Larry slid Heathers into the DVD player and started the movie. He plopped down next to me and kissed my cheek. I blushed lightly and snuggled into his side, sighing contently. I could get used to this.
It was relatively silent during the movie, minus the occasional comment on JD needing a lot of fucking help and the sound of chewing on chips and pretzels. As the credits rolled, Larry stood and stretched his legs as we discussed our favorite characters. Larry's favorite character was JD, mine and Ash's was Heather Chandler, and Sal's was Veronica. Ash and I grinned at each other. "Fuck yeah, she's a sassy bitch!" she yelled. I snickered and nodded.
Right after that, we heard aggressive knocking at the door, making Sal flinch and me cringe. "I'll get it." Larry murmured, walking up to the door.
"Get the fuck out!" We heard him scream. Shit.
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fruitbattery · 7 years
I saw the MOST amazing production (open dress rehearsal) of falsettos the other night!
It was in a tiny theatre. TINY, black box style, <50 seats. we were RIGHT IN FRONT. it was amazing.
-the set was literally: 6 chairs, 10 boxes, a hospital bed -4 jews started as a sock puppet show from behind the boxes (except for Trina) and then they all popped up as they said their names -(the cast was all so pretty and i am so gay) -their Jason was a college age woman and I believed her wholly, she was so good -at the end of 4 jews, they posed like they were taking a family photo and then marvin got up and started singing tight knit family -for love is blind, marvin and whizzer were in the background reading, marvin was on a chair and whizzer on the floor leaning into him. it was cute.  -the transitions between songs required additional music a lot but that was ok -thrill of first love was??? so good? -whizzer pulled a silly pose at “i was trained in karate” it was great -they yelled the 9/10 months bit and the won’t/don’t bit -the fight choreo happened as whizzer stealing marvin’s scarf and them fighting over it -they ended up on the floor after whizzer pulled marvin in with the scarf and sat on his lap??? which i think is actually better than on the couch but ya know. sightlines are important i guess -can i just reiterate how good jason was like she was SO GOOD -throughout marvin at the psychiatrist, whizzer and trina had super visible but subtle reactions like eye rolling -for “my father’s a homo,” and for a lot of the show, jason sang right at the audience -he jumped on the table it was so cute! -trina’s indicating to whizzer behind jason’s back was NOT SUBTLE AT ALL there was no way the kid didn’t notice that -when the “late for dinner late again” section started, a strip of unexpected disco lights came on!!! it was great -trina belted “and still the bastard divorced me!!!!” and it made my night -I’M BREAKING DOWN WAS SO GOOD -she used the space a lot it was great; she covered the whole stage -she came onstage with a bunch of bananas and i heard someone behind me say “oh no” -she did eat a piece of banana but earlier in the song, before “you ask me is it fun to cry over nothing” -she made eye contact with my friend at “help me!!!!” and she DIED -she crushed pieces of banana in her hands so she had to wipe them on her apron before picking up the phone to call mendel -mendel answered with “yes this is mendel weisenbachfeld” like in the revival! -the disco lights came on for the final section of “feel alright for the rest of your life” -marriage proposal was simple and cute -”this is how you do a marriage proposal” and then jason went “GO” and shoved them together omg. then he ran off -tkf reprise was simple -at this point i am in love with the actress playing trina because she KILLS trina’s song. wow. -march of the falsettos was very jewish! they were all sitting on boxes, with scarves like tallitot, and prayer books covering their faces. simple box switching choreography -trina is wonderful -in the chess game it was SUPER clear that whizzer was mocking marvin in the 2nd verse. -he got up at “more’s the pity” -marvin got his suitcase immediately, then whizzer walked off sadly. he turned around when he was almost out to sing his part of the argument. “whizzer’s supposed to make the dinner” etc -in making a home they put a mezuzah on the door!!!!! !!!!!! -when they sang “yes we love the bed” mendel slapped her ass and she giggled -at the end they each sat down to read and froze for the games i play -omg whizzer was so good!!! -he started the song smiling like he was trying to make light of his situation but got serious fast -he made eye contact with me and i DIED -during marvin hits trina, trina just looked so DONE and ANNOYED during the beginning of i never wanted to love you, mendel was holding her and touched her face where she’d been slapped, and she told him stop, and he stopped. that was nice. -jason was practically screaming during that song and it was so heartbreaking -father to son has everyone crying. i could hear it. at the end, it was only jason who got up, and it looked like he was gonna leave marvin there alone, but then he went for the hug and we started crying more
act 2!!! -ppl laughed a lot at the weird woodwind/chime wiggle thing that happens in the intro music -mendel only had once flashlight and made it look like he was telling a ghost story when he said “homosexuals” which was really funny -PRETTY BOYS ARE IN DEMAND -charlotte and cordelia!!!!! holy fuck they were perfect!  -for the whee! woo! part they were all sitting on blocks. it was trina on mendel’s lap, whizzer, marvin, jason, cordelia on charlotte’s lap -JASON HAD SUCH FUNKY DANCE MOVES FOR YEAR OF THE CHILD -the whole audience knew what the words were it was glorious. i know because they laughed -mendel gave the spiel about how his own bar mitzvah was bad to marvin and trina rather than to jason, like he was convincing them not to have jason do it -during the beginning of miracle of judaism, jason was pulling on baseball clothes over his clothes and packing a backpack to take to a game -at one point he held the bat between his legs like a giant dick and sang “girls with whom i always wake up” -the baseball game!!!! was so similar to the revival version!! staging wise -marvin was SO touchy with whizzer’s hair and trina was so annoyed lmao -the actor playing whizzer had so much hair but they did the bald spot anyway -jason’s actor played caroline instead of cordelia’s, which i guess makes more sense if it works -she got angrier when she said “you always do this” -trina’s workout gear involved a leotard and leg warmers. when she came on people whistled (I think they were her irl friends) -it looked like they used actual gefilte fish for the nouvelle bar mitzvah cuisine??? -whizzer was in tiny jean shorts to play tennis. so impractical honestly, all that chafing -instead of marvin collapsing and whizzer standing over him, they got really close to each other and almost kissed like 3 times. shit was cute. -i didn’t realize that in the original script jason wanders onstage during the last overlapping bit of a day in falsettoland and says “you guys are so white” but it was funny -when “i want the appelbaums” started, people laughed in recognition (i tell you boston is full of jews lmao. love it.) -mendel got up on a chair for his imitation of god, and stole the tablecloth to cover his head with -near the end of the song, mendel cleared a space for himself very dramatically, psyched himself up, and did the worst cartwheel i have ever seen. jason then did the same. -for what more can i say, they didn’t have a bed or anything resembling one, so marvin sat at the end of a row of 4 or 5 chairs and whizzer laid across them with his head in marvin’s lap -for the final “what more can i say” whizzer sat up and they gazed into each others’ eyes for a second -hoo boy here comes the pain train -charlotte and cordelia’s dynamic was a+ honestly. -tbh I know every word to this show and something bad is happening was still worrying and terrifying -in more raquetball, marvin was getting SUPER cocky. and then it all just went away when wizzer fell. heartbreaking. -in between something bad and holding to the ground, marvin helped whizzer over to dr charlotte and you could see him nonverbally insisting he was fine before collapsing onto her shoulder and allowing himself to be led away -trina’s performance in holding to the ground was phenomenal. so much emotion. marvelous and amazing. -i swear i heard sobs as the hospital bed came on -there was real chicken soup in cordelia’s tupperware!!! -jason set up the chess board fully after climbing onto the bed with whizzer, he then just packed it right back up again -mendel and trina in cancelling the bar mitzvah was just. lovely. and fucking sad too -unlikely lovers was SO TENDER i swear -when the lesbians showed up, marvin and whizzer were sitting there with their foreheads touching and marvin was almost in whizzer’s lap which was kind of an inversion??? idk it was great -just pure love -jason was so cute and innocent during another miracle. it was much needed. -then holy fuck -dr charlotte pulled marvin away for something bad reprise and she was crying. full on. she hit all the words and notes but shit. it got to me. -ok so you gotta die sometime is one of my favorite songs of all time. certainly my fave solo song to sing myself. -he nailed it. he was just so callous at the beginning morphing to fucking terrified at the end. it looked like if jason had come one second later he would’ve given up and died. -but there was a gap between it and the beginning of jason’s bar mitzvah still which was completely silent. pin drop silent. it was interesting -jason came in already in a suit -at “mendel get this thing in gear” the bed was rolled off and didn’t come back which must’ve been convenient -at “oh mummy” they actually kissed for a few seconds and trina looked,,, unamused -they all wore white kippot -at the end. oh god. -jason finished his torah and whizzer almost collapsed. mendel caught him. and jason just started sobbing. silently, but think harry-potter-after-sirius-fell-through-the-veil levels of despair. fuck it was sad. trina took him away. -the cast cleared the stage during the beginning of what would i do, but they left the “table” made of blocks that jason read torah on -marvin forgot the words so he substituted “once i was told that all men get what they deserve” for “god only knows too soon i’ll remember your faults” but it was ok -i swear the whole theatre started crying 2x as much when whizzer came out dressed like he had been -they circled each other unable to touch a few times. it killed me. -at the end, marvin put a rose that trina brought him on the table, now clearly a gravestone. then he cried into his family.  -jason was on stage after everyone had left. i knew about the chess piece but he also kissed his hand and touched the grave which is??? so jewish??? and so touching??? idk but it was terrible and horrible and ripped my heart out of its socket -after the final piano faded out you could hear how many people were sniffling.
in conclusion this was a monumental experience. we got to see backstage after because the music director, who invited us, is also the music director for our school’s musicals (fiddler this year!) i met the actress who played cordelia and she said she could tell i knew the show which probably meant i was unconsciously mouthing the words despite my best efforts not to.
ok thanks for reading this word vomit that my adhd detail oriented brain poured out.
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ferreho-writes · 6 years
do you have any other ships for BNHA? if not, some cute kirikami fluff maybe? or an au of your choice
Generally I’m open to a lot of ideas - if you send me a ship I cannot do I’ll let you know! I know that sounds like a cop-out and it kind of is because I’m far too lazy to list every single pairing I’m willing to write for here haha, sorry! Anyway here have some fluff and one of my old favourite tropes - “oh no my new neighbour is really hot” ft. Kirishima is my best boy why do I never write from his perspective
Denki wasn’t heartbroken to see the couple who lived downstairs go. They’d been on the rocks for months now and always seemed to choose ass o’clock in the morning to argue with each other. He had actually gotten used to sleeping with people screaming at each other as background noise somewhere along the way.
So yeah, he had never really spoken to them and he was looking forward to some peace.
Except someone new was moving in.
He had been watching the moving lorry from outside his window for a while, trying to get an idea of what the new person was like without being outright nosy. It had been a pretty useless exercise, since everything was in boxes and Denki was just slightly too high up to read what was on them. But it seemed to be just the one, so that was good. No more couple arguments (he hoped).
He also couldn’t quite figure out which of the guys he saw moving boxes into the building was his new neighbour. At this rate, he was just going to have to bite the bullet and go check it out for himself. Not like he had any other plans for the day - it was his day off and far too hot to do much more than sit inside and thank god for air conditioning.
Besides, Denki always tried to be nice - he had made an effort to introduce himself to the other couple but they were kind of weird and just stared at him until he left. Nothing could be more awkward than that, so there was no harm in saying hi.
Once the movers were gone, obviously. Getting in the way wasn’t going to make the best first impression and Denki liked to actually be friends with people.
So a few hours later he had managed to peel himself away long enough to have a shower and make himself as presentable as he planned on being on a lazy day. A part of him wondered if he should get something to give the new guy, but that meant outside and outside was still far too hot than it had any right to be.
So he jogged downstairs, having actually grabbed his wallet on the way out since he remembered he did actually have to go outside and get things like food. Preferably food that didn’t require much oven use. It was a pretty solid plan for the afternoon; say hello, brave the outside for as little time as possible and retreat back to where there was air con.
The door to the apartment downstairs was being held open by some boxes, so Denki took a quick look at what he could see while he knocked on the door. The layout was pretty much the same as his own, except there were still boxes everywhere. Some stuff was out - mostly furniture too big to be packed up, including a punching bag in the corner. Huh.
It only took a few seconds for the mystery neighbour to emerge from what Denki guessed from his own apartment was the bedroom. He was probably a bit taller than Denki, with red hair tied back in a small ponytail and...no shirt on. Black shorts, yes, but no shirt. Which made sense - the guy had just moved his stuff in and it was a super hot day and if Denki looked like that he probably wouldn’t wear a lot of shirts too.
Because damn, the guy was ripped. He looked like he could bench press Denki easily.
From that alone, he almost made a snap decision. Work out stuff, very buff, no shirt - he was one of those guys, who lived in the gym and made sexist jokes and always had to say ‘no homo’. He almost made it, except the guy offered Denki the most genuine looking smile he’d ever seen and despite his sharp teeth, he looked friendly.
His new neighbour quickly hurried to the door and offered his hand, still smiling and using his other hand to push some of his hair out of his face.
“Sorry! Didn’t hear at first, got too caught up,” Denki was kind of in awe because holy shit, this guy was gorgeous. He shook himself into taking the outstretched hand and shaking it just in time to not look like a total weirdo. He offered a smile in return and hoped it didn’t look weird because he was trying really hard not to outright stare at this guy’s chest and arms. Fuck, he had big arms.
“No problem! I, uh, I just wanted to say hi! I’m Denki, I uh, I live upstairs,” Great. Real smooth. Stammering like he forgot where he lived. All because this guy had such kind eyes that Denki actually felt guilty for even making an assumption about him.
“Wow, thanks, man! Nice to know someone new already,” And he started laughing and Denki thought he might actually turn into a puddle of goo. “I’m Eijirou, I just moved from across town,”
Cool, now when Denki told his friends he could at least say he knew the guy’s name. He could go on about how Eijirou who lives downstairs has really big arms that Denki was already kind of fixated on and sharp teeth but that only make Denki kind of curious.
“Oh, cool! Well, uh, yeah, if you ever need anything, I’m just upstairs! Number 6!” He was stammering again and sure he was going as red as Eijirou’s hair and as much as he wanted to stay here and talk more and learn everything about him, Denki still had stuff to get and would probably just embarrass himself.
It wasn’t his fault; he hadn’t expected the new guy to be this hot. At least he was still smiling like Denki wasn’t making an idiot of himself.
“Same goes, dude. Whatever you need, you know where I am now,” Eijirou was laughing again and he barely knew Denki but he was already offering to be there if he needed something and Denki felt slightly enamoured already. He managed a laugh of his own, caught up in the energy Eijirou had around him. He just seemed like someone Denki could trust, which was a dumb thing to think of a guy he just met but still. Denki wasn’t known for his intelligence, but he was known for going with his gut.
His gut did something weird whenever Eijirou smiled or did crossed his arms across his chest.
“Cool, well, uh, I’ve got to head out, but nice to meet you!”
“You too, man, don’t burn out there!” He was so fucking nice, Denki kind of just wanted to grab his face and shout it at him.
He nodded as he turned to go, but felt a final fit of bravery take over him before Eijirou could go out of earshot. He decided to ride it before he could let it pass and regret potentially missing his chance.
“Hey, do you want to go grab some drinks later? I know a really great bar not far from here,” Maybe this was where Eijirou proved his first impression right, and Denki could be crushed that he had no chance with his hot new neighbour.
Even though it was probably too soon and kind of risky to be thinking about having a chance with a guy who lived downstairs.
But Eijirou just gave another winning smile, face lighting up like Denki had offered him money or something.
“Sure, sounds great! I promise to actually be dressed this time,” He laughed, giving Denki a small wave before heading back into his apartment.
Denki didn’t dare voice it, but as he walked down the street he thought that maybe he was disappointed that Eijirou would be wearing a shirt later.
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